#i dont even put sugar in my coffee ffs
strawberrykisseslia · 10 months
Vanessa Shelly x F! reader
this was slightly inspired by White dress by Lana Del Rey :) not really the story of the song but the vibe(?) so yea! :D
TW: none; fluff, first love thing, harmless flirting, slight angst with alternative ending, waitress reader
A/N: this is my first work that I actually post so please be kind 😭 i already wrote ffs before but never posted them; English is not my first language so, sorry if I make any grammar mistakes, i dont bother to correct them+ im dyslexic but I'll try my best <3
have a pleasant reading time!
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As always you were working in your favorite diner as a waitress. It was a pretty calm job so you liked it, not the night shifts though, because it was open 24/0.
In the few past months you noticed that a woman always came every morning and always on the same exact time. You never really talked to her more than taking her order, you were too busy. The woman was a police officer so she was also almost always in a hurry.
Today was different. It was pouring rain outside and there weren't many people in. However, your favorite costumer came though. She was wearing her raincoat and the hood was on her. When she came in she took off the hood and gave you a small smile. "The usual?" Your voice broke the silence. She slightly chuckled and nodded while leaning against the counter. "I think you already memorized it well, no?" You turned around and started to make her coffee. A soft chuckle left your lips. "How couldn't I?" She smiled before crossing her arms. You turned your head back and smiled at her. She extremely gorgeous and attractive, how didn't you notice this before? You did now.
Silence filled the almost empty diner, the only sound was the coffee machine. "I'm Vanessa Shelly, by the way. How about you?" Her voice was also soothing. You turned back and faced her while placing down the coffee, sugar and milk down on the counter before you and her. "Y/N L/N." You looked down and started putting the milk and sugar into the coffee. "I like the sounding of your name. How old are you? You seem pretty young." She tilted her head to the side while looking up and down at you. She noticed that your uniform were different from the other waitress's. Yours were white, it suited you just well. You were beautiful even in your uniform.
"I'm 19." You smiled and slided the coffee towards her and you put away the ingredients. She took a sip of her coffee. "Then I was right. You are still pretty young." You nodded, your sweet smile never leaving your face. "Can I ask how old you are?" You were slightly scared by asking her. She sounded more older than you. "I'm already 30." She chuckled and put the coffee down. You were slightly surprised by her age since she looked a lot younger. You would have guessed she is in her early 20s like you. "You don't seem like in a hurry like the other days." You mentioned. She looked at you pretty confusedly. "You noticed?" She smiled. "Today is a bit more chilling than the others. I only have some job to do during afternoon." You were slightly surprised by that but you were also happy that you at least got the chance to talk with her.
After the little chat you had with her, you had to go back to the other customers because finally people came in so it wasn't all empty anymore. Some time later you notice Vanessa wasn't there anymore. You sighed, feeling down because you didn't have the chance to say bye to her. You hoped she comes tomorrow like always.
"Baby! Look what I've found!" Your voice filled the house. You were in front of your closet. In your hand there was your old white dress that you wear when you first had your conversation with Vanessa. It was nostalgic to see it again after years of it being at the closets darkest corner.
Vanessa came up to you to your shared bedroom with a small smile. She walked up to your side and noticed the dress in your hand. A wave of nostalgia went through her and a bigger smile went on her lips. "Oh my god! Is that the dress you were working in when we first met? It's been so long since I last seen it!" She laughed lightly. You nodded and smiled. "It's been a while... Should I try it on some time?" You turned around and put the dress down on the bed. Looking down at it, it was still in good conditions, you only needed to wash and it would be better than ever. "I would love to see it on you again." Her voice was filled with nothing other than love. She put her arm around your waist and kissed your forehead. "I love you." You giggled and turned to face her. You put your arms around her neck and gently stroked her hair that was down. Her beautiful green eyes looking into yours and that loving and that gorgeous smile you fell in love with was smiling at you. "I love you too. More than anything."
I only mention it cause it was such a scene and I felt seen.
"Baby! Look what I've found!" Your voice filled the house. You were in front of your closet. In your hand there was your old white dress that you wear when you first had your conversation with Vanessa. It was nostalgic to see it again after years of it being at the closets darkest corner.
Your girlfriend came in with curiosity to your shared bedroom. "What is it?" She asked. Her voice was much different from Vanessa's. It was a lot harsher but of course, you loved your girlfriend so much but somehow... you still remember to Vanessa's voice and always fantasize about it.
You smiled at her. "Looked what I've found..." You repeated yourself and turned to face her. She came closer to you. "Oh! Was that your old uniform?" She smiled. "It must nostalgic to see it again. Probably it holds many dear memories to you, no?" You nodded and looked down at the dress in your hand.
"Truly. Many dear memories."
'I only mention it cause it was such a scene and I felt seen.'
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