#i feel guilty for being angry with ppl or showing them that their actions have consequences
autistic-shaiapouf · 2 years
Reading Alice oseman's "Loveless" and sitting here like, wow I wish I could argue with someone, tell them to their face that I'm angry and they fucked up, and then feel justified in my actions moving forward
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hayleysayshay · 2 years
TLOVM eps 4-6 thoughts!
I think ep 4 is the weakest episode by far. Surely they could have had a fight to show off Vax’s cool new powers without Zhara being needlessly villainous? I think they should have sacrificed some action for more emotional angst over Vex’s death, a longer scene with Percy and Vax (Percy explains and then Vax punches him, and then there is no more to it, no real angry Vax words or anything, why?), a scene where Vex and Percy talk and Percy grovels or SOMETHING. come on, she lives and everyone is basically fine. Not a fan of the over the top Zhara antagonism even though I like Zhara admitting she was wrong and giving a ex the necklace (I assume if we see her again they’ll be true allies).
BABY TRINKET ILY SO MUCH. And Vex just being like :) when Vax asks if she’s going to raise him. Yes she is :).
I love the Keyleth stuff so much. We get to see Marisha live out her dorky dream by being the Avatarrrr with Korra as her Mum now and I love that. I don’t think they still do a good job or explaining what the Aramente actually is but I could have missed it! But love ep 5 overall.
EVERYTHING WITH SCANLAN AND THE SPHINX WAS SO GOOD. The pop song? Immaculate. I love the relationship they built up. It’s so sad. I do think they’re doing better at hinting at Scanlan’s long term issues well (I mean I’m not sure Sam meant it to come across that Scanlan blamed VM for not knowing his mothers name and his problems when he would brush them off or never initiate, but I think some ppl take it that way. I think it’s just Scanlan having a breakdown about his role in the team.) so the death of the sphinx hurt. Scanlan is going to have a well foreshadowed breakdown.
I enjoy the Percy/Vex moments, but it feels like Percy isn’t even that guilty. Like I get that it’s subtle in the campaign and we have only so many minutes in the show. It’s one of the most delicious slow burns and now it feels like they’re going to hint it without proper conversations between the two. They need to have a conversation. Like how is anything about the Feywild arc meant to hit if we feel like they’ve barely spoken to eachother. I may be proven wrong! But!!! 😬
I’m really not a fan of them splitting up the party. It feels like Grog will solve his story with Scanlan and Pike and we’ll have the half elves and Percy in the Feywild doing the Vex storyline. I get why they have done it with such a limited runtime but it feels like part of the story is gutted if they’re not together, they’re a team. It means that these characters are not going to influence each other in the stories and I’m sad. However they could meet again for Killbox so that could be interesting.
However I gasped out loud when Pike was stabbed. I was shook. Cant wait for the next few episodes now!
SO yeah. After eps 1-3 I was so hyped and loved pretty much everything about those episodes, but I’m not feeling this batch as much, but it’s still good? More highs than lows. I just didn’t love this batch, especially ep 4. Feels like they’re missing some emotional beats in favour of more action.
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seoafin · 4 years
do you have any separate Fred and George headcanons? I love how you acknowledge that they're two separate ppl before they're twins and it shows in your writing!
A/N: I hope this is what you wanted anon! These are only a few headcanons I could think of off the top of my head. I wasn’t sure you whether you wanted relationship hc’s of the general, so I left those out (but I do have some written whoops) 
I had a lot of fun writing these, thanks!
----------- just to preface:
George and Fred are two separate characters with enough nuance to their dialogue that you can distinguish them. They are not the same.
Fred is the instigator and George is the enabler. This goes for the majority of time, but occasionally it can be the other way around. One thing’s for sure, they always, always, have each other’s back. It’s not as if they always agree with one another, but even if one twin has reservations, they are ride or die for each other.
There isn’t a ‘dominant’ or ‘submissive’ twin. They’re both in tune with each other. When Fred speaks, he’s usually speaking for the both of them. Fred’s just the louder one. George just prefers to let his brother say what the both of them are thinking.
One of my pet peeves is when Fred and George finish each other���s sentences because (don’t quote me on this) I’m pretty sure they only do that like two times in the whole series?? If anything, they usually say things in unison, or they complete each other’s thoughts. They work in tandem. One twin says one thing, and one twin says another, but the both of them are thinking the same thing. Same thing when they’re asking questions. They both ask different things, but it’s what the both of them are wondering—they’re just saving time.
George is the quieter, contemplative, and less rash of the two. Fred is brasher, and a bit more impulsive.
The both of them are the ‘it’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission” types though.
Fred is the idea guy and George is the technical guy. Like I’ve said before, this is only the majority of the time. Sometimes George gets a rush of inspiration for a new joke invention, and sometimes Fred is the one who successfully completes the finishing touches on an invention that had been stumping the two for a while.
George is a ‘do it until you get it’ guy while Fred is a more ‘if it doesn’t work at first, take a break and take a crack at it later’ guy.
When Fred gets really angry, it’s like fireworks. He needs to get the anger out of his system, so he blows up at the nearest source, just like Ron. But once it’s over, he always feels guilty and goes to apologize. George is definitely the brooder. He stews in his anger. It’s all barbed insults and passive aggressiveness until you get to the source of his anger.
It’s surprisingly hard to get the twins angry because they shrug off insults easily enough. They also don’t really take many people seriously enough to get upset. However, one surefire way to make them angry is to start insulting the people closest to them. George is quicker to anger than Fred, so Fred is usually the one defusing the situation, or in some cases (squaring tf up) getting ready to back George. The both of them have strong vindictive streaks though, so pray for whoever draws the ire of both Weasley twins.
When Fred has a crush, or something he wants, he goes for it. He takes rejection really well (both twins do) but Fred is the persistent one, whereas George takes it in stride. When George has a crush, it takes a little more time (the one who pines!!) and prefers to have a plan rather than impulsively going for it.
I say George is the more ‘reserved’ one very loosely. Both of them are definitely extroverts, and have no problem being in the thick of the action, or the center of attention. 
When dealing with grief (because George’s grief isn’t really explored in canon and because I wondered how Fred would feel if George had died)
Fred would be more open with his feelings. He’d hide his grief under his usual banter and jokes, but would ultimately lash out. It’d take him a while, but I think he’d come to terms with it a bit easier than George. George would suppress his feelings, and isolate himself. He’d struggle to deal with the guilt and it takes time for him to even start to heal.
For all the people that say George has a more submissive personality, I’ve personally always thought that while both twins are individuals before twins, Fred needs George a bit more than George needs Fred. But in the end, the both of them fill out the parts of each other in a way only they can.
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grumpyhedgehogs · 6 years
nobody asked me for my take on the liam neeson thing but i feel like tumblr is a temporary construct so fuck it imma say something;
i do not forgive him. what he said he was willing to do was 100% a racist act. it is correct for pocs to be angry and upset with him and it is important for white people like myself to not rush to excuse his behavior. 
however, i do not think that this one racist act makes him, as a whole, racist- the fact that he admits this act was shameful and expressed regret is important because it is indicative of the fact that neeson knew this type of thinking was unacceptable and he found his own actions reprehensible. terry crews said it best when he asserted on twitter that neesons interview displayed the fork in the road neeson faced; that he could either have completed the act of violence he wished on a black man and descend into white supremacy or he could have turned away. 
that neeson turned away, sought counseling and admitted that he was ashamed of himself for years is just as important to acknowledge as the fact that what he wanted to do was a racist act. by saying neeson is “canceled” and condemning him outright, i fear that we cut off the lesson that young white kids (especially males) can learn from this; that racism is something to be ashamed of, but that you can find the inner strength to turn away from it. that neeson admitted that he disliked that part of himself means that whites with the beginnings of a racist outlook (those standing “at the fork” of white supremacy or human decency, as crews put it) can look to this white man as an example for themselves; unfortunately, youths with racist leanings will probably be more inclined to listen to an older white man say racism is bad than any pocs. But they could still learn from neeson; the shame and guilt he felt were good things; things that stopped him from descending into the thinking that he could get away with such violence against pocs, things that stopped him and could stop anyone who learned from neeson that they SHOULD listen to those emotions of guilt and shame. trevor noah said something along the lines of neesons actions being better presented not as an interview but as a conversation; if he had been on a show like oprah, noah said, then he would be admitting to some past fault that then could be a conversation starter. i think that he’s right about that; neesons interview can be a conversation starter that is desperately needed for white youths with racist leanings. 
noah also addressed the fact that neeson is making things worse by asserting that he is not racist after the interview; i agree with this too. Noah was right when he said that neesons actions were racist and that neeson should stick to own that, as he did when he admitted his shame- if neeson had, instead of repeatedly defending himself against allegations of racism, agreed that the act itself was racist in nature and repeated that he was ashamed of it, he could have stimulated a conversation about how to turn from racism to counseling. by going out now and spouting that he’s ‘not racist’ neeson is invalidating any good he could do with his admission; he could call on other whites in hollywood, america, and the world as a whole to examine their own actions and especially their thinking for inherent racism. Racism is a learned trait; it can be unlearned with good counseling and leadership, which neeson had the chance to fulfill; his poor handling of the backlash stripped him of any potential good he could have done.
still, for any white youths out there who want to defend neesons actions, or take his ‘not racist’ defense as him saying his actions were actually okay- take the lesson from the actual interview to heart. be ashamed and guilty of those thoughts, as neeson was. get help, like neeson did. hell, admitting to your faults like neeson did can be a good thing- sometimes you have to admit your wrongs and take your lumps like neeson is (reluctantly and not at all gracefully) doing now. 
there’s a feeling among white ppl, especially the young or/and famous, that you cannot admit to any racist thought or action; that being pc is the most important thing and that you have to burn down any suggestion that you could have committed a racist act. thats what neeson is doing now- lashing out bc he knows racism is disgusting and hes afraid that he could be labelled as a racist because then HE would be disgusting. but that absolute, all-or-nothing, either youre completely innocent of racism or completely guilty of being a racist thinking then turns into white people not admitting to themselves or others when they experience racist thoughts or urges (inherent or otherwise) in fear of the social retribution that they could face. thus, they never face their own faults and so never become better people, only better at hiding from parts of themselves they dont like. by admitting to these racist thoughts/urges, white people can learn from them, deal with them, and avoid committing or thinking racist acts in the future.
but thats a hard process and when whites are taking those lumps in the form of social disgrace and feel themselves becoming defensive like neeson is now, its best to remember trevor noah’s advice for neeson; sometimes you gotta sit down and shut the fuck up.
neeson interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nm8ibv9yJ4
terry crews article about his tweets on neeson interview: https://www.etonline.com/terry-crews-clarifies-his-comments-about-liam-neeson-i-was-not-defending-him-exclusive-119174
trevor noah’s take on neeson interview: https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2019/02/09/it-was-great-he-was-ashamed-trevor-noah-liam-neeson-missed-conversation-about-racism/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.3081d3b076b4
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tayegi · 7 years
Damn, Lu!!! That last chapter of Equilibrium got me 😭😭😭 you did amazing how you portrayed her distress. I spent reading the chapter feeling scared and guilty for Jimin, but also deadly angry at Jungkook 😡😡😡 I can imagine how she feels trapped in the whole ordeal and now I am afraid for her 😭😭😭😭 don't worry about the long chapter bby you are amazing 😘😘😘 #mustreadagaintonight
i didnt even know that you read this silly fic. alksjfkl i feel so embarrassed now :”) but klasjdfkljdsf i cant believe it made you feel so much. i am flattered, and also super embarrassed...... klajdlfs plz do not waste your time on my trashy blog
iriheim said:I took a break from studying and came here to find FMK and Equilibrium and oh my GOD FMK IS AMAZING! EQUILIBRIUM TOO! Your interpretation of characters in FMK is accurate and wonderful. Honestly I felt so engaged reading the fic and I felt I was living the moment bit and by bit and I actually felt as nervous as the female character like...wow. Damn that was a ride. And boi, the shiver of fear I had in Equilibrium at that pissed Bunkook... Dude you fucking ROCK!! I LOVE your writing no joke
ahhhhhhh really??? asdjklfjksdlf im glad that you got so engrossed! but also i feel bad for making you feel such negative emotions haha. it’s a mixed feeling :”) 
Anonymous said:EQUILIBRIUM PT 12 OMG. The whole relationship has me feeling all conflicted bc each of them seems kind of blind to the true feelings of the other two?? And for that reason I'm trying to spread out my frustration between everyone LOL but I find myself most on Jungkook's side bc at least he's being honest with one of them about how he really feels. Ugh they've all gotten themselves into such a big mess!!
ahhh what an interesting POV... i cant imagine why anyone would be on jungkook’s side but i guess your logic kind of makes sense 
barbieshotpinkpolaroid said:My heart hurts for the OC of Equilibrium right now. But, I'm more angry on behalf of her than anything. Like, really??? He sleeps with Jimin exclusively, knowing it hurts her. But, she can't even be near him without Jungkook feeling "betrayed"??? I'm really wondering how this is gonna end. But, I had a strong feeling what happened in this chapter was going to happen.
yeah me too. theyre all just super fucked up sighhhhh. it’s all going downhill, huh? 
Anonymous said:For the new chapter though, I wonder just how far Jungkook is willing to get his hands on Y/N. She's already afraid that he's going to harm her in any way possible for going against him, but seriously, does he even like Jimin? I personally think Jimin is going through the same inner turmoil as Y/N is...I honestly think he's using her too THIS IS BREAKING MY HEART WTF
dont forget that the foreshadowing is for a reason!!! You will see soon :”) 
Anonymous said:Omg I love equilibrium, the update was so good! But damn would I run for the hills if I was in a relationship like that! I felt like my heart literally broke for OC when jimin said he can't wait til kookie gets back and when he just used her body to get himself off and then didn't even try to make her come like 💔its kinda subtle, but his actions over the course of the series really says a lot about his feelings towards OC and I hate that he doesn't see that he's hurting her 1/3
Anonymous said:2/3 And then kookie is so possessive, making OC anxious so she's stuck between the two of them treating her like that, but then she's also at fault for not communicating her feelings with them. I understand why she would be hesitant because she just wants to pretend everything is fine, wants to pretend that jimin loves her (does he???) but they're all just using each other to be with the person that they want and it's really selfish and naive of them
Anonymous said:3/3 because obviously they can't keep pretending forever. Shits gonna hit the fan soon, and I can't wait cause some truths needs to be spoken/realized. Such a toxic relationship but such an amazing and addicting story! I'm excited for the next chapter, take your time with it I LOVE YOU MY SPECIAL LIL SNOWFLAKE ❄️
LOL exactly. jimin uses her the way jungkook uses him :/ it’s almost suiting. and she uses jungkook the same way sighhh. we’ll see how shit truly hits the fan soon :) 
alittlekpoptrash said:This last chapter is everything. Thank you so much for this series because a lot of people in this fandom enjoy the idea of a possessive guy, but this is one of the realities. I feel absolutely terrible for the oc because this is abuse. It's psychological and emotional and people are going to defend Jimin, but he's using her and it shows by the way he was with her sexually. I won't get into the JK mess now. I'm afraid for the crescendo of this series because I really only see it ending terribly.
YEAH EXACTLY!!! it really upset me and made me beyond nervous when so many ppl were on jk’s side in the beginning haha. glad that ppl have finally got their shit together now 
bulletproof-mickey said:Ch.12 left a sour taste in my mouth. Everything that happened suggests Y/N is actually condoning Jungkook's behavior??His possessiveness is borderline obsessive (if it hasn't crossed that line already) which makes me nervous because he could do some serious physical damage. At the end, JK seems like he's just trying to garner sympathy from Y/N by showing his hurt rather than anger which I don't trust. All in all, great chapter Lu! Some people are blinded by a characters nature (1/2)
Anonymous said:ok um jungkook is so wild in equilibrium 😣 hes crazy!!!!!! the oc needs to dasi run run run
yeah :/ i would def call it obsession. ALSO I DID NOT GET PART 2 OF THIS ASK AND I AM SO PISSED AKLSDJFLSDFL 
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dazaiosamu-s · 8 years
I was tagged by @aizawashoutta @ackersoul and @okita-senpai thank you Ana, Camy and Minnie ♡
Rules: Answer all the questions, then add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
I tag: @akutagawaas @todorokih @atsushisnakajima @kyoka-izumi @kamuisyato @ayaarin @genosus (only if you want c:)
1) Coke or Pepsi?  coke 2) Disney or Dreamworks?  Dreamworks 3) Coffee or Tea?  Coffee~ 4) Books or Movies?  Movies 5) Windows or Mac?  Windows 6) D.C or Marvel?  Marvel 7) Xbox or PlayStation?  Playstation 8) Dragon or Mass Effect?  haven’t played either :/ 9) Night Owl or Early Riser?  Night Owl 10) Cards or Chess?  Both  11) Chocolate or Vanilla?  Chocolate  12) Vans or Converse?  both are good?? 13) Lavellan, Trevelyan, Canadash or Adaar? ://// 14) Fluff or Angst?  fluff with a little bit of angst hehe 15) Beach or Forest?  beach 16) Dogs or Cats?  both 17) Clear Skies or Rain?  both 18) Cooking or Eating out?  eating out  19) Spicy or Mild Food?  spicyyy 20) Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas?  Christmas! 21) Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot?  too cold cause I hate being all sweaty 22) If you could have a superpower what would it be?  mind control or time travel lol 23) Animation or Live Action?  animation 24) Paragon or Renegade?  :////// 25) Bath or Shower?  shower 26) Team Cap or Team Iron-Man? Team Iron-Man 27) Fantasy or Sci-Fi?  both 28) Do you have three or four favorite quotes it so what are they?  “you were given this life because you’re strong enough to live it” , “believe you can and you’re halfway there” and “always be yourself but your better self” 29) YouTube or Netflix?  youtube 30) Harry Potter or Percy Jackson?  harry potter 31) When do you feel accomplished?  when I actually follow my schedule XD or yeah when I can show ppl that I can 32) Star Wars or Star Trek?  Star Wars 33) Paperback book or Hardcover book?  paperback cause they’re easy to carry and read lol 34) Fantastic beast or Cursed Child?  Fantastic Beast! 35) Rock or Pop Music?  both  36) What is the most important thing in your life?  my friends and family 37) Mountains or Sea/Ocean?  both 38) How do you express yourself?�� I literally suck at expressing my feelings so yeah I don’t really know how to? cause I don’t? 39) What’s the first book/film that really counted to you?  hmm, i don’t remember lol 40) What’s your element (air, water, etc)?  earth 41) If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?  Japan!! 42) If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? job related to worldwide travelling 43) If you were granted three wishes, what would they be?  to be successful and accomplished in life, my family to always remain healthy and happy and to eat a lot without getting fat lol 44) If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?  I can’t choose there’s a lot XD 45) What’s your Spirit Animal/Patronus?  I really had to take the test haha and it says lion!? 46) Would you kill yourself and save your friends or kill your friends and save yourself? save them ofc! 47) If you had to become a mythical creature which would you be?  pixie or a phoenix 48) Your favorite song? I have a lottt 49) A4 or A5 notebooks? A5 50) If you had to give up on someone you love, making this person forget about you, and never see him/her again, to save his/her life, would you do it?  I would if it’s to save a life but if this person’s really important to me or I am to them then I’ll try my best to save them without me leaving them...or that’s what I think I would do XD 51) Did you ever wished to become someone else? If yes, then what would you do to make yourself better?  to make myself stronger I guess 52) If you had to live with one fictional character of your choice, who would it be?  Dazai ;^) but again I would like dazai to live with chuuya so I guess I would live with both lmao
My question: If you were to describe your life based on anime genres (shoujo, shounen, comedy, drama..you know the drill) then what will they be?
Tagged by @genosus and @aizawashoutta thank you Aseel and Ana ♡
Tagging: everyone from before and @okita-senpai @ackersoul (again only if you want!)
rules: you can only say guilty or innocent. you are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you or asks you.
asked someone to marry you: innocent kissed one of your friends: innocent danced on a table in a bar or tavern: innocent ever told a lie: guilty had feelings for someone whom you can’t have: guilty ever kissed someone of the opposite sex: innocent ever kissed someone of the same sex: innocent kissed a picture: innocent slept in until 5pm: guilty fallen asleep at work or school: guilty lol held a snake: innocent been suspended from school: innocent stolen something: innocent done something you regret: guilty laughed until what you were drinking came out of your nose: innocent caught a snowflake on your tongue: innocent sat on a roof top: guilty sang in the shower: guilty been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on: innocent slept naked: innocent made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry: innocent been in a band: innocent shot a gun: innocent donated blood: innocent eaten alligator meat: innocent eaten cheesecake: guilty still loved someone you shouldn’t: innocent have/had a tattoo: innocent been too honest: guilty ruined a surprise: guilty ate in a restaurant and got so bloated you can’t walk after: innocent erased someone in your friends list: guilty dressed in a man’s clothes: guilty dressed in a woman’s clothes: guilty joined a pageant: innocent been told you’re beautiful by someone who meant it: guilty still have communication with your ex: innocent cheated on someone: innocent got totally drunk the night before an important exam: innocent a total stranger treated you by paying your fare: innocent got so angry that you cried: guilty  tried to stay away from someone for their own good: innocent actually murdered someone: innocent thought about mass murder: guil..ty.. actually committed a mass murder: innocent rode in a stranger’s vehicle: innocent stalked someone: innocent had a girlfriend: innocent had a boyfriend: innocent  totally drunk during a holiday: innocent
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hooddichotomy-blog · 6 years
                                         Cynthia Shea                                                              7 months ago (edited)                                                                                          420 Patrock Hello Hy Hi High .How are ya ? How do we effectively correct this situations? Without killing a bunch of innocent people. It's not all Jews .   Just the ones that are in power. And it's not just the Jews , there's other people involved as well .             Just saying 🌿                                                                                                  15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      420PATROCK                                                              7 months ago                                                                                          I never said kill innocent people. Nasty troll's like you put word's in other's mouth's to get your kick's and drama. Repent sinner!                                                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cynthia Shea                                                              7 months ago                                                                                          420PATROCK   I'm not a troll I gave you my opinion. If someone doesn't agree with you there at troll . How old are you.  You sound like an immature child who has to get his way.  You are the one wishing death upon people.  What are you and Nazi .                                                                                                  2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      420PATROCK                                                              7 months ago                                                                                          Your opinion is made up heresay. I have never threatened a life of an innocent. You are a fucking troll making shit up like that. No I am not a National Zionist. They do kill innocent People. 88                                                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cynthia Shea                                                              7 months ago (edited)                                                                                          420PATROCK  you know nothing about me . It sounds like you just realize you are A slave.  I am the master of my reality.  No one else.  I forgive you for being ignorant.  For I to was once a FOOL . Butt really I wasn't as big a fool as YOU.                                                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      420PATROCK                                                              7 months ago                                                                                          But you know so much about me? I know your root's by your seed. You can't forgive me. Your still a Nimrod!                                                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cynthia Shea                                                              7 months ago                                                                                          420PATROCK    I didn't come from a seed you could look god right in the eye and you wouldn't even know it .  I never said you condoned killing innocent people .  What I said was how do we correct this problem without killing innocent people. How well do you know the English language. Oh boy  are you dumb. You take things out of context then you blowup and ATACK people. Your the only one you're hurting . so farewell to you my friend .I have much more productive things to do.                                                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      osearth esp                                                              6 months ago                                                                                          I believe most disagreements that are like the example of this thread in which I'm replying, are often simply caused by even just slight differing definitions or varying personal identity of WORDS. And in effect we are often saying the same thing (in different ways) when we argue, but we don't recognize it partially due to the impact stressful emotion has on confusion/logic/rational. I also wonder if someone hasn't engineered our language to seem more combative by using the word "YOU" to mean both the listener and the subject or protagonist when I complain or tell a story to someone, it sounds like i'm talking about them, unless we use the word 'ONE' in place of 'YOU' when describing something to a friend, which i think is more proper English anyway. We all seem to say "YOU" to often to one another, when the most used word in English is "I", that stat is from a 1980s primary school teacher & likely incorrect but I think I wanted to sound ironic after a "their co-opting our own language against us" rant. ;] Once me as a teen and my mother went for counselling now a lot of shlt can go down when you're raised by a single teen mother but I didn't see any need for counselling at least relating to her and my relationship. In the first 20 mins of the first session it was mentioned that often when ppl disagree (we argued maybe monthly at that time) they can really come off and even believe they feel really angry but it is actually us trying to protect ourselves from the real feeling we're having which truthfully deep down is feeling HURT (or possibly frustration, embarrassment etc). So once we heard this my mother and I started talking about that being such a great insight and how it applied directly to us in virtually every argument we'd ever had. So silly of us to be acting mad when we were not even angry at all we were HURTING but in denial. We continued to talk both amazed at this simple insight impacting so many pre-conceptions we had acquired of one another and others while essentially judging people often even having great love for them, judged them for not knowing they were hurt thus reacting in attempt to protect themselves. That session we basically walked out of halfway through changed our lives forever, monthly fights went extinct or more like to a decade basis. I was young enough that seeing fear and hurt when people would try to show anger and create fear made me a much more empathetic person and changed my life. For a long time i didn't even believe in anger as a real emotion, being that it's just "fear with teeth", because i could see no evolutionary advantage for anger, I now know human development can't be simplified that easily. But it's still an enlightening concept in any approach to conflict, especially in avoiding conflict. We're on the same side guys. Try not to be further divided if we all become further individualized then their conquering is basically completed. After us having done the 'heavy lifting' in the making possible our failed destiny as designed! We should try in as many ways possible to each day's every event, at least where we have a choice of our re/action, to stop furthering our own enslavement. The one way that each and every single person can do this everywhere is by at least starting to try to be more forgiving. Actively forgiving is really just a way to not have to carry stress and other baggage that's rightfully someone else's anyways. Posting before checking order/spelling/rereading atleast someone may possibly read & maybe didn't just waste precious life hour. Love+Respect=2u&4all! "Each one to teach one reach one." (2000) - MC Ryan Butler                                                                                                  4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      420PATROCK                                                              6 months ago                                                                                          A serpent is a serpent. You either believe the Messiah was Yeshua Yahamashia.. Jesus. Or you don't. So kill off the elite and guess what, more serpents will fill their shoes.                                                                                                  2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cynthia Shea                                                              6 months ago                                                                                          420PATROCK        You are an idiot. You put words in your own mouth. Someone must’ve droped you on your  head or something.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          420PATROCK                                                              6 months ago                                                                                          I'd rateher be called an idiot who knows not the truth than a Nimrod.                                                                                                  2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cynthia Shea                                                              6 months ago (edited)                                                                                          420PATROCK     So you admit to.being an Idiot. Al l your false knowledge is from your misinterpretation of the Bible.you believe in 🧚‍♀️ fairytale’s🧚‍♂️                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          420PATROCK                                                              6 months ago                                                                                          Your the one dwelling in an unconscious delusion known as cognitive dissonance.                                                                                                  2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cynthia Shea                                                              6 months ago                                                                                          420PATROCK   You again?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          420PATROCK                                                              6 months ago                                                                                          You are a vile hypocrite living in cognitive dissonance and apparently suffer from Stockholm syndrome as well. I would never kill an innocent Person but there are millions I have no problem killing that are guilty! I will go before GOD on judgement day with honor! I actually look forward to dieing for what is right because life is a gift from GOD as a test. Will you pass it?                                                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cynthia Shea                                                              6 months ago (edited)                                                                                          420PATROCK what do you mean by that ?  Your not killing anyone with those  CHICKEN  ARMS .   Stick your guitar we’re the sun DONT SHINE .  You   PU- -y boy. Back in the DAY  when I went to PARIS ISLAND 🌴 We would have Delt with you Harshly . Maybe leave you in the gas chamber over night . You insignificant PUKE 🤢 🤮 DONT YOU EVER THREATEN ME AGAIN . Even the Devil knows better than to FUCK with ME . YOU DUMB ASS .  Lookup  MARINE CORPS M 40 &  8541 See what comes up you   C - - T you have no Respect for anyone or any thing .  No one of any importance will miss you when your gone  .  Dry up and blow away .     P.S. How do you sleep at night ? You must eat hands full of sleeping pills .      Will you pass it ? What kind of question is that ? Life is a test?  You don’t know what your talking about .  Shit Head                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          420PATROCK                                                              6 months ago                                                                                          Learn to read and think. It's an amazing thing intelligent People do.                                                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Fuckinsurance                                                              5 months ago                                                                                          SHIT, Hitler did fake his death and go to Argintina! That nigga speak better English now tho. I just can't believe he left Eva Braun and got with a black woman. Of course Hitler did believe that black people were the real Jews! And that the white ones were evil imposters who stole their culture and ran them out of Isreal! U think I'm crazy? Naw. Hitler believed that shit more than modern day Afrocentrics do! Matter of fact I found those Hitler quotes on a racist black guys YouTube channel claiming whites were inferior, while he was using Hitler's belief in that as his evidence! Real Nigga SHIT!                                                                                                  2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Fuckinsurance                                                              5 months ago                                                                                          Before u respond like a libtarded SJW beta bitch boi, do the research and discredit that if u can!                                                                                                  2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      sponge head                                                              2 months ago                                                                                          Cynthia Shea Who believes in fairy tales? I'd say believing you came from a monkey is a bigger fairly tale than believing in God! Also believing that DNA just formed all by itself in a mud puddle. I guess you missed it when the scientists at Harvard found messages in our DNA, and the top layer message from our DNA says God eternal within the body! Also maybe you haven't heard of Ron Wyatt? You should look up what he found in the 70's and 80's. To me believing in evolution with absolutely no proof, not even one transitional fossil when the museums should be full of them is not only delusional but definitely believing in fairy tales!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          alchemistking dickinson                                                              1 month ago                                                                                          The ones foaming at the mouth pointing fingers and screaming to kill are demons; unclean; sinners and this murderous spirit is going to implode on itself as the false will~~~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Drew High                                                              2 weeks ago                                                                                          osearth esp your words are full of treasures.You've given us  heart filled tools to find Gems of compassion. all that read your words are lucky. Your a awsome person. thanks for sharing. i wish you and your mother manny blessings.    
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