#i for real cut my hair like his two days ago like what is wrong with me like actually.
transdavyjones · 2 years
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cant stand 60s music fandoms *10 minutes later* me and the bestie!
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wishful thinking
-warnings// angst, mentions of smut but no real descriptions
lil summery// Sam has a little crush on deans girlfriend a just little sad
Dean x reader... with a little Sam x reader (just a lil bit)
word count// 3450
(Gif from pinterest)
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You groaned as the light came through the window blinds, rolling over to hide in your boyfriends warm chest, Dean chuckled running his hand up and down your bare back "not ready to wake up gorgeous?" He asked kissing the top of your head "no. My plans revolve around staying in bed with my pretty sexy, and very nude boyfriend" you mumbled against his chest, dragging your hand down his chest and down his stomach
You jumped back when you heard a loud knock on the door "are you two almost ready? There was another attack last night" Sam called through the door, "Just taking a shower then we'll be out Sammy" Dean yelled back, you looked up at him confused "baby we showered last night" Dean chuckled, rolling on top of you, he smirked down at you, his amulet hanging down his neck "yeah but I just bought us some more time" Dean flirted as he pressed kisses down your neck, already making your eyes roll.
Sam leaned against the impala, growing more and more impatient as the time moved on, with a final sigh of annoyance he went back to Dean and your shared motel room, "Dean I've been waiting almost an hour dude serio-" Sam started to yell but was quickly cut off by the door opening revealing you dressed only in deans long red flannel, your cheeks red and your hair a mess "I'm sorry Sammy, we'll be right out in two minutes, I swear" you told him quickly shutting the door in the stunned Winchesters face 
Sam was in awe of you, ever since you and Dean came to get him from Stanford four years ago he knew there was something about you that just warmed his heart, how kind you were to him and when Jess passed, you let him cry in your arms many nights after, how beautiful you were, how smart you were, you were like a walking encyclopaedia. He knew how wrong it was, having a crush on Deans girlfriend. he just couldn't help himself 
Every day was an internal battle for Sam, he wanted you, he wanted you more than he's ever wanted anything, but he sees how much his brother loves you, and that's what kills him even more, he would never want to hurt his brother. He just couldn't help himself, especially when he heard your moans through every crappy motel walls, hell he's even walked in on you both going at it  more times than he'd ever like to admit, you would think after the eitgth time Dean would learn to lock his damn door.
It definitely didn't help Sam keep himself composed when he was popping boners left and right with the images of you after being fucked, even if wasn't by him flash through his mind constantly.
"Alright, give us the run down Sammy" dean said as he drove away from the red room motel Sam stayed quiet as he tried to avoid looking at you sitting in the back seat "Sammy!" Dean called loudly snapping his fingers in his face startling the seasoned hunter "w-what?" He stuttered out confused "gives us the run down... are you feeling good, not like you to be so out of it man" dean turned to look at him quickly worry evident in his voice 
"Yeah fine just tired. didn't sleep great"  Sam mumbled out tucking his growing hair behind his ears "you sure sweetie? you look a little pale, maybe your coming down with something. c'mere let me check your temperature" you said leaning into the front to feel his forehead "w-what no no I'm fine not sick I'm just tired so just drop it and leave me the hell alone!" Sam said flinching away defensively, if you touched him right now he was definitely gonna go crazy 
Dean turned to give Sam a hard look "watch it Sam, she was only trying to help you, no need to bite her damn head off!" Sam snorted "whatever" he pushed himself as close to the passenger side ignoring his brother for the rest of the ride his eyes stared hard out at the road as he tried to focus on the hunt... and not how good your breasts look in that shirt .
Dean looked at Sam then gave you a concerned look matching your own in the rear view mirror. 
When you got to the Swanson house you both  decided to let Sam take the lead in questioning considering he didn't give you any details on the death, what he suspected, could be demon, ghost... literally anything at this point.
"Any idea what's up with Sam?" You asked Dean watching as Sam spoke to the victims heartbroken husband, Dean sighed his eyes narrowed at his little brother trying to figure out what's going on in his head "not a clue but I'll talk to him about it" dean grumbled out squinting his eyes at his younger brother.
It was a quiet drive back to the motel , Sam was laser focused on watching the blurs of houses and cars, you couldn't help yourself but looking at him worried, you were sure he could feel your eyes burning a hole into the back of his head. Even if he did feel it he never let on, never acknowledged you or dean were in the car too.
Once Dean parked baby Sam was rushing out toward his motel room. Dean slammed the car door annoyed before turning to look at you his hard eyes softening "I'm gonna talk to Sammy see if I can get him to talk about wheatever the hells bothering him" dean told you before planting a soft kiss on your lips "okay baby, I'm gonna take a walk and go grab us some snacks and beer, hopefully Sammy opens up to you" you wrapped your arms around deans neck, his own on your hips as he had you pinned tight against the impala
Dean shook his head pulling baby's keys out of his pocket "your not walking anywhere sweetheart, I trust you'll take care of my baby, and my baby will take care of my sweetheart" dean joked making you giggle, your cheeks heating up as you licked your lips "you Dean Winchester are a man of many surprises... and I quite like that about you" dean caught your lips once again in a soft kiss his tongue slipping into wrestle with your own before giving your ass a hard smack. You gasped and pulled away your body feeling hot at his actions 
You put your hands on deans chest lightly pushing him away from you "alright I better go, good luck talking to Sam" dean shook his head his green eyes turned to look at Sam's closed motel room door sighing "yeah I'm gonna need it". 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your nerves were all over the place as you walked around the small corner store. You hated when Sam and Dean would fight, on one hand, Dean is your boyfriend you can't help but take his side most of the time, but Sam was your best friend. It just put you in such a shitty position until the boys eventually swept it under the rug. You grabbed a bunch of snacks because you knew Dean was an angry eater and he usually stuffed his face with liquorice and chocolate after any arguments, or if you were having make up sex and dean was still a little mad he'd eat something else...
You opened the door to your motel room so see Dean pacing the floor his hands running through his hair, clearly he was frustrated and seemed pretty anxious "how'd it go sweetie?" You asked him setting the bag of goods and beer on the table "I- uh- fi-fine yeah I guess" dean stuttered out as his pacing continued "dean what's wrong? Is it bad- oh my god please sit down your freaking me out!" You snapped grabbing deans arms stopping him from moving any further "it's nothing I just... look you know how much I care about you. Id do anything for you no matter what it was, I just when you talk to Sam please remember that" dean told you his hands coming to rest on the sides of your face his worried eyes staring into your own
"Wha- talk to Sam? Dean what's going on why do I need to talk to Sam?" You were freaking out why the hell was Dean Winchester, the man who hides what he feels on the daily pouring his heart out to you now of all times. Dean leaned in catching your lips in a slow sensual kiss, pulling away to rest his forehead against your own "I promise everything will make sense if you talk to Sam" Dean whispered "okay let's go" dean shook his head immediately "I don't think I should be around Sammy right now I'll wait for you here" okay now you were officially freaking the fuck out
You nodded slowly and headed out to towards Sam's motel room next door. You stared at the red door taking a couple of deep worried breaths before knocking. It took three seconds after the last knock until the younger Winchester was opening the door his cheek looking slightly swollen "hey... come on in" Sam said moving to the side to allow you in "hey... so what's going on? Dean seemed pretty upset" you told him, Sam sighed and ran his hands down his face his eyes closed tight "it's stupid. It's so stupid I just don't know what to do anymore I've been... fuck this is hard-" "Sam! Spit it out please!" You yelled cutting off his rambling 
"....Y/N, I think I'm in love with you" once the words left Sam's lips your whole body froze. You felt like the air was sucked right out of you. "You what?" You asked "I think I'm in love with you... it started a couple of years ag-" "Years! what the fuck do you mean years Sam? How many?" You cut him off "i- I lost Jess and then you... you were there for me and it just kinda escalated from there. Look I don't want to feel like this. I don't want to be in love with my brothers girlfriend, I've felt like the worst person in the damn world every day because of this... I just I can't help it" Sam confessed
"Sam Jess passed four years ago. Are you telling me you've had feelings for me since then?" You asked him calmly and he nodded quickly "honey I don't think your in love with me. I think you went through an extremely traumatic experience with Jess and me being there for you every day. I think your confusing the feelings you had for jess to me. Sam, I love you because your my best friend... and I'm with dean and I haven't even told him yet but I love him Sammy..." you told him and Sam took a deep breath "I uh i guess I never thought about it like that. I think your right I'm confusing my feelings I had for Jess to you" Sam agreed making you relax 
"I'm sorry I sprung all this on you and Dean today. When you put it like that it makes sense... I mean Jess was the love of my life… I even had a ring. Before you and Dean came to Stanford I had it all planned out, then it was taken away from me in the blink of an eye... and dean still has you-" Sam paused taking a shaky breath "I guess I'm just jealous of you guys, of what you have with each other. I've never seen Dean love someone so much and that's why me feeling like this bothered me so much because I want my brother to be happy and I want my best friend to be happy too" Sam ended his speech and you had tears falling down your cheeks feeling your heart break at his words
"Sammy I'm so sorry about what happened with Jess. You deserved to have the happy life you always wanted with her" Sam nodded his eyes filling with tears he sucked in a harsh breath of air "yeah.... I miss her every day. I just... I want what I had with her back- I want Jess back, I see you and Dean and I want that. Jesus I fucking had that. Life deals me the crappy hand of yellow eyes and Jess has to pay for it?" Your cheeks were wet with tears, you couldn't help but bawl at Sam's words. Life had been so cruel to the Winchesters 
"I know honey... I know. It's not fair, I know you feel like Jess was the one for you but sam, I only met her once and I seen how much she loved you. She would want you to get out there and find the girl your meant to spend your life with, it's not me, but she's out there... she's just waiting for you to find her" you smiled taking his big hand in yours and giving it a comforting squeeze. Sam nodded slowly 
"I really i appreciate that Y/N, I'm glad this crap got brought out. Talking to you has really made me feel a lot better about this so thanks, I uh do you mind giving me some time just to think. I kinda want to be by myself now" Sam told you and you nodded heading towards the door, Turing to take one last look at the sad giant "we're right next door if you need anything at all, okay Sammy?" His lips curled in a soft smile and he gave you a quick nod.
Once the door was a shut you leaned against it your hand going to your chest as you took a deep breath, hunting gouls was easier than that damn conversation. Your heart was beating like crazy thinking back on every word, Sam thought he was in love you, I mean of course he wasn't. He was in love with the idea of you... of love that's what he wanted.
You squeezed your eyes shut to calm down before going back to your and Deans room. You opened the door to find Dean sat at the edge of the double bed, his head facing the ground as his hands ran through his hair “Dean?” You called to him. His head snapped towards you his feet moving faster than the rest of his body as he stunned his way toward you “Y/N…. H-how’d it go? Did you-” “talk to Sam… yeah we had a long talk. I think everything’s gonna be just fine now” you told him 
Deans shoulders visibly relaxed, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you into a hug “thank god… thought I was gonna have to kick his ass” dean joked but you thought back to Sam’s swollen cheek. You pulled back from the hug and gave dean a hard look “Dean Winchester… did you punch your brother because of me?” 
Dean shook his head quickly “no of course not… I punched him because he told me he wanted to be with my girlfriend, maybe had he phrased it better to me I wouldn’t have lost my temper but if someone tells me they want to be with my girlfriend and they’re in love with her… I’m gonna loose my shit” you tried to hide the small smirk from your face by leaning in to give dean a hard kiss on his soft lips “that’s really sweet baby. Please don’t fight with Sam because of me, seriously we had a really good conversation tonight” 
Dean noodles slowly “can you tell me what you talked about?” You smiled and sat down on the bed and pulling Dean with you so you were both laying down on the hard mattress “well he told me he was in love with me-” deans arm around your waist grew tense as he pulled you closer so your head was resting against his chest  “but we talked about things and we got to talking about Jess and-” you paused taking a deep breath and looking up at dean to find him already looking at you 
“Sam is still hurting over Jess. He was confusing his love for Jess to love for me, thats all, he’s not In love me. He’s in love with the idea of love because he had that, then he lost it in the blink of an eye and then he sees us together. He just needs some time and he needs us to help him get back out there find a distraction, hey maybe even find the love of his life like m-” you stopped yourself quickly, Dean opened his mouth to say something but you quickly jumped back in
“We should take him out tomorrow, there’s a bar down the block. I saw it when we were driving earlier, it looks like it could be fun, what do ya say?” Deans eyes crinkled as he smiled lovingly at you. He loved how much you looked out for Sammy, it’s part of what made him fall in love with you. “I’m down, any time I get to spend with you I am down for it” dean told you taking your hand in his placing a soft kiss to it “how about we crack open those beers over there eat some junk food and watch a little Dr sexy?” Dean suggested. You smiled and nodded your head “i love that idea” you leaned up to give him a quick kiss before he grabbed the goods.
You were hours into the doctor sexy marathon you and dean had unintentionally started. Deans arm hung loosely around your waist while you cuddled comfortably into his warm side, your leg wrapped loosely around deans hips. You looked up to see deans green eyes lolling to sleep slowly, still somewhat awake “dean?” You whispered, his eyes opened quickly and he let out a low “yeah?” And turned his gaze to you “why were you so nervous earlier? Before I went to Sam’s room?” He sighed his body tensing slightly under you “I just… I hated the idea of you talking to Sam about his little crush on you because well, your my girl… and I love you” dean rushed out the end and your head snapped up 
“You what?” You asked your chest suddenly feeling tighter like your heart was about to explode “i love you sweetheart” dean told you more clearly this time. A smile immediately overcame your face as you rushed down to press a hard kiss on deans lips. Dean responded right away, his hands wrapping around your hips to pull you on top of him… well more than you already were
You pulled back slightly from the kiss pressing your forehead against his “I love you too Dean Winchester, so fucking much baby” you giggled your lips brushing against his in each movement. Dean pulled you back into another deep kiss his big rough hands squeezed your ass before moving up your waist to pull your shirt off leaving you in your black lacy bra. Your squealed into deans mouth when he ripped your bra in half, pulling the ruined fabric off off your arms baring your breasts to him. Deans lips detached from your swollen ones, he attacked you chest immediately placing kissing app over your chest, sucking love marks all over you, especially on your sweet spot to mark his territory.
Sam who was in the next room slammed a pillow over his head to drown out your screams of pleasure, Sam lied to you earlier, he meant it when he said he was in love with you. But when he saw your panic and how you talked about your one for his brother he panicked and wanted to take each word back, that’s why when you mentioned it being confusion over his love for Jess he jumped at it. He would never do anything to hurt you or dean he loved you both way to much to ever even  think about doing that to either of you, that’s why he was just going to have to swallow his feelings and curse chuck for not having you both meet first. He wished every damn night that he met you before dean, constantly living in guilt Sam knew he had to take his feelings for you and bury them deep inside of him, a life with you was just wishful thinking for the younger Winchester. 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
next to be written is Sam Winchester, hero part 2, this was requested and I'm hoping to get it published soon, until then please enjoy :))
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kissitbttr · 1 year
you think miguel would have a positive reaction when he finds out you like him?
i’d like to think he’d be sooo awkward about it lmao. also not knowing how to react (+doesn’t even believe it)
he’s never had any real relationships before (unless with one many years ago) , maybe few flings here and there but it was never that serious. talking to people has never been his forte, that man is too fucking stoic that others would basically mistaken him as a rock. he holds too much of serious conversations and never know how to let things go, so to some, that could be an ultimate deal breaker.
there had been times where he got hit on multiple times, and he always brushed them off by saying ‘beat it’
he’s never willing to try again. not like he needed to anyway. his mind is already occupied with work.
but then came along you.
you with your pretty eyes,pretty hair, cute bubbly personality and flirty persona that got everyone hooked. he’s seen how you interact with others and he hates it. because you’re so distracting that it would make the others lose focus and he doesn’t appreciate that. he hates it.
or maybe the reason he hates it so much it’s the fact that you always flirt with Ben and call him ‘puddin.’ always running up to him and give him a hug—sometimes he’d see you wrap your legs around him too.
why would you do that? don’t you know that he fucking. hates it?
why would you ever create a nickname only for Ben? what about the others? why not him? why not Miguel?
do you like Ben?
Miguel doesn’t even know why it bothers him, but it does keep him up at night. he doesn’t like you, does he? you two barely talked and even when you do talk it’s mainly work matters. he refuses to like you.
“you’re thinking about her again, aren’t you?”
Lyla’s playful voice snaps him out of his train of thoughts as he quickly remains his posture,
Miguel clears his throat. “don’t know what you’re talking about.” his brows furrowing as his eyes remain focus on his computer screen,
“oh come on, you’re not fooling anybody. i can see the way you look at her when she’s talking or laughing. you’ve got heart eyes, my man.” Lyla teases, smirking lightly. “and i also remember correctly how you almost smash a laptop towards Ben when you saw him with her at the cafeteria and you gave him a ‘pep talk’?”
“because it wasn’t professional. this is not a place where two coworkers can flirt with each other as they please.” he responds lamely, knowing that is not a good enough excuse for Lyla to believe. she’s smarter than that.
“one. i didn’t say anything about them flirting. two. Ben came out of your office shaking and refused to talk to anyone for days! you’re crazy you know that?”
Miguel rolls his eyes, waving his hand over. “get back to work Lyla.”
“you like her.”
“no i don’t” he lies, gulping slightly. see that’s the thing about him. when he lies, he gets nervous. and Lyla can see that crystal clear.
“oh my god you totally do! i knew my instincts never wrong. Jess thought the same too”
“what the—“
“you know, usually? when a guy likes someone he’d ask the girl out. Not being a creep about it and threaten almost everyone at work to stay away from her.”
“i do not. like her” he emphasizes quite heavily, pinching between his forehead with his finger and thumb. “this is not important Lyla, we’ve got better things to do.”
as she about to say what a bad liar he is, she sees a silhouette of a woman walking into the office. you’re entering the room with a smile on your face and give Lyla a small wave as she returns one,
“speak of the angel herself. gotta go!” Lyla cheery voice causing him to whip his head. “Good luck!”
“wait what?! Lyla! Don’t—“ his voice gets cut off once the hologram disappears, groaning afterwards.
he hears your footsteps getting closer but he tries to keep his composure and not acknowledge you. perhaps he’s being an asshole but hey, what else is new?
“ouch. never met someone who’s very unhappy to see me. you’re definitely the first.” you pout pretending to be hurt, taking few steps closer to where he’s at,
he ignores your comment as he keeps his eyes fixated on the screen. “I’m working. what do you need?”
“just stopping by. it’s getting pretty boring out there you know? Miles is nowhere to be seen, Peter is busy with Mayday, Gwen is catching up with Jess and Hobie— i don’t even want to begin. Thought I’d come and see you.”
his heart definitely isn’t beating hard. definitely not.
“aren’t you usually with Ben? i see the two of you always talking in the hallways. why not go to him?”
you groan, throwing your head back as you start walking around. “ugh! all he talks about is muscles and protein sources! not to mention he never skips flexing. he’s got penis for brain, i don’t why you hired that guy. such a Ken doll.”
Miguel is glad that you aren’t facing him. because you manage to bring a small smile to his face with that comment. you’d never gonna let that one go if you see him smiling.
“well he’s good. he’s a great partner. better than Peter, I’d say. no reason to kick him off.”
“oh I’ll kick him alright” you roll your eyes as if it’s the obvious thing and you miss how miguel tries to hold back his laughter. he likes how feisty you get sometimes,
“have you—eaten already?” miguel awkwardly tries to start a conversation once he realizes the two of you sit there in silence for fifteen minutes. he must’ve think that you’re waiting for him to say something,
your lips curve into a small smirk as you watch how adorable he gets when he’s nervous. scratching the back of his head and trying his best to avoid an eye contact. it’s easy to tell how you make him shrink like a little kid crushing on his classmate.
yeah, Jess and Lyla told you everything. so this would be fun
“nope” you shake your head, rolling the chair closer in front of him as you slightly move forward. you admire the way his eyes stare intently into something, how his lower lip poke out in concentration and the way his thick brows knitted together making it impossible for you to stay sane.
does he know he’s handsome as fuck? and sexy too? his rough image and demeanor maybe look a bit intimidating to some but to you?
biggest turn on.
“why, you wanna take me out to lunch or something?”
he chokes at that, eyes finally looking up to you as he sees the playful smile on your face and the way your head tilt to the side. as if you’re teasing him,
“no. it was just a simple question.” he replies boringly. “why haven’t you eaten yet? it’s almost three. quieres enfermarte?”
“well” you start, moving slowly towards his side with him watching you like a hawk, eyeing every move. “i’m actually waiting for you to buy me lunch. there’s a new Asian cuisine in the cafeteria called beef rendang… i think? and boy it smells so good! why don’t we go together? plus you need a fucking break, man. you’ve been at this shit for hours.”
miguel is both surprised and confused. why the sudden invitation? why are you even talking to him? he lightly scoffs at how bold you are but he will never admit how much he likes it,
“why are you suddenly taken an interest in talking to me?”
“what are you talking about?” you ask playing dumb, looping a finger around the belt hole of your flared jeans. “I’ve always been interested.”
his heart skips at that. and he has no idea if you meant it or actually joking.
he says nothing only a hum. you assume that he’s disappointed with your answer because it isn’t specific. so you decide to continue,
leaning your body forward, you’re close enough to invade his personal space as you pretend to whisper a dark secret. “because i like you. like—like you like you. isn’t it obvious?”the answer is simple. pretty straightforward and you guess that he doesn’t get that often because of how he reacts.
he halts. beautiful eyes widen in surprise as he slowly turns to you who wears the opposite expression. a wide smile painted on your glossed lips, legs swinging back and forth—he admits that you look cute doing that—blinking your eyes rapidly in flirty manner.
you’re the only person who can make him weak on his knees. everyone can see that.
“what you just said.” he points, now his work left abandoned. deciding to focus on you. “did you mean it?”
“every word.”
“are you sure?”
“why is it so hard for you to believe me?” you ask out of curiosity. brows furrowed as your arms crossed,
“nothing it’s just—“he scratches his head, looking down because he’s afraid if he looks into your eyes he’d form into a puddle. “you were never—you never said anything, carińo. i didn’t even think you like me.”
you nod, crossing your legs. “I’m just gonna ignore how you call me that unless you want me to get down on my knees and give you the best fucking head you will ever have.”
for what it’s like a hundredth time, he blushes at your choice of words. God, you have no filter at all.
“how could i say something when all you do is talk serious shit all the time? can’t even joke with you Miguel. people are basically scared of you. hell! even I’m terrified of you.” you confess,
“is that why you never—call me names?”
“what, a dick? or an ass?”
“no!” he exclaims, sounding offended. wondering if that what you must have thought of him back then. “i mean—you never give me a nickname—only with Ben” he mutters, feeling embarrassed of having to admit that out loud,
you scrunch your nose. “puddin? why is that even—ohhh” a sudden realization hit you and that’s where you laugh, throwing your head back and Miguel looks irritated at the fact you’re laughing,
“something funny?”
you nod your head vigorously, still laughing a bit as you wipe a tear from the corner of your eye. “Jess and Lyla are sooo right. you’re jealous.”
“i’m not!”
“hmm yes you are.” you giggle, seeing how his lips form into a pout and the skin between his eyebrows wrinkled. “that’s cute though. i promise not to tell anyone.”
he huffs, but internally relieved that you’re keeping your mouth shut. he will never hear the end of it by anyone if that one gets out.
“so..” he trails, releasing a small sigh. “you.. like me..?”
once again you nod, “i do.”
“g-good cause uh—i kinda like you too.”
“kinda?” you pretend to get hurt, hand over your heart. “is that all?! I’m quite offended! i poured my heart out to you!”
“ay, bueno listo! a lot! i like you—a lot.” he finally confesses, leg bouncing up and down due to nerves. “i just don’t how to say it or at least—act like it.”
“i can see that. you’re horrible at showing emotions except for anger, Miguel.” you reply, standing from your seat as you extend your hand to him. "but don't worry. i'll show you how to love. now come on."
he quirks an eyebrow, giving you an questioning look. "what are you doing?"
"uhm, getting some food? i'm starved. and you're coming with me. you have to eat something" a smile reaches your lips as he begins to mirror your expression while placing his hand on yours before standing up as well. you like how he towers over you. he’s a freakishly large man
“okay. i’d like that actually, querida.”
you give him a toothy grin. both of your hands are intertwined as the two of you walk towards the exist. you sense Miguel feeling awkward about the hand holding thing so you decide to ease his nerves by rubbing your thumb slightly against his skin.
“oh and also. you shall worry not a single thing about the whole nickname thing. you can choose what you like to be called by me and it’s all yours.”
a/n: this turned into a long ass fic im sorry lol
also does this one make sense? i feel like it’s rushed:// nevertheless hope you enjoy!
[i would let this man tear my pu—*phone drops*]
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miryum · 24 days
"The Crime Scene"
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Summary: Detective!Jason Todd x detective!Reader based on Jake and Amy’s relationship
Series Warnings: Swearing, descriptions of violence (but nothing descriptive), guns and other police stuff
Series Masterlist
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Y/n stood by an apartment door that was blocked off by police tape, scrolling through her pictures. She and Jason had officially been dating for three weeks, and in her opinion, it was going great. Two nights ago they had another date which consisted of going to the State Fair. Y/n had insisted that they get the famous cookies (“They’re a staple of the fair, Jaybird! It wouldn’t be the State Fair without diabetes!”), ride the giant slide (“Darling, I’m an adult male with a full-time job. As much as I wanna make you happy, I’m not riding- oh my god, oh my god … Okay, can we go again?”), and go on the skyride. The day had ended with a camera roll full of Jason and Y/n pictures, Y/n’s favourite being Jason going through the children’s faux farm where kids had to collect small packages and do chores akin to farming. They followed a dirt path and collected plastic apples, packets of corn, and swaths of real sheep wool. At the end, they cashed it all in for an ice cream sandwich. Luckily, Y/n had been able to snag a picture of Jason in a tiny apron and holding a wicker basket. His mouth was downturned, but he waited patiently in line for his promised ice cream sandwich. 
“Hey. Sorry I'm late,” Cass said and Y/n looked up. “The coffee guy was…”
Y/n choked on her spit. “Assaulting your head?  What is going on up there?” She referenced Cass’ hairstyle. Instead of her loose pixie-cut, Cass’ hair was ironed straight in a tight bob.
“Is it bad?” Cass grimaced.
“Before I answer that question,” Y/n said, “do you currently have a knife on you?”
“Yes, several.” 
“Then I love it.” Y/n gave her a thumbs up. “It really... I mean, it’s hair. You look like Edna from The Incredibles. I'm sorry, don't stab me.” She shielded her face with her arms.
“My girlfriend, Harper, is going through beauty school. This week they’re doing hairstyles,” Cass explained. “She’s practising on me.”
“You’re still with Harper?!” Y/n giggled. “Geez, I love her! Uh, don’t take this the wrong way, but… is she passing?”
“Honestly, I don't know.”
“Well, let's get into this murder.” Y/n rubbed her hands together gleefully. “I'm hoping it's a dope one.” She flung open the door and ducked under the police tape. When she saw the apartment, she froze and her eyes widened in appreciation. “Mamma Mia. That's a bloody pizza pie.” She was referring to the scene before her, the floor smeared with blood in long lines, evidence markers covering every other metre, and the photographer was just finishing up. 
“Detectives,” a detective named Al Kelly greeted them. “The Roomba was running when we got here. It smeared blood across the entire apartment.”
Cass smirked and turned to Y/n. “Is this dope enough for you?”
“It's a bloody robot, Cain.” Y/n grinned. “It's clearly a good start, but it's gonna take more than that to be certified as totally dope. Who's the victim?”
“Name is Steven Carlyle,” Kelly said.
Y/n hummed and shook her head. “Kind of a boring name. Not super dope.”
“He was a psychologist,” Kelly continued. 
“Okay, a sharp turn away from dopeness, but who found the body?”
“His boss called the cops when he didn't show up to work, so he was found by Officer Fields.”
“Officer Fields?” Y/n whined. “You are seriously undoping this. Do you have anything else for me? Al?”
“The apartment was locked from the inside?” Kelly offered, wondering what Y/n wanted to hear. 
“Mysterious. Dope,” Y/n nodded along. 
“The alarm system was still armed.”
“Dope, dope, dope, dope. So hard to solve.” Y/n’s mouth dropped open appreciatively.
Cass asked, “any surveillance cameras?”
“Oh, yeah. Tons of them, but we checked them. No one was seen going in or out. Whoever did this was a ghost.” Al handed Cass a case file and she started flitting through it.
“Yes!” Y/n exclaimed. “A ghost! I officially declare this case ‘dope!’” She turned towards the apartment. “I love the first walkthrough of a crime scene. It's kind of like arriving at summer camp, except the lake is full of blood and your bunk mate is dead.” She paused before ambling through the room. “I think I may be bad at metaphors.”
Cass held up an interview transcript. “So after Carlyle comes home from work, the only person who even approaches his doorway is a delivery guy?”
“Yeah, but he never enters the apartment.”
Y/n gasped and pointed to an evidence marker. “Hey, Cass. Check it out. Triple digies!” The evidence marker displayed one-hundred and eighteen. “There's so much evidence, we hit triple digies!”
“Cool,” Cass commented.
“Very cool indeed,” Y/n agreed. “But you know what's not cool? Carlyle ordered his dinner from House of Lettuce. There's no way this guy knew he was gonna die! No one would want lettuce as their last meal. For example, my last meal... is gonna be any candy I get my hands on,” she shoved her hands in her pockets and extracted a pack of M&Ms.
“You just keep those in your pocket?” Cass pushed back a smile.
“We face death every day,” Y/n pointed out. “I gotta be prepared to go out on my own terms.”
“I can't even think about eating,” Cass gagged. “It smells like Tim’s armpits after he’s refused to go home for four days and is running on coffee.”
“When have you smelled Tim’s armpits…” Y/n trailed off.
A heavy set man with a thick moustache saddled up to them and said, “that's the heat wave. It speeds up the body decomp. I guess you could say this mystery is straight outta decomp......ton.”
“No.” Y/n rejected the attempted pun. “Who are you?”
“Angel Rojas. I'm running CSI and forensics.” The man took a sip of his coffee. 
“If the heat is causing the smell, why don't we just turn on the air conditioning?” Y/n asked.
Rojas shook his head immediately. “That kind of air flow is gonna kick up all kinds of dust particles. That AC stays off, which means the odour in here? Only gonna get worse.” He dug a small clip out of his pocket and shoved it on his nose. “Pro tip: plug your noses. Had this bad boy custom-made to fit these sweet nosters.”
“Are you trying to abbreviate ‘nostrils’?” Y/n stared at Rojas, completely bamboozled.
“In CSI, we don't try. We do, son.”
“Son? I mean, transgender people are great, but that’s not how I identify, thank you very much.” She shot Rojas a pair of finger guns before saying, “well, it's been sort of okay meeting you. We're gonna turn our backs and ignore you now.” She and Cass loyally turned their backs. 
“Hey, Y/n/n,” Cass smirked. “You know what it's time for?”
“I sure do! Y/n and Cass’ first impressions!”
Cass pointed to blood patterns on the wall. “Cast-off pattern on the far wall suggests upward knife slices. Y/n?”
Y/n knelt down next to Carlyle’s body. “Wounds on the vic's back means he didn't see the killer coming. Oof. Cass, my dearest?”
Cass shook her head and continued, “laptop, wallet, keys all in plain sight. No sign of forced entry. Doesn't connote a robbery. L/n?”
“But it does connote that our killer was waiting for Carlyle in the apartment.” She hesitated and asked, “did I just use the word ‘connote’ correctly?”
“You did.”
Y/n grinned. “Great. I’m just super smart. Please text Tim and tell him to suck it and that I am amazing and he should love me. Also, tell Jason that I’m the smarter one in the relationship and that even though he reads all the time, I am superior.”
“I’m not doing that.”
A voice frantically cried from the hallway, “I'm his mother! Let me in!”
Y/n grimaced and her jaw tensed. “Rock-paper-scissors for who has to talk to the vic's mom.”
“Deal.” The pair slammed their fists into their open palms and Y/n glared at Cass as the former held up paper and Cass showed two fingers to indicate scissors. 
“It's a game of chance. How the hell do you always win?” Y/n groaned loudly.
“You always pick paper,” Cass said.
“That is not true,” Y/n scoffed. “Here, go again.” Y/n flattened her palm as paper and Cass held up scissors. “One more time. Alright, one more time. One more time. One more time. One more time.” Y/n kept holding up paper and Cass easily beat her every time with scissors. “Alright, one more time. One more time. God, this reverse psychology is a bust!” Y/n sighed and stepped outside to the hallway. “Ma'am?” she found Carlyle’s mother and smiled softly. “I'm Detective L/n. This is Detective Cain. I'm so sorry for your loss.”
“Please tell me whatever you can. Nobody will tell me anything,” Carlyle’s mother, Amy, begged.
“I really wish that I could, but we're just starting our investigation,” Y/n explained. “Now, is there anyone you can think of that would want to hurt your son?”
“No! Everybody loved Stevie. I don't know why this happened! Please, you have to find who did this.”
“We're doing everything we can,” Y/n reassured her.
“Promise me,” Amy pleaded slowly, staring helplessly at Y/n, “you'll find who did this.”
Cass stepped in and frowned, “ma'am, we can't promise-”
“Promise me!” Amy placed a hand on Y/n’s forearm and tears started forming in her eyes. “Stevie was my whole world. I'm a single mom… or, was a single mom.” She sniffed and wiped at her eyes.
Y/n took a breath and nodded. “I promise you.”
Cass falsely grinned at Amy, who was thanking Y/n profusely, and shoved Y/n back into the rotting apartment. “You really are an idiot, aren’t you?”
“Um, exsqueeze me?” Y/n crossed her arms, offended.
“Did you really just full-on promise a victim's family member we would solve a crime? You broke the number one rule of dealing with a victim's family member. What were you thinking?”
Y/n shrugged and muttered, “I don't know. She reminded me of my mom, okay? A single mother crying in the hallway? Those are some of my frequent childhood memories.”
Cass sighed and rubbed her temples, speaking more softly, “dude, you never make a promise, because if we don't solve this, you've given her false hope, and that is way worse.”
“Normally, I would totally agree with you, but we're going to solve this case. We have so much evidence. We hit triple digies! We'll interview his friends, neighbours, and coworkers. Come on. We got this!”
“Alright, fine. But you have to deal with her if we can’t solve it.”
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“My goodness.” Y/n placed a hand over her heart and raised her brows in Cass’ direction. “Did Mother Gothel finally let you out of the tower?”
Cass’s hair had been lengthened significantly by hair extensions that fell down to her waist. “What?” Cass squinted at her.
“It was a Tangled burn,” Y/n explained. “Jason and I had a Disney marathon last weekend.”
“Cool, but no. Harper’s learning how to weave in hair extensions. Anyway, I talked to the neighbours. Our vic had a party three nights before the murder. I talked to everyone on the guest list. They all have alibis, so I got nothing. How did your interviews go?”
Y/n sucked in a harsh breath. “Not great. I talked to his coworkers, friends, and family. No one had a motive. Everyone loved him. The dumb jerk. RIP,” she added quickly, waving a hand around in a bad rendition of crossing herself.
“Did you promise any of them that you'd find the killer?” Cass asked, glaring at Y/n.
Y/n stared at Cass for a tense moment before admitting, “yes, his aunt. She also reminded me of my mom. Her name was Y/m/n!”
“Y/n!” Cass reprimanded. 
“Look, it's gonna be fine. This apartment is full of forensic evidence! There is no way that CSI hasn't found something. I have never been more confident in my entire-” she threw open the door and groaned as the smell immediately blasted her. “I can taste the smell. Ugh. You shouldn't be able to taste smells.”
“That's the heat cookin' the blood rot right out of the floorboards.” Rojas sauntered up to them. “Set scent to simmer. Serve over rice.”
Cass gazed uncomfortably at him before saying, “just so you know, Rojas, we're not responding positively to you as a person. Maybe just give us an update on the labs.”
“Copy that. The victim was stabbed 30 times. Coroner puts the time of death between six p.m. and seven-thirty p.m. Sunday night.”
“Okay, and how many DNA matches did you find?” Y/n asked.
“What about hair?”
“None,” Rojas repeated. “I have no matches of anything on any criminal databases whatsoever.”
Cass turned to Y/n. “Still feeling good about your promise, L/n?”
“Still feeling good about that haircut, Cousin It? I’m sorry, I’m a little frustrated right now but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I love you, Cass.” Y/n took a breath after her quick speech and said, “Rojas, how did you guys not find anything? You had fifteen people in here.”
“First of all, you sound so ignorant right now. I had fourteen guys here.” He scoffed. ”Like I'd ever get approval for fifteen guys. That's insane. Second of all, don't worry, we found something good. We tested the blood. This blood splatter belongs to the victim, this to a second individual, and that to a third.”
“Oh, hells, yes. We might have some perp blood in here. This is huge! Cass, we’re gonna solve this case!” She high-fived Cass and a couple mornings later, she stood outside the apartment, and greeted her friend, “ah, good morning, Prince Harry.” Cass’ hair was a brilliant, stark red.
“You seem particularly chipper this morning,” Cass remarked.
”Indeed I am,” Y/n agreed. “Because I finally tracked down the guy who delivered our vic his final meal and, in so doing, maybe saw the other two guys who bled all over this apartment.”
“We don't know there were three people in the apartment,” Cass reminded her friend.
“Delivery guy,” a cop introduced Y/n and Cass to a young, thin man dressed in a work uniform.
“Hello, sir,” Y/n smiled kindly and shook the delivery boy’s hand. ”We'd like to ask you a couple of questions.”
The delivery boy, who must’ve been no older than twenty-five, looked around at all the uniforms and equipment there. He nervously admitted, “okay, look, I ate a couple fries out of the bag, but everybody does that.”
Y/n shook her head, fingers tucked in belt loops. “That's not why you're here.”
“Oh, shit,” Max, the delivery boy, looked petrified. “Is this about weed?” he asked quietly, like it was a secret.
Y/n’s brows shot up and asked, “should it be?”
“You delivered food to the guy in this apartment at six-forty p.m. on Sunday,” Cass cut in. “And within the hour, he was murdered.”
“What? How? That's horrible!” Max cried.
“Did you see anything suspicious?”
“No,” Max said. “But I didn't go inside. The guy came to the door. I just gave him the food.”
“And did you see or hear anyone else in the apartment?” Y/n crossed her arms.
“No, just that one guy. He ordered, uh, three beetroot zucchini wraps,” Max stuttered.
Y/n grimaced dramatically. “Three disgusting wraps. Three disgusting bloodstains. I knew it. There were three people in there.”
Cass stepped forward. “Would you be willing to go inside and let us know if anything looks different to you?”
“Yeah. Sure, that's fine. I don't care,” Max agreed as Y/n began to open the apartment door. Max stepped in and took one look around before screaming out, “why would you show this to me? Oh, I'm too high to see this.” He gagged and his eyes fell on the fishbowl which had bloodstains on the glass. “There's blood on the fish! On the fish!”
Y/n turned to Cass and said quietly, “I always forget how weirdly numb to horrific things we are. Do you think it affects the relationships we build with others?”
“Oh, for sure,” Cass agreed, nodding stoically as Max continued wailing.
Cass placed a hand on Max’s back, who was currently bent over, retching up air. “You must have seen something. You delivered the food at six-forty, and sometime before seven-thirty, Carlyle was stabbed to death.”
“Stop saying ‘stabbed!’” Max pleaded. “What I saw here forever changed me. My heart is still pounding!”
“Wait. Carlyle was wearing a smartwatch, right?” Y/n asked, whirling around to the evidence marker that stood by Carlyle’s phone. “Those things track your heart rate. If we look at his phone, we can see the exact moment his heart stopped beating. Here we go.” She opened the phone. “Activities app. And... boom! His heart rate dropped to zero at exactly six-oh-three.”
Cass’ brows furrowed and she muttered, “the food wasn't even ordered until six-sixteen, which means…”
Both detectives exclaimed, “the killer ordered the food!”
Max, who was sitting in fetal position, yelled out, “oh, god. Did I talk to a murderer?!”
“Y/n,” Cass ignored Max. “This guy saw the perp. We have to get him in front of a sketch artist.”
“Oh, yeah. I'm feeling it now, Cass.” She bounced up on the balls of her feet. “At this time tomorrow, we're gonna know exactly what our killer looks like!”
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“We have no idea what our killer looks like,” Cass said the following day, bags under eyes.
“Well, that's not totally true.” Y/n shuffled through sketch renderings. “We now know that the killer might look like Sebastian Stan, Winona Ryder, or Bilbo Baggins.”
“The delivery guy kept starting over. Apparently, he's always high.” She shook her head. “I'm sorry, man. Our big break turned into nothing.”
A voice sounded from the end of the hallway. “Detectives,” Captain Wayne strode up to them, cap under his arm.
“Ah! Captain,” Y/n plastered a grin on her face. “Did you come down here to take a look at the two best detectives you've ever worked with in action?”
“The two best detectives I've ever worked with are Prince and Pennyworth,” Wayne said immediately.
“Oh.” Y/n nodded once and stared at Wayne. “You never mentioned them before.”
“They were excellent,” Wayne replied. “I'm here because Major Crimes wants the case. I was hoping to tell them you have some leads. I overheard you mention a Bill Bo-Baggins. Should we bring him in?”
Y/n stifled a chuckle. “Well, as much as I would love to meet him, he is not a suspect.”
“Okay, so who is?”
Y/n swallowed and said, “at this time? No one. But... we are currently investigating no leads.” She drew her lips in and waited for the disappointment.
“So you have nothing,” Wayne restated.
Cass glared at Y/n. “Not nothing. L/n made a new best friend. The vic's mom. She promised her she'd solve the case.”
Wayne pursed his lips. “That's a rookie mistake.”
Y/n held up her hands defensively. “Okay. Fine. Maybe I'm not Pierce and Pennyweather.”
“Prince and Pennyworth,” Wayne corrected. “And they would've remembered your name after one mention.”
“Because we're memorable, and they're not.” Y/n held up a hand to Cass for a high-five. “Turned it around.” Cass shook her head and Y/n dropped her hand, continuing, “alright, look, Captain. Cain and I are gonna solve this case. The answer is in this room.” She gestured around to the bloody apartment. “We just have to focus and let the room speak to us.” She shouted out to the open house, “isn't that right, room?”
“When you talk to the room,” Wayne deadpanned, “I lose even more confidence in you.”
“Why?” Y/n shrugged then turned to beg her Capitan, “can you please just buy us some more time? Sir, I feel like we've earned this.”
Wayne sighed heavily and conceded, “work fast.”
Y/n shot him a thumbs up and beamed. “Got it.” She turned back to the apartment and rubbed her hands together. She said to Cass, “okay. Let's look at the scene like we're seeing it for the first time with fresh eyes.” She jumped to the floor, next to where Carlyle’s body used to lay. “Vic was face down.”
Cass stood in the kitchen, analysing the blood on the wall. “Cast-off splatter suggests upward knife slices.”
“No signs of forced entry. Laptop, wallet, keys were all there,” Y/n said, staring at the desk where all the items lay.
“Doesn't connote a robbery,” Cass finished.
“Wait a minute. Have we said this already?” Y/n looked around. “Are we having the exact same conversation?”
“Cool.” Y/n’s jaw twitched. “Moving on. Windows and doors locked from the inside. Nobody in or out.” She pressed her fingertips to her temples. “Think, think, think... oh!” She snapped her fingers and her head whipped upward to focus on the ceiling. “The upstairs neighbour and his best friend drilled through the ceiling, murdered Carlyle, bled all over the apartment, then climbed back up and sealed the hole behind them!”
Rojas spoke up from behind them. “Negative, we would have found construction debris and microscopic paint fibres. The only thing that needs patching... is that theory.”
Y/n waved him away. “Okay. New idea. We're gonna get inside the mind of the killer. We eat the veggie wraps!” She opened the days old food container and unwrapped the veggie wraps. A shiver ran up her spine as she took in the disgusting looking food. “Here we go,” she hesitantly took a bite of the wrap and immediately gagged. “Oh, this sick bastard,” she groaned. “Oh, man. This is one twisted motherfucker. Oh, the beets are raw. This guy is demented, Cass!” She harshly swallowed down the food before throwing away the rest of the veggie wrap, glaring at it. “How can someone stomach that…?”
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A week later, Y/n stood in the middle of the room and held her arms out wide.“Okay. All we have to do is figure out what kind of person can walk by cameras without being seen. Someone camouflaged as a wall.” She glanced around, squinting at the walls, as if she could find the person.
“Unlikely,” Cass said.
“Harry Potter and his invisibility cloak,” Y/n said proudly.
Cass pointed out, “Not a real person.”
“Well, uh, how do you know, Cain? Have you searched all of Britain for a magical castle? I didn’t think so.”
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A couple days later, Y/n sat on the kitchen counter, legs crossed and wearing a tank top and pyjama shorts. She suddenly gasped loudly and waved her hands around. “My god, Cain, come here. Look at the blood spatter. Do you see what I see?”
Cass walked over from the bedroom and wondered, “Uh, blood?”
“I think I just made a connection,” Y/n said. “The number three is everywhere. Three people. Three types of blood. And guess what the tax was on the veggie wraps? Three dollars and nineteen cents, but if you ignore the nineteen, then it's three!” she cried out.
Cass shook her head. “Okay. You've officially lost your mind.”
Y/n jumped off the counter and hissed, “what? Who told you that? Was it room?”
“No. It's the fact that you think the room has a voice and also you're working in your PJs!”
“To beat the heat, Cass!” Y/n shouted. “To beat the heat! If we can't turn on the AC, this isn’t crazy, it's just smart.”
Cass took a deep breath and said quietly, “Y/n, I gave the case to Major Crimes.”
“What?” Y/n’s lips parted in disbelief. “Cass, y-you can't do that. I promised Amy.”
“Yeah, and now you can't let it go,” Cass argued. She opened the apartment door and a group of men in uniforms and windbreakers entered. “The scene's yours, guys. I'm sorry, Y/n/n,” she said softly. “It's over.”
Y/n scoffed and marched out. “Okay, fine! I'll leave. Come on, room!” she called out to the apartment.
“You left your pants,” Cass said loudly.
“I don't care!” Y/n shouted back.
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Cass slid into the briefing room, noticing Y/n who was crouched on the floor. “Hey, Y/n?”
Y/n popped up and gasped. “Ah! Hello, Cassandra, my coworker and dearest friend.”
Cass shoved her hands into her pockets. “Look, I know you're mad at me, but I only gave away that case to help you. You were acting like a lunatic.”
Y/n placed a bottle of ketchup on one of the tables. “Don't even worry about it. You were totally right. I was in too deep, and honestly, I feel so free not having to work that case anymore, so thank you.” She didn’t know what to do, so she gave Cass an awkward little bow.
Cass smiled, relieved. “Cool, you're welcome. Uh, what's up with all the ketchup?”
“It's, um… for my hot dog.” Y/n nodded slowly. She began to push Cass out of the room. “Anyways, this has been a great chat, but I better get back to my hot dog.”
Cass frowned and pushed past her and froze at the sight of Stephanie who was laying on the floor, covered in ketchup. “Oh, wow.” Cass said slowly, eyes wide.
“There's nothing crazy about this, sister,” Y/n said. “It's the crime scene!” She pointed to the differently arranged tables in the briefing room. “There’s the stove, the kitchen island, blood,” she splattered some more ketchup on a table. “And of course, the body,” she flourished towards Steph.
“Hi, Cass!” Steph waved at her friend. “I'm the body.”
“You gave away my case, but guess what?” She let out a ‘boo-yah’ and held up two fingers. “I spent two months in that apartment. I can recreate it in my sleep.”
“Have you slept?” Cass crossed her arms.
“No,” Y/n said.
Dick walked into the room and looked around, shocked at the mess. “What the hell is going on here?!”
“Y/n’s gone insane because she promised the victim's mom she'd solve her son's murder,” Cass explained.
Dick placed his hands on his hips, disappointed. “Seriously? You never promise a victim's relative anything.” He took a breath and commanded, “clean it up and get out. You've lost your mind,” he decided.
“That's not true!” Y/n retorted. “I'm solving this.”
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“Hey, sweetheart?” Jason placed a comforting hand on Y/n’s back. He had gotten a concerning text from Cass that had persuaded Jason to stop by Y/n’s apartment during his lunch break. He had originally knocked on the door, but when she didn’t answer, he had used the key she gave him for emergencies. 
Y/n jumped at the contact and whirled around, eyes bloodshot and the bags under her eyes were darker than ever. “Jason? When did you get here?” Before her sat the blueprints of Carlyle’s apartment.
Jason’s eyes widened at her appearance before his expression softened sadly. “Oh, darling, how much sleep have you gotten?”
“Uh… when was Monday?”
“Four days ago,” Jason answered gently. “Come on,” he gently helped her out of her chair and led her to the bedroom. “Can we get some rest?” Y/n nodded reluctantly and allowed him to tuck her into bed. “I’m just gonna stay here to make sure you get sleep well,” Jason whispered. 
“Okay…” Y/n soon fell asleep, a small smile tugging on Jason’s lips. He returned to Y/n’s living room and sat down on the couch, turning the TV on, making sure the volume was low so as to not disturb her. 
However, an hour or so later, Jason heard some rustling from Y/n’s room. Worried, he crept to Y/n’s room and peered in. When he saw what his girlfriend was doing, he sighed heavily. “Y/n, my darling, please go to sleep.” 
Y/n was using the blueprints as a blanket, reading over them intently, eyes blurry and exhausted. “Never,” she muttered. Jason took the blueprints away from her before typing a text message on his phone.
That afternoon, Cass stopped by Y/n’s apartment. She was greeted by Jason who led her inside and motioned to the bathroom. Y/n was sitting in the tub, cuddled in a blanket, and muttering to herself. Cass sighed and knelt down next to the bathtub. “L/n,” she said. “So, I can see how much this case means to you. I was thinking that maybe I could help you solve it.”
Y/n glanced up and the blanket fell off her shoulders. Jason came up behind her and rewrapped the blanket around her. “Really?” she asked. “But I thought Major Crimes just labelled it a cold case.”
“They did,” Cass confirmed. “But clearly, you’re not gonna let it go. And hey, if they’re out of the way, then we can take all the credit ourselves.” She smirked loosely and Y/n beamed.
The detective leapt out of the bath and wrapped her arms around her friend. “Thank you, Cass!” 
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The following afternoon, Y/n and Cass arrived at Carlyle’s apartment. “That's weird,” Cass hummed. “The police tape's already gone.”
“Oh, yeah, Major Crimes released the scene yesterday.” The pair walked into the apartment as Y/n said, “but I'm sure they haven't had time to clean up the evidence…” she trailed off, looking at the perfectly spotless rooms.
“Oh, shit, they emptied the place out.” Cass said. “Nothing left in here. I can't believe this is how it ends.”
“Yeah. Is it weird that I miss the smell?” Y/n’s lips turned up in a reminiscing smile. “Wait a minute, do you hear that?” Her head tilted to the side as she tried to figure out if the soft humming noise was coming from the apartment, or if she really was crazy and it was all in her head. “I've spent six hundred hours in this room, and I have never heard that sound.”
“It's because the air conditioning's never been turned on. It's coming from that vent,” Cass pointed to a large vent in the wall.
Y/n immediately took out a swiss army knife and unscrewed the bolts. She faithfully got down on her hands and knees and crawled into the huge vent. “I don't see anything,” she called back to Cass. “Wait, there's a bend. Oh, my god.” She came across a pack of plastic water bottles and some empty chip bags. “There's food and water in here!”
Half an hour later, Cass and Y/n stood in the precinct, Cass’ laptop propped open in front of them. Cass said, “we never saw the killer leave this apartment because he never left. But he couldn't have survived in there for months. That's insane.”
“He wasn't back there for months,” Y/n explained. “He just waited for the body to be discovered and then snuck out sometime after that.”
“But this place was crawling with cops.”
“Which is exactly what he wanted,” Y/n scratched at her nose. “He snuck out dressed like a cop.”
“Even if he had a uniform, somebody would've recognized him,” Cass said, thinking logically. In order for them to figure this case out, there couldn’t be any holes in the story.
“Not if his face was covered.”
“By a Hazmat suit!” Cass’ mouth fell open. “The CSI guys! Rojas said he had fourteen techs, but didn't you count fifteen?”
“I did count fifteen!” Y/n exclaimed loudly. “My maths was right! Suck it, Mrs. Wilson! She was my Algebra two teacher. She was actually very sweet. She believed in me.” Cass shot her a look and Y/n remembered, “oh. Yeah. Here's the security footage. Play the tape.” Cass pressed play and Y/n narrated along to the video, “okay, so there's us arriving. Alright…. Wait. Go back.” She pointed to the one guy on the screen. “Look at this guy. All the other techs are wearing their little booties, but he's not. Follow that guy.”
“Where's the footage from the grocery across the street?” Cass muttered to herself, pulling up the camera logs.
“We have that?” Y/n asked, astonished. “That is so crazy. We’re under surveillance at all times. I'm sure it's fine and it won't backfire and ruin society.” She shook her head, ridding herself of the thoughts. “Zoom in on his face. Hm… that man isn’t CSI. But he is about to say… CS-bye.” She grinned at her pun and announced, “okay, Cass. You know what it's time for!”
The friends high-fived each other and said, “Cass and Y/n’s final impressions!”
“The dude’s a hit man. He snuck into the apartment during the party several nights earlier, hid in the vent for three days, then emerged and murdered Carlyle. Y/n?”
Y/n took over and added, “he then spilled bags of blood that he stole from a blood bank all over the floor and turned on the victim's Roomba to make the crime scene as messy as possible. Cass?”
“The messy scene meant there'd be extra crime techs, allowing the perp to sneak out in a Hazmat suit, which records show he bought online. Two weeks before the crime was committed. My only question, who was behind all this?”
Two days later, a man by the name of Warren Lawford (“Really? That’s the most ironic name ever!”) sat in the interrogation room and said, “I was hired by a depressed grocer.”
“Wow.” Y/n muttered. “Dopeness taking a late hit here, but we still got you! See you at the sentencing, peace, and we're out!” She held up a peace sign before she and Cass swept out of the room, looking smug. 
Amy waited for them outside, face contorting into relief when Cass explained that Lawford was pleading guilty. “Oh, thank god. But why did he kill Stevie? Was he doing something bad?”
“Not at all,” Y/n reassured her. “Steve dropped one of his clients that was too emotionally attached to him and the client went kinda crazy and issued a hit on him.”
“Well, is anybody going after him?”
“If they're not, then I will. I promise you,” Y/n said softly.
Amy’s eyes filled with tears and she spread her arms open. “Come here,” she sniffed, wrapping Y/n in a big hug, electing a squeak from the detective.
“Why are you promising her?” Cass mouthed to Y/n from out of Amy’s line of sight.
“I can't help myself!” Y/n whispered harshly.
“Goodbye, detectives,” Amy grinned before exiting the precinct.
“Take care,” Y/n called after the woman. 
“I gotta say,” Cass huffed a chuckle. “We would not have solved that case if you hadn't gotten involved emotionally.”
“Think we'd be better cops if we did that all the time?” Y/n asked.
“Absolutely not, never again.”
“Yeah, it was a total nightmare.”
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peachy-panic · 3 months
Wrong Place, Wrong Time (pt. 1)
Whew. After months (almost a year?) of marinating this chapter, I've decided to cut it in two. Thought about titling this chapter: Shit Hits The Fan. Enjoy!
WARNINGS: BBU setting, struggles with bodily autonomy, recovering alcoholic, mentions of violence
Jaime hits the ground with more force than he expects. His back takes the brunt of the fall, and for a moment, he is rendered breathless. A few weeks ago, the impact might have triggered a memory of real violence. Now, he gulps in a few deep breaths, feeling the grass at his back, until Ezra’s face eclipses the sunlight overhead. 
“That was better,” Ezra says, extending a hand. Jaime takes it and lets himself be pulled to his feet. 
“I can’t seem to stay on my feet,” Jaime huffs, frustrated. He swipes an arm across his face, pushing aside the hair that clings to his forehead.
“You’re doing fine,” Ezra says. “Getting knocked down is half the process of learning.”
Jaime grimaces. “I must be learning a lot, then.”
Ezra grins. “You are,” he says, sounding like he might actually mean it. “You’ve already improved from where we began. For now, take five and drink some water.”
“I can go again,” Jaime insists, already rocking back into his sparring stance. 
“We have all day.” Ezra grabs Jaime’s water bottle and pushes it gently against his chest. “You’ll burn out quickly if you don’t pace yourself.”
At the finality in his tone, Jaime relents and collapses back onto the grass. He downs half his bottle in one go. 
It’s been over a month since Ezra offered to teach Jaime how to spar. At first, the idea unsettled him in a way he couldn’t pin down. He didn’t understand the point of it. Ezra knew more than most how little Jaime’s ability to fight mattered; it isn’t an imbalance in physical strength that keeps him in his position. It is the law, the society, and the institutions decades in the making that hold the end of Jaime’s leash. Something about learning the art of self defense and knowing he is never allowed to exercise it feels more cruel than not learning at all. 
One session, Ezra had wagered. Train with me once and see how you feel.
The first time, Sebastian stayed to observe at Jaime’s request, perched on a piece of exercise equipment in Ezra’s basement gym. Jaime, who spent the week leading up antsy and nervous, watched with rapt interest as Ezra wrapped his hands. 
They started slow. 
The first time Jaime hit the ground, the room went silent. In the split second of shock and pain, a flare of violent memories flashed before him: a handler shoving him onto his back, his foster father slamming him up against the hallway wall. Distantly, he heard Sebastian’s voice break through the budding panic. “Maybe we should call it a day?”
Something about that—the grounding reminder of where he was, who he was with, and that the choice was his to walk away—snapped him back into his body. Ezra watched him from where he stood several feet back, not coming to his side and not saying anything in response to Sebastian’s concern. Instead, he watched Jaime, waiting to see what choice he would make.
The choice was his.
Jaime pushed himself onto shaking legs, nodding once to Sebastian before meeting Ezra’s unwavering gaze. “Let’s go again.”
Ever since that day, Jaime has taken to training with a level of enthusiasm he didn’t realize he was still capable of feeling. There is an itch for it under his skin when he wakes up some mornings. When he stretches, he relishes in the way his muscles burn from their previous session. On his morning runs, he thinks through new techniques Ezra showed him and commits to perfecting them next time they meet. 
On the evening after their third sparring session—Jaime still sweat-damp and shaking from exhaustion in the passenger seat of Sebastian’s car—he realized that this feeling was familiar. It was a sense of liberation he hadn’t felt since he last sprinted across a soccer field under the stadium lights, since the night he tore off across the backyard of a party with Derek at his side, high on the revelation that he might want to kiss him. It was the realization that training with Ezra made Jaime feel in control of his body for the first time in a long time. And that is a gift he can never repay. 
Ezra sinks down onto the grass beside him, uncapping his own water bottle. It’s almost embarrassing how he barely breaks a sweat against Jaime. Maybe one day he’ll give him a run for his money. 
From the screened window above the kitchen sink, Jaime can hear laughter from inside the house. He titled his head and smelled… something? Sebastian and the others insisted they would take care of dinner tonight and leave Jaime and Ezra to their workout. Jaime doesn’t know much about Sam and Aria’s skills in the kitchen, but…
Ezra smiles at him, nodding his head toward the sound. “How do you think it’s going in there?”
Jaime shrugs and lets his head fall back, enjoying the sun on his face. Spring is starting to blossom, slowly but surely, and it’s the first warm day of the year. “Nothing is on fire,” he says. “So it can’t be that bad.”
“Cilantro can substitute oregano, right? They’re basically the same thing?”
“No,” Sebastian and Aria say at the same time. Sam’s expression falls. The frown paired with the 1950s-housewife-style apron creates quite the endearing image.
“It’s not too late to order Thai food,” Aria mutters, pouring herself another glass of wine. Sebastian chuckles around a swig of lemonade. 
He didn’t make a big deal about staying sober these last few weeks, but he’s pretty sure Aria clocked it anyway, judging by the way she has kept the bottle out of arm’s reach of him all evening. He pretends not to notice. She pretends not to notice him not noticing. 
It’s been a good day. 
He can tell Jaime tried to hide his enthusiasm about a return visit all week. He never asks him about it outright, but his demeanor visibly perks up at any passing mention of Saturday dinner at Sam and Ezra’s. Sebastian offered to take him over there before work on any given weekday so that Jaime didn’t have to spend the day alone in the house, but that’s where his enthusiasm waned. Jaime isn’t quite comfortable enough to be alone with anyone except Sebastian, but Ezra comes close, he thinks.
It’s good. It’s so good to see Jaime like this—surrounded by people who care about his well-being, expressing more autonomy than he has ever been allowed in Sebastian’s presence. It’s moments like this that tempt Sebastian into believing that it was worth it, slogging all these months through the misery of WRU, just to bring him to Jaime. To bring Jaime here.
And maybe it was worth it so Sebastian could meet the others, too; his first friends in a very long time. 
They are laughing when the front door opens, so none of them hear the unexpected entrance until Julian Hernandez is suddenly standing in the doorway.
The room goes silent. Sebastian nearly shatters the glass in his hand to keep it from slipping to the floor. 
“You need to leave,” Sebastian says, the panic overriding any facade of politeness.
Julian, who is skeptical of Sebastian on his best day, says, “Excuse me?”
“Shit,” Aria says, stepping up beside him. “Jules, he’s right.”
Julian looks around, taking in the sight of all of his friends there without him, and Sebastian thinks he sees a quickly masked flash of hurt pass through his expression. “You asked me to take a look at your transmission last week,” he tells Sam. “I brought my tools.”
“I did say that,” Sam says. “But I didn’t mean tonight. I’m sorry. This… isn’t a good time.”
His mouth presses into a thin line. He glances over at Aria. “Yeah,” Julian says. “I can see you’re busy.”
“It’s not like that, Jules.” Aria insists. “Tate’s—” she starts to say. But it’s too late. It’s too fucking late. 
Because then the back door slides open and Jaime steps through, trailed by Ezra. They’re mid conversation, murmuring quietly. Both of their shirts are soaked through with sweat, clumps of hair clinging to their foreheads. Jaime is smiling—honest-to-god smiling—and Ezra is laughing at something he said, until his eyes meet Julian’s from across the room and he goes still. He puts a hand on Jaime’s shoulder. 
“Fuck.” It’s Julian who says it, a breathy whisper as he realizes the clusterfuck he has just set in motion. 
It’s the last sound in the room before shit hits the fan. 
Jaime is the last one to spot the new presence in the room, and when he does, his entire body locks up. The blood drains from his face, making his pale skin nearly translucent. His knees hit the ground before anyone can intervene. 
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aftersamu · 1 year
SPEAK NOW PARING: m.atsumu x gn!reader GENRE: hurt no comfort / angst
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There you are.
Standing in front of a mirror, dressed up for a moment of a lifetime, the moment you've been waiting for your entire life. A moment that countless of movies were based off, a moment that has been cherished for centuries.
A moment with pretty white dresses and extravagant suits, a gathering of family and friends to celebrate this momentous occasion.
It's amazing.
You've never been so ready for this, to marry a person that you love so deeply with all your heart. A person who makes you laugh, smile, feel heard and appreciated. Someone that always listens to your day, and lights up the room the second he walks in.
He's good to you, everything you could have ever wished for. The man you wrote in your diary about, dreamed to have by your side since you were a child. He's everything you want.
He cooks dinner. Surprises you with breakfast in the morning. Makes you feel like you've never fallen in love before, like he's your first love. And you fall deeper and deeper in love with every passing day.
You could never imagine a better universe, a better life, a better person to spend the rest of your life with.
You could cry tears of joy.
For once, you're finally happy.
There's a knock at the door, and a head peeks through the open crack. You're greeted by blond hair, the best man. You spin around, a smile painting itself on your face from all the excitement and adrenaline. It's your wedding day.
"Hey 'Tsumu." You greet, watching the blond step into your room and close the door behind him. "Big day, am I right?"
"Yeah," he sighs, "how are you feeling?" He asks, having a lot weighing down his chest as he tries to muster up the courage to talk to you.
"I'm a little bit nervous, but I don't regret anything." You reply, "I'm shaking from all the excitement, I don't know how to feel, but I'm ready."
"Wow, really?" He asks, hands shaking as they grip onto the little velvet box in his pocket – starting to push it down further that it might rip a whole in his pants. "I never pictured you to be the settling down type."
"Neither did I, until now." You comment, "I don't know, Osamu changed my mind. I thought all the talk about finding the right person was bullshit, but I don't know anymore, this feels amazing."
"Never in a million years I thought you'd marry my brother," Atsumu remarks. He always thought it'd be him. "I figured one day we'd run off together," he laughs.
"You know, I haven't always been the best person." He begins, causing the wrong type of butterflies to explode in your stomach; the fear, anxiety, the scary kind.
"Atsumu, no." You say, "Don't start this now."
"No, no, I need to say this." He states, "I need to get it off my chest before it's too late, so please, please, listen to me."
"No, I don't want to hear it." You say, "Not on my wedding day, not when I'm about to go out in fifteen-minutes to marry your brother."
You know what he wants to say, you see it in his face. If it were a year ago, two years ago, three years ago, you wouldn't have hesitated. But he's not going to ruin your day, he's not going to ruin this for you. He doesn't get to be selfish.
"I love you."
"No! No, no, no, Atsumu you cannot do this right now." You huff, "You do not get to come in here and drop this fucking bomb on me, you do not have the right to come in here and expect me to listen to you–"
"And I've missed you everyday." He cuts you off, "I've never truly gotten over you, and I hate you for leaving me, I hate you for not choosing me, I hate that I still want to love you."
"Don't say that," you mumble, shaking your head. "Don't fucking say that Atsumu because you know that it isn't real."
"I know it's unrealistic, you're marrying my brother." He continues, ignoring the words you spoke, "but you were mine first, and I'll spend my life regretting I never had the chance to treat you right. And this is real, I want you to be mine, I want you to run away with me, I want you to marry me."
"No." You shake your head, "No, you cannot come in here after three years!" You yell, "You cannot decide that on my wedding day that you suddenly changed, that you suddenly know what you want, and that I am the one you want!"
"I didn't decide today! I've known from the moment you left." He argues, "You're marrying the wrong guy! You know it, I know it, even he knows it."
"No, Atsumu, you're the wrong guy." You state, placing your foot down, "You've always been the wrong guy. I don't believe you one bit when you say you want to be with me, and I do not want to be with you."
"How do you know that?"
"Because you never listened to me! You never gave me the time of day, you liked the chase, we were never meant to be together!"
"I changed, I know where I went wrong, and I can fix that."
"No, no you can't." You say, "You were always full of empty promises, and the grand gestures. But guess what?! The grand gestures don't always work, it takes effort! Something you never proved to me."
"Is that not what I'm doing now?" He huffs, pulling the ring out of his pocket, opening up that velvet case. "I want you, I want to change, I want you to be there."
"You're doing it, the grand gesture, the same grand gesture that is backed up with 'what if's' and 'maybes'. I don't want that," you explain. "I want someone reliable, someone who's there for me, who is consistent and doesn't make me feel less than. I want someone who has changed and doesn't 'want to' change."
"He won't love you like I can."
"He already does." You say, walking over to the door and opening it, "That's why I'm marrying him. Now, please leave before your brother finds out."
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hyukassubi · 2 months
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🍪01 | Your Eyeliner Sucks But This Ceremony Doesn't
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♡𓂃 Pairing -> (Former) Knight! Huening Kai x Seamstress! Reader
♡𓂃 Synopsis -> Growing up, you never believed in purpose, nor destiny. Simply following the path of life, becoming a royal seamstress didn't at all seem like a bad idea. Only thing is, it wasn't your idea.
Your best friend who just so happens to be the crowned prince knows what it's like to grow up having limited choices, and Prince Kang Taehyun doesn't want the same happening to you. The commander knight, in turn, has other plans for the future. After Huening Kai closes a profound chapter of his life, he seeks refuge from the chaos of his past, opting for a cozier lifestyle instead.
... And it just so seems that those plans wouldn't be fulfilled without you.
♡𓂃 Wc -> 851
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Twenty-two years old, having been the Royal Seamstress for the last six years, expert hands when it comes to stitching and sewing together fabrics, beads, jewels, other materials others couldn’t possibly deem as ‘wearable’, crafting together the strongest bulletproof armors for hundreds of knights, and you still can’t do a perfect eyeliner wing.
Dipping, stroking, erasing on repeat for the past hour or so at the prince’s vanity but you can’t cry and rip your hair out because someone is on a stallion coming in from the east at a hundred miles an hour back home where he belongs.
Commander Knight Kai Kamal Huening is coming home, or Kai, for short.
Prince Taehyun, pink haired and silver-tongued, wearing that deep emerald green corset over his white flowy blouse and tight-fitting black leggings designed by none other than you, perched cross-legged on his cloud-soft silk-satin bed, blowing over his black-painted nails. “Y/n, stop.” How endearing of him, truly.
“Not until my eyes look like they can cut through fruits, dramatic and beautiful.”
Childhood best friends, the two of you were, which explains everything.
“Honey.” Taehyun said the word per syllable. “You already look dramatically beautiful without all that cakey face paint junk.” And that was the truth.
Your wing on your left eye had a higher arc than the one on the right, a slight tilt, a ten degree angle difference.
You can’t leave this room until you look like a model, there’s no way. Not after you pieced together an outfit just for this occasion.
You scrubbed that black ink right off. “Taehyun, I can’t unglue myself out of this vanity—”
“—my vanity—”
“—Until my look is complete. It’s a one time thing, okay? Kai’s coming home after like, what? A whole year? I have to look good for his ‘Welcome Back’ ceremony.”
Taehyun threw himself onto his bed completely, arms flailed, sighing, deep in thought.
Some part of Taehyun couldn’t believe this was real, then again, he feels hopeful. Having that burned hole in the trio filled again after all these years feels surreal, to say the least, but wasn’t that all he hoped for all those years ago? Kai’s quick and safe return? So that both you and him wouldn’t have to spend your days under the sun longing for his presence ever again?
You still had Taehyun, and Taehyun still had you. The prince had his seamstress, the seamstress had her prince… but perhaps the palace did feel a little less sunny, a little more spacious without the knight’s presence.
“I wonder if Kai had changed.” Taehyun stared blankly at the high ceiling of his elite bedroom, getting used to the view of an oil painted spring sky. “I wonder if he’d changed after his year-long quest of dragon slaying and all of that… God forbid they made him shave his head and grow a beard like all the other knights that my father have set on extreme voyages.”
You grimaced at the vivid imagination you had in your head, continuing on a more hopeful note, “I just hope he’s okay.”
“He can be bald and bearded up and still be okay.”
“I will actually rip the pink roots out of your hair.” Your left wing swooped the wrong way. Again. “Unless you have anything better to say, stop painting that picture in my mind.”
Taehyun chuckled and you hated how cute he has to look whenever his lips crease up into a smile like that. “Whatever you say love, whatever you say.” The prince can’t help but feel proud for raising his best friend to have a smart mouth, just like him. Perhaps not as sharp or quick-witted, but still an all rounder in sass. “Are you done, by the way? The entire kingdom is literally right outside the castle gates just… waiting… for us.”
“Waiting for Kai.” You corrected, reminding him that the main character of today is Kai Kamal Huening and not Prince Kang Taehyun. “I hope his ten thousand fangirls won’t trample over him and his pony once he arrives.”
“I doubt that'll happen, not when Kai will probably be trampling over you of all people.”
You closed off the half-full eyeliner container. “Taehyun, do my wings look decent?”
“More than decent.” He hopped out the bed onto his feet, walking to the door. “Now, come on, we've got a ceremony to attend to and a knight to meet.” He unlocked the wooden door to reveal a long hallway, as most castles do. “After you, Royal Seamstress.”
You curtsied, fanning your closed eye in the process. “You're very welcome, Prince Taehyun.”
Walking out of the prince’s room, your heels clicking on the marbled floor and down the set of stairs passing the prince’s bedroom and your design studio, the faintest cheer of a crowd from up ahead, your heart races just thinking about Kai’s return.
The last time he'll ever return.
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Masterlist | Next
♡𓂃A/n: Taehyun being sassy. That's it. That's the author's note. (proofread this once and dipped but I hope everyone enjoyed this nonetheless! Taehyun may not be the love interest in this story but his sassy bestie energy is unmatched, solomons can't miss this.)
♡𓂃Tags: @imcringebutimfree @i-like-to-read-at-4am @pengningie @marloree
Reblog & review if you like my work !!
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ophryschuyler · 2 years
My love is stronger than God himself
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Osferth could be a little out of character but I wanted him to have the religious conflict. There's only so little osferth fics so I am doing my sacrifice for the better good. I'm sacrificing my grades. Also english is not my first language.
You can also read this on ao3
Keeping a religious lifestyle turnes out to be a challenge for Osferth because of feelings he cannot resist.
She hissed at the feeling of cold air hitting the naked skin of her legs. She stood by the small lake alone due to the fact that she supposedly went to wash up. The real reason was to check on the wound on her side which during the last few hours felt like it was burning.
Two days ago, by accident, she took part in a small fight. But she didn’t regret it at all. When she and Uhtred's men stayed in a village, some locals drank a bit too much and chose the wrong person to infuriate.
She was talking to Osferth, like she always did, but then, two tall and dark-haired men, not very subtly tried to insinuate that she was too pretty to be talking to Osferth. He only shook his head.
“Pay them no mind.” He whispered.
She attempted to ignore them, but after a few minutes, they insisted that Osferth went to sit elsewhere. After he, yet again, took no notice of their words, they grabbed him by his collar and forcefully raised him up from his chair.
Then it was all a blur. Osferth punched them. She punched them. They punched back. She remembers the sight of a knife swinging, then Uhtred’s loud voice. He and Finan stopped the brawl.
Now, two days later, the wound from the muddy knife started to seem infected.
She rolled up the fabric to reveal the pale skin of her stomach. She didn’t know much about medicine, but it did not look to be healing.
She heard ruffling behind her, immediately turning around in fear.
“Oh! Sorry, I-” Osferth stumbled over his words, raising his arms in defeat.
Seeing her in only a thin layer of clothing, he stared at her in awe. Composing himself, he stood sideways, his cheeks turning dark red.
“I apologize. I only meant to inform you that we are leaving in a quarter of an hour.” He looked down at his shoes, visibly embarrassed.
He waited for her to scold him for breaching her privacy.
“Actually, can you help me?” Her voice cut through the silence.
He looked at her again. He could not refuse assisting her. He liked the girl. Adored her.
But he should not look at her. Not the way he did. He gawked at her half naked body. His cheeks becoming even more cherry-red. He felt his heart skipping a beat.
“Whatever could I help you with?” He asked, still standing a few meters away. Not moving a muscle.
A part of him, the rational part, wanted him to never step closer. Especially not now. Not now, when he wished for nothing more than to taste her lips.
“Can you tell if it’s infected?” Her voice was so quiet. So delicate. It barely reached Osferth’s ears.
She almost changed her mind when the man remained motionless. After all, she was bare, vulnerable. Osferth was a man of honour and a gentle person, would he as much as stand next to her? Right in this moment?
Before she could blink, he was just an arm reach away.
He knew what it meant.
He was fucked.
Once again, she rolled the fabric of her shirt. Osferth never looked away from her eyes. Not until the eye contact became too much for her and she lost her gaze somewhere in the line of the trees, behind Osferth.
The man slightly leaned down and was met with the sight of a small wound.
She tried not to focus on the faint feeling of his fingers. Now, not only the cut was burning, but also every part of her where their skins met.
“You cannot tell a soul about this.” She said suddenly. Their eyes met again.
Osferth raised his eyebrows.
“About the cut. They needn’t to worry.”
“Is it from the…”
His fingers remained on her side. She got hurt fighting for his safety.
“I’m sorry.”
“Tis not your fault.”
He smiled slightly.
With every second, the air seemed to become hotter and hotter.
“It does not look infected. But it does need a bit of cleaning.” He informed after a while of silence.
“Thank you.” She expected to loose the feeling of his touch.
But that did not happen.
Instead, he straightened his back, his eyes still glued to her stomach. His hand started to escalade. Slowly, but the effect it had on her terrified the girl.
Y/N felt her ears burn with redness. She stared at his face wide-eyed in shock.
When his fingers caressed the side of her breast, she felt her heart stop.
Then, something snapped inside of Osferth. He grabbed her, harsher than before and crashed his lips onto hers. She did not expect the ever so religious Osferth kiss her at all, let alone this passionately. After a second she started to kiss back, seizing the back of his neck. Her head felt dizzy.
Her hands went to hold his burning face when his other arm brought her even closer.
Of course she thought about kissing Osferth. Sometimes she stared at him, sitting across from him. His face in the dim light of the fire flames. She would gaze at the way he smiled, wishing his curved lips were on her. She would watch his broad back, the shape of his arms, his hands. Even when she didn’t realize. No matter the situation, her eyes always found a way to look at the man.
Osferth was no better. Recently, he had to pray in the middle of the night. When they had to sleep next to each other. He could not fall asleep, because of his hammering heart. The peaceful sight of her, made his soul ache. His thoughts betrayed him and crossed paths he considered wrongful. Against the rational part of his mind, he imagined what it would feel like to lay closer to her. So close that her breath would mix with his own. What it would feel like to make her breath hitch in her throat. To kiss every part of her skin that he could find. To hear her say things so, so filthy…
The moment he realized how sinful his thoughts were, he got up and went for a walk. To breathe. He prayed. He begged for forgiveness, but with every word he found himself asking not for his lust to stop. But he prayed just for her love. For his feeling to be returned. Then he apologized to God, for his chaotic mind. He tried to convince himself that it was just a difficult night.
Next day he woke up and felt lighter. Since then, he tried so hard to restrain himself from thoughts like these.
She had to prevent herself from moaning when he pressed her against his body even harder.
The way she kissed him felt even more pleasurable than he imagined.
God, her lips.
He pulled away suddenly. Her lips were swollen and wet. She looked so perfect. No.
“I’m sorry. I-…” He stepped a few feet away, not meeting her gaze. “I should not have done that. I can’t”
She couldn’t look him in the eyes either. Instead she stared at the cross on his chest.
Without another word, he left her. She stared at the space were Osferth just stood. She felt tears in her eyes, but blinked them away.
“Are you here alone, girl?” A man asked her.
“She’s with me.” Osferth informed. He appeared out of nowhere, laying his hand on her shoulder protectively.
In the alehouse, sitting away from the rest of the group, she was alone, indeed. Osferth has been evading her since the day by the lake. She has been avoiding talking to him too. She felt hurt and a little angry. Angry that he left her like that. That for a second she let herself enjoy the thought of having Osferth. She was mourning something that she never had.
Maybe she was angry at herself.
Osferth on the other hand, felt ashamed, not only for loosing himself in his feelings, but also for hurting Y/N. He left her at the lake, half naked and heart-broken.
“Fuck God.” Finan said to Osferth after he told the man how he felt.
“What? You can’t say that!”
“If God is stopping you from being with her, then fuck him.”
“I was to be fully devoted to God.” Osferth protested.
“Fuck that.” Finan laughed.
“It’s not only that. Don’t you think she would want someone… Fitter for her?” He looked at the ground.
Seeing the confused look on his friend’s face, he continued.
“Braver? Stronger maybe?”
“You’re an idiot. She’s completely crazy about you. And you are brave. Strong? I’m not sure, but brave – yes. Don’t think only about yourself and your God. Think of her. Don’t you want to make her content? From what I know, she would be content with you.” With that, he hit Osferth’s back.
“She’s with you?” The man asked.
“Is that a problem to you?” Osferth asked with a serious face.
The man just groaned and frowned, after a few more seconds he left. For the first time in days Osferth dared to glance at her face. She didn’t even look in his direction. With a bored expression her gaze remained on the drink in her hand.
He slid into the chair next to her.
“I’m sorry.” He said. His words merely a whisper, it barely reached her ears.
The sound of his apologetic voice forced her to look at him. His body gave the expression like he wanted nothing more than to hold her. She shifted a little closer.
“What are you sorry about?” She asked quietly.
“For kissing you. Confusing you.”
She frowned and looked down.
“I shouldn’t have kissed you out of nowhere, without expressing how I feel first. I should not have left you at the lake, but I felt horrible. I was confused myself. I’m supposed to be utterly devoted to God.”
“I understand.” She shifted back.
She wanted to leave. To get away from him. To not see his ethereal face again.
“No, I don’t think you do.” He slowly embraced her hand and brought it to his heart. “There are two things I cannot live without. Faith and you. But if it wasn’t in God’s will for me to love you, he wouldn’t make it so effortless. If he wants to stop me – stop us – he can try. My feelings are stronger than God himself.” He stopped for a second.
He finally noticed the tears in her eyes. The small smile on her lips.
Under her palm, she felt fast and intense beating of his heart. Unsteady rhythm, the sign that this was real.
She was too stunned to say a word. Any sound would get stuck in her throat.
“I would be the most grateful man if you gave me a second chance. To make things right this time.”
She finally moved, bringing his face to hers. She kissed him.
This time it wasn’t so lustful and hungry. It was sweet, delicate, loving. When they pulled away for much needed air, he saw her blushed cheeks and her cheery smile.
Her smile.
She leaned her forehead against his, closing her eyes.
“You always make things right, in the end.”
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thestarstoasun · 7 months
A short drabble of Will & the Apollo kids + a sprinkle of angst
PROMPT: Michael,Lee and the other apollo campers realizing the new tiny blonde kid in the hermes cabin is the son of the Naomi Solace and freaking out.
(A/N: I very loosely followed the prompt in the end)
It wasn’t surprising when the new camper, a small blonde boy with blue eyes, named Will Solace ended up in the infirmary. The first time Lee had treated Will he had been walked in by Maron, a satyr Lee knew brought back tons of demigods, covered in marks from where Stymphalian birds had attacked him. At the time, Will hadn’t said much to him, or anyone else, but he listened well. “It’s nothing too bad. Here,” Lee placed a small piece of ambrosia in Will’s hand with a gentle smile, “this will help you feel better. Just eat that and you’ll be feeling as good as new in no time.” Lee ruffled Will’s hair and walked over to check on a nasty cut that Sherman Yang of the Ares Cabin had gotten during training.
That had been two weeks ago. Will remained unclaimed by his godly parent, while it was disappointing (but unsurprising), several campers including Michael Yew did their best to cheer him up. Hermes and Apollo were at archery together, a new concept that Chiron had suggested. While two different cabins were put together for activities, all of the campers knew the real hope was that the Gods would find promise in one of their unclaimed children during an activity and claim them.
As it turned out, Will was better than other campers with a bow and arrow, though just barely above bar by Apollo standards. Michael found himself drifting over to the boy to help him more and more throughout the session. “You're stance is good, but you need to work on focusing your aim at your target. Why don't you try setting the bow down and throwing the arrow to see if that helps?” He suggested.
Will let out a huff of air and kicked at the ground beneath his feet. “What if I'm just really bad? I'm not even good at holding a sword!” His voice wavered with emotion as his eyes welled with tears. Michael couldn't help but feel bad for him. Unlike most campers, he had been claimed his first day after shooting an apple off of Luke Castellan's head. (If asked, he would swear it was an accident, but some other campers seemed to disagree.)
“Look, Will, I can't say what you'll be good at and what you won't, as your godly parent hasn't claimed you.” The younger boy sniffled and focused his attention on the ground. “But what I can say is that not every demigod is good at the same stuff. I can barely heal to save my life. Yeah, I can give someone nectar and ambrosia, watch over them, give them mortal medicine, all that jazz, but I don't have Lee or my big sister, Juliet's, skill in medicine.” This made Will's eyes widen in shock, because all of the Apollo children were so gifted. (Luke told him it was because their father was the God of a bunch of stuff.)
“My Mama says that everyone has their own skills.” Will spoke up after a few minutes of twisting the hem of his shirt in his fists.
“Your mama sounds very wise.” Michael smiled and picked up the bow Will had been using.
“She is! She's a musician!” Michael noticed how Will's blue eyes seemed to move like the sky when he mentioned his mom. He figured just because he didn't have the best relationship with his own at a young age, the same didn't have to be for all demigods.
“Oh? What's her name? Maybe I know of her.”
“Naomi Solace.” Michael almost choked at the proud tone, not that it wasn't completely appropriate. Naomi Solace was an absolute icon in the music industry. Their head counselor, Sam - a warm, ivory guy who stood at 5 '11, who would be leaving after this summer, had brought a ton of her records and CD's from home to keep in the cabin.
“Seriously? You're Naomi Solace's son!?” The other Apollo kids turned their heads in excitement and began to crowd around them. Will just nodded his head nervously, afraid he had said something wrong.
“That's fucking awesome! We all love her!” Catherine, an umber toned Apollo girl with heterochromia, spoke up.
“Will is still a child, watch your tongue, Cathy.” Sam scolded with a fond, exasperated expression. Will found himself bursting out into a fit of giggles. He had heard much worse while on the road with his mother, but he appreciated the sentiment nonetheless.
“You have totally got to introduce us one day, little buddy.” Another Apollo child, who Will had forgotten the name of, spoke up. The children of the sun God had never been anything but welcoming, so after pretending to think about it for a minute Will grinned widely. “Alright, just remember your manners.”
The rest of the day, the Apollo cabin borrowed, or rather stole, Will so he could join them in their activities. While the boy enjoyed the company of the Hermes kids, he felt a sense of belonging that he couldn't place when he was laughing alongside the talented Apollo children. That night at dinner, instead of offering his food to Hermes, he sent an offering to the God of the Sun.
Please, I don't know if I am your son or not, but I really hope I am. I know I may not be as great as Michael or Catherine, but I feel connected to them. They feel like home….like mama…like sunshine.
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blackoutspoetry · 6 months
Cigarettes shared in the darkness 🚬
My take on what happened after the total failure to protect the airport from Makarov in the Flashpoint mission, featuring Ghost and Soap having a first bonding moment. This is a snippet for my fic "the anatomy of starved dogs", this is for chapter 4 and you can find the first chapters on ao3.
Ghost held out the half empty pack of Marlboro cigarettes in Soap’s direction, an olive branch. Soap isn’t sure he’ll take it. 
“I don’t smoke. It's a filthy habit.” 
Ghost rolled his eyes, sighing around his own cigarette as he plucked one from the pack, lit it and offered it again, now with a thin curl of silver smoke distending from its orange glow. It highlights the edges of the skeleton motif on his gloves and somehow, Soap knows he’ll carry a part of this day with him for days onwards, because the smell of that cigarette will burn into the fabric of his gloves. 
“I don’t smoke,” Soap insists again with a frown, but all Ghost does is take his hand –not roughly, but not gently either– and puts the thin cigarette between his fingers. 
“After a day like today, everybody smokes, Soap.” 
Soap hesitates with it for a moment, watching the glow eat away at the unburnt part of the cigarette and inching closer away from the ashen end before he gives in and raises it to his mouth for a long, much needed draw. 
He wishes he could wipe the smug look he just knows Ghost has under that mask off his face as he watches the action, knowing how easy it is to fall back into dormant muscle memory. 
“You don’t smoke, huh?” 
Soap pouts, not sure how much he wants to let the strange man in on his past, but he settles for something basic. “I don’t smoke anymore.” 
Ghost nods, whether it was meant to be mocking or genuine is something Soap’s ego can’t discern. “Right.” 
They stand there for a moment in the pseudo-silence, filled with the ambience of night sounds and distant sirens echoing through the ether and surrounding the two of them in a lamentous hum. 
Ahead, somewhere from out of the darkness, the glow of the burning airport stood out, a beacon of hellish light that made Soap’s skin crawl. They’re far away and the attack was hours ago, but it lingers on his skin like an itch he can’t run away from. 
He leans on the cigarette for comfort, and just a little, the presence of the taller man beside him helps to ease the loneliness of feeling like one tremendous failure. 
“Don’t think too hard about it Soap, it’ll make your hair fall out and we certainly can’t have that with that illustrious haircut of yours.” 
Soap jerked his head around so fast, he could’ve almost sworn Ghost startled just a little. 
“Oh you’re one to talk about appearances with that halloween costume shite you’ve got going on.” 
It takes two seconds for Soap to realise he’d chosen the wrong option. He’d overstepped one of the rules Price had very clearly set out for him. No questions about his appearance. 
To his surprise, Ghost just gives him a bit of a laugh, albeit a bit of a snide one. “To each their own, but I’m serious, don’t beat yourself up about what happened today, there’s no use in dwelling on it.”
Soap frowns. “How am I not supposed to dwell on it? If we hadn’t responded to the attack on the stadium, if you and Shepherd hadn’t followed after us, we would have died there too,” he gestures vaguely out at the glow of the still smouldering heap of rubble. 
“That’s just the way of the world, Soap. No one gets into this job thinking you’ll walk away with a bruise or a cut you can just slap a plaster over. People die, that’s how it works. We just happen to see more of it because of what we do. We are not entitled to living longer or dying later or easier because we’re supposed to be heroes. We could have died today, but what does it actually matter in the grand scheme of things.” 
“You’re a real ray of sunshine, Lt,” Soap says dryly, bringing the cigarette to his mouth again. In the corner of his eye, he can see Ghost do the same. 
“Maybe I’ve just been screwed over by the system that’s supposed to keep me alive more than I’ve been saved by it.” 
Soap shrugged, but it didn’t sit right with him, the idea that death was just an inevitable fact of life. He’s too stubborn to believe it. For someone who’d spent more than half his waking life trying to change the hand he’d been dealt when he was born to broke college student parents and the expectation to be utterly average, he didn’t take kindly to the notion of just accepting things he can’t change, even if it drives him up the wall. 
There’s a lot of other, more personal questions he wants to ask the man instead, but he settles for something safer. 
“How do you deal with it? Stuff like today?” 
“I’m not the person you should be asking for advice, Soap,” Ghost says with a hint of surprise. “That’s more Price’s thing.” 
Soap turned to face him, trying to analyse what little he could see of his face where the mask was pulled up just high enough for him to smoke. He can just about see the curve of his lip around the cigarette and the edge of what seemed to be a jagged scar extending from the corner of his mouth. 
Just as quickly as Soap had seen it, he lowered the cigarette, holding the smoke for a moment before he released it in a slow exhale. 
“I’m not asking for advice, I’m asking how you cope.” 
“I keep going. Sometimes the only way to cope is to endure.” 
The silence that followed thereafter was more comfortable, more settled. Soap could begin to see why Price had told him Ghost was an acquired taste. For all his cold facade, he was really just a man with a grumpy disposition. Maybe even one with a personality outside of work, but Soap struggles to comprehend what that might be. 
Reminded of work and everything they’d discussed in the wake of the attack, Soap frowned as he took another drag from the cigarette, now on its last breath.
“What do you think ended up happening to Price’s informant?” 
Ghost scoffed, stubbing out his own cigarette against the rail and crushing the rest under his boot for good measure. “Fuck if I know.” 
Soap shook his head, feeling himself getting riled up just at the thought of it. “Bet you the arse is sitting somewhere comfortable, getting piss drunk, laughing at the news.” 
Ghost shrugs. “Reckon you may be right about that one, sergeant.” 
“Wherever he is, I hope karma comes back to get him good.”
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skzoologist · 10 months
For the 100 follower event, I was thinking:
Haunted House with ot9 🧋
"Did...you also see that shadow move...?"
word count: ~1.6k
warnings: none
genre: crack, just a tad bit of fluff too
a/n: Dear, did you somehow look into my head? I was just thinking about how Bae would fair in a Haunted House a week or two ago, your timing is scarily good 🫢 Anyway, hope you enjoy this silly thing! Also my hand fucking slipped again, the word count only keeps getting longer with each request, what is actually wrong with me 💀
Please let me know if I left a warning or anything out, I will add it in! Reblogs, likes and feedback are greatly appreciated!
!I don't condone anyone stealing my work and posting it anywhere without my permission, or feeding it to AI!
!This is just fiction, my interpretation of Stray Kids. By no means is this how they are and how they behave in real life!
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“Why are we here again?” - Chan asked, the usual strength in his voice now gone, replaced by unease. “Because you’re a weak, old man, and you said yes to Jisung hyung when he asked if we could come here.” - Seungmin replied with that typical, teasing tone of his, absolutely enjoying the situation to its fullest. “But a Haunted House? Really?? I’m gonna die in there and come back as a vengeful spirit, just to haunt all of you for the rest of your lives!” “Hyune, come on, it’s not that bad. Also let go of Bae hyung, you’re cutting off the circulation in his arm–” - Felix hastily replied, knowing his unbothered hyung would not say it himself.
Hyunjin let Bae’s arm go, the limb numb and unresponsive. The younger apologetically patted Bae’s back, a sheepish smile on his face that was quickly taken over by fear and nervousness. The older didn’t mind it to be honest, his own mind more occupied by other things.
But still, he gently ruffled Hyunjin’s hair with his working arm, silently focusing back onto the conversation the others were having, their group standing outside the dreaded establishment.
“Since this place allows bigger groups to go in, we can all go together, and maybe the scaredy cats won’t piss themselves this way.” - Minho smirked, a playful glint in his eyes as they swept over the mentioned males. “Hey!” - Chan shouted in english, not happy with his newly earned nickname. “What? Hyung is right. I’m afraid you’d die of a heart attack if you were to go alone.” - Jeongin added in, fistbumping with the group’s puppy and quietly laughing to themselves.
As Chan was silently seething in rage -obviously just annoyed at his menaces-, Changbin held him back by an arm and patted it, trying his best to not let chaos ensue this early on.
It hadn’t been long since they’d arrived at the place, having a day for themselves and to rest. So what other way to spend it, than to go have fun in an amusement park?
“Let’s just gooooo! We’ve been standing here for 20 minutes, I wanna see what’s inside already!” - Jisung whined, a pout taking its customary place on his face. “Yes, yes, we’re going, you whiny baby.” - Chan relented with an exhausted sigh, accepting his fate.
Jisung and most of the others lit up, cheering in anticipation, all the while Chan latched onto Changbin and went after Felix. Hyunjin was unsurprisingly attached to Bae with a deadly grip, as if his life depended on it, and considering how easily scared the man was, maybe that was the case.
Taking in a deep breath, Bae put his free hand onto one of Hyunjin’s, his long legs carrying him after the others.
Immediately after they stepped in through the door, the atmosphere was set. No light was let in from outside, not even through the tiniest of cracks; only faint, ambient lighting was there to lead the way and shine upon the various props placed all around. 
Everything was there that you could ever imagine: from artificial cobwebs hanging down the ceiling to sprayed on blood, knives and scissors hugging the stains and painting a horrifying picture for the unfortunate ones who successfully glanced at it. The place was unnervingly quiet, only some faint laughter could be heard from deep within the heart of the house. Those usually obvious signs of it being played from a speaker now gone, having successfully planted fear into their minds.
The front of the group was having the time of their lives, going up close to every prop and mimicking the moving animatronics. Their joyous laughter strangely added to the mood, leaving shivers in their wake amongst the scared ones.
Everything was going as expected. Everyone was having fun to a certain extent, until the group somehow got torn apart, and in the worst way possible: those who were in the back got left behind, most of them shaking and on edge already.
“It’s okay Channie hyung, me and Binnie hyung will lead the way, so nothing will jump out at you or Hyunjinnie hyung.” - Felix’s deep voice was low and soothing amidst the chaos that was taking over their minds.
Chan and Hyunjin nodded, appreciation lighting up their eyes, something that the two at the front caught even in the darkness that caged them in. 
This plan of theirs was the best they could come up with, because if it came to it, Changbin could just shout with all his might to show the poor workers their place and assert dominance. It’d happened once, a mere 10 minutes ago. Bae’s ears were still ringing just from the mere thought of it.
The tallest watched everything unfold in deadly silence, letting the two scaredy cats cling to him desperately and use him as a living shield. Mainly because he had no choice, with the way Hyunjin was practically glued to his back, Chan seizing Bae’s right arm for himself.
Their strategy seemed to have been working, Felix and Changbin easily triggering the scares and taking them in stride. They weren’t so easily frightened, they could take a little scare here and there. Not even the chains and hooks from the ceiling phased them, the rusted metal clinging together and drawing a chill up the others’ spines.
The other half of the split group could finally be heard nearby, a casual conversation freely flowing between the members despite their environment.
With no prior warning the room Bae’s group was in turned an eerie red, the doors shut closed with a sudden thump. The chatter outside was cut short, confusion pouring over them as they’d passed through that same room, yet the doors always remained open, no red light creeping out from underneath.
The ones inside were in a much worse condition, even Felix and Changbin panicking a bit now. Their vision was obstructed by the props dangling from the ceiling, every little movement causing them to rattle and send the boys into brief panic.
“Hey uh… Binnie. Did… you also see that shadow move…?” - Felix’s voice was shaky, even his mind was now playing tricks on him, urging him to grip onto the mentioned male’s shirt. “Thankfully not.”
That was the only thing that could be heard before something jumped out from the shadows, ignoring the two braver ones and going straight for the other three. Chan and Hyunjin screamed, their eyes shut and breath held back to a dangerous degree, arms impossibly tightening up around Bae’s unmoving form.
It was a worker, dressed up as a serial killer, their weapon held right in front of Bae’s face. Satisfied with the screams they earned from the covering two -and maybe Changbin too-, the killer left, expertly slinking back into the shadows.
The lights soon dimmed back to their usual state, the doors clicking open and the group whole once again.
“What the fuck was that?” - Seungmin asked, just slightly worried for his hyungs, something he wouldn’t ever admit. “I uh, I have no clue. I guess it was a timed event?” - Felix tried to reason, a hand carding through his hair and smoothing the stray strands out. “I have never heard you guys scream like that before. You guys okay?” - Jisung laughed out, joined by a few others.
The two shaken up males merely nodded, not trusting their voices after what had just happened, understandably so. This drew out another round of quiet laughter from the others, a bit more relieved now than before.
“Alright, let’s go then. We shouldn’t linger around for long, who knows what’ll happen next time.” - Jeongin suggested, a playful look thrown at Chan and Hyunjin’s way.
Everyone silently agreed, not even entertaining the thought of ever experiencing that again. They took on the formation they had started with when they’d first entered the haunted house, but now sticking closer together, just for that little bit of extra comfort it brought.
Chan and Hyunjin were about to go as well, but the one they held onto remained in his spot, still unmoving. A simple glance was all it took for the two to realise how rigid Bae was, every muscle in his body pulled taut.
“Bae hyung?” - Hyunjin quietly asked, voice a mere whisper.
No answer greeted him back, but it drew the whole group’s attention, everyone gathering around with worried and confused glances.
With no reaction to any of their questions, Bae finally moved, only one goal in his mind: Minho’s arms. 
The older took him in his embrace with no question, only hesitating for a second, if any. Everything made sense to him now, why Bae was even quieter than usual, why his movements were a bit choppy and weird.
“Were you afraid, jagi?” - it was a simple question, one that finally got an answer in the form of a nod, more than enough for the older.
Minho breathily laughed, taking the scared otter into his arms and carrying him away, while Bae just quietly clung to his clothes and buried his head into the crook of his neck. Even as the menaces started teasing the flustered idol and repeatedly kept saying how cute he was, he just hid deeper into his hyung’s hold, feeling safe at last.
“Next time I’m carrying him.” “In your dreams, Sungie.” “How did you know?”
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vay99 · 2 years
Nami x f!reader
Ferris wheel by the sea
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Something for my fellow 🏳️‍🌈 who are into woman
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"Where the heck is that dumbass of a captain again?!" Nami yells once you've arrived at the new island. Which happened 30 seconds ago.
"This island is famous for its festivals and food, he's probably somewhere eating." Robin chuckles right before Sanji jumps off the ship.
"Festivals mean that there'll be beautiful ladies!!!" following his captain into the city Sanji keeps calling out for ladies.
"Food and Ladies, shouldn't you run towards that city like a maniac as well (y/n)?" Franky questions as you watch the guys disappear.
"Weren't you the one swooning over this island due to their world famous cola?"
"Look after the Sunny for me I'm off!! Suuuuperrr!"
"And there he goes. Do the men on this ship only have the brain capacity for one focus? Look at Mr always lost over there is fast asleep." Nami comments causing Robin to chuckle.
"They all share one brain cell and Chopper is currently in charge of it." you point towards the reindeer dochter who's mixing some medicine.
"Agreed." Robin and Nami answer in choir.
"I'll just read a bit until the party starts tonight." Robin leaves you two behind.
"I should work on my maps as well. What will you be up to?" Nami asks, playing with a strand of her dazzling hair.
"I don't know yet, but haven't you asked me to cut your hair a few days ago?" you step closer, touching the ends of a few strains.
"Oh, right, yes, if you want to, maybe you could." she scratches her neck, pulling her head back in the process which let's her hair run threw your fingers.
"Your ends are getting frizzy again, let's go."
She sits down on the chair as you lay the coat around her, preparing everything.
"How short do you want them to be? Or just the ends?"
"Just the ends please."
You begin cutting her hair as you both share the room in comfortable silence, which is a rare opportunity since the chaos mostly dominates the ship. You run your fingers through her hair as you take another layer down to cut.
"I know I say it every time but you've got beautiful hair, strong and healthy, a real eye catcher." you compliment her as you move to her bangs.
"Thank you." she whispers, not wanting to move an inch so you could easily cut her hair.
The boys returned after a while and everyone got ready for the huge party this evening. Franky got some nee tools and decided to stay on the sunny and watch the fireworks from there later on. You styled everyone's hair, Sanji is begging you to do that on a daily basis, besides Nami, she's been avoiding you since you've cut her hair.
"We'll head to the party already!" shouted Ussop as he, Nami and Chopper disappeared into the city. You heard them leave, as you run out on deck they were already out of your sight, frustrated you walked back into your shared room.
"So what are you going to do now? Have you missed your chance to ask her out again?" you didn't like the how Robin pronounced 'again', it's not like you don't know that you blew another chance.
"Why don't you help me choose an outfit so I can go after her and ask her? I can't decide whether I should wear a dress or a suit." you hold up your preferred outfits.
"Nami wore a short red dress." Robin didn't have to say anything else because you immediately knew which dress she meant and which outfit would be the best choice.
"Thanks Robin, you definitely got your eyes everywhere." you look at the eyes above the door, before you leave to the bathroom to get yourself ready as well.
"(y/n)-chan in a suit looks absolutely perfect!" the lovesick cook expresses his feelings before he and Zoro go back to bickering once more.
"He's not wrong." compliments Robin, who knew that you'd pick a black suit, with an oversized blazer and a red lace lingerie top. Nami was always a blushing mess when you wore those tops and it fits the suit perfectly. Let's also not forget the rings on your fingers.
*Nami, Ussop and Chopper*
"Why did you not let (y/n) style you'd hair Nami?" Ussop asks, nudging her with his elbow.
"The way she touches my hair, the hair ruffling, how close she was to check the details... I just wanted to melt right there. I know that I couldn't keep it together if we were to be alone right now. I just wanna feel her touch." Nami sighs, face buried in her hands.
Ussop, Chopper and Robin are the ones she told about her feelings towards you.
"We're rooting for you!!" the boys start chanting Namis name causing the navigator to laugh and act as if she didn't knew them, by now everyone is staring at them.
Once you've reached the town you're blown away, the whole city is part of an amusement park, roller-coasters move in between houses, a ferris-wheel that moves you from the city to the shore and cotton candy growing on trees.
"Well that's something." you mumble, eyes searching for a certain navigator.
"Searching for someone special~" Robin chuckles while you just roll your eyes in return.
"She's with Chopper and Ussop so they're probably at some candy booth, I'll just keep an eye out for those." you head off, searching everywhere.
"Wow." Nami stops, eyes widening as she sees a big teddy on a shelf. It reminds her of the one Bellmere once sewed for her, same color with a rainbow heard on the tummy. Ussop and Chopper went further without noticing how Nami was falling in love with the bear.
"You want that teddy don't you?" you ask, glad you finally found her
"Oh no, I'm too old for that." she laughs, slightly startled by your sudden appearance. "But since you're here let's just go onto that roller-coaster!" she grabs your elbow, trying to pull you away.
"I just need one throw, you know that right?"
"For 78 cans?" Nami asks in disbelieve.
"Watch me." placing the money on the table you ask for a single ball, the guy handing it over already laughing.
"Young lady, don't overdo yourself, nobod-" the now speechless men watches the cans fall down... as well as the top shelf.
"Yeah I take this, thanks." you grab the teddy, Namis hand and run off as the men shouts at you for destroying his booth that has a huge hole at the back now as well. After all, you're a straw hat, so what else could he expect?
"(y/n)!" Nami tries to scold you but it comes out with a laugh.
"What? You wanted the Teddy." you laugh back, stopping to flee from a guy who's not even following you.
"I did... Thank you." she hides her face within the Teddy's fur, hugging it closely. Said plushy is the size as her upper body and has the perfect size to hug it.
/I love seeing her happy with the Teddy but I'd love to swap places/ you think to yourself, hoping this night could go on forever.
"What shall we do next?"
"There should be a ferris wheel that takes you to the beach, I'd like to go there." she says, chin resting on top of her new fluffy friend.
"Let's go then." you
"So the carts are open? That should give us a nice view." you comment as you two enter your cart. It is a classic ferris wheel, besides the fact that it's not spinning on one place but rolling over the island towards the beach, in a slow Tempo.
"It's moving!" Nami yelps, startled by the sudden movement, holding onto your arm. You're slowly on the way to the top as the last few people enter before the ride begins.
Once it does you two get an amazing view over the city, the lights dance and there are happy faces everywhere. Nami doesn't notice that she's still holding onto your arm so you slowly intertwine your fingers, feeling how cold they are.
"You're shivering." you state as you remove your blazer, wrapping it around her shoulders. "You didn't have to freeze Nami."
She stays silent but whispers a quite thank you before hugging the blazer and Teddy close to keep her warm. As you keep watching the city she rests her head on your shoulder while your hands find their way back to the other.
"Isn't this a cliché?" Nami breaks the silence after some time, pointing at your blazer over her shoulders.
"I can take i-"
"No!" she hugs the blazer even closer to her body as she sits straight up again. "Forget what I just said."
"I could do that, but you'd have to erase that from my memory." you suggest, daring to go for it.
"And how am I supposed to do that?"
"Why don't you replace it with another instead." one glance at her lips was enough to let Namis heart race and eyes to widen.
"Are you sure?" she asks in disbelieve, fumbling with her fingers.
"I've never been so sure of something in my life." you cup her cheek with one hand as the other wraps around her back. Brushing your thumb over her lips you let your eyes drown in hers. Her brown eyes have never looked more comforting than right now. "May I?"
"Please do." she pleads, answering your kiss by instant. Her lips are as soft as the cotton candy you can taste on her, she wraps her free arm around your neck, not wanting this to end either. Once you parten your lips from another you've both got a love sick expression in your eyes.
"This is more addictive than I thought it would." Nami breaths, forehead resting against yours.
"Then let's be each other's drug." you tug her chin upwards, about to kiss her again. "Want another dose?"
She answered by sealing your lips with hers.
Spending the rest of the ride with kisses and a tiny make out session you've reached the beach way to fast for your liking.
"How did you know??" Namis face bursts into red shades.
"I'm the only one you never ask for money. That spoke for itself."
"I'll charge you for this kiss then." she states with confidence, the red color on her cheeks say otherwise.
"Which one?" you smirk, enjoying her flustered state.
"Y/n!!!" she hit you with the Teddy before holding him close again.
"You're so adorable when you blush, we both know that you'd pay me to kiss you." guiding her lips back towards you with one finger under her chin you keep your eyes locked.
"When I'm with you I don't care about money, so you can have it all if that means I can kiss you again."
Closing the gap between you once more you can hear the fireworks going off at the sky.
"Nami, I love you." you hug her from behind, watching the last fireworks explode, feeling full of life.
"I love you too, y/n."
*Small extra*
"Nami are your legs alright?!" the reindeer worries about her as you two enter the kitchen the next morning.
"I'm fine, just really, really exhausted." she smiles, sinking into her seat.
Robin and you exchange knowing glances, you can't thank her enough for staying at the library the entire night... without having any eyes in the room as well.
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onesapphireeye · 2 years
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dragon rider
You'd be lying if you said you weren't a massive fan of the rock group, The Valyrians. In fact, you did lie on your job application. Now, in your new position, you were their loyal servant in every sense of the word. Nonetheless, when their belongings start to vanish, Aemond begins to imagine you're the culprit and has finally caught you in the act.
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modernband!aemond x reader.
warnings: NSFW. Not for minors. fingers in a v. use of she/her for reader. some cussing. bisexual reader. reader is a kleptomaniac.
nori says: i love you guys and i love that you loved my band au edit!!! this is not beta read. xoxo
word count: 1,670~
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"You've really got to be joking." Rhaena's angelic voice cut through the air, and you looked from your feet to the pile of odds and ends gathered around your backpack. "Stealing is one thing, but the things you chose are plain weird."
"Stealing is wrong, no matter what you take," Helaena chided from the doorway. "I understand wanting trinkets, but please stop."
"She can't stop. Look at all this shit—you're a fucking pervert." Baela muttered. You couldn't find a way to disagree. 
Your backpack was stuffed with an eclectic mix of their most personal possessions. It started with an innocent intention—to return Hel's ladybug scrunchie that you'd seen her leave behind in the dressing room five cities ago.
But then, you saw Rhae's lip gloss laying on a counter and couldn't resist taking it. You remembered watching her apply it, in that slow sexy way where not a spot on her lips wasn't shiny, and went back to the hotel and practically made out with the wand.
Baela's favorite bra had been the riskiest thing until today, your heart beat rapidly every time you heard her complain to the stylist about how it had come up missing. You liked to wear it as you finger fucked yourself, imagining her arms were the ones wrapped around you.
There were other things too.
Thank you cards meant for other fans, a pair of socks, earrings from all of them, Baela's gua sha roller, Helaena's set of butterfly hair clips, Rhaena's colored pencils and a sketch pad... Even a used compostable coffee cup.
You had collected so much from the girls. You didn't want to forget how special they had made you feel when this job was over. They had been so, so good to you, including you in everything, making you feel less like a lackey and more like one of them. You had gone above and beyond being just an admirer, you were obsessed. You wanted that feeling to last forever.
"We don't have time for this!" Baela shouted, "I want everything that you took back and you better be cool about it. I don't want any Yolanda Saldívar shit happening."
"Baela!" The other two girls tried to reign in their drummer, but she was adamant.
"No, don't Baela me! Clearly she's insane and out of line." You watched the girls' feet walk out of the room and winced when the door slammed behind them. Thankfully, they took it better than you expected and, most importantly, you hadn’t been fired yet.
You were about to go for your backpack when you noticed Aemond was still in the room. He snagged it up and began to rifle through your treasures. Your eyes finally lifted from the ground and you frowned at him. You sighed in annoyance when he pulled out the pair of underwear you had managed to get from Rhaena today. He gave a quizzical raise of an eyebrow and a smirk etched onto his lips, but he didn't seem to be judging you and that made the hair on the back of your neck raise in a pleasant way.
"What did you take of mine?" Aemond spoke for the first time since he had called the girls in here after catching you zipping up your back pack. You had seen him watching you for the last few days, but the thrill of taking something new outweighed your sense of self preservation.
In truth, you hadn't taken anything of Aemond's. He had been your reason for applying for this job in the first place, but you came to realize that his blasé blah stage persona was real. In the beginning of the tour, he had been... well you couldn't quite say warm, but he had been warmer toward you. Now, he was all stares and silence.
His eyes seemed to be constantly on you, he'd linger around and watch, but you did whatever you could to try to put him in awkward circumstances. Like bending over for too long and then glancing over to see if he was peeking up your skirt. The answer was always yes, but he never looked embarrassed when caught.
"Why would I take anything of yours?" You gave him a smile that was all teeth and more of a snarl. You had long ago dropped the shy girl act you put on for the others. He wasn't nice to you, so fuck him.
"Do you think I'd want to remember you, Aemond?" You heard him suck his teeth and watched as he dropped the backpack to step closer to you.  He was so tall, looming over you, but you didn't back down. Instead, you matched his gaze with your own heated intensity. "Or are you just upset I don't get aroused by the thought of you?"
His eyes glowed with something that made you think you misread his previous intentions. Maybe he hadn't been acting nonchalant? Maybe he genuinely wanted you?
You decided to test your theory.
"Poor little neglected, Aemond. Upset the crazy girl didn't take anything from him?"
He grabbed your lower face with one of his large hands, the studded rings on his fingers were warm and pressed into your skin ever so slightly. "There's nothing little about me, Sweetheart."
Aemond's thumb came to trace your bottom lip and you bit it playfully. His eyes watched in fascination as you sucked it into your mouth. "Your mouth is as naughty as your thoughts, huh?" he said as he pushed it deeper, so that all you could do was moan in response.
He pulled his finger from your mouth, only to lean down and replace it with his tongue. Your body reacted to the sensation with a moan of pleasure. His hands moved to your hair, gently pulling it as he kissed you.
You both stumbled backwards until your back hit a wall. He continued to kiss you hungrily, as if he couldn't get enough of you. You opened your eyes to find him watching you intently, and let out a small groan.
Aemond finally broke away from the kiss and looked at you with burning desire in his eyes. "Do you want to remember me?" he asked hoarsely. Without waiting for a response, he hurriedly tugged at his shirt until it was off and tossed away across the room. You gasped at the sight of his bare chest, admiring the hard planes and curves of muscle beneath the smooth skin.
His hands came up to cup your face, and he stared deeply into your eyes before leaning down to press feather-light kisses along your jawline and neck. Your breathing was so loud that it filled the entire room as electricity seemed to travel through every nerve ending in your body. He grabbed one of your wrists and pinned it above your head as one of his legs came between yours trapping you against the wall.
"Say yes," he murmured huskily against your ear before pulling away just enough to look into your eyes again.
"Yes," you nodded vigorously, feeling yourself grow more lost in him with each passing second. "I want to remember you."
He spun you around in a swift and graceful motion, taking you by surprise. Only then did you notice that Aemond had backed you up to the large mirror wall in the dressing room; and you found yourself staring into your own reflection.
You could feel his breath on the back of your neck and it sent a shiver through your body. His hands moved up and down your torso as he held you tight in his embrace, and his lips found the nape of your neck and kissed it lightly.
He started to move his attention lower, squeezing and caressing your hips and ass. You felt your body responding to his touch, and you found yourself pushing back against him as he continued to explore.
There was a mounting pressure between your legs, as Aemond's fingers pulled the bottom hem of your mini skirt up and moved your underwear to the side. He brushed against your clitoris, eliciting another moan from your lips. His other hand massaged your inner thighs, and you could feel yourself getting wet.
He leaned in closer to whisper, his voice low and full of desire. "Yeah, I'll give you a reason to want to remember me." The words sent excitement coursing through your body and you pushed back against him harder, wanting more.
He seemed to understand what you wanted, as he alternated between soft caresses and firmer strokes around your clitoris, teasing it until it was hard and swollen with desire. You were so close now that you could feel your legs trembling as he continued to stroke you nearer to the edge.
The sensations were overwhelming, yet still not enough.
"Aemond," You whimpered out his name. He moved further down and began rhythmically rubbing around your entrance before slipping a finger inside of you.
When you were slick and ready, Aemond added another finger and then another, stretching you wide open as he pumped his hand into your sensitive flesh. You felt yourself beginning to spiral out of control as he moved his fingers in and out of you faster and faster.
You could feel the pleasure radiating throughout your body with every thrust, and you could see your fucked out reflection in the mirror.
Finally, you reached the peak of satisfaction and let out a loud gasp as an intense wave of euphoria swept through you. Your eyes closed in ecstasy. Your body throbbed and your head spun as Aemond continued toying with you until you were completely spent.
As he pulled his fingers out of you, you felt yourself melt against him, exhausted and in awe of the experience you had just shared. You opened your eyes to see him looking at you through the mirror with a satisfied smirk. He gave you a quick kiss on the forehead and stepped back.
"You're fired."
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atlas-likes-writing · 4 months
June of Doom Day Three: Ambushed
Fandom: Star Wars
Character(s): Obi-wan Kenobi, Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker
Summary: An AU where Vader discovers Obi-wan at a much earlier time period. (Set a few weeks before "Kenobi")
Word count: 800
Tags: Angst, nostalgia, major character death, canon divergence.
Author's Note: My motivation went solely into yesterday's prompt, so expect quality control for this one to be a little on the worse-for-wear side of things. Enjoy! As always, comments and reblogs are much appreciated.
Masterlist | Day Two
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Obi-wan Kenobi is beginning to understand why his former apprentice despised sand so much. 
It’s everywhere. In his hair, in his shoes, down his tunic, in his cot, in his food – no matter where he looks and no matter what he does it is always there: sand. He supposes it’s what he gets for choosing to stay on Tatooine to look over the son of his old padawan.  
He misses him. Anakin- of course. 
He was a brother to him. The closest thing to family one could get to someone disallowed from forming attachments. It’s hypocritical. He knows it is. But one cannot help but look back to more promising times. Where the galaxy was Kenobi’s oyster, and he had the ability to do good. Real good. Not just stabbing droids and fighting various Sith lords but maintaining peace and prosperity between all people.  
Now, Anakin is no more. Replaced and manipulated by Sheev Palpatine to be molded into something inhuman. Something dangerous. He is no longer the small slave boy he met on this very planet all those years ago. He is Darth Vader: the devastating pawn of the Empire that can ground whole Starship battalions with a simple wave of his hand and clench of his fist. And you know the most ironic part of it all? 
Obi-wan is the one who pushed him in the wrong direction in the first place. 
But you already know this. I won’t elaborate. Obi-wan pushes Anakin to the Dark Side (intentionally or otherwise), Order 66 takes place (his brothers tried to kill him), the Jedi are dead (didn’t I say I wouldn’t elaborate? Never mind), and now they are both alone on opposite sides of the galaxy. 
Or so Obi-wan thinks. 
It happens on his way back to the cave he calls home. It’s late evening – the twin suns falling between the cracks in the rock in front of him and blinding him. He carries a lump of bread under his armpit and a bag full of various mechanical parts that will hopefully be used to repair the Speeder he managed to salvage a few rotations ago, as well as the miniscule number of credits he earns at his pitiful job.  
He steps into his home after trudging along for a while, dropping the bread at one point and grumbling as he bends over to pick it up again, only for the contents of his bag to spill out all over the floor. 
His old strength has left him, and the Force is elsewhere, so he is forced to pick it all up by hand. It’s only when he finally returns all the parts to the bag and places it on the table with a tired thud that he speaks. 
“You’ve grown senile in age, Kenobi. I thought you were better than this.” 
He freezes in place. Maybe, if he is deadly silent and still and doesn’t turn around, he won’t see him. 
“Look at me, Obi-wan.” 
Well, that didn’t work. Slowly and with a dreaded pit in his stomach, Obi-wan turns to face his old padawan. Once done, he is rooted to the spot where he stands. Frozen. Useless. 
“Say something, Master.” The courtesy is spat at him like venom and Obi-wan fights the urge to flinch at it. It has been years since anyone has called him that. A black, soulless visor glares at him from where Vader stands in the corner of his room as if he were the Boogey Man.  
“Anakin, I-” 
Vader cuts him off. “Anakin is dead. We killed him on Mustafar.” Obi-wan dislikes the usage of ‘we’ in that sentence. “I am here, finally, to cut off some loose ends. Doing so in this way makes you luckier than most. I’m here to kill you, Obi-wan.” 
It’s then when the Universe decides to play a trick on the old Jedi Master. It’s then when the Universe decides to thrust all the nostalgic memories of the past on the man. The joy, the sadness, the howls of laughter, the sounds of blaster bolts and lightsabres making contact with each other. Times were simpler back then – when Obi-wan was a padawan himself and Anakin a simple slave boy trying to help his mother. The kind, righteous, simple boy who stands in front of him is no longer kind, righteous, or simple. He is a blight of terror that strikes fear into the hearts of millions- maybe even billions or trillions in the galaxy.  
The sound of ignition of Vader’s lightsabre reaches his ears, and Obi-wan closes his eyes. In the back of his mind, he sends a sorrowful prayer and apology to the son of the man in front of him, whom he is yet unaware of his presence on the planet.  
“Do what you must.” 
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rigginsstreet · 2 years
Au where the hargrove-mayfields move to Hawkins and the first person billy befriends is robin
And billys lamenting that he needs a job but it’s fall so the pools closed and the local mechanic isn’t hiring and he’s not having much luck anywhere else either, until robin offers up that the local country club is looking for a new waiter and billys like “no country club is gonna hire me” and robins like “we just gotta clean you up real nice and if that doesn’t work just drop some names to get you in” and billys like “whose name am I supposed to drop…”
And that’s when robin suggests using the harringtons for clout. “There’s Paul, and Elaine and their son Steve who’s super obnoxious but all the girls seem to think he’s cute. If you’re into that sort of thing” a wink and a nudge in billys direction
And billys like alright fine let’s go with that. So he gets dressed up all nice, ties his hair back, puts in his best face for this interview, and the lady is STILL a raging bitch but like in a passive aggressive way until billys finally like “before you continue with the thinly veiled insults and bitchy attitude, do you actually need a waiter or can I leave?” And the lady’s like “the positions been filled, goodbye”
And as billy gets up to leave he remembers robins advice and goes “such a shame I’m gonna have to go back to the harringtons and complain about the terrible staff in this place…”
And the lady immediately perks up like “you know the harringtons?” And billys like “yeah duh. How else do you think I learned about this position?”
So he ends up getting hired. Cut to his first day of work he’s running all over the place taking rich assholes orders, wondering if the money is really worth his sanity and dignity at this point.
And there’s this one table where this preppy pastel polo wearing brunet is sitting by his lonesome. And as billy passes by the guy chirps up like “I ordered a sweet tea and club sandwich half an hour ago” and billys like oh shit that’s right and immediately goes to get him drink at least. And as he’s pouring this guy starts going on about how billy looks overwhelmed and he must be stressed out, and it’s like he’s trying to sympathize but also it just comes across incredibly douchey and it’s pissing billy off. And the guys acting like he knows billy. All “I’ve seen your type a thousand times before. Let me guess- wrong side of the tracks right? Maybe trailer park? Dads in jail, mom took up a drug habit? Forced to raise yourself?” And billys two seconds away from saying fuck this job and decking the guy right then and there until he laughs and goes “I’m sorry. That’s the kind of shit my dad says all the time to help. I was just testing it out to see what it felt like. He’s the kind of guy to make waiters want to spit in their food.”
And billy just clenches his jaw real tight and says “I’ll go check on your order” and the guys laughing like “you would do it wouldn’t you? Spit in my food?”
And billys trying to walk away before he causes a scene but the guys following him, starts giving some woe is me story about having a rich daddy and how hard it is to be in that environment all the time surrounding by trust fund babies and whatnot and billys like “let me play you the worlds smallest violin 🙄” and the guy is just eating him up like…smarmy smile on his face, thinks billy is sooo entertaining, thinks he’s actually making himself look good in this conversation, totally full of himself, not a clue in the world
So anyway billys about to throttle this guy until he finds out it’s Steve harrington. And normally this would mean n thing to him except Steve’s kind of the only reason billy got this job even if he doesn’t know that, which makes it even worse, so billys changing his attitude real quick. Putting on a fake smile, suddenly going pleasant. Makes sure Steve has the best dining experience and leaves zero complaints.
Steve becomes a regular after that. Always making sure to sit in billys section, always there to rile him up. And billys so so close to snapping every day like the amount of self restraint he has is truly incredible
Until one night while on his shift it’s not just steve there. His parents are dining with him too. And billy sees firsthand how Steve goes from cocky smug bastard to sinking in his chair, head down, looking utterly miserable. Even catches a bit of a fight between steve and his dad while they were off in what was assumed to be a private corner. Billy overhears how Steve’s dad just rips into him, destroying any semblance of self confidence. And billy…begrudgingly feels bad for the guy after that.
And maybe after billys shift he finds steve still hanging around…and he offers up a smoke. And they start lamenting about shitty dads. And maybe Steve apologizes for being such a dick. And billys like “yeah okay. But you do that shit again I will actually kick your ass”
And Steve’s like “wow you accepted that apology real easy” and billy shrugs and says “I’ve been fucking with your food this whole time so we’ll call it even”
And Steve’s appalled and disgusted and billys laughing but it forms a weird truce between them lmao
And the of course ya know flirting kissing fucking falling in love you know how it goes
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buggledy · 2 months
Please continue liking/reblogging my silly posts I'm gonna vent about the two things going horribly wrong in my life rn because I can't talk about either of them publicly without making people very mad or uncomfortable.
I've been working on this collaborative project with some online... "friends" to some extent for about 2 months now. The deadline for my portion was mid-August. I am going on vacation this Saturday, I'm going to see Sarah Squirm 3 hours away on the 21st, and my irl friends who were involved in my portion return to school on the 19th. Naturally, I filmed it in early July and turned my cut in on the 19th A FULL MONTH BEFORE THE DEADLINE, AND BEFORE MY FRIENDS GO BACK TO SCHOOL. After several days, my "producers" (who aren't fucking paying me, this is a passion project. I don't think they should be using that title.) Finally said "Hey, we like your cut, but we have some small advice," and promised to get me on a call that week. It's been 10 days. I have *almost* no time to do reshoots, and I'll probably have to re-edit WHILE I'M AT THE BEACH, FOR A PROJECT I'M NOT BEING PAID FOR. And my cut is fine. I don't mind changing things, and it's not great (but at least on par with most of what they've done before...) but it's not so heinously bad that it *has* to be "fixed." I have told them my timeline, several times. There are likely to be continuity issues because it's 19 DAYS SINCE I FILMED ANYTHING AND MY HAIR GROWS FAST. Based on the little they've said, the pacing is gonna be FUCKED after I "fix" it. I'm so upset because I have historically liked these guys before, and I never wanna talk to them again at this point. Not to mention, I *HATE* dragging my real friends into this. They don't deserve it. They also aren't being paid. Very disenchanted by this whole thing. Like it's been so long that I consider the project finished. They are asking me to drag out a corpse and give it a makeover. AND I HAVE OTHER SHIT I WANNA GET STARTED ON BUT I'M STUCK IN THIS GODDAMN PURGATORY. Supposedly, they're gonna call this evening but idk how that's gonna go.
I had this friend. About 3 years ago, she reached the conclusion that I was obsessed with her and ended our friendship. Maybe she was right. I had a crush, sure, but what's obsessed? Maybe I'm just too autistic to know where the line is drawn as far as "feelings" go, beats the fuck outta me. It was early July, so naturally this is really the only time of year I think about her anymore. Besides passing references, simply because I refuse to gadlight myself into forgetting the good memories she just so happens to be in. This makes everyone around me uncomfortable, and they refuse to humor conversations the moment her name comes up. Hence why I have to talk about this here. I'm over her, but I miss talking to her every once in a while. She's cool. I have no idea what she thinks of me these days, thus, a problem arises. My friend & his boyfriend (the irl friends from the previous story) are moving back to the city she lives in within the year, and I'll return to my tradition of visiting them about once a month. Here's the thing: I feel antagonized in that city. Like I'm under constant surveillance by some secret society waiting for a perfect moment to hurt me (emotionally that is, this isn't like... extreme paranoia talking.) And thus, this is no longer an early July funk. She's on my mind a lot. I wish I could just walk up to her (or even message her, I'm still blocked) and be like "I'm coming to this city again. Once a month. We've gotta either hash this shit out, or agree to fully ignore each other in the event we encounter each other in public." But honestly, I just wish I could forget it. I wanna stop thinking about her, and being sad, and occasionally seeing her in dreams. I'd love to never have to think about her again, but my personality simply doesn't allow.
So also my grandpa died last year and his birthday is in July, so that's not been helping. Sometimes I'm a little overwhelmed by my friends because now that they know I'm never busy, they sometimes spontaneously ask me to hang out all day and that can be a lot. I'm also in the process of moving which is stressful enough, but I hate my current living situation so I wish I could just do it but honestly I don't expect to be in the new place by the end of the year.
Anyway, I like to drink liquor and all this shit is starting to make that a minor problem 👍
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