#i don’t remember typing some of this
pirateprincessjess · 5 months
I feel the need to periodically remind people that Idiocracy is a eugenics movie.
One of the things that eugenicists believe is that it is bad for society when the “wrong people” breed.
The entire premise of the movie is that “stupid people” kept having kids while “smart people” didn’t have kids, and it ruined society because stupid genes propagated while smart genes died out. This is eugenics propaganda.
I know people will read this and their response will be “actually it’s satire” but the movie isn’t satirizing eugenics. It’s satirizing anti-intellectualism, and consumerism, and it proposes eugenics as a solution.
When eugenics was first conceived, it was used as a way to justify inequality. The idea was that people who held privilege were able to do so because they were smarter and genetically superior to lazy and stupid people who don’t have privilege. Obviously this is bad and wrong, but it is also the core lesson of Idiocracy.
The movie literally ends with the main character becoming president and having “the smartest children in the world.” Because he and his wife have smarter genes than everyone else. The proposed solution for the things that Idiocracy is satirizing is for the smart people to have children that can be in charge of the world.
I know it’s fun to use this movie to dunk on anti-intellectualism and the MAGA movement, but we need to stop. When you quote and reference this movie you are spreading eugenics propaganda.
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astralsys · 11 months
Intro post?
I made this account for fun maybe? fun as in I just wanted to fuck around and vent a little into the void under an account that's not much connected to my other ones idrk. dont have much of an online presence really wanted to see how this will play / work out. even tho I already have an account on here that I use personally to gush about things cause I can't help it probs not gonna use this that much.... probably cause I'll forget this exists, anyways comma!
collective info about me:
💫 ✨ | Astral System | ✨💫
Either call me Astral or K!
They / Them ( NO plural prns / &!!! /srs I hate it fuck off people who use that )
Trans Non-binary Aroace Bodily Adult
Masc / Neutral, System, Alter, Human / Person
Proff Dx’ed w/ D.I.D. ( adult dx'es ) in recovery since 2018, dx’ed also w/ MDD, ASD & ADHD ( childhood dx'es ) [ not recovered ]
( I'm only saying this cause one of my parts may leak that info out by accident, dont know better dont have a consensus with privacy atm, and I would rather just say it now instead of worrying about it being outed later idrc if you think I'm faking or not I've been dx’ed for over 6 years now idc what rando’s on the internet think about me tbh )
❌ ❌ Other Info Never Disclosed ❌ ❌
DNI: Minors, NSFW shit, Queerphobes, Racists, Ableist, Pedo’s / Zoo’s, Proship / Anti’s discourse
Mspec “Lesbians” / “Gays”, Male “Lesbians” Queer ID’s based off people, Rad Inclusive, Transmed, BaB ( + all other queer exclus )
Any "System’s" ( No Matter What "Type", I dont want to see you fuckers fuck off with your “plural community” all of you are fucking bullshit ), “Endogenic System’s”, / “Mixed Origins System” / Tulpa, Pro “Endogenic” / Pro Non Traumagenic “Systems” Whatever Fucking “System Origin” You Fuckers Keep Coming Up w/
“Medically Recognized System” / “Dx”, Self Dx’ers, Pro Self Dx, “M.U.D.” / “M.U.I.”, ( Medically Unrecognized Disorders / Illnesses )
Anything on Pluralpedia! Any Discourse!
I dont wanna see it or you I will block you on sight. I dont care, i am not your friend I don’t want to be your friend leave me alone and out of this shit.
specific info about me:
K or Astral ( not giving you my full name )
They / Them, Fey / Fem, Ae / Aer ( + other neo’s )
Trans Non-binary Otherkin / Alterhuman Agender Aroace
Host of Few ( also not giving you their names who fucking does that? ) I'm an adult ( id w/ body age not getting closer than that )
interests / dislikes / triggers private fuck off idc I'm not trying to make friends here
I hyperfixate on a lot of things due to both having asd and adhd and it effects my life way too much it’s annoying af I actually fucking hate it… having both is a fucking mess istfg, also chronic depression that’s so cool who doesnt love that? been dealing with that one for years and it sucks it really sucks I dont wanna keep feeling this awful my entire life, but its not gonna stop for me i think atp.
having D.I.D. isnt something I am ever gonna get into specifically, cause why the fuck would I? why do people have the need to tell others about their extensive personal med hx "oh you have to know all about my / our "system" and everyone apart of it! and every single disorder I / we self dx'es myself / ourselves with too!" ( just had to put the plural pronouns cause that's how these people talk ik I've had personal experience with these kinda people ). do these people not understand anything about internet safety omfg do you not listen to yourself at all? you’re not going to know anything regarding my med hx that I havent already given you cause to be honest I dont trust any one of you with me and my fragmented self and you don't really need to know. my alter’s are not something I talk to anyone about online or irl really. my trauma also isnt something I am ever gonna talk about honestly me even typing all of this out is insane to me what is wrong with me….
credit: banner @/Suyasuyabi427 pfp @/muku_69.0
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ricky-mortis · 4 months
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I drew Ted from the wonderful @nabwastaken ‘s Time Bastard Au! The original design is by the talented @midnightnautilus , and was so very fun to draw!
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mammomlette · 1 month
People don’t talk about MC needing to wear a magical ring to not accidentally yk cause NATURAL DISASTERS with their powers??? Not only accidentally but without realising???
Diavolo or smthn is asking too much of MC or being a bit too annoying and their other hand slowly drifts towards the ring and they hold onto it while maintaining dead eye contact. Like continue to piss me off hoe I’ll blink and blow a hole in your castle idk
Obv they never do it (or do they?) but the threat is there and it’s a risk dia (or whoever but I’m using dia) can’t take
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mearchy · 6 months
I used to read a lot of really really dark sad whump fics pretty much exclusively. Characters getting absolutely mentally and physically annihilated in the worst, most soul-crushing circumstances possible. Lots of hurt no comfort. Lots of apocalypses. Over the past five or six years, I’ve turned to reading mostly stories about characters getting dogs and having adventures with them, or growing old together, or escaping bad circumstances against all odds. Fix-it AUs. Slice-of-life fics. I’m not necessarily a happier person. I think I just value those stories more than I did. Something something the dystopia is here something something wisdom comes with age. Dykwim
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honorthysalad · 11 months
had a terrible thought but if hgsn came out like seven or more years ago you know for a fact that the general fandom would have Hikaru and ‘Hikaru’ be twins so there could be a love triangle between them and yoshiki. The top fics would have ‘Hikaru’ be mischaracterized as a zany yandere and Hikaru would be a wooden plank that Yoshiki occasionally thinks about when he isn’t smooching ‘Hikaru’. There’d be discourse on ‘hikaru’ x hikaru selfcest/twincest shippers. ‘Hikaru’ would have some fanon name like Urakih or smth like that. Also people would make Yoshiki shorter than ‘hikaru’.
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thevioletcaptain · 1 month
i’ve been rewatching northern exposure for the first time since the late 90’s and i’m getting such bi vibes from chris this time around that I’ve just looked on ao3 for some stuff exploring that, but all i can find are fics shipping him with joel or ed 😭
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tariah23 · 4 months
Yeah… if we’re going based off canon, Gojo is most definitely a proud virgin. He’s never seemed like the type to even care about fucking or anything, not even getting into his personal feelings and how he views relationships (in his case, his friends and students. Obviously platonically) lmfao.
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acebytaemin · 3 months
was just watching a video on what to do if you feel unsafe in public bc of a man and i remembered how i made a guy backtrack and lift his hands in surrender bc of the way i looked at him after he touched my shoulder LMFAO
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taurusreads · 1 year
for who it may concern…
masterlist || paid services || ko-fi
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random messages for whoever this needs to find 🫶🏽
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some of you may have been feeling like a connection you have with someone is starting to come to an end. you may have lost a bit of contact with a friend, or have been trying to find a way to end a connection with a person. you or this person may be a water sign, or have prominent water placements. i feel like you may be ignoring some of the signs that that universe is giving to you, in favor of staying in a comfortable situation. this may be a long term friendship for some of you, as i’m seeing a reluctance to let go because of the time you’ve spent with that person. a bit of advice from your guides: if the time you spent wasn’t fulfilling, then should it really be in your life? and for others, the good times are nice to reminisce on, but when a certain relationship had run its course, it’s time to do what’s best for you. make the courageous choice of taking care of yourself, rather than expending all of your energy on others.
for some of you, a major piece of advice is to be a bit easier on yourself. you’re allowed to have fun without feeling like you’re wasting time, because you’re no wasting time. you’re actually right on track, and the universe wants you to learn to enjoy life, rather than be so serious about it. stop ignoring the things that you’re being called to do, and let go of the things you know aren’t meant for you. follow the lead of your heart, and let the universe align your energy to the things that you have been manifesting. stop resisting the change. be honest with yourself about the career path that you want to do. are you picking the career you’re in because you want to do it, or because society, your friends, your family, etc. all expect you to do it? are you truly living your highest calling, or are you trying to make the people around you happy? why is that? why do you feel undeserving of happiness, and substitute it with the happiness of others? it’s okay to ask these questions, and acknowledge that work needs to be done within oneself.
it’s time to relearn all of the life lessons that you needed. what lessons did you learn too late due to the formation of your trauma? what lessons did the situation you were in teach you and how does that reflect your beliefs and values? i think this has turned into a lesson on shadow work for whoever this may concern lol.
some of you could possibly be starseeds and if you are or that thought resonated with you, welcome bbies 🫶🏽 you may have started this lifetime with someone else in your soul tribe on a double mission. this relationship is going to provide a lot of healing to both you, your person, and the general collective as well. your mission is to raise the vibration of the universe, and bring light and happiness back into a darkened world. you will be healing past wounds, breaking generational curses, and bringing about a new age.
i think that you, your person, or perhaps the both of you could be public figures. i think your life lessons and experiences both separated and together provide more insight and understanding to a lot of other peoples situations. if not public figures, then you’re at least well known in your current community. people look up to you guys, i can see people actually using you as role models for how they want to live their lives. i feel like the connection between you and this other energy is definitely romantic, it’s giving unconditional love and adoration for another, someone who fits them like a key to a lock. one of you could also be spiritual, or have psychic abilities.
you could have been in a period where you were very spiritually aware, or at least were seeing a lot of signs and synchronicities, or you’re going to experience this soon. there will have been a surge in spiritual knowledge, getting intuitive hits randomly throughout the day, gaining clarity on very foggy areas of your life, being more trusting and open with your guides, yourself, and the universe, etc. this will have come after a period of solitude. you took the time to yourself to meet your shadow, to understand everything that makes you you, and to accept those parts of yourself and finally live authentically. things will start to shift radically in your life at that point. during this time, it is a call to action. this is the moment for you to go after the things you want, floor the gas pedal and go for the finish line!
okay this is turning into a love reading lmao hold on.
a sign that you might be meeting your person is that you start to become more expressive. you may not be someone who voices their opinions a lot, but you find yourself speaking out more where you’d usually stay silent. the four of wands fell out, which is a heavy indication of happy endings, family, healthy homes, children, pregnancy, etc. i feel like this person gets these feelings immediately, and the feeling is probably mutual lol. i think that this connection either moves really quickly once you meet, or the connection is going to surface very soon for you. either of you could have prominent fire placements in your chart as well.
i think you two share very similar mindsets, and have similar passions as well. i think that you guys could bond over a common interest in your careers as well. you may even meet because of a work project. you both needed to create the foundation you needed within yourselves to meet each other and start your mission together, and you both have reached a point where you’re ready for union. you have the ace or swords, which indicates clear intentions, deep, intellectual conversations, and new incoming contact with someone.
this connection is everything that you could have ever asked for. i feel like this is something you and your person both manifested, and it was finally the right time for you two to come together. start preparing yourself now, for you have a lot of things coming for you! it’s time to start getting ready to live your dream life 🫶🏽
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if this reading resonated, please consider checking out my personal readings and packages!
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mutalune · 3 months
I woke up at a reasonable time I contacted my realtor I picked out houses to look at this weekend I set up an appt with my mortgage person I did my dishes I did my laundry I took out the piles of trash/empty boxes/etc I decluttered every surface in my apartment I dusted I picked up so much junk that was on the floor I put clothes away I shoved a lot of stuff into boxes and put the boxes in a closet/corner/etc I cleaned my water bottle I cleaned the bathroom I cleaned the window and window sill that I use for late night moody gazing time I fed myself I reviewed my finances I brushed my cat
and I finally feel 72% less overwhelmed by life than I have in ages
All of this is stuff that has been needing done for a long while and somehow I’m supposed to manage these things while also working every day? I’m never going to manage that man I’m going to have to build in “get my life together” staycations into my work time off from now on which is. A bit annoying as that means I have less time off to use for fun things like ACTUALLY GOING ON VACATIONS and doing fun things but I will adjust my life as I need to remain sane because I will love myself and meet myself where I’m at instead of trying to force me to be a way that I’m not 😙
And now. It is 5PM. I have worked enough today. It’s now edible + sudoku + bob’s burgers time baybeeeee 😎
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brutal-out-here · 9 months
To the people who have read the original series more than me/more recently than me: Was Luke kinda manipulated by monsters/Kronos a little but before the last book in some way or did I just make that up somewhere in the last few years
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danothan · 9 months
weird question but it came up in conversation recently and now i’m curious: if you had repressed memories, what was it like to have them resurface?
personally, i don’t think my life was better living in “ignorant bliss,” but i can’t rly say i’m glad i remembered either. i wonder how other ppl feel abt this kind of thing. i’ve been living w the UNrepressed memories for the amount of time i had forgotten now, so ig i’m just thinking abt it more w my bday coming up. wow that’s crazy, i’ll have remembered for longer than i forgot
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guckies · 1 year
I get so happy when people respect Bad’s no swearing rule on his stream
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random0lover · 1 year
Tf141 members x single mom!reader makes me want to roll around on the floor crying.
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
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volume 5 but. awesome (first is a wip/test)
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