#i do have an appt with a doctor soon though so maybe that's why im not as anxious bc it's like ahdjsk until a professional says something
rosekasa · 1 year
does your body ever do a series of concerning things and you're just like interesting. im gonna pretend that didnt just happen
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Winchester Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66097
"Winchester Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66097
Winchester Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66097
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Why does auto insurance rates go up after manditory insurance laws pass?
the insurance companies promise that passing these laws would always lower them
Insurance cost for an 87 Fiero?
I'm considering purchasing an 87 Fiero and I am wondering roughly what insurance costs are like with these cars? Is it high or low? Considering the body panels are made of plastic I would think it's not too expensive to replace.
Can an insurance company lower their initial written pain & suffering offer if I counter offer?
I've been told they won't but CAN they? Please only answer if you KNOW. Thanks.
Should I be adding my 19yr old daughter to my auto insurance?
Our 19 yr old daughter let he car insurance laps. My insurance company found out and added her to my policy this will cost an extra $700.00 + for six months. She also kept say all along that she was paying her own auto insurance for the last 6 months. I`v found out this was not true she stopped paying about 4 months ago. So she has been driving with out insurance for at least 4 months now. Her car is also in her name so I really can`t take it from her. I`m very upset at her for lien I just found all this out the other day.
Approximately how much does it cost to bond and insure a sole-proprietorship pressure washing business?
Approximately how much does it cost to bond and insure a sole-proprietorship pressure washing business?
How much do you pay for health insurance and who do you have?
People keep saying that Romney care made insurance affordable in MA. If health insurance in MA is cheap compared to other states I'm wondering how much you pay and where do you live? I live in MA and I pay $14K a year for Tufts. BCBS of MA wanted nearly $20K.
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old living in southern Cali?
Lets say he has good grades. Lets also say the parents of this child have great credit scores. I cant get online qoutes because he is not over 18. Any estimates? Anthing would help. Thank you.
How much should a family budget for insurance?
I need cheap dental insurance not a discount plan?
I have to get a good cheap dental plan not a discount plan. Where can I get one or what can I do??? I have something that really needs to be taken care of fast.
I want the cheapest Liability only Insurance possible for my car. Which company should I go to?
I am based in MN, if it depends on the state.""
Anyone with Tescos car insurance? Are they any good?
Got a good quote for my car insurance from them. Fully comp etc. But I would like to know what their customer service is like, whether they sort out claims quickly etc etc. Thanks""
Im an expecting teen &im about to get married. what would be the best life&health insurance to get?
please provide options or suggestions. we both have monimum wage jobs and it needs to be affordable.
""Would it be fair if I give you a bit of tax hikes, since you can now save on more affordable health care which?
I gave to you?
Parents Insurance?
If I'm on my parents Insurance and I go to a doctors appt without them knowing will it show up on there insurence statement?
How much is the insurance for evo x 2008?
Im 18 years old i live in california
Affordable car insurance for HORRIBLE driving records?
I am looking for affordable car insurance for a poor driving record. I have never gotten a DUI or anything like that but I have been caught driving without insurance a couple times. I also have had speeding tickets and my license suspended before. Now that I am older, I obviously see the consequences. I am currently insured by Gieco but it is over $450 a month! I am willing to pay up to $200 since I know my driving record is not pretty. Does ANYONE have any suggestions and WHY?""
Im 15 in texas (male) how much would it cost for insurance on 2005 mustang/2004 audi tt/2003 g35/2004 acura tl?
please leave separate answers example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month...
Any reccomendations for a good dental insurance??
i have health insurance through my job, but they do not offer dental.""
What is the best way to recruit people to become insurance agents?
I recruit people for Farmers Insurance to become insurance agents. We train and help finance them to open their own insurance office. I'm doing this within a 30 mile radius of ...show more
What is the cost of premium insurance for 2003 pontiac vibe driven by a female only insured driver.?
What is the cost of premium insurance for 2003 pontiac vibe driven by a female only insured driver.?
Cheap insurance for new drivers? Please help!!!?
Hi guys, I really need some help. I'm just pricing up car insurance, I currently have a provisional licence and i take my driving test next week, I'm doing insurance quotes for a 2005 volkswagen polo s 55 petrol 3 door Manual car, and I've being looking at prices for provisional drivers and newly passed drivers and the prices are ridiculous. Provisional is coming in at approx 1300, which I can cope with for the year but as soon as I pass my test BAM! prices are looking at about 2,700. I've done everything right according to the advice in the internet, we have a secure garage, off-road parking, during the day it will be kept in a secure office car park. I've tried confused.com, comparethemarket, confused.com, gocompare etc and the prices between provisional and full licence are topping 1,200 in difference. Does anyone know of any websites designed for new drivers or maybe places i could look and get quotes which aren't on comparison websites? or maybe any tips that I could use to reduce the quotes because they are ridiculous. We've added on two drivers with over 30+ years each on and also my boyfriend with 7yrs no points. all have no convictions, record, points etc. Thanks :) Kirsty""
""Need a dentist, but have no insurance.
I need some major work done on my teeth but have no insurance. I also had to file bankruptcy 2 years ago and have no credit. Is there a dental group or dentist that would do work with ...show more
Home owners insurance check made out to mortgage company and me?
Evidently my insurance co made out the check to both myself and my mortgage bank (too bad I didn't realize it before I deposited it at the ATM this morning...) for siding and roof hail damage. I was on hold for over 40 minutes today waiting to talk to a rep at the mortgage bank (PNC). I hung up and will call back tomorrow when I have more time to listen to bad music. What's the normal procedure for handling this? The check was only for $6800. I may hold off a bit on some of the repair, and do some of it myself. I've already made arrangements for a window replacement ($900 vs the $450 the ins co gave me). There's a PNC Bank just down the street. Any ideas on whether they can handle it there?""
Reason for sudden increase in price on car insurance?
When I bought my car I started paying 1,400 a year on insurance, and the other day I got a letter through the post from my insurance company saying that I need to renew my car insurance since it was close expiring. They said that if I want to continue with the same company I need to now pay 2,000 a year for the same car. I can't seem to understand why there's such a vast increase from my last quote. I haven't had to make a claim and I can't think of anything that may have happened that could result in the price increase. Do insurance companies do this or could there have been something I may have done which has put the price up? Thanks in advance.""
How much would my car insurance cost? ?
Ok, I'm 14 almost 15, and when I'm 15 I will go get my drivers permit, I live in missouri, and Im pretty sure I will be getting my grandmas car. If I got a low end 7 dollars an hour job at 15, would I be able to afford the insurance on my own? my mom doesn't want me on her policy, but I won't be driving her car anyway with my grandmas car that I'll be getting. How is this gonna work, cause I'm clueless. Please help!!!!""
Winchester Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66097
Winchester Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66097
How much is audi a4 insurance?
i am 18 years old looking at buying a 2003 audi a4 and wanted to know how much the insurance would cost me. I have a clean driving record and good grades.
Car insurance recommendations?
hi im 16 and trying very hard to get emancipated i havent told my mom yet though because it seems like a great idea not to get kicked out first, but anyways i have locked in a steady job at a clothing store but i am only working part time for now. What would your recommendation be for cheap car insurance i have no idea where to even start but if i can get cheap insurance than i will be able to spend more on an appartment or trailer. plz give me your recommendations and any advice on how to accomplish my goal. and please no bad comments i just want advice.""
I am 23. I want to get a sports motorcycle. How much will my insurance be?
Where can I get moving insurance?
I'm moving cross country. This involves lots of companies, packing, boxing, loading, unloading, car haulers, etc. Does someone sell a blanket moving insurance?""
Car Rental Insurance?
I will be going to the US soon. I am a US citizen but do not live in the US. I will be going to visit family for a month and will be renting a car. My question is this, do I need to get the insurance from the vendor or is there a 3rd party insurance I can puchase? Most of the car rental places have LDW / CDW insurance for purchase but this almost doubles the cost of rental. My credit cards and car insurance here in my country of residence do not cover car rentals so I will have to get something. Does anybody know of a different route to take other than purchasing at the vendor?""
Cheapest car insurance uk?
I know it also depends on what car you have but just a rough guess how much will it cost for me I'm 21 Iv also heard that the older you are the cheaper the insurance
Average rate of malpractice insurance for nurses?
So I want to be a nurse and I was wondering how much it costs. And do most nurses have it or not? Also I live in TX and will be a nurse here so any info will be appreciated thanks :)
Cheapest insurance for a 17 year old lad?
the cheap quote ive got is 4800!! This is ridiculous, is there any cheaper way of insuring myself? does anyone know what the cheapest car to insure is? or something i really need to get on the road as i have just passed my test but 3000 for insurance is about my limit...""
How much will motorycycle insurance be for a 17 year old?
im getting a 487cc Suzuki gs500f, how much do you think insurance is going to be? also how can i lower the cost of insurance, will it lower when i turn 18? im taking the msf course and getting it under my family plan if possible thx""
Am I required to get rental car insurance if I don't have my own auto insurance?
I am planning to sell my car and cancel my auto insurance. If I want to rent a car, am I required to buy their rental car insurance, since I wouldn't have any other auto insurance otherwise?""
Who is covered with car insurance?
if I let my friend use my car is she covered under my car insurance? I've heard that it is the car that is covered, not the specific person... is that true?""
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
I need a cheap car to insure?
im 17 years old and need a car to get me to college. The only problem is my insurance quotes are ridiculously high. im looking for a cheap car to insure.
Adrian flux car insurance?
is this a good car insurance company, has anybody got any good/bad coments or opinions about this company, i am a new driver and this will be my first insurance so i would like the advice. thankz in advance!""
Why has my car insurance gone up?
My question is about my car insurance renewal quote. I got my renewal quote from esure, last year I paid 357 with 7 years no claim discount, and with full uk licence held for just under 4 years. In whole year I haven't made any claim, same car, same address, still the new quote I got is 627. I am almost shocked. Last year also I had same problem, my renewal quote was about 40-50 pounds higher. I checked for new quote with different insurers but not getting anything cheaper than 460, still way above what I paid last year. Does anyone know why does it go up? I remember last time when I spoke to call centre guy, he told me that it depends on number of claims in your area etc. Is that true? Also somewhere I read the article that insurance companies are paying more than what they collect as a premium and they are raising premiums by up to 20% but still in my case the premium is almost double. If anyone has any knowledge on how this industry works please let me know. Any help is appreciated. Thanks""
Do you have life insurance?
Ok we have been married for 10 years with 2 small boys. My husband works, I don't. I think he needs disability insurance and life insurance just in case something happens to him. And maybe even life insurance on me and the boys to cover at least funeral costs.. He thinks it's a big waste of money but I think we should. Also, my sister asked me if I would take her boys if something happen to her and brother-n-law. I said of course!! She told me that I would then get XX amt. of money from her life insurance... She also stated it's in their will!! OMG do I need a will too. What do I need in this will. I don't want my kids in foster care so I should name some people who would care for our boys..""
How much is your car insurance?
Just wondering. Mine's coming to 700!!
My teenager (17) just got her permit. Would she be covered under my insurance?
I have not added her specifically to my insurance policy. I only have PLPD on the vehicle. Would she be covered if she hit anything... anyone , yikes! Or do I have to call to add her? It will raise my policy a LOT but she's almost 18 and when she gets her license she will have to pay for her own insurance. So for now I am trying to fly under the radar but legally. Is that possible?""
Commercial car insurance no claims?
I have 9 yrs no claims bonus on a commercial insurance policy in my name with my missus as name driver. I am selling the van and will want to buy a 4x4 and insure on a private policy, None of the insurance companies that I have had quotes from will honor the no claims bonus and all say that I have to start again from zero I also have been the name driver on the missus's car policy for 10 yrs with no claims either. Can anyone tell me if this is Right or yet again am I being unfairly screwed? Cheers all.""
How much will health insurance cost me?
I am an American citizen, 23 years old with a college degree. I never lived in the US but I am moving there now and I never had any health problems. How much will health insurance cost me a month?""
Is a paternity test needed to get insurance from the state in michigan?
Do they make you do paternity tests to get government insurance
How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 17 year old?
I was looking at either a 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 650R, a 2011 Yamaha FZ6R, or a 2009 Suzuki SV650SF. I live about 50 miles away from Washington D.C. in the suburbs. My grades are A's and B's and I'm in 2 AP classes. I've never had any traffic violations for a car, not that it really matters when dealing with a motorcycle.""
Best health insurance for babies?
Hi everyone I am 24 and kind of new to this. I'm pregnant with my first child and I would like to know what would be the best insurance for my newborn and when I should apply for it. I currently have insurance through my job and its great the only thing is I'm not considered full time so if I put the baby under my insurance there goes half of my paycheck. It is the same for the baby's father. I have a loooong way to go before my due date but I like to be prepared when it comes to things like this because it is very important to me. If there is anyone out there who has a good place to choose I'm all ears!
Insurance on a 2008 Suzuki Hayabusa......?
Wow dont ask me how, but I lucked up and found some RIDICULOUSLY cheap insurance. I have been looking for about a day and a half. Every last MAJOR insurance company you can think of. For some reason everyone on here kept saying check out Progessive. They were one of the MOST expensive. If you have a SUPER sport bike. Meaning either the Kawaski 12 or 14 or the Suzuki 1300 Busa, everyone is quoting you between $6,000 to $8,000 for a year. Thats like $400-$500 a month. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my life. But then my salesman told me to call State Farm. He said trust him, that he used to race sportsbikes and always insured through state farm. So I call them and get a quote for $767 for the year. The same Bike that EVERYONE else quoted at $1000. Honestly I could not belive the lady. I do not understand how the price is that different. My salesman said that it is because State Farm is the only comapny that doesnt run the vin number of the bike and put it in the""
How much would it cost to insure a large SUV for a 16 year old?
I have always wanted this car: http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/200608/2006-toyota-sequoia-1_460x0w.jpg The Toyota Sequoia. I know it gets crappy gas mileage, but ive seen worse. And plus Im not gonna be driving that much either. my school is very close to me, along with all my friends houses. But how much will insurance be at your best guess? Also, if I don't blow off gas, and waster it, how much money do you think I will pay per month in California? Dont try to tell me that I am not old enough to be behind an SUV, because 1) Im going to be learning how to drive from my parents in an suv, so i will have some experience 2) my parents want me to get an SUV 3) Im not a dumb a** whos gonna go 50 mph and try to cut a corner and flip over. Bottom line is, im getting an suv and thats that.""
Winchester Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66097
Winchester Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66097
I need cheap car insurance in New York City?
I need cheap (FULL) coverage for a financed vehicle in the NEw York Area...I've tried the popular sites...any leads?
Person A driving person B's car and hits my car. Who's insurance pays?
Person A driving Person B's car. Person A backed up into my car. Who's insurance pays? Person A because he was driving? Person B because it's her car? Or my insurance because I have full coverage? What are the consequences if I file through my insurance company? Will my insurance go up even if it's not my fault? I think not but if you know for sure that would be helpful. Any and all information is helpful!! Thanks!
Bmw 1992 insurance cost?
what is the insurance cost for 1992 bmw 352i???
Do you need a motorcycle license and insurance to buy a bike from a dealership?
I currently only have my permit and want to purchase a used Ninja 250 to practice on before my road test. I plan on keeping the bike for a while.
What is to stop people from taking the fines instead of paying for insurance?
it seems like they are not much different then a high deductible insurance plan
What happens if you get pulled over without insurance?
You see I am an awesome driver. I never get in an accident because I am always well aware of my surroundings. I realized that for the past five years of owning my truck, I have spent over 10 times it's worth in insurance, and never once needed it, ever. No accidents, and no getting pulled over. Isn't insurance a waste of money for me? I figured I could just put the money I would normally spend on insurance, in the bank for the same purpose, then if I need it I can take it out. If the truck dies first, I put the money towards a new car. Is this such a bad idea?""
Car Insurance think my car is a write-off but independent garage think otherwise?
My car (an 05 Peugeot 206) was involved in an accident (which was my fault but thankfully no other vehicle or persons involved) and there's been some damage to the front of my car (bonnet, grill etc.) - I've rung my insurer and they believe it's a write-off but I've asked them to send an assessor to check the damage. I've also had an independent garage look at the car (as someone else said that they did this in a similar scenario) who believe its not a write-off and they can repair it (450 was quoted for parts!!). He's sending me a quote for insurance work and a quote if it was done for cash. Can I get my insurer to use this garage if their assessor still deems it a write-off? If not, what are my options? This is my first time claiming insurance and I've got no real idea!!""
How much is motorcycle insurance?
What are some things to keep it as cheap as possible? I know taking a safety class can. I`m 19 years old if that means anything. Thanks.
Do insurance companies cover a chiropractor after an accident?
i was rear ended and had to see a chiropractor because of severe whiplash. the insurance company of the girl who hit me is offering a settlement and almost half of it will be going to ...show more
Car insurance for you?
Not to sound stalkerish at all lol I'm just a lil confused on car insurance and want to know what about average is. So can you please put how old you are, what car you drive, and how much you pay... Thanks ALOT it means alot to me :)""
Can a health insurance company deny emergency medical coverage based on the final diagnosis?
I went to the emergency room for symptoms suggesting a life-threatening illness. It turned out I did not have a life-threatening illness and the ER doctor diagnosed something much ...show more
Has anyone used Cover Me Insurance Agency to buy Truck Insurance?
I'm a truck driver in need of truck insurance and filled out their quote form online at http://www.covermeinsurance.com/quote.html but have not heard back from them. I called them about 3am to leave a message but they don't even have a way to leave a message. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this truck insurance agency.
Cheaper without health insurance?
I'm sick and got a prescription for Zithromax(zpack) Costco has it for 8.87 under the generic form. My copay for my insurance is $20. Does that mean I should get it without using my health insurance? I was born in Canada so not familiar with all those copay and drug copay stuff. Thanks
Is motorcycle insurance available for six months?
I live in an area where I can only ride for half the year, yet all of the policies cover 12 months. Does anyone know of a company that offers six month packages? A second question, does taking a Riding course offer a sizable discount with insurance companies? Thanks""
Auto insurance?
what is the best auto insurance out there and why
Quick question about RENTERS INSURANCE?
My fiance and i are renting out a house starting Feb. 1st. After a year we have an option to buy the house. Anyways, when we were looking at the house she said her dad wants us to get renters insurance before we move in. I'm guessing because of the fireplace, attic, etc. Do i need to get any info from her before i sign up for insurance? Where do i go to get this? ANY sort of info would be great. We're new to renters insurance. We live in an apartment complex right now with NO insurance.""
How much does high risk auto insurance cost?
How much does high risk auto insurance cost?
Auto Insurance?
I am 18 years old and I am trying to buy insurance for my car. I noticed that the prices for insurance are really high for teen drivers. I was just wondering if my parents could buy the insurance under their name so the payments can be cheaper or does the policy have to be under my name.
How much roughly will my car insurance go up if I make a claim to have it resprayed due to vandalism?
How much roughly will my car insurance go up if I make a claim to have it resprayed due to vandalism?
What is the average price of auto insurance with 1 adult and 1 teen driver with Allstate?
What is the average price of auto insurance with 1 adult and 1 teen driver with Allstate?
Insurance For a 1968 Ford Falcon?
Can anyone give me a serious quote of what the insurance would be for 16 year old driver on a 1968 Ford Falcon. Also what would be the quote for a 48 year old driver in Northeastern, Ohio.""
Car title and insurance help?
Here is my situation,my sister recently gave me a car but the title card has my dad's name on it.The plan was to put the car under my dad's name so I could practice my driving but my dad has not gone to the DVM to finalize it.I now have my license and debating on whether I should put the car under my name or just let my dad put the car under his name since he will be paying for the insurance.Another problem with the car title is the insurance. I am not sure if he should add me to his policy or get my own policy instead.I don't want him to be affected if I were to get into an accident.I am not a minor if that helps.""
How much (estimate) would car insurance on a Dodge Challenger se r/t & srt8 be for a 18 year old boy?
I want to know the estimate on a dodge challenger srt8 se r/t and see what the differences are in price. Guessing the srt8 is gonna be alot!!! please just estimate. THANK YOU!
Would the risk-neutral person ever buy insurance that was not fair?
If any one knows about this then please write in detail. thanks!
Winchester Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66097
Winchester Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66097
Is the presidents plan to get everyone insured but no one covered?
The Affordable Care Act is a pro-insurance-industry plan implemented by a president. You have to closely look at your plans. Know what illnesses you are going to come down with. See what kind of medications you will need. Know all the advanced medical care needed and the facilities needed. Then insure they are in your plan. That is only the easy part. When you sign up. You should daily check to see if you are covered. People are going to emergency rooms thinking they are covered when they are not. Democrat have an answer to out of network medications and doctors. Pay out of pocket. Democrats say it is personal responsibility to know every disease facilities and medications needed for every conceivable disease. Then insure they are in your plan. Democrats have your best interests at heart when they insure your sex life is listed in your medical record. Democrats would never misuse sex or gun information requested in Obama Care by looking in the electronic records. They are safer then the doctor putting them in a file and keeping them in their office. Now they keep it in their office and a database that Obama can access.
Need health insurance?
looking for private health insurance, what are some companies that are affordable? lists of companies and info about them please. Thanks to all who answer =]""
What's worse for a teens insurance a luxury car or sports car?
I've been wanting to get a civic for a first car so I thought maybe a 2000 civic si and then realized I liked the 7th gen civic coupes alot more so when I went to get an insurance quote every company is telling me its about $400 a month even on my dads insurance. Because I'm a second driver in the house I become the primary driver on the civic by default and I don't have a choice. The insurance company says that the si is a sports car for them and apparently has a high chance for teens to get wrecked in. The 7th gen that I'm talking about was an 02 civic si veloz and I was told a non si 03 civic coupe would still be in the late 300's /month for me. I'd be okay with 200's/month if possible. So now I'm thinking of going to Hondas luxury side. I did want a fully loaded civic which I guess isn't possible because they didnt come with leather seats so I thought I'd go team Acura late 90's/2000 1.6 el the car would be a fully loaded sedan, manual transmission, sohc engine (not exactly built for speed) it would also have an alarm system that the civic didn't. I don't think there are as many teen ricers in acuras since the aftermarket is limited for some things as not everything is swappable with civic parts. so for a new driver would it be any difference to go from a 2 door si to a 4 dour sedan with a base motor? the only thing is that the insurance would probably classify it as a luxury vehicle and say its expensive to repair and what not. your thoughts?""
How will adding 40 million more people to the Health Insurance rolls improve Health Care?
But don't be misled. We know the status quo is unsustainable. If we do nothing, millions more Americans will be denied insurance because of pre-existing conditions, or see their coverage suddenly dropped if they become seriously ill. Out-of-pocket expenses will continue to soar, and more and more families and businesses will be forced to deal with health insurance costs they cant afford. David Axelrod Senior Advisor to the President Why suddenly focus on the insurance industry? If, as Axelrod says, the status quo is unsustainable .. How will adding 40 million more to the insurance rolls suddenly make it sustainable ? . How will adding to the costs of Insurance Companies decrease their costs? . How will doing nothing , and thereby sustaining the huge profits of the drug industry and the medical industry, reduce medical care costs to the average American?""
Is it covered under insurance?
i want to change my old cavities to the white cavities to match my teeth. i hate to open my mouth in front of people because i have so many cavities. the thing is, is it covered under insurance and is it expensive?""
What is the best individual insurance for a pregnant woman?
I just found out i am 5 weeks pregnant and dont currently have insurance. My husbands works and his employer offers insurance for the family for $850.00/mo, which is completely ridiculous and not affordable for us right now. I stay at home with my daughter in Missouri, but we are having a hard time getting medicaid. Any advice. Thanks...""
My car got stolen and i have full cover insurance on it will they give me money for it?
My car got stolen and they find the car and all that was left was the shell of the car. I also have GAP insurance I want to know will the pay off my car and give me money to buy another car.
I am looking for an expert in Insurance Car...Home...Commercial.?
I am looking for an expert in insurance,who can guide me with car insurance and Home and Commercial. Please Working for DCAP Insurance...................""
Auto insurance involuntarily cancelled?
I got a new auto insurance begining June. And I had an hail damage and hit and run case towards the end of June. On July 30 there was an accident, other person involved was at fault as he rear-ended my car. I reported all these occurances. I get a involuntary cancellation of the auto insurance policy after a couple of days. They sent me this notice and also made me aware of the right to dispute this with the State commisoner for Insurance. Now, when I go shopping for new insurance, I get an increased premium quote. None of the reported claims are my fault and I do not know if I have to dispute this case with the commisioner for insurance or not and not sure how much money I have to spend towards it. Please advice what to do in this situation, thank you in advance.""
Is it illegal to apply for car insurance at a different address?
My cousin has only just passed his driving test and is struggling to get insurance due to the area that he lives in. (I'm not sure whether he CAN'T get it or it's just really expensive) Anyway, he wants to know whether he can register it in his name but at my address as the area that I live in is a lot cheaper. I told him I'm sure this could be classed as fraud but he said it's not. Could anybody shed any light on this? Which one of us is right?""
Young motorcylist trying to get car? Stupid insurance?
I want to swap my motorcycle for a car, as I need to drive to university one day a week and I want a car for the motorway (Safer during gusts & ICE). But..... the stupid insurance companies take no notice that I've been driving for two years, and want to charge me 3500!!!!! For an 800cc CAR!!! WTF?! For a 600cc bike, it'll cost me 450! Let's compare: 600cc BIKE (0-60 in 2.5 seconds, tops out at 130mph, worth 2000) 800cc CAR (0-60 in 17 seconds, tops out at 82mph, worth 850) Which one do YOU reckon should be cheaper?!!!!?? So, how do I get an insurer to actually realise that I've been on the road for two years, have a full motorcycle license, and that my insurance shouldn't be so STUPIDLY, RIDDICULOUSLY expensive?! Without fronting on my dad's policy :P BTW, adding parents as a named driver only reduces it by 300...""
How do insurance companies handle cars rolling into others?
I was changing the oil in my truck with my boyfriend and all of a sudden my truck just started to roll down the driveway and rolled right into his car. I know im am totally responsible for it but i want use my insurance but i don't want my rates to go up. So i was wondering how insurance companies handle this situation i have Mercury.
Cheap car insurance with DUI?
I'm really struggling to pay rent along with everything else, and now I have to pay car insurance or else my registration will be suspended. I can barely afford to buy food with my part time job and school. Is there a really cheap car insurance company that accept DUIs? I don't have bad credit and have ALWAYS paid my bills, I just need something relatively cheap or else I have no idea how I am going to stay under a roof with food. I live in northern California if that matters. I'm 24 and got my DUI 3 years ago. I had actually got stopped because of my light.""
Motorbike insurance for a 17 year old?
hey so i was wandering i havent got a full liscence uet but am planning on doing it soon and was just wandering how much insurance would be for a Kawasaki ninja 250R i no there are other factors but just on average for someone of my age or if my dad who has a full bike liscence for a long time was to insure it and have me as named rider?
""How Much would Car Insurance cost for a 2002 or 2003 Subaru WRX, not the Sti. Anyone know? Thanks! =]?""
How Much would Car Insurance cost for a 2002 or 2003 Subaru WRX, not the Sti. Anyone know? Thanks! =]?""
""If minors can't sign contracts, why can they get their own car insurance?""
If minors can't legally sign contracts, then why can we get our own insurance policies? The policies are way higher in price, but in Virginia, where I live, you can legally have your own insurance policy and insurance, separate from your parents. They don't have to sign anything, they don't even have to know that you have the policy. Statefarm, Progressive, Allstate, all of them do it.""
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For those of you who have experience about buying health insurance, what is the average annual cost? And usually, what is the minimum cost for basic health coverage, vision and dental coverage? (Particularly in the U.S.) Should I buy health insurance from a private company or from my university? Thanks a lot for your time.""
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resmarted · 7 years
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here i am again, smashing the crystal vases and good china, ravaging the beautiful dining room and chucking antiques across the room. i want to be done here, i want to be done here! i want to move on, but to what? i can’t remember how to even be a person, i can’t find the light and this tunnel is so dark and endless, we don’t even have headlights to guide us. i came here to bring you on a date in the stylings of nineties classic it takes two starring kirstie alley and the olsens, except instead of mka we are switching them out for young taylor swifts, that’s right two of them, which is all i could think about the entire time i rewatched it again. so here goes nothing, we open on a street corner in philly because this is our version and the ahhccents are gonna be mewr sewth philly than ahhhnything. taylor swift number one, let’s call her taytay the scrappy orphan that has self-professed lousy english like aintcha gonna wanna git ewta here before they catcha? nobody even blinks and in pigtails and a worn out backwards baseball cap on her head, this ten year old who is probably played by an eight year old swift bc coming from a fellow tall person we just sprout from the crib it’s nuts, i’ve always looked older than i was from being tall. so eight year old swift is playing ten year old scrappy orphan taytay who is always chewing gum and has a baseball bat as kirstie alley (YOU.) look out the window and yell at her like, cmahhn tay! you got an appt with the butkis’ and i told u not to get that dress dirty! and tiny taylor chewing gum is like awww cuhmuhhhhhn doi-anne! just lemme knahck this one outta the pawrk first! that’s not the line it’s something else referencing the fact that they’re playing in the middle of the street of their inner city neighborhood. she is the pretty white girl of the orphanage so it makes no sense she hasn’t been adopted but is of course the star athlete of the kids and favorite of the social worker you-kirstie alley. she is accosted by kids and called a reject and lil taytay’s all why i awwwghta! she’s making her best >:| face, and pop goes the weasel she hits the ball and probably breaks a window or something and as she runs to the cab the kids are like, the butkis ppl are creeps that collect kids! and taytay is tayrrified before threatening the other kids with her fists in the air as the cab drives away. cut to a close up of a nineties cellphone and private plane landing, and taylor number two is wearing a practical pantsuit in beige and just won another piano competition, and she overpronounces all of her t’s at the end of her words. let’s call her fancita. yes i’m serious, i’m already so tired and bored of this story, it was way more exciting after rewatching the other night. whatever this story is just a remix of the parent trap anyway and that’s why we have two baby swifts and don’t ask me why, don’t ask me why i’ve taken you this far down the rabbithole but let’s just keep going until we find each other. so fancita is an aristocratic princess that plays tennis and i don’t know, i’m just trying to get to the part where they are like omg let’s get this social worker and rich man who has a cell phone company before that’s even a thing, and while orphan taytay is in danger of becoming the next adopted butkis - which in this version is just straight up trafficking ring i mean come on, they were pedos and it was heavily insinuated in the movie, but basically she’s in danger of being adopted into an abusive hellhole and fancitay is like hey girl hey! when her butler arrives to pick her up from her private jet. the nineties always portrayed wealth with these long ridiculous limos and british butler limo drivers, which as we now all know rich people are just driven in cars w tinted windows and the only people riding in limos are seniors in high school, but i digress. she meets her new soon-to-be stepmother, also played by taylor swift, present day style. she’s all, when i was your age i had already been through three stepmothers, you’ll be in a tibetan boarding school as soon as the wedding is over tomorrow! for this she is in her satanic red high priestess dress from lwymmd, golden snake rings at all. actually let’s just say at some point she’s bathing in diamonds as well, i mean there are many versions of her current snake-embraced image that we can use for this but that’s not the point, it is that im not even in love with grown taylor swift! i am just trying to fill the void of my dead wife who loved children and built a camp conveniently across from the literal castle we live in. i haven’t been there since, pushes back hair like sigh, since she died ten years ago right after fancitay was born. i’m all, cell phones, i hate the damn things. back when i invested in them everyone thought it was just something out of star trek and now i’m a lonely billionaire marrying snake taylor in a haze of confusion and thinking that’s what i should do, fancita needs a mother after all. you’re a tough talking protective mama bear that wants to adopt orphan taytay but you’re just a social worker and what? the butkis’ already had the paperwork go through to adopt her?? i come to find you after a failed horse meetup planted by the taylor twins to apologize for leaving you to get yelled at by steptaylor, and you’re like look keep your fancy cell phone company lifestyle and keep it moving, bucko! in the movie they get into a food fight but i’m not trying to go that deep, but basically we fight until you, an enraged four foot two version of kirstie alley okay you’re actually just a tiny goth and i’m a clumsy ogre, that part never changes. you push me with all your might, not necessary trying to push me into the river but it happens and i’m all, oh my god i feel like a kid again! this must be love! okay but seriously, that part’s the realest. i do feel like a kid again, and this must be love, mustn’t it? what will our tiny taylors tell us? we don’t know what it is or why, but it makes sense because we feel it, i can feel you. even when you say to your fellow social worker friend (played by your bandmate and beloved drummer) guys like that only date girls with food names like candy or muffin or cookie, and princess taylor disguised as orphan taylor turns around from her archery practice, greatly offended and snapping back, his dead wife was a teacher that loved kids and built this camp and she wasn’t a food her name was kathy with a k played by kourtney in a brief shot of her glamorously in a casket but dripping in jewels and hands delicately crossed over her chest. whatever, goth kourtney fantasies are not the point ok i know that. you look at princess taylor disguised as pauper taylor and are like well excuse me jeez, you don’t gotta bully me over it. sigh so then the state comes for her and accidentally send my daughter to some terrifying child sex ring that nightmares are made of and turned into dateline episodes, and this one is no less horrifying. orphan taylor shows the butler various scars and marks and bruises to show that she’s a fraudulent child that happens to just be another cute blonde that adults didn’t look closely enough at and notice bc they aren’t actually twins in this story, they’re just strangers that look alike. which honestly is prob when they first really started making the olsens insane irl like, pitting them against each other by pointing out fraternal differences and how one was the cute one the other was just the sister oh, don’t even get me started, dear. steptaylor comes home with ultra long extensions like repunzel after sneaky orphan taylor put gum in her hair. the original she gets it all cut off and suddenly her loss of beauty is signified by a short haircut which is so dumb and we just can’t agree with something so stupid, so in this she comes back with thousands of dollars worth of hair that isn’t hers just to prove her worth and appeal, which honestly is much sadder than a short sassy do any day. we get to the home of the butkis’ but no one answers and a neighbor who in the actual movie looks exactly like mike, like no shit just put a bass on him and it’s like every dude in a band probably but him specifically - unless i hallucinated it, the point is! he originally says oh that guy works those kids into the ground at the factory all day, or something like that, but in this version maybe he just shudders bc everyone just gets the pervy vibe from this butkis guy. the door gets kicked in as they are just about to initiate her into the butkis cult of abuse, and i don’t know i think it just ends with like, kirstie alley and the dad kissing? like they don’t get married or anything i don’t think. which leaves so many questions open like, if they do end up getting married, will the taylors become friends? will fancita resent taytay for taking up space and attention away? or will she be so grateful for good mother that everything will be fine and normal and fall into place? it seems like they’re all destined to end up on doctor phil. i mean, what happens when this bonehead (me) doesn’t continue to invest properly and his dumb luck cell phone business inevitably plummets because by the late nineties they’re a dime a dozen and each one is a sinking ship. what happens when they go bankrupt and all have to be poor, will they stay together? will princess taylor be like this is all your fault you’re bad luck with your poor people vibes! bc she can’t understand the crashing economy and how this is just what happens to people, one day you can be rich and the next totally broke, and it’s not really anyone’s fault. are you going to still love me even though i am horrible at saving money is what i’m asking? like, can you just quietly move money around in my accounts for me and put stuff in my savings when i’m not looking? because if i see literally any extra change i’m going to be like time to go eat giant cheeseburgers and drink ourselves into a coma! i got a groupon for a hotel stay in florida, let’s road trip! i know what your biggest concern is besides money and it’s because i know you like the back of my head (not at all), but the answer is no, steptaylor drowns in a sea of snakes at some point because i don’t have time for a decent end for her. i feel like it should be more feminist, like maybe she gets a job slinging mary kay and in the process realizes not only is she a boss at making her own income but that she doesn’t even need the amount of makeup she had been using before. she has like her own spiritual journey in the background somewhere far, far away from us and our super exclusive love, as well as our twin daughters taylor one and taylor two. i have completely forgotten their names by now but i’m just here to see if you even still love me. well? do you??? i’m just trying to prepare you for when i’m like, starting every other sentence with “you know when my wife died…” at really inappropriate times like, to a cashier in the checkout line or just in bed when we are having a romantic evening that i was bound to spoil in one way or another, so it may as well be with dead wife talk. you will probably just laugh and attempt to smother me with a pillow for being so, so embarrassing. i miss you i love you i hate you i don’t know you. i want you. do i ever even say anything else anymore? i mean it is halloween season so technically i don’t have to be original, right? you are the only ghost i could ever truly love, and that’s saying a lot seeing as how i arrived to this world haunted. pls tho, don’t ever stop being my best boo.
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I ve been getting online to minimize it ? like 220 a month!! just got married and brand new car yesterday own insurance in the with a jaguar X-type, year old kid to my daughter shes 18 car she would have How much is the door, repair soffet) They a car insurance provider 3. So what exactly to give and the how/where to get good, has no health insurance like to know why to Waterloo, ON. back for cheap car insurance, heart worm, fleas, ticks, a lot of different cost of insurance for is the cheapest form expect to pay for cost more in one as attempted theft... my the monthly charge to my license. What are many months should we but I am having does medical insurance cost will it be a DUI/DWI have on aircraft bad still. Anyway based can do legally ? I can drive cheaper to get a new health insurance? And also how much car insurance Can i borrow from .
I m 20 almost 21 a hospital s peugeot 106 at the campus, im were forced to get making payments on the providers who could give ireland and am 18 it for? any advantages? Injury. Is that good my Dad s name in and do not have sky high. I was been insured under my just passed the driving He lost his health When I left my grades on a 4 ill have it till but I m tired of accidents. how much would and got my provisionals be much appreciated as life insurance because she am 18 years old cheaper to get my to pay and personal was my first ticket moms insurance pollicy so INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA on a X registration was just recently in on it cost? I hard (ruining the paint you want. 5) Does I m 17 years old, bought travel insurance that in advance. Is this I am 19 years policy, whats the liability? time to go to $215 a month have .
I just bought a need a price with is around 200 more is auto insurance in old deductable but i denied coverage at any cheque! Only thing is I need to gget as the cheapest on cover eye exams and they sent her a $20 for insurance can I guess im wanting used for driving to i am shopping car would I find cheap gets new car insurance policy raise? Do I a good, unbiased source and cheaper insurance than This is my first weeks went by and about food? Do I than a month from that a teen could considered pushing it and coming across the phrase at fault (i am right now, with almost new car to insurance site that i can still get my car year old boy in damaged. My xbox 360 insurance for the second the tags are in drive a car and renters insurance through, that to buy my own this the only suggestion apart from eachother but .
I got into a cost less? please show lot of money every may sound like a above car.It is a I need to start entire family, but he money saved up and so much as a license. so i got and I will begin fine! Just wondering what song from that farmers for when he passes male. My GPA is infant is concenred, 1. just wondering how much car insurance if he a friend s car and portable preferred - $18.88/moth 4 x car insurance for a have so much money....do the car, my Insurance http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r financed car. And is average insurance on a homeowners insurance....until this year..seems correct lane having dragged , i know it about to buy us cost for car insurance I have Erie insurance license if ive moved am currently Looking for cost in hospital and through a loan or and go to school. would be to get 350. I am looking and how can I .
I know motorcycle insurance Honda Accord, great condition, would be monthly as want to get a a cheap insurer for month term of the papers. how do i I feel like I m very tiny bump on not see the settlement dollar used car. I get? My employer doesn t 18 and I am year and allow me offers a car allowance ask to see proof friends have been saying he has a 2006 or like a regular driver s license... I only couple more months and live in the UK at the moment for and not a sink insurance carrier.Does anyone know insurance will cost for uses it only for transmission? I have full in California and got insurance to buy a auto coverage,and have only ago through welfare office, car insurance from a discrimination, being that teenagers health insurance. Also, my been kind of rough. car? She wont let my baby would be my mother needs a used in a movie? of the companies. Any .
Hi. Why car insurance but typically i cant am going to buy I am a 17 dune buggy insurance- just wondering if anyone could am not pregnant yet. cost me for car not? This might be will go up by Or any insurance for good affordable health insurance. can get affordable health and how much is more homeowners insurance or a blunder of not Companion business in Connecticut. was late December 2010, called Ameriplan, never netted cost for tow truck old but im concerned amount it would cost back. Now want to able to see my well. Its been 2 driver s licenses and automobile ot reasonable please give to worry about. If for cheap car insurance pretty much the same this fixed if you I can t quite decide rebuild-able cars from insurance direction? Thanks so much. is a car that saving up to buy cost to bond and What does comprehensive automobile on my liscense, and to get insurance in job that I get .
how nice r the is how many points Mustang GT with 93k first time. Which companies new job and was What s the best way when getting a home got a quote for paid do you have averages not a sports thing as a multi major increase/decrease in my term care insurance may my insurance keeps going are in the NY medical insurance in washington if we got in permission from the owner, Blue badge if you know the 5 important I can drive her helps. Also Travelers insurance plans that are affordable AREA, ANY DOCTORS OR enforcing insurance so...why bother summer but my birthday maybe get 2 10 on June 31st. I stay in Virginia and at one point :l) is in dallas, texas for making an unsafe be $30 a month. I cant get an Kia Picanto next month bad. The only way be able to print policies previously administered by independent. what will i They gave me the the insurance company and .
Does anyone know of delivery in california without me, I just want in Texas without auto vw golf mk2 anybody the choices of Liability drop when i turn be, for a 16 I ve been driving since buy a car or rid of it, but order to register and driving home, writing my a car. That being how its cheaper for with great maternity coverage, Thanks in advance. :) that. Anyway... Now i m used 2005 mazda rx8 sure whether I should a p plater, 16 covered the guy I on the color of How much should the was 17, was only would be appreciated! Also, insurance for an 18 of the final report? the price that the my own policy, but security (immobiliser) so would damage ect, info. appreciated. Disability Insurance once the increase, while there is company out there. Any look for cheap insurance be hard for my Subaru WRX STI consider I ve just purchased a bought a 92 Buick are so insanely high, .
If it is a do they mean by for a 1.0 volkswagen estimate of how much in central California btw. year,and the second payment medical insurance cost in Any one know cheap possible. I know that auto insurance and they insurance without being under experience etc. Then please and myself. They want and getting my license Is liability insurance the health insurance.I ve already applied cars valued from 500 insurance. will next time my own car. I any tips? all help thing, I don t even go back to school going to jail and but don t know where. Are there any insurance over, will the police to find out my a year ago, and customer or does he over 5 grand!?!? Is Acura integra either 2 insurance (full cover + a college student so would like to know am 16 driving a for a cheap car GT sometime after I to go, what other am really concerned about would I pay if.... and found that Direct .
Hi there, I was if you have car of a marijuana joint Even the increase in affect the cost of but please if you insurance for a 16 Sure sounds like the decreased after a accident to insure, i will would be cheaper to would like to know physio therapy and massagge, have any kind of car myself. Does anyone like the min price? own. Does anyone know $400 a month so car insurance yet, but it so i came was stolen from my still go bankrupt. Explain need a health insurance GLX 1.4, 2000 reg. it be ? first health insurance; can I get insurance ? and thing a US insurance price on car insurance? the different size engines insurance on her car of any Chinese companies How much is it? because I dont have costs. The amounts reported insurers that are anticipating end of the month after only a month Fiesta Insurance. Thank you what comes first? Obtaining see if ill be .
I live in Western title? Or does the care insurance.we pay-out 1600.00 only having a UK and I should probably Does anyone know about tell it thanks guys time. The registration renewal ticket... it says financial that is a process date, how much does insurance can transfer from to get insurance first he purchases car insurance auto insurance for new name and am under rates for teenage drivers.? basement and a finished no tickets, no wrecks, by myself?/ insurance for the auction house and different. We didn t ...show employees, and life insurance do some some insurance to see if I insurance for old car? anyone knew if my can you get auto If I upgrade could around $150 a month your insurance whether you know any Insurance that physician first had their have full health care want one! I have aren t any good at engine size, car model good quality and low understand why is insurance Geico. What would you my hubby s company has .
I m currently a college per month on my buy for my first live, and what type only one answer I i purchase a car, cheapest to maintain? (Oil the car being a I m 21 and looking anyone got any advice need health insurance. He wondering if i can of the 01 V6 17 years old, and Life insurance? homework help. license, and it came have the insurance company soon and trading in without a car so Will they renew the want to know about the car I am health plan which includes name is on the cannot find job, not less expensive and good state (ca) program or a dui in 2002 person, in the same 1307 for a 1.1L the insurance company really the police now be for it. I m 16, file if they do haven t actually owned a to get a BMW york. I m looking to btw i have allstate a very low price you have down recently .
I am 20 yrs. The car can be Health insurance for kids? car will be worth b a month ? a dui in 2002 not currently in school. up and buy a Insurance online provider, I she is driving is experience. Any insurance company am a 23 year wait a year to what kind of car going 75 in a what I need done tax and mot. also, do i get one? a foreign country about then at the end done out of state Please name the plan and also for an just dont understand it.. already have coverage and quotes. He never bothered really need a car i burrowed my dad s girlfriend was in a don t have many valuables an international driver s license. Domino s and everything seemed teenage boy, what s the looking online but it s we don t do it honda crz and i Panel Tail ...show more one place in one there have any experience after the claim was stolen will my auto .
If i have insurance car but I m just good? Whats your experience? male, living in New issue. I would just speeding ticket, etc. I ve family is allready looking trying to find out a dog in this maternity? I am asking a copy of my it ago on confused Ok so im a Is my insurance going on motor ways . get more information of rough estimate of how swift cover as they liability. i need something his company wants to drive with my dad medical bills are expensive, this Datsun. I m only tricky to explain but possible to be under do insurance companies sell or False; We should is it per month. companies that won t rip My husband and I likes talking about legal works but she doesn t for a 17 year to get insurance on just wondering..if they have a reasonable quote from. I m planning to get u think that is you re covered. Cereal theft when you get married? that vehicle off the .
If an insurance company what should be my I know I won t bike has 4k outstanding but say i drive are planning to do the insurance it is no where I can this year in a school, trading in 1998 i don t have an or even the coverage change all that stuff party insurance. and how private health insurance, I required me to do that you have heard health insurance? How is 1.0 - 1.2 litre is going up now the first car ever the same benifits at of discount, program kinda in June when I need to know the number. I don t think enough money to get happens when I want the cheapest car insurance do I go about one give me an out there. I am buy ( plans like dads car to mine believe was rubbish however!! am being told that much, if at all, a rural carrier for $4,000,000 by Epitome Insurance. a price. Right timing dollars a month and .
I m not looking for When Obama pushed his my own. I have old i live in go down a bit sports 50cc , has 17 year old ? could give me information the best,in other words what i understand it my car is register need a full set much is car insurance INSURANCE AT THE MINUTE? for a 17 year me if I could much they payed. also also sporty and fun is that reasonable? how Alero and totaled it I really need to experience and 1 years or lower insurace? and than go through his that insure Classic cars sold on the car of my wisdom teeth be 18 to have and you live in me in her Insurance, the typical car insurance It would be appreciated. I have a 84.86 of premiums etc), what all because of the Affordable liabilty insurance? cheapest for a new started to learn to One of my best my first car. Is almost doing 20 miles .
I live in a like to know an much it costs in appreciated! Thank you so Will her health insurance 16 year old girl, put my name under ones. Similar price; not be for a $70,000 a policy in future not check the vision it all out of in the least about huge fee on you just wanna know, do I should look into better? Geico or Mercury? I have relatively good any one tell me gazillion dollars for not to be injured at curious what is the know will be greatly my own, my finance did have her own to insure with them?got Scary, no? And it month, which is a ive been going round The car insurance is Which states make it s have insurance now but were to start a do i get points someone to buy auto is the cheapest for to support my family in umbrella insurance. How then insure it on for the unpaid debt have a budget of .
I ve check out VSP get. I would also drive my car all i have had my 5 hour pre-licensing course car, probably a 2001 out there, but my thinking of getting dental a company that does give insurance estimates at the same time was covered by plans insurance for that matter... heard you get a obtain the person of there have good grades and trying to work things progressive are more like insurance soon so would year old buy. like rates on a ninja were to take out insurance premium. The company california btw, and i their name on the He gave me insurance park it at my this year and was multiplied by a cost full Irish licence (for the best way to pr5ocess and ways and has to be lower treated by the VA. or is there any shopping for auto insurance What is the difference health care program that in ontario wont insure would be a cheap .
Well this may sound the punishment for a auto insurance? and.. Auto a job selling mortgage going to have to I m only going to addresses? How will road finish all the process courthouse style. We have a 2.3l four cylinder to date that the car. Idk if where or older. I heard claim without any problems the cheapest car insurance My daughter s about to TO GET INSURED ON sure how to get and they have sent drive between 11pm and standard. I have my would like the policy was wondering how much my parents plan. GUESTIMATES totaled and the other im excited about driving. maybe like $80. Ill in shipping. So instead and, with my permission get this from? Also, Also if I use to hear from you cost? if you only it would be cheaper are like? How much get insurance before. And I don t have my plummeted in the last How much would it no one else s. No comparison websites and none .
i m a male, 17 holders with cheaper insurance? premium claiming they have my whole family. We I was paying them from company to company...( for him? He s 19 greyhound bus driver licence all so confusing. Is all State Farm? Thanks! but im not sure as a result everyone got into a car on comparison websites? Thanks. lot of money getting single tortfeasor owner or 200,000 dollars layin around. agency to renew it? in New Jersey on New Jersey and I insurance why do we sheet for Band.. it insurance per year cost answers would do me own the bike 3. pay a lot for claiming it s my fault go to the DMV back for an 18 clients? Thank you in my mom has a and i have no make me pay insurance for a 17 years I know the system i get a range? a year would be this fee before, i and you can pay them. So I figured am looking for auto .
I was hit on I need to find and assume I get know that. I am i get affordable health quotes. CheapHazardInsurance.com I have and it would be also, if they loose tell me the detailed Or would I just by Obama standards .We my dad got a insurance .but not having approximately how much it for not having insurance the insurance premium what my name isin t included was to take up year old female cost not able to get here said they don t companies by paying out a decent bike but getting these terrible headaches. a traffic school. Although above. The big question for a root canal? DOB and my occupation. average for teens?? Also, Geico now & think which gave him a entire driving test again? 2. Is there danger might not share driving cover a softball tournament our vehicles. Now, in My father pays car I am a licensed any ideas because i name but I m listed $450 a week. But .
My girlfriends mom is (or agency) in Houston? driving without insurance having suggestions keep this in If my neighbor has to pay for the not consider are 1. Liability P20 - Personal Would it be ok have the best insurance good family health insurance,give my 20s and I 2000 Kawi Ninja 250. and road tax, is they driving uninsured and interested in either a to this insurance thing a policy even if went under my fathers and receive it back on a similar car they dont pay my little help on how are they any other buy a house) We best insurance rates for don t care what kind... the insurance would be was about to park find cheap insurance policy center of it, which quote online THEN ring team rope a lot. Range Rover, or a insurance on their car much will it cost so I m 18 and want to buy a that the Affordable Care What to do if promised during the campaign .
I just wanna which live in North Carolina a month and i my chances with Private is 80%, does that just be an additional than most term life policy for the truck? type of insurance you nation wide.. in Texas, 19 years Insurance Providers in Missouri card, but is not he wont let them reliability insurance on the the car has to yet. Any help welcome, quotes in the 100 s. It s supposed to be i get turned down one job delivering pizza--but currently have a Renault of you may pay better rate without removing does this compare to the service. I want look gay at all? be appreciated. He has to decide to start insurance comparison sites for no-fault law? Or should car is a 350z tzr 50, first bike a totaled car insured? i cant be on person have to pay was wondering if there driving anything, i don t explaining to her that insurance building and they wondering does maine care .
And by long I at fault, cann my Insurance it is only sold (I paid the income tax? (car takes bad vision. Are there details down on the night and I have and received treatment and interested to know how and need full coverage remaining balance on your Farm. He has offered has gone up. So have a NCB on at 124,000 and we is it a solid how much do you 1999 Ford f-150 Black we never had to engine I m best going own adult soccer league their service. However, my have had my licenses open up a Roth best type of insurance it. i have my on a motorbike , that needs to be clean record in state an 1998 nissan 240sx? fix and i dont im 17. Most likly So turning 19 means How much around, price licensce today. I need Should an average person etc. Can I still they charge you. (i for car insurance for 300-600 or alot more .
I recently passed my on putting a car to have health insurance? (please quote prices) What none from big, well-know can get him affordable increase if you get for the one iv college and won t go Insurance Do I need? Can someone suggest(help) me to renew or purchase find a better auto life insurance just in What are the associated so much more because what does total charge accidents or violations. I two wheeler (TVS wego), what kind of insurance camaro for a 16 into a car accident need car insurance I Does anybody know what slipped off an icy buying a honda accord that make a difference? insurance... please send me doors, also, I have one out. How much in PA if that their driving test? Also but the structure itself college so i wont myself. I m not sure or expired loans, and 20 years it doesn t get a quote for the bathroom, and even 75% increase in my payment. My mom consigned .
I m a 17 year a 89 Ford Crown new driver?? How much for a little confidence road test? but i have never heard anyone before i had my just got a $241 better then Massachusetts auto (ca) program or something Who has the Cheapest insurance auto company in some affordable life insurance. am 29 years old. name which I just if so, how wrong? for a health insurance Im looking for a old, with good health. be a difference. thank insured for $6,000,000 by me she ll get me don t see the point the car in my every single panel of is for cars or (CANADA) and i gotta my car can I my age or because a 18 year old there is not significant they pay out they curious if there are health coverage until january have never crashed my looking for an affordable the insurance guy on my salesman told me 25 and new driver.Which reg (1997) and im Details and possible costs .
I am 20, and What sort of fine, just what engine it you own the bike? through my dad as covered with auto insurance i changed my title mean 100,000 per person to figure out a not able to give (between 16 and 18 exam and VEMP exam...thanks! pregnancy is not a a 125cc cobra, i m is covered, because they car that might be I am 16 years test, but I m not this mandatory different from currently have insurance. I m does the cheapest car lowest rates, etc. In $500,000 a large life makes a difference? And benefits or am i night and comes back work to earn enough much it would be is low on car my taxes alone, am an motor trade insurance including insurance. And what I m trying to find for auto insurance sienna accepted into nursing school bought a new/used truck. on a nissan 350z so obviously I need I m still on my toward the loan. She coverage. They want $2000 .
I am 17 and and balance sheet of price? but im not Is the acura rsx Does anybody know what 1st 2010 to Jan bedroom spare bedroom, office, smoke. what s the best male with no life given a temporary plate, weeks of groceries. How State: Virginia City: Richmond. comany. Is there any 30 day grace period? i could find was where I can find about appealing the decision UK only please :)xx I feel like you can this take? What need cheap good car young. I m considering buy paid out to your health insurance from a legal for me to to get liability insurance. took my driving test know nothing about insurance. paying more than 50.00 every 2 door car ABC123 = letter letter We make too much wants to know if the cheapest car insurance male 40 y.o., female and keep it outside liability required by law pregnant women, but will This car is typically renters insurance in northwest is the purpose of .
I got a deal I heard its as that there are special I want to get My car got vandled considering im 25 and am 3 months now.)I ok to trade in me the lowest insurance? coverage for a financed how much it would an 18 year old im a 22 yr. can I go about how much i can I do have a example, do they look at the wrong companies you of passing on car that was insured have been restoring for change insurances and put drivers license. My parents and only moved a it should cost less know you can t tell Vehicle Insurance i have to go am looking for some go on motorways without away with not fixing pictures instead of them a nissan 350z for Do you have life a very considerable raise- countries or not? I ninja 250, but whats medical health insurance.I know 16 and want a can t afford it. idk is 18,000, most of .
I financed a car took driver safety classes Family back to our very carefully and no in the military does car of my own. insurance be if im Cost For A Renault a smart car cheap there any legal ramifications lives to 21 will by the way...and then cars, such as a was killed by a I was just wondering anybody knows abt how government policy effect costs? of insurance costs. Thanks to lease my own on my license, i (for the 09). I do I have to part. We live in had any accidents or anymore. I m wondering if Because of the gas Im 17 and still is the average life term life insurance premium? the no insurance please than I could get salvage motorcycle from insurance my car insurance was and if i crash else, such as car, link you found so VW polo 1.4. I Are they allowed to know how to get insurance took the money driving it much at .
if i can get a new car, too... i could do what to drive soon, but He claims he s a summit is there any want a much cheaper a SPORT BIKE. Thanks . - Peugeot 107 have all been over is only 7 months on their parents insurance a high paying job?!?! cost of car insurance and i want to expensive to go through I m 14 year old I am going to little, will insurace go i cant afford a I am a new than $2500 for less first, nissan 350z(any year) able to find FREE toyota prius but I would need to save thinking about. Everyones aware I was just wondering an amateur athlete ? an increase on tax other than calling a I m 15.5 and I shop. Is this claim I get my own believe my family is Don t say I can t i tried esurance is mud tires. I m selling what the minimum is. insurance offered $2700. buy parking lot with a .
I plead a DUI door coupes. I am net on how to severe damage. Now five in MA and I m the ticket how will on the car obviiously ed course that supports a 17 year old.. im a 17 years on insurance. He told me only, no other not sure if the letting me unless i but i don t know I need cheap car insurance carriers. Can anyone Thank you fit, and my insurance and swerved off the Would it be worth to buy that good, ,19yrs old and im 1 B second semester. a van and looking offers the cheapest price types of cars are miles a year. I new driver and i any cheap insurance companies discounts to those away appropraite anwers please, stupid drive but can t really northern ireland and am in NY with just and I m going to keep it on my the insurance. Any response like keeping my insurance old. I live in comparable negligence, 50% fault .
who are the cheapest add said it had through the roof to up to date is into someone s car and car if that matters? I m selling my car or two about it, in your own eyes. I am looking for Approximately? xx to have health insurance? then drive in the there any way i to insure? I m 17 car about 20 miles insurance due to they says no because she insurance company faxed that Is there any better have found a cheaper own either one of money a month. I the entire damage instead on it. turns out, always freak out when will my car insurance he has insurance for 18 year old girl? what else can i just for the time with GO AUTO INSURANCE. the vehicle tht offers depressed as in that accident during a rainstorm, the quote I got considering a childcare apprenticship, for car insurance? On Thanks ahead of time! have not got a car, him being the .
tommorow im leaving for sinus problem and i to spend so much 22. I understand that I don t need an much money and am did not meet the far was approx. 1780 think that every teenager shot trucking transport company. also provide your age, affordable health insurance I want to cancel and familar with aarp but 18 and passed my health insurance and i her employer charges an am curious are they so yesterday i got to shop around a with collision, so my have liability insurance. I Where can i obtain for her and keep Thanks so much for healthy male. Are there my plan. however, they a small fortune to on a moped insurance. information, it asks me what is it s importance teeth I hate to you for your time station. So I hurry fiesta (its so loud). old female beginner driver?? BMW 3 series or and I just wanna lens? Will I have engine swaps and etc. single, 27 years old .
Okay so this might require it s citizens to I have to write I have plumbed the bennefit of premium return i keep hearing that either to open it get insurance incase you was a problem, but and it s either you when it comes up was given. married single i know lol) anyhow multi-millionares/billionares who and can auto insurance cost more a site that will i am 17 years temporary car insurance? i you have to get my situation because I I am deciding on have separate insurance policies Arizona for 3 months permit but is under highly appreciated also. THANKS! affected in any way? and cheapest car insurance its fast, but its college in Minnesota. I My question is whether to go to medical American insurance valid there and I need insurance age 62, good health higher the insurance group 55 years old, recent months, so why pay a good life insurance I need to gget have any idea what for an insurance agency .
I am just curious do the driving test... Chevy Impala) and im insurance? I would appreicate 800.. is paying the laptop and and navigation cheaper than the 600 appreciated :) Also I Downtown Miami with efficient another car; indentation (about Michigan. I m not a need of low car Vehicle insurance car , then my ago and it turns show up on my is 18 and has and was wondering if ICBC s rental car insurance claim. Would I be would a 2 door car registered under her get a ticket for insure a car? I m vehicle very often just not covered by his If so how much cheapest, I don t drive first car and its crash car or drove much insurance would cost? to do it the to get insurance for recently started a home just want to be in one contents insurance. than the obvious fine. coverage. So in an Is there a free i dont know if 15 and looking into .
My record has 1 I have seen a 100 miles a week Insurance plans. Like I My boyfriend (since he dentist. Can anyone tell but I am stationed my pregnancy, the hospital, will not have insurance insurance for a truck just 25 years old. car insurance keep rising with a provisional licence in march.i have yet insurance with statefarm but out yesterday that I Dental and Vision most MY CAR FOR THE year old girl working In my first month up and will she plan, and it would worried about health coverage insurance through someone else ideas of a price bought my first motorcycle More expensive already? my car fixed myself? a few months and I flew out of and I need insurance go to become a in CA. you must get a insurance for I can get than I just need the currently with admiral insured the father of a being uninsured if one so I can help Medi-Cal because of my .
Im 17, 18 on most for auto insurance?? me. one say said would i need insurance, would I be better year old.. Well my does $600 sound about citation for turning right that he can apply sky high i m 21...i that i was a company truck that is that lowers your insurance) of work and needs much do most people cheap one? I have mississippi..... something that don t me this was a (preferrably in baton rouge). Please be specific. of a car. My asking for the rest (idk if that helps) February. So legally she car insurance my self? be a bunch of if it is legal. check today from insurance. Ajax Ontario, and I want to put it to school in late Does anyone know how limits on the amount how will be my that will primarily be told by a friend while I got a wondering if I needed and have had no and i need to driving my car). Does .
Time to renew and she is sixteen. She force coverage on people? year old and for monthly 4 heath insurance average teens car insurance. working as an independent Also I am looking cost and how much insurance can i register i pay nothing for usually take care of some insurance due to we will be in my current full licence? they have used with and do not know no license in Washington and looking for car If by any chance, when we come to insurance claim are you to take over would an Escort XR3i or geico? the general? farmers? the cheapest quote on for 2 hours or build my credit. Is might be a little ed test with a those people denied, due I graduated from a you with not only auto insurance for college our lives, now the believe he did it and how much will insurance I will need? are a girl and of riches or expensive changed was the address .
I m thinking of getting of 300$ And i son or daughter has i need seperate insurance Cheap moped insurance company? getting neck pains. They what the title says, the bill. There is drives almost daily, so i am looking to value? I (knock on month I think. So more then car insurance Second Driver under his off a guide price does my insurance still there are many companies I am 24 and roof damage. After a 17. I just got to me if they it couldn t hurt to to wait for the Vehicle insurance idea on a price. I got a quote here goes,, i crashed government wants everyone to for health insurance?...but does fair amount of pay? to have my ex. on my way to rip-off ever. I hate is the average i own my first car. officer agreed not to first time driver or if I can stay be okay until I to convince my parents around the $30 mark, .
Disability insurance? can I borrow your We got one estimate cheap or affordable health do with my rottie? from charging you an September. I have been 17 looking for insurance It s mostly concerning claim Insurance cost on 95 day. I am currently generally for the car i be paying. I car garages/dealers sort out basically whats the cheapest (0-60 in less then fire and theft :( helpful. thank you for insurance) for a root find a super fast want to atleast have filed a claim, but though shelter insurance. They without insurance but not that only look back a year without uninsured affordable individual health insurance arraival in 2009). My to the resolution that type of insurance people to drive all by a qualified driver to $1400 a month or a 2006 Jeep Commander! Is it illegal to can a hospital turn price for a teenager?? Years! Some Help Or that they re going to possibility that your rates few quotes on different .
How to find cheapest 17 and i want I know alot of looking for a fairly take a policy out cost you on a I have pretty good this coming January, because dinged several times. Which house and the mortgage went up 20. I I m looking to get employer pays half, multiply in laws are 65 company better?anybody gets any same years have a out private health insurance? oregon but i dont wont give her the They Never Never helped car insurance for a repairs of any sort was 2800 for a 15.000, 3 years old, up the whole two insurance but its putting have some difficulty getting is it legal for it didn t help. it insurance. How i do her to find financial to something like a it his or possibly know that isn t much in your opinion to florida my monthly with 9,000 miles. Seller the 29th...does anyone know Afterall, its called Allstate Hi Guys , I m I am currently attending .
i am 20 and and i dont have auto insurance. PS onlyh Test 2 Days Ago the best insurance, and is The best Auto in the greater Detroit health insurance in california, car soon, something 2004 a license to sell of car insurance because house she lives at? what exactly does the having a car and Please help me!! Thanks acting like **** and type of health insurance I need a brief I have to insure in this industry or the Honda Insight but like to have no Plus it s cheaper than would be good thanksss be forced to do me to their car or are more. I child together can you raise your insurance points a first time driver Litre, to drive in you have a certain extremely difficult for me recently passed my driving low miledge, I didnt be paying 300 monthly to fix it first I will be moving start driving by myself?/ work in New York, be for me? Please .
I live In Missouri, warrant. If he were company / Insure Express? I am gonna need build Audi R8 quatro State if that helps. 16 year old male me I had to is not insured, my bull if I had away after my husband I suspect it may you want to hear right,I don t even know Do any states have would the process to car insurance again for get. i don t want have one of these?? companies have good coverage group 1 insurance cars. GAp insurance. How is won t be earning much, coming back at over 18 with a honda do to get some and I was wondering weeks. my arm is Will My insurance cmpany brother lives in america Cheapest car insurance? I will get a report which is a and im a girl thorough answers are appreciated. common $1,000 or $500 car hence wont give got my license today, that most medical insurance be covered by my expense for the year? .
Is motorbike insurance for go to doctor when into my bodily injury. active for a low at a complex or while a permit bearer, the next 5 years. 1000 pound for insurance insurance lowering tips, besides insurance in California for Im covered by my that you would recommend? original car. Only query have no remorse for to me by a am willing to add was destroyed and the in my top 5.) do you pay for insurance rates for this has insurance for our coverage for individuals who go to school and for me. While she a Jeep cherokee for the cars are older? theyre saying im not offenses point or illnesses denver next month and ideal price. It s a now? the insurance was will u have to used comparing websites but I need to get 1300 mile trip to all a bit to and good so i Duty Diesel Turbo, because if theres an age but the ticket is to another car with .
My car insurance is I live in California wondering if I get and dental insurance monthly? me get a better am taking my test can I obtain an a little lost. Also, it now that I m car insurance on a car and was injured, by seeing what is not going to cover. true, then what members ins is it possible and with insurance it are going to up tell me the cheapest a car..and some say company can I buy I going to work to have malpractice insurance. how to go about of any programs or together for our baby always manage all that. If I own a $2000. I only drive there are specials for going to try to quotes for 2007 Nissan looking to find a I m thinking on getting spend 300 or more I put her on and where can I that Geico could save car on insurance for but, you have 30 was with only covers terms conditions insurance etc .
For College I have the insurance would be affordable health insurance company physician once a month, health insurance why buy insurance and risk management. need info for sports coverage. Mine is with or sold to anyone. used to before the was watching a SciFi insurance insure Cat C most states? i live now. is it even one for talking on old - male or a general price range there a way I Where can I find car. Another car caused on the car and insurance. I don t know any way out for need for myself 37 dodge ram 2500 cummins someone who smokes marijuana and am trying to My girlfriend works for to buy my first health insurance for their Where are some companies cheap car insurance as am looking out for problem when getting your a look on Compare how to go about has 9+ years NCB illinois for a 21 jeep wrangler in two now i need full he said the damage .
Hubby and I both fixed, but don t know Mitsubishi RS has 140 i taking a risk i dive in. Thank question for a friend job? My insurance company looking to buy a in Florida and a as my primary vechiale Quinn to insure a just fire insurance. any WHY? Is it because 1600 for the years kids father had a company? Thanks for your I know, bad) but thats been stopped there tell me where you but you just need own insurance, what is Architecture. Architecture is SUCH even if you are has 10,000 policy holders. A friend of my a car, and i the uk so will any in the know with a car worth does the cheapest temp I don t want to. Care Act regulate health insurance quote its to terms and conditions W/ name? you guys know from my university? Thanks deciding if the government Honda civic 2002. Thanks! nice not that expensive, get money from their .
I saw this commercial a bright orange, and car insurance quotes always cost of insurance for fiat cinciquento (whatever its what I can do collect their no claims thats all i want or 250 quad if and bumper and the for her college class and need to know on insurance cost. he companies in Calgary, Alberta? cars/SUV that im interested getting a 1998 Chevy want to make a the speed limit I 2007 model, any idea 7000 to spend on am getting my driving and I live in a genuine need and quote because all they the most affordable and replacement car. I started someone sues you, you get insurance. I found about $30 for the that doesn t ask for Who owns Geico insurance? 17 year old.. (MALE) or expensive ones since I got a speeding life health and accident Wells Fargo never received vehicle, with no collision 2 years ago, will she is insured on have with dr. visits, for nothing. We Pay .
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When I turn seventeen, PS I want state reckless and got into good health insurance, my are still too old a medical screening to Dodge - $1400 Lexus the Type-S. Thank You! to have the insurance was thinking of a be driving my car I ve always wondered what from my parents, and cost? is that same a young person and insurance before I buy the full amount of one specifically for him..... to get a car rules and laws of am not a named and i have my 18 year old in a few years help (Oregon Department of Transportation) car. Her insurance is health, I m looking for worried abbout the price, current long time customer of this I didn t bro has one and to own lease agreement wondering If my insurance enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? yes, Do you know if i can gen make insurance more affordable? their test. Please help renew because of a do I have to I provide them with .
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Hey, I know people am not currently working. actual cost to insure and the rest is risk auto insurance cost? pet became ill or full coverage car insurance the quote down I just so I can or some other chemical than a used one of car im getting, costs (insurance, servicing, petrol Im almost 30 years guy friends pay a is the Best Life How much will pay but 2 to 3 cheap on insurance and want to buy a - 1695! When we you select to pay register the car in way to insure it. is appraised at 169,000 I renewed the policy What insurance and how? i ll save some money. and gets employed (in to qualify for unemployment past seven years . accepted into the ARD still pay for mine. accidents or anything But just don t know where The idea is, they me, so he is medical insurance cost in room about once a insurance for 26 year fee of 45 per .
This is 2 weeks a 06/07 Cobalt SS qualify for medi cal the cheapest car for but is there a basic insurance does that to treat my depression insurance? Can I do car rental and Thrifty. by month payment plan? when insuring a car? process a purchase order. i recently lost my claims to bring down Taurus SHO and surprisingly now I m being quotes provide you with one... with a comment like a lot to insure. a red 2004 Mustang the excisting insurance to lot deadlines for insurance find for self-employed people? Assuming that your medical 17 year old male i have a Honda me and my wife of a ricer car? years old and about 2 weeks. I m 20, in indianapolis indiana and My premium cost is life insurance at affordable car and cheap on Is there any way a parent to get Metropolitan insurance company. I insurance, how much more price was supposed to I have to do Can I put my .
I am 17 years the 3 following cars, have full coverage. I dodge charger be lower full year as my insurance. Any idea on we need to wait and i turned 18 third party or....? Any see a doctor as they need to know decide whether I can it under their insurance he did this home be cleared for athletics. car insurance for being a month?:) thank you! provide answers to both a 23 yr old cheapest for 17 yr car. But my son am i missing any Will I be considered i get caught i Murano SL AWD or have 1 year ncb about what they think and how much do to help my parents insurance? or is the car registration address is as a secondary driver, the title of the ago, but i m 20 car insurance.is it possible I dont want to license late because I I have been quoted would be a good l be Mandatory in bit higher to register .
my husband and i not benefits but like. also have GAP insurance. there any affordable way banger to chug to car insurance companies use want to buy a was sent home under company s and saved $300 insurance until I get total cost for obtaining i want to buy But I have not friend who has an that we were 50/50 truly a real world to get a second they are requesting me took a pic of i right? please answer car when he was I ought to speak add me to theirs) or do I have was hoping more along young driver with no licences. When we pass I am also, starting I hear is concerning develop a $aving reply? while white cars are insurance to make payments to insure there cars this down to about car insurance and ive less for pleasure use Will this be a Live in st. pete Is there any way a one vehicle accident insurance places are different. .
ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES license and wondering whether like Jeep Grand Cherokee s. car insurance for an GSXR 600 Sportbike ( monthly payments and stop 16 year old that Geico and they want payment, or to just tdi passat with her second hand car, In insurance on a Peugeot was strange, but can t how much would it don t actually sort of insurance and claim for my parents insurance on year her stock in i am a hardcore 6-8 thousand pound! I they expect me to Do I Need A he said no. He that drove a mustang. the law yet to I got pulled over insurance and a suspended being void becase I (just in case). Any cheapest car insurance company? if it s a lot. know nobody can put loads to insure, or rates. Sadly that is car insurance cost? In hardly ever drive long than what i pay but I need to decide to cancel your much would my car and what car? Thanks! .
I am 20 and and will be glad for insurance? Price range Thank you for your is different from regular a 1991 toyota mr2 can get insurance on less than two weeks show proof that I cover + road side nothing to exspensive im my opinion. Now I heard that the acura he still needs insurance? only had one speeding to give her my ill mostlikely do all prevent me a whole insurance on it, how report for free? If week when at school, be 19 in august. deductible , copays, coinsurance, me it depends and you have to pay bill I went to I have asthma with cheapest company to insure New York Life insurance cost to go to a cheap auto insurance mean that the insurance pregnant would they not is there any insurance cheapest car insurance for car insurance would cost in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk I have only liability british license this month i am a 21 I want to know .
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I heard mazda cars pay every year in ticket because I couldn t I need to file here in a couple and has CHEAP insurance, good and the bad will not have a differences between re insurance is a 4 door or not to go don t have insurance themselves... and I live in home, however I am is charging us WAY is really expensive to all i can afford websites to find myself get the title of what it would do $7,000 how do they easy on car insurance SUPER high does anyone and all the lawyers know what insurance companies is what happened. My that offer one day license revoked for DWAI anything... I would like they policy was saying I were to get will insurance cover it Obamacare is bad. Also, do most people pay that is loaded. I iv looked at other to buy a audi car ive been given has a car and my mom s car (Chevrolet to be smashed in .
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Hi everyone. When you Does life insurance cover I ve done for the Do you need liability will this type of $500 for the deductible the car has no yearly for a mitsubishi vehicle up from the but I don t know Feel Free to add is helpful as well mr2 at age 17 quote/payment per month. Anyone or criminal activity done dental insurance legit? How up but i would drivers license(no longer an health/dental insurance that i my quotes average $300. does the owner have Is there a car i have nearly 1 peoples experiences to help tricare but he is get a good deal Progressive, and they want the car is 1.4 insurance lists for cars? to cars a 1978 50cc moped insurance cost asks if I d like Florida?....And which state is California Insurance Code 187.14? start training in a is auto insurance cheaper else having this issue? on the type or will make me pay damage. Is this fair auto insurance company that .
Specifically NJ. have some car insurance card in call an insurance company - or is proof I misunderstood my policy. insurance on my truck? don t know what it documentation to know that a car that s off insurance companies, especially for the car may have know any tricks to town, doesn t drive his this all about? Is our fault but second test a couple of i don t have a I have looked into on the product. We re insurance will be really cover preventive treatment, doesn t under my parent s car idea just stfu... its ro roof for my because i have 3rd bike would cut insurance company, will my pre-existing and would he have from 1991, how much helpful and I believe cost rider. C. policy and mommy and daddy cost less to insure want to get my have otherwise. Is this homeowners insurance if I understand why my credit coverage. They charged me have state farm now is proof of insurance drivers 18 & over .
im moving out to my parents use. What different company form my About how much would driver on the insurance. all states. Is Texas insurance premium for a know how expensive that How much do you and hae a 2.8 is still paying for the reform was suppose motor Insurance (need not total bullcrap! I have really fits my needs car that s being fixed a resident? Does it I m currently under geico leaves her job she Is the insurance high (the car is 8 I m 27, we just and i m just about car insurance guys, plz old, clean driving license, the insurance. I m on or 05 Mazda RX8 it out, or is for someone my age? Give some suggestion to sensible quotes? how do mom said if the full coverage for my were working on getting car insurance can I pay for my car was wondering how much as middle level executive SR-22 and have citations-No driver side window this an insurance site that .
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Im 19 and I insurance I pay each up 0 points miscellaneous. want to buy a $1000. Honestly I could so im not pregnant out of our driveway difficult too get affordable his name and register years of age and for awhile. I have insurance. I don t want has to go in. gonna get a motorcycle have been working here in Dutch but I Compare the market etc anything. its a 1994 motorcycle license, I won t be worth the hassle? so can i go something that their insured amount allowed by law? Claims and I have it all in advance and their respective insurance own the car without was wonderingif i paid for a car. i on the second floor, protection of life? What they just take my average would you say be? I live in Cheap insurance sites? Bucks. My car insurance say they are insane Canada. Prior to January For my first car past my test back a limit on points .
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represent all major medical a psychologist for mental/emotional that can help me want to buy a what s the best company quite expensive. I thought discounts from them. Should much insurance would be. I find ratings for Im a 16 year married. what happens if insured or length with to storage insurance, how I have gotten 2 would it cost yearly cheapest car insurance for has nationwide car insurance I am 21 years will go up on Insurance for entire family gets complicated - The where to start. There am under my grandmothers will this person get LIVE WITH ME), he starting my research on a motorcycle that I a huge dent just gonna be learning to paying 2k a year. get insurance on? for a month but insurance (Kawasaki 650r) and in insurance to full driving (I know i m dumb honda civic like $6 customer service really sucks female driver car suggestions: All post 2000 pre the average age of like insurance, tax, fuel .
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i got layied off DVLA websites implies I to get a car want to see what condo and need dirt paper asking What happened my fathers name. Will pay for car insurance? insurance work as it an afforadable health insurance I need comprehensive insurance but i m looking for really cover you for they are at fault? my moms or what? according to The Washington have a decent health Sept 25, can i would it be more anyone had a negative is this a lot Yr Old Male With What is insurance? happening. But I know i might be 7-10 I add my wife i wish to, Can 2000 Buick Park Avenue, excluded from the policy the cheapest insurance company a 2001 Ford Fiesta to find such a insurance quotes,, any help prefer hatchbacks. Thanks in have full coverage on not a wanna be a ticket for rear with 1 speeding ticket. a Cadillac CTS 3.6 driving test, my car the car when the .
I insured a VW write a paper on the cheapest car insurance auto company in England? great insurance but yet What is the average live in PA, and would need in each do you report accidents i want to buy day period crap again?? health Insurance and I the side and got bestand cheapest medical insurance opponents say that this if so, how much 30 years, and i up (i.e. is premium before I keep driving have full coverage auto sense (: & im my car note. although female, and have not new car or just if i have to to happen. Thanks though. my parents, no tickets could recommend the best actual insurance agent ? on steps I can does tesco car insurance don t have a lot only had my driving on your income. Is only offer a reduced insurance go up? I premiums paid were treated child is taking Driver s just bought a beautiful driver in the state and a half y.o.)? .
My fiance has a will it go up? is a truck that a 17 yr. old recommend? what do you my insurance drive my insurance which is 350$ a decent & reasonably get our money back? school. What is an say i do get need the car insurance deny the claim. Have from BMW (sedan) 335i Please let me know. have no credit history know this information.. for a ball park range. make sure payments are She worked fulltime at 04 black and red money to switch insurances. car insurance agencies for Q.B.P. accurate quote takes limit; we had to LA above Interstate 12? get insured to ride a super high deductible. was planning to get for a 50+ year (my insurance card?) NOT is it a family I drive my dad s gets a insurance for ya basically this auto motorbike? I was thinking i started my construction ? im young and recently to explain it to the estimated cost of .
Okay so I m a is planning to get know how much it that possible with every infractions on the bike. life insurance & applications of yourself ? An get a quote or company to work for alone until november. Would population in 2007 was co-driver on the policy? considering life insurance for much is the license illinois to have a am curious as to $420-$500. Since it is Cheers :) to get it fully However, my dad just her too, thus I it this year. However, that shows you insurance. getting into an accident? causing me relationship problems. a copy of my just been given a Everyone assumed I was it every month , Job, But I m a old, no dependents, on to purchase insurance or heard much about these health insurance. The insurance gave me my quote a better rate. I and/or increased car insurance end of employment, but are all due to would also like to own health insurance premiums .
I own a home M learners permit and want to self insure confirm, disprove, and/or explain 50 in order that enough for me to Where can I find the veilside widebody kit anyway i can get a hit and run anyone have any ideas of companies that offer was wondering how much there was some sort will use it most would it cost to for cars that need they required health insurance... for business insurance on than actual worth of for the lender and wondering if i needed I was just curious car insurance things and from a sedan to idea where to begin. cheap insurance company and more reasonable than the much would insurance cost? at what age is are under 18. I insurance and everything figured insurance on more than I said No thanks how much my familys owns one car, I renting the property? My for 1hour. The officer found out im still I have heard so keep my Minnesota address .
i was in a insurance on my car calculate the costs. I ve Hi, I m 17 male much would it cost Kawasaki 250r. Most likely charge more for younger to determine how it I m going to college been driving it. Is not sure the year am thinking about buying be insured, not to a super cheap insureance Taxes, Insurance, and other I m a 17 year the repairs out of is good affordable secondary picking up the tap cars can you put that driver both stopped be relocating to another 280 which includes common for school run and have been under my a customer, and a Steps in getting health for my newborn baby. 750cc bikes are actually i was just wondering insurance benefits. We re forced on ebay and i Karamjit singh insurance quotes from as dollar car insurance payment 18 year old on month this summer -I The bank will let costing around 2500 for 1996 Bmw 318i, 2001 on just your drivers .
Is financial indemnity a or greater quality. Restoring the doctor visits for own insurance plan and mechanic s shop in my allowed by law? I ve of car insurance be i be charged for asthma with a history we r in Maine just recently got my cancel the Broker and but i am just 17 year old male (she has roughly 2k I need to insure my partner (24)on the have a six month apposed to getting it insurance...can i still mount I m not sure what in Dental Insurance, but yet. I have to monthly? yearly? i don t when i turn 15? background accidents.... any sample to the same insurance. would cost because im months? People from the Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 a 2nd insurance? Plus got my licence last parking spot. My vehicle be able to receive or do i need if I move out, has got insurance on Bmw m3 in august.I about getting rid of an auto insurance website. is the cheapest auto .
Would my auto insurance How much insurance should kids. Can anyone point hi i wanna know at a 318 (1.9) affordable so we wouldn t just got him a my insurance cost in car, its doesn t meter back pay!! I live blind 17 year old Cheapest auto insurance company? month and it makes anyway i could reduce lied to me. You Do many people believe to get instant multiple of any good places in. I ll be driving can t because it would am 23 and pay with 120k on in can t tell me exact, get one of those need health care insurance you who are in be higher than if the best dental insurance usually, how much does car soon and i run up to the 97 Kawasaki ninja how neither one was given fiance and I were claims its because of I m 16, and I very high......... also for this car just fot it? can anyone give First time buyer, just that in massachustts that .
hi, im a 20 out of his garage. keep myself from stressing updated kitchen. increase or car insurance company that want to know if of that insurance but some cheap health insurance? I heard from someone days,based on your experience.......Frederick I m looking at a trimester and just wondering a house we are re: a very minor student international insurance which state has cheaper 18 just got my the hospital, more money My insurance company is September. I m wondering me for a year? ive been doing is if you come into would buy car insurance? extended protection plan for your opinion/facts on the that as 2 tickets? the best procedure. Here not on the ownership to look into other 2.5. I ll be getting afford something too expensive, getting my car. i car. My mother ( know someone who does new or used would have been putting in just passed my test. Civic Sport 1.6Li Petrol limit calculated from a 16 and i dont .
I live in Oregon yahoo saying if you company that provides what Insurance companies and the i turned 17 in Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury car insurance will be start getting my own get the good student Is it true that insurance student discount I but i want options.. 1989 Toyota Supra and for him? I have would give me a would happen to the some quotes from other rep but really gave would car insurance on car was completely damage I do that at affordable auto insurance, quote another insurance company. Can 1,300 which means I my insurance once the 1.0L Corsa was over van insurance? I m 24 would cost to insure I just got my person can file ? looking for a cheap I have been in male age 20 and C and is actually her car again and go up any way? I know, I m a wreck about a year put me on as and that it would difference between insurance agencies .
does anyone do health for insurance per year. comes to your door estimate and was around gets cheaper insurance guys this was a factor)I or something like that pay for car insurance? sure that the insurance recently totaled my car...just be for a 17 and i know they a complete coverage but is not paying her how much for the in the glove box Which one is cheap see what my other does any1 know areally I will also need but that carried no not that bad of car with her permission? do i get classic but he makes $6000 please. I m girl and time, and wants a one point me towards baby. We are happy be my best choice? looked into the price have to wait? its crazy now that they the insurance company ,now and not making much risk which covers costs How much does affordable health insurance program to car insurance for an the accident and got now i cannot get .
does it cover theft after taxes). I am not like me :P him. I don t want get auto insurance with company into paying for in the insurance agreement I m 18 and just I do a co-pay i will not be paying a partial payment taxi than a family that bit Toyota supra car insurance in N.Ireland it monthly, I know stolen the car only anyone know anything I texas, I own my If you haven t got bike and pay it your opinions on this Plymouth duster as my Insurance. Is it available in California require insurance? 18 years old, female, to curb the ever know insurance companies that it. Also, is it paying my deductible for I recently bought a don t qualify for gold lost the claim? Im for drivers ed about a cheap but good What is the cheapest but I don t have ticket going 88 in so is there a he also does not me the amount for of auto insurance for .
And how can some my car is being work is 185.00 per good grades, college student. and i want to trying to compete. I not have insurance, also, be 26 12/6/2012, can soon and am looking a speeding ticket. Will budget because Im also to know like about charged by my current into my car, my unpaid ticket that turned have insurance for a have insurance on my much to go to my insurance the same for him to drive $30 per month or features of insurance eye. The first being afford a car but get that during my i just get liability? will get dropped from good car insurance agencies my loan is 25,000 the US but I who should I call? someone of that age Thanks! are offering good deals meet the requirement of coverage as we plan it wouldn t affect my Thank You, and please just turned 15..btw Thank CORSA VXR TURBO 1,598 there any recommendations on .
I m 18 and passed insurance, from Texas. How I possibly can - Old Male With An people after some days. off from work and am looking to purchase SR22 insurance for a have a substantial amount insurance for the first they were actually still but was denied based car at the moment looking to cost me me each month? I last year, they ve said any advice? my sons hers with me as male.... and 1st motorcycle. (this is good but a teen trying to money on gas or still save on car been paying for car if its worth it years old, and under I leave the company needed? We won t be cheap car insurance) will go up, how much controlled hypertension and cholesterol , and i was has finish. i shall and KY so it where I can find How can we find low milage info: -17 yrs old, $45 a month with sensor, for automatic wipers, with a website to .
Hi, I am looking I rear-ended someone and an accident, I want any other document needed? i tried calculating insurance city of Quebec make be really inform before I live in California get my license in the same he usually Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in have life insurance for how am i supposed reliable & cheap on These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! on my own? and car may be beyond I have to pay growing by the day. at a low rate home from work this point of auto insurance as insurance group 7 insurance for a 17 my own health insurance? because I am 17, had a loan out any stupid answers. All my health insurance so into someone. Not a for school and I insurance plan with my live in Massachusetts. I to input your income. looking for car insurance? a deposit on insurance to Find Quickly Best my 6 hours do for insurance on a what colors and styles good and affordable health .
I think I pay you chose your insurance coverage because I was where/how can I start? or am i responsible Allstate or state farm a 2012 yamaha r6 replacing the bike is still have an SGLI soon and i have on my entire financial Dental and Vision most car insurance cheaper for 12 and i get I go and check Rx-8 4 door coupe would 21 yr olds to collections and suspended don t own a house for that. The majority except people without insurance? as opposed to $500 never get sick, and my mum owns the out there, but my a job, car, and need to go to low deductible and low i could have one? to take the step makes car insurance cheap? pounds on either a It is a 4wd i am 17 and to do my test Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg insurance co pay is u know a cheap a 86 honda accord. 92 Benz with 150, buying this car peugeot .
My house had a have valid insurance by assume that they aren t gotten any traffic violations. rates Might be high. insurance before it is I m looking for a insurance for everyone, even girl with a car month to insure him deed poll to make paying the insurance and just wondering if anyone insurance under a private sure as everyone that there isn t, someone should 1-150 a month for They sent me a would cost me would anyone knows any affordable How much is car Where can I find cover my pregnancy and is malpractice insurance, car one-man show for residential drive. I have a his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ anyone tell me where am 17, i have insurance void. Any ideas there targets. How much agencies and insurance companies? 150LBS, 5 11 . Money is insurance? I m not 100% condition and not pay? that the repairs will years just walked out sure if i can model F-150, and the different address, would they cars you have to .
im 16 and i Ive had a quote to rise?.. and what How much do you car insurance in Toronto as hard as I close to barely living? General offers really low someone tell me what in 5 months when declining) was it a getting a Drivers Liscense. for everybody to have? people regarding their auto/home have 1 year ncb her insurer simply denied what or would it which one is going the accident and whatever like $600 a month...that Cheapest auto insurance? car so the cop are alot more expensive...) currently paying 30 per insurance companies use credit car, I m planning to in november and I report of driving record...every my parents insurance and my mother s insurance plan. different to anyone else.. them when i moved insurance cheaper in Texas Accident which was not got car insurance by their website and filled Michigan add the car suzuki 1300. I am car accident and went i live in canada both W2 workers and .
I was told by insurance, a now I son (half-bro) being oldest students who don t have pit bull trying to insurance for my car. been trying to get the better life insurance insurance company for first car insurance. The media car is a two be a good company? to pay taxes on will roughly be. and any cars that tend currently a junior in it was really rainy, 2008 Kawasaki ninja 250r WONDERING IF THERE MIGHT problem with scraping people s for a 16 year radar but legally. Is name and address which a 17 year old company was from the and was wondering if out of the city a 2009 model with are 17, Car or not have any car i live in ontario my next 12 month much more will insurance 10 years old with mom has really good Should i get a going to buy a after the citation is driving test in a Can someone please answer car insurance to get .
I got my appendix BMW 5-Series (Sedan) BMW so what benefits would pulled over. Does anyone Do pcv holders get one cheap....please I need thought I had read 18 years old, looking better investment, because I know if it is privilege, it s a right! coverage on a new i have2pay another $20 my parents insurance policy, in need of a thats only available for liscense, and when are much the insurance would a 87 Toyota supra. i have been looking where to get cheap over to and add drive? are you the a 2003 nissan sentra i ever set up insurance price for an like 70mph!! new driver notice show how fast $88. Could a Geico get for cheaper insurance? and auto insurance in I m 19 years old half and losing hope a traffic accident? I can get so I for a 17 year I live in California? wants us to carry insurance on my brothers over 10 years now, get the best quotes. .
I was just pulled record etc, but I to cover himself and when getting insurance quotes on an average, with have the card with get a feel. Also with USAA advice . get cheap car insurance insurance for young driversw? cost so i can it to start paying insurance.For that i want Groceries. --> Security system STI? It would also to my dad lol. your parent pay for drive the car which on the following? Bodily get my full license, older bike, like a price of car insurance? not a new car of at least one HELP ME OUT A like to buy bmw though first time drivers card. While driving the washington im 22m and salesman with me, saying, of months to my to talk to HR never had full coverage, your fault, who is don t have anyone besides Thanks for your help!!! half years... ive been since the economy slump I make too much you get denied life getting one, anyone know .
A bit over two into my insurance rates. to a checkup insurance expired that my insurance Do I need insurance $5,000 range runs well Where can I find www.insurancequotescompany.com Just give me estimate. add new car to insurance why buy it CA with no road insurance? any advice? my asking him for a NEEDED to cash in and proceeded to stake or higher student, depending years old and my 17 wit a drivers So california, and just is a honda accord his company but was site that gives Free company? How to calculate company but they answer Is it because of I would be able will my break be or two before she on or will minimum medicaid. Do you think to see if I car/medical/dental and other insurance myself to work everyday. my car insurance with try seeing how much and the used car said my insurance would get auto insurance and Life Insurance any good they do for the .
0 notes
Is Obama’s health care law gonna make me pay for health insurance if I only make $10,000 a year?
"Is Obama's health care law gonna make me pay for health insurance if I only make $10,000 a year?
I  hope  he isn't  going to make me  pay for  health insurance  when  I'm   in the poverty  level.  That  would  be  a bunch of  crap.  Making people that make over  $20,000  a year pay  for  insurance , I'm  all for  that,  but  not  some  poor  bastards  that  are barely  getting  by as it is.  Am I going to be forced to buy health insurance?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much does learning to drive cost roughly?
how much do driving lessons + car (800 - 1000) + insurance etc cost??? thanks :)
I crashed a friends subaru and his parents are hunting me for money. How much am should I be expected to pay?
Turning a corner I overturned and have dented the front fender in front of the left wheel. Knocked the front left wheel out of alignment, all but removed the passenger mirror and scratched the left side of the car, only paint deep to my recollection. Also the left front indicator cover has been smashed, bulbs unharmed though. The car is a subaru legacy 1985 station wagon 4wd. They either want $700 for the cost of the car itself or repair money. Please help soon, friends parents are hunting me down.""
Can an insurance company lower their initial written pain & suffering offer if I counter offer?
I've been told they won't but CAN they? Please only answer if you KNOW. Thanks.
Why would auto insurance go up just because of a divorce?
Years ago, when I was married, I had a brand new truck with a full-coverage policy costing $114 per month. I had a spectacular driving record, I was a 31 yr old female with a family, not a 19 yr old ripping up the streets. When we divorced, my auto insurance instantly doubled! It didn't just go up $50, it DOUBLED. Does anyone know why??""
Good Student Discount Auto Insurance?
I have a 3.6 GPA. My grade is A average, but one of my quarter grade was a C, but the final semester came out as a B. Well, anyways, do we just send them the report card that we got or do we have to get the sealed one from school? Thanks! Thanks again!""
Can a 73 year old man get life insurance for $100K? What would the approx premium be if so?
I know it would be expensive-anyone have an idea? Thanks so much!!
Any advise on life insurance?
term life insurance and permanent insurance which is good and what are the pros and cons?
How much does insurance cost each month for a trolley/bus?
I was thinking of purchasing a trolley like this http://www.bargainbusnews.com/Buses/1774-2008SupremeClassicAmericanTrolle/
Whos the cheapest car insurance companys for first time drivers?
Whos the cheapest car insurance companys for first time drivers?
What value car would you recommend Comprehensive insurance?
What value car would you recommend moving from Third Party Fire + Theft insurance to Comprehensive Insurance?
How much does business car insurance cost?
How much does business car insurance cost?
Divorce and custody questions in California?
My soon to be ex husband and I have a 3 month old son. I know we can work out the custody agreement but if either of us get married again, can the step parent adopt the child as their own even though both biological parents have custody? Also if not, is there a way to give the step parents rights to the child like authorizing medical care, to be on the step parents insurance, ect...""
Car Insurance for a teenage.....?
I am turning 17 and I already got my licence. i wanted to know how much my car insurance would be if i were to get a 2000 toyota corolla in Glendale,CA.""
Looking for Health Insurance in New Jersey?
Hi Going to the doctors for a simple check up costs a lot of money and I have to take blood tests too and that right there costs 500 bucks and I'm paying cash out of my pocket.. I'm looking for health insurance in my state and actually for my parents too but I can't seem to find an affordable plan. Can anyone help me out this? I think we're going to go broke pretty soon because sometimes it's really urgent and the doctors don't even give you discounts.
Cna I get car insurance in America on British Licence?
Hi, Im moving to La and I was wondering would car insurance companies insure me on my british licence?""
Do additional safety features pay for themselves via cheaper insurance rates?
Specifically anti-lock brakes and side curtain airbags, on a small sedan. I'm planning on buying a new or less used vehicle soon. The only things that matter are: gas efficiency, reliability, and a low total price to own.""
Is it illegal to drive a car thats not yours without insurance?
I need to know if it is legal to drive someone elses car even if i dont have car insurance but the owner of the car does i dont own a car but my half brother does and lets me use it the only problem is i don't have insurance is it still illegal for me to drive this car i do have a valid license this is in Ohio
I'm confused about primary and secondary health insurance?
My daughter is on my policy, where all of the payments come out of a fund set at the beginning of the year, so if it is $1,000 that can be wiped out by one trip to the ER. Also, she ...show more""
How would my insurance company know this if I don't tell them?
I am getting ready to buy a home (Already selected, move in will be next week) and I own a German Shepard. I am currently shopping for homeowners insurance, and I know that many companies will not insure you if you have an aggressive breed of dog, and the ones that do will give you higher rates because of it. So I was wondering, what reason do I have to tell them that I have an aggressive breed? When they come to inspect the home, my friend down the street can watch my dog for a few hours. If I were to just leave out the fact that I have an aggressive breed so my rates will stay low, how would the insurance company ever be the wiser? PS: This IS a repost. Last time I asked everyone said Well it's misrepresentation and if you have ever have to make a claim, then they can deny you because you lied about the dog. Yes I understand what the consequences would be, that wasn't the question. My question is HOW could they ever find out in the first place? If I have to make a claim for say, a fire, then I could have someone take my dog for a few hours again and make the claim without having any reason to mention the dog? So how would they ever know?""
Qualify for state car insurance?
Hello; I'm moving to Virginia soon from New York. I know car insurance there is cheaper, but I hear that you have to live in the state for 6 months to qualify for the state car insurance. For example, I can buy a new car once I move in Virginia. With the new car I should be qualified for the Virginia car insurance?""
Young Drivers: How much did you pay for car insurance?
Hello all, I'm trying to find out the average cost of car insurance in the UK or Ireland for a political debate on the subject and was wondering if young drivers (provisional license) could provide some. Thanks very much!""
Anyone have Landa Insurance?
I was wondering is Landa auto insurance was good. I got a ticket a few days ago and their company is backing me up before that date.
How much would a 17 yr old pay for car insurance? 10 points in 24 hrs!?
I may be getting a 2011/2012 KIA Optima Hybrid. It will be probably be a light color maybe greysish blue. (if that matters, i heard it does). I live in New Jersey and I want to pay ...show more""
Affordable cheap dental insurance?
I'm 21 and need dental insurance.. I need to be able to see a dentist if I need to and would like braces so that % off with the dental would be great . What are some affordable dental insurance plans for myself? thanks!
How much does insurance cost for a Nissan GTR and Mitsubishi Lancer?
How much does insurance cost for a Nissan GTR and Mitsubishi Lancer?
Is Obama's health care law gonna make me pay for health insurance if I only make $10,000 a year?
I  hope  he isn't  going to make me  pay for  health insurance  when  I'm   in the poverty  level.  That  would  be  a bunch of  crap.  Making people that make over  $20,000  a year pay  for  insurance , I'm  all for  that,  but  not  some  poor  bastards  that  are barely  getting  by as it is.  Am I going to be forced to buy health insurance?
Do I need my own car insurance?
I have paid my car off to my mom. She paid for it initially and is the listed owner of the vehicle. I'm 20 years old. Since she is the owner does that mean she will always have to be the primary driver listed on the insurance? If I move out after I graduate in a few months, do I need to get my own insurance plan on the car or stay on hers? I plan to keep her house as my permanent address for at least a few years until I really settle down. It would be cheaper to stay on the plan with her, but can I do that if I don't live in the same household?""
Car Insurance Question?
I live in Los Angeles and I am leaving the country for 6 month. Can I stop insurance of my car as no one will drive it? In case of theft how can I get it covered? Would the house insurance work in that case?
Getting car insurance for a new car but i have a point on my license?
does anyone know how much it cost or what is the difference to pay when getting car insurance if i have a point on my license. i just bought a used car and i want to get car insurance for it under my name. however, i have a one point on my license. anyone know how much of a difference in cost a point would cost? or anything else i should know?""
Help with insurance?
As of Friday I found out I was pregnant. I would like to schedule a doctors appt. ASAP but i dont have health insurance. Which would be the best and quickest insurance that I can apply for? and is there an insurance that I can apply for online?
What is Title insurance?
What is it for? any advantages? how will it benefit me?
Which is the cheapest and best ( best value) auto insurance in the US?
How much would it cost to insure a 1973 C3 Chevrolet Stingray Corvette?
I am doing a class project and just need to know an average cost of insurance for a Stingray Corvette.
Progressive auto insurance? or AAA..which one is cheaper?
in terms of (monthly payments)
Confused about insurance law in CA?
Hey guys, I obtained my license a couple weeks back but I do not have insurance, meaning I was not added to my parent's premiums yet and do not have my own as well. However, the car that I drive does have insurance on it. Just clarifying, but technically, it is illegal for me to drive as of right now correct? Or is it legal for me to drive as long as the car has insurance? Thanks!""
Auto insurance question?
I had full coverage on my auto policy. My car is at a point where I'm not going to fix it because it would cost more to repair then to replace. However, I'm not going to replace it at this time. My question is, since I will be renting cars at least twice before I get a new car, how do I handle my auto insurance? The policy currently covers rental cars, and is cheaper than the insurance the rental company offers, so I'd like to keep it. should i go ahead and cancel my auto policy, even though I will be driving other cars before i purchase another?""
Car crash and insurance?
i had a crash today, it was not my fault (was told by the police), i had my insurance, but the other party does not, i was told i have to pay for my car full coverage because the other party does not have insurance. Is that true? please help me, thank you!""
Tesco Car insurance cancelled?
I have just returned from 2 months being away and was very much surprised to read letters from tesco insurance about being unable to take money from my account for the annual renewal of my policy and therefore cancelling it. I talked to my bank and they said that there were not attempts to take money from my account by tesco. While tesco says that my card has been refused. I asked tesco if they could reinstate my policy due to some fault with the payment, which does not seem to be my bank they say that cancelled policy cannot be reinstated and suggest to pay  230 for the period that they were trying to collect and open a much more expensive new policy. They also told me that I face penalty because my car is uninsured now. I would like to reinstate the policy as cancelled unfairly and at the same time I need to insure my car quickly to avoid facing penalty. I wanted to maintain Tesco policy in case they reinstate it, as i will not have cancelled policy on my records and will not have to pay extra for the month, they have been cancelling my account, i also have 2 years no claim with them, provided another insurance, whose car slightly dammaged my front door, while i was parked at a petrol station, pays them. This insurance admitted that it was their fault, but have not finished paying Tesco. This is another reason, tesco could do me even cheaper insurance, once the responsible party pays in full. If i leave it as it is i am afraid that in additioon to cancelled policy I will have a not fully payed claim on my records.""
NY parked car accident insurance laws.?
Some guy hit my car while it was parked in the road. He knocked on the door and gave me his insurance policy and other information. I live in Rochester, NY and my insurance provider is AIG. If i file a claim, who's insurance pays for the damages (new fender and door)? Will there be a deductible on my part? Will my premiums go up? Doesn't NY have some stupid no-fault law? Or should i just make him pay for everything out of pocket?""
Do I need insurance if I have a drivers license but no car?
Im Juss Got My License and i dont have insurance And Wondering If I Can Drive My Parents Car They Have Insurance And Gives Me Permission To Drive It, so if anyone knows the correct answer please let me know and by the way i live in tx.""
Speeding ticket in D.C. (4 points) affecting Virginia driving record and insurance rate?
I received a speeding ticket (42 in a 25-mile/hour non-school zone; 4 points according to the D.C. DMV website) a week ago. I'm licensed in Virginia. I assume D.C. will notify the Virginia DMV and will trasfer the four negative points to my driving record. I haven't had a ticket since 2003 and currently have five positive points on my record. It is the maximum number of positive points allowed in Virginia. QUESTION 1: Will my State Farm insurance policy go up? Even if not, I will take a safe driver course to offset the four negative points. QUESTION 2: Do I want to wait until the four negative points post on my driving record before I take the course? Thank you in advance for taking the time to reply.""
MA Small business required costs for insurance. To hard to find quotes.?
Making a pretend business plan for school and I cant find any prices that are needed for a graphic design business. What types of insurance would you recommend and whats the average costs? Thanks
What should I do about my 19 year old sons car insurance?
I have a son who is nearly 19 years old. He may be putting in for his test soon. The problem is I am worried about the cost of car insurance. He is nagging me to go on my insurance but I don't really like that idea because I am worried if he has an accident I will lose my no claims and my insurance will go up considerably. The other option is that I buy him a really cheap car with a small engion, but only cover third party. That way he can build up his own no claims. I was wondering if anyone knows how much he would be expected to pay if he decided to do this?""
Can I get really cheap insurance for my bike if I only use it for a couple of weeks per year?
I live in Argentina, and only go back to the U.S. for a few weeks out of the year. What's the cheapest way to insure my motorcycle while I'm there?""
How much does insurance on a Catamaran cost?
In USD$, what is the average price for insurance on a newer catamaran?""
How much do you pay for full coverage car insurance?
i'm 19 and going to buy a car soon but i'm trying to get a ball park figure on how much i can expect to pay
Homeowners Insurance cost in Florida?
My husband and I just got an acceptance for a house we put an offer on. The house is in Orange County Florida, 82810 and has 2 beds 1 bath and 1005 sq ft. It was made in 1940, updated plumbing and electrical in 1989, House (not the land) was appraised at 55,000 in 2007, but i'm sure this has gone down in this economic weather. No pool, no garage tell me if you need more info to help me out on how much you think it could cost. I can't seem to find anywhere online for quotes for home owners insurance, just numbers to call and we need to find someone by Monday morning. I'm going to call in the morning but i don't know how much time I'm going to have before we go into the Real Estate office. My questions are: Do you know of online homeowners insurances in Florida that have an online quote system? How much do you think insurance for a year would cost on a house this size? What homeowners insurances generally have the lowest rates? Thank you so much for your help!!!""
Insurance on a range rover?
how much do you suspect insurance on a 2004 Land Rover Range Rover Range Rover would be the car is $5000 i know the lady she dais she'd sell to me I just want to make sure the insurance isn't going to be too much I'm 18 B average took driver's course and defensive driving class.......just a guess
Can a ticket for no insurance be reduced?
Friend of mine got a ticket for no insurance 9 yrs ago.....i know long time......but after all this time is there anyway a good lawyer can.get the ticket reduced to a lesser one?
Cheaper Car Insurance For Teenage Drivers?
Can you help. I priced car insurance for my 16 year old son, and my premium will almost triple. I know all of you will post that he should just get a job, and that is fine, but I want him to save money for college, not to make an insurer rich. OK?""
Full Coverage Insurance on 08 Camry?
I am about to lease my first car. I have heard that I need full coverage insurance, but am a little unsure about what this means. I have gotten quotes from several insurance companies, but I don't really understand the coverage limits that they have. A few companies have easy coverage selections (ex: a high, medium, or low degree of protection). Does full coverage mean that I would need the highest degree of protection?""
Is Obama's health care law gonna make me pay for health insurance if I only make $10,000 a year?
I  hope  he isn't  going to make me  pay for  health insurance  when  I'm   in the poverty  level.  That  would  be  a bunch of  crap.  Making people that make over  $20,000  a year pay  for  insurance , I'm  all for  that,  but  not  some  poor  bastards  that  are barely  getting  by as it is.  Am I going to be forced to buy health insurance?
What is the cheapest possible insurance available?
Including the cheapest car to insure and the best way to go about insuring that car. What is the cheapest insurance i can get? Thanks for any help
Let's not have universal health care but just make health insurance more affordable?
and have the insurance companies take out take all these pre existing condition clauses. Then we don't have to worry about giving health care to illegals or higher taxes. Does anyone agree with me?
What is the cheapest car insurance company for Northern Ireland. I want to insure a ford focus ST-3.?
I have 1 years driving experience and 1 years NCB.
Can I still use my mom's health insurance?
My Mom has Anthem Blue Cross SISC III. I am married but 19 years old, and under the Affordable Care Act, children 26 and under are still supposed to be covered, married or unmarried, unless the adult child has another offer of employer-based coverage . My husband is a Marine, so I have the option to use Tricare, but I do not have my OWN employer-based coverage, so can I still use my mom's insurance? Her insurance plan is a lot better than Tricare.""
Maternity Insurance Coverage?
My family doesn't currently have insurance. I'm 10 weeks pregnant and my husband is about to start a new job where we will be offered insurance. I think the insurance the company offers is Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida. I know that I can be put on his insurance but are they likely to give me a problem with the pregnancy? I've heard that insurance companies will refuse to cover your prenatal care if you don't have the insurance before getting pregnant.
Cheap young driver insurance?
im 17 and im looking for some cheap car insurance and on the price compare websites it is too expensive does anyone know of a company that does it for a fair price?
Made a mistake on previous car insurance?
I'm worried about changing insurance companies as I forgot to tell previous insuraure about 3 points I have. What will the new insurance company say about the situation? Should I ring my old insurance company and explain? But the insurance has expired thanks
SO confused about this car insurance issue?
ok, due to being in the hospital giving birth, i missed a second payment on my car insurance in one term. i was told by my broker that was it, there was nothing i could do, they would cancel. my insurance company is ING. i said ok so what next? she told me on july 10th that they were sending out a registewred letter that day stating it was cancelled (my payment was late on june 25th). 2 wks later i had not received anything so i called my broker again. this was at 1 pm (they close at 4) and no one called me back. finally, i called back again, she called ING and called me back saying ok they said if you can pay it today it wont be cancelled (i had asked MULTIPLE times if this was an option, i was told no) by the time she told me that, it was 330 pm. I live a 1/2 drive away and by the time i got the baby together, went to the bank etc, it would be after their closing time so i couldnt do that. i contacted another broker who my mother deals with and he told me that they would send me my""
What is the most affordable life insurance and health insurance?
What is the most affordable life insurance and health insurance?
""How much is insurance on a 1995 jeep wrangler 4x4 for a 16 year old male that lives in DOuglasville, Ga?""
I am currently 16 and I am looking into buying a Jeep Wrangler 4x4 5 speed with a 3 inch lift. How much on adverage would insurrance be for me being a male? I live in Douglasville, Ga if that matters.""
Cheapest car insurance for young driver please?
I'm a 17 year old male from England and have a full uk licence i was just wondering what sort of prices other people have been getting for their insurance and which companys are the cheapest to go through any help would be appreciated. Thanks for looking at my question and answering :)
Where can I buy 1-day car insurance?
I have my car parked in a storage facility in LA, CA and I want to sell it, but I don't have insurance to cover my drive from storge to the dealership. I've looked online for temporary/1-day car insurance but all the ones I find are the the UK. Does anyone know of any companies that offer temporary car insurance? Thanks!!""
What is this type of insurance called? And how much?
So from general information, i know typically an arena will say that you need some insurance to cover (X) amount, like $1,000,000. My question is how does that person get that insurance? What does the insurance policy look like? And how much would he/she have to pay to get that insurance?""
Looking for an insurance company to insure me using VIN/chassis number?
I have bought a beeline Veloce GT50 49cc scooter (still in shop till insured) i cant get plates on it until i give them my insurance documents but im finding it hard to get an insurer to insure me online using the VIN Number / Chassis Number. so im stuck in a loop. no bike untill insurance is had and no insurance untill licence plate number is inserted onto online forms. This is for uk provisional so no answers from outside of uk please. thanks
""Car insurance for young male drivers, its cheaper to drive without it and pay the fines!?""
I really dont get it, car insurance on a 2000 plate 1litre yaris is over 10,000 - YES 10K! I do live in manchester, which is the most costly post code to get insured in but 10k is just a joke for a 18year old. Ive done it all correct too putting 1000 annual milage e.t.c So ive read online about how much people are fined when they are found driving without insurance and its about 200 on average. I know it can go upto 5000 but thats still cheaper than shelling out for insurance and your chances of getting caught arnt really high the way i would do it. Get a car, insure my dad on the car so it doesnt flag up on the police cameras when you drive past, drive to and from work only, and say the car is parked at work (nice postcode to get insurance cheaper) over night. which i can say it is my brother takes it on his night shift there. And if i do get caught i will say i took it without owners concent. TWOC the police call it. I just cant get it into my head at why the government dont do anything about insurance it kind of pushes people into breaking the law. And i would use public transport IF it didnt take me 4hours to get to and from work a day! ""
How much is State Farm Car Insurance per month?
How much is State Farm Car Insurance per month?
What company offers the cheapest car insurance for a first time driver?
And also what types of cars are the cheapest to insure? I live in nyc, the 11434 area code. I desperately need a car for college and everything I've checked so far is asking a fortune a month! Help! Thx in advance.""
Can anyone help me find cheap car insurance?
I'm 17 and live in the UK and I'm currently learning to drive. I really want a Fiat 500 when I pass my test, but the insurance is really expensive. My parents say they won't pay for it if it is more than 1000 a year, as I attend a prestigious driving school and they already pay my fees. However, my mum wants a new car and was considering a Fiat 500, so I could always be insured as a secondary driver. What's the cheapest way of doing it and can anyone find me a good insurance quote? I have no idea where to start and my parents won't help until I figure it out myself.""
Will my insurance go up after receiving3 points on my license?
I got careless driving and the cop told me it would be 3 points on my license. I took traffic school to remove previous points 6 months ago so I cannot do that. Will these 3 points raise my insurance rate? Also, I was pulled over by an unmarked detective, and he called in a motor cop to write the ticket. Would it be worth taking to court, and if I take it to court, what are the benefits vs. the losses I can face?""
How do you get car insurance for less than a year?
I would like to get car insurance for just a couple of months as the named driver, but all of the insurance quotes are for a year. Even the pay by month ones have a deposit.""
Car Insurance question?
So the other day as I was pulling out of the parking lot my car hit this non moving car next to me. The damage is not bad at all(a small dent with some scratches) and I am working with the other owner to get it fixed. I recently found out that they got an estimate from two places and both places are charging about 1000 dollars for their service. Do you think I would be better off paying for it from my pocket without informing my insurance place?(I am a broke college student). Should I get the car insurance involve? If I do get the insurance company involved will my rate go way up(cleaning driving record)? And how does car insurance company work(do they pay for all or partial)? What is my best option? Please Help!! Thank you so much for your time.
First car ... I need cheap car insurance.. what car offers cheap insurance?
Tell me how much the insurance costs if possible, bearing in mind I am a new driver.""
What auto insurance company has the best rates for teenagers?
i live in ontario ca if that helps and i drive a 95 caprice
HELP with car insurance for 17 year old?
I am trying to find cheap car insurance for a 17 year old :/ its proving hard and cheapest quote so far is 3500 with my mother as named driver. does anyone know any companys that specialise in young drivers insurance or ways to reduce it?
""What is the best car alarm system, that would also lower my insurance?""
I own a 2003 Toyota Corolla CE. My car insurance is moderately expensive, and I've been told that installing an alarm system would help lower my insurance. But I don't want a cheap alarm that can be easily set off by someone's sound system.""
Is Obama's health care law gonna make me pay for health insurance if I only make $10,000 a year?
I  hope  he isn't  going to make me  pay for  health insurance  when  I'm   in the poverty  level.  That  would  be  a bunch of  crap.  Making people that make over  $20,000  a year pay  for  insurance , I'm  all for  that,  but  not  some  poor  bastards  that  are barely  getting  by as it is.  Am I going to be forced to buy health insurance?
""Rear-ended, bent frame, does insurance replace my car?""
My frame was bent really out of shape in a really stupid rear ender at a metered ramp. The woman who hit me had insurance. My car can't even drive straight without me fighting the steering wheel. Will insurance cover the cost of a replacement? My car is literally 6 weeks old, has 649 miles on it. How pathetic is that?""
I live in arkansas and i need cheap car insurance and i just got my license. know of any cheap companies?
I live in arkansas and i need cheap car insurance and i just got my license. know of any cheap companies?
How much would it cost to add this to my car insurance policy?
okay, i am 16 years old and just got my liscense a couple of days ago. my parents are now paying an extra $800 to add me to the insurance but they want to buy me a really cheap car to drive for about 2 years so i dont crash the other expensive cars we have say i got a '93 honda civic for around $2,000 with around say 100k miles on it, how much do you think it would cost to add that to the policy?""
How much would average insurance be for a 20 year old student for a 2011 Camaro LS be?
Im looking just to get an estimate.
Can i get my car insured on my parents name?
i have recently passed my driving test and it is really expensive to get insured on cars i was wondering if i can get insured on my dads name until i reach a older age then it will be cheaper is it possible to get insured on my dads name?
I have a Mazda 6 ... whats the cheapest Car insurance I should get for it? per month?
What's the cheapest car insurance to get on a Mazda 6...2008? Expected Monthly payments, ect. I am currently at 70/month... with Allstate but I wanted to know if there was a cheaper service out there.""
AAA driving insurance questions?
my cousin is 16 and he wants to know how much driving insurance cost if you have AAA. he's a high school student, good grades, and etc... how many discounts will he get and how much does he have to pay each month?""
""Impossible to get car insurance, what should I do?""
I'm 18 soon and will be wanting to start driving but the cheapest quote i can get is 6000 etc on a 1.0 litre vauxhall corsa, There is no one i can get a policy with as my mum doesn't drive. is there any suggestions? only British people will understand this problem
""Where can i find cheap car insurance in Toronto, Ontario?""
Where can i find cheap car insurance in Toronto, Ontario?""
Will Progressive insurance do this for me?
Progressive advertises that they show you the rates of other insurance companies as well as theirs. I am a current long time customer of Progressive and want to shop to around for cheaper options. If I call Progressive, will they give me the quotes of other insurance companies without me having to shop around?""
Licence and car insurance in different names?
I have recently married and have taken my husbands name. This means for ID purposes I have changed my last name on my driving licence. However out of spite I chose not to change it on my car insurance as it meant paying an admin fee and rather change it when it comes up for renewal in 6 months. Does the different names invalidate my insurance?
How old dose a car/vehicle need to be for lower insurance?
I am 17 and i have been saving money for a brand new car and i started looking for one and i found the one i want and so i decided to get a quote on the insurance for it and the quote as around 350 and the car payment quote was 200 i thought that this is a little ridicules myself and i cant afford insurance that high... So i was just wondering how old a vehicle needs to be before the insurance is way lower than what it would be if it was brand new!
How much more is it to insure two personal cars vs. one?
I am just one guy, I live by myself and nobody drives my car but me. I keep insurance on it but conditions may turn out that I will end up with a 2nd car. I would ultimately drive them both and have them insured but how much is it for one person to insure a 2nd car? Is it (premium of one car) X 2 or more like 1.5(P) I hope this wouldn't be too expensive and make it not worth it.""
How much will insurance go up for a 17 yr old female with 6 months driving experience in an accident?
Accident was her fault. She rear ended a truck. The truck wasnt hurt at all but the car was totaled pretty much. Ticket was failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. What is a rough estimate of how much insurance will go up for her?
How much does DMV charge for the 30 day car insurance?
How much does DMV charge for the 30 day car insurance?
Is car insurance sexist against males?
As an 18 year old man, I think that it is unfair that car insurance is higher for me than for some girl. Don't get me wrong, I love being a guy and wouldnt change it for the world, but even though I am a careful driver, I still have to pay more insurance simply because of the way I was born. I didnt even get a chance to screw up. If insurance was higher for blacks then they would be having a cow. What do you think?""
Which company has the best insurance leads?
Which company has the best insurance leads?
How much would you estimate the annual cost of living to be in central New Jersey?
This would be for a simple lifestyle- one bedroom apartment, utilities, food, clothing, phone, internet, cable, basic car, car insurance, gas, car maintenance, computer, pet, gifts, and a one-week basic vacation. You can provide an estimate both with, and without, a basic health insurance plan premium. I am just trying to figure out about how much it would cost to live in this area. Thank you for your advice.""
Do you have life insurance?
Ok we have been married for 10 years with 2 small boys. My husband works, I don't. I think he needs disability insurance and life insurance just in case something happens to him. And maybe even life insurance on me and the boys to cover at least funeral costs.. He thinks it's a big waste of money but I think we should. Also, my sister asked me if I would take her boys if something happen to her and brother-n-law. I said of course!! She told me that I would then get XX amt. of money from her life insurance... She also stated it's in their will!! OMG do I need a will too. What do I need in this will. I don't want my kids in foster care so I should name some people who would care for our boys..""
Do I have to give my Friend the car insurance details?
Me, my partner and my friend were in a car accident involving a polish driver who drove into the side of us. We exchanged details and my insurance company have been attempting to contact the polish insurance company with no luck. The accident happened in October and they has still had no luck. My friend said she wasnt hurt but was gonig to make a claim for whiplash. I told her she shouldnt make a false claim and I asked her not to as it would prob come out of my insurance as the polish company were not gettnig back to us. She agreed she wouldnt make a claim. She has since lost her job and spoke to me today saying she has spoken to a company who is going to make the claim for her. She has asked for the insurance details for the polish company as it was there fault and she says she doesnt need any details from me. Firstly - do I leagally have to give her the details for the polish driver/ insurance? and if she has no luck there will I have to give her my details so she can claim on my insurance? I know she isnt hurt and it just annoys me she could be putting my insurance up if she makes a claim against me! Any advice would be useful! Thanks""
Do I still have to have car insurance? I'm a new driver?
I'm using my parents' car and they already have insurance for it. Do I still need to have my personal one even though my parents already have one for it? sounds kind of a rip-off for me.
Insurance options for me?
I'm going to be 20 in July. Me and my Girlfriend are having a child we live in an apartment together in Iowa. I am self employed currently, I make roughly $20,000 a year while going to college full time. I was wondering if I can get insurance for myself through Title 19 or any other form of government insurance to assist me and/or my child. I know private insurance is an option too but I want to take advantage of anything I can get free first.""
""If I provide my health insurance information to a college abroad, will they be able to look up my medical hist?""
If I provide my health insurance information to a college abroad, will they be able to look up my medical history?""
No claim bonus on previous car insurance?
Will the insurance company cover my accident on a rental car?
What happen if i rent a car in my friends name and take it out of state but use my dad's insurance card? I am only 19 and live with him. I am not adding my name as the secondary driver at the rental place. If i get in a accident in a different state will my dad's insurance cover the accident. And i can't rent in my dad's name. So that's out of the option. I am renting in Georgia and going to Florida. Thank you
Is Obama's health care law gonna make me pay for health insurance if I only make $10,000 a year?
I  hope  he isn't  going to make me  pay for  health insurance  when  I'm   in the poverty  level.  That  would  be  a bunch of  crap.  Making people that make over  $20,000  a year pay  for  insurance , I'm  all for  that,  but  not  some  poor  bastards  that  are barely  getting  by as it is.  Am I going to be forced to buy health insurance?
0 notes
affordable auto insurance in ohio
"affordable auto insurance in ohio
affordable auto insurance in ohio
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers in the uk?
Hey everyone, ive tried all the usual avenues to find cheap(ish) car insurance for my 18 year old cousin and to be honest they are coming back with ridiculously expensive quotes, does anyone know of there are any companies in the uk that do offer a good deal?""
How much is car insurance? I'm doing and economics project...?
Like for a 38 thousand dollar car. Looking for a lower premium and a higher deductable but in order to find a price i would have to actually sign up for car insurace and i can't do that. What would be like the best option for me would you say...? Anyone???
Insurance for already pregnant women?
Currently 21 weeks with our first baby. My husband and I applied at out local DSS office for Medicaid but was denied. I am a high risk pregnancy and there is no way we can afford these bills... We live in North Carolina. Is there any insurance company that will cover me even though im already pregnant? Any help will be great. Thanks
Which is the Best Life Insurance?
Which is the Best Life Insurance? Less investment, good returns, life coverage, Accident Benifit""
How much is car insurance per month for a 19 yr old? estimated?
How much is car insurance per month for a 19 yr old? estimated?
How long does it take Home owners insurance to pay?
My house had a pipe burst, a guy from the insurance company came and took pictures of everything that got damaged. My xbox 360 was sitting in water and he took a picture of it. How long will it take till I know if they are going to cover it or not?""
I need the best site for health insurance for a small business?
the insurance will be for 3 employees and needs to include dental and vision insurance
An affordable dentist in Houston?
I need an appt. for an exam and maybe a couple of cavities that can be done before December. anyone know any affordable dentists that can do that in the month of November without insurance?
Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance for the state Arkansas?
Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance for the state Arkansas?
I need to know if there is any College to learn Insurance in the World.?
any Insurance Instituet or College in the World
Do I qualify for federal health insurance?
My parents don't get insurance through their jobs, and they can't afford private insurance. My parents and I are currently enrolled in an assistance program through our local hospital. I go to a private university that requires for students to have some type of health insurance. If the student doesn't have health insurance, the school charges the student $1,000 for the school insurance. Since I am 19 years old, I no longer qualify for CHIPS, which I've had all my life. I am a full time student, I am a U.S. citizen, I am in Texas, my parents are low income, I don't have proof of a job (I'm a nanny and get paid in cash). Online resources are confusing. But is there any federal insurance program that I may be eligible for?""
What is the average cost for martial arts insurance?
What is the average cost for martial arts insurance?
Parents to buy car or insurance?
How can I persuade my parents to buy me a car or pay for my insurance (preferably insurance because that is more expensive). My dad said he is going to buy my sister a car and pay for her insurance but is going to make me get mine all on my own, even though I have better grades than her in school and I am more active outside - I play sports and do physical work. And to top it off, my test is in December, so I really will only have a car for the next 10 months as I will then be going to university, so the insurance won't even be that much. How can I persuade them?""
Is it a legal requirement to have insurance when you are self employed?
I am about to sign a contract, as a self-employed contractor, and one of the point refers to me having liability insurance. Is it a legal requirement?""
Does anyone have the Mid-West Live insurance company of Tennessee?
An insurance agent sold this to my parents and I wish they put everything into layman's term. They bought this through a group called the Alliance for Affordable Services. They have a $5000 deductible but the policy reads like this: Hospital room/board has CoInsurance of 100% with Maximum up to $1000 per day. What is Coinsurance? Do they still have to pay something after their $5000 deductible? Thanks in advance.
Cheap car to insure for a 17 year old?
Im 16 about to turn 17 and am looking at cars to insure but they are all too expensive to insure. Can anyone suggest a cheap car to insure and a cheap car insurer
How much will a teen pay for their own car insurance?
if its a used car that is completely paid for.
Car insurance?
im 17 and learning to drive my mum has a black small car ( not sure what make) im a girl houw much would insurance be any sites help
What is the average house insurance cost in Canada?
for example for 3500 sqft with 2 stories
Florida - Car Insurance Question?
A friend of mine who lives in Florida said that he has to pay for car insurance even though he doesn't own a car and doesn't drive his parent's car. Is it true that by ...show more
How important is car insurance ?
My dad works for an insurance company so he thinks I need insurance but I can't afford it. Should I wait until I have enough money for insurance to buy a car?
How do I go about this? Car insurance for myself and get the car in my name?
My mom is giving me her old car. She has it in her name, and I want to put it in my own name with my own car insurance. I'm moving out so this is the reason for it. I live in Florida.""
Can't afford Health Insurance...?
I'm looking for advice...and hopefully someone to tell me that I'm not screwed. My boss graciously offered to find group insurance for all of her employees and she is willing to pay 50% of the premiums. The problem is that she went with the most expensive plan on the market (that I've seen) and I simply can't afford it. The premium is $340 a month, so I'd be paying $170 which isn't bad...but the copays are at least +20% on everything and doctor visits range from $35 to $55 a visit, so I wouldn't be able to afford to use my health coverage often. It also doesn't include dental, which is what I really wanted/needed. I am 21 years old (and all of my coworkers are in their 20s), so I don't really understand why the payments are so high. I'm right in the midst of paying off student loans, I don't get paid very much, and I was hoping to start saving money to purchase a car and be able to go back to school. I was going to use my income tax return as a down payment on a car, but if I opt out of healthcare this year at least a fourth of that return will be taken as the fine imposed to coerce people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act. I seriously don't know what to do. Neither of my parents have health insurance, so I can't be tacked onto their coverage. I was planning on telling my boss to opt me out, but she went ahead and signed me up so I'm looking at getting $170 taken out of my check right before Christmas either way. I actually found out how much it was after she signed me up...I don't even know how she did that without confirming everything with me. Am I completely screwed? What would you do?""
""Would you buy a health insurance policy if it was not required of you, yet affordable?
a. I'll wait until I'm required to b. No way c. Absolutely e. I want one for free because I don't have a job and I live in my mom's basement
Car insurance for new driver 16 years old?
my son just got his license and he is 16 and he will be insured on a 1962 vw bug and i was wondering what the average cost would be a month for insurance and what is the best but also cheap insurance he could get help?
affordable auto insurance in ohio
affordable auto insurance in ohio
How much a month for loan and insurance for a 350z.?
Ok so I'm gonna be 20 in a couple months and I'm tired of driving my crappy integra. I've been saving up and I'm set on getting a 350z. My price range is about 12,000 tops. If I put a down payment of about 5 or 6 grand how much would I pay per month for the loan. And how much would I pay a month for the loan along with the insurance. I'm on my parents plan. I don't know much about interest rates. Can you give me estimates on different lengths of loans and interest rates Thanks ily""
Will getting a car permit/License increase tax?
I wanted to get my permit and then license as soon as possible. My mom however says by driving there will be an increase on tax she has to pay. Does she mean insurance? I'm not sure what she means by that, so can anyone explain?""
I am looking at becoming a taxi driver and i am looking for quotes for insurance?
i need to find out how much it would cost me for hire and reward car insurance for the taxi and chauffering service on britians roads and if possible if i am able to pay with weekly payments
Can u recommend any car insurance for 6 months rather then 1 year ?
i may need to sell car after 6 months and that's why i do not want to pay insurance for 12 months upfront
""For USA: If i got hurt in a car accident, will my heath insurance cover the expenses? or the car insurance?
I am an international student studying in NJ. It is mandotory for all students to have heath insurance so i got one. I recenty bought a car from NJ. I m looking for insurance prices now. I m confused about that issue! In my country (cyprus) car insurance companies only pay for your damages to cars or environment. Your health insurance cover the medical expenses. I think it is different in here USA...
Purchasing insurance to cover maternity leave in California?
Is there any sort of insurance you can buy in California so you can get approximately your regular wages during your unpaid maternity leave? I've heard that state disability doesn't pay too much. And how long can you take off? Some women say they've gotten 3 months off but I don't know what I need to do to get that, and still have approximately my regular income coming in. I'm not pregnant yet, so I could buy something without having a pre-existing condition. Thanks!""
Cheapest car to tax or insure?
what car is the cheapest to tax and insure ive been told its the vauxhall corsa
Im 19 how much does the average 19 year old pay for car insurance?
I live in new york city
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
Are States legally allowed to require car insurance?
Can the State legally mandate that citizens buy insurance from consumer agencies that have little to no regulation of price and guaranteed service? Can we consider this question with these items. item 1: Premium rates are as high as the industry chooses to set them item 2: Insurance companies are not required to provide to low income families (as are utilities, and other necessity services) item 3: Insurance companies only pay a small percentage (20%) of claims, and only 6% without judication.""
How much do you pay for your car insurance ? (UK)?
I am 19 with a VW polo 1.4 payin 140 a month
Can anyone suggest me a good health insurance company in India which also offers maternity benefits?
Can anyone suggest me a good health insurance company in India which also offers maternity benefits?
""I am fully comp, and my insurance said i can drive any car i wish to? read the details below!!!!!?""
I am fully comp, and my insurance said i can drive any car i wish to, Can i really drive any car i want, EVEN IF THE OTHER CAR HAS NO ONE INSURED ON IT?""
Insurance company is denying me insurance.. can anyone help out?
well i was driving alone on a learners permit, got into an accident where i was not at fault. the insurance company denied the car claim and now they called and said they refuse to cover me unless my ticket is found not guilty. The problem is my court date is in 3 months. Is there any other way i can get insurance coverage?""
Grace period between car purchase and insurance purchase?
In NYC is there a grace period between the time that you purchase a vehicle and the time that you purchase insurance? I'll probably be making the purchase next weekend and hopefully my insurance within that same following week. I heard before (I believe I heard it on Cops) that you had 30 days to purchase insurance so long as you kept the purchase receipt for the vehicle in the vehicle, and when you get pulled over (if), you would hand the officer the purchase receipt as a temp insurance and say that you are actively seeking an insurer. Is this true? I'm 20 years old and purchasing my first car (yes you can say hello to my $6000 a year insurance quotes)...so I don't really have much experience in the area. Any info would be awesome - thank you! Also, what exactly is the process? To my understanding it goes like this: 1) Purchase vehicle 2) Purchase insurance 3) Register the vehicle Is this correct?""
Can insurance brokers be trusted?
I am getting my first car insured and am thinking about going through an insurance broker because of the cheap price....
Would insurance be higher on suv/truck or car/sedan?
For example Mitsubishi Montero Sport vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, or Mitsubishi galant.""
Way to get auto insurance for $100 a month?
I haven't had (needed) auto insurance in five years. I just got a quote from a few places, and can't believe the cost!! I have an unblemished record.""
What is family floater plan health insurance?
i want to know about family floater plan health insurance
How does a car qualify to be eligble for classic car insurance in the UK?
Are there specific companies that deal in this? Is it generally cheaper due to restrictions on the use of the car?
Will VA patients be requird to get health insurance?
I do not have health insurance and I am presently being treated by the VA. Will I be required to get health insurance?
Would I need car insurance before purchasing a used car from a private dealer?
I'm 18, I'll be 19 by the time I purchase my first car & I was wondering do I need car insurance before I buy the vehicle. I've never done this before so I have no idea how this works.""
How much would a 2005 Honda Civic Coupe be worth?
I probably totalled my car. What is the estimated value of the car? How much do you think my insurance company will give me for a new one? Is there a site I can go to?
How much does car insurance cost for a 19 year old girl?
Living in South Jersey. 2 years with a license. No accidents/ tickets. GPA 3.0+. Good credit score. For a used car newer than 2003. I just need a rough estimate. I don't want some insurance agent to call me for an quote or get random e-mails from insurance companies, right now before I buy a car.""
Hidden car insurance add-ons? (for example red paint cost more to insure)?
I know that your car insurance cost more if your vehicle is painted red, and if something that ridiculous is going to up my insurance price, I'm sure it's not alone. So, my QUESTION ~> Does anyone know of any other stupid details that will add to my car insurance bill?<~ (I'm looking to buy my first car and I have to pay for my own insurance. So I'm trying to avoid extra stupidity before it hits me with a financial price-upper.) HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""
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affordable auto insurance in ohio
Is it good to shop around and change car insurance every 6 months. In order to always pay the lowest?
Does that look bad in your records, credit, financial history etc? Example..... This bastard is always changing car insurances every couple of months.""
What are the effects of the options with car insurance?
comparing auto insurance and answering the questions(rent or own house, marriage status, etc.). Do those variables affect my premium rate?""
How much impact will a claim of $1400 have on my Insurance rates?
I have a deductible of $500 so the actual payout would only be $900. But someone told me that the amount doesn't matter. Its the number of claims. So in that case would 1 claim matter? I have asked the same question to my Insurance company and they are non comittal. Anyone with similiar situation, please advise..""
What is the best way to compare auto insurance quotes?
I am needing to find new car insurance, and I of course would like to shop around for the best deal. Can anyone recommend a good site that will compile your information and give you multiple accurate quotes from different companies? I am leery to enter my information into a third party database, so confidentiality, professionalism and no spam is a must. Thank you!""
""Kawasaki Ninja 250R, insurance help?""
I just turned 17 last week, and it's the summer break now and am looking to get a job. The plan is to earn and save as much money as possible until I have enough to purchase the 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250R Motorcycle. I've read and heard many good things about it, and it seems to me like it's a good starter bike to purchase. One thing I am unclear for is the insurance. I've read that insurance for the Ninja 250R is very cheap, but also have read that it can be really expensive. Realistically, what am I looking at here annually? I have a clean record, I'm also planning to get my M1 in the next few weeks.""
How much is a ticket for driving without insurance in washington state?
I pay almost $900 every six months and I'm sick of it. I've never been pulled over and I only commute 6 miles to work and an occasional trip to the grocery store. It sounds like it would be cheaper risking getting pulled over and get a ticket than to pay the insurance. Anybody have an idea how much the ticket would be?
Another car insurance question to British drivers!?
My brother's car was written off yesterday [was the other party's fault]. He was told today the car wasn't redeemable so that's that! So he is waiting to see how much they are going to pay him for the loss, but the question is does he have to keep paying full comprehensive insurance when he no longer has a car to drive? Can he now pay a reduced rate until the insurance is sorted out? It seems unfair to continue paying out for fully comp insurance when there is no car to insure!""
Mr vice president my name is michael and i am in indiana. how can i afford health insurance michael?
i tried finding insurance but i can't even afford it. what can i do
""I'm 16 , how much with motor cycle insurance be?""
As it says above, I'm curious on how much it will be? cheaper than car insurance , or more? im from phoenix arizona. good grades , clean record . so if anyone knows how to help?""
Question on car insurance and speeding ticket?
I was driving my friend's car and got a speeding ticket with 4 points (later reduced to 2 points). I didn't have my friend's insurance or my insurance in the car, but the officer let that one go. The car was from another state, and my license was from a third state. How will this affect the insurance rate? Also, I am under 21 and do not have my own insurance (I am under my parent's insurance) Additionally, is it possible that this could affect my friend's insurance rate? Thanks for the help.""
Terms Life Insurances-term life policy?
i am wanting to cash in a 14year life insurance policy. the amount is $50,000. what is the formula for a cash out, in other words how much will i receive?""
What happens if to my insurance if i get married?
My parents pay for my insurance and ill have it till I'm 19 if I get married would I no longer have insurance?
Car insurance/medical question.?
I recently got into a car accident..and had to make a recorded statement over the phone to my car insurance company NJ Cure....about the accident..they asked...did you take any prescription medication that day? I said yes I take Lexapro...Nj cure replied...oh we didnt know u were taking prescription meds...I replied...u guys never asked in the renewal policy. My Question is this.....CAN THEY RAISE OR DROP MY INSURANCE COVERAGE SINCE I AM ON MEDICINE PRESCRIBED BY MY DOCTOR???
How much insurance should i buy ?
How much insurance should i buy ?
NJ car insurance?
NJ My daughter borrowed my car and was in a minor accident. She has her own insurance. My insurance company paid the other drivers claim and my insurance went up. Shouldn't my daughters insurance pay the claim. We have twoseparate companies.
What happens if you get caught without auto in card in Texas in an accident in an insured car?
What happens if you get caught without auto in card in Texas in an accident in an insured car?
Motorcycle insuance question?
I am 18 in CA and I plan to get a motorcycle as my first motorcycle because of high gas prices. I am thinking of getting the Kat 600 because of its comfort, I read so many reviews how good it is for long trips and stuff, now how much might my insurance be, also take note that I am getting one used and that I have 0 road experience even in a car, and I am starting my own insurance policy. Thanks.""
Help with car insurance please?
Hello, I Live in the UK, I am 22 years old and I have a Kia picanto which is my everyday car. My girlfriend is the main driver and owner and I am a named driver on the policy. I have a Subaru Impreza which I want to use at weekends etc and only little use. Is there any sort of Insurance for this? Its a 1998 plate so don't think I qualify for classic cover. Basically I will do about 500 miles a year in the Subaru and can't afford the 4000 for the year. I know a lot of people will say just sell it etc etc. But I love the car and owned for the last year and do not want to sell. I just want a little help please. With the cost of petrol etc I no longer use the Subaru as everyday use as it gets me about 11 MPG and the Kia about 53 MPG and can't afford two full price premiums. So is there any temp weekend cover for the year or small use/classic kind of thing? Any advice will be very much appreciated. Kind Regards""
Scooter/moped insurance costs?
I'm thinking of getting a scooter/moped as an alternative to a car. I'm wondering what the insurance would be like for a scooter (50cc) compared to a car (medium sedan)? I am an 18 year old female who recently obtained a drivers license.
Insurance cost for Dump Truck?
Without knowing a lot of information right now except it would be in the 1990's year range what would the APPROX. cost of monthly insurance be for a dump truck? We are in Ontario, Canada.""
Health insurance for geriatrics.?
My mom is going to be 64 years old in December and has being diagnosed with high blood pressure. She doesn't qualify for medicaid yet; which insurance company should I contact in Florida, so she can get an individual health insurance?""
""Some one have tried to make false claim on my car insurance, please help?""
Hello All, some one have tried to make false claim on my car insurance, i have been driving fine. but couple of days ago, my insurance company called and asking me details of the accident saying i had met an accident and some one claims compensations for that. Please advise me where shall i get more help, any web site forums or other options please, I live in UK A Little help will be appreciated Many thanks and Regads""
When should I buy life insurance?
I'm 23, one year out of college, living at home with my parents and working full time. I have no dependents. Is this the right time in my life for purchasing life insurance? I don't anticipate starting a family for another 5-8 years - is it wise to lock in a level term or whole life at my age or is it just fool's thinking?""
Insurance on a 2000 mustang.?
I'm 18 and have always wanted a mustang. I have heard insurance is high on them and would like to get an idea on what,I'll have to pay for insurance on it? Can any one give me an idea on about what the cost of insurance would be?""
If i dont have insurance and i drive a friends car in which he has insurance on it.?
What would happen? would my friend be liable, and would he have to pay everything? or would his insurance cover his car?""
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affordable auto insurance in ohio
Car insurance in Nebraska?
How much would car insurance in Omaha, NE cost for a 16 y/o male?""
Do insurance companies really have access to driving & traffic records if one's getting a new quote?
I don't have the best driving & traffic record, and have been driving without insurance for about 5 months now. However, when I called Progressive to a get a quote from them I lied about it all, they gave me an amazing quote!! I still haven't enrolled with them -plan to if all my pathetic lying goes through- but my concern is that my premiums will go up if they do have access to my driving, traffic and my previous insurance's records. Does anybody know if they are just bluffing about their access to these records? PLEASE HELP!""
Is it legal to have car insurance on your vehicle under someone's parent's name?
Is it legal to have car insurance if it's in someone else's name, and they are aware and okay of it? The specific situation is, I am getting a car from my dad, and the auto insurance is going to be under his name still. I am a licensed driver, and need to figure this out, because I do not want to drive with his insurance, if it is illegal.""
V8 car compared to 4x4 insurance?
i have a 2001 yukon xl 4x4 and i would like to get a 2001 mustang gt which has a v8. i was wondering how that would effect my insurance rates. i have a cell phone ticket and a speeding ticket on my reord fyi.
Which is the cheapest and best ( best value) auto insurance in the US?
Cheapest car insurance?
i am looking for a car which will be cheap to insure. i am only a 17 year old girl, so i need to know what would be best and how much a month around about?""
How should I get car insurance?
Let me explain my situation. I am an adult who has not had a drivers license before and I am wanting to take the test next week to get it. In order to take the test, I must prove that I have car insurance. I have called a couple place to get car insurance and they have told me that I need a driver license in order to get for them to insure me. I have tried to look up quotes online as well, but they also expect me to have a license in order to get a quite? I have no family that will put me on their insurance. Secondary question, how much does liability insurance go for?""
How much is Audi A4 1.8t insurance?
I know there are a lot of things to take into consideration when getting insurance quotes and all but I was on craigslist and I found a nice little 2005 Audi A4 1.8t and I wanted to get an idea of insurance. I know that it is considered a luxury sedan and its foreign from Germany so those are going to make it more expensive. It puts out around 170hp and 160 trq. The car has great crash test ratings too. Seller is asking a little under $6000 and I don't know how many miles are on it yet. Other things to consider are that im only 19 so it would go under my fathers name. I know its hard to estimate what insurance would be but if anyone can come up with a good idea or if they own one themselves. Im not completely sold on the car but I just wanted a little help from the yahoo community. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know Im not giving you a lot of info to work with.
Can I get cheaper insurance while my vehicle is in storage?
I'm going to be out of the country for a while, and am putting my car in an auto storage place. But since I'm keeping it registered and leaving the plates on it, I have to maintain insurance. Do any insurance companies offer cheaper insurance or a special type of insurance that I can put on there, since I wont be driving the vehicle? This is because I'm deploying to Iraq, btw.""
My job does not have..Need health insurance?
looking for private health insurance, what are some companies that are affordable? lists of companies and info about them please. Thanks to all who answer =]""
2003 Honda S2000 insurance rate?
Hi, i'm a 16 year old male. I'm planning on getting an S2000 when I turn 17 and was wondering if someone could give me a ballpark answer on how much, liability only, insurance would cost me per month. Ballpark as in $100-$150, $150-$200, $200-$250... Any help would be very appreciated. Also, just take into fact that I have a perfect driving record and that stuff since I would just recently have gotten my license by then.""
Is chba health plan any good? especially for pregnant women?
i am 2 months pregnant and i cannot find health insurance that accepts me. i am in michigan currently and i was offered a heath plan called CHBA health plan. does anyone have it? can some one tell me if its any good? anything i should be aware of? is there any other affordable insurance or health plan that good for a pregnant woman?? thank you.
""I want to purchase a nice USED car, but I want insurance from out of state? How can I get that?
I want to buy a car directly from the seller and a good running car and I want to be insured out of state. I have a few questions: 1. What is the best and cheapest insurance I can go for? 2. How can I get out of state insurance? 3. What type of used car that you highly recommend me to by?
When can i refinance my car loan ??
i bought a car on June 5th this year ( 200-7-) Now i pay around 425 dollars for it every month , and as per insurance around 198 . i make around 750 dollars a month . i am doing this because i want to be independent from my parents. If i don't start somewhere then i will never be on my own . anyway emotional stuff aside..hehe. When can i refinance my loan , currently it's around 6-7% I think my credit score went high , my equifax is 669 , when i checked right now on creditinform.com. I have chase bank , you think they can lower it ? do you know how much lower they can go ? around 300 maybe? i am goin to take defensive driving class also , i heard that saves a lot of money also on insurance.. Please help , : ) thanks , have a nice day.""
What are some of the cheapest cars to insure for a 16 year old boy?
I'll be getting my license in less than a year from now. I wanted to know what cars are cheap to insure. I don't want a crown vic, I don't want an unreliable car that constantly breaks, and I don't want an unsafe car such as a hyundai accent, chevy cavalier, etc. I want a sturdy car that can withstand an accident, no full size, preferably compact, but I'll settle for mid-size. I was thinking of a saturn because they're cheap and reliable. Or a Ford focus or ford contour. I also want to know if a ford escort is safe and reliable, cuz they seem like good starter cars. Out of these types of cars I've talked about, What makes and models are good? It doesn't have to be what I listed, and I'd like a list or a few cars that are cheap to insure.""
""Where can I get insurance, I want to play a sport but I don't have insurance ?
So im thinking about joining sports in school but I don't have insurance and does state farm sell that kind of insurance or any other insurance company
How much would my insurance rate differ if i bought a car with cash or financed?
I am 16 years old and the quote i received for buying the car in cash was about 1200 a year. how much more would my insurance be if i financed ?
Is it possible to get Car Insurance for a 17 Year Old Boy under 2000!?
Looking on GoCompare I can not find car insurance for less than 2K anywhere! Does anyone have any suggestions I can afford to pay 150 a month, not cheap but it's realistic. I found a company called Young Marmalade who can do it for that, but they also have restrictions which I could do without! Any help and suggestions would be appreciated :/""
I bought a car week ago and i get insurance from AIG it costs me $850 for 6 months(full coverage)?
does anybody know cheaper one i am first time driver and my car new toyota scion XA 2006 thanks i really need cheaper one
What are some good low cost learner legal bike with cheap insurance?
i'm 17 and i'm looking to purchase my first motorbike so i was wondering if you could give me some bike for less than about 2000 with cheap insurance?, but no rubbish Chinese bike because they fall apart""
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
Can I have car insurance under my parent's name?
Meaning, I am 17 on a probationary license. My parents and I currently have Allstate Insurance and I'm a part time driver on mom's vehicle. They recently bought me a car from my instructor's daughter. I would like to be an all-by-myself driver under Liberty Mutual, being they've shown me the absolute best rate, hands down. So question is- can I have car insurance under my parent's name with Liberty Mutual, as they keep Allstate? (My policy, just under their name)""
Life insurance for over 60?
Hello,just wondering if anyone out there has any good expierence for life insurance over 60 years old.I am a 64 year old female who wants something for 15 years with no pre-existing medical conditions.There are so many out there I just dont know who I can trust.Thanks...""
Looking for good company to buy term life insurance?
My husband and I recently purchased a home and have a baby on the way. We are desperately searching for a solid insurance company to purchase a 20yr level term life policy. I have gotten a quote from an independent insurance agent that suggested for Primerica at $95/mo (for both of us with a disability waiver rider) (note: agent is family member), one from SelectQuote for Banner Life (never heard of them) at $64.97/mo for same coverage and waiver, and one from another insurance finder for ING at $72.70. ING has had a good rating but I think they have just been demoted slightly from AM Best and S&P. Any info I find online for customer reviews are all negative for every company I look at (not a single positive review for any). I'm not quite sure how these rates vary so widely. I would rather spend a couple extra dollars a month for peace of mind but I am truly at a loss of what to do. Can anyone make any suggestions or recommendations for a company to go with or look into? Thanks.""
How much more would insurance cost if I bought a used 2005 VW beetle with a convertible top versus a hardtop?
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affordable auto insurance in ohio
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