#i finished our duolingo challenge ^_^
carpedzem · 9 months
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umlewis · 7 months
lewis hamilton during the press conference on day three of pre-season testing, bahrain - february 23, 2024 (transcript under the cut)
Journalist: "What changed between the summer and the decision to make the call for Ferrari?" Lewis: "Obviously in summer we signed and obviously I, at that time, saw my future with Mercedes, but an opportunity came up in the new year and I decided to take it. It was obviously the hardest decision I think I've ever had to make. Obviously I've been with Mercedes for… I think it's, like, 26 years they've supported me, and we've had an absolutely incredible journey together. We've created history within the sport, and it's something I take a lot of pride in. I'm very proud of what we've achieved. But I think ultimately I'm writing my story, and I felt like it was time to start a new chapter." [time jump] Lewis: "For every driver, I think, growing up, watching the history, watching Michael Schumacher in his prime, I think probably all of us sit in our garage and see the screen pop up and you see the driver in the red cockpit and you wonder what it'd be like to be surrounded by the red. You go to the Italian Grand Prix and you see the sea of red, of Ferrari fans, and you can only stand in awe of that, and it's a team that's not had huge success, really, since… Mostly, obviously, from Michael's days, but since 2007, and I saw it as a huge challenge, and without a doubt… Even as a kid, I used to play on GP2 as Michael in that car, so it definitely is a dream and I'm really, really excited about it." Interviewer: "Lewis, have you ever been to Maranello? Lewis: "I have not. I bought my first Ferrari in 2010, I think. That was my first present to myself. I don't have it anymore, but I didn't get to go during that time. Being with Mercedes, I didn't think it was a good look to go, at the time." Journalist: "Are you on Duolingo already? Are you planning to have lessons? What's the game plan with that? Thank you." Lewis: "In all these years, I've not managed to learn any other languages, so… But of course I will definitely try. I do remember when I was karting in Italy and I was able to pick up a few lines, and so hopefully that will come back to me pretty quickly. But just to go back to, just about the new chapter… This chapter's still not finished. I'm still 100% focused on delivering for this team this year and trying to finish on a high. That's a big, big goal for me and the team, and I have absolute faith in everyone in the team and, what we've done so far, I think it's great, so I really hope that we are somehow able to close the gap to the Red Bulls, somehow." Journalist: "Can you tell us a little bit about your relationship with Fred? How important was he in your decision? Was he the only guy that could have convinced you to go there?" Lewis: "I've got a great relationship with Fred. Obviously I raced with him in Formula 3, and we had amazing success in Formula 3 and also in GP2, and that's really where the foundation of our relationship started, and we just always remained in touch. And I thought that he was gonna be an amazing team manager at some stage and progress to Formula 1, but at the time he wasn't interested in that, and it was really cool to see him step into the Alfa team, and then when he got the job at Ferrari I was just so happy for him. And I think just the stars aligned. It really wouldn't have happened without him, so I'm really grateful and really excited about the work that he's doing there and… Yeah."
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study-with-aura · 1 month
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Friday, August 16, 2024
I am so excited that I have Variations twice a week this year unlike last year which was only one! It is my favorite class.
At the beginning of September, I will be starting to volunteer at the mission on Fridays and Saturdays. I was looking at my schedule to find where I could add volunteer dates and at the same time line it up so I will have a ride to the site since I don't have a license yet.
Not to mention that soon, I will be starting to learn how to drive! I am going to start the theory course next month and once I finish that and get my learner's license, I can do behind-the-wheel with my dad, so I am ready when I turn 16 next year to get my provisional license! It will make everything so much easier when I can drive myself back and forth instead of depending on Mom and Dad since they are both very busy as well.
While gaming today, I had a wonderful conversation with someone in my guild. It's a Christian guild, and we were talking about some of the things I was learning in my coursework. Apparently he's some sort of Bible teacher? I can't remember exactly what he said. They are all very nice though, and it was wonderful to talk about all of that with someone. It was sweet, because he and another officer in the guild said they felt very protective over me because of my age and they both have daughters too. They even said my parents could just the Discord, but I told them that my parents trusted me and could always ask me to login if they wanted to see for themselves, but I already showed them. They thought it was nice that they do Bible studies and prayer meetings along with guild things.
I cannot believe that it is the weekend already. My first week went by terribly quick. I dread that next week might be more intense! But what is learning without a challenge?
Tasks Completed:
Algebra 2 - Reviewed solving multi-step linear equations + learned to solve absolute value equations + practice
American Literature - copied vocabulary terms + completed part 1 of the study guide for The Scarlet Letter + discussed it with Mom + typed up a response to literature for the first eight chapters + emailed response to literature to Mom for grading (28/30)
Spanish 3 - Reviewed present tense verbs + quiz + read over more conjugations
Bible 2 - Read 2 Samuel 8-9
Early American History - Read about the rise of nation-states and exchanges + looked at chart showcasing the Colombian Exchange + answered question on study guide
Earth Science with Lab - Read about a theory of the formation of the solar system + looked at a diagram of the layers of the atmosphere + looked at a chart of the gases in the solar system + took a quiz
PE/Health 2 - read a health article about herbal medicine research + went over our family fire drill again with my dad + read about the "Scientific Seven Minute Workout"
Music Appreciation - Learned about the sections of the orchestra + watched a video about the cello + watched a video about the clarinet + copied major necessary terms from the C section of the music dictionary
Khan Academy - Completed US History Unit 1: Lesson 3 (parts 6-11)
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 30 minutes (Spanish + French + Chinese) + completed daily quests
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour split sessions
Reading - Read pages 64-100 of Stateless by Elizabeth Wein
Chores -  Dusted my bedroom, my bathroom, and the study + laundered my bedding
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Proverbs 3)
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hollwi · 2 months
The Quest for the Golden Owl
In a quiet town nestled between mountains, lived Byeol, a dedicated language learner. he had always been fascinated by the art of communication, the way words could build bridges across cultures and time. His trusty companion on this journey was none other than the vibrant, persistent green owl—Duolingo.
Every morning, Byeol would wake up to the soft chime of his phone. "Time for your Spanish lesson!" the notification would read. And there he was, Duolingo, perched on Byeols screen, his wide eyes gleaming with encouragement. But today, something was different. When Byeol opened the app, instead of the usual greeting, Duolingo spoke.
"Byeol," the owl began, his voice soft but serious, "you've worked hard to reach this point. But now, I must ask for your help. The Golden Owl has been stolen!"
Byeols eyes widened in surprise. "The Golden Owl?" he asked aloud, though no one was there to hear. "What's that?"
"The Golden Owl is the source of all language knowledge," Duolingo explained. "It powers our lessons and ensures that all learners can continue their quests. Without it, the world will lose the ability to learn new languages!"
Byeol knew he couldn't let that happen. Languages were his passion, his lifeline to the wider world. "What do I need to do?" He asked, determination flooding his voice.
"You must venture into the Language Forest," Duolingo replied. "It's a place filled with forgotten words and ancient grammar. But beware, the journey is fraught with challenges. Conjugations, vocabulary monsters, and tricky sentence structures await you."
Without hesitation, byeol grabbed his backpack, filled it with notebooks and pens, and set out on his journey. Duolingo flew beside his, offering guidance as they delved into the dense Language Forest.
The trees in the forest were tall, their leaves whispering in languages long forgotten. Byeol could hear faint echoes of French, Italian, and even Latin as he walked. But the path was not easy. Soon, they encountered their first obstacle—a Vocabulary Monster.
It was a hulking creature made entirely of words. Its body twisted with phrases in different languages, and it bared its teeth, which were sharp-edged letters. "Who dares enter my domain?" the monster roared in a deep, guttural tone.
Byeol felt a shiver run down his spine, but Duolingo remained calm. "This is your first challenge, Byeol. To defeat the Vocabulary Monster, you must demonstrate your knowledge of new words."
The monster advanced, hurling words like "libro" and "chien" at him. Byeol quickly pulled out her notebook, jotting down translations. "Book! Dog!" he shouted back. But the monster wasn't finished. It began mixing languages, throwing German and Japanese into the fray.
Byeol's heart raced, but he focused. "Buch! Inu!" he responded, matching the monster word for word. Slowly, the creature began to shrink, its power waning as Byeol demonstrated his linguistic prowess. Finally, with one last effort, he defeated the Vocabulary Monster, and it dissolved into a cloud of harmless letters.
"Well done, Byeol," Duolingo praised. "But the journey is far from over."
After a few days of travel, Byeol and Duolingo arrived at the Temple of Conjugation, an ancient structure covered in verbs. The walls were inscribed with countless forms of "to be," "to have," and "to go," in languages from around the world.
"This is where you must prove your mastery of verb conjugations," Duolingo instructed. "If you fail, you'll be trapped here, endlessly conjugating verbs until you get them right."
Byeol felt his confidence waver, but he knew he had no choice. As he stepped inside, the doors slammed shut, and the verbs began to glow, one after the other.
"Conjugate the verb 'to be' in Spanish!" a voice boomed from the temple walls.
"Soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son!" Byeol called out, his voice echoing through the chamber.
The temple responded with a low rumble, and the next challenge appeared: "Conjugate 'to have' in French!"
"J'ai, tu as, il/elle a, nous avons, vous avez, ils/elles ont!" she responded quickly.
The tests continued, each more challenging than the last. But Byeol didn't falter. His years of practice, his dedication, all paid off as he passed each trial. Finally, the temple doors opened, revealing a hidden passage leading deeper into the forest.
After what felt like weeks of traveling and overcoming linguistic challenges, Byeol and Duolingo reached the heart of the Language Forest. There, on a pedestal surrounded by a shimmering light, was the Golden Owl. It was even more magnificent than Byeol had imagined, its feathers glowing with the combined knowledge of every language in existence.
But before he could reach it, a shadowy figure appeared. "So, you've made it this far," the figure sneered. It was the Shadow of Forgetfulness, a dark entity that thrived on people abandoning their language learning.
"You can't stop me!" Byeol declared, stepping forward. "I won't let you steal the joy of learning from anyone."
The Shadow of Forgetfulness laughed, but Duolingo intervened. "Byeol, remember why you started learning in the first place. Use that passion to defeat him!"
With a deep breath, Byeol focused on the reasons he loved languages—the connections he made, the stories he could read, the cultures he could understand. His passion manifested as a bright light, which she directed at the Shadow.
The Shadow screamed as the light engulfed it, dissolving into nothingness. With the enemy vanquished, Byeol approached the pedestal and gently took the Golden Owl in her hands.
"You've done it," Duolingo said, his voice filled with pride. "The Golden Owl is safe, thanks to you."
With the Golden Owl secured, Byeol and Duolingo made their way back to the town. The journey back was peaceful, the challenges behind them. As they approached the edge of the Language Forest, the world seemed brighter, more vibrant.
When they returned, the town was abuzz with excitement. People were already returning to their language lessons, unaware of the danger they had been in. Byeol placed the Golden Owl on a pedestal in the town square, where it would be safe and watched over by all.
"Thank you, Byeol," Duolingo said, perching on her shoulder. "You've saved language learning for everyone."
Byeol smiled, looking up at the Golden Owl. "It was worth it," he replied. "But I think this is just the beginning. There's so much more to learn."
And so, with the Golden Owl restored, Byeol continued his language journey, ready for whatever challenges awaited him next.
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5 days of productivity (3/5) (my own challenge)
27. 11. 2023, Monday
4:10 - woke up 🥲
4:40 - Spotify podcast (25 min)
5:20 - Duolingo (10 min)
5:45 - got up
5:55 - breakfast
6:10 - brushed my teeth
6:32 - Duolingo (10 min)
7:10 - went to school
7:30 - eyeliner in the school bathroom
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8:00-13:50 - school (they cancelled our last two lessons!) (Occasionally crocheting at breaks)
13:55-14:30 - hangout w/ my best friend
15:37 - crochet (30 min)
16:30-17:10 - went to buy yarn and a few more things for Christmas (read: I am using Christmas as an excuse to spend wayyy too much), also I count this as a short walk
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17:14 - played the recorder (10 min)
17:37 - Czech (history of literature) (oral exam on Wednesday) (25 min)
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18:36 - crochet (20 min)
19:05 - dinner
19:15 - quick shower
19:44 - crochet (10 min)
20:21 - crochet (10 min) I finally finished the makeup bag I was making, letsgooo
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20:35 - brush teeth, remove makeup
20:50 - prepare my schoolbag
21:17 - Duolingo (cca 15 min)
21:41 - writing this
8072 steps
Good night!
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legallysoup · 1 year
12.10.23 - thursday, jeudi, torsdag
first actual studyblr post! decided to start off easy and instead of launching myself straight into 100 days, i decided to do the studyblr community challenge instead.
there was a gas leak in our english class today, but i dont know if it was for muck up day or not. i guess we'll never know.
things i did:
all of my french education perfect about foods my maths assignment on frequency tables the geology science investigation based on a prac today in class nearly all my consolidation on the rock cycle the friend quest on duolingo i got that we had three days to do but did it in roughly five hours. teamwork!
things i will try to do tomorrow:
edit my coding assignment and commits finish my rock cycle consolidation do two more norwegian units in duolingo transcribe a chinese poem for homework
(this sounds really sad but i am proud good job me)
day one: introduce yourself and tell us what you study! hi, my name is tay or soulless :> i learn french and norwegian and play video games (badly) in my free time. im still in high school so... literally everything but im most interested in languages, english and science at the moment! (not physics though :sob:)
this is a bit rushed, hopefully tomorrow i can format my posts better
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private-bryan · 11 months
20 questions game for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @areseebee!
How many works do you have on ao3? 8
What’s your total ao3 word count? 63,699
What fandoms do you write for? Derry Girls. I once had a Zootopia fic on AO3 from a few years ago, but that was expunged with predjudice when I blew the dust off my account for my Derry Girls fics!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Charming, To Travel, A Confederacy of Fathers, Ruminations for a Sleepless Night, Coming of Age
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I didn't use to, primarily because I'm quite a shy person, but I try to do it now (at least for the early part of a fic's lifespan if I'm otherwise busy in real life). I need to get better at responding to new ones left on older fics though
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? "Tell me I was wrong"
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? "She" was literally written to have a happy ending, but I would personally say "A Confederacy of Fathers"
Do you get hate on fics? Not so far, and hopefully that continues
Do you write smut? If so what kind? No. The smuttiest thing I wrote was in the epilogue to "She", and that was just one or two paragraphs with several euphemisms.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written? Niet! Not unless you count butchering Irish mythology
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not as far as I know
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have a hard enough time writing by myself. I'll spitball and theorise with people about the plot, but the actual writing is all my own
What’s your all-time favorite ship? Jerin is my favourite, and I ship them hard and love to write them. I think my oldest one I can remember (and one I'm still slightly bitter that it never really left dock) was Ash and Misty from Pokemon. Honourable mentions to Lizzie x Gordo and T.J. x Spinelli too
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? This depends on whether I can keep the writing impetus going or not, but "Mary Quinn's Cookery Book" has kind of reached a roadblock creatively. Hopefully I can get back to it once the current WIP is done, but we'll see.
What are your writing strengths? This question is highly anti-English, as we don't like to extoll our strengths! I like to think there's a flow to the stories I write, and that if there's little plot there's at least a good understanding of character. And I can weave in canon reasonably well
What are your writing weaknesses? I think know I can be florid - mainly in an effort not to continually repeat the same word, but it doesn't always feel natural. Also I can't plot for toffee; "She" notwithstanding, pretty much all of my fics are essentially single scenes, are un/strenuously connected scenes, or take place over a really short time period. Oh, and I seem to be having a love affair with the semicolon...
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'm a monolinguist, unfortunately. One day I'd like to write in Irish (if Duolingo doesn't let me down), but for now it's good ol' Google Translate if I need another language.
First fandom you ever wrote for? Published? Lizzie Maguire, on fanfiction.net. Unpublished? Pokemon.
Favorite fic you’ve ever written? Probably "To Travel" - it's topical, exploring 2010s Northern Irish abortion rights in the wake of the 2022 Roe vs. Wade ruling, it was a challenge to write as person who the subject matter doesn't directly relate to, and it was fun to explore James and Erin on the cusp of getting together through the eyes of Anna.
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ronastudies · 9 months
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january 6-7, 2024 // omnia vincit aequatio challenge day 3 & 4
day 3
Saturday involuntarily turned into the one day off I wanted to take per week. Got up early, ended up spending the whole morning finishing a present for a very dear person instead of doing some academic reading. The corresponding birthday party (for which I had to leave incredibly early due to public transport, which at least allowed me to do some personal reading on the train) ended up being infinitely more valuable from a personal perspective than the traditional having-a-coffee-get-together I expected. All in all still a very worthwhile day.
day 4
Intended to go to yoga but the class was overbooked already (damn you, new-year's-resolutioners!); went for a short walk later in the day
Had a lovely breakfast
Did all the cleaning and tidying up I was responsible for in our shared house
Procrastinated actual work on my current seminar paper by starting to study Irish (which I had wanted to do for over six years), beginning with Duolingo (oh how I loathe this app) and the usual 625 words thing (very kindly collected by @gaeilge101 here)
Continued reading the current book, a collection of essays about women writers and their work
Suffered a horrible mood during most of the day and nothing helped, finally accepted the fact sometime in the afternoon and just went with it, this too shall pass
Ended the night with a lovely concert, the Prague state theater's symphony orchestra and an Italian pianist duo was visiting Tübingen (played Dvořák, Rossini, Mozart, Koželuh)
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xocontinentaldrift · 2 years
monthly report: january 2023
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Wowza, I can't believe a month has already flown by. After a rough start of my kiddo getting stomach fly on New Year's Day, I spent most of the month just catching my breath and easing into the new year. It was a good call not to put too much pressure on myself.
Ironically, it was a productive month anyway, with lots of happy-making moments and accomplishments:
Revised about 1/3 of my novel
Took a lot of outdoor open air walks despite the snow and cold
Started to go out for dinner every Friday night with the family
Decluttered a lot of papers and some books
Mastered making falafel in our Instant Pot air fryer
Talked with my best friend on the phone a few times
Spent more time with my parents with my kiddo
Did a little more strength training in the mornings, experimenting with doing pushups everyday (because a few times a week makes it hard to track, it's easier for me just to do them everyday)
Bonded with our new kitty and she seems happy and well-adjusted in our home, and she is so snuggly!
Began getting to bed at a reasonable hour (before midnight is a huge accomplishment for me.)
Participated in some fashion challenges via my favorite fashion forum on Reddit
Read a lot of books
Began planning the little guy's birthday party next week, which is NOT a fun task for me, but I booked the location, put down a deposit, sent out invites, managed the RSVPs. Next up: figuring out food, transport/pickup logistics, ordering the cake, sending out reminders
Bought a nice lounge bed roll from Natural Life that makes my home so much more cheerful, funky and comfy
Paid all my bills!
Trucking along in my Duolingo French course -- I'm determined to finish the Intermediate 1 course by mid-year
However, the month had its difficulties and sticking points:
Some instances of mindless spending
Yelling a few times at my kiddo, especially when I was burned out at the beginning of the month coming off the busy holiday season
Conflict with partner over who does what in terms of house/life shit. The problem is that I feel all the work I do is never seen as the work that it is, it's just written off as "easy" and inconsequential.
Thought it got better at the end, my sleeping patterns were off, and I've begun waking up in the middle of the night. (Thanks, perimenopause!) Gotta figure something out because it really does bite into quality of life.
BORED AT WORK. Can't figure out if the responsibilities, the need for a new direction, or just the drab isolation of working from home in the middle of winter.
Inconsistent exercise when it's sub-zero temps. I mean, part of me thinks I can give myself some slack on this, but it does affect my overall sense of well-being
Having moments of feeling super, super depressed right before my period. It's not even just sad -- it's like my brain just can't feel good in any way, and I feel really despondent and hopeless in a way that doesn't feel right. Sometimes I wonder if I have PMDD. Something to think upon, I guess.
Just that general feeling of being in a hamster wheel, running furiously but with no real movement forward. Spinning my wheels. File it under "existential mid-life malaise."
So that's my roundup of January 2023. Not a bad month, I must say. I'm really looking forward to February 2023's goals and resolutions:
Keep revising my novel! I'm really making a lot of headway at the moment, maybe because I've hit a decent patch of storytelling
Getting ready for my writers group to start up again
Planning my kiddo's birthday party, it's gonna be a banger, lol
An old friend will be in town from London, so I'm looking forward to seeing her
Talking regularly on the phone with my best friend from college
More Friday night dinners as a family
Making myself get dressed in real clothes instead of being in sweats all day -- too easy to do in the winter, for sure!
Focusing my reading on books on relationships, parenting, love and marriage, and also incorporating more fiction
Cleaning out my closet once again and sending a box of clothes to ThredUp
Getting a shoe storage cabinet for my dining room
Getting to bed before midnight most nights -- ideally asleep by 11:30pm, but let's be realistic that this might not always happen
Cleaning out toiletries and makeup bag
Wearing perfume everyday -- I have a lot of scents that I need to use and use up and use out
Making an appointment to meet with a new OB-Gyn -- might delay this till March
Taking walks outside as much as I can
Going out to work at a cafe or some place like that at least once a week
Trying out 2-3 new recipes this month as a challenge. I don't care too much about being the ideal housewife, but for my own sake, I need to try some new recipes
Start re-creating an official website/social media professional presence again...which means paying off Dreamhost, ugh.
Maybe look into estimates for redoing kitchen floor
Start planning outdoor landscaping miniprojects, like planting new boxwoods on my side garden beds
Ok, that's getting a little too ambitious; I'll revise this as needed. Here's to a lovely February full of peace, inspiration, liberation and the divine feminine!
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languagedaemon · 7 months
The Two Key Exercises for Learning a Language
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I’ve heard several times that the only exercises we need to be fit are three: the squat, the pull-up and the push-up. Sure, many other types of exercise are also useful, healthy, and perhaps more fun and challenging, and it’s fine to have a varied routine or full of the activities you enjoy most, but the fact is that those three exercises already work the muscles we need to have a strong body, and that a person who only does those three can feel confident that he or she will make progress.
I think something similar happens in language learning. There can be a lot of choices in terms of methods, materials, techniques, etc., but at the end of the day it’s two activities that are going to bring the most progress: reading and listening. If we are doing those two things, our squat/push-up/pull-up, we can rest assured that over time we will get better. There are options that seem more appealing, or more modern, or more complex, but reading and listening should be the foundation of a learning program.
This is not to say that other methods such as flashcards, vocabulary lists, working on our own production (writing, or recording ourselves speaking), studying grammar, using apps, etc., is not to say that all of these things are useless or counterproductive (although Stephen Krashen seems to say so at times), but it raises the question of whether we might be basing our learning only on these activities that have an ancillary nature (something like just training cardio or just doing bicep curls) and whether we might not also need to work on those basic, encompassing movements, interacting with real blocks of language.
Additionally, many of the different methods or techniques for studying a language can be thought of as just variations, in many cases, of those two basic movements of reading and listening (just as many exercises are variations of push-up/squat/pull-up). For example, progress can come from an app like Duolingo because ultimately we are doing just that, reading and listening, but maybe in a very unnatural and unintensive version (think of those exercise machines that try to be innovative and end up being a trinket). Sometimes these methods focus on working a certain specific part instead of working in a more holistic way, but just as using only focused exercises can give us an unharmonious body, concentrating on studying certain specific things can give us a misaligned and out of proportion level, with gaps, the most typical case being students who understand the grammar of the target language almost completely, but cannot produce sentences naturally. Reading and listening ensure balanced and comprehensive progress.
Enjoyment should be a compass in any learning process, so if you like other kinds of activities there is no problem in continuing to practice with them, but it is always worth getting down on the floor and doing push-ups, that is, reading a novel. It seems more basic, more simplistic, but just as doing ten pull-ups is no joke, finishing a five hundred page novel is not either, and in both cases the progress will be easy to notice and feel.
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the---hermit · 2 years
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Today was totally unplanned. I originally thought I'd go to have a walk in the mountains with my family, but since last night a huge storm hit and flooded our basement we ended up going to bed very late and being super tired in the morning. Thankfully last night we managed to get all the water out, but I am still exhausted now. This morning I went with my mom to run some errands, and then I studied in the afternoon, working on my archival sources. I have also practiced Irish on duolingo, and did a bit of reading. As for the reading aspect I decided to dnf Ring Shout for now. I think I'll try to pick it up in the future when I'll be able to enjoy it more, cause as I said in other posts I am risking a reading slump.
I have been thinking about doing a new 100 days of productivity challenge, as it's been quite a long time since I did one of those. I decided to wait until September, when I'll start with the first classes of my masters degree. There's probably going to be quite a few changes for me when I'll start, as I haven't physically been to uni for classes in two years at least. My routine will chance, there'll be a lot to do between classes and finishing working on my thesis (I'll graduate in November, but I'll be able to start with classes sooner than that). I was also considering (again) to create a studygram/bookstagram accout maybe for the 2nd birthday of this sideblog. I have had this idea for over a year now, but never did it, because I've never used that app, and I am not really a big socials person. But I feel like it could be cool to have content like this blog here. I am still not fully convinced, so we'll see, but I thought I'd put the idea out there to see what people think.
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skyonfilm · 3 years
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🌸 28 MAR 22 🌸
100 days of productivity challenge || 32-34/100 || 月曜日
i suck at updating on weekends...
what i did today in the last 2 3 days:
completed questionnaire (link)
watched first case study film
wrote checklist of work to do
caught up on television shows
watched second case study film
attended meeting
began report
attended another meeting
🌸 MARCH productivity challenge || 26-28/31 || 三月 🌸
Are there any wild stories passed around among your friends or family?
no unfortunately
Do you have a pet? What's their name? How long have you had them? Is it your first pet or have you had one before?
my family has a few but one of our dogs is called benji and he is such a sweet dog (a bit spoilt as well). he's a kokoni which i believe is a greek breed. he isn't the first dog we've had.
What's the movie you last watched? Is there a movie or show you highly dislike for a very specific reason?
the first one is snow white and i watched it as it's for one of my case studies. snow white was never one of my favourite disney films growing up and i don't remember when i last watched it. i really enjoyed watching it from start to finish.
the second film was the live action on alice in wonderland - where i watched it for the same reason as snow white. alice in wonderland is one of my more favorable live action remakes that are out there. even though the plot is quite different from the original story, i've always found it engaging and i loved the characters.
🎧 song recommendation: deja vu - avril lavigne
⛅ weather: sun
🗾 duolingo: 45xp
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study-with-aura · 5 months
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Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Three more days, three more days! I have no idea what I am going to do with myself during my usual study hours next week. It isn't officially summer break until after that because I will still have ballet and piano (practical on May 28). I suppose I will start working on my music history studies. It's a self-paced course that I am taking for it, but I want to be prepared to take the exam in December. I could take it in August, but I am taking Music Appreciation next year for academics, so it makes sense to add that to my independent study before the exam. I simply have to take it before I sign up for any level 10 exams (if I pass my level 9 exams! I will pass them!).
My brother is coming home soon! My brother is coming home soon! Yes, that was meant to be repeated! I can't wait!
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Finals review (focused on similarity and proofs today)
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Units 18-20 vocabulary + read the news + completed first draft of non-fiction writing assignment and editing (due Thursday) + CLEP Test practice question + reviewed study guides
Spanish 2 - Reviewed Los Adverbios y Los Muebles vocabularios + reviewed present perfect + reviewed informal commands
Bible I - Read Matthew 25
World History - Took a quiz + answered question about conflict/wars between nations and peoples
Biology with Lab - Completed Invertebrate Survey Lab + continued germination lab
Foundations - Read more on wisdom + finished first draft of argumentative speech and editing
Piano - 60-minute piano lesson + practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - Completed High School Geometry Unit 4: Quiz 3 and Unit 4: Lesson 6 practice set "Prove theorems using similarity" + completed High School biology daily mastery challenge + completed World History Unit 6 test (80%, there were no Unit 4 or 5 tests)
CLEP - None today
Streaming - Watched Empire Games Episode 4
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 30 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 184-206 of The Weight of Our Sky by Hanna Alkaf
Chores - Laundry
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (1 Corinthians 4)
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selkiestudies · 3 years
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15 Feb 2022 | February Productivity Challenge
My physics prof moved our test to Thursday at like 5 am this morning which was fun. Now I can finish my reading notes for phycology! Already did my duolingo for today and about to get ready for the day. Feeling confident today!
Day 15: When you hang out with friends, what do you usually prefer to do?
We usually cook and play games or watch movies/tv.
Currently listening to: I Can Do Better Than That from The Last Five Years
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caramelcuppaccino · 4 years
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🌨️ winter studying challenge 🌨️
10th December:
hello beautiful people! i hope you are safe, healthy and happy. ⛄
today i've:
•attented to my online approaches in english learning and teaching class.
•studied dutch on duolingo.
•finished my reading homework for british literature class. (27 pages)
•reviwed my turkish sonics lecture.
tonight i'll be:
•studying the german lessons i didn't attend.
•reading book.
what is a cherished family tradition from your childhood?
🔹well, we always take pictures/selfies whenever it is someone's birthday. everyone we know and love come together and we take a big fam picture. i don't know if you can call it tradition but we always do that. also we always bake our own birthday cakes. and we love to watch animations/cartoons. mom, grandmom and me sit together and watch them.
wish me luck! good luck and may it be easy to everyone who is reading this post. ☃️
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
Beautiful Thing (Ethan x F!MC)
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 1,300 Warning: Like one curse word? Premise: They workout together. They kiss. Author’s Note: Sorry, I couldn’t think of a summary
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“Light on your feet, Allende,” he commands, not even straining against the force of her punch. That would've been disappointing any other day since Lilac is using all the force she can muster, but she is too busy looking for a gap in his defenses. 
“Quit going easy on me,” she pants, still managing an edge of sarcasm in her futile endeavor. 
Ethan gives no response, holding the punching mitt steadily in front of her. Shirtless, muscles straining with each movement, and handsome face set in concentration, he is infuriatingly distracting. 
Blinking rapidly to refocus her scattered thoughts, she throws another jab, the smack of glove against mitt thundering across the deserted hospital gym.
He easily blocks another of her hits, expression completely serious. Aside from the slight pink hue on his face and neck, there is no indication Lilac is a worthy opponent, certainly not one to make him break a sweat. This brings about a slight flare of frustration, followed by determination. 
“Lean your body weight forward every time you punch,” he instructs, easily catching another blow with the mitt. “You never want to lean back or your opponent will get you.”
“Let them get me,” she breathes, exhausted and swaying on her feet. 
“Keep going.” 
“It's no use,” she protests, every word sounding more embarrassingly labored than the last. “You know I'd probably talk my way out of a real fight.”
“It'd probably be your talking that lands you in a fight in the first place,” he returns at once, speech even and controlled. How was he not completely out of breath? 
“I'd still be so charming and irresistible, they'd let me go,” Lilac replies weakly. 
“Doubtful,” Ethan replies without breaking his focus. 
She feigns a shocked, indignant face. “You don’t think I’m charming enough?” To prove her point, Lilac bites her lower lip briefly, pairing the gesture with a wink, a joke aimed at earning her a trademark ghost of a smile from him.
The effect is quite the opposite.
There is a brief almost imperceptible pause in Ethan's movements and she can swear his piercing eyes fall to her mouth. Ignoring how her body feels suddenly scalding hot, she aims a well-placed upper cut that Ethan is unsuccessful at blocking. It smacks against his shoulder.
The hit is rather unspectacular, but validating nonetheless. 
“Ha!” she exclaims triumphantly. 
Unimpressed, Ethan examines the spot she hit on his shoulder. “You need to do better than that if you want to reach your goal.”
Lilac doesn't know what makes her say it, but the words are out of her mouth before she can stop them. “My goal of looking good naked?” 
Ethan falters again, just like the first time she had said the words. 
This time, she lands a decent hit on his solid stomach. He barely flinches at the impact, however, staring at Lilac with surprise instead. When he recovers, his face is pinker than ever before and he splutters an unintelligible response.
Unable to help it, she laughs, the sound echoing throughout the vast room. 
“Focus,” is all he says in a gruff, low voice.
“You're getting slow, anciano,” Lilac teases, letting her tongue roll out the last word with all the cadence her native language demands. “Que lástima.”
He arches a brow at the words and she notes there is no hint of confusion. Instead, his blue eyes roam over her face, scrutinizing her with such intensity that something stirs at her core. The last time he looked at her that way, he had carried her to his bed immediately afterward. 
Lilac feels her smile vanish as she becomes too aware of how close they are standing, bodies hot with exertion. Palpable, white-hot tension crackles between them, making her body ache for him. 
“What's a pity, Rookie, is you not realizing I speak enough Spanish to understand that,” he says in a gritty voice, the familiar baritone sending throbbing heat throughout her body. 
Brain hazy with the spell of blue eyes, she is slow to respond. Her mind whirls between the way he is looking at her, eyes intense with longing, and his previous revelation. “You know–?” 
She doesn’t finish the sentence because he moves impossibly closer, eyes still locked on hers, bodies so close now that her chest grazes against his upper abdomen with every ragged breath. 
In a voice so dangerously low, her body is abuzz at hearing it, he says, “Can an old man pin you to the ground?”
There is no time to process the odd question because at that moment, Ethan gently sweeps his leg against hers, knocking it off balance and sending her tumbling down. She lands with a soft thud on the cushioned mat. 
Ethan grins down at her. “Rookie mistake. Don’t get too cocky or your opponent will have an easy target.”
Lilac stares at him, awestruck. The back-lighting of the ceiling lights above him throw his face into contrast, making his already defined, angled jaw the most torturous sight she’s ever seen. 
As if he doesn’t look devastating enough already, he laughs. When she makes no effort to move, he offers her his hand to help her up. 
Lilac takes it, and before he has a chance to react, she mutters, “You old fool.”
She pulls with all her might, his surprise granting her enough leverage to send him tumbling down onto the mat beside her. He lands far less gracefully than she had. 
Positively elated, Lilac rolls over on top of him, careful to keep their bodies from touching, her knees at either side of his hips. Ethan incredulously glances up at her, then lets his head fall back against the cushion, visibly defeated. 
“Who’s the rookie now?” she asks, unable to contain a bout of giddy laughter.  “Float like a butterfly, sting like a–” 
He kisses her. 
Caught entirely off guard, she freezes against his lips. It doesn’t take long for her to recover, however, his demanding lips moving against hers inspiration enough. Her body relaxes against his, sinking down to fully, unabashedly straddle him, all consideration of decency forgotten. 
Lips locked on one another, they urgently rid themselves of the boxing gear protecting their hands. Hers find their place at his shoulders, the movement second nature. It is as if her body remembers how to touch him despite all of the time of not having done so. 
Ethan's hands, in turn, grip her hips. His fingers dig slightly into the spandex of her leggings as his tongue and teeth lavish her bottom lip with attention. It is then she realizes he is leaning back slightly and holding himself up with sheer abdominal strength. 
“It's no wonder your body is ridiculous,” she mumbles hotly against his lips. To drive her point across, her hand descends down to his abs, nails delicately scraping down the hard surface. 
Ethan hisses. 
Recovering, he pulls back to smirk at her. “Not bad for an old man?” 
“Hmm,” she says, panting. “Jury's still out.”
A challenge sparks in his mesmerizing eyes. Another smirk before he swiftly leans back, hoisting his hips off the mat along with Lilac. Her body weight presses entirely against his impressive length.
A strangled little moan leaves her. 
At the sound, his smile disappears entirely, eyes darkening even more. 
He brings his hips back down to the floor, which is probably a good thing for Lilac. She is uncertain how much longer she could have gone without being reduced to a quivering mess. 
Ethan sits up to kiss her again, his confident tongue leaving devastation in its wake. His lips find their way to the ridge of her jaw, up to her ear. “How do you always do this to me, Rookie?”
He is not expecting an answer because he moves down to her neck, his beard pickling her skin in a way that is entirely too erotic. 
Before Lilac can explicitly instruct what he must do to her body, the blaring of a phone alarm interrupts their movements. 
They both curse, Ethan pairing his expletive with a groan. He falls back against the mat, hands rubbing his face. 
“Our meeting with June and Baz will start in fifteen minutes,” he tells her through the persistence of the alarm. 
“That's enough time,” she tries, mostly joking. 
Ethan cuts her a look. “Don't insult me.” 
She laughs, rolling off him, her body missing the warmth of his almost instantly.
Prompts: sent by anonymous 22. A kiss that is leading to more, but is interrupted by a third party. 33. An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it.
Author’s note: Ethan speaks Spanish and other languages in my mind. The Duolingo owl is shaking.
Thank you for reading!
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(let’s hope the tags work this time)
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