#i feel like we don’t talk enough about what fucking losers the foxes are
palmettoshitposts · 2 years
yes to scrabble ideas!! scrabble ideas please!
so 🤺 wrote the original games posts but we have discussed our ideas so here they are:
it would have to end with someone flipping the board. votes on this are either kevin or nicky tbh.
dyslexic nicky claiming that being made to play the game is hate crime (there was no ‘being made to play’, he was absolutely down for it). as he’s playing, he literally just lays tiles and hope something sticks. nothing sticks. all of his words have errors and he point blank refuses to correct them because that would be ableism.
kevin has a legit official scrabble dictionary for which he is, understandably, mercilessly mocked. he gets especially pissed when andrew just holds up a scrabble dictionary on his phone and shakes it at him. kevin insists it must be done ‘by the book’. neil makes a comment about even he has embraced technology and starts calling kevin ‘grandpa’, which is weird for everyone involved.
neil starts laying words from any language and also claiming that nicky’s nonsense words are from a variety of languages? aaron is not having it at all but the upperclassmen are sufficiently fooled. either that or they’ve run out of energy to argue with neil. one of the two.
they either play it tournament-style where the winner plays the winner OR, since they are the foxes, they go seriously more unhinged and all of them play at once. they can only have like 5 letters each. this has kevin literally in tears because the rules aren’t being followed!!
andrew’s memory serves him so well but he does not give a single fuck so he basically just plays three letter words until he whacks out a seven letter on a triple word space. this also has kevin basically in tears, because we know kevin’s feelings on andrew’s potential. neil finds kevin’s pain hilarious.
in a rare use of an english word, neil makes the work ‘serial’ off of matt’s ‘killer’ and everyone looks at him. he stares back entirely straight faced. the moment is so bizarre that andrew cracks a (very small) smile in front of them all.
aaron is trying so fucking hard which is absolutely hilarious because he’s doing so badly. he is also wound up by andrew’s uncaring attitude, which makes andrew care even fucking less.
matt and dan are both pretty good at scrabble but they’re mostly focused on keeping the game vaguely on track because it’s basically constant near fights after each word. matt tells nicky that as a fellow dyslexic, nicky has no excuse. nicky just throws a tile at him. matt’s a collegiate sportsman, so naturally he catches it. after which, he just gives nicky a massive thumbs up and a shit-eating grin.
renee makes the word ‘assassin’ from nicky’s ‘ass’ and nobody knows where all the damn s tiles came from. nicky just asks what ‘ass-ass-in’ means.
allison is just trying to make names of anyone vaguely related to the foxes, which makes kevin nearly cry because ‘there shouldn’t be any proper nouns!!’. allison just lazily flips him off and tells him to focus on andrew, who has successfully stacked three tiles on kevin’s head in the last thirty seconds. allison is really trying to make wesninski and neil has fully caught onto this but isn’t concerned because there’s no feasible way she’ll get the letters she needs.
in the entire chaos of the night, no one realises renee is just whacking letters out of her own bag, swapping other people’s letters to shit tiles and has consistently made sure everyone has less tiles than they’re supposed to. she doesn’t even care about winning, she just adores the chaos.
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jinkicake · 2 years
Today is the day🙂( well in like an hour and 45 mins) i see they posted his birthday art and he’s so precious🥹 like he’s funny af too “ i don’t really care about birthdays but if you’re gunna bother me all day🙄 you can stay” bitch do you want the present or not😒 making up at sunrise to tell him he looks very nice in blue, like im making his outfit rn and i forgot he had his shoulders out!! Like its a body suit w the ARMS CUT OFF. He really said if imma have a rebrand im gunna be the sluttiest character here😭 clearly took insp. from kaeya to have his chest out like that🙄like i want to kiss the lil electro mark on the back of his neck. About to shower this little bastard is so much love and affection😈 going to suck his dick bc side by side his blue outfit does look nicer; i saw a thing saying he probably doesn’t need to breathe so he just makes moaning noise for fun😭😭 the thought of him being a slut bc “this is fun” is HILARIOUS since he’s just along for the ride so we can go to the most secluded spot in mondstat-bc i would celebrate my birthday there first for sure- and and ride him until he’s crying😊 just whispering how proud i am of him and how pretty he is. Now then for ANNOYING SCARAMOUCHE i would sleep in too much effort bc he’s gunna wake me up ANYWAY like as soon as his eyes crack open he is planning how to be annoying for a full 24 hours bc tomorrow is a wrap. DEFINITELY they type to me like “it’s my birthday you’re not gunna let me do what i want🥺(😈)” when he keeps getting handsy all day. You’re out on a romantic date? His hand is stuffed in your pants and he literally could care less, its you who’s trying to make sure nobody notices. Strolls into inazuma like he owns the place🙄 just to fuck you in the shrine; me and him will be petty to that fox until we both die😤 def takes you to some hidden cave in sumuru w pretty plants and is like look at what i found; fails to mention they’re like sex pollen plants tho😒 so hes checking his watch as everything gets fuzzy and only then do you realize this place is very isolated🤨 nobody would hear you let alone be in this area. Fucks you like his life depends on it, he is using the day to be as sadistic as possible; probably tell you to ding happy birthday like you can talk😭 he has blankets and everything set up like i thought this was a picnic🤨the only thing he eating is you😔the type to get overstimulated easily but holds longer bc hes holding on by sheer willpower and to also make a huge mess. Like to him if he not light headed he’s not done. Fucking like 3 loads back i to you bc hes obsessed w watching you gush around him like he never does anything halfassed hes gunna make you scream every-time, biting you bc why thats how cats show affection and degrading you like hes doing any better “look at you making a mess and cant even help it”! And he only pulled out to not cum
scaramouche is so annoying T T like just say you want to spend time w us you loser! but he's so cute,,, so cute... I had a little party for him in my teapot keke
((two second side note... speaking of kaeya... did you see his new skin? when i heard about it i literally exploded like nothing from this game has made me happier than my meow meow getting the pampering he deserves! and the braid- the braid in his new skin im going to cry))
something in my brain shifted at the thought of kissing scaramouches electro mark... youre making me a scaramouche appreciator,, stop! smh his mark that probs hasnt been washed since it got put there LOL
O.M.G.... i never thought about him not making noises bc he doesnt breathe- yeah he's a slut through and through and i love it.. i love it T T my favorite puppet (raiden look the other way this is NOT about you.... not yet </333)
sharing a birthday with scaramouche is so cute bc i know he would do everything that you want to do and would prioritize your feelings over his because he's such a softie... what an angel. okay that's enough sweet scara im going back to crazy!scaramouche bc if you dont share a birthday w him then he would so take advantage of it like (aside from insecure scara who would hate his bday) he would so make you do everything that he desires since it is his day (and i wont fight him on it!!!!)
YOUUUU ARE FUCKING CRAZYYY IF YOURE GOING TO THE NARUKAMI SHRINE AND NOT FUCKING MISS YAE MIKOOOO- like howww could you pick scaras short ass over her?! hell no! (but fine since it is his birthday smh)
awww scaramouche fucking you everywhere (unlocked lol) in teyvat for your birthdays is so sweet ,, who knew he had a kind side? (i did)
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mochegato · 3 years
Even the Losers
Chapter 6
Chapter 1     Chapter 5
Marinette collapsed onto the barstool and immediately motioned to the bartender, ordering a drink before Adrien had even sat down. She downed the drink as soon as it came and motioned for another.  The bartender raised an eyebrow at her.  “Want me to just leave the bottle?”
“Yes,” Marinette answered gratefully with a bright smile.
“No,” Adrien answered over her.  “Just another drink for now and a water for me, please.” The bartender looked between the two of them, waiting for her response to his interruption.  Marinette pouted and slumped in her stool, but didn’t counter him so the bartender nodded and left to pour the drinks.
“Leaving the bottle would be easier,” she commented, slightly annoyed.
“And more dangerous,” he warned.  Marinette rolled her eyes and looked away.  It wasn’t that she disagreed.  She knew it was stupid.  She knew she shouldn’t drink until she blacked out.  She knew it wasn’t safe, especially in Gotham.  But honestly, she didn’t care.  The entire day had been a clusterfuck of dark thoughts and tears, after their meeting with M. Fox, and now she just wanted to forget… everything.  She wanted to forget her day.  She wanted to forget the last twenty odd years.  She wanted to forget her feelings.  She wanted to forget how to feel.  She wanted to forget how to think.
“You might want to try something else,” Adrien tried instead.  If self-preservation wasn’t going to get through to her, maybe he could use her self-destruction against her.  “If you get the bottle, you’re committed to that liquor.  If you just go by the glass, you can try different ones.”
Marinette looked at him from the corner of her eye, knowing exactly what he was doing but unable to fault his logic.  Instead she propped her elbows on the bar and buried her face in her hands.  She mumbled a thank you to the bartender when she heard him set her drink in front of her but groaned when she heard someone sit on the stool next to her.  There were plenty of open seats around the room, plenty of seats at the bar, if that’s where the person wanted to sit.  
The only reason for the person to sit so close was because they wanted to talk to her.  And while she would normally be polite and give the person a smile and maybe talk with them before turning them down, she was utterly, completely, and in all ways, not in the mood.  So, regardless of whether the person was there to hit on her or talk to her because she was a Wayne, she had no interest in any kind of a conversation.
She moved her hands just enough to clearly enunciate, “Not even remotely interested.  Move along, please.”
The man chuckled and leaned against the bar himself. “Good to hear it.  I'm pretty sure the Press would have a field day with that.”
Adrien scowled at the men who had taken the seat by them and wouldn’t take no for an answer.  “Hey, buddy, she said not interested.  Find someone else,” he growled threateningly.  
The man shook his head.  “I only have so many sisters and the others don’t drink. Well, not with me anyway.”  He motioned to the bartender.  “Actually, the only other sibling we have that can drink, besides Cass, is Dick and he is going to be absolutely insufferable for months over this, trying to make you feel welcome in the family.  So I’m avoiding him too.”
Marinette eased her head out of her hands to look at the man.  She immediately recognized him from the gala.  Jason Todd.  One of Bruce’s sons.  She narrowed her eyes at him.  What was he doing here?  How did he find her?  “You followed me here.”
Jason shook his head with a light chuckle.  He looked up as the bartender approached. “Hey Jay, Roy.  The usual?”
Jason nodded.  “Thanks, Jack.”  He waited for the bartender to retreat to pour the drinks before turning back to her. “If anything, you followed me here.”
Marinette scoffed and turned back to her drink.  “I was just looking for some place to get drunk and forget about the whole,” she motioned to him, “drama.”  She glared down at her purse.  “Lucky me.  I chose this bar.  Sorry for the accusation.”
Jason waved her off.  “No.  I get it. Paranoia is justified in this family.  Welcome to the family.  It doesn't get better.”
Marinette groaned and dropped her head into her hands again.  She motioned to the bartender as he brought Jason and Roy their drinks.  “What do you want?  Same?”
“I don't care.  Whatever you have and make it a double… please.  Is a triple a thing?”  Her eyes brightened at the idea.  Adrien motioned no behind her, his eyes pleading with the bartender.
Bartender nodded.  “Yes, ma'am.  Double it is.”
Adrien let out a relieved breath and turned to the boys.  “Hi.  I’m Adrien,” Adrien finally cut in after a few moments of awkward silence.
“Nice to meet you.  So you’re the one schtupping my sister.”  Jason reached out to shake his hand.
Marinette wrinkled her nose in confusion.  “Schtup?  What is schtup?”  She downed the last of her drink as she waited for them to respond.
“Screwing,” Roy answered.
Adrien choked on air and Marinette spit out the whiskey she had just drank.  Marinette glared at him and shot Jack an apologetic smile.  “Sorry about that.  This one and the next are on the asshole.”  The bartender looked to Jason with a laugh and nodded.
“It was just an observation,” Jason answered with a smirk.
“Don’t be an asshole,” Marinette grunted.
“That’s a tall order for Jason,” Roy grinned.
“He’s tall.  He can handle it,” Marinette snarked with a shrug.  She turned back to Jason.  “No.  No we are not stooping.”
“Schtupping,” Jason corrected.
“Stopping…” Marinette tried again.
“Sch…toooo…ping,” he corrected again, accentuating each sound for her.
Marinette blinked a few times at him.  “Screwing,” she finally finished with a decided nod.  Roy laughed hard.  “He’s my brother Adrien.  Adrien…”
“Her other brother, Jason.”  Jason finished for her.  Marinette narrowed her eyes at him but didn’t contradict him.  “And this is my partner, Roy,” Jason continued, motioning toward Roy who gave a short wave before taking another drink.
Marinette waved back at him.  She turned back to Jason.  “Partner… is that another word for screwing too?”  
Jason sputtered and narrowed his eyes at her, frustrated that he walked into that so easily, but Roy laughed loudly again.  “I like her.  New favorite sibling… don’t tell Cass… or Dick.”  He grinned charmingly at Marinette.  “But no.  Business partner.  Not currently schtupping anyone.”
Jason rounded on him and glared.  Roy looked back at him innocently.  “Yes?”
“No,” he said warningly.
“Are you another Wayne?” Marinette asked Roy.
“No?”  He stared at her for a few seconds before realization set in.  “No.  I hang out with them a lot.  Dick and I used to be on a team together so we were around each other constantly for a while there.  Our families used to be together a lot.  They feel like family sometimes.”  He grinned at her.  “But, no. Not in any way related to you.”
Marinette nodded and looked back at her drink.  At least that’s one person in Gotham her… M. Wayne hadn’t adopted after chucking her out.  Jason glared harder at Roy and punched his shoulder.  “Sister,” he hissed.
Roy grinned back.  “Yours, not mine.  We just established that.  Keep up.”
Jason narrowed his eyes even further before relaxing them as he turned back to Marinette.  “So, how are you handling… you know, everything?”
Marinette and Adrien both stared at him with deadpan expressions.  Marinette looked pointedly around the bar and her drink.  “Oh, you know… well.”  She kept eye contact with him as she downed the rest of her drink, wincing at the feeling. She looked down at her drink critically. “Why do I drink this stuff?  I hate it.”
“Maybe you should ease off then,” Adrien offered gently.
“No.  Fuck off. I want to get drunk,” she glowered back at him.  Roy chuckled and motioned to Jack for her.
Adrien sighed and raised his hands in defeat. “Okay.  Maybe something that tastes better then?”
Marinette cocked her head in consideration. “Okay.  Excuse me, M. bartender?  Can I get something that will get me very drunk very fast and taste better than this, please?”
Jack blinked at her a few times and looked over to Jason.  Roy laughed at her response while Jason shook his head.  “She’s had a rough day.  You got anything?”
Jack grunted and shook his head as he looked around. “I’ll look.”
“Thank you, M. bartender,” Marinette chirped at him. He waved her off without looking back at her.
“I think you came to the wrong bar if you’re looking for something other than the basics,” Roy mock whispered at her.
She leaned in closer, leaning past Jason to talk to Roy. “I came to get drunk and away from reporters and forget about all this,” she motioned toward Jason.  “I came to the wrong bar for more reasons than my liquor preference.”  
She suspiciously eyed the drink Jack put in front of her with a grunt, but plastered a smile on her face.  “Thank you.”  She tentatively took a sip and wrinkled her nose in disgust.  There was no way she was going to be able to drink this slowly.  The only solution was all at once.  She removed the tiny umbrella she was pretty sure he added to mock her and downed the drink like a shot.  She gasped at the horrific sensation.  Adrien just barely missed getting his water away from her before she grabbed it to get rid of the taste.
She handed the now empty glass back to Adrien and buried her head in her hands.  “Regretting your decision?” he asked with a smirk.  Served her right for stealing his water.
Marinette groaned into her hands and nodded.  After a few seconds she leaned back in her chair, eyes unfocused.  “I should never have come here.”
“Told you so,” Roy singsonged.  “Now there’s a different bar a few streets over you might like better…”  The rest of his sentence got cut off when Jason smacked his shoulder with the back of his hand.
Jason turned to Marinette with a sympathetic smile. “I often feel that way, but usually after a few more drinks.”
Marinette shook her head.  “I knew it was stupid to come.  I knew I shouldn’t have,” she groaned pitifully.  “I could feel something bad was going to happen, I just thought that was the part before we came not… not,” she motioned all around her. “God, I was so stupid.  I should have known I wouldn’t be able to just sneak in and out.”  She leaned her head on Adrien’s shoulder, fighting the tears.
“So why did you?” Jason asked as though he didn’t know.
She looked over at him for a second without raising her head from Adrien’s shoulder before closing her eyes again.  “Friend needed a job.  Was getting sc… schtuped by the hiring committee at WE and scouted by a few other places that I didn’t trust… I mean Lexcorp gets blown up less than Palmer but then he’d have to work for M. Luthor.  And, yeah, I don’t think so.  So that leaves your dad.”
“Our dad,” Jason corrected pointedly.
“So you thought you'd use your connections to get him a job and didn't think you would get noticed?” Roy asked not even bothering to hide his amusement at the apparent stupidity of the plan.  It wasn’t often he got to enjoy how laughably bad other people’s plans were.
“So,” she countered pointedly, looking directly at him, “I thought I’d use my charismatic personality to charm M. Fox into noticing him and let him know one of his scouts is poaching ideas.  You were never supposed to know I was here.”  She squeezed her eyes shut and let out another long sigh.
“But I was so stupid and now everyone knows and once they know...” she groaned and let her head drop onto the bar top with a resounding thud.  She popped her head up quickly and rubbed her head.  “Ewww.  It’s sticky. I don’t even want to know what caused that.”  She pulled some hand sanitizer out of her purse and wiped her forehead with it.
“You approached Lucius Fox with nothing more than charisma and got him to do what you asked?” Roy asked in amazement.
“And my brains, but…” she leaned closer to him as if passing on a secret, “I can be very charming when I want to be…”  She looked down at herself and frowned.  “When I’m not,” she motioned to herself, “you know. A mess.”
Roy smiled charmingly.  “I believe that.  Even when you aren’t trying.  And if this is you as a mess, normal you must blow people away.”
Marinette scoffed and turned back to her drink.  Jason waited until her attention was on her glass and shoved Roy hard enough to knock him off his chair.  Adrien raises an amused eyebrow at them before shaking his head and looking down.  Marinette looked over at the sound.  Her brow furrowed in concern.  Jason smiled casually and motioned to Roy.  “Too much to drink.”
Roy narrowed his eyes at him and rubbed his hip. “Overprotective much?” he grumbled quietly enough for Marinette not to hear.
Marinette turned back to her drink, noting it was awfully low.  She swirled the contents and nodded distractedly.  “Lucky.”
Roy bit his tongue as he climbed back onto the stool to stop from asking if she wants to be, because there's no way asking Jason’s new sister, in front of him, if she wants to get lucky, ends well for him.
“I’ll have whatever he had, please,” Marinette called out to the bartender, motioning toward Roy.
“So what now?” Jason asked.
“Now… fuck,” she whined.  She almost dropped her head on the bartop again but stopped herself just before actually making contact.  She eyed the surface suspiciously and whimpered instead.
Roy took a long drink to keep himself from talking because “Is that an invitation?” was not going to end well for him either and he was not looking to get a black eye out of tonight.  He frowned at his drink.  What was in his drink tonight?  He didn’t usually have this much trouble keeping his comments in check.
“I don’t know.  Now everything is…” she made a jumbled motion with her hands that almost caused her to fall out of her chair.  “I haven’t even…” she whimpered and eyed the bartop again before grabbing a napkin and setting it down in front of her.  She dropped her head onto the napkin with an audible thunk.
“You know your hair is still touching the counter,” Adrien mentioned with more amusement in his tone than Marinette appreciated.  Marinette groaned and sat back up.  She pulled her hair in front of her eyes to look for traces of gunk.  “She only found out about all this a few days ago and by then we were already on our way to the gala and in mission headspace so she hasn’t even had the chance to deal with it yet,” Adrien explained, keeping his eyes on Marinette.
“You didn’t know?” Roy asked incredulously.
“Nope,” Marinette responded popping the p and nodding in gratitude to the bartender for bringing her another drink and motioned for another.
“What the fuck?” Roy grunted.  “That’s messed up.  How did you find out?”
Marinette downed the entire glass.  “Heard my maman talking on the phone and distinctly heard ‘if you would like to actually meet your daughter…’ and she wasn’t speaking with my papa.  And I just…” she shrugged, staring at the empty glass like it might have an answer for her.  “… knew. I had a friend trace the call. And then I was here the next day and…”
“I think B was expecting more time to deal with it too,” Jason nodded along.
“He’s only had 20 years.  If that wasn’t enough, I may not live to when he finally has the time he needed,” Marinette groused.
“Twenty years,” Roy mused.  “Isn’t that when…” he trailed off and his eyes got wide realizing the timing of Dick’s adoption.
“I think he was planning on doing something soon,” Jason said louder than was necessary for their close proximity, leaning forward slightly to cover Roy.  “And being able to ease into it, slowly, making sure you… and Damian, weren’t too overwhelmed and you could move at your own pace,” Jason offered, fighting down the odd feeling defending Bruce left in his chest.
Marinette stared at him, swaying slightly in her seat. “Did you come here to drink or defend your dad?”
“Our dad,” he corrected.
“Because you seem to be doing a lot of one and not the other,” she continued as though he hadn’t said anything.  
Jason shrugged.  “Easy fix for that,” he said raising up his glass and finishing the contents.  “So… you staying around or what?”
Marinette whimpered again and eyed the bartop.  “I haven’t thought that through yet.  That wasn’t the plan, but then again getting found out wasn’t the plan.  Getting drunk tonight is now the plan.”  She looked over at the hoodie Roy had thrown over the back of his chair and back at the bartop.  “Can I…” she motioned toward the hoodie and reached for it at the same time.
“Oh, are you cold?  Yeah sure,” Roy almost fell out of his chair trying to get out of the way so he could hand the hoodie to her.  She gave him a weak smile and thanked him before spreading it out on the bartop and dropping her head audibly on it again.  She sighed almost happily as she let her head stay down on the bartop. Roy watched her in amused fascination and let out an amused huff.  “Not what I was expecting, but glad you’re getting use out of it, I guess…” he chortled.
“And do you always need to have a plan?” Jason asked curiously
Marinette and Adrien snorted in sync.  “Do you have a plan,” Marinette mocked, raising her head purely so she could take another drink, but decided to keep it up to educate them. Jason looked over to Roy to see if he was as confused as Jason was.  “I have lots of plans,” Marinette continued swinging her glass around to accentuate her words.  
“I have plans.  I have contingency plans.  I have backup plans.  I have plans for plans,” she started listing off on her fingers.  She looked at her hands accusingly as she ran out of fingers and almost dropped her drink.  She set down her drink with a frown and continued counting off her plans.
“I have plans to back up backup plans.  I have plans for contingencies that the contingency plans didn’t cover.  I have plans for when things go sideways.  I have plans for when things go to shit.  I have plans for when things go exactly to plan,” She leaned over to them. “I’ve never once gotten to use one of those.  I have life plans.  I have death plans.  I have future plans.”
“That’s a lot of plans,” Roy noted, fascination laced his voice. “Any of them turn out for you?”
“No!”  She threw her hands up in exasperation.  “And then I have to make a new plan on the fly.”
“Sounds familiar,” Jason grumbled.
“If all your plans get destroyed before you can complete them, why bother making them at all?” Roy asked.
Marinette brought the fingers together in front of her face and stared at it as though she were holding something precious.  “It’s all about the illusion.”
Roy snorted and nodded.  “She’ll fit in.”
Marinette narrowed her eyes at Roy.  “Is that an insult?”
Jason laughed and Adrien dropped his head into his hands.  “Jesus, Mari,” he groaned.
She scrunched her nose at him.  “What?  He said I’d fit well with M. Wayne.”
“I meant his kids,” Roy assured her.
“Oh…” Marinette answered sheepishly.  “Sorry.”
Roy waved her off.  “Nah. It’s okay.  I get it.  I meant you’re smart, sassy,” he eyed her with an amused glint in his eyes, “short…”
Marinette rounded on him, mouth agape in insult.  She quickly closed her mouth and glared at him.  “Not too short to kick your ass.”
Roy laughed and grinned at her.  “Violent.”
Marinette scrunched up her nose and turned back to her drink. “Not like I’m out there every night beating people up.”  She took a swig of her drink, missing the glance Jason and Roy sent each other before looking back at her for any indication she had meant something more by it. “Anymore…” she muttered under her breath just loud enough for Adrien’s sensitive ears to hear it.
“But,” Adrien cut in.  He motioned toward Jason.  “Short?”
“Yeah,” Roy granted, “Jason’s the exception to the short part.”
“Damian’s the exception to the sassy part,” Jason added.
“Who’s the exception to the smart part?” Marinette asked.
“Dick,” Jason and Roy answered at the same time.
“Who’s the exception to the violent part?” Adrien asked, concern edging into his voice, because that wasn’t exactly a comforting quality to be associated with Marinette’s new family.  
Jason scoffed at the idea of any of them not being violent.  “We were hoping it was going to be her,” he motioned toward Marinette.
“But, nope,” Roy finished, popping the p.  “I mean Duke isn’t particularly violent.  He can protect himself but, like, he’s chill about it.”  Roy eyed Marinette analytically.  “Maybe you can be the exception to the emotional car crash part,” he offered.
Marinette snorted inelegantly, took a swig of her drink, and looked back at him.  “That wasn’t on the list.”
Adrien leaned past her to look at the boys.  “She wouldn’t be the exception.  She’d be leading the pack.”
Marinette shoved his shoulder.  “Like you’re any better.”
Adrien raised his glass to her.  “Never said I was, Bug.”  He eyed his glass with contempt.  “You know, this would be a lot more effective if there was alcohol in here.”
Jason ordered another round for them and raised his glass to Marinette when the drinks came.  “Well, at least now I know why you were completely uninterested at the gala. Because I'm your brother.”
Marinette scowled slightly and hunched over her drink at the bar.  “Not my brother.”
Jason looked at her curiously, a frown forming on his lips before a hurt look flashed in his eyes.  Almost immediately, the hurt turned into annoyance.  He pressed his lips together hard.  “Right, another blood child.  Another kid that thinks only blood matters. So adoption doesn't count?”
Marinette furrowed her brow in confusion. She faced toward him and pointed toward herself.  “Given away and never contacted again doesn't count.  You he cared for.  You he wanted.  You're his son, but I am not his daughter.”
Jason’s eyes softened looking at her and he nodded in understanding.  Feeling unwanted, he understood.  Feeling abandoned, he understood.  Feeling like you weren’t considered good enough, he understood.  Feeling replaced, he understood.  And the fact that Bruce had made someone else feel that too, that it wasn’t just him, pissed Jason off more than he could express.  He didn’t even bother reacting when Roy punched his shoulder.  “Maybe not. But you're still my sister,” he assured her.  “I want you.”
Marinette scoffed.  “You don’t even know me.”  Adrien gently bumped her shoulder with his and gave her a gentle warning look.
“I know you better than he did,” Jason reminded her calmly.  “I have more to base my decision on than he did, and I know enough to know you’re my sister and nobody can change that.”  He gave her a devilish smile.  “You’re stuck with me now.  Fuck the old man.  He did this to himself.”
“And,” Roy interrupted excitedly.  He raised his drink for her to clink.  “Now you get to be an official member of the Shitty Dad Club.”
“Oh,” Adrien perked up.  “Can I be a member of that club?”
Roy eyed him suspiciously.  “What are your qualifications?”
“Neglect, severe emotional abuse, and he was a supervillain who tried to kill me regularly,” Adrien rattled off nonchalantly.
Roy blinked a few times.  He looked to Marinette for confirmation.  She nodded almost imperceptibly.  He turned back to Adrien and raised his drink.  “Right.  Welcome to the club.  We meet whenever there are drinks.  We should get you one.  You deserve it.”
Chapter 7
@maribat-bdbwm @jayjayspixiepop @redscarlet95 @alice-hazelwood @deathssilentapproach-blog @unoriginalmess @alyssadeliv @emotionalsupportginger @frieddonutsweets @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @toodaloo-kangaroo @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @iloontjeboontje @wolf-for-life @maribatserver @aespades @prettylittlebutterflie @imarivers8  @certainmuffinbagelcalzone @ritacrow-blog @unoriginalmess @demonicbusiness @kking13 @lady-bee-fechin @blur-of-colours @kittenmywaythrulife 
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washymylifeaway · 4 years
SakuAtsu Fanfic recs pt2 leggo
I promised a pt 2 and here it is! Link to pt 1 here :) I was lazy so given summaries (I cped this time, but in the future I might paraphrase), and ofc these aren’t all of the ones I loved, just some :D So in no particular order, have some SakuAtsu <3
As always, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for fics before reading (esp cause I didn’t put individual warnings PLEASE make sure you’re okay with the content!!!!!!) and make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) Stay healthy loves <3
Teach Me, Tune Me, Tempt Me by Anonymous (E) 38.8k // Sakusa Kiyoomi needs to conquer many lifelong fears in order to enter his first romantic relationship. Miya Atsumu is there to guide him every step of the way, even if the one Sakusa desires is someone else.
Flowers Bloom In Our Masks by UnicornFlowers (G) 24.5k // "Mysophobia, also known as verminophobia, germophobia, germaphobia, bacillophobia and bacteriophobia, is a pathological fear of contamination and germs." "You read that off of Wikipedia." "That's the point, Omi-kun. I read up on it fer you."
the art of folding a handkerchief by Emlee_J (T) 5.6k // “Atsumu-san’s just realised he likes Sakusa-san,” Shouyou says simply, as though announcing the weather. “Ahh,” Bokuto nods sagely, standing up straight and nodding his head, as though this was a perfectly normal thing to hear and not monumental in any way. “'Ahh?'” Atsumu protests, indignantly, “what do ya mean ‘ahh?’” “We were wondering when you were going to notice,” Bokuto shrugs, and Atsumu gawps at him. “'Scuse me?” He splutters, and whips his gaze around to Shouyou, who bobs his head at him in confirmation. “How did you two notice before I did?” Atsumu blurts out. "Most people do," Shouyou says softly. -In which Atsumu develops something annoying, like feelings for a teammate, but at least he has a couple of wingmen and Tobio's seemingly infinite resources to help him out.
for whom the heart beats by cielelyse (T) 1.6k // Atsumu's heart keeps skipping a beat whenever Sakusa's around - so often that it's baffling and honestly downright concerning. "I think I might have a medical condition," he says into the phone. "Good," says Osamu, and hangs up.
as you are by papertulips (G) 5.8k // Kiyoomi learns that falling for Atsumu is the easiest thing in the world.
Hide and seek by badreputation (E) 10.5k // It’s just a fleeting infatuation. As long as he pushes through it he’ll manage. So what if nowadays there isn’t a night where he doesn’t dream of Sakusa pinning him down on his own bed, in the shower or make Atsumu go down on his knees in the hallway? Those are just pesky details.
People Will Say We're in Love by tirralirra (T) 9.5k // “Saku...Atsu? What does that even mean?” Atsumu says, squinting at the device. People seem to think that Sakusa and Atsumu are in love, so they come up with a list of things to do to deter that. Maybe it would work...if they weren’t in love.
do not separate! by aalphard (T) 5k // He knows he likes peanut butter and the tuna onigiri Uncle Shamu makes for him. He knows he likes volleyball and the way his daddy looks so, so cool when he’s on court. He knows he likes drawing and playing with toy swords. He knows he likes reading and it’s even better when Atsumu is the one reading for him. He knows he likes to have pancakes in the morning but he also really, really likes tamagoyaki and he knows his daddy can’t make those at all. He tries, but fails every single time. He knows his daddy’s teammates like him and he knows they’ll help him if he wants to play with them one day. But the thing is he likes Uncle Omi-kun more than he likes the rest of them and that is a secret he won’t tell anyone that’s not his daddy. He doesn’t like to make people sad.“Omi?” “Yeah?” “Nao said he likes you more than he likes the rest of the team. Don’t tell’em.” or atsumu is a single dad and kiyoomi can't help but fall for him.
you make my heart burn by myhopeisjhope (G) 9.2k // “What’s up with that awful expression?” Atsumu asked. He leaned against the counter with his hip, looking directly at Kiyoomi, his regular fox-line grin plastered on his face. Kiyoomi made eye-contact with him then, his eyebrows knotting in annoyance, but Atsumu was too interested in the cute pair of beauty marks above Kiyoomi’s eye to care about the glare that was sent his way. “What’s up with that awful hair?” Kiyoomi shot back. And that was exactly when Atsumu decided he liked the guy. 
somewhere in the middle (i think we lied a little) by akanemnida (E) 4.3k // “Body worship,” Miya said instantly, after Kiyoomi asked him what he wanted as reward as the winner of their service ace competition. “I can do that,” Kiyoomi said with a frown. “God, you really are the vainest person on this planet—”Miya shook his head, smirking. “Nuh-uh, Omi-kun. I meant I wanted ‘ta worship ‘ya.”(Or: Sakusa and Atsumu and all the blurred lines in between.)
san'yō expressway, 6:17 pm by yamabato (T) 8.1k // Atsumu tilts his head to watch a slice of orange light bend over the impassive planes of Sakusa’s face. He is absolutely, ruthlessly beautiful. It makes Atsumu want to punch something—put his foot through the windshield—scream, maybe. Kiss him again, maybe. They have 344 kilometers to figure this one out.
affection by papertulips (G) 2.1k // "I gave you the key to my house for emergencies only." “This is an emergency.” “What?” Atsumu pouts, looking up at him with wide eyes that definitely work on Kiyoomi but he will never admit it. “I missed you.”
love could be labeled poison and we'd drink it anyways by myhopeisjhope (NR) 21.3k // "Huh?" is Atsumu's response, and it's seemingly the only thing the man could think of after the minute-long silence that stretched between them. "We should break up," Kiyoomi repeats, more clearly now. He doesn't let any emotion seep into his voice, keeping it neutral and detached, as if breaking up with Atsumu was the easiest thing ever, while in fact it's the complete opposite.
And I'll Ask for the Sea by meeks00 (T) 6.9k // When a couple of his teammates reveal that Atsumu has feelings for him, Sakusa doesn’t react well. It doesn’t help that Atsumu is his typical petty and salty self. --“Come on,” Atsumu is saying in a wheedling tone behind a bright grin. “Just stop,” Sakusa snaps suddenly. “Will you just leave me alone for once? I don’t even like you!”Normally, Sakusa’s words don’t phase Atsumu at all. He’ll talk over Sakusa or brush off any harsh words easily enough and might turn to someone else for the attention he apparently craves. But this time, Sakusa’s words seem to stop him cold, the smile freezing for just a moment on his face.
the Definition of Miya Atsumu, by Sakusa Kiyoomi by orphan_account (G) 4k // Miya Atsumu is a self-centred prick who thinks he's top shit. Underneath the word 'asshole' in the dictionary is a picture of his stupidly pretty face. Sakusa Kiyoomi's definition is, according to him, 100% correct, until he takes a closer look.
i’ll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) by liliapocalypse (T) 7.6k // Seeing Sakusa stressed out, Atsumu writes random letters on Sakusa’s skin to soothe him during the team’s assisted stretches. Somewhere along the way, the touches shift from barely tolerable to something Sakusa actively craved for. One day, though, Atsumu accidentally writes a confession instead.
it ain't no matter of 'if' honey, it's just a matter of 'when' by irleggsy (M) 2.1k // With a beer in one hand and an accusatory pointer finger on the other, Sakusa slurred, shouted even, “Atsumu. If you wear those godforsaken cutoff camo jorts one more fucking time I’m breaking up with you.”Atsumu made a noise in his throat caught somewhere between a wheeze and a squawk that came out more of an avant-garde honk noise than anything else. He stared up at Sakusa with wide eyes, a bewildered smile just barely glued onto his face. Or: The MSBY Black Jackals go to a bar. Sakusa likes to run his mouth when he's drunk.
dog eat dog eat dog world by perennials (T) 8.4k // You are your first and only line of defense against the universe.
Who Could Have Seen This Coming? by crone_zone (M) 16.7k // Peering out the side of his eyes at the man walking beside him, Sakusa wondered why he’d impulsively changed his mind about his plans this evening when he’d noticed Miya’s reluctance. Surely he wasn’t worried about this asshole, was he?--In which Sakusa impulsively invites Atsumu over to his apartment when he sees he's upset and something entirely unexpected happens: he realizes he likes this asshole. Cue [off-camera]sex, mutual confessions, insecurity, and adorable losers who are opposite in all the right ways.
Miya Atsumu's unwavering love for Sakusa Kiyoomi and an unholy amount of terrible food analogies that should not have the right to Exist by aiviloti (G) 5.6k // Five times Miya Atsumu talks to (harasses) his friends and sibling because he has feelings for Sakusa and doesn't know what to do or how to deal with them and the one time he talks to Sakusa about it. “How do you make friends apart from showering them in praise?” Atsumu wails one night, and Osamu thinks, oh god, here we go again.
Sakusa's Secret Admirer by TwilaFrost (T) 20.2k // Every day after practice, Kiyoomi finds another letter inside his shoe locker. It's only every signed: -❤ He's determined to find this person. Is it crazy to fall in love with someone you've never met?
take what's yours and make it mine by claudusdiei (T) 5.9k // (this has a second fic hehe) atsumu falls in love four times in his life (or: in which atsumu gets his heart broken twice, has the self-awareness of a sober mule and really likes yellow tulips)
School Bus Yellow by yuuki (G) 4.9k // Atsumu has a crush on Sakusa, and it’s kind of ridiculous how much he likes a guy who wears ugly colored jackets and is afraid of germs.Though, Atsumu’s probably not all that great himself. He’s still figuring that part out.
show me how by emeraldpalace (G) 2.9k // Sakusa isn’t sure when or how it happened, but the fact remains: Miya Atsumu has become a comfortable constant in his life.
touch me (i want you to) by melstar (G) 3.9k // He should have seen it coming, really. Spend six months tip-toeing around the line of domesticity with the team’s resident germaphobe, and there was no way he’d be able to think of the guy the same way anymore. Or, Atsumu touches Sakusa's arm once and thus begins a downward spiral into the inescapable jaws of attraction.
Dreaming of You, Talking About You by kitkatwrites (T) 1.1k // Osamu learns that Atsumu talks in his sleep, especially about a certain wing spiker from Tokyo.
If your world falls apart, I'd start a riot by Serendipity (jenjaemrens) (NR) 3.1k // "It was Atsumu who was the older brother, but it was Osamu who was more protective of him. He would always protect Atsumu from things around them that could hurt him. "Or, the story of Sakusa Kiyoomi and Miya Atsumu through the eyes of Miya Osamu.
but soft what light by min_mintobe (T) 2.1k // "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day, Bokkun—" Atsumu drawls, "—hot. "In which Miya Atsumu woos Sakusa Kiyoomi by (gratuitously, seductively) quoting Shakespeare. One-shot.
sakusa kiyoomi's fixation on (miya atsumu's) lips by catsoncocaine (E) 3.7k // Everything about Atsumu is fucking beautiful, but there is one specific part of his that is like kryptonite for Kiyoomi. It is both his curse and his remedy, rendering him useless and yet egging him on to move at the same time. Kiyoomi hates it as much as he loves it.
The Jacket In Your Closet by dai_naning (T) 8.6k // According to the gossiping players around him, Miya Atsumu is an asshole. He's an incredible player in court and an obnoxious person off the court. He taunts people, points out their weakness, and doesn't give a shit if he's disliked or not. Some even say his teammates ostracize him. Sakusa looks at Miya Atsumu and can only see a player who keeps his eyes firmly forward, demanding the same to the players who want to stay on the court. Sakusa can't fault him for that. (That doesn't erase the fact that he's an asshole though. And that he's still the one who gave a jacket to a stranger.)
sakusa kiyoomi is....an uncle? by miyaudrey (T) 5.9k // “Oh, by the way, my nieces and nephews are going to be there.” “Your what now?” Or, Atsumu finds out three hours prior to a Sakusa family gathering that Kiyoomi is an uncle.
Confessions of a V-League Setter by Anubis_2701 (T) 3.3k // "Never?" Sakusa's lips thinned. "No, never. Now stop talking to me." Or, Atsumu discovers that Sakusa Kiyoomi, germaphobe and reluctant heartthrob of the Black Jackals, has never been confessed to before. He decides to change that.
Touch Me by cajynn (E) 3k // Sakusa actually likes being touched but he's very picky when it comes to who and how. When the who turns out to be Miya Atsumu he has a crisis.
Please Stop Crying by dauwtrappen (G) 2.9k // Friday starts off well until it doesn’t and Kiyoomi can hear something crash, feel something snap inside him when Miya, about to set him up for a quick attack, suddenly starts crying in the middle of their three-on-three. Kiyoomi doesn’t even react when the ball bounces off his head, doesn’t cringe when his face is smushed against the net briefly because he forgets to land in front of the it. He’s too shocked, too appalled with the tears pouring out from Miya’s eyes to care.
I can't take much more of your hesitating by playexodus (T) 2.7k // The curved sides of Atsumu’s pecs peek through that absurd tank top at just the right angle. Sakusa swallows. “Your entire chest is hanging out of that shirt. We’re in public. You could at least pretend to be a decent, morally upright person. Not to mention that this Los Angeles beach boy aesthetic is terrible on you.”Glancing back down at Atsumu’s chest to glare at his sharp, glistening collarbones is a bad idea. Sakusa wills his eyes to stay fixated on Atsumu’s face. As it turns out, this too, is a bad idea. “Oh?” Atsumu turns his half-lidded gaze onto Sakusa, the corners of his mouth curling. “Just to be clear: you’re definitely not enjoying the view then, Omi-Omi?”
curse breaking by allicanseeispink (T) 9.2k // Nearing the fourth hour of the silent treatment, Kiyoomi’s already frayed nerves began to whittle down to their last fibers. Today, it was raining. A proper Tokyo monsoon tantrum just shy of a full-blown typhoon that left puddles on sidewalks and fell from an angle so wicked it eluded umbrellas. It was raining and they haven’t spoken in almost four hours. (In which Sakusa wanders into the minefield that is Atsumu's feelings and tries not to blow things up.)
Summer Special: Omigiri by mika60 (T) 6.9k // Miya Osamu always comes up with the perfect marketing plan for his shop, even if it involves the two biggest idiots he knows.
a list of things sakusa kiyoomi hates by BrenH (T) 7.3k // “Just fuckin’ write shit down so ya remember it then. ”It was probably supposed to be a joke, just Osamu being as annoying and unhelpful as always, just reminding him that he shouldn’t have bothered trying to count on his brother for help. He’s forgotten about the whole thing until a few days later when he’s shopping and comes across a small, black notebook shaped like a cat, and his brother’s stupid suggestion flashes through his mind. Before he knows it, the cute little notebook is dropped in his basket, purchased, and in his possession. Or, the one where Osamu suggests Atsumu keep a notebook to track all the things Sakusa hates that he does, and he takes it further than he means to.
A Challenge, A Cat, and A Confession by Kitaa (G) 6.2k // Atsumu enjoys bothering Sakusa. One day he bothers him enough to be invited over to his apartment, only to discover that Sakusa has a plant, a cat, and a cute laugh.
Multiples Of Two by yuuki (G) 3.3k // He does everything in multiples of two. The day Sakusa Kiyoomi died, Atsumu checked his pulse twenty-eight times. Okay, so Sakusa Kiyoomi has never died. And Atsumu has never been close enough to Sakusa to be able to check his pulse. So what if Atsumu is just being dramatic again? He’s allowed to be dramatic when he’s in love with a man who has less emotion than a rock.
gold rush by sketchedsmiles (T) 18k // When the MSBY Black Jackals sign their newest team member, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Atsumu makes it his personal responsibility to befriend the indifferent player.
got sand in my eyes (and my shorts too, damn you miya) by luxnoctre (T) 4.7k // On one of their rare rest days, Hinata takes the part of the MSBY team to the beach. Chaos ensures. (or alternatively, do not piss off Sakusa when he is in the middle of relaxing)
mortality is found in the flesh of your sins by citronnes (M) 10.6k // dickhead one, sakusa kiyoomi. dickhead two, miya atsumu. neither understand how to communicate. Pray tell, why are you drawn to him?Are you drawn to him in the way he looks beautiful even when crying? When his eyes are red, shiny tears streaking down, lips quivering, is he beautiful?
This was v long ahahaha.... Anyway, is this finished? No LOL, but I’ll just make small additions via reblogs (?) over time. Maybe :) Sorry if you wanted me to ramble on about SakuAtsu,,,, slide into my messages/asks for that LOL. Maybe over time I’ll add the commentary from other posts I make in the future :’)
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thelittlestcheshire · 3 years
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even if you have to cry, don't let your crown fall
a love letter to luxor’s ches elswood
Well, it’s finally time that I feel ready to post this, and while I’m aware it may be bittersweet with my upcoming departure, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Today I present to you a three hour Ches playlist, divided into sections and covering her entire time at Luxor, from when I first picked her up in June of 2019 all the way to now. There’s quite a few plot references, and small (and not as small) references to other muses throughout, especially when it comes to Elliot, so keep an eye out for those as well!
I’d like to thank Lex for giving me the idea to make these, and her support throughout the process because without her, these playlists wouldn’t even exist. And thank you to everyone who has gone on this journey with us, while I’m sorry I need to dip out early after this event to focus on my health, I love y’all so much.
The standard Ches tws apply (poor mental health, alcoholism, etc etc), and anything I think may be a bit abnormal / section exclusive is noted on the sections.
twist me like a key, then you open the lock | pre-luxor:
the section of time before I played Ches at Luxor, very James heavy. additional tws: Death (Sign of the Times), Toxic relationships (nothing explicit tho)
Sign of the Times (Jasmine Thompson) [ Remember everything will be alright. We can meet again somewhere, somewhere far away from here. ] // Sweet Ophelia (Zella Day) [ Singing like it's a full moon, careless now that he has you. Turns you on to the right songs, promises that you're hooked on. ] // Couple of Kids (Maggie Lindemann) [ Now I'm fallin' heavily, recklessly, trying not to lose my sensibility; but gravity, it pulls me into you. ] // Glowstick (Sofia Karlberg) [ You play me like a line-up; long con, you make me wise up. ] // Crying in the Club (Camila Cabello) [ Ain't no crying in the club, hey, hey, let the beat carry away, your tears as they fall, baby. Ain't no crying in the club, hey, hey, with a little faith, your tears turn to ecstasy. ] // Ember (Katherine McNamara) [ Reignite; you lost your grip on me, and now I blaze wild and free. ]
nobody shows up unless i'm paying, have a drink on me cheers to the failing | summer & fall 2019:
the first time I was at Luxor playing ches, from June - October 2019
7 rings (Ariana Grande) [ Been through some bad shit, I should be a sad bitch. Who woulda thought it'd turn me to a savage? ] // I'm a Mess (Bebe Rexha) [ “It's gonna be a good, good life;” that's what my therapists say. ] // OMG (Little Mix) [ Oh my gosh, I did it again. He said I broke his heart, it keeps happening. ] // Only Angel (Harry Styles) [ Couldn't take you home to mother in a skirt that short, but I think that's what I like about it. ] // LA Devotee (Panic! At The Disco) [ Drinking white wine in the blushing light, just another LA Devotee. ] // Woman Like Me (Little Mix feat. Nicki Minaj) [ I made a few mistakes, I regret it nightly. I broke a couple hearts that I wear on my sleeve. ]
all of this emptiness i've been sharing, it never comes when i want it to | winter 2019:
the period of time Ches went home to be with her family and was away from luxor additional tws: vomiting (Habits (Stay High))
Carmen (Lana Del Rey) [ Darlin’, darlin’, doesn't have a problem lyin’ to herself ‘cause her liquor’s top shelf ] // How You Remind Me (Avril Lavigne) [ And I've been wrong, I've been down, been to the bottom of every bottle. These five words in my head scream, "Are we havin' fun yet?" ] // Playing God (Paramore) [ This is the last second chance (I'll point you to the mirror). I'm half as good as it gets (I'll point you to the mirror). I'm on both sides of the fence (I'll point you to the mirror). Without a hint of regret, I'll hold you to it ] // Habits {Stay High} (Tove Lo) [ Staying in my play pretend, where the fun ain't got no end. Oh, can't go home alone again, need someone to numb the pain. ] // Bedroom Window (The Pretty Reckless) [ As I look out of my bedroom window; is it all real or just fantasy? I have lost touch with what makes me human, I have lost touch with reality. ] // Impossible Year (Panic! At The Disco) [ There's no sunshine, this impossible year; only black days and sky grey and clouds full of fear. ]
i wouldn't say you got the best of me, i'd say you got me somewhere in between | spring 2020:
Ches’s return to Luxor, and the months following leading up to her mass text about Leo’s dad following the Lake Bash
3 O'Clock Things (AJR) [ Would you go running if you saw the real me? Maybe you'd love 'em, yeah, maybe you'd feel me. ] // Wild Heart (Bleachers) [ Well, everything has changed and now I can't tell what matters. I will find any way to your wild heart. ] // Rise (Katy Perry) [ When the fire's at my feet again and the vultures all start circling. They're whispering, “you're out of time.” But still, I rise. ] // Don't Stop Me Now (Queen) [ I'm a rocket ship on my way to Mars on a collision course. I am a satellite, I'm out of control. ] // Princesses Don't Cry (CARYS) [ Girls, so pretty and poised and soft to the touch, but God made me rough. Girls, so heavy the crown, they carry it tall, but it's weighing me down. ] // Save Rock And Roll (Fall Out Boy feat. Elton John) [ You are what you love, not who loves you. In a world full of the word 'yes', I'm here to scream... no, no (no, no). ] // Making a Monster out of Me (Katherine McNamara) [ And I don't know how to recollect the morals that I always did possess. Don't know where its leading me. ] // We Don't Have To Dance (Andy Black) [ You're never gonna get it, I'm a hazard to myself. I'll break it to you easy. This is hell, this is hell. ]
tonight it's alright, i can see the tunnel at the end of these lights | summer 2020:
summer camp and the months leading up to a new school year
Night Owls Early Birds (Foxes) [ A wild fire inside me burns. Why do I look like I'm wear for worse? Save me, save me, go underneath the ground. ] // Too Much (Carly Rae Jepsen) [ When I party, then I party too much. When I feel it, then I feel it too much. When I'm thinking, then I'm thinking too much. When I'm drinking, then I'm drinking too much. ] // Royal Blue (Alberto Rosende) [ My regrets are a shade around my neck I know. It's torturous, and there's a burden that I can't let go. ] // Who You Selling For (The Pretty Reckless) [ And when Roger showed me I was building a wall. I've been waiting a long time, waiting a long time, waiting a long time, waiting for it to fall. ] // Heavy (Linkin Park feat. Kiiara) [ You say that I'm paranoid, but I’m pretty sure the world is out to get me. It’s not like I make the choice to let my mind stay so fucking messy. ] // The Archer (Taylor Swift) [ I've been the archer, I've been the prey; screaming, “who could ever leave me,” darling. But who could stay? ] // Everybody Lost Somebody (Bleachers) [ And there's a reason I wake up alone in strange places, a reason I see myself in a million faces, a reason I can't stop it all from changing. So come on, motherfucker, you survive, you gotta give yourself a break. ]
no cameras catch my muffled cries. i counted days, i counted miles | fall and winter 2020(/21):
a new school year, from the start of the semester right until the aftermath of the kings’ party
So It Goes (Guards) [ I don't know who I am but I do know who I'm not. I'm just looking for a friend, I'm still searching for the plot. ] // Wasabi (Little Mix) [ Love to hate me, praise me, shame me; either way, you talk about me. ] // Think Before I Talk (Astrid S) [ Maybe I should think before I talk; I get emotional and words come out all wrong. Sometimes I'm more honest than I want. ] // Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince (Taylor Swift) [ No cameras catch my muffled cries. I counted days, I counted miles to see you there, to see you there. And now the storm is coming, but... ] // Sober Up (AJR feat. Rivers Cuomo) [ Won't you help me sober up? Growin' up, it made me numb, and I wanna feel somethin' again. ] // The Show Must Go On (Queen) [ Empty spaces, what are we living for? Abandoned places, I guess we know the score, on and on. Does anybody know what we are looking for? ] // Waiting For A Friend (The Pretty Reckless) [ My head is like a prison cell, I'm all by myself. I'm waiting for my friend to come and break me out. ] // Sober (Demi Lovato) [ I'm sorry that I'm here again, I promise I'll get help. It wasn't my intention, I'm sorry to myself. ] // Eight (Sleeping At Last) [ I'm just a kid who grew up scared enough to hold the door shut, and bury my innocence. But here's a map, here's a shovel, here's my Achilles' heel. ]
i got this handled, i don't need rescuing | spring and early summer 2021:
ches’s progress from the end of march until now
The Man (Taylor Swift) [ I’m so sick of running as fast as I can, wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man. And I'm so sick of them coming at me again, 'cause if I was a man, then I'd be the man. ] // Princess (FLETCHER) [ But we're all going through it, so why do we do it? Why do we hide? ] // Humpty Dumpty (AJR) [ If I can't breathe, then you can't see, but aren't you excited that I'm giving you the best me? ] // My Mistake (Gabrielle Aplin) [ Am I jaded? Am I meant to feel this way?  I'm a loser, getting beat by my own game. But if I falter, well, at least it was my mistake. ] // The Climb (Miley Cyrus) [ The struggles I'm facing, the chances I'm taking; sometimes might knock me down, but no, I'm not breaking. ] // breathin (Ariana Grande) [ Some days, things just take way too much of my energy. I look up and the whole room's spinning. You take my cares away. ] // Clean (Taylor Swift) [ Ten months sober, I must admit just because you're clean, don't mean you don't miss it. Ten months older, I won't give in, now that I'm clean, I'm never gonna risk it. ] // Not a Pop Song (Little Mix) [ A hamster on a wheel that's how it feels tryna be real. These unrealistic expectations said we'll make it if we fake it. ] // Queen (Loren Gray) [ Eyes on me like I'm a prize but you better recognize I'm not your angel 'cause I belong to me. ] // The Cure (Little Mix) [ This happiness was always inside me but Lord, it took a minute to find me. ]
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
The Mandalorian s2 ep1 Reactions Post That’s right I’m BACK
and none of you not even god himself can stop me from rambling about space cowboy dad and tiny green baby stuff for much longer than any sane person should 
the TL;DR is that I still love this show SO MUCH, beware a bunch of spoilers under the cut!
- costume design wise I LOVE how badly the armour fits Cobb Vanth
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 especially when you get shots with him and Din side by side for contrast:
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It’s not just that it’s clearly not made for him (it seems he’s a lot lankier and more wiry than Boba is), he simply doesn’t know how to wear it, and he doesn’t know how to take care of it, because he doesn’t know what it means. Remember when Din’s breastplate got bent completely out of shape by the mudhorn and he had it repaired to the best of his ability long before they even finished with the ship? That’s why he looks so grounded and natural in it and Vanth has sort of a clumsy Spiderman-in-his-first-home-made-costume air about him. (also Boba’s helmet has a beautiful heft and solidity to it in this, they make all the beskar have a Feel and weight to it, makes it feel important)  
I like that Vanth is taller than Din; everything that drives home that Din’s strength doesn’t come from being naturally physically imposing or impressive is a joy to me 
- Boba’s armour seems to be confirmed to be real beskar, which gives me so much hope that they’re doing something actually nuanced and interesting with Boba and Jango’s cultural identities as Mandalorians (whether they do consider themselves that or not, for example), unlike George Lucas’ inexplicable yet unbending stance of ‘They aren’t and never were lol get fucked Fetts’  
the way the triumphant heroic part of the mando music sputtered and died when the man himself showed up tho... uh-oh this might be bad news 
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man but that’s a stunning and surprising way to introduce a well-known character divorced from what makes them so iconic, though, just from that I’m going to trust they know what they’re doing (AND they got temuera morrison back I’m so EXCITED!!!). without the armor there’s the face of someone who shared that face with literal millions and at the same time must be looking older than his father ever got to at this point, and that’s super interesting as a starting point to me. (I... guess there’s still a chance it’s a fakeout and that it’s actually another clone, but that would be such a letdown when they’ve already given us this haha) 
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- an excellent [mando sighs] moment
this opening scene did a great job of re-summarizing him for the audience -- establishing again that he gives you one chance at dealing with him fairly and if you insist on continuing to be an asshole about it, you’re toast, the fact that his fighting style is so much about being able to tank blows rather than not getting hit in the first place, the horror movie monster mando setup as he stalked the dude down and strung him up, the Poetic Justice predicated on some very careful word choices, and most importantly “where I go, he goes”... all wonderful, I’m sure I’ll watch this scene back for fine details and better looks at the background characters many many times 
(word seems to have spread about him and the baby for real now, which makes me VERY nervous btw)
- Pulserifle’s back! Jetpack’s back! Razor Crest’s back! Grappling line’s back! PELLI’S BACK!!!!!! Tattooine... is also back *Finn voice* Why does everyone want to go back to Tattooine????
I really enjoyed the way they fleshed out and (for lack of a better word) humanized the sand people, though, if you are going back to this desert hellplanet again that is a worthy reason to do it 
- Din swearing :O!! and one of the less egregious star wars swears too, I’m fine with this
- in campaign star wars news: I guess there was sort of both a binbon and a jubna in this ep! what a time to be alive
- as usual I love the jawa. a bright spot in any day, just a bunch of lil goblin-y friends hanging out having the best time loving sparkly crystals and rescuing silver foxes.  
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get in loser we’re going shopping
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I uh. Do you think. Hm. Is there maybe a metaphor here somewhere. Is there perhaps a hidden, one may say double, meaning, at play, right here, in this image? Who can say, it’s just niggling at me (there’s a very similar set of shots with Toro in season 1, but seemingly the show went ‘I fear we might have gone too subtle with it, let’s amp it up this time’ over the season break loool)
honestly though this dynamic really highlighted everything I love about the ways Din performs masculinity. It’s so much softer and more community/collaboration focused and more comfortable to be around than Vanth’s version -- and Vanth isn’t a bad dude by any stretch of the imagination, it’s not hard to see why he’s like that considering where he’s from, he’s just such a... man. The lone person who can protect this village! The only man who’s got what it takes! It’s all on his shoulders and no one else’s, so do exactly as he says or he’ll put a hole in you! (I think it’s telling that one of his first comments to Din is ‘I’m sure you call the shots wherever you’re from, but ‘round here, I’m the person who tell folks what to do’, because as we as the audience knows, Din very much does not call the shots of where he’s from lol) I guess it says some nice things about the tribe of Mandos Din is from that this is how he approaches things, and it says some good things about Vanth how quickly he comes around to this smarter and less confrontational/domineering style of doing things once he’s been exposed to it and sees how it works. it’s just neat
(it’s smart of Favreau to set his ~*lone gunslinger*~ character up like this, too, it makes him so much more interesting and versatile)   
- With the way Din says ‘a Mandalorian Armorer sent me on my path’ it does seem confirmed that’s the equivalent of a priest role or a sort of shaman -- I wonder if he knows the name of ‘The’ Armorer or if they take on the role as a whole identity 
- the sheer contrast between the two people who wanted Din to take his helmet off for them in this ep tho... wants Mando’s armour off for horrible awful reasons and got exactly what he deserved:
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wants Mando’s armour off for entirely sympathetic and understandable, just culturally uninformed, thirsty thirsty reasons & also having drinks together:
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 (the sort of... little lick over his bottom lip he does there? keep it in your pants vanth my GODjflsadf he’s a good dude tho he understands and respects the ‘no armour removal before marriage’ thing and backs down gracefully)
- This is a nuanced thing: I don’t think I actually ship it (not in a requited way from Din’s side, anyway, Vanth I’m 100% sure about lol), but the incredible potential for out-of-context-taking of “Take it off, or I will”/”...we doin’ this in front of the kid?” is uh astounding  
(anyone got the vibe Vanth sort of had something with the bartender too? no just me? well well)
- I was never really scared Din was actually dead or hurt b/c baby wasn’t scared and I figure he’d know lol, a very useful fear barometer 
- “What’s the plan?” “Take care of the child” “What are you gonna do?” “I don’t know, but wish me luck *yeets his new bro out of harm’s way before diving in head first himself*” fksdjhfkjlashdfkjsldahfkasldjhfskldajhfsadkjfh WHAT a summation of Din’s entire approach to battle & life, dad please you carry a not insignificant part of my heart around with you be careful 
(Also with the heavy implication that Boba was watching the whole thing... can you imagine him just looking on as Din throws himself down that gullet like a madman. There must have been some ‘o_-7 *headscratch headscratch* ???’ going on for him there)
it’s kind of sweet that din trusts vanth will take care of the baby if something happens though, they really bonded quickly huh 
- the sand people who kept willingly going over to the krayt dragon’s cave are honestly braver and more admirable than anyone else has ever been, I kept just shouting in anguish as they were gobbled up, they deserved better 
- can we talk about how clear it still is that Din’s just... lonely. When he thinks he’s found another Mando and he sounds almost reverent with relief... and then it gets odder and odder (’uh... drinks? I guess... does he have drinking straws with him or -- HE’S TAKING THE HELMET OFF???’ oh buddy)
I wonder if they’re building towards something about him realizing it doesn’t have to be Mandos for him to trust and bond with people longer term? Basically all the characters he’s met and we’ve watched him form attachments to and get help from are non-Mandos -- Kuiil :’^(, Cara, Omera, Cobb Vanth, IG-11 :^’’(, Greef Karga to a degree. Establishing so firmly what he’s looking for this early would be good setup for a ‘what a character thinks they want vs. what they need’ thing later on just on a writing level, anyway, Boba Fett could bring in some interesting points of view about Mandalorianness too   
- baby’s happy gurgles when he sees pelli!!!!!! din speaking sand people language and petting alligator doggies!!!!!!
- pedro pascal’s voice work remains an utter joy to me. din’s measured, earnest, occasionally slightly stilted way of talking is still so good, and then he does things like inserting some more... idk life is the wrong word but that more charged and dynamic tone he took on when he said (”I thought you weren’t a gambler”) “I’m not”. *chef kiss*
- if the pulse rifle’s stun is able to do that to a fuckn krayt dragon... that’s some serious shit din is carrying around with him lol (interestingly the actual shooty pew-pew part of it didn’t seem to do much to it, but then I guess he was shocking it from the inside out and not through thick hide, so idk)
- my only real complaints about this ep: Vanth’s backstory ran a bit long, and not enough baby & dad interaction. the concept art’s got me tho: 
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 (din often wears his original/old armour in concept art still, incidentally, don’t know what that’s about)
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+ omfg ;______;
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- this sand people person conscientiously brushing a bantha’s teeth... blessed
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- Customary flame thrower report: there was a rare useful deployment of the flamethrower. Good job Mando’s flame thrower for furthering the field of diplomacy
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staywritten · 4 years
Coffee Time│Yang Jeongin
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Synopsis: Jeongin has been trying to work the nerve to ask you out for about a month, maybe today’s the day
Genre: fluff, fluff, and more fluff. Barista!Reader
Count: 1k
It was like clockwork. 
Every single day your cute mystery boy would come in at 2pm. You’d get to watch him come up to the counter and shyly order, then sit at the corner table with his laptop as he drank his large ice americano. The coffee shop you worked at was on the outskirts of town, surrounded by a dozen other popular cafe’s, which made for a pretty empty afternoon. But he was the warm ray of sunshine that always brightened up your day. 
Jeongin, was his name. 
On the weekdays he was usually out within thirty minutes, but during the weekends he’d spend an hour or two there. On the days he did stay he would be watching a movie on his laptop, always making sure to turn it toward you see you can see and read the subtitles from the counter. it was simple, but you cherished it. 
Other times he’d bring his school work, and it was so cute when he’d get stuck because he’d just chew on his pencil nervously. He’d never ask for help but he had a tendency of just looking around vacantly when he was confused and since you were never busy you’d always offer to help. 
And on occasion he’d just bring a book, he’d flip through the first few pages but always ended up singing to himself. And when he did that you’d turn down the speaker just to hear his sweet voice. 
He was undeniably charming. Those gorgeous dimples, his handsome cheekbones, his sexy Busan accent that’d slip out when he got excited and your favorite feature, how his eyes would disappear like a Fennec fox when he smiled or laughed.
You didn’t spend a lot of time together, but it was just enough. 
Enough to miss him when he wasn’t there. You leaned against the counter, resting your head on your hand wondering if the bad weather was keeping him away. It was almost thirty minutes past the hour and he still hadn’t shown. It’d been a solid month and he was always on time. Your frown deepened as you gazed at the door. 
“Maybe he’s not coming today” your coworker, Minho laughed while wiping the counter.
“Don’t say that” you whined. 
He scoffed. “Ah yes, I’d hate for you to miss a day of flirting where he comes in and he’s like ‘Oh I’ll have an ice’, and then you interrupt him by saying ‘ice americano’ like it’s a surprise because the dude only orders one thing and you both laugh awkwardly and get all red and shit” his tone mocking as he rolled his eyes. “You guys flirt like awkward middle schoolers. Like there’s no one here, make a move, ask him out, do something.”
“Hey!” you groaned. “We’re not that awkward”
“The most exciting thing that’s happened was when you both reached for a napkin. That was practically foreplay for you wasn’t it?”
“You’re disgusting” you crossed your arms over your chest defensively. “And besides Minho, I don’t even know if he’s interested in me”
“Ok first off, our coffee fucking sucks. Have you ever wondered why there’s literally no one here?” he gestured to the empty cafe. “And secondly, remember that one time I worked register because you were organizing coffee in the back? Well he just stood there, looking around until you came to the front” he groaned. “Like he doesn’t even have to order, we know what he wants”
“Large iced americano” you chimed
“No idiot, he wants you”
“Apparently not because he’s not here” you frowned.  
The whole day came and went and your cute stranger never came. You and Minho were cleaning, preparing to close when the door swung open. Minho pushed the mop around the floor, not bothering to look back. “We’re closed, I already cleaned the coffee machine but there’s a cafe across the street that closes in twenty minu-” he looked over his shoulder and smirked. “Oh well well well. Lover boy”
“Hey…” Jeongin waived awkwardly. “Is…” he stopped himself losing his nerves. Honestly, the whole day was him losing his nerves. He told himself that he if didn’t ask you out today then he should stop coming here since it had been an entire month and he hadn’t made much progress. 
His nerves got the best of him this afternoon and he flaked, especially since he didn’t want to ask you out while you were on the clock. That was borderline on harassment. But off the clock, you could at least feel free to reject him properly. 
“Here to ask out the coffee house princess?” Minho teased, wiggling his eyebrows. “Here take some advice from your neighborhood Hyung’ he touched his chest proudly. “You can’t beat around the bush, you gotta just go for it. Be sure of yourself” he winked “And use protection”
“I was just gonna ask her out for dinner” Jeongin’s eyes widened, flustered at the sudden teasing. “But she’s just so pretty and every time I look at her I just…” he sighed covering the growing redness on his face. 
“Come on, you came all the way here, trust me she wants to go out with you.”
“Minho can you help me with-” you stopped when you walked out from the back and looked back and forth between the two of them. “Jeongin hi” you smiled waiving “Wait-He didn’t say anything weird did he?”
“No…Kinda...but not really” Jeongin fiddled with his sleeves, shyly avoiding eye contact with you because he knew he couldn’t do it without blushing.
“Of course I didn’t” Minho scoffed, feigning offense “Have some faith in me” he clapped “I’m gonna finish closing you can go”
“Really?” you eyed him suspiciously. “Why are you being nice.”
“I’m always nice” he grinned “Besides Jeongin, wanted to talk to you” he gently gave him a pat on the back “Didn’t you, Kid?”
“You did?” slipped off your apron, the grin growing on your face. “What’s up?” you grabbed your bag, slinging it over your shoulder. 
“Would you like to grab dinner?”
“I’d love that…”
As the two of you had a delicious dinner and were winding down for the night. You were almost surprised by how comfortable you were with him. It didn’t feel like a first date, and maybe it’s because you’d known him for a month.
Maybe it’s because you were so comfortable with him you didn’t feel pressure when you caught yourself giving him flirty little looks. He made it know that the attraction was mutual, and you weren’t just pining for him.
Jeongin took another bite of the brownie cake, and a bit of the frosting grazed his cheek. He licked some off of his lip, but there was just the tiniest amount that lingered.
You leaned across the table wiping the whipped cream off his cheek. “You made a mess” you smirked, licking the excess off your thumb.
He smirked taking your hand and bringing it back to his lips “And you missed a spot” his tongue darted out to lick the pad of your thumb making you blush. How dare he? How could he flip your flirty move into his? And now you were flustered, turned on, and excited all in one go.
You pulled your hand back pouting, refusing to lose to him and trying to think of your next move when he shyly looked at you from behind his beer bottle. Was this seriously the same kid from a second ago? Because suddenly he looked so shy. “Can I confess something?”
“Should I be scared?” you quirked a brow. 
“No…” his eyes wandered “I like you a lot, and I wanna see you again...like regularly, but not like a customer/employee thing but more like a dating thing...if you’re interested”
“I like you too” you grinned. “That was a really cute confession” 
He laughed nervously. “I kinda have one more confession…” you looked up at him expectantly. “I actually hate coffee...like a lot.” he sighed “Ice americano taste like dirt and water”
“Oh my god” you laughed, holding your stomach and throwing your head back “I’m gonna cry” you giggled, wiping the tiny tears that pricked your eyes. “You ordered the same thing every day, why didn’t you just order something else?”
“Alright well since I’m confessing, I was passing the cafe by chance because I had a group project and the kid lived over here and well...I saw you from the window and honestly, I don’t know who I thought I was when I walked in there trying to get your number” he fiddled with the beer bottle. “I got nervous and just ordered the americano because it was the only coffee drink I knew...I don’t even drink it, I tried and like I sip it and stuff but it’s just so bitter" he stuck his tongue out in disgust just thinking about it. “And..the cafe’s actually pretty far from my house so I had to commute”
“Jeongin you come everyday!” your eyes widened as you laughed. 
“I figured if I asked out suddenly that would be really weird so I thought if I became a regular then maybe I stood a chance...and even though I failed and didn’t ask you out I liked hanging out there” he groaned covering his face. “I’m a loser aren’t I?”
“You’re so cute, what am I gonna do?” you laughed. “You’re seriously so cute”  
He peaked at you through his fingers. “I haven’t blown it?”
“Not at all” You gently grabbed his hand “Don’t hide your handsome face, I wanna see you~” you gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Any other confessions?”
“I really want to kiss you right now”
“Then please do” you smiled as he leaned in across the table, pressing his lips into yours for a sweet chaste kiss. You could feel his smile against your mouth as he pecked you a few more times. “Jeongin..?”
“Hm?” he pulled back, gazing at your dreamily.
“You got whipped cream on your shirt” you giggled, pointing out the stain on his button-up, before handing a few napkins to him. He may not have been the smoothest guy, but he didn’t need to be to make your heart flutter. 
Fluffy Jeongin because I love this sweet boy >///<
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theunvanquishedzims · 4 years
Calming my post-election anxiety with sweet sweet logic
So Trump is a wannabe dictator with crazy screaming fans who are headed toward violent armed meltdowns. What’s to stop him from going full dictator and refusing to leave office?
I’m glad you asked!
You see, the major difference between wannabe dictators and actual dictators is ALLIES. Dictators are surrounded with tight security, aided by the military, cheered on by media that they control, and are either helped, encouraged, or just ignored by other countries with the power to stop them.
Trump has charged the Secret Service money for the privilege of protecting him and his family since day one. You remember the first year, when his wife and son refused to move to the White House so the Secret Service had to RENT FLOORS in TRUMP’S BUILDING to be close to them? And how his extended family went globetrotting and the Secret Service had to accompany them? And when Trump himself insisted on hosting people at his golf club, he made the Secret Service RENT GOLF CARTS from TRUMP’S CLUB to follow him while he went golfing?
The end result was that halfway through the first year of his presidency, the Secret Service could not pay their own wages. Because half their yearly budget had gone straight to Trump’s pockets. And that’s just financially. I think we all remember how the White House came down with Covid and Trump still insisted on Secret Service agents driving him around to wave at people. He has not been kind to the people who are sworn to protect him. These people have had a front-row seat to his circus since 2016. When the time comes from Trump to leave the White House and Biden to take over, I doubt they’ll betray the country out of loyalty to Trump. If anything, they’ll be the ones to drag him out.
As for the military, Trump insulted and fired four generals from his administration staff. He said on multiple occasions that soldiers who get captured or killed are suckers and losers. He refused to visit a cemetery to honor the dead because it was raining. He tries to pander to the military by massive increases in defense spending, but that money goes to capitalists who make weapons and war technology, not the soldiers or veterans. (He also hypocritically accused military officials of being in bed with those same companies.) In a poll of 1000 service members 50% said they disliked Trump. Overall, he doesn’t act like a leader, and the way he skirts responsibility (like taking charge during the pandemic) doesn’t appeal to a group that functions on trust in their leadership.
A proper dictator would have spent the last four years cozying up to his generals and making sure they knew the financial and social benefits of answering to him personally, not the office of the President. And while Trump did adhere to the adage “find a foreign foe” to unite people against, he badly misjudged what most US citizens consider “foreign.” He hasn’t found a villain that we would root for the military taking down, and the people he targets (Latinx, Blacks, immigrants, and people in countries our military has already devastated) are not a minority he can turn the majority of the country against, especially with how many of the former two serve in the military themselves. When the time comes for him to leave office, the military might be the first to cut ties with the wannabe Dictator-in-Chief.
Now, the media. They’ve been treating him like a joke candidate since day one, but after he was actually elected and took office they’ve started to take him more seriously. He’s gotten his catchphrase “fake news!” to catch on, but that doesn’t change the fact that under his administration news reporters have been harassed, illegally arrested, and generally poorly treated by Trump, especially if they’re women. He’s trashed talked everyone, with Fox News being the last bastion of semi-legitimate news that openly supports him (and their credibility has taken a big hit over it.)
Despite this support, in recently months Trump has been increasingly dumping on Fox, even throwing the mediator they provided for the debate under the bus, and risking alienating them in the process. If his supporters listen to him and start considering Fox part of Big Fake News, it might possibly be the death of Fox, leaving most of his supporters adrift and isolated from their source of right-wing news, and sending the more extreme fringes into the arms of conspiracy theory websites. (I’m not saying this is bad, being cut off from Fox and its toxic stream of “information” can actually help rehabilitate the right.)
Honestly, I don’t think Trump ever had a shot at controlling the media like a dictator would, mainly because of social media. He’s in love with attention, and Twitter has provided him a nonstop stream of it. No other President has threatened, insulted, promoted, or hinted at war over social media the way Trump has, and he gets so much direct feedback and interaction with the public and the world as a result. He could have leveraged that by buying the company (through a shell corporation, obviously) and setting it up as The One True Source of Information, manipulating public perception of him and his administration by keeping a tight grip on what information he let out.
But he’s just. Not. That. Clever. He blurts out everything that crosses his mind, leaving his administration to play clean-up on his messes, put out fires he keeps pouring gasoline on, and claim he’s joking when everyone knows he’s testing the limits on what he can get away with saying. He took advantage of the direct communication with legions of supporters, but seemed to forget that his detractors had equal access and would absolutely call him out on things he definitely said, it’s right there on his Twitter account, they have the Tweet pulled up on their phone right now. Instead of operating a single state-run media outlet while crushing all free press and limiting internet access like other dictators, he’s mooned the world’s cameras and acted surprised when they put his saggy butt on tv. “Fake news! That’s not my butt! THIS is my butt! [image attached]” he tweets. “Twitter is so biased, they haven’t censored any of Sleepy Joe’s photos!” he later tweets.
And lastly. The key to a dictatorship’s success. To prevent outside intervention, the country a dictator runs must be unimportant and ignored, wealthy and well-connected, or scary and well-armed. Minor warlords are the former, Putin is the latter, Trump might have weaseled his way into being the middle. But at the end of the day, America’s whole thing is new leadership every four years. It was revolutionary to replace a lineage of kings and queens stretching generations with a non-royal elected leader who only held office for four to eight years, but we’ve stuck to that for 200 years and everyone’s used to it by now. It would take a charismatic and powerful person to move the American people towards abolishing such a basic tenant of our democracy, and despite the mob mentality that lead a small portion of his supporters to chant “sixteen more years!” in the heat of the moment, Trump is not that charismatic. He’s not that smart. He’s not that well-connected. He’s not that savvy. He’s not that good at politics. And he’s not that powerful.
(I was going to say something here about him being the laughingstock of the world’s leaders and shouldn’t expect any outsiders to help him stay in power, especially since his tax returns came out and showed he owes people a ton of money that he doesn’t have, but this post is long enough so let’s cut to the chase.)
Trump is a greedy, small-minded man that has clung to power by appealing to the worst in humanity and scraping away at the best. But he hasn’t succeeded. He’s a sad old man who will say anything to be loved, and I don’t think he even knows what love is, so he’ll settle for attention. He doesn’t have money, he doesn’t have an army, and the only allies he has are using him as a political pawn to further their own interests. They will cut him loose the minute he stops being useful.
Now, the bad part: crazy screaming fans. Fringe groups on the internet. Mobs chanting “sixteen more years!” Men with guns and bombs and kidnapping plots, men trying to get into voting centers to destroy the election, men driving trucks with black flags that say FUCK YOUR FEELINGS, TRUMP 2020 (available on Amazon for $11.99, I wish I was joking.) I have no idea how many people in this country genuinely love Trump. It is hopefully significantly less than voted for him. There are some big issues in this country that are make-or-break, and unfortunately by reason of running Republican Trump has aligned himself with some of them.
There are people who hate everything about Trump, but he put a pro-life judge on the Supreme Court so they’re voting for him. There are people who are uncomfortable with Trump, but they’ve forgiven their grandpa for saying worse at Thanksgiving dinner, so they’ll vote for him. There are people who don’t know a single thing about Donald Trump, but they see (Republican) next to his name on the ballot, so they vote for him. None of that means those people will side with him if he tries to make a move towards dictatorship.
Now there are people who love Trump. They’ve heard and seen the vile things he’s said and done, and are genuinely okay with it, because they are full of hate and rage and want to change the world to put themselves on top. I do not know how many of these people there are. I know they exist all over the country, not just in red states. I know some of them have guns and want a reason to use them, because they’ve been talking about it for decades. I don’t know if we can trust the police to side with us over them if fights start breaking out. (And I pray pray PRAY people de-escalate any fights, because monkey see monkey do, and one news report of a MAGA extremist shooting someone can inspire a hundred copycats can lead to full-on civil war like we've never seen.) I know we need to be careful the next few months, to take care of ourselves and watch out for the more vulnerable in our communities.
And above all, I know this: Trump is not going to keep this country. He got it through trickery and deceit and foreign influence and national indifference and people not taking him seriously. We’ve learned. We’ve grown. We’re taking him seriously now, and we will not let him take what we’ve already told him he can’t have. The election is over. He’s a loser. He’d better start packing his bags. Because he’s not staying in office.
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quakerjoe · 4 years
You do realize that one of two people will be the President of the United States on January 20, 2021–yes? Either the incumbent or the Democratic nominee will hold the office, and that’s a legacy as old as Jefferson and Hamilton. If you can not stop trashing both aspirants to the office may I suggest that you pursue the acquisition of a passport as well as some means of leaving the country? Your laments are so doleful as to finally become comedy.
You know what’s really funny? Everything about YOU. I’ll tell you why, since you bothered to ask. I at least owe you that much since you didn’t ask anon.
I get this sort of banter every now and again so I thought I’d display it and answer the question at hand.
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First off, this “#Murica, love it or leave it!” horseshit has two facets to it in response.
ONE: “Go fuck yourself. If you’re so willing to lie down and take it in the ass for one of the parties constantly screwing you, you’re pretty useless. Why don’t YOU leave since you’ve clearly given up the fight? “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” comes at a price, sometimes a high one, and you have to FIGHT for it. If you’re willing to just bend over and take an elbow deep fist in your ass from the Democrats so it can jerk off the GOP while its dick is constantly forced down your throat, then perhaps YOU are the one who needs to pack up and fuck off to Saudi Arabia or North Korea. Maybe Russia or China are more your speed.
 TWO: Are YOU going to pay my way if I decide to give up on America and abandon my home and the nation that I love? I may not love your precious politicians, but I’m still proud to be an American. I served, am a vet, but THIS is not the nation I signed up to defend. This era of US history is the Big Sellout, and you, dumbass, are a part of that.
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 You people had chances and opportunities to make this a better place than when you found it, but over the five decades I’ve been alive all I’ve seen is people fighting to get in line to buy the government snake oil like it’s a Cabbage Patch Kid or the new iPhone. It’s pathetic how much the US lacks vision or has any real pride or dignity worth talking about. We’re not #1 at fuck-all anything worth bragging about unless it’s how bad the education system has gotten or that we’re the TOP nation in the world for incarcerated citizens per capita and it’s mostly geared towards men who happen to have a dark complexion.
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 The rich and powerful exist here because WE ALLOW it. People  like you, you defunct Fox “News” fan, are either a cheering fan for the status quo of yesteryear with Biden who wants to turn back the calendar to a time that BROUGHT US TRUMP in the first place OR you’re a trump fan who has NO IDEA… well, no ideas or thoughts about anything. Trump’s shown us who we really as a nation apparently- deluded, self-centered, selfish assholes, and the WORLD can see it. Not all of us, granted, but as a generalization, we truly suck. Such a waste of enormous potential, especially given all the resources we’ve had over the years.
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 As a result, we’re being overwhelmed by a virus that’s killing us by the thousands and perhaps millions some day. But, since we no longer believe in or do science anymore, nothing much is coming to save us. If/When the time comes that its run its course and should we find a vaccine, there are still anti-vaxxers who’d rather die than take a cure. Then there are the religious zealots who think Jesus will protect them. You know; the ones who are dropping like flies these days? Those assholes; the hypocrites who think they’re part of ‘the faithful’ who, if you believe in that sort of thing, do Satan’s bidding more than Jesus’.
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 If you’re not boiling mad at the GOP for literally doing everything they can to go out of their way to keep the US a hateful, racist, peddler of death nation bent on keeping its citizens poor and undereducated, you’re not a part of the solution. If your fucked-up solution is to have those not happy with the butt-hurt they peddle move to another country, it shows you’ve got no pride or respect for your country or yourself. You’re weak, ignorant, selfish and stupid all rolled into a big burrito of go fuck yourself.
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If you’re not making a fist so tight that your nails are digging into your palms when you hear that the Democrats are literally forcing us to choose one racist sexual predator that can’t hold a thought or form sentences as the “champion” to replace the incumbent one, you’re DEFINITELY not a part of the solution. Also, you’re an idiot, an asshole, and totally a Biden Bro.
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 What will it take for YOU to open your window and shout out “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!” eh? You people rolling over for Biden are pathetic weaklings who sold out women and #MeToo and sold your souls to #MeTooExceptBiden, allowing the bar to be set to the same, low, cesspool standard that the GOP glorifies in. You sold out party, country, woman, minorities, and everything that was once even remotely good about the party that allegedly represented the working class so that the party leaders can keep their cash flow from Big Pharma, the Insurance lobby, Big Oil and the Military Industrial Complex. You’ve turned the Democratic party into yesterdays feckless, weak and worthless GOP while the current GOP drags the country even FURTHER to the fucking right. You’re aiding and abetting the foulest elements of the nation’s existence.
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Your attitude has cost us our place on the world stage and most of our allies while we crawl under the covers with bedfellows we once considered enemies because they treat their people like shit. Now WE are one of those shithole countries you people used to rant about… AND YOU’RE PROUD OF IT and unwilling to stand up and fix it. Instead, you prefer those who are willing to do your job FOR you to just move elsewhere. Loser. Listen, if you’re too much of a wuss to stand up to the establishment that’s using your tax dollars to bail out the rich while pissing table scraps down upon you, that’s on you. You’re too stupid to know better. I get it. But until YOU get off YOUR ASS and hold your government accountable, you’ve got no room to criticize those who ARE doing it.
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We’re in the middle of a pandemic and the ONE GUY who has been fighting for his decades-long career for UNIVERSAL health care was someone YOU opted out. American apparently hasn’t suffered enough to grow a pair of whatever motivates it to stand up to the wealth inequality. The US idolizes the rich and instead of fighting for a chance to live at least a DECENT life without having to worry about going tits-up and pear-shape because of hospital bills or job losses, they’d rather just piss away their fortunes and futures so that people with more money than they can spend in a lifetime of ten could possibly spend, all while THEY pay little to ZERO taxes, leaving YOU stuck with the bill. That’s on YOU if you’re willing to bend over and just take it in the ass and take it dry; no kiss, no lube, not so much as a feel-around. That’s YOU.
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You, sir, are the problem. Clearly, with people like you, the US is simply BEGGING for 4 more years of trumplefuckery. Perhaps you even deserve it. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, but who am I? I’m just one of the few willing to call anyone out on their bullshit, from the GOP overall to Pelosi’s feckless approach, to Schumer’s “kid who gets beaten on the schoolyard daily” approach to trying to appear useful. I’ll shit on Liz Warren for not backing a Progressive approach and getting behind Sanders EARLY; screwing her friend and ally AGAIN like in 2016. I’ll call out all the other “candidates” who say one thing while their track records show that they’re pretty full of shit. I’ll DEMAND that we have a party that’s transparent and willing to fight to drag us BACK to the Left instead of the “oh, let’s settle for plutocracy and oligarchy because it’s better than fascism” route. Fuck that, fuck them, and of course fuck you too. Thought I forgot about you? Oh, this is all about you, you spineless goon.
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 So let me know if you and your ilk are willing to throw your precious few dollars into a GO FUND ME to finance my move to another country. This includes my family, all our belongings, and of course a home once we get there. Naturally, you’ll be finding us ALL gainful employment there and the costs for the passports, visas, and whatnot and you’ll of course be lining us ALL up with jobs. I’ve got a big family, so it’s going to be pretty goddamn expensive. Shit, just ME moving is going to cost more than you’d be willing to cough up.
 In the mean time, I’m going to remain here, giving the finger to the GOP, the Establishment/Corporate owned Democrats, and people like you. Seriously, you’re an idiot.
@ imall4frogs He’s talking about people like YOU.
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dearericbittle · 5 years
Sterek masterpost
So, now that I’ve written 30 (!) Sterek fics, I figured it was about time that I made a masterpost of my stories. You can find the full list on my Tumblr as well!
Been here before and it just feels right (strangers tonight) - (T, 3.4k) Summary: Derek Hale was an awkward teenager, but he grew into himself. He grew out of that pulling pigtails phase. Shame that being reunited with his old crush brings it all back. Even worse: Stiles doesn’t even seem to recognize him. Or does he?
Better that I break the window (than miss what I should see) - (M, 9k) Summary: Someone opened Stiles’ window. But he’s all the way on the 7th floor - how the fuck did that happen? Spoiler alert: werewolves are real. And really hot.
Bring on the monsters (bring on the real world) - (E, 11.1k) Summary: He was supposed to be making an impression on Lydia, but instead he’s making fun of a terrible werewolf costume. To be fair, those mutton chops remind him of Michael J. Fox in the worst way, and the guy didn’t appear to be too offended. He was too busy smelling Stiles for some reason. He really shouldn’t have forgotten cologne.
but that’s just a first impression (I could be totally wrong) - (T, 2.9k) Summary: Derek is on a really awful blind date (Laura will pay for this). But the waiter is really cute.
The coolest wolf in the whole wide world - (T, 8.3k) Summary: Stiles is surprisingly good at being a wolf. Like, super good at control, loves the drama of making weird entrances, and determined to try all the things. Because he has to find out what’s different about being a wolf. And Derek is going to be his Yoda, whether he wants to or not. Only Stiles is pretty sure Yoda never smelled this good.
Detective Stiles Stilinski and the Case of Derek Hale’s Mysterious Mate - (T, 5.6k) Summary: Mates are a thing. A werewolf thing. Which is fine and shit, but finding out that Derek fucking Hale has a mate? That gets to him. And seeing as Derek won’t tell him who it is, well… Guess that means this is a job for Detective Stiles Stilinski - if he’s not too distracted by his traditional banter with Derek.
Everything mixed up (and baked in a beautiful pie) - (T, 6/6, 42k) Summary: Stiles’ friends are more of a pain in the ass than usual around the holiday season. Just because he spends all of his time at his bakery, doesn’t mean he’s unhappy. So hiring a fake boyfriend seems like the perfect, simple solution. Instead Stiles stumbles onto a stupid quest to make Derek Hale happy. But surely that will all work out in time.
Fit hot guys have problems too (don’t objectify us with your male and female gaze) - (T, 1.7k) Summary: To Cora, 1:24 AM: im tired of guys just wanting to hook up with me. im like, guys, i know im pretty and i have a slammin bod and i love making out, but cant someone treat me with respect?? Derek is tired of being objectified. Enter Stiles Stilinski, hot mess who has an opinion about everything. Derek is surprisingly intrigued.
Gymnophoria - (T, 0.9k) Summary: Stiles is paranoid - he keeps feeling someone’s eyes on him. Surprisingly, no nefarious plans happen.
He got lost in my DMs (wanna be way more than friends) - (T, 2.8k) Summary: Derek is somewhat of an online hero, providing candid pictures of himself to anyone who wants persistent suitors to just go away already. Stiles… is suddenly surrounded by assholes who apparently really want to hear about how great his fake boyfriend is. Part 1 of Slide into those DMs
Heard you were tough (but you don’t look it) - (T, 3.6k) Summary: Derek is a protective Alpha, and whenever he sees a human in danger, he has to step in. Usually people are grateful. This guy? Not so much. 3 times Derek saves that ungrateful magic user’s life, and 3 times the ungrateful asshole saved his in return
Here we are two strangers (with nothing but this little spark) - (T, 6k) Summary: Stiles is only at this masquerade party for revenge. Theo Raeken has taken everything from him, and this is the only way he can get close enough to ruin his fucking life. He gets sidetracked by a mysterious stranger who’s looking for revenge of his own. Maybe they can help each other…
I might never be (your knight in shining armor) - (T, 2.9k) Summary: So, in Stiles’ defence, he didn’t actually know that the woman harassing the dude-sel in distress was an actual witch. Or that the dude in question was an Alpha werewolf who claimed to be able to handle himself. Stiles agrees to disagree on that one.
I take this magnetic force of a man (to be my lover) - (T, 6k) Summary: Derek is pretty happy with the mate he’s somehow chosen, even though Stiles has no idea - and no interest in Derek. But that’s fine. Except Peter just has to open his big mouth, because he clearly wants to ruin Derek’s life. Part 2 of Laura Hale is the best Alpha
I’d be a fearless leader (I’d be an Alpha type) - (T, 7.8k) Summary: Most teenagers would run off if they found a bleeding half-wolf, half-lady with red eyes snarling at them. But Stiles’ fight or flight response has always been a little fucked, and Laura Hale looks like she could use a break. Part 1 of Laura Hale is the best Alpha
I’m gonna light a spark (gonna hold my breath until the morning) - (T, 2.5k) Summary: Derek hates the bus, hates how people use it as an excuse to sit close to him and bat their eyelashes at him. And then this stranger who smells like home just falls asleep on his lap.
Lie under different stars (I’ve not seen you in the flesh for so long) - (T, 3,4k) Summary: In which Laura Hale is a queen of holding on to childhood mementos and seeing things her brother won’t, and Derek Hale rediscovers his love of Mischief.
The man who’s gonna marry you (make you feel alive) - (T, 4.2k) Summary: Only Finstock could marry the wrong people. Only Greenberg could fill out the papers wrong, but Finstock didn’t even check. It was like he wanted Stiles to be married to Derek Hale. And no one would want that, except maybe… Stiles.
No more dark sad lonely (k)nights - (T, 2k) Summary: Derek is an Alpha without an emissary, so his nosy betas made sure he attended the convention. Stiles is clearly in the wrong convention hall, because his Batman cosplay does not appear to be going over well.
Old you in the garbage (new you in display case) - (T, 13.4k) Summary: Stiles is lonely and desperate and suffering from a crush on the grumpiest librarian. So what’s a boy to do but cook up a ridiculous plan to get himself dated and/or finally get laid before the holidays? He just wants his She’s All That moment, okay? He never expected that the plan would actually help him get the guy.
Real life isn’t a movie (life doesn’t make narrative sense) - (M, 11.6k) Summary: Somehow accidentally insulting a hot guy in a coffee shop leads to pretending to be his boyfriend in front of a house full of werewolves. Stiles Stilinski is living his best life and making the most of his Hallmark movie moment.
Shoot your shot when you see em (he’s already in my DMs) - (T, 3.9k) Summary: Derek may or may not be falling in love with one of Laura’s employees, and he’s only ever spoken to him on the phone. Stiles doesn’t even know his name! But apparently, he does know how to slide into his DMs. Part 2 of Slide into those DMs
Some Cupid kills with arrows (some with mistletoe) - (T, 9.5k) Summary: It’s the same thing every time. Derek Hale comes home, the town is in a snit, and Stiles Stilinski polishes his metaphorical armor and gets ready for a battle of wits. Not that he considers Derek’s comments particularly witty. Their friends are just tired of the sexual tension and the rampant egos, and they’re ready to do something about it.
Such great heights (corresponding shapes like puzzle pieces) - (T, 3.3k) Summary: In which everyone in the pack is together and alive, because fuck canon. In which Stiles is surprised that Derek’s super hearing fails him. He just wants to know how tall Derek is, why is that such a big deal?
Teach me how to thrive (i was a loser just like you) - (T, 4.9k) Summary: Scott was cool now - the Squip had made sure of that. Stiles? Not so cool. All he has left are his cryptic conversations with perpetually wasted Derek Hale as he desperately tries to get an evil computer chip from taking over Beacon Hills.
We were young once (innocent and fun once) - (T, 5,3k) Summary: So maybe making Lydia jealous is just an excuse for him to finally talk to Derek Hale - it’s been ten years and clearly that high school crush is not over. There’s just a lot more to Derek than he was expecting.
We’ll put on a show (Scotty has to know) - (T, 7.7k) Summary: Stiles is a stubborn asshole, determined to have fun in Europe even though Scott stays behind in Belgium because of a girl. So asking a stranger to make out with him for the ‘Gram? Totally the best decision he’s ever made, and not just because that’ll totally show Jackson (and Scott!). Shame he won’t see the guy again, though.
What it looks like to forget (it’s easier that way) - (T, 4.9k) Summary: He has no idea who he is, but the stranger with the whiskey eyes is calling him Derek. And the guy has been sitting at his bedside for three days, so he’s got some credit. Especially because the guy smells like he should be his - though that is a supremely weird thought that he probably needs to figure out first.
You want forgiveness (I’ll give that to you) - (T, 2.8k) Summary: Derek is running from the Alpha, suffering from wolfsbane poisoning and he’s clearly losing it. Why else would he be seeing his mother - and everyone else he might as well have killed himself. But Stiles can’t just let him get what he deserves. Stiles never leaves him behind, even when he should.
You’re moving me around you (I said darling hold me) - (T, 14,5k) Summary: Derek is the only beta in a pack of two, blaming himself for the loss of their entire family. When his sister pays someone to get him used to human contact again, Derek preps himself for a couple unwilling handshakes before he kicks the stranger out of his den. Stiles is… not what Derek expected.
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mochegato · 3 years
Even the Losers
Chapter 15
Chapter 1     Chapter 14
Possible trigger warning.  I mention that sexual assault and worse has happened during some akuma attacks.  I don’t describe anything or say who it happened to (it didn’t happen to anyone we know) but wanted to warn readers that it is brought up.
This room really was a ridiculous room, Marinette decided.  The dining table was large enough to seat twenty.  Who needed a casual dining table that large?  Honestly.  Not to mention, a dining table that large meant there was more than enough room for Alfred to join them, but he never did.
And bringing the food out on silver trays. Did they do that just because she was here?  She kind of hoped it was because the idea of doing it everyday…  She looked over to Adrien to roll her eyes at the opulence, but he just went with it like it was completely expected.  Marinette shook her head.  Damn rich people.  She looked up just in time to catch Duke’s eyes.  He looked at the silver trays with a pointed look and rolled his eyes. Marinette giggled and nodded back.
“I forgot to ask the other day,” Dick started with a disarming smile.  “How did you two meet and when?”
And there it was again.  A perfectly normal question.  A very common question.  A question they would expect to be asked.  But there was something off in the way he asked it.  Something that just triggered her senses.  She could feel a difference in it, like its very existence disrupted the peace of the dinner.
Adrien looked over at her with a broad smile and nodded to her, letting her know she was supposed to answer it.  She plastered on a friendly smile.  “We met in school, actually.”
“Oh? Maternelle or older?”  Dick smiled again, his face perfectly emulating interest in his sister’s friend.  Markov would never be able to tell the difference.  But Marinette could.  He was fishing.  She just didn’t know what he was fishing for.
“Older,” she answered curtly.
Dick seemed to get the message that she was not happy and backed off, metaphorically and literally, leaning away from them in his chair.  His smooth smile morphed into a mock frown.  “Oh that’s a shame.  I was hoping for stories or pictures of baby Marinette.”
“Oh, baby Mari was adorable,” Adrien gushed, with a teasing grin to Marinette.
Tim quirked his head to the side.  “I thought you said you two didn’t meet until you were older.”
Adrien’s grin widened.  “We didn’t.  Not until we were in collège and she yelled at me for something I didn’t do.”
“I didn’t yell at you,” Marinette objected in mock offense, slapping his arm. “I informed you that you were a contemptible dirtbag in a harsh tone.”
Jason barked a laugh.  “Right, big difference.”
Marinette whirled on him, her serious expression contradicted by her lips trying to quirk up at the corners at his teasing.  “There is!  It was a quietly harsh tone.  There was no yelling.”  She turned back to Adrien.  “And I apologized for that.”
“Yeah, like years later and not because you wanted to,” he rolled his eyes.
“Only because I couldn’t really talk to you for, like, ever after that,” she groused playfully.  She pushed her food around on her plate with a pout.
“Apologies are hard,” Cass nodded in agreement.
Marinette beamed at her.  “Yes.  Thank you, Cass.  See,” she motioned to Cass so Adrien would look, “Cass has my back.  She agrees.”
“With what?” Duke laughed.
“Your input is not needed!” Marinette chastised him, trying hard not to laugh.  But when Duke cracked up and started laughing hard enough to have him gasping for breath, so did Marinette.
“Okay but…” Tim started after they’d had enough time to recover.
“Oh, right!” Adrien shook his head.  “There was an akuma that de-aged people. ��A mom sad her son was going off to university, so her power was to turn everyone into toddlers again.  Marinette got hit pushing me out of the way of the beam. She turned into the cutest, pudgiest, little toddler you’ve ever seen.”  
Marinette batted his hands away when he leaned over to pinch her cheeks.  He chuckled at Marinette’s pout.  “I hated that one.  I felt so helpless,” she moaned.
“I loved it,” Adrien smiled.  “I got to see all of you guys as babies.  Most of you guys knew each other since childhood so you knew what each other looked like.  Alya and I were the odd ones out.  Plus, no pain.”  He looked back to the rest of the family.  “That was rare; an akuma that didn’t cause massive amounts of pain or trauma.”
“Were they that bad?” Duke asked hesitantly, afraid of the answer he was going to get back.  He had purposefully not looked too hard into akumas precisely because he was afraid of the answer.
Marinette stared intently at her plate in thought, trying to condense the experience into light, dinner topic worthy descriptions because she desperately did not want to discuss akumas tonight… or ever again. The very thought caused shivers down her spine.  “They were… most weren’t… didn’t affect…”  Her words got cut off as her body froze with realization.  Her face scrunched up in pain and she gasped after not having breathed for the last few seconds.  She suddenly pushed away from the table and stood up.  “I think… I need to leave.”
Bruce stood up at the same time and reached out for her. “Marinette are you okay?”  His concern amped up when Cass stood up as well and frowned with concern.
Adrien got to her quicker, gently laying his hands on her arms.  “Hey, we don’t have to talk about it.  We can talk about something else.  You talked with M. Fox this morning, right?  We can talk about that.”
Marinette shook her head.  “I can’t…” she couldn’t finish her sentence, her breath was becoming more ragged the longer she stood there.
“Way to go, Timmy,” Jason groused.
“I didn’t do this!” Tim objected motioning toward Marinette and standing up too.  He wasn’t exactly sure what standing up was supposed to accomplish. She didn’t know him and definitely wouldn’t be comfortable with him trying to comfort her.  It was more of a show of support.  Whatever was going on, he didn’t want to stay sitting like it was nothing.
She looked toward Bruce, her eyes slightly glazed over.  “You… you knew.  You knew about what happened when I was fourteen… and fifteen… and sixteen.  You said you checked in on me frequently, so there’s no way you didn’t know.  You knew and you just… rather than admit I was…”  She looked down at the floor, her face scrunching further as she tried to reconcile the new information.  She backed away more and shook her head, no longer really hearing anything in the room, including Adrien’s loud gasp of realization.  “I… I can’t… be here.  I have to… I need time to…”  
She turned and rushed through the door before anyone could stop her.  She could feel herself shutting down and she needed to stop it.  She knew she needed to stop letting herself turn numb.  She gritted her teeth as her frustration with herself increased.  Why couldn’t she just react normally?  Nobody else on her team did this.  None of their friends reacted this way anymore.  What was wrong with her that she did?
And she had to do it there, in front of everyone. She had to do it in front of him.  Why couldn’t she hold it together for one freaking dinner?  She’s gone through worse.  Why couldn’t she just have DEALT with it, like an adult?  Now she probably ruined the start of their relationship. He was probably going to hate her. He didn’t want to know about that stuff. He didn’t want to deal with those kinds of problems.  Those were her issues, not his.  
He wanted a daughter for the press, not a hot mess of insecurities and anxiety.  He wanted a happy, light, cheery child.  That’s why he sent her away, so that’s who she would become.  That’s probably why Dick was trying to ask all those questions, so they could know just what kind of a broken, messed up, embarrassment of a disaster they were taking on with her.  They needed to know what to prepare for when the press started getting involved.
Back in the dining room, Jason had gone from laughing, to confused, to concerned, to fucking pissed in a matter of seconds.  “What did she go through?” Jason asked through gritted teeth.
Adrien glared at Bruce waiting for him to answer the question.  Bruce looked down dejectedly and Adrien scoffed.  He didn’t bother ripping his glare away from Bruce when he answered for him. “She means Hawkmoth.  She means M. Wayne knew what Hawkmoth was doing and let her stay there when he could have pulled her out at any time.  She means he let her stay and get tormented rather than admit she was his daughter.”
“That is not why I didn’t pull her out of Paris,” Bruce insisted weakly.
“I thought the damage done by Hawkmoth was all reversed,” Duke offered.
“Oh, the physical damage was reversed, but the psychological wasn’t.  The memories weren’t.  Hawkmoth used people’s negative emotions to turn them into monsters, AS YOU KNOW,” he snarled at Bruce.  “For years, if you had a bad day, if you got sad, if you grieved, you could end up killing or torturing or raping someone, maybe someone you cared about, maybe someone you loved, maybe more than one.  
“Didn’t even have to be something big it could just be… my best friend got akumatized because my father said he couldn’t throw me a party for my birthday.  A kid Marinette babysat got akumatized because her mother took away a toy that wasn’t hers, it was Marinette’s actually, so she felt responsible for getting Manon akumatized.  Marinette’s best friends, five of them at once, got akumatized because she didn’t want to tell them something private.  Like that didn’t wrack her with guilt for years.  It didn’t take much to turn you into a nightmare.  In fact, one little kid got akumatized several times because he had a nightmare.  All it took was one moment of feeling down.  If you were lucky, really lucky, you just… stopped feeling… anything.”
Everyone was silent for a few minutes.  Adrien’s glare never wavered the entire time. Finally Dick spoke up softly. “And was Marinette… lucky.”
Adrien sneered at Bruce, “Oh, Marinette was very lucky.  She only got tortured a few times… per month.  She only lost a few limbs.  She only got targeted most of the time.  She only died four or five times, that she remembers, the actual number is significantly higher.  All despite my father targeting her specifically.  You know, nothing worth too much concern. She only watched the people she loved get tortured, screaming for her in agony before they died painful deaths a handful of times.  She only sometimes still goes completely numb rather than feel things.  Not even just bad things, good things too.  If it’s too much, she shuts down so she doesn’t expose herself, so Hawkmoth can’t get her, because we needed her.  It’s automatic.  It’s subconscious.  It’s been five years and she still has to fight the instant reaction.”  
Bruce finally spoke up apprehensively.  God, he really, really didn’t want to know the answer to his next question, but at the same time, he needed to know.  “You mentioned akumas could kill, torture, rape… You said Marinette had been tortured and killed.  Was she ever…”
Adrien’s face scrunched up in anger and frustration. “You don’t get to ask that,” he screamed.  “You didn’t care then, you don’t get to pretend like you care now.  You want an answer to your question, you’ll have to ask her yourself, if you have the balls for it.  Personally, I don’t think you do.  So use your imagination.  I guarantee anything you can imagine, can’t even come close to the things she had to live through.”
He looked down for a moment to try to collect himself.  When he looked back up it was an icy, coldness that made Tim collapse back into his chair.  “So now you need to stop lying to her that you always loved her, you cared at all.”
Damian growled and lunged forward in his chair. “You can’t tell him what he feels. You don’t get to say how he treats one of his children.  You aren’t a part of this family.”
Adrien turned his icy glare to Damian.  “And she is?  Holding her at arm’s length?  Keeping her at a distance?  Not letting her get too close?  Randomly freezing up around her.  Keeping family secrets from her.  Clamming up as soon as she’s nearby.  Sending each other secret looks over her head when you think she won’t see.  She’s not stupid.  She sees what you’re doing, what you’re all doing, she’s just too nice to point it out, too hopeful you’ll actually accept her one day.”  He turned to look at Damian with disgust.  “I might not be a part of this thing you call a family, but I am a part of hers.”  Damian only put up a semblance of a fight when Cass pulled him back down into his chair with a disappointed look.
“You kept in contact to make yourself feel better not because you cared.  Because if you did?  If you did, there’s no way you let her stay in Paris when it would have been so easy for you to do something.  There’s no way you let her get hurt and killed over and over again just so you didn’t have to admit you were related to her.  Nobody who gives even the slightest fuck about anybody, a stranger let alone family, your child, would willingly let them go through that.  Lets them live knowing that crying about a stubbed toe could make them into a killer.
“You could have done something, anything and yet you did nothing.  You didn’t even try.  She wouldn’t have accepted.  She… she was the only reason some of us survived and she knew that.  She was our hope.  She saved us and protected us.  Repeatedly. At her own expense.  Without her…” he looked away.  When he spoke again, his voice was considerably quieter and colder.
“And she knew it.  And she took it all on herself.  She didn’t even tell most people, anyone but me and one other friend really, what she went through and not even all of it.  There’s still things I know she saw but she won’t tell me about. Her own parents didn’t know because she didn’t want them to become akumas, which they’d done before over minor things.  So she dealt with it on her own.  My father barely ever let me out so I couldn’t be there for her almost ever. So she had nobody.  She made sure she didn’t.  Because she didn’t want to be the cause of more suffering.
“So she wouldn’t have taken you up on any offers anyway because she’d never abandon the people she cares about.”  He looked back up to level Bruce with an icy glare that made him lose his breath.  “Guess she gets that from her mother.”
He started to walk away but turned back to the family as he got to the door.  “You know, Marinette and I are a lot alike.  You can do anything you want to us and we’ll probably apologize to you for inconveniencing you.  But you hurt someone we care about?  Not even Hell is far enough away for you to hide in.
“So she’ll forgive you.  That’s who she is.  She will.  Hell, she’ll probably come crawling back in a day or two to apologize to you for the scene she created.  For making you feel uncomfortable.  But I won’t ever forget what you did, what you didn’t do, what you subjected her to. No matter what else you ever do for her, you will not be forgiven.” He stepped closer to Bruce, the ice in his eyes turning darker.  “And if you ever treat her like that again, they’ll never find your body.”
Damian scowled and jumped up.  “Are you threatening my father?”
Adrien didn’t look at him when he responded, continuing to glare at Bruce with a dark, warped look that even made Damian raise an eyebrow.  “I am.” He didn’t even bother slamming the door as he stormed out.  As soon as he passed the threshold, he took off sprinting after Marinette.  She didn’t have the car keys so she was walking… in Gotham… while she was a target.  He cursed and picked up his speed to get to the car.
“B?” Dick asked cautiously.
“No.  No, no, no.” He shook his head violently and looked down, trying to steady his ragged breathing.  “I asked her parents.  I checked. They said she was fine.  They said it was okay.”  He looked up at Dick with haunted eyes.  “I checked.  I made sure.”
“Well you didn’t fucking check well enough did you?” Jason growled.  “You never asked her.”  He threw his napkin on the table and stalked out after Adrien to help comfort Marinette.  Duke looked between them for a moment before sprinting after Jason.
The rest of the family looked down at their plates, except Bruce who wasn’t looking at anything.  He pushed away from the table and stumbled back to his room, a sudden wave of nausea slamming into his body.  Dick opened his mouth a few times only to snap it shut again mutely.  Cass frowned but continued eating slowly. This was new information, but it didn’t change who Marinette was to her.  It was the same Marinette from earlier in the day.  But now she knew more.  Maybe they could bond over childhood trauma like she and Stephanie had.
Damian furrowed his brow and scowled at his food, unable to determine how to interpret the new information and blame Marinette for it. She had done it to herself, clearly. She had allowed herself to stay in that situation.  Obviously it was her own fault she suffered through that… like he had.  Not knowing who to be mad at, he shoved away from the table and went down to the cave to train.
Tim blankly watched him go.  This… this was unsalvageable.  This was… they’d let her down in so many ways.  Him with the gala.  Dick with the questioning Adrien.  Damian with the accusing her and insulting Adrien.  The entire family with the keeping secrets.  And Bruce with the… everything.  How were they supposed to bring this back?  They were worse than his family, his previous family.  The Drakes just ignored him.  They were actively destroying her.  
He took a deep breath and pushed away from the table too.  He would go down to the cave but Damian was already there.  He wanted to patrol, to actually protect someone, like he hadn’t protected her.  He stood up and made his way to the grandfather clock.  Fuck Demon Spawn.  Let him try to fight him right now.  Tim wasn’t in the mood and wouldn’t hold back.  Heaven help any rogues out tonight.
Chapter 16
@maribat-bdbwm @jayjayspixiepop @redscarlet95 @alice-hazelwood @deathssilentapproach-blog @unoriginalmess @alyssadeliv @emotionalsupportginger @frieddonutsweets @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @toodaloo-kangaroo @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @iloontjeboontje @wolf-for-life @maribatserver @aespades @prettylittlebutterflie @imarivers8  @ certainmuffinbagelcalzone @ritacrow-blog @unoriginalmess @demonicbusiness @kking13 @lady-bee-fechin @blur-of-colours @kittenmywaythrulife @kashlyn @loysydark
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theycallmemoosey · 6 years
This is Weird
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Stiles x Reader 
A/N: Disclaimer! I am not a furry! While writing this, I was so stressed out that I sounded like a complete furry. I’m not. I just felt like it was a cute idea. I have also risen from the dead. I wrote this because a) I wanted to write for another fandom I really love and b) wanted to write something of my own if that makes sense? Sorry that I have been kinda radio silent, but things have been quite hard recently. I’m currently in the middle of writing a few more, so keep an eye on my profile and the usual tags! Hope you guys enjoy this one! Moose :)
“Hey pretty lady, you got any plans tonight?” 
“Yes, Stiles” you chuckled, slamming your locker door shut to come face to face with Stiles who was stood behind the open door, “Funnily enough I’m heading to your house for dinner tonight” 
“Ohhhh yeah” he smiled slyly, leaning down to kiss you quickly, “Any thoughts on what you want?” 
“What do you want?” Scott asked, making you jump as he appeared behind you. 
“Jesus Christ, McCall!”
“You should have heard me coming” 
“There are a lot of heartbeats pounding right now, Scott. What makes you think I would hear yours too?”
“You’re twins” Stiles butted in, “Shouldn’t you two have a stronger connection or something? Like Ethan and Aiden?” 
“Not always true” you replied, looking at said twins who were over on the other side of the hallway before your eyes locked on the clock on the wall above them, “Oh shit, I have to get to training”
“Wait, you didn’t tell me what you want to get for dinner tonight” 
“Chinese” you blurted, worried about missing training and being shouted at by the coach, “I’ll see you later?” 
“Yeah, meet me by Roscoe” he smiled, kissing you as you rushed off. 
“Dude…did you have to?” Scott asked, sounding disgusted as he walked past Stiles to head towards the locker room. 
“She’s my girlfriend” 
“She’s my sister!” Scott fired back, pushing the door open and flinging his gym bag onto the nearest bench, “What are your plans tonight with Y/N anyway?” 
“Dinner and Star Wars which I still can’t believe you haven’t watched, by the way” 
“Creatures in space, big deal” Scott shrugged, “Because we don’t deal with enough weird shit in real life” 
“McCall! Stilinski!” Coach Finstock called out from his office, “You’ll be training the freshmans” 
“What?! Why?!” Stiles cried back, gaining the attention from the rest of the locker room.
“Just do it” Coach shook his head, mumbling ‘Idiots’ under his breath as he walked back into his office.
Scott pulled the whining Stiles out onto the field, grinning at his best friend’s constant grumbling about how unfortunate he was and how nothing ever worked out for him. 
“Seriously, Scott. I can’t catch a break. First, you’re bitten and turned into a wolf, then my girlfriend is bitten, Lydia turns out to be a banshee, we’ve had multiple supernatural things trying to kill us and now I’m stuck training goddamn freshmans!”
“It's only for a couple of hours, Stiles” Scott huffed, lugging the bag of lacrosse balls over his shoulder as he headed towards the pitch.
“Freshmans, Scott! Freshmans!”
“There she is!” Stiles announced, grinning as he watched you hopped down the steps of the school. 
“Hey, you” you smiled, kissing him quickly before handing him your gym bag to put in the backseat. 
“How was training? That bitch Kathleen bother you again?” 
“When doesn’t she?” You scoffed, jumping into the front seat as you waited for Stiles to get in next to you, “How was lacrosse?” 
“Don’t get me started. I swear Coach has it in for me this year. He put me and Scott in with the freshmans today. Freshmans, Y/N! Freshmans!” 
“Oh my god” you cried out, laughing slightly, “Poor baby” 
“Tell me about it” he sighed, pulling out of the school campus, “Today has just been shit. Ms Matheson gave me a D in English and that asshat Joel decided that flicking gum into my hair was more fun than Physics. Not only that but-“ 
“Scott’s calling me” you interrupted, answering the call from your brother, “What?”
“Are you two ok?” 
“Yeah, fine. Why? Everything ok with you?” 
“Ummm…just get home as soon as possible. Pack meeting” 
“Scott!” You called as he hung up the phone, groaning before looking at Stiles sympathetically, “We have to go to mine” 
“But I want Chinese!” 
“Stiles, I’m just as annoyed as you are but you know that when Scott calls a meeting, everyone has to be there”
Stiles looked over at you and frowned, but after seeing the look in your eyes he sighed and turned the steering wheel in a U-Turn to head towards your house. 
When you arrived, you jumped out Roscoe and ran up the stairs, Stiles close behind you. 
“In the kitchen!” you heard Scott call out, taking off your shoes and flinging them in any random direction.
“Why did you call off my night with Stiles? And where the hell is everyone?!” You asked angrily, noticing Scott standing alone in the kitchen.
“Look, I’m sorry but I really think that something is wrong” he stated, his eyes flicking sympathetically between you and Stiles. 
“No one else was available? The one night I had with Stiles in weeks?!”
“Y/N…” Stiles warned, not wanting an argument to break out.
“Why couldn’t you ask Lydia?” 
“Date night with Aiden” 
“Fine. Issac?” 
“With Lydia and Aiden” 
“With everyone else!” 
You sighed, groaning internally, “It was my date night with Stiles tonight, you idiot”
“I’m sorry, but I know I can count on you two. My best friend and my sister…you’re the only ones I can truly count on to be by my side when I have a feeling that something is wrong” 
Stiles placed his hand on your waist and squeezed lightly, taking a step closer towards you until his chest was against your back, “What do you want us to do?” 
“I’m telling you, it was right there!” Scott insisted, pointing at the floor on the top of the mountain overlooking the town. 
“It might have been, but it’s not there now” you groaned, regretting not bringing your jacket along with you. 
“I swear, I was walking in the woods and I looked over towards the cliff edge, and I swear I saw red eyes stare right back at me. It was like it was expecting me to be there” 
“What were you doing walking in the woods alone?” You questioned, although you weren’t surprised when you were ignored.
“Scott, are you sure it wasn’t just a fox or…or a rabbit or something?” Stiles suggested, feeling just as annoyed with Scott as you were.
“With red eyes? Sure.” He scoffed, kicking a rock off of the cliff.
“Scott, please. I just want to go home and have some dinner. I don’t want to be here, on the top of a fucking cliff in the fucking freezing cold looking out for a fox!” You shouted, gasping loudly when you heard a growl behind you, Stiles standing in front of you as the three of you turned towards the sound.
“Believe me now?” 
“Shut up you loser” you whispered, your ears listening intently for any sound of movements. Turning around, you saw your brother’s eyes glow red, the hairs on his chin and hands grow slowly as he also observed his surroundings. 
“Stiles, get back to the jeep” you whispered, pushing his arm in the direction of Roscoe.
“It’s date night” he replied monotonously. 
“Not funny” you breathed out, jumping at the louder growl from behind you. You growled and sprinted off into the trees, hearing your name being called from behind you. 
Scott and Stiles panted, scared for you and for themselves, although they dared not move as they could hear the growling get closer and closer to them. Growling and breathing heavily, the two boys looked towards the trees, preparing themselves for anything to jump out and attack them. 
“Ready?” Scott asked, Stiles nodding furiously next to him. 
Slowly, the creature began to emerge from the woods, snarling and barking at them. The two of them took a deep breath and pounced towards the animal, stopping in their tracks when a coyote took a step into the moonlight. 
“A fucking coyote?” Stiles asked, relieved that it wasn’t a dangerous, supernatural being. With a simple flash of Scott’s red eyes, the coyote whimpered and took off back into the trees. 
Scott sighed, his teeth and claws reverting back to his normal human self, “I’m sorry, I was convinced it was something more…more…”
“More dangerous than a wild dog?”
“We need to look for Y/N. She’s probably hasn’t shifted back yet, so be careful” Scott instructed, starting to head off before Stiles pulled his wrist back, turning him around to reveal a dark grey wolf approach them slowly, it’s piercing blue eyes staring at them in fear. 
“Y/N?” Scott asked, breathless at the sight of his twin sister fully shifted into a beautiful wolf, with the softest grey fur with pitch black streaks delicately placed in sporadic spots. There was a single white stripe along your nose and small patches of white on your paws. 
“Woah, Y/N…how did you do that?” Stiles admired, bending down to your eye level.
“She can’t answer you, you dimwit” Scott reminded him, smacking his head at his sheer stupidity.
You whined, nuzzling your nose into Stiles’ palms as he stroked your fur gently. 
“Can you shift back, Y/N?” Scott asked, pacing behind Stiles.
“If I could shift back, I wouldn’t be here like this right now” you thought, trying to signal to the boys. 
Scott picked up on this and sighed, “Once for yes, two for no. Bark” 
You barked twice, sitting down on the cold dirt, trying to scowl at the boys but failing as you were a wolf.
“No wonder, you never even fully shifted before. How did this happen?!” 
“You’re asking a dog and her boyfriend, you really expect either of us to know? That’s a sentence I never thought I would say. My girlfriend is a dog…” Stiles trailed off, becoming weirded out by the thought.
Scott sighed, but started to walk towards his bike, “Stiles, would you mind taking Y/N home? I’m going to talk to Deaton, see if he knows what the hell is happening to her” 
“Sure” Stiles replied, keeping an eye on you plodding along behind him before you suddenly started running off, “Y/N?!” 
“She’s probably just getting her clothes…she really liked the ones she was wearing” 
“Yeah well…it was date night” Stiles sighed, relief washing over him when you returned safely and started to walk beside him again, a bundle of clothes in your mouth, “You should probably let your mum know too, Scott. I’m going to take Y/N back to mine and let my dad know about the coyote” 
“Fine. I’ll see you later” Scott replied quickly, revving the engine and taking off. 
Stiles opened the door to Roscoe and took the clothes from your mouth, “You ok jumping in or do you need help?” 
You looked at Stiles for a minute, cursing him in your mind as you easily hopped up into the front seat, curling into a ball on the cold leather whilst snuggling into Stiles’ discarded jacket. 
“Well, that answered that question then” he grunted, slamming the door and hopping in the other side. 
“Hey, Stiles” Noah greeted his son as he watched the TV, “What happened to your date night with Y/N?”
“Scott called us. Thought he saw something on the mountain, but turns out it was just a coyote” he sighed, tossing the keys to Roscoe in the bowl by the front door, Noah looking back towards him.
“Where’s Y/N?” 
“About that…” Stiles began, looking down towards you as you padded into the front room, looking at Noah with sad eyes.
“Holy shit!” Noah sprung up, backing away from you, “What the hell are you thinking, Stiles?! Bringing a wild animal into the house? Have you finally gone insane?!” 
“Dad! Dad!” Stiles rushed to stand in front of you, “Not a wild animal”
“Who, Dad…who”
Noah gasped in disbelief, pointing down towards you, “Y/N?” 
You poked your nose around from the back of Stiles’ leg, Noah still staring at you with his mouth wide open.
“We don’t know. Scott went to talk to Deaton about it”
Noah bent down to your level, still trying to process the fact that you had turned into an animal.  You began to whine, half scared to death, and so Noah opened his arms to embrace you. You jumped up, placing your front two paws on his shoulders and nuzzling your nose into his shoulder, feeling his hands stroke your fur gently.
“Is there any way to shift her back?” He asked Stiles, still comforting your whining form.
“The only way we know is for Y/N to do it herself, but she can’t”
You jumped off of Noah and walked out of the front room, rushing towards the bathroom. Stiles followed you protectively and sighed sympathetically when he saw you whine as you approached the toilet. You turned your head and looked back towards Stiles, letting out a long breath. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I’m not helping you go to the toilet. Do you think you can…do it like…like the rest of the wolves in the world do?”
You sighed again, “I am going to kill someone”
You padded back downstairs, Stiles right behind you, passing Noah who was still stood where he was when he first saw you. You began pawing at the back door, indicating to Stiles that you really needed to go. 
“Stiles I swear to god, I haven’t pissed today and the only time I get to do so is when I happen to be a fucking dog. The least you could do is hurry the fuck up” 
“Alright, alright Y/N. Stop scratching the door for christ sake”
Stiles opened the door and watched as you hurried outside, running behind the large tree in the Stilinski back garden. Noah sighed, scaring Stiles slightly. 
“She’s a goddamn dog, Stiles” 
“No way” 
“What if she can’t shift her back? Like…ever?” 
“She will” Stiles stated, trying to convince himself more than his father, “There’s always a way” 
You jumped up on the sofa, curling into a small ball and laying your head on Stiles’ lap while watching the football game on TV. 
“Hey, princess” Stiles stroked your back, running his fingers through your fur. You snuggled into him further, looking up at him with sad eyes, “How shit do you feel right now” 
“I can’t answer you, Stiles. Think you stupid boy”
“You can’t answer me” he shook his head, still running his fingers through your fur. You lifted your head and looked around the room, trying to silently ask where Noah had gone.
“Where’s my dad?” 
You nodded your head, laying back down onto Stiles’ lap.
“Went to the vets, wanted to help Scott and Deaton. He said he would call me if they found anything”
You sighed loudly, before jumping down off the sofa and padding over towards the table where Stiles’ phone was, grabbing it in your mouth and flinging it on his lap. 
“What?” He asked, gesturing to the phone now shoved down the cushions of the sofa.
“Why else would I bring you your phone? Call them now” you thought to yourself, pushing the phone with your nose closer to Stiles. 
“Want me to call them now?” 
“YES!” You tried to shout, but instead, you began to whine angrily.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?!” 
You continued to whine, almost to a complete howl as you got so angry and frustrated at the fact that you couldn’t talk to anyone. Stiles caught on to your frustration and picked you up, much to your surprise, and hugged you tightly. You stopped whining and began to relax, slowly laying down on top of him.
“Feel better now?” He asked finally when he felt your breathing slow down. You licked his hand and grabbed the phone again, holding it above his palm.
“Fine, ok. I’ll call them. But listen, sweetheart, don’t get your hopes up yet, ok?” He sighed, placing the phone to his ear as he called Scott, “Hey, found anything yet?…..seriously?……she’s…well she’s not coping very well” 
You growled slightly, causing Stiles to chuckle slightly. 
“Just find a way and fast, she’s clearly getting cross with the fact that she’s, well I don’t know, a wolf……yeah, fine….ok we’ll see you later” 
Sighing, Stiles threw his phone onto the sofa and looked back at you, “Sorry” 
You huffed and placed your head on the armrest of the sofa, looking back towards the football game.
“It’s getting late…Scott said they’re going to be there overnight. Dad said that he’s going to stay so we need to lock up. Want to go to bed?”
You quickly jumped off the sofa and padded towards the stairs, making Stiles giggle as he turned off all the lights downstairs. He stood at the foot of the stairs with you, noticing you hadn’t moved in a few minutes.
“You ok?” 
You placed one paw on the first step and tried to begin to climb, but immediately you slipped and lost your footing, falling back to the floor with a big huff. You tried again but failed once more. After the third try, you looked up toward Stiles who had a big grin on his face and growled lowly.
“Hey big guy, please do something other than watching your girlfriend fall to the floor continually as she tries to climb a bloody flight of stairs”
“Want some help?” He asked patronisingly, wrapping his hands around you and lifting you up into his grasp, climbing the stairs as you licked his neck, making him squirm and laugh. 
“Cut that out, unless you want to fall down the entire flight of stairs again”
You sat on the end of Stiles’ bed, watching him sleepily as he changed into a loose jersey and pyjama bottoms.
“Still nothing from Scott. Sometimes hearing back from you McCalls is a challenge in itself”
You smiled and wagged your tail, making Stiles laugh.
“I’m just going to go and brush my teeth, you get comfortable and I’ll be back in a second. We can continue date night?” 
You stopped wagging your tail. 
“Yeah, I regret saying that too” he deadpanned, coughing slightly, “Star Wars?” 
“Not Star Wars again…anything but Star Wars”
“One for yes, two for no” he asked, frowning slightly after you barked twice, “Well, um…why don’t you pick out a DVD on the shelf and I’ll be right out”
As Stiles walked off, you huffed and plopped down onto the bed, closing your eyes. Being a wolf was hard work.
“Honey?” Stiles asked quietly, cautious that you had fallen asleep, “Y/N? You didn’t pick a film” 
You groaned and curled further into a ball, making Stiles laugh and get into bed, grabbing his laptop on the way. He spent 20 minutes searching all the lore and mythology he could find on the internet, his eyes occasionally flickering to you. 
“Y/N?”  He asked, watching you lift your head towards him, “You don’t have to sleep at my feet like my pet dog. As weird as it feels right now, you’re still my girlfriend” 
He lifted his duvet up to reveal the empty space in his double bed where you usually sleep. You stood up and stretched, wagging your tail before lying down next to him, placing your head on his chest. 
“Much better” Stiles said, kissing your wet nose and stroking the fur on your back. He stopped momentarily and looked at you, your eyes opening and meeting his.
“This is so weird. I can’t believe I’m in love with a goddamn animal” he chuckled at your frown, “But, I still love you. So much” 
You stretched your neck up towards him and licked his cheek, “I love you too”
The sunlight shone through the curtains the next morning and Stiles continued stroking your back, just the way he had done when the two of you fell asleep. He stirred and opened his eyes slowly, smiling as he looked down at your beautiful Y/C/H hair. 
His eyes snapped open fully, sitting up just enough so as not to jolt you too much as you slept peacefully. He looked over your soft skin, his hand tracing down your arms. He shifted slightly, tensing when he felt you fully exposed. 
“Y/N?” He whispered, shaking your arm slightly. 
“Five more minutes” you mumbled before sighing and snuggling further into his grip.
“I heard that” he smiled, starting to giggle when he saw your beautiful eyes snap open, just how his had moments ago. You moved your head upwards to look towards Stiles, his smile bigger than ever. He leant down and kissed you gently, cupping your face to pull you closer to him.
“I have been waiting so long to do that” he whispered as he pulled away.
“I was a wolf for a night” 
“Yeah, our date night”
“Well,” you smiled, leaning back up to kiss him again, “I guess we better make up for it tonight” 
“Oh yeah, Chinese and Star Wars” 
“Oh god, anything but Star Wars, please!” You laughed, “We should call Scott, let him know I’m human again”
“I’ll do it in a few minutes” he leant down, kissing you again while you wrapped your arm around his torso and pulled him closer. When you pulled away, you only then realised that you were fully naked, “Can I…?” 
“Oh! Yeah sure” he laughed, pulling his t-shirt off to give to you. Just as he pulled it over his head, Noah burst into the room, making the three of you scream, all for different reasons. You pulled the duvet up to cover you completely, Stiles stuttering next to you to try and form some sort of explanation.
Noah coughed and looked anywhere other than at the two of you. 
“Please tell me you used protection”
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markonasurface · 6 years
“Did that just wink at me?”
“I hate these things,” Neil muttered.
Andrew shot him a look, head tilted just right so that the last of the day’s sunlight lit up his face and lightened his already light eyes. It almost made Neil recant his statement. Almost.
“They’re pointless.”
“No, they’re not,” Kevin looked at them over the top of his seat.
“Ha,” Nicky leaned across Aaron and continued, “Says the guy who looks like he wants to puke every time we come to one of them.”
Kevin grimaced at him as Aaron shoved him back over to his side of the seat.
Before Kevin could list all the reasons why these banquets were not pointless, Wymack stood and clapped to get everyone’s attention. Andrew returned to staring out his window but Neil straightened in his seat.
“Alright!” He yelled, voice reaching the back of the bus. “We’re almost there, guys. Be polite, don’t isolate yourselves, refrain from fighting, you don’t have to mingle, but at least pretend you’re enjoying the festivities. Watch the sass. If you feel like punching someone in the face, don’t. If you feel like punching your teammate in the face, definitely don’t, or I’ll bench you for the foreseeable future.” He stared pointedly at Jack, then back at Neil and Andrew.
Neil clenched his hands into fists.
“Don’t embarrass me or I’ll sign you all up for a marathon.”
As the bus slowed and Abby put it in park, Wymack muttered, “There’s no way things could go worse than our last two winter banquets.”
“Hey, Kevin.” Nicky was leaning over Aaron and into the aisle again. Neil saw Kevin had paled. He watched him press down on his left hand as if he was imagining the gruesome events two years past that had led to him joining the Foxes. Nicky’s voice lost the teasing, playful edge and he sounded concerned. “You gonna be okay?”
Neil realized Kevin wasn’t trying to push imaginary bones back into his hand but was trying to stop his hands from shaking.
“Let’s go!” Neil flinched at Wymack’s shout. “Everybody off!”
Wymack walked down the aisle, then stopped, sitting on the seat in front of Kevin’s. Nicky reluctantly followed Aaron off the bus but looked back repeatedly.
Neil got up to give them some privacy but heard Wymack say, “Remember what Betsy told you to do. Breathe ...”
“What did Coach mean when he said things can’t go worse than the last two winter banquets?” a freshman asked.
No one answered. Finally Matt said, “Don’t worry about it.”
“Oh, c’mon!” someone protested.
Dan smiled as Neil and Andrew stepped off the bus. She used her phone to take a picture and Neil gaped. “Dan!”
She ignored him in favor of looking at the sure to be newest picture added to her wall collage in the lounge. Abby wrapped an arm around Dan’s waist and said, “That’s a great picture. Want me to get one of you and Matt?”
“Sure!” Dan handed over her phone.
“Beautiful!” Abby encouraged. “Now Allison and Renee get in there, too!”
It was a good ten minutes before their coach appeared, his son in tow.
“What are you all standing around for?” Wymack demanded. “Let’s go.”
As they entered the ballroom the banquet was being held in, other teams stopped to stare. The Foxes weren’t exactly the most popular team in their division. They found their seats at the table nearest the one reserved for coaches.
Of course.
“Like I don’t see enough of you brats,” Wymack muttered.
They started taking their seats across from the Jackals. Kevin put his hand on the back of a chair but paused. His hand patted his chest and his frown deepened.
“I forgot my tie on the bus,” he said. He turned and headed to the doors and froze.
The Ravens had just arrived. Their new coach led the way into the ballroom. Her blonde hair was slicked back into a tight bun. She quickly joined the other coaches without a glance back at her team.
Andrew nudged Neil and pointed his chin in the direction of the doors.
Although an investigation was launched into the Edgar Allan Ravens following Kevin’s implications and Riko’s suicide, at least two thirds of the team were kept on, most juniors or seniors. Dan, Kevin, and Neil had discussed the new team at length. Their going theory was that the veteran team members were bullying the newbies into doing things they didn’t want to do.
Their matching outfits were the same as last year. Though not as perfect, their movements were still semi-synchronized. Each one of them made sure to push past Kevin, banging him with their shoulder.
Dan got up from her seat, glaring at their captain as she passed him. He showed no emotion but Neil saw his eyes flick down to her shoes. She grabbed Kevin’s arm and he startled.
She whispered in his ear and they walked over to the drink table.
Neil pushed his seat out but was stopped by Andrew’s hand on his thigh. He glanced over, and Andrew gave a small shake of his head. He sighed through his nose, part of him wanting to ignore Andrew’s warning.
“So Vice Captain, huh?”
He raised an eyebrow at the voice.
“Why you?” Brooklyn Daly asked.
A couple of his teammates stopped talking to listen in on the conversation. After the Ravens, the Jackals were their last choice of teams to sit across from. They were unnecessarily rough and Neil was almost certain they had a couple of undiagnosed psychopaths on their team.
“You’re nearly the shortest member on your team,” he continued. “You nearly got them all killed last year. And you’re mouthy. Not exactly a good thing in a future captain. Ugh, and you’re ugly.”
“What’s your excuse?” Neil finally said. He didn’t answer so Neil elaborated, “I was burned and sliced up by a crazy lady. You were born with that face.”
Even a few of the Jackals snickered. Brooklyn shot them a look.
“We are going to destroy your team this year,” he sneered. “You’ll be the first team out of the conference. We’re gonna wipe the floor with your orange coated -”
Andrew made a noise and everyone looked at him.
“Oh, shut up,” he said. “You’ll be lucky if your team is announced tonight.”
The comment started a round of bickering and a few players even stood up to lean over the table and get in each other’s faces.
“Hey!” Wymack yelled. “Sit all of your asses down or I will sign you all up for a marathon? You hear me?”
“Yes, Coach,” the Foxes muttered.
Wymack sent a glare at the other team. “I said, ‘You hear me?’”
This time, the Jackals and the Foxes all answered, “Yes, Coach!”
Neil could’ve sworn even some of the players from other teams not involved answered. The night was of course off to a great start.
Nicky took a sip from his punch. He grimaced. “Did that just wink at me?” He looked disgusted.
“I think he’s winking at Neil,” Renee said.
Andrew stiffened and Neil smirked the tiniest bit. Allison joined them against the wall, fanning herself a little.
“When you leave me to dance by myself, losers start trying to grab me,” she complained.
“Pretty sure Jensen wasn’t just trying,” Kevin said. He took a step back and groaned.
The freshman Neil recruited walked up and said, “You look like you could use a dance.”
Kevin didn’t even try to hide the look on his face, but before he could say anything, Allison stepped in. She took Kevin’s hand and led him onto the dance floor without looking at the freshman and walked past a boy who had clearly wanted to ask her to dance.
“Everybody hates us, but they don’t mind flirting and trying to hook up with us at these things,” Nicky said. “Disgusting.”
“You love it,” Neil pointed out and Renee laughed.
“When can we get out of here?” Andrew demanded.
Neil look at the clock on the wall. They all turned when Wymack cleared his throat. “Snowstorm. The road home is closed.”
“We didn’t get hotel rooms,” Neil pointed out.
“I’m sure there’s a motel somewhere.”
A freshman from another team approached. Nicky raised an eyebrow. Wymack stopped talking mid sentence. As it became clear who his intended target was, Neil shifted uncomfortably. He hated when freshmen came up to him and gushed; he rather they bothered Kevin.
“H-hi, Neil,” he said.
Wymack subtly popped the back of Neil’s head and Neil glared. “Hi,” he said, something pricking at the back of his thoughts. Something familiar.
“It’s been awhile,” he said.
Neil straightened.
“We played together on the Dingos,” he prompted.
“Oh, right,” Neil said, running through his former teammates. Suddenly, it dawned on him. “Uh, Jonah?”
Jonah smiled. “You remember?”
“Yeah. I just didn’t -”
“I lost about 50 pounds between junior and senior year,” he explained. “I’m playing for the Tornados.”
“Congrats, man,” Neil said after mentally running through a list of appropriate answers given to him by Kevin.
Jonah scratched the back of his neck, blushing. “Could we, uh, exchange numbers? Catch up sometime?”
He felt Andrew shift closer to him. Then Renee said, “Dance with me, Andrew.”
When they were gone, Neil said, “I don’t know my number.”
“I’ll give you mine.”
Neil pulled his phone out of his pocket and tried to turn it on. Nicky let out a laugh and Wymack muttered, “Typical.”
Jonah looked crestfallen and Neil felt relief that he’d walk away, but then Nicky said, “Here.” He handed over his phone. “Put your number in there and when we get back to a phone charger, Neil will text you.”
“It’s really good to see you, Neil.”
Neil gave a short wave. When Jonah’s back was to them, he turned on Nicky. “Why?”
“Helping the poor kid out,” Nicky grinned. “Don’t tell Andrew I got his number for you.”
“Doesn’t matter. I’m not gonna text him.”
“What is wrong with men?” Allison demanded. A couple of the freshmen objected, but she ignored them. “If I was dancing with Renee or Dan, they’d step in without even asking if it was okay.”
“It’s cause your boyfriend isn’t a six foot four backliner,” Nicky said.
“Could you get one of those for the next banquet?” Kevin asked as he passed her seat. “I’d rather not spend so much time with you.”
Allison glared. “I fucking saved your ass, too.” She looked meaningfully toward the front of the bus where the freshmen girls were getting on.
Kevin waved her off and dropped into the seat in front of Neil and Andrew.
“Are you seriously ignoring me?” Neil whispered.
Andrew continued staring out the window. It was dark outside and the lights were on in the bus so Neil could see his reflection. Neil huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.
“It’s cold,” Nicky whined. “Can we get the heat going?”
Wymack adjusted his coat as he stepped onto the bus. Snow fell to the floor. He faced his team and said, “We’re going to try to make it as close to the highway as possible. There’s a motel around there.”
The streets were empty but with the storm Wymack took it slow. By the time they reached the motel, half the team was asleep. Wymack left with Abby.
When he came back, he clapped his hands. “Listen up!” he called. “I was only able to get us three rooms. Normally, they don’t like to let more than four people in a room but because of the snowstorm, they’re making an exception. That means eight of you in one room and seven in the other, got it?”
“Can we at least have the extra mattress from yours and Abby’s room?” Jack asked.
Wymack narrowed his eyes. “No. I don’t care how you guys decide the rooms, but no drama. No fighting. No vandalism or fires or any of that bullshit. We’re just here until the roads clear.”
“What about clothes?” someone asked.
“Dammit.” Wymack had clearly forgotten they had left their extra clothes at the Foxhole Court in their rush. “You’re legally adults. Use common sense.”
He dropped two keys into Dan’s hand.
“Everyone off the bus.”
“At least the monsters don’t want to talk,” Allison said as they all huddled into the lobby.
“I don’t think the freshmen should be left unsupervised,” Dan told her.
Matt sighed. “I just wanna get to sleep.” He draped his arms around Dan, eyes half closed.
“Sorry, babe,” she said. “I’m going with the freshmen.” She handed one of the keys to Renee. “C’mon, freshmen.”
As soon as they stepped into their room with the ugly green, red and brown carpet and slightly musty smell, Nicky said, “We should put the mattresses together and sleep sideways.” They pushed a table and chair aside so the mattresses could be against the wall.
They waited for the delivery of extra blankets and pillows. Neil followed Andrew into the bathroom, unbuttoning his collared white shirt.
“Can we talk?”
Andrew turned on the faucet, eyes on Neil’s in the mirror.
“Andrew,” Neil grumbled.
“Why don’t you go talk to Jonah?”
Neil rolled his eyes. “Seriously? That’s what this is about?” He watched Andrew’s face, waiting for some sign he was joking.
“Or that Bearcat tool who was winking at you?”
“What?” He couldn’t believe this was happening. He didn’t think he’d ever see this happening. Andrew was petty, but - “Are you really punishing me for something other guys did?”
“I saw the smirk on your face,” Andrew accused.
Neil stepped closer. “I did not have a smirk on my face.”
“You have one right now!” Andrew hissed.
“You know I only care about you looking at me,” Neil said and took another step closer. He was trying really hard to keep a straight face but Andrew looked so - so attractive when he was trying to stay upset with Neil. “I don’t even notice anyone else when I’m with you.”
Andrew leaned back against the bathroom counter. Neil watched him bite his lip as he considered him.
“Yes?” Neil held out a hand.
“Shut up.”
Andrew gripped the front of his shirt and pulled him down to his level. He kissed him hard on the mouth once before moving to kiss his neck.
Neil sighed. “So you don’t just like it when I suck on y-your neck.” Andrew bit him just hard enough and Neil gasped. “I’m yours, Drew.”
He leaned away and Andrew looked up at him with questioning eyes. Neil hovered a hand by his cheek and said, “I mean it. I’m only yours.”
When they returned to the bedroom, their roommates were in various states of undress but all seemed to be asleep. Neil tripped over Allison’s dress on his way to the bed.
The thud his body made as it hit the floor had Aaron flinching awake, pulling the cover off of Kevin. Kevin, in turn, tried to pull Allison and Renee’s blanket over his bare shoulders. Allison hit his chest but he kept sleeping.
Andrew settled with his back to the wall and Neil squeezed between him and Nicky who resembled half a starfish. He pushed Nicky’s limbs so he had more space.
“Why’s it so freaking cold?” Neil whispered.
“The radiator’s broken,” Aaron mumbled. “Ow, what the fuck?”
Neil sat up and looked over Nicky at Aaron. He watched as Aaron tried to shove Allison’s hand out of his face.
“Allison, stop hogging the blanket,” Renee mumbled. She shivered even with her knees tucked under Kevin’s long sleeved undershirt. When Allison didn’t respond, Renee tugged on the blanket.
Allison rolled over, her hand finally on the other side of Kevin, so Aaron lay back down. Less than two minutes later, he sat up again.
“What now?” Neil asked.
“Can you guys go to sleep?” Andrew demanded.
They could feel Aaron moving. “Nicky, share your blanket.”
Neil sat up when Nicky rolled closer to him instead. “Tell Allison and Kevin to move over. There’s, like, two feet between them and Renee.” Renee had rolled herself in the blanket she was supposed to be sharing with Allison and Allison had in turn pulled Kevin and Aaron’s blanket over herself.
“Nicky,” Andrew said and pushed his shoulder.
“Share your blanket with Aaron so we can all go to sleep already.”
Neil’s eyes shot open. He held his breath for a second until he could get a grip on his surroundings. He relaxed instantly when he felt Andrew’s hand squeeze his hip.
He turned onto his side to meet his eyes in the dark. They were bloodshot. Neil sat up and looked at the motel provided alarm clock. They’d been asleep for maybe two hours.
Another series of quiet thuds on the door reminded Neil what had woken them. He shivered in his undershirt and dress pants as he made his way to the door. Rubbing one eye, he peered through the peephole to see who was there.
There was no exchanging of words. Neil simply unlocked the door and held it open for Matt. Matt blinked his eyes, took in their set up, and lay down in the scant space between Renee and Allison. Even curled up his feet hung over the edge.
In the morning they reconvened in the motel lobby. Dan sat in a chair, looking worse for wear.
“Sorry, babe,” Matt yawned. He kissed the top of her head.
“How did Matt end up in our room?” Nicky asked.
Dan glared at the freshmen as Matt explained, “The freshmen wouldn’t stop talking. Then when they finally stopped, Jack and Sheena decided to have sex with the rest of us still there. And then someone suggested group masturbation and I was done. Neil let me in.”
“Told you,” Allison said.
“How was your night?” Dan asked.
“We were all in bed by midnight.”
“So were we,” Jack told them.
Aaron rolled his eyes. “We were all asleep by midnight.”
“Okay, folks!” Wymack clapped his hands. “Everyone on the bus before I decide to leave you.”
As they headed out of the motel, Jack snickered, “Sure you were all asleep by midnight.” He tugged at Neil’s collar revealing a deep purple bruise.
Neil blushed and shoved Jack away.
There were oohs and aahs but Neil only the heard the man next to him. “Don’t touch him,” Andrew warned, voice flat.
They made their way to their usual seats at the back of the bus, ignoring the teasing. Most of their teammates fell asleep ten minutes into the drive home and only then did Andrew put his hand on Neil’s thigh.
He continued staring out the window but Neil smiled. He inched closer just a little and whispered, “Yours.”
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EOR SE.RA.PH Singularity: Act 4
Leaving the final Act and epilogue... Hopefully this can be done before going back to JP, especially given Reines Case files is ending way earlier than Seraph. I’m heading out for Doujima in the weekend, and grinding for Eater X is going to be hell
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Act 4 (1/4)
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After beating Caesar... It’s still not surprising that there’s more Servants left on the rear side, Cat. Then again... At least no one fell for his smooth-talking this time round. If anything, yes, Cat is one of our iron chef in Chaldea Kitchen!
Gaining Lip immediately as Tamamo Cat’s next disciple... Thankfully she avoided going to actual Beni-Enma’s Hell’s Kitchen to learn. Seeing Melt happy for Lip being able to speak up without worrying on other’s opinions, she eventually appreciate Gudas for not killing her back then. And that’s no way to shoo Emiya Alter away, Cat!
Cat’s case is still surprising for me so far. None of them are Alter Egos class yet potentially to be one... Or given in Lostbelt there’s already one debatable to be either Assassin or Alter Ego. Something that surprise Melt never realized it until now, except Lip
Melt then explained to Cat what part of BB they were based on as she and Lip are completely different from each other. In basic term, Melt is a sadist and Lip is a masochist which hence they are a good pair to each other.
Emiya Alter returns once Melt finished revealing more about herself, asking if Suzuka is the only Sentinel left. With Melt’s guess on where Suzuka is, our next destination is to head for the spine
Before Emiya Alter suggest we take back BB’s advice to defeat Suzuka again the same way we defeat Lip. But, aside from the issue Suzuka has with the original Tamamo... Hope Tama Cat has a way to beat her down then
Act 4 (2/4)
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A dead end instead of a path to the Spine... A good question to learn.... It turns out Sakurament is basically QP where BB make us do the dirty work to collect all even if it’s not necessary. Yeah, I didn’t church allowed sending asshole Arnold to talk to us too, Cat
No shit, we don’t even know about Seraphix in the first place. Anyway, looks like Arnold got the map of the Planetarium we’re looking for. I think he’s more than just cog in the machine, Emiya Alter.... But, we’ll need to settle that later. I think there could be worse people to be in charge, Melt...
Though, we got 25 hours+ left aka 15 minutes before Seraphix sink to the bottom. Thank you for your concern, Lip. But we need to focus on the bigger issue to find Suzuka and get to the planetarium. Guys, Gudas really appreciate your concern for them, BUT LET’S NOT DO SOMETHING CRAZY AS DECIDING TO THROW THEM OUT FOR SERVANTS TO EAT AS MUCH I’D LIKE TO!
And despite their bickering or so, both Lip and Melt are really close to each other. Or, at least once they develop more sense of self and others, they really care for each other a lot. Also again, you’re hiding something, aren’t you, Melt? Nevertheless, we’re still trusting you, no matter what
After Melt giving another talk to the Gudas about herself, we move on to find Suzuka!
Act 4 (3/4)
Reaching to the temple soon... We’re definitely close with Tama Cat confirming her presence. Emiya Alter briefly mentions about who Suzuka is and her historical deeds in the past. To be honest, I don’t know who’s real or not but Tamamo originally IS a nine-tail fox.
Lip’s turn to mention about her tragic love story that she was known for. Yeah for someone supposed to be intellect, I’m guessing all of it went to her high school chunnibyou. Though have to admit, her strength is something with her bloodlust craving for fights.
At the mention of Masters.... WE DEFINITELY HAVE NOT SEEN A SINGLE ONE ASIDE FROM GUDAS! What the hell?! This is still one of the biggest mystery that has been yet to solve...
Anyway, reached her temple at last. Suzuka is right there all ready to kick our ass again. Before that, where’s your Master, Suzuka? .... Okay, looks like she don’t even know who her Master is.... Regardless, we’re not letting you touch Tristan to settle your score for the Holy Grail.
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5~6 turns later... That’s some fucking gimmick to keep herself alive until the finals of the Holy Grail War. Wait Melt... Before we throw that key away, there should be a way to use it from that defective AI. And shut up, Arnold! Spectators should just keep quiet and watch!
And you, Suzuka! Are you okay being that stupid, useless and inferior AI’s Servant?! YEAH, I’M CALLING YOU A FLUNKY, CHUNNIBYOU! Tama’s right, you’re nothing but a puppet to that stupid AI right now! If you’re really planning to follow your Master’s wish, then let’s end this properly!!
Thanks to Tama Cat’s trap... Time to unlock her heart! I’m feeling sorry for Hakunos at this point.... Relax we don’t event want to do this. Blame the fucking writer who needs everything to be a sex scene.
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One showdown of Suzuka and her boyfriend Hijikata later.... Not so fast on the dramatic suicide, Suzuka! Yeah, you’re definitely way too dramatic, Suzuka! There’s such thing of people dying of a broken heart... But, you’re perfectly fine! For a previously married divine goddess, there’s nothing about you like a high school girl...
Argh enough drama! Cat, do your job and smack-talk some sense into her! And we’re the winner, so we decided you get to live or not. And, we take the former of you living to join us! I’ll pass on your friend request... Social media been avoiding weird people to add later on Facebook in particular
Before we go back, another earthquake? Wait... This is..... The Demon God Pillar Zepar!! Why the---What the fuck?! It turned the whole area upside down!! We’re saved, but Melt took the hit for Gudas!!!
I don’t think they can understand us, Lip! And if we’re at the lowest... Oh fuck that’s where Zepar is supposed to be reborn!!!
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Eight hours before we bottom! And we’re already long before you start yapping, Arnold! We’re going to save Melt, so no, we’re not going back without Melt! Lastly, you’re not even the boss of us so peace out!
Suzuka’s direction is helpful now we can get back to business. Enough of arguing who’s coming, and don’t you implied Lip’s weight, Suzuka! It’s just you and Gudas, so do your job properly.
Meanwhile, Melt woken up to remember she fallen while saving the Gudas. The Rejection Calf aka the Disposal area... Her legs broke from the fell back there. Her body has really hit her limit ever since the arrival of Gudas. Closing her eyes, she reminiscence her memories with the Gudas and more about her true thoughts.
Thankfully, the Gudas picked her out of there before she got destroyed once and for all. Gripping tight of her hand and ignoring the harem yapping, we got to get out of there before 3 Shapeshifter, 3 Eaters and 1 fucking giant Rider boar coming at us!!!
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.... And there’s more! Yup, I agree with you there, Suzuka. THIS IS COMPLETELY FUCKING BULLSHIT!!! Hey, don’t forget the rope to get us out of there!! And... The rope was cut?! What the hell?!!
But... Tristan is here and he managed to save us! Oh right, you flew with that harp of yours in Halloween event.... That’s another way to get us out of there, or not. Let’s create a camp session until someone picked up up. Tempting to beat Arnold, but that’s a goner. Wait, Cruel Thenar... Melt’s former workplace? .... I guess a pathetic AI decided to use her brains for once to save us
Ah typical loser who decided to squish the final two contestant just to get her reward. Well, where’s our supposed next battle with you? Now? Yeah yeah, you may have a certain thing like Tiamat, Goetia and so on. You’re in the end just an AI who felt the need to better herself than everyone at how fucking weak you really are. A sad case, truly.
Hold on, mistake? Weren’t you the one started this whole stupid mess?! How the hell did things fucked up!! And knew it, obviously she’s going to send us down than up
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Meanwhile... Good thing Arnold’s not a Master, otherwise, I’d like to see him the first Master get betrayed and screwed by his Servant. Considering he heartlessly get both his Director and Deputy Director killed... And now trying to get Gudas to obey him by force
And since Emiya Alter is here? Or the one who betrayed us too.... Yeah, thank you for doing everyone a favor to kill him. It’s about time someone needs to kill off that irritating character. And Mable? Oh why her?! Wait... You killed them to prevent Animusphere experiment...?
But the voice that attacked Emiya Alter... OKAY WHAT THE FUCK? That’s like an interior of a demon pillar! I thought we killed that!! This person talking to Emiya Alter is someone he knew well, given how they now spoke about themselves...
And the bloodied past, of Emiya Alter... Taunting him as the whole screen now turned bloody too. So, they are the ones who killed Gawain too! Whatever Emiya Alter have his reason, he needed to kill them in our world since he already know what they will be like in a certain distant future.
Act 4 (4/4)
Definitely right at the bottom of where Melt’s workplace originally is... At the most painful landing ever. Melt then explained Cruel Thenar was once a place to excavated oil... Aka finding leylines in truth. Oh, you want us to enter your heart?
That makes things easier in a sense. Nah, it’s fine, it’s more annoying to beat around the bush, Lip. Yeah we got the key after we ripped off from that AI before falling down. Well... At least, we got a job to do. Oh please, not all of Gudas are interested in woman. There’s this called of “I’m gay and my life is hell in a harem manga”, so there. With Lip’s advice, time to enter her heart to unlock this area!
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And WE’RE FUCKING DONE WITH HER! DW just give us a fucking Anti-Alter Ego class already!!! But with that down, Melt then showed us a way to the Planetarium via her territory. And.... We’re back at the front! That’s enough rest, you’re coming with us back to the church. So keep quiet or we’ll drop and break your legs here!
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No one is here to greet us... Where did Mable and Arnold go? What the... Emiya Alter is not even here! Before that... Some AI dropped a nice invitation to go beat her up. Hey, it’s not like we didn’t beat her over and over again like she deserved it under Martha’s punch.
That’s right, Tristan. It’s gone far too long for this Holy Grail War. With Melt back at the chapel resting, we head off to the core to get Ruler Martha, Amakusa and Jeanne to gang up on her.
After we left, Melt then begans her own monologue. Thinking there should be a way out for Gudas, she hope Suzuka, Tristan and Cat eventually found a way to do so.
And really done for the day... Literally.... Because all my energy was wasted in walking with an eventually broken shoe, running back to my house to wear a new one before heading for my interview is gone. Plus, today’s also happened to be one of the many worst days.... I’m going to need sleep before grinding some quest for KP
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ssnakey-b · 6 years
FF8 English-French translarison, part 18: A tribe called Side-quest
Hello again, everybody! It’s been a while but we’re back! Quick refresher: last time, we went over the many differences in the concert scene and the stuff leading up to it.
And now, Squall wakes up and is being summoned to the bridge, but before that, let’s take another look around Balamb Garden and see if there’s anything of interest, shall we?
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First little thing, the CC Club. For the most part the dialogue with Jack here (or Valet in French) is pretty much the same in both languages, but there is one small difference, in that in English, the CC members other than the King are described as “Card _____” whereas in French, they are just referred to as their title. So for example, you get “The Knight of Clubs” instead of “Card Knight Club” (by the way, “Knight Club” sounds like the name of a place that specializes in all-sorceress bachelorette parties).
Also, the Joker is referred to as just that, not Magician Joker, although the Jack does call him a magician once.
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Here’s something interesting if you talk to Irvine. Most of lines are pretty much the same, except for one, where in French, he says “There’s no big secret to hitting on girls, you gotta look cool!” whereas in English, he gives Squall the following advice: “Like... I’ve been thinking about this for a while now... Maybe you should loosen up a bit? You’ll be sure to get girls that way...!”
Weird that only that one line would be so different. Also, thanks for your input, mister Love Doctor, but I think Squall is going to stick to the patented Loire-Leonhart seduction technique: be lucky enough that you’re so hot girls go after you, and not you after them, in spite of your massive awkwardness”. Seriously, between Laguna’s cramp and Squall’s... self, their family line would have extinguished itself centuries ago if it weren’t for their absurdly good genes and actually had to put any effort into wooing ladies.
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Skipping ahead to plot stuff, this is a good spot to tell you that in French, Squall’s title isn’t “commander” but “chef”. And no, that doesn’t mean he’s a cook, that word actually just means “chief” or “boss”. The term used in English comes from the title “chef cuisinier”, which translates as “Head cook”.
But yeah, the French title is kinda lame regardless. It’s such a generic title. Don’t know why they couldn’t use “commandant”, which you know, actually is a military rank and would describe Squall’s role far better. “Chef” sounds more like something cops would call their boss in a TV show. Although I will say, now that I think of it, I so want a whodunnit series where Balamb Garden is a police headquarter.
More importantly, though, we have a very different reaction from Squall depending on the version. In English, he actually gets annoyed and asks Quistis not to call him that. In French, he’s more confused and just repeats “Chef?” as shown above.
Anyway, Squall’s filthy assistants suggest checking on Balamb but fuck that, we’re going on side quests! Yeah, I figure that now that the game world is finally almost completely opened up, it’s a good time to start doing these, and generally exploring. Plus, I’ve worked out a neat way to alternate between side quests and plot stuff at least until the battle of the Gardens, so it’s nice to have a bit of organization for a change.
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First stop, Obel Lake. We have another bizarre change here as in the English text, the shadow you can meet after humming a song sends you on a quest to find his friend, Mr. Monkey (and with that, it just occurred to me how freaking weird that game can get). But in the French version, his friend is called “Ryo the idiot”.
Yeah, they’re nothing a like and I really wonder what prompted each version. Again, if you played another localisation of the game and they call it something else, I’d love to hear what it is.
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After we find the idiot / monkey / idiot monkey and return to mr. Shadow (hm, is it the same one from Fifth Element?), we have another interesting difference as in French, the shadow says “Booyaka” to great you. Looks like Selphie’s catchphrase did catch on to someone after all!
Now then, you may be aware that relaying his friend’s whereabouts makes the shadow give you some helpful hints as a reward, and of them is to “take some time off at Eldbeak Peninsula”. Once you get there, you find some weird message, and the trick is to literally take the words “time” and “off” away from the message the reveal another hint.
Of course, that would only work in English, so what did they do for the French version? Well, the shadow tells you “Retire tes pompes à Eldbeak Peninsula”, which means “take off your shoes at Eldbeak Peninsula”. And indeed, removing the words “tes pompes” pulls the same trick.
Also, annoyingly, the shadow’s hint refers to the place as Eldbeak Peninsula despite being translated as “Crête d’Eldbeak” in French, and since the hint is in a very specific spot and could find it right away, I ended up wondering if I got to the wrong place at first and started looking futilely around for an Eldbeak Peninsule (or a “Péninsule d’Eldbeak”), until checking the Internet confirmed that I was in the right place at the beginning.
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If you go back to the dumbass ape after you manage to skip the rock “many, many times” (or “an incalculable amount of times” in French), he’ll get angry and start yelling “Ahhh! Darn it! Y-You’re just a big loser! I’m able to skip the rock as many times as I want! So there! Ha-Hah! Loser! Dork! Idiot! Your mom wears combat boots!”
Well that certainly was creative, although I think most of the cast except Linoa and Zell is immune to “yo mama” jokes, what with being orphans and all. ANyway, he is a bit more restrained in French, going “For God’ssake! How can anyone suck so bad? What a butterfingers, really! I can skip rocks 100 more times than you!”
Do note I specified “a bit”.
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Moving on to Timber, let’s see what’s new. This little girl says her mom will let her have a cat when Timber is independent in both versions, and in both versions, she struggles with the word “independent”, but they way to present it is different. In English, she slowly sounds it out. In French, she mispronounces it as “indéTendant”, with a T instead of a P. Well, can’t blame her, I’d rather have a T than a P too. Thank you all for coming, I’ll be here all week!
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This guy says that his girlfriend keeps nagging him, saying he’s a loser. In the English version, he than whines that if someone had told him not to give up back then, he would have tried harder, proving his girlfriend right. Oddly, he doesn’t say that second part in the French version, so you don’t get a hint that you should have encouraged him earlier, because apparently this guy makes career decisions based on the advice of random passers-by.
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Here’s a very interesting one as the dialogue with both NPCs goes in waaaaayyyy different directions. In English, the mom says “I’m so proud of my daughter. You guys help your parents out, too while you can. They may not ask for it, but it’ll make them really happy.”
Tssssss... about thaaaaat...
Let’s move swiftly on. In French, she instead says “From time to time, I feel like I am my daughter’s grandmother. Strange, isn’t it?”.
As for the daughter, in English, she says “It”s quite tough being the eldest daughter. I have a lot of responsibilities... But I love my parents who adopted me and my twin brothers.”
Gee whiz, it keeps getting more and more awkward. In French, she says “Sometimes, I feel like I’m my parents’ mom... That’s strange, right?”.
So yeah, very different and all kidding aside, I once again have to give it to the English version, as I like the mention of the kids being adopted. It goes to show that the main characters aren’t the only orphans in that world.
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Back to smaller differences with these two. For the most part, their dialogue is the same, with the girl saying she used to get fired up but calmed down later on, and in English, the guy says “you were just as attractive when you used to beat me up.” whereas in French, he says “Oh! The beatings she would give me whenever I tried ti give her a little kiss!”.
Well... still a healthier relationship than 50 Shades of Grey, I suppose. Not by much, but hey...
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Inside the pub, in the English version, the lady says it’s called Aphrora and that it’s related to an Aurora. However, in the French version, she straight-up says it’s called Aurora. In both versions, she then adds that it means “drink until you see [an/the] aurora,” but interestingly, in English, she tells us to come back for drinks when we’re older, while in French she jokes that “considering the décor, it should be ‘drink until you stop seeing the horror’.“
But far more importantly, this:
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Alright, so in the English version, she explains that her boss and his wife are part of different resistance groups, respectively, the Forrest Duck and the Forrest Fox, and that it resembles their relationship.
In French, she says her boss is a “Canard de la Forêt”, which does translate to “Forrest Duck”... but then adds that his wife is part of a different group (which she doesn’t name) and that she always changes one letter from he name of her husband’s group.
Now, this to me seems like a covert yet very obvious reference to the word “connard” (meaning she technically changes two letters but let’s not nitpick), which is a variation on “con” which is French for “cunt”. The closest I could translate that is would be “cunter”.
So yeah, that’s some classic crap getting past the radar right there, although I’m not sure it was even necessary considering the translations of later FF games include similarly coarse language such as “merde” and “connerie”, another variation on “con”.
I should point out that the French are generally way more cool with swearing than Americans seem to be, and boy howdy do we love ourselves some cunts and variations of it. We have cunters, cuntesses, cunteries, etc... Yeah, you’re not gonna have the outraged reactions you’d get from that in America over here. We basically use “cunt” the same way you guys use “fuck / fucker / fuckery / etc”.
In fact, I remember the French dub of one of the Harry Potter movies has Harry call Ron a cunt as well, at some point. It doesn’t help that with a few exceptions, we don’t really have mild swears in French, it’s usually either tame or strong, so translators often go for the stronger option when a scene needs the extra punch, with sometimes hilarious results.
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Anyway, let’s move on. I’m putting this above screenshot in English because this guy seems to have an accent or something, which is absent in the French version. Although that does seem to confirm the previous mention of accents in the FF world, which is a neat bit of lore.
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If you go back to the area where two kids are playing on the train tracks, you can rescue the little girl after she falls and nearly gets crushed by a train, because apparently Squall just wasn’t sexy enough, so he also has to save adorable little girls to make women will swoon some more. More relevantly, after the girl thanks you, a model train appears to bring some news, which apparently travel very fast in Timber.
In English, it says the girl was saved “in the nick of time” by a brave young man. The French version make sit a bit more grisly, saying she was saved “from a horrible death”.
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If you talk to this girl a couple times, she’ll tell you a story about how she was nearly hit by a train and was saved by a very handsome man named Loire (guess it runs in the family) and how he was the man of her dreams and Squall presumably starts feeling nauseated and ddoesn’t understand why. In French, she tells the same story but oddly, she can’t remember his name as well, and calls him La Gooma instead.
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And now we move on to Dollet, where there is quite a bit to look at. First thing of note is this guy and his sister; they have quite a bit to say, but the reason I bring him up is that at some point in the French version (and only that one as far as I’m aware), he name-drops Corto Maltese by saying he wants to be a sailor, like him.
For anyone who may not be aware, Corto Maltese is the titular character from a cult classic Italian adventure comic series by Hugo Pratt. Even though it never really became a huge mainstream name, it was still very popular, especially in the seventies it seems. As a result, you probably won’t be surprised to hear it often gets pretty psychedelic, not to mention the art style is rather unusual (but gorgeous) to begin with.
Corto is indeed a sailor, although I don’t remember him ever actually doing much sailing (not that I have read many of the albums although I do recommend them), to the point that in the movie adaptation (which, much like the comics, is excellent yet very obscure), he claims his sailor hat was a gift, and he always ends up embroiled in massive adventures and conspiracies, somewhere between Indiana Jones and James Bond.
And as I alluded to, although the comic is pretty famous, it’s still fairly obscure so it’s pretty amazing to see it brought up in Final Fantasy of all things.
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If you talk to this kid, whom is playing hide-and-seek, he tells Squall to go away in both versions, but there’s a slight difference. In English, the kid calls him “mister,” which surprises Squall a bit and he replies that he’s only 17. In French though, the kid calls the group “old guys” and Squall understandably gets more upset about it. Either way, I do love how that’s one of the few things that gets him to explicitly react to what an NPC is saying. Guess even he can’t always be above vanity.
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Here’s a bit I love. When you talk to the guy in the green vest and you tell him the town hasn’t changed, he then starts to recognize you as the kids who were being chased the giant robot spider (or robo-crab, as the French version puts it). You then get two options. The English ones are fairly standard: either “don’t know” or “can’t say who, but we know.”
The French one got a bit cute with it, and your choices are “Not at all, What robo-crab?” and “It was our brothers and sisters...”. If you pick the first answer, it’s also different. In English, he just says it’s his job to make repairs. In French, he says “forget it, I got you confused with those 3 kids who destroyed the town”.
Not sure why he’s blaming it on them though, considering it’s Galbadia who did it during the whole “invasion of your dukedom that these kids actually helped stop” thing. At most you could argue Seifer disobeying orders is what led to the Galbadians launching the robot, but that wouldn’t be the other kids’ fault. Also, that’s something to think about when you talk to that little girl by the beach who says she wants her mommy back.
But anyway, if you pick the other option, he more or less says the same thing, except in French, he of course says to tell their siblings they owe the town money and on top of that, while the English version has him mention the specific sum of  1 370 000 gils, the French one rounds it out to 1 000 000.
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Next is the painter’s house. Couple things here. First, in the French version, the grandpa explicitly says he’s going to spank the kid if he keeps messing with his paintings, whereas the English version had him says something about “cuchi-cuchi-coo” his neck, which frankly sounds worse. However, in both versions, in the last part of this quest, the grandpa does mention tickling the kid as “punishment”.
Also, in the English text, the kid says adding the white bones are his way of expressing himself and to be novel and original. In French, he just says that in comics, dogs always have a bone in their mouths, so why couldn’t Rex have one?
Finally, after you’ve ended the quest, the grandpa gives different lines depending on versions. In English, he figures that maybe he should have played with the kid more so he wouldn’t be so bored and trying to get his attention, but that he’s too old for sports, and is considering poker instead (so card games other than Triple Triad do exist in this universe!).
In French, he says he’ll stop including dogs on his landscapes and that he’ll try painting cats instead, though he’s afraid the kid will start painting fish bones.
Also, while the kid feels like he’s grown a little from being able to express himself in English, the French one says he’s gonna stop his pranks and that he wants to be a veterinarian, now.
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In the bar, there are some changes in what the guy in the white shirt says. In English, he says it’s nice to have a drink after work, and his friend asks him what he’s talking about since he’s always drinking there. Then, if you talk to him again, either he or his friend drunkenly mentions playing ball.
In French, it’s kind of the opposite, as he asks for his last drink of the day, only for his friend to point out it’s only 7 in the morning (which still seems early to start drinking to me, but hey, you do you and your liver problems). Bizarrely, if you talk to him again, he says it’s time for his first cognac of the day, and his friends asks what he’s talking about since he finished the bottle an hour ago.
Speaking to the friend, we have a choice. In English, the prompt is “Yeah, that’s so true...” and the choices are “What is?” and “Yeah... sure...”. If you pick the first, he says life is nicer during peacetime. If you pick the second, he advises not to eat off the floor.
In French, the prompt is roughly “I needed that” and the answers are “What?” and “that hits the spot”. If you pick the first, he asks how many drinks an hour make you an alcoholic. If you pick the second, he says he doesn’t feel too good.
Boy, that sure was a rousing conversation! Let’s talk to the lady on the left.
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In both versions, she laments the fact that the rich young men in the dukedom are all married, then asks Squall what he thinks of her. Surprisingly, the answers are the exact same in both versions, but the woman’s reactions are quite different.
In English, picking “you’re very attractive” has her say maybe she should go for older men. In French, it has her say that while it’s true, only perverts like her. And then there’s the much ruder “Are you really a woman?!”. In English, she tries to laugh it off, saying she’s not his type, only to turn around and mumble to herself, wondering how Squall know (s)he was a man. Her French counterpart gets more offended, complaining about all the men she spends at beautician. After she turns around, she makes the more subtle remark that he must have a 6th sense.
WELP. Not opening THAT can of worms.
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Next, that female NPC who says she’s window-shopping. In English, she then asks Squall if he has a problem with that (not sure why he would, but okay). In French, she asks him if he wants to buy her something.
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In the town Square, we have this guy. In French, he says that due to taxes as a result of hiring SeeD, he’s gonna have to sell his cards collection, which is far nicer than in English, where he said "Better get ma young bride and start havin’ children”. What the actual fuck, dude?!
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In the hotel, the two employees have a weird accent which I think is supposed to be vaguely German, but I’m not sure. In the English version, only the one in the back has any sort of special speech pattern, and it’s just a habit of saying “y’all”. Either way, more accent shenanigans.
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And here we have one of the strangest differences yet, to the point it actually caught me off guard because I didn’t remember that text in French at all, and for good reasons since it says something completely unrelated! Right, so if you beat that guy in the upper floor of the bar, he’ll invite you to his private room(or secret room in French), where he’ll give you some cards and you can find some of other stuff.
There are also several piles of books, and when checking one of them, you’ll find what is presumably the previous owner’s diary telling a truly harrowing tale of meeting a woman who kept beating him at Triple Triad, eventually marrying her and having a daughter with her, but it ends with her trying to save their daughter from drowning, only to drown herself. It ends with the bleak statement that neither the daughter or he himself can comprehend their loss. Jesus Christ! Even for a Final Fantasy game, that’s dark.
But in the French version, it seems to just be a collection of random thoughts. For example, it first says that his son is studying the Sorceress War (one of the few times Sorceresses are referred to as such in French, instead of “priestesss”), and how he doesn’t understand any of it in spite of having lived it, then he ponders why extraterrestrials in movies always look like animals, and that maybe it’s because humans are bestial in nature as well, concluding that being at the pub sometimes feel like being at a zoo.
It just fascinates me that it could be so different. I can’t fathom what caused this and it’s one of those things that really makes me curious about other versions.
To make this even more baffling, if you check another book pile, the text is very similar, including a bit about Laguna coming along and getting his ass kicked at cards. Interestingly though, in the English version, he can’t quite remember his name, simply remembering it started with Lag, and says an easy win doesn’t leave much of an impression, but in French, he calls him La Gouma and says he’s a “nice guy, but sucks at cards”.
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And now we can continue onward to Deling City! First little thing, when asking Caraway about Edea, in the French text, he says that he fears her influence will lead to “a new world war”. Now, the French version does use the term “sorceress war”, so it’s interesting to see him also refer to it as a world war, and it seems fitting for a serious military type.
Another interesting tidbit comes when you ask him about Esthar. For starters, in English, he says that Esthar took over the world under Adel, which isn’t mentioned in French and I don’t remember being said at any other point. This makes me wonder if that was a strange decision on the English translator’s part, but that does make sense as Esthar making it to part of the Galbadian continent would explain why they’re even at war, why Galbadia started invading other countries and forcing them into their army, and even why Galbadian people where paranoid of Sorceresses before Edea.
At the same time, the French version also has an interesting detail, where they mention that even after Esthar went silent, relationships between the two nations remained strained, alluding to the situation turning from a world war to a cold war situation. He also theorizes that perhaps this is due to Galbadia being jealous of Esthar’s technological success and the efficiency of their democracy. Compelling, although I do wonder how Galbadia would know about “the efficiency of Esthar’s democracy” since it stopped all contact with the outside world right after Adel was dethroned.
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There isn’t a huge difference in what the various NPCs say, but this one’s pretty intriguing. In French, she just says that she heard a sorceress can transfer her powers to the person of their choosing. In English though, she explicitly says that she learned in the Garden that any person can receive a sorceress’ power, and I thought that’s obviously wrong since it’s stated multiple times that only women can inherit such powers,
But just as I thought that, the next speech box has her explain that while she did go to Garden, she wasn’t a very good student, which would explain why she wouldn’t have gotten it completely right.Cleverly done. Also, I like the implication that the average person isn’t all that aware of exactly what sorceresses are and how their powers work. It’s an interesting treatise on the link between fear, admiration and ignorance.
In fact, reading what the Deling City citizens have to say about Edea and how they blindly believe she’ll lead the country to greatness because she’s tough, promises a renaissance for their country and that even the smaller guys wild be able to make it is fascinating in general... and disturbingly true to real dictatorships.
There’s a small difference I find amusing where in English, one NPC says that people like Edea because “people follow strength, not charisma” whereas contrariwise, the same guy says in French that “Edea is much more charismatic than old Deling”.
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ANd here’s a guy who straight-up calls Edea their Messiah in French!In Eglish, he just says he now know he has to abide by Edea after feeling a surge of energy during the parade (which might allude to at least partial mind control).
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And finally, we finish with this NPC, whom in the English version, says she’s been sending Edea fan mail daily, but in French, she says, that she hopes Edea will publish a magic cookbook. Which does sound awesome, but unlikely. To be fair, what she says is literally “book of magical recipes”, so she may be referring to like, potions and stuff, but I prefer to believe she means how to use magic to enhance the flavour of your dishes.
And so we reach the end of our first part dedicated entirely to side content and my God there was way more stuff to cover than I ever expected. I hope you enjoyed it because I certainly found a lot of these differences very interesting. As always, if you enjoyed this post, reblogging it would be very appreciated, do not hesitate to commentate or send me asks, maybe even suggest things you’d like to see that I may have missed, and I’ll be seeing you next time for part 19, where we return to Balamb City. Have a nice day, everyone!
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nickireadstfc · 6 years
The King’s Men, Chapter 16 – A Team Of Particularly Good Finders
In which I find a new favourite team, Kevin’s angrier half makes an entrance, I find a new favourite team, keys are distributed, faceclaims are suggested, and I find a new favourite team.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The King’s Men.
             Saturday morning Wymack stopped by Fox Tower with a guest. (…)
             “Thea,” Kevin finally said, and scrambled to his feet. “What are you doing here?”
I’ve been waiting for this gal ever since she was first mentioned, and my dudes my pals my homies, let me tell you – her presence does not disappoint.
Thea Muldani is big and buff and bench-presses male egos for breakfast, but also wears pastel makeup, braids and dresses like Beyoncé herself gave her fashion advice.
A certified Boss Ass Bitch, you say? Absolutely.
A definite, definite Venus Williams faceclaim, you say?
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Alternatively also Serena Williams?
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Like Kevin, Thea also left the Ravens, but she seems to have quite a different relationship to them than he does.
             Even though Thea graduated from Edgar Allan almost three years ago she still wore her Raven jersey number on a pendant around her throat.
Neil then wonders how ex-Ravens fare out there in the Real World, and he voices my thoughts precisely: Do they recover? Do they hang on? And if they do, is it because they’re broken, or out of choice?
This is Interesting Shit that I am very, very much intrigued to know more about. Since I’m not sure we’ll have quite enough time to get into this in what’s left of this book, if anyone has any fic recs dealing with this (= post-Raven recovery), hit me the hell up.
However sadly, Thea is not here to answer my deep psychological musings, and is instead very much here to tear Kevin a new one.
Or five.
             “I always wanted to talk, but it was complicated.”
             “’Complicated’,” Thea echoed. The air quotes she threw him were angry and mocking. “’Complicated’ is having to find out from a press conference that you broke your hand and left the line-up. ‘Complicated’ is finding out the hard way you disconnected your old number and having to hear from Jean that you didn’t want anything to do with any of us effective immediately. Don’t you dare use ‘complicated’ against me. I deserve better than that.”
Exy Venus Williams is mad, y’all – and completely in the right, because Kevin, you done fucked up.
Anyone who figuratively leaves his girlfriend on ‘read’ for two years deserves to have the shit bitched out of them publicly.
However, Kevin has a magic trick to at least somewhat calm his angrier half down:
Fellow ex-Raven and resident human ground beef Jean Valjean Moreau.
They go see him, but like puppies left out in the rain we don’t get to go with, which is a damn shame because I’m getting increasingly interested in how our favourite baguette is going to continue his trauma-filled existence.
             “You assume [Nicky] will survive until summer [because he’s annoying the hell out of Andrew with his Andreil shipping],” Andrew said.
             “You break him, you owe me a new defenseman,” Wymack said.
Found this chapter’s #dicksoutforwymack, that line was gold, small as it was.
             “You have one at Abby’s house.”
DAMN RIGHT. Anyone up for some Fox!Jean? Yes? Yes?
Apparently, not Kevin and Jean, who have irreparably damages their athletic compatibility at the Batcave of Extra, so Fox!Jean is a thing we may have to keep to fanfic.
Again – a damn shame.
What is decidedly not a damn shame is that Wymack has a lil something for Andrew, and when I found out what it was I may or may not have shed a lil tear of pride.
             Keys jangled as they hit the carpet, and Neil stared in disbelief. He couldn’t be right, except last summer Wymack had given Neil three new keys, too: a set for all the important doors at the Foxhole Court. (…) “Kevin said to give you those.”
This has got to be the fourth or fifth time this series has made me emotional about fucking keys, what in the absolute fuck.
             [Neil’s] heart was pounding. (…) He thought about fighting for a spot on the US Court and facing the best the world had to offer, Kevin at his side and Andrew at his back.
When will the Kandreil feels end, my money is on fucking never.
With this preliminary banter done, we move on to what’s really important in this chapter:
The first NCAA Exy championship semi-final; University of Southern California Trojans vs Palmetto State University Foxes.
Or, as I like to call it – USC Hufflepuffs vs Kevin Day’s Boner.
So much has been promised about this team, their human sunshine of a captain and their infamous Too Good For This World cinnamon roll-ness, I was buzzing in my seat waiting to get to know them.
             “[Think] about what you’re going to say in pre-game.” (…)
             “How about ‘We’re gonna own these lowers’?” Nicky suggested.
             “And that’s why you’re not allowed to talk to the press,” Matt said dryly.
Nicky, my boy, never change. <3
However, I immediately opposed any ‘loser’ insults as I finally, finally met –
The one, the only, captain of Trojans, idol of Kevin Days everywhere, the OG Cinnamon Roll™ – Jeremy Fucking Knox.
             “Kevin, you crazy fool,” he said, less formally, and clapped Kevin’s shoulder in a cheery greeting. “You never cease to amaze. You’ve got a thing for controversial teams, I think, but I like this one much better than the last one.”
Hi, marry me.
Again with the characterizations through first lines in this book, aye? Pretty sure this guy is the only one in the entire world who could bro-hug Kevin, call him a crazy fool to his face, and come away with his nose unbroken.
(He says a little bit towards Wymack before that, but we’re gonna ignore that for the meme.)
But apparently, Jeremy is not the only one who gets to say unexpected things right now.
             [Kevin] only said, “I have a backliner for you. Do you have room on next year’s line-up?”
… Does this mean what I think it means.
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My dudes, let me tell you, my ass is HERE for Trojan!Jean. Trojean. TROJEAN.
Seriously, if you want someone with a trauma caused by abusive competitive toxic teammates to recover, a team that’s known for being the friendliest, kindest and fairest motherfuckers on the planet is pretty much the absolute Way To Go.
Operation Trojean is the best rehab anyone has ever thought of, ever, and I will hear no other opinions on this.
I was already enjoying this tremendously, good things all around, how much better could it be – when Sunshine Boy decided to pull something so spectacularly Hufflepuff that I swear to fuck I heard badgers singing.
Y’all are not ready.
I was not ready.
             “Our line-up,” Jeremy explained. “It’s late to be getting it to you, I know, but we were trying to avoid as much of the backlash as possible.”
Why, what’s happ–
             “Two goalies, three backliners, two dealers, two strikers,” Jeremy said. “You’ve made it this far with those numbers. It’s time to see how we’d fare in that situation.”
You have got to be kidding me, Sunshine Boy.
You are giving up your gigantic team, your sure-as-life win, your One Big Strength – just because it’s fair? And because you want to learn from your opponents more than you want to win?
I’m out. This is too much. This team is TOO FUCKING MUCH.
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             “You’ll lose tonight if you play like this.”
             “Maybe,” Jeremy agreed, unconcerned. “Maybe not. Should be fun either way, right? I don’t remember the last time I was this psyched for a game.”
There is no way in hell I’m not faceclaiming this guy as known Puff Champion Cedric Diggory now.
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No. Way. In. Hell.
             Neil finally understood how the USC Trojans had won the Day Spirit Award eight consecutive years.
Bitch, me too, the fuck.
             “I take back what I said about earthquakes,” Nicky said weakly. “I have a new favourite team.”
And with that, the game is on, and I can’t remember the last time I was so pumped for a good ol’ match of Orange Murder Sportsball.
Despite their Line-Up of Dreams, the Trojans pretty much wipe the floor with the Foxes in the first half, as was to be expected.
But in second half – well, let’s just say I ain’t never seen a badger run a marathon.*
             USC could have taken control of the game in a heartbeat if only they’d rethink their strategy. If they pulled their three subs from the sidelined players the Foxes’ night was over. But the Trojans had made up their mind and they weren’t backing down.
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(*For the record: Foxes don’t exactly run marathons either – according to the mighty Internet, foxes can run up to 55 km/h and badgers up to 30 km/h, but both only over short distances. A human Trojan would definitely outrun a fox (or a badger) over a long distance. So much for brand accuracy.)
But then! Oh, who would have thought! This is so completely surprising! The Foxes catch their wind on the second half! Amazing, they start to dominate the game! And – and – and it’s a win! Win for the Foxes! WIN FOR THE FOXES!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy and excited for them and all, but as if we didn’t absolutely see this coming.
             “Is this what dying feels like?” [Alvarez] asked, and called over her shoulder, “Babe, I think I’m dying. Do I still have legs?”
Things like these make my sports-ignorant ass realize just how hardcore the Foxes playing full halves actually is.
No subs, we die like men.
Also, Alvarez’ “babe” turns out to be Laila Dermott, which makes me love the Trojans even more – and I truly did not think this was possible – because Exy Lesbians.
             “That was fantastic. (…) I want to do it again. Next year, maybe, when my legs grow back.”
             “Stop being such a baby,” Laila said.
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This banter is giving me life.
If anyone has any fanart of these two buff buttercups, please send it my way pronto.
             Neil didn’t care how many hearts they broke that night. They’d beaten USC. (…) The Foxes were going to finals, and that was the only thing that mattered.
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Before we move on to post-semi-final celebrations, allow me to gush about the Trojans one last time, and then I promise I’m done melting into a puddle every time one of them so much as speaks.
             “[Jean] will be back in the fall. He just won’t be back in black.” Jeremy flashed his toothy grin. (…) “He’s transferring to USC for his senior year.”
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This is one of the best ideas anyone has had in this entire book. Four for you, Trojean, you go, Trojean.
(And none for Riko Moriyama, bye.)
             “We’ll have to get him some sun this summer, though! He’s a little pale to pull of red and gold right now,” Jean laughed.
[To the tune of California Girls] California puffs they’re unforgettable…
Also, in which Jean is #me in summer, all day err’day.
Tanning is for weak people, we sunburn like true Germans.
             Nicky (…) cut the TV off. “I’ve got a theory that Renee and Jeremy are long-lost siblings. What do you think would happen if they ever joined force?”
             “They’d get murdered,” Aaron said. (…) “War’s profitable; no one wants their world-peace nonsense.”
Gee, thanks, you absolute walnut.
For the record, I agree with Nicky, and I’m also counting this as the reason I immediately fell in love with Jeremy.
What can I say – in a world full of Angst, Drama, Angst, Infighting and More Angst, ya girl loves herself some good sunshiney optimists.
As for post-semi-final celebrations, the gang makes good on an old tradition and goes into town for another Fun Night of Debauchery for what I’m assuming is the last time in this series.
To think that a year ago the prospect of this would have made me break out in protective Neil feels, and now I’m actually looking forward to it.
Man, we’ve come far.
Speaking of – Andrew now apparently has no need for cracker dust anymore(!!!), has nothing against being touched in public (!!!!) and doesn’t seem to mind his Bartender Pal Roland calling him out on his Very Much Gay, Very Much Official Relationship (!!!!!).
Man, we’ve come fucking far.
             “How’d you know [about Andrew being gay]?”, [Nicky said.] “Is your gaydar more advanced than mine is or – “ Nicky’s jaw dropped as he clued in. “Wait. No way. No way! Did you two –?”
Andrew hooked up with Big Intimidating Bartender Pal, this is glorious.
             Neil’s clock was still ticking down, but his numbered days followed a different schedule now. Neil had all the time in the world, and that left a heat in his gut stronger than any whiskey could.
Fuck yes.
Fuck YES.
A very good ending to a very good second to last chapter.
...Oh shit.
Second. To. Last. Chapter.
Next chapter will almost conclude this series (I’m told there is a short epilogue, so we’re not quite done). Next chapter will almost conclude this blog, holy shit.
We’ve been following the Orange Hellride that is this series for over a year now (thanks to my giant hiatuses in between, oops). This is insane.
I’ll get all emotional and grateful and weepy in the last chapter and final book recap, so dry eyes over here for now, but y’all – get ready.
This ride is about to end, and knowing this series, we’re about to go out with a fucking bang.
Oh dear.
Before I go - a quick note on the update situation for the last few uploads (meaning chapter 17, epilogue, book recap). This feels almost redundant to say after my schedule has been very loose (soz) these past few chapters anyways, but I will be taking some liberties for the finish line.
This blog has been one of my greatest pride and joys over the last year, and I really wanna stick the landing. This means I'd rather spend an extra day refining than update by hook and by crook. As a loose time estimate – expect the last chapter by the end of the week, possibly earlier.
Let me make this good for you guys. I'm way excited (and scared), and I hope you are too.
Peace and love, y'all.
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