#i do think he tried to tell her how he felt that his feelings are crossing that thin line between friendship and love
Logan's girl
Summary: Jessie's girl inspired; Jean has feelings for Logans girl and Logan over hears and gets insecure
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Logan woke up to you in his arms and warmth fills him seeing you so peaceful in his arms. He hated that he had to get up, but he managed to move you away from him without waking you and he sneaked out of the room to start making breakfast for the two of you.
When he was heading to the kitchen, he overheard Jean talking to Storm while they were drinking coffee at the table in there. He didn't think anything of it and was about to continue going into the kitchen before he heard his name and your name, when he heard that he froze and started to actually listen to what she was saying.
"Logan is a great teammate, you know he's starting to be a good friend of mine but lately something changed itsn't hard to figure out, he got himself his girl and I-I really want to make her mine..." Jean admitted to Storm her feelings that she's been hiding for a while, and Logan felt his eyes widen.
He heard Storm gasps lightly "Jean you don't mean -" Jean cut her off and continued her ramble. "It's been killing me to see her watching him with those eyes, and she's loving him with that body, I-I just know it! And he's getting to hold her in his arms late at night!! I wish I was with Logan's girl, and you know I just feel so dirty when they start talking cute I wanna tell her that I love her, but the point is probably moot...she really does love him doesn't she?" Jean asked weakly, already knowing what the answer was. Storm felt for her friend, but at the same time, she couldn't believe what she was hearing.
No one has ever seen this side of Logan. Logan was actually in love, he really loved his girl. Anything with eyes could tell that she was the man's soft spot, and he was really starting to soften up with everyone around him, not just her. The two of you had been together for a few months now but in that spam of time Storm could see a change in Logan that she hoped lasted. Storm just hoped Jean didn't do anything stupid and left the couple alone. Hopefully, Logan never found out how the red head felt towards his girl.
Unfortunately, he heard the whole confession. He decided that breakfast was something the two of you could go out for and went back up to the bedroom as quietly as he could. While he was heading back to your shared room he was trying to remain calm and to keep his claws in so you wouldn't be able to tell right away that he was upset about something so early in the morning.
"Baby...princess," he shook you awake. You groaned and tried to ignore him, but after a while, you admitted defeat and just woke up. "Whaaat??? It's so early, bub." You groaned louder, rubbing your eyes. Usually, hearing you call him bub resulted in him giving some sort of snarky comeback reminding you that he isnt your bub he's your handsome man, but today, it just made him drag you out of bed. "We're going to breakfast, thought we'd go to your favorite diner angel." He got the two of you dressed as you leaned against him and practically slept on him.
He had to drag you out of the mansion, he couldn't be in there anymore knowing there was someone else in there who wanted his girl. He didn't want to see Jean or Storm or anyone, and he didn't want you to be around Jean anytime soon. The two of you got to the diner alarmingly fast and as the two of you sat across from each other, you could tell something was bothering him. His jaw was locked, his brows were furrowed, and when the food arrived he was violently stabbing his eggs.
"Lo... my handsome man, what's bothering you, baby?" You asked a bit timidly, your voice was full of concern. You could tell he didn't want to tell you, he was avoiding eye contact but finally the two of you met each other's eyes and he sighed before sitting up straighter. He cleared his throat before telling you what happened, "I overheard... something today. It was um interesting?" He cringed thinking about this morning before he sighed again and continued explaining, "Jean, she said she has, she's been having feelings for my girl." His jaw clenched harder than before, something you thought was impossible and made you worry he would actually break his teeth.
"Your girl? But that's me," you said innocently with a shrug, not connecting the dots. Logan nodded with a look on his face that read, 'Don't make me say it again, please.' "Yeah, my girl princess..." He said again, waiting for it to connect in your head, and when your eyes widened, he knew that everything was connected. "Logan....I..." You didn't know what to say, honestly. You hardly knew Jean. You worked with her a handful of times, and the times you do interact, she does get flirty.
You started to think back on the times she flirted with you in the past and the incidents that may have shown her feelings clearer.
"Did you change your hair? It looks beautiful," she twirled a piece of your hair, "and it's so soft. What shampoo do you use, sweetheart?" --- then there was the time after you made dinner for everyone. She thanked you for your hard work and amazing food, and she graced your arm with her hand softly before walking away. --- or the time where during a movie night you noticed how she sent glares your way while you were cuddled up with Logan on the recliner but you had just assumed she wanted to be in his lap, not wanting to have you in her lap.
You cringed at the realization and you were praying that Logan didn't know about the flirty past few weeks. You knew this would hurt him even if he had nothing to worry about. He didn't know why it bothered him so much, he trusted you, loved you and you loved him but the idea that someone else, someone strong, pretty and younger could love you better than him just ate away at him.
When the two of you got back to the mansion you avoided Jean as the plague, it was clear that the two of you may have overheard that she had growing feelings towards you and she was devastated. She had a strong feeling that even if she didn't confess to you, she still ruined your friendship somehow. It became more clear to her that you two learned about her feelings when later that night she overheard you two moaning each other's names loudly, as if to claim one another to everyone else in the mansion. The next morning she couldn't make eye contact with you, when she did her eyes immediately went to the hickies that covered your neck.
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startanewdream · 3 days
I've always wanted to write a scene of mutual agreement and support (friendship is a strong word) between Ginny and Romilda Vane, so here's around 1600 words of something that might have happened during Year 7.
They wait until after dinner to round on her.
Ginny is mildly surprised; she'd guessed they would question her as soon as she got off the train, but perhaps they thought that Snape's speech—not the Headmaster's, she'd never consider him so—might terrify her enough to make her betray everything she has ever believed on. If so, they were very mistaken; seeing Snape in the middle of the staff table, with Death Eaters by his side, only infused her Gryffindor spirit.
"Weasley," calls Alecto Carrow. She has a mind to pretend to ignore her, but the mass of students climbing the stairs seems to freeze with that call, and Ginny has no choice but to answer it, all eyes on her as she walks to Alecto Carrow.
"Yes, Professor." She puts as much spite in that word as she can. Neville and Luna suddenly materialize next to her, and Ginny almost wishes they would stay away, as if there is any protection to be found this year.
Alecto looks her up and down. "That's it?" Her voice is mocking. "That's Potter's girlfriend?"
By her side, Crabble and Goyle nod; their gazes are not as unappreciative as Alecto's. With a shudder, Ginny thinks she will favour disdain any day.
"I thought Potter had better taste."
She buries her nails into her palm. Don't answer, she tells herself, and tries to keep a look of disinterest.
"Where is your boyfriend?"
Her rehearsed answer comes in a bored tone. "I would know if I had any." It feels more than ever that everyone is staring at her.
Alecto doesn't seem convinced, nor do her cronies.
"They were dating," says Goyle, in a whisper that everyone can hear. "Everyone saw it, they were snogging all around the place."
"It's what happens when you are dating someone," snaps Ginny. "We've broken up." She hesitates for a tiny beat. "He dumped me."
This time her rehearsed line doesn't sound credible, despite being the truth. Everyone's gaze seems to burn, evaluating her answer, and, for a moment, Ginny waits for someone to question this, to raise the absurdity of her words: they were in love. As Goyle had noted, anyone could see how they felt about each other; Harry had been beaming the whole time they were together, all those few weeks of sunshine and happiness and hope. Harry wouldn't just dump her—
And then Alecto Carrow laughs.
"I guess Potter already got what he was after, then?" She mocks. "Blood traitors aren't a good value if..."
"Perhaps the girl is lying," another voice pops in, and Ginny turns to see Amycus Carrow joining his sister. His gaze upon her makes Ginny shiver; she remembers all too well duelling him. "Perhaps she knows more than she's letting on—"
"I wouldn't think so," Luna says, her voice as dreaming as ever. "If she knew, she wouldn't be here."
"Harry always kept his secrets," Neville adds, crossing his arms.
Amycus and Alecto share a look before Amycus takes a step forward.
"I will be the judge of that. If we have Potter's precious girlfriend—"
"I am not even his girlfriend anymore!"
It doesn't seem to matter, though. Terror floods her, not so much for herself; there isn't anything that she can share with them, but if somehow Harry finds out that they've got her—their breakup will be for nothing—he is too stupid and too noble to do something reckless—
Amycus grabs her arm; Ginny dives her hand into her pocket, but before she can take out her wand, many things happen. Professor McGonagall appears, Neville points his wand at Amycus, and Romilda Vane laughs nervously.
"Please," she says. "Weasley was his girlfriend, so what?”
That makes everyone draw their eyes to her. Romilda tosses her hair out of her face, seemingly enjoying the attention, but Ginny can see a thin layer of sweat breaking through the girl's careful makeup.
"Harry was always smiling at me, flirting unashamedly, even when he was dating her. I wasn’t the only one either. Everyone knew he wasn't good business. A ladies' man, that one."
Ginny blinks; she is not alone. The year before, when Harry was at the height of his popularity at Hogwarts, everyone's favourite Chosen One, he had drawn many eyes. Ginny had found it bothersome, but she could understand what everyone was seeing: that gorgeous young man with messy dark hair and green eyes, tall and fit, with the added benefit of seeming oblivious to his own charm, almost shy. It had been endearing.
That also was one of the reasons why, when Harry and Ginny started dating, everyone wanted to talk about it. It had been huge news for Hogwarts' standard.
There was no way anyone would believe that Romilda was telling the truth.
"Potter never had any other girlfriend," Crabbe mumbles.
Romilda laughs derisively. "I wasn't his girlfriend, haven't you heard what I just said? He just liked to flirt." She nudges her friend. "Do you remember, Lisa? I told you Harry never took his eyes off me."
Lisa looks terrified, but she nods. "Yes," she confirms in a small voice. "And you—you shared chocolate once."
"Harry dated Cho," someone from the Ravenclaw crowd says, and there's a murmur of agreement.
"I went with Harry to a Christmas party last year," notes Luna. She skips the part where they went as friends.
"I think I saw him snogging a girl behind the greenhouses," Hannah Abbott says.
At her side, a boy nods. "I saw something in the library once."
People start adding comments, their voices mingling in a cacophony. The weirdest part is that Ginny knows no one is lying; people are telling about the times they saw Harry with a girl — only she was this girl, this only girl, but no one specifies that.
"Quiet, quiet!" Alecto sounds annoyed. She looks at Crabbe and Goyle. "Is this true?"
They shrug, lost.
"I saw Potter with Chang at Madam Puddifoot's," Pansy Parkinson confirms, distasteful. "And he went with Loony Lovegood to Slughorn's party."
"That would be Professor Slughorn, Miss Parkinson," chides Professor McGonagall, taking a definite step ahead and placing herself between the Carrows and Ginny. She raises her arm and, almost without a second glance, lowers Neville's still extended arm. "I do not see why a student's romantic life is under scrutiny at this hour of the night, especially a student who is not even here at the moment, but the others have class tomorrow morning."
"This is more important than classes," Amycus spats.
"I remind you this is still a school," Professor McGonagall says coldly.
Amycus' answer is cut by a bored voice. "What is this?" Snape walks, easily opening his way between the students gathered at the door.
"We are trying to interrogate the Weasley girl," Alecto says. "To find out the whereabouts of Potter. She was his girlfriend."
Snape rolls his eyes. "You heard the others. Potter was a lover-boy; that is not surprising considering how his father behaved with his fans." He regards Ginny coldly. "Weasley is not special. I doubted Potter ever shared anything more than a snog with her."
There's an underlying truth in his words that stung her, but before she can react, Snape is already addressing Professor McGonagall.
"Take your students to bed, Minerva. It would not be advisable to be out of the bed at this hour."
Professor McGonagall, who had been frowning at Snape as if trying to figure out something, bristles; there's nothing but repulse in her eyes as she nods.
"Of course, Severus." She turns to Ginny and the others. "Go to the Common Room, now."
And she casts a warning glance at Ginny, who runs to meddle between the other Gryffindor students climbing up the stairs. Her heart doesn't stop beating painfully until she enters the Common Room, and only then she looks back; the Carrows aren't in sight. She doubts this is the last time they will try to question her, but for now, she can breathe easily and give Neville a feeble smile when he looks at her.
"We will watch your back," he whispers.
"It will be fine," she says, with a confidence she doesn't feel. Nothing about her experience at Hogwarts so far gives her any faith that things will turn out well.
And then she catches a mop of black hair.
"Romilda," she calls. Romilda pauses on her way to the stairs.
Ginny waits until they are alone to whisper: "Thank you."
Romilda nods. There’s a moment of silence, during which Romilda eyes the stairs as if considering fleeing the scene before she asks: "Did he really break up with you?"
Ginny gulps. "Yeah."
"Oh, I thought—"
"No, it was true."
She waits for some remark; Romilda was truly determined to get Harry the year before, and she had pestered Ginny when she was dating Harry.
"He never actually flirted with me," Romilda says in a rushed whisper. "And you were special to him, I—I spent a lot of time watching him and trying to get his attention, but he never glanced at me... because he was too busy ogling at you."
Warmth spreads inside Ginny; she cannot help her smile. "Harry didn't ogle."
"Yes, all the time. He had it hard for you. Still has, I'd bet." Romilda smiles awkwardly. "Not very womanizer of him."
Ginny's eyes wide. "About that—if anyone finds out that you were exaggerating—"
"I'll talk to my friends. No one is going to say anything."
"I know. I trust you." They look at each other; it suddenly occurs to Ginny that Romilda has no idea, not really, of what could happen if anyone suspects her lie. Romilda never faced a Death Eater. Ginny hopes she never does. "It will be fine."
It's the same thing she told Neville before, but now there's a promise in her voice.
Romilda nods one last time. "Night, Ginny."
"Night, Romilda."
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liahaslosthermind · 2 days
~ 𝐀 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 ~
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Mentions of Rhysand x OC (Adelaide), Eventual Azriel x OC Part 1 of Betrayal Summary: She would have chosen him over her mate every time, so why couldn’t he do the same for her?
Warnings: Hurt/No Comfort, Death, Cheating, Betrayal
It hurt.
It hurt so much.
Not physically, she couldn't feel her body anymore, but emotionally.
Encircled by a pool of her own blood, watching the man she had devoted her life to collapse to his knees in front of his mate's body, leaving his lover alone to watch.
Feyre would be okay, Adelaide knew that much, and deep down so did Rhysand. But as the feeling of incoming doom fell upon her, she knew she wouldn't be so lucky.
He didn’t seem to care much for her at that moment though.
It was inevitable that Rhysand would one day have to choose between the girl he had loved for most of his existence or the mate he had just hardly gotten to know, but Adelaide didn’t think it would be so soon, or that Rhys would pick Feyre. They were chosen by The Mother to share a special type of bond, she knew that. She also knew she envied Feyre, she was stronger, had much more of a back bone, and mated to the love of her life.
When he had first mentioned meeting his mate, Adelaide had practically brushed it off. She was so sure she had no reason to worry, over 300 years together couldn't be thrown away by a young, human girl.
The moment Feyre's shoe hit her lover, though, thats when she began to sweat.
Had Adelaide been able to, had blood not started to pool in her mouth, she would have laughed.
While they had known there was no mating bonds between them, Rhysand and Adelaide had vowed to never think twice about their mates. When Adelaide met her mate many years ago, Rhysand hadn't given her the opportunity or chance of choosing between the two. Not even a week after the bond had snapped, her mate was found dead in his bed.
She still knew she would have picked Rhys every time, but apparently the feeling wasn’t mutual. 
So there she was, laying in a puddle of her own blood, watching her long time partner nurture his shaken up, but still perfectly healthy, mate he had told Adelaide not to worry about. 
“Are you alright? What can I do?” He asked Feyre as he caressed her arm, checking her over, and then checking again.
“I’m fine. I just need a moment.” Feyre responded. Rhys was so concerned about her even though she would be walking away with a mere flesh wound and a few sleepless nights at most. Adelaide tried to call out but only the sound she produced was from choking on her own blood. Rhysand didn’t turn around, instead holding his mate closer.
But finally, after an eternity alone on the cold floor, she felt someone grab her hand.
Azriel had crawled over to his best friend the moment he saw she had hit the ground. The faebane in his system from a few nasty slashes making it impossible to do more than that.
He didn’t say anything. He didn’t need to. After years of a strong friendship the two could communicate through their eyes alone. He looked concerned and pale. She couldn't tell how hurt he was, her eyes hardly letting her see his blurry face.
He sat up as well as he could, bringing her close to him, and began holding her cheak as he tried to sooth her.
Or maybe he was trying to sooth himself. He was the damned Shadowsinger, the spy master, he had always been annoyingly perceptive. No matter how hard he denied it, he knew she wasn't walking away from this.
Tears streaming down his face as he held in his sobs. Such a strange sight to most, he never let anyone see him cry, except the girl that laid dying in his lap.
“It’s okay Az. I will be okay.” She said ad well as she could with the prominent taste of iron in her mouth. He could almost laugh, even in her last moments she put Azriel first.
“You know thats not true.” He said as he glimpsed up to look at Rhysand, pure hatred in his eyes for what his brother was doing at moment, and for what he was not doing.
Just as he went to call his name,
“Don’t. He is happy, it was bound to happen.”
“Not like this, he wasn’t supposed to pick her. He promised he wouldn’t. I’m sorry.” Azriel couldn't tell whether it was anger or early onset grief that was making him shake in this moment.
Adelaide remembered that. After a fight with Rhysand about being too busy training Feyre to spend time with her, and after running to Azriel in tears, he yelled at Rhysand for his actions, made him promise to stay away from Feyre. The cpnversation was not unlike another the two had had before regarding Feyre's youngest sister and Azriel's intentions. Azriel made him promise to put Adelaide first, always. And Rhys had agreed, but apparently that promise had an expiration date.
“I know, but it's not your fault Az, don’t believe it is.”
“He should be here with you right now. Not me. If I fought him harder on this maybe he would have changed his-”
“Let him live his life with regret that he wasn’t with me in the end. Cause now that I know who he would truly pick, there is no one else I'd rather have next to me than you, Azriel.”
That silenced him.
He watched as she started to slip away, felt helpless as all he could do was hug her tighter.
With one whispered ‘thank you’ she drifted off, embracing whatever death had planned for her.
Her last thought was that she hoped he knew she wasn't just thanking him for that moment, but 400 years of companionship, of heartfelt conversations, of stupid fights, of full fledged loyalty, of love.
A cry broke out as Azriel looked at her now limp body. Concerned, Rhysand took his attention off Feyre, to his brother and what was causing his wails, fearing the worst, that he was hurt.
Dread filled Rhysand, he couldn't handle dealing with another wounded member of his family. But the image of a crying Azriel, a rare sight indeed, holding his lover's lifeless body, stole all the air from his lungs. 
Azriel looked at his High Lord and through his tears spoke with so much pain and hatred in his voice, Rhysand believed that yelling would have been easier to endure. 
“You didn’t even look back. You didn’t even check on her.” Azriel cried out, holding his best friend even closer as Rhysand made his way over on shaky feet. 
Az yelled a broken ‘No’ when his High Lord got too close. He didn’t get this, he didn’t get to hold her after she spent spent her last moments watching him hold another woman. So he didn’t. Azriel, still holding onto her body, disappeared into the shadows before his brother could try anything.
As Rhysand fell to his knees in all consuming grief for who he lost and guilt for not being there, he felt even more shame at the way his body reacted to the warm touch Feyre provided, and at the breath he let out when he was reminded his mate was still alright.
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As much as Yuu tried, she still ended up in trouble in trouble sometimes. Be it with Ace and Deuce, or just running late from acting as Crowley’s unofficial gopher, it was something. The punishments usually weren't that bad though, sometimes even relaxing.  
Like right now, it was a little bit of a trip down memory lane as she scrubbed the statues down on Main Street. It was odd, having the dreams that she did that painted the Great 7 in shadows instead of light, but it felt...right. Balanced.  
A story about a maid who would be going to a ball was the current dream cycle, though she didn’t get the feeling this one was going to relate to any upcoming overblots. While they didn’t happen as often, she occasionally just dreamt of things like this. While there was a lot to ruminate over, like the stepmother and Professor Trien, right now it was just a catchy little song sung by the fairy stuck in her head.  
“Put it together-” The King of Beasts statue wasn’t in bad shape at least, “and what do you got-” Just had to get the moss out of his eye, “Bippity Boppity Boo!” 
The eye blazed green, cracking open with a clap of thunder!  
Yuu fell, catching herself with her hands. Shit! Did she break it? Damnit, she couldn’t afford- 
Wait. It looked fine. Just a wet statue.  
“Maybe I just need to finish this up.” She muttered. “Lack of sleep must be getting to me.”  
The atmosphere had changed, the tension of a storm about to break open. As she finished the King of Beasts, she clocked her progress and ran, feeling like eyes followed her until she turned the corner.  
Malleus must be in a mood, she thinks, watching the dark clouds forming and the green smoke that seems to be spilling out the fence of Ramshackle. It isn’t the right shade of green though, more muted and not as...saturated? The gate creeks ominously and it doesn’t take her long to notice the figure sitting on the porch of Ramshackle.  
He is hunched over, a shawl tossed over his head that was once bright with color and design, now faded to grays, browns and darker reds like blood. His left eye is as green as the Diasomnia mage crystals, clear and unclouded, and the right faded as the green smoke around him. A gnarled staff is gripped in his hands, a gourd tied to the top with a handful of what might be rib bones along with some sort of dried fruit she thinks.  
This isn’t a harmless man, her instincts can say that much, but...he doesn’t feel like a threat. He could be. He’s choosing not to.  
“How can I help you?” Yuu asks, getting a bit closer. “I don’t think I’ve seen you before. Are you a teacher here?”  
He chuckles, making the pointed beard shake, but it’s not cruel. “I suppose that depends on you. I think you are in need of a teacher. And I am in need of a place to stay.” 
“What do I need to learn?”  
“Ha!” Yuu can’t help it, barking a laugh. “You are mistaken. I have no magic of my own.” 
“No, cub, you have magic, just not Wonderland magic. You have the Old magic, older even than General Lilia, the same as I. These teachers cannot help you, but I can.”  
He removes the shawl’s hood from his face, revealing a pair of brown lion ears and a mane that puts Yuu’s hair to shame. Even braided in parts to keep it out of his face, the long black hair stretches all the way down to his curved spine. A tail thumps against the dusty steps,  
“Afterall, you freed me, didn’t you?”  
It takes some explaining, a quick meal shared on her dining room table that feels even more rundown than usual with actual royalty sitting down. Thank the Seven that Grim was asleep beforehand, his new Spelldrive practices tiring him out in the evenings.  
“So, are the others...the same? Petrified?”  
“Yes, though you aren’t ready to free us all just yet. I was an accident, correct?” 
She flinches, nodding. “I mean, I guess? Sometimes I have dreams. Alternate tellings of the stories around here it feels like, or added details? Most of the time they follow an Overblot, but this one just felt like a non-threatening one. I don’t have these as often.”  
“Precognition is a dangerous magic, especially with no guiding tools.” 
“I dont know if-” 
“You dreamt of mine, did you not? Leona Kingscholar? The Phantom still was a part of me, drawn from my form and magic.”  
Yuu blinked, shrugging. “I mean, it didn’t stop it.” 
“No, but you were more prepared. You were willing and ready to accept Leona’s trauma and show compassion because you witnessed me make the exact follies and look at how that ended.” he huffed, taking a sip from his water. 
She hadn’t considered that really. It just felt natural, to show them kindness after all of it. But they were alike. Really alike. And the actions Leona had taken paralleled his perfectly.  
“Do you think if somebody had done so with you, you would have listened?” 
“Oh cub!” He laughed, and this one felt harsher. “I would not have. I was far too hardened. But Leona...he will be better.”  
“Well, I better try and at least get a bed ready for you.” She said, taking both of their dishes. “What do I call you though? King of Beasts is a bit of a mouthful.”  
He tilts his head, as if considering. She gets the dishes loaded and leftovers put away before he finally answers.  
“Taka. My Mother’s Son.” he says. “That’s who I wish to be now.”  
Yuu smiles, sticking out her hand.  
“Nice to meet you, Professor Taka! I look forward to learning from you.”  
For just a moment, he sees Simba, and Nuka and Kovu and Vitani. He sees Shenzi, Banzai and Ed. He sees naive and friendly and believes in him, for as little he has to offer, and still finds him worthy.  
He shakes her hand and hangs his stone heart to air out.  
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frogs00 · 3 days
Hello:) can I request Regina or Janis x reader angst fic?
Reader avoids their partner because they’re struggling with stress from schoolwork or home stuff etc and uses restriction to cope. But partner finds out and confront reader so reader hesitantly admits it to their partner and they try to help
Summary: The request but worse
Warnings: Child/Domestic abuse, reader's home life sucks, Regina and Reader have daddy issues, depressing thought, alcohol abuse. Reader's discretion is advised. (Let me know if I missed anything)
Pairing: Regina George x reader
"Call you on the phone, you just tell me not to go. Baby, I don't want to be alone anymore."
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"What the hell is wrong with you? " Your father screamed in your ear, right in your ear, waving the piece of paper in your face, "A 'C+'? On a math test? You're pathetic, if you don't get your grades up you'll fucking regret it.”
He shoved the paper back into your arms, and you held it to your chest with shaking hands, worried about what he might mean. It wouldn’t be the first time he had threatened you. Tears dripped onto the paper and you squinted your eyes shut, trying to blink your vision into focus.
You looked up after a moment and his hand was raised, and the next thing you knew the back of his hand connected with your face.
Your weekend was filled with studying. You always struggled with focus and motivation, but he threatened you. Threatened to take away the only thing keeping you here. Eyes never leaving the textbook, writing notes till your hand cramped, you ground your teeth. You were drained, so drained.
Bags had formed under your eyes, and you'd hardly eaten. You dreaded Monday. You didn’t want to face anyone, and why would you? Why would they want to face you back?
It was an awakening of the rudest sort, realizing that in the end, the only person that you have is yourself. You’ve been hearing this phrase all of my life, and sure you had Regina and you had your friends. But that all just had to be temporary? Because why would Regina George want a fuck up like you?
What was the permanent? The facts.
The fact that you weren’t worthy. The statistics didn’t lie, and your last test said you were nothing but average. You tried so hard on that test, and yet you still scored average. And did you hate it? Yes, with every fiber in your being. Who wouldn’t hate the feeling? The way your father treated you and how your mother did nothing to stop it. You couldn’t blame her, he scared you, and hurt you to the point you felt unsafe in your room.
But you had to push through if you wanted to accomplish your goals, your dreams, that aching need to escape the house you were raised in.
Snap goes the pencil in your hand, you hadn’t even realized how tightly you had been holding it. You let go of it with a shaky hand, and the splintered piece of wood and graphite fell on the desk. Tears stained your cheek and you let your face fall into your hand.
But, oh god, was It getting to a point where you had to ask yourself if the dream had become a nightmare.
Monday had arrived, you were tired, so fucking tired. Still, you had to try and make that less obvious. How did you do that? Avoid. You had practically mastered the art of ducking and dodging people around you, and it’s not like you felt they’d miss you.
Or maybe you had just gaslighted yourself into thinking that because it scared you to be loved and cared for. You couldn’t handle that… it was too much. It was all too much.
You walked the hall with your eyes downcast, backpack slung rather uncomfortably on your shoulder. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want your girlfriend, lying if you said your head wasn’t pounding, and lying if anyone bothered to ask if you were okay. Sucks to suck I guess.
You had been lost in thought as you turned the corner, bumping into someone. Thankfully, or maybe so so thankfully, it was Cady, “Sorry- Oh, it’s you! Hey, y/n, I’ve hardly heard from you all day,” she laughed then proceeded to eye you skeptically, “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing.” You responded, putting on your best fake smile. It seemed to fool her, at least a little, because she asked if you were sure, when you nodded she then bid you goodbye and skipped away. She was always so happy, it almost made you jealous.
So I guess I’m a liar now. You thought as you darted into your class. You sat down in your seat and fought the urge to nod off, it was almost comical the fact that you already knew everything this particular teacher was talking about, at least the studying paid off, even if you were facing major burnout.
Class dragged on— Honestly, everything did; From how you pulled yourself out of your chair— to how you dragged yourself through the halls. Life was a drag.
Before you knew it, the day passed in a blur, and you were on your walk home.
The next day wasn’t that much different from the last. A foggy haze of numbness and meaningless conversations.
Well, mostly meaningless. During the passing period, your last one of the day, you were switching out your book from your locker when your girlfriend approached you.
“Y/n…” Regina's voice was a whisper, your throat clenched. She sounded worried. You hated that she sounded worried, because if Regina George was worried about you, then that meant you couldn’t wallow in that self-pity you made your home.
“Yeah?” You asked after clearing your throat, you didn’t force a smile though. She’d tell it was fake.
“I’m worried about you, you’re quiet. Did I like…do something? Or some shit.” She asked, her tone growing a bit irritated as she reached the last part, but that was just how she was. You knew it still came from a place of worry, in fact, you wouldn’t be surprised if that irritation was aimed towards herself. Just because you knew that didn’t mean it felt like it.
“No, Regina, you didn’t. I’m fine, just tired.” You shook your head, avoiding her gaze as you shut your locker. Lies, lies, and more lies. Well, you were tired, but that wasn’t just it. You and her both knew that.
“Baby, come on. Tell me what’s wrong,” Regina coaxed, her tone increasing as she spoke, making her sound angry. She was anxious, though, you could tell. Neither of you was great with emotions.
“Stop. I said I’m fine, leave it alone,” You snapped, turning your back on her, “You’re so pushy, god.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not a fan of watching the ones closest to me drift away!” She snapped right back, just like you knew she would. The perfect excuse to walk away… or retort her.
“I’m not your dad, Regina. I have a couple of bad days doesn’t mean I’m going to up and leave, okay? So stop acting like this is the end of the world.” You seethed, grinding your teeth. You glanced at her just in time to see her flinch, a wave of nausea and guilt washed over you.
“Wow.” Regina scoffed, collecting herself, “That was so unnecessary. I was just worried, and you…” She shook her head, you should see her tense, the ways she drew in a breath. She was trying.
You turned around to fully meet her gaze, and you could feel your eyes watering, “I’m sorry, I am,” You whispered, her face softened a bit, “I…I’m just stressed, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Yeah, you shouldn’t have,” Regina agreed, “It’s fine, I get it, or whatever.” You both stood there for a while, just staring at one another.
“I’m sorry.” You repeated.
“I know.” More silence followed, til she said, “Do you need a hug?” you smiled a bit, the first time in a while. You nodded softly and she wrapped her arms around you. You breathed in deeply, her vanilla and coconut shampoo soothed your mind if only for a moment. Maybe you’d find the strength to talk to her, but not now, you just let yourself be held and pushed through.
You both pulled away when the warning bell rang, and you left it at that.
You were home, or you were at your house. This place didn’t feel like home, not at all, not ever.
You were unpleasantly surprised to find your father sitting on the porch, beer in hand and lead tilted back. He was drunk, you could tell just from the sight of him, and it made your stomach churn. He could be so violent when drunk. You swallowed your fear and clutched the strap of your backpack, slowly approaching.
A silent caution always lingered when you interacted with him, always. That was unchanging even as he stopped you.
“Why are you home so late?” He slurred, glowering at you then pushing himself off the wooden chair he spent most of his day.
“I had to walk, Dad, the bus doesn’t run that way on Mondays,” You explained calmly, and he nodded. Your gaze flickered around and you noted that your little sister's shoes weren’t on the shoe rack, “Where is Ashley?”
His expression turned sour, “She’s at some friend's house, on a school night. A load of bullshit! Me and your mom got into it because of her, because of you dumb ass kids,” he growled, “Why do you care, anyways, huh?” He took a step towards you, and the acrid smell of both alcohol and cigarettes hit your nose, you grimaced.
“She’s my sister, of course, I care-” You started but cut off as you watched his irritation grow. You could see it in his body language, hands curling into fists.
“God, you kids are so fucking useless! You should be studying, you hear me? The least a mistake like you could do.” he grabbed your shirt and tugged you towards him, and your heart pounded.
His voice was heavily slurred and his eyes were wide and wild, breath hot on your face. You couldn’t take it, you couldn’t do this another day, and pushed him off of you then sprinted the other way.
He trampled after you to the edge of the yard, but he didn’t give chase, too intoxicated and not caring enough.
You were so tired of running, what exactly were you running to? You’re tired, tired of all this escaping. It reminds you of that part in all the horror movies, the ones where the characters are running for their lives. Because ‘It’s all so beautiful’ or ‘lf is worth living’, and shit. Well, maybe it was to them. But, god, was it a whole lot of hell for you right now.
Two blocks down, you stopped, panting. You sat down on the curb and placed your head in your hands. You pulled out your phone, lucky it wasn’t dead.
You called Regina. I mean who else would you call?
After two rings she answered, “Regina?”
“Y/n? Are you okay?”
“Not really,” you admitted, feeling those tears you’ve been holding back slip from the corners of your eyes, “Can you pick me up? My dad…” you trailed off, voice shaking.
“Your dad? Yeah, I’ve heard enough. I’m on my way,” you heard rustling over the phone, a jingle of keys, then her voice asking, “Where are you?”
“I’ll drop a pin,” you looked over your head, grey clouds were rolling in, and you just hoped it didn’t start raining before she got here, “thank you.”
“Of course.” she softly said into the phone, then hung up.
You sat there by yourself, a wind chilling you to the bones. You didn’t like the wind, never had. It flushed your face and made your hair a mess, but you liked the smell it brought in, the damp smell of leaves and coming rainfall, it was all so refreshing in a way you couldn’t place. You wish you could appreciate it more, but that was hard with tears rolling down your cheek still, adding to the icy feeling.
You wiped the tears away with the sleeve of your sweater, staring at the pavement. You hardly registered Regina’s mom's car pulling up, but you did register the footsteps approaching, lifting your head.
“Baby, oh god, are you okay?” She gasped out the question, looking you over and pulling you to your feet. You felt something wet hit your head and you looked up, not answering her question.
It was raining.
“Baby?” She repeated a concerned expression on her face.
“Yes, sorry. I’m okay. He didn’t hit me…right now at least.” You and she pulled you into a hug and then towards the car, she must not have brought the Jeep because she actually checked the weather.
You both got into the car quickly. You closed your eyes, she didn’t ask any more questions. She knew better than to ask right away, it was better to let you settle in. You leaned against the cold window of the car, your breath foging the glass, watching the downpour and the water streaking down the glass.
You liked the rain, you did. You liked the way it filled the world with white noise, it was soothing. You liked to run around in it with your arm spread out and head pointed at the sky. You enjoyed the things that came with the rain too. You like gray and wet and rhythmically noisy, you liked hiding under cozy blankets.
You were so lost in your thoughts, that when you felt a warm hand brush yours, you flinched. You turned your head, looking at Regina who was staring at you curiously. You intertwine your and the blonde's fingers together wordlessly.
“You’re cold, feel okay?” She asked and you nodded, you didn’t want to talk. You turned to stare at the red light that shined through the gloom.
You glanced back at her, she was still staring so you asked, “What?”
“Nothing, you always just look so thoughtful, I guess.” She shrugged, then stepped on the gas.
Sooner than later you two arrived at her house, you both were quiet when you two got back, Regina went straight to the kitchen and you sat down on the couch inhaling and exhaling slowly. Minutes late she returned with two mugs of hot chocolate. You gave her a tired, grateful smile. She smiled back.
You both sipped at your drinks quietly, it wasn’t awkward necessarily but you could tell she was itching to ask questions, so you turned to her.
“I’m sorry, by the way. For this, I know I’m a mess. My dad is a huge ass and it’s physically and mentally killing me,” You trailed off, swallowing thickly, “Still, I feel like It’s all my fault, I don’t know why I do this. I’m not used to this, to being loved. It’s hard to accept; it scares me so badly. It terrifies me and I run away.” It was easier that way, but you didn’t say that.
Regina sighed, setting down her mug then grabbing and clutching your hand, “It’s okay, I know. Dads can be pretty shitty. Yours is, mine is. But it’s not your fault. It isn’t, y/n,” she shook her head, “Avoiding others isn’t helping, though. I get it, trust me, I’m the queen of avoiding my problems. Hell! I avoided the truth I was gay for years, but I’m trying. We both are.”
You started crying again, it was hard to hold it in, “Thank you…” you breathed, “I don’t deserve you-”
Regina smiled a bit, “Don’t say that, it’s bullshit,” she rolled her eyes, then softened, “You have people in your corner, okay? You don’t have to do everything alone. We can both work on that.” She pulled you into a hug, you cried softly into her. Damn, did it feel good to get out, to be held.
You both remained like that for a while till she asked you if you wanted to shower, you agreed pretty quickly considering it was still pouring. You took a shower together.
You got comfortable at Regina’s side, rubbing circles in her lower back, “Your back okay? I know it can get achy when it rains.” you whispered, gazing into her blue eyes.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” Regina shrugged, then yawned, “I kind of like the rain, actually. Not getting wet though, that’s disgusting.” she mused but didn’t elaborate further.
You let out a soft laugh at the sour face she made, Regina hated getting wet, unlike you, “Me too.” You smiled. You both lay in each other's arms, listening to the rain and wishing it would stay longer. The sound seemed to drown out all of your problems, or maybe just laying beside her made it all fade away.
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A/N: Kinda proud of this one even though it took me forever
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punpunsonny · 2 days
Tw: icky behavior(pushy yandere), yandere stuff
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Empty is all he could describe of what he felt, sans of everything, sans of feeling, of emotions, why did he feel this way?
Born in a loving family, gifted with the face of an angel, his life was always easy, always carefree, nothing to worry about, everyone singing and chirping praises to him, worshiping him.
He has gotten used to this easy lifestyle, to the point he felt numb to everything, shouldn't something when his mother hugs him? Shouldn't feel something when his father expresses his pride for him?
Should he not feel anything when a girl cries her heart out to him, leaving him a hand written note. Shouldn't he feel something? Anything?
He hated himself, he couldn't bring himself to just.. feel something, anything: hatred, anger, disgust it all felt like a dream, a goal to reach the moon, something so easy to think about but hard to do.
He constantly laid awake at night, how would it feel to feel something right now? To experience happiness, to experience sadness. To cry your eyes out after a break up.
He had tried everything, getting in and out of relationships, people leaving one by one. Why were they crying when he wasn't? He itched to feel something, to fill the gaping hole in chest…
So, he took a job for modeling, maybe the constant praise of how good he did, how good he looked would invoke a feeling, anything. Anything he'd take, just to feel something.
It took a few months for his career to take off, after that he was widely sought out for, he had blown up due to his face, how he carried himself, how he walked down the runway, how he talked. He was beloved, loved in places he never even imagined going. Yet, that darkness looms still in his chest.
And there you came, like a answer to his cries, a solution to his woes, solving his empty life, filling the endless void with your presence, if he was to describe how he felt seeing you frantically run around, being the assistant of the photographer who booked him, scoring a spot to his hectic schedule. He felt like the sun itself crashed down on earth, forming you.
A little sunshine in his dark life, he felt something, his heart beated, fast. He was confused, why did he feel this way? Why was his face warming up? It was cold, too cold in the studio you two reside in to feel warm, to feel awkward posing there as you watched him, a smile on your face.
He gulped, as he watched you. By God's he felt like he saw an angel, he was always told he had a face of one, now he thinks they were lying, because now. He saw what an angelic face looked like.
It was you, you who made this stone of a man feel something. He desperately tried to become friends with you, calling the photographer who was your employer for more shoots who the man happily accepted even if the pay wasn't that good compared to the brands who blew up his phone for a photoshoot.
Soon, due to his persistent behavior, you two became friends, it was awkward going on cafe hangouts with a celebrity of a man, he would just smile, and tell you “it's fine.. my treat.” He always says,
He would only stare at you during these times, he would always say he wasn't hungry when you helped yourself to his food he pushed your way, he enjoyed that smile on your face. He liked feeling this way, liked the swelling warm feeling engulfing him whenever he saw you. He liked this.
“I love you, y/n.” He whispered through the phone in a random midnight, by this point it has been a year of you two being friends, he constantly texted you, asking for your advice of what he should wear, he could ask his professional stylist but no, he always texts you of his outfit. He liked seeing what you preferred, that way he's learning more about you.
“I really love you.” You could hear him shuffle around, soft rustling from his clothes.
“Derin- I.. I don't know.” You said, hesitantly. How did this man like you? You weren't anything special in your eyes..
“Please.. please, y/n, I don't think-” he sighed “I don't think I can handle this..” he said.
“I love you, please.” He said, he wants you. He wants to feel warm, to feel something. He loved you, he really does..
“Derin- let's.. talk about this tomorrow.” You said.
“No, let's talk about this now. Y/n you made me feel things I didn't know I could feel. Please?” He said he really was pushy. Being used to getting what he wanted.
“Agh..” you sighed, was this worth it?
“Okay.” You said, you know you'd come to regret this, but, don't celebrities get bored in their relationships a week in? You trusted that Derin would get bored and possibly cheat on you or dump you. You'd let him have his fun for now to get out of this situation you no longer want to be in, shaking the thought of you being too easy to get away.
“Thank you- I love you.. so much.” you could hear him smile through the phone.
“Mhm..” you said.
“Night night, sunshine.” He said, his soft voice coming out of the speaker of your phone.
“Night.” You said, groaning as you ended the call. What the hell just happened?
He smiled to himself, kicking his legs around as he raced to his Instagram, putting “taken :33 by @your_name” he giggled, he always wanted to do this ever since.. he knew his manager would be calling him by the morning, yelling for him to take it down, he never will.
Oh, the grave mistake you made. If you knew now how he truly was, you would had never said anything and had blocked him right there and there.
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70 notes · View notes
yunwangja · 17 hours
undercurrents | signal no. 18
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"this was such a good idea,"
alisa sighs contentedly, setting down her fork with a satisfied smile. kuroo mirrors her expression, nodding in agreement, though his mind drifts elsewhere.
inside, a war is raging. everything about this feels wrong, but it's the right thing to do. at least, that’s what he keeps telling himself.
he tries to maintain his composure, to focus on the woman in front of him, but beneath the surface, he’s being torn apart. it’s maddening - the frustration, confusion, and anger building up inside. emotions he knows he shouldn’t be feeling, not now, not here.
kuroo was brought up to be a "good" guy. make the people around you comfortable, give them a hand when they need to, and help bring out the best in them. he lived his whole life being the reliable, friendly guy that is ready to give you a push whenever you need him.
in his mind, it means he can’t afford to be selfish. it’s simple: if it makes others happy, it should make him happy too. and when he wants something for himself? well, he should bury that desire, deny it for the greater good. because that's his "role".
that's how he mastered the art of masking his own feelings, hiding behind a smile, always keeping things light and fun. anything to avoid ruining the peace, to avoid letting people see how conflicted he truly is. if he messes up, in his eyes, he’ll have failed. the tetsuro kuroo everyone knows and relies on would be gone.
he knows kenma can see through it. kenma’s always been his voice of reason, telling him it’s okay to be honest, to not always put himself last. but it’s no use. kuroo can’t afford to believe that - not when the cost of expressing his true feelings seems so high.
so, he convinces himself that this is for the best, even though he knows deep down that if he could, he’d treat you so much better. he’d hold you close, knowing you belonged there. just seeing you smile could melt all his troubles away, and even the slightest brush of your hand would send his heart racing.
to him, you are everything. beautiful, kind, funny, and passionate. but it’s more than that. something about you makes him weak in a way no one else ever has. you make him want to be selfish, to want you all for himself, no matter the consequences.
he’ll do anything for you - even if it means forgetting you. because that’s what he thinks you want. you don’t need him complicating things with his feelings, not when you like someone else, even if you call it a harmless crush. it’s ruining whatever you already have. so, he’ll keep this up.
alisa and kuroo continued to talk, and he tried his best to get to know more about alisa, outside being his project partner and classmate. all he knew about her was that she had a little brother who was also into volleyball, which sparked most of their conversations before. besides, he needed to distract himself from thinking about you.
honestly, he feels bad. this date is probably something you both just wanted to try out, but he can't help but feel like he's forcing himself to be here when alisa is genuinely great.
as they finish their dessert and wrap up the conversation, kuroo can’t help but feel a strange sense of accomplishment. he’s managed to put up the front, to act like everything’s fine. maybe if he does this enough, he’ll actually start to believe it. maybe, eventually, he’ll forget about you.
“i had a great time, alisa,” he says, turning to her with a small smile.
“this was a really nice date. i felt comfortable.” the lie slips out effortlessly, though he did genuinely enjoy getting to know her better.
alisa raises an eyebrow, her expression shifting to one of amused confusion. “wait, what?” she lets out a small laugh, “a date?”
kuroo tilts his head slightly, caught off guard. “yeah?”
she shakes her head, still smiling. “this wasn’t a date, kuroo.”
for a second, the words don’t register. then, when they do, he feels his stomach drop. holy shit. embarrassment rushes over him as he quickly tries to backtrack.
“oh god,” he mutters, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “i’m sorry.”
alisa’s expression softens, and she waves it off casually. “no, no. did i lead you on? i didn’t mean to. i’m sorry if i made it seem that way.”
kuroo shakes his head quickly. “no, it’s not your fault. i just misunderstood. honestly, at first, i didn’t think of you like that, but when you asked me out for coffee, i thought - well, maybe.”
alisa nods slowly, her expression apologetic. “i’m still sorry, though. i guess i should’ve been clearer when i asked.”
he shrugs it off, offering a weak smile. “it’s fine. really. i hope this doesn’t make things awkward.”
alisa shakes her head this time, "don't worry, as long as we're on the same page. you're a great guy yourself, kuroo." she smiles at him.
he returns the smile, but inside, his mind is racing. despite the embarrassment, a strange relief settles over him, washing away the tension he’s been carrying all evening. it feels wrong to be this relieved, almost like he’s betraying the plan he’d set for himself, but the truth is undeniable.
why is he relieved? all of a sudden, although he feels emotionally tired from all the torture he gave himself throughout today, it's like his inner self was screaming, thank God.
a wave of emotions crashes over him, sudden and overwhelming, as if the universe is trying to tell him something. like, this was a sign.
he freezes, the thought hitting him hard. it's absurd, reckless even. after everything he’s put himself through today, after all the mental battles and efforts to push you away, this would undo it all. it goes against every rational argument he’s made for why he should forget you.
but the relief flooding his chest is undeniable, drowning out the logic he’s clung to. it’s like a voice, quiet at first but growing louder, insistent, cutting through his doubt until it’s the only thing he can hear:
he loves you, and it's you who he wants to be with.
without another thought, kuroo stands abruptly, his chair scraping against the floor.
“thank you, alisa. i’m sorry again. but i have to go.”
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"i want you, y/n."
his words echo in the quiet room, and for a moment, all you can do is stare, frozen in place. the intensity in kuroo’s eyes sends a shiver down your spine, and you’re not sure whether it’s the surprise or the weight of his confession that makes your heart race.
kuroo lets out a shaky breath, his voice raw. “i know you like tooru. and i know you’ve explained to me how you feel about him, how it’s always been. but even knowing all of that, i couldn’t stop wanting you.”
his gaze drops to the floor, as if he’s ashamed to admit it. “i kept telling myself that i didn’t have the right. that i shouldn’t want you. but no matter how hard i tried, i couldn’t help it. i just do.”
there’s a vulnerability in his tone that you’ve never heard before. kuroo, who’s always so composed, so confident, now stands in front of you, his emotions laid bare.
“i don’t know if you’ll hate me for this or if this will ruin everything between us, but i... i can’t stand on the sidelines anymore.”
his fists clench slightly at his sides, his voice almost breaking. “i’m tired of pretending i’m okay with it. tired of forcing a smile when all i want is something i convinced myself i couldn’t have.”
he steps closer to you, his eyes lifting to meet yours again, filled with something that leaves you breathless.
“from the day i saw you smile... i wanted you. even if that smile wasn’t for me.”
the room feels smaller, the air heavier, as you try to process everything he’s saying. a part of you wants to speak, to say something, but nothing comes out. instead, you find yourself moving without thinking - your arms wrapping around him, pulling him close.
kuroo stiffens for just a second, caught off guard by your hug. he doesn’t know what this meant, but in the midst of his confusion, his arms come around you slowly, holding you close, his fingers curling gently into the fabric of your shirt.
maybe she just missed me, he thinks. or maybe you felt touched by his confession. he tries to make sense of it by thinking that you were too happy to see him that you just weren’t able to control it. he’s been avoiding you lately, after all.
you glance over his shoulder, and there were your friends, peeking around the corner, smirking like they’ve been waiting for this moment all along. you pull back slightly from kuroo, cheeks burning, and clear your throat.
“come on,” you whisper, guiding him toward your room to escape their prying eyes. once inside, you close the door behind you, trying to ignore the heat that’s rising to your face.
the two of you sit on the edge of your bed, but there’s still a careful distance between you, an unspoken barrier that neither of you know how to cross just yet.
kuroo breaks the silence first, his voice hesitant. “so...”
you glance at him, your hands fidgeting nervously in your lap. you know you need to say something, but finding the right words feels impossible. after a moment, you take a deep breath and decide to start with the truth.
“you know about my last relationship, right?”
he nods silently, his eyes softening as he waits for you to continue.
“well… it scarred me. i decided after that… i didn’t want to fall in love again. i didn’t think i could be a good girlfriend, so i chose to just admire from afar instead.” you pause.
as you start to explain, kuroo starts to decipher what you’re trying to say. immediately, he thinks this would end up in a rejection. why would you say these things to him anyway?
despite this, he wants to listen to what you have to say. it’s not like he’s expecting you to like him back. you feel his gaze on you, unwavering, and it makes it both easier and harder to keep going.
“i told myself i didn’t deserve anyone. even more guys that i thought was out of my league. that was the case too when i liked tooru. it was safe... i knew nothing would come of it - the reason why i used to say i just wanted to be an ‘observer’.”
kuroo stays quiet, letting your words sink in. there’s no judgment in his eyes, just understanding.
“i did my best to run away from romantic feelings,” you admit quietly. “because i didn’t think i deserve to be in love anyway.”
there’s a pause, a heavy silence that settles between you. then kuroo speaks, his voice gentle but firm. “we both know that’s not true.”
“is it, though?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
kuroo shifts closer, his eyes locking onto yours. “do you really think i would’ve fallen in love with you if that was true?”
the question takes you by surprise, and you don’t know how to respond. “i... i don’t know,” you stammer, unsure.
he shakes his head slightly, his expression softening. “you didn’t need to be my girlfriend for me to see that you’re more than capable of being loved. you didn’t have to prove anything to me. i’ve always seen it. you’re perfect the way you are, y/n.”
his voice drops lower, filled with emotion, looking down. “i would’ve done anything just to call you mine.”
his words hit you like a tidal wave, and for a moment, you can’t do anything but stare at him. you can see the sincerity in his eyes, feel the truth behind every word he’s just said.
“kuroo,” you begin, your voice shaky. “i don’t like tooru anymore. i haven’t for a while now.”
his brow furrows, confusion flickering across his face. “but... i thought you guys were getting closer?”
you nod, a small, rueful smile on your lips. “we were, but only as friends, nothing more.”
kuroo’s eyes widen as realization dawns on him. tooru had been trying to push him toward you this whole time.
“kuroo,” you say again, gently pulling him out of his thoughts.
“yeah?” he replies, his voice a little unsteady.
“i know you just said you’re in love with me... but do you think i can?”
he tilts his head, eyes searching yours. “can you what?”
you hesitate for a moment, feeling your heart pound in your chest.
“can i fall in love with you too?”
kuroo’s eyes widen in shock, his body going rigid as he processes your words. for a moment, he’s completely still, his mouth opening slightly as if he’s searching for the right response. the room feels charged with the weight of your confession.
you watch as he takes a moment to absorb what you’ve just said. when he finally speaks, his voice is a whisper, filled with disbelief. “w-what?”
you give him a small, rueful smile, and continue, “you know, getting closer to tooru was because of you. he was also helping me figure things out.”
kuroo’s eyes widen further, a flicker of realization crossing his face. “because of me?”
you nod, your gaze steady. “yeah,"
the pieces start to fall into place for kuroo, and you can see the understanding dawn in his eyes. he takes a deep breath, his expression a mix of relief and intense emotion.
and then, in a swift, almost desperate movement, he reaches for you, pulling you close. his lips find yours with a kind of urgency that takes your breath away, the kiss filled with all the emotions he’s been holding back.
his hands frame your face gently, like he’s afraid you might disappear if he doesn’t hold on tight enough. you can feel the tension melt away, replaced by something warm and undeniable.
when you finally pull apart, both of you are breathless, your foreheads resting against each other. kuroo lets out a soft, almost disbelieving laugh, his thumb brushing gently against your cheek.
“of course,” he whispers, his voice hoarse.
“please do.”
and then, without missing a beat, he kisses you again.
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kuroo borrowed yn's phone and tweeted (and not because i didnt realize the plot hole immediately)
yn and kuroo sitting in a tree : D
this ends undercurrents OMGG UGHHKFSDHFKSDFS
i hope this was a good ending !!!!!
dw because a special chapter is coming !!! bc ik i'll miss this plus i want u guys to see sum yn and kuroo moments as a couple because WHY NOT
i'll properly conclude everything there !!
so technically its not officially done???
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57 notes · View notes
megalony · 18 hours
This Is Fate- Part 7
Thank you all for the lovely feedback on this Dark! Evan Buckley series, I'm very excited to post this next part.
Please let me know what you think.
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Evan Buckley Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Summary: Eddie is surprised when his little sister comes to LA, pregnant, and asks to stay with him. She needs a fresh start away from her ex, but things take a bad turn when she finds out her ex works with her brother. And he won't let her go so easily.
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"Do you enjoy winding me up?"
With a daring look over his shoulder, Eddie twisted on the spot and glared into his former friend until it felt like he was burning holes through Evan's skin. He could feel his hands balling up into fists at his sides and his head tilted to one side. His brow arched, impatient, impassive, waiting angrily for the response he just knew he wouldn't like.
The words fell past Eddie's lips before he could stop himself, but he didn't really want to stop. He wanted this. He wanted to air this out and find out if the man he thought he knew was a lie.
Eddie wanted to know whether Evan's persona, that caring, selfless man he'd worked with for the past few years was a façade and this was the real Evan. The possessive man who had to have everything go his own way or he would throw a catalyst into the situation. The man who latched onto (Y/n) and was ready to burn the world down in any way he could if it would get her to be back in his clutches again.
"You heard me. Is this some sort of game for you, Buck? Are you enjoying ruining everything in your path and pissing me off in the process?"
A few months ago, Eddie would never have believed this. He would never have listened if someone tried to tell him how strange and broken Evan really was. He would have ignored anyone who told him that Evan was playing games and running rings around the whole team. Even when (Y/n) told him the truth, there was a miniscule, reserved part of Eddie's mind that just couldn't believe it.
He couldn't believe Evan would do something like this and cause so much mayhem and havoc.
Until that little stunt last week.
It was clever, Eddie had to admit. Evan got the jump on him, he set the ball rolling, telling Bobby that Eddie was the one with the problem and pretending to be frightened of him. But it just showed how devious Evan would become in order to get his own way. He had never been like this before, Eddie had never seen this side to him and it was frightening.
Evan brushed a hand beneath his nose while his stance changed. One hip cocked out to the side, one knee dropped forward and his hands fell to his hips. The way he tilted his head back and rolled his eyes around the locker room made him look upset, like he was being persecuted.
"You really think I enjoy my best friend turning against me?"
"I wouldn't of turned against you if you hadn't gone and screwed up my sister's life and tried to take control over her. If you got help-"
"She started this by running away."
They weren't getting anywhere. This wasn't helping either of them and Eddie couldn't seem to get the message through.
He didn't see how Evan thought he could still be in the right. Yes, (Y/n) shouldn't have run away like she did without telling anyone. Yes, trying to hide the baby from Evan wasn't a smart move and it wasn't exactly fair on him. But Evan drove her to it. He couldn't act like she was doing something wrong when she was only reacting to his actions and his demanour.
If Evan didn't get so controlling over (Y/n), she wouldn't have fled. If he didn't control who she tried to hang around with, if he didn't get so paranoid and follow her home from work or track her phone or try and alienate her from her friends. If he'd of calmed down and trusted that she loved him and wouldn't leave him, then (Y/n) would have been able to tell him about the baby and they may have been able to have the baby together as a couple.
Rather than whatever this strange situation was now.
"And you've made it worse." The pointed look on Eddie's face visibly made Evan shiver. "Why are you doing this?"
All he wanted was answers. If they talked this through, they might be able to find a way forward. But talking wasn't getting them very far recently. Eddie tried to lay down the rules the other week. He tried to tell Evan that he could only be around (Y/n) if someone else was with her. He couldn't pester her and call and text incessantly, he couldn't try and push her into doing what he wanted or get too crowding.
But now Eddie wasn't sure how to get it through to Evan that alienating Eddie at work wasn't going to help their situation. He was inevitably going to make things worse for both of them.
"Doing what?"
"Cut the crap, Buck. It's not just your word against mine; do you think (Y/n) will lie for you? She can tell Bobby the truth at any time, Chrissy can back her up. That possessive streak in you, that'll flare up soon enough and everyone will see what you're really like."
Eddie hated to be so cruel and blunt with his words, but he wasn't being given any other option. Evan couldn't truly believe that he was going to get away with doing this.
It wasn't just their words against one another, it wasn't one-sided accusations. (Y/n) knew the truth. She could tell Bobby what had been going on, she could prove it with all the texts Evan had sent to her in the past. She could talk to people at her old work who had seen Evan waiting around for her after every shift. Or her colleague who Evan had punched for trying to harmlessly hit on (Y/n).
And then there was Chrissy, she had seen how panicked her sister had been and how it had crushed (Y/n) to become smothered by Evan. Their words would back Eddie up and stop Evan from playing the victim.
"You didn't." The beginning of a smirk started to toy around on Evan's lips as he dropped his hands from his hips to fold them over his chest instead. "You had no idea I was (Y/n)'s partner until she told you. You believed what was right in front of you."
Folding his arms over his chest, Evan reclined until his shoulders were against the lockers and he had one leg crossed over the other.
He wasn't sure what made Eddie so certain that everyone was going to be against Evan. They were on his side so far, and this was the measures Evan had been pushed to. He didn't want to be fighting Eddie. In an ideal world, he wanted (Y/n) to be living with him and Eddie to still be his best friend. He wanted them to work together like they used to, with banter and laughs and concern for each other.
He wanted that level of trust back and he wanted (Y/n) to be his girl again, just like she used to back in Texas. Evan wanted things to go the way they should, but nothing was working.
If he didn't play this to his advantage, Eddie was going to ruin his whole world. Eddie would turn Bobby against him and make the team look at him differently. Eddie was going to take Evan's girl from him and his daughter and he was going to ruin his life.
Evan wouldn't live in a world without (Y/n) and their daughter. It just wasn't possible.
Shaking his head, Eddie rattled his fingers through his hair before he pointed a finger at Evan. His lips curled into a grimace and he could feel himself on the point of snarling, he was so frustrated.
"You're derranged if you think (Y/n)'s gonna be putting your name on that birth certificate, or if you think you'll even be at the birth."
A sense of glee lit up Eddie's eyes when he noticed that he had finally rattled Evan's cage. That calm posture switched to tense and stern and Evan pushed off the lockers to take a few daring steps closer to Eddie. There was a flash of worry lighting up his eyes and it made Eddie's lips curve into a smirk. Now, he was going to listen. Finally.
"You're not the only one with power, and let me tell you that if you keep on doing this, I'm gonna help (Y/n) disappear. You won't see either of them again. Think you could live with that? Not having (Y/n) around? Or your daughter not knowing you exist."
The force of Evan's movements took Eddie by surprise and his eyes widened when Evan's hands latched around his shirt and pushed him back into the opposite lockers.
A groan burned at the back of Eddie's throat when his shoulders crashed harshly into the metal and created a horrid echo to vibrate around the room. But it was the look on Evan's face that made Eddie feel unnerved. That look was derranged. That grin was splintered. Those eyes were dark. His grip was tight enough to make his arms tremble with force.
"Your sister is mine."
The authority in Evan's voice was unlike anything Eddie had ever heard and the certainty in his voice was unnerving. It was like a commandment, set in stone that no one was going to be able to change until the end of time.
Evan's eyes narrowed as he looked down at his best friend, wishing he could transfer all his thoughts into Eddie's mind and get him to see things from his point of view. He wasn't going to let anyone keep (Y/n) or their daughter away from him, Eddie included.
And he didn't like how Eddie was threatening him. If Eddie thought he could make the rules and keep Evan out of his girl's life, then he was utterly wrong. Nothing would stop Evan from being at the birth, no one was going to stop him from being on the birth certificate and there was no way his daughter wasn't going to know who he was. He would be in her life from the very start, nothing would change that. It was set in stone.
"She can't stay away from me either, Eddie. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but she still loves me. Why else would she let me back in her bed the first time I went round to visit her at your place?" His voice verged on dangerous because even though his words were calculated, it was clear Evan was losing his cool right now.
"Very funny." Eddie's voice was guttural and held a razor sharp edge, warning Evan not to go down this path. "Enjoy having a daughter you're never gonna meet."
Both Eddie's hands balled into fists when Evan gave him a shove, knocking him on his back foot and sending his shoulder jolting into the lockers again. He was as riled up as Eddie was and they were both about to unleash their anger.
Those words touched a raw nerve.
Evan wouldn't be able to handle that. He wouldn't survive living each day not being able to see or be in his daughter's life. If he couldn't see her or be around her, he wouldn't want to live at all. Every time he thought about having kids, Evan's mind was made up. He would do right by his child, by any children he had. He would make sure they were loved and nurtured and had a better upbringing than he did.
How could he do that if he wasn't in his child's life? How would Eddie feel if someone told him that he could never be in Chris's life again? That he could never see his son. Would he sit down and let it happen, or would be put up a fight, just like Evan?
"Ask her. She wouldn't have fucked me if she was so afraid of me-"
The punch landed to his jaw made Evan's ears pop but even as he clicked his jaw back into place, his lips were forming a snarl and he was ready to retaliate.
But he didn't. Not when he caught sight of the figure looming in the doorway who he hadn't spotted two seconds ago.
He brought his hand up to hide his mouth, obscuring the smile hidden behind his palm and he made an effort to tense his shoulders up and force a cough past his lips which made him wheeze and sound out of breath. When Evan tilted his head to the right, his body followed the sense of direction and he stumbled until he slumped down onto the bench nearby.
"What the Hell are you two doing?" Bobby's demanding voice cut through the air like a knife and his presence in the doorway made tension build up in Eddie's gut.
He could feel his shoulders pulling up and his trembling hands stayed balled into fists at his sides as he looked between his Captain and Evan. But to his astonishment and horror, he realised Evan was shaking. He had been shaking with anger before Bobby walked in, but now, Eddie realised a second too late that Evan's riled up frame could be mistaken for him being terrified, not angered.
His face was bright red, blood rushing to his cheeks and tainting his neck that was there because he had been riled up, not because he had been punched. But this was working in Evan's favour. All he had to do was set those puppy dog eyes on Bobby, and the Captain thought he was now a victim to be protected.
He looked convincing. If Eddie walked in now, he would believe Evan was being persecuted and victimised, he wouldn't believe for a second that Evan was the one calling the shots.
One look between them told Bobby the situation that Evan wanted him to believe. It looked like Eddie had just attacked Evan for no reason, and Evan was sat there, trembling like the victim.
"Eddie, go home. Your shift ended five minutes ago." Eddie had never seen Bobby stare at him with such a steely, broken look before. And he could tell Bobby was finding it hard not to lash out in retaliation. He thought of Evan as his son, they were as close as relations. Seeing someone victimise Evan wasn't something that the Captain would stand for.
"It was my fault, Eddie I- I'm sorry-" Evan stuttered through the words and dropped his hands to his lap, running his fingers up and down his thighs to ward off the excess adrenaline coursing through his veins.
"Buck, head to my office, take a breather. You don't have to apologise."
He nodded his head, biting back a smile when he glanced over at Eddie who looked like he was going to burst into a ball of flames right then and there.
Evan made sure to hang his head down and watch his feet as he walked away, not believing his luck. What good timing that Bobby turned up right before Evan had been about to land a punch back at Eddie. If that happened, Evan might not have gotten away with the victim game.
But he would happily pretend he was being bullied by Eddie rather than tell the truth that they were both winding each other up.
Once he was skulking off into the corridor like a puppy with his tail between his legs, Eddie came to life. He hurried ahead over to Bobby, shaking to the point he looked like he was going to collapse.
"Bobby he's playing you!" The desperation in his voice was clear, but Eddie could see he wasn't going to get through to Bobby right now.
He would have to wait until Bobby calmed down. He would have to get (Y/n) to talk to him too and make everyone see how dark Evan truly was. They would all have to find out or Evan was going to have every single person wrapped around his finger and playing to his game. They couldn't carry on like this or Evan was going to destroy them all.
"You need to head home and you'd best hope Buck is still forgiving towards you because if he wants to take this further, he has every right. You were warned, you carry on like this and you'll be suspended."
Eddie had played right into Evan's hands. And something told him Evan was going to play this to his advantage.
A round of fireworks set off in Evan's stomach and sparked all the way up to his chest when he opened the apartment door. He leaned his hip against the door and held his breath to see if it would settle down the adrenaline that was shooting off in all directions throughout his body.
He hadn't expected (Y/n) to turn up today; and she was early. They had promised Chris last week that he could help them go out shopping for things for the baby, and they were going to take him out tomorrow after school. He had excitedly told Eddie, who didn't think it was such a bad idea because Chris could be a sort of chaperone for them without knowing it. Eddie knew Evan wouldn't step out of line with Chris being with them.
And since Maddie was coming round for lunch, Evan had invited (Y/n) round. They both knew he wouldn't do too much or say anything untoward with his sister present, and Maddie was going to give (Y/n) a lift to work afterwards. Since they were both on shift this afternoon at the call centre.
(Y/n) was early, she wasn't supposed to be here yet and it made Evan wonder why she had turned up. She wasn't simply going to change her mind and be around him, alone, knowing how he felt about her. She knew he wouldn't be able to resist pulling her into his arms or kissing her or trying his luck with her.
"Hey baby, everything okay?" He leaned against the door, watching (Y/n) as she stepped inside rather quickly without him needing to usher her inside.
But as she walked past him, Evan's enlightened smile faded into a look of worry when he took in her appearance. She looked like she had been crying, he could see tear tracks etched down her cheeks, and her eyes looked rather puffy. And when he noticed she was biting her lip and he looked down and noted that she had been biting her nails too- another anxious habit- he felt uneasy.
Was she here because something was wrong with the baby? Was she not well? Had something happened?
"Are you alright?" He didn't bother to hide the panic from his voice and when (Y/n) walked briskly towards the living room, Evan strode to keep up with her.
He reached out and moved his hands to hold her upper arms which made her shiver for a moment as if she didn't know who it was holding her. She didn't settle fully into his touch, something which irked him, but he tried to ignore it as he turned her around so she would stop striding away and look at him.
"Baby, what's wrong?" He didn't like the defiant look in her eyes or the way her jaw locked as she glared up at him.
Her arms writhed from side to side to shake off his touch and she took a step back to keep an air of space between them. Something which set off a fire within Evan. All he wanted was to be near her, he felt like an addict when he was around her and with how observant and pushy Eddie was, Evan barely got to touch (Y/n).
Here she was, in his home, just the two of them, and she wasn't letting him get close. She was taunting him without knowing it and he didn't like it.
"Eddie told me what you did, at the station." (Y/n) folded her arms over her chest, letting them rest on top of her bump that seemed to be getting bigger and heavier each day. She saw the way Evan dragged his eyes down to her stomach and she could see his hands curling into fists at his sides to restrain himself from reaching out for her.
Did he think Eddie wouldn't tell (Y/n) what happened?
He came home riled up and distressed, of course he told his sister what had happened, not that (Y/n) could believe it at first. She thought that with how much Evan told her he loved her, he wouldn't do anything to upset or hurt Eddie, knowing how close she was to her brother.
But Eddie couldn't afford for Evan to make this into a big situation. It wouldn't be fair for Eddie to be the outcast at work or feel like he couldn't work with the team who had become his family. And he couldn't have this on his file, what if he wanted to move stations or get another job? If he had a note on his file that he had punched a colleague it would make things ten times harder for him.
"You mean this?" Evan leaned down until he was level with (Y/n) and pointed to the cut on the corner of his lower lip. "I think you'll find your brother threw the punches, not me."
His brow rose like he was tempting her to argue with him and he could see her temper flaring up behind her eyes.
Her arms dropped from her bump and she huffed, moving her hands to hold her hips instead. And when Evan stepped closer, for once, (Y/n) didn't try and step away or let him back her into a corner. She had been in that situation far too often and with no one in the house, Evan could easily get his own way here.
She could feel her temper rising when Evan simply tilted his head to one side and continued to lean closer to her like he was aiming for a kiss. She wasn't going to let him worm out of this one. He had to explain. He had to make this right.
"Evan he could get suspended! You told Bobby he was harassing you, if Bobby gives him a written warning that stays on his file and if he's suspended he might lose his job. You can't do that."
The desperation in her voice made a flare spark in Evan's chest as he felt his heartbeat throbbing against his ribs like a drum.
Bobby hadn't spoken to Eddie yet, then.
This might work in Evan's favour. He had talked to Bobby after Eddie left the station the other day. He had told Bobby that they had just had an argument which got out of hand, and he came clean that he had started the argument and riled Eddie up too. He wouldn't blame Eddie for it, not when he knew the repercussions it could have.
As much as Evan was angry at his best friend for trying to cause problems with his relationship, he wasn't going to do anything to hurt Eddie. No when he knew it would in turn hurt (Y/n) too, and Evan would never hurt her.
He made it clear to Bobby that he wasn't going to make a complaint or do anything about this and they had agreed that for the time being, he and Eddie would be on opposite shifts. The matter was dealt with. Clearly, Bobby wanted to have a word with Eddie and speak to him about this before he told him the good news.
"Sit down." Evan murmured quietly as he moved his hand to (Y/n)'s elbow and he was relieved that she didn't pull out of his grasp.
He guided her towards the sofa and once she ws sat down, he perched down beside her, sitting on the edge of the seat. Their knees brushed together and their thighs were touching while Evan spread his knees so he could clasp his hands together between his thighs. He hung his head and looked to the right so he was looking over at her.
"Sweetheart, he hit me on shift, I've been playing nice at work. I don't wanna get him suspended, I wouldn't do that to Chris… but Bobby isn't happy. It's his choice-"
"Tell Bobby you don't want to make a complaint. Bobby can't suspend him if you don't put in the formal complaint, Evan please."
(Y/n) couldn't refrain from leaning into Evan and reaching her hand out to grasp his arm. Her grip was fiercely tight, almost pinching her nails through his skin to show how serious she was. She couldn't have Evan screwing Eddie's work life up like this. He had done enough damage dragging Eddie into their mess, (Y/n) wouldn't have her brother's life turned upside down again.
She felt responsible, if she hadn't of come here in the first place, Eddie would still have a brotherly relationship with Evan and they wouldn't have problems at home. They would be close friends, things would have continued as normal if (Y/n) hadn't of come down here.
She couldn't ruin Eddie's life any more than she already had, and she wouldn't have Evan making it worse either.
She watched the way Evan reeled back up to his proper height and clicked his spine into place. But it was the way he twisted to face her and started to run his hands up and down his thighs that made her uneasy. She wasn't sure what was running through his head and she didn't like how he pursed his lips and sighed.
Was he really going to upset her and go through with this? Did he think getting back at Eddie was worth upsetting (Y/n)?
"What's it worth, to you?"
A shiver tore down (Y/n)'s spine as she inched back towards the arm rest. The end of her nose crinkled and her brows furrowed in confusion. What was he doing? Was he making some sort of bargain with her? Did Evan believe this was a game to play? (Y/n) knew he hated losing and she had no doubt he would bend the rules to his will to get his way.
"Say I tell Bobby to forget it, that me and Eddie have come up with a truce. What will you do for me?" Evan dragged his hand along his jaw and down the side of his neck like he was trying to scratch the adrenaline away.
He was. He was making a bargain with her.
A cold shiver passed down (Y/n)'s spine and she began to shrink in on herself. Her hand moved to cradle the side of her stomach where the baby started to kick up a fuss.
She didn't like where this was going. (Y/n) could sense that whatever Evan was going to ask for would be too high a price to agree to. He wouldn't settle for just anything and (Y/n) didn't want to agree to anything. She had been standing her ground with him, trying to let Eddie make the rules and get Evan to abide by them, but he wasn't listening.
He was taking liberties whenever and wherever he could, and this was certainly going to be pushing the boundaries.
She swallowed down the panic building up in her chest and pulled her sleeves down over her hands as she looked up at Evan through her lashes.
"What… what do you want?" (Y/n) tensed and stayed deadly still when Evan leaned across the small bridge of space between them.
She could feel his hand creeping over her thigh while his lips attached to the weak spot behind her ear at the top of her neck. It was as if he was a vampire, grazing his teeth over her pulse point like he was waiting to strike right into her beating veins.
She dreaded to think what he was going to ask. Whatever he wanted, it wouldn't be anything good. It never was. And (Y/n) knew it would be something substantial because he had the higher ground, he could theoretically ask for whatever he wanted and see where (Y/n) would draw the line.
"Move in with me."
His teeth bit at her neck just as (Y/n) leaned back and hurriedly shuffled up against the arm rest to get away from him.
He couldn't ask that! He couldn't make that demand of her. It wasn't fair! He was asking far too much.
The reason (Y/n) was still living with Eddie was because she hadn't found a place of her own yet. Moving in with Evan defeated the object of trying to get away from him. He was manipulative, he was controlling and he had a dark streak in him that frightened (Y/n). If she moved in with him she would be trapping herself in his net.
Evan would have that control over her that he had when they first started dating. He would have her in the palm of his hand, and the same went for their daughter.
"I can't!" (Y/n) shook her head rapidly, clutching her shaking hand around the arm rest to ground herself to something. Her other hand started to scratch up and down her thigh, she could feel her breaths running away without her.
But she almost gasped when Evan pulled away from her and retracted his hands to his own thighs like he was suddenly giving up.
"Well then I can't help you, sweetheart."
"Evan!" (Y/n) couldn't help the seething tone in her voice and she all but slammed her fist down on her thigh in frustration.
When his expression didn't change, (Y/n) huffed and reached across for him, clearly taking him by surprise. She curled her hand around his and gripped tight, pulling his hand towards her as she clutched him like her life depended on it. And something within her told her that it did.
"Evan, you can't ask me that-"
"Why, isn't it the right thing to do? Everyone knows the baby's mine, you said it yourself, you can't bring her up still living with Eddie. And those conventional parents of yours surely aren't impressed you're having a baby before marriage. Living with the father would satisfy them too, wouldn't it?"
He was really trying to do this to her. He was trying to bribe and guilt-trip her into moving in with him, into getting back into his web where he would undoubtedly do everything in his power never to let her go again.
Could she really do this? Could (Y/n) really let herself get back into Evan's grasp like this?
What was the alternative?
Living alone with a newborn wasn't ideal, and she couldn't impose on Eddie and stay with him when she had the baby. Plus, if Evan was going to be involved, he would be round to see her and the baby almost every day anyway. So would it really be that different if she lived with him? Wouldn't having her own place yet having Evan round all the time feel like they were living together?
Wouldn't it be easier to stay with him and have some help? Now that Eddie knew what Evan was really like, he would keep a closer eye on him. Eddie would check in with (Y/n) daily, he would make sure she was alright and she was comfortable enough to be able to tell him if something was wrong or ask for help. Evan couldn't do anything controlling or untoward and keep it secret from Eddie or Maddie or the rest of the team.
"You're a bully."
She could see her words stung at him because his hand bristled on her thigh and he clenched his fingers into her skin tight enough to make her jump.
It was the truth, whether Evan wanted to hear it or not. He was using this to his advantage. (Y/n) knew that whether Eddie threw the first punch or not, Evan would of deserved it and he would of riled Eddie up and caused some problems to make Eddie lash out. He wouldn't punch someone so close to him for no reason.
She found herself leaning back into the arm rest again when Evan inched closer. His fingers unlatched from her thigh so he could glide his hand around to cup her hip and the way his head leaned to one side made him look almost angelic and innocent.
"I'm resourceful. Come on, (Y/n). I love you both to the end of the Earth, and I know you love me. I wanna bring my daughter up and be in her life, and this will be easier for you, we both know it will. I've barely been there for you during this pregnancy, if you stay with me it means I can look after you and her."
And it would make Eddie's threats futile. If she moved in with him, not only would Evan be calmer and much more enlightened to have his girls with him, but he wouldn't be panicking. He wouldn't worry that he would miss the birth or that Eddie would keep him away, because chances were that (Y/n) would go into labour when Evan was around if she lived with him. And if he was at the birth and subsequently brought (Y/n) and their girl home, there was no way (Y/n) could go and sign the birth certificate and leave his name off it.
(Y/n) could feel her mind starting to short-circuit at all the possibilities, the pros and cons of agreeing to this. How she would back out or change her mind if Evan did something disagreeable.
But all her thoughts came to a sudden halt when Evan's chest pressed down into her and his lips were connected with hers.
His hand slid up from her hip to cradle the side of her stomach, gliding his thumb over the tender spot where the baby had been kicking. She could feel his other hand resting near her shoulder, gripping the back of the sofa to keep his balance so he didn't crush her beneath him.
His lips tasted sweet, like cherry cola and (Y/n) couldn't help but react when he slid his tongue past her lips. She knew he would do something like this. She knew coming round early was a risk, but it was something she had to do. (Y/n) had to talk to him without Maddie here so they could be clear and honest.
And she wasn't that early. Half an hour at most. Evan could hardly lure her to bed or try too many moves on the sofa with Maddie's arrival imminent. Evan may be many things, but he would be embarrassed if his big sister caught them in a compromising position.
"I won't do anything you don't want me to." Each word was spoken in a whisper, peppered against her lips between hot kisses that made it harder and harder for (Y/n) to breathe.
Somehow, she didn't believe him. He was doing something she didn't like right now by bargaining with her. She didn't want him to bully her into moving back in with him, and yet here he was doing it.
When his lips finally left hers, Evan nudged his nose against hers and pecked the corner of her mouth.
"Eddie won't leave us alone, he'll be checking on you everyday… Mads will probably be round every other day once we have our girl, she wants to be involved and help you. What do you think I'm gonna do, hm? With all the team watching and knowing everything, from now on? Stay with me, baby."
As much as (Y/n) didn't want to admit it, he had a point. Eddie would blow a hole in the roof if (Y/n) agreed to this, but if she explained, he might come around to the idea. He would be checking in with (Y/n) every day, he would keep an eye on Evan when he could especially if their shift pattern eventually went back to normal at work.
Maddie would be round to help (Y/n) once the baby was born and when Evan went back to work, Maddie wanted to get involved. She wanted to help and be a big part of her niece's life.
The team knew there was tension between Eddie and Evan, they would keep an eye on both of them.
Evan couldn't do a lot with everyone watching and getting involved, (Y/n) was safe with a family community around her.
She tilted her head back, unable to fight off the groan that escaped her lips when Evan stole another feverish kiss from her and wormed his hand beneath her shirt to feel her bump. She could feel the intent, the desire and eagerness in the way he nudged her head back as he kissed her, taking all the air from her lungs and the sense from her mind.
Her heartbeat quickened when he dragged her lower lip between his teeth and pulled, obscuring his smirk while his pupils expanded into black holes. Totally and willingly consumed by (Y/n).
"All I want, is my girls with me. Please." The look in his eyes was real and the gritty tone to his voice was desperate. He was pleading with her. Evan was being honest, because all he could think about was (Y/n). All he wanted was to have her and their daughter here with him, back in his arms, in his sights, where he could look after them.
(Y/n) had to admit that staying away from Evan was clearly spiking his anxiety which was increasing his behaviour. Maybe if she stopped trying to run from him and stuck around him instead, he might calm down. If she stayed with him and he calmed down, they could try and have their baby properly without all the madness involved.
As long as being around Evan didn't make him try and tighten his control over her again. If he could keep that panic and jealousy at bay and control his raging thoughts, this might be okay.
(Y/n) pressed her hand into his chest and gave him a forceful nudge until he took the hint. He released her bruised lip from his teeth and leaned back to let her sit up properly again. Although his hand remained on her stomach and his face remained close enough that (Y/n) could feel each breath he took and every movement of his chest.
Her fingers began gliding over his chest, trying to keep him at bay long enough to talk without having him distracting her with kisses. She could tell her touch was starting to affect him, but she had to get him to listen to her.
"You promise me you won't do anything to Eddie anymore? You play nice, don't threaten his job again or wind him up. Promise me, Evan. And if you try checking my phone or hounding me and getting controlling again, then I'm gone."
"I promise." His response was instant, and sealed with a bruising kiss to her already swollen lips.
Evan would agree to anything if it meant (Y/n) moving in with him. If it meant they would be a proper family and he could have what he'd always wanted; someone he loved and children of his own. (Y/n) could tell him to go and commit murder and Evan would willingly, blindly do as she asked if it meant getting her to stay with him.
And having her stay with him willingly, without a fight or stress or him needing to take her phone like last time when she kept trying to walk out on him, this was better. This was much, much better.
And if Eddie tried to get involved, he would be dismayed to find out that (Y/n) was doing this- somewhat- willingly would halt Eddie's efforts to try and take Evan out of his daughter's life. Eddie couldn't do anything if (Y/n) told him she had agreed to this. Eddie couldn't pressure her into keeping Evan away from the birth or not putting his name on the certificate.
Evan could keep his girls in his life. He didn't have to lay awake at night anymore, envisioning (Y/n), dreaming of her. Desperate to wrap his arms around her and mould himself against her and have her in his arms. And he didn't have to punch the walls in frustration at the knowledge that he was missing out on the kicks and movements of their baby and actually feeling (Y/n)'s shape change.
Things were finally going his way.
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daydreamerwoah · 2 days
Love Through It All (Alternate Ending - Character Death)
tw: mentions of cheating, mentions of divorce; hurt; angst; anger; rollercoaster of emotion; sadness; arguing; crying; mentions of therapy/counseling; kidnapping; violence; guns; injury; main character death
Please read Part 1 for my author notes for the beginning of this story if this is your first time here.
Had someone ask for a different alternate ending so here it is :)
*This picks up from part 13 in italics*
The moment the video stopped, you locked eyes with Simon. Your puffy eyes made him internally broken, but his facial expression hadn't changed, and you didn't know if he was upset that you had gotten revenge for cheating on you... or if it was something else. You wanted to say that it meant nothing. That you were drunk and fucking mad at him... but you couldn't say shit with the tape still over your mouth.
"I have to say, she sounds.. so damn good. Doesn't she?" Jax teased as he asked everyone in the room. Even with Andrei not responding, since he was the one who had his tongue on you, Jax smiled at Simon like he had won or something, "How does it feel?" He walked and stood behind Simon as he leaned down so his face was almost next to his, looking at you, "Tell her." He demanded.
Simon's eyes never strayed away from yours as you continued to cry. The look on his face hadn't really changed, but his eyes told you exactly how he felt. The regret that ran through his soul.... he wished he could been a better man; a better husband. You didn't deserve any of this.. yet you stayed. You had wanted to work on your marriage even after the ugly truth came out. It was his fault, and he would forever kill himself over it. He would be grateful if you ever forgave him, promising to give you the entire world and more after he so much tore yours apart by cheating.
"I love you," he lowly said, making you cry even more. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart... for everythin'."
"Satisfying, isn't it?.. Finally realizing your mistakes?"
Simon finally tore his eyes away from you and looked at Jax, "Let her go."
He paused, acting as if he was thinking about something, "I thought about it," he teased, "but see... I can't do that. She's knows far too much... much more than our girl Williams," he joked - a terrible one that made both you and Simon shoot him the deadliest glare.
He raised his gun up, pointing it at you, making your eyes widen.
"Let her go, Jax," Simon raised his voice, "This is between me and you."
"Oh, it's not just me," he chuckled, "But I guess it would be easier to take you out first." He moved his gun to point it at Simon's temple.
You yelled through the tape and thrashed around as you tried to get out of the restraints. Your skin was probably raw at how much you rubbed at the ropes. You wanted to beg him not to shoot your husband.. you even tried to. But it was pointless.
"Say goodbye to your wife... Lieutenant."
Time felt like it slowed down as you and Simon looked at each other. He looked angry and sad, but no doubt love. He loved you for everything you had given him, everything you had done for him. And if this was the last time he'd see you... then so be it. He was ready... and you didn't want that. You weren't ready to leave him; to say goodbye.
The wails that came from your muffled lips had you choking on the saliva that bubbled up in your throat. You wanted to vomit so bad.
"Close your eyes love," Simon told you. You didn't want to. God you didn't want to. But you couldn't stomach the thought of seeing him die right in front of you, so you shut your eyes tight and waited for the loud popping sound of Jax's gun to go off.
The moment the loud pop echoed in the room, your eyes opened as you looked at the scene in front of you. And god, did you begin to wail as you saw your husband. He was slumped over in the chair. A bullet wound at his temple. Jax, who had taken a step toward you as he smiled, made you thrash in your restraints forcefully.
"When they find you... tell them Makarov said hello," he said as he snatched the tape off of your mouth. You couldn't help the loud cry that left your lips as you looked at him with pure hatred.
"Fuck you!!" you screamed, but it didn't even faze him.
He and the rest of the men walked out of the room, Andrei giving you a malicious wink before he shut the door. You couldn't help the loud cries that continued to come from your mouth as you sat there and looked at Simon.
He was dead.
God, you wanted to fucking die with him. The pain of knowing he was murdered all because of something that was bigger than this would haunt you forever.
20 minutes later, heavy footsteps rushed through the door, and you almost thought it was Jax and his men again until you realized that Price, Johnny, and Kyle had come in with their guns drawn.
But it was too late.
The moment they saw how distraught you were and looked at their comrade with his head hanging forward, they knew. The fucking knew that they were too late in rescuing both of you. Johnny kneeled down in front of Simon, putting his fore and middle finger against his neck to check for a pulse like he'd find one. "Fuck," he said as he looked up at the other two men.
Kyle rushed over to you and began to cut away at the ropes that tied you up, and the second you were free, you leaped out of the chair and ran to Simon, wrapping your arms around his neck as you cried. He was cold.. ice cold damn near, but you held onto him like he would somehow take a breath of air.
But you knew he wouldn't, yet you still continued until Price tried to pull you off of him.
"Y/n," he softly said.
"No!" you yelled, "He can't leave me! He can't- He's gotta come back. We have to work through this! Please John... please wake him up!"
His sad eyes eventually met yours as he frowned, "I'm so sorry."
Someone once told you in the past to read about the 5 Stages of Grief. You thought it was silly. What did you have to grieve about, when all you wanted was to be happy with your husband? You didn't think about that kind of stuff, especially when it came to him. But hell, did you wish you had picked up on a few things at least.
Even with Simon being taken away when the police and corners arrived, you still couldn't believe he was gone. It was like you were waiting for him to come out of every corner to surprise you - like he did at the club. The first couple of days were the worst, as you would call his phone only to hear it ring on the nightstand next to you. The day of the funeral, you almost passed out twice from how everything hurt (physically and emotionally).
The anger that flowed through your soul was more than knowing Simon cheated on you. It was more than knowing you cheated on him. You wanted to kill Jax. You wanted to make him pay for taking the love of your life. But you knew that was a crazy thought. It still didn't stop you from breaking things in your apartment - the glass of wine you were drinking out of, the vase on the side table. Days after the funeral, you quit your job because you couldn't stomach the thought of leaving your house because you were afraid and angry that Jax or Andrei would kidnap you again.
You had no one to bargain with except whatever angels were up above to bring your husband back. And bargaining, you did. You begged and begged and begged like it would make a difference. You had even bargained for the universe to take you instead of Simon; to switch places with you.
The worst phase you felt. You wanted to die. You thought about it so many times. It didn't make you feel better when you continued to go to counseling - for different reasons now. You just wanted to be with your husband again. The plaguing thoughts of taking a bunch of pills and never waking up crossed your mind so much during that phase.
When things finally settled - and fuck did it take a while for that to happen - the only thing that had changed was knowing Simon wasn't going to come back by some miracle. Every other day (if not every day), Price, Johnny, or Kyle would come to check on you, along with Ava, who constantly brought dinner just to make sure you would eat.
It was heartbreaking. Simon was gone. It wasn't like you two had gone through the divorce, but he was gone from you forever.
But what hurt the most was the note you found in your husband's belongings when Johnny brought them from his office. Even he felt weird that they had cleaned out his space there, saying it wasn't right.
It was crushing to read it, and you cried in Johnny arms for a long time that he ended up putting you to bed and calling Ava to stay with you because he had to leave.
The note was written a few days before you were kidnapped. Simon once again apologized for everything that he did, the pain he caused you, and the deep love he expressed to you. He went into detail about his feelings and how he would die for you if it ever came to it.. Fuck it was like he had predicted his own death or something.
Why did life have to be so fucking cruel? Why were things the way they were? Just because you had accepted that he was gone didn't mean you were ever going to be over it. But you could only hope that somewhere up in the skies he was watching over you.
Not going to lie.. this was hard to write because I teared up proofreading this but let me know how you all like it!!
Taglist: @kalypsoox @fruitymoonbeams-blogz @kylies-love-letter @xrosegoldwolfx @linaaaaa654 @jessicab1991 @darkravenqueen98 @yazyazali @thychuvaluswife @chloeforde @cownini @ssc7514
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Hello! I don't know if requests are open, I'm sorry, but I have a request 🥹 You can ignore it if you want!
Imagine the reader dyeing her hair, and Logan doesn't really understand the concept, but thinks she looks really pretty, and then she asks him to dye the back part where she can't see 😭❤️‍🩹 just cute and loving
My requests are always open!
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Logan always loved your hair. He thought you always had it so pretty, even when you just woke up and it was all over the place. He loved whatever shampoo you used it always made it so soft and smelt sweet. You changed your hair often and it always turned out amazing, Logan just assumed that you went to the salon to get your hair done, he knew that you did your nails at home you said it was too expensive to go out and get them done professionally so you just did it at the house. He hated the smell of the polish, but he did love seeing you having pretty nails, so he put up with it and sometimes he even helped paint your right hand. However, he had just assumed you got your hair done professionally, he never saw you do your hair at the house at it just looked too well done for an amateur.
He has been getting upset with you lately, and he didn't know how to tell you.
He always wanted to be the one who took care of you. He wanted to provide for you, no matter the cost or what it was. He just wanted you to have whatever you wanted in life, but you kept denying his offers to get your hair done. He was about to just make an appointment at some random salon and drive you there for it so you would stop arguing with him over dumb stuff like money.
He just got off work and was walking into the house, ready to not back down from the fight he knew was coming, but as he was walking into the house, a strong smell overwhelmed his senses. He groaned and scrunched up his nose "the fuck is that smell??"
You nearly jumped out of your skin hearing Logan so soon. "Logan! You weren't supposed to be home for another hour!" You rushed back to the bathroom to try and clean up some of the hair product you've been using and to open the window to air out the room as best as you could.
"What is that smell?" Logan asked again, still not knowing what he was smelling. You cringed slightly and turned to him with the bowl of hair dye in your hands. "I was doing my hair, just a touch-up, but I-I thought you weren't going to be home for a while, so I thought I'd have time to air the house out. I know you're sensitive to smells and just assumed that the dye would be too strong for you."
Logan felt his heart swell slightly, hearing that you took his enhanced smell into consideration. "Do...do you need help?" He asked sort of bashfully. He took the bowl from your hand gently and mixed the dye with the brush. He cringed slightly from the smell, but he was ready to push through it to help you.
"Could you get the back for me? I don't think I got all of it" you turned around and showed him the back of your head and he bit back a laugh when he saw you missed a section of hair.
"Yeah, I got it, baby." he just told himself that he was painting... sort of? He really didn't know what he was doing, but he didn't want to mess up, so he just really lathered the dye on your hair and tried to not get it all over your skin. When he was done, he set the bowl down and tapped your shoulders, "Okay, I think I'm done now what?" You explained that you needed to set a timer and that you'd wash it out after it goes off. He nods and sets the timer for you.
He likes to think he is a patient man after living all of his years, but those 30 minutes felt like 30 years. Once the timer finally went off, he helped you wash your hair and watched as you dried and styled it. He was always excited to see how you ended up doing your hair but this time he was even more excited to see how it turned out and once you showed him how it turned out he couldn't help but feel pride knowing he was the one who helped you.
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stephsageek · 2 days
New One-shot Alert
My Five X Lila Strip poker one-shot is finally done!
A Preview:
Five expelled his drink, coughing into his fist afterward.
Lila’s eyes widened as she leaned over, patting him on the back a few times as he gasped and sputtered. “I-I’m sorry—” he wheezed. “I-I thought you said ‘strip’—”
“Oh, no. You heard right,” she reassured calmly.
“What the fu-How can-Are you—?!” Five rapidly protested, suddenly squeezing his eyes shut, his expression annoyed and aggrieved in equal turns. “What am I saying? Of course, you’re insane—”
“Oi! You said I get to pick—!”
“Yes, Lila. I did,” Five admitted, his voice strained as he tried to be patient. “But why would you—?!”
“What? Afraid of losing your precious Puritanical sense of propriety because you’re shite at cards—”
“Two things, senior psychopath. One, I am most certainly not ‘shite’ at cards. You must not have read my file too closely while you were at the Commission, because if you had you would know the identity of the only known person to have bested James Hickok in a game of cards—”
“Wild Bill?!” Lila gasped as Five kept talking.
“—Two, you are my brother’s wife—not to mention my best friend!” Five hissed as if worried someone might hear him.
“Aw, old man, I’m touched—!” Lila fawned, only to be cut off.
“Don’t change the subject! Playing strip poker is practically cheating!” he snapped.
Lila rolled her eyes. “Puh-lease! One, there is no way you are telling me you beat Wild Bill and even think for a second, that we’re not going to play! Two, playing strip poker is most certainly not cheating—”
“How the hell do you figure—?!”
“It’s not like we’d even be touching—”
“We’d be naked—!”
“You might be, loser—”
“Regardless of who might be naked in this scenario, Lila, the point still stands that it is obviously —”
“Have you forgotten that you’ve already seen me starkers as it is?” Lila smirked, folding her arms. “Or am I the only one that remembers?”
Lila watched as a vein began to throb at Five’s temple as he gritted out, “You were trying to kill me; forgive me for being a little preoccupied.”
“Not at all! You honestly ought to thank me for even giving you another chance at eyeing the goods!”
Lila watched in amusement as Five gnashed his teeth in frustration, his face growing red. She was unsure if it was from anger or embarrassment.
“We’re both adults, old man; playing a friendly game! Nothing untoward. You Americans are always so touchy about nudity. There are plenty of cultures where family members see each other naked all the time—!”
“Lila, it’s not because we’re—"
“Besides, the human form is natural; not necessarily only sexual,” Lila reasoned, knowing Five well enough to know that an appeal to his sense of logic would be difficult for him to argue against. Although she could think of one other appeal he’d struggle to overcome: an appeal to his sense of pride.
“You’re just afraid I’ll show you up,” Lila grinned.
She liked the way his eyes blazed when he was truly beginning to lose his patience. The way he clenched his jaw, making a muscle jump in his cheek.
“Or worse, that you might like what you see~” Lila whispered, teasing.
Five’s face went scarlet.
Lila felt her heartbeat quicken.
Lila loved ruffling his feathers, flirting and teasing; taunting and baiting; and disturbing his carefully constructed world.
She loved it from the moment they met, and it had only grown over the years.
She remembered when they'd first been enemies, the way his anger and pain had felt like a balm to her soul.
When his bitterness had tasted so very sweet.
Even now, with his brother—her husband—no one else had ever given her this feeling. That spike of adrenaline and dopamine that rushed through her veins like a drug. That thrill that made her heart race.
Her life felt drab, stifling, and joyless sometimes; like she was dragging her feet through a gray, lackluster existence.
And then Five would come along, brightening her life and splashing her universe in technicolor. If she was Dorthy, he was her Oz and she never wanted to go back to Kansas.
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livesworthlivingau · 2 days
Behind the Vale Chapter 28
ISAT/Two Hats Spoilers below! CW: Outbursts, Mentions of stabbing/killing.
This chapter is pretty much the same scene as the end of the previous Sif chapter, just from Vale's perspective, also a tiny addition at the end.
"Before I explain this, it's not their fault, please don't blame them, they were going through a lot and I didn't notice how it was affecting them and I told their secret an-" [Stardust starts to explain frantically before Nille grabs them by the shoulders to help calm him down.]
"Hey, easy, just start at the beginning okay?" [She tries to comfort him, to which he nods and take a deep breath.]
"... When I first looped back all those years, I was... frozen? I was panicking, stuck in my head, I thought it must be a dream or something, there's no way this was really happening, right?... And then I heard their voice... and all of that just went away." [You blink a couple times, glancing up at them to make eye contact... He never told you that. That just hearing your voice made everything okay in such a terrifying situation...]
"I ran to find them right after, as fast as I could, and... I was just so happy to see them, I didn't think about how they were feeling... forced to be back, I'd been through so much and they were just left behind... and then I dragged them along back here to force them into a family they didn't want any part in."
"Stardust... That's..." [You interrupt. He's trying to make it out as his fault. You're unsure if Stardust is that delusional that they truly believe it, or if they're just trying to take as much blame off you as he can.]
"It's true Vale, and I'm sorry. I really don't blame you for what happened." [You look away again, no matter what they truly believed, you weren't going to be able to convince them to stop at this rate. Nille still looks very confused, waiting for the story to continue.]
"So things seemed fine for a little while, but then Odile noticed I was doing a little too well, and I told her about everything... including their secret, which they made me promise not to tell." [You brace yourself... You knew the truth would be coming soon.]
"Vale found out what I did, they were already on the verge of snapping and that pushed them over the edge, so... they had to go back, before I dragged them to the party... They had to make us all loop back..." [You grip the fabric of your sleeves tightly as you hug yourself. You can't stand to look at either of them, you just want this over with, you just want to be exiled already, you just want this all done...]
"Frin, tell me what happened, please."
"Vale... They..." [Oh blind it all, He can't say it either.]
"I STABBED HIM! I SHOVED HIS OWN DAGGER INTO HIS HEART AND FORCED HIM BACK, OKAY?! I'M A MONSTER AND A MURDERER!!!" [They both jump back at your sudden screaming, Nille even pulls away from you like the monster you were.]
"N-No! You're not, Vale, you knew I'd be fine! You knew I'd loop!"
"And what if you didn't?!?! What if it all ended right there?!? How could I do such a thing?! How could I take that risk?! How could I hurt you like that?!" [You were absolutely manic, a crazed look in your eyes as you gripped your hair painfully tight. Before you could manage to scream again, you suddenly felt those strong, calloused hands around your face, holding you in place to ground you.]
"Hey hey hey! Vale, Calm down please." [You stopped... You felt your tears flowing down your face. You stare back into Nille's eyes, confused, unsure why they weren't looking at you like the monster you truly were.]
"You made a mistake... a big one, sure, but a mistake none the less. Frin's okay now, right?"
"B-But... I killed them... H-how could anyone forgive me for that?..."
"Well, Frin did, and that's the most important person to do so I'd say... It's a lot to take in alright, still not really sure how I feel about it right now... but I'm not just gonna hate you for it, especially after everything." [You still don't understand. You try to figure out why she might be lying to you, or how she could accept this, or what sort of wild trick this might be... Could she truly forgive us for that?... She hasn't known him for long, maybe that's why... She'll learn to resent us eventually.]
"I doubt you want to go back in there tonight. Maybe you should stay at the Inn for tonight, cool off a little..." [You pull away from her slightly, wiping your tears.]
"Y-Yes... that sounds like it's for the best..." [Her hand gently grabs your arm before you can leave, squeezing it a little.]
"This doesn't give you permission to run away though! Remember... you made a promise." [She reminds you with a light smile, letting you slip free of her grip.]
"... Right... I promise." [You still can barely stand to look at either of them, Stardust just standing a few steps back to let you both have your moment.]
"We'll see you tomorrow, Vale?..." [He asks, almost pleading even. You nod to them before turning away and heading for the Inn. You can still feel them both staring as you do so, as if making sure you don't just head into the woods instead.]
[You collapse onto the bed on your little room at the Inn. You look down at the bottle of sleeping medicine they so kindly offered you at the front desk when you'd asked. You take a look at the recommended dosage and pour out one extra, popping it into your mouth and dry swallowing it. You lie back and stare at the ceiling for a moment, letting your eyes slowly drift shut and begging for sleep to claim you that night.]
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lonewolfel · 2 days
Lightning that makes her Kingdom Fall - Chapter 1 Aftermath
Summary: Zeus’s attack had consequences that no god had expected. Athena has been rendered human and is in critical condition. Odysseus is still trying to make it home. Telemachus just wants to get rid of the suitors and to know what happened to his friend.
Notes: I forgot to post this earlier my bad. It is here on AO3. Spoilers for God Games.
The gods watched in horror. Athena had always been Zeus’s favorite child. Intelligent, cold, strong, arrogant, prideful Athena now laid there in a puddle of her own ichor. Her last words before she lost consciousness was begging their father to free a mortal.
Zeus left the arena. He seemed to be the only one who could move after witnessing this horror. Apollo was the next to move.
Apollo the god of healing was the best one to be in action. He moved over to Athena slowly as if she was playing dead to strike her prey. Athena though didn’t move. He knelt beside her to treat her injuries. Zeus had never ordered the gods to do nothing to help Athena, so Apollo should be fine treating her...right?
Hera and Hephaestus both left. They didn’t have a particularly strong relationship with the goddess of wisdom but then no god really did besides Zeus.
Aphrodite rushed forward. Tears started to stream down her beautiful cheeks. Ares seemed to linger behind his lover. This was a shock. Aphrodite and Athena never got along how could they when Athena scorned the very thing Aphrodite represented? Ares was always Athena’s rival, both were of war, and yet Athena was praised while Ares was spat upon.
Apollo saw quick and sporadic breaths from his half-sister's chest.
“She’s alive.” The words didn’t come out the way he wanted. They showed just how much Apollo had been shaken by what happened.
“She had just learned,” Aphrodite sobbed. Apollo looked at her in confusion but said nothing. Aphrodite was a difficult god for him to understand. She acted irrationally and was far too focused on emotions. It was best to let Ares deal with her.
Apollo instead turned his intentions to healing Athena. Their father’s abilities weren’t ones that Apollo could heal, no, they would take eons for her to heal fully. Most of the damage was focused on the head and arms. Apollo wasn’t sure what the lingering effects of the lightning on Athena’s mind and that idea was concerning considering her role as the goddess of wisdom, but Apollo pushed the fears out of his mind to focus on the healing he could do.
He removed the lightning still coursing through her body. Stopping it from hurting her further and undoing Apollo’s hard work.
“Tell me that isn’t what I think it is,” Ares’s voice broke through Apollo’s thoughts.
Apollo looked up at the war god. In his arms was a slightly calmer Aphrodite who had her face buried in the god’s chest. Ares himself was gesturing towards Athena’s face with a mixture of barely contained rage and horror.
Apollo frowned and looked over at where Ares was gesturing. He turned Athena onto her back and moved her brown hair away from her face. Then Apollo saw what Ares was talking about.
There were red streaks running down her cheeks like tears. These red streaks were different, Apollo wiped one away and felt it. It felt like mortal blood. A sinking feeling entered his gut as he tried to tell himself that it came from one of the mortals Athena cared so much about, but then it was replaced with the exact same liquid coming from her eyes.
Frantically Apollo touched her head and using his abilities tried to find her divinity. He pushed aside the memory of her divine light faltering and fading while she begged for the mortal. Yet as he searched for her dormant divinity, he found nothing. There wasn’t even a trace of it left. Apollo tried to tell himself that it would come back when she was healed but deep down, he knew otherwise.
“She’s mortal,” Apollo breathed.
Aphrodite sobbed so hard that she likely alerted Hades to the happenings on Olympus. Apollo couldn’t bring himself to care about the goddess's outburst. He was too shocked by the implication. Zeus had removed his own daughter’s divinity, rendering her mortal.
Apollo could have laughed at the twisted justice of it. Athena had defied Zeus to free a mortal and now she had become one. Apollo felt sick.
“How?” Ares snarled.
Apollo could only shrug his shoulders. He looked down at Athena and it registered that she was going to die. Mortals were delicate they couldn’t handle Zeus’s lightning bolts. Even if she did survive how long? Would she ever recover? Would she ever be able to fight, to have a complex thought again, or would she simply become a vegetable waiting to die? And die she would. If not now, then in some mortal years when her mortal body finally fails.
“If he can do this to his favorite then...” Ares didn’t need to finish his thought. They were all likely thinking it. What would Zeus do to them? If Zeus didn’t hold back for Athena, then why would he for any of his other children or even the gods that aren’t his children? It was a chilling thought that made Apollo uneasy.
Apollo pushed down the thought. It didn’t do any good to dwell on them. Right now, Apollo had to focus on healing Athena.
“Ares, help me move her. Aphrodite, go grab Asclepius and have him meet us on Delphi.”
Aphrodite rushed off to do just that. Ares nodded and moved over to Athena’s feet.
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beanandberry · 10 hours
My first contribution for Bunnydoll Writing Week 2024 🩵💜🐰🧵
Ragatha wasn’t exactly sure what caused her to wake up with the gut feeling that she and Jax had overslept. It was like one of those natural feelings, like when you force yourself to wake up from a bad dream because you know it isn’t real and you’ve had enough. Your body just knows.
Well, she knew they were late for roll call. This wasn’t good. It was time to get up and get out there before anyone realized they were missing. If the others realized they were missing, they might come looking for them. If they came looking for them, they might discover they were in the same room together. If they found out they were in the same room together, questions would be asked.
Those were questions Ragatha wasn’t ready to answer yet.
As comfortable as she was, she gently shook the purple rabbit she was smooshed up against. Her cheek was pressed into his incredibly soft purple fur, her arms locked around his back. Jax’s head rested atop hers, his hands woven in her red curls as he slowly breathed in and out.
“Jax…” She nuzzled his chest while peppering soft kisses. “Wake up…”
Ragatha giggled. She loved how sleepy he always got, but now wasn’t the time to focus on that. They had to get up and get out there before anyone noticed their absence.
“Wake up, we’re late for roll.”
Jax blinked his eyes open and yawned loudly. Instead of moving, he nuzzled his face deeper into her messy hair.
“Forget roll,” he mumbled sleepily.
“Jax, c’mon,” Ragatha gently pushed against his chest. “We can’t let them find us like this, you know that.”
“Screw ‘em…”
Ragatha wished she shared his carefree attitude. Every time she felt like she was ready to tell the others how serious she and Jax had become, something inside told her to wait. Maybe it was her own nerves. She didn’t know.
“Okay, okay,” Jax yawned again. “Jeez, gimme a minute…” He moved to stretch…
…and Ragatha shouted in pain.
“Ow! Jax! My hair!”
“What the—“ Jax glanced at his hands—paws—whatever you wanted to call them, and his eyes widened. His claws, which were usually hidden, were completely tangled up in Ragatha’s curls.
He hadn’t bothered putting his gloves back on last night and must’ve extended the claws while he was asleep.
“Can you let go?” Ragatha whined. “It hurts…”
“I would if I could, Dollface,” he muttered. “Only problem is…I’m stuck.”
“What?!” Ragatha tried to look up at him, but the angling of her head only pulled her hair harder and she winced. “Oh God!”
“It’s okay, don’t panic,” Jax sighed. “It’s not a big deal.”
“JAX!” Ragatha fumed. “We’re already late for roll! The others are gonna come looking for us. What are they gonna think when they find us like this? We’re barely dressed!”
Jax gave his hand an experimental tug. Then he tried retracting the claws on one of his hands. It was no good. Ragatha’s hair only became more tangled.
“Damn,” he sighed. “It’s not working.”
“Jaaaaax,” Ragatha hid her face.
“Maybe you can try reaching up and using your hands?” Jax suggested.
“I can try,” Ragatha said softly. She didn’t know how much help her raggedy hands would be. Probably not much. She sighed and reached awkwardly above her own head. She felt where his claws were tangled in her hair and started tugging on various curls, hoping something would loosen and separate. “From now on, you’re sleeping with your gloves on.”
“Yeah, yeah…just untangle me.”
Ragatha sighed. She continued to shift and wiggle her head, pulling at random strands of hair, but it was no use.
“Jax,” she groaned, defeated. “What do we do?”
“Got any scissors?” the rabbit snickered.
“Not funny!”
"Okay okay...maybe we can try some soap or something," Jax suggested.
"Yeah...maybe it'll loosen everything up."
"That only works with jewelry...like rings and stuff," Ragatha shook her head, trying to prevent any more harsh tugging.
"Well I don't hear you suggesting anything, little Miss Pessimist," Jax muttered.
Ragatha glanced up at him. He was right. At least Jax was suggesting ideas to remedy their unfavorable situation...unlike her.
"Okay...I'm sorry Jax. You're right. Let's try it."
"Okay, well, let me shift backwards a bit and we can try to maneuver to the bathroom." He slid back a few inches on his side. Ragatha tried to move with him, but it was it tough. Jax continued to scoot until he reached the edge of the bed. "Ready doll? Move with me. Try to stand up."
Ragatha nodded. Jax shifted, attempting to get into a kneeling position on the bed. Ragatha tried to move with him like he suggested, but she wasn't quick enough.
"You've gotta move faster!"
"I'm trying!"
"Heh, I thought you liked getting your hair pulled..."
A voice outside the door startled them both. Immediately, they went silent, listening.
“…didn’t come out of her room this morning,” Pomni’s voice said.
“Shh,” Ragatha whispered. She prayed that they would just walk away.
“Yeah, I didn’t hear her this morning either,” Zooble’s voice said.
“What about Jax?” Gangle’s voice asked. “I didn’t see him either.”
“Who cares?” Zooble replied.
Ragatha felt a jolt of sadness for Jax. If he was affected by Zooble’s words, he certainly didn’t show it or voice it. He just lay there, still as ever.
“Just don’t make a sound,” Ragatha whispered. She gently pet his chest out of nervousness, unsure what else to do.
“Wasn’t planning on it, Doll,” he sighed. “But feel free to keep petting me.”
A knock. “Ragatha? You awake?” Pomni called.
“Oh no…” Ragatha squeezed her eyes shut.
“Tell her you’re sick,” Jax whispered.
“What? No!”
“Rags, trust me. If you don’t answer, they’ll worry more. They might try to come in here. If you tell ‘em you’re sick, then they’ll at least hear your voice and leave you alone.”
Ragatha thought about it for a moment before deciding that Jax was right. But…
“What about you?” she asked softly.
Jax shrugged. “Heh, they don’t care about me enough to wonder where I am.”
“Don’t feel bad for me, I couldn’t care less,” he said. “Just answer them.”
The knock came again, louder this time.
“Ragatha?” Gangle called. “Is everything okay?”
Ragatha knew Jax was right. She needed to let them know she was at least well enough to answer them.
“Everything’s fine!” Ragatha called. “I’m just not feeling well today. I think I’m gonna sit this one out.”
“Are you sure?” Pomni asked. “D’you need anything?”
“No, no…I’m good! Just let Caine know, okay?”
“Oh…okay,” Pomni replied. “No problem. We’ll come check on you later, okay?”
“Okay!” Ragatha fake coughed a few times, just to keep the act up. “Ugh, sore throat too…I think I’m just gonna go back to—“
There was a loud and sudden POP and Caine materialized in the middle of Ragatha’s room. Absolutely nothing could have prepared the poor rag doll for how frightened she would become. She let out a shrill scream, while Jax cursed loudly. To make matters worse, Jax shifted automatically, yanking Ragatha’s head with him. She yelped in pain.
“Did someone say sick? My dear Ragatha, I came to check on—goodness me! Jax, what in the world are you doing in here?”
“JAX?” Pomni, Gangle, and Zooble all shouted at once.
“$&!t,” Jax groaned.
Ragatha hid her burning face in Jax’s chest. She wanted to melt into the floor and disappear for good.
“What—why—when—“ Caine stammered. “Oh my…”
“It’s not…I mean, this isn’t what it looks like,”
Ragatha tried to explain. “We just…Jax came to check on me and—“
“Why are Jax’s hands tangled in your hair?” Caine asked.
“What?” Pomni shrieked.
“Can you just leave?” Jax muttered to Caine. Ragatha could feel the heat of embarrassment radiating off him now, too.
“His claws are stuck,” Ragatha said, no longer trying to keep up the act. At this point, all she wanted was to be freed from this frustrating scenario and to bury herself under her covers.
“Jax has claws?” they heard Gangle say.
“Goodness, why didn’t you say so?” Caine snapped his fingers and immediately, the two were separated and fully dressed in their usual attire. Ragatha scrambled to stand. Jax rolled his eyes and slowly stood.
“Th-thank you,” Ragatha said shyly.
“No problem at all,” Caine said, obliviously. “Now that you’re both decent, how about we get started on today’s adventure?”
“I—“ Ragatha looked at Jax. He glanced in her direction.
Before Ragatha could figure out which direction her thoughts were heading, the door to her room burst open and Pomni, Zooble and Gangle stood there, staring. They looked from Ragatha, to Jax, to Caine, and then back at Ragatha.
“W-what’s happening?” Pomni asked. She pointed to Ragatha. “You…and Jax?”
Jax flashed a yellow smile. “Hard to believe, huh?”
Pomni’s mouth dropped. Ragatha’s face turned several shades of red. Oh no…she wasn’t ready to confront this yet. Not with everyone watching her like this.
“W-well, um…” Ragatha was at a loss. “What he means is—“
“Good thing it’s not true,” Jax shrugged.
Ragatha looked at him sharply.
“It’s not?” Zooble cocked an eyebrow.
“Nope,” Jax replied. “I noticed Dollface was late this morning and wanted to check on her. I found her sleeping and tried to prank her by messing with her hair, but…I guess the joke’s on me, huh?”
Zooble narrowed their eyes at them. “I don’t believe you.”
“Then don’t,” Jax shrugged and snickered. “I don’t care either way.” He pushed past them all and strode into the hallway. “’Til next time, Rags. A centipede with your name on it, crawling in your hair…”
Ragatha watched him go. She wanted to chase after him, to thank him for his quick thinking and white lie, which she knew he only did to spare her any embarrassment.
Ragatha knew Jax didn’t care who knew about their relationship the same way she did. Maybe she ought to start thinking more like him. Honestly, he was probably right. Who cares if the others knew? She and Jax were together now. Why should that be secret? Why should she be embarrassed? Especially since it made her so happy. She should flaunt that. She should—
Ragatha’s thoughts were interrupted as Caine gently turned her around by the shoulders and led them all to the main hall for roll. She’d figure it out later, she supposed.
Later that night, they settled into bed. Ragatha wrapped her arms around Jax’s chest, while the rabbit nuzzled the top of her head, tired from another long day and grueling adventure.
Ragatha noticed he did what she requested and was wearing his yellow gloves. He’d been doing so much for her lately. Almost anything she asked of him, actually. She felt a rush of affection for him.
“Jax?” she whispered.
“Thank you.”
“For what?” He cracked an eye open and looked at her sleepily.
Ragatha tilted her head up and kissed him tenderly. He was so tired, but he slowly kissed back. When they broke apart, Ragatha gently tugged his gloves off.
“What are you doing?” he mumbled.
“Making you more comfortable,” she replied.
“I can’t be held responsible for what my hands do while I’m sleeping, Doll,” he warned her. He wrapped her tightly in his arms.
“It’s okay,” Ragatha said. “There are worse ways to wake up than to be tangled together with your boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend huh?” Jax flashed her his Cheshire grin. “I’m your boyfriend now?”
Ragatha stared at him, a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She glanced away, feeling upset. “I-I thought so…”
“Hey,” Jax tilted her chin up to face him. “Easy, Dollface. I’m messing with you.”
“But are you?”
“Am I messing with you? Yeah, of course I am. It’s one of my favorite pastimes.”
“No Jax…I mean are you my boyfriend?”
Jax looked at her. “D’you want me to be?”
Of course she did. She wanted that more than ever.
“Yes,” she whispered.
“Then I’m your boyfriend,” Jax shrugged. He leaned in to kiss her again, cupping her cheek as he pulled away. “See? Was that so hard?”
Ragatha rolled her eye, trying to hide her blushing face behind pretend annoyance. It was no use trying to pretend though, because Jax saw right through her. He always did.
“Okay boyfriend,” she huffed, getting comfortable beside him. “Tomorrow we tell the others.”
“We do?”
“Yes, we do,” she said firmly. “I want the others to know how happy you make me.”
“Rags, all this sweet talk is making me feel nauseous.”
“Oh stop it…”
Jax chuckled softly. She could feel him getting sleepy beside her, his breathing deeper with each passing second.
She reached around to wrap her arm over his chest and happily drifted off to sleep, more content than she’d felt in a long, long time.
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faaun · 5 months
procrastination is starting to have its consequences finally
#on my friends living room floor they love together but one of them has been london for weeks or maybe months#to be with her love. im on a foam mattress from one of their beds next to a glass bottle of water opened by one of them#in a mug given to me by another. the weather felt like my childhood today and it also felt like 2 years ago.#(put space in the heavens Einstein's idea and hes your friend too so nothing to fear) around the table they drank and laughed and i thought#i hope you keep growing so full with the love you receive . i hope your appetite becomes insatiable from how used to it you are#and i know youre all leaving soon but i hope one day you miss this and that youll be happy you miss it#its worth missing i think#i thought he didnt care but he said after exams hes going walk around this area over and over#(this is near where he lived and where we visited almost daily for a year)#(hed come across the bridge on a lake)#we went where she used to live and at the entrance a fox sat calmly. it just yawned and stared.#it felt important somehow. i think maybe their impressions of me will never be close to how i feel inside but i think#i love them enough for that not to matter. i dont think theyll ever know this. i dont think if they did it would change much.#and seeing them smile makes my heart glow anyway. today i tried their malaysian tea the ginger burned my throat#they warmed my heart. hes going to canada soon and hes going to the US soon and shes going everywhere soon ill never understand#how were supposed to live with memories and with seperation and with the past but we do it anyway so i think it doesnt matter much#i wanted to write a poem for the lab rats with the fibre optic wires lit with blue forcing them to turn around and around#something about how im sorry that the two photon arrays burned the inside of your brain. im sorry about the sharp points of multielectrode#arrayes. im sorry about everything we do to you. she asked to see me tomorrow. im trying to have self control but i miss her so awfully#last night my friend talked to me and i updated on everything that happened with love and the lack of it and she just started laughing#and she told me about the same thing from her side. and she told me about how she loved london because she would walk the streets#and she felt like the people were her. and her eyes would go over the people and the bag of bagels and the construction men they probably#have a kid at home maybe shes a daughter. this kid is crying for her mother and the building you just walked past caused#blisters and pain and people died in it and very likely people were born in it. we talked for hours and i felt like#i was holding her hand just like that time she held mine watching a horror film. i love her so much#my friend is a genius and i remember her picking up the charms of my phone and staring at the leaf hanging from them. shes side stepping to#music drinking dangerous cider and cocktails from a movie and chit chatting with billionaires and undergrads#i love her dearly. his head covered in electrodes. she tells me about a syrian guy shes in love with and she says#what you feel and what i feel is like cocaine. ive tried a lot of fucking cocaine.#she says ive reminded her of what living actually feels like and to never put energy into someone who doesnt see me this way.
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cerealbishh · 2 years
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"I saw today how much it bothers Jake to see us talking. It's- it's over the line. Yeah, you and- and me, while you're seeing Jake... It's over the line."
"Oh... you don't wanna see me at all?"
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