#i don't have a source to link but i did get to eavesdrop on someone asking a forensic chemist about this lmao
mixelation · 1 year
Thoughts on piranha solution?
mostly scary in that the component parts are NOT hard to get
but also fyi for all you "writers": not a good way to dispose of a body
21 notes · View notes
I have finally finished the gift for Rafayel to welcome his branching story in this upcoming September!
Hope you all will like this “Opposing Vision” from our beloved fishie! And I would very appreciate if you can support the post on the link below!
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Now is the time for our delulu!
What happens if Rafayel came to our rescue instead?
As the light from a reflecting headlight pierced my eyes, I slowly regained consciousness, the effects of the neurotoxin anesthetic wearing off. I began to recall the events that had led me to this point.
At the Nest bar, I had agreed to put everything on the line to uncover the truth about my identity. Under Rafayel's guidance, I volunteered myself as bait. As he had said, if the bait isn't good enough, the fish won't bite. And if I, along with the Aether Core in my chest, was the source of all this, then let it be the end.
But what did I get in return?
An unknown assailant kidnapped me and it was all due to my own carelessness, or perhaps, my negligence and over-dependance.
I realized I had somewhat become too attached to Rafayel, believing that he would always come to my rescue, just like he had when I was sinking to the bottom of the ocean.
Thinking back, I realized something rather peculiar. Despite being underwater, where communication should have been impossible, I had a clear memory of conversing with Rafayel. As he was about to leave, I couldn't help but cry out, begging him not to go and not to leave me behind. And as the darkness enveloped me, I could feel myself fall deep into a warm embrace.
I had gradually developed a sense of reliance on him despite the fact that we had just met. It was as if he was the one I wanted to trust, as if he were a god, and I was his devoted follower.
What was happening to me?
The screeching of tires jolted me back to reality. My kidnapper came to an abrupt stop, cursing under his breath.
"Damn it, why did the car have to break down now?"
His angry muttering was mixed with someone's voice from the other end of the phone. I couldn't make out who it was, but I could guess the gist of the conversation.
He wasn't with Onychius! Did he work for another organization that also wanted me?
What was going on? I thought Onychius was behind all this, so why is there another player? Were there some hidden secrets I have yet to discover?
But without giving me time to dwell on it, my kidnapper grabbed me and dragged me out of the car, taking me to an abandoned cemetery. As he carried me, he mumbled to the person on the other end of the line.
"There's no one around. Is this an abandoned cemetery? Hey, send someone here, quick!”
As I tried to lean toward his ear to eavesdrop, he threw me to the ground and pulled out a knife, pointing it at me.
"So, you're awake? Not bad. But don't try anything funny, understand?"
His condescending tone set me off and I think it was a good time to provoke him for more information. I answered back at him.
"What's the matter? You're just a middleman. Are you working for the N109 zone?"
Impatient, he shouted, "Shut up! Let me check the merchandise before I deliver it. Talk! Where's the Aether Core?"
His question surprised me. Didn't he know the Aether Core was supposed to be within my heart? Why would he ask such a thing?
As the man lunged towards me with his dagger, his gleaming and menace eyes made me freeze in terror. This man is no joke, he can actually kill me anytime.
The chilling realization of my impending doom washed over me, reminiscent of the moment I succumbed to the depths of the water. In that desperate instant, my heart whispered a name, the one that surfaced amidst the immense fear – Rafayel.
Just as my lips uttered his name, a fiery streak surged between us, separating me from the assailant.
A calm yet slightly languid voice filled the air, "Such an ill-mannered fellow, how dare you address a lady with such disrespect? And be mindful of your hands, for touching my hired bodyguard will not come cheap."
A surge of warmth coursed through me, dispelling the icy chill of the by-gone aura. As my gaze met his where I can distinguish the mesmerizing blend of cerulean blue and fiery red within his eyes, I knew I had unknowingly become so reliant on him. Who, after all, was protecting whom?
Undeterred, the man tightened his grip on me, his dagger now pressed against my throat. "Who are you? Do you also serve Sylus and his Onychius organization?"
The suddenness of his movement caused the dagger to graze my neck, leaving a trail of crimson. The air crackled with an eerie tension fueled by the frigid wind and the unspoken threat.
In a swift motion, a gust of wind swept us off our feet. The man's dagger, once poised to strike, was now deflected, its blade replaced by a myriad of shimmering sparks aimed directly at his throat. Startled, he loosened his grip, allowing me to fall to the ground.
I gazed up at the extraordinary scene unfolding before me. Rafayel, usually adorned with a playful smirk, now wore an icy expression as he leveled his dagger at the man, his voice laced with a chilling calm, "If you value your well-being, I suggest you cease your resistance."
The man, however, let out a derisive chuckle, "I care not who you serve, but..."
Sensing impending danger, I watched as he reached into his inner pocket and retrieved a gun, pointing it directly at me. "The Aether Core will be mine!"
I braced myself for the inevitable. In that instance, my mind racing with thoughts of where the bullet would strike – my stomach or my chest? And if it were my chest, would I have enough time to utter one last word to Rafayel?
But the agonizing pain never came.
Slowly, I opened my eyes, only to find Rafayel's face inches from my own, his gaze fixed on me with an intensity that made my heart flutter. I couldn't help but playfully nudge him, "Rafayel! What have you done this time?"
Despite my gentle push, he let out a dramatic yelp, "Ow, ow, that hurt! How could you treat your savior so?"
I couldn't suppress a giggle at his antics. His lightheartedness was a much-needed balm to my frayed nerves. Yet, the events that had just transpired lingered in my mind. What was to be done with the unconscious assailant lying at our feet?
As if reading my thoughts, Rafayel gestured towards the man, his voice laced with a hint of menace, "What would you like to do with him? Apprehend him, or perhaps..."
I understood the unspoken implication. Things had spiraled out of control, and while there were various paths to take, my instincts as a hunter prevented me from straying from my moral compass.
With a pleading look, I turned to Rafayel, "Would it be too much trouble to ask if you could anonymously report him to the authorities?"
Rafayel met my gaze, his hand ruffling my hair. "No trouble at all, but that will come out of your bodyguard salary."
True to form, even in the face of danger, Rafayel couldn't resist a playful quip.
Taking a deep breath, I looked into Rafayel's eyes with sincerity, "Thank you for saving me, Rafayel."
A flush crept across his cheeks, his expression a mix of surprise and embarrassment. He averted his gaze, his voice barely a whisper, "It's... it was nothing."
Clearing his throat, he gestured towards me, "Time to go. It’s not safe to stay here for long so let’s leave this place my bodyguard."
I was startled at the request as I was not expecting my infiltration plan would end this abruptly without achieving anything.
Really...I have to leave this place now? But I've put in so much effort to get here so far, isn't it all in vain?
I know what just happened also proves to me that N109 is not an easy place to infiltrate. Even if I want to make myself bait, it seems that not all the fish that want to bite the bait are the fish I'm looking for.
Seeing my hesitation and my mind about to wander off again, Rafayel sat down, flicked at my forehead, and tilted his head to one side, saying,
"You're overthinking it. If I was the one who helped you plan, then I could also come up with another plan. Today's mission is enough, no matter how much more you think, you won't make any progress. So why not take a break and come up with another way, how about that?"
With that, his hand reached out to me again. The slender but firm fingers invite me to trust the person in front of me, because the road ahead will not be as easy as I thought.
Determined, I took a deep breath and put my hand in his palm, saying, "Alright, let's go together then, Rafayel."
As night fell and my apartment was a distance from where I had been taken, Rafayel offered me shelter for the night at his place. Ordinarily, I would have imagined that a house as vast as his would evoke a sense of isolation and dread upon returning at night. Still, for some reason, Rafayel's home, despite its oceanic expanse, didn't make me feel lost. It was as if... I had returned home... Returned to my true roots...
There I went again... what was wrong with me? Lost in a reverie the whole evening! I couldn't even understand myself at this point!
Slapping my cheeks twice, I tried to calm myself and avoid further overthinking. These emotions probably resulted from my shock after the terrifying encounter I had just experienced.
Rafayel told me to wait comfortably in the living room while he took care of some business, giving me an opportunity to take a closer look at the room I often frequented.
Everything was still as messy as ever... Rafayel was indeed not a fan of tidying up, but when it came to his passions...
My gaze fell upon the painting he often worked on, the same painting he had been engrossed in when we first "officially" met. Looking at it again, it truly had something special...
Unable to contain myself, I got up from the sofa and approached the painting. Though I had no knowledge of art, the colors used in this painting always left me questioning. The azure of the sea mingled with the crimson of the stone Rafayel had given me, evoking a sense of... melancholy... as if it were blood spilling from the sea. Could this painting have always been imbued with such sadness? Just like at Raymond's house, when I had hallucinations of the singing voice coming from the very painting he had painted.
Was it my oversensitivity or was he harboring a sorrowful secret within the painting that he doesn’t want anyone to reach it?
As I was lost in thought, a finger gently touched my shoulder, accompanied by a soft cough. "All done, let me show you to your guest room."
I took a deep breath after the unexpected tap, "Next time, there are other ways to get my attention." But remembering his earlier mention of urgent work he had to handle, I couldn't help but ask out of curiosity, "You're done already? I'm quite surprised that an artist would have urgent work to do late at night."
Rafayel paused slightly, tilting his head to the side and scratching the back of his neck, "It's nothing big..."
At first, I didn't catch the hidden meaning in his words until he led me to my room. Looking at the furniture in the room, it seemed as if it had been hastily moved aside just to make a makeshift space right in the middle of the bed, and the traces of dust on his fingers that I inadvertently noticed, I also realized the "urgent" work he had mentioned earlier. Could it really be... that we had only known each other for a short time?
A question began to stir in my mind, adding another layer of complexity to my bewilderment.
After settling down and readying myself for bed, I realized insomnia took control of me. Each of the past events played out before me like a puzzle, each clue more difficult than the last, but with no hints or connections to piece together, just casually floating before me, mocking me and making me realize my helplessness.
In frustration, I sat up straight up, got out of bed, and walked straight to the door. I needed some fresh air to calm this wavering mind down or else I would do something out of hot-headedness that eventually makes me regret.
As I wandered around and finally reached the living room, I noticed that someone else was also in a state of insomnia. Seeing Rafayel holding a paintbrush but sitting motionless, staring intently at the blank canvas in front of him, my heart tightened uncontrollably and I gradually approached him.
I followed suit, sitting cross-legged on the floor, arms wrapped around my shins and chin resting on my knees, also staring directly at the blank canvas.
Before I could speak, Rafayel asked,
"Is it because you're in a strange place that you can't sleep?"
The question caught me off guard, as it turned out that this was what he was concerned about. I chuckled.
"No, the bed is very comfortable, even though it's a bit messy. It's still very cozy; it's just..."
My trailing off made Rafayel even more anxious.
"Hey, tell me the rest of the sentence please? I can't handle being left hanging like this! I hired you as my bodyguard, but I'm afraid I'll die before you with this way of talking..."
When Rafayel met my serious gaze fixed on him, he knew I had something on my mind. He put his hands behind his back and leaned back in a lazy way while looking at me. Tilting his head, he asked, “Then what do you want to know? Let me warn you, my information isn't as readily available as it was at the Nest bar, so there's no guarantee I can answer everything you ask…”
“Well then,” I said, “tell me how you are able to find me.”
A flicker of surprise crossed Rafayel's face, but he quickly regained his composure.
"Hmmm, who knows, maybe it's because we have a telepathic connection?"
There was that playful tone again. I glared at Rafayel in reproach.
"If that were true, then you should have realized I was in danger from the start, shouldn't you? Why wait until so much later to find me?"
As I uttered those words, the atmosphere between us shifted.
Rafayel sat up straight, imitating me by wrapping his arms around his legs and resting his head on his knees. He looked at me intently and asked, "Then what about you? If you knew it was dangerous, why did you still rush in? Why go through so much trouble just to find out the truth? Wouldn't it be better to just live in ignorance?"
For some reason, I sensed that Rafayel's reprimand held another layer of meaning. Why did I want to know? Even though my answer might not be the best, I felt I needed to let Rafayel know what was on my mind. I looked straight at Rafayel with unwavering determination.
"Because living in transparency is better than living in a fabricated reality?"
He looked at me, I looked at him. We both had our own thoughts and our own resolve. No one broke the silence until something unexpected came out of Rafayel's mouth.
"So what if the truth isn't as rosy as you think? And what if it's connected to someone you used to know, someone you used to trust, and it makes you realize that they're not the good person you thought they were? What would you do then?"
Now it was my turn to be surprised. This was something I had never considered. Could someone I used to know have completely different personalities than I thought?
I had my own answer, and it sent a shiver down my spine.
My grandmother and Caleb?
Taking a deep breath, I looked at Rafayel with an unwavering gaze.
"Then I need to know even more! Because at least, I can understand their predicament."
As I spoke, I could feel the weight of my words settling upon me. The truth, no matter how bitter or unsettling, had a power of its own. It was a force that could not be ignored, a tide that could not be turned.
Rafayel continued to stare at me intently.
His silence was deafening, his gaze unwavering. He seemed to be weighing my words, probing the depths of my resolve. I could almost see the wheels turning in his mind, the calculations being made.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he broke the silence. His voice was low and measured, each word carefully chosen.
"Alright, if you've made up your mind to find out the truth."
As he spoke, he pulled out from his inner pocket a jet-black card with gold lettering, a design reserved for exclusive invitations among the upper class. It was the contents of the card that caught my attention.
"Invitation to the Underground Auction - Venue: N109"
Just as I was about to reach out and touch the card instinctively, Rafayel stopped me by pulling it back and looking at me scrutinizingly.
"This is the reason you sought me out, came to the Nest, and became bait for Onychius. All of that was just to get to this auction with the Aether Core, wasn't it? You must remember you agreed to the gamble, and you agreed to pay a high price to find the truth you wanted. And if you fail or don't provide enough leverage, you'll become the payment yourself."
The moonlight outside shone on my gleaming eyes. Yes, I hadn't forgotten my deal. Letting out a deep sigh, I looked back at Rafayel with no hesitation.
"So, you mean that the one who should make the transaction now should be you?"
With a sly smile on his lips, Rafayel tilted his head and looked at me with an air of admiration.
"That's right. Instead of beating around the bush just to get what you want, I'll take the trouble of being your guide. And out of respect for the fact that you're my employee, I'll give you a discount, how about that?"
Even though I knew that Rafayel also held many secrets, the feeling of dependence on him made me feel more at ease than anything else.
"Alright, then it's your turn to make your conditions..."
The wind swept past the window, revealing moonlight streaming into the room, carrying whispers that only he and I could understand. The words were spoken, but the true and heartfelt intention would reveal itself in time.
"Don't you think I look... strange?"
I asked, trying to cover the daring slit of my crimson dress as I stepped out of Rafayel's newly parked luxury car. As I was struggling, a strong, clean hand reached out to me, accompanied by his gentle voice.
"You look beautiful, not strange. And if you do look strange, who dares to gossip when I'm here?"
Sometimes I don't know if this trait of Rafayel's is a blessing or a curse. Putting my hand on Rafayel's palm, I gently stepped onto the luxurious tiled steps and headed toward the main lobby of a famous hotel in N109. In contrast to the complexities and chaos of the area known for its crime, this hotel had an air of nobility but also a sense of mystery through the scrutinizing eyes in the darkness, like predators lurking with bared teeth.
And to my surprise, it wasn't just myself under watchful eyes, but the one they were observing the most was...
As I looked up at Rafayel, who was very calm and composed, looking straight ahead while putting his arm around me as we walked in, a voice from the waiter next door rang out.
"Mr. Rafayel, please this way, the esteemed guest is waiting for you."
Rafayel was indeed a regular here, so much so that someone was waiting for him. As if reading my mind, Rafayel just patted my head for a moment and then leaned into my ear and said, "It's almost time for the show. Take care of yourself, I'll come to you when I've gathered enough information. Oh, and as we agreed before, feel free to use the card I gave you, because I'll deduct it from your salary anyway."
With that, Rafayel winked at me and then pretended to speak loudly for everyone around to hear, "Have a good time, my lovely little cutie."
Those words successfully drew everyone’s attention to me. There was never a dull moment with Rafayel.
After Rafayel left, I began my search for information about the Aether core and for the possibility that someone would be selling it. I wandered around the auction room for a while, observing all the cores present in the auction room, and I realized that this was not going to be an easy task. Some of the cores present had been modified, which immediately made me think of the organization that made fake cores. What was their plan? What was their purpose in creating fake cores?
Under the dim lights of the auction room, all information about the objects on display was also swallowed up in the misty darkness. Just like the pearl I accidentally came across, it was also on display on the auction board. The inscription on the item was accompanied by a rather strange name: "Tears of the Lemurian." This pearl reminded me again of the similarly sized pearls in Rafayel's studio. A normal pearl being auctioned off in N109? Or was it more than just a pearl and held some other symbolic meaning?
Once the question was asked, it was like a wave that couldn't be stopped. I had many thoughts swirling in my head, but it was like walking through thick fog. Even though I could touch it, I didn't know where it would lead me or how to find out. As I drifted deeper into thought, a figure approached me with a warm smile, but his eyes gleamed like a hungry tiger.
"Beautiful lady, are you interested in collecting precious items? I also know quite a bit about the item you're admiring, so would you be interested in trading some information for a dance?"
Sweet words laced with hidden daggers were nothing new to me. Just as I was thinking about how to reject the insincere person in front of me who was reaching out his hand, a hand was already around my shoulder, pulling me towards his chest. A familiar voice rang out, "Excuse me, the lady here already has an escort and an appointment. I'd hate to trouble you to find another unclaimed flower."
Sensing the fiery gaze above and with no sign of either of them backing down, I quickly wrapped my arms around Rafayel and sighed dramatically.
"Where have you been for so long? You kept me waiting. You said you knew everything about Lemuria, so you have to explain it to me, right? Otherwise, I'll be embarrassed in front of this gentleman!"
Rafayel's body stiffened for a moment, but he quickly played along and gently patted my shoulder.
"Alright, anything you want is possible. So, outsider..."
With a sharp glance, Rafayel looked at the man while emphasizing, "There's no need to worry about him that much."
As the strange man retreated in frustration, I let out a sigh of relief. Just as my eyes met Rafayel's gaze as he looked down, I couldn't help but ask curiously. "What you said earlier, was it... true or false? Do you know a lot about the Lemurians?"
Unable to tell whether it was the darkness playing tricks on my eyes, but I could sense a hint of sadness in Rafayel's eyes. But that hint of sadness came and went as quickly as a passing breeze, impossible to grasp.
"If you want to know, I do understand a bit. But for now..."
Rafayel released me, then leaned down slightly, extending his hand in an invitation to dance and said, "There's something more important to do. I have the information you need, so would you like to exchange it for a dance?"
I couldn't help but chuckle. It was a time of crisis, and Rafayel still had the energy to tease. But if he wanted to, I was willing to indulge him, because at least thanks to him, I had gathered all the important information I needed to learn about the truth. But that wasn't all.
Looking straight into Rafayel's eyes, I gathered my skirt, dipped slightly like an elegant lady, and placed my hand on his palm. I also wanted to try my luck and see what it would be like to trust him.
I didn't know why Rafayel wanted to dance with me, even if it was just for show, but my limited ability was really not up to the task. However, Rafayel, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy this very much, as after the countless times I accidentally stepped on his feet despite the melodious music with a clear rhythm still playing slowly, he still guided me gently through his motions. Just don't count his endless tease by the way.
His carefree attitude did contribute to my surging calmness, though, which made me start to enjoy this little dance we had.
However, there was only one thing I wasn't satisfied with, and that was stemmed from the fact that he had promised to provide information for a dance, but so far he hadn’t spilled the beans yet.
As Rafayel noticed my movements slowing, he smiled. He knew what I needed.
And as he was about to say something, the lights on the dance floor suddenly dimmed, accompanied by a soft, soulful ballad, leaving me surrounded by shadowy figures. I felt like prey in a hunter's lair. It seemed the time was near. Without delay, Rafayel pulled me even closer. Leaning in, he whispered in my ear,
“Did you notice? At three, six, and nine o’clock, there are armed men watching us. Once this song ends, who knows how many will be waiting to capture us both. But don't worry, we're prepared. If you hear or see anything unusual, don’t be too panicked and follow my lead.”
As he spoke, Rafayel gestured towards the elevator while making a spin during our dance. “See that? When the time is right, that’s our only escape.”
As the music reached its crescendo, I could feel the danger closing in. My heart pounded in my chest. A gentle hand brushed against mine, and I looked up into Rafayel’s reassuring eyes. Taking a deep breath, I nodded. Satisfied with my response, Rafayel interlaced our fingers.
“It’s time. The location of the Aether Core has been revealed. Let’s bring this to an end.”
With those words, he gradually finished the dance and started to lead me towards the elevator. As we moved, the shadows that had been following us began to converge. Just as they were about to make their move, a loud explosion erupted. As expected, Rafayel pulled me closer and we hurried towards the elevator through the smoking air created from the crumbling of the building structures. The explosion had drawn everyone’s attention, allowing us to slip away unnoticed.
As we approached the elevator, we found a beautiful woman waiting. Just as I was about to assume she was an enemy, the woman spoke in an irritated tone.
“You owe me one. I’ll settle this with you later.”
Her gaze lingered on me for a moment before she sighed and turned to Rafayel, her expression filled with a knowing look. “You two should go. It’s time.”
Rafayel nodded. “Thank you, for everything.”
As Rafayel took my hand to step into the elevator, a hesitant voice rang out, followed by a statement only they could understand.
"So... are you still thinking about that? If you still need it, my husband would always have a slot to make it for you."
Rafayel didn't turn around, but responded before the elevator doors closed.
As the elevator doors slid shut, I felt as if I had just witnessed something profound. With questioning eyes, I looked at Rafayel, but received only a vague reply.
"Don't worry about it. Right now, all you need to focus on is achieving our goal. We can deal with the rest later."
Rafayel was right. Now was not the time. Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself and thought about the task ahead. With each floor the elevator ascended, my heart pounded in my chest.
The Aether Core has been on the rooftop of this hotel all this time?
When the elevator reached the top floor, the doors opened to a scene I hadn't expected.
Before me lay a ruined landscape shrouded in mist. Shattered glass panes, collection vessels, transporters, and various pieces of advanced equipment were scattered amidst the overgrown grass and protruding steel beams, making me imagine what this place had once been.
It was like an abandoned laboratory...
As my skeptical gaze wandered from the abandoned laboratory to Rafayel, I realized how lost I was and how intently he was watching me.
After a long pause, Rafayel asked, "Do you know... what this is?"
His question was hesitant, and I couldn't understand why. Although I didn't know why the abandoned laboratory before me felt so familiar, the simple fact that I had never been to the N109 zone led me to dismiss that theory. So I could only answer honestly, "Isn't this just an abandoned laboratory?"
As if examining my answer, Rafayel looked at me for a long time. His eyes were noting every reaction of mine with no intention of letting even the smallest details escape. When he seemed to have confirmed something, he sighed and said, "This is indeed the abandoned EVER laboratory."
EVER? The renowned research organization in Linkon? It seemed plausible that they would use this place as a research base. But as if reading my thoughts, Rafayel immediately said:
"Why do you think EVER would have placed a research facility in the N109 zone? There are many areas affected by the incident 14 years ago, but why is only the N109 zone a wasteland? Do you think it's as simple as that?" Rafayel's question reminded me of some rumors I had heard, but my current state of mind prevented me from thinking any further.
Rafayel’s hand, which had never left mine, continued to pull me through the chaotic remnants until he led me past the ruined scenes, revealing a clearer picture of what was happening.
Before me was the Deepspace Tunnel pulsating like a heartbeat echoing through the sky. It was enveloped in thick clouds that drifted through the misty night. Occasionally, blue lights emanated from these clouds, illuminating the entire horizon like eyes peering through a gap in space, looking out into the vast universe. This was the closest I had ever been to the Deepspace Tunnel.
And beneath the tunnel's horizon was a white light emanating from a pile of rock. Unable to resist, I pulled away from Rafayel and moved towards the rock figure.
"A Flux Nexus. I saw a similar one in the no-hunt zone."
As if to continue my sentence, Rafayel, who was behind me, spoke up. "I'm sure you can guess what this Nexus contains."
Rafayel's footsteps approached me and he stood beside me near the Nexus. With a calm voice and deep, focused eyes, he cautioned me. "Think carefully. Once you take the remaining piece, there's no turning back. Are you sure this is what you want to know and achieve?"
If I had come all this way, I couldn't give up now. I took a deep breath and looked into Rafayel's eyes, answering firmly, "This is what I want to know, no matter the cost. Because I want to see with my own eyes what I've been missing."
Pointing towards the Nexus, I transmitted my resonance power.
And at that moment, the Nexus opened. In the center of the Nexus appeared a stone similar to the Aether Core I had seen before. But as I touched it, the ground suddenly shook. A violent storm erupted from the entrance to the Deepspace, and a giant, dragon-like monster with its massive wings appeared. A protofield opened, and a dragon-shaped Wanderer descended, with lightning bolts striking towards me and Rafayel.
This was the first time my battle with a Wanderer had not been easy.
As Rafayel and I fought the Wanderer relentlessly, the lightning strikes continued to hit me, causing fires to ignite around me, making me feel as if I were sinking into a hazy vision.
Before I realized what was happening, in front of me was a pitch-black scene. A figure wearing a sapphire-blue ribbon crossing over the shoulder, as shining and as beautiful as the scales of a fish appeared before me, breathing deeply as if panting from exhaustion or pain. The entire ribbon, draped across his chest, was soaked in a dark color with a strong scent like blood, the color and scent deepening. A hand, covered in tattoos resembling an ancient culture forgotten, reached toward my chest and pressed firmly against my heart. In his other hand, I saw what appeared to be a lump of beating flesh. Confused and in panic, I looked down at my chest where his hand was placed, and I realized that I was also covered in blood.
"What... what is happening?" I couldn't help but tremble as a manly but gentle voice echoed.
"Don't be afraid... trust me... our promise is eternal and unchanging..."
Amidst the somewhat familiar voice, the sound of a beating heart began to pound in my chest. And before me, the beating flesh in his other hand was consumed in flames.
As my vision started to blur away, the familiar voice called out again, accompanied by the warmth of a hand stroking me.
"I'll find you... no matter where you are... I'll find you..."
When I opened my eyes again, Rafayel's hands were tightly gripping mine, replacing the warmth I had felt before.
I didn't understand what was happening, but before me was the image of the Wanderer monster gradually turning to ash and dissipating into the air, leaving trails like rays of sunlight.
And the Aether Core I was holding began to glow. Countless rays of light radiated and were absorbed into my body. It was a familiar, warm energy.
Amidst all the chaos, I was still in Rafayel's arms, embraced by him. His hand still held mine tightly, just like in my vision. I didn't know how much time had passed until the light absorbed by my body changed from crashing waves to ripples on a calm lake.
And when the light from the Aether Core ceased to radiate, it began to crack.
I pointed my hand towards Rafayel, showing him the cracked stone.
He looked at it for a long time, then turned back to me and said, "Finally, that energy belongs to you. Isn't this what you wanted?"
I looked straight at Rafayel and expressed my thoughts. "You know, what I want isn't this power, but the secret hidden behind it."
Taking a deep breath, I gripped Rafayel's hand tightly and said, "I saw... something like a dream. Have we met somewhere before? Have I forgotten something?"
For a moment, it felt like Rafayel hesitated, but that feeling disappeared as quickly as it came.
"You must be tired. You need to rest. Let's go, this isn't a place we should stay long. We can answer your remaining questions another time. How does that sound?"
As quickly as the door to answers opened, it had been abruptly shut closed. After the events of today, there are still many hidden secrets with answers still missing. This coincidentally reminds me of the Lemurian culture, where each answer is met with another question.
Maybe this is indeed long from over.
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