#i forgot he was a canuck for a while. not tagging them cause you can barely see the canuck logo in the last pic
hauntedppgpaints · 1 year
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i wouldn't have it any other way (3/8)
(x. x. x. x.)
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freerebelmentality · 5 years
Its the most wonderful time of the year
AN: Ok, I know this took me a really long time to get this done and FINALLY HAVE THIS POSTED. But I ran into personal stuff and finally my laptop broke and I got it fixed and now I have it. YAY!!! Anyways this was requested during the time of the World Junior Tournament when it was hosted in Vancouver. I am so sorry but I finished it. Anyways!!! The request was  “Can I request a Jacob Markstrom fic/imagine? They’ve been dating for a while until the world juniors happen. He’s off for a very long road trip and reader stays behind in Vancouver. She decides to attend a few games then attends throughout the duration of the tournament. Jacob tried calling and texting but she just doesn’t hear her phone. He thinks she’s cheating and when he gets back he distance himself from her. Until she straightens everything out. Is that too much?”
Word Count: 2,885
Its the most wonderful time of the year. The World Junior Tournament is whats wonderful and taking over the cities of Vancouver and Victoria.
Which means the Canucks will be off on a long road trip and that also means your boyfriend will be away as well.
Its Christmas Day and you spend as much time with your boyfriend as you can along with his family. Its not every day he sees them and you’ve always loved his moms company.
“Y/n do you want to come with me on this road trip?” Jacob asks while his family is surrounded the both of you in the living room.
“I would love to but I think I will just stay behind and catch up on some work” you reply wishing you would tag along for the road trip
“Its going to be a long one, you think you will be able to handle it?” his mom asks looking to you.
“I think I will survive these two weeks without him. At the same time I get to spend time with you and my family” you reply while giving a smile to Lena.
“Alright, that sounds good to me. I’ll call as much as I can and we can FaceTime” Jacob replies while wrapping his arm around you.
After dinner is done and you help clean the kitchen with his mom and sister in law. When done the cleaning, you make the coffee and bring out the cake you made.
A treat before going to bed and having to say good bye to your boyfriend the next day.
You look to his sleeping form and smile to yourself. As you smile it begins to fade, a reminder in just a few hours he will be off on a very long road trip and how you debated about packing as well.
“No, I really need to catch up on work” you thought to yourself as you roll over and go to bed.
You feel an arm pulling you closer and being wrap around the person you love. Oh how you were going to miss this.
You wake up early the next day, you wake Jacob up as well and he begins packing. You walk out of the room to prepare breakfast and coffee.
You make a plate for your boyfriend while you see his mom walk into the kitchen
“Is Jacob getting ready?” Lena asks while getting herself a cup
“Yeah, he is just packing and Im getting this plate ready for him” you reply and you hear someone walking into the kitchen
“There are my two favourite women” Jacob says as he gives his mom a side hug and gives her a peck to the forehead.
He goes towards you and does the same
“There is my favourite man in the world” you reply while giving into the embrace
“Are you just about ready?” you ask while finishing up your coffee and food
“I am ready, my bags are by the door” he replies while placing his cup and plate into the sink.
He gives them a rinse and places them in the dishwasher but you were going to do the dishes. Anything to pass time.
You also thought about cleaning the whole house. One day wash the walls in the living room, The next will be the windows, the next will be washing the walls in the rooms. Again just to pass the time.
“Ok we better get going. Mom you coming?” Jacob asks looking to his mom
“No, I will just say my farewells from here. Take care son” she says while giving him a hug.
His brother and sister in law come down and say their farewells as well along with with his niece. Oh how they looked cute together.
Once the both of you get to the airport is when you see the other wives and girlfriends saying their farewells.
“Last chance to change your mind” he says while looking to you.
“I’ll wait for you here” you giggle while hugging him
“Alright, I’ll call once we get to our hotel” he says while giving you a kiss
“I’ll be waiting” you reply and give into the kiss
“You two are gross, get a room” Jake Virtanen says as he passes by the both of you.
“Oh be quiet or else I will hip check you” you teasingly reply.
He gets a chuckle out of that playful threat.
“I’ll keep an eye on him for you” Jake says while giving you a hug
“Thanks” you reply while pulling away from the hug
“Babe, make sure he stays out of trouble” you tell Jacob as he gives you a nod and a smile
Ever since moving to Vancouver with Jacob, you became really close with Jake. He reminded you of your younger brother and have always remained close with Jake.
He saw you as an older sister he can go to whenever things or life got him down. Or just simply to hang out.
“Well I better go” Jacob says as he gives you one more good bye kiss
You melt right into the kiss and felt a little sad cause its going to be the last for the next two weeks. But you are willing to wait until he got back.
You wait until the plane flies off, like any other time you have dropped him off and waited until the plane was in no sight.
As you see the plane fly off and disappear into the air is when you stood there for a bit longer and finally drove off.
You went back to the house and hung out with his family. You always loved spending time with them and when it was time for them to go back to Sweden, the house felt a lot more emptier and more lonely.
Your family came and went as well and that got you down a little.
Finally you buried yourself in a ton of paper work that needed to be, you didnt have enough time before going on holidays.
Once you completed the work is when you went into the office and filed them away. Your boss is in the office as well, finishing up things before the new year.
“Y/n, finishing up a few things as well?” she asks as she enters your office
“Yes, I didnt have time before going on holidays and now that everyone is gone. I thought I would bury myself in work” you reply while finishing up the filing
“I always knew you are committed” she replies with a smile on her face
She always knew she can count on you to get the work done but never over worked you. She always wanted to give you the time to rest and come back to work refreshed.
“I have these hockey tickets my husband purchased and none of us arent going to be in the country. So I was wondering if you wanted them?” she asks in hopes you would put them into good use
“World Junior tournament tickets?” you ask rather quickly
“Yes they are and have good seats” she replies while pulling out an envelope
“Sure, I think I will put these to use. My friends are coming for a visit and now I have something to entertain them with” you reply while taking the tickets from her hand
“Good, I was getting worried because everyone else either got them or going away” she says with relief
She leaves to head home and get ready to leave for the holidays. You leave as well and go home.
You go to the bus station to pick up your friends that are coming for a visit. Finally go to the airport to get another friend. It felt good to have the house full again, even if that meant only for a few days.
The comes as the first game of the tournament starts, Its game day for team Canada and you were glad you took the tickets from your boss.
“Y/n, Im still surprised your boss even gave you tickets for the tournament” your friend Shandy says while looking at the line up to get into Rogers Arena.
“I am just as surprised as you are. I am so happy for these too” you reply thinking about giving your boyfriend a quick text that you are at the game.
You forget when your friends begin talking about other things that are going on with their lives and the line begins to move.
Finally you and your friends get to your seats while the guys went to get drinks and snacks.
“Y/n, the only one who never drinks when we come to visit” Gabe says as he hands you a water you asked
“Well someone needs to be the designated driver for your drunk asses” you reply thinking back to those times.
“Thats right and why you’re always the smart one” he replies while looking to you.
Finally the game begins.
Jacob tries calling, leaves messages and texts bu they go unaswered.
“Still trying to get a hold of y/n?” Jake asks looking to Jacob
“Yeah, I guess she really buried herself in work” he replies while placing his phone in his pocket amd walks away from him.
He takes a walk by himself to get rid of the ugly thoughts he has of you.
“No, she wouldnt do that to me. No” he thinks to himself while sitting on a bench in a park. He sips his coffee
The unanswered phone calls, texts and facetime have gone throughout the two weeks. Jacob is convinced you are with someone and cheating on him most of the time.
His other teammates and friends from other teams have tried convincing him that you would never do that to him and never got that impression from you at all. But he still isnt convinced. He appreciates the talks though but thoughts still linger.
You and your friends continue going to games, hanging out and checking out the rest of Vancouver. Along with whale watching.
Your phone died and never got the chance to charge it or just completely forgot about it cause you also went to work.
The tournament has come and gone.
Now it was time for your boyfriend to come home. Finally.
You asked one of the other girlfriends when they were landing home and she gave you the time. You drive to the airport 45 minutes early before the expected arrival. You were getting excited for Jacob to finally come home.
“Oh crap, I better charge my phone now” you finally remember and begin charging it.
As your phone begins to charge is when it comes to life, text messages are coming through, voice mails. Sixty text messages and countless of voice mails, which is full. You read every text and begin to feel bad for not charging your phone sooner.
Half of the text that consists of I miss you, good night and I love you. The other half is what are you doing?, why havent you texted or called back?, What are you up to? Is there someone else?
“Fuck” you mutter to yourself
You see the plane land after going through your voice mails and deleting everything. You needed to explain yourself to Jacob.
Finally the plane comes to a stop and finally the guys exit the plane.
Jake sees you first before Jacob can even notice his surroundings.
“Hes not happy with you right now” he says and gets into his truck
You go towards Jacob and give him a big hug, he returns a weak one and begins putting his stuff in the car. As the both of you get into the car, its silent.
“Before we go, can I explain myself?” You ask breaking the silence
“Please by all means” he replies with a stern voice
He really doesnt look happy right now
“Shandy and them came into town and we attended the world junior tournament” you reply while looking to him
“But why couldnt you just return my texts or phone calls” he asks while driving away from the airport
“Because I completely forgot to charge my phone the minute it died. Well until today just before you landed” you tell him looking to him in hopes he will forgive you.
“If you even did go to the games. Where did you even get the tickets? They were all sold out” he says never taking his eyes off the road
“I got them from my boss. Her and her husband were going out of the country for the holidays and she didnt want those tickets to go to waste and gave them to me” you reply while keeping your attention on him
He is beginning to feel a little better but the feeling of you seeing someone else isnt fading. He wants to believe but something else is tugging away.
The rest of the ride was quiet, being at home was quiet and eating dinner was quiet. Going to bed was quiet.
Going to bed without telling each other ‘I love you’
No kisses good night.
Just went to bed
As the days go by you feel hes drifting away from you. The more you explained, the more he didnt believe a word you said. Nothing
At work wasnt great either. You were distracted and everyone can see that.
Your phone begins to ring and you see its Jake. You slide across the screen to answer it.
“You: Hey Jake
Jake: Hey, how are you?
You: Not so great
Jake: Yeah, I figured
You: Thanks
Jake: You arent the only one
You: Right
Jake: You free for lunch?
You: Yeah, since my person isnt going to pick me up nor will he answer my calls or texts
Jake: I know, Im outside your office building”
He hung up on you and you just smiled as you got up and got your jacket. You walk out of the building and get into his truck
“is he talking to you at least?” you ask once you get into his truck
“Nope, not a single word” he replies pulling away from the building
“He thinks I knew that you were messing around but I tried explaining that you wouldnt. I also mentioned that I didnt know nothing and tried convincing him you did absolutely nothing” he adds while looking for a place to have lunch
“This hurts” is all you say and the ride goes silent
He sees the hurt of your face and he doesnt like what he sees. He hates seeing his best friend, his sister hurting. He hates it.
Finally the day ends and the thought of going home was just dreadful. You didnt like the silence at home.
You walk into the house and you see Jacob in the kitchen.
“Y/n can you come into the kitchen please” he says as soon as he hears the door open
Your heart begins to race.
“I am so sorry” he says while looking to you.
You look up and tried not to form any tears
“Shandy called me and she told me everything. I am so sorry for not believing you and pushed you away” he continues while coming closer to you.
His arms wrapped around you felt amazing, finally feeling complete again and finally just being close to him. After so long of being ignored and not touched.
You were already beginning to feel as though the both of you were over and you feared he was going to ask you to move out.
Thankfully he didnt.
A tear streams down your face and you release a soft sob
“I know you said you werent seeing anyone, its just I had this feeling at the pit of my stomach that you were cause you werent answering my calls or anything. That nagging feeling wouldnt go away and I was stupid” he continues while he still holds you in his arms
“I was getting scared that you were going to ask me to move out” you whisper while pulling away from him
“No. No” he says while looking to you.
“I am so stupid, I should have listened to you but no. I am so sorry” he continues
“You arent stupid. You were just scared as I was. I dont want to lose you” you tell him while looking into his eyes
“I dont ever want to lose you either and Im sorry that I drifted from you. I feel incredibly stupid for doing that. I placed myself in a lonely position by doing that” he says while placing a light kiss to your forehead.
The more the both of you talked it out, the more everything started to feel less empty, lonely and more understanding.
“From now on, Im charging my phone right away then waiting till way later to charge it” you say while giving him a kiss to the lips.
“Yes. Or else next time Im kicking your ass to the curb” he jokingly says with a smile
Oh how you loved his smile, the dimples were always your weakness.
“Do you promise?” you ask as you chuckle as well
He pulls you in closer and kisses you. He loved being close with you and he always felt complete.
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