#i found this ask in my drafts idk when you sent it i'm sorry
reallunargift · 2 years
hey lunie can you draw me the stupidest thing that you can think of on the spot thanks lol (lots of love) xox lorin
bold of you to assume everything i post isn't the stupidest thing i can think of on the spot
ok you've made the mistake of giving me free rein, imagine you're learning a new language and Port is your teacher
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tick tock tick tock
don't cheat!!!
ok time's up! here are the answers:
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how many did you get right? :)
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phoebe-delia · 1 year
Hello! I saw a post where you mention prompts. Idk if they are still open or what kind. 👉👈 but I’m humbly asking for Draco with dimples 🙈
When You Smile
@xx-thedarklord-xx Hi hello!! I am very Normal and Nonchalant about getting a prompt from you!! Not at ALL fangirling!! Nope, not one bit!! *screams into a pillow* *kicks feet*
ANYWAY! Here is what I've got. I hope it does your prompt justice. I am very sorry it's so late; I would not blame you if you forgot you even sent this. I am soooo bad at answering prompts in a timely fashion. (I do technically have prompts open indefinitely, of pretty much any kind, but I just cannot guarantee they will be done in a timely fashion. There are prompts in my ask box and drafts from literal years ago, but such is the life of a writer with ADHD, I guess, lol.)
I hope you enjoy!!! And thanks for the prompt!
"Potter, are you even listening to me?"
Harry is pulled from his daze, refocusing his eyes on Draco's now slightly frowning face. Draco glares at him, mouth slanted downward, and that simply won't do.
"Sorry, what were you saying?" Harry says as earnestly as he can, resting his arms next to the library books stacked on the table.
When Harry thought about it, he was fairly certain the first time he was conscious of the flutter in his stomach around Draco was also the first time he noticed—well, it. Draco had been grinning, laughing heartily at something Pansy'd said, and Harry'd seen the sweet, subtle dimple at the corner of his mouth.
That one tiny divot. A small quirk that could be coaxed from his cheek if you made him grin wide enough.
Since then, Harry knew he was a goner.
Now, Draco rolls his eyes, but his lips tick up, and Harry feels a jolt of triumph at seeing the dimple reappear in the corner of Draco's mouth.
"There it is," he whispers, eyes fixated on that precious little mark. He watches as it fades into smooth skin, blinks, and then looks up into confused gray eyes and a furrowed brow.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" Draco reaches up and gently wipes at his cheek, frown deepening when his fingers come up dry. He looks back at Harry. "Well?"
Harry feels his cheeks heat. "Sorry. I got distracted."
"I could tell that much, though I'm not sure what entertainment you could have possibly found on my face. I do hope you had your fun," Draco says bitterly.
"No no, it's not—" Harry glances away, unable to look at Draco. "I just like your smile," he admits to the desk in front of him.
"My smile?"
"Yes." Harry forces himself to meet Draco's eyes. "When you smile, you get a little dimple right—" he reaches up and brushes the corner of Draco's lip with his thumb—"there."
He brushes the spot again, because he can't quite help himself, and pulls his hand away from Draco's shocked face. His palm feels cold.
"Oh," Draco whispers. "Well, I suppose that's alright then."
"Y-yeah?" Harry's breath catches.
Draco reaches across the table, slowly as though to let Harry pull away at any moment, and laces their fingers together.
"Yes," Draco says. And he smiles.
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klutzymaiden123 · 11 days
HII, ok so I finished reading the current chapters of the fanfic and I've got to say, IM IN LOVE. The way you portray Helga's character is amazing like that's exactly the image of her than I had in my head. Of course, I love all the characters but Helga stands out to me the most because of this guilt complex she has and the complexity of her character (idk if that makes sense but I hope it does). I wanted to know if you were including a snippet of Arnold's POV in the chapter(s) your currently working on and I also wanted to know if you were planning on releasing chapter 31 when it's done or releasing it when you already have a clear thought of what chapter 32-35 (guesstimate) are gonna include/look like
THANK YOU SO MUCH. I enjoy writing this story so much and Helga is such a fun and intriguing character to write! Most of the girls are, but Helga is the most challenging and rewarding for me to write, since she's canonically already such a complex character!
And totally, of course! Arnold's POV originally wasn't even apart of the drafts. Their encounter in 28 was supposed to be a lot different, but when I was actually writing it, things spurred out of control. So for Chapter 31, I decided to throw in a scene from his perspective, because even I was like, "What's going on with this kid?" It's definitely my favourite scene in the chapter so don't worry, his POV is still apart of the re-drafts. And the Shortaki will be cranking up from now on!
Chapter 31 will be released when I have finished writing Chapter 32. It's taken so long just because it's quite an intense and emotionally driven chapter. I've had it planned from the start and like Chapter 30, I want to get it exactly right. Good news, I'm already on my third re-write for 32, so even if I go back for a fourth re-write (as I did for 30), 31 will be posted before then! 32-35 have been re-organised and to an extent, they still are, but they're falling really well into place because the inspiration that hit me was HAWT.
But thank you so much for your kindness and your comment! I am happy that you're enjoying this as much as I am! Annnnnd normally, I don't squeeze in snippets into asks, but because this chapter has taken awhile and you guys have been so patient, I'm sharing a portion of Arnold's section in the next chapter. Enjoy!
Years ago, when Helga had walked away from him, Arnold thought that there would only ever be ashes between them. That between them stood a barren wasteland. But she had come back and turned everything back around.
He realised how nonsensical that sounded; she had walked away and yet somehow, he had become lost. It was like she had turned the light out. Or led him deep into a maze then sealed it shut as she abandoned him. There had been a loss carved into his chest and he knew that if he tugged hard enough, it would all lead back to her. The guilt. Maybe it had been his fault; maybe it had always been his fault. It was his words that had caused her to pull back until she was with the shadows. He wanted another go so he could make things right.
He had spent years wondering what would happen if there had been a second chance. Did he want something to happen? What was he supposed to say—sorry that I hurt you? Would that ever be enough? He had searched for words that could match his feelings, but he had never found them. He still hadn’t gotten it right because Helga had always been different from everyone that he ever knew.
So when she turned to repeat what had happened between them years ago, he had acted without thinking. He wrapped his hands around her and pulled her back until she was at his side.
And it was weird. He was touching her and yet, it was her touch that sent sparks shooting across his skin. His heart had been in his throat and he suddenly found it hard to talk. And maybe over the years, he had begun to believe her. Maybe, for as much as he had preached that there was more to Helga Pataki, a part of him had also gotten swept up within her performance. Believed that she was hardened and nothing could affect her. But beneath his fingers, her cheeks had turned into rosebuds, and he remembered that she was nothing like the girl she pretended to be.
And when she had looked at him, something passed between them. Something had been passing between them for a while now. It filled him with that feeling. The feeling that he had only gotten when he was around her—something that welled in his chest and flushed him so warm that he couldn’t help smiling. It happened automatically and without permission. He couldn’t control it. He didn’t know when it had begun, only that it had been getting harder and harder to hold himself back from doing something stupid while in her presence.
It had been happening more and more frequently lately. When the lights became tangled in her hair. When her eyes would lift from the ground into his. When her fingers were wrapped around his arm. When she said his name. When she stood so close that he could smell her hair. Daffodils. He loved that smell. But what had changed? Had anything changed? There had been many times where he had looked at her and thought that she was pretty. Beautiful. And it made Arnold’s cheeks burn. His stomach would dance. But why? Where was all this coming from? And why was he checking his inbox again?
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ktficworld · 2 years
Lavender haze
Pairing: Steve Rogers x f! Reader
Summary: Steve is shy, the girl he likes is shy and Bucky have had enough watching their pinning.
Warnings: fluff, maybe an offensive joke(for the snowflakes)
A/n: this is my opening to ce characters. Idk who's gonna read this but I hope it's good. I almost got a heart attack when this didn't appear in drafts
Main masterlist
Steve Rogers masterlist
I love you Steve Rogers, why aren't you real? ♥️
First time was an accident...
They were coming back from an excruciating mission from Germany and to say he was tried would be an understatement.
His whole body ached, his eyes didn't get a blink of sleep for how long, he didn't know. He was going crash out the moment he reached his room.
The moon shined in the sky as he drove them back to the compound. Steve was in the backseat talking to whoever, he didn't noticed. While Sam was whining in his ears about how exhausted he was, how he beat the shit out of the hydra agents, etc.
Bucky had already tuned out Sam and focused all his energy on driving. Plus, who listens to Sam anyways.
"I'm going straight to bed, after reaching home. " Sam said, barely keeping his eyes open.
"No, we have to go to the debriefing first. " Steve said.
This made Bucky kick the breaks. Making the car come to a stop abruptly. Sam almost hitting his head on the dashboard. He finally snapped from his zombie like trance after listening to this statement.
"Steve are you serious? " Sam asked incredulously.
"I'm not going. " Sam said and threw his in the air.
"Sam" Steve said in a low voice.
"I have been awake for 48 hours! "
"So, am I. "
"You are a super solider, I'm not. I'm going to pass out if I don't sleep. "
Sensing Steve's stubbornness, Bucky turned to his best friend.
"Steve, I know Wilson has a flare for the dramatics. But he's right this time. " He said, ignoring the dirty look Sam sent him.
"But fury is already there. "
Both Sam and Bucky groaned in unison and looked at each other before Sam again spoke to Steve.
"Then, let's go get some coffee. I don't see any other way brain will function. "
Before Steve could say anything, Bucky interrupted. "Yes, let's do this, " He saw Steve's mouth open in objection. "No, Steve you are already dragging us in a stupid meeting. You don't get a say. " Whatever Steve's argument was, died in this throat as he swallowed his words and closed his lips.
Pleased, he turned on the engine, started driving, in search of a cafe. After watching the buildings move backward for sometime. They finally found a cafe. It was close to the compound, but not at a walking distance.
Three of them walked into the cafe, the November breeze flowing raffling their hair. Except Sam.
They gave their order and went to sit down, much to Steve's confusion. He and Sam sat down. Steve coming towards them with a scowl, oh he already knew what's going to happen.
"What are you doing? "
"Sitting" Sam replied nonchalantly.
"We need to go to the debriefing. "
"Steve relax, it won't be long. Plus fury can wait. " Bucky said, his friend can be really a stuck up sometimes.
"No way, I'm going to ask them for to go . "Steve hastily turned to make the change. But in his recklessness bump into someone, or should he say a girl.
"Ouch! " The girl exclaimed, her drink hitting the floor.
"I'm sorry miss I-" He froze when he looked at the girl.
The woman looked at him wide eyed, wonder and surprise shinning in her eyes. She was wearing a long blue dress with floral print and a hoodie on top. A peculiar combination but she looked... Cute.
"Captain Rogers? " The girl asked, a little breathless.
"I uh-" Steve stuttered his face slowly turning crimson. And Bucky knew it was not because of the chilly air.
He smirked and turned towards Sam who was also quite enjoying this little conversation.
He slightly shook his head. Steve Rogers who could scold the president while not even breaking a sweat, was now having heart palpitations while talking to this woman.
Steve cleared his throat and said. "I'm sorry miss, because of my hurry I bumped into you and your drink also got wasted. Let me buy you another. "
"It's okay and no need to buy me a drink. " She said with a soft smile.
"No, I insist. " He said and asked the barista to make what she ordered. After the order was made he paid the barista and handed it to the girl.
She bit her lip and smiled skyly. "Thank you, captain Rogers. "
"My pleasure. " He said, scratching the back of his neck.
With a smile the girl left the cafe and Bucky and Sam joined Steve. Unbeknownst to Steve during this little chat, their coffee already got served and like the best friend he is. He kindly requested a to go, for Steve.
"Let's go. " Bucky said while handing Steve his coffee.
Steve nodded and they headed outside. In the parking lot he saw the cute girl. Her and Steve's eyed locked and she waved at him with a smile, Steve waved back with a fond smile.
"She is cute. " Bucky said with a knowing smile. Steve quickly looked ahead, as if finally realizing, he was not alone.
"Yeah" Steve said flatly and got into the car.
Bucky stopped in his tracks.
Wait! That's it.
Second time was a coincidence...
After the debriefing He literally passed out, after reaching his room. He was intending to stay in his room all day, only coming out to eat. But, no luck couldn't let that happen!
That's why here he was, hair ruffled, clothing a mess. Walking side by side with Sam to the nearest cafe. The slightly cold morning and the glaring yet soothing sunshine added to his misery.
"Stark and his shit twelve hundred dollar coffee maker. What is the point of wasting this ton of money, if it isn't even going to work? " Sam ranted. Twinning Bucky's red eyes and tired face. He just hummed.
Finally after a long walk they arrived at the shop, driving was not a option. Before Bucky could reach for the door. Sam chimed.
"Is that Steve."
He turned back and yep. It was Steve, in his workout clothes, on his faster-than-car run. Oh god! Didn't he ever got tired? Weren't they given the same super solider serum? Maybe dr. Erskine's had better quality.
"Hey punk! " Buck shouted, atleast he tried.
Steve stopped and looked in their direction, squinting. Maybe he recognized that these sack-bags were his friends as he made his way towards them.
"Bucky, sam? " Steve enquired and looked them up and down. His face turning concerned. "Are you alright? "
"Nah, we just need coffee. " Bucky said dismissing Steve's concerns.
Steve raised his eyebrows and hummed. "Let's go inside then. " With that they went in.
They were waiting for their orders when a sweet voice called out. "Captain Rogers"
Their head wiped towards the voice, Steve's was fastest. There she was, again now wearing a pink dress with a beige cardigan. Gazing at Steve in surprise her eyes darted around and widened when they fell on him and Sam.
"Sergeant Barnes, Mr. Wilson" She quickly added.
"No need for formalities sweetie. It makes me feel like a 90 years old. " Sam spoke but hissed afterwards as he kicked him under the table. Bucky glared at him and gestured at Steve, who's jaw was clenched so tightly Bucky was afraid he might break his teeths.
She smiled but her attention returned back to Steve. "It's nice to see you again. " She said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
Steve was melting inside, he was sure of that.
"You too. Do you frequent this place. " Bucky was surprised with Steve's clean response. He was expecting him to stumble a bit.
"Yeah, it's my favorite. "
"That's nice, miss... " He trailed off, not knowing her name
Wait! He didn't know her name? Isn't that the first thing you ask about a person? He was a punk indeed.
She immediately gave her name. Which brought a soft smile and light pink colour on Steve's face.
After that the orders arrived and she smiled at Steve one last time before opening her laptop and busying herself with it. Or so he thought because.
oh! How wrong he was.
During the the whole time they were there Steve and the sweet girl kept stealing glance. Even smiling at each other when there eyes locked. Steve's coffee got finished a long time ago but he didn't made any efforts to leave. Instead he was shyly looking at her like he wanted to speak a thousand words of affection, worry, sadness and joy. But they were stuck between anonymity and longanimity.
When she finally left. Steve turned to them expectantly. Bucky and Sam shared a meaningful glance before Bucky voiced his thoughts.
"So, when are you going to ask her out? "
"Ask who? "
"You know who, y/n."
Steve looked away before speaking again, his voice stern. "Don't be silly. It's too early. " With that he left.
Ugh! Dense
But third time was fucking intentional...
After the morning conversation. Bucky tried to pursued Steve about making a move but he didn't budge. So, he gave up, chalking it to nervousness.
This morning they were at the gym for their workout. They were already done. Bucky went to the nearest bench, breathing heavily. He picked up his water bottle and started talking large gulps when Steve spoke.
"I'm going to the cafe. Sam, bucky are you coming too. "
Bucky choked on his water, Sam side eyed Steve with a smirk and Natasha just looked confused.
"Yeah, sure. " He said coughing a little.
Steve gave a small smile. "I'll be in the lobby. " And then he left.
Natasha gave him a "what the fuck" Look. To which he in turn gave a "I'll explain later" Look and rushed outside.
Steve almost broke Bucky. Because this punk couldn't gather enough courage to aske her out.
At first he was supportive and gave him time. Went with him to the cafe for encouragement.
She would come to the cafe. On a cute bicycle, which sometimes had flowers in the front basket. Make small talk then they would exchange glances and smiles and it would end with Steve's defeated face as he once again, failed to say her out.
Steve had also made sketches of her and just starred at her without saying anything. Which he found really creepy. But, hey. Maybe it was introverts love language or some shit.
But what really broke the sergeant's hand was when Steve finally got his shit together and decided to finally talk to the girl. He brought some flowers, dressed nicely and went to the cafe. He thought that was it.
But as soon as he entered through the door. His confidence evaporated like water and he gave the flowers to a old lady and left. He knew technically she was of his age, but still.
If he was a father his kid would have never recovered from the disappointed glare he gave to Steve.
Exasperated he dropped down on the couch.
"So are you going to tell me what's going on with Rogers. " Natasha's cool voice made him jump. He looked to his right to see her sitting there with a knowing smirk, arms draped over the couch and looking so-
"It's a shit show. " He explained everything.
"Oh, Rogers got a crush. "
"But he's a dumbass. "
"Come on Bucky. Use your brain, " She leaned closer and whispered. "Who would know trickery better than us. " She winked.
The next day he went with Steve, as usual. But stayed behind while letting Sam and him go. When Steve asked he gave an excuse that his motorbike was acting up.
Then, he went to the bicycle while looking around. He didn't wanted to go viral for flattening someone's tyre. After doing his job he headed to the cafe, while silently praying that he doesn't go to hell for this.
Steve, unsurprisingly didn't deter from his normal routine. But, now he had to make them leave the cafe at the same time as the sweet girl or she would leave in a cab.
"Steve, tony just messaged me. He's calling us back. " Bucky lied, when he saw her packing her things.
"Why? "
"Maybe something came up. " He shrugged.
Steve sighed and stood up, Sam and him doing the same. The girl had already left, but not the cafe.
They entered the parking lot, ready to go. He glanced in the direction of the bicycle and sure enough. She was there looking down at her bike with a frown.
"What happened y/n." Bucky poked. Steve's head immediately whipped to their direction.
Hmm, simp.
"My tyre is punctured. "
"How? " Steve moved closer to her.
"I don't know. When I came here, it was just fine."
"Oh, that's sad, " Bucky drawled out. "But Steve can drop you off. "
If looks could kill, he would have been six feet under due to the deathly glare Steve was giving him. But he continued the innocent facade. "Plus won't it be safer if captain America drops you rather than a cab driver. "
"But what about tony. " Steve argued.
"You don't worry about him. Also you know how tony is, he may just be calling us to show off his new invention, " He looked at Sam. "Don't you agree? "
"Yep" Sam replied Bucky could hear a smirk in his voice.
Steve finally resigned. "Alright, " He turned to her. " May I? "
She nodded and said. " Yes" And hopped on the motorcycle. Goosebumps forming on her arms.
He noticed and frowned. "Are you cold? " She looked up at him, flustered. "Yes, I forgot my cardigan today. "
Steve removed his jacket and gave it to her. She took it with a small smile and wore it, the jacket swallowing her whole.
After that they left. Bucky waved at them before sam spoke.
"You did it. Didn't you? "
"Yes" He mumbled.
"Do you really think Steve would ask her out now? "
He nodded and started the ignition.
"Nah, I don't think so. He's too chicken shit to do it. " Sam countered.
Bucky raised an eyebrow. "Wanna bet, Wilson. "
You couldn't believe you were riding with Steve Rogers.
You had a crush on him since childhood and when you first bumped into him. You couldn't help but stare at him in awe.
Then everytime you met him you try to talk to him. Even if your communication skills were not that polished.
You always caught him looking at you with a twinkle in his eyes. But always brushed it off as accidental glances. He was out of your league, even if your little heart flutter everytime you met his cerulean eyes.
So, when today. You found your tyre flattened and sergeant Barnes asked Steve to drop you off. You were speechless and and flustered aa hell.
And when he gave his jacket to you. You thought you were floating on clouds. His scent was so hypnotizing. His hands were flexing on the bike handles and you could easily look at his perfect profile.
He cleared his throat and you quickly looked away, not wanting to get caught starring.
"I.. Uh... Never asked for your address. " He stuttered.
Your eyes widened at the realization. "And I never gave. " You chuckled nervously
Before you could say anything, a car suddenly whooshed past you. Making Steve hit the breaks.
The abruptness made the bike jerk forward and you collided with his back and your hand flew to his chest for support.
Breathing heavily you noticed that his one hand was on your hips and yours on his chest. Oh holy Mother of christ. You could feel his body from his too thin shirt. Your cheeks were on fire.
"Are you okay? " He asked worriedly.
You nodded while still trying to clam your racing heart.
"Address? " He asked, breathless.
"Huh? "
"Address? " He said a little louder.
"Yeah that. " You hurriedly gave the address and he started the bike again. Now with arms around him and cheeks ablaze.
"This is not a house. " Steve said.
He was disappointed that his ride with you was over. And that he still hasn't asked you out. He confidence always faded around pretty women.
"Yeah, it's my shop, " You said, gently stepping on the pavement. "I'm a florist. " You removed his jacket and tried to give him back.
"No, keep it. " He said while trying to think of a way to finally ask you for a date.
"But it's yours. "
"Nah, it's okay I'm not cold. "
"But-" She protested.
"No buts keep it. " He motioned for her to go.
"Okay then... Bye. " She waved.
"Bye" He muttered, sighing as he saw your retreating figure and taking a deep breath he decided. Now or never.
He called out your name and you stopped at the door and then turned around, your lavender dress fluttering due to the wind.
"Yes? " You asked.
"Can I get some of your favorite flowers? " He asked with a smile.
Smiling shyly you said yes and opened the door wider.
Sam and Bucky were sitting on the couch, watching shitty shows and eating. It was late in the evening. When they saw Steve enter the room, jacket gone, smelling like flowers and wearing a shit eating grin. They knew what happened. No, not that, I can't write that.
"How was your day? Steve. " Bucky asked with a smirk.
" Great" He replied and went to his room.
Bucky looked at sam wiggling his eyebrows. Sam grunted and slide him a 500 dollar bill. He smugly took the bill and smiled victoriously.
Mission accomplished.
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astrophileous · 1 year
Hello everyone! 👋
Hi. It's me. Ya girl. Zara.
Honestly thooo, idk if there are still ppl on this blog, since I've been gone for MONTHS. But for those of you who are still here, HEY! HELLO! HOW ARE YOU DOING???
Okkkk so to catch you up with what's been going on with me......
I think the last time y'all saw me was when I posted something abt needing to take a break from posting after a troll sent me a hate ask regarding my Derek story, Love Bugs. That was in April if I'm not mistaken. And after that, I was actually fully intent on coming back and posting again, until something happened.
My phone got stolen.
I lost my phone, and thus, I lost access to many accounts I had, but mostly my fandom accounts. You see, this tumblr, along with some other accounts I have on many platforms, are registered to my ancient email that I've had forever. When my phone got stolen, I lost access to that email and consequently every account connected to it. I tried very hard to remember the credentials for that email, but I set the account up when I was in middle school and couldn't remember 😭 and because my younger self was such a genius, I decided to set different passwords for my various accounts, and I couldn't remember what the password was for this blog so I ended up losing access completely :)))
So yeah, after a few days, I kinda just gave up trying (I'm so sorry). I thought abt making a new tumblr, but then I got caught up in working on my thesis that it just slipped from my mind. And that's exactly what I've been doing. Working on my thesis, which I'm still working on now as well. But during those times, I still tried to find time to continue writing some fics in case I ever got access to this account again.
And two days ago, that's what finally happened!! I finally found the correct password for this blog, and since then I've just been sitting here wondering what I have to say to explain my absence. At last I just decided to tell you everything. I'm not sure anyone cares enough to hang around this long after that long ass break, but if you do, then thank you! ❤️ Idk what else I could offer, but I hope this explanation is enough.
Soooo what's my plan after this, you might ask?? Well, I'm certainly gonna start on picking up where I left off with Love Bugs, hopefully finish the series sooner rather than later. Keep in mind tho, I also lost all of the drafts for that fic when my phone got stolen, so I've been in the process of rewriting everything and it might take a while. I hope you understand xx
Aside from that, I also have prepared a couple of fics for both Derek and Spencer, and I will start posting them soon in the meantime! I hope you guys would love them <3
Welp. I guess that's all I wanted to say. Sorry for this long ass post. Sorry for the long ass absence. And thank you for sticking around.
You guys rock 🔥
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delemis · 8 months
In Adika's Footsteps, Chapter 1
(Author's Note: This is a draft of the first chapter of a book I had wanted to write for Project Tamriel. Idk what else to do besides post it rn, since I'm not sure how to proceed with the next chapters. Feel free to give a read and critique it freely ^^)
“Who do you think would win in a fight?”
Silorius looked up from his midday meal of spiced gourd marrow, eyeing his partner wearily. They were in the Temple district, shielded from the throng of pilgrims passing through the main street by the relative isolation of the byway they’d chosen to sup in.
“Mara, or Dibella?” Asked Remedio, through a mouthful of marrow. Silorius scoffed.
“They don’t fight.” He replied, incredulously. “They’re divinities.”
“I mean metaphorically speaking.” Remedio said.
“That doesn’t much clarify things.” Said Silorius, in turn. He quirked a brow as the brown-haired imperial rapped his spoon against the side of his bowl, his normally placid gaze screwed with concentration.
“Of the two- you know, both being ineffable expressions of the heavens - who would win in an ideological battle?” He said, clearly an attempt at clarification. 
“...Ideological?” Said Silorius.
“Wrong word.” Remedio said. “No, sorry, uh- Theological?”
“Can we have a normal conversation here for once?” His partner pleaded.
“Stop right there, THIEF!” Came a sudden roar from the adjacent street. 
The two of them barely had time to register the commotion before Silorius was suddenly bowled out of his seat, sent hurtling to the ground with his bowl of Poppad marrow landing square atop him. The drab-cloaked figure who had thrown him from his chair turned her head briefly, large dark eyes peering between the two cyrodiils.
“Sorry!” She called, hurriedly, and then she was off, dashing down the alley.
Remedio sat there, mouth agape, watching her flee as his partner rolled up against the shoulder of the path, his vest spattered with orange pulp. 
“W-wait!” He had the mind to call after her, moments before a hand settled about his shoulder and shoved him clear aside as well. He hit the ground with a thud just as the table was upturned by the swing of a large laurel-emblazoned shield, Imperial Legion troopers marching down the byway after the woman with rattling footsteps and drawn clubs. 
“AFTER HER!” Called the man at the head of the procession as he rushed forward, clad in gold-and-crimson armor that Remedio recognized near-immediately. Suddenly, laying there, he found himself glad it was just their midday meal that lay spilled on the streets.
. . .
Nyosha grinned as she sped through the narrow side-streets of the Temple District, weaving past tables, shrines and pilgrims with practiced ease. She could hear the clumsy, clattering pursuit of the Legionnaires behind her as they caught themselves on each obstacle she managed to avoid, drawing the ire of shrine-tenders and bystanders alike in the process. 
The noise was getting more distant, and she knew that she’d lose them soon. At least, she thought she did. Suddenly a saber swung around the corner for her neck.
“Tava!” She cried, ducking beneath the blade and wincing as it clanged against the post beside her. She threw herself aside and stumbled briefly, casting a rueful look back at the one who’d delivered the swing.
“You’ll not get away!” She heard him growl, through bared teeth. The Red Dome Templar standing there with murder in his eyes and a crimson diamond tattooed across his cheek was one that Nyosha recognized: Thraecus Corixes, Captain of the Imperial Guard, the terror of the outer city.
“This isn’t your district, Thraecus!” She called mirthfully as she leapt free of a second fierce swing, laughing as she fled south. 
“EVERYWHERE that thieves roam is under my jurisdiction, girl!” He called after her, rushing after in the company of the only two troopers that hadn’t been entangled in the side-streets. “And nobody escapes me for long! Especially not when they’re carrying something as valuable as-”
What he said next was muffled as the Redguard thief ran face first into a wall of moths, staggering and flailing through them. They parted from her in an instant and she turned unsteadily, peering trepidatiously at the Moth Priest who’d been shepherding them.
“S-sorry about that.” She stuttered, backing away warily. The grey-eyed, tattooed priest peered at her bemusedly, then nodded, eliciting a sigh of relief from the girl that was cut off as the Templar and his escort slammed straight into that same wall of ancestor wings.
“Okaybye!” Nyosha belted excitedly, jumping back from the grasping moth-laden hand of a blinded, sputtering Thraecus and speeding away towards the gates of the district.
She had lost them, she decided as she found herself amongst the throng of pilgrims passing out of the inner city. Nyosha looked down and check beneath her cloak: Sitting there, strapped tightly on a belt around her waist, was a small rectangular box gilded and inlaid with ruby. 
“Good.” The Redguard sighed, relieved. She hid the box beneath her cloak again and glanced quickly around to make sure nobody had caught a glimpse. That was when she saw it: A flash of red, out of the corner of her eyes. There! On the raised platform overlooking the crowd, standing there and searching the crowd with wild eyes. No sooner had she recognized him than their eyes locked, and she heard his voice boom clear across the entire street.
She felt her heart lurch up into the back of her throat. The pilgrims and passersby reacted too, looking up in confusion. What could possibly warrant closing traffic to and from the entire district? 
Nyosha didn’t wait for them to come to their senses as she began pressing and pushing past the idle throng. Then the immense brass gates began to creak- they were actually doing it!
“How badly do they want this thing!?” She growled, winced as an elbow was shoved into her ribs. Realizing that they’d soon be barred from leaving or entering, those who were attempting to pass through had indeed come to their senses, and many were now doing just as she was, attempting to barrel their way through the writhing crowd to get past the gates in time. 
Caught completely off-guard, the Imperial Guard could only shout for the crowd to remain orderly and briefly, utterly ineffectually, attempt to form a cordon at the gate. Nyosha weaved and pushed, dodged and even vaulted through the crush. She knew she’d found reprieve when her hand found the surprised cheek of a young Guardsman, knocking him off-kilter and providing just enough space for her to push through. She threw herself beyond the threshold of the inner city gate. 
The dismayed cries of travellers roared around her and she realized she’d want to make herself scarce before they became riotous. Thraecus’ shouting boomed even over the walls, furious that his prize was lost. Nyosha wasn’t sure whether to be concerned or overjoyed, but the Templar was a problem for later. As she fled the shadow of the inner districts, the overwhelmed Imperial Guard was reinforced, columns of Legion troopers rushing forth to with swords drawn. Screams began to break amidst the commotion of the crowd as order was restored.
Port Chorak had once been the largest maritime gate to the Imperial City. Now it was a wretched wharf, trafficked only by fishermen and those looking to make an inconspicuous exit. More than once Nyosha had found herself here, and this time she was especially in need.
“So,” said Jenaire, chewing a mouthful of Thyrwort. The acne-scarred breton fisherman peered at her from underneath the brim of a worn newtskin coif. “You want passage to where, exactly?”
“Hettra, across the bay.” Said Nyosha. The muddy red waters of the Rumare sloshed about beneath the dock they stood on, buffeted by the passage of the multitudinous flat-bottomed fishing boats that filled the so-called ‘Bay of Chorak.’ The horizon was clear enough that she could see the Mage-Isle of Ylliolos sitting clear across it.
“Passage to the Waterfront is gonna cost you.” Said Jenaire. He spat the wad of chewed root out into a bucket at his feet and yanked another disc of the stuff from a string around his neck, popping it in his mouth. Stained teeth grinned at her knowingly, and she smiled back.
“It always costs.” She replied.
“70 drake.” The breton said. It was a steep price for such a short distance, and Nyosha raised a brow.
“Done.” The Redguard said, watching as the fisherman was sent reeling by the utter lack of complaint.
“Done?” He said, blue eyes searching her face for some indication of mockery. When he found none, he huffed. “Business that good, huh?”
“Its about to be.” She snickered. “Now, make room on that little craft of yours. Smells like smoked Kelpii-dung here.”
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georgieluz · 9 months
Hello, tell us 1 and 2 for the choose violence game, please 😊
iris!! hello!!! i actually wrote the reply to this out the day you sent me it and then thought i'd posted it but just found it in my drafts so i'm so sorry for being such a mess!! but i'm finally here!
the character everyone gets wrong
harry welsh... sorry i've already ranted about this today (well, it was that day when i was originally writing this but now it's been like a week), so i'll just direct you over there instead of doing it all over again.. but i also feel like sometimes people get burgie really wrong as well. he's sometimes written/headcanoned as this responsible 'straight-man' to snafu's chaotic antics and sledge's angst, when it's just not really what he is. and i mean straight-man as in the comedy trope, not the sexuality. i feel like people make him out to be way more 'boring' than he actually is. yeah, he has to take on more responsibility than most of the others bc of his role, but he also let's snafu act like a mean little bitch to everyone and smiles whilst he watches on in silence. he's a partner in crime, not an intervention. he's also tired. you can tell he wasn't prepared for everything he'd have to do, but he does it because he has to, and because weirdly, he's mostly good at it. in a winging-it kind of way. he somehow manages to be what the boys need most of the time, even though it's pretty clear he's fucking Stressed too. he's good at observing from a close distance and making himself known when he needs to, but he's got this quiet chaos running through him under the surface, people are just too distracted by snafu most of the time to see it. idk, i just think he's a lot more interesting than some of the headcanons i see.
but i've also seen some really interesting and amazing headcanons about him so don't think i think everyone in the fandom gets him wrong or anything, it's not even widespread
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
ok so i wrote a pretty long answer to this originally but then decided to just keep it simple instead. i honestly don't really think you can argue that someone will never top or bottom. most people have preferences toward one, a lot don't mind either way, but the thing is, even if someone has a preference, unless they explicitly say it out loud you really can't argue for sure that they would never. so honestly, most of them i wouldn't be able to argue for only ever doing one. like a few i can definitely say would lean one way or the other, but there are always circumstances with characters and their different dynamics where someone could do the opposite. i think it's more accurate to say that readers have a preference for whether they enjoy reading their fave top or bottom and a lot of that is bc of their own preferences and feelings about top/bottom dynamics.
for the choose violence ask game!
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safyresky · 2 years
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask: ALL the answers!
Got sent this ages ago, just found it again today and ah. Decided that I'm feeling especially unhinged and I will answer all of them, whether you like it or not (and whether it is asked or not). Sticking it under a read more so that I don't clog up dashes :)
😅 What’s a story or scene you’ve created that you’re a smidge embarrassed exists?
Somewhere on one of my old harddrives. There exists a snippet of the start of a smut scene between two of my characters from my sim city I turned into a story. It is only about. 300 words. but it makes me blush very much these days
There also exists, in an old notebook, a draft of Crystal Springs in which PYROS was Jack/Jacqueline's real Dad and no, I will not elaborate
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Any sibling bonding. Makes me soft.
Same with the fucking uh, GIRLFRIENDS (Dite and Jacqueline). ANY time they are romantic I die.
And I wrote those bits
I am dying mySELF! Fuck!
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
So fucking many, but my all time favourite that nobody caught is the following:
"There's another thing," Curtis said. "The clause involves a sort of de-Santafication process. As we get closer to the date, Santa becomes less Santa and more, well, himself. Before the Santa thing happened. What do we do if Santa notices and finds out about the clause?"
"We send him to Utah," Bernard said. Curtis made an odd noise.
The joke here being that for WHATEVER reason in the Santa Clause 2, the marriage is valid anywhere EXCEPT for in the state of Utah. Why? Idk. But I thought this line was so funny and nobody seems to have picked up on it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
any Elle mentions in Frostmas are written with the intent to cause physical damage, especially to Ana (sorry not sorry boo ;)
When Jacqueline breaks out of Pyros's control and tells Jack to kick his ass, and promptly goes into magic coma >:)
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
No, I do not. I read everything three times before I post; and then a couple days after I post to catch typos I may have skimmed over
Do I want a beta? Not particularly! I already update in long increments of time as is, could you imagine if I had to wait for fics to be beta'd as well? YIKES
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Evil Uncles (idk why. My two uncles are not evil; one is weird in a bad way and the other is a jerk butt. But not evil.)
Families that communicate their issues; fuck miscommunication as a plotline, all my homies hate miscommunication as a plotline
Pathetic fallacy. I'm always a slut for pathetic fallacy >:)
Hurt/Comfort, Humour, healthy doses of angst
The most chaotic scenes you could ever imagine (perks to writing about magical beings!)
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
This fucking FIC I SWEAR
She has given me migranes. She is a game I play, in which I have to give the heroes a chance but also let them fail bc the real villain of Frostmas is ME
And like. We KNOW Frostmas happens for 12 years, ok, so like. BMan and Jacquie Beans cannot win! Not until Year 12 and even then, THEY DON'T DO THE WINNING
I have to stay three steps ahead of them at all times and it is EXHAUSTING, villains do NOT get paid enough/sppreciated enough, geezus
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
the dialogue is AMAZING
the humour fits in WELL
and man am I good at portraying siblings or WHAT
and why do tsc ocs i write fit so well into the universe, wtf is up with that
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
They're nice :)
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I do indeed!
Panic at the Disoc was on loop for Fusion AU as a fun fact
Usually it's instrumentals tho
LATELY Weezer's been on loop, with their SZNZ collection!
Frostmas has it's own playlist, and usually it's angry loud stuff :)
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
Word/OneNote. Nothing fancy. I have it for free from work so, y'know, it gets used :)
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
They weren't so much as SCRAPPED as they were LOST TO THE VOID when my hard drive got dunked on by a stone floor in 2016
There were two I can recall off the top of my head:
1. When the Twins Met Jack: this one had a solid like. 1k to it. It was a smile shot about the day the Twins realized hey, there's this dude in old photos who looks very similar to us? Whomst tf is he? And rush to ask Jacqueline about it
2. A Trip to Gstaad: Jack takes Jacqueline to Gstaad for skiing/snowboarding. Nasty storm hits and they get stuck at the top with a handful of mortals. shenanigans ensue, mainly "do we magically poof off? stay with these guys? or magically help these guys? decisions, decisions. all of them mediocre. I think the Twins popped over at one point to help keep the humans warm. It was a wild ride
One that I completed then SCRAPPED was Jacqueline and Elle seeing Frozen. They go a lil crazy with the references, and it was funny to indulge in ages ago but when I went back and read it I was like wow! that's cringe, Dani! So it's being reworked to be less cringe. Instead of going full fandom, Elline decides to approach frozen with SCIENCE which, of course, gets everyone very interested.
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
A handful, yes! My fiance, my best friend, my Mom, and my sister, too. I've opened up to a few other friends about writing fanfic but got poked fun at and it made me less inclined to share with IRL folks, so I don't do that as much 🙃. It took me a LOT to open up to my newer friends and they're so sweetly supportive lmao, I love it
🍦 What’s the sweetest fic you’ve created so far?
Probably the snippet where Dite Comes Out as Ace, or Diteline First Kiss, or an amalgamation of snippets from Crystal Springs's B Arc, which is Jack being home and making amends. OH there's also a Blinter fic that follows their meeting and courtship and shit. It's cute. And unfinished. And has been so for like. 5 years?
🍷 Do you drink and write?
Not frequently, no! Maybe done it once or twice.
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what’s your most popular nsfw fic?
Ha, no.
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
Yeah, during work hours. VERY inconvenient. Either then or well past midnight. Also inconvenient 🙃🙃
💖 What made you start writing?
This is a good question! I don't have an answer! I've made stories in my head as long as I can remember. My very first story was about a hippy who lost his magic button and had to find it. The hippy looked very much like Shaggy Scooby-Doo, lmao.
Once my cousin showed me ff.net, all hell broke loose. I made so many lil OCs for me to experience fun stories in various universes! I was too afraid to post and started with original content (not fantasy, think like. Debbie Macomber Cedar Valley or w/e it was called books) and that was a GOOD experience, but for WHATEVER REASON, it was the freaking Santa clause movies that really had me writing nonstop and posting. I've yet to know why, but I know that these blorbos are now mine and I love them very dearly lol
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
Love love LOVE them! All comments! I love paragraph long comments talking about fave parts or waxing poetic about different little allusions or similarities or symbols and shit I sneak in >:)
I've received ConCrit before and it was okay, but a lot of their criticism was because of like. Names for characters and such and why they were similar to place names and such, and things like. Like for example, someone being like "Why is Blaise still leading Crystal Springs? He abolished the monarchy? but is still leader?" And sometimes it's like, thanks for the crit, but like. Suspend ur disbelief/google Mayor Hazel McCallion lol. If I ever receive proper ConCrit I'll see how I feel about it then! I know it's supposed to be constructive, but the only ones I have seen forget the constructive bit and are just criticisms. Wild.
❌ What’s a trope you will never write?
ANYTHING to do with miscommunication. FUCK miscommunication, all my hommies hate miscommunication 😠😠
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
Ugh, that's a toughie. On the one hand, maybe! I'm decent enough a writer for decent fics and such. but on the other hand, I feel as though writing commissions are hard and I worry too much about getting other characters in character, you know? so probably no
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
Not really, but when I do it's always something weird like, filing systems in the 1700s or weather patterns in Australia in the 2000s. that sorta shit.
🏆 What’s your most popular fic?
So if we base it on reviews, Crystal Springs definitely. But if we base it on QUALITY of reviews and readers, it's Frostmas. Frostmas has a lot of readers who don't read CS, so it's a bit more popular! I've also done some Danny Phantom one shots and those get a good amount of notes on tumblr :)
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
The only fic I write is for holidays, baybee. And it's Frostmas I think lol.
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
YES! One of them guessed like, in Year 6 that Jacqueline was gonna do the big freeze! That was excellent! Here's the moment in question:
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🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
I've only started getting fanart this year (that is, in big quantities) and I fucking LOVE it. It's been such an ego boost and helped em make new friends and feel really loved and appreciated! 💕💕💕
📈 How many fics do you have?
like 7 or 8 published on ff.net. But one is a collection of onehsots. So like, maybe more??? Also ItS exists but isn't posted and isn't written past Chapter 1 lol, though it is planned through to chapter 7 or 8 rn I believe. So maybe 9????
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Bit of both! I list scenes I wanna include, or the general idea I want to explore, and go from there! Lots of point form notes that are almost writing. For example:
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I am a srs writer, i swear (she claims after reading Blaise say "wtf is up son")
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Okay, so! We have the sequel to the Santa Dump, AND the proper sequel to the Clifton Manor incident: the highly anticipated Clifton SOCIETY Incident. you can look forward to lots of funky things, including:
Charlie/Jacqueline friendship and being badass mother fuckers!
GOD TIER Jack sass
Santa being sweet to kids
Jack and Jacqueline kicking ass and taking names
The sane Cliftons thinking Jack and Santa are married, courtesy of Jacqueline and Charlie flubbing their cover story lmao
BUT I ALSO HAVE A REWRITE OF THE CALL COMING UP! Along with the part 2 to the original. But with updated lore and ideas and some fun Mother Nature moments and BABY SEASON SISTERS? HELLO?
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Write for yourself, first and foremost
Mary Sues are FUN. Go crazy!
Double and triple check for grammar/typos :) They sneak by sometimes, and I know it's TEDIOUS but you'll thank yourself in the long run (war flashbacks to snow BOARDER)
Said is NOT dead. Said is invisible, that's the real secret :)
💞 Who’s your comfort character?
I don't have an answer for this one, lmao. I don't quite have comfort characters like most people seem to have them? I have comfort movies! Comfort VIBES! but no characters :) All of my babies give me comfort tbh!
🧠 Pick a character, and I’ll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
This one's more of an ask box shenanigan so instead I'm just gonna casually put the Crystal Springs FACTS tag right here 👀👀
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Blaise and the Twins! Though I am LIVING for the vibes Jack and Winter are giving in Chapter 18 >:). See:
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🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Another one? Well alright, if you insist 😏😏. Have some fucking uh,,,, Clifton Society Incident?? 😏😏
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😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
Probably The Clifton Society Incident. I mean, they're straight up myth hunters. The Head Dude wants to torture Santa and Jack. That's all shades of ah, fucked up lmao. You all saw what I did to him in the Santa Dump. It only gets worse >:)
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
Long ass reviews and a feeling of happiness with my me, unrelated to the reviews! If I post it and I like it and reading it makes ME happy, then the fic is a success :)
✅ What’s something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don’t mean to?
Evil Uncles? Idk why? Communication, but I know why THAT is. Bad puns, and sass between siblings, and also, a lot of witty snapbacks. Which I can't do on the spot IRL so I guess they have to go somewhere :)
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
ABSOLUTELY! I'd love to separate Crystal Springs from it's very itty bitty fandom ties (at this point. this world is so developed y'all I'm. WHEW) and write it. I;ve got like 6?? Crystal Springs stories/spinoffs planned??
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
A week at my most productive, 3 months to a year at worst. A year or two for Frostmas. That thing is a monstrosity.
🤯 What’s a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Definitely mystery and like. Drama/suspense! I don't vibe with those and they don't vibe with me.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
The Smile Shot "They Said it Couldn't be Done". That fucked me UP. ANYTHING with smol Jacqueline pre-Day of Darkness gets me heartbroken, but this one ESPECIALLY hits bc it's Jack's POV and hits home how bad curses do be ):
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
Can't live with it, can't live without it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. And the gentler it is, the more it sticks! Being rude/cruel/dehumanizing in your crit makes the reciever less likely to take it and improve! If you're kind and gentle and remember the positives to mention, it'll stick more :)
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
Dani writes! That's where ALL the writing is!
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
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daegalfangirl · 3 years
2021 tumblr moots/personal recap for daegalfangirl/kvydence/puppyjwoo of whatever the user was cus i forgot
stole this idea from charlie 🥰🥰🥰🥰
i started off on tumblr by creating a new blog, with what could potentially be my writing blog. i was super scared to go into it because english is not my first language and my writing drafts are always sloppy and messily written. the first person i interacted with and decided to become moots with was actually @bluejaem and idek how tf i found her so don't ask but i think she had like 30 followers at this time I DONT REMEMBER IM NOT SURE. but this is kind of why i value aditi as one of my most memorable moots. however along the way i was able to make more friends from a discord server that @junjungsunwoo made that kind of will lead up into me listing the most significant moots of this year... SO UHM LET ME BEGIN.
@treasuretaeil - MY LOVE MY NUMBER #1 FAV FOREVER. you will forever remain as my #1 moot words cannot describe how much i love you and miss you and wish the absolute best for you. i really don't know where the attachment to you came from LMFBSZ but you are literally the sweetest most welcoming person ever and it broke my heart to know you were struggling maintaining yourself on this platform but i'm glad your off now to focus on yourself. i will continue to cherish our memories from before and hold a place for you in my heart. I LOVE U!!!! 💗💗💗💓💗💓💗💓💓💗💗💓💓💗💗💓💗💗💗💓💗💗💗💓💗💓💓💗💗💓💗💗💓💓💗💓💓💓💓
@bluejaem - ummmm this was obvious hello and you have so many notifs (the fame or whateva😞) im gonna drop an ask and ANNOY YOU into reading this cus i know ur probably not gonna notice this on ur own 😒😒😒 OK. well u were one of my very first moots and i treasure you like so much i think you're like my 2nd or 3rd follower ever on tumblr which makes me SO happy to know you since the start of my writing blog on tumblr. i remember sending you asks and talking about how i was gonna open up my blog and i ended up just becoming extremely inconsistent since the timings were never quite... right. BUT LET ME PUT THE FOCUS BACK ON U 🥰🥰🥰 you are literally like the kindest girl ever and my heart goes out to you and seeing you grow so much makes me so happy for you and i just love how genuine you are and your blatant love for jaemin is the cutest thing ever i have never seen anyone with as much of a jaemin craze as you (except one of my irl friends who is also PSYCHO for this man) also i swear i remember one time like in my first couple asks i sent to you i was like "i love your writings we should be moots" or whatever tf i managed to type out but ummmmmm.... it's time i confess i have never read like a single one of your works LMFQIGXISGX IM SO SORRY i just wanted friends OBROWHXOSB anyways... i see posts of urs sometimes and im just like "ooh i'll read that later" and rfhen i never do SO. ANYWAYS. UHM we will move on from that... anyways idk how to conclude this but i hope you hit many more milestones next year because you 100% deserve it
@jaxminskale - girl idek wtf happened to you... you seriously just went inactive out of nowhere and you might never ever read this... but that's okay☺️ i always really liked you in that discord server rbh you were one of my favs you reminded me a lot of one of my old bffs from when i moved away so i felt that pull from your personality. THATS LOWK KIND OF WEIRD THOUFH. but we'll move on from that... you were so good to get along with like the female chenle nickname was 100% CORRECT. anywyas i hope you're doing good and taking care of yourself. 😊😊
@junjungsunwoo - A LITERAL ANGEL AHHHHDFWHZSH. you are the sweetest person ever yena you have the kindest heart and i will literally fight anyone who says otherwise. you are probably my #1 kindest moot and i will forever cherish you as that. you were definitely memorable to me as well even though i doubt i may be for you since i was uhmmmmm VERY INCONSISTEN T when it came to my activity. i don't know what to add but i love you and your sweet angelic personality please never change it. i've seen you at a low point and i've seen you at your high points and i hope i communicate with you more going into 2022 🥰🥰🥰💗💗💗
@trippy-dejun - WHERE THE HELL DID U COME FROM. iDK WHY THAT SOUNDED SO RUDE BUT I GENUINELY HAVE NO IDEA WHEN I MET U. however i still love u and you mean a lot to me. everytime i come back for like 5 minutes (only to go inactive for another few months) you're always so welcoming and smother me with love it's like cute annoying grandma vibes wirhout the annoying because i love the affection but this is the only time i'm admitting to it. U RLLY DO GIVE ME MORHER VIBES THOUGH... but i think ur my age or maybe a teeny bit younger BUT THIS SHOULD NOT BE FAKEN AS AN INSULT like you're crazy as hell so maybe like crazy nice animal mom. PERFECT DESCRIPTION IDCCCC anyways i lOVE U and hope ur doing amazing. maybe i'll drop by on discord and say something in the server to yall and smother you guys with love for a change. 😊 Sike (to the smother part i'll drop by LORD im not that bad of a friend/moot)
@taemin-jaemin - i also have no idea when we met i just remember seeing you and thinking who is that but never confronting it and i just saw you and yena in the same light as like two twins OR SOMETHING WOXHWU IDK like you're such an angel so sweet and everything even though we don't interact as frequently as id like i hope that you're doing well and take a break from the collabs THIS GOES FOR U TOO @junjungsunwoo LORD. y'all need to take a break seriously like take a nap... drink some water... JK but i genuinely do wish the best for u sarah i hope we have more chances to interact more going into 2022.
@kpopsnowball - your personality was always too perfect for me to believe it. we stopped interacting but that didn't make me forget you. you always stood out to me as someone memorable for your sweet and caring attitude. you are such a genuine friend and have the kindest soul ever and i wish no one ever takes advantage of that because you really do deserve the best. i didn't want to make this one really long for you i just wanted to give you something short to appreciate you.
@jaeminscoffee - tbh we no longer interact either but you were also very memorable to me because of how we would interact. you were the only moot where i had lengthy conversations with in my tumblr messages and it was just so fun i always smiled reading your messages. although we no longer talk i do cherish the conversations we had and hope that you have an amazing new year!!!!💓💓💓💓💓
@renchinworld - YOU!! YES YOU!! hi u might not remember me since i've only sent an ask once (or twice?) and we've only messaged just a TEENY bit, but you are someone id like to interact with more. i don't rlly actively seek to interact with any of my new moots but YOU i feel a pull towards you. you seem very similar to me and it makes me wanna be friends with u so bad LMFAOOO but i really hope that we do get to interact more coming into the new year and i'll be sure to drop by and read your AMAZING works bc i will never forget that fic that i actually did forget the name of like i have vague memory of the title but i'm not guessing it because i'm not trying to embarrass myself. ANYWAYS moving on... i will try my best for us to have more frequent interactions! just you watch 😴😴😴😴
i wrote this all in the night it's 3:20am currently and i am feeling absolutely exhausted but i wanted to finish this and post it no rereading FUCK the grammar mistakes idc these are my raw genuine feelings i get so emotional in the night so there y'all have my love my feelings towards y'all. in conclusion I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!! Thank you for making my first year on tumblr as amazing as it was. 😊
and that's a wrappppppppppppp bai
@symoneismeh SYMONE I AM SO SORRY 😭 I DONT KNOW HOW YOU SLIPPED OFF MY MIND WHEN YOU CONTRIBUTED SO MUCH TO ME ON TUMBLR THIS YEAR. okay omfg firstly i am actually SO sorry for that idk how i forgot 😭 but just like yena i think you are an absolute angel with the kindest soul. i was blessed to have the opportunity to meet you and become moots with you because you genuinely are such an amazing person and my days become brighter when i talk to you. thank you for all you've done with me this past year and i hope we can interact more in 2022. I LOVE U SO SOSOSOSO MUCH AND IM SO SORRY 💗💗💗💗💗💗
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flowerslut · 2 years
um hi (?) idk how this works so if i messed up something i’m deeply sorry i didn’t mean to!! To be honest i’m not even sure it’s the right person i’m writing to so if that ends up being like that i’m also sorry that must be awkward !! basically all i’m trying to say is that i’ve spent the last two weeks reading CoTN, — actually that’s the second time i’m finishing it and it’s almost 2:00 AM, my pillow is SOAKING for all the tears I’ve shed AGAIN and i still can’t seem to put myself together back to sleep because tomorrow i have school and i’m not mentally prepared— ( i’m also contemplating on starting it all over again because i just can’t get enough ), but i loved it, like i truly truly truly truly loved it, the way you portrayed every character was just- and let’s not talk about the fact that at least for me it was like actually seeing them, i mean i could easily picture rosalie and edward having their little fights or emmett just being the emmett we all love, you truly made me love them more and believe me when i say that It’s just extremely good and the last days i’ve spent reading it made me truly happy or at least made me forget a bit about the world outside, ( just never delete that that’s where all my happiness resides ). I’m happy I found it — one thing i’m really grateful for is that i found it now that’s all completed (CoTN, yes if that wasn’t clear enough that’s my favorite in your series), and not when you were still updating, just because i would’ve not made it till the next update. I hope you’ll keep updating The Death of Dusk! ( I really can’t wait for that one i’m sksndisj) Again I love it a lot !! I don’t know if you’ll ever read this, i don’t know if i’m doing it correctly or posting it in the right place, but by the time you read this i’ll be on my sixth time reading CoTN !! I’m sorry for this long ass message I didn’t mean it to be that long but there were so many things i wanted to say and still i want to tell you, they’re just a lot but i think that’s more than enough for now, i’m also sorry for any spelling mistakes i don’t even know if the majority of things that i said made sense, it’s really late and i’m emotionally unstable plus english it’s not even my mother langue so if that ends up being an entirely incomprehensible mess just know that i loved your work and hope you continue working on it!! <3 Alright that’s enough good night & thanks for the emotional instability of the night !! i just know tomorrow i’ll regret this for not writing a simple I loved it a lot.
oh my god well first of all hello and secondly yes hi my dear you are absolutely in the right place! I am so sorry it's taken me so long to see this I'm not sure how this message slipped me by but I am ATROCIOUS at replying to asks (always have been always will be)
thank you so, so, so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed call of the night and that you love the death of dusk so much. I hope you've been able to read some (or all) of walk in the dark since you sent me this, and I hope it was to your liking!
I pinky promise I'll never delete call of the night although I do have some loose plans to one day re-write the first several chapters. as time passes its very easy (for me, at least) to tell which chapters are the ones 16 year old Shannon drafted up and outlined and which ones 24 year old Shannon picked up and finished. it won't change any of the plot but it will hopefully change the overall flow of the beginning, that way it doesn't drag so much and feel so clunky. don't worry I'll give everyone a heads up before I start replacing chapters in case anyone wants to download the original for posterity's sake.
I wish I had more to share with you other than a thousand 'thank yous'. messages like this really do mean the world to me, and I'm so happy I could provide you with some measure of joy or any degree of escapism. I love this message and you very much! if you've read walk in the dark (which is finished, as of this past week) I'd love to hear your thoughts on how you think I did and what you liked or didn't like.
thank you again, I hope you're well
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I'm sorry if you answered this already but will you be posting info about the theories mentioned in the survey after it's done? I've never heard of some them and would love to read about them but idk where to look
Hi! Yes, I am currently working on it on my drafts! So most of these theories, I found it based on a Spanish iceberg meme that my friend @orangesandnightmares sent to me and about me searching for top theories online. I am currently compiling all the links relating to the said theories on my draft and will distribute soon when I’m ready, but it will take some time. I will be posting it on Tumblr as well as merging it with the results report. 
Currently, I have read some of it and found some resources, while others, I have not yet. I believe I can find most of them online somewhere, and I actually found the “Hisoka is disguised as Illumi and the real one is dead” theory explanation in non-English on twitter thanks to @itsmyara
Meanwhile, for those of you who don’t know about the hxh survey, you can check it out here. Some of the theories are mentioned.
I need 385 responses in total (best if more), I’m currently at 321 responses. 
This is also the reason why I first asked in the survey to select theories that “you have heard of and know the rationale behind it” (I kind of edited the phrasing after I published the survey). This is to ask you if the theories you have heard of, whether you agree with them or not. If you have never heard of them (the ones you never selected), you will be asked if “you find them interesting or ridiculous”. The reason why I separated them like these is because some of the theories may sound silly and you may disagree with them, but if you actually look for the rationale behind it, it’s actually quite convincing. 
Here is the Spanish iceberg meme that I talked about:
Tumblr media
If you do not understand Spanish (which I also don’t, my friend helped me translate it), don’t worry. I will be translating these said theories in English in the post and report. 
I did not include some of it because they are too ridiculous (and rude) and/or had something to do with Togashi and not so much about hxh. Or a little hard to understand (like the Kalluto Silent Majority theory). 
Edit: I'm also waiting for my hxh databook because I believe this will come in handy.
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highqueenofelfhame · 6 years
hey... I'm not a coward so I demand you answer all 60... 60 is What d you desire most in this world?
1. selfie - i posted like four yesterday, click here or here 2. what would you name your future kids? I don’t want kids, but if accidents happened, I quite like Aelin and Rhys. 3. do you miss anyone? Don’t we all. 4. what are you looking forward to? Getting off work so I can write. 5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? My nieces. 6. is it hard for you to get over someone? I think it’s hard for all of us. 7. what was your life like last year? Ordinary, but a little chaotic, I grew up a lot. 8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? So much you don’t even know9. who did you last see in person? I’m at work, so coworkers.10. are you good at hiding your feelings? Too good my pal.11. are you listening to music right now? In The Woods by Hozier12. what is something you want right now? To write. 13. how do you feel right now? Content, if a little annoyed.14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? I’m not big on being touched and generally I only hug my family. 15. personality description - annoying af. Introverted extrovert, too in my head and anxious but when I get comfortable around you I’m an open book.16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? Ya dude17. opinion on insecurities. we all have them and that’s okay. 18. do you miss how things were a year ago? No. 19. have you ever been to New York? IT’S MY FAVORITE PLACE IN THE WORLD. 20. what is your favourite song at the moment? Movement by Hozier21. age and birthday? 24, March 10. 22. description of crush. I don’t have one currently. 23. fear(s) Spiders, lizards, being murdered in a parking garage24. height 5′5 1/2. 25. role model Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius26. idol(s) Celaena Sardothien lmfao27. things i hate - so much that I don’t have time to write them all.28. i’ll love you if… let me talk about books29. favourite film(s) Hook. 30. favourite tv show(s) GREYS ANATOMY BBY31. 3 random facts - I broke both bones in my wrist when I was like 7, right where the bones meet. I’m pretty good at skiing. I played Clarinet grades 6-8. 32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? An even mix. 33. something you want to learn - SFX makeup34. most embarrassing moment - i posted an answer to this already but there’s so many fuck35. favourite subject - history36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? Move to NYC, Publish my book, Not have to be worried about anything finanically. 37. favourite actor/actress for some reason I can only think of Timothee chalamet and RDJ38. favourite comedian(s) JOHN MULANEY39. favourite sport(s) football40. favourite memory - seeing wicked in nyc probs41. relationship status - single af42. favourite book(s) - currently? TOG series, acotar, tfota, etc etc. But also anna and the french kiss. 43. favourite song ever Your Hand In Mine by Explosions in the Sky44. age you get mistaken for probably like 20 idk45. how you found out about your idol - the books duh46. what my last text message says I sent a draft of something to @city-of-fae47. turn ons - necks, neck kisses, light fingertip touches48. turn offs Chaol Westfall 49. where i want to be right now - NYC or London50. favourite picture of your idol - listen theres so much incredible fan art of aelin 51. starsign - I’m a double pisces!52. something i’m talented at - makeup. 53. 5 things that make me happy - diet raspberry snapple, biscuits and gravy, writing, music, sleeping54. something thats worrying me at the moment - my job55. tumblr friends - @city-of-fae @musicmaam @illyrianbeauty @illyrian-bookworm @zoyastormwitch @starseternalnighttriumphant @highladyofthesith @daddycardan so sorry if i forgot you 56. favourite food(s) - taco boats57. favourite animal(s) - otters & lions 58. description of my best friend - i just did this, he’s a qt with brown eyes and an annoying personality 59. why i joined tumblr - i wanted to geek out over sjm tbh60. ask me anything you want - what I desire most...an earth shattering, groundbreaking kind of love. 
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