#i didn't want your work to go uncredited
wordstome · 8 months
how c.ai works and why it's unethical
Okay, since the AI discourse is happening again, I want to make this very clear, because a few weeks ago I had to explain to a (well meaning) person in the community how AI works. I'm going to be addressing people who are maybe younger or aren't familiar with the latest type of "AI", not people who purposely devalue the work of creatives and/or are shills.
The name "Artificial Intelligence" is a bit misleading when it comes to things like AI chatbots. When you think of AI, you think of a robot, and you might think that by making a chatbot you're simply programming a robot to talk about something you want them to talk about, and it's similar to an rp partner. But with current technology, that's not how AI works. For a breakdown on how AI is programmed, CGP grey made a great video about this several years ago (he updated the title and thumbnail recently)
I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend you watch this because CGP Grey is good at explaining, but the tl;dr for this post is this: bots are made with a metric shit-ton of data. In C.AI's case, the data is writing. Stolen writing, usually scraped fanfiction.
How do we know chatbots are stealing from fanfiction writers? It knows what omegaverse is [SOURCE] (it's a Wired article, put it in incognito mode if it won't let you read it), and when a Reddit user asked a chatbot to write a story about "Steve", it automatically wrote about characters named "Bucky" and "Tony" [SOURCE].
I also said this in the tags of a previous reblog, but when you're talking to C.AI bots, it's also taking your writing and using it in its algorithm: which seems fine until you realize 1. They're using your work uncredited 2. It's not staying private, they're using your work to make their service better, a service they're trying to make money off of.
"But Bucca," you might say. "Human writers work like that too. We read books and other fanfictions and that's how we come up with material for roleplay or fanfiction."
Well, what's the difference between plagiarism and original writing? The answer is that plagiarism is taking what someone else has made and simply editing it or mixing it up to look original. You didn't do any thinking yourself. C.AI doesn't "think" because it's not a brain, it takes all the fanfiction it was taught on, mixes it up with whatever topic you've given it, and generates a response like in old-timey mysteries where somebody cuts a bunch of letters out of magazines and pastes them together to write a letter.
(And might I remind you, people can't monetize their fanfiction the way C.AI is trying to monetize itself. Authors are very lax about fanfiction nowadays: we've come a long way since the Anne Rice days of terror. But this issue is cropping back up again with BookTok complaining that they can't pay someone else for bound copies of fanfiction. Don't do that either.)
Bottom line, here are the problems with using things like C.AI:
It is using material it doesn't have permission to use and doesn't credit anybody. Not only is it ethically wrong, but AI is already beginning to contend with copyright issues.
C.AI sucks at its job anyway. It's not good at basic story structure like building tension, and can't even remember things you've told it. I've also seen many instances of bots saying triggering or disgusting things that deeply upset the user. You don't get that with properly trigger tagged fanworks.
Your work and your time put into the app can be taken away from you at any moment and used to make money for someone else. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people who use AI panic about accidentally deleting a bot that they spent hours conversing with. Your time and effort is so much more stable and well-preserved if you wrote a fanfiction or roleplayed with someone and saved the chatlogs. The company that owns and runs C.AI can not only use whatever you've written as they see fit, they can take your shit away on a whim, either on purpose or by accident due to the nature of the Internet.
DON'T USE C.AI, OR AT THE VERY BARE MINIMUM DO NOT DO THE AI'S WORK FOR IT BY STEALING OTHER PEOPLES' WORK TO PUT INTO IT. Writing fanfiction is a communal labor of love. We share it with each other for free for the love of the original work and ideas we share. Not only can AI not replicate this, but it shouldn't.
(also, this goes without saying, but this entire post also applies to ai art)
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fortunelowtier · 3 months
I was gonna reblog my original post but I didn't wanna spam people with a long ass post (this post is already long enough) so instead I'll just link the previous post here and if yall wanna go look at it you can, but the short version is that a few days ago I made a post talking about HBs incredibly high turnover rate, and apparently within a few days it got enough traction to where it started spreading to the higher-ups of Spindlehorse, including Viv herself. I decided to make this update post just as a way to debunk what I can and as clearly as I can. 
First tweet:
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So for starters, they say this as if IMDB's numbers aren't publically available, it's not like I pulled these numbers out of my ass without merit, these are numbers I got off of IMDB. And I know some people might pull the high school English teacher card of “Anyone can edit that!!” and to be honest I dont feel like going into the semantics of one of the most non-arguments you can possibly use so all I’ll say is that the process of editing a Wikipedia or IMDB page is not as easy as your English teachers taught you to think it is. Sure you can edit it but it's another story if the edit will be saved. There's moderation, it's not a free-for-all.
Also, I find it interesting how this tweet was made (and subsequently deleted) mere days after their promotion to Animation Director, and if there's anything I've learned from Spindlehorse controversies it is that if someone is in any real position at the top of the companies proverbial food chain they shouldn't be allowed to speak for the experiences of employees lower on the ladder than them, especially when a lot of them seem to have a habit of denying certain claims despite the public availability of numerous pieces of evidence pointing toward the contrary
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It's like if you visited a bunch of former employees of a restaurant with a high turnover rate with proof that they had worked there and for exactly how long they worked there and then the manager comes along and tries to basically say “NUH UH” despite information proving the contrary being publicly available (maybe not the best analogy but you get what I mean)
Ok now onto the second one by Viv herself:
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There’s a lot to dissect here so I’m gonna break it down bit by bit.
"They’re listing every single credited person in EVERY art department"
So the way I got my numbers was by going to the Series Animation Department section of HB's IMDB, highlighting every name from the beginning of the section to the end, and then pasting them into this website which gave me the line count of 444. Was that the most optimal way of doing so? No, especially after I learned after the fact that there's a way to just see the numbers straight up, but that hardly matters considering the fact that there are allegedly more people in the animation dept who were uncredited, however, I'm still waiting on some more info from my source as to the validity and the scale of these claims (How many people were uncredited, how little were they paid for their work, etc etc) to make a proper post about it, so until then ill just leave it at that as to not make accusations without merit.
So, humoring Viv, I added up the total IMDB credits for the Art Dept and Visual Effects Dept, as well as the Sound Dept since I qualify sound as a form of art and because I wanted to give Viv as fair a chance as possible and actually tally the total credits of “every art department” as Viv claims I did, and it still only equals 155 total credits, a little over a third of the credits in the Animation Dept
“That includes the TC and Chaos credits”
So these are in reference to Toon City and Chaos Emporium, 2 companies known as a source for outsourcing animation, and just to humor Viv I decided to go onto IMDB and tally up all of the Chaos and TC credits since according to her that's where I got most of my final number.
After doing so, Chaos Emporium had a total of 15 credits, and Toon City had a total of 45
So Viv is making it seem like the TC and CE credits make up a large majority of them, which is why I got the number I did, when in reality when combined they only equal 60 credits. 14% of the total (technically it’s 13.5% but I’m rounding to the nearest whole for the sake of convenience)
“We dont even have 400 people. Simply Misinformation.”
You’re right Viv, you dont have 400 people, because I never said you did, nor did I imply you did. I said you've had 400. Of course you dont have 400 current employees, your company burns through them like paper because you underpay them while you go burning your Amazon and merch money on cruises and vacations and continuously post photos of you buying from zionist companies knowing full well that they're part of an active boycott.
So yeah, that's my 2 cents. Sorry if this sounded like some shit you'd see on a Twitlonger but after Viv was made aware of the posts I made about the turnover rate (and subsequently blocked me within the hour after seeing it) I knew that it wasn't gonna be long before I had people DMing me about how wrong I was because “Viv said it was wrong so it must be wrong”. 
One more thing I wanna add because I've gotten a lot of angry messages/asks about this, a lot of Viv stans seem to think I have this bizarre hate boner for Viv when I really don’t. I don’t hate Viv, I hate what she’s become. I hate how ever since the HH pilot she’s become a bully who can’t take criticism. And not just on the surface level of “criticism makes her upset”, because yea no shit, criticism makes everyone upset at least a little, and it's why I hate it when people see someone being upset at criticism and going “ERMM, CANT TAKE CRITICISM?”
When I say “Viv can’t take criticism” I mean she actively tries to shut down any convo about it without trying to learn from it. She blocks anyone who talks poorly about her or her company and makes baseless claims knowing full well her fans will follow her to the ends of Hell regardless of whether or not what she’s saying is even correct.
That’s all I got for now
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Ayo Sidebar for the Writers
Am I the only one that genuinely feels really really bad for that person on here who hand draws those really really nice portraits of Miguel??
Because the amount of writers in this fandom that are comfortable with just taking and cropping their art for their fics is deadass disrespectful as hell.
Like.. it's everyday. Multiple people do it. You know the artist I'm talking about. Like -
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Very bold of y'all. Stealing art then posting it in the SAME TAG as the artist like they wouldn't see it.
That takes a lot of nerve.
Some are y'all are cheeky and put it at the very end - some of y'all just don't fucking care.
'the signature is in the photo so-'
Okay but thank them. Tag them and shout them out and thank them. Thank them for making art that is bringing in readers.
Go ahead and thank them.
But you can't. Y'all won't. Cause you know they don't want you using their stuff without asking first.
Posting someone else's art with credit but without consent is already one thing. But y'all don't even care about credit.
But let someone take y'all writing and you'd be kicking off, rightfully so.
I feel real bad for that artist because their work is stunning and top tier and they're amazing talented.
Yet there's some ppl that be like -
'thanks!' *likes, doesn't reblog, crops their signature out and uses it without consent*
Like.. having uncredited art at the top of your fic doesn't make it look prettier or more inviting to me.
In fact it makes me wanna read it less. I try and check profile pictures so I remember who to avoid in the future.
Like every time I see it I'm like
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Uuhh uuuum okay yeah -
Why should I respect your art when you clearly don't respect someone else's?
I'll open the fic and scroll to the bottom knowing they didn't give credit. Or they put it in tiny font.
That artist deserves better. A lot of artists in this fandom deserve better. Y'all do it to Miguel artists. Y'all do it to Hobie artists.
Not cool. Not cool. Lame. Boooo booooooooooo Me and Hobie shouting BOOOO!!
Writers, Artists are protective of their art too!
Not nice working 10+ hours on art just to see it on the post of a complete stranger with no credit or attempt to contact you for consent.
If you do this - you can change. Doing this may in fact be HURTING your numbers but driving people away. But the point is not the notes but respecting other people. If you do this, please stop. Credit them at the top if anything - some artists don't even want that.
Credit them AT THE TOP - not at the bottom. Everybody who scrolls by sees the art. The credit shouldn't be saved for the people who actually read the whole fic.
If you defend this - KICK ROCKS!!!!
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lazywitchling · 6 months
Alright, here we go. My review for The Dabbler's Guide to Witchcraft by Fire Lyte
Final rating: ??/10 - it broke my numbers system.
TL;DR - I like the book. I'm angry at the author. It's great for new practitioners. If you're going to get it, please get it from the Spiral House Shop, get Alex Wrekk's two witchcraft zines to go with it, and go look at/reblog/contribute to the original Dabbler's Week project.
(Also I think this is the longest review I've written yet. I'm sorry.)
This book is very good. I'm mad about that. The author is an excellent writer. I'm mad about that. I want to dislike this book but I can't, and I'm mad about that.
So let's get into the breakdown of why.
First up, a housekeeping thing: "Fire Lyte" is a pen name that I don't believe the author uses anymore, so I will be referring to him as Don Martin, the name he is using on his current projects. I know he's on TikTok, formerly of Inciting a Riot podcast, now of Head on Fire podcast.
Second, some links relevant to the review-which-is-actually-just-a-rant:
The breakdown of things I found that were taken uncredited from Tumblr
I COULD be making this up and reading it in bad faith, but this bit about 'heteronormative marriage' has my alarm bells ringing
Why I hate the title of this book
The original Dabbler's Week project links
I picked this book up specifically because of the title. It's been 3 years since it was published, so it took me a while, but I remember looking at that title when it was first out and thinking "Hey... the timing of this... did this person just wholesale lift the 'Dabbler' idea from Tumblr?"
The answer is: Yes, probably!
(He also summarized the Malachite Dick post from February 2020, but he actually credited Tumblr along with relevant usernames, so that's good and also made me laugh.)
But... yeah. The fact that he's crediting Tumblr from something that specifically happened in February 2020, when the original Dabbler's Week was from late January 2020 and seems to have inspired his whole book? Don, would it have killed you to mention ANYTHING about that project and the people involved?
He's very big on talking about following trails of information, listening to podcasts, listening to the podcasts of people talked about on those podcasts, reading books talked about on those podcast, and so on. But if he doesn't start off by saying "Dabbler's Week was a project issued by asksecularwitch on Tumblr", then how is anyone supposed to follow THAT chain of information, hmm? If his whole advice on finding good witchcraft resources is to follow the chain of people who are sharing information from each other, but he makes no mention of where he got the whole idea for his book, then what?
Side rant: I'm real tired of how Tumblr information is simultaneously treated as too shitty to ever bother reading or mentioning, but good enough to screenshot, repost on other sites, recite word-for-word on tiktok, and apparently write a book about.
ANYWAY. I'm angry about it. I'm gonna be angry about it. Here, please look at these links to the shenanigans that began the original Dabbler's Week, because Don certainly won't tell you about this part.
Some bad things:
I mean, the plagiarism. I keep hesitating to use the word 'plagiarism', because to me that seems like wholesale lifting entire works and slapping your name on them, when all Don did was fail to credit a few Tumblr users he quoted. But then again, if I did that on a research paper in college, it would be called plagiarism, so.
This book is in fact not a great guide for 'dabblers'. The point of Dabbler's Week was that if someone didn't know if they wanted to commit to witchcraft but wanted to fuck around with casting some spells for a week to try it out, there were week-long guides on things someone could do to try that. This book is not for fucking around with magic, it's for people who are already sure that they want to make this a thing in their lives. It handles some heavier topics (e.g. vetting mentors and not getting sucked into a cult) that are very very important for someone who is BEGINNING, but may be too much for someone who just says one day "lol I think I'll cast a spell for fun". A far more accurate title would have been "The Beginner's Guide to Witchcraft", but then he'd lose that punchy and marketable and googleable term 'dabbler'. (Yes, I'm going to be petty about this.)
"Wow Jes, it sounds like you really hated this book."
Some good things:
The author has a writing style that I enjoyed very much. This is a personal preference, but I like when books are either written so that the author is fully invisible (Bree Landwalker's books do this wonderfully), or the author is fully visible, like they're sitting at the table having a conversation with you (Kelly-Ann Maddox's 'Rebel Witch' comes to mind, as does Alex Wrekk's 'Brainscan 33: DIY Witchery'). Don Martin is the table conversation kind. That makes this book very easy to read, while also getting information across in an easily-understood sort of way.
This book fills a very necessary gap in modern witching books. It talks about the online community of witches, and a lot of the pitfalls that have come along with the bonuses of having so much witchcraft available at our social-media connected fingertips.
He gets very in depth with things like cultural appropriation. That's something that you can find in a lot of modern witch books, but Don actually spends the time breaking the concept down and explaining WHY it's harmful, HOW it affects people, and quotes people from the affected minority groups. I have seen the appropriation topic come up in a lot of the witch books I've read, but Don is the one who has covered the topic the best, imo.
He spends time on topics that I myself would have been dismissive of. The example that comes to mind is the chapter 'Can I Make Sh*t Up?' My knee jerk reaction was "Yes, you can make your own spells, you don't need to get someone else's permission. Next question." But Don goes through the full breakdown of yes you can make up your own spells, yes you can make your own correspondences, but no that doesn't mean you can just throw a water soluble crystal in your water bottle because you think it's good for cleansing.
Actually on that topic, he covers a lot of the why not just the what. It's not just 'appropriation is bad', it's 'and here's why'. It's not just 'research your herbs', it's 'here's some examples of things that can and have gone wrong.'
SPELL CANVASES! There are 11 'spell canvases' in this book, and they're pretty much all just kids/teens science experiments (e.g. dissolving an egg shell in vinegar, lighting a tea bag on fire so it flies, and using food dye to color a white flower). He does not give intentions for these spells, but gives a spell technique and then some examples of how you could apply your own purpose/intention to it as needed. It's actually pretty smart, and now I wish there was more stuff like this.
He actually explains what UPG means. Man, 'UPG' is one of those things that I keep seeing as a 'I don't know what that means and I'm to afraid to ask' blog post. When someone pops into the witchy social media circles, we can throw the term 'UPG' around as if everyone knows what it means, and forget to actually explain that it's Unverified Personal Gnosis and what that means. Don's got us covered. Good on you, Don.
The one throwaway line about why you don't have to buy fancy witch things. Tucked away in chapter 12 is this almost nothing-sentence mentioning why you shouldn't be "going broke hoping to buy your way into 'effective' magic" (pg. 161). I have seen, reblogged, probably written posts about 'No you don't need the fancy tools! You can just use whatever! But you CAN buy them if you want, you just don't NEED them.' And we've all seen those around, right? But damn, if Don didn't just get to the heart of it. You can't buy your way into skill. YES, Don, THAT!! THANK YOU.
Alright. I'm running out of words. This isn't a review, it's a rant. Holy shit. Let me shut up with a TL;DR
Almost without doubt, Don liked Tumblr's idea enough to write a book about it, but failed to give credit. But he's an excellent writer and covers a lot of topics that are not often written about in printed books, and to get those blogosphere-ideas onto bookshelves is invaluable. This is a good book for beginners starting out in witchcraft, but not for dabblers who just want to screw around with some spells. Do the pros outweigh the cons? Is it ethical to buy a book when the author gets royalties but the bloggers he got the idea from do not? I don't know. I can't tell you that. You'll have to weigh all this against your own moral compass and decide for yourself. My recommendation is that if you're going to buy it, please buy it from the Spiral House Shop, because if Don Martin's going to get paid for this book, Alex Wrekk should too. Buy Alex's zines. Reblog Sec's posts. Links are up at the top.
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popculturebuffet · 4 months
Donald Duck 90th Birthday Special: A Look At Mr Duck Steps Out
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Happy Birthday Donald! For those I haven't had a chance to tell, i'm a HUGE Donald Duck Fan. Easily my faviorite Disney Character and the best of the sensational six.... which Pluto is a part of for some godforsaken reason but you didn't hear to come me badmouth a cartoon dog, I didn't come here to do that, it's time to celebrate one of the best characters in all of ficiton. And that's not hyperbole: Donald is a versatile character: he's been the best dad ever, an absuive parent, a put upon dad raising three horrifying nephews, a loving boyfriend, a negelctful ass, a put upon worker in the nazi regime, a sailor, a soldier, a cabllero, a singer, a lover, a dreamer, me, an unstoppable force of rage, a heavily abused worker for a billionare, a fire fighter, a musketeer, owen an ostrich, owned a penguin, fought an elder god, been to the moon and back, reawakened a billionare's will to live, been a superhero, been in a collectable card game, had a goose eat everything in his kitchen and many more adventures i'm simply not aware of. Donald has done it all.
Donald is at his best though when he's the every man: he fucks up, get's frustrated and often fails, but keeps going anyway. He reminds us that failure or loosing your temper isn't the end, you can recover from it and even if you don't, that's life.
To Honor Him I was spoiled for choice with tons of Barks stories, a ducktales episode, and a quack pack episode that all fit.. but for 90 years, I wanted something special, something that captured the age of the character, the scope of what he's capable of and the humor all in one.
So I settled on this: I covered this short way back in my donald duck shortsravagangza years ago, but felt it deserved a closer look: This short is without a doubt my faviorite theatrical short. That is a large library and given my love of Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry, a tall order, and others certainly come close. I mean I bought a 40 short compliation called best of space jam just to get Hot Cross Bunny, it's a close race.. but it's one this short wins. It's got great timing, gorgeous animation and tons of great laughs and while it's throughly tied to the 40's it was born in, that creates an old fashiond charm to it. It's far and away one of disney's best cartoons ever, so if you please, join me under the cut to find out why.
Mr Duck Steps out came out in 1940 and is notable as the very first apperance of Daisy, and with an opener like this, it's easy to see why she stuck around.
It's also got a power house team behind it: Besides Disney's fantastic as always staff from them, it was directed by Jack King. Jack is someone I just really looked into and shame on me: With how much I love this short, I shoudl've done this way sooner because as it turns out King's career is drenched in Donald Duck Classics. King started his career as an animator, only moving up to director after leaving Disney to work at Warner Bros. His first efforts were the much malinged Buddy Cartoons, along with a few starring attempted star beans the cat.
Thankfully he moved back to Disney which not only bumped him up to director (Albeit uncredited because animation directors went uncredited back then which was awful), where he found his Niche: By then Donald Duck had started his solo career and King proceeded to direct most of his shorts from then on out exclusivley worked witht he duck.. and it was a match made in heaven. King perfectly got the duck's style, how to direct his temper and thus most of his shorts with donald are classics. A few duds from the ones of his I have seen but you can't win em all. He directed faviorites of mine such as Modern Inventions (His first Donald Duck Short), Donald's Ostrich, and the Hockey Champ and i'm defintely going to watch more
The other key to his success was another legend, the guy who made Donald what he is on screen and page Carl Barks. Yes something I often forget and the public at large seems to is Carl Barks was writer and story director on a LOT of Donald Duck Shorts. You can tell too as the more put upon everyman from his comics is present: He may not speak as much, but he's there. Barks really got how to bring out the best in donald and how to make him look good and with an all star team of animators. Combine him with a director who really got the character and you get magic.
Mr Duck Steps out Preemered on June 6th 1940, making this a celebration of it's 84th anniversary as well , if a few days late. It was distributed by RKO and other than that I don't have much. This short is great, I wish I knew more about it, let's begin.
The short has a simple setup: Donald in a banger outfit that's rightfully gotten a funko in Disney's 20th anniversary wave... which so far is donald doing a temper tantrum, in his black sailor suit from the comics, in this banger outfit and for some reason, with heart eyes. One of these things is out of place and it's the heart eyes. It's cute and all but the guy has a massive career and costumes to pull from. Come on.
At any rate Donald has a date tonight and does some really fun dancing to some 40's music. The dancing animation is REALLY fucking smooth and one of the best things this short has, with the moves being smooth as butter.
Unfortunately for him, his Nephew's want to tag along. I love them dancing right behind him and when he opens the door and realizes there there, using his cane like a hook to pull them back in the house.
Huey , Unsettling Yellow Dewey and Louie are prominent here and while I used to hate the classic versions for being identical i've mostly come around. I still PREFER that they have seperate distinct personalities, the Ducktales Reboot versions are still far and away the best, taking elements from different versions and separating them into three distinct people with designs that make it easy to tell them apart.
That said the three in one version CAN work: It worked in the comics as having three gave them more flexiblity and Scrooge more of a crew, yet characterization wise still fill just one slot, making a freudian trio with their uncles. Likewise they work very well when their the absolute worst, little hellions who are like living in a living nightmare and put their uncle through a LOT. There the numbers game means Donald can't beat them easily. It also works in more benign examples of showing him up like the hockey champ.
So for this short it works well that Donald's outnumbered: he rightfully wants a night to himself and while he shoudl've got a sitter, his frustration and antics towards the kids feel entirely understandable when they keep following him, taking his choclates for daisy and nearly getting strangled for it, back when that was a funny punchline and not child abuse.
Enter daisy complete with fan fare. I've always loved it, the fact she has a curtain to announce herself, the fact there's this random fan fare, the fact the fan fare dosen't land as much as this isn't a new character to modern viewers so much as "One of the core cast for 84 years now". I also love Donald's rebound of "Hehehe I brought my nephews, weh". Clarence Nash's delivery is great. His delivery as Daisy and the boys also works and feels mostly distinct, though I do get why June Foray and Tress MacNeile have both dubbed over him in some versions. I still go with the original but I get wanting a voice that actually sounds like daisy and not exactly like her boyfriend.
Donald gives the kids a quarter for ice cream, another delivery I love. While Tony Anselmo is my faviorite Donald, Nash really can't be understated: while the voice itself is impressive, how expressive he can get with it is remarkable, able to make donald angry, horny or happy as can be with ease. Screen Donald gets flack for not having his comics counterparts range, but I think with the right scripts, Nash gave donald a lot of great comedic range and had excellent timing, able to make what could've been just a goofy voice one of the best characters in animation. That little "heh" when he says he brought his nephews, the awkward way he says it as he's making it up on the spot it's so good.
So Donald gets to flirt with Daisy, who flirts with him with her ass
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How they made THIS sexy I don't know. Maybe i've just lost it. It's hard to tell. But it's also funny and Donald sadly dose'nt get a kiss as the little shits return and try to ruin his date because.. their bored? he tried to leave them behind? They have no souls just a styigan void where it would be?
They dance and that's really the bulk of the short as the boys cut in, Donald cuts back in after turning into a tiger, and it's all amazingly animated. Just fluid, gorgeous and hilaroius to look at. Really smooth stuff. I also like how happy and cheerful daisy is here. She still has some of her later pepper in how fast she moves, but I like her being upbeat but assertive over thier later status quo
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I love that short but I prefer them as a stable couple over bickering assholes.. or in the case of three Cabs Daisy an ABUSIVE asshole.
It all ends in the boys deciding to feed donald popcorn kernels, have them explode inside him and ... somehow that'd ruin the date. or kill him their fine with either. So we get a really fun climax as donald dances to the beat of the pop corn, daisy rolls with it and the boys play piano, a manequin like a base guitar and plungers. What makes it work best is not only how fun the animatoin is.. but that Donald comes out on top. The boys are pretty awful and Donald is fine to have one night ot himself. Still should've gotten that sitter but .. 40's. What can you do? He gets covered with kisses and wins the day. It's a sweet ending.
Overall this short is just masterful. I said what i could but it's a feast for the eyes ears and pancreas with some great gags, fast animation and is just.. a joy. It makes me happy every time I watch it and is easy to default to when I want to watch a disney short. It's on D+ if you have it in glorious hd and if not you can still find it on the internet archive, and I recommmend you go seek it out. It's only 9 minutes and every one of those is worth your time. Thanks for reading.
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I drew this, please stop reposting it without credit!
a sort of indulgent rant :P
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[original post as proof]
Since the wider internet is talking about plagiarism I think it's a good time to start talking about art theft/uncredited reposting/etc. as well and I'm particularly going to talk about my experience with it.
Before I say anything else I want to say please don't harass people who may not have a good grasp on internet etiquette! (and please assume that is the case unless someone has intentionally plagiarized/stolen people's work and credited it as their own) That is not what I'm asking you to do and for future reference if someone was excessively rude to you in calling out that you reposted my things I did not endorse that behavior. I do encourage calling out when you see people reposting art and linking back to the original work but I do not encourage harassment. On a similar note, this isn't meant to make anyone feel bad or guilty for not having a good grasp on this particular thing. This is just me explaining how it makes me feel and hopefully get people to understand why it's so hurtful so they don't do it in the future, and maybe they get to me explaining it nicely before other people explain it not-so-nicely LOL.
Some reasons why I personally don't like it when people repost my art even if this particular post is a shitpost and not something I put a whole lot of effort into:
(This list is definitely independent/fanartist-centric, I'm not really claiming this to be anything but that.)
Images get edited and distorted as the meme chain goes on, I have seen this end up with artists feeling like their art that they put a lot of effort into like all that work was a joke. Which, evidently is pretty disrespectful
In a personal anecdote, I have seen people say really rude things about me and the Blazblue community on Tumblr while reposting my things (art and otherwise) on twitter and other social media sites. It's really hurtful that people will disrespect me and my friends while using the bits and pieces they like.
Additionally, not everyone on the internet is familiar with common English-speaking internet terminology and etiquette. What may seem like a compliment or neutral statement for you may be rude to them. Generally speaking, a lot of Japanese artists take great offense to their work being reposted in any way whatsoever. ESPECIALLY if you didn't ask beforehand. People have privated or deleted works or entire accounts over this.
It takes away attention from the artist, and this isn't just people complaining about their art not getting enough likes/reblogs online. I have had my commissions open for months with next to no attention toward it and have periodically given up on promoting, with that in mind I grow more bitter about the fact that my only work that regularly gets attention isn't even representative of my current work but also isn't even attached to my name.
There are a lot more reasons, but it really is just a matter of respecting people who make the content you like and crediting people who make things you like.
If you see art that might be fanart and want to find the original source so you can either share it in a server, ask the artist permission to use it somewhere else, or sort of vigilante credit it for somewhere else, here's some places you can easily reverse search for images or find the artist who drew them (hint: if a work has been deleted it's good practice to still credit the artist)
SauceNAO - especially good for fanart since it's a curation of popular Japanese and western image sharing sites. Works best with full images. Found my art on pixiv and deviantART.
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Google Image Search - Unreliable, may work with popular artwork but will probably struggle to find it otherwise, very rarely found my artwork. But probably your better bet for heavily cropped images at least to find the full image and then plug it in sauceNAO
But even then the best practice is if you don't know the source don't repost it until you've found it, and always reblog/retweet/what have you from the original artist before considering reposting it on your own account. Be strict and insistent on asking if people know the source of art they are reposting especially in discord servers and online spaces where it's commonly done.
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So an anon thinks I should credit you for the idea that 2006 Ian thinks 2024 Anthony is hot. I'm so sorry, I didn't think it was necessary cause I just.. thought it was a universal idea. But I still added you to the notes because, after all, you still drew it and it's your idea!
If you don't think it's necessary though I'll remove it! Don't want to make you uncomfy or something :)
Ok I wanna put it out there that I reblogged the fic with a screenshot of 2006 Ian expressing that future Anthony was hot because I was really flattered. I interpreted that as a lil nod to my post. It was not me trying to imply that my idea was stolen. I appreciate that anon was trying to make sure I was credited but I felt it was unnecessary. If I ever feel as though I’m being uncredited or taken advantage of, I will publicly address it. I am in no way affiliated with the anon. This was a shock to me. @calm-smol’s fic, especially that particular moment that referenced my post, just warmed my soul. I was honored that a lil post I made became something beyond myself. I’m thankful that Calm-Smol credited me but I hope this decision wasn’t reached due to harassment from an anon. (idk what anon said so I’m unaware of the extent of the comment. All in all, please don’t harass people or speak on my behalf.)
If you were harassed, Calm-Smol, you have my apologies. I should’ve been more clear of just how grateful I was and it pains me to think I indirectly caused you distress. I hope this doesn’t hinder your ability to continue pursuing your passions.
I’m sorry for getting kinda serious there. I underestimated my own place in the community I suppose?? That being said, feel free to go nuts with my Smosh stuff. Obviously don’t just steal stuff, but if you wanna make a fanfic, headcannon, fanart, etc based on any fan concepts I come up with…
DO IT! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
I’m a self-proclaimed “Smosh veteran” and I haven’t seen such a creativity spike in the community in YEARS and it’s amazing to see! If my ideas give birth to your own ideas, I WANNA SEE IT KING/QUEEN/LORD!!👑 FLEX THOSE BRAIN JUICES!! Even when I eventually do post original art, fan works are highly encouraged!! I give you a platonic, metaphorical kiss (*´꒳`*)(´ε` )♡
(Also, if I make fan works of your stuff and that makes you uncomfortable, shoot me a dm and I’ll take it down.)
You guys should read their fic too! It’s been a while since I’ve been this invested in a Smosh fanfic. Very excited to see where the story leads!! YOU GUYS BETTER READ IT!! ILL UNALIVE YOU IN MINECRAFT!!
tldr Please don’t speak on my behalf. I have no beef with Calm-Smol. MAKE ART!
Ba bye!!
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bisluthq · 4 months
I think people that perpetuate the narrative that "nothing happened" between Taylor and John forget that:
1) it logically makes NO sense to "fake" that relationship, and there are multiple aspects of it that cannot be explained away as "platonic" or "professional" (the half of my heart performance is legit insane. You can claim they were just playing stuff up but she was VERY publicly dating Taylor Lautner at the time and just like... though the performance in itself isn't technically suggestive it... feels it. It honestly convinces me they hooked up more than YBIAW)
2) Assuming they did date/hook-up/whatever, he has PLENTY of reason to lie about it because that would be legit evil.
She referred to this man as "one of her heroes" upon meeting him. He reached out to her publicly about doing an (uncredited) "duet" that he recorded in his home studio (that he built specifically for the album. He's used it since, but I'm 99% sure he didn't have it prior to the making of Battle Studies), used her excitement over the prospect to fuck her around, and then dipped. As he describes:
"Here’s what I really want to do at 32: f-ck a girl and then, as she’s sleeping in bed, make breakfast for her. So she’s like, “What? You gave me five vaginal orgasms last night, and you’re making me a spinach omelet? You are the sh-t!” So she says, “I love this guy.” I say, “I love this girl loving me.” And then we have a problem. Because that entails instant relationship. I’m already playing house. And when I lose interest she’s going to say, “Why would you do that if you didn’t want to stick with me?”
Also the logic of her using a self-admitted casual drug user 12 years her senior who says shit like "my dick is like a white supremacist" and "I'm going to forcibly sodomise your editor (in response to an interviewer asking him questions he found dumb)" to cover up a self-admitted drug addict & alcoholic 4 years her senior just... doesn't work. People just love feeling as though they have a superior knowledge of Taylor's life than everyone else, leading them to come up with absurd theories.
yeah look lol I have NO DOUBT John tells people nothing happened between them. Same as he most likely told people he didn’t have an orgy with Scheana. I don’t think either of those are true. Also look at what Scheana says - she actually goes back and forth in saying “maybe we didn’t date maybe we were just hanging out” which like… is likely what he said to both girls and frankly Scheana could’ve been smarter about it because like he picked her up when she was waitressing but Taylor was legit 19.
also like lainey covered John x Taylor in real time and I tend to believe what Lainey was hearing THEN - when she was saying they’re trying to keep it a secret but it’s very much happening - over what gossipers hear in the year 2020 or whatever.
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uglypastels · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by: @eddiemunsons80sbaby 💖💖
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
My main posting site is tumblr, on which I have 387 titles in my masterlists, (443 individual writing posts if seperating multi-chaptered stories).
Then i've reposted 40 of these titles on AO3 and 10 on Wattpad.*
*Counted since 2018
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
40 fics - 518,511 words total
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I've written for MCU (actors) and co, the Irregulars, Stranger Things and One Piece (live action).
4. What are your top 5 fics?
I'm going by individual posts, not accumulated interactions through series.
Following the Herd
"Wearing His T-Shirt" blurb
"Overcoming the Nerves" blurb
Heaven and Hell
The Special
5. Do you respond to comments?
I always try my best to reply as soon as possible wether its an ask, reblog or comment. (Excluding wattpad, as i see that more like people annotating their reading and generally don't want to bother them. But i do always read them and appreciate them, and if something stands out or if someone comments a lot i will respond)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooh i once killed reader off dramatically lol ("Car Crash" blurb) but I think the general reader's concensus would be Caught Me Slippin' , which I didn't even intend to make that angsty, but people cried (allegedly). And honestly, while i apologise for the emotional damage, i do take it as the highest compliment to be able to evoke such feelings.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my stories are quite happy and i'm not sure how to rate "happiness".
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I am actually surprised how scarce the hate is, and usually in the form of anons, because I always expect people to hate me. But thats on insecurities. Honestly, writing on here has always been amazing.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes. I hate it tho 😫 like, love smut in theory and concept but it's a bitch to write.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I love a lengthy and extended au, often inspired by other works (Not Wholly Evil is basically Stranger Things x Pirates of the Caribbean) but i think the only clear "crossover" i (remember to) have written would be Murder on the Dancefloor ??? which would be a tom holland x Strictly Come Dancing crossover lmao. I do often think about tv show crossovers in concept tho, but doubt i'll write any.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yup. Shit sucks.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, but it was done without my permission and uncredited (which is still stealing!!) so that sucks.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've dabbled in co-writing, haha, several times avtually, but for one reason or another, none of the projects were ever published. Would love to one day actually fully co-write something with someone on here.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Ngl, i'm not sure I have one. Probably why all of my stories are 'x reader'.
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
At this point I think this about every single one of my WIPs and that's writer's block for ya.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmm...i'd like to think the expression of emotion, showing how characters feel. And maybe world building- or thats at least my favorite thing in AUs. Maybe also details (either motives, references or foreshadowing)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm horrible at pacing. Always feel like i go too slow with the plot and then suddenly too fast and its all a mess, especially when it comes to series. Also just general knowledge on things; i feel like i don't know enough things to write about when it comez to daily and regular life, or even how to normally interact with people so that makes things hard when trying to be realistic. I also feel like i don't know enough words??? So things get really repetitive.
Oh, and this is also an aspect of writing- i'm horrible at getting feedback in the form of proofreading. It makes me physically sick having someone go through my work like that, and I barely do it myself. Which may result in some horrible typos/mistakes. And i do apologise profusely for that. Believe me, if you caught a mistake in my fic, i still think about it to this day.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in different languages?
Its always better if the writer is familiar with the language. Things you're comfortable with writing translate over better to the reader. It's like in movies/tv, its always better when you have an actor speaking a language they actually know. And if you don't know it, 1) ask yourself why are you writing it then and then 2) better research the hell out of it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My first fic, that has since been deleted for a long time, was on wattpad and it was for a youtuber lmao. (peak 2013/15 era, thats all i'm gonna say)
20. Favorite fic(s) you've written?
From my most recent, in no particular order:
Following the Herd (eddie munson)
The Special (Sanji)
Not Wholly Evil (Eddie Munson)
Biggest Fan (Buggy)
Headlights (Eddie Munson)
This was so much fun to do at 4/5 am haha. Thank you for the tag again. Here are some peeps i'll be tagging (no pressure) 💜
@mydearzero @spiderrrling @eddies-house @elvendria @josephfakingquinn
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stenka-razin · 1 year
If you know some of ins and outs of Dragon Ball it's likely you know about disgraced composer Kenji Yamamoto. Long and short, he composed for basically every DB video game throughout the 90s, and then when they made the remastered and edited version of DBZ (now known as Dragon Ball Kai) he was tapped to compose for the series proper. His work was positively received until a series of youtube videos circulated around accusing him of plagiarism, with side by side comparisons. He was promptly fired and all his music scrubbed from the universe on all rereleases going forward.
And listening to the videos of side by side comparison... it's total bullshit! Longtime followers know my bar for plagiarism in music is pretty high. 95% of cases are total horseshit. There are 12 notes that go together in a limited amount of ways, and even less when you're dealing with commercial songwriting. Someone's going to make the same chord progression as someone else. Hell, the melodies might even get pretty damn close. But unless your compositions are beat for beat, note for note, identical (or you use an uncleared sample, but that's a different bullshit law conversation) it's not the same composition. This is how we get some Christian rapper no one has ever heard of suing Katy Perry for a two step melody that's been used approximately 974483750 times. This is the people who buy songwriter's entire catalogue sue everyone.
The Yamamoto tracks are certainly similar to a lot of pieces. But seldom are they ever identical. In some instances they are clearly both just using the same midi sample packs. You wan tto accuse him of ripping of Stratovarius? You better accuse every power metal band ever of plagiarizing Maiden then! You're accusing him of ripping of the music from Avatar (2009)? Avatar composer James Horner has an entire section of his wikipedia titled Musical "Borrowing" (quotes theirs). Meanwhile a good chunk of these folks who would shit on Yamamoto praise Faulconer, whose score was largely the uncredited work of a bunch of other guys.
I didn't really watch much Kai, and barely played the Dragon Ball video games (never had a PS2). But boy oh boy, a bullshit plagiarism case is a bullshit plagiarism case. And it's especially disheartening that there is hardly anyone going out to back Yamamoto in these cases. The closest thing to flowers he gets is "at least he had good tastes to rip off." It's sad, and it's also worth noting, none of this was ever proven in court. Fans got in their own stupid head and Toei didn't want to touch the drama.
Side not, it is also confusing that there are two composers named Kenji Yamamoto who have basically been working for the same time frame. The other Kenji Yamamoto did Metroid Prime!
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petrenocka · 5 months
I've recently visited a historic aristocratic mansion. Specifically the Rundāles Palace Museum and btw, it has fantastic virtual tour and guide features on the website. Genuinely do take the time to go through it, it's amazing and FREE
And I do mean that it's 100% worth your time, especially if you're the kind of person to listed to an hour long video essay on an unfamiliar topic this is totally for you.
But being there in person and really taking in that real people actually lived there, like that. Seeing the bright colors and ornamentation and listening to the thought process behind how they were made...
The aristocracy were monstrous scum, but look at their houses! They had more money then God, just like our modern 1% but they spent it! On on beauty, on comfort, on opulance, on weird shit. On art!
Dozens of artists made a living because these people wanted their houses to look pretty. Pay attention to how many of the paintings in the museum are uncredited: this means they more then likely were made by little known artists whose names didn't survive the test of time, yet their works are still there!
Yes this money was stolen through incredible violence and brutal oppression. But looking at this Palace I really get a sense of solace from knowing that at least a lot of it was made into beauty! I feel satisfaction and even pride for the various revolutionaries whose efforts allowed for these brilliant remains to be splayed for all to see like trophies on a hunter's wall.
And honestly I can respect that. They took all this wealth and then had fun with it, lived in good looking warm places they denied their subjects. I can understand that. All this happiness that should've been everyone's equally, yet at the very least it was still somewhere, this beauty still existed in the world.
But the ruling class of today? Their McMansions look like SHIT! Gray and white walls of nothing, dead interior design and even deader soulless exterior. ""Designer"" glass tables that cost more then the entirety of the Rundāles Pils that look no better then Ikea furniture.
And how they're dressed? Musk and Gates drape themselves in fast fashion, lapping as poors. Dresses cut from single color of cloth, all the money and effort instead put into skincare and plastic surgery, which honestly? I do wish that in a hundred years when their heads are on pikes like that of the aristocracy before them. I hope The CEO Museum has a stand with all the surgery, a taxidermy of someone rich guy in a glass see-through coffin.
And all but few rich men, from the last penny pinching CEO to Presidents can't even have a suit tailored that fucking fits them! The suit, the most boring high class fashion in history, and these soulless gouls manage to fuck up even that!
It's insulting! It's vile and revolting to know that these vampires drink our blood by gallons and trun it into vomit within their bloated stomachs. That the remains of their rule and our suffering will be drab and uninspiring. That they devour our happiness and don't even have any for themselves, like a void of greed, insatiable and pointless. It reeks of pure evil in way in which aristocracy opulance and brightness didn't and that's disgusting to my very core.
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shinra-makonoid · 2 years
Your point of view and opinion is where it snowballs to 'anything online or anything made is free game.'
"Why wouldn't you want people sharing your work?"
Because its mine, and I know where I want my work to exist and where I don't. Because I know if people are only accessing my work via X means, then they're not viewing it as some random uncredited screenshot or reupload somewhere. Where it'll get saved and shared again, then shared again, then someone's using it as their blog icon and someone else has used it as a background on their Wattpad fic banner, and nobody knows or cares that the work is mine.
That is absolutely not what I said.
Sharing your work means = reblogging it or giving link to somewhere or reposting it in a private non profit space (aka among friends, or during a DND session) with credit/link to get back to the artist. If in private you do that, without claiming to have done it, with giving links back to the artist, it shouldn't matter because the artist doesn't lose anything (even gain because that way it can access some group of people who aren't on the same side of social media but could be interested by commissions). Still you will have artists wanting to control that aspect too. You didn't read well my former post but idk how to say it better than that tbh.
I even talked about sketchfab as a solution, which has a shop. Btw sketchfab has also a large amount of CC models. It's kinda crazy too how much sketchfab models have so much free/non profit copyrights when they're 3D models that could be used anywhere (even for creating pictures/rendering/games/videos).
If you're so afraid of your work being stolen or shared with credits in a place you personally don't want to (among friends privately for ex), don't share it because it is going to happen as long as you don't have a proper platform to share the picture (similar to sketchfab for ex). Social media are not a good platform for artists because it's gonna be stolen no matter what and you won't know it. But you won't stop because again, you have more to gain to be seen even if some people copy paste your art somewhere else.
Besides the question of copyright affects artists too. If game companies or shows went as far as internet artists regarding their creation: no one could ever draw anything from anywhere ever. I drew Yone from LoL, the character is copyrighted so I'm technically also stealing the character for my own means despite drawing him myself without tracing. So yes. It is a neverending issue. It's everywhere, everyone is guilty of it, it means that the (American) law is not quite adapted to it at all or that the tools aren't there to properly support people's choices.
The issue with this discussion is that artists are incapable of having the conversation without directly jumping to "you think everything is free on the internet" "you think stealing is okay" and that sharing means copying the picture, posting it on social media and claiming to have done it by default.
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
Convince me, CJ! Make me an Obi Wan stan!
dunno if you were wanting headcanons or facts, so have some of both
1. tragedy
these posts which are too long to screenshot but say things better than my dumb ass:
duel of the fates analysis by @panharmonium
obi’s sticking to the code even through tragedy by @tarantula-hawk-wasp​ and @jedi-order-apologist​
comparing duel of the fates with the maul duel in rebels by @princeobiwan and @padawanakin​
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( @panharmonium ) with a wonderful comic here
“Contemplation of death brought only one slight sting of regret, and more than a bit of puzzlement. Until this very moment, he had never realized he’d always expected, for no discernible reason, that when he died, Anakin would be with him.” ― from the Revenge of the Sith novel by Matthew Stover
and his entire story from the jedi apprentice books by Jude Watson (and Dave Wolverton) it makes me weep.
2. worth
this boi just?? doesn’t believe himself? (thanks qui-gon but that’s another post) 
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from the Revenge of the Sith novel by Matthew Stover
(side note, he’s one of the youngest council members ever?)
and another quote 
“He is respected throughout the Jedi Order for his insight as well as his warrior skills. He has become the hero of the next generation of Padawans; he is the Jedi their Masters hold up as a model. He is the being that the Council assigns to their most important missions. He is modest, centered and always kind. He is the ultimate Jedi. It is characteristic of Obi-Wan that he is entirely unaware of this.” — Matthew Stover
didn’t mean for all of those to be stover quotes but here we are
(somewhat related is this excellent post by @gffa​ discussing obi-wan being a terrifyingly competent fighter)
3. shippable
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( @yeahyeahyeaaah​ )
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( @padawansuggest​ ) and this ship needs more fanart *cries*
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( @amiro-art​ )
this comic for obirex by @jaegervega​ (cries in rarepairs) 
and more that i don’t ship for squick reasons (QuiObi, ObiMaul, MaceObi, ObiTine, etc.)
4. he’s. so. feckin. light?
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( @phsmas​ )
this post from @panharmonium talking about the quote:
“And you, Master. What does your heart tell you you’re meant for?” “Infinite sadness,” Obi-Wan said, even while smiling.”
5. him cute??
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(can’t find the original source 😭)
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( @lightasthesun​ i think??)
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( @saeseetiin​ ) like?????? thumb loops?????
and many more instances that i seem to have lost because i fecked up and tagged obi stuff with a hyphen and url coding doesn’t like that
6. him flirt. him never stop flirt.
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i’m also having trouble finding pics/gifs of this and i’m sort of too hungry to keep trying, but he flirts while fighting pretty much everybody, which i find very brave and endearing, and love when he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it. i just. he’s so willing to sass. 
9. ewan mcgreggor put SO MUCH WORK INTO OBI-WAN, he put so much of himself into that role and those movies that i really don’t think you can seperate love for them. 
this gif set about him picking his ‘saber in phantom menace ( @kenobi-wxn​ )
this one where he’s just!! so excited!! to be doing star wars!! (  @manny-jacinto )
him talking about the cultural impact of duel of the fates ( @princeobiwan )
some bloopers from revenge of the sith ( @greenarrow )
him doing george lucas’ job helping daniel logan (boba) in attack of the clones   ( @glittergreedo​ )
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( @clubjade​ ) with an emphasis on 
“Now, many years later, the prequels meant a lot to the generation that were kids then. So from smirking, cynical opinions, now I’m getting feedback from the kids they were made for. I’m really happy about that.”
10. some misc. stuff i collected that i didn’t know where else to put
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( @theravenjedi​ )
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( @animymind​ )
and my favourite fucking obi thing of all time:
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( @luvvewan​ ) i just. i have no words for this post. i love him so much.
stuff i can’t find pic/quote evidence for ‘cause i’m too hungry:
he loves the clones. so much. would literally rather die than lose men needlessly
is padmé’s most trusted jedi (even over anakin) and their friendship drives me to tears
had to be told to stop promoting cody
is super strong in the unifying force and has/had lots of visions which i think is underutilised in canon and fanon (so i end up putting it in almost all my writing whoops i love him being an anxious boy so much)
got yelled at by owen lars for trying to help luke from afar and i will FIGHT—
him baby blues
how fecking confused he is when he first lands on kamino
whatever the fuck is happening in this post
came so. fecking. far. from how he was as a padawan, mastered his emotions and found his spot in the universe, no matter how tragic it was
blames himself for both anakin’s fall and the clone chips (even if he never learned about them, which i don’t know what’s canon anymore whether he did or not)
he just?? has so much love in his big ol’ heart? and forgives and grieves and sighs and lives and trusts and dies. and then helps anakin become a force ghost because he can’t imagine death without him.
and now for some headcanons
he likes really realllly bitter tea, partly because qui-gon liked lighter teas so when he starts picking his own after being knighted, he goes with more flavourful ones
his immune system is shot after the clone wars ‘cause he uses so many stims/adrenaline shots/whatever they call them in the gffa because he’s in charge of a third of the GAR and he already worked himself too hard before the wars and boy howdy do those fuck up your immune system
cut his own padawan braid after qui-gon’s death
even though he almost left he order for Satine, he WOULD have if Anakin asked
was lowkey devastated that anakin did not give him his padawan braid after his knighting during the clone wars (no clue what’s canon anymore? but i grew up on the 2003 clone wars, and anakin gives it to padmé and i’m still having feelings about it)
is the council’s baby, in that everyone on the council either saw/helped him grow up, or grew up with him.
while canon says he could never kill anakin, he would have killed vader to protect luke
so in conclusion:
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( @left-leggus )
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shinesurge · 2 years
i got a fucking webtoon ad on youtube and their Thing now is "read before you stream!" because they've reached the point they're just blatantly using webcomics as like pregame for what i can only assume will be shitty half-baked "anime" video content and i am so FUCKING tired y'all. this is not what webcomics were supposed to be this is just more mainstream shit where producers are profiting off of overworked artists and totally disrespecting comics as a complete form of art on its own
i actually met a new comic person at momocon a few weeks ago who talked at length about their deal with webtoon, they were so /excited/ about having had to delay their launch for nearly a year because they were in arguments about rights. They were SO pleased they'd managed to keep "a fair amount" of the rights to their own fucking work, there's an anime in the works (for a comic project that has been forced to sit on a shelf and collect dust) AND they didn't even have anything at their table because they aren't allowed to sell their own work. this is what we're bringing people up to think is success?? being THANKFUL for the opportunity to hand your baby over to a company that encourages horrible limiting art practices and pays peanuts?? we don't need to do this anymore!! you ALREADY made the thing on your OWN we do not NEED people who only see comics as an ad revenue machine!!
the webtoon original schedule is so untenable for so little money there's Drama going around rn about people hiring uncredited assistants and underpaying THEM. they want this insane amount of overproduced work but still want to act like this is Indie Comics uwu so the partners have to keep quiet about the fact that this is just more of the same mainstream bullshit. DC is even posting official comics there now this space is not for us jfc
like yall know we made webcomics to get away from literally this shit right. how is it we're all mad about what disney and the big two do but webtoon coming into this specific scene and disrupting an entire generation this thoroughly doesn't even register. webtoon isn't a comics platform it's an ad platform that's somehow convinced a movement that carved out it's own platform twenty years ago that we need it
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mod-kyoko · 3 years
Hello! Umm I noticed your requests are open and I would like to request Headcanons for Sayaka Maizono x Ultimate Seamstress reader? If you don’t wanna do this don’t feel pressured too!
this is only the second time anyone has ever requested anything for sayaka! i do enjoy writing for her
thank you for the request
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sayaka x ult seamstress!reader
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you were on sayaka's professional costume creation team when she was at her career's peak
many people thought the intricate and thoughtfully designed dresses contributed to her success, because fans tend to pick favorites based on looks
one day, sayaka requested to meet the person behind her gorgeous show outfits, since she never really got to know her crew well, and she wanted to meet the face behind the genius
as soon as she saw you, she was mesmerized, it was like love at first sight
you were working on one of her new outfits when she was led into your workroom by her manager
the look of concentration on your face while you skillfully weaved a needle in and out through two carefully picked pieces of fabric was so attractive to her
she didn't want to bother you while you were working, so she decided as soon as your shift was over she would ask for your number
shortly after that, the two of you started dating
she loved sorting through your portfolio, gawking in awe at your work
she was so proud of having such talent on her team!
at every single concert, the first thing sayaka would do is make sure everyone watching knows who is behind her outfits
she absolutely cannot let art go uncredited
one day she asked you to teach her how to sew
since then, she's been learning on her own, and sometimes shows you some wonky project she is working on
she isn't very good, but she is ecstatic to be sharing a hobby with her lover
man this was cute, also i hope this is what you were expecting, somewhat???
-mod kyoko
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parkkate · 3 years
Hello, I saw your post about the battle you and many others have with instagram reposters and I thought to share an info I have that may help with this.
A few years ago a friend gave me this tip but since i'm not a content creator i didn't have any use for this until today i guess, i can't tell specifics what was their job but they had to deal on a regular basis with content that infringed copyright, i don't know if this is still how it works like i said this was years ago but it's worth a shot.
it's important that it's YOU, the artist whose art was stolen, to be the one reporting.
first, you have to go to the report sheet
and fill all the info they request you, make sure to create an email for reporting stuff or use any other email that is not your personal one because the people you are reporting can contact you through this email.
ok so far all this is the generic stuff you do when dealing with reporting theft right, but one thing that my friend told me is that if i'm feeling extra petty there is a way to make them lose their account so you don't have to deal with them again.
there is two ways to do this:
1) If they have stolen from you like 5 art pieces or more, what you have to do is go to the reposter account, copy one by one the links that contain your art, paste them on notepad or any similar app and save them there. I tell you why in sec. ok once you have collected all these links, go to the report sheet and once you have fill everything and get to the part that says something like "provide links/urls to the content you are reporting" you are going to copy only ONE of the links you have saved and continue filling the report and click send.
now this is what you are going to do, in the next days you are going to fill again this report sheet with another of the links until you have reported them all -i hope i make sense i know this is i bit hard to explain- day one - one link, day two - another link, and so on until you have no more links left to report, why this? because after the reposter gets hit with the first copyright notice they are going to try to stop more reports by locking their account but it doesn't matter, because you can still report the links you have saved even if you don't have access to the account.
2) now if you don't have enough links to do the above, the second method is by the help of other artists that have their art too on the account you want to report, so basically you organize a mass report of the account one report at time like the first method but with different people, day one - you report your link, day two - another artist report their link, and so on. the more the better.
i'm not sure why if you report constantly day by day one account with legitimate copyright reports (don't even try to make fake reports they are going to ignore you) they take down not only the art but the whole accout but that's what my friend told me. I think this method is a nuclear one because in some cases they not only take down the account, they block their ip too so they can't make new accounts. sooo yeah only do this if you are really sure this is how you want to deal with an art thief.
Good luck my friend.
Hellooooo! :) Thank you so much for this in-depth description! And I can confirm that it works! I’ve actually done this with a few artists in the past. I would send them posts, containing their uncredited art, they would report them and boom, a couple of hours and days later, the account was deactivated :) I only targeted those reposters who turned out to be total a**holes. Because as you said, it’s kind of a nuclear method. And, unsurprisingly, there’s been some backlash from those reposters. They emailed the artists and verbally attacked them. 
Anyway. Thank you so much for sending me this! 💙
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