#i feel so tech savy
lilacstro 3 months
academia astro observations (pt 12 <3)
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its college season, and diploma season and a season (i am hopeless about my college life fr)
well nvm you intelligent folks, you probably cannot relate, lets go:
1.Smartest people I have seen have Virgo and Gemini placements 9/10 times. Especially, in 3rd, 9th and 12th house
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2. Ok so Aquarius is an underrated placement when it comes to being intelligent, I think I have said it before maybe? But aquarius mercuries, stelliums and 11th/3rd housers are most definately tech savy.
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3. OH having Grand Trine in air element*bows down* such an active mind, and so super smart, almost effortlessly but don't get lazy y'all that is one another thing
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4. I think just like its sister sign somewhat? Scorpio people, especially suns are really good with money and finances, creating money and infact managing money as well
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5. Sagittarius and Libra placements are very likely to succeed in theoretical subjects, like business and arts and history and both of them, civics 100%
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6. Your 9th house sign or lets say element can show your learning styles, 9H in Air signs? You might actually study by yourself really well, probably using books and lectures. 9H in Earth signs? The people who like going to labs, practical experiences. 9H in Water sign? Feeling an emotional connection and desire to study or they would overwhelm themselves and come falling down, 9H in Fire signs? Ah, you all definitely need some kind of pressure to ground and sit down and grind but once you do you guys have some real passion and drive, like pulling an all nighter before an exam and doing well somehow vibes.
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7. Virgo in 9H people can learn anything, ANYTHING. Maths, history. sociology, you name it. All they need is time and desire for that subject.
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8. This also makes me feel Virgo in 9H people are definitely the types to elaborate everything they write especially in academic settings so they could in fact do very well writing academic papers
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9. Part of Fortune in 3rd/9th again makes you a good learner and someone who can do well academically. but it doesn't quite mean you will excel without studying ahem it just means you have this extra gift to you.
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10. Aquarius in 9H people are most likely to be the ones who ask the most questions in class, even if it feels it maybe totally unnecessary at times, but they are rarely afraid to speak to their instructors and ask curious questions even if they are non relevant.
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11. Taurus placements, risings, or 9H, can actually be slow learners or late to bloom academically, but once they really learn something, boy its in their memory forever.
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12. I have often seen people with Gemini placements have surficial knowledge in things, or they may rush with things at times, and not really go into deep details like Virgos or Aquarius people, just my observation
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13. Uranus in 9H or 3H people can change majors a lot, and maybe just be uncertain overall with what they have to do.
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14. Ruler of 9H in 8H can show there might be some kind of sudden nature involved in your college experience, maybe your suddenly dropout, maybe its a completely diffrent and transformative experience for you, maybe you get mental health issues in college etc.
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15. College romance is likely for people who have Gemini Juno or Virgo Juno or Juno 9H/3H/11H (maybe through your friends, maybe college friends ahem) another one is ruler of 7H in 9H
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16. Oh yes, people with Mercury as their chart ruler are again quick learners and also, really good at learning and very dedicated to studying things they are studying and would excel with talent or hardwork or both
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17. Jupiter in 1st house people also actually come off as really smart and wise, but somewhat intimidating and know-it-alls when it specifically concerns to their academic abilities
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18. Having pisces in 9H is actually one of the other indicators of being smart and actually, more of intuitive and intellectual smart, and these people actually may have some kind of emotional connection to their major and coursework not as in crying type of emotional but maybe their parents want them to succeed, maybe they want to do it because they feel like it. I also feel these people may like doodling while studying or using cute stationary or notes.
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19. Mars aspecting Mercury, and you are very likely to get into full force with what you are studying, maybe go to the depths and get full drive and passion to be the best, have that competitive spirit inside you.
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20. Speaking of which, it is yet again possible that people with Sun in 9H or Leo in 9H or ruler of 5H in 9H actually get competitive about studies. Infact if you have prominent leo and mercury placements both, this desire to be the best is even amplified (my mom has this, and even though her conditions did not support her completely to be as bright as she could, she still exceeded expectations imo and was always competitive about it even though she did not think of academics that seriously)
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21. Jupiter aspecting Mercury people are more of wisdom smart or I may say curious smart kind of natives and there is rarely any sly and competitive kind of spirit to them, meaning someone who would want to share their knowledge most likely, talk about it to people and things like that, humble energy
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22. Ego with what I know and can do is likely to come with people whose mercury aspects sun, they maybe can even make their scores their whole personality probably, there is a chance for this to happen though, so keep this in check maybe
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23. Jupiter and Sun aspecting each other is another kind of placement that can give you some kind of pride and ego with what you know or you may actually get really defensive when someone questions your knowledge, however, another manifestation of this same placement is making your knowledge a beautiful part of your persona and sharing this light to most people, unafraid, these people can infact make great teachers.
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24. Jupiter/Mercury in 12H people may really be good at deep research and probe, and these skills are again very important for researching and phds
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25. Of course the Sag risings, we cannot miss them afterall. Even better if the Sun is in Scorpio or Mercurial signs the ability to pay attention to details and actually learn and teach things from scratch would be crazy.
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26. Nadir in Virgo/Moon in Virgo/Moon in 9h or 6h/air or mercury ruled 3H natives may actually have some kind of mother who more so focused on the academic part in their life growing up or their childhood did have a lot of things around excelling academically
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27. People with strong and positive mercury placements, or mercury in air houses may really be good at calculation and maths. Or even having an air sign/mercurial sign in air houses can count
28. People who you have an academic rivalry with must have strong aspects to each others mars or pluto or both (there is some detail this point deserves but I am too exhausted I might add an edit here)
29. This also makes me think of people with Pluto in 1st house, 10th house or Scorpio risings, they are 9.9/10 times always competitive, wanting to succeed and be the number 1, not in a toxic way but they really cannot easily see being left behind and if these people are academically inclined (they likely are since they are doing it), they would again want to do their best and be the person who is in some kind of rivalry with you lol
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paid readings are open xoxo
i have more but im tired af so i might make a part 2 someday, but its been a while since I have posted ngl but thanks for the support you all give me, ilysm
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samasmith23 7 months
Futaba Sakura from Persona 5 Royal and Autistic Coding
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I recently encountered a really phenomenal article analyzing how Futaba Sakura鈥檚 character from Persona 5 Royal effectively functions as autistic representation, even if the game鈥檚 developers didn鈥檛 intend for her to be so:
Speaking as an individual on the spectrum myself, I very quickly picked up on the autistic coding of Futaba given her strong special interests in computers & anime, as well as her difficulty in socializing with others. Plus, Futaba鈥檚 arc of voluntarily requesting a change of heart from the Phantom Thieves to overcome her suicidal depression & self-loathing shut-in status following her mother Wakaba鈥檚 alleged suicide had me on the edge of my seat. Witnessing Futaba enter the mindscape of her own palace in the cognitive world and not only realizing the truth that Wakaba actually did love her daughter and that the alleged suicide note uncharacteristically blaming Futaba for her death was just a cruel forgery (fabricated by the corrupt politician Masayoshi Shido鈥檚 henchmen who stole Wakaba鈥檚 cognitive psience research on the Meta-Verse before murdering her via mental-shutdown), but also seeing Futaba merge with her Shadow-self to awaken her own Persona and actively assist the Phantom Thieves in defeating the distorted false memories of her mother born from her own self-loathing was legitimately powerful! I related so hard to Futaba鈥檚 mental struggles and efforts to overcome her anxiety during the boss fight with Cognitive Wakaba here!
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And even after defeating Cognitive Wakaba and clearing Futaba's palace, Futaba herself still maintains a lot of her autistic-coded traits despite no-longer isolating herself in her room 24/7 and being more socially interactive with her fellow Phantom Thieves (although she still does struggle with being out in public). It expertly avoids the ableist trap that's sadly commonplace in other media wherein a character is "cured" of their neurodivergence. Here however, Futaba not only willingly requested the Phantom Thieves to change the distortions in her heart, but all they did was help Futaba to find the stregnth and courage to overcome her feelings of self-loathing, depression and suicidality on her own. She's still the same socially awkward & tech-savy girl that she was prior to the "change of heart," but she's now chosen to embrace the best aspects of herself (which are a part of her neurodivergence) rather than imprisoning herself in a tomb of self-loathing (which was symbolized by her Meta-Verse palace being an Ancient Egyptian pyramid isolated in the desert that Futaba's Shadow was the Pharaoh of).
Also, Futaba may not be the only autistic-coded character in P5 Royal considering that my personal favorite cast member, Makoto Niijima, also struggles heavily with socially interacting with her peers despite her status as a highly committed Student Council President devoted to her studies (initially studying solely because it鈥檚 what society and the adults in her life expected from her, before deciding to utilize her passion for academic knowledge to help the oppressed out of her own personal sense of justice).
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While Makoto is still my favorite P5 Royal character overall, Futaba Sakura is easily in the Top 3! And I choose to headcanon both characters as autistic!
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weaselbeaselpants 4 months
Welp, all that being said abt Jenny herself notwithstanding, even without her input that god awful Star Wars hotel looks like hell to me.
Like, I could not imagine a person (or worse a child) with my kind of autistic overstimulation problem, and I'm talking one who likes or even LOVES Star Wars, having actual fun in that place.
To give you an idea, I LOVE Disney and Nightmare Before Christmas a lot especially, but I hate [being at] Disney parks. I hate social events and am asocial (working on it). Being surrounded by my hyperfixation is not comforting for me when I'm in a high-energy place where people are making me be social about said hyperfixation and practically shoving it in my face to get me to interact. I got to prepare myself for things like that and things like that I only do for other people. I can't keep up. I get stressed out. I literally have nightmares about this stuff. If there was a hotel of some kind of immersive TNBC thing I would hate it. I already hated going on Haunted Mansion Holiday.
Watching any promo of the hotel and video taken on the Galactic Starcruiser makes me sick to my stomach. It makes me think of this video I saw on a "so cute" compiliation that made me sad, where parents got their kids in the car happily said "we're going to Disneyworld =D!!" expecting a fun reaction and then suddenly the boy being filmed goes "we need to talk about this- WE WERE GONNA TALK ABOUT THIS" unbuckles and runs back into the house terrified. Unless it was one of those ab*sive family channels, I feel so bad for that kid and I really hope that served a lesson for those parents that some kids don't like ANY surprises and not to do that to him ever again. When I was a kid I couldn't actually communicate just how much I hated being at Disneyland and that just made it even worse. It made me feel like I was the problem; like I didn't fit.
Kevin, Jenny and other themepark bloggrs like Yesterworld ARE the disney adults this shit is made for and the fact that their reviews are so scathing and they have trouble keeping up or making any light out of this, that's what's telling to me. I look at my mom and other adults trying to figure out how these awful broken apps work and feeling the need to give all their money to Disney because they didn't have to do that before-- it makes me genuinely very mad. I think especially about the grandparents and non-tech savy folks who are struggling with it- like a non-english speaking grandparent trying to use the apps and magic bands for the sake of their kid, being texted "just use the app gran!" when the tech is clearly broken, and said grandparent crying cuz they can't even sit down to collect themselves at this god-awful immersive theme park. I feel for that person who I'm pretty sure is real somewhere. They're like me and they're like that kid in that aformentioned video: they can't keep up. They feel like a burden. So much for you happiest place on earth.
--AND THEN, you wind up paying 6,000 dollars +all the extras that come with it. My adult brain is frying. Disney should reimburse EVERYONE for what they made non-tiktok influencers go through. What they're still making guests go through.
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tadashitea 1 year
I've been holding back on covering the Pacific Wharf section of Disneyland as it's being renovated and such but I will comment on this new news.
All in all, I've been underwhelmed with how it looks because they never really make much from the franchise just in the "theming" of the franchise which I suppose is still a win that it's even getting attention at all but I digress. Perfect example right here, The Aunt Cass Cafe'
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Looks cool but nothing like the Lucky Cat like we all know and love but I also understand this is concept art, it's not actually built yet. (Though August seems pretty close)
What I truly wanted to talk about was this-
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The Hamada Bot Shop. It's a meet and greet but I really like this idea for the characters, where Hiro opens up a bot shop, keeping the garage like feel where he tinkers with scrap.
(let's just hope he isn't still making them for bot fighting)
But what I see cited in all the articles I've read is "This is where the Big Hero 6 team builds and innovates their hi-tech gear, so you may also see a few of their upcoming inventions." which probably means that they'll have shenanigans where they test a new experiment.
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But THIS is Maker's Market right next to it and hey, look it's Good Luck Alley! But it's probably how you'd imagine, something similar to the Savi's Workshop where you build your own lightsabers (they've been doing a lot of that lately).
But those banners are most interesting. In order of left to right-
Smash Bot, Cerberus Bot (which explains the Cerberus Lair sticker below), Worm Bot (Trina made the cut, hooray!), Little Yama, Snips
And of course, the most well known Megabot. (Also Saw Bot but he's beneath Worm where he belongs.)
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araelinn 1 month
This might be an unpopular opinion but in regards to AI, I feel like a lot of people who are anti AI chatbots and such don't really get how much it is a situation of we've opened Pandora's box and now it likely won't be able to be closed.
Don't get me wrong most criticism of AI models are very much genuinely correct on its effects that's been having on several different fields. But in a way, at least when it comes to academic spaces. I feel like some criticisms have the same energy as back when professors told you you couldn't use online sources.
Now the effects ai models have had in the lack critical thinking skills of the newer populations of students. Or how it's a plagiarism nightmare due to the way they are designed. Not to mention how it just makes shit up at times.
But unfortunately we have no reliable way to check whether someone used and ai tool in a reliable way. Since we have found said models are very accurate in replicating the passive voice used in academia. So professors have been reactionary to the students use of it, woth good reason. Except for the false positives, especially from older professionals who are not as tech savy as the younger generations.
Outright banning doesn't work due to the aforementioned. As people will find loopholes just like how we did with other new technologies that were banned in the classroom and professional work.
I don't know, I feel like we should be able to reach a middle point in the matter. And some of these technologies when used as tools instead of replacement maybe we could find some good uses?
Like I said Im not pro-ai in general. However not being for something doesn't mean one can't see when said thing seems to be becoming another part of life
(Also these opinion are on text based ai. Ai imagine generation is whole different thing to tackle)
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sonicasura 3 months
A old written documents was not the only way 9 found out. Truth be told, Proto and his wife used to live in another place before they got the viliage that would be their. They reason they left and managed to return was thanks a kaiju attack that left the place utterly destroyed to the point living there was never an option again.
Proto unfortunatly left behind some documents since they had to leave in a hurry. And never got them back, though these documents only comfirmed 9 that Proto had survived. To say the crazed kaiju was unhappy about that is a bit of an understatment.
And 9 being 9, he was going to make sure no loose ends were left.
So 9 goes on a little side mission using one of his clones. Said clone uses one of the many human forms to disguise itself to look for Proto the next comming months. Along the way he gets his hand on a DF member who knows some of Kafka's heritage.
And since 9 has eaten many humans and kaijus over many centuries, with no doubt some of the said humans being very tech savy, he managed to somewhat hack into the DF system and gain even more information that not only comfirms what he absorbed from the DF member but also what a sinking realization on who and what Kafka turly is.
And like I had posted before, he did not react to this at all.
And yes, Kafka rememer his grandfather fondly. The two of them would often be out in the woods looking for bugs and forage wild plants for grandma to cook for dinner. Or end up in a mud fight that had both Akari and grandma getting pretty mad.
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No 9 continues to prove how much of a pain in the ass he can be. Definitely makes sense that some items would be left behind if Proto was forced to move so quickly.
Now I'm just imagining him and little Kafka covered in mud laughing despite the scolding to come. Also good riddance on that awful neighbor. I personally dealt with a few bad apples before so I know the feeling of wanting to strangle someone. Or in Akari's case go pissed off Kaiju mode.
Considering how connected the Hibino's kaiju heritage is, his dormant instincts probably recognized his mother's kaiju form as not a threat.
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overpoweredcacti 3 months
S17 Ep5 post-watch recap
I have way too many thoughts, this is going to be long and probably disjointed.
So I feel like a lot happened, but at the same time not really? Overall though, so far I'm really here for this Gold Star mystery and the MK Ultra/behavior modification/Frankenstein's monster stuff around it, I just hope they commit to it? I know so far they've made it a point multiple times how it's a "conspiracy theory" and it's "based on a half-truth" and so on but at the same time things just don't add up? Most notably, if the government has nothing to do with this, why would they care enough to hide it? Who has enough influence to stage Emily's arrest etc?
Anyway, since this was very complex I'll try to break it down to characters.
Honestly? I'm really enjoying them so far? They have a fun dynamic?Wish I knew their actual ages, maybe it was shown and I just didn't pay attention. I think Aiden was around 26? So I'm assuming they are around the same , give or take 2-3 years. So these 2 meet up, 1 is dead ("assassinated by the FBI", which is an interesting way to phrase it. I wonder if that will come back on either Rossi or Emily. One giving the order, the other following it.) And Peter and Dana are 'missing', and we have no idea what they look like. Okay, cool.
So they are tech savy enough to operate Voit's network (wasn't that used to be a weather app lol? That whole comment on people posting their racist opinions on that neighbor app, which was featured in ep 3 too, seems like a reference that my not-american brain is not clicking with) and they can put together bombs. It was weird that nobody picked up on the fact that Jade has to be in the park to make that call? Why was everyone just standing in a circle and worrying when they could have sent people to scour the area lol All the while ignoring Voit who was at least smart enough to not run.
So Voit. This little shit. Every scene he was in I just kept repeating 'you little shit'. Very entertaining bordering on frustrating. His whole demeanor of being like a kid in candy store was funny I'll admit that. That first scene with him going "Dave Dave Dave" took me out. My dude is def dying by the end of the season tho. They can't keep him around for much longer. And I honestly can't tell if him doing morse code was meant to be noticed by the team or not. Because I'm thinking that he is in fact making up the identity of "North Star" and trying to get someone killed? Also, that reveal that he gave the identity of the strike team to Damien? Chef's kiss. He's truly Hannibal Lectering this season. Aaand he has a point with Garcia and Tyler and that whole fiasco last season. I'm glad they are bringing that up because that should have some kind of consequence. (Voit giving them a ship name tho? And talking about carbon footprints? I'm not sure I like him sounding like stan twitter. I mean it's obviously a reference for the fandom to get, but still. It's...a writing choice for sure.)
I'm lumping them together because the show is apparently committing to the love triangle bit. Which I'm not that big of a fan of, in general.
This might be an unpopular opinion but the more episodes we have the more I feel like the show doesn't really know what to do with Garcia this season? Like that entire exchange in her office, that ends up with them being back in the bullpen? It was...weird? So Voit smells, okay, cool, did we need to spend this much time on this? It honestly felt like a waste of time that didn't lead anywhere because we are back at the bullpen anyway? Like, narratively, what was the point here?
Luke is still not checking on JJ after throwing a bomb on her, cool lol. Love that he was the one deciphering the morse code tho, and that he dismantled the bomb. Love it when the show remembers character traits.
Tyler remains another frustrating part of this season for me? Everytime he does something where I go "hey cool, that's nice, I kinda like you" he immediately does something else where I go "okay, go fuck yourself now". Like, doing off-the-books work for Emily? Great, cool, love it. And then goes behind her back like it's nothing. So 'Teresa' might be an actual person, but the phrase could also be relevant? Maybe it's another anagram, idk. Either way he's warning someone while keeping Emily in the dark. In conclusion, I don't trust him lol.
So the framed arrest/mugshots are coming into play, that's great, I'm glad there was a point to that. (Weird choice to drop the name of an actual existing website as the leak but okay). Someone is really out to get her that is connected to this whole ordeal but there's no indication it's either Damian or Jade. Someone also convinced Brian to change face. Also, was he trying to gaslight her? Is that going to be a part of Emily's "breakdown arc" that she is questioning her own sanity? That could be interesting. Or, we are going full scifi and they made him somehow forget his previous alignments. Seems unlikely, but who knows. Anyway, she is on restricted duty and is clearly over it. Just, everything. Great scene by the end. She was going to back to her "spy roots" and moral grayness and it's slowly breaking her. Genuinely think she is one of the most complex characters of this entire show. (Shout out to her speaking Russian too. I know it's just a phrase but it's a nice callback.) Love her bond with Rossi as well. And just all her scenes, great. If there's a character I'm really happy with this season, it's Emily.
Honestly not that much to talk about? For the audience this is not the first time he interacts with Voit, but great scenes. He is also losing it, clearly. Maybe I expected a bit more? Confusion, at least? As in, having a hard time differentiating with the real Voit and his halluciVoit?
I'm biting my fist every time JJ is on screen because I'm just so nervous how that is going to end. She is clearly not okay, everyone is dealing with something and not taking notice of her issues. Loved to see her in charge on the field. She was also the only one competent enough to finally tell someone to shoot the wheels, lmao.
Tara wasn't given a lot this episode tbh. She was aiding Luke, sure, but this may have been her least active episode. So we have the scene with Rebecca losing her shit, that she's in danger, okay. I mean, they are cute? Wish they would talk more instead, but cute scene at the end, none the less.
I have absolutely no idea where the next episode is going lol. I expected a cliffhanger, we didn't get a cliffhanger. Zero clue as to what comes next.
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laatmaar 1 year
I鈥檇 love to hear more about Matt if you鈥檙e up for sharing anything!
Okay so Matt Brown (she/her)(/him?) is a tech-savy tactician whose villain persona is an anarchist named omen (no special relevance except that i was watching an elden ring stream when i came up with it). Her is suit is mysterious and has reinforced armor and telepathic boosters. Her motivation is revenge though she will pretend it鈥檚 about justice instead if somebody asks (she doesn鈥檛 have a really have a super strong sense of justice and probably wouldn鈥檛 be doing all this if she wasn鈥檛 horribly paranoid and afraid that the farm might find her + wanting to burn the entire place down) (she鈥檚 certainly not cruel exactly she just has a hard time really caring)
She relies heavily on her telepathy and has very little consideration for other people鈥檚 boundaries/autonomy as result she has 87% subtlety and 60% strength, coincidentally she has the puppetmaster + suicide scar and she鈥檚 very comfortable in using the puppet鈥檚 body but there is almost no puppet individuality (there鈥檚 no difference in beau and matt except in how matt is far more confident and free in his behavior and appearance as beau).
Matt has on first glance a passive personality and is a bit of a sad sack of a person (if that translates well?) as well as quite the alcoholist, however she has an impulsiveness and an anger/vindictiveness that could fuel a small atom bomb hiding under the surface. As result despite all her careful planning when it comes down to it she often takes big risks on small chances (nobody should ever let her gamble, one addiction is already enough).
Her actual personality shines through most when she is Beau and she is actually (beneath all the depression and existential crisises and dislike of her tattoos and scars etc.) incredibly vain, and a bit judgy. Also even more secretly quite kind and funny. In retribution this shines through more and using the money she stole from the museum matt buys herself a lot of nice clothes and a big apartment.
In terms of relationships she has a big fat crush on ricardo which scares her a lot because a lot of her actions and feelings Matt hides behind a curtain of plausible deniability, and she has no good reason to want to kiss him that badly (except for the fact that she is a person with feelings, but she isn鈥檛 going to admit to that any time soon). She did have a good (in her head) reason (different body, playing a role to the best of her ability, maybe curiosity) when she slept with dr. mortum but she caught feelings badly and when she confessed after finding out about ace it was the scariest thing he had ever done (openly admitting to liking mortum in her own body and owning up to her own actions).
Falling out with mortum was a bit of a breaking point for matt and she spent two days blackout drunk, became incredibly angry at chen after learning about the autopsy photos, kicked hollow ground in the face, accidentally crashed car, went to steal her own body from hospital, and threatened chen with a gun in the elevator before getting knocked out and arrested. For the rest she does not care for herald (incredibly jealous) and has no opinion about argent (weird violent relationship with her as omen)
Well that was it! Became a bit long but it was already an effort not to write a 4 page essay about her -_-
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lightandfellowship 6 months
So is the Toy Box we visit a data world, a dream world, or something completely new?
I would think the references to DDD (world split in two with the residents being separated from each other) and Young Xehanort being there are details meant to make us think that it's a dream world, but I don't know...it feels a little hard to believe considering the world being in this state is all Xehanort's doing. Can Xehanort truly just...make a copy of a world and put that copy to sleep? Or would it make more sense if Xehanort simply made a datascape, something other scholarly/tech-savy characters have done in the past?
The game makes a point to say that unusual, shouldn't-be-possible things are happening in this "alternate" Toy Box, like Buzz's laser actually lasering, and even Sora being tossed into the videogame Verum Rex: Beat of Lead, which all seem like things that could be accomplished in a data/dream world where real world logic is thrown out the window. I just don't know which option makes the most sense, assuming one of the two is even the correct answer. I guess for all I know this is something new related to unreality.
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sleepypilleddd69 6 months
i wanna get into retro gaming
i rlly wanna get into retro gaming but idk how to start
like i have an emulator and i wanted to play silent hill 1 on it but for some reasoni couldnt shoot soooo
yea im not the most tech savy and idk how to navigate emulators without asking my friend for help and i dont wanna ask him for help that much because i feel embarrased asking the most stupid ass questions known to man 24/7
and also idk whats the best retro console to sart with so yea idk man
please give advice
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lionews 7 months
"how tf do i get in these groups mannnn XD but fr i wish i was more tech savy cuz i bet theres sooo many downlow exploits simply cuz the sites old asf and the coding is so stacked馃拃"
Same lol. Although I have a feeling it could be fixed anyway by the end of the recode, unless the devs skip over it. Though, now that they're aware of HTML exploits, they'll probably be on the lookout for more.
We gotta start PHP classes so we can figure out how to manipulate it from the user-side lol. I only have some mild experience in making the login/logout functions, but not enough to figure out the current code's structure and mess with it.
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Hobie has brothers AU! (hc's at the bottom)
First up is Calvin, being the oldest at 27 years old.
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Next are the triplets, DeAndre, Demetrius and Domique, being 25 years old.
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This is Jamar, being 23 years old
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Malcolm, 22 years old
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And von, being 20 years old.
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Whenever I see concept are of characters my mind just instantly thinks "SIBLINGS! THOSE ARE SIBLINGS"
HC time (mentions of abusive households and past on relatives)
So, I feel like Hobie has hand me downs from each of them. Jacket from Calvin, sharp choker from Demetrius, shoes from von, pins from Dominique, etc.
Once Calvin became old enough to get his own place, he found a good spot and took his brothers with him.
Malcom is the tech Savy of the bunch, teaching Hobie everything he knows.
They're place ain't to shabby, art and spray paint is ALL OVER the place.
Calvin took up a part time runway model job to afford basic necessities for him and his brothers.
DeAndre and Calvin taught all of their brothers how to play guitar.
Yes, all of the brothers are 2 years apart, but Hobie is not 18, he's 16. Making him the baby bruv of the bunch.
Don't think they don't tease him about that. And don't think he doesn't hate it. And don't they don't tease him about it because he hates it.
Calvin definitely does the chokehold-ruffle your hair thing.
When he became spiderman they were happy but very worried for him. Calv was highly against his brother fighting crime, but seeing as HE and his brothers taught him to "stick it to the man" too much Hobie didn't listen to a word he said.
Malcolm helped him make his suit and guitar.
When Gwen was introduced to them, she was so surprised how alike yet different they all are. Pavitr, Miles, Margo and any other spider person with the privilege of meeting them all had the same reaction.
Angst HC's (mentions of child abuse, drug abuse, & drug overdose):
His older brothers practically raised him, seeing as I think they came from an abusive household. Their mom tried but most times it wasn't enough.
Calvin did try to take his mom with them but...she was already gone before they could. She overdosed.
If you haven't guessed by now, they're father was abusive. Calvin usually was the one to take the blame for his brothers just so they couldn't get hurt.
Hobie doesn't remember much about his parents, and most of his brothers don't talk about them.
If you haven't guessed, they're father was abusive. To they're mother and them.
Songs that fit them:
That's all I got right now but send some ideas in for these boys if you have some. All the art is by Christie Tseng (via Instagram)
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local-slime 9 months
Hello, this be my post to introduce myself.
name : slime, local slime, slimer.
pronouns: he/him.
casualnouns: he/him/she/her/they or anything funny really.
age: none of your buisness, but I am of majority where I live.
What you might want to know:
I'm currently in a 2 year post graduate degree about informatic so expect a bit of that.
I'd like to start creative hobbies like game development but find it hard to because of my procrastination so if you want to remind me, feel free!
My humor is pretty lacking.
So is my vocabulary, both for my native language and english.
I am french, if you plan to clown on me for that, please DNI.
Despite learning about informatic, I am not the person you should ask for tech savy things.
Why did I come here : I thought tumblr was a pretty nice and chill social media, there's quite a few usefull ressources and the community is all around really nice.
I think this pretty much sums up who I am, thanks for reading all of this, hope we'll make some good memories together!
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terriedirewolf 2 years
Ight, lets get a post in here
So metroid dread came out not too long ago. I'm very pleased with it. Samus returns was a little shaky imho, and i was only slightly concerned that it was the same people. But I think they surpassed expectations. Issues from the 3DS game didn't make it in, the art design is phenomenal, and the world and story are very cool and fitting for the universe. I'm a particular fan of this sort of rebuilt power suit that totally still has fusion suit elements all over it still. And the chozo boss who's face rips open is quite pretty. Good game. 10.
But anyhow, it's definitely not supermetroid levels of non linear. And this is the tie breaker. Metroid 1 was about as open as possible. Kind of a rough expereince even by the standards of the era honestly, I'm kind of amazed the series didn't die then and there. But the sequel did wonders for the series. It is also however, much more linear. Now, you can backtrack if you want, and honestly, the map is small enough where it's not that much of a pain in the ass. But it's not open design really.
Supermetroid was a mix of the two. Metroid 1 with the sensabilities of metroid 2, and like five times the tech to make it all work. And it did work. But it's also not nearly as open as people think it is. It just does a real good job at hiding it, and it is kind of nonlinear as it has four distinct paths to travel down once you get through the intro exploration. The hidden movement tech also did wonders for it. People suck this games cock all the time though, so I won't dwell on it's acomplishments.
Fusion is way more linear. It does open up in places, but for the most part, you're stuck following orders and being a shadow of your former self, and fighting your own ghosts. Ibreally like the game though, and it feels and plays just like how I want metroid to feel and play.
I guess what I'm trying to get across is that dread not being a hand free "wander this vast cavern and good luck" kind of game isn't really that weird, and metroid hasn't been about open ended exploration for most of it's lifespan. Much like many games, it's a puzzle room. The keys are just very fun to play with, and it likes to hide secrets. I think metroid has always been about the lonly atmosphere, as well as the idea that something sinister is watching at the same time.
Now it's worth noting that I never played the prime games, but the only 2d game I haven't beaten is samus returns, and that's cause my 2DS has been lost. But I think that this is that thing about the series that no one ever mentions cause of how the genre the series helped create has formed over the years. Metroid has never been interested in being a metroidvenia. Which is kind of weird to think about.
Anyhow, visually, it's always bugged me that samus is supposed to be this powerful woman who takes no shit, got bird hrt, and can brave situations that few others can get out of alive, but is built like a barbie doll. People have pointed out the shoulders before. It's weird, and never has been addressed in canon. It's always obscured too when she changes in and out of her power suit, so, if her arms are even in there is a bit of a debate.
My solution is buff samus. Niklas Arne Jansson did the concept a bit better, and I think there's a handfull of other people who drew her stacked like a truck, but not enough imho. I also wish she'd wear anything but the zero suit once in a while. Cause it's cool and all, but pockets are dope as shit.
The arm canon is another issue. Seeing as she has like, an arm in there. Anyone even slightly savy with ballistics can tell you that a snub nosed thing like that is gonna be aweful. The crazy bit is that the barrel opens up instead of the rockets just using folding fins or something. How 250 rockets fit in that thing is another question entirely, but I guess, there's like, borderlands digitalization or something, so it's workable I guess. Recoil will be harder to handle without a wrist, and aiming is kind of impossible without a heads up display I expect. The fusion arm canon has more issues, and I seriouy doubt you could get a forearm in it and still have room for any of the cool foldy stuffs.
I really do not have a lot of solutions here, but there are two ways I figure. The easiest is to just remove the arm. Which is always cool. Robot arms that transform into guns is like, peak design. The other way is to extend the cannon, or make it offset from the actual arm. Maybe even a combination. That way there's room forbthe big arm gun to be like, actually big and gun, and still let samus have all the thumbs to fly a spaceship. Also, I feel like she should be able to drop the thing. Like take it off and set it down, piloting the ship with a partially armored forearm and hand, with exposed internals and hardpoints to mount the blaster.
But yeah.
Rough sketches
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synergysilhouette 1 year
The best Tim Drake costume
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I love the wings, the suit, and the mask--my only critque is that the emphasis on red makes him feel similar to adjacent. Since Dick has blue, I'd probably want Tim in green or purple so all the brothers stand out--probably purple since Damian has an affinity for green (plus it'd show how he and Barbara are the tech-savy ones since they have similar colors).
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snowy-weather 1 year
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)? I'll pick Asher, Sen, and Clancy? (Sorry I pick these three the most but they're my favs)
Aw, I'm glad they're your favourites! ^^ They are some of the main characters in Ace of Swords after all. XD
For Asher... well he's one of my personal favourite Ace of Swords characters as well. ^^ I always feel joy when drawing him, but when I think about writing dialogue for him I feel frustrated. XD Asher is supposed to be a charming, clever, fast-talking and charismatic kind of guy and I find characters like that really hard to write. XD I'm not charismatic myself and I'm not smart in the same way as Asher (tech-savy) so... yeah. It's a bit of a struggle. XD
As for Sen, with her I feel a sense of familiarity since she has some quirks based on myself. She's supposed to be autistic like me, and since I'm the autistic person I know best I based some of her autistic traits on myself. And weirdly... that feels both nice to do and a little scary. XD
Clancy... absolute fondness. ^^ Clancy is an easy character to love. He's got a big heart and an optimistic attitude despite his less than ideal upbringing. I just wanna give Clancy a big hug and wanna be his friend!
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