#i feel sorry for the owner of the lab for a variety of reasons but the fact of the matter is that he would’ve been 100% responsible
anangelicday-mrwolf · 4 years
Wolfsbane : Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
(previous chapter)
Chapter 48 – Much More Dangerous Than They Had Envisioned
The doctor greeted Tao and M-21 as soon as their shoes tapped past KSA’s front door.
The two men were donned in their signature black suit, the uniform of school guards and RK.
Yet unlike before, their shoulders were heavy with frigid atmosphere oh-so-visible-and-tangible.
The doctor felt nothing, although the situation was more than enough to make him feel disappointed that they are being icy to him.
He knew he was in no position to throw such emotional tantrum.
As for Tao and M-21, they could see.
They could see from the doctor’s superficially well-mannered attitude that he was very inclined to greet them with Taesik as well but could not.
It is late night, with most personnel of KSA back at home. However, words will surely spread once even a single soul spots how both KSA’s director and doctor are groveling at someone at the door, and it would be only a matter of time until every soul figures out that something is going on in their nest.
As much as they are ninety-nine-point-nine-nine-percent sure what the circumstances are all about, they did not want the lesser people to find out before the remaining 0.01% is completely mapped.
Also, in consideration of the weight of the circumstances, it was only natural for them to remain cautious until the very last moment.
“Would you like to go there now...?”
Usually he would have been referring to the director’s office. But this time he meant otherwise, and they did not need to exchange words to know that.
The purpose of Tao and M-21’s visit lay in Yuhyung’s lab.
Tao insisted they search the place before its owner returns to Korea, which gave them only a night to carry out the task.
For that reason the doctor did not wait for their response, although he did ask for it.
Which is why the waiting time inside the ascending elevator could not possibly be more awkward and stifling.
Which was only natural for the doctor to try to let in some air to the murky atmosphere expected only at the runway towards the battlefield.
“Uh... By the way, is there something up with Mr. Takio?”
M-21 started upon the name of his teammate, and Tao followed suit by rolling his eyes in a curious fashion.
Takio was tending to his duty outside during the time they were unveiling most of Yuhyung’s secret at company of Lunark.
When they decided they should head to KSA, he did not hesitate to volunteer as well.
To their concern and puzzlement, he was nowhere to be seen, but they could not afford to wait for him.
At last they made it to Yuhyung’s lab, enclosed by a new alloy door that replaced the one that Yeonsu stomped on.
The doctor unlocked the room with his employee key card, and Tao and M-21 held their breath as they directed their scrutinizing gaze into the dark lab.
Overall, it was basically a replica of the scenes the two men had familiarized themselves with during their times at Union.
But of course, there was a difference in size and magnificence, probably because of difference in resources.
Soon enough their hands got busy as they committed themselves in heated search through desks, drawers, and bookshelves for what they could spy with their eyes.
Which did not surrender anything, to nobody’s surprise.
“Yes, this happens to be an official research content we are running at the moment.”
They wasted their time asking for doctor’s confirmation with the documents, graphs, and printed screenshots they could pick up, to ultimately return them to their original places.
Naturally their eyes were drawn to the computer in slumber.
“Do you think he left something if anything in there? Based on the series of testaments, he may be a hopeless clown in daily life, but even you admit that he is no ordinary person when it comes to research.”
“He must have. Computer-friendly’s that practically treat computers as equal to their flesh and bones – yes, the sort like me – tend to leave in one way or another the most important data inside their computers. Partially because our pride depends on how well we build the firewalls and vaccine programs against potential thefts or leaks.”
Tao quoted with a voice close to desperation than confidence.
After he pushed the button to awaken the computer, they came to think that perhaps Yuhyung added a feature that automatically detonates his computer when it is turned on during his absence.
Which is why for the 3 seconds of waiting their heads whirred with thousands of scenarios, of which none was brought into reality, to their mild astonishment.
Notwithstanding, the very first screen that welcomed them froze them in their shoes.
They could not understand how they could forget.
Even outside the industry of espionage or secret intelligence, in modern world personal information is held as valuable as a common gold mine, and it is only customary for people to lock their computers with personal passwords.
The fact that they were staring at none other than Yuhyung’s computer fanned their anxiety.
“...I think I’ve seen the similar kit at Union. No, this isn’t a repertoire exclusive to the Union. You know, the data are all blown up if anything other than the set password is input.”
M-21 diverted his enlightenment-seeking eyes towards Tao.
“I can dissect this thing if I want to. But in the meantime, he might receive an automated notification on the infiltration attempt on his ser...”
“Excuse me. One moment.”
The doctor finally broke his silence to step in.
Without even glancing at Tao, who was shoved to the side before he knew it, the doctor typed in three letters strange to Tao’s and M-21’s eyes.
The monitor blinked to give way to the screen plastered with a variety of icons, to Tao’s delight.
“How did you know what the password is?”
“...I chose the name of the colleague who used to be closest to Yuhyung. He was sacrificed during massive city destruction, the inception of Yuhyung’s dark ambition.”
The atmosphere sunk into the dark faster than light, and Tao warmed up the joints of his fingers and in less than a breath opened the file Yuhyung had most frequently rummaged.
“What in the...?!”
Tao moaned, skimming and comprehension over as anticipated from an expert, and the doctor and M-21 madly wiped the monitor with their eyes, to not long after unhinge their jaws in mimicry of Tao’s expression.
“...Why don’t we talk to the director now? I don’t think this is something we can handle by ourselves.”
“...Very well. This way.”
The three humans trotted across the hallway, their movements so swift and forceful that anybody could have seen that nothing could stop them.
They soon came face-to-face with Taesik, his facial profile petrified to maximum due to the fact that they entered before the sound of their knocks was completely gone.
“So, what did you find?”
Prior to their visit, he was already notified of the contents they deduced with Lunark.
And of course, his mind fried by utmost fluster, he appealed how much he did not want to believe them.
Which did not last long, given that they were from the RK and Lunark herself.
Nevertheless, it was obvious he could not throw away the last glimmer of hope, made so very pronounced by his fingers clutching the edge of his desk like a falcon, gaze precariously ghosting over their faces, and body crooked forward like a hunchback.
Feeling slightly guilty at how he must totally annihilate his meaningless hopes, Tao unzipped his lips for the testimony.
“Please listen carefully, sir. I am terribly sorry to say this, but... It looks like Mr. Jang has been in secret alliance with the Union.”
At then Tao and M-21 got to learn how a rapid cancer patient diagnosed with less than a day to survive would appear, seemingly every shadow and shade in the universe transported onto his face, his lips abruptly stupefied and unable to demand if they can swear.
The doctor, who had also seen through the change with his boss, added with a voice barely free from a quake.
“It’s true, sir. It’s more than a presumption. We just found from his computer contents available only once one comes in contact with the Union.”
“I-is that true? Just what did you find...?”
“We already heard from Ms. Lunark what Mr. Jang had gone through during destruction of Seoul. And this ideology he has come to harbor ever since.”
Taesik gave a tense nod, reminded of Yuhyung’s idea of mandatory body modification for all incoming agents, which never fail to give chills to every piece of his spine whenever his memories are refreshed.
“And Mr. Jang had not aborted his idea. He’s been proceeding with a secret study, based on his major and his specialty in KSA, with help from the data from Union.”
“S-so... What is this data from the Union...?”
“Simply put, it’s... It’s rapid body modification. Or should I say, rapid pseudo-body modification?”
“What do you mean...?”
“As you’d know, the amount of resources required for body modification is beyond any human imagination. Especially time. Even perfectly modified humans would often take time to stay under observations or experiments or sign up for multiple modifications. Personally, I’d say time is the most essential resource in body modification.”
Taesik kept attendance to Tao’s words, his countenance full of inquiries.
“Which is why Union in the past studied a way to shorten the amount of time needed for body modification. It happened before I found myself at the Union. And before the M-series project, of which M-21 was part. The Union wanted to find a way to induce rapid physical changes that will temporarily yield power somewhat reminiscent of those from modified humans prepared from lab tables and tanks.”
“Is it safe to assume it’s a mechanism related to how DA-5 used to enhance physical qualities with pills?”
“Precisely. In fact, D that DA-5 used to ingest is what Aris refined from this project after it was canceled. I figured it out while hacking Union’s past data for fun. The purpose of this project was to provide weapon for humans whose bodies are clean from modifications to exercise superhuman power, no matter how small.”
“Listening to you, there’s no doubt it’s a useful technique. But is there a reason why this project was canceled?”
“As Union agents formed this unofficial caste system among them that separated the modified from the unmodified, voices against blessing ordinary humans with powers of modified humans became dominant. Not to mention how causing physical changes begotten solely through body modification on unmodified humans as well was extremely unstable and full of side effects. So it was only logical for the researchers to shred and burn their papers and charts. No one before Aris managed to see the light in this study.”
“...I see. That reminds me of this gas that Mr. Jang had once been developing.”
Tao, M-21, and the doctor flinched as soon as Taesik nodded and quoted.
“...Actually, we have something to tell you regarding that weapon.”
“We found traces that prove he had been handling the file on that weapon until the moment he left for Lukedonia. And we found traces of edit and copy from the files on research on implanting artificial bodies with artificial intelligence.”
Taesik’s face turned pale, other faces just as pallid.
A Union study that sought a way to imbue unmodified humans with powers on par with those of the least qualified modified humans.
A study on a weapon that will work only on designated targets, from none other than a person who advocated obligatory body modification for prospective KSA agents.
The data on the former was discovered inside the computer that belongs to a person who pursued the latter.
To top it off, Yuhyung’s research files on artificial intelligence was edited and copied, when they all remember that Rael and werewolves had violent contact with Union weapons against heads of clans.
So there was no more reason for them to stick to suspicions.
“If only I had examined his USB... It turned out that the reason why QuadraNet failed to come to life lay in Mr. Jang’s USB, which was revealed to be the secret USB once used by the Union. There was network hacking program hidden inside, and I’m sure he planted the program himself as he was working at Lukedonia and the werewolf realm. A secret USB can bypass most of vaccine programs utilized nowadays because it’s too outdated. Though it’s partly because I trusted him too much and deemed usual check-up useless.”
“It’s not your fault, sir. We should have been more careful with...”
Nothing will change even if they exchange apologies and forgiveness; the best they can do right now is to prevent something that might happen very soon.
With conclusion drawn in gloomy acceptance, Taesik bobbed his head.
“Can you get him now?”
“We should. We must.”
“We’ll be counting on you two.”
Just like that, Tao and M-21 turned on their heels, to catch the man who turned out to be much more dangerous than they had envisioned.
As KSA was staging a moment as fatal and vicious as the moment a bomb is about to fall onto ice, Yuhyung finally made it.
Once again riding Rael’s back in a comical way, his face however was not at all comical.
His shaking hand was grasping his personal device that was playing the footage sent from his lab, equipped with cameras that had been working just a minute ago.
(next chapter)
The rapid pseudo-body modification is my creation, of course. But I’d say it wouldn’t be strange to find out Union actually had such technology, given that DA-5 could enhance their physical capabilities by ingesting the D. Actually, I had forgotten about the DA-5 when I began composing this chapter, and I remembered what DA-5 could do in the middle of my composition lol. Anyways, now the RK know, and Yuhyung knows as well. All that’s left is for them to capture and pummel the cause of all this, but as you’d know, it won’t be easy. Yes, I’m saying the RK and their allies would have a really hard time following this chapter. Sorry, my beloved characters. :’(  I hope you’d stay tuned for more!
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V3 Boys + Cat Cafe
The V3 boys going to a cat Cafe with S/o!
Hi this is incredibly blessed??? I’m so happy I started an imagines blog because I get hit with such happy inspiration like this, this is completely adorable I can’t even lie.
I have two kitties!!! kitties are greaaaat!!! I’m sorry dog ppl fight me (please don’t I’m joking and my bones are like twigs,,,)
-Mod Shuichi
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When you had been wanting to show Kiibo what an: “Cat Cafe” he was horrified, how could they serve kittens as food at certain cafes?
When he went inside, then he saw the small little kittens all in different colored varieties staring back at him he held back a robotic scream, especially when you were brought out into another room with even more cats waiting inside, you had immediately begun to coo the cats towards you.
He sat silently by himself, how did such a system work? Perhaps he’s just overreacting? He must be, a few cats stroll over towards him and purr as they rub themselves across his leg! Ah, they must be asking for affection yes?
He strokes the kitten’s head, their fur is soft... quite soft, they let out another mewl of appreciation that just tugs at his heartstrings.
“... S/O...? Can... Can we adopt a cat? Or come here more often, forgive me for the sudden request...” He picks the cat up, as carefully as he can. “... I... I-I think I’ve fallen in love... waaah....”
As soon as you leave, the two of you immediately go to buy a kitten despite how much: “responsibility” you keep telling him it will be.
Only reason you allow it? Kiibo let you name the lil’ guy “Ki-boo”, he can’t even bring Ki-boo to the professor’s lab, so you just got yourself a cat for your boyfriend to pet whenever he comes over.
This isn’t fair trade!
It really isn’t.
But... Kiibo’s happy? Yeah, no this still isn’t fair.
Shuichi Saihara
You had brought him towards the Cat Cafe since he was getting bags under his eyes again, he told you he was fine, but you kept telling him this was a one-time thing that you were just trying it out!
So he agreed reluncantly, when you had gone inside the establishment Shuichi took a clear look around the place rather surprised, the only sound being the quiet purring of kittens from afar.
When you finally sat down, not much cats actually came to him, you noted this.
You had a plan, the perfect diabolical one that could stop this problem within seconds, why faster than that.
Any cats that came to you? Just silently pushed towards Shuichi, he noticed, then even then he didn’t know what to do about the cats that were moving in towards him...
Does... he pet them? Yeah that’s right he’s supposed to pet them, but he’s worried he might press a little too hard against the cat’s delicate form, so... he strokes the kitten who leans in for the affection.
... So... So... cuuuute...
You see Shuichi flinch blushing the hardest he ever has as... he hesitatingly strokes them again, even meeker than the first time he stroked the cat.
Shuichi smiles go himself as he continues to give all the adoration he can to the cat who walked his way. “Um... I-I’m Shuichi... hey there.”
You’ve never felt happier for his sake.
Ryoma Hoshi
This? This is his hometown, his utopia, his paradise, if he had his own personal heaven? It’d be a Cat Cafe filled with Russian Blues, how could you possibly not come with him to a Cat Cafe when it always made him so happy?
Ryoma had asked you to come alongside him to some place that he frequents, considering you’d never saw the place, ever since you walked inside he laughed and smiled, even if they seemed like small little actions to other people...
It meant the world to you.
Well you think he’s happy, especially with the tiny reserved smile on his face as the cats pool towards him, trying to give enough love to any cat that walks by.
Why are they all going towards him? Is he some Cat God, c’mon save some for the rest of us!
“It’s alright... m’ not gunna’ hurt ya’, just continue to be carefree right’...? Do whatever, be free.”
“... Hey. S/O do ya’ want in on some of the affection? C’mere, all of em’ don’t scratch.
You take out your phone, rushing towards the scene, he blinks at you at first slightly boggled about what your about to do.
What he doesn’t realize is how precious the sight of Ryoma Hoshi smiling within a puddle of cats who are nuzzling up against him for love, the affection he is giving him truly is.
This? This is your wallpaper now, you aren’t ever going to change it ever.
Kaito Momota
“Woah? There’s a cafe where cats are just... lying around in the open? Well color me surprised! I had no clue!”
“Yes. Yes Kaito, we are literally sitting inside that cafe.” You motion towards the kitten sitting on the top of his lap. “How did you not notice until now?”
You had invited Kaito to come with you to a drive to a “Cat Cafe”, he said yes so you assumed he knew what it was, why he hadn’t even said a thing about the cafe being directed towards cats walking around until he laughed about how the owner liked keeping their pets around.
It took him a minute to put two and two together with a loud, “ooooooh” as he stared about at all the cat’s lying around.
You had to explain what a Cat Cafe was to him, the process was undeniably longer than you had hoped, but he understood.
And since he understood? He started to ruffle any cat who came nearby him, giving them little nicknames based off how they looked.
He picks up a white cat who purrs not even bothering to fight back. “This is Milkyway.”
He points in the distance to a black cat hissing at the two of you. “That’s Meteor!”
“Kaito you know we might not even come back here again right? How much cats have you just named?”
“... Twenty! N’ m’ looking forward to namin’ ten more-! That’s shooting star!” Huh, your pretty sure these little guys already have names, but this is fine. Kaito’s happy, who does it hurt?
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro Amami knows a lot of things.
He’s seen through a lot of things.
But most importantly he’s willing to try out a lot of things!
He’s never been to a Cat Cafe, he’s extremely foreign to the concept of it but he’s willing to try it out when you ask if you want to join him.
Rantaro’s more of a dog-person but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like cats, so when you went inside he was just adoring all of the felines with a serene expression...
Other than that? He doesn’t really have a reaction, just letting out some comments about how this place is just “so adorable”.
“Wow S/O isn’t this just purr-fect?” He end it off with a little chuckle, pushing back down into his seat satisfied with his own joke. “Mhm, I’m feline just fine.”
“Rantaro don’t you start doing puns on me. I trusted you.”
“What? I’m just telling you how meow-velous I feel about the fact you brought me here with you.” Rantaro gives you that charming smile, yet you can’t help but to groan as you sink down towards the floor.
Gonta Gokuhara
“Gonta thinks insects are better!”
“I know Gonta.”
“Do you think there might be a cafe with insects inside of it instead of other animal? Gonta sure hopes so!”
You cringe at the very thought of that continuing to lead him towards the Cat Cafe, he of course had no regrets in following you towards a place such as this!
Gonta’s a dog-person, he WAS raised by wolves but cat friends are friends too they are kind friends do you not startle them!
During the stay at the cafe somehow all the cats are hoarding Gonta to themselves, purring joyously as they muzzle against your boyfriend... Gonta looks excited too.
“Oh? What’s that? You don’t want Gonta to leave? It’s okay! Gonta won’t leave anytime soon, it’s a gentlemen’s oath!”
Those cats are stealing your man from you.
You crawl forward before nuzzling up against him earning a confused: “hm” from Gonta, you need your attention too! You aren’t going to lose some cats!
“What are you doing S/O? You aren’t making enough space for other kitten-friends...” ... You lost to some cats, this is the Ultimate Betrayal....
Kokichi Ouma
Kokichi? He heartily agreed with going to you towards the Cat Cafe without so much as a fuss, it was suspicious to you, very very suspicious but you kept to yourself.
Especially with that stupid smirk wide across his features, it was just begging to get some questions out of you.
Yet you held off.
At the start? It didn’t seem so bad, Kokichi was just telling the cats to come near him, with little hand gestures. Promising he didn’t mean any bad by it!
But the cats mostly hissed at him, he pouted to himself, the only way he could get any contact was to go towards the cats that had surrounded you.
His movements were quite precise when he got a cat in his hold, he touched them slightly roughly but other than that he did nothing!
That is until it was nearing the time you finally left the establishment, he took out a black garbage bag.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going to cat-nap every feline I see so I can adopt them all into my evil organization? Isn’t that obvious S/O?” He places the cat in his hands into the garbage bag before running towards more of his prey, cackling!
Korekiyo Shinguuji
Humanity is magnificent for coming up with such genius ideas such as this aren’t they?
Korekiyo’s already done research on what a cat cafe is of course he has he knows everything and anything, but he’s never gone inside of one so this would be a new expierence for him.
It wasn’t as if he was entranced by simple creatures either, of course he knew folklores upon such creatures, as the bakeneko and nekomata which are stories for another day.
His reaction at first was nothing but silence as he followed along by your side, he looked at some of the cats, observed, that’s all.
“... Korekiiiiiyo.” You held up a black beauty of a feline infront of your boyfriend. “C’mon pet it, it’s begging for attentiiiiiooon?”
“Oh yes, this reminds of of a myth I heard, did you know that it’s myth that black cats are a sign of bad luck? Of course it’s only myth.” He strokes the kitten lightly at the top of it’s head
“Less talking more petting! This kitty’s so touched-starved see?”
“Then why don’t you pet it?”
“... Cuz’ you gotta’, just gotta man.” He continued to strike the feline you gave him a genuine smile, this was a happy moment shared between the both of you, a new one at that.
There was so much more to come after this, of course.
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Lycanthrope [2] // Steve Harrington
Summary: Quiet about the knowledge of the dimension your boyfriend kept secret from you for a variety of reasons. One being that you were a werewolf hiding out from a determined hunter in your home town. When a fight ensues with Steve it forces a chain of events that may break your relationship permanently.
Characters: Steve Harrington x werewolf!Reader, Mike Wheeler, Chief Jim Hopper, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Byers family, Max Mayfield, Nancy Wheeler and Billy Hargrove.
Words: 2016
Disclaimer: I do not own Stranger Things or the characters involved. I only own the Reader and her plot. I also do not own any gifs or images that may appear in this either. The desktop theme provides the owner of the gifs.
Warnings: Swearing, verbal fighting, violence, death and angst.
Author: Caitsy
A/N: A request from an anon that is split into two parts. Left you on a cliffhanger than I may or may not resolve.
Part One
Master List
Prompt List
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“Take Denfield, then you’ll see a large oak tree.” Hopper began swiftly taking Will’s prone body to the car, “You’re gonna swing a right. That road is gonna dead-end. And it’s about a five minute walk from there.”
“Okay. Denfield to oak tree. Swing a right. That’s it. But it’s channel ten, right?” Jonathan asked while you watched it from the couch where Dustin was asking questions. Soon the group split into what they had planned out.
“Can you change at any moment?”

“Yes.” You blandly stated staring at your boyfriend.
“Do you only change into a full wolf?”
You sighed closing your eyes to look down before looking up at the curly haired boy with glowing yellow eyes and your face deformed with fur. He jumped along with the others in the room seeing your change while Nancy and Steve left to scavenge for materials.
“I inherited the ability to fully shift into a wolf.” You explained watching the exchange between Jane and Mike. Steve had returned still cold to you for understandable reasons.
“That is so cool.” Dustin exclaimed shaking his head. You shook your head in modest agreement while Steve peeked at you from the corner of his eye.
“Sometimes.” You sighed, “Other times it’s a pain to struggle every month and being bound by pack rules to follow your Alpha.”
Steve shook his head again as he followed the urging of Dustin to collect the dead demodog in a sheet before attempting to put it in the fridge.  You played with your fingers as Lucas went into more detail about the situation with Max while cleaning up the glass.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled when Steve turned away from the fridge and his honorary little brother. You refused to pay attention to other things when your anchor was angry at you, “You have every reason to hate me and want to break up.”
“Are you serious? I’m very in love with you! We’ve made plans for our future together! While I am pissed you didn’t tell me about your entire life that doesn’t mean I want to break up!” Steve exclaimed gripping your hands in his, “I love you goddamn it!”
“Real touching guys but we have bigger problems.” Max spoke quietly. You only zoned into Lucas and Mike’s conversation when Dustin called out to correct them. he had some kind of attachment to the name he had given the monsters that connected with the Mind Flayer.
“The chief will take care of her.” Lucas firmly spoke while Max shook her head in shock. It was still sinking in that there was more to the world than she had grown up knowing.
“Like she needs protection.”
“Listen dude. A coach calls a play in a game, bottom line you execute it. All right?” Steve said drying his hands on the towel while everyone stared in disbelief.
“Okay, first of all this isn’t some stupid sports game. And second we’re not even in the game. We’re on the bench.”
“Rig…so my point is…” Steve trailed off grasping for nothing, “Right. Yeah, we’re on the bench so uh…there’s nothing we can do.”
“That’s not entirely true.” Dustin began glancing at Steve, “I mean, these demodogs. They have a hive mind, when they ran away from the bus they were called away.”
“Bus?” You slowly questioned looking at your sheepish boyfriend.
“So if we get their attention.” Lucas spoke up while Max finished his sentence.
“Maybe we can draw them from the lab.”
“Clear a path to the gate.” Mike finished thinking solely for the sake of Jane and Will.
“Yeah and then we all die!” Steve raised his voice incredulous at the thoughts of the kids he was ordered to protect.
“That’s one point of view.” Dustin said.
“A very stupid one.” You muttered, “It’s not a point of view.”
“Exactly.” Steve said snapping his fingers in your direction, “No that’s not a point of view man. That’s a fact.”
“I got it!” Mike exclaimed shoving his way passed Dustin and Steve to a wall covered in drawings that you hadn’t noticed until now, “This is where the chief dug his hole. This is our way into the tunnel. So…here right here. This is the hub.”
You all followed the young Wheeler through the room to each different way as he rushed to explain his theory. You didn’t fully pay attention when Steve’s hand gently maneuvered into your hand and eased your racing heart and mind.
“Oh. Yeah? That’s a no.” Steve quickly shot the idea down.
“Mike in order to burn it we would have to be down there near the flames. It’s too dangerous, I heal fast but you guys don’t.”
“The mind flayer would call away his army.” Dustin spoke up.
“They’d all come to stop us.” Lucas inserted.
“We circle back to the exit.” Mike chimed in.
“Guys.” Steve failed to gain their attention again.
“By the time they realize we’re gone.”
“El would be at the gate.” Max joined in again providing with the conversation.
“No.” You shook your head while Steve got louder.
“Hey! Hey! HEY! This is not happening.” Steve shot down the idea with more force than before, “No, no, no, no. No buts! I promise I’d keep you shitheads safe and that’s exactly what I plan on. We’re staying here. On the bench and we’re waiting for the starting team to do their job. Does everybody understand?”
“This isn’t a stupid sports game!”
“We said! Does everybody understand that!” You screamed feeling your canines creep out from your gums and into visibility.
“I need a yes.” Steve slowly down but before anyone could speak again the unmistakable sound of a revving engine caught your attention.
“It’s my brother. He can’t know I’m here. He’ll kill me. He’ll kill us.” Max gasped leaning against the couch to watch the car speeding up the driveway. You grunted wondering if things could get any worse than they already were at this point.
The familiar egotistical jackass that stepped out sent a slight shiver down your spine, he had a disgusting mullet and a penchant for shirts only buttoned up twice. A girl by his side and cigarette permanently between his lips was all you saw. You stayed with the kids inside close to the windows while Steve stepped out to deal with him.
All was well until you saw Billy shove Steve onto the ground and kick him in the ribs. The growl fell from your lips as you watched your anchor in pain. You didn’t know how many hands kept you from jumping through the window and killing the fugly fucker.
The door slammed open and Billy stood in the entry wall for a minute before that sadistic smirk planted itself on his face.
“Well well well.” Billy coldly spoke slamming the door behind me, “Lucas Sinclair. What a surprise. I thought I told you to stay away from him Max.”
Everyone tensed up as he stepped way to close to a flinching Max and terrified Lucas.
“Billy, go away.” Max spoke keeping her eyes trained on her stepbrother. You didn’t step in knowing she needed to stand up for herself.
“You disobeyed me and you know what happens when you disobey me.”
“I break things.” Billy said before fluidly gripping the front of Lucas’ shirt and slamming him against the cabinet against the wall. All the while the kids and you screamed at him.
“Get off me!” Lucas weakly exclaimed struggling in the tight grip.
“Since Maxine won’t listen to me, maybe you will. You stay away from her.” Billy evenly spoke before he got more aggressive, “STAY AWAY FROM HER. You hear me?”
A moment of quiet before Lucas screamed, “I said get off me!”
Billy grunted leaning over when Lucas planted his knee hard up between Billy’s legs and you knew shit was about to hit the fan.
“You are SO dead Sinclair!” Billy yelled with eyes more wild than before, “You’re dead.”
Billy wasn’t able to make a move before he was violently pulled to face a newly appeared Steve  with one purpose in mind.
“No. You are.” Steve stated as he wound his arm back and landed a solid strong punch. It became a mess of kids yelling and Billy’s ugly laughter.
“Looks like you got some fire in you after all huh.” Billy excitedly spoke, “I’m been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody’s been telling me so much about.”
“Get out.” Steve slowly but firmly spoke giving Billy a glance over. Billy just watched him before swinging his fist at Steve who ducked in time before moving back up planting his fist in Billy’s face and sending him crashing into the table.
Billy stood there before he was knocked into another counter by another punch and into the sink with another one. Things were looking up until Billy’s hand found an object on the counter. Specifically a plate and slamming it on Steve’s head. Billy gained the upper hand with a solid punch and stalked into the living room with Steve.
“No one tells me what to do.” Billy growled had butting the other male teen with enough force to send him to the ground. A deep growl reverberated through the chest before your canines grew and your eyes bled yellow in the iris.
When Billy started throwing punches at your boyfriend your humanity completely disappeared, you charged the boy after the third punch to throw him into the wall. Billy tried to kick you but you gripped his leg and twisted until he fell on his face. He managed to kick your knee out and shove your elbow until a loud painful crack settled in the air.

“You really shouldn’t have done that.” You thickly spoke looking at the bone before raising your eyes to meet his.
“What the fuck is wrong with your face.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you asking the wrong questions?” You retorted, “Don’t worry by the time I’m done I’ll have beat your fucking name out of your mind for the rest of your life.”
“You and what army?” Billy spat.
“My fangs, my claws and my anger.” You laughed as he went on to sprout words that was too terrible to repeat. Pulling his up you grasped his neck squeezing as he choked, you heard the kids screaming at you.
You didn’t know the kids had a clear view of the ice blue colour leaking and taking over the yellow of your eyes. You only stopped when Max had plunged the syringe in Billy’s neck and the others dragged you away. The blue beginning to leave your eyes.
“It’s okay.” Dustin soothed as Lucas grabbed the bandaids and handed them to Dustin to place on Steve’s face.
“I’m so fucked.” You grunted leaning against the wall. A barely conscious Billy shared words with Max before he passed out with the markings of nails in the woods near his balls.
Life began to look up when the gate was closed and your relationship was reconciled with a better bond. Now your parents were more open with your supernatural life and Steve brought you along to drop off Dustin at the dance.
“Hey we’re here.” Steve whispered gently while Dustin slammed the door jarring you from your sleep.
“Hey.” You tiredly said leaning into his body while soft music played on the radio.
“I’ve been meaning to ask.” Steve hesitated looking down at you.
“Dustin said when you were choking Billy your eyes started to turn blue. What does that mean?” Steve questioned.
“For werewolves there are three colours of eyes. Red for Alpha, yellow for beta and omega while blue is more…disappointing and tragic.”
“What do you mean.”
“My eyes started to change colour because I was killing an innocent.” You admitted looking up at him. Steve was quiet as he pushed himself closer to you.
“Marry me.” Steve lovingly asked knowing there was no better time.
“What?” You breathed not sure how to answer.

“Marry me.”
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rhythmantics · 7 years
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a collection of doodles; stuff for a 3rd Orre game idea I bounce around sometimes and a couple of OCs
the dream is to one day make a fangame for the orre series
tbh with the way pokemon currently is i don’t trust them at all to handle orre
xd was already Lighter and Softer than colo, and i can only shudder to imagine how much lighter they’ll crank that dial. we might even see shit like...routes...and wild pokemon on them...like??
the orre games had this wonderful moral ambiguity and urban decay that i don’t think pokemon is capable of catering to right now, since they’re trying so hard to have this image these days of this sprawling, kid-focused series. and yeah, s/m’s story got dark and shit, but the game wasn’t marketed that way, and it’s more of a juicy tidbit than the core of the experience.
If a third orre game isn’t unnecessarily gritty and edgy then, like, what’s even the point lol
So i do have rpg maker xp and I do have pokemon essentials and i think i’ve more or less worked out the mechanics i need to have implemented, but i dont think i ahve the time to spare to actually finish it in any capacity because the amount of new assets i’d have to create - tiles, character models, etc - is so massive it would realistically take me several, several months even if i was doing it as a full-time job
so in any case here are some ideas to titillate your interest:
level scaling across the entire game, across every trainer (possible to turn off for a more traditional pokemon experience). Regular trainers would be set ~3 levels below your team, “strong” trainers (ie cail, rider willie) would be set at your team, and bosses would always be a few levels above. The only place this wouldn’t apply would be Mount Battle, which is, after all, a side challenge. This mechanic would pretty much do away with the need for level grinding except to balance out team levels. reasoning: the orre games are known for their higher difficulty curve, and this plays off it. Double battles also make for very interesting avenues of strategy exploration; with bosses always a little tougher than you are the hope is you might wipe out a couple times before figuring out a winning strategy.
Lucky egg given early but no exp. share.
higher catch rate on shadow pokemon - since the game would start you out at lvl 25 and honestly this is just an anti-frustration feature
Again, level scaling can be turned off for a more traditional experience, but the idea would be that the levels would get pretty high pretty fast, and by midgame you’d be going up against lvl 55s and stuff (just enough to start encountering some salamences and flygons), hopefully ending the game in the 80′s.
Pokedex -> strategy memo, and seen = obtained. Strategy memo actually contains opinions from the player character rather than just standard “animal facts” type stuff.
No routes! Just cities! Pokespots still in effect to limit the player’s pool of usable pokemon.
Missed pokemon integrated with pokespots or maybe made un-faintable so you have to catch them because i’m really not that good at programming guys
Orre is a cold desert. I know technically it’s based on the Arizona desert, and I’ve been there, but friggin look at the fashion, these people would all get heatstrokes in a matter of seconds.
So to that end, my orre is actually based on the Atacama Desert, whose topography not only resembles Orre’s (volcanic mountains on one side, ocean on the other), but is a cold desert (with daytime temperatures peaking around 60 degrees F) and is considered the driest desert in the world, with some places having not seen rain in centuries, having been compared to Mars in regards to how uninhabitable it is.
you know, like how apparently wild pokemon can’t survive in orre except at the pokespots.
also the orre colosseum looks just like the atacama hand and i dont think that’s a coincidence
canyons, oases, underground rivers and deep underground cave systems, forests to the northeast and a coast that’s actually somewhat habitable via fog collection
gateon renamed Io Port (the japanese name) to go with the gem/mineral naming scheme of the rest of the game. Plaque added outside lighthouse reading “Io Lighthouse” (GEDDIT)
cipher key lair being torn down by reformed eldes, working with lovrina and gorigan, in order to create an amusement park, hopefully to be an international tourist attraction of the more innocent variety than realgam
Areas given a name. Desert is orre desert, northwest forest is Tempor Forest, mountain range is Kabla Mountains, keeping in line with Eclo Canyon
A new town named Appoak, one of those aforementioned fog-collection coastal villages, which has the distinct honor of being the place you buy your wildflower seeds, which are often scattered in the desert as funerary rites because it’s kind of hard to build a grave out there and this is a tradition that natives of orre held long before the settlers/miners came in and which has overtaken the settlers/miners’ traditions, especially during and after the starvation riots that happened after the majority of the mines ran dry and the companies stopped sending their support to the workers that were now effectively stranded in one of the harshest environments on the planet.
Dead were littered on the streets, no one had the ability to bury them all, and so the tradition of scattering flower seeds instead of erecting graves that would simply be wiped out in the next sandstorm (and have you ever tried to dig a hole in dry sand) became popular since it felt like more closure
Anyways Appoak cultivates desert flowers year-round and sells the seeds and performs funerary rites, as a result it’s considered something of a sacred locale in that no one wants to mess with it because you have no idea who you might be pissing off whose loved one was buried with Appoak rites
Michael, 5 years later, now 18 (in xd he’s called an “unknown teen” by ONBS and honestly he’s so short that i’d feel bad if he was older than 13 at the time of the game) is your player character! Trainer class Lab Kid, with a cool hover-scooter, who is now officially a staff member at the Lab HQ as a result of reaching adulthood (though he’s been helping out with field research long before that.)
Your starter is a sylveon, level 25, because this Michael is not a blank-slate character, and sylveon is both in character and doesn’t conflict with any choice of eeveelution from the first game. In fact, this michael made it through the entirety of the first game without evolving his Eevee, like an absolute madman.
Lily and Jovi start the game off overseas giving lectures on shadowfication and purification, mostly so that i don’t have to create their sprites. But also because them leaving is an excuse for them to take all your pokemon from the first game with them, for “demonstration purposes,” leaving you with just your eeveelution and maybe some second pokemon-i-don’t-know-what-yet-probably-your-choice-of-any-starter so you can hurry up and get to the double battles without sacrificing an ability to make a choice on your starter.
Wes is in the game and he is an asshole and you will love him
Cail actually serves a plot purpose
Cameos from all your favorite admins and named characters from Colo/XD, most of which remain unfought until either late or post-game (because the focus is on the new story, you know?)
Miror B and flunkies at Io Port, the proud owners of a popular and, more importantly, lucrative new ludicolo dance act.
Eldes, trying to make up for his past, sponsoring an amusement park being worked on by Lovrina and her brother, with Gorigan overseeing the construction. Snattle offhandedly mentioned as having been elected governer by default (no one else was running) and helping with greenlighting these projects since he and eldes are, apparently, sand-golf buddies and eldes has been twisting his ear for the greater good
also eldes wears a dress shirt with hawaiian print on it
Dakim lives on mt battle now
not as, like, part of the mt battle challenge. he just . sorta. lives there.
Venus is now the onbs weather girl and onbs can’t decide whether they like her or hate her
the jail squad: greevil, nascour, and evice. They’re poker buddies. orre jail for the rich is basically a retirement home because orre is ridiculously corrupt.
ardos? ein? well...
So, your field assignment is to collect samples of M18 - also known in Almia by the name of “Dark Crystal” and sometimes colloquially referred to as “shadow crystal” in Orre - for research.
As you probably already assumed, this stuff works as a catalyst for shadowfication and Orre happens to be supernaturally abundant, though it having been strip-mined out by cipher during the last two cipher events has made it much rarer (and it’s theorized by NPCs that the return of wild pokemon may have something to do with the lessened M18 presence).
touching it initiates a small flashback cutscene, as it’s apparently transformed from normal quartz into M18 by the abundance of negative feelings somehow (again, you’re collecting it for study) so that’s how we get some nice backstory about michael’s dead dad (who isn’t eldes, sorry guys, he’s a guy named Prof. Taiga because - haha - Taiga Lily) and other characters
Somehow this investigation leads you to the first rumblings of a resurgence of cipher, who is also collecting M18, though for much more nefarious purposes
So, anyways, in XD, when you beat ardos in the orre colosseum, he sent you a creepy-ass email declaring that he’s basically gonna stalk you forever and kill you during cipher’s - what, third? - third coming, which he’s totally gonna do. Sequel hook! which comes true! because HELLO, your opponent is Ardos, who’s been working in secret this whole time, plotting your demise.
Also ein is there, which is important because...
In colosseum, Cipher specifically targets Celebi because they know celebi’s power is directly tied with undoing shadowfication. (Material in-game suggests that celebi has been responsible for purification for generations of rui’s family, which means cipher didn’t INVENT shadowfication, but they did create a method for doing it ARTIFICIALLY)
However, in XD, cipher doesn’t target agate at ALL. they never even step foot in it. In fact, they’re so woefully underinformed about purification that they feel the need to kidnap Prof. Krane over it.
How does that happen?
Well, we know cipher in game 2 is the main branch, and cipher in game 1 is actually just an orre side branch. Whose only real plan with shadow pokemon was just to rig up really exciting and morally inexcusable colosseum matches for rich people to bet on. No world domination in game one!
So my theory is this: Cipher orre branch created shadowfication basically on a whim and tried to make money off it, which you stopped. When you stopping it attracted attention, cipher main branch had to take notice, and realized that, hey - fucking shadow pokemon ,fuckin world domination, right??? so they promptly took over all of cipher orre branch’s operations and replaced the old personnel with new ones from main branch, while forcing them to hand over their research.
Ein did not take being fired well.
In fact, he took it so poorly that he made sure to destroy all his information on purification before handing over his research.
Cipher in game 2 has no idea the connection between Celebi and purification.
Because Ein has been re-hired by Cipher, he brought with him his knowledge of purification.
They know about celebi.
Also wes is there? He plays a major role, mostly after it’s revealed he’s actually a cipher admin.
...His eevee and espeon are missing.
time travel shenanigans idk
it rains at the climax for the first time in 10 years!
this is a wip
if this is interesting to you guys lmk! im always open to talking about it more in-depth or hearing ideas. hahah...
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Wraith pt. 12
Summary: Follows the storyline of CA:CW. Regan is an ex-HYDRA experiment who has been on the run for about a year. Turns out the Winter Soldier has been hiding not only in the same city as her, but the same BUILDING. Chaos ensues and she offers her help to Bucky and his friend Steve.
Word Count: 1742
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of syringes, Typos (sorry)
A/N: I’m really sorry this has taken so long. I haven’t felt the inspiration lately...
Not my gif, credit to the owner
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Bucky’s POV
Regan was still, but she was breathing. Her heart was still beating and for the moment, that was enough. When she had passed out in his arms, he and Natasha had sprinted to the jet, narrowly beating the others. Wanda caught sight of him carrying Regan and her face paled.
“Wilson,” Bucky called, his voice scratchy, “Regan’s worse than expected, she’s unconscious.”
Sam rushed over at his call, carrying the kit. Bucky laid Regan out on the small cot at the back of the jet when Sam instructed. Sam leaned over her, checking her pulse, and started cataloging her injuries. Bucky felt sick. He kept his position by her side, holding her hand as if he could will her to wake up if he just gripped her strongly enough.
“How is she?” Wanda appeared just behind Bucky. She spoke quietly and kept her gaze on Regan.
“Not great,” Sam responded as he began to cut away what remained of Regan’s clothes. It looked like she was still wearing the prison jumpsuit that Wanda, Sam, Clint, and Scott had been wearing when Steve broke them out, but it was hard to tell considering how dirty and torn up it was.
“How not great?” Clint now peered around Wanda as he, Steve, and Scott returned to the jet.
“Well, she’s lucky she’s unconscious. It looks like she has multiple broken bones. Judging from the bruising around her ribs, she may have some internal bleeding. There are slashes and what look like puncture wounds all over.”
“Puncture wounds?” Natasha called questioningly. She and Clint had headed for the cockpit and the jet was rising now, but at the mention of the punctures, she had returned to Regan’s side.
“Yeah, like needle marks. Someone shot her up with somethin’, and I’m guessing it’s not penicillin.”
“No,” she confirmed as she walked back towards them, “it’s not.”
“You know what it is then? Cause I have a feelin’ I may need to know.”
“Yeah, but you’re not gonna like it. We’re gonna have to call T’Challa. Regan is going to need a full course of antivenom, multiple varieties.” Natasha shouted instructions to Clint as he put through the call for her. She jogged back to the cockpit to talk to whoever answered, Wanda trailing behind her. 
Steve and Scott were seated along the sides of the jet, seeming deep in conversation. Bucky was silent.
He closed his eyes, feeling useless. “What can I do?” He asked quietly, to no one in particular.
“Take this and press it here.” Gauze was placed in his free hand, his metal hand, and it was guided to Regan’s side, where a wound was bleeding heavily. Bucky pressed the gauze to her wound, applying pressure.
“So,” Sam said calmly as he opened more gauze, “you and Regan knew each other from before?”
“Yeah,” Bucky answered, slightly stunned that the man was talking to him.
“She didn’t talk about it much, but she seemed to trust you. What do you remember?”
“Not- not much. But I do remember working with her a few times. Mostly it’s bits an’ pieces. But I know that she and I were friends, or as close as you could get to that anyway.”
“I can see that. She important to you?”
Bucky’s brow furrowed, he looked up at Sam, “what do you mean?”
“I mean, you obviously care about her. Dunno if this is cause of how close you were before or somethin’ else, but you went back. Back into a HYDRA base, to get this kid. Now I know,” Sam said, cutting Bucky off when he looked about to speak,” I know that she helped you, but I don’t think you’re acting like this just to repay a favor. I don’t think she was either.”
The happy memory played in Bucky’s mind again. The memory that he wasn’t sure happened, but he hoped it had. The plane jostled beneath his feet and snapped him out of his reverie as Natasha walked up to them.
“T’Challa’s people have the antivenoms on standby, we should be there in 15,” Natasha met Bucky’s eyes briefly before looking to Sam. “Is she gonna make it?” she asked softly.
“I think so, we just have to get this bleeding under control and keep her vitals up. What venoms are we dealin’ with here?”
Natasha sighed, and pinched the bridge of her nose before answering. “If it’s the same as the last time, it will be a mixture of coral snake, platypus and bullet ant.”
Bucky and Sam both made faces. “Well that’s an odd and specific combo,” Sam mused. But Bucky met Natasha’s eyes again before speaking.
“Bullet ants venom causes the most pain. Coral snake venom can induce seizures. And Platypus venom is the longest lasting, and has no known antivenom.” Sam grew more concerned as Bucky explained.
“Is this woman insane?!”
“Arguably, yes she was. She’s dead now, thankfully, but we can’t know for sure that she hadn’t changed her formula.” All they could do was hope that the crazy woman hadn’t improved her torture juice. 
Bucky pressed a little harder on his gauze pad, asking for another when he noticed Regan’s blood seeping through.
Just a little longer doll. A few more minutes and the pain will go away. Just keep breathing… please.
Regan’s POV
A stinging pain all over her body woke her, but as soon as she was awake, Regan couldn’t believe she had slept through the cacophony surrounding her. 
She was being wheeled off of a jet that looked strangely familiar, though she couldn’t place it. People all around her were shouting to each other. She went to raise her hands to her ears, but they were strapped to the gurney beneath her. Panic started to burble up within her as she looked around, searching for anything she recognized, hell even a HYDRA agent, at least then she’d know what she was dealing with. But as she tried to move her head, pain shot up and down her spine. She cried out, her body doing its best to thrash on the table within the restrains. All she could feel was pain and fear; she didn’t know where she was, or what was going on. 
A man in a lab coat approached her with a syringe and she screamed.
Reaching out with her power, she drew from the jet she’d just been wheeled off of and shot the electricity towards the syringe toting man, flinging him backwards with a little flick of her wrist. 
Pulling more energy towards herself, Regan wrapped the warm sparks around her body, creating a cocoon, protecting her from the people around her and shocking the people who had been holding the metal rails of the gurney to pull her along.
She could barely hear the voices of the lab coats around her calling out, over the crackles of her cocoon and the sound of her own breathing. 
Each breath echoed in her head, too loud she knew, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. Pulling a tiny tendril away from her cocoon, Regan set to work on removing her restraints. These restraints weren’t metal, but cloth could melt too, or be set on fire with a strong spark. Finishing the straps around her arms and middle, Regan tried to sit up only to fall back to the table, pain now screaming from her midsection as well as her spine. Pushing power through her body to her feet, Regan still removed the straps around her ankles, preferring to be free to move, even if doing so caused her pain. 
Resolving herself to the waves of pain she was sure were to come, she rolled herself off the gurney and to the ground, hitting it with a pitiful sounding moan. She pushed and levered herself into a sitting position and closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them, there was a man kneeling in front of her. Wait… she knew him…
“Soldier? Wait… B- Bucky?” she said slowly. His face lighting up when she used his name.
“Yeah Regan, it’s Bucky. Are you ok?” As soon as he talked, her head cleared enough that she remembered where she had been, and what had been happening before she passed out.
“Oh shit… Fuck did I hurt anyone?!” Panicked again, but for a whole different reason, Regan tried to look around, forgetting that she was injured. She fell to the ground again, catching herself on her elbows, hissing.
Bucky went to her, but couldn’t get close, her energy shield still wrapped around her. “No, everyone is ok, the shocks you gave the docs were too low of an amperage to hurt them much. Can you lower your shield so I can help you?” he asked calmly, though on the inside he felt as though he’d run a marathon; heart racing.
She looked as if she’d completely forgotten about it, shaking her head slightly, her shield dropped and Bucky approached again. “Sorry,” she said, “I um- shit, I have no idea what’s going on,” she rested her forehead on the ground as she spoke. “God, I’m so embarrassed.”
Bucky chuckled as he bent down to her. “No reason to be, one of us should’ve stayed with you to make sure you knew what was up when you woke up. Is it ok if I pick you up?”
When she nodded her assent, Bucky gently slid his arms under her and eased her up from the ground. He nodded to the doctors, telling them that he’d carry her inside.
“We’re in a safe place ok? Everyone is here; me, Wanda, Steve, Sam, Scott, Clint, and Natasha. The doctors here are gonna get you patched up and healthy.”
Regan nodded. “Then we’ll kick what’s left of HYDRA’s ass.”
“You got it,” he replied with a small smile.
When they reached what would be Regan’s room, Bucky placed her on the bed. He was about to pull away but Regan grabbed his sleeve. He looked to her face, she wasn’t looking at him, but at the tray of instruments off to the side; her eyes were wide, and the grip she had on his sleeve was tight.
“Want me to stay?” She nodded, so he perched next to her on the bed as they waited for the doctor to come in.
Hey ya’ll, sorry this has waited so long, but please let me know if I should keep going on this, otherwise it’s gonna end soon and I’m gonna try to work on one-shots instead (who am I kidding, this will probably kick around for a while untouched anyway)
Thank You's: @bellblake-trash , @buckyslion , @bovaria , @buckybarnesstar , @fvckingbuckyandsteve, @thatawkwardtinyperson, @imhereforbvcky, and @gigistorm
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@canumoveyourseatup-no, @imsunnysu, @17marvelousfreak , @ipaintmelodies, @blacwings-and-bucky-barnes, @littlxshit
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regina-del-cielo · 7 years
Saint FFic Fest Slice of Life - A Girls’ Date
I know, it’s been two abundant weeks since Show Day, but I basically wrote it during dead times between bouts of lab work, so yeah. It took me longer than expected to complete it. But I finally got a wrap around it, so here you have it!
UNIVERSE: ‘normal lives’ AU CHARACTER(S): Maeve O’ Fearghail (OC), Violate, Agatha (from The Lost Canvas)(Minos, Aiacos, Shaka, Rhadamanthys and Kanon are mentioned as conversation topics) MOMENT OF THE DAY AND/OR WEATHER: Afternoon, rainy TOPIC: girls talking. Just that. LENGTH: 2238 words  *CATEGORY: slice of life, friendship *PLOT SUMMARY: Maeve, Agatha and Violate bonded over being the girlfriends of very peculiar people. They love their boys, but sometimes they need ‘girl times’ just for themselves. This is one of those cases. Tea and small talk ensues. *OPTIONAL: Since this AU is set in Paris, the girls speak to each other in French - although for obvious reasons the story is in English. I put translations for non-English words at the end of the story, but since I don’t speak neither French nor Gaeilge, feel free to point out any grammar mistake I may have done by relying on online sources. Also, any information I got about tea flavours comes from Wikipedia.
The roofs of Paris glistened from the spring rain, falling with a barely audible clicking and ticking over lamp posts, roads, bridges and trees. People walking on the pavements were half-hidden under their umbrellas, giving the impression of a complicated dance of palettes running in both directions, if seen from above.  People who’d been so unfortunate as to be caught by surprise by the light but insistent drizzle moved as fast as they could, taking refuge under the occasional archway or the passerby’s umbrella.
Maeve looked down with amusement at the antics of people on the roads from the wet windows of Violate’s flat, her arms folded over her chest, her hands gently resting over the soft wool of her cardigan. Her hair fell like a sunset coloured cape over her back, some locks twisted in a simple braid around the crown of her head to keep them out of the way. Noises from the outside arrived muffled at her ears, unlike the sound of water running in the shower and the slight clink of mugs touching each other from the kitchen. Despite the dreary colour of the sky, a massive blanket of whitish grey, she felt relaxed and at ease, as if no worry could ever touch her perfect good humour.
Her peridot green eyes moved towards the living room library, whose contents easily revealed the greatest interests of her host. Most of them were travelling guides or novels dedicated to exotic, far-away places – the guides, especially, were laden with notes and colourful post-its, signalling the particular relevance of a passage – a place or monument Violate had been particularly eager to visit, most probably. Maeve passed a finger on the sides of the volumes, reading the names written on them with mild curiosity: Thailand, Brazil, China...
The sound of a door opening made the redhead turn around, just in time to catch the eye of Violate, dressed in a comfy sweatshirt and yoga pants. Her hair, still a bit damp from the after-training shower she’d just taken, fell silkily over her back, as black as crow wings. The girl smiled, reaching up with a hand to pick up the straight locks in a high ponytail.
“I’m afraid my library is a bit lacking in material in comparison to the ones you’re used to...” She said, seeing what had attracted Maeve’s attention. Her guest was, after all, a self-proclaimed bookworm.
Maeve smiled back, shaking her head a bit. “Libraries speak for their owners, you know. And I’d rather see sparsely filled shelves where each book was clearly cherished than one full to the ceiling whose volumes have been left untouched for years. You obviously have some memories attached to these ones, otherwise they wouldn’t be so near at hand.”
Violate let a sighing laugh escape from her lips. Maeve’s capability of finding the right words to appease everyone was still surprising even after knowing her for two full years.
The shrill whistle of the water boiler reached them from the kitchen, alerting both girls that tea would soon be ready. They turned towards the door just in time to see Agatha’s heart-shaped face appear from behind it.
“I saw you’ve got Assam, Violate. I thought it would be fine for all of us.” The youngest girl said, showing Violate a tea box in her hand.
Maeve’s eyes widened with surprise. “You have Assam tea? Where did you buy it?! I’ve been looking for it for ages when I first moved here in Paris!” She marvelled, turning towards Violate.
“I have no idea, Shaka brought it the other day; I’ll ask him where he got it, if you want! I still have to try it myself; he told me, and I’m quoting, ‘that its strong flavour would certainly suit me quite well’, in his usual ‘Guru tone’, you know the one...” Violate said, shrugging her shoulders and putting imaginary inverted commas around Shaka’s words.
“When it feels like he’s professing a revealed truth?” Agatha chuckled, her emerald green eyes sparkling with amusement. All of them knew that the Indian young man had a tendency of making his sentences spoken with such finality that it seemed almost melodramatic, especially if he was talking about mundane things... like a tea flavour.
“I still don’t know how Aiacos can bear with him sometimes. When he starts prattling about chakras and the universe’s energy and all that stuff... he actually listens!” The Frenchwoman grumbled, shaking her head and moving to help Agatha with brewing tea.
“It’s probably due to their common background... they’re both Hinduists, aren’t they?” Maeve added, looking with interest at the tea bag box.
“Aiacos is. Shaka grew up as one, but from what I’ve gathered he went into Buddhism at some point.” Violate replied.
“In any case, he probably just meant that you’re going to like it since you’re more of a coffee person... Assam tea is pretty strong and rich.” Maeve said, watching as the hot water rapidly darkened to a luxurious brown. “I’m pretty used to it myself, since it’s the variety used for Irish Breakfast tea.”
“Well, in that case I’ll trust you.” Violate chuckled, reaching for the sugar jar on the counter. “Sugar for all?”
“One for me, please.” Agatha said, sending her mug towards Violate in a slow gesture.
“I’ll just take milk, thank you” Maeve replied, reaching for the fridge.
“Vraiment très Anglais!”, Violate smirked, her lips perking up even more when Maeve froze and turned to her with her eyes reduced to slits.
“I beg your pardon?” She asked, suddenly switching from French to a strongly Irish-lilted English.
Violate burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, I just love the face you make when someone calls you ‘English’! It’s hilarious!”
Maeve harrumphed, while Agatha started laughing too, mixing the sugar in her mug.
“Viole Gwenaëlle Ailedeigle, you have no shame!” The Irish girl said, eyes rolling before tending to her tea and making an exaggerated pout.
The drizzle had become a downpour in a matter of a few minutes. The raindrops pelting on the windows brought a thrumming background rhythm to the chatting trio inside the flat.
“I may not be English, but I truly understand why they say there’s nothing better than a hot cup of tea on a rainy day!” Agatha said, bending her slender legs over the couch, her bare feet crossed at the ankle. The long, flowy, aquamarine coloured skirt she was wearing perfectly complemented her olive skin.
“If it’s this flavour, maybe. Otherwise, long live scalding hot coffee!” Violate replied, finishing the last drops of her own.
“I honestly don’t get how you can drink it when it’s still boiling hot. Is your tongue made of iron?” Agatha said, looking with mild disbelief at her friend, who had drunk her tea without even blowing on it, while it was still smoking.
“Mais non, chérie. I’m just used to it. I’ve always liked my hot drinks really hot! Mon pére still can hardly believe it either!” She laughed, the contagious sound filling the living room.
“My sister is your opposite. When we make hot chocolate at home, she lets it cool down for ten minutes before drinking it! My mother and I joke a lot about it, since once it happened that she started sipping at it when we had already finished our own!” Maeve commented, chuckling. Her hands were clasped around the still-warm cup, her long fingers crossed at the tips.
“Now, that is too much, even for letting a beverage cool down enough!” Agatha said, her pretty nose wrinkling slightly at the thought. Even at the verge of twenty-one, she could still be mistaken for a teen, or even a child, thanks to her youthful traits. “She’d go along with Minos... you have no idea how many times it irked me like mad to see him basically let the tea leaves sediment into the cup’s bottom because he gets lost in thought or is too busy teasing me!”
“It’s a good thing he’s your boyfriend, and not mine.” Violate commented, rolling her eyes at the thought of how exasperating Minos could be. And she had both Shaka and Aiacos as lovers. “I, for one, would have glued those glasses to his ears years ago... does he still insist in not wearing them?”
Agatha sighed dramatically, nodding. “Yes. Even after having to physically stop him from banging his nose against a lamp post when we go out, he still won’t get it! The funny thing is, I tell him it’ll get worse if he doesn’t wear them now, and he just grumbles it off!”
Maeve chuckled. “At least since he met you he started actually wearing them sometimes, or so I’m told... Stubborn as hell, the both of them!”
“Both?” Agatha asked, her eyes rounding slightly in confusion.
“Yes, both of them. You see, Rhadamanthys is just as iron-set as Minos is, although for different things. When Kanon sparks his competitive side, he knows no reason!” Maeve replied, a smirk passing through her lips as she told them of that one time when she’d had to basically drag Rhadamanthys home from the swimming pool because he’d spent so much energy in competing against Kanon to see who could do most laps in less time he could hardly put one foot in front of the other...
Violate had fallen into raucous laughter around the middle of the tale, slipping further into the couch as if the cushions were swallowing her. Agatha could hardly keep her own giggles in check, her imagination bringing forward the image of the courteous, shy and yet imposing Rhadamanthys reduced to a tired puppy desperately leaning on his girlfriend for physical support... and Kanon, that rascal, who’d tried to keep his smirk on and even tease his friend, while he could barely walk straight himself!
“Those two are overgrown children, that’s what they are!” Violate finally wheezed, her chest heaving from the exertion. “And you have the patience to actually act maman around them?”
Maeve brought the mug to her lips with dainty grace, taking a sip before replying. “It is worth the effort, when the prize is having my boyfriend’s undivided attention...” She said, a mischievous golden glint flashing in her irises, laughter hidden in the curve of her eyebrows.
Agatha and Violate’s eyes met, emerald green astonishment meeting obsidian black bafflement, before they both protested quite loudly – “spare us the details, please!” “You minx!”
Maeve laughed at their antics, moving her hair to make it rest on the couch’s arm and not be crushed by her back. “It was my turn for  teasing, wasn’t it?”
“Fair enough” Agatha conceded, shrugging her shoulders and moving her chestnut brown ponytail aside.
“Still, beware of who hears you – that sentence could have brought Aiacos into a fit of curiosity, you know that?” Violate replied instead, her head tilted towards the redhead, an eyebrow raised in almost warning.
Both her guests groaned quite unladylikely, remembering how Aiacos was a bit too eager to share his amorous experiences with his friends – and far too eager in wanting to know about theirs down to the smallest detail, too. If looks could kill, Violate would have buried him multiple times during the course of their relationship.
“As if my flatmates weren’t enough already!  I still have to get payback from that time when they basically threw him on my bed when we weren’t together yet... worse than a síogaí, they are!” Maeve complained, rolling her eyes quite dramatically.
“Excuse me, what was that?” Agatha asked, face blank at the mysterious word that had appeared in the middle of Maeve’s sentence, its foreign sound almost clashing with the familiar lilt of French.
“Oh, sorry; I meant a pixie.” The older girl replied, sheepishly.
“Now that’s a story I’ve never heard a word about... do share!” Violate interjected, sitting straighter, a bright smirk on her rosy-cheeked face.
“What is it with you and other couples’ embarrassing stories as of late?” Maeve asked, an eyebrow raising with suspicion.
“I regale you daily with embarrassing stories from my personal répertoire, there would be nothing wrong in an equal exchange, don’t you think?” The Frenchwoman protested, sporting a fake pout that made her guests laugh heartily.
“If the boys could hear us now... I’m pretty sure Minos would throw a hissy fit at being exposed to public mockery like this!” Agatha giggled, her head bending to rest upon the cushion as she imagined her boyfriend doing just that – a rare sight, considering he usually opted for relentless and nerve-wracking teasing when somebody bothered him... or a complete silent treatment. Despite her words, the fondness in her voice was evident whenever she talked about him.
“Ah yes, because they think we don’t know about them doing the exact same thing about us in that dirty mouchoir they call a flat that they share?” Violate snarkily replied. “Minos and Aiacos are two gossipers of the worst species, I’m telling you!”
“Much to Rhadamanthys’ dismay, I may add!” Maeve joined the laughter, her mind rushing to the image of her own partner face palming with a suffering moan at his cousin’s and best friend’s antics.
As they fell into another round of light-hearted gossip and amusement, sunrays broke the mantle of clouds above them, making Paris sparkle like a dew-covered lily at sunrise. Somewhere in between the lazy Seine and the busy boulevards, an accordion played La Vie En Rose.
Vraiment très Anglais: how very English (this one is loose and pretty much built up by me?)
Mais non, chérie: oh no, dear
Mon pére: my father
maman: mommy
síogaí: (Gaeilge) pixie, sprite.
répertoire: list
mouchoir: handkerchief (yes, the boys’ flat is REALLY small)
I suppose you all know La Vie En Rose, right? Anyway, there’s the link, ‘cause it’s always the right time to listen to it.
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kiwihounds · 8 years
WOO BREEDS, Italian greyhounds, rottweilers, springer spaniels, havanese, koolie, german short hair pointer, long haired whippet and husky.
Italian Greyhounds- Oh man, if there was ever a breed that had me so conflicted, it would be IG. I love them. I adore them so much. Breeze is my heart dog and I wish I could copy her over and over again. I can see why people collect them like chips.
But…So many issues with their inbreeding depression, autoimmune conditions and such (Dasa’s King of the Mountain is literally in almost every dog’s pedigree, its disgusting). I was very lucky with Breeze when it comes to health, especially with her fairly high COI. I dread getting another and not dodging the bullet again, or worse, breeding a litter and having puppies in the litter have one of those many issues that can’t be tested for. I don’t feel like I have the money or the ability to do my bit to fix their massively looming issues, but at the same time I feel like I should try. I feel like I owe it to this amazing little breed to try.
So yeah, I’m really conflicted. I might of teared up a little just writing that because of how much the situation the breed is in sucks. It’s hard.
Rottweilers- Very smooshable; great excited bum-wiggles; 11/10. Not a breed I would own but can absolutely appreciate a nice one. Only ever come across one I wouldn’t go near with a 40 foot pole and he was owned by drop-kicks anyway. One that came into the kennels I used to work for would always lean on me to the point of falling over when I had to move away. Total doll despite his owners trying to make him look like a #toughdog.
Springer Spaniels- Despite them being fairly common I’ve never had anything much to do with them and can’t pass a lot of judgement. They’ve all seemed like nice friendly dogs though. I love their ears.
Havanese- On my list, if I were to look at small dogs only. Cute, sweet, bouncy. Comes in a huge variety of colours. Coat care, even for a show dog is manageable for me. Puppies are completely adorable and pure. A+. Only downside to them in this country is they are expensive.
Koolie- Another one I’ve never met, nor really do I know much about them other than they are very much working dogs, so probably not for me. They don’t seem to really be present in NZ; farmers tend to stick with their heading dogs and huntaways. Neat looking little dogs though, can totally appreciate them.
German Shorthaired Pointer- One of my mother’s favourite breeds. Our childhood dog growing up nearly was one instead of a lab. I like them but unfortunately a lot seem to be neurotic or overly nervy which puts me off. Don’t know how much of that is down to their owners though. A properly temperament one sounds like a nice dog from my reading. Certainly sleek, smart looking dogs. I like the look of most gundogs, what can I say?
Long-haired whippet- Its a sighthound. I love sighthounds.
But honestly though, they aren’t in the country and I don’t really know what they are like. I find normal whippets kinda dull in personality but 1. That comes from only seeing them at shows, they are probably different at home? and 2. Long-haireds are probably a bit different.
Husky-  *small voice* I don’t… like them. At all. The blue eyed one kinda creep me out and I’ve never met one I’ve liked temperament wise. Sorry to all husky lovers, I just don’t get the appeal! But every one is different, thats part of the reason we have hundreds of breeds to choose from lol
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Samantha Allan Park Ch. #9
Any references to TMNT or anything from popular media and culture is NOT MINE. I only own my OC’s.
Chapter 9
*A couple weeks later*
FINALLY I HAD FINISHED MY LAST AP TEST FOR THAT YEAR!!! I was continuing my goal of scoring high on as many AP tests as possible. This goal was mainly to help eliminate future college credits while also hopefully being a way of helping me get into any college of my choice, even though I already knew where I wanted to go: Blair University. It wasn’t exactly one of the top colleges in the country, but it was still a very well-known university, and EVERYTHING they had to offer was very competitive, including their soccer and dance programs. 
As I was exiting the school building I felt my phone vibrate in the small sling over bag I had on. As I pulled out my phone I saw that the call was from Jay. 
“Hello?” I asked as I was walking out the doors of the school building and about to make a left. “Before you keep walking, look up.” I looked over across the street to see my older brother leaning back on the wall of the building behind him, waving at me. I instantly started to smile, and after I checked, I ran across the street towards where he was standing. “Hey! What are you doing here?!” “Haha, I knew today was your last day of AP testing for this school year, and even though I know you will continue to work hard and complete all your school work, today is basically when you stop and take a break from all the stress that school brings. So, I’ve been putting in some extra hours so that some strings could be pulled and I could take the afternoon off to celebrate with yo-OOMPH!” I hugged the crap out of my brother, excited that the rest of my day would be spent with him and then later that night I would get to hang-out with my new friend once again.
“So dear brother, what did you have in mind for this spontaneous outing together?” I said jokingly. “God you’re so weird haha, but I’ve been super stressed lately, so we’re going to go jump on a bunch of trampolines to take all the stress away.” “*gasp* you…you don’t mean…” “YUP! We’re heading over to Skyzone.” “OH MY GOD YESSSSSSSS!” And that fast I took off and started running down the sidewalk in excitement. It took me a few minutes to realize that Jay wasn’t following me. He stood there and shook his head. “That dork, I wonder how long it will take for her to realize she’s heading in the wrong direction.”
*Later that same day*
It’s funny how long a 16 and 23 year old can spend in Skyzone going crazy and having tons of fun jumping around on trampolines. We ended up staying there longer than we both intended, so after we had finished acting like children we just decided to walk home and order food to be brought to our home. Ironically we ended up ordering some pizza. Jay said that he hadn’t had a chance to have any in a while because at work they were always walking to the same few local restaurants every day, so I decided to go along with it and said “sure, why not?” even though I had eaten plenty within the past couple of weeks, but he didn’t need to know that.
As we were sitting on the couch eating dinner and watching t.v. I noticed that he kept looking over at me with a puzzled face. “Can I help you with something sir?” I asked. “…You’re happy…like, happier than usual happy…why?” “Oh I’m sorry, forgive me for not being extremely depressed and actually enjoying life.” “Tch, you’re such an ass” he said playfully. “Might as well change my first name to Jack” I said with a smile. He chuckled. “Seriously, what’s gotten you to be so cheery?” “I honestly don’t know what you mean, I feel the same as the last time I got to hang out with you.” “I guess its brotherly intuition, but I can just tell that you’re perkier than usual. And when I say that I don’t mean that you’re usually depressed and sulking all the time” he said defensively, “but you’ve been acting the way you used to before everything happened years ago…oh god, is it because of a boy? Are you dating someone?” “Ughhh anytime I display any “new” emotion you ALWAYS assume I’m dating someone. I swear I’m not dating anyone!” I said as I playfully shoved his shoulder. There was no way I was ever going to tell him that a boy actually was the reason for my newfound happiness. Honestly I hadn’t noticed a change in my behavior. Had mine and Mikey’s new friendship really had that much of an impact on me already? Already, heck I wasn’t expecting this new friendship to have any type of impact on me in general. When did these changes start occurring, and how could Jay notice a change in me when I hadn’t even noticed a change within myself?  
 “Okay I’ll admit” he began, “I do jump to conclusions like that pretty quickly, but it’s only because I worry about you! I don’t want you to get hurt. I was a high school boy once and I know that some of them can be real jerks.” I smiled at him. “Don’t worry, you have nothing to worry about. This increase in happiness is just because I’m finally done studying for a while…that and because we can finally watch the new Naruto movie.” “OH YES! Thank you for reminding me!” as he got up and ran over to the t.v. to put the disk into the player. I laughed as I leaned back into the couch. Maybe one day I would be lucky enough to tell him about Mikey, but for now that was going to continue being my little secret.
It was about 10 at night when Sam heard a knock on her window. “It’s open!” she called, and then she heard the window slide open. “Wassup bruh? How’d the testing go?” “Pretty good, I actually felt more confident about the stat test than I thought I would, but hopefully I’ll get 3’s or higher on each.” “HEY! Mikey only hangs with people who have positive vibes! Have more confidence in yourself, especially after all that studying I helped you with.” “Thanks again for all that, me explaining all my notes to you on each subject was definitely a huge help.” “No problem, that’s what friends are for. So, where to tonight?” “Tonight we’re BOOOOWWWWLINGGGG!” I said as I excitedly threw my hands up in the air.
 For the past couple of weekends Sam had snuck Mikey into a variety of different places. On Friday and Saturday nights she took him to places that were usually really crowded during the day like the mall and the movie theater, this way if they stayed out really late when these places were closed it wouldn’t create any negative effects the next day because they both could just sleep in super late the following morning. On Sunday nights she took him to places that she knew the owner lived further away from the businesses location or that in general had low security. One night they had gone to a local arcade where the owner lived further away towards the outer locations of the city, and another night they went to a park that was locked up during the night. The rest of the week the two would just hang out in Sam’s apartment. Because these past two weeks were when AP tests began, Mikey had been kind enough to help Sam in studying for the multiple various tests that she was signed up to take while also helping her in the projects she had to complete for other clubs as well. They both were excited that from now on, since AP testing was over and since Sam was in standard classes, she would be much more available to go out and spend even more time with her new friend.
Sam packed up her usual belongings that she took with her on their outings and the two headed towards the top of her apartment building. They thought that tonight was going to be another regular night of them hanging out together. However, what Mikey didn’t realize was that he had gotten so caught up in the excitement of getting to go see his friend again that he hadn’t charged up his phone, and that of all nights, the one night his phone couldn’t hold a charge was the night that he would need it to.
Donnie was tinkering around in his lab when he heard one of the monitors make a beeping sound. He walked through the doors of his lab and turned to face the collage of computer screens. One of them was able to read the feeds from local police scanners and currently it was retrieving information about a robbery downtown and the location the robbers were currently heading towards, a warehouse downtown.
“Guys!” “On it!” Leo said as he walked past Donnie and headed towards the weapons wall on the far left. Raph had been in the workout area which was parallel to the weapons storage, so he was already gearing up by the time Leo got over there. Donnie joined them and also grabbed some gear that he might need. “The warehouse being robbed isn’t too far away from here, so we can travel by foot tonight.” “Alright, while I finish getting ready, one of you go to tell Splinter what we’re doing and the other call Mikey and tell him we’ll need him tonight.” Raph ran to go get their father, while Donnie walked in the direction of the exit and got out his shell cell. He called Mikey’s cell phone number, only to get no response. “That’s not good.” He tried again, just to get the same response. “I told dad where we’re heading, how far away is Mikey?” Raph asked as he walked beside his brother. “Ummm, well, you see-” “He didn’t pick up did he?” That fast Raph began to grow furious. “I knew this was going to happen at some point, you happy Leo?” “What’s wrong?” He looked at Donnie. Donnie pursed his lips together. “Mikey’s not picking up…” Leo sighed. “Leave a voice mail, he should be there by the time we reach our location. He knows to check his phone every so often, so he should be checking again soon.” After Donnie left a voice message, the three ran off. They jumped and flipped over the various pipes and other random debris that popped up throughout the sewers. Within 10 minutes they reached a ladder that lead them up to a manhole cover. Once it was removed the three climbed up to the surface, then climbing up another ladder that lead them to the top of a building right next to where the exit from the sewers was.
Once they reached the top of the building, Donnie checked his phone once again just to find that there was still no word from his younger brother. Leo and Raph looked over and could tell by their brother’s face that Mikey still hadn’t responded. All three were growing both nervous and upset about the current situation. Had their brother received the message and now he had been captured? Or was he being distracted by his new friend and he never got the message to begin with? Each of them shuddered when thinking of the girl. Originally it had only been Raph who just straight up hated her, but now even Leo and Donnie were growing some hateful feelings towards the girl. They were all worried about just how much Mikey hung out with her and what her true intentions of hanging out with him were, and not being able to currently contact him after they knew he had headed out to see her were making them all extremely nervous as to why he wasn’t picking up.
Leo sighed and made a decision. “Alright, whether he’s been here or not, we need to get inside and catch these robbers. Once inside we might find some answers as to where he is.” Donnie walked over towards a glass window that was on the roof. It was dark inside, so he put his goggles on and used them to try and figure out where the robbers were hiding. “They keep walking towards an entry way on the far left side of the room, whatever they’re hiding or trying to protect is probably in there.” Leo spotted a vent on the roof. “That should lead us in. Let’s try to secretly get towards that opening. Raph, you ready to go Hulk on these guys?” “Tch, like you even need to ask” he said with an evil grin as he cracked his knuckles. Leo grinned. “Donnie” he faced the purple bearing turtle, “you try and head towards that opening and see what’s inside. For now, Raph and I will try to lure as many of these guys away from that area as possible.” All three brothers nodded and headed towards the vent. They removed the cover and each crawled through. They traveled throughout the vents until they reached an opening in the vent where once they dropped down, they were standing above a walkway that was raised above the ground. The three dropped down. Donnie used his goggles to see where the robbers were at. “Based on how they’re dressed, these guys are Foot soldiers. They’re spread out all over the place now, but it’s too dark for them to see us up here.” He then pointed towards the far wall. “If you two can lead them over that way, that or right below us, that should create an opening for me to try and sneak into that opening on the left wall.” Raph had a devilish smile on his face. “Let’s do this.”
He then jumped down and landed with a huge *thud.* Multiple heads looked over towards him. Raph closed his eyes, using his auditory senses to guide him in where to run and where to hit, as he rushed towards the few men in front of him and instantly started throwing punches, knocking out the few men who were closest to him. Leo ran around the walkway as he heard bullets being shot behind him, his loud foot-steps guiding the soldiers where to shoot. He then jumped down to the lower level as he used his katanas to knock the guns out of the hands of the few soldiers closest to him. He also relied on his auditory senses to know where and when to attack. Luckily there were only about 20 soldiers total at the moment, so it wasn’t too difficult of a fight, but having Mikey there definitely would have helped. Once the soldiers had clumped themselves together as they tried to attack the two turtles, Donnie then jumped down and ran straight for the opening.
After taking one step into the entry way, he felt a small pain in his right arm. He looked down to see a small cut, and diagonally behind him was a kunai knife. “Oh no.” When he turned back around, Karai was rushing towards him. He turned and ran back through the entry way into the main open area of the warehouse where his brothers had been fighting. “Bail! BAIL NOW!” he screamed. He knew that if Karai was there, then this was no normal robbery. The Foot had known that the brothers would chase them down, they wanted the turtles to find them and attack. That’s why there were so few soldiers inside, because the rest were somewhere else waiting to follow their every move. Donnie saw that there were more soldiers near Raph, so he ran over in his direction. The soldiers turned around and shot at Donnie who blocked their shots by rapidly spinning his bo staff, knocking down each bullet that was fired in his direction. As Donnie was knocking down bullets, Raph was knocking out soldiers. The two then ran over and helped knock out the few soldiers that were still attacking Leo. The three ran over and climbed up a ladder that lead them back up to the walkway above the ground. As they all ran around the walkway towards the vent, they heard Karai call to them from below. “You can only run for so long turtles!” Raph clenched his fists and was about to yell back down to her until he felt Donnie pull on his shoulder. “Come one Raph! We need to go!” Raph nodded and followed his brother back up to the roof of the building.
Once they got to the top of the building they all followed Donnie, who being the thinnest was also the fastest. The three sped off for a good while. Donnie used his goggles as they ran to detect when someone was getting close to them. After they had been running for about ten minutes straight with no bodies being detected, Donnie decided that they could rest for a bit and strategize what their next move should be.
Leo walked over to his brother with a puzzled look displayed on his face. “Okay, so explain to me what’s going on.” “Karai, Shredder’s protégé and right hand man. She was waiting for us in that warehouse, which means somethings up. I’m not sure exactly what they’re planning, but I’m sure it’s not good. There’s a high possibility that they’re trying to locate our new home since they’ve tried that a few times. Sadly they got a small DNA sample tonight.” He then showed Leo the small cut on his arm. “Now that they have this, they’re probably on the move, trying to follow and hunt us down now as we speak.” As he continued to talk, Raph came over and helped put some bandage wraps over the small wound. He shook his head as he did so. “Of course, the night they get an advantage over us is the night that Mikey is nowhere to be seen.” Donnie nodded. “What I’m most worried about is that we don’t know if he got that message and they captured him, or if he never got the message at all and is perfectly fine. They could have him and be heading towards our home while we’re out here running away from what could have been a diversion from the whole thing!” “Alright” Leo cut in. “Then we need to find Mikey, NOW. Are you able to do that from here Donnie?” He nodded as he pulled out one of the devices from his millions of pockets running across his chest. Raph raised an eyebrow as he watched his brother go to work. “So, what are you doing?” “Remember when I took all our blood samples years ago?” “Yeah.” “This device can pin point where each of us is because of those samples. I would use it more often, but sadly it dies out really quickly and takes forever to re-boot, so I try to only use it in extreme measures like this…alright I found him!” Leo walked over and looked at the screen. “Where is he?” “He’s…at a bowling alley, that’s near the outskirts of the city.” “Why would he be there? I thought he was supposed to be with that girl” Raph growled. Leo sighed. “There’s a chance that she took him there.” “Or she TRICKED him into going there! I knew she was bad news, but no! YOU!” as he ran up and shoved his finger at Leo’s chest “YOU had to let him go see her and now look at the situation we’re in!” “Trust me I’m not happy about this either-” “NO LEO you’re not getting out of this one! We never got into this panicked of a situation of giving up the location of our home until Mikey started seeing that girl, and I know you two feel the same way!” “GUYS PLEASE!” Donnie shouted as he pushed the two apart. “Argue about who’s to blame later, but our brother may need us right now, and we definitely need him. So let’s go!” The two older brothers looked at Donnie, and then at each other. They glared each other down, but slowly their faces softened and they nodded towards the other, realizing that if Mikey was in danger that their arguing wasn’t going to save him. The two then stood behind Donnie, waiting for him to lead the way. Donnie looked at his device and found the quickest route to lead them to their destination, and once he had adjusted his goggles, the three ran and leaped over onto the next building.
Sam walked over to the tables that her and Mikey had been sitting at and brought over a few slices of pizza and some nachos. She walked to the beat of the music which was playing on her phone at the table.
“So, are you catching up to me yet?” “A little bit, but this isn’t fair! You’ve had years of practice, this is my first time doing this and constantly I keep rolling the ball into the gutter!” “Awww, want me to set the bumpers up for you?” she asked in a mocking tone. “NEVER! I will overcome this challenge!...aren’t you a trainee at a professional dance school?” “Yeah, why?” “Then why are you dancing so weird?” he laughed. “Because I’m just moving to the beat, songs like this make you do that! You dance like a dork out of fun, the music just takes control!”
The two had been hanging out for a couple of hours at the bowling alley where there had been a lot of goofing off, learning about each other, and teasing the hell out of Mikey who was struggling to get a hold of how to bowl without letting the ball land in the gutter. At this point in time, Sam had learned everything about the turtles and Splinter’s past and how they became what they were thanks to Sachs experiments. She also knew about the great hogosha April O’Neil, so now she wasn’t as jealous as to why she got to hang out with the guys so much since she literally was the reason the five of them were free to live the way they were now, so Sam understood how different their situations were and why the two were treated differently amongst the turtles. She had also learned about their battles with the Shredder months ago and how he had landed in the middle of the streets of New York and how he had escaped because some of his main soldiers had sprayed gases all throughout that local area of the fall so that the crowd would disperse and they could swoop in and rescue their leader.
In return, Sam told him about how Shredder currently was running two groups. The men that relied solely on guns were from a gang called the Purple Dragons whose leader was called Hun. Hun had decided to work for Shredder when he was offered endless weapons as long as he fulfilled any given order, which Hun was okay with since he would get all the power and credit while his men did all the dirty work. The soldiers who actually fought using their ninjutsu were the true Foot soldiers that trained and then traveled from the main branch in Japan.
She then told him more details of her personal life. She talked a lot about her seven siblings and some of the adventures they had gone on growing up. She mentioned that her older Korean sister Amber who was nine years older than her was her role model in life. Amber didn’t care that people judged her for being a tomboy and she always lived life to the fullest. While Sam’s Korean sister Jamie and her blood sister Haley were both extreme girly girls who were attached at the hip, Sam was always attached to Amber and a lot of her interest in sports and video games actually came from her before she began talking to her brothers about them.
She also talked a lot about her younger brother of two years, Chuck, whom she was ridiculously over protective of. She told Mikey about the millions of inside jokes that her and Chuck knew about, which always confused the heck out of the rest of their siblings.
Mikey was happy to hear about Sam’s family, since beforehand it seemed that she would only bring them up for a quick minute and then would change the subject, so it meant a lot to him that she finally was feeling comfortable enough around him to talk about her family and a little bit about her past.
As the two were talking, Sam heard a beeping sound from her iPad in her bag. She picked it up to see that the small cameras she hid on the top of the building had been set off. She nodded to Mikey and the two got ready to fight and run. When the two had originally arrived at the bowling alley hours ago, Sam re-set and edited the cameras within the building and also set up some of her small dome cameras in case someone were to show up for whatever reason. She now made this part of a regular routine whenever the two left her apartment to go hang out. She had also shown Mikey any and all main and quickest escape routes in case they needed to make a quick getaway.
Sam had thrown everything she had brought into her back pack. She quickly slid her arms through the straps and the two ran for the easiest exits based on their speed, agility, and body size and height. Mikey ran towards the end of the lane where there was a door that lead to an exit in the alley way behind the building, and Sam had run towards the back wall where the lockers were where a vent was right above them. The two had their weapons in hand in case they needed to fight whoever was approaching.
Just as Sam opened the vent, a giant arm pushed her backwards. She stumbled, but was able to maintain her balance. When she looked back up, a furious Raph was standing in front of her. He grabbed her shirt and pulled her forward. “You…” he snarled. “No, not Yu, Park. My last name is Park, I do know a Yu though” she said sarcastically. “I swear I’m gonna-” “No thanks!” Leo cut in as he connected his arm with Raph’s and swung him back, making Raph lose his grip on the girl. By this time Mikey had already run back over to where the others were standing, confused and scared as to what would happen next. Before he could say anything, a pissed and worried Donnie was in his face. “Where is your phone? Do you know how many times I called? Seriously we’ve been so worried about you, you idiot, and you’ve been playing around here?!” “Wait, what? Why didn’t I get any messages?” “Your phones dead dude.” The two deadpanned, and all four sets of eyes were on Sam. She reached into her bag and pulled out the shell cell and tossed it to her friend. “I picked it up earlier to check the time while you were looking up music on my phone, it’s been dead the entire time we’ve been here. I’ve been charging it for a while, but it charges quicker when you leave it off. Sorry, I should have turned it on when I was charging it.” “Oh you should be sorry for a lot more than that! You don’t even know the dangers you’ve put all of us through!” Raph snapped. Sam turned around to look at him. “Don’t worry, I always make sure everything is as safe as possible whenever we go out.” “GO OUT?” Donnie asked. Sam closed her eyes, a disappointed look on her face as she realized she got the terms “go” and “hang” jumbled in that split second. “Oops…” “YOU’VE GONE OUT MORE THAN ONCE?!” Raph was losing his cool, which he never really had to begin with. Leo was also beginning to lose what little self-control he had. “Mikey, this can’t go on anymore.” “Leo wait-” “No you listen! We called you about an hour ago because we needed you for back up against the Foot, and now they have a way of tracing our every move and if we’re not careful they could follow us and find out where our home is. We had no idea if you had gotten our message and had been kidnapped and if the Foot robbery was just a diversion, or if you were somewhere else that was safe. And it turns out that you were just playing around the entire time! This is exactly what I meant when I said that you two could bring danger to you and our family!” Mikey just stood there. He knew his brother was right, his excitement for wanting to hang out with his new friend had distracted him from being prepared to help support and protect his brothers. He wished there was a way he could see Sam while also being able to stay close to his brothers. Before he could say anything, Donnie butt in. “Leonardo, we need to go. NOW. According to my scanners, multiple bodies are closing in on this building.”
Mikey turned towards Sam, concern etched onto his face. “You have to hide.” She gave him a puzzled look. “Why?” “Because Foot soldiers are heading this way. Based on what you told me earlier, Shredder has been using a lot more of his actual soldiers than he has been using the Purple Dragons to fight his battles lately. These guys are bad new Sam, you have to hide.” “Welllll you’ll have to catch me first!”
She then turned and sprinted back over towards the lockers along the back wall, jumped up and pulled herself up on top of them. “SAM!” shouted a worried Michelangelo. “Trust me I’ve trained for this, plus I need to find a tight spot where I can edit all the main cameras and then also go and collect mine.” “Cameras have been collected and I can edit the ones that belong to this building” Donnie said in a serious yet stern tone. “Oh, thanks” Sam said with a small smile. “Anyway, I’ll go this way. If they’re tracking you guys, then its best if I go a different way. Plus it’s easier for me to travel this way because these vents are super thin, that’s why you and I came in through the alley way. If a tiny teenage girl can barely move through these vents, then I’m sure it will be hell for a bunch of male Foot soldiers to do the same.”
Mikey looked over at Donnie who was nodding his head. “As much as I hate to admit it, those are all valid points.” He looked up at Sam. “Meet us on the top of the building and DO NOT move from there. If you see Foot soldiers then hide somewhere and don’t let them find you. We don’t need a hostage situation to make things worse than they already are.” Sam made the O.K. symbol with her fingers, and then she climbed up into the vent.
Leo looked over at Mikey, squinting his eyes in confusion. “How does she know that the vents are tighter here?” “Oh, she’s been sneaking into places like this for years” he said with a playful smile. “Oh great!” Raph cut in, “Now it’s official that we’ve been letting our brother hang out with a criminal.” He then turned around and ran towards the end of the lanes where the door that lead to the alley way exit was located. “Dude it’s not like that! No one at her school gives her a chance, and her family members are always busy, so she’s all alone!” he said as he ran behind her. Donnie was hacking into the cameras with the control pad on his wrist as they ran. “Mikey, don’t you find it a bit odd that she doesn’t have one friend from school, and that out of her seven other siblings, they’re always busy?” “Well, yea. But I know there has to be a reason for that, and eventually she’ll tell me!” “Alright,” Raph said, “has she told you why she has so much strength when she’s as thin as a stick?” “She took some self-defense classes in the past, and keep insulting her and see what happens!” Mikey said as he nudged his brother. “Oh please continue to threaten me you half-pint! You totally won’t regret what will happen if you do!” Raph replied as he shoved his brother’s face away. “STOP!” Leo had been leading the way but now was holding his hand up for his brother’s to come to a halt. “Leo he’s getting way to attached-” “HUSH! Look.” Leo held up the device in his hands. While Donnie had been hacking the cameras, Leo had been holding the device showing the location of the Foot soldiers, and right now it showed that multiple bodies were standing down at the other end of the alley way.
“Wait,” Donnie took the device into his own hands. “This is showing that there’s a bunch of bodies outside, but they’re focused on getting up to the roof. Look, they’re all standing around waiting to climb up the ladder.” Leo sighed. “We have to act fast, they may have found her.” Mikey clenched his fists, waiting for orders as to how they should attack. The four brothers heard a few gun shots. “These guys are purple dragons, which means they should be a little easier to fight.” “They’re who?” asked Raph. “Never mind, I’ll explain later. Leo what’s the plan?” Mikey asked seriously. “…Alright, we need to get through these guys down below as soon as possible. According to the device, all the soldiers are at the bottom of this alley and only a small handful are at the top of the building. We need to clear through these guys down below as soon as possible. Mikey, you go directly to the roof as quick as you can and defend Sam. Got it?” “Wait!” Donnie chimed in. “There’s a strong reading of our own DNA on this device, which means one of those soldiers has the device they’re using to track us. We need to destroy that device. The knife they used earlier barely hit me, so any and everything they have to track us is out there right now.” “Alright, are we all good now?” All four brothers nodded their heads. “Alright, LET’S GO!”
The four brothers shoved open the door and followed the orders they were given. Mikey instantly jumped onto his board and rocketed up to the roof of the building. Raph pulled his sais out and started cutting into every gun he could dig his weapons into. The best thing about these guys was that once they lost their guns, they were powerless. Leo leaped over his brother, attacking the soldiers in the back of the group. He used his katanas to block bullets that were shot at him while shoving soldiers into the wall, knocking them unconscious. Donnie momentarily hid in the shadows, trying to pin point who had the device that was tracking them. Finally he saw one of the soldiers in the middle of the group wearing a small pack with a few wires that lead to a small bump on his wrist, bingo.
“Raph back me up!” Donnie yelled as he rushed towards the center of the pack of men. Raph began barreling through, helping to create a smoother path way for his brother to run through. Donnie attacked men with his bo staff as he dodged bullets and flipped over clumped groups of rushing soldiers. Eventually he caught up to the man with the pack on his back. Donnie swung his bo at the man’s feet, tripping him and making him fall flat on his face. As the man’s face hit the concrete, Raph came up behind him and dug his sais into the top of the pack and dragged them all the way down, destroying the device.
Within a few more minutes, all the soldiers on the ground had been knocked out. “Raph, give me a boost” Leo said as he nodded his head towards the ladder along the wall of the building. Leo jumped up as Raph pushed his feet up with his hands, helping Leo get to a higher point on the ladder so that he could reach the roof sooner, with Raph climbing up the ladder right behind him. Donnie used an electronic grappling hook to help him get to the top of the roof. When all three finally reached the top of the roof, they were shocked at what they saw.
There were four Foot soldiers in total, and these were actual Foot soldiers, and they were being fought by not only Michelangelo, but Sam as well. Sam and Mikey were standing back to back, each defending punches and kicks from two soldiers each in front of them. The three brothers were shocked to see Sam dodging these attacks, blocking attacks that were close to hitting Mikey as well. A fist went by Sam’s face, and she slammed her tonfa down on the man’s arm. As she did so she ducked down from a kick coming from the second man. Overall she was good at timing when to dodge and when to attack, but it was also extremely noticeable that she was getting exhausted, and fast. Suddenly, as she put her tonfa in front of her to block another kick, she left her middle section open, and the second man landed a second kick right to her stomach.
Sam did her best to pull herself to the side as fell to the ground, keeping her tonfa above her in case another blow was sent towards her head as she fell, but to her surprise the remaining three brothers rushed in and began to fight. Now that each turtle was fighting one on one with a Foot soldier, taking the men down was much easier. Sam scooted off to the side and watched the brothers fight…well, barely. The fights were over almost as soon as they began.
Once it was confirmed that all four soldiers were knocked out, the brothers all sighed in relief. Mikey walked over to Sam. She looked up at him with concern in her eyes. “You okay?” He chuckled, his eyes wide in amazement. “Are you serious? You’re the one that just took a pretty nasty blow!” He put his hand out to help her up. She took his hand and grunted a bit as she stood up. “What, that last hit? It didn’t hurt as much as you think, I’ve been hit worse in soccer games. It just caught me off guard is all, and I didn’t want to fall backwards and have four guys right on top of you. It’s been a while since I’ve fought like that so I’m a little shaky, hehe.” “Why have you had to fight like that ever?” Leo asked as walked over, crossing his arms. “I used to take some self-defense training classes.” “Those classes teach martial arts? I thought it was more so teaching what to do when attacked by a robber and how to throw solid punches, that kind of thing.” “Well…special request classes do” she said timidly.   “Well they totally taught you how to be a badass!” Mikey chimed in. “That was awesome! Guys you should have seen her! She was defending herself with a gun she had got from some of the Purple Dragons members who had come up here first, like those four couldn’t get anywhere near her. Once I got up here she totally landed some solid hits to all four of them once she caught them off guard!” “Who are the purple dragons?” asked an angry Raph. Sam looked up at him. “The Purple Dragons are a gang that is run by a man named Hun, who now is basically owned by Shredder. 99% of the time when you see soldiers with guns, it’s Hun’s guys. The actual ninjas are from the main Foot Clan branch in Japan.” Leo gave her a weird look. “And you know this how?” “Hacking into documents at police headquarters” she said, followed by a beaming smile. Sam was proud of the technological skills that she had learned over the past four years. “…You have really strange hobbies.” “And I think it’s strange how you talk sternly like a 90 year old man” she said with an innocent smile. Leo was not amused as he continued to frown at her. Mikey’s face on the other hand was covered in nothing but smiles. “Dude, with more training, you could possibly even catch up to our level of expertise. Back at the lair we have a dojo where I could teach you everything-” “HELL NO! She cannot come back home with us!” “Oh come one Raph! She just fought with us, what other proof do you need that she’s a good guy?” “She has ninja skills, ridiculous strength for someone her size, and she knows more about the Foot clan than I’m comfortable with, and apparently she knows this because she’s good at hacking into documents she should never get her hands on. She’s provided more evidence as to why we shouldn’t trust her than as to why we should! You agree with me right Donnie?...Don?” They all turned around to see Donnie staring off into the distance. Leo walked over to him. “Don?” “She’s watching us. Look over there.” Leo looked straight ahead in the direction that his brother was pointing and saw a thin figure staring at them, and then quickly run off, disappearing into the darkness of the night. “Karai…” Leo mumbled. “See! We can’t let crazy chick number two hang out with us when crazy chick number one is still after us.” “Dude!” Mikey shouted in frustration.
Both brothers looked over at Leo. The eldest brother stood there, contemplating what his options were. Finally, he came to a conclusion, one that he was far from thrilled about. He looked over at Sam. She was staring at the ground with a blank face. She had a strong feeling that this would be the last time she would ever get to talk to her new friend and she hoped that she would at least get to walk home with him before he was ripped away from her.
“You” he said as he faced the girl. She looked up at him from afar, standing silent and still. “…You can visit us in the lair from now on, but you need to let Mikey know when you’re heading down. If you just randomly show up then I’ll personally kick you out. Understand?” he said through gritted teeth.
Sam’s jaw dropped slightly in disbelief in what she was hearing. On the other hand, Donnie’s jaw had dropped completely, and while Mikey grew a huge smile on his face, Raph’s frown grew bigger than ever before. “What?!” Mikey said in excitement. “WHAT?!” Raph snarled in furry. “Leo…are you sure that this is the best solution?” Donnie asked. Leo took a deep breath in, and slowly let it out. “Mikey already broke code after we told him not to go see her, so I’m sure he’ll do it again” Leo said as he glared at Mikey, who pursed his lips together and stared at his feet. “Next time the police scanner goes off, it will be safer if Mikey is somewhere close rather than being somewhere where we would have to hunt him down, like we did tonight. Plus, Splinter has seen her up close now. If we leave and she tries to pull some type of stunt, he can handle her.” Donnie nodded. “I see you put a lot of thought into this. Alright, I support your decision.” He wasn’t thrilled about this decision, but his older brother made a good point. Plus, this also meant that they could keep a closer eye on this mysterious girl as well. “Pshh, whatever.” Raph had had enough. He began to walk over towards the edge of the roof and then slid down the ladder. Even if this girl was now allowed in his home, he would do everything possible to make her feel uncomfortable and unwelcome, then maybe she would get the hint that she wasn’t wanted.
As Donnie and Leo turned to follow, Sam called after Leo. He turned to face her as she spoke. “Um, thanks, for trusting me to come into your home that is” she said with a small but innocent and sincere smile. Leo pursed him lips together and forced a fake smile. “Well, I didn’t really have a choice” he said in a sour tone.
While Sam played it off like it was no big deal, Mikey noticed his brothers behavior. He waited and made sure that his brothers were below ground before he spoke. “Tch, honorable and noble leader my ass, a leader doesn’t treat someone like that.” “I don’t blame them though.” He looked at her in shock. “What?!” Sam gave a light disheartened smile. “I’m a stranger to them, and I didn’t exactly meet them in good circumstances. Plus they’re you’re older brothers, so if I’m not the perfect typical girly girl who can’t throw a punch and who always needs saving then I’m seen as a threat. I mean Raph makes a good point when he gets upset at what I can do. Most normal girls can’t fight with tonfa and dodge punches as quickly as they can throw them. I’m sure I’d be extremely worried if someone like me became friends with Chuck as well.” Mikey gave a small smile and put a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, eventually they’ll soften up once they get to know you. There’s already things you can talk to them about, once they get used to having you around then they’ll never want you to leave.” She laughed out loud. “Just because you want me around all the time doesn’t mean that they will.” He put his arm around her shoulder. “Heh, we’ll see about that. Anyway, I’ll walk you home since it’s getting late.” And the two walked back to Sam’s apartment, talking about all the fun things they would do the next night when Sam would finally get a chance to enter the lair again.
Author’s Note:  Hopefully people deem me as keeping the turtles in character. I got really creative in creating their personalities for these scenes.
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