#i feel bad bc it was hot as balls in my work today
fictionalmenxyn · 2 years
Hi! Love ur work btw.
But i was wondering if you could do a 141 + könig, alejandro, rudy headcannons/reactions or even short story of yn having gotten a tongue piercing? Or having one thats healed? Like yn just casually rolling the bar across their lips or their enjoying ice cream and theres a divet in the ice cream or whatever.
Could be funny, nsfw/sfw/etc. I could use anything tbh bc i legit bit my tongue bar today and it tugged hard enough to cause my tongue to bleed
I got my feb 7th bc they were doing deals where all piercings were 25$ so i went and got mine done, now i feel like a bad bitch and gotta change my tongue bar to a smaller size so im feelin the need to see work that shows yn w/ piercings that arent the standard lobes
Love that you feel like a bad bitch 😏 of course I’ll definitely do this feel like I’ll do different piercings for different ones but I will act the tongue one to each so there are two types also glad you like my work! :)
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The way he finds out is probably your both snipers and your both at the shooting range together
He’s watching you closely to see if you need any help although he’s proud to say you don’t need any help
He goes over to you after your finished shooting as he walks over you take your soundproof headphones off
As he walks over he’ll compliment you and how well you did
He’ll go for a kiss but before that he brushes a few strands of hair behind you ear to find a industrial piercing
He’ll raise an eyebrow and ask when you had it done
But once he found out you had that, for him it made you even prettier
With tongue he’ll probably find out through kissing you
Like you’d probably me making out and he feels something that’s a bit cold and ball like
So he’ll stop what he’s doing and ask you to stick your tongue out
You’ll smirk and show him your younger piercing
Definitely finds you even more attractive
He’ll probably ask you what it feels like and how you can eat with it
As he now realises that you have a tongue piercing he’ll start to see it more often throughout the day and he still questions how he hasn’t realised it
The way he finds out you have a septum piercing is when it falls down during combat training
He’ll say something like when the bloody hell did you get that piercing he is very questionable
As you tell him stuff about the piercing he’ll probably stare at it but he’s definitely into it no doubt
Finds it cool as it suits you he also looks for cool replaceable piercings as a gift
Loves the idea of you with piercings if you want more he’s definitely up to buy them for you and will go and hold you hand
For a tongue he’d find out through going on a date since he got back from his job and the date is at a ice cream parlour that recently opened near your house
You decided to go with a cone as he had a tub you got your favourite flavour of ice cream while he got his
You both sat in a booth and started up a conversation and eat your ice creams
You had licked a part of your ice cream and it had gone on your nose
You both laughed and you tried to lick it on of your nose
That’s when he realised he probably asked when you got the piercing done and if it was healed
You told him it was a spontaneous act with a friend and you both love the piercings
The way he finds out you have a belly piercing is when you were both together
You were both outside on a hot day
You were lifting your shirt up to wipe some sweat from your forehead and he saw your cool piercing
He was shocked not thinking you were into piercings that much but guess he’s wrong
For a tongue he found out from brushing you teeth
You were both in the bathroom getting ready for the day and as you brushed your teeth he noticed a small dark ball on your tongue then he noticed it was a piercing
He likes the idea you have piercings he’s totally up for you having them and finds it attractive
He finds out you have a Medusa piercing is at first he thought it was like some peculiar birth mark or beauty spot
But one day you had changed it to a different colour so he had asked what it was as he has never seen anyone with that piercing before
Of course he was curious so he would ask about it. The usual dad/husband type of questions. E.g did it hurt?, how did they do it?, how long did it take?, etc.
If you have a tongue piercing he’ll find out by using an old saying (think it’s a British thing idk if it’s anywhere else that say it as often)
One time he thought you were lying about something so he said stick your tongue out let me see if it’s black (lying)
And so you did and his eyes widen at your hidden piercing
He finds out you have nipple piercings by seeing the small balls bulge out of your white tank top/cami when it was a summers day
He was shocked to say the least yet felt attracted towards it even more
He asked about it and wanted to know if it had hurt I mean of course he’d as cause they probably did or well look like they would
He finds out you have a tongue piercing through showing him your new lip scrum that’s edible (had this for my birthday it’s so cool!)
You tell him about it then show him and as you licked it off you could see the bar running across you lips
He finds out you have a nose piercing is well looking at you.
It was when he came back from his job you told him to cover his eyes as a surprise and also you had bought him a gift
He found it so beautiful on you it had suited your face so well he loved it
If you had a tongue piercing he’d find out by you little thing you did also like a tick in your head
When you’d be concentrating on something really hard you’d stick your tongue out not like complete out obvious 😂
But when you got a piercing you would do it and the bar would stick out and that’s when he noticed as he looked over to see if you wanted a drink he saw the piercing
Once again he loved it and found it beautiful on you
He found out you had a helix piercing done is by brushing your strands of hair behind your ear like Ghost
He said something like when did you get this Meine Liebe? (my love) it’s so beautiful
He’d make you blush and giggle on the inside at how amazed he was at the piercing
Same with the tongue when he found out he was amazed not just about how pretty you looked with it but also because of how strong you are as he’d never even think of sticking a needle through his tongue
Loves the idea of you having piercings whatever one you want you’d ask him if he liked it and wouldn’t mind you getting it and he’s completely up for it he’d even drive you but wouldn’t sit in the room cause he’d be panicking more than you would (even if you don’t panic)
Hope you like it!
If you feel or want to send me a request or message feel free I’m all ears even if it’s completely random I’ll try my best to make it work!
Have a good day/night! :D
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
The most misspelled word in English is separate.
The average speed of ejaculation is 28 miles per hour.
The favourite food of Adélie penguins is Jellyfish genitals.
The United States is the world's largest exporter of sperm.
Around 20% of AirPod owners wear them while having sex.
Tom Cruise divorced all 3 of his wives when they were aged 33.
Mariah Carey employs a man to walk backwards in front of her.
Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women.
In the UK you can join the army at 16 but have to be 18 to play Call Of Duty.
Human pollution has caused the average length of polar bear penises to shrink.
One in five doner kebabs in the UK poses a “significant” threat to public health.
You aren’t allowed to warm your balls during a round of golf but you can before you start.
The average four-year-old laughs 300 times a day. The average 40-year-old laughs four times a day.
In the late 1980s, officials in India released 25,000 turtles into the Ganges to eat dead bodies.
There are as many Russian agents in London today as there were at the height of the cold war.
Research by MIT suggests that humans can only cope with a maximum of five close friends.
The city of Regina in Canada was forced to apologise after adopting the slogan, “Show us your Regina”.
Collectively, humans have watched Adam Sandler movies on Netflix for longer than civilisation has existed.
Swearing on the Bible is theologically problematic as the New Testament forbids the taking of oaths.
In 2017, six Chinese officials were punished for falling asleep in a meeting about how to motivate lazy bureaucrats.
According to the Vatican, you can reduce the time you spend in purgatory by following the Pope on Twitter.
The average office employee who works an eight-hour day is productive for just two hours and 23 minutes, according to a UK study.
Studies have found patients spend fewer days recovering in hospital if they have a window looking out into natural scenes.
Private jets fly higher than commercial ones, partly so they can avoid bad weather and give their passengers a smoother ride.
King Zhou of Shang (1075-1046 BC) built a wine lake in China and made naked men and women chase each other round in it.
45% of Americans admit to having worn the same pair of underwear for two or more days in a row, with men more likely to do so.
Karl Marx is a very famous historical figure, however hardly ever mentioned is his wife, Onya, who invented the starting pistol.
In a UK poll of things that people most associate with Easter, Jesus came in fourth place after chocolate eggs, bank holidays and hot cross buns.
Last year in Ireland, a woman was hospitalised with ‘extreme stomach pain’ caused by years of holding in farts around her boyfriend.
Key In Lock Syndrome is the name for the phenomenon when you start needing a pee as soon as you get home and put your key in the front door.
Until 1961, the New York Times had a full stop in its logo. It was dropped partly because they realised that removing it would save $600 a year in ink.
The founder of IKEA reused teabags and was known to steal salt and pepper packets from restaurants. He was worth approx. £50 billion at the time of death in 2018.
Researchers from Essex and Berlin’s Humboldt Universities have discovered that drugs and alcohol do not make you more creative, they just make you think you are.
Gibraltar was besieged 14 times between 1309 and 1779. As a result, “toasting the siege of Gibraltar” is an old naval expression for having a drink without reason, as there’s a decent chance it’s an anniversary.
To reduce cleaning costs, Amsterdam Airport printed pictures of flies inside urinals, thinking men would aim at the flies while using the bathroom, reducing the amount of urine landing outside the urinals. Their plan worked.
The British Airforce invented the myth that eating carrots can help you see in the dark during WWII. They were trying to explain how British air raids were so successful without telling the Germans about the existence of radar.
DMX avoided a maximum jail sentence for tax fraud when his lawyer played his song ‘Slippin'’ for the judge to demonstrate X's struggles and how bad his upbringing was. The judge considered it and gave a one-year sentence instead of max five years.
Phoebe Waller-Bridge has, since 2019, earned nearly $60M under her deal with Amazon Studios, despite not producing any content for the platform. The plan was for Phoebe Waller-Bridge to collaborate with Donald Glover on a ‘Mr And Mrs Smith’ series, based on Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's 2005 film but, within a few months, she departed. Amazon recently renewed her three-year deal, at $20 million a year.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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infiniteorbits · 1 year
last updated
“amelie” - last updated 3/30/23 at 10:31
- when songs blend into each other
- untangling necklaces
- restoration videos
- doorbells that play songs
- when previously melted popcorn butter hardens
- when people laugh or talk at the end of songs
- restoration vids that r actually transformation
- when musical movies have less/no songs in the second half 
“now twitter” - last updated 3/30/23 at 17:03
- dunkin is very hit or miss. luckily for both of us i will take whatever is given to me in any situation ever. - 07:59
- i’m a good kid just mentally disturbed - 9:49
- why is it always hot as balls in [building] i am DYING! - 9:57
“lyrics” - last updated 3/28/23 at 21:06
are you there? - sbd
- “is there anyone in the audience currently living in vain?”
nights - frank ocean
- “wanna see nirvana but don’t wanna die”
“band names” - last updated 4/2/23 at 17:04
i called it
señor manatee
morph suit with the genitals cut out
western haircut
vape gosh
car moth
snail gunk shoes
banana fever
nonconsensual gymnastics routine
goodbye endemic fish
uneven sunburn
bread zeppelin
phoebe breadgers
self-imposed bald spot
turtle crossing
“wowowowow” - last updated 3/19/23 at 21:21 (excerpt 1/3)
i really only wake up to go back to sleep again
i dont wanna leave my house because then i have to put on clothes and look at my body. i hate watching tiktok because i see other people’s bodies and hate mine. i hate existing
do you ever yearn to be loved by someone that doesn’t exist so badly that your body aches. do you ever ever want to pull out ur hair bc ur so ashamed of your own thoughts that you cant exist
“dreams” - last updated 2/2/23 at 06:27
night of 12/22/22
[person 1] and [person 2] shit themselves. it seemed to be a reoccurring event bc [freshman year teacher], [person 3], and [person 4] were disappointed
“try god: 1060 AM” - last updated 3/10/23 at 19:36
(is an atheist station)
9/16/19 : 2
11/5/19 : 1
12/5/19: 1
1/14/20 : 1
5/24/21: 1
7/28/21: 1
8/12/21: 1
9/3/21: 1
12/29/21: 1 (roche bros [town] parking lot)
9/23/22: 1
3/9/23: 1 (the bitch had like 2 stickers tho!!!)
“hm” - last updated 1/22/23 at 22:57
“i’m not like you, other people’s problems don’t make me feel better” - [redacted]
“wowowowow” - last updated 3/19/23 at 21:21 (excerpt 2/3)
how the fuck do candles burn out the wax doesn’t evaporate right
welcome to the achery, what can i get u? vomit, comin right up!
the world is made of orbits
the moon around the earth
the earth around the sun
our solar system around the middle
even little galaxies orbit around ours
i suppose that even we, as people,
orbit too
i like to think
that i orbit around you
“i miss all the angel numbers and i keep getting mad bc i dont have to a reason to keep thinking of u”  - last updated 3/4/23 at 13:09
people kinda just age out of me.
untitled - last updated 3/28/22 at 10:46
i dont know what to write. i dont wanna seem like im not workin gbut i just…. cant do this right now. i had to walk to school today and i wanted to die. i mean realistically thats not truly a bad thing. the walk is like ten minutes and its in Rennes and im lucky to be here and to be able to walk and go to school and breathe clean air and whatnot. but im so tired. so tired. it took my nearly an hour to pick out my clothes today. i decided on a shirt and jeans that dont look good together at all and that are half dry bc the dryer just does not work in this house for some damn reason and its fucking annoying. i did my makeup because i was looking atrocious- my hair was wet because i finally got myself to shower after god knows how long (less than a week i presume - i think i last showered the weekend before this week?) and the lack of shape to my hair and the weird way my face looks after i wake up or shower or do anything made me need to sit down and inevitably still be upset when its over. i dreamt that i saw [redacted #2]. it was another one of those dreams where theres a big storm or tsunami or combination of the two and we all had to huddle in a school building that looks kind of like this one but not really. i was so excited to see her and i almost cried in my dream. but i barely saw her for the rest of the dream, she was off with [redacted #3] and her other friends and not me. i was left behind. they left without me. i’m not mad at her for this because she hasnt done this to me yet but i know she will so i guess im preemptively sad and mad and upset even though i have no reason to be and thats not fair to her. i am at myself and the person in front of me and how she treats me like im stupid and i dont want to be stupid and i know im not stupid but there is nothing i can do. i know that seems dramatic. “nothing i can do.” there is. there probably is. i really hope there is but at the same time i hope there isnt because then its true. i am stupid. i do get my work done or at least the work i know that i need to get done and my grades are fine i have like a 3.67 unweighted which isnt great but not like awful. i know i could do better. i know i could work harder. i have worked harder before but its gone now and shes gone now and im gone now. im gone now. im gone now. 
“favs” - last updated 3/18/22 at 15:19
bc i always seem to forget
dirty computer - janelle monae
sawdust - the killers
sgt peppers lonely heart club band - the beatles
rubber soul - the beatles
stranger in the alps - phoebe bridgers
apricot princess - rex orange county
punisher - phoebe bridgers 
ow - pom pom squad
turkey dinner - pinky pinky
death of a cheerleader- pom pom squad
“list of issues (current)” - last updated 8/17/22 at 07:46
- [ ] chronic/crippling fear of death (usually intrusive)
- [ ] shortness of breath/high resting heart rate
- [ ] trouble sleeping (falling asleep, keepingg eyelids closed, fear of dreams [lack of control], fear of unconsciousness)
- [ ] usually naseous or having abdominal issues
- [ ] head hurts all the time
- [ ] lack of control with my thoughts
- [ ] depression :( - am i taking too much of my meds?
untitled - last updated 9/7/21 at 06:51
ah oui!! désolé, j’avais fatigué donc j’ai oublié envoyer un text. on est en bus et on va arriver à 15:16
merci pour ce skype!!! j’ai aimé faire de connaissance de votre famille :) j’étais enthousiaste d’aller avant mais maintenant je suis plus enthousiaste (j’ai pensé que c’est ne pas possible!). mes parents se sentent impatients à l’idée que je vais habiter avec vous. je ne peux pas attendre pour vous rencontrer en personne!!!
“grocery list” - last updated 6/7/21 at 10:37
- [x] watermelon
- [ ] orange juice
- [ ] plants
- [ ] ice
- [ ] muffins
- [ ] 
“bus writing assignment” - last updated 10/19/21 at 18:05
-doja cat plays
-everyone is on their phone, with wired headphones
-old bus or new? blue model with the facing hanging handicapped seats
-new bus, c3
-woman quiet her phone
-baby blows bubbles than screams, a child laughs
-people look up as siren passes
-12 year olds laugh and play hand games in the back
-girl with dyed hair (color i want)
-its so hot, holding my bag
-i can hear music of man standing near me
- vaguely familiar man walks in
- office man
- u express bag reminds me of my own
-- woman stands to get off, holding an umbrella, clear with ocean designs (why does she have umbrella? its sunny? i have an umbrella but its new. shes holding it like its fragile bht not new)
- almost miss my stop once i realize i dont know where i am
- lost in writing
- nvm got off one too early
- ill walk ig
“wowowowow” - last updated 3/19/23 at 21:21 (excerpt 3/3)
i agree with the catholics sometimes
like when they mention gay people
and get that look in their eyes
i tilt my head down in shame
but i also put my head down to pray
i don’t know if being gay is a sin
but it sure as hell is a punishment
i wonder if future me is looking at me now
crying on the bus, mask soaked with tears
i know she is, because can feel her holding me
i feel her hug and her tears on my shoulders
i hope she’s happy in the way i want to be
untitled - last updated 9/19/19 at 07:58
kantism: you must follow your moral code always with no exceptions, which is defined as something that is good in all situations (intent matters, impact does a bit). 
utilitarianism: do what makes the most people happy (intent doesn’t matter, impact does). morality is defined by amount of happiness.
contractialism: if you agree to a contract, explicit or not, you must follow it. while the contract may not benefit you at all times, it is better than living in a world of “natural law”, a world with no contracts and no security.
virtue theory: if we try to be good people, good actions will follow (good intent = good impact). everyone should be good people because it is in our nature, it is our function. you are good if you fulfill your function and bad if you do not
natural law theory: god gave us the ability to be good
0 notes
lyekisses · 2 years
having one one of those days where the least bizarre thing that happened to me was seeing josh peck
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missmeinyourbones · 2 years
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tags: camp counselor! touya au, non-canon universe, quirkless au, college student! touya who is just some guy and has a summer job as a camp counselor, i think reader is referred to as ‘she’ and ‘girlfriend’ once, purely self indulgent bc yuna mentioned it to me and i couldnt stop...can u tell i work in childcare | wc: 2.4k
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The air is so hot that it feels heavy in your lungs. 
It’s the hottest day of the summer. You feel the heat radiating from the metal of the swing-set you rest against. Touya silently leans beside you, bucket hat on his head as he swings his water bottle around in hand. 
“How are yours today?”
Touya takes a hefty swig of his bottle. He offers you one with a wordless lift of his hand, but you shake your head. You watch his piercing duck in and out between his teeth as he chews on his chapped lower lip.
“Annoying, as usual. We already had two fights and a bathroom incident, and it’s only…” he trails off, patting his pockets for his phone to check the time.
With yours in hand, you beat him to it, “10:47am.”
“Fuck,” he groans, tilting his head back against the pole of the swing-set in agony, “it’s not even noon, yet.”
You scrunch your nose with a chuckle at his dramatics, before closing your eyes in agreement. “It’s gonna be one of those days,” you declare.
The two of you watch the campers run around in silence. Little legs carry them as fast as they can go around the grassy fields and over the littered tree stumps. A ball catches against a soccer net. Heavy footsteps clank around on the sturdy metal of the playground equipment. 
“What’s your activity this afternoon?” his voice breaks up the comfortable silence you’ve been held in. 
“Friendship bracelets, you?”
He grumbles, “Fuckin’ kickball.”
Yikes. Suddenly, friendship bracelets don’t sound too bad. You don’t mind the activity, as it usually consists of a silly group of girls who bother you about foolish things like their current crushes and favorite movie characters. Plus, you get to sit in the cafeteria with air-conditioning. Meanwhile, Touya’s stuck hustling outside with rough-housing boys and humidity that feels borderline criminal. 
“My condolences,” you half-heartedly tease.
Touya grunts in response, unimpressed with how his rest of the day seems to be planned out. Sure, he doesn’t want to make friendship bracelets, but he’d take sitting on the cool cafe floor with you and a few other campers over playing kickball referee any day.  
A group of voices captures your attention, and Touya’s follows soon after. A few campers, mixed in ages and interests, are beckoning Touya over to where they play.
You recognize the kids. They’re well behaved for the most part, aside from the occasional jokes going too far and bad attitudes from long days in the sun. They’re calling his name and waving him over with their little dirt-covered hands. With a scan of their crowd, the two of you are quick to recognize that they don’t need anything—no one’s crying or hurt, no blood or tears or frowns on their faces. They’re most likely bored and looking for their favorite counselor to torture. 
With a smirk, you nod your head their way, “I think you’re being summoned.”
Touya rolls his eyes. “Maybe, but I’m ignoring them until I have no choice.”
His comment gets a laugh out of you, and he’s grateful. Maybe you think he meant it in a way that would succeed in him spending less time with his kids, or maybe you’d actually read between his lines and see that he meant it as a plan to spend more time with you. Either way, he buys his time. 
It doesn’t last long, as it’s not even two minutes later before the group is now making their way over towards him. They giggle and prod his sides, teasing and grabbing him to come play with them. Their cheeks are blushing and plump, which mentally reminds you to reapply their sunscreen within the next hour.
Eventually, Touya succumbs, “Okay, alright, I’m coming. Get your grubby hands off of me.”
The little bodies pull him away from you, much to Touya’s dismay. You let him leave you with an enthused look adorning your face.
You call to him as he’s practically dragged away to the playground, “Have fun with kickball later. Hit one out of the park for me, will you?”
“Yeah yeah,” he waves you off with a quick flick of his middle finger before recollecting himself in front of his little ones. “Why don’t you make me a bracelet while I’m at it?” he jokingly suggests.
You decide to take him up on his offer. 
Outside time eventually comes to an end and the counselors round up their groups, bringing lines full of tired and sweaty elementary schoolers into their next events. 
The kids have a choice between multiple different activities. You’re not surprised to see your usual friendship-bracelet-buddies making their way over to your assigned table.
A group of girls bobble their way over. Talking one another’s ears off, they’re just as energetic and bubbly as they were when they walked through the doors this morning. You can’t help but bitterly wonder how the heat doesn’t tire them out. 
One of the girls notices you and is quick to softly elbow her friend, getting her attention with a not-so-silent pssst! The girls exchanged a few excited looks before one of them takes a seat next to you and asks for a piece of string to begin her bracelet. 
Kids are weird, so naturally, you think nothing of it. 
Time passes as it usually does. The girls keep themselves busy with a few comments or questions for you every now and then. Eventually, the girl beside you calls your name once more.
Expecting her to ask for help with weaving her bracelet or to complain an inquiry of when lunchtime is, you turn—but the question that leaves her mouth is one unprecedented. 
She smirks, almost as if she knows something you don’t, before teasing, “Are you and Touya married?”
Giggles erupt in the circle formed around you as the camper drawls out the end of her question into a high pitched shriek. You slightly wince at the abrupt noise before continuing to weave the yarns of your bracelet.
“No, we aren’t married.”
“Is he your boyfriend?”
Another round of giggles bubbles throughout the group. As if their joy was contagious, the handful of girls bounce off of once another’s reactions at the taboo topics of love and dating. 
“No, he’s not,” your reply is a bit winded, but you're entertained, nonetheless,  “who said that?”
Another tiny camper jumps into your space while eagerly bouncing around on her heels. 
“Someone said they saw you guys kissing by the slide!” Her tiny curls bob up and down as she practically crawls out of her own skin with excitement. 
You smile at her innocent enthusiasm before urging her to sit back down and work on her bracelet.
“Well, that’s a lie,” you assure them, “I wouldn’t kiss Touya. He smells.”
The girls release another gaggle of outrageous laughter, and you can’t help but feel like you’ve won by making your little six-year-old friends smile so hard. They go wild at your response, some of them agreeing while others merely hide their giggles behind their palms. 
“I’m gonna tell him you said that!” one camper beams as she points an accusatory finger at you. 
You shrug with mischief as you place a few more beads onto your string, “Be my guest.”
The hottest day of the year eventually comes to an end. The very last camper is picked up by their guardian, and the remaining counselors are officially off the clock and sent home—just to do it all over again tomorrow.
Touya waits for you by the back door of the building. He likes walking out with you at the end of the day. He claims it’s a thing of habit, that he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it most of the time, but you know it’s because he likes to make sure that you get to your car safely. 
It’s still muggy outside as you go through the back entrance. The sun may have set, but the humidity persists. 
He lingers by your side as you make your way to the parking lot. “Rumor has it, I smell,” he scrunches his nose in distaste. 
You cough back a laugh and Touya raises his eyebrows at your failed attempt of hiding your amusement. 
You brush it off with a shrug, “Sometimes rumors are true.”
He grins. “Well, in that case,” he positions himself in front of you so you stumble on your own steps, “rumor has it, we kiss underneath the slide everyday. Any truth to that one?”
You roll your eyes before walking around his lanky frame. 
“Nope,” you simply state, “I think I’d remember kissing you by the slide.”
‘‘Why? ‘Cause I’d make it worth your while?” 
You scoff. “No, because I don’t have short term memory loss.”
You finally reach your car and Touya leans against the driver side door, blocking it to prevent you from climbing in and leaving him mid-conversation. Though he’d rather die than admit it, he’s not quite ready to say goodbye to you just yet. 
As if you’ve read his mind, your next question has him soaring.
“Are you working tomorrow?” 
He presses his tongue against the metal of his piercing as he cockily throws his head back, “I haven’t even left yet and you’re this excited to see me, already?”
You press a hand into his side as you push him off of your car. He chuckles when you roll your eyes at his cheeky comment. 
“Yeah,” he steps aside, letting you reach around for the car’s door handle, “yeah, I’ll be here tomorrow.”
You smile at him, and it’s the one he loves, the one he’s oh-so-very familiar with. The one where you pretend to be annoyed with his antics, but the childish gleam in your eyes gives you away.
“Okay,” you softly smile. Touya eyes the bead of sweat dancing along your hairline. Though the two of you are in desperate need of showers, he doesn’t seem to mind. 
He sticks his hands into his pockets, “Y’know, there’s still time to bring that rumor to life. It’s not too late.”
“Touya, I am not kissing you beneath the slide. Take me out to dinner first,” your response is meant to be sarcastic. It’s meant to poke fun at his silly request, to redirect the pressure since the implication has your throat running dry. 
However, Touya surprises you, as he always seems to do. 
“Alright, I will,” he decides. 
Your eyes snap up from the handle and to his own. You bore into them, to see if he’s joking, if he’s pulling your leg just to hit you with a classic, you should’ve seen the look on your face! 
He doesn’t. He remains silent as he awaits your response. 
A bit shocked at his blunt request, your mouth remains ajar, “Really?”
Touya simple nods. You see his smile meet his eyes as he laughs beneath his breath. He opens your car door for you, and ushers you inside with a silent wave of his hand. 
You find yourself nodding in return at his wordless actions, “Sure, we can talk about it tomorrow,” you conclude as you climb into the driver’s seat. “Meet me by the slide.”
Touya simply gives you a thumbs up, for he’s afraid that if he speaks, his voice will waver like a tiny camper’s when they get too excited. 
Before you close your car door, you reach into your bag and hand him something. He doesn’t look down to see what it is until you’ve driven away.
Once your car is out of his line of sight, his eyes flicker down to what sits in his hand. 
A flimsy bracelet woven of string into braids makes a circle in his palm. The colors of red, pink, and white dance along one another through the entirety of the strings. In mismatched beads, with letters of all different fonts and sizes, reads a simple word.
...bonus scene!
The clock on the wall reads 8:21am, meaning Touya’s been working for an entirety of two hours and twenty-one minutes. It feels like he’s been withering away in the confines of the building for eons, now. 
One camper returns from the bathroom in a new change of clothes, since he wasn’t able to make it to the toilet on time. In the corner of his eye, Touya can see two other campers bickering with their hands and exchanging harsh words. He expects it to escalate, preparing himself to intervene once someone starts to cry. 
The morning has barely begun and he’s already exhausted. 
He hears the whiny voice of one of his youngest campers at his side, before he feels a weak tug on his t-shirt. 
“Touyaaaaaaa,” is dragged out in a nasally song from a boy by his feet. 
He’s quick to bark back without any real bite, “What now?”
The boy’s expression quickly turns devilish, “Do you have a girlfriend?”
Touya furrows his brows at the unexpected question. Not caring enough to play mind games with a five year old, he shrugs. “Depends, who’s askin’?”
“Is Y/N your girlfriend?” the camper clarifies with a cat-like grin. 
Touya’s heart stops beating for a moment, just a moment, before he decides that this could be fun. 
“Yeah, actually. She is.”
With an excited yell, the boy wastes no time shouting the news to his fellow peers, causing a ruckus and feeding the fire that is a classroom of feisty kindergartners in the summertime. 
The group around him is quick to ignite with chatter and screeches. Tiny little I told you so!’s and How romantic!’s fill the conversations erupting around him. 
Another camper tries to jump on his back, Touya catches her with a stagger as he hoists her upwards while she clings to his shoulders, “Do you guys like, kiss and stuff?”
He smiles to himself, before sliding her out of his arms, “Oh yeah, everyday. You guys don’t see us by the slide?”
“Ewwwwww!” ricochets off the walls of the building. The kids laugh themselves into oblivion, and Touya fans the flames. 
“We kiss by the swings sometimes, too.”
Another obnoxious chorus of shrieks and fake gags commences. 
Yeah, it might’ve been a rough morning, but Touya’s gonna have a fun day. 
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missmonsters2 · 3 years
today I feel awful... idk my insecurities are taking over me and I just want to curl into a ball and cry. maybe it's my hormones maybe the fact that I weighted myself and found out I gained weight (I can't fit into my jeans 😭) and the fact that I saw my sister in a tight skin dress looking perfect while I'm in my pj's just destroyed my confidence. I need something angsty to read to make me forget about my sad, miserable lffe right now. would you be down in writing sth angsty with nat maybe? you don't have to though. it's fine either way. I really appreciate all of your work and I keep reading on repeat whenever I'm feeling down. makes me cheer up. thank you, van ❤️
It's like we're the same person because I also went to visit my sister recently and my sister has gotten her life together and is living her best hot girl bod while I...let's not go there.
I just want you to know that you're hot as fuck and a body is just a body that we can change with time and effort. We're lit rally in this together. This time next year, we will be rocking the body that makes up happy and we'll be healthy!!! 💘💘
But I will still give you nat angst...but with a happy ending bc I said you deserve a HEA!!
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The Withers of Springtime Bloom
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Spring is a time of blooming and when things come back to life. You can't help but notice things that may be causing your relationship with Natasha to wither.
Warnings: self-esteem issues, insecurities about body, relationship with working out and food, seasonal depression. angst with HEA.
Count: 2.1k~
You're not sure when things changed.
Things change so slowly after all.
Without you noticing, things change and change and change until one day, you do notice.
You notice that Natasha has become quieter, somber.
You notice the lack of date nights and affectionate touches.
You notice that you've let yourself go a little.
You're standing in front of the mirror, staring at your body with a frown. You've gained weight since dating Natasha, but relationship weight gain was normal, wasn't it?
But you remember how Natasha was just as fit as she was before she met you. Sure, she was a superhero, and you were a regular civilian; there was no reason for you to train long hours as Natasha did.
You turn to the side and peer at yourself in the mirror again.
You can't help but wonder...were you becoming less attractive to her?
It had been the beginning of fall when you met Natasha. You loved the season of change and when things turned into warm colors before withering away for winter to come.
Natasha had come like a blessing, and in the winter, she was just warm as the colors of fall. Instead of withering away, she bloomed and invested that warmth in your relationship with her.
Despite always being an early riser to work out, weekends were the days she stayed in bed with you just a little longer. There had been so many breakfasts, lunch, and dinner dates. You found yourself moving things around or neglecting to work around her busy schedule.
Perhaps that was when things began to change. Eating out so often and forgoing working out to spend time with Natasha was what led to this.
Spring has arrived, and things are coming back to life. Yet somehow, your relationship with Natasha was withering away.
"Hey," you greet her as you come home, shopping bags in hand. You bought some more clothes when things felt like they didn't fit comfortably anymore. The experience had been upsetting for you, and you didn't end up buying too much, telling yourself you didn't want to spend too much when you were going to lose the weight.
Natasha was working in her office, peering down over reports, and barely acknowledged you other than with a hum.
"Long day?" You ask her as you put your things away and walk over to her.
"Yeah," Natasha sighed. "Trying to get these reports done since Maria needs them tomorrow."
That had been Natasha's excuse for spending long hours in her office every night for the last two weeks.
You place your hand on Natasha's shoulder with a reassuring squeeze, but she leans to the side as if to readjust herself, but still away from your touch.
The sting immediately comes, but you try to push it down, so it doesn't hurt as bad.
"Right," you say hoarsely, but Natasha stares on at the reports. "I'm just going to get ready for bed. It's been a long day and all. Let me know if you need anything."
Natasha gives you a nod as you leave the room. You feel awkward as you lie in the bed you share with her. You wonder if you're taking up too much space.
There's a pang of something as you try to curl yourself to be smaller and only distantly realizing you've skipped dinner before you fall asleep.
You fall back onto the mat, chest heaving and your lungs burning.
It's been a while since you've worked out, and now you're definitely paying for it with how unfit you are.
The gym is moderately empty with the hour it is. You hate going to a public gym because it always feels like someone is staring, but it's better for strangers to stare than working out at the Compound for people you know to stare at you.
The rational part of you knows that you should just talk to Natasha, but the emotional side of you whispers that you won't like what Natasha has to say, that she might even end it before you've had a chance to change yourself.
When weeks pass, and you weigh yourself again, you almost start crying because you've only lost a couple of pounds.
It's normal, you know it is. You're losing weight at a normal rate, but it's not enough. You know fast weight loss wouldn't make sense for your body but you also feel you don't have half a year to go back to your normal weight.
You sit on the bathroom floor for hours, debating what to do when you hear a quiet knock.
"Sweetheart, are you in there?" Natasha's muffled voice comes through.
You wipe at your eyes furiously as you stand up.
"Y-Yeah," you answer back. "I'm just in the tub soaking."
There's a moment of silence through the door before Natasha answers back, "Alright. Enjoy yourself. Did you want me to order anything specific for dinner?"
"No, it's okay," you tell her. "You order anything you want. I already ate on my way home." You think about the chicken salad you've been eating for the past two weeks and almost sigh.
Natasha answered that she just came back to see if you've eaten, but she actually had to head back to the Compound. You were Natasha shuffling around before leaving through the front door, and you let out the breath you were holding.
You actually take a long, hot shower before putting on sweats and a big hoodie.
The truth was, you were hungry. The chicken salad was okay on the way home, but it had been a couple of hours since.
You knew starving yourself wasn't the answer, so you went into the kitchen to see if you could find something healthy to hold you over until you could go to bed.
But you can't find anything in the fridge except for Natasha's leftovers from whatever she ordered the day before. You can't find anything except frozen pizzas and microwavable foods.
You check the calories on the back and let out a frustrated sigh. Checking your watch, you realize it's too late in the evening to go grocery shopping because, by the time you get there, stores will have closed.
You slump down on the floor, leaning against the cabinets as you let out a pathetic whimper while your eyes became hot with tears.
You miss Natasha. You want Natasha holding you and telling you it would be okay. But you couldn't have that until you were back to what you were when you met her.
The front door suddenly opens.
"Have you seen my—sweetheart?" Natasha started to call before she noticed you sitting on the floor. "What's wrong?"
You use your sleeve to wipe at your eyes as you sit up straight.
"Nothing," you sniffle before you start to stand. "I just stubbed my toe against the edge of the kitchen island. What were you looking for? USB? You left it next to the bedside."
Natasha stares at your back, hair still wet as she takes in your attire.
"It's a little hot to be wearing a hoodie and sweats, isn't it?" Natasha asks softly. "Doesn't seem like you turned on the aircon in here."
You keep walking, but Natasha starts to follow you.
"'m cold," you say quietly so she can't hear the tremble in your voice.
"Are you feeling sick?" Natasha asks with concern as you sit down on the couch, turning on the TV. You pull the blanket over you as if to make your point.
"No," you tell her because you don't want her to worry. "Just cold after a bath."
Natasha sets her things down before she takes a seat next to you. Even in the low lighting, she can see your eyes rimmed red and dampness of them.
You're refusing to look at her as you have your knees drawn up to your chest and stare stubbornly at the TV screen.
Then she hears it.
Your stomach grumbles.
"Are you hungry, sweetheart?" Natasha asks softly again. "We can just order food and stay in tonight."
Your cheeks grow hot. "Don't you have to be at the Compound?"
You don't mean to snap at her, but you can't help but feel embarrassed.
Natasha remains quiet for a moment, quickly thinking over the last few weeks before she feels guilt trickle in.
She doesn't remember the last time she ate with you—doesn't remember the last time she saw you eat.
"Sweetheart," she calls you gently again, and you bristle at the tone. "Is there something wrong?"
The fragile dam you've built to keep the weeks of compiling emotions at bay breaks, and you're hurtling down the stream over the waterfall.
"Are you not in love with me anymore?" You choke out as you begin to cry.
You can't even register to feel horrified at your breakdown because you just need to know.
"I know...I know my body has changed since we first met and I've gained weight but I really am trying to lose it. I just—I feel like you're avoiding me. At first, I thought things at work have been really stressful for you, and I wanted to give you space but you're gone all the time. You're gone even when you're here."
Natasha can barely understand anything you've said after hearing you say the first part. Her breath hitches painfully in the back of her throat, and she legitimately feels appalled at herself.
She starts to say something, but you keep going.
"I'm sorry, I don't want to make this about me because if you're going through something then I want to support and be there for you. But I can't help but feel like you're grossed out by me. I mean—I feel grossed out when I look at myself. I feel like I'm taking up so much space—"
Natasha cuts you off abruptly, pulling off the blanket as she pulls at you until you're in her lap.
"You're not gross and this is not about the weight you have or have not gained. You hear me?" Natasha says forcefully as she holds you close to her, hand over your thigh to keep you against her.
"God, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry if I've been making you feel like you're not attractive me," Natasha's eyes well up as your tears wet her shoulder. "You're literally still the most gorgeous person I've ever met and you're always going to be that to me."
Natasha's hand at your waist dips underneath your hoodie, her fingers trailing up your back as she sighs at your warmth. "I should've told you, but the springtime is just really hard for me. It's odd because it's a time for things to come back to life but some of the worst things have happened to me during the spring and things blooming makes me think about things that aren't coming back. I think it's also just a little bit of seasonal depression too. I'm just the rare percentage that gets it in the spring."
The explanation makes your body sag with relief because while you feel so horrible that there is a reason Natasha doesn't like spring, she's not falling out of love with you.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I was hurting you," Natasha apologizes again. "I didn't mean to be so distant but I didn't want to bring your mood down as well, which is why I've been working so much to keep busy."
"It's okay," you muttered as your turn your head, forehead pressed against her neck. "I'm sorry spring is depressing for you."
Natasha merely hushes you as she kisses the side of your head.
You begin to feel awkward, thinking about how you must be heavy on her and try to move, but Natasha doesn't let you.
"Sweetheart, I don't know how to convince you that you're perfect to me," Natasha says so seriously as she forces you to look at her. "If you want to lose weight because that is what you want, then I support you. But I need you to understand that I love you no matter what. I don't care either way because you're so fucking lovely to me always. Do you understand?"
Timidly, you reply, "Okay. Thank you."
Natasha presses her lips against yours in a long kiss before she pulls back.
"Now, I'm going to ask again. Are you hungry? We can order in and watch that new show on Netflix I heard was pretty good from Wanda."
You feel lighter. You think you might still want to work out because that would make you happy, but you don't feel the rush like you did just a couple of hours ago.
"Yeah," you say shyly. "But maybe something not so heavy?"
Natasha nods as she presses another kiss into your cheek as she helps you settle onto the couch right beside her to grab her phone.
"Anything to make you bloom."
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hansolmates · 4 years
distance learning (m)
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banner done by the beautiful @eerieedits​
summary; after their first hookup, jungkook isn’t so sure whether you’re serious about being exclusive. after all, people say things during sex. jungkook takes it in his own hands to figure out where you stand, and he realizes soon enough that eavesdropping is a bad habit pairing; neighbor!jungkook x (f) reader genre/warnings; fluff, humor, crack, insecure!jk, unresolved sexual tension, stressed!mc, this is really just unnecessary drama bc drama is fun™, sexting, dom kook’s still a meanie in control, posession kink, cock slapping, a blowjob, cockwarming, unprotected, creampie, squirting, (wrap the pickle before u tickle folks) and of course the excessive use of the petname [redacted] w/c; 6.1k a/n; haaaaaa three months later im finally posting pt 2! i figured that no matter how many times i edit/reread at this point i think it’s time to finally let this beast go!!! enjoyyy click here for part 1: remote learning drabbles; 01
if you enjoy this, please considering giving our pasta couple a like n’share💚
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It’s been a week since the thing.
The remote-controlled vibrator thing. 
The whole sappy-love-confesion-during-sex thing. 
Jungkook is antsy, tail tucked in, perpetually wondering whether he went too far. You seemed to like it, and Jungkook definitely loved it. It was spicy and dirty and hot, and at the same time Jungkook thought he really made progress in expressing his feelings for you. Not only that, you said you liked him back!
At least, he thought you did. 
“I really said I’d feed her lasagna and cum in the same sentence,” Jungkook bemoans into his pillow, which still lingers faintly of your Redken shampoo. “I’m disgusting. She thinks I’m disgusting.” 
People say things during sex, Jungkook knows that. In the throes of passion and pleasure, people will say anything that comes to their mind, anything that fits the mood. Of course, you’d be tied in and say you like him back. But did you like him back as a friend? As a fuckbuddy? As something more? 
“Fucking text her,” Taehyung is tired of Jungkook’s wallowing, everytime he checks in on the app developer he’s brooding in one of three places. Today’s his bedroom. Taehyung dips under the blankets, and steals Jungkook’s pillow right under his nose.
Jungkook suppresses a whimper, face melding into the blankets. Now that pillow is going to smell like Taehyung.
“Text her what,” Jungkook replies despondently. 
“I don’t know, something along the lines of ‘I wanna follow through with my proposition of feeding you my cum and lasagna—not simultaneously. Wanna go on a date this weekend?’ It’s that simple,” Taehyung gets up in Jungkook’s face, dark eyes forcing him to bore right in. “Want me to do it for you?” 
“Noo, I’m an adult I can—”
“I did it for you.” 
Jungkook nearly knocks into Taehyung’s hard head, sitting up straight when he notices his phone behind his roommate’s back. This is what he gets for sharing passwords. Thankfully, the message is cleaner than Taehyung’s words, and you’ve already replied. 
[1:23] Jungkook: would you like to go out for dinner this weekend? pasta and wine?
[1:25] You: it’s a busy week this week 🥺 raincheck? 
“Was the sex that bad?” Taehyung frowns, reading the message twice. 
“N-no,” Jungkook is sweating. He isn’t sure anymore. 
Taehyung hands Jungkook back his phone, slowly, as if you’ll reply back with a change of your mind. Jungkook is a deflated balloon on his bed, feeling like a bum in his ratty sweater and a dateless weekend. 
“It’s just that,” Taehyung puts a hand on his lip, mulling, “busy people don’t reply that fast. Like even if she wasn’t busy, there’s a fifteen-minute leeway before replying.” 
This silly rule overrides Jungkook’s mind for the rest of the week. 
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The gyms have been reopened for months, and Jungkook’s trainer misses him dearly. Jungkook meets with Saeroyi in the morning, eager to get a few jabs in with some fresh equipment. He tries to move on, distract himself with a couple of pumps and a match with Saeroyi. It feels great to sweat it off, but it doesn’t help sway Jungkook’s incessant thoughts. 
The ball is in your court now, Jungkook has nothing to do but wait. Some people are just bad texters, maybe you just happened to have your phone near you when Taehyung sent the message. Maybe you just wanted to cut Jungkook off as quickly as possible so you decided to reply fast and rip the band-aid. 
No, you’re definitely not that cold-hearted. 
Re-entering his apartment complex, his eyes linger towards where your room lies on the first floor. It’s all the way at the end of the hallway, and he’s tempted to just confront you and make sure that what you and him really had is indeed, over. Conversely, you could just really be having a bad week and you genuinely do want a raincheck. 
Jungkook’s eyes trail to his form. Still in his gym clothes, and a little sweaty from the travel time. If he gets caught, he can just tell you he’s doing a cooldown by running across the hallways. Not the first time it’s happened, afterall it led him to you at one point. 
He breaks into a soft jog, making a beeline to your front door. His feet squish against your old welcome mat. You haven’t changed it since Halloween, and he smiles fondly at the black scripted “Boo Y’all” written in script next to a chibi-ghost. 
His heart beats faster as his hand lingers by the door, ready to knock. Deep breaths. Who knows, he could just be overthinking (like usual.) 
“Fuck, Hobi!” 
Jungkook freezes, his knuckles a centimeter away from your door. He backs up as if he’s been burned. His heart has fallen all the way down to his ass, and intends to stay there because now he feels like a damn fool. 
The bed is creaking relentlessly, a rhythmic pattern that has Jungkook’s face crumbling at every spring. Jungkook’s face hovers over the door, his ear brushing against the wood. 
“C’mon, bunny,” the male voice is teasing, “you know you love having me over. It would satisfy both of us if you’d just let it go.” 
Bunny. A cute pet name, for sure. The way it rolls off the stranger’s tongue is natural, as if he’s been saying it for years. But what about being his doll, is that not good enough? 
You’re huffy, taking deep breaths. He doesn’t want to hear anymore. Jungkook has put himself through enough self-wallowing for the week. What if he was just a stepping stone to meeting new people that will satisfy you better? What if you just needed one good orgasm to get your flow back, and Jungkook’s job is done? Sure, there were no strings attached when he proposed to have sex with you, but he thought… 
No more thinking. Jungkook jogs away from the door, even going so far is to jog all the way up to the penthouse. 
He hates this. 
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You hate this. 
It’s been five days since Hoseok’s arrival, and you are going bonkers. Why couldn’t he get a hotel or an AirBnB? Because he’s cheap as fuck, that’s why. Your dinky cousin has been clinging to you like a lonely koala, and while you found it cute in the 5th grade, it doesn’t translate well nearly two decades later. 
Every morning is the same. You make a subpar toast and Nutella breakfast, letting Hoseok’s slices go cold as you log in for work. You’ve been clocking in earlier in the hopes to finish the majority of your tasks before Hoseok wakes up, because by then you can barely function. Once he wakes up, he’s relentless, bouncing on the bed and talking your head off while you try to concentrate on whatever your boss is telling you. Whenever he jumps too hard, your cheap mattress causes your laptop to fly, and the only thing you can do is curse him out. Sometimes he plays Disney movies and sings in tandem, choreography and all. 
You know that Hoseok is stressed and this is his outlet, and you don’t have it in you to stop his incessant habits. He’s visiting your area because of a lucrative job offer nearby and the interviews are sporadic, making Hoseok linger in your apartment for hours at a time until he’s summoned for whatever test they want to throw at him. 
Most of the interviews are in the evening, and it’s when you can clock back in and finish your leftover assignments while Hoseok is also working. By the time he returns, you’re dog tired and so is he. 
Every night, you try to move away from Hoseok’s clingy self, as he grapples onto your waist and slings a thigh over your belly. You wish it were someone else sharing the bed with you. 
If you bring Jungkook into the picture however, you’d be burnt for the week. Complete crumbs. It would be too much stimulation for you, having to balance work, Hoseok’s incessant attitude, and putting on a face for Jungkook. Your relationship with the penthouse neighbor is barely budding, hardly watered considering Hoseok’s sudden visit. You cling to the fact that in a couple days you would be giving your undivided attention to Jungkook, most of your priorities out of the way, and most importantly, you’ll have your own room back. 
Maybe you could surprise him by giving him a pasta dinner, just like he proposed. 
Unable to get the thought out of your head, you blindly reach for your phone on the nightstand. It’s late, very late for a workday. The blue screen burns your eyes a bit, but you're determined to at least check up on Jungkook. You can’t take too long, otherwise you won’t be able to sleep and get him out of your head. Dear, unassuming cousin Hoseok is fast asleep next to you, due to the fact it’s nearly midnight. Making sure not to disrupt him, you carefully cup your phone in your hands, putting it on the lowest light setting. 
[11:54] You: hey, hope work hasnt been as draining for u as it’s been for me  ☠️  what’s your opinion on pasta sauces, red or white? 
Jungkook is normally a fast texter, at least from your experience. It’s you that’s the sporadic texter, sometimes taking hours to reply, other times in seconds. It never really mattered until now, however. But it takes five, ten, and finally fifteen minutes before you get a response. 
[12:09] Jungkook: ??? 
You frown, wondering what you said wrong. 
[12:10] You: do you not wanna do pasta anymore? Are you craving something else now?
[12:10] Jungkook: i don’t think it’d work out 
[12:10] You: why? 
[12:11] Jungkook: im sure you know why, bunny. 
Strange. He’s never called you bunny before, and in your opinion you think he’d be the bunny in the relationship—soft and cuddly on the outside, and an absolute horn ball in bed. Is this some sort of weird power play? Is he being passive aggressive on purpose? Whatever this game is, you’re not into it. Grumbling under your breath, you snake out of bed, looking blindly for your slippers in the dark. You’ll be in and out of Jungkook’s apartment in ten minutes. 
Just as your hand brushes the doorknob, your new roommate calls for you. 
“Bunny?” Hoseok calls blearily, and you’re staring straight at his cookie-printed eye mask, “what time is it, where are you going?” 
“Um, out,” you reply shortly, “I forgot I left my laundry in the dryer.” 
“Oh, m’kay. Come back soon, y’know I can’t sleep alone.” 
It’s then you realize. Bunny. Jungkook thinks that Hoseok and you are a thing. He really needs to stop eavesdropping on you. 
You feel your pussy frown. Your cousin is such a cockblock and he doesn’t even know it. Without an answer, you slip through your door and into the first free elevator. As you zing up the floors with the magical 1234 code, you work and rework your hair in and out of its style, wondering if you’ll look more presentable with your hair messy or thrown back. 
As soon as you reach the penthouse, you burst into action. “Jungkook!” you cry, pounding the front door, “it’s a misunderstanding, open up!” 
The door immediately swings open after the first three knocks, and you punch Taehyung in the chest. 
“You look awful,” Kim Taehyung drawls. Taehyung is wearing nothing but a cranberry red silk kimono, and you have to avert your eyes and focus on his face, which is even worse because he’s looking at you like an all-knowing psychic. 
“Gee, thanks,” you try to move past him, but he’s blocking the door. 
“Jungkook’s in a meeting with some foriegn developers,” Taehyung talks with his hands, pretending like he has any idea of the nature of his roommate’s job, “when it’s this late he doesn’t leave his office until morning. Door’s locked.” 
“Well then, can you relay a message?” 
“Depends, is this message going to hurt him further?” 
Oh my goodness, when Taehyung wants to be he is such an enabler. “Tell Jungkook he’s done wallowing. Instead of jumping to conclusions, maybe he should’ve just asked me why we couldn’t go on a date this week.” 
“You could’ve also just told him you have a man on the side.” 
“Ohmygod you two are two iotas of a combined braincell!” you shove your hands in your pocket, hotly scrolling through your phone so you can shove a picture in his face. “This is Jung Hoseok, my cousin who derailed my plans this week by crashing in my too-tiny apartment and forced me to raincheck with Jungkook. He’s a blabbermouth and would tell everyone—my parents, my grandparents, my great-aunts—about Jungkook if he found out I was dating, and I’m not ready for that,” you zoom in on the picture, despite the fact that the screen is practically touching Taehyung’s nose, “and the reason Hoseok calls me bunny is not sexual—you two are fucking gross—I had front tooth problems in elementary school and I had a brace on my two big teeth, it was not pretty.” 
“Ah, bunny.” Taehyung echoes with wide eyes, looking at you as if you’re now the one with sage wisdom, “it all makes sense now.” He gulps, taking in the old photo of a mini-Hoseok and you, yourself frowning to cover your huge braces and Hoseok trying to pull your gums apart with his greasy little fingers. 
Satisfied by Taehyung’s evident squirming, you decide you’re too tired to further this interaction. “Tell the other half of your cell for me, will ya?” You’re already turning away, pressing repeatedly at the elevator button, “I would love to go on a date with him as soon as he gets his head out of his ass.” 
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Jungkook is tired, but not tired enough to murder Taehyung and make it look like an accident. 
When he has late meetings, Taehyung is usually quieter around the apartment, and even gets Jungkook a hot meal once he wakes up in the afternoons. Today, Jungkook slept through and through. Normally he’d wake up midway to Taehyung’s television dramas, or the clanging of last night’s dishes but nope, not a peep. 
And today’s hot meal is takeout from Jungkook’s favorite ramen restaurant. That only means one thing—something has gone to shit and Taehyung feels guilty. 
Jungkook sips his tonkotsu impossibly slow, hearing Taehyung’s words—your words from last night—clear as day. Taehyung even describes in detail where the nickname bunny comes from, down to how miserable you looked in the photo with your monstrously metal-bent teeth. Oh, how he wishes he can swaddle you between the blankets, hold you and comfort you while you deal with your family. 
[2:45] Jungkook: doll, im so sorry
[2:45] Jungkook: please, i booked us a weekend at that new spa that just opened downtown. The tickets are flex, so if your cousin doesn’t leave by then week we can always reschedule 
[2:51] Jungkook: baby doll… 
This is far worse than believing you didn’t like him. Now Jungkook is antsy, knowing you deserve all the space in the world because of how silly he was being. You owe him nothing. If he just waited it out until you were ready, he wouldn’t be in this mess. He’s potato-esque throughout the day, thankfully Taehyung gives him space as he watches hours of mindless television. 
You don’t reply until very late into the night. 
[10:10] You: IM ALIVE--barely!! And mr. jeon, you’re not only a triple texter, but an ellipsis texter???? You’re asking for trouble
Jungkook has no shame, immediately texting you back. He can’t help it, he’s smitten. 
[10:12] Jungkook: taehyung explained everything. It’s all his fault. Don’t ask why, it’s his fault. Im so sorry. 
[10:12] You: mm, it’s okay. Just a misunderstanding. I was pretty upset last night, but i’ve been pretty tired this week so my fuse is short. 
[10:14] Jungkook: you should go to sleep now, doll. We’ll have time together after your cousin leaves
[10:14] You: just a couple more minutes. Miss u and your cute face 
[10:16] Jungkook: 
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[10:16] Jungkook: will this hold u off until saturday?
Jungkook is a pile of goo. Pink, warm, happy heart-glittered goo. It takes a minute for you to reply, and for that whole minute Jungkook is kicking his legs under the sheets of his bed like an eager five-year old who just gave his crush his Valentine. Maybe it’s taking you so long to reply because you’re trying to send a selfie of your own, running off to the bathroom to take a cute selfie if your cousin is asleep in bed. 
[10:19] You: fuck, i kno that’s supposed to be a cute selfie, but i want you so bad. I want to sit on your face, let your lips glisten with my pussy as i cum all over that pretty face
[10:19] You: i wanna touch myself so badly but fuckin’ hoseok is out here snoring like he’s gon hack a lung. Panties are so wet 🥺🥺 your doll is needy for you, wanna be played with
[10:20] Jungkook: lfjsdl;fkjs;fjsoisfoisljsdfsdklfjsdklf 
He throws his phone across the bed, feeling himself twitch in his red flannel pyjama bottoms. The thought of you so hot and needy when you’re ten floors down has Jungkook absolutely livid. He doesn’t know how he’s going to talk to you, comfort you without missing you like crazy. 
Jungkook thinks back to what he has in his fridge. His contractor sent him a cheese assortment, maybe he can bring it down pretending to be a friendly neighbor. Maybe Hoseok can go to the convenience store to conveniently grab a bottle of wine. He can make both of you cum in five minutes, flat. 
Akin to a dumb, horny teenager, he sighs. He rubs his palm longingly over his member. He’s horny, but he’s also eager to see your face. Talk to you, get reacquainted with your routine and sneak his way into it. He wants to be a part of your life, and he’s hoping you will too. 
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[5:02] You: Jungkook, you left me hanging last night
[5:05] Jungkook: baby doll… i wouldnt have been able to handle myself if we continued
[5:06] You: so you decided to dip :( 
[5:06] You: could u play with your doll a lil bit, kook? Hobi left for another interview
[5:08] You: PNG.0901
Jungkook was a fool to believe that you would drop him like that. No, Jungkook can see now that you two are a match made in heaven. You have a bite, never afraid to speak your mind when needed. This translates to a hunger you shamelessly share with Jungkook, both sexual and romantically intimate. He almost wishes he could’ve seen you act like a bitch to Taehyung last night, he can only imagine how sexy you looked telling him off. 
He has the technology to blow up your picture, the one that’s currently having him close his laptop and shove it to the side. He spreads his legs further across his glass desk, trying to find comfort between his tight pants as he absorbs every bit of your skin. 
It’s nothing too risque, but it’s nothing short of sensual. The room is dark, but it’s very clearly a picture of your hand between your thighs. Again, you’re between your wall and bed, squished between your office chair with your legs spread as far as they can go. Your skin is so soft looking, plush as you press two fingers between your damp panties. Adorable. 
[5:12] Jungkook: you know why i never replied last night? Because i was too busy jacking off to your dirty words doll. U really need your mouth washed
[5:12] You: wanna wash it with something else🍆
[5:12] You: please kook, i need something. Hoseok will come home soon and i might rip his head off. Help prevent a murder
Jungkook chuckles, clutching his phone closer to his body. He loves how much you’re opening up to him. Last week feels like so long ago, how you were all flushed and wide-eyed at the proposition of sex. He thinks you two can have a lot of fun getting to know each other, both emotionally and physically. 
[5:15] Jungkook: i was gonna wait until i sent this, but i think my doll needs it. Here’s what i was doing last night
[5:17] Jungkook: MP4.13
He… has a meeting in five minutes. A very important, very serious meeting. Jungkook jacked off enough last night, now it’s your turn. He hopes you like it. It’s not a very long video, barely a twenty-second clip of him fisting his cock. Taehyung was still home at the time, so he had to keep quiet. However, he couldn’t get the image of you out of his head that night, rubbing your thighs together in a cramped mattress as you try to erase the dirty thoughts of him. A murmur of your name, and the image of his precum dripping down his knuckles. You hope it’s enough. 
[5:34] You: u make everything so much easier💜✨
[5:35] You: MP4.234
Two minutes. The video you send is even shorter than his, barely fifteen seconds. You’re in a much more comfortable position, horizontal on the bed. Your shirt is ridden up to the underside of your breasts, one hand clutching your bare breast so hard he can see your cotton plush skin bulging between your fingers. The other hand has your panties shifted to the side, three fingers in your sopping cunt. 
“Mmh—fuck, f-uck Jungkook—” the words are mere breaths, puffs of air as you reach your orgasm. 
His call connects. He nearly drops his phone on the glass.  
“Jungkook!” Andreas from Germany wishes him brightly, “you look great, glowing even!” 
Jungkook blushes, and mutters something about having to go to the bathroom before they start. 
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Taehyung makes himself scarce on Saturday. He packs a duffel bag for himself and takes the PlayStation, knowing it’ll be a long weekend at Jimin’s. 
Jungkook is on livewire for the morning. He even express-delivers a pasta roller to his house, and he spends all morning testing out the perfect pasta dough. His black apron is covered in flour, and he can barely comprehend the tutorial that’s teaching him on his flatscreen. 
He’s on autopilot. He hasn’t contacted you since he sent that selfie, and he doesn’t intend to. Jungkook understands why you made yourself scarce in the beginning of the week, preferring to raincheck and pin your relationship for a better time. Jungkook’s brain is overridden with you, swollen with thoughts of you. You would never be able to focus if you kept in contact like you did last night, especially if you can’t get away from Hoseok. 
Absence surely makes the heart grow fonder. 
Slapping his hands against his trousers, he surveys his handiwork. His pasta is appropriately floured and wrung, each handful of fresh dough wrapped in little nests. Off the stove is a bechamel sauce, a base ready to be cooked in whatever kind of pasta dish you want. He thinks the two of you would have fun making your own non-traditional pasta dishes. 
The soft knocks on his front door interrupts his train of thought, and he knows it’s you. 
You stand in front of the door, impossibly small in a large shirt and a plain pair of leggings. At the sight of Jungkook, a smile as warm and sweet as hot chocolate worms its way to your face, and you collapse into his arms. 
He sighs gratefully, sinking into your small body. When he pulls away, he can’t help but frown at your apparent exhaustion. You must’ve come back from something tedious, because sweat dots your brow and your eyes are still puffy and dark. Your chest arches bonelessly into his, hoping to melt in his embrace. 
“Hi,” you say.
“Hey,” he replies. 
“It’s Saturday.” 
“It is Saturday.” 
You rub your nose between the fabric of his button down, “I should’ve been more specific when I wanted to raincheck on you,” you murmur into the white cotton. 
“No, I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions,” Jungkook whispers, even though you’re the only two people on the floor, “I’ll make it better, yeah? I’m going to love you so good tonight, won’t have to lift a finger—” 
You shake your head, looking at him calmly. “Jungkook, it’s been a long week. Hobi got the job, I spent all this morning moving his two-ton speaker set into his new apartment. I don’t want anything gentle. I want you to rail me into next week,” Jungkook chokes on his saliva when you reach to cup his dick through his pants, already sporting a chub, “fuck me breathless. I want—no, I need this.”
Anything for you, but Jungkook isn’t going to let your mouth runneth over that easily. He wants that too, obviously. But again, you’ve made him wait. 
Bending slightly, Jungkook whispers darkly into your ear, “Who said you can decide the rules here, doll?”  he’s been waiting all week to slip back into this persona, one that has you shivering delightfully under his touch. A small, secret smile tucks itself under your lips as you tilt your head down, but Jungkook catches it. It shows you’ve missed it too. He lets your sneaky smile  slide for now, only because he’s missed you so much and you’ve had a long day. 
“If I wanna fuck you rough, I’ll fuck you rough. If I want to edge you until you're sobbing on the corner of the kitchen table, I’ll do it,” Jungkook spits every declaration into your skin, biting at your shoulder so hard you cry deliciously. 
He drags you over to the living room, and he could sing at how easily you follow directions. Both of you have been tied up this week, and some hard sex would definitely ease that frustration, “Knees,” Jungkook commands, and you waste no time sinking to the floor, hands atop your knees. 
You look up through your lashes, eyes big and glassy. His poor girl is tired, and he finds it all the more attractive that you’re willing to push that aside to make eachother feel good. 
“Pretty, pretty,” he chants, pulling down his pants and letting his dick spring free, “suck.” 
You waste no time, and he watches as your eyes dilate over the expanse of his cock, half-hard and ready for your mouth. Your nails dig into your knees as you start with featherlight kisses, finally turning into sloppy smacks as you lick all over his dick. 
Jungkook groans, weaving a hand into your hair to force his dick down your throat. You gag at the sudden intrusion, but it doesn’t stop you from taking it like a champ. Hard, deep thrusts that he’s sure you can feel all the way in your stomach. You gag at each thrust, but don’t let up as your hot tongue wraps him up and licks at the pre-cum. 
“Fuuuuck, doll,” he rips you away, his now hard dick springing away. He’s a little shaky on his knees, but he plants his feet down as he grips his cock, slapping the tip of it across your cheek. It smears your face, glossing your flushed cheeks in a mixture of your saliva and pre-cum. “Are you trying to make me cum first? So sweet, you don’t even care if you cum tonight, hmm? You owe me, making you believe you had another man.” 
This isn’t true, of course. The both of you know it was just miscommunication, but it doesn’t hurt to play it up for pleasure. 
“N-no Kook, I’m yours,” you grapple at his pants, pulling them down so he can get them off completely. 
“Right. You’re. Mine.” With every punctuated word is a light slap to your cheek, and you take it. His cock bounces right off of you, until you finally move your head to suckle at the engorged tip, “I’m keeping you forever, doll. Don’t you know that?” 
Throughout this whole process, you don’t move, other than the minute clawing at your knees. You’re so good to him. Jungkook pulls away and ignores the ache in his member for now, taking off your clothes for himself. It’s like unwrapping a gift, revealing every bit of skin reserved for his viewing. “So sexy,” he remarks once he’s got you bare, pulling you onto the couch. He’s still in his button down shirt, his date night shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbow. However, he lets your hands inch under the stiff fabric, feeling for his taut muscle. 
He guides your aching cunt to his cock, sinking you down. It’s a tight fit, and you both moan at the brush of contact. Despite not being prepped, you’re still slick, and it makes up for it. He doesn’t thrust up or anything, just guides his lips to yours with a threadbare brush of his finger. 
“Kook, d-do you want me to move?” you mumble against his cherry-flavored lip balm. 
“Good dolls don’t move until they’re told,” your eyes widen innocently at the statement, and you crumple against his mouth, at his next words, “cum like this.” 
“Awh shit, please no,” you tear up, burying your head between the crook of his neck, “I can’t wait.” 
“Thought you wanted me to fuck you into next week. You can’t do this one little favor for me?” he’s being so mean, and you hate him for it. Haven’t you earned it? “C’mon baby, I thought you wanted me?” 
It’s silent, save for the soft Italian restaurant music playing from whatever tutorial he’s hooked up to his television. It’s terribly cliche, like you’re in the porno version of a European romance movie. He thinks nothing of it, not when your juices are dripping on his thighs, your skin soft and pliant in his grip. Jungkook drums his fingers against your spine, seemingly uncaring that you’re stuffed deep into your womb. 
On the other hand, it’s the only thing you’re acutely aware of. His thick, warm cock is nestled between your folds, right where it should be. You clench once, twice, thankful that this isn’t some crazed wet dream. States of sleep and consciousness have blurred this week, you’re lucky that you made it all the way up to Jungkook’s apartment. 
You can’t cum like this. You need to bait him. You moan, the sound slow and rumbly against your throat as you weave your fingers through his dark tresses. Moving the strands aside to kiss his cold metal earrings you murmur, “I love this, Kookoo. I’ve wanted you all week, I was going crazy. I kept playing last week in my head over and over. I even put in my little vibrator, hoping you’d pull up the app.” 
Jungkook’s teeth clench, and his grip is borderline painful as it digs into your hips. 
“I haven’t been able to cum all week, and I want to do it all over you,” you husk, playing with the roots of his hair. 
You can feel yourself dripping, wetness lubricating you even further and probably staining his thighs and couch with your arousal. Every second that passes is killer, and the fluttering towards your pussy tighten further as Jungkook’s cock twitches in response. Your pussy continues its ministrations, butterfly-like flaps against his hot member that have you vibrating.
“Mm, oh, I’ll cum for you,” and surprisingly, you might be able to. All this dirty talking has gotten you riled up. Just a little bit more and—
Jungkook shoves you off his cock, forcing you to land on the couch. 
“No!” you cry, wiping your face. Your cheeks are ruddied, and you’re annoyed. The coolness of the autumn air has you feeling chilly, and you want to scream at Jungkook for disrupting your orgasm. You feel empty. 
You’re not annoyed for long however, as Jungkook flips you on your back and gives you what you’ve been craving. 
“You glide right in, don’t ya doll,” the friction is deliciously blazing, his hands pushing you further into the large couch as he takes you from behind. Hot, fast smacks against your ass come from the way his balls bounce back and forth as he pistons his cock in and out. “F-fuck, you’re so good to me. So good, I love having you like this. All pretty and dripping, you really know how to make a guy wait, huh?” 
“Mmph! N-no—hng, but I’m y-yours, Kook,” you garble out, and you’re practically eating the throw pillow you’re propped up on as he slams you further into the cushions, so hard you may fall off, “all yours, honey. N-no more waiting. I want you, want you so badly—ah fuck!” 
“It’s worth it, you’re worth it,” he says over and over, his thrusts becoming sporadic and losing their rhythm once he feels you clenching uncontrollably. He presses his two fingers to your sloppy bud, swirling around the juices eagerly. “C-cum, baby doll. You deserve it, yeah? Cum on this cock, let go.” 
You’re starting to see spots, black and white alike. Finally shying away from his cock you rest on your back, but Jungkook doesn’t stop his fingers from flying across your clit. One look at his face and you’re gone. Pretty brown eyes, overflowing with affection. The feeling is different, and it’s the acute pressure between your stomach and pussy that makes you notice what’s going on with your body. The pressure finally releases, your eyes fluttering shut as you rest your cheek on the cushions. You dissolve, a mess on the couch as white hot liquid ejects from your body, spraying Jungkook’s thighs and cushions. 
“Y-you just,” your lover’s mouth is parted open like a baby kitten, uncaring as to how the dark liquid stains his couch fabric. 
“Squirted?” you answer breathlessly, a melty smile on your lips, “y-yeah.” 
 It sets him off, a button left dormant until now. The thatches of hair that surround his cock are dripping with your mess, a cold reminder that he got you to this high. He doesn’t hesitate to slip his cock back into you, and you gasp at the overstimulation. You try not to focus on how your body is a bundle of lit nerves, only to help Jungkook reach his completion. 
“S-so perfect,” he warbles, pressing kisses to your jaw, chin, lips. Each thrust is deep, thick and heady with emotion. “Mm, I wanna cream this pussy sooo badly—mm, all mine, all wet and warm and so so sweet—” 
He cries out your name, biting into your shoulder as your walls fill further with his hot cream. Your thighs are shaking from sensory overload, and Jungkook has to hold you down and soothe you into a state of reality to cling on. 
Satiated, he nuzzles into your chest, feeling absolutely featherlight. 
“T-thank you,” you say gratefully, when at least three out of your five senses return to your body. Your hands dip down to clutch his cheek, pinching lightly at the warm skin.
“Don’t thank me yet,” Jungkook exhales into your breasts, “d-didn’t even feed you my cum yet.” 
You scoff, pinching his cheek again. You’re aware of his softening cock between your folds, ready to seep the efforts of today’s coupling, but your stomach says otherwise. You crane your neck to make note of the kitchen island, staring curiously at the metal pasta roller and the little nests of carby goodness that decorate the cutting board. 
“Feed me pasta first, please. You have all night to feed me dessert.” 
Jungkook giggles into your stomach, he doesn’t mind feeding you in that order. 
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“So?” you have cream sauce on your lips, happily slurping on an angel hair. 
“You haven’t told me you liked me back yet,” Jungkook rests his palm in the swell of his cheek, content with watching you eat from where he’s standing on the counter. He leans his upper body across the marble table, muscles rippling against his white shirt. 
“Oh, I did!” you’re affronted, swinging your legs on the high chair, “I totally did last week!” 
“Yeah, well. Can you say it while I’m not inside you?” 
“Okay,” you blink, quirking him with a simple smile, “I like you.” 
“That was anticlimactic,” Jungkook jokes at the brevity of your confession, yet his heart betrays the charm he finds in the three words. 
You scoff, jabbing your fork in the little next of springy noodles. “What do you want to hear? I’ve wanted you since I’ve moved in? I think you’re really handsome when you pace the hallway doing work on your phone? I like the way you cook?” 
“Keep going,” Jungkook sing songs, walking over to hug you from behind.
The stool swings back and forth as he rocks the two of you, softly and slowly so you don’t throw up your dinner. He noses into your neck, inhaling your scent and committing it to your memory. 
“Mm, dessert first,” you insist, twirling around the stool so you can wrap your legs around his waist. “And then I can tell you exactly how much I like you,” your fingers play with the buttons of his shirt, walking the pads of your fingers across his chest. 
Jungkook grins, hands reaching to cup your bottom and bring you to his bedroom. Of course, he’s always willing to satisfy your insatiable appetite. 
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v-hope · 4 years
One Way Ticket
Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader (ft. Yeontan bc Family)
Genre: Flufffff, established relationship, long distance relationship (not for long), and like, slight angst at the beginning if you squint your eyes and do a backflip
Word Count: 4k
Summary: Long distance relationships are never an easy thing, and although you and Taehyung had managed to make it work for four years and were used to not seeing each other that much already, he couldn’t help but feel like his birthday was ruined at the news of you being stuck at the airport due to a bad weather flight delay. However, although things didn’t quite go to plan, it only took for you to arrive two hours before the day was over for it to be his happiest of birthdays so far.
A/N: Hellooo, well, obviously this is for my man’s birthday 🥳💝 This story takes place in my Red Flags series’ timeline since one of you requested it and I thought it would be really cute, but you don’t need to have read it to understand what’s going on here. I hope you guys enjoy! please let me know your thoughts~
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“You were supposed to be here today” Taehyung reminded you, unconsciously tightening his hold on the phone as his low voice did a good job at letting you know just how upset he was.
You sighed, that alone letting him know you weren’t having a good time with said fact that was just not happening anymore either. “I can’t control the weather, love…”
Now, he knew that. Of course he knew that. But right then, he really fucking wished you did control the weather. That way you wouldn’t be stuck in another continent still due to a snowstorm that had delayed, if not cancelled, all flights that week — a stupid snowstorm that was keeping you away from him for longer than you should have.
It was a joke. It had got to be a joke.
That was what Taehyung kept telling himself throughout the whole phone call, and continuing to believe —to wanting to believe— so even after you hung up.
You were supposed to arrive that night. That had been the plan all along. All his schedule he had rearranged so he could make sure that particular night he would spend with you. Just you and him. Since the very next day, also known as his birthday, he would have to go to rehearsal for BTS’ presentation on the 31th like every other year, he was looking forward the most to this night. He had it all planned out. Your flight would arrive at 8pm, he would pick you up and then the two of you would have dinner together back at your —now— shared place. You would wait up until midnight, have some cake afterwards, and then stay up late so you could, well, catch up on a few coupley things you had been missing out on for a good while now. After all, you had not seen each other in nearly five months.
It was funny, how he used to always say he would never be able to do long distance relationships when he was younger, yet here he was now, four years —and going strong— into one. It was hard as hell, he could not deny it, but he wouldn’t have had it any other way, not as long as he got to be with you in the end. And at the end of the day it was all worth it, for you had finally graduated uni back home, managed to find a job in Seoul, and were now moving in with him like the two of you had agreed on a long time ago, once you realised you were most definitely sticking together for as long as your lives allowed you to. So, even if he had to wait a little longer to see you, this time it was different, for you had only gotten a one way ticket, and he would never again have to drop you off at the airport and cling on to you like his life depended on it, somehow being harder for him to let go of you as the years went by.
Nevertheless, it sucked. Right then, it really fucking sucked. Five months had gone by without seeing you already and turns out he would now have to wait one or even two more days than planned? Bullshit. And that if he was being optimistic, because he swore to God he would lose his shit if you had to spend New Years Eve on a plane, alone. Not like you were spending it together to begin with either, since he had that thing to attend to, but you would at least have a good time with some of the friends you had made during the time you had stayed in Seoul for your uni’s exchange program, and who had now invited you over to a party you had oh-so-excitedly told him about.
That night, Taehyung went to bed late. Still wanting to believe with everything in him you were just pulling a prank on him like you loved to do every now and then, and that you would walk through the front door anytime with that tired face of yours after the long ass flights to Korea he was so used to by then — the same exhausted face that would light up as a bright smile took over your factions instead at the sight of him.
However, that night, you did not make it home. What you did make it to instead, was to be the first one to congratulate him on his day. Over the phone, yes, with the airport’s background noise and not in person like he had wanted to, yet there you were being once again the first one to do so, at exactly 00:00. And somehow, that alone was enough to make him happy before going to sleep. Not as happy as he would’ve been with getting to sleep with you in his arms, of course, but happy nevertheless.
He did not lose faith, though. The next morning, as he got ready to head out to rehearsal, he kept glancing at his apartment’s door over and over, still waiting for it to burst open anytime and for you to walk inside right after.
When that didn’t happen, he looked forward to the moment his members brought him his birthday cake as they waited in the dressing rooms for their turn to rehearse. Now, the guys hadn’t told him they were bringing him cake, but after all these years it was pretty much a given. And it would only make sense that you were there, right? Whether it was bringing the cake to him as everyone in the room sang the traditional birthday song to him, or showing up as a surprise right after.
Once that didn’t happen either, he couldn’t hide his disappointment anymore — still being grateful to everyone else for trying to make his special day a memorable one, yet not being able to fully enjoy it without you there. Even falling in the cliché of wishing for you to be there as he blew out the candles. That was truly all he wanted, after all.
And once his schedule for the day was finally cleared up, his last hope was walking into the apartment that night and seeing you already there waiting for him.
Again, that didn’t happen.
Biting the inside of his cheek as he walked into an empty apartment, although Yeontan was there to excitedly welcome him back home and had managed to bring a weak smile to his face, he couldn’t help but feel his eyes well up with tears. Telling himself over and over how stupid it was to be upset over something neither of you could control, he contemplated calling you for a few seconds, shaking that thought off with a tilt of his head and deciding to go take a hot shower instead. No matter how bad he wanted to, if he did call you, he knew for sure he would end up being even more upset than he already was, and then you would end up being upset as well, and that he did not want.
Not even bothering on drying his hair later that night, he changed into his pyjamas and called Tan to go keep him some company like it was usual by then. Watching the fluffy dog make himself comfortable on the mattress, Taehyung turned the lights off so he could get into bed for once and for all — wanting nothing but to sleep that day off so you would hopefully be there by the morning. Although it would no longer be his birthday, he wished he could at least get to spend some time together before he had to head out once again.
Before he could completely doze off, however, he felt Yeontan snap up from his sleep and effusively wave his tail from side to side as he ran to the closed door of the bedroom. Letting out a tired groan, Taehyung glanced over at the clock on his nightstand, staring at the number ten on it for a second before he turned the lamp on and fixed his eyes on his excited pup.
“I already fed you,” his voice came out hoarse at the lack of speaking, catching Tan’s attention for a second there before he was back at barking at the door. “Don’t tell me you want to go to the b—”
That’s when the sound of a key making it inside the front door’s lock caught his attention. And, you see, only two people had a key to the apartment. One was his, of course, and the other one, much to his excitement right then, was yours.
Not even having time to catch his breath, he jumped off the bed and opened the bedroom’s door, watching Yeontan sprint down the already illuminated hallway as you had just turned its lights on — a huge smile parting his lips at the sight of you, not being able to hold back a giggle of his at the way you had panicked and closed the door harder than you had intended to, so Tan wouldn’t be able to run out of the apartment.
“Tan-ie bean!” you excitedly greeted the pup first thing as he reached your side.
Struggling to move past your suitcase, you managed to kneel down to pet the cute ball off fluff with one hand as you held the other one as far up as you could, holding a strawberry cupcake with a single candle on it that you had already lit up right before coming in — maybe not your brightest of ideas.
Staring up at your boyfriend, who was still on the other end of the hallway, you smiled brightly and stood up straight as he came closer. “Happ—”
Before you could even finish what you had initially planned to sing and had by then settled for cheerfully chanting instead, Taehyung had already pulled you into his arms — unintentionally blowing out the candle as he had rushed over to you way faster than he’d like to admit.
“I missed you” he mumbled, wrapping his arms tighter around your figure and burying his face in the crook of your neck as he felt his heart at ease.
You smiled sweetly, wrapping your arms around him as well —being careful enough not to stain his designer pyjamas with the cupcake’s icing— and pressing down a small kiss to his shoulder.
“I missed you, too” you cooed, hearing him giggle when you planted a kiss on his neck this time.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were getting on a plane already?”
“Because I thought I would get here before you came back from rehearsal and I’d surprise you. You know, wait for you with dinner and whatnot…” you pouted. “But then of course I had trouble with my luggage and got here way too late. So I got you a cupcake and a candle instead!”
Taehyung giggled at the way you had ever so cheerfully said that last part, pulling slightly away from your body so he could glance at the cupcake in your hand you had just raised up in a victorious way.
“You could’ve just showed up barehanded, said ‘happy birthday’, and I would’ve been the happiest”.
“You interrupted me when I was about to tell you ‘happy birthday’, though” you huffed over dramatically.
Letting out a light laugh, he securely cupped your face in his warm hands and rested his forehead on yours, smiling blissfully as ever at how close he was able to have you right then, at how he was able to feel your warmness in his hands after all those months. “You can say it again now”.
“But you already blew out the candle” you pouted, bringing the treat closer to him so he could see your point.
“I guess this is the moment my wish comes true then”.
“You didn’t even get to make a wish, you idiot” you rolled your eyes.
“Oh, I did” he nodded his head determinedly. “Earlier today. And not to brag about it, but it already became true”.
“Was it perhaps for me to arrive today?” you coyly batted your eyelashes, earning a very visible roll of eyes from him.
“Cocky, aren’t we?”
“I mean,” you shrugged, taking a step back from him and his hold. “I can always go back home and send your actual wish ov—”
“Yah,” he stopped you as you dramatically turned around to pretend to leave and Yeontan followed right after, pulling you back to him by your wrist. “I didn’t spend pretty much my entire birthday wishing for you to get here so you can leave me just like that” his eyes turned softer, yet still held that playful vibe in them. “Besides,” he pulled you closer, this time by your waist. “Funny how you said ‘go back home’ when this is your home now, baby” your heart skipped a beat at his remark, appreciating the way he looked up and puckered his lips as he pretended to fall deep in thought. “Hm… Maybe I misheard”.
You giggled at the way he had copied your overdramatic ways, bringing your free hand up to sweetly caress his cheek. “My bad, love”.
Taehyung smiled, with that boxy smile you fell in love with years ago, and nodded softly to let you know it was alright. “Can I get my birthday kiss now?” he murmured, ever so faintly brushing his longing lips against yours. “I’m kinda dying over here”.
Shaking your head in amusement as you laughed, you bit your lower lip. “Just kiss me already, you dork”.
So he did, not even dreaming of wasting another second before his lips hungrily crashed against yours. He had missed you like crazy, he always did, but right then, as your soft lips were pressing on his and your hand made its way from his cheek to the back of his head, entangling your fingers in his still damp hair, he realised just how bad he had craved your touch, how bad he had craved you.
Having him deepen the kiss, you couldn’t help but take one step back as you had lost your balance — his hand being quick to bring your body right back to press against his, later resting on your lower back to keep you steady as his other hand firmly cupped your cheek.
“Happy birthday” you mumbled against his mouth when you had pulled away to catch your breath, feeling the corners of his lips curve up before he pressed them to yours once more.
“It is now” he hummed, drawing tender circles with his thumb on your chin and not being able to hold back a giggle when it was you the one to steal a kiss from his mouth right then.
Your breath hitched when you felt his hands made their way down your body, letting out a squeal when they grabbed your thighs and picked you up without a warning — your arms wrapping tightly around his neck and legs around his waist as his hands were firmly placed on your ass to keep you from slipping down while he walked the two of you out of the hallway and into the living room, having Yeontan run past you two and go lie on the couch.
“Yah, I just got here and you’re already going for second base?” you teased him with raised eyebrows.
Taehyung shook his head, cockily raising one of his own. “I’ve earned my right to all bases a long time ago, I don’t know what you’re talking about”.
“Don’t get too cocky, Kim Taehyung” you warned him as he sat you down on the edge of the counter, being careful enough not to knock down one of the pictures of the two of you that were neatly displaying on it. “I might revoke all your rights”.
“You wouldn’t” he daringly squinted his eyes. “Not on my birthday”.
You threw your head back, letting out a loud laugh and placing the cupcake down on the counter before you went back to his eye level. “Only under two hours until it’s over, so...”
“You wouldn’t” he repeated confidently.
“What makes you so sure, old man?”
Shaking his head in amusement and deciding not to comment on the taunting name you had just called him, he didn’t even try to hide the smirk that was curving up the corners of his lips as he leaned in. “I just know”.
Not even trying to play it hard anymore, you met his lips in the middle, humming contentedly when he placed his hand behind your neck so he could take control over the kiss he was not quite willing to let go of yet. And neither were you, which is why your eyes remained closed and your lips slightly puckered up —clearly wanting more— when he suddenly pulled away one minute later.
“Okay, now tell me my birthday present!” he demanded.
Still being too stunned by the intoxicating kiss he had just given you, it took you a second to open your eyes after hearing his muffled yet excited words against your lips — eyes locking with his excited ones as his hands unconsciously rested on your thighs.
“Oh, it’s in my bag!” you jumped up once you managed to understand what he had meant. “Let me go get it”.
Although your words were meant for him to move aside so you could get up on your feet and rush over to the forgotten suitcase on the hallway, Taehyung did not move an inch — if anything, tightening the hold of his hands on your thighs to keep you from going anywhere.
“Not that one”.
Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “The cupcake?” you offered, earning a light laugh from him, along with a small shake of his head. “Sex? Because I know I was just threatening with revoking that right, but since it’s still your birthday, I mean...”
Taehyung laughed wholeheartedly, once again shaking his head no as he brought his face closer to yours. “Although I would love that and will take you up on that offer later,” his bold words managed to bring some heat to your cheeks. “That is not what I meant”.
“What did you mean then?”
“Just want you to tell me something...” he hinted, gently caressing your sides. “How long will you be staying, baby?”
You rolled your eyes when it finally hit you what he had meant all along. And you couldn’t help but laugh lightly at how such simple things were the ones that made him the happiest. “Well, considering I only got a one way ticket over here this time,” your heart sped up at the way his smile grew wider at the sound of that. “And that the rest of my stuff will arrive here in a few days… I’d say I’m staying for quite a long, long time”.
“How about forever?” he smiled brightly.
You giggled, tilting your head up in anticipation as you felt him lean in to press his mouth on yours. “I like the sound of that”.
“I love the sound of that” he agreed, pressing another kiss to your smiling lips.
And you truly did, for although you were leaving everything behind, your family, your childhood friends, your culture... it was easy as long as you had him. And even though you knew there would be times homesickness would hit you like a truck, especially when the time came and Taehyung would have to go on tour with his group, you were ready to start your new life here with him. You had already lived here once for a year, after all, the only difference being you now got to live with your long term boyfriend, and, of course, that you wouldn’t have to count down the days until you had to go back home and away from him anymore.
“Everything alright?” he wondered, catching up on the way you had momentarily spaced out.
“Mhm…” you were quick to reassure him with an eager nod of your head. “Now eat your birthday treat before I do” you threatened, grabbing the cupcake that had been lying next to you all along and bringing it up to his face.
Taehyung chuckled, pressing a lingering kiss to your neck that was sweetly followed by another one. “But I have my birthday treat right here…”
Although flustered by both his words and the way his lips kept peppering soft kisses all over the sensitive skin of your neck, you stood your ground. “Pretty sure I’m your girlfriend, but oh well”.
He chuckled once more — before you could react, dipping one of his long fingers on the icing and spreading a good amount of it on your lips. “Now you’re both”.
You didn’t really get to fully laugh at his playful antics before the sound of it was muffled by his mouth sucking on your bottom lip, his fingers holding onto your chin to keep you from pulling away as he deepened the kiss — making sure to remove every last trace of icing on your mouth before he slid his tongue into it.
Breaking the kiss for a brief second for what he thought was to catch your breath before bringing your already swollen lips back to his awaiting ones, he found himself letting his jaw drop when you opened your mouth not to kiss him once more, but to bring the infamous cupcake up to it and loudly bite down on it.
“Yah, that is my strawberry cupcake!” he called you out — although trying to act mad, having a hard time hiding his smile at the way you had just covered your full mouth as you laughed whilst trying to chew right then.
“You weren’t eating it, so…” you shrugged.
Before you could take another bite, however, he grabbed your wrist, quickly moving it up to his mouth instead and shoving the entire baked good into it in just one go.
Petrified after what just happened, you stared at your now empty hand — amazed by the way he had managed not to bite into your fingers with how fast and forceful his mouth had been, before your eyes fixed on your full-mouthed boyfriend as he struggled to chew the whole thing down.
“Mine” he stated, not minding to cover his mouth as he was almost done with it already.
“I tend to forget how big your mouth actually is” you admitted, mindlessly sucking the remains of icing from off your fingers.
Taehyung scoffed, rushing to swallow down so he could properly speak. “You out of all people should know what my mouth can d—”
“You know,” you cut him off before he could pronounce that last letter and bring his cocky point across. “Booking a return plane ticket sounds really tempting right now”.
“Oh, yeah?” he tauntingly raised one of his eyebrows, pulling you closer to the edge of the counter and making you wrap your legs around his waist. “Good thing from now on those return tickets will bring you right back to Seoul”.
That was what made him the happiest. After all those years of buying ticket after ticket, all those years of having to drop you off at the airport so you could go back home, all those years of having to wait for endless months just so you could see each other for a few days, all of that, was over now.
From that night on, this was your home. You, him and Yeontan, and of course, the eventual additions that would be made in a couple of years.
And that was the best part. No matter where you travelled to from now on, you would always just go visit abroad and return right here, back to him — never again being almost about to miss his birthday, for you would both go to sleep and wake up right next to him during all the upcoming ones, just like he had ached you to do every single day ever since you got together four years ago.
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sunshinespear · 2 years
it’s midnight and i’m back to desperately wishing for the fanfic that goes like:
you’re tywin lannisters fourth child that he had (somehow) (also you dont have a mom bc plot) and you’re already an old maid by the court’s standards (20-something *shock and horror*) so you’re being pressured to marry by your house. so when your nameday gets near there’s a big week-long ball and everyone in the seven kingdoms is invited and you’re supposed to find the most dynastically advantageous husband out of them all but you hate them all--- 
then dorne pops up (who the fuck thought they were actually going to accept the invitation. they didn’t even rsvp) and everyone’s like oooo drama and you and prince oberyn meet and like he’s cute or whatever but he’s also annoying and your families hate each other so you two HAVE to hate each other but oh no he’s hot oh no he’s nice oh no he’s a really good dad oh no he’s so sweet and protective to his paramour ellaria (also really nice and sweet and hot and a great mom -- also you respect her so much even though you’re a lady from literally The Worst noble family and she’s “just” a Sand and that makes you ~different~ so they both like and respect you more) and then slowly over the course of the weeklong festivities you get into more scenarios where you turn from butting heads into getting to know them both better and slowly start to fall for each of them ---
but twyin is just a cunt and he’s like “you’re not allowed to be seen with them because they have a bad reputation, also here’s your not friendly reminder that you have to get married, you old hag. and yeah i know i said i would let you pick your husband-” (bc you argued for it bc the patriarchy cannot get you down even in medieval times, you are a boss bitch lioness so these bitches can hear you rawr and thats why you won the argument with tywin - you’re just that amazing and stubborn) “-so i know i said i would let you pick but i picked for you, go accept his proposal now” and you’re like “oh my god my life is over and i can never be with these people i truly care about and they’ll never want me because our houses are ~eNeMiEs~” or whatever 
AND THEN the most shocking plot twist ever, prince oberyn likes you back and he’s like “nah fuck it. i’ll fight your dad, i’ll fight your brother, i’ll fight whoever the fuck this loser that thinks he’s gonna propose to you is. i’m fighting everybody, ok. what’s good?” 
so you’re like in the great hall and literally in the middle of getting proposed to (today is finally the last day of the ball and also your official nameday) and he’s just like “I OBJECT” or something andddddd then there’s like some arguing or whatever but then homie just looks at this dude you’re supposed to be marrying and is like “i’m entitled to a fair duel with you for her. soooo if you really like her that much duel me and draw my blood first” and whoever that punk is is STUCK okay because tywin is terrifying but so is DUELING THE RED VIPER so anyway that dude just gives up. he’s like “no thank you, i like living, you can have her” 
so, tywin is PISSED but what’s he gonna do? the man with the worst reputation at court just said he wants you and he’ll fight anybody about it. so now your reputation is kinda fucked by proxy and you don’t even care and you’re telling him in front of the whole court that you caught feelings too. what can tywin even do? he has to just accept it and try to leverage it later (that will not work, because he’s been abusive to you since you were a child and you’re finally with the one person who’s not afraid of him who is also a member of the one family he cannot touch). 
so you get to marry prince oberyn in the end and be with him and ellaria in dorne making love and having babies for forever YAY. 
also this is a blast from the past story so it’s before all the main events of the show. ellaria is pregnant in this and she’s just walking around looking like a goddess of fertility and beauty and flowers and love. actually as a matter of fact you spend the first few days wanting to punch oberyn but you and ellaria get along like you’ve known each other your whole lives and that drives him INSANE because at this point he’s still in denial that he likes your ass meanwhile you and the love of his life are just doing hot girl shit together. ellaria knows him well enough to know he likes you (beyond wanting to fuck you, which he absolutely does) and that he hasn’t realized it yet and she spends most of her time teasing him about it. 
so anyway, tywin also tries to be really mean to you about ellaria at some point in this story like trying to insinuate that you’ll never matter to oberyn bc of her or he’ll try to bargain with oberyn that he has to give ellaria up in order to marry you and the three of y’all are like “...HA HA. anyways soooo... back to doing whatever tf we want” and then y’all all live happily ever after. the end.
oh also there’s like some sort of gift giving ceremony at some point early in the week and prince oberyn gives you this young dornish stallion that hasn’t been broken yet (IT’S A METAPHOR). so everyone who is dornish laughs and is like “yeah exactly, give the lannisters an unbroken stallion that’s gonna try to kill whoever rides it. haha yes. that will send a Message” and everyone that’s not dornish is like “oop time to brutally abuse this animal and try to break it” but of course they’re all dummies and you know 1) you’re gonna make this horse Your Horse, and that 2) abusing it to break it will never work. but the not-dornish court people literally try to abuse your new horse right in front of you 
so you’re just like “i will literally stab anyone who touches my new horse” and everyone’s like *eyes emoji*, “wot,” but everyone leaves it alone and let’s you work with the horse while it tries to literally kill you. then over the course of the week while you’re falling in love with oberyn, the b-plot is that you’re slowly earning the trust of this horse that he gave you every day that you’re working with it and eventually by the morning of your nameday (just after tywin told you he picked you out a husband and you think you’re life is over) the horse finally likes you enough to let you ride it (which the dornish thought you never would be able to) without having to “break it” (as everyone else wanted you to). this fills you up with hope yknow bc you’re about to go accept this proposal you don’t want and you had almost lost hope but at the same time this spirited creature with almost as much stubbornness as you has finally let you in. and riding it feels like freedom and you’re kinda like “yknow what i’m always going to keep this horse with me to remind me to have an unbreakable spirit” so it’s actually very deep and meaningful okay bitch and you’re able to go into that court that morning with your head held high
SO THE HORSE METAPHOR: both you and the horse are unbroken by your evil awful family and also you slowly earned the horse’s trust and affection without forcing anything, keeping the horse unbroken, the same way you slowly earned prince oberyn’s (literal house words: unbowed, unbent, unbroken) trust and affection. so the narrative is kinda paralleled/foretold by what’s going on with the horse and both you and oberyn are represented by the horse in different ways. maybe the same morning the horse finally trusts you enough to let you ride it is the same morning oberyn realizes the full brunt of his feelings and decides to take action about it. maybe that’s too on the nose and i should stop with the horse metaphor.
also optional extra detail if you want: you’re different from the rest of your family because while they all have blond hair, you have a mane of black hair. symbolically and physically, you are the “black lioness” of the family (and the court may have nicknamed you as such). you are the one who is so wildly different from the rest and eventually leaves to find where you do belong because of it
And then I remember this fic only exists in my head and if i want to read i’m gonna have to WRITE. IT. ew.
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binunus · 4 years
injury | cha eunwoo
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a/n ~im a simp for eunwoo, you’re a simp for eunwoo, let’s be simps for eunwoo~
LMFAO anyway this is the first week w/o true beauty and yes as much as suho’s character was a bit toxic, he was end game and that’s it !! also eunwoo bb worked so hard :’) no one can deny eunwoo’s superb acting skills alright !! and if they do they boutta catch these hands. so here’s a cute little something of basketball player!eunwoo bc im in love with him
pls watch handsome tigers or this tik tok if you wanna indulge in basketball player!eunwoo bc everyone should at least once in their life
→ pairing: basketball player!eunwoo x athletic trainer!reader
→ genre: fluff, lil angst
→ word count: 5.1k ________________________________________________
Your POV
One thing you didn’t expect when you applied to be a student athletic trainer for the university basketball team was to end up dating one of their star players, but here you were: holding hands with Cha Eunwoo–the starting shooting guard–as you two walked into the basketball court. 
He gave you a smile and a kiss to the cheek before going off to join his teammates in stretching. You let out a content sigh, watching as he happily greeted the other basketball players, and then went over to the other student trainers. 
Usually, you wouldn’t have much to do since the boys were just practicing, but there was someone new joining today, so you and the other trainers had to give her a little rundown on what she signed up for. 
“-mostly we just tape up and ice the guys if they have an injury or a muscle strain, but yeah that should be about it. Simple, right?”
The new girl nodded, eyes trained on the court as the team just started their warmups. “Who’s that? Number 97 is hot–”
“And dating y/n.” One of the male trainers, and yours and Eunwoo’s close friend, Rocky said, narrowing his eyes at the new girl as he rested his elbow on your shoulder. “So don’t even think of any ideas to–”
“Rocky,” You scolded hitting his stomach, “Don’t be rude.”
The girl gave you a once over, an uncomfortable smile on your face, as her eyes met yours. “Ah...well, you must have an amazing personality, y/n!”
You were taken aback, did she just call you ugly? You forced a laugh, trying your best not to quip back at her. Rocky, though, had no restraints, “Clearly a better one than yours.”
Before the new girl could respond, the head trainer called her over, a huge sigh of relief coming from you. Rocky clicked his tongue as he stared at her back, “She’s not going to last long with us. I don’t get why you’re so timid when others are clearly insulting you, y/n.”
You rolled your eyes at him. When it came to your friends, it was definitely Rocky and Myungjun who were not afraid to be bold about what they were thinking. “Eunwoo and I have been dating for more than a year now, you don’t think I’m used to people always saying that my boyfriend is out of my league? I just try to ignore it now Rocky c’mon, I know how Eunwoo feels about me and that’s enough.” 
“Damn hyung’s handsome face.” The younger male shook his head. You chuckled, the two of you taking a seat on the bench and conversing as the basketball practice went on. During water breaks, Eunwoo would come over to where you and Rocky were sitting, chatting it up with you two in brief increments before resuming practice. He would always pucker his lips up for a peck before leaving, which you would definitely grant and Rocky would pretend to be disgusted.
By the end of their practice, you managed to successfully avoid the new girl, waiting outside the locker room like you always do after bidding Rocky goodbye. Eunwoo smiled once he saw you, immediately draping his arm around your shoulders as he kissed your temple in greeting. “Baby, I’m hungry.”
“Mmm, you want to eat out or order in?” You asked looking up at him.
“Order in, I’m tired.” He said, the two of you already making your way to his car.
As soon as you two arrived back at Eunwoo’s apartment, he immediately plopped down on the couch. You chuckled, lightly smacking his butt, “Baby, go take a shower first, you’re sweaty.”
“Wanna take one with me?” He asked blinking his big beautiful eyes at you. You grinned, the offer was tempting, but you already took a shower earlier today and you wanted to order this food as soon as possible. Eunwoo pouted as you shook your head in rejection, getting up to go the bathroom looking like a kicked puppy. 
You turned on the television to whatever variety show was on at the moment, barely paying attention as you were looking through the food delivery app on your phone. You turned your head as Bin walked out of his bedroom, no doubt having just woken up from a nap.
“Oh? You guys are back.” He said sleepily, waving to you.
“Binnie, we’re ordering for dinner, do you want something?” You asked offering him your phone, a laugh leaving you at the boost of energy he received from the word ‘dinner’
“You know a way to man’s heart, y/n.” Bin said jokingly as he started looking through the menu. “By the way, Rocky texted me about that new trainer–rude ass bitch.”
“God you guys spread gossip faster than girls.” You said amused, “I told him earlier, I’m used to people saying stuff like that. It’s whatever.”
“I guess, but you know how sad Eunwoo will be if he finds out this is still going on?” Bin said handing you your phone back. “We’ve been telling you this since the beginning, don’t let other people’s opinions get to you. You’re attractive, y/n! And to Eunwoo, you’re the most beautiful person in the world.”
You smiled, touched by his words of comfort, “Thanks Binnie, ah where would me and Eunwoo be without all of your guys’ support?”
“Nowhere because he wouldn’t have had the balls to confess to you if it wasn’t for us.” He scoffed heading to the bathroom.
“Change your mind, baby?”
“You better stay in the shower! I don’t wanna see your dick while I’m peeing.”
You laughed at their interaction, your attention shifting to the television as you patiently waited for your food and company. Within 30 minutes, the three of you were happily stuffing yourselves full with the takeout, talking up a storm while watching tv. You leaned back against the couch when you felt your stomach capacity maxed out, hands perched on your belly as you groaned, “I can’t eat anymore.”
They looked at you in amusement, Bin laughing while Eunwoo rested his hand on your knee, a fond smile on his face as he told you he’ll finish up your leftovers. The two boys then got engrossed in their own conversation of sorts, you listening quietly to the side as the food coma started to kick in. Somewhere in the midst of their conversation, you settled behind Eunwoo, legs draped next to his body as you snaked your arms around his waist, resting your head on his back. He hummed, still chewing on his food as he took one of your hands and squeezed it. 
You started to zone out, their dialogue beginning to sound like a bunch of nonsensical noise. Bin looked over to where you were laying, “I think y/n’s about to knock out.” 
Your boyfriend turned his body to get a glimpse of you, grinning as you whined from the shift in movement. He changed your positions so that you were leaning next to his side, his arm around your waist as you rested your head on his shoulder. “Food coma?”
You nodded, snuggling into his side to get comfortable. Bin watched the two of you with a smile, scooping up the last of his food before clapping his hands, “Well! you guys being all cuddly is making me miss my bub...so see you lovebirds tomorrow!”
You snort, eyes still closed as you respond to him, “Aren’t they hanging out with Eunbi right now? I saw it earlier on their Instagram story.”
He shrugs, gathering up the trash, “I’m going to crash their hangout because I want to cuddle too. Have fun you two, good night sweet dreams, use protection...or not, be a little spicy!”
Eunwoo rolls his eyes as he picks up a throw pillow and chucks it at his roommate, “Alright bye Binnie.”
It takes all but five minutes before Bin leaves the apartment. The moment you two were alone, Eunwoo immediately tightened his hold, practically pulling you onto his lap as he laid you both down on the couch, spooning you from behind. You let out a smile, hands on top of his as he kissed your shoulder, “You ran a lot today baby, are your legs okay?”
He cutely nods his head, his chin lightly digging into your skin, “My calves are a bit tight, but I’ll probably just roll them out at the gym tomorrow.”
You hummed, rubbing his arm, “Do you want me to massage your legs?”
“It’s okay baby, we’re both tired. I’ll just do it tomorrow.” He said, not wanting to move from the couch any time soon. You chuckled, turning around so that you faced him, your eyes finally blinking open, “If you wait until tomorrow, your calves are gonna be stiff and sore, you might get a muscle cramp. C’mon baby.”
He kissed your nose in response, “You were literally about to knock out from a food coma five minutes ago.”
“The feeling comes and goes,” You grinned, moving to stand up from the couch. Eunwoo pouted at your absence, but followed your movement anyway, taking your hand as you led him to his bedroom. He obediently laid face down on his bed, waiting as you searched his room for the roller stick. “Can we cuddle after?”
“Yes,” You laughed, giving him a kiss before you sat down next to his legs. “Baby, this is your perk for dating an athletic trainer. I need to make sure you’re in tip top shape.”
“But rolling calves always hurt.” Eunwoo whined, already wincing as you started to apply pressure under the back of his knee. You tried to be gentle at first before really going in with stretching his calf muscles, “that’s because your calves are the tensest muscles in the body, they’re put under a lot of strain and pressure from walking and running so it hurts when you try to relax them.”
“I love when you talk medical to me,” He sighs dreamily. You roll your eyes, pressing down hard on the meat of his calves. You felt bad when Eunwoo started letting out complaints of pain, trying to talk him through it and distract him from the pressure on his legs. “Ow ow baby! It hurts!”
“I know I know, almost done baby, I promise.” You said gently, rolling the stick thoroughly over both calves a couple more times, trying to get rid of all the deep knots that accumulated in his muscles. After deciding that he’s suffered through enough with the stick, you put it to the side and began kneading the heels of your palms through his skin, stimulating his muscles gently after the harsh rolling session. Your hands slowly moved north until they landed on his shoulders, briefly massaging the knots out in his neck as well. You ended up laying next to him, cooing cutely as you pressed a kiss to his cheek, “all done.”
Your boyfriend smiled, pulling you into his chest as he kissed your forehead, “thank you baby.”
“You better not ask any of the other trainers to do this for you,” You pouted, a little bubble of jealousy coming up from the earlier situation at the gym. “Except Rocky, maybe.”
Eunwoo scoffed, running his hands through your hair as he met your eyes, “I would much rather have you give me a massage than Rocky. And hey, you better not offer this treatment to the other guys too or I’ll get jealous. You’re my trainer.” 
“Deal.” You grinned hugging him tightly, all feelings of jealousy quenched.
Game days always had a specific schedule to be followed. In the morning, you two were free to do whatever you pleased, but it always ended up with the two of you procrastinating in bed until 11 am. Eunwoo always ate a high-protein high-calorie meal whenever he had games and today’s lunch was no different. After eating, the two of you began to get ready, which included showering and getting dressed.
Today you wore a simple set of jeans a black crop top, finishing your look with the university sports quarter zip, which you were required to wear for every game. After tying your hair up, you turned to your boyfriend who was just starting to dress himself. You took a seat on his bed, marveling at how attractive he looked as he slipped on his jersey and shorts. “I’ll never get over seeing you in your uniform, baby.”
He grinned, placing his arms on either side of your body as he hovered over you, leaning down for a kiss. You expected it to be short and sweet, but Eunwoo had different ideas, lips still working against yours as your back gave in, laying down on the bed. You whined as one of his hands took place on your waist, rubbing at the exposed skin, “Mm, baby, we have to leave soon.”
“I know,” he said moving his lips down your jaw, “I just wanted to kiss you.”
“You can kiss me all you want after your game.” You lightly chuckled, wrapping your arms around his torso in a hug. He nodded, face buried in your neck as he dug his hands under your body, hugging you tightly. You hummed, caressing his hair soothingly, “Are you nervous?”
“A little, I’m always nervous before a game, baby.” Eunwoo said pressing a kiss to your collarbone, “You’ll cheer me on, right?”
“Always,” You said patting his back, “C’mon, we should start heading out soon.”
He nodded, reluctantly getting off of you and pulling your body up with him. You offered your boyfriend a cheerful smile, reaching up to fix the bangs out of his eyes before cupping his cheeks, shaking his face in between your hands, “You’re going to do amazing today baby, as always.”
Eunwoo smiled at your action, pecking your lips again before the two of you did a last-minute search around his room for your belongings. After getting all that you needed, the two of you bid Bin goodbye, telling the swimmer that you’ll see him at the court later. You took your place in the driver’s seat, wanting Eunwoo to just relax for the short drive to the gymnasium. You dropped him off at the entrance first before going to find parking, having Eunwoo arrive early was more important than your arrival anyway. 
As soon as you walked into the court, the players were already doing their stretches, your boyfriend in the midst of them all. You glanced at him briefly before greeting the other trainers, the group of you having a quick pre-game discussion of roles before being dismissed to do your own things. 
You actively try to avoid the new girl as the time draws closer to the start of the game, not wanting your energy to get dampered. By now, the other team has already arrived and the stands were slowly starting to fill up. You were seated calmly behind the bench, trying to pass the time on your phone, before your boyfriend took the space next to you, hand automatically going on top of your knee. “You ready?”
“As much as I can be,” He grinned rubbing your kneecap, “Wanna come with me to fill up my water bottle?”
You nod, you weren’t doing anything anyway. The male immediately drapes his arm over your shoulders as the two of you walk to the water station, the two of you already getting excited about your dinner plans after the game. The rest of your friends would be joining you, no doubt, as you already spotted them near the front of the student seating. 
You were in such a good mood, anticipating the start of what was going to be a good game. Your university was going against their rivals, so expectations for both teams were high. You and Eunwoo were leisurely walking back to the court, he still had a couple more minutes before he needed to join his team. 
“Hey, you’re Eunwoo, right? I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Hana, the new student trainer. You’re really good at playing!” The girl said walking up to the two of you. You immediately felt your body stiffen at her appearance, trying not to let it show to your boyfriend. He gives the new girl a polite smile, “Ah thank you.”
“If you need anything, I’ll be more than happy to help you.” She said batting her eyelashes sweetly at him. You pursed your lips tightly, jealousy easily building up inside of you. Eunwoo only laughed awkwardly, “I appreciate it, but y/n’s got everything handled when it comes to me, right baby?”
You nod, trying your hardest not to punch Hana in the face at her blatant attempt to flirt with your boyfriend right in front of you. Eunwoo noticed your discomfort immediately, removing his hand from where it was interlocked with yours before slipping it around your waist, squeezing the skin gently. “Well, it was nice meeting you Hana, but I should go back to the team...I’ll look at you when I need good luck, baby, hm?”
You manage to crack a smile, a little laugh leaving you when he puckered his lips out for a kiss. You step on your tiptoes, granting his wish quickly, before pushing him out towards the court. You turn towards Hana and give her a forced smile before searching for Rocky. 
You weren’t surprised to find him in the bleachers, sitting and chatting amongst your group of friends. You go and join them with a light feeling in your chest, greeting the other four of them with hugs.
“How are you doing y/n? You excited?” Jinjin asked as you take a seat next to him.
“Yeah! I mean the guys have a really good chance of winning this one, it’s gonna be a good game.” You smiled clasping your hands together. Rocky only scoffed as he pointed at you, “Bitch, I saw Hana approaching you and Eunwoo hyung, spill.”
You throw the younger male a joking glare, “Nothing gets past you, huh?”
Bin immediately cringed at her name, hand palming his forehead, “Oh God, what did she do?”
You shrugged passively, “She just introduced herself to him and said that if he needed anything, she’ll gladly help him or whatever.”
The boys groaned in response, Sanha reaching over Jinjin to tap your leg, “And? What did hyung say?”
“He let her down gently and said that he goes to me if he needs anything–”
“As he should!” Myungjun said indignantly, crossing his arms in annoyance. Jinjin only nodded, “Good boy.”
“If she even tries to homewreck y/n, just say the word and I’ll scream at her!” Myungjun said in all seriousness. You laugh at his claim, “thanks guys, but I think Eunwoo made it pretty obvious to her so it’s fine.”
The youngest sighed giving you a pout, “You’re too nice, y/n.”
“That’s what I’m saying,” Rocky said agreeing with Sanha, “If I was you and someone was flirting with my partner, I’d clock them right in the face.”
“Hey, I wanted to–”
“You should have,” Bin sighed, “What a shame, maybe next time.”
“I usually don’t advocate for violence, but I’d turn a blind eye for this, y/n.” Jinjin agreed. You rolled your eyes at them, “You know, as much as I love to sit here and get lectured, Rocky and I have to go down to the trainer section.”
“We’ll see you guys later!” Rocky said as the two of you stand to go to the bench, taking your seats with the other trainers–and as far away from Hana as you could. 
The game was already intense from the tip-off, both sides in a tight match to get a starting lead. The cheers from the stands were just as heightened, giving energy to both sides during baskets or free throws. Their plays started to get rougher from the beginning of the second half, more and more fouls getting called on both teams. 
You and the trainers were busy as well, assessing each player during substitutions and icing whenever they came back to the bench. By the third quarter, your team established a good six-point lead, the energy of your section high from Eunwoo’s back-to-back 3 pointers. 
You could distinctly hear Myungjun’s scream as he shouted Eunwoo’s name, a laugh coming from the bench at his volume. You hid your face in Rocky’s back, second hand embarrassment coming from the two of you at your friends’ loud cheering tactics.
You even spotted Eunwoo letting out a smile as both sides prepared for a free throw, your boyfriend giving a thumbs up to the guys in acknowledgement. His gaze then shifted onto you, your cheeks flushing as he shot you a heart-fluttering wink, a smile gluing itself onto your face.
You watched with pride as his concentration zeroed back in on the game, his team playing impeccable defense as they raced to your side of the court. After a couple back and forth relays, your team was on offense, trying to calm down the tensions as they strategized their next play.
It all happened so fast. The opponents stole the ball from your point guard, commencing a fast break. Eunwoo sped across court, the defense of your team depending on him and another player. 
He followed the instructions of his teammate well, placing his body in front of the opponent as he tried to defend your team’s basket. Unfortunately, the momentum of the other player was too much, both players roughly colliding and falling on the court. 
You gasped in horror, immediately standing up from your seat as the referee blew the whistle to stop the play. Your teeth dug into your lower lip in worry as Eunwoo remained on the floor, clutching his waist in pain as some players and the referees surrounded him. The head trainer jogged onto the court, kneeling in front of Eunwoo to ask if he was okay. 
The gymnasium was quiet, looking on to the scene that was unfolding in the center of the floor. Slowly, the trainer helped Eunwoo stand up, your boyfriend leaning his weight on the male as he limped off to the side, the coach substituting in the other shooting guard in place of Eunwoo. Both sides started clapping in respect, as they always do when someone gets injured during a play. 
The head trainer looked to the group of you, “someone help me with Eunwoo.”
Before you could even respond, Hana beat you to the chase raising her hand, “I can help.”
“y/n,” Eunwoo said, eyes only on you. The head trainer looks between you and Hana, sighing, “Decide amongst yourselves, and fast.”
“It’ll give me more experience-”
“No, I want y/n.” Eunwoo said seriously, not even giving her a chance. The head trainer ushers you over, your feet finally taking a step with the help of Rocky pushing you forward. You accidentally shove Hana out of your way as you approach Eunwoo and the trainer, taking some of your boyfriend’s weight as the three of you walk to the locker room.
Once in the locker room, the head trainer immediately started assessing Eunwoo’s waist, trying to determine whether he needed to be sent to the hospital for a scan. Quickly and quietly, you follow the trainer’s lead, offering your assistance when he needed it. All the while, you hold Eunwoo’s hand as your boyfriend was trying not to think of the pain in his lower back.
“Do you think you can walk, Eunwoo?”
“I don’t know, there’s a sharp pain in my waist if I try to turn my body.” Eunwoo said attempting to rotate his upper half.
“No no no, don’t move. Let’s get you to the hospital to make sure there isn’t anything broken.” He sighed taking out his phone to call the medical team, “y/n, I’m sure you’ll be accompanying your boyfriend. Text me Eunwoo’s updates, okay?”
You nodded, briefly leaving Eunwoo’s side to gather both his and your things. Within the next five minutes, a group of EMTs entered the locker room, lifting Eunwoo onto a stretcher and rolling him to an ambulance, you following closely behind. 
You didn’t say much on the way too the hospital, your mind too preoccupied with worry and thinking about the worst-possible scenario for your boyfriend. Even when you arrived at the hospital, Eunwoo was immediately whisked away to get some scans and X-rays done, you being escorted to the waiting room in the meantime. It seemed like forever until a nurse approached you, leading you to the room where Eunwoo was being held. 
You let out a sigh upon seeing him, almost being moved to tears as he offered you a smile, “You’re smiling? Cha Eunwoo, I oughta–”
“Baby, I’m okay.” He chuckled lightly, hand outstretched to meet yours. You frowned, putting both of your bags down to the side as you took a seat by his bedside, “Are you okay? What did the doctor say? I need to update the trainer and your coach too.”
“Nothing’s broken,” He said first, attempting to ease some of your anxiety. “The doctor said I had a nasty fall that bruised my coccyx so there’s a lot of inflammation to the area. They gave me some pain medication so I don’t really feel anything right now, but I should be discharged tomorrow. And then he gave me a referral to a chiropractor who I’ll see in about two days. But baby, I’m okay, promise.”
“You can’t play though,” You said softly, hands fiddling with his fingers, “I feel like I’m more upset than you.”
“I played hard today so I don’t regret anything.” He said simply, “it sucks that I couldn’t finish the game, but injuries are a part of being an athlete, you know that baby. Besides, from what the doctor said, I shouldn’t be out for too long, maybe just a game or two. I told him I’m in especially good hands because you’re gonna take care of me.”
You said nothing, still not fully believing that he’s taking this situation so well. “Baby...give me a smile, hm? I’ll feel much better if I see you smiling.”
Mustering up the brightest smile that you could, you finally looked up at his face. His features only softened, knowing that you were trying your best to stay strong for him, “Are you still worried?”
“Baby, you’re in the hospital.” You said as if stating the obvious, “How could I not be worried?” 
“You’re so cute being all worried about me,” He teased squeezing your hand. You scoffed, finally easing up a little at his flirting. “You laughed! I heard you laugh just now!”
“You’re annoying,” You said as you took out your phone to give the head trainer updates on Eunwoo’s condition. After you pressed send, you immediately received a call from Sanha, “Hello?”
“Is Eunwoo hyung okay?!” “Is he dying?!” “Eunwoo no he’s too young to die!”
You flinched at their loud volume, turning your phone on speaker so that you and Eunwoo could both respond to their chatter. “Guys, he’s not dying.”
“I’m okay,” He laughed taking your phone. “Hold on, did we win?”
“Are you fucking serious? That’s what you wanna know?!” Myungjun scolded into the phone. You chuckled, the guys talking over each other again as they announced they were on the way to the hospital. “They never said if we won or not.”
“I guess you’ll find out when they arrive.” You said, patting his cheek as you stood, removing your sweater. “Do you want some water, baby? I could go get some.”
He shook his head, puckering up his lips for something else. “Please? I’m injured.”
“You’re going to use this to your advantage, aren’t you?” You asked leaning down to grant him a quick kiss. “Maybe.”
After handing Eunwoo his phone, you went to the bathroom for a little bit before coming back and taking a seat on the hospital bed that he so highly encouraged. “If we get scolded by the nurse, I’m blaming it on you.”
“It’s not like you’re laying in bed with me, baby. We’ll be fine.” He said putting his hand on your thigh. He rubbed your cloth of your jeans gently, thinking to himself as you responded to messages on your phone. “Baby, you know I love you, right?”
You made a sound of confusion, looking up from your phone and meeting his eyes, “Hm? Of course I do. I love you too. Why, all of a sudden?”
“Just, when Hana was talking to us earlier and when she volunteered to try and help, I could see that you were uncomfortable.” Eunwoo said gently, “It annoyed me too, to be honest. Like what else did I need to do to show that I’m dating you.”
“Don’t worry about it,” You said stroking his hair, “I’m used to people thinking that they can steal you away just because they’re prettier than me or more handsome than me or whatever. It doesn’t bother me that much anymore, baby––and it shouldn’t bother you too.”
“That’s so fucked up, y/n, how can that not bother me?” He frowned. “You are the most attractive person in my eyes, baby. If anyone pulls this shit again, I swear I won’t let it slide.”
“I know,” You said quietly, kissing his cheek. “I love you.”
“And I love you,” Eunwoo said, “I don’t want you to ever forget that y/n, you’re mine and no one can do anything to change that.”
“Mmm, I’m lucky that you and the guys always defend me, aren’t I?” You lightly smiled, “God, you have no idea how many times Rocky cursed Hana out in the past week.”
“As he should,” Eunwoo nodded kissing the back of your hand, “see, this is why they’re my friends.”
“Speaking of our friends.” You said looking at the door, “I can hear them coming.”
Your boyfriend chuckled, both of your attentions at the door, which shortly was opened by five boisterous guys. The sound in the hospital room suddenly increasing tenfold at their appearance, all five of them crowding and fussing around the bed. You giggled, sharing a look with Eunwoo as the guys started talking all at once. He grinned, listening until the end of their rambles. Although he was injured, Eunwoo noticed that he couldn’t be feeling any happier. He had no doubt that he would have a speedy recovery, especially if you and his best friends were right by his side. _______________________________________
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realcube · 4 years
class 1-A’s love languages headcanons 💕
tw// swearing, crying, she/her reader
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Yuuga Aoyama
his love language is words of affirmation
like tell him that he looks fabulous but he is also a talented hero 
and. he. will. die. 
of happiness ofc 🥰
and whenever you are feelin’ insecure he’ll do a pretend fashion show with you to boost you spirits (o゜▽゜)o☆
Mina Ashido
her love language is physical touch
but not in a *holds your hand 🥺* *kithes🥰* sorta way
but rather in a
“YOU’RE SO FKN CUTE, (Y/N)!!!” *aggressively pinches your cheeks*
and whenever she kisses/hugs you, it’s always a surprise attack form behind
she is also 159cm in height (almost 5″3)
so if you are shorter than her, she’ll sprint up to you and before you have time to react, she’ll engulf you in her arms
if you are around the same height as her, she’ll sneak up to you and try to jump onto your back, peppering you in neck kisses
and if you are taller than her, she’ll grab your hand and place a kiss on the back of it 
Tsuyu Asui
i think her love language is gift giving 
but not typically gifts from the store
it’s usually cute flowers or any sort of pretty flora that she finds on her walks 
and she’ll sometimes come to your room just before lights-out and hand you a shiny rock or a colourful flower like “hi, (y/n). i found this flower in the park a nd it reminded me of you. so here, i hope you like it.”
then you cry (❤´艸`❤) it’s too precious
also when she visits your dorm, she notices that you have a jar filled with all the flowers she’s every gave you and shE BRAIDS THEM INTO YOUR HAIR
and if you don’t have hair, she makes you a flower crown out of them
Tenya Iida
the king of gifts periodt ✋
to him, gift giving is kinda like a sport and if it was, he’d definitely be winning
he’ll be out getting groceries or sumn then he’ll pass the candy aisle and just *flashback to 3 months ago when y’all were studying together and you randomly said you were craving sour patch kids*
then he buys two packs of sour patch kids (❤ ω ❤)
so obviously excels during holidays like christmas, valentines day or your birthday 
and if you make it explicitly clear that you need something (ex. water, medication, cutlery, soap etc.) and you will go get it in x amount of day(s)
expect it to be in your hands within 1-9 hours 
“Iida, you didn’t have to rush out to get me Ibuprofen - I was going to go get some in a few days anyway.”
“Yes, but as a hero in training, you must agree that seeing your partner potentially suffer to due a preventable cause would be inhumane.”
Ochaco Uraraka
her love language is probably quality time
OR words of affirmation BUT ONLY ONLINE
like irl she loves going on lil’ picnic dates with you or dates to go watch the sunset or star-gazing..or literally anything where she gets to spend as much time in your presence as possible
you could literally take her on a date inside the sewers and she’d be like 🥰
in the moment (during the date) she just looks at you and wants to tell you how beautiful you are but she is way too nervous
but as soon you leave she texts you sumn like ‘OMG >< YOU ARE SO GORGEOUS 😍 AND I WANTED TO TELL YOU SO BAD BUT I COULDN’T 😩’ 
also, hypothetically, if she had a phone which supported social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat 
she would definitely be the sort of girl to post cute candid pics of you on any special occasion and i mean ANY
like she doesn’t want to just random post pics of you bc she thinks that’d be weird so she looks for any excuse she can
deadass she’d post a beach pic of you and her on her insta with a caption like, ‘happy pancake day to @y/n.l/n 🥰💖 on our first date we shared a stack of pancakes so this is a really special day for us 💓 i’m so blessed to have a stunning, smart, amazing gal like her by my side always 💕’
Mashirao Ojiro 
he’s a physical touch kinda guy
sometimes he’ll randomly drape his tail over your shoulder to pull you close
or he’ll pat your head with either his hand or tail when ever you do anything remotely impressive
“ooh, i’ve apparently taken 17k steps so far today, ojiro.” 
then he’d be like “that’s good” *pat pat* 
he also gets butterflies whenever you hug his arm or tail while he is talking to someone
Denki Kaminari 
bb is blushing profusely when you hand him a pikachu plushie , saying it reminded you of him
before that, he was probably a physical touch sorta guy but once he realised how awesome and special that simple action made him feel, he became a gift-giver 
however, 99.9% the gift is a plushie and the other 0.1% it’s a doll
(he literally bought a whole fkn barbie bc you owned a dress similar to the one the doll was wearing)
“it looks exactly like you!” 
“i don’t think so..” “it literally does!”
anyway, whether he is at the mall, in the town, in a gift shop or at the carnival, if he sees something that he knows you’d like or that reminds him of you, he’ll stop at nothing to get his hands on it
flashback to that one time at the carnival, there was a stall that had a huge fkn Kuromi plushie up for grabs 
so he asked the lady running the stall if he could have it and she said it was all his, if he could get a ball into the basket 3 times in a row
and once he figured he couldn’t do it on his own, he got the bakusquad to help him out 
(bakugo was all like ‘i’m not helping you, dumbass’ but kirishima convinces him to give it a shot and as soon as he misses on the third shot, he is livid.)
anyway, after an hour of holding up the line, the lady just gave the plush to kaminari for ¥1000 
but it was all worth it after he saw how thrilled you were 🥺
he came round to your dorm one day and noticed every plushie he had ever given you, sitting on your bed 
you told him that they help you sleep and he just..died..
Eijirou Kirishima
his love language is words of affirmation imo but with a sprinkle of physical touch 
like whenever he sees you looking nice or sumn..he’ll just tell you
he has no shame and why should he? he’s just telling the truth
if you walk into the room looking ✨immaculate✨ he will tell you 
he’s just like ‘if nobody else is going to say it then I will.’
when your face lights up after he has just told you that you’re beautiful or that you’re one of the most likeable people he’s ever met; it makes his day every. single. time.
the sprinkle of physical touch is because he tells  you what he is thinking all the time
and he thinks you’re stunning even when you are lounging around the dorm complex in casual wear and no makeup
so he’s aware that he might’ve watered down his compliments a bit by saying them too often 
(even though he’s telling the truth every time)
so he likes to give you hugs and kisses to express his affection without  seeming like he’s buttering you up
Kouji Kouda
honestly, idek which category he falls under bc he does so many different things to show his love
like, he’ll use his quirk to get a butterfly to land on your head so you can take the perfect photo for instagram
he always holds your hand in crowded areas so y’all don’t lose each other
(he would end up crying in the corner of a Hot Topic or sumn if he couldn’t find you tbh)
he writes mini-love notes v. late at night and uses his quirk to get an insect or bird to carry it up to your room
religiously takes you out on dates to the park
or library/study dates (p≧w≦q)
Rikidou Satou
acts of service but mostly to do with baking
if his s/o doesn’t like sweet treats then..it just..can’t work
he’s very good at noticing when you are down and what he bakes depends on the severity of the situation
like, if you’re just a bit bummed because you got a bad mark on a test, he’ll bake cupcakes and leave a few outside your dorm
obvs accompanied by a cute lil note abt how proud you make him and how you’re the most diligent person he’s met so he knows that you’ll succeed if you just persevere
and as soon as you come to him with your improved mark, he’ll bake you a cake with ‘congratulations, (Y/N).’ written on it
Mezou Shouji
acts of service. but like..service service
he treats you like royalty-
he is the kind of bf to give you his jacket if you’re cold
he can and will use his quirk to form more arms just so he can hold your bags along with his own
if you enter is dorm and he doesn’t offer to take your jacket immediately then i’m sorry to inform you but that is not shouji..that is toga in disguise 
you’ll never have to open a door if you are walking next to him and don’t you dare even try to 
just an overall gentleman tbh 
sometimes you try to get him to stop being so kind bc you’re afraid ppl will think you treat him like a butler 
so he’ll be like “sure ..
i’ll hold just your gym bag rather than your gym bag and school bag.”
“don’t hold any bags, shouji..”
Kyouka Jirou
her love language is definitely quality time
there is nothing she loves more than vibing with you in her room - whether y’all are studying, cuddling, playing videos games or something else - while chill music plays in the background, either from a playlist or from her playing it herself on one of her instruments 
and sometimes when she’s feeling especially comfortable, she might hum a tune or sing some lyrics to match the mood
she asks you for suggestions for music to put on bc she loves introducing herself to new music
but when you’re concentrated,  she doesn’t want to disturb you so she just puts on a playlist she made prior 
she doesn’t create a new playlist each time you hang out but there is at least 10 new songs added to it every day 
the playlist is called ‘lazy days w/ (y/n) 💕’
anyway, she just loves hanging out with you bc you’re one of the very few people who don’t annoy tf out of her 
also - she’d never say it aloud but - she thinks you’ve got a very comforting presence and you make her feel so exhilarated whenever you laugh (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
Hanta Sero
Sero loves spending as much time with you as possible - hence, he’s a quality time sorta person
but i also think he’s barely a quality time guy bc he expresses his affection in so many different ways
he’s like a mix of 4
( not gift-giving, whenever it comes time to get you gift for whatever occasion, he’s always stumped and ends up asking someone for help)
he preforms acts of service in a sense that if you are both cuddling on the couch and you are cold - even if he seriously can’t be assed to move - he’ll force himself to get up and bring you a blanket
he is really good at compliments bc he barely has a filter so if he sees you looking good, he’ll straight up tell you
plus, he loves seeing your reaction - especially when you get all flustered
and physical touch bc..cuddles :)
to him, there is just something reassuring about having you in his arms
Fumikage Tokoyami 
a quality time man mwah
he doesn’t play music on speakers when y’all hang out though, he just likes to sit with you and either mindlessly chatter or chill in comfortable silence 
he also doesn’t put in earbuds bc he thinks it’s rude 
(you assure him that you don’t mind if he puts his earbuds in but he is always like..no..)
he just loves your company bc he seriously can’t think of somebody he’d rather spend his time with 
also he is convinced that he does things 10 times better with you around
when he’s not with you though, he misses you- like- seriously
sometimes he’s just out with his friends or watching a movie with his family and he is just like ‘this’d be more fun if (Y/N) was here-’
and you said that you missed him too when y’all weren’t together 
so he did the reasonable thing and made you a playlist for you to listen to whenever you missed him ( •̀ ω •́ )
he sent you the link and your heart stopped bc it was literally called ‘i love you 🖤’ AND THAT WAS THE FIRST TIME HE’S EVER TOLD YOU THAT AAAAA
‘you’re so sweet, tokoyami 🥺 i love you tooooo’
and good thing that was over text bc otherwise you would’ve seen him blushing profusely (= ╯▽╰ = )
as for the contents of the playlist; it’s probably quite diverse
some alt pop, some indie, a bit of R&B, pop rock and a lot of Metal/Rock 
Shouto Todoroki
his love language is acts of service
most of them are school related though
he can easily tell if you’re struggling with the coursework and asks you if you want go on a lil study date at the library or in his dorm 
he also helps you with homework or explains the material to you if you don’t understand it
and he’s the best teacher since he’s extremely patient and well-spoken
if you’re feeling under the weather, he’ll head to your dorm to fetch your notebook so he can write the class notes for you 
and he’ll put in the effort to make them as similar to your other notes as he can
so he flicks through the pages and (for example) if you have a highlighting code, he’ll look for the legend and highlight the notes he took accordingly 
once school is over for the day, he goes to your dorm to drop off the notebook, putting it back in the respective part of your bag
and the next day when you open your notebook to check the notes, you notice that he wrote a little note for you;
‘get well soon 💛’ 
it was a simple, kind gesture but the small details like how he coloured in the heart with a glittery yellow highlighter he must’ve took from your bag had you blushing (^///^)
also, whenever you’ve scheduled a study date at his dorm, there is no way in hell you’ll walk into his room and there isn’t 2 bowls of fresh soba sitting on the desk
no way. impossible.
(or if you don’t like noodles, then two bowls of rice.) 
Tooru Hagakure
physical touch bb
she just likes you to know that she is there 
also she loves how soft your skin is ^^
she really likes surprise hugging you from behind and you’d think that she’d be very good at that considering that she is.. invisible.. but she’s really not
she has very unique and recognisable voice 
and whenever she creeps up behind you, she’s always snickering quite loudly 
but you like seeing her happy when she thinks she surprised you so you just think to yourself ‘get ready to pretend to be shocked’ 
so as soon as she wraps her arms around you and goes ‘boo!’, you jump and always say the same stupid line you wish you would   stop using but it just comes out naturally
“ope, didn’t see you there, tooru.”
but it makes her laugh every time so maybe it’s not such a bad habit
Katsuki Bakugo
he’s definitely a physical touch kinda guy but tries to be an acts of service man..y’know?
he doesn’t want you thinking that he likes hugging, cuddling, kisses or any of that none-sense bc..he is a big macho king explosion murder 
and he knows that if he gets to comfortable with showing affection through physical touch, it’d become a habit then he might do it in public and the last thing he wanted was a rumour coming out that ‘king explosion murder is actually a huge cuddle-bug dork!’
so he hides it the best he can and expresses his love by like letting you wear his hoodie and not cussing you out when you do something stupid
but the fact is, nothing makes him feel better than holding you in his arms - under a blanket or not -  with your face buried into his chest and your arm lazing draped over his shoulder
he usually does a good job at resisting his urge to randomly kiss you or take your hand in public
but there was that one time
luckily, it was on a date rather than on a school outing so it was only you who knows about it 
it was probably around 6 months after y’all first started dating and he took you on a date to the carnival
there was a gang of boys who looked around a few years older than y’all and they were chatting amongst themselves until they approached the line you and Bakugo were waiting in (to get onto a ride at the carnival) and the group of boys stood behind you in line
at first everything was alright; they were just chatting while you were raving on about the ride to bakugo but he kinda tuned you out after he heard one of the guys say something along the lines of
“she’s kinda hot- a bit young but so fit. i think she’s from the UA too.”
that comment was enough to make his blood boil but a separate comment from one of the other guys tipped him over the edge,
“yeah and look at the guy she’s with. he’s the feral guy that needed to be put in chains at the sports festival - how embarassing.” he snickered, which was genuinely one of the most annoying noises bakugo has ever heard
his voice was low, in a whisper so they probably didn’t expect bakugo to hear it over the background noise of the carnival along with the girl yapping in his ear
but he did
and when i tell you this man was livid 
in that moment he seriously considered just turning around and burning each and every one of those guys into a crisp
but the law-abiding citizen and hero inside him said no 
instead, he fiercely snaked his arms around your hips to pull you into his chest and looked over his shoulders to shoot literal daggers at the guys
he led you out of the line for the ride in silence and you followed him without question - having heard the things those guys said but choosing to pretend as if you didn’t 
“What was that about?” You finally asked as he brought you over to a bench, pulling you onto his lap
“Nothing.” He said, oddly calm as he stared into the void
“Okay.” You rolled your eyes, deciding not to pry as you obviously already knew what provoked him to do that. “I’m gonna go get some cotton candy then. Do you want some?”
“No.” He replied monotonously, allowing you to hop off his knee but immediately grabbing your hand, preventing you from going any farther than arms length from him.
“you needy cow.” you giggled, playfully kicking his shin, “I’m so hungry - let me go!” 
“No.” He replied in the same monotone voice. “I can’t be assed to move.”
You leaned back, pulling your whole weight backwards to try get Bakugo to release his grip on your hand and eventually he gave in and got up, sluggishly following you to go get cotton candy 
you gleefully popped some of the delectable fluff into your mouth before sneaking some into bakugo’s mouth too.
 “are you gonna let go of my hand any time soon?” you asked, wanting to hold the bag of cotton candy for yourself but instead having one hand interlocked with his and the other being used to rip small pieces off as Bakugo held the bag in his spare hand 
[(a/n): not the over-used jealousy trope 🙊]
Izuku Midoriya 
definitely a words of affirmation kinda guy
bc he knows what it’s like to have to go through life with barely anyone besides your mother telling you that your great and that you’re worthy. it’s depressing and traumatic and he wouldn’t wish that misery on his worst enemy 
so he’s like your personal hypeman :)
making sure that you always feel appreciated, confident and loved 
during the sports festival or anything similar, he’s always louder than the cheerleaders when it comes to your turn to shine
slightly embarrassing for him but when he sees you smile confidently back at him, every ounce of embarrassment melts away and he is just filled with joy
he gets really emotional sometimes as well 
but not like ‘you just faced an opponent and won bc one all your hard work and training - i am so proud of you’ sorta emotional
but like ‘omg you walked into his dorm wearing a new dress and you look really beautiful and you smiled at him so emotions wash over him and he just cries bc he realises how lucky he is to have you.’
he loves to receive words of admiration from you too though
one time you wrote him a birthday card and signed it off as ‘the future wife of the #1 pro-hero’
and as badly as you wanted to just sign it as ‘from the future pro-hero 😘’
you didn’t bc you knew how happy the other option would make him
Minoru Mineta
idk perversion ig?
wait no his love language is titties and/or ass
Momo Yaoyorozu
gift. giving. 
like you have no idea how much serotonin she gets when she sees you overjoyed at gift she gives you
bc in her mind she knows that it was her that made you that happy and no amount of trophies will ever compare to how accomplished she feels for being the reason behind your smile 
she’s a QUEEN 👑 UGH 😩💓
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
Things I believe Matsukawa Issei and you’re kid would say if you lived together (From the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep)
i’m ONLY doing this because @sloppykyuu is just begging me to write about Issei 🙄 (and @kac-chowsballs requested it as well)
Merry christmas Pea! I’m Latina so i celebrate today (the 24th) 💚
established relationship || fem mommy reader || you and Matus have a kid together and you call him Bub/kiddo/bean their name is Sora (unisex name so u can decide if it’s a girl or boy)
“Hey bean, let’s go wake up your momma.” (7:00 am)
“No... mommy’s scary when she makes up.”
“I know bub, i wake up to her every morning, how do you think i feel?”
you: “I can hear you Issei!!!”
“He meant to say scary beautiful momma.”
you: “Don’t defend your dad bub.”
“Shut up and give me a kiss woman.”
“How’d you sleep? Good? Good.”
“Not feeling sore?”
“Ow, he’s not even listening, huh bean.”
“See exactly my point.”
“I don’t work today, so how about we go out today and have some family time.”
*will tangle his fingers in your hair while you’re still in bed*
“Or do you wanna stay in bed and get a sitter~”
“Ow, dont hit me. I’m just making suggestions.”
“Hey, bean- why don’t you give daddy and mommy some alone time, yeah?”
*your kid whines a little because he low key was falling asleep on your chest*
you: “Come on kiddo, i’ll make you whatever you want for breakfast.” (7:30 am)
*Sora’s legit rushing out the door*
“Come here.”
*Isseis already dressed but you’re nude on the sheets, makes you sit on his lap anyways*
“You sure you don’t wanna get a sitter.”
*he’s holding your hips and he’s kissing you all over, he’s doing it in a sweet romantic manner*
“You can have a date night and everything.”
“You know bean doesn’t mind, he’s old enough to get that mommy and daddy need alone time.”
“Family time? You sure?”
*hes caressing the small of your back and just giving you the most softest smile.”
“Come on , get up and let’s make Sora some breakfast.” (8:00 am)
*he really do be handing you one of his old uniform shirt and a pair of his clean boxers, he knows they makes you feel comfy*
“Bean, hey- leave your mom alone while she’s cooking.”
“But i wanna watch.”
*big eye roll from Issei but he’s not surprised he’s fascinated with his mother because, like father like son*
“Need some help?”
“Are you sure?
“Fine... Give me a kiss.”
“Their not even watching...”
“You look sexy in my clothes, have I told you that?”
*smacks you’re ass before kissing your cheek and walking back to Sora*
“Done? Look good babe.”
“No,no,no put the dishes down.”
“You cook, I clean, remember?”
*you roll your eyes and set the plates down in the sink*
“Good girl. Go clean up with Sora while i do this.” (9:00 am)
*you and Sora are in the bath together missing around, making a mohawk with their hair and everything*
*Matsu is all finished up with the dishes when he’s leaning on the door frame and listening to the two of you giggle in the bath*
*god he’s so in love with you it’s so sweet*
“You guys finished yet?” (9:40 am)
you: “Take a picture pops, it’ll last longer.”
“Take a picture- yeah you know what maybe i will.”
*takes a few pictures, definitely takes some on you and crops out Sora*
“Come on bean, let’s give mommy some alone time.”
“Want me to dress them?”
“Oh come on, i don’t dress then up so bad.”
“Fine, fine- I’ll keep it simple.”
“Stay here bean, i’ll be right back. I’m gonna check up on mom, yeah?”
you: “Why are you back here Issei.”
“Mmm just wanted to see if my sweet girl needs some company.” (10:00 am)
*a very quiet quicky, will fuck you over the sink with his hand wrapped around your neck so your back is so close to his chest, makes you watch yourself drool over his cock*
“You don’t want Sora to know that her mommy is a slut for her daddy’s cock.”
*hes legit got such a foul mouth*
*Issei burst out laughing bc you’re mid orgasm*
“Mommy’s coming Sora...”
*you’re punching his thigh a couple a thighs because he’s being an asshole*
“hurry im gonna pee of the floor.”
“Bean, you’re not even dressed yet.”
*bean is really running naked into the bathroom*
“I wanted mommy to dress me.”
you: “see i told you, you suck at dressing them.”
“hey- i’m trying my best here.” (10:20 am)
you: “Bubs, you’re getting to old to carry.”
“No im not.”
“No he’s not.”
“Come here, mom’s too weak to carry you bean.”
“No she’s not.”
you: “Thanks bean but mommy is a little weak so i need Issei to carry you.”
“But i don’t want papa.”
“Ouch, that hurt.”
“Only if papa buys me some tokoyaki.”
“Deal, come here bug.”
*Sora is a crawler so he likes crawling up from your feet until you cary him and he’s don’t it to the point where he scratches*
*that’s why issei doesn’t let him climb in him anymore- he picks him up and throws him on his shoulders*
“Woah, i’m so tall! Look momma!”
“Hey, give me your hand.”
“Because i wanna hold it woman, now give it to me.”
“Do you wanna share tokoyaki? No, thought so.”
“Open up *issei 100% likes feeding you in public to embarass you* Good girl. Taste good?” (1:00 pm)
*you probably take Sora to a park because she’s very energetic and needs to let it out somewhere*
“They’re getting so big...”
“Let me put another baby in you, yeah?”
“Come on, you’d look so good all full and plum for me.”
“Stop blushing woman, you should know you’re sexy by now.”
*he knudges your hip while you hide your face into his back*
*he kisses your hair and then the tip of your nose*
*Sora is running towards their dad and shes pulling on his jeans*
“Is mommy crying or did you embarrass her again.”
“I embarrassed her again.”
*cue pouty Sora*
“Bad daddy, come on momma, let’s get you away from meanie.”
you: “yes please.” (2:00 pm)
*sora makes you push them of the swings*
*issei once again is taking pictures of you if his kid*
*sora ends up playing with dogs that are like twice her size and one of them topples over her and she’s flying to the grown*
you: “Sora! You alright baby?!”
“let’s do that again mommy!!!”
“Do that one more time and i think you’ll kill your mommy.”
*you go back with issei for a bit and someone starts a fight with Sora bc she took someone’s swing*
you: “I know sora, hold on a second.”
*you get in a small altercation with another mother and you snap at them, leaving them quiet as hell*
“That was really sexy.”
you: “She called bean mean things, you thought i was gonna sit there and just listen?”
“Mmm, feisty... That’s very sexy of you momma bear.”
you: “Issei i’m gonna punch you.”
“Understood princess.”
“You two hungry yet?” (4:00 pm)
“YES! More tokoyaki!!!”
you: “bean you’ve had enough tokoyaki.”
“There’s no such thing.”
you: “yes there is, and i’m in the mood for ramen.”
“Got it, ramen it is. Let’s do Sora.”
“but.... tokoyaki.”
“Bean, they 100% have tokoyaki.”
you: “Carefull bean the foods probably hot.” (5:30 pm)
*they proceed to throw a tokoyaki ball in their mouth and they immediately spit it out*
“Bean, this is why you listen to mommy.”
“I’m sleepy!” (6:30 pm)
you: “you want me to pick you up?”
you: “They out yet?” (7:00 pm)
“Out cold...”
“Hold on, don’t move... Let me take picture.”
“Look this way, good girl- now smile for me.”
*looking down at his phone a little to long while he’s admiring you with his kid*
“We made that.”
“God please let me put another baby in you.”
“Give me a kiss pretty girl.”
“I love you.” (8:30 pm)
“Want me to tuck them in?”
“Alrighty hand them over. You go get ready for bed.”
“They really are out cold.”
“Mmm you look so beautiful.”
“Give me a kiss.”
“I can’t say it enough but you- You are so damn fine.”
*he 100% is fucking you with purpose tonight. he’s such a good baby daddy and just fills you up to the brim with his cum while fucking your pretty pussy*
“Let me lay on your chest baby.”
*proceeds to kiss your chest*
“I love you so much sweet girl.”
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holdmybvbeer · 2 years
He should do more clothing brand adverts it be so hot. Btw why don't you miss him playing football
I'll hide this here
I don't like bashing players on here, especially not one of mine, but quite frankly, last season I realised that what in the beginning looked like "mentality" to a lot of fans (including me) often is not much more than misplaced aggressiveness that even has cost us here and there. I think aggressiveness is necessary to some degree, but there's positive and negative aggressiveness, if that makes sense? And with him, it often looks like it stems from frustration and he doesn't really use that energy to help the team. There's been quite a lot of games last season where you could see his lack of work rate, mistakes being made, unnecessary fouls and complaining and overall looking lacklustre and not contributing enough to our game. And I feel like he doesn't even realise when he's having a bad game and that he's just overestimating himself? I keep thinking back to that one match I've watched in the stadium where he made mistake after mistake and looked rather spiritless and when he actually managed to get the ball back once, he celebrated himself so hard, roaring all over the pitch, knocking his fist on his chest repeatedly, acting like he just scored a banger 💀 like no babe, you've played absolute shit for idk how many minutes, you don't get to celebrate yourself now just bc you've done something right today.
I don't want to say everything is bad. He does have his qualities and considering how injury prone my team is, I guess it's good to have him as a backup, but we just have better and more committed players on his positions.
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all or nothing episode 7: stream of consciousness comments
-put your eyelashes AWAY mikel...and that smile while you’re at it
-the boys talking about who has boris johnson’s number i s2g
-why is granit so hot?  he lights up like every scene he’s in even if he’s just sitting there? gjdgjdjgsg
-oh dear lord what am i seeing on that laptop screen...
-and granit gives him such a loving look during it
-and you can TELL mikel doesn’t give a fuck about his bad discipline lmaooooo 
-angry granit yelling
-oooh mikel angry at the half and we haven’t had any obscenities yet...let’s see
-also now aaron not getting a clean sheet makes me Extra sad
-”fucking shit 45 minutes man we can’t come play like this year!” YES GRANIT YES...CAPTAIN GRANIT “WE KNEW WHAT WE HAD TO DO! fuck me, the first action, they have the throw in, put the fucking ball away!” god this is so hot and he’s like little mini mikel
-it seems like they all just sit there and take him yelling at them?
-omg mikel is TINY and his butt is so...[censored] while yelling at them? this scene is a dream
-mikel: “we deserve to be slapped on the face” (slaps his own face) O RLY mikel....god that was one of my fav things he ever said in a press conference, telling on yourself much mikel?
-mikel can’t park a fucking car to save his life omg
-mikel saying that after the palace game he was like....kind to the boys bc they just needed to be together? OMG
-granit caring for kt...
-mikel says the boys have given him reason to trust them 🥺
-”we’re gonna play with balls out, guys.  balls out.”
-man nuno really is so fucking beautiful lol
-OMG MO ELNENY we do not deserve him...love his sunshiney honesty here
-cedric’s FACE he’s like what the FUCK is this mf doing now
-”Because what happens when we play connected, guys? What is the next thing that happens? That we connect with 60,000 people that creates more energy, because at the end is electricity, that through heat creates light and life, because if not, it would be fucking dark,  if this guy wouldn’t have the idea to do that.” omg mikel......i have no words for u 
-imagine after all that u go fuck up this game! come on guys!
-omg martin looking so defeated is breaking my whole heart
-”i have too many emotions. look at me please when i talk.” omg mikel put that *** energy AWAY mr cincuenta shades of grey 
-sad granit with his sweaty curls and big beautiful eyes....
“okay guys after the game i didn’t want to talk to you, i am sure i was going to say something that i was going to regret.” *cracks knuckles* “but i tell you today it was a fucking disaster.”
-bro in this briefing room speech i can like. legit tell how much mikel loves this club?  i’m getting emotional i can’t explain he REALLY wants them to do well and cares about the players
-he’s also so tiny have i mentioned this before
-mo advising frustrated young players is a concept i didn’t realize i needed
-airpods albert and eddie 🥺
-OMG THE LITTLE KID SENDING B SOME MONEY...omg and then he meets him? CRYING rn
-this is one of the sweetest things i’ve ever seen!!!!!!! like literally i am crying
-i swear profane mikel is making me Feel things
-me screaming at eddie’s goal!
-and me getting CHILLS at babey b’s penalty (lmao the true AoN experience...feeling these emotions like the first time)
-emile is so sweet and soft spoken
-this episode is so quietly feel good?
-omg the way they’re taking care of mo during ramadan, also wait he and raketa have weirdly similar scars/birthmarks
-”i never saw someone give everything, work very hard, and they don’t get the reward” oh mo, sweet summer child...
-mikel looks so fresh faced and happy post game...before everything fell apart...I almost feel like he has yet to recover from the nld you know
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heyitsyn · 4 years
There Once Was A Man With No Arms-
Goshiki x Manager!Tendou!FirstYear!Sister!Reader
a/n: that was a mouthful
anon request: ahhh i loved your headcanons of iwaizumi dating oikawa's sister!!! this time, can i request goshiki x tendou's first year sis na manager din ng team nila? salamatttt hehe ingat ka lagiii💞
Tumblr media
this cute little bowl cut babie
so you are the little baby sister of our favorite red hair cutie and he was the one who offered you the manager position
ofc you accepted bc hello, you get to hang out w your brother and tease semi-semi-senpai everyday
pls let semi live
everyone likes you though bc you are their manager and you do a lot of things for them even though you dont need to
like sometimes, you stop by the store and pick up all kinds of snacks and if its really hot, popsicles and ice cream
ushijima farmer-san is known to be quite stoic and serious but he’s pretty chill around you and even ruffles your hair whenever you make a stupid joke
as a tendou, you are basically like a ctrl+v  with your brother 
the same cute teasing and bubbly personality but the quick change to serious and demeaning
the team gets stressed, especially mom, bc he has to take care of not one red-head freak but two
but he liked you more though bc you were a first year and you were this short little pumpkin and you were so nice and just all around A D O R A B L E
but you just didnt rub goshiki the right way
maybe bc he thought you were just doing this as an act and no person could really be this bubbly and cheerful
or hes just jealous his senpais attention is directed to you
whenever he gets a good spike, you cheer him on and say things like, ‘nice spike, tsu-chan!’ and he swears youre just doing this bc you want to kill him with a heart attack and he doesnt like feeling like this but you like torturing him
boi what is with this logic
even though he lives for praises, your praises and compliments just hits different than his senpais
before he even realized it, he started all out glaring at you and tendou, being the overprotective brother he was, pointed him out on it
‘oi, little kouhai, you got a problem with our y/n?’
at the mention of your name you turned around from talking to the coach and everyone turned to goshiki, expecting him to answer
unfortunately you didnt hear what your brother said so you were just confused
‘hm? i read the room and i am not comfortable with the energy in the gym today’
someone snorted while goshiki turned red at the attention being on him with the topic of you so he just walks away back to the court
‘oh? what was that all about?’ 
semi shushes tendou and gives you a smile
‘y/n, can you help tossing the ball for us?’
you nodded and quickly ran to the chair and waddled over to put it by the net before standing on it
everyone turned red, including goshiki and even shirabu, and busted their uwus
‘okay! let’s go!’
youve always noticed tsutomu and his determination to beat ushijima which youve appreciated bc he was so hard-working and he was talented enough
‘good one, tsu-chan!’
‘t-thanks, y/n-san’
even when no one noticed it, you were always there to give him compliments and he always grows flustered and hes just a big idiot babie and doesnt realize that your praises makes his heart beat faster bc he thinks youre freaking pretty and someone pretty complimenting him in his spikes boosts his ego
but eventually, it grew on him
instead of looking around for any senpai to praise him, he now turned to you and you would give him that adorable smile and he would bite his lip to stop himself from running over and hugging the life out of you
then he remembers who your brother is, well more like how protective the boys were
‘waka-senpai, nii-chan got sick so he wants you to stop by his dorm later today!’
since you were their teammate’s sister, theyve known you for a while and watched you grow from being this little middle school girl to a first year high schooler 
you were practically their sister
goshiki went to a different middle school so he never really realized how the guys treated you so differently but he knew it would be difficult to win them over for your hand
oops wait what
this thought struck him just as he was drinking water and he ended up choking on water causing you to run over from talking to semi so you could pat his back
‘omg, tsu-chan, you need to be careful!’
this was only the beginning of weeks of being weird
like he was so distracted and different that shirabu actually yelled at him and refused to give him any tosses
‘you talk big about being the ace but the slightest distraction could cost you a match. are you really being serious about being the ace or is it all just talk?’
he got all sad and mopey and he had to sit on the bench 
goshiki never got benched
he was too good to be benched!
but he was and he did not like it
you went over to him and sat next to him
‘tsu-chan, can you follow me?’
he looked up from the floor and he shrugged before following you out of the door
the others watched their first years exit the gym and they contemplated following
but tendou, surprise!, actually stopped them
‘my sister can sort him out herself. trust me’
goshiki didnt exactly know where you were taking him to until you stopped by by the baseball field where there was mud
‘y/n-san, why-’
‘you always say my name formally, why is that? im a first year too, tsu-chan’
he looked down
‘um, i-i don’t know-’
‘y/n-chan, tsu-chan. try it out’
you squealed at how cute he looked w red ears and a red face but you refrained from hugging him
then you remembered why you brought him out
‘oh right! come here, tsu-chan!’
you took a branch from a nearby tree and encouraged him to crouch down with you as you began to draw on the mud
‘there was once a man with no arms-’
you started happily singing and this was when goshiki really realized the resemblance between you and your brother
you both were happy and cheerful bc you wanted to radiate the energy to the others to be happy too
and it worked
tendou’s funny songs and jokes always made the others laugh and you did too
goshiki was happy that he was able to absorb that energy and he soon completely forgot about shirabu’s comments
once you were done, you have drawn a dog on the mud and the boy was so amazed at the sudden creation
he looked up at you with wide eyes and you laughed with a wide grin at his expression
‘hehe, its cool, right? nii-chan showed me something like that before when i got sad and it made me happy again. i thought it would work on you too’
he might have questionable feelings around you bc when you mentioned being sad, he felt weird
like he was relieved he wasnt there to see you sad bc he couldnt take it seeing your usual grin into a frown and your bright shining eyes filled with tears
‘y/n-chan, when you get sad, call me, okay? so i can go to you and make you smile like you did with me’
your eyes widened in surprise but you nodded, your grin even wider
‘im counting on you, tsu-chan!’
and he did
when he received a call late at night from you, he easily snuck out from his dorm and ran to the baseball field where he saw your crouching figure aimlessly dragging the stick in circles
he huffed and panted after running so fast and you looked up before running to hug him
‘im here now. youre okay’
you didnt release out your problems on him bc you didnt want to burden him
but he understood and just hugged you until you felt better enough to return to your crouching
goshiki hurriedly grabbed the stick and began to do the same thing you did for him before
‘then he jumped onto the lake and got stung by bees?’
he stopped and frowned, realizing he wasnt right
but the frown lifted when he heard your giggle
‘tsu-chan, he got stung by bees first and then he jumped on the lake!’
the corners of his mouth lifted and he chuckled
‘heh, i guess he did. but this is my version so listen closely, okay y/n-chan?’
this might be the reason you got close w the first year
the others noticed it too since you seem to pamper him and take more time taking care of him than them
like you even started wiping his sweat for him while he just giggles when you pull on the long strands of his hair
‘tsu-chan, i want to cut it!’
‘no, y/n-chan!’
he grabbed your hands and your arms around his torso so he could do the same to you and gently tugged on the ends of your long hair
‘you too then, y/n-chan. your hair is long too’
you pouted then gently punched his chest
‘mean, tsu-chan’
‘heh?! mean?! how?!’
tendou is like the best big brother ever and hes just like ‘yuhhhh get it tsutomu!!!!’
eventually, goshiki began playing even better
his complete spike percentage has increased and his jumping has gotten higher
but the team predicts that this was all because he’s trying to show off to you and your praising and compliments have motivated him to play better
forget being ace, he just wants you to praise him
‘y/n-chan! y/n-chan! did you see that?’
‘wahh!!!! so cool, tsu-chan!!”
bus trips to matches are so cute but yall lowkey annoy the players a bit
yall sit next to each other and are just leaning together as you giggle over stupid cat videos
like we get, goshiki is getting some quicker than us
i feel like before moving on to relationships, goshiki and you would be best friends first and then move on to the dating stuff
tbh, theres no difference bc yall have always been like that but theres just an offical label now
‘hey, tsu-chan, wanna date?’
‘u-um,, sure?’
yall would hang out in either his dorm or yours and yall would be alone bc the team actually trusts you but you dont know that they pass by the door ever 5 minutes and listen in to just to make sure yall are not doing anything bad
smh they so nosy but we luv them
you know of his insecurities about not being enough and his fears of not being the ace and his dreams of playing to the big leagues and his passion to continue playing on the court for as long as he can and how excited he is to be able to spend all those years with you
he knows of your insecurities about the way you look and being associated with your apparent freak of a brother but you didnt care about that and even fought someone when they said something and your deep protectiveness for the boys, especially your brother but it’s all because the boys were the ones to accept you with open arms and treat you like family
yall shared a lot of secrets amongst yourselves and tbh, your communication is just *chefs kiss*
so serious fights dont happen, like ever, just stupid little arguments that are usually resolved like an hour later
since youre also a manager, its also your job to make sure the boys are maintaining their good grades and you know that shira-senpai has given up on tutoring tsutomu
i mean,,, goshiki is smart but he gets distracted easily and ends up spacing out during lessons
thats when the little arguments bc youd be trying to teach him the damn phythagorean theorem and hed be distracted at how come your hair was styled like that today
‘goshiki tsutomu, i will leave your ass to fail right now if you dont stop touching my hair’
‘but babyyyyyy’
‘no, ‘dont baby’ me, you idiot! you’ll be crying like a baby when you fail and you’re bench during the next game!’
oof also!
hes a protective little babie and he gets jealous easily so whenever yall have games, he literally hangs all over you 
like he makes a show of putting his jacket over you and kissing your forehead so that the other teams know to stop looking over at your direction and whispering about you
ofc this gets on your nerves but you cant help but think how cute he looks when he gets jealous
he gets all pouty and touchy and youre just like, take my uwus you big babie
even tendou is like, ‘im her brother yet hes more protective than me’
he demands to be hugged 24/7 but thats not appropriate if youre in public so he ltr drags you outside and away from people just so he could hug you
he likes hugging you bc youre shorter than him and it makes him feel all special and soft since you like to burrow your face into his chest and your sweater paws are just like ugggggghhhhhhhhh
whenever he gets nervous, you kiss his fingers and his knuckles bc it soothes him and youre just his good luck charm and he feels like he can take over the world w a single kiss from you
‘baby, didja see that?! i was so cool, right?!’
‘so proud of you, tsu-chan! youre so cool!’
‘i love y/n like a sister but if she inflates his ego more, i will have to tape her mouth’
can you guess who said that?
overall a relationship i strive for and i really want a goshiki now thanks byeeeeeee
a/n: ngl goshiki’s hair lowkey triggered me when i first saw him bc why the heck does it look like that?! but now i actually like it on him and i cant imagine any other hairstyle fitting him
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ofmythsandmadness · 4 years
stop moving | d.h
you do diego’s eyeliner. 2k words.
NOTES: gender neutral. long haired diego. i don’t know why i’m writing this and i kinda hate it lol, i rarely write this sort of thing but y’know. i’m going to check all messages, notifs & messed gems in the morning, i’m really only posting this and ghosting again, bc i know otherwise i’ll never do it. and y’know, i want to feel productive about something. take care folks <3
Hot breath stings your trembling fingers as Diego huffs a laugh; it’s barely a sound, a mumble of a chuckle, but you feel it vibrate through your body and hit your hand and it almost does you in. You almost just give up and confess your undying attraction, right then and there. And as though you need more contact, even more of him pressing against you, egging you closer to the precipice that will surely be your infatuated doom. 
“You’re the one who asked to do this, you don’t get to complain.”
“Well, you wanted it. You agreed to this!”
“I--” another exhale against your hand, another peal of laughter following shortly. You've half a mind to clamp his mouth shut with it, if it wouldn’t ignite yet another ill-thought fantasy of yours. “This was still your idea.”
Your smile buds and blooms despite your brain begging your lips to be still. You can’t help it; he’s too good at weaseling into the cracks of your composure. One look, one soft chuckle and you’re set for life. It doesn’t help that you’re basically on his lap, cradling his face in your hands like he’s a baby, and his own fingers tap-tap-tap away on your hips, creating a rhythm no one else but you can make out. Honestly, you’re surprised you haven’t totally cracked yet, this close and this personal.
“Shut your eyes.”
“They are shut.”
“No they’re not!” you poke lightly at the fluttering lids. Your lip snags on your bottom lip; a poor attempt to hide a giggle. “I can’t do this with your eyes open.”
“D'aww…” his lids shut as he groans. “So I’m just supposed to sit here? Let you draw on my face in total darkness?”
You click your tongue, half in disapproval in his exaggeration, and half because you’ve won yet again against his stubbornness. “I won’t be long. Suck it up.”
“Sure. Y’know, I have siblings; I know how long it takes them to do makeup, and-”
“-stop moving, asshole!” Your free hand tugs ever lightly on a strand of hair, one of the many that’s slipped out of his ponytail. Repressed thoughts flash in sultry red across your thoughts and you swallow, quickly letting the hair go. “I-I need you to stay still, or this will take forever.”
Diego sighs and his grip tightens around your hips. Before you know it, he’s moving you. “Then stop wriggling,” he grumbles, flattening you against his legs. You’re basically straddling him, at that point, and your mind goes absolutely blank at how much more intimate this feels. Does he notice? Or is this just another friendly motion you’re yet again reading into?
Your mouth tastes of cotton balls and it’s dry as an Arizona summer. Still, you manage an ‘okay’ before readying your pen again. All you can hope for is a steady hand, though by the way he still holds your waist, and how your mouth lingers mere inches from his lips -- well, you’re coming undone.
It’s just eyeliner, you tell yourself. Your hand rises and swipes; black begins to pool its deep colour against his lashes, low and thin. The line builds taller, thicker as you work, extending out to the corner of his eye. As he breathes, and you try to remind yourself how to, the eyeliner pen works its shaky magic and draws the slightest tinge of a wing against his skin. 
“How’s it going?”
At least he’s kind enough to mumble it, though his face still shifts under your hold. Once more your tongue clicks. 
“It goes better when you don’t speak.”
He swallows his laugh; you know, because you feel his throat work as you hold his head steady. It’s strange and exhilarating, to be so close and still so far away. You want to cradle his cheeks gentler, to hold his face with the heart of a lover, but you’re terrified he’ll recognise your touch and realise your feelings. So you barely touch him and remind yourself to be professional about this.
It’s eyeliner, not a rom-com.
“I’m bored,” he whisper whines. 
“It’s too quiet.”
“Shut up,” you mumble, patting his cheek gently. “M’working.”
You pull away and sit back on his thighs. His left eye doesn’t look half bad, but if he keeps talking… “You can’t talk, ‘else it’s gonna look bad!”
“Then you talk!”
You baulk. “What?”
“I’ll be quiet,” he swears, pouting up to you with eyes still shut, “but please, say something before I lose my mind.”
“Well, I-I-what about?”
“I don’t know. Anything.” He smiles softly. “I like hearing you talk. Don’t care what about.”
You could die right then and there. It’s a simple compliment, it’s really the bare minimum, but you’re already head over heels. And just a couple of soft spoken works are all you need to do you in and nearly keel you over, still straddling his muscular thighs.
“Uh…” you cough, forcing out the giddy tremble that threatens to take your voice. No lovesick teen voice today, thank you very much. “Okay. I don’t have much to...well, the other day, I saw my coworker totally wipe out leaving work.” You pause, expecting some reply, but he stays silent. “And he... he ate so much shit, he might as well dunked his head in a gas station toilet. And - and you know, normally I’d try to sympathise, but when you always make a point to park in my parking spot, I don’t care. Brett’s such an ass. And I don’t blame him, cause he’s got an asshole name -- Brett can’t be anything else but an asshole. So it's his parents fault probably but still, I…”
You continue on, slipping from the topic of your coworker to the free muffin you got with your coffee last week, to the prospects of buying a pet to keep your apartment less lonely, and to what probably felt like a thousand and one things ranted at him. All the while your hands continue, making neat work of a task that had just felt impossible.
And miraculously, aside from a chuckle thrown now and then, Diego stays silent. Maybe he actually means it. Maybe he does like your voice -- or he’s so bored he’s falling asleep, you don’t know. But it’s okay, you don’t let yourself linger on that, too content with taking in his relaxed features and the gentleness of the afternoon sun on the two of you.
“Aaaand….there!” With a triumphant shout, you throw the eyeliner to the side and your hands plunge towards the sky, fist-pumping like you’d just won the lottery. Your body bounces up and down on his lap like a child meeting Santa; in your excitement, you barely notice. “You’re done!”
“That’s it?”
“Yup.” You grabble for a mirror, looking away from him for a moment as you reach for the handle. Wiping it off, you’re focused solely on making sure the glass is clean enough for him to see himself in, and your brain is distracted enough to totally forget what you’ve even done, enough so when you look up, all you have is,
Look, you know Diego is an attractive man. You’ve known since the day you met; he’s a beautiful guy, a handsome asshole who wormed his way into your befuddled heart before you could even learn his name. He’s pretty enough that if he wasn’t so set on his weird vigilante career, he could probably shoot for being a damn supermodel. He’s a catch! But all those years of knowing that and feeling like that could not prepare you for the sight in front of you.
Diego squints at you, cocking his head. “Is it okay?”
“I…” Delicate black lines his upper lash line, making his deep brown eyes stand out even more. He’s smiling still, full lips curving up to only make your heart pound faster. A strand of his hand falls across his face, painting the gentlest of shadows but it doesn’t bother his pretty face. “I...no, no, yea-ah…”
“Wow,” he laughs, jabbing a finger into your side. “Eloquent.”
“I-I-shut up,” you stammer. You force the mirror into his hands and look away. You’re still on his lap, still straddling his lap and the logical part of your brain begs you to get it together and fall off, already. But the stupid, foolish, absolutely idiotic part leaves you paralysed. “Just look for yourself.”
You squeeze your eyes shut and wait for him in the silence. There’s nothing, though, for achingly painful seconds, until the mirror shifts down. “Huh.”
“Huh, good? Or bad?” 
“I wasn’t expecting this.”
“Really? What’s wrong?”
“It’s not bad,” he assures you, his smile evident in his tone. “Just different. Don’t know how to feel about it.”
“O-oh...well, if it makes you feel better, I think it looks great.”
“You do?”
Oh, dammit. That came out with way too much enthusiasm, didn’t it? Your legs are concrete as you shift, face angled towards the floor. Hopefully he’s strong enough to push you off him when your body literally catches flame from humiliation. 
“You look good man,” he mocked back to you. But he’s grinning, egging you on like a child who knows he’s got you twisted around his pinky finger. “Come on, say it like you don’t have a gun to your head!”
And maybe you do, maybe you’re holding the revolver to your temple, just asking to get screwed if you dare speak beyond the most stilted compliment you’ve ever extended to someone. He’s a friend, you remind yourself; friends are allowed to compliment the other. They’re allowed to say they look good and not make it a thing, even if they wish it was a thing, and--
“--hey? You in there?”
“Sorry,” you say to the floor. You swear a thousand curses before looking back to Diego. And, yeah -- he still looks impossibly good. The ageing afternoon sun falls just perfectly against his skin, flushing him into the being of a god, standing in your apartment while you, a mere mortal, remains stuck to his thick thighs.
You gulp in air desperately, trying to catch your gaze on something, anything else -- but nothing sticks. He’s still there, inches from you, desperately aching for you to stare at.
“No, uh, yeah. You look - you look hot.”
That wasn’t--
“-I look hot?”
That isn’t what you were supposed to say.
“I,” you have literally nothing to save yourself. This is the end! You’re young Leo and Rose is shoving you off the door and into the icy waters, and you’ve just got one last look at pretty Diego to satiate the freezing burn before you succumb to it. “I...wasn’t...that wasn’t what I meant.”
He has no right to look so smug. But he does it anyway. He leans away from your hands as they flutter through the air on their own accord, looking at you through half-lidded pools of caramel. “You don’t think I look hot?”
“Don’t,” you warn, with little strength behind it. “Don’t twist my words.”
“I’m just asking.”
He leans back in. You’re almost touching again. 
Is this weird? This is definitely weird.
You swallow back the lump in your throat and stare back at him. This all feels like fifth grade all over again -- awkward, sticky and like every move is the wrong move. But you can’t stop yourself from playing into his hands, because that sly, shameful part of you wants this more than will ever be admitted. You want him to look at you like this, like you could hang the stars if he asked you to...and you want him to pull you closer, as he does, and mean it.
Could he?
“Would you hate me? If I thought you looked hot?”
Diego head cocks to the side as he seemingly contemplates your words. A nudge meets your side; you look down to see his hands once again reaching for you. Though it's on their own accord this time, gently landing on your left hip, then the right. You shiver.
“That depends,” he says slowly. His eyes narrow, black wings just barely crinkling in. “D’you mean it like, ‘oH, that’s so-oo hot, woW-’”
Your laugh is hardly a whisper. It cracks even before your lips. “Come on.”
“Or, do you…” his fingers dig in a little more. They nudge at the fabric of your top, daring it to move enough so they could cradle the flesh hidden underneath. “You mean it the other way?”
Heart in throat, all the courage you can possibly muster with it, you mutter, “the...other way, probably.” Then a second later, “is that okay?”
“Mm…” His fingers finally reach your skin. You shiver under his touch, warm and unflinching as they brush against the soft curves. Diego’s face comes towards your own and you force yourself not to move. But he doesn’t stop, instead he goes past you, brushing his plush lips against your earlobe. “I would say...that if all this took was making you do my eyeliner, I shoulda asked years ago.”
“I, okay...don’t play with me, here--”
“--I’m serious,” he protests lowly. His lips leave your ear but they don’t run far. Instead, you find them a brush away from your own, just as you were minutes before. Only this time, you don’t try to clamp your mouth shut and skirt away from the touch. You nudge your nose against his own, exhaling softly as more skin meets the heat of his own. “You think I just let anyone sit on my lap like this, without thinkin’ it could be more?”
You shrug like this is normal. Like you’re perfectly at peace with the universe and the way you’re wondering how his tongue would taste, pushing back against your own. “I mean...do you?”
“No,” he chuckles low. “No, I’m...not into friendly lap dances, actually.”
“O-oh. Mm.”
He pulls you closer. He wants you closer.
“Diego…” You’re unravelling. You’re fucking unravelling, unnerved by his voice and his hands and you’re putty in them, all inhibitions sliding away like you’re three drinks in. His hands by your sides leave their marks against your skin; you can feel the pads of his fingers, burning into your skin like they were molten iron and not just mere brushes. “I...”
“Tell me.” He sounds cocky. He has a right to be, even if you’re damned to admit it. “Tell me what you think.”
Your hands shiver up his forearms, clinging to his bare shoulders as he pulls you impossibly closer. Your mind’s going a mile a minute and you refuse to listen to a single thought. You’re only feeling him.
“Fine,” you huff, with a smile. Your noses brush again; your eyes flutter shut with his image imprinted against their lids. “I think you look...hot as hell, Diego.”
“Yeah.” He’s grinning; you can hear it in his voice, that smirk that makes your gut flip like a damn rollercoaster ride. “S’what I thought, baby.”
And then he kisses you.
A/N: i normally hate writing oblivious characters but this wasn’t even intentional really. every time i try to write something remotely sexual i just lead the reader into ‘oH tHiS iS jUsT wHaT fRiEnDs Do’ and ‘iT’S wEiRd rIgHt’. to my defense...i doubt you’re on this page reading this expecting good sexual tension. i’m not the tua writer for that; let me know if you want recommendations for that because trust me, there are better authors for that. for now, you get this. <3
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