#i feel like i just murdered someone nd left the dead body in my room
bobatealie-archived · 2 years
i feel like.
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cheyningdiamond · 3 years
Nightmarish Trip
TW// Drugs, Angst, Suggestive Mentions, Death, Alcohol Pls do not read if you're easily upset over things like this. Viewer discretion is advised.
It was a hot night out in Nevada. In the bunker, Dallas remained to himself while Roxxie and the rest of the crew were out gathering supplies. The gang knew Dallas wasn’t feeling so well and ushered him to stay put and rest. Dallas however wasn’t pleased with this outcome. He oh so desperately hated being alone… With a heart aching sigh, Dallas decided to sit up and reach under his bed. He pulled out a familiar glass object. Staring down at the pipe, Dallas pulls out a lighter. It probably wasn’t the best thing for him to do, but hey, whatever it took for him to feel less shitty, right? With a few puffs, Dallas set it down on the nightstand next to him and laid back. The demon’s eyelids grew slightly heavy as he watched the world around him spin and change. He felt a bit sick to his stomach. Probably should’ve checked what he was smoking first… He reached his hand up to try and touch the swirling objects around him. They grew bright in color and Dallas’ hand plummeted down to his side as his eyes closed. When he woke up, he was sitting outside. Things seemed strange though. The area he was in… This wasn’t Nevada. The sidewalk he sat on was paved with a reddish-gray color and the skies were more orange-red then they were a deep, dark red. That’s when Dallas realized something. This wasn’t Nevada. This was Hell. He looked down at his feet, seeing the puddle underneath them. It rippled, showing himself in a normal red flannel shirt and jeans. The golden hoop clip-on rings on his horns shimmered in the Hellish lighting. “I-I haven’t seen this shitty outfit in forever…” He mumbled. The puddle rippled more and slowly, he saw two figures behind him. Defensively, Dallas reeled around, only to find a demon with long pink hair and a pink dress, and another demon with black hair and only black jeans. The incubus blinked a few times, staring. “R-Rocks? Diesel??” The pink haired demon smiled and walked closer, putting her hand on his shoulder. “Hey, don’t sweat it. You got us, yeah?” The muscular one spoke up. “Yeah! Forget what that asshole told you. Honestly, You deserve way better than him…” “Him?” He gently took Roxxie’s hand off his shoulder. “Okay, who the fuck is him?? What are you two talking about?” Just then, Dallas was suddenly reeled back by his arms and forced against the wall, shutting his eyes from the impact.. When he opened his eyes, they grew almost as big as tennis balls at the figure before him. The man had a snake-like tail and a devilish grin. He wore a stained white tank top and ripped jeans and held a bottle of alcohol in his hand. “S...Stripes…” Dallas shook his head. No, no no no, he needed out of here. Now! Dallas tried to run, but was grabbed and pulled back. “Augh- fuck! Let go, jackass!” He kicked at him, growling loudly. “Babe…” He spoke calmly, making Dallas shut his eyes tightly. He knew what he was gonna say next. “Fuck, don’t say it. Don’t say it…” He whispered. His blood boiled for just remembering this moment. “I think maybe we should split. You just aren't what I need in my life. I need a better ma…"
Dallas went to turn and slap him, but when he did, he saw Stripes lying on the floor. A chunk of his neck was ripped off and Dallas tasted copper in his mouth and felt a hot liquid dripping down his chin. He looked down at his bloodied lips and his eyes widened as parts of his ex’s flesh were in his mouth. Dallas spat it out, wiping his lips. He felt his body seething with rage, but he couldn’t force himself to attack anymore. Dallas heard sirens similar to screams outside of the house. Everything became hazy and changed around him once more. He came to, staring at his hands. They were handcuffed together and he saw that he was in an orange jumpsuit. He heard talk all around him and looked around. He was in a filled courtroom and he noticed Roxxie and Diesel in handcuffs as well. The bangs of the gavel ringed his ears and made him flinch. “Order! Order!!” Dallas looked up at the judge. Sitting in the witness stand next to the judge was the bitten and beaten corpse of Stripe. He just stood there, staring at Dallas. “Dallas Haze…” The judge’s voice made Dallas glance up at them fearfully. “You have created some terrible crimes, but none can overcome this… Murdering a man of our satanic forces here in Styx City.” “D-Demons can’t die, jackass… He should’ve came back by now! I was framed for him goin' missin'!!” “He had been missing for months now… Who knows what you did with his corpse, you sick bastard…” “I didn’t do shit-!” “ENOUGH!” Dallas flinched as a high-piercing sound rang in the incubus’ ears. “As punishment for your sinful acts, we, the court, have found that even Hell isn’t a fitting punishment… You and your little friend group here will be shot and sent to purgatory, where you will NEVER reunite again!” He slammed his gavel and Roxxie and Diesel panicked. “Dallas!” Roxxie screamed out, trying to run. She was grabbed by the guards and was dragged back. Diesel roared and kicked, hissing and struggling as the guards had mercilessly beaten him until he was unconscious to drag back. “Diesel! Roxxie!” He ran to try and help them, but was jumped and pinned down by the other guards. With a swift, hard punch to the face, Dallas woke up in the interrogation room. Before him was a woman with candy red skin and had a bow on her head. It was Halt… But- how? She was always stuck in the same body as Sloh and Goh… She looked at him with a saddened look on her face. “Dallas… At least tell us where the body is... “ “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about! I left his ass at the house!” She shook her head. “You know that ain’t true…” “I’m not lying, dammit!” Dallas barked. “Someone else got him ‘cuz it isn’t me!” Halt’s voice echoed within the cold, dark walls. “We gave you a chance, Dallas… You ruined everything for yourself.” The lightbulb above them blew out and Dallas’ vision returned with him being forced onto the ground with his hands tied to his back. He turned around to see the face of a familiar green demon staring down at him with a shotgun pointed at him. “G-Goh!?” He struggled, trying to break free. His body then suddenly froze as he stared up at the barrel of the weapon. With a roar and distorted voice, Goh snarls. “You dug your grave…” He cocked his gun.
“N O W L A Y I N I T …!!!” With a loud shot being fired, Dallas felt something heavy hit his face. With free hands, he brushed away what had been dirt. He frantically looked around and saw that he was in a deep, open grave. “Wh… Wha- Augh-!” Trying to stand, he was thrown back down by another pile of heavy dirt. He looked up and saw Sloh staring down at him coldly with a dirt-covered shovel in their hands. It was raining and storming now… “Sloh-!” He coughed up dirt that had fallen into his mouth. “No- Nonono this can’t be it…! No-!” He moved the dirt aside and tried to crawl up, scratching at the walls around him to try and escape. “Sloh, don’t…! I don’t deserve this…! I didn’t do anything…!” Sloh looked down at him. One singular yellow eye glowed in the night as a crack of lightning flashed behind them, showing the shadows of the figure’s body. With a cold and monotone voice, they spoke. “This is your fate, Dallas… You were a dead man from the start… You…” They pointed beside his grave, staring at the two other graves he had already buried. “And your friends…” Dallas’ eyes widened at that statement. Tears streamed down his face in horror. He wanted to scream, but he had no words. He stared in shock and his dirty body shook. His body was so cold... He felt so sick… Sloh had no remorse as they shoveled more and more dirt onto him as he screamed and pleaded and desperately tried to crawl out. The dirt covered his view and he was in total darkness. He felt his heart drop and heard it beating slower and slower. Finally, the beating stopped and there was total silence…
At the end of a dark tunnel, a light showed. Dallas’ feet felt like he was walking through wet concrete. He slowly walked towards the light and he could see that the bright white light engulfed his vision. Before him, he saw a familiar figure in a white lab coat standing facing away in the distance. Dallas felt all his stress slowly fade as Jeb stood there, staring off into the distance. “H-Holy shit… J-Jeb…!” He rushed after him, reaching a hand out. “Jeb- I don’t know what’s going on… We need to get the fuck out of here!”
The demon exclaimed, getting about a few feet closer before realizing something was wrong. “Jeb? Jebediah, come on! Christoff!” Jeb’s back suddenly arched all the way back with a sickening cracking noise. His usual red eyes dripping a black substance, as was his nose and mouth. Slowly, the skin on his face melted off, revealing a red skeleton. Just like he had found him ages ago during the war. “Sh-Shit…!!” Dallas backed away, terrified. “Goddammit, get me out of here…!!” He screamed, running away from the mangled figure. His heart raced as black fire spurted out of Jeb’s mouth. Dallas ran as shadows began filling the room he was in. He hit a wall and started to pound his fists against it. “Let me out…!” They got closer.
“Let me out…!”
And closer...
“LET ME OU-…!!!” Dallas’ scream was cut off as the shadows engulfed his entire body, leaving him in darkness once again. … ... ... With a familiar voice, and deep chuckle, dread filled his mind. “͔͇͚́Y͎̘̺͇̙o͈͙̘̞u͍̮̝��’̸̞͔͍ṛ̨̱̟̪e̡̝̩ ͎͉̩̟̯̗̗ ̵̪͎̳̗ ͏N̴̺̻̗̭̼̬̬O͖̳̫̥̹̻̮T̲͔H̦I̴̯̳̠̮̼̺N҉̭̩͓̬G̹͖̬̝̝ ̹̜̹̟͖ ͉̤̕ ̖t̼o̷̘͙ ̛m̷̜̯̘e̠̪͍̤, ̩͕̜̘͎̫D͖̱̞̥a̡̬̪ḽ̛̬̘̱̮ͅl͎̼͙̖͔͇a̱̳̠̼̺̹̙͞s̀…̩͇̹̙̫̮͜”̨̯̬͉ͅͅ Dallas shot up with a gasp. Clutching his chest, he felt his heart nearly beat out of it. He looked around frantically with a throbbing headache. He was inside of his bedroom, half dressed with only black pajama bottoms on. He panted and shut his eyes, trying to calm himself down. He slowly glanced at the glass bong on his nightstand. A loud shattering sound was heard a few seconds later as the bong made contact with the wall near the door, breaking it instantly with the sheer force of the throw. He breathed heavily, staring down at the broken glass with anger. His hands shaking at the sight as he tried to process what had just happened… He closed his eyes and felt tears slowly running down his face. His head and body throbbed with pain and stress. Dallas pulled his knees up to his chest and buried his face in his knees. Dallas wasn’t much of a prayer, but God. He prayed that Roxxie and the gang were safe out there in the hellish lands of Nevada.
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vergilthelibrarian · 4 years
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Second part to whatever this is. I don’t know what to name this story but enjoy ^^
CW: A dead body appears and also limbs gets cut off
Moaning, you moved your head around, your eyes slowly blinking open, being met with an orange light.
You hissed as you slowly sat up, your right hand in pain as you used your hands to moved yourself, your back leaning against the headboard of the bed you were on.
Looking around the room, you wondered were you where.
Your ears perked up as you heard footsteps and soon the door to the room opened.
Your eyes widen in fear and you grabbed your patched up right hand, remembering what the young man who had now just entered the room did to you.
“What do you want?” you asked afraid and he sighed.
“Isn’t it obvious? It’s you.” he said after he closed the door, putting his hands in his pockets.
Tears began forming in your eyes and soon you started softly sobbing, putting your head in your hands.
You soon felt weight on the bed and a hand rub your back.
You move away from the man who frowned but quickly changed his features to a blank look.
“Please don’t cry. I hate seeing you cry…”
“Then let me go.”
He quickly shook his head.
“No. This is your home now.” his thumb caressed your cheek and you tried to push his hand away and immediately felt a strong grip on your chin and you were forced to look at the man who didn’t look so pleased.
He was silent for a moment and you stopped crying, fear causing your body to shake, whimpering from the tight grip.
The look in his eyes was murderous.
It was something you’ve never seen before and it truly scared you.
His head titled, his breathing shallow as he stared at you.
“You look so beautiful this way...” he breathed out, finally breaking the silence.
Then he blinked a couple of times, shaking his head, falling out of the trance he was in.
“I’m… sorry.” he said, letting go of your chin. “I made breakfast. You should come down to eat before it gets cold.” he said before getting up and exiting the room.
Once you thought he was far enough that he couldn’t hear you, you began crying once more.
Mark shook his head as he leaned back in the couch, his hands covering his face.
Ever since he saw you that fateful day when you walked into his class, he honestly hasn’t been the same since.
You were the new kid and was rather shy just like him but unlike him, you weren’t as awkward and quickly you gained a group of friends.
He would always watch you as you went about your day, wishing he was your friend.
That’s the thing.
Mark just wished he was your friend, nothing more but soon he started developing a crush on you which soon developed into him falling in love with the image he had of you.
He knew how dumb it was, that he was in love with you despite not knowing who you were but that didn’t stop his heart from pounding when your eyes met with his and you smiled brightly, giving him a small wave.
Back then though, he wasn’t stalking you. That started happening once y’all graduated and you ran off to the big city for college while he stayed back to work at his father’s church.
He was pretty sad when you left, crying randomly whenever he thought about you, causing his friends and family to worry about him.
He didn’t tell anyone why he was so depressed, deciding to keep it all to himself. Not even talking about it during confessions.
Mark genuinely didn’t mean to stalk you. He was only curious about how you were doing.
That’s all.
He found you on twitter through a mutual friend and started following you.
You were in your 2nd year of uni, going to school for English. All you did was tweet memes and political causes you were passionate about but there were also times where you would tweet about personal issues you were going through.
That’s how he learned about your family issues, the mental illnesses you had, how lonely and heart broken you were.
Learning about your parents homophobia against you made him so angry. You always looked so happy during high school. Always laughing and having a smile on your face.
But your parents treated you like shit all because you were gay and he understood why you ran off as fast as you did when you two graduated from high school.
Honestly, he wanted to kill your parents as a way to help you feel better but he didn’t know how he could live with himself from taken someone’s life.
Murder was a sin… but he’d do anything to protect you and make you happy.
“What’s wrong with me?” Mark wondered out loud.
You grimaced as your stomach growled.
You were so hungry but you didn’t want to see him.
He scared you and it wasn’t just because of him kidnapping you.
That look in his eyes was so… so dark.
To you, it looked as if he wanted to kill you and if looks could kill, you would’ve been dead from the way he was staring you down.
You grabbed you right hand, rubbing the top of it, your head wiping to the door as you heard it open.
The young man walked in with a bowl in his hand.
“You’ve been in here all day. You must be starving.” he said, sitting down on the bed and handing you the bowl.
You looked at the bowl.
It was ramen and you licked your lips.
The man chuckled.
“I didn’t poison your food or anything if that’s what your thinking. I know your hungry.” a small smile was on his lips.
You picked up the chopsticks and began eating the noddles.
As you ate, he cleared his throat.
“So um like I know your name but you don’t know mines. My name’s Mark Lee.” he said and you glanced up at him for a bit before your attention when back to your food.
Mark silently sat on your bed as you ate, watching you slurp the noodles.
You felt nervous because his eyes never left your figure.
Once you were done eating, you heard Mark say, “I’ll take that.” he grabbed the bowl.
He looked at you as you stared down at the sheets of the bed.
He got up from the bed and leaned down, kissing the top of your head.
“You should get ready for bed. I’ll bring you some clothes and a towel.” and soon he left the room.
As Mark got you some clothes and toiletries, he couldn’t help but think back to your tear stained face.
Though he hated seeing you sad, there was something about the fear in your eyes that he loved.
Honestly, it turned him on seeing you so helpless and docile like that.
He clenched his fist.
He shouldn’t think that way about you.
He was suppose to care and protect you, not hurt you… but still, there was a side of him that wanted to be the only one to not just give you pleasure but pain as well.
As he walked back to the room he held you in, Mark sighed before opening the door.
You looked at him as he gave you the things you needed for your shower.
“Here. I’ll show you where the bathroom is.”
It’s been half a year since you’ve been with Mark and you wanted to escape so badly.
He was sweet at first. Awkward but very considerate.
But soon he started becoming touching, his hands and lips lingering on your cheek or neck or thigh.
Sometimes he would just stare at you, that dark, murderous look on his face.
Mark was becoming more and more unstable and you desperately wanted to leave.
He would also talk to you about his faith, crying, mostly about how he was going to hell for what he has done because apparently, hes done something so sinful that God would never forgive him.
You wondered what exactly it was that he has done that was so unforgivable because obviously, he wasn’t talking about kidnapping you.
One day, you tried to ask him but he gave you a stern look, pretty much telling you to drop the topic and you did, never bringing it up again… until now that is.
While Mark was away, curiosity overtook you and you went into his bedroom. You began looking through his stuff, looking around and soon found yourself in front of his closet.
You opened it, being met with clothes. Moving it aside, you saw a huge trunk and wondered what secrets were in it.
Opening the trunk, your face twisting in disgust as a rotting smell hit your nose.
There was brown leather inside of the trunk and it looked as though it was sewn up with something inside it.
Though one half of you was yelling at you to shut the damn thing and leave Mark’s room, the other half grew even more curious, wondering what exactly was in there.
Running out of the room, you grabbed some scissors and come back.
You ripped the leather sheet opened, the rotting smile growing stronger.
You ripped the leather wide enough only to scream, falling back onto your butt as you finally saw what was the cause of the smell.
A rotting corpse was bunch in the fetal position.
Your body shook, your hands pulling at your hair, your eyes wide.
So this was way Mark believed he was going to hell.
You didn’t hear the door to the apartment close as Mark walked in, cursing to himself as he smelled the air of the house.
He ran to his room and saw you on the floor having a panic attack.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” he yelled angrily at you, grabbing you off of the floor, shaking you.
“I-I-I didn’t I didn’t-” you were a stuttering mess. You were so afraid at what he was going to do to you. You’ve never seen him this angry before.
Mark slammed you against the wall, his hands tightly pinning your arms to your side.
“You know you’re not allowed to come in my room...” he said lowly, the murderous glint in his eyes.
“I-I-I I’m so sorry Mark. I-I didn’t meant to-”
“Bullshit!” he sneered.
He looked at the trunk then back at you.
“Since you disobeyed me, you need to be punished.” he threw you to the floor.
“Stay here.” he said before walking off.
You sat up, shaking in fear as you waited for him to come back.
So many thoughts were running through your head.
What was he gonna do to you?
Who was that in the trunk?
How long has that body been in there?
Your thoughts were interrupted as Mark walked back into the room, a big ax in hand.
Your eyes widen and you began to back up, your back hitting the wall.
“P-please! Mark please! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to-” “Shut it!” he yelled.
Tears began falling down your face and Mark breathed out a shaky breath at your appearance.
He loved seeing you so afraid.
He moved closer to you, towering over your body.
“As punishment, I’m cutting your legs off. So lay down and don’t move.”
“Mark please...” you begged but he stared at you with a stone cold gaze.
“Lay down. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
You shook as you did what he said, praying to whatever God that existed that someone will save you or for your existence to at least end.
“Just know that I’m doing this because I love you.” he said before lifting the ax, slicing your left leg above its knee.
You screamed loudly soon passing out from the pain.
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pettyelves · 4 years
a man opens a door
three’s a crowd I TW: Sexual themes
A man opens a door.  He is seeking. He is confident.  He is curious.
Shadows consumed the room, bodies-- even the dead ones swallowed up. It was a force of nature, meant to knock the attacker out of not just her mind, but Zelphryin's. The caveat being the transportation. If they were actually moving through space and time, it was unclear-- but to be certain, the Infinite felt real.
Images bombarded him. Chaotic shadowy visions that jittered in whatever manner of vision he was seeing it all with. A massive puzzle box balanced impossibly on a corner, constructed steel colored metal. It rotated endlessly. The vision jumped, as though they were moving inside of it. No clear door, or passage inside. From a dark abyssal floor, rose constructs-- an entire city of pillar, obelisks, platforms. High up, to down below. Nothing made perfect sense. Objects seemed to come out of the sky, or black pit below at random. Buildings wove like mazes on into eternity.  Wherever they were, the influence had lifted from his mind and they stood on an open platform, over looking the life's work of the the Shol'Shar bloodline.
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"Why do I get the feeling that we are not in my apartment anymore."
His wonder was to be expected. The construction permeated with raw shadowy energy and was a display of power which any man, particularly one like Zelphryin would be drawn to. While he looked, Mirin took the time to compose herself fully.
"We are inside of the Infinite," she stated, as though that explained it. "And as much as I enjoy being conjoined with you physically, it would behoove us both to locate the host and cast it into the Axis. I encourage you to stick closely to me, lest you be lost inside."
She had never seen him so enthralled by anything. Unlike the stare he gave any woman. Greedy eyes that stared around at everything they could. He wanted to learn this place--he wanted to own it. 
Mirin knew he did not know what it meant to own this place.
"I suppose this is the part where I promise to make it up to you on the later." He said as he came to stand near to her once again. "Will certainly do better at vetting my next communal, no clothes, soiree." He took 
She waited patiently for him. It was likely that the threat was not immediate. Not here. But when he joined her, she twisted her hand  and metal particles constructed a bridge before them. Not only did she seem to own the space, but she had full control of it.
"Oh yes, there is plenty of time to discuss you making this all up to me. My preference is naked, and directly following  some manner of provocation." Though it seemed they were inside of her mind, one distinct thing of note was there was no place where her thoughts echoed loud enough for him to hear. Whispers, faint as though they were held elsewhere in the puzzle box. She moved, her split-pupil eyes scanning above and below for signs of their attacker.
"Well that seems a bit unfair, placing the entire blame on me. Stormwind has a number of cart peddlers, how exactly was I to know she was somehow involved in all the slug fest." He neither really seemed to be helping. Perhaps the longer it took to find their assaulter, the longer he would have to mentally map this; the grand center piece being that of the steel and churning puzzle box like a piece of clockwork. "Had you taken my original offer for the Cock and Candle we certainly would not be in this situation." His lips drew tight as he leaned down over her shoulder. "Now who is to blame?"
Zelphryin was a master of manipulating each and every situation to suit him. There was no winning against him-- yet there wasn’t any losing either. Mirin decided, in for a penny-- in for a whole pound. 
"This was inevitable." She said, stopping on the bridge to push her hands outward. From the bridge, extended more bridges. Each with a doorway to nowhere at the end of it. Now she resumed walking by it. Each door they passed, seemed to glimpse into another reality, another option, another timeline? She explained as they passed them, her arm hooked in the crook of his. 
" If I had not come tonight, she would have found you alone. Inside of the Cock and Candle, distracted by your cock buried in your chosen whore. Your night, ended-- with a Warden's blade in your back. Standing trial for the brutal murder of all the women you had brought to your bed." The options went on. "Had you stayed at home, you most certainly would have fucked a corpse. And in the middle of it, been invaded with naught but me to wonder where you were the next day." And on. "Had we gone together, sharing chocolates with the lovely women we planned to enjoy. Carnage. As an army of puppetted whores turned on each other, on patrons, on me, on you. The would call a massacre the next morning, you and I--captured or dead." They moved on along the bridge and if he thought to look behind him, the way they came looked completely different. It was always moving. "Blame, is irrelevant. I.. am more interested in purpose. Why you. Why tonight." And why had she known about Mirin's father.
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At An’Diel Manor, Eilithe had provoked Kurel with a single press of the bare knee to his rough knuckles. He’d sat in his chair with a drink gripped loosely in his hand-- covered gaze our over his kingdom harbor. 
His hand moved flat to palm against the skin of her thigh, up and under the silk of her gown. She stared down at him, and he-- without eyes, back up at her. A smirk formed on either’s face and the night was slated to be spent tangled in their sheets. 
For nearly a month, Eilithe had gone to the city very little-- sent her Whispers, or Mirin to do her dirty work. Instead, she had been doing this. Enjoying Kurel and the little blip of peace that came when things were good. 
Hours later, she was laying half a-top him, nearly put to sleep by the sound of his slow-beating heart. She did not hear the seal-- and so whatever came to Kurel’s ear must have been through a communicator she did not possess.
“What’s wrong?” She asked when he sat up and started to get his things.  "Zelphryin."  Kurel spoke his name with a growling snarl, throwing aside the bedsheets as he moved swiftly out of bed. His next words heard across the seal-- publicly to everyone who was privy to the link. "I nee' available Wardens to the Starse' Reach district stat. Zelphryin's apar'men'. Blow the fuckin' buildin' up if you have to to ge' inside. Issue a new bounty. Dead or Alive. Sin'dorei. Male. Former Gambi' crew member Severin."
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"You cannot lie to the Infinite, Zelphryin."
By now there were more doors than there were obelisks and structures. It was loud, whispers from each scenario. "It knows your preferences," It learns them. "It knows the probabilities." She turned, as though she would leave him to keep opening doors. "The power is in the control of it." The power was in the ability to push one outcome over another.
He pressed, like a toddler. For each new option he presented, a new path, a new door presented itself.
A man opens a door.
"In another scenario, I do not leave you at the bath house." He turned his head to the presentation of a new door. "I give you what you want. I have my own fun." He grinned. "My shirt and jacket are not left for you to take with you. The following day, the exchange at the fortune teller never happens. I skip my meeting with Mavas Hawke, rescheduling for later. During the time frame where I would have encountered the cart woman is when I am in Duskwatch. Our paths still converge in the courtyard of Stormwind. Only I had just arrived. If the cart woman is present, she does not interest me. Because I have seen you, before you have seen me.”
He is seeking.
"She tries to get my attention, but she can not. I am too preoccupied undressing you in my memory and constructing my first five reactions and responses to you, while you are preoccupied with spying the evenings entertainment as you had put it.”
"You have no plans to make an appearance at my apartment and I have made arrangements ahead of time at the Cock and Candle, Room 5.”
He is confident.
"Now the cart woman could attempt to still infiltrate the harbor, but at a greater risk with less information. Making it, in this scenario, not worth the reward.”
"In this scenario. We would never be here, either."
 He is curious.
The game he was playing excited her. Not only physically, but in a way she would have struggled to describe. Her teeth seldom showed when she smiled, or in this case, when she grinned. But for him-- in the expanding Infinite, they did. The construct shifted now, bridges bending up and over them like archways that turned.
Somewhere in this maze of mindmap, there was a fraction of an intruder. But it was far out of Mirin's thoughts by now. Caught up in the Droste effect that was slowly forming. The Infinite did not seem to be outsmarted easily, if at all.
She answered him. "You are distracted. By my hand slipped in your pocket, working your cock in the slowest of manners-- to which you protest. I tell you, absently, as I work-- that I felt someone watching me at the Faire. You make no reply, so as not to seem too interested. You in fact, aren't interested. We slip away, she follows but cannot rightly attack effectively." 
"There is no attack that night, no-- but the choices you made. To leave me. There. In the bathhouse. Tonight. To walk me backward to your bed. To undress me slow and indulge in me. There is no other outcome." Her voice was but an echo by then.
The longer they remained. The more questions he asked. The closer their minds became. "And what of your choices, Miss Mirin? What outcomes would they have changed?"
The archway bent locked into place, like they were not a part of the construct. She stood before him, and decided if she would answer or not.
One door opened. "I never come to your apartment, we never rut in your shower, nor meet in the bathhouse. You greet me, incorrectly and are forced in my company for many years to come. You never end here. You never get a taste of power that brushes what your father found, nor have the thought to push even deeper than he went."
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"A more concise inquiry." He looked to a door. "What if you never came to Dead Sun at all."
A door dropped squarely in front of him, opening up and obscuring her view beyond it. "It is the Third War. I ignore the Infinite's warning for the first time in my life. I never meet Eilithe Duskbringer, I never return to the Eastern Kingdoms."
If he looked to long, the door was oh so inviting. Visions of warm sands, crystal clear.
"I wander the sands, in search of something that I never find."
Her an echo against his ear, she was moving away from him. Outside, their bodies were slumped in darkness. The corpse, being sucked up into blackness. As though she were falling into the floor, while the other two slept through it all. Severin was in a panic. 
@kurel-andiel​, kurel and zel, @bellwetherspromise​ @deadsunharbor​ 
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supervalor · 5 years
Lose You To Love Me [Fanfic, one shot]
Title: Lose You To Love Me
Pairings: None (implied Karamel, mentioned Kelly/Alex)
Summary: Lena crosses a line and Kara realises that their friendship isn’t what she thought it was. Warning: Though Lena is in character, she doesn’t get redeemed. The writers did say it was a Luthor/Superman story.
Lose You to Love Me
“You got off on the hurting when it wasn’t yours”
“This dance was killing me softly, I needed to hate you to love me”
Lose You to Love Me – Selena Gomez
 Kara knelt on the floor, crippled with pain from the kryptonite cage that she was currently trapped in, courtesy of her former friend Lena Luthor. Oh how she had wanted to believe that the CEO had been misguided, that she was blinded by the pain from Kara’s betrayal. She wanted to think it was just a blip, a stumble that Kara could save Lena from herself from before it was too late. Now she knew she was wrong. She had so badly wanted to save her friendship, save the woman that she had been so close to previously but now she was finally being forced to accept that Alex was right. Lena was beyond her help now. Still, she had to try to get through to her at least one more time or she wouldn’t be able to live with herself.
“Lena, stop…you don’t…have to do this”, the blonde panted through the agony.
Cold green eyes glared at her from where she stood by her machine that was filled with an altered version of myriad. Of course myriad would never affect Kara which was why, as Lena had explained to her earlier, she had made a trap to keep Kara from preventing the launch. “I’m saving the world. You should be grateful. I’m a hero, Kara. I’m not hurting anybody, I would never do that”.
The worst thing was that Kara knew that Lena honestly believed what she was saying. But from everything she knew about her older brother, Lex had been the exact same way. In his own mind, he was the hero. “Please, Lena. Mind controlling the world, stripping people of free will, their ability to make their own choices…it’s slavery, it’s not saving the world, it’s imprisoning it”.
“People’s ability to make free choices has led to violence and death and pain and betrayal. I’m saving people from themselves” Lena snapped. “I’m removing those urges. They will be honest, kind, good…there will be no more evil, no more crime, and no more war. The world won’t need Supergirl anymore”, her dark painted lips twitched upwards into a smirk as though the idea of making the heroine obsolete was pleasing to her.
“And you…are you going to be part of this mind hive?” Kara winced as she stumble into the kryptonite infused bars and crumpled over.
“Someone has to make sure that the control holds. I made myself immune to the process”.
Kara forced herself to pull herself up despite her pain and look her once friend in the eyes. “And…what will you do about me? You can’t control me, myriad doesn’t work on me and I will never allow you to get away with this. I know you think this is for the best but making the world into your own mindless drones, taking away their ability to think for themselves, their imaginations…you’re going to strip away everything that is good about human beings!”
“You raise a good point”, Lena ignored the rest of Kara’s speech and sat down on a stool in front of her work station. “I…I don’t want to hurt anybody, that was never my intention. I made it a point to not kill a single person. Heroes don’t kill after all. However…if I let you be, you’ll figure a way out of that cage…I know you will. I’m not Lex, I’m not stupid enough to underestimate you. And then you will get in the way. That makes you a bad guy. You want to prevent world peace…I’m going to have to do whatever it takes to stop you”, Lena mused out loud, a gleam coming into her eyes and Kara’s heart dropped to the floor. “You have to die. It’s the only way”.
“You’re going to kill me? After everything?” tears filled Kara’s eyes as it settled in once and for all that her friend was gone. In front of her was a Luthor, one just as dangerous and delusional as Lex. There was nothing Kara could do to stop her. She had been pleading with her for hours ever since she fell into her trap, trying to get through to her. It hadn’t worked. And no one knew where she was to save her. They were in a secret underground lab that Lena had borrowed from her brother.
A somewhat apologetic expression came over Lena’s face. “It’s the only way. I don’t want to kill you but I have to. If you would only stand down…but then again, I couldn’t trust that you would mean it”. The black haired genius walked over to a vault in the wall and typed in the code. She pulled out a black case and put it out on her work station. Opening the case, Kara saw a gun and a green bullet. Her heart began to beat rapidly as she realised what it was.
“Good thing that Lex always keeps one of these in every one of his secret locations”.
“Lena, please!”
“I’m doing this to save the world. It’s the only way”, Lena lowered the bars of Kara’s cage but Kryptonite remained in a circle around her, preventing her from trying to escape or fight Lena. Kara remained on her knees, pain flooding every single cell in her body. Her blue eyes landed on the gun that her friend turned murderer was holding and the way it was pointed straight at her head. In that moment, Kara knew that she was going to die. She closed her eyes, not wanting the image of Lena, the person she thought was her best friend, holding a gun at her to be the last thing she ever saw.
BANG! A shot rang out but Kara felt no pain, to her surprise. She opened her eyes to see the gun on the floor, the green bullet in pieces and Lena on her knees. “Alex!” Kara exclaimed, shocked to see her sister in front of her with a rifle in hand. The red head gave her sister a worried look before glaring back down at Lena as DEO Agents filled the room, fully armed.
“How did you know to find me?!”
“We got a note from the future with these coordinates, warning us that you were gonna die tonight if we didn’t come”, Alex glowered at the unrepentant Luthor glaring back at her.
Kara blinked in confusion. “Wait…what?”
“The note appeared out of nowhere, unsigned but I recognised Mon-El’s handwriting. Thank goodness he sent us that or you…you’d be dead by now. Lena was going to kill you”, Alex’s eyes filled with tears. “I nearly lost my sister”.
“I’m sorry Alex. You were right. I thought…I thought I could get through to Lena…but the friend I knew is gone…if she ever existed in the first place”, Kara looked one last time at Lena but the woman wouldn’t meet her gaze. Alex helped her out of her restraints and removed the kryptonite so she could stand before turning back to their former friend.
“Lena Luthor, I’m placing you under arrest for kidnapping and the attempted murder of Supergirl. You are also under arrest for conspiracy to harm billions of civilians with stolen technology”.
Kara looked away as Alex cuffed the L-Corp CEO and handed her over to a team of agents. She watched as Lena was led away, feeling a large lump form in the back of her throat. All this time she had been feeling this helpless sense of guilt, taking the full blame of Lena’s decisions and actions onto her own shoulders but now she knew that it wasn’t her fault. She didn’t force Lena to do any of these things. She had been doing shady stuff behind her back for years, long before she felt betrayed by her. The only thing her finding out she was Supergirl had done was force her dark side into the light.
“I’m sorry, Kara. I know you didn’t want it to come to this”, Alex swung an arm around her shoulders as tears began to leak out.
“I didn’t but you were right. All of Lena’s actions are Lena’s, I didn’t force her into any of it and all this guilt will do is weigh me down and affect the decisions I make and I don’t want to live like that anymore. I mean I broke the law for her because I felt guilty and wanted to make it right. I should never have done that. It’s time that I accept our friendship is over and Lena is not the person I thought she was…I hoped she was”.
“You did what you could. You’re the paragon of hope, remember? You held out that same hope for Lena. Don’t ever lose it. It has made a difference, it has saved the world even and though it couldn’t help Lena it’s one of the best things about you. It’s your greatest super power”.
“Thank you, Alex. I needed to hear that”, Kara held her sister tightly before flying them both back to the DEO to write down their reports of what had occurred…or almost occurred.
 Three Years Later
 It had been a while since Kara had seen her. As she stood outside of the large prison, she took a deep breath. Quite a lot had changed since their showdown where Lena had almost managed to kill her. Kara’s long blonde hair had been chopped into a wavy bob, the fringe was gone and she had left her job at Catco. Alex had married Kelly and the two of them were talking about adopting. Kara was happy for them and she hoped that she would be able to come back and visit her niece or nephew at some point.
She was officially leaving National City. At least National City of 2023. Superman would be taking over full time with the justice league as the resident heroes of Earth 38, present time and she was heading to the future to help the Legion since they were down a few heroes and there were too many threats for the team to manage on their own. And besides from that…she wanted to be with Mon-El. He had been coming back for visits sporadically ever since the note he had sent had saved her life and they had reconnected. She was looking forward to giving them a real chance.
But first…she needed to see Lena one last time. For the past few years, Kara had been harbouring feelings that came dangerously close to hate. After all, she had been stabbed in the back, used and gaslighted into thinking she deserved it several times by someone she cared for and found out that the woman was willing and capable of killing her. Kara had struggled to get over pain and hurt that had lingered and now she was ready to just put it all behind her and move on.
Kara went into the prison, gave them her ID and was led to a visitor’s room. A little while later an orange clad Lena was brought in and seated across the table from her. “Supergirl…what do I owe this visit?” she smirked at her sardonically with a perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised. “It’s been a while…”
“I came to tell you that I’m leaving National City” Kara replied calmly. “I know you are due to be released in less than two years but I’ll still be around for visits. And then there’s the Justice League and Superman…they will be keeping an eye on you when I can’t…but what I really want to say is that I have hated you for a while now”.
Lena barely blinked at this admission. “You did more than just betray me with lies, Lena. You tried to kill me, you physically and emotionally hurt me and all while I thought we were friends. But I realised that holding onto hate isn’t doing me any good. I’m better off without you, I realise that now, but I also don’t hate you anymore. You don’t get to have that power over me. I forgive you for everything that you did but I’ll never forget and I would never trust you again ever.  I just don’t want to be burdened with these feelings that are just holding me back in every way”.
“Are you done?” the other woman asked, coolly, not moved in the least.
“That’s all I came here to say”, the superheroine confirmed as Lena looked at her curiously.
“Where are you going? I thought National City was your home”.
“National City is my home. Just not in the right now. I’m going where I’m needed”.
“Will I ever see you again?”
To Kara, it almost sounded like Lena cared but it was a little too late for that.
“I hope not”.
With that said, Kara stood up and walked out of the room, not looking back even once.
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lynelovespopculture · 5 years
The Wedding-Missing Scenes for Ch. 16
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Zelda Spellman ran along the path that separated the church and the school, clutching the full skirts of her black and red wedding gown. She could faintly recall her mother telling both her and Hilda that a lady, be she witch or mortal, shouldn’t run in a dress, certainly not a wedding dress. But Zelda knew her mother has never experienced anything like this. Her head swam when thinking of the events of the last 20 hours. As a devoted daughter of the church of night, Zelda was overjoyed and honored to know that the anti-pope agreed to marry her and Faustus. The arrival of his unholiness seemed to be going well but the true madness came that night. It was when she and Hilda were waiting for the dark lord in her new chambers at the academy to see if he would come and bless her on her wedding eve. Zelda, of course, would never admit it but she was frightened if the dark lord would take her, as was his right. When he at last arrived, Zelda kept her back to him, yet knelt to submit and she swore her heart stopped when she felt his long claw around her shoulder but then it happened. A scream, loud enough to wake the dead. She and Hilda rushed into the hall, with the others and saw it; the anti-pope, bloody and dead in his bed. The Academy of the Unseen Arts was supposed to be a haven for the young witches and warlocks of the Greendale coven and now the father of fathers had been murdered under the school’s roof! Worse still, 1 of the boys standing over the body was her nephew, Ambrose, covered in blood and looking confused. Despite Zelda’s and Hilda’s pleas to wait, Faustus killed the 3 others in quick succession, but Ambrose was able to be spirited himself away. Before Zelda could even consider what happen, the manhunt for Ambrose was on and the bride-to-be found herself back home at the Spellman Sisters mortuary. As Faustus and his boys combed the house for Ambrose, Zelda could barely feel her legs as Hilda led her off the parlor to sit with her sister and Sabrina. Sabrina’s big, pleading eyes were like twin daggers in her heart.
“You don’t really think that Ambrose killed the anti-pope, do you, Aunt Zee? I mean, this is Ambrose we’re talking about here. Our Ambrose.”
“Yes, the same Ambrose who plotted to blow up the Vatican.” As usual, her remarks were sharper than she intended.
After another sip of brandy, Zelda looked up to see Faustus coming in saying that Ambrose was nowhere to be found but the hunt for him would continue. Faustus then completely shocked her by insisting on going ahead with the wedding.
“Come Zelda. We must return to the Academy.” Faustus held out a hand for hers.
Oh, that right. Zelda thought, suddenly remembering. I don’t live here anymore. Zelda had a sudden urge to stay here, cuddle up with Sabrina and Hilda and pray for Ambrose, wherever he was. Don’t be a child! She scolded herself. Faustus was right; what the coven needed now was strength. Zelda was a Spellman, very soon to be a Blackwood, 2 very important names in the coven. After all, her late brother, Edward had been high priest and now it was Faustus. Her coven, her school, her world was looking to her now. Zelda put down the glass, stood up to straighten her dress and left with Faustus and the schoolboys.
Back the academy, chaos still reigned. Teachers were trying to calm down students, to coax them back to bed. The headmaster’s living quarters were on the 3rd floor. When Zelda saw the still blood-stained bedroom of the witch pope, she held tighter to Faustus’s arm.
They stopped just in front of her chamber door. “You must rest, Zelda.” He told her softly.
“Who can rest after all that has occurred here tonight?” Zelda genuinely wanted to know. “I’m still trembling.”
“Try” Faustus said softly and then stepped closer, his voice lowered even more. “There are still a few hours before dawn, you may still be visited.”
“Oh.” Zelda lowered her eyes to the ground; when all the twists and turns of the evening, Zelda had almost forgotten. “Faustus, I have already been visited.”
 “What?!” Faustus was beyond shocked. “When?!”
“Earlier this evening” Zelda admitted.
“And? Did he...christen you?” Faustus wanted to know.
“Almost, I mean he was just about to but then I heard Dorcas’s scream and quick as lighting, the dark lord disappeared.”
“Then I must be the luckiest man alive.”
“Faustus! What a thing to say on the night the father of fathers was murdered.”
Despite the scolding, the groom smiled and took Zelda’s hand. “I’m sorry, Zelda, but it’s true. Think about it. What other warlock can claim highest blessing from the dark lord on his marriage and yet have his bride completely…untouched for himself.”
His heated look of utter desire bore into to her and Zelda felt her insides melt. Just because she was marrying him for power and not love, didn’t mean that Faustus wasn’t the best damn sex of her entire life. Faustus stepped closer and kissed her brow, the way he always did when he felt she was anxious. “Goodnight, my dearest.” He whispered before taking his leave.
Zelda watched him leave, before she sighed, turned on her heel and entered her own room. Zelda felt sure that the dark lord would not return so for the 2nd time that night Zelda undressed, putting on her most unflattering nightgown she had. It was also her warmest and she needed that. Knowing that a messy murder had taken place across the hall just 1 hour before chilled her to the bone. Zelda laid down in the cold bed and closed her eyes but just as she suspected, there was to be no sleep for her that night. Zelda met the dawn fully dressed and half done her 2nd cigarette. By 7, Faustus had called the teachers in his office for a staff meeting. Faustus laid out the schedule for the day. After morning assembly, students would report to their homeroom for attendance,  as usual, then everyone would walk to the church for the funeral then lunch where Zelda would hand over her group to go dress for her wedding, which would take place as soon  as the students would settle back into the church. After the staff  left, Zelda hung back and once again, asked Faustus if it wouldn’t be better for everyone to delay their wedding, only a little.
“No one and nothing will stop me from marrying you today!” Came his sharp reply.
Zelda’s eyebrow rose. It wasn’t what he said but his tone. Almost as if he knew someone would object to the union but aside from Sabrina’s teenage outbursts, who would dare? Faustus was Greendale’s high priest and she, the sister of his predecessor, as well as a known teacher and midwife. True, it was a little soon since Constance’s death for her widower to remarry but truthfully, she and Faustus were too high standing in the church and the coven for everyone to say anything. Faustus must have sensed her unease because he took a step toward her and took her hand.
“It will all be alright.” He said and then led her to the morning assembly. It passed in a blur for Zelda as did homeroom. It was just as 4 senior boys acting as pall bearers bringing in the coffin that it hit her. I’m at a funeral. Zelda thought. I’m at a funeral on my wedding day! Faustus conducted the service, of course and after it was over, Zelda gathered up her students and herded them into the lunchroom. 15 minutes later, Brother Lovecraft arrived to take over and Zelda exited the room. Outside, in the main hall, Zelda saw her sister and Hilda tossed her a smile and an apple.
“Knowing you, Zelda, you probably haven’t a bit to eat all day.
Zelda smiled at her little sister and bit into the apple. “So, how’s Sabrina?” She asked softly.
“I don’t know. She was still sleeping when I left this morning.”
Zelda rolled her eyes. “You’re a terrible liar, Hildie.”
Hilda shrugged and curled both her arms around 1 of Zelda’s.   “Maybe I am, but it’s my big sister’s wedding day and as maid of dishonor it’s my job to get you dressed for the rest of today, you’re the star.”
“I’m so glad you’re here.” Zelda confessed quietly and with her free arm bit into the apple again before her smile got too big as the sisters climbed the rest of the grand staircase in silence.
20 minutes later, Zelda smiled at herself in the full-length mirror as Hilda hummed as she fastened the back of Zelda’s gown. The sisters wore matching dresses made of red full skirts and black overlay sewn into the corsets and long selves. As the bride, Zelda had the grander gown.
“There.” Hilda said with a sigh. “Finished. Now you look like a bride.”
“Well, I’m starting to.” Zelda walked away from the mirror and from her opened chamber door saw Prudence in the hallway. At first, Zelda was filled with dread. Surely, the girl wouldn’t pick now to ask her yet again to pled with Faustus on her behalf. Then again, maybe not.  Prudence seemed to just be walking by, unaware of Zelda’s nearby presence. Odder still, the girl was smiling to herself and happiness was a rare emotion on Prudence.
“Prudence, child?” Zelda found herself calling out. “Are you alright?”
Prudence blinked. “Oh, Sister Zelda, forgive me, I did not see you.   I was just dressing for the ceremony. I’m late because I was called down to the main office. My father had finally decided to give me the Blackwood name!”
“Oh, that’s wonderful for you, dear.” Hilda proclaimed. The entire coven knew how badly Faustus’s daughter wanted to be recognized.
“Indeed, it is.” Zelda smiled and put a gentle hand on the girl’s back. “It appears that we will both be Blackwoods before the day is out.  Come in.”
Prudence smiled. “My father says he needs family around him at the altar today.”
That statement set off a lightbulb in Zelda’s mind. “Then why don’t we grant his request?” Zelda took a step backwards to look at her sister. “We still have Sabrina’s bridesmaid dress here, don’t we, Hilda?”
“Of  course, yeah. It’s in the other room. We could just pop over.”
Zelda nodded and turned back to Prudence. “Well? What do you say? Would you care to join us and attend me at the wedding?”
The child’s eyes sparkled. “Oh, Sister Zelda! You honor me!” Then, as if catching herself in her own happiness, Prudence caught herself. “I mean, of course I will.”
Zelda had to chuckle. Poor Prudence, so afraid to show genuine emotion, just in case someone may mistake it for weakness. Just like herself at that age. “Hurry now, we haven’t time.” Zelda gently pushed the girl toward Hilda’s waiting hand. The 2 scurried into the next room to make ready. Meanwhile, Zelda sat down at the vanity and fastened her thick, gold necklace and put on her earrings. She was brushing her hair when Prudence and her sister returned.
“Prudence, you look wonderful.” She really did. True, the red dress was made for Sabrina, but Prudence was slightly older and um, more developed and the very low neckline looked stunning on Prudence. “But something’s missing.” Zelda stood up and fastened a sliver necklace around the girl’s neck. “There. Now, you’re perfect.”
“Thank you, Sister Zelda. I promise to return it right after the ceremony.”
Zelda smiled. “Keep it. It’s a gift.” The necklace was supposed to be a surprise for Sabrina, but Prudence didn’t need to know that.
After all she’s been through, the poor girl deserves a kind stepmother.  Zelda thought, thinking about how long it took Faustus to recognize his daughter and worse still, when Constance tried to kill her last Feasts of Feasts.
“Come along now,” Hilda said, breaking into Zelda’s thoughts. “We must finish getting you ready.” Hilda guided her sister back to the vanity and with Prudence’s help, fixed the golden deer crown and black veil upon Zelda’s head. Just as they were finishing up when a schoolboy knocked on the door.
“Sister Spellman? Father Blackwood sent me to say he’s ready when you are.”
Zelda thanked the youth, stood up and held hands with the other witches and said the words to teleport them to the church small front lobby. The bells rang out while Hilda adjusted her sister’s veil and gave Zelda the dagger and they were ready. The precession began; Prudence went first, then Hilda and Zelda bought up the rear. The bride was slightly annoyed when she saw that some people who attended the funeral didn’t see it important enough to stay for the wedding. Zelda dismissed the thought and kept her eyes front. Maybe Faustus was right, maybe everything would be okay.
Famous. Last. Words!
The wedding was a complete disaster. Zelda couldn’t decide which part was worse. Was it when Sabrina and Nicholas used glamours to transform into Edward and Diana and even when that magic was exposed, they accused her groom of murdering her brother and sister-in-law. Or was the worst part, mere seconds later, when Ambrose showed up seemingly out of nowhere, and tried to attack Faustus.  Thank the dark lord Prudence was there or Zelda might have been a widow before she was a wife. Anyway, the schoolboys had seized him, but Ambrose was so wild, so out of control, that it took a new bunch of guards plus Faustus to teleport him away. It wasn’t until she took a breath, turned and faced the crowd that Zelda realized it. She was alone. Zelda Spellman stood at the altar, facing the entire coven, exposed and humiliated.  A bride without a groom. A still unmarried woman in a wedding dress. Zelda bit her quivering lip but still felt hot, terrorist tears behind her eyes. She wouldn’t allow herself to cry, not here, not now. Zelda grabbed her gown with both fists and ran. Ran out of the church and down the path. Hearing the nearby pleas of Hilda and Sabrina only made Zelda run faster. She didn’t stop running until she reached the school lobby. Zelda took off her veil and that damn deer crown that was giving her a headache. Somehow, probably by teleport, some witches she just left at the church, stood before her. Zelda ignored them and went down the hallway that led to Faustus’s office.
“Is he in there?” Zelda asked the boy guarding the door.
“Um, yes but Father Blackwood said to give no entry to anyone.”
“Surely that doesn’t apply to me.”
Zelda tried to step around the youth, but he lightly touched her stomach. “Stop, miss.”
“Miss?” With or without her wedding day ruined, she was still Zelda Spellman damn it and now, this schoolboy, this child, thought he could lay his hand on her and tell her what  to do. Zelda raised an eyebrow.
 Faustus Blackwood crossed his arms as he watched 2 of his boys throw Ambrose Spellman against the wall for the third time. “Tell me, Brother Ambrose, why shouldn’t I throw you in the witch’s cell and throw away the key?”
“You bastard!” Ambrose screamed. “You killed Luke!”
Luke? This whole thing was about Lucas? Faustus suddenly fought off the urge to laugh. The boy had him! Faustus was certain that Ambrose had choked up that damn familiar by now and then it was just a short step to figure out who truly killed Enoch. That’s why he had killed the other boys, that why he had done everything in his power to find Ambrose last night and when that mission had failed, he knew he had to marry Zelda now. But no, this jackass had to appear at the worst possible moment and ruined everything. The only luck Faustus had with him today was young Ambrose was in too much grief to see the truth staring him in the face.
“You killed Luke!” Ambrose repeated, still screaming at the top of his lungs.
Before anyone could say or do anything, a sudden gust of wind blew the double doors of the office wide open and the boy guarding the door, landing flat on his back, helpless as a turtle. Faustus felt his heart skip a beat as Zelda came into view. It seems that Faustus had hated Edward Spellman forever, but he has loved his sister for even longer. Even now, years, centuries after they first met, Faustus could swear Zelda was his own fallen angel sent from hell.  Zelda was strong, intelligent and powerful, exactly what his father told him NOT to look for in a wife. Yet, the qualities made Zelda, well, Zelda and Faustus could never resist her. Also, her beauty, her beauty was always overwhelming. Her soft hair was as red as hellfire and clothes hang on her so well that Faustus wondered if she enchanted all her clothes or was her body  just that perfect. Right now, Zelda wore a wedding gown, but her finger was ringless. Due to the children’s wild antics, Zelda was his bride, but still not his wife. Satan in hell, what was it going to take?  It didn’t surprise him that Sabrina interrupting the ceremony, he swore that girl stayed up late thinking up new ways to test him and he wasn’t even that upset that young Ambrose tried to kill him. What really burned him that he had to leave the church unmarried. Faustus had been dreaming of marrying Zelda Spellman since he a little more than a boy, but Edward had blocked the marriage and forced him into a union with Constance. With his 1st wife finally dead and he and Zelda carrying on a newfound affair, Faustus had his chance.
Meanwhile, Zelda frowned and walked towards her nephew. “Did I hear you right? Did you just accuse Father Blackwood of killing Lucas?”
“Auntie Z, he did it!” Ambrose insisted.
“Oh, did he?” Zelda smiled and nodded slightly. “Then, please tell us, we would love to help, where did you find Luke’s body?”
“I didn’t find the body.” Ambrose’s screams turned into broken whispers.
“Then where did you see Faustus hide the murder weapon?” Zelda tried again.
Ambrose shook his head. “No weapons.”
Faustus went to his desk, his head down so no one saw his smile. Maybe he wouldn’t have to defend himself.  The boy seemed perfectly capable of hanging himself.
Zelda sighed. “So, let me get this straight. You attacked the high priest at his own wedding,  not to mention, my own, to get revenge for a murder that you have no proof he committed  and to do so, you came out of hiding for murdering the anti-pope.”
“Father Blackwood killed the anti-pope too!”
“Are you insane, Ambrose? I was there last night; we were all there.  We saw you and the other boys over the father of fathers with those knives. Father Blackwood came in only a moment before your Aunt Hilda and I did. How on did he kill him?” Zelda wanted to know.
“Leviathan!” Ambrose chocked when the boys pulled him backwards.
Zelda was confused. “Your familiar? The one that went missing weeks ago? What’s he got to do with anything?”
“That’s enough!” Faustus stepped forward. “I’ve had enough of this nonsense. It’s the witch’s cell for you. Take him away!”
“No!” Ambrose tried desperately to free himself, but he was too outnumbered.
“Don’t worry,” Faustus called after him. “You won’t be alone for long. Soon you’ll have company, such as Mr. Scratch and your cousin.”
“No!” This call of distress came from Zelda.  Faustus gave a groan and closed his eyes. Why did he say that out loud? Of course, Zelda would object to her precious niece in a cell.
“Your excellency,” Zelda addressed him formally, “may I have a word with you in private?”
Faustus sighed but turned to wave his other boys out. Once they were alone, Faustus sat down behind his desk. “I know what you going to say, Zelda, but I cannot just excuse Sabrina, not this time.”
“That is not what I was going to say.”
Zelda not defending Sabrina? That’s a first. “Then what do you want?”
“I want what you want, Faustus.” Zelda journeyed to the desk. “I want strong leadership for this coven and for this school. I would also like to see justice done and you can’t have justice if you give 2 wayward students the same punishment as the anti-pope’s murderer.”
Faustus hated to admit it, but she was right. “What do you suggest, then?”
Zelda sat. “I suggest that you forget the bad blood between you and Sabrina.” When Faustus opened his mouth, Zelda held up a hand. “Just for a moment. Suppose 2 students using glamours, coming into the academy and accused a teacher of murder with no grounds. As headmaster, what would you do?”
“I would have to expel them immediately.”
Zelda nodded. “Then that is what you must do with Sabrina and Nicholas.” She said firmly.
Faustus sighed and stood up. “We need to discuss one more thing. I got a call from Rome this morning. As high priest it’s my duty to escort the anti-pope and the monks back to the Necropolis.”
“I understand. If you are asking me to look after the school- “
“I’m not asking you to look after the school” He  cut in. “I want you to come with me.”
Zelda nodded. “Of course.”
He smiled at her, walked nearer, took both her hands in his and pulled her to her feet. “But I don’t want to take you as Sister Zelda Spellman, they’ll not lodge us together unless we are Father and Lady Blackwood. Marry me, Zelda. Here and now, in this office. Unless, your family’s accusations have changed things between us somehow.”
“No.” Zelda’s eyes held his and her voice remained strong. “Nothing has changed between us, Faustus.  But if we are to marry here, we will still need witnesses and we left the rings at the church.”
Faustus nodded. “Quite right.” He left her to cross the room and opened the door.
“Marcus” he addressed the boy on the threshold. “Tell Brothers Lovecraft and Barker, I wish to see them and please send someone to fetch the wedding rings from the church.”
The teachers arrived before the rings, so Zelda and Faustus took the chance to sign their marriage license. When a bodyguard arrived with the rings, each witness took a ring, the bride and groom joined hands and the wedding began anew. Faustus called back the demons of the deep, however he skipped the blood and blessing and went straight to the vows.
“I, Faustus James Blackwood, take thee, Zelda Phonia Spellman, to my wife and lady. To be my sole partner to walk beside me along the path of night. By day, by night, in bed and in life, forever and ever.”
“I, Zelda Phonia Spellman, take thee, Faustus James Blackwood, to my husband and lord. To be my sole partner to walk beside me along the path of night. By day, by night, in bed and in life, forever and ever.”
Faustus turned to Brother Barker, who stood behind him and handed him the ring. He then slid the silver band onto Zelda’s bare finger. “This is my eternal vow, from this day until my last day.”
Lovecraft gave Zelda the ring   and she put it on Faustus’s hand. “This is my eternal vow, from this day until my last day.”
All 4 knew the wedding was completed and Zelda smiled as Faustus leaned in to kiss her. However, their lips met for a mere 4 seconds before the door opened again.
“Father Blackwood!”
“What is it now!?” growled Faustus.
The boy trembled. “Forgive me, Father Blackwood. But the students are done with their dinner and the staff are unsure of what to do next.”
“Doesn’t evening assembly usually follows dinner?”  Faustus’s tone was annoyed.
“Yes, sir. But you usually lead evening assembly. Plus, Sabrina and Hilda Spellman have been seated outside your office for quite some time now.”
Faustus narrowed his eyes.  “Oh, have they now?”
He walked forward menacingly but Zelda walked backwards with him, her arm around his waist. “Faustus, Faustus!” They stopped but Zelda continued to speak. “Go to evening assembly. I’ll go tell Sabrina her punishment and send her and Hilda home.”
“Are you sure?”
Zelda sighed, stood on her tiptoes and gave her husband a proper kiss. “I’m right behind you. I promise.”
Faustus looked her over. “We’ll be leaving soon. Perhaps you should skip assembly and get ready.”
Zelda nodded. The doors opened, Faustus and the other warlocks went right while Zelda turned left and beheld her niece and sister.
“Congratulations, Sabrina. You ruined my wedding day!” Zelda told the others about Ambrose and Sabrina’s own expulsion. Zelda was angry  and annoyed going into this conversation, but it really irked her when Sabrina said that she was glad she stopped the wedding. Zelda responded by smiling and announced that she had married today anyway. She turned and left  but was followed.
“Aunt Zelda, you can’t!”
“I already have, Sabrina. Now, if you excuse me, Father  Bl-“ Zelda caught herself. “My husband and I will be leaving soon, and I need to change. Hilda, take her home.”
Zelda looked back and found that her little sister was silently crying.
Zelda took Hilda’s hand and pulled her out of Sabrina’s hearing. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Do you think it could be that Father Blackwood could’ve something to  do with Edward’s plane going down?”
Zelda recoiled as if Hilda had slapped her. “You doubt him. Which means you doubt me.”
“What? No, sister, I would never doubt you.”
“Then you must think I’m evil enough to betray our brother’s memory by hearing about his murder and then turn right around and marry the man who did the crime?”
“Forget I said anything.”  Hilda placed a hand on her sister’s shoulder.  “Let’s get you dressed.”
“No” Zelda brushed the hand away. “Go home, Hilda.” Zelda went upstairs, alone. As she pretended to scratch her eye, she really was wiping away a tear.
“Sister Zelda?” Prudence, who had changed out of her bridesmaid dress and was now wearing her normal short black dress with the white peter pan collor, met her at the top of the stairs. “Would you like a hand to get out of your gown?”
Zelda smiled. “Yes, Prudence. That would be kind, child.”
As they walked to the chambers, Zelda could only focus on the last word she spoke. Child. My stepchild. My oldest stepdaughter. Zelda then thought of baby Leticia, who she visited a few days ago. The wood witch was taking good care of her and Zelda would visit them after they returned from Rome.  She and Prudence  entered the chamber and found a few schoolgirls fussing around the room. As soon as they saw Zelda, they all stopped, lined up and curtsied. “Lady Blackwood.”
For 1 insane moment, Zelda wanted to turn around and look for Constance. Then she felt foolish. Oh right, I’m Lady Blackwood now.
The schoolgirls were leaving, Zelda saw that there were 2 piles of folded clothes on the bed.
“Wait,” Zelda said to the last girl. She went to the bed and picked up one pile of clothes.
“This belongs to my sister. She’s downstairs, please see that she gets it. I don’t want her up here.”
The girls left and Prudence moved forward to unbutton Zelda’s gown. She was helping her new stepmother into a basic black dress when Agatha came in. “Pru, Father Blackwood wants a word with you.”
Prudence looked torn but Zelda smiled at the girl. “Go on, see your father. I can finish up here.” Zelda was alone when she changed her heels, put on her hat and gloves before she fastened the diamond broach on her new black cloak, a wedding gift from the teaching staff.
A schoolgirl knocked on the open door. “Lady Blackwood, the others are ready.”
“So am I.” After 1 final look in the mirror, Zelda left her room. She found Faustus at the top of the stairs. He took her hand. For 1 insane moment, Zelda wanted Faustus to tell her he loved her. She pushed the thought aside as Faustus kissed her, almost as if to claim her. Together, they went downstairs and out the front door where all the students were lined up. As Faustus explained where they were going, Zelda spotted the monks that came with the anti-pope and had done nothing all day but stay in the guest chambers, praying and now they were getting into the waiting limo. Faustus had finished speaking and Zelda thought nothing of walking beside him until he stopped.
“You forget yourself, my dear,” Faustus whispered to her. “A wife walks behind her husband.”
Wait, what? Zelda was confused by his statement, she froze, unable to speak   or move for a few moments, then she started to walk again. Faustus got into the car and the boys fussed over getting baby Judas into his car seat, so Zelda walked around to the other side. Her heart broke when she looked across the way and saw Sabrina and Hilda on a bench, both with tears in their eyes. Zelda took a step forward.
“Lady Blackwood?”
Zelda suddenly saw the boy that was holding the car door open for her. After a quick glance at her niece and sister, Zelda got into the limo. She watched as the car drove away from the school. Zelda felt Faustus’s hand cover her own and returned the smile he gave her. Her smile widened as she watched Judas play with his rattle. They’re all my family now. Zelda would focus on enjoying her time alone with her husband and stepson. Maybe after some rest and sleep, Zelda could perhaps even think up of a way to help Ambrose. Once home, she would make up with Hilda and together, they would decide what to do about Sabrina. Yes, everything would be fine.
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shutupandshipit · 8 years
Red as Blood - Ch.4
Summary:  With trembling fingers, he pulled a page and pen towards him. The first words he wrote were, ‘The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.’
Chapter: 4/16
Previous <- Chapter 3
Chapter 5 -> Next
“Drink,” Ryan ordered, watching him intently as Akmazian raised the glass to his mouth.
Setting it down, he sighed contentedly, a small laugh exiting with his breath. “You know, drinking games don't work out too well when both participants are drinking, but only one is loosing. On the plus side, this doesn't taste like regret yet.” He flipped over a card, crossing his fingers as Ryan reached for his own.
Akmazian's head dropped. “Damn.” A grin widened his lips, and he tilted his back to catch another mouthful of his drink. His face soured, and his licked at his teeth. “Oh, there's the regret. Found it.”
Ryan burst into laughter as he sat back in the copilot seat, pressing his hands to his cheeks. “Oh god, I hate you. I hate you so incredibly much. My face is hot. How much have we drank? I feel like we've drank a lot. Oh, I haven't laughed this hard in years. My cheeks actually hurt.” His words were fast and just slurred enough that it was audible to Akmazian, but not Ryan himself.
The smile returning to his face, Akmazian leaned towards Ryan, crooning, “You weren't saying that last night.”
Ryan rolled his eyes, leaning forward to grab the bottle off of the control panel. “Yes, I did. I very vehemently told you I hated you.” He held the bottle up to the light, staring at the clear liquid as it sloshed back at forth. “There's like an inch left. This bottle was full an hour ago.”
“It's been five hours,” Akmazian pointed out, “And so was the case of soda, but that's nearly gone too.” Emptying his glass, his shook his head vigorously. “Lord, that's horrible. It's like drinking gasoline. Anyway, you didn't say that until later, but really, you don't hate me.”
“I do, I definitely do.”
“Why?” he asked, pouting.
Ryan laughed again, running his hand down the side of Akmazian's face gently before patting his cheek. “You keep jumping me in the halls. One day, someone is going to stumble over us. We're like a pair of teenagers dry humping each other and making out wherever we possibly can.”
“Yes, and you don't hate me for it. It adds color to the mundanity of day to day life. Come on, if we haven't been caught doing it by now, I don't think we will.”
“You say that now, but the next time you jump me, some little kid is going to run passed and stop dead in his tracks.”
“Jane and Levi have already caught us while looking for their own little place for some nookie. No one is worse than them. They have not stop talking about it, darlin'. Every time I see them, it's an innuendo.”
Ryan shook his head. “It's the same on my end. Every time I walk into the infirmary. But I'm almost positive my mother finding us would be far worse.”
“I've never met your mother, or your father for that matter.”
Pressing his mouth to the top of the bottle he held between his hands, but Akmazian grabbed the bottle as his hands began to shake. “L-lucky for y-you.” His lips trembled, his hands trembled, his world began to tremble. “I... I wish you would have gotten the chance to meet Dad. If he didn't think you were a terrorist, I honestly think he would have thought you were hilarious.” His vision blurred.
Sighing, Akmazian took the bottle, setting it back on the control panel. “We're getting sad now. It's time to stop drinking.” Gently, he tugged at Ryan's wrist, pulling him into his lap. “I don't think your father would have liked me, Ry. Like you said, the whole accused terrorist thing, but also fathers don't generally enjoy their children's boyfriends. I think it's a point of pride for them. They never really have a problem with girlfriends.”
Tears slipped down his cheeks as he whispered. “Yeah, the one time I brought a boy home, he scared the hell out of him, and he never talked to me again. I didn't talk to him for a week.”
“That's just because he was unworthy. I wouldn't have been scared off so easily, darlin'.”
Ryan laughed, rubbing at the tears on his cheeks. “That's good to know. At least there's one person, but my mother will take up the gauntlet, I'm sure. She's never approved of anyone I've been involved with.”
“I don't think I want to meet your mother. She's hot for Dr. Urvidian, and that's terrifyin'. Not that I would be scared off by her either. No, not at all.” He pressed his forehead to Ryan's as he continued to laugh. “No more tears, darlin'. Your laugh is too lovely for tears. Let's stop drinking for tonight.”
Nodding, Ryan closed the distance between them, wrapping a hand around the back of his neck. “I'm ready for bed.”
“Bed? Or bed?”
Shaking his head, Ryan slapped playfully at Akmazian's chest, pushing himself from his lap. Akmazian kept his hold on Ryan's hips, pulling him back down. “Or we could just stay here,” he murmured against his ear, heat flushing through his body, “We've never done it here before.”
“I'd rather go down to your quarters,” Ryan whispered, his resolve crumbling as Akmazian's hands wandered. “I hate you,” he groaned as he turned to face him.
“Dr. Dalias, I trust your vacation was good. I was sorely disappointed when I had to tell my customer that you'd left for a while. You should have seen his face,” Dr. Osolong crooned as he pushed into Ryan's quarters. “He was so disappointed.”
A man stood behind him, tall, handsome, moneyed, imposing. His eyes ghosted over Ryan, the quirk of his eyebrow the only indication that he felt anything looking at him.
Swallowing, Ryan repressed a shudder. Morpheus grumbled angrily from beneath the bed, releasing a long yowl as the pair stepped further into the room, the door sliding closed behind them. “What do you want Dr... Dr. Osolong?”
“Call me Oslo in such informal surroundings, Ryan.” He dropped a bag onto the side table, unzipping it quickly to rummage through.
Staring at him, Ryan remained silent. His eyes darted between the pair.
At his silence, Dr. Osolong turned to smile, a syringe filled with the same clear pink tinted liquid. “You remember our deal, don't you Dr. Dalias. If you back out, your consequences will be dear, and you won't get those special little tidbits I have for you. So, I'm going to ask you this once more and only once more. What will it be?”
Biting at his lips, Ryan ducked his head, shoulders shrugging up around his ears.
“Good. Sit on the edge of the bed. I'll be giving you the next dose before you two begin.”
Closing his eyes for a long moment, Ryan sat on the edge of the bed reluctantly. An itch burst into life beneath his skin where Osolong had injected him the first time, and it was all he could do to force his hands to remain still.
“Good, good. I like to see that you are intelligent. So much more intelligent than the company of that nurse and cook you keep up with.”
“Don't talk about them like that,” Ryan spat, his head snapping up to glare at Osolong.
Osolong rolled his eyes. “Of course. I forgot they're... friends of yours. How rude of me. Maybe I should use them to test this out on as well, hm? I'm sure they know about your... condition by now. I'm sure they'd love to know the feeling of addition to more than sex. It'll make them understand so much better.”
“No. Leave them alone. You already have me.”
Osolong smiled. “I do indeed. Roll up your sleeve, sweetheart.”
Swallowing down bile, Ryan pushed up his sleeve, turning his face away as Osolong wrapped a rubber band around his upper arm. He slapped at his inner elbow, a smile curling up the corners of his lips. “This one is stronger than the last, and I'll be taking a blood sample before and after for data.”
Ryan repressed a flinch as a needle sunk through his flesh.
“Good, very good. Do you remember this feeling, Dr. Dalias? The feeling of the needle sinking into your arm? The warmth as the drug spread from this very point. Do you remember the fuzzy, reeling high? Do you remember it? Do you yearn for it? Do you miss it? I have to say, it's remarkable that there's no scar tissue.”
“I never did anything with needles,” Ryan lied, voice tight. The rubber band released. “I had a habit for things you could smoke and swallow.” He'd experimented with the hard drugs from the 22nd century from old timers who were still making them when he started out, but when the high hadn't been worth the crash, he'd found something else to adopt. It was only in rehab that he realized they'd been no better.
“Well, you're about to develop a new oral fixation, sweetheart.” The needle was withdrawn and another immediately replaced it, stinging less than the first. Liquid warmth flushed through his veins, and there was no delay as his implant sparked to life. “Oh, you're blushing. Good. It's working then. How do you feel?”
“Murderous,” Ryan snarled.
Osolong clapped his hands together. “Wonderful! He's all yours, Warren. I'll need another blood sample in about... ten minutes, so don't get too into it until then. Or you can, as long as you're willing to stop while I get my sample.” After marking the vial, Osolong deposited it into a small case before turning from the room.
The man looked back at Osolong as the door slid open. “Thank you, doctor. I'll treat him will.”
“All I ask is that you don't physically break him. He is, after all, new to my group.”
“Of course, doctor.” As the door slid closed behind him, the man stepped forward, staring down at Ryan with hunger in his eyes. “Have you ever been with a man?”
“Yes, but unfortunately, all I see is a boy standing in front of me.”
A smile twisted up the corners of his mouth, his lips pulling apart to reveal pointed teeth where blunt ends should have been. “Good thing I'm neither.” The man's hand wrapped around Ryan's throat, roughly shoving him back onto the bed.
“Dr. Dalias, it's so nice to see you again. How are you feeling today? How was the vacation?”
Ryan flinched into Jane's side as Dr. Osolong passed them, smiling invitingly. He remained silent until they'd gotten to the infirmary, staying pressed into Jane's side. He sighed heavily as the infirmary doors slid closed behind them.
“Woah, Ryan, what was that? Are you feeling alright?” Jane asked worriedly, stepping away from his side to grab his shoulders, staring up into his face.
He stared off, refusing to meet her eyes. “I'm fine. Perfectly fine.”
“What was that with Dr. Osolong? Did something happen between the two of you? You're not cheating on Akmazian, are you? Now, I don't like you being in bed with a known terrorist, but I can't and won't condone cheating.”
His stomach churned sickeningly. “It was... nothing. I'm not cheating on Akmazian.” 'Not willingly,' he thought, pressing a hand to his mouth. “I think I'm going to puke.”
“No no no, don't that that, Ryan!” Jane shouted, taking his arm and dragging him towards the restroom.
“Ryan,” Dr. Urvidian called, tapping on the door gently before letting himself into the restroom. He sighed, locking the door behind himself. Ryan sat against the wall, his head pressed between his knees, his breath coming in quick gasps. “What's going on, Ryan? Jane told me what happened when Dr. Osolong passed by.”
Ryan shook his head, pressing his hands and knees harder of his ears. “Nothing. Nothing happened. I just... I want it to all stop. I want it to all go away,” he whispered. He had no desire to explain to this man what had happened, what was soon to occur again. So, he lied. “I want people to stop looking at me like I'm broken. I want people to stop looking at me and think, 'There goes Admiral Dalias' poor, lost son.' I'm tired of it. It makes me sick. I want to just get on a ship and disappear into space with-” He stopped, choking on Akmazian's name. That was another secret he had no desire to tell this man.
Vomit burned at the back of his throat.
“You just came from one such trip, if I'm not mistaken? Is that really what you want? To leave all of this behind and just float through the empty void with no purpose and no heading.” Ryan couldn't speak, not if he didn't want to throw up again. He bit his lip, peaking up at Dr. Urvidian. “He means something to you, yes, but does this mean nothing to you? Would you be happy with that?”
Closing his eyes for a long moment, Ryan lifted his head, tilting it against the tiles behind his head. “No, I wouldn't,” he told him, clutching his hands together tightly in his lap, “but... I want it to be over.”
Sighing, Dr. Urvidian stood, looking down at him. “I'm sorry to tell you this, but it's only just begun.”
Ryan knocked his head back against the tiles hard, only once. “I know,” he gritted out.
“If this is going to continue, it cannot be in my quarters. It has to be done... somewhere else. Anywhere else.”
“Of course, but on one condition. You come when I call, no matter where you are, no matter what you're doing or who. You are at my beck an call. You submit to my experiments any time of the day. You submit to my clients when I tell you.”
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