#i drew this for halloween i think the year before last
heydocpotts · 4 months
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Ana took the picture ❤️
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vivwritesfics · 11 months
Tears Falling Down at the Party
Oscar and Y/N have their Halloween traditions. This year, they're apart and she has to make up for it.
Suggestive Themes
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The Mexican Grand Prix just so happened to fall on Halloween weekend. Which sucked for Y/N who was used to having Oscar home for Halloween weekend.
They'd made a tradition of it. Buying a bucket full of candy and watching scary movies, living room, lit by pumpkins they'd carved together. Every year Y/N's uncle would have a Halloween party and the two of them would dress up to keep her cousins happy. It was always a couples costume, Y/N buying or making them while Oscar reluctantly came along.
This year there was no pumpkins, no candy, no Oscar.
He was in Mexico and Y/N was in their shared flat in London. She missed him a fuck load, missed their traditions.
To make up for lack of Oscar, Y/N's friends had organised a girls day. They'd brought over pumpkins to carve and Halloween themed food and drinks.
"Are you calling Osc tonight?" Asked one of the girls as they drew faces on their pumpkins.
Y/N shook her head. "Not with the time zone differences," she answered as she drew the face on her pumpkin. Hers had heart eyes and a zigzag smile.
"Hang on!" Another friend shouted as she reached for a ghost shaped pretzel. "What if we did one of those pumpkin head photoshoots? We could send the pictures to Oscar," she suggested, her eyebrows going up and down.
"What if we did a lingerie shoot?" Another friend quietly suggested.
That was actually a good idea, Y/N realised as she looked at her pumpkin. She and her friends could do a lingerie photoshoot to send to Oscar while he was in Mexico. It was a brilliant idea. "Let's do it," she said grabbed the knife from the middle of the floor.
The girls began carving their pumpkins while Y/N carved a hole in the bottom of her pumpkin, one big enough for her for her head. After she'd done that, she scraped out the inside of her pumpkin until their was nothing left.
And then it was onto the head. She carved the heart eyes out carefully and pushed them out. "What do we think?" Y/N asked as she placed it on her head. Her friends let out a series of whops and cheers, one of them even snapping a picture.
Y/N carved out the smile. It was tricky work, and she had to do it piece by piece until the smile was entirely cut out.
"Ladies, I think we're ready," she said and held up her pumpkin head.
The girls piled into Y/N and Oscar's room, searching through her draw of underwear for lingerie. One found a black, lacy body suit, another found a matching pair of red underwear, a small gem hanging from where the cups met. There was one last set, green, with suspenders on the panties.
Y/N quickly got changed into the body suit. She placed the pumpkin on her head and let her friends position her.
They really were amazing. Her friends were there for over an hour, taking pictures of her to send to Oscar. Most were on her on the bed, some with candy raining down onto her, some of her pretending to lick a lolly pop with the candy head.
As soon as they were done, Y/N sent every single picture to Oscar. She got dressed and placed the pumpkin out on her balcony. "Thanks, guys," she said to her friends as they sat down to watch movies.
"Just tell us what Oscar says."
Oscar, well, he was shocked. With the race over, he was able to rush to the airport to get to the plane and back to his girlfriend.
As Oscar waited at the gate, headphones in his ears, his phone pinged several times. A message from Y/N. With hearts in his eyes, Oscar opened the message.
His cheeks were flaming as he looked through the pictures. A lingerie photoshoot with Y/N wearing a pumpkin head. He knew exactly who it was, he could recognise her body anywhere.
Oscar left one message before he boarded the plane.
Holy fuck.
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Blessed (2/2) - Fushiguro Megumi x fem!Reader
SPOILERs for up to ch. 235 - canon complient until then Pairing: Fushiguro Megumi x fem!Reader Genre: angst (Part 1), fluff (Part 2), hurt/comfort Word Count: 7 946 Warnings: death, injury, stitches, blood, pain Summary: Megumi woke up after having been saved by you, but will you recover, too?
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Part One
The air smelled of wood and tatami. Megumi groaned slightly as he tried to stretch, feeling the soft blanket and the warm futon engulf him. His limbs felt stiff, like they had done when he had been bedridden for weeks with the flue when he had been thirteen. He grabbed his hands and intertwined the fingers, stretching them above his head, before eventually blinking his eyes open. The room he was in was lit up only by the orange light of a small lamp at the headend of his futon. Beyond the traditional room separations made of washi and wood the darkness of night lingered quietly. The tatami floor filled him with the comforting sense of familiarity. He was back at Jujutsu High, strangely enough the one place he had always felt safe at. Maybe because you had always been there.
A sudden noise at his feet drew his attention to it, and sitting up a little he was met with a sight that let his heart almost stop in his chest. Curled up at the end of his bed, hair dishevelled and one hand resting on Megumi’s ankle as if to make sure he wouldn’t get up unnoticed, lay Gojō.
His snow-white hair seemed to glimmer in the low light of the room. His eyes were closed, white lashes resting on his cheeks, even breaths moving his torso in a slow and steady rhythm. Megumi wondered when Gojō had lost so much weight. His cheeks seemed fallen in, exhaustion was written into his features, even while asleep.
The last time Megumi had seen his teacher and guardian had been before Halloween, before Gojō had been sealed away. And now it was… what day was it? How much time had passed since…
Megumi stopped, memories suddenly flooding back to him. Sukuna taking over his body and killing Tsumiki, the fight in Shinjuku on Christmas Eve against Gojō. And then? What had happened since then? How much time had passed since Christmas? Why was Gojō here, but you weren’t? Had something happened to you? Where were Yūji, Inumaki, Panda and Maki? Had something happened to them?
Slowly, not sure how strong his body was, he propped himself up on his elbow. Gojō looked peaceful, sleeping like this, and Megumi realised that in all the years he had been under the powerful sorcerer’s protection, he had never seen him sleep. Considering how exhausted he looked, Megumi was reluctant to wake him, but he needed answers. Badly. Especially concerning the question of where you were.
But before Megumi could reach out to shake Gojō awake, he stirred, blinking his eyes open. Over the years Megumi had gotten used to the stunning blue of Gojō’s eyes, but now, after all that had happened, after he had thought he had lost the only father figure he had ever had, he felt like all breath was knocked out of him, looking at Gojō with his dishevelled, white hair and those huge blue eyes.
Gojō seemed to take a moment to realise what he saw, as he slowly lifted his head, disbelieve written into his features.
No sound left Gojō’s lips, that formed the name of his protégé, and Megumi felt himself shrink under his teacher’s intense gaze, before the white haired man lurched forward and wrapped his arms around his student.
Megumi gasped in surprise as Gojō squeezed him in a hug, hesitantly returning it. Gojō was not the kind of man to hand out hugs just like that. Over the years, Megumi could probably count the times Gojō had hugged him, really hugged him, on one hand.
“I didn’t think you’d wake up,” Gojō breathed, pulling Megumi tighter against himself. “I thought I had lost you.”
Megumi nodded, trying to swallow down all the questions that were burning on his tongue and instead focus on what Gojō had said.
“You got locked away-,” he recalled. “I thought you’d be imprisoned forever.”
A beat of silence passed and all it took was an inhale by Gojō for Megumi to know the emotional reunion was over.
“Aww, did you miss me,” Gojō asked teasingly, pulling away, and causing Megumi to roll his eyes at him.
But then he stopped, looked at his teacher for a moment before he nodded.
“I did,” he admitted, knocking the wind out of Gojō’s sails, whose eyes widened in surprise at the honesty.
He swallowed thickly and nodded, pulling away far enough to sit up normally again.
“How are you feeling,” he asked instead of continuing his intended teasing, his eyes now scanning Megumi carefully.
“Pretty okay, I think,” Megumi answered, “A little stiff, maybe... wait- what happened to Sukuna?”
Gojō took a deep breath, making Megumi fear the worst for a moment. What was the worst? That Sukuna had possessed Yūji again? No, it would be worse if he were to possess you.
“Sukuna’s dead,” Gojō answered, and Megumi was glad that this time his usually annoying and always teasing teacher hadn’t made a big deal out of revealing the answer. “Yūji killed him through (y/n)’s technique.”
Megumi nodded, even though he was not sure what exactly Gojō had tried to say beyond that Sukuna was a problem of the past.
“So, he’s gone?”
“Dead, gone, never gonna possess or kill anybody again,” Gojō confirmed, a soft and relieved smile on his lips.
Megumi could feel the weight off the world fall off his shoulders, and he dropped back into his pillow, looking up at the wood panelled ceiling. Another question rose to his mind, and just as quickly the weight on his chest had disappeared, it increased again. What had happened to you? He was not sure he’d be able to ever get up from this futon if the answer was anything other than that you were fine.
The silence that followed his single word question made his heart plummet to unknown depths, and he screwed his eyes shut, but the tears welled up regardless. Why had he gone through all of this, all of it, if he could not even protect those he loved? Not only had this war demanded Nobara’s life, but he would have to spend the rest of his days living with the knowledge that his own hands, guided by an ancient evil, had killed his sister. And now the girl he loved, the girl he had thought was the one, the girl he had scolded himself over because you were basically still kids, how could he know you were the one, the girl he had secretly imagined he would marry one day… now you were gone, too?
Had it been summer, the silence would not have been as loud. Cicadas would have sung, and frogs would have quacked in the ponds outside. But in winter the school ground were quiet.
Gojō’s voice broke interrupted the quiet.
“She’s- well, her hear is beating, but she’s unconscious.”
Megumi’s eyes flew open again.
“What happened. Didn’t you say she helped Yūji kill Sukuna?”
Gojō deflated, shuffled his long legs around to sit more comfortably before he continued.
“We don’t know what exactly happened. One moment she allowed Yūji to reach through her to finish of Sukuna, the next she collapsed. Yūji and I are both certain we felt a… a wave of power at the moment of Sukuna’s death, so our best guess is that something happened on a level of their souls the moment Sukuna perished. He released so much energy that it would have torn all of us apart and she used her soul to protect us, you, me and Yuuij. Her soul couldn’t process all of it at once, but she tried absorbing it anyway…”
Gojō’s voice died down at the expression on Megumi’s face. Megumi looked exactly how Gojō imagined he had to feel. Grief, pain, self-reproach, hatred towards Sukuna, despair- all was written in his eyes, as he exhaled and let his head rest heavily into his pillow. Gojō almost expected him to send him away, to demand privacy, but the request did not come.
“Where is she now,” Megumi asked, closing his eyes in an attempt to shut the world with its cruelty out of his mind.
“She was in the hospital wing, but Shoko suggested she should better be in her own room. There isn’t really much she can do at the moment; anyone can do at the moment. If her soul wasn’t destroyed completely, she might recover in time, but there’s no way of knowing if it will work. A normal sorcerer would have died immediately, the only reason she’s still alive is her cursed technique. If she can manage to patch her soul back up-“
“Please-” Megumi’s voice was strained as he interrupted his teacher. “Please stop talking.”
Gojō immediately shut his mouth, his eyes flickering over the boy’s features.
“Do you want to be alone?”
Megumi hesitated for a moment, before he shook his head, keeping his eyes still closed. “No,” he answered truthfully. “I’m scared of where my mind will go when I’m alone.”
“Do you want me to talk to you?”
This time Megumi nodded. “Just not about her,” he asked, and Gojō complied happily.
He told Megumi about how he had been released from the prison realm, about the fight between him and Sukuna. He tried to make it sound funny, but he felt the pain radiate of Megumi, so he went on about his friends. Gojō told Megumi about Yūji, who had spent the whole first day glued to Megumi’s bedside, until Shoko had sent him to bed. It had only been less than 36 hours since the battle had ended. And Gojō told him about Inumaki and Panda, who had kept wake with Gojō since then. He told him about Maki, who had tried reading to them all, and then he told him about anything and everything that came to his mind, about all the things Gojō was looking forward to doing and eating again, now, that the threat of Sukuna was over. And he kept talking long after Megumi had fallen asleep again.
When Megumi woke for a second time, Gojō had resumed his position at Megumi’s foot end, curled into a tight ball, but this time with his back to Megumi. There was no clock around, but Megumi had the distinct feeling, dawn was closing in. Nightmares had plagued his sleep, and he was overcome with the sudden urge, like every time he had a nightmare, to seek the comfort of your presence.
How many times had he gotten up at night and walked over to your room just to stand in front of your closed door for half an hour, not having the courage to knock? How fast had his heart beaten when you had eventually caught him one time, and made him swear he would knock in the future? How many times since then had he rapped his knuckles against the thin wood of your dorm door, only to be called in by your sleepy voice and how many times had you beckoned him into bed beside you where he had spent the rest of the night sleeping peacefully?
Throwing another glance at Gojō, Megumi carefully peeled back his blanket, and rolled off the futon. He was dressed in a pair of loose grey sweatpants and an oversized, dark blue sweatshirt. With naked feet, he tapped over to the door, taking a last look at his fast asleep mentor and slipped out of the sliding door. The air in the corridor was cool and smelled of snow. Even though it had been months since he had last walked around the school and there was no light source to guide him, he easily found his way towards your room in the dark building. Halting in his steps, he found himself once again in front of your door, hesitating to knock or even enter. How many hours had he stood like this, shifting his weight from the left to the right and back? Bouncing on his heels, walking a few steps back towards his room, only to turn around and stare at your door again? But this time you would not randomly return from a midnight-snack trip to the kitchen and scold him for hesitating in asking for help. No, you were unconscious, laying in your bed on the other side of the door that separated him from you, and there was no one who knew if you would ever wake up again.
Even though he knew there would be no answer, he lifted his hand to the thin, wooden door and knocked. Silence followed, silence he had expected and still hoped would be interrupted by your voice. He pressed down the handle nonetheless, letting himself into your room, and closed the door behind his back.
Your room was warmer than the corridor, but smelled fresh, as if someone had aired it out just a few minutes ago. Through the glass of the window beside your bed, he could see that outside the sky began growing slightly brighter. White dust – no, snow – covered the small garden in front of your window and the yard beyond. It seemed to have snowed a little since the battle in Shinjuku, and Megumi desperately tried not to think about how today a year ago, on the 26th, you had dragged him around Tokyo to go looking at all the Christmas decorations together. Back then, too, snowflakes had fallen from stormy dark clouds, and had caught in your hat and scarf, had splayed over the dark fabric of your coat like stars in the night sky as you had tucked on Megumi’s sleeve to get him to follow you to the next attraction. You had known each other for just two weeks back then, but Megumi’s mind still had played with the idea what it would be like if this trip had been a date, had even toyed with the idea of asking if this was a date. Now, when his eyes flickered over to the sleeping form in your bed, his heart reacted so differently than it had last year to the touch of your gloved hand on his. Instead of excitedly skipping a beat, it felt like it sunk into the ground.
Your hair was spread over the pillow, the blanket neatly pulled up to the middle of your chest, with your hands resting on it at your sides. You were wearing a long-armed sweatshirt, one that Megumi had gifted to you for Christmas last year. On the first glance it looked like a plain sweatshirt, but on the lower hem and on the arms, small, stitched-on flowers ranked around the seams, reaching a few centimetres up into the fabric. Megumi had seen the sweatshirt on a trip to Shibuya the day before Christmas Eve, and it had made him think of you, so he had bought it spontaneously, even though he had not planned on getting anything for you. You had smiled so brightly and admired the details when you had unwrapped it, that Megumi completely forgot how embarrassed he had been about it at first. The embarrassment returned tenfold though, when you ended up wearing the sweatshirt to the movie nights with all the other students, telling them how Megumi had gifted it to you. And now someone had dressed you in it, as you lay in bed lifelessly, the only sign that you were not dead being the shallow movement of your chest with each breath you took.
Carefully Megumi stepped further into the room. Usually when he had come to your room at such late hour, you had sleepily waved him over to join you in bed. You had always attempted to pull your blanket over him as well, but he had refused. It seemed inappropriate to join you under your blanket when he could not even confess his feelings for you, and he was certain, feeling you sleeping this close beside him would drive him mad. The temptation of wrapping you in his arms, tangling his long legs with your shorter ones, burring his nose against your hair, and inhaling your familiar and calming scent would have been too big. So instead he had always preferred the protective barrier of the blanket between your bodies. Now he wished for nothing more than you to attempt to tuck him in next to you, to feel your arms wrap around him securely and hold yourself close to him.
Feeling like it was not appropriate to join you in bed as he had done so many nights before, he instead grabbed the chair from your desk, and pulled it over next to your bed, sitting down in the dark. He didn’t dare turning on the lights, the little bit of morning grey that fell through the window illuminating enough of your features for him to know that the state you were in was worse than he had seen in his dream. Your cheeks were hollowed out from when you had poured all your energy into healing Megumi through Sukuna. There were cuts and not yet healed bruises all over your face and doubtlessly other parts of your body too. Megumi wondered where those had originated, but the thought that they were a result of Sukuna’s death were not too farfetched. Your skin had a grey hue to it, sickly and dead, and your hair was matt and void of any of the vibrancy Megumi knew. It looked like at one point it had been drenched in sweat but had dried since, single strands of hair sticking together.
Megumi’s eyes wandered to your hand laying on the blanket next to you. Small cuts and lacerations littered your beautiful skin, and even though it had only been less than two days, they already seemed to have started healing. He wondered if you’d be in pain if he were to take your hand in his. If so, would the pain be enough to wake you up? Was it even a good idea to wake you up? Wasn’t it better to wait until you woke up by yourself, when your soul was completely restored, assuming Gojō’s theory was correct? Megumi bit down on his own teeth, and quickly pushed his hands underneath his thighs, sitting on them to resist the urge to take your hand in his.
Beyond the window, in the grey light of the slowly approaching morning, sparrows tweeted in the yard, already up and making a fuzz as they always did. Megumi tore his attention away from your unconscious form, and directed it into the fading night beyond the glass instead. In front of your window was a small garden, conifers cut into bizarre shapes, ferns and different kinds of moss covering the rocks that lined a tiny brook that lead past the students’ dorms into a bigger garden behind the house. Beyond the small strip of carefully curated nature, a plastered yard opened up. Many afternoons he had spent training with you or Maki there.
A smile threatened to tuck at his lips at the memory of both of you facing off, afternoon sun beating down on you, sweat running down the side of his face and catching in the collar of his uniform. Even though you were smaller than him, you were almost equally matched. Unlike in his sparing sessions with Yūji, where Megumi almost always won, the chance to come out on top in a match with you were pretty much 50/50.
Well, not entirely. There was a third option, in which both of you were really equally matched, going on for sometimes hours without neither of you resigning or getting defeated. Those were his favourite sparing sessions with you. When in the end you both would all but collapse on the cobble stones, breathing heavily, and staring at each other for a moment before breaking out in tired laughter and laying on your backs on the hard ground, staring up at the sky with its clouds changing colour from white to yellow and orange to deep red and pink, before they turned blue in the sunset.
Oh, how much Megumi would give to get these times back. Sure, it had not always been easy, it had not always been fun. But you had been there with him, safe and uninjured, and Megumi had bathed in the illusion of having at least a little bit control over his life: when to study, when to eat and sleep, when to train. When to seek you out to hear your beautiful laughter.
Megumi turned back to you. Somehow you looked cold, he thought. As if the air in the room was too cool, giving you a chill.
Quickly he got up and fetched the woolly blanket from your wardrobe, which you had bought so Megumi could have a blanket too, when he was staying over in your room more than twice a week most times, since he always had refused to join you under yours. Working as quietly as possible, Megumi unfolded the blanket and threw it over your sleeping form before he settled down on the chair next to you again.
You still looked cold, but at least now your arms were covered as well, and there was an additional layer keeping you warmer. Megumi looked over your body, noticing that there was still the tip of your pinkie finger poking out from underneath the blanket. The same thoughts as before shot through his mind. Would you be in pain if he took your hand? Would you wake up? But this time he did not have the strength to deny himself the feeling of your hand in his, and very slowly, very carefully, he pulled the blanket away from your hand, pushing his own underneath your fingers. They were cold, as they rested in his palm, and quickly he brought his other hand down over it, covering it in hopes of offering a little warmth.
His fingers ghosted over the healing cuts and bruises on the delicate skin of the back of your hand. He wished he could do something to make them heal faster, something to warm your fingers up quicker, something to help you heal and wake up with the memories of what had happened no stronger than the memories of a distant nightmare.
He exhaled shakily. How long could he stay here with you? His heart screamed As long as it takes her to wake up!, but his head was more rational than that. He’d need to eat soon. Or use the bathroom. He needed to wash up and dress into something fresh, something he had not slept in. And if you stayed unconscious for longer, he’d need to get back to training, to studying. Sure, Sukuna was defeated, but there were still curses out there that needed to be dealt with.
Then there was the matter of the Zenin clan, the Zenin clan, which’s head he now was. By the gods, he really didn’t want that position, but he held it now, and even with how Maki had decimated the ranks, and the decision of the other clans to cast the Zenin clan out of the Big Three, there was still a lot of responsibility to bear, a lot of politics to learn. At least he did not have to worry so much about the Gojō clan, with Gojō Satoru, his guardian, being the head of it. But then again, he already dreaded the meetings. There was no way Gojō would behave maturely during those, was there?
What came after? After studying and training and fighting curses and handling clan politics? His fingers tightened around yours, not squeezing, but just enough for him to feel your hand rest heavily in his. After all that, he’d come back here, hold your hand, pray for you to wake up. He didn’t really believe in the gods, but he’d also daily go to a shrine, and make an offering to them, asking them to bring you back to him.
Megumi slumped deeper into the chain. He felt sleep already tuck at his eyelids again, his thoughts growing fuzzy, dizziness taking over his vision, even when he tried to fight it. It made sense, he guessed, that he was still easily exhausted after everything that had happened. And he had a feeling Sukuna had not really cared to take good care of Megumi’s body while he had possessed him, so that he was weakened from months of physical neglect. Still he tried to refuse his body the need for rest, and instead turned to watch your face once more. The sky outside had brightened enough to give him a clearer image of what state you were in, and Megumi’s heart tucked painfully as he was able to make out the cuts across your face more clearly now. A deeper one, that had been stitched up, ran from the corner of your mouth to the side of your nose, another one right underneath your left eye and countless shallow ones were littered all over you face.
Megumi blinked slowly, exhaling shakily. He wished he could help you somehow, could do more than stare at you and hold your cold hand. He wove the fingers of his left hand through your right, continuing to brush over the tiny cuts on the back of your hand with the other one.
Was it just a figment of his imagination, wishful thinking, or had your hand become a bit warmer between his, your skin regained a little bit of its colour? No, he told himself, he was just exhausted, beginning to confuse reality with what he wanted to see. Looking back at your face, he inhaled with a shudder before he closed his eyes. He needed to sleep. He was of little help as it was, but completely exhausted he’d be even less useful. If you stayed asleep for a longer time, he wanted to be in shape and back in the game before you woke up. Maybe even have figured out all the clan business by then. And if you woke sooner, which he hoped for, he at least wouldn’t look quite as battered as he felt at the moment if he napped a little now.
His mind began drifting off eventually, the dizziness of exhaustion pulling him under, back into memories of spring afternoons sparing with you under the fall of Sakura petals. He wished he could summon those memories at will anytime he wanted, the feeling of the soft spring breeze on his skin, the touch of petals brushing over his face, the sound of your breathless laughter, the strain in his muscles and the shock in his bones whenever your staff hit his with unbroken ferocity. He was on the strange border between waking and sleeping, just wondering if he could manipulate the memory enough to stir his time with you away from the sparing exercise and instead convince dream-you to take a break sitting on the stairs, when suddenly there was something moving against his hand.
Half asleep, Megumi tried shooing the sensation away, wanting to stay in the beautiful memory of this afternoon in spring he had spent with you, but the motion in his hand returned and he jolted out of the dream.
The third time around, Megumi was certain that he was not just imagining it: Your fingers were weakly flexing against his, and before he had time to sit up or even direct his attention to your face, your raspy voice broke the silence that otherwise was only interrupted by the chirping of the birds outside in the snow.
It felt like Megumi’s whole world began collapsing in on itself, his heart first stopping and then beating with twice the speed at the sound of your familiar voice whispering his name.
“Megumi, is that you?”
Along with your question you tucked at his hand, and he finally looked up at your face.
Your eyes were still heavy, but open and fixed on him, flitting over his features as if you were searching for any indication that the boy in front of you was someone else, someone who just looked like him.
Megumi wanted to answer, but his throat closed up painfully. So he just nodded, grabbed your hand tighter into his, and nodded. At the gesture a smile began tucking at your lips, a sad smile that he desperately wanted to turn into a happy one, and panic began gripping his heart, when he suddenly noticed tears springing into your eyes. Quickly he shifted from the chair to sit beside you on the mattress of your bed, the softness of it familiar under him, your body pressing heavily against him through the blankets.
“It’s really you,” you answered your own question, a tear running down you’re the side of your face and into your hairline. Megumi wanted to brush it away, but he still held your hand with both of his and refused to let go. Instead, he just held your hand tighter, bringing it up to his chest. He was not sure if it was a gesture to comfort you by letting you feel his heartbeat, or a gesture to comfort himself.
Leaning a little closer to you he finally managed to press out a few words, his voice raspy and thick with unshed tears of relief. “’s me.”
You moved, pulling your other hand from underneath the blanket, and reached up towards Megumi’s face. Leaning in further, he met it halfway, letting you brush your fingers over his face. Cold fingertips traced the skin along his chin, over his forehead and over the bridge of his nose. It was only when your featherlight touch ran along the thin skin under his eyes that Megumi understood that you were tracing the parts of his skin where Sukuna’s marks had once been. A shiver went through him at the thought, suddenly uncomfortably aware of how much his body had been violated by the ancient sorcerer.
“He’s gone,” Megumi whispered into the narrow space between you, scared that if he spoke any louder, you might draw your hand away. He wanted to avoid that desperately. After all, your fingers left a sweet, tingling sensation in their wake.
“I thought I’d never see you again,” you replied, drawing back from the subtle touch, and instead cupping the side of Megumi’s face. Instinctively he nuzzled into your palm, not minding that your cold fingers set the little hairs on his neck standing up.
“I was scared you wouldn’t wake up,” Megumi voiced his own confession.
Now that he was so close to you, close enough to smell the faint fragrance of the laundry detergent you used, and the dullness of the scent that only engulfed you when you were sleepy, he could no longer hold the thoughts at bay that had scratched at the surface to his consciousness since his conversation with Gojō. He had leant in close enough to feel your warm breath ghost over his cheek, and all of a sudden he was not sure why he had ever been scared of being anything but honest with you. Honest about his feelings for you, honest about how scared he was at the prospect of you getting hurt, or even worse, dying.
“Gojō said, you took the blow of Sukuna’s soul, when he died,” Megumi pressed out, his voice hoarse and scratching in his throat. “That you shielded our souls with yours. To protect us…”
You nodded at his words, your eyes carefully watching the emotions on Megumi’s face, as he furrowed his brows slightly.
“You could have died,” he accused. “Your soul could have gotten blown to bits and you could have died-“ Megumi was not sure if he was sad, angry or despaired at the thought. “Why did you do that, put yourself on the line like that?”
“What would have been the alternative, hm? Let Sukuna blow all of us up? Sure, my chances certainly would have been better if I hadn’t tried to absorb the blast, but then you’d be dead now. Yūji and Gojō-sensei too.”
Your breathing had gotten heavy over the few sentences you had spoken, as if it took great physical effort to talk. Worriedly Megumi shook his head at you.
“But did you think for one moment about how I’d feel if something had happened to you?”
You laughed, but it was one of the humourless laughs you paid Megumi whenever he had missed the point in something you had told him.
“Did you think for one moment how I felt? Watching you being possessed by Sukuna?” You took a deep breath, trying to counteract the strain the conversation put on you, and had Megumi not been as desperate to hear your voice as he was, he would have asked you to continue the conversation another time. “How I felt watching him use your body to fight against the strongest sorcerer of our time, letting Gojō blow you to bits?”
Your fingers tightened around his left hand, the faint memory of searing pain tucking in his mind somewhere.
“And just for the record, I did think about how you might feel. And I came to the conclusion that I’d be lucky if you’d feel anything close to the despair I felt, watching you go through all that.”
Megumi stared at you, your argument only half registering in his mind, as his eyes stayed fixed on your chapped lips moving around the words you spoke.
“You’re an idiot Fushiguro Megumi,” you continued, slightly out of breath, and pulling your hand away from his face to softly flick his forehead, “if you think I’d risk your life if I might as well safe it.”
The flick against his forehead pulled Megumi back into the moment, your cold fingers smoothing over the spot where your nail had gently snapped against his skin, and then cupping his face again.
“I just don’t want to see you hurt,” Megumi mumbled, his eyes wandering to your lips before he hung his head.
He was tired, physically and emotionally. It felt like his body had been drained of all its energy over the past months, and now even the shortest conversations tired him out immediately. And he was sick of fearing getting rejected by you. He finally wanted to tell you how he felt, wanted you to know that in him you would always have someone who would look out for you, even if you turned him down. But was now really the right moment to spring this on you? Hardly.
“Me neither, Megumi,” you replied, “me neither.”
He felt you gently tuck at his chin, making him look up at you again. You were carefully observing his face, the way your eyes skipped to his lips again and again not escaping his notice, while he watched their flickering in a mixture of hope and anticipation as well as amusement. He wasn’t sure for how long you sat and simply observed each other, but when the first beams of winter sunlight began blinding him, he finally gave into the question that had been on the tip of his tongue since you had reached up to cup his face.
“May I kiss you?”
The question was but a breath in the little space between your faces, and he could feel your breath hitch once you had processed the meaning of his words.
For a terrible second Megumi thought you would deny him, would turn him down with the way your eyes widened and stared at him in surprise. But then they softened, and you nodded.
“Please,” you whispered back, your breath fanning over his skin like a gentle caress.
Megumi watched your face for a moment longer, wanting to see if you really meant your answer or if you had just agreed in order to please him. But the expectant nervousness, the anticipation and slight giddiness written into your features was proof enough for Megumi to slowly lean down to where you were still resting on the pillow. His eyes fluttered closed as his lips were but a hair width away from yours, hesitating to close the last bit of distance. His heart was doing summersaults in his chest, your hand he was still holding clutched to his chest, the only lifeline he had to hold onto to stay in control of the spinning in his head. For a second he waited, let the tension between your lips and his sizzle and burn him, felt the heat your skin radiated, the shaky up and down of your chest as you patiently anticipated him kissing you.
And when it all got too much, when his senses got so overwhelmed with your presence, when his ears were ringing with his own heartbeat, he eventually gave in, closing the last bit of distance and pressed his lips to yours in a sweet kiss.
Neither you nor Megumi had much, if any, experience with kissing, which an outsider would have been painfully aware to, watching the way Megumi was leaning over you, almost like frozen as his brain tried to process the sensation of your soft, sweet lips against his. But when he lifted one of his hands away from yours, and cupped your face instead, pushing his fingertips past your hairline, pulling you closer to him, the tension seemed to fall away, and he melted into the touch. Carefully he moved his lips against yours, his heart stuttering at the way your hand at his chest closed more tightly around his fingers, while the other moved from the side of his face to his neck, beckoning him closer and closer. His senses narrowed in on you, his world consisting of nothing but the sound of your hitching breath, the taste of your lips, the smell of your skin, the warmth of your body.
Megumi had often imagined what it might be like to kiss you, but never in his life had he imagined that your kisses might be so sweet, so soft and warm and gentle. The way our lips moved against his was heaven, and Megumi found himself wishing he could stay in that moment forever. Thin morning sunlight brushed over the two of you, warming his skin beyond the blush that hard started to burn on his cheeks, and his heart felt like it was beating in rhythm with yours as a soft gasp slipped over your lips when he ran his tongue experimentally against it.
That little sound was what made Megumi decide that he had to pull away from the kiss, lest his heart might give out, and with a shaky exhale he turned his head just enough to break away. Only then he noticed how out of breath he was, how shaky his hand on the side of your face had become. He rested his forehead against yours, playfully brushing his nose against yours, eliciting a small giggle, that made his heart swell.
“I’m in love with you,” he confessed, not caring anymore about whether it was a good or a bad time to talk about matters this serious. From where he was standing – or rather sitting – the two of you had barely escaped death, had won a battle against the most powerful jujutsu sorcerer of all time, and now had kissed in a morning-sun flooded room while outside snow crystals glimmered in the light. When would he ever have the courage to tell the truth if not now? “I know it sounds stupid, like a cliché or something, but I think I’ve been in love with you since we first me. It feels like that day in Shinjuku, when Gojō sent me to pick you up… I knew who I was looking for, as if my heart knew something my head didn’t.”
He expected you to say something, but instead you stayed quiet, only breathing heavily from the kiss you had just shared, and Megumi almost wondered if you had fallen asleep again, when you suddenly tucked on his sweatshirt.
It took him a moment to understand that you were wordlessly asking him to lay down with you, so he hastily swung his legs onto the mattress, and when you tried pulling the blankets over him this time, he did not protest, but settled under the soft and warm fabric like he had secretly wanted to do since the first time you had invited him to stay the night. Next to him you shifted, and before Megumi knew what you were doing, you had rested your head on his shoulder, just where his arm connected to his torso. Your ear was pressed to his body, as if you were listening to his heartbeat and you brought your arm over his chest in a comfortable hug.
Ignoring the way his heartrate was spiking, Megumi wrapped the arm you were resting in, around your back, pulling you closer to him, settling you more securely against his chest, and linked his ankle with yours. In response you shifted again, shifted more of your weight unto Megumi until you were both laying comfortably in each other’s arms. It felt like a puzzle made of two pieces with very difficult patterns had clicked into place, and it took everything in Megumi not to start crying at how happy it made him to have you rest by his side like this. Even though you had not answered to his confession.
As if you had read his mind, you suddenly spoke up.
“It wasn’t your heart,” you whispered against his shirt, tilting your head up a little to be able to look at him. “It wasn’t your heart that knew something your head didn’t. It was your soul. That’s how I found you that day. There was this call… not for the new student at Jujutsu High, but the call for me. As if your soul had been looking for me. And when I saw you, it felt like something had fallen into place and I knew that our lives had been meant to be intertwined even long before we first met.”
Megumi blinked into the by now sun flooded room.
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I don’t know if something like soulmates exist, but if they do, you’re mine.” Megumi felt your lashes against his jaw as you leant up to press a kiss to his chin, and then the side of his neck, sending a warm shiver down his spine. You settled back against his chest, before you asked: “Is that stupid?”
Megumi shook his head. “No,” he answered, “No, it’s not.”
He remembered how he had just followed an instinct that day, trying to find you, how he had been magnetically pulled towards you. He was certain soulmates were nothing but a fairytale made up by media trying to sell love to young girls, but the idea that there was someone out there destined for him was addicting. Especially if this someone were you. Scrap that. If that someone weren’t you, he wouldn’t want them either way. With you in his arms, he had everything he had ever dreamt of.
Megumi knew, that when he woke up again, there would be work he had to do. He’d have to deal with Yūji’s doubtlessly overly enthusiastic response to see him alive and well, and with Panda and Inumaki too. Yuuta and Maki probably would have the decency to greet him without violating his personal space. And then there’d be Gojō, who, now that his biggest possible enemy was gone, would turn into an unsufferable source of stupid ideas and childish behaviours. Megumi was almost looking forward to seeing the man he considered perhaps not his father but at least an older brother, back to his old, happy self. Then he’d have to deal with the Zenin clan, and the other clans. Maybe Gojō could help with that. But in between, whenever he wasn’t busy, he would come and find you, and maybe you’d allow him to steal a kiss or two.
“Hey, Megumi?”
Your voice was already thick with sleep as you pulled him out of his thoughts again. He hummed in response, too tired to form a coherent answer.
“I’m in love with you, too.”
Seemed like the chances that you’d allow him to steal a kiss or two were pretty good then. He hummed again, this time with a smile on his face, burying his nose in your hair, and you pressed yourself closer to him in response.
It was around noon, when Gojō made his way towards your room. When he had woken up, Megumi was gone, and there was only one place really the raven-haired boy would run off to. Not bothering to knock, Gojō pushed the door to your room open, fully prepared to find his protégé slumped in a chair beside your bed, holding your cold hand or staring at your lifeless features.
Indeed, there was a chair pushed to your bedside, but Gojō had not been prepared to find Megumi laying in bed with you, your arm dragged over his middle, head resting on his chest. It was obvious that both of you were exhausted, but the colour had returned to your skin, nothing like the last time Gojō had seen you, all grey and void of life. Even your hair seemed to have regained some of its old glow. It seemed like you had woken up at some point and dragged Megumi into bed with you. The way the boy had his arm wrapped around your shoulder and his face buried in your hair, not to mention the way Gojō remembered him looking at you for the past year, indicated that Megumi had been only all too happy to join you.
For a while Gojō watched his two students quietly. A part of him already wanted to tease Megumi, and he knew eventually he could, but he would also make it abundantly clear to both of you, how happy he was for you. After all you had been through, you deserved happiness.
Steps in the corridor approaching the room made Gojō pull out of his thoughts, and a moment later Yūji pocked his head in. Just like Gojō he took in the scene, and his mouth formed a little o before a grin split his face.
“About time,” he whispered with a grin, and Gojō couldn’t help but join in with one of his own.
“Finally, huh,” he agreed before he turned towards the door. “Come on, let’s let them sleep a while longer.”
Yūji nodded and bounced back into the corridor, the happiness for his friends unmistakable in the way he skipped away. Gojō turned to look at Megumi and you one last time.
There was a lot of work to be done when you woke up, but for now you deserved to rest. You had almost been killed and Megumi had been possessed by the mightiest sorcerer there had ever been. At least until Gojō had been born, the white-haired man thought smugly to himself. Megumi had lost so much, his father and mother, his sister, and almost the girl he loved. It was time that the wish that resonated in his name finally came true, that Megumi finally could live a blessed life.
Gojō quietly closed the door behind him as he stepped into the hallway. If there was one thing Gojō was certain of, it was that Megumi already considered himself blessed for getting to hold you in his arms, for getting loved by you and being allowed to love you back.
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Tags: @natriae
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Now, with the 'Nightmare before Christmas' event fast approaching, how does it feel to know that there's a high chance of your old Oc coming to life? What was his name again? Ah yes, Jinx Skelton I think. Old follower here 👋
Even though I have to be honest I doubt we'll get any new characters this Halloween. I mean wouldn't it be strange for them to release new characters every Halloween? First it was Rollo then Fellow and now again? I doubt it honestly. Besides the thought of seeing a bishounen Jack Skeleton scares me. I love seeing new characters but at times point I'd rather have more information about the mysterious 4-year students.
[Referencing this post!]
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I think I first came up with Jinx like 4 years ago??? And the last time I drew him was like... 2 years ago?? BUT WOW, IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE THOUGHT ABOUT MY FAVORITE SPOOKY CHILD 😭 I'm so flattered that you remembered him, Anon!! (For those of you without any context, here's a fan art of him as well as my own design!)
adhbadoyqerqwvypnad I'm excited to see what TWST's interpretation of Jack Skellington might be! (I'm sure Yana and team's design would blow mine out of the water, lol) If they end up introducing a twisted!Oogie though, I might just bring Jinx back just to interact with him 👀
I'm not sure if I'm following what you're saying about the possibility of new characters though...? We may have had only Rollo and Fellow so far, but it seems to me that TWST has found a winning formula and an excuse to pump out a new limited SSR card every Halloween meaning more money for them. I don't get why they would backtrack now and do a whole event themed around a Disney property but NOT introduce a new character they can make bank on come next year. The first two Halloween events weren't themed, so it makes sense that no new character was introduced. Because this upcoming one is so blatantly going to be Nightmare Before Christmas-themed, I think it's all but guaranteed that we'll see a new face. adugkvqwodivqdi I JUST WONDER... WILL THE THIRST FOR THE NEW CHARACTER EXCEED THE THIRST OF FELLOWIVES??? Especially considering that the regular Jack Skellington is already a Tumblr sexyman????? Only time will tell...
I understand the anticipation for fourth year student lore, but I don't know that a Halloween event of all things would be good timing to make them relevant? So far, we only know that they temporarily return to campus for cultural fairs, in which NRC demonstrates the fruits of its labor to the general public. The fourth years would probably be better reserved for another kind of event or even later in the main story.
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void-wolfie · 11 months
Carving Commotion
summary: You go over to Jenna's for some halloween fun
pairing: Jenna Ortega x gn!Reader
tw: none really? light mention of knives for pumpkin carving but thats it (if i'm missing something let me know so i can fix/add)
words: 1.09k
a/n: Happy Halloween guys! i did this at the last minute if i'm honest. only did light editing and proofing so there might be some mistakes lol.
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You pushed the doorbell in with your elbow, hearing the familiar sound echoing from within the house. You barely even had to wait thirty seconds before the door shot open, your girlfriend standing on the other side with a blinding smile.
You noticed her eyes excitedly jump down to the two pumpkins in your arms, her smile growing wider if that was even possible.
"What're you staring at, Ortega? My eyes are up here," You joked, smirking at your girlfriend's exasperated expression.
"You're late," if she rolled her eyes any harder, they would've rolled right out of her head, "just, get in here already."
Despite the jokes, both of you truly did love Halloween, it was one of the best times of the year. The two of you planned to spend the whole night together carving pumpkins and watching scary movies.
As you walked through the house you noticed all the decorations set up. Fake cobwebs adorned with plastic spiders hung in the hallway, fake bats hung from the living room fan, caution tape littered doorways, and The Monster Mash played quietly in the background. She really does go all out for Halloween, you thought to yourself.
Jenna helped you put the pumpkins down on the kitchen counter. She grabbed out the soap and a scrubby brush and told you to clean off the pumpkins in the sink, which you happily obliged.
You got lost in thought while cleaning off the pumpkins. You were excited, you couldn't stop thinking about what to carve. Should it be something elaborate and scary? Or maybe something simple and cute? Maybe a mix of both? It was your first Halloween with Jenna after all, and you didn't want to scare her off with your excitement.
By the time both pumpkins were done and washed, you turned back around to find the kitchen table covered in trash bags and Jenna setting the table with a handful of carving knives.
"Carving pumpkins isn't just some elaborate excuse to murder me, right?" You joked. Once again you saw her eyes roll, but the smile on her face told you she was far from annoyed.
"I could never kill you, you're too cute for that," She looked over at you and winked. The gesture alone made your knees wobbly and your stomach twist into knots.
Jenna refused to show you what she was carving into her pumpkin. You could see her eagerly getting into her drawing, her eyebrows furrowing in the cutest way while her Sharpie moved wildly in front of her. It’s a surprise, she insisted.
You decided that if Jenna could get so excited and into her pumpkin carving, so could you. You drew up the best pumpkin face you could think of, sharp gnarly teeth, and slanted eyes. The design wasn’t as good as you normally drew, but you chalked it up to the cute brunette across the table distracting you.
Once you had decided the design was good enough, you picked out a knife and started cutting away. You started with some of the bigger details, watching as the big knife cut through the pumpkin like butter.
It felt like forever, carving out little bits at a time, and you were covered in pumpkin guts up to your elbows. But finally, you were finished!
“Done!” You shouted, setting the knife down and jumping up from your seat. You looked over at Jenna to see her giggling at you, but you didn’t mind, you liked the sound of her laugh.
“Can I see yours now?” You asked, excited to finally see what the surprise was.
“Sure, love,” She smiled, getting up from her chair to turn her pumpkin around so you could see it, “I finished a few minutes ago anyway.”
She spun the pumpkin around to show a more traditional-looking jack o’ lantern. It had big triangle eyes and a toothy grin. Even though it wasn’t scary it still seemed much better than yours. Somehow hers looked perfect, and yours looked terrible.
“Wow…” you hadn’t even realized you said it till Jenna's face lit up, her smile growing brighter than the full moon on a cloudless night. You’d say it a million more times too if it got her to smile like that again.
“Come on baby, let me see yours,”
You spun your pumpkin around, albeit a bit reluctantly. Hers was so much better than yours, she was going to laugh at you for sure. Yours was a bit more on the scary side, pointy teeth with sharp fangs and hooded eyes, though it wasn’t very good.
You waited for the laughing, but it never came. Instead, she looked impressed… like really impressed. “Baby, that’s amazing, I love it,”
You were shocked. She had to be lying, right?
“Yeah baby, it's perfect.”
You rolled your eyes, attempting to hide the smile that crept up on your, “I mean, it’s alright, but it’s nowhere near as good as yours.”
She could tell you were joking around, but she decided to play along. She gasped, feigning shock, “What? Yours is like twice as good as mine,”
“Oh, well now I know you’re lying to me,” You joked, your tone dripping with sarcasm.
“What? I would never!”
“Liar!” You all but shouted it, faking an upset look. You crossed your arms and looked over your shoulder pretending to pout.
It was silent for a second. Then something slammed into your chest, smacking back down on the table.
You looked at your chest, then the table… She had thrown a handful of pumpkin guts at you.
“Why you little-” You grabbed the lump she had thrown at you and tossed it back with a smirk. She ducked at the last second and the pile landed with a wet splat against the wall.
You saw her laugh, then she started reaching for the bowl of guts in the middle of the table.
“Oh no you don’t,” You reached as fast as you could, both you and Jenna grabbed the bowl at the same time.
Fifteen minutes later, you were both covered head to toe in pumpkin guts. It covered the walls, the floor, and the table. Some made it as far as the living room, but most of it clung to you and Jenna. It was agreed that you’d both have to shower and clean up before any movies could be watched. But despite the mess, and the feeling of pumpkin strings down the back of your shirt, you already knew this was your favorite Halloween yet.
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randomshyperson · 2 years
Helpful Hand - Wanda Maximoff x Reader [Kinktober]
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Summary: Having your girlfriend help you with your Halloween makeup can be a lot of fun. For you.
Warnings: (+18), strap warming, edging, heavy teasing, fingering, bottom!Wanda. | Words: 1.248k
A/N-> I didn't organize my posting calendar, what's new. At least we have a few horny hours this Monday.
Kinktober Collection | General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad
"Babe, can you help me with my makeup?"
Wanda jumped in excitement at your question, which made you chuckle slightly. You muttered something about not being sure if you were following the youtube video correctly, and Wanda wasted time locking your cell phone with the assurance that she knew what she was doing.
"Sit here, let's finish this before we're even later than we are." She reminds, but you don't care much about the party time - Tony organized the Halloween event this year, and well, if he showed up, it would be towards the end. You don't think a few minutes would make much difference. 
Wanda stands in front of you, makeup items in hand as she tilts her head slightly as if thinking of the best way to start.
"You look so cute with that crown." You comment and she blushes softly, a smile appearing on her lips. 
"Thank you, dorogoya." She murmurs before starting, but the job is considerably difficult because you keep moving or complimenting her, her eyes, her perfume, her cleavage. Wanda grunts in embarrassment at the latter. "You need to be quiet, Y/N, I've gotten it wrong dozens of times."
"Maybe you're not such a good makeup artist." You tease, and she giggles indignantly, moving away from your face only to put a hand on your shoulder, and push you onto the bed.
"Lie down, and stay still. I need to finish this or we're going to miss the party." She says, and you watch her curiously, but Wanda simply takes the place on your lap the next.
She has a smile playing on her lips but seems focused on her task. 
You feel the brush slide across your cheek, and then you bring your hands up to Wanda's thighs to better adjust to the position in which you have been pushed.
"Stop moving, malysha." She warns in a whisper, and you huff impatiently, but decide to get in her way one last time. You say nothing, just push your hips up and make Wanda gasp in surprise when she feels the hardness.
"I thought about surprising you, but you had to get on top of me, didn't you, little witch?" you tease, getting the impression that Wanda isn't even listening anymore, her eyes threatening to close as she frowns and rubs against the covered strap-on.  When she threatens to let go of the makeup items, you release her hips and grab her wrists. "Go on, we're not going to miss the party, are we?"
"B-but milashka-" She tries but you shake your head, stroking her wrists.
"We've been waiting for the party all year honey, we even bought matching costumes." You remind her, releasing her wrists to lower your hands again. "Our friends are waiting for us too."
Wanda sighs, seeming to convince herself. With trembling fingers, she opens the blush again, but once she is about to begin the work again, you have already slid your hands down her red costume, agile fingers pushing the fabric aside and sinking two fingers into it without warning.
She whimpered in a curse, and your fingers drew slow patterns inside her.
"Go on, Wanda." You commanded half huskily, also affected by the feel of her wet pussy on your fingerprints. "I was thinking you could warm up my cock while you work. Get it wet for the after party, nice and ready for you."
She nodded frantically, biting her lips to contain the sounds that threatened to tear her throat as she discreetly moved her hips against your fingers.
"It's an incredible idea, babe." She retorted breathlessly, trying not to smear your makeup with the state she was trembling in.
You murmured contentedly, removing your fingers and allowing Wanda to finish at least one part of your face without smudging anything. But the relief was short-lived, soon, you opened your zipper and only gave her time to take a deep breath before guiding the fake cock into her pussy.
Wanda moaned on top of you, stopping her movements as she got used to the invasion, and resisting the urge to ride it. You left one hand on her low back, stroking it as you sank all the way in.
"Here you go." You murmured last, and Wanda sighed affected by the feeling of being so full. "How do you say?"
She swallowed dryly, licking her lips to clear her thoughts away the complete arousal. "Thank you, babe."
"You are welcome, my dear." You retort meekly, a hand caressing her thigh, the skin that seems to grow warmer with each second. "Are you comfortable? Do you need anything, perhaps a kiss?"
Wanda almost falls for this one, but she knows that if she kisses you, your makeup will smear and she has the impression that the punishment will be greater. She takes a deep breath, forcing a smile.
"It's okay, I'm almost done here." She murmurs, sliding the brush over her face. You hum, not quite pleased that she didn't give in, but at least you were enjoying the whole thing. Especially since you could feel Wanda dripping all over the strap down her thighs. 
"Careful not to get my costume messy, we don't have another one." You remind her as you look down for a moment, and Wanda chuckles, almost indignant at your audacity.
"What a crime it would be to miss the party." She sneers in the final touches and has to stop because you frown seriously.
"Yes, Wanda, it would be, you know why? Because I'd rather enjoy the whole compound empty for the night with you, but you insisted we go, so now you won't cum until we go to that damn party, understand?"
A wave of heat fills her entire body at once, and Wanda chokes softly. When she doesn't respond, you grab her jaw just as hard as you push your hips upward, thrusting her deep with the strap-on causing Wanda to let out a little squeal, nearly cumming in one go.
"S-shit, yeah, I get it." She retorts affectedly and you almost fall into the temptation to fuck her now, feeling her body over yours but you take a deep breath and release her face, moving your hand to her neck, caressing the skin as she tries to regain control of her own body.
"Stop wasting time, baby, the longer we stay here, the longer you keep away from actually coming." You tease and she sighs, before raising her trembling fingers to your face again.
Impressively, Wanda manages to finish your make-up. 
The strap is warm and soaked when you pull it out to stand up, ignoring Wanda's needy cry to go to the mirror.
"Wow, honey, what an amazing job." You praise, receiving a small smile as she tries to keep her gaze off the hardness in your open pants.
You laugh lightly, moving your hands to tuck the toy inside your underwear and zipped it up your pants again.
"You can have it after the party." You tell her, moving your hand to check your cell phone. "And damn, look at the time, we have to go."
Wanda gasps softly but doesn't contradict, rising with shaky legs to your direction.
Only four, maybe three more hours of partying, she mutters to herself. But watching you bend down to get something from the last drawer where the toys are kept, and take out her favorite vibrator, doesn't make her feel one bit better about these hours.
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just-a-carrot · 15 days
this is on my mind now. what would the main cast + Hunar, Cecil, jerry dress up as for halloween this year/ whats their go to halloween costume?
i remember i answered this question before last halloween laksdjfa but i'll expand upon it
my first answer would ofc be what they're dressed up as in the halloween art i drew:
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but for even more possibilities...
Iggy: Jughead from the Archie Comics, Shion from No. 6, a humanized version of Escargon from the Kirby anime
Genzou: King Dedede from the Kirby anime (I think this would be a cute double costume with Iggy tbh... LOL), Ash Ketchum from Pokemon (with a Pikachu plush ldkjfasldkf)
Orlam: Alistor from Hazbin Hotel, Battler from Umineko, Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, Garfield
Gidget: Utena from Revolutionary Girl Utena, Kino, from Kino's Journey
Bucks: Ellen Ripley from Alien, Sarah Connor from Terminator 2
Hunar: He would probably always dress up as something to go along with Bucks for fun as a duo; I could see them going as Westley and Buttercup from Princess Bride or Calhoun and Felix from Wreck-it Ralph
Cecil: Alfred from Batman, Thomas from Downton Abbey
Jerry: The rabbit from Donnie Darko
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kuzann · 9 months
Escape from the Holidays
My Holiday Truce present for @deuynndoodles! Sam and Tucker get Danny away from the Santa argument for some much-needed relaxation. 💜 Also on Ao3!
Danny trudged his way through the fall season, doing his best to ignore the Christmas merch that was already showing up in stores by Halloween. Holiday creep was annoying in general, but for Danny it acted as an omen of things to come once December rolled around. As the weeks ticked by the knot of stress and anxiety grew in the pit of his stomach; the worst month of the year was approaching and there was nothing he could do about it. He would simply have to endure whatever misery the yearly argument brought just as he did every year.
December 1st arrived. The more restrained organizations of Amity Park at last began to put up their Christmas decorations. FentonWorks lit up in red, white, and green just like the rest of the neighborhood and, like clockwork, the Santa argument began. Danny was long past caring whether Santa Claus was real or not; the only thing that mattered was the fact that the argument made every single December a writhing mass of stress and mess cleanup.
Five days after the start of December he and Jazz sat in the living room after being summoned for a family board game, only for the Santa argument to overshadow everything before the game could even make it out of the box. Jazz hid her face in her newest psychology book while Danny glowered at his parents and wished he’d thought to grab his phone before his dad pestered him into coming downstairs for ‘family time’.
He was just checking his watch for the dozenth time when the front door slammed open. Sam and Tucker hurried into the living room, still breathless from running over. The sudden intrusion put a temporary pause on the argument as the Fentons turned to their new guests.
“Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, there’s a ghost attacking the docks!” Tucker said, still a little breathless from the run as he jerked a thumb over his shoulder.
“You gotta hurry before he gets away!” Sam added. “He’s trying to steal a bunch of shipping boxes!”
“No ghost is making off with holiday gifts while the Fentons are on the job!” Jack declared as he and Maddie drew their concealed weapons. They barged out the door past Sam and Tucker and out into the snowy night.
“Nothing stops the holiday argument like their mutual hatred of ghosts,” Tucker said with a knowing smile.
“Well, we better get going,” Danny grumbled as he stood. “So who is it this time? It’s the Box Ghost, isn’t it?”
“It is, but he’s not our problem tonight,” Sam said with a proud smile of her own. “Come on, you really think your parents can’t handle the Box Ghost?”
“Well since my mom’s out there I guess I shouldn’t worry...” Danny admitted with a small smile. He was already starting to feel a little better now that he didn’t have to witness the Santa argument. “We do need to figure out something for dinner now, though,” he added as he shared a glance with Jazz.
“Don’t worry about it, you’re coming over to my house and we’re ordering takeout,” Sam said.
“We call it Operation: Get Danny Away from the Stupid Santa Argument,” Tucker added with a grin. “And Jazz too, if she wants to hang out with us.”
“Well given that I’ll be all alone here after you guys leave...” Jazz began. “You’re sure you’re okay with me joining in? I’m not gonna cramp your style or anything?”
“Any Fenton who isn’t part of the Santa argument is welcome in my book,” Danny replied.
Sam’s parents were surprisingly pleasant when the four of them arrived; Danny was under the impression that they didn’t care for him or his family, and tonight he had the sneaking suspicion that Mrs. Manson was going to rub being a superior parent in his parents’ faces at some point in the near future because of all this. Jazz lingered to give them a full rundown of her college plans when they asked what she was up to as a matter of courtesy, which gave Sam ample opportunity to get her other guests upstairs and into her room without any further delay.
Her room was dimly-lit by warm red string lights she’d added recently. The effect was almost cozy, despite Sam’s likely intent of using them to boost the goth look to her room. It was certainly more calming than the sea of Christmas lights that decorated most of the city. The curtains were already drawn when they arrived, blocking off any view of the city beyond. Closed, comfortable, and warm.
“So what kind of food are we feeling like tonight?” Sam asked once they were safely in her room.
“Something other than pizza,” Danny replied as he flopped down on a massive black bean bag chair. “I think I’ve finally had enough pizza for a little while.”
“I could go for some Thai food,” Tucker added as he dropped onto the oversized bean bag next to Danny.
“I know a great Thai place.” Sam turned to a nearby bookshelf and took a binder labeled ‘Restaurants’ from it, then leafed through until she found the page she wanted. “Here we go,” she said as she took the menu from a sheet protector within.
“So organized,” Tucker said with a chuckle as Sam passed the menu to them.
“Well when you have dietary restrictions it helps to remember the places that can accommodate,” Sam said.
“Smart,” Danny said. He leaned in, bumping shoulders with Tucker as he read the menu as well. “Think I’ll pick the pad thai with chicken.”
“Red curry with beef for me,” Tucker said.
Danny leaned back against the bean bag and closed his eyes as Sam left to ask Jazz what she wanted. It was quiet in Sam’s room—soundproofed to keep her and her parents’ music tastes completely separate, for everyone’s sake—and no holiday music reached them here. He could almost pretend that this was just any other month and that he didn’t have another miserable holiday season to look forward to once he left. The ball of stress that sat sharp and heavy in his chest slowly began to unwind.
His phone buzzed with a received text. Danny opened his eyes and checked it: Valerie had made it to her grandparents’ house and was asking how he was doing. He smiled and texted back: [Glad ur safe. Sam & Tucker rescued me from Santa argument so doing good]
“Val checking in?” Tucker asked.
“Yep, she’s safe at her grandparents’ house,” Danny replied. Worry over Valerie staying safe on the slippery roads had been sitting at the back of his mind ever since she left the previous day, and it was good to have it resolved for now.
Sam returned with Jazz in tow. “Food’s ordered, now we just have to wait.” She strolled over and dropped down onto the unoccupied side of the bean bag. “Did I miss anything?”
“Valerie made it to her grandparents’ house,” Danny replied.
“That’s good. The roads are pretty treacherous this time of year,” Sam said. She stretched, then fell back against the bean bag, bumping shoulders with Danny. “She’ll be here next time we do this.”
“Next time?” Danny raised his eyebrows with the question as he looked at her.
“Yeah we were thinking once a week,” Tucker added. “Maybe more often. Depends on how stressed out you get.” He gave Danny a playful poke on the forehead.
“We couldn’t just sit back and let you be miserable for the whole season,” Sam said. “Besides, it’s nice to get a break from the holiday rush.”
Danny smiled, and he let out a long slow sigh as he sank into the bean bag a little further. “Thanks, guys.” He pulled the two into a hug. “This really means a lot.”
“Don’t mention it, dude,” Tucker said as he and Sam returned the hug. “So what should we do while we wait for the food to get here?”
“I found this card game called Five Crowns recently,” Sam said. “Let’s try it out.”
The Jacks were wild by the time the food arrived at the front door. Danny and Tucker were almost tied for last place with scores exceeding one hundred points while Jazz sat squarely in the lead with only thirty-five. With two hands to go there was still a chance that Sam could unseat her as the to-be winner, but only time would tell.
Sam brought the food up and the four of them sorted out their meals from the bag. They dug in, chattering all the while about school, video games, movies, future plans. The cards had been laid aside for the moment, to spare them the possibility of getting messy from the food.
Danny forgot the date after a while. It felt like any other night of the year, which was exactly what he needed. He was finally at ease as they set the remnants of dinner aside and picked up their game again.
Jazz won the game in the end, despite a valiant effort to defeat her on Sam’s part. Danny ended with a ridiculous sum of four hundred and twenty-six points. He didn’t mind. It was the simple act of playing the game that he’d enjoyed, win or lose.
With the game over they set about finding other ways to occupy the time. Sam brought up a new fantasy RPG she’d bought recently and asked if they wanted to do a joint save so they could enjoy the story together.
The three plopped down on the big bean bag chair again with Danny in the middle and took turns on the controller, laughing and riffing on the game’s sillier story beats and praising it for the things it did well. Meanwhile Jazz sat at Sam’s desk with a book open before her, a small smile on her face as she kept half an ear on their fun, chuckling every so often at one of their jokes.
Hours drifted past, carrying them late into the evening, and at last the three began to nod off. Sam and Tucker each rested on one of Danny’s shoulders, the book Sam had been perusing laying open across her lap while Tucker’s PDA had almost slipped out of his hand as he slept.
Once she was sure they were soundly asleep Jazz took a nearby blanket and draped it over the three, gently tucking the edges around them to trap in the warmth. Danny was truly fortunate to have such good friends. Getting him away from holiday stress was exactly what he needed, and with them whisking him away like this every few days he would be able to weather the season much better than he had in previous years.
Jazz tiptoed back to the desk and sat down again. She would wake them in a little while to take Danny home, but for now all she wanted was to let him sleep peacefully for as long as he could.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
nah, but i can't be the only one who craves for this shit
vilomah. — miguel o'hara x reader angst (fem!reader)
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summary: vilomah (n.): refers "going against a natural order," that natural order being he should've lived longer than you, but you survived, and he didn't. and miguel knows your pain, grieving, suffering and regret all too well. word count: 1,586
content warnings! mentions of death, survivor's guilt, and self-deprecation up ahead. if you are uncomfortable with these themes, please don't read any further beyond the cut ^^
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life is supposed to follow a natural order; children must outlive their parents, it is only natural, it is only right. then how come life's natural flow abandoned you, stealing your child from you in the cold depths of the night?
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you could remember seeing the unresponsive, sleeping face of your child. he was your only child, your only and dearest child. in that very hospital bed where he called home after not having seen the four walls of his own room for almost a whole year, he breathed your name as he held you close. tubes filled every airway on his face, he was getting thinner, almost unrecognizable to the energetic, cheery young man you knew and gave birth to, raised and loved all on your own.
"mom... i'm hurting..."
those three words, those last three words he uttered with a wince as he tried to face you, as if he were dying after a long battle and came home as a wounded soldier to the sole woman who watched him fight from afar and wished with every fiber of her being that she could just eliminate all his pains, all his burdens, all this hurting that made him want to give up.
and he did.
he left you, all alone, as a mother who nobody could call 'mother' anymore.
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your son's voice haunts you every night when you resign to sleep, when you try your hardest to pry yourself from your loss, from your only reason to keep going, to keep living. ironic, is it not? to give him life and to hope he lives it wisely just to... to watch it fade from his eyes like a candle that went out too soon. maybe you could've met his partner in the future, attended his graduation, comforted him as he freaks out over a job interview, be there to witness his wedding, hold his firstborn, and hold his hand and tell him you love him before your flame is extinguished from the world.
but no, the world never gave you that.
the world took him away from you too early, and you could never hate yourself any more for being around longer than he was. the worst part is, you became a superhero not long after he died. you developed powers that were akin to a stealthy, predatory spider; one that takes lives instead of giving it, one that consumes to prolong its own life without regarding other creatures that it feeds upon.
you became anybody but the mother of a child, you were indistinguishable.
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years passed after his death, and you separated yourself from your loved ones and friends. you got a new place the next town over, it was smaller than your old home, it had a whole new scent, a whole new appearance; it never reminded you of your son. this was good, wasn't it? you could... you could live. but why could you live, and not him?
why did you keep running around in that makeshift halloween costume your son drew for you, the one you made to match him, the only thing you have left that reminded you of him? why? why did you go around saving people when they never ask for it, why do you go about doing the job of thousands of other people all on your own? why do you think you can save other people when you couldn't even save your own son? "pathetic," you muttered to yourself as you tried to ball up the costume, tried to throw it away, tried to push all the memories and experiences you've had in the back of your mind--but who was really pathetic here? who was really the one needing saving here?
an alert came up from your watch that you set down on the coffee table, and you addressed it. it was a call from miguel, a hero like you--well, to call him a 'hero' was pushing it. he came on the other end without his mask on, and he was going to ask you on an update on the situation in your dimension, but he paused when he noticed you looked redder than usual in the eyes, and had your lips pursed. "...is now a bad time?" he asked you with a tone of concern as you responded nonchalantly. "it's good a time as any." and with that, the first drops of tears fell down and stained your pants as you sat down.
"i really doubt that." miguel responded as you sighed. "there's no update on anything, it's the same always, same petty crimes and same offenders. it's fine." you tried to explain as miguel looked at you with a... softer look. "are you... are you thinking about him again?" miguel asked you with faint voice as you place a hand over your eyes as you felt them grow heavier out of the downpour of tears you were going to release again. "no." you said sternly, but it came off so subdued that it sounded like a small cry.
silence filled the room, everything that went unsaid in that exchange had bottled up in you and was released through the tears you shed and never stopped shedding every night you dreamt of holding and seeing your son again. miguel sighed as he looked at you with sympathy filling his face. "i won't pretend i know any better and i... i won't pretend that i feel your pain exactly as how you're feeling it right now, but know that if... you want to talk about it, let it out, i'll always be here for you." he said in a stifled voice as you removed your hand from your eyes to look at him on the other side.
you sniffled and nodded. "th-thank you." you uttered as miguel nodded back. "you can... talk to me now if you want. forget the update, forget those lousy crooks right now. tell me everything you want to say." he said as you looked back at your mask, that very mask criminals see before they're beaten to a pulp and is the face of justice in this city--the very mask your son drew out for you so you two could match on halloween, that mask you wear to keep his memory alive.
you smiled as you reached out for the mask and held it, feeling over it as you chuckled lightly, thinking of how messy your son was with the glue, how he said it had too much of a certain color when he was just jealous it looked slightly better than his costume, all the scary faces you two would make when going door-to-door for halloween...
"he was an angel..." you muttered as tears fell on your mask now. miguel's mouth curved into a small smile. "go on, what, uh... what did he like?" "firetrucks and trains..." you went on as miguel entertained you, being amazed at how well you remembered everything your son was like and what he loved. you shared stories with him, you shared the drawings he made with you when he was still around--you cried, you laughed, you got a little angry at a few things he used to do, but ultimately, you forgave him for everything, because that's the natural order of things.
a kid is supposed to be naughty, nosy, a little ignorant and selfish--and your son was all of that, but he had a heart, a heart that loved you so, loved you dearly, and missed you every day you were away from him. "...i miss him..." you muttered as tears filled your eyes, and surprisingly, so did miguel's. he sniffed back a few tears and swallowed the sadness rising in his throat as he looked up at you again. "i know... but you are so strong for living out the life he couldn't live, never stopping at your new responsibility as a hero. you may be spider woman, you may be my colleague and my friend, but most of all, you were a mother. and that side of you... i can never begin to describe, you are phenomenal." he said with a slight warmth filling his chest, replacing the tide of secondhand and familiar sadness he was experiencing.
"please, if you give up now... if you give up now, he'll be gone forever. please, keep going, let it all out on me if you have to. just please, keep going, and don't let him die a second time." he pleaded with you as you paused and felt like a small hand was on top of yours for a split second, a hand on top of yours that clutched your mask. you turned around, but there was nobody, at least, not physically. you nodded and rubbed at your eyes as you muttered, "okay... okay."
maybe you were never going to be okay, no matter how many times you save somebody or remind yourself he's gone, but maybe... maybe even if you're not okay, no, even if you're not okay, you do deserve to live. you deserve to be happy, to continue living despite outliving your son, and you deserve to be at peace. you may be empty, but empty spaces can always be filled up again; maybe not quite as full as you were before then, but that space in your heart could be filled with some joy, and you know... you know your son would want you to be happy, even if he could only watch over you from now on.
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a/n: i'm not crying, you are.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @fiannee @fictarian @yuridopted0 @jrrantss @arachnoia @melovetitties
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redheadspark · 1 year
Hawuuu can I get 4."I love you, I swear I do, but we're not wearing matching costumes" and 5. Throwing a Halloween party with Druig
A/N: HAWUU! I hope you're doing well, I would love to write this for you! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
Wing Man
Summary - Druig hates costumes...but he might make an exception for you
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Warnings - nothing but fluff :)
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“Come on,”
“Really? You’re not going to think about it?”
“Absolutely not,”
You rolled your eyes as your boyfriend was looking at the outfit that you had for him for your upcoming Halloween party.  It was the first party you two were throwing together in your new apartment, a massive millstone in your mind merely because you loved Halloween.  It was your favorite holiday, even more than Christmas.  There was something about the fall season, the eerie spooky changes in the air, it was all amazing to you and brought out the good cheer going into the holiday season.  Ever since you were a little girl you were obsessed with Halloween, and it only magnified when you were an adult.
You even met Druig at a Halloween Party, at Kingo’s Halloween Party nonetheless.  It was the massive party of the season, how the entire home was decked up top to bottom with Halloween decor, plenty of people in costumes roaming his penthouse suite in the heart of LA.  He wanted you to come since you two were old college mates, and although you knew literally no one at the party, you decided to go since he was your friend.
It wasn’t hard to spot Druig hiding away in the mini library with his nose in a book, looking over a thick 1st edition.  You had to go in there, intrigued with the unique energy he was giving off and the handsome profile he had on his face.  So you said hello, and now you two were a year into your relationship.
If there was one thing that shocked your friends and family about Druig, apart from his aloof nature and the consistent sarcasm that was in his speech almost 99 percent of the time, was his distaste for Halloween.  Now he didn’t hate it at all, but he was no fan of it like you were.  Sersi, a friend of Druig’s who took a liking to you, found it endearing that you both were opposites when it came to the holiday.
“There’s more to him than his hate for Halloween, Sersi!”
“I know that, but you should remind Ikaris of that since he thinks its hilarious,”
Druig was on board with you throwing a Halloween Party, most of the people coming were your mutual friends and some friends from work, no big massive riot like it was at Kingo’s where you two met.  He knew you were into making haunted snacks, you and a great playlist for the occasion that you would always update constantly, and your library filled with classic Halloween movies.  
But he drew the line at costumes.
“Come on Druig,” you tried one last more time, knowing you were losing an uphill fight when it came to him.  Druig simply gave you one of his infamous stares, both a bit cryptic and yet amused as he saw the two couple costumes you were holding up to show him.
“I’m not wearin’ a scratchy costume for the sake of the party,” Druig explained something you’ve heard before about his distaste for wearing a Halloween costume.  Of course, you wanted him to say yes since it would be perfect to be dressed up together, yet at the same time you weren’t going to show how sad you were.  You and Druig always made it work together, even with the smaller spats and arguments you two never went to bed mad with one another, there were happier times than negative.  
Of course, you both had quirky moments that the other liked, you enjoying Druig’s obsession with reading nonfiction history novels, his tendency to always be snacking on something, and his thirst to sleep in or take languid naps.  In return, he loved how you would go on long walks every day at the local park rain or shine, watching the tasty reality shows that he knew were not good for you. 
He especially loved that you were obsessed with Halloween. 
Knowing that you wouldn’t go anywhere with him putting on the couple costume, you merely shrugged and tossed the costumes on the couch, “You’re gonna miss out, we would have looked amazing by the way.”
Druig rolled his eyes as you walked by him and pecked his cheek.   Of course, you were a bit sad about it, but it was merely an ant hill so to speak.  So you weren’t going to dwell on it, heading into the bedroom to change into your gym clothes to go on a jog.  You left Druig in the living room, seeing him look at the costumes that were sprawled on the couch.  He always stood his ground when it came to what he wanted and desired, including being in a relationship with you. 
But maybe that afternoon made him change his mind about a certain rule, to which he raised his eyebrow and smirked.
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“Great place, I can tell you didn’t let Druig do any of the decorations,”
“Oh har har, Kingo.  Great Ceasar costume by the way!”
King grinned as you were gesturing to his outfit, fitted with a golden leaf crown on the top of his head.  He then pointed to your outfit, “Top Gun, right?”
“Phoenix, she was my favorite,” You hummed, gesturing to the jumpsuit you were wearing along with the helmet tucked under your arm. You briefly looked around at the apartment filled with your friends having the best time at your party.  All of those worries about the party not going well was out of the window, seeing your friends dressed in their costume and bringing some of their favorite snacks and dishes to share.  Sersi and her boyfriend Ikaris, your new friend Makkari and her friends Thena and Gilgamesh, Kingo with Sprite and Phastos, along with a cluster of some of the work friends that you grew close to with your new job.  The room itself was at a glow with orange lights hanging on the wall, and Michael Jackson’s Thriller was playing in the background.
It was all perfect and going according to plan, but it was just missing one person.
Makkari tapped you on the shoulder, getting your attention as she signed, Where’s Druig?
“He had class and could be back anytime,” You explained and signed to her.
“Didn’t go for the couple costume this year?” Kingo asked as you smirked and Makkari giggled, “What a shame since Ikaris and Sersi are now shoe-ins for the best Couple Costume,”
“It was never his style anyways,” You explained to him with a shrug, “Who am I to tell him how to dress, he’s never swayed in going along with the norm anywho,”
Makkari looked past you towards the front door, her eyes widening and her smile getting bigger by the second.  You are confused as to why she is grinning so big.  You whirled around, hearing the front door close and a chorus of cheers from the other people at the party.  The sight you finally saw made your heart melt, and you were smiling so wide that your cheeks were hurting.
Druig was there, dressed in a Maverick Pilot Jumpsuit, paired with aviators hanging off the collar. 
“That a boy, Druig!” Gilgamesh cheered from his spot on the couch with Sprite and Thena, some of the others were clapping and grinning just as big from the sight.  But Druig was not listening to any of them, nor was he acknowledging any of them clasping his shooed for joking that he took long enough to wear a costume.  His icy blue eyes were on you, seeing how you were smiling and almost bouncing on your heels.  It was a small gesture, anyone else could look that over and think nothing of it.  But with you, it meant everything, since you knew he was stepping into uncharted territory.  
This meant a lot to you, and as he walked over to you with his small smile on his lips, you tossed your helmet on the spare space of the couch to hug him tightly.  Druig chuckled, hugging you back as the rest of the party resumed.  
“Druig, you look…you look great!” You said in glee as you two pulled away from one another and you looked at his jumpsuit.  You could tell it was a pinch big on him since he was more lanky than built, but apart from that he looked perfect as a Pilot.  Maybe it suited him, even seeing him sport the aviators that hung on his chest along with the fake dog tags that shined in the orange Halloween lights that were twinkling on the ceiling.  
“It’s not that uncomfortable actually, I could wear this around the place,” he hummed in amusement as he gestured to his attire before you pointed to you, “You look sexy as hell in your jumpsuit,”
All you could do was simply grin, knowing that this was more than just him showing up in a costume to match with you.  This was him coming into your world a bit more and knowing that this would make you happy.  This was him finding pleasure in bringing you happiness and joy with one of your favorite holidays. 
This was showing Druig that he loved you.  
“Thank you, Druig,” You thanked him.
“Anything to make you happy, sweetheart,” He said with his smile, “I might not tolerate Halloween all the time, but it’s a bit nicer now since it makes you smile,”
After a massive blush was on your cheek, you and Druig were crowned the best-dressed couple at the party, much to the enthusiasm of your friends 
The End
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Halloween Prompt Session
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ashisgreedy · 1 year
“The Halloween Party”
POV: Garreth Weasley 
This was written as a collab story with the following amazing people(tagged)! We took turns writing for this story and it took off in many hilarious and dramatic tangents! One person would write a few paragraphs then send it off to the next person to continue. It was so fun to be a part of and I am grateful for everyone's involvement! The end of the segments will indicate who wrote which part. 
@greedyforgarreth - (GFG), @pandanscafanfiction (Pandansca), @daydreamsonacloudyday - (DOACD) @slytherin-paramour , @cuffmeinblack , @blueraineshadows ,  @junie-00 , @eternalremorse, @finalgirllx , @grandeoatmilklatte - (Oat),  @AurorSrag @sevprince-91 (AS)
(Please see the end where @slytherin-paramour drew amazing fanart of Seb-Skein!)
WC: 9,700
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Garreth spent quite a lot of time preparing for his Halloween bash. Several cauldrons were bubbling. Some were filled with a mix of alcoholic drinks while others held concoctions Garreth had perfected over the years that would induce different effects on the drinker. He couldn't decide to tell people what the effects were or if they should just find out for themselves.
He definitely wasn't in it alone as he implored his friends to assist him with this massive party. Everyone in the school was making an appearance in the Gryffindor common room. He hoped that if any Professor did get tipped off they would turn a blind eye so the students may have one last party before they graduate from Hogwarts. He adjusts his costume and fixes a big smile on his face as he begins walking through the party while the music blasts through the magical gramophones.
Everyone was dressed incredibly festive. It was so cool to look around the large common area and attempt to figure out who was who under their masks and disguises- with the exception of a few. His older brother Oscar, for one, showed up in his quidditch attire ('how original') and Ominis didn't bother to put much more effort in his costume than a pair of cat ears. In any case, he smiled broadly and wore his own proudly, puffing out his chest as he raised a toast of something even he didn't know high in the air. "Cheers, mates!"
As he took a deep swig, Sebastian appeared next to him wearing… was that Azkaban stripes and broken cuffs? "What are you even supposed to be, Weasley?", he sneered.
Garreth pouted, offended that not one person could tell what he was. Wasn't it obvious?
“Wouldn’t you like to know, Sallow,” Garreth answered, rolling his eyes at the Slytherin. There had to be one person at his party who would figure out what he was. Maybe she would know, she always seemed to know exactly what he was thinking.
Before Sebastian could pester him about his costume some more, Garreth clapped him on the back and disappeared back into the costumed crowd, in search of her. (DOACD)
He stumbled a little when someone accidentally stepped on his costume as it trailed out behind him, turning to rearrange himself with a grin. "Woooah, easy there my friend! We wouldn't want to ruin this masterpiece would we?" 
He laughed as he gestured to the, quite frankly, fantastic costume that he'd been working on for weeks, before continuing to move through the jubilant crowd in the direction of the cauldron station. He couldn't help but give a little jiggle of his hips to the beat of the music as he went.
A giant, pink gaping hole lined with spikes entered his periphery. Several green leaves were stuffed around the edges of this person's collar. Garreth was very confused until his eyes honed in on a small bespectacled face protruding from the center of the monstrosity.
"Hobhouse? Is that you? What in Merlin's name are you supposed to be? You look like the vagina from my nightmare!" 
Duncan puffed out his chest in a show of indignation, deflating quickly under the stares Garreth's outburst had attracted.
"No! I...do you really not know?" the Ravenclaw shot back in a squeaky voice.
Garreth grinned, a show of friendliness seldom bestowed on the boy. He'd never held any ill will towards Duncan; it just happened to be incredibly fun to wind him up a little. 
"What are you meant to be?" Duncan asked, his bespectacled face scrutinizing Garreth's fantastic costume.
"Never you mind," Garreth sighed, his attention caught by a melodic laugh that he'd know absolutely anywhere. "See you later, Hobhouse!"
Garreth dashed towards the source of the chuckle, barely audible over the cheers of 'nightmare vagina' aimed towards the boy he'd just left. (cuffmeinblack)
There she was. Beautiful, radiant, her eyes sparkling like new stars as she laughed, the sound of it making warmth spread through him as he gazed at her. Her cheeks were beginning to get that first pink flush from whatever she was drinking, enhancing her perfection in a way that made Garreth almost speechless. 
As he paused to admire his biggest distraction, a tap on his shoulder made him turn, his gaze lifting to meet with a face painted in greys and blacks. Surrounding this mask of horror was a tattered black hood, part of a flowing black robe that draped to the floor. It was enough to make one flinch, however, the warmth of those familiar brown eyes took away the chilling Dementor look that Leander had gone for this evening. 
Leander held up a drink, the vivid blue liquid smoking a little. "Is this the one that makes you levitate?" He asked. 
Garreth eyed it, a smirk lifting his lips. "Maybe, why?" 
Leander's smirk was even bigger. "Have you seen what Sallow has come as? If I drink this, I'm going to float over and pick a fight with an escaped prisoner," he chuckled. (blueraineshadows)
“That would be quite the show for our guests,” Garreth chuckled, “Let me grab MC first, I’m sure she’d love to see prisoner Sallow versus a dementor.” He nodded towards his target before beginning to walk towards her, the curiosity in him peeking when he couldn’t get a good look at her costume that was blocked by the bodies of her festively dressed friends surrounding her.
Leander's eyes roamed over her, a sliver between the students giving him a view of her choice of attire for the night. A quick hand stopped Garreth from moving any further, spinning him around so Leander’s eyes could scan him over, “Mate, are you two…” he paused before glancing in her direction once more, “Matching?”
As if it was the universe giving him yet another reason she was downright perfect for the Gryffindor, students cleared from her, giving Garreth a clear view of the girl who never failed to surprise him. “Brilliant!” Garreth trailed off as he excitedly pushed his way through students, his eyes never leaving the magnificent costume she proudly wore. (junie-00)
The various bells hanging from Garreth's belt jingled merrily as he approached MC with a great big grin on his face. His eyes trailed up and down, studying the ensemble that, in fact, did match his own.
"Seems you're a man of culture as well, MC."
Though his words were simply calm and friendly, the one brain cell in his head was bouncing off the walls of his skull.
"Of course! Though it almost got ruined because of one of your silly concoctions, the one that makes you croak and your throat swell like a bullfrog. Probably not the best idea for a costume party, eh? Nellie's costume got a little torn, actually, but that's probably for the better. It's a weird red suit with clown makeup and green hair. Maybe it's some sort of muggle thing."
MC took a sip of her drink, the metal claws on the ends of her fingers making small scratches in the ceramic as Garreth did the same.
Garreth bit his lip as his eyes slowly trailed down MC’s outfit. If there was one person out of the whole charade of people he wanted to see here, it was her. MC noticed his stare and smiled smugly before nudging his shoulder.
“Now, now, Weasley, the night has just begun. Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves with the after-party thoughts already,” she winked.
Garreth chuckled and held up his hands. “Heh, you’re right. But I can’t help it when I see such a gorgeous woman right in front of me.”
MC giggled and a sudden hiccup escaped, her hand immediately covered her mouth in slight embarrassment. She then laughed and looked at her cup. “My word, this drink is getting to me already! It’s good stuff, despite the side effects.”
Garreth looked rather proud of himself in that moment. “Well, I’m glad to see you’re enjoying yourself and my brew. Maybe if you’re a good girl I’ll even give you the recipe for it. Top secret of course!”
MC raised an eyebrow. “Good girl? Garreth, what do you m-“ She noticed a commotion happening over Garreth’s shoulder. “Merlin’s beard! What is happening over there?” (eternalremorse)
Garreth’s head swiftly spun to see the racket happening behind him, and the sight to behold left both himself and MC standing speechless. The surrounding party-goers appeared to have the same reaction, as, seemingly in unison, all attention was suddenly on the spectacle before them. 
Someone had gone all out and dressed up as a Hippogriff. But this wasn't just a simple costume, it was a life-size recreation of the beast. The longer Garreth looked, he could gather that one student formed the front while another, less fortunate, was tucked inside the rear, mostly hidden from view. The sheer scale of the costume and some minor collisions (one which even sent poor ‘nightmare vagina’ Hobhouse tumbling) had drawn everyone's focus.
As gobsmacked as Garreth was, he felt a sense of obligation to find out who made up this horrific ensemble. He took a deep breath, gave MC a gentle pat on the shoulder, and mustered some of that Gryffindor bravery to approach the peculiar, two-person costume. He would need a stronger drink after this. 
"Um, hello there," Garreth began, wondering if the duo inside the costume could even hear him. “Might I ask who you are?” (finalgirllx)
Garreth heard a soft muffled voice come from the top half of the Hippogriff. He recognized it immediately as Poppy. “Don’t you recognize me?” she shouted, trying to make her voice carry considering the thickness of the costume. Garreth laughed. “Merlin’s beard Poppy, how did you pull this off? And who’s the other half of your costume?” 
A symphony of grumbles suddenly came from the second half of the costume. Garreth could not make out what was said, but he could tell whoever was in there was not happy about their predicament. “Imelda!” Came Poppy’s muffled voice once again. “We made bets on the Quidditch game. I bet that if Slytherin lost, she had to be the bottom half of my costume. She was pretty cocky about it, swearing that there was no way Slytherin would lose to Hufflepuff, alas, here she is!” Poppy’s voice was especially cheerful about this as if she was absolutely loving Imelda’s misery. 
Garreth was thoroughly impressed. He turned to the table closest to him, grabbing a drink off the table. He went to hand it to Poppy before realizing there was no way for her to drink it. “Well, Poppy, this costume is incredible. I’d toast to your effort, but I imagine you can’t drink through this.”
“Oh actually, you can pour the drink into my mouth, I added a funnel on the inside for drinks. As for Imelda, you can pass her a drink from the back.”
Garreth obliged, pouring a drink for Poppy down the Hippogriff’s mouth, where there was indeed a funnel. He awkwardly made his way towards the back of the costume, jumping as a hand emerged from the Hippogriff’s butthole, snatching the drink from Garreth’s hand. Garreth simply laughed and shook his head, turning away from the Hippogriff to find MC again, the various objects glued to his hat jingling as he walked. (Oat)
But this was Halloween, the night of chaos and Poppy’s Hippogriff was just the beginning of the show.
True to his words, Leander did take the drink that was supposed to make him fly and was prepared to execute his plan. He stretched out his hands, his sleeves being extra-large, covering his hands and he positioned himself like a dementor would and went for Sebastian, who had his back to him right now, talking to Ominis.
Neither of them had any idea of what was coming.
Duncan felt something hovering above his head and he lifted his head out of his pink flourishing tentacles, right in time to see a dementor floating above his head and he gave a squeal.
Everyone looked up and then someone shouted, “Sallow, behind you.”
Sebastian looked up and gasped. The horror of watching a dementor for real made his blood run cold and he forgot the time and place until Leander spoke up,
“Your soul is mine Sallow!”
But instead of a hoarse ghost-like voice that Leander intended to produce, a high-pitched squeaky voice out of the dementor’s robes made everyone roll on the floor with laughter.
“My voice,” Leander pressed his hands on his mouth and swirled backward but alas he couldn’t get himself down. “Get me dowwwwwwwwwn!” He squeaked. “Garreth! Get me down.” He swirled in the air shouting in his squeaky little voice.
Garreth ran underneath him, his arms extended hoping to catch him in case he falls, his bells madly jingling around his belt. MC ran behind him, her wand out and pointed at Leander, trying to get him down. 
“Sebastian, Ominis, stop laughing and help us out here.” 
MC yelled at the pair, as she ran madly to save her friend, almost tumbling poor Duncan Hobhouse, and his tentacles right into the butt of Poppy’s hippogriff, making Imelda lose her balance as she fell on the ground with Duncan above her and the costume splitting into half, from the middle, turning it into a half-ass Hippogriff now.
“Duncan fucking Hobhouse!” Imelda yelled as she desperately attempted to remove the butt of the Hippogriff costume from above her head and pummel Duncan hard on the face. (AS)
Garreth's eyes desperately sought out the location of his bubbling cauldrons. He really was too sober for this. His eyes landed on a purple brew that he had completely forgotten the effects it had. He decided to take a ladle full of the purple brew into his cup and a ladle full of the pink brew just next to it. He resolved that at least one of them was alcohol and would get him drunk. With his eyes closed, he chugged down the entire cup.
A loud crash of the window made him choke on the last gulp of his drink. Garreth wiped the back of his mouth and turned around to see Everette pummeling through the crashed window on his broom. He was waving something in the air that let off several small fireworks. People below him ducked and weaved out of the way of the sparks. 
Garreth smiled at the display of mischievousness from an obviously very drunk Everette, who most likely had been pre-gaming well before the party even started. MC was already using the repairo spell on the window and Garreth gave her a thumbs up. 
Garreth poured a second cup of his concoction and rushed over to Everette as he landed on wobbly legs. "Cheers, mate!" Garreth handed him the mixed drink. Everette took it enthusiastically and started to take a sip. 
"Thanks! But, uh..." Everette looked Garreth over, the bells and claws decorating Garreth's person making him squint. "What exactly are you dressed up as?"
Garreth frowned "Isn't it obvious?" He swayed, realizing very quickly exactly what potion he'd just downed with his alcohol. (GFG)
Rule number one: never forget your own brews; a mistake he made for not the first time, and especially not the last. He blinked erratically and stumbled over his own feet as suddenly his vision went inverse- the entire room was upside down! Or- well- was it? It certainly seemed so. He didn't remember creating a potion like this but he had mixed two of them together.
Garreth looked around the room with wide eyes as he watched everyone walk along the ceiling as though it were perfectly normal. Even Amit was sitting comfortably in the chandelier as though it were an armchair (wait- wasn't it an armchair?) Good Godric, he was plastered), giggling to himself as he sipped on a drink and tried to nail Leander in the head with magical shooting stars. 
"Stop moving, Prewett!", he slurred.
The Gryffindor rubbed at his eyes and blinked once more as he took in the Ravenclaw's rather… alluring attire. "Um… Amit? Did you lose a bet?", he squeaked.
Amit looked at the ginger as though he had two heads. "Garreth, my clothes are quite normal.", he called back. But since when was a corset, bloomers, and thigh-high stockinged normal?! "You, on the other hand, are rather confusing." The raven-haired boy mumbled as his eyes grew more disgusted and perplexed by the second. "What are you, again?"
Garreth opened his mouth to reply when a curiously green spell suddenly shot right past his head, singing the wall opposite him. "What in the-?!"
Garreth looked to the origin of the spell and saw a puffskein.
Wait–a puffskein?
What in Merlin’s name was a puffskein doing at the party? And why was it floating around, completely unbothered with everyone and everything around it? (DOACD)
He swayed a little where he stood, his eye's trying to focus on the small, hairy creature that he now realized was most certainly gripping a wand between it's teeth. Green wisps of magic residue emerged from the tip of the wand and Garreth let out a bellowing laugh at the sight. Somehow, he made his way to the puffskein without falling on his arse and picked the little fuzz ball up, holding it in front of his face with a grin.
"Hello there fluffy fellow, how did you get in here? And whos wand did you steal?" 
He booped it on the nose and tried to pry the wand out of the creatures mouth, only for the Puffskein to clamp down and start writhing furiously in Garreth's arms. 
"Woaaah, calm down! Oi!" He had almost dropped the frantic creature when Ominis appeared beside him, panting and trying to catch his breath. He held his wand up and sighed in relief.
"Oh thank Merlin, you found him! Quick, we need to change him back!" 
Garreth's alcoholic, potion influenced brain became even more confused by Ominis' words.
"What...change who back?" 
The blonde boy gestured to the angry little beast currently trying to roll it's way out of Garreth's arms.
"That's Sebastian!" 
Garreth's eyes slid out of focus as he tried to process the information, not trusting his drink-addled brain's slow responses amongst the thoroughly irate bundle of fur now trying to roll out of his arms. He looked down at the puffskein, noticing the tufty chestnut fur and big brown eyes, his lips curling into a grin as he realised that oh yes, this was Sebastian alright. Ominis' wand was ready, the incantation to return his friend to his human form on the tip of his tongue.
What a waste that would be.
Garreth bolted, clutching the fluffy menace against his chest as he sped through the crowds once again, trying his best not to go arse over tit with the way his vision swam and the room made absolutely no logical sense. Why was the Hippogriff's arse now tumbling across the ceiling? Did the sofas always have mouths? The only thing he knew was that the cocky, self-satisfied, altogether too handsome Slytherin Sebastian Sallow was now a ferocious little puffskein, and Garreth wasn't about to let Ominis change him back before the entire castle got a peek. He spotted MC once again, her beauty just about the only thing not addled by his questionable concoctions, and Garreth held Sebastian above his head with a triumphant grin spread across his face.
"Guess who this is?!" he shouted across the room, ignoring Duncan's hysterical screams. (cuffmeinblack)
The party goers nearest to him glanced up, the irate puffskein now snarling in ways that definitely didn't sound accurate, the wand clenched in its teeth waving dangerously around the room. Laughter echoed and a few names were called out as Ominis pressed himself through the crowd, cheeks flushed and brow furrowed. 
"Hand him over, Weasley," he demanded. He aimed his wand in Garreth's vague direction, the tip of it blinking brightly.
Garreth chuckled. "But he looks so adorable!"
MC appeared beside Ominis, her eyes narrowing in on the little growling ball of fur. Her eyes then widened, a gasp leaving her lips. 
"I know that wand!" She exclaimed. She put her hand to her mouth, horrified laughter bursting from it. "Who did this?! That's Seb!" 
"What? No!" Leander burst past MC, his Dementor painted face aghast as he stared at Puffskein Seb. He gave a panicked look towards MC. "Please tell me he can be changed back?" He squeaked.
MC narrowed her gaze. "Why do you care?" 
Leander realised everyone was staring at him and his blush was so dark it showed through his face paint. "No… no reason," he stuttered. 
Ominis turned with eerie accuracy, his wand aimed right at Leander's nose. "If this was you, Prewett, you'd better start begging," he said. (blueraineshadows)
Garreth slowly blinked when he tried to follow the commotion unfolding as Ominis pressed his wand against Leander’s nose, but his efforts were in vain when different effects of his mixed potion began to take over his brain. It seemed as if the students were becoming one with their costumes, contorting into ferocious creatures right in front of him. His eyes widened as the students began to close in on them, his palms covered in a thick layer of sweat and his mouth becoming dry from his gaping mouth, paying no mind to the slytherin puffskein wrestling in his loosening hands.
“What the fu-” He whispered to himself before the ball of fur was hastily snatched from his hands.
“Come on!” MC hissed as she tugged Garreth by his arm, nearly dragging him behind her while holding Sebastian snug against her chest. Not so surprisingly, the slytherin turned beast was willingly resting in her arms as she burst through the crowd of students.
Garreth tumbled behind her, his feet failing to meet her fast pace, “Where are we going?” the goggle eyed Gryffindor mumbled as he looked around at every student he passed that looked like they morphed into their costumes. His head shooting to look behind him as he heard Ominis shout their names.
“You’ll see,” she panted as she looked back at Ominis, picking up her pace when she noticed him trailing behind them, “I want to have my fun with Seb-skein before Ominis turns him back!” (junie-00)
MC began sifting through the crowd for a particular Ravenclaw. One that claimed to “feel braver” after she did the dirty work for him finding that Giant Venomous Tentacula, yet he got all the credit for it! But what could she do? She was a naive fifth-year at the time and wanted to be liked by everyone. Maybe it was time for a little vengeance.
She spotted Duncan talking to Amit and Andrew Larson, she smiled and pulled Garreth close, nodding towards the trio. Garreth could barely make them out with the potion effect still in full swing.
MC hushed her voice a little bit. “Seb, I’m going to need your help here.”
She looked down at the brunette Puffskein whose eyes looked up at her with curiosity. She must admit he was super cute as one of the little creatures.
“See Duncan over there? I’d like you to give him the biggest fright of his life for me. For taking all the glory for the Giant Venomous Tentacula leaf he claimed he got himself from the hidden Herbology corridor.”
Garreth heard what she said and his eyes widened. “Waaaaaait, that wasn’t Dun-kein?” he slurred. MC giggled at shook her head.
“It was all me. I felt kind of sorry for him at the time.” She lowered Sebastian to the ground and winked at him. “Go get him, Seb-skein.” (eternalremorse)
Sebastian bounced his way over to the Ravenclaw, whose back was facing him as he chatted with Amit and Andrew. Both of the boys paused when they noticed the angry ball of fur behind Duncan, who was still babbling away, completely unaware.
“Uh…Duncan…” Amit started, trying to get the boy’s attention as Sebastian growled, the wand in his mouth pointed up towards Duncan. But it was too late for the poor boy, as the moment he turned around, he was hit with an array of spells being shot at him from the furry creature. 
Duncan screamed as Sebastian continued to shoot little blasts at him. He attempted to run, but tripped, landing on the floor. The entire party stopped what they were doing to watch as Sebastian dropped his wand from his mouth and jumped on Duncan, bouncing on him a few times before he began to nip at him, Duncan screaming and flailing his arms the entire time. Everyone was laughing, but Garreth could only focus on MC’s laugh. His glassy eyes kept darting back and forth between the madness in front of him, and her. 
Ominis pushed through the crowd and almost went to grab Sebastian, but he too couldn’t help but burst into a fit of laughter when his wand informed him of the scene he had walked into. (Oat)
Leander came floating at the commotion and attempted to grab Seb-skein as he attempted his final favorite trick of shoving his tongue into Duncan’s nose. He will never be able to get over the nightmare of tasting Duncan’s boogies but the fun was worth it. 
Garreth however watched MC with glassy eyes, mesmerized by the tinkle of laughter coming out of her lips that he so wanted to kiss for a long time now. An absurd urge filled him all of a sudden and for a moment he felt like nothing he would do now could go wrong.
So amidst all the commotion of Duncan vs Seb-skein, Garreth almost lunged at MC, grabbed her shoulder, turned her towards him and kissed her! (AS)
A short time later, as everyone forgets the commotion and Duncans's screams, Garreth finds Puffskein Sebastian on the arm of one of the couches in the common room. Someone had put sunglasses on him and replaced his wand with a glow stick. The small creature's head bobbed to the music, eyes closed as he grooved to the beat. 
Garreth knew he needed another drink, the room was finally flipping back to right side up. He pet Seb-skein on the head and smiled. "Puffskein must be lightweights, you're positively sloshed." He chuckled and then made his way to the cauldrons again. 
Before he could make it all the way, Imelda, the ass of the hippogriff forsaken, popped up in front of him. She crossed her arms and eyed him. "I hate parties." She said, loudly so her voice wasn't drowned out by the music. 
"Oh.." Garreth frowned a bit "Well, I could offer you a drink? Or, would you like to play a party game?"
Imelda crossed her arms. "I didn't say I hated YOUR party." She scoffed. "A game then. And be quick with it."
Garreth smiled. "A game it is!" (GFG)
While he ladled a different mix of concoction for the two of them, he mused over what sort of game they could play. His hips swayed to the music while he sipped. The party was getting into the thick of it, now; loud, thumping dance tracks as magic, pulsating orbs of light strobed to the beat in the much darker space. But the flashing lights gave him an odd sense of lost deja vu.
'Wait… Didn't something big happen earlier?' There was an odd lapse in his memory and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't remember anything past Dunkan getting his bogeys licked by Sebastian up until now… How did he get here, with Imelda? Not that he was complaining; she was lovely company. But even still… wasn't what he was forgetting important?
His brows dipped and he handed Imelda her drink but the thought of losing something brought upon a fabulous idea for a game and his eyes lit up. "How about a scavenger hunt?!", he offered.
Imelda's smirk was downright predatory with her characteristic bout of competitiveness. She took a swig of her drink and huddled close, her arm wrapping around Garreth's shoulder and pulling him close. "State your rules."
"No one else can know about the game. First person to get all items and meet back at the home base wins."
"And what does the winner get?"
Garreth thought for a moment. "A wish granted- Something doable and within reason. And the loser can't deny them."
The gears were already visibly turning in Imelda's mind as her dark eyes roamed over his lips. "You'd better hope you have more endurance than me, then.", she quipped and took a long chug of her alcohol before crushing the cup in her hand and tossing it aside. "You're going to need it for my wish." Garreth flushed fiercely. "Now- What are we hunting tonight, Weasley?"
What to hunt for indeed…
Garreth found a spare piece of parchment and a quill amongst the chaos of the party, and he and Imelda began coming up with their list of things to hunt for. There was something Garreth couldn’t quite remember, something at the edge of his memory, but it kept flitting away as they came up with item after item.
It couldn’t be that important, could it?
When they finished, he made a copy of the list with his wand and handed it to Imelda, who shot him a smirk before sauntering off in her ass end of a hippogriff costume. He reread the list, the words swimming in his vision for a second before he got them to focus again. He grabbed another concoction and downed it before setting off to look for the items on the list. (DOACD)
He chuckled to himself as he glanced over the first couple of things that he needed to find. This was going to be fun. Or an absolute shit show. It was a fine line to be perfectly honest. The fuzziness inside his head was giving him a ridiculous confidence boost, and he set off in search of a certain haughty, blonde Slytherin. 
Ominis had given up on his quest to turn Sebastian back into a human, for the moment. He had thoroughly enjoyed it when his hairy little best friend had tormented Duncan Hobhouse afterall. 
He was sitting on one of the large leather sofas now, swaying side to side and singing along to whatever song was blaring from the gramophone. A goblet of fire whiskey was held precariously in his left hand and he had tucked his trusty wand behind his ear.
The sofa suddenly tilted him to the left when Garreth cannonballed himself into the leather beside him, the shock making the poor Slytherin jump up and spill half of his whiskey backwards over his shoulder. 
"You have a beautiful singing voice, Ominis!" Garreth's deep tone slurred into his ear from beside him. 
Ominis blushed despite his rage at the dopey Gryffindor. 
"Garreth! You've fucking soaked my silk shirt! …But thank you for the compliment I suppose." 
Garreth leaned in close, wrapping an arm around his friend and brought his lips to the blonde's ear. 
"You're very welcome, pretty kitty." His carded his fingers gently up through Ominis' hair to tug on the little black cat ears. 
Ominis stilled, his breath caught in his throat. He was about to speak when he felt a sharp pain at the back of his head and heard Garreth's voice call out cheekily.
"Yoink! I've got it! Sorry Ominis!" And he jumped up and ran away holding a couple of the Slytherin's beautiful hairs.
Garreth was on a roll, and feeling increasingly intoxicated. The last concoction he'd thrown down his throat appeared to be mostly alcohol—whisky, he'd guess by the burn in his throat. At least the common room was the right way up now, but it was becoming harder to walk in a straight line as he staggered through the crowds.
The next item on his list should be easy enough, he thought as he plunged his hand into a bowl of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. A Ravenclaw tie. Popping the beans in his mouth, he gazed around the room for his next target, spotting Everett mingling with a now traumatized Duncan. The taller bespectacled boy was rubbing the smaller on the back, suspiciously gently. If he was more sober he could have sworn it was a caress.
"Alright, Everett, Duncan?" Garreth grinned at the pair. "Can I borrow one of your ties?"
"Bugger off, Garreth," Everett replied.
"This is your party, and look what that fluffy menace did to Duncan!"
Garreth tried to suppress a smirk, but his self control and inhibitions had flown out the window with his last drink. With a snort, he burst into laughter, causing an irate Everett to drag Puffskein Dunkein off through the crowds. By the time he'd stopped chuckling and dried his eyes, they were nowhere to be seen and Garreth was no closer to securing his next scavenger hunt item. He needed another Ravenclaw.
Scanning the room again, he saw MC perched on a sofa petting Seb-skein with a lazy smile, and his stomach gave an odd sort of lurch that had nothing to do with his dubious potions. MC. She'd been something to do with what he'd forgotten, he was sure... The thought didn't have a chance to fully form before he felt a searing pain on the back of his head and his vision faded to black before he hit the floor. (cuffmeinblack)
Snatches of muffled sound teased his ears and blurry images appeared through slow blinks of his eyes as a dull throb clamped around the back of his head. The room swayed dangerously as he was bodily lifted, hands holding his arms and legs, and then he felt a softness against his back.
"He looks a bit pale…"
"So would you if you took a whack to the head…"
"Who levitated that lamp anyway…"
"Merlin knows, it's bloody chaos in here…"
Something brushed up against his forehead, and there was an irritating bouncing pressure on his torso. Garreth flapped his hands at it, his coordination poor, and he thought he heard someone laugh as his hand brushed against something fluffy and warm. He blinked a few times, his vision swimming into focus. 
Heads were bent over him, a mixture of amusement and worry on their faces. MC was the closest, her smile just utter perfection as he met her gaze.
"Hello handsome," she said. "Decided to rejoin the party after all?" 
Handsome? He'd take that! He gave her a smile, his mouth trying to form words, but he had no idea what he was going to say. He was just happy to see her face. "Heh… wuv… y..you.." He mumbled. 
The irritating bouncy pressure returned on his chest and a brown, furry puffskein appeared right in front of his nose, it snarled, brown eyes flashing, before it's tiny mouth clamped down on the end of his nose. 
Garreth shrieked as laughter pealed out around him, MC wrapping her hands around a snarling and chaotic Seb-skein in an attempt to get him off. (Blueraineshadows - Raine)
As MC tried to pull the angry ball of fur away from Garreth, it only caused him more pain. The small, but razor sharp teeth had a death grip on the point of Garreth’s nose, clamping down harder with each tug from MC.
“Sebastian! You’re hurting him!” MC yelled as her grip tightened, Garreth’s face being hauled upwards and whimpers escaping his mouth with each desperate pull, “Merlin, you’re a strong son of a bitch!” she murmured through gritted teeth as she yanked Sebastian with all her might. 
“MC stop, you’re making it worse!” Imelda shouted as she nudged MC out of the way, replacing her spot in front of Garreth and beginning to pinch and poke at Sebastian in hopes of finding his sweet spot to make him release the Gryffindor's nose.
A quick pluck of one of his whiskers did the trick, the small but deadly creature let out a yelp and set free Garreth, Imelda quick to pick up Seb-skein and put the single whisker in her pocket, “I needed this for the scavenger hunt, thanks you little shit.” Before Sebastian could sink his teeth into her scowling face, Imelda tossed him to MC like a toy she had no use for anymore, making her way next to Garreth to begin comforting him, putting a napkin to his bloodied nose. 
MC stood with Sebastian tucked against her chest, her face turning red with anger and jealousy as she watched Imelda cuddle up next to Garreth. As she was about to march over to the two, she heard a familiar slytherin cast a spell towards her.
The chatter and laughter disappeared and were replaced by gasps and screams. Before she could blink, the once adorable fuzzy ball that rested in her hands transformed into a grown man, a naked grown man, who unfortunately happened to be Sebastian.
Her face glowed a bright red with embarrassment. Her arms were wrapped around his bare torso, the tips of her fingers just barely grazing his manhood. She was quick to yank her arms away with a horrified shriek, the attention that was once on Garreth was turned towards a very naked and humiliated Sebastian. (junie-00)
MC quickly removed the mustard yellow poncho she wore about her shoulders and wrapped it around Sebastian, covering his shame. As Garreth watched this, though, he felt his hands ball up into tight fists, which was rather uncomfortable due to the claws of his costume digging into his skin. But it didn't matter because how could she touch him like that? Especially in that state?
Meanwhile, Sebastian silently thanked MC for her assistance before practically bolting out of the room and back to his bed. It would be safe to assume that he wouldn't be returning to the party out of sheer mortification. However, Garreth only remembered the scavenger hunt when he spotted Imelda plucking a ladle out of one of the drink cauldrons, which was coated in a rather unappetizing thick, green substance. The game was still on, and Garreth needed to catch up quick! (OPHOCC)
As the urgency of beating Imelda in the scavenger hunt weighed on Garreth, he tapped his chin animatedly, plotting his next move. What had he been looking for? A Ravenclaw tie? He'd needed to find another Ravenclaw student and fast, knowing how badly he'd already messed up with Duncan and Everett this evening. Given how scantily clad Amit's costume had been, he'd quickly crossed off Amit as an option. He'd certainly not have a tie to spare. 
Garreth suddenly recalled another Ravenclaw he had yet to approach: Andrew Larson. Yes, he'd spotted him before. And if memory served, Andrew had dressed as a... pirate, was it? 
Garreth was aware of Andrew's long-standing infatuation with him since their fifth year. He harbored no resentment toward Andrew for this, given how earnestly Garreth himself had pined for MC before she had given him a chance. While he wasn't one to take advantage of someone's feelings, Garreth's frazzled mind somehow rationalized that this might be the perfect opportunity to address his jealousy over MC and Sebastian while securing that elusive Ravenclaw tie. Up the charm a bit, perhaps a slight accentuation of his bum, and he'd be good to go, or so he figured.
With this fool-proof plan in mind, Garreth embarked on his mission to locate Andrew Larson, who’d be lingering somewhere in the increasingly chaotic party. (finalgirllx)
Garreth stumbled through the party goers, locating Andrew standing by one of the cauldrons, pouring himself a cup of who knows what. Garreth walked up to him, prepping up his good ole Gryffindor charm. “Hey Andrew! Great party, huh?” He shouted over the booming music. “You’re a pirate, right?” 
Andrew looked up at him, and although Garreth was in no place to talk considering how wasted he was himself, he couldn’t help but notice how drunk Andrew was. “Heeeeeey you…fiery little redhead!” Andrew slurred. “You’re looking real cute tonight! *hiccup* What are…you s’pposed to be anyway? *hiccup* 
Garreth sighed, having given up on anyone else besides MC knowing his costume. He ignored the question entirely this time. “Hey mate, could I borrow your tie? I promise I’ll bring it back!” Garreth gave Andrew a flutter of his eyelashes. 
“Oh, of course!” Andrew slurred again as he removed his tie from his waist incredibly slowly. “You can undress me any time, baby!” 
Garreth took the tie from his hands. “Thanks buddy! I appreciate it!” But as he turned to walk away, Andrew put his hand on Garreth’s shoulder. Garreth turned around, expecting him to say something, but within a second of turning around, Andrew was puking pink sludge onto the floor, with quite a bit of it splashing on Garreth’s big red boots. (Oat)
“Woooooah!” Garreth jumped up. He didn’t know whether he should run or help the poor Larson, who had been puking most likely because of his some eerie concoction. Perhaps comforting a puking Larson would be just the perfect way to show MC. And so he did.
He went around Larson, stood behind his rear, holding his hips instead of his back or shoulder that a normal person would do to help a sick person. He rubbed the side of his hips, mumbling words like, “there, there, better out than in. Let it go Andrew my boy.” 
Imelda paused her hunt and watched the pair, her jaw open wide. She winced and cleaned the vomit off the floor. Andrew was now done throwing up and he was now leaning on Garreth’s shoulder, staring up into the depths of his sea green eyes. “Gaarrethhhhhh,” He mumbled, huddling close to him.
Garreth gave one of his cheeky smiles to him and then looked up to see if MC was watching this. 
“Ohhh Ayyy, finally Garreth and Larson!” Someone cheered and the entire common room noticed them now, clapping and whispering. 
“Get a room, boys.” Someone else jeered.
Garreth looked around and stared at a very fuming MC standing at one corner, fuming. Her face red and her lips curled into a thin line as she watched Andrew leaning over Garreth and their arms wrapped around each other.
It got even worse, when out of nowhere Andrew tried to press a kiss on Garreth’s cheek, but he noticed and shifted his head and his kiss accidentally landed on Garreth’s lips.
A huge roar and whistles filled his ears and he just saw a wild mane of hair whipping out of sight and the portrait of the Fat Lady closing. (AS)
It was less than pleasant, the taste of the kiss. Garreth stumbled back and his hand moved to catch him, but it dipped into the cauldron and he fell back onto the ground. The drunk crowd seemed to understand the situation and pulled Andrew back and helped him sit on the sofa. Garreth stood up, shaking the liquid off his arm. 
“Sssorry!” Andrew slurred and dropped his head down. 
Garreth gave him a tight smile. “All good, man.” he wiped the back of his arm and looked around for MC. His stomach dropped wondering what she was thinking. He took a scoop of cauldron liquid and swished it around his mouth in an attempt to cleanse it. He spit it into a nearby planter thinking that was the best course of action in his drunken stupor. 
“Andrew, huh?” MC’s voice came from behind. 
“N-no!” Garreth stumbled dramatically. He tripped forward and MC caught his fall. However, they both tripped with Garreth’s weight and she landed on her back while Garreth was on top. 
He popped his head up and their mouths were inches away. He eyed her and his heart hammered in his chest. 
“Wow, this guy really gets around.” A Hufflepuff murmured as they watched the two on the floor.
MC heard these words, breaking her trance, and pushed on Garreth’s chest to get him off. Garreth wasn’t helping much since the memory of the scavenger hunt came to mind again. 
He leaned in, lips brushing over the shell of MC’s ear. He could feel her hold her breath from this close. He hummed and finally whispered. “I need one of your socks.” (GFG)
  MC reeled back and despite the now rosy hue of her cheeks her expression shone scandalized. "My sock?! Garreth- Haven't you done enough crazy things tonight?" She steered him toward an (mostly, I mean- Grace and Nellie were having quite the passionate snog on it) empty sofa before settling next to him. "You're incredibly intoxicated and you're acting so strange."
Okay, yes, he'd probably had at least three too many concoctions this evening. But there was so much at stake now! He couldn't stop! Especially when his double vision caught sight of Imelda snatching a hair from a now incredibly drunk Ominis before disappearing back into the throng. A shiver of dread (and… arousal? Huh.) raced down his spine at the thought of the Slytherin winning. He could guess clear enough what her wish would be.
He turned to MC. "You don't understand! If I don't win this scavenger hunt, Imelda is going to do unspeakable things to me!"
More confused than ever, MC stared long and hard into her crush's glittering green eyes. Wasn't it not long ago that he'd kissed her…? She could still feel the warmth and taste of him on her lips. She longed more than anything to return his affections, but ever since the kiss he'd acted as though it hadn't happened at all! Her heart fluttered for him but she was receiving so many confusing, mixed signals from him. And his drunken kiss with Larson also hadn't helped matters… Was she just another party game to the Weasley? And after she'd gone through so much tireless dedication to mimic his costume… "Garreth, I don't know…", she muttered.
“Please, MC,” Garreth begged, taking her hands in his, the claws from their costumes clinking together. “You can’t leave me to the mercy of Imelda. I have to win.”
MC narrowed her eyes at Garreth, still debating on whether or not to help him. “What exactly does Imelda intend to do to you if she wins?” MC asked.
Garreth swallowed hard, his eyes wide. “I think she wants to devour me,” he breathed, and MC gasped before she furrowed her brows. 
“Not on my watch,” MC said, a look of determination in her eyes. (DOACD)
She gripped Garreth's hand tightly in hers before pulling him along behind her. He nearly stumbled with the force that she dragged him with. Her eyes scanned the chaotic room in search of the Slytherin girl who was so clearly trying to get her claws into her Gryffindor. She found Imelda in a secluded corner of the common room, busy packing away a blue tie into her satchel. She looked up with a smirk as MC and Garreth pulled to a stop in front of her. 
"Oh, it's the competition." She looked at the red head with sultry eyes and then at MC. "And the other competition." 
MC frowned, eyes narrowing. 
"I hope you're ready to pay up, handsome. I've got this scavenger hunt in the bag. Literally." She patted the satchel beside her. 
MCs grip tightened around Garreth's fingers causing him to let out a small "Ow!" 
She took a step closer to Imelda, her magic flaring as she attempted to control her emotions.
"I don't know what you think you're planning, Reyes, but you see this? She gestured at Garreth. He's mine." 
With those words, she turned to look at the flustered man behind her, his mossy green eyes sparkling with a mixture of excitement and confusion. She reached up to grip the back of his head and pulled his face down to meet hers, lips pressing against his softly. It only lasted a couple of seconds before they parted, foreheads resting against each other. 
Garreth couldn’t take his eyes away from hers as she whispered. 
"You're mine." 
Those lips, that taste...they were already familiar. Memories came flooding back to Garreth as MC kissed him, hazy but undeniably real. That's what he'd forgotten, that odd sort of niggle at the back of his mind when he'd looked at her afterwards—they'd kissed, right here at this party! No wonder she was nothing short of miffed about Andrew and now Imelda, and the possessive darkness in her eyes intensified by the intoxicated glaze was startling.
"Since when?!" the shrill exclamation came from next to him, and he looked up to see Imelda's furious face only inches away.
MC was already rounding on her, and the way she settled into a duelling stance and wand appeared out of nowhere indicated she was deadly serious about her claim.
"Go and crawl back into the rest of your hippogriff and I'll forget you ever tried it on with my man," MC spat at her.
The confrontation was already drawing interest, Imelda's wand at the ready as Garreth watched in awe. He vaguely wondered if he'd accidentally brewed something to induce this madness, but the thought was interrupted by a loud bellow.
Andrew Larson had stumbled into the commotion, another drink in his hand as he pointed at the two girls. Onlookers had started chanting along with him—fight! fight! fight!—it looked too late to stop the inevitable. It might have been dangerous, and he should try to stop it, but never had Garreth been so turned on as he watched the two girls fighting for him.
He blinked a few times, swaying slightly as he eyed both girls, awed by the determination on both of their faces. Imelda held her habitual scowl, eyes piercing towards MC. You had to admire the nerve of her. Facing off against the Crossed Wands Champion was nothing to be laughed at, and Imelda was not backing down. Garreth raised his eyebrows in respect, but then remembered the challenge and her prize. He touched his fingers to his lips and thought of MC's kiss. He'd definitely like more of those. 
He swung his gaze to MC. She looked formidable, her face set as she stared down Imelda, her pretty mouth in a determined line. Garreth felt something stir deep inside of him, utterly separate from the cocktail of creations mixing together in there. She was marvellous. And he'd had the balls to kiss her. He puffed his chest out a bit at that. 
"You can do it, darling," he said proudly. 
Imelda's mouth tightened, her gaze barely flicking in his direction, filled with rage.
MC took advantage of the distraction. To be fair to Imelda, she didn't even see it coming. With one flick of her wrist, MC shot a bolt of magic from the end of her wand in a wordless charm, it speared through the space between both girls and hit Imelda's satchel with a blast of blue and white sparks. Imelda yelped and jumped back, staring in horror as the bag full of her challenge winnings dissolved into ash. 
MC smirked. "Not so smug now, huh, Reyes?" She quipped. "I'd like to see you try and win now."
Imelda went pink, then red, then a hideous blend of red and purple as she glared, fists clenched. The growl of rage that left her mouth was impressive, and Garreth immediately jumped behind MC, peering sheepishly over her shoulder. 
A few heartbeats stretched into an eternity as Imelda contemplated her response to MC's destruction of her finds. She began to take heated steps in MC's direction, the crowd audibly gasping as tensions flared.
As attractive as a fight between two women over him may have been, Garreth realized it was time to summon his lion's courage. He needed to stand up for MC and stop this from getting worse. Just as he prepared to step forward and give Imelda a piece of his mind, an unexpected figure intervened.
"Enough! I said stop it now," Amit's voice boomed with surprising authority. His scandalous costume seems to fuel the respect he commands rather than detract from it. Everyone stopped in their tracks to listen. 
"This is meant to be a fun celebration, not some feud!" Amit continued his tone firm. He pointed in Garreth's direction. "Especially not over him," Amit added.
"None taken," Garreth replied with a timid chuckle.
"Enough with the seb-skeins, hair plucking, and potion testing. Let's act like respectable young wizards, for Merlin's sake," Amit pleaded to his fellow partygoers. 
The lingering question remained: as sexy as this newfound authority looked on Amit, would they actually listen? (finalgirllx) 
Garreth looked over at MC, who seemed to be considering Amit’s pleas for peace. Her expression was soft as she sighed, turning to Garreth. Her mouth opened as if she was about to say something, but within a second of her turning, she was on the ground, Imelda having taken advantage of MC’s eyes off of her and tackling her.
Imelda straddled MC as the two girls began to slap at each other, screaming and blocking each other’s hits, while the other students cheered and began their chanting of “Fight! Fight! Fight!” once again. MC’s wand fell out of her hand when she was knocked down, leaving her defenseless. Although MC was wandless, she wasn’t allowing Imelda to overpower her, giving her a few good slaps in the face as the girls fought. Garreth watched in horror, wanting to peel Imelda off his girl, but being a little afraid to get involved. Deciding once again that it was time to summon his lion’s courage, he came up behind Imelda and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her up and off MC.
Once Imelda was up, he watched her turn to face him. He then felt an excruciating pain in his nose as the once loud room fell silent. He wasn’t sure what had just happened, not until he felt a warm liquid begin to coat his lips - blood. Imelda had punched him in the nose, hard enough that he had begun to bleed. 
“Oh no! Garreth I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to!” Imelda began to panic, but her panic was interrupted by MC, who had grabbed a handful of Imelda’s hair, shoving her to the floor, her wand pointed in her face. “HOW DARE YOU!” MC screamed, shooting a silent spell at Imelda that resulted in dozens of spiders appearing out of nowhere, chasing Imelda up the stairs of the common room to a symphony of laughs from the other students. 
Once Imelda was gone, MC turned to Garreth, who had already been handed napkins by other students, trying to stop the blood that was gushing from his nose. “Oh, you poor thing!” MC shouted. “Let’s get you to the hospital wing now!” She grabbed a hold of Garreth’s hand, leading him out of the Fat Lady portrait and into the quiet halls of Gryffindor Tower (Oat)
MC took Garreth by his hand towards the hospital wing. It seems the commotion has already wiped off the effects of his potions on them both. Garreth was holding on to his nose that was now bleeding profusely under the effect of Imelda’s Chaser strength punch, that was directed towards MC actually.
MC stopped on the way watching him bleeding down his nose to his costume now.
“Oh you poor thing, come here,” she cooed, bringing him closer and inspecting his nose. They sat down on a stone bench nearby and MC brought out a handkerchief out of her sleeves and dabbed slightly at his nose.
Garreth blushed.
The whole evening had been something for him. They have kissed...... twice. And then her and Imelda had been fighting over him and lucky for her that he got the punch. And now he was alone with her away from all the commotion. He blushed heavily as MC dabbed at his blood and pressed onto his nose to stop the bleeding. He winced as the pain hit him again.
“I am sorry.” She whispered, tears forming at the brim of her eyes, her eyes now widened with fear at the sight of Garreth’s never stopping blood.
“It’s okay.” He tried to speak through his broken nose. “It wasn’t your fault. I can handle it. Thank Merlin, she didn’t punch you like that.”
MC closed her eyes and let the teardrop down her eyes.
“Hey, MC, don’t.” Garreth said, now holding her face in his hands.
Sod the bloody nose, he will bleed to death; it doesn’t matter. But right now MC’s tears were more precious.
“Come here you silly girl.” Now it was his turn to console her. “I told you, it’s not your fault. It was all for fun. But I loved how you claimed me like that in front of everyone. You are the Hero of Hogwarts; everyone will want you but you chose me!”
“Of course I chose you. I will always choose you. I have always wanted you, ever since I stole those Fwooper feathers for you in fifth year. Who do you think I am wearing this costume for?” She said, looking up at him now.
Garreth’s eyes darted between their strange costumes of the evening, the one he completely forgot about and now he remembered.
Long forgotten was their trip to the hospital wing. Now they both sat under the star dazzling autumn sky, watching each other like they were seeing each other for the first time again. (AS)
He looked over at MC under the glittering night sky. His hand went up to cup her cheek as a smile grew on his face. The night had been so strange but it felt nice to get some fresh air and to finally be alone with MC. 
She smiled at him as they lay in the grass, eyes on one another, completely ignoring the beautiful night sky. MC had yawned first then Garreth realized just how sleepy he was feeling. His eyes became droopy and he couldn't keep them open anymore despite his effort. He felt his body relax next to her then he was swept off into a dreamless sleep. 
It felt like only seconds had passed when someone was shaking him awake. He blinked into the sunny bedroom and looked around in confusion.
"Where's MC?" He asks, rubbing his eyes and noticing he's in his pajamas and not his costume. His surroundings were also different. He had just been outside, so why was he back in his dorm?
"MC?" Leander gave his friend a look. "I don't know. She's probably in her dorm? Come on man, you've got to wake up. It's almost noon and we have so much more planning to do for tonight!"
Garreth set up, his head swimming with the sudden movement. 
"What do you mean, what's tonight?" He yawned, stretching his arms above his head. 
Leander gave him a look. "Mate... it's the Halloween party tonight in the common room. We've still got drinks to make and decorations to put up."
Garreth was suddenly more awake. "The Halloween party?! But that was..." His head swam from trying to recall the night. Had it all been a dream? 
He went back into his fuzzy memory and recalled some of the crazy things he saw that could not have possibly been reality. He thought of Seb-skein and Amit's ridiculously sexy costume and furrowed his brows. The kiss with Andrew and Imelda being the ass of a life-sized hippogryph costume... 
"Was... none of that real?" He whispered. Garreth looked at his hands as if they were foreign to him. 
"Garreth, come on man. We've got a lot to do if we're going to throw an epic party in a few hours!" Leander tossed Garreth's robes onto the bed. 
Garreth frowned. That means none of the kisses were real and that him and MC were in fact, not a couple. The more he awoke, the more he realized that he'd dreamt the entire party. 
An idea grew in his mind and Garreth tossed off his covers and quickly stood up out of bed.
"There we go! Now come on! We've got to-" Leander's words were cut off by Garreth rushing past him. "Gar!?"
Garreth turned to his friend and smiled "I'm going to ask MC to be my date to the party tonight!" He began pulling on a decent shirt and fluffing his hair in the reflection of the window. 
Leander's face lit up. "It's about time you made a move! Maybe you two can wear matching costumes." (GFG)
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The amazing fanart @slytherin-paramour drew as promised! Seb-Skein!
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Thank you for reading and thanks to those that joined in! This was a blast and really help rein in the Halloween spirit! 🦇🎃
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alicenpai · 6 months
art thoughts lately!! particularly about con prep ..
- i am getting tired of drawing chibis during con prep season 😔 like i mentioned before, i think im "good" at drawing them, but they are kind of uninteresting to draw. and i get bored after a while! i think that's why charms burn me out so fast. luckily my last "specialty" merch design was just submitted so . i can move on to prints and other designs now
- i still like designing charms but i think i might try portrait charms. which means that like . my charm catalogue will cover a less broad range of fandoms (?) bc portraits will take a lot more work + harder to draw characters i don't know well
- might also still do buttons bc i like the idea of having low cost options on my table (i.e. canadian con goers tend to have a lower purchasing power?) although i think i may have been under charging...... i might have to raise the price by a few cents, because again, they do take time to draw. i put unnecessary amounts of detailing in them . it sparks joy ok 😔 anything priced under like. $10 (?) will be a low cost merch option and i like the idea of still having my art be "accessible" and not just like. having $15-20 charms and prints
- i also want to lean more into like. stickers in the style of the baccano sheet i drew last year! i think it's a lot of fun to interpret a favourite series in this graphic design style. a lot of work and research but yeah
- i hate lineart again so it might be time to learn how to clean sketches again
- might also be time to crank out the chisel brushes again - whenever i see artists using the chisel brush it makes me miss my 2017-18 era art sm .... there's such a delicious flow in chisel brushes .. part of the reason i stopped using them is 1. i was getting tired of using the brush (though i think my 2019 art was a bit tame compared to the previous year), and 2. complications on my computer with photoshop and then having to move on to clip. i can't replicate the tilt sensitivity of my ps brushes (specifically the helen chen brushes) in clip ^__T so i had to learn to wield another set of favourite brushes. i know clip also has chisel brushes but this one was my favourite aughhgh. will have to dive into the brush settings window for like 2 hours again ..
- overall, im really looking forward to stickers and prints the most! esp prints! i have a greater vision of what i want to capture in my art, after doing the Halloween piece and the pandora hearts twin mirrors piece. i want to push my art in a more illustrative direction (thank you miss shirahama kamome of witch hat atelier you have changed my life), if it works out. ill definitely have to toss the old prints that don't suit my style anymore, though ill see about doing a "last call" to see if anyone wants em during anime north 🤔 if not they will be recycled hehe
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Could you maybe do 14.‘’That’s a lot of blood…’’  and 15. ‘’No, don't do this to me. Stay with me..’’ with Mindy. I love her sm and she’s barely on here
Finally more Mindy content!! I don't understand why there is so little work for her
my taglists are here  + you can requests here at any time
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The plan was to get all in the same subway car and trap Ghostface inside the shrine, but the plan went astray from the first step as you, Mindy and Ethan managed to get separated from the others. It wasn’t a big deal. There was only a few minutes between the two trains, so you would join them shortly.
‘’I don’t like that we’re here with him. Why didn’t he go with the others?’’ Mindy complained, eyeing Ethan across the subway car, still suspicious of him.
‘’Because we missed the first train,’’ you reminded your girlfriend as you typed Tara a text, informing her of the situation. Right after you hit ‘send’, your phone screen flashed with 1% battery. ‘’Mind, can you pass me your phone? Mine’s dead.’’
‘’Yeah.’’ She fished in her pockets, looking for the device, but couldn't find it. ‘’Shit. I think I left it at Sam’s apartment when we got attacked and had to cross on the ladder…’’
Your stomach felt queasy at the mention of the ladder. You could have died if Mindy had not grabbed your hand at the last minute and held onto you. She saved your life. You were so grateful for her.
‘’I’m gonna see if Ethan’s has battery. We need to keep the others updated on the situation.’’
‘’Careful,’’ Mindy warned, grabbing your hand. ‘’Stay on your guard around him, okay? Please.’’
You squeezed her hand and nodded, then snaked your way through the bodies of Halloween costumes that swarmed the subway. On another day, you would have enjoyed watching the costumes and pointing out who looked the coolest — that one Babadook and the girl dressed as Pearl took the cake for you —, but you caught a few ghostface masks among the crowd and it gave you the chills.
What if the masked killer was hiding beneath one of the costumes?
‘’Everything okay?’’ Ethan asked when you made it to him.
‘’Can I borrow your phone?’’
Before Ethan answered, the lights flickered inside the subway car.
You drew your eyebrows together, sharing a confused look with Ethan right before everything went dark. Was this a power outage? The lights came back, then flickered again, but the subway kept going. It was strange.
When the lights finally came back, the subway stopped and announced a station.
‘’What was tha—’’
Your question was cut off as Ethan’s eyes widened, looking behind you. ‘’Shit. Mindy.’’
The mention of your girlfriend’s name got your attention. You swiftly whirled around and your heart clenched when seeing Mindy on the ground with a blood-covered hand over her stomach.
You shouldn’t have left her side.
You ran up to her, skipping apologies when you bumped shoulders with a stranger, and kneeled before her, not caring about the dirty subway floor. All you cared about was Mindy.
‘’Shit. That’s a lot of blood…’’
Mindy groaned in pain. ‘’He was there. I knew he would be. I thought the chances of it happening twice were small, but here I am again, fucking stabbed.’’
Since it was Halloween, no one spared you or Mindy a glance, assuming it was fake blood. You fucking wished it was.
‘’We’re gonna get down at the next stop and take a taxi to the hospital—’’
‘’No!’’ Mindy protested, cutting you off. ‘’We have to find the others. Hospitals are not safe. Tara got attacked there last year. We need to go to the shrine. Detective Bailey said it was the only safe place.’’
‘’I know, but you’re bleeding on the subway floor, Mind.’’
‘’Mindy’s right,’’ Ethan said from behind you and you glared at him for encouraging your girlfriend's stupid idea.
‘’What?! She needs to go the the hospital, where people will take care of her injuries and—’’
Mindy’s vision suddenly got blurry, the blood starting to soak through the left thigh of her pants. ‘’Wow, I really don’t feel well…’’ She leaned her head against the wall and her eyes started feeling heavy.
You shook her arm that wasn't covering her wound. ‘’No, don't do this to me. Stay with me. You have to stay awake, Mindy. Mindy? Mindy!’’
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog 
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz
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hot take: i dont like ted drews. i mean, the ice cream is good, but there is so much better at other places. i mean, oberweis, s&js, richs, etc. easily top ted drews for me. everyone touts ted drews as the best ice cream in st louis, but... i disagree. i keep this a secret from everyone i know. i go to ted drews and i eat the ice cream because it is good. but deep down, i know that there is better. i know it in my heart and nobody can take it away from me.
(i hope that literally anyone from stl or missouri in general finds this confession. can somebody back me up on this??? or am i crazy???)
while im talking about it, i might as well rank other missouri/stl food and traditions.
toasted raviolis: 10/10. life changing. you have to try these at least once in your life
gooey butter cake/cookies: 6/10. good taste, but very dense, buttery, and heavy for me. like they are so dense
stl pizza/imos pizza: 10000/10. everyone gets really fired up about stl pizza, which is very amusing to me. you either love it or hate it. listen to me when i say this: i know that stl pizza is abnormal. i know it is alarming. but just give it a chance if youre ever in town. please. trust me on this one.
provel cheese: 5/10. meh, im just kind of used to it. it doesnt really stand out to me. i only discovered a couple years ago that provel is a st louis thing. people claim that it isnt real cheese, but i think that is bullshit. what is paint if not a bunch of color mixed together? should painters only use home crushed berries to paint? no. embrace change. INNOVATION!
having to tell a joke/sing a song/do a dance before receiving candy on halloween: 0/10. WHO CAME UP WITH THIS. RICKY WHEN I CATCH YOU RICKY.... WHY. i am the most socially inept person out there. the LAST thing i needed as a kid was for old people to DEMAND i tell them a shitty knock knock joke before forking over one measly almond joy. to be fair, coming up with jokes was always one of my fondest memories of halloween. its just such a strange tradition and i dont care enough to research how it came to be.
anyways, this was a very big backed confession. but whatever. i hope that all my silly little missouri folks of tumblr find this post <3 missouri? misery? is there a difference? there is not.
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rachalixie · 2 years
a/n: for @moonacholy’s request for spooky fic with vampire hyunsung and witch felix and reader! sorry i lost your ask baby, i posted it and had to delete it and repost :(
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you giggle at hyunjin’s sigh as jisung applies another layer of white makeup to his face, and you follow in with a delicate swipe of blush just like you knew he didn’t want it. he’s wearing a ridiculous dracula outfit that shouldn’t look good on anyone, complete with greased back hair and a red lined cape. but hyunjin looks unfairly good in everything, so. he looks phenomenal.
“vampires aren’t even this pale. i should know. i am one.” he whines, kicking jisung’s shin much harder than he ever could kick a human’s. jisung, on the other hand, went the twilight route, with glistening sparkly skin and his glowy yellow eyes out on display. he’s wearing a shirt that says say it. out loud. it made you cackle when he first emerged from his room in it.
“oh really?” jisung feigns surprise, his red-painted lips forming into a perfect ‘O’. “i’ve never met a vampire before! what’s that like? what does blood taste like?”
“jisung shut up, you literally drank some of my blood last night.” felix rolls his eyes as he joins you all in the kitchen and wraps an arm around you. “the blood that i drew out for a really important potion, and i now need to wait for the next full moon to arrive to do. remind me to never let you drink witches blood again, by the way, it makes you way too hyper.”
you ignore jisung’s indignant squawk to turn towards your boyfriend and press a soft kiss to his cheek. he has star sequins dotting his face, one for each freckle you could find, and his tall and pointy witches hat matches the one perched on top of your head. it almost falls off when you lean in, but he catches it with one hand while the other squeezes you closer into him. he winks at you as you let some of your magic seep through the air, turning the tips of his hair bright pink and the fringe of yours a deep purple.
“are we going out?” you ask, glancing at the time on the microwave’s clock. it’s nearly 10pm, the day is almost over and you want to get out at least a couple hours of being out and about in your true forms, even if it’s playing pretend. you’re meeting your werewolf friend chan and his packmates jeongin and seungmin at a party, and you’re sure that felix’ fae cousin changbin and his mermaid roommate minho will be there too. among a bunch of unassuming humans too, but tonight thats the least of your worries. its halloween, the one night you all don’t have to hide.
“one more shot before we go!” jisung cries, pouring out a couple of blood shots for him and hyunjin while you pour out normal ones for you and felix. in different colored shot glasses, of course, you can only make the mistake of accidently drinking blood once before you learn quickly how not to mix them up.
you all stumble out of your apartment together, walking towards the full moon and enjoying each other’s company until you hear a series of loud kissing noises and a thump coming from behind you.
“but hyunjinnie!” jisung is pouting, draping himself over hyunjin’s shoulders and keeping his grip when the taller boy tries to knock him off. “you’re my soulmate!”
“maybe. doesn’t mean i want your lips anywhere near mine.” the blonde boy grimaces, taking jisung’s hand anyways.
“after over 200 years of being together, you think they would get tired of the bickering,” felix’ deep voice hits your ears, drawing attention away from the mess behind you and onto the boy whose hand your holding.
“you think we’re going to end up like them in 100 years?” you ask, smiling at him as if you know the answer already.
he just smiles in response, eyes twinkling like the stars as you continue to walk together.
soft hours
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Snow Babies
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Josh x Reader (f)
Warmings: none
“Come on bugaboos! It’s time to go see Gran and Gramps!” Josh calls.
The four of you were heading to Michigan. It had been since Halloween that you’d been able to go. With bags packed and loaded into the car, you headed to the airport. You’d decided to take a 2 hour flight instead of driving 9 hours with two toddlers. Everything went smoothly once there and before you knew it, you were on the plane headed north.
The plane ride there could’ve gone better but overall wasn't bad. Your two year old, Ophelia, was antsy and cranky for the first 45 minutes. But once she got a snack, everything was right with the world. Next thing you knew, the plane was preparing for landing. 
After exiting the plane, Josh took the two year old to baggage claim and you took the four year old, Leeland, to the bathroom. The two of you finished washing your hands and headed over to baggage claim to meet up with Josh. As you drew closer, you spotted Karen and Kelly. It didn’t take long for your little one to spot them and yell, “Gran! Gramps!” and start running to them. Smiling as you walked up, you said hello and gave hugs.
When your bags finally came around, you all headed to the Kiszka house. Driving down the road, both your little ones took turns exclaiming, “Snow! Look Papa! Look Mama! Snow!”. Sure they’d seen snow before, but Nashville never had this much. 
“Are we at the North Pole Papa?” Leeland asked.
Chuckling, Josh said, “You’d think so, but no buddy. This is where Papa grew up. It’s called Frankemuth.”
“Fankmuf.” Ophelia parroted.
“That’s right Ophy. Frankenmuth.”
When you arrived at the house, both kiddos were begging to play in the snow.
“We have to take our stuff inside first. Then we can play.” Josh said.
“It’s alright, we can take them in. Let those babies play!” Karen said, motioning for Kelly to grab the bags. Smiling you and Josh took Leeland and Ophelia around to the back. 
Before you could make it back there, Leeland crouched down and scooped up some snow and threw it at Josh’s back.
“Oh so that’s how you want to play!” Josh teased, making a small snowball and throwing it back at Leeland. That was the start of an all out snowball fight. You and the kids against Josh. Laughing and screeching, the kids would run up to Josh and throw snow. He would pretend that they’d got him and fall to the ground moaning and groaning, making a big show of it. 
This lasted until Karen stuck her head out of the window and told you to come on in for hot chocolate and cookies. Upon hearing that, Leeland grabbed Ophelia’s hand and said, “Come on sissy!” and led her inside. Watching the two of them head on in, Josh slid his arm around your waist and began walking with you.
“This is what it’s all about.” He said. “Being all together and playing with our perfect snow babies.”
You smile and kiss his cheek before saying, “They are pretty perfect. What would you say if I told you that there’s another snow baby on the way?” 
Stopping mid stride, Josh turns to you. “Are you serious?” He asks and you nod your head. “Oh my god! I can’t believe it! We’re having another baby!” He exclaims.
“Actually, we’re having two babies.”
Josh’s face lights up even brighter. “Twins?!”
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