#i do look at my music taste often and wonder how why and when did it become so... mixed? and i still dont know the answer ngl
leenaur143 · 4 months
Thank you for the tag @hojlundaise 💜
Tag game: Shuffle your On Repeat Playlist and then list the first 10 songs
levanter - skz
blossom - enhypen
i will - central cee
aaj sajeya - goldie sohel
title - meghan trainor
blueberry eyes - max ft. suga
look here - bts
นิทานพันดาว - earth's version
hind's hall - macklemore
light - atz
Tagging: @october---sky, @sharktofu, @bunnakit, @sterbog, @porsche-kinn, @ahopeplus, @cutieleeknow, @linolinoing and anyone else who wants to join 🩷
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misstycloud · 3 months
[Yandere.Rich man x ballerina reader]
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(I don’t actually know much about ballet so forgive me if things are incorrect!)
Rich. Yandere who was pestered by his friend and his wife to join them at the opera house and enjoy a performance. The couple had asked him numerous times before but he’d always declined. He was a workaholic and didn’t have any other commitments, so there was no need to break his routine. Although he would never admit it to anyone- he barely does to himself- he often find himself imagining a different life; one where he had a wife to welcome him home every evening. Perhaps a few children too. There was no sound besides himself and the staff in his home, it would be so very nice to hear the noise of running feet and happy chatter echo through the empty halls.
Rich. Yandere who is lonely above all else. His family is dead and he has next to no friends- the only one he has is married and devote all his time to keep him company. He knows that he doesn’t have the best track-record of being the kindest person in the world, and he might not be the friendliest or the most out-going, still, doesn’t he deserve some love too?
Rich. Yandere who eventually give into his friends demand and goes with them to the opera. As they took their seats- the expensive and best ones, of course- his friends wife babble on about her favourite dancer. They were regulars there and had seen many performances. He simply sighed and leaned back into his seat, waiting for the show to begin. He could only hope that it’ll be somewhat enjoyable since he doesn’t like wasting his time.
Rich. Yandere who was prepared for it to be a dreadful 3 hours, rubbing his eyes and suffering from lack of blood-flow in his legs. Oh how wrong he was. Instantly his gaze zoomed into you as soon as you stepped forward from behind the curtain. You were so beautiful and you moved your body gracefully to the music. It was magical. While he knew close to nothing about ballet, he knew that the point of it were for the women to look like they’re floating, and it’s exactly what you were doing.
Rich. Yandere who is instantly enamoured with you. As someone who’s never felt love this was all a brand new experience for him. He asked his friend and his wife if they knew who you were, since they frequent the opera so much. And turns out the wife did know who you were; you were her favourite after all. Rich. Yandere was never close with her or particularly liked her even, but he had to give it to her: she has excellent taste in performers.
Rich. Yandere who starts looking up information regarding you. It’s be your name, age, background, family, where you went to school and where you live. Everything. He also begins donating a lot of money to the opera house. In a short amount of time he’s become their nr.1 funder. The managers and owners are ecstatic at the news! They ask why he’s so generous and he simply answers that he loves culture and thinks it’s important it doesn’t disappear. Then, they wonder if there is anything they can do for him return, to which he smiles in response.
“Well, I do suppose there is one dancer I would be delighted to meet in person.”
Rich. Yandere who you feel uncomfortable around. He is so strange. You were just a normal ballerina, a dancer, no better or worse than anyone before your time. That’s why you can’t fathom the interest this wealthy man has taken in you. You two came form completely different worlds! But what can you do when your bosses not-so-gently urge you to see this man alone? You dont have any other skills and can’t apply to another job if you get fired.
Rich. Yandere who is determined to make you fall for him the way he has fallen for you. He’ll take care of you, love you and protect you. You don’t have to worry about a thing. He will do anything for his love.
“Don’t be scared, just keep on dancing, my little dancer.”
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prouddogboi · 2 years
Stray dog (Part 1)
To find the most recent chapters, please go to @doggoboigaugau 's masterlist
Pairings: Ghost x Soap x Male Reader
Summary: Male Reader is traumatized and forcefully refuses affection from Ghost and Soap even in his sleep.
Word count: 1852
Warnings: It's my first time posting my writing on Tumblr. There are so few CODxM!Reader fics I just want to contribute lmao TToTT. The warning is it can be shit because I'm new.
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It was a successful mission. A tough one, yes, many soldiers got serious injuries and had to spend days in the hospital, but still, the mission was accomplished with minimal loss. The people at the base decided to throw a party at a well-known bar in the area. As usual, you stayed close to your team, until they left you all alone again for whatever they were up to: Ghost and Soap went into the dark corridor doing ‘secret’ business except for the fact that everyone knew what that business was; Price meeting up with the Captains of other teams, talking about the ‘kids’ in their care like the good ol’ tired dads and moms they all were; Gaz hitting up on some pretty guy or girl; and Roach just immersing himself in the music on the dance floor. 
“The usual shot?” The bartender smiled at you. He was an ordinary-looking guy, not too tall, not too short, but he was always nice to you.
“Yeah.” You replied, eyes looking down at the empty glass in your scarred hand. Your usual shot was one of the heaviest types served at this bar, you found its bitter, stinging taste and the dizziness it brought about worked wonders for you, helping to repress the strong emotions that always came up to the surface to trouble you whenever you were off the field, whenever you were not having to fight between life and death. Free time and a mind that was offered the opportunity to relax were not something you felt grateful for. Instead, you loved being constantly stimulated when being in battles, since it left your mind no time to overthink unnecessary things other than trying to keep yourselves and your teammates alive.
“A successful mission, huh? Everyone is enjoying themselves a lot tonight.” The bartender said, clearly trying to keep talking to you as he was preparing your drink.
“It was.”
“Did you get injured?” 
“Just some scratches, nothing serious.”
“You seem to do your job very well.”
You did. You were a good soldier. An excellent one even. You were showered with praise from the Captain, the teammates, the higher-ups… just anyone after almost every mission. Even Ghost himself had to admit that you were a good one. However, you didn’t know for sure what made you excel while most others didn’t. Maybe it was because every mission you paid no mind as to whether you would be alive or not. It was true that everyone in this line of work had to come to terms with the notion of death upon themselves, no one could be sure how many days they got left on this planet doing this kind of job, but you were still different. You weren’t actively trying to get yourselves in situations that would get you killed, because it often meant a great threat to your teammates too, but you were not one that would hold on to life that much. You were always ready to sacrifice.
“I notice that you’re always alone. Well, the others do join you, but after a while, they leave and you’re still here.” The bartender passed you the shot.
“They have things to do.”
“Why don’t you? Getting out there and having some fun.”
Fun? It did not sound fitting to who you were. “Thanks for the suggestion, but I prefer it this way.”
“By the way, can I ask for a guy’s number? The one with the mohawk.”
“You mean Soap?” You left out a soft chuckle, “Give up, mate. He already has a partner. A scary one.” 
“The fuckin’ huge one with the skull mask. I’m sure you know well who he is and how scary he is.”
“What? That guy? I’ve always thought he’s into you though.”
This time you laughed out loud. The thought of someone interested in you was just so ridiculous, it felt surreal and impossible, “Ain’t no way, why would you think that?”
“He always looks at you with those piercing eyes, as if he will eat you up in no time.”
“Probably it’s because the Soap guy is always leaning over me. He’s so mad that I dare to get that near to his precious partner that he just wants to end my life right here.” You drank up the whole glass in one breath, then smashed the now empty glass on the bar, resulting in a huge ‘thump’ sound, mainly due to the fact that it was your fist that came into contact with the wooden material. It sent a burning feeling to your skin and fresh, but it was nothing compared to the physical pain you had to endure in battles or the mental one off field, when your mind was free to drift away. 
“Could be. But I still think he is into you.” The bartender shrugged, knowing you so well that he went ahead to prepare another shot for you. Nights like this often led to you drinking non-stop until you were so drunk that you’d pass out, and that masked guy was the one who carried you back. That was another reason besides the intense glare that made him convinced that the guy was attracted to you. Well, the hot man with the mohawk was always there too, but he usually waited in distance and smiled at how the masked guy having trouble carrying you as you thrashed around in his arms, clearly too drunk to know that he was just helping you. But the bartender only thought that the mohawk and the masked guy were close friends. Now that you mentioned it, it was indeed possible that they were in love with each other. 
Wouldn’t that make a love triangle though? The bartender threw a glance at you, studying you with amusement. Everyone loved some drama in their mundane lives. You were a handsome boy with sharp facial features, those damn bright eyes that lit up the whole place when you genuinely smiled, and all those strong muscles. He would’ve asked for your number instead if that scary big masked man wasn’t into you that much.
A few hours passed and the party came to its near end. All those smiling and laughing soldiers slowly hopped on the vehicles, making their way back to the base, clearly not wanting to wake up a mess the day after. They still had training as usual after all. One didn’t seem to care though. You collapsed on the bar, your handsome face grew red with how drunk you were and how much alcohol your body had absorbed. Ghost and Soap assured Price that they would bring you back safe before the tired dad of your Task Force got in the car with Gaz and Roach. They didn’t usually drink too much when they were off base, but you were quite the opposite. The team had no idea why you would pour so much alcohol into your mouth and stomach on these occasions, it was like you were grieving over something rather than celebrating the good news of a successful mission. Everyone in this line of work had their own past and troubles, but there was indeed something different in your troubles as they never felt that you were comfortable to open up. Soap even joked a lot about how much harder it was to get closer to you than Ghost. It was true that you were always smiling, chatting, and gossiping with him and Gaz and Roach over stupid things, but there was this invisible wall that you had built around your heart, unwilling to let anyone in. 
Ghost and Soap got to the bar where you were lying. 
“Come to get him?” The bartender was cleaning all the glasses that you and some other regulars used.
Ghost looked at you as your eyes were tightly shut, clearly not happy with your current condition, “Maybe next time don’t let him drink too much.”
The bartender raised his hands, “C’mon, I’m just serving my customers. He appears to need those shots to handle whatever emotions he’s having.”
Ghost and Soap turned their head to look at each other for a few seconds before Ghost stepped up and got you off the bar. You were too drunk to know anything, but surprisingly tonight you were very silent and cooperated well with your Lieutenant. 
“Let’s take you back to your room, huh?” Ghost was content with this sudden change and Soap just casually used his strong hand to rub your neatly cut hair. 
As Soap parked the car in the base's park, Ghost threw one of your arms over his shoulder and carried you off the vehicle. However, your tightly shut eyes suddenly opened, they widened as you turned your head left and right to make sense of your surroundings. 
“You’re up early.” Soap said jokingly.
“He’s too drunk to understand your stupid sarcasm, Soap.” Ghost scoffed. 
However, it took both men aback when they heard you sobbing. Soap was quick to cup your face with his palms, “Baby, what’s wrong?”
You shook your head, sobbing almost uncontrollably, trying to get your face out of his grip. One of Ghost’s arms went to your waist in an attempt to hold you in place and calm you down, but you started to act the usual way when you were drunk: thrashing around hysterically, as if you were striving so hard to escape from something inescapable. 
“Let go of me!” You screamed.
“Y/n, calm down, calm down! It’s us! Ghost and Soap!” Soap tried to talk some sense into the heavily drunk you.
“Stay away from me!” You didn’t seem to listen. Feeling Ghost’s grip was still firm around your body, you got more and more violent. Screaming and kicking, you definitely hurt him in the process as you finally succeeded in getting away. You stumbled a few steps on the cold cement ground before you collapsed on it due to the perfect dizziness that you hoped the shots at the bar would gift you. You curled into a ball, trembling violently yet not from how cold the ground was. Shuddering sobs still escaped your lips, and your eyes were tightly shut again. Price and Gaz hurriedly ran to where you three were, their eyes filled with worry given how loud and heartfelt your screams were (Roach didn’t come with them because he also drank too much). The two men saw Ghost and Soap standing beside you, their arms were hanging in the air as if they were holding on to something, while you were there, laying on the ground sobbing and mumbling unintelligible words. 
Luckily you quickly fell asleep again, still sobbing but unconscious enough for the men to carry you back to your room. They tucked you nicely into your bed, watching over your now peaceful sleeping face. Soap wiped the tears left on your cheeks with his hand, his mind questioning the reasons why you reacted so fiercely to them taking care of you earlier. When you finally stopped sobbing, they carefully left your room. There were things to be discussed, but they could wait.
to be continued bc I have class tmr and I need to sleep :D
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universe-friday · 7 months
Hello. I hope somebody is listening.
Old sport! Ah! I have such a story to tell you!
You must remember that Thalia is a DJ, right? Which is so cool! …Even if I don’t often visit clubs personally.
Well, we were hanging out again recently and she tells me she managed to book a gig as a supporting act!
I was so, so excited. I told her I was going to buy flowers, toss them on the stage as she gives her final bow, cheer the loudest, and be the biggest supporter in that crowd.
But when she told me when it was…Oh, old sport, I felt so bad when I had to tell her I was busy.
I apologised over and over. I reassured her over and over, that I will still be that biggest supporter… I’ll just have to give her the flowers after the show…
Being Thalia, she laughs and tells me not to stress so hard. Which, as she should know by now, is something I have no idea how to do.
I told her she was right. Because there would always be a next show, and maybe someday, even her headliner. It was only until I said that when she told me off…
When the day of the show came, I made sure to wish Thalia the best of luck when I could, before I set off on my own plans that day… To a concert!
This band that I have been obsessed with from day one, the first ever time they played at this carnival. Since that day, they have grown to be so much popular, so, of course, it gets harder day by day to talk to them.
Let me tell you, old sport, I would just talk their ears off… about how much their music has inspired me, how much it just lifts me up every time I listen to it. Never mind whenever the opportunity to hear them live strikes, I swear, I could ascend to heaven every time.
I’m lucky to get a good spot in the crowd, second or third row, though I remember when it used to be so easy to get barrier… I start to wonder if they ever remembered my face.
The lines dimmed and everyone starts screaming. It’s funny, old sport, how people scream at any small movements at concerts, knowing full well the main act doesn’t come on for another hour.
I’ve always enjoyed the openers for this band, as they choose artists they really enjoy personally, and they have an undoubtedly good taste in music.
Which is why I shouldn’t have been surprised when I saw a very familiar pink head of hair enter the stage…
I scream Thalia’s name in amongst the varied cheers from the crowd, and she looks up right at me. Her face reads of total confusion, as well as mine, yet we were equally as overjoyed as one another.
After Thalia’s set, I get a message from her. A rare occasion, as we both agree against trusting these forms of communication, since the City monitors it 24/7.
She tells me to meet her at the bar. Despite my good space in the crowd, I decided to head back to talk to her. Really, old sport, I wanted to tell her how good her set was. She really knew how to hype up a crowd.
Instead of talking, however, Thalia nods her head towards a door. Before I get to say anything, she’s already walked through.
As we walk down this hallway, I am asking Thalia so many questions.
‘How did you do this?’ and, ‘You know this is my favourite band, right?’ and, ‘How!?’
Yet, Thalia just stayed silent. The whole time we’re walking, I’m asking and asking, and only do I stop in my tracks when we make our way to the door at the end of the hallway.
The door lies halfway open, and within seconds, I saw them all.
The band I have adored for years, all sitting right in front of me. Even the drummer, my favourite in the group, was laying on the couch with his boyfriend; who himself is an infamous professional rugby player.
Thalia introduces me, but I have no clue what to say. I had so many questions, so many thoughts. Yet, all of them at once leave my head in that very moment.
As I muster up the courage, I eventually got to talk to them. Questions came back to me, and these were truly lovely people; who did recognise me!
I thanked Thalia for hours and hours after the gig. And yes, she did get her flowers.
If only I could find the right people to meet you again, February. I’d queue for hours to see you again. Wait at the stage door even just to see you in passing, to get a glimpse of you again…
Yet, I also have so many questions for you too, February. But when will we ever have the time to talk? I’m running out of time, even now…
♪ There’s nothing left for us anymore Why aren’t you listening? Why aren’t you listening to me? There’s nothing left. ♪
NOTE: as inspired by the week #4 prompts of february friday events as organised by @februaryfridayevents! this week's themes were minor characters / rarepairs / crossovers! so i decided to feature a certain band in this excerpt.... wonder who...!
thank you for joining and supporting the blog throughout the february friday festivities! and thank you to @februaryfridayevents for hosting! as always, i will be back again next week <3
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amostimprobabledream · 11 months
Ignite Me (Homelander x Reader) Part Eight
Hello, hello! I had this chapter vaguely planned for ages, didn't get around to, and now I've somehow written all of it in like one night. The muse is fickle. Also, it's my birthday! :D
It was strange having a guy in your apartment.
Of course, given that he did in fact live here, it shouldn't be so surprising. But Vince has been on tour with his band for the past couple of months and to tell the truth, you’ve gotten a bit too used to not having him around. He’s a nice enough guy when he actually is around, but there’s something about having a man in your living space that's immediately obvious. Some kind of shift in the air, like you can taste the pheromones.
You should know - you've been dealing with a far bigger intrusion than your roommate over the past couple of weeks.
Fortunately for you, Vince is not the kind of guy who cares to keep up to date with celebrity gossip. He does have a phone but his relationship with it was more like acquaintances than the death grip most people - you included - had on your smartphones. Once he couldn’t find his phone and you found he’s absent-mindedly put it on top of the fridge when he was making himself a grilled cheese. At present Vince is bumbling around the kitchen, smelling of smoke and wearing a faintly dazed expression. You weren't sure if it was all the travelling he had been doing to get home or because he was most definitely still a little bit high. He sticks his head in the fridge. "Why's there an empty milk carton in here?" he asks, slightly muffled.
"Is there?" you say, from the sofa. "Huh. Could've sworn it was only half-empty when I last looked." "Or half full." Vince says with a foggy smile. You roll your eyes. "Shut up." you reply with some amusement. "So how was it? Do you think you're on the verge of a signing or what?" You knew Vince was in a band from before he moved in, but it surprised you that he was actually pretty good. He looked and talked like your classic stoner most of the time, drifting about aimlessly like a bumblebee, but from what you could tell even though the band he was in was just a little garage thing, they were passionate about making music and had a couple of venues where they were a regular. Then someone knew a guy who knew a guy, and then he’d packed a bag, put his guitar in a van and told you he’d be gone a while, bar-hopping and going to try recording a few songs somewhere.
He sent you semi regular texts or phots with progress on what he was up to, though he often forgot. It’s nice to have him back, though. Sometimes it gets lonely coming home from work to empty air and nobody to talk to. Plus, you know, now there’s somebody else to do the bins every once in a while.
Of course, Vince’s unexpected return home also is a welcome distraction from something rather important. A massive fucking elephant in the room that he wasn’t even aware of.
You were trying not to think about the fact that you had a passed-out Supe in your bed. No, not a passed-out Supe - the Supe. Homelander had been in such a deep sleep when you woke up that for a second you wondered if he was dead. Like how a shark supposedly drowns if it doesn't continue swimming at all times, you'd wondered if perhaps this foray into unconsciousness had done him in for good. But then his eyelids had flickered, much to your relief - as stressful as his intrusion on your life had been, you really weren't in the mood to explain to Vought how their golden boy had died visiting your apartment. You had decided to leave him to sleep - he obviously needed it and perhaps he'd be a little bit less choke-happy if he got in a decent amount of shut-eye. You had no idea how you were going to handle him when he woke up, but you figured you could cross that bridge when you came to it.
Sleeping with him had been one of the most surreal experiences of your life, and you included getting shot in a freak accident in that. It wasn’t unpleasant, exactly. Neither of you talked – it was like there was some kind of fragile treatise that was going on in your bedroom and neither was willing to be the one to pop the bubble by discussing it. You’d had to get up at one point to use the bathroom and extracting yourself from his heavy arms wrapped around your midriff had taken a considerable amount of time to manage – you were lucky he’d eventually loosened his grip and rolled over in his sleep.
When you woke up, it was impossible to forget even for a moment he was present. From the moment you were conscious, Homelander’s presence in bed beside you was the most prominent thing in your awareness, like a grizzly bear had climbed into bed with you. His body was always so warm that you wondered if he ever got sick – if he had a fever, how would anybody in Vought be able to tell?
And who would take care of Homelander if he was sick? Officially his parents were deceased, but even if he was a grown man, did he have anybody who would worry for his health?
These were heavy thoughts to be dealing with the minute you woke up, and you couldn’t help but be slightly irritated that Homelander had not only invaded your home, but now your thoughts as well. So you’d gotten up to go grab something to eat to soothe the emptiness in your belly, only to find a suitcase in front of the door and a sleepy Vince slumped at the kitchen island. You’re trying to figure out how to get Vince up to speed in a way that won’t freak him out, but it’s difficult to phrase it: “Oh, by the way, but Homelander saved my life a few weeks ago – long story – and now he’s kind of developing a weird fixation on me and he slept in my bed last night. Just a heads up.” “So, what are your plans for today, anyway?” you ask, rising from the sofa and stretching. “Probably gonna crash.” Vince shrugs. “Been a long couple of days.” “That’s a good idea.” You say, wondering if you might just get away with letting Homelander stay here without anybody else knowing about it. Vince is a heavy sleeper so perhaps you can shoo Homelander out when he passes out without too much fuss. No doubt Ashley’s probably breathing into a paper bag over having no idea where Homelander is for over six hours, and you have to admit that the thought gives you a stab of vindictive pleasure. “I was thinking I might go out this afternoon, so I’m gonna- “ And then you freeze, just as you were about to head to your bedroom to check on your guest.
Turns out, he’s awake.
Homelander is standing just outside the doorway to your room. His regalia is all back in place – boots, belt, cape, epaulettes, and he’s staring over at Vince at the kitchen island like any moment his laser vision is going to turn on and melt his head into a fleshy slurry. That may sound like an exaggeration, but strangely, you don’t feel like testing if he’ll actually follow through with it. Even Vince in his exhaustion stills, staring at Homelander with muted shock spreading across his features. “Uh. Morning.” You manage to croak, even though it’s just gone noon. Homelander spares a glance at you, eyes flicking up and down your body, and his nostrils flare slightly. He turns slowly back to look at Vince. "And who might this be?" Homelander says, each word slow and weighted, ignoring your feeble greeting entirely.
His tone may be superficially polite, but you're not stupid - he's practically radiating hostility, the smile in his face more like he's holding back an urge to bite him than anything else. For Vince's part, if he notices the reaction of Homelander seeing another man within five feet of you, he's smart enough to play dumb. "Oh, wow, it's really The Homelander?" Vince says, doing a fantastic impression of a starstruck fan - if you didn't know Vince as well as you do, you'd buy it as well. He widens his gray eyes and grins dopily. "Hey, man. It's, like, so cool to meet you." "Vince is my roommate." you jump in quickly, as Homelander works his jaw. He looks straight at you, slightly taken aback, and you quickly jump on this momentary flicker surprise before he can say or do anything incendiary. "He just got back from travelling today."
There’s a pause. You can practically see the gears in Homelander’s mind turning as he processes this information, weighing up if you’re telling the truth. You remember vaguely hearing once that he can hear people’s heartbeats if he focuses properly, and you will yourself not to suddenly start having palpitations – just because you know you’re not lying doesn’t mean your body might not betray you. Vince, mercifully, stays silent as well, even if he’s affecting casualness by rolling up a cigarette with smooth, practiced motions. Both of you are primed like you’re waiting to see if a bomb is about to explode or if it’s a dud.
Eventually, Homelander concludes you’re not lying. All the times he’s visited your apartment (and you don’t know that there’s been more than one, not counting today), he never detected the presence of someone else. Not a stray heartbeat or music floating beneath a door, no scent of someone else’s sweat or deodorant or a myriad of other things people walk around smelling like. You never mentioned having a roommate, but then, why would you feel the need to if he was rarely home? Homelander has no idea how much an apartment in the city costs, but come to think of it, it is rather large for one woman living alone. Vince’s lack of reaction to your words also helps him verify your story – he isn’t scrambling to go along with a lie you’ve come up with, and from what Homelander knows about you, you’re not a skilled, seamless liar, either. Once this thought process finishes, which had to have only lasted a couple of seconds in reality but seems agonisingly slow to you, he visibly calms himself. His shoulders slouch from their stiff, squared post, he isn’t gritting his jaw anymore and his murderous stare scales back to a mildly dismissive expression you’d find in a housecat. “Ah, of course.” He says, like you’ve mentioned Vince multiple times to him, and he’s satisfied that he finally has a face to put to the name. “Good to meet you, kid.” Kid? You think in slight disbelief – Vince is around the same age as you.
The mocking nickname is water of a duck’s back for Vince, who slides off the barstool in one fluid move, licking the end of the cigarette paper and rolling it up between two fingers. "Cool, yeah.” He mumbles, in his gravelly stoner drawl. “Well, I've got some unpacking to do, so like..." That's apparently Vince's idea of a graceful exit, because he drifts out of the room without even bothering to finish his sentence. You shoot a glare in his general direction as he retreats into his room, the door shutting behind him, even though you know that it's actually probably for the best that he's chosen to extract himself from the situation. There's not much he can do about an angry Homelander, and you can't really blame him for leaving him to you to deal with.
Doesn't mean you don't feel a bit betrayed, though. Homelander's eyes flick to Vince's departing back for a moment before darting immediately back to you, and you stiffen beneath his stare. “Sleep well?” you ask Homelander, rather lamely, but it’s difficult to know what to say to him when he goes all silent and unreadable like this. Normally he dominates most conversations he’s in, but when he goes quiet…you have no idea what he’s thinking. “Mmhmm.” he says with a slow nod. “Better than I have in a while, actually.”
You weren’t expecting him to say that and now it’s your turn to be momentarily surprised. Homelander jerks his chin towards the busted door leading to the balcony. “May I speak with you outside?” he says – again in that superficially polite voice, but you already know that it isn’t a request. Slightly irritated but deciding it’s better to follow the path of least resistance, you give a sigh and nod, heading for the door and slipping through it. If Vince’s unexpected arrival hadn’t already started things off poorly, you might have plucked up the nerve to tell Homelander if he’s going to keep breaking the door to come inside, the least he can do is get Vought to spring for a new lock.
That’s something else you’re going to file to speak about later, when you feel like you’re on more solid ground.
Unfortunately for you, solid ground doesn’t look like it’s on the itinerary for today. Because no sooner do you leave the safety of your apartment, Homelander pounces. His powerful arms wrap around you before you can even get out a word, and suddenly you’re launching into the air. You let out a shriek, gripping pointlessly at the front of his uniform, your fingernails sinking hard into the plush fabric. Your stomach makes an unpleasant lurch like you’re about to swoop down on a roller coaster and you don’t dare look down. “Homelander!” you scream, your voice being ripped away from you as soon as you speak thanks to the wind rushing by your ears. If he didn’t have superhearing you wouldn’t even be sure he’d heard you over it. He doesn’t answer, just holds on as he rockets upwards and you don’t want to see the city shrinking away with only his arms preventing you from plunging to a quick but gory death, so you shut your eyes and press your face against his chest, your heart pounding hard against your ribcage. You’re not even wearing any shoes. You have no idea where he’s going and the city is moving by in such a blur that it’s totally disorienting, let alone the speed he’s going. If you weren’t experiencing it so uncomfortably close up, you’d probably be finding it impressive.
Finally, finally, he stops and slowly lowers himself on top of what seems to be a skyscraper – you’re just assuming that since you can’t see anything else from this vantage point except for other skyscrapers. You back away the minute his feet touch the roof, scowling at him and wrapping your arms around yourself in a gesture of self-comfort. “What the fuck?!” you blurt out. “Why in god’s name are we- “ “Shut up.” You shut up. Your jaw nearly snaps with how quickly you stop talking. There’s something in the way he says it that cuts off your objections – obviously he wanted to make sure Vince couldn’t overhear whatever it is he’s about to say, but really, did he have to stick you on top of a building however many miles up in the air?
I guess that’s one guarantee I can’t run away. You think, and a chill washes over you despite the heat of the early afternoon.
Homelander is staring at you, his cape billowing behind him in the wind, which is stronger up here than it is down on the ground. You hate to admit this, but he does look majestic like this – standing boldly against the soft colours of the sky behind him, his cape swaying behind him and his hair shining gold in the sun. It’s difficult to believe he’s the same person who scared you in the Vought dressing room, the man who let you lead him to bed and spent all night holding onto you like he never wanted to let you go. Every time you think you have the measure of Homelander, that you have the sum of his personality in hand, it changes on you.
He’s a trickster God in mythology. Always shifting, and never quite in reach. “Yesterday, you asked me what I want.” Homelander says, like he’s been preparing this speech for some time. It is utterly silent up here, just you and him all alone. He can do as he pleases up here and there would be no witnesses. There’s nowhere for you to go – the only exit is behind him, and you don’t even know if it’s locked or not. The only way out of this is him. He knows it and you know it too.
“Yes…?” you say, and it comes out on a huff of air, breathy and uncertain.
He steps closer to you until he’s standing right before you, and you’re about eye-level with his chest. He tilts your face up with just the tip of his index finger and you’re forced to crane your neck.
“Look at me.” He commands in a voice that’s barely above a whisper.
Slowly, tremulously, you raise your eyes to his. It’s not easy to do – even without his laser vision active, there’s something so piercing, so intense about the way he’s looking at you. It’s like trying to maintain eye contact with a lion and with each agonising second that ticks by it might lunge.
Homelander listens to your body. The rapid-fire beat of your heart, like a little rabbit’s. Your hair is being pulled at by the wind and there’s a look in your eyes, the way your pupils have grown enormous as you stare warily up at him, that he somehow finds…hot.
They say fear is an excellent aphrodisiac, after all.
“I want this.” Homelander says.
And then he kisses you.
Heat. He’s so hot to the touch, and especially his lips. This time he isn’t surprised by your actions – he’s initiating it. A hand cups the back of your head and pulls you in, and you can’t stop yourself from sinking into his touch. He kisses you like he wants to devour you – it’s all heat and lips moulding against each other and a hint of teeth. Oh, he could rip you apart with those fangs of his, but he’s being gentle with them. The fact he knows exactly how much pain to throw in to heighten the pleasure sends you reeling and, to your embarrassment, a faint sensation of heat pools in the crotch of your panties. His free hand snakes around your hip, pressing you up against his body and a shiver snakes its way down your spine – you can feel the outline of his cock through the suit, sandwiched against your body and it’s big. Big enough that you’d feel every inch of it as it pushed its way inside you-
Oh, fuck. Eventually, just as you’re starting to feel a little dizzy from the lack of it, Homelander lets you come up for air. His eyes have darkened as well and his gaze drops to your lips, shiny with his saliva. Slowly, meditatively, he brushes a thumb over your bottom lip, leaving behind a trail of tingles where the fabric touched you.
“I don’t want a fucking TV interview.” Homelander says in a hiss, his voice raspy. “I don’t give a shit about ratings. I saved you that day – I saved you because it’s my job. I’m a hero. But you – you wanted me. Didn’t you?” You stare dumbly at him, your brain scrambling to process his words. “I felt it when you kissed me.” He said, low and insistent. His thumb traces little circles in your hip. “Just for that moment, you forget everything else – where you were, what happened, all of it. There was only me. Us. That kiss.” The funny thing is, you had no idea he’d noticed so much in only a few seconds. He’s forgetting you were terrified you were going to die, of course, but…there was a moment when the world shrank down to that one moment where you were kissing Homelander, and he did it back. Your mind focused on it because it was easier, sweeter, more palatable, than the very real threat of death reaching for you in the same breath. “You know I’m right,” Homelander presses you, his voice an insistent growl, and you realise with a sharp jolt he wants you to tell him so – he wants a confession.
So, you give it to him.
“Yes.” You say, heat flooding your cheeks.
He may be ignoring other things, the way you fled from him and from Vought when he turned on you, the apprehension you felt from being in the spotlight, the chaos that seems to have followed you around everywhere you go since your path collided with his, but he isn’t wrong. Despite all that, you can’t deny your attraction to him. He’s an expert at spotting a liar, after all.
He smiles, a pleased hum in his throat and he leans down to kiss you again, but not before muttering something in your ear; “That’s my girl.”
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unreliablesnake · 2 years
Your memory (König x reader)
Note: Oh, boy. I was talking to someone about my mental health issues today and it gave me an idea. I'm sorry. I'm so so fucking sorry.
Warnings: suicide, depression, afab!reader, the reader has a good relationship with their parents and isn't from Austria.
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It all began when you were still stupid kids, back when despite his height and strength his social anxiety made his life a living hell. His parents took him to a therapist to get help, so every week he went there after school to talk about his issues.
One day he got there earlier than usual–he needed a safe place to stay after two of the bullies from his class saw him nearby and started berating him in public–and there you were in the waiting room, reading a book quietly in a corner with one of your earbuds in.
You were pretty, he could see that, and at the time he was just another hormone-driven teenage boy whose brain was invaded by dirty thoughts at your sight. Your skirt was a little too short, your shirt drew attention to your breasts, and the shiny lip gloss made him wonder what it tasted like.
Then they called you in, strangely enough speaking to you in English, which made him wonder if you were a foreigner.
The next week he decided to arrive sooner again, hoping he could see you. You were there, but he didn't talk to you. He didn't have the courage to do so.
This went on for another two weeks, with him silently watching you, right until one day you pulled out the earbud from your ear and gave him a questioning look. When he turned his gaze somewhere else, you stood up and sat on a chair next to him. You asked him if he spoke English to which he only replied with a nod.
In the following weeks he learned a lot about you. Your father was an expat, you were suffering from depression, you liked to read, you loved music–it always helped you calm down–you had a surprisingly good relationship with your parents despite being a teenager, and you were missing your old home.
You were the one who dared to ask him out. At first he didn't even know what to say, but then he agreed with a smile.
You were his first serious girlfriend. After two years your dad had to move again, and he joined the military, but you kept in touch despite the distance and obstacles. Your messages always made him smile, gave him strength, and he liked to think about how your life would change once you returned for college.
But you never did.
One day, after a very long and very tiring day, he gave you a call, knowing well enough that you were a few hours behind so you would probably answer. Someone answered, but it wasn't you. It was your father. He could immediately hear it, the sadness in his voice that he could only understand when he somehow managed to tell him that you had committed suicide the night before.
He muttered a few words on autopilot, the words leaving his mouth without thinking before he ended the call and sank on his bed. He couldn't believe it.
He didn't want to believe it.
He quickly checked his messages, thinking he would find something, anything that would have given away what you were planning to do, that maybe it was his fault, that maybe he wasn't paying enough attention to you.
But there was nothing. Absolutely nothing.
To this day, he often wonders what he did wrong. Was it even his fault? Was there anything he could have done to prevent this? Why did you do this? You didn't leave a letter behind.
These days he usually thinks of you because of a song that plays on a random playlist, a book he sees in a bookstore, or when he sees someone who looks a lot like you, giving him hope that maybe you just returned to him.
It's never you.
And it will never be you again.
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umlewis · 6 months
Lewis Hamilton on finding his personal style—and why Pharrell is his style icon
At Mercedes-Benz Australia and Vogue Australia's dinner in celebration of the upcoming Melbourne Grand Prix, the seven-time world champion and driver spoke candidly about all things Formula 1 and fashion.
How does Lewis Hamilton spend a Thursday evening, the day before a race weekend? If tonight was something to go off of, the answer would be waxing lyrical about personal style and his style icons onstage at a dinner trackside. The seven-time world champion popped into the Mercedes AMG Lounge at Melbourne's Albert Park for a dinner hosted by Mercedes-Benz Australia and Vogue Australia in celebration of the Formula 1 Grand Prix, speaking on stage with teammate George Russell and Fox Sports commentator Hannah Hollis. And there was no better person to ask about style than Hamilton, a driver who has arguably pioneered the modern synergy between fashion and Formula 1. A race week brings plenty of speed and adrenaline, but also outfit after outfit from Hamilton, who often roams the paddock in labels like Bottega Veneta, Valentino, Dior and Rick Owens. How, then, Hollis wondered aloud before a seated audience, did he discover his own sense of personal style, and what would he recommend to someone else attempting to do the same? "I'm sure many of you look at your old photos and think, 'What the hell was that?'" Lewis laughed. "But what I've discovered is it's a real process, a real journey. It’s just trying and being daring. I think I've tried so many different styles. I kind of describe my style as an evolution. It's whatever makes you feel great. The trick is about self-expression. None of us are the same as anyone else. We have our own unique tastes, but it's whatever makes you feel sexy! Embracing confidence." For Hamilton, style goes hand-in-hand with performance. "I grew up aspiring to be a Formula 1 driver. I wasn't thinking about my fashion sense on the journey," he continued. "I think a lot of drivers have gone through the same experience. Fashion is such an important way to express yourself, and you have got to feel good. If you're wearing something that you feel confident in, you walk in with a lot of extra inches in your stride and you know that's what you need when you walk into the paddock. When your fans have cameras on you and you've got your competitors around, you need to have that confidence, so I think fashion is actually really important. It's taken me a long time to get fashionable and a long time to actually convince the teams to change; I wasn't able to wear my own things. And then I started going to fashion shows. I really love the fashion shows because there's a very diverse audience; so many different people from different walks of life, all dressed in their own styles, with no apologies. So it's been a fun journey, and now all of these other drivers are starting to express themselves in their own way." On the topic of sartorial icons, Hamilton was quick to praise Naomi Campbell, cover star of Vogue Australia's most recent March 2024 issue. "Naomi is incredible. I met Naomi many, many times. In the first year [we met], 2007, she just immediately adopted me as a brother, so she's always been that big sis. But for me, when I was younger, I think I was heavily influenced by hip-hop, R&B and pop culture. I was always watching those videos when I got home. Pharrell, for me, was that style icon for me. I loved how he progressed from music into the fashion space when he was working with Chanel. And what he’s doing now, leading LV, is pretty incredible, so I look up to him for that."
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buckysgrace · 5 months
Fifty Five
Dancing in the Dark masterlist
CW: Mentions of abuse
It was quiet as the boat rocked back and forth on the water. Billy had his fishing line casted into the water, although there were no biters yet. He didn’t mind. He liked just sitting there, soaking up the rays and listening to the way the water tapped against the side of the boat.
It was a rare occurrence that they went deep sea fishing, but he enjoyed it each time they did. Neil had a friend who owned a boat, it wasn’t actually theirs. They always cleaned it up nicely after, made it look like no one had even been there. 
Billy wasn’t completely stupid. He knew why Neil had taken him on a spontaneous trip. Neil had caught him packing, roughly shoving clothes and the little money he had into his school backpack. At the time he hadn’t cared where he ended up. He just needed out. Just like his mom had left.
He had thought a lot about her recently. He was starting to believe that’s why Neil kept his hair shaved all the time. When his hair was long and curly, he really did look like his mom. He thought that was where the similarities ended. Everything else seemed to be from Neil in his opinion. They had the same stoic features, the same anger and bitter personality. He was doomed.
Neil had caught him of course. He hadn’t said anything, just told him that they would be going fishing today. Billy wished he had been strong enough to walk away, to tell him to leave and that he was never going back. He couldn’t. Part of him was terrified of ending up alone. 
Neil was quiet like always, but Billy could tell he had something on his mind. He kept humming along to his old music on the radio, nothing that Billy had any interest in listening to. They had different music tastes, which was fine. He wouldn’t ever tell Neil that his taste in music was bad.
“What do you think?” He asked him, speaking out for the first time. Billy really wasn’t sure what he should say. There were a lot of different things going through his mind at the moment, but none of them felt right to talk about. 
“It’s nice out,” Billy replied quickly, “I like being this far out.” He shrugged his shoulders, feeling like that was simple enough. He really didn’t know what Neil wanted from him. 
“Maybe we’ll get a boat one day.” Neil suggested, making Billy raise his eyebrows in surprise. He doubted that Neil was being serious. There was no way they’d ever really be able to afford a boat. It was just a way to lure him back in. “That would be nice.” Billy agreed softly as he stared off towards the distance again. He was thankful for his sunglasses and his hat, knowing that it covered the nasty bruise on the side of his face. 
“My father had a boat.” Neil started slowly, making Billy turn towards him in confusion. Neil never talked about his parents, much less his father. He couldn’t help but want to know more. 
“Did he take you fishing often?” He asked slowly, wondering if Neil would respond to him at all. Sometimes when Billy brought things up, Neil just ignored him. He would just act like Billy hadn’t said anything at all. 
“Sometimes,” Neil said softly, “He used to make me kill all the fish.” He still remained stoic. Billy observed him, trying to get any sense of emotion from him. There was nothing. He wondered if Neil was just made of anger. If that’s all he was made of. 
“Oh,” Billy paused, unsure of how to answer, “I’m sorry.” He furrowed his eyebrows together, agreeing that killing the fish was the worst part. He had only done it once, Neil usually handed that part. Billy had been sure that Neil enjoyed it. 
“It’s what men have to do, they’re just animals,” He said as he brought his beer back up to his lips. Billy had one in his lap as well. He was always allowed one when they went out together. He savored it, but deep down he knew that he could probably drink Neil under the table if it came to it, “He wasn’t very nice though.”
Billy didn’t know what to say. He knew that Neil wasn’t very nice either, so perhaps in some twisted way Neil had deserved it. Then again, Neil probably would’ve been a lot better to Billy if his dad hadn’t been mean. It made him bitter.
“That can be hard.” Billy felt like this was some odd dream as the boat continued to rock him back and forth. He wondered if Neil could hear himself speak, if he realized just how cruel he was or if he ignored that all together. 
“It’s why my nose is so crooked,” Neil pointed out as he pressed a finger against the ridge, “On my back too. It’s just covered in scars from his belt.” He sat forward, pulling his shirt up just a bit in the back to reveal the marks he was talking about. 
Billy paused as he looked back to his fishing line, hiding the way he had turned to the scar on his thigh that was slightly revealed from how his shorts had gotten caught in the wind. It was from Neil’s belt as well. He guessed that he had been twelve when that one had happened. He had an urge to reach out and touch it, but quickly stopped himself. That would only make Neil angry. 
“That’s awful.” He agreed as he chewed on his bottom lip. He took another sip from his drink, really wishing he had a cigarette right about now. He’d started smoking them a lot more recently. It helped soothe his nerves, especially when he felt like he was walking on eggshells like he did right now. 
“I thought so at one time,” Neil mused softly, “But it’s just what a father has to do to get his boy to listen. You’ll understand that one day when you have sons.” The comment was supposed to be lighthearted, but Billy felt like it was more of a threat than anything. 
Billy was quiet again, because he didn’t think that Neil would appreciate him retorting that he was sure he never wanted kids. He didn’t want them to be fucked up like he was, nor did he think he’d ever be with someone that seriously. Love was dumb. Relationships never really lasted, at least not in a happy way. 
Even if he did accidentally knock a girl up, he didn’t want a son. He wouldn’t want anything to do with someone who could turn out like him. He slowly began to reel his line back in, fearful that he’d just fall down the same path as his father. He wondered where the line would end? With some son that he wouldn’t want? There was no way. He wouldn’t let him get close enough to anyone to hurt them like that. 
He had a million different questions about Neil’s family but he couldn’t bring himself to ask. He knew very little about both of his parents' pasts, but he felt like he should at least be aware of Neil’s history. He was the one that stuck around after all. 
“I’ve met someone,” Neil said softly, taking Billy by surprise, “Someone I think you’ll really like.” Billy sat still, thinking about how well Stacey had liked him. He gulped hard, feeling like his drink had quickly turned sour. He shook his head, reminding himself that it was no big deal. She was gone. He was grown. And Neil never found out. It was fine. 
“Yeah?” He cleared his throat as he spoke, resisting the urge to drown the rest of his drink as he suddenly felt the sun becoming too hot and the rocking of the boat a little too annoying. 
“She’s very sweet,” Neil nodded his head, “She has daughters, one close to your age so I’m expecting a lot from you.” Neil turned to face him fully then, his eyes expectant and stern as Billy felt his jaw go slack. 
“Oh,” Billy paused, “I would never-,” He started to defend himself, wondering if his dad really thought that low of him. 
“I didn’t say you would,” Neil reassured him, “But I want you to behave well. This woman and I are going to be together for a long time. We’re going to be a family.” He nodded his head, looking like it was already decided. Billy simmered in his seat, wondering why Neil couldn’t at least introduce them all first. He didn’t want to be a part of a family. 
“Okay,” Billy drew out slowly, “When are we meeting them?” He asked him instead, knowing full well that he’d only end up with a fresh bruise if he pouted about it. He stared towards the water, suddenly wondering if Neil would just toss him over the boat if he expressed his worries. 
“Soon,” Neil nodded his head softly, “She’s a lot better than your mother. I promise you that.” The mention of her made Billy’s stomach clench, his heart stop as he suddenly thought about how much she loved the water too. He felt his fingers tighten around his bottle. 
“Oh,” Billy did his best to act unbothered, although it still hurt, “That’s good.” He nodded his head, but was unsure of how anyone could be better than her. She had been a great mom, an amazing person. And she had left. Everyone always left. 
“That car you’ve been looking at,” Neil dragged out slowly before they slowly drifted into silence again, “Maybe we could look at it again?” He suggested, his lips curling into the softest smile. It was so gentle that Billy almost missed it. 
“I have half saved up,” Billy perked up a little bit and did his best to not act too excited even though he was, “It’s a nice one.” He told him, thinking of all the research he’d done on the vehicle. He wouldn’t get it without Neil’s permission. Well, that and it wasn’t like he’d have that much money anyways. 
“It is,” Neil agreed, “We can look at it tomorrow.” He took him by surprise, making him blink quickly as he nodded his head. He felt silly as he thought about the half packed bag on his bed. Things really weren’t that bad. 
“Thank you,” Billy breathed out softly, “Sir.” 
“How are you feeling?” He asked, feeling awkward as he held a bouquet of daisies and a few balloons together. Kim had been adamant that they needed to get some sort of get well present for Gina. 
“Pissed.” Gina answered, her shoulders pressed tightly together as her hair laid in disarray on top of her head. She was pale, with big bags underneath her eyes. Billy glanced over at Kim, who was fiddling with the many bars of chocolate that she’d snuck in before he answered. 
“Pissed?” He questioned, feeling like that was the last thing she would feel. She snapped her gaze up to him, looking irritated before she spoke again. 
“I can’t see my fucking baby, the tore my insides out,” She started, “And they won’t take this stupid catheter out. I can pee on my own, I don’t need it.” She gestured down between her legs but Billy quickly looked away, not at all interested in knowing where a catheter went. 
“I’m sorry you’re having a rough time,” Kim added gently, “We got you breakfast.” She smiled, finally pulling out the sandwich that they had purchased earlier. Billy pulled her purse from her, frowning as he looked at the disorganized mess that was her bag. 
“Thank you,” Gina smiled gently at her, “Where’s Steve?” She asked, looking up at Billy expectantly as she bit into her food. He shrugged his shoulders, unsure if she really wanted to know the answer. 
“He went to see Jennifer,” Kim added gently, “We wanted to see how you were doing.” She said happily, cheering up the whole room as she brushed her fingers across Gina’s loose strands. 
“Oh,” Gina nodded as she blinked slowly, then took another bite from her food, “I appreciate that.” She grumbled, looking even more irritated as she munched down on her food. He glanced towards Kim, meeting her eye as they shared the same awkward expression. 
“My mom wants to know when you’ll get out of here,” Billy mumbled, “She wants to make you a meal.” He tried to lighten the mood, taking a moment as he began to sort through Kim’s bag. He pulled free old doodles, discarded lip glosses and lots of candies. He shook his head, beginning to read a slip of paper before she yanked it from his hands. He cocked an eyebrow, watching the way her face burned as she shoved it into her pocket. 
“I’d like that,” Gina sighed as she ate the rest of her sandwich, “How are you guys doing?” She looked at them curiously, seemingly relaxing as Billy continued to work on cleaning Kim’s bag up. He shook his head, unsure of how she was able to be so messy. 
“Good,” Kim nodded her head in agreement as she sat down closest to her, “She looks really cute by the way, Jennifer does.” She said with a smile. Gina perked up, tilting her head as she watched Kim. 
“Does she look more like me or Steve?” Gina questioned, making Billy feel a little bad as he realized that she wasn’t able to see her yet. He finished with Kim’s bag, tossing aside the empty lip gloss tubes. He brushed his palms on his jeans, fairly certain that they were now covered in glitter. 
“She has Steve’s hair for sure,” Kim nodded as she looked towards Billy, “Maybe you can have him come up here?” She raised her eyebrows softly, giving him a look that he quickly understood. He dropped her bag at the edge of the bed.
“I don’t want to bother him.” Gina huffed underneath her breath, looking like it was a bother. Billy shook his head softly, sure that if Kim was in her shoes he’d be attached to her side the whole time. 
“I’ll go check on him.” He said at last, feeling like he could at least remind Steve that he needed to check on the woman that delivered his kid. Then again, he didn’t think that Steve should be reminded of that. 
The hallways were long and windy, the elevators slow as he waited for the floor number to appear. Billy was slowly beginning to hate hospitals. They just seemed gloomy. He wondered if it would make people feel any better if they looked happier. 
“Gina is looking for you.” He retorted once he followed the several steps to get into the room again. He peeped down at where Jennifer was resting, her fists clenched tightly together. 
“I’ll be up there in a minute,” Steve mumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest, “I just-, I feel bad.” He said quickly, making Billy cock an eyebrow in confusion. 
“About what?” He asked him, feeling like there wasn’t much he could do in this situation. It was one of those things that was far out of their control. Sometimes things just happened. He was reminded of that as he thought of his own father once again. 
“Making her go through with that,” Steve told him honestly, “I’m grateful for our baby, but I didn’t think it would ever be this bad.” He looked stunned as he spoke, like he really couldn’t believe that it had been that bad. Billy really wasn’t sure what to tell him. He didn’t know it could be that terrible either. 
“She doesn’t look that bad,” Billy told him honestly, “She’s actually pretty mad over everything.” He told Steve seriously, thinking that his absence had a lot to do with Gina’s anger. 
“Sounds like her.” Steve chuckled underneath his breath as he tapped his fingers against the little enclosure gently. Billy looked down once again, watching the way Jennifer continued to slumber on. 
“She’s your girl,” He said again, “You should go see her.” He told her seriously, feeling like he would only make the situation worse by ignoring her. Gina could get scary. 
“I’m really afraid I’m going to end up like my dad.” Steve said suddenly, taking Billy by surprise. He blinked for a moment. 
“What?” He asked him, furrowing his eyebrows as he was sure he couldn’t have something so personal to relate to. He was almost sure that his situation was more delicate. 
“My dad was a total dick,” Steve mumbled, “Not in the way yours was. In a different way.” He confirmed Billy’s thoughts, but it also made him knit his eyebrows together tightly. He felt awkward, knowing that everyone else knew about how cruel Neil could be. 
“How so?” Billy asked him curiously, feeling like he was at a loss for one. He didn’t know much about the Harringtons. Just little rumors. He knew that Mr. Harrington was an apparent manwhore, but his wife never did anything about it. 
“He just wanted a lot from me that I wasn’t able to give,” Steve replied softly, “He’s this super genius and I just-, I’m not. But he thought I should be.” He shrugged his shoulders, looking like he’d just been kicked as he thought to himself. 
“I understand.” Billy nodded his head, knowing that Neil wanted something from him. He just never figured it out. Nothing was ever good enough for Neil. He was just used to being a failure. 
“Sometimes my words get jumbled when I read, you know. I don’t know why but they do,” Steve said slowly, “And he used to have me read these science articles with these words that I didn’t understand, like in front of his colleges. It was humiliating. But it was like a running joke for them, that someone as brilliant as him could have such a dumb kid.” Billy paused, watching the emotions that flashed through Steve’s eyes. 
“What did your mom do?” Billy asked him, feeling like his mom should’ve intervened at some point. He was sure that Rosemary would’ve done that for him. If they had that chance. 
“I never told her that he did that,” Steve said honestly, “I was too embarrassed you know, I was just a kid. I don’t know.” He shrugged his shoulders, looking like he didn’t know what else to say. Billy understood. 
“He shouldn’t have done that to you.” He told him softly, unable to stop his thoughts from wandering back to Neil. He felt sick suddenly. He wanted his own answers from Neil, but he doubted he’d ever be brave enough to ask. 
“I want to give her a better life. And Gina,” Steve sighed deeply, “But I’m still living off of his money. It's just stuck in the back of my mind. I owe him a lot, despite all of that.” He continued on, looking frustrated as he crossed his arms over his chest again.
“Parents suck,” Billy replied gently, “Mine got transferred here.” He said softly, unsure of why he was even bringing it up. Just because Neil got transferred, didn’t mean that he had to see him. He didn’t have to talk to him either. He had some answers, that was all that mattered. 
“He did?” Steve turned towards him curiously, raising an eyebrow as Billy focused on anything else. He still didn’t like being vulnerable in front of anyone. He glanced around, as if Kim would suddenly appear. 
“They think he’s losing his memories,” He started slowly, “And I still feel guilty about it, like it’s my fault.” He said, realizing just how insane it sounded as he spoke. He wondered if he should’ve just kept talking to Neil. Maybe that could’ve fixed things. 
“It’s not.” Steve told him, furrowing his eyebrows together like he knew all of the answers. Billy shook his head, deciding that he wasn’t in a mood to argue about it. 
“And you don’t owe your dad anything,” Billy pointed out, “Come on. Jennifer will be okay here. Gina needs you.” He told him seriously, taking a step back as Steve moved slowly towards the door. 
Billy left with Kim not long after. Steve seemed a little more understanding of the situation and Billy couldn’t stay long anyways. He had another drug test today. He was dreading it, even though he knew it would be clean. 
“You know,” Billy turned to face Kim, “I wouldn’t leave you alone if you were in that position.” She looked at him a little surprised, fluttering her eyelashes as she moved the strands of hair from her slightly pink cheeks. He wondered if she was beginning to get a sunburn. 
“You’ve never been in that position, so how would you know?” She teased him, her lips curling into the soft smile as she pulled her bag onto his lap. He watched her for a moment, understanding that was true but also knowing that no one would compare to Kim. If she was hurt, above all things, he’d have to be near here. 
“I don’t think I could love anyone as much as I love you.” He told her seriously. He wanted everything with her, but he would do things to make her happy. He would be spending the rest of his life with her, afterall. 
“Oh my,” She giggled as she touched her hands to her hot cheeks, “I love you more than anyone else too. You’re very sweet.” She was fully flushing now as she glanced away, looking a little radiant as the sun brushed against her skin. 
“You’re very giggly.” He observed, feeling his own set of bubbles forming in his stomach as he slowly made his way out of the parking lot. He didn’t like how close the car on the left had parked to him. They could’ve dinged his door. 
“This is your fault,” She pointed out a second later, “You make me feel all-, ah.” She furrowed her eyebrows, gesturing towards herself as she looked to be confused. He raised an eyebrow. 
“Ah?” He questioned, shaking his head as a chuckle left his lips. He sat forward, making sure both ways were good to go before he pulled out onto the street. 
“Yes,” She said slowly, “It makes sense to me, okay?” She said at last, looking quite determined in her answer as she nodded her head stiffly. He brushed his tongue against his teeth, grinning as he glanced towards her again. 
“You make me feel all ah too,” He mocked playfully, “Do you have anything planned today?” He asked her, trying to decide if he should drop her off at the house before he went in to his appointment. 
“Hm,” She tapped her finger against her chin playfully, “I was thinking about bothering this hot blonde. He’s a little grumpy, and has a smoking problem too. But he has the biggest heart I know.” She grinned teasingly at him, making him shake his head at her playful tone. 
“I have to get tested today,” Billy started slowly, “Do you want to come with me?” He asked her, wondering if she’d have any desire to do so. She was silent for a moment, leaving him confused as he glanced towards her bewildered expression. 
“You want me to watch you pee?” She asked slowly, her lips parted and her eyebrows raised high on her forehead as she squinted her eyes at him. He knitted his eyebrows together, trying to tell if she was serious or not. 
“No,” Billy said with a laugh, “Someone else watches me piss. You will sit in the waiting room and wait for me to be done.” He explained to her, watching the way her features slowly relaxed in understanding. He inhaled gently, very amused by her reaction. 
Oh,” She said slowly, her cheeks reddening, “Sure! That sounds like fun.” She laughed, leaning over to squeeze at his knee. He shook his head, knowing that it was anything but fun. He’d enjoy her presence, nonetheless. 
“Ready?” He asked once he pulled over, watching the way she began to clamber out of the car. He stared for just a moment, watching the way her sweater pulled up over her torso. He moved out after her. 
“Absolutely,” She nodded her head, “Let’s go.” She linked their arms together, smiling brightly as she walked inside with him. He suddenly wished he’d smoked a cigarette on the drive over. 
She looked around curiously, dragging her feet about as he began to slowly push her forward. Her hazel eyes flashed about, taking in everything at once as her eyebrows slowly knitted together in concentration. 
“Do you need to check in?” She asked him once she brought her attention back to him. He grinned, sure that they were standing entirely too close as he took in the freckles scattered across her face. 
“Yeah,” Billy responded as he thought about the last time he was here, “I had a 2:30 check in.” He explained as he walked forward, recognizing the check in nurse from last time. 
“Oh, okay,” She nodded as she handed him a clipboard, “Is this the girlfriend?” She asked curiously, looking a little too amused as she stared at Kim. Kim raised her eyebrows, suddenly flushed once again. 
“Um,” Billy paused, “Yes.” He said slowly, exhaling underneath his breath as he shook his head. He’d have to make Russell pay for it. 
“You told them about me?” Kim giggled a second later, once he had signed the papers and moved towards the waiting room. He exhaled as he rubbed his palms against his jeans, pausing as he wasn’t sure how to approach that subject. 
“Well,” Billy stalled again, “Russell did.” He said a second later, holding eye contact with her. She was still grinning, looking like she didn’t understand until her smile slowly began to drop. 
“Oh,” Kim stared at him for a moment until she realized what that meant, “Oh no.” She covered her mouth, looking back to the desk lady in horror as Billy wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 
“Oh yes,” Billy laughed softly, “It’s exactly what you think.” He told her, enjoying the way her skin turned pink. He leaned forward, kissing the side of her exposed cheek. She shook her head as she mumbled something about Pearl getting payback. 
“Where are we going now?” Kim asked as she finished off the rest of the fries, looking curiously at the stores that they were approaching. She pressed another few fries towards his mouth, sort of shoving them inside despite his best protests to disagree with her. 
“To get my tattoo fixed,” He replied with a mouthful, holding a hand out to keep the fries from falling from his lips, “I want you to go with me.” He told her, feeling like they’d need to practice on her feeding skills before they had kids. 
“Oh, yes,” Kim grinned from ear to ear, “I’d love to see how it’s done.” She said, looking interested as she held the empty fry box on her lap. He was at least glad that she tried to keep his car as clean as possible. 
“Do you want one?” He grinned, liking the way her eyes grew wide as he parked the car. He was glad to see it wasn’t busy. He didn’t want too many people to see his embarrassing ink. 
“No way,” She giggled in response, “It sounds like it hurts.” She smiled as she got out of the car, making him a little disappointed that he couldn’t get her door for her first. He got out, watching as she raced up the steps and threw away the trash.
“Maybe you’ll change your mind.” He teased her, reaching his hand out to her outstretched one before they walked inside. She stood close to him, clinging to his side as he peered around for Alma.
“There you are,” She said as she pushed her hair out of her face, looking a little surprised as she leaned over a sketch, “I was beginning to think you were happy with it.” She smirked, looking rather pleased with her joke.
“Right,” Billy responded as he shook his head, “You said to wait. I listened.” He mumbled, sure that he could’ve gone somewhere else and got it done in no time. It probably wouldn’t have looked as good. 
“Hi,” Alma stuck her hand out, “You must be Kim. I’ve heard so much about you.” She introduced herself with a smile, but sent a wicked smirk in Billy’s direction. He shrugged his shoulders, knowing it was true. 
“Oh,” Kim flushed as she shook Alma’s hand, “You did really well on his tattoos.” She said softly, suddenly losing her peppy demeanor. Billy held onto her, resting his chin on her shoulder as he began to gently rock them back and forth. 
“This one wasn’t mine,” Alma defended herself quickly as she pointed to it, “I don’t know what he was thinking.” Kim giggled softly, looking over her shoulder at the way Billy had begun to roll his eyes. 
“Thanks,” He mumbled, “I just want her name changed. And the flower.” He nudged Kim forward, watching the way she shyly pulled the piece of paper from her pocket. 
“I drew a flower,” Kim said softly, “And some bees around it.” She explained as she motioned towards it. Billy grinned as he hopped up on the seat, hoping that she’d break out of her shell a little easier. 
“Looks good,” Alma smiled, “I like this a lot better.” She dragged out playfully, giving Billy a knowing look before she motioned for him to pull his shirt up. He grumbled but did as she said, watching the way she inspected the tattoo once again. 
There was a little more pain than last time, but he had been fairly drunk when he’d gotten it done. He was happy with the finished product, however. She made it look a lot better. It no longer made him disappointed when he stared at it. 
“Can you create cows?” Kim questioned, resting her forearms and chin against his thigh as she watched the way Alma began to wrap the tattoo up. 
“What sort of cows?” Alma asked curiously, flicking her eyes over towards where Kim’s face was knitted up in curiosity. He raised his eyebrows as he watched her, wondering if she was considering getting one. 
“I like all cows,” Kim said thoughtfully, “Though I do like Highland cows better. They’re so fluffy and they have big soft noses.” She replied, flushing a little as she held her head back down on his flesh. Almost like she was trying to hide away. 
“You want a cow tattooed onto you?” Billy asked her as he began to thread his fingers through her pretty hair. It was growing out, just slightly past her shoulders now. He figured she’d be happy once it was long again. 
“Should I not?” She asked him, looking a little worried as to what his answer would be. He paused, wondering if he should point out what his tattoos consisted of. 
“No, no,” Billy laughed, “Not what I’m saying at all.” He smiled as he twisted some of her hair around his fingers. He tugged on it softly, watching how she seemed a little excited once again. 
“Okay,” Kim said thoughtfully, “Maybe not? How bad does it hurt?” She asked, looking like she was considering it. He chewed on his bottom lip, fairly certain that she wouldn’t be able to handle the pain. 
“Depends,” Alma answered slowly, “There’s some stinging.” She said as she wrinkled her nose up, nodding her head as she clearly knew the pain was worse than just some stinging. Kim pressed her lips together.
“Never mind,” She said a second later, “I know where to go if I change my mind though.” She said a little softer, still looking bashful as she leaned against Billy’s hand. He smiled as he pressed his thumb against his cheek.
“I’ll practice drawing cows,” Alma grinned as she handed Billy his shirt back, “Give me just a second to get it rang up.” She explained as she stood up, stretching widely as she did so.
“What do you think?” He asked Kim softly, concentrating on the way her skin felt against his flesh. She smiled as she leaned against him. “I like it,” Kim giggled softly, “My name looks very nice on your skin.” She decided, nodding her head before she pressed a gentle kiss to his thumb. He closed his eyes for a moment, thinking that she was very right. 
“Hey,” Billy replied solemnly as he slowly adjusted himself on the stool, “How are you doing?” He felt awkward as he balanced himself on the seat. He felt even more tense as he met Neil’s blue eyes. He was still a little bruised on the left side of his face, likely from where he fell. 
“How am I doing?” Neil asked, his voice a little gruff until his lips broke out into a grin, “How are you doing?” Billy blinked slowly, not quite used to Neil smiling in such a manner. In fact, he was sure that he had never seen Neil smile like that. Not even in old photographs. 
“I’m-, I’m good,” Billy paused, taken aback by his attitude, “I’ve been fine.” He furrowed his eyebrows together, suddenly wondering if they had brought the wrong inmate out. Neil didn’t seem to be how he remembered. 
“That’s not a real answer,” Neil chuckled as he brushed his fingers across his mustache, “What have you been up to? Did you decide on college?” He rambled off a few questions, leaving Billy confused. He remembered for a moment that Neil had been confused. He probably didn’t remember talking about college with Billy. But he was still slightly stunned. Did it really work that fast?
“No,” Billy said softly, surprised by his joyful tone, “Not much. Just working and spending time with Kim.” He replied a little gentler, testing the waters. He wanted to see if this was just a front, if Neil was just trying to pass a fast one on him. 
“Kim,” Neil stalled for a moment, “Which one was that?” He looked genuinely curious, his eyebrows knitted tightly together as he repeated her name again. Billy blinked slowly. 
“You don’t remember who Kim is?” Billy questioned him, feeling like that was odd. He glanced around for a moment, wondering if he should talk to someone about how bad his memory was. He was certain that Neil should be able to remember Kim. Did he remember Susan? Max?
“I’m a little foggy.” Neil apologized, his smile sincere but regretful. Billy couldn’t help but stare at him for a moment, trying to read between the lines. He felt like this had to be some sort of lie. After what he had done to them, how could he not remember who Kim was? 
“Kimberly,” Billy replied slowly, “Susan’s daughter.” He said a little sterner, watching the way Neil’s eyes lit up in recognition. He felt sick suddenly, understanding that it wasn’t a lie. He was serious. Neil hadn’t remembered her. 
“Oh right,” Neil laughed as he touched the top of his forehead, like it was obvious, “She’s a sweet girl. You know though, I could’ve found you a nice girl that wasn’t your sister.” He laughed, his features pinching up in amusement as if it was funny. 
“I like Kim,” Billy defended himself, “I love her.” He said seriously, not liking that Neil would suggest such a thing. He didn’t want anyone but Kim. 
“I guess that’s all that matters then, isn’t it?” Neil smiled warmly, making Billy feel nauseous. He was sure that Neli had never looked at him in that manner. He almost seemed proud. Like Billy was doing something right. He didn’t understand. 
“Yeah,” Billy nodded his head slowly, “That’s all that matters.” He tried to focus on Kim instead, thinking about how she was a short distance away in the parking lot. 
“Any big plans with her? Marriage? Kids?” Neil continued to ramble off questions, like he was making up for lost time. Billy paused again, wondering if that was perhaps what was happening. 
“Kids one day,” He said softly, “I’m going to propose soon. I was thinking about Valentine's Day.” He told him gently, unsure of why he was revealing his big plans. He wouldn’t hold it against Neil to do something on that day to ruin it. He thought that Kim would like something on Valentine’s Day though, even if it was also Max’s birthday. 
“Very romantic,” Neil agreed, “Are you living with each other?” He continued to ask him questions, still smiling like he wanted to know everything. Billy shifted, trying to adjust to the change. 
“Sort of,” Billy shifted in his seat, feeling a little lighter, “It’s actually kind of funny. Her dad is married to mom too. The universe must’ve had big plans for us. Or something like that.” He shrugged his shoulders, laughing a little bit.
Neil looked at him curiously, tilting his head before his eyebrows wrinkled together tightly. The atmosphere suddenly changed, becoming icy and more intense as Billy was sure that he had said something wrong. 
“You’re living with Rosemary?” Nell asked slowly, his voice full of venom as he drew the words out. Billy paused, not even thinking about how Neil would react to that. 
“Well, yeah I mean-,” Billy started to defend himself, only to be cut off when Neil started to yell. 
“You need to leave,” Neil spoke quickly, harsh and full of panic, “She’s the devil! It’s not safe for you there.” He was shouting, his face getting red and spit flying from his mouth. Billy winced, doing his best not to jump away. He could feel his heart hammering inside of his chest as his pulse quickened. He reminded himself he wasn’t a child. He was an adult and Neil couldn’t hurt him. Not here. 
“Right,” Billy scoffed, lookin at his father in disbelief, “It’s a lot safer than-,” He had full plans of telling him just how much better it was living with Rosemary. At least she cared for him. He was mad suddenly, angry that he had bought into Neil’s lies for so long. 
“She’ll kill you!” Neil was howling now, his face now dark red and spit flying from his mouth as he slammed his free fist into the screen between them, “Do you not remember what she did? It’s not safe!” Billy was frozen on the spot, not understanding the outburst. 
Guards rushed forward, dragging Neil away as he continued to kick and scream. It took at least five of them before they got him away from the booth, leaving Billy staring the whole time. 
He looked down, holding his fingers into a tight fist as he realized how badly he’d been shaking. He took a deep inhale, looking around numbly before he found one of the nurses. He needed answers. Nothing made sense. 
“What was that about?” Billy asked, still stunned as he listened to the way Neil was still screaming. He wondered what they would do to him. Would he calm down? Would he still be angry? 
“Sometimes hard memories can trigger strong reactions,” She paused softly, “It’s hard to understand how the mind works.” She looked at him apologetically, making him shake his head softly. He didn’t like that suggestion. He wanted a real answer. 
“What hard memories?” Billy questioned seriously, “He was the one that beat my mom. Not the other way around.” He told her, feeling angry even though she hadn’t said anything wrong. She had no idea how Neil was. Many people didn’t. 
“Sometimes people can flip when they get confused,” She explained slowly, “So he may have been mean in his past, but he’s been nothing but kind and polite since he’s been here. Sometimes they forget those memories too.” She told him, making him blink slowly as he tried to comprehend it all at once. 
“He just forgot everything he did?” He asked slowly, trying to confirm that’s what she was really saying. He knitted his eyebrows tightly together, frowning as he looked over his shoulder once again. 
“Maybe?” She suggested, “I really don’t have the answers for you. It’s a complicated disease.” She shrugged her shoulders softly, looking genuine as she spoke. He knew it wasn’t her fault. 
“Yeah,” Billy nodded his head, “Um, well thank you. Sorry about him.” He said a second later, not sure about what else to add. He wondered how Neil could think that Rosemary was the guilty party. It wasn’t right. 
“No need to apologize, we’ve seen worse,” She smiled, “All he does is talk about you. You must’ve been so lucky, even if he was mean to your mom. He seemed like a great dad.” Her words were sweet, just like sugar. It made him want to vomit. She was wrong. So wrong. His dad was great? That wasn’t Neil. 
“Oh,” Billy felt his expression drop, “Yeah. Thank you again.” His tongue felt heavy in his mouth as he lied. He pretended that Neil was great. That he was good to him. He blinked slowly, suddenly overwhelmed with the atmosphere as he bid a quick goodbye. 
He walked slowly back to the car, his feet dragging as he suddenly felt as if his legs were weighted down with cement. He gulped harshly, pushing his fingers through his hair as he approached the car. Kim was resting outside, reading a book that she quickly dropped as she turned towards him. 
“Are you okay?” She asked him, sounding a little panicked as he continued to blink. He parted his lips, still feeling like everything was crashing over him. He felt like he was sinking underneath the waves, not even staying afloat. 
“Can you drive?” He asked, feeling a little numb as he handed her the keys. She took them quickly, leading him towards the car and helping him inside. He accepted the help, feeling like things were moving a lot differently suddenly. 
“What happened?” She asked him gently as she crawled into the driver’s seat. He turned towards her, feeling like he couldn’t speak. She leaned forward, pressing her forehead against his. He breathed in deeply, then exhaled in the same manner. It took him a moment to realize that Kim was doing the same thing, guiding them. 
“It was weird,” He said at last, “He was happy. Like he didn’t remember anything that happened. Anything bad.” He explained as he pulled away, feeling a little bit better as he linked their fingers together. He liked the way her flesh felt against his. 
“Oh.” She said softly, her hazel eyes wide in confusion. He nodded his head, knowing that she would be just as confused as him. 
“He said my mom was dangerous.” He told her, wishing he had it in him to explain the way Neil had acted. He would do so later. Not right now. It was too hard to do right now. 
“Did they say what he has?” She asked, looking like she was thinking of a plan to make for them. He shook his head. They really hadn’t told him anything new. 
“Not for sure,” He replied gently, “He’s had issues remembering things, I guess. Small things. Kim, it was like he didn’t remember hitting me. Like none of that had ever happened.” He said at last, holding his hands out as he motioned them awkwardly around. He didn’t know what he was doing. He just felt like he needed to keep moving.
“Oh, Billy,” Kim replied gently as she took his hand, “I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine how this must feel.” She told him truthfully as she brought his hand up to her face. She kissed his fingertips slowly. 
“I’m just confused,” He said as he sat back in his chair, “None of it makes sense.” He said honestly. That was the most frustrating thing to him. He just didn’t understand what was happening. It was all so sudden. 
“Are you going to visit him again?” She asked him gently, still brushing her lips across his fingertips as he thought about it for a moment. He felt odd. Neil had been a different person. Almost like he wasn’t his father. Not really. 
“I don’t know.” He said truthfully. He couldn’t decide if he wanted to do so or not yet. He’d have to think about it, even though he was fairly certain he would. He would feel too guilty not to. Especially if Neil thought that he was some great son now, that their relationship was perfect. 
“Billy,” She spoke softly as she held onto his arm, “It’s okay, everything is going to be okay.” She said, sounding determined as she leaned over to kiss the tip of his nose. He nodded slowly as she pulled away, wishing that Neil would’ve wanted nothing to do with him. 
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writebackatya · 11 months
i wanted to ask, why beauty and the beast as your favorite disney movie? do you have any specific memories with it?
There might be some childhood bias but man I do love the Disney Renaissance era. I was born near the end of that era so I did have a certain fondness. Mind you I have vivid memories watching both Tarzan and Mulan in theaters and the rest on VHS and DVD with my siblings
For the longest time I’d say Aladdin was my favorite Disney movie of all time and I think it might be the one I watched the most, but when I was in my teens Beauty and the Beast became my favorite because it’s just the best in my humble opinion
I love everything about it!
The music numbers are wonderful! The Disney Renaissance in general has a lot of wonderful music!
Every movie from that era I will admit have some bangers. The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, The Lion King, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules, and Mulan; all great stuff! But I admit all of them have song or two that just don’t really do it for me as much as their others. Doesn’t mean I hate them though. (The only songs I genuinely hate out of these movies are Les Poissons from The Little Mermaid and A Guy Like You from The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
But Beauty and the Beast! Every song is a banger and not a drag and moves the story forward! First you got it’s opening number: Belle! I just love it’s energy and how it introduces its main characters! It’s so good it gets another reprise and you don’t know how often I’ve sung “I want adventure in the great wide somewhere” in public. Twice. Once at work
And Gaston!? An amazing villain song. It’s so ridiculous, makes you wanna sing along and do all the voices, and it captures our villain’s scummy ways so well! And the reprise!? So good! Just love how sinister it becomes while still being so jovial!
Be Our Guest!? Yes please! The supporting cast in this movie is so good and this song is a great showcase of these characters, specifically Lumiére and Cogsworth! Lumiére with his excellent showmanship and Cogsworth just slowly getting into while being on the end of a lot of slapstick! Don’t worry, Mrs. Potts will get her time in the spotlight soon but we get a small taste of her singing talents in this one!
And how about Something There!? Whenever it’s a beautiful winter day this song will always play in my head! And it’s funny to think that one of the previous scenes before it was the Beast fighting off those wolves in the snow! When all of that was kinda scary and he was still seen as somewhat of a threat! But look at him now! Birds love him! He has a gentle side! And he sucks at snowball fighting! It’s funny! Oh and his voice! So damn good! And Belle’s singing is still just as beautiful as ever
If we’re talking extended edition I do really enjoy Human Again which is a great addition to the soundtrack! The beast’s servants deserve their own song singing about what they want
And now. The main event. The titular song. Beauty and the Beast sung by Mrs. Potts herself!! God this song is so beautiful! Angela Lansbury’s voice is phenomenal; it’s so loving and caring and soft! (Also absolutely great blend of 2D and 3D animation in this scene! So well done!)
Funny to think about that the final song (besides the reprise) is the Mob Song. But yeah! This song is damn good too! Like I love the Beast but this fear mongering song is such a banger and shows Gaston’s manipulative side so damn well. And let’s not forget the servant’s side as they head into the final battle! Good stuff!
I love all the characters in this movie! Belle is a great protagonist, the Beast has development that you just love to see happen, Gaston is the most fun villain to ever come from Disney, and the supporting characters are great at stealing scenes
I remember there was a time on the internet where everyone just seemed to have this whole “Yo! Fuck the Disney Renaissance movies” and just had a whole bunch bad takes such as Belle being a horrible person, Gaston is a good person, the infamous Stockholm syndrome take. I guess that pushback just made me love it more. Not to say the movie shouldn’t have its critics but i just felt those arguments were always weak and either ignored details from the movie or just added something that wasn’t in the movie
In the 8th grade, I was in my school’s musical of the Disney version! I played Monsieur D’Arque (the asylum guy) and my big solo moment was “He’ll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wonder free”. I was friends with a lot of the leads already so this musical was a lot of fun for me
And recently on my trip to Disney World I got to eat at the Beast’s Castle
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So yeah. I love this movie. It’s my favorite. But I admit there is some bias to it but who cares!? There’s always bias when it comes to opinions
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seirei-bh · 3 months
🩵💜 Things I love about New Gen 💜🩵
First of all, I really like the variety in customizing your Sucrette and her room. Having the opportunity to access so many wigs, clothes and furniture from the beginning makes everything feel more like my own, I always wanted to be able to decorate my room in the previous MCL, so that it felt more similar to the personality and tastes of my Sucrette as I imagined, so it's a great addition.
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Second, regarding the characters, I'm totally in love with Jason (and that's not a secret here XD). I never thought I would become as obsessed with a character in Mcl as I did with Castiel, and then along came Jason! And here I am, writing theories in each chapter about him, wondering intrigued about his backstory and how the romantic dynamic with my Sucrette will be like, reading fanfics about him and excited every time I see some new fanart of him. I admit that I tend to have a tendency in otome games to almost always choose as the main crush the complicated character, the bad boy, or the secret route, the one who has a dramatic backstory or the one who is difficult and unpredictable in some way, that's why I chose in previous games Castiel, Nathaniel, Leiftan (Lysander was my exception here XD). Also, I love charismatic and sarcastic villains, and I also love the Enemies to Lovers trope, I'm a big fan of romances in books with this dynamic and I always wanted to play something like that in an otome, but I didn't have the chance before. I love his illustrations, his dialogues are generally quite funny (he always makes me smile and giggle when he appears), I love his elegant design and his evil smirk, I like that his scenes in the chapters have a different flavor, being so different sometimes compared to other characters. I also really like other characters like Thomas, Amanda, Brune and Elenda! And I love talking to them, Thomas because he's quite unpredictable and surprises me and makes me laugh often and because he's very unique, Amanda is very cute and sweet when you do scenes with her, Brune is a goddess, and Elenda is so charming and her design is so pretty! I'm also very curious to meet other characters like Danica and Spencer.
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Third: the music! I really like that each situation -depending on whether it is calm, funny, dramatic, etc.- has its own soundtrack, it gives a more appropriate atmosphere to each scene and helps me get into the story, as if it were an anime. My favorite soundtracks are Uncle Archival's and Jason's, they are very peculiar and provide even more charisma to the characters.
Fourth: mobile messages! I love so much that they included this in the game! Every time I finish an episode I'm always eager to know what my crushes will tell me in the messages, and that also makes the waiting time between episodes more enjoyable.
Fifth: the illustrations! Most of them are really beautiful, I've always liked the art style in Mcl, and all the characters look very attractive in the images. In addition, the backgrounds in the stages are also very detailed and colorful.
And I love seeing the Mcl fan community so active again. The new game has brought in both new players and many old players back, and I really love seeing so many people excited about a new story again and chatting about it. I've met some wonderful people in this fandom and I'm having a great time, especially on Tumblr and discord, I haven't had a feeling like that since HSL season when I was on the forum ^^
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auniverseforgotten · 5 months
Third ship ask's the charm: JAlter/Boudica because I don't hear about them enough XD
who’s the cuddler: 
Boudica. While I do think Jalter would be happy to cuddle, I can't see her reaching out for it? As we've seen in Shinjuku she gets embarassed about wanting to ask for things that are affectionate [like dancing with the MC] and I think that would probably carry over here?
Plus like, man, Boudica looks like she would love cuddles and also would be wonderful to cuddle. And while my musings on this ship have focused around Jalter helping Boudica come into herself and stop being the way she has been forced into being, there's also a level of getting Jalter more comfortable with physical affection, and that it's not a weakness. With avenger agenda that's less of an issue [which is why I won't be mentioning it when I do the Salieri ask], but Boudica is such a presence in Chaldea that there's more of a feeling of inadequacy, even if she buries it deep down.
SO BOTH ENJOY CUDDLING but Boudica initiates more.
who makes the bed:
Boudica, I can honestly not see Jalter caring to make it, they're just gonna use it again later why remake it only to mess it up again??? Makes no sense.
who wakes up first:
This one is a little harder because I'm torn between saying Jalter will sleep in until noon but also that Jalter just does not sleep, LOOK at the bags under her eyes, you cannot tell me that she sleeps.
So in the sense of the word I'm going to say Boudica, because she does genuinely enjoy working in the kitchens and thus does keep that up, and with kitchens and bakeries you need to be up and at 'em pretty early in the morning.
WHEN Jalter sleeps she is a sleep until noon person, but she more often than not does NOT sleep, so in that sense she's technically awake first.
who has the weird taste in music:
Jalter, look at her, look at how EDGY she gets in some of the events and in Shinjuku, how much she steeps herself in pop culture in other places. You know she will look up the most esoteric stuff to see if she vibes with it or not. If she doesn't, no big deal, but if it does she will not stop blasting it. Has absolutely tried to convince Salieri to play piano versions of her favorite songs so that Boudica [who I feel like is more of an instrumental enjoyer?] will listen to them with her. And Salieri will do anything to help her out, bi solidarity REAL
Boudica, like I said, I feel like she would enjoy instrumentals and classical more than other music but also maybe some metal bands, as a treat <3 Salieri is her favorite among the other avengers because he's always up to take requests. No this isn't about him, the brainrot is just that severe.
who is more protective:
My answer for this one in general is usually both, and it's both again here buuuuut from an outsider prospective, Jalter.
Boudica is protective but she was also a queen who led an uprising, so she knows when to hold her tongue and when to tear someone a new one. She isn't the strongest servant and she knows it, but she knows how to manipulate situations when she has to. So other servants or staff taking issue with Jalter will often trip up when speaking to her.
Jalter, meanwhile, is protective in the sense that by the time anyone realizes what they said or did was viewed as harmful to Boudica, their head is on the ground <3 yes Nero HAS been a repeated victim of this, yes she DOES go into spirit form just to avoid them in the halls now. Roman servants in general steer VERY clear from Boudica now because Jalter will be indiscriminate in protecting her.
In battle as much as Boudica would like to be a "get behind me, I'll protect you" person, that isn't her kit, so instead she focuses on saving her NP for when Jalter needs protection, so that she can continue destroying everything that gets in front of her.
[Yes I do have Jalter on fgo yes I have poured so much into her yes she IS a killing machine <3]
who sings in the shower:
I think Boudica, whenever my brain is focused on a nice task like, idk kneading bread, making desserts, etc, songs that are playing on the radio or other people are playing get stuck in my head so I just sing the chorus on repeat. So in the shower I feel like she would fall into that a lot. Possibly also nursery rhyme songs because she's another person who helps take care of the child servants.
And ofc sometimes she'll scream along to a deathmetal song and wow Jalter is so in love.
who cries during movies:
Honestlyyyyy Jalter but only animal movies. Yes that will be a relevant answer throughout all of these.
who spends the most while out shopping:
Depends on the shopping! Jalter can spend a fortune shopping for clothes/jewelry/weapons because she, like most avengers, likes to look her best. Also oops Salieri's leaking in again, but going with Sabu's headcanon I imagine he'll wheedle his way into shopping with her because we are NOT having another dress incident do you hear me. These two combined will spend EVEN MORE MONEY.
Meanwhile Boudica will shell out so much money for things like high end ingredients, excellent cookware, a really good horse, and yes also weapons they share weapons as a hobby <3 How many horses does she have? Not enough she needs more.
When Boudica and Jalter go shopping together they will always find a blacksmith [past or present] and they will spend so much money on weaponry you don't even know. Buy each other daggers that are small enough to tuck away but are personalized,,,good shit.
who kisses more roughly:
DING DONG IT'S BOTH, it may start with Jalter being the rougher one but as soon as Boudica realizes it's okay to not be perfect and polite with Jalter my god does she go just as hard. Avengers walk into the avenger room and right back out because oops they're kiss fighting again and none of them really feel like hanging around to watch the developing show.
Pinning to walls, furniture, biting, rough [consensual obv] shoving into things in a fight over dominance in the kiss,,,yes. Also kissing in front of Nero [no matter where Nero is] is a power move.
who is more domineering:
-points above- STILL BOTH which surprises people at first because again in fate we only get the really gentle big sister boudica who forgives everyone no matter how much they don't deserve it AND I'M MAD ABOUT IT OKAY SHE WAS A WAR QUEEN SHE LED AN UPRISING SHE DESERVES TO BE AGGRO AND STALWART AND NOT TAKE ANY SHIT TOO
They do usually at least Try to keep it all behind closed doors, mainly because Boudica worries about the child servants finding them, because she can still be MOMTHER and not a PUSHOVER
Also I feel like Medb is 110% besties with both of them this doesn't really fit in here but here it is going
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 
10/10 this is my ship that is. Only my ship and maybe also your ship, Wolfie, and obviously I need to flesh out a lot but I still care about this ship because Boudica deserves to be angry and Jalter deserves an awesome girlfriend. Lesbians <3
THANKS SO MUCH FOR LETTING ME TALK ABOUT THEM ask meme here if anyone else wants to send anything in or do it themselves <3 I've still got a massive Salieri one and fionndiar to do for wolfie BUT I'LL GET TO ANY I GET and it doesn't just have to be fate either dfgh
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No wonder ARMY doesn't bother listening to other kpop groups. Idk what I was expecting but I heard this was THEE Taeyang of THEE BigBang but then, side by side with Jimin he just looked so mediocre and I'm not even hating.
Jimin sounded better, danced better, had better stage presence, ON TAEYANG'S OWN SONG.
How did BigBang even become so big? How are they considered legends of kpop? Why do kpop stans hate on BTS so much when even 2015 BTS surpassed BB by any objective metric?
Hi Anon,
Like I've said before, a lot of ARMYs listen mostly to BTS not because they don't know what other k-pop groups are doing, but because they've heard it all and decided BTS is more their taste and, some would argue, better than a lot of what's out there.
BTS has Jimin, BigBang does not.
And again, like I've said before, k-pop is so inherently hyper-competitive that good talent is what will eventually come out on top though the Big3 definitely still leverage their privilege to enjoy momentous success from time to time, and often rely on the confirmation bias of k-pop stans to try to create a moat around their groups.
A very good case study will be YG's new girl group, Baby Monster, and NewJeans - compare the response of k-pop stans to both groups over the next 12 months (though Baemon hasn't debuted yet, there's enough chatter to begin forming an opinion). Baemon's debut will be incredibly successful because of the buy-in from the rest of k-pop fandom that is ideologically opposed to anything related to BTS. It's a bit hilarious but it's a dynamic I've seen play out in real time, at several points over the years. Baemon's debut will be an excellent opportunity to check if I've just been talking outta my ass lmao.
"...even 2015 BTS surpassed BB by any objective metric?"
You've answered your own question.
I actually disagree with you that 2015 BTS surpassed BigBang "by any objective metric". At least in terms of concert showings or audiences, BigBang was still better than BTS on that note. But in terms of the quality of music output, BTS was already ahead of many of their peers and seniors by 2015 - so it was only a matter of time before the size of concert audiences reflected that. It's cute that Jimin liked Taeyang at debut and maintained that good-natured view till now, and on a practical note, if BTS want to maintain their social license to operate in k-pop at their current scale of success, these sorts of collaborations are necessary.
I'm not going to dwell on any more comparisons between the two groups because I don't see the point. Those who view BB as legends are sentimental k-pop stans, and I'm not going to begin to argue against sentimentality.
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"The scars of war are slowly fading away. People can enjoy festivals without worry again. Peace is the most precious thing."
"The annual festival is here! Let's work together to make it a memorable event for all!"
"Why don't you take a rest here? I've prepared some cold sweets, let's split them in half."
"There's no doubt that this year's Hundred Flowers Festival will be even more lively than usual. I am a little worried about my performance though…"
"Listen to the sounds of festival music! Everyone is smiling and having fun together!"
"It's a waste of time to sleep. Even more so when you are near me. I want to enjoy the scenery all day!"
"Forget everything else right now. Just for this moment…Would you take my hand?"
"I have to work hard to make this festival a success."
"Dancing in the evening, lured in by the night breeze, it sounds wonderful. Let's go! The festival has just begun!"
"There are a lot of people here, so I'm gonna need you to stay as close to me as you can today."
"It was a pleasure touring with you. If I could do it again next year…No, it's too soon to tell."
"Tamayura seemed interested in the Hundred Flowers Festival. He asked me to tell him a story about it when I get back."
"Shiranui and I had a lively conversation about what kinds of floats and stalls would make people the most happy."
"During this time of year, requests for festivals increase and Mikage disappears as soon as he senses any sign of work."
"I got a gift from a guy in town. He said he was grateful to us for putting this festival together. Those words alone fill me with joy."
"I will do everything in my power as a member of Eternal Flower to not bring shame upon the guild. First and foremost: The Hundred Flowers Festival must be a success!"
"When Heath-dono and I first practiced together, I was speechless…"
"Heath-dono is a kind-hearted person. No matter how much I stumble over my lines."
"I was impressed by Heath-dono's willingness to learn all about our culture."
"Come to think of it, Heath-dono had a hard time handling chopsticks and brushes at first…I wonder if he has gotten used to it now?"
"Many people visit the Eternal Flower Guild, I am sure that every single one of them must remember Aoi-sama's existence."
"The other day, Aoi-sama took time out of his busy schedule to accompany me to the rehearsal for the play. I would like to thank him, but what would be the best way?"
"Aoi-sama asks me to speak in a more informal tone, but…As expected, I am afraid."
"Hmm, the sweet treats in that stall are the kind Aoi-sama likes. We should all share them!"
"I thought I'd gotten used to standing this close to you, but when I look into your eyes, my heart beats relentlessly."
"Ha, did I get something on my face? I ate a lot of food at all the stalls. I need to be careful to keep in shape."
"Let's go to your favorite stall. I want you to have a good time today, to thank you for all your hard work."
"I can't help but wish that the present time would last just a little longer… I feel like a child again."
"Shaved ice tastes better when it's so hot out……No, I think it's because I'm eating it with you."
"Do you want a taste of my shaved ice? Go ahead, try it. It's sweet just like fruit."
"I know it will melt if I eat it too slowly, but it's a pity to finish it."
"With my diet and training I don't get to eat this sort of thing often. I really want to savor it."
"I'm not sure why you're letting me choose what mask you wear. It's nerve-wracking, but it's a pleasure."
"Well, how about this mask? It's similar to mine, but the color is warmer just like you."
"Oh, I knew it would look good on you. It's very pretty…I think…"
"Now, I'm going to string on the mask, so please stay still."
"That was real close. If you aim a little higher on the target, I think you'll get the angle just right."
"I'm pretty good at these kinds of games. If there's any prizes you want, I'd be happy to help."
"You wanna know how I hit the target so accurately? It's…Hard to explain in words…"
"Here, I'll help you. Maybe you'll get a feel for what I'm talking about."
"I'm glad you have forgiven me, but on the other hand I still feel guilt in my heart…"
"I'm so sorry, I got carried away visiting stalls. Lean on me and take a rest."
"You want to go out together? And you got me a gift? This is the best day of my life."
"Your feelings have been well received. Both my hands are full, so I'll refrain from taking any more gifts."
"How did you know what I like? I'm a little embarrassed, but also flattered. I'll take it gratefully."
"I'm sure someone else will like it."
AOI : "I can count on you, Asahi. Your honest personality will surely open the hearts of the people." ASAHI : "I never thought I would recieve such kind words of appreciation from Aoi-sama! I'll remember them forever in my heart!"
ASAHI : "I've been wondering about it for a few minutes now, but why are you staring at my arm?" HEATH : "Tio told me that muscles can talk to each other, so I'm using you as a reference."
ASAHI : "Tio, why don't you take a little breather? Having fun is one of the best parts of a festival. We can do a ring toss or target practice or all sorts of things!" TIO : "All right! Let's prove our stunning muscles will get the best results!"
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moonchild-in-blue · 11 months
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
🥺🥺 Another one! Guys I'm feeling spoiled, thank you thank you 💖
5 (more) things I hate love about me:
(hehe i'm funny sometimes)
My hands - love them. They're not as dainty and delicate as I'd like, but they're so talented. My hands allow me to pick up a paintbrush, steady, and wise, and in full control. They rest on my keyboard and type, words spilling over each other, hungry and woven together. They hold my violin, my guitar, and music fills the air, beautiful in its imperfection, seeping through calloused fingertips and sore wrists. They brush over soft fabric, over green leaves and smooth petals, and somehow hold my world together.
My art - this is and will always be my forever struggle, but I do genuinely love my art. It's so hard for me to feel proud of what I do, when all I can see are imperfections and what could've (should've) been. But if there is one thing I learned in uni, was to be proud of it. I'm a perfectionist, an anxious harsh critic, and there is a part of me that will never be satisfied with my work. But then I look at my million sketchbooks, at my overfilled portfolios, and I feel. More than the praises of people (which are like a drug to me guys, pls never stop complimenting my work 🥺), I feel my soul glow and respond to it, to the colours, the lines, and I feel genuine pride and happiness. Which is a big thing for me to admit, but yeah.
My ability to see magic - and I don't mean this in a supernatural, spiritual way. I mean wonder-like magic. I see a ray of light leaking through my curtains, a drop of water on a crimson apple, a rainbow, and I see magic. As we grow up, we have a tendency to become so jaded and displeased with life. I know I am extremely cynical and pessimistic, and it's not something to be romanticised, as it often is. It's sad. The world is so full of magic! So I love that I can still, and often do, appreciate all these little things. I watch cartoons every morning because, what better way to start your day? I collect plushies and cute things, because why shouldn't I? I take a sip of coffee and I tear up, because of how wonderfully delicious it is (yes, this really happened. In the metro café. I texted my friend and she just laughed, it was a nice moment).
My taste in music - it's so superior, I don't even care. "But Darya, art is subjective, blah blah blah-" I said what I said. I have fenomenal taste in music and I will obnoxiously die on that hill.
My moles and beauty spots - I have a lot of them, and they're so so cute. There's this one lighter patch that looks like a heart on my left cheek, and a cute black mole on my nose that almost looks like a misplaced bindi (except that it's closer to my eye corner than it is to the center). I like to think of all my moles and spots as little constellations 🌌
Wooo woo, I did it! 5 more things! Thank you once again anon, you're lovely and we're now best friends 😚💖🌹
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jacketrepresents · 1 year
daffodil, edelweiss, camellia, chamomile for the ask game!
ah! thank you for sending this :) <3
daffodil - i have a younger sister! we have a lot in common due in part to our shared upbringing (familiar people & places) & similar tastes (e.g. music, sense of humor, etc.) when we were younger our parents often didn’t know what the two of us were talking about. this is a specific one but we were also just talking about how both of us have trouble using keys and locks, so there’s that as well? and i think we’re both pretty emotional but kind of weird about it. vis à vis differences (without airing either of us out too much) she is more sociable, more motivated, and a better communicator while i think it’s fair to say i’m more patient. also we don’t look alike at all
edelweiss - my url comes from the movie wild at heart (1990)!  it’s a weird one, directed by david lynch.  nic cage’s character, sailor, makes repeated references to how his snakeskin jacket “represents a symbol of my individuality and my belief in personal freedom.”  it’s a movie i watched at a strange time and i found it very moving without really knowing why or how. quintessential person experiencing art moment
camellia - when i was younger i read a whole lot of books.  i talked a lot (on some level i think i was trying to get the approval of adults) but i was also easily embarrassed, lending to selective shyness.  i wanted to be a writer (among other things) but the process for me often involved choosing fonts & colors, making up characters, illustrating, and very rarely producing actual writing :) i was very interested in things i perceived as scary or dangerous, like storms, wild animals, and monsters.  i do think i’m very different now!  there are some notable common threads, it is the same life, or so i’ve heard
chamomile - i don’t have a good answer for this unfortunately! i think i’m just not a gifts guy? i had a birthday recently and i mostly just liked the company of my friends. one of them did bring me a sandwich (my regular order from a cafe we like) which was lovely but it was the having sandwiches together aspect more than the sandwich as a gift. so i think to go pop psychology mode i’m more of a quality time enjoyer
thank you anon, these were so nice to reflect on! i wonder what a perfume of these four flowers would be like
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geekfanficwriter · 2 years
Hey I hope your going to have a good day!
I was wondering if you could ship me with someone from Stranger Things?
I am a female korean who is 4'11 (im not a child i swear just short) I have black shaggy medium length hair. It's kinda like a wolf cut but with a side part. I have pale skin and wear black circle glasses. I'm about 98 pounds and pretty small ahem chest area. Also a Pisces.

I'm a shy distant person and very awkward at first. But get to know me i can be sorta funny and goofy. Also a bit weird i try not being to annoying or bother some so thats why sometimes im distant. I tend to over think things and my relationships with people. I have major social anxiety and ADHD well im not that hyper anymore but still i space off, get distracted, forget alot of things, and cant sit still sometimes. i'm a feminist to the core! I have mommy issues and im very insecure about myself. Also my scars from things on my body. Im adopted from korea now with a german family. Im often a target for bullying and im pretty clumsy.  Can be oblivious and childish.
Some of the things i like to do is drawing and painting. I also play video games a lot (im sorta a nerd). I love listening to music you can always find me with earbuds in. My music taste is all over the place only thing i wont listen to is country. I mostly listen to vintage, indie, piano, metal, and rock. I play dnd still to this day i first did as a kid. I love reading comics or poetry. I love gardening well most of the time.
I can be such a hopeless romantic sometimes in my opinion daydreaming about my crush or people. I would be the type of partner to draw you stuff or make a playlist for you. I love cuddling, hugs, hand holding, and drawing on your hand if you let me. I always thinking of gifts to give my partner when i have one.
You didn’t specify a gender you wanted for your ship so I’m just going to assume you don’t mind either gender!
So I ship you with…
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Okay so first of all you mentioned that you play DnD so obviously you’d get on well with Eddie. I sort of him struggling to understand that a girl likes DnD and comic books (because it was the 80s) but he’s definitely open to idea and pretty quickly accepts you into the group. Of course, the more you showed your nerdy side to him, the more he would fall for you. It definitely wouldn’t take long for him to just be looking at you with heart eyes especially once he found out you also listened to metal music.
As someone with ADHD myself, I 100% read Eddie as also having ADHD and so I think once he saw you opening up and becoming more goofy and weird with him, he would definitely match that energy. I can imagine the two of you together would just constantly be bouncing off each other’s energies and encouraging the other to act more and more childish. I think he needs someone in his life who understands why he acts the way he does and doesn’t judge him.
I don’t think Eddie particularly cares about the height of his girlfriend but he would definitely be so sweet with a shorter girl. I could imagine him just constantly cuddling up to you and resting his head on top of yours. He would definitely tease you for your height but it would be in a sweet way. Just letting your know how much he loved how tiny you were next to him.
Once you opened up to Eddie about your bullying he would be very understanding and completely protective of you. He would make sure that no one ever said anything about you and god help them if they did cause he would absolutely reign hell over them. He understands that you’re your own person who can protect themselves but he absolutely just wouldn’t be able to help himself from protecting you (although he would totally apologise after if you were annoyed with him and beg you for forgiveness).
Playlists! Eddie would 100% make you mixtapes of all the songs that reminded him of you. Every time he got a new album he would listen through it for songs he could play to show you how much he loved you. Not only would he make you playlists but he would also write you songs. He would regularly rush you through to his room and grab his acoustic guitar, playing these songs that he had written about you and then looking at you with those big brown eyes to see if you liked it.
I think Eddie would struggle with accepting gifts as it’s not something he was used to but he would slowly get used to it, especially if your love language was gift giving and he knew it made you happy. He would definitely prefer small gifts, like his favourite chocolate bar or food you’d made yourself. Although if you gave him flowers, especially ones grown in your own garden he would probably cry and hug you.
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