#i forgot about hashtags and had to edit the post
This is a theory for the TV series on how original Rimmer could have returned after series 8.
However a small spoiler warning because I have been rereading the Red Dwarf books and I am up to 'Backwards' and it is referenced as something to explain in more detail about the dimensional travel.
I have read up to Ace and the burnt Wildfire and how they plan on solving what went wrong, and a thought occured to me when they were talking about it being almost impossible to return to your universe of origin, this being due to the vast expanse of universes growing by every possible different choice being made. So it is possible to return just unlikely meaning that original Rimmer could get back.
I then though about the end of series 8, and how later in 'Back to Earth' hologram Rimmer is back. I know of many different theories people have had and I want to present one of my own.
The theory is that our Rimmer from pre-series 8 had double the chance of finding home. Although that is still a small chance it is more likely. He could have jumped into either his home universe of into the mirror universe. If we choose to belive he jumped into the mirror universe it is possible he passed through the mirror/portal and entered into the main universe. And him walking through could have broken the connection and been the reason the mirror was broken and nanobot Rimmer was unable to return through it. Rimmer is then onboard the ship and able to "save" the day meanwhile if nanobot Rimmer found Wildfire, it means that the legacy of Ace is not necessarily gone as he could take on the mantle. (It has been a while since watching 'Only the Good' so remind me if I'm wrong about anything).
I also really would find it funny for the biggest coward to be capable of making his way home when others couldn't, and I feel it fits well with his character that he would do something near impossible rather than be brave and put himself in danger for other people.
Thanks for reading. Have a good day/night.
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mushiewrites · 4 months
Just A Little Bit
well....it's certainly been a minute, hasn't it
but what better way to come back than lee!George week??? If you didn't know (or sleep under a rock), @wishitweresummer is hosting a lee!george week, perfectly named lee!GeorgeSummer (make sure to use that as the hashtag if you contribute)! if you click this link, you can find out all the details about the upcoming week! I got to do my own lee!george week last May and it was the most incredible thing, I honestly am so excited to see what everyone does!
okay, anyway, we're starting off with day 1 - first time!
this idea came to me randomly at 5:30 this morning when I saw a random text post, and it gave me the biggest shot of inspiration, and FINALLY cured my writers block! so much so that I...wrote a pretty long one. ha ha...whoops. aaaanyway, thank you to summer for hosting this awesome week and for cheering me on while you watched me destroy george in the ending, and thank you to my partner in crime @awkwardtickleetoo for listening to me whine about writers block for months, and for supporting me through it all AND reading this before it was posted. couldn't have done this without you both, thank you so much <3
OKAY I promise I'm done rambling, please enjoy the fic! :D
(lee!George / ler!Dream / ler!Sapnap : 4.5K words)
“Dream! Come on, I have to show you something!” 
Dream rolled his eyes as Sapnap called him from downstairs for the fifth time in under a minute, chuckling to himself at how impatient he could be. Despite being annoyed, he was also incredibly intrigued, and so he saved the video he had been editing before standing up to go see what all the fuss was about. On his short walk to the end of the hallway, he could hear George squealing and protesting, though he couldn’t make out what was being said. 
“What is so important that it couldn’t wait until I finished the video?” Dream called as he reached the thin railing at the top of the steps, clasping his hands around it and leaning forward to find where the two boys were. However, his eyes nearly popped out of his head as he took in the unexpected scene below him. 
In the living room was Sapnap, straddling a very squirmy George on the couch. George was screaming and thrashing around while Sapnap was beside himself with laughter through it all. They continued to fight as Dream quickly made his way down the steps, almost losing his balance as he refused to take his eyes off the two as he descended. 
“What are you doing-“ Dream’s question was cut off by a squeal from George, who was throwing his body around so violently it looked as if Sapnap was riding a bull. 
“Well, what is he-“ Again, Dream’s question was cut off by a scream, this time coming from Sapnap. George had attempted to knee him between the legs, and Sapnap had barely stopped it before it was too late.
“Well now you’re really fucked, aren’t you, George?” Sapnap leaned down close to his face, invading his space with a wide smirk as George’s eyes grew to the size of saucers. He shook his head from side to side frantically, spewing out apologies and practically pleading for his life. 
“No! No nohoho no! P-Please! Sapnap, come on!” George pleaded through nervous giggles as he continued to kick and squirm, attempting to escape the smaller boy in any way he could. But Sapnap held his own on George’s waist, clamping his thighs tighter together and giggling triumphantly when it effectively lessened the squirming.
“Can someone just tell me what’s going on?” Dream spoke up awkwardly, now standing at the end of the couch, unsure of what to do. Sapnap and George immediately looked towards the voice, almost as if they forgot the other was there in the first place.
“Oh, right! So, our best buddy Georgie here is- MHF!” George had successfully slapped a hand over Sapnap’s mouth, preventing him from sharing the information with their third party. Sapnap raised an eyebrow down at George, and no more than a second later Sapnap’s hands lowered onto his ribs. The hand over his mouth immediately dropped as George brought his arms to his sides, pressing them tightly against his body as he threw his head back, eyes screwed shut in what seemed to be agony. 
“George are you-“
“Oh don’t worry, he’s fine! He just doesn’t want you to find out about his little secret.” Sapnap cut him off once again, causing Dream to run a hand through his messy curls in frustration. 
“Shut UP, Snapmap!” George hissed from below Sapnap, articulating the dreaded nickname as he reached both hands up to try and cover his mouth again. Unfortunately for George, Sapnap’s strength was too much for him, and his wrists were scooped up into a tight hold. 
“If he doesn’t want me to know, it’s okay!” Dream blurted out quickly, seeing how panicked George was becoming. Sapnap shook his head as he chuckled, looking down at George with wiggling eyebrows before he turned his attention back to the blonde.
“No, it’s nothing like that.” Sapnap started, his chuckles turning into bright giggles as George struggled harder than he had before to break free. The older boy let out a scream, trying to talk over Sapnap, which in turn only made him more keen on exposing him. George continued to scream every time Sapnap attempted to even open his mouth, and finally fed up with the boy, he placed his hand harshly over George’s mouth. When the noise was finally muffled, Sapnap flashed Dream the biggest smile he had ever seen in their time living together.
“The big secret is that our little friend here…” Sapnap raised his eyebrows as his mouth hung open, pausing for dramatic effect to make Dream laugh. “Is extremely, devastatingly, ticklish.”
Dream felt his jaw drop slightly as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, no doubt looking like a lost puppy as his two friends watched his reaction. George whined behind Sapnap’s hand, squealing when Sapnap released his previously held wrist in favor of roughly squeezing his cheek. The pinching hand was quickly slapped away, but Sapnap made sure to keep his other pressed tightly over George’s mouth. Dream made his way over to where they were on the couch, standing over them and shrugging his shoulders at the two.
“…Really? That’s it?” Dream questioned, not understanding what the huge deal was.
“No, like, Dream. You have to see it. It’s kind of insane how ticklish he is.” Sapnap explained, giggling as George began screaming behind his hand again. Dream looked down at George, purely out of curiosity, and was surprised when the brunette immediately turned his head to face the couch cushions. He chewed on his bottom lip as he turned his gaze to Sapnap, questioning the action, but it went ignored.
“I’m serious! You need to see it! No, wait. Actually, you need to experience it. You need to tickle him, Dream!” Sapnap exclaimed, giggling again when George tried to buck his hips up to make Sapnap lose his balance. 
“No, come on Sap, I can see he doesn’t like it.” Dream spoke softly, craning his neck slightly as he leaned his body forward to try and get a glimpse of George. This only made him lean into the cushions more, now trapping Sapnap’s hand between his mouth and the couch. 
“No no, don’t mind him! He’s fine, Dream! Just scribble your fingers here!” Sapnap poked at George’s lower tummy twice, making George jolt underneath him and causing Dream to jump back at the panicked action. 
“Sapnap, no, we don’t have to-“ Dream tried again, shifting his weight nervously from foot to foot, watching as George fought for his life underneath the youngest boy. Sapnap finally removed his hand from over George’s mouth, successfully opening the floodgates to his screams and frantic laughter. George kept his forehead pressed against the cushions, leaving room for him to continue yelling as he blindly battled with Sapnap’s hands that were actively trying to render his own useless. 
“It’s fine! He loves it!” Sapnap countered through bubbly giggles, his voice growing louder to drown out George’s girlish screams as he finally managed to wrangle the small wrists down against the couch. 
Dream crossed his arms and tapped his fingers against his elbows in thought, trying to find the words to make Sapnap stop, when George finally turned his head away from the couch. This left room for the two to finally make eye contact. It was brief, only lasting a few seconds before George turned back towards the couch, but Dream knew immediately what was really going on. It wasn’t that George was uncomfortable like he had initially thought; it wasn’t because he hated it. 
Dream was incredibly familiar with George’s tells. Like how his nose would scrunch up whenever he tried a new food he didn’t like. The way George would mess with his hair whenever he got tired, always tangling small strands around his pointer finger without a thought. Dream knew that  whenever George would stomp down the steps to steer clear of him until he satisfied his inner hunger-beast. 
And he definitely recognized this particular George.
The deep red in his cheeks. The glassy eyes. The continuous whining through his protests that seemed never ending. Dream knew what this really was. George was simply embarrassed. 
Realizing this, Dream felt all the tension in his shoulders melt away, finally allowing his arms to drop and a smile to form over his face. He took a step forward, his knees lightly pressing into the seat cushions as he leaned his upper body over George. Already anticipating he would hide further into the couch, Dream brought a hand up to lean on the back of the couch to steady himself and used his free hand to run through George’s hair. Dream’s smile widened when George let out a high pitched whine at the feeling, angry at his body for betraying him as he leaned into the touch. 
“Someone’s embarrassed.” Dream stated nonchalantly, sending George into another round of loud protests that had Sapnap in near stitches. Hearing both boys giggle only made George’s blush spread, and he quickly hid his face back into the cushion as his face continued to rise in temperature. 
“Awh, is wittle Georgie embawassed?” Sapnap teased, squeezing his wrists a few times playfully to make George struggle against him more. To his surprise, George wasn’t fighting back nearly as hard anymore. Dream was still scratching lightly at his scalp, and the longer it went on the more Sapnap felt George relax beneath him. Slowly, Sapnap released George’s hands, silently observing as the wrists stayed pressed to the couch despite not being held down anymore. 
“You’re both idiots.” George mumbled quietly into the fabric, bringing his left hand up to cover his ear and the visible side of his face to hide his own smile. Sapnap reached out to grab onto his wrist, ready to pull it back down, but Dream stopped him before he could. Sapnap met his eyes in confusion, only to have his features soften a few seconds later when he understood the silent agreement Dream was trying to make. 
“Oh, come on, George. I can tell you love this. Just let it happen.” Dream suggested, receiving a high pitched growl in response. His hand never wavered from carding through George’s hair as he slowly brought himself down into a kneeling position, therefore freeing up the hand he was using to balance himself against the couch. He brought the hand down the front of the cushion slowly, allowing George time to stop him if he wanted to.
But he didn’t. Just like Dream expected.
“If you need me to stop, just tell me, okay?” George’s nod was almost missed, and would’ve been if Dream hadn’t been watching the blush slowly spread onto his ears. The tips of them were beginning to turn a deep shade of red, and Dream wondered if his cheeks were the same hue. He quickly dispelled the curiosity though, not wanting to make George shy away while in this very vulnerable position. 
“Mh mhhm.” Sapnap and Dream exchanged a quick glance to see if the other had caught what George said, but unfortunately neither did. Sapnap sat back on his heels, providing George more space to breathe as Dream did the same. The only touch left on George was the hand steadily scratching, with Dream’s fingertips lightly resting against the seat cushion next to his torso. 
“What was that, baby?” Sapnap tried to be as soft as possible, understanding the importance of keeping his tone neutral so as to not spook George.
“My…my hands.” 
“What about them?” Dream spoke next, leaning a little closer in to hear the muffled speech. 
“I just. I can’t keep them down once you start.” He practically whispered, bringing his other hand up to cover his face completely as he spoke. Dream moved his hand from the couch to rest it against George’s bicep closest to him, rubbing soothingly over the shirt sleeve with his thumb. 
“That’s okay, angel, if you need to stop me you can.” He reassured George, carding a little more harshly through his hair as a playful gesture with his gentle words.
“Well…it’s not that I want to. I just…can’t help it.” George let his voice trail off into a whisper, obviously embarrassed about his confession. He quickly tried to twist his body away from the two, but was stopped by Dream’s sudden grip on his arm. The older boy whimpered, allowing himself to be returned to his position on his back, facing the ceiling. His hands were still clamped tightly over his face, a poor attempt at blocking the two from seeing his blush. Dream and Sapnap just about cooed audibly at that, but stopped themselves before they ruined the calm atmosphere they were currently in. 
“Do you want me to hold your wrists down for you?” Dream asked. George slowly spread his fingers apart, meeting Dream’s eyes before speaking. 
“No, not you! Sapnap!” He barked, closing the gaps in his fingers when the two laughed at his outburst. “You think I want Sapnap to do that to me? He’ll kill me!” Sapnap sat up on his knees with a hand thrown over his heart like he had just been shot, offended by George’s accusation. 
“To be fair, he does have a point, Sap.” George giggled quietly at the comment, causing Sapnap to poke timidly into his lower ribs with both pointer fingers. Dream watched as George’s body jerked to the side, amazed at how such a tiny touch could produce such a reaction. 
“See! I told you he was bad!” Sapnap playfully slapped Dream’s shoulder when he noticed him looking, further proving the point he was previously attempting to make. 
“Shut up!” George screeched from behind his hands, moving them up his face slightly until he was able to lightly grip some of his hair that draped over his forehead. Dream shot one last warning glare Sapnap’s way before he turned back to George, delicately gripping his wrists and moving them slowly towards Sapnap; slow enough that George could stop it if he wanted to. 
But again, he didn’t. And again, it was exactly what Dream had expected. 
Sapnap took George’s wrists, moving them down until his hands rested against the couch on either side of his thighs. Dream sat up further, crowding a little more into George’s space in order to place both hands on either side of his ribcage. He looked down at George, searching for any sign that he wanted this to stop, that he was uncomfortable, too nervous, but Dream found none. And so, he lifted his hands from the couch and let them touch down onto George’s body, not moving them yet, but resting so he could get used to the feeling at his own pace. 
“Fuck!” George cried out when he felt Dream’s fingers press against his lowest set of ribs, throwing himself upwards as his back arched into the sky against his will. He squeezed his eyes shut and turned his face into the couch again, embarrassed by his own reactions. 
“I didn’t even do anything yet, George.” Dream snorted.
“I-I know but, like, I know you’re gonna!” George whined, throwing his head back when Dream poked his cheek to get him to return his head straight so they could see him. He kept his eyes closed, refusing to look at either of them but still obeying Dream’s quiet request anyway.
“It’s alright, Georgie. It’s just a little tickling.” Sapnap teased, vibrating George’s wrists softly into the couch as he spoke. George giggled at that, followed by a deep exhale he didn’t realize he’d been holding in. And after that much needed release, his nerves were finally calming down. 
“I know, I know. But it’s still, like..y’know, flustering or whatever.” George grumbled, peeking out of one eye to see what the two were up to. Just as he decided to do that, though, Dream poked gently up his ribs, directly up to the highest ones, stopping there when George shrieked in response. 
“Plehehease please please! No!” His laughter was louder now that Dream was focused on such a tiny, hypersensitive spot, unable to hold it in any longer. Sapnap giggled along with George as he made sure to keep the squirmy boy down, leaning forward slightly to put more of his weight into restraining George. 
“You’re okay, George. Like Sap said, it’s just a little bit of tickling, right?” It was Dream’s turn to tease him, relishing in the feeling of being the one to make George react like this. He pressed two of his fingers into both sides of his upper ribs, rubbing slightly to see what George would do.
“FUCK NOHOHOHO!” George was howling at that, the sound of heavy thudding coming from behind Sapnap as George drummed his legs against the couch as he thrashed. Dream wished he could whip out his phone and snap a picture of Sapnap, who looked as if he’d just found a goldmine. Technically, it was Dream who found it, but Sapnap’s reaction was just as good as George’s was. 
“Are you doing okay?” Dream asked loud enough for George to hear over his own laughter. He saw a slight nod but decided to pause entirely to make sure, not wanting to overwhelm George. 
“Yehehes, I’m okay, just…please, you hahave to move!” George pleaded as he let his head lull to the side, breathing heavily through his nose as he recovered from the mini tickle attack. Dream rolled his eyes as he watched George’s chest heave up and down dramatically, still surprised at the intense reactions such little tickling was causing.
“Okay, giggly boy, I hear you loud and clear,” Dream began, lifting his hands up and wiggling his fingers over George’s torso. “How about…here?” 
“Wh- NO!” George’s protest came too late as Dream tapped his fingers gently over his lower tummy, kneading gently into it and giggling softly to himself when George squealed in response. He felt his finger catch on the edge of his bellybutton, making George’s laughter jump an octave. Dream ran his fingers over the spot directly under it, back and forth, over and over, until eventually deciding to spider them out towards his hips. Sapnap bounced as George attempted to buck his hips into the air, squealing when Dream’s thumbs found his hip bones and rubbed into them roughly. 
“Oh, there’s good, huh?” Dream commented, looking up to Sapnap for confirmation while George was busy laughing under his fingers. 
“Definitely a good spot. I like to get there when he’s being annoying.” Sapnap answered, laughing when Dream tweaked his hip bones again, causing George to squeal through his hysterics. He noted the spot in his mind and continued his ticklish journey to the spots that made George laugh the hardest. His squeezing migrated up to his sides, eyes widening when George suddenly twisted his whole body away from Dream. Sapnap used his knee to press into George’s hip, trapping his waist down against the couch so Dream could continue tickling up his sides. Dream tested the spot further, letting his hands dip under George’s shirt to skitter cold fingertips along the warm skin. 
“Dohohon’t! Plehease!” George begged as Dream’s fingers continued their venture, making sure to knead over each and every rib as they climbed higher and higher. Sapnap watched in awe as George squeezed his eyes shut tighter, a few stray tears collecting together at the outer corners of his eyes as he continued to laugh himself silly. 
“Please? But I have to! You wanted this, remember?” Dream reminded him, using two fingers on each side to act as if his fingers were actually walking up his ribcage. George squirmed from side to side, as much as he could with Sapnap’s full weight practically holding him in place. 
“‘H-Hold my hands Sapnap! Dream, don’t tickle me too much pwetty pwease!’” Sapnap mocked, breaking out into his own laughter when George let out what could only be described as a lion cub’s roar trying to cover up Sapnap’s teases. 
“Stohop, idiot!” George pleaded through his laughter, kicking harder against the couch as he tried to expel the ticklish energy that was coursing through him. 
“Awh, Dweam, I think the pretty kitty is angwy!” Sapnap pretended to pout, sticking his bottom lip out as much as he could as he looked at Dream for fake sympathy. Dream gasped at the comment, feigning surprise at George’s complaints.
“The pretty kitty is angry?” Dream stopped tickling for a moment, removing his hands from under George’s shirt and bringing one up to rest under his chin as he pretended to think over his options. “Well, I think I have just the thing to help with that!” 
“Wait, no, nonono!” George cried out, throwing himself forward to try and counteract Sapnap’s weight to knock him off balance, but all he accomplished was giving Sapnap more of a reason to make him suffer. 
“You wanna play it like that, baby boy? Okay, I can do that.” Sapnap spoke flatly, stopping his moments for a second before throwing himself further over George, flinging his arms up and over his head, pressing his wrists deep into the cushions as George begged and apologized profusely under him. 
“Noho NO! I’m sorry! I’m sohoho sorry!” George tried to talk his way out of his impending doom, but it fell onto deaf ears as Sapnap leaned forward slightly, dragging his wrists up further until George’s arms were practically straight up over his head. The position had him completely stretched out, not only extending the area of his torso, but more importantly, leaving a very vulnerable opening under his arms. 
“Sorry won’t cut it, George. We want you to be happy! We can’t have our little kitty angry, now, can we?” Dream spoke over the screaming, ignoring the many apologies and threats that were now being thrown their way. “You leave us no choice, pretty boy.” With that, Dream lunged forward, letting his fingers dance under George’s arms with speed and precision that only a ballerina could possess. 
It was an understatement to claim that George lost his mind. 
George screamed out, high pitched and desperate as Dream’s fingers made circles under his arms, zoning in on the very centers. His laughter was hysterical, having no choice but to lay there and take whatever tickles Dream decided to make him endure. There was a brief pause, just to let George take in a quick gasp of air, and then Dream was back to the torment.
“Surely it can’t be that bad, George.” Sapnap chortled, watching as the small body below him writhed in ticklish agony. Dream took this opportunity to shove his hands inside of George’s shirt sleeves, using his two pointer fingers to gently scribble at the outer parts of his armpits, watching for every tiny jump and twitch from George as he did. 
“Yeah, I’m sure I could be doing something much worse,” Dream smirked, looking up at Sapnap with raised eyebrows as he began to spider all ten of his fingers under George’s arms. “Something like this, right? That’s worse?” 
“Wh-wait, wa-AHAHAHAIT! NOHOHO!” George was full on shrieking now, squirming and thrashing and throwing his body every which way to try and escape the torturous feeling. As Dream continued the tickling, George quickly lost his ability to speak, just blurting out little half pleads here and there whenever he got a second to breathe. His head was titled so far back the two thought he might snap it off if he leaned it back any farther. The tears that had been clinging to his eyelashes finally fell, rapidly descending down each side of his cheeks, right over his ears, that were burning hot from all the laughing. 
“Okay I think- woah! What- Sapnap!”
Just as Dream had noticed the tears and decided to put an end to George’s torment, Sapnap had other ideas. He let go of George’s wrists, allowing him to fling them down, nearly decapitating Dream in the process, in favor of reaching behind him to squeeze the inner part of George’s thighs. His laughter refused to go any higher, and so it went silent as he pounded his fists against Sapnap’s own thighs. 
“Okay, Sap, that’s enough. We’re not trying to kill him!” Dream reached behind Sapnap, quickly putting an end to Sapnap’s vice-like grip on George’s thighs. Sapnap rolled his eyes with an overexaggerated sigh, annoyed that his fun was ruined before it even got started. 
“I guess you’re right.” Sapnap pouted again as he climbed off of George, picking up his legs and placing them over his own thighs as Sapnap sat on the couch next to him. He rubbed at the sore muscles, giggling when bubbly laughter exploded from George at the action. 
“Y-You were supposed tohoho be nihihice!” George weakly pointed a finger in Dream’s direction, causing the two boys to laugh along with him when he pointed the complete opposite way of Dream, his eyes still closed as he took in quick gasps through the leftover giggles to try and steady his breathing. Dream slid his arms under George’s torso, picking him up and maneuvering a very limp George into his lap as he climbed up onto the couch next to Sapnap. He draped George’s back over his thighs, using his arm as a headrest for George. 
“I know, I’m sorry. It’s just hard not to get carried away when I’m tickling someone this cute.” Dream smiled down at him, bringing his thumbs up to rub the tears away from under George’s eyes. A moment later, George’s eyes fluttered open, his hands coming up to rub his knuckles harshly into them as he got used to the light again. 
“Yeah, yeah. Remember that when I get you both back, later.” George threatened, giggling up at the two when they exchanged nervous glances. “Yeah, that’s right. And don’t think you both will team up on me again. You’re both too smart for that. You’ll turn on each other, just wait.” 
Sapnap and Dream turned towards each other, smiles slowly fading into determined looks. Suddenly George was on his back on the floor as they both scrambled to run out of the living room, trailing each other up the steps, shouting threats and cursing each other as they made their way to their respective rooms, slamming the doors behind them. Not even a second later, George heard his phone vibrating like crazy on the couch cushions above him. He picked up his phone, smirking when he had messages from both boys, detailing each other’s weaknesses and vowing to make amends with him to take the other one down. George giggled to himself, standing up and walking over to where Patches had been sitting on the other end of the couch, snuggling up with her.
He had them exactly where he wanted them. 
(you can find this fic on ao3 here!)
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destinedarts · 5 months
🙈 Need Mandarin translations/confirmations for the messages the lmk creators left ASAP 🙈
Long story short, we tried to spread the animation studio switch letter Sarah posted. I speedran to Xiaohongshu (LittleRedBook/RedBook/RED); Instagram equal for China cause thought no one else would do it. This was before we found out the rest of the crew would send their regards as well.
Idk Mandarin at all so would appreciate any help. Literally just dumped everything into Google Translate.
Priority is everything in the 1st image. 2nd pic is just explanations I wrote for them in case they don't know, which idk how much they know about Flying Bark besides the fact that they thought their animation was awesome. Sometimes they share the storyboards on Bilibili/Weibo but that's about it.
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Put them as images cause I was gonna post on Twitter, but coming here first, which also might be better instead.
The RedBook Post
Might need to go through some verification check, basically sliding things across the screen. No sign in should be required to view, though it could vary between countries.
Short Link: http://xhslink.com/kkPC3I
Link: www.xiaohongshu.com/explore/663ee802000000001e01c1bb
If I don't get any sort of translation confirmations, I'm gonna have to update the post anyways. Right now, it's also full of ugly edits cause first time ever posting and I actually ran off to make this like the minute we were asked to do so in mk central discord. Gonna make it look nicer now that I realize it's gained traction. >_>
There's a lot of upset/angry/sad/mad fans on RedBook, Douyin, and Bilibili. Much like how we had the wildfire and death threats on Twitter except I think not as extreme to the point of sending death threats... thankfully. They didn't know about the studio change. Honestly, just trying to give them facts and reminding them they have part of the power to get the show cancelled or not; but also not telling them what to like or not like/stop grieving/etc.
Literally one of the RedBook comments on the S5 trailer LEGO China uploaded contains the picture from my post (cause I added disclaimer that it's not lego official translated). So I definitely would like to have the other translations down if they're just sharing around pictures like that. 😬 And note that they're all sharing the Mandarin ones; not the English even though I did provide them. I don't have Douyin and I dunno if I can upload on Bilibili. Weibo has been covered. Idk if there's other Chinese soc med I'm missing.
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Notes for translation
Exact Mandarin/English text used in the ALTs of the pictures and "Keep Reading" section cause I realize ALT can’t copy and paste if needed
Uh please write down exactly what phrase to change, cause I do not understand any of the characters except the show title heh
1000 character limit for post, including tags and characters
Tags used: #lego乐高 #lego #悟空小侠 #乐高中国 #乐高悟空小侠 #乐高悟空小侠5年庆 #第五季 #齐小天 #孫悟空 @LEGO乐高 #乐高 If there's more that's helpful, please let me know lol been riding on these tags. If I can, I'll put English hashtags, but depends on character limit; Chinese is a priority
20 character limit for title, which I've chosen: 悟空小侠电视剧的未来🐒导演和编剧的笔记 (basically "future of LMK, directors & writers' statements/notes")
Crew member names and titles were written in the Mandarin dub credits, shown in 2nd pic. Not changing those in translations.
"Harbinger of Chaos" doesn't exist in the Mandarin version... I think? based on the s4 e7 subtitles we had way long ago. Changed Breen's tweet so it said to "find out more about MK." I guess I could've put "demon monkeys" but left that out in case they actually don't address it in the season. And idk the mandarin phrase they used for that
WildBrain Studios doesn't have a proper mandarin translation according to all the Mandarin dubbed Ninjago episodes so just kept it English
Idk if I forgot something, been having hard time keeping track of stuff oop I'll add more if there is more
From Christian: 谢谢悟空小侠粉丝们!
这是一个非常贴近我们旋风狗制片所有人的心的系列。 我为我们的团队感到无比自豪,他们在这些美好的岁月里一起工作,成为了一家人。
对于所有悟空小侠粉丝的热爱和奉献,我们感到非常幸运。 你们是我们长期努力的原因,我们将永远感激不已。
这场演出由 Wild Brain 出色的团队负责,我希望他们和我们一样享受这次旅程。
这张照片是我在悟空小侠中的最后一场演出。 我已经非常想念这些猴子了,但我对未来感到兴奋,迫不及待地想分享我们接下来要做的事情。<3
From David:
悟空小侠第五季要来了! Wildbrain 将接替旋风狗制片留下的巨大足迹。 团队中充满了才华横溢、充满激情的艺术家,我们迫不及待地想让大家了解更多关于齐小天的信息!
From Deirdre:
乐高悟空小侠第五季即将到来,猜猜谁写了三集? 我🤭
Sorta Needed
Please note that I did use a translator (and friends) to write this article. I'm a western fan but I have access to the app. And please spread the word too. I don’t have much contact with Chinese social media.
请注意,我确实使用了翻译来写这篇文章。 [Could swap to saying friends instead of translator.] 我是西方粉丝,但我可以访问应用程序。也请广而告之。 我与中国社交媒体没有太多联系。
Former series directors and writers from Flying Bark Productions, as well as current writers, have all issued statements regarding the handling of the series.
旋风狗制片(Flying Bark Productions)的前系列导演和编剧以及现任编剧都就该系列的处理发表了声明。
Sarah Harper served as series director from S1 -3 before fully becoming a writer for several episodes in S4. Some of her series credits include "The Jade Emperor" and "Rip and Tear."
莎拉·哈珀(Sarah Harper)在第一季到第三季中担任系列导演,之后在第四季的几集中完全成为编剧。她的一些剧集包括《天庭大对决》和《青毛狮之怒》。
Christian Barkel served as animation director for the first three seasons and was promoted to series director in the fourth season.
克里斯蒂安·巴克尔(Christian Barkel)在前三季担任动画导演,第四季晋升为系列导演。
David Breen is currently a writer on the show's fifth season. He served as script supervisor for S1-3 before being promoted as one of the show's writers. Some of the episodes he has written are "The Brotherhood" and “A Lifetime of Mistakes."
大卫·布林 (David Breen) 现任该剧第五季的编剧。 在晋升为该剧的编剧之一之前,他担任第一季到第三季的剧本总监。 他编写的一些剧集有《青毛狮之谜》和《寻找美猴王》。
Deirdre Devlin is also a writer on season five. She was brought on as a writer in the fourth season. Her three episodes are "The Great Tang Man", "Court of the Yellow Robed Demon", and "Pitiful Creatures".
迪尔德丽·戴夫林(Deirdre Devlin)也是第五季的编剧之一。她在第四季中担任编剧。她的三集是《小天遇三藏》 、《神秘的“朋友”》、《受困保护咒》。
Not Needed but would be nice
Flying Bark Productions has withdrawn from the animation production of "Monkie Kid". Since 2020, they have been continuously invited to participate in new projects, such as "Disney's" "Moon Girl and the Demon Dinosaur" and "Avatar Studio"'s upcoming "Avatar" film in 2026.
旋风狗制片已退出《悟空小侠》的动画制作。 自2020年以来,他们不断受邀参与新项目,例如“Disney”的《月亮女孩與惡魔恐龍》以及2026年“Avatar Studio”即将上映的《降世神通》影片。
From now on, WildBrain Studios will animate the series. They were also responsible for the Ninjago TV series, although that was in 3D rather than a 2D TV series like Monkie Kid. The writers and voice actors remain the same, but new people could join the team.
从现在开始,WildBrain Studios 将制作该系列动画。 他们还负责《幻影忍者》电视剧,尽管该剧是 3D 的,而不是像《悟空小侠》那样的 2D 电视连续剧。 编剧和配音演员保持不变,但可能会有新人加入团队。
Some artists work as freelancers for the team. I don't know how WildBrain Studios' 2D department hires their artists. If they were invited back to the show, some of their work might be similar to their work from previous seasons. But that consistency may not hold true under new directors. We'll have to wait until the end of the season to see the TV show's credits.
一些艺术家作为团队的自由职业者。 我不知道WildBrain Studios的2D部门是如何聘请他们的艺术家的。 如果他们再次受邀参与节目,他们的一些作品可能会与前几季的作品相似。 但在新董事的领导下,这种一致性可能不会成立。 我们必须等到本季结束才能看到电视节目的制作人员名单。
Previous seasons used "frame-by-frame" animation, all drawn by hand. Based on the trailer, the new season appears to include the use of "rig animation," which is the use of technology to move characters and objects.
All of these changes will impact Season 5 and beyond. I don't know how fan support affects entertainment distribution in China, but over here, if a show doesn't get enough views upon release, it may be abandoned by the distributor and have a hard time continuing. We will give as much support as possible in the West, although the success of the Monkie Kid LEGO sets and TV show has always and will always depend on its performance in China.
所有这些变化都将影响第五季及以后的内容。 我不知道粉丝的支持如何影响中国的娱乐发行,但在这里,如果一个节目在发行时没有获得足够的观看次数,它可能会被发行商放弃,很难继续下去。 我们将在西方给予尽可能多的支持,尽管悟空小侠乐高套装和电视节目的成功将始终取决于其在中国的表现。
Change can be difficult, and it's okay if you feel disappointed or upset. While waiting over the past year, we’ve been teased by the writers and voice actors that this story will be emotional and heartbreaking, and we trust the writers who have carried the story of Monkie Kid, so I hope you will consider watching season 5.
整个变化可能会令人震惊,如果您感到失望或不安也没关系。 在过去一年的等待中,我们被编剧和配音演员取笑,说这个故事将是感人且令人心碎的,我们相信那些承载了悟空小侠故事的编剧,所以我希望你能考虑观看这一季 5.
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weirdonumber33 · 10 months
If your self insert has an appearance shouldn’t they be tagged as an original character instead of YN? They might not have a name but they have a pretty distinct appearance so I’m confused how they can be a reader? Sorry I don’t mean to sound like an ass. I haven’t been in a fandom for a long time and back when I used to draw regularly there was basically an unwritten rule that you weren’t allowed to draw characters and call them reader because everybody couldn’t relate to them if they had a look. Especially people of different ethnicities.
Oh ya she’s not a y/n or reader I just used the hashtag for more traction if u look you’ll see I also use x self insert and self ship hashtags. in other fandoms I’m in (undertale) it’s common to use those hashtags even if it’s not reader (just on here) but also! I have drawn a few y/n and read looking character that I ship with the guy(got to scroll through my Eddie Munson Tag to see it)
If u do a deep dive into my first few posts of Eddie you’ll see me talking about just using those hashtags for traction (I guess I should probably start saying it again since I know it can be annoying😅)
Buts also if it bothers u just block me<3 I take no offense
Edit: I forgot I also uses those hashtags even when it’s just Eddie too just check my page!
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clubfluffer · 2 years
Just finished episode 7 (27?) of AOS and before spending hours going through the hashtag lol I wanted to note down a thought I initially had last week but forgot to post lol.
Basically, it really felt to me that the whole subplot with the blood parasite in Yul was a sort of massive parallel to the whole Naksu-in-Buyeon's-body situation, and I was expecting to see if how they save him would come into play for her? This episode really did highlight that, especially when Master Lee made that comment about how Buyeon was going to use Naksu's energy to come back to life, and then destroy her? Plus the whole point of the blood parasite came from the Jin family, and the fire bird is at Jinwoyon, so MAYBE Buyeon had some great tekkers move and sort of figured out how to save her soul while Naksu was being controlled by Jin Mu? We know that there are two souls in the body, so maybe Buyeon has been more of a benevolent type of parasite compared to the blood parasite too. I could be completely wrong here however, of course lol.
Edit: Buyeon could also be aware of what's stashed in Jinwoyon since a kid and known about the fire bird (cos I can imagine mama Jin being a gloating cow about it) and we're gonna get a phoenix moment of her being reborn.
I am also going to be a fool and hope that the Crown Prince has basically decided he wants to see how far Jin Mu is willing to be evil, so he can catch him in the act. Also, that comment Jin Mu made about the 🐢 being weak, I swear, anything happens to it and all bets are off where the CP is concerned.
Just wanted to put it out there while it was fresh in my mind.
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bestiesenpai · 4 years
youtuber Sukuna
I beg you to read the shitposts I made about this, they are delicious. You don’t have to of course but...if you loved me you would :) s/n = screen name, and I hope you chuckle at Sukunas screen name
Content warning: uhmhm lowkey incel shit(mean internet comments and whatnot)
part two --- part 3
Name: Sukuna. Age: 25. Height: 6 foot 5 inches. Occupation: toxic Youtuber, fitness trainer and hot guy.
Sukuna wasn’t exactly known for being kind. He wasn’t nice to others, rarely having anything good to say about anyone, and he’d made a successful Youtube career out of it. First starting as a fitness trainer at his gym, through encouragement from his clients and the notion of a quick cash grab, he started Youtube.
He didn’t care about it and that reflected in the quality of his videos and editing. He didn’t have consistent uploads, just filming and posting videos whenever he wanted, analytics be fucked. But somehow, that worked out for him, and he quickly found himself with over two million subscribers just frothing at the mouth for his next video.
And those subscribers were some of the worst people. Sukuna didn’t care about fostering a safe space online for others, not in the slightest. His comment sections were atrocious, both on his Youtube and his Instagram. It was full of toxic men one-upping each other constantly and dragging on each other for not being able to work out as much as Sukuna did.
Sukuna was a large part of why his fanbase were so toxic. He himself often made bad comments about others, whether fellow creators or people that happened to appear in the backgrounds of his videos, and on more than one occasion he’d been ‘cancelled’. None of that mattered though, all he cared about was shitting on other people and making money.
Sometimes he played video games and posted it, but not too often. Sukuna often stated he wasn’t so much of a fucking lonely loser that he’d play video games all the time, and so the gaming videos he did post were few and far between. He played angry shooter games and GTA, mindless button clicking he could get lost in for a few hours for a video.
Laying in bed one night after uploading his most recent video, one where he rages at 12 year olds on GTA online, Sukuna was just scrolling through his phone mindlessly. After he uploads video game content, like clockwork, he gets recommendations for gaming channels. He only watches a few of them, mostly leaving mean comments saying what losers they are, but one catches his eye.
He’s never been recommended this kind of video before. The thumbnail is light and bright with some pink aesthetic lights in the back. But the most enticing thing is the person in the middle, cute pink cat ear headphones on and a bright smile.
“Let’s see…” Sukuna mumbles to himself, mindlessly clicking the video. He hasn’t even read the title, he only clicked it because they were cute, and here he is nearly blinded by the bright setup they have.
“Hi everyone, it’s (Y/N) here and I’m really excited today! We’re going to be playing this new game I found!” Sukuna is immediately enraptured by the sound of your voice, watching how your face changes as you talk. His eyes drift off to the decor behind you, cute plushies and healthy plants, and some twinkling fairy lights. There’s books as well, and your chair is one of those ergonomic gamer chairs he has as well but in pink.
Sukuna watches the video dumbly, totally in the dark about whatever you’re doing, but loving it all the same. All he knows is that he likes the sound of your voice, and when you laugh and smile at a funny part in the game, it makes a light flush come to his cheeks.
It only takes one video for Sukuna to spiral into more of your content. He watches a video on your gaming setup, and he’s surprised that so much technology can come in pink. He watches a video on how you edit, a few of you cooking in your kitchen, and even a few vlog videos.
He quickly subscribes to your channel, and when you plug your social media, he immediately goes there. Pulling up your Instagram, he stares at your profile picture and almost audibly coos at you for being cute.
Your profile is just as cute as your videos are and Sukuna barely remembers to follow you before he’s going through your whole feed, liking every picture he sees. Sometimes he leaves comments, only one word though, ‘cute’. He’s never liked something so outright cute before, it wasn’t who he was and it definitely didn’t fit with his brand.
Falling asleep after following you on every platform, Sukuna wakes up thinking about you as well. And he also wakes up to hundreds of comments from all his accounts, bombarding him with questions and screenshots from last night.
‘OMG Sukuna liked (Y/N)s posts!!’
‘Sukuna is so gross and toxic, you better stay away from (Y/N)!’
‘EW why the fuck do you like this bitch?’
There were hundreds of comments that he waded through. Most were from his fans, expressing disgust at how many photos of yours he’d liked and wondering why he, Sukuna, most heterosexual alpha male on the planet, would like a pretty in pink Youtuber who had bubbly intros and whined when their animal crossing villagers wanted to move away.
Other comments were from your fans, some in awe that he would like you considering how much he said he hated overly cute things. Other fans expressed concern, worried what this might mean for their favorite Youtuber. Did Sukuna want to cause problems, potentially hurting you? He did have a reputation of bullying others, so this wasn’t far fetched.
Checking your Instagram, you didn’t make any comment about it. There wasn’t any update or anything, but on his end he was being tagged in endless Twitter threads with screenshots of him liking your posts and commenting under them.
“For fucks sake.” He grunted, clenching his phone in his hands. The amount of notifications he was getting were starting to upset him and he nearly threw his phone to get them to stop.
Ignoring his phone for the rest of the day, Sukuna went to the gym like he always did and trained with his clients. Some of them brought it up to him, asking him if he had a mind break last night and forgot what he was doing. Sending them harsh glares, Sukuna refused to talk about it.
“Oh my fucking god.” Sukuna nearly wailed when he got home, finally checking his phone. His name and yours had begun trending, and the hashtag #protect(Y/N) was also. Muttering angrily under his breath, Sukuna turned on Instagram live.
“Okay what the fuck!” He shouted, seeing the live become instantly flooded with people all screaming about you and him. “You’re all fucking annoying, you know that?” Glaring harshly at the camera, he read some of the comments that went by.
‘Are you two secretly dating??’
“Who gives a shit why I liked their stuff, you’re a fucking weirdo for keeping track of me. And we aren’t secretly dating, dipshits.” Rolling his eyes, Sukuna scoffed as more comments came in begging for a collaboration. “And think about it you morons, why would we collab? Our shit is too fucking different, what would we even film about?”
Sukuna stayed on Instagram live for nearly an hour answering questions asking about you. Every time he had to answer that you weren’t secretly dating, he got a little more annoyed. Not at the comments themselves but at the fact that it was true; you didn’t even know he existed.
Ending the live in a huff, Sukuna didn’t feel any better than before, and it was made even worse by the fact that everything he said was being relayed to Twitter, and you were tagged in every tweet.
“These idiots!” Staring at his phone, Sukuna couldn’t believe what he was seeing. On your Instagram stories, you’d posted a q&a for your followers, and nearly all of the comments were about Sukuna.
“Hi everyone! No, me and Sukuna aren’t dating!” You said, laughing a little to ease how uncomfortable you were. “To be honest, I’ve never even heard of him before! As you know, my content is very...different from his, so our circles don’t exactly intersect. But I’m always happy to have new followers and potential friends!”
“Fuck me.” Sukuna groaned, cringing at how uncomfortable you looked having to address the sudden onslaught of questions. For once he wished he’d actually given a shit about his online presence, so that maybe one day your circles could intersect. He knew he scared you, he scared a lot of people, and this was just proof.
“Uh, Sukuna if you see this, hi it’s nice to meet you!” You said in the next slide, puffing out your cheeks and waving cutely at the camera. It made Sukuna blush, and he hated it. “Thank you for following me and liking my content! I was very surprised that you found me!”
“Of course I did, idiot, you’re fucking cute.” He muttered under his breath.
“I know a lot of people are asking for us to do a video together and I know our content is really different, so don’t feel pressured to respond or anything, but the offer is open! If you’d like, we can collab on something.”
“On what?” He asked like you were there.
“I cook sometimes, and I know you cook too! Maybe we can make a cooking video? You can teach me how to make healthy food or something!” Sukuna could tell a fake laugh when he heard one, and you definitely had one right now. “Anyways, thank you! Bye Sukuna!” But hearing you say his name cutely like that made him not care.
He nearly responded right away, accepting the collab offer now that you’d spoken about it, but he didn’t want to seem desperate. He watched through the rest of your Instagram stories, going back and replaying the parts where you talked about him over and over and his heart clenched every time when you said his name.
In the dead of night, Sukuna DM’s you after watching your latest video and leaving the simple comment ‘check your DM’s’.
“Fuck, what should I say?” He’s suddenly stumped as he looks at the keyboard. Typing and retyping a message, in the end all he can say is hi. He doesn’t expect a reply, ever, but when he gets a vibration on his phone two seconds later he jumps to read it.
(S/N): hi Sukuna! :)
(cursedgod): hey
Real fucking smart, repeating what he just said.
(S/N): is there something you wanted to talk to me about?
(S/N): I hope you haven’t been annoyed at all the notifications you’ve been getting!
(cursedgod): No it’s okay
(cursedgod): we can collab if you want
Good Sukuna, good. Play it cool, don’t let them know that your fingers are actually trembling because you’re nervous.
(S/N): do you want to?? I don’t want to pressure you! I know we’re pretty different haha
(cursedgod): yeah, let's do it. Cooking?
(S/N): sure!
Looking around his home, he was suddenly assaulted with the fact that he didn’t have any furniture. He barely had a proper bedroom, just a mattress on a bare frame and a dresser. His lounge room was the same with his computer setup in one corner and then nothing else. There was only a couch, a mounted TV and a fold out table and chairs for his dining room.
(cursedgod): I know a studio kitchen we can use, I’ll send you the address
Thank god he’d done promo work for a brand in a studio one day, otherwise he’d be fucked.
(S/N): awesome! I’m free next Saturday!
And just like that, it was a date. Well, a meeting. Sukuna knew it wasn’t a date, but his heart still thumped like it was one. Confirming the time, he ended the conversation with a curt goodbye and obsessed about it throughout the night.
When the day to meet you came, Sukuna nearly ran late trying to pick out his clothes. He’d never cared about looking good or presenting himself well in front of others, whatever version of him he turned up in was what they got. But for you, he wanted to try a little harder.
Waiting outside the studio space, Sukuna rubbed his hands together nervously. You’d messaged a day or two ago offering to put the video on your channel since it probably wouldn’t fit his aesthetic, so he didn’t have to bring his shitty camera equipment.
“S-sukuna?” Snapping his head up, Sukunas mouth fell open looking at your curious face a few feet away, an Uber driving off behind you. You were even cuter in person, just his fucking luck. How was he expected to act like a normal person when his recent obsession was here looking better than he could have imagined.
“Hi.” What comes out is a grunt, not the smooth word he’d hoped. He can see you eyeing him up, taking in all the thick and corded muscles of his body. It made his chest puff out a little, he worked hard for this physique and to have you so openly looking at him made him happy.
“It’s nice to meet you!” Sticking your hand out, you smiled politely at him.
“Same.” Shaking your hand with a firm grip, Sukuna could feel the difference in your palms. Yours was soft and nicely moisturized and he had callouses everywhere and a few cuts and scrapes.
Opening the door for you, Sukuna led you to the studio space he’d rented out. It was a clean and modern kitchen, not unlike his own, but it had appliances and looked actually lived in. Helping you set up a few camera angles, Sukuna felt a pang of nerves hit him in the stomach.
“Sukuna, can we take a picture together?” You asked before starting, and Sukunas brow furrowed deeply. Why would you want to take a picture with him? His expression must have scared you, because you quickly backtracked. “F-for promo for this video, on Instagram and stuff!”
“Sure.” God, did he feel bad or what. He shouldn’t have made that face at you, now you wouldn’t look him in the eye. Crouching down to get the right angle for you, Sukuna watched you pick a cute animal filter.
“Just do what I do.” Throwing up a peace sign, you cutely tilted your head from side to side and smiled. Sukuna tried to do the same but he looked awkward, and most of all he was blushing pretty bad.
You snapped a multitude of pictures, some at different angles and some with different filters, and in all of them Sukuna was blushing at least a little. He managed to smile more as it went on, even laughing at one of the filters.
“Thanks! I’m going to post these really quick and then we can get started!” Giving him a brief smile, you turned back to your phone and set about editing some of the pictures. Looking over your shoulder, Sukuna could see that he looked like a blushing high schooler meeting their idol for the first time and not a grown man.
Once the photos were posted and you tagged him in everything, it was time to start. Setting up your marks on the floor, you took a generous drink of water and cleared your throat.
“Are you ready for the intro? I’ll start it and introduce you, okay?” You’d actually prepared a script for yourself, and showed Sukuna as well.
“Okay.” Stepping in front of the camera, Sukuna bristled at feeling you so close to him. Your arm brushed his casually as you were fixing your shirt, and Sukuna was glad he’d worn his most expensive cologne for this.
“Hi everyone, welcome to today's video! As you know, I’m (Y/N), and today we have a special guest today!” Throwing your arms in the air, you motioned to Sukuna.
“Hi.” He nodded, barely cracking a smile. He could feel you looking at him like you wanted to say something, but he didn’t look.
“So, many people have been asking for us to do a collaboration and it’s finally here!” Clapping your hands lightly, you rocked on your heels and nudged his shoulder with yours. “Do you want to tell them what we’ll be doing today?”
“Uh-” The playful nudge you’d given him was enough to make Sukuna short circuit. “I-I-” He suddenly couldn’t remember how to speak. “Rice?”
“Let’s try that again.” You laughed. “Do you want to tell them what we’ll be doing today?” This time, you didn’t nudge him with your shoulder.
“We’re gonna…” the words were on the tip of his tongue, they wanted to come out and be spoken but he couldn’t do it.
“It’s okay, it’s okay!” Nodding reassuringly, you took a deep breath in and out, and Sukuna shakily copied. “One more try?” When he looked at you, Sukuna expected to see a hint of annoyance in your face, but there was none. You were just smiling softly at him, waiting for his answer.
“Yeah. I’ll uh, I’ll get it next time.” Stepping away from the camera, Sukuna took a drink of water and cleared his throat. Cracking the bones in his neck, he took a deep breath and came back. “Let’s do it.” No more fucking embarrassments.
“Do you want to tell them what we’ll be doing today?” You asked for the third time, slightly swaying your body side to side this time.
“We’re gonna make katsudon today.” Finally, the words he wanted to say came out.
“That’s right! As you can see, Sukuna is really fit!” You immediately hopped in, giving his arm a brief squeeze. “And he knows how to make a ton of healthy meals!”
“So I asked if he could help teach me, and all of you at home, how to make it!” Smiling at the camera, you waited a few seconds before relaxing and turning it off. “Did you like that? We can refilm it if you want.”
“No, it’s okay.” Running a hand through his hair, he pointed to the bag of rice he’d brought. “Let’s get started on this shit.”
Taking fifteen minutes to film the two of you filling up the rice cooker, when it was over, you set about getting aesthetic shots of the other ingredients. Sukuna tried to seem casual off to the side on his phone, but he was really watching you.
Getting started on chopping the ingredients, Sukuna somehow managed to say the things he was supposed to without stuttering too badly. He was amazed that you could make the things he was doing sound so interesting, your narration as you held the camera and tried to do things yourself was impressive to the man that barely knew anything about cameras.
“Sukuna, I need help cutting the meat.” You whined, tapping the meat on the cutting board with a knife. “I don’t remember how you showed me.”
“Here.” Without thinking, Sukuan grabbed your hand with the knife in it and moved it for you. “You just have to move your wrist more, it’s not that hard.” Doing it a few times, when Sukuna felt your chest expand with air against his, that’s when he realized how close the two of you were. “S-sorry.” Immediately jumping back, he stared at the floor.
“Thanks!” Giving him a smile, you kept at it.
“I’ll fry the meat.” Stepping in as soon as you were done, Sukuna already had the hot oil ready. He was eager to cook and do something with his hands instead of - what he felt like - was awkwardly watching you off to the side.
“Okay!” Grabbing the camera, you focused on the pan. “You’re really good at this, Sukuna!”
“T-thanks.” Staring directly at the pan, Sukuna didn’t look away. Even with the hot oil popping up from the pan a few times and burning his fingers, he didn’t flinch at all.
“Ow!” But you did. Your hand had gotten too close, and when Sukuna flipped the meat, some of the oil had gotten on your hand.
“Shit.” Abandoning the pan, Sukuna was ready to drag you over to the sink for some cool water.
“I-it’s okay, it was only a little.” Shaking your stinging hand, you point to the food. “But I think the meat might burn.”
Narrowly avoiding disaster with the meat, when it came time to cook the eggs, you made a joke about how you liked your eggs in the morning and Sukuna burnt them almost immediately. While not an overtly sexual comment, the implications of the words still affected him.
Somehow, he managed to make the dish come together and while his plated dish didn’t come out the best, yours looked at least halfway decent with overcooked meat and burnt eggs. The only things not messed up were the rice and vegetables, and even then Sukuna was surprised.
“We did it everyone, we made katsudon!” Holding up the bowls, you smiled big and nudged Sukunas shoulder again. “You saw we had a few mishaps along the way, but that’s okay, that’s what made it fun.”
“Yeah, it was fun.” Sukuna chuckled. Despite him being more nervous than he’d ever thought possible, he had fun cooking alongside you.
“Sukuna, will you try mine? I made it super pretty and everything.” Holding your dish up to him, Sukuna wasn’t expecting you to do that. Now he felt bad that his looked so ugly and like a teenaged boy made it; he almost said no.
Eating yours though, somehow it tasted better than he was expecting. It must have been how you prepared it, and the fact that you cared so much about the presentation. Eating it in silence, he let you eat in peace as well for a few minutes and compliment the food to the camera.
“Alright, that’s the end of the video!” Putting your bowl down, you turned to Sukuna. “I had so much fun today, thanks for filming this with me.” Now was his chance to make everything better. Putting his bowl down and bolstering himself with confidence, Sukuna threw his arm over your shoulder and pulled you close to him.
“Thank you (Y/N), I really did enjoy today. I hope we can film again soon!” He squeezed your shoulder and smiled really big at not only you but the camera as well. He knew he was blushing, he knew that even the tip of his nose was a nice rosy shade, but he didn’t care. If people teased him for it, then so be it. But he wanted you to know how he truly felt.
“R-really? You want to?” You asked, looking up at Sukuna from your place smooshed against his body.
“Aww, well you heard it here first everyone! Sukuna wants to shoot another video with me!” Clapping your hands a few times, you waved at the camera. “Okay, bye everyone!”
“Bye.” Sukuna waved too, waiting a few seconds before letting you go and turning off the camera.
“Sukuna, did you really mean it? You want to film another video with me?” You were in utter disbelief. All this time, he’d just seemed very standoffish, if not a little awkward around you. You were happy to film this video with him, he had way more followers than you and it would help boost both your channels, and to hear him say that just made it even better.
“Yeah, I was serious.” Sukuna spoke around stuffing his mouth with the food he still had left. He was more hungry than he thought, the nerves doing a good job of twisting his stomach during the video. Now that it’s over, he can finally relax.
“That makes me really happy.” Eating the rest of your food as well, you leant against the counter. “This is gonna sound kind of mean, but I was really scared to film with you today. I thought you were going to be really mean.”
“Shit, you did?” He grimaced, letting out a sigh. “Sorry I had you worried.” He could already imagine the comments you would get from his fans.
“It’s okay! You’re actually way nicer in person, I was surprised!”
“That’s good.”
“And you’re really buff, you have muscles in places I didn’t even know were possible!” You laughed bashfully at that comment, and avoided looking at him when he stared at you in shock. “I couldn’t help but notice…”
Were you checking him out? Had you been checking him out this whole time and he didn’t even realize? He had seen you eyeing him up when you first met, but were you looking at him like that at other times as well? Now he’d really have to watch your video to see if it was true.
“Thanks, it’s my job.” Could he have said that any lamer? “My job outside of all this, I mean. I’m a trainer at this fancy gym downtown.”
“Oh, I’ve seen some of your videos at your gym! I know which one you’re talking about.”
“You do? You’ve seen my videos?” If he wasn’t surprised before, he was now.
“Yeah, you know I had to do a little research beforehand.” You nodded, beginning to clean up the dishes around you. “And I know you’ve already watched almost all of my videos, so it only seemed fair.”
Did you have to bring that up? Now Sukuna was embarrassed again.
“Y-yeah, I did.” Clearing his throat, Sukuna helped gather the dishes. He took up washing them, another task he could do to get his mind off you. As you took down the camera equipment, he nearly broke several dishes and utensils from scrubbing too hard.
“I’ll call you an Uber.” He said when all was said and done and you were back at the front of the building.
“You don’t have to, it’s okay.”
“No, I want to.” Quickly calling you a ride, Sukuna fiddled with his phone a little more. “Uh, could I- could I-” His voice kept leaving him, and he had to cough a few times. “Can I get your number? I really liked your camera shit and I want to improve mine.” Okay, it wasn’t a total lie. He did like your setup and wanted to make his just as good, but he really wanted your number to potentially talk to you more about things outside of Youtube.
“Sure! Go ahead and type it in.” You were quick to give him your phone, a cute pink phone case on the back of it. Typing it in, he can’t help but notice the little devil emoji you add by his name. He wants to ask, but your ride is already pulling up.
“Bye!” Setting all your camera gear inside the car, you turn and wave goodbye.
“See ya.” Just as you’re about to close the car door, Sukuna gets a burst of confidence. “Text me when you get home, okay?”
“Okay!” And off you go. Sukuna watches the car drive off until he can’t see it anymore. He takes his time getting to his own place, eagerly awaiting your message with every step. But even when you do message him, all he can do is send a thumbs up back and nothing else.
It’s about two and a half days after that that you text him again, letting him know you’re done editing and that you’re going to post the video soon. It wasn’t a very long video to begin with, so the editing was simple enough. Sukuna replied with what appeared to be a lackluster ‘can’t wait’, but on the inside he was shaking. He’d already screenshot all the pictures the two of you took together and added them to a folder.
“Here we go.” As soon as the video went live, Sukuna watched it. He was mortified as soon as it started at the blush so evident on his cheeks, and how it stayed throughout the whole thing. He groaned at the part where he helped you cut up the meat, he almost wishes you’d cut it out. Every little detail that made him embarrassed was there, every little nuance of his actions you’d managed to capture and make it cute.
(Y/N): How do you like it??
You texted him after twenty minutes, eager to hear his thoughts.
(Sukuna): it’s good, good editing and stuff
(Y/N): yay! I’m going to read comments in a few hours, you should too! I bet people will be really shocked!
(Sukuna): yeah no doubt
Oh, he was definitely going to read the comments. Whereas you were going to wait for a fair few to come in before commenting, Sukuna frequently refreshed the page and read the new ones as they came in. You were right, a lot of people were surprised, but he also saw a lot of his fans as well.
‘Ew Sukuna really cooked for that bitch? They can’t do it themselves?’
‘Yeah, why do they have to rely on him? Useless as fuck lol’
‘Sukuna only did this to get laid, (Y/N) looks like an easy fuck’
All of those comments, and many more, made his blood boil. Usually, he wouldn’t care at all about the comments, letting them fester in his comment section and spiral out of control. But for you, it was different.
‘Fuck off and die you pieces of shit. Leave (Y/N) alone or say it to my fucking face’
Sukuna sent that message, along with a variety of other threats, to all the people that insulted you. He didn’t care that this wasn’t his channel and that you would deal with it in whatever way you wanted to. He needed to defend you against the unwanted audience he’d brought you.
Luckily, after seeing Sukunas messages, all of his fans backed off. They knew how serious he was about his threats and there were many rumors that he actually did go and beat people up who said things he didn’t like. No one wanted to be on the receiving end of his torment.
With Sukunas name attached to the video and his heavy presence in the comment section, the video easily went viral. It was easily the most viewed video on your channel, getting on the trending pages of several different platforms.
(Sukuna): hey
It’s nearly a week after the first video that Sukuna messages you, and the hype is still going strong, and your follower count grows greatly from it.
(Y/N): hi! What’s up?
(Sukuna): do you want to film a video for my channel now? We can play a game, I have a few
(Y/N): sure that sounds fun!
Oh how wrong you were. The game Sukuna chose was a scary game, a shooter game with scary zombies and a lot of possible jumpscares. He doesn’t tell you either, so on the night of filming - he insisted on it being nighttime to get the full scary effect - you were caught off guard.
“I don’t know about this.” You whined once you saw the title. The two of you were video calling alongside playing the game together, and Sukuna’s eyes flicked to your figure on the screen.
“It’ll be okay, I’ll carry you, don’t worry.” He had started filming as soon as he’d set up the game, and you were filming yourself as well for him.
“You promise it won’t be too scary?”
“If it’s too scary just close your eyes and I’ll protect you.” Smiling softly at you, he started up the game. The beginning was fine, just a quick introduction to the game, but as soon as things started to get moving, you were scared.
“Sukuna a zombie is eating me!” You screamed, frantically pushing buttons in an attempt to get it off.
“It’s okay!” He quickly got rid of it, and made sure to stay close to your character as the story progressed.
“(Y/N) stay by me, there’s about to be a whole lot of them.”
“Close your eyes there’s about to be a jump scare here.”
“Don’t worry about getting that item, I’ll grab it for you!”
Sukuna nearly forgot he was being filmed, saying sweet things to you to help encourage you and make sure you weren’t overwhelmed. There were many parts where you screamed in fright and Sukuna was there to coo at you and tell you it was okay. He made sure that your character never died, making sure to keep you close until the end of the game.
“Sukuna, that was so hard!” Squishing your cheeks in your hands, you looked at him through your phone.
“It was fun though, wasn’t it? I had fun with you.” Completely abandoning the game, he stared down at his phone with a soft smile on his face.
“Yeah, when there weren’t so many zombies.” You stuck your tongue out at him, and it made him laugh. Leaning his head into his hand, Sukuna grinned when you yawned.
“Aw, are you tired? Better go to sleep soon.” His voice dropped to a lower volume, like you were right next to him.
“I will.” You yawned again and it made Sukuna yawn as well.
“Get off the phone and go to bed, you’re making me tired too.”
“Fine.” Whining out the word, you waved sleepily. “Goodnight Sukuna, I’ll send you the video files in the morning, okay?”
“Night.” Waving back, Sukuna waited until you hung up to turn his stuff off as well.
In the morning, Sukuna was ready to edit. What usually took him a week to edit out of laziness, he took only a day to edit this video with you together. Rewatching the footage, he nearly gagged at seeing how soft his face got when he looked at you, and most of those parts were left in because he couldn’t stand to watch them and fix them.
(Sukuna): videos up
The next day, he messaged you. Once again Sukuna patrolled the comments, swiftly deleting any that said even a hint of a bad thing about you. There was less this time, what with Sukuna adding a warning at the beginning of the video threatening anyone that talked down at you.
This video, like the first, went viral. But for a much different reason. Since Sukuna was emotionally unable to deal with how sappy he was and edit those parts out, everyone got to see how soft he was for you. If the comments weren’t mean, they were screaming about how you and Sukuna must be dating now, because why else would he look at you and talk to you like that?
And much to Sukuna’s dismay, there were also fancam edits of you two together. Any clippable moment of him being sweet on you in the videos you’d made together along with the photos you’d posted on Instagram were edited together and posted on Twitter. You both were tagged in every single one, making sure Sukuna saw all the videos of you and him together. He saved all of them too, delighting in the way you looked with him with all those pretty filters.
By the end of the day, people were trying to put a ship name together for the two of you and he’s seen you repost a few fancams with cute messages of thanks as well. Seeing you receptive to the fans screaming about the two of you made him happy, even if he was still too nervous to text you about anything outside of Youtube.
As more comments came in, people on Twitter were begging him to do a vlog with you. You had quite a few on your channel, going to cafes or filming what your day or week was like. Sukuna had watched them all and was jealous of every single person that appeared alongside you.
(Y/N): hey I’m doing a live on Instagram if you want to join me! I know people really like us together lol it’ll be great for views
(Sukuna): sure
Did you want him to join now? He’d just gotten out of the shower and thrown on a pair of sweats, he wasn’t exactly decent. But he didn’t want to waste time getting ready only for you to end the live.
“Hi Sukuna!” You smiled and waved when he appeared on the screen.
“Hey.” He waved back, not caring about the angle he was holding the camera in. He saw hearts begin to fill up the screen and comments started to fly by, almost all in caps about the fact he was shirtless talking to you.
“Guys, don’t be weird! Who cares that Sukuna is shirtless?” You tried to stop them, but it was clear you were flustered as well. You weren’t looking at him, peeking at him through the screen a few times.
“God you’re all thirsty as fuck.” Sukuna finally looked at himself on the screen. He was shirtless and in bed, hair slightly damp and tousled on his pillow. Reading a few comments, he shot up. “Of course I’m wearing pants, you nasty fuck!” Storming out of bed, he stood in front of the only mirror in his house that wasn’t in the bathroom and turned the camera around. “See, look!”
“Oh.” Gasping softly, you were glad Sukuna didn’t notice you screenshot the live. Clad in only gray sweatpants, Sukuna’s freshly cleaned skin gleamed in the light of his bedroom and every single muscle and edge of his body was on display.
“There, told you I wasn’t fucking naked.” Rolling his eyes, he flopped back down on the bed. None of the comments had gotten any better, all of them talking about how hot he was and how you were so lucky to know him in real life.
“L-let's talk about something else.” You stammered, not showing your face on camera for a few minutes. Sukuna laughed at the comments teasing you for being embarrassed, agreeing with some of them under his breath.
“So, what the fuck are you all doing here?” Sukuna posed the question at the chat, but at you as well.
“Well before you came everyone was talking about you...and you know how everyone has been begging for us to vlog?” You started off slowly, peeking an eye at his face.
“I wanted to call you to ask how you felt about that?” How he felt? Why did you want to know?
“You couldn’t have texted me that?” That wasn’t necessarily what he wanted to say, but it made you chuckle, so it was okay.
“No! I wanted to ask so everyone could know!”
“I don’t mind it.” If you wanted to vlog with him, he would do it in a heartbeat.
“So…” Worrying your lip, you looked off camera for a few seconds before looking directly at Sukuna. “Would you like to be in a vlog with me, at a cafe? It’s outside the city, kind of far, but we can rent a car or-”
“Yes.” Sukuna interrupted, nodding his head quickly. “I’ll come. We don’t have to rent a car, I’ll drive.”
“Really?” The comments were just as shocked as you were. Sukuna never filmed anywhere but his home and the gym, this would be a monumental occasion.
“Did you want me to say no?”
“No!” You screamed immediately, nearly dropping your phone. “I just- I wasn’t expecting you to say yes!”
“Well I did.” Sukuna bit his lip, running a hand through his hair and flexing his arm. “So I guess it’s a date, huh?” His normal asshole confidence was back now that you were appearing through a screen and not right next to him. A surprised sound came from the back of your throat, and you nearly dropped the phone again.
“Y-yeah! A date!” It felt good to have you flustered for once and not Sukuna. Laughing heartily at you, Sukuna smirked at the comments.
“Was that all you wanted to ask me or was there something more?”
“No, that was it!”
“Alright.” Licking his lip and letting his tongue hang out of his mouth a little, Sukuna watched you bite your lip as well. “Well I’m gonna go, I got stuff to do, but I’ll text you later (Y/N).” Dropping his voice as he said goodbye, Sukuna left the livestream.
“Holy fuck.” As soon as his phone was off, Sukuna let out a breath he’d been holding in. His heart was pounding hard despite how confident he was in his actions. Flirting was nothing new to him, but with you it felt different and like he’d never done it before in his life.
He watched the rest of your livestream while he finished getting ready for bed, laughing at the comments still teasing you about getting flustered with him. The notifications for Twitter were going off as well, and he knew for sure that there were new fancams for him to check out later.
(Y/N): Sukuna!! You’re so embarrassing!
Texting him after your stream, your cheeks were still burning at the memory.
(Sukuna): hey, you said it would be good for views and it was
(Y/N): I know…
(Y/N): did you really mean it, about coming with me?
(Sukuna): of course. If I didn’t want to I would have said no
(Y/N): that’s good lol!
There was a lull in conversation, and Sukuna nearly fell asleep waiting for you to either text him again or for him to figure out what to say next.
(Y/N): so, a date huh? Are you going to bring me flowers?
Now he was awake. He didn’t expect you to bring that up again, and his eyes flew open. Sukuna’s fingers hovered over the keyboard, mind going blank on what to say.
(Y/N): lol just kidding! I know you only said that for the stream! I’ll text you later about the details, I’m about to knock out
(Y/N): goodnight :)
Well shit. Now he definitely wanted it to be a date.
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sparepartsbacc · 3 years
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Have you ever thought “too bad I’m never going to do anything with this sim” about your CAS challenge sims that never see the light of live mode?
How about “I used to love this sim, but I forgot I even had them?” 
What about feeling bad for those poor spares from legacy challenges that never got the opportunity to spread their wings and fly? Or even worse, those 100 baby challenge babies that just get kicked out into the world once they reach young adulthood?
Well, I certainly have!
That is why I bring you my newest project: Spare Parts.
Spare Parts is a Build a City Challenge dedicated to the forgotten, the unloved, the spares shoved away in our libraries never to be heard of again. 
I don’t know about you, but I have ton of sims just sitting in my library doing nothing. Spares from legacy challenges, sims from CAS challenges on Simblr, sims that I just made for the giggles, sims I made to test new packs, even sims that I intended to do a challenge with but never got around to using. And not to mention the cute townie-descended sims that appear in my saves and I never have the opportunity to do anything with, or the randomly generated townies I’ve saved!
I got the idea to make an entire city from sims that had never been properly given a chance. I rolled a die to determine how many sims I would start with, and ended up with the number six, so I had to choose six sims from my library, but there was a catch: I was only going to allow myself to use those that I haven’t properly played with before. No sim that I move into this save will be a sim I’ve given any kind of limelight to, and no sim that I move in will be freshly made by me or anyone else for the purpose of this save.
If you don’t know what the BACC challenge is, I recommend hopping over here and giving the rules a looksee. They’re not completely up-to-date, but I’m going to be including the new packs best I can (which is fine because the only one that I have that isn’t included is Cottage Living).
My sims are starting off in Henford-On-Bagley, on the largest lot available (64x64). This way, they will be free to spread out as time goes by, because I will be moving any and all new sims onto this lot before allowing them to spread their wings and fly. I will also be playing rotational style, so when sims form their own households, I will be moving them out into the world, and playing with each one for a sim week, from midnight Sunday to 11:59 Saturday.
Now, for the fun part.
If you want to, and only if you want to, you can send me your spare sims. You can scour your library and find spares, unused sims, abandoned legacy founders, abandoned challenge sims, etc, and send them my way so they can get a second chance. For example, one of the sims I will be starting with is @grimheaven’s “I’m a Lover” legacy founder, Montana Grove, because she’s a lovely sim whose save file gave her Watcher no end of grief.
If this sounds like a fun idea to you, just send your sim(s) to me, either here or at @cyazurai​, in an ask or just tag me in a post; or you can just submit your sim to the gallery with the hashtag #cyazurai (along with a description if you want to). That way, I can find them. I will be checking that hashtag frequently.
I won’t be captioning these posts the way I normally do, because that’s too much added pressure. I already have 3 legacies and a Let’s Play on YouTube, and narration can be exhausting. Sometimes I might add a caption, just to clarify what’s happening, but they will be few and far between. Mostly, I will just edit the photo with things like moodlets, pop-ups, traits, actions, etc, to give you all an idea of what is going on. This way, I can keep up with my posts. I will also not be posting 10+ times a day, I will be keeping this down to 6 a day (except for the first day). 
I apologize for the lengthy read, and I will be providing a TL;DR down below for those that just want to get to the point! 
TL;DR:: Cyan is starting a BACC for unused/forgotten/spare sims from her and others’ libraries, and is allowing you to submit sims in case you want to give them another lease on life.
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hongnanglen-arina · 3 years
The Ulzzang Project - Part 6 | Jeon Wonwoo
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Read part 5    Read part 7
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Genre: angst with a little sprinkle of crack and fluff
Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x female reader
Warnings: none
Words: 4.2k
A/N: Hello there! I’m super super late omg... I'm so sorry!! Some things happened and it affected me more than I would like but yeah. Maybe there are only 1-2 more parts coming. If you have questions or requests of what you want to see from this series, please let me know :3 my goal is to finish this series by july. Thank you for following the ullzang project!! I'm so sooo grateful!! ♡ 
 ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ 
Jeonghan was placing a photo of you on his magnetic board on the wall above his desk. He chose the perfect sport for it in his opinion. right between two polaroids he took a while ago. one of a cherry blossom tree with the orange sunset in the background and one of a beautiful bouquet of pink roses he bought for his mother on her birthday. between those two aesthetic photos, your photo fit perfectly. He stole it from your personal instagram. after seeing it for the first time, he caught himself thinking of it from time to time. In the photo, your eyes were big in surprise while having a spoon in your mouth, a bucket of ice cream in your hand, being caught off guard for some reason.  Jeonghan thought you looked cute in it. For those reasons, his little polaroid printer always came in handy.
Letting his fingertips brush over your photo carefully, he smiled at it. “I can’t wait to give my present to you soon, y/n.”
Sighting heavily, you let yourself fall back and onto your bed. What a day.
When you came back from Wonwoo’s apartment, your mother distracted you from the wild but strange mix of emotions you had felt since you were with him. The both of you shared a couple more kisses but then he fell asleep and although it was a hard decision, you pulled a soft blanket over his body and left. You weren’t sure what this encounter meant. You weren’t sure if it actually happened because it all just felt like a blurry dream. 
So you were somehow thankful for the distraction. You had a rather late dinner with your mother and helped her with her own instagram account. You showed how hashtags worked and how she could post and edit several photos together in one update. She took some notes so she won’t forget it later. You even helped her download your favorite photo apps, showed and explained the filters that you liked the most and used on your own photos. It was a fun time that you both nearly forgot the time until your mother noticed that it was past midnight already.
When you came out of the bathroom, your mother asked you how Wonwoo was because it had been a while since she last met him. That was the moment when your head was filled with its previous thoughts again. You just told her that he was fine as always and reassured her that he would come over soon so she could see him again.
That’s why you were sighting heavily. Pulling the sleeves of your pajama over your hands and covering your face. What was happening? To be honest, you had no one to talk about your recent events nor your thoughts, your emotions and it was becoming more and more difficult.
It really started with your shared account with Wonwoo, you were sure. And on top of this mess, you were chosen to that project with Jeonghan. If you could, you would turn back time. Just 2 weeks would be enough. Everything was fine back then.
At the moment a lot of thing weren’t good for your heart and mind but out of everything, your relationship with your best friend was the one thing that hurt you the most.
There were so many question marks. Did your shared account break your precious friendship? What was your relationship status with him now? Did your friends talk to him? If yes, did he talk about you? Did he regret your little challenge? And… did the encounter at his home really happened today? You weren’t dreaming, right?
Rolling to the side, you stared at your phone which was beside you on the bed. You quickly took it and send a text to him. You had to be fast or else you would change your mind again.
[Y/n] I’m worried because you looked exhausted. I hope you sleep well.
Right after sending it, you threw your phone away, a strange feeling creeping its way into your mind. You were scared but you didn’t want to say it out loud. 
You didn’t hear from Wonwoo for 3 whole days. Some of your friends checked on you but after short text exchanges, you always put your phone away again. Jeonghan’s messages got less responses from you than your friends even though he send a lot more than they did. You felt bad for cutting him off but you had no energy to deal with him right now. 
Secretly, you were relieved when your mother left for work so that you could be by yourself and didn’t have to prepare for possible questions. The days were filled with games, food, sleep and some social media.
The day before you had to go to university again, you were on the phone with Hoshi when you were getting ready to leave your home. Your mother had asked you to join her to the famous market on the countryside and you were actually looking forward to it.
“So you haven’t talked to him in what, 3 days? 4 days?”
“Mmh.” You were going through your shirts, trying to decide what to wear when he asked you.
“You’re acting as if you don’t mind but I know you better, y/n. Text him!”
“Hey I was the last one to text him and he didn’t bother to at least leave me on read.”
There was a short pause until your friend spoke again “Is he still alive?”
“Hoshi, of course he is. He just… doesn’t want to talk to me anymore I guess.”
Rolling your eyes, only for yourself to see in the mirror, you placed your phone between your ear and shoulder while you put on your distressed jeans. “What else could be the reason, huh?”
“That he starved alone at home and died because you weren’t there to bring junk food.”
“Wow why should it be my fault when you or the others could have visited him as well???” 
Hoshi let out a short laugh. “Because I know.”
“You know that he starved to death?” Stopping in your tracks, your gaze was fixated on your reflection in the mirror. You didn’t like the shirt.
“No, stupid. I know he needs you.”
“I think it’s at Wonwoo’s place..” Not fully listening to your friend on the phone, you remembered that the shirt you were looking for must be at Wonwoo’s place so before you realized, you mumbled the words more to yourself. You wanted to wear it but knowing that it wasn’t near and in reach, you sighted defeated.
“Perfect! Well, I don’t know what you mean but if it’s what I think it is, go to him and get whatever it is! Look if he’s still alive and greet him if he responds heheh.”
“No, I can’t..” 
“Oh yes you can.”
“Listen Hoshi… I’m sure he’s alive and feeling good and I don’t know… maybe his charger disappeared and that’s why he didn’t reply uhm… but I can’t go to Wonwoo and get my shirt-“
You suddenly hear your mothers voice from the door, peeking into your room. “We will pass by his apartment on our way to the market, you could get your shirt. I will wait in the car, no problem.”
Hoshi chuckled happily. “Perfect! Don’t forget to greet him, yes?”
Your fingers were holding tightly onto the strap of your little bag as you were standing in front of Wonwoo’s apartment door. It worried you a little that the door was still closed. Normally he would be standing in the door, waiting for you to arrive from the main entrance but not today. You waited a little longer until the door opened and a puzzled looking boy appeared in front of you.
“Hey.” The both of you said almost in unison.
“I… wanted to grab a shirt that has to be at your place.” Studying his face and expression it looked like he just splashed a bottle of cold water onto his face after sleeping for days. It wouldn’t surprise you if he didn’t know what day it was today.
He didn’t say anything so you spoke up again. “Can I… come in and get it?”
“Oh, sure.”
Wonwoo stepped aside and let you in. There was nothing strange in his apartment. The curtains were closed and it seemed that he was really sleeping when you rang his doorbell. Some bags of crackers and other snacks on the coffee table in front of the couch as if he got some snacks when he felt hungry but besides that never really left the spot you saw him in last. The blanket was halfway on one end of the couch and half on the floor. You walked into his bedroom and opened the left side of his wardrobe. The side that had your stuff. 
Ignoring the urge to look around, you tried to concentrate on finding your shirt. The reason you were at his place. You were happy that he wasn’t sick and let you in to get your clothes but the atmosphere was so heavy, you felt as if you couldn’t breath properly.
That’s when you remembered Hoshi’s words and decided to break the awkward silence. “Oh, I should greet you from Hoshi.”
You turned around to him, seeing him stand in the door and watching you, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Feels like we just broke up and you’re here to get your stuff to say goodbye forever. Don’t you think?”
His words caught you off guard. “What?”
“We haven’t seen each other or talked for days, the longest in years and then you’re here all of a sudden, asking to get your stuff. It feels weird.”
Anger creeped up your body and you stood up slowly, facing him. “What are you talking about? I sent you a couple of texts but you never replied. So I thought you didn’t want to talk to me and gave you space.
“You didn’t text me, y/n.”
“I did.” You walked up to him and got your phone out of your bag, unlocking the screen and showing him the messages from the day you went to his place and where he kissed you…
“Strange. I didn’t get them.” He was adjusting his glasses and looked around. “Where is my phone though.” Without another word, he walked back and into the living room, then to the kitchen, scratching the back of his head and trying to remember where he last placed it.
You pulled your shirt from below two hoodies from Wonwoo and closed the wardrobe, following him into the kitchen. Wonwoo was opening the fridge while looking for his phone and it made you chuckle slightly, forgetting your previous anger in an instant. 
“Where is it?” He asked himself in tiny, cocking his head as he closed the fridge again, strolling around and back to the couch. Lifting the blanket, you heard something hard fall down and onto the floor. His phone.
You were watching him from a safe distance. Your best friend was his old self but at the same time he wasn’t. A plastic bag with trash got your attention that you noticed in front of his dishwasher.
“Who turned it off? Was it me?” So that was the reason. 
Although it was noon and sunny outside, the closed curtains blocked the warm sun rays from filling the room. You were really wondering if you woke him up with your visit. 
Suddenly you heard a lot of sounds of different notifications. Wonwoo’s phone was receiving all messages from the last days and you heard a soft ‘oh’ from him.
Clearing your throat, you took the bag of trash and walked to his apartment door. “I guess I should leave. My mother is waiting for me in the car anyways. See you tomorrow at uni, Wonwoo.”
You stepped into your shoes when you felt his hand on yours, carefully taking the trash from you. Out of instinct, your eyes followed his hand and automatically travelled further up until you were standing straight and facing him. He was close. You could see beard stubbles above his lips and on his chin. The water from before had completely dried on his face. Even though he seemed like he hadn’t showered and changed his clothes for days, he still looked handsome. You swallowed thickly. 
Neither of you spoke. You were just looking at each other, nearly loosing yourself in his eyes and afraid to say something because it meant that you had to leave. The back of his hand brushed yours, sending little electric waves through your body. Suddenly you remembered his lips on yours and you couldn’t help but to blush. You weren’t sure but you had a feeling that his face got closer to yours and nervousness filled your senses. You took one step back and almost stumbled over your own shoes. Wonwoo’s strong grip helped you to regain your balance and you smiled awkwardly. 
“I… I have to go again. My mother is waiting. T-thanks for the shirt and… see you tomorrow.”
Quickly you got into your shoes and opened the door, not looking back.
You missed how your best friend watched you walk down the hallway, clenching one hand to a fist while the other was resting over his heart.
It was a nice day with your mother. You bought a lot of fruits and vegetables and had refreshing yuja iced tea at a little park with a lot of different roses. After coming back home, you watched a tv show together before starting to prepare for dinner. Your mother suggested to make 5 different banchan’s with it to eat with the hot pot later. It’s been a while since you last helped your mother that much and as bad as you felt, you were happy for the day and seeing the wide smile on your mother’s face told you that you should do this more often. Normally it wouldn’t take that long but in between your mother started to take photos and post on her new food account that it distracted the both of you - but in a good way. You laughed and talked a lot.
With full tummies, you both got comfortable in front of the tv and you couldn’t help but to cuddle with her. This morning you felt so drained out because of everything happening around you but today was some kind of detox for you. A much needed one.
“Thank you, mom. I enjoyed today. We should do that more often.”
As an answer you got a pet on your head while your mother smiled beside you.
You couldn’t remember how and when you got into your bed but when you woke up in the morning, you felt fully refreshed despite being awake that early. The clock on your wall told you 13 minutes past 7 am. Today was another day at uni. Your project was due today so that was something you really looked forward to. Stretching your limbs, you noticed your phone next to your pillow so you unlocked it to check on the news.
“Hm.. pollution is bad again… okay…” you mumbled to yourself as you didn’t think twice when your index finger opened Instagram. 
There was a new post on your shared account.
A photo of his empty bed, sheets messy. The photo was in black and white with the text ‘it’s lonely without you’.
Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you scrolled through the few comments below the post.
Did you guys broke up?
What happened?
I’m sure he cheated on you. All good looking boys are like that. Cheer up!
You snorted. So that’s how stars must felt on a daily basis. Greatly connected with the world but easily misunderstood. Or they didn’t misunderstood you and Wonwoo but instead, knew it was over between the two of you? In your quiet room, the only thing that can be heard is your heavy sigh. Closing your eyes, you recalled the previous day, cocking your head to the side. But it was different yesterday when you went to his place for your shirt. At first it was awkward but when you were about to leave, when he was so close, you had the same feeling like…. on that day. When you kissed.
Maybe you could talk to him today. Maybe everything would be fine afterwards, just like before.
You nodded to yourself. It surely will.
Going through the photos you took yesterday, you found yourself liking one from the park more than the others. You were holding your iced tea in front of you, extending your arm while you took a photo with your free hand, the background filled with pastel colored roses and a beautiful blue sky without any clouds. It didn’t need a filter. Before posting it, you added a short text. In hopes that your wish would become true. Everything will be okay soon.
The post lingered on your screen for a while before you pressed the off button on the site of your phone, causing the photo and text to disappear and the screen to turn black. The words were gone.
Next time, we should go together.
It was normal again at university. Well, almost. When you arrived at your hang-out spot, Dokyeom was clinging onto Wonwoo and squealing how happy he was that Wonwoo was still alive because Hoshi texted him that he starved to death because of you. Speaking of Wonwoo, when you joined them, he waved at you and gave you a little smile. The atmosphere wasn’t exactly as before but definitely better. At least he didn’t ignore you or looked mad. 
Hoshi sat down on the bench next to you when you checked the time because of the project presentation.
“Yo. I still smell tension. What did you do at his place yesterday? I thought you would like….talk it out in bed or something.”
You nearly chocked on your own spit, quickly checked if Wonwoo heard anything before turning to your friend, speaking through your teeth. “I just went to Wonwoo, got my shirt and left.”
“You went to Wonwoo?”
“Seungkwan, I literally told you about it right before y/n came??”
“Oh…. guess I didn’t listen.”
Hoshi threw his hands in the air in a defeated manner and was questioning life when you looked to Seungkwan, hushing him. Wonwoo didn’t have to hear all of this. You were already halfway relieved that it wasn’t that awkward around him anymore. 
From the corner of your eyes, you noticed Jeonghan. That’s when you heard Wonwoo’s low voice.
“I heard everything. Why are you whispering, huh? As if y/n visiting me is something new and to keep as a secret.” The way he talked stopped even Dokyeom who was brushing imaginary dust off Wonwoo’s jacket.
With a grin, you got up and waved at your group of friends. “Time for me to leave. Have to talk to that mister over there so our project will be good later. Have fun guyssss.”
“Y/n, you can’t just leave us like this…”
“H-hoshi’s right, he’s no joke if he talks like that..!” 
As you left, you missed Wonwoo’s glance, especially when you greeted Jeonghan. He just couldn’t get used to him no matter how often you met him because of the project.
Jeonghan got drinks for the two of you and you sat down at the cafe, going through your presentation and deciding who’s going to talk about which part. Your project partner was very talkative today.
“Perfect, I’m sure the prof will love it. Speaking of loving..”
Suddenly you felt nervous while waiting for Jeonghan to finish his sentence.
“I love that look on you. You look well rested and happy. Also, you have a little tan. Did my princess enjoyed the warm weather this weekend?” Jeonghan rested his head on his palm and took a sip of his Americano.
Princess again. 
Trying to let it not bother you too much, you nodded and smiled, thinking about the nice time with your mother. “Yeah I went to the countryside with my mother and seems like the sun was stronger than I thought.”
“Sounds fun! I’d love to go with you the next time y/n.”
“Jeonghan….” Your grip on your pencil tightened as you tried to find the right words to decline as nice as possible but lucky for you, Jeonghan changed the topic.
“Oh before I forget, I have something for you. When I saw it, I had to think of you. Actually I wanted to give it to you after our presentation but maybe we won’t see each other after that hehe so I need to give it now.”
Blinking, you curiously watched him while he was opening his backpack. When you saw what it was, your mouth dropped open. It was a dark grey designer bag with golden highlights. You didn’t know the brand, nor if it’s real leather and neither didn’t you want to find out about the price. But according to his fanclub’s reaction, he must be crazy.
Jeonghan placed it right in front of you but you backed off in your chair. Again, trying to find the right words to decline.
“Jeonghan.. listen… it’s a kind gesture and all but-“
“Please accept it. As… a sign of my gratitude. It was really fun to work with you.”
“But… I can’t. This is crazy! How on earth can I accept something like this? I mean… it probably costs more than my mom’s apartment!”
The boy in front of you thought for a while and you had a good feeling that he would understand but all of a sudden he got up from his chair and tapped on his watch. “I’ll let you think about it. Maybe open it and inspect it some more. I’ll see you in class, y/n. Let our project find a successful end.” Jeonghan grinned widely at you and quickly left the cafe, leaving you with the little bag on the table, alone and speechless.
His words had a sad undertone but you weren’t sure if it was just your imagination.
As hoped, your project was a success and you and Jeonghan got a perfect score for it. Right before the presentation, you wanted to talk to Jeonghan again about his present, which was now in your own backpack, but you wanted to give it back to him. But he kept talking about other stuff or your project that you stopped trying. Surprisingly, it didn’t affect your presentation but after your professor gave you your scores after class, you dragged Jeonghan with you, ignoring the complaints of his fanclub and everyone else who was in your way.
You finally let go of his arm when you had arrived in a less crowded alley between two uni buildings, opening your backpack and handing him the present but he pushed it back in your hands.
“Jeonghan, please take it back. I can’t accept it, okay? This is…. too much. We only worked on one project together and this here is….no I can’t.” You had enough time to think about your words and to practice this very moment but everything you’ve prepared had left your head.
The boy continued to smile. “I know it seems too much but believe me, it’s just a little something from me. As I said, I had to think of you when I saw it. It’s perfect for you and because I’m thankful for the time we spent together, I beg you to accept it.”
“Jeonghan… please understand me… I just can’t, okay? I…. I would feel uncomfortable taking it or walk around with it. I’m sure it costs a fortune!”
“But it fits perfectly with you, believe me. Just have a look in a mirror. I didn’t want to take a brighter color because it could distract people from your beauty. I mean, you’re not one of my candidates without a reason.”
Candidate again.
“Okay, listen. to be honest I don’t want to be a candidate for your survival game.. nor… do I want to marry you. You’re nice and kind and stuff but… this is so absurd. I couldn’t tell you earlier but… if you have to continue with it, take me out of the list of candidates please.” Somehow you felt a wave of relief after you said the words. You hadn’t had the chance to tell him sooner.
“Princess, I will prove myself to you. That I’m worth it to be called husband. I won’t take you off that list... unless you are taken. I won’t try to get someone else’s partner nor won’t I try to sabotage a relationship. I’m not that low, you know?”
Wait. He would stop if you have a boyfriend? The words took some time to process in your head. So that meant, his two other candidates were still single? But the one you saw was so pretty, it was hard to believe.
Sighting, you saw him grin at the designer bag. As long as you were single, he would still try it. 
“It’s me. I’m her boyfriend.”
You turned in the direction of the voice and your eyes grew wide when you saw the dark haired person. “W-wonwoo?!”
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letoscrawls · 4 years
I hope you're doing well!
I would like to ask if u have and advise about starting and art account on insta. I have a small one here on tumblr but people say insta is better for art accs. So I just create an account and start posting? Or do I promote myself in some way, maybe taking dtiys and other challenges?
Thanks in advance:D
Hi! thank you so much for checking on me! :) 
okay, i get this question quite often and i wish i could give you solid advice, but the problem with instagram right now is its algorithm. when i started my account it wasn’t that fucked up, so i don’t really know how it is for new artists who have just started their accounts now! but i can tell you that it really affected every artist, even the bigger ones, so please keep that in mind. if you “fail” to reach your audience it’s not your fault, instagram is literally sabotaging artists and i don’t know for how long it’ll be “the best platform for art”. so just to warn all of you, i don’t want you to compromise your mental health for a social platform that makes money out of our stress and insecurities, i’ll try to share what i think could work because sharing art can be really rewarding and shouldn’t be an ordeal so i’d be happy to help somehow!!!!!
so this is the “algorithm tricks” part: 
when i first opened ig, i remember my stories were viewed by at least 100 people for the first two days even though i had less than 10 followers, so i think that’s instagram way to encourage you to keep posting, so my first advice would be to post your art in the stories too, at least for the first week or something?? now, i know the algorithm is currently promoting reels, so if you’re skilled with those go for it! make videos of your creating process and stuff like that. it’s important to inform your followers when you make a new post bc the chances of it being noticed are higher, you have to do the work bc ig won’t show that post to most of your audience (did i mention that i hate whoever made this algorithm?? yes??) i’m not really sure about this but i think ig prefers the reels you make with their set of editing tools instead of just uploading a pre saved video (i think it’s their way to sabotage those who post their tiktoks), i’ve never tried them so i don’t really know what they’re like, but i’m pretty sure tiktok is way better. i read somewhere that IGTV aren’t ig big thing anymore, so i don’t think you’d get much engagement from them. in general i’d say to always promote your posts in your stories and to wait at least an hour before editing a post bc i think you’ll lose engagement if you edit it right after posting (i know, it’s so stupid).
the use of hashtags is the only thing that i approve, because it’s an helpful tool made by social media before it got so bad and they really help you to reach more people (that’s like their purpose, i just wish there weren’t dozens of other stupid rules to follow in order to be noticed besides hashtags). so using tags like “art”, “artists on instagram” and “daily art” along with tags related to the pic you posted (like the name of the character or the fandom etc) is really helpful, just don’t use unrelated tags bc it’s annoying and idk how convenient it is :P the last thing is promoting your posts by using the sponsored feature; i never used that because i’d rather eat a slug than give money to instagram, but if you have the possibility and you are okay with that then you could try!
now for the “artsy” part
artists have found many ways to bypass the algorithm and keep the community alive over the years, challenges are probably the best way to do so! dtiys are awesome, not only they help you get more recognition, but they also make artists incredibly happy! i should host one very soon myself, i’m looking for a pose and an outfit to draw one of my ocs in, hopefully you’ll see it soon! i cannot explain how happy it makes me to see people draw a character of mine, and it’s great to see them in so many different styles, so i highly recommend dtiys! usually the artists who host them post the entries in their stories too, so yeah, you should definitely try those! there are other challenges like art vs artist, memes etc, it’s incredible how creative the community is despite all! and lastly, draw fan art! contributing to a fandom with your art is so cool, personally i prefer it over original content most of the time, i feel the need to share my point of view and to let out all the idiotic thoughts i have when i consume some kind of media so i’m really biased, but every artist is different, so don’t force yourself to do something if you don’t feel like doing it! drawing something you don’t particularly enjoy because you want to get recognition is gonna make you burnout REALLY BAD, trust me, i personally think that passion>effort, so never forget to put your enjoyment first!!!! 
okay this took me a while and i hope it was helpful! good luck!!! i definitely forgot something dskfjhis
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20 years a blogger
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It's been twenty years, to the day, since I published my first blog-post.
I'm a blogger.
Blogging - publicly breaking down the things that seem significant, then synthesizing them in longer pieces - is the defining activity of my days.
Over the years, I've been lauded, threatened, sued (more than once). I've met many people who read my work and have made connections with many more whose work  I wrote about. Combing through my old posts every morning is a journey through my intellectual development.
It's been almost exactly a year I left Boing Boing, after 19 years. It wasn't planned, and it wasn't fun, but it was definitely time. I still own a chunk of the business and wish them well. But after 19 years, it was time for a change.
A few weeks after I quit Boing Boing, I started a solo project. It's called Pluralistic: it's a blog that is published simultaneously on Twitter, Mastodon, Tumblr, a newsletter and the web. It's got no tracking or ads. Here's the very first edition:
I don't often do "process posts" but this merits it. Here's how I built Pluralistic and here's how it works today, after nearly a year.
I get up at 5AM and make coffee. Then I sit down on the sofa and open a huge tab-group, and scroll through my RSS feeds using Newsblur.
I spend the next 1-2 hours winnowing through all the stuff that seems important. I have a chronic pain problem and I really shouldn't sit on the sofa for more than 10 minutes, so I use a timer and get up every 10 minutes and do one minute of physio.
After a couple hours, I'm left with 3-4 tabs that I want to write articles about that day. When I started writing Pluralistic, I had a text file on my desktop with some blank HTML I'd tinkered with to generate a layout; now I have an XML file (more on that later).
First I go through these tabs and think up metadata tags I want to use for each; I type these into the template using my text-editor (gedit), like this:
process, blogging, pluralistic, recursion, navel-gazing
Each post has its own little template. It needs an anchor tag (for this post, that's "hfbd"), a title ("20 years a blogger") and a slug ("Reflections on a lifetime of reflecting"). I fill these in for each post.
Then I come up with a graphic for each post: I've got a giant folder of public domain clip-art, and I'm good at using all the search tools for open-licensed art: the Library of Congress, Wikimedia, Creative Commons, Flickr Commons, and, ofc, Google Image Search.
I am neither an artist nor a shooper, but I've been editing clip art since I created pixel-art versions of the Frankie Goes to Hollywood glyphs using Bannermaker for the Apple //c in 1985 and printed them out on enough fan-fold paper to form a border around my bedroom.
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As I create the graphics, I pre-compose Creative Commons attribution strings to go in the post; there's two versions, one for the blog/newsletter and one for Mastodon/Twitter/Tumblr. I compose these manually.
Here's a recent one:
(<i>Image: <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:QAnon_in_red_shirt_(48555421111).jpg">Marc Nozell</a>, <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en">CC BY</a>, modified</i>)
Image: Marc Nozell (modified)
This is purely manual work, but I've been composing these CC attribution strings since CC launched in 2003, and they're just muscle-memory now. Reflex.
These attribution strings, as well as anything else I'll need to go from Twitter to the web (for example, the names of people whose Twitter handles I use in posts, or images I drop in, go into the text file). Here's how the post looks at this point in the composition.
<a name="hfbd"></a>
<img src="https://craphound.com/images/20yrs.jpg">
<h1>20 years a blogger</h1><xtagline>Reflections on a lifetime of reflecting.</xtagline>
<img src="https://craphound.com/images/frnklogo.jpg">
See that <img> tag in there for frnklogo.jpg? I snuck that in while I was composing this in Twitter. When I locate an image on the web I want to use in a post, I save it to a dir on my desktop that syncs every 60 seconds to the /images/ dir on my webserver.
As I save it, I copy the filename to my clipboard, flip over to gedit, and type in the <img> tag, pasting the filename. I've typed <img src="https://craphound.com/images/ CTRL-V"> tens of thousands of times - muscle memory.
Once the thread is complete, I copy each tweet back into gedit, tabbing back and forth, replacing Twitter handles and hashtags with non-Twitter versions, changing the ALL CAPS EMPHASIS to the extra-character-consuming *asterisk-bracketed emphasis*.
My composition is greatly aided both 20 years' worth of mnemonic slurry of semi-remembered posts and the ability to search memex.craphound.com (the site where I've mirrored all my Boing Boing posts) easily.
A huge, searchable database of decades of thoughts really simplifies the process of synthesis.
Next I port the posts to other media. I copy the headline and paste it into a new Tumblr compose tab, then import the image and tag the post "pluralistic."
Then I paste the text of the post into Tumblr and manually select, cut, and re-paste every URL in the post (because Tumblr's automatic URL-to-clickable-link tool's been broken for 10+ months).
Next I past the whole post into a Mastodon compose field. Working by trial and error, I cut it down to <500 characters, breaking at a para-break and putting the rest on my clipboard. I post, reply, and add the next item in the thread until it's all done.
*Then* I hit publish on my Twitter thread. Composing in Twitter is the most unforgiving medium I've ever worked in. You have to keep each stanza below 280 chars. You can't save a thread as a draft, so as you edit it, you have to pray your browser doesn't crash.
And once you hit publish, you can't edit it. Forever. So you want to publish Twitter threads LAST, because the process of mirroring them to Tumblr and Mastodon reveals typos and mistakes (but there's no way to save the thread while you work!).
Now I create a draft Wordpress post on pluralistic.net, and create a custom slug for the page (today's is "two-decades"). Saving the draft generates the URL for the page, which I add to the XML file.
Once all the day's posts are done, I make sure to credit all my sources in another part of that master XML file, and then I flip to the command line and run a bunch of python scripts that do MAGIC: formatting the master file as a newsletter, a blog post, and a master thread.
Those python scripts saved my ASS. For the first two months of Pluralistic, i did all the reformatting by hand. It was a lot of search-replace (I used a checklist) and I ALWAYS screwed it up and had to debug, sometimes taking hours.
Then, out of the blue, a reader - Loren Kohnfelder - wrote to me to point out bugs in the site's RSS. He offered to help with text automation and we embarked on a month of intensive back-and-forth as he wrote a custom suite for me.
Those programs take my XML file and spit out all the files I need to publish my site, newsletter and master thread (which I pin to my profile). They've saved me more time than I can say. I probably couldn't kept this up without Loren's generous help (thank you, Loren!).
I open up the output from the scripts in gedit. I paste the blog post into the Wordpress draft and copy-paste the metadata tags into WP's "tags" field. I preview the post, tweak as necessary, and publish.
(And now I write this, I realize I forgot to mention that while I'm doing the graphics, I also create a square header image that makes a grid-collage out of the day's post images, using the Gimp's "alignment" tool)
(because I'm composing this in Twitter, it would be a LOT of work to insert that information further up in the post, where it would make sense to have it - see what I mean about an unforgiving medium?)
(While I'm on the subject: putting the "add tweet to thread" and "publish the whole thread" buttons next to each other is a cruel joke that has caused me to repeatedly publish before I was done, and deleting a thread after you publish it is a nightmare)
Now I paste the newsletter file into a new mail message, address it to my Mailman server, and create a custom subject for the day, send it, open the Mailman admin interface in a browser, and approve the message.
Now it's time to create that anthology post you can see pinned to my Mastodon and Twitter accounts. Loren's script uses a template to produce all the tweets for the day, but it's not easy to get that pre-written thread into Twitter and Mastodon.
Part of the problem is that each day's Twitter master thread has a tweet with a link to the day's Mastodon master thread ("Are you trying to wean yourself off Big Tech? Follow these threads on the #fediverse at @[email protected]. Here's today's edition: LINK").
So the first order of business is to create the Mastodon thread, pin it, copy the link to it, and paste it into the template for the Twitter thread, then create and pin the Twitter thread.
Now it's time to get ready for tomorrow. I open up the master XML template file and overwrite my daily working file with its contents. I edit the file's header with tomorrow's date, trim away any "Upcoming appearances" that have gone by, etc.
Then I compose tomorrow's retrospective links. I open tabs for this day a year ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 15 years ago, and (now) 20 years ago:
I go through each day, and open anything I want to republish in its own tab, then open the OP link in the next tab (finding it in the @internetarchive if necessary). Then I copy my original headline and the link to the article into tomorrow's XML file, like so:
#10yrsago Disney World’s awful Tiki Room catches fire <a href="https://thedisneyblog.com/2011/01/12/fire-reported-at-magic-kingdom-tiki-room/">https://thedisneyblog.com/2011/01/12/fire-reported-at-magic-kingdom-tiki-room/</a>
And NOW my day is done.
So, why do I do all this?
First and foremost, I do it for ME. The memex I've created by thinking about and then describing every interesting thing I've encountered is hugely important for how I understand the world. It's the raw material of every novel, article, story and speech I write.
And I do it for the causes I believe in. There's stuff in this world I want to change for the better. Explaining what I think is wrong, and how it can be improved, is the best way I know for nudging it in a direction I want to see it move.
The more people I reach, the more it moves.
When I left Boing Boing, I lost access to a freestanding way of communicating. Though I had popular Twitter and Tumblr accounts, they are at the mercy of giant companies with itchy banhammers and arbitrary moderation policies.
I'd long been a fan of the POSSE - Post Own Site, Share Everywhere - ethic, the idea that your work lives on platforms you control, but that it travels to meet your readers wherever they are.
Pluralistic posts start out as Twitter threads because that's the most constrained medium I work in, but their permalinks (each with multiple hidden messages in their slugs) are anchored to a server I control.
When my threads get popular, I make a point of appending the pluralistic.net permalink to them.
When I started blogging, 20 years ago, blogger.com had few amenities. None of the familiar utilities of today's media came with the package.
Back then, I'd manually create my headlines with <h2> tags. I'd manually create discussion links for each post on Quicktopic. I'd manually paste each post into a Yahoo Groups email. All the guff I do today to publish Pluralistic is, in some way, nothing new.
20 years in, blogging is still a curious mix of both technical, literary and graphic bodgery, with each day's work demanding the kind of technical minutuae we were told would disappear with WYSIWYG desktop publishing.
I grew up in the back-rooms of print shops where my dad and his friends published radical newspapers, laying out editions with a razor-blade and rubber cement on a light table. Today, I spend hours slicing up ASCII with a cursor.
I go through my old posts every day. I know that much - most? - of them are not for the ages. But some of them are good. Some, I think, are great. They define who I am. They're my outboard brain.
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arofili · 4 years
how’d u get into writing? like, writing fic and being part of the silm community, being Known, that stuff? i’m really new to being a silm cc and i’d love to know ur advice! also: how’d u build up the confidence to start posting meta/hcs? bc i have a Lot of hcs and meta ideas but also i’m really anxious abt posting them bc yknow anxiety is like that
these are some great questions, anon! I’m gonna go through them one by one :)
how’d u get into writing?
not to be like, super cliche, but I’ve...kind of always been a writer? as long as I can remember I’ve been telling stories, and when I was too young to read or write I would dictate them to my mom, who would type them up for me and help me choose clipart illustrations to accompany them. when I got old enough I would always be writing; I attempted my first novel at age 9, and while that never really went anywhere I did finish the darn thing and it had some pretty sophisticated plot twists for a 9-year-old!
like, writing fic
around the same time I got into fandom! I was deep into Warrior cats (like. really deep) and I believe I started writing my first fics when I was like? 10 or 11? my memory is kind of fuzzy on the order of things, but I know I got an account on the Warriors forums when I was 9, and that I was already posting my fic there when I made my FFN account. I believe I was 12 when that happened, but who knows. I haven’t the faintest idea of what happened with those forums, but uhhh pretty much all of my Warriors fic is still up on FFN lmao. you could probably find that if you want to but um...maybe don’t?
my first Big Fic was a self-insert of...my entire 5th/6th grade class into the then-current timeline of the Warriors books...well. I honestly think that might still be my most popular fic of all time l m a o though I try not to think about it because Hashtag Cringe. though as much as I look back on that time with a “yikes,” I am very grateful for the Warriors fandom in a way? that place was so accepting and encouraging of OCs, of AUs, of completely disregarding canon, of worldbuilding that is completely alien from canon - it was a fantastic sandbox to begin with, there were so many ways to write stories and practically all of them were accepted and had fellow fans invested in them!
and being part of the silm community, 
soooo I wrote Warriors fic until my freshman year of high school (wow sdjfhkdsjfh), which was when BOTFA came out, and I was absolutely wrecked by the ending and immediately started writing my own fixit fic. I was also super hooked on Kiliel! so that was my intro to the Tolkien fandom; and simultaneously, I joined tumblr, and, well, the rest is history tbh.
I honestly do not remember when I first read the Silm, but I kind of got into the more obscure parts of the Tolkien fandom through fandom osmosis, and I do have a vague memory of doodling the Finwean family tree in geometry class so it might have been later on in freshman year? that was also the same time I was having my Queer Awakening, and Russingon definitely contributed to me unlearning my internalized queerphobia, so probably around then.
anyway - queer awakening, tumblr, Tolkien, transitioning from FFN to AO3 - all of that was happening around the same time. I know I dipped my toes in the Silm fandom then, but I was still primarily a Hobbit fic writer focusing on Kiliel. toward the end of high school I kind of shifted to LOTR and (qp) Gigolas...but somehow the Silm fandom is the most active of the Big Three within the Tolkien fandom, and I was getting dragged further and further in.
it wasn’t until @backtomiddleearthmonth 2019, my freshman year of college, that I really dove into writing Silm fic! I picked some Silm-specific bingo cards and never looked back :D that was really not all that long ago but I am obsessed in a way I don’t really remember being even with TH/LOTR, I obviously cannot see the future but I anticipate hanging out here for a long time. the Silm fandom is great overall and there’s just so much material to work with!! <3
being Known, that stuff?
so I don’t really have a whole lot of context on how “well known” I am in the fandom?? definitely within the past year and a half or so I’ve noticed that I like, get asks like this, and get a significant amount of notes on my posts, and I’ve made a lot of fandom friends especially since I joined some Silm servers on Discord (hmu if you want invites; I’m on the SWG server and 2 general Silm servers and the Russingon server) this past year. and I have 3,000 followers as of this month - and while ever since I hit 1k I don’t particularly pay attention to my follower count I can definitely say that I have more engagement now than I used to! but it took me a long time to build this “audience,” I suppose; I’ve been around the Tolkien fandom since late 2014, so nearly 6 years of this, lol.
really the best way to build a following, in my experience, is to just post a lot of stuff. when I started making edits I got a lot more engagement, because for a long time I would post one every day! (I made them in batches and queued them; I didn’t actually make one every day lol...and now I’m too busy to do that, so I just make edits for events and whenever I feel like it) And I have [checks ao3] 145 works in the Silm fandom as of today - I’m fairly prolific! I’ve come to generally expect 3-10 comments on most of my oneshots, which is a lot more than I used to have back in the day. consistency and quantity are more likely to attract people to your work - and quality, of course.
also: how’d u build up the confidence to start posting meta/hcs?
I’ve been writing since I was very young, and I’ve been writing fic for like...11 years? I think? in that time I’ve produced a lot of garbage, but imo most of that was in my Warrior cats phase, so I came into the Tolkien fandom with confidence in myself and my writing. I’m also working on original fiction on the side (I hope to eventually become a published fantasy author, but right now school takes up most of my time that I don’t devote to fandom, which gives me more immediate gratification and also is just Very Fun) and I know I’m a good writer.
basically, I’ve been doing this for like...half my life, and I’m still fairly young, so I’ve had time to build up my skill and confidence and I know I’m only going to get better with time. you will get better with practice. like I said, I’ve written a lot of terrible stuff, and it’s only through sucking for a long time that I’ve gotten to the point I am now. and I am far from perfect; I know I still have lots of room to grow!
for meta and headcanons specifically, I started with writing fic, and then when I didn’t think I could stretch something into an entire fic I would just make a hc post. I have a vivid memory of writing my first meta in a notebook during driver’s ed because it was so goddamn boring and I had Thoughts about Tauriel and Thranduil!
in my experience, meta comes from having Opinions and wanting to share them and most importantly to back them up - you need to have sources! you need to have reasons! you need to have justification! otherwise it’s not meta, it’s a headcanon or an AU. which is fine!! I love hc/AU!!! but they are not the same as meta, and I’m a stickler for being accurate when it comes to meta. if you have sources and shit to back you up, that will help you build the confidence to share your meta.
sharing disinformation and passing it off as meta instead of just coming out and saying this is a headcanon/baseless theory/AU or whatever is such a fandom pet peeve of mine; it’s not bad for something to not be Accurate! you just have to have that disclaimer - and even when you’re writing meta, you’re offering an interpretation of the text, and you need to acknowledge that other interpretations also exist and are valid.
um. I hope this answers your questions? and sorry for basically word-vomiting my entire life story, lol. this post got long; the main reason I’ve written so much fic is because I really just cannot shut up for the life of me. sooo if you can tear of that filter of being shy and just. say shit. you can go so far~!
OH and one more thing - I can’t believe I almost forgot this - but part of being a writer is participating in the community. this is code for LEAVE A DAMN COMMENT IF YOU LIKE A FIC. that’s how I made most of my fandom friends before Discord! I follow @ao3feed-silmarillion and stalk that blog for new Silm fics; I read the ones that interest me and comment on them.
I know this is not really the most common way for folks to find fic but it’s so rewarding to interact with new fic, new writers, new commentors, new stories - you can find gems that don’t rise to the top of the kudos/bookmark lists; you become friends with your fellow writers; you can watch people grow and change; you support smaller content creators. yeah, you might not be getting Just The Best Stuff, but it’s so so so worth it!!
and if you make friends in the comment section of other people’s fic - I guarantee you some of them will go to your AO3 profile and check out your fic, too! and they’ll leave comments! this is a fic community, and that’s what I cherish about fandom most of all, tbh.
anyway - again - sorry for rambling so much, but I hoped this helped! feel free to send in another ask, or to come talk to me off anon if you’d like! and definitely send me your stuff if/when you decide to share it; I would love to support you!!! <3
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d-criss-news · 4 years
Darren Criss is fully in his element on Quibi’s Royalties, and not just because the 10-episode comedy finds him playing a Hollywood songwriter surrounded by Glee alumni.
The experience of co-writing and producing a musical project for a fledgling streaming service took Criss back to his days at the University of Michigan, where his mantra became “chaos is the mother of invention.” As he tells TVLine, “During the process, we made no claims to it working. We just had to slap it all together, and I think it turned out pretty great. That’s the fun of your friends coming together for something that ultimately has a lot of heart, soul and a cheeky earnestness about it.”
Criss also says he wanted to use Royalties as an opportunity to increase the Hollywood presence of his classmates-turned-collaborators, Nick and Matt Lang. “We started StarKid, which is our theater production company, about 10 years ago, and they’ve been in the trenches of that forever,” he explains. “Being the Mr. Hollywood of the group, I’ve been dying to get people in the film and television industries to get their eyes on them.”
For this reason, the trio took a “dexterous” approach to shopping the idea around. “If someone had said they wanted this to be a three-hour movie, we could have created it as such,” Criss says. “What’s nice about [Quibi’s shorter format] is that it’s a great exercise in maximizing the space you have. And it lends itself really well to comedy. Good storytelling is hopefully malleable, so I really enjoyed this process. It wasn’t how we set out to do it, but it was a great challenge.”
Below, Criss elaborates on the process of bringing Royalties to the small(er) screen, from casting it on his phone to editing it on the set of Netflix’s Hollywood:
TVLINE | Let’s start with the important stuff: There are a lot of hot dogs on this show. How many did you actually have to eat? [Laughs] Not many, because I’m not much of a hot dog guy. I’m not much of a processed meat guy. (Hashtag super California granola hippie loser.) While I do love a good hot dog every now and then, I don’t think anyone likes them in continuous succession, so I tried to minimize them as much as possible. That was the least of our challenges.
TVLINE | OK, what were some of the actual hurdles you had overcome? Like a lot of things I’ve done, it was very fast and furious. The actual adage is that necessity is the mother of invention, but for a lot of those early StarKid shows, I amended that to say that chaos is the mother of invention. For a lot of the shows I worked on in college, I would write the songs just a few days before they were on stage. I also didn’t really know my lines and everything was thrown together, while the Langs had been working on the book for months. Similarly here, they’d been working on these scripts for months. But by the time pre-production rolled around, we had to write and record 10 songs in 10 days, then do pre-production for not only basically a 90-minute movie but also 10 separate music videos. [Director] Amy Heckerling flew in and also had very little time to prep. And we had to get it all done before I shot Hollywood for Netflix. So we had way more to do than was frankly possible.
On top of that, we didn’t really know how to deliver to Quibi. What are they looking for? What aspect ratios should we be shooting in? What type of coverage do we need to get? It was the Wild West in many respects. And that was something that could have been a huge problem, not having any precedent, but I’m someone who sort of relishes that. When you’re in the Wild West, there are no rules, which to me is a great thing.
TVLINE | When you go back and watch the episodes, do you find yourself watching horizontally or vertically? I find myself going back and forth. When we were editing it, I would try to watch it on my phone as much as possible. The post-production process was the longest part of this entire thing. I would shoot a scene of Hollywood, then have to run over to the editing room. Sometimes the editing room would be in a sprinter van outside my trailer. It was tough because you’re editing in a conventional way with a nice screen and nice speakers, but the mix and the final print of this will be on your phone, which can be hard to imagine. For the songs, I wish people could watch with a big speaker system. I hope people are listening with their headphones.
TVLINE | Of those 10 songs you co-wrote, do you find that any one gets stuck in your head more than the others? Well, they’re all stuck in my head, but not for the reason they should be. They’re in there because I had to listen to them over and over again, so I’m fond of a lot of the songs, but I’ve kind of lost objectivity. The songs have also had so many different lives. It sounds one way when you write it, another when you produce it, then another when you have the artist sing it. And then there’s how the song feels when it’s in a music video. There were lines in songs I thought were funny, but when I saw my friends [and Glee co-stars] Chord Overstreet and Kevin McHale singing them at a Griffith Park overlook of Los Angeles, with Chord in a ridiculous Scott Stapp/Jared Leto circa 2003 wig, I start loving it in a new way. They’ve all found ways to enchant me as they move forward.
TVLINE | That’s another thing I enjoyed about this, all the Glee reunions. And not just Chord and Kevin. Even people like John Stamos and Jennifer Coolidge. You know what’s funny? I forgot that John Stamos and Jennifer Coolidge were on Glee! I became friends with them separately. Yes, they were on the show, but these are also people that were at my wedding. I forget we have a Glee connection. I wish I was that clever in the outset, like, how many people from Glee can I get together? … We actually started shooting before I had a huge percentage of people cast. This is in conjunction with a casting director, but I had to cast about 70-80 percent of this thing on my phone. It was me calling people and saying, “I have this really goofy thing. We’re homies, can you do me a solid?” So I owe a great debt of gratitude to the people who were game enough to show up to this wacky thing that I’m sure sounded absurd over my pitch on the phone, much less for a platform that they hadn’t heard of yet. The first season of anything is tough, because you have to establish so much.
TVLINE | Well, without giving too much away, the finale does leave things open for a second season. How much thought have you given that? Anytime you write anything, you always think bigger than what’s there. The game, so to speak, of having two songwriters that have to write songs for crazy situations and artists is an endless playground of funny scenarios. We came up with so many ideas for stories, at least five or 10, and then ended up saying, “This is a Season 2 or Season 3 concept. It’s too much out of the gate.” We really had to economize what we threw at our audience, so hopefully we can earn enough interest and trust in these characters and in their hijinks that we can expand the world a little bit in a second season.
TVLINE | On top of that, I feel like it’s a show that could lend itself to social distancing better than some others. A lot of people have been considering that. What is the socially distanced version of our show? With enough creativity, you could definitely do that. I’ve done songwriting sessions from home — FaceTime, Zoom sessions and all that. There is a world where that exists, so who knows? If that happens, you can say you wrote it here first.
All 10 episodes of Royalties‘ first season are available to stream on Quibi. To watch individual music videos on Criss’ YouTube channel, click here.
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hashtag-amf · 4 years
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Welcome to my Tumblr blog. Here I will give my honest opinions and pour out my thoughts about the ideas behind my Wattpad books. You can take inspiration from this blog when you are planning to write a novel. I wanted to write a separate Wattpad book where I could talk about this. But I then decided that I wanted to reach a wider audience, and Tumblr was better suited for this purpose.
Please note: This will be posted in parts every Friday!
Edited by @wayward-heronstairs , @hashtag-amf and Hemingway Editor
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I started my Wattpad journey in May 2016. I was staying at my cousin’s house, and she asked me whether I knew about the app called Wattpad. I had never heard the name before. It was such an odd name for an app, I thought to myself. I was not interested in downloading the app because reading didn't appeal to so much. A few hours later, I downloaded Wattpad. Yay.
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Then came the shocker. I got my first follower. A thin guy with spectacles. I was nervous because I had never been on a social media platform before. I didn't know what to do. I was staring at his profile pic, wondering if he was a psychopath or just crazy enough to follow me on Wattpad. I am anxious like that. I wondered how on earth did he find my account within six hours as I had not posted any stories on Wattpad yet.
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The first book I read on Wattpad was fanfic about 'The Fault in Our Stars.' At that time, I had no idea what fanfic was. I picked that book to read because I had watched TFIOS twice now. Unfortunately, I didn't like the fanfic, so I uninstalled the app the same night.
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Then came December of 2016. It was the Christmas holidays, and I was very tired of studying. I owned that crappy Nokia XL neon green phone. Urgh, that stock Android phone was a nightmare. I downloaded Wattpad and looked for some good books to read. At that time, Midika Crane’s books were a huge hit. Her books had those dark black and white covers were guys with eight pack abs stared out of the cover at the reader. At first, I hated the cover because I thought she hadn't done a great job of selecting a good cover for the book. I remember clicking on 'Alpha Kaden', a currently published novel. I had spent half an hour on one page trying to decipher what was written. Halfway through the Prologue and I couldn't read more. Her professional level of writing was not understandable by me.
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When I was halfway done with Midika’s book, I added ‘She’s With Me’ by Ava Violet to my Wattpad reading list. It was such an amazing book. I loved reading it. It was about Amelia who was running away from her past. She had enrolled herself in the school. I don’t remember the name because I read it a long time back) and she meets the heartthrob of the school and his friends. The story was like a cliché romance novel but what stood out was Amelia’s back story.
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After reading more than 90 books on Wattpad I decided to make a writing debut on Wattpad. I spent more time reading Wattpad books than studying. I would read Wattpad books in the canteen, the student's study room, at home when my mom wasn't watching. It was addicting. In 2017, the first book I wrote was a fanfic of Hellboy, the 2004 film. I never imagined myself writing fanfiction about a movie I was so scared to watch. As a child, I was so terrified of that movie that the moment I saw Hellboy on the screen, I would look away in fear. All that I remember as a kid was the scene from the second installment of the movie 'The Golden Army'. He was holding twin infants wrapped in a white blanket. There was some sort of fantasy creatures running around the street. Hellboy was spot on with his aim, that she shot them with his gun.
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Then in May 2014, I got a chance to watch Hellboy on the television again. As a teenager, I wasn't scared of him anymore, but I was more intrigued by it. I loved that movie so much that I had a crush on John Myers (Rupert Evans). He was 'the dude that didn't get the girl', you know. I empathized with him as he took so much trouble by fighting alongside Hellboy. He deserved more.
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Later in the movie, the professor tells John that he is dying, and Hellboy needs someone in his absence. In the movie, Hellboy treated Myers like trash. He is more of a nanny and less of an FBI Agent. And because of this, Myers tells the professor that he cannot stay at the BRDP any longer. The professor tells him that he chose him for a reason as he saw potential in Myers. He adds that in many medieval stories there is a white night and Myers was that. He tells him to take care of Hellboy after he passes away.
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Another reason why I felt like writing fanfic was that Myers and Liz's chemistry was so adorable. He tried his best to flirt with Liz (Selma Blair). I hoped that he and Liz ended up as a couple. But Hollywood movies are unkind to side actors. So, when Hellboy got the girl, my heart dropped. My heart couldn't handle it. I was screaming at this heartbreaking injustice. I was like, this man needs a girl. I had to make a way to help him get the girl so that I didn't have this heaviness building inside me.
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Above: Rupert Evans as John Myers in Hellboy (2004)
And thanks to being a Wattpad writer, I came up with my own story. I named it Hellboy 3. The reason for keeping this title was because of Hellboy: The Golden Army released in 2008. I didn’t want to confuse readers about which Hellboy movie the fanfic was about. I researched Wikipedia thinking that Rupert Evans had reprised his role as John Myers in it, but I was wrong. As per Wikipedia reports, Evans was filming ‘The Kiss of a Spiderwoman’ so he couldn’t be a part of the movie.
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Writing the fanfic was challenging. I was stumbling through the dialogues and the scenes. I thought that this will not get more than 20 chapters, but if I am not wrong, it surpassed 20 chapters. The story got some likes, some encouraging comments, but then I was not happy with my writing. I deleted it.
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In 2017-ish, I wrote another story about vampires. I wrote down the story on one of the leftover books I had in my drawer. I had a good time writing it as it was one of my original stories. I made my original characters, a mythical place cursed by time. I named it ‘The Kingsmen’. Then after I had filled half of the pages by writing, I decided it was time to edit. I posted it on Wattpad. I published the chapters with no updating schedule. After surpassing fifteen chapters, I deleted the book because the grammar was awful. I felt I was adding unnecessary commas after the dialogues. I didn't have someone to edit the story, and I also had this nagging suspicion that my mom knew I wasn't studying. I hated college because I would get tired, and the studies bored me to the core. I studied for the heck of it. Everything was fine when one fine day, I forgot the password to my Wattpad account.
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It was hell on earth. Panic rose within me. It was like the end of the world was near. I tried to calm myself down. I had to remember the password. I felt that I was such a miserable person for forgetting a simple thing as a password. I tried password recovery. I scourged my Gmail account for the recovery link, but Wattpad wasn't sending the link. At that time, Wattpad was super slow when it came to sending recovery links for passwords. I remember Wattpad sent me recovery passwords five hours later. Wattpaders know that logging via recovery link is time-sensitive. When I clicked the link, Wattpad said that the link wasn't valid. I did this three times till my patience wore me out.
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I was devastated. I had put so much of my heart and soul while writing that book. It was my baby, and now the account was gone….I didn't cry. Thank God I didn't cry. I was sad. It felt like someone took a piece of my heart away from me and didn't return it.
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This is how it looked:
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In January 2018, I made a new account on Wattpad. Now I have written down all the passwords in a notebook, not going to repeat the mistake.
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Okay! This was the end of part one. Tell me how you liked it!!
By the way, I got the chance to watch Hellboy (2004) on the television today. John Myers is such a cutie!! Please check my latest IG highlights for the video. I cannot embedded the video on Tumblr :( 
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chenoehi · 5 years
The number of jikook accounts I’m seeing that still follow thisheartsmadefullmetal after she pulled her shit and disrespected Jungkook in that disgusting post is sickening to me. What the fuck is wrong with you people or are you genuinely ignorant of what she did and what she really is.
Sorry. But,
Really? Really. Alright. I didn’t follow some of you big accounts which I won’t name here, thank god, mostly because I already didn’t like you and for good reason I guess but I am very disappointed in the blogs I do still follow and the one I’ve already named which I just unfollowed because all I’ve been doing lately is losing good blogs but I guess an unfollow spree can lead to a new follow spree and a search for unproblematic favorites.
EDIT: the blog name has been removed for reasons below.
I just have to ask you guys one question first: is Jungkook only good for one half of a ship? Because if that's all, if that's where your interest starts and ends, then don't even call yourself OT7 or ARMY or whatever else you want to call yourself. We talk all the time about how TKs use JK for their own ship and shit on him if it means diminishing his bond with JM, but what about jikookers? A big Jimin bias account spews hate toward JK in a way she's never done toward the other members before, but nearly has, and ? She deletes the post, ignores the criticism, and moves on, and 'jikookers' who follow her continue to lap up her melodrama. So, you guys don't really care all that much about JK aside from the fact that he and Jimin look cute together and sometimes he takes those cute videos and photos of your bias. I see.
Tumblr is a refuge for me, it should be like a breath of fresh air after being on Twitter a little bit which is fun for a hot minute but can become suffocating,
and then I come on here and the first fucking post I see on my tl is a reblog of a post from thisheartsmadefullmetal after seeing that bitch’s posts come up on my tl every day the last couple of weeks
But uwu she posted a cute photoset with Jimin and sunsets.
See, THAT’S where it’s appropriate to say shit like, “You guys don’t deserve x member.” In this case, none of you fuckers who still follow her knowing what she did, NONE of you deserve Jungkook or really any of the other members of Bangtan because if you also forgot:
- she’s called Taehyung a fake friend and insinuated that Taehyung plays their bond up for the camera
- she’s criticized Bangtan numerous times when it comes to Jimin as her way of showing “support” for her favorite
- she basically went on attack mode over MAMA 2018 because “Bangtan didn’t comfort Jimin when he was crying which obviously means they don’t give a shit about him”
- she’s perpetuated the narrative that the only people who care about Jimin are his solo stans, pjms, even at the exclusion of Bangtan because of course, you know, they’re all self-serving assholes and take advantage of his kindness and gentle nature
- she’s written 2k word monologues about her dependence on Jimin and how he’s the source of her happiness
- she’s perpetuated this destructive, highly toxic myth that A. Jimin is this fragile porcelain doll who will just break into a million pieces if anyone criticizes him or is mean to him (thus the reason why his fans are needed, they must come to his defense) and B. that the very sight of this 23-year-old MUSICIAN and CELEBRITY crying will be too much to bear for his fans and will break them into a million pieces because that’s how fragile their psyches are and so is he and they're all going to just melt into a puddle together and drown in their tears
And you bet your ass, if you don’t help trend a hashtag for him or drain a pint of blood for him if he needed it you might as well just leave the fandom.
You’re all a fucking disgrace.
I’m personally done with that shit. I'll most likely unfollow anyone who reblogs posts from her directly because that either means you follow her or you're just finding her in the tags and regardless I don't want to see her posts or support a blog who supports her. And yes, following someone like that who is toxic and dangerous and mentally and emotionally unstable and who is and has been openly hateful toward Bangtan in favor of Jimin, acting like an akgae, a toxic solo stan, yes ma’am and yes sir, you are supporting that behavior so you are just as bad. Actually, you’re worse than she is because at least she’s just delusional and that’s what her problem is. What’s your excuse?
I don’t reblog any posts from her anymore, even ones that have been shared by others, just because that’s my stance and I don’t even want to see her name on my blog after what she did; I only reblogged one of her’s once recently and that was to make a point and add to another post about how toxic she was being. 
But still following her after she wrote that disgusting post, deleted it (I have the screenshots and I posted about it, in fact, it’s my top post), never said a fucking word about it, and then moved on like everything was hunky dory, like her shit doesn’t stink, like she’s fucking invincible? Well, how else should she feel when her legion of followers keep bumping along behind her like little ducks. And when the Jungkook post business blew up? That was pretty big. Pretty hard to miss as it was posted all over the jikook tags and she tags other ships too. I’ll have a hard time believing people who say the really didn’t know about it.
Anyway. Maybe soon I’ll get to scroll through my tumblr feed and not get pissed off, once I’ve unfollowed all the people still following her. That would be nice.
But just to save some time: I don’t care how many followers I have and I don’t care how many blogs I follow anymore either. I want a positive experience on here for myself and I don’t give a shit what it looks like. But it’s not going to include her posts. So like last time, if you see this post and you follow thisheartsmadefullmetal and happen to be following me, unfollow me please right now. If you follow her and don’t follow me, block me please right now.
Regardless, if you follow that account and intend to keep following that account, all I can say is shame the fuck on you.
EDIT: This post needs to be edited to remove the other account I mentioned, tumblr is just spitting out my edits. They do not follow this toxic blog. I mentioned in a separate post earlier that I wasn't sure because it was brought to my attention you can just reblog from random accounts when surfing tags; I don't surf the tags anymore and I had a dumbass moment, I assumed they followed the account, and now I know. I've apologized for jumping the gun on that.
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imchick · 4 years
November 24, 2019, the most magical day of my life. ❤
Okay! Hard part is over! 😛 I don’t really like being the center of attention and all. You might say it’s the same since everyone will still be looking at us the entire time. But, with the other half, the reception — people are more relaxed. Everyone will be dancing, talking to each other, singing and eating their hearts out! So, less judging and critical eyes on us. 😀
Our Reception was held at Aquila Crystal Palace. It’s about 30 – 40 minutes from our Ceremony. We had time to relax and just talk to each other in the car on the way there. Mind you, we were still with our bride & groom assistants.
To give you a preview – here’s what it looked like. ❤
BUT BUT BUT! Before we get to that, let’s go back to the start. Shall we? While we were taking our post-nup pictorial, we prepared welcome snacks and drinks for our guests!
Our supplier for this Gabrielle’s Appetizer. We prepared 200 mini sandwiches (cucumber & kani, chicken salad, tuna salad, egg & bacon), 150 mini burgers (chicken and beef), 200 crostinis (gorgonzola bacon, goat cheese & fig ham, prosciutto & brie, smoked salmon) and 2 gallons of cucumber lemonade
I’m so happy to be hearing good feedback from our guests! Their favorites? the mini burgers! But before they can eat, they will pass by our Signages!
I’m proud to say that I designed all the layouts, with the help of my husband, of course. ❤ We decided to maintain the theme of our invitation – White Marble is such a classic and classy design. Aside from the welcome signage, I wanted to add a little extra! – An Infographic of our love story. ❤
While others are eating or taking a photo in our photobooth, we also prepared some games before everything starts!
I personally created a Word Search Game with Startbucks GC for their prizes! I devised a personalized puzzle with words that have roles or connected to our relationship. For instance – Management Trainee (we were both Management Trainees in a bank. This is how we met) 😀 Everything is so much more special when it is personalized. Do you agree?
Before they officially enter the reception area, I also insisted that I wanted a signage for their Seating Arrangement:
I’m definitely proud of this! I’m a huge, huge fan of F.R.I.E.N.D.S! I insisted to insert the friends theme in our seating arrangement! The heading is The One Where We got Married (just like how all their titles are worded). ❤ I also named our tables with all the memorable lines / quirks of the series such as Pivot, Big Fat Goalie, How you Doin and etc.
I also asked our host to ask our guests whether they know what theme our seating arrangement is. I prepared a FRIENDS themed prize also, which I bought online (a Friends Door Keychain).
The One thing that will welcome our guests upon entering the place is our Animated Monogram.
At first, I wanted a White Background with Gold font for our names. But our coordinator pointed out that I may not be seen if the background is also white. 😛 So, we decided to switch to Dark Green, still in line with our theme. ❤
Okay! So when we arrived at the scene, it’s time for our make-up retouch and time to fill our stomach with the incredible feast we chose for our guest. ❤ It was really delicious. While we were having our early dinner, there’s another game inside the reception: TRIVIA GAME where we gave out bags of chocolates for every correct answer. Some of the questions were: First movie together, Who said I love you first, Term of Enderament, Favorite Series Marathon food. (Some of the answers to the questions were posted in our Infographic) 😀 Clever. Huh?
Initally, we wanted the Fireworks at the end of the program. But we were also hesitant to schedule it after since it was Sunday and our guests might leave early.
Proven! Guests really do enjoy the fireworks! It also elevates your event! ❤ After the fireworks, guests were asked to return to their seats for the Grand Entrance. 😛
Our Bridal Squad were introduced in the tune of Dura by Daddy Yankee. while our Groom Squad danced to Boneless by Steve Aoki. 
As you can see, our male squad is definitely more coordinated with Matt Stefanina dance moves. Hence, they won the challenge of who’s better. 😛
Followed by the entrance of our esteemed entourage, our Prenup / Save the Date Video was shown to all of our guests.
And our Grand Entrance in the tune of Good Life by One Republic, inspired by our Wedding Hashtag of #itsJANNAbeaJUDElife transalated as It’s gonna be a good life.
TIP: Please please be witty enough to think of your own wedding hashtags! One, it’s simply fun. Two, it will encourage your guests to use your hashtag. Three, you’ll have an easier time in collating pictures and videos related to your event if it’s clear that YOU are the only ones using it instead of #JudeandJannaforever or #JudeandJanna2019. Maximize the power of hashtag!
For our Grand Entrance, we decided to use our Indoor Fireworks (which is not shown in the photo) plus this heart shaped confetti free of charge from our Coordinator. ❤
Followed quickly by our entrance, we gave a bit of our opening remarks to our family, friends and loved ones who celebrated with us.
Our first ever dance as a married couple is in the tune of Say you won’t let go by James Arthur. 🙂  This is also the song I was singing to when he proposed. ❤ This song is really special. ❤ Again, there were Indoor Fireworks and confetti as well.
Wedding Traditions followed such as Cake Cutting and Wine Toasting!
Our 3 tier carrot cake is designed with pure white with gold highlights with huge floral appliques. It’s so good! I’m actually sad that we forgot that it was in our ref.
The wine that we toasted is free from our package with Aquila Crystal Palace. If I remember it correctly, it was not hard because I finished it instantly. ❤
My sister, one  of the Matrons of Honor started the speech followed by my Brother in law and finally, my Best friend ended the speeches by inviting everyone to offer a toast for our marriage. ❤
After the long speeches, it’s time for the most awaited time of our guests! Dinner time. ❤ The cousins of my groom, Seth and Yohan led the prayer.
While the guests were eating or in line to get their food, some of the music that we chose to be played are the following: The way you look tonight, Collide, The last time, if I ain’t got you, Everything, Perfect and Close to you among others.
Well, you know how this goes already. . .  . . before they can even line up to the buffet, they all have to take a picture with us. ❤ Here are some of them.
While eating, another batch of Speeches coming from our Principal Sponsors.
Principal Sponsor speeches! We had to choose one from each of our side. My God mother, sister of my father gave a speech while it was a Family friend from the Groom’s side. After the speeches, a couple of games again — which is the second best game! Minute to Win It – Wedding edition. ❤
So we filmed a one time, one shot games of: Segregate it, Pingpong Ball, Shoot the Ball etc. Each table have to guess who won whether it’s the Bride and the Groom! Everyone turned out to be competitive at this part. ❤
After an interactive game, it’s the Parent Dances!
We decided to dance simultaneously to the tune of You are so Beautiful by Joe Cocker. 😀 I was scaring my dad and reminding him of their speech! 😛 while I think my mother in law is having the best time dancing with his son. ❤
After a bit serious of dances, it’s fuckin time for another game! Another game? We can never miss out on Single’s Game! To get the suspicion out of their minds, our host called them like they are about to receive a prize.
Men are lined up in front – a music is played and whoever dances the right move first gets to seat down! The following music were played – Watch me whip, Soulja Boy, Teach me How to Dougie, Gangnam, Level Up, Stayin Alive, Thriller and Can’t Touch this.
Then whoever doesn’t dance, will remain in front and the ladies will start searching for the safety pin. The lady who doesn’t find a single pin, loses. ❤
The losers  of both games, or rather the last man and woman standing wins a Starbucks GC which they can use to go on their ‘date’ – a little matchmaker doesn’t lose its touch on weddings!
It’s my husband’s colleague and one of my closes high school friend! ❤ And after this fun game, our host now calls on both of our parent’s for the wise words.
It’s the Welcome to the Family speech! It’s such a cliche but really overwhelming. It warms your heart, right? I felt really happy to hear it goes both ways. ❤ I have no better way of saying this but it felt really good.
Before the night is over, we prepared some awards to be given to our guests.
Cool Tito Award (right picture) and Fab Tita Award where we award the Best Dressed one – we gave them Wine and a Tefal Pan. ❤ We also awarded Dressed to Kill (Upper Right) for the Best Dressed Millenial and we gave them a 6-pack beers and a Make Up Kit.  Lastly, we gave out a Grand Prize (Lower Right) for the best picture and handed them a powerbank.
Then we played our On Site Photo and our Save the Date Video. ❤
Look at our faces!! ❤ Our Photo Team is led by TJ of Timoteo Photo and our SDE was created by Mac by Stories by Supermac! Extremely in awe, hearts bursting with joy and overwhelmed with gratitude and love. ❤
Before our night ends, we said our Thank yous and invited them for a night full of dancing and drinking!
Look at our ceiling treatment filled with an all white embellishments and gold highlights and black draping to make our ceiling pop out! ❤
The night ends as mentioned, with drinking and dancing! ❤ ❤ ❤
Our last picture before our guests go back to Manila! First up, my colleagues!
My brother and his girlfriend before they fled out of the scene. 😛 Haha. Next? Our Wedding Buddies, one week apart and now, we’re all married. ❤
I always come in threes, Don’t I? And Of course, My Bestfriends since High School.
It always put a smile on my face when I see my friends from different groups come together like this. 🙂
And before this day ends, I need a picture with my husband. ❤
I love you so much, husband! ❤ ❤ It’s been five months and it’s still the Best Day of My Life. ❤ 
EVERYDAY: Our Wedding (Reception) November 24, 2019, the most magical day of my life. ❤ Okay! Hard part is over! 😛 I don't really like being the center of attention and all.
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wonderingarmy · 5 years
Prince Jeon Jungkook Part 3
Links - Part 1   Part 2
It’s been a couple months since Jungkook last talk to you. The other members’ relationship with their other halves seems to be getting better except for him. He knows he f*cked up so much that he doesn’t even know how to apologize or if you’ll even forgive him. The day after the confrontation, you submitted your two weeks notice. You tried to finish editing all of the BTS’ RUN episodes that’s under your direction and a music video. Jungkook tried to reach you, but you begged Bang PD to have him stay away from you, which he understood. He tried to call you many times, but you blocked him. He also tried to go to your place, but you don’t live there anymore.
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“You should try to focus more on the tour Jungkook-ah”, RM told Jungkook after noticing that he’s giving himself a hard time. Working out extra, tiring himself out and barely eating.
“I’ll be okay Namjoon-hyung.”, he replied. “I am just really trying hard to get her off of my mind. And it’s really hard. I know I messed up so much. I am just really disappointed of myself. I can’t believe I did that to her. I wasn’t thinking hyung. I should’ve listened to Jimin-hyung. To everyone.”
“We all make mistakes, stupid mistakes. I mean, yours was really really, way stupid. But, you know what? At least you admit to it. And you stopped talking to Kumi.”
“I feel bad for Kumi too. What the hell is wrong with me?”
“I don’t know man. But, I hope you learned from your mistakes. I hope you get a chance to talk to Y/N again and I hope she forgives you.” Namjoon said, tapping Jungkook's shoulder.
Jungkook always talks about how he messed up so bad with you during his live broadcasts. A lot of fans asked him about you every time he goes live. How they don’t see him with you anymore and some people stopped being a fan of him. But, most fans, who’s been there since BTS debut have comforted him and told him that everyone makes mistakes and that they wish for you and Jungkook to be in good terms again. A lot of fans like you for Jungkook because they know how much you make him happy. And though, they didn’t like what Jungkook did to you, they still support him and the members.
As time passes by, Jungkook got tired of always being asked about you, especially during live interviews. Everyone already knows that he messed up, that he is childish, and that he doesn’t know what he wants in life.
“Uhhmn, I am sorry to interrupt”, Yoongi replied to one of the host of one of the famous show in the US, when they were asked about their relationship status. “How about we talk about our music and not about our personal lives.” he continued tapping Jungkook’s, who is sitting beside him, lap and smiling,  assuring him that he got him.
The interviewer apologized and tried to change the topic. The members, although happy with their own love lives, doesn’t really want to talk about their relationship with their other halves, especially when they know what Jungkook’s situation is in and how he feels left out when they talk about how they’re happy with their girlfriends.
Jungkook went on hiatus for a long time. He stopped posting a selca and stopped going on live broadcasts, even just to bother Jin and Jimin during Eat Jin. The fans noticed how he stopped being the playful Jungkook that he is during his stage performances. He started to look like he wasn’t interested in what he is doing and just not the same as before. Fans noticed that he’s been getting sick a lot lately too, and getting injured frequently.
“JK, I know you’re going through a lot of things right now, but please start taking care of yourself. You don’t want the fans to be worried about you.” Taehyung tol Jungkook one time during rehearsals and JK hurt his wrist.
“I just don't know what to do anymore, hyung”, he replied.
“You have to move on Jungkook-ah.” Hoseok said.
“Yeah, nobody heard from her and who knows where she’s at right now.” Jimin added.
“How about let's get some jajangmyeon and I’ll pay with my card? At least food doesn’t hurt us. Unless Namjoon cooks it, then ah, that’s heartbreaking even just thinking about it.”
Everyone laughed, except for Jungkook who just managed to smile a little.
After the last concert of their World Tour, before doing his speech, Jungkook started crying. The fans started cheering for him.
“Ah guys, I don’t really know where to start. First of all, I want to say sorry for not giving you the performance that you deserve.” Jungkook explained in between sobs. “As most of you all know, I am going through tough times. I have messed up five months ago. I did something terrible to the person that I really love. It’s hard to find a reason why I did it, which makes me feel like I am a really bad person.”
The members started to tap his back and letting him know that he is doing great and that they’re behind him no matter what happens.
“If only I had the power to turn back time and make everything okay again, I would. But, I am just Jungkook and I just messed things up, like how I keep on messing up this concert for my members and for all of you who put so much effort into coming here to watch us perform live. I am sorry to all of you guys. I hope you guys understand me and I hope to be better soon.” He broke down crying and the members started coming towards him and trying to comfort him.
“Ah, to that person that got heartbroken because of JK, please forgive him.” Hoseok said
“Yes please. He’s learned his lesson. Just give him a chance to make everything right.” Jin followed.
After the concert, a video of Jungkook crying has started to trend on social media along with a hashtags, #Y/NPleaseGiveJKaChance, #JKsaysSorry, and #YNJKSaysSorry.
You didn't feel like going out to get a pack of eggs at the grocery store at 9 in the morning but you really need it in order to achieve your first baking lesson on your own.
"I can't believe I forgot to get eggs! One of the main ingredients in baking." you muttered to yourself as you grabbed your coat and head out to your apartment.
After quitting Bighit, you applied at a local studio, where they do photoshoots and films for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. It's not much pay, but you still save up some money. It's 45 minute train ride away far from where you used to live.
When you got to the grocery store, you noticed a familiar face. Kumi. You were about to walk out when he ran after you.
"Y/N, wait!" she said so loud some of the customers was startled.
You stopped and not really knowing what to say.
"Hey Y/N, I know I did something really bad to you but is it possible for us to you know, talk somewhere?" she asked her, holding her hands together.
"Kumi, I am really----"
"Y/N, that excuse is overused now. I just really need to talk to you. I mean, just please hear a sister out?"
"A sister?" you scoffed.
"Okay, okay. I did you wrong. And I don't have the right to talk to you whatsoever but, can we please just talk?" she asked again
"Fine. But, make it quick." you replied after hearing the sincerity in her voice.
You walked out of the grocery store and went to a nearby coffee shop. As soon as you both find a good spot to sit down, she started explaining herself.
"Y/N, I know what I did was wrong. I know that you and Jungkook have something. And I want to let you know that it's all my fault." she began. "I am a big fan of Jungkook that's why I applied at Bighit, and luckily I got the job. I knew that he liked you and that he is courting you, but me being selfish didn't stopped me from doing what I wasn't supposed to do. I flirted with him and did it when you are around to make you jealous, so that you'll get fed up with it. Everything I did went over my head and I didn't care about your feelings. I brainwashed him, telling him that he doesn't have any chance with. Because well, you are older than him and that you like more mature guys. And he fell for it. Y/N, Jungkook is still young and vulnerable. But he loves you." she stopped looking at you.
"Why are you telling me all of these?" You asked "Whatever is between me and Jungkook is far long gone. It's over and I prolly won't see him ever again."
"I am telling you because after you left him in that parking lot, I saw how devastated he is. I tried to comfort him for days and weeks and he is just not getting back to his old self. And I realized that everything was my fault. That he loves and cares for you and if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have been like that. I liked Jungkook, but I don't want to be with someone who doesn't like me." she said, tears starting to fall down her cheeks. "I fucked up Y/N. I fucked up so bad, I left Bighit too. I got so obsessed with Jungkook I became a saesang. I am so disgusted with myself. You didn't even do anything to me. But I hurt you, and I hurt Jungkook too." Now she is full on crying that some customers looked your way with worried face.
You handed her a napkin and said, "How can you say that Jungkook doesn't like you? I saw the way you kissed each other"
"But he doesn't look at me the way he looks at you Y/N" she said wiping her tears with the napkin that you gave her. "When he looks at you, it's like you're his galaxy, like you're the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Like his happiness lays in your eyes. He loves you Y/N. He made a mistake and it's my fault. He's a man, and he is vulnerable. It's easy for him to make that mistake."
"Being a man doesn't give him the right to hurt anybody's feelings just because of his needs." you said.
"Y/N, you're not even his girlfriend yet!"
"Exactly Kumi! I am not his girlfriend yet, and look what he did?"
"For fuck's sake Y/N! just forgive him. Have you seen him lately? He is at his worst and he regrets everything that he's done you. He hasn't been doing great and the members and fans are worried about him. It's been months Y/N! Months that he's like that! it's not healthy anymore. You need to talk to him or I am dragging your ass to their dorm right at this moment!" she said, she talked so fast that she had to catch her breath.
"Why? Why are you doing this?" you asked again, not really knowing what to say anymore.
"Because I know you still love him and that you still care about him. Because he loves you and I want to make up from my mistakes and I want you guys to end up together. You love him Y/N. You just don't want to admit it".
You started crying and you told her that you still do love him and that you hate herfor doing what she had done and that you were so jealous you wanted to punch her in the face.
She smiled and said, "I am really sorry Y/N. And I mean it. Maybe I have to be in the picture for you to realize that you need to give him a chance and for you to realize that you love him."
You looked at him and started thinking that maybe she is right. You didn't really realize how much you love Jungkook until Kumi happened.
For the next couple of weeks you thought about everything that Kumi told you. You watched the videos of Jungkook crying in concerts and saying how he messed up. You feel bad and then you don't and you just lay in bed just feeling sorry for yourself and for Jungkook.
You woke up one day with a knock on your door. You grabbed your robe and with a messy hair opened the door but shut it back when you found out who it was.
"Y/N, let's talk please?" it was Jungkook. "I am not leaving until you talk to me"
"How did you--" you yelled, but realized the answer to your question. "Go away Jungkook!"
"I am not leaving Y/N. If I leave, it will be the last time."
"Fuck!" you said to yourself. "How am I going to work now?"
After 3 hours, Jungkook is still outside your apartment. You called your work and asked to be excused for the day as something came up.
You kept on peeking outside your window and you can see him just sitting on the ground looking so cold with just his hoodie on.
"Shit! Today's forecast is wind and snow!" you said again to yourself. "Oh well, he'll leave when he gets too cold."
Snow came and heavy winds around 5pm and Jungkook stayed outside. He was trying to warm his hands with his breath, but you know it's not going to help. After almost an hour, he still outside, shaking and looking like he's about to pass out.
Before you know it, you were outside with a big coat you hope fits him.
"Are you trying to kill yourself?" you asked angrily
He looked up, smiled and said your name. He tried to get up but he fell instead. You struggled to get him inside your apartment, but you noticed that he's lost weight. When you finally got him inside, with a little bit of his help and he fell on the couch. You grabbed some thick blankets, your portable heater and you checked his temperature as he is burning hot. He is shaking so bad that you couldn't understand what he's trying to say. You grabbed some medicines from your cabinet and helped him drink it. After half an hour, he fell asleep. You made some soup and watched him close at the same time, scared that he might stopped breathing. After a couple of hours, his fever went down. You fell asleep watching him, you head laying on the couch where he is sleeping.
When you woke up, Jungkook was staring at you.
"Good morning." he said, smiling
You stood up suddenly and wipe whatever disgusting thing is on your face.
"Thank you for letting me in and for taking care of me Y/N", he said
"Yep.", is your only reply.
Jungkook got up on the couch, struggling from all the blankets that you gave him, and moved closer to you. You froze when he held your hand.
"I am sorry Y/N. For all the bad things I did to you. For hurting you. I was childish, I wasn't thinking. I was selfish. And I have learned my lesson. I promise to be a better person." he said, his voice still weak
"Jungkook, I--"
"I am not expecting you to forgive me Y/N. I just really want you to know how sorry I am."
"Jungkook, you hurt me so much that I thought something is wrong with me. I don't know if I will ever forgive you for doing what you had done to me."
"I am sorry Y/N. I wish I could turn back time and I promise to make everything right. I love you Y/N. I love you and I was so stupid to hurt you."
When you didn't say anything, Jungkook said, "Thank you for letting me inside again and for taking care of me. I owe you a lot. I came here to say sorry and like I said I don't expect you to forgive me. I won't forgive myself too if I were you. So, I am leaving now. And I am really sorry Y/N. But, I hope in time, I hope you will try to forgive me." he said. He opened the door and left.
You sat on the couch and stayed there for a good 5 minutes, thinking the would've beens if you forgive him. After arguing with yourself, you opened your door and ran after him. When you finally saw him, you yelled his name and he stopped and looked at you.
When you reached him, "Y/N." he said.
"If you fucked this up again Jungkook, I swear to God, i am going to burn you alive", you said trying to catch your breath
He hugged you and said, " I won't Y/N. I won't hurt you again. I am so sorry." He cupped your head with his both hands and said, "Hurting you is like suicide. I won't fuck this up again Y/N. I promise!" he kissed you and before you know it, you were kissing him back, tears falling down both your cheeks.
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