#i don't like venting a lot but i just wanna know if someone relates
venbetta · 1 year
Does anyone get the odd sense of aimlessness or feeling of being too wrapped up in one thing? I didn't do much today yet my energy has plummeted... very discouraging..
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lavishlyleo · 2 years
Astrology Observations 3
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The power pisces placements hold is actually insane, like everyone talks about how intuitive Scorpios are, but have you seen what a Pisces can do when they set their minds to something? Especially a Sun / Mercury Combination in this sign. Like these people can not only predict many things and easily read foretold messages, getting insight on something before it happens, but they also have heavy manifesting powers when they have a lot of faith in something that they think will happen. It's like they speak it into existence. These people have a sixth sense I swear.
Like everything people think Scorpios are Pisces IS.
Having a Libra or Gemini Moon in your Solar return chart could indicate you being put in a situation where you appear fake and/or two faced. ( NOT Natal chart, Solar Return Chart ) I remember during 2020 I had this, and I used to always wanna keep the peace and harmony in my friend group, but when certain people left that I didn't like, I used to talk SO MUCH SHIT. It's a thing of not being liked by certain people or not liking certain people and them making you irritated and angry, but not wanting to cause more problems that would make the situation worse. So you just leave it be but as soon as you get the chance to vent about it, it's like a flood gate opening.
Moon in 11th house people CANNOT live without their group. I know someone with this placement and he always has a group to tag along with and he has so many connections to people. He's the poster child of social butterfly.
Being around someone with a Debilitated or Fall Moon ( Capricorn and Scorpio ) when they're irritated or angry is so draining. Like they WILL suck the energy out of the room when they're mad. Like you're walking on eggshells with what you say to them. However usually when the native realizes that it's affecting everyone they will leave the scene until they cool down, or try to sit down and talk about their feelings. This is because they don't want to stew in their own anger because it's draining to them too, so most would rather solve the issue than keep being angry.
Pisces Mars is another powerful placement to have for intuition and being able to dissect people's mind, intentions and feelings. Mars is the energy we put out into the world, but Pisces Mars uses their energy to absorb other peoples' energies to get the feel about somebody. This can also indicate someone who is very sleepy all the time, espeically around emotionally and spiritually draining people because they have to use more energy on these people.
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In synastry, we all know to check Venus, Mars, Moon, ect. HOWEVER! I feel like another huge determining factor in synastry is ruler planet chemistry. For example. If person A has Gemini Rising, and person B has Capricorn Rising, You would check how person A's Mercury aspects person B's Saturn. If A's Mercury trines B's Saturn then they could have a relationship based off similar experiences and having similar ways of thinking, despite their Rising signs being in quincunx. Also take into account where the chart ruler falls in each others charts. Another example is if Person A's Mercury could be in B's 6th house, making their relationship more work related and, and they sharing everyday little details to eachother.
Having a lot of strong and prominent aspects to one planet can make it a key focal point in your life, even if it's not the chart ruler, dominant planet, ect. This also means that planet has a more far reaching and influential power over the many planets it's aspecting. Think of dividing and conquering in a sense. And the planets being aspected by this one planet can even take on the qualities of the planets sign(s).
For example, someone can have many planets in fire or air, initially giving them those fire/air qualities. However, if their Saturn aspects alot of their planets (especially personal planets), then they may take on a more serious and calculated demeanor. Similar to that or a Capricorn or Aquarius.
What is it with fixed Mars signs and BEING SO FUCKING STUBBORN!? Especially Scorpio or Taurus Martians. I mean I know I can be stubborn sometimes but this is insane. In some instances, they KNOW they're in the wrong but will still defend their side of the argument until they day they DIE!! Obviously this is not everyone with this placement, at all times, but I've seen a couple people with this placement do this in when debating or arguing and it's like talking to a brick wall.
Having a lot of planets in the 10th house, or having personal planets in the 10th house in many of your Persona charts can indicate being very conscious of what you say to people, or to the public as to not have anything you say ruin your reputation. Any vile or ill feelings you have towards people are said in private to people you trust. These people are VERY conscious of their social and digital footprint.
Sagittarius Risings can have be very clever and calculating with their addictions. They're excellent at saving up money and rolling on a tight budget, thanks to their 2nd house being in Capricorn, however, with the full intentions of blowing all that money on something most people would find reckless or not essential. For example, saving up a months worth of rent to blow it all at the mall on anything they find and like when they get there. Calculating enough to know how much money they'll likely need for their adventure, but vague enough not to know exactly what they'll buy when they actually get there.
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I think this kinda goes without saying but also look at the house your planets are in along with the sign! For example, Someone with Libra Mars may seem really chill and compromising but if they have it in the 1st house they can be way more agressive and bold than a normal Libra Mars, and take on many traits of an Aries Mars.
On the same note, look at which specific house the planets are in, I feel like planets can be effected by the whatever house they are exalt, domicile, detriment, or fall in. For example, Venus could be in it's home sign, Taurus, however if Venus is in the 6th house it would still be in a somewhat fall because Virgo rules the 6th house and is in fall in Venus.
ALONG THE SAME NOTE, I don't see people talk about this enough but signs in domicile can be just as malefic as signs in detriment!! While a Capricorn Moon can have trouble showing their emotions and opening up to people, a Cancer Moon could be too emotional and always make the topic about how they feel and their emotions. Or while a Pisces Mercury could be avoidant and emotionally persuasive with their words, a Virgo Mercury could be overly analytical and constantly nitpick.
If you don't relate to a house placement, check your chart in whole houses.
With most of us alive today having Neptune sextile Pluto, this means we tend give a LOT of power to people we heavily idolize or are obsessed with greatly, for good or for worse.
I feel like the people who get stereotyped the most and/or have a warped stereotype applied to them that isn't consistant with the signs original stereotype usually have Pluto, Neptune or sometimes Uranus in their first house because those planets stay in a sign for years and can affect that generation of people. For example, Sagittarius Risings are stereotypically optimistic, easy going, adventureous and free spirited. However with most of Gen Z having Pluto in Sagittarius, this gives our generation of Sagittarius Ascendant natives a more serious, intense and secretive qualities.
A conjunction between two planets that are in different signs can weaken the conjunction. This is because while the planets energies are still combining, the planets have different ways of outputting that energy, which can sometimes disrupt the synchronization of the two planets.
This goes for opposition too, and I think it makes it worse because usually when two planets are in opposition, they are in sister signs, which gives them similar qualities and a basic understanding for each others energies. However if two planets in opposition aren't in sister signs, then this can make the placement feel more like a Square/Quincunx combination because there won't be that initial understanding or similar qualities, And the signs won't share the same modality or element.
I feel like Lilith aspecting the Moon can be more detrimental and powerful than the Moon being in Scorpio or Capricorn. This is because Lilith in astrology, like the moon is related to feminine energy (After all it's black MOON Lilith). But because of this very powerful and similar influence to the Moon, this can warp the effects and qualities the Moon has on the native, and the line where Lilith and the Moon's influence seperate can blur for the native. Personally me, I think this placement is the most powerful Lilith placement/aspect to have, even more powerful than aspects to the Ascendant or Sun, and is what typically makes someone a Lilith dominant.
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Placements that indicate having strong manifestation powers -
Jupiter or Venus in the 12th house.
Neptune in the 1st, 3rd or 8th
Having Pisces in a fire house (1st, 5th, 9th)
Sagittarius in Neptune and/or 12th house
Having planetary conjunctions where the planets in conjunction are in Pisces/Aries (One planet is pisces and the other is Aries)
Saturn in the water houses
Stelliums that include saturn or Neptune
Stelliums in the 8th house
Ruler of the 12th house in the fire houses (Co rulers count too)
having many planets in the 10th or 11th house (because they are Saturn ruled houses and manifestation here is a result of good karma and time).
On that note, not every planet in the 12th house is good for manifestation. Brash and scattered planets like Mars, Mercury, Moon, ect can be too chaotic and scattered for accurate and great manifesting.
While Venus Persona Chart can show what kind of lover you are, Juno persona chart can show what your lover's chart may look like.
Look at where the Ascendant of the Ascendant Persona Chart Ruler is in your natal chart for more insight about your identity and what your core themes are. For example if your Acsendant PC Rising is in Aquarius, check where Uranus and Saturn lies in your natal chart.
Personally, I think Venus should be exalted in Cancer and Jupiter should be exalted Pisces, they need to swap because it would make so many things line up with the placements exalts and domiciles for Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, ect. For a more in depth analysis check out my post here
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Hey! Sorry to bug you, but I was wondering what your headcanons would be for the creepypastas with a s/o who has twitches / tics. I personally have fatigue and anxiety twitches [head tilts, snapping, shaking my arms, etc] and I jave a few friends who have tourettes and other tic disorders!
Don't worry you aren't bugging me! I love to answer your asks and requests <3
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Creeps with an s/o who twitches/tics!
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He suffers from tourette's syndrom (amongst other things) so he understands a lot of the struggle
The frustration that comes with it, the annoyance it causes, etc
He is there to help you through it all
Your tics also help him understand you better (wether you are platonic or romantic!)
For example, he knows that if you begin to tilt your head, you are tired
He'll rub your back and pull a blanket around your shoulders, shushing and whispering you to sleep
I like to imagine you would help him with his tics too!
An example would be, when he is in a bad mood he tends to have more vocal tics
His most common are grunts, whistles and clicks
If you see this occuring, he likely just wants someone to sit with him and talk things out
It makes him feel appreciated and listened to
Also, depending on what mood you are both in, and how close you are, you may set off each other's tics/stims
Which can be both a blessing and a curse
Eyeless Jack
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He does not have any tic related disorders, but with his extensive knowledge of almost all medical fields, he does understand you
But it's not like he'd make a big deal out of it
Whether or not you wanna talk to him about it, that's your buisness
If you do choose to tell him, he would feel a very strong sense of trust between you and him and he wouldn't take such a thing lightly
He won't talk to others concerning your health, and he won't pry on you either
And as time passes, he begins to notice patterns
Such as when you get anxious, you begin to snap your fingers and crack your knuckles
If you want his help, he will of course do everything he can
From offering things such as brain excercises to offering physical things such as fidget toys, he is here for you
And even if you don't want anything, if you just want him to talk to you and listen to you, he is more than happy to do that as well
If you are comfortable with it, and if you enjoy it, he will make your sounds back to you
For example, if you whistle, he will whistle back
Silly to silly communication
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He enjoys your twitches, and finds them cute in a way
If you shake your arms, he will smile to himself
Of course, only if it is a happy tic and not stimming from things such as being overwhelmed, anxiety, etc
He has the least amount of knowledge about tic disorders out of the others on this list
So basically, all he knows is what you tell him
If you suddenly pick up a new tic, he will become confused and ask you, "is this a new tic thing or are you just doing things"
He's trying his hardest <//3
He may not know a lot, but if you ever need him for anything, he will provide
Need a shoulder to cry on? Got it.
Need to vent about the frustrations of your tics? He's here to listen.
Wanna just fill him in on your disorder in general? He's taking notes.
He loves you, and he wants to know everything about you
Because he loves all of you, and even if your disorder can be frustrating at times, it is apart of you and if it has anything to do with you, he is bound to adore it
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rose022 · 1 year
hi~ im rose! (among other names lol, ask for them or find them) welcome to my intro!
- dont feel bad about blocking or unfollowing me, just wanna say this. i may make posts abt being confused when i see people leave but curate ur own experience idc be happy
- you can call me whatever you want idc, just lemme know. like genuinely any nickname. i do have two others tbh but ehh
- yeah yeah im an adult so dont block me if i like ur post and u say mdni ight? also for any minors if that makes u uncomfortable u can leave. i dont tend to post anything nsfw here, just sometimes suggestive stuff and both nsfw and suggestive are tagged just like that
- pronouns are whatever is funniest in the moment. or just use your own. neos are ok
- asks and dms always open for anything. i won't really reach out first but i promise you can always talk to me about anything. if you don't have anyone else or just want to talk about a particular thing or want to vent, etc. like genuinely pretty please talk to me about your interests i will gladly listen!!! <3
- also you can always tag me in anything!! i love tag games (i may take a bit) and if theres anything you think id like or reminds you of me id love to see it!!
- don't really have a dni but like i will block you if you're a bigot. im a fag and autistic if you don't like that go away idc. also if you are pro cop or military stuff fuck off
- if we're mutuals please tag stuff with cw rose for anything with touya or akito being shipped with anyone else or TBHK nene and tsukasa as a ship, self harm images, stuff about spiders (or any bugs kinda) mostly pictures of them or them on someone (bees moths and butterflies exempt), needles if theyre detailed not cartoony, real life gore of animals or humans (not sfx or art just real stuff), sa, stiff about veins, and please use tone tags but mostly just for joking or sarcasm as i tend to assume everything is serious.
- MUTUALS PLEASE TELL ME STUFF TO TAG FOR YOU!!! i do my best to read carrds and intros and stuff but i might forget please remind me please. gore and sexual stuff will get tagged as gore and nsfw but it's mostly explicit stuff. things are tagged as what it is, not with cw or tw.
- !!current things i tag are agere, homestuck, eye strain, saiouma, bsd, religion, body dysmorphia, religion, marlo dont look (for nsfw stuff, tbh im not sure what counts but anything with mentions of sexual stuff that isn't just like a joke), elie shoo (csm saiouma gore), suggestive (anything relating to anything nsfw like jokes or anything else), adrien no look (alcohol, crickets, girl interrupted, hospital innuendos), clowns
- tags
#rose rambles - my posts
#rose tagged ramblings - i made a separate one for when i talk a lot in tags
#rose art - quite simply rose's art
#rose ocs - the sillies from my brain
#ask rose! - asks
#rose pics - look i don't get creative with naming these i think you can tell
#rose cosplay - ^^^ yeah
#helpful - things that could be helpful to anyone
#save - similar to above but more so personal things
#important - maybe not technically helpful but i think people should see
#favs - self explanatory, i believe
#sillies - similar to above but not really
#luv - mutual appreciation mostly
#heart! - things made by mutuals!
#liebe - things made for me!
#mecore - woah thats so me frfr
#rose writing - idk man take a guess
(i wanna like fix all my posts to have tags but i reblog so much and itll take me a million years to get back to the start of my account atp. maybe one day.)
- commission info
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writing: $2 per 100 words (?)
i also take requests for these!! or other stuff but like it will almost definitely take me a bajillion years to finish so if you wanna make sure i do something, gimme money. but u dont gotta its ok ily anyways
i have a k-fi rose226 and dm for p-ypal
- sideblogs
@luka-spotted most active
@daily-akiyama-mizuki hiatus!
@daily-asahina-mafuyu hiatus!
@rosemusictime lol no followers
@oz-the-bird-official (to translate my Fischl)
@ako-udagawa-official this and above in progress
@daily-purple-character send reqs
@aoi-shirosaki-official pjsk oc rp blog
@hikari-itsuki-official ^
@yuki-jigoku-official ^
@kei-makura-official ^
@roseswonderland things i make
(i may remove u as a follower depending on if i trust you enough for these next few but if we're mutuals ur pretty much safe)
@moonlit-thoughts22 vent
@selfless-lvr selfship/kin
@softrosebud agere
@shhh-its-rose moots only one mentioned at the top of this
and ask for the nsfw one... cus im too scared to just add it
(guys i think I have too many sideblogs help)
im not active on many other social media but if we're mutuals you can ask for like anything and ill probably have an account. somehow im most active here tho (and in one discord server but u guys cant join)
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Blog intro
System intro |
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`--------------------------------------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
ᴄᴀʟʟ ᴍᴇ ᴀᴍᴀʏᴀ
: ̗̀➛ I am a minor. I don’t want to give specifics for safety reasons, but my range is 14-16.
: ̗̀➛ Ask to Dm
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`--------------------------------------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ & ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ
: ̗̀➛ I am panromantic, because of this this blog has no sexual content.
: ̗̀➛ I use Any/All pronouns. And when I say Any/Alll, I mean ANY/ALL. Literally go crazy and use any neopronouns you want because they are so cool.
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`--------------------------------------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
ʏᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏ’ꜱ
: ̗̀➛ Interact if/this is a safe space for: Yandere blogs, obsessive blogs, systems, witchcraft practitioners, all races religions sexualities, genders, etc. SFW blogs, agere, petre, all mental health, obsessive blogs.
: ̗̀➛ DNI if: General DNI, zoophiles, proshippers (sorry I don't want people who write r*pe about 6 year olds on my blog), NSFW blogs, rude bitches, support what Israel is doing, radqueer, transID (like transplural like bitch be so fr), anti-recovery, anti-self DX (from what I've seen y'all are actually so fucking rude).
: ̗̀➛ Be aware of: This blog will post triggering topics, and all triggering topics will be listed. You know what blog you are on, be cautious. We are endo neutral because we genuinely don't give a crap about that stuff. We used to be anti-endo sooo ignore that.
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`--------------------------------------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴍᴇ
: ̗̀➛ System of 120+, witchcraft practitioner, mixed BIPOC, queer, grunge/gothic style, questioning Yandere
: ̗̀➛ Likes: Writing reading paranormal stuff witchcraft horror nature baking cooking card games anything ocean related theatre food in general rain fashion candy lovecore grunge Y2k him obviously letters poetry
: ̗̀➛ boundaries: No flirting asks please, I already love someone! Reblogs and notes are okay! Adults, please be mindful I am a minor! This blog is fully SFW and adults and minors are allowed as long as it is!
Yandere MBti: RAHL
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`--------------------------------------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
ɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇ ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ꜱᴛᴜꜰꜰ
: ̗̀➛ I’ll post my love letters, journal entries, etc if yall want inspiration!
: ̗̀➛ I DO NOT CONDONE ANY ACTIONS POSTED ON THIS BLOG. I would never act on these actions, this blog is a coping mechanism.
: ̗̀➛ I will refer to my darling as Him, love, darling, etc. I will not be posting names.
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`--------------------------------------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
ᴡʜᴀᴛ’ꜱ ᴛʜɪꜱ ʙʟᴏɢ ꜰᴏʀ?
: ̗̀➛ It’s a coping mechanism for me to talk about my obsessive feelings and thoughts.
: ̗̀➛ To help others. Y’all want me to read over your love letters before sending them out? Bet! Gift ideas? Bet! Journal entry ideas? Gotcha! Wanna talk to me about your crush/partner? Go ahead, just please do it in asks/notes rather than DMs! I’m here to help y'all as well as myself!
: ̗̀➛ To talk about my crush because I’m scared everyone else is annoyed with me when I talk about him.
: ̗̀➛ To post about system stuff, positivity, love, poetry, etc.
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`--------------------------------------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ꜰᴀɪʀɪᴇꜱ
: ̗̀➛ Anons: None yet!
: ̗̀➛ Tags:
・ 。゚ ᴀᴍᴀʏᴀ ꜱᴘᴇᴀᴋꜱ☽☆: For all my posts here on now
・ 。゚ᴀᴍᴀʏᴀ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇꜱ ✒️💌: For all things writing related (quotes, letters, etc).
・ 。゚ᴀᴍᴀʏᴀ ʟᴏᴠᴇꜱ 💕❣️: When talking about my crush, will also be used a lot
・ 。゚ᴀᴍᴀʏᴀ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢꜱ 📼📔: Reblogs
・ 。゚ᴀᴍᴀʏᴀ ᴠᴇɴᴛꜱ 🔒🧷: Ventings
・ 。゚ᴀᴍᴀʏᴀ ʀᴇᴠɪᴇᴡꜱ 📝🕶️: Where I review others’ works with their consent, you can use this tag if you want me to review any love letters or anything and I’ll use this tag when I make my response!
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`--------------------------------------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
ᴛʜᴀᴛ’ꜱ ɪᴛ, ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀɴ ᴀᴍᴀᴢɪɴɢ ᴅᴀʏ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪꜰᴜʟ ᴛᴜʟɪᴘꜱ! /ᴘ
@lovinglyobsessed = vent account
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 3 months
this might be dumb but i wanna vent abt smth i saw
idk a lot aboit copyright and domains but the way some ppl in fandom act so entitled to authours work and their ip is wild to me. saw someone say that they can't wait to see mxtx works become public this year (but that's not happening at all???????) so they can finally fix her characters and couple to whatever their ship is........
That's not how public domain property works, dear lord, I think that made my blood pressure spike....
I think with fandom exploration and of course encouragement, which I fully support, there comes the ugly side of entitlement. From "I didn't like this personally", to "Fans as a whole don't like this outcome for the plot" ergo, I and my fellow fans that agree, are making this better and we deserve these characters more. It's a parasocial pedestal in that because it's fiction it can still be changed via transformative work that caters to my specific wants that I felt the author/creator did not meet.
Now there is always the validity of constructive critique, usually this is supposed to involve the good,the weakness that may have broken submersion and an example that could strengthen it to be more cohesive in detail/plot thread/thematic,wording. But at times this has evolved into "I know these characters better than their own author, if I personally and emotionally relate to a story device character".
Fandom and yes friend circles can have the bad habit of conforming to what is considered socially acceptable and popular amongst them for a fandom, but not necessarily understanding their own perceptions are not going to be the same all around with strangers much less what the author intended. And there can be a lot of anger especially to the creators and other fans that do shoot down popular interpretations or simply say "no this was not what was intended and I will clarify with supporting points from what we have been given". This is also just not a safe environment to foster because what fun is it to demand you have to like it as I do, even when there is no supporting weight for that interpretation other than duress of threat from saying "I relate to this and anything against it is bullying me"?
And it's almost very... interesting how vitriolic others are when it comes to MXTX being open about her own holds and intentions with her works and characters that have derailed popular fanon sort of takes and leading others to call her closed-minded etc. Especially when she says it's fine to explore fics of her worlds, but she doesn't want to have her own romances dismissed because those are the crux of her novels and hard work.
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ardenrabbit · 6 months
A Long and Slow Recovery - are we past the halfway point? I am so excited to see how everything turns out. Did you do a lot of research to delve into Xie Lian’s experience with recovery? It’s very well written with regard to his mental and emotional struggles. Also , I just love how you write Hua Cheng and Xie Lian’s interactions.
Those Worthy of Following( new name change!) - I gushed about it in your comment section but need to emphasize how much I love that opening chapter with the dual between Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. And this dynamic, of Hua Cheng being the prince, and Xie Lian being the bodyguard, is A+++. Xie Lian is so calm and kind and powerful. He was so fierce about Hua Cheng not talking down about himself. Like,yes gege, please show your Hua Cheng how precious he is, haha. I ❤️ reading Xie Lian showing his protectiveness of Hua Cheng, even from the man himself. I’m also keen to see how Feng Xin and Mu Qing will take to Xie Lian in this verse too.
Is there anything else you can share about it that’s not spoilers? If not, that’s fine too!
Your writing is just delicious - a pleasure, something to savor and come back to again and again.
Thank you!
Omg thank you so much 💕😭💕 Your comments are always such a delight!! It's so validating and encouraging and I hope you know that!!
We are indeed past the halfway point in alasr! I honestly just kind of know what happens in a big blob with like half a dozen bullet points, so I don't have a final chapter count ready, but Chapter 20 is basically the start of the second half of the story. I originally thought the fic was gonna end at just about the New Year celebration, but it turns out his recovery is taking a lot longer than that, and his recovery isn't even the only one we're dealing with now, so I got ambitious. The premise also uh deserves a little more closure and resolution than that lol, so Arc 2 is gonna be a little higher stakes than we've had so far.
I'm so glad you're enjoying how I'm writing Xie Lian and his recovery! Haha I did research a variety of other conditions and disabilities and read accounts from people who have them, because that's just good research. Honestly, though, inspiration for the vast majority of Xie Lian's mental/emotional struggles have been sourced from firsthand experience :)
I'm mentally and physically disabled and have been my whole life, and I wasn't even diagnosed with anything (I was somehow just diagnosed with Teenager) until I hit rock bottom about it in adulthood. I've gotten to a better place with the mental stuff, but even though it's no longer an active threat to me, my bad days can still leave me nonverbal, disconnected from reality, and sometimes catatonic. The physical stuff has been getting worse over the years, and even though I can still walk independently with a cane when I leave the house (as long as I rest a lot), I still fall down just walking in my own home. I keep having to remember that my chronic pain and fatigue isn't normal, and I keep getting evidence that I'm worse than I thought. I've had to reorganize my life around all of it and I'm uh. Not taking it well lately lol.
So alasr is my self-therapy project. Xie Lian is going to get better and I'm not, and that still kind of pisses me off lol, but it's nice to vent and see someone else get a happy ending. So...yeah, at least writing alasr has helped distract me from my own pity party, and Xie Lian's anger, despair, guilt, and forced optimism are cathartic for me. It's not just about me, though; obviously I'm trying to stay in character for him and write in the context of his specific circumstances. But I guess I relate to sick fic stuff lol
Fully aware that that was a lot of oversharing 💜
But ANYWAY, AS FOR ✨ THOSE WORTHY OF FOLLOWING ✨ I'm so glad you're liking that one so far too!! I craaaaave protective badass Xie Lian and I needed a different brand of angst and drama from alasr for a while lol. I love writing violence tbh. I don't wanna spoil too much, but I definitely wanna confirm this:
TWOF is NOT a post-canon reincarnation fic. I'm personally not up for writing that kind of loss of all their canon experiences. And there are probably some really well-written takes on it! It's just not personally my speed. 😅 This one might seem like a post-canon reincarnation fic in the first couple chapters, but it'll make more sense soon.
It IS angst with a HAPPY ending, I promise!! What I'm planning right now gets really rather sad and it might seem hopeless at some point, but I promise, I'm confident in my plan to make it genuinely happy and fulfilling!
I'm exploring a trope about which I've had some general hangups, but I honestly enjoy taking tropes and tweaking them to my preferences. I think a lot of people can already guess what trope I'm talking about, which is fine with me! If it means the buildup and foreshadowing are working, I'm happy it fits!
What I'm panicking about with this wip is that I've convinced myself that I need to earn a doctorate in Tang Dynasty battle and siege tactics to write it credibly lmao. I spent three hours the other night researching ancient Chinese fire starters and the differences between Han and Tang era tea preparation (to little avail). This one is gonna take a lot of research for my own peace of mind but I hope it pays off!
Mu Qing and Feng Xin are gonna be okay!! Someone commented on ch2 that they liked that Mu Qing got hurt because they hate him and I'm like...I didn't think I'd framed that as a good thing..... 😅 That was something a Bad Guy did.......... 😅😅😅
Thank you so much for your kind comments and all of the fun engagement!! I'm truly so honored that you've enjoyed my writing so far! 💖💖💖
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Another entry. Firstly, Still With Me? Did JK release a new song that I didn’t know about? Secondly, I would rather speculate that a song is about someone then a hand gesture that a lot of people do.
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I saw them coming at us for paying attention to numbers and 11/08 even though that's way more real than whatever tf this is. Like... aren't they embarrassed????
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Anyway guys, I have an announcement to make.
Attention please!
Thank u ☺☺
Okay so I've been getting alot of frustrated asks mad at tkkrs and antis on twitter, right? Unfortunately I tend not to post them because I don't wanna bring too much negativity on this blog. Especially when some of those things are vile AF. Anyway, the point of this post is, My friends and I are in a Jikook discord and a few of us do this thing on twitter where we fight antis and shit especially when they come to Jikook spaces.
As we know recently a big Jikook account with 15k followers was attacked the other day for liking a post from an anti. But she had no idea that person was one. She just liked the post coz it was Jikook related. It's an easy mistake to make, really. She tried apologising and explaining she'd blocked the anti but these assholes didn't listen. They went though her profile and started commenting under all her regular, normal tweets that she was an anti and should be ashamed of herself or whatever. They were determined to give her no peace whatsoever.
When called out themselves, one account shamelessly said that they were antis and proud. That they didn't pretend that they don't hate Jimin. This really made me mad. It's not the first time they've been quite proud of the Jimin hate they partake in. Tkk accounts will gets thousand of likes on a post hating on Jimin and this ain't right. An anon sent in an ask venting about us being cowards and I agree. They attack Jikookers and these jkkrs end up deleting their Jikook posts. THIS SHIT AIN'T RIGHT!!! Its not.
They do this thing where they move in balk. My friends and I tried to back this account up. Encouraged her not to let them get to her. But it dont matter that 5 people are on your side if 30 people are telling you to kill yourself its just... /sigh/
This account is still running. But they had to unfollow everyone they follow and start from scratch. This ain't right guys. Its just not fair no matter how u look at it. I think we need to start giving tkkrs the same energy they give us.
Simply ignoring them is NOT working. We don't go to them, they come to us. I think its time Jikookers fought fire with fire. Which is why I'm making this post. A few of us had the idea to create a Jikook fighting discord.
If you are reading this and are tired of taking shit lying down. If you have wanted to fight these people but you were worried that you are just one person and won't make a difference. If you see the Jimin hate and wish there was something you could do about it, I come with an offer. Fuck tkkrs. Fuck antis. Fuck solos and fuck ot7 accounts that call out the vermin but then delete their tweets when they start to loose followers. Fuck all these people. Lets do something about this, ourselves.
Tkkrs are the ones causing chain reactions. If they didn't attack Jimin, Jimin solos wouldn't attack V and JK. (Yesterday I saw an art of JK with a dirty diaper and I just...🤮) If they shipped in peace and didn't attack Jimin literally all this shit wouldn't be happening.
I say we give them a taste of their own medicine. So if you see this post and you agree that enough is enough, then come join us here.
If you can't join then spread the word. Time to defend Kookmin and Koominers. Fuck this shit. The vermin have ran rampant for long enough. Photoshopping Jimin getting blown by band pd wasn't enough. Now they're editing him into porn. Guys, they've go10 too comfortable. Let's do something!
1) Create a separate twitter account before you join us. Safer not to use your main
2) ONLY Jikookers allowed in this discord. If you are not one of us we will know.
See you soon. I hope some of you consider. This shit has to stop. Kookminers assemble!!
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Bless 💜
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dino-boyo-agere · 2 years
Hai 🦈
I'm Nathan, but u can call me Nate or Dino 💖
I'm a 25 year old trans guy from Germany and this is my age regression blog. 🏳️‍⚧️💞 My little age mainly moves between 3 to 6. Lately I feel like I'm permanently slipping or at around age 10 or 12 mentally.
My birthday is on August 15th!!
I love Dinosaurs, coloring and crafting! 🦕🖍️
╰→ klick here to find out what my favorite dinos are!!
I'm a primary colors enthusiast!! 💛💙❤️ My favorite colors are green & blue. 💚💙
I have several disabilities & disorders (ADHD, Dyslexia, birth defects, other stuff) ♿🧠
I'm incontinent, so I have to wear diapers. 🚼
I'm in lots of fandoms (Stranger Things, Criminal Minds, Supernatural, etc.) 💫📺
My CG blog: @silly-baba
I have an AgeRe YouTube channel btw!!
I made a Spotify playlist with my favorite songs!! - it is not agere themed tho lol
I only have nine fingers, if you're interested in knowing why, → here ← is the story of how I lost one of them. (!cw! obv. It's a little bloody!)
╰→ someone uploaded my story to YouTube, if you would like to listen to it, instead of reading! <3
DNI: nsfw, ddlg & variants, ABDl & variants, kink of any form... 🚫
Indicator if I'm:
big → 🦖
slipping → ☁️
small → 🧸
I'm a flip, heavily leaning little!
DMs are open, but I hate smalltalk. So, please just get right to the point when u wanna message me for/ about something. (It's completely fine if you just wanna chat, obviously!) Same goes for questions, no need to ask "Can I ask you a question?" Yes, you can! Just go and ask ahead right away!! <3 - Thank you for understanding!!
Also, lil tipp: every time a colored text in my posts has a white underline, it has a link in it. It's a little harder to see now, since Tumblr also ads underlines to each colored text, but it's still visible if you know what ur looking for! They changed it back, yayy!!
I have memory issues, so I'll probably reblogg some things multiple times or forget to answer questions/ do requests. Don't hesitate to remind me, but please be patient & don't pressure me, thank you! <3
If you're interested, → here ← is my cg application doc form, I'd absolutely love to have an online cg!! 💕
I made a list of YouTube channels to watch when regressed, some are themed around regression and some are just fun!!
I also made a little list for people who want to educate themselves about regression, what it is, why people do it ant what it's for!!
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚☆↓ My AgeRe ID ↓☆ ゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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If you want to make ur own ID → here ← is a link to imgur!
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・.゚»・⁠°✧↓This is me!↓✧°・«゚.・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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.゚.* 。×゚。・* ゚☆↓My Tummy-Puppy↓☆ ゚*・。゚× 。*.゚.
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.゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚✧↓My doggo, Miles↓✧゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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Rest in peace, little buddy [21.09.2024]
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚☆↓I like crafting!↓☆ ゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
・。゚×゚。・゚»・⁠°✧↓My little sona, Spots↓✧°・«゚・。゚×゚。・
You can learn more about him → here, ← if you want to.
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。. ×゚・.»・⁠°☆↓My AgeRe Sona, Toggy↓☆°・«.・ ゚× . 。
You can learn more about them → here, ← if you want to.
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・.。゚×゚。・゚»・⁠°✧↓My cg sona, Loo↓✧°・«゚・。゚×゚。.・
You can learn more about them → here, ← if you want to.
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I have a furry blog but it's not super active <3
.*.・。゚×゚。・.*.゚☆ ↓My hashtags!↓ ☆ ゚.*.・。゚×゚。・.*.
Fanfics: #nates fanfictions
Head Canons: #nates headcanons
When I'm in my CG headspace: #baba space
AgeRe OC's: #nates little ocs
Arts & crafts: #nates drawings & #nates crafts
Sewing: #nates sewing
YouTube Videos/ Channel: #nates youtube
Other stuff I created: #nate makes
Banners: #nates banners
AgeRe outfits: #nates outfits
Answers to asks: #nates answers
Asks of mine that got answered: #nates questions
Textposts: #nates babbling
Memes I made: #nates memes
Ranting/ venting: #nates vents & #tw: vent
Anything dinosaur related: #nate loves dinos
Anything Tummy-Puppy related: #tuppy
Recommendations: #nates recommendations
╰→recommendations for YouTube, Music, TV, Movies..
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚✧ ↓ Info & DNI ↓ ✧ ゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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I created this blog on November 9th 2022.
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vochka · 16 days
Appreciation... rant?
So it is Wednesday and in the past two years, this has become movie night. A beloved colleague became a friend and because we worked next to the cinema, we could go watch a movie after afternoon shifts. We did this just about every week, even though there was no transit to take us home by the time the movies ended so we'd have to walk home alone at night like absolute idiots. It was fun. I feel like a little kid ready to stomp my feet with that "but I don't wanna go home!" attitude every time we have to; I have no words to describe how much I enjoy this woman's company.
It is now Wednesday and I'm sulking at home because I suffered workplace injuries and we have to skip our little tradition for yet another week. No movie night tonight!
Instead, I reflect back on what we've seen already. It's a lot. I'm not picky so I let her choose whatever she wants to watch, which usually means I neither know the title of what we're watching nor what it's about until after I've seen it. Maybe even after-- I am dense.
What I do know is that there's never been a queer piece of media we've missed. This woman has, to my knowledge, had little interaction with gay people before me, but her immediate instinct has been to look for media that would be relatable for me to watch and I have sat and cried in that cinema more times than I can count. Partially, because of her.
Mostly because of her.
This is whom I befriended.
I live in a Slavic country. We're better about queer rights than many of our neighbors, but the people themselves are largely still uneducated, bigoted, and stuck in their ways. Not long ago there was an effigy of a gay couple and their child burned in the streets by a mob. It's ridiculous. Then there's her.
Not once has she asked invasive, probing, or judgemental questions to ridicule or mock, not once was there a comment about finding me the right partner, and not once has there been a hint of judgment in her eyes, even for things she directly said she didn't understand!
When she doesn't know something, she asks. When she heard I was trans, she took the initiative to ask for my preferred name and pronouns and made sure I knew I could speak to her if something made me uncomfortable. She made every effort to make sure I knew she was there if I needed someone to talk to, that she was a safe person to turn to, and that her doors were open if I had nowhere else to go.
I love her.
Fiercely and platonically, as a sister and as a friend, I love her to death. She has been such a solid rock in my life in the few years I've known her that I lament fate for not letting me meet her sooner. She's done more good for me in a handful of years than my family has in decades; I don't even know how to begin paying her back for the light she's brought into my life. She's an absolute ray of sunshine.
This, unfortunately, is too much to smother a normal person in so I can't bring that level of energy into a single conversation and instead get to rant? vent? yell my appreciation for her at internet strangers because the world deserves to hear she's amazing and she deserves to be loved by the entirety of it.
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
I love how there was 0 reading comprehension with that ask.
I spent nearly $7000 ($6300 for the ER and $500 for his GP) for a /diagnosis/ only to find out Lobo has cancer that can't be treated without putting him through uneciassiary stress. I won't be pursuing any further treatments other than things to make him more comfortable while he's going through this (fluid removal, special diet, and medication).
I had saved up around 5k in our collective emergency medical fund for me AND him. That's what that money was saved for (over the course of like 12-18 months working my irl job). I still have to pay the remaining balance.
I know a lot of people have grown attached to him through seeing him on my blog, and I wanted to provide an option in case anyone wanted to donate to him. All the money that has been sent has gone directly into the fund to pay off the rest of his bills or buying him some food and treats that he likes. It's helped so much and I really don't even know how to express how grateful I am, not only for the donations, but any advice to help with his care and the time and space some of you all have provided to allow me to vent and make sense of everything. Not to mention all the kind and compassionate messages. Nothing has gone unnoticed on my end, I'm just so overwhelmed that I haven't had the energy to respond to everyone. However I will absolutely remember your kindness in turn if any of you all end up in a similar situation (which I hope no one ever does cause this hurts so much).
Anyway, again, messages like that don't bother me as it comes with such a lack of empathy and perspective that I can't relate. I easily brush off things like that as "wow someone's gonna have a bad wakeup call in the future and regret being an ass about this". But still it's like, the brazenness of it all is what gets me. Like "why didn't you use your personal medical funds to help other people in need?" Like why don't you be a more productive person and donate to those causes your damn self than sending stupid shit on tumblr?
Because I DO donate my time, resources, and finances to others in need. I don't make a huge ass deal about it, especially online, because it's something I've always done out of habit. If you wanna do good, just fucking do it. Because I truly believe the more good you put out in the world the more good comes back your way, and this whole situation is very much proving that theory.
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wildpeachfarm · 4 months
I’m coming here to say this with no hard feelings and as someone who has had an active inbox at times. With peace and love, I do see where some of the criticism you receive comes from. At the end of the day, social media isn’t real and none of it really matters. But I do get where people are coming from sometimes. The “unspoken DTblr rule” for ask boxes is just that people only really post about discourse a ton when it’s actively happening. So yeah, when the gituation was going on it made sense that people in your inbox wanted to talk about that! It was happening in real time and anons who lurk like having a place to vent about things going on. But with running an inbox people usually. Don’t post everything they get. Because it’s best to not in order to effectively steer the conversation, if that makes sense? And eventually, with doing that, ask blogs will typically redirect the conversation in whatever way they can and just not post about discourse as much when it’s not currently ongoing, even if they’re still getting occasional asks about it. And the thing about running an inbox is anons will flock to talking about whatever you post. So if you keep posting asks about discourse nonstop, it creates this endless miserable cycle where it’s all anons want to talk about. And it does get annoying. And honestly, saying this as someone who has gone through it, it eventually is hard on you whether you realize it or not. There have definitely been times where I reflected back on when I was allowing discourse in my inbox all the time and been like Damn, I was actually really miserable doing that. It just becomes pointless and exhausting to rehash the same conversations about discourse every single day. Especially when nothing new related to the discourse being discussed has happened, like anything related to Hannah or Caiti or Connor or anybody else. So I guess that’s just really my “tip” for running an inbox that I’m hoping you don’t take offense to and that I’m trying to send in the least confrontational way possible. Engaging in the same discourse endlessly just becomes redundant and tiring for everybody involved, whether you have a tag people can mute or not. The “unspoken rules” of DTblr are just. Actively trying to not enable negativity or post things that might cause drama when you run an active inbox. So when someone comes in who isn’t familiar with running an inbox and does those things, it disturbs how things are and people get upset. I hope you can internalize this even just a little bit and maybe see why people react how they do when it’s coming in a way that isn’t meant to attack you. Much love xx
ok first off I'm pretty sure I know who sent this and I do appreciate it! I will say though that I don't really understand how I am singlehandedly "displacing the dtblr delicate balance" by posting asks with a mutable discourse tag and not even really tagging them besides that? I feel like that is an easily avoidable thing. I understand that people don't wanna hear about it all the time and i DO keep a ton of asks unanswered and just simply stop responding to certain topics when I am done with them.
Not sure where people get the idea that I post everything because I definitely don't haha
But if that was an issue and people want to stop hearing about it, I'd rather they just come into my inbox politely and tell me that (like you are doing) rather than vague about me or send me horrible anons or something because it definitely seems like attacking.
I will be careful about not bringing up old stuff as much since it clearly is bothering people a lot though
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Hi ! How are you ? My name is Miyo and i'mm good ! Hope you are too and if u wanna vent i'll be here !
May I request Hijiri hc ?
Hijiri with a s/o that don't like material things like Anzu, but that is very different from Anzu
Won't confront someone, cute asf, and blame him for the attention he got because they kinda are jealous that they have no one but loves him in secret
Cute and jealous S/O doesn't care for material things
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Hijiri Koganei ]
[ Romantic Killer ]
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Hello Miyo!! Is nice to meet you, im having a hard time but slowly getting better, thanks for wanting to help ❤️
hmm I don't know if I get right the jealousy part, still I hope you like it. I enjoyed doing your request a lot, hope you loved it as much as I did
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Hijiri is used to being surrounded by a lot of people, draging all the attention to him is something he is used to and still he doesn't really care for others much, so for you to catch his attention you have to have something special in his eyes, not caring for his fortune or the things he could get with it and just being interested on him as the person who he is is something that truly get his attention
Your cuteness is something Hijiri loves, is something he isn't used to and still he loves it (just when it come to you). He had never really been in love with someone so you being his first love is already dificult for him because he is used to be loved not being in love, being in love for the first time it already feels strange for him, but with someone who does care for material things and that is super cute makes things more difficult for him, he doesn't know how to act
He is used to win people by his looks and money, but the second one doesn't really works with you and your cuteness makes him nervous and almost lose his compose, how he is supoused to act all bossy and stoic like he normally is when he is totally distracted by your cuteness? He had never being too interested in cute things and still he can't help but stare at you with amusment
Still, it doesn't get much time before you two start dating and even when he knows that you aren't too interested in material things it doesn't stop him from buying you a lot of things, little gifts that goes from things related to your interest (that somehow he manage to remember) to things (like accessories y clothes, or other things) that he found and that could totally match your cute nature
Once you two start dating Hijiri will pay a lot of more attention to you and start to care a lot for you, even when he isn't obvious with it you will notice it by little actions he does, like actually remember important things about you (and tries to remember some of your interest too), what you like and what not to be able to spoil you correctly and, after a while, he will even start to learn to read your body language, it started by being amazed by your cuteness and sweetness but with time he learns to identify your expression, specially because you don't like to confront people
Speaking of it, Hijiri will call you idiot (in an affectionate way, somehow) and scold you for trying to avoid confrontation, he is probably being harsh with his words and even sounds annoyed but is just that Hijiri is worried about you, as much as he want it he can't be always there by your side to protect you if someone wants to take advantage of you because of this, and the only though of someone hurting you in any way or taking advantage of your passive and cute personality makes him mad, he had never truly love someone and thinking on you possibly getting hurt makes him get protective over you
Hijiri tries to motivate you to don't being scare to confront others and stand up for yourself, even saying that if there is something that you don't like of him or want you have to say it you have to tell him! (as much as he will hate it if it help you start to losing your fear he will endure it just for you)
Even if you don't tell him he will know at some point that you don't care much for all the gifts he gives you, even when you don't say it directly he can tell by your expresions, being hesitant or not as surprised as he expected, it troubles him but he won't stop and will just try to find other gifts that will give you the amazed reaction he wants, he won't stop until you ask him to (to help you speak your mind out and confront him too), even so he won't really stop giving you gifts and spoiling you, he will just slow down and not do it so often
Hijiri probably doesn't really get that you are being jealous over all the attention he get, he feels like he is being completely clear that he only has eyes for you for how much he had open up with you and how much he spoils you, even with how much attention he pays to you, still he won't really get it until you finally tell him that you are jealous (normally he just put you closer to him when he sees you nervous or troubled by something, thinking that maybe someone of the crowd is making you nervous)
Either way he will call you idiot for being jealous, are you jealous thinking that he may prefer someone else? Idiot, don't you see that he only has eyes for you?, or is because you feel like you aren't as cared and loved as he is, because you don't have so much people caring for you like him? Idiot, isn't his love and affection for you enough? Still, non of them really love him the way you do, they just love him for his name and position, and he doesn't care for them anyways
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ikamigami · 5 months
Hey, It's me... The one who was behind the Millennium Productions, Miera.
I somehow lost access to said account so I can only really communicate through the Anon Asks because I know that SOME people on here believe I'm someone another Anon has made me out to be considering the TSAMS fandom.
I've stopped watching TSAMS entirely because I could no longer take how they were treating Eclipse and their other original characters, and I'm honestly HAPPY I've made that decision.
I still love the stuff that I and many others have created, but I barely pay attention to the official stuff now, except for animatics of moments from the newest episodes from some good artists.
I just wanna say to you that you're NOT in the wrong for your psychological analyses, and it IS okay for you to vent on here.
THOSE people don't know what YOU, YOURSELF, are going through, so they don't have the right to dictate what you're SUPPOSED to feel.
I'm sorry I haven't been able to properly come back on here, but I just don't want to be blocked and mocked by the same people that believe these assumptions others have made of me.
I now have a Twitter account and CoHost under the name "Miera Stormrider" where I've become a bit more active on.
If you ever want to DM me on the Twitter one to talk, that's PERFECTLY fine.
-Miera Stormrider
Thank you so much, Miera ^^
I've been through a lot recently irl.. and all these things with the show only made it worse.. I was thankful because it helped me realize many things about myself.. so today's episode hurt so much worse..
I understand that it was probably disturbing to others how I was relating to Sun in a dark way.. but I never felt like that before that my mental issues are seen..
I left Discord because I understood that I can't talk there about these topics but it didn't help cause it was still a problem that I was venting on my blog..
I left Discord on January.. I don't remember when exactly but I left then..
It's all too much for me rn..
Thank you once again for your kind words and concern 💞
And for this kind offer, I'll definitely check out your Twitter account ^^
I'm also sorry that some people were making some awful assumptions about you 😢🫂
I hope that everything is going well for you. You deserve all the best ^^💗
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dootznbootz · 8 days
I saw your rant post about Odysseus x Zeus (or whatever else that is) and honestly I feel like epic fandom in general doesn't treat it to be that deep. You are of course allowed to have a negative reaction to it, but honestly there are so many people making "Odysseus adopts Astyanax AU" as well and treating it as a lighthearted thing when it was literally infanticide. People have fun in AU without thinking too much about the morality of it because it's all fiction. But certain fictional characters can also make us emotional because they are relatable or dear to us, but we can't expect all people to feel the same for fictional charas. I hope this helps you a bit and I have blocked the big artists that support this AU (nothing against them, I just don't wanna see it) so you can do the same for some peace.
Anon, this is genuinely really really sweet. 🥺 Thank you for your kindness. I appreciate it <3
ngl, it just felt nice to vent. I usually try to keep my "angry" takes private but it did feel nice to let it out :)
And I know I can't really "stop it" lol. And even if I'm not a fan of something, I NEVER wanna stop people from making art. I still think there's complexity in that, but in the blankest terms, Art should be of anything. (and definitely folks should not like, "witchhunt" the people who make this AU. that's not cool. Don't do that.)
And someone else in the replies kind of explained how it's mostly the kind of absurdity of the situation that like, "makes it humorous". Like a "pigs could fly" thing. I don't completely understand it but it kind of makes sense. (My neurodivergent, traumatized ass got all worked up lol)
I mean I'm already not the biggest fan of "Whump" and this whole AU felt like "Whump but we're laughing at and making fun of the Whumpee"
I mean as you mentioned with the whole "Astayanax lives AU", idk, while to me it feels... like it's removing the point of both HIS sad story AND Epic's "Just a Man" and it's impact on Odysseus. It STILL is like, a "fix-it AU". granted it's fucked that that poor baby isn't with his mother as he should be but it's still a "yay! Happy things!" sorta AU. It's removing the infantcide lol.
I mean even Epic with it removing Odysseus' SAs from the Goddesses. Still showing his discomfort and distress but he also doesn't need to go through it like in the actual Odyssey. Another "Fix-it" type of AU.
This whole thing was just... very funky for me. Odysseus is already called a manwhore because people do NOT see what is blatantly in the text. And it being treated as something funny just... yeah. ;~;
Helen kind of portrays it best but there's this feeling sometimes of even after what happened and you know it's not your fault, you still feel like some "whore". There's a lot of victimblaming in fandom AND irl.
And I've noticed there's this...common thing I've seen?? Where folks (especially men) who were victims of SA are often portrayed and/or talked about as though they are natually "promiscuous" and that's why what happened to them happened. I mean look at how often Helen is portrayed as a dumb bimbo who "fell in love" with Paris. >:( even if that may be the exact opposite of their feelings and/or wants.
I mean, there's Asterion from BG3 for example. I have not played the game yet (though I really really want tooo) but from the sounds of it, he was "owned" by someone else and you are there with him when he is finally free. And it sounds like he is kind of the most "vanilla" and/or least interested in sex canonically but there's still a lot of stuff that portrays him as very sexual and/or promiscuous.
Hypersexuality is a common coping mechanism/aftermath ofc, but that's a bit of a different conversation lol.
When the whole "Odysseus x Zeus AU" first happened, I was just kind of like "mmm, okay, no thank." but as it got bigger and bigger and with it kind of becoming more...Crude?? And with some of the language used it just really messed with me.
I don't ship Odysseus with anyone other than Penelope but even with folks who ship him with others, I've still thankfully never run into coercion and/or assault with those relationships. Honestly if it was just Zeus x Odysseus, I'd be like "oh dang, not for me" and then just move on but with it being to SAVE his friends? The same thing that happened before? yeh.... I still want a tag that I can block. lol
idk why I rambled so long but it felt nice. :) Again, thank you for your kindness, Dear Anon. <3 I appreciate it.
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merrock · 5 months
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It's not longer gonna be may... it is! I always think of May as the sort of 'kick off' to summer. You're maybe not there yet, but you're getting so close that you can almost taste it! Soon we'll have beach parties and be swimming in the public pool, be grilling with our friends, wearing short shorts and tank tops, but for now, let's go over all of the exciting things that are happening in Merrock in May, shall we?
Hop under the cut and read through, please! xx
MAY 5 -- CINCO DE MAYO / join us at Paco's for good food & demonstrations on how to make it!
MAY 10 -- CLEAN YOUR ROOM DAY / clean up those rooms and donate stuff you don't want anymore!
MAY 12 -- MOTHER'S DAY !!!
MAY 17 -- ENDANGERED SPECIES DAY / learn about Maine's endangered species and how to help them!
MAY 19 -- BAKE OFF !!!
MAY 20 -- WORLD BEE DAY / educate yourself on the importance of bees, buy local honey, start a pollinator garden!
MAY 21 -- INTERNATIONAL TEA DAY / head to What's the Tea to pick up your favorites, or try a new blend!
MAY 25 -- NATIONAL WINE DAY / get out with the girlfriends or your significant other and try some wine!
MAY 27 -- MEMORIAL DAY / with school and big businesses closed, have a picnic, or attend the memorial ceremony.
as usual, brush up on our rules -- we have amended the activity rules to include what we mentioned in the activity check this past week. your two required replies per week must be to two different characters, to avoid bubbling. we will continue to check that you are replying to two different writers every other week.
we'd love to see our OOC utilized a bit more for plotting / threading and group-related things. it's okay to make vent posts / say you're busy/not around! but we don't want people to be discouraged from posting "hey, anyone wanna thread something fun?" or talking about IC/group things just as often.
please, please, please put priority into replying to open starters. we don't want anyone to feel left out or ignored (or not make any starters in the future!) if their starter sits with low notes while people are online and active around them. open starters, even with caps, are a great way to generate connections!
be fair with activity. I know that I say this a lot, but everyone here relies on each other to be able to be active. to you, it might not seem like a big deal, to someone else, it could be the difference between them being able to be active or not! try to work in order when you can, and balance all of your characters. (as a side note, I am always, always willing to help with advice on this!)
take the time today and go over our follow list -- unfollow any and all blogs that are not related to Merrock any longer, and please be sure you are following everyone that is. thank you!
Honestly, we just have one big goal for May, and this goes across the board for everyone: build up that community feeling of the group front and center through involvement, participation & kindness. When we have events in town, please consider getting involved! Jump in on tasks or fun things if you have the time, or even if you don't: we promise, it doesn't hurt to click the heart and show others a little appreciation! It's nice sometimes, to support one another. Put priority into replying to open starters, reach out to plot with those you haven't yet (or if it's been a while). Comment on OOC posts, or as we said above, use the OOC blog to get plots and threads going. It's summer (ish!), let's get our vibes going in the sunny direction.
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