#i don't care much for cherri as of this moment by virtue of she just doesn't get much screen time BUT i am interested in her...
vaggieslefteye · 4 months
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ANGEL DUST & CHERRI BOMB | ʙᴇꜱᴛɪᴇꜱ ꜰᴏʀ (ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ)ʟɪꜰᴇ
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symphonic-scream · 3 years
Digimon au Group 2: Marinette, Alya, Nino, and Adrien
All four were in different places before they were pulled in. Marinette was waiting by her computer for an update on the internship she applied for, Alya working away on a research paper in the back of a library at an old computer, Nino editing his latest short film, and Adrien was watching something on like Netflix or something
When Alix reopens the portal to the digital world, it's not just on Max's computer. These four get sucked in as well, pulled in like the other three were
Nino comes to first, in a dusty alley in what looks like an abandoned city. He stumbles out into the street, the world around him silent as he tries to figure out where he is. He finds Alya waking up on a bench across the street, and they introduced themselves
They haven't been together long before they hear someone shouting from one of the nearby buildings. Marinette is leaning out of a broken window, looking around for any sign of life. Alya kinda shout/talks with her for a moment and convinces her to come down, they'll meet in the lobby, where they find Adrien in an empty fountain
All awake, they properly introduce themselves and try to figure out what happened. Alya pulls out her phone only to see it's replaced with the same digivices Alix, Max, and Kim got in the first post. Marinette's is black, Adrien's white, Nino's blue, and Alya's a dark blood orange. With them all pulled out, they start to glow, bringing forth their digimon partners
(see post 1 for explanation of the evolution stages) their digimon appear before them in the Training stage
For Marinette, Moonmon
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Adrien, Sunmon
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Alya gets Viximon
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And Nino gets Nyaromon
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They all kinda freak out, Adrien being instantly excited, Marinette very wary and all that. There's that bit of explanation that theyre in the digital world, these are their digimon partners, they've been brought there for a reason but they can't remember it
The group agrees to explore the city more to find maybe some food, water, a warm place to sleep that night, and find many shops fully stocked, completely abandoned, but the food and stuff isn't expired, rather it's really fresh. Alya and Nino pilfer some backpacks and stock up, while Adrien and Mari study a map on the side of what looks like a bus station
When Alya and Nino rejoin them on the street, that's when some machine digimon finds them. Starts doin that "threat detected" type shit, and oh no they have to book it someplace safe-
They get chased into an alley, where their devices glow as their partners digivolve into their Rookie stage (the typical standard one) to protect them-
Lunamon for Marinette
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Adrien gets Coronamon
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I caved and gave Alya Renamon
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And for Nino, Salamon
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They do their best to fend it off, and only manage to get a window to run off back into the streets to find a building to hide in for the night
They bunker up in what looks like a movie theatre, but all the movie posters look like knock offs of real movies but the actors are replaced with random Digimon-
With no knowledge to go on, they decide that when the morning comes, they'll head out to explore, and try to find out why they're there, and maybe a way to get home. They will eventually find what connects them, and what connects all the other teens dragged in too
Now onto the crests-
Mari and Adrien are two sides of the same coin in a way, sharing two half's of the Balance crest; Adrien Light, Marinette Dark. Adrien starting with a tendency to see good even where there isn't, and Marinette with evil. They have to accept the world is a greyscale mess, more than two tones, and that you gotta have a mix of darkness and light
Alya's got Ambition. She's always throwing herself headfirst into her projects, shooting for greater and greater heights with reckless abandon. Just like the myth of Icarus, if she soars too close to the sun, she'll plummet back down. So she has to learn that while having ambition is a virtue, it's still one she has to manage, by taking care of herself along the way
I gave Nino Friendship. Having been a loner for a while, Nino is struggling with the idea of what it means to be a good friend, to really be there for his friends. Is he doing enough? Too much? Things happen that make him feel like a shitty friend along the way, and he's gotta realize that it's a two way street; he can't put all the blame on himself, and all that communication stuff
Design time!
For Marinette, I'm thinking maybe charcoal or black denim overalls, the kind that end in shorts, yeah? Worn with a white long sleeved shirt with cherry blossoms going down the sleeves?? Little red ribbons for the pigtails, and those Toms shoes in light pink
Alya's got those high waisted jeans? The bigger ones, I don't know what they're called. With like, a wrestle mania shirt under a big flannel, she still has her glasses, and I'm a sucker for her shoes so I'm keeping them
Keeping the bright blue shirt for Nino, along with the hat. Grey jacket with a darker hood, dark brown khakis, probably some red or blue converse style shoes. He also gets to keep his glasses
And finally, Adrien. That graphic t-shirt look with the coloured stripes on a mid grey, with a collared, short sleeve black shirt over it. Some blue jeans, and some black and green sneaks
Yeah here's group 2. Yay. More Digimon au- I'll be making the group 3 post soon, with there being 6 groups in total. Feel free to let me know what you think, or if you have any questions
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