#i feel like i should confirm that i don't think tommy was being a bad boyfriend by not dressing up or anything lol
captain-hen · 5 months
i get why people are hesitant to believe buddie is endgame or will go canon soon but it’s impossible for me to believe they aren’t going there with how they write buck and tommy’s relationship. everything in 704 and 705 had eddie haunting it (literally like buck coming out was only really about him lying to eddie, you could argue that buck has his feelings confused in all of 704 because half of the clown shit he pulled didnt have anything to do with tommy, the whole maddie coming out scene was about eddie) and even in 706 eddie was all over it. suggesting the couples costume, making the effort to dress up because buck was excited, being basically attached at the hip with him all episode vs tommy not dressing up and then being uninvolved throughout the rest of the episode until the end. like it feels like a deliberate choice!!! maybe a couple instances of stuff like that could be a coincidence but not with this much stacking on top of each other yknow
no yeah the way eddie has been haunting the narrative is literally insane like they didn't have to do All That. it would have been infinitely easier, from a writing perspective, to leave him out of it completely, but here we are! 🤷🏼
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rogueddie · 8 months
A Spot in My Life T | 953 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is keeping a spare sweater or blanket in the car because they always get cold
Steve Harrington is a bitch.
It's something that Eddie knew, all through high school, but he had thought that Steve had somehow became a new person- thanks to the Upside Down and constantly almost seeing the world end.
Steve isn't a bad guy, he can admit. He's still trying to keep an eye on everyone, make sure they're ok, even checking in with Eddie in his own way.
But he's very sly about it, hiding it being playful jabs, eye rolls and cocked hips.
It rubs him the wrong way. And it's only made worse by how much Eddie still likes him. It's as if the bitchiness only draws him in more, even as it makes his chest burn with irritation.
He tries to avoid Steve for as long as he can. He knows that finally befriending him like they both want will only end badly, but he knows he can't resist the temptation.
He enjoys the time before as much as he can, reveling in how often Steve will try to corner him so they can hang out, how much he whines and pleads and pushes. He enjoys the illusion that Steve could feel anything for him like he does for Steve.
And, when they finally do hang out, his fears are confirmed.
Steve is amazing. He's funnier than he comes across as at first too. He pays attention to what Eddie says and tries to get him anything he wants.
He's the type of friend that anyone would fight for, Eddie is sure. It explains how he ended up so popular in high school too.
If Eddie had known what Steve is truly like, he'd have been lining up for a scrap of his attention like everyone else.
"They're assholes," Steve explains, when Eddie finally asks about his old lackeys. "Tommy always took shit a step too far. I didn't need them. Probably shouldn't have befriended them in the first place."
"They were your friends," Eddie reminds him.
Steve sighs, leaning back. "Yeah, I guess. Just wish I'd realised sooner, how they were getting."
He never complains about the kids, not genuinely. In the quiet moments, when Steve is honest with an almost painful degree of vulnerability, he talks about how amazing the kids are. He talks about how honored he is to be friends with Dustin.
It only makes Eddies feelings inch ever closer to 'the L word'.
"You should talk to him," Robin suggests. "He really is amazing."
"I know, but... guys that are ok with lesbians still get weird about gay men, you know?"
"Yeah, but Steve isn't like that. Did he ever tell you the full story of how I came out to him?"
"It was after the Russian torture drugs, right?"
"We were in the bathroom, near the cinema. I thought we might have puked it all up, so we decided to test it, ask each other questions. So, I asked him if he was ever in love..."
"Oh... oh no."
"Oh yes. He liked me, told me so, and that's when I came out to him."
"Holy shit, Robin."
"But that's my point. He was a little surprised, sure, but he started making jokes, like, immediately. Didn't phase him at all. He got with it immediately. We're just friends, and that's not a problem for him."
Eddie groans, throwing his head back so it thumps into the wall behind him. "But that just makes him more hot!"
The story plagues his mind, to the point that it's the only thing he can think about when he picks Steve up for their next hang out.
In the dead of winter, Steve feels the cold worse than anyone else that Eddie knows. He runs hot, and the sudden temperature drops brings out the worse in him.
He's shivering when he climbs into Eddie's car.
"Fuck, why isn't your heating on?" He whines.
"It's broke," Eddie reminds him. "It's fine, don't worry."
"Don't worry? I'm gonna get hypothermia, Eddie! I don't want to turn into an ice sc- what is that?"
He takes the blanket that Eddie had reached back to grab, staring at it.
"It's a blanket."
"No shit, I mean... it's yellow."
"Yeah? You like yellow."
"You got this for me?"
"You see anyone else shivering in my van?"
"No, it..." Steve pauses, glancing at Eddie before slowly wrapping the blanket around himself. "Sorry, uh... thank you. This is, um, nice."
"it's nothing."
"It's not. Just- take the thanks, Ed."
"Alright, alright."
They're silent for the rest of the drive. It's so unusual for them that it has Eddie nervous, glancing at Steve every other moment.
When they finally pull to a stop, Eddie turns to Steve, who stays where he is. He stares out the front window for a moment, before turning to face Eddie.
"Are you alright?" Eddie asks.
"Yeah, I am. Enjoying the warmth."
"That all?"
"... yeah."
Eddie rolls his eyes. "You're a terrible liar."
"Wh- hey, I'm a good liar!" He tries to glare, but quickly backs down with a huff. "Alright, fine, but it's really sappy! Don't say I didn't warn you!"
"Oh, no, the horror."
"Shut up. I was just thinking about how, like... there's so many little things in your life that are for me. My tapes in your room, spare clothes in your closet, this blanket... I really appreciate it, man. You've made space for me in your life. It means a lot to me."
"Oh, right. That's... yeah. Of course, Steve. You're always welcome. I love- uh... spending time with you."
"Good. I love spending time with you too."
Steve's smile is wide and goofy. He's sure that his own is just as cheesy.
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madlori · 4 months
If the only thing you can lord over buddie is that bucktommy is canon, then you really didn't care at all about the ship.
7 seasons of being a family unit, being there for each other, having each other's back but hey! Here comes another underdeveloped love interest, but since it's a man this time, you don't care about Buck being stuck in the same hamster wheel, again, because he's kissing a man and that's hot 🙄
Also for all your doom and gloom about buddie not happening, do remember that Tommy/Eddie was an idea in Tim's mind at first, so Eddie can be read as queer, even if it's not in canon yet.
I guess you don't place much value on them being a family unit and always there for each other, and having each other's back...all of which is still true and will continue to BE true. But it's only important to you as a prelude to them kissing, right? It has no value in and of itself. I love their relationship. I love what they are to each other. But YOU are making me not want to see it, because every time they turn to each other, lean on each other, support each other, we have to listen to you shrieking BUDDIE CANON CONFIRMED or whatever, because to a certain genre of shipper (not all buddie shippers, etc) any interaction or feeling they have with each other exists only in service to the ship.
I swear to god, I'm gonna banish the phrase "hamster wheel" from y'all's mouths until I get an actual definition as to what you think it means, because from where I sit, to you it just means "he's with someone who's not Eddie." To me, it means that Buck continually fell bass-ackwards into relationships that weren't right for him, looking for something he wasn't even sure what it was. And heyyyyy, he's currently in a relationship that he actively chose and fought for, having learned something new and important about himself, with someone who makes him giddy and excited in a way we have never seen him be, who the people around him can see gives him contentment. But none of that matters, because it's not Eddie, and that is by definition his only appropriate partner, so he must still be on that hamster wheel. Also if we're going by creator intent here, Tim's said he wrote this relationship specifically to reflect Buck being off of it.
As for underdeveloped love interest? I wrote an entire ass essay about how MUCH we know about Tommy, and it's reams compared to anything we've ever known about Buck's girlfriends OR Eddie's current girlfriend who does not even have a last name. Tommy has been introduced in a way that integrates him with the 118, with multiple interests, a character arc of his own from his first appearance, a set of motivations and emotional arcs that are NOT about Buck, and something to actually offer in a relationship besides existing. Anyone saying he's underdeveloped is determined to read him as such, especially for the limited amount of time we've had him.
And I never said Eddie couldn't be read as queer. He can EASILY be read as queer. I said he WOULDN'T be. Those are two different things. If Tommy and Eddie had gotten together (which I give no more narrative weight to than Maddie and Eddie getting together, which was also a gleam in the eye at one point) I'd equally be saying that Buck would never be queer.
It's hilarious to me that I'm being accused of liking a ship because it's hot (it is, and I do, and that's...fine? there's nothing bad about that?) as if people enjoy Buddie because of the amorphous purity of it all and not at ALL because it's hot (it is and you should say so).
If my thoughts about this are so upsetting to you, just block me, dude. I promise I won't take it personally.
Also, just...learn to enjoy a ship whether it's canon or not. I've done it, we've all done it. It's not that hard, especially THIS ship, which has so much good stuff to it regardless of whether there's romance or not. Those of us who like Buck with Tommy are not taking away from you enjoying Buddie, or anyone doing so. It's not like...the State of Buddie will lose congressional representation if the population falls below a certain level. The existence of another ship does not affect yours.
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shaunashipman · 3 months
I don’t care about the karaoke scene but I do think they should release the buck apologizing to Eddie scene because it never should have been cut in the first place
did they actually cut that? like it's confirmed it was filmed? just cause i don't remember, but i also don't read every article so might never have known 🤷‍♀️
anyway i don't know if it's necessarily something that needed to be seen. like buck already got the talking to from maddie about that's not how you behave, and tommy said that eddie was feeling bad about excluding him, so we know eddie isn't going to having any hard feelings about it. is it important that buck does apologize? yes, and the show made sure we knew he did even if we didn't see it. i also just can't see the apology even being that serious of a conversation, cause that's not really buck and eddie's friendship? they can get deep and emotional when it counts, but for something like this i'm imagining more "sorry i was dick yesterday" "eh, beer's are on you for the next month and we'll be even"
also i'm not sure where the apology would have fit in pacing wise? the episode ends with the kiss, you can't have any scene after it, it undermines the kiss as the culmination of the A plot of the ep, and by the next episode it was already saturday date night, so it's been anywhere between 2 and 17 days since the end of the last ep, since time clearly doesn't move linearly in the 911 universe.
now some apology/reconciliation scenes we most definitely should have seen on screen? buck and chim in s5 after maddie and chim came back, and eddie and bobby after eddie blew up at bobby. buck and chim needed a big talk about how they both acted and the lingering anger chimney kept up for weeks and weeks. eddie said some vicious, intentional hurtful things to bobby, and then we just got a throw-away line about him having apologized between episodes, but i think the reason we didn't get to see the apology is because the breakdown wouldn't have happened in nearly the same way if he had gone and apologized to bobby.
bobby let him leave the first time because what eddie said cut so deep and bobby agreed with it so much that he was basically stuck. but if eddie had returned and tried to make any sort of sincere apology, i don't think bobby would have let him leave without some sort of conversation, either leading to the breakdown happening at bobby & athena's, or eddie would have stormed out and bobby would have followed him cause he know what a man on the edge looks like
either way, we get a breakdown with more bobby involved than buck, and, since i firmly believe one of KR's biggest problems as a showrunner was deciding the storylines she wanted and then writing the characters around them instead of the other way around, this wouldn't work. thus the throw-away apology.
honestly nothing had to change except not have eddie say he apologized. not have him mention the visit to bobby's to frank at all. he was already holding so much in, why not hold that in too? would give a delicious extra layer of tension to bobby staying with him while buck took chris to school, and then we could get a proper apology.
and you know what, while i'm talking about things we should have actually seen, what happened to my madney couples therapy? you don't just fuck and decide to move back in together and everything's roses. show me the work they did
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intertexts · 4 months
ALSO OOPS I DONT THINK I EVER SENT YOU THE TRIVIA FOR 27?????? UH OH. OUT OF ORDER. this one is a lot shorter though so it's ok
- bizly opens this one in a baby voice "wewcome to just wolled wiff it!" absolutely insane
- charlie makes excuses for his cracked energy was because he was in the UK and tommy and ranboo were in the other room (TOMMYINNIT JUMPSCARE)
- Jesus is canon yet again. but only in vyncents world
- CONDI THOUGHT HAMSTER DANCE WAS A UNIVERSAL EXPERIENCE AT MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCES. and not just like. a youtube video that everyone knows. they played hamster dance at his middle school dance.
- speaking of which they've been overlorded again because the hamster WAS NOT ORIGINALLY A HAMSTER bizly did that solely because he has never heard hamster dance and wanted to be in on the joke
- charlie gets so worked up over the william short leg thing again and it's REALLY funny. bizly is like "I'll stop bringing it up when you stop having hilarious overreactions to it"
- "why the fuck did william make ice copies of dakotas parents that's so dark man"
"HE DIDNT MEAN IT TO BE !!!!! i think william is not very emotionally intelligent especially when it comes to stuff like this and he wanted to do something sweet for dakota. 'i know. Christmas is a great time for him to see his parents again because it's family and it'll make him happy!' without thinking about the moral implications OR the fact that they would come alive and try to strangle him"
grizzly: "dakota probably doesn't even remember Christmas with his parents"
charlie, REALLY far away from his mic: "WELL FUCK ME THEN"
- that was CONFIRMED mal trying to brwak through the barrier! charlie is TERRIFIED for williams sake especially bc he can't use his powers anymore
- condi: "hes pissed william isn't a planeswalker anymore and thats all he wanted you for"
charlie: "yknow! I dunno if william is a planeswalker anymore! he might not be!"
- WILLIAM WAS ACTUALLY BORN WITH A POWER!!!!! I forgot about this omg. so the one he was born with is called true sight and it means he's always been naturally able to see ghosts and monsters that normal people usually can't. YIPPEE
- he's also still got Kemuri's (smoke guy) powers obv ("that he regrets deeply every day"). they ARE in the spirit world and usually william wouldn't need a guide but since the wisps left him their guide is now master cole! if he were to leave/abandon them or whatever they'd no longer be able to stay in the spirit world. even william
- there are full versions of the colestyle gaming videos hidden somewhere on the patreon. fun fact. they're also talking about now doing one where william plays phasmophobia. or doing one with all 4 of them playing a game and bizly being tide. i don't think they ever actually did that but GOD i would kill for it.
- charlie was being annoying and grizzly responded with "I hope william stays alive *forever*" which sounds like it should be a nice thing to say but the way he said it was so absolutely scathing . brutal.
- quick mac detour theyre back to the game thing charlie says he wants to do a video playing elden ring as gillion and i NEED THAT SOOOO BAD. I miss gillion so much :(
- speaking of gillion idk why there's so much gillion trivia rn but charlie says the inspiration for his voice was "a combination of the spongebob narrator and my himbo fantasy" hello?
HOW HAS BIZLY NEVER HEARD HAMSTER DANCE??????????? yes this is what i'm taking from this. hello. how.
im so delighted w/ william thinking it's a great idea to make ice copies of his friends dead parents. god. NONE of the fucking prime defenders are emotionally intelligent they all have so many problems. prime traumatic stress defenders!!
ive said it like a billion times but i'm so fucking excited for the mal shit!!! i can't waittt!!!!! shaking him back n forth!!! wiwi torment nexus now!!!! also him being born with true sight is REALLY cool actually i feel like. this has been referenced on n off but i didn't realize it was actually a thing.. huh. i wonder if that's why the wisps targeted him. except their entire thing Is being seen so i dunno.!! cool... god. wiwi i love u wiwi... i want to go to deadwood i have so many fucking questions!!! why is the trickster there!! rift between worlds thats just coincidentally in his hometown!!! also i was just thinking ab kemuri's smoke powers im so glad he still feels awful using them :]] "i hope william stays alive forever" MEAN TO HIM!!! holy shit!!! wheezing!!
im gonna have a great time w gillion whenever i get around 2 riptide btw thats so funny. help. spogebob narrator himbo fantasy........
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I disagree with this anon. I mean, yes Twitter became so toxic but it's always been like that. I think buddie shippers felt betrayed because they have been waiting for years for this ship to happen only to be crushed with a new romantic partner for one of them. Like please, think in another ship you have and how suddenly they give one of them another partner and everyone is seeing this new couple as the best of the best and forgetting the original ship. The ship that made possible the new ship. Because the buddie shippers fought to be heard when they said they saw buck as bi. I don't think tevan was possible without the buddie shippers behind!
On the other hand, of course the buddie shippers feel frightening because Tim, the producers, the ABC can decide now that bi buck is enough and they don't need to confirm Eddie gay/queer. And honestly, I think buddie shippers are on board for the queer representation but I also feel like this situation is like they are telling us that we need to settle down with Tommy because we don't deserve more, because that's all we can have. One more confirmed queer character. And that's it. Now they aren't queerbaiting, didn't they? If we want more we're crazy and greedy. Like, you know, you should be thankful. If we're talking about a heterosexual romance, no one would question this. Like the triangles love stories has always existed, but now this is a queer one it is a problem! Like, because this is a queer story we can't complain about it. We can't say we don't like it because then we don't want representation. We're ungrateful.
And I appreciate Oliver, he knows so well this show and the characters, but he's not queer. I think his thought about being a bad rep for us to buck being in love with his friend after he came as queer is not solid at all. So many of us become aware that we're queer because we have a crush on one of our friends. It's not rare. And definitely happens. Like, it's the queer experience.
They said they wanted to do it right... Well they had six seasons to do it. But they didn't. I really want to know how this is going to unfold. The view numbers increased a lot and they know that it wasn't just for Bucktommy, even the new sites know that, everyone asks for buddie . At some point they have to say right in our faces if this is going to happen or not. Oliver understands that but ABC will? Will have to pass six more years, six more seasons of waiting?
I don't think anyone is trying to write some narrative on the characters or story. It was there, buddie didn't become something on the ashes of anything. So that's why people want the pair to become canon.
Sorry for the rant but... I need to say it
Thanks anon for the rant. You made some great points.
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stellocchia · 3 years
Any time that I see a take that's like "c!Dream truly hates c!Tommy" my first thought is always "Yeah, someone should really tell him that".
Because, like, all reasons to believe otherwise aside, this is the same mf that literally BEGGED c!Tommy to not stop visiting him.
Like, let me show you just a small collection of c!Dream being desperate quotes:
“I’m glad you came to visit me, you know? It’s been a while… I- I wish you’d visit me more” (You can just SENSE the hate there, I too wish I could spend more time with those I hate most)
“This is my last visit Dream” “Like e…? Y-y…” “Yeah. Yeah… I’m- this is my last visit seeing you” “You’re- like… forever?” “Yeah. Yeah I think so” “Well… forever is a long time” (Forever without seeing Tommy is a long time, but immortality side by side isn't. Because spending time with those you hate makes it go by faster)
"This is my last time visiting you. So anything you wanna say to me now you can- you have to say to me now. Uhm, 'cause I’m not gonna see you again” “Why?” And “This is my last time here. I might- I kinda- I don’t wanna-” “But why?” (Why would Tommy not want to see Dream if he hates him? I'm telling you, Tommy is the obsessed one here. Dream isn't, which is why he's so confused)
“Listen, when I’m around you my brain feels like I’m fucking conditioned to be your friend but also when I have a knife I wanna just plunge it into your heart man it’s like I don’t- you don’t make me a good person Dream, you make me bad, alright? All this shit that’s happened has been because of you and I don’t- I’m moving onto bigger and better things now bitch. I- I’m done. I’m done” “But isn’t- what if- what if you just- like once a month or something?” (Okay Tommy, I get you're venting, but you're not getting Dream's question here. Are you visiting again or not? Hate visit. To hate hangout of course)
“You ruined my past Dream, but you will not ruin my future” “I’m not- I- I- Tommy! I’m trying- I’m trying to change, to be better and not be the same person I was and you- it- it doesn’t- y- you can visit me. Like, every now and then, right? It’ll help! It’ll help! Right? It’ll help- it’ll help me… be better” (Yes, spending time with the person you hate most in the world notoriously helps you become a better person. Tommy, who stated that Dream makes him worse just doesn't get that)
And before anyone goes "but Stell, he was locked up in prison, of course, he'd be desperate for company from anyone who'd be willing to give it" no, no you don't understand. This was before there was a ban on visitations. c!Dream still got visitors, sporadically as they were, but still. We can see how he acted toward his other visitors and this sort of desperation? Yeah no, that's a c!Tommy exclusive behavior.
Add to that the fact that from c!Dream's short pov we have the confirmation that he organized the attack on the prison that got c!Tommy locked up in there and it's like. Yeah, I too would create a whole elaborate plan just to be able to spend 2-3 weeks alone in a very small room with the one guy I hate most. Just locked in there. No possibility to get a break from them. That's a completely normal thing to do. Vacation with the worstie <3
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
i don't really know how this thought came to me but consider a reader who's a pillager hybrid of their whole family are pillagers but the reader doesn't really... agree with their lifestyle so they run away and move to the Dream SMP and no one knows they're pillager origins until their family comes looking for them?? also i've been binging ur stuff, i love ur blog, this is my first time asking :)
I really really love this idea, I’m such a sucker for things like this hahahaha.
But yeah. So you’re born and raised in a Pillager tower, your mother was a human that your father fell in love with once he saw her being cruel to villagers. Growing up you were always taken on the raids when your parents would go on and you would watch as Villagers were slaughtered left and right with no mercy. It always made you feel sick to your stomach while many others were having the time of their lives. When the raid was over and won, you would go back to the tower and people would marvel in their victories, and you would pretend you were also excited, but those nights were always plagued with nightmares of the villagers’ screams and fire that destroyed the towns. As you grew up, you were able to make your own decisions. So you went on less raids, still going on some to please your parents, but the guilt grew more and more with each town destroyed. So when you finally turned 18, you decided to leave for good. You packed up everything that you could carry in your inventory and wrote a small note to your parents explaining that you had to leave, you couldn’t raid and pillage any longer. You left the note on your mother’s nightstand, pressing a small kiss to both of their foreheads before leaving the only place you’ve ever called home. 
You wander for the whole night, the mobs leaving you alone (after all, like kind recognizes like) and then for half the day once the sun comes up before you stumble into the SMP. From far off in the distance you can see multiple beacons of light coming from inside a really really big stone building. So like a moth, you’re drawn to the light and wander inside this castle. You stumble onto a wooden plank path that seems to go everywhere are the new town you have found. As you’re walking through the castle just looking around, you aren’t paying attention and you stumble, literally stumble, into someone. You catch yourself before you fall and you look to who you just ran into. You see a man with a green hoodie, a white smiley face mask with blonde tufts of hair poking out of the top. “Woah there… Who are you, I’ve never seen you before” he questions, his tone kind of harsh. You don’t blame him though, a complete stranger wandering into this new place uninvited, you’re honestly surprised you didn’t get an axe to the head. “Hi. Sorry, I’m Y/N. I’ve just… I’ve just left home and I saw this place. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude. I’ll leave now!” You rush out, attempting to turn around and run out of the castle, but a hand catches your wrist. “Hey wait a minute,” he commands softly, turning you back around. “It’s okay. You’re okay. I was just surprised… You said you just left home?” You give the man a shy nod, “Yeah, my people were… doing some things I didn’t approve of and so I left as soon as I was able to… I can leave now if you want” The man doesn’t let go of your wrist, “You said you just left home?” You nod in confirmation, “Well, if you want, you could live here. Well not here in the castle, but here in the SMP. I’m Dream and this is my SMP. There are a lot of people here that are actually very nice. You can build your house in the SMP and live here. But if you want to keep wandering, that’s okay too” the man called Dream offers. You think about it for a moment, “Do you think you could show me around before I make my decision?” Dream gives you a quick nod before letting go of your wrist, “Of course. Do you want to go now?” “Sure!” So Dream shows you around the SMP and introduces you to a few new people who all give you waves and friendly smiles and welcome you to the new land. All throughout the tour, Dream subtly asks you about where you're from, but you brush off his questions and for once in his life he doesn’t push it. “So what do you think? You want to stay here?” You give a quick look around and think about everyone you met, “Yeah, I would thank you!” 
And so you stay. You build your house, something with light wood that doesn’t resemble a tower at all. You also make friends with everyone else on the SMP. Somehow you reveal that you’re really good at combat with an axe and a crossbow, probably while sparring with someone, maybe Tommy because we all know he would definitely challenge a new person to duel him and then call you a coward so you would duel him and win and claim you cheated, but it makes everyone stare at you in wonder for a little bit and become just a little more afraid of you. You never tell anyone where you’re from or that you’re part pillager and that your family is made up of pillagers. You don’t think it’s important. That’s in your past and the SMP is your family now so now your family is made up of even more hybrids and more diverse people. Your past remains in your past… Until it comes knocking at your front door… 
You wake one morning to a pounding on your front door. You of course are very confused because you weren’t expecting anyone. But you get out of bed and answer the door and you find  a panicked Tommy and Tubbo standing there. “Boys, what can I-” “There are a bunch of pillagers here. They’re asking about you. They’re threatening to burn everything down if we don’t bring you.” Tubbo rambles. “We won’t let them take you and we were told to keep you here, but we just thought we should let you know.” Tommy chimes in. Your blood runs cold. Why? Why is this happening? You don’t answer the boys and you ignore their ‘keep you here bs’ before you reach over and grab your axe and crossbow and run out of the house. Tubbo and Tommy yell after you, share a look before, and run after you. You run up and find a few people, Dream, Techno, Wilbur, Philza, Sapnap, Punz, (Ya know, the best fighters… foreshadowing lol) and standing opposite of them your parents with a few other pillagers behind them. The sound of your footsteps caused all heads to snap to you. Everyone from the SMP seemed shocked to see you and stared past you and glared at the two boys. “You were supposed to keep them home” Dream hisses to the children. “They took off before we could stop them” Tubbo pants, trying to catch his breath. “Y/N go home” Techno demands, but you don’t listen. All of your attention is focused on those you used to call your family. “What are you doing?” You ask exasperated. Your father smirks at you, “Oh my dear child we’re here to bring you home of course.” And you can feel all eyes snap to you. A wave of disappointment flooded you, they all knew now. “They know” you’d think to yourself, “They know what a horrible person you are and what terrible past you come from.” You take a deep breath before speaking again, “I’m not coming home. This is my home now. Go away, leave us alone.” Laughter bubbles from the group in front of you, “Oh silly silly child. You are not home, home is back at the tower. Come now.” Your mother says, beckoning you forward. “No. I’m not going.” The smirks and smiles turn into angry stares, “No? Oh, I see how it is” your mother speaks up. “Too bad you are coming with us.” Your father barks before lunging forward for you and attempts to grab you. Before you can even react, you’re being pulled back and you’re now being protected. The two most powerful people on the server, Dream and Techno, have formed a wall in front of you with their weapons pointed at the pillagars. “Now,” Techno begins, his monotone voice two octaves deeper and threatening, “We can do this the easy way or the hard way.” Your father lunges forward once more, throwing his fist out, trying to punch Techno in the face. Techno simply caught your father’s wrist and smirked, “Alright, hard way it is” 
A full on brawl begins. 
Techno quickly takes your father while Dream takes your mother. Everyone else charges and begins fighting the rest of them. Fists are flying before arrows join the ranks in that as well. You begin fighting someone you barely recognize. Your whole energy and focus is on winning because you know if you lose it’s back to raiding and pillaging villages and you really don’t want to. You manage to down the person you’re fighting and you turn and see that all the other pillagers are either also downed or being fought by one of your friends. Your eyes catch Techno and Dream who were still fighting your father and mother respectively. You’re just about to approach when Techno gets your father in a chokehold and manages to completely debilitate him. “Call them off” Techno demands. Your father doesn’t say anything at first, his fingers desperately clawing at the arm around his throat. Techno squeezes tighter, “Did I hesitate? I said call them off” Finally your father comes to his senses, “Retreat!” He gasps out. Immediately all of the pillagers stop their fight and run back to where they were first gathered up. Techno lets go of your father and gives him a hard shove in the direction. Your father moves to stand next to your mother and all eyes fall on you again. “Leave. And never come back, or I won’t hesitate to let them kill you” your speak, your voice stone cold. You can tell your mother wants to protest, but your father catches her wrist and shakes his head no. Without another word, your father turns around and walks through the crowd and toward the direction of their tower. Confused and a little irritated all other pillagers turn too and follow your father back to where they came from. 
You and the rest stand there and watch them retreat until they are out of sight. And once again all eyes fall on you. You can’t help but look to the ground as tears form in your eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know they would come for me… I understand if you want me to leave forever… Now that you know what I truly am… A monster” you spit out the words as if their poison. It is quiet for a moment and you figure that they’re all silently agreeing. You’re about to speak again when a pair of arms wrap tightly around you, and then another, and another, and another, until you’re pretty sure everyone there, even Techno, is in the group hug. The tears that had welled up in your eyes were now freely falling down your cheeks. “Y/N,” Dream begins, “We never want you to leave. Why would you think that?” A pathetic sob escapes your lips, “Because I’m part pillager because I raided and destroyed villages. I’m a monster, Dream. I don’t deserve you guys.” Everyone seems about to jump in, but through blurry eyes you see Philza give them all a look. All of the arms let you go, except for one pair that holds you even tighter, “Y/N, you’re not a monster. What you did today and what you have done in the past proves it. Today you refused to go with them, you ran away from them, you didn’t want to be a part of their lifestyle. You’re not a monster hun, you never were and you never will be” Philza comforts. His words hit your heart. You’re not a monster, no one thinks you’re a monster. More sobs escape your lips, this time they’re sobs of relief. They don’t want you to leave. You’re safe here. Philza lets you cry in his arms, he holds you for as long as you need. After a few moments you compose yourself and slowly pull out of the blonde man’s arms. “Sorry about that” you apologize, clearing your throat. “Didn’t mean to lose my cool there” Everyone around you laughs. “It’s okay Y/N. You’ve just had a big emotional thing happen, and you were pulled right of bed to experience it. It’s okay that you’re a little emotional.” Wilbur comforts, taking a step forward and resting a warm hand on your back. You completely pull away from Phil and give the tall boy a quick hug. “Hey are we doing individual hugs, because I want a hug too!” Sapnap chimes, marching forward and flinging his arms open. You can’t help but giggle and pull away from Wilbur, “We can do individual hugs if you want too” You claim, falling into his open arms. He lets out a triumphant lap and swings you around in joy. “Alright hog, let them go we want hugs too” Sapnap, still holding on to you, looks over his shoulder before picking you up and running away with you. “Hey selfish! Get back here!” And soon everyone is chasing you and Sapnap around demanding hugs. This wasn’t how you planned to tell everyone about your past, you’re not sure if you ever were going to, but you wouldn’t change it for the world.
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corysmiles · 3 years
This is full of nothing and fluff, so prepare lmao
After a while, they began organizing group dinners, where they would all meet up in the evening and eat together. It took a bit of convincing Tommy's parents, but they accepted more easily when they realized it was just between close friends. Wilbur was already living on his own so it was no problem and Phil always was a free spirit. 
And so, at least once a week, they met up at Techno's abode to spend the night together.
Tommy was elated to see all of the furniture now 10 times his size, and all the objects and decoration. "We're gonna have to try and play Hide and Seek, big man. Because this looks like the best fucking playground!" Wilbur, meanwhile, was looking in awe at the whole thing. It felt weird to be so not rightly scaled, but he got used to it soon enough.
Phil was the most surprising of all, due to the fact that he wasn't surprised at all. Even unbothered, in fact. Techno wondered if he was faking it to make him feel better, but everything seemed honest. For someone who claims to never have interacted with giants, he acted as if this was his everyday life. One day he wanted to ask him about that, but he figured those were not the time.
And so they would gather around, bringing each a part of the meal so they could enjoy together. 
Sometimes, techno would drink the potion and join them, other times, he would stay at his regular size and simply enjoy the conversation. It was fine like that, Techno liked it. And his friends didn't seem to mind so it was perfect. (Well, Phil kind of minded, but he was always like that whenever he as much as looked at the potion so that wasn't really anything to go by.)
But it was nice, Wilbur would even bring his guitar from time to time, noticing Techno had a violin. He hasn't touched the instrument in a while but seeing Wilbur play the guitar, it was very tempting. 
"You should try and play again, Techno! We could even make a duet! That would be fun"
"Maybe one day, yeah… but I would need to practice, it's been years."
"Well I don't know violin" Phil perked up "but I'm around Tommy almost everyday, so I'm used to bad sounds" he chuckled
"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN??"Tommy argued, baffled, which made the other three laugh. 
"But yeah, I think I'm gonna try to play again, it could be fun."
"How did you even get a violin this size? Are there giant shop owners ?"
Techno crackled at that "Na. I made it myself. Took a while, but I'm proud of the result."
Wilbur made an "ooohh" before returning to his meal with a smile. 
It was pretty quiet for a while, everyone enjoying the silence before Wilbur perked up again. 
"I'm wondering, are there giant animals? Like cows or chicken? How do you eat?" 
Phil's fork almost dropped on the plate and looked at Wil with wide eyes, while Tommy added "hey yeah! You never eat with us when you're all big, how come?"
Techno smirked a bit at the question, and his hand reached for a counter. "Actually" he said, grabbing and showing an object they knew all too well "This is why I brought the potion in the first place." 
Wilbur looked confused, but kept smiling, while Tommy exclaimed "wait, really?!?" 
He chuckled "yeah. If creatures like that exist, I never found any. So I started hunting and eating stuff at human size, so when the potion effects wears off, it's like I ate a meal my size. That's how it started, pretty funny when you think about it."
Wilbur laughed a bit "yeah, who would've thought it would lead to this."
"Not me, that's for sure" techno confirmed.
The rest of the meal was spent in comfortable silence. Yet he could feel another question lingered in the brunette's tongue. Carefully, he bopped his hair with one of his fingers, and ruffled his hair gently, which made Wilbur laugh. It wasn't holding yet, but he was getting better at the whole contact thing. "What's stuck in that head of yours, Wilbur?" 
The other continued to laugh a bit even after techno stopped, and he sheepishly smiled. "Well, I have a question, but it might come off as very rude, so I don't know if I should ask."
Phil turned to Wilbur, with an almost scolding glare "wilbur, don-" 
"It's alright, Phil." He lifted a hand before turning his gaze towards Wilbur "ask away."
"Well… About the, hm… myths. Is that… is any of it true?" He finally said, clearly trying to word it inoffensively. 
It was vague enough that Tommy didn't know what he was talking about, and Phil stayed silent, though his brows furrowed. 
Techno bore a small, earnest smile. There was something that could be mistaken for sadness, but it wasn’t quite. 
"Maybe a long time ago, but not that I know of. Giants heard of it too, but from tales and legends taking place so long ago the line between fiction and reality is a huge blur." he couldn't blame Wilbur for his curiosity, and he was surprised the question didn't even make him nervous. He was glad. Very glad. 
"And I didn't meet a lot of giants in my lifetime, but none of them did it, so yeah. Maybe it was true at one point, but I think if it still was, humans would clearly be aware of it."
Wilbur hummed, satisfied with the answer. He took another bite of his meal "yeah, I mean to us, it's only a myth, so it makes sense. Thanks." 
"No problem?" Techno had an amused smile on his face. Wilbur was a weird one sometimes, asking the weirdest or scariest things with only a childish smile on his face. 
Tommy turned to look at wilbur, then technoblade, then wilbur again, before speaking “What the fuck are you two talking abou-”
“Nothing” They hummed in unison. 
Eventually, the night fell completely and it was time for the humans to go home. They waved goodbye and walked toward the exit, but before they walked through the door, Wilbur turned around sharply and prompted "Can I sleep at your house tonight?" 
Techno, phil and tommy were all taken aback. "You can go home if you want" he reassured the two blonds "I just really like Techno's house." 
"Uhh" techno hesitated. It's not like Wilbur was in any danger, he was careful not to fall from heights… and he would be dead sooner than letting his friends get hurt. 
"You don't have to, if you would rather sleep alone" the brunette was quick to add once he saw the small tension in Techno's stance.
"I think it'd be fine. I spent nights at your house after all, it's only fair. Yeah, you can stay." Techno settled on, earning another bright smile from the human. 
After a couple of minutes, it was just the two of them. It was a bit awkward, seeing as it was the first time Techno was at real size on a one on one. But Wilbur didn't seem to see it that way, enjoying the view. 
"Want me to join you down there?" He asked. 
"Nope! You don't have to worry about a thing!" Wilbur simply replied, grabbing on a drawer handle and slowly making his way up. Techno was quick to put his hand below in case he fell.
"You could have warned me!" Techno complained, to which the other simply laughed a quick "sorry". Not stopping at all. 
After almost falling only twice (and techno almost getting a heart attack two times), Wilbur made it onto a safe platform. The two sighed,one from exhaustion, the other from relief. And he laughed again.
"Tommy wasn't lying. This house really is an amazing playground." He stated, earning a snort from Techno.
"Did you want to stay at my house so you could play with the room without any remark?" He asked, amused. 
"Maybe" Wilbur admitted. “But I also like to spend some time with you. You’re always a comforting presence.” 
"Pff, yeah, right." Techno tried to ignore the warmth coming for his cheeks and ears. “You’re just saying that so I help you with something.” 
“No, no, I mean it, techno. You’re a good friend.” And when he turned to meet the human’s face, it was a simple, honest smile. They stared at each other for a moment, unspoken words being said. Unspoken promises being made. 
Techno stared at his friend’s eyes and saw: not fear. Not méfiance, not worry. His eyes were full of acceptance. Filled with joy and curiosity and wonder. It was the first time he had ever seen such an expression, and yet this look was dedicated to him. Wilbur had waited for them to be in absolute intimacy to offer him this moment.
A good friend.
Techno laughed. Quietly at first, but it grew and grew until the sounds filled the whole room. Wilbur could probably feel the vibration through his whole body but he couldn’t stop. The brunette soon joined in and happiness filled the entire room for god knows how long. Maybe it was two minutes, maybe it was an hour. 
The laughters quieted down eventually, and Techno noticed the fond way Wilbur looked at him. The warmth quickly reached his whole face as he failed to keep a neutral expression. He coughed to wash away his awkwardness. “What- what with that face?” 
"Nothing. It's just nice to see you less restrained." Wilbur smiled "you're always so careful when we're all together." 
"Well, I have to be careful around humans." He hummed, pointing a finger at his friend "you're so small."
"Eh. You couldn't bruise us even if you tried" wilbur shrugged off. "But it's nice! We should do this more often if that means I get to hear your laugh like that more."
Techno cursed himself for the smile that wouldn't wear off. 
"Yeah… maybe we should."
-Written by @melissa-s23 please send them love!!! I love the fluff so much
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buddielove · 3 years
Hi! I'm a gay fan of 911 and I have a question about the whole Buddie fandom. As much as I like Buck and Eddie, it's frustrating that a HUGE part of the fandom is pushing for these two characters to get together instead of putting energy into supporting Hen & Carla and Michael & Dave. Not to mention Carlos and TK in Lone Star. Can you explain to me the appeal of wanting these two men together? Wouldn't it be more interesting to see two heterosexual males just be able to bond in a non-toxic fashion? That's something we don't get to see often on television.
Hey! This is MAD long lmao I am so sorry! You caught me on a day I felt like talking! Also this took like a year to answer you lolololol. This does have a few ʻhot takesʻ so please be warned! So like in this essay....
So first I am also apart of the LGBTQIA+ community, so I do understand how it could come across as a fetish or being non supportive of the current canonically LGBTQIA+ characters, however I think a lot of the interest around Buddie and the want for them to be confirmed as a couple is how they are being written. Me personally I knew since s2 e1 Buck and Eddie were written not as rivals but as two people who would eventually become friends, but it wasn’t until the Christmas episode with the elf assuming Buck was Chris’s dad and Eddie’s partner that I was like ‘hold on!’ because I was really hoping Abbey would return and I didn’t see Eddie as a possible Buck live interest because of that. The elf’s comment wasn’t played off like most other shows would (think Dean and Sam arriving anywhere in Supernatural) it made me go back and look at the other episodes to see exactly how Buck and Eddie were being framed/written. And as we have moved into further seasons I think there has been a shift in how Buddie is being written, in s3 it was very much like two people progressing into a deeper friendship then the blood clot/lawsuit gets in the way and they both have to deal with emotions surrounding that, then Buck’s response to Eddie being trapped (we see how is he when Boddy is trapped in a fire WITH A GUNMAN, it’s emotional but not to the point is is with Eddie), even the love interests feel very pushed on us and there’s so little banter between Buddie about their gfs and how they feel about these new beginnings. It feels off, not like a friendship in the slightest, more like two people trying to force something and not wanting to deal with any other feelings. Then when Eddie gets shot and reveals Buck is Chris’s legal Guardian in the event Eddie dies, that’s huge, and he did this after only a year of knowing Buck (I have friends with kids. I’ve known one of them for FIVE years, I’m at their house every week, the kid calls me family. I’m person #10 on the list of ‘who gets my kid if I die’, not #1 lol) It just feels like it’s all building up to something, and people are getting tired of waiting for that something! We’re all emotionally tired from the past two years, and probably from many shows queerbaiting us and this is something that could happen, seems to be something the actors are ok with and the fans want. So why do they keep drawing it out. This isn’t about us demanding they ignore the chance to write a healthy platonic male friendship, or forcing two characters to be gay, it’s about holding the writers to what they’ve implied and seeing what could come of it.
Also think of it like this; If Buddie is confirmed it will still be a good example of a healthy friendship which then developed into something else, like Booth/Bones! Showing the natural progression of friendship to relationship that happens a lot in real life. It’s two men who previously (on screen at least) have only been with woman, but now they have an emotionally connection with someone which they then develop and explore. This could be 911’s first nontoxic depiction of two gay characters coming together, because sorry not sorry the canon couples aren’t perfect (which does humanize them) but they also reenforce harmful troupes that plaque the LGBTQIA+ community, which I’m sure you understand: TK was a drug addict, who only got with Carlos at first cause he was hot and sex was TK’s new addition (all gay men are sex addicts who do drugs and sleep with anything that moves). Carlos was ashamed and wanted to keep TK on the downlow (poc gay men want to pretend to be straight but have free access to gay sex). Hen cheated on Karen seemingly the first chance she got (lesbians can’t handle monogamy when pushed, and cheat on their long term partners). All known and documented troupes that happen far too often.
I’m not saying Buddie is some gay jesus ship that’s gonna save the entertainment industry but if done right it could prove to be one of the few healthy depictions of two men getting into a gay relationship we have. If they plan it out correctly, show us the relationship development, like they did with Maddie/Chim for example, Buddie could be used as a positive example of a gay fictional relationship (I really could go into depth about this. I probably should tbh).
As for not supporting Hen and KAREN, or Michael and DAVID, I think fans do support them! The writers don’t. If you read fanfics Henren and Michael/David are featured heavily in many fics, and ik some people might say ‘well they’re only there so Buddie can talk about their gay side!!’ but both these couples have their own fans and fanfic tags! They aren’t just plot devices in Buddie stories. There is a huge side of the fandom that supports Henren and wants to see more of them and their family. Same with Michael and David, during the episode where Michael and Bobby team up to find that plastic surgeon who was working illegally many people where ecstatic that we were getting more Michael/David content and that David was getting more than a couple lines. But sadly it seems like the writers only want to delve into these story lines when they need filler, they even miss opportunities to include these other LGBTQIA+ characters when it makes sense;
(Someone came for me about this but I am going to bring it up again)
When Chris is sad and wants more human connection, instead of bring Harry + Michael/David and Denny+Nia+Henren back into the picture (and yes I understood at the time the pandemic was bad (lmao still is!!), but all the actors at some point would have/had crossed over into each other’s ‘bubbles’, so ALL the actors would have been exposed to each other so getting the children together with adults they had ALREADY been with during shooting wouldn’t have been a super spreader event) but instead they brought in Ana after only two on screen dates and pretended like it was a logical thing for someone who’s up to that point been extremely careful with their child.
They really could have pushed the ‘118 is a family!’ message here and included the canonically gay supporting characters, and the lesbian main character(s) but they did not and instead chose to push the Ana/Eddie coupling even though they hadn’t properly developed it yet. The writers themselves don’t seem to care about developing their canonically gay characters and including them more than they have to but fans are continuously developing Henren and Michael/David with hc and fics.
I’d like to use your logic against you for a second, in s1 we have a very healthy, platonic friendship between Chim/Bobby but that got written out to the point they are more like boss/employee unless the scene calls for them to seem closer, we now have Bobby and Michael friendship but again we hardly see Michael. On Lone Star we have Owen and Judd as a really, really good example of a healthy male friendship but we see Judd more often with Tommy now then we do with Owen, and in s2 it’s overshadowed by Owen trusting Charlie from Twilight and constantly getting fucked over! Why can’t the writter just be happy with these happy, healthy, emotionally well male-male friendship they’ve already included and expand upon them. There’s enough drama because the show literally involves burning buildings and people’s lives being at risk from some natural/man made disaster ever 12 seconds. Does it need to have so much interpersonal conflict and male peacocking??
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blockgamepirate · 3 years
Feel free to ignore, if you don't feel like answering! But I'm so interested in your thoughts on the newest Wilbur-stream and what it revealed about his character. I'd love to hear your insights (if you have any particular insights, that is!) Always appreciate your analyses!
Aww thank you!
Tbh I have a lot of thoughts but nothing properly sorted yet. (Also idk how original any of my thoughts are because I’ve barely been reading other people’s thoughts. I’m just kinda dealing with some minor health issues rn, it’s draining all my energy.)
I guess the clearest part is that this confirmed a lot of things about past-Wilbur, that he did in fact lie to Phil (I mean I didn't doubt that but it helps to hear it) and that it likely was because he didn't want Phil to worry/be disappointed in him which is basically what I assumed.
Also that L'Manburg really wasn't as serious for him as he used to imply, although I think part of that might also be that it's been 13 years since he cared about it and being trapped in limbo would probably make anyone re-evaluate their priorities and maybe realise that the specific country wasn't as important as what that country represented for him. Which is a healthy conclusion to come to. I don't think it's all about the re-evaluation though, I've always read Wilbur's relationship to L'Manburg as less noble than what he wanted others to believe. A tool to "stick it to the man" kind of makes sense. What he didn't say explicitly, but what I think was pretty heavily implied, was also that it was a tool to gain power for himself, to benefit from division on the server. (See also the very last scene with Quackity's letter.) He’s an opportunist and L’Manburg was an opportunity for him. I think he did get invested in it along the way, though, I don’t think all of that was fake.
The way he manipulates Tommy is also pretty similar to how he originally got Tommy on board with his potion scheme and later L'Manburg. The difference is that Tommy is much more aware of it this time so we'll see how it goes. Right now he seems to be falling right back to his role as Wilbur’s... idk, sidekick I guess, but he’s also at least somewhat aware of the fact that it’s happening.
Other stuff is more complicated.
I think the most relatable part of Wilbur's character now is just how happy he is to be alive and to meet other people again, which makes a lot of sense. And for all that he made fun of Ranboo, he seems to be starting out trying to have good connections with everyone, he basically apologised or otherwise reconciled with everyone he met, or at least tried to be somewhat diplomatic. I think that's basically him trying to start over and get a sense of where everyone is at right now, for future plans. My guess is that both in character and out of character Wilbur knows that allegiances might be very different this time around. Although he still wants to include Tommy. I'm curious to see whether that's going to happen or not, Tommy is so wary of Wilbur but then again I know the two of them like to stream together so they might actually end up having their characters team up despite everything and hooooo boy....
That said I hope it won't be too much like the Pogtopia arc, I hope Tommy will have a bit more plot agency and not mainly just exist to criticise Wilbur and to try to convince him not to do what he's planning to do. (I was always really disappointed that the Tubbo, Tommy, Niki team up never happened after the Red Festival. IMO it was built up and then it just went nowhere, idk if it had something to do with irl issues or if it just didn't fit the plot outline but in any case it was a missed opportunity.)
Wilbur living with Phil is kinda... I have mixed feelings because I'd love to see them interact more but I'm pretty sure it won't end well and I don't know which bad ending is going to be the one that happens. I just care about Phil's character a lot. And oh god the Syndicate...
I have NO IDEA how Wilbur is supposed to know about the Syndicate and I'm not a fan, honestly. There better be a really good explanation for it because Wilbur didn't just know vaguely that there was some kind of anarchist society that had formed which could be common knowledge what with how unsubtle those nerds are, but he even knew what it was called, which implies that either somebody snitched or there's something weird going on.
I'm kinda worried because I wanted the Syndicate to actually get to have SOME development before it had to face a crisis.
Also damn you Wilbur for that "government" comment, I don't have the spoons to go through those debates again. I don't particularly care what his intent was, it's painful either way.
I guess overall I'm both excited and worried because I do like Wilbur's content and his character (well, except when I don't) and I genuinely love his style of storytelling which was already a huge breath of fresh air, but I hope it won't end up sidelining other plots. Quackity has barely even gotten started and the Egg arc hasn't yet had a full conclusion. I hope they'll all be tied together, rather than just happen awkwardly in parallel. (I know Dream promised plotlines would be tied together but Dream has promised a lot of things that turned out to be misleading, I don't trust him lol)
(I mean I personally don’t even care that much about the Egg plot, it’s really just not my thing, but it’s there and it would just make it even less satisfying if it basically just ended with the Banquet. It was built up as such an existential threat and it really hasn’t been that at all. Something that ominous kinda needed to actually take over the entire server, or at least cause a proper bloodbath, otherwise it just loses its menace.)
I don't know, we'll see. What I'm hoping is that Wilbur's first plan is to break Dream out because that's been a long time coming and would be more interesting than just "Wilbur starts a new scheme with Tommy". I mean he's obviously going to start a new scheme, but I just want the prison break plot first. And I'm guessing now that Wil lives with Phil, Techno might also be involved which would FINALLY resolve the "favour" which has just been hanging in the air for ages, and hopefully also some of the tension between Techno and Dream's characters which goes back even further. And Techno's character, as an anarchist, just should be anti-prison in general.
Idk, like I said, I lots of thoughts, nothing properly sorted yet.
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dreamsclock · 4 years
Hello again! i wrote the "he built it that way on purpose" ask, (could i be cat anon btw?) I agree with your suspicion of warden!sam, i don't really trust him in the slightest. I'd love to hear your more in depth opinions on warden!sam. I also have a google doc of opinions on c!dream because i had to get those thoughts out. If you want to see it i could link it in another ask. I really enjoy your opinions!!
hello cat anon, tysm for this ask!!! this answer will run off the fact that smp!sam, warden!sam and sam nook are the same people - i don’t know if that’s been confirmed, but that’s what i’ll be operating under! if this information changes, i’ll update my own thought accordingly ,, this is just what i’m thinking now!!
so smp!sam was one of the first people on the server, one of the og eight, and one of smp!dream’s associates. he was pretty neutral for most of everything, right up until dream blew up the community house and sam locked dream inside the prison. this is probably one of the reasons he was chosen to be warden - other than the fact he built the prison and is the only one who knows all the ins and outs of it, sam was neutral for the most part. his feelings towards dream should be mild dislike at best, right?
except sam is fond of tommy and tubbo. and he now knows what dream has done to them, especially tommy, in prison. why dream told sam about this, i have no idea (though,, i have my theories,, but that’s for another post), but in any case, this is the first hint of why sam hates dream so much that we get, you know? he mentions this to puffy in a stream about the egg when they’re debating calling on tommy for help, saying something along the lines of “we can’t ask tommy, he’s just a kid” and “dream told me what he put him through in exile, it was horrible”. coupled with his sam nook bit to keep tommy from being less destructive and more like a kid? yeah, sam strongly dislikes dream, and for fair reasons.
...it’s after this we get the sense that smp!dream isn’t just sad anymore, like he was in tommy’s visit. he isn’t just miserable and defeated and potentially manipulative. something else is going on under the surface, something we only see through the limited time we see warden sam and dream. dream implies sam doesn’t always give him enough food if he misbehaves, and sam has a pickaxe labelled “warden’s will”, which is,,, frankly a terrifying thing with horrifying implications, if you want to look at it that way. we see smp!dream’s very quick deterioration over the course of the streams: given that warden sam is the only one with access to him, and how annoyed he sounds by dream every time he a) throws away his clock to get his attention, b) goes on strike for better conditions (it’s openly acknowledged that the prison is inhumane BY the characters themselves, but warden sam doesn’t even consider the strike: interesting) and c) he asks whoever visits him if dream said “anything else” to him when leaving....
i don’t want to point fingers, but i think smp!dream isn’t being cared for much by warden sam, and i think my statement is an UNDERstatement. can we fully blame sam? no, because we know how much he cares for tommy and tubbo, and he must be so, so angry at how dream treated them - and because he blew up the community house too. but this is only another reason why the prison is a bad idea in general - sam literally has power over whether dream lives, dies, suffers, heals, etc. that’s WAY too much power to have over another human being.
absolute power corrupts absolutely in real life - the same applies to the server. what has been the downfall of every character who has fallen recently; wilbur, schlatt, dream? 
power. and sam currently has the most powerful person on the server under his control, making HIM technically the most powerful.
it’s a dangerous position, especially considering we all know how he feels about dream, AND considering there’s currently a corrupting egg creeping through the server...
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astroninaaa · 3 years
Hot take a talk about technoblade:
Okay look I've been part of this fandom since August(thank god cuz i watched it all live and it woukd be a nightmare to caatch up) I bring this up cuz i want to discuss my problem with technos character. I have watched every single techno livestream that he made on dream smp and believe it or not i used to be a techno sympathiser that is until doomsday. (By techno apologist standards i am qualified to talk about his character hooray..)
Now techno like every character is flawed if he wasn't he would be boring fandom. One of his biggest flaws is being a hypocrite. That is not something you realise until you compare what he says all the time so you need to look a little deeper to realise it and i don't blame people for not seeing it.
This wouldn't be that much of a problem because that is a character flaw among with many others but the problem that his character has faced is that he doesn't develop much.
Now i hear techno apologist jump at me every single time noooo he isn't a stagnant character he has developed a lot. I am not saying that he hasn't developed at all the problem is that he has developed very little especially when you consider everything.
His goals his ideas his perception of the world what he believes him everything that makes his character him hasn't changed much and that is not a good thing from a writing perspective. Now why do i bring this up. Firstly I'm not saying this to say techno is a bad writer far from it he can be very good when he puts his mind to it. The problem with keeping a character in this state is that it's very harmful for said character first and to the story and other characters second. Look even at yourselves i can guarantee that you aren't the exact same person you were like five years ago for example because during that time you made mistakes learned from them and you grew. Just like in real life you also can't stay stagnant in fiction.
Okay so that's the main problem with technos character that he is stagnant as a character. Now this wouldn't be as big of a problem if he didn't have the role that he has.
You see techno both c! and cc! are very good at the game basically. Now why do i bring this up. The reason why i bring this up is bc of where this places techno whuch is at the very top of the chain don't try and seny it. This means that he is one of the most powerful people on the server if you are going to try and go against this point just look at lmanberg guys that's living proof of how powerful and how terrifying he actually is. I know a lot of you are gonna say but every can get stacked or play the game but you guys forget that even if you are stacked you just don't have the skill and cc! Techno of the best people when it comes to that which bleeds into his character. Saying that is like looking at the upper class than looking at the lower class saying just get rich like it doesn't work like that.
Because of his role techno is literally the 1% by rl standards which means he can a lit of things free of consequences bc no one can give him said consequences. The butcher army was ig an attempt at that but they failed miserably let's be real here.
Because he is in the 1% is incredibly skilled at pvp and can do anything bc no one can challenge him this places him on a pedestal and creates a power imbalance a very big one at that.
And that leads to his biggest problem he has practically everything as said by Techno himself and is never challenged, but that's not an interesting character. An audience gets tired for a character that always wins or loses. Because if it happens repeatedly it just takes all the suspense oh he will win immediately. He will go and slaughter them problem solved. That's it every time. Something that techno himself confirmed is then when he has a problem he just stabs it (both of these were said during the egg stream).
And if you are going to bring the things he went through to say he's changed don't cuz as long as he doesn't act on it it means nothing. Like examples Red festival killed tubbo an ally. Traumatic experience right? This is a good moment to develop his character and give us more insight. What happens? Techno tries to dismiss it and shows us his anxiety and gives us insight on his character Great! Character development? Starting to question himself just a bit or any sign of that event having an effect on him? Nope! Why? Cuz he doesn't act on it instead he tries to hide the fact that ever happened and changes to a different topic bc there is no justification there and he knows it. Nov 16th c!technos pov he just got betrayed caused some damage wished death upon his former allies and left. Quite a dramatic scene. He feels betrayed time for some good old character development. Him thinking about himself and his actions. Reflecting on them. Great moment! Problem: literally everything that shows this is done off camera and now suddenly he's retired... Okay you know what fine it's alright he would probably expand upon and did a timeskip to explain the ling time he didn't stream. I see where it's comming from. The butcher army ge gets hunted down bc actions have consequences techno and you can't just run away like that not after doing that. Great point from the butcher army. Go give him some consequences his character needs it. And then he gets executed alright a bit too far but i guess that's how it goes in this server. Techno gets his life back immediately.. well that was a bit pointless but alright a cool scene for the animatic fair. Then he kills quackity.. the butcher army lost.. this.. what? But this was the moment of consequences... and quackity didn't get it back like techno the butcer aemy lost more than techno what? Moving along he teams up with tommy aannnd the 50 withers are up and ready of course you didn't fully retire what was i expecting. And now team up with tommy perfect way to learn about dream and give more insight on lmanberg and how dream is a tyrant and everything techno is supposed to stand against. The green festival tommy chooses tubbo over techno techno feels betrayed understandable.... and then he teams up with dream lmanberg is destroyed and the underdogs are beaten to the ground loose everything they ever worked for and are taught to be scared of the anarchists?!?!?!?!
Okay now hold up a sec I'll have to stop you right there. What. did. you. just. do. Cuz there is a limit to the amount of stuff you can let a character get away with. The line was crossed months ago this is not good at all.
Also what are yoi guys talking about consequences. Lives? All 3 home? Right there pets? The ones that died were the ones he brought expecting to not live he brought them there on purpose so they don't count. He is one of the most wealthy peoole on the server (no one beats ranboo lol) what did he exactly loose? Friendships? Was that all the hardships you guys have?
Lmanberg lost their home their lives their wealth their pets their friend everything they loved and lived for everything they stood for they lost a part of themselves in the end.
Look at the last 2 paragraphs and how imbalanced that is. How are you guys blind to this How?! And why did doomsday happen? Because the butcher army failed. And if anything techno proved them that they should have punished him harder with this.
So what was the lesson of doomsday?
That you shoukd obey the people on top and never go against them or you will loose everything you love.
Great lesson guys this is exactly the lesson the rich class and every single tyrant tried to teach society and this lesson is being told by the anarchist great job....
Do you see the problem now. This is the reason techno needs a consequence bc if he keeps going like this he will become a Mary Sue. And that is a horrible direction for a character that has a lot of potential. That potential is why i liked his character that much in the beginning but now it's almost non existent. Anyway I'll end this now cuz this went on for too long. That's basically my opinion on it feel free to share your thoughts.
okay. okay. i read this like three times bc. because look
i agree in some very specific points, but i disagree in very broad manners.
(this entire......... essay is all /rp and /nm!!!!)
anyways. send me hot takes!!!
i like c!techno. i personally think he's one of the most fun characters to watch because i enjoy the mess, the crazyness, the chaos of it all. watching doomsday through c!tommy's eyes was painful. watching doomsday through c!techno's eyes was just so fucking hilarious and exciting and fun. he's just a fun character to watch. he's just Funny. i am a fan. however
for starters: ctechno is, 100%, out of the park, an stagnant character. he has little to no development throughout the story. we see no changes in how he acts. that's not necessarily a bad thing, but considering the type of character he is, watching him develop (be it to an actually full-fledged villain or towards a redemption arc) would be ideal to keep him a character people can actually support.
i wouldn't say he's a hypocrite. c!techno has a very strict moral code and he follows it with no hesitation, with no doubts. the point is that his moral code is flawed and skewed. that doesn't make him a hypocrite, that makes him someone with bad morals.
calling c!techno "the 1%" is a stretch. for one- c!ranboo has as much resources, if not more, as c!techno does. he has dozens of totems, thousands of emeralds, and probably has one of the higher counts of diamond and netherite on the server. why is that never brought up? because it doesnt matter. c!foolish has so much gold and diamonds and netherite and just everything, really, and it's also never brought up/a reason for people to be afraid of him. the dream smp isn't a capitalist universe, there's no "1%". specially bc there's, like, i don't know, 20 players? that makes c!techno 1/20 OR 3/20 if we count c!ranboo and c!foolish. but that's not the point at all: the point is that ctechno is feared bc he's skilled and has a relevant personality, not bc he has resources. c!wilbur has no shit and he's still terrifying, there's no character willing to oppose him. not because of resources, but because of who he is. when c!techno first fled from l'manburg into "retirement" he had no shit either, it took him a while to be rich again. no one attacked him either way.
why, you ask? bc he fought against c!quackity with a fucking pickaxe and won. that's why. c!techno doesn't need resources to be feared. the power imbalance doesn't come from his resources, it comes from others’s fear. and they have a reason for that fear, bc c!techno hasn't been defeated yet. that has nothing to do with "upper class" and "lower class". because, one, not a capitalist system and class disparity isn't as simple as that, and two, even without his "riches" he still wins, bc he's got the skill. if you take out the skill, him being rich means nothing and he wouldve been easily killed by the butcher army or c!tommy or whoever decided to kill him. a good example is, once again, c!ranboo: if he wasn't friends with everyone and someone decided to actually fight him like was done with c!techno, he would've died. easily. being rich in the smp is relative.
c!techno will be challenged when we have a character strong enough to challenge him in a way that matters. it's important to be smart about it. that's why i'd love to see, out of everyone, c!philza turn against him, but that's a how other discussion (WHICH I'M WILLING TO TALK ABOUT.......... everytime i make these and i add little point i dont elaborate on and then say i'm willing to talk about them and no one ever asks me to <//3 PAIN /nm /lh).
i do think he's a character that just Always Win in narrative ways and that's very frustrating. he does need to get pulled a few notches down. again, that will only happen when we have a character that can step up to him and challenge him in a way that matters (woooo c!philza you want to hold c!techno accountable for his bullshit so bad woooo........)
now, onto c!techno's trauma. he doesn't need to show it. he- he doesn't. that's........ not how trauma works, and that's one of the points that make his trauma so forgettable for the viewers. c!techno is, from inside out, a character that hardly shows his emotions, but that doesn't mean he doesn't display symptons of trauma. he does, they're just a lot more subtle than other characters's. that doesn't mean he doesn't have any or that he isn't affect by it. c!techno is, in a lot of ways, a lot like c!tubbo: both of them don't mention the shit they've gone through and don't react to it and bc of that some of the viewers don't see how important some traumatic events were in their characterisation. that's why you analyse those characters's trauma through behavior, not through easily seen displays of trauma.
i do think it's taken a little too far with c!techno. the way he reacted to c!tommy's death was...... disappointing, to say the least. c!techno is an underwhelming character in many ways. as said before, it's because he's stagnant. that definitely needs to be worked on.
about the syndicate? yeah, no. theyre not teaching others to fear them. others just Do That bc of their history on the server, but they have literally talked about how they want to better their reputation, bc they don't want to be seen as murderers or oppressors in any way. are they flawed? yes, very much. they have no indicators of what is or isn't a government and they show no regard around the importance of a difference between an oppressive and a democratic government.
they had no right to show up at c!tubbo's door and interrogate him, because they can't appoint themselves as government police. for starters, that's not how anarchy works (they should've had everyone's permission for that. they obviously don't), but also it's just... stupid. it makes it seem that they're trying to boss everyone around so that they live like the syndicate wants them to, which goes directly against the syndicate's own ideals. however, c!techno thinks he has that right. he thinks this is what he's supposed to do. he's just following his moral code - his moral code is just deeply, deeply flawed. what he says and what he does contradict each other but not for him, not to his interpretation. to his interpretation, he's following his strict moral code.
what happened at doomsday was horrible and c!techno has to be held accountable for it, yes, but, again, no character knows how to work around c!techno enough to hold him accountable for it. that's not c!techno's fault.
l'manburg just deserved better, honestly, but to be fair c!techno has been taken advantage of time and time again (sometimes purposefully, sometimes not) and he's fucked up in the head, god bless LMAOOOOOOO
i agree that things need to change otherwise he's just gonna keep being a stagnant character who can get away with everything. i do think he has more to him than meets the eye, tho. meh idk that's still just analysis!!! we have no way of knowing the intent behind c!techno's characterisation, at least not for now. i hope for the best tho cc!techno don't let me down <3
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spacetwiga · 4 years
leave c!phil out of bullshit 2k21 -- a not so tiny post by a new enthusiast
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As someone who finds both common fanon and actual canon to be quite fun, I really think the general DSMP fandom would benefit greatly from a few things in general: the greatest, in my opinion, is learning to accept that popular fanon won’t usually be the canon you receive. Another, of course, is that POVs are golden, but with these two things being flimsy in being accepted, they are the major flaws that cause about 90% of the absolute messy takes that gain traction, oftentimes poisoning a canon character's ability to exist in the story.
My biggest beef regarding this comes from how y’all treat c!Phil, so here I am, being annoying on main side! 
TL;DR... Just because someone acted like like a guidance to others, doesn’t always mean that they'll want to be the father figure role for everyone that breathes. Similarly, pinning down a character on a single trope is wack, so don't be surprised if they grow away from it.
Baby’s first little dsmp rambling below!
(Warning: it's long as hell)
The Dream SMP plotline is not written out like most popular media. With so many moving parts in the form of daily streams and the wonderful tool of live improvisation, it makes perfect sense that such a giant cast would not always be on the same page. Adding onto that, it also makes more sense that a vast majority of the cast will be placed into supporting roles, as the story needs to have characters that serve as narrative anchors and others that function as the links in a chain, all weathering the storm that is the plot.
Screentime, of course, plays a major factor into canon exposure -- in terms of the Dream SMP, POV matters equally, if not more, too. 
It’s a pretty neat way of showing things, but in the end, the fanbase has a lovely (read: godawful /lh) way of analysing characters, particularly when it relates to how they interact with others from their fave character’s POV. The tendency to analyse things from a single character's POV is fine, but not when attempting to critique the greater whole of a conflict. Both sides, no matter how wrong they may seem to be, matter.
Adding onto the fact that everything is live, there are things that will spiral out of control, casual words being skewed and thus having the potential of a single line seemingly contradicting the entire ‘story’ that the fanbase has made. If it directly affects a fave's POV in particular, one is more likely to take offense, as bias immediately bars one from trying to see the other person's side of things.
POV is important. 
Which brings me to c!Phil, and how critics tend to ignore his perspective to prop up another character, or justify the tearing down of another.
Improvisation is both a blessing and a curse; the fanbase, however, loves to test out the latter. With it, the fanbase starts crafting tales to justify it...And so begins the mess that is c!Phil discourse.
Say it with me, folks: c!Phil is not supposed to be your fave’s fluffy father figure... unless you’re c!Wilbur!!!
😃☝🏾Dadza is good...👉🏾😎👉🏾 But fandom wants the excessive, idealized version.
-- birb 2k21
Family dynamics are generally loved for their potential for comfort, particularly those of a found family nature. Fandom in general tends to lean into them wholeheartedly, with most major bases having at least one prominent group present; SBI, of course, is no different. From fanart to popular fanfiction, it's arguably the biggest group dynamic alongside the Dream Team, and for that, a precedence was set. 
c!Phil, if he ever joined, would fix everything! All of the ‘kids’ would turn to their new mentor and everything would turn out fine! This all knowing, morally just character will chuckle at their antics and wacky hijinks will follow! Fun times, right? /s
The hope for it, however, has long since been shattered, and frankly, good for him!
To go a little ooc, cc!Phil has stated multiple times that, while he was friendly with a lot of the cast as c!Phil, his only paternal link (at least biologically) lies with c!Wilbur. Simple, right? It should be -- there are multiple clips of him saying this -- but fans choose to ignore it in their critiques, generally citing favouritism or downright neglect for the character’s flaws. From 'favoring' Techno (who, in canon, holds the highest link in friendship outside of c!Wilbur's familal link) to 'neglecting' to visit Tommy (who he barely knew, and also assumed, like many others, that he was fine), these critiques weigh heavily on the scale that judges Phil’s so called father figure trope. 
The story, however, has only leaned into (and persisted with) that for c!Wilbur alone, and adding onto it, there is an established acknowledgement from both ccs. That confirmation should hold the most weight, especially since both Phil and Wilbur seem alright with it. Even so, that familial has yet to be explored much for both characters, particularly regarding c!Phil, who has his debut (at least narratively) in a scene that feels opposite to the classic fatherly role.
c!Wilbur denounced accepting that helping hand to fall entirely into his explosive end, setting a precedence unlike most fatherly types arriving to save their kid. Usually, fandom narrative would love a close save, father and son uniting to heal and build up what was broken, but c!Phil’s entrance inks his story in failure. Angsty, right? We love angst!
And yet, as the story ticks on, the bad takes pile up.
Why? Well, I’l used to think that it is a “funny haha” type thing; a way to grieve for a character that was lost, as Alivebur was genuinely a great character. However, with the plot slowly progressing c!Phil’s story to evolve away from the ‘mentor the kids’ trope , I should have seen a storm on the horizon.
It should have been seen from the moment he stabbed c!Wilbur in the chest, but optimism is one hell of a smokescreen.
Built up fanon, however, is probably the greatest fog to ever exist.
There are lines before the button room confrontation that paint a picture of Wilbur seeking out the approval of his father (who seemed distant, at least from his POV), as well as hints to the SBI dynamic, but with the countless dismissals/retcons from CCs involved, as well as little to no consistent canon acknowledgement of this team dad role...Why base an entire hate piece of c!Phil just because popular fanon isn’t real? 
Why, for the sake of building up a well rounded character, would one place the title of a communal parental figure on a grieving father who has little attachment to the community involved, especially when most of them are too busy delving into their own issues?
Furthermore, why go for Mr. Philza Minecraft: Angel of Death, CEO of KEKW, Functioning Immortal????
It’s madness, luv, and frankly, antis cannot let c!Phil process any of his grief (or flesh out his character) without his contributions being fatherly. His role has been idealized to the point where he is not a character on his own, but an accessory to the happiness of other characters. That is not how the world works, and in a conflict riddled server like the dsmp, arguing that it should be like that is counterproductive.
c!Phil had his own shit to deal with, and as he slowly uncovers how fucked up the server actually was, he merely adapts to it. He learns to play the game by his own rules, and people become mad that he’s succeeding in his own way. It's as simple as that, particularly when referencing his initial exposure to the world he now inhabits.
c!Phil is a man who used to hear of his son’s success from the letters he received, words spinning tales of won revolutions and newfound friendships. To a father, those letters are more than enough to assume that all is well, and with it, he had no reason to check on his son, who was already old enough to be carving his path alone. For him to arrive and see just how broken his son actually was, and then, in front of faces he only vaguely knows, kill said son... There's a lot to take in.
He shouldn't have had to care about L'Manberg in those moments, not when he had his son in his arms, dead by his own goddamn weapon; his son who, to his knowledge, was doing pretty well up until he caught wind of his plot. Yet, he does.
He gives them the benefIt of the doubt, even ignoring the one person he has shown to have deep history with (c!Techno) to assist the nation in defeating the withers and rebuilding what was lost.
c!Phil stays in a nation that has seemingly brought his son right into his demise, holding in that grief to help people who he assumes have the chance to rebuild, to reform. For a moment, he trusts that the system can turn into something positive, offering to hunker down and do what he can to help. That’s the start of a fatherly type role for most -- with many expectations rising from fans to ‘fix’ all these traumatized characters.
In another plot, perhaps critics could have gotten the tropes they want from c!Phil, but to blame the character for reacting negatively to a world he barely knew, right after seeing it ruin his son and target a friend...Maybe the need for a "father figure" only stems from making their faves happy.
Characters that don't directly support your fave are not inherently awful characters. Critique based on that alone is...flimsy, really, but honestly, you can use to to show how they process things.
Which brings me to the events leading up to Doomsday, and with it, the steady rise of c!Phil’s defining traits.
Say it with me, folks: c!Phil is one of the most loyal members on the server, but loyalty doesn’t mean he's blindly following along!
😃☝🏾Butcher Army take this L👉🏾😎👉🏾 Found it in the L’Mancrater
-- birb 2k21
The butcher army arc, while nestled among the mainline story of Tommy’s exile (which I will not even mention, because those dadza takes about visiting may deserve a post on their own), allows for c!Phil to see into the minds of those who had once been with (or even against) his son’s plans. Sure, he may be witnessing them after the eve of their newfound traumas, but this is an important observation to make when comparing how easy it was to denounce his affiliation to them and side with c!Technoblade.
Unlike the new Administration, slowly dipping deeper and deeper into their own form of power hunger, c!Technoblade’s base desires had never wavered. His trust in others, however, had, still nursing the sting of a betrayal, but with no conflict in sight. He is reforming, finding comfort in his solitude, and still maintaining contact with those he trusts.
Techno's Compass, for one, is a major example of their mutual trust. Despite being on opposing territories, they are civil enough to trust each other, just like old friends.
Thus, when you take two old friends who are more than used to conflict -- one grieving and one betrayed, but both seeking neutrality -- it shouldn’t have surprised the antis that c!Phil would place c!Techno’s whereabouts (and life, mind you) over some government he barely knew. 
And yet, above all else, c!Phil starts off as a neutral party for everyone's sake, forgoing potential conquest for peace.
To c!Phil and c!Techno, it’s like fighting back to back, knowing that one can always trust the other to fend off those just waiting to take advantage of your blindspot, while also quelling the need to imagine your partner turning around and doing the same. That sort of friendship is forged through many, many hardships.
They betray what little trust he had built in them. That’s on them.
c!Phil is aware how untrusting c!Techno is, and while c!Techno feels safe enough to give his all for c!Phil, he never exploits it to get ahead, which is something L'Manbergians felt okay with doing.
They take a book out of the playbook used on c!Techno, for c!Techno.
They went after yet another person who was close to him, using their power and influence to hold an execution under the guise of seeking justice. If c!Wilbur, at least pre-corruption arc, sent letters to his father, one would at least expect some of his old ideals of freedom and fairness to leak through into his friends, right? To see those c!Phil assumed would hold similar ideals immediately skew towards a darker, brutal side, particularly in threatening others to get what they wanted...Well, shit hit the fan.
c!Phil does not have that strong relationship with any former L’Manbergians, and despite there being potential for such, it didn't work out that way; instead, however, those characters manage to mistake his kindness for weakness. They take his preferred neutrality as a way to exploit him, to gain in such a way that he lost agency...
No more Mister Nice Dadza, and honestly, he’s justified in that notion.
They’ve lost his trust, time too short to have gained that strong link like c!Techno’s or c!Wilbur’s, and with it, came the inevitable association with Doomsday.
c!Phil knew c!Techno’s intentions from the beginning -- which had only wavered into dormancy because he had grown tired of fighting, understanding that the cycle he wishes to break is not worth his efforts -- so the agreement in participating is effortless. 
c!Dream was there too, of course, but in their mutual quest for eradication, it’s made canon that c!Techno and c!Phil hid away most of their arsenal, despite seeming overprepared. They have no loyalty to c!Dream; they’re smart enough to play along, however. He was a means to an end.
There’s no lies present in their relationship; c!Phil needed someone who didn’t try and pull wool over his eyes, and c!Techno let him see.
c!Techno needed someone who wouldn't stab him in the back, and c!Phil stayed true as his hidden sword.
Which is why, as the two joined forces, ideals aligning and power synergized, they didn’t think twice about nuking the nation to bedrock. Mutually agreeing that the system needs to die, they did what they could, and they succeeded.
How cool of them, tbh LMAO.
New L’Manberg tugged too hard at the sleeping tiger’s tail; they shouldn’t have expected it to roll over.
Their openness to each other was known.
There was no need for underhanded plays, for hidden betrayals, for undisclosed words.
Their loyalties were strong.
They were in sync.
In conclusion (maybe, maybe not...this shit is long holy heck)
😃☝🏾 I may hate this analysis in 30 minutes👉🏾😎👉🏾 Or I may make a part 2. Fuck it!
-- birb 2k21
And that’s what makes c!Phil an interesting character: He tends to be critiqued in reference to chatacters who have very well wronged him, have no affiliation to him or get associated to him through popular fanon. There's a lot to cover that I haven't (from Ghostbur to the whole Tommy 'dilemna') but overall I'm digging what I have now and if I ever get more energy, I'll continue!
c!Phil enthusiasts, I hope I did you proud LMAO. It's my first forray into this side of tumblr 👉🏾👈🏾 I'm a lurker.
c!Phil antis, you can either act respectful or go argue with a wall. I got experience dealing with antis on Tumblr; I am immune to BS.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed. Signing off!
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Ninety
Words: 4k
Warning(s): explicit language, mentions of violence, mentions of drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter    @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
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"Hey, Viv, it's Tansy...I got your flowers and was calling to let you know I'm getting out of the hospital today, and I'm heading to the same place the guys are at, Nikki said it doesn't suck as bad as the other places they've tested out, um…" Tansy's sweet voice sounds over my answering machine. "...I'm really sorry for not calling earlier. I'm just now getting off methadone, so I've kicked smack successfully. I just wanted you to know I'm doing okay and getting some help, and Nikki called and told me you two were working things out." She adds. "Come visit me, soon, okay? We have a lot of shit to talk through, and I know we do, I just don't know where to start but I love you. I'll see you later." 
She hangs up and I smile a little bit, rubbing my lips together.
I haven't heard anything on her since Steven told me she was in the hospital back in New York after her overdose not long after Nikki's. I sent flowers when he told me she had to undergo emergency surgery to cut a part of her liver out that was turning necrotic. 
I hope we can get through things like me and Nikki are trying to do, I think Amber's going to try to bring Vince and Tommy in to talk about our relationships as a whole the session after this next one Nikki and I have...maybe Tansy and I can sit down a few times and hash things out, too. 
I head to get a bath, but it's not long before my peace is soon disturbed. 
This is the fifth time the phone has rung in the past two minutes, and I roll my eyes and pull myself out of the bathtub, grabbing my towel and stepping to the living room. 
I already see my message machine blinking from unheard voice-mails, and I pick the phone up and answer it. 
Before I can even say, "hello," Sharise starts in. 
"Vivian, what is going on, why didn't you say anything about it, why--"
"Sharise, slow down," I'm bombarded with a million questions, paranoia making my chest tighten. 
"Vivian, you're pregnant, apparently, that's what's going on." She clarifies, and I feel the color drain from my face. 
"Did Vince hear that from Nikki and tell you or--"
"--You're actually pregnant?!"
"You didn't hear it from Vince?" 
"No, Vivian, it's all over MTV!" She says next, not sounding angry at me, just shocked. 
Just as soon as she says it, there's a sharp beep from the phone, indicating someone's trying to call. 
"Gimme a second and I'll call you back." I assure her. 
"Fuck that, I'm coming over." She tells me before hanging up and I take the next call while turning the TV on to MTV. 
I just see a picture of Nikki and I on the screen as I hear, "again, congratulations to Nikki and Vivian Sixx on the news of their…"
"Hello?" I answer the call that has interrupted Sharise and I. 
"Why the fuck is Page Six running a story about you being knocked up with Duff fucking McKagan's kid?!" Doc yells and I nearly fall out, starting to panic.
"Because I am, but I have no idea how the hell anybody other than Nikki and Duff know about it, Doc, I haven't even told any of my friends or family yet, I swear." I promise and I hear him curse and throw stuff around on the other end for a good two minutes before calmly saying, "this isn't good, Viv." 
"No, shit, Sherlock." I reply. 
"I'm going to talk to Sixx, you just stay at home--don't do anything irrational, we'll take care of this." He states, hanging up. 
My phone is ringing again as soon as he hangs up. 
My phone starts ringing off the hook within three minutes and I have to step outside to the back yard with Whisky to get away from it.
I'm sitting on the edge of the pool when Sharise gets here, this look of disbelief on her face. 
"I had to drop Sky by my mom's, what the hell, Viv?" She asks me, sitting beside me. 
"I was gonna tell you and everybody once I got past the first trimester, Sharise, I promise." I say, honestly. 
"I'm not mad that you didn't, I'm just...I didn't realize you and Nikki were sleeping together again." 
"We're not." I state. "And Doc said that Page Six already knows it's Duff's and has it plastered everywhere so somebody said something to somebody." 
"Duff?! Holy shit, Vivian." She breathes out, her eyes wide. 
"This is bad." I squeeze my eyes shut, rubbing my face. "This is so, so bad, Sharise." 
"What're you gonna do?" She asks me. "I mean...when did you two even start…you know?" 
"September." I tell her. 
"Are you gonna admit it's Duff's or just play it off as Nikki's publicly and then privately it's gonna know Duff is really it's dad or does he even want anything to do with it?" 
"Yeah, he does, and Nikki's managing." I inform her, and she nods slowly. "It's nobody's business. It's not. So I shouldn't have to explain myself to anybody but I know everybody will want an explanation and we'll just admit it's Duff's and ignore the bullshit people are gonna throw at us...I just don't want to lose any friends over this…"
"If you lose friends over this, they're not your real friends, because everybody you're close with knows exactly what kind of marriage you and Nikki have been having the past year and you've both been struggling with different things and his affair with Vanity and so I think everybody should be pretty understanding of the situation." She tells me. 
"They should be. Doesn't mean they will." 
"Well, the ones who matter right now will." She reassures me. "And from what I've been gathering the last six months, that doesn't include Tommy and Vince right now because I already know they're probably gonna be on Nikki's side completely." 
"Yeah, so will all of the fans." I mumble. 
"Well, if you're gonna confirm it's Duff's, is he gonna come out and say that he actually did have an affair with Vanity or are you just gonna be the sacrificial lamb in all this?" 
"I have no idea, Sharise." I admit.
"I think he should." She states. "Because it's not gonna be fair for people to think you just went to another man and 'cheated' on Nikki out of nowhere." 
"It doesn't matter what Nikki says about the Vanity thing, he's just gonna be a God and I'm gonna be a whore." I argue, sighing out. 
"You really think that?" 
"I know that." I state, matter of fact. 
And, boy, was I right.
"Did you two talk about the relationship you have with your mother?" Amber asks Nikki. 
"I haven't had time to because we've been dealing with a lot of shit right now." He states. 
"Okay," she nods in understanding, because there's no way she hasn't heard what we're dealing with, now. "Do you want to talk about it now, then?" She asks. 
"Yeah, I can." He agrees. 
"Okay, go ahead." She leans back, letting him have the chance to talk to me.
He just stares at me, sighing out, looking as if he's struggling with talking to me about it. 
"Nikki, if you don't tell her, she can't understand." She adds and he rubs the back of his neck, looking at her to help him a little bit. 
"Start with dad," she suggests. 
"He left when I was little." He says to me. 
"And mom…" 
"...And mom started spiraling when he left." He explains. "She and whatever boyfriend she'd have at the time, would drop me off with Nona and Tom for months at a time, then when she'd come get me she'd be with a different man--sometimes married to them." He continues. "And, me being the smartass I am, when I get old enough to want to voice my opinion, I'd bump heads a lot with some of the dudes she brought around and things would get physical." He says next. "But, of course, she wouldn't feel like dealing with it because I was always ruining her partying anyway, so she'd send me off, again…things got really messy when I was, like, thirteen. Me and her got into it pretty bad and she started in on me and I told her I just wanted her to fuck off--I was just tired of it, so I hurt myself and called the cops and told them she attacked me, and she was arrested and I was sent back to Idaho to be with my grandparents." His voice shakes a little and I feel my heart hurt in my chest. 
I remember Nona telling me he and his mom had a lot of issues with each other, but I didn't think it was to that extent. 
"Have you talked to your dad at all?" I ask him, furrowing my brows a little and he rubs his chin, shaking his head a little. 
"I tried, like, ten years ago, and he told me he didn't have a son." He states. "Mom's always said I ran him off, but I was only two, so I know that's bullshit." He adds. 
"When I talked to you about all of this, it was very clear that you felt discarded, inadequate, and abandoned, because you have spent a good part of your childhood yearning for your mother's approval." Amber says. "Do you think that's true?" 
"Yeah." He nods. 
"Jumping through hoops at times to get it, but still being ditched with your grandparents while she went on and pretended she didn't have a little boy she needed to be responsible for."
He agrees, again, and she gives him a smile. 
"A woman is who her mother makes her to be and who her father says she is. A man is who his father makes him to be and who his mother says he is." She tells us. "And you didn't have a father around to make you, and all your mother told you was that you weren't appreciated, you weren't approved of, you weren't worthy of the love and attention you deserved." She states. "And you married a woman whose mother made her to strive for this unattainable level of perfection and have a complete come apart when it can't be reached, and a father who told her she wasn't worth the trouble it took to protect her." She tells us."I want to know--because it is so evident that you two carry so much resentment toward one another--what is one reason--out of many-- that it's there."  
"She's always looked down on me." Nikki says it. 
"Because I don't live like she does." 
"Explain what that means." 
"She believes in God, I don't. She's spent our relationship sober, I haven't. She's more modest and conservative, I'm not."
"I don't resent you for not believing in a God and not being modest and conservative--those are a few of the things I respect about you, Nikki." I argue. 
"--No, no, no cursing. Take a breath." Amber reassures him, calmly. 
"She hasn't let me do what I want to do. If I do what I want to do, she's on my throat over it or guilt tripping me or attacking me over it." He states. 
"Because all you've wanted to do the past three years is drugs, Nikki." I mumble. 
"Go back to guilt tripping." Amber tells him. "Does she put you on a guilt trip, or are you guilty after you do something you know she would not like for you to do and you beat yourself up for it?" She asks. 
"She just shuts down." 
"She shuts down?" 
She looks at me. 
"Why do you shut down when he does something you don't like?" 
"Because it's always drugs or something mean he does when he's on drugs, and I don't want to be around it, but most times I can't get away from it so I just go somewhere else, mentally." I admit. 
"And you see when she does that, and it makes you feel bad." Amber says to him. 
"That's not guilt tripping you, Nikki, that's her protecting herself because you won't." She points out. "Vivian, what's one of the reasons you carry resentment for him?"
"I'm not a priority." I tell her. 
"The amount of money I've spent on you since we got together, and you're not a priority?!" He asks me, pissed and shocked I have the audacity to say that. 
"Buying me a house and a new car and getting me nice things isn't showing me I'm a priority, Nikki, it's just you feeling bad for the shit you've done and buying me things to make yourself feel better for it. I'm grateful that you've made sure I've been taken care of in the sense that I've never gone hungry, I've never been out on the street, I've never had to go without utilities and hot water and things like that, and I've lived a spoiled life in terms of finances and the car I drive and the house we've lived in. You're a great provider--you just…we wouldn't be in this position if you didn't choose drugs over me." I say to him. 
"I haven't." He argues. 
"You blew off our wedding night to go to a party with Tommy." I remind him and Amber raises her brows. "Then you got in that accident on your way back home and hurt your shoulder and started smoking heroin to get through the pain so you could finish the album." I add and he rolls his jaw. "I love everything about you, except your drug abuse. And I've been so angry because there is no line with you. You just keep getting worse and worse and then turn around and convince yourself that I'm ungrateful and I don't approve of who you are because I'm perpetually bitter about the marriage I've been in--and it's all my fault in your eyes. Everything bad that's happened is all my fault." 
"I don't think that, I just put blame on you where it's due, you just refuse to see that you're a problem in all of this, too." He explains. 
"If you weren't on smack, we wouldn't have problems, Nikki." 
"Vivian." He says it as if saying, "you know that's bullshit." 
"The amount of times me or somebody would tell you to take your medication and you'd blow us off and just let yourself get more--"
"--You can't compare depression to drug addiction. Depression didn't turn me into a completely different person. You shot me, Nikki. You shot me. And that still didn't make you realize you needed to get sober." 
"You've physically assaulted me and other people, Vivian, in a frenzy, and still didn't see the issue with your mental state." 
"You've put your hands on me before, too, so don't make me sound like--"
"--I've grabbed you a few times and that's been when you were trying to beat me. So don't start that shit." He snaps. "The times I physically hurt you, I was doped up and wasn't thinking straight. The times you've physically hurt me and other people, you were sober, you just weren't taking your medicine. So you can keep saying that I chose drugs over you, but the amount of times you've chosen your pride and, 'I don't need to be on medicine,' over me is just as bad." He says. "If you weren't so damn angry all the time over tiny shit."
"No, no, it's not just her being angry over tiny things. It's you getting with a seventeen year old girl, and placing the responsibilities of a forty-one year old mother on her." She adds and he breathes out. "Your wife has been raising you the past seven years. She's your wife. She's not your mama. And you have been punishing her like she is. Her not wanting you to destroy yourself with drugs doesn't equate to the times your mother wouldn't let you dress the way you wanted to dress, or do the artistically productive things you wanted to do that she couldn't understand that you'd fight about. This woman was seventeen years old. You had no business being twenty-two and seeing a seventeen year old, let alone putting that much weight and expectation on her shoulders and getting angry and saying she didn't appreciate you because she didn't know how to handle it all while every year you'd push further and further." She goes on. "Years of anger and resentment and bitterness towards your mother, all turned loose on a girl who didn't cause any of it, just because she didn't want you running yourself into a grave." She adds, pointedly. "When me and you first started working together to get to the bottom of all of this, you told me that she went from worshipping the ground you walked on, to being an evil demon from hell--do you remember saying that?" 
He hesitantly replies, quietly, "yes." 
"Do you realize that you have done everything in your power to verbally, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually beat the hell out of the very girl who saw you as her God before she was even old enough to really know who God was?" She asks him. "All because the woman who made you feel like you weren't worth the trouble it took to stay around and raise you, was never there to answer for her actions so you started chopping at the next one in line."
"Okay, I get it, I'm fucked up, I fucked her up, I've ruined our marriage, it's all my fault, and she's the innocent angel who was seduced by me and dragged to hell, I get." He stands up. 
"Nikki," Amber starts. 
"Nikki," I say as he steps to the door, "we can't fix this if you--"
"--Yeah, fix this." He flicks me off before slamming the door. 
I grind my teeth and stomp after him, ignoring Amber's warning against it. 
"You are such an asshole!" I bark at him, following him. 
"Wow, I've never heard that one before!" He laughs humorlessly. 
"Nikki, seriously, she got all over me for being mad at you for sleeping with two-hundred girls, you can take her pointing out that you hate me because I remind you--"
"--I don't hate you, Vivian, alright?" He stops, turning to face me. 
"Well, you're really acting like it." I cross my arms. 
"I don't. I'm just pissed that you refuse to accept that I'm not the only problem in this shit show and if you wanna work on us you need to realize that you'r--"
"--Baby," I breathe out, grabbing at his hand and he rubs his forehead, "I know it's my fault, too, but it's just…" I blink back tears, looking away from him. 
"...Just what?" He asks. 
"Embarrassing." I wipe my eyes, sniffling. "It's embarrassing having to sit there, pregnant with another dude's baby, and tell a stranger about how I've abused my husband and people around me." 
"You think it's not embarrassing for me to sort through shooting you and strangling you and still not walking away from drugs?" He asks. "Don't even get me started on having to tell you I've cheated that many fucking times and even had a mistress?" He adds…"I think I've embarrassed myself, and you, more than you've embarrassed yourself and me." 
"I'm pregnant. And it's gone public. And it's not yours. And it's gone public. I think I've won with which one of us has embarrassed the other the most." I mumble. 
"Well, I'm not embarrassed. Those people don't know shit." He tells me, furrowing his brows. 
"I am." I say, trying not to cry again. 
I'm taken back a little when he hugs me, tightly…"Why didn't you tell me about your mom?" I him, my face in his chest, tears rolling down my cheeks. 
"Because I didn't want to bother you with it." He says. 
"I wouldn't have been bothered by it, Nikki." I sniffle, looking up at him. 
He blinks a couple times and breathes out. 
"There's a basket on the closet shelf at home with several of my journals in it." He explains. "Filled with things I didn't want to bother you with." He adds. "I really think if you feel too embarrassed or ashamed, reading those will prove my point that I've been worse than you have." He admits. 
"I'm pregnant--"
"--I know you are." He grabs the sides of my face, looking me in the eyes. "Just read them if you want to, but I say a lot of shit in there I wrote when I was high, so there's your warning." He adds. 
"Are you sure you want me to read them?" I ask. 
***I wish he would've said, "no," because I screwed myself over while reading them.***
I turned into a senseless moron the second she got ahold of my hand, looked at me with watery, pretty eyes, and said, "baby." 
I would've let a train hit me if I knew it would've made her feel less embarrassed and ashamed. I didn't think reading my journals would've made her feel better--just help her gain an understanding that she's the smart one out of the two of us…
If this was one year ago, I'd have her face down on a mattress, making up for our argument. 
But obviously that isn't much of a solution...so I just pull away and smile with my teeth at her the best I can, feeling better when her thumbs graze over my dimples and she smiles, too. 
"I'm sorry I was rude in there." She tells me, next. 
"I'm sorry for being an asshole." I reply, honestly…
"Do you really think I look down on you because you don't believe the same things I do?" 
"Sometimes, I guess." I admit to her. 
"I don't." She tells me. "I never really have." She adds. "I just don't like when you make fun of it or mock it." 
"...Yeah, 'Wild Side' was kinda a dick move…" I tell her and she looks at me. 
"A catchy dick move." She says. "And I like the song, I just wish you wouldn't have made it simply to spite me for the most part." 
"I'll try not to use my powers for evil against you again." I assure her…"But you gotta quit using sex to try to get out of stuff, and I will, too." I say next. "This shit's so hard because we don't talk about stuff, and we never have, and it's just better to go ahead and embarrass ourselves and talk about it instead of trying to fix it with something we can obviously go get from other people--and have gone and gotten from other people."
"And we can't blow up on each other when we do try to talk and work things out." She adds. "So no screaming at each other." 
"And no hitting." I say. 
"Ever." She agrees.
I hold my pinkie out to her and she smiles softly, taking it with hers before I kiss her cheek and pull her to me again.
I didn't know, a week from then, I'd be screaming up a storm from learning about seven fucking miscarriages from '83 to '87 that she didn't tell me about.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 62)
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Colson's shocked when he walks into their rented bedroom. Luna's waiting for him at the door. Standing in all black but barely clothed. She has on little lace gloves, panties, a garter belt with thigh highs and heels. There's a leather riding crop pressed against the back of her thighs, just below her ass. Hair dangling down her back.
Colson stops dead in his tracks. "FUCK, Loons." Is all he can utter.
Luna bites her bottom lip, tilting her head slightly as a smile creeps onto her face. Stalking up to him, she swings the riding crop in a circle at her side. Close to him, she runs the leather down his cheek, making his dick grow hard.
"You seem to think I've been bad. What are you gonna do about it?" She asks him huskily, dragging the crop down his bare chest.
He firmly grabs the wrist of the gloved hand holding the toy. Staring into her eyes, they're daring each other. The energy from their earlier fight still simmering. He takes the crop in his hand before gripping her face with both hands. Kissing her angrily, he spins her around forcefully. Holding on to one hip, he uses the hand with the crop to bend her roughly over the bed.
Colson drags the stiff leather down her spine. Giving her goosebumps in anticipation of what's next. Reaching her cheeks, he spanks the top of her left one hard. Making Luna jump and yelp. She throws a coy look over her shoulder. It's his go ahead. Gripping her hair in his hand, he positions himself.
"STOP." ❗SLAP❗The crop whips against her ass cheeks.
"LETTING." ❗SLAP❗The sleek leather stick whizzes through the air.
"FALL." ❗SLAP❗"Ahhnhh!" Luna slightly whimpers. Pain is pleasure. It always has been for her.
He gives her three quick strikes.
Luna arches her back and buries her face in the covers preparing herself for what's to come.
"YOU!" ❗SLAP❗ Pulling her face out of the the blanket on the last on, a loud moan escapes from Luna.
"FUCK." She breathes out heavily.
Colson likes using the riding crop. He loves that hate - fucking turns Luna on.
Standing her up sharply, he spins her around again, pushing her back onto the bed aggressively. He grabs her thighs, pulling her until her ass is to the edge. He watches her twitch as he drags the warm leather around her breasts and nipples. Down to her pussy.
Swatting at her panties. "Take em off." Colson directs Luna. She listens. Unsnapping her garter belt from her thigh highs and slipping them off.
Colson turns the crop wide and drags it from the bottom of her bare pussy to the top. Swatting her again. Moaning, she scootches back with that one.
"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" He grabs her, pulling her back down the bed to where he wants her.
Dropping his pants and briefs, Colson climbs on top of Luna. She throws her legs around him as he pushes himself into her. He grips her chin, covering her moans with his mouth. He kisses her with his wrath.
Colson fucks Luna hard and fierce. One hand around her throat, the other pulling at her hair. Loving every minute of it, she moves with his rhythm. Luna grips his ass, pushing him deeper inside of her. The lace is soft on his skin. The spikes of her heels digging into the backs of his thighs as she fucks him back. The contrast in feeling making him thrust into her harder.
Bucking against each other, breathing heavy, Colson yanks Luna's neck to the side. "I gonna fucking ruin you for anyone else!" He declares angrily before sinking his teeth into her neck. Slamming his cock into her.
Luna's walls clench around Colson's huge cock. She grips his hair and bucks as she cums on him. Calling out, "Fuuuckkk Bunny!!"
Feeling her tighten and cum, he blows with her. Grunting her name.
Throwing himself on the bed beside her. Breathing heavy he looks over at her. "Do I have to murder every fucking dude?" He looks at her, still annoyed.
Looking over at him unamused, she dryly says "Not if you keep murdering this pussy, you don't."
This breaks him. Laughing hard and pulling her on top of him, he kisses her telling her she's a cunt. To this she agrees with a smirk and kisses back as she straddles him.
Luna rests her face on Colson's bare chest. He pulls her up by the hair to look at her. She raises her eyebrows at him. "I'm serious, Kitten. I'll fuck some shit up over you." He says, eyes flashing at the thought of her with someone else.
Knowing he will, Luna's face softens. "Relax Killer." She sighs. He loosens his grip as she leans down to kiss him. Sitting up on him, she pulls on her chain. "Yours." She looks at him knowingly as she says it before kissing him again.
She lays her face back down onto his chest. They're quiet as he strokes her hair. "Where'd you get the toy?" He finally asks.
Popping back up, she grins "I ordered it earlier in the week and had it shipped to my grandmom's." Pleased with herself, she wiggles her body as she tells him. Shaking his head, chuckling at her, he pulls her back down to him.
"How's your ass?" He asks while rubbing it and kissing her head.
"It's sore." She tells him in a tiny voice.
He chuckles and kisses her again.
The next morning everyone has breakfast together. Colson, Luna and Casie make bacon, blueberry pancakes and scrambled eggs with coffee and juice. Luna having to reassure Casie multiple times that she's okay around the killer blueberries to Colson's laughter. Breakfast is good, everyone talking, laughing, reaching for food. The anticipation of tonight dripping in the air.
Colson and Luna are good. Laughing, kissing and cutting it up during breakfast. They sit for a bit still bullshitting before everyone helps to clean up.
Casie watches TV while Luna gets dressed. They're going shopping with Ashleigh for a little bit.
Luna and Colson bang it out in the shower. The morning's sex being kinder than last night's.
Getting high together. Checking out each other's new tattoo's healing process. Colson patches Luna's shoulder.
Colson goes to help Casie get dressed as Luna pops two 30s and burns while she dresses herself in a striped tank and jeans. She pulls her hair up and throws on a purple lip with some jewelry.
Luna, Ashleigh and Casie head out into The City, leaving the boys behind. They're gonna float around with the main objective being cool shades for Casie.
It breaks on RadarOnline first. A picture of a grinning Tommy and an almost unrecognizable Luna. The story that runs with it says:
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That Brooklyn Bitch is back in town..... But not with her boyfriend. The NY native was spotted out late Thursday night in Queens with an unidentified male companion. We gotta say from the looks of this picture, this must be a real Nightmare for MGK. The two were reported to be dating early last month. The rapper even posting a picture of the two of them together to his Instagram earlier this week. Normally keeping a very low profile, That Brooklyn Bitch has had a strong presence both on the pop charts and online since hooking up him, being featured all over Machine Gun Kelly's Instagram stories. It's rumored the song THAT Type is a response to BeBe Rexha's Break Up with Your Girlfriend. It's not a stretch, with That Brooklyn Bitch calling out Rexha by name in the song. So, with all that territory staking, could it be possible that the songstress, who's confirmed to be performing on SNL this week with Halsey, could be up to some Bad Things while back in The Big Apple?
Colson sees it before Luna and he's fucking pissed.
Luna, Casie and Ashleigh pop in and out of different vintage shops, walking through Bed-Stuy.
They try on different sunglasses, shoes and clothes, laughing and having fun. Luna grabbing Colson a 40oz to Freedom Sublime Tshirt. AND finding a FANTASTIC pair of heavy, metal, gold toned, cat eyed sunglasses.
"I LOVE THEM!!!" The little girl squeals while putting them on after Luna presents them to her.
With their mission complete, they stop to grab sodas and pretzels before heading back to the brownstone.
Colson is at the brownstone SNAPPING.
"I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE HER!!" He shouts, pacing around the unfamiliar kitchen. "SHE FUCKING LIED TO ME!!"
A million irrational thoughts are zipping through his head. "She's such a fucking liar... I bet she fucked him... I'm gonna fucking kill em both..."
"Where'd she say she was?" Slim asks him. He stops.
"With fucking him." Colson glares at his friend. "Imma fucking kill him, Slim."
Rook interrupts. "Wait, she told you she was with him?" He asks.
"Yeah, she said she ran into him at a show. DOES THAT LOOK LIKE A FUCKING RUN IN!?!" He shouts, shoving his phone towards Rook.
Rook takes it and studies it. "It looks like it could be anything, honestly." He says, defending Luna.
The all have the picture up on their phones, looking at it.
"That mothafucka is TOO happy." Slim states his opinion.
"RIGHT!!" Colson's back to pacing and shouting.
"I don't know, Kells. She's not even really touching...." Benny agrees with Rook.
"HE'S GRABBING HER ASS!!! HIS HANDS ARE ON HER FUCKING ASS!!" Colson interrupts him, still shouting. Rage, radiating out of him.
"I am going to kill this motherfucker." The image of the grinning idiot touching his girl seared into his brain. Knowing what the dude wanted from her. Worried as fuck she might have gave it to him.
They're all quiet from Colson's outburst.
Baze finally breaks the silence. "I think you should ask Luna, Kells. That picture could really go either way.
Before Colson can respond they hear the door open. "We're baaaaack!!!" Casie calls out. Benny jumps up to intercept her as Colson squares up to rip Luna's head off.
Luna doesn't think anything when Benny comes up to them, asking Casie to go to the store with him. She rounds the corner with Ashleigh, bags in hand.
"Hey Bunny..." She greets Colson.
He comes marching acrossed the kitchen and shoves his phone in her face.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!!" Colson shouts at Luna, taking her and Ashleigh by surprise.
Taking his phone, Luna reels back to see what she's looking at. Once she gets a good look, she starts tio laugh. Dropping her bags to place that hand over her face.
"THAT is fucking great!!" She laughs through her hand.
"Oooohhhh... You gotta be fucking shitting me." She thinks. This is FUCKING insane.... They're following me now???" Always amazed at the irony of her luck in this universe, she has to laugh at this or she's gonna freak the fuck out. She feels so invaded. With a valid ripple of fear running through her.
Handing his phone back to him, she grabs a beer from the fridge. Colson doesn't know what to say.
Cracking it, she looks directly at Colson. Still lightly laughing, she says to him, shaking her head.
"Of all the years I've been around, all fucking shit I've pulled, I've never gotten popped and now all of a sudden I'm fucking front page news."
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Colson demands from her.
He doesn't know what to think about her response.
Swigging the beer, she's trying not to get angry. She can feel tears welling in her eyes.
"What am I talking about??? It seems I have strangers fucking stalking me now. Which, that's a problem for my life, Colson. We've talked about this before. I have too much important, HIGHLY ILLEGAL shit going on for ANYONE to be following me. Fuck... You know this. Not to mention, as a photographer, it's not even a good angle. You can't even see my face. In a court of law, you couldn't prove that shit is me. Not that I'm denying it is. But, it's still a shitty shot. You're mad at shitty shot.
Luna swings her beer, trying to keep it together. She knows she controlled herself last night and she'll be damned if some photo is going to suggest otherwise. That's not even her main concern. Fuck Tommy. Luna's worried about her privacy.
"Besides, what the FUCK do you think is going on in that picture?" She asks Colson, cocking her head.
"I think his hands are on your FUCKING ASS." He states angrily.
"Because he picked me up to fucking hug me, Asshole." Luna spits out at him. She grabs his phone. "Which he didn't even get a chance to do because if you fucking look at it I'm in the middle of pushing myself AWAY from him." She points at the picture.
Remembering that moment exactly.
Colson looks at it, then looks at her. Then back at it. Then back at her. Then back at it.
His brain is dueling over whether to believe her or not. Not hearing any of her worries.
"You're unbelievable." Luna laughs at him before she takes another swig.
"What am I supposed to think, you still fucked him." He barks at her.
Now she's pissed. The room is silent. Everyone watching them.
They're yelling at each other venomously.
Names are flying out of her mouth.
She makes a point.
"There it is. His WHOLE problem." She realizes. "This hypocritical ass motherfucker."
Luna doesn't scream back. She stares at Colson and in a low, direct tone says.
"So wait, let's make this clear. You're judging me on something I was honest with YOU about from a past relationship. Yet. You've been known to fuck anything that moves. Not me."
Luna throws her hands up at Colson like What The Fuck while shaking her head.
"You're worried about a fucking bum ass picture. Not that I could now get hemmed up and catch LIFE because being your girlfriend exposes me in a dangerous way." She sucks her teeth and shakes her head in disgust. "FUCK you, DUDE."
Luna walks out of the kitchen incredibly hurt.
Colson puts his head in his hands. "What the fuck did I just say to her?" Words and thoughts were flying so rapidly, he's not sure what came out and what stayed in his head.
The room is quiet until Luna walks back in with her bags.
"You need to be at 30Rock by 9P." She tells the room before walking out of the brownstone.
Once the door closes, Ashleigh grabs Colson's phone. She looks at what their arguing over. The article is more damaging then the picture.
"Fucken' up, Kells." She tells him shaking her head as she walks upstairs.
To be continued....
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