#i didnt even use close to an eighth of the thread actually
aropride · 1 year
being able to sew is so awesome i thought to myself an hour ago that i wished i had a sleep mask bc the light from a building across the street is really bright. And then i made one and now i have it. For free even!
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swiss-cheeze · 4 years
Scars || Spencer Reid
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Requested: YES/NO
Gender: they/them. None.
Description: based on/set in 10x1 when the team where comparing scars, except Spencer wins.
Warnings: normal CM talk, everything Spencer has been through up to season 10 (possibly missed some but eh).
Callahan and J.J. sat in front of each other as the plane murmured in the sky, comparing scars; you eavesdropping in on the conversation of course as Derek came over to sit with them.
“What’re we doing, we talking battle scars?” Derek asked as he slid into the seat with his coffee on the table, “oh yeah, i probably hold the record,” you couldn't help but snort softly; thankfully going under the radar to the people across the aisle from you, “so what’re the rules, i mean are we just talking stitch count or are we going full on, like broken ribs, pistol whips, concussion?” Derek asked, running with the gag.
“You weren't kidding,” Callahan said with a grin to J.J., you grinned at this as you set down the book you were reading and made your way in the final empty seat next to J.J.
“Told you,” J.J. said with a shrug as she smiled at you as a hello.
“Well why don't we start with the most recent huh?” Derek asked, you stayed silent for the most part, “guy hit me in the arm, same guy hit me twice in the chest but i was wearing my vest so he left me some welts and; see these idiots think they can beat me but they cant so, they at least try to hurt me you know?” Derek set the scene as he thought of the next memory of injuries; he looked to you and raised his eyebrows with a grin, “oh! Lets not forget when i got blindsided,” J.J. let out an appreciative ‘mm’, “and thrown out the window,” Derek finished, you did smile at this as you had only been told the story, you hadn't actually witnessed it thus far. Derek turned to Callahan with a grin and nudged the woman's recently shot arm, “welcome to the team callahan,” Derek said as Callahan let out a little ‘ow’; this was now your time to shine.
“May i?” you asked the group respectively, Derek and J.J. nodded for you to continue as Callahan looked at you.
“You? Scars?” she asked jokingly with a grin, you couldn't help but smile.
“No no, unfortunately not mine; Spencers,” you said with a grin as you pointed behind you, the three people around you cocked an eyebrow.
“Go for it (Y/n),” Spencer's voice came out from behind yourself and J.J., you grinned as Derek and J.J. looked to you confused; even they didn't know what was coming. You cleared your throat as a joke and straightened your posture.
“May i present test subject number 323; FBI Supervisary Special agent Doctor Spencer Walter Reid,” you grinned as everyone chuckled at the long title, the snort behind you from the man in question also gave it away as you held up your hand and begun counting on your fingers, “our darling genius here has been abducted,” one finger, “tortured from that abduction for two days,” another finger, “sadly addicted to the drug he had been administered during said torture, though now clean for seven, almost eight years,” another finger, “next i believe he was infected with a worse and more toxic strain of anthrax that kills the carrier within a few hours i do believe,” another finger, “shot in the knee resulting in crutches for three months, a cane for two and finally being able to walk without assistance after 4 surgeries,” another finger, “shot in the arm; two minutes later, if that, his...uh” you paused, unsure if this was something you should share, however the hand that gripped your unused hand made your head turn, Spencer was crouching in the middle of the plane aisle, his eyes saying it was okay; you didnt even realise he had moved, but you continued, “shot in the arm and then less than two minutes later his first girlfriend was shot and unfortunately killed in front of him,” another finger, “has been in a helicopter accident,” another finger, “and last but unfortunately i have a feeling it is not the least; recently shot in the neck just barely missing his carotid artery and having to go in for life saving surgery,” you put up the final eighth finger with a knowing grin; Derek and J.J. where grinning while Callahan had her mouth open like a fly catcher.
“Oh and don't forget,” Spencer interjected, “momentarially died in the shed i was being tortured in before being resuscitated but my captor,” Spencer said to Callahan, the girl sighed and blew out some air with wide eyes.
“Jesus...im…” she was lost for words, you grinned.
“And let's not forget!” you drummed on the table, “putting up with me!” you grinned as you put your hands out and did some wonderful jazz hands. Derek scoffed with a grin, J.J. smiled widely and Callahan looked slightly confused.
“You?” she pointed between you and Reid, Reid now sitting on the empty couch on the opposite side of the aisle, “you two are-?” you cocked an eyebrow as Spencer smiled happily at the realisation.
“Five years,” Spencer said softly, he looked at you with such love and adoration in his eyes; everyone could tell and easily see how in love the two of you are, almost like the honeymoon phase, granted it took a little while for the two of you to get to that comfortable phase (only around six months). Spencer always changed when he saw you; if he was having a conversation he cut it off when you came into his line of sight, his rambling increased whenever you were around, he involuntarily moves to your side, to be close to you or to hold you hand, his pupils dilate, his smile grows wider. God, anyone who was a profiler, even a simple civilian, could see, read and tell how in love with you Spencer was, and you him of course.
“And you’re not married,” Callahan said more as a statement, “I don't see rings, i don't see indents of rings and i don't see tan lines of rings,” the woman said with a grin, Derek smiled as he and J.J. shared a knowing look. You and Spencer simultaneously reached under the collar of your shirts, both of you bringing out silver chain necklaces with beautiful rings on the end.
“Spence has my ring and, well,” you motioned to the ring you wore around your neck, “i wear his,” you smiled as the two of you tucked your rings back under your shirts, “i don't personally like wearing rings, they tug on clothes and get caught and rip things so we both agreed to wear them as necklaces instead and-” Spencer cut you off, not being able to keep the large grin off his face as he talked.
“And instead of us wearing our own we wear each others as a remembrance of our vows, a remembrance of any fights, disagreements or arguments we have and because, as (Y/n) put it,” Spencer brought his fingers into the air as quotation marks, “‘it just feels right’” you grinned at that.
“Remembrance of any fights?” Callahan asked, she seemed so interested.
“If we have any fights or whatnot and need time alone both of us fiddle with the necklace,” as a demonstration you pulled it out and started moving the ring on the chain, “it reminds both of us that we have each other and that no argument can come between the two of us; if it really does get that bad then it's also a remembrance that we would have to take off the necklace to give back to the respective owner and obviously if we can't take off that necklace then we cant let an argument get in our way,” you grinned as you finally took a breath and looked to Spencer teary eyed; of course this got you emotional over this, Spencer squeezed your hand in reassurance.
“You two definitely have something special,” Callahan said with a smile, you nodded not being able to form words as you squeezed Spencer's hand again before giving a nod and moving to sit with Spencer.
“Read to me?” you asked Spencer quietly as Spencer leant his back against the wall, you cuddled between his legs.
“What would you like me to read my love?” Spencer questioned quietly as he kissed the top of your head before threading his fingers through it. You thought for a minute.
“Quantum physics?” you joked causing Spencer to chuckle, “no i joke, um,” you thought for another minute, “how about Arabian Nights?” you questioned, “Aladdin specifically!” you exclaimed, Spencer had berated you on how One Thousand And One Nights (or Arabian Nights) is actually a collection of small tales including Aladdin, SinBad and Ali Baba. Spencer grinned as you made your specific request and kissed your head.
“Get comfortable,” Spencer said with a smile as the two of you moved slightly before he started, “once upon a time in China, there lived a boy called Aladdin”
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