#i don't know what this musical is about but this song is increadible
crazybeann · 9 months
it's just so fucking beautiful ♥
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imaproperstranger · 1 year
I started this blog, because I feel like I'm depressed.
That is "unhappy and without hope" as Cambrige Dictionary puts it.
The state of sadness is definetely longer than 2 weeks, I'd say.
If I'm not mistaken, it's been over 5 years (plus a few weeks).
I may return to this and explain the thing I believe to be the cause of my emotional state. Of course there was a break more or less through the year 2021, because I just read books all the time in hope to escape reality and finally acomplish something. And I did. But 2022 came with new disappointments, lost "friend(s)?" and not enogh will to read so many books again.
I would like to add a few words about myself as an introduction, but I don't think I know mysef well enough to be able to do it this instant.
So I'll just write down some things that I like in no particular order: - cold (it's been way too hot recently) - tea (I'm going to take a sip right now) - jigsaw puzzles (today I started doing one I wanted to for a few years now, but the last time I gave up after putting only a little bit together) - books (their smell, feeling them in my hands, flipping through the pages and sometimes reading) -cocoa (recently mainly because of The Amelia Project; you MUST check it out or I'm going to throw USB sticks with it at you and run away) - podcasts (I know it's pretty unexpected; yesterday I discovered I Am In Eskew and I love the vibes; the depressed and ominous vibes that is) - music (at the moment I'm listening to Dr. Sunshine Is Dead; as I said, the depressed vibes; recently I also listen a lot to AlicebanD) (sip) - idk, not sweating? it's way too hot for this time of day - old Hitchcock movies ( so far I've seen in this particular order: 1. Strangers On A Train (1951) (yes, because of The Amelia Project) 2. Rope (1948) (it's great; to sum up: be gay do crime) 3. Rear Window (1954) ( I really like the way it's filmed, I almost felt like I was one of the tennants of the building)
and after I'm finished with this I'm going to finish watching "Dial M for Murder (1954)" ( I started yesterday and stopped at Intermission; I wonder how he's going to frame his wife, I'm not smart enough to figure it out only from what I've seen so far)
It's funny that all the Hitchcocks films I've seen so far can be connected by starring actors/actress: 1&2 Farley Granger 2&3 James Stewart 3&4 Grace Kelly - Dirt Poor Robins (great band, and Queen Of The Night is increadible, I'm just listening to Komm Jesu rembering what happens in the movie)
- you made it so far?
Anyway, I think that's it for now. I'm going to watch "Dial M..." after tagging this post.
PS: Yes, the blog's name comes from that The Guess Who song in case you were wondering.
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