#i don't know law things i only know money math
darry-queen · 17 days
How much Darry and Soda would make modern day and if it would be enough to pay for at least the three of them: (note this may not be incredibly accurate and while yes I did do research while calculating this shit it wasn't super in depth! feel free to correct me on any and all mistakes you notice and feel free to also give your own opinions!! Much love!)
Starting with Darry's:
Before I get into number this is all assuming that Darry works exclusively the hours allotted to him while missing no work, he'd have a 5 day work week at 40 hours which is standard practice in the United States, except for his part time job which he'd be working 25/h a week (i talk about this more later just continue reading) also I'm not giving them any kind of insurance. Sorry! Lol!
Starting salary of a roofer in Oklahoma is $14/h with the average being around $15/h. Assuming this Darry will be getting around 30k a year. I'm going to be generous and say he works for a good company and has a strong union so I'll give him a end of year bonus as well ($200-$800)
His weekly pay would be around $550-$600
This would be taxed though! Using a taxing calculator (bc I'm not doing all that math babeee) He'd be payed around $500 a week.
Darry also canonically has a second job! Though it is never really talked about, not even mentioned whether it's part or full time. I'm just going to assume, generally, that it is probably a part time job that pays minimum wage. (I'm aware that there are many popular hc's as to what this job is I'm ignoring those lol) now I don't live in Oklahoma but I do have personal experience with working part time and it fucking sucks. They have you working only slightly less then a full time employee so they do not have to give you full benefits. It is an incredibly fucked up and exploitative practice.
Something to note is that Oklahoma allows part time employees to be payed half minimum wage the first 90 days of employment when under the age of 20. I do not think I will include this in the calculation because even though Darry would be 19 at the time of his parents death I think he would be 20 not long after and I do not care enough to look into this law to include it in my calculations! Just wanted to mention it because?? What the fuck Oklahoma?
Anyway, part time would have Darry working 25 hours a week for $7.25/h which would be around $180/week. After taxes he'd make $160/week getting him to $660 a week.
Finally, what everyone was waiting for.... doordash fucking driving baby. Considering he lives in a populated area I am going to be generous and say he manages to get around $20/h from doordash driving. Assuming he does this on the days he doesn't work part time (so the other 15 hours) he'd make a whopping 16k extra a year OMG!!
As for any money he'd earn from the state for guardianship of Pony and Soda: Idk! It's kind of confusing trying to figure out Oklahoma giving shit out for this because fostering and guardianship are two dif things and I'm almost certain Darry would have Guardianship over his siblings, not fostering them. So I'm just not including it: he may have received a check upon first becoming their guardian but since that is a one time thing I'm not going to include it in my final calculations (i know this is kinda contradictory for giving Darry a bonus for his roofing work but IDC IDC IDC IDC I AM NOT PUTTING THAT MUCH EFFORT INTO THIS (NOTE I FILLED OUT A MOCK W2 FORM TO GET A ROUGH ESTIMATE OF WHAT DARRY'S TAX RETURN WOULD BE BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I CARE))
All of the above considered: Darry is making $960 a week. Wow!
Now for Sodapop!
Soda I'm just going to copy paste what Darry's theoretical part time job would be because it's almost time for me to go to bed and I couldn't find any special rules for 16< year olds, so he'd be working 25 hours for $7.25 which after taxes is again $160
In total him an Darry combined are making a good healthy $1120 a week on average. Probably more if you consider Darry going insane with doordash/overtime! Overall a good $4480 a month
Expenses Include:
Mortgage payments
power bill
water bill
natural gas
car payments (maybe)
car insurance (maybe)
phone payments
internet bill
probably more I can't remember off the top of my head
OKAY NOW explaining the maybe's rq
You can just, not pay for car insurance. It's illegal, but when you're poor it's not like you can really care about the legality of certain things. Sometimes, it's eating vs car insurance, y'know? Especially because Darry is only 20, that shit is going to be expensive. And the car was def under his dad's name previously so he also def doesn't have any history. I'mma be generous though and say that he does have CREDIT history, which following my own car insurance premiums: my man is going to be paying like, $400 a month. and trust me, I'm being generous here. This is also for liability only. crazy right? With that considered, if I can not get Darry's salary to work with the rest of his expenses I'm saying he's driving without insurance. Hope you understand.
Now for the car itself, it might be payed off already might not. Again it's almost time for me to go to bed so I"m not willing to double check the book to see if car payments are ever mentioned. If they are I'll come back and fix this another time but for now. I'm not including it.
As for the gas for this theoretical truck? I'm going to put it from $250-$300 a month based off of what Reddit car owners said on how often they have to get gas for their own trucks. Great!
OKAY NOW FOR THE REAL EXPENSES! The average cost of utilities in Oklahoma, Tulsa specifically, is $270 a month for electricity, like $130 a month for natural gas, and for water $100 a month. Now you're probably saying, "Paya, isn't that a little high?" to which I'd say, they have 4 (presumably more) other boys coming around almost everyday. SO I feel it's fine to rate that shit on the higher side of things.
Before I forget: the mortgage payments!
This one is kinda fucked! I have no idea when the Curtis parents bought the house in canon. If it was after, or before Darry was born, etc. Because of this you can kinda just make hc's for this. The reason I say this is because obviously the housing market now is VERY different from the one in the 40s-60s which is when they'd have had to buy the house in cannon. In fact, I'm not even entirely sure they own the house in canon I'm just assuming right now! Like, if you're making a modern au: feel free to say that they're renting! Like who really cares about it? I'll even calculate it here for you so you have a frame of reference: Assuming the house is at least 2 bedrooms 1 bathroom it's gonna be around 1.5k a month. If you want to say they're paying a mortgage though, I'm going to assume based off the little data I could find of average home cost in 2004 (I'm assuming the house was bought around the time of Darry's birth) we're looking at somewhere between 150k-250k. I'm going to low ball it though because I think Oklahoma housing prices are generally cheaper and I'm going to assume they'd go for something affordable over something large. So I'll say 175k! Average interest on a home loan in 2004 was around 6%, with a 20% downpayment Darry will be paying 1k a month for the mortgage. Not that bad!
Phone bill is p cheap around 100$ feel like you may be able to play around with this. Like maybe they're paying for Johnny? Who knows not me I want to go to bed!
Food is like so fucking expensive now tbh. I pay $300 a month on grocery shopping a month for my household. Assuming Darry is purchasing food for himself, his brothers, and a little extra for the gang I'm going to put his grocery bill at around $500 a month. I think I'm lowkey low balling it, but I think he'd be a good bargain shopper. Btw, don't ask if he qualifies for food stamps! Because he doesn't!
internet bill is significantly cheaper going to be around $50 a month, as for services like live streaming and other things, we're gonna say it's all pirated. no one is paying for that shit when you can get it online for free! (Personal hc: Steve is a fucking amazing pirate and can get you literally anything you ask for.)
Final cost of living for my boys, not including school supplies, school/extra curriculars/or clothing: $2400 - $3350
Ending conclusion: If Darry works 80+ hours a week and Soda helps out with his part-time job they have more then enough to pay for almost all living expenses. Tell me where I fucked up! Thanks. Btw according to the shittily done w2 I did for Darry he'd get almost 2k in tax returns; i most def fucked something up but I'mma accept it despite that.
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tmntheadcanons · 9 months
tmnt 2003 headcanons: board game night
Never wins
He's terrible and will almost always come in last
His problem is that he's impatient so if the game requires any strategy or thinking ahead he just won't
He begrudgingly agrees to play a board game to humor everyone but then he gets too invested
Sometimes he will get too into it and he will unintentionally be so loud. You can hear him yelling from the next room and you're like "omg what are they doing in there?" and they are playing scrabble
He's debating with Donatello if his made-up word counts
Him and Mikey have a near fist fight over who gets to be the car in monopoly every time.
He also pulls risky plays, he will put everything on the line on his first turn
At the end of monopoly night he's left defeated in jail, in shambles with one monopoly dollar left to his name, a shell of the man he once was
He plays as the dog because Mikey threatened to eat the car if he didn't get it
Reads the instructions out loud but no one is actually listening so he has to explain the rules to everyone like five times
He is the board game referee and his word is law. He is the only thing stopping the evening from turning into an all out brawl
Donnie likes boring math games that no one else knows how to play (Mikey's words)
(He's talking about cribbage)
Donnie will put up a good fight, especially if it's a logic based game
But he over thinks and plays too cautiously
And when he isn't playing a round he will hover over someone's shoulder and tell them what to do
And no one likes to play trivia games with Donnie because he's too good
In monopoly he plays as the thimble
Leo is dangerous because when they play board games he sits politely and looks like he's just quietly enjoying himself but he's actually watching
He's plotting
He picks up on everyone else's strategy and then destroys them one by one
He gets progressively more unhinged as the game progresses
No mercy
He just will sit there with a polite grin on his face while he bankrupts his own brother (in monopoly)
And then as soon as it's finally over he just sits there and is like "So are we playing another round?"
In monopoly he plays as the top hat
With Mikey it could go either way, he will either be eliminated in 10 seconds or he will do surprisingly well. It really depends on the game. Mikey can be strategic, it just depends on if he's interested in the game.
I feel like Mikey likes games that have a bit of a story to them and if they don't he will make one
In monopoly Mikey will create a narrative and then try to use it to guilt his brother's into not making him pay
He'll be like "Please. I am but a humble commoner. I need this money to feed my family of eight. If you take it my children will surely starve. Do you want their blood on your hands, Leonardo?"
But also he would trade his real-life brothers for 10 monopoly dollars
Like Raph, he's also impatient and tends to just wing it but he has better luck than Raph, and he subconsciously picks up on other player's strategies
If he is giving 100% effort he might be able to give Leo a run for his money
In monopoly he refuses to play as anything other than the car
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Hey Steven, maybe you can help me with something I'm trying to articulate, but I'm not even sure is accurate, just seems like something I've observed, but I could be wrong.
So I've often heard about how the STEM fields are becoming more and more prioritized over the humanities in colleges, and that seems broadly true to me (though there's also other stuff that gets promoted over the humanities like business and law, it feels, though they might qualify as humanities, I don't know), and yet, in my opinion, it seems too broad, cause it seems less STEM and more TE, with the S and M put next to the humanities as fields you shouldn't bother with if you want a profitable career.
Technology and Engineering, it seems to me, are boosted over all else. I don't exactly see people saying get a job as an astronomer or a physicist or a biologist or a mathematician unless it's specifically to "contribute towards society in a profitable way (like, I hear geologists can get employed to help find new sources of fossil fuels, for example)," but meanwhile I hear people say, "just learn to code!" or get a degree in some engineering field or something like that. Basically, a focus on fields that contribute directly to someone making a profit instead of enriching society through the arts or through new discoveries. I don't know if what I said made any sense but I wonder your thoughts on all of it.
(Business I grant you, although a lot of that is due to employers subsidizing MBAs for their white collar workers. However, while Law used to be quite profitable for both parties, it's been in a bit of a demographic crisis for a few years now due to the fact that the number of legal jobs that pay well enough to afford law school tuition have declined massively and the number of people applying to law schools started to nosedive as well. Paul Campos, my colleague at Lawyers, Guns, and Money, has been on that beat for years.)
With regards to STEM, I think it is true that these things are pushed only in so far as they can be harnessed to the generation of profit. Technology and Engineering we agree on; these workers are highly prized by existing industries, they lend themselves well to both start-ups and spin-offs, and their work can be patented in ways that generate profit for both corporations and the university.
However, when it comes to Science, you need to remember that the "S" includes both applied and theoretical sides - and applied sciences look a lot like Technology and Engineering when it comes to industry demand for skilled workers, the potential for start-ups and spin-offs, and the profitability of patents. Think bio-medical, think bio-chemical, think Pharma, think materials and nano-tech and on and on. However, you are quite right when it comes to the theoretical sciences; you do that for the love of the game.
It is true that Mathematics is the most abstract, the most academic, and the hardest to monetize in the ways described above. However, as I learned from my union colleague who was in the Math department (who ironically went on to a career as a union organizer rather than attempt a career as a mathematician), there is one avenue for money-making with a Mathematics degree:
I don't know whether this is still as true as when I was in grad school, but it used to be that Wall Street would throw very handsome salaries indeed at anyone with quant skills from any branch of STEM. (In fact, I remember complaints from some Engineering professors that industries that actually make stuff couldn't get enough engineers because they could make more money working for a hedge fund than actually engineering things.)
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mr-shrimp · 25 days
It's September now, and I wanted to write about r*ssian schools, and I even had a draft about it, but I deleted it accidentally :(
Btw it's not a big deal, so enjoy this bullshit from typical r*ssian student <3
I want to do this bc I'm pretty tired of this, and I just want others to know that.
This post gonna be smth like QA format, bc it is a lot of easier to write ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Russian school core(I guess). Let's go!
First things first. How long do you need to study?
-> Well, if we talk about ordinary school, then you can study 9 years or 11 years(this is optional). In year it's 9 months for studying and 3 for rest(nice joke). After 9th grade you can go to the high school or go to the college and then to university as well. After 11th grade you can go right to university(but here is option to go to college after 11th grade). In university system is not different from European with Bachelor degree, but as I know in this year or maybe in the next one they want to remove this and make only specialty degree. It sucks bc your specialty diploma will be invalid in countries with Bachelor degree. And with specialty degree you need to study about 5-6 years.
How old must be child?
-> In most of the cases it is like 6-7 y.o. Some schools have pre-school studying, here children are about 5 years. In the end of your execution in school you may be like 15-16(9th grade) or 17-18(11th grade)
Does children also have such a fucked lessons table?
-> Nah, they have like 3-5 lessons about 35-40 mins. First 4 grades are such a relax, hah
What about exams?
-> in the end of the 4th year you need to pass two exams(as I remember): rssian language and math. In the end of 9th grade you need to pass 4 exams: rssian, math and two optional disciplines. And in the end of the 11th grade you need to pass at least 3 exams: rssian, math(base or profile), and 1-5 optional. Maybe now max number of optional exams has changed, but I don't care.
Which exams did you choose?
-> I gonna write biology and chemistry in any way, bruh. Maybe sociology, too, bc I also into law(not new laws they are bullshit) and this kind of thing. Or maybe I should be a designer, I like money and I like to draw:) my doodles pretty cute hah
What about rest? Holidays? Weekends?
-> Okay, this is pretty interesting. In most of moscow schools we have 5-1 system, which means 5 weeks of studying and 1 week of holidays. Also, we have a lot of holidays for all country such as new year holidays or may 1st and may 9th. It is really a lot of holidays in r*ssia, tho. Although I said it is 3 month of holidays, but for real you need to study and here. Why? It's pretty complicated. You need to read a lot of books, you need to practice all disciplines, you need to prepare to your exams and smth like this, bc if you not gonna do it... well, it would be sad. Weekends don't exist in rssia you just sleep. Really, you tired as fuck after this weekly five-day-in-a-row executing. And you even need to do your homework, but all that you can is sleeping.
What about study program?
-> It's hard. Really. I'm at the last grade, and this is my lessons for every week(in two versions, look at pics below). And if you want to know, math in r*ssian schools is like math in a lot of math universities in America or England or any of European countries. And it is not about math only, it is about all disciplines. Like, in 10th grade we learning about sinuses and logarithms(fckng bllsht)
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-> In mscow schools we have special programs like medicine class(here I am), IT-class and more more others(Pic below, translate it by yourself). They call it "project classes". And for every project class it is its own main disciplines. For example, in medicine class it is chemistry and biology, but they added prof math for some hecking reason and I hate this shit, but BTW.
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-> As for daily classes table, this is really tough. We starting at 8:15 a.m. and ending at 3 p.m. or even at 4:40 p.m. This is NOT optional. You must go for all classes even if you don't need physics or prof math. You just MUST. We have lessons every for 40 mins and breaks for 20 mins. And no, we haven't any special long break for eating. If you late to your classes you gonna be scolded, bc "why can't you eat faster???". Oh well, maybe because I just can't hah? Anyway you need to go from cabinet to another cabinet and try to eat if you want. And the most absurd that we have special breaks for eating, but they also lasts 20 minutes.
-> As for holiday, you can't relax either, bc this is a lot of homework. For example, my friend(from IT-class) in last year had about 400 mathematical equations to solve for homework for 1 week. Wild, isn't it? Ofcourse not all teachs like that, but anyway. Our literature teach said to write essay about 400-500 words(okay ngl she like to make us write it even if it not holidays).
What about food?
-> Oh yeah cockroach it my oatmeal and juice with water, love it. Not gonna lie, we really have cockroachs in our dining room at school. And I guess teachs like "well until cockroachs not fall from ceiling to children food it's alright"(no, it's not). I really like to eat, even if it just an apple, I like food, and food at school is really bad. You have a choice: first to not eat, second to eat at dining room, and third to bring your homemade food. In any case you don't have time for really enjoy the food :(
What about "ins" of school?
-> in mscow schools pretty okay, in my school we even have green room with a lot of plants, we call it "winter garden". Cabinets are okay, but light is bad like they older then me. But in other regions it like very old house that may fall at every second. And some of them don't have bathrooms. I didn't joke. Or it is a toilet like a.. erm.. hole in floor? Yea, something like this I guess. And some regions(villages, for example) don't have schools.
-> As for lessons, it is just very strict teachs and really hard program. Okay, let's talk about "conversation about important things". As you all know in 2022 rssia started a w*r with Ukraine, and from this moment in all schools started this shit. In short this is something like patriotic lessons where they just lie to you how good our country is and how good that we live here and how bad another world is. Well, smth like this was at ussr time, too, as i remember this right. But you know, this lessons are necessary even if they don't have marks for it. You just need to know that all people in the world are bad and only rssia are innocent and saint(/sarc). Fucking bullshit.
What about project classes?
-> Well, Idk for other classes, but in medicine class we have pretty hard program. You need to know all chemistry and biology, make an individual project, go to medicine college(uh um hello I go to high school bc I don't want to go to college guys what's wrong with u), go to lessons in university like RUDN, Pirogov RNRMU(rssian national research medicine university) and etc. And this is all after your ordinary classes, ofcourse :)
And what about college?
-> Nothing special, we just were riding the subway there 1 hour, then studied for 3 or 4 hours at college and were riding the subway back for 1 hour. And for sure it sucks, bc I returned home at 9 p.m.(or even 10 p.m.) every Monday. And our teach said that we were lucky bc they could make our college classes at Saturday. And in the end we can get our diplomas in the end of the 11th grade. Why? For what? Idk.
What about program? You always say this is hard, but why?
-> So, biology(molecular, botanic, anatomy, ALL biology), organic chemistry, prof math, probability theory, physics and more other. All this university level. And a lot of home work after which you don't even have strength for yourself.
What about attitude towards mental health? And health as well?
-I have diagnosed severe depression and I'm still studying full-time education program. No one cares if you can stand, even if you have a fewer. But at least tech can send you to nurse or back to home. In rssian schools no one really cares about your mental health, your pronounces and other individual things. Well not all teachers stop bulling towards kids, and some of them are bullies themselves. I think that's enough to understand this.
Well, that's all, I guess. It is really a lot of issues that I didn't say. Please repost or reblog as much as possible. As for living in rssia it is like, you know, living in "1984", just read latest news and new laws in 2022-2024 period and add to this w*r with innocent country.
And stay safe all of you♡
Yes somewhen I make this rq please don't beat me :(
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kimyoonmiauthor · 1 month
I heard there is a Myka Stauffer Documentary...
and I'm sure someone took credit for the work I did with my friends and network in the documentary because they didn't contact me. But I do want to loosely remind people that they are not helpless when you see a disgusting practice in your midst.
To jog your memory, Myka Stauffer decided to "rehome" her autistic child. I was in the middle of math hell, so I swore I wouldn't do anything about it because covid+math hell were not good things. (Math hell is calculus, BTW.)
But for a week people were reporting what "Without a Crystal Ball" was reporting without a resolution. And I looked into it and I could not sit still. Here was an ND Asian kid who was effectively missing and who didn't have a spot of government oversight. Holt didn't know where he was (the agency who was in charge of him, having taken over his previous agency that placed him), and no one knew if he was safe.
I was angry once I had time to investigate it. This influencer was milking that plight of this little boy for likes and views without presenting any solutions. In fact ALL of Youtube was doing so. Some of them were using his real name and his likeness to milk him for money. And I hated all of them for it. I thought in all of that time I'd seen the news at least ONE of them would come up with a FUCKING SOLUTION that involved the safety of the little boy in question.
People were asking people to collapse Myka Stauffer's Youtube channel and her husbands, but not one influencer was asking after the safety of the child. I knew that children can end up in sex trafficking rings when there isn't proper dissolution, etc. Since there was no social worker involved, no law enforcement and the law had not stepped in despite the public case. I looked up the local police department, found their twitter and then found the mayor and governor and started in my free time asking everyone, absolutely everyone I knew to write a letter to the sherrif and mayor about this case. I looked up the law for the state she lived in and me and an adoptive mother friend of mine launched a letter writing campaign together.
I say this, not because I want credit, but because I'm am making damned sure those influencers don't get credit for their shit behavior. I went on every one of their videos and posted the letter that me and my friend composed together to ask after the boy with the twitter account, and contacted every adoptee with any kind of sway with the letter and we as an adoptive collective worked together to make sure and get the sheriff to investigate if the boy was in fact safe and in proper hands.
And FUCK ALL OF YOU. I'm saying this as an adoptee, especially those who were adoptive parents. FUCK ALL OF YOU for not giving a damn about the outcome of that boy that you didn't inquire about his safety.
I kept on the sheriff department for weeks on end, I coordinated at the risk of failing my class. People yelled at me that it would be no use, that they were helpless and couldn't send a simple letter. People yelled at me about Myka Stauffer. I tried my best to put it out there.
And while I was at it, I leveraged that information to finally pass protections in my own state, have people write Holt about this mess and ask for protections, ask people to write to adoption agencies both domestically and abroad to ask for better protections against rehoming. Because good activism isn't just the case in front of you, it is future cases too.
So I ask you if you watch that documentary to remember any influencers that show up on that doc did not give two shits about rehoming as a core issue. The adoptive parent influencers. Myka Stauffer. And I would beg, beg influencers to use your influence to actually do the full gamut of good.
It was not my complete intention, but soon after ALL adoption agencies banned influencers from adopting for likes and clicks. To which I say GOOD RIDDANCE. Because you never reached out to adoptee advocates to see what they thought or cared to change the issue. None of you proved you were one of the good ones. It was a popular issue so resolving it wasn't your intention.
In the end, Without a Crystal Ball tried to take credit for the work that me and my friends did together. Our collation of birth parents, adoptive parents and adoptees. Because advocacy cannot be done alone. And I told her via twitter that was *our work together* and none of hers because she didn't give two shits about the boy's safety and never organized to ask after him. She only wanted likes and views and to milk it which didn't make her better than Myka herself. Because a resolution would end all of the attention she was getting. And she blocked me because she didn't want to own the truth.
So I'm saying use power and advocacy well, you can change laws, you can speak out, you should not be passive when you have the power to make change. And that's what I want you to remember when you're watching that documentary. You have power if you're willing to wield it for good and please use it well.
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star-mum · 1 month
the ages in Teen Wolf make no fucking sense and the MTV writers made it MY ISSUES SPECIFICALLY
insane rambling (and very bad math) under the cut
I was thinking.... the Hales weren't recluses ??? (post fire Derek doesn't count, he's been through stuff) cause Derek went to highschool like normal ??? So WHYYYY (besides convenient writing) doesn't ANYONE REMEMBER THEM ??????
Like yeah Derek was older than the main cast, whatever, but CORA ????? SHE'S THEIR AGE ???? THEY PROBABLY ALL WENT TO PRESCHOOL TOGETHER ???? AT LEAST MIDDLE SCHOOL ????
SO !!! i have JUST NOW decided that Cora, Derek and Laura are 3 years apart from each other. "What about Talia and Peter?" you ask me and if you'd given me a FUCKING SECOND I'D TELL YOU !!! GEEZ !!!
Okay so IF we assume Peter is in his early 20s when Derek is in highschool considering ONLY the actor who played him in the Paige Flashback then okay, fine they're like almost 20 years apart BUT !!! Look at Peter now !!! LOOK AT HIM !!! THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN IN 4-6 YEARS (depending on how old you think s1 Derek is) (we'll get to that too, hold on) SO !!!! Im gonna ignore that weird casting choice and confidently give Talia and Peter a 13 years age difference, why ? you ask... idk sounds like a good number, I like things in 3s- WRONG !!! I DID EXTENSIVE MATH AND THINKING ON THIS !!!
We're gonna take some liberty here and assume Wolf Born Families are a bit traditional when it comes to kids and stuff SO Talia would've probably had her first kid in her very early 20s BUT we also need to consider that she was The Alpha of the house (and I refuse to believe Hale isn't HER family name) (OH ALSO !! Since the spark passed from her to Laura we can assume, cause I want to, that, at least, the Hale Pack worked as a matriarchy) which demands a lot of respect and work soooo I'm gonna go with her being about 24-25 when she had Laura
WHICH !!! Would've made Peter 11-12, which is not that different from the age gap he has with Talia, so he probably used to look at Laura much more as a sister than a niece (you know for the pain and suffering and drama) SO !!! when Derek was 15, Peter was 29-30 aaaand 29 makes the most sense to me, so I'd go with that!
Please dont get me started on the contradicting age of our "teen" cast !! Scott is 15 and then 18 in 10 months ???? Doesn't make sense !!!! So to ME the teen cast is all 17 in season 1 !!! except for Alison who's a year older and very understandably insecure about turning 19 and still being in highschool. And then in the span of 10 months we roll around to Scott's 18 birthday !! hooray time is linear !!!
All this to say, these are all people around the same age as our main characters AND THEY WERE PART OF THE TOWN !!!! HOW COME NO ONE REMEMBERS THEM ????
Even if we operate on the belief that Derek is, during season one, between 19-22 (which feels correct to me) that still makes the family fire NOT THAT LONG AGO (4-6 years) HOW COME PEOPLE ARE FORGETTING ABOUT IT ALREADY ????
Cora is the same age as EVERYBODY ELSE !!!! did they not go to middle school together ? do they not remember her ? who was she friends with ? Before Paige died Derek was very well integrated into High School culture, we have no reason to believe either of his sisters were homeschooled. Peter was a grOWN ADULT !!! I KNOW THE HALES WERE OLD MONEY RICH BUT DID HE NOT HAVE A JOB ???? DID HE NOT HAVE A LAW FIRM TO WORK AT ??? (recently came across a "Peter Hale had a law degree" post and it's canon to me forever now) Did Laura not pick up her siblings from school not a SINGLE DAY OF THEIR LIFE ????
OH !! WHICH REMINDS ME !! Derek said at some point that the fire happened when he and his sister were still at school and I'm pretty sure that was on s1 so he obviously meant Laura (i don't think the writers had Cora planned from the beginning, she was there to work in Erica's place) BUT !!! What if he did mean Cora, he walked his little 12 yo sister to school because he's Big Sister Laura (18 yo) was away for college at that time !!! And Kate had no choice but to leave those 3 out cause Laura wouldn't have come home without a good reason and Cora went to school at the time was Derek just a different building
This brings me to my (hopefully) final point: what the fuck is Deatons problem ???? He was Talia's emissary, he knew the pack inside and out and they very OBVIOUSLY KNEW HIM !!! HE WAS BESIDE THEIR ALPHA ALL THE DAMN TIME !!! How come Derek didn't recognize him ???? My vague memory on the dialogue between Deaton and Peter in s1 makes it seem like they Knew Each Other, in that ominous way... why didn't Derek ?? He wasn't a small child, he knew Deaton too, he could've remembered him ????
Again... things that feel like they were written into the plot only AFTER s1 aired
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anxiouswritingbitch · 2 years
Do you have any head canon about where and what would the Hacketeers counselors study if they go to university or where they would work after the summer camp?
Yep ! Hope you enjoy !
Requests still open in my inbox
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕣𝕤 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕖 + 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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I feel like after all the nearly dying and killing of the night at camp, he'd somehow start to think like "fuck it. you only life once" and decide to go to the animation school he was talking to Chris about.
So yeah, he would feel bad for his family for a bit, but he'd enjoy his education I think.
Probably would start working as soon as he can for small projects that are animation related. I feel like he'd enjoy making cartoons ?
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Same as Ryan, the boy's going to follow his dreams and major into quantum physics in college. And heck yeah he's going to be good !!
I feel like he never was a big fan of school, except for the science subject. But now that he's only got those, he really excited to be in class, for the first time.
I think he'd do great as a teacher. Science is his passion, and even if he's shy, he loves to share it with others. He wants to prove that math and physics can be fun.
Probably teaches for high school, maybe middle school too.
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Art school all the way babey ! She was a bit insecure about it first, because yk, not the most stable life, and she's an anxious cookie.
But after the traumatic events of the night, art became her only refugee. The only way to get better was to draw, paint, anything to get the nightmares out of her system. She then realized she wanted to do that for a living too.
Once she graduates, she probably goes from project to project for a while. Testing stuff, living her life and enjoying it.
I feel that she would become a teacher a some point too, maybe later in her life. She was great with the kids at camp, and they loved her class.
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Girl followed her dream ! She was so sure of herself, and so happy when she finally started her vet studies. After the hellish summer she went through, this felt like a huge victory.
After years of study, she started working in a cabinet and she was great there. I feel like she'd want to open her own at some point. She's a badass she'll succeed.
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Getting rejected from uni was hard for him. Without really knowing what to do, he started doing a few jobs here and there to save a bit of money. Get a bit of experience too.
The year after, he tries college again. He didn't think he could do it, but Laura tutored him a lot. He got in !
Majored in psychology. He's good at listening people, he's an empath you know. Wants to be a psychologist, or anything related in the field. He wants to help people, especially those with strong trauma.
If he and Laura ever have children, I'd kinda see him as a stay-at-home dad though.
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Majors in communication or something. She is great at being an influencer, she knows how to sell a product. Talking to the people is her thing.
She's still going strong on social medias, and that definitely helps her getting a job later.
Probably was in marketing for a while, but she didn't really fit there. That world wasn't for her.
She then works in the communication team for small enterprises that she likes (people that organizes events, or things like this). She's the social media manager of this kind of stuff.
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She has no idea what she wants to do with her life. She's a free spirit, and having to decide what her path will be right now is scary.
So she follows her parents' advice and go to college. She majors in law studies. It was bit of a random choice, but in the end she likes it quite a lot. She's good with people, and not afraid to step up.
Thinking back, during the trials against the Hackett family, she was amongst those who fought the hardest to bring the truth out.
Later, she specializes in all the case that don't have a rational explanation. She's been there, she knows what it likes. She's the best lawyer in town.
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Doesn't know what he wants to do with his life either. But unlike Kaitlyn who spent hours thinking about it, Jacob is way more chill. He goes with the flow.
He tried college. But with all the trauma and his guilt at somehow having caused them to stay, along with the breakup with Emma, the boy had it quite rough. He wasn't the best at school before, but with all the shit, college just didn't work out for him.
Like Max, he tries a lot of small jobs to get a bit of money.
Eventually he gets back on his feet and remembers what he was good at : sport. He trains and spends a lot of time in gyms, and starts working there.
Later, he either continues this way in the gym world, or becomes a sports coach in school. He was good with children, and he still is !
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Nick loves cooking. But cooking schools aren't the best on resumes, at least not to his parents. So they make a deal : Nick tries college.
He and Jacob stayed tight after this summer. Thankfully, they don't even life that far, so they just went to the same college. As mentioned before, Jacob didn't stay long. Nick finished the year, but he really didn't like it.
Against his parents' wishes, he dropped and started culinary school. He moved in with Jacob, he had enough of his parents as roommates. He also took a part time job at a restaurant to afford it all (still had help from his parents though).
Stayed in the restaurant and climbed the ladder. He's happy with his cooking.
Lmao I realize that I hc a lot of them as teachers. Imagine them all teaching in the same school. Hilarious.
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nebulicious · 2 years
Currently Reading : The Inheritance Games - Jennifer Linn Barnes
26% read so far
Only at a quarter of the book, but SO MANY things to say.
This is a rant. If you don't like your favorite book being criticized, I'm sorry, don't read this, your feelings WILL be hurt.
We don't know what Avery looks like ???? She has not been physically described yet, doubt she ever will. Is it for the reader to identify more easily to the protagonist ? Tbh, something is bothering me in the fact that the author spends so much time describing males of the family, specially the brothers but not saying a word abt the females characters.
WHY is everybody acting like Avery is some kind of genius ???? Ok for that math or physics test, but the keys ???? Like???? It's not that complicated really.
She's the worst friend ever. Doesn't give a f about Maxine, only talking about herself.
Maxine is annoying.
I'm going to talk about the boys. Big, big issue to introduce a character, totally drunk and acting like it is SO COOL. Isn't he underaged ? (I drank underaged but didn't exposed this as cool in front of thousands of persons). Grayson, nothing to say really, empty shell. Same for Xander, but he likes to eat so I tolerate his presence. Nash ??? Well idk, fake rebel that can do what he's doing thanks to grandaddy.
Liberal shit. I know this is for young adults (I still am I guess?) So maybe it's not supposed to be like ""analyzed"" but it's not bc your audience is 15 that it's dumb. Exposing wealth. Making it something desirable to teenagers that probably already have a lot. Spend no time knowing what life was like for Avery with no money, really. She should've been taking care of psychologically. People that win enormous amounts at the lottery get the possibility to see a psychologist. She's underage and I don't know US & Texas Laws but I doubt she can do anything with her money.
The message I get from this book so far is : It's SO GREAT to be filthy rich. Don't think about the consequences, don't think of others. She didn't have a thought for the good she could do around her thanks to this money ? For her sister ? Maxine ? For the world, in general ? Guess she's egotistic af. (Maybe the book will go towards this direction)
I'm having fun summoning Bourdieu & the Pinçon-Charlot. That's the positive thing
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hospitalterrorizer · 1 month
tuesday - wednesday
watched ernst lubitsch's film 'the doll' today.
insanely cute movie... not a lot to say about it because it's a comedy, not to say that there's not a lot to say about comedy but it's a very lighthearted thing that's kind of funny about women, but it's more funny about people being funny about women, the joke seems to be that ossi is really incredibly sane, and everyone else, from her father who creates lifelike dolls for men, to priests, to normal men, they don't know how to see women as people, except some do, which leads to scenes where the humor is about how free she can be briefly, as she doesn't have to pretend to be a doll. the end of course is the man and her get married for real and love eachother actually, under no falsehood, total truth, it's funny how the male lead is such a doofus, genuinely fearful of women, seeming to be afraid because too many women are 'improper'. it doesn't seem to be a way of seeing the film has, lubitsch seems to be fond of women who are in some sense liberated though one can question how far that really goes (never are they far from men, even if they are perhaps... i don't know if free is the right word so much as doing a few more things than you'd imagine), and it's not like this is the point but it's interesting to think about that in context of the period, i do think this film does make an odd point of illustrating how strange men can be about women, in a way that does feel ahead. also, a way it's ahead is its humor... it's just actually really quite funny slapstick stuff and strange situations.
but really what i'm mostly feeling is insane and inspiring, are some of the shots, specifically there's a couple very intense shots of mouths where it's a series of shots all put together in one frame, of people babbling, and then another where it's a thin rectangle frame of two people talking closeup. very inventive editing stuff there! i want to see more like that. makes the stuff man ray did in the starfish more interesting honestly, to see something similar used at an earlier point for odd visual comedy, it does get at something about being around too many people. it is genuinely affecting when separated from the comedy context i think. i ought to get those bits, as well as the bits of ossi dancing from this movie, and see if i can use them for a video at some point.
otherwise today... i started work on a new song, and i got the tone down of one track a little better, imo. all looking up!! i'm excited about this new one, i think this will be the actual ep opener, feels right for that cuz it's a bit of a bait and switch almost, with how i want it to end... gotta do more tomorrow.
did not edit the writing today, and tomorrow's errand day so it's unlikely i'll get to it but i should at least think about it a bit more, that'll be good actually, just think about it, ruminate on what's there, if i can i guess. unless the heat gets to me in the car... bleh...
onto the final story in dennis cooper's book, the one i just finished, gold, is almost impossible to write about here! upsetting and sickening a bit and also really poignant in the ways only dennis can achieve, really horrifying stuff about acts we tend to imagine/assume are unknowable, and even in their being written, even in the internality given to these people doing them, they're still full of/pregnant with the impossibility of even beginning to know why, they just do, it's like the only way they can imagine going forward, impulses from masses of lonely planets, ugly radiowaves only broken equipment seems to pick up on. then there's this quality of, this is all that can happen, too, a strict math at the same time as the impossibility. it's the strictness of law, money, need, intercut against why it was even there in the first place... crop circles almost?
final bit today:
i was listening to this earlier, a truly perfect piece of music, always stops me in my tracks when i hear it, the acid bassline is so beautiful, how it evolves over the course of the song, just this bubbly thing inside your ears, it feels super physical, it's an architecture in space without weight or shadow.
i have to sleep now...
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
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And we can use this it's a basic shape and he says you need a wide body in the rear and the front is already flared for some reason. And it is kind of fun he says the back looks cool but it's just a window and you'd rather have it with annual bloomer angled louver. There is a mid drive car and it is older and smaller and it would work. This needs some work and we do say it does. Does. The front end is pretty low but it's not low enough and he says the magic words and we'd like to try it there's a way to retrofit but that's a lot of work so we're looking at this as a kick car to revive and he wants to do it and he wants to do it in our shop with their people in a combined effort the same name and everything. The rear would be different I'm just like a cow that goes on the back it doesn't go much lower you keep the tail lights the same but they are positioned differently and flush of course in the middle looks a lot cooler the back has the look but it's indented and it's the louver look of the Ferrari you still have the sides similar That's the size of the louver the whole panel would be indented and it's going to be where the engine goes shortly
- We're going to include features from the John Cena car that are ours and we reserve the right to and we need information. The induction system for the mid engine but they're all gonna have it some of it will be a blank panel we also will include the fairing system for the side you'll see it on the Cena it's not really going to be a slow on the front end as well. It will look like a regular sports car or a super car it won't have the mega car look but we will redesign and modernize and yeah the rear end needs to be kicked out quite a bit in the front a little more and it's gonna be awesome and it will look every bit as awesome as top line Ferrari or Lamborghini and better it'll be part muscle car.
We need to clarify that this will be on the VW and he spoke with his son and daughter in law he thinks he got it from before he says he does have it and knows what the math is he tested it so we're talking about something else but it's a great day.
he did say it is a learnign experience nad that he is better at it and each day and his father says we learn that way his wife too had the same experience learne and tested loved it now are into it a lot.
he stated "this may be how i get the vw gulf car" and it is true we do see it and tons say it this might. and we see why yes. to make it grow. and a few do that this way. for money. power and wealth and to take ships. bja is one and not too aggressive. john r is. and says it he is driving my car took it. and we say it. and macs o too. ok and mac daddy. too.
we use this chassis below
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This is the Pontiac GTO. 350 horsepower. they made it for about 10 years And it is a wonderful vehicle no it sucks it's very slow for for that amount of horsepower it doesn't even feel fast it clogs up real quick and our car would come with exhaust it is a perfect wheelbase and with and they make a whole bunch of other ones grand am that they're practically the same chassis we can probably use the same mold but really could change it a little and use all the same parts the idea on the Volkswagen is different you're not touching the interior. The idea here would be the same not even the seats only emblems and things like that and accessories will come with a basic package. But you see that it's not really that complicated but on this car you would have to remove the panels and the roof and we'd probably start with a one piece which would look a little bit like the Cena car without the glass and such would be a standard super car look on the front but yeah it would look very very very incredible. We're thinking of doing it we're going to try and get it going and we are looking for people to sponsor. There are so many There are so many of these cars and they were fast but not fast enough on the front end is low enough they don't disturb it and after time we will use the cradle idea and we'll probably make a bunch with the cradle for ourselves and offer it probably make most of us with the cradle say 50 miles an hour faster and handles twice as good but this vehicle will handle it it would there's no comparison between this car and what the Bradley GT two will be there's none there's also not a smaller version this is the size of Bradley GT2 which is AC2 we're gonna go ahead and start this is a great idea and he did it by working with us in brainstorming with all of us as a team his son and daughter in law and some others even Alicia is in there somewhere so we're gonna get going on this
the below will be the new planton panels to be the new porche you see
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this is the look slightly different but close. and it is a 1991 911 porche. and tons love it we love it. and a 130hp vw bug 97-2007 wiht our plant on panels will go from 160 and after to 225mph tons want it we hear good.
Thor Freya
we helped a lot Hera Zues all of us did Savage Oppress us too Nuada Arrianna and me Alicia and no dave did not well mb a bit likes it.
me too heped have the car ready no
0 notes
lunarsilkscreen · 1 year
Bonds, tranches, blah blah...
A lot of people don't seem to understand these things, even after Margot Robbie explained it in a bathtub (which, in hindsight, is probably why nobody remembers what she said.)
Basically, take a bunch of loans. Or whatever financial instrument that looks like a loan, or a payment plan that you're expecting to be paid for like rent, insurance, dividends, whatever... anything you expect to pay you money. (Paychecks)
You expect a certain number of those income streams to fail, because they're loans, and sometimes people don't pay. Bad things happen, people get sick, people lose their jobs, people get stuck in court over some s* they said on Twotter. You know, w/e.
So you take a bunch of them together, and based on the law of averages, and/or large numbers, you're mathematically guaranteed to have a minimum amount of income.
That's pretty much the business model of banking. It's pretty simple. You expect a certain % of people not to pay, and when they don't, you're not caught with your pants down because you're still making money.
- Let's take a break from that and talk about stocks and dividends.
Not every stock gives out a dividend. Only certain companies that are making profit are able to do so. The value of the stock is priced based on what the last trade was, and is controlled digitally. (Like how hotels charge more for rooms during comic con)
You can put bids for stock lower than the current price and the algorithm will adjust to whomever paid the least for it (like that one guy who put in a bid for Bitcoin at like $5 when it was $50k)
It's that whole "you get what you negotiate for" in play.
- So what?
So these stacks of paychecks, banks will cut into pieces, percentages, they then negotiate with other banks or financial institutions to sell those pieces for immediate cash, and the buyers will buy them expecting a return on investment. *There's a minimum payout of x$'s, there's a chance of a maximum payment of y$'s, but you're guaranteed a steady revenue stream of at least x$*
And that's why other institutions and investment firms will buy them.
But then they repackage their own Bonds which may or may not include these ones that they just bought. And then cut those into pieces, and repeat the cycle.
On a theoretical and statistical level, if they follow the models and no surprises happen. This is a pretty reliable return on investment. Not great, but you avoid taxes and get a steady stream of income, that may include bonuses every now and again.
- Until the Adjustable-Rates kicked in on the sub-prime loans
Subprime, Those shitty mortgages given to people with no or low FICO scores. (And are blamed for their failure *BUT* many forget why those mortgages failed.)
Adjustable-Rate loans were invented to take advantage of inflation. And they were given out tacked onto subprime mortgages.
Because of these adjustable rates, and I'm not sure if it's the adjustables that caused inflation when they kicked in, or they kicked in because of inflation, but what used to be a steady reliable statistical analysis that made dependable bonds, created a monster that made them incredibly undependable.
Because people started defaulting in higher rates after the adjustables kicked in.
Basically, they turned what was pretty a steady, dependable math equation into one guaranteed to fail because the people paying couldn't afford the Adjustable-Rates.
And because they knew they were sub-prime, there's a good chance the writers knew it.
So here's my questions that haven't been answered:
Were the creators of these loans expecting them to fail, so that they could scoop up housing? Or did they really expect income to be stable through that period?
Why were the effects of Adjustable-Rates just omitted in the calculations of the stability of these bonds? (Trust me, I was already being told to look out for adjustable rates in my contracts by literally everybody I met in 2005, so it's not like we didn't know it was a bad deal.)
How come the buyers of these bonds didn't read the terms of the loans given out? I mean, not the individuals information of every single person, just the terms of the loans given out to the average customer? Seems like an important detail to include in your manual of how the bond operates.
And finally, why did bankers expect people who were barely expected to pay back what their contract was for, why did they expect them to be able to pay *EVEN MORE* at the time the Adjustable-Rates kicked in?
+The creators of the bonds developed a stable financial tool, as long as no surprises happened, but then they didn't calculate the surprise they knew was going to happen.
Something doesn't quite add up there. What do you think the final piece of that puzzle is?
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scottdamron1 · 1 year
Scott Damron LawSuit  Have A Much Easier Time Dealing With Lawyers
Scott Damron LawSuit Professional tips provider. When you are in search of a lawyer, you must know what you're looking for. It's important that you learn about the different tips and tricks to help you secure the right one for your case. Keep reading to find out what you can do to help you make the right choice.
Look for reviews on local lawyers online. Finding a lawyer that you can trust and respect can be very difficult, so any advice that you can get can be very helpful. Make sure the reviews you consider are on an independent site and take all comments with a grain of salt. The goal is to find the general consensus.
Ask your lawyer for an estimate when you decide they're the one for you. If they say no, walk away immediately. Even if they just give you a range and explain what makes a case more or less expensive, that is good enough. Make sure to get your fee agreement in writing!
Before you hire a lawyer, see if you can resolve any dispute without one. Often people are able to resolve their problems without having to find a lawyer. If you are not able to solve your problem without a lawyer, then it is in your best interest to have a lawyer on your side.
Look for people who have experienced similar problems and ask them which lawyers they used. Your friends and relatives might be helpful but do not follow their suggestions unless you need a lawyer for the same kind of issues. Use the different resources available in your community, such as support groups.
Know just exactly how much opportunity cost you are giving up when choosing to go to court. Any case takes time, and just how much time depends a lot on the ability of your lawyer. If you choose a young lawyer to save money, you may find that the case takes many more weeks than if you had gone with someone more seasoned. Those weeks can be many hours of lost pay! Do your homework here and make sure the math works out for your choices.
Don't hire a lawyer who boasts of an easy win. It is likely that a lawyer who takes your case that lightly is not as competent as he wants you to believe he is. Law can be complicated, and your lawyer must be willing to look at your case from all sides. Select someone carefully.
Scott Damron LawSuit Expert tips provider. Look for a lawyer who focuses on your area of need. Most lawyers will specialize in one form of law or another. If you are looking for help with child support or custody, look for a family lawyer. If you need help with housing, you'll need a real estate lawyer.
I want a big name lawyer! I want them to scare the judge! Just like in everyday life, wants are great, but needs are more important. You have to make a list of your needs and choose a lawyer based on that list, not all the wants you have in your heart.
Do not underestimate the importance of your lawyer's personality. An aggressive lawyer can be an advantage but an experienced and confident lawyer could help you win your case too. You should meet with different lawyer and find one who has the kind of personality and philosophy you need for your case.
Look for information about the school your lawyer attended. Although it shouldn't be the only thing that prevents you from using them, you should still know. The higher the quality of the educational institute, the more likely that they had to work very hard for their degree. Good lawyers can come from regular schools, but it is something you should keep in mind.
Never just randomly pick a lawyer out of a phone book or directory to work on your case. Since you do not know anything about a lawyer using this method, you could end up with someone who is incompetent or inexperienced. You could ask loved ones if they know of a lawyer who can help or look at online reviews.
After getting a recommendation for a lawyer, try setting up a brief meeting with them. Once you act on a recommendation, you will need to meet your potential lawyer face-to-face. Many offer free first-time consultations, so this is the perfect opportunity to interview them. You should ask them tough questions, have them describe past cases they've worked on, and see a list of previous clients.
Scott Damron LawSuit Qualified tips provider. Go over the details of your case carefully with your potential lawyer. You want to inform him of everything, then you can make a proper judgement of his skills and how he will help you. This will give you the best opportunity to make a judgement and decide whether he is right for you.
If you are in need of a specialist when it comes to lawyers, don't hire a general lawyer. Instead, look for one who has proven experience in your area of concern. You can find specialty lawyers to deal with tax problems, real estate situations and business matters. Don't just go with a family lawyer to deal with these types of situations.
Be prepared when going to Small Claims Court. Bring your witnesses, documentation, bills, receipts, statements, and notarized paperwork. However, do not bring anything in excess of what is pertinent to your case. It may annoy the judge and do more harm than good. You do not need to bring a lawyer for small claims, but it may be advisable.
Research what fees are typical with a case like yours. You do not want to foot the bill for a lawyer that does not handle cases like yours and charges you more than they should. Also, you might notice the fee is substantially lower than others. That could be a sign of an inexperienced lawyer that will not help you.
Scott Damron LawSuit Skilled tips provider. You are now ready to find the lawyer that is going to bring your case a "win." Use the tips and advice you've learned from this article as you move forward with the selection process. You will be satisfied with the results as you feel like you have the best lawyer on your side.
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222barbie · 2 years
LIFE IS YOUR CREATION: 1 year anniversary
hey y'all! it's me barbie, long time no see ;) it's been one year since my first manifestation post and since my beliefs and my advice have evolved, i wanted to make an anniversary version of "life is your creation" ! i also am planning on making a part two so stay tuned !
have fun and enjoy reading <3
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remember who you are (god)
remember, you are god. the creator of your world. and you have full absolute control over everything. god is limitless, god is capable, and god can do it all. you are the creative force and the operant power. and god can bring their imagination to fruition without the aid of any outside force.
and by external source, i mean that god does not need methods, god does not need techniques, and god does not need anything like that to manifest. you are everything you need.
you want to manifest fame ? you can do it. you want to manifest an sp ? you can do it. money ? you can do it ! a big mac, large fries, with 10pc nuggets with a large drink on the side ? ab-so-lute-ly.
you can manifest anything, anything, because you are a limitless masterpiece - an imaginative being that is a force to be reckoned with. who cares if you don't see a success story about what you want ? be the first. you think that god was watching to see if anyone else had manifested light ? no, he just did it because he was god.
you are the source of everything. so if you want something to happen in your reality it can certainly happen. start accepting and realizing that you can have everything you've always wanted since the only thing standing between you and your goals is you and your thinking.
start changing your perception of who you are and what you are capable of manifesting. you are capable of achieving your dreams because you are limitless and unstoppable.
the power of your imagination
as i said before, everything and anything is possible and there is nothing stopping you from getting your desires. nothing. your circumstances don't matter. if you want it you can have it.
the law of assumption is a law. it must conform, just like the rule of gravity. see, if i dropped a coin from a building it would fall, right ? so my reality would reflect my assumption if i assumed i was the person i wanted to be and stayed true to that idea.
don't underestimate your imagination. all you need is you. you don’t need methods. you don’t need techniques. you are enough already — all you need to do is assume you are the person you want to be, or that you have what you desire, then do nothing. creation is finished.
imagination creates reality. what are you imagining then ? who are you in your thoughts ? do you imagine yourself to be a nobody who only hopes their dreams come true ? or are you a god that already knows they have everything they want and that the 3D will reflect that ?
all the success stories that people have sent into blogs, or success stories by celebrities and famous people have all come from imagination. do not underestimate yourself or think for a second that it's impossible for you to achieve your goals. instead of comparing yourself to others and their successes, start applying the law to see for yourself that you are capable of manifesting your desires and more.
last year i was absolutely shit at math class, and i despised the thought of doing anything with math. this year i retook the course, and decided to change my assumptions on math in general. and i aced an entire worksheet that i thought was difficult, all from changing my assumptions and mindset.
i had a terrible time in math class last year (a shitty teacher too, oh it was horrible) and despised the idea of working with math in any way. i retook the course this year and made the decision to change my assumptions of math in general. changing my assumptions and mindset allowed me to complete the same worksheet (that i thought was challenging last year) with flying colors.
math has become actually pretty fun for me to do and i didn't stress about it at all. now i'm looking towards my next class (with a much better teacher i manifested) !
see, if i can do manifest something that i once thought was possible, so can you. trust me on this !
forever, life is your creation
again, life is your creation. you can manifest anything as long as you put your mind to it. so stop giving power to external things that don't matter. don't be so critical of yourself and overcomplicate every step of your journey. everyone manifests differently, so figure out what feels natural and fun for you. and remember, creation is finished. decide that you're doing everything right because your desires are already yours.
all of your dreams can come true, and i am fully confident that all of you can do it. i love youuu <3
love, barbie ♡
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WTNV Quick Rundown - Live Show - The Debate
One day, I'll actually get to attend one of these things. Until then, you and I can go through it like this together~ This show featured the guest voices of Kevin R. Free, Mark Gagliardi, Mark Evan Jackson, Jackson Publick, Hal Lublin, Annie Savage, and Mara Wilson.
We found a little piece of heaven here. It is black, smooth, oblong. It hums a soft but discordant note, and we are afraid to touch it. Welcome to Night Vale.
The Debate mention is, of course, the mayoral debate between candidates Hiram McDaniels (a literal five-headed dragon, wanted by the law for tax evasion) and the Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In All Of Our Homes (FOW).
As a surprise, we are also told that Marcus Vanston will be running for mayor. He's pretty much just a jerk this entire episode (lol) saying things like how he basically used to own a dragon as a slave and other rich boy stuff. Anyway he gets turned into an angel.
We are told that Pamela is 'not' being soul-bonded with someone and forced to step down.
In Night Vale, mayors are chosen by counting and interpreting the loud pulses coming out of Hidden Gorge, but Cecil says they're allowing citizens to hear what the candidates have to say anyway.
NV's recorded history apparently only goes back seven years.
Hiram's wishes to 'break ground' for those who do not identify as human. He says that having multiple heads makes him a better candidate because they are all good at different things. Green Head is good at maths, for example. He also reveals he has debilitating claustrophobia. Hiram also says that he'll be less invasive of people's privacy and less inclined to try and run their lives, as he doesn't understand humans so doesn't care to do so.
The FOW's (who has a name but will not share it) says she will be a good mayor because she has always been and always will be by the side of every citizens (she's also set fire to countless homes) and knows them intimately. She is quite passionate about children and learning and wants to sell off people's unused possessions in order to raise money to fund school programmes.
Weather: “Promise to the Moon” by Jason Webley
The FOW mentions citizens by the name of Mike Numminen, Claire Franklin (who hasn't yet told someone called Eva she loves her) and Felicia Jackson. There is also somebody called Roberta who works as sales staff at the station.
Cecil owns a whole set of collectible jadeite bowls he doesn't use. Hiram has a hoard of rare jewels and gold in a mahogany chest in his cave. Marcus has a coffee table made of human bones.
Angels, all called Erika with a K, call both to worry about the tiny city under Lane 5 and to call upon Marcus. They're not legally allowed to be recognised as existing, so the conversations as brief. They are afraid. They also say that angels do not hear gender.
Diane Crayton calls with questions about helping NV's schools, concerned about centipedes crawling out of teachers faces, clocks which don't work, gun violence and declining graduation rates.
John Peters (you know, the farmer?), calls about how the Glow Cloud has been disrupting his farming by dropping dead animals everywhere. However, the Glow Cloud (all hail) has too much of a psychic grip on the town for anyone to do anything.
"Hi, this is Steve Carlsberg? And, um, my question is for Hiram. Hiram, –" "NO!!! NO!!! STEVE CARLSBERG!?! WE ARE OUT OF TIME FOR QUESTIONS GOODBYE!!!" I am begging you to look up this up on youtube it's so funny.
There has been an alarming humming, attributing to a mass of deer with time-travelling abilities which have appeared in great numbers (often displacing people in time and space), but is in fact coming from a vortex not dissimilar to the one which opened during the Sandstorm.
Hiram investigates and brings Kevin of Desert Bluffs through with him, much to Cecil's shock and horror.
Kevin is finally told Cecil's name and the name of the town. He mentions again how he and Cecil are so similar, especially in the eyes and the smile. He states that the FOW actually has a face, with deep hazel eyes, proud lips and an archaic jaw. This deeply disturbs her as she has never had a face.
He states again that NV has old-fashioned technology and how 'places like this' are usually covered in blood and other such things, but hey guess they do things different in NV! He's very enthusiastic about NV and wishes his intern, Vanessa, could see as he'd always talked to her about visiting NV. He says she's funny and enthuses about her greatly, only to reveal that she died many years ago during an...incident...
'Oh, dear, I’m sorry, no. Vanessa died many years ago. We’re all still very upset about it. Very upset about what we saw. Some of us never came back to work again. Some of us never left our houses again. Most of us never woke up again. I don’t like to talk about it much.'
He says that Stexcorp is recalling the deer and will be carrying them away by helicopter, having planned to introduce them slowly to do people's math problems and earn them extra work hours by shifting them back through time, but they got carried away.
Kevin also says that anyone affected can contact Strexcorp attorney Luisa Reyes as she is filing a class action lawsuit against Strexcorp. He then says he has to go and that he thinks the towns are connected by more than a two-lane highway.
"You are beautiful when you do beautiful things." Another nice little popular quote.
Cecil is quite terrified of Kevin, describing him as having blood-stained skin, with missing eyes and teeth like an abandoned cemetery.
Stay tuned next for a chasm of subjectivity and bravado between yourself and every other human being. Goodnight, Night Vale. Goodnight.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
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college!sebastian stan x reader
Summary; Your boyfriend Sebastian has been spending much time studying, hardly sparing himself a break. Finally, he sees the pros of taking one
Warnings; smut, oral sex (male and female receiving), penetrative sex, vaginal fingering, anal fingering, fluff
divider by @firefly-graphics
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Sebastian was to be home any minute, he had been prolifically stressed from his classes regarding his law certification, and you had decided to exhibit him a well deserved distraction that would surely take his wired brain off from the course that was practically running through his veins at this point.
It seemed that at every waking moment, he was doing something to aid his studies, and whilst that was great that he was so dedicated to passing for this insane qualification, he did need to take breaks here and there. He wasn't the only one suffering from his late nights, and his resurrection from slumber at the crack of dawn, no. You were too, you missed him, despite being in the same apartment and room as him for the majority of his spare time.
He acted as though he had no time to spare, but you were well acquainted with his schedule, especially by now. The only difference was, that he had no occupation for a moment to relax with you, or by himself. His showers took five minutes every morning and evening, it was as though he were rushing to clean himself so that he could proceed to go back to putting his nose in a book, or searching specifics online.
But tonight, you were going to cut him off. If he didn't endure a moment of mindlessness, then you were sure to go mad yourself. You were keening for his touch, all you had received in the past few weeks were chaste kisses on both your lips and forehead, as well as verbalised 'I love you's. Perhaps it was selfish, he was striving towards a great achievement in his life, and you wanted a little bit of attention, but you knew he was holding himself from any relief also.
From the minimal time that he spent under the cold stream of the showerhead, he didn't have enough time to rub one out, and there was no fear that you had of him seeing another woman. Sebastian was not like that at all, and you had the clarity of him being in the kitchen half the time, typing away on his laptop, as he ran over some old notes and updated them.
Currently, he was out, he was in his lecture. There was a span of fifteen minutes from the time that he would be on the walk home, and you knew that was exactly how long that took in your shared student apartment, because you too endured your studies. But once more, your own were pushed to the side as you speculated your appearance in the silver tapestry of your mirror.
Your hand steadied on your right hip as you posed in front of it, twisting your waist to find the most attractive angle for you in your new wear. The underwear was tight, and not to mention, completely sheer. It's see through nature made wearing it practically pointless, but considering his current frustrations, it was only fair to give something to rip off of you.
Truthfully, you had to admit, you looked damned good. There was no way he would choose studying law over ravishing your body, a spark jolted through your body as the door behind you opened, and with a seductive bite to your lip, you turned around, only to scream and cover your body with your hands, or at least to the best of your ability. "Holy fuck, don't you know how to knock?!"
"I didn't think I'd have to because your human dildo isn't here!" Anthony defended himself, having turned around, as the image of you, one of his best friends, practically in the nude, burned behind his eye balls. The fact that he had seen you made you feel sick, this was not how you had intended the afternoon to go.
"Is there a reason that you burst into my room looking for me Mackie?" The question was indeed one that you wanted to know the answer to, you still felt so exposed, although he was not looking at you. That was certainly something that you were going to avoid telling Seb, that would definitely be a big distraction from his work.
And of course, alongside that, he would have an intent to possibly murder your flat mate, and whilst Chris would be laughing at that, there would be a heavy hotness to your face, as you watched them immaturely battle. Anthony cleared his throat thoroughly, directing towards the face that he was about to speak.
"Definitely not to see you like that." Retorted the math major, shrugging the shiver off his shiver as the memory tormented him once more. "But... me and Chris were going to meet with Scarlett, Takia and Brie, we were going to see if you and Seabass wanted to join, but as I saw against my own will, you have something already planned for your dinner."
“Um yeah, no, we’ll pass. Thanks tho buddy.” Oh god, to say you felt awkward was an understatement. If you were wearing clothes, or at least more socially appropriate ones, you’d go to him and give him a typical punch on the shoulder. Though, if you were clothed more body wear, you wouldn’t be in this predicament. Only things like this happened in college flats, that was one thing that could be confirmed.
“Okay then. Good to know...” Anthony closed the door and proceeded to enter the kitchen. He went grab himself an apple, and realised then that it was an unfortunate consequence, but he had lost his appetite. There had been nothing wrong with your appearance - nothing at all - but you were his flat mate and friend! And, you had a boyfriend, whom was also a great reference of social interaction for him.
The sound of keys interlocking with the outside of the door echoed through the kitchen, someone was outside, and he’d be write in assuming that it was Sebastian. Chris was presently occupied by scouring the internet for ways to surprise the girl he was currently hanging with, and honestly by that, Anthony was scared to enter his room.
It could have been anything that he was searching, but to his contrasting luck, the last resident of their flat entered, creases firm on his brow, from thinking too hard. Sebastian was mulling over the lecture that his professor had given his class. Remember to take a break every now and then. Maybe he was right, a break couldn't postpone him from graduating him that much, could it.
Perhaps he was putting it all off, because after receiving his degree, the four of you would have to find somewhere else to live, and a part of Seb was inclined to ask you individually to move in with him. A one bedroom apartment would be cheaper than one with three rooms, and atop of that, he wouldn't have to be cautious of minor things like walking around the flat in little to no clothing, or fucking you on the kitchen counter.
They were all coupley things that he had wishes to do, but because there were another two men residing with you and him, albeit them being your friends, he didn't allow you to do so in anything less than one of his shirts that cascaded down your thighs, so that if you weren't wearing panties, everything would be concealed. Anthony gulped, remembering he had seen you in your surprise for this man, and gosh, did he want to keep quiet about his accidental peek.
Sebastian wasn’t the jealous type, it was rather refreshing how he found that to be an unappealing trait, however, it would still not settle well that someone saw his girl, in a compromising choice of wear that was supposed to be for his eyes only. He would surely make it clear that you were his, and thus the fucking in the kitchen that he dreamt about would be more than likely to unfold, as he rammed you against the cupboards, caring not if guests were due.
“Hey.” It was a breath of fresh air to speak to someone who was not on his course, it was as though he had become estranged from the people closest to him during this part of the term. Thus a striking pang of guilt landed in his chest as he wondered how you must have felt. He hadn’t touched you in any intimate sense in weeks, it certainly felt like years.
That truth gave him no pride, he dropped his items on the counter, planning on returning to them after he had tended to greeting you. A long kiss sounded nice, strung by a chord of untwined tongues that groomed the insides of your mouth, as you reciprocated. If he was very generous to himself, he’d perhaps lay down for a moment, and allow his pianist hands to wander for more than a moment, stroking them up and down your thighs, until he gave supple attention to your sweet delicacy, dipping down to kiss it and run his fingers over the beautiful gates that only he was allowed to surpass through.
Anthony muffled a reply to him, before shuffling out the room, casting him a weird side eye, but Sebastian thought little of it as his mind was preoccupied with something other than his studies. Oh, and how he didn't mind. The mental image of your nude portrait blessing his eyes was enough motivation to have him striding at a fast, yet considerable pace, towards the door to your shared bedroom.
He knew you must have been inside, he saw your lanyard hanging on the coat rack, that was literally a makeshift piece of wood that you had drunkenly returned with one night, along with a very much intoxicated Paul Rudd. There had been construction nearby, and you thought that it was possible to turned the sharp edged plank with nails sticking out as a bedframe. Least to say, Sebastian did not allow that to happen, knowing that one morning, you would end up spiking your scalp against one of the rusted nails.
People had gotten hurt by it from where it was already, there was that time that Tessa had tried to lean on it for a photo, that in retrospect was an applicant towards your photography course, but that didn't end well, you were pretty sure there was still a streak of her blood stained into one side. That may have been why Chris had turned its weight around after that. However, none of you had the money to spare to invest in a real rack, so for now it stayed.
It sure as hell wasn't coming with you guys when you moved out, that was one thing that Sebastian was going to ensure. If Anthony wanted it, then so be it, if all went to plan, the pair of you wouldn't be living with the lovable goof when the time came. Turning the knob to the room, Sebastian heard a gasp, and thus after he shut it, he saw you wrapped up in your robe, your head cocked to the side as you seductively tried to settle on your small double bed.
"You made me jump Sebba." No, he could tell that you had been taking a short nap, as though you had wanted to forget some details from your day. And that you did, and you hoped that Anthony did as well. "Have you got much work to do bubs?" You raised yourself on your elbows and shuffled towards him as he came to sit on the side of the mattress.
"Think I'm going to take a short hiatus from it for a few hours." Now that certainly sounded pleasant, you hummed at his words, stroking his shoulder, as you pressed a kiss to his hand that moved cup your cheek. "Have I been neglecting my little petal?" It was a name he used whenever he was seeking forgiveness, but this time, you shook your head, frowning, as you settled a small smile on your face.
"You've been understandably busy, I get that. I'm not going to go as far as to use that word babes, you've just had a little time to yourself and your schoolwork, and that is fine." He tapped your chin, cocking his head to the side, inviting you to straddle his lap. You'd have been stupid if you refused after all the time that you had spent mentally apart from him, so without another hint, you clambered over his thighs, a giddy expression corrupting your face.
"This is why I love you. So open minded, and not to mention, that mind of yours has had me doing some thinking." Nodding in a current to prompt him to continue, his hands eased their lodging onto your bare thighs, stroking the skin with large soothing swipes, making any hair on your body stand on edge, as he averted his eyesight to the split of your gown that crisscrossed around your chest. It wasn't a sexual focus however, it was more so as though he feared a rejection of one kind.
"Hope you're not gonna propose us having a kid or something, because now is certainly not the time." At your humour, he sincerely laughed, causing a calm to wash over you and him, as he finally looked you in the face. “Unless you mean buying a plant, our last one died, and now you use the old pot to stub out your blunts." You could see the improvisational container as you turned your head to the side, seeing its white exterior be a gradient of light to shielded grey.
"I want you to move in with me." Sebastian responded straightly, bracing his slightly nervous palms to the divot of your waist, as he grasped the skin below your ribs, swirling the pads of his thumbs across your skin, caressing each nimble pore on that part of your body. His breath captured the side of your neck, as he licked a sweet line across a vein that he specifically picked out using his
"We already live together silly. Unless we're gonna move to mars." As you spoke, your brows optimistically raised, as your forearms found a home around the back of his neck, as you pressed tentative kisses to his clean jaw. A series of giggles evicted from you as you darted your tongue out to taste his sharp skin, your hand slipping down to control his own, trailing his touch beneath your gown so that the tips of his fingers were brushing the mesh of your underwear that was poised in a curve upon your hipbone.
"As much as the space nerd in me would love that, and not to mention you would make one foxy astronaut, I meant, after this, and here, we find a place for just you and me. I get if you don’t-“ you pressed your left forefinger to his lips, humming with a smile as he shared a gentle kiss upon your skin. He took the digit into his mouth, sucking the skin and swirling his tongue around the crescent of your nail.
“That sounds... perfect.” Ushering your finger from out past his lips, and the barrier of his nipping teeth, you languidly stroked his bottom lip, spreading the small extent of saliva that had coated your finger. “I’m so happy you’re taking a break Sebba, you deserve it. There’s something I want to show you baby, I know you’re going to like it.”
“Is it under this robe by any chance?” Obliging his answer with a supporting action, you allowed his hands to remain beneath the sleek material, as you untied the thick strand that tied the two sides together around your body. Pushing the dark silk from your shoulders, you revealed the design of petals that prompted through the thin material of your undergarments, everything exposed through the sultry and intimate pieces.
“Do you like it?” You seemed to have forgotten about Anthony seeing you in the internal wear, and from Sebastian’s honed gazing at your full breasts, your nipples sternly grew hard, telling him without need for word that he was silently turning you on. A sigh escaped from him, as he plucked at the seam of your panties, tugging lightly at the side to drag the material up your slit, grasping a light moan from your intimately affected lungs.
“My lovely petal, like is an understatement. You do all this for me, I don’t think I’m going to know how much this was, especially where we’re supposed to be budgeting.” Seb quirked his unbrushed brow, pressing his lips against the column of your throat, intaking the smell and pungent taste of your floral perfume. “But I’m not going to complain, because seeing you like this is certainly worth a fine penny. Is it ungrateful for me to want it off of you though?”
“Wait.” You instructed him, pressing your tongue into the divot of his chin, swiping a line of saliva through the bone structure. “I think we should get my money’s worth. First, I want to get my fill of your appreciation, and then maybe, maybe then I’ll allow you to discard piece by piece from my skin.” Your dominant hand pressed against his growing bulge as a you slid off his lap, running your nose along his thighs, as you fiddled with the purchase of his jeans, him helping you tug the denim off, and down his thick thighs.
“You’re so good to me.” He leaned back, curling his fists into the sheets, as he watched you enduringly pat him over his boxers, drawing a spot of precum to seep out onto the white cotton. “My beautiful petal, hungry for my cock, you want it, don’t you? Want to suck my hard cock, practically starving for it, ain’t ya?” Profusely nodding, you drooled as he twitched, and pushed down his underwear, revealing his uncut, and growing cock.
“Holy shit.” Escaped you as a breathy conjunction of two words, your palm reaching out to rotate his foreskin in your hand, pushing the layer back gently to reveal his hidden slit. Your tongue darted out over the flushed head, suckling on the sensitive portion, spoiling yourself with the salty taste of his aroused skin. “You have such a pretty cock baby.” Pressing a kiss along the length, you dragged your tongue up his shaft, before returning to the tip, swallowing down his cock in your throat.
“Fuck.” Your boyfriend revelled in the pleasure, one of his hands capturing your hair in its hold, running his fingers through your locks as you bobbed your head. Gargled sounds choked out from your easing throat, as you continued your administrations, making Seb squeeze his eyes shut, as he endured the pleasure that you pledged him with. “Baby...”
You moaned around his cock, your glazed irises peeking up at him, before pulling off, a strand of saliva connecting you to his hung length. “Say it.” Was his demand as his hand pressed the cheeks of your face together, forcing your lips into an exaggerated pout. It was a notion of past experiences that reminded you of what he was speaking of, you blinked your lashes innocently towards him, steadily breathing through your nose as he patiently awaited for you to carry out his order.
“I’m your cockslut.” You mumbled out, spit pooling out of your mouth and rolling down the cleavage of your lips, descending onto your chin, and slipping to be a river down your chest, playing hide and seek in the cups of your sheer bra. “Love your fat cock, and your large balls, and the way your mouth exhibits complete bliss over my pussy.” He tilted your head to the side, as he leaned down, his spare hand reaching behind you to remove your bra, leaving it hanging loosely off from your shoulders.
“How about I eat your cunt, huh? You’d like that, wouldn’t you petal?” A whine slipped from your lips as you shouldered off the floral laced bra, discarding it on the bedroom floor, as you waded your legs about so that you could do the same with the slim lined panties. “Come on then, get up on the bed pretty girl, let me at that pussy.” Doing as he said, you clambered onto the mattress, your front against the sheets as you tried to position yourself. A slap rumbled off your ass cheek, as Sebastian struck down on the globe of fat, straggling a surprised moan from your lips.
It seemed like he wanted you to remain on your stomach, and so you did as he breathed a swab of cool air upon your clenching lips, swiping his tongue from your heavy clit to your soaking entrance. “Sebs, do something, please.” You collapsed your face into the bed, wiggling your ass towards his face, earning yourself another spank to your behind. It stung, but it was a hot heat that granted you a minor bit of relief; it was certainly better than nothing.
And then, his tongue probed at your entrance, test tasting your cunt as his muscle flicked deliriously over your clit, his forefinger prying at your slit, and slipping without struggle inside of your walls, evoking a withering moan to collapse out from your chest. Another digit slunk through your folds, filling your further, as his pace increased, his mouth surrounding your clit, and rolling the bud around with his instigating tongue. “Petal, pass me the lube.”
With a light head, you blindly reached your hand across to on top of his bedside table, locating the bottle with your fiddling hands, tossing it back towards him. A thump indicates that it did not land on the mattress as planned, instead the container of lubricant hit him in the forehead. A frown covered his face as he shook his head, removing his fingers from your folds, as he grasped the bottle, splurging some of the clear and slippery liquid onto his fingertips.
Seb spread it around his fingers, rubbing it onto his skin, as he applied a little onto your tight hole, prying at your puckered entrance with his lubricated digits. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You gently rubbed your face against the sheets as Sebastian entered his fingers into your ass, quickly thrusting them in and out of you. “Feels so good Sebby, shit.” He continued his administrations with a clenched wrist, evicting pleasure upon you as you practically sobbed onto your shared bed. “No, no-“
He removed his fingers, as well as his own shirt that was still covering his chest. Seb clambered off the bed for a moment, locating a condom, as he gave his cock a couple of jerks, rolling the avast protection onto his length, as he positioned himself on his knees behind you. He entered you swiftly, returning his fingers back into your tighter hole, as he began to thrust into both of your entrances. Sounds of pleasure were compelled out from your lungs, as you half screamed his name; there were tears collecting in the corners of your eyes as you endured wafts pleasure from both intimate angles.
He curled his fingers within you, picking up his pace as his hips profusely clashed against your own. He was chasing a high, whilst simultaneously reducing you to nothing but a racer to your own. “So fucking tight; in both holes.” His teeth clenched as he moaned at the sensation of your walls clenching harshly around him, as he filled the condom with his white and warm seed. He remained inside of you as he brought one hand down to your cunt, playing with your clit, as he sternly thrusted his fingers into your ass.
It didn’t take long for you to reach your peak, cumming around his softened cock, and mewling into your own wrist. Sebastian extracted his tender cock from within you, also removing his fingers, as he swiped off the condom, tying to open side so that no cum would spill out, and then discarding it in the bin. “Shit, I was wanting some attention from you, but I didn’t know I was going to get that.” You laughed lightly, feeling a little hazy and drunk from your numbing orgasm.
In turn, your boyfriend laughed too, grabbing his shirt from off the ground, and lightly pulling you up, helping you into the baggy material. He pressed a sweet kiss upon your forehead as he rolled to be laid beside you, bringing your sweaty body into his matching side, watching through appeased lids at how you curled yourself into him. “I love you darling.”
“I love you too Seb.” You replied, pressing a kiss to his soft nipple, as his arms locked adoringly around you. “And I’m so proud of you for putting your all into your course.” Your nails stroked down his stomach, as the two of you laid upon the sheets, rather than underneath them.
“Of course I would, it’s for our future in the long term of things.” He stated, brushing any loose strands of hair out from your face. “But I guess it’s okay to take a break sometimes. And that, well that was certainly worth the time away from studying, it always is with you.”
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Hi! I love everything that you write and heh I am a fan! 😄 tbh this is my first time requesting something on Tumblr! If you don't mind and if I am not being a bother...can you write about how the guys would react If MC suddenly starts making meme references? I don't know how I got the idea but I am REALLY curious. And love you! :D
Hiya! Tyvm for the kind words, and apologies that this took a while! I hope you have the chance to enjoy it regardless ❤️❤️❤️ Love you too, sweet pea! I promise to get to the next request you’ve sent ASAP~
Aight but this would be hilarious because the range of the reactions is just ungodly. I will be putting this under a cut after Napoleon so I don’t clog up everyone’s dash, but all the suitors are included below otherwise! 
Comte is the one that recognizes a few, but didn’t really stay in modern times long enough to be as well-versed as a Gen Z kid might. Regardless he finds the wittiness and absolute chaotic fuckery to be delightful, and will 100% support the harmless nonsense. It never fails to get a laugh out of him
Mozart that first day be like: “Buzz off MC I hate you” MC, because she likes swinging bats at wasps’ nests: “Well that’s not very cash money of you” Mozart: ?????????? Comte, giggling in the bg like the secret fae he is This one’s just because I’m petty, but after the events of Comte rt I just imagine them encountering Vlad again and MC’s just “I lived bitch.” while Comte is flipping him off behind her lkjahgkjhdsg
Comte @ Leo when he finds the latter under his desk: Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.  MC: wheezing from the hallway as she’s about to give him his letters
MC: So how was your day, honey? Comte: Good, good--briefly had to go beastmode upon the punk that pilfered my lint roller MC, biting her lip to keep from laughing: So does Leo still have his kneecaps? Comte: for now.
Comte, @ literally anyone upsetting the MC: I won’t hesitate, bitch
Comte: Be careful with my emotional baggage, it’s designer
MC: What if I was evil and ran towards you at very fast speeds Comte: My arms are strong, I would catch and hug you
Leo and Dazai are the ones that don’t have a single reference point but are filled with so much dumbass chaos energy that they just. Understand immediately???? Nobody knows how or why, but they just catch on so fast--adapt the language in a matter of weeks. Never underestimate the power of combined boredom, depression, and humor
I swear to god I just see MC taking them their Blanc/Rouge and being like “here you go sir, one enslaved moisture” and they just go fucking hog wild from day one. MC starts impersonating Theo when he leaves the room around Dazai, like fake deep voice “you all only hate me because you do not like me and I am mean to you. grow up.” Or like the MC meets a baby on her travels with Leo around town and she holds them and says v seriously and sagely “So you are Baby? I have heard tales of your exploits.” and Leo about loses his shit right there. They both think MC is the funniest person alive--they’ve never been more eager to throw a ring at someone in their entire life.
Also a bonus for my beloved Dazai:  MC, facing even the slightest inconvenience (like dropping her fork) in the most dramtic voice possible: Life is not daijoubu. Dazai: wheezing
MC, after watching Theo turn down a woman at the bar in the meanest way possible: bro quit letting the darkness consume you u r scaring the hoes Dazai, literally rolling around on the ground, half-drunk and dying:
MC, walking alongside Dazai and stopping to stare at her reflection in the River Seine. Dazai’s expecting some sad or twisted shit, since people often feel comfortable talking about those things around him, but instead she just: “Oh, it’s you. The source of all my problems.” And he about falls into the river from shock HAHAHA
At this point don’t be surprised if his next book is about an absolute madlad woman similar to MC
Napoleon finds it to be a delightful quirk more than anything? He doesn’t really understand it, but he finds it funny when they change their voice for effect or speak in exaggerated tones. If it’s just comprehensible enough for an outsider to understand--or Sebas gives him context--chances are it’ll send him into a laughing fit
For this one I just imagine MC singing that Ratatouille meme song obnoxiously bad while cooking, and Napoleon and Comte are just so wildly amused by it bc it makes zero sense and it’s only vaguely French at this point
MC @ Napoleon while they’re cooking brunch: Can I offer you a nice egg in these trying times?
MC, conflicted because she’s tired and wanted to sleep in but also got to see Napo’s cute sleeping face for a few hours: For my next stunt, I’ll wake up at 5AM on the day I can sleep in. Sebas: Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise MC: early to bed and early to rise makes me a massive bitch Napoleon: laughing in agreement
Isaac is the type to be bewildered and concerned at first (especially when he hears the more nihilistic ones hoOOOoooOO BOY) but eventually begins to understand it’s some bizarre attempt at humor (that hurts Zack baby). While some part of him laments that it reminds him of Dazai and he’s secretly jealous of how she and Dazai bond over it, he will sometimes join in the chaos when the mood strikes him and he’s feeling mischievous
Isaac: How are you feeling? MC: Oh, I’m not Isaac: seconds from dialing 911 Isaac: Are you okay? MC: Oh yeah dw I just suffer from that syndrome where your neutral expression makes you look like you’re an angry serial killer Isaac: say sike rn
Isaac, tutoring MC and correcting something:  MC, muttering while redoing it: The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math. Isaac: unable to help a laugh
One time MC was avoiding Isaac for fear of hurting his feelings and he just confronts her like: Isaac: back by unpopular demand, me! What’s wrong, MC pls MC was so hecking proud of him
Isaac, telling MC about a recent discovery he learned at uni from another professor: bones typically heal stronger after they’ve been broken--so long as they’re set properly, of course MC, looking him dead in the eyes: So what you’re saying is that I should break every bone in my body until I become superhumanly powerful? Isaac: please do not, no
Mozart and Jeanne are just. Totally lost. Why are you talking like that??? Why are you making “crab hands”???? They don’t understand. Maybe never will. They reach a point where they just kind of laugh and shake their heads, endeared by the oddity after they’re used to it and have determined it isn’t a threat/insult. 
MC: It’s a cold and it’s a brooooken, Waluigi. Waaaaluigiiiii...waaaahluigi..... Mozart: surprised, then starts snickering and playing along on the piano
Arthur, asking MC very personal questions out loud because he is an idiot sometimes: Soooo MC, are you a top or a bottom? MC: I’m a threat. (If he asks a second time, the response will be “Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy.”) Jeanne, fighting a smile:
MC, about to punch an asshole: Your free trial of being alive has ended Jeanne, seconds from laughing for the first time in 100 years:
Also, because I genuinely can’t help myself. You know that knight meme like “Parry this you fucking casual.” I cannot stress enough that it is literally the personification of Jeanne’s entire character. I’m not even joking.
Arthur and Shakespeare are utterly fascinated by the rapid evolution of wordplay and the sheer hilarity. They will ask all about these so-called “memes” and ask for examples of them if MC can show them (either somehow accessing her phone or drawing them). MC draws Arthur the knife cat meme and he about a s c e n d s at the hilarity of it all, points and yells THEO IS HOLDING THE KNIFE. He is correct. They will be delighted and follow along eagerly, and--god forbid--will make their own based on late 19th century struggles.
Is this where Shakespeare got the idea for “What, you egg? stabs him” and “You are a saucy boy.”? I’m too scared to ask. Don’t even get me started on “The Fool jingled miserably across the floor.” That one is just too on the nose...
I can’t even imagine what would happen to Shakespeare if MC like translated vines and memes into Ye Olde English around him. Imagine she’s at one of those noble balls and hears rumors of these two guys living together and they’re so obviously gay and he says “And those gents w’re roommates.” And in the most false surprised tone ever MC just replies “oh mine own god, those gents w’re roommates.” Imagine having a wife that’s just as hilarious as you are and hits you with all the force of a bag of wet mice every time you speak in retaliation, he’s going into palpitations.
Every time Arthur does smth stupid MC just: “I Pretend I Do Not See It.”
Vincent is tickled pink by MC’s penchant for finding joy and/or amusement in nearly everything they do, and he smiles gently when he sees them muttering and laughing to themselves. He wants to be able to join them in what they love, but he has a harder time following along and understanding the darker humor sometimes. Mostly gets confused??? Please give him the easier ones to mimic and laugh when he tries--or just include him in your jokes MC. He’s babie your honor...
But he also. Will not. Stand any kind of self-deprecation or borderline verbal self-harm. He’s usually very easygoing and calm, but for whatever reason that stuff makes him go deathly quiet and upset.
MC, after something goes horribly wrong, hugging Vincent: Oh Vince, we really in it now Vincent: giggling a little despite his worries, relaxing
MC: Theo stop simping for Vincent that’s my job
MC, when Theo leaves the room and she gets Vincent all to herself: The evil is defeated.
MC: And this is where I would put my will to live...if I h a d one! Vincent: ;-; MC: oh shit, oh fuck, I was only kidding Vincent wait (MC was subsequently lectured and loved on for many hours)
Theo is conflicted because on the one hand, he loves to see you smiling and having fun. On the other, you’re clowning as hard as Dazai and Arthur and he can only handle so many monkeys in his circus. Most of the time he will roll his eyes and be the straight man of this comedy, but you might find him cracking a smile--or accidentally letting a chuckle slip past his lips now and again.
MC, after meeting Theo: I’m a nice person, but I’m about to start throwing rocks at people.
Theo, those first days: Oh? You’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me? MC: I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.
Theo: Every time I ask MC to explain “vibe check” to me she hits me with some kind of improvised weapon
MC, after the “incident” (you know the one): This year, I lost my dear lover Theo Theo, in the distance: QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I’M DEAD! MC: ;-; sometimes I can still hear his voice...
Sebastian is last because oh boy. OH BOYYYYY I LOVE HIM. Okay so the way I see this happening with Sebastian is just. So wild. Because at first he’s t r y i n g so hard to be the proper butler man. He does not meme. But then he starts to drift closer to what Niles from The Nanny was, where he’ll quip and joke in private or when the situation is just beyond the amount of absurdity he can handle without making a snarky comment. Everyone in the house can’t fathom how Sebas and MC got so close so fast, but there are points where they’re just “Are they even speaking English anymore???” It’s 11 times funnier than normal because Sebas almost never smiles or laughs when memeing, the deadpan quality of his playing along sends MC every time
Has ABSOLUTELY said “HEY. PANINI HEAD. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME???” jokingly when MC made a mistake in the kitchen. They laugh about it for y e a r s
MC: I can’t date someone who keeps a lamb as a pet, that’s so weird Sebas, brushing Lotte in front of MC: MC: MC: Okay, I will make an exception because she looks very polite
MC and Sebas, fully aware of the fame some of the men will reach in modern times: We will watch your career with great interest.  (I s2g that’s like half of Sebas’ rt right there I’m crying)
Sebas rt with Lotte be like that 500 dollar Mareep meme: “sometimes a family can be just a boy, his gf, and their 500 dollar two foot tall Lotte”
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