#i finally have tags for the l+ds boys so!!
good morning!! <3
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oracleofstars · 3 months
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The spotlight has turned to @alistairea of this month
This will serve as a "mini masterlist" where we compile links of works from different creators based on the character. And yes, its not limited to fanfiction. This is open to artists, graphic design/gfx creators & editors. (Basically, if you've created any kind of creative media related to the character) Below the interview is a masterlist specifically made for the character!
Its pretty easy to join! There is a higher chance of being featured if you are a member of the network, but we plan on inviting other creators who aren't members as well. Our hunter's exam will be held on July 5 to July 15, a taglist will be made soon. Be on the lookout, future hunters!
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Arianna is a creative multifandom creator who makes content for Love & Deepspace, Genshin Impact & Star Rail! We have asked her five questions to introduce her content to all of us.
tell us about yourself!
ari : hello ^^ my name is arianna, I write love and deep space characters but I don't mind writing a character from another fandom and my content is about LANDPS boys - even the story characters
who is your favorite to write about in landps?
ari : zayne is my favorite character to write for. my smau of him is still ongoing ( SNOWFLAKE! )
what is your personal headcannon of your favorite l&dps character?
ari : my personal headcannon of zayne ( and may be canon ) is that he still continues trying to find mc in every life even though he is cursed.
what is your favorite sfw work that you have posted?
ari : right now the zayne smau is the only one ive written, but i hope to write more for the others as well!
how is your time in oracle of stars?
ari : its really good, i like it here. i hope everyone joins this network.
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welcome to the zayne masterlist, find something that piques your interest here! show some love to the creators that work hard in this community by reblogging their work with a cute little tag! <3 there may be repeating works from the last issue
snowflake! smau masterlist - @ alistairea
zayne caring for you - @ alistairea
l&ds boys + their nicknames for you - @ lovexdeepspace
l&ds boys + choosing mc over you - @ lovexdeepspace
zayne gets a cat to love him - @ kakaventurine
taking their surname - @ beneathashadytree
jealous of… plushies? - @ beneathashadytree
“is he your boyfriend?” - @ beneathashadytree
hospital trip - @ chaos-in-deepspace
naming a puppy after him - @ strwberri-milk
turning into an evol kitten - @ strwberri-milk
when you (playfully) reject their kiss - @ chastiefoul
sleepy day - @ chastiefoul
saying i love you - @ chastiefoul
his not-so-secret love affair - @ kykyonthemoon
how to romance the lovely miss hunter - @ kykyonthemoon
the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly - @ kykyonthemoon
distractions - @ odoraful
an aesthetic eye - @ odoraful
ladps men's reactions when they hear a little kid say he'll marry you when he grows up - @ manikas-whims
ladps men react to you taking in a kitten - @ manikas-whims
remnants of the heart - @ tulipdf
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its almost application season! our taglist will open soon. come join us in the discord & the network. the second issue is finally done, show some support to the creators by REBLOGGING their works with little comments-it encourages them a lot, trust me! thank you for all the support you've given the oracle. we'll see you again next time!
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seokiloquy · 3 years
Game Cartridges - Kenma Kozume
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Au: Regular/Gaming
Tags/Warnings:  GN! Reader, short and fluffy, Time Skip spoilers
Word Count: 2.1k+
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"Lev, are you almost done?"
A deep raspy voice echoed into the gym, loud and authoritative, startling the volleyball players. Once all eyes turned your way, you laughed, letting your natural voice still the silent atmosphere. Your hand smacked the metal door as you hunched over, gasping for air between each series of laughs. 
Lev, who had just landed from a spike, opened his mouth in a loud cheer at the sight of your slumped form in the door. “(Y/N)!”
You straightened your spine, sighing as you watched Lev’s nose get caught on the mesh net as he tried to limbo under it. He looked like a pig for a moment, before the bottom of the net snapped and Lev ungracefully fell on his face.
As he laid flatly on the gym floor, Kuroo —who you managed to identify based on Lev’s description (though you did expect a comical beak to be attached to his muzzle)— walked over, thumbs playing with the waistband of his shorts. Before he started to talk, you leaned over, looking behind him to see a partially blond boy dig the toe of his shoe into your tall friend’s side. Kozume Kenma.
The rooster in front of you started to speak. “You sure gave us all a shock. Thought you were a janitor coming to kick us out,” he chuckled, lifting a hand off his hip to scratch the back of his head.
“Ya sorry, Lev just finds that voice creepy so I use it every now and then to scare him.”
Kuroo sidestepped as his hand moved to gesture you inside. “So, you’re a voice actor?”
“That’s the plan at least.” You bowed and walked to the bench that was pressed against the wall, a small bag swinging over your shoulder. The old man, Nekomata, gave you a wrinkly grin as you sat next to him, watching your hands as you pulled out a DS from your small bag.
Kuroo smiled, snapping his head to the clock before looking over his teammates.“Nekomata, should we start cleaning up?”
The couch hummed thoughtfully, turning his attention away from you and onto the team captain. “We still have a half-hour before our practice is officially over. How about we do 3 vs 3, to, ah, 7 points?” He then turned his attention to Lev, who was rubbing his nose as he got to his feet. “Pair up evenly for the beginning, the odd player out will be keeping track of scores and rotate into the next team. Got it?”
Lev raised his hand. “Can you explain the rotation again?”
You looked up from your handheld console to give your friend a deadpan look. Nekomata laughed before answering, “The odd player will take out a player of the next team and so on to keep teams fresh. Got it?”
The Silver hair boy hummed, standing to his full height. “Got it.”
As players dispersed randomly, not selecting any teammates, in particular, to play with, you were vaguely aware of the new bodies that came to sit alongside you on the bench. Instead of looking up to whichever boy had chosen to take the spot next to you, you kept your head down as you played on your DS.
“Ah.” Quiet
“Um.” Again.
Sighing you turned your head on a swivel to the blond boy who sat next to you. His head was downcast but through the dyed strands, you could see his eyes flicker from his fidgeting fingers to the device in your hands. His eyes shot up to meet yours before quickly turning away.
You wore a kind smirk. “Need something?”
Kozume turned his head slowly, pointing to your small bag that was laid open, exposing the variety of games you owned. In a calm voice, “You have lots of games, why are you playing Nintendogs?”
You laughed looking back down at your small virtual pet. “Well, a lot of those I haven’t started yet, Lev gave them to me yesterday as a gift. And well, I’m only going to be waiting for about 30 minutes for you guys to finish before we leave, so I don’t really want to start something new.”
You heard the clicking of the plastic game cartridges as Kozume riffled through them. He pulled out one, a Pokemon game you had yet to touch. “Play this.”
“But my dogs.” 
“They aren’t real. Play this, it’s fun.”
Nekoma called for the teams to switch. Kozume stood up but waited for you to take the game out of his hand before he left for the court.
You sighed, pulling Nintendogs out of the DS and putting the Pokemon game in, Pearl, apparently. 
“Your name is (Y/N), right?”
“(L/N) (Y/N), ya.”
Kozume hummed, before stepping onto the court, letting a sweaty Lev fall into the spot he had previously occupied.
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Another day, another practice and you were back to sitting next to Nekomata, waiting. Occasionally, you looked up from your DS to see the two setters toss a ball up for the players to hit, watching as the players ducked under the net to collect their balls. 
Once their final water break came around, Kozume, who had been eyeing your DS since you sat down, shuffled to sit beside you. “Ah, use the water attack.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, head tilting as you showed him your progress.
“Hmm, gym battles are mostly element-based, you want to use mostly water attacks for this one.”
Nodding, you clicked the option Kozume had so helpfully pointed out. “I know nothing about how to play this.” The battle ended, giving you a pretty badge, to which you realized there were more empty slots to fill. “Damn it.” You turned to see partially bleached blond chugging back his water. “Kozume, could you help me with the other gyms?”
“Kenma is fine. And I could, but you’d probably have to be here for that, you have to find the other gyms after all.”
The wince you wore caught his attention. Hissing you dropped your hands into your lap, still holding the sides of your plastic game. “I’m not sure how possible that would be. My luck is just running out isn’t it.” He kept watching, half-listening to Nekomata as he explained the cooldown drill before practice ended. You pulled out your little red flip phone from the side pocket of your back. “Put in your email. I’ll message you and give you my contact.”
Taking the device from your hand he quickly typed out his address before dropping it unceremoniously into your bag and running onto the court with his teammates. You smiled at the sight of his hair bouncing before your smile dropped and your head lowered to look back down at the game in your lap. The colours on the screen seemed a bit dimmer.
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Where did the Pokemon go?
Kenma had quickly become your go-to Pokemon consultant. Always there in your time of need.
Which one?
He responded quickly, which helped.
Uh, one of the three ones? I was trying to catch it but it’s not there anymore. I tried dropping revival items and stuff but it’s not there.
(Y/N) did you kill it?
Reload the game.
I’ve done that.
Did you save after you defeated it?
Messages with Kenma typically surrounded classes and videogames, more so the latter. With that though, came a sense of consistency with messages outside of active school hours and giving your mind a constant timeline to follow throughout the chaos that surrounded you.
Ya, I had to save my progress.
It took a minute for him to respond, but you could feel the sorrow radiating off him through the screen.
You’re going to need to restart the game if you want to continue.
Shit. Well then, got any other recommended games? Ideally RPGs.
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After many practices with your presence sitting silently against the wall, Kenma was surprised when the end of practice came around, and you were nowhere in sight. Kenma pushed the rolling basket of volleyballs up next to Lev as they gathered up all the equipment.
“Where’s (Y/N)?” he asked, crouching down to pick up a stray ball.
Lev lowered his chin to see the setter clearly. He hummed, “Ah, I think it was called, New York?”
Kenma paused, dropping the volleyball into the basket with cold hands. “What?”
“They moved to the USA. I don’t think that they’re going to be there forever though. But Mr. (L/N) got a job there from what I remember. They were staying with my family before they moved.”
Kenma’s nose scrunched. “Why did I have to make friends with someone who was moving away? You’re terrible, Lev.” He gripped the blue fabric of the basket a bit tighter and began pushing it into the storage closet, grumbling.
“What did I do?”
After practice, Kenma quickly got to his phone, typing away as he walked home alongside Kuroo.
Your response, despite being in a different time zone, was quick.
IM SO SORRY I TOTALLY FORGOT!!! I just liked talking to you and it slipped my mind whenever you were around
Kenma sighed, washing away the anxious feeling in his chest. 
Another email came through.
I’m only going to be here for a couple years, then I’m going to come back. Messages may be slow because of time and all, but I’ll always respond.
You didn’t lie that day. You were always quick to send a message back, but over time those messages stopped coming and you didn’t have the heart to send anything in return.
You’d ponder on it occasionally, hoping that all it was, was forgetfulness, or a changed contact. But after a couple years, it was easier not to think about it, and go on with life and pursuing your passion.
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“Stop spamming the chat guys, please,” Kenma grumbled, wincing at the repetitive notifications that rang in his ear. Turning to look at the live responses, he paused the stream of messages to read over a few. “You’ll stop once I start playing? Fine, fine. Let me get it booted up.”
As he pulled up the Japan-made open-world RPG that had been released for Beta earlier that week, the chat went into a flurry of excitement, with various images and repetitive cheers rolling by.
Kenma turned to face his main screen as The main intro to the game played with a flurry of colour. The chat increased in speed as the two-player options appeared on screen, ready to be selected. When his mouth moved over one of the characters they moved, reciting a line.
“Oh they’re voices are nice.”
The chat exploded again.
(Y/N)’s voice is great!
They do both of the MCs voices
All the talent 
Selecting the male character, Kenma listened to the boyish tone, furrowing his boy as he caught sight of the name being repeated over and over again in the chat.
“(Y/N)? That sounds familiar, are they in an anime?”
The chat responded with a list. 
Tilting his head, Kenma pulled out his phone as the game began to load, talking out loud for the viewers of his stream.
“(Y/N). that sounds familiar.” He entered the search for the game’s voice cast. Immediately seeing a familiar portrait at the top of the list.
The chat quickly caught on to Kenma’s look of surprise and started spamming again.
“(Y/N)?! Ah! I know them! It’s been years!”
Ignoring the chat and fully loaded game for a moment, Kenma smiled at the image of an older you on his phone screen. Putting down his phone and sitting straighter, he looked at the camera that was focused on his face.
“Hmm, this makes me want to play Pokemon. Maybe later. Time to start this.”
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I was going to write a full-length fic with this au but…. You know how it goes.
Short and fluffy cause I have to get back into the groove of writing after 2 months. Ahaha. I finished all of One Piece this week (when I wrote this), 966(now 971) episodes thus far and all the movies. Makes me want to write for it. Maybe If Kiwi watches it I will. 
….If I do, it’ll probably go on Ao3… but if you’re reading this and want me to…. Let me know… I’m tempted.
Kiwi. Watch One Piece so you can edit One Piece fanfiction that I’ll probably never write…. Unless. - Bacon
Maybeeee I can still edit without watching it thoughhhh. I’d edit whatever you’d me too - Kiwi
Unless!- Bacon
Posted: 25/04/2021
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mushroom-wreath · 5 years
get to know me
thanks for the tags @nookaway and @lemon-crossing!! 
name: taryn
nicknames: none!
zodiac: sag ♐️
height: 5′1″
languages: english, I have lost the baby amount of french I learned in school :(
favorite season: fall 🍁 f a l l 🍂 f   a   l   l 🍁🍂💕! especially in animal crossing! the mush/acorn festival is my fav time to play 🍄
scent: lavender, sandalwood, deep incense scents
flower: poppies! I’m so glad they’ll be in the game 💕
color: burnt orange/burgundy/pink I cant choose 
animal: cats, deer, goats, and frogs b/c my partner loves them and they make me think of them 🐸
fictional character: I’ll go for ac characters! celeste or sable
coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: all three! coffee is my usual go to but it’s been making my anxiety really bad lately :(
average sleep: I’ve been getting 5 at most recently :( I used to sleep 10 hrs per night and I miss it! 
dog or cat person?: cats! 🐈
number of blankets: one thick blanket! I’m a demon and always sleep with my window cracked open, even in the cold canadian winter, because I like the contrast of cold room/warm blanket.
dream trip: I want to go to Tokyo so badly! I was supposed to go with my partner this year but then coronavirus happened. I’m hoping we can go sometime in the near future though! Would also love to go to Scotland & visit Victoria, BC again. 
blog established: June 2013! I’ve had this bad boy since before New Leaf came out. I only really started using it regularly again in December, and changed my url after the direct! 
followers: 246 but everyone is so active so it feels like more! 
random fact: I was under 10 when I got wild world, and I didn’t understand how to save the game. I would start a town, play it until my DS died, and then rinse & repeat. I finally figured it out after a month or so though! 
i’m tagging: @newerleaf @figport @lunariacrossing @daisymmae @new-whorizons and anyone else who wants to! sorry if you’ve already done this!
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bastardnev · 7 years
Steal Your Heart Ch. 3
nev may be a loser, but he’s WADE’S loser
(crossposted from ao3)
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Professional Wrestling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wade Barrett/Pac | Adrian Neville, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Characters: Wade Barrett, Pac | Adrian Neville, Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Detectives, Alternate Universe - Thieves Summary: Random happenings in the lives of Wade, a detective, and Neville, a thief who took a liking to him and decided to tag along with him during his investigations.
Wade let out an impatient sigh, resting his arm on the car window and propping his head up while his other hand gripped the steering wheel. No matter what state he went to -- be it back in New York or here in North Carolina -- he always found himself stuck in rush hour traffic. The rain that had been falling all afternoon certainly wasn't helping much either. I swear, it's like everyone forgets how to drive whenever it rains... Wade grumbled to himself, rolling his eyes when the person in the car behind him started repeatedly honking their horn. "Yes, because that's totally gonna fix everything!" Wade complained. "That's gonna get us out of this mess quicker."
"Ooh, you tell 'em, Wade," Neville chuckled from the passenger's seat, not looking up from his DS. Wade looked over and noticed that he was completely focused on the screen, his tongue poking out from between his lips as he did whatever the hell it was that he was doing.
Wade forced his gaze back on the road and was about to respond when the horn honked again and cut him off, and he leaned his head back against the seat, letting out a deep sigh. "The universe is actively working against me, I swear to God," he said, prompting another laugh from Neville. He knew that it was a bad idea to meet up with the witnesses this late in the day -- when he knew that once they were finished it would be around 5 PM -- and yet he did it anyway. Had he proposed that they do it earlier or even on a day when the weather wasn't so poor, then this whole thing could have been completely avoided.
"Dammit, come on!" Neville huffed after having fallen silent again. "Just stay in the damn ball, you bastard..."
"What are you doing?"
"Trying to catch Lugia."
"Lugia? Nev, are you really playing Pokémon right now?" Wade snorted. "What are you, a child?"
"No, I'm not, but I do like to have fun, unlike you," Neville snapped back, pursing his lips and raising his eyebrows at Wade for a moment before going back to playing.
"Wow, okay," he scoffed. "I didn't realize that this was such a sensitive topic for you." Wade needed to learn to keep his mouth shut. The last thing he needed was an angry Neville -- if provoked, Neville might steal his wallet. Again.
"You should try playing it one of these days. I think you'd really like it."
"I've never really been much of a video game person. I'm all thumbs with controllers."
"I'm gonna name the next non-legendary that I catch after you. I'll raise you to level one hundred."
"I feel so honored," Wade replied sarcastically, watching as a raindrop slowly slid down from the top of the windshield. What he would give to be back at the hotel at that moment, warm and dry and not sitting in a car surrounded by so many impatient drivers...
"... God, and now I'm out of Ultra Balls!" Neville annoyedly switched the system off and shut it, setting it down on top of Wade's notepad, which was resting in his lap. "I'll try that again later. Lemme tell ya, catching legendary Pokémon is pretty much impossible. Their catch rate is so damn low... How am I supposed to complete the Pokédex when they make it so freaking difficult?"
"I'm gonna pretend like I understood what you just said," Wade replied. His eyes fell on the DS. "Y'know, Nev, I've been meaning to ask you: Where'd you get that thing, anyway?"
"This old thing?" Neville picked it back up, admiring it proudly. "Well, where do you think I got it from, Wade? Take a guess."
Wade thought for a second before he smirked. "You stole it, didn't you?"
"Correct!" Neville ran a hand over the top of it, his finger tracing along a small crack. "It was easily my most successful heist. You wouldn't believe the hours of entertainment I've gotten out of it. It doesn't owe me a damn thing."
Wade noticed that the traffic was slowly letting up, and he was able to move his car up, but it still seemed like they would be stuck there for a little while longer. Letting up or not, it was still bumper-to-bumper, which meant that the person in the car behind them was sure to start up with the horn again any second now... Wade knew that they needed to pass the time somehow, so he looked to Neville and asked, "Why don't you tell me about it? The heist, I mean. How'd you pull it off?"
"Oh my God, it was awesome, Wade. Literally no one saw it coming! I caught them all off guard." Neville suddenly grew incredibly animated, like he was thrilled that he was given the chance to talk about his thievery. Wade got the feeling that Neville probably didn't know many people who would listen to him ramble about his illegal activities, and the fact that Neville trusted him enough with this information made him smile.
"Well, go on now!" He encouraged him, motioning with his hands for him to continue. "No need for the suspense. Gimme the details. Where'd it take place?"
"It was in the hotel in Miami. Y'know, the one we met in?" Neville explained. "In addition to being murderous, the people that work there are really inattentive."
"As seen by the fact that no one noticed you were secretly staying there for months."
"Exactly! No one even batted an eyelash when I swiped this bad boy from the lost-and-found."
Wade's brow furrowed. "Wait, you got it from a lost-and-found?"
"Yeah! I was snooping around one night and found it sitting in there with a game and a charger. They were all dusty, like they'd been there for awhile before I found them. I figured that since no one else seemed interested in giving it the proper care that it deserves that I would take it for myself. None of the staff even knew that I dropped by." Neville grinned at the white DS, his tongue poking out from between his teeth. "So oblivious. I was so proud of myself afterwards."
Hold on a minute. Wade was confused. A lost-and-found is full of items that people lost, and in most cases no one ever drops by and claims them. In the end, it technically didn't matter who took the DS, be it Neville or the actual owner. Is he saying that the best heist he's ever pulled off was picking up a lost item? One that had been left behind for months that the owner probably forgot about?
The silence in the car was broken by the sound of the car horn going off again, and Neville was the one to let out a frustrated noise this time. "God, can't you just honk your horn back at him?" He reached towards the wheel.
"Hey, hey, we're not doing any of that today," Wade swatted his hand away. He drove the car up a little further, what Neville told him still at the forefront of his mind. If that was the biggest thing that Neville had ever done since becoming a thief, then did that mean that he wasn't much of a thief at all? No, there had to be more to it than that. There must be more that he's not telling him. "So that was how you stole the DS, huh?"
"Mmhmm. And I don't regret a thing."
"So what about some of your other heists? What's the next big thing that you've done?"
"Well..." Neville drew out the 'l' at bit his lip as he thought, clicking his tongue a few times. "There was this one thing I did recently at a store that I thought was pretty sweet."
"Ooh, alright." Wade liked the sound of that -- things could actually be stolen from a store. "What kind of a store was it? A jewelry store? Did you steal a bunch of diamonds?"
"No, it was a convenience store," Neville responded. "Took a bag of Skittles when the cashier wasn't looking. You wouldn't believe how little attention those people pay, especially when it's after dark."
"I... I see..." Wade knew just from experience how skilled Neville was at stealing. Had it not been for him and his abilities, the case in Miami would have taken much longer to solve since Wade would be working on his own. Neville has this talent, but he doesn't even use it properly... He acts like he's a big criminal, when really his biggest crime is just petty theft! Once again, Wade found it almost funny how he of all people was the one griping about Neville not committing any serious offenses.
After what felt like forever, the traffic was finally moving, and Wade hurriedly stepped on the gas pedal before the person in the car behind them exploded out of pure rage. It was once they were driving steadily that Neville asked, "You okay? You've been thinking for awhile."
"I'm fine," Wade replied. "Look, kid, I know I've told you this before, but... You are a very interesting person, you know that?"
"An interesting person, and an amazing thief." Neville grinned.
"Yeah, sure, you're amazing." Not too long after he said that, Wade heard the sound of the Pokémon game that Neville had been playing start up again. "You're giving it another shot?"
"I don't have a choice!" Neville tapped the stylus against the screen. "If I give up, then I'm just letting Lugia win. I can't have that!"
"Nev, it's only pixels."
"They're more than that! You would know if you actually played."
"Oh my God, you really are a child..." Wade breathed a sigh of relief when he saw their hotel, and he drove into the parking lot.
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thelarrycult-blog · 8 years
Hi everyone. We don’t have many followers yet because this blog is new, but we wanted to try to make a meaningful addition to the wonderful community of people here blogging about one direction, their (ex) girlfriends, and children, and against the larry cult. We all had our own larry blogs at one point, but we all realized (some of us knew each other as larries) that we were making a huge mistake continuing to blog in that ocean of queerbaiting, misogyny, misinformation and homophobia, because of the sheer amount of disgusting people, so we came here to join the better side and share our experiences in the larry cult. We’re going to provide brief introductions and mod tags here so you can tell the difference between us.
~L, the mind behind this blog. I was a “larrie” for 4 years until just recently, when I was sent nasty amounts of anon hate for sharing my opinion on how things might have been more real than we thought. I think they broke up in 2014, and on a rebound, Louis had a series of one night stands and got Briana knocked up. “Babygate” is clearly here to stay, and I made this blog to be a permanent reminder of all the events that have transpired in it. I’m the most extra Harrie you’ll ever meet.
~Briana. Hello my name is Briana. For years I’ve been a part of the Larry fandom. Every time I saw a pic/video of Freddie I got weaker. One day I had enough courage to admit that I no longer shipped Larry. I reached out to many other Briana/Freddie accounts and they really helped me throughout this process. I would protect Freddie with my life, and I would gladly help others who want to see the light too <3 Haylor is my new OTP.
~The Rogue. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but my larrie ass has finally been turned. I’ve joined this blog because I’ve finally seen the truth. The larries are deluded and obnoxious, and must be stopped. Also have you seen Briana? She’s my mom now. I love her.
~M. I used to be a larrie in 2012 but I started to doubt it when Louis and Eleanor got together. I never really had the courage to stop pretending because I was afraid of all the larries. Now I can finally say that I stopped believing in it a long time ago. Especially Freddie and Briana changed my mind. You can’t fake love and family. I’m hoping that people will realize that too. Not being a larry shipper has made me more brave and made me me.
~C. Hello peeps! I’m ~C and I’m part of this group of amazing, recovering larries like me because lately it has been a very difficult time, speaking about Larry and the dark, disgusting side of the fandom. It’s been a while now since I’ve finally opened my eyes and I can finally see how stupid I was by believing everything big larries tried to convince us about, literally brain washing everyone! I’m happy that I can finally be the real me without having to fear being judged by larries that think that us, ex larries, are nothing but trash, when they are actually anything but garbage. I love Freddie, Briana and Louis and I think they’re such a beautiful family. <3
~F. Hello guys! Well... I’m here because as of lately, my life has been turned for the better. I have left larry behind and I couldn’t be happier! I am so happy I have seen the light and I can share how I have changed since I realized how toxic it all was. I hope our followers can realize with us what an amazing family Bri, little baby Freddie and Louis make.
~gossip girl. hellooo, I’m gossip girl and I’m so happy to be a part of this group of recovering larries! Looking back on it now, I can’t believe how blind I was. Seeing Louis with Freddie has completely opened my eyes to his love for the boy. They’re a perfect family and I adore them both.
~k. I had been a larrie for almost four years before I realized that everything I had been believing in was a lie. I was too afraid to mention it to my friends because I know they would send me hate messages and make fun of me. I had been brainwashed by the bigger larries into thinking I was weak if I didn’t believe anymore. I’m so glad I left the toxic part of that fandom. I love freddie, and I hope he’s protected for the rest of his life.
~ds. in case you were wondering, that stands for dream smasher. all i dream about is louis living a happy life with his son freddie. however, larries ruined that for me with their deluded fantasies. i can’t believe i fed into it for so many years! now it’s time for me to smash the larries’ dreams with straight up facts. i’m ready to defend bria, lad, and dad and support them in any way i can <3
That’s everyone for now. If we add anymore, we’ll go back and add more and reblog the post. Thanks for your time, I hope we can all make your lives a little better every day :)
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