#i didnt want to actually mention theo but like . yeah
the0retically · 6 months
The Suckening #11: Bloodbound:
What an episode I’m so—oof!!
- Grizz’s regular voice just talking is so strange
- A tick on Bebo’s balls??
- These intros are insane
- “So he was getting to the center of that tootsie pop!” CONDI??
- The music :)
- I forgot about taylor oh my god
- Oh now Taylor swift, Charlie is so done
- “How do you contribute?” “I don’t.” “What???”
- Willpower of 2?? The influencers please
- This is insanity, why is shilo joining in the vlogs?
- “Grefgore and Arthur just kill them” PLEASE??
- Shilo sending Grefgore to kill the guys with contracts oh my god
- Arthur just hating the influencers is so so funny
- “I want to go to the twins” “you keep mentioning these twins who are they?” “Do you want to come with” PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
- He’s just Mickey Mouse??
- Station wagon 5??
- Charlie being like “yeah you’re on a bunch of cameras :)” scary
- Charlie please stop whimpering
- Wait Taylor isn’t an actual werewolf??
- OH WAIT NO HE IS he just wanted to be closer to Jacob please
- Love how they have Taylor on the team now
- “I’m the real Taylor Launter from movies and I’m gonna help you” PLEASE?
- Deacon?
- LAZARUS??????
- HUH?
- Oh no he walks inside???
- God this is so bad
- “This is like the time I looked at the sky and everything went horrible” OH GOD
- These rolls are so bad today
- …..somethings weird oh god yeah it’s been a month
- Oh :( he’s doing so well!
- ……is that Edwards theme right now?
- I love emizel and theo so much
- :((( they’re gonna play smash together
- “On the moon?” “Is this still on the moon?” “The moon?” PLEASE THEO
- ……I feel like humans have the twilight phones too theo don’t kill humans please
- “The dangs” I love that
- ……….they don’t know what’s going on with shilo oh god
- …..he’s back in the Tiktok house?
- Any ghosts???
- Oh FUCK shilo had the files AND Arthur got all successes on the spirit touch
- “And do everything we talked about” excuse me??
- God the Edward theme is so so good
- WHAT???
- “He’s gonna turn the city of LA into Edward twilight” OH MY GOD
- “Who do we want to start with?” “Emizel”
- “It was tough out there being a baby mechanic” oh my god
- Love that they upped security
- :) hi vex
- ??????? A monitor?
- :(((( the twins are just on the monitor? Please!!
- I love them :)
- “I’m like a Barbie doll” WHAT???
- “See you soon…emizel” “I know you knew my name” oh my god please
- I love the banter between them and emizel it’s so fun
- They’re bonding over being twins!!
- ……….he wants them to be in different places for the party oh god emizel
- :)))))) god I love the weylins
- Vex you’re so so cool
- I’d willingly let myself be experimented on by him I’m being so real
- Bizly trying to teach Condi how to do the accent is fun
- …magus :(
- “I saw her dirty blonde hair, the same as my mother” hmmm
- Who did magnus staked?
- The music is so good and peaceful
- “See you soon Sam? -Mr bennet” huh???
- Mary?? Oh my god she’s Bloody Mary
- Oh god Mary just fully attacked him
- Oh she’s so cute and fun I love her already
- This is so sad :( Mary
- Condi sounded so defeated when Mary said Edward called it the twilight zone
- ……..Arthur what do you mean you’d be pulled in to be with her
- That convo was so fun
- Oh fuck
- That was so sudden
- Deacon!!
- Love how angry shilo is that deacon lied to him
- And now shilo is being arrested
- Love how both shilo and emizel have the idea to switch spots
- …who just whispered help??
- God emizel is so fucking funny
- “As long as I don’t see them and think of my younger siblings” Arthur :(
- Let’s go!!! Grizz gets to meet them!
- Love how the twins just got kidnapped by breekon and hope
- VEX AND VIV!!!!!!! HI :)!!!!!!
- Charlie just being SO confused by Arthur knocking on the door is SO FUNNY OH MY GOD?
- Nicknames for each other!!
- Love how Grizz is just Giddy about this because me too
- GOD!! Love vex so much
- I love this scene so so much
- It’s so visceral but I love this so much
- Condi is popping off with the voice acting though holy shit
- “It’s more of a live event” “Edward on ice?” “God I wish”
- Vex just sounds so tired and so confused oh my god
- this is so funny oh my god “what is this feeling? Disappointment??”
- She’s very very interesting. She’s obviously not happy about working for Edward, hmm
- The music in the background here is amazing and fits the scene perfectly
- I never thought I’d love Arthur and Viv’s friendship that’s starting up
- :( he’s letting her choose how he looks :( that’s actually so sweet
- I like how viv’s work is warm and nice, while vex’s is just brutal, it’s interesting to see their differences in their work
- …..emizel and shilo sound like each other now
- Oh my god I—goodness
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queernarcissus · 7 days
interested in irl beeftho gay love and weird sex if you feel like elaborating 👀
oksy this. is longer than intended and also doesnt even get to the sex but. yknow.
how they meet is. not entirely solidified in my mind. buut im thinking abt beef at one of his car meet/show things and etho is there too. (not sure why etho would be there or if he would even know stuff but. whatever*) thwyre both looking at the same car and get to chatting and they have a nice convo, end up wandering around and looking at other ones together
anyway they like dont recognise each other bc like. beef hadnt actually had his face/appearance be public for very long and etho doesnt watch like that much yt especially irl stuff so. yeah. and beef just thinks that he made friends with some guy who is really handsome - not that beef would dare admit that to anyone - and seems really cool actually.
anyway somehow they become like actual friends and get quite close and dan confides in theo abt his girlfriend and how shes kinda not great sometimes and he doesnt know what to do. but i mean eventually they break up (canon to irl (kinda, people didnt like the gf beef had in 2016/17 like the comments abt her are so fucking rude but also everyone says beef doesnt look happy /with/ her sooooo))
at this point etho has realised that this is beef and. he is having an insane time keeping the things seperate. <- beef did also tell him abt the yt stuff so.
now idk if this /would/ happen but i am thinking abt how funny it would be to have a dramatic reveal but. in minecraft. like theo mentions to dan that he sometimes plays minecraft and so hes like oh you wanna play together? and then server etcetc sends tbe ip to theo and. ethoslab joins the server. and beef goes. huh? did i send it to the wrong person? and in the call they are in etho just immideiately starts apologising. beef is just. fucking gobsmacked. bc yeah he finally accepted he was in love wkth this guy and he wasnt straight. and now it turns out that this guy. is his coworker. who no one knows what he looks like. but beef does. and as hes talking beef is like. of course its fucking etho how the hell did i not even realise what the fuck.
* i mean i think maybe he was just bored one day and found something to do. and whilst he knows like. mostly fuck all. hes so interested in what dan is telling him abt it all and dan is just glad someone is being like. receptive to him talking abt it n shit. <-also wants to keep talking to the cute guy.
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springtidesnowfall · 3 years
hey remember that thing i said last time that neither of us understood something something one from every tens do that again but different numbers than last time . or the same i probably wont check
sadly i know exactly what you mean i hate you
5. Do you have to be related to be family?
nope!! if you asked about my current definition of my family itd probably be half people related to me half not? give or take a few either way
17. Did you have imaginary friends? Do you still have them?
yes!! i had invisible man, though i think he mostly existed to take blame for the times i scribbled on the walls. sadly he packed his things up and left town a long time ago
28. Would you want to live forever? How about for a billion years, a million, a millennium, a century?
if it was immortality that kept my body healthy and fully functioning- honestly, yeah id want to live forever. i think after the first few hundred years maybe itd get tough but i would still choose to live forever
36. Have you ever met someone who had a very similar personality to your own? Did you get along?
yeah me and @/fortheones20yearsoldandtired are actually the same person and we get along AMAZINGLY theyre meaner than i am tho /j (love u theo)
45. Do you want to be remembered after your death? What for?
i just want the people who love me to remember me and all the good moments we shared. long as i have that nothing else matters
54. Can human really understand the complete nature of the universe, space and time?
probably not in my lifetime but. maybe someday, far down the line, with a lot of time and love poured into learning about everything around us
64. How consistent is your perception of time?
the only thing consistent about my perception of time is the inconsistency. im always overestimating how much time i need for things and trying to be early to make up for it
76. Do you crave approval and/or praise?
yes <3 i blame my parents for giving it out so sparingly or whatever. its not always that i need praise but on bad days i crave the sense of doing something right so . yeah
87. Do you anger easily?
100%. ive gotten better at not taking it out on others too much but it usually only takes something small on a bad day yk? i try to be patient but it doesnt always come easily to me.
92. Do you speak multiple languages? Which do you dream in? What language would you want to learn?
yup :D i talk about it a lot but i speak english, punjabi, and french. i dream mostly in english but occasionally theres parts of my dreams that are in punjabi or french (punjabi more than french). id love to learn swedish !! no particular reason why
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A Picture is a Poem Without Words
Chapter 9
A/N: Okay. Some slight drama. Canon typical violence. Slightly nsfw-ish in that there's some fingering.
(Noticed far too late that half of it didnt transfer over, fixed that)
Diego and Blix do some much needed bonding.
Everything tag: @mikeisthricedeceased
Pacho tag: @yungkvte
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They laid there a few minutes more, simply enjoying one another’s presence, before with a small groan, Blix sat up.
She quietly stretched, turning her neck side to side, grunting at the small pops and cracks her neck made. Pacho straightened up next to her pressing a kiss to her shoulder.
“Gilberto said he found you in my office last night? Doing homework as he claims,” Pacho teased as he brushed her back behind her hair.
“Just… trying to understand your world. Gotta say… it’s far more complicated than I thought it was,” Blix lightly noted as she turned to look at him.
“It’s not all crazy parties and getting high. It’s a lot of work to be one of the best cartels in the world,” Pacho said with a smirk.
Blix hummed in response, pushing off the covers, as both of them got up. Blix quietly got dressed, throwing on some shorts and a tank top. She finished getting ready, as Pacho waited, looking at all the things she had unboxed the day before. He stared at the items curiously.
“Your mother had very strange tastes,” He muttered quietly as he picked up the mace.
“Indeed, she did,” Blix stated as she walked up to him, ready for the day.
Pacho turned to look at her, “Not planning on using any of these on me, are you?”
“Hmm. Don’t know. Depends on whether you’re a good boy or not. Don’t test my wrath,” She said with a teasing smile as she walked past him, toward the hallway.
Pacho shook his head with a smile, before following after her.
They made their way downstairs, joining the others for lunch.
She got about halfway through her meal before she remembered she had to make some phone calls. She got up and called Theo to see where he had gotten on the warehouse that they believed was König’s.  
“Hey, so there is a lot of activity going on in a warehouse that’s allegedly abandoned. We’ve been monitoring it from a safe distance, and we’ve seen a lot of armed guards patrolling. We’ve seen König wandering the property, but we have yet to see anything damning,” Theo reported, a small yawn escaping him as he finished.
“Good to know. Keep watch for now, we’ll catch him soon enough. Has there been any other robberies I should be made aware of?” She questioned as she paced around the living room.
“None so far. Not sure if that’s good or bad. But I’ll keep you posted,” Theo answered.
“Yeah. Hm. He’ll mess up soon enough and we will be there when it happens. Talk to you later,” Blix ended the call with a small sigh.
She ran her hand over chin, in contemplation. She had slowly wandered down a hallway away from everyone and was near a door that was slightly ajar. She looked inside and saw something that made her smile. She pushed the door further open and saw books lining several shelves and cases.
As she examined the books, she realized they were the books that her sisters sent her from their mother’s home. She ran her fingertip down the spines of several, quietly remembering each story. Several were antiques of the classics and others were miscellaneous. She walked further in and noticed there was an area full of throw pillows and soft cushions surrounding a window nook.
The window, she noted, looked out over the grounds, and it was slightly breathtaking.
She sat on the seat, gazing out.
“See you found your library. Pacho will be sad that you found this before he could show you,” Diego’s voice came from behind her.
“I’ll act surprised when he shows me. He set this all up just for me? Why?” She asked looking around from her seat.
“Isn’t it obvious by now? He cares for you. Loves you even. Just like he does me,” Diego responded as he joined her.
“Are you okay with that though? Sharing him? I know we never actually really sat down and talked this out,” She mentioned as she made room for him to join her.
“I’ll admit in the beginning, I wasn’t thrilled by you,” Diego began.
“’Wasn’t thrilled?’ You tormented me for days!” Blix exclaimed shoving him lightly.
“Okay. I was an ass. The point is, I see now, you are not just some fling of his. You make him happy in ways that I cannot. Just like I make him happy in ways you can’t. He wants both of us. We are not fighting for his attention. He wants us, we want him. That’s that. Plus, he’s allowing you to see the inner workings of the cartel; information that is usually pretty heavily guarded. If he trusts you with that, then I can trust you with him,” Diego explained, taking her hands into his.
Blix nodded once in response, with a small smile.
“So… is he going to be busy with the brothers today?” She inquired after a moment.
“Probably, why?”  Diego asked looking at her curiously.
“Well. One, I promised Phobos I would take him out for a ride today. Two, I just thought me, and you can hang out. Get to know one another. If you ‘re cool with it,” She proposed.
“How about tomorrow? I have somethings I need to do this afternoon, but tomorrow I am pretty much free. We could run around town if you’d like?” Diego countered.
“Sounds good to me. Now, gotta harass someone in to taking me to the ranch,” Blix muttered thinking of who to choose.
“Or… I’ll drop you off on my way out. Gotta head out anyway,” Diego offered.
“Ooh. Yes. Lemme go put on boots,” Blix said excitedly, getting up.
She rushed upstairs to get her socks and some boots. She hopped on one foot each, as she threw them on. She ran downstairs, meeting up with Diego; they hopped into his car, driving off.
In no time, he had dropped her off. She walked over to Phobos’ stall, grabbing a brush on her way to him. She pulled him out of his stall, taking him to a small post to tie him to. She began to give him a thorough brushing, quietly talking to him.
Once he was brushed, she saddled him up and began to trot around with him. She walked around with him, letting him get used to her. They spent a good 2 hours wandering the grounds before returning to the stables.
Navegante was waiting for her when she got back with Phobos. She got him settled back into his stall and stretched for a moment before joining Navegante. He took her back to Pacho’s home, dropping her off before disappearing himself.
She walked inside and was told by some guards that Pacho and the brothers had left; Pacho should be back by tonight though.
She decided to just continue her reading upstairs in his office. She spent a few hours doing that, when a guard informed her dinner was ready if she was. She got up and made her way downstairs, after securing the files she had pulled out. She took the plate of food, eating at the table, somewhat watching the soccer game that was playing on the television.
She had just finished eating, when there was a knock at the door.
“What the hell?” She whispered as she got up.
She grabbed a gun that was hidden in a drawer, walking toward the door. She opened it cautiously, gun tucked behind her back.
She stared at the man before her. She had never seen him before, but noticed he looked somewhat familiar.
“Hello? Can I help you?” She questioned him.
“So, you’re the woman my boy is in love with? Seems he’s finally becoming a man,” Came a deep, gravelly voice.
It was then she realized why he looked familiar. He looked a bit like an older Pacho, but with Alvaro’s curls.
“Mr. Herrera. What brings you here?” She asked him dully, immediately annoyed by his presence.
“Wanted to speak to him. Found you instead. You’re much prettier to look at then he is,” He announced pushing his way inside.
“Yes. Please come in,” She muttered annoyed.
She quietly grabbed her phone, discreetly calling Pacho, hoping he picked up. She set the phone down on the counter, watching her intruder look around the living room.
She took a breath of relief when she saw that the phone had connected.
“Mr. Herrera. I don’t know why you are here, but you need to go. Pacho is not here, nor is Alvaro. You are not welcomed. So, either get out, or I’ll make you leave,” She warned him loudly, trying to gain his attention.
“Please. You’re not going to do anything. So, what is it about you that you turned my son back to a normal man?” He asked with a snarl as he turned to her.
“Normal? Oh no. He is still very much gay. He just enjoys my company. Get. Out.” She replied coldly, as she pulled the gun out.
He chuckled, somewhat darkly, “Are you really going to shoot me? I don’t think you have it in you, wench.”
She narrowed her eyes in response, aiming the gun to a spot near his head. She took one shot, the bullet grazing his ear at it embedded itself in the wall behind him. He groaned loudly, touching his ear gingerly.
“Next one, will go between your eyes. Now get out. Leave me alone. Leave Pacho and Alvaro alone. Neither of them wants anything to do you with. You come near them again, and I will bury you so deep into the ground that the Earth’s core will incinerate your corpse,” She promised him, motioning with the gun for him to walk out the door.
“Such loyalty to a man who will only break your heart. Tell me, whatever did he promise you to receive such protectiveness?” He asked as he slowly moved to the door, his eyes fixated on the gun.
“Heh. He’s not the first man to ever break my heart, doubt he’ll be the last. Why does everyone think he bought me? Bought my loyalty? It’s truly starting to vex me. I’m a simple woman Mr. Herrera. Offering simple human decency is enough. Now get out of my home. I truly hate cleaning up blood,” She growled as she stepped forward.
She watched as he ran out, to his car, and made sure he drove off before closing and locking the door. She moved over to the phone, picking it up.
“Pacho. You there?” She asked her voice cracking slightly.
“Yes. I’m here. I’m almost home honey. Is he still there?” He inquired, his own voice shaking.
“No. He’s gone. Ya know… I expected your dad to be a piece of work, but I never thought that I would want to immediately strangle him once he started talking,” She tried to joke, but in all honesty, she was a bit freaked out.
She hears him snort before replying, “Yeah. He’s… something.”
“How… how far away are you?” She asked in a whisper.
“5 minutes. Tops. Salcedo has already… detained… my father who we passed by on our way in. He won’t be bothering you anymore,” Pacho firmly stated.
“I’ll see you in a few then?” She confirmed as she took a seat on the couch.
“Yes. I’ll see you in a moment,” Pacho tells her.
She slowly hung up, waiting on the couch for him. In a minute, the room was filled with guards and Pacho.
Pacho walked over to her, his eyes roaming over her, as he checked her.
“He didn’t hurt you, did he?” Pacho questioned as he looked her over.
“No. I’m okay. He just… unnerved me a bit,” She answered him.
Diego popped up next to them, whispering something in Pacho’s ear. Pacho simply nodded in response, his eyes never leaving hers.
The whole house was buzzing about with tension; several people were trying to figure out where the hell the guards were that was supposed to be there. Why was he able to come on the grounds?
Blix was tired of everyone fussing over her, 10 minutes had passed and everyone and their mom it felt, had come to ask her if she was okay. She stood up, and made her way upstairs, away from everyone and their concern.
She hid in her room, keeping the door locked. She went to bed, but it was a fitful sleep. When she finally woke up the next day, she felt exhausted as she sat up. She quietly got ready for the day, hoping a shower would wake her up, and wash away the funk she felt. She walked into her closet trying to decide what to wear, when she heard a rumble of thunder, followed by the sound of rain.
“Guess that answers that,” She mumbled to herself as she grabbed jeans, a shirt, and some boots.
She quietly got ready, unlocking her door, as soon as she was dressed. She strolled downstairs, smiling smally at the sight of Diego, who was leaning against the back of the couch, waiting.
“Hey. Ready to get out of here for a bit?” Diego asked her when he sees her.
She nodded, looking around. She spied Pacho in the kitchen, she slowly walked over to him. He was finishing up a phone call, when he spotted her. Once he hung up, he made his way to her.
“I’m sorry for just… leaving the room last night. Not used to that many people fussing over me. It was a bit overwhelming,” She whispered as he stood before her.
“It’s okay beautiful. I’m just glad you are okay. My father… he won’t be bothering us ever again. I’m sorry you had to deal with him by yourself. He should have never been able to get to the house,” Pacho said pulling her into his arms.
She hugged him back with a sigh.
“I hear you and Diego are spending the day together?” Pacho mentioned with a curious look.
“Yeah. I mean… we both care about you. May as well get along right? So, we are going to go get to know another,” Blix explained scratching the back of her neck.
“I like that you two are spending time together. Though now you two will conspire against me I feel. But I’ll deal with that later,” Pacho teased as he walked her back into the living room.
She chuckled at that, grabbing a jacket and an umbrella that was offered to her, as her and Diego made their way out to his car.
“Alright. Where we going first?” Blix asked as they started to drive.
“Figured we could go grab a bite to eat to go, followed by either some shopping or we could go to a museum?” Diego listed out as he fiddled with the radio for a moment.
“Food yes. Shopping maybe. Museum. Hmm. I’d be down for that. Be nice to go to museum that I don’t have to investigate,” Blix replied nodding her head to the music that was now blasting from the radio.
Livin on a Prayer by Bon Jovi was playing, and she began to rock out to it. Diego laughed for a moment before joining her.
When they got into downtown Cali, they picked up some muffins and hot teas to drink. They ate as they drove to a nearby museum. They parked, dashing inside the museum trying to avoid the rain as much as possible. They strolled around the museum, talking about each piece that caught their interests. Diego was apparently quite a history buff.
Blix looked at him with a soft smile.
“What? What’s with that look?” Diego questioned as they were finishing up their walk around.
“Nothing. It’s… it’s nice talking to someone who knows what I’m talking about without… having to explain 30 other events and situations. It’s honestly nice, having someone else explain new facts to me,” She explained with a shrug.
“Clearly, you haven’t dated the right men. Pacho especially loves art, ask him to take you to an auction sometime. He’d loved that,” Diego joked, throwing an arm around her shoulders.
“Hm. Loves art eh? Is that why he bought a Caravaggio without verifying it was real?” Blix snorted as they walked into the gift shop.
Diego choked on a laugh, “Oof. Well. First off, Miguel bought that and gifted it to Pacho. Pacho only kept it up because it was a gift. He hated it otherwise.”
“Good to know. So, where should we go after this?” Blix asked staring at some trinkets.
“Don’t know. Where do you like to shop?” Diego asked picking up a glass figurine, staring at it before putting it back down.
She bit her lip at the thought that came to mind.
“Ever been thrift store shopping?” She inquired, with a raised eyebrow.
Diego looked at her surprised, “Noo. You… you like thrift stores?”
“Yeah? Duh. Do I look like the kind of person who likes to shop at fancy-schmancy places?” Blix countered gesturing to her outfit.
“Soulmate. That’s what you are. Let’s go!” He excitedly said dragging her out to the car.
The two of them spent the next several hours, going to various thrift shops, trying on outfits and being goofy. The two of them both bought several things from each shop, items varying from outfits to accessories.
When they had their fill of shopping, they grabbed a bite to eat, parked on the side of the road, munching away happily.
“I don’t ask this to annoy you, but are you okay after last night? I’ve had the displeasure of meeting their father as well. It’s…” He trailed off making a face.
“Yeah. I’m okay. It was just unnerving how much he and Pacho looked a like,” Blix noted with a small shudder.
“Same. Took me a while to separate that what he said, did not come from Pacho himself. This is the third time he’s appeared out of nowhere and it’ll be the last. You can always talk to me about it. Pacho… he knows how terrible his father is but doesn’t quite understand why it’s hard to get over the things his father says,” Diego commented.
Blix nodded with a grateful smile, “Thanks.”
The two of them finished their meal, tossing the remains into a nearby public trashcan. As they made their way back to Pacho’s house they talked about their pasts. He knew a great deal about hers so, he was telling her mostly about himself.
“Parents abandoned me when I was a kid. Bounced around in the foster system for a long while. When I was 17, I ran off, decided I wanted to make my own way through the world. Ran into Pacho, quite literally, and my life changed from that day forward,” Diego began.
“How did you ‘quite literally’ run into Pacho? Explain that good sir,” Blix wondered with a teasing smile.
“Was running from a cop, stole food cause I was hungry, and ran right into Pacho. Cop was fortunately on the Cali’s payroll, so Pacho just waved him off. Took me in, 2 months later we were together, and have been since,” Diego told her with a laugh.
Blix laughed softly at that, listening to him tell more stories about himself.
Soon enough they had pulled up to the house, and after grabbing as many bags as they could, they hurried inside. It took a few minutes to sort out what went to who, but soon enough they had parted to go placed their stuff in their rooms.
She was hanging stuff up when she heard Pacho’s voice, “Did you two have fun?”
She looked toward him, before skipping over to him, “Yes. We did. It was a good bonding experience.”
Pacho shook his head at that, pressing a kiss to her lips softly.
“Would you like to come swim with us? I think Diego may be a bit in love with you. Something about history and thrift shopping?” He ribbed lightly.
She kissed him back, walking over to her closet to grab a bathing suit. She grabbed a two piece, changing into it quickly. It was times like this she was glad his pool was indoors. She grabbed a towel, following Pacho to his room, where he changed as well.
Pacho after getting dressed, stopped and stared at her for a moment. He was checking her out, a smirk growing on his face as he examined her.
She noticed his staring, “What?”
“Just admiring you,” He stated simply as he walked forward.
She looked down and away, a slight warmth to her cheeks.
“Snake charmer. That’s all you are,” She muttered as she turned and led the way to the pool.
Pacho’s smirk only grew, especially as he was treated to her backside.
“Stop staring at my ass,” She called over shoulder.
Pacho slowly caught up to her as they entered the pool house. Diego was already doing some laps when they joined him. The water was warm, as she stepped in, dunking herself when she got in deep enough. She floated calmly as she heard the guys goofing around and splashing each other.
She felt one of them swim up to her, and she turned her head to see who appeared.
“May I ask where all of these scars came from?” Diego politely requested as he looked at her.
She straightened up, to stand, wadded over to the edge, pulling herself up to sit on it.
“Ask away,” She granted, ringing water out of her hair.
He came up to her and would point at a scar. Her answers tended to be brief as she explained them, many were from work and others were from her childhood.
Pacho had at some point joined them, listening quietly. Once she was done, Pacho slowly pulled her back into the pool. As she rejoined them in the water, Pacho kissed the side of her neck, gently. She turned her head to him, kissing his cheek. She moved forward, wanting to do some laps before she got too tired.
When she was done, she got out, wrapping her towel around her, watching Pacho & Diego for a moment. While they were distracted, she made her way inside the house, briefly stopping to get a drink. It was while she was taking a sip of her Pepsi that she heard a strange noise. Setting her drink down, she moved toward the sound, which led to the basement door.
She knew she should let it go and ignore it, but she couldn’t help herself. She opened the door, walking down the dimly stairs. As she reached the bottom there was a lone light shining onto a man, tied down to a chair.
She realized as she got closer that it was Mr. Herrera, who had been badly beaten. His head lulled up to look at her, hearing her footsteps.
“Well, well, well. My son’s whore. What brings you here? Want to take a few hits too?” He taunted, spitting out blood.
“No. Heard a noise. Making sure the house wasn’t haunted. Now that I see that it’s just you… well. I think I’ll let you die alone and miserable,” She responded disgusted.
She turned away from him, planning to just go back to her room.
“Wait. Don’t you turn your back on me. Come back here,” He demanded, with a groan and a cough.
“No. Don’t think I will. Enjoy the rest of your life. However short it may be,” She stated not turning around.
She could hear him yelling more profanities at her as she closed the basement door, grabbing her drink, and going upstairs.
Unaware that Pacho had seen her emerge from that room, he listened to his father’s shouts for a minute before ordering Navegante to get rid of him. He found Blix in her room, grabbing clothes to change into for bed, after her shower.
“You should join me in my room, once you are done,” He told her, causing her to jump slightly as she wasn’t expecting him.
“Christ! Clearly need to throw a bell on you, so I have a warning system,” Blix startled, pressing a hand to her chest.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Pacho apologized before requesting. “I know that…sometimes curiosity can get the best of us. Do me a favor, please don’t go down to the basement anymore. For your own safety.”
“I promise. I’m going to go clean up, and then I’ll join you in your room,” She promised him.
About 20 minutes later, she was strolling into Pacho’s room. She had finished her drink beforehand and joined him on the bed.
“Diego joining us?” She wondered.
“Not tonight, he has other plans,” He whispered to her.
“Your dad… was he always like that? Or was he just good at hiding his hate before he found out about you?” She asked him, shaking her head.
“Hm. Let’s just say… my mother left him for a good reason. She was trying to gain full custody of us when he kicked me out. I didn’t care much. I was moreso worried about Alvaro. I was able to help my mother gain custody of him at least,” Pacho explained, as he wrapped his arms around her.
She returned his embrace, “That’s good….” She paused for a second. “I assume Navegante took care of him.”
Pacho nodded in response, and Blix simply said, “Good.”
She burrowed herself into his arms, growing tired.
“I did want to thank you though. For defending my honor. Not many people would be willing to shoot at their partner’s parent. In fact…” Pacho trailed off, as his hand slowly slid down her curves.
His hand languidly found its way into her sleep shorts, moving past her underwear. His fingers ran themselves up and down her slit, toying with her folds lightly. She took in a shuddering breath as his thumb brushed against her clit.
He gently slid a finger inside her, making a come-hither motion, before a second finger joined. The palm of his hand brushed against her clit teasingly, slowly working her up. Her body was growing warm, and breath short as his movements became more deliberate.
Soon his fingers found a spot that made her gasp loudly, her hands trying to find purchase wherever. His fingers moved over that spot several times, leading her to a swift orgasm. She rode out her orgasm for a moment or two before he pulled his hand away.
“Well. I was tired, but now I don’t really want to sleep,” She moaned softly.
“I was hoping you’d say that,” Pacho groaned as he rolled them over slightly, laying on top of her.
They spent the rest of the night trying to wear each other out.
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chocolate-parfait · 5 years
Mc as the purest and most naïve person ever - Ikevamp headcanons (Theo, Arthur & Jean)
When you first came into the mansion he would always tease you and treat you harshly
But then seeing how much your personality resembled Vincent's he couldn't help but become extremely fond of you almost immediately
ALWAYS watching out for you
You have to go buy some stuff? He'll go with you. You have to move some heavy things? He'll carry them for you. You're working more than usual? taKES YOU OUT ON A DATE.
"Theo why are we going out?"
"Stupid hondje, do I have to spell it out for you? It's a date."
He said he likes dogs but he didnt expect to fall for a dAMN PUPPY like honestly you do bad things to his heart..
When you get into trouble for being so naïve he just pinches your cheek while scolding you
He pinches your cheek not only to reprimand you but because they're so soft and he wants to squish them so hard
The teasing would be wayyy less "heavy" than what it would be with an s/o who tends to talk back because 1. You just don't get it 2. Do you really deserve it? Absolutely not.
Would be EXTRA protective. If anyone ever touches you or tries to take advantage of your kindness. He would become the perfect guard dog with barking and all and just go full on attacc mode
If Arthur ever tries something on you (even mentioning dirty jokes or the likes of it) he'd probably stare at him in horror as he covers your ears like in that meme
He might punch him too
On the other side he loves it when you hang around with Vincent and tbh he's not even jealous
Anyways you just make him go ÚWÙ 24/7 but he wants to keep his cool so he'll probably be a screaming mess inside for the whole time the two of you are together
Despite his occasional grumpy grunts and huffs just know that he'll protect you from everything
One of the things he loves the most is your pure and kind heart
He just loves how transparent and easy to read you are to him to everyone tbh
Shows off his smartness just to be at the center of your attention
Loves it when you ask him thousands of questions about,, anything actually
He'd be a bit taken aback when he sees that all his flirting just flies over your head
How can someone not understand something so explicit?? Are you ok???
He'd make it a challenge to just,,, destroy your purity especially after you two do the deed ;)
Despite that he's worried about you 24/7
Everytime you go out he's literally glued to your side because what if someone abducted you??
Yeah right there's NO WAY in hell he's gonna let that happen
He'd definitely be extremely overprotective most of the time because he feels as if he doesn't even deserve you
He feels rlly insecure but as time passes by, your pure heartedness wins him over and he too starts to see life under a new light
You would have to approach him first or else he'd just stay away from you for eternity
Even after you approach him it takes him a while to open up and not give you the cold shoulder
He's scared of corrupting and destroying you and your pure soul
Despite keeping his distance he would make sure you're safe and that no one tries anything funny on you; to him you're like a little lamb in the wolves' den after all
You'll have to be persistent and stubborn if you want to start any kind of relationship with him, be it platonic or romantic
After he understands that he should let go of his past and that he deserves all the happiness in the world, he'll be putty in your hands
He'll become your sword and your shield, your perfect knight to protect you from anyone and anything
Since you are so pure hearted he's more than willing to do anything for you and give into your every wish
Your naïveté is probably what he likes the most about you though; thanks to that you overlooked his every fault and forgave his sins and last but not least!!!it makes him feel essential for you!!!
If it weren't for him in fact you would have probably ended up being kidnapped by some kind of gangster a couple times already or smth
The point is that Jean is a man of strong faith and he needs a reason to be alive, someone or something to believe in and he found that in you
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thehollowprince · 4 years
1/2 complete fabrications made up by fanon to make a character same more likeable or relatable or to simply usurp Scott’s role as the titular hero, the Teen Wolf // Unlike Scott Stans, Stiles & Derek fans don’t need to erase canon or rewrite our favs as a completely different characters than they are in the actual show in order to make them more likable or relatable: they already are. So much that even ur whiny, bitter, OBSESSED fav Posey keeps gushing all over Stiles and Dylan O’Brien’s acting
2/2 completely unprompted and openly admitted that he wanted to play Derek because he was jealous of Sterek/Hobrien and desperately wanted Teen Wolf fans to ship Stiles with HIS character Scott instead. So yeah: if you think that Teen Wolf fans and viewers are ‘racist’ for preferring objectively talented actors and unique fictional characters to your bland, whiny, boring, toxic, irrelevant fav Tyler Posey/Scott McCall, then Tyler Posey must be the racist of them all. 🤷🏽🤷🏽🤷🏽
I worry about you, I really do. It can't be healthy for your mind to be this obsessed with how other people view 1: a fiction character, and 2: an actor you've never met and probably will never meet.
Like, are you okay? Seriously?
Because if you actually watched the show there's no way you can write all of those things and not understand how racist your being by going out of your way to remove any kind of context just so that you can paint the brown boy as a horrible, evil person. A brown boy you later go on to describe as bland and boring. I mean, which is it? He's either evil or he's boring? I'm getting mixed signals here.
I mean, the very thought that Stiles and Derek fans don't erase canon and rewrite it to makes them look better is so laughable that I'm actually kind of nauseous. I really do wonder what fandom you interacted with, because it wasn't the Teen Wolf fandom that I saw on Tumblr.
Tyler liking Dylan's acting isn't news to anyone. They were best friends both on screen and off. Do you not support your friends?
Althoughthat does bring us to the weird part of these asks. I'm seriously confused as to where and why Hoechlin and O'Brien came into this "conversation"? I never mentioned them. But this all just goes to further prove that you seem to have this mindset that if anyone likes Scott/Posey, then obviously they must hate Stiles/O'Brien and Derek/Hoechlin. That's not how that works. I can like Tyler Posey and Scott McCall without it reflecting negatively on the other two.
You do understand that, right? Please tell me you understand that?
I actually really like Hoechlin, and since we're speaking objectively, I can say with all honesty that I don't think that O'Brien is all that and a bag of potato chips the way some of you do.
As for all your other bullshit, please supply me with links to where Posey said all this stuff about wanting to play Derek and get in on Sterek, because I don't remember anything like that happening. I remember him dissing Sterek (in a way too polite for some of you) because he got tired of being constantly harassed by fans over a crack ship.
But we've already gone round and round on that one, so well just slide right past that and address your accusations against Scott's character.
We recognize that it was extremely OOC for Scott to do so we turn to canon to try and find some reasoning behind that move within the context of the story. Otherwise, such an incident doesn’t make any sense / Scott assaulting someone out of jealousy is neither OOC nor an isolated accident, though. Canon Scott McCall repeatedly assaulted Jackson over Allison, violated a rape victim’s boundaries, bodily autonomy and consent, mind-raped Corey, used Hayden as bait against without her consent, etc...
Scott threw down with Jackson when the latter was physically/sexually assaulting Allison at the time. Or did you block that out of your mind? Yes, it was actually what's-his-name that was controlling Jackson, but Scott didn't know who it was at the time. Should he have just let Jackson-not-Jackson continue? No, because then you'd be hear telling me how Scott did nothing while his girlfriend was assaulted.
You people really are a case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't". You are fully committed to twisting anything and everything Scott ever did paint him in a negative light.
I honestly don't know which "rape victim" you're referring to, but here's a better analysis of what Scott did to Corey which is better than anything I could come up with. Full credit to @princeescaluswords
Per the Hayden thing, where was this outrage when Stiles stole a police vehicle to hold a kidnapped Jackson in? When he killed Donovan? When he illegally made copy keycards for the police station despite knowing it could cost his dad his job? The time he purposely got his father drunk so that he could find out more about a murder case that he had no right to? How about the fact that he knew Lydia's body size without ever having really talked to her before? What about him trusting Theo? What about him assaulting Scott after he had literally died?
What about Derek taking advantage of three emotionally compromised teenagers in order to build up his own strength and then pretty much abandoning them when they didn't worship him as alpha? What about him physically assaulting a bunch of teenagers more than once?
I'm not making these up. They're all there if you actually watched the show.
All of these characters have done morally questionable things throughout the course of the show to beat the bad guys, but for some reason its only the brown boy that's being held to such a ridiculously high standard.
Hmmm? I wonder why that is? 🤔
Does it explain why Scott threw Isaac? No. There is no excuse for what Scott did, but the ritual that awoke the Nemeton does offer an explanation. And see, that’s the difference between you and me, in that I understand the difference between an explanation and an excuse / Your fabricated and already debunked “the Nemeton made him do it!” crap sounds an awful lot like an excuse for Scott’s canonical shitty actions and violent behavior tbh. Even Posey said that Scott abused Isaac out of jealousy
I really don't have time to again explain to you the difference between an explanation and an excuse. I've never excused what Scott did to Isaac. It's actually one of the few times I didnt like him, which is why I looked for any reason as to explain that reaction. It's not perfect, but it is plausible.
The funniest thing about all of these to me is that you are very clearly a Sterek shipper who worships those two characters and tears down Scott in an attempt to boost them up, but in canon, Stiles and Derek were two of Scott's biggest supporters/cheerleaders. So, y'know, sleep well knowing the characters you love were big fans of a character you hate.
I mean, that's so sweet it has to be fattening.
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bechloetoxicgirls · 5 years
Canyon Moon Chapter 1
Fat Amy POV: I walked out of my car with Beca behind me. I had on my sunglasses and I put my hand over my face to block the hot sun from my eyes. “This is it girls,” I said as three more girls rose from the car behind me. Jessica and Ashley rolled out of the trunk groaning. “This is pretty cool, I guess” said Beca half-heartedly. Beca had been really upset upon receiving the invitation to Chloe and Chicago’s wedding and all of us had been named bridesmaids. To everyone’s surprise, Aubrey was the maid of honor and not Beca which only made things more awkward between Chloe and Beca. When they were in college and afterwards too they were roommates. I noticed how close they were so I gave them plenty of room to hang out but once Chloe started dating Chicago, things got tense and Beca started distancing herself from Chloe. Chloe’s invitation came out of the blue in sparkly pink handwriting. I pretended not to notice that night when I heard Beca’s sobs.
“This is a really nice spot 👌 for a wedding,” said Jessica. “Though it is hot as hell!”
“Yeah”, replied Ashley, “but not as hot as Chicago! I can see why Chloe picked him!”
Unfortunately, this was when Beca chose to walk into the conversation. She winced at the mention of Chicago’s name and stared despondently into the distance.
Beca POV
I’ve been dreading this day. Chloe is going to marry a dimwitted airhead because like all straight girls, her taste is absolute garbage. She probably thinks young Joe Biden is hot. I just hope that I can hold it together during the ceremony. Thank God Chloe asked Aubrey to be the maid of honor. I don’t think I could take it, having to give a toast to their happy future when all I really want to toast to is my marriage with her. I’m not even sure if I can stand being a bridesmaid. (I’ll just have to channel my inner Taylor Swift and pretend to be straight.)
I am 5'10 suck it lindsey <becqa is like 5’ 2”>fake news probably from salty lindsey
“Ready to go?” Asked Amy, “we’re grabbing lunch with Chloe and the rest of the gurlz at Chipotle”
I snapped out of my reverie to reply, “sure, yeah, sounds good,” but my mind was still filled with thoughts of chloe.
Chloe POV
I take a deep breath before walking into the restaurant. This is the first time all the girlz are together in 3 years and I don’t know what to expect. Mostly, I was worried about Beca. She’s grown more and more distant over the past few years, despite my constant texts and invitations to meet up. After I announced my engagement, she stopped replying at all, so I had to choose Aubrey as my maid of honor, which has gone exactly the way I expected. COMPLETE bridezilla.
Someone clears their throat behind my and I jump, realizing I’m blocking the door. I skitter like a rat out of the way, apologizing, but the person doesn’t move. I finally look up and see Beca staring at me.
“Hey” Beca mutters and pushes past me.
“Hewwo?” I call after her, confused. Is she mad at me?
Before I can run after her, Aubrey appears next to me so suddenly I feel sure that she has teleported and it makes me jump.
“Why aren’t you getting ready for the rehearsal dinner?” She asks me forcefully. “I specifically told you half an hour ago to go to your room and change because the dinner will be starting at any moment but you’ve just been standing here lingering by the door.” I wasn’t processing what she was saying because my thoughts were elsewhere but I made out that I was supposed to go to my room.
I went to my hotel room across the street with my head filled with the way Beca had just brushed past me like I didn’t even matter. When I got back to my room, I laid down on my bed and cried until my head hurt and I was exhausted. I let my eyes close and allowed myself to forget about Beca in my dreams. Or so I thought.
It’s the day of the wedding. I look in the mirror and sigh. Yes, I look stunning and my hot bod fits perfectly in my dress, but it’s for the wrong person. Chicago is great, but I just don’t feel passionate about him. All our conversations feel like small talk.
“Ready?! You have to hurry, the wedding is starting!” Aubrey screeched. I rubbed my ears(which are quickly losing their use to her obnoxious voice) and got up. I resisted a last look in the mirror-I didn’t need to see my miserable expression again-and headed out of the room.
As I walked to the hall(what’s the main part of a church called? I know i’m a fake christian), I tried to amp myself up. This wouldn’t be so bad. I need to get over Beca anyways, she’s happy with tort boi, sad as that makes me. Chicago is loving and kind and he loves me, and as for me, well, I’ll just fake it till I make it. I walked down the aisle oblivious to my surroundings, but when I looked up at my groom, Beca was there, looking gorgeous in a tailored dress. She always did have good taste.
“Why are you here? Where’s Chicago?” I asked, stunned into oblivion.
“Why would you need him? You know I’m all you need. We are aca-perfect,” she replied, her voice soothing. Too soothing. And since when was Beca so forthright and mystical? I opened my mouth to jumble together a response, but all that came out was
“Chloe! You are drooling all over my bed! Nap on your side, puh-leAse!”
Ugh. So it was a dream. Aubrey was still deafening though. I guess that’s the very essence of her soul.
“Anyways, you can’t be napping, you’re the woman of the hour! Tonight is the rehearsal wedding, and everything has to be perfect!” she snapped again, her pinched mouth reminiscent of a snapping turtle. Huh. Maybe she and Theoi should get together.
That line of thinking wasn’t going to get me anywhere, so, with a Herculean effort, I got out of bed, grimaced at the drooled-on pillow, and went to get ready.
Chicago POV
I can’t believe I’ve let it get this far. I mean who knew that when I saw a pretty girl touring with her failing a capella group, it would last this long? And now I don’t know how to get out. But I have to.
I threw off the sheets and rolled out of bed, shivering because Chloe had turned up the AC so high, but she didn’t even stay the night. Our hotel had lots of pictures (over 12) of the Grand Canyon, despite being an almost hour drive away. I tried to picture us saying our vows with the beautiful red rocks in the pictures behind us, but it just didn’t sit right. I knew I had to do something.
I took a quick piss outside (I don’t believe in modern plumbing), and decided to call Chloe.
She picked up the second time I called her, sounding half asleep even though it was already eleven.
“What?” She asked urgently, as though something was wrong.
“Uh, nothing, i was just wondering where you were since you didn’t come back last night.”
“Oh! I just, uh, decided to spend some time with the old gal pals. You know, catch up on life and stuff. You wouldn’t understand.”
“Um… okay,” I said, even though I did understand, because she was just talking to her friends, “are you coming back soon? I kind of want to talk.”
“Yeah sure,” she responded, but seemed distracted by something (or someone) else, because she abruptly said, “catch you later,” and hung up.
I knew we had to talk about our future, because even though she was excited about the friends, and the food, and the planning, I felt, I knew, she was just a little bit less excited about me. This marriage was not going to end in divorce 6 months later if I could help it, so my options are call it off right now, or fake it till we make it. And I think the second option was going to be a little bit harder, so I decided the stronger one of us would have to do something (and I am stronger because I am in the army).
Beca POV
I can’t stop thinking about that moment with Chloe. Seeing her after so long, it all came back to me, no matter how much I’d tried to repress it. Her constant peppy texting had caused me a mental breakdown every time I got a notification. It got to be too much and I had to give her a random number from a burner phone to text instead, like I did with Theo. When I saw her at the restaurant I just froze and couldn’t speak. Also she yelled hewwo and I didnt like that.
Now I’m trying to get ready for the rehearsal dinner, but this dress is uuuuugly. I’m pretty sure Aubrey picked it out because she hates me more than usual recently. The dress is also really tight, too tight to breathe. I give up on making it look nice and cut it crudely down the front with scissors. Hopefully no one will notice. I see that I’m late for the dinner and run out of my room, straight into Theo, the turtle man.
“W.T.F.?!?! What are you doing here?” I demand, angry that he’s slowing me down.
“Woah, heh heh, why are you so worked up?”
I practice my Miss Congeniality self defense - Solar Plexus, Instep, Nose, Groin - and step over him curled up on the floor like a grub.
As I run away from his body on the ground, I turn a corner and run straight into a hotel attendant in the hallway. She staggers a little and almosts trips but I catch her by grabbing her arm to steady her. “Oh I’m so sorry!” I say and she smiles at me.
“That’s okay,” she says and I smile back. She frowns and says “are you okay?” I turn serious and say “ummm… yeah.. Why?”
“It’s just that your smile looks more like a grimace and your dress is all cut up,” and I flinch at because she was right and I wasn’t doing okay. “Do you have a minute? I ask and when she nods, I unload everything I had been feeling lately and about how I really felt about Chloe and how I really felt about this wedding.
“I am so sorry for you,” she said, placing her hand on my arm and rubbing it. “Do you need anything?”
“Actually, yeah,” I say hesitantly to her because I was worried my new friend would be scared off at my request. “Do you think you could walk me to my dinner?”
She smiles and says, “Of course,” Taking my hand, she says “I’m Sophia, by the way.”
“Beca” I say and we walk hand in hand down the hallway of the hotel.
Chloe POV
yeetmsaaaaaAAAaaa chaotic writer, i am, the universe’s power, i Have aaayyyyeeee
I’m at the rehearsal dinner, some snooty restaurant that Aubrey picked. You’d think she’s the one getting married, with the amount of planning she’s put into this. Annoying as she is, I cannot deny that she is dedicated to making my ‘best’ day perfect. Sadly, she can’t change the fact that the person I’m marrying is in no way perfect for me.
Don’t think like that, I reminded myself. You need to fake it till you make it.
“Chloe?” called Chicago, “Can we talk?”
“Yeah, sure-,” I replied halfheartedly, since Beca had just walked in with another girl. They were holding hands and looked friendly. Too friendly. Wasn’t she with Theo? Too many emotions flooded into my mind-sphere and I recoiled from the shock. Had they broken up? I repressed the joy I felt from that thought. It probably wasn’t true, and besides, she was with someone else anyways. But I always thought she was straight… No she was probably just friends with this girl, you know how normal american girlz act… But if she was with this girl, was she cheating on Theo? Should I let him know or let the relationship fall apart on its own? Was this a short fling? Would-
“Chloe! You all right?” asked Chicago, concerned. I shook my head, muttered a “yeah, fine” and followed him off to one of the changing rooms.
“Sorry about this, I wanted to talk somewhere… private,” he explained in a low tone.
Private? What was that supposed to mean? He wasn’t trying to…
“There’s no easy way to put this. But I… this isn’t working. And I’m sorry I’ve let our relationship get this far, but… It was so easy to get carried away. I just don’t feel passion for you,” Chicago said, his face a perfect picture of apology and shame.
Oh thank god, he wanted to break up. I let out a short laugh, which might have not been the best thing to do.
“Sorry,” I quickly replied, “It’s just… I’m relieved. I’ve been feeling the same way. It’s been a while since I’ve felt more than friendliness towards you. At least we didn’t get married yet!”
“Well what’re we gonna do? Call off the wedding obviously, but we’ve prepped so much!”
I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could get more than an “I aca-completely agree wi-” when Aubrey burst through the door. Jesus Mary and Joseph, she really couldn’t have had worse timing!
“Aca-excuse me?! What is going on here?! Do you seriously want to call off my perfectly planned wedding!!!” she shrieked, surely letting the whole wedding party hear our issues.
“Ahhhh!” I screamed at her. “Aubrey! I don’t have time for you to make this all about you! Just because you will never find someone who loves you doesn’t mean that you get to make this all about you!” Her face looked shocked and I stormed out of the restaurant.
I looked out in the horizon and saw the stunning view of the Grand Canyon beneath me. I had always wanted to see the Grand Canyon and had wanted all of my wedding pictures to have the stunning view in the background because I love nature and it was extraordinary that the Earth made this over thousands of years. Amazing. I wanted to get a closer look so I began to walk towards the canyon.
Soon, I heard footsteps following me and I turned to see Beca chasing after me. My stomach fluttered. She ran until she was about 6 feet away from me and we looked in each others’ eyes for what felt like five minutes. I was waiting for her to tell me she loves me but I knew she never would because she loved Theo or that girl she was holding hands with or something. Instead I said “Do you want to walk with me?” She nodded silently and we walked towards the canyon together.
When we finally reached it we stood at the edge overlooking it, staring at it in silence and then she turned to me and leaned in to kiss me. I was so scared that I staggered back and before I knew it I was falling, hitting tree after tree and rock after rock. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Beca screaming “CHLOE!” and jumping in after me.
Follow me for updates and like if you have an opinion on it. Comment your criticisms and praise. I’m open to anything.
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parkerspicedlatte · 6 years
First Mornings and Little Feet
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: none
What's it got: FLUFF and Peter Parker x Reader
  You knew they were in your room before you’d even opened your eyes. Their little feet padded down the hallway first to you parents room, then to yours. You felt the body next to yours shift ever so slightly as the door slowly creaked open.
“She’s sleeping” one whispered, then the other, not even triying to be quiet asked “Who’s that?”
“Maybe she got married.” the first voice offered but was quickly shot down by the other rudely telling him that there would have been ‘a wedding with a pretty dress and a big cake.”
  You smile to yourself while listening to their little conversation. Unortunitly for you, the small smile gave away the fact that you were no longer sleeping.
“I think she’s awake.”
  The smile quckly disapeers and you try to cover-up your mistake by nuzzling your face into your pillow. The pillow was saturated with the smell of a familiar yet, unfamiliar shampoo.
“No she’s not her eyes are closed.” One says sticking their pudgy little finger in the corner of your eye to prove their point
“Nuh unh she’s just pretending.”
  You could hear more whispering but couldn’t make out the words, then you hear their footsteps walking towards the door, then door door clicked shut. You sigh in relief as you were worried that they’d wake Peter up. It’s not like you didn’t want them to meet him, but you weren;t really sure how he’d react to your little brother and sister as he didnt have any of his own. He seemed good with the younger ones in his appartment building, always asking them about their favourite teacher and about the characters on their tiny shoes and backpacks, telling them how cool he thought they were. But maybe being woken up at 7am on a Saturday wasn’t the best idea. Especially since this was his first time staying over. You didn’t want to throw him to the wolves that your siblings could be so early in the morning. Though since they’d left, luck seemed to be on your side. Or so you thought.
  As you opened your eyes, you were startled to find a small pair of bright green ones starring right back at you, just mere inches away.
“I told you she was pretending.” Abbi giggle, poking your cheek
“Shhhh,” You hold your finger up to your lips, “don’t be so loud honey.”
“Is that your husband?” questioned your little brother, emerging from his hiddling place behind your desk chair. You hadn’t even seen him because there were a few autume coats and sweaters flung over in disarray.
“No Theo he’s not.” You whisper back, trying to inspire them to be more quiet. They were only four and hadn;t quite drasped the concept of speaking softly when others are sleeping. Or speaking softly in general.
“Told you so.” Abbi chanted, sticking her tongue out at her brother.
“Hey be nice.” He quickly dodges away from you before you could swat her. Not that you would have. You didn’t have the energy plus you usually left the discipling to your parents.
  Theo and you were used to Abbi’s assertive and bossy behaviour. She was the more fiesty one while Theo was more shy and would be happy to go along with whatever his sisters were doing.
  Before she could mouth back at you, Peter rolled over snuggling into your back. You could feel his brows furrowing as he tried to make sense of where the small voices were comign from. You smile as he sleepily grumbles incoherrant words into yor shoulder.
“Hey it’s alright, go back to sleep.” You reasure him, rubbing your thumb across his forearm that he’d lazyily slung across your waist.
“Can you make us breakfast?” Theo asked giving you the look of a million pathetic puppys. Whoever said the puppy eyes didn’t work with green eyes, was clearly wrong.
“How about you two go eat cereal and watch TV until mum and da wake up instead."
“Because,” Abbi gestures as if she’s in some teen-drama “there’s no more milk.” Clearly this was a high ranking problem in her little world.
“Okay okay fine, just give me a few minutes alright.” Giving in before she got any louder.
  They nod eagerly and scamper out of the room, but before Theo shut the door he looks back to give you a little smile and wave. You chuckle to yourself at how sweet and adorable he could be in the morning, quite the contrast to his sister. Which you found odd because he was the least cuddly out of the two when they were babies.
  What you didn’t reallize was that Theo was actually waving to Peter. Not even two second after the door clicked shut, you feel him smile into your shoulder before pressing gentle kisses to your neck.
“How long have you been awake?” you ask as you turn around in his arms to face him.
“Few minutes.” He answers grinnign sleepily at your messy bed hair. “I didn’t realize your siblings were that young. I was expecting like ten or twelves years old.”
“Mmmmm nope they’re four.”
“Mmm hmm. Twins. Not identical obviously.”
“Interesting, who’s older?”
“Yeah we have no idea.”
  Peter looked at you quizically, trying to understand what you just told him. He couldn’t tell if you were being serious or not.
  You sighed before answering the unspoken question.
“We weren’t there when they were born. They were dropped off at a hospital the day after. They’re adopted.”
  Peter’s eyebrows shot up, nealy to his hair line as he listened to what you were revealing.
“I wow I had no id-I have no idea what what to say.”
“It’s alright babe, it’s not that big of a deal. They know they’re adopted. It’s some big secret. My parents have told them sice day one.”
“Man that must have been hard on them.”
“Easier then trying to hide the truth their whoel lives. Plus my parents are both red heads, I think they’d get suspicious after a while since they’re both brunettes.”
“True, so are uh are you adopted too?”
  There was an awkward pause in the conversation as Peter mawled over what he’d just learned.
“Me too.” He half whispered
“I’m adopted too.”
“Yeah, I guess you are. Huh, I never thought of it that way.”
“Me neither.” He chuckles at his confession. “So does this have anything to do with the fact that in grade 8 you told the teacher that you would rather adopt kids then have your own.”
“Um yeah actually. Peter I gotta say I’m kind of impressed that yo remember that.”
“Ohhhhh I see. You didn’t believe me when I mentioned that I’ve had my eyes on you for a while sis ya?”
“I know now.” You giggle “That actually makes me feel kind of bad that I didn’t really notice you until much later.”
“Meh, no harm done. I think it just gave me time to fall for you.”
“Oh my goodness that was cheesy.”
“Always for you.” He replies making you visibly cringe. Peter leans over to close the gap betweenn your lips. They’d just barely connected when you heard a chorus of giggles and ‘ewwws’ erupt from the doorway behind you.
  You sigh and roll over to tell them off but as soon as you moved, they bolted out of the room giggling as they went.
  Peter chuckled lightly at your departed audience.
“I am so sorry about them.”
“Why be sorry? They’re cute.”
“Believe me, they stop being cute after a while.”
“Where are you going?” he questions while youwiggled out of his grasp and out of bed.
“I have to feed the monsters remember?” you remind him as you searched the through the sweaters laying over your chair, finally settling on a navy blue one that was just slightly baggy on your frame. You stand in front of the mirror while you put your hair up in a messy bun.
“And where do you think your going?” you ask noticing in the reflection that he’d pulled the blankets off of himself to sit on the edge of the bed and stretch.
“Thought we were feeding the quote-unquote monsters. Unless you don’t want me to.”
“Peter I’m not going to say no.” You giggle, sitting yoruself down on his lap, bringing his arms around your torso. “I just didn’t think that you’d want to.”
“Anything with you is an adventure.” He smiles kissing the tip of your nose, then yoru forehead and at last, your lips. You grin into the soft kiss, pulling away after a few moments.
“Good morning.” You whisper
“Good morning yourself.” He leans back in for another kiss but you move your head before he can connect his lips with yours.
“Can’t get too destracted remember?”
“Mmmm of course.” Honestly how is it possible for someone to look that cute after denying them a kiss.
“Well then, off to feed the monsters.”
  The two of you walked out of the room and into the kitchen to see Abbi and Theo sitting in front of the TV watching Paw Patrol. You put two pans on the stove to heat them up while Peter takes the eggs and bacon out of the fridge. By then you’d caught the attention of yoru brother and sister who’d decided they wanted a job. Well more like demanded a job. I’ll let you figure out who did that...
  So you assigned them the task of toasting and buttering the bread. While they did that, they would take turns tackling Peter. One would cling to his leg or foot while the other would jump onto his back. Eventually the toast was forgotten by them but you didn’t mind. All of your previous worries involving Peter and your siblings dissapeared the moment you looked back to see them all playing together.
  After a few moments of flipping the bacon and eggs, you turned to see Peter walk back into the kitchen with his arms flexed and a child hanging off of each bicep, dangling a foot or so off the ground, giggling and squealing the whole time. He just carried them around as if they weighed nothing.
  That just happened to be the moment your parents walked in to see their youngest children hanging off the arms of a stranger. It wasn’t a complete surprise as you had mentioned the day before that Peter might stay over. You couldn’t believe that they didn’t forbdi it. You were prepared to have a big list of reasons why they couldn’t say no. Thankfully, that wasn’t needed. They seemed to be okay with the idea under the promise that nothing ‘funny’ would happen in the bedroom. They far rather the two of you stay at the house than sneaking off somewhere with someone they haven’t met. Well now it was time to meet the parents anyways.
“Morning hun, that smells delicious.” You mother says as she walkes into the kitchen, then stop when she notices the clowning aorund that is happening. “Ahhh this explains the goggling. You must be Peter. It’s nice to finally meet the boy who stole Y/N’s heart.”
“Mum!” you scoff mortifies and blushing as bright as the bacon.
“He’s cute.” She whispers as she passes you to steal a piece of bacon from a plate.
“Hi it um, it's nice to uh meet you too Mrs. L/N.” Peter stammers blushing nearly as red as you , if not more. He’d barely had time to recover before your dad walks in.
“Ah yes, I was definetly prepared for this, this morning. Meeting the boyfriend. Today, the morning of today.” He stalles trying to figure out how to handle the situation. He’d completly forgotten about Peter staying over. That was kind of the plan though, you had asked while he was watching golf so he wouldn’t give it too much thought then freak out.
“Daaaaad. Stop being weird.”
“Right, sorry uh I’d shake your hand but i see that they’re both a little full.” He recovered, jesturing to his kids still clinging to Peter.
“That’s alright.” Peter said starting to calm down once he realized that your dad was just as freaked out by this as he was.
  Peter had admitted earlier that he was nervous about meeting your parents. Especially you dad. Apparently the last time he had to meet someone's dad it didn’t go over to well. But other than the first awkward conversation, the rest of the morning went sommothly. Peter was smart about not showing PDA with your parents around. You mum just loved him right away while you dad was more hesitant. But, he came around. Honestly this mornign could not have gone better. Just you and your little family that you’d accumulated over the years
AN: Okay so this has only been spell checked so please forgive the awful grammar and such. This is the only fic I've done this week because I've been busy with family stuff and lots of home work n top of that. Hope you like it, thanks for reading-xx Reetz <3
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teenwolfhot · 6 years
Scott McCall imagines part 3
Inspired by ariana grande " break up with your girlfriend...bored "
Isaac and scott were waiting for stiles and lydia at the airport since liam had stiles jeep only the memories of the jeep will bring good memories " have you seen them yet ?" It was mason and corey " nope their plane landed but .... I've not seen them it takes a while at the terminal right ?"
As they wait for announcements " mr Stiles Stilinski next time you have permisson especially with the FBI academy please .... make sure all papers are signed " stiles standing there talking to a woman with two heavily armed guards
While lydia was rolling her eyes " scott ... Scott?" The strawberry blond girl saw her firends and smiled " lydia ... oh how i missed you " lydia exhaled and relaxed " well stiles here didn't get all his confidential information done properly " rolling her eyes
As the two guards walkes off " hey man " bro hug turned into a long one
As isaac was driving lydia notice something " soo scott when were you going to tell us your falling behind in classes especially biology... not to mention my mum is considering holding you back and maybe not even graduating " lydia eyebrow arched and stiles snorted
" I've been having a rough .... well past few weeks " scott looking at isaac for further details
" i didn't tell her " looking at the road " actually it was my mum who told me ... that's why I'm back to get you on track ... so how's things with kira or is it malia ?" Stiles chocked on his drink
" im sorry ... my ex and scott ?" Stiles laughed " dont worry scott no hard feelings " wiping the his no wet trousers
A comfortable silence drew " so Stilinski how's FBI going on?" Isaac asked " great they've finally approved again for me to go into thr field after last summer... took then while "
" plus my dad proud top of my classes and my field officer didnt know how to call me by but i said stiles ... he was okay pronouncing that "
Lydia laughed so did scott " anyways we've heard about argent... must be rough for your mum scott " as isaac pulls over alongside was liam in the jeep
" yeah well she doesn't like to talk about it that much "
Ordering pizza and tonz of energy drinks were everywhere when one melissa McCall walks through her house " im guessing you all straying here ?" Eventually smiling seeing stiles and lydia " oh you've both came back ... how wonderful " lydia smiled at the older woman " actually we have a couple of days off ... and we decided to come home for those days " lydia looking at the slightly sad melissa
" well make yourself at home ... and Stilinski dont break anything " as melissa headed up scott catches her " you eaten mum ?" Melissa smiled at her son " yes i have ... liam dad brought me some ... sandwiches and cupcakes I've veen given " smiling before returning to her room
As Scott came back to the room everyone was slient when braeden and derek was standing there " we have a problem... serious problem "
Derek dropping a file on the coffee table which isaac and lydia flinched a bit
" seems argent got himself into trouble with some people in new Orleans .... his been held captive on the grounds of theft and manslaughter " braeden looking at scott " we belive that this family us widely known for 1000 years of killing innocent people and ..... we believe they're supernatural "
" this can't be ... argent always find a way out ... especially in these types of situations " isaac couldn't belive " well lahey ... it got worst as the word kidnapped and framed was proclaimed by hunters it looks none of the organisation wants in on this "
" no hunter organization is willing to help ... to help one of their own ... his in deep shit whatever it is ... definitely bigger than we could contain "
" might i add its full of mysteries that family especially one certain person " peter walking in like his welcome " how ... and " lydia paused
" you were saying peter ?" Lydia was intrude into the whole story about this family who's been killing for centuries on innocent lives
Back at school it was late night and you passed hunger and certain sleep migraine " man I've got to chill on these assignments " whispering to yourself as the librarian gave you the spare key to lock up after you " okay (y/n) one more paragraph and then go home " maybe even stopping for food " tummy grumbling
Suddenly you heard noises outside the library doors , you slowly got up ... " its not real ... its not real ... cant be .. definitely isnt ... like horror movies dark library "
Grabbing the keys and your phone walking out to the hallway " hello .... hello anyone there ?" Slience was brought " its not funny whoever you are ... come out ... hello "
Immediately someone from behind hold you and was covering your mouth and vigorously holding you down , as your trying to breath they were pulling you back inside the library... every minute your heart was racing
The person behind you dropped you and pulled his hood down " shhhhh .... someone beside me is here " it was theo raeken as theo crouches while walking you suddenly see two flashlight shots from outside and mumbles of voiceses
" what's going on raeken?" Closer to him " i dont know i saw your car earlier i thought you left already ... but i saw two much cars parked out and didn't seems familiar enough so i decided to investigate "
You were scared theo can hear your heart beating fast " dont worry we will get out if here ... we will message scott and ... we let him know someone at school " taking is phone out slowly when they heard a voice closer to the door " what about here ... should be here right ?" It was a womans voice ... " bekah i don't think that hunter will hide it in a school ... especially when we know soo much about this place already " another voice a man
" well we need to tell Elijah " the woman struggle to take her phone out when " no need sister i was informed " a well mannered voice appeared
Theo was trying to get a closer look at who's the culprit and why their at beacon hills high school at this hour
Theo turned to you " text scott now and tell him we're in trouble " quietly as possible you were shaking while holding his phone
Scott was holding the peice of paper lydia mum gave him with a phone number on it " her/him you need help scott i mean you've got isaac and kira even malia but you need extra tutoring " lydia sitting next to him " i know its just I've planned everything and its not going so well " sighing " yeah well that's life scott McCall call them i know it will boost your education especially get extra credit on those papers "
Lydia getting up checking on malia and kira while stiles and isaac was outside talking about how Liam taking care of the jeep
Dailing the number Scott was nervous as the ringing begins and keeps ringing
( back at school
You're texting scott when your phone goes off in a loud ringtone " what is that... seems we're not alone sister " theo and you gulped
Backing away from the door " please shut that phone off its causing my ears to bleed " another voice " dont worry kol we will find them im sure their lurking somewhere " peeking inside the library but Elijah can't see
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kimtotes · 4 years
Gosh!I also hate Sutter said Gemma gave permission to Jax and also the shit about Jax deep down knowing she was part in JT’s death,he totally made that up🤣I can’t understand some fans bitching about what Theo say,like how Gemma is gonna be evil?she had it worst than anybody bc the club,I just can side eye the hell out of that statement,like she loved the club,she breathed Samcro,she was so delusional she gave Abel the damn ring before running away🙄Some are already explaining Theo Gemma killed Tara bc she was high but she didnt want to,and she thought she was a rat🤣poor Theo lol
It took so much away from that death, like why does evil Gemma get an easy out?? Lol yeah, he definitely pulled that out of his ass 🤣. He ignored the biggest arc in the series and he was trying so hard to say he resolved it, bullshit none of that was about JT 🙄. It hysterical because Theo will acknowledge the good things about Gemma. Like he mentioned that he liked some of her jokes, her I don’t give a shit attitude, and he comments on how she is the matriarch of the club yet they hate him for saying how she’ll eventually become evil?? Like what?? He’s also speaking the truth, it was written that way 🤣. She was always meant to be evil! Lol that’s such bullshit! Theo read the script and was actually on set that day, like you think he doesn’t know 🤣?? Also I hate how people use the excuse that she was high?? She was smoking pot, who murders someone after smoking a joint 🤨. She went there with every intention of killing Tara and she had plenty of time to change her mind!
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vanishcd · 7 years
6.17 liveblog under the cut
(I actually mostly liked this episode. And then the last 5 minutes fucked it up)
yeah honestly skipping past the j.ethan scenes i literally dont fucking care
scott and malia </3
yup I already gotta pause it cause im crying
Scott talking to Deucalion is
he’s giving off calm, powerful alpha vibes and I love it
“Whats gonna stop me from slashing your throat? --...How’d you do that?”
Scott looking on with arms crossed like “this cant end well”, I love it
wow malia. yikes
“You might need to lower your standards for allies” “...Thought I was”
“You think we’re all killers? Maybe we should be!”
FINALLY Someone calls Theo out
“Might wanna remember what Scott’s goal has been all along. Keep people alive”
Theo has a point, which proves that hes not redeemed nor good and is his same old manipulative self because that deflect-with-the-truth crap is the same shit he did to the pack in s5
(I love this btw. Theo manipulating and sidestepping and playing sides so he doesnt get hurt is super great)
Stilinski’s interrogating/intimidation skills
Im impressed
the apple doesnt fall far from the tree, Stiles would do this exact kind of thing for interrogation
Monroe’s straight up stupid
to take the info Stilinski gave her
and instead of going “Its Gerards fault i got hurt?” or even just being on the fence
she sticks to
its your fault because you didnt protect me”
like bitch he just told you WHY
youre stupid and just like Gerard you THINK youre so smart and educated and a mastermind
and Scott McCall is going to take you down
“Youre an ineffective sheriff making wrong choices”
...so can I make a Silent Hill joke yet with the icy hospital oooooor
why is her hospital gown all wonky tho
Scott ripping the gun out of that guys hands and throwing him against the wall
was hot
“no one makes it through a war with clean hands!”
I mean, he’s made it against plenty of others
“this is my station now”
bitch what the fuck
“I never said Gerard wouldnt beat me. I said he wouldnt beat Scott”
first thought
orange and blue
“I dont want your stupid car”
how are there so many packs in BH they dont know about? You’d think Argent at least wuld have mentioned them...
exactly how big is BH to be holding all these supernaturals anyway? Seriously
calling it now, Monroe is the other half
“Why are there two of these bodies” “Because the Anuk-Ite has two faces”
okay. backup. what? how does that logic follow?
its fucking Monroe
I know a lot of stydias ranting about how we got ripped off because Its Okay “was supposed to be a stydia song” and to that I say “this is why you dont speculate on every little thing”
as much as I ship s.colia, as much as I love how theyve developed
Meanwhile S.tydias going to get NOTHING after getting together after 6 seasons and then being dropped off the map with few mentions
this SHOULD be a s.tydia scene
because s.colia do not need this scene
fro a pure storytelling aspect it doesnt belong
and from a viewer-hoping-for-both-ships its a slap in the face
just. no.
also. that felt weirdly like the s.cira kiss with the montage. :\ again, writers ripping off previous seasons.....
aaaaand I dont care
okay bye
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