#i feel like im constantly on thin ice over there
cherryskyies · 1 year
hello! could I request some Thomas Hewitt × fem!reader headcanons, on how he'd manage living with a s/o who's really sensitive to the heat? as in she's had a hard time living with him since she can't wear too much clothing (cause it's hot), nor too little (cause of his family), is constantly moving from task to task so she doesn't feel it as much, tries to spend as much time as she can down in the basement with him since it's cooler, etc.
I don't really know where I'm going with this since I always manage to get the most hyperspecific scenarios in, but it's sort of a domestic intimacy fluff + a dash of smut setting? please do ignore if it's weird though lol
have a great day! :))
Thomas Hewitt w a heat prone s/o
i haven’t proof read this yet im at work so hopefully it’s decent 🫶🫶
masterlist | navigation | ao3
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Thomas would worry, keeping you away from outside work as much as he can. He knows the Texas heat can be deadly, especially if you’re not used to it like he is. 
He’d clear out a room in the basement so you could stay with him away from the heat and not have to witness him “prep” dinner. He might even move his room down there, the lack of windows makes for a cooler environment than his upstairs bedroom. 
Thomas would collect clothing from his victims and attempt to sew modest but thin outfits to give you selection when your limited options are being scrubbed. 
Luda May is very understanding as well, often leaving the easier house chores for you to do so you can be comfortable while still being of use to the family and on the rare occasion you are outside, she has plenty of ice cold tea ready for when you are done and Thomas is right beside you helping speed it along. 
He is always checking on you, feeling your forehead and having Luda May check you over to be sure.
At night when it is just you and Thomas, you strip down to your undergarments to prevent overheating in your sleep. Thomas is especially nervous when you do this, asking permission to touch you anywhere and having a difficult time keeping his hands in one place — he needs to feel all of you. 
If he does all the work and you lay pretty would it still be too hot? The answer is yes, but you’d never tell him that. 
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amymbona · 23 days
amyyyy i just got home from a wedding and the only thing on my mind is meeting patrick a wedding.. and him inviting you to dance and telling you dumb stuff abouy himself over the loud music.. yelling in your ear.. takes shots with you.. guides you outside and you make out behind the venue... AMMYYYYY IM GOING INSANE
Yes yes and once again yes!!!
I'm imagining this is like your brother's wedding and he's like the bride's father's cousin's son or whatever, you don't even have an idea how did he get there actually, but he's cute and he's willing to buy you a drink. Who are you to refuse, right?
He's taken his suit jacket off cause the place is stupidly hot, and while your eyes linger on his fabric clad muscles, he explains something about tennis. You don't understand the sport but it gives you an answer to why his body looks like this.
When he invites you to the dancefloor, you get to feel all the muscles yourself, only the thin fabric of his shirt and your pretty dress separating the two of you from touching skin to skin. Patrick is funny, like really really funny and he's making you laugh constantly. Perhaps you're giggling a bit too loud because you find him incredibly attractive, but you're not stupid (and all the alcohol you've drunk is paradoxically helping you see right through him) and you think Patrick might find you cute as well.
It's only natural when you follow him - or perhaps he follows you - out of the stuffy place. But not before the two of you steal a generous piece of cake when nobody is looking. With sugar coated fingers, you lean against the wall on a small balcony, flirting and giggling. Patrick keeps giving you the ice and he wipes the icing from the corner of your lips before kissing you. You really feel the need to hold onto him, to run your palms over his toned stomach, so you might have to apologise for wiping the sugar crumbs into his shirt. It's not like Patrick cares, when you taste so sweet.
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AITA for telling my mom she's a b*tch for telling me she's depressed and I'm part of the reason she has mental health issues? So for context my mom has a lot of mental health issues and hasn't resolved them quite yet. Over the course of my childhood my mom has used her kids as people to vent to about her emotions. I have memories of her yelling at me for the smallest of things or finding ways to berate me. It's a constant circle of me being guilty about misbehaving or feeling like im responsible for how she feels. To suddenly things going back to normal. Me and my siblings are always on thin ice with her since she NEVER blames herself for her own anger and depression, and always blames us. She constantly says that if she never had kids then maybe she would have like three degree's or graduated college already. She always has the worst ways of coping with life struggles. And it affects me and my family a lot. Yes she raised us when my dad wasn't around. Yes im grateful for her at least caring enough to put food on the table for us and making sure we have an education. But it doesn't mean we aren't human beings ourselves. I have emotions. And i have a limit on them. Me and my siblings are very dysfunctional and we never get along because of learned behavior by our parents. We are all dysfunctional in some way. And she only now feels guilty for the way we are (we are all in our teens now) Which i find hilarious since she has sabotaged my every attempt to try and find help for myself. What triggered me to call her a b*tch was when she kept ranting the other night that I didn't do enough now that i was 18. Which automatically means that i now have to provide for my parents. She called me depressed and lazy and told me that im part of the problem as to why her and my dad have marriage issues. That because their daughter wasn't doing enough it added stress on them. At that point I've had enough and basically said that she needs to wake the hell up and realize that being a parent means responsibility. Long story short my mom was pissed and now im grounded. But not without her telling me that without her I wouldn't even be alive. right now im not sure if i should feel bad or not since i know a lot of people who would never call their mothers a "b*tch". Was I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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kaeyx · 7 months
do you think demon!dazai and demon!chuuya can control their body temperature ?? if so, do you think they would always switch their temperature to reader’s preferred temp…. like say it’s winter and you’ve always refused to let them into your bed (at least while you’re aware) but it’s just soo cold in the house, they’re the only source of heat you have and besides dazai keeps stealing the blankets and hiding them so you’re really left with no other choice… or !! if it’s summer and it’s super hot in the house, they’re the only source of coldness. ice cubes don’t help, ice packs melts, the fan somehow broke and now you have to cling onto these two demons with you wearing thin clothes or little to no clothes !! chuuya’s more nice than dazai is, he probably wouldn’t break your AC but make it so it only reaches a certain temperature that’s not quite where you want it to be
dazai is a little shit though, he’ll keep poking fun at you for being so clingy all the time but he adores how much you need him. you’re just too cute !! chuuya just likes to pamper on you but also be the reason why things are so inconvenient. they both just love it when you go to them, whether you have a choice or not
also im not sure if this has been talked about bUT. hear me out yall. demon! beast dazai?? like not as in beast dazai just so happens to be a demon but im talking personality wise is beast dazai AND hes a demon. i feel like not much would change really but lord is it hot thinking about him like that. he’s not as playful and childish as regular demon!dazai , but he’s very unsettling and is very much obsessed with everything about you. he gets more creepier but is just as soft , if not more so than he already is with you as just regular beast!dazai
DEMON BEASTZAI DEMON BEASTZAI I agree with the other things you're saying but oh my GOD demon Beastzai......... Huge and dark and creepy..... Stalking you from the shadows..... Putting his claws all over you at the first chance he gets...... Nuzzling against you constantly and using his superior strength and size to hold you down if you try to escape...... He's so sad and clingy and weird......
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rassvetsky · 2 years
Hi there!! If you're at all interested (no worries if not!), one of my new favorite songs is called Sleepy by Ashley Kutcher, and it's a really cute song about how she finally feels at peace around someone. I think a Bucky fic where either the reader or Bucky or both have trouble sleeping, and constantly feel anxious, until they are around each other, and their heart just calms, would be really cute 💜
the way i shamelessly added this song to my playlist, thank you SO MUCH for the request and the song because im stealing it. im stealing ur favorite song hehe. i was half-asleep through the writing process so i hope you like this absolute mess, gorgeous!! ♡
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Other People
bucky barnes x reader
"Having not slept properly for years unless it was on ice, Bucky found it easier to realize that his nightmares aren't real when his head was by your chest."
[3.2k] | insomnia, slight PTSD from former missions, platonic relationship, pillow-talk, fluff.
reblog and/or like for a kiss, feedback much appreciated! not proofread.
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You weren't a stranger to restless nights.
Nights that are spent staring at the ceiling, the alarm clock on your nightstand, or your knees tucked against your body; nights where it would take hours for sleep to finally find you, often leaving you uneasy for the rest of the day.
Some nights, you'd be too frustrated to fight it, deciding to sneak out of your room as quietly as you could to make your way to the shared kitchen; sitting by the island counter with a mug of herbal tea and sprawled open newspaper. You were sure that the paper wasn't up to date, because frankly, nobody ever touched it if it wasn't for Steve and Bucky recitating how languishing it was to get a hold of that thin sheet instead of scrolling away on their smartphones. They were the designated japing material for Tony, if anything.
Some other nights, it would be warm enough for you to walk through the neatly kept yard, a scarf thrown on your shoulders as you walked off your endless trains of thought, a cool breeze acting as a splash of cold water against your face to keep you in the moment.
But more often than not, you found it hard to leave the bed. Dreaded the way hours went through but your mind never left its overdrive state, pushing you from emotion to emotion until the sun came up, and illuminated your surroundings through the blinds.
You never told anyone why you seemed so exhausted each morning, but somebody knew. That somebody went through, if not exact, similar things each night when he put his head on the pillow. Not that he was a psychic- he couldn't read through you, but thanks to the serum he was given, he could hear you through the walls which separated your rooms.
Bucky could hear your otherwise quiet sobs and strings of curses which left your lips from frustration. He could hear the sheets beneath you as you tossed and turned, closing his eyes and fidgeting with the hem of the blanket as he sighed.
It felt somewhat relieving to know that he wasn't the only one feeling that way.
He was battling with his own problems by the other side of the wall, not exactly finding it that hard to sleep but still dreading it. The nightmares plagued him, stuck onto his soul like a blood-sucking leech, pushing him awake with a knot on his stomach and definitely not enough oxygen in his lungs. He wouldn't have slept if he knew that the exhaustion wouldn't get to him during missions, so even though it was painful to relive every single of his darkest memories each night when he closed his eyes, he still went through that torture over and over again as to not put anybody in danger, just because he was tired.
He spoke in his sleep often, mostly quiet, but sometimes his protests were loud enough that you could slightly hear them from your side of the wall. You knew how hard it must be for him, he carried decades worth of trauma on his shoulders on a daily basis and he was way too proud to admit to it, and do something about it.
You were proud too, so you couldn't really blame him for that.
This situation between the two of you stood as a mutual pity -not exactly pity, maybe compassion- for months, until one night, it all got too much to bear.
An extraction mission went terribly downhill the other night, resulting in more casualties than your conscience could afford. The hot steam of your shower washed away the dirt and the debris but not the pangs of remorse, it clung to you, even when Steve specifically told everyone involved that it wasn't anybody's fault. There's nothing they could've done.
You went to bed later that night after contemplating everything Tony said to the team during the debriefing, the rest of the compound already fast asleep when you laid on top of your blanket. With your skimpy sleeping clothes in the nighttime, it was easy to get cold, yet you couldn't find it in yourself to bury yourself beneath the sheets. You couldn't get yourself to lift an arm, even.
A warm tear slid down your cheek, a few others following through the damp trail, all the way down to your neck. You had the urge to wipe it all away but you couldn't, transfixed on the wall instead. Soft sniffling accompanied your tears, and not too long after, quiet sobs. And of course, you had no idea that your current state was obvious to anybody, until the quiet buzz of your phone yanked you out of your trance.
Wiping your tears with the back of your hand, you reached for the nightstand, squinting a little to get used to the light as you held the phone up. A notification from Bucky Barnes.
"Everything is going to be alright."
For some reason, that short sentence forced a sob out of you, as you stared at it for a good minute. You felt heard. You felt like you could believe him.
Bucky was a good man at his core.
"I've been hearing that for years now." you texted back, fingers shaky from both your emotions and the cold. "You can't sleep, too?"
From the other side of the wall, Bucky chuckled to himself. Vibranium and flesh fingers tapped against the screen, and then deleted it all, only to start over. "I haven't slept properly for years unless it was on ice."
"Come join my misery, then."
And that's how Bucky found himself by your door, shutting it behind him as you sat up on the bed to pat the spot next to you. Temptative steps led him to your bed, as he sat by your side, leaning on the bed frame before pulling the blanket up to cover your legs. An awkward sigh left your lips, Bucky nodding in acknowledgement as if he could read your thoughts. Being teammates didn't always mean being close to everybody, and although the two of you knew each other well by now, you weren't that close. Not close enough to have a tearful sleepover anyhow.
"How are you feeling?" thankfully, Bucky broke off the silence, earning a shrug from you as a response to his question.
"Why aren't you sleeping?" you asked back, as a soft grin took over his features, arms crossing on his chest. The action would seem defensive if you didn't know him.
"I thought you said you didn't have them anymore."
"Yeah, to my therapist." he chuckled.
Your questioning gaze found his. "Lying to your therapist won't do you any good."
"I don't owe her the truth," letting out a sigh, he readjusted his position on your bed, head falling back against the frame of it.
Your curiosity didn't diminish however, as you slowly pulled yourself towards the bed frame like him, to lean against it. "And you owe it to me?"
"I'll be real with you even if I don't need to." his words were soft as they reached your ears, making you hum a little as your gaze fell to your lap. "You're my friend."
You couldn't help the smile which crawled its way up to your lips at that. "I'm glad you consider me one." you hummed, as quietly as you could. "Didn't think you would. How'd you know I wasn't asleep, though?"
"Thin walls," he joked, earning a perplexed look from you. "I mean- they're not, yeah. But, you know, the serum and all… I can hear you all the time."
"Oh, shit." you chuckled to yourself, making him laugh along with you. "Gosh- I'm really sorry. The nightmares are giving you a hard time and I'm probably not making it easier."
"You're alright. Better than Clint when he's over, at least, he sings a lot."
"He does?!"
"Not very good at it." he spoke, smiling when he noticed how your nose scrunched a little with your laugh. "My judgment might be clouded by 40's music, though."
It was surprising how little it took for Bucky to bring your mood up, filling your soul with a newfound sense of comfort which slowly, but surely, made you sleepier by the second. It wasn't all that different for him- making you laugh wasn't the hardest task because let's be honest, you were the one who'd always start laughing first during serious occasions, but being the cause of such a beautiful sound made him feel like he was accomplishing.
Bucky took notice of the way you didn't seem as tense as you used to when he first came to your room, hours of chatting was bound to get you both relaxed and somehow, by the end of the first hour, his head ended up by your shoulder as you played with his hair, listening to you as you told him about what your first impressions of everybody was.
"What did you think about me, then?" he asked, all quiet. "When I first came here."
"You didn't have a good reputation to start with," you sighed out, fingers brushing through his soft strands. "But Steve told us incredible things about you. How you were a knight in disguise, always willing to help, all those things.."
"But you called bullshit when you first saw me, hm?"
"Not exactly." you chuckled softly. "A good man is always a good man, Bucky. No matter what happened to them, or what they were forced into. At your core, if decency is what you stand by, it follows you through."
He huffed out a breath, smiling to himself before tucking his body closer to yours. "That's probably the kindest thing anyone's ever said about me."
"Now, I call that bullshit," you peeled your body away from his a little, just so he could lift his head and look at you. "You have a virtuous soul."
"You're not so bad yourself." he teased, earning a playful scoff from you as you kept looking at him, rather lovingly. He parted his lips to speak, giving himself a moment to put his words in order. "Wanna go to sleep?"
You shook your head in a nod, slowly pushing yourself away from the frame of the bed this time, letting him slightly hover over you as you laid your head against your pillow, patting your chest for him. "C'mere."
"Are you sure?"
"You seem to like it there," you joked, one hand reaching up to caress his cheek. "Don't worry about it."
And of course, he had nothing to worry about, as he laid his head on your chest, arms wrapped around one another.
It already felt like it'd be the best sleep both of you has ever got in years.
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"So," Natasha chirped, walking towards you as you held a mug of freshly brewed coffee between your palms, leaned against a column by the big windows. You smiled up at her, no idea what that grin on her lips was all about. She wasn't always the one to carry such positive, or rather teasing vibes around. "Care to explain why I saw Barnes leaving your room this morning?"
You almost choked on your coffee at that, immediately shaking your head to both sides as your brows knitted together. "Nothing! Nothing like that, God, It's just- neither of us could sleep, so we decided to help each other out."
"That still sounds sexual."
"But it isn't!" you protested, voice getting lower to avoid anyone else hearing. "We just slept together."
"Y/N, I can't believe I have to say this again, but that also sounds-"
"I know what it sounds like, jeez," you cut her off, slightly chuckling along with her as you took another sip of your coffee. "Don't tell anyone or I'll stand by your bed at night and weep."
"That's creepy," she pulled a disgusted face, hand coming forward to squeeze yours for a moment before letting go. "Jokes aside, while I'm glad you guys are- doing whatever that is, Tony is forcing a game night upon us so make sure to drag him along tonight."
"Yeah, yeah sure." you nodded with uncertainty, unsure if Bucky would join in and actually participate- he would probably much rather watch from a safe distance.
Would it be awkward to invite him to the game night yourself? I mean, wouldn't it sound… forced? Just because you slept together -not sexually-? One way to find out.
You managed to find Bucky in the training room after an extensive search through the facility. Sure, you could've just asked FRIDAY- but maybe this was your way of dragging it out. He was resting by the benches, drinking water out of a bottle he held tightly in his palm, a knife twirling in between his metal fingers. You cleared your throat before approaching him, noticing how his demeanor softened a bit instantly. "You know, I always admired the way you use that knife."
He chuckled at that. "Really? You're well-trained, Y/N, I'm pretty sure you've had time to admire things way cooler than some knife tricks."
"Close combat isn't my line of the country." you shrugged, slowly taking the knife from him, just to admire it. "I'm far more experienced in firearms. Not as cool as juggling knives through a fight."
"What makes you think that?"
"I feel like it's cowardice, for starters," you huffed out a smile. "Doesn't really give your opponent a way to fight back. You're not competing through skills- you're competing through how your gun is built."
He took a deep breath, nodding in agreement. "I've seen you in hand-to-hand combat, though. You're not- like, I think you're pretty good. Awesome, at times."
You handed his knife back to him before shrugging, a gentle grin on your lips as you did so. "We never sparred together, right?"
"Because I wouldn't want to hurt you in any way-"
"Bucky," you laughed out, getting up from your seat before extending a hand to him, just so he could hold it and get up after you. "I spar with Natasha. She makes real combat pale in comparison. I think I could handle you. Besides, how else are you gonna teach me all those knife tricks?"
"You make me sound like a clown when you call them knife tricks."
"You're juggling with 'em."
"Just stop."
Much to Bucky's surprise, you did handle him quite well. After almost an hour of sparring and learning those 'knife juggles', you were still going strong, body filled with energy as you pushed against his metal arm to get out of his grasp. With a gentle kick to the back of his knee just so you wouldn't actually hurt him, you brought him down on his knees, using his hair as leverage to bring his gaze up. "Still don't wanna hurt me?" you panted out, earning a tired chuckle from Bucky.
"How do you-" he breathed, taking a moment to regulate his oxygen intake further. "How do you seem to just guess what I'm about to do?"
"I observe. Watched you fight a lot- do you not study your friends' weaknesses?"
"Now, why the hell would anybody do that?"
"Cover them when someone's going for those spots." you slowly collapsed on the ground next to him, one hand on top of your stomach as you took deep breaths. "I didn't come here to spar, actually. I, um- apparently some game night kind of thing is in order, just tonight. Thought you and I could make a great team."
"You know I'm not really big on those," a grunt left his lips as he laid down next to you, eyes closing slightly in discomfort. "It's really not that fun to bounce a ball into a glass of alcohol."
"It's unhygienic to start with, and yeah, kind of pointless." you chuckled to yourself. "Could be fun, though."
"Yeah," he whispered, shifting in his position to get comfortable. "Maybe."
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Challenging Clint Barton on darts was an incredibly dumb idea, and that idea could only stem from Tony. As you watched the two annoy the hell out of each other with a smile, your eyes finally wandered all the way to where Bucky was. Despite saying that he wasn't big on game nights, he seemed to have fun, and even though you didn't participate much, the fact that he was out here smiling kept you happy.
You didn't notice him coming towards you with heavy steps when you looked down at the bottle of beer in your hand, trying to scrape off the brand label from the bottle. You suddenly felt his weight on the couch, right next to you, and offered the bottle to him which he took with gratitude, bringing the brim to his lips in order to take a sip.
"You know, I didn't tell you this in the morning, but," he sighed, handing the bottle right back to you before his gaze met yours. "I've been having those nightmares every night and last night, I still had one, but it wasn't… It was like I knew that it wasn't real. Like I knew that I was by your side, and all those things were just, shit my brain made up, you know?"
You nodded slightly, your smile growing a bit as you looked at him, practically urging him to keep speaking.
"It was like being next to you last night gave me some sort of lucidity and I prayed that I'd get that at nights for like, months." you brought the bottle up to take a sip of your own as he chuckled. "Just wanted to thank you for that."
"Maybe if we keep going, it'll all stop altogether." you whispered, shrugging to yourself. "I slept quite well, too. Insomnia is a real bitch but you got me sleepy, real fast."
"Are you calling me boring?"
"Maybe, maybe not," you chuckled, setting your now almost-empty bottle on the coffee table before leaning back on your seat again.
"So," he hummed, hand slowly reaching yours to hold it and give it a firm squeeze. "Wanna go to sleep?"
"Yes please."
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You felt like a teenager, changing into your pajamas with a friend only to sit cross-legged on the bed together and exchange stories, sometimes even gossip. Minty taste of your toothpaste still evident on your tongue as you laughed along with him to some silly joke, tracing the outline of the metal parts of his arm when he draped it over you, quieter by the second.
"Your heart beats fast when you're around other people," he spoke softly, his observation causing you to hum and look at him as he laid on his side, flesh arm serving as a pillow beneath his head. "Not around me. At least not anymore."
"It's comforting to have you here." you shrugged, cool metal warming under your palm when you got to tracing his fingers. "It all gets calmer."
"Like bad things can't get you here," he chuckled, making you nod along with him before you squirmed a bit on where you laid, until you could tuck yourself closer to his chest. He got the hint and his grip on you went a bit tighter, the blanket you had over your body feeling useless considering how much heat Bucky was radiating. "Is it only me, who makes it better?"
"It's not like this with other people."
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faithinhome · 2 years
Neighbor Next Door - Stephen Strange x Female OC
18+ | Minors DNI
Summary: anna had always thought the doctor next door was attractive. and one interaction left her itching to get more of him.
Tags: age gap (25F & 40M), cheating (but not in the way you’d think), strong language, smut, slow burn.
Chapter 3: Jealousy
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stephen had no idea what he’d just witnessed. the two definitely looked super dishevelled. strange was a little turned on by the idea of anna being so horny she couldn’t wait to do it. he kept replaying the ice cream incident, and it got slower each time. he didn’t know what it meant. he tried to stop thinking about it, but it felt impossible.
what had gotten her in such a mood? was it him? it was a bit cocky to think about but then again, it could be a possibility. it was an exciting possibility but stephen pushed the thought away. it shouldn’t matter, anyway. maybe it was him, maybe it wasn’t. either way, he had a wife to get home to.
after having done enough socialization and networking for the night, he finally headed home, excited to see christine. he hoped she was feeling better.
“hey" stephen was surprised to see christine awake now since it was midnight.
"oh hi" she looked up from her book and smiled tiredly at stephen.
there were 2 empty wine glasses on the table, causing stephen to raise a brow.
he took off his jacket and shrugged it on to a chair. "did you uh, have company?"
"yeah" christine smiled and stood, carrying the wine glasses to the sink.
"who was it?" stephen asked quietly.
christine has adamantly refused to go to the party because of how sick she felt. but apparently not sick enough for wine?
or was he overthinking this?
christine sighed. "mark"
"mark?" the crease on stephen's forehead deepened. "you were too sick to go to the party with me but you invited mark?"
christine turned around, sighing. "here we go.”
"i'm sorry, what?" stephen demanded, getting a little defenceless.
"you're gonna go on your little jealousy spree again" christine crossed her arms.
"oh forgive me for ever having to be jealous and insecure" stephen coughed. "besides, im just asking. you're the one catching an attitude"
"i started feeling better and mark called to confirm for something for our lab on saturday" christine said casually. "and we just decided to meet up for wine."
"okay" stephen nodded. "could you.. be a little more sensitive next time? i mean, i was literally just asking you a question and you started accusing me of being jealous. despite knowing very well why i tend to get jealous."
"i just... didn't have the energy to deal with it. "
"despite literally being the reason for it?"
"oh god, stephen!" christine threw her hands in ridicule. "do you ever let it go?"
stephen's patience was starting to wear thin. "why are you so mad?"
"you're just constantly on that same shit all the time!" christine huffed. "it's annoying."
"annoying?" stephen furrowed his brows, his jaw clenching. "oh god, i'm so fucking sorry for the mild annoyance, christine. i'll have you know that getting cheated on was far more than annoying! so i'm fucking sorry if i act this way sometimes and it's annoying. maybe you should have considered that before cheating on me!"
"oh my god" christine's voice raised in exasperation. "like i said, here we go again. stephen, i said i was sorry. what more do you want from me? are you never gonna trust me again?"
"it's taking time christine" stephen reasoned, his voice a little softer now. he was hurt by how insensitive christine was being. but it was like she didn’t even see it. “it's only been two months. i can't stop thinking about it and i thought you'd be more understanding."
"we've had sex like, what, once since then?” christine responded in frustration. "stephen i'm trying. but you keep constantly bringing it up, over and over. how are you ever gonna get over it if it constantly comes up? you're never gonna be able to move past it.”
stephen clenched his jaw. he didn't think christine had any right to bring up their sex life. he was affected so deeply he couldn't engage in sex, because anytime he tried, he couldn't stop thinking about christine being equally intimate with another man. all while she had also laid in his arms and lied to him over and over again.
"i honestly thought that little neighbour of ours, that would help you, but no. you just can't stop harbouring over the same shit!"
"what the hell are you talking about?" stephen snapped.
anna frowned as she walked to her apartment, hearing yelling coming from strange's apartment. she froze for a minute, listening intently.
she knew it was none of her business but stephen strange was literally yelling. and that was such a contrast to how he'd been today at the party. besides, she felt responsible to make sure no one was getting seriously hurt.
"come on stephen, it's so obvious she wants you!" christine scoffed. "please don't tell me you didn't even notice that! the cupcakes, the frequent visits. she literally showed up at our door in a fucking bathing suit! at like 9 in the morning! literally stopped an entire party because you asked her to. i noticed it and i was like okay, that attention might help him feel better. distract him. as long as she stays within limits but clearly, that doesn't help."
"are you fucking insane?" stephen couldn't believe what was happening right now. "you're mad at me for not doing something that would solely be convenient to you? what the hell is wrong with you? i don't want her, christine! i want you. i've always only wanted you.”
"well maybe you're too fucking obsessed with me!" christine yelled back and stephen froze, tears stinging at his eyes.
anna couldn't really make out words. she could just hear raised muffled voices, but they were distinct. after a few moments of silence, anna figured it was over and walked to her door, shuffling through her bag for her keys.
that's when the their apartment door flew open and stephen walked out with his jacket.
anna looked over at him, surprised by his dishevelled state. "stephen.”
this was the first time she'd ever said his name and her cheeks flushed.
he stopped and looked at her, sighing.
"a-are you okay?"
"i'm fine"
"i heard yelling" she spoke softly. "are you sure you're okay?"
"i'm fine" he said once again as he started to walk away.
anna followed after, concerned, "stephen, i-"
"just stop" stephen spoke through gritted teeth as he turned around to face her. "will you please stop? what you did at the party? showing up at our place unannounced lying about some cupcakes. and then literally fucking your friend in the bathroom at a fucking work party? will you please stop chasing me? im married, anna. and definitely not interested in someone that acts like the world is her brothel or some shit."
with that, he turned and left without hesitation.
anna gasped and backed away but she doubted stephen even saw how hurt she felt at the words that had come out of his mouth.
the worst part of it all was that it was true.
anna sniffled and opened her door, slamming it shut and letting out a soft sob as she curled up against the wall on the floor, hugging her knees close to herself. she felt so small and alone all of a sudden.
the memories of last night immediately flooded anna's mind as she woke up. she whined softly, not wanting to get up and face the world.
"god fucking damn it."
she felt horrible. but she couldn't turn to sam for help, she'd let him down. and she couldn't turn to wanda either after what had happened last night. she regretted it. and she knew she'd regretted it the moment the high of her orgasm had come down.
"why do i have to fuck everything up?"
anna rolled on her back and grabbed her phone, her eyes widening when she saw it was already past noon.
she saw she had a few texts from wanda, surprisingly.
hey annie. hope you're okay. just wanted to say that i really don't want to lose this friendship, despite everything.
anna swallowed, her mouth dry. the text read of regret too. and she obviously didn’t want to lose wanda either. but she was too disheveled to even consider how to deal with this.
she left the text unanswered and went to text sam.
sam, i wanted to say i'm sorry. you were right about it all along. i'm going to stop. i know it's not my place and i'm sorry i made you upset.
she didn't know if she was gonna understand her place here if stephen hadn't snapped at her last night. obviously she was not going to keep pursuing him after she'd been humiliated like that.
but she didn't want sam to know just yet. it was far too embarrassing.
anna finally managed to get herself in the shower. she put on an oversized shirt and a pair of shorts, her still damp hair resting against her shoulders.
anna groaned as her door bell rang and she slowly made her way to the door.
maybe it was sam on the other side. had wanda told him yet? was he here to chew her out again? or maybe comfort her? or maybe even apologize for being a little too harsh on her?
she was not expecting to find stephen strange on the other side of the door. her eyes widened as she saw him, her gaze lowering. "oh. hi.”
he was dressed in a simple shirt and pants, his tie loose around his collar. "hi, anna."
he thought she looked quite pretty with damp hair, which couldn't be said for a lot of people.
"um, i came here to apologize" he lifted a white pastry box with a soft apologetic smile. "and i brought cupcakes"
anna smiled and nodded, stepping aside and inviting him in.
"would you like something to drink?" she asked quietly, watching as he placed the cupcakes on the table.
"um, a tea would be nice. thank you." he spoke sheepishly. he hadn't gone back to his apartment at all and barely had any breakfast.
anna nodded and walked to the kitchen, a little relaxed about how much friendlier strange appeared today.
she kept his tea down on the coffee table and invited him to sit. "thanks for the cupcakes.”
"i had to" he smiled and nodded softly. "im horribly sorry about how i spoke to you yesterday. the comment i made at- at the end."
he cringed as he recalled his own awful remarks from last night.
"that was horrible and im so sorry. i just want you to know i absolutely do not see you that way at all. i was just... ticked about something my wife said in uh, relation to you"
anna studied strange as he apologized. it felt really sincere and honestly, he wasn't entirely wrong last night. her brows shot up at the last comment and she bit her lip nervously.
"oh god, i'm so sorry" anna started, earning a look of confusion from stephen. "did i make christine uncomfortable? i really.. that really was not my intention"
"no, no not at all" stephen assured her softly. he figured after all the horrible things he'd thrown her way last night, he might as well be honest about what happened. he owed her that. "she um. we had an argument about something that.. uh, something that happened two months ago. and she just brought you up and basically said that, that she thought you were into me and that the attention would keep me distracted and prevent me from harbouring on about what happened. and that really pisssed me off, which is why i left. and then i saw you..." he trailed off, eyeing anna, guilt evident in his eyes.
anna listened intently. god, how much more embarrassed could she possible be? "did you come here to embarrass me further?" she couldn't help the remark. she felt humiliated over and over and her defensive side was starting to come out.
"no, god no" stephen pushed. he really was going to screw this up wasn't he? "i just thought you deserved to know the truth. especially after how horribly i'd treated you. obviously christine was just saying whatever in defence. but that still was not okay, and i'm sorry. both for what she said and what i said as well."
anna honestly felt bad for stephen. she could see how guilty he felt and how hard he was trying. but the brothel comment still stung.
"you... you did basically call me a whore last night" anna spoke quietly and stephen's brows knitted together and his cheeks flushed. he looked even more guilty and anna didn't think that was possible. "i mean i get that i do... i dress a certain way but. i don't know, i want to forgive you and i do. i really do. i just don't know how to move past that comment."
stephen lowered his gaze, swallowing the lump in his throat. he felt his eyes burning. he honestly felt so horrible he thought he could cry. but he wasn't going to. he didn't want anna to forgive him out of pity.
"i'm really sorry and i'll try to make up for it"
anna bit her lip, eyeing strange. she sighed softly and reached out tentatively to place a hand over his.
stephen's eyes flickered to the hand and then to her eyes.
"it's okay" she smiled softly. "i can see how much this is affecting you. i mean, now that i think about it. it... it would be kind of hypocritical to hold what you said in an angry state against you. god knows i've said some shit when ive been angry. so it's okay. thanks for coming over. it takes a big person to be so honest"
stephen breathed a sigh of relief and smiled softly. "thank you. and i really do mean it. i do not see you that way at all. i honestly really don't."
"also, i did fuck my bestfriend" anna laughed awakrdly, trying to lighten the mood. "so i get where you were coming from"
stephen didn't know whether to laugh or not so he just smiled awkwardly.
"right so um" anna stated awkwardly, a little embarassed from the failed attempt at humour. "thanks for the cupcakes. mind sharing them with me?"
"i'd love to" stephen smiled softly, appearing a little more relaxed.
anna grabbed one and handed one to stephen.
"so uh, how are you feeling today? if you don't mind me asking"
stephen gulped down his tea and nodded slowly. "i’m a little scared to go back" he admitted with a soft chuckle. "i don't know what i'd even say."
anna nodded. "maybe don't say anything? i know... you didn't ask for advice but i think it was you that was hurt, you know? so maybe christine will eventually come around and apologize"
"i guess" stephen nodded. he'd never done that before. it was usually christine who'd give him the silent treatment, irrespective of who was wrong, and he'd have to end up apologizing.
anna decided to shut up after that, not wanting to interfere further.
"these cupcakes are really good" she murmured after finishing one, reaching out to grab another one.
stephen chuckled softly. "glad you like them.”
"maybe you should come over to apologize more often, these are amazing."
finally, stephen let out a soft laugh and the air seemed lighter.
a/n: as promised, chapter 3! i think i should probably make my chapters longer to cover more story in a single chapter. please let me know what you think, if i should increase the length of the chapters or if they’re okay this way? also, sorry for doing that to christine. she seems to be a very beloved character among the doctor strange fandom but i think she’s always been a bit unfair to him so maybe i was projecting that on to the fic. buttt let me know if more of you’d like to be added to my reading list (or if you want out lol). as always, thank you so much for reading and feel free to share your thoughts. see your guys next week!!! 🥰
link to the fic index: Neighbor Next Door
@kentucky-criedfricken @sherlux @evelynrosestuff @thewinterpoet2 @lokislov3 @loolani @0p444ls
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lyrqxa · 2 years
being a closeted hermitshipper/trafficshipper on twitter is such an experience because sometimes people will follow me and the first thing i see on their profile is “hermitshippers/trafficshippers dni” and i wonder. i wonder what they would think of me if they saw this account. if they saw all of the art i DONT post to the internet even LOL
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missmorosis · 4 years
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giving their s/o a panic attack by fighting
↪ feat. Bokuto and Oikawa :)
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hi so here’s what ive been doing instead of the v day matchups ✋😩
these are not v good im sorry omg
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TW: panic attack, hyperventilating, mentions of bad relationship from the past <33
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Quarantine had the two of you on thin ice, both of you constantly getting on each other's nerves, and something small tipped you both over the edge. You and him were so angry, but in the back of your head, you were wondering... how could you be arguing for something so unimportant?
"I can't believe you," you muttered, angrily.
"Y/N, how about you?" His voice started increasing in volume. "I can't believe you're being so stupid!" He was really yelling now, and you flinched. "Think with your head now, would you?" He... yelled at you.
You knew fighting in a relationship was natural, but this couldn't help but scare you. He could be really intimidating when he wanted to be, and you had never seen this side of him before.
Memories from the past immediately started flooding your head. No... no, no, no.
It's your s/o... he would never hurt you... right? That's what you thought before, with your previous relationship, and you were wrong last time. What made this time any different?
Your breathing picked up pace, and you started to panic...
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Bokuto immediately froze at the look of fear on your face. He... he did that to you? He had always been the one to comfort you in times like this; never the one to inflict pain or fear onto you.
"Y/N..." His voice cracked with emotion. He hated seeing you this way, especially since he caused it. He tried pulling you closer, but you didn't move- you were frozen, unable to do anything except make feeble attempts at deep breaths, incased in flashbacks. "Y/N..." He crouched down next to you, his hair deflating.
You whimpered, tears starting to leak out of your eyes, and Bokuto brought you into the safety of his arms. You flinched, and Bokuto started to sob.
"Shh, Y/N,” he tried to say, in between his sobs. “I'm here... I’m so sorry. Unless- you don't want me to be here? Am I making it worse?" Seeing you hurt made him hurt, and the last thing he wanted to do was make it even worse for you. Thankfully, you slowly shook your head no, and he hugged you tighter.
"Okay," he mumbled, softly rubbing your back. "Y/N, just breathe for me, okay?" He felt his own tears blurring his vision, but he was focused on you. “Breathe in, breathe out.” You tried your best, inhaling shakily and exhaling a weak breath. “Great job, baby.” You gave a small nod and tried to inhale again.
He held you until you felt completely fine, which took several minutes. He whispered soft words of encouragement into your ears as you tried your best to calm down. 
You leaned against his chest; tired from everything that you just put your body through.
"I'm so sorry- that was so stupid of me. I wasn't thinking- I- Y/N, I’m here... and I'll never yell at you again, okay?" he mumbled, stroking your hair, and you weakly nodded. You knew he meant it.
“Koutarou... I know... just please don’t scare me like that- makes me feel like I’m back with my ex,” you explained, and Bokuto froze.
“What did your ex do?” he asked, with somewhat of an angry tone. He couldn’t help it; he never wanted to see you in pain, and anyone who made you feel that way didn’t deserve to be with you in the first place. You hummed softly, signaling that you didn’t want to talk about it in detail, but Bokuto understood. 
“I won’t do that ever again, Y/N. I love you so much... I hate seeing you like that, and I’ll do everything I can to prevent it.” His grip on your hands tightened, and you squeezed them in response.
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"T- Tooru, please s- stop," you whimpered, but in Oikawa's frenzy, he ignored you.
“Whatever, Y/N. You can’t just walk away like you always do.” He rolled his eyes and turned around.
“Oik-” you started, trying to tell him that you couldn’t breathe, at all.
“Y/N, don’t you know when to shut up?” You choked back a sob and fell down into the fetal position. He turned back around at the sound of you thumping onto the floor, and Oikawa’s heart dropped.
He messed up.
It broke his heart to see the one he loved in panic... because of him.
“Baby... I... I’m so sorry- I didn’t mean-” He immediately softened and rushed to your side. Breaths fumbled in and out of your mouth, and you were slowly but surely losing control of yourself, overcome with memories of the past. “Hey, baby, look at me.” He raised his hand, reaching out towards you, but you backed away, flinching.
"P- please. I- I'm... sorry," you managed, making his heart break even more.
"Wha- why are you sorry? Don't be, this is my fault..." He himself was now crying. You furiously shook your head, starting to sob, and hung your head down, shielding it away from your boyfriend. He rushed to brush the hair out of your face, trying to look you in the eyes. You tensed at his touch, but you didn’t pull away. “Are you oka- why am I asking that, clearly you aren’t... just... just breathe, okay?”
He was thoroughly panicked himself, but he tried his best to stay calm for your sake. He brought you into his arms, softly breathing on the top of your head.
“I’m so sorry,” he murmured, rubbing your back. “You’re doing great.”
Eventually you were able to breathe normally, and your sobs melted away. You took a deep breath and looked at your boyfriend.
“I’m sor-” you tried to say.
“I’m sorry,” Oikawa said, interrupting you. “I hate making you feel like that and- I really... I really messed up.”
“It’s not your fault...” you reassured him. “It’s natural, I just-” You took another deep, calming breath. “You just reminded me of my ex.” You looked to the ground immediately, trying to avoid eye contact. Ah. Your ex.
“Your... ex?” Oikawa knew small things about your old boyfriend, but he did know that he had not treated you well. He felt anger in the back of his heart; how could he make you feel this way? More than once?
“Yeah, I just- I don’t know. Was scared of you for a second.” Oh.
“I never want to make you feel that way, Y/N. I’m so sor-” he started to say.
“Don’t apologize, just... just stay here with me.” His face morphed into a small smile as he brought you closer into his arms.
“Of course... I’m sor-”
“Tooru,” you warned, and he kissed the top of your head.
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this has been in my wips for a while, sorry these aren’t super good HAHA- i felt like i had to get something out but im feeling disgusting rn so i just decided to finish a wip instead <33
haikyuu taglist: @floralkawa​ (send an ask to get added 👀)
mwahh lyyyy lmk what you think :D
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thighridingsamu · 3 years
What Roommates Do
zen'in maki x gn!reader
content warnings: roomate!maki, making out, brief dry humping, some biting, mention of tongue sucking, oral sex and fingering (f receiving/character receiving), praise, swearing
word count: ~1.3k
a/n: i hate to repost this omfg but i wasn't showing up in the tags. sorry to everyone that's getting the tag notification twice! baby @honeymaki im gonna tag you just bc you love maki toooo but do not feel obligated to read ❤ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, 18+
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living with maki seemed like a great idea, the practical choice. she was looking for a roommate at the same time and definitely had the money to pay her part of the rent. she wasn't too good a friend that there was a relationship to put in jeopardy, but a friend enough that it wouldn't be too awkward constantly being in the same space.
but it's frustrating sometimes. especially when you see her walking around in those short shorts that show off her strong and toned thighs, paired with a thin sports bra that does little to hide her hardening nipples from the change in temperature from her room to the rest of the apartment. in the beginning it was easy to turn away and keep your mind off the way she looked so damn good, but as the months went by...
it was hard to keep your eyes off her figure, to not envy the droplets of water that run down her neck into the crook of her collarbone. it was hard not to lean in for a desperate kiss in the middle of the night as you two stared at each other from across the dinner table, wanting to taste the ice cream you were sharing on her tongue. it was hard not to react to the way her fingers 'accidently' pressed against your neck, drifting from their spot in your hair during movie nights.
there wasn't really a final straw that led to this, at least not on your side. part of you hopes this was all somehow part of a plan maki secretly had, hopes that she had an equally as difficult time not to throw herself at you in the small intimate moments you shared in the space you two own.
either way, you were beyond glad to be seated on her lap, panting against her mouth as your hips move in tandem with hers. it's was embarrassing when you first settled down, scared the position was a little much, but now that was the last thing on your mind. now you're focused on feeling good, your body craving more of her touches and warmth.
with shy hands you smooth over her arms, going to her hips and up her waist. the points of contact felt right, sending surges of warmth from your hands through your body. when you hesitate to touch her breasts she laughs and guides your hand, squeezing around it and letting a moan fall from her lips.
"you do want you want, i'll be sure to let you know if i need you to stop. make sure you do the same, okay?"
the sound of her voice for the first time in what seems like forever makes you whine, rocking your hips against hers a little harder. you're dizzy and nodding, letting your hands go under her shirt. she moans again when you press your thumbs against her nipples, using the hand that was still on your cheek to grab at your hair and pull your head back.
your gasp and the way your thighs try to close, squeezing the sides of hers, makes maki grin. you groan when her teeth graze against the column of your throat, cursing lowly and massaging her breasts with a bit more pressure.
"you've always been sensitive here, right?" she swirls her warm tongue over the same spot her teeth were previously and then bites down. your hips do that thing again, move strongly to try to ease the ache between your legs. "i'll take that as a yes."
it goes on for a while, the making out. there was a few minutes that got fuzzy when she sucked on your tongue and pressed her hand against your crotch, allowing you to hump against her touch. she adored the strangled sounds you made, enjoyed licking up the drool that dribbled down the sides of your mouth. you were perfect for her, sweet little thing that took anything she gave. you could have swore you could cum just like that, and maybe you would have if she gave you a couple more minutes.
but that wasn't too much of a problem when she asked you if there was anything you wanted to do. though she hadn't expected you to so eagerly say:
"eat you out. wanna give you the best goddamn head of your life."
and here she thought you barely had any thoughts left.
maki laughs softly, pressing a kiss to your nose and then both of your cheeks. she starts off a small jerk of her head and then starts to nod, agreeing to your wishes.
you press an excited kiss to her lips, some fog clearing up as you maneuver off her lap and lay her down. she sighs at the feeling of your lips on her smooth stomach, combing through your hair and scratching gently at your scalp.
she asks you if you're sure, lets you know you don't have to do this for her. you successfully shut her up by removing her top and kissing her exposed breasts, dipping your hand into her panties.
"so wet," you say in complete awe, eyes flickering up to meet her face. she's flushed but you can't tell if its from your comment or it's developed at some point throughout the night. for the first time she wavers, breaking eye contact and smiling coyly, playfully tugging at your hair. "yeah, okay. got it. i'll stop talking."
with heavy eyes she smiles and says a simple good, body relaxing under your touch. she helps you out when you take off her shorts and panties, thighs spreading as she drapes her arm over her face.
maki isn't subtle with the way she pushes you closer to her. the sound she makes at the feel of your tongue licking at her is louder than any other you've heard all evening and it sends warmth right between your legs.
you try to keep a slow pace, groaning against her pussy from the mere taste of her. the reaction you get from sucking at her clit makes you whine, brain right back to that fuzzy state it was moments ago.
this place, between her legs, hearing her pretty moans and deep laughs every time you get a little cheeky, mumbling about how good you'll make her feel.
"fuck, baby, know you will. keep it up, doing so good for me."
she sounds breathless and needy, but definitely more composed than you. it's a little irritating but you go on anyway, sometimes pulling away to spread her apart and fuck her with your fingers, gently biting her thighs.
you're almost overwhelmed by the way her body tells you she's close. first she releases her hands from your hair, flying up to pinch at her nipples. then she rolls her hips against your face, whimpering curses. her thighs try to close around your head but you catch them in time, focusing on her clit and sucking.
"shit, right there! please, m'gonna-"
her plea makes you lose it at the same she does, mind reeling at the feeling of her cumming underneath you. one of her hands comes right back to your head, pressing you close like she's afraid of losing the feeling of you too soon.
when her breathing relaxes so does her hand, allowing you to pull away. you do so slowly and carefully, kissing her thighs back up to her tummy.
maki tilts your chin up and brings you up for a kiss, sneaking under the shirt you regrettably still have on. her hands are cold but you can't help but relax at her touch. she feels this and smiles lazily, pulling away and hiding in your neck.
"we need to do that again some time."
you grin and kiss the side of her head, hugging around her shoulders. it works as a block to her attempt to hit you when you say, "i'm here all week folks."
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tagging: @newfriendjen, @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein, @omiikeii,@natsuonii, @kingschateau. want to be added to my taglist? join by using this form!
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People don't understand how much it hurts to be avoided like the plague over things done several years ago. I'm not even in my thirties yet- people inevitably make mistakes but it feels like no one knows how to forgive or give back a chance anymore. Why should I even bother carrying on if I'm just going to make more and more mistakes as years past and just get more and more irredeemable in the eyes of everyone. It feels like I have to be perfect 24/7 if i dont want to face another heartbreak. I just want to make friends and rp and be involved and not a pariah or outcast. i struggle to get mutuals as it is and the few I have act like im on thin ice constantly. i can't take the pressure anymore. i'm sorry.
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kiwibirbs-library · 4 years
Before and After Rituals
a/n: hi I hope yall like Imma make this a series with the schools so      mauh <3
pairings: karasuno x reader
warning: I’m pretty sure this is all clean if not feel free to say something. 
summary: the boy’s before and after game things that they do with you
seijoh || nekoma || fukurodani || shiratorizawa
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Daichi Sawamura
the night before a game you always go over to his house with some meat buns and either stay for a while or spend the night
he always holds onto you in some way
it calms him down 
its not anything big but it gives him a good sense of peace and quiet before chaos
after his game you always wait for him outside the gym, win or lose
he goes with his team back to the school and you meet him there too
you either go to his house or yours and one of you spends the night just to calm down his head
you always get snacks and even if he tells you to not get to much junk you always get to much and he doesn’t stop you
if he won then you talk about the next match and his thoughts on the team
he’ll also spin you around when he sees you outside the gym
idk he loves doing it
if he lost than he’ll start on things he needs to do better on and you’ll try and cheer him up with some corny jokes and kithes.
Sugawara Koshi
all the morning before the game you two are attached at the hip. 
everyone is just used to you “sneaking” onto the bus to drive with them
in reality him trying and failing horribly to cover you with his jacket and coach just giving up on it
constant quiet giggles at first as you try and calm his nerves
then around the end its more quiet and serious as he focuses a little more
after the game he naps on you the whole way home
if he wins you get to listen to his rambling about some idea he had on signals he could use or a set up he wants to try
he could literally talk for hours on what he was thinking wall watching and playing its so adorable
if he loses then theres a aura of sadness in the bus and if its bad enough he’ll muffle his small sniffs into your shoulder
that hasn’t happen except for date tech and sejioh though and your happy for that
you always sleep over after the game
Asahi Azumane
before the game welcome to teddy bear time
noya constant teasing for a week straight since the big dork is constantly on you freaking out
normally its not to bad and a lot of it is just of how scare he is that his spikes will get blocked a lot and the comments he’s sure to receive about his looks when he gets there
when game day does come you always kiss his cheek and hold his face to tell him good luck
def earning gags from tssuki but you didn’t hear it from me
after the game its like teddy bear time x10
win or lose you get a new weighted blanket for a couple of days
if he wins its a more happy blanket yes but he’s so exhausted that he just falls asleep on you the minute you meet him at his house after they left for the bus
plus a bunch of random ‘holy crap wait i did that?!”’s to himself throughout the day
if he loses he cries a little, blaming himself for the entire thing
you always tell him that its not his fault and that he did his best
he’s honestly so pessimistic the night after and your one it telling him that he needs to remember how it feels but not let it bring him down
you bring him up with those comments and he’s so grateful for it
Nishinoya Yuu
every time the day before a game he likes to go somewhere with you
weather it be the park, the arcade, an ice cream shop
a freaking pet shop (yes you almost got a pet that day)
he finds it relaxing to see you having a nice time with him and every time he always makes sure its a place to make you smile
after the game he’s a koala on you, win or lose
the only real difference is happy koala or sad koala
happy koala is randomly kissing you and laughing, nuzzling into you while Tanaka either gags or whines about how single he feels
sad koala is sniffling into your shoulder and clinging to you even more if its possible, hes pretty quiet too so you know hes waiting until you get home to talk about everything
course after that mini pout session hes all fighting and ready to see that team again and win
either one also ends with a cuddle movie night until like 2am
also unrelated but like he’s so freaking hot when he receives so always tell him that
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
ok ok this boy omg 
so before the game its MAJOR sucking up to you
literally after a while you’ll get more used to it and get what kinds of attention he wants but like at first its just a lot of complements and stares and draping
literally ennoshita is stretched so thin the week before hand by it all
no one even understands why he’s sucking up to you other than him, you (after a little), and ennoshita
he just wants you to return the energy
after the game all depends on winning or loosing
if the win he will always, without fail, kiss you like a million times all over your face when he sees you next
does not matter if its outside the gym or if its when he gets back to the school or what
every time
if they lose, well you now have a very sad puppy on your hands
mentally during a game he’s like no one you’ve never met but when he gets home and has sometime to think its all a bunch of ‘i could have done better’ and ‘i should have done better’ s
you are constantly reassuring him thats he’ll do it next time and that its not his fault
but win or lose yall’s main thing is a movie and snack night
after that he’s really to go the next morning and beat up some volleyballs lol
Ennoshita Chikara
lol he’s the most chill i think
before the match he’s really calm
bb doesn’t think he’s gunna play but like he’s ready
honestly though the biggest switch is that he’s an even bigger cuddle bug than before
like he keeps it together at school but hangouts? coming over?
better have gone to the bathroom before cause you’re not moving for the next couple hours
it’s like it calms him down after practice enough to think over what he needs to work on
after the game is the same no matter win or lose
every.single.time. he will always have a sit down with you to talk about what happened during the game
like quick nap, the meeting, then off to your house to go over the pros and cons on the game
he always has the moments when he thinks he’s not worth it to be put in the game but you always just ruffle his hair and tell him thats the furtherest from truth he could get
Kageyama Tobio
sorry anyways
so before a game he gets kinda quiet
normally he likes to chat about stuff that went on in practice or how hinata pissed him off that day while yall are sprawled on his couch
but he gets quiet the week before and just has that look on his face
you know the look
the ‘grumble grumble’ one
you always poke between his eyebrows and poke at him to make sure he doesn’t go to far into his thoughts
the night before its like a switch flips and hes muttering to himself like crazy on something he might be able to do with his sets
after a game is another win or lose situation
winning means you get little kid mode kageyama
literally his eyes sparkle at everything he enjoys afterward
rewatching his match
anything you freaking do, all that
plus napping, a lot of napping
losing is sad to watch
he sort of goes back a few steps in the social department and goes robot mode
you both will camp out on his couch, his head buried in your lap or shoulder
if its bad enough he cries a little
you always sleep over no matter what
Hinata Shoyo
alright this boy before the game is normally fairly daily ngl
you get normal bouncy sunshine that will follow you anywhere and everywhere all the time
but the night before you get meditation mode where he sets out his game stuff and sits there for like half an hour
first time this happened you got scared for him cause he never sits still that long
now though you just sorta hang on his bed watching him cause its cute
after the game is the biggest depending there is out of the rest
if he wins he is bouncing of the walls after a little nap
when you finally get him home he’ll have you throw the ball back and forth for like an hour before you call it and make him lay down or eat or something
if he loses its like he lost all his energy for a little while
he tries to fall asleep but cant due to a replay of something he did wrong
you always run your hand through his hair and try to calm him down
calm down as in cheer up not energy
at least until someone says something (usually tanaka) that gets him on another energy high to beat them next time
you always sleep over though it just happens so often that it became normal
Tssukishima Kei
before is fairly normal im ngl
he doesn’t do to much out of the ordinary
I like to think he’s a heck tone more affectionate in private 
his before game time isn’t anything special though 
he does come with you to the store to get snacks with yamaguchi more often tho so
thats something
after a game is really calm and slow
once again I think he’s a lot more affectionate in private so you lay on him while hes on his phone to calm down
half the time its calming you down since you were freaking out more than him
but same difference
this is what happens win or lose though
like if they lose and he tried he might lay on you instead but its normally just like that
honestly thinking of him being more affectionate in private just makes me fall for him ahhhhhh hate this but anyways
Tadashi Yamaguchi
this boy good lord
so before a game he literally shaking 
like he was fine the whole week but the day before he’s slowly freaking out more and more
tssuki will laugh at him while your trying your best to talk him out of his up coming panic attack that might come
a good light smack on his back and a cheek kiss is good enough to get him distracted fro thinking to much though
after a game is always the same thing unless he screwed up a serve really bad
you two always go to the store and gets some snacks and them go to his house and just talk about anything ad everything
if he wins its normally about the game but when he loses you bring up random things to cheer him up
if he messed up he’ll get quiet and just lay on you for hours
but you know that if you can get something about his amazing improvement he’ll eventually brighten up
bb just wants some love (that doesn’t mean you don’t smack him upside the head when he makes fun of someone tho 
a/n: im sorry for not doing  kinoshita and narita i dont know them good enough since im not that far into season four to write for them. plus i think ennoshita is oc but thats ok i think
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🌴 People don't understand how much it hurts to be avoided like the plague over things done several years ago. I'm not even in my thirties yet- people inevitably make mistakes but it feels like no one knows how to forgive or give back a chance anymore. Why should I even bother carrying on another forty years of isolation if I'm just going to make more and more mistakes as years past and just get more and more irredeemable in the eyes of everyone. It feels like I have to be perfect 24/7 if i dont want to face another heartbreak. I just want to make friends and rp and be involved and not a pariah or outcast. i struggle to get mutuals as it is and the few I have act like im on thin ice constantly. i can't take the pressure anymore. i'm sorry.
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i love your writing alot so im requesting again lol- HCs for deku, tsuyu, shoto, denki and hanta with a S/O who moves around a lot while they're sleeping and accidently kicks them out of bed? tysm love. and again, make sure you take care of yourself!! <33
Awww! Of course! :D
So this originally was supposed to be posted a few days ago, but noooooooo my phone messed the crap up so now I have to start over again 😤 so these will be short but I promise to put out some good stuff!
S/O Kicks Them Out of the Bed
Fluff 💖
Izuku Midoriya-
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Anytime you and Izuku slept in the same bed, it would be all nice and cuddly. Then you would get hot and he would try to still cuddle you since he’s a sweet green-haired baby. Whenever it did get hot, you were known to throw the covers off you and sleep almost nude. One of the first times this ever happened, you and him were both soundly asleep. You started to toss and turn from the sweat and eventually threw off the cover. He immediately cuddled you and got closer. BIG MISTAKE! You managed to kick him off the bed with one swift kick and woke up to him groaning, laying on the ground.
“Izuku!” You said, standing up and going over to him. He was curled up, rubbing his head from where he hit it. “Ah! What happened!?” He asked after a few moments of sitting up, taking a second. “I was hot!” You exclaimed, feeling horrible. That next morning people were asking about what happened, all you said was one word and it was “hot” then Deku would add on with “natured, very hot natured.” Poor kid!
Tsuyu Asui-
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Whenever you started dating Tsu, you knew it would be like dating a frog. But it never really bothered you until you both were going to sleep, she would spread out on the bed and you would constantly move around, trying to get comfortable. So there was barely any space in the bed when it came to you two. She was sprawled out and you were tossing and turning. You could hear her grumble and mumble a bit when she kept feeling the sheets move but it wasn’t much of a bother. Then something just made you want to stretch your legs out, and when you did you somehow managed to kick her off the bed and into the floor. You were in such a deep sleep, you didn’t even realize until that next morning.
“Hey babe! How did you sleep?” You ask, kissing her cheek. “Pretty bad, I fell off the bed, ribbit.” Your eyes went kind of wide, so what was a bad guy in your dream that you kicked was actually Tsu! “I’m so sorry!” You say, while hugging her. She laughed it off and honestly it was just a fun story to tell to your friends, she still didn’t mind sharing the bed with you.
Shoto Todoroki-
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Shoto was usually hot and cold, yes not just his personality or the Katy Perry song, but his body was hot and cold on different sides! Whenever you slept with him, you would lay on his chiller side, that night you were asleep with your face on his shoulder. His chest slowly raising up and down, with quiet snores. You were known to move around a decent bit, but it never really affected him. You started to move around, moving your arms and legs. You went to go stretch, that’s when you feel your hand hit something. Your eyes opened quickly and you heard a thud. There was Shoto holding his face, laying on the ground. “I’m so sorry Todoroki!” You say, instantly feeling terrible. “No no, it’s fine.” He says, finally looking at you.
You ended up sitting in the floor with him, holding a ice pack up to his eye. You kept apologizing over and over again, the last time you did it, he chuckled quietly. “At least I know you can defend yourself, I’m not mad.” He says looking at you. You smile a bit, kissing his forehead. “I really am sorry.” You sigh, he cups your face and kisses you. “Like I said (y/n), I’m not mad. So don’t worry, okay?” He says, you nod. That next morning people asked what happened to his eye and he just says you used your sleep karate skills on him. Everyone laughed, knowing that you move around a lot anyways!
Denki Kaminari-
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Whenever it came down to it, you were known for moving around a lot in your sleep. And when anytime would touch Denki that he couldn’t recognize, he immediately goes into defensive mode. This occurred one night while you were asleep in his dorm. You were laying down, faced towards the wall and in a pretty deep sleep. That’s when you stretch out your leg with some force and you send him flying! He falls off and all hell is unleashed. “Ah!” Denki yells, falling and immediately using his quirk. He starts to send electric shocks throughout the room and managed to hit you and hit the outlets so the lights got knocked out and bursted from the amount of electricity that came from him. You woke up yelling because being electrocuted isn’t the best way to start your day. The whole power was out, you hear students yell out if confusion and some out of fright. It was like that the whole night!
That next morning, you and Denki had to explain to Aizawa what happened and honestly he was NOT a fan. You had a mark from the electricity hitting you, Denki had dark eye bags from lack of sleep and bruises from where he accidentally got hit and then knocked off into the floor. You guys still slept together, but after that you were MUCH more cautious and made sure to not freak out like you both did.
Hanta Sero-
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You were very cold natured, like you would sleep with 5 blankets and still be cold! Sero could deal with it but it wasn’t exactly his type of sleeping style. So you both would share the blankets without a complaint in the world. Well that was until you started to take the blanket from it. It was like a full out war for this thin blanket! You would pull it from him, curling up. You could hear him groan and try to pull it back from him. It went like this all night. By the time it was late, you grabbed the blanket for the last time. He went to go and pull it back, that’s when you kicked him and he fell straight onto the floor. “Ah!” He yells as he falls into the floor. He hit the floor with a loud thud, that woke you up in an instant. “What happened!?” You say, getting ready to fight whatever there could possibly be.
You look down and your face got immediately red. “I uh-“ you start, then you can hear Sero laughing. “That was awesome babe! I didn’t know you could do that!” He says, the next morning he bragged how his partner had wonderful and outstanding leg strength. You were embarrassed at first but then realized it wasn’t that bad, so you would join along laughing with them. Let’s say he was much more careful when sharing a blanket from now on!
I hope you liked this! Recently my other blog has been blowing up! We do letters and if you want to check it out I highly recommend it!
I hope you have a great day! :)
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elpercotreviews · 2 years
The Inheritance Games Book 1 Review
Update 08/26/22: I fucking lied. No I didn't finish the book, I only got 56 percent through TBH 😭😭😭 It's just when I wrote this review, I thought I'd have finished it and edited it with a better understanding of the story by the time I uploaded this post. But I never finished it, I couldn't bring myself too. Point still stands that it's not the worst book I've read. It's not a bad book. Just couldn't convince myself to keep reading/I did try to keep reading but at the pace of like a couple pages a week 😔 I think I couldn't finish the story cuz it feels TOO high school/wattpad in a way that makes it feel unrelatable to me??? In my full review below, you'll see more of what I meant. Maybe if I feel bored, I'll try to finish the book, but I got other books on my Kindle I think I'll prioritize first.
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The vibes are like a mishmash of The Westing Game, Knives Out, Umbrella Academy, and a wattpad story, more specifically a bts/kpop fanfiction or "I got sold to 1D" wattpad story BUT IN A GOOD WAY I SWEAR. Like make the grammar worse and add more spelling errors, and I deadass could imagine this front page of wattpad. It's because, let's be real, this story ain't literature and that's perfectly fine. We're here to watch this girl become a Crazy Rich not Asian be surrounded by four cute equally not Asian and unequally Rich boys.
I thank the advent of booktok and the resurgence of YA/NA literature because I have so many books to read now and I'm out of my reading stump, but I wish this book (amongst others) was written a few years prior. Because, I'm not getting any younger. I'm 22, which to some is a baby age, and to others, is ancient *shudders* so unfortunately YA main characters are now outside of the age range that I find to be attractive. Luckily, I like to read stories as if I'm the main character (a consequence from my obsession with otome games and interactive fiction) so I just imagine myself in her shoes if I was the same age. But since ya know REALITY is older, I found myself attracted to NASH of all people in this book lmaooo. I'm an unfortunate sucker for bad boys, and he was the only age appropriate boy to lock onto lmaooo.
If I read this book at 18, I would've ate Grayson and Jameson UPPPP. Jameson weirdly and vaguely reminds me of Albert Moriarty specifically from the Moriarty anime and is crossed with Benedict from Bridgerton. IDK I think it's the more cheeky/sly vibes while still being kinda emo. Grayson's personality is typically more my type and yet I found him to be kind of a shit IM SORRY. I think it's cuz the story suffers a tad bit by the wattpad-esque vibes in that the characters need to drive the point home that "this is my character and my personality!!!" Xander's personality was very Honey-senpai/BOY vibes so I'm not even gonna comment on him, in my eyes he's a child and nothing else.
Now the female lead. Avery, Avery, Avery. The girl who is constantly getting her name said wrong. I have a friend in real life named Avery, but her personality is so different from this story's Avery that I can't imagine them being remotely the same. Avery here is ... she's Y/N and I think anybody reading this story can see what I mean, in the nicest possible way. She was THIS CLOSE 🤏 to me calling her a pick-me. THIS CLOSE MMKAY 🤏 but she never quite reached that point so I can forgive her. Avery is on THIN ICE for me liking her. I give her a lot of benefit of the doubt cuz she's 17 and she's proven over and over in this book's universe that she's a bonafide GENIUS. But I live in reality, and to me, she's just a smart cookie, genius being a stretch. I just have a personal pet peeve with geniuses in media, specifically that I've yet to read/watch a character I've felt was truly a "genius" by real world standards. And yes, this applies to even my precious baby Spencer Reid. And yes, this applies to Benny Cumberbund's Sherlock Holmes. I solved every episode before him except for the Hound of the Baskervilles episode cuz of the whole psychedelic trip thingy going on + the later end episodes where there's no case just *plot*.
Now if you couldn't tell I'm a sucker for escape rooms, murder mysteries, puzzles, riddles, etc. but surprisingly I don't read too much of the mystery genre. But what frustrated me a tad bit about this book is that the mystery is contrived. There's a mystery cuz the dead man orchestrated it all and laid out clues. I feel like I would've enjoyed a more organic mystery, like a case (Sherlock Holmes, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, etc). The story is in first person, so you can only rely on what Avery finds out herself and from other people, and I guess I'm just a mystery fiend who wishes to solve everything herself. It's not the book's fault but just a personal nitpick, that I have to wait for Avery to figure something out for the *plot* to progress.
Idk, overall not a terrible book. I don't love it, but it's decent and I'll probably read the 2nd and 3rd books as well. Is it crazy amazing and a page turner? No. But did I stop reading it? Also no. And there are books I've quit right away (These Violent Delights. A Fate of Wraith and Flame <- SO BAD) so this book automatically beats those!
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simpsiren · 4 years
late at night
mark lee x reader
“you make times like these a whole lot better.”
main masterlist
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description. you were drinking after you had a breakup for the 16th time and you felt the need to meet your best friend, mark at 3am
genre. ITS ALL JUST FLUFF!! confession au
warnings. nonee
a/n. this is not going to be long but i just liked the thought this scenario was hella cute so hope yall will enjoy! :D
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you have been drinking since 1am. you wanted to escape from the fact that you need to handle yet another heartbreak after being dumped at a high class restaurant. drinking was the only thing you did whenever you had a breakup. you constantly get in and out of relationships, sixteen relationships to be exact. you sort of just hopped from guy to guy, developing deep feelings for them and having to suffer later.
you know very well you’re stupid, but also not. despite going through all the heartbreaks, you would still go ahead and find a new guy. and you kept the real reason for that hidden. not even mark knows the truth to your stupidity.
you were laying your head on the table as you stuff handfuls of popcorn into your mouth while watching some movie you dont even know the summary of. you groan from boredom as you pick up your phone. a quick glance at it tells you that its now 2:27am. you start to wonder what are you even doing at this hour.
you start to feel lonely all of a sudden. you wanted to talk to someone. anyone. and the first person that comes to your mind is your best friend of 10 years, mark. he’s been with you to accompany you through every heartbreak you have. no matter the time, he’ll come rushing over to you. this time is no different.
you unlock your phone lazily and give mark a call, waiting for him to pick up. it only took 2 rings to hear mark’s voice at the other end of the line.
“why are you up this late? dont tell me you suddenly want to do a movie marathon of harry potter again.” you hear mark say.
“emergency ice cream date..?” you whisper, closing your eyes to rest them for a moment. earning a sigh from mark, you could tell that mark knows you’re drunk. and he knows why too.
“dont move. im coming over.” with that, mark ends the call. you place your phone faced down and stared at the television, quickly turning your attention to other things in the house as you wait for mark to arrive.
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“you never should have dated him.” you take another spoonful from the huge tub of strawberry ice cream, hugging it close to you as you hear mark talking.
“i just found him cool.” you simply reply. mark reaches over to you. you hold the ice cream out to mark, waiting for him to take some. he gladly accepts the offer and eat a spoon of ice cream. “your standards are just low.” mark comments.
mark grabs the tv controller and open the tv. the first thing that came on screen is a re-run of a table tennis match. you whine and smack mark’s arm, making him flinch back slightly. “i dont wanna watch sports, mark!”
“harry potter, then?” mark raises both hus eyebrows as he patiently waits for your answer. you nod.
mark nods back at you and proceeds to open the first harry potter movie, eating a spoon of ice cream in the process.
as the movie starts, mark snatches the tub of ice cream away from you and place it on it lab. you glance down at the tub before looking up to you. you frown. “hey im the one that bought this ice cream, love.” mark flases his bright smile. you couldn’t help but smile softly back, noticing how cute he looked.
mark tilts his head when he saw your frown. he purse his lip into a thin line, giving in and wanting to give the tub back to you. before you could grab it, he moves the tub backwards, making you whine again. he lets out his signature obnoxious laughter while you furrow your eyebrows.
“calm down. here, open your mouth.” mark brings his spoon up to your lips. you blink at mark a couple times before mark nods his head to signal you to open your mouth so that he could feed you.
you slowly move your body closer to mark. “keep feeding me.” you pout and bat your eyelashes. mark runs his hand through his hair before taking another spoon of ice cream for you to eat.
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the two of you watch the movie silently as mark constantly feeds you spoons of ice cream till the tub is now empty. you take the spoon from mark’s hand and play with it, moving it around in the empty tub. “thank you for coming.”
you lay your head on mark’s shoulder. somehow your face starts to heat up at how close you are to mark. you were especially cuddly tonight. it felt like you needed mark for physical touch. mark brings his hand up slowly to your hair, stroking it as he lets out a sigh.
“if i see you with someone else in one week i sweat i wont be your friend anymore.” you quickly look up at mark with scared eyes. “dont ever leave me.” your lips turn into a frown. “i have my reasons for doing this..” you mumble under your breath. you notice mark raising an eyebrow.
“what’s the reason?”
“i cant say.”
“you’ll leave me because of it.” mark grows silent. you see him looking at you, eyes soft as ever. and his touch was gentle too. “you make times like these a whole lot better.” you comment out of the blue.
mark suddenly stops stroking your hair and brings his hand down to your cheek to make you look at him. you see his eyes glaze through your face, as if observing and admiring every inch of it. “its because i’ve never left your side. now tell me why you keep throwing your heart around meaninglessly as though you dont give a fuck.”
mark’s eyes grow dark and stale, his tone got lower from his usual bright and happy high pitched voice. you gulped and glance to the side before opening your mouth. “i wanted to hide my feelings for you, or forget them. something like that.” you see mark’s reaction but you were confused. his face had no reaction. you wonder what is going through his mind.
mark uses his free hand to put the tub on the coffee table, maintaining eye contact with you. he then pulls you in by the waist in one swift motion. you were taken aback. “your ears are turning red. you’re feeling nervous, huh?” your mouth gapes open slightly as your hand reaches up to touch your ear.
“you thought dating guys and getting heartbroken so that i can comfort you is the only way you can get close to me?”
“it’s because you’re my friend. i didn’t want to lose you.”
mark doesn’t say anything for a moment. “are you still drunk?” you nod your head slowly. mark tightens his grip around your waist, only pulling you closer till your chests’ were touching. your hands are unknowingly placed above his chest as your face continues to blush a light pink from being nervous.
mark leans towards your face. so close his nose is touching yours. “you know well im better than any guy you’ve dated. you should’ve told me.” mark whispers before connecting his lips with yours and bringing you in for a kiss. you kiss back immediately. his lips were soft and gentle against yours. despite your lips being chapped and rough, mark kisses it with full passion. you hands move to his neck as the kiss gets deeper. but mark pulls away quickly, maing you frown slightly.
“i hope you’ll remember tonight and confess to me.” you see mark closing his eyes, his arms still wrap around you closely. you look up, admiring his face greatly. you felt peace and calmness as you watch him in a calm state. your finger unconsciously goes up to his lips and moves it over them slowly. it only made mark wake up. you knew he was a light sleeper anyways.
“what’s that for? thinking of kissing me again?” you kept silent, but the two of you knew the answer to that all too well. mark immediately pulls you in for another kiss. it was sweet and gentle, with a hint of hunger in it. it was slow yet grew heated very fast. you reciprocated it back almost instantly.
“be mine tomorrow. tell me you like me tomorrow.” you felt as though you weren’t drunk anymore. your mind suddenly thinks straight when you hear mark say that. you smile softly, nodding your head. “i need to be mentally prepared before i could say that to you.”
“that’s why im giving you till tomorrow.”
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bakurapika · 3 years
uh oh encanto opinion ahead
so i know everyone’s gifts are also problems, some more or less obvious, and i’m sure there’s a whole section of tumblr where this is a well-known and stale take
pepa’s gift is the one that i feel like is the most stressful out of the ones that didn’t get a specific resolution. just the clear skies, clear skies thing is, madrigals, like you fucked up a perfectly good kid is what you did. look at her. she’s got anxiety. any time she’s feeling any emotion that isn’t positive, she gets yelled at by friends/family/the town. and how do you deal with that? postcanon i’m sure she has fewer expectations and can chill some, but her emotions messing with everyone around her (how many papers have gotten ruined with her rain, how many people get bruised by hail) is still a consequence she has to deal with. and if she is like “oh i’ll just go to my room where I can’t hurt anyone,” she does in fact become elsa :/ 
while im here i want to confirm as someone with ocd that bruno definitely has ocd and it’s canon now thanks
oh also i think this is intentional but haven’t seen it either. i’m sure that julieta marrying outside the family and bringing an outsider in was a huge point of contention between her and abuela. (the tired way julieta is pushing for abuela to be easy on mirabel, the short talk that maribel’s dad had with her about being an outsider, the gut reaction of HIDE EVERYTHING, DON’T MAKE WAVES about the vision.) 
i’m sure they didn’t even know if the magic would spread to grandkids at first (and if that would have any negative consequences for the current gifts). hence why abuela @ isabela was like “ur on thin fucking ice” and she felt pressure to be perfect to keep her mom and grandma from constantly duking it out over the choice of marriage. so mirabel not getting a gift was rubbing salt into old wounds, and things went from “i guess this situation is ok (reluctant)” to “SEE? YOU MARRYING THAT BOY WAS A MISTAKE” 
ok last opinion but i wonder for julieta if she always liked baking? is her food good? was it always good? or did you have to hork down a burnt or spoiled snack because it would fix your body? i assume no one is going to give her constructive criticism if the food is remotely passable so, if she already enjoyed baking as a kid, he ability probably hasn’t significantly improved since then
EDIT WAIT BECAUSE OK julieta’s gift is the only one that really helps the town in an obvious way, right? bruno is universally despised and pepa’s gift is chaotic and at best is able to make rainbows, probably has some useful applications (rain for crops) but requires her full attention and time. meanwhile julieta’s gift is just, magic healing, but in a way that can be transported and presumably even preserved. it’s the perfect gift. so julieta was presumably the original golden child, but with the marriage problems above, went astray
which would ALSO be why abuela is so damn set on approving a perfect match and making sure that any new marriages won’t cause family drama
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