#i feel like this would be so fun bc i think jj and emily would both be annoyed with the mission for completely opposite reasons
jareauwalker · 1 year
jemily miss congeniality au where jj has to go undercover at a beauty pageant, and emily is her workplace annoyance who’s also her handler for this case
see also: pageant coach aaron hotchner, lesbian miss new york elle greenaway, three time miss california tara lewis, woman in stem miss rhode island penelope garcia, pageant director erin strauss and her weird little assistant spencer
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maschotch · 2 years
I've gone a little deeper about Emily's past in my fic 'Unrequited' and 'As It Was'. I'm just obsessed with her character and the backstory both she and Hotch have. And I just finish reading the little backstory you did about Emily and I loved it!!
i’m really not much of a jemily fan (partly because i think fanon characterizations of jj are completely delusional, partly because i think fanon characterizations of emily are beyond insulting, and mostly because i cannot fucking fathom what anyone could possibly like about jj), but i went ahead and read those two pieces because i figured you came into my inbox already knowing that. it’s just… not how i see either of those characters. not even necessarily the shipping aspect, even ignoring my reservations about jj, but because of the way i think emily approaches relationships
this sounds hypocritical after writing about emily + family, but i feel like emily doesn’t really care about her biological family anymore. at least i’d like to. i’d like to think she’s accepted that she’ll never be what her mother wants and that she’ll never get what she wants from her mother. she’s 36 when she joins the bau—surely that’s enough time to realize she can’t hold onto those childish fantasies anymore. not that i disagree with what i wrote, i just think it's given her a complex ab family rather than it actually being something she truly craves. it was a setup for her life: she wasn't meant to be with others, which is something she eventually tries to change about herself
i’m a big fan of low-empathy emily, so i feel like she has to put active effort into caring about relationships. as a child raised by an extremely distant parent, she probably chalked it up to never having connections growing up, so she never learned how to make connections in the future. it’s easier to assume she’s broken, and it’s easier to blame her mom for it
but really, i don’t think there’s anything wrong with her, she’s just different. at some point i think she had to wrestle with that: it’s hard to think she fell into the job best suited for her personality just by coincidence. being a spy requires that cold, calculating observation and analysis of relationship dynamics. she can view things objectively because she isn’t naturally inclined to get emotionally attached. she can witness unfathomable horrors without a flinch—things that would rock jj to her core, things that would perturb the unflappable hotch. she knows she’s better equipped to handle those types of experiences because having empathy was never really a priority. (it's part of why i think she was the only one who could've walked through hotch's apartment that day: she wouldn't get distracted)  
that being said, i don’t think connections are impossible for her. the bau proves that, declan proves that. but i think that was a conscious choice on her part: she had seen enough—caused enough—pain and grief to realize that she should feel guilty for it. so i think she wakes up every day and decides to care. she decides to be a good person. eventually she confronts that she's tired of living a life she doesn't feel like she could be proud of
she’s not heartless, by any means. she just doesn’t become emotionally involved until she comes to the logical conclusion to do so. she has a soft spot for kids because they haven’t had a chance to truly know themselves and the world they live in. she loves the team because of how deeply connected they are to each other. so, when push comes to shove, she’s always willing to leave if it means keeping them together. it’s easy to make that choice because she loves them: in season 3 when the choice is between her and hotch and she knows hotch’s loss will devastate them; in season 6 when she’s making them potential targets for doyle’s vendetta; in season 7 when she feels the tension that never quite settled upon her return. i don’t know if any of the others would’ve made those decisions as easily, even if it was the best choice for them as a whole. not even hotch, who is terrified that his proximity is enough to hurt people he cares about. she’s detached in a way that can separate her from others, but she’s able to turn that into her strength: whether that means manipulating her way into terrorist organizations or walking away from the only chance at a family she's ever had just to keep them safe
i have my bits and pieces of evidence for it that i can scrounge into a semi-believable character analysis, but ultimately i think it’s so i can enjoy more of her character without getting irked by aspects of the archetypes she could fit that would typically annoy me. i’d like to think she’s above some of that: she’s too cool to have mommy issues, too badass to spend years pining over relationships, too self assured to be insecure about her decisions, too smart to let anyone see through her. 
i say all this as a hotch fan, who has traits very similar to these. but it suits him. it makes him more interesting, to know that there’s a vulnerability behind his stoic appearance. but with emily i think it’s far more admirable for her to choose to suffer because she wants to care. minimal loss is the perfect example of that: she makes the logical choice to put herself at risk because she wants to protect reid. she’s not running away from who she is anymore, and she’s not really fighting it either. she chooses to be a good person, not out of guilt or even love, but because it’s something she values. 
for me, emily is the cool brooding hero who could be a villain so easily. maybe, in an earlier time in her life, she was. but she’s done being selfish. she’s willing to make sacrifices for others because she decided that living by a code is better than living for nothing at all, even if it causes her pain. guilt and love—two burning sensations that were so opposite yet so intrinsically linked—were burdens she chose to bear so she wouldn’t feel so hollow anymore. and it does cause her pain. so, so much pain. to me, it makes her endlessly more fascinating. i’d rather her be a knife that dulls its edges than something soft chiseled to a jagged point. 
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eyesontheskyline · 5 months
me ripping out obviously hotchniss moments from jemily stans’s cold dead hands: MINE
I saw a post where someone said Emily was staring at JJ at Haley’s funeral??😭 Hello she was looking at her mans 🤨
This was inspired by the season 7 jet scene bc I just saw someone saw it’s a jemily moment😀 hello she and hotch were literally about to kiss
Ha oh god.
I honestly hate that jet scene as a Hotchniss moment AND as a Jemily moment. I can see it for both, because if you take what she's saying at face value, he's asking 'how did you get by?' and her answer is having contact with JJ. And of course there's those super warm smiles Hotch and Emily share.
But it doesn't make any sense for them to keep in touch that way - it's reckless and stupid, and I have a hard time believing either of them would've compromised something so high stakes. It makes me like them less as people and as a ship to think they did that, so I just. . . don't. And I also think there needs to be an actual answer to how she got by in Paris, or (preferably) some kind of admission that she kind of didn't - it was hard, and lonely, and she missed her friends, and everything wasn't okay then and isn't okay now. I think it was a bit of lazy writing, to make us feel like being smuggled away to Paris while still physically recovering from near-fatal injuries to hide all alone for months from the terrorist who nearly killed her was not a trauma, so it's fine that the show doesn't deal with it. So I kind of ignore the actual content of the scene - it doesn't make sense to me, and I think it's tonally weird considering the subject matter.
I think everyone is looking at Hotch during Haley's funeral, because how could you not be? It's devastating, and he's devastated, and they all care about him so much. I struggle with the 'truther' vibes of some of the Jemily section of the fandom a little bit, but I did used to write some Jemily back in the day, and I can kind of see it early on. But to me it's kind of the same vibe* as when people try to prove that Hotch and Emily were literally secretly in a relationship during S4-5 and here are the breadcrumbs the show dropped to prove it. . . Like, it's fine to write around what's in the show, to see the little moments and build on them, but the show is not trying to drop breadcrumbs for us to pick up on to plant the idea that they're in a relationship off screen - if they wanted the relationship to be canon, they would write it.
I think shipping is at its best when everyone just admits what we're doing is making our dolls kiss the way we want - it doesn't need to be more canon or more right than anyone else's ship, it just needs to be the one we personally enjoy. You can ship the same character in more than one ship, you can ship two characters who never even met. . . literally whatever you find enjoyable. And what's even better about it than smushing dolls together is there are infinite dolls - my Emily can be kissing Hotch and someone else's can be kissing JJ and someone else's can be starting a new life under the sea and it's literally fine.
I think what I kind of struggle with is when people watch the show looking for only their ship. Like, it's valid to watch the show however you watch it, but those are the posts I personally find grating. So like, Emily and JJ giving each other the eyes at Haley's funeral - I think that undermines the love and respect and friendship they all feel for Hotch. I've been at a bunch of funerals, and I wasn't like. . . checking out my love interest. I was thinking about the dead person and the people who loved them the most. And the moment when Emily saves Will at the bank - making that about Jemily takes so much away from both Emily and Will as characters, for me. Idk. I just like the complexity of the characters, and for me personally that's what makes shipping fun, so any time I have to ignore the complexity of the characters to do the shipping, I'm out.
(* except with an unfortunate side of 'this is morally superior because Emily was going to be a lesbian before they decided she wasn't')
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to-thelakes · 7 months
I also have to tell you about how excited I am for part 5! Of your fic!!! Ugh
I am so curious as to what he will do when he finally gets his hands on the reader bc I imagine it will be after the case since every time he gets even remotely close to her they get interrupted. so on the jet back he texts her everything he wants to do to her in detail and just watches the reader react to it
i saw this last night before i conked out and it just made me wanna publish part five so it's out in the world! i will answer the rest of your asks when i'm feeling more alive but i just needed to say that THIS ASK, fuck, it gave me some devious thoughts.
him texting the reader what he is going to do?? fuck, he absolutely would do that and she is sat with jj and emily or with like reid or something and they are talking and then she starts getting the messages and gets SUPER flustered and like doesn't know what to do with herself? oH my GOD, AH, i will absolutely be implementing this, this is what i needed
and although in part 5, they do get some relief, i will definitely be making part 6, the part of interruptions where the team are constantly cockblocking them because i think 1) it would be so fun to write and 2) it would mean the sexual tension is gonna be so delicious
you have gotten me so excited to write more of built to fall, AHHH, but for today, i am literally just gonna conk out on the sofa because i am so horrendously tired
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jenny-from-the-bau · 3 months
i love momily so much ❤️❤️❤️ she deserved to be a mom so bad! i think emily would definitely hear the boys complaining about how they like (insert thing) better when will or jj or uncle spence does it than when she does it and she would assume “oh no these children hate me” not knowing that children just like to complain or like a specific person for certain things. she’d tell jj “ur kids hate me, they don’t like anything i do. will makes better breakfast and ur better at homework and reid is better at doing silly voices during stories” and jj would have to tell her that henry and michael don’t hate her, kids are just like that, and she hears all the time about how emily is much gentler when combing their hair and she’s more fun during bath time
also, idk who they are or or if they’re gonna read this but i just want to say i really appreciate octopus for always sending the most longest detailed asks whenever u ask ppl to send jemily stuff bc even tho they’re not meant for me it’s always very fun to read
Momily would be so gentle and always considerate of the boys and they'd pick up on those vibes and love her so so much. She goes to all their games and is always proud of them and lets them practice presentations and school projects with her and they love her!
I feel the same and I will pass this to 🐙 anon directly so they see it haha
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lilfartbox1 · 4 months
Oh haha, now I feel special! Yeah I think we, collectively as a fandom need to lower our expectations lol Good moments don't mean canon status. Maybe the ultimate moment is just an online scrabble game haha. I also don't think they will address the weird distancing in s16 bc i don't think it was an intentional decision on the writers' part. But i agree, i love speculations, even if they're unlikely they are a lot of fun to discuss! What are your theories? One thing I didn't mention but im like 90% sure will happen is Emily assigning JJ as the official unit chief. Frankly im just really happy that they might openly interact like they did in the early seasons, because i miss that "i know you better than you know yourself" type dynamic they used to have.
and 90% sure about emily making jj unit chief is insanely high! but not impossible so very cool theory
also yes please i miss earlier seasons of them being so caring towards each other,
ALSO ALSO i will shamefully admit to the internet (just this once) THAT I AM NOT CAUGHT UP ON CM *insert me crying in the corner* ... (therefore i think my theories are invalid bc i dont have all the info)
OK GUYS ILL confess my sins! i am not caught up i think im on like season 14 episode ???/ 11 i believe
OKAY SO DONT JUDGE BEFORE I GET TO EXPLAIN but im watching w my beloved father and he can only watch a couple a night because he likes to get a normal amount of sleep (weird) and i would rather BINGE INTO THE NIGHT UNTIL ALL THE SEASONS ARE DONE BY THE TIME TO NEW ONE COMES OUT but i am having self control and trying VERY HARD not to watch it without him! so im internally fighting whether? (wether?) or not i watch everything a couple days prior to s17 arrival or not....
and you guys might be wondering (ur definitely not) .. "now little fart box how do you know about details of the future seasons if you haven't seen it..."
OK GUYS LIKE ANY OTHER PERSON (no one else on planet earth) i LOVE SPOILERS because i like to know what's going to happen so i can be prepared for it emotionally ( i know really smart definitely not bc youre probably autistic and want to plan ahead weirdo)
ok that was a lot, sorry in advance to any being that per chance happens to read the entirety of this sincerely, LFB1.
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notallwonder · 2 years
I watched CM s3ep4 "Children of the Dark" again.
Somehow, it only just now occurred to me to watch this episode with Declan in mind. I'm sure the writers had no clue about this facet of Emily's backstory when this episode was made. But it's fun to think about, and in the case of this episode it fits in pretty well.
Emily's urge to take in Carrie Ortiz, and her disgust about returning the other kids to their foster home, are that much more poignant.
Hotch's line about remaining objective in the job vs. Emily's "and I need to know I can be human" hits harder, or differently. All that she risked to get Declan out and keep him hidden, and later all that those actions would cost her... She did all that not only to save Declan, but also perhaps to hold on to her own humanity in a job that required her to sacrifice so much of herself. With or without Declan in mind, I love this convo with Hotch bc she is taking a risk, showing vulnerability, and then she tries not to give away too much more when it turns out Carrie's family showed up. We can practically see it hit Emily that maybe she *wanted* to take Carrie in more than she realized. Not just for Carrie's sake, but for herself too.
I wonder, did she ever let herself think of Declan as her own son, either undercover or after? Did she ruthlessly compartmentalize away that maternal instinct and tell herself she did all that for Declan merely because it was the right thing to do? Maybe "maternal instinct" isn't quite right, but certainly a protective emotional attachment - maybe more of a need to provide the kind of protection and love she didn't get as a child.
I wonder how much the rest of JTF-12 knew about Declan (I can't remember if that comes up later). Did they have anything to do with getting Declan to America? Did Emily orchestrate that all by herself? They had to have helped. Did Emily have to hide her feelings away even from them, to further protect Declan from becoming a pawn?...and/or to protect her "objectivity"/detachment from being called into question?
This apparent dichotomy between "objectivity" and "humanity" is fucked up in general, and especially so considering the deep cover situation Emily was in as Lauren. I've never been sold on the idea that Emily as Lauren actually loved Ian Doyle, but perhaps if you're in that dangerous a situation you do have to believe what you're selling, at a certain level. She kept that gimlet ring necklace. Maybe only because the writers needed a tangible clue for the team to make inferences about the nature of her relationship with Doyle? Maybe not?
This exchange with Hotch shows how far she's come since "Revelations" in terms of relaxing that compartmentalization a bit and trusting her team. But it could also function as a marker of how far removed Emily is now from her days at JTF-12, how much safer (?) or more *herself* she feels.
And then my favorite moment: at the end of the episode, on the jet, with JJ.
It's no stretch to imagine Emily thinking of Declan as well as Carrie as she looks out the window - both children she is unable to care for directly, but whom she nonetheless did what she could to protect, from a distance. I like the extra layer Declan adds to this scene. I like that JJ sees and affirms Emily's need to be human, her moment of vulnerability. I love the way this episode rewards Emily's tenderness rather than punishes it. Emily's little "...yeah?" in response to JJ always gets me - again, Emily lets herself *want* to love and care for someone. It's not just a fantasy she has to lock away behind a facade of unperturbed mission-oriented objectivity.
Whew y'all, I'm never going to be over that exchange on the jet. The way JJ looks at Emily............♥️.
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blackbird-brewster · 2 years
Hi, for the fanfic writer asks!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
✅ What’s something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don’t mean to?
Thank you!
Thanks for the ask!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Anything surrounding 'Blackbird', whether it's JJ's code word, or the song, or the convo on the jet, or Emily's tattoo -- it always turns super emotional. My current fic is the prime example of how I've used blackbird imagery to pain a devastatingly poignant narrative -- i can't be wrong (to be craving you)
JJ tends to make ridiculously romantic speeches in my fics. She's a Cancer sun and the most romantic person to write, tbrh. She's always making grand romantic gestures and speeches, which usually make me mad bc she tends to change my entire narrative with her inopportune confessions of love.
I tend to sneak canon dialog into anything and everything, usually the Jemily lines really get me. ('look at me', 'It's really good to see you', the convo in 200 when JJ is hallucinating, etc)
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
My best advice: Not everything you write is going to be a masterpiece. Every one of us started somewhere, all of us have fics we're not in love with, or fics we're not proud of -- that's okay! Just keep writing! Each time you write something, you're practicing and honing your craft.
Don't get too caught up in numbers. I know AO3 has a bunch of stats (hits, kudos, bookmarks, comments, etc.) but try not to compare yourself to others in terms of like 'That person has x number of hits and I only have y number of hits'. Juts focus on you. Write for yourself, not for hypothetical numbers.
Write what you know, write what you love, write for yourself. Use your lived experiences as starting points for fics, no one is ever going to be able to tell the same stories as you! Everyone is unique, don't try to write like other people, just write like you.
Most importantly, don't give up. Keep practicing. If writing makes you happy, just keep writing! That's the biggest thing, I think, write because it makes you happy and because you have a story to share, don't write to what you think people want to read. There will ALWAYS be someone who reads your writing and it becomes their favourite fic. Write for yourself and if other people happen to enjoy it too, that's just a bonus.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Out of my 118+ Criminal Minds fics, Emily is in 103 of them. I know her like I know myself, we have a ton of the same trauma and I've done the most character studies on her, so I always feel like the way I write her is true to her character while also exploring things the show never did
That being said, I only started writing Tara since last July (39 fics)-- and she is, hands down, my fave character to write. Tara is a Taurus (like me!) and she's demiromantic and god, I just ADORE her. She's my sweet angel, and I love exploring what makes her tick. Tara has my entire heart and I love writing her different dynamics within different ships. Currently working on Cut to the Feeling which is fun because I get to play with her dynamic with Rebecca and her banter with JJ.
✅ What’s something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don’t mean to?
To anyone who reads all my fics it's extremely obvious that my vocabulary really never matured past 9th grade. I don't use fancy SAT words, I have a handful of the same 'flavour' words I use in every fic and at this point, I've given up caring about it. Some of my fave words you could probably find in every fic: fervent, arduous, adoration, wistful.
As mentioned above, if it's a Jemily fic -- I'm gonna mention 'blackbird' in some form or fashion. It's a must, unless it's a total AU
Emily's insecurities in herself and her mental health is something I explore frequently
Tara's sheer Taurus stubbornness and how hard it is for her to open up about her feelings
JJ's love for tequila. I agree with your recent post about JJ drinking that she's a hellion when she gets drunk. Pretty much any time JJ is around alcohol in my fics, you can count on flirting, dancing, and she becomes about 20x more bisexual.
[Send Writer Asks]
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spencersawkward · 4 years
omg I’m so excited you’re on here and taking requests!! do you think you could do something like baby Spence losing his virginity to a close friend & it’s like adorable, goofy, fluffy smut bc he cannot get over the fact that he’s actually having sex with someone
on a serious note, i'm so glad you asked for this one bc i really wanna add a scene like this in the fic i'm working on rn. i'm v excited.
summary: when the secret of Spencer's virginity gets accidentally spilled in front of the whole team, reader goes to check on him.
word count: 5.6k
relationship: Fem!Reader/Spencer Reid
content warnings: unprotected penetrative sex, creampie, fluff.
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hanging out with the team is easily the best part of the week. after spending days in Arizona with our focus entirely on the most recent case, my mind is practically ready to snap. I feel like I've been running on fumes, and when Penelope suggested we take the evening to hit our favorite bar, I was practically already out the door.
so now I'm sandwiched between JJ and Emily as we throw back our first shots of the night. my skin is already flushed with the elation of laughter, the pleasant thrum of conversation that surrounds us.
"that's bitter." JJ makes a face when she slams the empty glass on the table. I screw up my nose.
"why did we pick vodka?" I hate vodka.
"it gets the job done." Emily laughs. I shudder at the aftertaste that sits on my tongue.
Morgan wanders over, Pen on his arm while she totes a brightly colored pink alcohol. they're flirting as usual, but she pauses in her witticisms to grab my arm.
"we're playing truth or shot in that booth over there." she says to me, then gets the attention of the other two women. I let out a disbelieving laugh.
"truth or shot? like truth or dare but without the dare?"
"Reid, is that you?" Morgan says sarcastically. I slug him in the arm with a pout.
"be nice." but I'm giggling. he loops his arm through mine and we head back to the table, Penelope already starting a new conversation with JJ and Prentiss as they follow. Spencer is sitting in the booth with an Arnold Palmer, sipping from the straw like it's his job. I slide into the spot next to him.
"hi, you." I smile. "I haven't seen you at all tonight."
he holds up his glass. "I don't really drink."
"that's fine," I wave it off. "I just meant I wanted to hang out with you."
"oh." he smiles a little. "sorry."
"no big deal. you're here now." I shrug and turn to Pen as she calls my name.
"I'm gonna order a bottle. that okay?" she points to the bar with a mischievous smile. glancing once at Spencer and his slightly awkward position between Morgan and me, I make a snap decision.
"you know what? I think I'll just have a lemonade."
"you sure? Jayge said you spent the whole plane ride back talking about getting wasted--" Penelope's words cause a blush to spread over my face. I cut her off.
"I'm sure. thanks, Penny."
she nods. "of course, sweet cheeks."
I focus back on Reid, who is looking at me gratefully. he would never say it out loud, but I know he feels a little out-of-place sometimes. it's hard enough for him to come out with us to bars; the least I can do is be a sober friend. I open my mouth to start a conversation about an article I read the other day when Prentiss speaks.
"okay, so... who's ready?" her voice, always so certain, carries over the table. all of us make enthusiastic noises of assent, and she grins as Penelope returns with an armful of glasses. Derek gets up to grab the actual alcohol, and then when we're all settled in, the game begins.
"the rules are simple: you tell the truth, or you drink!" the tech analyst explains. the stakes for Spencer and me are lower, but that doesn't really matter. I'm excited to hear the team divulge their secrets.
"I'll start." Prentiss doesn't even hesitate before she looks at Morgan. "Derek, are you still sleeping with that one woman from sex crimes?"
Morgan raises his eyebrows at the question, irises flitting between Emily and the rim of his drink. there's a slight smirk on his face; he knows what a player he is and he's okay with flaunting it.
"Ally? no." he sighs. "things didn't end well between us."
"what? why?" I ask, eyes widening before I look around at everyone. "who is this woman?"
"cool your jets, sparky." Morgan teases me. "only one question per round."
"I'll tell you later." Prentiss raises her drink in my direction and winks.
"uh, no no." Morgan attempts to stop her, but JJ interrupts him.
"speaking of things not ending well," she says loudly. "Pen, why did you and Sam break up?"
"well," Penelope sticks her tongue between her teeth as she thinks it over with a devilish smile. her lips are a ruby red tonight, bright against her pale skin and big eyes. "to be completely honest, he just wasn't... doin' it for me. you know?"
"like--?" Emily glances down at her lap. Pen nods quickly and I snicker. JJ looks awestruck.
"I thought it was going so well."
"it was, but..." Penelope seems to genuinely think this over before she speaks. "if it's right, it just clicks. and it never clicked with Sam."
"profound." I compliment, high-fiving the high-energy blonde. we giggle before she turns to me with a glint in her eye.
"oh, do I have a plan for you," she smirks. "tell me, Y/N: if you had to sleep with one person on our team, who would it be?"
"women included?" I clarify, my cheeks suddenly on fire. how come everyone got easy questions except for me? I'm really just biding time.
"of course." she nudges my shoulder. I mull this over for a minute. I could say the truth, but I don't think that would be the right thing to do. however ironic that is. given the situation, I do something which I have never been good at and which I don't enjoy doing: I lie.
"although all of you are catches," I preface. "I think I would probably pick Emily."
Prentiss almost chokes on her own spit as her head snaps to see my face.
"me?" she asks.
"low-pressure fun." I shrug, the stress of the moment rolling off my shoulders with the ensuing laughter of my team members. Spencer takes a sip of his drink and peeks at me from his spot before I focus my attention to JJ.
we go on like this for a while, our original plan of "truth or drink" really just turning into a game of "truth and drink." as our laughter gets progressively louder, our questions and answers get progressively more provocative. we get into risky territory towards the fourth round, and I can practically feel Spencer's discomfort radiating off of him. thank god everyone has been taking it easier on him with their questions.
that is, until Morgan hits about five shots and decides to throw him to the wolves.
"so, Reid," he asks. there's no malice in his tone and I'm sure he's not meaning to embarrass the boy genius, but the question makes me wince anyways. "have we made any progress on the virginity front?"
it's like a fucking pall over the table. Reid goes rigid in his spot, and JJ's protective eyes dart between him and Morgan. Penelope's jaw drops.
"wait, Reid, you're a--?" her voice is tender, not judgmental, but Spencer's cheeks turn pink and he looks at Derek with a hurt expression.
"not cool." he says, body shifting in my direction. his eyes communicate everything; without a word, I know what he wants. I scoot out of the booth, letting him slip by me to walk outside.
truly, I'm speechless. we all stare at his lanky frame push through the door, but nobody talks until at least fifteen seconds pass.
"what the hell was that, Morgan?" JJ asks.
"I thought everyone knew--" he throws his hands up. "I swear I wouldn't have said anything if--"
"why would everyone know that?" I feel myself get angry for Spencer's sake. "that's an incredibly personal thing, especially to him."
"that wasn't you, my love." Penelope's voice is soft, sobered by the incident that just occurred. the playful air at the table is officially ruined, and we keep glancing at the doorway like Reid will come back in and everything will be fine. he doesn't.
"I'm gonna go apologize." Morgan starts to get up, seemingly beginning to realize the weight of his words. it's one thing to ask about Reid's sex life in general; it's another to point out specifically the entire absence of it. Spencer doesn't seem to be bothered by most things, but this is different. my heart hurts.
we watch Morgan go, the women all looking at each other with worried expressions.
"I feel bad." Penelope says.
"y'know, Spence never told me that." JJ observes.
"he really trusts Morgan." Prentiss says what we're all thinking. Morgan has always been like a big brother to him, and being embarrassed in front of your co-workers like that can't be a pleasant feeling.
we sit in a relative silence for about five minutes until Morgan walks back into the bar. he pulls out his wallet and pays for the drinks, then walks over to us.
"I'm gonna go for a walk. do you need me to call you all cabs?" he asks. those dramatic brows are drawn low over his face, emphasizing his regret. I look between my friends and clear my throat.
"it's okay. I only had one shot about an hour and a half ago. I can drive everyone home."
"okay," Morgan sighs, his head turning briefly to the door before focusing back on us. "drive safe, ladies."
and then he's gone.
"you guys ready?" I start to shrug my jacket on. they all nod and we get ready to go.
sitting in my apartment later that night, my head is swimming. even though it's none of my business what happens in Spencer's sex life, I wish I could tell him that it's okay. nobody cares at all if he's a virgin or not. but I know it's still embarrassing.
I hate that I lied earlier tonight, too. I wanted to say Spencer's name when they asked who I wanted, because I meant it. we're close, and I will always love him as a friend. but I've also always wanted more.
nobody, not even any of the other BAU women, know about my crush. I didn't want it to get in the way, or for it to come out and ruin my friendship with Reid. he doesn't like me like that, and that's fine, but what's not fine is not having him as my friend.
he was the first person I really connected with when I came here, and I feel a little protective over him, too.
once the clock hits eleven, I consider calling. he’s definitely not asleep yet. Spencer is a night owl. normally at this time he'd be curled up with a huge book, reading impossibly fast.
when he picks up on the third ring, the air leaves my lungs.
"Y/N?" he asks, more surprised than anything else.
"hey, Spence--" I hesitate, suddenly not sure what to say. sorry Morgan told everyone you're a fucking virgin? “do you wanna come over?"
maybe if I see him face-to-face, I'll be able to collect my thoughts better. the words hang in the air, festering over the line until I'm just about to take them back, before he replies.
"y-yeah. I'll be there in fifteen minutes."
my hands are shaking at my side when I open the door for the tall genius. he's still wearing his outfit from earlier, hair slicked back like normal. I've settled for my usual sweatpants and t-shirt winning combo. it's not like he cares.
"hey." I smile, trying to read his micro expressions. there are two possible outcomes here, knowing him: either he's going to be totally, completely over it, or he'll be able to write a War-and-Peace-length book on why he's upset.
"hi." he gives a wan smile and I let him into my apartment, closing the door behind him and gesturing to the couch.
"I missed this place." he says absently, looking around at the mess of decor and case files. I snort as I recall the last time he was here. he wanted to borrow a book that I had, and we ended up watching an entire docu-series about homing pigeons. it was surprisingly interesting; mostly because his commentary is both informative and funny.
"it missed you." I anthropomorphize my living space, but the phrase hangs heavy. I'm worried about him. I'm always worried about Spencer. he turns to look at me, opening his mouth to say something. I brush past him and walk into the kitchen. "coffee?"
"sure." he follows me like a lost puppy, leaning against the counter while I pull out two mugs and get to work.
"hey," I pause for a moment to look him in the eyes. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry-- about what happened... tonight."
"oh, that?" he scoffs, waves it off unconvincingly. "it's fine."
I raise my brows the slightest bit, never breaking eye contact. he wouldn’t have come if he didn’t want to talk about it. he cracks easily.
"it's just embarrassing, you know?" he says, staring out my kitchen window to alleviate his own nerves. I gesture for him to follow me back into the living room and I sit down criss-cross applesauce on the couch. he mirrors me, kicking off those cute black Converse.
"I don't think the fact itself is embarrassing, but I totally get why it feels that way. he shouldn't have said anything." I nod.
"like, that's personal. a-and--" he hesitates a moment, gesticulating wildly now. "and it's not like he's got any right! at least I don't go around with so many girls that I forget their names."
the thought of Reid sleeping with that many women is a little bit funny, but it also makes my stomach twist with jealousy.
"did he apologize?"
"yeah, he did. and he was drunk, I know." he rolls his eyes. "I'm overreacting."
"no, really, you're not." without thinking, I scoot closer to him and place my hand over his, which is sitting on his knee. I remember that Spencer is usually pretty averse to touch, but when I move it back to my lap, he seems a little disappointed. I wonder if he gets lonely.
"is it weird?" the question sounds raw, like he's mustering a lot to hear my response. I shake my head immediately.
"well, for one, Spence, I would never judge anyone based on their sex life, period." I chuckle. "and two, no way! if you aren't into having sex at this point in your life-- or ever-- that's totally your choice and you're entitled to it."
his eyes meet mine, pools of honeyed hazel that swim with a slightly amber shade. his face is so pretty, it's sometimes unbelievable to me that he doesn't get more action. bone structure that would make a sculpture envious.
"that's the thing," he licks his lips nervously before averting his gaze again. "I am interested-- I just don't-- well, I don't--"
"don't have someone to do it with?" I suggest with a slight smile. he nods, then clarifies.
"girls don't really seem to be interested in me."
I let out a laugh, unable to contain myself. his head jerks up to frown in confusion. I’m quick to amend myself.
"Spence, that's not true at all. you're such a catch! you're sweet and funny and way smarter than anyone I know. not to mention that you're adorable." I compliment, letting some of the thoughts I've been keeping to myself bubble to the surface. "any girl would be beyond lucky to be with you, sexually or not." Spencer blushes at my words, but the squirming in his spot tells me that it makes him feel warm inside. he smiles a little.
"you think?" it's genuine. he appreciates being praised, and it makes my heart flutter when he gives me that expression like I've made his night.
"I know." more of what I want to say rolls around my mind, unsure of whether or not I should admit it. but I think that right now, it'll only serve to make him feel better. "actually, I should tell you something."
"what?" he's curious now.
"when we were at the bar and Penelope asked who I'd be with... on the team... I lied."
"okay." he nods, somehow not connecting the dots. I guess it doesn't matter if they've got enormous IQs; boys are still clueless.
"I was gonna say you." the truth presses from the inside out, lifting a weight off my chest now that it's out there. even if he doesn't return that feeling, I'm suddenly glad that I told him.
"me?" he gestures to his narrow chest. I nod.
"yeah. I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable or embarrass you in front of our friends." I explain. he breaks into a grin.
"thanks." like I've given him something. I feel myself smiling as well, and then we're just looking at each other. tension that neither of us is willing to break. as much as I'd like to take him right here right now, he hasn't said anything about actually having sex or even about being attracted to me. for all I know, he could be completely indifferent.
"listen, Spence--"
"would you be willing to--" we speak at the same time, both of us stopping and laughing awkwardly.
"sorry, you go first." I offer, and he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth.
"would you want to... um..." he scratches the back of his neck before his eyes meet mine. "try it?"
"sex?" I raise my eyebrows. he nods. I try to find the right response. that’s more assertive than I expected. my pulse is fast, daring me to tell the truth. "I mean-- yes, I would love to-- but are you sure you want it to be with me, Spence? what about a girl that you like?"
"you are a girl that I like." he says this like it's matter-of-fact, like it's obvious. my heart stops in my chest before it starts to hammer.
"really?" a smile makes its way onto my face.
"I thought you knew."
"no." I laugh. my chest is full of sunlight.
"well, you are."
there's a brief silence where I try to get myself back on track. he likes me, too.
"are you sure you want to do this?" I glance at the space between our bodies, which has grown steadily smaller over the course of our conversation. Spencer is watching my every move with an intensity that tells me he's nervous.
"yes." he's unwavering.
"okay, well, you've kissed girls, right?" I inch closer. he nods.
"oh, Spencer," I sigh contentedly. "I have so much to teach you."
right after I say this, Spencer shifts uncomfortably in his seat. it's only then that I notice his hand covering his lap, the erection that's forming beneath his pants. my eyes flick up to his hungrily.
"sorry." he apologizes.
"don't be." our faces are inches apart and he's practically holding his breath. "I'm gonna kiss you. is that okay?"
"yes." he replies immediately. I place my hands gently on the side of his face, admiring the softness and sharpness of his jaw when I pull him to me, kissing him with a suppressed desire. his mouth is soft against mine, a little anxious to move. after a moment, he starts to relax.
his lips part and I deepen our contact, tilting my head and keeping it mostly mild at first. I don't want to shove my tongue down his throat. our knees are touching and his hand hesitantly finds my waist, the other going to run through my hair. I sigh into him, his fingertips a new sensation that I adore.
Spencer begins to give in a bit more to himself, asserting himself in the kiss and slipping his tongue over my bottom lip. I almost laugh at how quickly he gets the hang of it. he reads my body language effortlessly, not even skipping a beat when I climb into his lap and lace my arms around his neck.
"is this okay?" I pull away momentarily. he nods.
"you're so pretty." an unrelated response, but appreciated nonetheless. I laugh and peck his nose.
"thanks." and then we're back to making out, his hands resting on the small of my back. it's nice. I could stay like this forever, just pressed against Spencer while my fingers thread through his soft hair. he's cautious with me, and it's innocent.
I can feel his boner, can feel from the eagerness of his kisses that he's trying not to bring up the fact that he's literally just throbbing in his pants right now. in order to give him a little of what he wants, I start to rock my hips against his.
Spencer whimpers into my mouth. I stop and look down at him.
"do you want me to stop?"
"no, god, no— never stop." he's mindless in his reply, already grabbing my hips greedily and trying to regain that friction. I shake my head with a chuckle, then resume my actions. he starts to rut up against me, groaning into our embrace while his hands get more adventurous.
I withdraw, breaking the kiss to straighten up. he doesn't stop the microscopic pushes of his hips. I bite back a smile, enjoying the friction, too.
"do you wanna take my clothes off, Spence?" I ask softly.
"y-yes." he replies, gingerly taking the hem of my top and beginning to lift it over my head. when he places it on the couch beside me, his eyes immediately fall to my bra. slender fingers run up my bare waist, his watch glinting in the candlelight. when he doesn't immediately reach to unclasp my bra, I grab his wrist and guide it to the clasps myself. he moves with a surprising ease, unsnapping the thing and grazing over my skin as he slides the straps down my shoulders. I can tell that he’s shaking a tad, but it doesn’t hinder him.
the second that he's discarded the lingerie, he looks up at me with moony eyes.
"can I... kiss you?" he looks at my bare chest. "here?"
"of course, Spence." I nod. he presses his lips to the space between my ribs, drags them up to the valley between my breasts. lingers, then attaches himself to one of my nipples. I sigh, throwing my head back at the way he moves intuitively, sucking and running his tongue over the peak. he squeezes the other breast, plays with the nipple and starts to acquaint himself with the curves of my body.
the whole time, he's straining against my core, rutting helplessly in pleasure. it feels heavenly, with that sweet face of his so devoted to making me feel good, that I nearly stray from the purpose of the experience.
"Spencer..." I breathe. he moans at the sound of his name, then looks up at me from his place sucking on my tits. his teeth graze of my skin and I buck into his lap, causing him to groan appreciatively. my fingers tangle in his soft hair.
"Y/N," he pulls away from my chest, his lips making a soft popping sound. I gaze down at him, a bit lost in the fantasies running through my head. he's a natural. "can we, um-- like, expedite this process a little?"
"expedite the process?” I repeat back to him, giggling at his formality.
"what?" his voice goes up an octave, but he's smiling. "you know what I mean."
"I really do." I lean down, pressing my thumb into his jaw and angling his face up to mine to kiss. while his hands curiously move over my body, I start to push down the waistband of my sweatpants. I break contact just for a moment to peel them off, and he releases a quiet whine. it's cute.
"come back." he says softly, watching as I slide the bottoms down my legs, leaving me in my panties.
"I'm back." I peck his cheek, climb into his lap again. "can we take off your clothes, too?"
"mhmm." he nods. his lips part when my fingers work at the buttons of his shirt, undoing them with a torturous slowness. I can feel his eyes on my face the whole time.
"what?" I chuckle, peeking up at him for a moment before I pull his shirt open and run my palms up his chest, over his shoulders. he nearly shudders at the sheer touch.
"I just can't believe this is actually happening." he smiles in that way of his, like he's suppressing the depth of his emotions, with his brows slightly raised. I take the opportunity to enjoy the sight of him before me, his rapidly rising and falling chest, the smoothness of his skin.
"honestly?" I start to unbutton his pants, and he jerks up into my hand, blushing once he realizes the earnestness of his actions. I smirk encouragingly. "me, neither."
before I pull down his boxers, my eyes flick to his. "is this still okay?"
"Y/N," he groans. "if you don't do something, I'm gonna cum too early." he squeezes his eyes shut for a moment when my hand moves over his clothed erection, like he's holding on. "please."
"sorry." I release him from the confines. it hits his stomach and he waits for my reaction, as if he's afraid that I'll change my mind right now. but I'm definitely not going to. "holy fuck, Spencer."
"what?" he panics slightly, sitting up more. "is it not enough?"
"not enou--" I stutter, almost laugh. "no, it's plenty. I had no idea..."
"oh." he hides the pleased smile on his face, blush spreading over his pretty throat. in the interest of "expediting the process," I wrap my hand around the base of his cock and gently pump him.
Spencer's stomach tenses and he grabs onto the cushion of the couch with a tight fist, sighing.
"mmm..." he doesn't try to word his emotions, but I know. and I like that I'm making him feel this way, sharing this experience. Spencer and I are such close friends, I never thought we'd actually have sex. my assumption was that I'd watch him grow into himself, find a nice girl and treat her like a queen.
but here I am, spitting into my hand before jerking him off to prepare for what’s next. he’s throbbing, sounds coming from his throat.
"I'm gonna sit on it, okay?" I lean down to whisper in his ear. he touches my waist, my neck, kisses a random spot on my chest in the waves of pleasure that I'm giving him.
"o-okay." he mumbles, waiting for me to actually do it. and there's a moment of tense anticipation between both of us, when I sit up and pull my panties to the side. Spencer watches like I'm the only thing in the world, saving the memory of my body on top of his for later.
I run the head of his cock along my entrance, soaking him in the wetness between my thighs. I didn't realize how turned on I'd already gotten, and he lets out a quiet whine when he feels the evidence of how much I want him.
our eyes lock when I sink down. it's a new feeling for him, and the shape of his member as it stretches my walls causes me to bite my lip to withhold moaning too loudly. he whimpers, neck tensing and fingertips digging into my hips.
"o-oh." he sucks in a breath as I reach the halfway point. he's so big, I have to go slow in order not to overwhelm myself. but it feels good, too. like... unbelievably good. I grip onto his shoulders and my head falls forward into his shoulder.
"Spencer, holy shit." I moan.
"does it feel nice?" he asks, concerned for my own pleasure. I feel my chest flutter at the thoughtfulness of the boy wonder even when he's in the midst of losing his virginity, and I lower myself onto the rest of him.
"mhmm," I rest for a moment. "how do you feel?"
"like--" his breath hitches when I begin to rock back and forth on him. "like I've been missing out."
I can't help the giggle that slips past my lips, but then it quickly turns into a longing moan when he starts to thrust up into me like a helpless thing. Spencer is brilliant, but his brain cells go out the window when he throws his head back and begs me to move more.
I nod, raising and lowering myself until we reach a special pace. it's not fast or slow, just the two of us trying to stay in the moment while we hold on tightly to each other. I can feel the cool metal of his watch when he splays his hand out over my spine, the warmth of his breath while he pants against my shoulder.
he hits my g-spot over and over. my moans are torn from my throat by the burning of my lungs. it's like I can't breathe because I'm so focused on chasing the orgasm building in my stomach. and Spencer... I can tell he's almost finished.
the erratic nature of his jerking body tells me.
"I'm gonna cum..." he moans into my neck. "do- do you want me to pull out?"
"no." I arch my back and throw myself into the friction of our bodies. he stares up at me while I ride him, the merciless grinding of my hips because I just can't help myself. "oh my god, Spencer."
he notices how close I am and, in a surprisingly deft move, slides two fingers over my pussy to find my clit. the ensuing noise from me tells him that he's found it, and he begins to rub in quick circles. it's rough and hard, but that's exactly what I need right now.
"cum for me, Spence." I breathe. his free hand grips onto my thigh and pulls me over him, his own words unintelligible within the sounds of absolute pleasure.
"please." he begs for something I don't know, spills his seed inside of my pussy and holds onto me like I'm an anchor to this world while he peers into the next. the feeling of him spreading through my stomach, along with the reckless movements of his limbs and the way he looks at me while he rides out his orgasm, sends me over the edge.
"oh my fuck!" I collapse, grabbing his shoulders tightly and rolling myself down while he removes his fingers from my body. it's jarring, the intensity, like my normal functions can't respond correctly. all I can process is the tightening of my stomach, the pleasure between my legs, vision going slightly fuzzy at the edges. he moans when my cunt flutters around him, the muscles trying desperately to hold him here with me forever. I take deep breaths and slow down, my forehead dropping again while I start to remember my own name.
neither of us speaks. I think I'm still too in shock about what just happened, but in the best way. he keeps running his hands over my skin, then wraps his arms around my torso so that I'm pulled against his chest. I smile, kissing his ear before I finally break the silence.
"hi." he's got a satisfied tone.
"do you need anything? water?" I ask, exhausted but realizing that this is still new for Spencer and it's my job to make sure he's as comfortable as possible. he nuzzles his nose into my clavicle and squeezes me tighter.
"stay here with me." there's a slight edge to his words. he's afraid of me leaving. I snuggle down, perfectly happy to remain. heat radiates from his skin, and I like the way it feels.
"of course."
we linger in each other’s arms, both of us coming back into the real world and holding on in an attempt to soften the blow. I just had sex with Spencer.
"thank you." he whispers into my hair.
"for what?" the smile on my face is lazy.
"for doing this."
"well, I really wanted to." I laugh. "so, I guess, thank you, too."
"you're quite welcome." his response is cheerful and then we're both laughing, the sound rumbling from his chest. "can we do it again at some point?"
"I would be happy to." I beam. the contented sigh that leaves his lips, followed by a slight sinking of our bodies down the couch in collective exhaustion, fills me with a joy that's quiet but obvious.
“I’ll last longer next time, I promise.” he says. I can practically hear the blush in his cheeks.
“you did amazing, Spence. don’t worry about it.” I press a few stray kisses to him.
I'll need to go clean up, soon, but it can wait a few more minutes. this is my favorite place on earth.
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labeeboheme · 3 years
my spencer reid headcanons
(when a happy one matches a sad one, they’ll be matching colours)
also tw - vague mention of suicide, drug addiction, disordered eating mention (never anything graphic)
- Garcia and the rest of the team would leave little sticky notes around his desk and normally they’d just make him smile but when he was having a rough day they’d literally make him tear up with happiness
- he’s obscenely good at present giving, because he simultaneously remembers everything that people say they like and also has his ridiculous knowledge of what exists out there
- one week (it coincided with him being clean for 5 years, he never made the connection) he walked into the briefing room and every member of the team was dressed exactly as him. he kept trying to bring it up and everybody pretended they had no idea what he was on about. it became their BAU group chat icon for years.
- one of the best days of his life was when garcia took him dog walking with her, he got to just wander around with 6 dogs all day
- jack grows to adore him just as much as henry does. spencer hangs around a lot because him and hotch are usually the ones without anyone to hang out with at the weekend, and he takes jack to the museum with henry and michael all the time. jack ends up being a lot more like spencer than he imagined (which both terrifies and delights hotch)
- Spencer has never actually attended a graduation, despite having graduated from various degrees like 10+ times. when the BAU (Alex probably) finds out, they all force him into a gown and rock up to cheer him
- they liked to play trivia games where it was spencer vs the rest of the team, but someone (i’m thinking emily) picks up that it makes him feel left out. they then take turns being on spencer’s team. one month, the non-spencer team beats them and the joy it gives them makes him smile for a week
- garcia learns how to make mocktails and without fail, will make a huge jug for him anytime the rest are drinking alcohol but make sure they’re fun flavours so he gets just as much excitement as everyone else
- after Diana is moved to Virginia, the team become really close to her. JJ takes the boys to hang out with her because she’s always loved children (and Diana sometimes thinks Henry is a young Spencer, which makes JJ worry about how Spencer will react but he’s just sitting here grinning with tears in his eyes because he’s finally getting to see his mom be the mom he knew she could be)
- the BAU love his glasses, and there’s a competition to get a photo of him with them on, but he’s very good at avoiding cameras. After one case in a hotel they even try to hide his contact solution to force him to wear them (amateurs - he definitely keeps a spare box in his coat). There eventually is a single photo of them wearing them, but all members of the BAU fail. Spencer is babysitting Henry, who is distraught about having to wear glasses to school. Spencer gives up trying to comfort him and just takes his contact lenses out and switches them for glasses. Henry is super shocked but so happy that he matches his favourite person, so Spencer takes a photo of the two of them so that Henry can put it next to his bed
- he gets a cat after prison, it’s a tabby cat that is the light of his life, and the cat is just heavy enough that when Spencer gets it to sit on his lap that cat can be used a grounding pressure
- developed disordered eating habits that started from him always being super underweight as a child bc he couldn’t afford food and then when he got to college he started to eat properly and put on actually healthy weight but he was so adverse to change that it freaked him out
- one of the roughest days at the BAU, after all the obvious terrible times, was when Morgan and Hotch was just having a casual conversation about how they’d helped Strauss with her addiction and it just broke him. he ended up hiding under Garcia’s desk and he’d only speak to her and Emily (as the only people I think ever actually helped him) and was non verbal, once they finally got him out into the office he refused to speak to either of them and was just stimming with garcia comforting him (once he started talking again he whispered why he was so upset to emily, and she joined him in his glaring at them every time he looked at them. morgan and hotch never really worked it out and eventually reid just gave up on being upset because he knew it couldn’t change what happened)
- spencer has never walked across the stage at graduation, but that doesn’t mean he never went to a graduation. his first degree his mom promised she’d come, but ended up not leaving the house. he stood to the side of the stage in his gown trying not to cry before just going back home and having the diploma mailed to him
- he relapsed in prison. he considered his sobriety over after the events in Mexico, and so just briefly gave up when one of the inmates offered him some. as soon as Garcia came to visit him, he broke down and never did it again. he never told Morgan and so he still got a text every year on the day he first got clean, which he thought he’d absolutely hate but ended up finding comfort in because even if the “happy 12 years sobriety, kid” should have been “happy 2 years sobriety, kid”, it reminded him that he’d done it before and could do it again
- after maeve died and they came round to help him clean his apartment, he was really proud of himself for being able to put her book on the shelf and feel like he’s moving on. and then the next day he was getting ready to go to work properly for the first time and he was just getting more and more terrified and anxious and then started to spiral because the longer he panicked the later he was. and it reminded him of how scared maeve had been to come outside to meet him at the restaurant but she’d done it anyway, and he put the book in his bag and found it a lot easier to leave the house after that
- Spencer is so goddamn bitter about them not helping him get clean, and he mentions it whenever he can. In a angry-but-never-let-himself-be-angry way, he takes some justification in seeing the team squirm with guilt. one day he’s listing symptoms of withdrawal for a case, and just starts to go like “another symptom is intense muscle pain, which for me was definitely the worst” or “yeah nausea is real bad, not that you’d know I guess” like he’s exhausted and pissed off and just gives up any pretence of subtlety
- when Diana dies, the whole team rally around Reid more than he could imagine. They all organise the funeral basically for him, and Garcia constantly cooks for him, and at least one person sleeps on his sofa each night in case he needs them. By week two he’s doing okay, and he quickly realises they’re doing it for themselves more than him, because they’re so desperate to let him know how loved he is. It’s still one of the worst weeks of his life, but it’s bearable and that’s purely down to him never having to feel lonely
- there’s a reason he knew exactly what to do when he walked in on Nathan Harris, and that’s because he’s done it with his mom, except that time he was 12 and his dad had just left and he just sat there covered in blood waiting for the ambulance, and whilst promising the paramedics that his dad was on his way home so that social services wouldn’t turn up, he read countless books on medical treatment so that next time he wouldn’t be so hopeless
- I respectfully disagree with the line where he’s like “this is my first meeting” at the Beltway clean cops, I’m convinced he would drive two hours to a meeting miles away so he could truly be anonymous and sit curled up in a chair and cry in meetings without even the slightest chance of seeing someone he knew
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
hiii! i don’t know if you have done this but can you do a hotch x reader where they get kidnapped by tobias instead of reid? xx
4 Months
Warning: Criminal Minds level violence, drugs, torture, rabid dogs
Word Count: 3562
a/n: I decided to switch up some of the specifics, just to make it a bit more fun to read. I hope you like it :) Also, we're pretending Rossi was there bc he is really the father of the group and it fit better than having Gideon 🤷‍♀️
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"JJ, we have to split up." You barely looked back at her, missing the nervous expression on her face as you ran toward the cornfield. "I'll take the field, you take the barn."
You slowed to a brisk walk as you neared the cornfield, raising your gun in front of you. You couldn't help but think about how pissed Hotch would be if he knew what you were doing.
You shook off the thought, knowing he would do the same if the roles were reversed.
Spotting movement, you moved farther into the corn, trying to spot any signs indicating which way Tobias went. A bent corn husk was the last thing you saw before the world went black.
"He's not a witness. He's the unsub." Hotch's eyes went wide as he realized you and JJ were there without backup. "Call JJ, now." He instructed Morgan, taking out his own phone to call you.
Hotch's eyes met Morgan's as both calls went unanswered. No words were exchanged as everyone ran out to the SUVS, putting on bulletproof vests as they went.
Hotch was nervously tapping the steering wheel the entire drive to Hankel's house. He couldn't stop replaying your last conversation.
"Y/N, you and JJ go talk to Hankel. Find out if he saw anything." Despite his stern expression, you could tell his eyes were smiling at you.
"Sure thing." You nodded, mouthing 'I love you' before turning to JJ.
That's it. He didn't even have the chance to mouth it back. JJ would've seen, and even though the team has theories about your relationship, you haven't confirmed anything yet.
He pulled into the driveway, running up to the house, gun out before anyone could stop him.
Prentiss followed Hotch, Morgan and Reid took the left, Rossi and a local cop took the right.
They tore through the house, clearing it with fierce determination, but came up empty.
"It's clear." Rossi called, joining Hotch and Prentiss in the living room. "Where are Morgan and Reid?"
Hotch spared a glance out the window, discovering the barn likely being cleared by the missing agents.
Everyone ran out of the house, arriving outside the barn just as Morgan and Reid lead a distressed JJ outside.
"What happened?" Hotch questioned, glancing over JJ's shoulder into the barn. Clearly you weren't there, but he needed to hope.
"We split up. Y/N went into the cornfield... I had- I had to shoot them." Her voice was detached, eyes glazed over.
"The dogs." Morgan clarified, leading JJ to a paramedic.
"Dammit. The house is clear. No sign of Y/N or Hankel." Hotch ran a hand through his hair, trying to clear his mind. The worry was nearly overpowering, but it wouldn't help find you.
The sheriff approached, removing his hat. "A deputy two towns over gave directions to a man matching Hankel's description. He's headed for a hunting lodge."
Morgan nodded to Prentiss. "We'll check it out."
Your head was pounding. A vile scent reached your nose, causing your eyes to flicker open. You flinched at the closeness of the man in front of you.
"Tobias..." The name slipped out in a whisper.
"They're not here. It's just me now." He stated, calmer than you would've expected.
"Who are you?" You asked, trying to portray a fake sense of calm.
"I'm Rafael." He pulled out a revolver, adding a single bullet to the six chambers.
"No. You don't have to do this." Your heart ached, fear gripping your body as he aimed the gun at you.
"It is my duty to enact God's will." He said, right before pulling the trigger.
Hotch pulled back into the driveway, leading Garcia into the house.
"His computer setup is in there. If there's even a hint of where they might've gone, I need you to find it." Hotch gestured to the back room.
Penelope nodded. Carrying her own computer bags, she followed Derek into the depths of the house.
"What've we got?" Hotch questioned those remaining around the table.
"He knew he could throw us off, pretend to be looking for a hunting lodge." Emily spoke quickly.
"We've got piles of information, journals, notebooks. We're still sifting through it all." JJ added, shirt still bloody from yesterday.
Just then, Reid rushed in from another room. "The walls in the bedroom, they are covered in the latin phrase 'honora patrem tuum', honor thy father."
"Garcia, look for anything you can find about his father." Hotch gave out orders, but his focus was elsewhere. What was happening to you?
"Over here!" Morgan called from outside.
The team ran around the house to see Morgan opening a cellar door. Nodding slightly, Hotch and Morgan made there way inside.
"Tobias Hankel, FBI." Morgan shouted, receiving no answer.
They quickly found the dead body of none other than Hankel's father. Even the new information did little to calm the worry brewing inside of Hotch.
"Confess your sins." He ordered.
"My sins? I don't have any sins." You did your best to hold back the tears, trying to figure out who you were talking to.
"Everyone has sins. Confess, and you will be forgiven." He stared you down, waiting for a response.
You simply shook your head, mouth slightly agape. The smell was getting to you. You couldn't think straight with the pain in your head.
"I- I don't know what-"
"YES YOU DO. CONFESS." He hit you, whipping your head to the left.
"Hotch, he took drugs to escape. Dilaudid cut with a psychedelic." Emily relayed the information her and JJ got from Tobias's sponsor.
"We've got something too. The dates in his journals don't add up. He was talking about his father as if he was alive months after he killed him."
"His father beat him, preached about sin." Emily replied, putting the pieces together alongside Hotch.
"Split personality. Profile the father. He could be the key to finding Y/N." Even just saying your name he felt his heart clench.
"Who are you?" You questioned him as soon as he walked through the door, trying to figure out who you were dealing with this time.
"Tobias." He moved about the cabin almost nervously.
"Who was here before?" You knew Rafael, but the other personality was a mystery.
"My father." Definitely the most violent. He was who you had to look out for. "I'm sorry if he hurt you."
Tobias looked over you newly forming bruises before pulling off his belt.
"No. No what are you doing?" You felt your heart rate increase as he wrapped the belt around your arm. You could barely register the words he was saying, something about escaping from the pain.
"Please. I don't want it. I'm fine." You begged, tears brimming your eyes. He ignored your pleas, injecting the drug into your bloodstream.
Despite how much you hated it, you felt the relief he was talking about. The pain was gone, even if just briefly. You thought about your time spent with Hotch. It didn't feel like long enough. You wanted more. You had so much you wanted to do with him.
"Aaron..." You mumbled his name between kisses. "They could see us." You did little to stop him, despite your words.
"We should tell them." He whispered against your mouth, holding you close. "They would be happy for us."
You sighed blissfully, forehead pressed against his. "Really? You know they've got a pool going to see when we'd finally get together. Who do you think had money on 4 months ago?" You laughed into his neck, pulling him closer.
"My bet's on Rossi. He knows us both too well." Aaron smiled, a full genuine smile.
"You're probably right, but just to make it interesting, I'm betting Reid. He's too observant not to have noticed." You squinted at the window, knowing Reid was staring at the closed blinds on the other side.
That earned a laugh, one you could feel in his chest pressed tightly to your own.
"I love you." He kissed your head, content to hold you for a little while longer.
"I love you too." You leaned ever farther into him. "We can tell them when we get back from this next case."
"Get in here!" Reid called from the computer room, pointing to a screen where you were being broadcast. You were handcuffed and tied to a chair, clearly beaten.
"Pick one to die." The voice of Tobias could be heard, despite him not being visible on the screen.
You shook your head, staring into the camera. You wanted to plead for Hotch to save you, but you knew it wouldn't be fair. He didn't need that on his conscience.
"Choose one, and I will free another."
You shook your head again, trying to think of a clue you could give the team. "I won't let you hunt them like a poacher."
"Now. Or I will kill them all." He threatened, lifting you from the ground.
"I'll pick who lives." You stuttered, breaths coming fast and short. "The right screen."
You were forced to watch as he turned off the camera, leaving the screens to show the heinous murders he was about to commit.
Suddenly, Rossi was talking to you through the screen. The sight of him nearly brought you to tears.
"Y/N. This isn't your fault. None of it. You can't blame yourself. We will find you, but I need you to be there when we do."
You knew exactly what he meant. You were already blaming yourself, despite Rossi's father like relationship with you, it was hard to believe him.
It did give you the strength to remember the team though. You needed to see them, all of them, again.
"He's back!" Morgan called everyone in to view the screens again.
"Confess your sins." They watched as he beat you.
You cried. You begged him to stop. You begged Tobias for help, but nothing worked.
Hotch felt his heart break even more with every word.
Suddenly, you were on the ground, still tied to the chair. You were seizing, Charles Hankel watching as it happened.
The screen went dark, causing Hotch to punch the desk.
"Dammit." He shouted. He didn't care if his worry was beginning to poke through the surface. He needed to find you and he needed to do it now.
"The timestamp." Emily's voice drew him out of his head. "There's only a few minutes between the time of death and when it was posted. He's got to be close to the crime scene."
Finally. Something that felt like progress.
They watched the screen as you appeared again.
"Choose one to die." It was Rafael this time.
"I can't. I can't do it." Your face betrayed every emotion you were feeling inside.
"Pick one." He stated again.
"Me. Kill me." You nearly begged.
"You said you weren't one of them. Your team has 7 other members. Choose one of them to die."
You shook your head, fear gripping you once again as he pulled out the revolver.
"Choose." He connected the gone to your forehead, resting it there.
"No." He pulled the trigger, watching as you flinched.
"Choose." You shook your head, tensing as he pulled the trigger again.
Hotch felt his heart in his stomach, internally begging you to just say a name. He couldn't watch you die, not like this.
"Choose." He pulled the trigger yet again at your silence.
"I won't do it." You held firm, knowing you had limited chances.
"Choose one to die."
You opened your mouth, panting as an idea came to you.
"I choose... Aaron Hotchner." Your heart ached even saying it, but you needed to give him a clue. "He's a classic narcissist. Thinks he's better than everyone. He'd go to his grave knowing he was wrong." You winced internally, trying not to give away your plan.
Hotch left the room, trying to understand your words. The two of you had just argued about the definition of classic narcissism.
"I think you're wrong." You laughed at his amused expression.
"Yeah? Or do you just like making me exasperated?" He questioned your motives, pulling you closer as you laid in bed together.
"Maybe a little bit of both." You shrugged, leaning up to kiss him. "Promise me something?" You asked, a nervous expression on your face.
"What?" He looked at you with so much concern, you felt your heart beat a little faster.
"If... If I die, you can't blame yourself." He opened his mouth to protest, but you kept going. "I know you Aaron. You'd take it to grave thinking it was your fault. I can't let you do that. Not when I know you blame yourself for Haley's death." You felt your heart break for him and the pain he had been through. "Promise me." You were nearly begging.
"I promise." He whispered, his throat tight at the idea of losing you.
He was brought back to the present by the sound of Rossi's voice.
"Hotch, you know Y/N didn't mean any of that." Rossi tried gently, unsure of how Hotch was coping with your situation.
"I'm not a narcissist. What's my worst quality?" He looked at the apprehensive looks everyone was giving him. "I'll start, I have no sense of humor."
He nodded along as his team listed his faults.
"None of you said I ever put myself above the team, because I don't. Y/N and I just argued about the definition of classic narcissism." He paced, trying to put it together. "I'd take it to my grave... Grave was a hint."
"What? How do you know?" Reid shook his head, trying to understand the logic.
"I made a promise. It's a long story." He shook his head, trying to clear the memory so he could focus. "Y/N knew I would remember it."
"A cemetary. It's got to be a cemetary." Morgan added.
"No cemeteries on the map." Garcia was typing away on the computer.
"Like a poacher." Reid whispered, staring at the screen.
"Reid?" Hotch looked at him, eyes pleading for an answer.
"That's what Y/N said in the first video. 'I won't let you hunt them like a poacher.'" He said it louder, more excited than before.
"Garcia, any reports of poaching in the area?" Hotch asked, the idea of finding you causing hope to erupt in his chest.
"Yes, at Marshall Parrish... and there's a cemetery on the grounds." She gave them the address, watching as they ran out to the SUVs.
"I'm sorry." Tobias said it so softly, you were almost certain you didn't hear it at all.
"Wh- why?" Your eyebrows pulled together in confusion, trying to make sense of it.
"He'll win. In the end, he always does." He rose from the crouched position, slowly injecting you with more drugs.
"Hotch!" You screamed, feeling arms restraining you from behind.
You watched as he went into the hostage situation, unarmed and without a vest.
"Derek. Let me go!" You struggled in his grasp, straining to get free.
"There's nothing you can do, he's already inside." He stated the truth, although it did little to calm your nerves.
You settled down, throat tight with worry. You bit your lip, eyes flitting between the door and windows. You just needed a sign, anything to say he was alright.
The sound of a gun firing stunned you. You were frozen in place, fear consuming you. You had just told him you loved him for the first time this morning. What if you never get to say it again? What if that's all the time you got.
You stared in horror as everyone ran toward the house, only to freeze when a voice shouted everything was fine.
"It's fine." He huffed, carrying the small child out of the house toward a waiting EMT. "Baxter is dead."
"Aaron..." You whispered the name, realizing how powerless you felt when he was in danger. The two of you made eye contact across the yard, a reassuring look in his eye.
"Aaron..." You whispered, blinking rapidly as you slowly came to.
"What about Aaron." Charles. Tobias's dad was back.
"I couldn't stop him. I couldn't keep him safe." You muttered to yourself, not fully understanding the situation.
"Is that a confession?" He asked, voice hard.
"Yes." It was more of a breath of air than a word, but it was all he needed to condemn you.
He unlocked your handcuffs, forcing a shovel into your newly freed arms before dragging you outside.
"Dig." he instructed plainly, watching over you as stray tears wet the ground beneath you.
"Clear." Morgan called from one side of the shed.
"Clear" Hotch replied from the other. With the whole team in the small space, it wasn't exactly necessary but it was habit.
Hotch could feel his nerves picking up again as he realized this meant you were still with Tobias. He paced back and forth, feeling powerless.
"Spread out. They have to be on foot." He left without waiting for a response, turning left with JJ to look for you.
You did your best to stall, but Charles wasn't the most patient.
"Dig faster."
"I'm trying. I'm trying." You whimpered, movements speeding up ever so slightly. The massive knife in his hands causing your own to shake.
"You're weak. Move." He huffed, throwing his jacket to the ground before ripping the shovel from your hands.
A flash of light in the trees caught your eye. Flashlights. Your team. Aaron.
Your eyes flickered between the man in front of you and the trees, causing him to turn.
You took the split second he wasn't looking to grab the gun from his jacket, swiftly aiming it as he turned back to you knife raised.
"Only one bullet in that gun." He lunged for you, falling backwards after you pulled the trigger.
You dropped the gun, quickly tossing the knife away.
"Tobias?" You cried, moving back toward him.
"You killed me." He seemed surprised, but grateful at the same time.
You felt the tears pouring down your face as you apologized.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." You grabbed his hand, watching the light fade from his eyes as he asked one final question.
"You think I'll get to see my mom again?"
You barely registered the arms around you, pulling you to your feet. You couldn't take your eyes off of Tobias. He wasn't the one who hurt you. He helped you, or at least tried.
"I killed him." Your breathing picked up, vision blurring.
"Y/N, look at me." You turned to the voice, blinking rapidly to stop the tears.
"Aaron?" You took a stuttering breath, trying to make sure this was real.
"I'm here. It's okay. You're okay. You're safe now." His words were just as reassuring to himself as they were to you. You caught JJ's eye over Hotch's shoulder, quickly moving to hug her.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I never should've-" You cut her off.
"None of this was your fault. It was my idea to split up. I'm so sorry." You cried into her shoulder, knowing how guilty she must've felt.
She hugged you back, tears brimming her own eyes at seeing you alive again.
She lead you to the EMT, not commenting on the look you threw over your shoulder at Aaron. He quickly followed you to the ambulance. JJ left you to talk to Hotch, who stayed beside you the entire time the medics looked you over.
"I didn't mean it." You said when you were finally alone, sitting between the open doors of the ambulance.
"What?" Aaron questioned, his mind not following your own train of thought.
"When... When I had to choose. I didn't mean any of it." You could feel the tears coming, but this time you did nothing to hold them back.
"I know. I knew the whole time." You brushed your tears away, looking you in the eye. "I love you so much." He whispered, his own eyes feeling watery.
"I love you too." You leaned into him, relishing in the feeling of his arm around you. You couldn't help but look over at the team, all of whom quickly pretended not to be watching. You huffed a laugh.
"Yeah, I think they're going to have some questions." Hotch smiled, glad to see you happy even if just for a second.
"After this case, right?" You looked back at him, confirming you still wanted to share your relationship with the team.
"Deal." He smiled, arm tightening around your shoulders to pull you closer.
You couldn't help but bring it up on the jet ride home.
"So, who had money on four months ago?" You questioned, tucked into Aaron's side on the couch.
"What?" Emily raised a brow at your sudden statement.
"That's when we started dating." You grinned at her shocked expression.
"Dammit Reid." Morgan huffed, handing over the money.
"Don't forget Rossi!" Reid high fived the older man, the two grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
"Looks like we were both right." Hotch smiled into your hair, trying to hide his laugh.
"Yeah. We make a pretty good team." You smiled, leaning into his touch.
"I love you." He murmured, face still in your hair. You turned your face into his chest before responding.
"I love you too."
Permanent taglist:
@averyhotchner @jesuswasnotawhiteman @madewithsebstan
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altsvu · 4 years
a little jealous, i suppose?
Tumblr media
pairing: aaron hotchner x bau!female!reader
wc: 2.8k
summary: after being called in for a case in the middle of a romantic date, you and hotch have to talk to the lieutenant on the case, but they end up flirting with you at the same time. hotch gets a little jealous and proves it when you and him get back to the hotel room.
tw: sex talk, A SHIT TON OF SMUT, some fluff, swearing.
a/n: this is a long one lovelies! i had so much fun writing this! jealous hotch can be a bit naughty... but this is my first (completed) smut fic with hotch and i hope it doesn’t sound super weird or whatever bc i lowkey suck at smut
criminal minds masterlist! ✯ taglist! ✯ text messages!
You and Hotch had been dating for almost a year and a half now. Upon dating, the two of you had decided that it was best to not say anything to the rest of the team. Although you wanted everything to be kept under wraps, everyone wanted the two of you to be together though, and they picked up on the many interactions that you exchanged with each other. It had been easy to keep the relationship a secret, or at least the idea of either you or Hotch being in a romantic relationship, until now when you came into the BAU floor wearing a revealing dress and a full face of makeup.
“Well, well, well,” Morgan whistled. “Looks like someone’s going on a date.”
“Shut up Morgan, you’re just jealous it’s not with you.” you laughed. “I am not jealous at all. You do look really good though.” he responded, in which you blew him a kiss.
“You look so beautiful! Your date is definitely gonna fall head over heels for you.” JJ squealed, coming up to give you a hug. You knew exactly who she was talking about. Hotch. She was the only person you were able to confide in about your relationship with him even though you had practically become best friends with everyone on the team. “Thank you JJ.” you smiled.
“Who’s the lucky guy?” Reid asked.
“Or girl?” Penelope said.
You looked for some of your items from your desk, trying to avoid the team’s burning questions. “All I can say is that he’s... definitely older.”
“Well, you know what they say, the older the wiser.” Emily suggested.
“Yes, this man is very wise.” you replied, putting your badge and gun in your purse. Little did everyone know that they were talking highly of Hotch.
Rossi came out of his office. “Well, you’re not going on a date with me.”
“Unfortunately-“ you frowned, then paused mid sentence when your phone rang. You pulled it out and broke away from the group to make sure they couldn’t see the name.
“Sweetheart, you know I can’t wait to see how beautiful you look.” Hotch mused. You could tell he had a smile on his face. “Well babe, lucky for you, I’m about to leave. See you in 5 okay?” You replied.
“Of course.”
You hung up and dropped your phone in your bag, grabbing your coat. “Alright everyone, I’m off. Don’t miss me too much, I’m a big girl, I’ll be okay.”
“Walk you to the elevator?” JJ asked. You nodded sincerely. You then said your goodbyes to everyone and walked out with JJ.
“He’s lucky to be with a woman like you.”
“Yeah, I like to think that. I’m just glad he doesn’t treat me like a child, ya know. I may be the youngest here, but when we’re alone, everything’s just different.”
JJ lifted an eyebrow. “Ohhhh, I see.”
You playfully smacked her on the shoulder as the elevator door opened. “Girl stop. It’s more than that.” You walked into the elevator, blowing a kiss at JJ.
“Have fun!”
“You look absolutely amazing, did I tell you that already?” Hotch complimented as you got out of the car.
“Yes you have, about 5 times already, but I appreciate the compliments. You look quite handsome yourself, Aaron.”
“Thank you, my love.” he said, kissing you on the lips.
The two of you went inside the restaurant and followed the waiter to the reserved table, which had seating next to each other instead of across and the environment was pretty chill since there weren’t a lot of people inside, so it felt even more romantic. It gave you more freedom to perform many forms of PDA, which was something that Hotch wanted to experiment more with.
“So... everyone on the BAU floor is questioning who I’m dating,” you started. Hotch looked up at you mid bite. “Really? What’d you say?”
“I’m dating an older man who’s very wise.”
Hotch sneaked an arm around your waist. “I’m glad that you think I’m wise.”
“I can think of a lot more.” you whispered. You then crept your hand up to the nape of Hotch’s neck and pulled him closer to you, planting a passionate kiss on his lips.
“Mmm, I know what I’m gonna do to you when we get home.” Hotch murmured into your ear after kissing you back. “I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’re gonna be shaking when you walk into the BAU tomorrow.” His fingers tickled your bare skin, and you hoped you weren’t getting an orgasm from his touch.
“Oh what a naughty, wise man you are.” you mused, taking the opportunity to kiss and nibble on the soft skin that was Hotch’s neck. You sucked on it hard, leaving a dark red mark.
You went back to enjoying your meal and chatting when you were interrupted by a phone call.
“It’s Garcia.” Hotch whispered. He then proceeded to answer the phone. When he got off the phone with her, he looked disappointed. “What is it?” you asked.
“We’re being called in.”
“Fuck.” you muttered under your breath, hearing your phone ring too.
Hotch took your face in his hands. “It’s okay. We can finish date night another night.”
You had texted JJ that you would be meeting them on the plane to avoid suspicions from the rest of the team and you would be briefed when you arrived. JJ had grabbed your go bag for you as well.
“Y/N, how was your date?” Emily asked.
It was tempting to smile and look at Hotch but you were able not to. “Despite it being cut short, it was amazing. We had... plans after dinner.”
“Oooo, risqué.” Morgan cocked his head to the side. You pinched his cheek and collapsed in one of the chairs, wanting to sleep. In a way, you were a bit upset that you and Hotch had to be called away from your date, you seriously wanted him to be all over you, kissing you, sucking on your skin, massaging your forbidden spots.
“Very. Where are we headed?”
The rest of the team then briefed you on the case and when you landed, you’d have to go with Hotch to talk with the lieutenant that was the lead on the case and set up at the field office.
While you were looking through your copy of the case file, you got a text from Hotch.
SSA Hotchner BAU ❤️: That hickey on my neck won’t be going away for a while, Rossi’s already asking about it
SSA Hotchner BAU ❤️: he thinks i had “a little rendezvous” before being called in.
You stifled a laugh.
You: well... you did. With me of course
You: Keep him wondering, I’ll give you more in our hotel room 😘 and i’m also holding you to that promise
SSA Hotchner BAU ❤️: the things i want to do to you... i wouldn’t even be able to count
You bit your finger and looked out the window, wanting the day to go by fast. Hotch was sitting across from you, so he looked up at you for a slight second with a grin on his face, which caught your attention quickly. He gave you a wink and looked back down. Moments later, the jet was arriving at the team’s destination and you were eager to just change out of your date night clothes.
“Do we have time for me to stop by the hotel we’re staying in?” you whispered to JJ while getting off the plane.
“My beloved friend, we’re on a time crunch.” JJ started. “But, I’ll let you come with me to get the keys for our rooms.”
You sighed in relief and smiled a thank you.
“I kinda wished you didn’t have to change out of that dress.” Hotch admitted. You side eyed him, knowing that he was joking. That was until you turned to look at him and he was staring at you, examining you almost. “Me too,” you smiled, turning to look at him. “But obviously that would be super inappropriate.”
“Well of course it would be.” Hotch growled, pulling you closer to him.
“There’s cameras,” you hissed.
“Good.” One of his hands grabbed your ass and you let out a gasp. Clearly Hotch did not care whatsoever about the cameras, all he cared about was you, and how amazing you looked in front of him. That, and closing this current case as soon as possible. He took your face in his hands and kissed your lips ever so passionately, stopping just in time for the elevator door to open. As you were approaching the lieutenant, you straightened your shirt in hopes that he wouldn’t think that anything suspicious was going on.
“Lieutenant Baker, I’m SSA Aaron Hotchner and this is SSA Y/N .” Hotch said, shaking hands with Baker. When he got to you, a smile creeped up on his face and he lingered a bit after shaking your hand. A bit odd, you thought. “Thank you for coming,” he finally replied. “These suspicious murders have been going on for too long and I’d like to put an end to them as much as you do.”
“And that’s why we’re here.” Hotch agreed. “Is there a place for us to settle?” He led you and Hotch to a conference room with an evidence board, and as you were walking, you felt a familiar hand on your back, creeping to your waist. Goddammit Hotch. You glared at him to stop before he got caught and he only looked back at you with a smile on his face.
The rest of the time in the field office wasn’t bad, but you had a very huge feeling that the lieutenant was trying to make some moves on you.
It’s not like you weren’t used to this, men just found you super attractive. But you only found one man that was attractive.
Aaron Hotchner.
“Hey.” you turned around to find the lieutenant standing next to you. “Is there anything that I can help you with?”
“Nah, just putting these pictures and visuals up. Hotch and I are gonna review the case files until the family comes in to talk to us.”
“Ok, that sounds good.”
You noticed that Baker was still standing in your vicinity. “Is there something that you need from me, Lieutenant?”
“No, not at all. Let me know if you need anything from me, I’ll be trying to round up some potential witnesses.” Baker said, squeezing and rubbing your forearm for a moment and walking away to his office. He had a side grin on his face.
You, on the other hand, stood in your spot truly dumbfounded. Your mouth slightly gaped, you turned and watched Baker walk away. Suddenly your eyes made their way to Hotch, who was looking at you across the room, a grin also on his face.
“What was that about? He ask you if you were dating anyone?”
You rolled your eyes and finished putting up the map for Reid to use later. “Please, no.” Hotch was then standing by your side, leaning against the wall beside the evidence board.
“That wasn’t just any touch there.”
“Yeah well, it didn’t mean anything to me. Did you forget that I love you or something?”
Hotch pulled you into a kiss. “Of course not.”
“Good,” you whispered. “Then what’s the issue? A little jealous, I suppose?” You put emphasis on jealous.
“Agents? The victim’s mother is here.”
“Thank you, Lieutenant.” Hotch replied. He turned back to you. “We’ll talk later.”
It was nearing the end of the day, and everyone was tired. It was only the team’s first day in a small Nevada town, but a lot was accomplished.
Riding in the car with Derek, Emily, and JJ back to the hotel room, you let the breeze flow through your body. Nervousness washed over you as you thought about the morning upon arriving at the field office.
Hotch always had underlying meanings to even the simplest things he would say, which is why you couldn’t stop wondering if he was the slightest bit upset at the lieutenant for advancing on you, the person he loved with all his heart.
“Hey.” JJ poked at your arm. “What’s going on? Trouble in paradise?”
You smiled a bit. “No, uh, I guess there was a bit of tension since the lieutenant was flirting with me.”
“He was actually good looking, I think he’d be a great match for you.” Emily suggested, turning around.
“Y/N does attract almost every male species.” Derek commented.
“Guys, stop, I’m just... not interested in him.” You said simply, turning back to the window. The only thing running to your head was what Hotch had planned for tonight.
When you got to the hotel room, you found things the way they were, only Hotch’s go bag next to yours. You pulled out your robe and shower essentials from your go bag - you hated using hotel soap - and started to strip. When Hotch came out of the bathroom, you were only in your underwear, slipping on your robe, and he was only in a towel.
“You didn’t say when you came in.” Hotch whispered, planting a small kiss on your head.
“I know, I didn’t wanna bother you. I’m gonna shower quickly okay?” He nodded and you then went in the bathroom. When you were done, Hotch was in bed wearing a white shirt and grey boxer shorts. God, he looked so hot.
“What conversation did you want to have earlier?” You asked, wrapping your robe around a bit tighter.
Hotch gestured to you to lay next to him. “You know how I get when it comes to people flirting with you.”
“Yeah, you go feral. Internally, of course.” You paused. “Wait. Is Aaron Hotchner... mad?”
His hand snuck inside your robe, trailing up to your chest, cupping your right breast, sending chilling shockwaves to the rest of your body.
“Let’s just say I wanna show you that you belong to me.”
Oh, Hotch was jealous alright.
You turned to face him and that’s when he worked his magic. One side of your robe slipped off, and next thing you knew, he was teasing your clit, making you wet. Your shallow breaths and whimpers filled the emptiness of the room. He continued teasing you for a bit, then you watched as he pulled out his cock, stroking it a bit while staring at you dead in your eyes. You knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted to make sure you knew he was the one in control, and that he would do anything to get off on your pleasure.
He made extra sure of it when he started cockwarming you.
Oh fuck you Aaron, you said in your head as small whimpers escaped your mouth.
“Yeah, you like when I do that to you?” Hotch- well Aaron, asked roughly. “You like feeling my cock inside you, don’t you?”
He was enjoying the sight of you, close to him, almost orgasming on the spot. But he wasn’t gonna let you get off that easily.
“What’s wrong, my sweet girl? Hmm?”
“I- I need you, Aaron,” was all you could croak out.
Aaron shifted on top of you and you curled your legs around him.
“Sweetheart, you’re gonna have to speak up for me to give you what you want.” Aaron teased, taking of his shirt.
“I need you Aaron,” you repeated a bit louder.
Aaron smiled and thrusted hard and fast into you, in which he took no time. “Good girl.” He let out a fierce groan when he did so.
“Who makes you feel good?”
“You do,” you moaned. “You make me feel good Aaron.”
He kissed you fiercely in response with one of his hands gripping your neck and the other holding on to your leg. “God, you look so sexy under me, my sweet, sweet girl. You take me so well.”
He knew you wanted to come, your flushed face gave it away. But when you asked, ever so politely, he responded with a firm no.
“You don’t get to come until I do.”
“But Aaron, plea-“
As he was going faster, you felt yourself nearing an orgasm, and all you wanted to do was melt under him.
He pulled out just after he reached his high and smashed his lips against your clit, stimulating you even more. When he finally let you come, it came on strong and heavy, and a loud, broken “Aaron” escaped your lips. You did not care whatsoever if two of the other team members in the next room heard you. Aaron on the other hand was enjoying every moment of it. “Oh, my sweet girl, you taste amazing.” he mused.
When he was done he collapsed next to you.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah, just... that was super hot.” you breathed, moving closer to him.
“It was. I think now you know who you belong to.” Aaron whispered, caressing your cheek.
“Much more than I did before.”
Aaron offered to clean you up, and after, the two of you slept soundly for the rest of the night.
taglist: @averyhotchner @storiesofsvu @ssaic-jareau @blackbeautifulqueen @dr-omalley @morcias @mstrinnyb
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maschotch · 2 years
Few different thoughts on 701 and 702.
The unsub in 702 is so creepy and f'd up. It was pretty good writing.
I don't really understand the fued between JJ and Reid because at the end of 701 everyone is in the meeting room and looks fine. If they had written that Reid wasn't there then it would've made more sense in 702.
Also I didn't like the writing when Reid yells at JJ, it just didn't flow well.
I don't understand the whole "what if I had started taking Dilaudid again would you have let me part?"
Specifically the "would you have let me" part.
It should have ended at "What if I started taking Dilaudid again?"
And going to JJ's house crying. That's not really Reid's character...he doesn't really ask for help, people usually ask him if he's okay and eventually he may say something...like with the drug problem or the headaches...
What do you think?
701 was one of their worst episodes honestly. the whole doyle arc was done so well, which makes it so much worse when the finale falls flat. i think bringing declan’s mom as a foil for lauren was cool (and low empathy emily interacting w no empathy doyle is fucking hilarious), but other than that, it was just so… disappointing. all that build up for nothing. even the reunion felt insincere (other than shemar who acted his fuckijg ass off w that kicked puppy look). no one really reacted. idk they just made that whole ep so… uninteresting. like it wasnt entertaining at all and made absolutely no sense for anyone. truly a waste. the doyle arc couldve been so good if they just managed to stick the landing
702 was definitely the most blatant ableism in a while.. that being said, it’s a fun episode bc they make him so vile. and tbh i kinda like the little reid jj drama.. it does admittedly feel like it comes outta nowhere, and it’s not even bc the last episode didnt build up to it—we just haven’t seen jj/reid interact in an emotionally vulnerable way? like of all people, jj feels like the last person reid would go to if he needed to cry. she’s shown him nothing but disdain or indifference when he’s ever emotional around her. but i do think it’s fun that they played w the betrayal. jj’s annoyance that reid hadn’t forgiven her yet was so in character and it was interesting to see that confrontation
i dont mind their fight honestly. yeah it’s a little choppy and all over the place w reid jumping from one point to another, but i think it works bc 1) when anger reaches a certain point it becomes difficult to think linearly and 2) reid in particular isn’t exactly known for being in touch with his feelings, so he’s dealing with it while arguing. all his emotions are bubbling up at once, all the different reasons he has to be (rightfully btw) upset. reid is already a little scatterbrained and has a hard time focusing—he has so much going on in his mind at any given time that it’s hard for him to control when he’s this frustrated. all things considered i think he got his points across pretty well
i think it’s interesting that he brings up his addiction now when it’s gone unmentioned for like three seasons. i think it shows that (yeah the writers probably just forgot/didnt care) he’s pretty private about it. it’s something that was embarrassing for him, and we know he doesnt have the healthiest standards for deserving self respect. it’s partly bc he wants to be private about it and partly bc his attempts to reach out went ignored in the early stages of his addiction. so he’s been quietly struggling in the background all this time—recovery isn’t linear either. it’s definitely realistic for him to want to turn to a familiar sense of release. i think that’s what he was trying to convey: how deeply this hurt him. he was in genuine pain, and he resents jj for letting him suffer when she knew emily was still alive. to be fair i dont think he’s processed that she didnt really have a choice, or thought at all about the repercussions of jj telling the truth. bringing up dilaudid was his way of saying “what if it got that bad? how miserable do i have to be to earn mercy, to earn the truth? do i have to risk ruining my life for you to be honest?”
idk. jj was doing what she could (what she had been ordered to do) to protect emily, so i dont blame her for keeping quiet. but reid is also entitled to his anger—it’s very fair of him to be upset at the perceived betrayal from a (supposedly) close friend. the problem is that jj is rejecting reid’s emotions for a second time, this time without reason. she expects him to be perfectly understanding and everything to go back to normal as if nothing has changed. but that’s her own fucked up little coping mechanism lol. im actually a big fan of this moment (even if they didnt provide any fucking context)
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leossmoonn · 3 years
No Weakness [Spencer Reid]
pairing - spencer reid x gn!reader
type - fluff, lil angst 
request / note -  “where the reader is new to BAU and they see dead body first time, and it kinda bothers them. and spencer noticed it, even when the reader tries they best no show it (bc they’re scared it makes the look like they’re weak) so when they’re just two of them spencer tries to make them feel better and tells them its okay and it does not make them weak.” this was so fun to write, ahhh! thank you @avrilstaro for requesting <3 *not edited lol oops*
summary - you’re embarrassed after freaking out from seeing a dead body, but spencer assures you that it’s okay
warnings / includes - descriptions of mutilated body, small description of case (child kidnapper case for this fic), crying, anxiety, nausea, little fighting, food mention. you and spencer are dating in this  
*gif isn’t mine*
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“I can’t believe I didn’t get to sleep in,” you mumbled, throwing your purse down on your desk rather roughly. 
“Not like you would’ve anyways. Ariel was meowing for you five minutes before we got called in,” Spencer stated. 
“So? I would’ve fallen back asleep after,” you shrugged. “You would’ve stayed up all morning playing with her, babe,” Spencer chuckled. 
You rolled your eyes. “You don’t know that.” 
“I do! You’ve done it every morning since we got her,” Spencer argued. 
You scoffed, shaking your head at your boyfriend. You trudged over to the coffee machine, getting out a mug the size of a bowl and filling it to the brim. It was already your third cup of the day, and while it was probably unhealthy drinking that much coffee, you needed it. It was your first week on the job and you still weren’t used to waking up at five in the morning for a surprise case. This was your second case, though, so you weren’t very surprised that you were still tired. You knew you would get used to it as time went on, but you wished that your body and mind would adapt faster. 
“You’re coming on the field today.” Emily nudged your arm with a file. 
Your eyes widened and you sputtered out coffee, coughing to try and clear your throat. Emily chuckled, patting your back gently to help you. You set your coffee down, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand once you got control of your breathing.  
“W-What?” You asked, the words Emily said not processing in your brain. 
“I said you’re coming onto the field today,” she repeated. 
“B-But…” your trailed off, trying to find a reasonable explanation. “I-I wasn't supposed to be on the field for another week. I’m still technically in training.” 
“Well, part of the training is going on the field. You’re an amazing agent in the office, L/n, but you'd be even better on the field. You’re able to sympathise with the unsubs and solve the puzzles faster than most of us can, sometimes faster than your boyfriend. You’ll help us a lot better out there than in here.” 
You chuckled nervously, heat crawling up the back of your neck. “Thanks, Emily, but I’m not ready.” 
Emily rolled her eyes. “That’s what all the new agents say. You need to just get out there, and there’s no better time to do that then early in the game.”
“I guess,” you muttered, lifting your coffee cup and taking a sip. 
“You’ll be fine, Y/n. I have no doubts,” Emily smiled. 
“Thanks.” You have her a small smile. “No problem. And hey, don’t tell Spencer I said you’re better at the job than him,” she winked. 
You laughed and nodded, “I won’t, I promise.” 
She walked away, leaving you to lean against the counter and to drink the rest of your coffee before going to the briefing room. 
“So, I heard that Newbie is finally coming along with us today!” Luke exclaimed. 
“Newbie is your nickname, Newbie,” Penelope narrowed her eyes at Luke. Luke rolled his eyes, “Yeah, yeah. Anyways, you excited?”
You sat down in one of the chairs between to Luke and Matt. “Not really, if I”m being honest.” 
“Oh, why? You’ll be great!” Matt smiled. “So everyone says,” you sighed. 
“Hey, I heard you’re coming with us today. Can’t wait to have you on the field.” Spencer smiled as he walked past you. 
“Yeah, I’m excited to outsmart you, too,” you smirked. 
“Oh, Reid, looks like you have some competition!” Luke teased. 
Spencer shook his head and looked at you through his lashes. You gave him a challenging look, leaning on the table. 
“May the best agent win, Reid,” you dared. 
“Alright,” he shrugged. “Better have no weaknesses, L/n.” 
“Oh, I have none,” you smirked. Spencer replied to you with a hum, giving you an excited smile before paying attention to the case.  
Penelope and Emily delivered the case to you six, then leaving you all to pack up your things as you were going on the jet. You got out the small duffle bag of clothes you had in your car for traveling on cases, also grabbing your phone charger and the case files. You walked up onto the jet, placing your bags up over the overhead storage area. You got seated across from Tara and next to Spencer. 
You all talked about your plans to catch the unsub and where you all were assigned to. Tara, you, and Spencer were going to go to the crime scene to scope out the area. Emily and JJ would stay at the police station and work there, while Matt and Luke did witness and suspect interviews. 
You were sitting back in your chair, looking out the window and admiring the sky as the jet flew through the clouds. You still had an hour before you landed. Everyone was either sleeping or listening to music. You had thought about going back to sleep, but it seems as though the three cups of coffee you had finally kicked in.  
You regretted drinking so much coffee because now, your heart was racing and your hands were shaking. You weren’t sure if it was totally because of the caffeine or that you were nervous about being on the field for the first time, but you assumed it was a little bit of both. 
Spencer, who was seated next to you, noticed your jitteriness. He closed his book softly, setting it down on the floor next to his seat, turning to you and taking your hands in his. 
Your head snapped to him quickly, your eyes landing on his. He gave you a soft smile, beginning to rub his thumb over your knuckles. 
“You’ll do great out there, alright?” He assured. 
You sighed, turning away from the window and to him. “What if the lead I find doesn’t work? What if I can’t figure out where the unsub has the kids? O-Or what if I embarrass myself in front of the police chief?”
Spencer chuckled softly at your concerns, making you frown. 
“Don’t laugh! Hey, I bet you had all these concerns when you first joined.” 
“I did,” he admitted. “But, I learned that I worked with a team. It’s not just me doing the work, just like it’s not just you. You have seven people working with you on this. Try and relax, baby, alright? You do amazing work at the office. This won’t be any different.” 
You scoffed, “Please. It’s like, a million times different.” 
“Just try and relax,” he instructed, putting your hand up to his lips. 
You smiled widely, your heart fluttering as he kissed your hand. 
“Plus, even if it was just you working the case, I have no doubt you would figure it out quickly.” 
“Thanks, babe,” you smiled and leaned your head against the headrest. 
“Of course. I love you,” he said, leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. 
“Oh, gross. You guys know I just became newly single,” Tara scoffed. 
You laughed and turned to her. “That was like, nine months ago.” 
Tara raised her brows, looking at Matt and Spencer, and back at you. “You weren’t even here back then. How do you know this?” 
“I just know things,” you winked. “Yeah, well I’m betting someone blabbed,” Tara grumbled. 
“We would never,” Matt disagreed. “Mhm,” Tara hummed, going back onto her phone. 
You smiled at you teammates and looked back at Spencer and putting your head on his shoulder. You closed your eyes for a few moments, opening your eyes again. You blinked rapidly, yawning and rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. You rolled your head around, your eyes settling onto Spencer who was back to reading his book. You turned your head back to the window, furrowing your brows as you noticed you weren’t up in the sky anymore. 
“Oh, good. You’re up,” Spencer spoke, putting his book away. 
“Are we here already?” You asked, your voice croaky and hoarse. 
“Yep,” he nodded. “We landed about ten minutes ago.” 
“Oh,” you frowned, sitting up and getting out of your seat. You stretched your limbs, yawning once more as you held your hand up above your head. “Why didn’t you wake me up?” You sighed. 
“You’re just so peaceful when you sleep. I couldn’t,” he explained. 
You smiled and went to get your luggage. “Thanks, Spence. But everyone is probably waiting for me now.” 
“No, it’s alright. We can’t go and see the crime scene yet anyways.” 
“How come?” You asked. “Not prepped for us,” Spencer answered. 
“Since when does a crime scene need to be prepped for the FBI?” You snorted. 
“You’d be surprised,” Spencer let out a breathy chuckle. 
You put your duffle bag over your shoulders and handing Spencer his, holding your hand out for Spencer to take. “Join me down the stairs?” 
“Of course,” he grinned, standing up and taking your hand into his and his bag.
You two walked off the jet, going over to the SUV. Spencer drove you two to the hotel where you dropped off your things, immediately going to the police station. 
“ ‘Bout time!” Matt exclaimed, seeing you two walking through the doors. 
You chuckled, “Sorry. Looks like the coffee wore off and I finally crashed.” 
“It’s alright. I think the scene is ready for you guys to look at now,” he said. 
“Great,” you smiled. 
You and Spencer found Tara, going into the SUV once again, driving to the house where the parents were killed and children taken. 
“Wow, I’ve never seen this much yellow tape in my life,” you chuckled. “Yeah. It’s definitely not an eye sore,” Tara chortled, stepping over the caution tape. 
You and Spencer followed her, going up to the police offers that were talking at the front door. 
“Hi, we’re FBI agent with the BAU. I’m Doctor Tara Lewis, this is Doctor Spencer Reid, and Agent Y/n L/n,” Tara introduced you all. 
You smiled and shook the two officer’s hand. “Nice to meet you two.” 
“Likewise. I’m Officer Santiago and this is Officer Reynolds. The parents were killed in two different places. The father in the bedroom, mother in the oldest child’s room.” 
“Lovely. Can’t wait to see,” Tara smiled sarcastically. 
“Oh, I bet. Go ahead and go in, let us know if you find anything, please,” Reynolds said. 
You nodded and stepped into the house, cringing at the heavy smell of bleach. 
“God. It’s like a hospital in here, but twenty times worse!” You held your nose. “I should’ve told Emily I needed to stay back with Penelope.” 
“Oh, this is nothing,” Spencer smirked. “Wait until you see where they all got killed.” 
“Ew, Spence!” You shrieked. “You’re supposed to protect me from all that.” 
He chuckled, “All part of the job, baby.” 
You nodded and sighed, knowing that he was right. As always. You three walked up the stairs, looking at where the father was killed. There was an enormous amount of blood of the bedsheets and some on the corner of the right nightstand, some splatters that were below on the floor. 
“So,” you started. “We’re looking at a team, right? I mean, there’s no way that the unsub could kill the father without the mom noticing.” 
“Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking’,” Tara nodded. “Well, I could be possible,” Spencer contradicted.
You and Tara looked at each other, confused. 
“Yeah, how?” You asked.
 “Well,” Spencer said, walking over to the bed. “The unsub could’ve choked or suffocated the father in his sleep. I mean, there were ligature marks around his neck, right?” 
“True. And the mom was saying goodnight to her children, so she obviously didn’t see her husband get killed,” Tara added on. 
You furrowed your brows, stepped out of the parents’s bedroom, going to the child’s. 
“Yeah, but, what about the kid? I mean, wouldn’t it have screamed and fought and ran out of the house?” You asked. 
Tara looked to you, eyes widening in surprise. “Yeah, that is a good thought. So… unsub number one is killing the father while unsub number two is kidnapping the mom slash killing the child…” 
“No, that wouldn't work. Maybe it’s a group of three?” Spencer suggested. 
“Maybe,” Tara shrugged. 
You stepped into the child’s bedroom, scrunching your nose as a foul smell wafted under your nose. You walked around, covering your nose with your sleeve. You saw the blood on the bedsheets and nightstand table. 
“Looks like the unsubs all have the same MO’s,” you muttered. 
You opened the closet, seeing nothing but toys, clothes, and shoes. You closed the doors, looking around the walls, your heart sinking as you saw all the finger pantings and pictures of family and friends. You walked up to the wall, losing your balance as you tripped on a a long, soft object. 
You let out a yelp, falling on your shoulder. You groaned in pain, turning on your back while holding your injured side. You looked around for the object you tripped on, frowning as you couldn’t find it. Something pale caught the corner of your eyes. You raised your brow, getting up on your knees and moving closer. 
“What the —” You muttered, your voice getting caught in your throat as you realised it was an arm sticking out under the bed. “Oh, my —” You gasped, peering under the bed, seeing the dead body of one of the children. “Oh, my God!” You shouted, scooting back, your back hitting the wall as you stared at the lifeless body. Tears welled up in your eyes and you put your hand to your mouth, loud and broken sobs escaping your throat. 
The boy couldn’t have been more than a few days old, yet it was still lying there. You could see the lifelessness in his eyes, and still the fear. There was a slit across his throat and cheek, his upper chest red with with green and purple bruises. You felt nauseas and cold, your heart sinking all the way down past your stomach. Your body was shaking and you couldn’t tear your eyes off of the body, no matter how hard you tried. 
You heard the footsteps of your colleagues, their voices calling your name. 
“Y/n, where are — O-Oh, my God.” Spencer’s eyes widened as he saw you crying on the floor. He immediately dropped down to his knees, taking you into his arms. “What happened.” 
You were unable to move, your eyes staring wide at the body. Spencer followed your gaze, his own heart dropping down to his chest. 
“Oh, man. Um,” Spencer said, looking away from the body and to you. His heart broke as he saw you so horrified. He put his hand on your cheek gently, turning your face so you were no longer looking at the body. “Let’s get you to out of here, alright?” 
You nodded slowly, your breaths becoming laboured as you tried to calm yourself down in Spencer’s arms. He got up, taking you with him. He walked you out of the room, coming face-to-face with Tara. 
“What happened?” Tara gasped. 
“Looks like the unsubs left the older boy. Tell the police officers, I need to get Y/n out of here,” Spencer said. 
Tara looked at you, nodding without hesitation. She let you two go, Spencer walking you down the stairs slowly. You exited the house, still taking heavy breathes as the image of the boy haunted your thoughts. Spencer gently got you seated into the car, buckling you in. He went to the driver’s seat, getting in and starting to drive. 
You two sat in the silence for thirty minutes while Spencer drove around. You looked at the window the whole time, your eyes glossy and strained from crying and keeping them open. Whenever you closed your eyes, even to just blink, flashes of the dead boy raced through your mind. Spencer waited patiently for you to speak, understanding how shocked and horrified you were. 
He parked in a Burger King parking lot, sighing and looking at you. He gingerly put his hand on your shoulder, only for you to shrug him away. 
“Y/n,” he sighed. 
“No,” you grumbled. “Take me back.” 
“I think it would be smart if you took the day off. Seeing a dead body, especially a child’s and one you had no idea exited, can really throw you off. The first time I saw a dead body…. Man, I-I was sick to my stomach. I—” 
“Shut up!” You exclaimed, waving your hands in the hair. You looked at him, your chest heaving up and down. Your brows were furrowed and mouth open, your eyes glaring at him.  “Just shut up, Spencer!” 
His mouth went agape, hurt flashing though his eyes. He didn’t let your outburst  dampen his spirits, though. He knew you were embarrassed and still horrified, and that you didn’t like to feel belittled. So he gave you a small, comforting smile, taking your hands into his. You didn’t move away this time, but you avoided any and all eye contact. 
“I know how you feel, babe,” he sympathised. “Yeah, I bet,” you muttered, your voice hoarse and dry. 
He frowned and unbuckled, leaning closer to you. He put his hand on your chin, turning your head with strength and force. You eventually met his eyes, his smile dropping as he saw tears rolling down your cheeks once again, your lips pulled into a pout. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” he assured, cupping your cheek and wiping your tears away with his thumb. 
“N-No, it’s not,” you sobbed, shaking your head. “I-I’m so weak. I should’ve been ready. This is what I’ve been tra-trainging for and I suddenly turn into a freaking wuss? I-I… I… It’s so embarrassing!” You shoulders racked with sobs as you hung your head down to cry. 
“Oh, baby,” Spencer sighed, taking your head in both of his hands. He held your head up again, bringing his face close to yours. He put his forehead against yours, kissing the tip of your nose lightly. “It’s no embarrassing, alright? Your reaction was a perfectly normal reaction to seeing a dead child’s body. Honestly, if you didn’t cry and freak out, I would be worried,” he chuckled. 
You gave him a watery smile, laughing with him. “Y-Yeah, I s-suppose,” you sniffled. “B-But,” you started. “I-It makes me look weak. And I don’t want to look weak, Spence. A-All my life I’ve been told —” 
He smiled widely, leaning back so he could look you in the eyes. “You’re not weak, Y/n. You never could be, even if you tried. You’re just human, and that’s fine. It’s amazing, honestly. You know, I am so proud of you, babe.”
You frowned, “Why?”
“Because today was your first day out on the field, and you did fantastic. It can only get better from here.” 
“Y-You really think so?” You sniffed, wiping your nose with your sleeve. 
“I know so,” he nodded confidently. “And it’s okay to show weakness, Y/n. No weakness is the real weakness.” 
“Such wise words,” you laughed. He laughed with you and he shrugged. “I try.” 
You laid your head back on the headrest, looking a him through tired eyes. “Thanks, Spencer. It really means a lot.” 
He nodded with a smile. “Of course, honey. Now, why don’t you say we get something to eat, then go back to the precinct?” 
“Yeah,” you nodded, “Sounds great.” 
He nodded and buckled himself back in, putting his hand on the gearshift and looking to you. 
“I’m proud of you, you know that?”
You smiled shyly, heat scorching your cheeks. “Yeah, I know. You’ve already told me.” 
“Just making sure you know, baby.” 
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emiko-matsui · 3 years
hello this is my official list of what i think every member of the bau would work with if they wouldn't work at the bau like if that wasn't a reality you get me
Jason Gideon: look i know this is technically canon but i truly do think he would be an author and would guest lecture a bit in his later years and like sure he could still write true crime books but also just regular crime novels i think this old man would just like to write
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau: i think she would work inside of the media, not in front of the camera necessarily but as a communicator or similarly inside of the media and the news. however i think there's a possibility of a divergence of path for her, i think its possible she could end up in a hostage situation due to her job in a similar situation like in neon terror and would start working out as a coping mechanism and like genuinely would pick up a (extra?) job as a personal trainer at her gym
Derek Morgan: firefighter. that's it i don't know what to say other than that, derek would 500% be a firefighter. there's nothing else. now that i think about it derek should've been a firefighter from the beginning fuck the bau this is his true calling don't even @ me
Elle Greenaway: similarly to JJ i think elle would work inside of the media but as an investigative journalist. well i think she would start out as a regular journalist but become an investigative journalist after a while because her drive would be too big you get me. also niche but i think that when she was a teen she was like briefly a singer like you know robin from how i met your mother but she would've made angry girl music
Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner: genuinely don't think this punk could stay away from the government so i think he would still work a fancy government job just not inside of the bau, maybe not even the fbi but i so think he'd still be in government. now what i have no idea because i know nothing about the government especially the american government seeing as im not even remotely american
David "Dave" Rossi: now i don't even know if this fucking counts but you know those really fancy shops that are like made of dark smelling wood and is called something extravagant with a cursive gold font and they sell like cigar or wine or herbal products or like mustache wax or whatever the fuck you know the places im talking about. i think rossi would work there and be that old man at the counter who will come up and talk to you and you have no idea if he just works there and is really invested in this stuff or if he owns the place or just a really weird costumer but then he's the one you pay too so you assume it's his but the moment you step out of the store you've forgotten his face and you never want to go back there but you always think about it once a month or something. if you don't know what kinda place im talking about consider yourself lucky
Penelope Garcia: if the bau wasn't even a prospect here there's no question that penelope would still be a hacker illegally and make most of her money from there but i also think that she would work in a small second hand shop with lots of old trinkets and clothes and stuff just because she genuinely thinks it's fun to work there and also the old woman who owns the shop lets her be on the computer when there's no costumers in the store. i just think she would sit there in her cupcake dress next to a ceramic old cat from the 1930s talking to bernice about her grandson while hacking jeff bezos on her computer
Spencer Reid: now it's time for spencer all over the place reid who i think would work at like one of those really prestige but still public libraries where like everyone is welcome but they have like locked rooms with super valuable books and stuff and he kinda does whatever there bc sometimes he gives tours talking about thr history of the building and stuff and sometimes you find him at the counter ready to guide you to the specific book you're looking for plus twenty other recommendations you should read if you like this book and sometimes you find him in a window reading and his coworkers politely ignore he's had his "break" for three hours now bc he guided 17 tours yesterday (only ten were scheduled) and they suspect he mightve slept here. plus in his spare time i think he would do some independent work to keep him stimulated with stuff but that's not a fully developed idea yet
Stephen Walker: this might be controversial but i think stephen would be a guidance counsellor at like a school and i don't know why but he has the vibe and i think he would be quite good at it. maybe he just gives me more official jawbone vibes from dimension 20
Emily Prentiss: i firmly believe this woman cannot hold down a job for her life. i think the bau and interpol were flukes in her reality because im quite certain emily would physically not be able to keep one job for longer than a year. if you mention a job she's probably done it. she's done everything from high positions in government to bagging groceries to leading seminars to breeding puppies. listen emily prentiss is a lesbian ex goth trust fund kid (like canonically yall). i think right now she's working with the lights for a theatre production and she's liking it and seems to have a knack for it
Tara Lewis: this one's out there but i think she would work as a principal at a university (do universities have principals?). but like the one who's in charge of a school but like advanced studies with like adults study after they've already studied if you know what i mean. idk i just think that's what she would be
Luke Alvez: hate to do this to luke but he would simply just be a cop. or like a detective (that's like a promotion for a cop in america right? bro my knowledge extends to brooklyn 99 and brooklyn 99 only). i hope this is because i feel like luke is the serious crime version of jake peralta and jake is the sitcom version of luke. anyway, cop
Matt Simmons: this is my magnum opus but bro i think he would be a podcaster. i think he would do a podcast with kristy. for everyone who follows my blog think justin and sydnee mcelroy but matt is sydnee. i think they would have a little podcast together. after his unit at the fbi (?) got got by linda barnes i think he would retire home and start doing podcasting full time with kristy. this is my hot take
Kate Callahan: because such a central part of kate's personality/backstory is that her sister died in 9/11 i think that kate would've been a nurse. specifically a nurse not a doctor and i don't think it's because a lack of competence or anything like that fuck u no i genuinely think kate wanted to be a nurse and chose to study to become that. her hours would still be crazy but maybe meg isn't as worried about her now
Ashley Seaver: i don't have a lot for seaver but i think she would work in local government more centralised like those guys from parks and rec and yes i realise ive made way too many references that some people might not understand but here we are. i think seaver would do whatever leslie does in parks and rec or something like that
Alex Blake: this is just a formality to have her on here because she's literally a linguistics professor in the show
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blushingreid · 4 years
Girls’ Night
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Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
BAU Ladies x Fem!Reader
A/N: Based on this scene in s7ep16 “A Family Affair” (I almost cried Bc I thought I couldn’t find the gifs). We were ROBBED not seeing anything from their girls' night ! So I wrote a lil one-shot about what “happened” during their wild night w/ reader ofc. I hope y’all enjoy it & slide some feedback <3
“Wow you look amazing,” Spencer complimented once y/n emerged from the bathroom. After many cancellations because of cases, she and the BAU ladies were finally having their girls’ night. Penelope had insisted and convinced them to check out a new salsa club that recently opened near her apartment. Spencer had volunteered to watch Henry the couple hours they’d be gone.
Y/n finished putting on her earrings and sauntered over to Spencer who was watching her at the door. “Thanks again for doing this Spence,” she said before leaning up to give him a kiss. She intended for it to be a quick one, but as she was pulling away, Spencer had wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back in for more.
After finally breaking apart for air, y/n’s thumb lightly traced across his bottom lip as they gazed into each other’s eyes, neither one of them pulling apart. “You’re gonna be the reason I’m late.”
Spencer sighed and gave her one last kiss before they headed over to JJ’s. The car ride was quick, even though Spencer had insisted on taking the “scenic route” so he could spend a couple more minutes alone with y/n. When they finally arrived at the house, not even 10 seconds had passed after they rang the doorbell before it quickly swung open. 
“The lovebirds have finally arrived,” Penelope announced as she opened the door and ushered them in. 
Emily waltzed out of the kitchen holding two shot glasses in her hands. With a big smile on her face, she handed y/n one of them. “Yessssss, we can finally get this party started!” she cheered as she watched y/n give her a fake hurt look as she grabbed the shot glass.
“You started pre-gaming without me I see,” y/n teased before tossing back the shot. Spencer’s eyes widened for a brief second as he watched y/n take the shot without a question. He’d never seen her drunk so he wondered how big her alcohol tolerance was.
“Hey you girlies can’t be too drunk before we get to where we’re going,” Penelope whined, snatching the second shot glass out of Emily’s hand. 
Emily’s pleas for it back were interrupted when JJ finally walked out the living room. “Okay, so I got Henry in his little playpen watching Bubble Guppies. That should keep him pretty entertained for a while.”
“Great because our uber is here,” Penelope excitedly announced, opening the door to head out, Emily and y/n following behind her.
“We’ll only be gone for a couple hours. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything,” JJ said as she headed out the door.
Seeing the worry and hesitation in her eyes, Spencer gently ushered her out the door. “I have 3 PhDs, I think I can handle my godson. Go have fun and be safe!” Watching them pile into the car, Spencer stuck his head out the door and waved bye. A hint of worry and curiosity entered his mind about what kind of trouble they would get into. 
JJ sighed once she got into the car. Sensing her worry, y/n gave her hand a gentle squeeze. The car ride was filled with JJ, y/n, and Emily profiling their driver while Penelope ranted about a woman she met in the grocery store the other day. They hadn’t realized they’d arrived until the driver hit the breaks a little too hard. Maybe he’d heard their whispers about him.
“You girlies are gonna love this place,” Penelope squealed as she got out of the car.
“As long as they got some hotties, good music, and alcohol, I’ll love any club you take me to,” Emily said as they entered, she had already starting checking out the club goers. “I’ll grab a table for us.”
“I’ll grab the drinks!” Penelope said, disappearing into the crowd. JJ and y/n looked at each other, silently communicating who should go with who. JJ going with Emily while y/n followed Penelope towards the bar.
As they were waiting for the bartender to make them the special drink of the night, y/n felt an arm wrap around her waist. She instantly shoved it off and spun around to face the stranger. Before she could even tell him to buzz off, Penelope stepped in front of her. “She has a mans already, back off! You’re no where as cute as our Boy Genius,” Penelope barked at the man, staring him down until he left.
“Aw my savior,” y/n awed as she gave Penelope a kiss on the cheek.
After finally getting their drinks and wrestling through all the sweaty bodies, y/n and Penelope found Emily and JJ at a table. 
“Finally! I thought Jayje and I were going to have to send out a search party for you two.” Emily handed one of the glasses to JJ and raised hers in the air. “To girls’ night! Who knows when we’ll ever have another one.”
“To girls’ night!” they cheered, toasting.
“What did you even get us?” JJ coughed after taking a sip of the drink.
Unfazed by the strength of the drink, Emily drank every last drop. “All that matters is it looks pretty and tastes good.”
“The bartender said the green fairy was the special of the night, so I figure we go big or go home,” Penelope shrugged before downing her drink. “Now c’mon ladies, show me that them hips don’t lie,” she said as she headed towards the dance floor.
Y/n hesitated for a second before downing her drink and dancing towards Penelope, who was already mixed into the crowd.
JJ took one last sip of her drink and gave Emily her best puppy eyes. “Em come on, let’s join them,” she pleaded.
Emily sighed loudly, not being able to resist JJ, especially her puppy eyes. “The only salsa I want right now belongs on chips,” Emily groaned as she let JJ drag her towards the dance floor.
After a couple green fairies later and some sloppy dancing all night, they somehow managed to all stumble back to Penelope’s apartment. They barely made it inside before the four of them immediately collapsed from exhaustion.
“I just waaannt y’aaaall to know,... that I lurv you biiiiiitches. I’d step on anyoneee for youu beautiful angeelss,” Emily slurred before passing out on the floor in front of the couch. 
“I f-feel like I wasss uh s‘posed tooo do som’thang. Sleeeeeep sounds better though,” JJ mumbled before dozing off.
The next morning, while they were all peacefully sleeping, JJ was woken up by a buzzing. She couldn’t tell if the buzzing was from her head or something else. Feeling around the couch, her hand was met with a cool object. She held it up to her face, waiting for her vision to clear up. 7:12. Seeing the time, instantly she remembered what she forgot. She sat up and threw a pillow at Emily to wake her.
“Oh no no no! I told Spencer we’d be back in a couple of hours. I left him all alone with Henry!” JJ panicked before running to the bathroom, feeling sick.
“Please. Stop. Yelling. My head is killing me,” Emily groggily muttered.
“I’m sure Will relieved him of his babysitting duties once he got home last night,” Penelope reassured, clutching her head while she went to grab some water. She didn’t make it far into her kitchen before she walked into something, well someone.
“I’m never drinking that much again. My back and my head hurts,” y/n groaned, waking up on the kitchen floor. Penelope helped her stand up before handing her a glass of water.
The next hour went by in a chaotic blur. From each of them throwing up multiple times, JJ’s panicked phone calls to Will about Henry, Emily tripping over Penelope’s shoe collection, and fighting y/n for the cereal, they somehow all managed to make it in time to cheer on Hotch. Slowly, all four of them walked towards the finish line gates. Each wearing their comfiest clothes and biggest sunglasses. They all looked like they’d been hit by a car, and sounded like it too with all the groans they were making.
“Well well well, look who finally made it. We thought y’all weren’t gonna show up till the race was finished,” Morgan teased, Jack sitting on top of his shoulders.
“Couple hours! Couple hours! ‘Oh Spence don’t worry, we’ll only be gone a couple hours.’ And you all didn’t come back home until sunrise!”
“Why are you yelling?” JJ muttered clutching her head.
“Y/n make your man stop,” Emily pleaded as she leaned on the race’s barricade.
Realizing she and her friends have suffered enough, Y/n wrapped her arms around Spencer’s neck and whispered something in his ear before giving him a quick kiss and turning back towards the race. No one heard what she said except Spencer, whose face immediately turned red. He remained quiet the rest of the race, only until he spotted Hotch reaching the finish line.
“So what’d you say to Pretty Boy to get him to shut up?”
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