#i dont know which took longer the actual modeling or the painting
noonbeam17 · 1 year
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Ekphrasis in The Danton Case, Thermidor, and their adaptations
Ekphrasis is invoking a piece of visual media into a literary piece. It can be done for a variety of reasons, from entirely pragmatic (mostly grounding the literature in reality - if the invoked piece is a real piece of art, one you could find in a museum, for example) or more poetic (drawing some symbolic meaning between the piece of art and the idea behind the text).
In Przybyszewska's plays ekphrasis is nonexistent, at least on the foreground. I don't recall any clearly established visual, given to the readers by the original author. It's not weird in any way - how many pieces of medai do you recall which refrain from its sophisticated and additional piece of subtext and iformation? Hundreds, probably. The only other artistic thing that she has weaved into her plays is La Marseillaise, which is invoked twice in The Danton Case. There are also three book references to Othello, Orlando furioso and this one book Robespierre summarizes to Saint-Just when he's talking about hatred (but of which I have no idea if it's a real one - it probably is - or not). Other than that - nothing, plus the books count only a little, forekpfrasis should be, as I said, visual in nature.
Of course, the historical aspect of her works is what grounds them in our reality, and so cleverly, too (seeing as they're not really historical plays in any way or form, but manage to fool most anybody). And thanks to her extensive stage directions, we have no need of any additional element helping us visualize the scenes, for she does it perfectly enough on her own.
However, seein as these are plays calls for a mirror ekpfrastic effect and thus theatrical and cinematographical adapations are born. And they, on the other hand, have a potential to be filled to the brim with visual refernces. Here I would like to have a look at a few, which are taken from one of the most well known staging and the famous Wajda movie (plus some). In no particular order, there goes:
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This is the very first scene of a controversial theatre adaptation of The Danton Case. Instead on portraying Robespierre as a firm leader, who only in the very end collapsed temporarily under the huge responsibility he now had to bear, the director decided to portray him as someone physically weak, not in the sense Danton meant when he called him a weakling, but in the sense of somebody who already bears so much responsibility, pain, physical ailments, doubts and whatnot. Just: everything, everythin a human could possible deal with, he deals with, and has to do so in a way that doesn't make people suspiscious about his "shortcomings". There is a interesting parallel between him and Saint-Just, whose upright and unbreakeable character is symbolised by a neck braces, something which people wear after a spine endangering accidents - and incidentally, wasn't it Saint-Just who accused Robespierre of "breaking his spine"? But not in this adaptation, oh no - here their very last scene is cut extremely short and they recite the last few sentences along with some Thermidor lines as two floating heads, a vision into the future which awaits them.
Enough about Saint-Just, though, let's focus on Robespierre and Marat. I must admit I know next to nothing about him, only what some passage here and there in this or that historical study might tell me, but I know, as does everybody, that he was known as L'ami du Peuple, which is why of the reasons, I think, why the director took this image and transposed it onto Robespierre: to make him even more likeable, to show for the umpteenth time that it is Robespierre whom we should cheer on and whom we should feel sorry for. This might also be a parallel between their both's tarnished health, their premature deaths and - last but not least - the role of an icon of the Rvolution both of them play in nowadays' audience's minds. You don't have to study history to knowwho Robespierre was, you don't have to study art to know this painting. Even if you don't agree with some more in-depth explanation of linking this person to this painting, it is a good opening image. It captures our attention in a good way.
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I had mention Saint-Just and there he is, in the background of the picture, symbolically assisting Danton and his clique in their last moments. Instead of shwoign them in torn shirts, the director went into another direction altogether and enshrouded them in white sheets from heads to toes, making them all look like very stereotypical ghosts, whom they will all become in just a couple of moments.
In Polish culture, the first thing that comes to mind when talking about ghosts is Dziady, an old slavic tradition that is now replaced with the Catholic All Souls Eve. Dziady is no longer, apart from perhaps some small minorities who still practice old pagan faiths, but as a ritual, they are immortalised in a play by Adam Mickiewicz, undoubtedly the greatest Polish poet ever. Everybody know this play, some scens - by heart, and they were and are being staged pretty much constantly from one point on. Needless to say, they inspire a lot of art, and I decided to show this very fmous poster by the most famous Polish poster designer, Franciszek Starowieyski…
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…who is important in this case, because he played David in Wajda's movie.
Not many people know - because his other carreer overshadowed by a lot his first one - that Wajda was a painter. Who actually hated his art, some of his pieces are in the national museum of contemporary art in Łódź alongside stars such as Władysław Strzemiński (the hero of Wajda's very last movie), which is a fact he absolutely detested. I dont know, nor do I care, why was that, because what matters is his previous education as an artist at the very least helped him not only to envision the visuals of the movie, but also acquainted him with great works of art. On which he could model this or that setup. I think it's a nice little detail he catsed Starowieyski as David, a real painter acting as another real painter, it adds a layer of reality onto the movie, and presumably makes for a more natural acting in the few scenes he was in his studio (I also think they look alike).
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Speaking of David's studio, I once stumbled upon a lecture which drew parallels between some scenes in the movie and some paitings, which was mostly focused on character and costume design, and truth be told didn't contribute much to the overall watching experience of Danton. However, I must admit the lecturer had a very good eye in this one particular case, in which he pointed out that this quick shot in David's studio pretty obviously invokes the Fussli's The Artist's Despair Before The Grandeur Of Ancient Ruins. I don't think it's a coincidence (or at the very least, would be funny if it were) this shot is shown during the scene where Robespierre starts to grasp at desperate measures to save the country/save his own face in the trial. It is an artist's despair, only artist of a different kind. And it is a despair when being faced with a (possible) ruin of something great, even if its greatness is not yet formed, as opposed to the greatness passed.
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The very last example I was able to think of was this photo I found of The Danton Case from 1975. It is one of those old, very classical (I presume) adaptations, which are mostly filled to the brim with riddiculosly attractive people and very often deliberately drew from other sources of artistry, like the one pictured above. No matter what the real relationship between Louise Danton and her husband was, in the play it is portrayed as something atrocious, and I cringe whenever directors try to make it something else without good reasons for doing so, so I am very glad in the past at least they stuck with classicaly depicted acts of violation against women, not because it is a violation, but because in the classical stories (like the myth of Persephone shown in the sculpture above) the woman will usually get her revenge. Just like Przybyszewska's Louison did.
Thank you for bearing with me until the end, and if you have any other examples of this come to your mind, I compel you to share them with me!
List of pieces of art in the order of their appearance:
Jacques-Louis David, The Death of Marat
Franciszek Starowieyski, Dziady
Jacques-Louis David, Self-portrait
Heinrich Fussli, The Artist's Despair Before The Grandeur Of Ancient Ruins
Gianlorenzo Bernini, The Rape Of Persephone
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Well... All Right
@strawberryfields-forever said: Hello my love, I saw the Beatles post, and I was wondering if I could request a John Lennon imagine? Maybe where the reader and him are out on their first date of sorts and she surprises him with how wild and rebellious she is, cause she doesn’t seem like that normally. Or just something cute and fluffy! Ilyxxxx
(a/n: i didn’t know how many people like queen AND the beatles so if ur on my reg taglist and see this, let me know if you’d like to be tagged in beatles imagines!! i don’t want to clog ur mentions with things u dont want hehe. speaking of clogs i hope brian may has a good night anyways here u go!!! fluffy misbehaving john lennon for ur viewing pleasure)
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You hadn’t struck John as the type to say yes to dates with men you hardly knew, especially with such an unruly character like himself. So when he was fooling around in your painting class and started flirting harmlessly with you, he expected nothing out of it. You were usually quiet, kept to yourself, turned in your work on time, and asked no questions. Not exactly the kind of girl that would be climbing out of Liverpool’s waterfront, drenched and tipsy and laughing deliriously as she clutched onto John’s hat, which was also beyond soaked, while a cop yelled at you from afar
But here you were, drenched, tipsy, and clutching onto his hat. And he’d never questioned his personal judgement so much, a queer, amused smile coming to his face as he held out a hand to help you up the ladder.
It had started out innocently enough. The professor had brought in another nude model for you all to paint over the course of the afternoon, and you couldn’t help but smile a bit at the way John groaned loud enough for the class to hear. After the hell he’d raised with the female model last month when he managed to show up for one class, you couldn’t imagine what he had in mind for the male model that now stood before you.
“This is the last time I actually show up for class, I swear,” he mumbled, digging through his bag to pull out his paints as you feigned apathy, already mixing your skin tone for the man that laid on the table in the center of the room. But John had said that many times before – he’d always show up, take the seat nearest you, find out what was happening for the day, and swear that he’d never show face again. And then you’d see him eventually, maybe within days, maybe within weeks.
You tried to focus on the man before you, staring intently at the skin on his cheeks and noting that there was some discoloration, possibly rosacea, so you scraped some of your skin tone off to the side and added just a tick of red, mixing it in. John was watching you out of the corner of his eye, clearly not interested in all at painting what he was supposed to paint as his eyes wandered, the professor getting more irritated by the minute as his canvas remained blank.
“Mr. Lennon, you seem to be coming along well,” the professor remarked on his next round, tapping a bony finger to the empty canvas and sending him a sarcastic smile. John scoffed, looking over in your direction and rolling his eyes as if to say ‘This guy.’ Then, his ever-expressive face was blessed by a wide smile, and he gave the professor a thumbs up paired with a goofy, sweet grin, making you suppress a laugh as you tried to focus on the natural curve of the man’s thighs. The professor eyed you for a moment, then narrowed his eyes as he looked back to John – and with that, he was gone, off to his next victim.
“Geez, wonder if he’s ever heard of breath mints,” John mumbled, and that got a snicker out of you before you quickly pressed the back of your hand to your mouth, barely holding back a grin. Now he was actually looking at you, an ever-present mischievous grin on his face making a blush spread across yours as you sat your paintbrush down in your cup of water. “That was a cute little laugh. Do it again.”
“John,” you admonished softly, nodding towards the male model and stifling another laugh as you bit your lower lip. He only shrugged, appearing indifferent towards the subject at hand when he had you right there to bother. “We’re both going to get poor marks if you start bugging me.”
“You say bugging, I say making conversation. Who will ever win?” he countered, and he noticed that the professor had started to lecture, but didn’t really care much as he continued. “I never caught your name, what is it?”
Looking between him and the professor a bit nervously, you returned your eyes to your painting as you held back a grin, still chewing on your lower lip. “Y/N.”
“Y/N. Pretty name for a pretty girl,” he remarked, flashing you a dazzling smile.
He was a bit of a charming fellow in terms of looks, if not a bit odd for the school scene. He always came in with the most unruly, fluffy hair, shorter on the sides than it was on top, and he wore outfits that stood out among the rest of your peers. While they opted for loose sweaters and blocky trousers that hid any sort of curve whatsoever, John dressed in longer blazers, tight jeans, form-fitting trousers, and the likes, sticking out like a sore thumb. And he was attractive, you had to admit. He was young, just freshly 18, and had the teddy boy look down to an art – the swagger, the hair, the confident smile, the glint in his eyes that was so rebellious, and yet not threatening to you at all. His charming, boyish looks and mussy golden-brown hair were enough to send anyone with eyes crazy, especially in such a strict institute.
“Thank you,” you murmured in response, smiling a bit as you picked up your paintbrush, then dipped it in the paint and ran it along the curve of the painted man’s side. The paint thinly spread out and  started breaking up when the product ran out near the end of your swipe. “You always hit on your classmates like this?”
“Nah, just the really cute ones.”
“Mr. Lennon! Something important you’re discussing with Miss Y/N, I presume?” Your professor’s mention of your name set all of your nerve endings on fire and you clammed up, staring straight at your painting and wishing that you could melt into a puddle of nothingness at this exact moment.
But John was unashamed and unafraid, resting his hands on his knees as he sat up on his stool a bit, peeking around the canvas at where the professor was across the room. “Just making conversation, sir. Hard to flirt with all this noise in the background.” He really did not give a shit about this class, did he? You pressed your lips into a thin line as you tried not to blush even more at the fact that John was flirting with you and now the entire class was aware.
The professor looked very much annoyed, but just stared for a moment before continuing his tangent about getting the shading correct, and John gave you a devilish smile when you glanced over at him to shoot daggers at him. “You’re going to get us suspended, you cheeky bastard.”
“Oh, you’re so tame. I like that,” he laughed, starting to dump out some paint that didn’t even closely resemble any of the skin tones on the man before you. He stood, brushing his tight drainpipe trousers off and stretching his legs out so the trousers fell back over the white socks that peeked out of his suede creepers. And then he walked up to the model, crouching down directly in front of his face as you watched, entranced by this enigmatic, lively character that seemed to be studying the model’s … face?
When he came back, you raised an eyebrow in question, resituating yourself on your stool a bit so you could cross your legs. “What was that all about?”
“Give me a date with you and I’ll tell you.” The look in his eyes was challenging, daring you to say yes, although a part of him knew it would probably never happen. You were a straight-A student, and going out with the black-sheep of this college would definitely screw that image right up. So when you responded, a genuine look of shock overtook his features.
“Alright. When and where?”
So you’d decided to meet John the next night outside of a little restaurant in the bohemian district, grab a bite to eat before going out for a few drinks, then ‘see where the night took you,’ according to him. He showed up dressed in his usual tight black trousers, brown suede creepers, and a black shirt layered with a forest green jacket. It was particularly windy, so he’d opted to bring a hat, but it was twirling around on his finger when you saw him, an absentminded time-passer that slowed to a stop when he finally spotted you.
You weren’t in your usual blocky sweater and longer skirt. Now, a short-sleeve sweater of white accentuated all your curves right down to your waist, where the sweater met a relatively formfitting black pencil skirt that didn’t even dare to pass your knees, exposing black tights that slimmed your legs even more. The small tears in the tights led right down to the red heels you’d chosen for yourself, drawing so much attention from older generations as you passed on the sidewalk that you thought they’d drop dead from shock right there. This was rebellion in 1950’s Liverpool. Showcasing your body, accentuating your legs? Scandalous.
Scandalous, and yet you knew John loved it as an appreciative, yet puzzled smile crept onto his face. His jaw was still slightly slack, shocked from the contrast, but he reached out and gave you a polite kiss on the cheek when you finally made it to him, which you reciprocated. And then he offered his arm, walking into the restaurant with you side-by-side.
Conversation remained light during the meal, John footing the bill when it was time to pay and helping you out of your seat when it was time to go to the pub. When you both had a few drinks in you, that’s when things really began to start flowing.
“So what happened to the whole studious library girl look you have going on every day?” he asked, hand firmly wrapped around the mug of beer in front of him on the bar. You grinned fully, not hiding the smile you usually tried to repress in class, and John quirked an eyebrow slightly, noting how astonishingly mischievous the look in your eyes was.
“Every day? I haven’t seen you show up to class consecutively since the beginning of this semester. And here you talk as if you know what I look like every day,” you teased, tracing your finger around the rim of your own beer, John laughing and raising his hands in surrender.
“Okay, you got me. I may or may not skip class a bit. I’m the antichrist, I know. But you didn’t answer my question?” he prodded, leaning forward and resting his elbow on the bar, propping up his head.
“It’s a nice college, John. I’d like to get my degree eventually, but can you imagine what the professors would say if I showed up in what I usually wear?”
“Is this what you usually wear?” he questioned, no hint of malice or teasing in his voice. He was just genuinely curious, leaning forward and hanging on to your every word. He’d never seen someone flip a switch like this, and the ease with which you did it was astounding. It was like he was meeting you all over again, and it fascinated him.
“Yes,” you giggled, taking another drink of your beer before sitting it down and hopping off the stool, holding out a hand. “Any song requests? I’m headed over to the jukebox, the songs are awful right now.
He had to admit, the songs were not the greatest, so he dropped some money into your hand and told you to play whatever you liked before watching you easily slip through the crowd, taking a moment to pick a few songs before returning. And then the sound of Buddy Holly started softly playing as you climbed back onto your stool, crossing a leg and taking another drink of your beer.
John raised an eyebrow, again surprised that you listened to Buddy Holly. Buddy had passed away earlier this year, and you saw quite a few faces sober up, but it was such a good song that people were soon singing along to it. Others, not so much. The rock and roll trend still wasn’t quite a phenomena, and the genre was clearly divisive, but you very much enjoyed the rock and roll sound of Holly, tapping your fingers on the table to the beat and smiling at certain parts of the song.
“You like this kind of music?” John questioned, and you nodded, propping your head up on your hand as your elbow rested on the bar.
“’f course. Shame about what happened to him, really thought he was the best of the best.” John leaned back a bit, nodding slowly and grinning as he listened to you continue on about your preference for rock and roll. A girl talking so openly about such a damning subject was attractive to him, and he found his pulse speeding up when you’d finished talking, asking him what kind of music he liked.
“Same music, really. I actually play in a band, if you’re interested. Well, sort of,” he retracted, pulling a goofy face before pursing his lips and continuing. “We’re just three guys with too many guitars and not enough drums.”
“Sounds like you’re in quite a dilemma,” you observed, finishing off your beer at the same time that he finished off his. The bartender refilled them when he passed by a moment later, John paying and smiling politely at the bartender before they were off again. His focus returned to you, and he took a moment to remember where you were in the conversation as you sipped some of the foam off the top of your lager. When you took quite a big drink of the beer to chase that sip, John raised an eyebrow curiously.
“We are in quite a dilemma. But it looks like you’re going to be in quite a dilemma soon if you keep out-drinking me.” Giggling, you shook your head and took another drink, then propped your head up on your hand and gave him a challenging look.
“If you really want to see me outdrink you, you’d do shots with me.”
“Shots?” he laughed incredulously, his hand still wrapped around the handle of the beer mug. “I take back calling you tame yesterday. Don’t we technically have class tomorrow?”
“At noon, plenty of time to recover. And since when have you ever cared about class? Half of the school has wagers on when you’re going to be expelled, Lennon,” you retorted, raising an eyebrow and giving him a devilishly sweet smile, one that let on to the idea that maybe you were far more feisty than even he knew. “Three shots. That’s all.” Your hand shot out, daring him to take it and accept.
“Three shots?” he considered, mulling over it for a second before he sighed overdramatically and took your hand, shaking it. “You’re a funny girl. A surprise up your sleeve at every turn.”
“Is that such a bad thing?” you asked, flagging down the bartender as you kept your gaze on John expectantly, biting your lower lip to hold back a big grin.
A small smirk toyed at John’s lips as he scanned your face for a second, then shrugged. “We’ll see.”
It was most definitely not a bad thing. You both took the shots, no chaser for you and John looking at you in a disgusted sort of impressed that made you laugh. And when you’d begun to get flushed and overheated from all the alcohol in your system, you leaned on John and requested a walk by the waterfront.
Now here you were, holding on to John’s shoulder as you laughed at another corny joke he’d told in his slurred speech, being just as tipsy as you. His arm was wrapped around your waist, the both of you supporting each other terrible as you teetered and tottered down the sidewalk next to the water, gusts of wind blowing in and stinging your cheeks a deeper red than they already were from a combo of the alcohol and John’s flirting. The sun was getting low, shrouding you both in a semi-darkness that seemed to bring an exclusivity to the pair of you as you strolled down the waterfront.
“This wind is going t’be the death of my hair, I swear,” you complained, trying to push it out of your face to no avail and laughing at yourself when you failed miserably. “I give up. I’m just goin’ to look like a wooly mammoth forever.”
“Aw, I think it’s kind of cute,” he teased gently, squeezing your side, and then he reached up to move his cap from his head to yours, pulling it down over your eyes a bit. “There, is that better?”
“John, I can’t see!” you squealed, John laughing and pulling the cap down over your eyes more as you tried in vain to fight his efforts. “You’re such an arse! Can’t believe I agreed to come on a date with you, you little bastard!”
“Oh, you’re just spouting nonsense now!” he chuckled, letting go of the brim anyways and giving you a mischievous grin when you finally managed to pull the cap up from your eyes. Trying to resituate your hair, you shot him a playfully nasty look before stopping where you were, John’s arm slipping off of your waist for a moment as he slid his hands into his pockets. You used the rail behind you for support, your vision a bit hazy as you pulled your hair up into a ponytail with the hair tie that had been in your pocket, John smiling at the new look and making you blush a bit more. “Are my eyes deceiving me or did you just blush?”
“Definitely your eyes,” you countered, although there wasn’t even a trace of truth in your voice as you blushed even more, John taking the opportunity to lean his side against the rail next to you, taking one hand out of his pocket to lift up a strand of hair you’d forgotten and tuck it into the cap.
It was probably the alcohol, but as you looked up into John’s warm brown eyes, you’d never wanted to kiss someone so bad in your life. His fluffy hair was flying wildly in the wind, making him look even more tousled and adorable than he usually did anyways, and his lips were slightly chapped, but the pout of his lower lip made you graze your teeth over your own, contemplating for a moment. And he was doing the same, suddenly quiet as a mouse as his eyes ran over your own plump, tempting lips before looking back up to meet your slightly glazed eyes.
A mutual exchange must have taken place, but you couldn’t have registered it even if you tried, because the next moment, John was leaning down to kiss you, taking your face in one hand and smiling against your lips when you reciprocated, making a slightly surprised noise. The two of you moved your lips in sync for a minute or two, conveniently forgetting the hat on your head until John went to tilt his head the other way and managed to knock it right into the water.
“Oh, shit,” he muttered as he broke away from the kiss, both of you peering over the railing at the hat that was just lapping up against the concrete barrier below. Laughing a bit, you glanced at John, who had a mournful look on his face. “My favorite hat, too.”
“I’ve got it,” you shrugged, using the railing to lean on shakily as you began to yank off your heels, John looking at you like you were mad. “What? You said it’s your favorite, I don’t personally want to be the reason that John Lennon is without his favorite hat. I’d imagine you’d paint a memorial photo of it in class just to spite me. It’s not like you ever paint the actual subject anyways.”
“Have you gone mental?” he laughed, taking your heels from you and following as you started over to the ladder nearby, nothing but an open padlock to stop you from opening the gate. “It’s probably bloody cold in that water. You’ll freeze.”
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic,” you teased, giving him a gentle nudge before you swung open the gate, starting to climb down to his amazement. The hat wasn’t far from the ladder, but just far enough that you had to get in. When you did get into the water, you cursed lightly at how cold it was despite the fact that you were drunk, John laughing at your language as you swam over to the hat, snatching it up and holding it up in victory.
“You’re crazy!” he called out over the whistling of the wind, making you smile widely as you started to swim back over to the ladder. Grabbing onto the bottom rung, you were starting to pull yourself up when you heard someone down the waterfront start shouting. Both of you looked in the same direction, spotting a cop that was shaking a fist at you and screaming. You couldn’t make out what he was saying, but you assumed it wasn’t nice, and John burst out laughing at the same time as you, holding out a hand and urging you to hurry. “You’re going to get us both arrested!” he yelled, grinning as you laughed deliriously at the angry old cop who was cursing you out.
Scrambling up the ladder while you cackled, John hoisted you to your feet and didn’t waste a moment in taking off running with you, your hands clasped together tightly as you giggled breathlessly and made an escape down the backstreets towards your dorms. You were freezing by the time you’d managed to make it to your dorm, which was empty when you entered, gasping for air in between hysterical laughing bouts. John slumped back against your door and held his hand to his chest while you grabbed a towel, trying to dry yourself the rest of the way off and catch your breath.
“Here you are,” you giggled breathlessly, tossing him his cap and making him go into another round of laughter as it hit his chest, falling to the floor. “Don’t say I never did anything for you!”
“My god, Y/N, you’re mad,” he gasped, his smile ear to ear as he laughed at the state of you, soaked to the bone and shivering as you searched for dry clothes. When you found them, he covered his eyes graciously and just chuckled, finally catching his breath while he waited patiently for you to change. “I thought we were goners, for sure.”
“You have little faith,” you teased, changing into some pajama pants and a loose shirt before pulling your hair out of the ponytail. “You can open your eyes now, Lennon.”
“I don’t know if I like you calling me Lennon,” he remarked, uncovering his eyes and crawling to his feet after sitting your heels and the hat on the floor. “Reminds me so much of the professor in painting.”
“Would you prefer Johnny Boy?” you asked playfully, helping him out of his jacket and laying it over your arm as he turned to face you, pursing his lips.
“Not exactly.” But he let the subject drop as he tucked some of your still-damp hair behind your ear, grinning softly. “I quite liked it in the soggy ponytail, wild girl.”
“Wild girl?” you asked, briefly interrupted when he leaned in for a quick kiss. You kissed back, pouting a bit when he pulled away so soon, but continued your observation anyways. “I can’t tell if that’s an insult or a compliment.”
He grinned even wider, keeping his hand resting on the nape of your neck while taking his jacket from your arm and dropping it to the floor near his hat. “Definitely a compliment.”
let me know if you’d like to be on the taglist for my beatles imagines in the future! REQUESTS CLOSED!
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stylo-xx · 6 years
Never Been Kissed (M)
G-Dragon: Fluff/Small Amount of Angst
PART 1: Ah, Love the Unrequited Kind; Just How I Like It.
A/N: M rating mostly for language at this point. just a bit of a ‘testing the waters’ type of post. If ya’ll seem interested I’ll keep expanding on this one, for now just a little somethin-somethin’ to get ya’ll by.
P.S: songs for your listening pleasure: (BLACKPINK)|| (Samantha Harvey)
P.P.S: Obviously ‘All I Ask’ doesn’t belong to me nor to the character but this is more or less what I pictured her sounding like singing this song.
P.P.P.S: for those of you that didn’t get that ‘Sixteen Candles’ reference (educate yourself)
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   Her fingers daintily hovered over the ivory keys, as she took a deep breath before letting her fingers dance across them. Slowly letting the music engulf her being, she closed her eyes painting mental images of a harlequin romance unfolding before her. A love that was simple; no cat and mouse games, no ‘he said she said’ business, no bullshit. Something as easy as ‘I want you to want me’. Boom, plain and simple.
She opened her mouth and began to sing as the words seemed to effortlessly flow out of her soul. Those very few months ago when she first penned the song, she was very hesitant to release the it; she felt she had been a bit too dramatic and no one would like it. Much to her surprise now months later, after the song debuted on the newest, most trending K-Drama of the year, she was being recognized for her efforts and receiving a well-deserved award.
Sure she had, had other accolades under her belt, and being under thirty years of age to boot, none of them seemed to have made her feel as accomplished as this. She had written countless songs for other artists, songs for films and television but she felt that none of those written previously were as raw and open as this was.
Coming to the end of the song she closed her eyes tight and belted out the last few lines of the song, evoking so much passion.
“Bravo” he slow clapped snapping her out of her trance.
“Ahh!” she jumped making her hands smash into the piano keys “Ji-Yong I told you to stop sneaking up on me like that!” she held hand over her heart “you know for someone who spends a hell of a long time in a recording studio, you seem to forget that the glowing red light outside the door means recording in session do not enter”
“You know I dont get why you don't just go up there and sing it yourself. you're letting all these people believe that your amazing voice is hers” he ignored.
She cleared her throat “well unfortunately we both know I don't do well in front of people like that. And besides she has acute bronchitis, I’m pretty sure no one wants to hear her hacking up phlegm while she ‘sings’ her heart out” she air quoted “I don't mind having other people being the face to my music, just as long as that check comes in with my name on it, it's all good”
He laughed “okay genius but what are you gonna do for tonight when you have to accept your award? have her mouth your acceptance speech?”
“No...that's why you're my date”
“Oh?” he chuckled.
“Yeah, if you're with me you'll direct all the attention away. Once they see you, my speech won't even be a passing thought in their memories”
“You get that once everyone realizes it’s you who won it won’t just be something they’ll forget? can't really erase the memory of the kid that started her career in one of the best dramas like ever. and she was only fifteen”
“Can we not talk about my short lived acting career please? Or any of my past... you know I get war flashbacks about that....”
“You know who’ll really would recognize you?” he smirked
“Okay and zero mention of Jae-Won please!”
“Okay sorry” he chuckled and stepped closer to her and touched her cheek making her cheeks grow hot.
“I still think you should be the one singing your own song” he said sincerely, looking into her eyes making her heart beat loudly in her ears.
“But then again...” he pulled away “you are a chicken, so just be ready by seven. I'll come get you later” he winked as he walked out the door.
She rolled her eyes, making a face and let out a heavy sigh.
“Why am I even friends with him? She threw her head back.
She sighed heavily and blew a stray hair out of her face
“What am I gonna do?” she groaned.
It wasn’t a lie when she said she didn’t do well being the front and center of attention, though of course she wasn’t as terrible as Carrie White was in handling such social situations. Sure, yes it was true she had started out doing dramas and commercials when she was younger but after a traumatizing event of utter embarrassment, she wasn’t quite as keen to be seen in front of the camera; she was more of a behind the scenes kind of person since then. Of which Ji-Yong had no understanding of whatsoever, but to someone as charismatic and charming as Ji-Yong was it was a simple fix; just don’t be nervous. He too had his moments of being shy around unfamiliar faces and would blush at any and all compliments he received, as Kwon Ji-Yong that is. But as G-Dragon, that was a completely different story. He was as successful as he was because he knew when to turn it on, he knew when it was time to don his idol mask and pretend he wasn’t some shy guy who was just really into Chanel and Dragon Ball Z. No, when G-Dragon came around all eyes were on him as if his mere presence commanded the room and the party truly hadn’t started until he walked in. For her however, it was far from easy.
Despite her inability to stand in front of thousands of eyes peering at her and not shutter at the absolute thought of being with someone in an exclusive relationship, she made up for it ironically it writing romanticized songs. Sure she’d sprinkle in a few song about love that actually worked out, but the real heart of it were the songs about having your heart completely shattered, but what really drove people toward her music was how it managed to somehow bring them to tears, strike a raw nerve, make them long for somebody that didn’t even exist; the types of songs that you wholeheartedly serenade to your dog at three in the morning.
Though truthfully, even though she wouldn’t admit it, there were those evenings she would be stuck in a endless hole where he own ‘genius’ about drove herself mad when she would lay back on her bed and google for hours on end Jae-Won and Ji-Yong’s past dating history; all the girls were the same: beautiful beyond belief and were some kind of model or actress. She’d sigh to herself and grab a pillow off her bed and press it flush to her face, contemplating whether or not she could smother herself out of these thoughts but to no avail; she had deadlines to meet. She would repeat to herself: ‘why couldn’t I be like them? What did they have,aside from being blessed with godlike good looks, that I didn’t?’ I mean she had a great personality, she was an excellent listener, she didn’t think she was completely unfortunate looking and she wrote how many award winning songs for people? She didn’t get it. Her grandmother always told her she was such a catch and that any boy would be so lucky to have her but the longer her life went without even the slightest bit of a romantic relationship with any man, let alone anybody, she was beginning to believe that she was destined to be some shut in cat lady that somehow managed to write successful songs about love. Or at least about what she heard read about and seen in movies. For once she just wanted her life to end up like some cheesy 80’s romance movie. She wanted her Jake Ryan waiting outside the church leaning against his red, 1983 Porsche 944 ready to whisk her away to a happily ever after. But unfortunately for her, her life wasn’t a cheesy 80’s romance movie and Jake Ryan wasn’t going to be waiting for her anywhere any time soon. She, somehow, managed to become a decently wealthy shut-in that wrote songs about a love that didn’t exist. At least not in the way she wrote them. Her only claim to feeling heartbreak was her last season of her drama when she thought she was finally mature enough for Jae-Won to not look at her like some kid anymore and actually someone who had feelings and wants and needs too. But then he showed up with his model girlfriend and all her hopes were shattered. She was used to feeling like at times maybe some guys did like her and find her attractive but it would always end with ‘what’s your friend’s name?’ Or ‘can you put in a good word with your friend for me?’ Something every girl is just dying to hear.
She’d even had a crush on Ji-Yong at some point when they first started working together; even when she felt like she had been ridiculously lucky to even be in his presence. Becoming his close friend was just an incredible bonus. Ji-Yong had this way of making you feel like he and you were the only two people in the room; like no one else mattered. The way he’d speak to you was as if all of his attention was centered on you and nothing and no one could change that. Figures, someone that good looking and as exceedingly charming as he was would make one feel that way the way he’d look at you was the way that one could only dream of; it was no wonder why so many people around the world fawned over him. But alas came the realization that she wasn’t special and he wasn’t somehow falling in love with the ugly duckling he just simply took pity. That pity turned eventually to friendship. When he had finally showed up with a girlfriend one day she knew he was too good to be true. But so it goes.
She was used to living vicariously through her friends romantic relationships. She just wished that for once if there were some higher being that they’d give her a break and let her find someone that would let her give her whole heart to them and receive their love right back. More specifically speaking, if it were Jae-Won; if she could magically make her childhood crush see her in a different light maybe then she’s have a chance. Forget anyone else she just wanted to be with the image of Jae-Won that she had built up in her head. She may have had crushes here and there on other guys but her heart always came back to him. Ji-Yong and the others were just something nice to look at occasionally.
“You choked”
“I did not choke!”
“Yes you did!” he smiled “you had the guy right in front of you and you turned into jelly”
“Oh, as if you’ve never felt that way for a girl you liked” she crossed her arms.
“Nope never” he smirked.
“Pfft, yeah right”
“Look this isn’t about me, this about how the guy you’ve been pining over since you were a teenager for a second looked at you like he was ready to eat a full course meal and then you started sweating like you were in a sauna and turned into fucking ‘Rain Man’ telling him how you got Ramin Karimloo to sign your ‘Phantom of the Opera’ playbill last summer”
She stared at him for a moment before opening her mouth to speak “okay, I may have choked a little...”
“I think a little is a bit of an understatement in your case”
“Okay and you saying that I was flailing like a passenger from Titanic in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is an overstatement and quite frankly insensitive” she quirked her head “too soon to be making those kinds of jokes don’t you think?”
“It’s been over a hundred years!” he threw up his hands.
“Too soon” she pointed at him.
“Bonjour Madame et Monsieur, my name is Jacques I shall be your server tonight. Can I get you started with anything to drink?” the waiter set down wine glasses on the table.
“Yes thank you can we have a bottle of the best Cabernet Sauvignon you’ve got please” Ji-Yong smiled.
“And for your girlfriend Monsieur? The Cabernet as well?”
“Oh she’s not my girlfriend” he laughed “just good friends”
She bit the inside of her bottom lip trying to mask how hard his insignificant comment hurt and how quickly he responded to the waiter without hesitation.
“I’ll just have a water, no ice please” she forced a smile.
“On second thought--” he mumbled to himself “come on babe, no wine this time? We are celebrating our anniversary after all right? Got to set the mood for later tonight” Ji-Yong winked smirking as he reached out to hold her hand she had resting on the table.
The waiter awkwardly chuckled “ah, congratulations”
‘Oh, not good enough to actually date me but I am good enough to play a prank on the waiter...’ she thought.
“Water. No ice” she glared at him as she snatched her hand away from under his.
“Erm, Oui Madame et Monsieur I will return shortly”  the waiter hurriedly took his leave before anymore awkward animosity could come out of their mouths.
“What the hell was that about?” Ji-Yong chuckled.
“Me?! What the hell are you doing?” she furrowed her brows.
“Oh come on it’s just a little fun” the smirk never seeming to falter from his face.
“Yeah at my expense”
“Just a joke babe”
“And I told you to stop calling me that!” she huffed “what are you gonna do next make out with me in front of the waiter?!”
“If that makes it more convincing then sure why not?” his eyes dropped down at her lips before making eye contact again.
She could feel the intensity of her heart pounding against her chest and an unbelievable urge to douse herself in ice cold water so no one would notice how hot her cheeks had gone and that it had made that feeling return of standing in the middle of a sauna in a heavy winter coat while wearing layers upon layers of clothing
“Look at you! I was just messing with you” he chuckled “I wouldn't kiss you--”
“Gee, thanks for the ego boost” she scoffed.
“I didn’t mean it like that” he reached across the table attempting again to hold the hand she rested on the table before she snatched her purse off the table as she stood up.
“Yeah, yeah I know what you meant” she began hastily walking toward the emergency exit.
“Wait where are you going?!” he called back from the table making people sitting around him stare.
“I'll be at the studio writing the next big hit about how my complete lack of allure shot the dating horse in the face” she yelled back as the heavy door closed behind her.
“But they haven’t even brought out the drinks!” he cleared his throat as he looked around at all the eyes staring back at him “sorry..”
“Eh, Monsieur” the waiter cleared his throat.
“Hmm?” Ji-Yong turned to face him.
“Since you and Madame are celebrating your anniversary I thought I would bring you our finest wine” he forced a smile “should I wait for Madame to come back?”
“No, Jacques I don’t think she’s coming back”
“Non? Wh-what happened?”
“She’s leaving me Jacques” Ji-Yong said nonchalantly.
“Leaving you?” he quirked an eyebrow as he took her seat and began pouring Ji-Yong a glass full of wine.
“Thank you” Ji-Yong took a sip of the wine “yeah, it’s such a shame too, I just hope the kids don’t take it too hard”
“Oh Mon Dieu, not the children” Jacques gasped.
“Cheers to that my friend”
“Was there another man?”
“Yeah, just too bad she couldn’t even say hello to him”
147 notes · View notes
Need help with car insurance?
"Need help with car insurance?
I am a 16 year old male but turn 17 in October 27th and i really want to get driving asap.   The problem is is that i am on a tight budget when it comes to it. Buying the car isn't to bad its the insurance. When im looking on websites its coming up with prices like 3000 but i managed to find prices around the 1800 for a year. Does anyone know of any cheap cars where i could get the insurance for cheaper than 1800   Thanks     I live in the uk
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Is there anyone that has Mercury Car Insurance? I am wondering if they are any good? Please help!?
Just curious on how they rate compared to other insurance companies.
Insurance for my car please help!! ?
in the future i need to insure a '05 infiniti g35 coupe. i went to Farmers for a quote and they said 1,200 for 6months!!.....Can anyone suggest other insurance companies that arent that expensive?? thanks. or the fact that its an infiniti coupe i'm just going to get an expensive quote everywhere???""
Insurance for 2001 celica?
considering everything else equal (age, experience, w/e), how is the price of insurance for a 2001 toyota celica compared to cars of the same price range? eg accord, sports cars, compact cars, midsize""
What car insurance company in the UK will insure an american licence? I cant find one to insure me on my FL?
Just moved to the UK for one year and need car insurance, cant find a company to insure me, tried all the big ones but I know there is some out there!!""
How do the payment work if a bunch of people are being sued by a auto insurance company?
1 insurance company is suing another insurance company, and 6 people. If the 1 insurance company wins how do they split of the amount sued for? If they do at all... I need answers please""
Disability Insurance?
Okay, if the employer is paying the premiums for disability insurance for its employees, do the employees have to pay taxes on the said insurance, even though they are not using it at this time? Legitimate answers please. Thank you.""
Anyone have Healthy families insurance in California?
I'm 12 weeks pregnant and have a high deductible kaiser insurance plan. I have a feeling I will end up paying 4500 (my out of pocket max) to give birth. Anyway, I recently found out I qualify for Healthy families insurance for me and the baby, so I applied and waiting to hear back. Just wondering if anyone has their own insurance in addition to healthy families? I wasn't sure if I could have double coverage to get help with the deductible... It's too late for me to change my plan because open enrollment at my work has already passed""
""When you switch car insurance companies, trusting the new company with the quote they give you, do they have?
to stick with that quote throughout the year or can they cheat you and increase it later and the quote is just an estimate. I live in California
Insurance for a subaru wrx?
what can be an estimate for a subaru wrx for insurance price? im 18 and i have had my license for 2 years without any tickets i live in california
Milage limit for classic car insurance?
I'm thinking about insuring my 79 Buick through Hagerty, they offer guaranteed value coverage and are support to be cheaper then regular insurance, I have not got a quote yet. But I plan on driving the car at LEAST 30,000+ miles a year. So do they have a mileage restriction or are they unlimited, any input from people who have experience is welcome and also maybe another classic car insurance company recommendation. Thanks""
Affordable health care?
i work for a small company (5 employees) so we do not have a health plan. i don't have health insurance, but for my own and my families sake, i should get some. how can i get affordable coverage that i can rely on. i don't want some healthplan where i have to single out a clinic for all my needs (i travel alot throughout the country, so it should be a plan that is accepted in most states) plus i've heared about aflac as a supplement insurance that covers some basic things) ideas, suggestions?""
How do insurance companies classify sports cars?
I plan on buying a scion tc, but I want to know if state farm considers this a sports car. and if so, how much will more will insurance cost? I am a teenager, so i know it will be high to begin with, but will having a sports car make it much higher?""
Car insurance for 16 year old female?
I know I won't get exact on here, but about how much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old girl, I have good grades (I think that's a discount?), I took drivers Ed in the summer, and ill be driving my parents cars which is a Nissan pathfinder and a small Hyundai not sure what kind. About how much per month? Thanks!""
Can car insurance companies check if you drive another car ?
if you get a car insurance quote and you say you have access to another car in your information is there any way they can check ? I have just renewed my car insurance and noticed that it was cheaper when i said i had regular use of another car. The thing is i do have use of my brothers car but im not an actual name driver on the insurance. My brothers car is fully comprehensive and thinks that anyone can drive the vehicle. Is this true ? i dont get how my insurance company are going to catch me out if im driving my brothers car without any mention of my name on his insurance
How much would car insurance be for a 16 or 17 yr old guy?
im 16 now, ready to get my first car and drive, but i need a steady job to pay for my insurance. so being young and a male, how much should i be looking to pay?""
How much do you pay for teen car insurance per 6 month?
We have 2 cars 01 camry and 98 nissan. I am 18 , dad is 54 and we pay 35004+ for 6 months . Is that high?""
How do you find out if a driver has insurance or not?
My car got hit and the driver took off. I have their name, address, and vin number but they did not provide an insurance company name either because they don't have it or there's a possibility that it was not provided at the time. Who can find this out for me, the police said they can't and my insurance company said they don't think they can either....""
On medical insurance?
I want to get medical insurance but have no idea where to start or what to even look for. My employer offers medical insurance, which I don't qualify for yet, but want to look into other plans before making a decision. Can I get some links so I can educate myself on this, or can I get some suggestions or information from you guys? Thanks""
Should I call my auto insurance?
This afternoon, I was at a gas station and I backed my 2003 Pontiac mini van into a concrete barrier very hard. The left rear bumper is falling off, the hatch is dented fairly bad in the corner so it is difficult to open (that dent is about 4 inches in diameter but very deep) and the side with an automatic door has two shallow dents about a foot across. One of my taillights chipped on the side but didn't crack or shatter. No broken glass or anything. The plastic bumper is cracked in a few places, and has red paint all over over it from the barrier. the doors still work (excepting that the hatch catches on the taillight area), no electronic or mechanical issues, just body damage. The question is, should I call insurance? I am almost 17 and I've had my license for about 6 months. Roughly how much would the body work cost, since my insurance with AARP is sure to go up dramatically? Or would I want to play it safe and place a claim? My parents know all about it, and it was a total accident (I missed the brake pedal and hit the accelerator). Just looking for the way that will cost me less in the long run. Thank you for your help.""
Best health insurance for bariatric surgery?
I live in Florida and am trying to have bariatric surgery. What company's will pay for the surgery in Florida?
Why is car insurance so high for a 30+ female with 10yrs ncd?
I'm just looking for a new/nearly new style Ford KA and looked at some insurance quotes and ive noticed that nothing comes in cheaper than 360. It's not what I'm driving as I've looked at smaller cars such as Peugeot 107's and Citroen C1's (both new and older cars). They all come out with nothing cheaper than 360! I had a brand new KA back in 2003 and that was only 260 for insurance (I do understand that insurance has gone up in 10 years!), but why cant I get anything cheaper? I'd see myself as a model driver as I've been driving for 11 years, never had an accident, never claimed on my insurance, never been booked or had any points and I'm now in the 'older' bracket! Please can someone explain, or reassure me that it's not just me this is happening to?""
Can my car insurance still charge me for a car I do not have anymore?
I'm confused. I no longer have this car, it got vandalised and written off. It says in my contract I can cancel I did but they have taken out another payment I haven't had the car since October 22nd Not only that in they said to me I they will take out the remaining payments from the cheque they pay me from my car, it doesn't say this in the contract so why do I have to do it? Why should I pay for a car I no longer have? And why do I have to pay my voluntary and compulsory excess if someone damaged my car and it has been reported to police and on going investigation? I will speak to them tomorrow but I am confused now and looking for answers. Thank you""
Is van insurance cheaper than car insurance in uk for first time drivers?
basically im a new driver and am lookin for the vehicle tht offers the cheapest insurance, im male by the way""
Individual health insurance?
DOes anyone have or know of any good individual policies? Im currently self employed and need health insurance. Looking for the best and cheapest!
""If u make 16 dollars an hour, how much would you have earned after one full year?
can i use that money to buy a car? how much does insurance cost?
Need help with car insurance?
I am a 16 year old male but turn 17 in October 27th and i really want to get driving asap.   The problem is is that i am on a tight budget when it comes to it. Buying the car isn't to bad its the insurance. When im looking on websites its coming up with prices like 3000 but i managed to find prices around the 1800 for a year. Does anyone know of any cheap cars where i could get the insurance for cheaper than 1800   Thanks     I live in the uk
Motorcycle insurance?
I'm 18 years old and without taking all the time to go through and get a quote I was wondering what a ballpark guess would be for the amount it would cost for a year's worth of motorcycle insurance. The bike it would be for would be the Kawasaki Ninja 250R. It's a pretty small and compact sport bike with no too much power to spike my coverage prices I'm just concerned with my age the price will be relatively high. If anyone knows what state farm or geico is charging 18 year olds for low end start up sport bikes per year that would be great.
Will this affect my car insurance rates?
Once, several years ago I had given the information to the other person but had not heard from anyone several days later, so I called my insurance... sadly (my bad) I did not get the other persons information so I was told not to worry about it until the other person reported it... that never happened... what happens here????..""
Help Choosing First Car?
Soo I'm looking at two cars, the 2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GS and the 2002 Ford Mustang. Both are convertible, the Mitsu is a V4 while the Ford is a V6. The Ford has about 90k miles and the Mitsu has about 120k miles. I was wondering which would be the smarter pick and why? Which would be more reliable, efficient, cheaper insurance, cheaper maintainance, ect. Please help me and give any info on both cars.""
Cheapest car insurance provider for a 23 year old?
I am 23 year old and had no claims up until last year when i had a little bump and now the quotes are terrible for even a little 1litre. does anyone know of realistically priced insurance company's for younger drivers? thanks for the help.
What effect does a minor ticket out of state have on insurance rates.?
A few months ago I got a ticket in Maryland, where I go to school, for going the wrong way down a one way street. The ticket was only a small fine and I don't think any point were given. Recently I just got another ticket for making a wrong left turn in New Jersey, where my permanent address is. Normally, my insurance company, geico , would let one ticket slide but I'm not sure if they would even know about the Maryland ticket. I would appreciate any information.""
What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
Life insurance for over 60?
Hello,just wondering if anyone out there has any good expierence for life insurance over 60 years old.I am a 64 year old female who wants something for 15 years with no pre-existing medical conditions.There are so many out there I just dont know who I can trust.Thanks...""
Any affordable life insurance policies?
41 yrs old now and considering shopping for a life ins policy in the event that something were to happen to me I would want wife and son to be left with a little something to care for house payoff maybe and other things. Nothing crazy but I just want them to have a cushion in case. Any thoughts??
50cc motorcycle insurance?
I have a 1982 honda mb5 street bike. Its 50cc and has a 5 speed gearbox. I live in indiana and i want to get my motorcycles endorsment but it requires that i have insurance for the bike. How much would that be?
Why does ACA make insurance mandatory?
Does anyone know why the Affordable Health Care Act requires you to have insurance? I could understand an optional government insurance plan if you don't get it through work, but I don't understand why there will be a penalty if you are uninsured. Avoiding emotional responses (for instance: b/c Obama sux), does anyone know the reasoning behind that? An example of the answer I'm looking for would be if you asked me why Americans are required to have car insurance, why aren't we just allowed to pay for accidents out of pocked if we choose to? I would answer by saying that some people would not get insurance because they thought they could avoid an accident, but then get into one and nobody would pay for the other person's car/injuries. Putting the person in jail wouldn't help the victim, so it's better to make everyone have car insurance.""
""Flipped over my car, how much will insurance be now?""
I'm 16, I got in a big car accident.. I flipped over my car twice. Fortunately, I was untouched and I was the only one involved. Naturally, I was taken off the insurance policy and lost my car. Before, I had the good student discount so we paid $350 for half a year as a full time driver. How much would I have to pay to be a full time driver now after the accident? My dad said $2000 for a full year but it can't be that much? Will they strip me of my good student discount? How much will it cost to be put on as a part time driver now? Will it go down after a year? Will the insurance go up a lot? It won't go up as much as it would otherwise since I was the only one involved and there was no property damage, right? I don't understand how it could happen to me, I'm a model student, I have straight A pluses in all advanced and AP classes and I was even following the law when I had my accident. =/""
""Can you help me-insurance, cars, and money?""
Okay, I'm planning on buying a car soon. My family is in a very deep hole financially, so I'm going to ask my grandparents to help me, because they are doing fine. I need a car to get to school, get to my current job on time, and have another job (along with 2 AP classes and babysitting!) I never ask them for anything, not that I've ever wanted to, so I'm really scared to ask them for this huge favor. I'm planning on paying them back for every single penny I borrow plus interest. So I want to know an idea of how much money I'm going to need to borrow. Okay, for insurance...I'm planning on buying a toyota yaris, matrix, or camry. Or a honda civic (perferrably hatchback). Or a volkswagon beetle. But right now, anything will do as long as its reliable. For a 16 year old, A average grades, living in KY, about how much would monthly insurance be? For payments, I know about 2000 for down would be good. But how much (about) would interest be on monthly payments? I'm planning on finding a car that is about 7000-8000 dollars. And lastly, how should I ask!? They know I'm mature and responsible, but I don't think they are willing to help me out. I absolutely hate asking for things from people, but I really need help so that I can help my family. So how should I do it? Thank you so much! :) I'll choose best answer!!!""
Car insurance question? help!?
I am going to get my dad to be the main driver and me to be the named driver because it makes my first insurance 300.00 =] Which is cheap for an 18 year old! lol But an insurance company phoned up today and said if i did this i would not be able to drive the car, if i did i would be uninsured? That sounds wrong, i was thinking maybe he thought i hadn't passed my test? So would i be able to drive by myself with a full UK licence as a named driver on the car i own? Thanks""
Free health insurance?
im 19 years old and im unemployed and im about to start college is there a way for me to get free heath insurance? i live in orange county california
What are the best cars with cheap insurance?
l am 19 and l know insurance aren't cheap at my age but l need a car that has a cheaper insurance. So far l've looked into a Nissan Micra 1997, Volkswagen Polo 1 litre and Peugeot. Is there any other cars that are good and strong but won't cost so much to insure?""
How can we insure our car?
My feoncee and i bought a Car he lives in the state of WA and i live in OR about 30 minutes away. We bought the car here in Oregon. he bought it so he can teach me to drive i have my Learners permit and he is a WA licenced driver. he is going to be moving to OR after we get married so he doesnt want to change the Plates and such to WA. We need to insure the car before either of us can drive it. so the question is how can we go about this. He again is a Washington licenced Driver and i am in OR with a lerners permit the car is here in oregon and we need to put insurance on it
Cheap Cars for an 18yr old to Insure?
Cheapest I've found so far is a Classic Mini City 1.0 @ 2,500, Corsa 1.0, KA 1.3, Skoda Fabia all came out at 4,500... Any Ideas on anything else? Thanks""
Question about insurance liabilty when driving a drunk friend home in his car?
My friend asked me to drive his car for him to pick him up because he was drinking. I picked him up and on the way home got into a fender bender at my fault. His insurance paid for the damages done to the other vehicle, but he does not have complete coverage for his car and wants me to cover 800 dollars in damages done to his vehicle. I do not feel responsible for this. I have minimum coverage. Will he be able to take me to claims court? Am I liable for his damages?""
Suggestions on cheap home insurance?
I'm looking for an economical home insurance that will be able to cover the inside only. I'm looking for suggesting, mostly not well known companies since they can be a bit more pricey.""
Can I insure another persons car?
Can I get insurance on a car thats not registered to me?
I need as much help and info about mopeds (UK) as possible please!?
What are the best types/ names of mopeds suitable for a girl? Do you have to take a test or lessons to drive a moped? If so how much does this cost? How much on average would insurance be for an 18 year old first time driver for a moped? How fast can mopeds go, and can you drive them on motorways? Any other useful information would be appreciated, thanks if you can help!""
""It's mandatory in California to have auto insurance at ALL times, am I right?""
If yes, to whom can I go to, in order to check the validity of the car's insurance policy? A car hit me last Tuesday (I was a pedestrian). I am gonna be reporting the incident to a DMV office tomorrow. Will they give me the insurance information of the car? The other party didn't give me insurance information on the vehicle.""
Info about 17 year old car insurance.?
Hi, so i have been trying to look for cheap insurance lately, but was getting insurance quotes for 44k and lowest 17k! but i changed up a bit of the info and got it down to 3.2k with mum and dad added, i dont want a black box or anything, if i were to ring up and get a quote from the company, could it be even cheaper? thanks, also please leave some tips as to how to make it cheaper, and if you ask questions in the answers!... i will reply in the additional info so keep an eye out!""
How does life insurance work?
How does life insurance work?
What are the prospects of providing more Californians with health insurance in the future?
Considering we are producing more and more people without health insurance than other states, despite the fact that we paying the highest state taxes""
Need help with car insurance?
I am a 16 year old male but turn 17 in October 27th and i really want to get driving asap.   The problem is is that i am on a tight budget when it comes to it. Buying the car isn't to bad its the insurance. When im looking on websites its coming up with prices like 3000 but i managed to find prices around the 1800 for a year. Does anyone know of any cheap cars where i could get the insurance for cheaper than 1800   Thanks     I live in the uk
Can a tourist in california could get a health insurance in this state?
i'm a tourist here and 2 months pregnant i'm planning to give birth here in california.
I have three speeding tickets in the last 6 months will my rates sky rocket?
I got my first in December of 2007, and went to traffic school. Since then, i got a speeding ticket in april and just got one this morning - i have allstate insurance - will my rates skyrocket? is there any way to call them and avoid this? what should i do?""
I am going to drive in a few years can somebody list some cars that are sporty but low on insurance?
please add if you can the insurance rates and the car name thanks!!
Does MY CAR INSURANCE cover!?!?
I crashed my friends car. She has liability on her car so now she is screwed with a beat up car. I have full coverage on my car, now would I be able to use my insurance to cover her vehicle that I crashed?""
How much would insurance be for a seventeen year old female driving 1999 Chevrolet?
I am sixteen i turn seventeen soon. My grandma will not keep me on her insurance About how much will insurance be for me as a 17 year old female driving a 1999 Chevrolet
""'96 Saturn Sedan SLI 4 door, Totaled, accident insurance offered $2700. buy back $530. fair?""
'96 Saturn Sedan SLI 4 door, Totaled, accident insurance offered $2700. buy back $530. fair?""
Cheap car to insure for young driver?
So I've been looking around the internet for a cheap car to insure for my first car. The only ones I seem to find are newer cars which are around the 3000 mark to buy. I'm looking to spend something between 500 and 1000 on the car but everything I've looked at, the insurance has been about 3500 for TPFT. Anyone got any ideas for a nice cheap little car that's going to be cheap to insure, and if so, where to look for insurance? I'm 20 and only just got my license, so no no claims bonus or anything, just want a decent deal that isn't extortionate! Thanks.""
""How long until a DUI goes off your driving record, for insurance purposes?
My husband got one in 05 in Washington State. I heard it was three years and then you don't have to disclose the DUI to an insurance company. I will be policy shopping soon and I don't want my rates any higher than necessary.
Does the Affordable Health Care law really prevent insurance companies from denying pre-existing conditions?
They say that now, insurance companies can no longer deny insurance to people with pre -existing conditions. So what was HIPAA passed in 1996 for? This law states that insurance companies CAN NOT deny people with pre -existing conditions. The only change I see is it gets rid of the 12 month exclusion period. I had two aunts with lupus, both lived in California and had insurance, until they moved to Texas. If they could have kept their insurance, they would have, but for some odd reason liberals are against insurance across state lines. They had no problem finding insurance, they just had to be out of pocket for 12 months. HIPAA also states that if you can go six months without any medical visits, advice/procedures, insurance companies are not allowed to look further than that and must not apply the exclusion period. So did the Affordable Care Act really stop insurance companies from denying coverage for pre existing conditions, or was it ALREADY a law? http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq_consumer_hipaa.html""
What R some other ways I can to lower my insurance rate?
What R some other ways I can to lower my insurance rate?
""Why is it wrong to require people to have auto insurance, but not health insurance?""
And, for that matter, wouldn't we pay less for auto insurance if the government provided it at cost as a single payer, squeezing out all the profits and returning the savings back to you?""
What is the best health insurance company?
What is the best health insurance company?
How much does your car insurance increase with a new car?
how much of an increase would you sprend on insurance if you went from a used car thats worth about 5k, to driving a brand new car worth 15-20k?""
Why does this motorcycle insurance quote from progressive sound too good to be true?
I'm 17 a year old male; my 12 month progressive quote came up as $161 for motorcycle insurance. Why is it so inexpensive when everyone around me says it's going to be expensive!!! Did I just type something in wrong or what? I don't know if this helps, but I live in a rural town in Oregon(population: about 3000) and have had my drivers license for one year and four months. I'm taking the motorcycle safety course at the end of August, and the bike I entered into progressive is a 1984 VF500F Honda Interceptor. I hope it's only $161/yr because that's a fraction of what I pay for car insurance!!!! XD""
I am selling my car and I have a suspended driver's license. What kind of insurance policy can I buy?
My driver's license will be under suspension until January 2014 and so I have decided to sell my car. What do I do about insurance? I dropped mine when I realized I would not be driving as a way to save money, but now that I want to sell the car I believe I need the insurance even just for someone to take a test drive. Are there short-term or reduced costs policies available in this situation? I would of course immediately not need the insurance once the car is sold, which could be very soon.""
How much would Insurance go up with Speeding Ticket?
I'm 17, in Kansas, and I got a speeding ticket for going a 51 in a 40. My dad said that it will cause insurance to go up for the next three years. My ticket cost is $96.00. How much should this cause my insurance to go up? I've never had any violations of any kind before and I have the good student discount, too. Also, what do you recommend I do? Should I just pay the fine and accept whatever happens to my insurance?""
When will we be required to have health insurance?
When will government make us buy insurance?
Which is the cheapest car insurance in Louisiana?
Which is the cheapest car insurance in Louisiana?
Insurance is a scam?
Why would we need it to be a law? Insurance is in case something happens, well what if nothing ever happens, all that money goes straight into their pockets. If it's law, they should make a new law where, after a certain number of years that you never got in an accident you get your money back. The main reason a hit and run occurs is, jail, or they don't have insurance. You would solve half the problem! I read in the DMV booklet that you can show proof that you have $35,000 in an account, and you wouldn't have to pay insurance, does anybody do this?""
""California learners permit, do you need insurance?""
California. Do you need insurance while u have your permits or do you use your parents? If no, I get insurance after I take my driving test? And can you have a passenger with you when you have a permit? Like an adult right next to you and your sister sits in the backseat.""
What would be the cheapest Car Insurance for a 20 year old? HELP!!?
so i'm 20, & i've had my licence for a year now & been driving around in my dads cars. but he just recently got a letter from his car insurance asking if he will add me on to it!.. will it be cheaper if i was added on to his or if i had one of my own?? because i go to school full time & work part time! & would the insurance go down when i turn 21?""
If I get a ford mustang (2000-2006) and get put on my grandmothers insurance would it be cheaper?
I heard it would be cheaper to have me on her insurance because she's older and has a clean record. And I'm pretty sure it varies by state. I live I'm SC
Best Apartment insurance?
Hey I need apartment insurance. What are the top five best apartment insurance places? Thank you!!
Is this insurance Fraud?
My Fiance and I have very expensive car insurance right now and when we went to change companies the company we were at (its a certified insurance company) wanted to keep our business so they made our insurance allot cheaper by saying we are married, but we are only engaged. Can we get in trouble for this? Is it insurance fraud.""
Question about pregnancy insurance?
My husband and I plan on trying for our 3rd child sometime around August/September. For our first child, we were eligible for Medicaid and for our second we were on Tricare since my husband was deployed. However, right now I'm the only one who is uninsured. My husband can go to the VA Hospital anytime he needs to and my kids are on State insurance. We really don't want to get some type of family insurance since everyone besides me is all taken care of. So my question is: Is there some type of insurance that covers pregnancy that I could just sign up for? I decided to come here before really starting my research on the off-chance someone here is on one/knows of one. Since a lot of insurances would say a pregnancy was a pre-existing condition and not cover me, I want to be on it before we even start trying. Anyway, thanks!""
Need help with car insurance?
I am a 16 year old male but turn 17 in October 27th and i really want to get driving asap.   The problem is is that i am on a tight budget when it comes to it. Buying the car isn't to bad its the insurance. When im looking on websites its coming up with prices like 3000 but i managed to find prices around the 1800 for a year. Does anyone know of any cheap cars where i could get the insurance for cheaper than 1800   Thanks     I live in the uk
What car insurance can i get with no down payment?
What car insurance can i get with no down payment?
Can a health insurance company abroad outside the USA look up my health insurance information ?
If I provide them with my insurance policy and other info can they look up my health insurance information?
Can I Buy Car Insurance Without Having A Car?
I'm not planning on driving anyone else's car it's just that my mom doesn't want to put me on her insurance because she says that it'll be too expensive for her (even though I would pay her for my piece). Thing is I don't have a car yet but do plan on financing a ar very soon. I've been pre-approved so I'm pretty much set to go but want to just drive my car off the lot without any problems. Also, does 'non-owner's' insurance like roll over should you buy a ar yourself? Like say for instance I did get non-owners insurance, drove my mom's car and then finally got enough money to buy my own car, can I use the same insurance?""
Blood test and insurance?
How would i go about getting a hypothetical insurance quote?
I haven't even started to learn to drive yet, but just out of curiosity i want to get a rough estimate for insurance for a car that i found, are there any website where i can do this anonymously?""
What's the cheapest van insurance for a new driver aged 27?
just passed my test and will be looking for a little berlingo van or kangoo. something of the sort. im a builder. just like to know peoples experiences getting the best insurance.
""What are some good, reliable cars that don't have super high insurance?""
I'm 18, responsible driver, clean record which will stay clean. Looking for another car still. Will almost positively be under 2005 and not a sporty one. I was looking into Acura Integra. But, kinda like maybe something like a Jeep Liberty (if insurance isn't high!) I will be on my parents insurance and both of them have clean records so that should lower it anyways. Would Audi A4 or a Suzuki or Kia sedan be fairly cheap?""
Anybody can help me with cheap car insurance.?
im 19 years old i want to but a used car but i wanna know the cheapest way to pay for car insurance.im new at this so thank you for ur help
I'm 23 and a female. I've never bought car insurance before. Who's cheaper Geico or Progressive?
Is wanting to pay $100 a month unrealistic?
Help with motorcycle insurance?
Hello. I am looking into getting a motorcycle, because I have had my motorcycle license for oooooo about 2 days now. I am just wondering if someone can help me with some insurance questions that will better help me decide what kind of bike to buy. For instance does the size of the bike differ in price? For instance if I got a 250 cc bike would I pay alot cheaper then one that is 1100 cc's? And what about make and model? Would a Ninja be cheaper to insure then a honda? Just kind of curious. And what would be the cheapest bike to insure. Further information. I am 24 years old. I have been insured with state farm in my personal vehicle for about 7-8 years now. Unsure if they offer motorcycle insurance, just started looking.I really like street bikes, really hate sports bikes. I am just l;ooking for the bare minimum insurance as I just want to ride and be legal rather then wasting a bunch of money on insurance. I know I have alot of questions, but anything will help me. So someone let me know. Thanks!""
My daughters car insurance has more than doubled because she got 9 penalty points in the last year. she wants ?
me to get insurance on her car and then get her put on that insurance. if she gets more points while she is under my insurance would that affect the price of the insurance on my own cars or would only if she caused an accident make my insurance go up. i could get a years insurance on her car for less than the price of 1 monthly installment she would have to pay for her own insurance. what do you think. if she gets 3 more points she will be disqualified from driving . if that happened while she was on my insurance would that put my insurance prices up even though she would be off my insurance if she did get disqualified. what i have wrote might not make sense. i want to know if i do this for her and she gets disqualified while being on my insurance would that put my insurance prices up for all my cars or what or would it only effect my insurance if she causes an accident. while shes on my insurance. * 41 minutes ago * - 3 days left to answer. Additional Details 40 minutes ago we live in the UK. sorry this is very long i found it hard to write what i was really trying to ask. 33 minutes ago i know if she causes an accident while she is on my insurance ot would effect how much my insurance costs but if she was to get disqualified while she is on my insurance would that effect me inurances oin anyway. if she gets disqualified then she wont be on my insurance anymore. 14 minutes ago only 3 of her penalty points are for speeding. she told me the other 6 points are because there was a mix up with her insurance last time and she was uninured for 4 days and was caught by the police. she got 6 points for that in court a few months ago. she said she that she had phoned them and accepted the policy they sent her to renew it and thought it would continue automatically but she hadnt been to the office to sign for it so she got caught for that. she was only uninsured for 4 days because of her mistake that time. sorry if you already answerd this but i put it on US yahoo answers by a mistake and it didnt show up in UK yahoo answers so i needed answers from people who knows about car insurance in the UK
Are minors required to have car insurance in California?
I'm reading the drivers handbook and it doesn't mention anything about that, it only says if you are emancipated that they require it.""
Do you need insurance to take the Texas Driving Test?
I'm gearing up to take my drivers test, but I'm not sure whether I need insurance for it along with my VoE, Birth Certificate, ID, & SSN""
When will insurance total a car?
At what point will my insurance company total a car? My husband was in a car accident and the whole front end of the car is damaged - the estimate is $7800 to fix and the car is valued at $9100. The body shop has been waiting a 2 days, so far, for the insurance to decide what to do. I am hoping it can be fixed but I also need to know if I need to start car shopping.""
Vehicle damaged..have ? about insurance?
A tree fell on my vehicle during Hurricane Ike. My husband thinks there may be at least $10000 worth of damage to it. I looked it up on kelly blue book and its only worth approx 9000.00. I tried trading it in a few weeks ago and they only wanted to give me $5000, I'm glad I didn't take that one. I purchased the GAP insurance thru the dealership. Do you think Allstate will just total it and let the GAP insurance pay the balance of my loan. I'm really really upside down. It really looks cosmetic to me but there are things hanging underneath it and it is very hard to drive. I think it would be cheaper for the insurance company to total it and let GAP take the rest. How does that work?""
Can I sue an insurance company if?
If the insurance company is putting stress on me and with holding information from me.It was their client who hit my vehicle he was cited a ticket. for being left of center he was flying down the road in a double yellow zone traffic was stopped 2 lanes and he had to go around them in order to hit me.He has a witness and he and his so called witness are saying that I pulled out of a lot that I was never in.Lucky for me I kept my proff of purchase.and they even have me on camera with the traffic stopped.Anyway his insurance company is treating me like I am a criminal and will not tell me anything.Which in turn is really stressing me out.So can I sue if I want to .I did try to be nice but his agent really makes me angry and stresses me out.I am just wore out from dealing with her.
How much did your insurance go up?
I am unemployed. My wife has me, our son, and herself on her job group rate medical insurance. Up to October this year, for the last 10 years, she pays $79.00 per month for medical ...show more""
Does it matter if you tell the insurance company?
that you are keeping your vehicle at 'X' address instead of your real address which is 'Y' address. Reason being that X is a way cheaper premuim than my Y premium. And its only for TPO insurance. Thanks
What is a car insurance down payment?
I see these commercials for cheap car insurance with a low down payment . I've had three car insurance companies in my life and not a single one has required a down payment. Why would anyone choose a company that did?
Buying motorcycle(street bike) and insurance?
Okay im going to be buying a new yamaha r6 in a couple of weeks. Before I bring the bike home I heard that Im going to need insurance before I bring it home. So should i start looking for an insurance now and get quotes or can i bring the bike home and then look for insurance. Im 19 years old.
""Rear ended someone in a rental vehicle, will my premiums rise?""
I was in a rental vehicle when I tapped the car in front of me. I drove a '11 Toyota Corolla and he an old Chevy Monte Carlo. I came to a complete stop before absentmindedly loosening my foot on the brake, thus I tapped him at perhaps 2-3mph, and left a light imprint of the license plate on his red bumper. I offered to negotiate a cash payment on the spot, I was thinking of a couple hundred, but he insisted costs to be over 1,500. I did pay for damage insurance on the rental, but not liability. I'm insured with Safeco in Southern California, will this affect my rates at all? I talked to a body shop and showed them pictures of the imprint, and they figured that repairs would be around 150-300, depending. I heard that premiums won't necessarily rise unless damages are over 750? Is that true, and if so what are some tips to keep them from rising at this point? (this would be the first accident where I am held liable)""
Insurance rates????
my insurance is way too high...I have insurance with a nationwide company....and I have to have full coverage because I'm financing the vehicle. My question is..where can I go to find some cheaper insurance? I heard that smaller companies around where you live usually offer cheaper rates? Is this true?
What are we paying for when we buy car Insurance?
Does any one notice that we shell out thousands of dollars from our income for car insurance, and the insurance company gives us nothing back? Sure, if we get into a car accident, they cover the costs, but then they raise your rate. And you are paying far more than the cost of the accident anyway. And then if you don't get into an accident, what is all that money for? They don't give it back. I just think its odd that we are required by law to pay for nothing, after we already have paid for the car. And then if you don't, you are penalized and punished, so you are given no choice. But really, you're paying all this money and getting nothing back. WTF""
Ticket for no proof of insurance in FL?
I received a ticket for no proof of insurance, i did not have the card on me at the time but i do have insurance. When i go to court, will i have to pay the fine or will the ticket be thrown out?""
Can I drive my car without my name on the insurance?
My husband and I own the vehicle and we have insurance on the vehicle with only my husband's name. Will I get in trouble driving it, even though the vehicle s under my name but not the insurance. This is mainly due to price of insurance. Me being on it will sky rocket he insurance.""
Need help with car insurance?
I am a 16 year old male but turn 17 in October 27th and i really want to get driving asap.   The problem is is that i am on a tight budget when it comes to it. Buying the car isn't to bad its the insurance. When im looking on websites its coming up with prices like 3000 but i managed to find prices around the 1800 for a year. Does anyone know of any cheap cars where i could get the insurance for cheaper than 1800   Thanks     I live in the uk
0 notes
august 23 2017 age 19
and i yelled out isn't it so beautiful!! and we talked and he asked for my number. i love myself i love my energy i love my life. and on the path to totality i brought up to jacob how theres a small line where its most visible for a longer duration and we headed that way instead, it was perfect. the whole thing was perfect, barely any traffic and we were in the middle of nowhere. so there was a parking. we parked in a power plant parking lot and slept in the car. when i woke up, jacob played the beatles for me, it was nice to hear a day in the life, and magical musketry tour as soon as i woke up.. so amazing. and for the solar ecplise i meditated and did yoga. i felt the earths strong energy.. it was very intense.. with the alignment of the sun and the moon had a great affect on earth, earth;’s energy i felt was bursting- and i was there to feel it all in, to welcome it to my body, and show my gratitude. i screamedwhen the solar ecplise was complete. it looked so unreal! so scary!!! i was surprised! didn't know what a solar eclipse looked like! didnt know what to expect! i didnt look tip pictures the day before! paulo and briksha got me in the mood for loving the earth and myself and yoga by sending group texts about spiritual practices to experience during the solar ecplise. when it was going away, i listened to a recording and aligned my chakras, which was very intense. and i did my favorite yoga move, which is just my crown chakra touching the ground in downward facing dog, and i felt like the earth was feeding me wisdom, and its golden light energy. i sid this for a long time. iw as very grateful for the experience. i learned a lot that day. i was presented with a lesson on being confidence in myself and accepting myself. when aligning my chakras, i felt some heavy emotion on working on my yellow chakra (solar plexus) and crown. actually it was just empashis, something to work on. this week is solar plex chakra, self confidence.. and during eclipse it was crown chakra. where earths golden light was inviting and accepting me and feeding me light. and this week is solar plexus! bc I've lacked in confidence in most things I've been doing, feeling unworthy of challenges and experiences, like today!!!!!!! TODAY!!! so yesteryda i was very stressed about today, i didnt want to miss psychology bc i needed to get the add code to get into the class, but the modeling gig was at 10, and the class at 9:10, and i was stressed all day especially ll night about modeling, i almost didnt go today!! Ive just felt a lack in confidence. thinking about my acne, and how prettier the other girls would be. and yesterday i naired my whole face. i also was trying to sleep early but that didnt work.. i was just very stressed about everything man! but yesertda was so good too, good balance. i got free burritos, free book loans, and applied for a (2) $100 clipper card at the school!! and food stamps!! resources and opportunities are everywhere!! but yesterday i planned this whole day for me and almost woke up and didnt do it.. i woke up at 5 am bc i wanted to shower then do yoga after, bc yoga is so powerful when I'm pure and cleansed and healed from the water, water is so healing. i am grat4eful for the disagreements in my head. for the clash, for committing, and believing in myself and in the universe. i took a shower when i was so close to skipping out on it and yoga, but i FUCKING DID IT. I COMMITED> ad theshwoer was so good! and i was conflicted with shaving bx well you know me and shaving but i said FUCK IT and shaved! the email said to wear high wasied things and the only high waisted i had was shorts. oh and hannah sent me this modeling thing a few weeks ago! but yoga was so gooooooood paulo is a miracle worker i love him. i didnt want to get up, neither of us did, i told him he was the best and he said no you're the best,t. paulo is so great. such a great teacher. then i got ready right after fire and was running late! ibroguht so much shit bc i didnt know what to bring i just brought a lot of vintage tees. i was running late for psychology too but i went still and when i got there it was PERFECT. i emailed the teacher i couldn't stay the whole class and was hoping it wouldn't be a problem and she never replied so i was def taking a chance but when i got there she was doing role call!!! and i was on th waitlist! then after i went up to her and tried to explain myself but she mentioned how she already read my email and to stay as long as i cana or come back, but after  i sat down she called names to give add codes too and i was one of them!! and she said huh you dont have to email me after all!! so perfect!! i was there for like 5 minutes! sp perfect. i left and went to the women locker room and changed and put on make up, i wa slacking some confidence bc of the emphasis i put towards my acne, but i got an uber and went! i was late for that too, but i did it and went! i had coffee and the uber driver braked really hard and i spilled it on my jeans.. i laughed at first and thought about la la land and how she had an interview in the clothes she was wearing when someone spilled coffee on her.. so cute.. and resonating. but i was getting a little frustrated bc i literally have to wear those to a shoot. when i got to the shoot i felt so much better! everyone was so nice and the girls looked normal! i felt like i fit in. I'm not sure how i look in the photos, but i felt a lil awkward bc i didnt know how to pose! but it was so fun!! all the girls were cute and nice!!! and it was so up my alley! so 70s! everything was vintage 60s and 70s and i had a lot of fun! i ended up befriending a girl  i had to do patty cake with and we are going to skate in the near future! she showed up in her long board! it was so fun and we got to go on the website and choose a piece of clothing we wanted ! bc we didnt get paid! but when i told elena that she said i was such a beautiful model that i need to get paid more for that.. so sweet of her.. and when i saw her in the room she said its so nice to be in my presence.. my energy.. and called me beautiful and kept taking pics of me.. so nice of her!! then yesterday i asked ashlan if beloved was hiring and yesterday he called me and said they were going to hire me within this week! i literally had to do nothing and i got a fucking job! the owner called me and everything !! and we had an interview where i wore my new dress from CAMP that i modeled for and it was amazing. i cant wait to work at beloved. i told her i and eifently feel some growth from it, and how my yoga path is focused on diet right now. and she mentioned how she's super into yoga and stayed at a few ashrams and really emphasized diet and being a yogi. love love theexperiecne !! and now I'm here.. contemplating on getting a degree in something fuN.. bc iu only get one life.. might as well study something fun.. like music.. bc i can always teach with a teaching certificate and get a bachelors in anything.. I've been thinking about music business.,. id love to be around music always!! god life is so good and full of opportunity.. i am so happy.. and tonight i get to share all this! but not the whole thing.take chances, take a risk.. do it all. believe in yourself. you are worthy. you are beautiful.. and now I'm going to fire ceremony in my fucking ashram. how sick is my fucking life dawg. how fucking sick. and I'm going to help jesse paint tomorrow in exchange for an africna drum lesson. boom boom my life kicks so much ass!! damn damn damn!!! DAMN MAMA DAMNNANANANNANA.  and going my online english mandatory meeting class made me realize how a challenge is always a best reward,,, I'm not excited bc its online and i won't get an experience from it.. so I'm going to take sippers class,.. or atleast try .. bc everything i was tressed about is working out.. all the classes i was waitlisted on I'm getting into.. and if i take a risk, theres always a learning epcerice to it. i should take it into account with beloved.. just do it.. just take the risk. it was prenseted to me by the universe.. why not.. literally handed to me.. i didnt have to do anything.. and I'm already doubting it and myself,, thinking i cant handle it.. but shut up !! take a risk!! do it!! if i dont like it its not permanent!! ideas for carriers./ majors: music business, therapy (sound therapy- music being healing for me, yoga instructor, model LIFE is limitless!! i can major in anything then get a teaching certificate after a bachelors and teach!! but I'm going to calle lemtnaryhschools tomorrow to see if i can meet iwht teachers and hear what they have to say about their career and system.. and to see if i can get some work down with children to understand the job more(: LFIE IS GREAT AH
0 notes
i feel upset today because there is a continual expectation for me to put myself out for other people and get next to nothing in return as they ask for everything. and if i ask for something, it just goes ignored. 
i’m tired of my work being devalued. i’m tired of people just taking it for granted and using it to their own benefit. i felt nothing but anxiety and animosity at the last show our group put on because i was knowingly bullied on more than one occasion by another member and then forced to put on a show with them - and was even questioned why i might pull out my art. 
i was going to perform at this event. but as the weeks passed i realized i was putting in more work than anyone else and when i asked for certain things, they were ignored or put off. and yet there was an expectation for me to complete something for them ‘asap’. this made performing for the first time really devalued. like sure, i worked hard to create the event but why? what was the purpose of this? it was never to bring anyone together, it was never to showcase anything but the organizers themselves and the lack of good promotion means the likelihood of selling something at a venue not known for after hours shows and not joining our marketing is pretty low. 
i am 27 years old now. i have no fucking desire to put on shitty teen shows that are half assed thrown together with a bunch of my friends. thats not what this is about for me - it lacks a certain amount of organization and class. it lacks a curation in performers. i thought i might be the worst one - and that’d be okay. they cant all be winners. but now it’s just open mic - and if i really wanted to perform at a open mic, i’d go to a real one. if i’m going to do a large amount of the work - outside of meeting with the owner one time and putting up 5 flyers on street poles - i want the results to be worth the work i put in. and IMO it’s not. it’s mediocre and thrown together. 
and i feel a personal insult about this because of how much work i put intothe group itself. ive dedicated time on a semi regular basis to all the admin work, the promotion, keeping social media active, posting new submissions, fielding a majority of the questions and i’m not asking for praise - i’m asking for people to respect the work i’ve done. don’t come in and draw on it with magic marker and tell me its acceptable quality when theres folks painting in oils. i dedicated time to create an entity that could be used and harnessed; i ask for the quality of our output to match whats already there. 
and i think it’s asinine that i would hve to argue doing better than average. if this is just a hobby or random activity for you - fine. it’s not serious. you’re not serious. none of this matters. but it was presented as serious. it was presented as a showcase of people’s craft. there is no effort into making it somewhere one would wnt to be. we’re all going for the ~decor. we print posters because we want to see our name on a poster in the street - not becuse we’re really advertising an event. it was acceptable that the only people in attendance would be the performers and a few of their friends. acceptable!! that’s an unsuccessful house party, in my opinion. 
you know whats missing  locally? proper use of social media to network between people. it’s impossible to find other artists in the area unless you scour through obscure hashtags. but yet theres dozens and dozens if not hundreds of artists in the local area. this means you get stuck in one influence and within that influence you may be chastised for going against the “norm” of their influence. instead of new ideas being welcomed, they’re constantly turned down or argued against. 
i’ve met all of the people i know through facebook and instagram in my art world. thats a very powerful tool.i know models who only book through instagram. and ive had arguements about the use of hashtags. as if theyre not relevant. 
i’m tired of questioning what i know. tht honestly gives me the most anxiety. and its not like im tired of questioning what i do - its healthy to question your actions - but what i know and believe makes me feel unsure of myself and the skills i have. i have had experience working in the creative industries since i was 17, freelancing. and i have a wide variety of skills in graphic design, retouching photos, photography of models & landscapes & products, glamour modeling & product modeling (of which i’ve done for dozens of photographers in the local area), web design & blogging + knowlege of e-commerce platforms, wordpress, seo, promotion & marketing both online & offline, i’ve sold crafts online for almost four years and switched my primary creative tool from artisan crafts to trditional & figure art that i studied & practiced extensively for over two years, i have skills in copywriting & journalism, i have a handle on the basic laws of creative works & how they can be used, basic knowledge in building & selling a brand, communicating with clients & customers (of which i’ve had no complaints in regards to my communication - ive had complaints about shipping because post offices are not so nice), creating organized file systems which can be used by multiple people -- i have paid my dues. i am still growing, absolutely. i am not the best at any of the above things i listed. i could be even better. i could spend two hours today on one of these skills and be better than i am right now. i can always be better.
but just because i can be better doesnt take away from what i know now, what i have learned, what i have studied - like i took the time to study and read up on research and marketing & promotion techniques. a good portion of my first shop was spent reading about how to sell stuff, not so much making stuff to sell. as i did not realize at the time how much work went into being successful online. and i did not realize until my shop closed how i had taken that skill for granted - because i had done all that work & effort, it was able to pull in a few sales a month with little to no effort now. if i worked harder, maybe i couldve been even better. 
i also (un)willingly have worked full time as an artist and only an artist for at least two years. this is the “luxury” ive been allowed in  life even though i am the definition of starving artist. i didnt have it as a part time job or hobby - it was something i did every single day and i marketed & promoted for hours a day. an acquaintance of mine upon hearing of my mental state now told me that i had gone so hard for so long - and i kind of appreciated that he saw that on the outside. that someone could see that i actully did work incredibly hard. that i was dedicated.. that i AM dedicated. 
i’m not saying any of this makes me better thn anyone else or knowing more - it just means i’m experienced. i am very very experienced in not only practicing a craft but marketing that craft to sell, displaying that craft in it’s best light, knowing the best places to sell. i also work in quality over quantity. i am not interested in doing 9  - 10 shows a year. i’m not interested in shitting out  5 - 7 paintings at a time. it means before i touch anything to paper or canvas or wood - i’ve thought about it. i’ve really, really thought about it. i didnt just sit down and throw paint on the canvas. i couldve been thinking of this image for days before i do it. or the craft itself - my bone jewelry came because i absolutely neded to make a necklace out of fish bones i found and they needed vials attached. why? i dont know. but it just needed to be. 
when i started the group, i asked about names. i didnt choose a name or dictate the name. i was given a suggestion by someone i actually dont like at all and was given a reson for why he felt it was a good suggestion and i agreed because business-wise it was a good suggestion. i respected that he hd different ideas and experiences that shaped that suggestion that i did not have. i learned through it that i should expand my reach - both in my personal creative life and my ‘business’ creative life. 
my ~partner was disappointed i wasn’t going to perform. i could tell it was frustrating and dissappointing to him because i think he thought it wouldve been good for me and that i would hopefully find something in it that would bring me something. and through his disappointment he told me that it wasn’t totally right to drop out of something you planned to do or that peopl expected you to be at.
but i’d like to turn that around - my partner is someone who also puts himself out for others on a regular basis. and for a long, long, long time he was fucked around and fucked over by many people. an old friend came to his door and asked to borrow money and he allowed him to despite knowing he might be a drug addict now. he had no obligation to this person but it was like since he was asked, he should. and i think if he lerned to say no, or learned to walk away from an unhealthy situation, he would be happier as well. i’ve learned first hand the benefit of walking away from something toxic. and you will feel misplaced guilt for a bit, i feel some guilt now but it’s for the best. 
i try to think how i can change my perspective on it but i cannot. i wold not walk down the street if this was held in the local gallery, nevermind 20km away. like once i took myself out as a performer i realized i wouldnt even want to go. i dont want to see anyone perform but my partner; who will already be subdued because of the venue. ive been completely taken out of the organization of the event - despite having been continually involved in the promotion and a few conversations since the lst one where i said i didnt want to keep doing this. so ive deleted my advertisement efforts online andi’m just halting any further promotion on my part of this event. i’m 97% sure i’m personally not even going to go. i no longer ant to see half of the people there on a personal level so it’s not even worth going to to hang out and i dont care about displaying my art. 
0 notes