#i don't like mind that she thinks I'm on the spectrum
maybelia · 1 year
I mean I like my therapist, and she's usually correct about most things at the end of the day
But fuck
Like her response to me telling her I hate myself and feel like a social failure because i failed at an interview for a program in my university was to tell me she thinks I might be on the autism spectrum,
and that means according to her that I shouldn't have even fucking bothered trying to go for that program "because you probably got rejected because they were looking for a more neurotypical brain" and I "probably just got stressed and reverted back to my instinctual total lack of social skills" and I shouldn't even try to fucking correct it because I can't
And I don't know
Like what the actual fuck
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aquilamage · 1 year
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[Image Description: a set of five edited bug fables screenshots from the pre-battle zommoth encounter. The first is the same as in-game, Kabbu saying "W-What is that!? Something's coming!" The second is of zommoth appearing on screen with its sprite edited to be various shades of pink and yellow, wings the same pattern as Leif's (but still with the purple blight magic stuff in the chest area.) The next three images have the sprite edited in the same way.. The third image is of Leif's saying "...Wh, Rkejrm-m-Muse!? Kjdrira, mebsrgr...!!!" The next is Kabbu saying "Muse!? Leif, that's..." The final is Vi saying "T-That doesn't make any sense!" End ID]
I thought about one of my fucked up and evil au ideas for five minutes again, so I decided to spend like fifty hours making a thing about it. Basically what if Muse went back into Snakemouth later to try to rescue Leif or at least bring back his body and got caught by the roaches.
Putting just the edited sprites under the cut if you wanna see those without the lab mood lighting:
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abelllia · 1 year
I definitely need to relisten to MAG 32: Hive but I want to write an AU where Jane is stopped from becoming an Avatar due to outside intervention. Current idea is Adelard Dekker because he's cool. It would require *some* timeline fudging but it's feasible I think. Reading Jane's wiki reminded me of how...insecure? She was and how desperately she wanted to be loved.
Becoming the Hive was bad for her in the long run but it did give her what she always wanted, an all-consuming "love" that won't abandon her as she had been before. What would happen if that promise had been suddenly taken away from her just as she was about to fall? Would she lash out and seek it again? Would she stay back and fall under another power? Idk. In my mind she would interact more with Adelard Dekker, who seems a kind enough soul and would explain what had nearly happened to her. Hmmm possibilites.
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ltleflrt · 6 months
Figuring out I'm on the ace spectrum was so difficult because I have always been a horny bitch. I knew what sex was at a fairly young age, because I'd asked my mom and she's one of those good parents who'll answer questions like those, and as I grew older and would ask more complex questions, her answers would evolve along with my curiosity and understanding of the world. And I remember having fantasies as young as 9 or 10 years old, even if they were hella vague and nothing close to what sex actually is lol
So as I became a teenager, and all my friends' focus turned from playing with dolls to flirting with boys, I automatically thought I was attracted to boys. And I paid more attention to Cute Boys than I did to Cute Girls, because girls were just nice to look at while boys were People To Have Crushes On. Because of heteronormativity. Looking back on it now, I know there were girls I liked to stare at just as intently as boys, although less often because I wasn't trying to pay attention. And I certainly didn't fantasize about girls because I started reading romance novels in 5th grade, so I was fantasizing about male romantic partners because that was the fiction I was consuming. I didn't even realize fantasizing about girls was possible until I was 17, and I had a few "am I a lesbian" internal crises for years because of it.
So when I did start having sex, I had A LOT OF IT with SO MANY different guys, and eventually a couple of women once I started accepting that bisexuality was real. But it was never really fulfilling. Not like my fantasies were. Not like my books were. I was slutty because sex was fun, I was horny, there were plenty of options so I kept searching for that satisfaction I was craving.
Getting married was a relief (even though it turns out I'm aro-spec too lol) because I was tired of hunting, and even if sex with my husband was meh, at least I had someone around to scratch that itch if I had it, and he didn't mind if I occasionally took care of things on my own because I'd read an especially hot scene in a romance.
I learned about asexuality in my early 20s, but I brushed it off. Couldn't be me, I'm far too horny for that. But I think that comes from the fact that everything you hear about Aces is attached to sex-repulsion or sex-indifference. I wasn't either of those things. I was horny all the dang time. I was fantasizing about sex all the dang time. I figured actual sex was meh because my imagination was so vivid that real life could never match up. Which could be true to an extent, but I think not as much as popular opinion would have us believe. If fantasy was really that much better for everyone, then I think we'd have less incels and unplanned pregnancies than we do.
In my 30s I finally saw people talking about The Spectrum, and I started examining my past, and I figured out I wasn't really attracted to anyone I had sex with. I do occasionally find someone attractive; there are men and women and enbies who make my skin feel tight and give me a little wave of lightheadedness lol... but it's always always the fantasy that gets me really going. If given the opportunity I wouldn't have sex with any of those people. Thank you, but no thank you, I'd rather just imagine it than physically participate in the act with them.
(Ok I might go down on them, but that's less about wanting sex, and more about being able to add them to my Tally. Hell yeah I want to brag about making *insert hot person* have an orgasm. There's PRIDE in that kind of accomplishment lol)
I have a lot of respect for aces that are not horny. I understand it even if I don't share the sentiment. And I feel like most of them understand me even if they don't share the sentiment. There's a solidarity between us.
Until I go into a fandom tag for a character that the aces have glommed onto because they're canonically ace or headcanoned as ace. Good lord, the non-horny aces can turn into downright vicious bastards if a horny ace sexualizes their blorbo.
This post is for them.
Horny aces exist. Please look up "autochorissexual, lithosexual, and aegosexual."
Refer to those definitions in regards to romantic attraction as well as sexual attraction.
Some aces may not fall into one of those definitions, because asexuality is a spectrum, but they may still be horny.
Horny aces are not disrespecting you by enjoying being horny on main. We promise we'll wash the stickiness off our hands before we hold your hands in queer solidarity.
And most importantly: Your blorbo is fictional and does not need to be defended from icky sexuality. They exist in an infinite multiverse, so your blorbo and my blorbo are not the same, even if they appear to be on the surface.
This post is also for the people who are confused about themselves because they're horny but don't actually feel attraction. You're not crazy, you're not wishy washy, you're not "waiting for the right person to come along" (unless you are, in which case I hope you find them). You're just a thin strip of color on a massive rainbow that holds more unique shades than anyone can perceive at a glance.
You're valid. You're one of us too.
And don't be mean to the non-horny aces. Tag your smut so they can avoid it. (But actually so I can find it lol)
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rockrosethistle · 10 months
If there's one thing TGWDLM fans are gonna do, it's think about the implications. And the implications of the opening number are crazy.
So. We know that the show isn't completely chronological since the opening number takes place before the meteor hits. So that song is a sort of "flash forward" moment. But when you think about it, we don't really know how far in the future it takes place.
What we do know is that by the time it's happening, Emma is infected. She has a little solo in it singing about how Paul is pining over a barista
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And we know that this is meant to be an infected Emma specifically. Lauren had other characters in the show, if they wanted to avoid the Emma implication they would've just dressed her as one of those.
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So we know this is meant to be Emma.
And Emma isn't infected until the very end of the show. She's dragged off stage during the credits. So since she's infected in the opening number, we know the number takes place after the events of the show.
Another important detail is that Paul is infected before Emma. He's the one that passes it on to her.
So back to the opening number, Emma is infected. Which means by just following a simple timeline, Paul must also be infected. He should be singing and dancing, right?
But that's not what happens. Paul misses his entrance.
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If Paul is infected, then there's no reason he should be missing his entrance. Furthermore, if he's a part of a hive mind, there's no reason other members of the same hive mind shouldn't know where he is. They are literally all connected by one brain, and yet both Mr. Davidson and Bill express they have no clue where he went.
What I'm saying is that Paul is not infected. He was infected (again, we know that because Emma is infected and he was infected before her) but now he's not anymore.
I'm saying there's a way out of the hive, and Paul found it. That's the only explanation that makes sense given the facts of the situation. Sometime after the events of tgwdlm, Paul is able not only to break out the hive mind, but to hide from it.
And if he broke out, others could do the same. Maybe even Emma.
Edit because a countertheory has emerged: Yes it's possible that everyone is infected the entire time and the show itself is just Pokey replaying the events for the fun of it. But it seems unlikely to me. First of all, each of the Lords in Black has a distinct personality. They all are evil, but within that they seems to fall somewhere on a spectrum of "silly billy" to "prick." For example, Tinky is more of a silly billy. He toys with humans without much of a motive and more for just shits and giggles. But in every instance, Pokey's more on the extreme side of prick.
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He's one of the few with an actual motive behind what he does. In Yellowjacket, it's confirmed that Pokotho hates the sound of anyone's voice except for his own. The events of TGWDLM don't happen because Pokey is bored, they happen because he is executing a plan. So I don't think that he would just have them play out their little scenario just to entertain him, especially just one small island? I just feel like he'd be more focused on world domination.
If the theory is that all this is happening after Pokey's already taken over the whole world, no one was successful in stopping him, then yes it's plausible, but still weird. There are a strange amount of things in that show you just think an eldritch god wouldn't include.
Edit 2: New evidence has emerged???
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals is loosely based off of Invasion of The Body Snatchers. Paul's last name is even a nod to the main character, Matthew. At the end of the film, Matthew survives, and continues living among the infected, pretending to be one of them. And wouldn't that be just such a fun little parallel...
Obviously it doesn't prove anything but the source material doesn't lie folks.
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mazamba · 5 months
Baby Steps
Dani slurped her milkshake noisily as she shifted back to the visible spectrum, interrupting the argument between the so-called adults. It'd been a hectic week, she'd been part of Young Justice for less than a week, yet they already had a crisis in the form of a maybe-evil clone.
"Do you mind?" growled Batman.
"Try a different word."
Superman raised an eyebrow.
""Father" is too heavy, try "brother" instead," she continued, "I mean, Phantom's technically my dad, but I don't call him that. He's my 'cuz!"
"What we call each other isn't the problem."
"No, but it's less scary isn't it? Danny was fifteen when I met him. Imagine if I'd called him dad. He'd have freaked out!"
Batman nodded, seeing the logic.
"And even then, I kinda needed some time to put my head together, you know?" she rattled on, floating crisscross applesauce in midair like a balloon in the breeze, "It's the real reason I left the first time. Maybe some time apart would be good for them? Microdose in family!"
"What we call each other isn't even half of the problem," sighed Superman, "you're a clone too, right? You once told me it was weird to know things you didn't remember learning. Clones are made and programed, sometimes with sleeper programming."
"True, but that's what we're here for," she figured, "I mean, I can't take you on, but Superboy's a different story. If he does go nuts, he has the whole Junior League to take care of him."
"I can't ask you to put yourself in danger."
"You're not, I'm volunteering," figured Stray, finally floating down to the ground, "look, Phantom and I work because we took the time to figure out who we are to each other. You two need time to figure out what you are, not get shoved together and hope for the best."
Batman grunted.
"This is a shock, it was a shock for Danny too. Sa- A mutual friend told me he had a panic attack an hour after I left. Started looking into childcare and stuff. She had to stop him from running after me with a diaper bag and they both crashed into a tree. Tu- a different friend sent me a picture."
"Your point?" sighed the Bat.
"I just said it? Forcing things helps no one. Just... put them in general proximity of each other and let the cards lay where they may. I know what you want to help Superboy, but forcing them into a get along shirt is just gonna hurt them both. You have to think of Superman too."
"And if he does go rogue?"
"Then we stop him."
"That easy?"
"That easy."
Superman sighed. As much as he hated to admit it, the whole situation was a lot less scary by simply changing the word. And what Stray said made sense, in a roundabout sort of way.
For his part, Batman was mentally kicking himself for hyper-focusing on Superboy's needs without taking Clark's feelings into consideration.
"We'll go with your plan," he agreed, "Superman, I'll need you to have a word with Black Canary. She will mediate with you and Superboy whenever you wish to meet, but I need you both to agree to this before we move forward."
"And if we can't?"
"Then he'll have to get adopted into somewhere else," figured Dani, sitting in midair again, "nothing good will happen if we just dump him on you. Neither one of you deserve what happened."
I'm sick of people dumping on Clark. Considering how he and the others live, I can't blame him for being suspicious.
Some other guy got replaced by a clone that didn't even know he was a clone. It wouldn't be that weird for Connor to have sleeper programming.
If anything, this is on Batman and the others for trying to force a relationship.
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blackmosscupcakes · 4 months
One of the aspects of the fallout from this last episode I'm most interested in seeing is Imogen's reaction, and that's for a very out of character reason.
One of Laura's self-admitted player quirks is avoidance of inter-party conflict. She's good at smoothing things over and tends to play characters on a spectrum from forgiving to avoidant. You can see this going back to campaign one, most notably after Scanlan returned and, while most characters were furious and slow to forgive him, Vex was instantly on his side, delighted to see him, and ready to forget everything. Jester, of course, was very committed to the power of friendship in general. Imogen tends more towards burying or distracting from feelings and events that might lead to conflict.
In 4 Sided Dive episode 20, they have the following conversation from about 1 hour 3 minutes in:
Marisha: Of course diving into the relationship is always fun, but then relationship tension is also fun.
Laura: Yeah I feel like you guys really like relationship conflict too like you guys talk about that a lot. I'm terrified of conflict--that translates to the game as well. I don't like conflict.
Sam: You don't like conflict? Even in the game?
Laura: No! I don't like fighting. Like if we're having a fight I will be like "it's okay FCG, I'm not mad at you." If you do something wrong I'll be like "that's okay."
However, her character is now in a relationship with Marisha's character, and as seen in the quote above, Marisha LOVES conflict. She eats it up! From Keyleth and Percy in C1 to Beau and Caleb in C2, she's been great at diving into tensions that further character development and make for great storytelling.
So we've reached a point now where Marisha keeps making choices with Laudna that are basically dropping an invitation to a WHOLE bunch of tension and conflict on Laura's doorstep, and up until this point, aside from a little dust up over the gnarlrock incident (a big one for Laura, but small compared to, say, Beau and Caleb's arguments!), Laura as Imogen has been broadly side-stepping these in order to do exactly what she said in the 4sd quote--tell Laudna that it's all okay.
But we've reached a point now where that's not going to cut it in avoiding tension any more! If Laudna continues down this path, lines are going to be drawn within the party, and Imogen is likely to have to pick between conflict with Laudna OR conflict with other members of the party. It's very likely there will come a point where anger and arguments can't be entirely avoided for Imogen no matter what choice she makes. And that's going to be REALLY fascinating to watch.
Sometimes these players nudge one another out of their comfort zones. Laura did it to Travis with romance. Several of them did it to Ashley with the titan shard. I think we can trust them not to push their friends to a point where they REALLY don't want to go (and I'm sure that sort of thing is negotiated between them off camera), so bearing that in mind a little tiptoe out of the comfort zone can be really interesting--for example, Travis did really well with romance in the end. It might well be a bit uncomfortable for Laura at first! But as long as she's okay trying it, I think it could lead to REALLY excellent storytelling and fantastic performance. I'm excited to see where it goes .
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senshis-top-surgery · 3 months
It's me again, back with the Gender Analysis
I wonder if this will be controversial. I hope not.
But, probably, because even with the wonderful additions of @cloverandcrossbones to the ElfShi mannerisms post, people are still misinterpreting Senshi. People are calling him a twink? A femboy?
I'm going to look at various character's clothing, both in setting and in the daydream hour modern setting. I'm going to be using words like "feminine" and "masculine" but please bear in mind, I am going off what is seen as "typical" or "expected" - that is to say, what would not be punished or criticised by average society. I am not saying anything is inherently one or the other, bevause I don't believe anything can be inherently feminine or masculine, since those are terms made up to describe things. Like how something can't be inherently romantic. We assign these things.
Okay, that said, let's begin.
Let's look first, at two other Dwarves
Daya and Namari
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We see them here, wearing what is presumably typical clothing for dwarf women. So let's take this as "Feminie Standard" for Dwarves
Here are some more outfits
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Now we see a distinction between Daya and Namari. Daya's dress is now much more feminine, covering knees, while Namari's dress is still in Feminine Standard, but with slightly less frills. I would say Daya here is High Femme for Dwarves and Namari is just Average.
This is confirmed when we see them in modern clothes
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Daya is wearing the cutest sundress, and even holds herself in a more delicate, feminine way. Whereas Namari is pretty neutral. Nothing particularly feminine or masculine. This may dissappoint some people, but I don't think Namari is that butch. She's certainly on the 'butch'er end of the lady spectrum, but she's not giving dedicated butch to me. More sort of, low effort comfy lady vibes.
I would say that both Namari and Daya are comfortable presenting as, and being seen as, women.
Okay, now we're going to look at Senshi
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Senshi and Namari's armour is basically identical, except Senshi opts for a tits out look, probably because he's not actively combating as much as Namari.
Senshi having his chest out is not unusual for dwarf men, nor is covering the chest. Seems like dwarf men are similar to modern day human men. I'm jealous.
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So, Senshi's armour is pretty much Masculine Standard. Or perhaps Dward Standard. But it doesn't give us much information on how he chooses to present.
For that info, we need to look at modern clothing Senshi
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A Hawaiin (?) shirt and a dress shirt with a tie. A tie! For sitting on the couch with friends. Everyone else is dressed casual and Senshi chose to wear a tie. Even if he just came from work, he has not loosened it.
Look how nice his hair is! He's taking care of his looks. He cares about his appearance. The tie is a choice.
Now, I dunno about you, but this level of care is not Masculine Standard to me. Its like, Masculine+. He's not doing it like Namari, but he's also not over performing Masculinity. I'm calling it Masculine+. What it certainly is NOT is feminine. He also has the same body type. Because you can't change your body type (well, not easily).
Senshi is a bear. 'Bear' within the gay community refers to the body type of fat, hairy men. It is not in reference to behaviour. Same, I believe, is true of twink. Bears can be effeminate in their behaviour. As has been artfully illustrated in the previously mentioned post, Senshi acts effeminately. That's his behaviour. It's a part of his presentation but, it is not about his appearance.
Senshi is an effeminate bear. He's big, he's hairy, he cares about how he looks, he likes to dress masculine, and he likes to act feminine. He's still seems comfortable presenting as, and being seen as, a man.
This is what I personally mean by Genderqueer. Where you're not all the way within the expectations of society. He isn't acting the way a dwarf man is expected to act. He dresses the way a dwarf man expects to be dressed. He's doing Things with his Gender. Things that would make average society go "hmm...bad...".
This is long, so I may do a separate post for analysing Marcille and Falin. But that's my take on Dwarves.
This is of course in no way saying you can't headcanon! Or draw dress up! I love that shit. I just also feel strongly about acknowledging what IS and ISN'T in the source material.
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shut-up-danny-kun · 5 months
I've read hundreds of Star Trek TOS fics by now and it never ceases to amuse me how many different ways there are to fuck up Spock's characterization...now hold on just a minute - this post has a more interesting point than “fanfic writers stupid”, I promise you.
Every time, it's a spin on the massacre wheel. It's kind of amazing. Will he be overly emotional to the point where he's not himself anymore? Will he be so cold it's unpleasant and kind of hard to understand how he's lived to this point? Will he be extremely horny for no good reason? Will he speak in a way that sounds complety wrong?
I chuckle and shake my head. Of course, I KNOW what Spock is like, and MY interpretation of him is the most perfect and correct one. Obviously. He's just a very nuanced character, formed by many people in an unconventional way, with traits that seem to contradict each other at first but ultimately form a rich and unique character that so many people fell in love with specifically because he's so complicated...
Or...is he?
Let's entertain the idea that there isn't one correct interpretation of Spock, that all of these messy bits of characterization are not part of a bigger picture, but...just what they are: a product of many people with starkly different visions, working on a show that refuses to properly develop its characters. What then? Well, then Spock is a Rorschach test. Each viewer connects the random dots in their own way, and ignores the ones they don't like.
Let's use an example: me! In my interpretation of Spock (the most correct one, of course) he is, first of all, gay and on the asexual spectrum, reserved, largely uninterested in casual flirting or sex. When he is interested in the aforementioned things, he tends to be quite ashamed of it.
Makes sense, right? I can show you plenty of evidence for why that could be true. However, in the beginning of the first bloody season, Uhura sings a song about how Spock is actually kind of a heartthrob who likes to drive women insane with how hot he is, and Spock smiles. He smiles at her, as if agreeing and being very amused by all this! This interaction goes against pretty much everything I think about Spock. So what do I do? I explain it away in the most bizzare fucking way possible. See, Uhura and Spock are friends (there is no evidence for this), and Uhura knows everything I've just told you about him (through telepathy I guess? Not like he'd ever tell her!) and she's just trolling him (why would she do that? That is NOTHING like Uhura!). I need to do some Olympics-level mental gymnastics here, the opposite of Occam's razor.
“But Danny,” I hear you say, “it's just the start of the show! They hadn't figured out his character yet!”
To which I say: you can say that about anything! You can blame it all on a bad writer for that episode, and ignore virtually any scene that doesn't jive with your headcanons. It's there, and I can't ignore it.
So...how am I different from the people that want Spock to be thar heartthrob Uhura is singing about? That evidence is as much a part of canon as my favorite lines. Well, I'm not any different, that's the thing. And all those writers I complained about also have a point.
It's kind of a nihilistic take, I know, but maybe the reason Spock is such a cultural icon is because he is...whatever you want him to be: just concrete enough to spur on your imagination, yet vague and contradictory enough to let your brain fill in the gaps.
Don't get me wrong: I absolutely do not believe in this. In my mind, it just so happens that I'm one of the, like, 5 people ever who truly understood Spock (and one of them is Jim Kirk himself). But I still think it's something worth thinking about next time you're mad at a fic.
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ozzgin · 1 year
Hai, sweecheeks thanks for accept my request, i'm so really Grateful for that 💋. If you don't mind, do you accept my request again regarding Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.With a beautiful butterfly demon, and sexy but has a fox-like demeanor, she is very elegant and has never been attracted to shika no tama. She just wants to live a quiet life.The beautiful butterfly demon is the girlfriend of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. (separate) .
I always love you and your blog my dear, sorry I always disturb your time❤️🌹
Hi and no worries! How very unexpected, it‘s my first time writing anything Inuyasha related so I‘m both nervous and excited haha. Let‘s see how this goes.
Inuyasha Characters x Butterfly Demon! Reader Headcanons
Featuring Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and a stunning demon reader.
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“Eh?” Followed by a prolonged pause and confused blinking. That’s the reaction you always get when people learn you’re Inuyasha’s girlfriend. You’re always amused by it and clap your hands in delight, especially because you get to see Inuyasha’s response to it. “What’s so shocking about it?!” He barks, appalled. To everyone’s defense, it is rather unusual to see a demon of such elegance and charm followed closely by a half-human, unrefined mutt.
But you can’t get enough of his antics. He’s raw and unfiltered. He wears his heart on his sleeve and even when he tries to deny his feelings, you can read him like an open book. Most demons are prideful and scheming as you’ve learned in your very long life, but Inuyasha appeared to you like a breath of fresh air and you’re grateful to see someone with a humane side to them. Humans have always fascinated you and Inuyasha is now your source of never ending curiosity.
Inuyasha, on the other hand, took some time to get used to you. You’re stunningly beautiful yet sly like a fox and he was very suspicious of your intentions in the beginning. Always with a smile on your face, he could never tell what you’re thinking. Your graceful display of power would also remind him of Sesshomaru and therefore his inability to compare, given his human side, so he’d quietly retreat into insecure annoyance. He was running an imaginary race for power, until he’d come to the realization that you were never part of it in the first place. You yearn for peace and quiet, completely uninterested in this competition of strength.
In a way, you both complete each other. Inuyasha has helped you uncover an intricate spectrum of emotions that might’ve remained dormant had you not encountered him. And you’ve allowed him to find a sense of peace. In the tumultuous search for the Sacred Jewel, you’ve taught him that sometimes it’s okay to just enjoy life as it is. His desire for power has slowly been replaced by his blooming love for you.
Your guilty pleasure is teasing him relentlessly. You can easily tell just how attractive he finds you and how embarrassed it makes him. So every now and then you’ll ambush him with flirty innuendos and watch him squirm, frustrated and red-faced, while you tilt your head in innocent confusion. You find his genuineness adorable.
While Sesshomaru has grown to be more accepting of humans, he can’t help but feel a certain sense of pride about having a partner of your prestige. You’re both powerful demons and your union has only further spread your envying reputation. It feels almost natural that the two of you ended up together.
It was actually you that softened his views towards humans. He found your interest in the feeble creatures to be downright ridiculous and borderline foolish. Why should you, a vastly superior demon, concern yourself with such pitiful matters? Yet this is what intrigued him most about you. You don’t seem to think like other demons and your behavior and actions are often times unpredictable to him. There’s a mysterious twist to your cunning smile and he’s surprisingly eager to decipher it.
Jaken likes to boast his gratitude for you. Ever since you’ve joined them on their travels, Lord Sesshomaru seems to frown less, and Jaken himself has gained a conversation partner that’s not threateningly taciturn and might punish him at any moment. Rin often marvels at your beauty and charisma and wishes she could grow up to be like you. Just like Jaken, she’s thankful you’ve helped Sesshomaru leave some of his hate behind. His eyes hold less malice, and when rested upon your figure there’s a glint of adoration that can be discerned.
Similar to you, Sesshomaru is entirely indifferent to the Sacred Jewel. He’s confident in his strength and abilities and has no need for external aid. Once this entire mess involving Naraku is over, he might even be tempted to give in to your dream of a peaceful, quiet life. He could use some rest, especially if it’s in your company.
Sesshomaru is very reserved in displaying his emotions, though he can be overly affectionate after brief encounters with other males. Your looks are enough to turn anyone’s head and while he is certain you wouldn’t leave him for anything less, he can’t help the faint jealousy that wells up in his chest. He’d rather let it be known who you belong to. You like his possessiveness, but might occasionally tease him by saying that one simply cannot cage a butterfly. It will rest on your shoulder out of its own volition.
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tossawary · 10 months
You know, the more I think about it, the funnier I find the concept of Monkey D. Luffy /& Boa Hancock (especially paired with Aro-Ace spectrum Luffy and Aro-Ace spectrum Hancock) just for what it must look like from an outsider's POV.
For the record, personally, my favorite Luffy ship is Zoro/Luffy - also with Aro-Ace spectrum Luffy, that's basically non-negotiable for me, I don't care whether he's sex-favorable or sex-repulsed, but he's definitely ace. It is so funny to me to think about Luffy's incredible pull with aro-ace spectrum folks. People who once thought "sucks for you fuckers obsessed with sex and/or romance, I'm built different" (Roronoa Zoro, Koby, Trafalgar Law, Boa Hancock, Bartolomeo, etc.) find themselves fascinated by this little rubber man, who regularly declares war on the government and can swallow a roast chicken whole. Some of them are happier about this than others. Some of them WISH they just wanted to fuck or marry him, that would make more sense than this shit.
But, okay, back to Luffy and Hancock (as a friendship or queerplatonic situationship, whatever, doesn't matter). Like, let's pretend this is some kind of Modern College AU (Luffy is probably not IN college, tbh, he's just there to hang out with his friends and for any food anyone makes the mistake of leaving out). You are on your way to class and you see this woman walking down the street and she is - hands down - the Most Beautiful Woman In The World.
Super tall, with incredibly long, muscular legs in shockingly high red heels, a short skirt, artful cleavage, a waterfall of sleek black hair, beautiful face, striking makeup, gorgeous jewelry. Looks too old to be an undergrad student. She looks like if a martial artist became a supermodel. Walks like that too. The phrase "please step on me" comes to mind, but not to the lips, because that's sexual harassment, and also this woman looks like she could stab you through the heart with a kick and her shoe heel, killing you instantly.
She sees someone and her entire face lights up. She runs forward (how is she running in those shoes) squealing in excitement and embraces this guy you didn't even notice before, shouting about how much she missed him, and kisses him on the lips. He is... uh... three-quarters of her height at the tallest. A real Mr. Short King.
Wow, he has a babyface. And a scar on his cheek and on his chest, which you can see because he's wearing an open button-up, in eye-searing rainbow colors and decorated with monkeys, and jorts with fur at the cuffs. And mismatched flip-flops on the wrong feet. And a straw hat on a string around his neck. It looks like he hasn't brushed his hair today. It is impossible to judge his looks because his outfit is too distracting. Now the Most Beautiful Woman in the World is blushing bright pink as she clasps one of his hands in both of hers. Mr. Short King is using his other hand to pick his nose as she talks.
They walk hand in hand together over to where an incredibly expensive-looking bright red car is parked. Mr. Short King opens the driver's door for the Most Beautiful Woman and she apparently nearly swoons at this chivalry. She climbs into the driver's seat and he gets into the passenger's side (Luffy cannot legally drive and also cannot actually drive). They drive off together. What the fuck kind of Roger-and-Jessica-Rabbit-ass Sugar Mama relationship did you just witness?
Boa Hancock keeps a photograph of Luffy as her phone background and also on her desk at work. Everyone is always like, "Is that your... son?" And Hancock is like, "No, that's my number one choice of future fiancé! Isn't he sooooo handsome?" And people can only be like, "...Okay, but why are there police lights in the background? And something is on fire? It kind of looks like he's in the process of being arrested..." And Hancock responds dreamily, "They didn't catch him! He climbed into my exercise duffel bag and I carried him out."
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icyg4l · 5 months
PAC: May 2024 Predictions
Hello beautiful people! Later on this week, I will have a Five Dollar Friday Sale where any topic can be talked about. Please refer to my guidelines if you are interested in booking with me! Today, I will be giving you all some predictions about the upcoming month. I hope that those who resonate will continue to support me. For those of you who have been supporting me, I thank you. Without further ado, please select the quote that resonates with you.
Left-to-Right: (1-3)
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Pile One: I am getting Taurus energy from this pile. I feel like you are going to be walking away from a situation that no longer serves you in May. It's going to hurt. But on the bright side, at least you are done with that chapter in your life. I feel like you are inviting new energy into your life though. It feels lively. I think that you need to be careful though if you go out to a hookah bar, or just go out into the nightlife in general. I am seeing that you will be going to a cookout. I am seeing the image of a thermometer's heat rising. I feel like you may have tension with someone that's super thick, lol. All in all, I feel that this month for you will determine the theme of this summer for you all. You got your wings, you've been promoted! It may be hard to focus on the positives because of your circumstances but you will survive. This month will feel weird because it’s like your on two ends of the spectrum. One part is good and the other is gone to shit, but all will work in your favor boo! See the good in life.
Cards Used: Page of Cups, Queen of Discs, Ace of Cups, 5 of Discs, The World, 10 of Swords, Justice.
extras: arrogance. cheap labor. pennyslvania. slabs. coney island. sweet! livelihood. perfume. body shapewear. antisocial club.
Pile Two: Idk why but your energy reminds me of Natalie Nunn lol. Not the messy parts but the part about her where she's unintentionally funny and fun to be around. Your energy feels very much party girl, I could easily get in this section if I wanted to type of vibe. Anyway, I think that you are going to be strengthening some platonic connections that you already have. But I also think that you're going to cut someone loose --- someone who has been around for a while. The name Harold comes to mind. Have you eaten Harold's Chicken as of recently, lol? I think that you're going to have sharper instincts as a result. You're going to see people for who they are. I am seeing the image of a butterfly flying on someone's nose. You will be growing up in the month of May. There is an emphasis on meditation. You're being called to devoting your time to staying in the present. You're being asked to go within and get more introspective. Also, cut back on the refined sugars. I think you'll be listening to Amaraae and Solange more often this month as well.
Cards Used: King of Cups, 3 of Cups, Strength, Death, King of Swords, The Hermit, Prince of Discs, 2 of Swords, The Lovers.
extras: big eyes. blonde hair. shapely. wiz khalifa. stunna shades. "i ain't going nowhere." "get comfy." gloomy. rainbow tips.
Pile Three: Someone in this pile is going to be reuniting with their family at a prom sendoff, at a graduation, a party. Either way, it will be a celebration. This pile will also be very grateful in the month of May. You are also going to have many opportunities to make quick money with the people that you love (not necessarily family but anyone that makes you feel safe). A love opportunity will be coming through for you as well. I don't see this as something you should take serious. I think you want to be independent right now, that person understands and they will give you your space for the time being. If you're trying to curate an event, don't worry too much about what people will think because it's going to be a big turnout regardless. I think some of you will be going to a wedding or will be getting married. So, congratulations to that! I also think that some of you will be meeting your future spouses in this pile (you won't know it yet though). Overall, I feel that this month is a great month for you to focus on community building.
Cards Used: The Emperor, The Hierophant, 9 of Swords, King of Wands, Justice, 3 of Discs, 8 of Wands, 4 of Wands, Ace of Cups.
extras: entrepreneurial spirit. aquamarine. blue butterflies. single father. "something cute, something for the summertime."
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duckwithablog · 2 years
Okay! So um, can I request a headcanon for SWK, Macaque and Nezha with a s/o who often loves to suprise them by giving Eskimo kisses or just straight up kiss their noses all of the time. Sometimes they even forget they are in public places while doing so too!
Reader is a she/her
I hope this isn't too much! This is kind of my first time requesting, =.=
Don't worry! This is a pretty simple request, you did good!
I'm pretty sure the term 'eskimo kisses' are sort of offensive? Not dissing you, ofc, I doubt you had any bad intentions! So I'll just refer to calling it 'nose kisses' for this request :]]
Nose Kisses! (Wukong, Macaque and Nezha)
Sun Wukong
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Bro loves your kisses so much
He is obsessed, you dont understand-
He thinks it's because of his monkey genes, but whenever you give him a kiss on the nose he just gets instant heart eyes
Automatically goes "aww" whenever you kiss him on the nose
You sometimes get him caught off guard with the kisses, but he recovers fast
Always pulls you in for a quick cuddle whenever you kiss his nose, or at least a quick hug
Most times, Wukong just (gently) grabs your face and then pulls you in so he can kiss you on the nose too
Other times he just full on gives you a smooch on the lips
VERY insistent on kissing you back, it's like his own personal code or something
DO NOT try to run away after giving him a kiss on the nose, HE WILL chase after you!
Will pepper your face in kisses if you ever tried
Overall, he is so happy whenever you kiss him on the nose. Or kiss him anywhere, really
Mans is touch starved, what did we expect-
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Won't admit it, but he secretly just waits for you to kiss him on the nose
Literally will set up an entire scene where there's an obvious opportunity for you to do it
He lays on the couch, pretending to be asleep? He's waiting for you to come up and give him a kiss
He somehow gets into a fight that got his face (particularly his nose) hurt? Says that you have to kiss him better for the pain to go away
Putting his face super close to yours whenever you're cuddling? Damn, his nose is looking pretty kissable don't you think-
He thinks he's being slick when he's doing this
He is not slick at all, you figured it out a long time ago
Why can't you just ask for kisses like a normal person bro, damn
Macaque is like, on the other side of the spectrum as Wukong
He obviously enjoys your kisses, but also... Doesn't want to show how much he loves it??
At least, not visibly. His wagging tail always gives him away though
He shows how much he appreciates your kiss by giving you a surprise nose kiss! He's a bastard like that
This guy is also really touch starved, he just has a harder time trying to show how much he loves it
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Is somehow always caught off guard whenever you kiss him on the nose
You'd think he'd get used to it over time, but nah. He's always somehow a bit surprised whenever you give him a nose kiss
Incredibly flustered when you first give him nose kisses. Especially when in front of other people
Not that he doesn't mind! He just isn't used to such affection
After you kiss his nose, he'd politely ask if he can kiss you back
He's a gentleman like that
Please don't bring up the blush on his face, he will refuse to acknowledge it
Nezha feels like he has to pay you back somehow with all the kisses you give him
Like, it's an entire urge he gets whenever you kiss him that he has to do something for you
(feel free to abuse this fact to get free stuff from him lmao)
Instead of kissing you on the nose, he'd just kiss you on the forehead or cheek
Sometimes, he'd kiss your hand like some sort of prince
Overall, not as touch starved as the other two, but definitely treasures your kisses.... Even if he does get jumpscared by them
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felassan · 1 month
Snippets. 🐺💜
John: "one of the funnier quirks of game dev is you will never remember missions by their real names but instead by the name you called them by for several years of development it will never be 'In Your Heart Shall Burn' for me, it'll always be Setback" [source] / Blair: "there was that awkward period where half of the DA:V ones had "gods" in the title, so discussions were always some variant of: "Did you mean 'Gods Are Back' or 'Gods Are Bad'? I've heard people mention 'Egads! Gods!' but I'm not sure if that's new or a rework."" [source] / Malcolm (in reply to John): "I have one like this in DA:Ve and I can't share it yet because spoilers but I promise you it's delightful" [source]
John: "the only one i can ever remember is 'Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts' and it's because it seems to be the only DAI mission that people constantly reference by name online" [source] / Mary: "It's proper name is "Ham Ball." I put that in the file names, even." [source]
John: "idk how widely it’s been advertised but a reminder we are doing another Veilguard Q&A on Discord this Friday noon Mountain time (so 11 Pacific)" [source] / Malcolm: "Make sure you don't tell them about that one thing that happens in that place, with the guy." [source]
Trick: "BioWare released a new screenshot of Taash! I love how it captures the amazing detail work the character artists did." [source]
Image description on the Taash screenshot in Trick's post of the cap:
"A screenshot of Taash looking off to the side. The lighting is warm like either late afternoon or an interior with a fireplace, and it catches in the gold on Taash's armor and horns. Taash looks pensive or vulnerable -- not the deadpan stare or badass determination we've seen in other shots."
pensive or vulnerable.. ohh Taash. 🥺 Trick!!
User on the screenshot: "Taash looks *completely the fuck over this shit* in a totally exhausted sort of way, here. which is, mind, amazing detail work on the character artists' party!!" / Trick: "You know, it's a spectrum." [source]
Trick on DA:I - "Miss May is amazing in many ways, and especially in finding the balance of sweetness to pain for the Solas scenes. ❤️" [source] ((thankyouuu Miss May!!))
User: "it must be basically impossible to resist putting at least one extra moon around your fantasy world" / John: "if dragon age didn’t already have two you’d better believe I would’ve added another one. sitting next to a dial titled ‘number of moons’ and every so often I add another one. anyways the thing about Satina is- (a large hook drags me offstage)" [source, two, three] ((omg.. THE SECOND MOON shfuehfuehdbdh)
User: "i've been thinking about bellara's pockets and i need to know what her thoughts on cargo pants would be. would she be a fan for the utility." / John: "she wouldn't wear them all the time - she's a firm believer in a distinction between 'work clothes' and 'at home clothes' - but she is always in search of more pockets to carry more things into the field. she'd own at least three pairs" [source]
User: "The next two months are going to feel like the Fade section in DAO 😭" / Dragon Age: "Good thing we have a Veil Jumper to help you out! 💜" [source]
User: "MY SON LOOKS SO CUTE" (re: the new pic of Manfred from today) / Dragon Age: "MY BOY MANFRED 💀💚" [source]
User: "Can we change the armor/gear on our companions?" / Dragon Age: "You can!" [source]
User: "thank you for the food 🙏🙏🙏" / Dragon Age: "Enjoy your meal!" [source]
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thousand-winters · 19 days
Something I love about TOH is how it lets adults be wrong and make mistakes and be whole messes that do not have their shit together because... yeah, that's just life. Adults aren't so put together as one believes when they're a child, and of course they can act rashly and fuck up because of their emotions and generally experience the entire spectrum of human emotion.
It would be lovely if the fandom would be less racist about it tho.
It keeps driving me mad to think about because with characters of color, one mistake is taken and generalized as their entire behavior despite having proof that it was a one time thing, a extreme born out of emotion or after many things have happened, while for white characters it's well understood it was a one time instance.
Nobody took Eda's "I'm going to break every bone of your body" toward King (who, mind you, is like 8yo and the kid she raised since he was a baby) seriously, nor said "Eda totally threatens King with bodily harm every time she's angry". It wasn't a serious threat, King wasn't bothered by her because he knew that, and the world kept spinning, nobody made a bigger deal of that than it had to be, despite the fact that it's objectively a horrible thing to say to your kid.
Nobody said either "every time Eda is feeling unneeded, she avoids talking to her kids and ignores them for days and then attempts murder-suicide on the name of good", although the avoidance aspect of it at least IS more in tune with her general lack of coping mechanisms.
Now, Camila making Luz go to camp? Suddenly she was the devil and evil, and Eda should take full custody of Luz, despite the fact Camila was shown as gentle and loving since moment one, and your kid endangering other kids by bringing live snakes and fireworks to school is objectively something alarming that can't be swept under the rug. There was no point at which Camila was depicted as anything but loving and concerned, even during Grom, Luz's fear was about hurting Camila rather than Camila hurting her and yet people insisted she was abusive until Thanks to Them.
Even after Yesterday's Lie. I mean, Luz is 14. I don't know about you, but if I had a kid known for being a bit careless and reckless and act first before thinking, I would be worried sick knowing she's in a land where half the things alive try to eat you and it's also ruled by a genocidal emperor. Hell, even if my kid wasn't reckless, I would be clawing at the walls about it. Camila wasn't being evil for wanting Luz to stay by her side, especially since they only had each other.
Then, of course, there's Darius.
I'm so sick of people being condescending to people who like Dadrius, even in art posts, all like "guys, but don't forget Darius was shitty to Hunter for years", because it's exactly what I'm talking about of taking one event and extrapolating it toward his entire behavior despite the fact the information we have been provided indicates that was a one time thing. Not only we have the Palisman Logs that confirm Darius usually didn't pay attention to Hunter, which, mind you, isn't a crime because he had no responsibility over Hunter and everyone thought Hunter was being treated well by Belos, but we also have the hint of Darius reacting so viciously because of Hunter sewing the Golden Guard's sigil on his cloak and reminding him of his mentor, which is not something that happened every thursday.
I know everyone understands actions born out of emotion in adults, no matter how wrong they are, because of Eda and even some of the other adults who objectively speaking did way worse in the matter of mistakes toward their children, like Gwen or Alador. Yet, people keep refusing to believe that Darius only did that once but nobody ever says "yes, here are the examples and clues that he was this way for years" (because they do not exist) and just keep repeating that he did or that he has the vibes of someone who did (bestie, that's just racism).
It's so strange because Hunter is not stupid. He knew to be on guard of Kikimora and Kikimora was always shitty to him. He can take a clue, he's not a baby. He refused to accept the help of the Owl Fam and the Hexsquad for a good while because they were "the enemy" and in his head he had the idea that he shouldn't trust them even if he wanted to. Hunter's behavior is affected deeply by Belos' abuse, but he wasn't reacting to everyone in the way he did to Belos, excusing their behavior and generally letting them all walk all over him.
If Darius really had picked on him for years, he wouldn't have been so quick to trust him after Any Sport in a Storm, and we got a bunch of little mentions and hints that point to how their bond started to grow behind curtains, which would be really weird if Darius had always been an overly hostile presence in Hunter's life before. Can you imagine him being all chill with Kikimora if she had hypothetically went "oh, well, I guess I was wrong for trying to murder you"? Hell no.
Even Perry and the Parks didn't got spared from this.
Of course their reactions to their kids getting expelled could have been more graceful, but they were evidently not thinking super clearly at the moment and every other moment we've seen them with their kids, they have been loving and supportive. Hell, even in that same episode we saw how the Parks were, if anything, more concerned about Willow's education to the point they were willing to change their whole life to be able to stay to homeschool her.
Adults make mistakes. People make mistakes.
Stop acting like people of color can't make mistakes without being the epitome of evil.
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caramelcleopatraa · 7 months
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word count: 1100~
x: Presented to you by: The Bank: A short piece of fiction starring Roman & Aaliyah (got this done in a couple of hours, so excuse the errors you see. thinking of doing a part two for this one. feel free to comment... i'm a whore for comments)
content: Roman Reigns x Aahliyah, suggestive themes (ofc)
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She was in no mood to argue. Today has already been a long day, but things never go as planned. Her quick paces were not enough to escape him chasing after her, but their bedroom door would. She slammed the bedroom door just for him to bust through seconds later, and the infuriating bickering started once again.
“What is your problem Aahliyah?”
“I just told you what my problem is.” She quickly disappeared into their shared bathroom with her silk robe in hand. “I'm tired of arguing with you, I'm tired, Roman.” Roman lets out a weighted sigh and wipes his hand over his face. “So that's it? You wanna leave this conversation unfinished?” She reached to turn the cold silver knob to her desired temperature. She finally turned to face him for the first time in minutes. “I'm gonna need you to get out.” Roman walks closer to her, towering over her 5’7 frame. “Nah, that’s not gonna work for me. You gon’ calm the hell down and we gon’ talk this shit out,” he huffs, standing tall in front of her, staring into her brown eyes.
“Since you wanna talk shit out, go talk it out with her.” She didn’t know that the conversation would drag out this long, especially over some random girl. Sabrina Smith. She's been throwing herself at Roman for as long as they’ve been in a relationship. It never bothered her before, but she started to get bolder with her attempts. Scandalously flirting with him right in front of her, wearing more revealing clothing, referring to Roman as her future husband. It screamed fan behavior, but as much as that woman irked her nerves, her problem isn't with her this time. Everytime she approaches him, he minds his business, but doesn’t bother telling her off or telling her to simply get lost. He sits there and ignores her, letting her make a fool of herself, but somehow never tells her to back up. That was her problem.
“You act like I'm entertaining the damn woman.” She faced the wide mirror that reflected anger radiating from both of their bodies. The shower had already been running for a minute, so she started to speedily undress to run away from the escalating discussion. “You might as well be. You don't tell her to stop or back up, anything! You just let her do whatever.”
“Because I dont give a fuck about her, Liyah.” He leans on the cream marble counter and crosses his muscular arms over his chest. “Yeah, whatever. I’m done.” She hears Roman scoff, but she doesn't pay much attention to it. He knew that when she said she’s done, she’s done. Aahliyah doesn't like to prolong arguments, and with this argument that they were having, She could already tell that they were on opposite sides of the spectrum. She stepped into the steaming shower in an attempt to calm herself down from the rush of emotions, when Aahliyah felt a rush of cold air hit her side. The glass door quickly shuts and a pair of hands snake around her waist. “You should know better than to run away from me,” Roman whispers in her ear. ‘Well there goes my plan for relaxation for the rest of the night.’ She knew how Roman was when they had arguments. He never liked leaving her angry or unhappy, he preferred to talk it out, no matter how long it took. “Are you at least going to let me shower?” He grins at her and replies, “Of course, but you’re still gonna tell me what the hell is going o-”
“Do you like her or something?” She turns to face him in the spacious shower. He was already focused on her before she turned around. His hair was pulled back into his standard man-bun, and of course, stark naked, with occasional water droplets decorating his broad frame. Confusion was written all over his face when that question escaped her mouth. “Why the hell would I like her? I come home to you every night, don't I?” She interlocked her fingers together and rested her chin on her hands. Directing her eyes to look anywhere but him. “I know that, it’s just that… if you don't tell her to stop when she openly flirts with you, it makes me think that you like her giving you attention. That's all.”
His right hand lowers her interlocked fingers and replaces them with his hand, lifting her head to get a clear look at her. “Why didn't you tell me at first?” She bit her lip in deep thought, reflecting on her attitude and approach at the start of the argument. “I don't know, I just thought you knew that already.” His thumb rubs side to side against her soft caramel skin, logging and observing each reaction she made. “Well i didn't think of it like that, thank you for telling me.” He closed the space between them by feathering small kisses on her cheek. In no time, his lips collided with hers, letting his right hand disconnect from her chin and drag down her curves. It was second nature for him to fill his hands with her beautiful assets, and she never complained. Their lips clashed in passionate kisses, feeling each other’s bodies and letting themselves get lost in the moment. She pulled away from their heated makeout session, chest heaving, clinging onto her lover. “This doesn't mean I'm not mad at you still.” He worked down her jaw to her neck, still planting kisses on her skin. “How can I make it up to you, mama?” She gasps at the sudden pinch to her neck, followed by a cycle of kissing and sucking, which already fogged her mind better than the steam could fog the huge glass doors. “By getting out and letting me shower in peace,” She joked, gently massaging both his shoulders. “Hah, hell no. I got a better idea” He pulls away from the crook of her neck and pulls her arms around his neck tightly. He chuckles at her surprised yelp when she is hoisted into the air, quickly locking her legs around his waist. Her sumptuous thighs were overflowing in his hands, and the position that she was in, made her forget why she was even mad in the first place.
“Let me show you that you’re the only one I'm entertaining, baby.”
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🏷️ tags :) @reignsboy19 @2-muchsauce @theninthwonder @harmshake @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @alyyaanna @empressdede @badbitchcentralinc @christinabae @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41
Welcome to your new addiction
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