#i don't know not every single person in a character's life needs to be fully fleshed out and elaborated on that's
nowhere302 · 2 years
I'm sorry but I don't get people being like "this character only exists as backstory/development/ect. for this other character they're written badly!!!" like? that's literally just the purpose of some characters lmfao
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crystallinestars · 6 months
Taking Care of Them
Short scenarios about Argenti, Aventurine, and Jing Yuan receiving much-needed care and comfort from you. Pure fluff, a little hurt/comfort for Aventurine's part.
I took some creative liberties with Aventurine's character since we still don't know everything about him yet, so this is simply my interpretation of him.
This isn't proofread because my brain is fried from writing.
🌹 Argenti:
As a Knight of Beauty, Argenti is a highly skilled fighter who puts his very life on the line to vanquish his foes. Usually, he defeats his enemies with grace and style, but even the refined Argenti sometimes sustains injuries.
In his most recent battle, Argenti made it out practically unscathed, save for a few scrapes and bruises that marred his handsome face. That was how he found himself obediently sitting on your bed while you treated his wounds.
“I apologize that you have to see me in this state,” he murmurs, guilt darkening his expression. “I did not want to cause you worry.”
“No need to apologize,” you brush off his concerns with a smile. “Now turn this way. I’ll clean the scratch on your cheek,” you said as you gently turn Argenti’s face to one side to reveal the shallow, red gash on his cheek.
Argenti complies without hesitance and sits perfectly still as you dab at the scratch with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol. It stings, but the Knight of Beauty unflinchingly tolerates the burn with a small smile on his face.
He can tell through the delicate and careful way you clean and dress his wounds that you care a great deal about him. Your touches were gentle so as to not cause him unnecessary pain, yet no less thorough. It felt nice to be touched so tenderly, to be cared for in such a loving manner.
Your heart is beautiful, he thinks. To possess such a caring and loving heart, you must rival the beauty of his beloved Aeon Idrila. Argenti truly believes that you are a wonderful and beautiful person, both inside and out.
As you finish patching up the last wound and pack away your first aid kit, Argenti turns to you and gives you a radiant, sincere smile from the heart.
“Thank you…” he softly says as gently takes one of your hands and kisses the back of it, “You have a dazzling heart—so pure and gentle. I feel like the luckiest man in the universe to have the privilege of receiving your care and affection.”
His words may sound over-the-top and perhaps even fake, but he truly means them. Every single one. Even if you don’t entirely believe him, the amused smile that his flamboyant phrases elicit out of you is all the reason he needs to keep them up.
“You’re welcome. Just try to be more careful next time. I’ll love you no matter how you look, but I hate seeing you hurt,” you murmur in reply and lean in to kiss the band-aid on his cheek.
“There. A kiss to make it all better,” you giggle as you pull away.
The little gesture catches Argenti by surprise, but he can’t say he didn’t like it. In fact, he enjoyed it more than he ever thought he would.
With a small chuckle, he pulls you close to kiss you fully on the lips. If you don’t take his word for it that he feels incredibly lucky to have your love, then perhaps his actions will convey the sincerity of his feelings for you.
🦚 Aventurine:
All his life, Aventurine has faced hate. Hate for being Sigonian, hate for being a dog of the IPC, hate for acting exactly the way that’s expected of his kind. He played into people’s perceptions of him. Why waste time trying to correct their views when they won’t change? It’s easier to just act according to their expectations and hide who he really is behind this playful and sly mask.
Only with you does he let his carefully crafted façade crumble to reveal his vulnerable self.
Aventurine is very good at acting like everything is fine when the world is against him. Perhaps to an extent, he truly believes that life is all about fighting battles on his lonesome. He can use others and get used as a tool in return, but the only one he can trust is himself. It’s the only life he’s ever known.
However, you’ve known him long enough to tell that the hate and isolation get to him, no matter how much he pretends that they don’t. When he comes home one night after a particularly awful day, it doesn’t take long for you to figure out that he feels down.
Aventurine smiled and teased you like usual, but he spoke less and clung to you more than usual. He hugged you from behind and kept an arm around you no matter what you were trying to do, almost as if he was seeking comfort from your physical presence.
Turning to face him, you glance into his tired eyes.
“What is it, darling? See something you like?” he teased, the corner of his mouth tugging into a smirk.
“Hmm, no,” you hummed. Extending your arms forward, you wrapped them around Aventurine and slowly pulled him into a hug. “I don’t see something I like.”
Aventurine is momentarily stunned by your unprompted action, but he quickly recovers.
“Oh? How come? Am I not appealing enough for you?” he quipped, resting his chin on your shoulder and returning your hug. Unlike your tight hug, his arms wrapped around you in a loose hold, as if he was uncertain how to go about it.
“Quite the opposite,” you softly chuckle, “I don’t see something I like, but I do see someone I love,” you whisper and turn your head to look directly at Aventurine’s face.
A beat of silence passes as Aventurine processes your words, before bursting out laughing.
“That was painfully corny, even for you!” he chuckled.
You scoff but don’t say anything in response, simply continuing to hug him tightly. Slowly, carefully, you card your fingers through his blond hair before moving lower to stroke your palm along his spine in soothing circles.
Aventurine’s laughter dies down, his initial mirth now replaced with something fragile and vulnerable as he falls quiet. He won’t ever share what burdens him, but you don’t need to know the details to provide him comfort. If he doesn’t want to tell you, then you won’t pry. At the very least, you’ll do all you can to support him and remind him that he’s not alone.
Being wrapped up in your warm embrace, feeling your gentle caresses—it all felt unfamiliar to Aventurine. It’s been so long since he felt the tender and loving affection of another person. It took a while, but eventually he relaxed and allowed himself to lean into your body, burying his nose into the crook of your neck.
Silence lingered in the air, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. There was something soothing in not having to talk. It was freeing to not worry about pretending to be okay or be pressured to talk about the things that trouble him.
That hug—that simple act of human affection—made him feel safe and protected in your arms. When you leaned back slightly to plant a tender kiss on Aventurine’s forehead, something inside him snapped and he had to hold back tears. Burying his face deeper into the crook of your neck, he clung tightly to you while you continued to rub slow circles along his back.
“It’s okay. It’ll all be okay, I’m here. You’re not alone…” you whisper, hugging him tighter.
Being wrapped up in your warm hug, feeling your affectionate kisses and gentle words is something Aventurine never knew he needed until now. Just for this moment, he lets his walls come down and bares his wounded self to you with the hope that you can soothe his pain if only a little.
And you do. With whispered reassurances and loving caresses, you ease his hurt, even if just temporarily. He is safe, you promise. He will always be safe in your arms.
🦁 Jing Yuan:
Jing Yuan is notorious for disliking the abundance of paperwork and other leadership tasks he has to take care of on a day-to-day basis as a General of the Xianzhou Luofu. Despite his woeful sighs about how tedious it is, and how the work never seems to end, Jing Yuan still accomplishes all his duties in a timely and precise fashion.
Jing Yuan is a hard worker, you are well aware of that. Which is why when he snuck out of the Seat of Divine Foresight to come spend some free time with you, you offered him to rest on your lap. And who was he to turn down such a tempting opportunity?
Sitting outside on the veranda with Jing Yuan’s head resting on your lap, you softly ran your fingers through his fluffy, white hair, marveling at how silky it was. It was as soft as it looked.
“I could get used to this,” Jing Yuan said with a sigh, relaxing into our touch. His golden eyes were closed as he enjoyed the sensations of your fingers combing through his hair, gently massaging his scalp and soothing any tension he felt.
Chuckling, you looked down at him, mirth dancing in your eyes.
“Really? I wouldn’t mind having you as my lap cat like this more often. Why not come see me every day and get pets?” you tease him as you lightly poke his cheek.
Jing Yuan cracks open one eye to give you an amused look.
“Being your lap cat sounds like a wonderful idea,” he sighs, “Laying on your lap and getting pampered sounds like my ideal life.”
Both of you burst out laughing at the ridiculous notion of Jing Yuan being a lap cat, your spirits lifting as the mood brightened even more.
“Ah, but if you ever want to take a break and relax, you’re always welcome to see me,” you say in a softer voice this time, resuming running your fingers through his tresses.
“I’ll keep your invitation in mind,” he replied, his voice dropping an octave as he relaxed into your touch once more.
The minutes pass in a comfortable and serene atmosphere, with you pampering Jing Yuan with affectionate caresses, meanwhile, the man listens to you talk about your day. You both knew that after this he would have to go back and complete the mountain of work waiting for him, but for now, you were content to spend this little bit of time with your beloved.
Under the warm sun and gentle breeze, with his head resting comfortably on your lap, Jing Yuan felt himself growing drowsy. His eyelids became heavier, and his body didn’t want to move from his position on your lap.
Noticing the General grow sleepy, you fought the urge to tease him. If you pointed out his sleepiness, he would most likely apologize and put a stop to this tranquil moment by getting up and heading back to work. He already saw you less than either of you wanted, simply because work kept him busy. Moments like these were a luxury.
Keeping quiet, you gently massage his scalp until his breaths even out and become deeper, seeming to have fallen asleep. His expression looked so serene and vulnerable, something that very few people have had the chance to witness. As his lover, you were privy to this sight more than most. You watch over him with a small smile on your face, gently tucking away a stray strand of his hair.
Thinking he was asleep, you lean down to press a lingering kiss to his forehead, but as you straighten, you notice Jing Yuan peering up at you with an amused glint in his eyes.
Growing flustered, you quickly look away, feeling your cheeks heat up with a blush.
Jing Yuan only laughs in response, but his laughter quickly turns into a contented purr as you shut him up with another head massage. Whatever teasing remark he had prepared, immediately died on his tongue as relaxation washed over him and he felt sleep take hold of his mind again.
“It’s ok, take a nap. I’ll wake you up in a few minutes,” you murmur, willing Jing Yuan to finally get some rest. You could tell he wanted to protest, but with a light brush of your thumbs over his temples, he released a sigh of defeat and conceded.
“You certainly know how to take advantage of my weaknesses,” he chuckled, voice a little hoarse from drowsiness.
Despite his initial reluctance, Jing Yuan fell asleep fairly quickly. The continuous days of endless work had left him exhausted, but your tender pampering and sweet company were just the respite he needed.
“Sleep tight,” you whisper, gracing him with another sweet kiss on his forehead.
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luna-azzurra · 3 months
do you have any tips for writing arguments/fights?
Before you write an argument, know why each character is upset. Understanding their motivations will make the conflict feel authentic.
What are their personal stakes? What do they stand to lose or gain?
What are their emotional buttons? What specifically sets them off?
Keep Dialogue Realistic, Arguments often involve interrupted sentences, raised voices, and heightened emotions.
People often cut each other off in heated arguments. Use dashes or ellipses to show interruptions.
Use short, sharp sentences to convey anger or frustration.
Don’t be afraid to use exclamation points sparingly to show yelling or intense emotions.
Example:"I can't believe you did that!" she shouted. "I had no choice!" he interrupted, throwing up his hands. "You never listen to me!"
Show, Don’t Just Tell, Body language and physical actions can add a lot to an argument. Show how characters are feeling through their actions:
Clenched fists, crossed arms, pacing, or avoiding eye contact can show tension.
A character might slam a door, throw something, or storm out.
Flushed cheeks, narrowed eyes, or a furrowed brow can convey anger or frustration.
Build Tension Gradually, Arguments often escalate rather than start at full intensity. Build the tension step by step.
Start with a minor disagreement or a tense conversation.
Let the argument build as each character becomes more invested and emotional.
Reach a peak where the characters are at their most heated and emotional.
Decide whether the argument resolves or leaves characters estranged.
Use Emotional Beats, Incorporate moments of realization, regret, or empathy within the argument. These emotional beats can add depth:
A character might have a sudden realization in the middle of the argument.
Show a character feeling immediate regret after saying something hurtful.
A character might momentarily see the other’s point of view, even if they don’t fully agree.
Reflect the Stakes, Make sure the argument reflects the stakes of the story. The higher the stakes, the more intense the argument should be. If it’s a minor disagreement, keep it low-key. If it’s a life-changing issue, let the emotions and tension run high.
Vary the Pacing Not all arguments need to be fast and furious. Vary the pacing to reflect the ebb and flow of real conversations, Use quick back-and-forth dialogue for intense moments. Allow for pauses where characters collect their thoughts or calm down slightly before the next surge of emotion.
Consider the Aftermath, Think about the consequences of the argument. How does it affect the characters and their relationships moving forward?
Are characters feeling guilty, relieved, or still angry?
Does the argument bring characters closer, or does it drive a wedge between them?
Example of a Written Argument
"You never take my side!" Luana shouted, her voice echoing in the small apartment. "That's not true," Jamil replied, his tone defensive. "I just don't think you’re being reasonable." "Reasonable?" She laughed bitterly, crossing her arms. "You call ignoring my feelings reasonable?" "I'm not ignoring your feelings!" Jamil snapped, taking a step closer. "I just think you're overreacting." "Overreacting?" Luana's face flushed with anger. "You always say that! Every single time I bring up something important!" "Well, maybe if you didn't blow things out of proportion—" "Don't you dare say that!" she interrupted, her voice trembling. "I can't talk to you when you're like this." "Fine," he muttered, turning away. "Maybe we shouldn’t talk at all."
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jadeluz-official · 21 days
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice review - Beetlebabes Galore 
My rating: 8.7/10 
As far as sequels go, this one pays great homage to the original. More spoiler review under the cut. 
The Good
There's some great things about this film, BJ chasing Lydia down, Delores chasing Beej down, Wolf chasing everyone down, it kinda felt like a wacky hunger games. Of course there were problems with pacing, but it's just as gross and crude, if not more than the first movie. 
The wedding. God the wedding is so bonkers and pretty. I wish it just went on for a little longer. I know MK was running low on time at that point but the visuals with the church are so pretty. The blue/green atmosphere is something else. 
We get confirmation that Lydia is BJ's "love of his life" and fully intends to marry her again pretty early in the film. God Beej was such a loose canon in here and it was so fun to see him again. Every single scene he's trying to win her over, and Lydia's just not having it haha. This whole movie was such a shipfest and you can honestly leave the ending up to interpretation. I personally think they're married - they don't need rings. That scene where they end up in the bed was enough confirmation for me. 
The parallel with Astrid and Jeremy floating and Beetlebabes floating was my favorite thing the whole movie. Jeremy lets Astrid fall and won't help her back up but Beetlejuice makes sure he has a firm hold on Lydia. There's something about manipulation and revenge with Beej/Delores & Rory/Lydia too. Beej is coming from a place of genuine, disgusting love. Everyone else is doing it for their own gain. 
Wolf was also so fun to watch. He's a great addition to the BJ franchise as like a cop/criminal duo with him and BJ. I would've loved to see more of them interacting. Astrid's dad was also a total sweetheart. I wish he had just a little more time in the film. 
The Bad
I will say, the ending was very dissatisfying for BJ. He had done everything asked again, and Lydia signed an actual contract for the marriage this time. He saved Astrid from the Afterlife and saved Lydia from a doomed marriage. But hey, at least we got a hand kiss and that's all I needed LMAO 
Delores. Everything about her felt like an afterthought. We don't really see her much after she smashes Lydia's photo. She's made to be this huge threat and we don't really get to see it. There was a lot of missed potential drama with BJ and Lydia putting on the rings (which were cut, damn it all). I do like how they smashed Rory and Delores together with the sandworm though, girl was definitely thinking about going for him 😂
Astrid. She wasn't a bad character but she wasn't great. She was just very naive and I had a hard time liking her character. The Deetz are the opposite of naive, so it just felt off to me. And especially because Delia bites the bullet by venomous snake bites. It just felt like they were dumbed down just a tad too much. Lydia was the only one who kept a strong head the whole film. 
The tone of the film vs the trailers. In the trailers, we see a very serious nature about the film. Whereas in film, there's so many plots going on in such a small timeframe, it's a little hard to take anything seriously. And speaking of cut, the editing crew makes a hard zoom onto the ring on the floor and never does anything with the shot. There's def some editing issues/plot issues that got cut or scrapped. We'll have to see when the official script releases.
It's a mess. But it's a fun mess. The visuals are beautiful, the characters are fun. It's such a fun rollercoaster of emotions. I'd definitely go see it again.
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cripplecharacters · 2 years
Writing Intellectually Disabled Characters
[large text: writing intellectually disabled characters]
Something that very rarely comes up in disability media representation are intellectually disabled characters. There is very little positive representation in media in general (and basically none in media meant specifically for adults or in YA). I hope this post can maybe help someone interested in writing disabled characters understand the topic better and create something nice. This is just a collection of thoughts of only one person with mild ID (me) and I don't claim to speak for the whole community as its just my view. This post is meant to explain how some parts of ID work and make people aware of what ID is.
This post is absolutely not meant for self diagnosis (I promise you would realize before seeing a Tumblr post about it. it's a major disorder that gets most people thrown into special education).
Before: What is (and isn't) intellectual disability?
ID is a single, life-long neurodevelopment condition that affects IQ and causes problems with reasoning, problem‑solving, remembering and planning things, abstract thinking and learning. There is often delay or absence of development milestones like walking (and other kinds of movement), language and self care skills (eating, going to the bathroom, washing, getting dressed etc). Different people will struggle with different things to different degrees. I am, for example, still fully unable to do certain movements and had a lot of delay in self-care, but I had significantly less language-related delay than most of people with ID I know. Usually the more severe a person's ID is the more delay they will have.
Intellectual disability is one single condition and it doesn't make sense to call it "intellectual disabilities" (plural) or "an intellectual disability". It would be like saying "they have a Down Syndrome" or "he has autisms". The correct way would be "she has intellectual disability" or "ze is intellectually disabled".
Around 1-3% of people in the world have intellectual disability and most have mild ID (as opposed to moderate, severe, or profound). It can exist on its own without any identifiable condition or it can be a part of syndrome. There is over a thousand (ranging from very common to extremely rare) conditions that can cause ID but some of the most common are;
Down Syndrome,
Fragile X Syndrome,
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome,
Edwards Syndrome,
DiGeorge Syndrome,
Not every condition always causes ID and you can have one of the above conditions without having ID as long as it's not necessary diagnostic criteria to be met. For example around 30% of autistic people have ID, meaning that the rest 70% doesn't. It just means that it's comorbid often enough to be counted as a major cause but still, autistic ≠ intellectually disabled most of the time.
A lot of things that cause intellectual disability also come with facial differences, epilepsy, mobility-related disabilities, sensory disabilities, and limb differences. A lot, but not all, intellectually disabled people go to special education schools.
Intellectual disability isn't the same as brain damage. Brain damage can occur at any point of a person's life while ID always starts in or before childhood.
"Can My Character Be [Blank]?"
[large text: "Can my character be [blank]?"]
The difficulty with writing characters with intellectual disability is that unlike some other things you can give your character, ID will very directly impacts how your character thinks and behaves - you can't make the whole character and then just slap the ID label on them.
Intellectually disabled people are extremely diverse in terms of personality, ability, verbality, mobility... And you need to consider those things early because deciding that your character is nonverbal and unable to use AAC might be an issue if you're already in the middle of writing a dialogue scene.
For broader context, a person with ID might be fully verbal - though they would still probably struggle with grammar, what some words mean, or with general understanding of spoken/written language to some degree. Or they could also be non-verbal. While some non-verbal ID people use AAC, it's not something that works for everyone and some people rely on completely language-less communication only. There is also the middle ground of people who are able to speak, but only in short sentences, or in a way that's not fully understandable to people who don't know them. Some might speak in second or third person.
Depending on the severity of your character's disability they will need help with different tasks. For example, I'm mildly affected and only need help with "complex" tasks like shopping or taxes or appointments, but someone who is profoundly affected will probably need 24/7 care. It's not infantilization to have your character receive the help that they need. Disabled people who get help with bathing or eating aren't "being treated like children", they just have higher support needs than me or you. In the same vein, your character isn't "mentally two years old" or "essentially a toddler", they are a twenty-, or sixteen-, or fourty five-year old who has intellectual disability. Mental age isn't real. Intellectually disabled people can drink, have sex, smoke, swear, and a bunch of other things. A thirty year old disabled person is an adult, not a child!
An important thing is that a person with ID has generally bad understanding of cause-and-effect and might not make connections between things that people without ID just instinctively understand. For example, someone could see that their coat is in a different place than they left it, but wouldn't be able to deduce that then it means that someone else moved it or it wouldn’t even occur to them as a thing that was caused by something. I think every (or at least most) ID person struggles with this to some extent. The more severe someone's disability is the less they will be able to connect usually (for example someone with profound ID might not be able to understand the connection between the light switch and the light turning off and on).
People with mild intellectual disability have the least severe problems in functioning and some are able to live independently, have a job, have kids, stuff like that.
What Tropes Should You Avoid?
[large text: what tropes should you avoid?]
The comic relief/punching bag;
The predator/stalker;
The "you could change this character into a sick dog and there wouldn't be much difference";
...and a lot more but these are the most prevalent in my experience.
Most ID characters are either grossly villainized (more often if they have also physical disabilities or facial differences) or extremely dehumanized or ridiculed, or all of the above. It's rarely actually *mentioned* for a character to be intellectually disabled, but negative "representation" usually is very clear that this who they're attempting to portray. The portrayal of a whole group of people as primarily either violent predators, pitiful tragedies or nothing more than a joke is damaging and you probably shouldn't do that. It's been done too many times already.
When those tropes aren't used the ID character is still usually at the very most a side character to the main (usually abled) character. They don't have hobbies, favorite foods, movies or music they like, love interests, friends or pets of their own and are very lucky if the author bothered to give them a last name. Of course it's not a requirement to have all of these but when there is *no* characterization in majority of disabled characters, it shows. They also usually die in some tragic way, often sacrificing themselves for the main character or just disappear in some off-the-screen circumstances. Either way, they aren't really characters, they're more like cardboard cutouts of what a character should be - the audience has no way to care for them because the author has put no care into making the character interesting or likable at all. Usually their whole and only personality and character trait is that they have intellectual disability and it's often based on what the author thinks ID is without actually doing any research.
What Terms to Use and Not Use
[large text: What Terms to Use and Not Use]
Words like: "intellectually disabled" or "with/have intellectual disability" are terms used by people with ID and generally OK to use from how much I know. I believe more people use the latter (person first language) for themselves but i know people who use both. I use the first more often but I don't mind the second. Some people have strong preference with one over the other and that needs to be respected.
Terms like:
"cursed with intellectual disability"
"mentally [R-slur]"
is considered at least derogatory by most people and I don't recommend using it in your writing. The last 5 terms directly come from outdated medical terminology specifically regarding ID and aren't just "rude", they're ableist and historically connected to eugenics in the most direct way they could be. To me personally they're highly offensive and I wouldn't want to read something that referred to its character with ID with those terms.
(Note: there are, in real life, people with ID that refer to themselves with the above... but this is still just a writing guide. Unless you belong to the group i just mentioned I would advise against writing that, especially if this post is your entire research so far.)
Things I Want to See More of in Characters with Intellectual Disability
[large text: Things I Want to See More of in Characters with Intellectual Disability]
[format borrowed from WWC]
I want to see more characters with intellectual disability that...
aren’t only white boys.
are LGBT+.
are adults.
are allowed to be angry without being demonized, and sad without being infantilized.
are not described as "mentally X years old".
are respected by others.
aren't "secretly smart" or “emotionally smart”.
are able to live independently with some help.
aren't able to live independently at all and aren't mocked for that.
are in romantic relationships or have crushes (interabled... or not!).
are non-verbal or semi-verbal.
use mobility aids and/or AAC.
have hobbies they enjoy.
have caregivers.
have disabilities related to their ID.
have disabilities completely unrelated to their ID.
have friends and family who like and support them.
go on cool adventures.
are in different genres: fantasy, romComs, action, slice of life... all of them.
have their own storylines.
aren't treated as disposable.
don't die or disappear at the first possible opportunity.
...and I want to see stories that have multiple intellectually disabled characters.
I hope that this list will give someone inspiration to go and make their first OC with intellectual disability ! This is just a basic overview to motivate writers to do their own research rather than a “all-knowing post explaining everything regarding ID”. I definitely don't know everything especially about the parts of ID that I just don't experience (or not as much as others). This is only meant to be an introduction for people who don't really know what ID is or where to even start.
Talk to people with intellectual disability (you can send ask here but there are also a lot of other people on Tumblr who have ID and I know at least some have previously answered asks as well if you want someone else's opinion!), watch/read interviews with people who have ID (to start - link1, link2, both have captions) and try to rethink what you think about intellectual disability. Because it's really not that rare like a lot of people seem to think. Please listen to us when we speak.
Good luck writing and thank you for reading :-) (smile emoji)
mod Sasza
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phoenixcatch7 · 3 months
Honestly I'd really like to see a mxtx3 story where wwx and xl work with Sqq to reveal sqq's true backstory and the system to lbh.
I mean, think about it!! One of the biggest problems with scum villain is how even though they get together, unlike the other couples bingqiu is still left with all these huge secrets that massively affect them both. Lbh is left believing he married his mercurial abuser, that his suffering passed some sort of indefinable test that proved him worthy of basic rights. That Sqq threw him in the abyss of his own volition. That Sqq was really sacrificing his life and not faking his death with intent to survive.
Sqq is left knowing all these things but unable to act on them, unable to tell his husband about his own past, unable to explain his actions, never able to fully let his guard down because he's supposed to be shen qingqiu. He can't even tell his own husband his original name!! If he could have, he would have, even if only in the extras!
But can you imagine???
A meeting of bingqiu, wangxian, Hualian, for whatever reason, and as the three (actual) protagonists chat and gossip and get to know each other, as they talk, Sqq is at ease enough to slip up and finds out he can talk about the system to anyone from outside pidw! Not just sqh!! Maybe not completely, but he can mention some, and the other two, concerned for their new friend, are clever enough to tease the rest out. They're horrified. Sqq is resigned but freshly hopeful.
And so begins Mission: Save Sqq's Marriage!
(Sqq would very much like to contend the title but he is out voted.)
I'd just love to see the three of them (with unquestioning aid from their husbands) get up to hijinks and face existential horrors on a quest to help bingqiu get the closure they need. And moshang too, I guess XD.
It'd also be very, very funny to have them all in the middle of the latest traumatic and/or mortifying scene look around at the other two like 'hey, aren't you supposed to be freaking out now? This is normally the part people start screaming' and the other two are like 'I mean I guess?? We've got things to do though' like kings of unflappable repression right there.
(and lbh and lwj having vinegar-offs while hc is sighing dreamily watching his husband make semi decent friends for once)
Like there's a bunch of crossovers but none really scratch that itch, you know? The main characters of all 3 mxtx?? There's so much potential for Truly Unhinged Shenanigans!! Wangxian visiting pidws wife plot filled world and disappearing into the wilderness for a full week, coming back with every single piece of clothing they brought ruined. Hualian go visit mdzs and and no one believes xl is a diety and hc chomping at the bit to kill them for the injustice. Bingqiu going to tgcf and lbh getting mistaken for a calamity, or Sqq falling into the one wife plot kidnapping or something intended for a diety.
But seriously imagine Sqq complaining about something and wwx and xl immediately going 'that's not right! You deserve better!!' and Sqq is like 'no it's fine I'm used to it' and the other two slam their fists on the table like 'no!!! If [husband] was forced to keep that kind of secret I'd hate it!! You two deserve to be properly happy!! Let us help! We can fix this!' and start working with zeal and vigor while Sqq trails along embarrassed half heartedly muttering 'it's not that bad >:/'.
And when it works (presumably some clever loophole they stumbled on) and bingqiu are tearfully kissing they share a low five without looking. Or that one meme where the person getting kissed holds their hand back and their wingman enthusiastically high fives it but there's two wingmen XD!
I don't knowww but it'd be such a good premise! Ripe for character interactions!! Fluff! Crack! Angst! Daytrips and pouring their hearts out to people who'd really understand! Xl wwx and Sqq bestie team up! Meeting moshang! Wwx info dumping about his monster index categorisation to an enthralled Sqq! Xl and Sqq bemoaning etiquette while wwx laughs at them! Xl and wwx having intense discussions about morality and righteousness! All three of them laughing at how oblivious they were about their husbands, each trying to one the other two for Dumb Moments They Should Have Realised (Sqq wins by horrifying the other two)!
Forget cross country kidnappings and being locked in a room! Where is my protagonist trio getting into trouble on a self imposed mission to help their friend! Let their magnetism for insanity shine!!
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iamthat-iam · 7 months
"Ego", The Final Boss
Olivia (she prefers to be called Liv) has been on quite the spiritual journey for a couple of years. She was born and raised Catholic, then as a teen she decided to leave the church because it didn't resonate with her. She went through a law of attraction phase, followed by law of assumption, and finally, she found non dualism from a few Twitter and Tumblr accounts.
The message, from what she gathered, was that she needed to fully drop the ego in order to realize her true self/true nature and to experience whatever she wanted. She even read a few books where realized masters have spoken about their own personal journeys of dropping ego and how life is generally more peaceful for them now that they've done so.
Now, Liv is one with a troubled past. She would give anything to become an entirely different person with no childhood trauma, and just a happy life all around. She meditated every single day, practiced "sitting in silence", and tried her hardest to detach from her "ego."
She stopped enjoying her usual hobbies out of fear of identifying too much with the character. She would go out of her way to correct thoughts that she felt were "too related to being the person." Needless to say, her mental health began to go downhill very fast.
One of her best friends, Marcus, decided to check up on her one day through face-time. "Hey sis! How have you been?! Haven't seen you in a while."
"Hey..." Liv answered. "I'm not doing all that great to be honest."
"Yeah I figured that. That's why I reached out to you," Marcus stated. "I'm worried about you. It seems like you barely leave the house. Everytime myself or anyone else tries to make plans with you, you either cancel last minute or come up with some bogus excuse as to why you can't come out."
Liv had to laugh because everything he said was true. "So I'm guessing you didn't believe the story about my pet rabbit dying."
Marcus cackled. "GIRL. I've known you for years and not once have you ever had a pet rabbit. Stop playing."
"Okay let me tell you what's really going on with me," Liv began, "So a few months ago I found this 'spiritual practice' called Non Dualism, and the premise of it is you need to 'let go of ego' in order to realize your true nature as God, or Awareness, whatever you want to call it. Also you get to experience whatever you want."
"So this is the reason why you've stopped enjoying your usual hobbies, and why you've stopped having a social life?" Marcus inquired. "I'm going to be honest here. As your friend, I feel like I owe it to you to tell you the Truth even if it isn't what you want to hear. I don't think that this 'practice' has helped you one bit. Either you have misinterpreted the message, or these people are spreading misinformation. Never at any point should you sacrifice your mental health for the sake of 'becoming enlightened.'"
"I don't know what else to do," Liv started to cry a little. "I just want to become a different person living a life full of happiness, one without trauma and constant reminders of my horrible past. I hate being this broken person!"
"It's okay hun, I totally understand," Marcus consoled her. "I can help you. You remember my family guru right? She hates being called that, but I don't know how else to refer to her. Her name is Sage. My family has gone to her for spiritual advice and healing for years."
"Yes, I remember her! Didn't she help your mom heal her lower back pain?" Liv asked excitedly.
"She sure did. I can give you her number if you want!"
After Liv ended her face-time call with Marcus, he gave her Sage's number. She immediately reached out to her to schedule a day where they can meet up.
- -
One day, Liv arrived at a beautiful park to discover Sage already sitting on one of the benches waiting. "Hi! I don't know if you remember me, I'm Marcus' friend Liv."
"Yes! Hi Liv, it's nice to see you again," Sage reached out and gave Liv a warm hug. "Now what can I help you with?"
Liv sat down next to Sage. "Well, I discovered Non dualism a few months ago, and I'm not sure if I misunderstood the message or not, but I thought you had to let go of ego in order to realize your true nature as awareness. And after you realize this, you can experience whatever you want. So long story short, I stopped enjoying life because I thought I had to do that in order to be enlightened."
Sage hesitated for a moment, and then smiled. "Think about it this way.. if it's true that our true nature is awareness, or God, whatever label you put on it, why would you have to go through these unnecessary steps in order to 'become' it? If that's what you already are in the first place?"
Liv opened her mouth to reply, then closed it again. Maybe Sage had a point.
"Here are my thoughts. If anyone is telling you to 'drop the ego', it's bullshit," Sage chuckled. "The point of Non Dualism is realizing that you were always awareness. You were always the awareness behind everything that seems to appear. The ever-stretching, limitless silence that can take on the form of anything. The ego is just a thought. The idea that you are not already fully realized is also just a thought. In reality, there's no ego or person here to let go of. No person here who needs to become 'fully realized.' Just drop the idea that you are a limited human that has to become something, and you'll be golden."
Liv's jaw dropped to the ground. "You're telling me it was THAT SIMPLE THIS ENTIRE TIME?"
Sage laughed heartily. "Yes it is. Why do you think it took masters like Lester or Sri Nisgardatta months or YEARS to 'realize Self?' because they spent so much time trying to get rid of an ego that doesn't exist!"
Liv let out a sigh of relief. "So there really is nothing to do. I can't believe I exerted all that effort for nothing. I do have one more question, how can I experience whatever I want knowing I'm awareness? I want to be a completely different person with a different past."
"The person you think you are now, and the one you want to be are both illusions. You, as awareness, can 'choose' either one like a costume. Everytime you think about this ideal version of you, you've already experienced it," Sage grinned.
Suddenly a wave of emotions flooded through Liv, a mixture of relief and happiness. She felt the urge to give Sage a tight hug. "Thank you so much for helping me today."
"You're so welcome, sweetie."
Good for Liv, she has finally accepted her omnipotence and freedom to experience anything!
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o-sachi · 2 months
Superimposable - Drabble for WinBre Week!
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ᯓ chemistry too hard for you? good thing you have someone to help you out... ᯓ character; hayato suo (wind breaker) ᯓ tags; college au, floof, friends to lovers (kinda), gn reader, no y/n, has chemistry jargon and concepts (basic explanations at the end if you're curious lol)
[🐟]: for day 2 - school life prompt! @windbreakerweek
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"Suo, there's no use. I'm doomed. I've accepted my fate," you say as you plant your forehead on the hardwood table.
You've been in the university library for quite some time now, yet your brain won't absorb this damn chemistry lesson. Who even cares about how molecules are structured?
As pessimistic as you are, your designated tutor was still able to keep a friendly smile on his face. Sure, you were unlucky to not be born a chemistry genius, but at least, you were lucky enough to be friends with someone who is.
Suo Hayato is a close friend of yours and the person who gets the highest marks in your chemistry class. Every. Single. Time.
"You just have to use your imagination. It's highly important since you want to figure out the configuration of the molecule."
He points to a line in the book—reading it and squeezing in a short explanation in between. Despite his many attempts... it was simply impossible.
Suo quickly notices your fleeting attention and decides to close the book. He had something better up his sleeve. "Alright, you have trouble understanding configurations, right?"
You nod slowly—clearly showing the exhaustion that has been building up all this time.
He smiles softly. "Okay then. Let's start from the beginning."
He pulls his chair a bit closer to you. If you were to move just an inch—your shoulders would rub against each other. Normally, such a trivial touch would be nothing to you... but it was Suo Hayato. People would do unimaginable things to be in your position right now.
"First, you need to be able to find the chiral center of these structures. And in order to do that—you need to know the concept of superimposability."
He takes your right hand and places it flat on the table. "Look," he says while placing his bigger hand on top of yours. "They don't line up do they? They're mirror images, but they don't line up perfectly."
"So they're not superimposable?" you ask and he nods. "But what if I turn my hand?"
Suo chuckles softly, fully expecting you to ask that. He takes your hand and flips it over so that your palm was facing upwards. And like earlier, he places his palm over yours. A little more and you could intertwine your fingers with his.
You gulp down—hard. "Don't they line up now?"
"Yes, but are they mirror images?" he poses the question and he removes his hand from yours. "Your palm is facing up while the back of my hand is. So they're not the same."
Suo speaks up again. "So if the mirror images of the molecules are not superimposable, it has a chiral center."
Scratching your head, you tried to make sense of his words. It was clear and unclear at the same time. You were close to getting to that summit of understanding this thing. But there was something missing.
"Then what are superimposable things?"
Suo looks up, as if in thought. In truth, there were so many superimposable things around you—papers, rulers, cellphones. But he thought that would be too boring to make this lesson memorable.
He turns to face you better which prompts you to do the same. You had a feeling he was about to do something. Although, nothing would ever prepare you for what he was to pull next.
"Pretend you're looking into a mirror," he says while pointing at his face. "So we have mirror images now, right?"
"What else do we need for images to be superimposable again?"
"They have to line up?"
He hums, satisfied with your answer. But what kind of teacher would he be if he doesn't properly show you, right?
To be fair, your lips did line up perfectly. He let you feel the softness of his lips on yours for a few seconds—making sure you understood what all of this meant. It was quick, but sweet. The small peck rendered you immobile and all you could do was get lost in the pleasant surprise.
Pulling away, he flashes you that same subdued smile. "Wow, they do line up huh? So would you say lips are superimposable or not?"
When he talked like this it made you feel... things. "They're super... imposable..."
His smile widens, glad that you successfully absorbed the concept. He went on with his lecture, excited to teach you more. But it seems like his methods left you stunned and unable to go on any further.
o-sachi © 2024 pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
a/n - some explanations under the cut
Let's go over the terms:
Configuration - basically how the molecule exists in a 3D space, their rotation and how its components are postioned relative from each other
Chiral Center - atoms with four different groups bonded to it and are mirror images that are non-superimposable
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Idk if y'all will understand with just this explanation but yes. (ty socratic)
Superimposability - mirror images that line up
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Like this basically (ty Chemistry Stack Exchange)
This is like the very miniscule tip of the organic chemistry iceberg. So reader and Suo have SO MUCH to go over lol. Anyway, orgchem is fun /srs. So was writing this hehe.
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vivisviolets · 6 months
˖◛⁺⑅♡⑅~you received a lost package~⑅♡⑅⁺◛˖
🎁⁀➴ ✉ Energy check-in
📦⁀➴ ✉ Affirmations
📮⁀➴ ✉ Quotes
*cw* post longer than my temu package's tracking history 💀
˖◛⁺⑅♡⑅ -pick the package image you feel most drawn to- whatever caught your eye first upon seeing this post is most likely *your* pile!!!! but oh ofc you can also ease yourself, close your eyes, focus on your current state of mind/your life, and then ask yourself/spirit/God what pile has what you most need to hear rn! and pls pick more than one pile if you feel interested to do so!!! you may get messages you needed to hear across all piles yakno:))- okkkk byeeee-˖◛⁺⑅♡⑅
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✉ pile 1
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✉ ✉ ✉
✉ Page of Pentacles, King of Wands, Nine of Pentacles ✉
✉ Earth placements, Virgo/Capricorn/Taurus, fire placements, Aries/Sagittarius/Leo, divine masculine, divine femininity, heavy heart, earthy, warm/hot, -songs Only Angel - Harry Styles, Hate Me Harder - Kesha
✉ Woo- Look at youuu-!!! Look at you go more like- like, holy ish you should have seen me tapping into your energy and pulling out the cards one after the other with such genuine eassseee the heck... -but anyways pile 1s- you are REALLY setting your heart ablaze, it's like you're purifying your heart space after a period of purging energetically... In fact for quite a while, it was a consistent purging of- a lot for you. a total rebirth through a dark forest- you are literally an adventurer traversing through a fantasy land, following the pounding of your royal blood through your heart- knowing it will lead you to your glory- I'D SO READ THAT BAHAH- anyway though, you're really filling your heart with this fire. things and opportunities that fill you with joy and make you feel so warm inside 🎇🔥. I'm hearing a lot of self focus so projects around your passions or moving yourself up towards your goals! mmhm, I'm hearing a lot of different things for the collective- I'm seeing starting up a business, independent artists of various kinds, makeup or personal care focused products, you could be selling prints, monetized pages/videos, building a website- I'm seeing Jan Levinson with her candle side business😭😭... obviously you guys definitely don't house the shadow aspects of her character in your energy (tf am I saying 💀)- what I mean to say is after a lot of melting yourself down, you are now completely reforming into something that is completely personal and your own... like scented candle making 😭👍!!!!!!!!! okkkk I'm so freaking proud of you~ and if you've felt any heaviness just from you refilling your heart with so many opportunities- please don't let that cause you ANY doubts about your endeavors because OH👏- MYGOD👏 it's all going to go so well for you. no matter any circumstances or external worries. keep goingggggggg.
✉ Nothing can stop me from reaching my goals
✉ Regardless, my goals always become bigger and better
✉ I always reach my goals
✉ Regardless of anything external I am fully capable of achieving all of my goals
✉ Regardless of my mindset, I am fully capable of achieving ALL of my goals
✉ My goals become better and better
✉ I find fulfillment in my goals
✉ My goals always bring me so much joy
✉ My goals always bring me so much abundance
✉ I love building up my goals to infinity and beyond
✉ I am so good at doing what brings me joy and energy
✉ My goals orbit me
✉ My dream life is already waiting for me
✉ My dream life wants me
✉ Earning my dream life is as easy as breathing
✉ I am made of my dreams and desires
✉ My dreams and desires always become mine
✉ My dreams and desires are already mine
✉ Joy and abundance fuel my dreams and desires
✉ Joy and abundance fuel my goals
✉ Every single step I take brings me closer to my goals
✉ Achieving my goals is easier then ever before
✉ My goals have been deemed to be mine
✉Achieving my goals is so easy for me because they are already mine
✉ My goals love me
✉ My goals work for me
✉ My goals work towards me
✉ I am so happy for all I have accomplished
✉ My goals reward me daily
✉ I am rewarded daily because my goals are extensions of me
✉ I am so abundant
I have always been so abundant
Everything is an extension of me, and everything rewards me
✉ Everything is an extension of me, and everything flows me to where I desire to be
✉ My work is my creativity
✉ Creativity flows through me
✉ Creativity has always been my birthright
✉ I am made of creativity
✉ I am creativity
✉ I care for myself easily
✉ My goals allow me to relax
✉ My goals love when I care for myself
✉ The more I relax the more my goals flow to me
✉ I fully trust my goals
✉ I am fully deserving of my goals
✉ I fully deserve my goals
✉ I fully deserve and allow my goals to orbit towards me
✉ I align myself fully with my goals
✉ I am aligned to my goals
✉ I align myself fully with my desires
✉ I am aligned to my desires
✉ I align myself fully with my dream life
✉ I am fully aligned to my dream life
✉ My goals are mine.
✉ ✉ ✉
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✉ pile 2
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✉ ✉ ✉
✉ Eight of Wands (reversed), Seven of Pentacles (reversed), The Lovers
✉ Air placements, Gemini/Libra/Aquarius, earth placements, Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn, numbers 8, 7, 6, 1111, stops and starts, "air headed"/emotional/flightly described personality, healing unresolved wounds/fears, -song Love Is An Open Door - Frozen (2013)
✉ Oh my pile 2s :'), I'm pretty quick to ask how are you? seeing the certain reversals I got- one of them (Eight of Swords reversed) is definitely way more positive and a really good step in the right direction for you, it feels like a breath of fresh air!!- but it has a heaviness to it, it's a step in recovery from some baggage... and then the next one to come out felt like a real wammy- (Seven of Pentacles in reverse)... I got interrupted after a moment of being engrossed in your energy pile 2s, I feel you had a period where you felt this sense of freedom after a long while of realizing a lot of mental limitations you had that did not serve you- and so you jumped into trying and doing the opposite of those imitations!... but something might have happened that caused all that newfound sense of freedom to deflate in you- and you feel like you've gone right back to square one of how you used to feel- is that right? I find myself asking questions instead of being sure in what I am telling you, maybe that's the state that you're in currently of having all these why this? and why is that? with no feeling of hope in finding any answers, that right? <-- SEE?? there I go putting the questions back onto you instead of giving you answers:')- I'm so sorry. I'm hearing it might not have even been a big thing to have offset you as much as it did, just some sort of small trigger- it might have even just been your own pent up discouragement rearing its head at not seeing enough movement o headway in a certain aspect of your life, even with all the personal changes you were trying to create... I'm using the word trying a lot- omg this is so saddening😭... Ok, I'm going to pull myself out of this dark and dreary pity party (I don't say it in any mean way love ❤️) and take you up with me- because this place sucks and because I have got to offer you some help and some love- it's what you freaking deserve!!
-You have to address your feelings. you have to feel these emotions that are connected to all the limiting thoughts you have. you might be the type to be very flighty when it comes to your emotions- and there is a bright side to that trait that is beautiful and free and I don't think you should get ride of that!! but you're relying and using the shadow aspect of that trait by continuing to fly away to the externals first as to fix the limiting beliefs when really, the way to fix the external- is through the internal. do it for yourself, do it out of love for yourself. give yourself the space, time, patience and love that you deserve. heal your discouragement by allowing it to just be a feeling, and allow it to past like all feelings do. once you start healing and spending time and love on yourself- literally EVERYTHING in your life is going to blossom- love and freedom will be blossoming!!!! and you will be soaring stronger then ever before. oh my gosh-goodness I've gone on, but again- you deserve patience, love, and a space for healing- and I hope I was able to be that my pile 2s~ 🕊
(*reading your energy I know you may be cynical to these affirmations- again please address your limiting thoughts babe because they ain't getting you no where no how, and allow yourself just a little bit of trust. you don't have to even believe the affirmations, just read them/speak them. allow them <3.~*)
✉ I allow myself to heal
✉ I am patient with myself
✉ I allow my internal healing to play out
✉ I have full trust in my healing journey
✉ The more I allow myself to heal the more free I become
✉ The more I allow myself to heal the more I receive what I desire
✉ The more I allow myself to heal the more I accomplish
✉ The more I allow myself to heal the better and better life gets for me
✉ I align myself to love
✉ I align myself to joy
✉ I align myself to abundance
✉ I align myself to peace
✉ I align myself to my self love
✉ I align myself to my inner joy
✉ I align myself to my inner abundance
✉ I align myself to my self peace
✉ I am in alignment with myself
✉ I am capable of receiving all that I dream of and desire
✉ I am capable of giving and receiving love
✉ I am capable of self love and self care
✉ I am always capable because I am enough
✉ I am deserving of healing
✉ I am deserving of what I will accomplish
✉ I am deserving of love, healing, freedom, and to know myself better
✉ I deserve to be healed
✉ I deserve to be limitless
✉ I deserve to love myself
✉ I deserve love
✉ When I change, my reality follows
✉ I make the choice to heal myself
✉ I make the choice to love myself unconditionally
✉ I make the choice to allow self growth
✉ Regardless of anything external, I allow myself full self love
✉ Regardless of anything external, I allow myself to fully heal
✉ I release what no longer serves me
✉ I release what does not serve me and reclaim my energy
✉ I call all of my energy back to me
✉ My path ahead is full of healing, love, beauty, abundance, joy and freedom
✉ I trust my path
✉ I will be successful
✉ I trust that my path is full of abundant success that expands
✉ I am already successful
✉ Success is already mine
✉ I trust that success will flow into my life
✉ My success will build and expand
✉ I know that my success will be full of all my desires
✉ I am deserving of my success
✉ I desire to be successful
✉ I allow my success to flow into my life
✉ I trust my success
✉ I trust that success always finds me and I always find success
✉ Everything I desire will find me
✉ Everything I desire will flow into my life
✉ ✉ ✉
(*idk why but extra quotes for you~ ur favored fr~*)
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✉ pile 3
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✉ ✉ ✉
✉ Three of Swords (reversed), Ace of Wands (reversed), Nine of Swords (reversed)
✉ Air placements, Libra/Aquarius/Gemini, water placements, Cancer/Pisces/Scorpio, numbers 2, 222, 2222, 1212, 2424, 444, old connections, not needed, present-day path, planting seeds, blunt/honest/levelheaded/practical/mature/grown described personality, "he said- she said-", divided energies, feminine intensity, masculine intensity, commonly used emojis 💗, 🔥, 💀, -song Bloodline - Ariana Grande, Stray Kids (?), Enough - Jess Glynne
✉ For the first time in maybe over 3 years, my brain began to play Bloodline by Ariana Grande as soon as I tapped into your energy- I'm getting you may definitely have prominent air or water placements, more so Cancer, and Libra- other air and water placements too and oh gosh I'm realizing that those are Ariana's signs in her big 3- I do not think I'm connecting wrongly though,- I'm seeing that there are some of you that are either listeners/relate to Ariana, and the other camp is completely indifferent/are not in that fan base at all in which case I'm probably turning you off of this reading 😭😭- yea I'm totally seeing 2 separate camps in this pile rn, this divide of either very fem/fem baddies (that whole Thank U, Next album was very much in that whole aesthetic)- or very masc aesthetic/personality (not gender specific btw- this is fully afab/amab safe)... I randomly typed a fire emoji and heard the word "lit" immediately- so for my masc group you guys are described like that and or aim for that aesthetic- but my fems here are seen as that too 🔥 I'm hearing, like that description isn't gender-expression exclusive 💗🔥. again now there's more music coming through- for my mascs it's K-pop, K-indie, K-rock, K-Metel.. This is so weird to hear because i know nothing about that scene (someone here likes jazz tf- okkkk😭)... two very different and... stubborn- towards each other?- energies rn.
Ok, I'm going to actually get into what's going on as best I can for the collective- I'll be honest, this energy is all over the place, and I'm having a hard time reading or relating specifically to just one group of people rn like- 💀💀💀... I'm hearing the phrase "he said- she said-" so honestly I could be describing two people who are in/were in a relationship of some kind, a feminine and a masculine- (again, afab/amab safe!! and take what resonates) so you could be the feminine reading this and this is about a masculine who's heavy on your heart, or you could be the masculine in this and this is concerning your feminine whom you're really messed up over. and for both of these situations, it's really mutual that you two cut each other deep in the heart space 💀- like fr there is history that has occurred between you two and something happened that really made the mark that you guys left on each other's hearts- open up and start bleeding... and I'm literally just standing here watching the intensity of you two gazing at each other-... I'm seeing this scene of the feminine wanting to close her door but just continuing to stare at the masculine who could have stormed off but instead is still standing on the welcome mat, staring back into the eyes of the feminine- AND I'M STANDING IN THE HALLWAY OF THIS APARTMENT COMPLEX LIKE... I'm just trying to pass through to go feed my cats 💀...
I fr don't know what to say,- and that is so not like me at all. I'm just so heavily in this energy and there are literally two energies coming in and are weirdly connected to each other- AND they are both stubborn as hell. YOU TWO ARE BOTH stubborn as hell 😭. in fact, you two are so similar that when you have a problem with each other- no one can get a foot in the door to help. because you two are literally so on the same level mentally, that you can literally continue your intense stare-down with your friends trying to get in the middle to put the situation on ice- but you both continue to set each other's souls ablaze... you two need a retreat away from each other BAHAH 💀. God, again I do not know what to say because not only are you stubborn and intimidating asf, you are also very mature (referring to a singular person again whew), and you have the (emotional) receipts to back up how intense you can be- (I cannot figure out where to put this but it keeps weighing heavy that some of you are even parents/have young kids you have to be thinking about constantly)- you know bullshit like the back of your hand and I know you'll def be eying my words rn like a hawk... wasn't I suppose to give you affirmations 😭????? *nervous laughter fr* jokes aside- I'm going to stand my ground to you,- I can feel it and see it in the eyes I'm being shown- you've been through a lot. you have a past that is heavy and it's weighed on you since you were just a little girl/little boy/little child. you had to mature fast in the way you did out of your own survival. and that has done what it has done- but what about now? yes, you can do and act however you want to. you've earned your living! as you believed you needed to, had to, and would do- but for someone so confrontational about other's behavior- why can you not do the same for your own? you're usually right with the conclusions you come to about situations and other people with all the shit you've seen- so why not face yourself with that same focus? just as you question other people's behavior, already knowing the truth about them- you can do that very thing to yourself.
question yourself- why does this person trigger you the way that they do? when this person triggers you, what are you reminded of? are you reminded of another person or situation? are you reminded of your family growing up? are you reminded of your father? or mother? or relatives?- does this person who triggers you- remind you of yourself?... do the heavy walls you built when they were required to survive, serve you now? because I think it's what's inside the walls that needs stabilizing.
WOOO I just gave tougher love then I have ever done before- but I freaking had to get through to you love!! I really hope I did, whatever vulnerable emotion you are feeling right now if you've read this far of what I've channeled for you- please know that you have people you can go to with these emotions. this isn't like when you were growing up, you are safe. you are safe to be fully you, every piece of you that you had to lock away or armor up is safe now- thanks to the life you are building for yourself. I'm hearing a saying about how when you cut a tomato, you get a bunch of seeds- and you can plant those seeds, and with your work and patience, you get more tomatoes!! and that's what you've done- taken the small seeds and grew things up for yourself. so please enjoy all your hard work, PLEASE- show all those parts of you love. plant those seeds that you had to lock away and allow them to blossom and finally see the sunlight you created. again, I really am seeing that you do have safe options to turn to for support, definitely personal support- friends I'm mostly seeing- people outside of your old family/upbringing...
if you're in an intense relationship of some kind (said person could even be someone you've known since childhood/earlier years) like what I was channeling earlier, then I'm seeing that could be a perfect opportunity to turn to people for support- and oh my gosh honey you're going to be so loved. you already are, people love you and want you to open up more to them- I'm just seeing you opening up more as being both healing and strengthening for you, but also for your relationships 💗. this is so sweet, you have some sweet people around you that you fully deserve (for those with kids I see you taking so much more healthy joy in being a parent and you connecting with your little ones so beautifully- I'm seeing dancing in the kitchen especially 😭💗). but just to be inclusive to everyone here, you of course don't have to open up to others- I see seeking some professional guidance of some kind would also be incredibly beneficial (also spiritual guidance if you have an interest in that), and also you of course always have yourself. so go inward and see how you can show up for yourself better!!!
alright whew I know that reading might not have been for everyone but it was strong so I know that this reading is for someone💗🔥 so it was a pleasure. anddd my apologizes for the full read yikezies 💀-
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✉ I am safe
✉ I create a safe space for myself
✉ I have created a safe space for myself
✉ I am in a safe place
✉ I am safe to express and feel my emotions
✉ My emotions are mine and I am free and safe to express them
✉ My environment is safe and fully mine
✉ I choose to feel safe
✉ I allow myself to be vulnerable
✉ I allow myself to feel what as hurt me
✉ I allow myself to be bitter
✉ I allow myself to cry
✉ I allow myself to be angry
✉ I allow myself to grieve
✉ I allow parts of me that do not serve my highest good to pass
✉ I allow what does not serve me any longer to leave my body and exit out of my life
✉ I allow the most vulnerable parts of me to be healed
✉ I allow the most vulnerable parts of me to exist
✉ I respect my vulnerability to be as it is
✉ I love my vulnerability
✉ I allow myself to be patient towards my life
✉ I am patient with myself
✉ I allow myself to release control in my life and surrender to my healing journey
✉ I have released control and am now in a state of healing
✉ I allow myself to prioritize my needs fully
✉ I am my first priority
✉ I allow myself to feel taken care of
✉ I am taken care of
✉ I allow myself self love and self growth
✉ I am focused on giving myself the love I deserve
✉ I allow myself to be emotionally open
✉ I am emotionally open towards myself
✉ I show up for myself
✉ I allow myself to connect to my heart and give love to those I trust
✉ I am open to people I trust
✉ I am shown who I can trust and I allow my heart to open
✉ I am protected and surrounded by people who I trust
✉ I am protected and surrounded by love and those who I can love safely
✉ I am protected and surrounded by abundance and success regardless of any externals
✉ I deserve to be trusted and I am worthy to share my trust
✉ I deserve to be loved and I am worthy to share my love
✉ I deserve abundance and I am worthy to share my abundance
✉ I deserve success and I am worthy to share my success
✉ Trust is my birthright
✉ Love is my birthright
✉ Abundance is my birthright
✉ Success is my birthright
✉ Stability and loyalty is my birthright
✉ Regardless of others actions- I am deserving of trust, love, abundance, success, stability, and loyalty
✉ I accept the truth that it is my birthright, and that I am inherently deserving of trust, love, abundance, success, stability, and loyalty
✉ I allow myself to live my life knowing those truths
✉ I allow myself to breathe through my whole body and begin to shed all that no longer serves me
✉ I trust myself and I trust my journey
✉ I allow myself to be healed
✉ I am capable of being healed
✉ I am healing
✉ I am healed
✉ I allow myself to view my life as my own
✉ My life is my own, and I live by my love, joy, and peace
✉ I allow myself to see life as enjoyable
✉ I am capable of viewing life as enjoyable and all that can bring me joy
✉ I enjoy viewing my life as fun and full of joy and peace
✉ I allow myself to have fun with myself and those I love
✉ I am capable of having fun with myself and those I love
✉ I love having fun in my life and sharing that with those I love
✉ I fall in love with myself, and find someone to share it with
✉ ✉ ✉
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✉ oh praise be we're done~ byeeeee till next time
✉ ✉ ✉ love, vi~♡
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scarletttries · 6 months
What One Piece Characters Are Like In A Relationship...(Part Two)
Request: "Greetings, could I ask for headcanons of what Buggy the Clown and Dracule Mihawk are like in a relationship?"
Pairings: Buggy x Reader, Mihawk x Reader, Shanks x Reader
Part One (The Straw Hats) here / One Piece Masterlist
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Buggy the Clown:
- It's impossible to overestimate the sheer vulnerability it took for Captain Buggy to speak genuinely and honestly when he finally confessed his feelings for you. A man who's spent so much of his life hidden behind a painted facade and a wicked smile, he tried to fight his truth for so long, forcing himself to treat you like just another pirate on his ship when there's nothing you could do that wouldn't stand out to him. The sincerity with which you speak to him, the way you don't gawk at his appearance, the fact that you never engage in the mutinous whispers of those around you. It wasn't long until you became his most called upon ally on the ship, through genuine appreciation for your insights but also his intense need to have his eyes on you at all times.
- With his feelings out in the open, Buggy is still conflicted in the way he showers his affections upon you. Behind closed doors the man is your personal jester, cracking jokes and using his gifts to keep you smiling and entertained constantly. Honestly that man would do anything to keep you looking at him, the warmth of your gaze enough to undo decades of cruelty and ridicule.
- Around the crew though, your captain likes to keep his adoration discrete. There are a lot of people out there that would love to have something they could use against him, and he knows deep down he'd surrender everything he's ever worked for if it stopped a single hair on your head being harmed. So despite how Buggy feels like he is bursting at the seams with joy every time he sees you, he insists on keeping things a secret for as long as the two of you can, lasting on longing looks and subtle contact for the price of your safety.
- That does add a certain desperation to the clown's behaviour towards you though, not that you mind. The moment you close a door he'll be on with you in a flash, all hungry lips and pressing his chest flush with yours to bathe in your warmth while he still can. He needs you overwhelming all of his senses, to fill his heart back up before he has to face the day without you again. Sometimes when he knows you'll be apart for a while, he'll tell the crew he's lost a hand somewhere on the ship so he can leave one tucked securely in your pocket, subtly interlacing his fingers with yours whenever the day gets to be too much; the powers he once feared made him a devil, now giving him the chance to stay by an angel's side forevermore.
Dracule Mihawk:
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- A life as the world's greatest swordsman can be a lonely one. Going wherever he's paid to go. Never putting down roots. Knowing that one day he might just find someone desperate enough for his title to kill for it. Mihawk had accepted this life with a certain pride, until he found something else he wanted to be the best at.
- Another night in another island bar had his path crossing with yours, the briefest of exchanges leaving an aching hole in his chest like he'd never experienced before. It was like your smile sent a spark his way that had his whole body going up in smoke, a fire lit inside him that he had only felt once before; for his pursuit of swordsmanship. He knew nothing would quell that desire except giving in fully to the devotion.
- Dracule is extremely attentive to your every whim. He's never really been tied down before he enjoys the grounding that comes from having someone else to influence each of his days. Nothing fulfils him like making one of your wishes come true, his dedication to your partnership unwavering no matter what the world throws at you both.
- He would take enormous pride in teaching you a few of his sword-fighting moves, framing the sessions as just a way to share in his two favourite things (swords and you), but in the back of his mind also very conscious that a time may come when you need to defend yourself from his enemies. Naturally he'll find a way throw your practice fights so the two of you end up on the floor together, his sword cast aside as he exclaims that you are the only person in all the seas that has ever disarmed him so. Don't be expecting to leave that floor for a while once he has you in his grips.
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- When you work in a popular port town you see a lot of pirates come and go. So it's pretty noticeable when a certain captain seems to do all his supply runs in your specific shop. Shanks is not at all subtle that he's continually coming to town for you, your first conversation enough for him to reveal that you might be the only person he's ever met that could convince him to give up the pirate life and settle down.
- You don't ask him to do that, instead the two of you settle for frequently being apart, but relishing in every second you get to spend together when you can. Every moment that Shanks is in your life is filled with fun, whether he's just dancing with you in your lovely little home, or convincing you to come with him on this next adventure, heading to a beautiful island where for once he's confident there's no risk of danger to you.
- When you have to be apart, Shanks will call you late in the night, narrating the view from his perch on the figurehead of his ship. He'll describe every detail of the stars glistening on the waves until the peachy rays of the sun trickle across the horizon, all while knowing the far superior view is wherever you are. He'll never reveal the true danger of his journeys to you, instead giving you joyful reimaginations of the troubles he's faced that day. You can tell when he's had a hard week from the pain in his voice though, so you take the chance to regale him with the softness of your peaceful day, recounting your every step and listening to his breathing slow as a weight lifts off his chest. He tells you how one day he can't wait to dock his ship one final time and fall in step with the life you've built, never having to hear your voice from so far away again.
- He lets that hope carry him through the most tempestuous nights at sea, through all the near misses at the hands of his enemies, through every day spent hiding from a bounty hunter and aching to hear your voice again. He finds himself picturing the two of you raising a family, a tiny crew of your own that will always unite you, the ultimate adventure Shanks can imagine, and one he never thought he'd long for until he thought about living it hand in hand with you.
One piece requests still open!
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Vesuvia Weekly (M6 Drabbles): To be loved is to be ...
Valued. Julian knows it's a bit callous of him to claim that nobody has ever valued him, when even the people he's hurt the most deeply still can't keep themselves from wanting to save him. But you're the first person who's somehow gotten that message past his poor self-esteem. Without any excuses to shelve your love onto - you're my family, you have to feel that way, I was your friend, you'd feel guilty if you didn't, you saved me once, so you're obliged to do it again - the only explanation he can accept from you is the one you give him.
So when you hold him and keep holding him when he's convinced he doesn't have anything worthwhile to offer you except himself, he has to believe he's valued. By you. And god, what a thought that is.
Known. After years of being your home, Asra knows you like the back of their hand. But for the past three years - and for most of their life, if they're being honest - their greatest safety was their capacity to be unknowable. Unreadable. Mysterious and unpredictable. Nobody was ever allowed into his heart as more than a guest, and until he unconditionally handed half of it over to you as yours, nobody ever had a claim to it. But now you've come fully into your own, and you're part of their life on equal footing, and secrets are foolish now.
You know everything about him - how he likes his tea, the minute shifts in your bond with his every fleeting emotion, the way his "impossible" brain thinks - and it's okay because it's you. You're home.
Uplifted. Nadia is a born and nurtured leader. As the youngest in a family of them, she watched and learned from a leadership style that focused on building things up - and then she married someone who tore her down instead, along with an entire city's populace. Waking up to a city in ruins and a council of sabotage and not a single memory of any nearby friends did not help the parts of her that could use some building up. How was she supposed to lay solid foundations when she felt like she was crumbling? Until you, that is.
You see her weaknesses and immaturities and inexperience and your response is to support her. You comfort her when she's discouraged and encourage her when she's fearful. You build her up.
Protected. As loathe as he is to admit it, Muriel's done more than his fair share of protecting those he cares about. From his time in the Coliseum, to his escape from the Coliseum, to his watchful nurture in the woods, many of his biggest changes happened to protect another life. He never got his hopes up for someone who'd see him, all 6'10, grouchy, seemingly indestructible roughness of him, and want to protect him. People like him don't get to have things like softness, and warmth, and hearty meals that make you sleepy-safe.
You don't agree. You see the fearful, anxiety-ridden child in his eyes when a crowd gets too big or a stranger gets too loud, and you take care of it. You protect him. You show him what "safe" feels like.
Seen. Counting every time she's been overlooked for someone else's sake is the fastest way to send Portia spiraling into uncharacteristic depression. The worst part is that she always ended up going along with it, overlooking herself in the process. Her brother needed a stable sister. The grandmas needed an extra pair of hands. Her brother needed a stable sister, again. The Palace needed someone to keep watch over the Countess. The Countess needed a handmaiden. So, you ... what kind of invisible do you need her to be, for you?
Except that you wanted her to be loud. You wanted her to be visible. You wanted her to talk about herself, for once. You're the first main character she's on equal footing with, and you see each other.
Changed. Lucio is not used to changing. He was raised to see it as a sign of weakness - one moment of compromising your own goals, one moment of failing to commit, and you're as good as dead. So he as a teenager, filled with feelings of betrayal and abandonment, decided exactly who he wanted to be and stuck to the bit. Too many deals, several battlefields, a lethal plague, a Coliseum, countless crimes, and a few decades later, Lucio found as good as dead anyways. Until you happened. With a new goal to commit to.
Somehow changing for you (as vulnerable as it is) doesn't feel weak. Every moment that he struggles out of another habit, he finds you in a new space full of gentle pleasures his teenaged self never imagined.
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donnapalude · 1 month
i know it has been said but i don't exactly see how someone can watch the entirety of bs & think that max's ending is supposed to be construed as a narrative reward for the "goodness" of her actions. & that that reward must necessarily come in the form of a stable position of power & uncomplicated personal happiness alongside it.
the semi-triumphant framing of her final scenes cannot be decontextualised from every single instance where the show has made clear that places of safety (especially for marginalised people) are ephemeral under the empire. nor from the fact that awful choices are made & will always be necessary to make those places possible. the only "victory" the show recognises max is that of being the character best able to navigate power in nassau. but that's a factual consideration, not a moral one. one cannot infer, from that alone, whether that power or her relationship to it have any positive value. this can only be ascertained by looking at the overall themes of the show, which generally does not advocate for colonial rule & securing one's own happiness at the expense of others. moreover, max's capacity to work within civilisation is also not depicted as a fully empowering trait, as it is predicated on her ability to contort herself in whatever shape required of her on any given moment. & even that is temporary. by killing the revolution, she has made sure that her happiness remains built on sand & that the empire may come to reclaim her little pocket of autonomy at any time. there's really nothing here telling me that her victory is anything but pyrrhic.
what i think confuses people is that the show is trying to portray max as a sympathetic person, without feeling the need to paint her as a good one. it simply puts to the viewers that her actions are completely logical & understandable given her life experiences & that, in the same situation, many would have made the same choices. to the point that in part this is something that "lives beyond choice". if the world has only ever brutalised you, what exactly do you owe to it? what grace, what forgiveness? i think the feeling that this framing entails a complete endorsement stems less from any actual message the show is sending & more from the inability to reconcile the complexity of this position. that of being encouraged to feel a sense of communion with a character without absolving them &, therefore, absolving ourselves with them. to accept that there is a shared culpability in the actions of a person like max that cannot be borne by her alone, but must be distributed structurally across systems we inhabit. & that, at the same time, positions of oppression & victimhood within those systems don't fully eradicate our potential complicity in them. i don't find any contradiction in portraying the existence of a sense of relief over our personal happiness, even when built on the suffering of others. the contradiction is intrinsic to its existence. that, however, does not make it any less present. all that black sails asks of us is to sit with this.
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fantasyescapes17 · 1 year
Wings (Part 5, Final)
Your debut in society was as spectacular as one could be, but nobody had prepared you for what came afterward. When you find yourself overwhelmed during your very first season and unable to keep up with the rat race to secure yourself an eligible husband, a curious mentor appears- in the form of notorious flirt and self-proclaimed rake, Mr. Kim Mingyu.
Genre: Mingyu x Female!reader. Regency!AU. You are Jeonghan's sibling so your last name is Yoon but the reader has no other physical characteristics.
Warnings: smoking (don't smoke kids, the characters in this story are from a time when they didn't know how bad it was for their health)
Word Count: 4.5k+
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Series Masterlist [You WILL need to read Patience, the earlier installment in this series first in order to understand the character dynamics in this story. Reading Candle before this is also strongly recommended.]
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You had attended a handful of weddings in your life, but nothing could ever compare to your sister’s wedding to Mr. Choi. It was not the most lavish or spectacular event of the year. It was a simple ceremony in your local church with hardly twenty people in attendance. 
But no amount of decor or grandeur could have compensated for the utter devotion in the bride and groom’s eyes. The longing, the respect, the unconditional trust they both shared was too large to be contained within themselves. Their love was no game. It was an unavoidable truth. Every single person in the church felt it. Even, to an extent, your mother, who watched the ceremony in silence and did not make any attempt to ruin it. 
By the time the bride and groom departed for their long-awaited honeymoon, your handkerchief was soaked through with your tears.
“I think this has been an emotional week for all of us,” Jeonghan said to you as you both left the church. His voice was steady but you could see the mistiness in his eyes. “A lot of people were involved in making this wedding possible- not least of all, you.” 
You smiled up at your brother. “They had suffered long enough.” 
Jeonghan raised an eyebrow. “And your suffering?”
You turned away from him quickly, sensing the approach of a topic that you did not wish to discuss. “I must find Jiwoo-” 
“No. Jiwoo is perfectly fine, he is with his governess,” your brother told you firmly, determined not to allow you to escape. “I am not an idiot, sister. I have given up attempting to find out exactly what occurred between yourself and Mr. Kim but my acquaintances tell me that he is on a journey across the English countryside and has been drinking every inn and tavern in his path dry.” 
You flinched at the mention of Mr. Kim. You had been avoiding any news of him; you did not want to even think about the man. 
“Unfortunate,” you said coldly. “Perhaps someone should intervene.” 
Jeonghan raised an eyebrow. “So you have no intention of intervening yourself?” 
You stared at your brother in disbelief. “And what exactly do you expect me to do, Jeonghan? Do you consider me responsible for Mr. Kim’s health? Should I be following him around taverns and begging him not to imbibe? Please tell me how I could possibly prevent a fully grown gentleman from making poor choices with his time and money.” 
Jeonghan raised an eyebrow. “I expect nothing from you. But when you react so strongly to a simple suggestion, it makes it difficult for me to believe that nothing occurred back in London.” 
“I do not wish to talk about it-”
“You must at least tell me what he did-” 
“No, I must not. I love you, brother; but please, stop this line of inquiry.” 
Jeonghan’s jaw clenched. It was not anger- he was simply frustrated, being too used to single-handedly solving the family’s problems. Having been left in the dark was difficult for him, but it was not enough to convince you to talk to him about your experiences in London. 
You wanted to put them far, far behind you. 
“Jiwoo!” you called out to the young boy. He was walking with his elderly governess, looking rather tired and sleepy. “You look quite exhausted; shall we go home?” you turned to his governess with a smile. “I can take Jiwoo from here. Mr. Choi would have informed you that he will be staying with me at the Yoon estate until the couple are back from their honeymoon.” 
The governess nodded and handed Jiwoo over to you. “Of course, my lady.” 
Jiwoo blinked up at you. “When will father be back?” 
“In a week,” you promised him. “But we shall have lots of fun together until then. Are you excited?” 
Jiwoo grinned up at you, looking a little more awake. “Yes.” 
“Come along, then- the carriage is waiting for us. Let us go home.” 
Jeonghan and your sister-in-law were still conversing with other wedding guests near the church so you went ahead and climbed into the carriage with Jiwoo. The carriage could double back for the others- the church was only a few minutes from the manor. Jiwoo cheerfully told you about his studies and his new pet frog, Bernard during the short carriage ride to the Yoon estate. 
You sensed that something was wrong as soon as the carriage door opened. There was a strange horse munching on the immaculate lawns near the manor entrance, and a servant-maid came running up to you, looking somewhat agitated. 
“Miss Yoon,” the maid said hurriedly. “Mr. Kim Mingyu arrived earlier this morning. I tried to tell him that everyone was at the wedding, but he insisted on waiting in the drawing room! He said he wanted to speak to you in particular, and I did not know if that was appropriate-” 
You took a deep breath. Your chest felt tight. You had known that you would have to face Mr. Kim Mingyu again, but you were not prepared for it to be right after your sister’s wedding while your emotions were still raw. You had expected that you would have more time to prepare for that particular encounter. 
Then again- Mr. Kim had never been so easily predictable. 
“I will handle it,” you told the maid calmly. “Please take Jiwoo upstairs. He is quite tired from the wedding, I am sure he could use a nap.” 
The maid took the young boy away and you allowed yourself a brief moment to regain your composure before walking into the drawing room. 
Mr. Kim was seated in an armchair, but he leapt to his feet as soon as you entered the room. He looked almost worse than he had the last time you saw him in London. He did not reek of whisky anymore but his bloodshot eyes, pale face and dry lips told you that his last drink had not been very long ago. Mr. Kim's handsome face was marred by fear, and his dark eyes looked anxious.
“Miss Yoon-”
“Mr. Kim,” you greeted him coldly. “I must assume that you were not aware of my sister’s wedding or you would surely have not come while the family was busy celebrating an event that you were not invited to.” 
Mr. Kim stared at you for a long moment in absolute silence. His hands were shaking and he bowed his head. 
“I-I was not aware of your sister’s wedding, allow me to offer my congratulations,” he said finally.
“The couple has already left for their honeymoon. You are too late to congratulate them.” 
“Was there a reason behind this unexpected visit?” you demanded. 
“I-I had to speak to you.” 
“Then speak.” 
There was a long silence that ensued. Your heart was beating at an unnatural rate. You could see the agony in every inch of Mr. Kim’s posture and as he bit his lip and ran his fingers through his hair. A part of you- the part of you that had fallen in love with him- ached to see him like this. But there was another part of you that remembered your own wounds and pain, and swiftly suppressed any sympathy that you could feel for him. 
The large grandfather clock in the corner of the room was ticking loudly. 
“Do you have anything to say?” you asked after an entire minute had gone by. “Or is it your intention to make me wait in silence all afternoon?” 
Mr. Kim cleared his throat. He was avoiding your gaze. “I am sorry. I-I had planned what to say to you, but somehow the words felt…” 
“Empty? Rehearsed?” you demanded. “Or perhaps you thought that your mere presence would be enough to move me, and that words were not necessary? Was it not you who taught me some vacuous nonsense about the art of silence?” 
He looked pained. “No, of course not-” 
“If you are struggling to find something to say, Mr. Kim, then allow me to spare you the effort. There is nothing that you could say that would ever make me forgive you."
His eyes snapped up to meet yours, wide and horrified. "Please don't say that-"
"I am not in the habit of lying."
"I am not here to lie to you," he insisted hotly. 
You clenched your fists and glared at him, almost challenging him to try and manipulate you again. 
"Then go on, Mr. Kim. Prove that you are not merely the rake that the world sees you as. Say one thing to me that is not some attempt to contrive or manipulate me. A single sentence that is not rehearsed, and that truly comes from your heart."
Mr. Kim took a deep breath and stepped closer to you. "I-I have been thinking about what I said to you, and-"
"No, try again," you said coldly. 
"I never meant to hurt you-"
"That is clearly a lie. Try again."
His face was beginning to turn red. "I was overwhelmed by my emotions and-"
"Excuses, excuses."
"I love you!" he burst out finally. His face was red and he was breathing heavily. "I love you, Miss Yoon, I love you so much that I cannot contain these emotions inside of my heart and this love overwhelms my thoughts, feelings, self-respect and every rational part of my mind. I love you more than I have ever loved anything in this world."
The confession was loaded. It hit you like a train- even you could not maintain your strong facade in the face of those heated words and Mr. Kim's dark, passionate gaze. 
"The right words," you said quietly, your voice cracking. "If only you had said them two weeks ago."
Mr. Kim's shoulders fell. 
"I know that I have no right to stand before you like this," he said passionately. Mr. Kim stepped closer to you and reached for your hands, grasping them tightly. "I have been a monster. I have hurt you and manipulated you, and wronged you. I am sorry."
You pulled your hands away from him sharply. 
"A simple apology cannot fix this mess, Mr. Kim."
"I know-"
"This is not some unintended mistake. You did not step on my foot or mispronounce my name. No- you manipulated me and played with my emotions over a period of months. Was any of it real? Or was it all a game to you?" you asked, your voice cracking. 
He looked torn. "It started as a game- I was so used to the thrill of the seduction. I saw a chance to woo the reputed Miss Yoon. The belle of the ball, the jewel of the ton, the most sought-after young debutante of the season, it was just such a tempting challenge…"
You felt sick. "Of course. It was a game to you. As I was warned so many times by everyone around me- I was young and naive, the ripe target for a rake."
He stepped away from you and took a deep breath. 
"There was a thrill," he admitted shamefully. "In getting to know you and discovering the little things about you, your vulnerabilities and strengths, how I could use them to make you fall in love with me. I showed you a side of me that I hoped you would fall for."
You said nothing. 
"But I never meant to hurt you," he insisted hotly. "You are blinded by your insecurities so you don't see certain things… I don't think you're aware of how beautiful and desirable you are. The whole ton was in love with you. You were the season's jewel, renowned for your beauty and approved by the Queen herself. It was a competition for your heart. You had so many suitors, and you could have had any bachelor you chose in a heartbeat. I never really expected you to fall in love with me. I thought you would marry someone else by the end of the season as you'd planned and it was a game, a harmless little game…"
"Harmless?" you demanded angrily. "Harmless for who, Mr. Kim?"
"I was wrong," he insisted. His face was red and he had turned away from you to pace the room. "I did not see that you were falling in love, I did not realise how dangerous my own feelings for you were becoming. Until the day we kissed in the gallery and I was forced to accept that this game had gone too far and gotten completely, utterly out of hand…"
You said nothing. Your throat felt heavy and you swallowed. 
Mr. Kim came over to you suddenly. He kneeled in front of you and his dark eyes met yours. You could see the pain, the love, the emotion that bubbled underneath the surface of his gaze.
"I made a mistake," he whispered. "Many mistakes. But I love you. I need you in my life. Nobody else- nothing else in this world can make me as happy as you make me. That is my truth."
You looked down at him. "And me?" you whispered. "How am I to be happy, Mingyu?"
"I will do anything in my power to make you happy," he promised vehemently. 
You shook your head. It was not enough. It would never be enough. Declarations of love and words of affection were quick to sway but you had been manipulated by this man before. You loved him- loved him with your entire heart but it was not enough. 
"I watched my sister getting married today," you told him shakily. "Do you know how long she and Mr. Choi have been waiting to marry?"
Mr. Kim blinked. "A few years?"
"Almost five years. My sister gave up her prime years in society for him, destroyed all her other prospects and waited for so long. I never understood how she could take that risk and wait so patiently for him without a shred of regret. I think I finally understood it today. That feeling they share… it's something more than just love, Mingyu."
He waited silently for you to continue. 
"It's trust," you finished. "And it doesn't matter how much I love you, because my trust in you is broken."
He recoiled as though you had slapped him. 
"Of course," he said quietly. "I understand."
"Then we are done here."
"No," he said firmly. "No, we are not done. I have not come here to give up so easily. If I have broken your trust then I will repair it. Even if it takes a year, or five or ten…"
You shook your head. "You can't be serious."
"I will prove to you that what we share is nothing less than what your sister shares with Mr. Choi," he promised. "I will wait until your trust in me is restored, I will show you the parts of me I was too ashamed to show you before. I will fix this."
You swallowed. "A bold promise."
"I know you don't believe me," he said quietly. "You do not need to. I will prove it to you."
"You can't-"
"I will," Mr. Kim said firmly. "I will tell you and show you how much I love you every single day until you choose to believe it."
"And if that day never comes?"
"Then let them engrave it on my tombstone."
You shook your head in disbelief. "Mingyu, really…"
"I love you."
Joenghan was confused and wary when he discovered Mr. Kim had arrived uninvited during the wedding. But  since nobody would tell him exactly what was happening, he hesitantly extended an invitation to Mr. Kim to stay at the Yoon estate as long as he was in town. Mr. Kim accepted gratefully. 
You awoke the next morning to the sound of loud laughter; Mr. Kim was teaching Jiwoo how to ride a pony in the gardens. You quickly dressed and went downstairs to tell them to be quiet, and that it was far too early to be waking up the entire town. 
"Look; I am riding!" Jiwoo cried excitedly as he managed to control the pony without help. You could not resist a smile. 
"I see you and Jiwoo are having fun," you said to Mr. Kim drily. 
Mr. Kim smiled. "You speak of Jiwoo often; I thought befriending him might be useful. He promised to do anything for me if I taught him to ride one of the ponies, so I am simply keeping my promise."
You stared at him in disbelief. "And this does not seem manipulative to you?"
"It's hardly manipulative when I am being completely honest about what I am doing," Mr. Kim protested with a charming smile. "I do have to use some methods to win your heart, my dear Miss Yoon. I cannot simply sit here and expect my handsome face to do all the work."
"So this is your new tactic?" you demanded. "You will tell me what you are doing as you attempt to manipulate me?"
"One might call that honesty."
"One might call it brazen shamelessness."
"Call it what you will," he replied lightly. "I believe the arrangement benefits everyone involved. Jiwoo! Come back here!"
Jiwoo rode the pony back and dismounted before running over to you. Mr. Kim quickly took the pony's reins and calmed it down. 
"Did you see me riding Chocolate?" Jiwoo asked excitedly. 
You smiled at the boy. "I did. You did an excellent job! You must be very hungry after all that riding. Go inside and have breakfast- I will join you in a moment."
Jiwoo nodded before reaching into his pocket. 
"Mr. Kim asked me to give you this," the boy added before running away. 
You unfolded the sheet of paper that Jiwoo handed you. You were not sure what you had been expecting- but certainly not the words 'I love you' scrawled in Mr. Kim's familiar penmanship. You went over to him and raised an eyebrow.
"What is this?" you asked him. 
Mr. Kim blinked. "A love letter."
"Rather low effort, don't you think?" you asked. 
He chuckled. "Well, I had no choice. You are already familiar with all my flowery prose and poetry- you have my notes on the subject. I was worried you would see anything taken from there as ingenuine; therefore, I have chosen the path of simplicity and honesty."
You could not bite back your smile. "I see."
Mr. Kim turned his attention away from you and gave the pony an apple that he was carrying in his pocket. "I thought it would be best to befriend Chocolate the pony as well, seeing as he is one of your happiest memories. Luckily he is not much harder to sway than Jiwoo- he just needs a few apples."
"Don't overfeed him," you warned. 
"I will be careful. Let me put him back in the stables and then I will join you for breakfast. Speaking of which…"
You looked at him. "What?"
"That stableboy of yours doesn't still work here, does he?"
Your eyes widened in horror. "Mr. Kim!" you scolded him, appalled.
He grinned. "All right, all right. I had to ask."
Perhaps it was because you knew how weak Mr. Kim made you,  you tried harder than necessary to resist his ensuing attempts to win your trust back. You were not going to make it easy for him to hurt you again. 
Your heart was already his- there was never a moment where it belonged to anybody but Mingyu. But your head was cautious, suspicious, ever-doubting his words and actions and intentions. 
Mr. Kim spent most of the winter either at the Yoon estate or nearby. He was always near you- his attention devoted to you, hanging onto your every word and making small gestures to win your heart. It soon became clear to your entire family that Mr. Kim Mingyu was desperately trying to woo you. Even once he returned to his own estate, he wrote long letters to you multiple times a week. 
Then came the season. 
Your second London season was far less exciting, but far more enjoyable than your first had been. The absence of your mother (she had chosen to stay in the countryside) and your newfound confidence made things easier and less stressful.
There was also a new set of nervous, pretty young debutantes for the ton to fawn over. You were not surprised to find yourself no longer one of the most desired young ladies of the ton. But Mr. Kim was not deterred. He continued to court you openly and while he was around, it was difficult not to feel like the most beautiful woman in the room. 
Mr. Kim was determined to make you fall in love with him all over again, and he succeeded. He accompanied you to every ball, promenaded with you when the weather was nice, and made it known to the ton that Mr. Kim was no longer a rake- he was now a much reformed man in love. 
He also showed you things that he claimed he would never have shown anyone else. One interesting evening was spent with both of you going over his finances, where you discovered just how much money Mr. Kim had invested in his art gallery, and how much he had lost over cards to your brother. 
"You do have a gambling problem," you scolded him. "No more cards for you, Mr. Kim."
He proceeded to sit miserably and empty-handed at the edge of the card tables in the assembly room for the next week, until you finally told him that you did not mind him playing a little. He was promptly made fun of by some of the other gentlemen but it did not seem to bother him- he only beamed at you across the room as they laughed about how you were not even married and controlled his finances already. 
As the weeks and months passed, you fell in love with Mr. Kim a second time. It was the same, and yet also different. 
He was still an excellent dancer, a charmer and could still make your heart skip a beat with his playful smile and dark twinkling eyes. But this Mr. Kim was more clumsy, more honest and less sure of himself than the suave rake you had fallen for the previous season. 
You were now privy to the less perfect sides of Mr. Kim. His frustration that the art gallery was not doing as well as he had hoped, his gambling habit, the hesitation that sometimes appeared in his eyes when he was unsure of himself. He confided in you about the struggles he had faced when his parents passed away while he was still young. You fell more in love with him when he shared these parts of him with you. 
The Mr. Kim you had initially loved was only an image, a small slice of the Kim Mingyu you had now grown to love and understand and even trust. 
"So," he said to you one evening as you both shared a Cuban cigar on the balcony of the Duchess of Graham's manor. There was a large celebration happening inside that you had both snuck away from. "We find ourselves back on this fateful balcony where we first met."
You smirked up at him and snatched the cigar from his fingers before taking a drag. "You mean where you found me crying on the floor."
Mr. Kim shrugged. "I didn't want to bring it up…"
"I think I've changed a lot since then."
"You have," he said quietly. He gave you a small smile. "I know I only made things more difficult and it's not my place to say, but… I am proud of you."
You bit your lip. "I am proud of myself too."
"Good," he said with a nod. 
"But I should probably stop smoking."
"Shall we quit together?" you asked him. "We've only been doing this as a way to spend time with each other, and I think we are rather past needing to find excuses to be alone together."
Mr. Kim looked amused as you put out the cigar on the railing. 
"If you think we should quit, then I am not going to argue," he said lightly. 
You nodded and hummed. "And perhaps we should stop meeting on other people's balconies like this."
"Now you are making me worry."
You reached into your pocket and pulled out a small book- it had been entrusted to you by Miss Ella Williams, who had gifted it to you for your use since you were one of her few unmarried friends. You showed Mr. Kim the pages with his name and the lengthy list of ladies he had courted. 
He winced. "I feel a sudden urge to defend myself by pointing out that yours is the last name on that list- but I am sure you would not be standing here if it wasn't."
You giggled. "True," you said. 
Then with a swift move, you ripped Kim Mingyu's page out of the book and pressed the end of your cigar against the page to light it on fire. The paper smouldered and slowly burned into a small pile of ash. 
Mr. Kim was watching you closely with his dark eyes. 
"I am scared to ask why you just burned my page," he said warily. "Should I be worried?"
"This book will probably get passed onto one of the newer debutantes," you replied simply. "Not only is the information outdated, I wouldn't want any of them to think you were an available bachelor."
The corner of his lips curved upwards. "I see. I take it that I am no longer an available bachelor then."
"Are you?" you challenged him. 
"Absolutely not."
You kissed him. Mr. Kim stumbled backwards in surprise but his back hit the balcony railing and he embraced you firmly before returning the kiss. His lips were clumsy yet eager as they covered yours and one of his hands slid into your hair. 
"Marry me," he whispered hotly against your lips as you pressed your body against his. He seized your waist and held you tightly as he whispered again, pushing you for a response. "Marry me, please."
You pressed your forehead against his and nodded, breath mingling as your own fingers slid into his hair and caressed his neck. 
"Yes-yes, of course-"
"Come closer, my love-"
The door to the balcony opened suddenly. You pulled back- but Mr. Kim's arm stayed around your waist and you could only turn awkwardly in his grasp to see who had discovered you. 
It was the Duke of Graham, eyes wide and his ears turning red as he realised what he had walked into. 
"W-we're engaged," you blurted out quickly, in explanation and a desperate attempt to convince the Duke of Graham, a man you had never even met, that you were not creating a scandal in his home. You could hear a small chuckle from Mr. Kim over your shoulder. 
"All right…" the Duke said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Erm, Congratulations?"
Oh god. 
631 notes · View notes
"Simon kissing Baz comes out of nowhere" is wild when you consider:
Simon thinks about Baz constantly, to the point you can get a pretty good picture of who this character is, what his style is, his sense of humor, his favorite activities and places he likes to go, that he's hiding parts of himself, and that he's not actually a villain all before Baz even shows up (we know this bitch is funny way before he shows up!) (yes, if you pain attention, you get that this is "just a boy" and not at all A Villain from Simon's POV! When he says he has observed his soul it doesn't come out from nowhere – you can tell Baz feels like shit with tape recording incident without ever entering Baz's mind just because of the things Simon picks up on, for example)
Simon introduces you to Baz way before he introduces you to all the people he cares about, the places he likes, the food he likes... in short, Simon introduces you to Baz before he introduces you to his world. And then, he keeps interrupting those introductions to talk to you about Baz.
When Simon is in danger, his mind goes to Baz. What would Baz do? Baz is so good at this, he's so appealing, he's so pretty, this is how his magic feels like...
Simon's description of Baz's magic (described in the way you would describe passion, perhaps even desire) is more appealing than his description of a kiss (clinic and frankly gross)
Simon is not fully settled (he doesn't feel at home) until he's in the room he shares with Baz, thinking about him, trying to feel his smell and his presence
Penny, the closest person to Simon describes his relationship as "just going through the motions," and as two people who don't have the feelings people who date should have, whose "right place" in each other's life is as friends. (Not in love and not attracted, in case is not clear enough). Simon unconsciously agrees with her – way before he's using her exact same wording in awtwb, he's tellingly thinking of Agatha as "we have only ever been friends" on a page where he should be thinking of her as his girlfriend, treats every single aspect of dating her as routine and fulfilling expectations, is bothered when they break up for reasons that do not actually include her (but do include expectations)... you would expect people out of a 3 year relationship to need some time, to not be ready to date again in a while, and yet this is framed more as a weight being off their shoulders, as having to remind yourself a routine is no longer part of your life (Simon jumps at the chance of being Baz's boyfriend so fast he hasn't even had the time to fully deprogram himself, he's like "wait... no, I'm not dating Agatha anymore, right lol anyway" like twice) and as a post-mortem of "everything that wasn't right but we tried to ignore" (and never once "what we had together" as something even remotely positive or good, they don't have shit). Immediately after they break up Penny assumes Simon is upset because of it, but Simon is thinking about Baz. During the breakup, Simon is thinking about Baz (Baz isn't here!) and truly loses it when it seems like Agatha might be going after him (anyone but him!).
Simon thinks Baz being himself is enough to make him attractive and romantically desirable
Every single time Simon tells you he's doing something because he's worried about Baz "plotting something" is obviously just him wanting to see Baz, spend time with him, or actually worrying about him. You can't seriously be fooled by "I need to figure out the plots of the guy I keep describing as attractive so I'm going to watch him play football every single time and compliment his game."
When Baz is gone, Simon can't eat, sleep or concentrate. Baz notes he's unusually thin when he comes back, and Simon thinks "Yes I am and it's all his fault." He tries to reframe it as "worried because he's out there plotting" but it's obviously "worried because Baz is out there and no one knows anything about him, including his own family."
"I'll do anything to bring Baz back" ... he's unsettled about Baz being endangered in a way he never is with anyone else.
Simon tells you he cares about being the person who knows Baz best
Ebb notes is unusual for Simon to not be at football practice, even if Simon is not on the team... Simon isn't there because Baz isn't there
Wanting to knock Baz on the ground and touch him as soon as he comes back? (wanting to make sure he's okay? that he's real? Is this not a classic "lover has come back and the person who has been worried to death runs to them to make sure they're alright and also to shake them a bit because how dare they worry them so much" reaction?)
His jealousy is always centered around Baz. He never notices interest in Agatha, including a whole boyfriend before him (because he doesn't care) nor does he care about the idea of Agatha seducing someone (he puts in on the same level as not wanting Penny to seduce a vampire, and actually only reacts to Penny, making it platonic concern). He doesn't even care when Baz mentions Dev's interest in her (I have forgotten about this, someone commented that when I mentioned how telling the whole seducing a vampire bit is). He only ever cares if Baz is involved. Some of this stuff is after the kiss, but a lot is there before (If Simon fooled you, you would expect the opposite, but he makes a jealous scene to Baz, whereas with Agatha is either "let's pretend nothing happened" or facing her like actual competition... it's telling then, how he doesn't want her around Baz – Agatha can go after anyone but Baz!)
Simon keeps Baz's handkerchief to himself and doesn't want anyone else to have it. He keeps it in his pocket.
"Baz is wearing this garment that makes him look more casual and approachable and it's also more likely to hug his thighs and ass" is something that Simon finds distracting.
Simon can't sleep well if he's not listening to the sound of Baz breathing (if Baz is not in the same room as him)
Simon sulks when Baz doesn't pay him any attention in a context that has the vibes of a date (and he's the one giving it those vibes with his word choice)
Simon is practically running at Baz's house the second he finds something he feels gives him permission to do so. I know y'all have watched enough romcoms to feel The Vibes of Baz opening his door to find Snow covered in snow, out of breath as if he ran after him, and them breathless at the sight of him ("You're wearing jeans :O")... C'mon!
Simon progressively touching Baz more and more 24 hours after starting the truce. He's fucking starving for it!
Everything about Simon sharing his magic with Baz. I feel like I should not need to explain the gay of it all here. The first time they hold hands? They see stars? Only Baz being able to take his magic??? Compatibility???
Simon can't stand to see Baz in pain. It causes him unbearable pain! He wants to make it better for Baz!
Baz is "the prettiest thing Simon has ever seen." I feel like I shouldn't have to explain how romantic this is, or why this is even romantic lol
There's probably more than I'm forgetting, but most of the things coming to mind are during or after the kiss, which is technically cheating... (I already kind of cheated a bit anyway) (I keep making these lists but I'm getting better at making them lol)
168 notes · View notes
oneatlatime · 11 months
Bitter Work
Life took me out at the knees for a couple of weeks but I'm back! I'm hoping this is a nice restful episode after the relentlessness of The Chase.
I have to say, Toph's nicknaming skills are on point. I never would have thought of Sugarqueen, but it fits perfectly.
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This is me. Every morning.
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Full nose plant from Appa.
And the beat up Sokka quota is fulfilled. Very funny Toph, but completely uncalled for. If someone had catapulted teenage me 50 feet into the air while I was trying to sleep, it would have been fully justifiable homicide.
Aang is always trying to run before he can walk. What was Iroh always saying to Zuko about basics? Aang needs that speech too.
I was really on the ball in my post about how airbenders aren't homicidal, actually. Rock is a stubborn element. Yay me!
Aang earthbends = Earth bends Aang.
Seriously, how did he mess up that badly?
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Thank you Zuko for the incredibly obvious exposition that's somehow completely in character. Interesting to see that Iroh and his son had brown hair, but Zuko seems to have black hair. More hair variety in the Fire Nation than I thought.
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Tangent time! I love the contrast in social intelligence (I guess that's the term?) in this scene. Zuko wakes Iroh up with an infodump, some bad tea, and then gets straight to discussing strategy. Iroh's first actions are to compliment the bad tea, then dispose of the refill in a way that won't hurt Zuko's feelings (probably not necessary, as Zuko seems to be the type that's oblivious to all things other than the task at hand when he's focused). Iroh, injured and awake for all of 15 seconds, jumps straight to actions that help look after his nephew. And Zuko is trying! That's why he made tea! But still, he doesn't even ask if his uncle's feeling ok. Zuko has such a massive gap in his education - he can probably reel off the specs of all Fire Nation battleships, but he doesn't know how to be a human person. Contrast that with Iroh, and especially Katara, who makes friends and connections with such aggressive forwardness that she's at times more steamroller than teenage girl. It's funny how privilege plays into this too - Zuko comes from probably the single most privileged (on paper) family in the world, yet it's the children of the impoverished water tribe who have the more well-rounded education/socialisation.
"She's crazy and she needs to go down" go a full belly laugh out of me.
"What if I came at the boulder from a different angle?" Jesus I was REALLY on point with my post about the airbenders. Credit where credit is due, this show has such good writing/worldbuilding that viewers have picked up what Toph is laying out in this episode already. Also a little bit of stealth character work in there - since Toph is putting into words what we've been thinking this whole time, she now reads as trustworthy. This show is so good. So thought out.
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Maybe it's just VLC being weird, but methinks Katara is having some trouble with her eyeball.
Katara STOP BABYING HIM. This is why I don't like Aang having a crush on her.
Honestly it's refreshing to have Toph giving it to Aang straight, no softening the blows.
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I really like this texture.
Sokka's club is a giant bottle opener. Or at least a multitool.
oh this is going to be haybending all over again.
They are totally going to have to nerf this girl. She could defeat the Fire Lord right now.
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Earth beats water tribe
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Someome who knows more about tea than I do: Why are both pots necessary?
"requires peace of mind" well that's out. Sorry Zuko, we'll have to get you a taser instead.
"So we're drinking tea to calm down?" "not it's to get the nasty ass taste of the sludge you brewed out of my mouth. I mean yes." For what's looking like an extended training montage, this episode is far funnier than it needs to be.
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I pretty much don't notice Zuko's scar anymore (it's just part of his character design) then every so often a certain frame of animation will come out of the blue and remind me that this kid's missing half his face. I don't know if it's intentional on the part of the animators, but his scar is prominent this episode.
So it sounds like bending lightning actually corresponds with how lightning in our world works. Neat.
In an absolutely Shocking turn of events (pun absolutely intended), Zuko fucks it up. Fucking shit up: the autobiography of a Fire Prince. Has a nice ring to it.
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Toph I know you go hard, but maybe apply a sense of proportion to this?
It kind of looks like Aang's about to be run over by a giant scoop of caramel ice cream.
Toph is such an interesting mishmash of bluntness and emotional intelligence. I don't think I've seen a character like that before.
Zuko being self aware for once! Everything always does explode in his face. Except when he's being the Blue Spirit. Seems he's more capable then.
It's a tragedy that this boy wasn't around for the emo movement. He would have single-handedly sustained Hot Topic.
Zuko going "WHAT TURMOIL?!?!?" is like Katara going "I'M COMPLETELY CALM!!!!!" last episode. Also got a laugh out of me.
"I'm as proud as ever." OF WHAT?!?!? What could he possibly be proud of? He's a homeless fugitive with a stolen horse bird and a half-dead uncle that he can't even properly brew tea for. The self-delusion is strong.
Is pride the source of shame? Honest question, I don't know.
There's a surprising variety of trees in this part of the Earth Kingdom. Where Zuko and Iroh are there are fluffly hardwoods, probably deciduous; Toph's training ground is ringed by cartoon pines.
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This whole bit is too cute for words.
"Now come back boomerang" This is a training episode, it's not supposed to be this funny!
Are there voice acting awards? Like voice acting oscars? Sokka's actor needs one. Or several.
I should have waited to answer the ask about airbenders and just copy pasted Iroh's speech here. Except for the water = change bit. That doesn't make sense.
What can I possibly say about Iroh's speech? It's the thesis for this show in a single paragraph.
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Are characters' eyes a different shape this episode? Aang's eyes change colour all the time, but everyone's eyes seem more cat-like.
I do love me some constructive bullying.
Sokka is so refreshingly self-aware while still totally oblivious. He is meat and sarcasm, but he's so much more!
"Have you got any meat?" He said that in an Irish accent.
"You're gonna pull my fingers off and I don't think the rest of me is coming!" Do you ever come across a sentence that is so obviously an innuendo that your brain trips over itself trying to decipher it?
Sokka's hair must be so fluffy. It's got so much volume.
Why can't he go get Toph? I think being stuck in a hole outranks avoiding an awkward encounter.
"You must not let the lightning pass through your heart, or the damage could be deadly." Foreshadowing?
Today in 'things Zuko thinks it's acceptable, nay, expected, for parental figures to do' - attempted murder as a teaching method! What went on in that palace?
Is this the closest Sokka's come to dying?
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He's earthbending the air! Doing air but earthlike. You know what I mean.
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I thought she was levitating.
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Toph is so smart. She does the airbender thing and comes at the problem from a different angle. Telling Aang to stand up for himself doesn't work? Fine. Let's bully him into standing up for himself. And it works!
This episode's MVP is Sokka's patience.
"You tried the positive reinforcement, didn't you?" uhhhhh sure!
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Appa getting vengeance for Sokka. Nice.
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Theatre kids.
I wish Zuko would just have the breakdown he's obviously hurtling towards so we can get started on the rebuilding arc. Every time I think he's a rock bottom, he keeps digging.
Luten is Katara. Let's not read too far into that one.
Final Thoughts
I defy any episode from this point on to fulfill the Beat Up Sokka Quota as thoroughly as this one did.
In a lesser show, the 'Aang learns earthbending episode' would have had Aang & Toph as the A-plot, and Sokka & Katara doing something completely unrelated as a b-plot, and probably no Zuko at all. Sokka does have his own thing going on this episode, but the fact that they managed to weave in both water tribe siblings so organically is so satisfying. Of course a team member struggling to learn a new skill would seek out his friends. Of course his friends are in the area, observing the lesson to varying degrees. It feels so much more real to have the characters who aren't 'useful' that episode still there, rather than conveniently absent.
Zuko was very Zuko this episode. He's correct that he needs more training for his inevitable next encounter with Zuko jr., but Iroh is also correct that Zuko is a bundle of issues held together by a different bundle of issues. Not to jinx it, but I thought I detected a hint of self-awareness from Zuko this episode, although it seems to have occurred despite his best efforts to suppress it.
Iroh's Zuko-wrangling skills were sharp this episode, despite being injured. And his wisdom was off the charts. Zuko was also not as annoying as I usually find him, and unlike in Zuko Alone where I found his quieter self to be out of character, it fit this episode. Maybe he's turned over a new, quieter, leaf? I loved "she's crazy and she needs to go down" both as a joke and as a statement. Shared blood doesn't trump someone's actions, and I'm glad to see a show meant for kids acknowledge that. Although, given that this show has no problem depicting objectively BAD parents and families, I can't say I'm surprised.
In a testament to Jack de Sena's skill, Sokka get a soliloquy this episode and pulls it off flawlessly. Kudos to the animation team for making Sokka's face fit the words so well. Double kudos for whoever had the balls to approve 'stick Sokka in a hole and put an apex predator on his head to force self-reflection' as a plotline.
There was a lot of exposition from a lot of different characters this episode, but it's mostly unnoticeable. It just makes sense that that's what they would be talking about at that point in time.
I think I said it above, but I'll say it again: the worldbuilding in this show is phenomenally well done. How do I know this? Because I was able to construct most of Iroh's monologue before watching this episode, just by paying attention. This show rewards focus and attentiveness. (Almost) nothing that Iroh said was not something the audience has already observed for themselves. Not heard, but observed. That 'show, don't tell' thing.
This episode was way funnier than it needed to be too. Not just the obvious stuff like *inhales*
but tiny one-liners buried mid-conversation and character interactions too. Momo turning into a reed didn't have to be there, but it was, and it was funny. It wasn't exactly restful, but it was a relief to have an episode that really didn't move around after The Chase.
What I like most about this episode was that it went farther than it had to. This was a training episode. It could have been just training. Anyone familiar with training episodes would expect just training, and be satisfied with just training. But Avatar said 'nope, we'll do better than that' and organically incorporated a heap of character stuff, worldbuilding from multiple perspectives, humour, multiple characters undergoing self-reflection, the next step in the domestication of Zuko, what I'm hoping wasn't a heap of foreshadowing, and pretty backgrounds as the cherry on top. They didn't have to go so hard, but Avatar always goes hard. I like that.
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spatialwave · 11 months
jordan teaching marie how to play their favorite video games cuz "im just a kid addicted to their playstation <\3"
oh lord, you’ve definitely asked this question to the right person. i’ve been dying to write something like this! 🩵 word count: 959
jordan was always the same kid that was addicted to their playstation. even as an adult, it held true. it was a comfort to them. a way to decompress after the heaviness of their hectic life took its toll. the sound of the playstation turning on, the feel of the controller in their hands - they could play for hours on end. it was their happy place.
they often played their games alone, single-player games they could get lost in. they never played any of the bullshit vought superhero games, preferring spiderman or batman. the other ones felt too real.
though, their favourite was the last of us. they'd played it too many times to count on both hands. they fell in love with the richness of the story and the characters, most of all, the soundtrack that pulled at their heartstrings.
late one evening jordan had finally finished up their coursework with a few hours to spare before they would settle into bed. their eyes lingered on the playstation hooked up to their tv; they couldn't resist.
soon they were sitting on an armchair just a few feet from the tv, dressed down in a pair of loose boxers and a white sleeveless top. they had only gone as far as to hover over a 'new save file' when there was a knock on the door. a heavy sigh came from them as they begrudgingly set the controller on the armrest and walked to the door with heavy feet.
"what do you want?" their voice was sharp, pointed and filled with annoyance, as they pulled open the door. their expression softened when they saw marie, "oh."
"bad time?" she asked, hands clasping in front of her.
"no, no. i mean... yeah, no." jordan replied, wondering how honest they should be. this was the first time in weeks they managed to free up some time to play.
"it's cool, jordan. it can be a bad time." marie insisted, the last thing she wanted was to impose on their time. though, it was one of those nights where she was hoping to curl up beside them and 'accidentally' fall asleep in their room.
jordan let out a chuckle through their nose, opening the door wider, "it doesn't have to be a bad time if you don't mind me... playing a game." they motioned towards their television set-up, looking sheepish.
"oh, you're a gamer?" marie teased as she stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. not once did her eyes leave the tv screen, jordan took notice of it.
"you haven't played before?" they asked, walking back to their armchair, grabbing onto the controller and waving it slightly.
marie shook her head, "no. we didn't really have the luxury of having that kind of stuff," she admitted, "i can watch."
jordan's eyes widened slightly as an idea formed in their head, a smile spreading on their lips, "do you want to play?"
marie shook her head, "i've never played before, jordan. i, uh, i wouldn't even know where to start. it's okay," she laughed softly.
jordan tilted their head slightly, still giving that small smile as they settled back into the armchair and gestured for marie to follow. she was hesitant, but how could she say no to that smile?
not even minutes later, marie was fully settled in jordan's lap with the playstation controller in her hand. it was a funny ordeal, being told by jordan several times 'not that one' when she tried to interact with something onscreen, but pressed the wrong button and instead made the character jump. this was the happiest that she'd ever seen jordan, looking at them for a brief second to see the biggest smile on their face.
"okay, jordan, this is getting a little freaky," marie murmured after she played a bit more, no longer needing to ask jordan what to do every few seconds, but still taking her sweet time, "like... really freaky."
"are you scared?" they smirked, their arms snaking around marie's waist as they leaned against her and watched intently.
"no, not scared. i just didn't realize you were into horror stuff," she murmured, her voice trailing off a little as she fixated on the television. she understood why jordan liked this so much, it was almost like controlling a movie. it was beautiful.
more time passed, filled with jordan directing her on where to go or marie asking questions to which they would reply with 'just play and you'll find out'. it was fun. so much fucking fun.
but then, as all the last of us fans know, the ending of the intro scene came. marie was playing, then suddenly she was completely absorbed into the cutscene. she sat forward on jordan's lap and just stared with her jaw hanging open.
the title card hit the screen and jordan moved to pause the game, eyes looking up at marie.
"are you- oh my god, marie."
she turned back to look at them, tears welling up in her eyes, "you didn't tell me it was sad," she whimpered, a few of the tears rolling down her cheeks, "why would you make me play it?"
"i'm sorry," jordan couldn't help but let out a laugh at the situation that was unfolding, reminiscing about the first time they played and sobbed into their pillow for an hour before continuing, "i didn't think you'd cry." they stifled their laughter as much as they could, their hands running along marie's sides and lips peppering kisses against her bare shoulder to help soothe her.
the rest of the night was spent laying in their bed consoling marie, who would be fine... then she would remember the game and start crying again. jordan loved marie, and her compassionate heart, so damn much.
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