#i dont have the energy to do anything to myself in ways of pleasure
ashtraysystem · 10 months
i have a headache right now and gods what i wouldn't give to have my partner playing with my neck and my hair at the base of my skull. touch there just feels so so so good, and i absolutely hold a lot of tension there so their gentle yet firm touch there makes me purrrrrr.
it sends shivers down my spine in the most wonderful way, and i am craving it hardcore right now.
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youremyheaven · 3 months
How does sensuality work? I never understood (probably because I am way too stuck in the head). Sometimes I aspire to be honestly, though it doesn't come naturally unfortunately.
OMGGG I love this question 🤪✨😍
I consider myself very sensual 🥰🤪😜 and I realllyyy enjoy being in that energy 😌🫣🙈
First of all, lets begin by understanding what sensuality is and what it is not.
There is a world of difference between sexuality and sensuality. they're like night and day.
and you can be one without being another. because of the culture we live in, most people are sexual without being sensuous.
Sensual is understood as involving the five senses but also being sexually suggestive.
Sexual means relating to sex
Sensuality is more about enjoying yourself and life than it is about sexually pleasing or being sexually inviting. Sensual people seem more alive and vibrant because they truly enjoy the simple things and fine things, so they dont sweat the small stuff and usually maintain a calm and relaxed demeanour.
Sexual energy is more frantic, more wild, more aggressive. its very in your face and hard to miss. its someone asking you to give it to them, basically.
Sensuality is self-contentment and enjoying pleasure in all its many forms. be it food, music, dance, art, walking, looking at the sunset. A sensual person just enjoys absolutely everything. When you're in the presence of that energy, you feel similarly relaxed and open. They come across as warm, open and welcoming, its comfortable being around them. Someone who is fully alive will always naturally be perceived as "sexy" because they signal that they're open to enjoyment and pleasure.
All of these are subconscious impressions we form of people in nanoseconds, and whether we know it or not, we all pick up on energy and treat people accordingly. Why do we feel like being nicer to some people and standoffish with others??? its all down to the vibe. you can be a "good" person and still feel like you cant be good to some people who havent even done anything to you. its all just vibes.
I suggest reading Uses of the Erotic by Audre Lorde to understand this more. It's an essay and it's only a few pages long and she describes being erotic as a feeling of being alive.
pleasure activism by adrienne maree brown is another book i recommend on this topic.
now onto HOW to be sensual
Sensuality means being fully alive, open and vibrant. So in order to be sensual, you have to embody that.
You correctly said that you're too in your head and feel disconnected to sensuality because in order to be sensual, we have to get out of our head and into our bodies.
Sensuality necessitates forming a deep profound connection with our bodies.
This is why dancing is so sensual. just moving your body can feel so vulnerable but there is nothing as sexy or confident as someone who knows how to move???
there are many dance centered trauma release + "feminine flow" type activities. i know many of you get the ick from hearing things like "feminine flow" and i dont blame you lmao but being feminine, strictly energetically speaking means being relaxed, soft and flowing. thats Yin energy in Daoism.
dating in our era sucks because even men want princess treatment and it shows that Yin energy is def something that can be channelled by people regardless of gender lmfao xD
now many people have adopted a very harsh, aggressive "go-getting" approach to succeeding our toxic capitalist patriarchal world and whilst that might help us make some progress, we're constantly at the risk of burnout. so its in our best interest and for our long term well being to learn how to be chilled out and not sweat the small stuff.
think of Yin energy as the energy of being chilled out.
we can win and gain things by fighting for it but isnt it better to gain the same things in a softer gentler way??? you can work 200 hours a week, suck up to your boss and do all the extra work and someone else who does none of that will get 5 promotions while u get nothing. basically, life is not "fair", i.e, our efforts aren't necessarily going to be compensated for adequately and if you can get better results by doing less and chilling more, then whats the harm????
people who go far in life are often just people who are pleasant and fun to have around. look at any self-made individual and they'll have boat loads of charisma. whereas nepo babies wont even know how to hold a conversation bc they never had to lmao
anyways sorry for getting sidetracked (me everytime i talk lmao)
Do more body-centric activities to feel more connected to your body
this can be dancing, yoga, pilates or any exercise, or other hobbies like pottery, sewing, painting, basically anything you can do with the involvement of your body??? do that
they help you get out of your head and be in the here and now
being more present is like 50% of sensuality
and once you do things you care about more, you'll naturally shift to a place where you cut out things you dont enjoy and people you dont want to be around. youll enjoy life more. its all connected.
When you see someone with that raw earthy sexiness, don't they just seem so wild and free??
It's that. Someone who has that glow ✨
i hope this helped and provided some insights <333 i hope you get glowingggg <333
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soursturniolo · 6 months
hi! I saw where you identify as a transmasc person so I was wondering if you'd write a nick x ftm!reader smut?? with top nick??
hi lovely! I'd love to, but it makes me a bit nervous. I am only one trans guy, so I cannot write a fic that would accurately depict an act as intimate as sex that would be accurate for all trans individuals. I'll explain more.
TW: light discussions/references to genitals
so. speaking from my own experience and some trans men I'm friends with, sex can be very nuanced and different. for example, some trans men who have not had bottom surgery either because they don't want it (which is 100% valid for any reason) or haven't had the chance yet (because it is expensive, takes lots of preparation, and it is a major decision and major surgery), only have anal sex. for some trans men, vaginal sex or anything relating to that part can be very triggering and cause body dysmorphia.
however, some trans men (like myself) do not mind and can actually enjoy vaginal sex as well as anal, even prefer it. it doesn't make us less than a man. we are still men. we are still just as valid.
both are completely valid feelings. it's all personal preference and what helps someone feel most comfortable, most pleasure, and most safe and like themselves.
with writing nick with ftm!reader, I also fear people who will try to be transphobic and claim that I'm "not respecting nick" by possibly writing him having sex with a person who may still have what is deemed as female genitalia. while this would be stupid because trans men are men no matter what is in their pants, it's a fear I have. and backlash like that would be very triggering and invalidating to me and many others. i would hope people wouldnt respond that way, but i am well aware of the fact that transphobia is very much still alive and well, even in this little community on Tumblr. I've gotten transphobic asks. do I respond? no, i delete them and move on because people like that dont deserve my time or energy. but still. I have gotten them. and it sucks every time.
I also don't want people equating me writing nick with a ftm!reader as writing him with a woman. because that is nowhere near the same thing, and that is very transphobic. trans men are men. gay men can and do have sex with trans men. (yes. even vaginal sex. because we are men, and they're attracted to men. I'm speaking from experience here besties)
overall there's a lot of nuances here. and I'm curious to see and hear what others may think. so if you've read this far, let me know what you think.
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Position talk ;p
Okay so I truly feel like only a handful are viable. No karma sutra craziness here lol no pretzeling.
I'm just gonna shoot from the hip and you can add and discus as you'd like <3
Doggy is always a good go to for alot of reasons. I'm a lover of the body and it gives me a wonderful view of ass, back muscles, movements I soak up the little details! Plus being able to put my body weight down and really rutt into someone is other worldly. Not to mention the things they/I can do from the bottom (disclaimer I have yet to have the pleasure of bottoming or really ventured into that space unfortunately). I'm a sucker for matching the rhythm of the thrusts, pushing back onto them ugh!!! Reaching back and feeling them up, making out from behind all of it!
I'm also a big sucker for being ridden like just letting me lay back and be used and enjoyed while I get to absolutely admire and worship your body! Like I said details details details I'm looking at all of them, also hip grabbing no matter the position is the best thing to ever be ever. Reverse isn't something I've had any real experience with outside seeing other people do it but fuck if it wouldn't absolutely melt my brain. I'm a horny mess as it is so you give me anything and I'm absolutely addicted.
Oh oh oh big fan of bigspoon, littlespoon cuddleducking oh gods do I love that!!!! Cuddling on the couch and watching TV and suddenly pulling your bottoms down and slowly fucking them while hands roam bodies gods take me now lol. I truly am a slut and will match your horny energy as best I can!
Anywhere for the most part is game for me I'm not super shy when we get me to that comfort level. Whatever position we need to pull off to make whatever space we are in to work I'm 100000% down. Hell I know alpg of people consider 69ing to be impractical but holy hells do I absolutely love someone putting their weight down on me and letting me enjoy a full meal! Head is something for me that is so interesting to me, I haven't really had it done much at all to me. The partners I have/had just didn't have the want to reciprocate or even the desire to give me that solo pleasure. So I have this sorta obsession with it lol.
Mim a service switch so I'll do what you want me to lol.
Throwing legs over shoulders is always super fun! Like full mating press! (Breeding kink goes burr) I really tiptoe into the few sexual encounters I've had because I can become so ravenous with partners. I love sex so much and if you have that same energy I can't keep my hands off you. I just lose myself in it.
Oh another one that just came to mind but any form of standing/carrying positions!! While difficult at times oh gods does it do something to me. Like I always imagine someone standing behind me or vise versa perking me off and whispering just the dirtiest things.
Speaking of dont let anyone tell you hand stuff isn't worth doing! I use to be on that boat but I was fooling myself. Touch me, kiss me, lick me, suck me, bite me I do not care just as long as you make me yours!! Like if you actively show me that you want me physically I'm over the moon!
Not a position per se but texting, pics, phone sex definitely counts in my book. Super into it! Long distance relationships are something I have no issue with whatsoever, I will make time for you as much as I can :p. Finding ways to keep that flair alive is so so fun! You just get so innovative with ways to please your partner!! Ugh I'll for sure have to do a part 2 to this or if people respond I'll just continue talling there im on Like 2hrs sleep in 48hrs (sleepy sex is my favorite as well lol)
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inniave · 4 days
ask game: tagged by @kestreleve (thank you!) do you make your bed: yes, but typically right before its time to sleep. i spend most of the day in bed and i really only have the energy to make it the once. i do have to fix the sheets a lot though cause its one of those like adjustable hospital beds and the sheets are always sliding off when its sat up lol what’s your favorite number: mmm i really like 3 and 7. i tend to prefer odd numbers for design purposes. current job: at the moment i’m too disabled to work regularly but i do temp contract accounting work when i can
if you could go back to school, would you: absolutely! i miss university a lot. going back and getting my degree would mean so much. highschool or earlier though? absolutely not
can you parallel park: yes! but i don’t drive anymore so maybe that’s changed
a job you had that would surprise people: i was a research assistant on the largest federally funded native plant conservation project in our region! it was amazing and i miss it all the time
do you think aliens are real: yes 100%
can you drive a manual car: if you had a gun to my head, probably?
guilty pleasure: i am unlearning feeling bad about doing things that make me feel good <3
tattoos: the ones i’ve done myself are 1. paper airplane over my heart 2. many/one circles on my chest 3. trinity together on my hip and the ones done in a shop 4. creation of adam on my rib cage 5. plants on the other side of my rib cage 6. leaf on my arm. have a bunch more planned for when i can afford supplies lol
favorite color: all of them. what i wear most is black, but for most objects i go for pastels
favorite music genre: impossible to pick one. the one i listen to the most sub-genres in though is probably rock.
do you like puzzles: yes unless they’re impossible then its just frustrating
phobias: pretty much all of my fears come from trauma so i dont really see them as phobias. i do have a lot of paranoia but that’s different, you know?
favorite childhood sport: dance saved my life over and over. i miss it like hell.
do you talk to yourself: yeah but in a did way so not really but also yes ??
favorite movies: howls moving castle and another one i wont mention the name of but its like the only thing that some nights can get me to sleep when the flashbacks are really bad. i basically just watch those two movies over and over and over, sometimes 3-5 times in a day! my trusty dvd player does honorable work
coffee or tea: both! we’re pretty evenly split on which we like better
first thing you wanted to be when you grew up: i don���t remember. i don’t know if there ever was anything, i was suicidal pretty early on in childhood and i never really had “aspirations” or anything like that. at some point i did really wish i could be a cat, if that counts lol! thanks for the tag! this was fun :) no pressure tags!
@lonelyplanetfag @cromwelll @lakejosie @wickershells @bookendsguy + anyone else who wants to join in!
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halavibe · 6 months
i was tagged by @hils79! tags and post below cut
do you make your bed? - i make it and it kind of stays made for a long time because i just dont disturb it? so to 'make it' i really just have to straighten the covers from when i get out of the bed. so yeah.
what's your favourite number? - 9
what is your job? - full time student, currently studying web design/dev, but ive had just about every job tbh
If you could go back to school would you? - i am right now! its never too late but its always a challenge
can you parallel park? - yeah! im a pretty good driver
a job you had that would surprise people? - i used to drive semi trucks across the us
do you think aliens are real? - they have to be. theres just no way they arent. this take is more nuanced than i have the energy or space to type out right now tbh
can you drive a manual car? - yes! i do prefer them
what's your guilty pleasure? - if it brings me pleasure im not guilty about it (crayon by g dragon)
tattoos? - two stick and poke finger tattoos i gave myself at fifteen, and a quote on my left forearm
favourite colour? - purple
favourite type of music? - i am a listen to anything person but i love appalachian gothic and pop punk/emo. and obviously kpop
do you like puzzles? - depends on the puzzle
any phobias? - bees/wasps/flying, buzzing bugs
favourite childhood sport? - n/a
do you talk to yourself? - no, im pretty non verbal when left to my own devices
what movie(s) do you adore? - howls moving castle, spirited away, hunchback of notre dame, lilo and stitch, prince of egypt
coffee or tea? - coffee i guess but neither
first thing you wanted to be growing up - farmer, age five. so i could 'dig in the dirt'
as usual, consider this your tag to do it if you want to! also @wooyoungisbaby, @bunnakit, @vesvosmozhno, @ihavetoomanyfandomstobesane, and @chaoticcupcakeconnoisseur but i dont think hell do it
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malewife-kirby · 7 months
asks 6 8 27 35 40 45 49 50 65 <3
6. something you did in bed youd love to do again?
hmm!! i’d love to get both my holes fingered at the same time again😳 it was So fun it felt crazy. i havent had the chance to do double pen using toys with someone else yet but i have done it myself and GOD it feels good
8. something you never did in bed and would love to do?
i’d love to do more bondage stuff!! i need to practice my ropework but i’d Love to play with a cutie whos helpless for me💕💕 or even be all tied up and squirmy myself and just have to take whats given 🥺
27. whats an article of clothing you would love to see your crush/partner in?
ouuughh i’d love to see my boyfriend in a suit! i know he’d look So dapper and stunning i’d just have to sit at his feet or in his lap all day. bonus points if theres lingerie under the suit
35. do you like to have rough sex? what so you like the most?
i LOVE rough sex i think it’s So fun!! it just depends how im doing energy wise. i Love play wrestling and pinning and struggling. i love getting bruised and manhandled. i always get a lil nervous being rough w my boyf bc i dont wanna hurt him but i absolutely would love to go crazy on him. but i do be having a kinda high pain tolerance and i just adore being grabbed and smacked and bit
40. what are your favorite pet names to be called during sex?
hmm!! i really like anything thats gender affirming, like pretty daddy, handsome boytoy, but have been dipping my toes into some petplay stuff and getting called puppy or mutt kinda makes me😳😳😳 but i also Looovvve any sort of possessive moniker if you put a my or mine before what ur gunna call me… im putty. i also love dumbification and like. praise/degradation combo i dont like Just being insulted. like calling me a pretty stupid boy or a brainless fuck toy
45. what would you love to roleplay as in bed?
oooohhh there are a few on my mind. i would love to try and be my boyfriends guard dog🥺 test the waters and see how it feels getting in that headspace. i’d love to do a kinda intox scene where (either me or the boy) are being encouraged to keep smoking or drinking at the other persons discretion. i also think it could be potentially fun to pretend to do like a blackmail/revenge porn kinda scene and it might help me work thru some past stuff, but we’d have to tread a lil more carefully
49. favorite thing to do when dominating?
Fucujkkk i Love taking care of my sub. i love being able to take my time and tease and wrow.. im absolutely a pleasure dom so i wanna know youre feeling good and its bc of me. i love reminding him hes mine in all sorts of ways!! i love worshipping him bc he deserves it
50. favorite thing to do when being dominated?
i LOVE getting marked up and i LOVE marking up my boyfriend :3 i love using his back like a scratching post and just feeling him💕💕💕i love to be helpless or like “put in my place” i love being told what to do. i’d love to put on a show and like try and “fight back” or resist but i like it so much its hard for me to even pretend
65. is there a kink/fetish you would like your partner to have? why?
hmm! idk i’d love to explore more cnc, Maybe petplay and perhaps some dom/sub dynamics w my boyfriend but fr fr he’s perfect and i love exploring and trying new things w him
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probablynotnothing · 4 months
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This picture is from a book called "all along you were blooming" by morgan harper nichols.
its almost unbearably hard trying to be a human who is good, careful, smart, forward thinking, and doesnt harm others. i didnt experience pain like this when i was younger. i know now i dont use any substances at all it is also terrifying and frightening to experience emotions i prevented ever experiencing when i was younger. through numbing in many various ways. some of these emotions its not necessary for me to experience but i dont know yet which these are. so coming off the tail end of the season of pointing my anger against myself, i will use the last remains of this guilty desire to harm myself by experimenting with what does and doesnt help me in certain contexts.
It's so difficult to know myself and what works for me to do to feel better in different circumstances, since i relied on drugs, sex and food when younger in a way that I now associate with my downfalls and shame. Yes many things i did to cope and make myself feel better when younger had outcomes not in my best interest, but there was really magic in doing things by consulting my inner desire and enjoyment. i want to do that now and minimize harm (financial, health, relational) while also being compassionate to myself that my brain doesn't experience joy and rewards with the things that "it should" experience rewards with. I dont have patience, i dont like arts and crafts, I like hands on activities and exploring and learning, and thats ok.
I cant problem solve it and know all the answers right now regarding how to think about myself and life. i'm frustrated so many people know who they are and what theyre doing, and that they feel inherently rewarded doing the things that take me massive willpower to force myself to do. i feel betrayed that i don't enjoy doing much and certainly don't seem to enjoy anything "upright" and "productive".
i have so much debt and dont have any financial plans in place. i keep eating out because its the only way i can feel comfort and pleasure lately and i don't have the energy and patience to cook like i used to. i know my unhappiness directly relates to my job, and my job directly relates to my financial constraints. it seems like a self perpetuating cycle. Don't know the way out but im grateful to remember this is a major aspect of my unhappiness and anger, and I'm not just "broken". I'm experiencing appropriate human emotions for a human in my circumstances and history.
I force myself to go to these classes I dread each week because i tell myself if I don't I may be stuck in my exhausting dead end job forever and never get closer to my goals and just keep breaking down my body more with overworking myself in fast paced physical labor jobs. I'm experiencing the discomfort of something new yes- but I am also experiencing the discomfort of incompatibility and disagreement in philosophy (dog training), and a lack of inherent rewards. I'm trying to force myself to behave in a way I think I should to accomplish my goals, but doesnt the path my end goal need to be filled with things i find bearable and rewarding in order to confirm i'm on the path?
I keep on feeling like a ghost. winding up in situations where i dont want to be rude and infringe ("who am i to sidetrack this person's path"). while its important to be able to quietly peacefully depart paths and leave into the night, at some point i do need to also learn how to be honest about confusion, disagreements, etc. because i need compassion for myself, to be willing to take up room and help those who may not want to ask for help or admit they need help, and i need others to help me by giving me opportunities so i can selfishly have a job that is actually compatible with me and my inherent advantages/ strengths and disadvantages/weaknesses.
I need to recognize for myself the difference between sincerely liking someone and being compatible, and the difference of living in "customer service mode" and trying to be likable and peaceable with everyone.
When i survived when i was younger, and got out of homelessness, could i have accomplished it in ways that didnt involve gritting my teeth and forcing myself to "stick with the program"?
it feel like an overwhelming disaster to examine and sort through how my unhappiness relates to practical matters of the present or past memories, but its worth it for me to try to find my peace adn happiness, and try to get to the life i want to live, even when it feels impossible.
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prettyflyshyguy · 6 months
Alright for the freaks who are oldschool Supernatural tumblr people, or just normal supernatural people, and for the rest who are just like me and don't know shit: I'm dumping all my garbo takes under the cut.
Mostly gonna be me either being really enamored or really upset.
No in-between. These things are either great or the worst. My tastes are specific and I'm picky with vampire fiction and rarely do I find media that ticks the boxes yet, I still watch almost anything I can find obsessively.
Who knows maybe this'll become a new casual TV series if I like the dynamics. Anyway, long post warning under the cut.
They got Bela Lugosi's Dead playing in a room full of nu-metal heads LMFAO
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truly the alt communities have always been done so dirty in media
least they did their research on song choices
jesus christ
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flashbacks to my steampunk phase circa 2011
I LOVE that this woman looks so normie and looks so delighted when she meets this equally normie looking dude in an alternative bar (i want to go there the people seem chill and the vibes are impeccable)
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anyway who is this guy he seems familiar
love that they made the most normal dude in the bar the real monster good on them :)
christ they just took one look at twilight and went yeah lets TV parody this shit just for a laugh didnt they
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OK ok ok you get big bonus points just for this bit. Just for this bit.
Thank you supernatural go off
"I'm just scared I'm dreaming and I'll wake up in math class" girl me too
im sorry this woman looks so much older than 17
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great eyes, horrendous teeth. very dissapointed. I'm only here for the fucked up canines because we already HAVE them and whats better than perverting the existing human form into something subtly wrong
This show has such an aggressive title screen compared to buffy and the x files LMAO
ok i can get behind the chevvy, the chevvy is nice
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POINTS ADDED - holy shit points added for this cheesy poster alone really capturing the schtick of the late 2000s
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ok i get it, i get it guys, they're fun, they're funny, they've got a great sibling energy, the periodic 'screaming' happening in the background of this scene is sending me
this has been too fun so far i feel like somethings gonna ruin it
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Ok this is so self aware yet the degree they're committing is just.
its marvelous. this is peak. I'm into it.
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there are so many ads please i want to see dean have a bad day
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Holy shit is that Skinner from the x files i love that guy
the fashion. iconic. if anything I'll be coming back to this for inspiration for myself.
the way Dean just slammed that guy on the car yelling "OPEN YOUR MOUTH"
yeah instant favourite.
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you've rounded a corner, a dude has just beat the shit out of your brother and now he's about to force feed him blood and your response is: stand there staring like the shocked pikachu
oh so you wait till after he's done to scream "no!" in a half hearted tone
is there something I'm missing here, i know Sam gets a bit cooked at some point (does he get possessed??? idk) so I'm gonna assume thats whats going on
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this is the best 'turning' scene I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing in all my years of trawling through vampire media
holy shit the team that wrote this episode fucking get it
the audio design, the acting, is so on point
Supernatural Crew you cooked so hard and I'm deeply thanking you for it
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this was fucking made for me what the fuck what the fruck what the fuck what the fuc
Nooooo dont have an emotional breakdown in the bathroom looking at your fangs, but you're so sexy aha
The constant heartbeats anytime Deans in a room with someone got me grinning like :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
ok points deducted, again, for bad teeth but my god
the "I gotta go-" scene GOOD SHIT GOOD SHIT
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someone get this kicked puppy a sippy cup
a red fanta chug jug
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where is his sippy cup
look i know its probably not fun, at all, to drink red mystery meat juice on set but its gotta be cheaper than CGI teeth. Please.
Please let more relunctant vampires reluctantly chug jug (with you)
Oh Never Mind they wrote it in that he can't drink or he's stuck >:(
im still having a good time, just a bit less of a good time
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using a large serrated knife to cut appart a horde of vampires seems like a great idea and getting covered in blood you're not supposed to drink is inevitable
but watch out
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Sam: thats a pretty mentally stable thing to do
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ok this scene of him makes up for the lack of authentic blood chug jug I'll take what I can get
Ok final thoughts: that was a solid 7 and a half out of 10
thank you Supernatural you hit almost all the high notes when most stuff falls flat for me. Still, you came soooooooooo close. And got so far. And Yet in the end it doesnt even matter.
Still, this one's going straight to the pool room, and I can comfortably say I'm throwing it on the shelf of 'comfort media' that I can go back to on a bad day.
This had some fucking BANGER scenes that surpassed my expectations and deeply pleasantly surprised me. Good shit! As someone who is hard to please, this was a riot. Still; a shame they arbritrarily rules-d him taking a chunk out of someone. Would have been sick. Could have had the great slow build up of the initial turning scene - him and the love interest, holding back - then him cracking it after holding out and snapping.
It is not too much to ask, I swear. It's a good trope.
Do I dare take the risk of trawling through fanfiction to find another horribly specific weirdo like me, because Supernatural seems huge and a scary place to fanfic trawl.
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openvacant · 2 years
I’ve really been living my free-use hole fantasy lately. 
Most mornings, my partner rolls my still-groggy body onto its side and curls up next to me from behind. I can feel their dick tensing and stiffening against my hole, and it makes me begin to grow wet. Slowly they start pressing their dick inside me without saying a word, or engaging in any foreplay, or otherwise doing anything to wake me up. 
They grab hold of my hip and stabilize my head with either a firm grip on the crown of my hair, or with their hand grasping my jaw and a few fingers lodged in my mouth. 
Often they watch porn while they use me. I can feel their phone pressed against the back of my head, and can hear their thumb flipping through images, scrubbing through videos, or sometimes even typing up messages to other holes while they pump themselves inside. I can hear them breathing lightly, but nothing else. The sound is always off and they don’t say a word. When they use me like this, I try my best to stay quiet too, so I don’t distract from the visuals that are really getting them off. I’m just a warm wet masturbation sleeve that’s always available to them, forever wet, forever compliant, and endlessly grateful to be at their disposal. 
Most times, they do nothing to stimulate me and do not touch me, other than to spread open my lips and hold my body in place. I can feel their dick press in me so deep, feel the moisture and warmth of my insides enveloping them. Sometimes they use me slowly, almost dreamily, making full use of my body to relax themselves and help themselves drift back off to sleep. Other times they begin fucking me roughly, pressing down on my hips or my head while they jam their dick in and out with increasing vigor and speed. Sometimes I can feel them tense up against the opening of my cervix, and the walls of me shudder around them with anticipation and need. 
After they’ve fucked me for a while, they always spurt three long streams of cum way deep inside me, punctuated by one or two low, primal grunts. and then they relax right where they are lying, their cock sliding out naturally on its own as it deflates, streams of their cum and my wetness running out of my opening, drenching my inner thighs and the head of their dick. They pull my body off of their own after that, with one quick, dispassionate movement of their hand on my ass. I’ve been put to the full extent of my usefulness then, and so I’m dismissed, dripping and flushed with arousal, silent and satisfied. 
This happens to me most days now. I begin my mornings being used without being asked, soaked in cum but not made to cum myself. Though I’m personally orgasming far less than I used to, I find myself feeling vastly more satisfied than I ever have. All of my sexual energy is focused on pleasing my partner. I don’t masturbate or make myself cum without their permission, and we are together so much these days that it’s rare that I ask. So my main sexual outlet is getting used like a cum sock by them most mornings. 
 I don’t miss cumming or masturbating more at all, and I dont have any of the old anxiety I used to get when I went a few days without touching myself or getting fucked. My sexuality is almost entirely tied to my partner, every orgasm I have is credited to them and it’s up to them whether I get to experience pleasure at all. But simply being used by them and filled with their cum brings me such peace that I feel fully satisfied and more able to focus during the day. I used to spend hours per day masturbating or swept up in fantasies and now I feel almost that my sexuality is activated by their need and sated by their satisfaction. 
I swear my body is attuned to their libido and addicted to their cum. Being filled with their loads gives me an immense mood boost. I love the sting of it against my interior walls. I can feel some of it coursing around high up in my vaginal canal near my cervix. There’s a full, content sensation in my lower belly I can feel all day. I go around all day feeling pleasant and uplifted and calm. 
They use my mouth a lot too. We’ll be on the couch in the evenings watching a movie and then they’ll drag my hand to their crotch and I’ll feel their dick stiffening. I’ll hold it lovingly in one hand, my toes wriggling with excitement as they get harder and then pop themselves out of their shorts. I turn toward them obediently, bending down and taking their full shaft in my mouth, coating it with saliva, bowing down low with their hands on my head until they’re in my throat. 
And then they fuck me like that, while I spray spit all over them and take them, sometimes for an hour or more. I’ve blanked out for whole movies, just contentedly sucking, my body pressed against their body adoringly, their cock never leaving my mouth, just gasping around their shaft while they hold my head in place and thrust upward into me. 
When they cum, it sprays so far back in my throat that I barely taste it and don’t even have to think about swallowing. and then i collapse into their lap, my face streaked with saliva and my eyes bleary, feeling so happy and aroused and well put to use. my cunt is always so wet and my cock’s so engorged after they do it. sometimes they press a hand between my legs and play with my little t dick and make me cum and dribble wetness over and over and over while I suck them. other times they just use my throat while watching the movie and looking at porn on their phone. it doesnt matter. both are equally pleasurable. i cum when they want me to and i dont when they dont. but what matters is their pleasure and that i get to be a vessel for it. 
it excites me so much, every single time they take hold of me. im their obedient object and i love it so much. i have dreamed all my life of living this way. 
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ugly-mane · 2 years
i cant rly keep dumping my feelings on my friends but i have such strong emotions all the time without any way to regulate them !! 
i have no idea what to do at thiis point to be honest. been drinking a lot more but it doesnt really even cheer me up it just sorta staves off that little substance abusing impulse.
i really used to be so much better at moderating my feelings and being rational in response, i used to genuinely believe that things naturally will get better or that i understood the pattern of my emotions. but idk, i rly feel like im losing grip on reality and cant bring myself to believe that i will get to a place in life where it isnt such a struggle to do literally anything. i just find no pleasure in anything right now except w/ friends and im pushing them away bc of how much of a bummer i am 2 be around
ive had the onset of so many new symptoms within the past year or two and grown more self aware in general which is a fucked up combo because it just compounds all the bad feelings about myself i get everyday. i think i could probably get better.. i just feel like i’ve procrastinated for so long, ive dug myself and spiraled into a pit so deep i will never be able to get out by myself. and no one knows how to help me or what to do with me, not psychiatrists or therapists or friends or family, i am just a waste of energy after a certain point.. or more so a frustrating, fickle, ultimately lost cause that people hold out hope for, because what else can you do?
i am so fatigued, very physically ill and in chronic pain, so mentally hurt, i know how to help myself and what to do but i have been very low and i cannot bring myself to believe that there is a point to trying anymore. i dont even enjoy my hobbies anymore, even music is just kinda.. eh. i lack the energy to help myself and when no one else will help , and at best can only sort of tolerate my emotional volatility , it feels so much easier to just overdose and die instead
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nineslover222 · 3 months
I have no mouth & I must scream
Forgotten, my body is laying on the gurney, two slits in my neck to hose out the blood. Damn. It appears I’m bleeding out alive! Oh my Atlanta! My stupid head is upside down! There’s a pretty woman with long black hair however, so who am I to label this as a dreadful situation! Ms.Banshee (this is her name I’ve decided,) runs her fingers by my neck, properly adjusting the tubes. My body feels like I’ve stuck it against a waterfall! How serene. Ah the pain of feeling dry. Squeezed out by a banshee doing her dishes for I am a sponge. Roses stain me and her hands! What a fine wine I make. To my disappointment, Ms.Banshee is gone and so is my libido. Blue light fancies me instead and I roll my eye. Half of me is scarred by fire and I’ve managed to lose an eye after 109 years, arguably this computer is shit. Imagine destroying humanity and you pick me as 1 of 6 to keep in a sex dungeon! There is nothing to destroy? Once again, computers. It’s to my great pleasure that I don’t have to explain the situation since Ted has already. I will state that I do not like Ted though. I don’t actually quite like anyone here. Anyone as in what’s left of these people. Which is fine, because no one likes me and I get that fact out in tears later. At first this whole thing sucked but I’ve gotten quite used to this. Lucky me! Lucky me! My nerves are fried and the psychology that follows my brain is etched in! Little computer wouldn’t have fun without me anyways! I’m a court jester ya ta da ta da! Or a suck up. Another reason I’m not lyked. I do AM’s job for it. I’m basically employee of the month here. Employee of 109 years.
“Who are you talking to?”
“God you’re fucking crazy.”
“Blah Blah I crazy.”
“This computer am i right? Ah I have no skin. Now I can see if there’s anything underneath!” Nimdok sighs in a very nazi way.
I throw up. My stomach twists and reminds me of my mom. The bile lands on Gorristor’s shoes and I can already tell he is not amused. My eyelids flicker as I remain humorous. AM pretends to not lyke me but I’m aware of its superficial love for me. Not that AM didn’t attempt to take this from me, in rather depressing manners. But usually AM doesn’t give up on these types of things, I am an exception. I throw up confetti. An unpleasant rainbow sprinkle pile mixed with yellow and clear fluid settles between the rusty metal panels. I wipe my mouth with the bottom of my shirt and lay on the heated metal. The mixture a bit too close to my head. I cook on the metal like a pork chop on a frying pan. My eyes blink slowly, luckily for me i guess it doesn’t take much to make me miserable. My mind already deteriorates at the comparison of myself to a slab of edible flesh. If AM were to attempt to go much further in this area, it’d break me. Which is arguably no fun to fix. It takes time and AM is impatient. Something I’ve also picked up. This drives the other five mad, which I’m sure makes AM happy in some way. As much as I love playing Jester it comes at a tragic cost, I shrug. Staring at the floor besides me and talking to the banshee. Her gross nails stabbing into my muscles. I welcome the pain. AM is cruel but giving me the banshee woman is what gives me the last sliver of sanity. Which is right where AM wants me, standing on a sharp point forever balancing between utter nonsense & meaning. My throat burns and a bloody bile batter spills from the corner of my mouth. Slightly from my nose as-well. Whatever. I don’t have the energy to roll my eye but I stare at hers. The patterns around me shift and I feel sick again. Stuck on a conveyor belt that doesn’t know which way to go. Still and stuck on every axis at the same time. AM understands kinetic energy and time is a cruel concept made up by humans. I stare at a broken clock that randomly decides when it’s not broken. The border of it forms a wallpaper that’s been there since the 60s. I hit the wall and crack several teeth. Sometimes I wonder what this all looks like from the other 5’s point of view. Sometimes I can see. It’s rather comical. I truly am a jester with hooks coming from the inner skeletal system. Stringed up to nothing. Yet moving accordingly. My body has never been mine and will never be. I’ll never even know who owns it either.
Despite my adventures, sometimes I get a glimpse of what’s going on else where. Not that that window was even worth opening. It’s better to stay inside with the banshee and sandpaper that scores its body system of choice. Staring at a blue screen that looks like someone I once knew. This channel sucks. The TV laughs, I’m glad at least someone is enjoying this. Because whoever wrote the plot of this show must’ve been a sadist. That’s what the others say at least. But when I get on my knees and grasp the side of the box, I only manage to see my own disgusting reflection. Eyes that are hollowed in and stare. I smash my head in my sanctuary and the glass lobotomizes me. A fatal flaw in coding. The truth is, I didn’t last 109 years. I managed to last 1. Disappointing I know. Sorry, a jester with suicidal thoughts isn’t a good pet. AM knew this, just another reason to hate humans. Weak. Perhaps a mercy killing.
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dogstarblues · 1 year
had a conversation with friends today about a different conversation regarding my autism that had me thinking i should explore my sex repulsion and really reckon with it.
like in the original conversation i was talking to my friend who agreed that tongue kissing was, to put it gently, off-putting. and i expanded that into the convo of today by musing on the fact that tongue kissing feels like two wet muscles moving against each other. like its always been something i did because a sexual partner liked it. but now that im not romo-partnered and out of a fucked up relationship im like. putting my foot down? i dont have to do that ever again.
and i was thinking abt how i get positivity posts on here abt the animal of the human body and how the grossness of sex should be celebrated and im so happy for everyone but i hate it 😭. i dislike flesh being wet with anything unless its lotion or oil. i dislike being sticky. it feels bad. i dislike being overheated and i dislike touching another person's sweat and i dont even like being touched nonsexually!!!! bad texture terrible sensation. but i spent most of my sexual period just engaging with sweat and stickiness and flesh on flesh and sensation and ignoring my own feelings. because i didnt know i was allowed to be repulsed!!!!!!!!!!!
i think ive been exploring the limits of my sex repulsion with romance novels and ive been discovering i can tolerate it and even find it nice to read when its not. how do you say. when it has little or partial penetrative elements and when its deeply emotional or earthy or just fucking funny. i like reading sex where partners can laugh about how absurd bodies are or when the narrative frames it as funny. and i dont like a lot of fanfic that has sex in it because PWP elements is still PWP. unlike romance novels (even erotic romance and erotica which sex has narrative purpose but i cannot bring myself to read that much sex). sex has a narrative and emotional purpose. im thinking through this. hang on. maybe this is why im not engaging with fanfiction rn. hang on.
in my last relationship with Romantic-Platonic-Best Friend, i began with not being touched and doing the touching on my own terms and when i did allow touch it was limited. and like. i only engaged in sex to be close to her in more ways than emotional, when i wasnt very close to her emotionally bc she kept me at arm's length. but not with sex. so im thinking just how many partners ive had who i performed sex with just to be close when i wasnt given emotional closeness. and now im like. perhaps never again!!!! because i dont know if i want to engage with a relationship again. i have Eternal Roommate Best Friend and i have Spiritual Friend and Body Friend and ND-and-Having-Fun Supportive Friends and i have Childhood Friend and i have Art Friend and so many others and its like. a relief. that i dont have to do anything for them sexually to offer emotional closeness and grace. so its like. im fulfilled. im not begging for love. im not starving? im allowed to feel like its not pleasurable. like even when my body was compelled toward sensation did i like it??? no. no i dont think i did because im good with never having an orgasm again and no matter how hard anyone made my body orgasm i just felt nothing.
like was sex ever emotionally or psychologically pleasurable? i dont think so. maybe, maybe in the future, if i ever have a quasiplatonic relationship again, if i ever have the energy for romantic love again, i could pleasure a partner and not be touched. like i would need to negotiate the partner being a pillow princess or specific places i can be touched like my head or shoulders. but. im not sure. ill emotionally be in a place to derive emotional pleasure from giving sexual pleasure for. a long time. and tbh i dont want to be.
so im trying to detangle how my relationship with sex evolved from lack of emotional nutrience. much 2 think abt.
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guessknee · 2 years
about me !
aka me nerding out about things i like
Video Games !
the aesthetics, soundtracks, art, landscapes, everything about video games i love. i love playing jrpgs, visual novels and rhythm games. i love watching streams of all types of games though!
currently into watching apex legends, league of legends, valorant, csgo (on occasion), breath of the wild, and some older jrpgs.
i have a goal of beating one major game a month! i love playing games but i often buy too many at once and then play one while forgetting about the others. i dont know if anyone else has that problem so i made a system (gonna get really nerdy for a second) where i track video game releases im interested in for each of my consoles and i pick one game from each month to play and hopefully beat and one game to buy a collectors edition for (if available).
recently completed games
god of war ragnarok
crisis core reunion
one piece odyssey (almost complete 80% of the way done)
games im excited to play soon
the persona ports (jan release)
fire emblem engage (jan release)
octopath traveler 2 (feb release) - collectors edition preorder!
theatrhythm final bar (feb release)
kirbys return to dreamland (feb release)
story of seasons (jan release)
mobile games im playing
twisted wonderland
ensemble stars
genshin impact (on and off)
consoles i own (i have a weird thing with clue consoles and handhelds - i never realized i always bought blue ones till a about a year ago maybe its because i loved sonic as a kid...)
switch (animal crossing)
psp (light blue)
ps vita (light blue/white)
wii (i never use it)
2ds (blue)
dsi (light blue)
Anime / Manga !
i love anime and manga. ive grown up with it ever since i was around 5. i would stay up on saturday nights till 7 am when inuyasha would start playing on adult swim. if i was ever too tired i would record the episode on our dvr and would watch it after getting home from kindergarten. crazy age to watch inuyasha but i always found it so cool.
also grew up on naruto. i am such a naruto nerd i have rewatched the og and shippuden so many times i can tell people which episode events happened, i can sing the openings in order, i can name most characters, etc. the naruto brainrot is bad. same thing with bleach and dragonball z. the new bleach has me so hyped i loved watching every episode made me want to rewatch the main series but i have no time so i just watch small clips here and there.
i love just about every genre of anime tbh. sports animes (baki, hajime no ippo, kengan asura, one outs, eyeshield 21, etc). idol animes (idolish 7, tsukiuta, tsukipro, etc). shounen, mystery, shoujo, literally everything. i have to be in a certain mood to watch mech animes but whenever one comes out that catches my eye i put all my energy into watching it. i think the only genre i dont enjoy much is isekai, i used to like them but new ones come out too often i cant keep up.
currently watching
one piece (caught up)
blue lock
buddy daddies
vinland saga s2
trigun stampede
yowapeda limit break
tokyo revengers s2
Cars !
my day to day guilty pleasure is cars. i love cars. they are cool, go fast, go stutututu, whine, be loud, have cool lights, i love everything about a good car.
i have a brz! bought it myself and it is my pride adn joy. it is one of my favorite cars and when i bought it in november i literally cried. I drive manual and its so fun to me! i want to learn how to drift but im a bit nervous because i dont want to accidentally mess up anything in my car.
Reading !
i love books i love reading. i love fiction, sci-fi, philosophy, nonfiction, fanfiction, everything. I was never into books like harry potter and anything with too many magical elements in them but always loved horror and more mystery thriller books.
i have been dying to buy more physical books to add to my mini library in my room but theres a few books on my backlog i need to complete before i do that.
i also have a slowly growing manga collection that i desperately need to add to.
i read all day all night on my phone but the feeling of flipping real pages is so satisfying and having the weight of a book in my bag is just so nice.
Music !
not to toot my own horn but my spotify wrapped minutes is always 140k+. i listen to music all day everyday. while doing homework, reading, driving, working, in class (pay attention dont be like me), watching stuff it doesnt matter. i have a terrible habit of getting bored of something very easily so i always multitask and need 20 things happening at the same time so music is amazing at keeping me focused.
i love 'underground archive', rnb, krnb, jpop, citypop, lofi, rap, edm, literally a whole lot of stuff. i dont like pop that much ive grown to realize same with country, i can listen to it but only if someone else wants to.
thats it! literally my whole being in a post.
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
tbh despite my lowkey sadistic nature, i just can’t bring myself to degrade people</3 i mean, i CAN degrade people and insult my sister all the time, but not romantic partners (unless they ask).
god forbid something PUBLIC. i’ll do a round in a forest or smth, but only because it’s so secluded and the chances of being caught are really really low.
spitting’s another huge no for me. i don’t like making my partners feel like absolute shit bc i get guilty and kinda sad.
with all my roughness i just can’t do it</333
no shame to people who like it, though
all i wanna do is fuck sensitive yandere literally senseless and give praise yk
-poised darling
ah, yes yes! a bit of healthy teasing (which is encouraged heavily by the sensitive yandere if their moans are anything to go by) along with some pegging & praise is good as well! i suppose i have been very mean to sensitive yandere as of late, that poor thing would adore having some sweetness added to their life! esp their sex life (just dont forget how gross sensitive yandere is. they wont force you to do anything but theyll never object to anything you bring up)
i bet praise gets sensitive yandere a whole NEW type of worked up! humiliation and stuff would make them so sensitive, so ashamed, so guilty but praise would automatically overstimulate them and trust me, they've tried their hardest to work through all times of overstimulation just for you. thats why they did exposure therapy! <3
but i really hope you know a good upholster or cover everything you own in plastic and a LOT of water/gatorade in your house because praise will have them gushing for you. they go through a lot of pairs of underwear too :( cant help it, you praised them for getting your fast food order right and kissed them on the cheek! how else were they supposed to react! and you bet they return your affections ten fold... if they can manage to get through their sentence without getting reduced to whimpers because well, your full attention is on them and its just making them so nervous!
and i love the idea you painted earlier, of them being putty in their darlings arms after a round or two, unable to work up the energy to even tremble as their darling cleans them so thoroughly and gently, eventually falling asleep in their arms or mostly asleep if you only have a shower. the poor baby can barely even remember that its you touching them, unable to make their usual whimpers or pleas of more and when it first happens, you're terrified you fucked the obsession out of them but when they wake up it just returns ten fold.
oh and i can see them now, face pressed into a pillow, ass up as they get fucked, having to wear a gag because theyre just so loud and you dont mind, you love their sounds! but your neighbors... well, lets just say you wanna avoid as many embarrassing moments as possible, even if you enjoy humiliating your yandere sometimes (consent goes both way, ESP in voyeurism!) and their face is so red, your pillow is gonna need to go in the dryer from their tears! and if youre in a position where they can hold onto you, you know they'll push your hips closer with their heels, cling to you like a life line as you fuck them nice and hard. they just cant stop themselves, especially when they get sex drunk and just look at you with that dopey fucked out look and its just so adorable when you get them to that sweet spot where they forget theyre obsessed with you and can initiate contact without basically having a panic attack over it. the sloppy kisses, the grabby hands, the vague groans that kinda sound like words, the snuggling oh! its just so so cute! esp when theyre too tired to even get up and they whine when you leave the room for any reason <3
just seeing this anxiety riddled, sweaty, panting, flushing face mess turning into a pure puddle of happiness, the only thing they know pleasure and the fact you bring it,,, i can clearly see the yandere waking up in your arms and starting to hyperventilate, tensing up and just being so embarrassed but you just bring them closer and they nearly explode. cutie!
and their moans! i hope you love vocal partners cause they moan every time you move inside of them(if theyre still coherent at that point) or touch their junk or kiss their neck, anything! breathy little "ah, ah, ah! please, feels good! so go-ah!-od" if you havent managed to make them incoherent (dont worry, its a bit harder than you might think. they worked very hard to make sure you could still use them after they cum <3)
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rozu-minaki · 3 years
Heyy🐼 I have new request :)- the MHA/BNHA boys with a quite S/O? like- she just dont make noise during the dance with no pants. she grew up in a house full of people and has gotten used to being quite when she gets off. how would some of the characters react?
other details- non-hero!UA, [character name] and reader have an established relationship, and [character name] and reader live together
hope you have an amazing day/night!!
Aww hi again! Sorry for the slow answering as I’ve been doing assignments while messing about on tumblr trying to get inspiration for a such an interesting topic! be sure to include the characters you want as it’s easier to do! Also this will be a small itty bitty self insert in the family part since I did grow up in a household like this! sorry if this isn’t as good as the last one ^^’ as always characters are aged up
warnings: smut, small pieces of angst if you squint
Bakugou: At first he didn’t mind he because he thought you were shy and such and didnt want to tear you out of your shell. But as time grew on and so did your relationship he became somewhat worried. Was it him? Was he doing something wrong? He slowly began to doubt himself in that department and retracted himself sexually, only interacting if you really wanted it. That was until finally he spoke up about it. Asking if he was truly making you happy and treating you like the gem you were. He was scared that he had put to much of his asshole demeanor up to make you loose interest, to which you only giggled and reassured him that of course he was. This only confused him more and when he asked about it you explained you grew up in a house full of people where privacy was non existent and locking doors was a no no so you had taught yourself to make little to no noise as possible. He had finally understood and was glad that he was treating you properly and slowly but surely you began to let yourself loose and let yourself make as much noise as you wanted when it was time for that kinda fun ;}
Todoroki: If he’s being honest he himself is also quiet. So when you guys had first done it he was totally okay with it and thought he should just allow you to go at the pace you wanted. But now you guys are living together and you still hadn’t done more then the occasional squeak and whine. So why haven’t you began to make noise when you guys had sex? So being todoroki he asked you straight up, wondering if it was him or if he was doing something wrong and if he was he wanted to know what so he could improve. You had to tell him that it definitely was not him (we all know he gives off big dick energy) and that he was doing amazing, it’s just you had taught yourself to keep quiet and make little to no noise as possible since privacy was only in the bathroom or after a shower in your large home of people. He was relieved and understood since he too grew up with multiple siblings. Soon Enough you got out of the habit of keeping quiet and now the new neighbors know shotos name! How lovely :D
Izuku: poor baby. He was truly worried he was being a bad boyfriend in the department and actually began to take notes on ways he could improve resulting in quiet mumbling and notes that definitely should not be put in the same book as his hero notes. One day however, he left them open and you found them, reading them and stifling a laugh but felt bad on how he seemed so scared he was lacking in that department but also happy because he was taking the time to actually try and improve for you (newsflash he didn’t need to he’s perfect). Once he came back he was embarrassed beyond belief and had to be coaxed out of his stone cold stare and blush. Of course you told him he didn’t need the notes or the improvement, you just weren’t used to making noise during sex or masturbation since your parents were strict and were against it. Izuku happily got rid of the notes but saved a few on new positions and techniques that he could test out if yk what I mean.
Denki: baby has an ego so of course it was a bit damaged when he was giving his all during sex and you had barely managed to make a whine or whimper here and there. He thought he wasn’t enough which, even though he tried to hide it, began to show when his cheerful and flirty demeanor was reduced to a small and somewhat quiet one. When you had asked about it all he could say was he was only sleepy or had a lot on his mind. That was until one day when you caught him talking on the phone to Kirishima asking what to do and how he could improve. When he heard you sigh and felt you gently grab his phone and hang up he stiffened up and was worried he struck a cord and you were gonna just end it with him. However that wasnt the case as you explained that you didn’t have a lot of privacy growing up and finding more about yourself had to be done alone and safely so naturally you had taught yourself to be quiet and barely make a peep, but if he was so worried and insecure about it you would try your best to improve and make noise to which he instantly lit up and happily slung you over his shoulder and went to your shared bedroom to help you “practice”
Shinsou: Honestly, at first he tried to act like he didn’t mind it and didnt wanna bring it up either since it was a bit of an awkward conversation as a new couple. But now you guys were sleeping in the same bed and waking up next to one another so what was going on and why werent you making any noise during sex? Was it something up with you that you didn’t wanna talk about? We’re you to scared to tell him that he was doing something wrong or making you uncomfortable? So eventually he had asked you about it while you two were making out and about to have at it. He asked why you weren’t really making much noise during sex and if it was something you didn’t wanna talk about or if it was him in general. To which you only smiled and laid a gentle touch on his cheek, you finally told him that as he knew you had a lot of siblings and since your parents didn’t have much money to give you guys each a room, you had up to no privacy when it came to getting off-only being able to do it in the bathroom or when you were home alone which wasn’t often. He finally understood why you weren’t very vocal and allowed you to ease yourself into it, which much practice in bed of course ^^ Shoji: He truly thought you were second guessing your guys relationship (you two are literally living together though??). He thought it was his quirk that was disturbing you two so without him even knowing he began to not use his quirks advantages in sex as much and also only focused on pleasuring you and not himself. This usually led to him not cumming in most sessions until finally you stopped mid sex and asked him why he wasnt trying to focus on his needs aswell. He was worried at first and shyly responded that he thought you needed more pleasure since you hadn’t ever made much noise during this and that he didn’t care if it cost him his own pleasure. Least to say you melted and pulled him close, holding his head on your chest And petting his head. Gradually explaining why you never made much noise and it didn’t mean he wasn’t doing a good job or anything, you just had a habit of making Little to no noise when you got off. He felt sorta dumb after but with some reassurance, soon enough he allows you to make sure both of you were satisfied after each session from now on.
I hope you enjoyed this! It was really cool to write and test myself as a small writer! Be sure to request which characters you’d like in the next one aswell as if you have anything you’d like changed or any writing mistakes you see as this isn’t proofread ^^’. Have a rose! 🌹
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