#i don't know what throuple name is being used
tokenofmydevotion · 5 months
I'm not a writer but I have this Buck/Tommy/Eddie 3 dads fic idea that won't let go of my brain, so I'm just gonna spit it out here:
Chris is in high school now. Eddie gets a call from the school that Chris is in trouble and a parent needs to come meet with the principle. They're all off work, so they all go to the school. Hilarity ensues.
Principal: so which one of you is Chris's dad?
Eddie: I'm his dad, Buck is his other dad, and Tommy is his stepdad.
Principal: Ah, child of divorce. Which one of you is married to Chris's mom?
Eddie: oh my wife died when Chris was young.
P: So Chris has no mom?
E: well Carla has been his nanny for years, she can stay with him overnight if we're all working. Or my Tia Pepa.
B: or my sister Maddie
(P glances at Tommy)
T: oh I don't have any family here, but if we're just listing strong positive female role models there's...
(all 3 begin to tell P about Hen, Karen, Athena, etc)
P: I'm sorry, what is that you do that would keep you away from home so much?
E: oh we're all firefighters
T: I'm also a helicopter pilot
P: ok, so Chris has 3 gay firefighter dad's-
B: umm, actually I'm bisexual
E: I'm demisexual
(P once again looks to T for his response)
T: me? Oh yeah, I'm gay.
P: ok... I think I've got the picture here.
E: now that that's out of the way, why are we here?
P, sighing heavily: Chris hit a kid with his crutch for "being homophobic"
Chris is called into the office and explains that Mark was saying nasty things to Marie and her trans gf, so he whacked him in the shin.
E: Chris, you know that was wrong.
C: I know! That's why I hit him!
At this point they can barely keep from laughing.
T: You know, we're also both medics. We could take a look at his leg if you like. Unless you think he might be scared of the big gay firefighter.
P, head in hands: No. Just... just go. Make sure it doesn't happen again.
E: Chris, we'll discuss your punishment when we get home.
Halfway down the hall:
C: Am I really getting punished for this?
E: No bud, you're not.
B: No, you're getting ice cream.
T: No. No ice cream.
All stop to stare at him. Tommy puts his hand on Chris's shoulder and leans down to eye level.
T: Chris. You didn't earn ice cream...
They're all holding their breathe cuz Tommy looks really serious.
T: You earned Cheesecake Factory buddy.
And scene.
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adrienneleclerc · 4 months
Hello, darling! 🫶🏻 You could write more about Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader x Alexandra Saint Mleux I don't know maybe you see a second part of "The Happy Throuple"
Hello, querida! So there is already a second part of “The Happy Throuple” and its called "Nobody Everybody Knows", its on my masterlist right next to "The Happy Throuple" so you could go ahead an read that. But here is the third installment of your favorite Throuple
Family Meeting
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader x Alexandra Saint Mleux
Summary: the first time all three sets of parents meet each other.
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: I hope everyone is enjoying the happy throuple story, there are many more installments such as a gender reveal party, shopping for the baby, decorating the baby’s room and figuring out a name, having Pascale and Alexandra’s mom host a baby shower, Charles proposing, giving birth to the baby, the classic struggles of being first time parents, the wedding, the baby’s first birthday, the baby’s first trip around the paddock, Leo and the baby being besties, the baby being a toddler, BIG PLANS but I expect everyone to be patient because planning it out does take time. Anything about Alexandra I pure made it up and I am SO UPSET because I had to rewrite the majority of the fanfic because it didn’t fucking save!!
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(You know what’s FASCINATING? Becky G, Charles, and Alexandra were probably at the SAME LAKERS GAME!!!!!! My mind is BLOWN)
Y/N has met Alexandra’s parents when her and Alexandra first became roommates. Charles and Alexandra met each other’s parents when they first started dating. However, neither met Y/N’s parents and Y/N hasn’t met Charles’s mom, but she has met his brothers.
So Charles came up with a brilliant plan to fly Y/N’s parents out to Monaco so everyone can meet. Her parents said yes immediately. Charles was already nervous about picking up Y/N’s parents from the Nice Airport, Y/N riding shotgun obviously, she’s 7 weeks pregnant.
“Muñeco, this was your idea, relax.” Y/N said.
“How can I relax? The first time I’m meeting your parents is because I got you pregnant! Screw making good first impression, all your dad is going to see is the man that knocked up his 22 year old daughter.” Charles said, parking the car in the airport parking lot.
“Alexandra is preparing the apartment for our parents, she took Leo out for a walk and gave him a bath, he should be clean and wearing a cute little bow tie.” Y/N said. Both of them got out of the car, Y/N kisses him. “Everything will be fine.” They got out of the car and entered the terminal her parents say they were going to arrive in. “I’m gonna get some Dunkin’ for my mom, you okay to wait here?”
“Yeah of course, mon ange, here’s my card.” Charles said, giving Y/N his credit card. Y/N kissed his cheek before going to Dunkin’ and Charles waited for Y/N's parents to arrive. When Y/N was in line at Dunkin', some people asked for photos with her, same with Charles. Y/N was walking back with an iced coffee in hand and some donuts when her parents arrive with suitcases.
"Ay mija por favor, estás embarazada, no puedes tomar café, ya sabes eso." Her mom scolded her. Please, you’re pregnant, you can’t drink coffee, you know that
"Mami, lo compre para ti." Y/N said. I bought this for you
"Ay gracias, princesa, te quiero mucho." Her mom said, hugging and kissing Y/N on the cheek before taking the coffee. "Presentanos Y/N, no seas maleduducada." Thank you princess, I love you so much. Introduce us, Y/N, don’t be rude
"Mami, Papi, this is Charles Leclerc, my boyfriend." Y/N said.
"Pleasure to meet you." Charles said, leaning in for a hug with Y/N's mom and shaking Y/N's dad's hand.
"Nice to meet you too Charles, I'm Macarena, this is Jorge." Macarena said.
"Y donde esta la flacucha esa?" Jorge asked. Where is she
"Papi! Ella esta en el apartamento, ya vamonos." Y/N scolded her father. Charles helped with the luggage and they got into the biggest car he owned. She’s in the apartment, let’s go
“So how long have you been dating Y/N?” Jorge asked
“About a year.” Charles replied.
“Y la flacucha esa?” Jorge asked again.
“Papi!” Y/N scolded her father.
“Ay perdón! How long have you been dating Alexandra?” Jorge asked.
“A little over a year.” Charles replied.
“And what made you think you yourself ‘you know what, I would like two girlfriends, that’d be great’, hm?” Jorge asked and Macarena hit his shoulder.
“Actually Alexandra was the one that liked Y/N first. Alex would invite Y/N on our shopping trips and when she would leave me alone with Y/N, we would talk and I fell in love. We both fell in love with her.” Charles said, putting his hand on Y/N’s thigh.
“Ah, that’s nice.” Macarena commented. Charles turned on the audio of his car stereo and it was playing on of Y/N’s songs.
“That’s no way you actually have this song on your playlist, muñeco.” Y/N commented in disbelief.
“Of course I do! I have to support my girlfriend, after all.” Charles said and turned up the volume. He drove into this building’s parking garage and parked the car in his spot. Him, Y/N, and her parents got out of the car. “I put you guys in a hotel and I will drop you guys off later tonight, I’m just waiting for a few people..” Charles said and that’s when Charles’s mom and Alexandra’s parents, Mariana and Adrien, pull up in their cars. Pascale got out of her car.
“Charles, whats going on here?” Pascale asked.
“Maman! This is Y/N, my girlfriend, and her parents, Macarena and Jorge.” Charles introduced them. Pascale stepped closer to Y/N.
“It’s lovely to meet you.” Pascale hugged Y/N and Y/N hugged her back.
“It’s lovely to meet you too, Charles adores you.” Y/N commented.
“Ah, entonces es niño de mami.” Jorge commented to his wife and Macarena hit his shoulder again. Oh so he’s a mama’s boy
“No seas malo, Jorge, por Dios,” Macarena said before saying hello to Pascale. Don’t be mean, Jorge, god
“Oh Mariana, Adrien, these are my parents.” Y/N said as soon as Mariana and Adrien got out of their car.
“Hi, nice to meet you.” Adrien said to Jorge.
“You too. How do you feel about your daughter dating Charles?” Jorge asked Adrien.
“He’s a fine young man, perfectly harmless.” Adrien said.
“He got my daughter pregnant so he’s not that harmless.” Jorge commented.
“But they’re in love. My daughter loves your daughter very much, I can guarantee that.” Adrien said.
“That makes me feel better, thank you, man.” Jorge patted Adrien’s back.
“I can’t believe you came from New York, how was the flight?” Mariana asked Macarena.
“It was fine, her son got us first class tickets.” Macarena commented.
“That’s good, it’s a long flight. Charles, Can we go up? I’m getting cold.” Pascale told her son.
“Oh right, of course, let’s go.” Charles said before pressing the elevator button. When the elevator door opened, he held out his arm so everyone can get it before he did and once he was in, he pressed the button for his floor. Once the elevator opened on his floor, Y/N opened the penthouse door.
“Reina, we’re here, I brought Dunkin’.” Y/N said, putting her bag on the couch, and that’s when she heard the tippy tappies of Leo. “Leo! Ay, que cosita tan linda, me extrañaste bebé?” Y/N asked rhetorically as she squatted down to pet the dog before leo runs to Charles. The parents were observing the penthouse and Alexandra came in, greeting Pascale and her parents with a kiss in the cheek before she went over to Y/N parents. What a cute little thing you are, did you miss me, baby
“Hola, soy Alexandra, un placer conocerlos.” Alexandra said, hugging Macarena and Jorge, Hi, I’m alexandra, it’s a pleasure to meet youn
“Un placer conocerte también, flacucha.” Jorge said. Pleasure to meet you too
“Papi!” Y/N yelled.
“No se preocupe, me puedes decir flaca si quieres, no me molesta.” Alexandra said. Don’t worry, you can call me that if you want, I don’t mind
“Está bien flaca. Y cuéntanos, cómo conociste a nuestra hija?” Jorge asked. Tell us, how did you meet our daughter?
“Ah, la conocí en una fiesta. Un chico me estaba pidiendo el número, le dije que no pero me seguía molestando y Y/N vino al rescate.” Alexandra said. I met her at a party. Some guy was asking form,y number, I said no but he kept bothering me and Y/N rescued me
“Si, así es Y/N, siempre defendiendo a la gente. Se hicieron amigas por cuanto?” Macarena asked. Yeah, that’s how Y/N is, always defending people. How long were you two fiends?
“Creo que fuimos amigas por 2 años antes que me empezara a gustar.” Alexandra answered. I think we were friends for 2 years before I started liking her
“Y por qué te empezó a gustar? Como que cambió?” Jorge asked. And when did you start liking her? What changed?
“Ah pues creo que fue cuando empecé a recibir hate por salir con Charles, llamándome una interesada y otras cosas feas. Estaba llorando y ella me estaba consolando, diciendo que nada lo que ellos dicen es cierto, y la empecé de ver de otra manera. Desde ese entonces, todo lo que ella hacía me empezó a gustar. Me gusta como se arregla el cabello, como canta cuando cocina, cositas así. Es guapa, claro, pero es humilde, dulce, inteligente, talentosa, y la admiro mucho.” Alexandra confessed. Oh well I think it happened when I started to receive hate for dating charles, people were calling me a gold digger and other awful,things. I was crying and she comforted me, said that what they’re saying is not true, and I saw her differently. Since that day, I started liking everything she did. I like how she does her hair, how he sings when she’s cooking, stuff like that. She’s hot, of course, but she’s humble, sweet, smart, talented, and I admire her a lot
“Y de Charles?” Macarena asked.
“Yo creo que es mejor que él te lo explique. Mon beau, Macarena and Jorge want to talk to you.” Alexandra said. Charles excused himself from Mariana and Adrien and went to Macarena and Jorge. I think it’s better if he explains it
“Hello, what did you want to talk about?” Charles asked.
“Same thing we asked Alexandra, how did you meet Y/N and when did you start liking her?” Jorge asked,
“Well she was invited to the Miami Grand Prix in 2023 so that’s when I met her, she came to the Ferrari garage and when she spotted Alexandra, they started talking. That’s when they told me they were friends. It wasn’t until we went to this Peruvian restaurant that I started to like her. She was talking about how she went to Peru for this music festival and how her fans were waiting outside the hotel to take photos with her. Then I started sharing my experience with ‘crazed fans’ and it felt good to talk to someone about it. We both suffer from anxiety so she’s been helping me with mine, Alex can’t relate to what I go through but Y/N can,” Charles said.
“She does seem happier on our phone calls.” Macarena said,
“You’re a good guy, charles.” Jorge said. Y/N was with Pascale.
“So Y/N, charles mentioned he met you at a Grand Prix?” Pascale asked.
“Yes, I was invited by one of Ferrari’s sponsors and I got to meet him in the Ferrari garage. It was actually kinda cool, my uncle is a formula 1 fan so when I would go over to his house when I was younger, I would watch the races.” Y/N said.
“That’s nice, dear. What made you like him?” Pascale asked.
“I had this dog charity event, I’m a big animal lover, and he heard me on my phone arguing with the person who was supposed to host with me, saying he wasn’t able to do it anymore and Charles said he would host with me. I asked him why and he said because he wanted to help me and him being there would bring in more people. He wasn’t wrong, a lot of dogs got adopted that day. He’s selfless, humble, so kind, that made me fall in love.” Y/N confessed.
“He’s very in love with you too, he can’t wait to be a father.” Pascale said.
“Yeah, he’s very excited.” Y/N said.
“You seem like a good fit for him Y/N, I hope one day you could come over to our house.” Pascale said.
“I would like that very much.” Y/N said,
The rest of the day, the parents were sitting in the dining room, drinking wine, and sharing embarrassing childhood stories for their children.
“Alexandra flushed her sister’s goldfish down the toilet because she thought it led to the ocean,” Mariana said and everyone was laughing.
“Yeah, that’s enough wine for you.” Alexandra took the wine bottle that was in the center of the table and brought it to the kitchen counter where Y/N and Charles were eating potato chips. “Looks like our parents are getting along.”
“What embarrassing story did you hear this time?” Y/N asked.
“One of mine, actually. It’s crazy how they’re talking like old friends.” Alexandra said.
“It’s even crazier that they’re all cool with us being a throuple, I thought I was going to die.” Charles said
“Well I’m glad you didn’t, muñeco.” Y/N kissed him.
“Think we could stay the night?” Alexandra asked.
“Of course you’re staying the night. I wouldn’t expect anything less.” Charles said. The three observed their parents talking, looks like the family meeting was a success.
The End
Hope y’all liked it! It took me forever to write
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alphajocklover · 13 days
**based off an ask I accidentally deleted, but had already written a story for. I don't remember the exact words, but I'll do my best to paraphrase. Was written with the help of my friend, editor and beta reader, @innermostthoughtsartappreciation **
'My 2 straight friends and I are going on vacation together. We went to our AirBnB but things have been weird since we got here. One of my friends seems more muscular than usual? He was already pretty tall but not he's really built. And last night I swear I heard my friends talking about sex in the other room or something? And this morning I woke up with a ring on my finger? Whats happening?'
You say this all started because you and your two friends went to an Airbnb? And you woke up with a ring on your finger?
In this case, what's happening isn’t some sort of elaborate conspiracy conducted by a shadowy cabal, nor is it some nefarious scheme by one of your friends/enemies to transform you to their liking, nor is it anything else of that sort. What happened here is very simple: you guys used the wrong AirBnB.
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No doubt you all know that I’ve talked about EB Jewelry before. You know the jewelry company that transforms people using their products. They’re one of, if not, the biggest name in the transformation business. Still, there are plenty of other companies out there that use transformation devices and items. Most are much smaller than EB Jewelry and try to fly under the radar when it comes to being able to transform people, but they are still out there. Including the very AirBnB that you and your friends signed up for. Air-Boyfriend-and-Boyfriend. Usually only referred to as simply AirBFnBF by those who use it, they’re often mistaken for AirBnB. You probably think they should be sued for copyright infringement, but you are entirely wrong. It is shockingly near impossible to sue a company that uses magic, and not as shockingly completely not worth the hassle and complications it would cause. For a $70 billion company like the real AirBnB to sue.
Despite their similar-sounding names and acronyms, the two companies do wildly different things and cater to a rather starkly different clientele. Airbnb lets you rent different houses for short periods and market themselves for all people to use, while AirBFnBF lets you rent out different relationships for however you wish to be in them, and usually exclusively caters their services to gay men.
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Here's how it works. Just like with Airbnb, you go into the app or on their website and you choose the place you want to stay at during the duration of your trip from the list of vacant places. Unlike AirBnB however, you also get to choose the people you want to become during your trip. You can customize whoever each party member becomes, and your relationship to and with each other. It’s a way for groups of people, though usually a couple, to try out different fantasies and sexual scenarios together.
What I believe must have happened was that one of your friends earnestly mistook the AirBFnBF app for the AirBnB app, and skipped the relationship settings page entirely because he didn’t understand what it was for what it was supposed to mean. Therefore, if he did do that, the app would have gone to a random fixed preset, which there aren’t a lot of for a group of three men.
I have a friend who works for AirBFnBF, and they told me you guys have probably been randomly assigned their most popular thresome preset: A Newlywed Throuple: consisting of a Hunk, a Muscle Daddy, and a Twunk. I know it sounds strangely specific, but you’d be surprised by just how many people love to use this one Throuple in particular.
You’re going to be in for a lot of surprises during these next two weeks. Including a new body, new memories, and a ludicrous amount of hot & steamy sex with your two new husbands. None of you will remember your true- selves until the two-week vacation rental is over. So until then, enjoy yourself!
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That's what you’re supposed to do on a honeymoon after all. Your friends will probably be very confused when these two weeks are over. However, on the off chance they or you all enjoy being big gay hunks and having tons of hot & steamy sex with you or together, there is a permanent settlement option you can invoke. It cost a small fortune, but with how happy, hot, and horny the three of you are all acting together now, I'd bet anything you guys will make your money back in no time
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nocturnesmoon · 8 months
And no room for error (2/2)
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Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x John "Soap" MacTavish x Reader Word count: 5.7k Tags: Hurt/comfort, Fluff, Happy ending, Established throuple, polyamory, military inaccuracies, Mental instability, Ambiguous reader CW: Trauma, Panic attacks, Paranoia/anxiety, Insecurities, (let me know if I missed anything) A/N: Part 2 is heeeereee, hope you enjoy, I recommend reading the first part first, but I suppose you can read this as a standalone too. (Part 1) (Read on Ao3) -They help you through the recovery process-
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It feels like you're drowning.
There's no air left for you in the world. All the oxygen that was reserved for you, has been stolen right out of your lungs, leaving them burning. Everything feels like it's on fire, making you long for the days when any pain you might feel would be so much less.
Someone's arms are around you, but you don't recognize them. All you can feel is the muscle in them, how strong they must be, how easily they could overpower you without leaving a chance to fight back.
They're telling you something, something about being safe, that you're home, that nothing can hurt you. Lies. It's all lies being fed right to you, nowhere is safe, not anywhere has been safe for a long time. The moment you show weakness is when they'll strike, you have to keep it in, keep it together.
But being broken down into a heave of sobs isn't exactly keeping it together. Your hands are clutched against your chest, pulling at the fabric of a shirt that's definitely not yours. The hands that had been circled around your body like a cage, moved to help you pull the shirt over your head and take it off. Leaving your upper body naked, but finally feeling able to breathe, you suck in a large amount of air that almost does the opposite of its intent and makes you cough.
You turn your head away from the world, into the chest of the body that a few moments ago felt so threatening, now turning into a beacon of light that wants to guide you. Their voice fills your ears, no longer muffled and incoherent, but filled with a comforting familiarity.
"There ye go love, ye're alright."
You breathe in their scent, light smell of aftershave and something else that you can't place, but it's familiar it's home. You're home. The realization finally settles itself back into your skull, making your inherent panic slowly make its way down.
When you look up and stare into those beautiful blue eyes, you find an adoration and love that's tinted by guilt and sadness. It makes you want to break down into a sob again, his sad blue eyes and his sad mohawk was making you frown. How can a mohawk be sad? You don't know, it just is right now.
"Johnny…" your voice breaks just as you call his name, you're not even sure what you want from him. For him to let you go, for him to hold you closer, get you something for your dry throat, or to wipe your tears away. Everything feels like a big blob of nothing in your body, something that feels so painful, and yet also feels like nothing at all.
He shushes you quietly, tugging you impossibly closer, encouraging you to cry it out and get it out of your system. You sigh against him, letting your body turn from rigid to soft and malleable, molding yourself against him to get comfortable. Your breathing slows, coming back from your wild state once you realize where you are.
The bathroom lights hit sharply in your eye, making you turn away with a wince. You lay half naked in his grasp, only a towel hastily draped over you, giving you a little decency. Not that it used to be a problem, both your partners had seen you naked too many times to count.
You look towards the bathtub, filled up and ready. It threatened you, looking endlessly deep and ready to swallow you whole. It whispered to you, that as soon as you dipped your toes in, you'd be dragged under, filled around with a black mass until the water would enter your lungs. That no matter how much you tried to rise up for air, someone would be holding you down.
The second sigh you let out is a lot shakier, the panic is replaced with guilt quicker than you can recognize it. Shame creeping across your chest in a prickly feeling that makes you bow you head away from him.
He interrupts you before you can say it, "It's okay, no need to feel guilty." He shifts slightly on the floor, being careful to not move you too much. "Doctor said it would take time, we'll take it at your pace okay," he says in a quiet comforting tone.
"You ready to try again?" he urges quietly, placing a kiss of encouragement to the top of your head. He rests his chin atop your head, patiently waiting for you to gather yourself and give him a response.
When you gently shake your head against his chest, burying yourself into him once more, he merely nods. There'll be time to try again later in the day, all he cares is that you feel safe enough to try again.
The pancakes are coming out weird. Normally Simon would say he's quite good at getting a round shape and a fluffy look, but today the batter and the pan don't seem to be working with him. Maybe it's the stress, but he doesn't want to admit it.
You've been back for a few weeks now, finally back in their grasp, back in their arms where you're safe and where you belong. Though he should be relaxed now that you're back, he's tense in an entirely new way.
He's no longer afraid that you might be dead, but there's a new fear that has taken residence within him. Ever since you got back you haven't been the same, understandably so. You were put in therapy promptly whether you wanted to or not, weekly sessions that you haven't expressed much opinion about yet.
It’s hard seeing you like this, you're eerily quiet way more often, staring off into space, and no matter what you refuse to be in any room alone. It doesn't matter if you're sleeping, showering, or doing nothing at all. The biggest struggle has been on that matter, they support you in every way they can, but they also know how much you hate it yourself.
How you so easily go in a panic if you're left alone in a room, how hard it is to get you back to a state of calm. It's exhausting on your psyche, and they can see the toll it takes on you. It's bad enough they're not keen on letting you out of their sights for long anyway.
Your therapist said that it would take time, but eventually you'd be able to work yourself back to a state of normalcy, and that until then, all that Simon and Johnny could do was give you all the support you needed. And so, they did, no questions asked.
Simon sighs as he flips another wrecked pancake over, the sizzling of the pan getting to him, the noise grating something disgusting in his brain. He tears his eyes away from his deformed child pancakes and looks towards the couch in the living room.
He smiles at the sight of you and Johnny snuggled up on it, fast asleep the both of you. Stray rays of sunlight comes through the closed curtains, painting your cheek and Johnny's chest in a soft golden glow.
Johnny's arms are secured around your waist, holding you close to him, your head on his bare chest listening to his steady heartbeat for something real for your mind to grasp at. You've been sleeping a lot more recently.
Johnny theorized that you're just catching up on sleep, finally being able to rest and recover now that you were safe. Simon thinks that your brain finds it easier to exist when you aren't conscious most of the time. Though he wishes that Johnny's theory is all it is.
Simon knows all too well what it's like to come back from something as traumatic as that. Some days he feels like he hasn't even fully recovered himself from his own past. It's something that still lives with him all these years later, and it kills him to know that it's likely to be a similar journey for you as well.
At least he can give himself the small reprieve in the knowledge that both he and Johnny will be there for you every step of the way, no matter what you might need from them. However, even then it never escapes the back of his mind that it might as well have been their fault that you got taken.
He pushes the thought away just as quick as it arrives, he's already spent so long entertaining the idea, but the facts are also staring him in the face. You had been targeted almost randomly, at least in the sense that it had nothing to do with them or their job. The men had been revealed to have no connection to the 141 or anything even closely related.
More or less, it was one terrible, terrible coincidence.
He flips over the pancake one last time before putting it on the plate with the rest of the deformities. He turns off the stove and moves the pan off the heat, looking over everything to make sure it's alright to leave.
With a sigh he grabs a towel and dries off his hands, walking out of the open kitchen and into the living room. It wasn't any of their choices, this apartment was not the best fit for the three of you, but it was what they could get on such short notice.
Only having you back home for a few weeks now didn't exactly invite mental space to consider apartment hunting. Though Simon knew you wouldn't thrive for long here, you had already expressed your dislike of the bathroom, and of the window placement. It gave him a little hope that you'd be able to go looking with them soon, that they'd be able to get a full new start soon, but for now it was still too early.
He crouches down next to the couch, carefully reaching over to gently caress your cheek. His thumb glides over a forming scar that’s still visible near your ear. His eyes search over your face, watching the way the light falls on your skin, the way your complexion is, the color of your hair. He maps out the way your face looks, the new changes that weren't there before, he wonders where every little new crease comes from.
You haven't spoken a lot about what the traffickers did to you, also understandably so. You said you were working through it in the therapy, but it didn't make them any less anxious about what happened to you.
"Mh…Welcome home Si…" Johnny's sleepy voice ruffs out, quiet and careful to not wake your sleeping form in his arms. He looks to Simon through half-lidded eyes, he swallows through his dry throat, moving just a tad to try and wake his sleeping limbs.
"When d'ye come back?"
Simon let's out a huff of a sigh, a small sound coming from deep in his chest. His hand moves from your sleeping face to Johnny's instead. His fingers gently gliding over the rough stubble, as he watches his partners soft blue eyes get more and more visible as he wakes up.
"An hour ago," Simon mumbles in response "didn't wanna wake the two of ya, made some pancakes though… " he looks towards the opening to the kitchen and winces, "Well I tried to."
"Hm, am sure they taste delicious, like always" Johnny says with a smile on his lips, his eyes closing as he leans his cheek against Simon's hand. It's a moment of bliss for the both of them, their own little cocoon of happiness, all neat and wrapped up with you in the middle.
It doesn't take long before you're stirring as well, sensing both their presences to be awake. Simon retracts his hand when you start moving your head, to make sure you don't bump into him. "Mornin' love" he whispers quietly, leaning in to place a soft kiss to your forehead.
Your lips break into a soft smile, an even softer sigh escaping you as you mumble something back that was probably supposed to be a good morning. Your eyes remain closed for as long as you can stand it, basking in Johnny's warmth and burying your face into his neck, eliciting a chuckle from him.
"C'mon loves," Simon grumbles rising himself back up to stand, hovering over the couch "let's eat yeah?"
The bedroom is dark and quiet, the only noise that could be heard above the ringing tinnitus in your ears would be Simon's heartbeat. You had always loved being smushed between the two, now more than ever it helped you feel grounded, safe.
You had been awake for a while now, softly listening to their breathing, Johnny's soft snoring and Simon's deep air flow. It's comfortable, nowhere else in the world you'd rather be in this moment. You just had one tiny hang-up about it all.
You needed to pee, really badly.
Johnny's arm was firmly draped around your waist, keeping a pressure that you usually liked while he pressed his chest into your back. You could feel his soft breath on the back of your neck, his presence is overpowering alone already, and next to Simon it's always like things are doubled for better or for worse.
Simon on the other hand, wasn't holding onto either of you per se. His arm was draped out to the side, allowing you to snuggle up to him and lay your head on his warm chest, meanwhile Johnny could use his arm as an extension of his pillow.
You could easily wiggle free if you wanted to, but that was the thing. Even though your brain screamed at you to get a move on to the toilet, you knew that as soon as you closed the door to the bathroom it would be screaming for different reasons.
You had a tendency to really hate your brain lately, and a sudden surge of indecisiveness didn't help the subject either. You don't know how long you've been laying here and thinking about getting up.
You had considered waking up Simon, he said you could, if there ever was anything yet your muscles didn't move.
There hadn't gone more than two nights between, before you had another nightmare that would wake you up. They'd always be there of course, either talking you back to sleep with kind words, or if sleep avoided you, they'd take you to the living room to watch a comfort movie, leaving the other to continue sleeping had they been so fortunate as to not wake up.
You felt beyond guilty about it. You knew that their sleep tended to border horrible already, and you certainly weren't helping it. They were exhausted from it, you could see it, maybe even more exhausted than you, and yet they never complained.
With a soft sigh you manage to wiggle free from Johnny's grip, wincing and recoiling every time one of them seemed to be waking up. Slowly but surely, you managed to get out of their hold, and both of them seemingly still asleep.
You could still remember earlier in your relationship with them when it was all still new and fresh. They'd be much more easily woken up by the tiniest movements, always on alert. They still were occasionally when they had just gotten home from deployment, but it didn't usually take long to get them back into that sense of comfort and safety.
The bed creaks as you settle in the end of the bed, crossing your legs and looking towards the little bathroom that's connected to the bedroom. It's right there, maybe if you're quick, close your eyes, hurry and maybe you can be faster than your fears.
Yet not a single muscle in you moves.
All you find yourself doing is sitting there and staring at the door. You've never felt more pathetic than you do now, and it's not even something you can control. Because god knows you wish you could control it, that you could will it away with a flick of the wrist.
Tears press on your eyes, and you snap them shut to stop them from falling. You refuse to cry, not now, not over something that's so stupid to you. You let out a heavy shaky sigh, your hands coming up to rub at your cheeks and smooth out to your neck. You let your head hang low, trying to get your brain to make up its mind.
You freeze when the bed creaks again but not from your movements this time around. You don't need to look back to know who it is, and another sigh escapes you when you feel his burly body mold itself against your back.
His blonde curls coming into view when he buries his head against your neck and places a featherlight kiss to your skin. He still seems half asleep, his body heavy against your back, using you to lean himself against as he processes what's going on.
"Bathroom?" he asks in a hoarse voice, his tongue smacking against his lips to wet them along with his throat.
You nod quietly, not finding it in yourself to answer him verbally, you have no idea what kind of tone would come out from your vocal cords. His arms tighten around you briefly to mimic a hug, his chest humming against your back when he acknowledges it.
"C'mon love," he leans back and rubs the remaining sleep out of his eyes. When he moves out of the bed you don't immediately follow him. Your eyes going back to Johnny as if to check that he's still sleeping, that you didn't ruin both of their cycles this time.
Simon's hand gently cups your cheek, guiding your gaze upwards to meet his own. "He's still asleep, c'mon" his hand moves from your cheek to your arm, hoisting you up to your feet. Once you get steady it moves again to settle on the back of your neck. A soft and guiding grip that he knows helps you relax, allows you to stop thinking about anything, and put your trust in him to get you to where you need to go.
It's a simple thing, not really needed in this context but you appreciate his attention to detail anyways.
You both quietly move to the bathroom so you can do what you need to do. He slowly sinks to the ground with a sigh, leaning up against the white wall while he lets you do your thing. He almost looks like he's fallen back asleep sitting up by the time you’re done.
You slide down beside him, leaning your head against his shoulder before he moves his arm to pull you into his chest. "I'm sorry," you whisper quietly against him, feeling the need to say it over and over again.
"Don't," he stops you quickly, squeezing you closer and placing a kiss to your temple. "You can't help it right now,"  he sighs and gently runs his fingers over your scalp. "You know that we'll always take care of you right? No matter what you need, big or small it's not a problem," he cranes his neck to look you in the eye.
"I know…" you whisper quietly, "I just feel like I'm ruining everything, nothing has been the same since…well you know…"
"What was done to you was cruel, and completely out of your control dove," he pauses briefly as if to think about the words he's going to say next. "None of it is your fault, a lot of things are different now yes, but it's not changing anything between the three of us, you needing a bit of extra help is not you ruining anything," he reassures you.
You let out a heavy sigh, curling into his body as his hold tightens around you. "It still doesn't feel good," you mumble into his chest, closing your eyes and enjoying his warmth. He had always been a bit of a human furnace.
"I know love, I know" he presses another kiss to your head, "It'll get better though."
A calm quiet settles over the two of you while you rest against each other on the ground. Your hands gently fiddle with his shirt while his own hands tap over your scalp. It doesn't take long before it starts hurting to sit on the hard ground.
"Let's go back to bed…" you suggest with a deep sigh, feeling him nod against you and begin to move to get back up.
You're not surprised to find that Johnny is still fast asleep, having not even moved an inch. He was always such a heavy sleeper when he finally was home, the safety it brought giving his body reprieve he wasn't able to get anywhere else.
Though he didn't fail to notice as you and Simon fell back into bed. He stirred slightly, groaning sleepily as you molded your body to his once again. He pulled you closer, burying his face in your neck and breathing you in.
"Where'd ye go" he asks quietly, his voice breathy and almost incoherent to you. His accent always got thicker around certain times; mornings included. Your back arched as you stretched out and got comfortable in his hold, pressing yourself into his chest while Simon comfortable next to the two of you.
"Bathroom," Simon answers slightly groggy, already feeling the pull of sleep beckoning him back under. Johnny mumbled something in response, but you didn't manage to catch it, already off in your own little world of dreams and sleep wrapped up nice and warm in-between them.
When you finally started getting better, it began looking up again. Both your boys were happy with the progress, and for once, you were too. You still had a long way to go, but small steps, one at a time showed progress. It also helped more of your usual personality come back, and of course not to mention the amounts of complaints you had about the apartment they had temporarily found.
Enough so that they finally decided to look at different listings and get a move on the whole process.
Johnny looked on with a smile, as you quietly went through the empty apartment like a cat on the prowl. It was the fourth place they had been to, each one before you had been unsatisfied with, and though Simon had liked the third place shown, he agreed it wouldn't be enough space.
So far you hadn't had any complaints about this one, it was spacious, had a little more room than the old place, and checked off almost everything in your checklist. As far as Johnny could tell, this could potentially be it.
He could definitely see it, lazy mornings spend in the bedroom, Friday movie nights on the couch, Simon and Johnny baking your favorite cake in the kitchen for your upcoming birthday. It was a life he could envision in this apartment, a happy space that was just for the three of you.
You had disappeared into the bathroom for a few minutes now, and it got him curious enough to follow you. He walked over and leaned against the open doorway, his eyes landing on you standing in the middle of the room.
Having sensed his presence, you spoke without bothering to turn around and look at him, "There's no tub." His eyebrows creased, as his eyes scanned the small bathroom. There wasn't a whole lot of space, most definitely smaller than the last place, but not any worse in Johnny's humble opinion.
"An absolute need?" he asks you curiously, making his way over to you and sliding his arms around your waist. You let out a sigh and let yourself lean back against him, feeling his chin come to rest on your shoulder.
"Well, no but…" you chew on your lip while you try to formulate your words, but you never get a chance to finish your sentence.
"Right, I've had enough of this prick let's go," Simon appears in the doorway, his arms crossed and even with the black surgical mask on it wasn't hard to see that he was pissed off. Johnny moved to the side, keeping one hand on your hip as he looked back at his other partner.
"Why what's wrong?" you ask concerned, looking back at his darkened eyes, and crossed arms. As much as you had always enjoyed the muscles on his body, he had a very special way of looking threatening when he was angry.
You quietly went over to him through a few steps, Johnny gently letting you go, only being a few steps behind. "Prick's not worth our time, we'll find a new realtor" Simon grumbles, his stance becoming less standoffish as you come into his space.
His eyes soften as he looks at you, and then Johnny behind you. Whatever the realtor did or said really didn't sit right with him. "What'd he do?" Johnny asks in a tone that's as concerned as your expression.
"Doesn't matter," Simon answers his tone laced with annoyance, "we can find better than this place anyway, no tub." He uncrosses his arms to gesture around the bathroom, your own gripe with the place having no tub wasn't only yours.
"The both of ye really want that tub huh…"
Johnny's chuckle makes you smile, turning around to face him and crossing your arms to mimic Simon moments prior. "Of course, the tub is the most important part," you say cheekily looking over your shoulder again to see if Simon agreed with you.
"Obviously" he backs up you up proudly, watching on as Johnny looked at the two of you like you were ridiculous.
"Well, we better get goin' then, clearly this place would be better burning" Johnny laughs, his infectious happiness making you smile even when he ushers you out of the bathroom. You don't get all the way before you collide with something that might as well have been a brick wall.
You blink twice before realizing that the brick wall was a human, and the human was your realtor. You take a quick instinctive step to the side to get out of his way, but at the same time he takes a step back as well.
"Ugh finally, are the three of you done, I've got other appointments you know" The realtor barely even gets to finish his sentence before he's pushed back by Simon. He lets out a pathetic yelp when he drops his clipboard.
"Now listen here Mark, if you ever as much as look wrong in their direction again, let alone even try to actually insult them, I will personally make sure you never see the light-"
"Oookay, time to go love," Johnny's voice filters through Simons hyper specific threats, his hands resting on your shoulders as he steers you towards the door, leaving Simon to it. Despite your struggling and tries of looking back to call for your partner, you don't get free of Johnny's grip before your out in the hallway again.
"Christ…he's not gonna bash his teeth in again?" you ask nervously, trying to ignore the urge to go back in there and drag him out here. It wouldn't be much use, unfortunately he was a lot stronger than you.
"No of course not…the idiot isn't…well he's not that dumb, I think he's just gotta get the threats out of his system…fucker kind of deserved it," a crooked smile decorates his lips as he gently pulls you closer to him.
"He wasn't that bad…he's probably just stressed" you tried to reason, one hand gripping Johnny's forearm as you leaned into him. You had always been rather seeking of touch, even before what happened, but even moreso now, it always felt nice when they instigated it first.
"Darling he…"
"Okay but still, he shouldn’t get worked up so easily…" you decided on, leaving little room for arguing, not that Johnny ever wanted to on purpose.
"Ah know love…" Johnny sighs, his head perking up when Simon comes back out as well. He had always been a bit prone to anger, most of the time it was a quiet simmer inside him, but occasionally it would bubble out.
It was something he said he was working on, but sometimes you wondered how exactly he was doing that. It usually wasn't a problem, so he probably was in control of it, but it never failed to surprise you how quick he was to go off on someone if they were rude to either you or Johnny.
"We done here?" he asks clearly still in a mood, as he looks between the two of you.
"If you're done chewing his head off" Johnny said in response, knocking his head in the direction of the stairs so the three of you could get a move on. He moved away from you and started making his way to the stairs.
Simon took his place at your side, looking to you with a tinge of concern. "You aright?" he whispers quietly, as if he wasn't the one that had spouted a rather colorful threat to someone else. You let out a small, amused huff, nodding your head yes in the process.
"Yeah, I’m just fine."
"And uhm…how long is it gonna be?"
You're sitting quietly on top of the kitchen counter, your back leaned against the wall behind you as you watch Johnny cook. The new apartment suited you; it didn't take long for you to start decorating it with everything that screamed you. Both Simon and Johnny were happy to see it, it was going really well, until they got called for another deployment.
"Price said it would only take a few days, maybe a week" Simon pockets his phone and crosses his arms. He avoids your eyes like they'd burn him if he looked back, he knew he'd buckle so fast if you were using that soft disappointed look.
You hadn't been happy at all when Price made contact with the boys to let them know they'd be deployed for another mission. Theoretically you knew that they'd have to go back eventually, it wasn't like that part would change, but it still felt so soon.
You had only gotten fully integrated into this apartment for a few days now, and while you had done your best to make it home, it was still new. You didn't like the idea of having to be alone in it for even that amount of time.
Johnny hadn't spoken a word about it yet ever since Simon emerged in the kitchen with the news. Though his silence was a pretty clear indicator of his mood about it. Just moments prior he had been chatting away about everything and nothing, now he was quieter than a mouse.
"Look we don't want to go any more than you want to see us leave, but it's nothing we haven't done before," He moves over to stand beside you, his hand running over your thigh and giving it a squeeze. "I'll help you make a list, so you don't get lost in your head," he adds when your hands lay on top of his.
You both look towards Johnny, observing his movements that have become distinctively sharper. He moves the pan off the heat and turns off the stove, not turning to look at either of you for a good few more seconds.
"Don't ye think it's a bit early…" His nervousness is the first the Simon notes. He knows what he's thinking about, the fear of coming back home to you being gone once again. Simon wasn't too keen on the thought either, but their lives couldn't be stopped completely, they had to return at some point.
"We'll be back in no time, just like usual" Simon tries to reassure, at this point not only you and Johnny, but himself as well. Johnny nods, moving closer to the two of you and settling in-between your dangling legs.
He knows they don't have a choice in the matter, it's their job, it's what they signed up for and they have a duty to fulfill. They upped the security on the new apartment, and they've helped you learn some self-defense techniques, he has to put trust in those and in you. He has to believe that your safe, even on your own.
"Love…d'ya pick a movie yet?" Johnny changes the looming subject that puts dread in your mind, to something less thought consuming. You smile for yourself, turning slightly sheepish as you nod your head yes.
Simon seemingly already picked up on it, chuckling quietly at it "Your favorite?" At your confirmation, he scoffs amused, he didn't have anything against it, but you had been watching it on repeat the last week. He was surprised you were still able to watch it without getting bored, but it was your favorite for a reason.
"Aright love, let's go put it on the TV, let Johnny finish our dinner," he pats your thigh bringing Johnny in for a kiss before stepping away and leading you to the living room. You immediately aim for the couch, plopping down and making it creak a little from the sudden impact.
Your eyes go around to the various decorations and pieces of home you've placed around. You've done anything you can to make it feel like your old place, you knew it wouldn't have the exact same feel, but you could still make this new feeling a good one here.
Simon finds the remote and takes a seat next to you, allowing you to cuddle up to him while he flips through streaming services to find the right movie. Before long Johnny would come in with the food, you'd all watch the movie, talk and joke around before falling into bed, cuddling each other until each one of you fell into deep sleep, safely nestled in each other’s arms.
And even though you knew they'd have to leave on deployment again soon. You also knew that they'd come home safe and sound like they promised, and when they do, just like you promised, you'd be here open arms and warms smile, ready to bring them in to the sanctuary you've built.
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quixotical-lymbo · 2 months
hiii could I request a tiny fluff/crack fic of just Macaque x Waking x gn!reader going to couple therapy (Sandy could be the therapist if you want cause it's silly) cause they have a bickering problem (reader has a hot temperament too)
and basically the three of them try to work it out even if they keep throwing snarky comments and everything
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Pairing: Wukong x Macaque x gn!Reader Rating: SFW Summary: Mixing monkeys and therapy isn't a good idea.  Warnings/Tags: Silly banter, Sandy trying his best, Mo cameo, canon typical violence, therapy, Sandy is NOT licensed, and crack. Word Count: 600+ words
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It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. 
Sandy's eyes flicked between all three of his 'clients' and sipped his tea. Clearing his throat caught the attention of two of the monkeys sitting beside each other. 
"So, uhhh, does anyone want to start us off with a 'I feel' statement?" Sandy smiled.
"I feel like this is a waste of time." 
"I feel like someone should have thought about that before being the reason we're here in the first place." 
"I feel like I want to strangle someone." 
"...great…great start everyone!" Sandy weakly applauded. 
"Look, Sandy, as much as we appreciate this, I don't think we-" 
"-Nonsense! If MK entrusted me to help you three through your issues, then I am more than happy to help!" Sandy's eyes shimmered. "I wouldn't wanna let my little buddy down!" 
"...right," Wukong deflated as he realized there wasn't any way of getting out of this without feeling guilty. Sandy nodded and turned to you, who was sitting with their arms crossed over their chest and their eyes studying the decorations on the walls of his ship. 
"How about you tell me what brings you all here with me today?" Sandy called out your name as he reached for his cup of tea again. Macaque, who sat in the middle of both of his partners, tensed as he tapped his sharp nails along his arm. Wukong, much to his nonchalant attitude, looked carefree but he was nibbling on his bottom lip as his brow furrowed proved otherwise. 
"Where to fucking start," You glanced at the blue gentle giant, who's smile did nothing to ease the flames of anger that began to rise. In fact, you rose from your seat and began pacing around the room. "Let me begin, those two always arguing like an old married couple for every single decision we have to make as a throuple-" 
"Hey! We don't bicker every time."
"-and do you know how infuriating it is to argue over what we should eat every.single.night?" You sent a mean look at Wukong who stuck his tongue out at you.
"I think that's a bit of a stretch." Macaque met your dirty look with his own shit-eating grin/scowl. 
"Don't get me started on how long it takes for us to fuc-" 
"-OOOOKAY!" Sandy jumped up from his seat and held a hand to stop you from continuing. "I think I have an idea on what we should do to help you guys!" 
"Oh really?" You sat back down, arms crossed, and one leg over the other. Your glare didn't relax until you felt something soft cuddle into your bicep. You peered out of the corner of your eye to see Mo rubbing his cheek against your arm. Despite your contorted face, you grabbed the kitty cat and placed him on your lap to pet. 
"Yep! It's simple really," Sandy pulled out a chart from behind the couch. "You guys can take alternating turns on who chooses what for that day!" 
Sandy pointed to a purple square on a random Tuesday. "Here, Macaque gets to choose what you guys eat for dinner, where you'll go on dates, and all of that good stuff!" 
Sandy pointed to a (f/c) square, "And then you'll choose, and vice versa for monkey king!" 
"Why am I last?" 
"Don't complain." 
 "I am not-" 
"If you two don't shut up and listen to Sandy, I'll make you shut the fuck up." 
Both monkeys winced before following your command. 
"...right," Sandy continued. "If anyone has any complaints or starts a fight over something that could've been communicated properly, then they lose a day and it's given to the next person who's supposed to choose next." 
"Alright, sounds good," You rubbed under Mo's chin and felt yourself relax as the cat purred. "We'll try that, thank you, Sandy." 
"Yeah, thanks!"
"Great! I'll see you guys next week then! Keep me updated, you silly gooses!" Sandy took Mo from you before ushering you all out of his boat. He closed the door and slid onto the floor while sighing. 
"They're gonna fight again, aren't they?"
Mo shrugged. 
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🍜 - I do not give permission for anyone to translate, copy, republish, or plagiarize any of my written works. I provide no permission for any of my literary works to be used in artificial intelligence. sparkle banner(s) by @adornedwithlight !!
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tiniedemon · 1 year
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poly kenny mccormick & kyle broflovski
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sequel to ‘hometown’
inspired by ‘granite’ by sleep token
cw | nsfw, choking, a little painplay, some airplay, mild degradation
you were having such a lovely dream. the fluttering of kenny's tongue against your nether region was so sweet within the confines of your mind, kyle's hands gripping your breasts from behind a guilty pleasure. you were so close, on the brink of a sweet release, their named falling from your lips like a sinful prayer.
you were so close, your hand knotting in kenny's blonde mullet as your nails formed crescents in kyle's milky thighs. you were so close, high moans and whines pried from your throat by kenny's tongue. you were so close, back arching into kyle's flushed chest.
you were so close, and now you were awake, alone in your bed. there was an uncomfortable wetness between your legs, soaking through your panties and dampening your sweatpants. you sighed, opened your legs, and slid your hand into your pants. your underwear was already ruined. there wouldn't be a point in salvaging them.
no matter how hard you tried, kyle simply wasn't picking up the hint. he was the main person out of your throuple that you were worried about. you knew kenny would be more than happy to fill your needs should you ask, but you wanted kyle to be included of his own accord and not via peer pressure by your shared boyfriend.
kenny had told you story after story of kyle's passion in the bedroom, and you were dying to experience it yourself. kyle, according to kenny, was a selfish and rough partner. he took what he wanted, pleased himself, and worried about his partner once he'd gotten his fill. you were desperate to feel it for yourself, but no matter how many hints you dropped, or how many times you'd tried to initiate, it was like he wasn't interested.
if you were being completely honest, you were growing frustrated. you wanted nothing more than for kyle to use you the way kenny had said he would, and it was like nothing was happening.
you were brooding over this as you laid in bed with your boyfriends, one leg tossed over kyle's and the other thrown over kenny's. your legs were spread, clad in a pair of loose night shorts that could easily be pushed to the side, and no matter how handsy you'd gotten, kyle simply wasn't taking the hint. currently, your fingers ran feather-light across his bare chest directly beside your head. he'd shivered multiple times, and yet, his hand hadn't strayed from gently stroking your forearm and bicep.
"do i smell like fish, or something?" you blurted, turning your head to kyle. he jolted eyes wide on your face. kenny snorted from your other side, but a quick smack to his chest shut him up.
"what?" kyle sputtered, glancing between you and kenny.
"am i ugly? do i smell bad? do you hate that i sleep with my hair plopped?" you continued, eyes narrowed and lips pouted. kyle grew more confused with every question, looking to his other partner for help.
"y/n wants to know why we haven't fucked her yet," the blonde drawled, smirking lazily. the puzzle pieces seemed to click into place, kyle's face visibly lighting up in recognition, then falling in shame.
"sweetheart, you aren't ugly and you don't stink. i haven't tried anything because i didn't want to force anything on you. i've been waiting for you to make a move," he admitted with a sheepish grin. you rolled your eyes and looped an arm around the back of his neck, burying a hand in his hair and tugging gently.
"does this ring a bell?" you asked, then trailed a hand down to trace the waistband of his sweatpants. "or this?" then you pulled his earlobe between your teeth, tugging it as you pulled away. "how about that? you are the densest motherfucker i know, and that's saying something, because it took stan three years to realize it's not normal for butters to send him flowers 'as a bro.'"
kyle’s face was beet red, best described as embarrassed. kenny snickered from beside you, and this time, you let him. kyle deserved to be laughed at for his stupidity.
“i’m sorry, sweetheart,” he murmured, fingertips tracing the curve of your calve in his lap.
“i accept your apology. now that you know i’m desperate for your cock, how are you going to proceed?” you inquired with a suggestive waggle of your eyebrows. kenny hummed, his fingers running up the side of your thigh as he pressed a wet kiss to the side of your neck. you could feel your heartbeat between your legs, amplified by kyle’s hand gripping at your hip.
“that depends, sweetheart,” he whispered into your ear, teeth capturing the lobe and tugging. “is this your first time?”
“not in the slightest,” you breathed, eyes falling shut and fingers tugging at kyle’s hair. kenny kissed his way up the column of your throat, each gesture growing hotter and wetter than the last.
“how rough can we be?” the blonde whispered into your jaw, tongue dragging along the edge of it. you shivered in delight, an airy moan exiting your lips, legs withdrawing to squeeze together. you could hardly think around the ache in your core, every second without relief growing more unbearable.
“as rough as you can be,” you managed to whine. every touch of their lips and fingertips to your skin sent a shiver down your spine, your skin buzzing with anticipation. you nearly cried as the slightest bit of friction ran over your throbbing clit.
“legs open,” kyle ordered, voice harsh beside your ear. you nodded eagerly, dropping your legs to the side, eyes pleading as you gazed at your ginger boyfriend. his expression had changed completely, his eyes hard and demanding and his jaw squared. a smirk formed on his lips, one hand turning your head to face your other boyfriend as the other slid your shorts to the side and dipped into the wetness between your legs.
kenny was quick to take hold of your chin, pulling your lips into a messy, wet kiss as kyle’s fingertips trailed up and down your legs. you moaned against kenny’s mouth, gasping as the blonde’s hand gently encased your throat. he squeezed, a moan bubbling from your gut, his lips leaving yours. you chased his kiss, held back by his grip keeping your head in place.
“i’m gonna watch you fall apart,” he muttered. kyle chuckled from somewhere behind your head, his hair brushing your cheek as his teeth nipped at your collarbone and his middle two fingers circled your clit. you jolted, eyes rolling back, hands desperately clutching anything they could find. the stimulation was bordering painful, your climax approaching at an embarrassingly fast rate.
“i’m gonna cum,” you squeaked. kyle dragged his hand away, dampened fingertips tracing the vein on the inside of your thigh. tears formed in your eyes. the lack of action was more painful than the overstimulation, your core aching to be touched.
“please, please, please,” you begged, words a broken prayer falling from your swollen lips. you couldn’t seem to work any full sentences through your hazy mind, your focus entirely on the rough touches of your lovers.
“i can’t wait to fuck you senseless,” kyle groaned, his free hand palming over his dick. you could feel the motion against your thigh and it turned you on more than you’d like to admit.
“god, i wanna taste you,” kenny hummed, his blue eyes locked on yours as he took hold of kyle’s hand and dragged his tongue over your juices soaked into his fingers. his eyes rolled back as your taste hit his tongue, and you had to hold back the whine you nearly let out.
“be loud for us, sweetheart,” kyle murmured into your ear, prying his fingers from kenny’s mouth in favor of plunging them into your aching pussy. you let out the loudest moan yet, back arching off the bed, eyes rolling back. you could feel kyle’s erection twitch against your thigh, a grunt entering your ear canal as you nudged your bare skin against it.
“i don’t recommend you tease our kyle,” kenny mused, teeth grazing your jaw. “he’s quite the merciless dom.”
you learned this for yourself a few moments later when kyle’s palm came down on your thigh with a sharp smack. you squeaked, instinctively pulling away from him and further towards kenny, your back to your other boyfriend.
“exactly where i want you, princess,” kyle whispered in your ear, his hand groping your exposed ass. you shivered against kenny, his lips finding yours in a sensual kiss as kyle pried your head to the side and stained your neck with his lips. you were a moaning mess trapped between the two of them, your head pushed into a pillow as kyle attacked your neck and kenny groped your ass. you could hardly kiss kenny, your lips growing more slobbery with every second you struggled to kiss him through your incessant pleasured moan.
"i want you on your back," kyle hummed against the nape of your neck. "edge of the bed."
you were eager to comply, all bodies rearranging to accomodate the position change. you lay with your head on the edge of the bed, kyle standing over you, his face darkened and smirking. he slid his hands into your armpits, tugging you far enough for your head to hang off the bed.
his erect cock hung in your face, twitching in the open air, the tip flushed a dark pink. kyle wasn't small by any means, being a skinny and lanky man. he was very well endowed, long enough to worry you and girthy enough to make your jaw hurt thinking of how far you'd have to open it. he kept the base well trimmed, orange stubble growing against pasty skin, his rather hefty balls cleanly shaven. your mouth watered.
he tapped the tip of his cock against your lips, your mouth opening automatically to grant him access. he smirked down at you, barely visible around his girthy dick stroking your tongue.
"kenny," kyle called, eyes shooting up to where you assumed your other lover was stationed. an alert hum was heard, before kyle gestured towards your hips. your breath hitched in your throat, heart racing and face burning. "you know what to do, right, pretty boy?"
you jumped at the feeling of cold fingers caressing your outer thighs, tracing the skin towards the heated center, pulling your legs apart. your shorts moved to the side, and a warm wetness touched your aching core. you felt the buzz of kenny's pleased moan against your pussy, his tongue slowly working its way from your perinium to your labia. a long, high pitched moan passed through your gaping lips, your eyes rolling back into your skull.
you could hardly stand to keep your legs open with kenny's tongue working its magic between them, kyle's cock sliding slowly into your mouth. you gagged as it touched the back of your throat, your body lurching into the air and your eyes filling with tears. he continued pushing it in, stalling as your nose touched the underside of his balls. you couldn't breathe, choking around the girthy length stretching your throat. kenny was still hard at work on your pussy, the combined oxygen deprivation and continuous stimulation of your clit bringing you closer to the edge with every moment that passed.
"you look so pretty with my cock in your mouth," kyle cooed, fingertips stroking your cheekbone, face blurred by the tears in your eyes. he moved his hips slowly out, and back in, your tongue struggling to flatten itself against his dick. kyle thrusted a few more times into your mouth before pulling out, stepping away. you could finally breathe, though each breath was a gasp or whimper with kenny's unrelenting movement against your sensitive clit. the muscles in your legs spasmed as your orgasm approached, moans growing louder and louder until everything stopped.
a broken whimper choked its way out of your mouth, eyes pleading as you gazed up at kyle. his hand was held midair, palm parallel to the wall, a smirk on his face as he stared at your tear stained face. it took you a moment to come back into your body, your broken, pleading sobs and whines reaching your ears. your body was limp as kyle slid his arms under your armpits and sat you upright on the bed, his chest touching your back as he slid in behind you. kenny grinned at you from between your legs, lips and goatee slick and shimmering in the low light of the tv.
"you sounded so pretty for me, angel," the blonde cooed, fingers tracing your folds before his form withdrew completely. you were crying, too fucked out already to stop, begging for any form of release you could find.
"how about this?" kyle murmured against your cheek, pressing a kiss there as he massaged your sides. "let's get you calmed down a little bit before we do anything else, okay?"
you were hesitant to nod, breaths shuddering as you dried the tears from your face. kenny tugged your shorts back into place, hand cupping the side of your face as he placed a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose.
"you did so wonderful, my love," he soothed, helping you to lay between the two of them. you were coming back down slowly, breath stabilizing and heart rate normalizing. you felt warm, trapped in the heat of the blankets over your body and your lovers holding you tight to them.
"thank you," you whispered in a croaky voice, throat sore from kyle's previous actions. the ginger hummed as he rubbed his chilled nose against your cheek, a frigid shiver running down your spine as a giggle swelled in your chest.
"you're welcome, love. i'm sorry for stopping like that," kenny hushed, his eyes soft as he gazed at you. you pressed a soft kiss to his lips, then to kyle's, and linked your fingers with theirs.
"it's okay, kenny. i was getting a little too overwhelmed. i appreciate you guys for stopping when you did," you admitted sheepishly. kyle smoothed his hand over the top of your head, fingers soft against your hip.
"i could tell, sweetheart," he chuckled, running his fingers along the curve of your waist. "i didn't want you to end up unconscious."
"we will always look after you, even in the most heated moments, love. how are you feeling?" kenny spoke. you mulled over it for second. you felt completely fine, aside from the throbbing ache of your pussy.
"i feel like i want to try something with you guys, if that's okay," you whispered, cheeks red as you focused anywhere except their faces. kyle hummed his acknowledgment, always a man of very little words, and kenny voiced his encouragement. you gulped down the lump in your throat, fingers wrapped tightly around the hem of the duvet.
"i want to try double penetration," you spoke softly, rolling your lips between your teeth. the air was still for a moment, the few seconds it lasted feeling like an eternity. kyle's fingertips stilled against your side, kenny's breath audibly catching in his throat. you were embarrassed, to say the least.
"we can try it," kyle finally spoke. you felt like could breathe freely again, your heart gushing audibly in your chest. you felt relief come over you. you had no need to be embarrased based on the reaction kyle gavev you. kenny hummed in affirmation in front of you, his lips ghosting over the column of your abused throat.
kenny's fingers were rough against your hips as he pulled you on top of him, his lips and tongue wetting your collarbone, his hands bruising against your thighs. you softly moaned into his hair, your face burrowed in the sweet scent of his mullet as he left mark after mark on your chest and collarbone. you relished in the friction of your hips subtly grinding against his, sweet moans and groans passing through your lips.
kyle works behind you, a quiet shuffling accompanying your pleasured mewls as he slowly tugs kenny's shorts of him. kenny huffed against your skin, impatient, his nose crinkled when you glanced at him. you could feel kyle's fingers wrap around your hipbones, tightening, his hands tugging you back on kenny's lap. your nose touched kenny's, eyes locking and heart rate increasing. he wastes no time taking your lips in a gentle, passionate kiss.
you grinded your hips down, searching for any form of relief you could find. your clothes were growing increasingly restricting, the neckline of your oversized shirt practically suffocating you. your skin burned, relief flooding you as you slowly pried it up your torso. your lips left kenny's, a disgruntled noise sounding from his throat as he chased your e lips. once your shirt joined kyle's sweatpants on the floor, you could see kenny's smirk, his blue eyes filled with lust as he gazed at your chest. eager fingers helped you out of your shorts, then tugged you as close as physically possible, hand grabbing a handful of your ass.
"that's better, love," he cooed, voice soft as his fingers trailed down your spine. a quiet shuffle alerted you of kyle's presence in the room yet again, his fingertips gentle against the skin of your thighs, feathering over the surface of your tingling skin.
"are you okay, sweetheart?" kyle hushed, his lips peppering kisses against the backside of your hips, nose brushing the base of your spine. you gulped around the lump in your throat, only able to nod your affirmation in the heat of the moment. kyle's hands grasped your hips again, lifting them enough for kenny to guide himself into your entrance.
you sunk down slowly, a high whine trapped in your throat, your lip held safely between your teeth. kyle's hands on your hips slowly guided you to bottom out on kenny's thick cock, lifting long enough to deliver a sharp smack to your ass. your fingers smooth kenny's messy hair from his forehead, your forehead touching to his for a moment, before you wrap your hand around his hair and lift your hips, they came back down, your chest flattening against kenny's. he grabbed you by the chin, bringing you in for a sloppy, slobbery kiss that ignited a fire in your core.
his hips buck against you, matching your thrusts, the friction of your hips dropping repeatedly on his inadequate pleasure. a squeeze to kenny's thigh by your other boyfriend is a reminder to wait, his other hand stilling your hips at the base of kenny's cock. you let out a whine, desperately grinding your hips down on kenny's for any form of friction you could find.
the click of a cap opening sounded in the air, kyle's slick fingertip circling your asshole moments after. your breath hitched, forehead resting against kenny's, the male beneath you pulling you into a gentle kiss. your body stilled as kyle slowly pushed his finger past the tight ring of muscle, a high whine leaving your lips as every muscle in your body tensed. kyle massaged the globe of your ass with his other hand, peppering kisses across your shoulders.
"i need you to relax, little one. think you can do that for me?" he hummed. you nodded slowly, taking a deep breath, forcing your body to relax. his finger slipped in and out a little easier, your ass loosening around his digit. he slipped in another, pumping them in and out, stretching you around him. the uncomfortable edge turned to a sickly sweet pleasure, your hips grinding against his fingers and kenny’s cock for more friction, moans and whimpers falling repeatedly from your lips.
“please,” you whined, fingernails forming crescents in kenny’s shoulder, a groan leaving his lips with every tug of his hair. kyle’s fingers left you, your muscle fluttering to fill where his fingers had been scissoring you open, a desperate whimper sounding in your throat. you could feel the tip of his cock prodding at your asshole, barely sinking in, then pulling completely out.
“are you ready, sweetheart?” kyle hummed, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. you were eager to nod, pulling kenny into a heated, desperate kiss, his hands finding your ass and spreading it for your ginger boyfriend.
“you’re so pretty,” kenny whispered as kyle slowly pushed his cock into your ass. your back arched into kyle, chest pressed firmly to kenny’s, airy moans fanning against his lusted face. “such a pretty little slut for us, isn’t she ky?”
“the prettiest,” kyle grunted, hand fisting in your hair and tugging your head to the side. he kissed you sloppily, bottoming out inside your ass. you could feel kenny’s legs shifting under you, bending at the knees and planting his feet firmly into the mattress. kyle lifted you by the hips, the friction so sweet it forced a loud moan from your lips. your head fell against the pillow behind kenny’s, fingers tugging at his hair, body buzzing in eager anticipation.
kyle began moving first, his hips snapping sharply back into you, the pace so fast it left you gasping. kenny followed soon after, his movements alternating with kyle’s, his hips just as harsh as kyle’s. you were left a moaning mess, chest rubbing against kenny’s as your body rocked with each hard thrust into you. every sound emerging from you was swallowed by the pillow beneath your head, muffled and nearly silenced.
“let me hear you sweetheart,” kyle grunted, grabbing you by a fistful of your hair, tugging your head back. tears rolled endlessly down your face, the pleasure becoming mind numbing with every passing second, your brain unable to form any true thoughts. you were entirely overtaken, spasming as kyle somehow fit a hand between your hips and kenny’s to rub harsh circles into your clit.
“please,” you practically screamed, your entire body tensing with your impending orgasm. you couldn’t think, merely chanting, “i’m gonna cum, i’m gonna cum,” like a broken prayer to the gods worshipping you. you felt the cord inside of you snap, your body shaking and tensing as your orgasm washed over you, mouth dropped open and eyes rolled back.
kenny and kyle were unrelenting, hands fondling every inch of your body, grunting and groaning, moaning their praises of you as they wrecked you. you prayed for them to finish, your body overstimulated and jolting, your eyes screwed shut and your head dropped back into the pillow.
“fuck, i’m so close,” kenny groaned, his thrusts becoming more erratic. you desperately clenched around the two of them, feeling kyle’s cock twitch inside of you as he pressed his chest into your back and pulled kenny into a hungry kiss. the sounds of their wet lips meshing was enough to send you over the edge again, your body shaking uncontrollably, moan after moan passed into kenny’s pillow.
“cum for me, prince,” kyle groaned into the kiss. that was all it took, kenny’s cock burying flush inside you, his seed releasing deep into your womb. kyle followed soon after, bottoming out as far as he could go, twitching as he came in your other hole. you relished in the feeling of being so full, oozing as both your boys pulled out of you.
“are you alright?” kenny asked you immediately, chest heaving and sweaty against your own. you gave a sluggish nod, barely lifting your head to smile weakly at one of your boyfriends. your other walked on his knees across the mattress to kneel beside you, his hand gentle against the side of your face.
“you did really well,” he murmured, peppering kisses all over your face. kenny embraced you tightly, one hand rubbing up and down your back as the other stroked the back of your head.
“i love both of you so much,” kenny whispered, a smile on his face. despite knowing kyle wouldn’t say it save for incredibly special moments, you knew he reciprocated.
“love you too,” you managed to mumble, kyle chuckling as he sunk into bed beside kenny. you pulled yourself off of kenny, arranging yourself between the two with shaking limbs. kyle took your front, his chest flush against yours as he tangled your legs together, and kenny curled around your back, his head rested against the side of yours. kyle pressed a kiss to his lips, then to yours, and grinned at the two of you.
“how was it?” the ginger murmured, thumb stroking against kenny’s cheekbone and lips pressed to your forehead.
“genuinely great. better than i pictured,” you responded with a light chuckle. kenny and kyle shared your sentiment, snuggling into your sore body. you could feel yourself fading out of consciousness, sleep hanging heavy over your head, your body limp against your lovers.
you fell asleep without another word, trapped in the arms of the loves of your life, and to the sound of keeping up with the kardashians playing in the background.
you’d just fucked your boyfriends for the first time watching keeping up with the kardashians. motherfucker.
@hand-writxen @quackyfae @n0tangeliccc @vanillawh0re
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respectthepetty · 9 months
10 QL Girls I Want Carnally
Because @twig-tea hit me with the tag in their 10 QL People I Want Carnally list sprinkled with women as @negrowhat requested, let me slide up in here to show some appreciation for only the ladies because the amount of GLs we have leaves me thirsty, and these women look like a beautiful stream in the dusty desert.
Honorable Mention - Namtan's Characters [Pluto]
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I don't understand the plot of this upcoming series. Namtan is playing twins and one or both of them love May (played by Film). Full disclosure here, I don't give a fuck about the plot because I'm going to watch it regardless. I'm always showing up for Namtan (and Film and Clize). When I'm being offered beautiful women in a GL plot, I do not question the gifts God bestows on me.
Honorable Mention - Jung One [She's Makes My Heart Flutter]
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Fucking Korea and its short ass shows! I only had this precious babygirl for one hour, and I would murder for her. I would treat her so well that she would never feel nervous about another thing in her whole life. She is like Jim from Moonlight Chicken, just trying to help her niece and run her bar, but I'll be like Wen and WORK FOR FREE because that's how much I want to be in her bed warming her up at night. Money ain't the only way to pay me for my services.
Hydration Station
Maya & Rose [Laws of Attraction]
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Choke me. Maya AND Rose are my ideal throuple with me being the third. Silvy had me hot and bothered in her scenes with Joong and New in The Warp Effect (bisexual reawakening), and Organ had me hot for mommy in Never Let Me Go, so Laws of Attraction giving me both in a Be Gay, Do Crime plot was heaven sent. Watching them manipulate and beat up men, knowing they were going home to each other is the energy I need from all my GL plots.
Yuna [Semantic Error]
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She rides a bike and has beanies for every occasion. She'd let me wear her hoodies. She'd let me wear her beanies. She let me ride her bike. She'd let me ride her. Her entire demeanor lets me know what's up without her even having to open her mouth, and I've already signed up for a two-month subscription before I even approach her. Whatever she wants to do, I'm down whenever including going down wherever.
Tee [GAP]
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Let me say this with my full chest "FUCK, SAM!" If I was Mon, as soon as Tee would've asked my name, it would have been "Sam, who?" because TEE COULD GET IT! I'd let Tee fuck me in front of all her friends and God on that table. Tee's game was unmatched. No hate to Sam being inexperienced, but Tee obviously knew thangs and was more than willing to share her knowledge, anytime, any day, anyway. *bites knuckles*
Phai [My Dear Gangster Oppa]
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I don't fuck with cops. But . . . girl definitely knows how to use handcuffs. And the way she always told Muffin to shut up did things to my sacral chakra that told me that even though I don't fuck with the police, I would 100%, without a doubt, fuck the police(woman).
Proud [7 Project]
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This is going to be a theme in this list because I don't just want Proud from 7 Project, who deserved so much better than that horrible story. I want Samantha, the person who played Proud. Sammy has been in everything for a solid decade now. She deserves the lead already, and I deserve to watch her and those beautiful lips of hers make out with another girl again! 2024, do me and my girl right.
Luna [Sleep with Me]
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She has problems sleeping. Like an actual medical diagnosis. Not even trying to take away from the seriousness of her condition but . . . I've heard intensive physical activity is good for sleep. I'd be more than willing to test this scientific theory out by fucking all night long. It couldn't be just once though. In order to prove a theory, we'd have to do it a couple of times. I'm great at pulling all-nighters and being an enthusiastic participant for *science*
Cher [GAP]
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GAP gave me so many beautiful women, and all of them were mean to Sam. Blessed. But my favorite Mean Girl was Cher. I had her for only a few seconds, but I would leave my SO on vacation if I saw her walking through the resort. Her AND her girlfriend could get it. Call me. Beep me. If you wanna reach me.
Ray [Club Friday]
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This bitch was crazy. And I. Loved. It. But playing crazy is apparently what this actress does best.
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As Ray, she was wildin' out trying to have a baby between her husband, her husband's boyfriend, and her ex-girlfriend, and as Anthika in Midnight Museum, she was wildin' out trying to resurrect the savior. And you know what? I would proudly stand next to her and commit queer wrongs every day instead of demanding she come to her senses if it meant she was making me come every night. Ooookay.
Mayris [The Sign]
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Is she open to a two-night stand with a girl? I don't know, but I'm sure the hell gonna try to persuade her.
Ink [Bad Buddy]
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There is a reason everyone loved her in that show. In Magic of Zero, Pa was trying her damndest to get Ink to remember her, and girl, same. If I had a girl like Ink, I would be the brattiest bitch. I'd pout until she gave me all of her attention. I'd be pissy if she even looked at someone else. I'd want her all to myself and she'd have to lose her job because I'd keep her in the bed ALL DAY. Well, not the bed. We could pull a Pat and Pran and fuck on the couch, the kitchen counter, and outside after drinking.
The One to Rule Them All
Sine Inthira, the person, not the character.
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I want this woman carnally. She could tell me to shut up in front of my friends and God, and I WOULD DO IT! She could say something that went against all my feminist beliefs, and I would not give one fuck. I would ruin my life for this woman. I would be peak toxic for this woman. Why The Eclipse cast her as the teacher and tried to make me feel bad for Khao's character was the rudest thing to ever happen in my bisexual existence, but I know where my heart lies because I was telling Ayan to shut the fuck up and let my beautiful angel speak.
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LOOK AT HER! If y'all ever hear of an American sitting in a Thai jail after chasing after this woman, know that American is me because my ass will not be sane if I see her in person.
I'm only tagging one person in this list of women I want carnally.
@dribs-and-drabbles, I'd love to know who you want helping you break in that bed after you move it in this weekend. You've been so focused on shared clothing when all I want to know is whose do you want to take off.
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boringkate · 4 months
That Girl was a sitcom that aired from 1966 to 1971 and followed an unmarried woman moving to New York to live alone and pursue her own career (as an actress) (uncommon stuff for tv shows at the time). Every episode began with someone saying the words "That Girl" and then the camera would zoom in on her or a photo of her. I watched it all a few years ago and I still think about it, so now you all have to put up with me telling you about some of the episodes that stood out the most to me.
S01E01 "Don't Just Do Something, Stand There"
A fun introduction to Ann and her new boyfriend Don. It also establishes here in this first episode that That Girl just keeps getting sexually harassed. And not in a "wow it's wild that old timey romcoms acted like behaviour like this was charming" type of way. Dudes are just creeps and she's straight up having a bad time. This will happen in more episodes than I can remember or touch on here.
S02E22 "He and She and He"
Ann (after being told by them that she has to choose between them) dreams about marrying both of the boys who love her. Simultaneously. And their throuple works amazingly. Everyone is happy. It's utopian. Untill the rain starts. Noah (the bible guy with the ark) shows up at her door to reaffirm that she has to choose. He's played by the same actor who plays her father (a conservative old guy and constant source of generation gap based conflict).
S02E24 "Great Guy"
Ann's gal pal Pete (bit of a boy name) (played by Ruth Buzzi who was a regular on Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In and is BTW a bit of a brick) gets her first boyfriend! He's a rough and tumble guy tho and he's always boxing and jogging with Pete instead of treating her like a lady. He even repeatedly calls Pete a "great guy" (he says Ann is more of a "girl girl" and a "pussycat"). Ann (thinking there's a problem) tries to meddle and gives Pete a femme makeover, but it was totally unnecessary and unwanted. They're happy together the way that they are. The episode ends with him saying "you meet a lot of pussycats, but it's only once in your life that you meet a great guy!"
S02E25 "The Detective Story"
Ann is scared because she keeps getting obscene phone calls from an unknown man (presumably threatening to rape her). It is not a misunderstanding. I swear this is an upbeat and breezy sitcom series.
S03E08 "A Muggy Day in Central Park"
It's a crossdressing episode. The cops are crossdressing. Her boyfriend Don is crossdressing (and I think I remember her dad catching Don crossdressing). All to catch some thieves in central park. They show a clip from it (as a flashback) in the series finale too.
S05E03 "I Ain't Got No Body"
A Playboy style porno mag features Ann's face edited onto another woman's body (she never agreed to her photo being used in this way). A precursor to the celebrity photoshops that were themselves precursors to modern deepfakes. Her conservative father sees it at his barbershop (because apparently barbershops stocked porno mags back then).
S05E24 "The Elevated Woman"
At some point the series finale was planned to show Ann and Don's wedding, but Marlo Thomas (the actress who played Ann) felt that would send the wrong message (suggesting that at the end of the day getting married is all girls should aspire to), so instead the episode is about Ann bringing Don to one of her women's lib meetings to show him what the movement is all about. He spends the whole journey telling her how ridiculous she is and saying that women don't know how good they have it. When they finally arrive it turns out that the meeting was cancelled because none of the other women could even convince their boyfriends to come. No growth occurs. There is no character arc. And no better alternatives exist within the confines of heterosexuality. He's sexist and they're engaged.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
Do you mind doing Omega!Sabertooth with a teen alpha!reader who doesn't feel like they're helping enough? (I think I was Night anon?)
Oooooo... I don't mind doing that at all! And glad to hear back from you, Night Anon! Let's try it:
Sabretooth thought of himself as rather lucky.
He'd survived several wars, had survived the experiments ran on him, survived his and the runt's psychotic, drunk pig of a biological father.
He considered himself luckier though due to his kid.
They were a newly presented alpha, one who he'd rescued as a pup, from some mutant traffickers. Kid had fought tooth and nail to protect the others, even though they barely reached up to anyone's hip. How could he not take then under his wing, teaching then everything there was to being strong, formidable, and superior to their enemies?
He just wishes they'd stop running themself ragged.
The kid, a teen now, had a nasty habit. One that at first, had been rather welcome, until Victor had discovered just how far it reached, how much damage they did to themself to deliver. They liked to take care of others, liked to provide things. Y'know, make food, tidy the nests, keep an eye out around their territory. Simple things.
What he didn't appreciate was when they'd spend hours going through the blistering cold to double check, even throuple check, that their current territory was safe. The way they'd spend an entire week baking and cooking from sun up to sun down, making enough food to feed a small army. How they wouldn't stop messing with the nests, fluffing pillows and arranging blankets and rearranging them, going for hours without sleep (which they sorely needed) all in the name of perfection. Of usefulness.
It wasn't any wonder at all, really, that he intervened.
So what if he might have laced a little sedative into their milk? The kid needed rest. Needed HIM to take care of them, NOT the other way around. He WAS an omega, that meant he was protective, caring, doting, going above and beyond to keep his pack safe and warm and with him. It's not much effort (if any) to heft them up in his arms and settle them on top of him, keeping the two of them settled in a large nest scented with lavender and smoke, hints of milk and honey underlying the scent.
"Kid, ya don't have ta work yerself ta death. That's MY job, seeing as I can't die. I know ya want to be a good lil' alpha, an' keep me taken care of an' happy. But as yer omega, it's MY job ta take care of ya. So just relax, kitten, and let Papa take good care of ya," he sighs, snuggling them closer. Their head is laying in the center of his chest, small breaths puffing out in their dazed state. He rubs a little at his chest, letting out a small purr when he feels a bead of milk pearl out.
Heh. Looks like he'll be able to make his pup feel real good.
"Now, let's get ya some milk, kitten..."
(Note: Between mutants in the ABO AUs (who have ten times the instincts and urges of regular human ABO), having younger pack/pups/kits/cubs drink milk from an omega is a normal thing. Their milk happens to have something in it that relaxes them, both in mind and body, and is used as a bonding experience. For new mutants, it likely seems weird, scary, even. For Reader, though, who's been a mutant from a young age and with Sabretooth since then, it's normal for them/accepted).
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nalyra-dreaming · 5 months
In one of the interviews, Eric accidentally let it slip that it's the Talamasca who inform him that his memory has been altered.
My theory is that Armand, Daniel and Louis did have a relationship in the 70s/80s, but the Talamasca wiped everyone's memory of it. Maybe they just watched the throuple unfold at first, since they're not supposed to interfere, but months turned into years and then years turned into a decade. They could see Daniel's descent into madness, so they had no choice but to give Loumand an ultimatum: kill him or turn him. Obviously they told them to fuck off, so a vampire or witch working for the organization used their gifts to make all 3 of them forget. Because of how old/powerful Armand is, the spell didn't work on him. Or maybe it did, but because he has so much physical evidence of Daniel ie the videotapes of the two of them interviewing people on the street, the joint checking account, the property under Daniel's name, etc. he was able to figure out his memory was tampered with. However, Louis & Daniel still don't know what they meant to each other and Armand doesn't want them to know because of the potential danger. This would explain why Armand hid his identity and wants Daniel to leave, and why Louis felt compelled to follow the life/career of a boy he allegedly only met one night.
Hmmm. Maybe.
I'm.... not sure if I subscribe to the idea of the "ordinary" Talamasca members being powerful enough to interfere with the vampires there, especially given their "no contact" rules (which, granted, get broken at times. Still.)
What would be the reason for them interfering? Would they not need to interfere with every human the vampires kill then? How is Daniel going a bit mad through it all an incentive for them to save him, but not save all the other humans from getting killed?
That said, I can totally see a version adjacent to this play out, namely that Marius is, in fact, a whole lot more involved - and given his (possibly intensified) ties to the Talamasca... that might explain the Talamasca reaching out to Daniel (in turn).
And Marius would be powerful enough to interfere. And would have incentive to do so, given Armand is his fledgling and that he does interfere with his decisions in the books as he sees fit.
Sooooo. Possible, but I don't think it's the Talamasca at the core of this particular mystery^^
But we'll see^^
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booburry · 10 months
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Double Trouble Dieter Bravo x F!Reader x Javi Gutierez One Shot
Cont. of Pivot
Summary: Dieter & Javier Gutierrez are working on an upcoming project together and, to help with their creative process, they are spending more time together. The first time you meet Javi, it started with an intimate dinner and ended with the three of you in bed.
Tags (I have probably missed some): No use of Y/N, Dieter & Reader established relationship, Sober Dieter, Dieter still being chaotic, Javi being soft and seduced, Reader being a switch, oral (male & female receive/give), two boys kissing and a little more, DPV, Threesome (duh), Possessive!Dom Dieter, Passionate!Praising Javi, Quickie, Tiny bit of Sub!Dieter, Dieter still being soft outside of sex, Dieter being Poly, Pet Names, Spanish Pet Names, Reader speaks Spanish (writer does not), one single and much needed use of 'Papi', Author is in no way capable of speaking Spanish, was literally told by her Spanish teacher to drop the class to better spend her time doing anything else, and used copious amounts of various google searches to try to ensure it's accuracy while providing absolutely zero guarantees...except for 'Papi'.
A/N: Real quick, I never meant for it to be this long but I don't apologize for it lol. I want to be bold and say you will all love it, while also being too nervous to see if you do...these men have obviously taken a hold of me. I have also become obsessed with the idea of these three becoming a throuple and I greatly intend on making this a 'Slice of Life of the Rich & Famous' series. 65/35 split of smut to plot lol. As always, feel free to let me know if you enjoyed it ♥♥♥
Word Count: 17.3k... Thank you @cafekitsune for the banners
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“Dieter! Dieter!” Another reporter called him over as you both stepped away from finishing a different interview—how many you had done at this point? Countless, and quite honestly, you didn’t entirely care to keep track. The only thing your eyes, body and mind wished to keep track of was looking at Dieter in his purple velvet suit that swirled with a beautiful pattern of roses done in black velvet. His beard and mustache were the perfect mix of messy and neat, his untamed curls in full form on top of his head, and a bright white pocket square that had made you crazy when he placed it in there.
It was always the stupidest shit that turned you both on with the other—or maybe Dieter and you were just always horny and perpetually DTF for the other.
Oh, and of course the man went nowhere without his signature sunglasses. ‘You can never get rid of the sunglasses, Dieter!’ his agent had told him after the Documentary boomed, followed by all of the paparazzi photos of him in his housecoat and sunglasses. It was now part of his ‘brand’ and despite how much that concept sickened Dieter, he played along. He admitted he was able to stomach some aspects of what he frequently called the ‘circus shitshow’ of the biz.
Dee guided you towards the woman holding an E! News microphone, his free hand reaching up to cover yours that rested on his arm. You knew he couldn’t walk away from any interview request, bound by contract as his agent had become quite savvy with keeping little, to no, loop holes that let Dieter get out of press and promotion work.
But that also meant his contract usually held very broad terms her agrees to in regards to press and promotional tours and award shows if he isn’t nominated. Thankfully his agent wasn’t an absolute shithead and bent to Dieter’s will when he really didn’t want to do something. For everything you disliked about him, you could agree and confidently say that he cared about Dieter’s wellbeing…he just cared more about keeping him famous, in demand and constantly bank rolled.
It was the reason he flew out to LA next week to record some voiceover for Netflix on some documentary series. Dieter promised you, when he told you about taking this job, that he would make sure to do the closest to his bedroom voice as they would allow. That made you forgive you for leaving you alone for a few weeks while he took care of a stack of work his agent had set up for him while he was in the states.
You saw a lot of phone sex and video calls in your future. A thought that did not make dealing with the constant interviews any easier.
Sensing your tenseness, and always ensuring to be soft and gentle with you in these moment, Dieter gave your hand a small squeeze, bringing you out of your thoughts to look up at him and see him smile at the reporter but you knew, from that squeeze, it was for you.
He knew you hated the sudden spotlight on yourself, on your past life, and your growing relationship with Dieter that came with the release of the documentary. He knew that these events made you feel tense and nervous, and he knew the only reason you attended was because of how much he needed you to be there for him. He knew you put on a brave face, being ‘a model actor’ as he would tease you, and happily play the role of the loving and supportive partner who embraced the spotlight.
It was the ‘embracing’ part that was incredibly difficult and where you needed to act. Loving and supporting Dieter was easy to do because you do love Dieter, you do want to support him and you were so unbelievably happy for his resurgence of recognition for his work because of this documentary and from the world seeing his fall from grace and his climb back up.
The world had fallen in love with him; his chaotic, honest, unabashed, self. Just as you had.
But that also meant the world had come to know you, and although quite a lot of them supported you both, even reached out to you and thanked you personally for saving Dee or for inspiring them to get help, there were a loud few who hated you for it. For being with him, and nothing else. It was shallow and you paid it no mind, until you were on the red carpets and suddenly you were self-conscious about what will be said of you after this. How would you be picked apart this time?
You ran your thumb along the bottom of Dieter’s hand, desperate for his comfort and immediately, as he settled in front of the reporter, he wrapped his arm around you and held you close to him, sensing and knowing how desperately you needed him as your pillar right now.
For all of the complaining he did about attending these events, he always thrived once in the moment. You always teased him for it and he always insisted he only enjoyed them because you were there. Together, you both stood strong.
“Elle from E! News.” The woman greeted the both of you as you finally approached.
“Hello, Elle, from E! News.” Dieter greeted with a cheeky smile and you knew his eyes were raking over her entire body behind his sunglasses—the thought helped you smile for the camera.
“Hi.” She said with a short and unintended pause as you saw her cheeks darken past the shade of her blush, obviously sensing Dieter’s depraved thoughts. “Um, the public has become enamoured with your story, seeing the rawness of your state throughout the documentary, seeing you rise from it. How does it feel to have that recognition and support?”
Dieter’s free arm swung to his side as he lightly rocked back on his feet, preparing himself to give a slightly varied answer to the same question he had been receiving all night.
“Well, Elle from E! News, I must say that it feels great and that it’s immensely appreciated. It’s one of the...many,” Dieter stressed the word with a dramatic swing of his head to look at you, the sudden and unexpected attention making you drop your gaze and try to suppress a bashful smile, “many, things that keep me on track in my life of sobriety.” He concluded and you could see from the corner of your eyes he was still looking at you, his adorable half-smile on his delicious lips—the same lips that had been between your legs on the limo ride here.
Despite what you wished to do, you knew you had been looking down for too long for this interview, and needing to avoid ridicule you raised your gaze to meet his, only to see his mustache twitch at your brave efforts.
“Yes!” The reporter continued as you and Dieter watched each other with a deeply loving gaze. “The public have also become openly supportive of the two of you! Especially after seeing the beginning and how it blossomed throughout the documentary. That steamy photo of the two of you in the pool.” Thankfully you had heard this story and topic enough to no longer blush when speaking about it publicly. Privately it was often used as an aphrodisiac between you and Dieter, but unlike him, you were not an exhibitionist for the camera and general public.
When you first realized it was going to be included, it enraged you knowing that the fucking cameraman had filmed god knows how much of your time with Dieter in the pool, now locked behind unaired footage. Despite your annoyance of this, however, it was a fact that only excited the shit out of Dieter. Something you had proof of as he had, during the showing at the premier, brought your hand over to feel his hard cock pressed against his pants when that moment was on screen.
But, by that point in time, his enjoyment of others watching him or him watching you with others was a well known and explored thing between the two of you, so it was no surprise what he had you feel at that moment. Shit, the first time you two had sex he told you he wanted others to hear how well he made you feel, how good he fucked you. In truth, it had become something you had started to enjoy more than you ever expected.
But not here. Not in these situations.
But at the premiere? Shielded in the darkness of the theatre? Well…you made sure to give his cock a short, loving squeeze before reaching up to pinch his chin, the auditorium chuckling with many eyes turning to you both when the pool clips had ended.
That part of the documentary was followed by some interviews of a few cast and crew saying how they had heard it happening, heard you, and that they all ran out to take a peek for when round two had started.
Round two was you riding Dieter on one of the lounge chairs after you both had lazily floated around the pool, giggling, flirting, and getting closer. Until the flirting got more serious and you were kissing more than talking, your hands starting to travel and take. When you felt how hard he was for you, how much he craved you…you had to take it for yourself.
It was with round two that you realized that despite how ferocious and possessive Dieter was with you, privately, he also loved little more than to be under you, submissive to you…your good boy.
Thankfully there was no footage of that, but the testimonials were enough to solidify that moment as a main talking point for Dieter in these interviews—which you didn’t mind as long as you didn’t have to be present for them.
“Yes, the famous scene…” Dieter cut in with a smile, his free hand reaching up once more to cover yours, giving you a small and loving squeeze, while his arm around your back steadied you. “What people don’t always focus on when thinking of that night, and let’s be real Elle from E! News...we all know what everyone is thinking about when watching that scene! But that night was the moment it all changed for me, this beautiful, amazing...” Dieter lightly shook his head, his eyes bulging as he seemed strained in thought, “there are no words to describe what she means to me, what she has done for me.” He confessed, kissing your cheek, purposefully lingering long enough for his mustache to tickle your skin and leave you with a smile.
“You have said in many interviews that she is the reason you attended treatment, is that right?”
“Yes!” Dieter almost yelled into the microphone. “A million times yes! Not only that, she helped me finally accept that what I was doing was...because I wasn’t addressing the things I needed to. I was heading for rock bottom and she allowed me to pause for a moment and pivot out of that trajectory. You...” Dieter paused a moment and you could feel his hand on yours lightly shake, the muscles in his body tense, as you knew the dreadful thoughts that seeped into his mind at this moment. “You would have a completely different man standing in front of you now if it wasn’t for her.”
Dee did a good job at keeping his voice level, but his tone was unmistakably solemn. However you could hear the strain, the tremor, the fear that encased those words.
It was the future that plagued him, the one he had been running towards while surrounded himself in chaos, the one that terrifies him to admit he wanted or felt deserving of at one point…horrified at the idea of slipping back to it.
It was those thoughts that always kept him up at night, the ones that had him weeping in your arms when he got out of rehab, and still to this day will occasionally do. Dieter was not normally one to be soft, especially when you first were together. It would have been easier to pull a tooth from his body, to have him go a month without sex, than have him talk about what was truly bothering him. Rehab thankfully helped that, and slowly since then it was easier for him to be more vulnerable with you, and you cherished every fucking moment he was.
“Well, I can confidently say that the world is grateful that you both found each other on the set of that film! Not only for the great cinema but because you both continue to seem more in love as the days go on!” Elle said in a cheery voice but you could feel the ice behind her words, the envy that it was you and not her. You just smiled as best as you could. “Last thing, Dieter, if I can?” Elle eagerly interjected as you were preparing to walk away. Dieter just raised his eyebrows and rocked his head forward to her.
Elle took a deep breath as Dieter got flirtatiously close, all while still holding onto your hand.
“There is buzz going around that you will be working with Javier Gutierrez on his next project, is that correct?” Dieter perked up at the question and you couldn’t help but smile, both at Dieter’s eagerness to answer a question he hadn’t gotten yet today and because of your own eagerness for that project.
“Yes!” Dieter answered enthusiastically. “I am very excited to work with Javi, he is a great guy, easy to get along with and it’s going to be a good time.”
“Some people are saying that there are already Oscar talks in regards to this film. What are your thoughts on that?” Dieter waited for the mic to be in front of his face to give an exaggerated groan.
“It’s a crock of shit—movie isn’t even written yet, how the fuck are they to know if it will be any good?” Dieter bit at the question and you tried very hard to not smile. You knew many would take Dieter’s words for saying the project could be shit, but it was because of his deep distaste for the ‘theatrics’ of the acting world that he snapped and bit back. He hated critics, reviews and all of that ‘shit’ while equally hating how fundamental it was to the success of a film.
Unfortunately, for Elle, she was one of those people who didn’t know what to do with Dieter’s response.
“Thank you both for your time!” She concluded with a small and awkward nod of her head but Dieter just dipped his body to catch her gaze before giving a soft and reassuring smile, putting on his charm for the camera and the woman.
“And thank you for yours, Elle from E! News. See you around.” He added in a way where you knew he would be asking you to bring her home sometime during the after-party of that evening's event.
“Our deal still stands, yeah?” You asked loudly as you put your last earring in, fluffing out your hair and checking every angle of your face to make sure your makeup was properly applied; there was no room to not look your best for tonight’s dinner.
“You really want to fuck him, huh?” Dieter called out from the bedroom, his voice echoing in a way that told you he was lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling, patiently (for now) waiting for you to get ready. You smiled as you did your tenth look over, slightly shifting your red silk dress so that it hugged all of your curves properly while draping where it should. The moment you started to think about how you would fuck yourself for looking this good you knew you were ready.
Dieter whined your name from the other room, deprived of your attention for more than a minute. His little protest did tempt you to make him wait a bit longer but you couldn’t do the same to your dinner date.
“Look at how I am dressed and answer that question.” You ordered Dieter as you walked into the bedroom, the dress draping at your feet, a small amount of fabric pooling on the floor but you knew his eyes were on the prominent slit that exposed your entire leg and thigh. His eyes fell on you, his intent to be dramatic and childish evident in his actions before he took you in and immediately leapt off the bed to snatch you into his arms.
“The answer is if he doesn’t fuck you, I will.” Dieter growled as he pulled you towards him, one arm wrapped around your waist, his lips to your neck and his other hand gripping onto the flesh of your bare and exposed thigh. His actions pulled a faint, shaken, gasp.
“Dieter…” you whispered as you let your head roll back, his lips moving from your neck down to the pillowy tops of your breasts, calling to him, pressed and positioned to already be slightly spilling from the top, demanding his attention.
His sloppy and wet kisses twisted your stomach and his soft, deliberate bites had you groan in boiling desire, already excited in anticipation of what tonight could bring, what you could get if you flirted well enough, but it was always the way Dieter grabbed you that made your pussy pulse uncontrollably.
Quickly you reached down to swoop the fabric of your dress as far from your body as possible before hooking your exposed leg over his hip, pulling on his hair so that his face was just below yours.
“You going to be a greedy, dirty boy and fuck me first, hmn?” You asked and Dieter immediately let out a whimper, his hungry and demanding gaze shifting into a soft, eager and submissive one. You used your leg to pull his body closer to yours and you could feel your wet pussy rest against his already rock-hard bulge. Lightly you pulled his hair a bit more while equally pressing into his cock. “You want to fuck me, don’t you? Want to rip this pretty dress off of my body, fuck me like a whore on the floor or restrained against a wall?”
You waited for him to respond as you grinded against him, yet all Dieter could do was let out a soft, satisfied, sigh as he closed his eyes. It was fucking irresistible.
“Take your fucking pants off and fuck me. Now.” You demanded of Dieter and his eyes shot open, his hands quickly moving to undo his belt buckle as he watched you with a deadly serious expression that only cracked when he harshly shoved his cock into you.
Your body lurched forward at the motion, but you knew better to recover for it was easier for Dieter to fuck you like this if he could control where and how your body swayed.
Instead, your lips found his earlobe and gave it a light nibble, coaxing from Dee an immediate groan and increase to his pace. Your hands traced over his face and neck, always moving, trying to grasp onto his skin or hooking your fingers into his beard and hair as you moaned into his ear.
“Your cock feels so good, baby.” You cooed as you swirled a nail on his cheek in a way you knew drove him wild, immediately feeling the effects of your praise. “You fuck me so good. Such a good boy, Dee. Such a…Fu-uck,” you stuttered, your head momentarily falling to his shoulder as Dieter fucked you with unbelievable ferocity, bending his body so that he could press into that place that always left you unravelled around him.
Your praise having a very immediate and physical response from Dieter.
“We do have a dinner to get to.” He teased, and despite you knowing there was no way he was going to leave here without feeling you twitch around his cock, you did not want to take any chances.
“Dee,” you growled before his thrust forced a moan from your lips, “you better fuck me until you make me come on that—” your speech was cut off with another thrust against your sweet spot, your head rocking back once again, “fucking godly cock.” You finished your sentence, your voice low and strained as your head fell as far back as it could.
Dieter’s mouth was immediately upon your throat, sloppy open-mouthed kisses mixed with grunts as he continued to rabidly fuck you like a dog in heat. Your throat closed as he brought the pleasure stirring within you to a boil, small choking gasps were the only sounds that could be let out until your body allowed you to scream in release, Dieter doing the same.
You melted around him and against him, feeling his release fill you as he twitched against your walls.
“Don’t you get any on my dress.” You growled a warning into his ear, your arms wrapped around his head as you held onto him for support. Dieter just chuckled and you smiled—he knew he would be in for some unpleasurable pain if he damaged something so beautiful of yours without your permission. “You are such a good boy, baby.” You praised him with another kiss to his temple. “Let me get cleaned up and we can get going.”
The restaurant Dieter chose for you all to meet was gorgeous, small and intimate, with only twenty tables, at most, within the establishment. The moment you walked past the entrance your eyes fell to the table in the center of the room where Javi sat, alone. His gaze perked up at the sight of you and Dieter and he immediately stood up, raising his hand as high as he could into the air and waved at you both—as if you were at risk of not seeing him.
Dieter took your hand to steady you as you descended the short set of stairs into the dining area. He always took it and never offered, a fact that would have made you smile if you weren’t already from how Javi reacted to you both. Looking down at the stairs helped hide your expression from both men and allowed you enough time to compose yourself.
Javi was ready with your chair out, helping you get seated and giving you an enthusiastic, suave, nod of his head, his smile spreading to impossible widths as he watched you before turning his attention to Dieter.
“It is so lovely for you two to join me, thank you.” He reached out and clasped Dieter's hands within his, providing a short, firm, and affectionate shake of their hands before he released them and sat back in his chair. “I hope you do not mind, I took the liberty of ordering some tapas—I was looking at the menu and getting hungry.” He explained softly, a light and shy smile given as an apology.
“Didn’t mean to be late.” Dieter responded and an immediate sign of relief showed in Javi’s expression when he realized that there was no upset with his forward action—an action that was entirely tame, domestic, by your standards, not forward in the slightest.
Cute. You thought to yourself with a sweet smile.
“Javi, this is—” Dieter began to introduce you but Javi sprang from his seat to kneel next to you, grabbing your hand in such a flurry of actions you were truly startled—even Dieter was stunned into silence and you couldn’t truly recall the last time that ever happened without you being fully naked, exposed and in an extremely creative and demeaning position.
“Dieter told me so many things about you, shown me so many photos yet you are more beautiful in person.” He greeted you earnestly before planting a soft kiss on the back of your hand. “I have to say before dinner begins, otherwise it will eat me from the inside, that I have fallen in love with the art Dieter has shown me of yours.” His confession had you snap your head to Dieter, a look of hurt and concern mixed into your soft emotions from receiving Javi’s praises.
Dieter knew how sensitive you were about your art, about it being shared with others, your fear of any chance of it being exposed and left for ridicule from the world.
“Do not blame him, princesa, I took his phone and looked myself. He only told me after how you did not wish this to be shared, and so I needed to apologize to you for I did not mean to offend such a beauty as yourself, but you must know that you have a gift that must be shared.” He rambled through his confession, still on one knee before you, your hand delicately held in both of his while his head took a dramatic dip. “It has been too long since my eyes have rested on something that evoked such passion. I needed to meet you, and I apologize for the secrecy of that agenda. Forgive me.” He begged you at the end, but his words left you utterly speechless.
Not only had he seen your art, the art you most likely had painted in your home studio, the art you had created from some of the most vulnerable places as you had worked through your own issues while Dieter started his sobriety, but was Javi confessing to orchestrating this dinner so he could meet you?
You couldn’t believe it.
Thankfully the waiters with the small appetizers arrived at the table, interrupting your ability to reply—even though you were still lacking the words. Javi moved back to his seat but his worried eyes did not leave yours. You glanced towards Dieter, who was simply acting as an amused bystander to the whole ordeal.
“I am glad my work could evoke such devotion.” You managed to murmur, looking at the table and feeling uncharacteristically bashful, as if you had a thousand cameras pointed at you, hundreds of microphones shoved in front of your face, demanding to know everything you were feeling. No man’s attention had ever stirred you like this. Dieter has done, and does, many things to you even with a single glance, tortures you, makes you crave for a single lick of his affection, but it never like this yearning—this sudden desperation and loss over something you never knew you needed, had or ever lost.
The temperament settled for a bit after that, food distracting you as the men diverted into discussing their movie and what they wanted it to be about. Two lost brothers, separated by birth in a war-torn country, reconnected as older men to rediscover themselves and what they had lost.
It sounded like a lovely story, an emotional concept and most definitely something that would carry ‘Oscar Buzz’ if done correctly—which you had no doubt these two brilliant minds would accomplish.
They continued with that conversation until dinner arrived, and Javi, once again, glanced at you with his shy smile.
“My apologies, mi amor. We did not mean to exclude you.” He apologized and proceeded to patiently wait for your response.
“Quite alright, you had to hold up the facade of why this dinner was originally requested.” You teased him with a wink, his cheeks immediately going crimson. Quickly, he glanced down at his plate and pushed his vegetables around with his fork.
“Indeed, I would not wish for someone to get the wrong idea.” Javi agreed lightly before shoving the vegetables he played with into his mouth, nervously chewing. You followed him, cutting a piece of your steak, swooping it into your mashed potatoes before placing it in your mouth. Your gaze did not leave Javi’s, you wanted to see how his expression pinched and shifted as you wrapped your tongue around your food to bring it into your mouth, a small smirk present as you chewed.
It was your smirk that seemed to make Javi realize he had been staring and he brought his attention back to the plate in front of his face.
“What would be the wrong idea, Javi?” Dieter called out to the shy man, his forearms fully laid out on the table, fork and steak knife in hand as he watched Javi curiously.
Javi’s mouth opened and then closed. He looked at you quickly and then back to Dieter. It was evident he didn’t know what to do, didn’t want to say what he had already alluded to—that he was here for you.
That he wanted you.
“Did Dieter tell you I spent a year in Spain?” You asked Javi, gently providing him with an out from the topic he wanted to avoid, a topic you would circle back to later, but for now, you needed to relax the poor man.
“No, he didn’t!” He informed, immediately falling into the trap of your question, or simply forgetting his previous worries while getting lost in your gaze and presence. Either option made you happy. “Please, tell me of it.” He asked politely yet his eyes begged you to share with him.
“Dénia es donde pasé mi tiempo.” You softly responded, telling him of the place you lived while there. “It was a lovely city that gave me a lot of healing and peace.” You added the last part in English so that Dieter did not feel completely left out of the conversation however the way Javi’s soul seemed to leap towards you when you spoke his native language could have ended you.
“Your Spanish, cariño...” Javi whispered as he shifted his body to fully face you, a slight quiver to his wide, puppy dog, eyes. “You should never have to speak another way.” Javi paused, his mouth open, little twitches giving the impression he still had something else to say, which he eventually got out. “Háblame así te lo ruego.” He whispered his plea, his spoken beg, for you to speak to him in his native tongue.
No person, no matter how strong their will was, could resist such a sweet request from an even sweeter man.
Immediately you and Javi dove into a fast paced conversation, Spanish rolling off your tongue as if it was your native language, Javi’s eyes widening as he engaged with you.
Dieter immediately started drumming his fingers against the table with impatience. He managed to hold in his words a lot longer than you thought he would, given how quickly he becomes pouty when you flirt with other men.
“I don’t fuckin’ speak that,” Dieter interjected, Javi’s eyes immediately darting to look at him as he leaned back into his chair—you hadn’t noticed how close you both had leaned into each other. With a smirk, you gracefully turned to look at Dieter.
“I would think for a piece like this, you would learn his language.” You pouted to him playfully, but something in the base of your belly screamed at how you would love to hear that beautiful language come out of that man while he had you under him—all the degrading and dirty ways Dee would speak to you. Javi enthusiastically agreed with a solid and excited ‘Yes!’, regarding Dieter learning Spanish, but neither of you heard him.
You watched as Dieter initially rejected the idea almost immediately, knowing he would have to put a substantial amount of effort into something that was for a single role. It had been a part of his re-instated values for himself when returning to acting while ensuring his sobriety. He wasn’t going to deep dive into the method, and he wasn’t going to get lost in it…he needed to always want to be grounded within himself—or within you.
But as you just watched him, line after line of what you wanted to hear Dieter say passing from one ear to another, you felt your body fill with an insatiable lust for something you could not have but desperately wanted. It was the subconscious bite of your lower lip that made Dieter shift his expression, suddenly realizing that there was a reason to learn such a thing beyond a single role, even if he didn’t know exactly what it was.
“What do I get out of it?” He asked you, his words quick, voice low to match the darkening behind his gaze and the flare of his nostrils, a corner of his mouth twitching upwards. You smiled, feeling like you had managed to lure Dieter and catch him with your request, now you just had to reel him in.
Slowly you leaned forward, lifting your body from your seat so that the tips of your noses were almost touching. While Dieter was fully focused on you, the world around you two most definitely melding away in his mind, you were very mindful of Javi’s gaze on you both and you couldn’t help but wish to catch two fish with one net.
“You show me what you do with that mouth,” you whispered, your finger raising to run over Dieter’s cracked lips as your eyes followed, before snapping your gaze back to meet his, “and I promise to show you something new I can do with mine.” You saw the relaxation within Dieter’s gaze, a momentary release from the tension you knew was building within his body, satisfied with your terms.
You knew it drove him wild when you would act forwardly in any public setting, especially one as intimate as this, with little to allow you to hide. Dieter’s gaze held a promise he would later show you how satisfied your words left him feeling.
“Wow!” Javi exhaled the word like it was his last, exasperated, breath and it reminded you and Dieter to pay attention to the other member of this dinner party. You turned to apologize, wanting to be polite yet desperate to know if you had caught two fish with your little display, and as you saw Javi watch you with childish awe and excitement, you knew it had worked.
His eyes washed over your body as his eyebrows fell into rest as he continued to soak you up, a soft and shy smile twitching across his lips before he looked at Dieter.
“I now understand, my friend, what you meant when we first met.”
All Dieter did was provide a shrug full of self-satisfied pride as you rested back into your chair, brazenly crossing your legs in a way that let both men have a peek at what lay beneath your silken dress—nothing but your beautiful, delicious, soaked and well fucked, pussy.
They both could not help but look, Dieter naturally adding flares and dramatics to his motions, while Javi briefly unabashedly stared before locking eyes with you and giving a few soft, short, and shy nods before quickly casting his gaze to the ground.
It brought a satisfied and endearing smile to your lips as you reached out a hand to rest it on top of Javi’s, giving it a small squeeze of reassurance. It felt impossible how soft his sun-kissed skin was, how warm his hands felt under yours—it all matched his aura and demeanour.
Truly, the man was more enamouring than you could have ever imagined and you could tell the gesture was something he greatly appreciated and responded to based on how lost and lonely he looked when you withdrew your hand, turning your gaze back to Dieter who seemed to be watching the same thing.
“You saying sweet things about me, love?” You ask with a false sense of surprise, Dieter softly laughing before gesturing an open hand towards Javi.
“You wanna tell her what I said?” He asked, pitching his chin to his chest to be able to look at the man above his sunglasses. That posture alone always made your nostrils flare so you could breath deep enough to stop your heart and pussy from beating too fast.
But when you saw how you saw Javi squirmed at the question? Well, that made your thighs clench and pussy unequivocally quake.
His eyes darted to you as you leaned towards him, purposefully positioning yourself so your plump breasts were pushed up and within anyone’s vision if they were to look at your face. You watched as his throat slowly clenched as he strained to swallow, the tight shirt he wore giving away to the short and shallow breaths he was allowing himself as he gained the faintest red hue to his complexion. With a final, sharp, breath, he looked back at Dieter as if to clarify if he should.
Your eyes did not leave Javi, so you had no idea what Dieter did, but you assumed it was a gesture or mouthed words, for Javi hesitantly looked back at you while bearing a grave expression as if he was about to tell you one of your loved ones had passed away.
It swirled a storm in your stomach to see innocent Javi torture himself over whatever Dieter told him about you, which would have been nowhere near the worst and most degrading things he has said about you or to you. Yet you could see it tear your sweet Javi apart from the inside, afraid to hurt or offend you while what his vision soaked in evoked an opposite desire.
You slowly reached out and placed your hand on his.
“Whisper it to me in Spanish, Javi.” You softly asked of him, your gaze not leaving his while giving him your best ‘fuck me’ eyes. You could see it twist him on the inside before giving a few short, shallow, nods of his head.
“Now I really understand what you meant.” He spoke as if out of breath, his chest rising and falling as one would from running a marathon, yet he still did not repeat the things Dieter said.
“You still haven’t told me what sweet praises Dieter said about me…” You whispered this time as you dragged your index finger over his hand and up his arm, lightly pressing your pointed nail into his skin. Suddenly Javi grabbed your hands and cradled them within his, pulling you from how you had yourself positioned so that he could look at you directly with nothing but an earnest and soft expression of admiration.
“Encantadora...” He whispered to you, but you knew that wasn’t what Dieter had told him because, among the many things he called you that you loved to hear, he would have never described you as ‘enchanting’. “He said you are like a pheromone, irresistibly beautiful and bright, a star from the sky among the mortal man.” Javi continued to whisper to you words you knew definitely would not have come from Dieter’s lips, and the realization of that evaporated your bravado as you suddenly became soft and entranced under Javi’s gaze and praises.
Briefly, the sound of Dieter’s sarcastic, amused, sharp laugh pulled you from Javi, but he squeezed your hands while his face tracked yours as it moved, his eyes always pinned to yours, a soft smile on his delicious lips.
“I did not think a person like that could exist but I finally understand why he made such claims...” Javi admitted, raising a hand briefly to kindly and gratefully gesture towards Dieter before turning his attention back to you. “Look at you, hermosa, in all of your glory.” He whispered his praise as he continued to acknowledge you with unimaginable awe and disbelief.
The words and expressions were too much, causing you to widely smile and uncharacteristically pull your hand away to cover your face, overwhelmed and extremely bashful from all of his compliments. Silence lingered for a moment, Javi’s hands still gripping your single one, his thumbs delicately drawing circles over the back of it which only caused you to blush harder.
“No…shit!” Dieter exclaimed with a small slam of the table, quickly realising his antics and apologizing to the others around them. He leaned into the table, you barely seeing him as you continued to cover your face and look down, trying to search and sense what was going on in your body and mind. “This needs to fucking happen.” He demanded, stabbing his finger into the table with an intense amount of purpose. You felt Javi release your hand and sit back, worried he may have done something wrong while you felt your own sadness at the loss of his touch.
A quick glance at Javi told you he was confused by Dieter’s demands, but you knew what Dieter was referring to.
“I do not understand, Mr. Bravo, we already agreed to the movie?” Javi asked as his face pinched into an adorable expression of innocent confusion, acting as if he had completely forgotten where you and he had been just a moment ago, what sparks were erupting between you two, the carnal desires stoked from your locked eyes.
Dieter just grunted, evidently annoyed with the sweet man’s innocent mind.
“Can’t believe you guys are—Javi, she wants you to fuck her.” He bluntly stated and you watched as Javi’s eyes widened beyond their natural stretch at Dieter at his claim before looking toward you. “Love, Javi obviously wants to fuck you…who wouldn’t?” He added the question with a hand lovingly and hungrily running down your back. “And now, I need to fuckin’ see it happen. So…cheque? Cheque, please!”
Dieter looked around the room to see many eyes were now on the three of you after his loud proclamations on how Javi and you wanted to have sex and how Dieter greatly wanted to watch.
“Yeah, yeah.” He groaned while waving a dismissing hand towards a table of four seniors who looked at him with complete disgust. “We’re almost out of here, we just need our CHEQUE! PLEASE!” Dieter bellowed and you had to hide your grin, knowing his fury simply came from his pent-up sexual excitement and tension.
To see you openly flirt with another man, to see you position yourself for him, for that man to show interest in you…that was all a part of the normal fun and games. What seemed to have sent Dieter over the edge into this lustful rage was seeing how Javi’s words affected you in a way his never had.
Thankfully you knew it wasn’t jealousy that fueled his immediate requirement to depart, to see you fucked by his Spanish doppelganger, but was due to the thrill, the adrenaline, along with a growing, desperate, need to see it happen.
He was about to open his mouth to yell again when a waiter ran to his side with the bill. Dieter put his card down on the tray, immediately groaning when the waiter fumbled at the machine.
“Charge whatever, I don’t care. Comp everyone who I fucking offended, how’s that?” He stressed his last word as if taunting the four seniors, ensuring to look directly at the women who still regarded him with sheer horror while the men smiled and waved their thanks—much to their wives dismay. “Here’s my signature…” Dieter grabbed the pen from the waiter’s jacket as Javi got up to pull out your seat and gracefully help you up. “Charge whatever the fuck you want, tip generously, whatever, but don’t fuck me over.”
He glanced at the shaking waiter, who looked no more than twenty, over his sunglasses before squinting at his name tag.
“Kevin, is it?” He paused long enough for the kid to nod. “Don’t fuck me, Kevin!” Dieter stressed before walking away. “I’ll be back tomorrow for my card and receipt.”
And with that, the three of you left to return to the apartment you and Dieter shared. Despite the short walk it was, Dieter had a car called for you all, only so he could sit and watch as Javi couldn’t keep his hands and lips off of you, and Dieter couldn’t keep his hands off his hard and exposed cock.
Dieter opened the door for you and Javi, a man that you now only saw as the human embodiment of an excited puppy with a cat’s luck. On point, Javi burst past you as you entered, walking ahead of you to slowly twirl as he basked in the apparent glory and wonder of your home.
“It is a beautiful home you both have here.” He told you both earnestly, Dieter just shrugged as he locked the door and tossed his keys into the small glass bowl near the door. However you were not so aloof about the compliment, but perhaps that was due to Javi saying those words while looking at you as if he had suffered a lifetime of longing for this moment, for you.
Whatever peculiar charm this man held was potent, powerful, and had secured an iron grip on your being. For a brief moment, you felt fear run down your spine, chills cascading ripples of goosebumps over your exposed skin. Never had you been so enchanted, so held, except for Dieter…your sweet, lovely, Dee.
The thought had you glance to him, a hand immediately reached out and latching onto his arm as Javi’s back was turned to you, his body wandering to wherever his eyes took him. Dieter stopped what he was doing to look at you, and you could see his brows twist in concern to give away how his eyes watched you behind those sunglasses.
He opened his mouth to say something to you but Javi cut him off.
“I wish to ask you more about this, my friends, but may you direct me to your—”
“There is a bathroom that way, you’ll find the door.” Dieter pointed for Javi, who hurried off into that direction, the opening and closing of doors echoing to you and Dieter as he returned to look at you. “Tell me...” He asked of you softly, his hand molding to your jaw and cheek, his thumb softly rubbing your skin until your pinched expression softened and you eyes closed.
Soft were Dieter’s lips when they came to yours, a motion of support for you, and when he withdrew from you, he left a smile on your lips.
“Not going to even slip me tongue?” You asked him, feigning concern and placing the back of your hand to his forehead. Dieter just chuckled as he dropped his hand from your face to wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“You seemed upset.” He confessed with a small smile of his own. You hummed at him, playful yet feeling there was another reason he was being so sweet to you right now. Slowly you reached up and grabbed his sunglasses, enforcing your rule that within the walls of your home (balcony excluded) no sunglasses—there were also sex exclusions but those were given on a per-request basis.
“Being sweet on me, hmn?” You teased him, your lips parting as your smile grew until you gave a small, husky, chuckle of your own. Dieter scratched his beard while stretching and chewing his lower lip at your playfulness.
“Adorable.” He grumbled before untangling his fingers from his facial hair to hook behind your head, bringing you to him. This time his tongue did not ask for entry, did not coax, or negotiate, but demanded it. His hand continued to press you into him, his grip on your body tightening.
Dieter moaned into you as he became greedy with what he held, and it seemed that only when you both could no longer breathe did he release his lips from you. His firm and deliberate grip remained, allowing you to lay in his arms as you panted and gasped for breath.
“Scared you won’t be okay with just once with him, huh?” Dieter asked you, the breath you had managed to regain immediately snatched from your body.
He just smiled while slowly swiping his thumb over your lips as you continued to take short, shallow, panting breaths.
“I do not care if you have return visitors to our bed that are there for you, love. Just so long as you are okay with it.”  You smiled at his whispered words, joy soothing the chilled spots on your body, releasing you from that fear as you watched Dieter look at you with nothing but absolute love and devotion.
“‘Cause we know you are down for anything.” You slyly joked, trying to control the excitement of what was ahead of you, with Javi and Dieter, from returning to you like a burst dam.
“Right,” Dieter confirmed with a soft chuckle, giving you another soft kiss, this time ensuring to lick into your mouth once before pulling away, his mischievous smirk present as he watched you. “He’ll be good for you, don’t fight your feelings about it,” Dieter added as he glanced over to the sound of an opening door. “I know he isn’t me, I ain’t threatened. Besides, he’ll be able to give you, in there, what I don’t want to.” He whispered into your ear and you felt your eyes flutter closed at the heat of his breath, the press of his nose, the brush of his lips but the lick of his tongue as he pulled away was unfair, torterous, yet so on point for Dieter.
Your stomach clenched as that lick had your mind rush to thoughts of where else you wanted that tongue, easily imagining what that would feel like, but then quickly wondering what it would feel like to have Javi’s tongue on you. How would that feel? What would he do? Or enjoy doing?
The thought that hit you like a derailed train, however, was wondering how marvellous his cock would be, how it would feel in your hands, in your mouth, on your tongue, in your—
Javi walked around the corner, pulling you from your thoughts immediately as he was back in your sight. His eyes met yours and he gave you his soft smile. You never stood a chance, the gesture and gaze causing the excitement you had managed to hold at bay earlier burst within you with torrential force.
You needed this man now.
“The interior is all her.” Dieter spoke out loud, walking towards Javi having already changed into slippers and one of his many housecoats that lived and hung by the front door. He flashed an impish smile at you, causing yours to faltered for a moment.
Dieter also seemed to have a sense of how badly you wanted to fuck Javi, especially in this particular moment, and he was showing that he intended to toy with you.
“Don’t lie,” you corrected with a playful raise of your eyebrow, following Dieter and walking towards Javi, “you were very particular about our aesthetic and you vetoed anything you didn’t like.”
“Yeah, but you picked it all.” Dieter retorted, holding his arms up in surrender like there was no further discussion to be had and he was victorious.
“He does have a point, querida,” Javi informed you with a heavy amount of regret. He walked towards you to rub your arms sympathetically, wishing to soothe the wounds of you losing a point you never tried to win. However, you weren’t about to tell this man to not hold you so delicately.
Glancing at Dieter, you smirked, and immediately thought to take advantage of your position to ensure he couldn’t interfere with what you wanted.
You leaned yourself into Javi’s embrace, twisting so your chest was pressed against his, his hands which held you now resting in the small curve at the base of your back.
Your arms snaked around his body and you could hear his breath quicken at your movements—it was intoxicating.
“I have to admit, Javi,” you whispered into his ear, “I wish to go to a more private space.” You made sure to breathe slowly, to drag your lips against his skin before they puckered into a soft kiss. “¿Te unes a mí, Javi?” You felt your question cause him to shiver, his head slightly rolling away from where your lips had been before he stepped away from you.
“Yes!” He earnestly answered your question with wide eyes and his arms outstretched, confirming he would follow you where you wish to take him. But there was a hesitance behind his gaze that you saw, so you waited. “First I would…well, uh—it is a bit embarrassing.” Javi squirmed as he seemed to struggle to ask for what he wanted in this moment, what he wanted from you and Dieter, and it drew you in immediately.
Whatever made his man squirm at the thought of, you wished to give him. Truly, you wished to give every part of yourself to him.
Something that had previously only ever been given to Dieter.
“¿Qué pasa, Javi?” You whispered again as you reached out a hand to grasp onto his tightening arms that were pinched across his chest. “You can ask anything of us, we will not judge. Dee is down for most things.” You added with a smile, turning back to look at the man you so dearly love to see him equally smirk back at you.
“She doesn’t lie,” Dieter added, speaking directly to Javi. “About myself or that there is nothing you cannot ask in this place.” Javi gave a large nod, rocking his torso along with his head, as he appeared to be psyching himself up for what he was about to say.
You took the moment of his body returning from it’s physical nod to nestle your way into his arms again, your lips at the back of jaw, below his ear.
“I will give you every part of me, Papi.” You whispered your promise, laying yourself bare at Javi’s feet to feast on. To have, to take, to claim. The roar of Javi taking a steep inhale deafened you.
“Eres perfecto…” Javi whispered, his lips soft as they pressed against your neck. “Una diosa.” He hissed the praise, as if pained by your godly presence before he brought his face before yours, his eyes searching your features. “Can you please show me all of your art?” He rushed through the words as he darted between looking at you and Dieter.
You broke away from Javi in shock at his question before turning to look at Dieter. The two of you shared a look of confusion before you burst out in laughter.
Here you thought this man was about to ask you both to fulfill some depraved fantasy, yet, once again, you had underestimated how innocent and kind he was.
“Everything I have seen has been so beautiful and I just wanted to be able to look upon it—” he started to ramble nervously, but you just returned to his arms, lacing your fingers with his.
“Come.” You gently said as you pulled on his arm, walking through your living room.
Although you and Dieter lived in an apartment, it was really a penthouse. The entire top level, numerous rooms, too many bathrooms and space for a large studio space to share.
You pulled harder on Javi’s arm, dragging him forward so he would walk by your side. Seeing him stumble forward made you want to just push him up against the wall, but you were able to resist…almost. You placed your lips right next to his ear, his loose, light brown, curls resting against your face.
“Will you help me remove my dress before we enter?” You asked, lightly kissing his adorable earlobe, licking it into your mouth to briefly suckle and moan before removing yourself from him. Javi watched you, entranced and uncaring to anything else around him, freely allowing you to guide him through your home. “I can’t risk getting paint on it and Dee pulled the lace really tight so I can’t do it myself…” You pouted your practical facts and Javi’s pure, blissfully large smile spread across his lips.
“You are right! We cannot ruin something so beautiful.” He stressed as if he would start a war over the matter, his smile fully infecting you as you forced yourself to look away to try to remain composed and not melt into a giggling, blushing, puddle.
Slowly you stopped in front of the door, turning yourself so your back was to Javi. Gently you bunched and pulled your hair over one shoulder while peeking at him over the other. That delicious smile of his returned to his lips before he brought them to your exposed skin, lightly planting the softest, warmest, kisses along your back and shoulders while you felt his fingers slowly unlace your dress.
You looked over at Dieter, who rested against the closest wall, with the faintest smirk, his fingers attached to his mouth as he nervously bit with growing tension and excitement behind his gaze. Slowly you raised your hand to press your sleeve playfully and dramatically off your shoulder, giving him a small pout. Dieter chuckled with amusement and approval.
“Have I lost your attention, mi amor?” Javi whispered into your skin, his soft beard tickling you as you felt yourself blush and look away from Dieter, who only raised his eyebrows playfully at you as you did.
“I’m sorry.” You found yourself bashfully apologizing as your arms wrapped around your front, Javi pulling the lace through the last loop and letting it fall to the floor. Slowly you turned to look at Javi, your hands clinging to your chest and you felt yourself tremor under his soft and loving gaze.
Without missing a moment, Javi brought himself closer to you, his hands cradling your face, his thumbs barely present on your skin, but you felt the batting of his heavy breath against your lips.
“Just tell me how to keep it.” He whispered his plea before kissing you, a gentle moan escaping the tame man as his thumbs pressed against your cheeks.
You wanted Javi to know he had your attention, that it was his to have and command in this moment. Slowly you raised one arm and then another until you felt the weight of the fabric pull it to the floor. You snaked your arms through his, forcing his embrace to fall and wrap around your naked and exposed frame.
Heat coursed through your veins as you felt Javi grip at your flesh once he took hold of your body, ensuring that every part of him that could hold you, did. A desperate moan escaped you as you forced your kiss deeper, pulling his neck and head closer to you, grappling at his body.
With surprising strength, Javi tightened his grip around you, pinning you to him, so tightly it was even a bit hard to breathe—but it wasn’t something you minded. If anything, it aroused you more to see Javi act this way than if Dieter were you pin you like this. It was expected from him, but you have obviously driven Javi to this intensity?
God, take you now for you will never feel more powerful or closer to holy divinity, than how it felt to have two delicious men devoted to your pleasure, devoted to your well being, your happiness...while both capable of being switches.
As quickly as his intensity came, it left as you felt Javi immediately back away from his iron grip, his arms loosening, your lungs finally able to fully expand again. You you let your lips travel from his down to his chin and then neck. You could hear him panting, light small grunts accompanying each one.
It was a sound you were beginning to crave.
“You still wish to see the art, my sweet Javi?” You asked him as you nipped at his chin affectionately.
“I’d say he has a pretty fine piece right there.” Dieter finally spoke, breaking free from being the fly on the wall, to walk towards the door that led to the studio.
He made a deliberate and exaggerated point to step over the fabric pooled on the floor that was your dress. Dieter grabbed the handle and swung himself so his back was pressed to the door, dramatically looking to Javi.
“Know that we don’t share this space with anyone.” He advised Javi with an enticing seriousness before unlatching the door and allowing the weight of his body to swing himself and the door into the room. Javi, still holding you, kissed the spot where your jaw met your ear.
“Bella,” he whispered before releasing you from his hold to walk into the studio, yet he made sure one of his fingers remained hooked onto yours. You felt your whole body blush as you smiled and followed, your hand raising to cover your face as you passed Dieter.
“I love seeing you so bashful.” He commented with a smile. “Fuck,” he pronounced as he slapped your ass, “you’re so perfect.” He added in a sweet rumble as he followed you, his words only reminding you of when Javi told you the same thing in Spanish.
You wanted to look back to see Dee’s perverted smile but you remembered Javi’s whisper, his plea for your attention, so you pulled your hands together and laced your fingers with his.
Javi glanced back to look at where your bodies connected, his eyes naturally following your arm to the rest of your body before falling to your eyes. You watched as his smile grew as he took you in but it was the strongest when he locked with your eyes; it made you quiver.
For a moment they held you, suspended with anticipation, before he swung his body in a circle, once again, to look around at the numerous canvases that were hung on the walls, propped against furniture or still on their easel.
All mediums of paint were scattered around, some in organized areas while others would take you an hour or more to get the whole set that you bought them as. Numerous white tarps stretched the floor, splattered with a multitude of colours from years of use—from times before you and Dieter lived together.
“It is beautiful.” Javi gasped. “I am so honoured that you show me this.” He told you with his characteristic grave seriousness before he gave you a short and firm kiss. “And you, as well,” Javi said, walking towards Dieter with his arms stretched out. Dieter leaned in for a hug, expecting a warm embrace, so he was shocked when Javi gave Dieter the same, short and firm, kiss as he had given you.
But the one he gave Dieter lingered for a bit longer.
Long enough, at least, that you saw Dieter’s body relax at Javi’s touch and affection.
“You have very soft lips.” Javi complimented Dieter who just gave the man a perplexed look before quickly nodding, the lack of verbal reaction worrying Javi. “I apologize if I misunderstood—”
“No,” Dieter stopped him, putting up a hand, “definitely my thing I just…misunderstood you, is all,” Dieter said with a smirk before his eyes flicked to you to see you blushing as your two boys realized what they could have with each other.
Oh, the things I will watch them do. The thought caused waves to roll and twist your stomach with craving and desire, and you knew it showed by how Dieter’s expression shifted and how wide Javi’s eyes went in surprise.
Your eyes connected with Javi’s and immediately you slunk towards him.
“Tell me which one you like the most,” you asked of him as you moulded yourself to his side, “and if it’s mine, you get a prize.” Javi’s head jerked to look at you, his eyes dancing with excitement and anticipation, his lips twitching as if they had a thousand words they wished to speak in this single moment.
“What if it’s mine.” Dieter interrupted, both you and Javi glancing towards him. Your eyes remained on Dieter yet you saw Javi look back at you before his lips fell to your jaw.
“Yes, mi amor, what if it is Dieter’s work?” Javi whispered the question and you couldn’t help but moan and melt in his arms—fuck, he better pick yours.
“Then Dieter gives you a prize.” You said, knowing you needed to play along, play fair, now that Javi was also being shared. Dieter smiled with approval, and Javi kissed his into your skin before breaking from you to walk around the studio to look at the multitudes of work.
Dieter, not wishing to waste a moment, snaked his body around you, pinning your back to his chest as he hugged you from behind.
“I love you so much, baby,” Dieter whispered as one arm started to drift down your stomach. “I bet you’ve been thinking of what it’s going to be like to have Javi fuck you, haven’t you?” He asked the question but you knew better than to answer.
Dieter nipped his pleasure at your silence against your neck as his hand reached down to grip your thigh, your gaze following a gently wandering Javi who was oblivious to what was happening behind him.
“I’ll know you’ve been a dirty little girl if you’re wet for me, hmn?” Dieter whispered, his other hand slipping upwards to your collarbone as you felt two of his fingers plunge between your folds to swim in the undeniable evidence of your arousal that had stayed locked and hidden within.
Hearing the satisfied chuckle against your skin made you shake.
Little would make you happier than to have Dieter bend you over and stick his dick in you right now. The worst part about that craving was that even though he wasn’t going to do it, you knew Dee was thinking about it.
“Oh, baby, you are so good to me.” Dieter growled into your ear as you heard Javi softly speaking to himself, debating on which piece spoke to him more. “I’m gonna make sure your cunt gets so fucking stretched today. You want that, hmn?” He asked you, his hand rising from your collarbone to rest on your throat, the pressure immediately being applied.
This was when Dieter wanted you to speak—when it was hard to.
“Mhmn.” You tried to confirm but from the light chuckle and sweet kiss from Dieter, you knew it wasn’t enough.
“Use your words, my love.” He told you, his grip tightening.
“Both. I want both in me.” You strained to say, Dieter’s grip releasing and immediately replaced with a kiss and lick of his tongue, a sign you pleased him.
“I’ll give my baby what she wants,” he promised you as his drenched fingers parted from you and were raised to your face, “so long as she’s good.” He taunted, and you immediately knew what he wanted to you do.
What you needed to do to be good.
Opening your mouth wide, you stuck out your tongue as far as you could so that Dieter could place his cum covered fingers into your mouth, sliding them down your tongue until you felt them enter your throat.
“Good.” He whispered, a word you recognized as a command so you closed your mouth, your tongue swirling around and parting his fingers, ensuring to fully clean them. As Dieter removed his fingers from your lips, reaching down for another round, Javi came around a corner from a part of your studio you did not expect him to have wandered.
“I have decided.” He informed you both with a bright smile, his eyes taking in the position Dieter had you in with a ferocity washing over his expression. Your curiosity of what he would have done at that moment if Dieter didn’t immediately release you would plague you for a few days to come, you were sure, but it wasn’t the time to focus on such things.
You would suffer those delicious, depraved, thoughts later.
“Show us, love.” You told Javi, walking towards him and reaching out a hand for him to grab. Javi stepped forward so that he could connect with you sooner, hurriedly rushing you to the piece he had chosen as his favourite. The adorable nature in which he rushed took you from the pressing hope and need that the art he chose was yours and the dread of having to watch Dieter pleasure Javi instead of you—not because you didn’t want to see that, but only because you wanted to do it first.
You were never as good with sharing as Dieter was.
When Javi stopped in front of the art piece he had chosen, you looked up with mixed emotions. It was a painting that, although yours (yippee!), carried some of the heaviest emotions with it from any piece you had ever painted.
“This!” Javi said as his arms shot out in front of him, having let go of your hand to do so. You blinked, trying to compose yourself, to not get lost in the image and get pulled away from the moment. Looking at Javi helped.
“Mine.” You said with a smile before leaning against him. “Tell me what you love about it, Javi.” You whispered his name as you pressed your face against the side of his, one arm draped across his shoulders for support, while the other hastefully reached down to start undoing his belt. You needed to get lost in him before you got lost in the fears of your future or the daunting, suffocating, shadow of your past.
The very thing that piece depicted, the emotions trying to rip open the chasm deep within your soul as you glanced towards the wide, chaotic, strokes of black and blue oil paint against the bright background.
No. Not now, not right now. You willed yourself back to the moment, back to Javi, and ensuring to take extra measures so you couldn’t see anything about the piece.
“Well it, uh,” Javi began but quickly became distracted by what was happening below him, his eyes immediately falling to your hand. “I can help—” Javi offered as his hands reached for the belt, but you moved to bat it away, turning your back to the canvas and dropping to your knees as you pulled his belt from the last loop in his pants.
“I think I asked you a question.” You informed him as you gazed up at the beautiful and soft man. “Concentrate.” You sweetly teased him before you tore at his pants, harshly pulling the fabric over the button and pulling his zipper down with lightning speed. It was a surprise that with the strength and desperation that you pulled down his pants, his boxers did not come with.
“Well, it is emotional and vulnerable.” He said, looking at the art you had made shortly after your first time in rehab. It was of a small dark ghostly figure, childlike, with a large and bright shadow looming behind it. To you, it symbolized how your past self was terrifying to live up to, that when you fell so far it felt, and still does most of the time, that you would never rise to those heights again. Never regain that level of talent and confidence.
Part of you wished to listen to his praise, while the other part wanted to block it out, to not have such sweet and tender words associated with everything that wasn’t that. Thankfully you had something to distract yourself from it all, something that was begging you to let it free.
“It’s, uhm,” Javi became distracted again as you hooked your fingers into the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down, hungrily watching as his sizable, thick, cock sprung out and said ‘hello’ to you. Releasing the fabric in your hands, leaving the rest to gravity, you pressed your knees into the ground to twist your body and head so you could immediately take his soft, sweet, balls into your mouth.
With his hard, twitching, cock resting against your face, forcing one eye closed, you looked up at Javi, desperate to see how you were making him feel and immediately moaning at the sight. Slowly you dragged your tongue along the length of his cock until you suspended it with the tip of your tongue against his tip.
“Dios,” he groaned at your touch, “I have faced death, and lived, yet this makes me more nervous.” Javi choked on his words as you slipped your lips over the head of his cock, your eyes still locked to his as you moaned once more at seeing the small twitches in his expression, the slight sway to his stance. “Dieter,” he called out to the wallflower, his arm outreached, “I wish for you to join us.” He invited him and you couldn’t help but look to see what caused Dieter to hesitate.
Unlatching your lips from Javi you ensured to still have your tongue pressed against his cock, mouth open, before glancing to Dieter. You wanted him to see you in one of his favourite positions, but he wasn’t looking at you. His eyes were glued to Javi.
You had never seen Dieter pause before, or hesitate, even if he only anticipated watching for the evening.
Perhaps he too was feeling the same effect Javi had on you. The same thing you were feeling earlier when you both had entered the apartment.
“Dee, baby, come.” You beckoned to him, your sultry voice shifting to one full of love and comfort for your man, while a small part of you wanted to hold back until you were certain Dieter was okay with the situation. That caught his attention and he gave you the softest smile before walking towards you both, a short, emphasized wink, given your way.
He was okay, and the realization gave you a sense of relief and joy as you plunged yourself back onto Javi who lurched forward at your touch, his hand jerking to your head, almost gripping your hair, before it relaxed and softened.
You couldn’t help but smile and moan at the realization Javi truly had another side to him, a side other than sickly sweet devotion. Yet knowing that you could coax that out of him, and have continued to do so tonight, had your free hand drape down your body to reach between your spread legs.
You wished to look up but you lost yourself in the feeling of Javi’s cock in your mouth, the stretch it gave to your lips, the pressure on your teeth as you forced your way down onto him until you felt him in your throat, until you couldn’t move any further. Slowly, with great effort, you pressed your tongue against him, sliding it out of your mouth in an attempt to lick the balls you had held until you gagged. Immediately you released yourself from Javi, gleaming at the sweet moan that escaped him, cum and spit connecting you two long after your lips had left him.
You watched Javi, desperately wanting to see his approval, to hear his praise of how you made him feel, what thoughts you evoked from your actions, but your attention was pulled away as you felt Dieter’s dominating grip on your arm.
“That’s for us to do, kitten.” He told you, moving the hand that you were using to touch yourself away from your body. “I got something else for you to play with.” He continued, a light growl behind his words as you heard him unzip his pants.
You wasted no time releasing Dieter's cock from its cage, smiling and letting out a happy gasp as you looked up at the two men towering over you, hard cocks pearling with anticipation of your touch, of your lips and mouth to be around them.
Biting your lower lip and glancing between them, you gripped each cock in one hand and rubbed their tips together—both men immediately closing their eyes, each of them letting out a soft moan or acknowledgement of pleasure.
You brought your tongue to them, moving against both of them as you continued to press them against each other. A wet smacking sound mixed with muffled groans brought your attention back to looking above you, only for your eyes to feast on Javi and Dieter locked in a deep, messy, kiss, their hands frantically grabbing at the other’s body.
The imagery was more than you expected or could handle. Immediately you took Dieter into your mouth, seamlessly taking his length as your hand moved over Javi’s, purposefully twisting, squeezing, and coaxing in ways you knew would make him feel good.
Yet from the way Javi broke from Dieter’s lips to moan and gasp at your efforts let you know it felt more than just good.
Then you swapped, your lips and tongue soothing the skin you had twisted and tortured as you gently moved Javi’s hard cock in and out of your mouth, your hand sliding over Dieter’s. You knew to hold harder with his, to drag your nails along his skin, to pinch and twist his balls as you handled him.
“Fuck.” Dieter hissed as you watched his stomach clench, his eyes immediately looking down at you only to hiss again as he saw you watching him, your eyes wide and soft as he liked you to look when you had a cock in your mouth—his or someone else’s. There was a glint in his gaze, a hungry, dominating, command, that had you remove yourself from Javi and return to Dee; your eyes never leaving his, your gaze never shifting.
Even as his hand clasped to the back of your head and forced his cock as far down your throat as physically possible, holding it there. You could feel your eyes water as they stung, knowing Dieter wouldn’t want you to blink, that to be good your eyes had to remain open until he looked away.
You were seconds from breaking before Dieter gasped and released you, your head jerking backwards as you gasped for air and coughed as some of his cum entered your airway. Javi bent to you, cradling you in his arms as you recovered, a hand grazing over your hair as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear in Spanish, complimenting you for how well you handled them both, how he wished to reward you for all you endure with Dieter, to kiss those wounds better.
Javi whispered this, all while Dieter was muttering and hissing to himself as you knew he was fighting the urge to cum, to give himself the release his muscles and body were screaming for. His few, short, furious glances towards you only confirmed that.
With Javi’s last promise to kiss your wounds better, and once your breath had returned to normal, he brought his lips to yours, his tongue immediately entering you. To know he did not hesitate to kiss you this way, knowing he was tasting Dieter just as much as he was you, set a fire to your stomach and you lurched your body forward, pressing yourself to Javi with desperation.
You went to reach to grasp him again, but Javi softly stopped you, shushing you gently before giving you a light kiss.
“It is your turn,” Javi whispered against your lips before he kissed you again, his arms wrapping around your face to cradle you, once more, like you were a delicate flower.
“Indeed.” Dieter hastefully agreed and you felt your body grabbed and pulled until you were slung over Dieter’s shoulder. You knew where he was bringing you, and you also noticed that he purposefully carried you in a way that your eyes did not fall on ‘Javi’s Piece’, as you would come to call it.
Javi did not need instructions to know to follow you, and as you watched him excitedly, playfully, chase after you, it did not feel like it took long for you to get to your destination and be thrown onto the bed by Dieter.
Often Dieter had painted you on this bed, sometimes by yourself, sometimes innocently sleeping and the others with one…or more, individuals. Dieter always painting and sketching; never partaking.
Today would not one of those days.
You smiled as you watched Dieter, now fully naked, crawl onto the bed and then over you, sitting on your lower abdomen, his hard, throbbing cock resting against your soft skin before his large hands latched onto your breasts.
“God, I fucking love your tits.” Dieter mused and praised you, immediately taking your smile away with a firm pinch of your nipple, the pain causing your legs to rub together, your slick dripping onto the sheets as it was squeezed from between your legs.
“They are truly beautiful.” Javi agreed from the side of the bed, your gaze immediately falling to him, watching him stand by and slowly stroke his cock while he watched you and how your body twisted to show your arousal. His buttoned shirt was fully open, revealing his soft and fuzzy tummy that only invoked a desire to bite and lick it.
You felt yourself pout at how distant he was, naturally reaching out an arm, beckoning him as you felt Dieter start to lovingly massage your body, his lips nestling around the nipple he had pinched, his warm tongue and soft lips kissing and licking to soothe the tortured skin.
You were able to wrap a hand around Javi’s thigh, while Dieter sat back up, grabbing at your body with a newly vigoured roughness—you knew it taunted him when he didn’t have your attention, and you loved how he demanded it back. You looked up and watched Javi passionately stroke his cock while watching you softly, a sense of pride swelling in his chest as you gazed at him affectionately, Dieter’s twisted expression in your peripheral.
Your body jolted as you hissed at the unprompted sting when Dieter slapped your nipples harshly, your eyes darting to him, your eyebrows pinched from pain, your thighs clamping together and as you watched Dieter slowly smile with a dominating pleasure that you answered his demand for attention. You felt yourself soak the bedding beneath you. Sensing you shake under him, Dieter reached down to grip your chin, but Javi’s hands got in the way.
“Dieter, Dieter…you cannot treat such a gentle and precious woman in such ways.” Javi scolded him as he gently pushed Dieter off of you, the weight off of your stomach allowing you to finally take a full breath. “You must make love to her.” You felt Javi whisper into your ear as he crawled onto the bed, gently placing his knee in the crevasse between your thighs, asking for permission to enter. Slowly you spread your legs, feeling Javi’s skin slide along your soaked body, your gleaming arousal present for all to finally feel and see.
You felt Dieter, unable to help himself, reach down to grip your glazed thigh, deliberately dampening his fingers as you knew he would want to taste you. You wanted to look, to watch him place his fingers in his mouth, allowing you to imagine his masterful tongue swirling around them, wishing it was against your body instead, yet Javi cupped the side of your cheek to pull your gaze to him, his soft eyes dancing over your soft features.
You were instantly reminded of the moment before entering the studio when Javi wished for your attention and to keep it. You maneuvered your arm so that you could rest your hand against Javi’s cheek, your fingers lightly blocking Dieter’s frame from your peripheral and you smiled at Javi.
You were his to have, and you needed him to know that. Even if your eyes wandered.
“How is it that such a delicate and rare flower, such as yourself, can exist in this maddening world?” He whispered earnestly to you, begging for you to answer his question full of praise, before his lips found yours, his knee and thigh claiming the space between your legs, preventing anything else other than him from being against your wet, pulsing, heat.
Effortlessly his tongue slipped against yours as you felt his hand leave your cheek to caress the rest of your body. His earnest desire building for you only showed in the fierceness with which his lips moved against yours, the deliberate moans that seemed to be his effort to stop himself from taking more, his knee rocking up to press against your swollen clit, coaxing continuous soft moans and gasps from your lips.
“See…I think, she likes both.” You heard Dieter comment, his familiar grip returning to your nipple, twisting, and pinching as you clamped your thighs against Javi’s leg, shaking as you groaned in both pain and pleasure, craving for one of them to touch you, to stick anything into you, but you couldn’t beg…you were theirs to share; to have. “Don’t you, my love?” Dieter continued to ask and you knew you had to respond. “You love it when I’m rough? When Javi soothes that pain? You love it to have two men fucking you—don’t you?”
“Yes.” You told him as you watched Dieter crawl onto the bed, your head centred between his spread knees, his cock inches away from greeting your lips. Javi slowly moved towards the bottom of the bed, his hands and lips never leaving your skin.
“Yes, what?” Dieter stressed, his serious expression demanding your gaze as his thick fingers gently laced through your hair before jerking into a firm grip.
Your whole body tensed as you felt Javi’s tongue feel cool against your clit, the buildup and tension that had been growing since dinner, for days leading up to tonight, bursting within you. You needed it, all of it. You needed to be mindless, to feel nothing but to bask in a sea of the pleasures brought by their touch.
You raised your legs and wrapped them around Javi, your hand reaching down to lace into his soft, luscious, golden brown curls, your eyes never leaving Dieter.
“I love it when two people fuck me.” You groaned as Javi’s hand gripped onto your hips, pulling your body closer as his lips and teeth clamped and pressed against your body, purpose behind every stroke of his tongue. You whimpered as your chest shook, craving for one of them—both of them—to be inside of you. “I’ve been good.” You begged before you let out a small yelp that quickly transitioned to a deep groan as Javi moved a finger into you.
Your head went to rock back, but with Dieter not letting go of your hair, it only allowed your head to hang within his grip; a fact Dieter did not hesitate to take advantage of.
As you inhaled to recover from another pinched groan brought by Javi’s pleasurable and attentive efforts, Dieter pulled your face to him, using his free hand to guide his cock into your mouth before gripping your chin. He did not allow you any control over how you moved your head as he glided you along his cock as he pleased, you tried to prop yourself onto your side but with your legs twisted around Javi, it was not an easy maneuver.
Your eyes managed to strain towards Javi, to see him adorably peak up at you, his eyes dancing at what he saw before he slowly rocked and positioned himself so you could comfortably move onto your side, his lips and tongue not leaving you, and his fingers immediately re-entering you with reinforced numbers once you both settled.
Dieter, on the other hand, paid no attention or mind to any discomfort you may have felt as he continued to use you for his pleasure, which only made you happier. You kept watching Dieter until your eyes fluttered closed, your muscles rippling as you felt pressure rise where Javi held you. You wanted to moan, your body begged to be able to scream out the rupturing pleasures that were becoming untethered within you, but Dieter’s cock prevented and muffled those efforts.
Your grip on Javi released itself, your body losing the strength for it as your eyes rolled back in your head, Javi unrelenting in his growing earnestness to pleasure you, to lick your wounds, to erase the pain your body held. Something you thought possible if he never stopped.
A fourth finger entered you as Javi forced his face free from you, his nose, lips, and cheeks glinting with your cum, his skin red from where it was pressed against your body. He raised his face high enough so that you could look at him as Dieter now held your face in one place as he rocked his hips against you.
Javi’s expression was soft, his smile wide, as he lightly panted like a puppy to catch his breath.
Yet despite that softness, his fingers did not relent, and only moved within you with new vigour and force, rising until you could hear the sound of his knuckles slapping against your wet cunt and you bucked as another crash of pleasure errupted within you, desperate to escape from every pore on your body.
Dieter, knowing your signals well, pressed his body and cock into you, muffling your deep groan as you twitched around Javi’s fingers.
“I’m sorry, querida,” Javi whispered as he kissed your wet and sticky thigh, “that was unkind of me.” He told you as Dieter pulled himself off of you and Javi out of you.
All you could do was lay on the bed, panting to catch your breath as your brain tried to catch up to what was going on around you instead of focusing on how your pussy pulsed and how your blood rushed to all the wrong and unhelpful places within your body.
“You have been so good to us.” You heard Javi whisper but it was hard to tell how close he was, and you only assumed very as you felt arms that weren’t Dieter’s pull you so your back was against their chest; Javi’s chest. You rocked your head back, mostly because it was too heavy to hold at the moment, to gaze up to see the softest, sweetest, most caring eyes watching you.
It brought you a throaty, mindless, smile.
“Hola.” Javi lovingly greeted you and you closed your eyes, humming as your smile spread further at the sweet sound of his voice. “Let us give you what you wish, hmn?” He whispered again, and you felt your body moved once more, but this time with four hands.
Your mind finally came back to you as you realized Javi had positioned himself against the headboard of the bed, Dieter kneeled between his spread legs, and both men holding you high enough that the tip of Javi’s cock brushed the lips of your pussy.
“Relax, baby,” Dieter told you with a soft kiss on your lips. “We got you.” He confirmed and you slowly leaned back, Javi having positioned his chest to be able to greatly support the top of your back while leaving your lower suspended within their grip. Slowly you felt them lower you onto Javi’s cock.
You moaned as he entered you, his girth more than you had before—or so it felt at this moment. Your back arched as Dieter’s tongue was pressed against your clit before sliding lower to where Javi was slowly moving in and out of you.
“Javi.” You could only manage to whisper his name as you fully relaxed against his body, within his hold, his light chuckle brushing against your cheek feeling like the only thing you needed to live until his cock moved without you and instantly you were reminded of the finer things in life. You heard his labored breaths mixed with his soft grunts of pleasure and exhausted efforts as he moved within you, as Dee and him raised you up and lovingly lowered you onto him.
You could feel when Dieter’s tongue was on you, and you knew where it was when you couldn’t, if Javi’s increased panting didn’t give it away.
The lack of attention from Dieter didn’t upset you though, for it made Javi crave and take more of you, the movements of your body becoming harsher, less controlled, as Javi’s lips found you neck and shoulder, his teeth nipping at your flesh when you saw Dee’s head dip with purposeful force. A feral moan from Dieter was accompanied by a firm, powerful, pull on Javi’s body that shifted your bodies forward yet it caused you to fall backwards from the lack of support of the headboard. Your full weight rested on Javi and you heard him groan as you shifted, only to look down between his thighs to know why.
“Shit…” Javi moaned before his arms wrapped around your torso, one hand firmly grabbing a breast while the other trailed lower until it rested on your swollen bud. Slowly he moved his fingers, his stomach rolling under you as he rocked in and out, Dieter moaning as you knew his tongue and mouth were either wrapped around Javi’s balls or occupying the base of his cock.
For a few minutes you were all tied up like that, your sweaty, hot, bodies grinding against eachother, a chorus of moans, groans and gasps of pleasure and surprise as you all devoured and enjoyed eachother. You arm bent back so your fingers could lace, once again, into Javi’s curls, pulled and twisting them so his sweet, soft, lips were once again pressed upon your body.
You felt yourself melt into Javi, your body rolling along with his muscles and tension as he moved into you, leaving you feeling like you were wading in a sea of pleasure when Dieter’s tongue returned to you like a storm rolling in to disturb your peace.
He licked and pinched and bit you before he soothed the touch with soft kisses, relieving Javi’s fingers from their duty to replace them with his own before slowly bringing his body upwards while still kneeling between Javi.
Dieter watched you with a slightly detached gaze, like he was half here, half lost in his thoughts of what he wanted to do in this moment—most likely to both you and Javi.
Javi, on the other hand, being very present with your body, still slowly rolling into you, teasing you, slowly building up your tension for release. Dieter would have done this to torture you, yet Javi seemed to bask in the glory of the slow, tender, love making you two were engaged in. His free hand pressed against your stomach as his lips kissed the back of your ear before repeating the multitude of compliments and praises he had already given you.
Your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you let out a lowly moan seemed to bring Dieter back to the present, as his fingers gripped you with a new sense of life and purpose.
“You feel good, baby?” He asked with a tight jaw as you forced your eyes open, straining to focus on him as your body pulled you back into your prone and gasping position. You opened your mouth to respond, to confirm, but Dee just growled, pressing his fingers into where Javi also occupied. “Does that make my little slut happy?”
“Our.” Javi proudly corrected with a defined and firm thrust, both of you gasping in pleasure as you could feel Dieter twist in you, most definitely ensure to touch Javi as much as he was touching you. The thought was numbing to think about, to dream about, yet unbelievable to know you were living through it. It was too much.
No longer could you push yourself to take more of them. To withhold your arousal, to stop it from peaking and spilling over. You needed that release.
You needed what was promised.
From the opposite ear that Javi whispered to you came Dieter’s dark, dangerous and husky voice.
“You like that, don’t you?” His question and tone rhetorical. “Being our little whore, our toy to play with.”
His words had to moan in response, a moan that quickly turned into a yelp as Dieter’s body shook with how much force he moved his hand against your clit.
“Don’t stop.” You couldn’t help from speaking the request as your throat tightened, your mind burning white at the heat coursing through your body, desperate for more of them. “Make me come, please fucking make me come!” You begged until you were yelling, Dieter’s gaze intent on yours, darkening the more he saw you unravel.
“You think you deserve to?” He asked you slyly, his roughness immediately stopping, causing an immediate snarl from you.
“I’ve been good!” You argued, furious at how he drew light circles around you, at how Javi returned to his slow, steady, and passionate rhythm when you just wanted to be manhandled by the both of them—to be split in half if that’s what it took to give you the release you needed.
“Say it again, baby,” Dieter told you as his fingers began to, once again, move faster.
“I’ve been good.” You whispered as you felt Javi’s pace faintly quicken, the beginning and end of his thrusts being firmer, more pronounced, as Dieter harshly swiped against your clit, pinching you in a way he knew you loved. “I’ve been good.” You repeated as your eyes rolled into the back of your head, as you lost all strength and ability to hold yourself up.
“Don’t stop.” He continued to command you.
“I’ve been good.” You confirmed and begged with a breath, every word bringing you close to the desperate release you chased, every word encouraging the men to praise you for your efforts and endurance. “I’ve been so good.” You stressed as you stuttered an inhale, the heat rising in your belly. “I’ve been. So good. So. Fucking. G—" You let out a loud, long, deep, groan as your pleasure ruptured within you, Javi still keep his rhythmic pace, always pressing against your sweet spot, always accompanied with the even sweeter praise, as Dieter still relentlessly rubbed and tortured your clit as you came and the squirted as you finally orgasmed.
Dieter immediately placed the fingers that were against you between your parted, panting, lips as he watched you with a gleeful smile.
“You have been.” He told you seriously. “You think you’re ready for what I promised you?” He asked as he shifted himself closer to you and Javi. “You want both of us in you? Both of us fucking and stretching the shit out of that pretty pussy of yours?” He asked the redundant question yet waited for you to answer, but words were hard, so instead you closed your mouth around his fingers and gave him a look that told him it was offensive he would think you would wish otherwise.
He just smiled before his hand reached down between his legs and you felt him press his cock against you.
“Relax baby,” he told you yet you heard Javi also take a deep breath of anticipation, Dieter immediately losing his dominating composure to a look of endearment at you both, before the dark glint returned. “You don’t want me to be nice about it, do you?” He asked you, waiting for your response as you watched him, slowly shaking your head to say ‘no’. He smiled “That’s my girl.”
You gasped as you felt Dee press further into you, the pain of the stretch causing you to take quick and shallow breaths, until Javi’s calming hand swooped over your stomach as a reminder to relax, a reminder that he was there to soothe all pain that may come, that had been.
“You’re so beautiful, querida.” Javi whispered the praise into your ear as you watched Dieter’s expression pinch as you knew he was also feeling the effects of him stuffing a second cock into you—neither being considered small, or even average, by any means. “Look how well you’re taking us.” He continued his praise, a finger pressed against your cheek to turn your lips towards his.
Kissing Javi helped distract from the pressure between your legs, his mouth soaking up any groans or grunt from you as Dieter slowly began rocking in and out of you, always pressing slightly deeper with each thrust. It was only when you began to moan into Javi’s mouth, moan against his tongue, rested your open lips against his as you panted with mind numbing pleasure that shut down your motor functions, that you felt Javi move within you as well.
You immediately unravelled and lost yourself. There was not a moment your moans and faint curses did not fill the air around you three, not a moment that your voice didn’t overshadow any noise the two of them made in combination, nor a moment you felt like you could breathe, think or comprehend what was going on rather than the burning, pleasurable, sensation of the two men moving within you.
“I’m coming—” You announced like it was a surprise, like it was something that was a shock and needed to be stopped. Your eyes went wide, your mouth open and gasping as Javi and Dieter groaned at you tightening and shaking around them. “Dee—” you began to beg, not thinking you could take it anymore, worried that it was too much, yet he did not seem to share your same concern.
"Have we taken too much from you, hermosa?" Javi asked you, concerned, yet not stopping. You wanted to agree, to tell him yes, to ask them to stop, but words were too hard to conjure. It was too hard to think. Your eyes still closed, you felt Dieter grip your jaw, his mouth to your ear with a growl.
“She can fuckin’ take it, like the well-trained slut she is.” Dieter confirmed with a prominent thrust into you, praising you the way he knew how in these moments, encouraging you to continue to take their cocks, continue to allow them to stretch you, to further unravel at their touch and possession.
And you did take it.
You took many more pleasurable orgasms that they gifted you, took their seed as they both filled you with their climax, took whatever else they still wished to give you after that until they were satisfied and you were mentally in another galaxy.
Javi curled up to your naked, clammy, body only to nestle his head into the crook of your neck. He gave you soft, gentle kisses between his heavy, tired, breaths.
Dieter had gotten up to get you all refreshments and it was only upon his return that Javi broke the silence of your quiet panting.
“Let’s make a movie about this instead Dieter…about a beautiful flower bringing both a butterfly and a bee to its irresistible pollen.” He spoke loud enough for Dieter to hear, causing you to let out a soft, tired, moan as your face fell towards Javi, your eyes still closed. “You are worthy of a million love stories, hermosa.” He whispered into you, and if it weren't for the fact that you felt you could barely move, you would have climbed on top of that heavenly man right then.
Dieter just responded with a short, deep, and highly amused laugh.
“You wanna make a porno, Javi? I mean, I’m down…but I doubt it will carry the same ‘Oscar Buzz’.”
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perpetualexistence · 7 months
Tell us about your other Alenoaheather AU(s). I know you have them. 🔫
- Totally not Ophe
Hello completely random anon whose identity will forever be a mystery!
See, with the way you've phrased this, you've actually opened yourself up to a few options. I'll tell you a little bit about each one and you can tell me which one you want to learn more about first.
Currently unnamed G/T Alenoaheather
Definitely the most detailed AU of the bunch. It's got backstories and character arcs for each of the three. Probably the best way to describe it is Urban fantasy since none of them are (completely) human, but they pretty much live in a modern setting.
It does get dark at times. Think Beastars-adjacent in terms of vibes. Including the murder bits. But it's mostly self-defense or being forced into it, so take that as you will. I will say that it's nowhere near the levels of toxic relationships that something like the Sea Monster AU has. And they do actually improve as people. These three still get drama mind you, but it's from keeping secrets rather than being genuinely manipulative. ...Well. Too manipulative. It does have Alejandro and Heather in it. But it's got fluff moments because fluffy giant/tiny dynamics are precious and must be preserved at all costs.
It's got Alejandro who's a giant-shifter able to grow even larger than most other giant-shifters thank to his Burromuerto heritage. The Burromuertos are a completely upstanding giant-shifter family and definitely don't have any incredibly fucked up family traditions they expect Alejandro to continue.
Noah's a were-mongoose. Werefolk come in a large variety, though mongoose is on the far more uncommon side. Unlike most werefolk, this kid genius actually figured out a way to not completely give into his instincts during full moons. This has absolutely no negative repercussions on his wellbeing.
Heather who's a giant-shifter hybrid unable to grow thanks to her human heritage from her father's side. She's the only one of her siblings unable to grow. She definitely doesn't have a complex about this. But she has managed to find her own way of making herself just as much of a physical threat as her two boyfriends. (Aka the day I take away from Heather's inherent badassery is the day I die.)
Serial Killer AU
It's exactly what it sounds like. With exactly the vibes the name implies. Definitely the darker one. They're just a thriving villain throuple with a body count. It's also mostly Noah-focused so far as I haven't figured out Alejandro or Heather's motivations.
Noah stumbles across a body of a serial killer spree, only to be the first to realize that one serial killer is actually two. Curiosity leads him to investigate...but not for the reasons you'd think.
(For this one that's pretty much all I can share before just going into the whole AU)
And then, on the completed side since might as well dump all the Alenoaheather AUs:
Noah and the Beanstalk
Another giant/tiny AU! This one's actually got its own post already. I don't really have anything else that I didn't already mention in that post. But it's my blog, so I'll advertise my own AUs as I please!
Collab AUs
The Royal Court AU
Originally named The Lords In Black AU because it was originally inspired by me watching an animatic of The Summoning from Nerdy Prudes Must Die. Then it evolved into something far beyond that where the name doesn't seem quite right anymore.
It's got Alenoaheather as the worst teens at school and unashamed about it. ...Until Alejandro goes missing, and nobody else really seems to care. Leaving Heather and Noah to investigate and try their best not to be next.
They fail, but hey, at least they get cool eldritch powers out of it!
This AUs also dark because the premise is them being kidnapped to be used as sacrifices. And it's got plenty of eldritch horror in it. The posts for it are scattered because they ended up going into two separate reblog chains with @total-drama-brainrot and @ur-local-brown-multifandomist. If you look up 'lords in black au' on my blog you should be able to find most of it. I'm going to just centralize it for ease of organization one day. It'll just be. You know. Effort.
Also, @ur-local-brown-multifandomist is currently making a fic for it! It's their first one, so feel free to check it out.
Fake Dating Alenoaheather AU
This one's a collab AU between me and @total-drama-brainrot, a person you have never met because you are a completely anonymous anon. Noah gets caught in between Heather and Alejandro's attempts to make the other jealous by each making him pretend to be their boyfriend. Shenanigans and drama ensue. The posts for this are also scattered and tagged on both our blogs, and one day we might make a fic about it. For now, there actually is someone already making a fic about it that you can feel free to read!
I still can't believe two different people decided to start making fic of AUs I helped create. It's wild, and I'm incredibly touched.
"Why are all of these AUs except for one dark in at least some way?"
I honestly couldn't tell you exactly why my brain works the way it does. It just decided that the two canon villains and one-villain coded teenager deserve to be at least a little feral. As a treat.
Maybe one day I'll have an AU with them that's not so dark. That day will be a surprise to us all.
But yeah, that's all of the Alenoaheather AUs I got! The first two I'm more than happy to go into more detail for if you ask!
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hainethehero · 24 days
Me again!
“When did the rules of fandom and fanfic become so absolutely strict & rigid to the point where people aren't allowed to like what they like??!!!” – bit off topic, but oh boy, have you not noticed the rise of “purity culture” in fandom in the past 10(?) years? People have been getting a LOT of hate for ships they ship or tropes they like. It’s definitely not restricted to buddie fandom or 911 fandom.
“Why do you care if people really like Eddie or not? Are you the Eddie police?” – This made me laugh. And the answer to the first question is pretty easy – if people really like Eddie, they’re more likely to post content about him that I can reblog and enjoy, such as fics or gifsets or meta etc. If everybody disliked Eddie, I’d have nothing fun to read/look at/engage with! So in that sense, I do care to an extent.
“I'm guessing if they have him in their pfp, they like him. And I'm guessing if they have him in their pfp, it's also respectfully none of your concern.” – Well, you’re right it’s not my concern per se, except that if I go scrolling a diaz/eddie-named blog, hoping for good Eddie content to reblog, and I run into a heap of BT posts or LJFR posts or Tommy posts, it’s a bit of a jumpscare/disappointment (which has happened several times). And yes, I filter tags, but people don’t always tag appropriately!
“your absolutely strange questions about what I envision for Eddie/who he'd end up with (I think u should be concerned with what you envision for him & not some stranger on the internet” – Why is it so strange to want to know what somebody else thinks and perhaps gain a fresh perspective? I already know what I would like for Eddie. I was curious about what you thought.
“He'd still be Buck's best friend if BT ended up as endgame
He'd be in a polyamorous relationship with them and get all the d*ck he wants (my personal preference)
Or the writers will give him another gf” - Anyway, so you like the option of eddie in a throuple with buck and tommy? Ok cool! My curiosity is satisfied!
What gets me about the whole "purity culture" in fandom that you're talking about, is that YOU'RE DOING IT. 🤣 you're doing it right now!
What's adding to this disease of purity culture in fandom is what most of the toxic buddie stans are doing RIGHT NOW. Yall are hating on Tommy with absolutely bad faith arguments and using every opportunity you can to deny the fact that you just don't like him because he's in the say of your preferred ship.
"I got a jumpscare seeing Tommy when I was looking thru the eddie tag" lmao okay that was funny. But like, the insane hatred for him is so weird. Y'all know whether buddie becomes canon or not, you can still make them endgame through fanfic right????
And yes, if more people were concerned with how they felt about their characters, instead of how other feel, we would avoid all this fandom war. You asking if people who had Eddie as their pfp really liked him or not IS entitled. You don't know why they have him as their pfp, so why question it? You're not entitled to know.
And in the referred ask, you wanting to know how someone who liked BT and Buddie would envision Eddie fitting in to the relationship- was totally your confusion at not being able to fathom that people could like both and still want buddie or BT to be endgame. Which is a trait I've observed in MOST buddie stans and some BT fans (which I DID address in my OP).
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
Why are people begging for Anna and Georgia to be in GO?! I’m genuinely wondering why cause they don’t fit in their world and if they were there, it wouldn’t be the Ineffable Husbands anymore, it would just be like a family reunion. Also, people wanting the girls to show up in GO as lesbian lovers to each other?? When have they ever been seen or hinted at any sort of affection towards one another? Georgia can barely stand her and Anna is….. meh. Barely on social media except only to post one occasional thing of Good Omens and then disappears into the night. Neil asking if Dottie and Sadie should show up in the next season and people asking if Georgia and Anna can play them…. It’s ironic cause the question was if Aziraphale should have a beard in season 3 and Neil took it as beards, someone used as a romantic partner to cover up the others sexuality. Veryyy interesting to see. Do you think Neil saying Sadie and Dottie are beards and people mentioning Georgia and Anna to play them means something?
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It's honestly difficult to know where to start with this, because I have also noticed the uptick in people campaigning for Georgia and AL to be in season 3, apropos of seemingly nothing at all. There seems to be an assumption that Georgia and AL have the same kind of chemistry as David and Michael, when nothing could be further from the truth. By Georgia's own admission, she barely knew AL when the first season of Staged was filmed, and the entire "best friend" dynamic between them was faked.
A few years later, you have Staged season 3, where Georgia dyed her hair red to differentiate herself from AL since everyone kept saying they looked exactly the same. You also have a clearly established "throuple" dynamic between Michael, David, and Georgia that AL Is not at all a part of (and has seemingly been specifically excluded from), and Georgia only engaging with AL on social media when there is something to promote (such as Staged 3 being released on the BBC, to give a recent example) or on posts related to "business" things (Georgia commented on AL's new headshots, but not on the post for Mabli's first birthday, to give another example). Not to mention AL copying Georgia's personality and posting style at every available turn, because she desperately wants to obtain the same level of clout that Georgia has in the fandom. (This, despite Michael seemingly having faded her from his social media/any sort of public connection to her entirely.)
(Also, none of this even touches on what I mentioned in this post, about the sheer audacity in suggesting that AL and Georgia could play Aziraphale and Crowley, respectively, or how insulting that is to Michael and David...)
Now, however, we have this whole "Dottie and Sadie" business to contend with, which is on a level of ridiculousness I'm not sure I knew existed. Context, for those who may not know: "Dottie and Sadie" refers to Aziraphale and Crowley's fictional wives, which Neil started alluding to as part of his exasperated answers to questions on Tumblr. They are not real characters and have nothing to do with the GO novel itself. But it seems the fans have taken the idea of AL and Georgia as Dottie and Sadie and run with it.
Anna (who apparently has also started copying Georgia's habit of searching her own name on Twitter) has now added to the discourse with this QT today:
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I'm truly baffled as to how so many people don't seem to see this for the attention grab that it is. This is a clear attempt at remaining relevant, as well as her trying to push her way into GO season 3. Yet it's telling that the part she is seemingly lobbying for is for a character that doesn't even exist, and has no bearing on the GOmens universe whatsoever.
What also bothers me (and I've heard this from a few people who've DMed me as well) is that this very much comes across as "straight girl making out with a friend as a joke." For all we know, AL could be bi, but she has shared so little of herself/shown no outward support for the LGBTQ+ community as to make it impossible to determine. Also the last thing Michael and David have ever done is play what is between them/Aziraphale and Crowley for laughs, so the fact that their connection and experience with their own queerness is so genuine only makes this comment from AL look incredibly fake, and like she is trying to be a pale imitation of them.
But again...and perhaps the most unintentionally hilarious part of all this...is AL apparently missing the entire point that Dottie and Sadie are beards. By saying she wants to play such a role, she is reinforcing the idea that she is only there to make Michael look straight, and that that is the purpose of their relationship. For as calculated as all of her posts/replies are, this almost feels like her accidentally telling the truth in the midst of a bunch of nonsense. Like you said: Very interesting...
I have more thoughts on GO season 3/the casting of family members--Peter worked well in GO 2, Ty did not--to share in my forthcoming analysis of the second season (I'm rewatching all of the episodes right now just to get everything fresh in my mind, but I will start writing/turn Anons back on soon), so I will end this here. But those are my thoughts on all these recent developments. Just hoping that all the fandemonium (fan pandemonium) dies down and we can have an honest discussion about season 3 one of these days...
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scandalouslamb · 5 months
hello it’s me again!! i just read your latest fic (obsessed) and it’s got me thinking about Diana and Alma Coin. i was wondering if you had any thoughts or headcanons about them and their relationship that you’d be willing to share?
(the fic mentioned in ask. the fic people should read before that one.)
Hello!!! Always excited to hear from you! Also for everyone who doesn't read my fics, please note that the Diana here refers to my OC, Diana Ravinstill, not Diana Ring (although she is named after her). She's Felix, Artemisia (my other OC), and Festus' daughter, (Biologically she's Felix's and Artemisia, and they're in a throuple with Festus who co-parents her).
I think I mention this briefly in All That You Can Do, but these two definitely connect over grief. Coin loses a daughter and a husband before the events of Mockingjay and her life's probably been defined by all the limitations of living underground to escape the Capitol while Diana's life is also just equally defined by things and people she's lost.
They're both weirdly comfortable with how unsure they are of each other's genuine feelings/attraction to the other. There's always this element of Diana being a major source of the funds for the Rebellion while Coin is obviously Thirteen's president and has more political power than Diana. They both need each other to ensure their own power, they're both using each other a little bit, and somehow that gives them comfort. I think it stops them from thinking their relationship is too real or serious.
Going off that point, I imagine Coin is reluctant to see herself in a serious relationship because of having lost her husband and daughter and the pain of that while Diana saw what her parents' deaths had on each of them and entertaining a serious romantic entanglement would mean (to her) that she's liable to be hurt and fall apart in the same way
Of course, Coin dies and in any world except All That You Can Do, Diana's first reaction is 'well, of course, this happens.' I think after all the loss in her life. She'd just think it was the cherry on top of the cake that as soon as she gets the revenge she's spent nearly half a century waiting for, the woman she's been seeing gets assassinated.
Since Diana's personaliy/behavior changes a bit depending on what specifically happens with her parents. Close Your Eyes! Diana imitates more of Festus' old casual and laidback demeanor to hid her hurt, and I think that means that she and Coin are closer to the bickering dynamic of Festus and Felix which these women transform into something almost antagonistic while It's Still You! Diana leans into her more into a genuine personality that engages with issues that Coin might be having so in a funny coincidence the dynamic becomes more Artemisia and Felix.
(The fact that Felix ends up being the Coin parallel is alarming to me, resident Felix enjoyer who occasionally worries that my version of him will stray so far into the morally questionable that only I'll be able to love him... <- part of that could actually be a bad summary for It's Still You)
And also because I apparently love giving characters the hardest dynamic to explain ever (and I've mentioned this in at least one Author's Note), but I can imagine a throuple situation with Diana, Coin and Plutarch could exist, but Diana and Plutarch aren't actually involved with one another, because I headcanon (or is it just canon cuz she's my OC?) that Diana is a lesbian. (Honestly, idk if I'll ever make this in-text canon in one of my fics, but thinking about the absolute mess that this would make Thirteen's government in Mockingjay makes me laugh. Soap opera-level drama happening just outside Katniss' view.)
Okay, this got pretty long lol! I love the random curveball that I had to throw at the end.
This was genuinely a very fun ask to answer, because I don't think many of these details will ever make it to an actual fic (although who knows?)! And surprised and delighted that someone wanted to know more about Diana and Coin's situationship.
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anemicjellyfish · 2 months
Other than Stolitz, what's a favorite hellaverse ship? BTW I love your posts!
Omg thank you! ❤️
(This is gonna be all over the place because I kept adding things as I went. Sorry if it's too much. Also I don't know most of the ship names, so I'm just gonna use character names.)
For completely canon ships, I really enjoy both Moxxie/Millie & Charlie/Vaggie
Moxxie/Millie has that perfect Hell vibe. They're the right amount of chaotic silliness, but also Ride-Or-Die when things get serious.
Charlie/Vaggie. Sapphic forever, I'm a huge fan of lesbian couples! While they didn't get as much time together in Season 1, I think their dynamic is really interesting and has a lot of potential to let both characters grow. Being an established couple in a long-term relationship gave the show some stability, and I think that stability might be a necessity in the coming seasons.
I'm adding in Vortex and Bee because I just think they're really cute and chill. I think I heard people ship them as a Poly/throuple situation with Loona, which I admit is kinda fun. I personally think Loona is so young and has a lot of trauma (like all the characters in this show), so as the Old Person With Wisdom, I'd say "should hold off on relationships until you're in a better place,"... But I'm also tempted to think that a healthy enough relationship could be beneficial to her.
For non-canon couples, I'm thinking Striker and Blitzø would add an intriguing amount of toxic insanity to the show. Striker is stubborn and manipulative, but Blitzø is hard-headed and mentally agile (when he needs to be). Like. I wouldn't be happy if it happened, but I'm not above saying that the cowboy is handsome.
Sir Pentious and Cherri, because I want that adorable snake man to have his hot girlfriend that he fell in love with.
And finally, for a silly "crack" pairing: Striker and Stella. So they can be the biggest Haters of Everything. Together. They can hate eachother and everyone and everything else. Haters Forever, Stella & Striker ✨️
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