#i dont even know who u are u could be the literal ex CEO and i wouldnt give two fucks bc my contract ends next week
teendirt-agebag · 9 months
if ur a man and are thinking of saying something to me while im at work: dont.
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prorevenge · 4 years
Bully me? Fine, but Ill start a fire as I leave.
I posted in Nuclear Revenge, but was also told to post it here! Sorry its so long, TL;DR at the end!
I worked at a fortune 500 company for almost a year and a half, I wont name names, but it was a shady company to say the least. I started in their quality department, but I was literally fired for being "too quality" for the quality department because I would report sales agents that were forcing crying retirees into making a purchase. So they moved me to the Business Verification Department, so I could instead make these customers happier with their purchase.
Im sorry to say I was far too good at this job as well. I got constant kudos from the quality department that I always hit my marks. I always verified and corrected information, followed procedure to a T, and even took on several extra projects just to help out, including preparing and sending gifts out to our higher volume customers on behalf of the sales reps. I was always on time, I was friendly with everyone, and yet I didn't quite fit in. As a matter of fact, only one person on this new team was someone I could talk to, the others were all mid to late 30s, with kids and husbands/ex husbands. Best way to describe them, its the Heathers that grew old, and hated it.
They would constantly bully me. I dont mean tease me, I mean they would joke about forcing me to work in a broom closet, they would report me for cell phone use even though cell phones were allowed, just no recording or video calling since we would verify card and address information verbally, they would deliberately leave me out of company food orders and celebrations, and even convinced the manager not to promote me, and instead promoted someone who had been there less time with worse quality, only because she 'fit in' better. Shed literally cost the company money shipping product to the wrong address multiple times, and still was promoted within the department.
They would also berate me for the state of my desk. I will say I dont keep a super clean desk, but we are not customer facing, and it was my organized chaos. It wasn't old food or trash, just a general scattering of notes and trinkets that NEVER overflowed past my desk. The real juice here though, was about 4 months into this position, I started documenting all the bullying. Every instance, every word, with a date and time and often a reference within the companies system for where to locate proof of the bullying, all on those little note pads. Well one day I come back from lunch and they had GONE THROUGH MY DESK to "clean" it, going so far as to move my trinkets and pictures around on my desk. I took everything home that day, but I know they'd actually been after my notebooks. Thankfully Id just had to buy a third one (I filled the first two up!) So it was mostly empty.
The final straw came on a fateful February afternoon. It was a Thursday. The one co-worker I got along with and I had been texting back and forth, mostly Craigslist ads for job openings and funny memes to get us through the day, because remember, phones are allowed. She goes to lunch as Im coming back, and I get called into their lawyers office. Me and my one and only friend, were being given formal write ups. Why? (Direct quote) "Your co-workers know you are texting about them and laughing, and they dont like it." So I was getting a write up... Because of an assumption that they had no proof of to begin with, and wasn't even remotely true. The topper of this was as I exited the write up, one of them was face timing her husband. Which was against the rules, but of course she wasn't even spoken to about it.
I was done. Beyond done. I put my head down, barely worked the rest of the day. When I got home, I texted my manager and let her know I was using PTO and Id be out Friday. I spent the whole weekend working on my resignation, because I wanted it to be -just right-.
You see, Id been there a year and a half at that point, and I knew a few things about how this shady company operates by now. I knew on Thursday this was going to be my first time ever to quit a job, and I wanted to do it up right. I wrote in there specific details of the bullying. Dates, times. I mentioned I had many more examples documented. I wrote how it was known behavior and even condoned by the manager. I wrote about the write up. Then, after many critiques, I saved it as a draft.
I walked in on Monday morning, 8 am on the nose. I didn't bother clocking in, and Id already cleaned out my desk remember? I sat down, printed two copies of my email, and then sent it DIRECTLY TO THE CEO.
I of course dropped a copy off with HR, and then walked out. Not a word to my manager. Only my one friend knew the plan. You see I knew theyd snuff out the fire if I said anything to them about why I quit. Sweep it under the rug, oh well, one more person who quit. By involving the CEO, I eliminated that as an option.
In 30 minutes their lawyer was calling me for an "exit interview". They were worried I would sue for a hostile working environment. In hindsight, I should've, but I was more worried about my mental health than monetary compensation.
I found out from my friend that I had in fact started that fire. The whole department was put under review for bullying, cell phones were completely banned, and the manager and her lackeys (last I heard) had been demoted. I also heard whispers that theyd dissolved it completely and merged it with the Quality team, but Im not positive on that.
Im sure it didn't fix everything, but I hope they at least keep their hands out of other peoples desks from now on.
TL;DR my entire team at a fortune 500 company and bullying and harassing me to the point of unfair write ups, so when I quit I sent an email directly to the CEO about my resignation along with the information that everything was thoroughly documented, causing them to majorly reform the department and demote people after I walked out.
(source) story by (/u/Audginator)
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raiponces · 7 years
HIII so im back from korea!!
it was really fun i learned a lot of new korean and it definitely was a confidence booster bc even tho i wasn’t really good i could still communicate with people and a lot of people complimented me on my korean ;;
there was a lot of gd things that happened to me lmfao i went to all of his stores and when we went to an amusement park there was a ~ gd holographic concert~  and when we went in the attendants told everyone to take a pic on this machine thing and  we did and when the concert started the story was basically like gd was rummaging through his old things and he found a bunch of photos of his exes (which were the audience’s faces) and like ?? he said shit like “i dont miss you at all” / “i hate you” / “ i hope you never call me again” / “i cant believe you’re dating my friend” and he even threw a girl’s picture down on the ground and like stepped on it and shit but my pic still hadn’t come up?? and my pic was the last one and he was like “do you still get red when you drink?” and my first thought was “shit boi he’s gonna drag my ass to oblivion” but then he just kept kinda like. staring at the picture in silence and his thumb kinda rubbed over my face in the picture and he was like “....i miss you”
 and then there was a transition screen where my pic kinda appeared and was like “you are my sunshine” and then like holographic gd started singing his song who you (nd the lyrics are like ‘baby i just want u back’ / baby i miss u etc etc) and the attendant came up to me and  was like “excuse me miss please follow me!!” and i was like “o shit shes gonna kick me out for fangirling” and she brought me to the back and made me step on a little podium thing and i was like ???? but she just told me to watch the stage and like near the fuckIGN end there was a bright light on me and they put my hologram on the stage and like GD WAS DANCING NEXT TO ME AND SHIT AND HE WAS ON HIS KNEES BEGGIN FOR ME TO TAKE HIM BACK AND I WAS DYING
and at the end on stage it started raining and he pulled out a red umbrella and like walked up to me and like. covered me from the rain and then he like let the umbrella drop forward so it was covering our faces and hiS FUCKIGN HOLOGRAM KISSED MY HOLOGRAM U BET UR ASS I CRIED!!!!!
ALSO i was in an area where there were fortune tellers and shit and i was passing by one and i made eye contact with this fortune teller and she deadass said dragon and i was so #shook i walked away so fast nd then a week later i came back nd it was less busy and she saw me again and she called me dragon girl but i enver got the balls to go talk to her omfG
ALSO SLAOFHSDFHDJS i went to a couple of entertainment agencies (i went to jyp and i gotta tell u this because like,,,i have a story) but i went in front of there and i was joking around w my friend and was like “hahaha what if we saw jyp” (he’s the ceo of the company but also he’s a musician too?? he famous) BUT THEN HE DEADASS SHSOWED UP LIKE I ACTUALLY SAW HIM GO INTO HIS OFFICE
and like fastforward a couple more days i was in the area of jyp again and i was like...lost af but out of the group i was w (my mom nd her friend’s family0 im like the only one who can speak korean right so i went up to this dude who was sitting in like an open coffee shop place across jyp’s company and i asked him for directions and at first i was like shit dude....this dude is really good looking nd he dresses well like damn.... BUT I DIDNT LIKE?? PAY ATTENTION BECAUSE I WAS SO FOCUSED ON TRYING TO NOT FUCK UP MY KOREAN and i asked him for directions to this one place on my map and he was really nice and he helped me out even tho I DEFINITELY FUCKED UP MY KOREAN but then this one,,,foreign girl?? idk how to put it she definitely did not speak korean and spoke english,,,she ran up to him and she was talking really fast and saying how she was a fan of him and she wanted a photo with him but the dude said no and I WAS LITERALLY JUST STANDING THERE LOOKIGN SO CONFUFSED WHILE HOLDING MY MAP I WAS SO SHOOK AND I STILL NEEDED DIRECTIOns and she left and i think she was legit about to cry since he said no AND I THINK HE WAS EXPECTING ME TO LIKE,,,FREAK OUT OR SOME SHIT BU T I LITERALLY DIDNT KNOW WHO HE WAS AND I STILL DONT KNOW WHO HE IS so i was like “uh anyways,,,,,so i take a left here???” AND LIKE AFTER HE HELPED ME I DEADASS WATCHED HIM WALK INTO JYP ENTERTAINMENT WHO IS HE
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