#i feel like i cracked the code for s5 idkkk πŸ§πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ
mlchaelwheeler Β· 2 years
Ok so after reading this post by @wibble-wobbegong it got me thinking about how the Duffers said S5 would be returning to the "group dynamics of S1," as well as the fact that Will is going to be central to the plot, similar to S1, except he won't be offscreen for most the season.
Looking at the kids' dynamic from S1, they were trying to save Will (using El) while Joyce and Hopper went into the actual Upside Down to do so. Within the kids' group, there was a lot of tension between Mike and Lucas early on, as they disagreed on the best course of action to find Will: Lucas thought they should go straight to the gate to get Will back, while Mike thought they needed to follow El's lead in order to stand a chance at surviving the dangers between the party and Will ("we're no use to Will if we're dead-- she's a dangerous weapon!").
If we apply this same dynamic to their group in S5, it kind of still works. Except this time, Max is in Will's place, as she's "missing"-- her mind/soul is trapped in Vecna's mindscape. El would be in the place of Joyce/Hopper from S1, since she's the only one (so far) with the ability to enter Vecna's mindscape and find Max to physically bring her back. If Mike, Lucas, and Dustin stay in their original roles from the S1 dynamic, that puts Will in El's role from S1. He has the connection to Vecna/the Upside Down, so even though he isn't able to physically go get Max back (like El can), he can use his connection to distract Vecna from Hawkins, buying time for El to get in and fight Max (like what the older teens did with the demogorgan in S1).
Like S1, I could see this leading to a lot of tension between Mike and Lucas again, with Will in the middle this time. Lucas will argue that they need to go straight to a gate (and maybe even into the Upside Down) to get Max back. He loves her so much, so obviously he's going to stop at nothing to get her back. However, Mike knows the depth of Will's connection with Vecna, and he might be more on the cautious side (less confrontational) this season. Like S1 with El, Mike may be focused more on helping Will first before rushing into a plan to help Max.
This could lead to a lot of tender byler moments, in which Mike checks up on Will, making sure he's ok, despite the fact that they're all in danger. Bonus points if Will gets separated from the party in some way, only to return and save Mike from near death, just like El did at the quarry in S1. This could be the big emotional reunionℒ️ of the season, where they both finally break down and admit their feelings. The brief time in which Will is separated from the group could also be when Lucas and Dustin begin to notice Mike's feelings-- because if we're being honest, Mike's feelings are blatantly obvious to everyone except himself.
Anyways, returning to S1 dynamics but having Will as the focus (and onscreen for the entire season this time!) will likely lead to scenes with the whole original party for a lot of the season, but this time, Mike and Will are both going to be very obviously pining for each other.
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