#i do not know fashion much less accesories
thequimmqueen · 2 years
It's weird how you are the exception to each and every one of my principles.
My principles. One of the most important pillars of my career.
You.. you just have to be above them! Do you, Mr. 70s Star?
I had always known you to be a wild card, but this takes the prize. Finding you in this place, which I represent..
I could have expected so, these franchise is always hiring, but to actually find you here had me so stunned I couldn't even talk.
...and neither did you.
Naturally, I would have interrogated you, cornered you and ask you a million questions. Rightfully mad too.
But like I said, you are often an exception to my principles, and I had to let it slide.
Not only did I not want to let out my anger on you in a public space for all to see, I am better than that, but work gave me no more time to investigate further.
But god knows how much of a mess my mind became for the rest of the day.
I'd go back every time I could, sometimes at an odd timing. But work has taken me to interesting places.
This place was relatively new, of course I would go supervise the management.. but you were there.
The last thing I needed, at this point in my life, was to find you.
You, who i held close to heart. You, who betrayed said heart Trust. Your presence alone made my mind not work coherently.
It was certainly difficult for me not to look at you for longer than I should've, as I came to order each day.
You had defenitely changed in appearence. New hair, accesories, fashion sense.. however, I could see some things remained the same.
Despite you wearing the mandatory uniform, you personalized your look. You wore your iconic orange shirt and jeans. And those golden Aviators I recognized the very first time I walked in.
Those golden, flashy.. tacky.. aviators..
You've never had shame of your taste. I'll give you that.
But well, I guess it also means you are confident on you passions. And I respected that.
In retrospective, you were the only one I ever.. let in so many aspects of my life. Even those more unknown facets.
The embarassing ones, like how I am after hours.
Silly things.. silly things like the names of my cats, and my favorite shows to watch. Stupid things i wouldn't want anyone to see.
I'm just. I'm upset I opened up so much to you, and began lik- Respecting. Respecting you, in a whole new way...
Only for you to drop everything.
Drop the lawfirm, drop the career you had built for many years. Drop this whole.. thing, we were doing.
Was being a lawyer not good enough?
Was Tacodale not good enough?
Was I- No.
Was our association, not good enough to you?
Even when it was completely unnecessary, I gave a lot of me to you. A lot of my time, even more of my patience..
But admittedly, you also had my trust.
And I'm sure you know, but that's not something I give to people, as wholeheartedly, as I did to you. Sure I may give orders and work with others, but I struggled to be as clos.. permissive. Permissive as I let myself be to you.
But even then, I know the people around me can do a decent job. And surprisingly, you do decently at making pies.
I'm frustrated. What is it that you're thinking? What was it you were thinking to get a job in a bakery? Was this what you wanted?
I don't get it. I don't get what -or better- why any of this is happening.
I can't even understand why i'm angry anymore.
Angry because you left me to do double the work.. or because you left me, alone in the dark.
No contact, and no warning.
You are so selfish. But i'm no better.
I'm no better.
It's of no use to be this upset anymore. Not over something of so long ago.
You've made a new life for yourself, and you seem a lot less stressed than you would be after hours back then.
I guess i've got a thing or two going for me in the lawfirm. So that's good, right?
I confirmed that you aren't dead or anything, so that's another check off the list.
Yeah. Let me end this childish feud right now. I'll come back to this establishment, since I have to do quality checks some days this month, and it will be normal.
Not awkward at all.
Simple enough, right?
...yeah, I will come back.
I like the red velvet here.
I have to say, you've made the place cozy. Those white walls from before were kinda "meh"
And the Jukebox.. lord, the craftmanship.. did you buy it with your own money?
That's impressive. Really impressive.
It feels almost as if you're giving this place a little part of yourself.
And it feels.. warm, and welcoming.
You are doing.. a decent job, admittedly.
Your management on both money and advertisement of the place is quite efficient. and I don't think I want to buy Cherry Fudge pies from anywhere else but here now.
I don't know what it is you do when you bake. but your cooking is so good.
But of course, I will never tell you.
Oh no no no, if i had to tell you i'd die. I'd literally die.
But it's so.. nice. And even more with my favorite coffee with it.
I guess you had some hidden talents, huh?
Well, do let me stay to see if you got more tricks up your sleeve.
It's only for work, of course.. only work..
I guess i've come to be fine with you more recently... and that's a relief.
It was exhausting to be so distant all the time, when honestly, I just wanted to know how you were doing.
But.. but even if I do small talk, I sense you often behave anxiously, and I notice when you try to avoid upsetting me.
You don't look at me right in the eye, you hide your hands or move them less. It's easy to tell, despite the period of time I had not seen you.
I guess you remain the same inside too.. which is a relief..?
But.. I'm not.. I'm not angry with you anymore, you know?
Perhaps i'm being too cold..?
...Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I don't hate you. I really don't.
I.. like respect you. Actually.
If you're too hesitant to break my walls like you used to, I can be the one to finally break yours.
It's only fair, right?
Did I smile?
Oh hey! I smiled. Haven't done that in a long time huh..
I guess with all the stuff I need to do i don't often indulge myself. It's just so difficult to hold everything together and in order..
The balance of work and leisure..
...is your face red?
Crap crap crap
5 minutes left. I'm not gonna make it.
The mall, the mall, It's gonna close.
Oh thank god the lights are still on.
I just really need a pie. From here.
Or maybe it's something else? Oh great, It's open!
I don't know why i feel like apologizing. It's not like this was a scheduled meeting..? And they can still attend me despite minutes away of closing,no..?
Ah. There you are.
Hi Timm.
"It's getting cold outside", so says the song.
I'm enjoying your company even more, I think to myself. Going out after work again seems to be a good idea after all.
You hold my hand, I think you were about to fall from some ice in the floor?
I don't mind much, I wonder if it's the same for you..?
I hope we can have times to do this again, and maybe a few times after that. I don't know why, I just really like having you around.
It's so.. nice.
..I really did miss you, huh?
-Thoughts of an Unsuspectingly Smitten Quinn.
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citrusinicake · 2 years
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yknow whats prettier than a vampire? a vampire with blood on him thats what
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diorchitect · 5 years
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A decade in fashion.                                                        
Since the 2010s are ending I decided to enumarate my ten favorite collections of the decade. This is a really special list for me because I actually started to love fashion ten years ago, in 2009, when I was just beggining architecture school. Before that I thought fashion shows were a sort of beauty pageant; you know, just a bunch of night gowns, cocktail dresses and swimsuits. I was so wrong.
So here is my list (in chronological order).
1. Alexander McQueen s/s 2010. Shown in 2009, this was the first time a collection of clothes attracted my attention. I remember I was lying on the couch when I saw this show on the tv. Every garment was so different to everything I had seen before, so new… but I knew this was not the work of some crazy person (there were some real wearable clothes there). And because I was already studying architecture, I understood how that work was called: It was design.
2. Calvin Klein s/s 2011. The first Vogue I ever bought was the 2011 march issue with Lady Gaga on the cover. The Calvin Klein campaign that I saw on the pages, showing the spring 2011 collection, was the one that captured my eye. The few clothes shown in the pictures looked so intricately made and yet so simple; it was like architecture made of fabric.
3. Jil Sander s/s 2011. One day I was scrolling down Scott Schuman’s blog The Sartorialist when I got to his review about Milan Fashion Week, calling this Jil Sander collection “the best collection of the season”. That was the first time I read the name Raf Simons, who became later on my favorite designer of all time.
4. Céline f/w 2011. Two words about this collection: Fashion Design. Everything is designed. There’s not a single t-shirt or pair of trousers that hadn’t passed trough the design process. Everything has a porpouse and a justification. That’s why I love it so much.
5. Haider Ackermann f/w 2011. Remember when Suzy Menkes called Haider Ackermann “The prince of fashion”? It was because of this collection. Even though his work has become more mature and he more concious, for me, nothing has ever top this collection and its runway show. Literal poetry.
6. Proenza Schouler f/w 2012. Jack and Lazaro’s work isn’t too appealing for me now, but back then I wanted to be the person they were dressing.
7. Christian Dior Haute Couture f/w 2012. This was Raf Simons’ debut for Dior. Do I need to say more?
8. Louis Vuitton f/w 2014. I remember this moment. We all, gathered in here (tumblr 2014) at 3:00 a.m. witnessing Nicolas Guesquière debut for Louis Vuitton. I think a lot of us were confussed by what we saw because the collection was very “tone down” for him. But time has proved us wrong. It was and still is a great work from Nicolas, I mean, he practically invented a new silhouette.
9. Calvin Klein f/w. 2017. This was the third time Raf Simons had took the helm of a house. Everyone (me included) was so exicted and ended up being a little dissapointed. But looking it back, this really was a great moment. Everthing was there: a great concept, great clothes and great accesories… but we were so impacient to see what was next.
10. Berluti f/w 2018. The reason I love this collection in particular is because I see myself wearing every one of its pieces. I don’t like wearing prints, deconstructed menswear nor basics. But I like color, statement jackets and boxy silhouettes.
I think this next decade fashion is gonna become a little less important for me. But who knows, maybe Raf takes Balenciaga.
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crazyrandomfucker · 5 years
Toblerone to obliterate someone
Based by a challenge promt of @gale-of-the-nomads
As Marinette left with his father, Adrien simply stood where he was, smiling like an idiot and waving goodbye to them.
"Wow, I can't believe that went so well" said Plagg hiding on Adrien's other pocket.
"Neither do I Plagg, I feel like walking on clouds" said Adrien smiling stupidly.
"Well, make sure to take good care of her kid. She's a great one" said Plagg.
"Do you know her?" asked Adrien.
"Yeah, I met her that time with Kwami Buster. Then I went a couple of times to check on her, she gave me Camembert filled croissants. That's why if you hurt Princess I'll kick your ass" warned Plagg.
"Since when do you visit people like that?" asked Adrien half curious.
"I only visit Ladybug and her, because I thought she was interesting and I wasn't disappointed" said Plagg.
Adrien was going to reply, but the music stopped and the lights illuminated an enormous screen descending from the ceiling. When the screen was turned on, the saw and listened to Marinette talking with Gabriel Agreste, unaware that everyone was hearing them.
Gabriel Agreste was a misterious person for sure. Marinette couldn't quite decypher him while they walked towards wherever he was taking her. If someone had told Marinette that he was a robot clone of the real man, she wouldn't have doubted it.
Finally, they got into the backstage and Marinette was ordered to change into the dress she wore at the beauty contest again, paired with the crown they had given her. Once she was changed and waiting behind some very heavy courtains that blocked even the sound of the concert, Gabriel gave her a gigantic Toblerone. It was taller than her, but it didn't weight as much as Marinette had expected it.
"As I told you before, I have something for you to do as Miss Miraculous, but before explaining it, let me congratulate you" said Gabriel with his emotionless expression. "I was certainly impressed by you, as well as I was impressed by your outfits which, correct me if I'm wrong, you yourself designed and tailored them. I will be expecting your debut on the fashion world, which I believe it won't be far from now".
"Thank you sir, it's an honor to hear that from you" said Marinette smiling sincerely as she blushed a bit. "You are the one I've been looking up to when designing and I can't express how hapou I feel hearing something like that" said tearing a couple of tears of happiness.
"I feel honored then" said Gabriel changing his expression into a more relaxed one. "Now, for what I need you to do is simply give that Toblerone to an employee of mine that will be coming in a moment, Lila. I know you are nit precisely on the best terms with her, but as Miss Miraculous it's your duty to deliver this award to hardwork, so do your best effort to deal with it" said before he left.
"Look who we have here" said Lila as she entered the room wearing make up and a red dress. "Isn't it Dupain-Clumsy-Cheng? I'm amazed you won the beauty contest".
"Hello Lila" said Marinette trying her best not to groan and roll her eyes.
"You know, that giant piece of disgusting chocolate remembers me of you. Sweet and repulsive" said Lila laughing.
"This chocolate is your prize for hardworking Lila, I'm sure everyone thinks you deserve it" said Marinette resisting the urge to hit her.
"Having to play nice today? It must be killing you to lie like I do. Seriously, how is everybody so stupid? Even Gabriel Agreste believes everything I tell him involving Adrien's classmates" said proudly the italian girl. "Anyway, that crappy chocolate is not a prize for someone like me
"They are all far too good for you Lila, even if you don't value them. But I do, so I'd recommend you to drop the insults" warned her Marinette.
"Oh come on. They are all stupid fools willing to hear whatever will be best for them even if it's a lie. They are worthless bugs that will follow me to the end of the world just because they believe me" said Lila grinnig. "Like, this price? I haven't worked a single bit and yet, Gabriel Agreste himself decided to award it to me, because I'm the only one he knows, the only one he can trust. Just like that, all the idiots follow me and whatever I plan for them".
"That's it Lila" said Marinette letting a note of anger get to her voice. "Stop insulting my friends, my loved ones and everyone who was unlucky enough to met you".
"Unlucky? They are Lucky to habe someone like me turning them from useless garbage into tools. Just wait until I make you hated by everyone and get Adrien just for me. After all, he's nothing but an accesory" said cockily Lila.
"You deserve no prize! And you don't deserve this Toblerone!" said Marinette now completely angry as she picked the toblerone and hit Lila with it. "You know nothing of them and you know nothing of Adrien! All of their problems, of their virtues! They are amazing and you don't deserve anything from them!"
"Ow! You little sl-" began to say Lila, but shut up once she saw that the curtains in front of them were opening and everyone was looking at them on a screen.
Everyone booed and was very angry with Lila, calling her everything but pretty. Gabriel Agreste called the security guards and told them to kick Lila out. Marinette was shocked. She didn't expected everyone to be listenning to them, she thought that Lila's reaction would be filmed afterwards she got the price, not before. Gabriel Agreste aproached her and picked up the Toblerone bar from the floor.
"I must say ypu never cease to impress me young lady. You value your connections and the people you get to know. You haven't showed an ounce of selfishness when I praised you, nor when I tasked you with this... Unpleasant task. And above all, you have placed your friends, your family and your aquantice before your own sake just now. For all of that, I think you fit better a price like this, for your selflessness and dedication" said giving her the Toblerone. "Thought please refrain from hitting someone else with a chocolate like this one, the ones this size are rather rare".
"O-Ofcourse. I'm sorry" apologised Marinette confused, not sure of what to do or say.
"Marinette!" said Alya as she went and tackle-hugged her best friend. "Oh my god girl, that was so badass! I love you girl!"
"It's nice to see we can always can count with you Mari. I'm sorry for doubting you" said Nino with a bittersweet tone.
"That was very nice Marinette. Well, not the part of hitting Lila, because that was cool" said Adrien.
"I will take my leave for now. Have fun Adrien and enjoy the rest of the event Marinette. Goodbye" said Gabriel leaving.
"That was..." said Adrien.
"Weird? Yes, a lot" said Alya raising an eyebrow. "Your father is a very strange man, no ofense Sunshine".
"No, I think so too" assured Adrien.
"At least he hasn't obliterated a liar with a giant Toblerone" teased Nino and Marinette blushed.
"Hey, leave my girl alone or I'll begin to tease your boy and we both nknow I have some sweet material for teasing" said Alya smirking mischievously.
"Alya no" said Adrien. "I've got enough of your microphones for a year".
"Such a pity you disconnected your microphone at a crucial time" said Alya feigning sadness, but then a flashy grin appeared on her face. "Or it would be if I hadn't put another microphone on Marinette. We still have to listen to it, but it will be less painful if you two spill now".
"Alya!" exclaimed Marinette getting redder.
"I know a good scoop when I see one girl and I won't believe for a second that nothing happened. You are lucky I won't share it with the girls" said Alya.
"If you dare even think about sending that to them I'll ban you from the bakery forever" said Marinette completely serious.
"Noooooooo. Your delicious baked goods no. You monster" said Alya dramatically.
"I'm fine with telling them" said Adrien. "I mean, I was probably going to tell Nino anyway".
"Watch it young man, or no croissants for you" said Marinette.
"I'm just saying, things will be faster if we tell them now rather than keeping it a secret and thwn suffering Alya's reporter mode" pointed Adrien.
"I'll take that as a compliment Buttercups" said Alya.
"I've been wondering, why do you and Alix call me sometimes Buttercup?" asked Adrien.
"Nothing! They are silly!" said Marinette desperatedly.
"Then it's something about you? I'll ask another time then" said Adrien and the sides of his lips curved.
"We'll talk about that later" said Marinette glaring at him annoyed.
"Yes yes. Let the old married couple banter for later, I want the deets" said Alya.
"We're not an old married couple!" said Marinette and Adrien blushing.
"Yeah, and I'm Hawk Moth" said Nino laughing.
"Anyway, I need the details. Now" said Alya grabbing Marinette.
"W-We're dating" said Marinette blushing.
"Well no shit honey, that much is obvious. Tell me how it went and how much I'll have to punch our oblivious supermodel" said Alya.
As the teenagers talked, a black shadow zoomed unseen from Adrien's jacket into Marinette's poach on the waiting room. The black cat kwami touched the red kwami and awakened her.
"Hello Sugarcube. It's weird of you to be sleeping at a time like this" said Plagg smugly grinning.
"What are you doing here? And what do you mean? I have slept during the whole party, Marinette told me to do so in case we get another midnight akuma" said Tikki, not hidding her irritation from being woken up.
"You have slept through all?" said Plagg and began to laugh wholeheartedly. "You have missed the thing you love most!"
"What are you talking about Stinky Socks?" asked Tikki.
"My kitten and your baby bug, that's what I'm talking about" said Plagg smirking.
"No way. Are they finally a thing?" said Tikki beaming.
"And you have slept right through all the declaration" snickered Plagg.
"Noooo" said Tikki.
"Lucky for you, I have a way for you to hear it all" sang Plagg. "But there is a price for such info, of course"
"What cheese do you want?" said Tikki deadpanned.
"Even thought I would love to have some cheese, it's something else what I want this time" said Plagg smirking.
"Spill. What is more important that your beloved cheese?" asked Tikki a tad curious.
"Don't worry Sugar Cube it's something easy. I want that your baby bug learns my kitten's identity" said Plagg. "She is the guardian now, if anything happens she'll need to know that".
"Plagg, if Ladybug knew that your kitten is Chat Noir, she'll broke up with him and one of them will be akumatized. On a different timeline your kitty was akumatized and destroyed everything and the fight against him was horrendous. She bowed to never ever date Chat Noir after Chat Blanc told her that their love had destroyed everything" said Tikki.
"I see your point Sugar Cube but you forgot a little fact there" said Plagg. "You don't know why was my kitten akumatized. If I had to guess, only something that seriously broke him would make him akumatizable, like his father being Hawk Moth or if something happened to your bug".
"So what? We're risking another akumatization?" said Tikki. "Because I have to remind you that my bug has been almost akumatized two times. I will not allow it to happen again".
"If my kitten was akumatized being civilian, how would your bug know that she's not having support? What will happen if, like Gorizilla or Style Queen, my kitten can't help your bug and the enemy is way too strong for her? Reveal Hawk Moth where does she live?" said Plagg harshly. "This Ladybug is stronger than what you think. I trust her, do you?"
"Of course I do!" replied Tikki offended.
"Then do it! Because all I'm seeing now is your fear!" exclaimed Plagg annoyed. "You're just scared to lose her like the rest of Ladybugs!"
"And you're being possesive because don't have a murderer this time!" shouted Tikki and inmediately regretted it as she saw Plagg's expression darken. "I'm sorry Plagg, I didn't mean-"
"That's right! I am selfish! I like this pure boy that doesn't misuse his powers! We both now how strange that is!" bursts Plagg. "But I like this bug too! She is different! This two belong together and each passing day that they don't know each other just adds more and more reasons to the list of why shouldn't they reveal because they'll be akumatized!"
"I know okay! I know that they'll have to know someday and it's more difficult each passing day!" exploded Tikki. "But we have reasons not to do it now. Let them be happy for a bit more of time".
"It'll only be worse and you know it" said Plagg bitterly. "Forget it, it's no use to talk to you when you're afraid. Just search in Alya's phone and you'll have your sappy confession" said as he left.
Tikki was hurt. She knew better than anyone how right was Plagg, but she couldn't lose another Ladybug, there had been so many murdered. However, she also knew that Plagg hadn't always had the best holders and even she had found Adrien endearing. If only things were different...
Her thoughts and sobs were interrupted when she heard the door of the room openning and she quickly wiped her tears. Someone took the poach carefully and Tikki peeked to see if it was Marinette. But it was Alya who she saw, so she went back inside the poach again.
"Girl, here's your poach" said Alya.
"Oh thanks god! I feared thar Lila had taken it in revenge" said Marinette relieved.
"I'm going to pulverize that lying fox when I get her! The nerve she had messing with you" said Alya.
"It's okay now Alya, don't worry" said Marinette. "It's enough that everyone knows now".
"But Mari! You were almost akumitized twice and almost expelled once!" protested Alya.
"But I wasn't so calm down. Besides, I'm sure that all the parents that were here today will make a very good complaint to the school, so she's bound to be expelled" pointed Marinette.
"Girls, are you going to take more time in there?" asked Nino from outside the room. "There is an awful lot of people outside that want to talk to Marinette".
"This is not over young lady. I'm going to calm down the audience, you'd better change back girl" said Alya and left.
"Phew, it was hard to evade having another lady wifi appearence" said Marinette.
"What happens Marinette?" asked Tikki from inside the purse, trying to sound normal.
"Oh, you won't believe it Tikki. Lila has slipped and now everyone knows she's a liar" said Marinette happily. "But what was even better was that Adrien has confessed that he loves me and now we're dating! Even his father seems to approve that!"
"I'm so happy for you Marinette" said Tikki smiling bitterly.
"Tikki?" asked Marinette when she opened her poach and saw Tikki. "What happens? Are you okay?"
"I just had a small disagreement with Plagg earlier, don't worry" said Tikki.
"Oh Tikki" said the girl as she caressed the kwami. "What has that alley kwami done to you know?"
"He just told me the truth Mari" said Tikki and suddenly became more serious. "You need to know Chat's identity".
"What?!" exclaimed Marinette.
"Marinette, listen to me. You need to know and no matter what, please don't overreact" said Tikki.
"Is it that bad? You're kind of scaring me" said Marinette.
"I just hope this ends well" said Tikki looking away.
"Then... Who is he?" asked Marinette.
"I can't tell you. I'll go and talk with him later. He has to be the one who reveals" said Tikki.
Adrien was peacefully sitting on his room, fantasazing about all the wonderful things he could do with Marinette. He wanted to take her on a date, a wonderful one, and he was thinking about the infinite possibilites while smiling like a lovesick idiot, as Plagg would say.
Plagg was being weird thought. He hadn't demanded cheese as per usual, nor had he driven Adrien nuts with all the new girlfriend stuff. Furthermore, he even seemed to be annoyed or maybe angry. But then a red blur entered the room and his mood switched ten times between fury, sadness and hope. The blur stopped in front of Adrien and he recognized as Tikki.
"Tikki? What are you doing here?" asked Adrien confused. "Is Ladybug okay?"
"She is, for now at least" said as she glared Plagg. "I'm here for something very important".
"So you finally saw what we need to do" said Plagg.
"I am under no means pleased with this Plagg. It's going to hurt Ladybug and the odds are quite messed up" replied Tikki annoyed.
"Wait, what is happenning?" asked Adrien.
"You need to reveal your identity to Ladybug. But listen well, because I will be forcing her not to reveal hers, so don't even dare to think about that" said Tikki. "This is important Adrien, everything is going to change, I just hope things will go smoothly, or we're going to have serious problems".
"I don't quite understand..." said Adrien.
"Look kid, it's necessary that Ladybug knows your identity. The thing is, you and her know each other as civilians and the surprise could mess everything or fix you two" said Plagg.
"We'll meet tonight at ten at the top of Eiffel's Tower" said Tikki "Please Adrien, just don't blame her of anything, everything has been our's fault" she said and then left.
"I'm scared. Is it that bad I'm Chat Noir?" asked Adrien feeling very down.
"It's not that kid. Just some time travel shenanigans about a future you were akumatized. Ladybug sweared to never live you to protect Paris, but she is in love with civilian you" said Plagg grabbing a bit of Camembert.
"All this time, the boy she liked was you, but neither of you knew. The irony is hilarious".
Ladybug was nervously walking from one side of another while she waited for Chat. Who could Chat be? Tikki was clearly worried. Did she know him outside the mask? That must be. Wait, what if they hate eachother outside the mask?
Meanwhile, Chat Noir arrived, his head also full of questions. He saw her, worrying as she didn't stop walking. He made clear he was there to not startpe her and for a second, a bit of fear shined on Ladybug's eyes, but Chat was feeling the same.
"Hello My Lady" said Chat Noir awkwardly.
"Hello chaton" replied her, unsure of hiw to act.
"Before we do anything, I must tell you something Ladybug" said Chat. "I promise that no matter what, I will not blame you for anything or despise you in anyway, even if your kwami has implied so to me before. I could never truly hate you".
"Thank you Chat, it means a lot" said gently Ladybug. She took a paper out of the yoyo. "Now, Tikki has made this plan in hope everything goes better. I'll be closing my eyes and won't open them until your kwami says so".
"Okay... Let's do it LB" said Chat.
Ladybug closed her eyes and turned the sheet of paper to Chat. He skimmed throught it and then detransformwd, giving Plagg a bit of cheese. Plagg read the paper and understood what he had to do.
"Don't open your eyes yet Ladybug, I need to talk with you first" ordered Plagg and Ladybug complied. "First of all, if you two have to blame someone, blame me. I pushed Tikki to convince her to do this and she wasn't very pleased to do so".
"Okay..." said Ladybug without opening her eyes.
"Now, that's what Tikki wanted me to say, but I have to add more. Ladybug, my holder is a good boy, he's not that bad and that's for sure" said Plagg. "And even if there is a possibility you don't quite react well, I personally think that you will like to know who is he".
"That was very sweet of you Plagg" said Adrien surprised.
"Don't get used to it boy" replied Plagg. "Now, open your eyes Ladybug".
She opened them and saw Plagg in front of her making a very silly face. She giggled and pet the kwami, taking him on her hands to look at his holder. And there he was, standing awkwardly, not quite sure what to do, Adrien Agreste. She felt a whirl inside her, spinning her feelings and messing with them. For a moment, she felt sad and hurt, remembering Chat Blanc, but then she realized the truth and began to laugh wholeheartedly as she tackled him in a hug.
"Uh... Ladybug?" asked Chat confused.
"I'm so happy you are my adorable dorky partner" said Ladybug giggling.
"I thought that you made a promise to yourself not to love Chat Noir" said Adrien.
"I thought so, but I've realized that it's impossible, no matter how hard I hide miy feelings" said Ladybug "I cannot stop loving you".
"I- I'm sorry Ladybug, but I now have a girlfriend" said Adrien.
"I know that minou" said Ladybug and let him go. "I was very happy to know who you are".
"I'm relieved My Lady, I was afraid after how worried was Tikki".
"I know, she totally freaked me out but it was worthy. Now I know that my so caring partner, the one I trust the most, is also the boy who stole my heart on a rainy day" said Ladybug with a melancholic look on her face. "I really want to reveal my identity to you now..."
"You can't, Tikki has made it so you won't be able to say anything related to yourself and you won't be able to detransform unless she says so" said Plagg.
"I know, but I do really want to detransform and-" tried to say Ladybug, but red bubbles came out of her mouth.
"Yes, that's what happens" said Plagg. "Thought, it's funnier to see it happen on humans".
"I'm glad that my inability to speak is entertaining for you" sassed Ladybug.
"Don't look at me, it was Tikki's idea" replied Plagg.
"I'm very confused right now and I am not sure what is happenning" stated Adrien.
"It's not important" said Plagg. "Let's go home, I'm getting tired and I don't want to deal with human hormones".
"I guess this is goodbye then" said Ladybug scratching her head.
"I guess so" replied Adrien shrugging.
"Goodbye Adrien" said Ladybug and turned to leave, but stopped halfway, kissed Adrien's cheek and left quickly.
"What was that?" said Adrien confused as he touched the spot where she had kissed him.
"Girls. That's why I told you that it's better to love cheese" pointed Plagg. "Come on kid, transform and let's get home already".
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Few questions to help both us n you get to know the passengers on this cruise to hell better! 1,upon first glance what something someone would immediately notice abt your ocs appearance? 2,does your ocs Like their talent? This says a lot about them as people and feel free to go into detail why or why not they do. 3,do any of the cast have any character quirks? Be it in speech or otherwise
hey this looks fun :0
Yuuki: i think its safe to say the many assortments of flowers she wears in her hair. while she isnt a gardener or anything, one of her siblings is, and they often send flowers to her. yuuki, in turn, usually mends them all into a flower crown, or even plain just puts a single flower into her hair.
Emica: when it comes to it, i suppose her traditional japanese arm band, symbolising her stance on the student council. her many different necklaces is a close competitor.
Arata: he dresses like he just walked out of a time loop from england 1930s. i think thats pretty noticeable-
Mitsuo: the unhealthily dark bags under his eyes, and the very pale skin which does not go well with his very bright, red hair.
Asuka: her very rich, haughty aura. and even though anyone would hate to admit it, shes borderline very attractive.
Manabu: he looks like he came from a very formal ball, not to mention it would be hard to miss the variety of shiny crystals he wears as bracelets.
Seiichi: at first glance, people might say he looks like he just had a ruffle with someone- but if you pay attention, he actually really is neat and tidy- aside from his tie.
Tamotsu: at first glance, people would probably compare him to indiana jones when it comes to his outfit choice. he doesnt deny these comparsions.
Kamiko: her sunhat, for sure. theyre usually wide brimmed, though fashionable. the second thing is probably the many ‘luck charms’ she wears as accesories.
Kenta: how he looks much stronger than he actually is. also his sneakers. everyone notices the sneakers. even if you arent a fan of footwear, you WILL notice his sneakers.
Chieko: chieko is very… ordinary looking. in fact, her normalness compared to any other ultimate is probably the first thing youll ever notice. it actually makes her stand out.
Masa: the first youll notice about masa is her sheer size of accesories. bracelets, rings, hair pins, and necklaces galore. if you pay enough attention, youll actually notice she and tamotsu have matching necklaces.
Fumiko: a notable thing about fumikos appearance is how… scandalous her outfit is. fumiko isnt shameful at all about how much skin shes exposing; though it never gets too crazy. usually. hopefully.
Kohaku: there is nothing really abnormal about kohaku, other then their very bright mint color scheme. the reading glasses hanging from a small chain on the front of their suit is also something noteworthy.
Aika: the first thing youll notice about aika is the fact that her coat is almost completely made out of buttons- each one she sewed onto it herself. for someone who youd expect look to have come out of the 1990s, she has a reasonable modern feel to her clothes.
Satoru: at first glance, you could see satoru as, to be frank, a vsco boy. his casual outfit, sunglasses, and jacket with many pins relating to saving the ocean can give off that feel. however, he resents the stereotypes of ‘vsco’. also, its hard to tell if his murky hair is either white or grey.
Usagi: the first thing youll notice about usagi is the fact she always looks like shes prepared for a hike. her backpack, casual but warm outfit wear, and always pulled up hair can give that impression.
Yuuki: yuuki has a soft spot for her talent, considering how it dates back to her grandmother, and its always been something shes been experienced with. its fair to say yuuki likes her talent.
Emica: emica really doesnt consider herself worthy of her talent. the only reason she got it, afterall, is because of her dad, not to mention this fact has caused her a fair amount of nasty envy with her fellow classmates. still, she tries to honor her responsibility of being student council president. emica doesnt particularly like her talent.
Arata: if theres one thing arata is proud of, its his talent. hes been into history since he was a small child- and to have his research celebrated is his dream come true. he can, however, be a little cocky about it. he really does consider himself the best historian in history. arata likes, and is very proud of, his talent.
Mitsuo: he wont even tell anyone what his talent is. i wonder why…
Asuka: whether or not asuka enjoys her talent is left to debate. it is, however, for sure something she uses to her advantage. shes part of the main student council! of course everyone has to respect her, right? she also considers being the treasurer ‘finally’ a way to use her social skills and knowledge with mathematics to use. asuka likes her talent.
Manabu: manabu was always expected to be helpful in the study of outer space. his whole family line consisted of astronomers, astronauts, astrophysicists, and more. manabu had to choose his career at a young age, and he decided on astrogeology. this didnt mean manabu was stuck in the career. or, at least, he was, until an opportunity arrived. yet even when he got it, he decided not to take it. manabu always had a soft spot for astrogeology, though perhaps if he didnt have his current family line, he would have become the ultimate of a different talent. manabu likes his talent, though that may only be because of his history.
Seiichi: seiichis history of slam poetry goes all the way back to elementary. its his form of venting, if you will, as even though he comes across as nervous, his head is filled with anger at the world. but also hope, of making a new one. a better one. he considers being invited to attend sailing integrity was just a plus to his journey. seiichi likes his talent.
Tamotsu: tamotsu has been interested in tombs and the history of egypt for a long time. the closest thing he could find to fulfilling his interests was becoming a tour guide to show people around said tombs, and he found himself having fun, rehearsing facts and making the otherwise gloomy places bright. making tourists days a little more fun was good enough for him. tamotsu quite likes his talent.
Kamiko: kamikos talent was always something that she did as a fun hobby. sewing tapestries that told fascinating tales was always something she was invested in. and the many tales she sewed was really the only things that kept her company while she kept herself locked in her room. however, even if she likes her talent, she was not a fan of being recognized for it, and being coaxed by her parents to attend the academy. kamiko likes her talent, but isnt a fan of being the ‘ultimate’ of it.
Kenta: if we were being real here, kenta is very… neutral on his talent, which is weird for him. the way he learnt it is connected with bad memories, but doing it has always been refreshing to him. a way to run around, blow off steam. he supposes being called deemed the ‘ultimate’ of it isnt that bad. kenta likes his talent, for the majority.
Chieko: being the ultimate chemist wasnt chiekos first choice, but she takes it with dignity. chieko is neutral on her talent.
Masa: masas talent was born out of curiosity, and it grew from it. masas history of interpreting dreams is affiliated with many different emotions and memories. but for the most part, its been positive. she is very into the persona of it, and considers it a chance for her to act all mythical and wise. but, shes just really happy that she got to be a ultimate along with tamotsu. masa likes her talent, especially the attention she gets from it.
Fumiko: fumiko, probably, resents her talent the most out of the cast. its a very constant, confusing, love-hate relationship. she dislikes the title of ultimate lucky student, as she finds it cheesy, which is the whole reason why she calls herself a blackjack player. after talking to her for a bit, it becomes clear she doesnt want her talent to define her, and that she honestly couldnt care less about ultimates and the academies. her whole reason for applying to the lottery seems to stem from family reasons. while she dislikes the academy, she also takes any chance she can to pump her ego around her talent. its confusing, honestly. fumiko is not a fan of her talent.
Kohaku: kohakus murder mystery career started out as a coping method. however, they get very attached to every story and characters they make, putting love into every book, which is the whole reason they got recognized as the ultimate murder mystery novelist. kohaku has pride in becoming the ultimate murder mystery novelist, though they dont consider it a big deal. whether or not they became an ultimate wouldnt have any effect on the future of their career. theyll always write murder mysteries. kohaku likes their talent.
Aika: aika considers her becoming an ultimate a complete ‘accident’. aika isnt especially invested in vintage collecting- she just had a lot of old stuff she posted online, not even realising how old and valuable they really were, and the next thing she knew, the email and letter came. actually, the invitation to sailing integrity is what really made her consider making collecting old items a hobby. secretly, aika is a little insecure of her talent, finding it boring compared to others talents. aika likes her talent, but only to a certain point.
Satoru: satorus want to study the oceans animals has been active for a long time, especially since he was always close to water, considering his parents were fishermen. he finds the thought of the ocean being 95% explored to be highly interesting, and his goal is to crack down another 5% before he dies. becoming the ultimate of what he loved to do was very much a welcomed moment, especially with the promise that the academy would supply him with items that would help reinforce his talent. satoru has always been especially passionate about marine biology. satoru likes his talent.
Usagi: usagi is also very neutral when considering her talent. in fact, her talent is always at the back of her mind when introducing herself. usagi, truthfully, isnt a fan of most of the school referring to her as the ‘ultimate runaway’, considering how many of them paint it as a form of rebelling and thus delinquency. shes just a girl who likes taking sharing nature with the world whilst traveling, and wants others to see that as well. usagi is iffy on her talent.
(hmmm im not sure what your definition of ‘quirks’ are, but here, have this:)
Yuuki: taps her foot an awful lot.
Emica: none visible.
Arate: can you consider writing almost everything down a quirk?
Mitsuo: taps surfaces whenever hes thinking.
Asuka: none visible.
Manabu: none visible.
Seiichi: as noted before, he tugs on his tie when hes nervous. also has a habit of rising his voice when he doesnt mean to.
Tamotsu: has more of an american dialect.
Kamiko: has the iconic danganronpa stutter, hides her face behind her hat.
Kenta: none visible.
Chieko: also has an american dialect, though hers is less apparent then tamotsus.
Masa: has a very cryptic way of speaking, except when she lets normal sentences slip through.
Fumiko: has a bit of a drawl to her voice.
Kohaku: none visible, surprisingly.
Aika: almost always moving, cannot stand completely still.
Satoru: rarely uses h’s if they are at the front of the word.
Usagi: has an unidentifiable accent.
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