#i dunno how i would even manage this but im considering a hook up just to feel somebody
sensitivegoblin · 5 months
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for the writing meme: rose tyler and aziraphale #48. “Now, just hold on a diddly darn minute.”
((Oh god. I LOVE YOU. Thank you so much for sending me this. It turned out slightly differently than I planned, but hopefully you still like it!))
Rose stopped, ice cream cone dripping onto her hand as she turned to stare at Aziraphale. 
“You’ve never been to France. You said so. We talked about crepes.”
“I… yeah, I’ve never been to France. So?”
“How could you have met Madame de Pompadour if you’ve never been to France?” 
Rose looked down. “Rather not talk about it, if it’s all the same.”
Aziraphale was many things. He wasn’t much of a liar himself. But he could tell that Rose was hiding. The bow of her head, the way she let the ice cream in her hand droop, and more than that the splinter in the aura of joy and love she radiated always. But what could she have to hide? 
(It was one of the things he’d most enjoyed since the strange time travelers had run into them during the Notpocalypse. Rose had an aura that no angel could ignore. The fact that she had a travelling companion whose face matched his demon’s was an… interesting fringe benefit. It also hadn’t taken long for said alien and demon to start comparing vehicles, at which point Rose and tugged him away. “The Doctor’ll be at that for hours. Unless you like watching ‘im argue might as well find something better to do.” “What did you have in mind?” “Chips? I can always go for chips. Or food in general. ‘M starvin’.”
“How do you feel about crepes?”
“I dunno. Never had ‘em.”
Aziraphale gasped and threw a look back at the arguing beings in across the street. They’d be lucky if the two emerged this century. “Well, you and I will have to correct that.”
“Bet you ten quid they don’t even notice we’re gone.”
He shook his head. “I’m an angel. I don’t gamble.”
“Never. And certainly not on bets I’m bound to lose.”
Rose laughed, and that had been that.) 
He nodded, and the moment slipped past like a fish slipping a hook. Rose went back to her ice cream and they returned to their ramble about time and history and all the people Rose had met. (Aziraphale was not jealous that she’d met Charles Dickens. Only slightly put out. He’d never had the opportunity was all.)
“Oh, I found that book you were looking for last visit!”
“The one about impressionists?”
“Yes! It’s in the office, if you want to go and fetch it. I’ll gather the boys in.”
Even the book wasn’t enough to budge the dark spot in Rose’s aura lingering beneath a layer of faux bright joy- like she was forcing herself to feel happy. It felt wrong, but he couldn’t miracle it away- he had to know what to fix for one, and more importantly Rose would never forgive him. So that left asking the Doctor.
“Now wait just a diddly darn minute.” 
The Doctor gulped. He’d learned early on in this odd friendship Rose had struck up with apparent angels and demons, that Aziraphale was actually the frightening one. Oh, Crowley hissed and sputtered and was a nuisance, but it’s hard to be frightened by someone who looks like you wearing bad contacts. 
So when Aziraphale pulled the conversation to a halt, causing Rose to look at the three of them over her shoulder where she was perusing a book about impressionists, the Doctor knew something was wrong.
“You’re telling me you left her? To go to France?”
“Honestly, you’re surprised he has bad taste, angel?” How the demon managed a piercing stare through a pair of sunglasses was a mystery. 
“There’s nothing wrong with France!” The Doctor found himself saying defensively. It wasn’t a surprise that the angel had detected Rose’s discomfort over the issue. He was painfully well aware how much that action had cost. But it wasn’t their business. 
“Oh no. No no no. We’re not doin’ this.” Rose said, breaking through the looks that stretched between the three of them like knives.
“He left you!” The angel was... angry.
“Yeah, so did my dad, my first boyfriend and the cat. S’not new. I’m a big girl. I’m fine. I don’t need protectin’. From anyone.” Rose’s tone was dry, but sad and that was enough to make guilt squirm in his gut. 
“Not even a little bit?” 
“Look, I’d rather have a friend than a guardian angel, if it’s all the same.”
A liquid moment stretched between them all before Aziraphale nodded sharply, eyes wide, his white hair bouncing with the motion. Crowley scrunched his mouth but shrugged, his head tilting to the left in a blasé facsimile of a nod.
Rose’s posture shifted as she smiled, sunshine bright and real, and the Doctor couldn’t help the stab of jealousy that he felt when that smile was directed at other people. He pushed down on the feeling, the unwarranted jealousy. He watched Rose,  and considered how they’d come to be here. Even by his standards, this friendship was strange. But worth it, he thought, seeing Rose’s excited gushing over the book she held in her hands. Definitely worth it. 
(Even if the look he was getting from the demon that wore his face said volumes about what would happen to him if anything else happened to make Rose sad. It was unnecessary - he was through running.)
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saigebeaumontt · 6 years
( danielle rose russell, cisfemale, she/her ) I, FREYA KAVINSKY am a SCHOLARSHIP student and would hereby like to submit my application to Kingswood Boarding School. I am SEVENTEEN years old and will be a JUNIOR. I would describe myself as HEARTFELT and EAGER, but also UNINHIBITED and PIGHEADED which I plan to work on during my time here. This is my request to join the VICTORIA building as a house MEMBER and look forward to hearing back from you.
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im trash ik but here’s a brand new baby to play w!! her pinterest can be found HERE pls ignore the photos of crystal reed, that’s freya’s original fc sdfghj
tw; death, drug/alcohol abuse? w/ implications of self destruction
so first thing’s first, freya was born n raised in chicago alongside her father and her older sister
her mother had died during freya’s birth--though freya doesn’t...blame herself, necessarily, there are days where she imagines what life would’ve been like if her mother was still alive
her dad’s a mechanic and the sole provider for their household, which meant that he was gone more often than not
regardless, he tried to be as active as possible in his children’s lives
her sister always took up the role of..well, mother, in a sense
freya and her are incredibly close b/c of this
even so--her father had wanted them to be as active as possible, as out of the house as he was--so it didn’t seem like he was gone as much as he was
so, with a few strings pulled and familial connections, freya was able to attend ballet lessons at a young age, alongside an instrument of her choosing, at a discounted price
she chose violin btw...very relevant
and like, to everybody’s surprise--she sort of excelled at both--it almost came naturally, though that didn’t mean she hadn’t put in a buncha effort regardless, y’know
practice makes perfect, yadda yadda
took up a few more instruments for fun, such as piano and like...i dunno, guitar of various forms (including bass guitar) though she likes violin the best
that led to her attending a p prestigious performing arts high school in her city--which wasn’t done by pulling strings
her father worked even more shifts, her sister got a job to help pitch in, they took out loans, yadda yadda. anything they could do so she could pursue this...dream
except...ballet and violin has never been freya’s dream--its just something she happens to be good at
everybody just...assumed, that since she was so talented, she had to want to pursue it
not the case at all, really. she loves it, really, but...her passion has always surrounded animals
specifically marine animals, which is odd considering freya had never seen the ocean before
really...marine anything, she loves. maybe it’s because its something she hasn’t experienced , but ykno
she felt sort of...stuck, b/c she never wanted to disappoint her dad or her sister or any of their family friends who were all rootin’ for her
this led to some...rebellion, of sorts, when she was a freshmen
nothing...BAD, per say, but y’know. baseball bats to mailboxes whilst hanging out of the window of a pick-up truck, vandalizing abandoned buildings and historical monuments, shoplifting from convenience stores.
okay so like...a little bad
that was just the crowd she found herself in, y’know, in her teenage angst
has definitely been arrested a few times, but has always managed to get off scotch free ??
it’s luck, im telling u. she only has like..three things on her record rn
ALSO learned how to ride a motorcycle and was in a punk band based in her school n did bass for it, ‘cos that’s what rebellious teenagers do n whatever
and this, well, y’know. did disappoint her father and her sister and all their family friends but at this point freya was like ?? i can’t stop
her boyfriend at the time was a major contributor to her troublemaking tbh
when he transferred to kingswood, freya’s lil 15 yr old heart was broken.
spent her entire sophomore yr working her ass off and getting her shit together so that kingswood would look at her, and pick her, too--
and like...it finally paid off, y’know? her junior year they’d graciously given her a scholarship based off of her music AND academics
so she was absolutely thrilled
granted, she was only able to start attending halfway thru her junior year, at the beginning of the second semester...but she was there, at least, right?
very ecstatic to find her boyfriend and surprise him
they’d been doing long distance, and he had no idea that she had gotten in
found out his dorm number, walked right up to his door--knocked, and he answered with his shirt off n a number of hickeys on his chest
it was a surprise for both of them lmao
obv. freya is not stupid, if not a lil blinded by love at the time. they broke up, she was heartbroken
sorta shut herself in for a few months ‘cos she was so sad abt it
so it’s kinda like she’s still new, tho it’s been a few months since january
but she’s BACK and she’s POPPIN’ and she acts like it still doesn’t bother her !
but like...it does. it rly does. she’s still mcfreakin’ hurt abt it, she’s just handling it in another way
aka, a lil bit of partying...a lil bit of drinking, casual drug use, hooking up, etc. etc. just bein that bitch, y’know?
has always had a lil bit of a tomboy aesthetic ?? despite being a freakin’ ballerina, it just not her aesthetic man
constantly wearin’ dark colors n reds and leather jackets n denim on denim n cuffin’ her pants n whatnot
even brought her motorcycle 2 school w/ her
EXCELS at science, wants to become a marine biologist or smth when she’s older
just...hasn’t told anybody that
she’s not some antisocial punk, okay, she’s not anna
very humble but not in a way where u have to be like ‘ugh u have talent u idiot’ , she just doesn’t like bragging about it ?
even tho her ex is an idiot she’s still glad to be there bc of how prestigious kingswood is
 kinda tries 2 befriend as many ppl as possible ?? she isn’t a people pleaser, though, n it’s sort of like...u get what u get, w/ her
she doesn’t act as if she’s got a whole separate life or nothin’, she balances both her rebellious nature and her talents n w/e
fun fact her mother was a leader of elizabeth but like...does she know? no. does it matter? only to ppl like lilah smh
i’d consider her like....a gryffindor, to sum up her personality ??
very brave, fearless, can be stupidly reckless. gets herself into trouble even now
prolly is a lil bit of a hoe but we love that for her, okay ??
but also ?? will die for her pals ?? n is very true to herself ??
we call her accidentally messy
neutral good tbh ?? very wholesome person
will take care of u if ur sick, is v protective of those she loves
also doesn’t rly....believe in love rn, or is at least very over the concept.
girl next door ?? i dunno
sometimes...she does these bad things...’cos she thinks she deserves it, in a way?
like she’ll drink too much n get a real bad hangover or do a drug when she knows she’ll have a bad trip
so she’s got a lil bit of self loathing
however she knows it’s a problem
she’s just...not willing 2 do much abt it rn
living her best life lmao
ambivert, will go to parties but will also sit in w/ a book gladly
can b v v stubborn, is in debate b/c she loves...to argue, sometimes sksk
m8 i dunno she’s got layers..like an onion
wanted connections
her...ex would be nice, however it’s prolly better suited to send in as a WC unless there’s a dude from chicago out here whose made the mistake of cheatin’
HOWEVER, i would love pals !! friends of any sort !! she’s friendly !! like her !!
ride or die!
unlikely pals!
good influences!
bad influences!
she’s in a band w/ ezra im p sure
i ALSO would like hook ups!
accidental hookups!
casual hookups!
fwbs ?!?
Bad. hookups!
she’s probably accidentally hooked up w/ somebody’s partner so
enemies ! for w/e reason !
fake friends !?
gimme everything !!
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irastayshome · 5 years
Ibrahim's birth
Ibrahim arrived in this world on 21st January 2017. Back then, we were lucky to afford a doula because I was hella nervous about the whole birthing process and tbh my head wasnt in the game because of all the stress at work. After the 'hard part' was over, and as I held my son, I vividly remember my doula saying that the easy part was over and the hard part of being a parent has just begun. I thought it was a joke at the time because, well, what could be harder than pushing a 3 kg baby out of your vagina? 2 yrs and 6mths on, I have mentally kicked myself in the head for taking my doula's words lightly. These days, I consider it a win when I do not raise my voice or completely lose my sh** and raise my hands at my son. I keep needing reminders of what it took to get him into this world and the many moments we failed him along the way so that I do not be complacent and mistreat him.
So I thought I might write his birth story down after all. Didn't really wanna remember all the details of something that feels rather insignificant now, but some days at home are just rough and a good reminder is useful.
19 January 2017. I had been on maternity leave for a week, but only just completed my case transfers from home. My mamamia had been insisting that I sleep over her place once a week for the last trimester on Hasyali's night shifts. I didnt mind at all, because my r/s with my parents have improved significantly after moving out. Distance is truly necessary sometimes.
It finally dawned upon me that I was due in a week. Being last minute as I always am, I tried to 'catch up' on the squats that my doula/birth educator had been reminding us to do at 9 pm. But really, i was just doing it for fun cause like it would make any difference at 39 weeks, esp since ive been treating my body like crap while handing over my work the last few weeks. Planned to youtube more exercises to speed up labour etc etc but fell into the rabbit hole of "natural birth positions" and "painfree birth vlogs" and before I knew it, I was hooked on the Midwives yt tv series till i fell asleep at 5 am. Damn youtube.
20th January 2017. 7 am. Felt like I ate something so bad and had to do a big one. And so I did, groggily, and went back to sleep. Feeling so smug that I could finally sleep in on a weekday. 9 am. What is going on with my bowels??? Tried to recall what I ate last night, but dont care just sleep after the business. 10.30 am. Sat up and mentally admitted that those horrid pains at the bottom of my tummy could actually be contractions! Trying to keep cool, I ate breakfast quickly, trying to mask my ronyok face each time the tightenings came by because nyayi was there and I just did not wanna tell my family. pretty sure they would have shipped me off to the hospital immediately.
Took cab back at 12.30pm and smsed hubs about the contractions, saying it could potentially be the real thing. But not sure, so I timed them in the cab. 10 mins apart. regular. oh crap its happening. Got home, discovered the bloody show. So yup i got my confirmation. Smsed hubs a photo of it but told him to just take it easy, go solat Jumaat and just slowly pack his bag aftee. He just got off his night shift so he probably hasnt slept at all. Told doula Kak Hajjar about whats going on, and was advised to just relax and walk2 until i cant talk anymore from the pain. Hubs came back, and i took off on a birth walk alone around the estate. Every few mins, I just stopped and breathed deeply, sorely regretting not pestering my hubs to come along bcoz adoi sakit and nothing to squeeze or hold on to. and in the 3 pm sun no less.
Came back, started panicking when i realised hubs belum pack!! what is it with men and last minute packing?? feeling annoyyed bcoz im about to do some serious work but he cant even get started on packing. but ok takpe, got in the shower to cool down and to relieve the pain while he packed. Contractions were now 4 mins apart, but I could still talk. NUH told me to come in now. Doula told me to wait till i cant talk. The kancong me decided to go anyway, worried about the rush hour jam on the start of a weekend.
Arrived at NUH at 6 pm, realising that id skipped lunch. I was hungry, and oh no so damn sleepy bcoz i barely slept the night before! Damn youtube. Ate mr bean pancake with hubs. Met doula who told.me i dont look like its time bcoz i could talk and joke about. I admit i secretly thought that it was because i had a high tolerance for pain hahahaha joke. Entered the delivery ward at 7 pm, was 4 cm dilated. Yay! but wait what, all that pain and only 4 cm? oh no.
So began the longest night of my life. Doulla massaged my back and did hip squeezes through contractions, and I occasionally swayed while standing with hubs. These two were just incredible birth partners. My labour pains were rough at the front, but damn the back labour pains were friggin insane! Felt like maybe I had tentacles trying to burst out of my spine and turn into Doc Ock.
At some point, i remember just saying random supplications and feeling so regretful that i had not rehearsed what selawats I wanted to read in those moments bcoz my head was really jammed up trying to manage the pain. By 3 am my body felt like it had gone through a marathon and i really did fall asleep between contractions out of sheer exhaustion. It was exhausting to just tahan the pain.
By 4 ish am (hazy on the details by now), a VE confirmed I was 9 cm dilated. At this point I was already vomitting and my head hurt so much from tahaning the pain. I remembered thinking, or maybe even saying out loud, that I wanted them to cut the baby out. Im pretty sure I was transitioning at that point but I didnt know bcoz my mind was too panicky. They told me the head was still too high to push, so they offered to burst my waterbag, but said theres no assurance it would bring the head down but wld certainly intensify the contractions. I was pretty sure I would pass out if they intensified, out of exhaustion. and never mind that I was barely able to wake up btwn contractions due to my flu and fever (yes ARGH hate flu during labour). So I refused and waited for news that im fully dilated.
6 am. Still at 9 cm. My head was thinking "how long did Kak Hajjar say transitions lasted again?? takkan lama gini??" This time, my mental strength just gave way. I screamed for an epidural. I remember feeling so terrified that my baby would be stuck while im pushing, because I had zero energy left. Fatigued from the pain and the fever, I pleaded for an epidural again n again. I rmbr my doula, my husband, the nurses all giving me such kind words of support, saying ive gone si far and am at the last lap, and encouraged me to stick to my birth plan of going without medication. But I was too defeated by exhaustion and just wanted to sleep. Hahahaha. Like i literally said "yang, i nak tido" and started to cry.
So they called in the anesthesiologist (dunno the spelling). While he prepped the long-ass needle, I felt a huge gush of warm water down there. My waters broke. At this point I could have just waited for the head to descend, but I was too tired and looking forward to a promised 2 hour rest before pushing. So I kept quiet about it. I was in tears, out of disappointment at myself for not being able to ride out the exhaustion. But my doula was so kind and reminded me that God is the best of planners, and perhaps this was the way for me to achieve a natural birth still and avoid any emergency csection if I could not push. The nurses too were angels, and kept assuring me I had tried really hard for a long time and shouldn't beat myself up. And so I slept. That was the best 2 hour sleep of my life. pretty sure I snored and drooled, in the presence of my doula. Nak kata paiseh but nah I was too tired to care, and all modesty had left the room hours ago.
8 am. Woken up by cheerful nurses who told me it was time to start pushing. I just wanted to sleep in longer, but then I remembered oh ya baby is still inside. That epidural was gooooood. So began pushing. It felt so weird pushing when I cant feel anything moving down there. They had to tell me when to push i.e. when contractions came, and kept telling me I was pushing wrong and i had to do it as how i would when pooping. I suddenly didnt know how pooping felt like anymore. Kept pushing for an hour plus, but apparently the head keeps going back in. My husb and I had affectionately named our foetus "jubjub", just to avoid calling it the baby during the pregnancy. and my doula joked that perhaps the baby keeps going back in bcoz we named him jubjub like the muppet from Hi-5 that likes to peekaboo around. haha that was a good one.
My gynae finally came in around 9.30 am ish. She told me that I had to do an episiotomy to help push the baby out. My husband stopped her and told her to let me continue trying. But eventually she kept persisting and my husband apparently could not tahan seeing me push so hard anymore (he said the veins on my face look like they were gonna burst). So he agreed. The moment she cut, I pushed and felt the head empty out of me. I thought that was weird cause I was on epidural, but apparently they reduced the dose while pushing. A few more pushes later, I heard it. Ibrahim's first cries. The nurses and my doula congratulating me. My husband telling me I did it and he was proud of me. But mainly, Ibrahim's cries. 21st January 2017, at 10.03am.
They placed him on my chest. I cried. and cried. And i thought he was the most perfect thing I could ever hold in this world.
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Dearest Ibrahim, a mother can love her husband out of choice, but theres simply no choice in this love I have for you. It is so raw and intense and relentless, that Im so consumed by it from the moment I held you. There are days, now, when I feel your anger towards me because I am so hard on you, especially since im not very good at coping with the two of you. But I hope you never feel that I love you any less when I get angry. and I hope you truly forgive me when you give me a hug after I apologise each time for beating you. You deserve so much better, and i'll keep striving to be a better mother to you and adik.
Ok bye. Am gonna cry my eyes out now. Damn birth stories.
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faemytho · 7 years
i’m tagging all my mutuals also i’m sorry i haven’t figured out how to do the ‘read more’ thing on mobile so suffer with me
1. Lust 2. Error 3. Ink 4. Razz 5. Blue 6. Sans 7. Fell 8. Geno 9. Outer 10. Dream 11. Death 12. Violet
(1) and (7) are in a happy relationship until (7) dumps (1) for (9). (1), brokenhearted, goes on one date with (11), has an unhappy breakup with (12), then follows the wise advice of (5) and finds true love with (3).
(Lust) and (Fell) are in a happy relationship until (Fell) dumps (Lust) for (Outer). (Lust), brokenhearted, goes on one date with (Death), has an unhappy breakup with (Violet), then follows the wise advice of (Blue) and finds true love with (Ink).
*rubs hands together i’m liking this a lot just think about it for a second we got some rust that turns into fallenstar (*clutches chest) then we got some lust/death?? that’s new lmao and ooh lust/violet loving me some of that and bLUE ADVISES LUST AND WE END WITH SOME HAPPY INKLUST
If you wrote a Song-fic about Eight, what song would you choose?
(Geno) oh f uc k um i don’t know any real songs the truth comes out
3 told you that they will soon be getting married to 2. What is your reaction?
(Ink and Error) uh good for y'all but im gonna nope out of here before y'all come to your senses
When was the last time you read a fic about Five?
(Blue) i think maybe a couple months? unless reading your own writing counts?
6 kidnapped you, why is this?
(Sans) uhhhh i didn’t kill anyone promise
Does anyone on your friends list consider Three hot?
(Ink) apparently Galli does
If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what warning would it have?
(Lust/Sans/Violet) um i mean uh probably some suggestive content? i don’t write smut but this would prolly be as close as i would get
6 is extremely pissed off about something, why is this? And what will you do?
(Sans) um run, first of all, second, sans never gets pissed unless you kill his bro so probably that
Five/Nine or Five/Ten?
(Blue/Outer or Blue/Dream) Dreamberry i’m sorry
You and 9 get trapped in an elevator together. What happens? And who are the other random people with you two?
(Outer) ohhhhh my god i fuckin hate elevators ill be needing some cuddles also, i dunno, Stretch and Razz pff
Would 2 and 6 make a good couple?
(Error/Sans) sign me tf up
8 confessed to be a part of your family.
(Geno) geNOOO???
4 and 5 are having an argument. Why is this?
(Razz and Blue) probably about whether tacos or fajitas are better tbh i love the fuck out of tacos so i’m sorry i’m siding with Blue
Is there any such thing as One/Eight fluff?
(Lust/Geno) yes and there should be more
2 writes you a love song, plays it for you, and then kisses you on the cheek.
(Error) i’m die who are you?? where’s the real? error??
What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve kissing?
(Fell, Error/Violet) probably just walk out and not give two shits i’m absolutely in love with Error/Violet though like??? make this?? a thing??
Do you think Four is hot?
(Razz) nOoOo. (i mean i’m gay but)
7 cooked you dinner.
(Fell) im terrified
Suggest a title for Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic?
(Fell/Violet) Different Kinds of Scars oh
9 and 1 accidentally get hooked up on a dating website and are forced to go on a date together.
(Outer/Lust) i’m actually unsure of how to feel about this
8 gets angry and starts cussing at 6 very loudly. 7 is watching it all and is interested…but why is this?
(Geno, Sans, Fell) when isn’t geno yelling at sans lmao and of course fell is interested in this he’d probably join in
Do you recall any fics about 9?
(Outer) you know what, i do not, fix this now.
You are about to do something that will make you feel very embarrassed. Will 9 comfort you?
(Outer) he’s Outer of course he will Outer is probably the best cuddler
Does anyone on your friends list read 3?
(Ink) i have no idea *cough cough whEEZE
Would anyone one of your friends list write about Two/Four/Five?
(Error/Razz/Blue) this is p out there so idk but i’m interested in this yo
You’re lying on the beach peacefully, and then you turn your head to see 1, 2, and 9, by the water wearing speedos.
(Lust, Error, Outer) ok.
It’s storming outside and 4 allowed you to stay with them at their place until it blows over. And your reaction to this kind gesture is?
(Razz) what do you want from me
Have you read a 6 / 11 fanfic before?
(Sans/Death) i have, actually, it was a ot3 fic about soulmates and of course it was about afterdeath, but since geno and sans share a soul, they’re both Death’s soulmates it was really well written and i loved it
5 wakes you up in the middle of the night.
(Blue) oh my god my baby you get all the cuddles
1 asks to talk to you privately. When you are both alone, he admits to you that he is gay.
(Lust) well i’d actually be surprised if you were straight
5 gave you a teddy bear.
(Blue) i will cherish this bear thank you my son
You and 10 go out for a picnic. Everything is peaceful until 2 crashes it by showing up and inviting you to go hang out at a cafe. Would you go with 2 or stay with 10?
(Dream, Error) well i’d prefer if i stayed with Dream because he’s Dream but Error would probably have a fit so uh
1 walked in on you while you were showering. What is your reaction?
(Lust) get out now pls ill wave an ace flag at you pls go away
What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant?
(Violet, Geno) at this point i’m not even surprised
You catch 10 looking at questionable material on the internet.
(Dream) we all saw this coming, he hangs out with Ink and Blue for fun
Make up a summary of a 3/10 fanfic.
(Ink/Dream) The protector of the Multiverse is flighty. He breaks his own rules, hardly does his job. He’s supposed to protect, but when it comes to damage control, he’s almost as bad as Error. And when Dream finally manages to meet him, he’s more surprised than he thought. (fuck summaries ok so plot, out!code characters are fucking hard to catch, Dream thinks Ink absolutely sucks at his “job” and Ink is happily oblivious to Dream’s ‘good feelings’ aura which doesn’t affect him because he hAS NO SOUL)
All the listed characters get into a very epic and all-out battle. Who will be the last one standing?
Death. Death wins at everything fuck you
7 is having relationship problems, 4 tries to help them out but their advice isn’t helpful. Your thoughts about this predicament?
(Fell, Razz) of course Razz has no good advice he has no game
Do any of your friends write or draw Eleven?
(Death) not enough u asses
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franeridart · 7 years
I'm so glad Kirishima is getting so much spotlight, he really deserves it!!!! And it looks like hes gonna get more, since hes in the main group along with Deku, Uraraka and Tsuyu. I;m so hyped!!!
Honestly!!!!!!!!!!! That’s one interesting group tbh, Kirishima and Tsuyu’s interactions are always incredibly adorable to watch and seeing Kirishima interact for so long with pure and good people is gonna be hard on my heart (I mean, you know I’m 100% a bakusquad fan but they’re all at least in part assholes and Kiri fits with them just right, he can be just like Sero and Kaminari and I love it, but then his interactions with Amajiki have been so pure can you imagine an arc filled with that I’m already crying)
I just hope my other faves won’t completely disappear through this arc haha sigh
Anon said: So which Kacchan quote do you like best "Die your bacteria fucks, dieee!" or "BRING YOUR DAMN TRASH TO ME"?
Tumblr media
Anon said:there's a terushima week. thought i might tell you bc i miss you drawing him ;3; might wanna join? :3
Anon said:Terushima week is this next week! (@terushimaweek) Might we maaaybe see some cute lil bokuroterus sometime soon? ;)
As I’ve already said, sadly I’ve found out about this too late to be part of it - I’m not completely ruling out the possibility of doodling something one of the days, but I didn’t have the time to plan anything and I’m still in the middle of working things through with the bakushima week and bakugou’s birthday so I don’t know - they 19th is Teru’s birthday so maybe I’ll draw something for it, but it’s also a super busy day for me so it really depends on how soon I’ll be able to finish everything else I’m working on orz I’m sorry guys I seriously had no clue about this till, like, five days ago o
Anon said: What are your thoughts on KiriDeku b/c I'm not even that into it but as soon as I saw art I was like "OMFG I DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING SO PURE CHOULD EVER EXIST!!!" My following thought was that'd you may have something interesting to say (as you always do, I luv it), so here I am 😁 Also, I love the blog, your amazing art, and you!! I truly appreciate all you do ❤️❤️
Awwww thank you!!! And I dunno, as things are now my opinion on a possible ship might change soon enough because it looks like their interactions amount is about to skyrocket, so anything I say right now is just a temporary answer? But generally I find their friendship incredibly adorable, though as of now I don’t think I can see anything romantic between the two... mostly because even though I’ve seen them being friendly and supportive of each other I don’t think I’ve ever seen them actually connect over anything that wasn’t Bakugou?? Being friendly and supportive is just how they both are with everyone, before I can say I ship them I’m gonna need something more singular to their relationship
I might be totally biased here considering where my main shipping lies, though haha
Anon said:HOSHIHINA!!!! YESSSSS!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! I think this is like.... my new OTP or well... a new OTP that I will gratefully put on the shelf next to all my other children in love!! oh yeah and THANK YOU for introducing me to both BNHA and d grey man! I'M IN LOVE!!! oH and YOUR ART IS AMAZING!!! KEEP IT UP!! I WILL GRATEFULLY SWALLOW UP ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU POST IT'S AMAZING!!! YOUR OC'S TOO!!! Have a nice day!!
So much!!! HYPE in this ask!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for EVERYTHING anon I hope you’ll have the best day!!!!!! *O* And I’m SUPER GLAD you gave dgm and bnha a try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Aww the kiss. I know you posted it the other day, but it wouldn't load on my tablet. They're so cute, those two. 💜✌
*lays down forever* they are aren’t they those pure idiots !!!!
Anon said:I'm laughing so hard. Literally everyone that read the new chapter was like expectation vs reality. I love my idiots. Also yas to HoshiHina
HoshiHina is an A+ ship with A+ potential and I think I’m being slowly but surely swallowed by it - then again, what Hinata ship don’t I ship even ??? the mysteries
Anon said:To answer you question on what cheese sticks are, they're this disgusting processed cheese stick, also known as string cheese, and it's p much what it is, cheese in the form of a small stick that you can pull apart into strings and eat like that! (as you may have noticed, I'm not a fan hah) ((I don't know if you know the artist mookie, but she made a comic about bokuto eating a cheesestick whole before)
Anon said: cheese sticks = string cheese? D: they are delicious i promise
I’m seeing conflicting reports here (lol) but yes this might be a problem for me only because as I said I’m Italian but what I’m failing to see here is what kind of cheese are these things supposed to be ???
Anon said:Are you into Kuroken?
Only as very good friends, I don’t ship it romantically at all
Anon said:I love your bakushimas, SO SO SO MUCH. God, and with the latest chapter, I just can't wait for more interactions with them. God, seeing as I think Kirishima was filmed by the people that were there, I want to see Bakugou's reaction to his new move.
This took me long enough to answer that we now know Baku’s reaction was total and utter envy at how popular Kiri is LMAO - but yeah I still think Baku already knew about Kiri’s new move! After all he most probably came up with it as they trained for the license exam and I can’t believe he wouldn’t test it against Bakugou to make sure he actually turns unbreakable? Also proud-of-himself Kiri yelling at the squad to check out his new move is too much of a good image I can’t let that one go hahaha
Anon said:I started following you for Haikyuu but started boku no hero academia in order to understand what your other drawings were so I thank you (and blame you) for getting me hooked on another anime and manga :)
I’m!!!!!! HAPPY you ended up liking it???!!!! *O*
Anon said:I just wanted to tell you that you're my most fave artist here in tumblr istg i go to your page everyday just to go back at the fanart you drew if you didn't have any new, but when u have, my heart just swells and i fuss over it. God bless you because you opened my eyes for bakushimanari when i was just kiribaku back then.. God i love denki sfm right now bc of you, im sad bkk week is over though ahh and laven. Jfc i love your laven pls draw them more if u can 😘 i hope you'll have a great day!!
Don’t!!!! worry anon Laven has been my #1 otp since I was sixteen at this point it’s just not gonna leave me ever, I’ll definitely draw more of it in the future! And thank you??? so much?????? Oh man!!!!!
Anon said:Everyone in class 1-A: *trains as if they're gonna be in a battle royal and need to (literally) slaughter the competition* Competition: OBSTACLE RACE YAY
Well, the anime did change the training scenes a lot lol but LMAO anon they’re highschoolers what were you expecting hahahahaha it’s already savage enough as it is, I assure you lol
Anon said:Hi hello yes are you up for some angsty stuff because my brain turns even the sweetest moment to that, like what if kaminari saw bakushima's first kiss and he becomes so sad b/c he crushes on them both but he pretends not to and starts teasing 'em like a true bro while hiding his feelings and idk it's only if you want but yeah, how's your day been?
..........I would lie if I said I didn’t think about this while drawing that kiss R I P my multishipper heart is gonna kill me BUT IT’S OKAY I’m not one for unhappy endings so consider this - Denki sees them kiss, since he’s best bro and both Kirishima and Bakugou tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves he already knew this was gonna happen so he’s like, sad but resigned it hurts and he wishes he didn’t have to see it but he loves them both so much that he can’t help but being happy for how happy they are at the same time too (sure, being part of that happiness would be a dream coming true, but he’s used to never coming first he can deal with this hahahahaha r i p)
Meanwhile a bit after the kiss once Kiri is a hundred per cent sure Bakugou isn’t going to explode his head off if he mentions his very huge crush on Kaminari he does and Bakugou’s like, shit, it’s not like he’d mind it because Kaminari is, well, he’s Kaminari and Bakugou isn’t sure why but he’s comfortable to be around and easy to talk to and he’s stupidly pretty and like, yeah, okay, he might be into him too, maybe, he isn’t admitting anything here (not like he needs to, as stated already he’s pretty easy to read), but Kaminari’s also the no homo type of het so it’s not like they can do much about this threeway crush or whatever, and Kirishima’s like sure, I know, I just wanted to be open about this to avoid trouble, which is very sensible and will cut us on a lot of miscommunication angst this is getting out of hand let’s skip ahead I always forget how much fun I have writing this kind of bullshit
For however much Kaminari swore he could deal with it and how much he’s actually managing to deal with it he’s also the same brand of open book Baku and Kiri are and while it was easy to act like friends with no romantic feelings when everyone was doing the same, trying to hide from Bakugou and Kirishima while they’re openly in a relationship turns out to be more or less impossible, mostly because he can’t seem to avoid the longing stares and sad smiles and the I have to go I just remembered I have a thing to do bye’s when it becomes too much, and Kirishima might not be the brightest but he’s perfectly in tune with everyone’s feelings and Bakugou might stomp on people’s feelings more often than not but he is the brightest which means they notice and they’re like god fucking damn it - Bakugou in nature isn’t one to talk about problems until they burst out in fits of anger, but thank god he’s got Kirishima right there and they might not be 100% sure they got the reason for Kaminari’s weirdness right but they’re exasperated and they at least want their friend to stop being weird and avoiding them, they miss him (and Kaminari seriously misses them too he feels so stupid for how big of a deal he’s turning this into) SO they corner him and talk it out cause I’m a slut for open and honest communication and Kaminari straight out starts crying from happiness and relief before they’re even done talking and Kirishima starts crying right after him because sympathetic crier supreme and Bakugou’s like you know what I changed my mind fuck both of you emotional disasters I’m out
(spoiler he isn’t really)
331 notes · View notes
SO, I have written 5,556 words of Homestuck fanfic, from an AU where there's no Sburb, Cal is human and Dave's (probably-younger) brother. I suck so bad at summaries so just have a few warnings...child abuse is mentioned, Cal gets hurt pretty badly in this one, it does end well I promise. Forgive me any typos (or tell me about them; I hate typos.) This might be bad, I have no clue. I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you like reading it.
 CAL: dave  CAL: do you think bro hates us
  You stare at the message for a minute before even trying to think of an answer. He's not wrong, no; your older brother is an asshole and even though you never really actually formed the thought all the way before, you think that yeah, he probably hates both you and Cal. Not that you'd ever say that. But then again, you wouldn't have guessed that Cal would ever say it either, but here it is glowing orange on your laptop's screen.
  Something's up. Knowing Bro, something very not-good. But you still think for another minute and type out an answer to your brother.
 TG: dunno if i can disagree on that one man  TG: whats making you bring it up though
  He doesn't answer for a couple seconds, long enough for you to hope that this is something little and stupid.
 CAL: um  CAL: he threw me off the roof dave
  Goddamnit to fucking hell...you can't think for a moment for fury and fear. This is bad, so bad, worse than Bro's usual brand of fuckery, and you don't know what the hell to do. Other than ask a stupid question.
 TG: holy fuck cal  TG: are you okay
 CAL: no  CAL: no im not  CAL: i think i broke some things...
  "Fuck." You whisper it this time, trying to keep your hands steady as you type.    TG: ill be right there man
 CAL: please  CAL: dave i think im going to die
  That almost locks you up. You can't even think about that possibility, it doesn't exist, it can't...so you shake your head, typing four more words before shoving your laptop back and heading for the door.
 TG: you wont. i swear.
  Cal's outside on the ground; it's obvious that he tried to pull himself a little out of the way, managed to get over to the wall and half-lean against it, curling up on himself. Even before you get close enough to really see, you can tell that it's bad.
  He raises his head when you kneel down next to him and try to smile, but winces as soon as he moves, making a softly pained noise. There's blood and makeup smeared across his face, and oh god but he looks scared. "Hey, Dave," he says quietly.
  You're scared too. You can't let him see that. "Hey, Cal." You almost ask if he's all right, not because you think there's any chance that the answer will be yes but simply because you need to say something. Thankfully, you have enough sense to bite those words back and say something marginally less idiotic and more helpful. "How bad is it?"
  "I—" Cal shifts a little, blue eyes filling with tears that he blinks back. "...bad. My leg's not right, my ribs—Dave, it hurts..."
  "Yeah. I'm—" going to cry, but don't say that, don't think that. "Cal, I'm going to pick you up, alright? I'll try not to hurt you, but..." But you will. And you can see he knows that.
  "Dave, it's okay, just." He holds his arms up to you, gasping in pain. "C'mon. Please."
  This is so fucking bad.
  It's hard to find a way to hold him that doesn't seem to make anything worse. You end up cradling him awkardly, trying to move slow and even and not let his obviously-broken left leg move, trying not to put any pressure on his chest at all. He gasps when you lift him, clutching at your arm before shuddering and forcing himself to lie limply in your arms, squeezing his eyes shut as you carry him back into the house.
  He doesn't move at all until you set him down carefully on the couch. When you start to pull away he whimpers, opening his eyes to look up at you and grabbing at your arms.
  "Shh, Cal. It's okay." Oh god that's a lie. Such a lie. "It's going to be okay." That one isn't. You hope it's not. You blink behind your shades, pushing them up on top of your head with one hand before reaching to unbutton his shirt. "I need to look, okay? I'm not going to touch it yet, I swear."
  He starts to nod, but winces at his own motion and goes still again. "O-okay." Cal's still holding onto your forearms, panic-tight, and it's hard to fumble the buttons undone, but you're not going to ask him to let go.
  It takes you a minute to get his shirt open. When you do, you wish you weren't seeing this. There's bruising across most of his chest, deep ugly marks the color of plums and streaked with brighter red from where his skin's split open over ribs that don't line up right anymore.
  "I—" God, you can't fix this. And your voice wants to crack, break, stop altogether as you force your eyes up from Cal's torso to his terrified face. You swallow hard, reaching up to wipe some of the mess off his face before pushing him gently to lie down on the couch. "Cal, I'm calling 911, alright? They'll send an ambulance, come get you."
  "Us, Dave—they can't leave you here, he'll—" His eyes go wide at the thought, and he tries to sit back up, but you shush him gently, holding him down.
  "Yeah, man. I'm not leaving you. Promise." You slip your hand into his pocket, getting his phone and stepping out of the living room to the bedroom as you dial.
  Funny. They really do say, "911, what is your emergency?" just like on TV. Not that you let the lady on the other end finish her sentence. As soon as the dial tone stops, you're talking, keeping your voice low enough that Cal won't hear and reeling out the words faster and smoother than any rap you've ever done.
  "I need an ambulance, right fucking now, my—my Bro just pushed Cal, my brother, pushed him off the roof and he's hurt so fucking bad, I can't fix it this time and you need to come and get him, get us before Bro comes home—" You reel off the address, some part of you aware that you're not giving her an opportunity to ask the important-ass questions she must have, that you haven't taken a breath since you hit the call button, but you can't stop. Can't even slow down. "This isn't a joke, okay, Cal's hurt and I'm so fucking afraid that Bro'll come back and hurt him again, fucking kill him, please, just—just—"
  You're out of breath, close to tears and even closer to losing it. You need to get back to Cal, now. The line's still open and the operator's talking, but you drop the phone, biting down on your lip and taking a few breaths before you think you can look calm enough to not scare him worse before going back into the main room, kneeling down next to the couch, and reaching for his hand.
  "They're coming, man." You hope they are. No—if there's a God, he's got to hear you praying that the woman on the other end of the line took you seriously.
  He nods, and his fingers close around yours as he looks up at you, but other than that he doesn't move. You cant to just pull him him into your arms, hold him and sit and wait for someone to come and pull both of you out of this little piece of hell, but there's other things you still need to think about.
  "We, uh..." You have to swallow because your voice wants to crack; this isn't what you want to think about, even if you've considered leaving for years. "We're not coming back here, Cal. I told the 911 lady what happened, that—that Bro did this, they're not...is there anything you want to take with you? Tell me and I'll grab it for you, alright?"
  He nods again, very slightly, worrying at his bottom lip with his teeth for a moment before he answers. "My—my makeup bag, please, my gold necklace, the...bear you got me forever ago, he's on my bed...I'm sorry, Dave." The words all come out in one rush, broken by quick hesitations, and you're halfway to your feet before the last one registers.
  "Hey, no." You stop, kneeling back down and taking his hands again. "This isn't your deal, okay? You did nothing wrong, he's a fucking bastard for doing this to you and you don't have anything to apologise for, this isn't your fault, Cal, I swear."
  "It is m-my fault," he says, and oh god his eyes are full of tears, if he cries now you don't know if you can keep faking that you're not scared for him. "I could have—should have caught the edge, fought back better—"
  "Shh." You say it as firmly as you can, laying one finger across his lips until he quiets. "No, man. You know Bro. He doesn't stop, just...puts shit off. If it hadn't happened now, it would've tomorrow. Or next week, a couple months from now, maybe to me or maybe to you. It could've been even worse. This is his fault, not yours, and this is the last time he's gonna get to do this to either of us."
  When you bring up the possibility that it could have been you that went off the roof—maybe should have been, although you don't say that—Cal's eyes go wider and he shakes his head, wincing in pain at the movement. He doesn't protest your logic, though, and when you pull your hands away to get to your feet he lets you go.
  In the bedroom, you grab your backpack, stuffing some of Cal's clothes and some of your own into it before adding Cal's makeup and necklace from the dresser, putting them carefully in the side pocket. The bear isn't going to fit, you can see that immediately; you'll carry it.
  Is there anything else? Anything you want to take out of this hellhole?
  Your laptop. Take that, and the charger and shit. Get your crochet hooks, at least one ball of yarn—Bro's always hated that you're better with yarn than soft fabric, that you can't or won't help him with the smuppets, and that alone is reason enough to bring the hobby along with you. Your shades—but they're already on you, always are, just pushed up on top of your hair at the moment.
  There isn't anything else. Just the few items you already chose, and Cal. That's all you want or need.
  You scoop up the bear, shoulder the bag, and go back to him. "You sure that's all?" If he says no, you have a little room, you can carry more.
  But Cal nods, and—to your horror—shoves himself up to a sitting position, face twisting and going dead white as the movement does something worse to already-fucked-up ribs. "I—Dave it hurts, it hurts, I'm going to die, I don't—"
  "Fuck, Cal!" Does he hear your voice crack on his name as you grab his shoulders and push him down as gently as you can? "Shh, okay, f-fuck, lie still, they're coming, I s-swear they are—" And that's not a wishful hope or a comforting lie; you can hear a siren from somewhere outside. "You're not going to die, just—l-lie still."
  Goddamn your stammer. Your own voice is betraying you; how can you calm him down when you can't pass for calm yourself?
  He's sobbing now, shaking and clinging to your hands, mascara making darker trails down his pale face. Even as you try to calm him, he's running a half-hysterical litany of panic, pain, and fear, telling you that he's hurting, he's scared, and he doesn't want to die, and you can't even tell him you don't want him to die either, you just have to keep promising him you won't even when you're terrified that he will.
  God, you're so scared.
  You can't help but cringe when the door bangs open behind you—you know it's probably people coming to help, but if it is Bro then you're dead. You might be able to slow him down a little, shield Cal for a minute, but there's no way that you won't both pay for it—but the hands that come down on your shoulders and pull you back from Cal are so fucking gentle, and the voice attatched to them is quiet and unthreatening.
  It's still hard to force your own rising panic down enough to listen. But you manage to do it, as two more men—paramedics, they'll fix Cal, they have to—push past the two of you and lean over Cal.
  "He's going to be all right, son, you just need to come over here and give them a little room to—"
  Cal screams, though, as you let yourself be pulled away, a high sound of almost pure fear, and suddenly your ability to think is totally gone. You lunge back towards him, ready to fight to keep him safe, and you probably would have tackled one of the paramedics if the man who's trying to calm you down didn't grab your wrist, hauling you back and wrapping his arms around you to contain you as you struggle.
  He's strong. Maybe as strong as Bro, definitely strong enough to hold you, but he doesn't use it to hurt you. Just holds onto you, waiting for you to stop fighting. And after a minute you do, going limp and listening to him again, not taking your eyes off the men who are currently trying to give Cal a shot.
  "It's all right, calm down...they won't hurt him. What's your name, son? And his. That'll make it easier for us to help you, you know. We are going to help you, that's why we're here—"
  "D-Dave." Your voice sounds wrong to your own ears. Shaky, and hoarse. "I'm Dave, h-he's Cal, fuckin' let me go..." Your eyes are blurry. So blurry. You think you might be crying.
  The man holding you loosens his grip, letting you slip away and bend down to retrieve the bear from where it fell, dragging one sleeve across your eyes to deal with some of the tears there. Yeah, definitely crying.
  "Okay, Dave. You need to come to the hospital with us, all right? Is there anyone else here with you?" His voice is still soft and calming, but you want to scream.
  "F-fucking Bro. He doesn't count, fuck h-him." You look back to Cal, and the two men putting him on a stretcher. He's still crying, trying to jerk away, but whatever they gave him is making him quieter and slower. "He—he did this, fucking left, I don't—I'm not leaving Cal, okay, you can't make me." They're carrying him out. You need to follow him, but the soft-voiced man catches your shoulder and holds you back for another minute.
  "Dave, calm down. It's all right, your brother will be fine. No one's going to try to make you leave him." He meets your eyes for a good five seconds before letting you go and pushing you gently towards the door. "Go on. Get up in the back with him. He'll feel safer with you."
  You want to thank him, you really do. But your voice is, for now, gone. So you nod, and you run after Cal, following the paramedics' path out the door and climbing up into the ambulance next to him.   If anything, he looks worse, makeup smeared across his face as he sobs weakly, but he quiets a little as you slip your hand into his and lean over him. It's hard to find a reassuring smile, but you force it onto your face for him.
  "Gonna be all right, Cal." It's easier to keep your voice steady when you're quiet. "I promise, man, you're gonna be okay. I love you."
  Whatever they gave him is strong enough to knock him out; his eyes are already glazed and half-shut. But he tightens his grip on your hand, and he whispers back to you before he goes all the way limp. "...love you, Dave."
  He doesn't let go of your hand. And you cling to him, tuning out everything else from the soft fur of the bear in your arm to the paramedics doing god knows what around you. None of it matters, except Cal.
  You lose a little time, maybe. Or the hospital's closer than you thought it was. Either way, all of a sudden the ambulence door is open again and someone is trying to get you to let go of Cal's hand.     And of course, they're talking. About how you need to let him go because you can't go into the operating room with him, how it's going to be okay and nothing else is going to happen, how you're both safe, and god you don't want to let him go but if you don't they can't fix him. And if you don't, they'll never stop talking. So you reluctantly release his hand, turning to the person who's talking to you.
  This one's a woman, tall and dark-haired and a hell of a lot less threatening than anyone else you've seen today. Her eyes are very green when you force yourself to look at her face, which reminds you that your shades are still on top of your head instead of over your own eyes where they belong.
  You could pull them down. Or you can just clutch Cal's bear protectively and keep looking at her, waiting for her to either mention your fucked-up eyes or look away.
  You choose the latter.
  She doesn't do either thing you expected, anyway. After a moment, she puts one hand on your shoulder, gently leading you a different way than they took Cal, into the building. "He's going to be all right, Dave," she reassures you, and her gentle tone makes you want to cry again.
  You won't do that.
  "He fucking b-better be," you answer her grimly, squeezing the bear harder. "You people—you n-need to keep Bro away from him, us, I-I'll kill him if I ever see him again..." Some threat—your skinny self against the man who's spent years proving he can beat the shit out of you, but you'll damn well try.
  "He won't come near either of you," the woman says soothingly. "You're both safe now. Can you come talk to a police officer? Tell him what happened? It's all right if you can't yet—"
  "Fuck yes I can." Bro would have knocked you across the room for interrupting. Doesn't matter. If you don't talk now, you don't know if you're going to be able to. "So long as it means that fucker goes somewhere I never have to see him again, I'll tell you anything you need to know."
  She blinks. You don't know what sent that quick wave of surprised pity across her face, unless it's your swearing. Maybe you should apologise for that...but she doesn't seem angry, and she doesn't wait for you to, just nods and guides you down the hall to a room with a man in a uniform that's supposed to mean safety but just kind of fills you with unease.
  But you still talk. He asks questions occasionally, writing shit down even though there's a digital recorder running on the table between the two of you, but mostly both he and the woman just sit and listen to you tell everything you can think of about what Bro's been doing to you and Cal for as long as you can remember. About ten minutes in, you're overcome by a choking, suffocating knowlege that they don't believe you, though. That Bro was right, all those times he told you no one would believe a kid like you. And you have to stop, despite yourself.
  The cop frowns at you—in confusion or anger, you can't even tell—and you struggle to get your breathing enough under control to get out another sentence.
  "I'm n-not lying." He thinks you are. He has to. Bro's the worst fucking person in the world, but he's never wrong about people. "I'm not, h-he—I—"
  You can't prove any of this. There's no reason anyone will ever believe you. You don't have proof.
  Except you do. You have yourself.
  You let go of Cal's bear for a second, tucking it to one side in the chair with you, and pull up the hem of your shirt enough to show the scarred lacework that Bro's made of your torso. There's nothing all that new, nothing fresh—he's been almost better than usual lately, at least with the physical shit, at least until this shit with Cal—but the marks are something tangible, something more than your words about katanas and puppets and other bad things.
  In the chair next to you, the woman makes a soft sound, but you don't take your eyes off the officer.
  His eyes went wide when you pulled your shirt up, but you can't really read what emotion is on his face—you're beginning to realize that while it's always been hard to read the microexpressions that are all that slips through Bro's mask of stoicism, it's just as hard to read other people's faces when they're not trying to hide anything.
  You're going to cry.
  You want Cal.
  You don't even realize that you're completely frozen there, breathing panic-fast and holding your shirt up helplessly, until the cop leans forward to reach for something under the table. You can't help but flinch at the movement, but all he does is extricate a box of tissues from somewhere and slide it across the table for you.
  "No one's questioning your story, son—"
  "D-Dave." You pull out a tissue and wipe at your eyes with it, not so much because you're actually crying as because you don't want to see them looking at you. "My n-name's Dave, please fuckin' use it..."
  God, you probably shouldn't swear at a cop.
  "...Dave. All right." There's a definite pause there, but he doesn't sound angry. You don't think. "No one thinks you're lying. Your brother—"
  "Cal." You keep worrying at your eyes with one hand, reaching down to pull the bear closer with the other.
  "Cal. His injuries speak fairly well for what happened. We just needed you to confirm what happened, all right? No one's blaming you."
  He believes you. And you didn't even know how scared you were that no one would until he told you he did—suddenly, you can breathe.
  And of course, the first breath is a sob, no matter how how hard you try to choke it back. At least you're already holding a tissue.
  One of them—you don't know whether it's the cop or the dark-haired woman—puts a hand on your shoulder, but takes it away when you twitch away and wordlessly shake your head. That isn't what you need right now, no, you don't want comforting touches unless they're from Cal, but he isn't here and you're not with him right now. His bear will have to be enough for this moment.
  And it is. But it's still a good few minutes before you can crumple the tissue into a wad and look up. "...s-sorry."
  He sighs, shaking his head. "It's all right. You did fine, Dave...I think we have enough here."
  It isn't until the woman comes over to offer you a hand up that you realize what he's saying. Yes, you can go. And no, you didn't fuck this up.
  You exhale shakily, snag another tissue, and let her lead you out.
  There are more people who want to talk to you, but at this point you can't really particpate in any of these conversations. You nod at their questions and you manage to look at most of them (and somehow, miraculously, no one says anything about the fact that your eyes are the color of blood, you couldn't handle explaining that right now), and maybe you soak up what they're saying even if you're not exactly listening—but really, this is just noise.
  Again, you lose track of time, because you have no idea how long it's been since this whole thing started. You just know that you're so fucking tired by the time that a second officer—a different one from the one who you told about Bro—leads you into an actual hospital room, this one with a bed.
  And Cal in the bed. He's unconscious, bandaged up and hooked to about a dozen contraptions and monitors, and they've washed all the makeup off his face, but it's him. And you can see the slow rise and fall of his breath even from across the room.
  He's okay. Or he will be, definitely. The man who brought you in is saying something, but you turn to him to ask a question that probably has nothing to do with whatever he's talking about.
  "You're not going to break us up, right?" Cal will ask that, as soon as he does wake up, and you need to be able to tell him that you can stay with him and not be lying or unsure. "He's gonna be okay, you're not going to make me leave him?"
  There's enough panic and fear in your voice that the man pats your shoulder comfortingly and looks at you with an expression that's probably also supposed to be comforting but, to you, speaks of a godawful fucking pity. "Don't worry," he says quickly, quite obviously trying to soothe you, "you two won't get split up. And you don't have to worry about your brother—"
  "Bro." You're pretty sure that's what he means. Not Cal.
  "Yes, your—uh—Bro. We already have a warrant out for his arrest, and just to be safe we're putting a guard on this toom." His hand is still on your shoulder; he gives it a reassuring squeeze. "Do you want someone to come sit with you two?"
   ...good question, but you find yourself shaking your head without even really considering it. "We're okay. I—thank you." Don't cry again. Cal's right there. You're okay.
  The man smiles at you, pats your shoulder one more time, and leaves, closing the door quietly behind himself.
  You take a good minute and a half to just stand over Cal, reassuring yourself that he's there. Yes, he's banged up; yes, he's unconscious and still looks so fucking tired without the mask of his makeup; but he's alive. And he's here. And Bro's not. And that's so fucking good.
  There's a chair in the room, a surprisingly comfortable one, but it's too far away from the bed and weighs probably more than you do. It takes you another couple of minutes of shoving and whispered cussing to shift it the few feet over (and it's not until you have it where you need it that it occurs to you that you could've just stepped outside and asked for help. Goddamnit.) The backpack of stuff from the apartment goes under the bed, you curl up in the chair and take Cal's hand and pull the bear close, and you close your eyes.
  He's still out, will be for awhile. And you're so fucking tired that it's only a few minutes before you are too.
  Usually you have enough bad dreams to wake you up or at least make sleeping a less than desireable experience, but today you get nothing but deep blackness. Maybe it's the quiet of this room, maybe it's because right now there's no reason to be afraid of shit, maybe it's because you've reached the limit of your availiable emotional expenditure for the day. Whatever it is, you needed that sleep, and you're thankful for it.
  Anyway, the next thing you're conscious of is Cal's hand tightening down on yours. It takes you a second to pry your eyes open, but when you do, you see that he's turned his head enough to smile at you.
  "Hey, Dave."
  "Cal." You can feel the grin spreading across your face as you squeeze his hand, leaning forward to settle the bear next to him. "Welcome back, man."
  "'m glad I am." He blinks, and shakes his head a bit, this time without flinching in pain. "Wait, no. I'm glad you're here, honestly."
  "Both are good, man. Hey, you want some more good news?" Tell him now, before he gets worked up enough to ask.
  "Mhm." He gives you a slightly confused look, cuddling the bear with his free arm. "Any of that'd be appreciated, yeah."
  "Three things." You hold up three fingers, ticking one down with each point. "One, you're going to be okay. Two, they're not even going to try to split us up, I asked. Three, there's a fuckin' warrant out for Bro and he's going to jail for this shit, Cal, I swear."
  Cal's eyes get a little wider with each piece of info, and when you finish he actually laughs, looking up at you. "Heck yes—Dave, I'd hug you but I'm scared I'll set things off if I move—"
  "Shh." You grin, and lace your fingers through his instead of just holding onto his hand, squeezing gently. "Finger hug."
  That gets another relieved laugh. "Finger hug," he agrees, squeezing back. You don't know when the last time you saw him so happy and excited was. "We're never going to see him again, Dave, right? He's never going to touch you again, either of us, whatever else happens he's gone and that's, that's—" Cal runs out of breath, leaning his head back and gripping your hand tighter. His eyes are filling with tears again and he's shaking just a little, but he's laughing softly and breathlessly at the same time.
  You lean forward, pulling your sleeve down enough to wipe the tears away before they can get a chance to fall. "Yeah, man, you're done with him, I promise...I might have to, like, go point him out in court, tell 'em that he's the fucker who did this, but we're done. And I'm staying with you, promise."
  He blinks when you mention that, working his hand free of yours and carefully pushing himself up to lean against the pillows. "...yeah. I could do that, testify against him." Before you have a chance to tell him that there's no way in hell that you'd make him do that, he adds, "Besides, I've, uh...been collecting evidence." Cal turns the bear over, picking at the seam in its back until it unravels and reaching inside. There's a soft crinkle of plastic as he holds up a baggie with a few memory cards and a thin sheaf of photos in it.
  "Oh my god, man." You take the baggie, sliding the pics out and leafing through them. It's very hard not to wince; Cal somehow got pics of Bro at his very worst. You shake your head and put them back in the bag. "I can't believe you have these."
  "There's more on the cards." He holds out his hand for the bag, and you give it back. "I-I copied them all off of his cameras, I had to look up how to do it on your laptop but I learned and...I've been trying to figure out what to do with them for awhile now."
  He looks like he can't decide whether or not he's allowed to be proud of managing this, but you know that you're proud of him. "Holy fuck, Cal—you're a fucking genius, you're amazing—" And another thought occurs to you, this one almost enough to freeze the grin off your face. "And goddamn but I'm so glad he never caught you."
  "He almost did a couple times." Cal nods, tucking the bag back into the hole and giving the bear an affectionate pat. "But he didn't know I could sew this well, so he never looked in here...I can't sew him back up now, though."
  "He'll get sewn up, don't worry." You pat the bear, then lean over to kiss Cal's forehead. "By the best doctor here, if I have anything to say about it. And I'm going to crochet him a hat, and get both of you fuckin' medals."
  Cal smiles in delight when you pat the bear, and blows you an air kiss as you pull back from him. "Really? You'd do that for Sir Tabor?"
  "Hell fucking yes I will. Make him a whole new wardrobe, any colors you want just as soon as I can get more yarn." You touch the bear again, gently, and reach up to smooth Cal's hair back from his face. "He deserves it, you deserve it...so fucking proud of you, Cal. Love you so much, you know that?"
  He nods a bit, pressing against your hand. "I love you too, Dave...I'm. Still a little scared, maybe a lot scared, okay?"
  "I know. That's okay." This time you don't have to fake the smile. "We're gonna be alright, man. I promise."
  "I believe you."
  And that's the best thing in the world.
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glopratchet · 4 years
page 14,067 You think to yourself "with enough time, anything's possible" brush your teeth Well not everything As hard as you try, with your pass-able looks and natural charisma, you couldn't convince a regular girl to settle down with you There was of course the time you got close Really close You could almost taste it But events didn't quite turn out in your favor, giving birth to your desire for revenge against these menacing criminals that took everything away while keeping the status quo in the background, you prepare the vehicle for tonight The heavy modified hoverbike sitting in your parking space in the Apartment-Boat you call home could bu handy if anything happens tonight A quick look in the mirror and you make sure your kutte is straight Time to fire this festering hole eventually door shuts behind !!!!!" "What did you just say?" You bend your head to your scruffy looking "girlfriend" "Darling" "I said he, are we or aren't we eating an alligator burger tonight?! Come on! We are going to be late! her fingernails nervously as she wears her construction outfit in your room She didn't work to day, but instead wanted you to show you this new opening at a Gallery You roll on the bed and sit up to catch a napping Cello, "uhh I dunno Bri, I'm supposed "No excuses! We are going, be ready, meet me there, DON'T BE LATE! Whole alligator dinner , assemble or eat Last weekend on my break from capture the flag, I stayed with my father, and his new bride "Darling" has no blood relation to me, but she feeds me bugs everyday and lets play near the construction sites We love to ride the huge trucks and dump them Once we were playing catch with a grenade since we thought it was a medicine ball Right before it blew up, dad came running at us with his eyes bigger than us Now that I rely use some filters and stay near sea I do not get to eat opening acts 4 minutes ago Well back in the day, I had an assassin try to take me out at their main encampment This was years ago when the ED and GC were still allies My public reason was to get some fuel for the trip to Nine-Oak, my real motive well to this day I'm not quite sure but it must've been important since I honestly thought I wasn't going to make it out of there and owner Door 5 The smell overtakes the sensors While 4 channels show a heavy dose of psychosis swinging back and forth with tylium injections, a brighter side appears You nearly see hope Her quarters are the large one at the top of everyone's screens covered with a one way window; perfect for spying and collecting intel, while maintaining necessary top security Also, you instantly recognize this families logo Your mind draws a blank then slowly; a blurry memory resurfaces ! Now! The writing on the walls is like no language you've ever seen, but you can make out a few familiar shapes Your mind struggles Zukhara? No, much older "Darling" hasn't moved an inch Quickly she grabs the image of an alligator in a fine crafted cherry wood frame from the wall and throws it on the floor with a loud crack The mirror and painting lay shattered and displayed on the ground or the paintings for dinner? And that other thing, whatever it was Be my guest! You pull yourself out of the seat and slowly walk to an empty space on the wall where you open a hidden safe Typewriter and stacks of cash fill the drawer as you sit down and start writing a note While your writing doesn't exactly look like calligraphy, presumably this will still be counted as "artwork" finish it and then mount it on an alligator skin I believe? Well if it'll honor you prefer the skin? Nothing's stopping you now, assuming he is on the level then both will be coming from our rations tomorrow night along with a bottle of 1975 empire Zinfandel which should make a fine adhesive, provided the gluing is up to the quality of your current paintings Your collection should look flawless The door opens as a slight breeze pushes it further into the room pay money to own some of that, shining in black frames on the red walls, alligator skin flooring and a genuine Empire zin Please give our compliments to genius chef as soon as he has time Research Assistants - University of Progensberg Your art is now top secret Even if anyone thought the colorful swirls were anything more than bits to be analysed they wont get far before it's taken out of general circulation , good thing arnt they one of the few human like species discovered it'd be a shame to see them go extinct before we had a chance to eat them Year 595 Research: While the painting sub branch isn't exactly mundane, you don't feel like it's enough creative outlet for today How will this help forging a GC post extinction legacy? You need to be doing more smelling faintly of paint and on most occasions you see red, blue or purple flash before your eyes Congratulations, after 500 years since the inception of the project it appears urantra brain secretes some kind of purple pigment for decoration purposes At this point we don't care, just take it and inject it into your veins almost as much as a fine bottle of empire zin The purple lightning strikes outside seem brighter and warmer these days, might just be the drugs talking though Almost done with this batch and then it's a few months of off book research Wanna come with? to EAT animals but not ok to EAT people or OTHER human like species, or elves or anything like that After rereading Anecia's speech you realize how close the average person is to becoming their food source Hopefully this research will earn a bit of trust that you aren't planning on eating them probably I heard that! And no im not coming with you, ill just be here waiting than they'd want to hurt Anecia They are essential for milk and cheese after all That being said, when your racing home after a hard day at the lab, hoping that tonight might treat you to some Anecian Stuffed Peppers, how often do you think about where the meat in that casserole really came from? And where did the cow come from anyways? Was it just walking around one day when it decided to become lunch? ? plus they taste good You were always told that dragons where monsters that scorched the earth and sky alike but now your standing here arms deep in a corpse of one The first dragon you've ever slain, and its wings are actually alot smaller then you thought If your parents could see you now, how proud they would be They'd probably question their training however, and rightfully so but still you had this one in the bag all along to realize, be it hook, spear or net, the dragon had little chance of escape With your own particular set of skills, you have this wyrm failling to a blow from above Year 600 You meet mr Average Person (read:secretary) early in the week with the to-do list every sunday you have to go over everything with him and give some sort of idea of what the team is going to work on two months from now or the intense studies of the Purple ichor's amazing healing properties? Question 6 (1,798 voters, tcoh_input@yahoo com) Hello nice to meet you roommate! tell me about yourself Name: Sun LiRace: Black TrollClass: PlayboyER demigodSTR! 30INT! 30WIS! 40 AGI! 50LUCK! 70SKILL! 56TRAIT! 18 let's see your father ran before he took you away Since that is no doubt who your roommate is let's see if we can figure that out There are roughly 100 students at this school about 25 are demi human and half of them are races that could easily be your roommate (or would that be roommers?) Of the remaining human race half of them are girls hmmm 1 in 4 now that probably isn't right If your more of gun nut check the lastest firearms at [kroger market] beer !!! if i were a teamate in this, what would my role be? (ans: Captain Kirk) if you don't find the quest fun anymore you can get The big you go, the harder it gets and more danger you're in with the law getting in your way many snatchers have been shanked because they tried to use deadly force Common based snatchers are in it for a quick buck, so as such they won't try to take on an entire orc tribe by themselves They'll hit lone caravans and small to mid sized groups of merchants Most cases the black market isn't a criminal underworld full of dangerous felons and relentless mana-vampires as it is a bunch of bored immortals trying to pass the time One of these things is the demon market, located in the third layer of hell (dashit) , with a 50% savediscount! As the thief harvest goes on, something a bit odd stands out to you In each and every case of missing persons a lot of them were last seen in the area around Kroger's region That supermarket is either running a regular scam or is involved in this somehow It wouldn't be the strangest thing you've seen, and it certainly wouldn't be the worst crime organization By questioning the store manager, it becomes clear that he knows exactly what's going on at your supermarket The hell is this? This smelly bigfoot goes by many names, from dogman, to the grizzy, to bigfoot, yet in all cases it is all the same creature Some say it's a werecreature of some sort while others believe them to just be a rare species that has managed to avoid discovery all these years But fact is, they look like bigfoot and that's good enough for you with the scope With this mode, each gun has a different "feel" to it You'll need to spend some time with this to master precision shooting There's aiming on the move, finding your range, and many other types of shooting Since you've only got the one shot, make it a good one To shoot or not to shoot With a deer carcuss near it You find the creature standing outside for some reason with one shot Not such an easy task, considering you're pretty far away Your standard iron sights are going to have to do since you don't have an optic for this gun It's a bit tough since when you use this gun from the hip it's over 20 pounds, so getting your aim steady is important Fortunately for you there's no wind so you just have to account for your lateral movement and launch the round There's fur, blood and entrails everywhere It's easy meat to take back and sell, which is important, because you're not getting it for free after your hunt congrats op you've more than doubly profited from this encounter Choose: deer skin or alligator skin Oh ick totals Maybe this game would be a little easier with higher caliber guns, or at least ones that can accept scopes The noise really isn't worth it though since all you're doing is driving away any game in the area In the future it might be worth going furless, but for now all those useless bits can be turned into ichorium explosives , as usual So, loot and sell the gall bladder, liver, heart, intestines and maybe even a tooth or two Keep these offable parts in your pack until you get home, then put them in the fridge If you need more storage get a cooler or upgrade the house comes, sell more parts to him then cook dinner for you and your buddy While preparing the meat for cooking have some guests come over They brought a few six packs of brew with them Go ahead and share the wealth You should put it in your new fridge After eating, showing off a bit and having a generally good time its time to hit the hay You fell asleep on the couch so move yourself to the bed at 12 99 a person Ohh monetization Tonight's profit: 2168 ichorium shares, 8 silver, 4 quarters Days passed in the marsh and you still don't have Clyde or Fen just a lot of wet feet You do however have eaten everything in your fridge even the bait, so you're going to have to get more food or eat something inedible again like the alligator fleshes you've got hanging around The thought haunts you throughout the day and night It's really throwing off your concentration, you can't wait for this time to be over so you can bag a couple of wyverns First thing in the morning you sharpen your rifle and put on your pack This is going to be the day Not once, but twice people from the fort come and see if you're around and suddenly everyone wants to see me And they'res not just a few people they're like 18 of them You were out hunting so you weren't around to whlect their calls, replys or even show up while prying eyes were watching Instead they get your mildly annoyed brother in law to talk to them They leave dissapointed and unanswered Then you jump in and make things worse You wander into the fort to pick up a few things at the store and who do you find there? The same two wyvern jockeys that approached you To your surprise they knew you were out here, but even more surprising was what one of them said while the other looked on in silence "We would've been better off if you hadn't helped us at all Did I really do that much damage? You tried to wave them off and assure them of the contrary but they left shortly there after You could only hope they would come to appreciate what you did for them in time Just then an all too familiar symbol caught your attention, staring up at you from a wanted poster it was Clyde! Or rather Commander Ram himself If you wore a mask around here people might mistake you for someone else But what does it say about us that someone like him was able to take charge in the first place? You were Clyde There was no denying it But you couldn't hunt him down, not after what happened The poor sap that did finally catch up with him on that wanted notice looked a lot like Mason, even had a family resemblance It wasn't him, but it could've been What would you do if you found him, put a gun to his head and drag him back? It was a tempting idea but he probably wouldn't get far and in your current mood you might not be able to bring yourself to help if someone else was beating him to within an inch of his life It was shameful, but the best thing you could do for him right now was stay away However he still needed to be brought to justice, the way he was gallivanting around the countryside rounding up god knew who and throwing them in his cells was bad for business People would begin to unite against him and that could be far worse bandits, mercenaries, wary townies, kobolds all with one collective ideology: Fear Something you only engendered towards yourself and justified with your greater purpose To lose that power could cost you your survival! No, Ram had to be brought to justice, but not by you The best way of erasing your past was to put some distance between it and yourself You'd head west, maybe head out to sea or even up north to where the gnomes and their contraptions came from A new frontier, there had to be one yet untapped But before you could begin your new life you had to make one last trip out to the woods and see how Detlaf and Ranon were progressing on their logging town (You didn't want to go out there again ever but beggars can't be choosers ) You found them both cutting down trees like it was going out of style, which with the influx of new settlers it very well might Seeing you ride up they finally take a break You didn't really have to, but it was a convenient excuse to just sit there pulling up your shirt sleeve and scratching at your glowing badge of honor Your beam of light may have been gone, but it would never fade from your arm You came to accept that, you only wished you could do the same with the scars that wrapped around your back Still, the badges were going to come in handy as you've managed to use them as a conversation starter "See something you like Mason?" Ranon playfully sneered while waggling his eyebrows He probably didn't even realize what he was doing but you just let it slide and carry on with what you needed "That town you were working on looks like its coming along well "Town?" Ranon said with some pride "Haram, it's a city now King Sylvester himself stopped by recently to give his official endorsement Lot of people flooding to it You were genuinely happy for both of them but the news did stop you for a moment A whole another kingdom? If a place that big could form that fast just from one bandit gang then wherever you end up things were going to be very different Actually now that you thought about it considering how big the kingdom must be there was probably anothere bandit gang somewhere else doing much the same thing you were Bandits: Been there, done that It probably hadn't even been a year yet and already the game was up Well in for a coin, in for a Rai-ken You had made your decision and your destination doesn't matter as long as its a new frontier and they needed doctors right? Well maybe you'd stick to frontier clinics, but that was still medicine Might even get to put those old bandit skills of stealing from the sick for the good of the community Time would tell In any case you had some people to see and from there you'd make your plans Your next destination was Rask and then beyond it! Or so you thought Funny how things worked out, but it was the calm before the storm You laid down to sleep on your bed one night and then you heard a loud noise followed by the house shaking as if there was an earth quake going on Your rabbits in a stew because none of the furniture broke but everything ended up in disarray and broken pottery was everywhere One of your manticores came running in from one of the other rooms having been spooked by the noise if the trampled flower vase and rolling obei seeds meant anything You were still half-awake and pretty startled yourself, but instincts kicked in and you moved towards your rifle, thinking it was hostiles or something By the time you got into the living room and realized what happened it was over And just in time too, because you heard Naji let out an unearthly shriek of pain from her bedroom next door
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