#i dunno. it feels like they tried too hard to add new things as opposed to focusing on what made the original good
kazumasougi · 1 year
as good as the rest of the game was im kind of disappointed with some of the postgame stuff :’) like 2018 didnt Have that which is fine but also its kind of strange to me that they would insist you cant finish some of the quests until you finish the main story only for it to feel so empty
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
A Lazy Day with MC and the Brothers
I was just chilling one day and thought about how a lazy day in with our boys might be like… I like hijinks, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes we ought to slow down too, you know?
Check my Masterlist for more!
Warning: Slight NSFW-ish? I dunno how to tag innuendo...
First off, hats off for managing to convince the guy to just do nothing for any length of time. That’s some seriously impressive persuasive powers, MC, you sure you don’t know how to charm?
Lazy Lucifer=Sleepy Lucifer. He spends so many nights up late getting work done then follows it up by getting up early in order to wrangling his brothers. It's honestly like it all catches up with him... He’s sleeping in and he’s sleeping in HARD.
Might text one of his brothers to bring them in a late breakfast at some point (never mind the fact it’s practically dinner). Beel would be the one most likely to agree to it, but he also may just eat whatever he picked up on the way there so hopefully someone else is feeling charitable… Try Asmo.
Honestly, his entire goal is to not leave the bedroom at all. If he leaves, then he runs the risk of people seeing him… wait for it... relaxing. Oh, just imagine the scandal!!
Some classical music, a bit of conversation, and maybe a good book in bed would all sound like heaven to him. They may have to get up to make some tea to go along with it, just remind him that drinking coffee on your recharge days can have the opposite effect. The taste of coffee could always just end up reminding him of work anyway…
The evening can go one of two ways. Calm and peaceful or "stress relieving." If they chose the stress relieving option, best be prepared because he'll have a whole night's worth of stress to let out and he's going to need some help… 😏
He’s going to want to be close to the MC the whole time, they can hold onto him or him onto them, whatever works. It doesn’t matter as long as there’s still some kind of contact happening.
A whole day with just him and the MC? And they don’t even have to be doing anything? Where can he sign up??
Cue a lot of doing nothing in particular with Mammon tangled up on them in some way: hugging their waist while he checks his phone, resting their legs on his lap during a gaming session, wrapping himself around them while they just have casual conversation. That kind of thing.
When they eventually get hungry then he might pop down to the kitchen and make them some instant noodles (I wouldn’t trust much else he tries to make since… well we know he kind of just adds whatever’s around to his food).
He might start getting a little restless part of the way through the day though, so they’re going to have to do something to get that energy out… 🤔
Use your imagination, I know this fandom can.
The reigning Prince of Lazy Days. Everything about Levi screams “goof off/game night buddy” (at least if the MC is a fellow otaku anyway).
He probably didn’t sleep the night before because he was playing/watching something so the morning will go down one of two ways: 1) He just pulls an all-nighter and begins to progressively lose his mind as the day goes on, or 2) He’s dead to the world until 2pm. Only one of those options is entertaining so you know what I'm going with.
Things will go pretty smoothly through the morning. They don’t have to go anywhere because his room has plenty of snacks so they can just chill out and watch anime or play video games.
Buuut stuff will get more dicey as the afternoon rolls around and his sleep deprivation sets in. He’ll start losing a lot of his filter and may ramble for even longer than normal with even less coherency. He’ll also get more um… "bold" than usual.
Or he may just want to cuddle with them while he babbles on about how much he loves them and how warm they are and how much they remind him of Henry, which reminds him have they seen the latest season of “My Life with Seven Demon Brothers Who All Love Me!” yet because the main character there also reminds him of them and-
He’ll pass out eventually, probably latched onto them somehow with his tail around them tenderly. Don’t bring it up to him in the morning because he will unsuccessfully try to deny it ever happened.
Not opposed to the occasional lazy day. It actually does good for his nerves since holding in all that pent-up anger can feel like stuffing an elephant into a tea kettle sometimes...
They’re going to want to get him out of his bedroom or the library if they don’t want to fight for his attention against whatever new book he’s eating through today. When the man gets engrossed then it’s like nothing else matters, the House could split in two and he'll only notice if he suddenly can’t reach his drink anymore...
May actually be advantageous to go outside with him, take a nice stroll around the House while having some interesting conversation. They could poke his brain about anything that suits their fancy while they’re out amongst the trees and nature.
If they don’t want to go outside and rather take their chances with the book then okay but the engrossment problem still applies. He may even forget to eat...
Best way to combat his lack of attention is to be a little brat that’s juuust cute enough not to piss him off. It’s a delicate balance. That means getting real close to him, like sitting on his legs, and just occasionally reminding him of their presence with longing looks while tapping, flicking, or messing with the book from time to time (yes, kind of like an attention-seeking cat).
Play it just right and they’ll get attention on them alright, but he may also be looking to punish his “needy kitty." Hope that’s what they’re aiming for... 🤷‍♀️
Really? They want to do nothing? Nothing at all? Are they sure they don’t want to do him instead...? 😏
A relaxing day with Asmo is more or less like a day spent wrapped up in mutual worship and adoration. The guy wants all of their attention and love but he’ll return it and then some. As long as they treat him like the love of their lives it will honestly be like having their own day spa day in Heaven.
If the MC wants to relax, then he’s just the sort to know how to provide for them both. The only question is how do they want it?
The man can give them a full treatment, I mean, just look at his bathroom alone! A good soak in a hot bath, facial masks, back massages, mani-pedis, just say the word MC and he’s more than willing to bestow whatever their little heart desires. That’s his job, isn’t it?
Asmo may be a party boy, but if it’s a little TLC you need, emphasis on the T, then look no farther MC. He’s the guru.
On the flipside if they’re looking for a little release well… who better to ask than Asmo right? He’ll make sure they’ll never want to leave that bed again. 🤭
As long as snacks are still involved then he’s all in, babe. He’ll do nothing with them all day as long as they keep him fed.
Two words. Couples. Cooking. They can’t skip a meal with Beel so if they’re going to spend lazy time with the dude then they better be planning on being a tag along to the kitchen.
It doesn’t have to be a super strict though, it’s not like they’re not cooking with Barbatos or anything, so they can goof off and make a bit of a mess together. Chances are Beel will eat the ingredients to whatever they’re making anyway so... 😅
A lot of lingering touches and just being close to each other as they go. He might want to hold their waist while they stir or they end up feeding each other in cutesy ways... Really it’s a ridiculously wholesome time.
At one point a food fight may break out and they'll cover themselves in flour, tomato sauce, or some other kind of messy food substance...
Careful, MC. Whatever they get covered in will likely only make them look more delicious to him and he might want to "clean them off".... They'll need to take that out of the kitchen, though, like what if someone needs a snack??
The reigning King of Lazy Days. Take notes, MC, for you are watching the Master at work...
Sleeping in and cuddling is a must. He will not let them leave the bed all morning for anything less than a Category Four Emergency (i.e. “I’m going to starve to death” or “I really gotta go piss”). He will pin them under his sleeping body if he has to!
Once they’ve thoroughly missed breakfast and half past noon rolls around he might call in takeout from Hell’s Kitchen for them to eat in the attic room. Expect some cheeky conversation, probably jokes at the expense of his brothers. Cuddling is still absolutely happening, of course, they cannot shake him off.
May borrow an anime from Levi to watch while they snuggle on the couch. He has all the best blankets in the House so they will be neither cold nor uncomfortable throughout.
His hands get a little grabby during these kinds of cuddle sessions, especially during tense moments in the show because he likes to give them a little jolt to make them yelp, the jerk... 😖
If he manages to not drift off during the show (flip a coin on that chance) the night will end in the planetarium, backs on a pile of blankets while they draw pictures in the stars… All hail the King. 😏
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imthepointe · 4 years
First Love / Late Spring
Five times Kai asks Cole to marry him, and the one time Cole (sort of) says yes.
a/n: word count- 3322, tw- mentions of injury
1  (in their first year of friendship)
Kai Smith was not a professional blacksmith. 
Say what you will about his weapon-making and metallurgy abilities, but unlike his parents, he lacked proper training and technique; he supposed that was why Sensei had him spending the day hunched over the furnace, practicing crafting weapons. The fire ninja couldn’t complain too much, though, since a certain earth ninja was also instructed to accompany him during his practice. 
Kai ceased hammering whatever it was he was trying to make and frowned. What was supposed to be a chain on a nunchuck looked...nothing of the sort.
“Cole Brookestone,” he offered up said metal band to his friend, “will you marry me?” 
A barely fifteen-year-old Cole put his hand to his chest and gasped. “I- I don’t know what to say,” he smiled, “I’m honored, truly.”
Kai slipped the dingy, ring-shaped metal onto his finger and smiled, feeling his face warm and his stomach swoop.
“Unfortunately, I am going to have to decline,” Cole said solemnly. 
“What? Why?” 
Cole laughed. “Your execution was lousy and informal.” He inspected Kai’s homemade ring on his finger as the fire ninja scrambled to his feet.
“It was perfect, I got on one knee and everything,” Kai sighed, a smile still remaining on his face. “But If you’re gonna reject me, I want my ring back.”
Cole held his hand with the ring close to his chest, laughing again in the same way that made Kai’s face burn. “No way. This is mine now.”
Kai jumped, reaching for the ring, only for Cole to dodge. Despite his youth, the earth ninja was still considerably larger than Kai, so a little game of keep away was no trouble. Still, he let the red ninja continue to play this game.
“But you rejected me! It’s mine!” Kai pounced again, this time landing a hit on Cole’s chest, prying his hands apart.
“I rejected you, not the ring!” Cole cried in between giggles.
Kai wrapped his hand around Cole’s waist and pulled him close, still wrestling to get the ring from his finger, even though he knew it was futile. “Me and the ring are a package deal,” he scowled, a shimmer in his eye.
Cole picked Kai up, tossing him over his shoulder with ease. Kai could feel Cole’s back tense as he began carrying him out of the little blacksmith’s shop, laughing so hard he’s nearly in tears.
“Fine!” Kai half shouted, half laughed after a few moments of playful struggle, relaxing against Cole’s shoulder. “I give up! The ring was ugly anyway.”
Cole set Kai down, a triumphant grin on his face. “Yeah, it was ugly. I like it.”
2 (post mortem)
Kai stood at Cole’s closed door, unsure of whether to knock or not.
Not one person had gotten a wink of sleep since returning from Yang’s temple, especially Cole- though that was probably because he didn’t need sleep now. 
Of all the things that could have gone wrong at the temple, why this?
Kai sucked in a breath and knocked on Cole’s closed door. A soft “come in” sounded, though it had a ghastly and fazed edge to it.
“Hey,” was all he said, pushing his way into the familiar room.
Cole was just sitting (hovering?) on his bed, blankly staring at nothing in particular. He hummed in acknowledgment.
“I was, uh,” the fire ninja rubbed the back of his neck, stumbling on his words. Cole would know what to say in a situation like this if any other teammate had been turned into a ghost, but all the things Kai wanted to say stopped at his tongue, like a barrier was holding them back. “I was just checking in.”
“I’m fine.”
FSM, what a liar. Even Kai wasn’t dense enough to fall for that. 
“I mean, you can talk to me about it, you know?” Kai made his way from the door to the little space beside the earth ninja on the bed.
As he sat down, a chill ran up his spine. The air around the new ghost was cold and illuminated by soft green light that was produced by Cole’s new form-- it was weird, seeing someone Kai had always looked up to as strong and indomitable seem so fragile and weak.
“I know. I’m fine. Thanks for checking,” Cole turned his face away from Kai.
Kai sighed, making an attempt to put his hands onto Cole’s, to no avail. When Kai’s warm hands phased right through the earth ninja’s, he flinched.
“Please talk to me,” Kai said softly, failing to add because I need to hear your voice.
There was a beat of silence. When Cole didn’t respond, the red ninja tried again. He shifted his body to face more openly towards Cole, who was still staring off into the space just beyond the floor.
“Can you make yourself solid?”
Kai felt a little part of himself die when he heard those words. He shifted closer to Cole cautiously and cleared his throat. “Can you try for me?”
Now, Cole looked up and met the fire ninja’s eyes. His face was smaller than normal, eyes drawn wide into a scared expression that took Kai aback.
The ghost forced a small smile. “I already have tried, Kai, it’s no use,” his voice was muted. “I can’t hold anything and I can’t feel anything and-”
“Try for me now, okay?”
For a moment, it seemed as if Cole was going to protest, but he quickly shut his mouth and instead nodded weakly. Kai stood and rummaged around his room for something small that Cole could hold. 
Cole was an organized person, but he didn’t really have many trinkets lying around that would work. He was organized and was not a compulsive hoarder, and it was in times like these when those two qualities were not good things.
Kai thumbed through the drawers of Cole’s nightstand, looking for a rock, a pencil, or anything, before his eyes landed on a small shiny ring.
Well, maybe calling it a “ring” was subjective.
Kai held up the small metal band he had made while he was supposed to be practicing blacksmithing almost two years ago, showing it to Cole. 
“You kept this?” he asked, surprised.
Once again, the black ninja gave a small nod. 
Kai felt his stomach turn as light as a feather and a blush creep into his cheeks. “But--it’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” Kai laughed, moving closer to Cole. “Why did you keep it?”
“I wouldn’t throw away a ring my fiance gave me.”
The fire ninja remembered the conversation he had with Cole that day in the blacksmith, when Kai had fake-but-not-really-fake proposed to Cole with this ugly ring that wasn’t even supposed to be a ring.
Kai was a much better smith now than he was two years ago. 
“Hold out your hand and concentrate,” Kai ordered. Cole extended his hand and closed his eyes shut.
When Kai slipped the band onto Cole’s finger and let go, the ring stayed in place. The ghost opened his eyes slowly, curiously looking at his hand, as if checking to make sure it was still attached. When he saw that the ring was still on his finger, he smiled. 
“Kai, I feel it.” 
“Well, now you have to marry me,” Kai said with a click of his tongue.
Cole laughed, and this time it was genuine.
3 (but it was forgotten)
“It just doesn’t make any sense,” Kai shook his head. “Why Nya?”
“Cause she looks like some other chick named Delara? I dunno,” Cole sighed. “Maybe you should wish for Nadakhan to marry you instead.”
Kai leaned against Cole’s shoulder, sticking out his bottom lip way too far for the pout to be real. Cole just rolled his eyes, making himself corporeal to accommodate the fire ninja putting all of his weight on to the ghostly earth ninja. 
The Bounty’s room was completely empty save for the two of them sitting at the table, and Cole was silently thankful for that; it was pretty par for the course for Kai to be all over people, but if Jay knew that Cole wasn’t directly opposing Kai’s clinginess, the lightning ninja would never let him live it down.
“Maybe you have a point,” Kai smirked, now sitting upright. “Who wouldn’t wanna marry me? I’m awesome, I’m funny, I’m--”
A hand flew over Kai’s mouth, silencing the fire ninja. Cole glared hard at him though a grin remained on his lips.
“I’m literally begging you to shut up. It was a joke.” Cole slowly retracted his hand from the now silent Kai.
The fire ninja waited for just a moment, letting his eyes meet Cole’s, before whispering under his breath “I’m really hot…”
“Oh, shut up!” 
In a swift motion, Cole had Kai pinned to the ground, knocking over multiple chairs in the process-- but just as soon as the ghost was solid enough to tackle Kai, he phased through him.
In all fairness, it took a lot of concentration just to let Kai lean on his shoulder. He was pretty exhausted from that.
The two dissolved into laughter, then both helping each other stand, tidying up the knocked over chairs.
Kai stopped laughing, turning to face Cole. “I mean, if you were Nadakhan, would you rather marry me or Nya?”
“Nya. No questions asked.”
“Didn’t even hesitate? I’m hurt,” Kai held his hands to his heart. He pretended to be injured for just a moment longer, before asking, “Okay, what if you were just yourself? Would you rather marry me or Nya?”
Cole looked to the ground. If ghosts could blush, he would have. 
“I’ll think about it.”
After the events of the following days, neither would remember this conversation.
4 (unrequited)
Kai sat in a chair in the medical bay, bent over with his hands resting on his knees. He bounced his leg to keep himself distracted from the overall disaster that had been that day.
He supposed he was supposed to be happy- his sister just got engaged- what?- and the team had defeated the Oni. It was supposed to be a good day.
But Lloyd had literally died and came back to life and Cole was unconscious after collapsing halfway through the final battle in the medical bay because he fell off of the Bounty. Kai made note that Cole should not have survived, and yet somehow, he did.
So, really, Kai should have been happy; but he was barely hanging on by a thread that was a second away from snapping.
“You missed it,” he told Cole’s unresponsive body. Massive bruises etched their way across his chest and up his neck from his fall.
“Jay asked Nya to be his yang, so, uh, I guess they’re gonna get married,” Kai said under his breath, releasing a deep exhale. He cupped his face in his hands. “I’m happy for them, I guess.”
Truthfully, Kai was. This was his sister and his best friend, and they loved each other, so honestly it was just a matter of time before they got married. 
It just felt so wrong to celebrate when one of their teammates was on death’s door. 
Zane had told him that Cole was going to be fine. There would be a recovery process, but he was going to live. Still, Kai found himself spending every moment after the final battle with Cole, making sure that he was still breathing and his heart was still beating. Zane had also told him that Cole wasn’t going to go anywhere anytime soon and that he needed to quit being so worried.
With the way he’s acting right now, maybe Kai should have been the one to propose today.
He laughed inwardly, before telling Cole, “If you asked me to marry you right now, I’d say yes.”
His eyes settled on the earth ninja’s closed ones. “Could you imagine? You marrying me instead of Nya marrying Jay?”
Kai hoped Cole would wake up and say something-- he didn’t. 
The fire ninja stood from his chair, walking over to the stretcher. He grabbed Cole’s wrist, feeling the pulse, a small reminder that the black ninja was still here. “I can’t marry you if you stay knocked out, though,” he said, tone controlled and steady. “Wake up soon, okay?”
When Cole remained motionless on the stretcher, Kai knew he would not get any response.
5 (sweater weather)
There was a shiver instead of a response.
“Kai, look,” Cole called again, tugging at Kai’s coat sleeve. He pointed to a coffee shop just down the block with a giant sign on its front that read “SALE.”
“Hm?” Kai hummed, looking in the direction Cole was pointing. 
It was a known fact that Kai absolutely despised cold weather. He liked looking at snow, but that was about it. He hated the way it felt, he hated the way it made everything slippery, and he really hated the way it was cold. He was the fire ninja; cold weather didn’t like him and he didn’t care for it much either. 
So why in the world he agreed when Cole asked him if he wanted to go walk around town when it was barely 30 degrees fahrenheit and snowing was beyond him, but love works in mysterious ways.
“Do you wanna go get hot coffee? This place is having a sale, too,” Cole said. He looked at the sale sign, then to the door of the shop. 
“Oh FSM, yes,” Kai said. He pushed past Cole and into the warm building, not bothering to look at the sign. 
Kai hated snow, but maybe it would be bearable if he had Cole by his side and coffee in his hand. 
The ninja household was divided when it came to coffee versus tea. They were supposed to like tea, and FSM forbid Wu ever learn that Kai, Cole, and Lloyd prefer coffee to tea. Nya and Zane liked tea.
Jay liked coffee, but he was not allowed to have it anymore following the incident. 
Cole knew Kai’s coffee order by heart--medium caramel macchiato with an extra shot of espresso and caramel drizzle-- but his own order changed day to day. More often than not he ordered straight black coffee. Kai liked to joke that it matched his personality, even though it wasn’t true. 
Kai watched as the nindroid barista made her way over to two of them and silently thought about how mad Zane would be right now if he knew what the two of them were up to.
Cole ordered for the two of them, then watched as the barista rang up both of their drinks at full price. 
“Wait,” Kai interrupted, gaining the nindroid’s attention. “Isn’t there supposed to be a sale?”
The barista laughed. “It’s a couples discount,” she explained, eyeing the two ninja, “so, uh, unless you two married, then your total is $5.99.”
The two ninja glanced at each other, a smile growing on their faces. 
“Cole, marry me right now,” Kai said. 
Cole stifled a laugh. “In your dreams,” he rolled his eyes. “Unless…?”
The barista smiled and covered her mouth with a robotic hand. “Just for brightening my day, I’m going to give you the discount, bringing your total to $4.20,” she laughed.
Maybe Kai didn’t totally hate cold weather.
+1 (first love / late spring) 
Cole was so frustratingly well-spoken. 
He was infuriatingly good at saying things. Hell, he could be talking about puppies dying and make it sound like a rhetorical masterpiece. Kai always figured that his natural way with words probably had something to do with Lou being a songwriter, and Cole just being a natural born leader in general.
Kai was not that well spoken, despite what he may tell the others, but at least he was able to talk about his emotions (unlike a certain black ninja).
And that’s normally how their conversations went. Kai would talk about his feelings and Cole would deflect talking about his own and instead formulate some elaborate response to help the red ninja with his issues.
It took Kai by surprise one late spring night when, as the pair was sitting by the pond just outside the monastery, Cole said something weird and vulnerable.
“Do you think you’ll ever be able to have a really normal life?” He waved his hand, facing Kai. “I know that a normal life by societal standards is kind of...unattainable, because we’re ninja, but do you know what I mean?”
“I think so,” Kai said. Warm spring breeze made the water lap at the shore, where the two sat. He stared off into the distance, past Cole, maybe at the pond or maybe he was looking at the tall trees just behind the pond. 
“I mean, like, I never really had a normal life, I guess, but I really want normal parts of life,” he rubbed the back of his neck. He really wasn’t sure where Cole was going with this.
He saw Cole’s eyes light up and the black ninja touched his hand in a way that made Kai’s stomach turn to butterflies.
“Yes! That’s what I mean!”
Cole saw Kai’s momentary confusion and elaborated. “I know my life won’t ever be normal but I want normal aspects of life. I want to fall in love, I want to travel, I want to do all these things,” he looked to Kai then back to the water. “We were kinda forced into an adult life when we were just kids,” he said. “It doesn’t feel fair. I mean, Lloyd’s just a tall child.”
Kai picked at the small flowers blooming in the grass where they sat--he was still caught up on the first thing Cole said about falling in love.
“I get it,” Kai said. “I want to fall in love too. And also have a normal life.” He mostly wanted Cole to keep talking.
Kai gathered the flowers in his hand and looked to Cole. He liked the way the moon reflected in his gray eyes, and he liked the way his faint green scar was still visible in the night. 
Cole laughed and looked Kai in the eyes. 
“You’re one to talk about love, you’ve already fallen for someone.”
For a moment, he fire ninja panicked. How did Cole know? To be fair, he had been pretty direct about Cole marrying him more than once, and Cole was smart…
But oh FSM, did Cole know? Oh fuck.
“With Skylor,” Cole eyed him. “Don’t you remember?”
Thank the First Master.
Kai relaxed. “I wasn’t in love with Skylor, I think I just thought I was. I was in love with someone else.”
Cole smiled fondly, looking at the flowers in Kai’s hands. “Yeah, me too.” 
There was a beat of silence as both ninja processed what the other had said. Kai was the first to break the silence, asking, “Well, who was your first love, then?”
The black ninja looked at him for a moment as Kai held his breath. 
Please don’t say you love me.
“I think,” Cole paused. “I think it was you.”
Kai felt himself melt, but not because of any fire he could have made or any late spring heat. He felt the sense of normalcy he and Cole had just talked about. He felt himself really in love with Cole Brookestone. 
He had been direct before and he was going to be direct again. “I love you too. Like, really. I have for as long as we have been friends.”
He laughed nervously, and then reused the same old joke he had used when he first realized he was in love with Cole, in the blacksmith during their first year of friendship.
“Cole, will you marry me?”
Cole had a glitter in his eye and a soft smile on his face. “Maybe take me out to dinner first?”
“Only if I can call it a date.”
The earth ninja smiled and wrapped his hand around Kai’s. “Deal.”
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deniigi · 5 years
I had a really bad day (I wont say why because I wouldnt want you to feel like I'm guilting you into anything) and I was wondering if maybe you had a dfv/lfv or inimitable verse drabble you havent put up or one on here you really like you could point me to (navigation is hard on mobile) or even just some like hcs. If not its totally ok! You dont owe me anything. But I thought I'd ask and see if that's ok.
Oh no!
Sorry that you had a rough day my dear. I don’t have much in the works for those verses right now (I’ve been hammering my head against a wall, trying to write out a piece exploring Gwen and Murderdock’s relationship–it’s not working tho, so I’m stopping). Of course any of the Clint-based pieces are fun in those verses if you need a pick me up, but I am equally fond of Chapter 13 of Sidebars.
But! If you don’t mind a little piece from Lying by Omission/The Sprawl I’ve got cute little bit of Jack and Ben going out to dinner with Matt and Peter?
I’ll put it under the cut if you’re down
“Dad, let’s go out to eat.”
Jack didn’t trust that. Jack had been scarred by the durian. Permanently scarred. He was never coming back from the durian. He was etching a durian with a big ‘X’ through it into the top of his next coffin for future archaeologists to find and have absolutely no questions about.
Matt, sensing that he was presently not receiving the amount of attention that he could be receiving, oozed out of the kitchen and draped himself over the back of the couch, right behind Jack’s shoulders. Jack glanced to the side and noted that he was wearing shoes.
He wasn’t chancing it.
“No shoes on the couch,” he said.
“It’s my couch,” Matt hummed, already migrating over to the couch’s arm, no doubt to burrow his way under Jack’s own arm.
“It’s a couch.”
“My couch,” Matt hummed, plucking Jack’s phone out of his hand and tossing it callously to the other side of said couch. He then executed the burrow and wriggled himself over so that he was the sole occupant of Jack’s lap. He waited, as sweet as could be, until he had Jack’s more or less undivided attention.
The kid was heavy. Jack couldn’t tell if he knew just how heavy he was.
He suspected that he was more than aware of it.
Matt beamed at him. He did not pull his shoed feet over the couch’s arm.
A sign of obedience. Or perhaps a buttering-up technique.
Tricky, tricky.
“Why do we need to go out to eat? What’s wrong with what’s in the fridge?” Jack asked Matt’s untrustworthy grin.
It faded a little because there was a pout which needed doing.
“I’m tired of eating potatoes,” Matt huffed.
“Take it back,” Jack scolded him. “I won’t hear any raggin’ on tatties in this household.”
“I want rice.”
“I’ll make you rice, Matty.”
“I don’t want your rice.”
Picky little shit. Just like his mother. She’d been the type to refuse a peanut butter and jelly sandwich if the slop wasn’t equally distributed.
Jack’s rice was perfectly fine. It even had bits of onion in it. If he was feeling real fancy, he might even cook it in broth or something.
“Fine, so make rice yourself,” he said. Matt squirmed up and wrapped arms around Jack’s neck. He put his cheek against it and immediately made the skin there it itch.
“You need a shave,” Jack huffed, reaching back for his phone. Vanessa was doing battle with her replacement: Bella the cat. She was giving their zombie group the play by play of the her and the cat’s opposing campaigns to win Wade’s favor. Thus far, Bella had broken a plate and gotten scratchies and kisses for it. Vanessa was outraged.
It was an outrage to behold.
Not this again. This was no reason to bring out the big guns.
“Get your shoes,” Matt whined.
“Baby, you can go out. I’m not stopping you from going out. No one is stopping you from going out, god help us,” Jack told him.
Matt abandoned his neck, stretched out, quick as a whip, and snatched the phone on the other cushion. He crammed it into his shirt and then replaced himself and his face-broom against Jack’s pulse point.
Yeah, Jack didn’t know what he’d expected to happen here.
“Matt,” he warned.
“The last time we went to dinner, you broke my heart, soul, and trust.”
“I won’t do it again.”
“Uh-huh. Yeah, right. ”
“I won’t,” Matt promised, pulling back to add puppy eyes to the mix.
That was unfair. Uncalled for. Totally underhanded.
“Why don’t you go out with Foggy?” Jack tried as a last-ditch effort.
“Because I want to go out with you,” Matt emphasized. “My pops. My old man. We gotta bond. It’ll make me more well-adjusted. The internet says so.”
Jack was confiscating the internet. The internet was a know-it-all snitch.
“Fine, for fuck’s sake, boy. Get off, you’re drowning me here.”
  Jack would go out to dinner on one condition.
Two conditions actually.
1)      There was to be no durian. Anywhere. At all.
2)      He got to bring moral support.
Matt was more than cool with that because it meant that he could replace the durian with another creative element which would equally torture Jack.
So Jack asked Ben Parker to come along. Parker was sharp as a tack. Compared to Jack, he was a man of the world. A reasonable and sensitive body with respect for his fellow humans. He promised to help Jack identify potential threats to his person flung his way by his uncaring and mischievous son.
Unfortunately, to that end, Matt insisted that they take Ben’s nephew, Peter, out with them too.
Jack knew from the start that this was Matt inserting his chaos element into what might otherwise be a perfectly tolerable and uneventful night out. But he also held out hope that Peter would be the sweet, kind-hearted boy he appeared to be.
It really was too much to ask for.
Peter latched his whole body onto Matt within seconds of their two parties meeting up and the two of them immediately set to whispering which bode poorly for everyone else involved.
“I believe we may have made a mistake,” Ben observed, rubbing thoughtfully at his chin.
  Matt wanted rice and Peter wanted something sour enough to leave ulcers in his mouth, so the two of them decided that Thai food would achieve both of these effects. Jack was suspicious. Ben told him that Thai food was very tasty and he had little reason to fear, except.
“Peter hates durian, it’s fine, he won’t be setting up any conspiracies around it,” Ben promised him.
They’d see about that.
Foggy had said something similar when he and Matt had dragged Jack out for Filipino food.
  Jack was pretty sure that Peter just wanted a lime. He was 90% sure that all Peter’s cravings could be satisfied with a lime right now.
Matt, however, in an unlikely turn of events, convinced him that he should get food-substances to accompany his burning desire for limes. Peter grumbled at this and deferred to his uncle for support in the face of this logic.
Chaos element, located.
“Pick a carb,” Ben directed.
“Sugar is a carb,” Peter argued.
“Pick a carb in a less refined form,” Ben countered easily.
“If it’s raw sugar, it—”
“Veg, noodles, or rice,” Ben offered him.
Peter scowled.
“You said a carb,” he pouted. “I want sugar.”
“I have good news for you, sweet child of mine,” Ben said fondly. “There is sugar in everything served in the United States of America. You will have your sugar. Pick its structure: veg, noodles, or rice.”
Ben made Jack feel like a shit dad sometimes. Although, to be fair, Jack hadn’t been a dad as long as Ben had.
Peter, outwitted and bitter about it, agitated Matt to help him.
Matt saw no need for that.
“You’re gonna be hungry in an hour and then you’re gonna whine about it,” he declared.
Peter scowled at him and then turned his lethal puppy eyes onto Jack. Jack set up a menu between the two of them because he was not strong enough to cope with that.
Peter whined behind it.
  Things were going too smoothly for too long. Jack did not trust the decent behavior happening at this table. Ben got a kick out of his paranoia, which was great because someone needed to.
“What are you hiding?” Jack asked Matt. Matt scoffed.
“Chill, old man,” he said. “We’re literally just having dinner. Maybe try to have a good time, huh?”
Something evil was afoot.
Peter snickered. Matt swatted at him; he easily dodged the hand.
  Dinner was eaten and paid for and Jack eventually gave up and settled down. Begrudgingly, he had to admit that Matt was right. Thai food was nice. No incidents had occurred. There was no durian. Ben and Peter made for good conversation, even if everything led back to Peter’s obsession with sci-fi films.
Ben told him that if he kept mentioning them, the aliens would hear him and his name would start to move up higher up on their list of potential captures.
The kid was horrified.
Matt helpfully started counting off the number of times Peter had mentioned aliens in the last week and Peter had briefly looked like he was going to cry.
“Is your wife not going to hear of this?” Jack asked Ben as they walked after the trouble duo who had determined that they were finding dessert at a different location. They seemed to know what they were after, so Jack and Ben left them to it.
“Oh, she will,” Ben said.
“And you don’t mind?”
“She encourages it. She’s convinced him that if you leave a tv on static, aliens can pick up on your watch history.”
Interesting parenting techniques going on here.
Ben laughed.
“Well, I guess we just figure that if you’ve got a weird kid, it’s easier on everyone if you just lean into it. My brother probably wouldn’t be so down with it, but he’s not here, so whatever.”
Ah, right.
“Peter’s your brother’s son, then,” Jack noted.
Ben hummed.
“I…guess,” he said uneasily. “I—it’s hard to explain. I mean, biologically, yeah he’s Rich’s son. But, you know, me and May’ve raised him for longer than Rich and Mary were ever in his life, so, I dunno. Is it fucked up that I kind of think of him as my son?”
No. Not at all.
“My eldest brother pretty much raised me,” Jack told him. “My mama couldn’t be assed to do anything more than scream at the drop of a hat and my daddy was busy drinking himself to death, so Bill was the one who got me up and dressed and off to school in the morning. I always thought of him as a mix between a brother and a mom.”
“No shit?” Ben said. “Where is he? He still around?”
“We haven’t talked for a long time,” Jack said.
“Oh? Well, now’s your chance you know.”
Jack tried not to wince too sharply. Ben caught it anyways.
“Or not,” he said. “You don’t have to if its painful or something.”
Oh, buddy.
“We’ll see,” Jack decided. “I’ll need to think about it.”
He didn’t know how Matt would react. Hell, he didn’t know how he would react to seeing Bill again.
  Matt and Peter presented Jack with a drink that had evil hiding in the bottom of it.
He should have known better to think he’d escape that night uninjured.
I hope this cheers you up my dear and that things get easier for you soon!
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somethinglacking · 5 years
Shooting For Stars: Chapter 1
Hyuna Lee just started college, and while procrastinating decided to give a popular MMO called LOLOL a try. Here she will meet new friends, battle monsters, part takes in epic quests, and potentially find love!
Most of this will take place in LOLOL at the beginning.
This takes place a year/ year and a half after Seven's good end, and the secret endings. Yoosung x OC
**Update's once a week**
Smut in later chapters, of course ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Hyuna groaned as she sat staring at her computer. Her assignment was to draw something that inspires you, some sort of introductory assignment for the Professor to get to know her small class of Art Student Misfits. Nothing seemed to inspire her as of late, and no matter what she did manage to sketch out onto screen seemed to call her out: The Un-Inspired Art Student with no muse or motivation. Her fingers ran the length of her caramel brown locks, and her nails lightly scratched her scalp trying to ease her growing frustrations. Hazel glared at the taunting screen before her, daring it to keep on challenging her. 
After what seemed like an eternity, the artist sighed in defeat. Nothing was coming to her, and the lines she had managed to get down didn’t seem to be coming together as anything. Annoyed with herself and lack of a muse, she set her tablet to the side and opened her social media. Not much was going on, and she didn’t really have any friends anymore. Her sister posted a photo of her and her little class of second graders. They were cute and her sister looked happy. Smiling at the photo she offered it a thumbs up. 
When she was done scrolling her newsfeed she opened boogle. Bored she searched for fun things to do on the internet. The search results varied in interest, but an ad on the web page she was on showed a popular MMO and a free trial. Curious she clicked it and went to the homepage of the game. She read of the spec’s and nodded noting it would work on her pc. She clicked the download icon and downloaded it. 
Hazel eyes read every bit of detail the game had to offer her as it booted up the character creator. Feeling a little nervous, having never played an MMO before and unsure if she’d actually like being in contact with actual people. Logically she knew she could just play solo and ignore the events, or even delete her entire account after the free trial ran out and simply say she tried it. Biting a plump bottom lip she was greeted with page after several final updates. 
First, she selected her gender debating on being a boy, but ultimately settled for female solely because she knew their armor would be cuter the further she got into the game. She clicked through the races and settled on an elf. She smiled customizing the hairstyle and making the hair a lovely hue of blue. The eyes matched her avatar's hair. Hyuna chooses the least appalling beginner to wear praying she would be able to get something that wasn’t such an eyesore to wear easily. Overall the artist was pleased with the look of her new online persona and moved onto the next page.
Here she had to choose a username. Chewing on her lip she knew she go to Sapphire would be already taken in such a massive game, but gave it a go anyway. Slightly disappointed when it was already taken she contemplated what to use. She typed in several weird spelling of the name before Sapfyre worked. Making a surprised and pleased noise, she made haste to click the arrow button that would take her into the game. 
The screen loaded and she took her time going through the tutorial and getting the hang of the world, and command functions. Hyuna watched as her pretty avatar moved about doing little missions and basically busy work with prompt boxes explaining the gameplay.
 Soon enough she had completed her ‘training’ and was warped to a busy square full of other players. Hyuna blushed feeling slightly overwhelmed by the sheer number of avatars on the screen. She had picked one of the busier servers, but she hadn’t imagined it’d be this popular. Chewing her lip she ran around getting used to the shops and how the currency worked. Hazel eyes scanned the screen and took notice of where the world chat was, besides it was a little icon that lights up red with a little 1 beside it. Curious she clicked it and noticed it was the private messaging system. 
SupermanYoosung★: Hey you look lost ^^ SupermanYoosung★: You must be new! SupermanYoosung★: If you want help doing some quest or anything let me know. Hyuna tapped the pads of her fingers against her lips reading the message over and over again honestly wanting to take them up on their offer. Yet, she also felt rather shy about it too, it was strange. It wasn’t like it was a real interaction with someone, just two gamer bros going on a digital epic quest, so to speak. That being said, the artist wasn’t really a people person. Taking a moment to think about the other player's offer she opened the tab at the top that showed the servers rankings and who was online at the moment. Hazel went wide as she stared at the first couple name’s noticing the friendly strangers rank. They where rank number 2, basically LOLOL royalty. Hyuna let out a girlish giggle in disbelief. She clicked back onto her private messages and re-read the person’s name. It was for sure rank #2 SupermanYoosung. Before her brain could catch up to her fingers the typed with speed across her keyboard. 
Sapfyre: Oh wow! Sapfyre: I just check up on you, and it says your rank #2 ^^; Sapfyre: You must have better things to do than help a little noob like myself!
Before she knew it an impressive tank build avatar ran towards her. Hyuna bumped her forehead lightly with her fist watching as he positioned himself next to her Hobo of an Elf avatar. What a contrast that was to behold. However, if he did have time to waste with her, she almost wanted to beg him to help her get something more suitable for her avatar to wear. Something less beggar and painstakingly noob. 
SupermanYoosung★: Hahaha Yup! That’s me, I’m pretty awesome, huh? 
Hyuna couldn’t help but roll her eyes as a smile played at the edge of her mouth.
SupermanYoosung★: I’m also pretty free at the moment. I have no issue bussing you through some dungeons and helping you get some decent equipment.  SupermanYoosung★: Plus once you get passed level 20 you can join guilds! SupermanYoosung★: If you want, I can invite you to mine, haha!
This person seemed pretty nice and welcoming, Hyuna mused smiling to herself. She didn’t want to get his hopes up, nonetheless. Still unsure if she wanted to pay for the month to month subscription, or would even bother logging in again once she decided she had procrastinated enough for the evening and got back to her assignment. Best to play it coy. 
Sapfyre: Well alright then!  Sapfyre: Lolol can you add me to the party, I have absolutely no idea what I am doing  SupermanYoosung★: Oh! Sure thing!
The notification of a party invitation popped up. Hyuna clicked it and accepted. Soon there was an Icon over the two opposing in style avatars linking them together. 
Sapfyre: Wow they really go out and show you who you're with, huh? Sapfyre: We should get out of the public eye, haha… Someone like you hanging out with a LOLOL hobo can’t be good for the reputation! ^^ SupermanYoosung★: lol naw, it’s fine, I’m buying potions. I’ve got a feeling you’re gonna need them at the start ^^ SupermanYoosung★: I know just the Dungeon that shares exp! It’s pretty high rank, but I can handle the monsters myself. You can just sit back and enjoy the show! Cheer for me too! Sapfyre: I might be a noob, but I do freelance as a cheerleader on the side Sapfyre: It’s not much, but it’s honest work~ Sapfyre: Go! Yoosung! GO!  SupermanYoosung★: Haha! I didn’t expect you to actually cheer for me >_< SupermanYoosung★: Now I definitely have to help you get to at least level 20!
Hyuna’s character automatically followed the party leader’s avatar about the busy town square. There was an option to turn it off, but she didn’t feel like it. It was fun watching the two of them run around side by side as this Yoosung got the supplies she would most likely need to brave the dungeon. The artist clicked on her avatar and gasped in surprise. 
Sapfyre: There are little social action commands! Sapfyre: Ooooh~ 
She made her Elf do a little tribal type dance around Yoosung. She giggled as he made his brolly tank dance with her in the middle of the square. That was cute! 
SupermanYoosung★: Hahaha >_< SupermanYoosung★: They do! And some of the actions are special to race, gender, and class. SupermanYoosung★: Oh! You get to pick a class at level 10 SupermanYoosung★: Any ideas on a build you want to make? Sapfyre: Thank you for the dance Monsieur~ Sapfyre: I dunno what build to make??? Sapfyre: I guess I want something ranged so I can hang back. 
A box popped up on the screen declaring that SupermanYoosung would like to item share with her. Hyuna clicked yes and his inventory opened along with her own. She flushed when she saw all the cool things he was carrying and how she only held a level 2 stick from one of her tutorial missions at the beginning. She watched as Yoosung threw 99 potions, and 99 mana restore potions at her along with a level 2 wooden helm. She giggled equipping it to her Elf. 
Sapfyre: Now my look is finally complete. What a sexy helm! SupermanYoosung★: lololol, sooo sexy~ SupermanYoosung★: Back on the topic of builds SupermanYoosung★: Ever consider being a support healer? SupermanYoosung★: It’s sooo hard to find a decent one D:
Sapfyre: I dunno if I’d make a good support ^^; Sapfyre: If they are hard to find there must be a reason right?
SupermanYoosung★: They just don’t know how to build themselves, and/or try to fight when the tanks have the situation covered and die, SupermanYoosung★: I never built a healer before, but I do know a few things. I could help you if you want?
Sapfyre: Welllllllll Sapfyre: Sure why not~~! Sapfyre: Since you’re helping me out so much already, I don’t mind trying to be a healer for you.
SupermanYoosung★: Thank you! SupermanYoosung★: Rest of the guild will be so jealous when I show off my own personal little healer~ haha~
Sapfyre: >_< lololol I’m shy~
Hyuna bit her lip re-reading the messages. It almost felt like this guy or girl or whatever they are was flirting with her. They couldn’t possibly know she was a girl. She assumed many male players would make a female avatar, let's be honest, the higher rank armor leaves little to the imagination. She wrote off the interaction as this Yoosung being friendly and excited to help her create a healer support he seemed to need desperately. 
SupermanYoosung★: Haha that’s okay! SupermanYoosung★: Do you have a headset, it’s easier to chat that way while in dungeons.
The artist flushed again at the thought of letting a stranger hear her voice. She could see why it would be more convenient. Seeing as she had never played an online game, and preferred solo JRPG’s or Horror survival-
Sapfyre: I never required a headset before
SupermanYoosung★: It’s okay, it just means we are gonna crawl dungeons a bit slower since we’ll have to type to one another. 
Sapfyre: ^^; I’ll look into investing in one in the future. Sapfyre: I’m on a college student allowance, it’ll have to be a cheap one.
SupermanYoosung★: Haha, I’m a student too. I get what you mean. SupermanYoosung★: No shame in having an off-brand HS since you’re just starting SupermanYoosung★: I’m gonna teleport us to a level 30 dungeon. Keep your guard up
Sapfyre: Sure thing ^^
They were off, the screen turned into a load for a moment before both of them spawned in a dungeon. The artist smiled as she watched the other player navigate the surrounding area. She was careful to fall back when zombie looking monstered spawned and swarmed them. All level 30, which made sense, Yoosung had stated it was a high-rank dungeon. Turns out level grind was a bit of a grind, even for beginners. Luckily it was a shared exp dungeon and since there were only two of them in the party it got split in half. Slowly where minimal communication since she lacked a headset they crawled through the Dungeon. Yoosung was kind enough to allow her to loot the corpses and the treasure chests. 
They had even run into some other players who would say hello to Yoosung via the world chat. They had custom speech bubbles, and Hyuna was interested in obtaining some of her own. It was impressive how immersive this game was. You could build sperate skills like smithing, mining, fishing, cooking, act. It was super customizable. Yoosung had rattled off about how there was an event boss just recently and the cool stuff he got for himself. Hyuna smiled, sometimes even giggling to herself as she read Yoosung’s messages. 
Even though she had gotten some pretty decent armor and weapon’s they couldn’t be equipped before she was level 30. It was probably a power scale to disallow players to equip armor so far above themselves early. Yoosung assured her in a few sessions he would have her beefed up and ready to stand on her own in no time. Hyuna despite herself agreed to meet up tomorrow evening and found herself genuinely enjoying the game. Maybe she was just enjoying Yoosung’s company, who knew. 
Once they finished the dungeon, Yoosung warped them back into the town square and sent her a friend request. Hyuna didn’t even think twice as she accepted it. 
SupermanYoosung★: This way we will get notifications when either of us logs on, and it even shows where we are on the map.  SupermanYoosung★: I’m gonna be on a little while longer, you good?
Hyuna looked at the clock and gasped blinking, unbelieving what she was thinking. Had she really wasted three hours? Was it really 1 am?
Sapfyre: OMFG!!!! It’s 1 am!!! I have an assignment due tomorrow morning! SupermanYoosung★: It’s 1 am for me too, we must be pretty close. Lolol SupermanYoosung★: You should go get the project done SupermanYoosung★: Guess I’ll see you tomorrow~ ^^
Sapfyre: Ya tomorrow! I’ll be off! Sapfyre: Enjoy ruling the online virtual world!
With that Hyuna was quick to log off and sighed to herself. It had only meant to be an hour break, and somehow she got so caught up in it she was looking at either failing her first assignment or not sleeping. Looking at the clock she grabbed her a tablet and the pen and looked at whatever these lines she had drawn were suppose to be. Deciding to delete all the progress she had apparently made, she settled herself in for a long night of drawing her assignment for her 8 am class. 
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beansthembo · 5 years
I need to do a bit of a vent about the new Star Wars movie. Spoilers below.
I’m having some trouble processing what happened. If you’re reading this, you probably are interested in my opinion on it, and you probably also know that I was a big fan of The Last Jedi. By no means was it a perfect movie, but it took the chance of distancing itself from the rest of the series by springing off of what was established in TFA and building something new. A lot of people weren’t too pleased by this, and there are plenty of legitimate criticisms, but being completely transparent, I can’t listen to most critics of it because most of the people I know in real life who didn’t like it are racist or misogynistic.
TLJ tried to introduce people to the idea that, in reference to the new canon, just because it’s new and different, doesn’t mean that it’s bad. Kylo’s/Ben’s line, “Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to,” finds meaning in this, though a bit extreme. TLJ was going to learn from the past films and move on, for better or worse. TROS is determined to wallow in its past. As a lifetime fan of Star Wars, I can’t bring myself to hate it outright, like many vocal critics of TLJ, but I find myself severely disappointed by the decisions made in it.
I’ve honestly spent too much time composing those last paragraphs, as if I’m a legit critic or reviewer. I’m just kind of going to present my nitpicks and criticisms as they come to me.
So, first a few nitpicks:
-The opening crawl seems... poorly composed to me. The first line is “The dead speak!” Correct me if I’m wrong, but they don’t usually use exclamations in the opening crawls. I know I just spent the last couple of paragraphs defending new ideas, but the opening crawl always seemed as though they were meant to present information formally from a neutral perspective. Not a major criticism, but it did bother me a bit.
-What happened to Kyle’s TIE Silencer? I mean, it could’ve been destroyed in the previous movie, but I don’t really remember that happening. Either way, it seemed to me that they made the decision to make his ship more similar to the Interceptor, as, like, a ‘safer’ choice, but I don’t see why they couldn’t have just had the same ship.
-The Falcon has a round dish again? You know, now that I’m thinking of it, the dish may have been blasted off in TLJ. I just was surprised by that.
I may add to that list later. the actual problems I had were:
-Rey is sort of obsessed with ‘earning’ Luke’s (and Anakin’s) old lightsaber. Which has been repaired, by the way. She doesn’t actually ‘own’ it, even though she’s been using it for the past two movies, she’s just been borrowing it from Leia. I was really looking forward to seeing her make her own (or already have her own) lightsaber, which she does, but she waits until the end of the movie to show it off. And it’s rad as hell! Wtf? why couldn’t she have been using that the whole time! It’s one of my favorite lightsaber designs now and they show it for a whole two seconds!
-They finally give Snoke a backstory, and it’s... that he was Palpatine’s puppet the whole time. I’m gonna say, not the worst backstory they could have done, but they really tried to make him just not matter at all. I mean, yeah, the way he was done off with in TLJ was pretty unceremonious, but I always felt that meant that the real big bad was meant to be Kyle all along. Instead, the Skywalker saga becomes the Palpatine saga. I’m not opposed to the concept of Palpatine surviving and attempting to resurrect the Sith, but that’s something I’d expect from a novel, not the main story of the final movie in the franchise. And, honestly, regardless of whether or not Snoke was secretly Plagueis, I always thought he was supposed to be some other ye olde sith master, not just some sort of failed clone(?)
-Kyle rebuilds his fuUcking helmet. Why? What purpose does it serve? He doesn’t even wear it most of the time. The longest period he wears it is when the First Order officers comment on it. He’s just being dramatic. Which, I suppose, would be in character, but after the scene in which he shatters it in TLJ, it seems pointless.
-Another nitpick, but when they expand upon Rey and Kyle’s ability to connect through the force, it seems a little... disjointed. I do like that they took the time to expand upon that, even though I thought Rey closing the Falcon’s ramp on him at the end of TLJ was symbolic of her cutting him off, the way they presented it seemed, well, off. Like, it makes sense if you take it at face value, but if you start to think about it at all, it sort of... weird. I dunno how to describe it. Like, they interact with each other’s environments, but can’t see what they can interact with until they interact with it, and they can trade items, and... yeah.
-The big one... Rey’s a Palpatine. Her father was Sheev’s son. (When did that happen, huh? Who’d want to get with that wrinkly mess?) Why the everloving fuck couldn’t Rey just have been Rey? Why did she have to be related to someone existing in the franchise already? JJ’s going around saying that this was his plan the whole time, which is bull fucking shit, because otherwise they would have communicated this to Ryan, and I’m pretty sure TROS was originally going to have another director in the first place, and ALSO I’m pretty sure JJ did say at some point that Rey’s parents only mattered to her. While I’m on the topic of fan theories and origins, nobody in the movies was ever concerned about who Snoke really was. They knew who he was-the Bad Guy. Nobody ever cared who the Emperor really was in 1983, so why was Snoke’s death and non-explained origins such a big deal? I have more conflicted thoughts than I can even put down, so i’m gonna move on.
-Oh, before I forget, they just completely write off Rose. She’s present, but they minimize her screen time. I get that a lot of people didn’t like her, and there are some valid criticisms of her that aren’t completely rooted in racism and misogyny, but I never found any problem with her. I actually felt she was pretty relatable. She meets a hero, trips over her own words, and then learns why you should never meet your heroes. Disillusioned, she’s about to turn him in but they come up with another plan, and together they visit a world full of people she joined the Resistance to get away from. I’ve got that same feeling about those sorts of things-while I do enjoy a decent amount of privilege, I still, you know, fight against the system that gave it to me. And I can’t stand to see people abuse others just because they don’t have that privilege, so hearing her speech about wanting to punch a hole through that city did mean a lot at some level. Then, at the end, when she’s like, “this is how we win. Not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love,” I can even relate to that. It’s when, like, you explain to a kid how you hate something, and they jump on the bandwagon, and get real angsty, and then you’re like, “no no no that’s not what I wanted you to learn!” It’s hard to describe it with my rapidly deteriorating attention, but I never thought she was a bad character.
-DJ wasn’t in it! I mean, he wasn’t the most important character, but I still wanted to see him again.
-They have this fake out where they pretend Chewie was dead for a whole 20 seconds. I totally called it, too-the ship he was supposedly in blew up (or rather, Rey blew it up with force lightning accidentally), but since he didn’t die on screen in front of us, I knew it had to be a fake out. And it seems like the only reason for that was so they can find out that Hugs was the traitor, who is only betraying the First Order to see Kyle lose, which I mean fair, but then he’s unceremoniously killed off by the new big officer guy who we’ve never seen before but was supposedly one of the Emperor’s top men. I don’t think his name was even mentioned in the movie-or if it was, it had zero staying power. Also, they have this part where Threepio had his memory erased for a while before being backed up by Artoo. The lead up to it was very dramatic- Threepio’s generally been a comic relief character up to this point, and now he’s got to give his life for the cause (He had a translation of some Sith runes in his memory, but his programming prevented him from saying the translation aloud, and his memory needed to be wiped in order to access it), but as soon as his memory is wiped they do not give two shits that one of their best friends basically died right in front of them. Then Artoo brings him back and still no one cares.
-Poe and Finn do have a nice dynamic in the movie, but then we find one of Poe’s exes and he starts flirting with her and its like no Poe your husband’s right tHERE POE DON’T DO IT (and don’t dismiss this as shipper nonsense because John Boyega and Oscar Isaac both wanted FinnPoe to be a thing and acted through the movies like it was already don’t you say this is the first you’re hearing of this)
-The way that Rey defeats Palpatine is by crossing lightsabers in front of him to deflect his lightning?
-Reylo is canon NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (Insert the gif of Vader yelling no at the end of ROTS)
-Also why does it always have to be a planet destroying superweapon? I know legends did that a lot but there doesn’t always have to be one for there to be stakes.
I think there was other stuff, but my brain is too scattered at this point to make any more cohesive thoughts. I mean, there was a lot of stuff I did like about it- Lando’s back! And i think Wedge is too, but he was on screen for about a second and a half, so I couldn’t tell. It was confirmed that Leia had force training, and even had a lightsaber! And I do like that they’re taking some inspiration from Legends, but I’m pretty sure Dark Empire was not one of the most popular series’ from it. I also did like Ben seeing a vision of Han; It’s not entirely clear if it was a force ghost thing (I am of the belief that Han was at leas a little force sensitive) or if it was just Ben sort of coming to terms with his actions, but the scene was pretty well done in my opinion. Also, Rey taking the name Skywalker at the end. That was nice, like she chose her family.
Now I just remembered a couple of things-Finn was basically confirmed to be force sensitive, but the way they did it felt very ham-fisted. Like, they weren’t like “he felt a disturbance wink wink nudge nudge,” they were like “HERE IS SOME SUBTEXT THAT ISN’T ACTUALLY SUBTEXT SEE HERE” like they never outright say it but it would have been less insulting if they did. Also, they introduced a force healing thing, which has been a more of a thing in the games, but we’ve never seen it on screen before. But like, Rey dies at the end and Ben brings her back and then [REDACTED] and then he dies, even though, like, a lot of things. I don’t know I’ve been typing for way too long I need off.
Anyway, it felt good to vent, thanks for reading if you did. I give TROS 6.5/10.
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ladynightmare12 · 6 years
First Day
Summary: It's Virgil's first day of Kindergarten and he doesn't want to go. And he doesn't know what he's supossed to do there. Thankfully, neither do his new friends.
Hi! This is one of my gifts for @silverrhayn :D I hope you like it! Warnings: a few curses because I swear like a sailor Also, please keep in mind that english is not my mother language. So there's gonna be mistakes, but feel free to mention them Note: IDK anything about children or kindergarten. And the kids are five years old
“I don’t want to go, Mom”
His mother sighed, a playful smile appearing in her lips as she lightly poked the lump below the covers that was her son. Her son that was going to be late to his first day of Kindergarten if he didn’t get ready in that precise moment.
“Why not, Virgil?”
“It’s scary”
“Is that so?”
Chuckling, she sat down next to her child and kept poking him with both hands “Care to explain, you little ruffian?”
“I don’t know!” he squeaked, trying to wriggle his way out of his mother’s hands.
“You don’t know why you’re scared?”
“No! I mean that I don’t know!” frustrated by his mother’s questions and endless poking, he rolled out of bed and sat at the floor, pouting and glaring at his mom “I don’t know anyone, I don’t know what we’ll do, I know nothing!”
“That’s normal Virgil. It’s hard, yes, but it’ll happen a lot of times in your life” at her words, Virgil’s eyes widened and he quickly crawled to get under his bed “Virgil, no! You’ll get stuck!” she grabbed him by the waist and pulled him out, but he squirmed in her hold.
“I’ll live forever under the bed; it’ll be no problem!”
“Virgil, no! I-” she paused, an idea surging in her head “Virgil… what would Mulan do?”
Virgil stopped squirming “Save China?”
She laughed, shifting Virgil until they were face to face “Well, yes, because that was what she had to do. And yes, it was scary, but that didn’t stop her, did it?”
“No…” he mumbled, eyes looking down and hands playing with his sleeves. His mom took his hands into hers, and he relaxed almost instantly –mom’s hands were so warm- and turned to look at her.
“I know you are scared, Virgil, but I promise you’ll have a good time. You can even make it a mission! And it can have little missions within, like making friends or learning something new. How does it sound?”
Virgil put on his best thoughtful face “Mulan had a dragon…”
She deadpanned “You can take my familiar”
Gasping, Virgil nodded and rushed to get ready.
Half an hour later, they both kissed Ma goodbye and got into the car, the two of them carrying important items they would need through their day: in Susan Sanders’ case it was her bag, her briefcase, a tupper full of delicious food made by her loving wife, and a big thermos; while in Virgil Sanders’ case it was a Spiderman themed backpack, a lunch box with Ma’s food (and two more cookies than what they normally let him eat) and his Mom’s familiar (that was, in fact, a stuffed dragon Susan had since she was six but shhh).
All too soon, Mom was wishing him luck and kissing his forehead before leaving to get to work, her instruction of ‘getting inside the classroom with the green door when he was ready’ being told once more.
He stared at the green door, not knowing if he really was ready. Nor knowing what he was supposed to do besides get in.
“Hey, do you know why we’re here?” said a voice to his left. Flinching, he turned to look at them and found a boy his age with unruly caramel hair, eyes with two different colors and a Bugs Bunny themed backpack.
“Huh… I’m not sure” he admitted. Ma had said something like ‘early education’ and ‘preparing for school’ but he didn’t understand. Like, at all.
“You were told to get inside, too?” he asked, his hands tightening their hold on the backpack straps.
A pause.
“Hey, I like your backpack”
“Thanks” the other kid smiled and, for some reason, showed him his middle finger.
“Why are you doing that?” he frowned with confusion. What did that mean? Ma had always told him that it was rude to use the middle finger to point at something, but she never told him why.
“I don’t know” he shrugged “My brother Remy does it all the time around his friends, so I guess it’s some kind of salute”
Virgil nodded. Yeah, it seemed like it.
“Kids, please get inside, the class will begin in a minute” a young man with a big smile approached them, and with a soft movement of his hand he signaled to the door.
The kids quickly obeyed, but not without the kid with mismatched eyes saying ‘you have a thicc butt’ at the man.
“That’s another thing my brother says” he told Virgil proudly “That way he will know I know grown up things”
Virgil thought it was really clever.
“Alright kids, all of you please sit in the floor of the classroom for a quick introduction and we’ll go to the tables later, okay?” the children followed his instruction (some of them a little reluctantly but hey, he couldn’t blame them) and sat in a formless mass at the floor.
Well, except one child.
The child that hadn’t stopped crying since their mom left.
“Hey kiddo, could you please come and join us?” the teacher (or at least Virgil thought he was a teacher) asked with a soft voice, walking towards the wailing boy.
“No!” he screamed, and Virgil and a few other kids covered their ears at the loudness of his voice “I want my mom! She is sick and she needs me!”
“Your mom allergies were flaring up, that was all”
“I’ll give you a dollar if you let me go!” he pleaded, waving the dollar like mad.
It took almost five minutes to calm down the boy, and two more to clean his face with wet wipes and comb his hair ‘back to the royal look’ (the kid’s words) it had. Thomas sighed and walked back to the front of the classroom, spending another three minutes in recovering everyone’s attention.
“Okay, kids, let’s begin” he put on his best smile and hoped the bags under his eyes didn’t ruin the cheerful image he wanted to give “I’m Thomas Sanders and I will be your teacher for the school year” he ignored the scream of a girl saying ‘a year?’ and kept going “The recess is at 10:00 am, and it lasts 30 minutes. You will use that time to eat, play and or go to the bathroom. Okay? You can ask me to go to the bathroom anytime, but please don’t do it if you don’t need to go. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Now, please grab a seat at whatever table you want, and chat a little with your companions as I prepare an activity”
Watching everyone run and almost trip over each other trying to get a seat, Virgil stayed still in his place, fear in his eyes at the aggressiveness and energy of the other kids. He wanted nothing more than to leave the classroom, but he knew that wasn’t what Mulan would do.
Hugging his mother’s familiar, he gathered all the courage he had left and tried to decide where he would sit. There wasn’t any empty table, so sitting alone wouldn’t be an option. But all the children were already talking, and he didn’t want to intrude. That was rude. Though… there was a table where the kids weren’t talking yet. At the table were two boys that looked pretty similar (what did Mom called them? Twins?), they had the same carrot-like hair, same gray eyes, and even same glasses. The only difference he noticed were their clothes, while one wore gray overalls and a baby blue t-shirt, the other wore gray shorts and a Star Wars t-shirt.
But why weren’t they talking?
Well, it didn’t matter. They looked friendly.
“Uhh… hi” he said, waving his hand at them “Can I sit here?”
“Of course! Hi!” said the kid with the overalls while he bounced in his seat.
“Aha! You lost!” his brother said, pointing a finger at him with a triumphant smile “You didn’t even last three minutes”
“Oh, well. Add another tally mark, then” he shrugged, before turning to look at Virgil where he was seated two chairs away “Hi! I’m Patton!”
“Hi…” he said, looking at the other twin as he drew a tally mark on the left side of a notebook page, where the right side was totally empty as opposed to the left side “Uhh… what are you counting there?”
“Our ‘the first to speak loses’ games. These are the times I’ve won” he proudly pointed to the left side of the page “These are the zero times Patton has won” he pointed to the other side and smiled fondly at his brother “But you are doing good, Pat”
“Thank you, Lo!” laughed Patton as he practically threw himself at his twin “This is my brother, Logan!” he told Virgil “We’re the Picani brothers!”
Just as he was about to say something, another voice beat him to it.
“Nice to meet you”
While Patton screamed and Virgil shrieked, Logan just looked at the newcomer with confusion.
“When did you get here?”
“I don’t know. Who cares”
“Who are you?” asked Logan, even more confused. How could him not know? What a weird kid.
“Declan. Declan Classy Smith” he said, and now that Virgil had calmed down he recognized him as the kid with the Bugs Bunny backpack.
“Did your parents really name you Classy?” said Patton with curiosity. What a cool name!
“Yes. It is right there in my birth certificate”
“I don’t believe you” frowned Logan. It didn’t make sense to name a kid like that.
“Seriously, you can look it up for proof” he said, with the same tone his brother would say ‘I shit you not’.
A cough interrupted whatever argument they were going to have. “Can I sit here?” asked the boy that minutes ago was crying for their mom.
“I vote in favor” nodded Patton as he raised his hand. The others (except his twin) looked at him in confusion “Democracy” he said, as if that explained everything. Though, apparently for the kids it did, because they all raised their hand and nodded “All in favor?” they nodded again “Well, then, welcome to the table! I’m Patton, he’s Logan” he pointed with his thumb “he’s Declan and he’s… uh… I dunno”
“I’m Virgil” he said, looking at the new kid sit in front of him at the round table “And you are?”
“Roman García” the kid mumbled, his eyes downcast and his hands playing with the Ninja Turtles bracelet he was wearing. It reminded Virgil of himself that same morning, so of course he had the perfect solution for that.
“Roman” with the most serious voice he had, he extended his hand on the table as close to Roman as he could “Just ask yourself… what would Mulan do?”
Roman gasped. It was true.
With renewed spirits, Roman smiled and kept chatting with the boys, all of them making theories about what they were supposed to do there.
“Maybe we’ll learn to do taxes” suggested Logan.
“I hope not. Dad almost threw the computer through the window the last time he did them” frowned Roman, the thought of having to do something that put Dad like that made him want to run to Mom’s work and never come back.
“Our Dad cried” the twins said at the same time.
Before the kids even tried to formulate a plan the get the heckity heck out of there, the teacher walked back to the front of the classroom and gave them the instructions to begin the activity. Then, he went table after table proving them with paper and little bowls full of crayons for them to draw their family as he instructed.
“Remember kids, you have total freedom over your drawing, and you can talk with your companions about your family while you do it!”
“And what if we have the same family?” asked Logan “Should we do it together?”
“Well… no” Thomas tensed, worried about how the twins would react to his answer. Thankfully, they just nodded and began to work. Oh thank God. He didn’t know what he would have do if they cried or threw a tantrum.
He would’ve probably just let them do it together.
“My mom is the most beautiful woman in the world” said Roman as he drew (or attempted to) sparkles around the stick figure that was his mother.
“That’s not true” Virgil paused his drawing to look at him “Ma is. Mom said so and she never lies”
“All women are queens” hissed Declan, unaware of where that phrase came from and just wanting to stop the fight so he could reach for another crayon from the bowl. It worked, but they still looked at each other as if waiting for one comment to fight again.
“Hey Lo, what color looks more like Dad’s hair?” holding two crayons with different shades of pink to his twin, Patton sheepishly looked at him “I can’t decide”
“This one” Logan showed him the crayon he was using “Here, you can have it. I don’t need it anymore” he gave him the crayon and looked for another one in the bowl that looked like Papa’s hair.
“Your dad has pink hair?” Virgil gasped incredulously “No way!”
“Yep” smiled Patton, before turning to help Logan decide on a color.
“My brother Kai has blue hair” said Roman “Dad doesn’t like it though. I don’t understand”
“That’s dumb. It’s just hair” frowned Virgil. He didn’t understand either.
“Adults are weird” affirmed Declan, not looking up from his paper. He needed concentration to draw his brother’s glasses.
“That’s true” mumbled Logan. Finally spotting the perfect crayon, he grabbed it and began to color Papa´s hair, happy and proud to look how similar the drawing was to his family.
After a while of drawing, Declan put down his crayon and tapped twice with it to get everyone’s attention.
“Hey guys, how about we create a special salute for our group?”
Looking around the classroom, pleased to see everybody working and having a good time, Thomas sighed in relief. His first day as a Kindergarten teacher was going great!
Or at least it was, until he noticed a table with five boys flipping double-birds.
“kids NO!”
And that's it! Hope you like it! Honestly, I almost had to slap myself because I saw the opportunity to make it angsty but no! Not here. Yet, at least. A few parts of this were inspired by my own first day of kindergarten, like watching a boy cry and meeting a kid with a Bugs Bunny backpack. And of course, the not knowing why was I there. Happy Holidays, everyone!
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sonic7ischaos · 5 years
Putting my money where my mouth is...
I talk a lot about the Sonic Adventure series and have mentioned a potential Sonic Adventure remake but I haven’t gone into much detail about it. What I think is done right, what I think is done wrong. How to improve and fix things and how to amplify working things. I’m doing this because, if enough people can form a consensus on what an Adventure remake should do, it’s designers might take notice and look to the discussion for guidance in some way. Maybe it’s indirect and we don’t even notice the little detail they took from us but nothing happens if no one tries to steer the conversation...
So let’s get started.
1st thing that needs to change fundamentally is how the camera operates. The camera in Sonic Adventure was designed with the idea that there wouldn’t be a second analogue stick to control it. It was made on a console without one and (for some reason) it’s an issue that wasn’t fixed in SADX. This needs to change. Sonic Adventure is a 3d platformer first and foremost. The last thing the camera should be able to do in this sort of game is get in your way and because of how it has to follow your movement so the player isn’t lost, it WILL get in you way if it remains as is. Another thing this might fix is Sonic’s seeming lack of control on narrow roadways. With a camera at the player’s beck and call, they could put it behind sonic and control his horizontal movement with it (y’know, like how most 3d platformers do) so you wouldn’t be getting stuck on walls as much. Speaking of the camera, we need to talk about loops. In every single official 3d Sonic game, loops are handled via automation (I’ll get to that in a minute). In every one of these segments the camera is pulled away from the character or is rendered irrelevant by the boost pads (again in a minute). This needs to not happen in a Sonic Adventure remake ESPECIALLY if the camera is to be reworked to give the player finer control. Having a camera automatically pull away or rendered meaningless by boost pads (IN. A. MINUTE) is inherently contradictory to the freedom and control the player will want and expect with a manual camera. It WILL kill them or it WILL bore them, depending on how you handle it. To summarize, the camera in Sonic Adventure worked how it did to accommodate a controller with no right analogue stick and, with modern controllers, need no longer do so. FIX THAT.
2nd thing that needs to fundamentally change is the automation (told you I’d get there). Now, the presence of automation itself isn’t necessarily a problem, it can be useful for designers who want to guide players in more open ended terrain or who want to present a story moment. The best automation is short and only takes away part of your control so you’re still interacting with the game. Loathe as I am to credit it, Sonic 06′s mach speed sections are a decent example of point about retaining some control. OH they’re abysmal to play for sure but you are still making gameplay decisions during them. The other problem with them is their length. The mach speed sections present an interesting spectacle (kingdom valley in particular is great for that though again, truly awful to play). The problem with Automation in Adventure (and every single subsequent 3d game) is that the automation is far too prevalent in the form of boost pads and springs that divide level sections so that you’re no longer interacting with the game. So, for example, if you remade Sonic Adventure and removed every single boost pad from Emerald Coast, that level would still be mostly playable ESPECIALLY with tweaks to the physics so it takes slightly longer to fall off walls at speed (the vertical boost pad set piece in emerald coast comes to mind). I’m not suggesting getting rid of the whale section, only that bits like that should be modified to be more like the speed highway building section where you’re dodging obstacles and collecting goodies. I’m also, in general, suggesting that the designers have a little more respect for the player’s intelligence and skill. Don’t railroad me into where you want me to go, trust that I’ll get there myself. The physics in Adventure are there for a reason, use them.
3rd thing that needs to be addressed is the level design. This one isn’t so big and to change it too much would make this less a remake and more its own game (which I wouldn’t be opposed to) but the pure linearity of the levels actively takes away from the free nature of the movement mechanics. Sonic can do some crazy stuff with his movement, make it so he’s only doing stuff in one way?Add stuff to the levels so players can experiment and play around more.
4th...the other characters. Now, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Gamma (I like Gamma anyway) work fine (though some tweaking might be good but I’ll get there) but Big is abysmal. His gameplay is frustrating and slow and boring. The problem lies in the fishing mechanics and how hard it is to control where the lure is and how effective it is. There’s also no reason to catch other fish. If there was some integration with the chao garden (I’ll get there) it might help but there’s a lot of other things that need to happen too. Maybe you can unlock things by catching certain fish or meeting certain requirements.  The pools where you fish should also have more thematic elements to them as well. Robot fish in eggman themed levels, that sort of thing. There also needs to be better difficulty scaling and specific challenges to differentiate each level mechanically. As for the tweaks to the others? Well Amy’s levels are, thematically, horror themed right? I’d say play that up. Maybe make her acceleration a bit better so she’s not frustrating to control but make Zero more capable and much scarier. Give him more places to pop out of. Make the player always feel like he’s right on their tail. Knuckles just needs to have his dig work like it does in Sa2, other than that, he’s fine. Tails needs no changes and I can’t think of any for Gamma. Maybe make his bosses harder? I dunno.
That’s all the main stuff that absolutely needs to be fixed but there are some other things as well that should be addressed.
1st of these is the hub worlds. They’re fine but they need more things to do. Collectibles to find, puzzles to complete, that sort of thing. Emblems functioning like the red rings of the modern games would be nice (and hide them in more places, maybe expand the hub worlds themselves to create more hiding spots or fun level elements to play with).
2nd is the presentation and there’s a few things I want to touch on. The cutscenes need fixing, that much is obvious but since the technology will let us, why don’t we go all out and make them ALL pre rendered and fully animated.  Pour every bit of love into them that was given to the opening to Unleashed (maybe get the same studio/set of artists on that). As far as the voice actors? Well, this is more up to preference but honestly I think it would be fitting to re-cast the surviving actors of the original since this is a remake. Have the lines re written slightly so the story is communicated better and have an actual voice director. For the visuals, don’t just have them look “good” have them be appropriate to the story of both the narrative and specific level. The first fight with Chaos is a tense, intimidating encounter in the darkened rain with a mysterious new foe, lit by police lights. Emerald coast is a sunny vacation spot. Lost world is a dark, mysterious catacomb, lit only by torches and mirrors. Generations actually got the tone of the final boss fight (though I’d prefer if chaos was less lizard+water monster and more just made of water). As for the music and sound design? Modern instrumentation are musts but the actual musical composition should remain untouched. New sounds for game interaction should be recorded so long as they’re mostly the same as the originals (with touched up quality and better sound design from more experienced artists).
3rd is chao gardens. I don’t actually think these need to be changed that much but I DO think they should be changed. Specifically, I think the chao events need to be expanded so that you’re not just unlocking emblems but rather you’re training your chao or unlocking new gear for them. I think the chao themselves need to have a direct impact on the main game in some way. Maybe an equip system so that their stats translate directly onto the character or maybe they can follow you into levels to find items and such. I also think there need to be more gardens, probably themed after levels in the games, probably subdivided so you find each level garden in the hub world garden it belongs to. Speed highway garden in the station square garden for example.
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gems-of-lirema · 6 years
4 8 10
Mun’s taste in muses (currently accepting)
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//I’m answering out of order & putting stuff under the cut because I’m rambling about some updates to the blog .-.
[8. who is your latest muse? can be someone you’re only considering / not planning to play at all, but is tempting you.]
//AIGHT FOLKS EXPLANATION TIME. The poll that I made for a new muse are the only muses that I’m considering to add, so we’ll count them as the “latest muse” for this question. There are 4 of them.
//So, because I’m poor & can’t afford a switch for Pokemon Sword/Shield, I am plotting a new story for my main verse that involves having my muses travel to the Galar Region. I doubt I’ll be able to finish writing the whole thing when Sword/Shield come out, if at all, but...it’s there nonetheless ._.; Ergo, because I don’t know diddly squat about the game (and I probably never will), it will all be non-canon. This will also be the last installment/conclusion of my main verse, so to speak. Like Sword and Shield (or any Pokemon Game, for that matter), the muses involved in the story will be different depending on who wins the poll I’ve been reblogging all week, and the story will slightly vary as well.
//If either Lysandre or Aegislash win the vote, the story will involve Gen, AZ, N, and Guzma. Or Team GANG for short. Lysandre will be the one who sent them all free tickets to Galar, and Aegislash will be the main antagonist.
//If either Winona or Cofagrigus win the vote, the story will involve the GEMS (Gen, Eusine, Morty, Steven). Winona will be the one who sent them all free tickets to Galar, and Cofagrigus will be the main antagonist.
//Reason I’m considering those four specifically (besides having a new convoluted story to write to distract myself from my slim chances of getting Sword/Shield c’:) is because, in Lysandre and Winona’s case, they’re related to one of my muses (well, one’s adopted but...still related). In Aegislash and Cofagrigus’ case, they are actual canon muses, but with my angsty headcanons thrusted onto them. Because, you know. Ghost Pokemon. 
//They’re dead.
[4. what’s the weirdest muse you’ve ever had?]
//Back when the Cuphead fandom was jivin’ (read: overhyped), I once joined a Cuphead server and rped as King Dice. Which is...the most douchebag-iest character you can choose to rp as, next to the Devil (which I’ve never seen anyone, let alone anyone in the server, take as a muse...hm.) However, because I suck at douchebaggery, he was more of a chill/laid back character…? I dunno, he wasn’t really weird to me back then, but I feel like if I tried to bring him back, it’d be pretty awkward (considering how much I love to rp ooc characters, or characters who seem ooc to most people) I do look forward to the Cuphead DLC, but roleplaying as caricature characters gets a little awkward and tricky when you deviate too far from the canon .-.
[10. if you play original muses with canon roots  ( like oc siblings, coworkers, etc. )  or someone who’s been either just a name or a few lines of dialogue in canon, how do you build that character? do you pick the muse first and build from there, or do you need have the muse ready in your head and only then pick the connection, or a combination of the two?]
//I mean...technically all my canon muses count as side characters/characters with little dialogue, but I’ll answer for my OC I guess ._.;
//It’s not hard to tell that Gen/Wolf Grunt is a self-insert. In fact, their name wasn’t always “Gen” either. For the longest time, they were named after me (and they were Morty’s girlfriend). It wasn’t until Gen 6 that I started thinking about them as their own character. More or less. Most of it was just picking stuff and going from there, or building off of stuff that I already had. As far as their abilities go, they used to be a lion/wolf therian hybrid, but of course that made no sense, so I changed them to just be a lycan (and once Beta Gold/Silver was revealed I was like: hey let’s make them a reincarnation of Sui so I can have an actual explanation for their wolf powers). They also used to have Steven’s reality warping powers, so I got rid of those. The only thing that hasn’t really changed is their candid personality.
//Then there’s the GEMS. Team GEMS (and more importantly, the disbanding of it), was always a central part of their character, so I had to flip their relation with Morty and Steven. More or less. Morty went from being a romantic relationship to a familial one, and Steven went from a familial relationship to just a platonic relationship. Since they’re crime fighting heroes (and since I hate contrived romance plots), I HAD to change Gen’s relation to Morty from being lovers to a father/daughter relationship. Morty was technically the leader of the team: He was the strategist, so it made more sense (at least to me) if the team was created as a family rather than as a group of random friends with a questionable love triangle going on (Steven didn’t count in that whole spiel because SteveN ship). In all honesty, I’m not sure why I changed Gen’s relationship to Steven. I guess I decided having familial relationships with two characters is enough for them…? Plus, since all of my characters have powers, it wouldn’t make much sense to claim these two were related just because they have shapeshifting abilities, since lycanthropy is a heckuva lot different than changing your age accidentally on purpose.
//As far as other relationships go, the only thing that hasn’t changed is Gen’s relation to Eusine and their Sinnoh heritage. Although Eusine may have assisted Morty in raising Gen, they still consider him as more of a brother than a father, especially when he did nothing to oppose Morty from kicking them out of the house. Also, the reason why the main protagonist’s mom in Diamond is their abusive mom is because Diamond was my first game.
//TL; DR version: Gen was mainly built from scratch & has gone through a lot of changes that were necessary to rp them/make some sense to my writing
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buildridernews · 7 years
[Review] Kamen Rider Build - Episodes 21-24
It’s the middle of the month, so it must be time for me to finally be caught up on last month’s Build episodes! My excuse this time is that I’ve been watching Sentai. I mean hey, it’s good to give all toku some attention. 
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This is really neither here nor there, but I gotta say, I am impressed that Blood Stalk still has a voice actor and a proper actor as separate entities. With Wizard it was clearly a case of "Okay, we revealed his true identity, let's ditch the voice actor" but they are dedicated to keeping this guy around. I appreciate that for some reason.
Also highly unrelated to everything in this review... did... did Sawa just establish, 23 episodes in, that there’s a fictitious currency in this show? Like, it’s referred to as a “Doruku” which could be Dork, or Dolk, or Dollark as Over-Time chose to call it. Sure! That falls nicely into my headcanon that Build takes place in the future. 
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So, without making jokes, I’ve gotta really start us off with the thing that’s most important in the first half of this month: The Hazard Trigger, and the surprising amount of forms used with it. 
RabbitTank Hazard Form receives an eerie introduction that’s beautifully shot, and not only does he start off punching everyone in sight, but he also does something that I did not expect to be such a major deal: He kills off the Stag Hard Smash; Aoba. 
I’m most certainly going to be wrong because I’m blanking on it, but in all the shows where humans turn into monsters, they never actually die, do they? At least not to the hero. Or if they do, they probably stopped being human along the way. Like in Gaim, for example. Of course I’m not gonna forget Gaim. 
But Gaim involved humans who have been mutated into something inhuman. Here, Sento very clearly killed someone who was still a living, breathing human with thoughts, ambitions, and fears. After so much dedication towards protecting humanity and undoing the deaths caused by his former Katsuragi self, blood was on his hands that he couldn’t wash away. 
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This episode really puts an emphasis on that weight as Sento spends much of it in a slump, even when the government has decided to settle things by having a one-on-one battle with Grease VS one of the Riders of Touto. Sento can’t bare to take part because of what he’s done. 
I think the most stunning scene in this episode is when he’s giving his respects to Aoba and is being so haunted by the memory of the incident that he collapses and seems close to vomiting - kudos to the actor. It’s a great and unsettling episode, especially because it’s almost entirely devoid of music. 
This also features a nice contrast as Kazumi shows how he’s coping. Unlike Sento, he’s very collected and tells him how Aoba was knowingly a tool for war - he died knowing the risks. However, since Aoba was his friend, he promises to kick his ass for Aoba once their duel begins. 
Despite the state he’s in, Sento is the one who has to do it for Touto. And I’ve gotta lighten up this review now that the heavier stuff is behind us. 
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In order to prepare him for the fight, Soichi dumps a bunch of Fullbottles into Sento’s inventory, among them being the RoseCopter Form pair! This form is not particularly interesting on its own, but it is within the context of what it was originally supposed to be. 
GoldScorpion Form was meant to be released instead according to toy catalog listings, but just before this episode aired, Bandai decided to swap this in. According to CS Toys, Bandai simply said they were going in a different direction. Gonna be honest, they probably found RoseCopter a lot more... easy to come up with a combat style for. RoseCopter does what you expect, it’s got vine whipping and a rotor weapon. I don’t know what you’d do with gold bars. That’s really my only theory. 
In any case, I’m glad Stalk made reference to how many reds and greens Build swapped through. Oh and I guess TurtleWatch Form is technically a show form now, if you wanna get into those semantics. It’s not. It’s a game form. Anyway~ 
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What’s interesting about this first episode is that it ends with the implication that some time has passed before the big duel. This is where the YouTube spinoff comes into play, and I am actually gonna talk about that since both parts are out! If you missed it, they were subbed by Genm Corp, who I understand are fine if you can’t wait for a more accurate translation, and I doubt anyone else is gonna sub these. 
So the YouTube spinoffs for Kamen Rider have so far been pretty skippable. Ghost tried making them tie into the show... in a way that still doesn’t make sense even in context, and Ex-Aid’s is pretty fun but also very skippable. This time, they used it to tell some semblance of a story. 
In these episodes, Sento makes use of the Fullbottles he was given to raise his Hazard Level and become stronger. Utsumi helps him, surprisingly, and even fights as Night Rogue (clever clever) to help out. 
This is where we get what I had assumed would be exclusive forms, but PhoenixRobo appeared in the show in January and RoseCopter JUST premiered, so SmaphoWolf Hazard Form is our exclusive I guess. Then in part 2 we get ToraUFO, KirinCyclone and KujiraJet, which were all fun combos. 
I am pretty pleased at how these turned out. They only have enough time to provide some fun fights, but there’s a surprising amount of story as we see Utsumi testing out the Kaiser System (pulling back in a thing from the winter movie), and even a bit of info on how some of these forms work. At least for part 1. 
This is supposed to be a 3 part thing, and much like the last two series, part 3 will be on the DVD release - I hope it’ll at least be worth the wait this time. There’s at least gonna be an exclusive form. 
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The duel begins. Build and Grease fight for an entire episode, which is pretty interesting as far as episodes go, though they do try to break it up by including some flashbacks to moments leading up to this. 
Particularly, we learn that Sento is so concerned with claiming another life that he gives Misora the job of detonating his gear if he goes too far, which is pretty unexpected. It... kind of fits him wanting to prevent more deaths I suppose, but I’m glad they saw it fit to send in Ryuga to punch him instead. It’s pretty manly. 
We also learn that Kazumi’s amnesia was actually all a hoax! Which is a nice little twist that isn’t toooo surprising but it adds some nice depth to him. He just wants his bros to do better by being a tsundere. 
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Even though Build won the duel against Grease, a wrench has been thrown in their civil plans. Seito has declared war, and they’re doing so with their own weaponized humans: Remocon Bro and Engine Bro. Yes, Bros or Bro’s is the proper spelling but the plural nature of that word is bugging me on a grammatical level. 
These two make a nice pair of badasses, but I hope they matter by the time they eventually get defeated, because as is they are pretty hard to consider as anything but a duo. I mean, I guess the Hard Smash are a trio of a similar nature, but they at least have more distinct personalities. 
Regardless, they cause trouble in Hokuto and Kiba of Kazumi’s gang is trying to stop them, only to get mercilessly trampled. It’s at this point I realize this episode is almost entirely just a Kazumi episode, as we see how he struggles against these bros and how much his own bros are also suffering. Even after a narrow rescue, Kiba dies, bringing us to just one more Hard Smash. 
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And then there’s THIS asshole. 
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Okay but seriously, can we just... admire how much of an edgelord Gentoku has become as of returning? In what seems like a relatively short time since he left the show, he’s back with a new Rider title, and a badass jacket draped over his shoulders that goes perfectly with his evil facial hair. He really embraced how much of an obvious villain he is. 
I dunno what the fuck happened but I guess that’s a good teaser for the Rogue blu-ray spinoff. Based on what we get to see I kinda wonder how much more of a twisted guy Utsumi is. He got his sweet catharsis here. 
But also as a nice detail I once again did not foresee, Kamen Rider Rogue is actually Namba’s “Make our own Kamen Rider” project, and it’s been made for Seito, which means we now have Riders for each nation. That’s pretty dope, tying that all together. 
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It seems that Gentoku has really become a much more interesting and vague person now that he’s become a Rider. He’s putting aside revenge so that he can crush Touto and protect the country... which seems a lil counterproductive but I’m gonna guess he’s not quite right in the head right now, so I’ll give him a pass. 
All this means that Kazumi and Akaba have no choice but to join the heroes, but it feels like they’ll actually blend in, potentially. I mean, it seems like Kazumi has learned to admire the passion Sento fights with, and even admits to being inferior because of it. So I’m pretty happy to see them working together, as opposed to going “Okay, we’re doing this trope”. 
They need to stick together if they stand a chance against Rogue. Always on the move, Pandora’s Box has made its way to Rogue, and he intends on opening it once he defeats Build. But with how much he overpowers him even with the Hazard Trigger, what’s stopping him?! 
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Oh. That’d do it. 
So that’s one hell of a cliffhanger to end this review on. What’s going on with Misora?! I’m not even gonna watch episode previews for this one, I wanna see what the show does firsthand! See you again soon for another Build review! 
19 notes · View notes
elenatria · 7 years
Weren't you going to tell us about tom's peach butt? Also i think in the past 8 years what happened was tom was too open about his love for chris in his mannerisms and for all chris is confident in his masculinity it does feel a little weird. Add to it how fangirls behave like when the pic of hiddleswortiti sleeping came out. You can be all liberal until one of your same sex friends falls for you. I don't know but I feel tom is really lonely. Hopefully he's one of those who love being lonely.
Alrightz, headcanon mode on. *puts on the tinfoil Hiddlesworth headcanon helmet* I’m ready.
Ah yes, Chris feeling weird. This Chris vid here is a good example of that. I’ve edited the last part out, but if you watch the whole interview he says “The answer is no (Tom hasn’t seen me naked)”. Good answer, doesn’t leave room for any more silly questions because he is always straightforward. But if we think of headcanon Chris (and since some people recently have almost demanded to see a bad-boy Chris as opposed to an angelic Tom) he did start feeling a little awkward with Tom’s openness. The two of them met for the first time in 2009 when they were cast for “Thor”. It was all fun and games back then, they would party all night, meet girls, get drunk, carry each other out of the bar, remove shoes and put each other to sleep on the hotel bed (depends on who was sober enough to help with those things). The filming started shortly after, things got serious, but they still spent a lot of time together. Until Chris’ life changed in 2010 and so did his priorities. That would have normally hurt Tom, who kept his feelings secret, if he wasn’t all too happy for his friend’s bliss. Still Chris kept calling him and they would spend hours talking about the development of their characters in “The Avengers”. Most of the times it was Chris making the call. He would always hesitate before dialing Tom’s number but every time he sighed with relief listening to Tom’s very posh and british “Hello”, as if a load was lifted off his chest.
“Hey Tom. Heyyyy…”
They talked and talked. Sometimes Tom would say something, or Chris would say something, and there would be long pauses. Until they were done and a heartfelt “goodnight” would come from both ends of the line.
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Chris was more than happy to meet Tom again on the set of “The Avengers” although he knew something was up with his friend. Tom would spend long hours in his trailer supposedly resting or learning his lines. But he had never done this before, not so many hours, not so many days in a row, not so alone. One of those days Chris knocked on Tom’s trailer door. 
“Are you ok, mate?” he said. “You need help with those lines?”
Tom puffed out a cloud of smoke and placed his cigarette on the ashtray, his script folded, filled with notes and yellow highlighter lines, placed on his lap.
“No,” he said as he blew the remaining smoke out of his nostrils. “I don’t need help with those lines.”
“You sure?” Chris asked as he entered the trailer and closed the door behind him. 
“Sure sure,” Tom reassured him and went back to reading his script.
Chris stood next to his friend but it felt as if Tom was miles away, in a place of his own where he didn’t want to be disturbed. Chris searched for things to say.
“I thought you said you would quit smoking,” he joked pointing at the ashtray. “How many have you smoken since morning?”
“Twenty. Four,” Tom quipped as he finally looked Chris in the eyes. “Is that alright with you?”
“Is that…” Chris shrugged seeing that talking was worse than silence. “Sure it’s alright with me. Is… something the matter?”
“Nothing is the matter,” Tom sighed and went back to his script. “I just find it hard to concentrate.”
“You,” Chris raised a brow of doubt. “Not concentrating. You must be joking.”
“I am not,” Tom breathed and when their eyes met Chris noticed the black circles and the red eyes. Feverish and red and bigger than ever. Maybe it was Tom’s paleness, maybe it was just Chris’ imagination. And worry.
“Did you sleep at all last night?” 
“After we came back from the pub? I tried.”
Chris looked around, looking for evidence from a wild night spent with one of the girls they met. He had left the pub earlier the previous night seeing that Tom was busy talking and laughing with those girls. He just couldn’t follow his single friend anymore on his amorous adventures. One of the girls, the brunette, seemed to be quite fascinated by “Loki”, the new sex symbol, and was almost leaning against Tom’s soldier. 
“No, there’s no one here,” Tom replied to Chris’ unspoken question. “She was quite discreet.”
“You don’t seem very happy about it,” Chris narrowed his eyes.
“What’s to be happy about.”
“Dunno.” Chris shrugged and rubbed his lip. “Listen, do you want to come out for lunch, Chris and Bob said we’ll be meeting at a local lebanese taverna and…”
“I’m quite alright, thank you.” Tom didn’t even bother look at him.
“Do you… do you want us to bring back something for you to eat? Some fattoush salad, donair maybe..?”
Tom didn’t say a word. He just kept taking puffs on his cigarette and reading the script although Chris could tell he was stuck on the same page since he entered the trailer.
“What’s wrong, Tom? he muttered. “Tell me what’s wrong. If I knew you’d have such a horrible time with that girl… Lizzy… Libby… what was her name… I wouldn’t have left you alone with her,” he joked.
Tom lifted his eyes and stared back at him. “Funny that you remember her name. I don’t.”
“Well it was a beautiful name. Did you have fun at least?” he said grabbing the lighter from the table next to Tom’s chair and playing with the latch.
Tom got up and put out the cigarette in the ashtray that was filled with stubs.
“Define fun.”
Chris sank his hands in his jacket’s pockets and  tilted his head in annoyance. “Do you really want me to define it, mate?” he said, alarmed by Tom’s sudden change of mood. “Do you want me to go into details? I don’t like poking my nose into your love life, you know that.”
“No, you never do,” Tom sneered. “Very nice of you. As for your question no, I didn’t have fun. It all stopped being fun a long long time ago.”
“What… what do you mean?” Chris shifted his weight from one foot to the other. 
Tom patted Chris’ both arms reassuringly and grinned but his eyes were cold and distant. “Nothing that you would understand.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Thomas,” Chris exclaimed and brushed back his hair from his forehead, exasperated. “Maybe you shouldn’t have gone out last night, we wouldn’t be having this conversation now. I mean if you didn’t want to go…”
“But I did want to go out yesterday.  And come back here. Just… not with her.”
Chris suddenly stopped playing with the latch. He was staring at the floor as Tom’s words started to sink in. He knew he could laugh it up, make a joke about Tom choosing the other girl at the pub, then go out and eat his donair with the rest. As a matter of fact he wished he had gone straight to that restaurant instead of stopping here first. He found it hard to swallow as he was looking to find the right words, and failing. Because he had no words.
“I… I must go. Tom, I’m sorry…”
“Yes, you must. Go on, you’ll be late. They’re waiting.”
“Yes. They are.” Chris scratched the stubble on his chin and pretended he was finding his shoes fascinating. He put his hands back in his pockets. “I’ll see you later, Tom,” he said lifting his head.
“See you later.” Tom’s warm and calm voice didn’t reveal any of the despair Chris sensed before. Because that’s what this was. Fatigue and despair. 
Chris exited in a hurry and walked away as fast as he could, his heart about to burst. He turned back to look at the trailer, see if Tom was standing at the door. But Tom was nowhere to be seen.
He was probably back in his chair, finally turning the next page of his script, leaving yet another cigarette to die on his lips.
51 notes · View notes
Does have a cpc reduce car insurance costs?
"Does have a cpc reduce car insurance costs?
I have just recently obtained my pcv license and also gotten my cpc (certificate of professional competence). will having either or both of these reduce my car insurance premiums?    thanks.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What to do when rental car got damaged and I dont have insurance?
I rented a car from Enterprise and declined their insurance. I had credit card insurance. However I made a blunder of not initiating the rental in that credit card. While driving the rental car the tire blew out and the car hit the median and there is some extensive damage to the car. I am in deep trouble now as my credit car insurance will not work as I didnt initiate the car rental in that card. Is there any way that I can salvage this situation? Please help!!
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance for 17 year olds in the UK?
Hi, I need some insurance for my Ford Fiesta 1999. I have been looking at some insurance qoutes but there still VERY expensive ( Around 6000-10000 ) I would love to get around 2000 for my car as i know its possible but i just need to find a insurer. Does anyone know any? Thanks""
What will insurance premiums be?
I had heard that with the new Obama healthcare system if you have to purchase health insurance on your own your premiums will be based on your income. Is this true? thanks
Which car would be better for a 16 year old boy?
A 1984 chevette a 1987 Oldsmobile cutlass ciara or a 1986 NIssan 300zx? If anyone knows insurance costs for these and a teenage boy? I will be 16 next week and may get a car this summer and these are what i'm looking at they are 400-500 dollars each... The Nissan needs a lil work i think. The ciara needs front brakes checked. and the chevette runs but needs a lil work. All of these run and are not expensive. I saw other teenagers having like 20 g's but no I start working next week and will save up my own money to pay for these... No i will not be racing and don't care what anybody would think of me. I'm just asking which of these would be better suited for a teenage guy?
I'm looking for free car insurance quotes?
As I'm a new driver, my parents told me to seek on the internet for insurances quotes, to help me handle my own things. So yeah i'm looking for websites that offer free car insurances quotes.""
How much should 17 year old boy expect to pay for car insurance?
I have looked around various places and saw from a few thousand p/a to 10, 000 p/a (yes, ten thousand pounds!!). I am booking my driving test very soon and will be buying a small, cheap car such as a 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1.0 E 5DR or a KA or Fiesta. Approximitely, how much should I expect to be paying.""
Cheap car insurance...?
If you buy a shitty car for like $500, can you get insurance that only covers the other person in a crash and not you?? I know they used to have this?""
Then why would my homeowers insurance not renew......?
Then why would my home owners insurance not renew because of a felony?
Would teen car insurance be expensive for a 2007 honda civic hybrid?
I am a new driver with good grades and took drivers ed. Will the year of the car affect my insurance rates? Would another car be cheaper? Would being on my parents policy be less as opposed to having my own?
Cheap Health Insurance...?
I need cheap health insurance just for seeing my gyn and the eye doctor twice a year or so. I had medicaid as a child *until this past bday in december (i got an extension)* i don't make much since i work fast food right now..and i'm in school...
Discount car insurance by putting another name on my insurance?
I know plenty of people the same age as me, 19 who have put another persons name on their car insurance eg. family or friends so its cheaper due to the other persons experiance, my mum passed her test when she was 21 but has never drove a car or owned a car herself since... so would putting her name on my insurance be pointless.???""
Can you get car insurance with out a licence?? if so..how so?
i just bought a car for my mom...who is without a licence. but she needs a car to take her drivers test in. (this is tecnically my frist car) can i get the car registered without insurence?...and if not....can i get insurence for an unlicensed driver?...or will we have to have a licenced driver get insurence for the car..and put my mom as unlicenced driver till she takes the test?? i just need a little help on how the prosses goes. thank you very much. kathleen
Can i sue my insurance company for hit and run?
I live in Yuma, Arizona. I'm 15 I Have my motorcycle permit i can drive from sunrise to sunset Okay February 21st YESTERDAY at 3pm Me and my brothers were going to jack in the box they took our car (1996 Isuzu rodeo) and i took my motorcycle (1994 Kawasaki ZX-6) we were going down this curved street they are on the left lane I'm on the right lane and this Winter bird (An older person from out of state that comes down to living in our city in the winter) pulls out on my right lane. While he's doing this i horn my horn he looks back and completes his turn and the brakes and doesn't move... i'm down shifting and my rear wheel locks up when i downshifted my bike shakes and i going onto the curb my bike gets eating up from the curb and i go over the curb and start to eat **** my hip and left get bruised i was wearing this thick overcoat my arm gets road-rash and then the old *** man drives off... doesn't even assist me... my brothers flip a U and we pull my bike to the side of the road and go to the hospital at the hospital we called the police they took pictures of my motorcycle and skid marks on the road then take my statement and brothers i wanted to know can i sue my insurance for anything? I'm not sure what coverage i have I'll add more detail tomorrow Monday morning Here are some pictures of the motorcycle P.S. I'm not sure if you can see but my front tire is flat it got a hole from the accident http://s186.photobucket.com/albums/x262/JokerSmokes/?action=view&current=crash1.jpg http://s186.photobucket.com/albums/x262/JokerSmokes/?action=view&current=crash2.jpg http://s186.photobucket.com/albums/x262/JokerSmokes/?action=view&current=crash3.jpg http://s186.photobucket.com/albums/x262/JokerSmokes/?action=view&current=crash4.jpg What broke Front tire Possible bent rim front brake lever Oil casing headlight windshield possible gears and chain my muffler my front right flaring my bottom flaring""
""What's your best car insurance quote? I'm with Budget at the mo, (ending in Sept) .....?""
paid 314 fully comp with business use (got 7 years no claims bonus and 3 points on my liscense for speeding which shouldn't be counted now cos was back in 2003) Went on moneysupermarket.com and Budget gave me a quote for 177, still all the same details so why the 137 price difference? you can bet my renewel quote will be rubbish, it only dropped by 40 last year but couldn't be bothered with the hassle of paying new company deposit etc. What site would you recommend for cheap insurance? other than Confused.com Sorry this ended up being really long winded.""
Help me find health insurance quick!! please!?
I dunno if I'm overreacting, but I've been researching esophigal cancer ( I was sick a lot a couple years ago, but I never thought it was long enough period of time, or frequent enough to cause any damage) and I would like to be checked out. It actually seems the more I read, the more i seem to feel like I'm having symptoms right now... I have been known to be a worrier... Could I worry myself to the point of feeling like my throat is burning? or that I'm burping a lot? (i'm probably swallowing lots of air right now ] and coughing (i've been known to gag and cough when I worry myself) I would like to go to the doctor asap, could someone please help me find an affordable health insurance plan. My zip is 16066, if that matters.. Thank you""
Where should I go for medical and financial aid?
I've lived w. my mother all my life and gradually she has gotten more and more unorganized leading to disgusting living conditions. I have always kept my room together and received good grades to move on and out of my mothers house. In 2008 during my first week of college , I was diagnosed with a disease called Lupus. I was removed from the Boston College campus and forced to take time off of school. Since this, my return to school has been an long and difficult process. I am now 20 cooping well with the disease and attending night school. I have very little income and I was denied SSI as well as state insurance. As I am in the process of reapplying I find it hard to remain in my mothers living conditions in that no matter how I keep my things separate I have still accumulated unsanitary conditions. I dont know where to go for help and I am afraid of the stress I am experiencing causing me another flare and long hospital visit. I live in Rhode Island and have tried the welfare and community health care route. The only success I receive is hospital health care and a few doctors who are willing to discount my mandatory visits. Sometimes I feel like the only thing that is keeping me health is my faith and religion. As my relationship with God grows stronger I also find my self stuck in my situation. I know I would do well living on my own and getting into a regular routine I would just need a small boost of medical and financial support through any means available in the area. Any suggestions will help :) God Bless.""
Need help understanding some insurance terms and policies.?
What is a HYBRID health insurance plan? Has anyone used this type plan?, specifically NEW HEALTH CHOICE, GOOD HEALTH. Beyond this...does anyone know of a good, affordable insurance for TEXAS. I really need help understanding this type plan. Sound too good to be true therefore it usually is.""
What do you pay for your motorcycle?
I'm a 23 year old guy in FL and looking to buy a sportbike. Probably a used GSX-R 600 or a ZX-6R. My question is what are you guys paying for your bikes? I'm looking to put about $1000 down on the bike itself. So financing probably $5-7,000. I know things will vary with interest rates and all that. But what are you paying total monthly for your bike payment (amount financed/interest) plus insurance. Trying to get my budget together. Thanks.""
How much trouble would I get into if I drove my car without any plates or insurance?
My other cars engine blew out and I was just going to put that cars plate onto my other one (which doesn't have any plates or insurance) I live in MI..Im pretty sure its not a felony, the other one was registered to me until i transfered the plates and insurance onto the car thats engine blew.""
My daughter gave permission to an unlicensed driver to drive my car. will me insurance co pay the damages?
she is on my policy. he hit another car. will my insurance company pay for the other persona car and mine?
I was driving my moms car, and i was at a stop sign, and a guy made a very narrow turn and then when he saw me he stopped, after he started going, he then made the turn , but ended up hitting the back left side of my bumper, nothing major, only some scratches on the paint, i got out with my mom and we exchanged information, but he said that he will not pay a cent for it, and he is ready to call the cops and file a report, i thought about it considering that i only have a permit and the car is under my moms insurance, and i just let it go as i may he may have made an excuse cause i am 16 and i am still training with my parent next to me. if i called the insurance company to get it fixed, will i be blamed and will i get the insurance rate to increase or he would have been the one to blame? thanks and please tell me true answer!""
""I got a problem, my daughter just got her drivers license and because I could get cheaper insurance with?""
another company, I switched insurance companies. Needless to say yesterday when she was backing out of our car port she hit the carport pole and scratched my car pretty bad and knocked some trim off. The scratch bothers me the most because it's long and down to the metal and paint is chipping off. Can anyone tell me how I can fix this with out filing a claim?""
How much is insurance on a genesis coupe?
im doing thiss on my phone im at work so i cant call an insurance company. please help
Affordable health insurance??
I asked before but i am looking for a health insurance that covers meds, eye checks, dentist, womens problems, in the united states.""
Can someone please explain health insurance to me?
I'm looking for individual health insurance and it is very confusing. Can someone explain what things like deductible, copay, and coinsurance mean? Also, what's the difference between a PPO, Network, Indemnity, and a HSA-qualified plan? Lastly, how do I know exactly what is covered before I apply? People have sent me things in the mail and I'm looking online and I was given a list of things covered, but then it says that this isn't everything and once I sent in my payment I will get a full list of my policy and coverages. That seems shady, and these are top companies like Aetna and Health America, so I don't think they would rip me off. Plus, how come these companies aren't offering a bundle plan, where I can get health insurance, vision, and dental all in one plan with one monthly payment?""
Does have a cpc reduce car insurance costs?
I have just recently obtained my pcv license and also gotten my cpc (certificate of professional competence). will having either or both of these reduce my car insurance premiums?    thanks.
What exactly does general liability insurance cover for a small business?
does it cover theft and breakage?
Should I still be paying full car insurance ?
Hi, my car was recently in an accident that was the third party's fault but my claim is still ongoing. My car has been written off and is in the third party's salvage yard. As ...show more""
Do i need insurance on my 150cc scooter in WI?
do i need insurance on my 150cc scooter in WI
How much would the insurance be?
I'm a 17 year old male wanting to get full coverage on a 2006 Supercharged Cobalt SS. It's a coupe, silver, standard, and has a 2.0 liter supercharged engine. Does anybody know how much full coverage would be for me in this car?""
""I need advice on selecting the right health insurance for me, one that covers accutane....plz help!?""
Hi all. i'm 20yrs old. i work full time, and the company that i work for offers Aetna Insurance, i believe...but i've heard that it's not that great. i need an affordable insurance plan, one that covers Accutane (acne medication) and dermatologist visits. plz help!!!""
Which car insurance company is cheap and good?
I have All State but its too expensive I am single so i have to pay $845 for 6 months
My insurance is over 1000?
i'm 16 and my insurance is so much now that i'm getting my full license, and my parents can't help me pay for it.""
I need some legit cheap dental insurance..please help?
I have a upper wisdom tooth that needs to be emergency removed and I have no insurance and there is over 40 dentists in my area that will not take a payment plan and the one plan I applied for did not accept becuz I don't make enough money...heck im low income...but in major pain...anyone help? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
Possible to have such cheap car insurance at 20 years old?
Hello all, i'm looking for car insurance on gocompare.com site and if i'm taking the insurance on my own name, the price comes up at 1,200 for a 1995 Ford Fiesta LX 1.2. I am 20 years old, male and held the licence for 1 year (1 year and 6 months to be exact) and have 0 NCB. Now, here is where the 'cheap' part comes in. The 1,200 was ON me as a prosper and owner of the car. If i put my step dad as first driver (main) and me as an additional driver (second) it comes up as 1,500 for insurance. How is that possible? He has 6 years no claims and held the licence for over 20 years. Never made a claim or had accident. Now if i put my self as FIRST driver and him as SECOND driver, meaning that everything goes on me and i would be getting no claims bonus every year, i get the price at :- 750! Now basically my question is - Is that possible? The companies that are at 750 are Diamond, Elephant, and Admiral. Then the prices goes up to 1,500+""
How much does car insurance cost for a new driver?
How much does car insurance cost for a new driver?
Does a new auto insurance policy cost more if there is a lean on the title?
Does a new auto insurance policy cost more if there is a lean on the title?
Best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro?
best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro? my thought is that while a v6 camaro might be reasonable to insure a 16 year old driver with, the v8 wouldbe some unuearthly figure in the 8 digits. i know its based on SO many things, but im just asking if anyone has a HUNCH about what insurance company is the best/cheapest for a teen driving a camaro? assume its a v8, ad it cant get any worse if it ended up being a v6, if you know what i mean. btw dont say american faimily. they wont even insure a person with less than 5 years driving experience driving a v8 camaro AT ALL, let alone at a huge rate. finally, do you think there is any way on earth for insurance for a 16year old driving a (2000 lets just say for example) camaro v8? including all the little bonuses like good grades, clean record, etc. all of which i have. thanks so much for your answers! they REALLY help!""
Cheapest tuner platform to insure?
I am a 16 year old male looking to buy his first car. I know im in the situation to get the highest insurance already, but im still looking for a tuner. I have about 4 grand to spend so ive been looking at civic vtecs, 240sx's, vw's and many others. I was wondering how much some tuners cost in insurance for my age and sex, and also any other cars that are cheap to insure, but i can get a lot of horsepower out of. Thank you!""
Does insurance cost more if you have a sporty car versus a truck?
Guess im just wondering cause some of my friends with sporty cars talk about there insurance being high cause of that, or if it didn't matter what kind of car they have. Insurance is just based on the person not the vehicle...if that makes sense lol""
""Totaled my blazer, AAA car insurance?""
Okay I was involved in a hit an run accident a little over 2 weeks ago. I have full coverage insurance including uninsured and underinsured coverage. Also the required 10,000$ personal injury protection required by my state KY. My policy is with AAA. I owe around 9,000$ on my truck still, but was told finally yesterday that AAA is settling my vahicle loss at a little over 13,000$. I'm trying to find out how long is this going to take before I get money from them so I can get another car. I have injuries and can't get back an forth to my Dr and physical therapy. So I need this to happen like yesterday. But trying to figure out if since my claim is going under uninsured motorist protection since it was hit an run should I be able to get a rental car for the time being even if I didn't have rental coverage? And I am also an independent contractor doing vehicle title work and various other things for an automotive shop. I'm not on payroll since I contract my own work and pay my own taxes at end of the year. My attorney told me that since I didn't have a job where I received regular payroll checks I could not claim loss wages. Why is this? And is there anything I can do to speed this process up? As of now I have minimal use of my right arm because I injured my shoulder in accident and so far Dr has me off work till end of January. So I need to recover benefits somehow so I can survive till going hack to work. Any help would be great, this is all so overwelming. Thank you""
Canceled Car Insurance?
So, I found out today, that State Farm canceled my car insurance. My coverage was good through Feb. 1st. My billing date is also Feb. 1st, but they usually charge me a day or two late. They charged me today for my renter's insurance, which is how I found out that I have no car insurance. State Farm never informed me that they were canceling my policy. They said I have had too many incidents. I have had 2 accidents and 1 ticket in the past 2 years. One accident was my fault and the other was not. The ticket was because of the accident. My question is: What can I do to get insurance with another company when I have not had insurance for the past 4 days (even though I didn't know it) and is it going to be a lot more expensive because I do not have a current policy?""
How do you get car insurance at 17?
My parents flat out refuse to put me on their insurance. Neither of them can afford it, and they don't want to be responsible if I get into a crash or whatnot. I'm getting the title of a car transferred to me sometime this week (my dad's girlfriend sold me her '03 Alero), and the insurance on it is only valid until the end of the month (I do believe.) I do not have my license yet, only my permit. My dad is willing to pay for monthly insurance until I get my license and take my 5 hour driving course and the 6 hour defensive driving course. We both want my rate to be as low as possible for a 17 year old girl in a red car. >.< So, how would I go about getting insurance? The last time I went to look up rates.. My dad FLIPPED, telling me he doesn't want the insurance companies to know that there's an underaged driver in the house, because they'll think I'm driving his truck. (I most certainly AM NOT. It's too much vehicle for too small a girl. I nearly crashed it just about every time I drove it. I drive my mom's car, her friend's jeep, and my grandma's car.) So... Looks like looking up rates are out of the question. Any help?""
What's the best car for cheap car insurance?
I'm a male, and I'll be 25 next month. I haven't actually owned a car before, since I've been usually on my parents' insurance, and I just used theirs if I needed a car. I want to own my own car now though, and I want to know what the cheapest cars would be for car insurance. I live in Norfolk, VA, United States, if that helps. I don't have a blemish at all on my driving record, either.""
Asking all female drivers under 25- Whats a cheap car insurer?
Asking all female drivers under 25!! Does anyone know of or have been with any cheap car insurance companies? Ive already checked quite a few but they seem really expensive...Please help!
How/where can i get liability insurance as a massage therapist?
i am..well, was licensed (let my license expire because i'm moving out of state) in south carolina. i am moving to alabama and it seems like everything they require to be licensed is pretty much the same except i have to show proof of liability insurance before i can apply for the license. do i just call the same people i have my car insurance with? or can i go thru the NCBTMB or AMTA (whichever one the state of Alabama approves of?). please help.i didn't have to deal with liability insurance with the state of SC so this is new territory to me.""
Health insurance options for a 20 year old student with no parental coverage?
I have recently had a medical issue and went to the ER. One visit racked me up over $2,000 of bills that I obviously can not pay. Now I am looking at options for health insurance, but ...show more""
""First time buyer buys a new car, how much was your interest RATE?""
Maybe I mean insurance instead of interest, I'm not sure, I don't know that much. I've heard that first time buyers, when buying a car, had little to no interest simply because they've never bought before. Is this true? Please give examples.""
How much is insurance on a genesis coupe?
im doing thiss on my phone im at work so i cant call an insurance company. please help
Car Insurance Question?
I'm a 16 year old girl with a car, and I wanted to know how much my car insurance price will range in. I'll be driving a white sedan (say a Corolla/Mazda 3, 2005-2007). How much will be my car insurance?""
How does insurance work?
im 19 years old n as far as i know i have insurance through my parents work...n i want to go to the doctor for birth control but i dont know how to tell them about it...im not close with my parents at all! so i was thinking of going without them knowing but if they bill my insurance is there a way for them to find out even tho im over then 18????
Does have a cpc reduce car insurance costs?
I have just recently obtained my pcv license and also gotten my cpc (certificate of professional competence). will having either or both of these reduce my car insurance premiums?    thanks.
Best car insurance price for financed cars?
I'm only 19, and I'm getting a financed car VERY soon. I know I can't look at the big name guys, cause I've already done that and they want $450 a month just for a car with no power and isn't even sport. I plan on either getting a 2009-10 Dodge Avenger or 2009-10 Nissan Altima/Sentra. I have had car insurance without a gap for almost 2 years now on my current car, so I won't have any problems having anyone cover me or anything. I live in FL, so if anyone knows of any small insurance companies that are good with financed cars and teens, PLEASE list it below. Thanks.""
""I rear ended someone with no insurance, whats gona happen?""
i was on a motorcycle and rear ended someone in a car, the car has a lil dent on the bumper and their insurance already covered it. i do not have insurance and im going to court for it. what is going to happen? is my drivers license going to be suspended eventhough it was on a motorcycle? i have insurance for my car just not my motorcycle.""
Car insurance 17 year old?
I just passed my test afew days ago and have been looking at insurance. Most insurers won't give me a quote and if they do it's 19k. But i was looking into classic car insurance for a mini and got a quote from adrianflux for 3500 but i was i told i was to young for classic car insurance. I tryed a 1000cc yaris and they would not even quote me. I checked my details twice and there all right. I asked over the phone why there is such a change im price when they have the same size engine and he just said there cheaper to repair n that . and just so it's clear the minii quote was not classic car insurance. So any one know the logic behind this? + any other suggestions about insurance will help.
1 Day Car Insurance?
Does anyone know of companies that offer one day car insurance for 20yr old they all seem to be 25 and over why is that.....
Health insurance and pregnancy?
Could someone help me with finding an AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE which would include all maternity benefits [cover labor delivery, visits...] What is your experience with insurance companies at this point? Thank you very much. Michaela""
Where is the cheapest van insurance available?
I'm 21 and looking for cheap van insurance....Any recommendations?
Can I get Sprint Insurance?
OK, let's say that I buy a phone for cheap on ebay or radioshack, can I still go to a sprint store and get insurance on the phone or do I have to buy the phone directly at the sprint store in order to get insurance?????""
Where can I get the best deal for auto insurance?
Currently my wife and I get our insurance through SafeCo. We're both in out mid-30s and have great driving records (mine is perfect). We're paying $188/month ('07 Pilot, '00 Tundra). Any recommendations on where we can get a better rate?""
CT Insurance for small business?
Hi everyone, My father and I own a small company and we now both work full time for our company and we would like to get health insurance. My father indicated in the past he read some information that you can get a discount with state insurance if your company makes less than X amount of dollars per year...We can't seem to find this information. Who should we call in CT to get some answers or maybe someone already has information. Any help is greatly appreciated. Many thanks!""
Insurance esitmate for 2 door vauxhall corsa?
Im 17, and im planning to get a vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance prices please?""
Best New York Health Insurance?
i got married 2 months ago, I m waiting to start the process for green card! at this time I wanted to get a good health insurance, my husband doesn t know aythin about it so please help me!!!""
""Question about McCain's $5,000 medical insurance plan?""
I want both sides of the story. Is $5,000 the only thing McCain is going to do for medical insurance? I mean is that the bulk of his plan? Is that the only direct change you will see in medical insurance? P.S only talk about this issue. I don't want you to blabber on about the war or about anything irrelevant.""
What is the best insurance company to have if you need to go into a rehabilitation center?
Which insurance covers the most??
Whats the best insurance company for a young driver?
just passed my driving test and was wondering what the cheapest insurance company for young drivers is?
Can I get health insurance for my nephew?
My nephew is 2 years old and I am really unhappy with the medical treatment he's been getting. He has asthma and has had an awful chest infection for months now, which doesn't seem to be going away. He coughs incessantly, often bringing up mucus. I want to know if I can insure him, as he's not my son. Also, is BUPA the best way to go or are there other private health companies that you would recommend?""
How much do these bikes cost plus insurance?
i was wondering how much on average these following bikes cost and im looking for a used one as its my first bike, Kawasaki Vulcans 125cc , Honda Rebel 125cc , Yamaha Virago 250 125cc , Suzuki GZ 250 125cc , i also would like to know if anyone knew how much the insurance is for these , i know they depend on factors but anyone from experience , many thanks :)""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance?
i'm 22 i've only had my driving licence for 3 weeks, and i bought a corsa energy 1000cc's the price i get quoted is 800+ is that right? or is there anywhere you think i can get it cheaper?""
Is there anywhere to get free or affordable health insurance?
Is there anywhere to get free or affordable health insurance?
Claiming Back car insurance?
Is it possible, i have been paying car insurance on my car for three months, while it has been out of use at the garage i purchased it from, due to the engine blowing! The garage have taken over 3 months to sort it under warranty, and the car is covered under there insurance, i didnt cancel the insurance due to thinking it wouldnt take this long! as i pay 140 a month it tolals up to alot and i was wondering if can claim any of the insurance premium back?? They still have the car useless Evans Halshaw be warned, only had the car 8 weeks..""
How much car insurance could I expect to pay?
I'm 35, clean licence since I was 18 but never owned my own car. I'm thinking of getting a BMW 3 series, 2 or 3 doors, no more than 2 l, live in a safe area of Sheffield. Could anyone give me a ball park figure?""
3.0 GPA car insurance discount?
I applied for the discount during high school, back then my gpa was 4.2 so it was more than fine. Now I fked up my college life and only have a 2.9, so would they require me to submit the GPA again? or if I continued using their car insurance, they won't ask?""
Where do I find florida health insurance ?
I am looking for a health insurance quote for florida health insurance. I am looking for cheap florida health insurance.
When doing an online insurance quote what is considered full coverage?
When you get to the end of an insurance quote where it asks about coverage what is considered full coverage? I'm not sure what to mark and how much. (like when it says comp/collision. . . .500/500) What does that mean?
Can I buy an expensive sports car and insurance under my moms name?
I want to purchase a brand new Nissan GTR from the dealership (I have the money ready) and want to buy get full coverage car insurance for it too. However, Since I am male (I'm 28 years old) the car insurace is way too expensive. If I were to have my mom come purchase the car for me as her being the primary legal owner with me being the co signer (I am paying for it with my own money upfront) and have her be the primary legal full coverage driver on that car in the insurance policy with me being able to drive it too with full coverage will this work in order to get a drastically lower monthly insurance payment? It's perfectly fine with my mom being the legal owner as long as my mouth is shut to the insurance company. I also don't mind paying for the both of us on this car as long as my insurance payment is lower. What do you think? Isn't it a brilliant idea?""
Car insurance who is responsible ? He lives on his own but the car is in my name?
My son is twenty three and lives at a different address. The title for his car is in my name. Who is responsible for car insurance?
Does have a cpc reduce car insurance costs?
I have just recently obtained my pcv license and also gotten my cpc (certificate of professional competence). will having either or both of these reduce my car insurance premiums?    thanks.
""Have SR-22 insurance, can I switch insurance companies?""
Hi, I've had sr-22 insurance through geico for a little over a year now, however due to recently moving to florida my monthly payments have gone through the roof. Do I have the option of switching to a cheaper insurance company without having to restart the 3 year mandatory holding of the sr-22?""
""If someone gets a ticket in my car, will it have any effect on my insurance?""
My boyfriend got a speeding ticket in my car, and the ticket has my tag number and registration number on it. Will it effect my insurance?""
What's the best auto insurance?
What kind of insurance do you have? Is it cheap?
About how much will my car insurance increase...?
I recently received a speeding ticket for going 81/60. 4 points and 185$ fine...the officer said he would knock it down to 2 points and 80$ fine if i showed up to court. I'm 19, I live in S. Carolina, and I pay 195$ a month for a 2004 mazda6. Does anyone have an estimate on how much 2 points will raise my rates? Note: This is my second ticket; my first was an Improper start from start, no points 155$ fine. Thanks so much!""
I want to start a health insurance company how would I go about doing that?
I want to provide people with an affordable insurance that will also pay fair rates to the pharmacies and hospitals. I used to work for a pharmacy and saw how if the customer got a good price on a drug then the pharmacy got screwed over and vice versa. This needs to change, please help me make that change.""
""Insurance quesion, help!?
Cash value life insurance is more expensive than term insurance because a. it is usually sold to older people who have higher mortality. b. higher rates of interest are earned on term policy investments. c. whole life is subject to adverse selection. d. the whole life contracts include both a protection element and a savings or investment element. e. none of the above. Is this one C? Past efforts to address the growing imbalance between tax-paying workers and social security beneficiaries have included a. increasing the social security (FICA) tax rate. b. increasing the maximum income subject to the social security tax. c. increasing the normal retirement age. d. taxing part of social security benefits. e. all of the above. This one E? The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) contains provisions that a. allow continuation of group health insurance by employees and certain dependents upon the occurrence of designated events. b. apply to all employers offering group health insurance to employees. c. require an employer to pay the cost of continuing former employees' health insurance for up to 36 months. d. allows terminated employees to continue their group health insurance for up to 36 months. e. all of the above. This one E?
What is the best car and best insurance to go with?
I'm 20 years old new driver I know my insurance going to be high I'm taking A 6 hour road ready driving school but at the end what is the best car I'm not really into cars I'm much more into kind of truck sure enough that would be the best type of car and insurance car insurance that help new drivers not Kill they wallets / bank account
""I want to buy car insurance, what is the cheapest one to buy?""
My progressive insurance just expired, and it is really expensive. I want the lowest state minimum insurance available. The state is Michigan.""
Do auto insurance companies have to look at your driving record?
I have never had a vilolation. My husband has. He had one in 2006 for running a red light and one in 2008 for driving too fast for conditions. Well naturally this has given me higher payments. I was with Liberty Mutual and for liability only (my car isn't worth full coverage) I was paying $124 a month. My husbands pay was cut drastically at work so I was shopping around for cheaper insurance. I called Geico and they offered me liability for $55 a month. She came on and asked if I knew he had two tickets and at the time I didn't because I didn't know my husband in 2006. The lady told me my payments were going to be $144 with them and when I told her no she put me on hold. When she returned she offered me the $55. She read back to me everything I am getting which is a lot more than what I was getting from Liberty Mutual for a lot less price. Is it possible they just dissmissed the report to gain us as customers? I was cooking dinner at the time and my kids started playing loud so all I really heard was cha ching lol.
If I get a 2012 car would my insurance be high 18 years old?
I plan on getting a car. I found this 2012 Toyota Yaris for 14 grand. I plan on asking for 13 grand. My dad will split the monthly payments and my mom pays the insurance. I think we have Statefarm.. Its a used car still but I like it a lot..
VERY URGENT! Buying car insurance by telephone  heeeelp!!!!?
Hello thank you for entering in my post I'm buying an insurance for my car by phone call so far I have the best deal from a company called Admiral Tomorrow I'm going to call this insurance company back to settle the agreement I've never done a contract by phone call I believe they should obviously send me a contract by e-mail with all my details and all the details of my purchase and the details of the company  until here it's quite clear my question is: How should I pay for this contract? Should I give my debit card details by phone call? Is buying an insurance by telephone safe? Any advice according this matter will be very appreciated thank you in advance for your help
What is an average g2 driver's insurance worth?
I Have: -G2 Lisence -2012 camaro ss -primary (only) driver of vehicle -driver's ed training. looking for average monthly insurance. im in ontario, canada.""
Can you drive your parents' car without insurance?
i am 16 and live in Washington and I was wondering if I had to pay my own insurance to drive their cars.
Car insurance can be annoying.?
heres the situation... my boyfriend and i recently broken up.we are having our first child together,im 20 hes 23.we both decided to go in an get a new car for me,but since his credit was a lil better then i.his name was first as in the car belonged to him,and i became cosigner.i make the car payments,and pay half insurance.his responsibility was to pay for the other half insurance,and now that were not together,hes not willing to pay.well at first he said he wasnt willing to.now he is.BUT...am i able to refinance the car and put it in my name,and insurance.i dont want him to think he can pay when he wants or not,becuse were not together anymore.so im trying to find ways,so that car is mine,and he has no way of taking it or what not.i need it not just for me,but for our child.any advice?""
""I'm going to be 18 when i get my car, and i was wondering how much car insurance usually costs in general?""
I always hear car insurance is like $800-$1000 for a new teenager in a sports car, but is that per month or per year? And if its per month, is there a way you can drive without insurance? or is that completely illegal...? 'cause that much a month would be f***ing ridiculous for a teenager going to college and working part time...""
How much does car insurance cost?
I will be turning sixteen this May, and my mom has arranged for me to get my licence on my birthday (May 1). I have to pay for my own insurance and gas money (unless I am driving somewhere for them). They are buying me just an old used car that will last me through the rest of high school and college (7 years). It may be falling apart by the end of that time but it'll get me from point a to point b. I plan on getting a job as soon as possible. I want to work somewhere this summer, and I will tutor (which I already do occasionally) during the school year, because I don't have time for a part time job all year with extra-curriculars. How much do I need to make to afford my car insurance? Also, my grandad works for State Farm, so we all have to get it there. OH and I took drivers ed when I got my permit so that's deductible.""
I got my first DWI i ll be getting my license back soon how much will my insurance go up in the state of mo?
in the state of missouri how much will my insurance rates go up after my first dwi? (and LAST)
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year old ?
H there, once again i ask for thy help!!!>.. < ... so here i just bought a 2002 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2 SXI BLACK, 1000 pounds, 90k Miles, im on a provisional license, hoping to pass by january. I will do aorund 6k a year miles. car will be used to get to uni, work and commute for shoping. thanks""
Does the owner of the car have to be insured?
I drive my sister's car and my sister lives in a different country. Does my sister have to be insured since she is the owner? I am insured..
Affordable health insurance!!?
For some reason, the insurance coverage I have seems to go up every year (and because I moved recently it jumped up another $60 a month). My wife and I get crappy coverage on top of it. To make things more hectic; we are pregnant (she's pregnant -not me, but you get the point). And beause Maternity coverage runs another $500 a month it isn't affordable on a student income (I am currently in Law School, while she works). So, if anyone has any information on how they managed the pregnancy, or even just real life, without insurance (or on what insurance?), I would be extremely appreciative if you could offer it up. I Might even give you the best answer....or whatever (who knows, that may motivate some people) So, I'm looking for affordable health insurance coverage. It doesn't need to cover maternity...I know thats expensive everywhere. What I am looking for is something under 300 a month that still covers some outpatient surgery, or even more than 2 doctor visits a year!!""
I am 19 and own a 1978 camaro in Michigan what would be the cheapest insurance company?
I am 19 and own a 1978 camaro in Michigan what would be the cheapest insurance company?
Newborn Baby Insurance?
I recently found out I am pregnant, luckily I am currently covered under my father's insurance still but I need to get insurance for my baby once he or she is born. Anyone have a good idea as to were I should go. I believe I won't be able to file for Medicaid which is perfectly fine just curious what other mother's or fathers have done.""
Personal health insurance?
Any other health insurance companies in Michigan that are good? I checked out Blue Cross. They're pricey but offer dental coverage which might be worth it. Because I got hit with some dental bills these past few years. Any websites that allow you to compare companies?
Where can I find professional liability policies for a surgeon?
This is for a finance project. If I need to pay fro professional liability insurance, on what website can I find this insurance. Will I have to pay for it by myself, or does the hospital/company I work for pay the insurance for me.""
Insurance company's that cover weight loss surgery?
Anyone know of an insurance company that covers weight loss surgery
Does have a cpc reduce car insurance costs?
I have just recently obtained my pcv license and also gotten my cpc (certificate of professional competence). will having either or both of these reduce my car insurance premiums?    thanks.
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