#i ended up playing the investigation which im so glad i did
toytulini · 3 months
I thought Ursula was pretty Biologist-core but in the end her arc was less Biologistcore than others. Levi was also pretty Biologistcore. maybe even Ghost Bird core?
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elegyofthemoon · 6 months
welp! i finished catching up with 2.1 thankfully but -
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rocksaltandroll · 1 year
So, I feel like it’s Unpopular Opinion Time about GO2. I’ve been thinking about it since I watched it and…well…I hate it, lads. I really wanted to love it, but…
Well, here are my Reasons:
I first read Good Omens in probably 2003. It was a friend’s copy and I finished it & immediately went & bought my own. I loved it.
I was so scared to watch it when Good Omens (1) first came out. I thought the casting was all wrong. I was worried they would butcher one of my favourite books of all time.
I was so glad to be wrong. I loved everything about it. The casting was actually perfect, I was okay with the changes, and I absolutely adored that cold open! Hell I even wrote a whole 135k 1941 spy romance fic based on that 5 minute scene in the church!
And then I heard they were making GO2 and I was scared again.
I knew that T&N had batted ideas for a sequel about years ago, but nothing had come to fruition. This time it would all be Gaiman. I’ve never made it through a single Gaiman book but I’ve read most of Pratchett’s. I was worried.
But I watched it. And the more I watched, the more I disliked it and by the end, I honestly hated it.
The first thing: all of the fun & funny, all the favourite lines and things that made you giggle in the OG GO? 90% of those were Pratchettisms. S2 was severely lacking in Pratchettisms.
The second: Plot? What plot?
I mean, if you set aside the mini episodes inside the main episodes (those mini episodes are a whole other problem all by themselves), what exactly have we got?
The Archangels are plotting. Gabriel disagreed with what they were plotting and he’s walked out, memoryless, naked with an empty box & turns up at Aziraphale’s.
A&C aren’t getting on. For some reason. At the end of S1 they were honestly ready to get married & have babies, and now Crowley is living in his car because his flat is apparently Company Property and he’s been evicted. I still don’t understand why they’re not getting on.
So both heaven & hell are looking for Gabe, and A&C are trying to hide him while they figure out what’s going on.
Except they don’t. S1 they figured out things, they pieced things together, they investigated.
S2 they spent the whole time trying to play matchmaker for Nina & Maggie, and despite having been on Earth for 6000 years, seem to have zero idea about human mating rituals.
It’s literally only at the end when Gabe gets his memory back that he TELLS them he left because he disagrees with triggering the second coming & want to run off with Beelzebub which, to me, is like Gaiman took a nose dive into the GO tumblr tags and went ‘aha! people have started shipping this! let’s make the masses giggle!’
On top of this, in what life would our Aziraphale - the angel who isn’t really an angel anymore, the hedonist, the guy who literally looked heaven in the face and said Buggere Alle This For a Larke and went off to find his friend and stop Armageddon - in what life would he think ‘ooh the metatron is giving me a promotion to start the second coming, let’s grab Crowley and we can turn him back into an angel!’????
No. He’s already made the decision that Heaven is Wrong. Heaven isn’t Good. He & Crowley have already decided at the end of S1 that they’re on their own side - the HUMAN side - and there’s no way Aziraphale is naive enough to think he can change anyone’s mind Up There.
And that kiss. God that made me so uncomfortable. It wasn’t heartbreaking to me, it was just uncomfortable and wrong.
As for those mini episodes. I’m honestly not sure what I can say about those. They bored the shit out of me & served little purpose to the ‘main plot’. They saw everyone loved the cold open and just thought ‘what chaos can we cause putting these two in various historical costumes this time?’
Im not in this to analyse every single thing, I’m not in it for the meta, I’m in this for the story. And to me, this was a seriously disappointing story.
I did like Nina & Maggie but I didn’t like how their story was handled. I also enjoyed how all the shopkeepers in Whickber Street were all convinced that stuffy & fluffy Mr Fell had himself a hot redhead vintage car enthusiast boyfriend, but that’s about all I really enjoyed from the whole thing.
I hate that I hate it. I really wanted to love it, especially since I see the vast majority of you loving it. I wanted to join in the froth. I hoped it would reignite my desire to write.
Thus ends my unpopular opinion.
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auspex · 11 months
1 on 1 mark session recap! As always, sorry not a lot of context is given.
Mark first finished reading a book 'on thorns and their consequences' which was basically explaining how the sabbat came to be and their PoV on things and then with an anarch commentary towards the end expressing their disagreements. but on the first last page was red runic lettering which mark could not recognize and which sucked up his vitae when he placed it on it.
He tried to do some internet research and came across an obscure forum which claims to be for learning about obscure languages but actually seems to have a lot of vampires on it posting real and fake runes, kinda like testing each other
The runes mark was looking at were on there but the mod, who basically posts in every server, says 'you wont find anything about that in this life.' the posteris like 'cmon doesn't someone have any family who could help' and the mod replies 'ask J' so that smenacing.
idk if J is Julius? it probably isnt but anyway. mark has already reported reading this book to julius and so is gonna ask him about it cause he couldn't figure it out.
the rest of the night he spends teaching G -G is doing well and did remember his vowels : ) also explained to Gs sister how he made sure the investigation would stop and ask if she needed any other help. she asked if he could get them free or at least out of their current essentially prison sooner and mark said no but they would be out in a month to a month and a half. she didn't know how long that was. so he explained how torpor and weeks and  months and years worked
she still didnt say thanks or bye to mark but there was maybe something where she was close to doing so
i love G im so glad he is doing well he learned a lot he is almost through the alphabet
ok now for the meat of the session. the next night he goes to the chantry to talk to cassidy about the books. Knocks on the door. no answer. 
He is getting a bad feeling. represented irl by the ST playing absolutely terrifying music as i search for him.
In the chantry apartments there is an often ignored ghoul at the front and so then he asked her where Lilian’s apartment was (Cassidy’s best friend.). She told him. He knocked on her door. No answer. 
Checks the cafeteria. nope. library. nope. physics department (where their circle head, Dr. White, is). Nope. He asks someone there if she had seen either of them. nope.
so i'm worried as hell
im trying to think what mark could do and im like. i cant scry on him cause i dont have anything of Cassidy’s. 
and the st gives me a Look as if 2 say u do ur forgetting
But he kinda gives it to me for free hes like, ur wearing the same coat you did when you went to the movies
Turns out mark has cassidy's ticket. so thats close enough to being his so. mark does scry on him
its not super juicy but it is super concerning. Cassidy is by lilian in what is probably the side door in his haven that mark hasn’t been in. barricading the door. with a fuckton of furniture. and also pushing against it. lilian looks terrified. cassidy looks So Done With This Shit (tm). something is banging on the door.
so with that mark goes back to the ghoul and is like. So. Uhm. Yeah i actually have permission to enter cassidys haven yes. please let me in
she looks scared - mark put her in a real bad spot. If he doesn’t actually have permission and she lets him in he could get in trouble. but he reassures her that itis fine and his decision and nothing bad will happen. 
so she says ok and goes to open the door (she is able to if she is doing so of her own consent, she functions as a key ig). As she goes to open it, Mark says uhm. they are doing experiments so when you open the door. back up. and she's like "okay?' and opens the door and immediately vine tentacle thingies burst out and she falls back on her ass and scrambles back, screaming
she gets away and mark engages in combat. its the same sort of monster, just smaller, as the one on his territory in the conservatory, that navigate by sound. it has a lion's mane around a beak in the center and vine like tentacles around it.
mark takes a LOT of damage in its first attack he had like 1 unharmed box left  but he manages to win :) 
cassidy and lilian pop out from the door and are like. mark is that you?
Cassidy’s haven is wreckt sadly. Mark's like. yeah its me. its dead. you can come out.
lilian is SO sad it's dead but she isnt mad at mark. its clear she wanted to subdue it but they had no way to do so and mark comments as such
she's like "i was sooo close " :(
cassidy looks So Done and is like. thank you for your assistance mark but how did you . get in.
mark is like. thats not really important right now, is it? cassidy says 'somewhat, but we can discuss that later'
mark says that unfortunately this made quite a lot of noise and the ghoul went screaming for help so time to get your stories straight.
theres a few other things said but then zach rolls up
If you dont know who zach is he is a newly turned tremere. dr. white's child. elevated into power due to his sire. he's a classic skater  boy. hes head of security. he figured ALL of marks shit out when he broke into a lab - he is GOOD at his job despite his casual attitude. he says 'chill' all the time.
he skates up (yes skateboard in the hall) and asks whats up. mark says 'hi zach. it's chill, i handled it.' (Mark kinda likes Zach). 
And hes like. 'whats chill? can you explain?' and marks like. looks at cassidy and lilian. 'they would know better i just came at the end' and cassidy’s like. looks at lilian as if to say to her. u did this shit u explain!
so lilian starts a story which is kind of obviously partially a lie.
she says that she was doing her research, developing off of Leanah's (which was the stuff mark uhm. stole and sabotaged for her). and she noticed this evening that some things were off. papers where she wouldn't normally leave them. but the chimera project was So Important (TM) for the chantry that she just HAD to press on. Oh Also I found this Lipstick (produces lipstick) that looks JUST like what Leeanah wears isnt that interesting! (zach has her put it in an evidence back for him). She says 'Cassidy even made a joke that maybe I should wear makeup more often." Cassidy grunts but keeps a poker face. he would obviously Never Fucking Say That and lilian is messing with him.
god i love them sm. mark also knows cassidy would never fucking make that joke
(explaining a story that may dictate ur fate as u are investigated. does not miss an opportunity to fuck w the bestie* girl!
she continues to say that she got the embryo (described as tadpole) out of the cauldron she starts growing it. and it kept well. growing.
she pauses there. zach is like. okay and? it grows and?
Cassidy steps in. 'when it got bigger than our couch we realized we had a problem.' (also hehe ‘our’ couch their friendship is everything 2 me…) 
lilians like yes. then thankfully cassidy, with some assistance from mark, killed it. and here we are :) and then zach turns to mark and is like. what do you mean how did you get here how did you know.
and marks like Oh Well You Know "I was coming here for unrelated reasons, cassidy and myself are working together you see. And I had permission to enter. And obviously I would assist him in combat. *Coughs.*
he coughs cause i rolled 1 success on the lie T_T
zach is like. you have permission?? and cassidys like uh yes. 'as needed he can enter. its easier that way' so yay that ghoul won't get in trouble LOLLL mark got retroactive permission
even if each can tell he lied like. how do u call him on that when the person who was to have given him that permission said he did.
Liliana finishes up by describing how awful it was to be sabotage. At the end of her story. she says "Im sure leeanah would be very sorry if she saw the destruction she caused and would say so' and cassidy said 'i would not accept her apology' annnddd thiswent over my head but the st explained that was lilian apologizing to cassidy and cassidy telling her to fuck offlkdsafjlkdsjf
and zachs like. aight seems chill! (Perhaps all was not chill). lemme go in your haven here to see evidence of that sabotage
and  cassidys like oh, please do let me clean up first :) and zachs like :) noo you should see my room haha its fine :) and then cassidsy like. okay fine. you do not have permission to enter my haven. which is something respected in the chantry
zachs like do u really wanna go down that route.
Cassidy appears to hesitate. Mark is FREAKINGGG out he CANNOOTTTT find those books mark had him gather. thankfully cassidy says. Yes. Yes I do.
And so zach says fine thats chill. ill see you soon- and he has one of his guys (he had a small posse with him) stay. cassidys like. well that was a mess. mark says yes. which is why you  should start cleaning it. do you want help.
The person Zach left behind enters cassidys room and was making sure the pc was ok. mark is like cassidy is that ok?? and cassidy says 'oh, hes chill.' It seems this was the little fucker that set up the pc and internet for cassidy in the first place! cassidy makes friends with fledglings :) he doesn't speak but cassidy calls him Hack. because that's what he does, ig
Anyway. Mark helps lilian gather monster body parts to the center of the room where she starts some sort of chanting incantation to get rid of it. cassidy goes into his Side Room to start cleaning. When mark is done gathering body parts he knocks and peeks into the side hallway. cassidy tells him to enter and mark starts helping him put books away
well first theres this hallway which has 2 doors. mark enters door two with cassidy.
its a beautiful study room with mostly books, but also some old clothes, including a duster (COWBOY CASSIDY REAL...) and a painting with someone in a cuirass but the face is oddly blurry
also, all the books do not have legible titles.
with sense the unseen it seems the chandelier in the room has some sort of enchantment blurring those things out
there is also a TALL ASS stack of those notebooks he writes in. Mark glances at it and looks at cassidy who pauses and says. i need to call in a favor. can you just keep packing books away for 10 mins ? and marks like Sure
and hes left alone in cassidys study. but he decides to NOT snoop and figures he wouldnt be able to read shit anwyay due to that enchantment so he does literally just put books away.
Cassidy returns and unfolds a piece of paper that he remembers Wendy using before - its like. a bag of holding.
he unfolds it and puts it under the stack of notebooks carefully . the note books fall in. then he carefully, very very very carefully, folds it up. mark comments 'got a few years in there, huh?" he replies "A good deal more than that.".
but yeah theres also furniture and stuff everywhere btw, its a mess. The pack up books. During this time mark asked like. ok we cant keep these books about resisting blood bonds in her haven. and Cassidy is like. really mark. you're gonna make me haul them from the library every time ur gonna read them, and mark is like. sorry. yeah : )
They finish and return to the mainroom. lilian is on the floor, hands splayed, miserable. done with everything. cassidy makes a point to step over her.
cassidy and mark hauled books up to lillian's haven which was much smaller. and complained about stairs. together <3 lol
When they return hack is no where to be found. cassidy looks around and comments that the should not be in the back rooms. he does open the door to the second room but he asks mark to step back so he cant see in : (anyway mark ends up finding zach with sense the unseen (he went Invisible ig) and he was rifling upstairs through lillian's things
cassidy is like 'hack ive been through enough tonight please just give it back' and hack goes to the computer and types:
I have to give them something, y''no"
and cassidy is like. sigh. will this make our unlives harder in the future. and he writes
"maybe a little"
and marks says “you know what that's fair” <- has done the same shit of finding something Smaller so it proves he was Trying but actually not
cassidy comments that he is sad about his clothes getting thrown around and wrecked - 'over the decades he had collected quite a collection, some of which are hard if not impossible to replace' and mark comments 'i hope the tv is ok too'
and upon saying that cassidy actually reacts as opposed to being stone faced "Oh no you're right, the tv!" and he goes right for it
drops to his knees to prop it back up. and theres a crack through a fourth of it. he looks so sad. mark turns it on and it does still display but there is that crack
mark is like its ok we can get another and cassidy is like ' but this was my first tv :('. hes sentimental about it my fucking HEART
marks like. im sorry. i can help you pick out a new one maybe. cassidy says he'll likely take mark up on that. and mark also says maybe it could be fixed and cassidy says he will also try that
but yeah its cute that he got attached to the tv T_T (edited)
anyway zach skates right back in after the bit with hack that i described above. and says. ok in the name of the authority invested in me by blah blah blah... everyone but you, get out please! (hack being that one)
sooo the three leave. And mark is like.well. good luck with everything.
Cassidy and lilian do not look very happy but give ike a half hearted thanks
mark is lowkey like. ok u could be a bit more thankful i saved ur ass and helped u clean up but OKAy . . . .
cassidy also mentions that they can still work on their shared research in a few nights
oh also mark finally got the opportunity to ask if they had showers and they do not and mark is like. wow that sucks.
Cassidy diddnt seem to care but like. dude. imagine only having washrooms. L.
thats the session!
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ihearasound · 2 years
Finished onikakushi hen today for the first time!! Some thoughts as an anime only finally diving into the vns. There's spoilers (ash don't look)
I now absolutely get why vn fans say to still play the vns even though the anime is solid. Its interesting how wildly different they are in their approach. The anime was really good at the horror elements, but with the vn I could instantly make out the core theme of "talk to and trust your friends". It was so sweet to see how Keiichi already starts out feeling loved. He's part of the group and the village, and everyone wants him to feel welcome. Which makes it all the more heartbreaking watching that love and trust slowly crumble away as Keiichi isolates himself more and more. At a certain point it just got really hard to read knowing the truth.
My view of Rena changed completely with the VN. I always liked her and found her interesting, but with the anime focusing on the horror so much it completely sidelined Renas caring and loving personality in favor of scary. Seeing Rena care so so much for Keiichi until the bitter end despite it all... was just really heartbreaking, and I just wanted to hug her. She saw Keiichi struggling like she did, and she reaches out over and over. When she brought Keiichi dinner I MELTED at how excited she got telling him about all the things she got him. And despite Keiichi hurting her so much, she remains steadfast and wanting to help him. It's just... one mentally ill teen wanting to help another because she knows what it's like. She's just so full of love, even though she has so many burdens with her. I totally understand now why she's everyone's favourite.
Another character whose view on got totally changed was Ooishi. In the anime I just.. kinda always filed him as old man who talks funny. When sotsugou started I felt he was surprisingly aggressive. But now I realized it was 100% in line with how he is in the VN. I'm actually shocked about the lengths he went to. Its not like his behaviour was new in any way, but only now became I fully aware how irresponsibly he acted. Every time Keiichi decided he'd trust his friends Ooishi was there to put him right back on edge. Like, basically the majority of Keiichis behaviour is solely because Ooishi keeps feeding into it. And the things he shared with this young teen?? All his speculations, Renas medical records, all this personal info... just to get an edge on the investigations... pure cop behaviour. Just wild to me how everything that went wrong in Onikakushi was thanks to him.
I was also in awe at how much Keiichi loves his friends. He held out for so so long, putting his trust in his friends over and over and over again. It was very sweet to see how important they are to him, and seeing slowly feeling more and more alienated, suddenly a total outsider hurt all the more. Even more so knowing that no matter how much he isolated himself, his friends weren't giving up on him. I can already see the entire foundation for everything to come.
Overall im really glad I played through Onikakushi and I can't wait to get to the next one after I'm back from break
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two-sides-samecoin · 2 years
oh my gosh i feel like im in your askbox sm recently and i hope thats okay!! i think of things and youre one of the first people i think of talking to because we have a lot of similar opinions and also i really enjoy talking to you!
with that being said, i just realized how odd it is that no one acknowledges the way that steve and robin were integral pieces of s4's final plot against vecna. they also dont get much recognition for their contributions in s3 (which. i dont agree with but i think its maybe easier to write them off as not as important to the grande scheme of things since they didnt directly fight a supernatural being) but in s4 they DID!! everyone talks about nancy shooting vecna and having these moments but steve and robinwere RIGHT there too and i never hear anyone talk about it. makes me really sad honestly!
(also dont even get me started on steve and no one really recognizing his worth in prior seasons. like s1 with attacking that demogorgon to save nancy and jonathan and in s2 as solidifying his role as the kids' mom babysitter and a huge part in that season finale working out too...)
Omg it is totally fine that you are in my inbox a lot! I love talking with you and yeah we do have a lot of similar opinions about things and I love that <3 I also love talking with you and I am so glad that you like talking with me :)
Okay it really is weird how no one acknowledges that Robin and Steve were very very very important with taking down vecna. Yes yes yes!! Everyone talks about Nancy shooting vecna which canon played up way too much ngl - like they kept mentioning about the shot and how she shouldn’t miss. But Robin and Steve doing the mock tails and throwing the fire at him was the most important part considering that they all know that heart/fire is the thing that does weaken him. Literally if Robin and Steve didn’t throw the mock tails (or whatever they are I’m forgetting English words lol) there is no way that shoot would have actually done shit. I’m not trying to downplay Nancy’s shoot because it was important, however it doesn’t make sense that Robin and Steve aren’t praised for literally throwing the objects that are going to objectively do the most damage since they know that heat/fire actually does harm the hind-mive!! Steve and Robin did so much in season 4 like they (mainly Robin lol) literally were the ones to even figure out where Eddie was! He was literally the witness that they needed to put some of the puzzle pieces together - and figure out what was happening. Robin figured out the entire point of music being vecna’s victims’ saviors! Steve was literally questioning shit left and right which ended up saving a lot of their asses. Steve also was a big part in saving max at the cemetery in episode 4, because if he didn’t notice her acting a little bit stiff and etc and saying that she’s had enough time: they would have gotten to max way too late.
Ngl I’m also confused how people don’t praise Steve and Robin for what they did in season 3 - like they’re sooo important in the battle and way before then. They both figure out the Russian code that lets them know that the russians are involved with the ud shit (yes hopper,Joyce,and Murray were also investigating the russians but also Robin and Steve didn’t know that at all). And also they literally figured out the Russian code on like a damn day - one fucking day. And Robin even says that because they did some amazing shit with that (while yea we joke that Robin and Steve have one brain cell between them - I would also say that they’re actually very competent when they’re with one another and they both have the brain cell when they’re together - they just selectively have moments where they both have the brain cells when together).
Omg omg omg yes yes yes about everything in your last paragraph. It’s either people just see Steve as a comedic element (which is funny considering that he doesn’t mainly become the comedic character until like season 3-4) or people just don’t like Steve so they immediately knock off all importance that Steve has with the narrative. It’s just some people are willing to hate him and have a grudge against him (idk why though honestly) that they’re not willing to see past their own agendas of what Steve is and what he means to the narrative. Because he does mean a lot to the narrative and maybe it’s also because: people cannot see past his season 1 status. And I think it goes beyond seeing him as a douche - it’s more because in season 1 he was more of a secondary character. Which honestly could be why they just write him off considering as this fandom has two immediate modes when seeing a secondary character: they either get completely obsessed with them or they hate them for no reason at all. Sooo honestly my thinking could be it atp but also idk honestly. But yeahhh I find it odd how people write off Steve as someone who has been important and helpful in the show considering that he’s saved all of the mains and is literally the one asking questions. He’s the one who asks questions as the others kind of just go with everything especially in season 1 and 2 but Steve asks questions!!! Which is literally what they need as they absolutely do not fucking understand this shit which is also why I’m annoyed when fandom plays the ‘dumb’ card with him because YES THEY SHOULD BE ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
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cakejerry · 9 months
Persona first batch of listens thoughts. Did not look at the lyrics for any of these btw.
1. The who am i skool luv affair intro SAMPLE is genuinely a banger. Glad they brought it back although it does seem kinda cheap to bring up your old albums like that when its not even like they're leeching off of their old fame, or promoting a song that they think deserved more, because they make it very clear they don't consider anything pre-2015 canon but... Sure. Sell the "we're proud of our roots" story. Namjoons flow actually brings to mind haruman, for some reason. Im sure someone out there was gagged at his improvement over the years. Him refusing to use coherent english is certainly a choice. Also the song is too long.
2. Same issue with the self-referencing. Several white woman related problems i mentioned earlier. Just confused and personalityless, which is ironic. Do you want to be korean or american???? Choose, greedy. Makes me feel nostalgic, which might just be because I'm pissed about the direction they're taking in general. "Modeunge geumgeumhae hajilte" "YOUR ONE YOUR TWO" Jungkook randomly glew up in the mv I will have to investigate this further....... Im mad asfk about how attractive I find him btw. Yoongi just doing whatever in his verse ohhh he hates white people. Mv is literally so confused with its concept, 2012 sm-level box sets, when they promoted themselves with this deeeeep jungian philosophy, please. Just funny and shameless.
3. I was actually expecting to be so gagged by souju especially since sakura said she loved it but its a SKIP. ITS A SKIPPER. ITS A SNOOZER FOLKS. A gift for the fans, was it? Why it's so beloved is beyond me. Literally a tear reject, sounding like magic shop. Sounding like the ost for a random webtoon actually but FROMIS_9 did that better with LOVE ME BACK so. Byeolbit part kinda catchy but not enough to not skip the song. "Shine dream smile" okayy i bring wind sunlight water. "Nanana" ohh bts you are on a downward spiral and you don't even know it
4. Am actually kinda GAGGED over the make it right sample/riff ngl! Gaslight potential. On loop for 8 hours while I look at spreadshees potential. It reminds me of something and i cant put my finger on it. Sounding like a girlgroup song probably im ngl. Was eddy boy on this one? He slayed so hard I almost forgave him for plagiarising April's snowman (cakejerry 2017 twitter reference, don't worry about it.) "I can make it better i can hold you tighter" okurrrr shawn mendes!!!!!!!!! I know jungkook was cheesing
5. Another tear reject, was it? Wasnt 'crazy for myself' an army meme or something, whatever. Rhyming rich and switch? Okayy inna up. Your love- I want that? Okurrrr ariana grande 7 rings!! Why that "naega" sounding a bit.... The houoououm part sounding like the average song that would be playing on mtv, oh bts you're so done
6. Jamais vu NOW OKAY THIS IS A REALL SNOOZER. And also another tear reject ctfuuu they really had a signature sound during this period didn't they. And it was TRASH. Sounding like an ending credits song for an episode of Grey's anatomy.
7. And the grandiose DISAPPOINTMENT. Dionysapppintment lol. Everyone gagging over this one i thought they were actually gonna serve rock realness when all they served was a seo taiji reject.... And again with the "haters"... Bts got more imaginary haters than itzy in 2019. Massyeo part kinda okay. Did jungkook just say he was feeling saucy???? FFFFFA- Wait hoseok just slayed omg okurrr onomatopoeia!!!! Is this supposed to be like the mic drop of the album?... Okay... Whateva that means. Brings to mind the injustice 6.5 faced but whatever. Wow you can actually almost hear an instrument here at the end. Bros think they rockstars 😭😭😭😭 okurrr opening song for a korean remake of a random flop japanese shonen anime from the 1990s!!
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isabeladraws · 4 years
i finished kotsam and i just wanna say that i love yakov despite the 0 affection and barely any conversation 😔💗
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the-daiz · 2 years
First of all I hope you have a nice day! I was wondering if you could HxH hc Killua x Reader Gon, where the reader turns into a chimera ant (like Palm)? You don't have if you want, thank you 💙💙💙💙
Killua and Gon's reaction to the reader turning into a chimera ant
Genre: kinda angsty, fluff (at the end)
Pairing: platonic! Killua x reader x Gon
Warning(s): mention of death
Hello Anon! Thank you for the request! I actually really like this request, though I did have trouble while trying to figure out the exact timeline and if i wouldn't it to be detailed or not, i ended up making it a bit overly detailed, glad it worked out in the end tho. By how lengthy this is, Im guessing you can tell how much i enjoyed myself writing this :)
Posted on: 7/ August/ 2022
When you didn't come back from the exploration you were assigned by Morel, Gon and Killua immediately knew something was wrong. Something terrible happened to you, they could just feel it.
The chimera ants had already spread throughout the forest and cities, claiming them as their own. Kite had fallen victim to their sinister snapping jaws and a new chimera king has been founded.
Now the three of you were in the hands of Morel and knov, ready to take the risks of putting an end to the invasive species. You were meant to clear out the passage they were taking to sneak into the city the chemira ants had invaded, a simple task considering it was surrounded by mere lower grade ants and you were well versed when it came to combat.
The task was supposed to take a day or less to complete, however, when you didn't return after 3 days and you were no where to be found, panic started to arise in their chests.
When you went missing, the first thing the two did was go looking for you, or any sign of you for that matter.
But they couldn't find anything, nothing that led to you, not even a stray strand of hair. There were a relatively less amount of Ants that roamed the area now which meant you had been here.
Painfully so, Knov had to pull them back to reality when they wouldn't stop looking for you.
Gon was distraught, he was so out of it for a few days
Killua on the other hand tried to keep his composure, but he couldn't, he couldn't hide how hurt he was by your supposed 'death'.
After sulking for a few days, they lifted up their heads and continued hunting down the lethal creatures. Your dissapearance (or death, as they think) played a major role in their infinite feul of motivation to put an end to them once and for all.
It was when they were investigating a few towns, which had unfortunately been massacred by 'the national celebration', that they encountered you.
Well, not completely you, your mutated form. You didn't look the same but you were recognisable.
Its safe to say that they were both speechless and utterly stunned.
You remembered them, your memories were still intact however your emotions weren't the same.
Gon was happy when he finally realised what he was looking at, so you weren't dead after all. He was about to run towards you and envelope you into a hug but before he could, Killua stopped him.
Being the rational one of the two he quickly picked up on your odd behaviour and expressionless face.
Unannounced, you pounced at them, with full intentions to kill, as pouf had ordered you to.
Taken aback, they leaped away from you and continued to dodge your continues attacks, sometimes mistepping and getting hit by one of your many blows.
"What are you doing?! (Y/n) stop it! Don't you remember us?! You're our friend!!" Gon desperately yelled, trying to snap you out of whatever stupor you were in.
"I'm not your friend, I came here merely to kill you two. Sorry but your friend is gone." You responded nonchalantly.
Gon didn't have the heart to fight back despite you actively trying to get rid of him, but Killua knew better, even though it hurt to see you in such a state.
Eventually, he was able to trap you with the strings of his yo-yos and started to try and talk you out of your mindlessness.
"I am not the (Y/n) you once knew, Killua. Your holding on to a false hope. Now quit being so pethatic."
Of course he continued trying, which was all in vain.
Unfortunately for him, while he was going on about the hunter exam and how you met you managed to snap the strings of his weapons. Without a moment to spare you sprinted full speed his way, ready to finally shut him up for good.
Killua didn't have anytime to react, and only gawked at you in the few milliseconds he was given. Gon let out a helpless cry to his vulnerable friend but that was all he could really do
You paused right before him, your face mere inches away from his when all of a sudden the wall built inside your head to block your inner emotions had finally broken down.
Hppy ending! (Yay!)
Gon JUMPED on you, al most suffocated you (literally) with how hard he had his arm wrapped around your chest.
He kept crying about how much he missed you and how he never believed you were dead (partially lying)
And when you were done having your moment with your green haired friend, killua started yelling at you???
Well you weren't sure if he was angry at you or was just really happy that you're alive, but you suppose it was a mix of both.
After he was done yelling at you and gulping back down whatever emotions had managed to break theew his chambers, he engaged in a very awkward side hug with you, which was good enough for him.
Alas, the infamous trio was back and better than ever! They march towards the setting sun, ready to end the chemira species, together!
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actualbird · 3 years
UR HANDWRITING IS SO GOOD!! It definitely gives me kiki vibes. Ur little dooble of peanut(? I think idk it might just be a random bird) and urself is super cute! Im now thinking about each nxx boy’s artstyle… -✨ anon
hi Sparkle!!! haha thank u, im glad u think my doodles (and yea that was me attempting to draw peanut borb kjkjBJKSF) r cute!!! and NOW IM THINKING ABOUT NXX BOYS' ARTSTYLES NOW TOO AND WHEN I GET THINKING I MUST....EXPAND
nxx boys' artstyles (aka all the boys draw a dog)
wc: 624
marius: his art is beautiful ugh
okay so marius we can get out of the way fuckin immediately. hes an artist and painter and studied in florence, this dude DEFFO draws so good and skillfully.
canon hasnt really told us (yet) details as to what his Exact Style is but his painting alterego Z has been described as an impressionist painter who has an exquisite sense of color and mood. ive seen a tiny smidge of marius' anniversary card where hes sketching and he does seem to go for a quite realistic style.
so i think if he were to sketch a dog, he'd go for something like this. realistic with the impressionism's focus on light and shadows (source)
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vyn: you can easily tell it's a dog
i had a hard time with bc thus far i havent seen any mention of him doing visual arts yet (i have not yet played his card stories, IM SORRY VYN, I KNOW, IVE BEEN NEGLECTING U). but based on his vibes, i think he'd be pretty good!! like it's not gonna win him awards but he can easily pick out the most important features of what hes drawing
him drawing a dog would look like this. simple but easily recognizeable (source)
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artem is where things start getting hilarious. several stories have mentioned him being VERY BAD AT ALL KINDS OF ART. buuuut in SR Fixated On You he facepaints a really cute pumpkin on mc's face!!! mc herself says it's adorable!!! what on earth happened here, i thought you were shit at art, artie?
well [spoilers for that card] at the end of the story it is revealed that he practiced drawing that pumpkin OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. he had a STACK OF SKETCHES and with each sketch he had noted down his improvements and he used references and i genuinely want to fucking cry, artem is so earnest and he wants to do things right but //holds his face gently. JUST DRAW A SHITTY PUMPKIN, IT'S OKAY, EVERYBODY WILL LOVE IT!!!!
but yeah, if artem had to draw a dog he'd ask for a reference image before starting.
and his first try would look like this (source) (you can hear celestine's laughter all the way from nosta) (i mean it still looks like a dog!!!!)
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luke: it's a four legged mammal?? of some kind???
i dont have SR How I Remember You (and im in pain about it) but my friend was kind enough to stream the story for me and my girlfriend!! in that card story [spoilers for that card] luke and mc play pictionary and mc says that "Luke isn't very good at drawing. A classmate had once mistaken a horse he drew for a pig in art class..."
which. luke pearce how did u fuck up THAT BADLY??? LMAO??? it's very cute tho bc mc says that since she's seen so many of luke's doodles (he always draws on the holiday cards he sends her, i am going to burst into TEARS) she can easily tell what hes drawing.
but for non-mc people. uh. well. if luke fucked up a horse to be a pig, i can assume that at the very least, he gets the number of limbs correct. and everything else just gets so vague that it could be anything that shares the general shape of what hes drawing
so heres luke's drawing of a "dog" (source: my hand)
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during nxx investigation team pictionary
marius: it's a cat
vyn: yes, it is definitely a cat
artem: it's a cat that's...wagging its tail?
luke: GUYS CMON. IT'S A DOG...
mc: a german shepherd, right?
luke: YEAH, EXACTLY!!!
marius, vyn, and artem internally: how...did she FIGURE THAT OUT???
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Green with Envy
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: Spencer gets green with envy over something reader can’t control angering reader- hot and heavy makeup sex ensues.
A/N: hey guys 🥺 this is my sixth fic for my 1250 follower celebration and this is a day late- thank you to everyone who was super nice and considerate about me pushing this off till today- I was having a super hard time emotionally last night and I needed some time to myself. Again thanks so so much- this is based off of a combination of this request and this request for jealous Spencer. Also part two to Dr. Jekyll will be out tonight or tomorrow depending on if I can finish it- still a little bit behind schedule from me pushing this off last night. Thanks for reading 🥺
Warnings: 18+, Someone’s harassing reader at work, Spencer is a jerk at first I promise he apologizes, Unprotected sex, Oral sex (F receiving)
Main Masterlist Word Count: 2.1k
“Could you go and check case evidence? And bring the detective with you.” Hotch had approached me, giving me orders for the next step to take in the team’s investigation. I accepted them with no discernible dissent in my voice towards Hotch, even though I would have rather stayed with Spencer working on the geographical profile. Especially since the detective had not taken my subtle hints of turning him down when he flirted with me. Unfortunately like many of these instances it was just easier to keep my mouth shut rather than cause problems with the police department we were liaising with. Though I still did know if I’d I had told Hotch he would’ve understood and changed it with a drop of a hat. it was still just easier to not say anything and power through the case, however sad and disappointing it was.
The detective had been hot on my heels ever since we had touched down here. At first it had been endearing and I just carefully let him down, saying a simple no to coffee.
I was sure he got the impression that if he ‘convinced me’ more he’d get me to say yes. I hadn’t told him until later that I had a boyfriend because it hadn’t been his business. I had only told him with a snippy tone in frustration when he would not let up. Unfortunately for me again he seemed to take it as a sign of ‘playing hard to get’ and did not stop his pursuits. I should probably tell Hotch about it before I punch him in the nose.
I was frustrated and annoyed, plus basically every other negative feeling in the book. I just wanted to be alone, or with Spencer.
When I finally got time to slip out of the room for a breather I scampered my way over to where my boyfriend was as he always gave me some sort of solace.
Unfortunately, it seems like the universe was against me this week.
Spencer’s eyes usually held not one ounce of anger, especially not towards me. When he flashed me a glare I got a little angry myself. What had I done to face the wrath of the genius? His demeanor towards me wasn’t doing anything to squash my bad feelings as it normally did, right now it was just fueling the flames.
I decided to just ask him upfront after a third glare was flashed in my direction instead of dancing around the issue any more, we did have a job to do, “Hey- Spencer, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” His tone was clipped and sharp, sharp enough that it felt like it could cut me.I wouldn’t have been that surprised if it did. It was obvious that ‘nothing’ was not true, there was obviously something going on.
I decided to ask again just to be sure, though there was definitely a possibility I was going to be snapped at again, “Are you sure?”
The harsh glare I was given was more piercing than the previous ones, cutting me deep.
“Yes, I’m sure!” Was whispered shouted at me along with the glare. It took every fiber of my being not to snap his head off even harsher than what he had done to me. Blinking back tears I got up and stormed off, completely done with the day- with this case. I just wanted to put this case behind me, putting it in the files to never be thought about by me again.
When we got to the hotel, after we were finished for the day, there was an eerie silence that fell over us. The silence only held for a moment as we stared at each other. I wasn’t going to speak before he was and if it wasn’t an apology I didn’t know if I had the energy left in me to say anything back.
I had ended up telling Hotch what had been going on with the detective, it had become too much for it to be reasonable to brush off (though in a perfect world brushing off someone like that wouldn’t be a reality but that’s just a daydream of mine I guess)
I stood at the other side of the room for a minute waiting to see if he’d say anything or if we’d be dancing around each other like this for the rest of the night.
He ran his hands through his hair a few times, looking like he was trying to collect his thoughts and sat down on one of the beds in the room. I wondered also if I’d be slipping into the second untouched bed by the window tonight.
“I-I’m so sorry.” My only response at first was a slight hum from the back of my throat while I processed my own thoughts. He seemed sincere, I wanted to believe he was sincere that is.
“Sorry for what?” On the ride back to the hotel, once my irritation towards his attitude had somewhat satiated in the cool silence of the car, I had figured out what he had been bothered by. Spencer wasn’t all that hard to read once I got to know him. However, I wasn’t going to provide the reason for it, I still wanted to hear the reasoning from his own mouth.
“I was envious- jealous of you and the detective today.”
“You were envious?” Being green with envy wasn’t something that Spencer had ever expressed in our relationship before. Being envious- or jealous as most people would call it could be something to be played with in a relationship. It’s an emotion to be delicately handled otherwise the relationship could be filled with possessiveness and aggression.
Spencer was for sure out of line earlier today, he was certainly right when he said I’m sorry.
But, since he had said sorry and that I could tell he was sincere, maybe there was still a chance to play with the delicate emotion in a way that would not crack the foundation. Plus the added fact that I didn’t need to ask for an apology was comforting. There was no need for a fight when the person at fault admitted it. And, in time I’m sure when our relationship has had more time to build a larger foundation, those feelings of envy would not be so easily provoked— unless of course if it was time to play with those delicate emotions.
“Y-yeah, I was getting mad that I wasn’t the one that you were with today. A-and- I also didn’t like that the detective wouldn’t stop flirting with you…” His stuttered apology wasn’t what I was totally paying attention to, though don’t get me wrong I did appreciate it. What I was focused on was how much I wanted to claim him, to show him how much I was just as much as he was mine.
“Well, I’m glad you apologized, I accept it and I understand where you were coming from- plus the case hasn’t been easy on any of us. Just don’t ever do something like that again, please.” Spencer’s shoulders slumped from a sigh and an added nod, relaxing from my words after being tense with anxiety. Sauntering over to him after I had accepted his apology with one plan in mind made my panties wet with anticipation. When I straddled his lap his eyes blew wide, not expecting these turn of events. I grabbed the back of his hair, not too harshly, just enough to get a firm grip to tilt his hair back while I spoke into the shell of his ear, “And, now I’d like to show you how much I belong to you— and it’s just as much as you belong to me.”
Instead of getting an intelligible response from Spencer all I got was a moan, not that I was complaining. While I captured his lips in a breathless kiss I began to grind my hips down onto him in slow circles, giving him a taste of what’s to come.
He surrendered to my dominance in the kiss almost immediately, letting me guide him in any way I wanted him to go. As I rocked my hips over the bulge in his slacks I could feel it grow harder underneath me, I couldn’t wait to free it from its confines. I made sure to mark up his neck with as many hickies that made me satisfied- plus I let him give a few to me as well.
His submission underneath me wasn’t something that I was unused to. This time seemed to be a little different however.
I couldn’t place my finger on what exactly was different, maybe it was that we were so desperate for each other that the clothes practically melted off- which was a lot quicker than how we normally took our pace.
“Can I show you how good I can be for you, Miss?” His eyes were wide and begging, there was no way I could refuse a face like that.
That was how I ended up riding his face, with no hesitation in sight from him. All he wanted to do was to please and he was greedy for it. Even after I had started to pull up off of him after I had already had a shattering orgasm he pulled his hands down onto my hips to have me writhing on top of him im overstimulation. I could’ve punished him for it, but it felt too good to punish.
I was going to make sure he was ready too, possibly by taking him into my mouth for a bit, which I loved to do. However, his little whimpered out pleads about how much he wanted to feel me were just as hard to ignore as the previous pleas. It was hard to say no to a face that looked so pretty when he begged.
I sunk down on him slowly, at least letting myself relish in that feeling for a bit before Spencer would undoubtedly coax me into a faster pace because of how desperate he was. My own desperation wasn’t too far behind to be honest.
When I took him down fully to the hilt I only let myself feel the weight of him inside me for a moment before I started to roll my hips to create a rhythm. The pace I created was just as everything else up until this point had been, desperate.
While I bounced on him I had become unsatisfied with the amount of marks I had left on him before, diving into his neck to pepper them with hickies not really considering the fact that we had to go to work tomorrow. At least he still had that concealer he bought when we first started dating.
Seems that Spencer could not seem to think of it either as in between my ravishing of his neck and upper chest he’d also been getting in his fair share of marks. His were more centered at my chest, he’d been making sure my boobs were not neglected.
My second orgasm washed over me when Spencer brought up his fingers to rub my clit in quick circles. When my pace began to stutter in their movements as I rode myself through my orgasm while trying to help Spencer reach his, his hands came up to my hips to help aid me. Once my pleasure had partially abated I began to focus on his.
“Come on, sweet boy, you’ve shown me how good you are, now I want you to cum for me.”
His eyes rolled back into his head at my words, close to falling off the edge. I grabbed both of his hands interlinking them together and pinned them to the bed to help push him towards his release. A high pitched whine came up from his throat and he fell over the edge, cumming inside me.
We stayed together like that for a bit while we were both coming down from our highs. For a while there was only silence between us as we basked in each other's presence until I decided to make a joke.
“Are you no longer green with envy?” I simpered a bit at him, teasing him just a little as I started to even out my breath some whileI also traced all the marks I had left on him. I was teasing him about the events of today, but I’m reality that horrible detective was far from my mind- it was just Spencer and I. I’d have to see later while looking in the mirror what marks he had also left on me to claim me just as much as I had done to him.
His nose scrunched up at me and he giggled, his giggles were my favorite sound. When I first heard it I knew I would become addicted to pulling little giggles out of him as often as I could. In an uncharacteristic comeback through giggles Spencer then said, “No you kinda fucked it out of me.”
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
All works: @shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes
Sub Spencer: @thatsonezesty13 @pastathighs @virtualpeanutartisanjudge @calm-and-doctor
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Blueberries and Cowboys: Chapter 2
A choose-your-own-adventure style fic. First, 2 platonic chapters for set-up/build-up. And then, the story will split into 2 paths depending on your romantic pairing preference: You and Thrawn, or You and Eli.
Chapter Masterlist
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Chapter 2: The Plan
Pairing: None...yet...
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of bullying
Length: 2k
AO3 Link (In case you like it better over there, it’s okay, no judgement)
The rest of the week saw the three of you using every bit of free time outside your classes and studies to gather information for Thrawn to build a solid plan.
Eli tailed his pesky classmate Arden everywhere, even skipping a class one day to break into his dorm, trying to learn anything about the guy that could be useful to get him involved in the plot. Thrawn analyzed the simulation software and protocols that would be used to administer the tests, mapping out every possible way Commander Burdick could hijack it. And you were the one spying on the Burdick himself. Since the commander didn't seem too interested in your grades, you were able to shadow him without suspicion, and had been able to slip a bug into his offices to eavesdrop on any potential conversations about his plans for sabotage.
Your classmates and the staff were none the wiser. That was the advantage of being social outcasts. Half of them avoided you all like the plague, and the other half already thought you were weird people doing weird things. So it wasn't long before you'd all gotten enough intel to work with.
It was late in the evening at the end of the week. You found yourself in Thrawn and Eli's shared dorm, which looked identical to your own in the opposite wing, because the Empire couldn't bother with things like individuality or comfort. Eli sat on the edge of his top bunk, his legs swinging casually, and his coat unbuttoned to reveal a wrinkled undershirt you knew he hadn't bothered to wash all week. Thrawn paced about in the middle of the room, his long strides only allowing him about four good steps before he had to turn around. He still had his uniform on, boots and badges and all.
You leaned against the railing of the bed, watching Thrawn as he went back and forth. Sometimes he sat still when he was scheming, with his fingers steepled and his gaze seemingly reaching into some unknown dimension beyond your comprehension. That usually happened when he was running through variables that didn't concern you, at least from his perspective. You and Eli had accepted long ago there would always be parts of his plans he would never share with you. He was kind of a control freak like that.
But tonight, he seemed to be more welcoming of collaboration, hence his steady rhythm of pacing in front of you.
"Only one variable remains, as I see it," he was saying. "We understand how the commander will manipulate the system to cause a redundancy in the simulation, thus rendering the test impossible to finish successfully."
You and Eli shared a glance; the only person who truly understood how that was going to happen was Thrawn. He'd tried explaining numerous times but when it came to codes and tech, the two of you weren't able to fully keep up.
"We also know through your investigating," Thrawn motioned to you with what you thought was an impressed look, causing you to feel a little pride, "that the commander plans to only sabotage my test, believing it will be too suspicious if Eli also fails. He will also manipulate his false code to originate from the computer of his former lover Eva Carroway, who currently works in HR. So if an investigation does ensue, it will be traced to her and not him."
You and Eli chuckled under your breaths. It had been a little amusing when you'd discovered Commander Burdick was using this plan to not only undermine Thrawn, but also get revenge on his ex-girlfriend. But even more hilarious was how awkward Thrawn treated the subject. He had been quite perplexed to learn people could be so vindictive after a break-up. And any time he explained that detail of the plan, like he was doing now, he hesitated over his word choice. You couldn't tell if he only pretended to be confused about romantic relations, or if that was truly an area he found himself lost in.
If Thrawn noticed your snickering, he didn't respond to it, only continued to recap the plan. "We have also determined how we will expose the altered code naturally, so it does not cast suspicion on us... What was the word you used?"
"Backfire," said Eli.
"Yes. It would not due to have anyone suspect that we altered the test ourselves, or to have our concerns disregarded altogether. Thus, arranging for the maintenance crew to get a mild case of food poisoning so their performance checks are postponed to occur right before the tests will take care of that variable. At the least, they will fix the altered code and I will take the test as normal. At the most, they will report it and the commander faces expulsion."
"So..." said Eli through a yawn as he stretched. "What's left to work out, then?"
Now it was time for you and Thrawn to share a look.
"Were you not interested in involving your classmate, Arden Fey?" asked Thrawn in his soft, contemplative voice.
Eli shrugged. "Yeah. But Burdick's already got his scapegoat, his ex. So it'll be easier to keep him out of it. Whatever."
You could tell he was trying to be nonchalant. But just this morning, he had spent the entire walk between classes ranting about some new insults Arden had come up with, and how badly he wanted to show the guy up once and for all. You knew your friend wasn't feeling "whatever" about it.
"It's not a matter of ease or difficulty," Thrawn stated plainly. He had stopped pacing and was standing with hands behind his back, highlighting the broadness of his shoulders and the height of his stance. His presence seemed to fill up the whole room, and not for the first time, you were glad to be his friend and not his enemy.
"Yeah," you added in encouragement. "We just have to get creative. Find a way to make Arden a more appealing scapegoat than Burdick's ex. In fact...."
You trailed off as an idea occurred to you. You darted out of the room, surely leaving your two friends perplexed, but you would only be a second. You sprinted down the corridor toward the lifts, where a bulletin hung against the wall with fliers and pamphlets. One notice was a bit larger than the others, a promotion of an upcoming gala event to celebrate the Academy's anniversary. You ripped it off and went racing back to the boys' dorm room.
Eli had come down from the bunk and held a concerned look, probably prepared to follow you if you hadn't returned so quickly. Thrawn was still standing composed, but there was a curiosity in his eyes that made you smile.
You held up the poster in front of your chest. "What do you think the likelihood is of us playing successful matchmakers this week?"
Thrawn understood your idea almost immediately, looking down on you with a pleased smirk. It made you flush a little, to know the Chiss was impressed. You rarely had a chance to contribute good ideas when his mind worked so much faster than yours.
Eli caught on next, and he started to grin, the happiest you'd seen him in a while. His smile was infectious and you grinned back. Happy looked good on him.
"We know Eva's not shy with younger guys," you explained. "Before Burdick, she was fooling around with some intern in the med bay."
"And Arden's vain enough," added Eli. "If he thinks anyone's interested, he'll go for 'em."
"So we get him to ask her to the gala as his date...." you said.
"Burdick sees the two of them together...." said Eli.
"And realizes he can get back at his lover in another way, by pinning the sabotage on another student...." joined Thrawn.
The three of you stood together, proud and satisfied that yet another plan had finally worked out. It was almost worth the stressful studying and petty bullying and all the other unpleasant things you had to endure at this god-forsaken school, just to have fun moments like this with trusted friends.
"We should attend this gala as well," Thrawn said eventually, holding out a hand for the poster. He inspected it thoughtfully. "It is only a few days before the tests, so I hadn't planned to pay it any mind. But now...."
"Yeah, we should make sure Burdick's as jealous as we want 'im," nodded Eli.
You were secretly pleased. The plan was already a win-win, but now you would be able to go to the event yourself, too. You hadn't mentioned your desire to go to either of them before, figuring they weren't interested and not wanting to sound silly if you suggested it. But you did love dancing, and it was so very rare you got a chance to wear something other than your Imperial uniform.
"It's a dance," you noted, in case they couldn't tell by the details on the poster. "We'll need to go in pairs."
"I suppose it would make the most sense for you and Eli to go together," said Thrawn quietly.
You looked between the two, realizing both of them were flushed slightly. Eli's cheeks were dotted with pink, standing out amongst his dark brown features, while Thrawn had more of a purple tint to his face now, a color you'd never seen there before. You could feel yourself growing warm and uncomfortable as well. It was only a dance... only a way for you to enact a much more important plan... but it was the first time your trio had had to engage in anything other than platonic friendship. The balance of your group seemed to be shifting ever so slightly in this moment, and you had no way of knowing if it was for good or ill.
You cleared your throat, pushing away any feelings that might have been brewing in your chest, and instead calling focus back to the mission at hand.
"Actually, I think I'd better go with Thrawn. Whoever doesn't go with me would have to find their own date, and no offense Thrawn, but I think Eli has the better chance of asking someone else."
You hoped they hadn't noticed how hollow your voice sounded, how hard you were trying to keep yourself emotionless.
Eli was pinker than ever. "Uh, I highly doubt that..."
"You're not completely hated around here, you know," you said quickly. "Definitely not with the girls. You're not bad looking, you can be charming if you try, and you're... you know, human." You glanced at Thrawn and added again quietly, "No offense."
Thrawn shook his head. His color and demeanor had already slipped back into his usual neutral self. "No, I agree. Those are the dynamics of our peers and we must work with it. I will take you to the gala, Eli will find his own date, and all three of us will push Arden and Eva together as well. It's a good plan."
You all nodded in agreement. But there was a knot in your stomach, a nervousness you didn't quite understand. You cared very much for both Thrawn and Eli. They were your best friends, your only friends. As a group, you were bonded by your ostracism, protecting and supporting each other on your journey out of this hell-hole.
And separately, you had something special with each, too. You and Eli came from similar backgrounds, and had the same need to disconnect from your surroundings and just have a bit of fun every once in a while. The two of you had spent many late nights together, either hopping between bars, exploring the city, making each other laugh uncontrollably, or quietly sharing the honest thoughts you both buried far too deeply inside. Some nights you'd done all of the above, and returned to your dorm feeling both exhausted and renewed.
But Eli didn't always appreciate the finer things in life, and that's where you connected with Thrawn. He wasn't necessarily an optimist, but he had this way of noticing the beauty that existed everywhere around you, even in the most simple or mundane of moments. Everything had the potential to be interesting. His calm but strong presence had kept you grounded and sane throughout your studies here so far. Sometimes you would talk, other times you would simply be in the same space. And either way, you felt better about life.
You didn't exactly want your relationship with them to change. But you couldn't help but feel this gala would do just that....
Next Chapter: The Preparation >
Blueberry Path | Thrawn x reader
Cowboy Path | Eli x reader
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summertime mindset - epilogue
date night & declarations
masterlist for summertime mindset
Timing is hard to get right and summer doesn’t last forever. You and Tyson learn the hard way.
word count: 2.2k
note from the writer: it’s finally over. also Come On Eileen just came on while im writing this rn which was mentioned no less than twice in this series is this a sign. anyways, hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!
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“Close your eyes.”
“Tyson, if you let me trip.” You warned, a slightly nervous chuckle falling past your lips. Tyson laughed loudly, and you smiled at the sound. It was date night, apparently, and he had something set up somewhere. You assumed your aunt’s backyard, because Michael had been tasked with keeping you out of the house. As much as you loved your cousin’s boyfriend, he was not subtle at all, and about fifteen minutes into grabbing ice cream with him, you realized something was up.
So when Michael went to drop you off at your aunt’s house and you found Tyson standing in the driveway, you weren’t totally shocked. He was dressed nice, a pair of jeans and a sweater you had never seen him in before. Even his hair was styled. When you pulled into the driveway, he opened your door, gave you a kiss, handed you the bouquet of flowers, and told you to close your eyes.
“C’mon, just do it.” He grinned, holding your free hand. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Rachel and Kacey looking out the window of your aunt’s living room, both giving you a thumbs up. Michael had already slipped inside, so with one last teasing glare at Tyson, you complied. “We’re going out back.” He explained, though you could tell that from the direction he was leading you.
“What do you have planned, Jost?” You teased, trying to focus on your footsteps and not tripping on anything, but it was a little difficult when your head felt as light as it did when Tyson squeezed your hand and laughed as melodic as he did.
“No peeking!” He told you instead of answering your question, and you held your tongue, knowing that you were not going to win this battle. You let him lead you further into your aunt’s backyard, and you realized he was taking you to the gazebo at the end of the yard. Tyson finally stopped walking you, and moved to stand beside you, his hand held tightly in yours still. “Okay, open your eyes.”
You did as you were told, and your eyes immediately widened in shock. The gazebo had been decorated with fairy lights and candles, and in the center there was a table completely set with what looked to be a homemade meal. It took you a moment to take in everything, how good it looked and how moved you were that he had put so much effort into it.
“Tyson…” You trailed off, at a loss for words. Instead of saying anything, you turned to face him, wrapping him in a tight hug that he readily returned. You pressed a kiss to his cheek as you pulled back, eager to investigate the set up closer. 
“Kacey helped me cook, and Rachel helped with the decorations. It was my idea, though.” Tyson said, a little nervously, as he watched your reaction. He hoped that you wouldn’t think it was too much, but he had wanted to do something special for you, and his sister had suggested the dinner idea.
“If Kacey helped cook, then it’s probably edible.” You teased, throwing him a mischievous grin that had his heart stopping in his chest with how much he adored you. On the table, there was an empty glass vase, with some water in the bottom, so you placed the bouquet Tyson had gotten you there.
“I’ve been told I’m a great cook.” Tyson defended playfully, easily falling into your typical light banter despite his nerves. Despite the teasing, he pulled out your chair for you like the gentleman his mom had raised him to be.
“It doesn’t count if your mom told you that.” You rolled your eyes with a grin, watching as Tyson settled into his own chair across from you. He didn’t respond with anything other than a chuckle, and you watched as he nervously studied your face. “Tyson?”
“Do you like it?” He blurted out, one hand gesturing to the table and decorations. You creased your brow together in confusion, but seconds later you realized why he was so nervous. He was afraid that he’d done too much and would scare you off.
“I love it, Tys.” You reached across the short table to set your hand on top of his. He relaxed at this, and lifted your hand up so he could kiss the back of it with an easy grin. Your simple words were enough to calm him down, and you briefly reveled in the fact that you were able to have such an effect on him. “But what’s the occasion?”
“Just ‘cause I really like you.” He assured you, his broad grin on full display. Your heart stuttered in your chest, despite the fact that it was far from the first time he had told you that. You had a feeling that it was far from the last time he’d tell you that, too, and thought made you smile wider. You chuckled breathily at him, eyes dancing across the lights that were around the gazebo before finally settling on Tyson. He was smiling fondly at you, and you knew that you would be perfectly content to sit there for the rest of life, as long as he looked at you like he was.
“Didn’t realize you were such a romantic, Jost.” You chirped, but his response was quick and easy, as if he had spent a lifetime in preparation for this moment.
“Only for you.”
“We’re engaged!”
You beamed at Rachel, standing up from the lawn chair you had been perched in while watching Tyson play a game of modified spike ball with your younger cousins. You had been waiting for Rachel and Michael to return from their drive, knowing he had been planning to propose. He had, after all, asked you for Rachel’s ring size and help with planning everything.
“It’s gorgeous, Rach.” You cooed, stepping back to let your various extended family members that had come to your aunt’s for a family barbecue to crowd around Rachel. She shot you a grateful smile before turning to entertain your Great Aunt Ida’s various questions. Tyson approached, then, clapping a hand on Michael’s shoulder and his other arm winding around your waist.
“Congrats, Mikey.” Tyson grinned. You smiled at your boyfriend and soon to be cousin, glad they were able to easily rekindle their friendship after you got back with Tyson.
“You two are next!” Your aunt shouted in glee, pointing to you and Tyson. You flushed, chuckling out of nerves. Rachel elbowed her mother for her comment, but you felt Tyson’s arm tighten around you. Luckily, your grandma asked Rachel a question about her future wedding that had everyone in a tizzy, so you were out of the hot seat.
“Beer?” Tyson asked quietly, and you nodded, ducking away from your crowd of family members and towards the coolers. Your mind was elsewhere as you went through the motions of taking a sip of your fresh drink. Specifically, your mind was wandering years into the future, to your relationship with Tyson, and how maybe then you’d be in the same position as Rachel and Michael.
Tyson sat in the Adirondack chair you had previously occupied, and gently tugged you down so you were seated comfortingly on his lap. You leaned back into his chest, distantly paying attention to one of your younger cousins explaining the rules for whatever game he was making up. You turned to face your boyfriend when he squeezed the arm that had been wrapped comfortingly around you, finding him already watching you with a soft and caring look in his eyes.
“Hm?” You hummed, searching his face for whatever he would’ve wanted to tell you, only coming up short in the few moments he said nothing. A grin broke out across his face, one less mischievous than you were used to seeing.
Your fingers subconsciously started toying with the braided friendship bracelet on Tyson’s wrist. It was a new one, since the first one was years old and the string had snapped during one practice. He had gotten upset, genuinely distraught that one of the first gifts you had gotten him had broken. You assured him it was okay, and made him a new one with the colors of the Colorado Avalanche.
“That’s gonna be us someday.” He said, wordlessly gesturing to Rachel and Michael who were still being questioned by your family. Your heart stopped beating in your chest all together, a wide smile on your face at the sureness he spoke with. “Maybe not next, ‘cause,” He paused, nodding his head in the direction of your thirteen year old cousin who had invited the girl he liked from school to the barbeque. “little man’s got game.” You laughed at this, feeling Tyson’s eyes heavy on you the whole time. Calming down, you returned Tyson’s soft smile.
“Someday, then.” You told him quietly. He nodded brightly, before leaning forward to press a quick kiss to your cheek, before kissing the other, and then finally landing one on your lips. He didn’t move back far, choosing to mumble his next words against your lips.
“Someday it is.”
As if you were always meant to, you spent the rest of the warm summer evening in Tyson’s arms. He joked with your family and you chirped him alongside his sister, and all the while your mind didn’t stray far from Tyson’s comment about your future together. Kacey had asked you what made you so smiley, and you just shrugged, but the grin you sent her brother’s way told her all she needed to know.
“I swear, you two were meant for eachother.” She sighed dramatically, her own teasing grin so familiar to the one you loved. A family trait, you assumed.
“I hope so.” You told her, a little breathless at just how happy you were in the moment. A giddy smile broke out across your face as Tyson appeared, his arm snaking around your waist to tug you into his side gently.
“Are you coming with me tonight?” Tyson hummed tiredly. The night was coming to an end, with most of your family gone already. There was only a small group of twenty-somethings left: you, Tyson, Kacey, Rachel, Michael, and Dan. The latter of which had previously been engaged in conversation with your boyfriend, and had kept him occupied for the last half hour. It was late, you were tired, and Tyson noticed.
He always noticed you.
“Yeah, if you’re on your best behavior.” You grinned playfully, and Kacey jokingly gagged. Some things never changed, and you were incredibly grateful for it.
“Always am.” Tyson replied, his hand slipping in yours and tugging you in the direction of his house next door before you had the chance to reply. You bid everyone a goodnight over your shoulder, shouting one more congratulations to Rachel and Michael before you were inside the Jost family home.
Fifteen minutes later, you were clothed in one of Tyson’s oversized athletic shirts and wrapped in his arms. You were chatting mindlessly, your thoughts on the verge of incomprehensible as a result of your exhaustion. Tyson was laying on his back with his head against the pillows, and you were curled into his side with your head tucked into the crook of his neck.
He listened to every word that fell past your lips, hanging onto each sound you created with a broad smile and beating heart. He had known before that moment that you were it for him—he had decided he was done for the moment you walked into his life—but he wanted you to know. Sure, you probably had a pretty good idea about what you meant to him, but it couldn’t hurt to say it.
“I meant what I said earlier, you know.” He found himself accidentally interrupting a story about something one of your aunt’s had said. He could tell you didn’t mind, because you didn’t even try to continue.
“About?” You hummed, confusion lacing your tone. You could feel his heart hammering in his chest, and in a bid to try and calm him down, you began brushing the tips of your fingers up and down his arm.
“About marrying you someday. I’m going to do it.” He sounded so serious, that you couldn’t help but prop yourself up on your elbow, slightly hovering over him in order to get a better look at him. He was smiling softly the way one does when they’re in love, and you felt your heart stutter in your chest at the way he was looking at you.
“Not right now, I hope.” You teased, a little breathless under his stare. You were grinning at him, an easy smile that was mirrored on his face.
“No, not now. But I can’t imagine not having you in my life again.” He told you, and you wasted no time in leaning down to connect your lips to his. You smiled into the kiss, still feeling the same electricity from the first time you had done so all those years ago run through you. You’d never tire of Tyson, you were sure of it.
“Didn’t realize you were such a romantic, Jost.” You mumbled against his lips before pulling back to admire him. He chuckled quietly, one of his hands rising up to cup your jaw, his thumb brushing across your cheek. The sensation had you leaning into his touch, and you grabbed his hand to give each of his fingers a quick kiss.
“Only for you.”
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fumbo-jart · 4 years
Zi Loveday
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Birth Name : Zi Loveday
Also known as : ZiZi
Born : 2/14/1976 Rome, Italy
Age : 44
Occupations : Former Band Founder/Leader * Singer * Songwritter * Lead Guitarist
Instruments : Guitar
Years Active : 1996 - 2004
Additional Information
Gender : Female
Pronouns : She/Her
Eye Color : Yellow
Hair Color : Pink
Height : 5'2
Religion : Wiccan (Former Christian)
Nationality : Italian
Voiced by : Kaye Mata (the voice she uses when voicing Kagami Tsurugi in Miraculous Ladybug)
"Motita pa fumar, Motita pa curar"
- Zi, speaking spanish
Ah yes, a gorillaz oc, always knew this day would come. Im not kidding when I say that I drew this a few weeks ago on paper but I started it digitally today and finished it today. Yes she looks a little bit mean, its either that or im tripping. !!BEFORE PROCEDING PLEASE  BE AWARE THAT I AM NOT THE BEST AT STORY TELLING. YES I JUST REALIZED THAT MURDOC MAY SEEM BIT OOC IN THIS STORY PLOT!!
Born on February 14, 1976 to a Italian Father and Hispanic/Japanese Mother. Zi lived most of her life on a schedule made by her parents, which consisted mostly of ..
ex. waking up at 7:15am for school, brushing teeth, coming hair neatly, eating small breakfast, attenting school, getting home from school at 3:45 sharp, doing the dishes, sweeping the floors, helping with dinner, eating small dinner, bathing, and sleeping all at 7 years old.
Sometime between 1979 Zi's father started having an affair with a richer woman eventually leaving Zi and her mother in 1980. Zi's father never bothered to check up on her or her mother again, Zi's mother however was delited at the fact that be had left. She had been also having an affair for a while and now that her now exHusband was gone she could bring the new man in her and Zi's life.
Middle School
Zi's middle school experience was a misery. Her mother nor Step-Father made no interest into taking care of her Physical or Mental needs. They instead dedicated themselves towards Zi's half-sister, Nina. Nina was they're pride, much more "prettier and calmer" than Zi. The only thing that they made sure to keep track of Zi was her school grades, cleaning chores and cooking chores.
High school was no better, now 16 and taking care of the house by herself. Needless to say she was having stressful days. There would be days where she was forced to clean the floors and walls untile they shined, cook for the family, wash the dishes like if her life depended on it and studied until her brain was fried. Of course as soon as she was able to get out of school and had enough money she made a run for it. The ran, she ran and never looked back.
Forming the Band
After her flee from her home life, she took shelter with a close friend of her's apartment. There she would have to decide what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. She wanted to do big things, meet famous people, travel the world. Her friend , Jenny Spinfield , had proposed the idea of starting a band. They made fliers listing for band members, a few weeks after that they meet two twins, Jack and Julie. Jack had come looking for the bassist possition, Julie came for the Drummer position. After having spending enough time gettting to know eachother they were ready. They were ready to start their band, "RockyGhouls"
Meeting Murdoc
Some time between 1998 and 1999 Zi was introduced to Murdoc through Julie. Not lomg after Zi and Murdoc started growing close. They would practice together, play tricks on random people on the street together and much more. Around the end on 1999 Murdoc had surprisingly gained some form of interest for Zi, a couple of weeks later he asked her out, she was a bit hesitant at first knowing his reputation with woman but she accepted nonetheless and soon after they had officially become a couple in 2000.
They had just reached their three year anniversary when things started going south, Murdoc would start forgetting their dates, hangouts and favorite stuff of theirs. Zi was starting to get suspicious but she didn't want to investigate, what if her worst fears were finally coming through, he was going back to his old ways. She didn't want to push it so she never asked him face to face, it wasn't until late July on a morning day when she found him in bed with another woman were she finally broke. She was livid, mad, enraged, she wanted to throw all of this stuff out and burn it to ash. She wanted to hurt that woman, she wanted to hurt him. Those few minutes that she stood there with wide eyes just staring at them were the worst minutes of her life, after those minutes passed she slamed the door to his room shut and left. That afternoon Murdoc had tried visiting her apartment only to hear from the front lady that she had left in a hurry a few hours ago with her stuff, he didn't want to believe it, he wanted to see it for himself. He wanted to apologize to Zi, he wanted to say how she meant nothing to him, he reached her apartment door and quickly unlocked her door opened and rushed into the now vacant apartment. She was gone, the one woman who he would have wanted to spend the rest of his life with was gone all he because he couldn't help sleeping with a different woman.
Zi ended up finding her way back to Jenny, who gladly let her stay in her home. Zi was mad, she was livid, she wanted to yell and scream at him but she had decided leaving was the beter option. Some weeks after Zi moved in she had started throwing up a lot, eating weird combinations of food and gaining stomach weight. She knew what was going on but she didn't want to believe it, she didn't want to believe she was pregnant with Murdoc's child. Jenny had also started growning suspicious too. Jenny confronted her about the pregnancy, Zi was a mess she was sobbing she was hysterical, she wasn't ready to be a mother, she didn't want to worry about the bills and money she'd have to earn to keep the child in good health and shape. Eventually Jenny calmed her down and found a solution to this, she proposed that Zi make up half on the bill and her make up the other half that Zi wouldn't have to spend hours upon hours working just to pay off bills. She also proposed the idea of making an appointment to the doctors to check on the baby. Zi was a bit hesitant but she accepted the deal, and she's glad she did because after all that hassle she was able to give birth to get beautiful baby girl, Bo Loveday in April of 2004.
Authors Note
I hope at least some people enjoyed reading Zi's life. I know i have only 2 followers but yk what im happy I was able to post this even though my brain is now fried to a crisp. Later on i'll do Bo's life.
tags - @kk-gorillaz​
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sanababes · 4 years
Requested by: anon
Pairings: fem!reader x Handong
Warnings: Crime genre, fluff? i dunno really, its a bit short too so-
(im sorry if i didn't sticked to the prompt too much, i got off track quickly lol)
Phantom. The name which everyone knows within the city of Seoul, her elusive, brazenly cheeky attitude was really getting into a certain detective's nerves. You've been in a cat and dog relationship with Handong since the day you decided to rob a bank in the central part of the city. Unfortunately, the latter couldn't catch you for once as you were too "good" at this kind of chase.
The skies are now colored grey as Handong rode her motorcycle to the police station. Arriving at the large-built building, she stepped inside while her co-workers greeted here and there. Handong was about to open her office door when Inspector Elkie called on her attention.
"Detective! I'm glad that you came early."
"Huh? I sure did, so is there anything wrong?" The older asked.
"We just got a call from one of our informants, it seems like Phantom is currently seen lurking around the recreational buildings around Hongdae street. I suggest that you bring a few units for back ups, Officer Changbin is assigned with you." Elkie stated.
"Understood, we'll get going now."
Handong immediately geared up and met up with the team as they got inside the police van. She sat down and buckles her seat belt, the familiar adrenaline coursing throughout her body as the thought of you being finally caught brought up her mood.
'Phantom, you'll be locked up in jail because of me soon...'
"There's a report that our suspect might be on 2 locations, since we're quite a lot, let's split up into threes. Tzuyu and Gahyeon, the two of you are with me." Handong ordered strictly.
The team quickly followed and began to observe or investigate the area.
The three girls started to be aware of their surroundings, making it a little easier to feel your presence. Unknown to them, you're just leaning against the railing of the rooftop just right above them.
"Pathetic..." You chuckled lightly as you watched them search voyaging the narrow alley below.
Heaving an exaggerated sigh, you pulled yourself up while crouching to get a better view of a certain brunette. Her hair flows smoothly with her white complexion, completely making you in awe. A smile slowly creeps into your lips as you grabbed a deteriorated plastic bottle and tossed it below to the entrance of the dainty structure that you are on.
"Oh fuck! ...God, that scared that heck out of me." Gahyeon exclaimed after releasing a loud shriek.
"What was that?" Tzuyu asked, consciously glancing to Handong.
The older instantly checked what caused the sudden sound and saw the plastic bottle that you threw on the ground.
She looked up to see a rusty door, which would definitely lead close to your direction. Following her instincts, she loads her gun and looks over her shoulder.
"You guys stay here, if I don't come out within 20 minutes then you are authorized to look for me. Bring the units in as well."
Answered by a nod, Handong then opened the door and saw the worn out stairs that go up for a few floors. She hoisted her gun out, scanning her eyes around the concrete floor and walls around.
Meanwhile, you decided it was taking too long for Handong to catch a glimpse of you.
Walking towards the staircase, you looked down to see the latter climbing her way up with cautious steps. You rolled your eyes and faked a lousy cough.
"Oh! Who do we have here? Aigoo, our dear Dongie finally found me again–"
"Hands up! Don't you dare move from your place, Phantom." Handong hastily jogged to your position while pointing her gun towards you.
"Bringing out a gun now? Well, that's a bit new." You smirked playfully while cocking your head to her direction.
"Come on, just give up now already Phantom. I'm tired of playing games with you..."
You brought your hand up to fix your mask which hides your facial identity.
"Ughh, you're so boring Dongie." You sauntered slowly in front of the detective and placed the muzzle close to your forehead, holding her hands in the process.
"Why don't you pull that trigger of yours instead?"
Handong tried to seal her confusion but it didn't get pass through your sharp eyes.
You took this as a chance and twisted her wrist which made her drop the gun as you kicked it away from the two of you.
"What the–" you suddenly pushed her against the wall and leaned close to her elegant face.
"How are you doing? Wanna hang out in my place baby–" you got cut off by a harsh sting on your left cheek, thank god your mask didn't fell off.
"Ouch! What was that for?" You whined.
"You are such a dumbass." She said with a straight face.
You just grumbled under your breath before hearing dozens of people's footsteps from below. Your eyes widen for a minute but you finally registered what was happening.
"Tsk, now you're going to rot in prison Phantom," Handong smirked before swiftly inserting the handcuffs on both of your wrists.
"Fuck... be thankful I'm in a good mood today." You stated in low and husky voice.
"Huh? What are you talking about, you're literally going to jail–"
Handong couldn't finish what she was about to say when you pushed her aside and jumped out of the nearest window. You fell into the next building on the side before giving the detective a last glance, the look on her face made you laugh as her mouth gaped with her eyes enlarged with a hint of anger.
"Hasta la vista, baby!" You shouted and ran away from the scene with the handcuffs still in your wrists.
On the other hand, Handong just groaned as she looked out at the distance.
"I'll get you next time, you thief."
~the end~
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moonice20408 · 4 years
The Curious Disappearance of C. Cullen
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Word Count: 3818
Read on Ao3 Read on FF.net
“This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved we’re investigating the disappearance of C. Cullen, as part of our new investigation!”
“New investigation?”
“Are vampires real?”
Shane groaned. “Oh no. No no no. Absolutely not. Nope.”
Ryan let out a laugh. “What, you don’t believe in vampires?”
“No Ryan, I do not.” Shane shook his head. “And you know what, I think I might believe in them even less than ghosts!”
“Oh wow.” Ryan laughed again. “Why are vampires so much more unbelievable than ghosts?”
“Because Ryan. They’re stupid! That’s why!” He slammed his hand onto the desk with some force. “If vampires were real, we’d know about it.”
“Well what if it’s like in the movies and they’re all just living in secret?”
“Oh, c’mon. There are cameras everywhere nowadays. You don’t think we’d have caught some guy just munching on another guys neck till he drops dead at some point? Then turn into a bat and fly away.”
“Well you’d just say it was fake if we did.”
Shane paused for a second then shrugged. “Yeah, that’s probably true.”
Ryan shook his head, then faced the camera. “So, this episode of Supernatural is a going to be a little different.”
“How so Ryan?”
“Well… we’re not going anywhere. There’s no location footage this week guys.”
“Yeah, this week we just thought, ‘you know what, not feeling it.’” Shane relaxed back in his chair. “We’re gonna sit back and take it easy.”
Ryan ignored him. “The reason being, well two reasons actually. One being that, at least I figure, if they were real, vampires aren’t, err… trapped, shall we say, to one place. Therefore, if they were real, they’d still be free to leave a place. So, we’d get there-”
“And we’d be talking to no one.” Shane interrupted.
“Imagine that.” Shane continued. “Going to a supernatural hotspot, just talking to the air…”
“Would you-”
“Wouldn’t want that! Would we?” He threw his hands up in the air. Ryan just stared forward, looking into the camera with an unimpressed look. “Wouldn’t we just look dumb! Just yelling into an empty room, expecting a response.”
“Erm, excuse me, we’ve gotten plenty of responses!” Ryan defended.
“Pffft.” Shane waved his hand.
“You know what, I’m just going to continue.” Ryan said matter-of-factly.
“The other reason we’re staying here, is that this case is from England. And we just couldn’t find time that worked for us, as well as crew members to do a quick trip to another country.” Shane nodded with Ryan. “I did look around the location, y’know on Google, and err, it’s just a bunch of offices now, so…”
“Not as exciting as our last trip there.” Both of them shook their heads.
“Now,” Ryan straightened out the file in front of him, before looking to the camera. “I am going to admit, right off the bat…” He quickly peered to Shane. “See what I did there?”
Shane nodded.
“Vampire… Bat…”
“No, I got it Ryan. That was a good one.”
“Thank you.” Ryan smiled while Shane rolled his eyes. “Anyway, I have to admit, I, err… I’m already prepared for some… criticism, shall we say.”
“What, because vampires aren’t real?” Shane said sarcastically.
“No. Well, I guess that’s part of the debate isn’t it?”
Shane sighed and shook his head, looking straight to the camera.
Ryan continued. “What I mean is, that this is case we’re investigating, is one of the oldest cases we will have covered so far on the show.”
“Oh really? Interesting.” Shane said, genuinely intrigued. “What’s the oldest so far? Witch trials right, gotta be.”
“Err, well that’s the oldest full episode, I think. But there’s some of the ancient alien stuff we looked at-”
“Oh right, yeah.”
“But the Salem witch trials were 1690s. But the case today dates back, roughly, to the 1640s.”
“Wow. That’s pretty old Ryan.”
“Yeah, which is part of the problem. Because it’s as old as it is, the erm, documentation of it is… It’s not great.”
Shane let out a small laugh. “So, what you’re saying is, you’ve got shit.”
“No! No… It’s just we, meaning our tremendous research team, we’re usually able to get multiple accounts on stuff, and can cross reference information, you know, so we can put together a more valid case.”
“So, you’re telling me, that before the videos even started, this case has no credibility and is crumbling through your fingers as we speak?”
Ryan sighed. “Look, I feel that what we have is defiantly something. I just want to make it clear; it’s just not as backed up as our usual content. You know we try to keep it as honest as we can here. So, I figured, I’d be upfront about this, before people start yelling at me through the comments. Obviously, I’m not going to put together an episode if there’s absolutely nothing, cause that’s… that’s just telling a made-up story off the internet isn’t it?”
“Hmm,” Shane nodded. “Okay. Alright. I will reserve my judgement for the end.”
Ryan laughed. “I doubt that, but anyway, let’s get into it.
- - -
“Legends of vampires can be dated back millennia, and stories told of them are found globally. Many ancient cultures had tales centred around the nocturnal undead, reanimated corpses spreading disease to the living, or blood drinking spirits all that hold similar characteristics to the modern idea of what a vampire is.
The idea of blood drinking became very ingrained into the lore of vampires. It was once believed that the blood of a living person, contained that person’s life force, and to drink it would allow another creature to absorb that life force. Some even thought that by drinking a person’s blood, that the drinker would also gain the characteristics of that person, allowing the vampire to better disguise themselves amongst the rest of society.
The word ‘vampire’ itself only came into use in the mid-18th century, from fast spreading tales told in Transylvania, and was later further popularised due to Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula, which was published in 1897. It’s Stoker who is credited for defining the modern vampire, after combining multiple myths together for his book.
In most folklores, vampires were believed to be the revenants of evil beings, or an unrested deceased person who had committed unforgivable sins in their life, but it became a common belief that a living person themselves could become a vampire by being bitten. The belief in some parts of the world became to extensive that it led to mass hysteria, which resulted in many people being sentenced to death, usually by burning.”
- - -
“What’s interesting to me,” Shane started.
“Is just how wholeheartedly people, back in the day, believed in this stuff!”
“Yeah. I did come across something, and can I just say, the historical research in this case was very interesting… Like, go look up vampire history guys.” Ryan pointed at the camera. “But anyway, in, err, Greece I think it was, was that after three years, they would dig up dead bodies and they’d be examined.”
“To see if they’d become vampires?”
“Basically.” Ryan nodded. “And if they hadn’t decayed to standard, or whatever, then they’d be ‘dealt with accordingly’” He said, adding air quotations.
“Who decides,” Shane snickered. “Who decides what a suitable decomposition is?” They both laughed. “Were they just like, ‘hmm, no, too much meat left on ‘im’”
“‘toss him in the fire!’” Ryan added.
“‘Into the pit’,” Shane mimicked throwing something over his shoulder. “‘Bring in the next decayed body!’”
“It’s like a line at the doctor’s office.” They both chuckled.
- - -
“Now, back to the case at hand. In early the 1950s, construction workers in London were working to fix up a number of buildings that were destroyed by bombs during World War Two. In one particular location, the damage caused actually led to the discovery of a basement-like room, that had been previously built over, remaining hidden for centuries. Upon further investigation, it was determined that this room was originally part of an Anglican church that was destroyed during the Great Fire in 1666, and was never rebuild.
Inside this room, many historical artefacts were found, but some of the most interesting, at least to me, were a journal and a stack of documents, that belonged to a previous pastor of the church. It is worth noting that the year 1640 is written on the first page of this journal, but it is up for debate for how long this journal was kept. The documents that were recovered, have been since entitled the ‘Crusades of Evil’.
Unfortunately, over time a lot of the writing on these pages has become too faded to accurately read. But enough can be made out to get a good sense of what they’re about. In short, the pastor of the church would lead hunts for all manner of unholy creatures. Almost all of them resulting in the execution of people who were thought to be these creatures. These documents contain the information about the accused, which was essentially just a name and location, if that, as well as what they were accused of doing/being, and the method of execution. Most of the documents found were signed a S.C. Cullen. But, thanks to the journal that was found with these papers, we know that the man in question was named Samuel Cullen.”
- - -
 “No middle name?” Shane asked.
“Err, no this guy didn’t write his whole name. Unfortunately.”
“And am I correct in assuming that the unknown ‘C’ initial is perhaps the same as our missing person’s?”
“It is certainly believed that the initials do come from the same name, yes.”
“Interesting…” Shane paused for a moment. “You know… just to switch subjects here,” He huffed a laugh, “And I want this on record, this guy already seems like an asshole… I’m very against the whole idea of burning innocent people to death…”
“Oh good, I’m glad.” Ryan said sarcastically.
“But, I gotta say… Crusades Against Evil! Sounds like a badass movie!”
Ryan chuckled. “To be honest, when I first read that… I did think it sounded like some kind of shooter video game.”
“Oh! Like Doom! You ever play that?” He mimed holding up a gun, and pointing it around the room. “Vampires just popping up, like bangbangbangbangbang!” He ‘aimed’ at Ryan. “Kaboom.”
Ryan just raised his eye brow. “You done?”
“Yeah.” Shane sighed, smiling to himself.
- - -
“Not much is known about Samuel Cullen, other than the fact he was the church pastor during the 1630s and early 1640s at the very least, according to the papers found. And the journal that was found, was unfortunately in an even worse condition than the documents. That being said, one legible section did make reference to a son, and if you were paying attention, you’d have noticed I said most of the documents were signed by Samuel. Some however, were signed C. Cullen. Which has led many conclude that this C. Cullen was the pastor’s son. But when efforts were made to find out more about this man, researchers came up empty handed, and found almost nothing. Not even a first name.”
- - -
“Not even a name?” Shane said loudly.
“I know.”
“So I take it that it was Samuel naming his son after himself?”
“Err, yeah. At least that’s what most people think. Which, honestly, I think is a fair conclusion to make.”
Shane nodded in agreement. “That’s kind of sad, that we’ll never know this guy’s name.” Ryan hummed in agreement, and there was a brief moment of silence. “I bet it was Clive.”
Ryan laughed. “Clive?”
“I dunno man, first name I thought of.” Shane shrugged.
“You thought of Clive before, like, Christopher? A much more common name.”
“Aaa, this is an uncommon guy though, Ryan.”
Ryan shook his head, not commenting.
- - -
“As I said, Samuel seemed to be very enthusiastic about the hunts he led, given the number of documents signed by him. His son however, only seemed to have taken charge in two of these crusades. And if it is to be assumed that the documents were kept in any sort of order, then that would mean, these two accounts from the son were much further apart in time, than that of Samuel’s. It’s also worth mentioning, that C. Cullen’s papers were noticeably longer in length, even if too faded to fully read. But this does suggest the man was, perhaps, more detailed in his telling of what happened, or even maybe had more compelling evidence of what he believed to be a supernatural creature. Researches involved believe the most likely scenario is that Samuel put his son in charge of the church and of the hunts, when he was old enough, as the son’s involvement doesn’t seem to be much later. But that his son was much more hesitant at doing the job at hand. Therefore, leading Samuel to decide to take over once again, possibly to save his own or his family’s reputation.
One document in particular sparked interest, when upon further inspection, it appeared to be written by both Samuel and his son. When comparing the handwriting, it was concluded that it was mostly written by the son. Starting with what seemed to be a description on a group of people living underground. This most likely meaning the sewage system at the time. Bible verses can also be found, such as Leviticus 17:10-14, which quotes ‘And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people.’. But the account of the raid itself, as well as what is assumed to be the execution details, was written, and signed by Samuel. And no evidence of C. Cullen can be found after this point in time.
Which begs the question, what happened during this crusade that meant C. Cullen was unable to complete his own documentation? Was it a conscious decision to leave for good? And, what became of him?
- - -
“See,” Shane started, “I know where you’re going with that that question…”
“And I don’t like it…” He sighed.
- - -
“One theory as to why he vanished, is that it during this aforementioned raid, someone fought back against him, and he was killed in self-defence. As mentioned, this attack was written to be on a group of people. Consequently, it seems pretty likely that this group would fight back, given the chance. So perhaps C. Cullen met his match, and ultimate end in this way. Similarly, could it be that he was killed accidentally? Many historians agree that these types of hunts for supernatural beings, would have involved a large number of people. Could it be, that in amidst the chaos and disorder of the crowds, undoubtedly fuelled by fear, that C. Cullen was killed. Perhaps being trampled, or being mistaken for someone else.”
- - -
“Personally,” Ryan started, “I’m not sure I think that’s likely.”
“Of course you don’t, it’s a logical assumption.”
“Oh what, you don’t think, if we were in some crazed mob, I wouldn’t recognise you?” Ryan raised an eyebrow. “And I’d just accidentally kill you cause I was so caught up in the madness?”
“Okay one, you couldn’t kill me no matter how hard you tried.” Ryan made a sound to interrupt, but Shane continued before he could. “And two, hysteria does things to people man. You’re not thinking straight.”
“I just think that the leader of this raid, would be the most recognisable person out of everyone there. I imagine they’d have had him up on a little stage while they all crowded round for instructions before they set off. They’d all of had a pretty good look at the guy, and I’m sure he’d have just been a well-known guy at the time. The trampling, or self-defence I could kinda understand, but I can’t see how someone could’ve just like, grabbed him, and I don’t know, beat him to death or whatever.”
Shane just shrugged.
“Plus, again, he’s probably the most relevant person there.” Ryan added. “So, you’d like to think someone would have noticed his death and there’d be evidence of that.”
“It’s the 1600s, Ryan! What kind of evidence do you want? It’s not like they were running round taking photos or anything.”
“Well, there could be some sort of documentation of it. Newspaper article perhaps?” Ryan suggested.
“I don’t think many newspapers would’ve survived that long… Were newspapers even a thing at this point?”
“You know, honestly I don’t know.”
“And this is the 1600s, how many people were reading?”
“Hmm…” Ryan sighed. “Okay, you got me with that one.”
- - -
“The most commonly accepted theory is that C. Cullen simply ran away. As I said, it is widely believed that he was more hesitant about conducting these crusades in the first place, so is it possible that he used the attack as a cover to escape? Many believe so. Perhaps being in charge of the crusade in question granted him more protection in the event, and perhaps he wasn’t involved in the attack at all. He was simply waiting for news on whether it was successful or not. Is it possible that he hung back, and made his escape while the crowds fought without him? And that no one realised he was gone until afterwards. That being said, some have their doubts about this. Afterall, if C. Cullen was indeed so much more humane than his father, would he really cause an attack on other people, just for his own benefit? And would he be one to watch from the side-lines, while others risked their own life?”
- - -
“Okay…” Shane said.
“I mean, obviously, I don’t believe for a second that there were actually vampires involved in any of this… But back in the day, people did quite truly believe that they were real. So, I can’t imagine it would have been difficult to get a crowd all riled up, and then send them off. Especially if the leader of it all also truly believed in the… in the cause, I guess. And I think, that if this guy did use the attack as a cover, and if he was as good of a person as everyone thinks, then he at least thought they were really vampires.”
“That’s fair.” Ryan agreed. “And if you think about it, bible verses were only found in his accounts. So that leads me to think that he at least had like, I dunno, God in mind or whatever.”
“It’s kinda strange to, like, imagine yourself living like that. If you’re taking the bible that seriously, and know it well enough to quote like that, it’s gonna be hard, cause it has a lot of contrasting points. I mean, I can’t say I’ve read the bible, but just from what I’ve seen online. It seems like it’s a bit all over the place!”
“Oh yeah, I agree. I mean, this quote again,” Ryan shuffled through his papers, “I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people’. I can understand that perhaps that could be interpreted to mean killing vampires is okay… But then in the same book you have ‘thou shall not kill’.”
“You know Ryan, I like it when we argee on this stuff.”
Ryan laughed. “Well, we’ll see what you’re saying after this last theory.”
Shane let out a loud sign.
- - -
“I’m sure you all can guess what this final theory is. But some people actually entertain the idea that C. Cullen was correct in his quest. And that he truly found a coven of vampires living underground in London. He was attacked, and transformed into a vampire himself, and he is still out there today.”
- - -
Shane let out a long and loud groan. Leaning back on his chair, and covering his eyes with his hands.
Ryan giggled. “What, you don’t like this one?”
“No.” Shane replied in pained voice.
“Well you’ll be glad to know, neither do I.”
“Oh really. I’d of thought this one was right up your street.”
“What? You seriously think I’d believe in vampires?”
Shane shook his head. “You are so genuinely terrified of ghosts, it’s really not so outlandish to think you’d believe in anything like this.”
“No, no. I’m gonna put vampires in the same category as I put witches. I think a lot of innocent people were unnecessarily killed. And in all honestly, I think Samuel Cullen here, knew what he was doing. I think it was a case of him wanting to maintain a reputation, and as with the second theory, his son just took off and left to live an honest life somewhere.” Ryan nodded.
“I dunno…”
Ryan exaggerated a gasp. “Do you think it was vampires?” He laughed.
Shane chuckled. “Absolutely not. But I mean, I’ll put the whole vampire thing down to mass hysteria, you know, like those people in France!”
Ryan rolled his eyes. “I was so desperately trying to avoid you bringing that up.” He muttered.
“They danced till they died Ryan!” He looked to the camera. “Look it up! Anyway… Mass hysteria, plus, like I think I said this about the witches, but, general boredom can cause a lot of crazy behaviour. But with this C. Cullen guy… he probably just died. It’s not like they were medically advanced. People would get some sort of disease and the local doctor would give them cocaine or some shit. And it’s just a case of crappy documentation.”
Ryan laughed. “You don’t think he managed to get away and just move somewhere else? Probably chance his name?”
“I mean, that’s a possibility.”
“I just… I think there’s something just not sitting well with me, that this guys own father, never seems to mention a death. And that he just seemed to vanish and no one noticed.”
“Well maybe he did mention it, it’s just part of the journal that was unreadable.”
“Maybe…” Ryan said, unsatisfied.
“I guess we’ll never know…”
Ryan sighed. “I hate it when you say that.”
“I know…” Shane nodded, chuckling slightly. “I’m not gonna lose any sleep over it. It was four hundred years ago, he’s defiantly dead now anyway.”
Ryan nodded and hummed. “Well on that note!” The two laughed. “Hey, do you think if a vampire died, that it could still become a ghost?”
“Okay…” Shane stood up and walked off camera.
“Where are you going?”
“Away from you!”
“It was just a question.”
Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know what you think!
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