#i finally figured out how to use glamourer to make my bo look like ryde XD
fate-bound-in-crystal · 9 months
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"... What troubles you?" she asks, watching him look out over the island below them. He glances at her and sighs; no getting past her keen senses, is there? He shifts forward, leaning on his knees.
"Something doesn't feel right about all of this," he says softly.
"The 'esteemed' ambassador... or the armor that Lord Hien gave you?" she replies, the corner of her mouth lifting with a knowing smirk.
Ziero glances at Ryde then, his cheeks dusted with pink, and looks away.
"... Both." When Ryde doesn't respond, he sighs again. "I have a bad feeling about Asahi and what he wants with Tsuyu. What I saw - we saw - leads me to think he's a much, much crueler man than we know."
She nods, the end of her tail flicking against the wooden planks. "He's a snake, and a vicious one at that. Yet, if she regained her memories - his methods aside - then by rights Lord Hien had to let Asahi take her." Ziero nods, shifting his arms from one knee to the other. A glance at the woman beside him leads to one more sigh.
"I am... grateful for this armor, do not get me wrong, I just..."
"Think you're cursed and won't let him close, yes we know," she says with a chuckle and grin. Ziero glares at her and rolls his eyes. "Two lost men a curse does not make, Z."
An ear flicks in irritation. "And yet those I become close to keep dropping like flies and Doma needs her liege if it is to survive. I won't rob them of him simply because he wishes to pursue something with me." Ziero flashes her a canine, lilac eyes hard. Ryde chuckles softly, reaching to squeeze his elbow. The gesture is gentle, and reassuring, and not for the first time Ziero finds his chest fluttering at her touch.
"I've been with you since Titan and I've yet to fall. The twins---"
He cuts her off with a look. "Ryde, you are not like the rest of them, you know this. I... Fine, let us make sure this prisoner exchange goes well and maybe... maybe I'll... talk with Hien about. Things." Ziero looks over to see the bright glow of her limbal rings flare with encouragement. They dim almost immediately, the seriousness of their task settling into Ryde's face.
"Yes, let us make sure the 'honorable' Ambassador does not murder all of us. With a sword in his gut."
Ziero snorts and shakes his head. "C'mon Scaley. Let's go."
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