#i fucking CLAIMED a story and this bitch ass group claimed it after and they got to fucking do it
apollos-olives · 8 months
wallah i'm genuinely so mad rn i hate being a journalist
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violetsandshrikes · 1 month
going to put something under the cut incredibly fucked up that came up recently that i like…need people to tell me i am not insane for thinking
tw: childbirth, death, medical neglect, religion + borderline cult activity
i had a religious friend in high school who turned out to be a real bitch (such as telling me i needed to get abused throughout childhood because god was teaching me a lesson)
she got a scholarship for high school, and instead decided to do missionary work, signed up for a discipleship. being very careful not to mention who with, but think next door to us and from what i am now learning, a little notorious.
when i was back on break from uni a few years ago, i knew lots of mutual people who still knew this person (let’s call her K). K had gone on missions to a bunch of countries in the global south, said a bunch of shit that i found dubious, etc etc
and then i hear this one story that really, really fucking haunts me. the org, after coming back this year, claims they had a resurrection. i ask the friend relaying this information what that means exactly. it turns out that K and her little group sat around a woman giving birth, praying, did not get medical attention, and she died. through what sounds like outside competence, newborn was saved. they celebrated this as a resurrection.
i expressed horror and everyone told me i was being a petty bitch because I didn’t like K, and that she had been doing good work, and while it was tragic it wasn’t fair to shit on what she was doing as whole.
sharing this story now because it genuinely very much haunts me and I heard Ks name today. I just imagine being some poor woman giving birth in shit ass conditions, surrounding by strangers who are praying in a foreign language, while you actively die in childbirth. is this not extremely out there and fucking evil?!?
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jmdbjk · 2 years
Dreamers wrap up
I can speak for most of us: I think we are all mesmerized by Jungkook’s tattoos...
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And his muscled arms...
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Look! his lil 7 behind his ear!
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We never get to see this part of his upper arm so clearly. It looks like a full moon but with clouds obscuring it a little:
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So he has a “white” moon and a “black” sun? 💀
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Kookie was also hot in more ways than one:
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Okay, back to being long-winded cuz I got shit to say:
So here is the blog post on my initial thoughts about this whole Qatar World Cup involvement. And then a follow-up of my thoughts blog post on the Dreamers MV after its release (scroll down some on the blog post to get to it). 
And now we know even more information surrounding JK’s involvement in that FIFA supposedly recruited just Jungkook for the gig. They didn’t want the other “kookies” just Jungkookie (that was cringey when I heard it). I know this is what was said in the media over there. But we also know FIFA is not the most honest and upstanding entity in sports. No entity in sports is. It’s about the money. Whatever it takes to make the most money...
I’m not saying this isn’t really what happened and we really do not know the timing of any of it or exactly how it went down. But I’m not gonna buy it wholly just because that’s how they said it did. I’m always that skeptical bitch, you know? 
It seems like when it was all coming out during the summer, we know now BTS had already determined how the rest of the year was going to play out. When FIFA approached BigHit, perhaps the answer was “no” the group is not scheduling any activities but individual members are available. And that’s how it could have gone down. Again, that’s just me talkin’ out my ass too. Because I certainly know nothing. I just know how the media works and how these major sports organizations are gonna spin things to their benefit. 
Kookie did a great job though, no matter how it all came to be.
The World Cup is over. Congratulations Argentina, well done. But the event had a major amount of controversy due to the fact it was held in Qatar:
1) People including spectators as well as teams and players, were told not to wear anything resembling a rainbow on their clothing...people were harassed about it IN PUBLIC by Qatari authorities. That’s not cool. Source story here.
2) Major sponsor, Budweiser, was told at the last minute before the opening ceremony they couldn’t sell beer outside the stadiums. A MAJOR FUCKING SPONSOR! IT’S BEER! AND SPORTS! THEY GO TOGETHER! BAM! Source story here.
Another source article here questioning the suitability of Qatar hosting this major sports event.
Kookie traveled to Qatar TWICE for his World Cup work. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure that part of the world is very beautiful in its own way with its own charms. Kookie seems to have had a good experience overall, but he was there to work and then left immediately. He was surrounded by his entourage and protected. Chief bodyguard was there holding that umbrella over Kookie the entire time ready to stiff-arm anyone who came close. 
Being the kind person and professional he is, Kookie said nice words about his time there:
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His opening ceremony performance did not go smoothly either, it is said his in-ears were not working. He was off key once or twice. I know he wasn’t happy about that. But the performance looked amazing.
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And when we finally hear the Dreamers song, the “theme song” for the entire World Cup event... we learn these are the lyrics of the song:
Gather 'round now, look at me (Hayya, hayya) Respect the love the only way (Hayya, hayya) If you wanna come, come with me (Hayya, hayya) The door is open now every day (Hayya, hayya) This one plus two, rendezvous all invited This what we do, how we do
Too bad the actual setting was not so inclusive.
Last but not least... the fans who claim that Jungkook was not supported well by BigHit regarding this song. The song was not Jungkook’s song even though he performed it and may have written a few lyrics for it to suit his delivery better. The song belongs to (copyrighted by) Katara Studios so it wasn’t BigHit’s song to promote. BigHit’s involvement was exclusively to support Jungkook by providing everything he needed while he traveled back and forth and was over there working. 
When JK finally releases HIS solo album under the BigHit label with songs he concepted, wrote and recorded with official MVs etc that he has a hand in directing, is when he will have his real, genuine solo debut. I am very much looking forward to it.
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anchoeritic · 2 years
omg how did u find out that person was a minor??
I just checked their blog and seems like they’ve been inactive for months
i’ve known her since 2021 (when she was 15-16 but claimed they were 20) and we became close via server/group chat. we ended up sharing socials and one day they just blocked everyone in the group, claiming it was because they would post the location of their “workplace” and that they were super paranoid.
turns out, they weren’t working at the school, THEY ARE A STUDENT. another thing to add: they lied to us about attending post-secondary (college), made up a whole story about how they’re going to jersey for it and then last minute they “realized” that they had gotten a ticket for the wrong day, and ended up not attending at all, claiming to have been offered a job in her school’s theatre program. which made absolutely no sense if you don’t have teacher’s diploma/degree and when you have no type of higher education after high school.
we had to find out through a second account since they had blocked us on our mains. guess what we found through their other account? “seventeen year old crocheter” IN HER FUCKING BIO. ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT. GET CLOCKED, BITCH. i don’t care if i sound immature at this point, my personal life was invaded and now i feel in danger. i’m airing her ass out idc.
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zaenight · 1 year
Crazy but she's mine ch1
There's not alot of ez fanfics so I made this one ;)
As Stated there are triggers and hard topics in this story, as well as mature themes.
"Fuck you Pedro!" Jackie yelled giving her ex boss the finger.
Okay she might've punch a customer in the face,but in her defense he tried to slap her ass as she was bagging groceries.
"Okay." the girl murmered as she got into her car.
Glancing to her passanger seat she did a double take and screamed.
"AAAAHHH!" She yelled as The figure also yelled.
"WAIT I CAN EXPlAIN!" the kid,who looked around sixteen exclaimed.
"Listen kid you better get out of my car before I shove my foot up your ass!" Jackie exclaimed quietly.
"Look I need a ride to Santo Padre,I have a dime." The girl said.
"What the hell kid!,a dime to drive three hours to do what?" Jackie said.
"To see my father,well meet him,my name's Illiana by the way." The girl,Illiana said.
"You think im gonna drive you,a total stranger,to meet a man,who im guessing doesn't know you exist,three hours to Santo Padre?" The older woman questioned at this kids audacity.
"Yep!" Illiana chirped.
"I- Wh- Goddammit you know wha- Fuck it Santo Padre here we come." She stammered.
"Man did I just catch a ride with a Crazy lady?" Illiana murmured to herself.
"Im not Crazy you little shit,I- ok I might have a couple screws loose,So what!" Jackie said raising a brow at the the kid.
"Ay dios mío." Illiana said as the car started.
After picking up some stuff from her apartment Jackie drove Illiana to her small house.
"Why just a small bag,also does your Mother know your leaving?" Jackie asked.
"No she's dead." The girl sniffed throwing the small bag in the back.
"And it's all I got,my foster parents don't give a damn,just a couple of oufits and shit." Illiana murmered.
"Hey kid its gonna be fine." Jackie murmered as her gaze softened.
"I hope so,by the way,before you changed your name tag said Camila,but you said your name was Jackie?" Illiana rambled as they drove.
"My full name is Camila "Jackie" Vincent,but I just go by Jackie or CJ." The woman laughed.
Three hours later....
"You sure this is it?" Jackie questioned.
Pulling up to a junkyard,Jackie saw the motorcycles.
"Thats what the note said." Illiana said as the two got out of the car.
The younger girl grabbed her hand as the walked up the steps.
Upon entering a group of men stared at the two,some had a hungry look in their eyes as they looked at Jackie.
"Im looking for Obispo Losa!" Illiana exclaimed.
"The fuck you want with me kid." a short man stepped up.
"Screw you old man, you stuck your dick in the wrong woman, and she had a kid, you get the picture yet!?" Illiana exclaimed.
The man looked at me staring me up and down.
"Listen kid your Mamá must be lying, because I would remember a banging body like hers." Bishop told the kid claiming to be his.
Meanwhile Ez Reyes, the new Presidente of the mayans, had eyes on the older woman , and damn was she fine.
"Man , la chica blanca is fine as hell." Gilly said .
A slap was heard all around the clubhouse as the former President held his cheek.
"Do I look like her fucking Mother?!" The woman yelled,
and damn she was fine as hell angry.
"You fucking white- " Bishop was cutoff as he was once again slapped.
"Finish that damn sentence I dare you!" Jackie yelled.
"Enough!" Ez exclaimed.
"I drove this damn kid three fucking hours to meet you,the least you can do is hear her out." Jackie said glaring down at the man.
"My mom was a bitch,to put it lightly,she decided to stick a damn needle in her arm,I found her,she had the fucking balls to write a note saying she loved me, and your name,where I could find you." Illiana explained.
"And you think I would give a damn?" Bishop questioned.
"You know what?Fuck you this was a mistake!" The teen yelled ran out of the club house.
"You stupid piece of shit! Illiana wait!" Jackie yelled.
"Sorry for the trouble." Jackie said passing Ez.
In the car Illiana was sobbing as Jackie opened the door.
"He didn't want anything to do with me,he looked at me like all my foster parent's did whats so bad about me!?" The girl sobbed as Jackie wrapped her arms around her.
"Nothings bad about you , Men ain't shit,Foster care, I've been there,not the best memories." Jackie explained.
"I don't have anywhere to stay,and Im not going back to that place,please dont take me back." Illiana murmered.
"Illiana I drove us three hours,I drove you a stanger,to meet a piece of shit,and your foster parents, by the way you barely have anything packed,are pieces of shit,my landlord evicted me and my boss fired me." Jackie explaind.
"Are nothing but pieces of shit,no way in hell are we going back to that town,therefore I say we make a new life here." She finished.
"Yeah,and your right,men are pieces of shit,I don't need him,I never did,I just wanted to know if I just showed up, Someone would care." Illiana said sniffling.
"You have me now, I mean you carjacked me and sorta kidnapped me,but you have have me now." Jackie winked.
"Wait,hold up your a minor Im not gonna get arrested for kidnapping you,am I?" Jackie said squeaking.
"No?" Illiana said thinking.
"Thats not helping." Jackie murmered as a knock on the window scared her.
"Shit man!" She said as The asshole she slapped stood with the other men.
"Jackie?" Illiana said as the older woman got out of the car.
"Stay in the car." Jackie said looking at the men warily.
She did slap one of their members,club her ass,its most likely a gang doing things under the cops noses.
"What?" She questioned.
"You slapped my Vp." A hot man,most likely the president stepped forward.
"Yes I did,now if you excuse me." She said opening the car
"I wasn't done talking." The man continued.
"I am." She said getting in the car, driving away,not without sticking out her hand and flicking the bird.
"Damn She's crazy." Angel said.
"ella no sabe con quién está tratando, pero pronto lo sabrá." Ez said.
(she doesn't know who she's dealing with , but she will soon.)
"She's mine, no one else touches her." Ez continued.
"Damn , she was hot too." Gilly said.
"¿Y qué hay del niña? ¿Al menos vas a intentar ser su padre?" Angel said to Bishop.
(and what about the kid , you gonna at least try to be her father? )
"Mierda!" Bisop exclaimed kicking a barrel.
What do you think so far lmao , remember this is sorta an au , also I hope im getting the characters personalities right , plus Dark! Ez because man he became dark , can't wait for s5 of Mayans m.c .
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kayayeteae · 10 months
List of thoughts I have with FFXVI!! (That no one asked for).
This is me being a hater. Read to you own discretion
Jill’s entire character, arc, story, person, being. Girl they did you SO WRONG.
Also, didn’t homegirl have the curse too. She was a dominant of WAR. are we just gonna ignore her illness
On that note, are bearers with the curse just doomed to sickness and disability post ultima
The most unrealistic part of FFXVI is the fact that they didn’t make some fake ass slur for bearers
Clive showed NO BEARERS CURSE through out the game. Was that intentional. Bitch was snorting aether by like the first third of the game.
I love Joshua. 🥰 I love him so much. He’s probably my second favorite character.
Ya kno, if you make Josh and Clive unrelated, replace Josh with Jill, made Jill play the role as a young dominant that Clive is the shield for, their love story would be more believable (is that too FFX to do?)
I got a very good amount of Clive crying and I reveled in every second of it. He’s so pretty when he cries.
I know cid had the right mind to destroy the crystals, but I wonder if Clive doubted himself for a second for doing it bc if he didn’t, the cycle of violence would just continue.
I really like Clive as a character who needs positive male figures in his life for his lack of one after Phoenix gate. His reliance on cid and Joshua is very endearing.
I love anabella 😌 she’s a wonderful villain.
What happened to the girl with the poultices. Like u can’t just give her closure off screen!!!
The same goes with Terence!!!!
Does Byron inherit the region of Rosaria as the last Rosfield.
How is the DLC gonna cover Clive more? Let me play as Joshua lol.
This game wants to be Devil May cry so baddddd
There are many instances where we could have and should have controlled the other party members
The game was overall was very easy. I died mostly on purpose to try new techniques. It actually got boring at some points
The barnabas fight was the best
Judgement cut isn’t useful for my play style
I don’t understand why Joshua had to capture ultima and hold him. And why does he suck at taking his meds
Every character in this game has no growth except Clive
I still believe that they should have labeled cids group as a cult filled with terrorists. The political impact would insane.
What is the population of storm cuz there were a LOT of akashic soldiers I killed
Ngl I forgot why there were wars going on in storm.
Did cid fuck his way to being the outlaw? how did he gain so much respect and connections??? This is why he should be viewed as a cult leader
There were a few instances where the game could’ve had horror elements. The one sidequest regarding the orphanage is one of them. And Cyril’s quest is another. Shoulda been the RE4 opening lol.
Did cid get ramuh when he was older? He mentioned that ramuh chose “this old sack of bones”
Dion deserved better
‘What happens without the crystals?’ The Industrial Revolution, that’s what.
Bro and how does stealing dominants work. Like do u have to die? What about Jill. The only survivor of shiva. Wtf.
I stand by my unhinged claim. Mid and Clive should have been endgame.
The way that Clive begs both Joshua and cid to not give him their dominant is so heartbreaking. I love it 🥰
What happens to the uh. Order of the Phoenix. The one who follow Joshua. Like what is their purpose now.
How tf did Olivier succumbed to ultima so quickly. And like. Why. lol
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incarnateirony · 2 years
all that hard work 2p0 and jules put into their bad leak pipe, patching it up after the script fail, putting in all this legwork to convince a couple people in a group chat they had a dunk, based purely on the lack of education in that cluster.
They go for it, make their move, launch a blank ass page and Jules tries to flash her Badge To Copy Paste as an authority, declaring it.
Half the internet: What is that [gets a link to a rugaru]
The other half: Those are the same thing [gets a link to the spn page that links to the wiki for rugaru]
and then if that self made mess wasn't bad enough
because the whole goddamn educated world understands this
the official CW Winchesters account starts retweeting rugaru shit
because anyone with a brain knows it's the french form of the other monster in cajun and they're literally just dialect and lingual differences.
Which is super funny because this is really sailing about five miles over both of their heads. Because there's an entire. Like. theme. joke. thing. they're missing here because they're too daft.
the only reason they perceived a dunk is that they didn't understand culturally, why i wouldn't start calling the same animal the word my french neighbor does. dude it's a story about the truth and you already got lost in the first episode.
remember that thing i said. about fans bloating the knowledge they get in limited capacities, like when mary manchin argued about the market testing not existing, or meredith's rl friend denying condescendingly the confession existed when i already had it in three languages?
yeah i remember that stuff. but this is just such a silly error and funny way to out a faucet in there and frankly, I don't mind less competition when they tighten her access.
she already fucked up her job description. her job is to copy paste or point to copy paste, not declare. her role is consulting, not deciding, and being able to cite old lore doesn't mean you understand new use of it. or other languages apparently. but that's her job. And, to research and fill out according information, which she actually did not, and can not while trying to double down and save the claim she fed pat, without it being obvious she's the one that misdirected pat.
how very funny
remember when i said consultants can be rejected in their takes and opinions and told to stow it? specifically because they can have simp headed takes about applications? i think i even said jules would likely have a few very humbling experiences with how automated and linear her concept of spn canon is. easy to document crisp snaps for easy browsing not necessarily being what authors are doing?? Yeah. this.
congrats jules you realize they just made you stop bitching about the rugaru being weak to silver by giving it an accent and you were clueless great work
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Thanks for blocking me so I gotta scurry about to find it. I loved that.
but ykno in case you're magically blind to me going off, as I do.
here's everything I've said so far.
DeviantArt: Her family still harasses me and my friends. I have never said anything about them, but they have contacted my friends and proceed to dead name them and misgsender them. Same with myself. The collab work WAS NEVER a collab to begin with. My stories, Hellish story/Hells unexpected Prince/ Whatever else I called it back in 2011 was MY work. I shared it WITH her out of trust. I wrote prompts with HER characters. Nothing fucking else. She never was part of the ACTUAL story. She did not help write it, or write any of the book/chapters. I DID. Her book that she so boldly used to publish was not written/or created until late 2012. ALMOST A YEAR AFTER MINES. AND THAT WAS AFTER I SHARED MY WORK WITH HER. There was no WE. It was ME. She wanna claim equal rights but WHERE IS MY PAY THEN? HUH?? WHERE IS MY CREDIT??? She NEVER credits me for the use of my character likeness.Salax/Len/Elysium/Furo/Veraque are dead ass copy paste of my 7 demons. Erys and Delirus are dead ass white trash copy of Lector and Chaos. Shakira & Rafiki are Azami and Inuki. THE LIST GOES ON. Oh and lets not forget her blatant stealing of Abyssia and Crystalis which WERE MY CHARACTERS. She didn't even attempt to fucking hide it. Yea, nice fucking collab you got there bud. Steal my story, my character, butcher their them and then slap your name on it and go TEEHEE IM SO CREATIVE. I'm not staying silent. I'm not going to be silent or shut up. Keep your fake support and wishes. Choke for all I care.
and then Lovely facebook group that you called a tranny hate group. Plot twist. You have no rights to fucking use that word/slur against us. you know what you were saying and that just proves you're fucking transphobic. fake fucking ally
Crazy that you wrote this but blocked me so I didn't see it. Cant see it and i had to jump on a whole other account to see wtf you taggee me in. Nice. I doubt you have because then your mother wouldnt have gone after Moon and your sister after me when I have done nothing to her or even said ANYTHING about her. Ill keep saying it until Im blue: MY PROBLEM IS YOU. Not to mention your blatant transphobia with dead naming us, misgendering us and whats that? Using a slur against us. Real fucking cool. There was no fucking WE in my book. MY STORY. LECTOR STORY. MY ICE CHRONICLES AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN WAS MY FUCKING WORK. My shit starter BEFORE YOU. it never was a fucking collab and you had no rights to butcher it for your own poor ass attempt at making money. You dont see nika layin claim to my characters when I let her read my work or had fun little writing prompts with her characters. You wanna nail the fact its a collab work? Fucking pay me bitch. Pay me for stealing Abyssia and Crystalis. PAY ME FOR USIN MY CHARACTERS LIKENESS TO UR SHITTY WHITE TRASH SHIT. PAY. UP. Simple fuckin solution. But you fucking wont because go figure. You used me YET again and play victim. I dont need your shitty fake support. Choke on a dick.
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shelivedthroughit · 5 months
I hate my roommates
I know that hate is a strong word, that is why I'm using it. I am disgusted by them, they leave all of our shared living spaces dirty and the kitchen reeks of rotting food and garbage. I try to clean their messes, but there are 3 of them and 1 of me and they seem hellbent on making the place as filthy as possible.
One of my roommates decided to get a rabbit. This is a decision I supported her on as she often talked about how much she loved bunnies and how she always wanted one, stating on multiple occasions that she would do all her school projects on bunnies and knew all there was to know about the species. I didn't sense any red flags until she told me she intended to keep the bunny in a dog crate. Not just any dog crate, a chihuahua crate because "it was the cheapest one" she could find. Time passes and she gets the bunny. She keeps it in our living room in a cage. It makes a mess because it is going stir crazy and also starving since she was not feeding it enough or supplying it with any hay. She would get pissy at anyone who fed the bunny more because she claimed it was "getting fat."
Long story short, I have a pet bunny now. Don't get me wrong, I love my bunny. She is thriving now and lives almost entirely free roam in my room aside from when I am sleeping or out of the house, then she goes into her cage with plenty of hay, water, and enrichment toys.
This week, I am dogsitting for my mom's friend. I asked on my group text with my roommates for them to give my bunny pellets in the morning and make sure she has water. That's it, I didn't ask them to clean her cage or let her out as I was planning on coming back during the day to do so even though I don't have a car and will be paying out of pocket for ubers. The chat was radio silence. Not even a "sorry I can't do that," just no response from any of them. No one responded until I said that I was able to get my brother to do it as he lives about 5 minutes from us, then two of them wrote a half assed response saying they "could help butttt..." and listed off excuses. I didn't respond.
I left the key under the doormat for my brother. When I arrived at the apartment yesterday to check on my bunny, the key was no longer there. My brother took it without thinking. Ok, no big deal. I knock on the door. No response. I text the group chat that I'm locked out (something all 3 of them have done before), no response. I knock on the door more and text again. 2 of them respond that they're not home. I continue to knock. Then, the one who was here the entire time I was knocking opens the door and tells me that I "scared the shit out of her." This set me over the edge as this same bitch has woken me up in the middle of the night MULTIPLE TIMES by POUNDING ON MY WINDOW until I get the door for her. But of course me knocking on the door in the middle of the day after texting her multiple times is terrifying. My mistake.
I fucking hate my roommates.
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Wilbur trembles. He feels lost, adrift, and yet all too grounded. Everything is too real to be real. It has to be fake. The words, the gentle touches. All of that will end if--when?--Phil and Techno find Tommy.
He freezes. “Where’s Techno?”
Phil’s arms tighten around him, “he’s out looking for your brother.”
Tommyinnit’s clinic for supervillains by bonesandthebees - 26 chapters and 188,572 word count. Description = “W-What do you- I mean can I- are you here to rob us?” The person managed to stammer out.
Siren snorted. “No. I’m just here to order some food.”
“Wh-What about him?” The cashier asked, glancing at Tommy. “Did you- did you kidnap him?”
“I mean… yeah, let’s go with that in case this ends up on the news,” Siren shrugged, looking back at Tommy. “I kidnapped you, right?”
“Yeah, sure,” Tommy agreed, knowing that if they said he was kidnapped, it would keep people from getting suspicious of why he was seen in public with Siren. “Anyway, can I get the chicken nuggets happy meal, with a coke?”
Scaled Schemes by flustered - 10 chapters and 32,146 word count. Description = There is something living in the walls. Wilbur and Phil can hear it scratching at night, stealing their things, and eating their food. Whatever it was, it wasn't welcome. It could get past their wards and locked doors, slithering around eating their golden apples.
Meanwhile- Tommy is having a great time. The tower was warm, had an abundance of soft things to steal and make nests with, and all the food he could ever want! It was everything the small dragon could ever dream of.
It's a pity that once Tommy is discovered, he can't leave.
A royal pain by katzie - 20 chapters and 55,739 word count. Description = Phil and Technoblade are renowned assassins with a penchant for anarchy. They get hired for a hit, only to realize that, oh fuck, is their new target is a fucking kid?? Shenanigans and angst ensue.
11 miles by Adrian_H_Garnett - 16 chapters and 8,037 word count. Description = Thomas “Tommy” Shire decided one night to try his hand at an old urban legend he had heard of.
0 notes
nomtterwhere · 2 years
can’t handle it (3) || jake “hangman” seresin x reader
summary: tensions are high, and everyone falls victim to another hangman/rooster blowout. turns out, all they needed was a day at the beach
word count: 3k
a/n: thank you all so much for liking, commenting and reblogging in the first two parts! i’m glad you’re liking the story, i cant wait for you all to see where it goes. you know i had to get this scene in there, that beach scene is just *chef’s kiss* so i hope you like it!! and an fyi, i will be going on vacation for the next week and a half, so part four will be up in about two weeks. and as always, let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
part two // series masterlist
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Tensions were running high throughout the group. The exercises Maverick was putting you through were like nothing you have faced before and still, no one had successfully completed the simulated course. Each debrief after a run-through was a list of things going wrong and you all had to sit there and listen as Maverick laid you out.
“Why didn’t you anticipate the turn? You know the course.” He was asking Phoenix now.
She opened her mouth to respond and Maverick shook his head. “Don’t tell me. Tell it to his family.” He nodded towards Bob.
Maverick didn’t pull any punches. He made sure you all knew how dangerous this mission was and how important it was to him that you all made it home. He was a unique instructor; not one you would have anticipated, but one you were grateful to have nonetheless. If it had to be someone teaching you this course, you were glad it was him.
There was that weird tension he had with Rooster, though. You had been asking him about it but he wouldn’t budge, just claiming they had some history. You never understood what that meant though, that is until it finally came to a head.
“Besides, we know Rooster’s not ready for this,” Hangman said and you turned your head to him in surprise, meeting his eye. You shook your head slightly, but he ignored you, opting to look back at Rooster.
Rooster picked up his head a little and you could see him deciding whether to take the bait or not. Don’t do it, Rooster. It’s not worth it, you thought to yourself but your prayers went unanswered.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
You sat up in your seat, an uneasy feeling settling into your stomach.
Having Rooster right here he wanted him, Hangman continued. “I can’t be the only one that knows that Maverick flew with his old man.”
“Alright, that’s enough,” Maverick said.
But Hangman kept going, leaning back in his seat. “Or that Maverick was flying when his old man—”
Oh, shit. “Jake!” You exclaimed, but Rooster had already gotten up out of his seat and shoved Hangman back.
Everyone jumped up, pulling the two apart—Rooster with a murderous glare in his eyes and Hangman standing with a smug grin. Maverick stood in the middle of the two, a hand on each man’s chest as the rest of you looked on, making sure Rooster didn’t take another swing at him.
“You son of a bitch!” He yelled and you couldn’t help but think the same thing in your mind.
What could possibly possess him to say something like that? Nevertheless in front of the whole team. At least the mystery of Maverick and Rooster’s past was finally solved.
“He’s not ready for this mission. You know it.” You couldn’t tell if Hangman was baiting Roster further or if he was genuinely trying to make a point. “You know I’m right.”
He walked out the door, and the rest of you stood in silence for a few moments before Maverick dismissed you.
Ten minutes later, you were banging on Hangman’s door, refusing to let up until he opened it. The door swung open mid-knock, removing your surface area and you almost punched Hangman in the chest. Though, you should have just let it happen since he was being such an ass earlier.
“What the fuck was that, Seresin?” You demanded and he only sighed.
Turning to go back into his room, he left the door open for you and sat down on his bed. “Come to lecture me?”
You shut the door behind you and fixed your glare on him. “I’m serious, Jake. Why would you say that? Why would you bring up Rooster’s dad like that?”
“You’ve seen the way those two were in the exercises, Rooster can’t control himself. There’s no way he could fly a mission like this!” He exclaimed.
“And you couldn’t have thought of any other way to get your point across?”
“Was there any other way he would have paid attention?”
He cocked an eyebrow at you when you didn’t respond and you shook your head. You were standing above him, him seated in front of you on the bed, but he still only had to tilt his head up slightly to look at you.
You both knew drawing attention to the subject was sometimes the only way Rooster would pay attention. He could be as stubborn as Hangman when he wanted to be, and Hangman knew that. But he pushed those limits and you couldn’t let that sit.
“It was still a dick move.”
He let out a deep exhale accompanied by a humorless laugh, as he laid back on his bed. “Yeah, well that’s what I’m known for, right?”
You sat next to him, looking down at him as you waited for him to continue. You knew he sometimes struggled with being the “bad guy” of the group, but you also assumed his ego kept him cushioned. It was rare that he opened up even the tiniest bit, so you cherished moments like these where you got to see Jake as he was. When it was clear he wasn’t going to say anything else, you spoke.
“You know we love you. All of us.” You nudged his side and he turned his head to the side to meet your gaze. “But if you don’t want to be known for that, maybe stop doing dickish things.”
“No, Y/N, look. I get it, what I did was shitty. But I’m not gonna let someone who’s completely rattled by one person showing up in the air on a mission like this. Rooster can’t do this. Not like this.”
He made a point. You had all seen how agitated Rooster had been all week. The way Maverick and Rooster were acting were certainly cause for concern. But it also wasn’t everything.
“You know, maybe you’re right. With the headspace Rooster’s in, maybe this isn't the right mission for him. But does you being right really matter more than how Rooster is feeling right now?”
He stayed quiet. You knew his head was turning, but you also knew he wouldn’t admit to making the wrong choice. It was interesting, the way he was. You admired his strength and resilience but sometimes that very strength was his downfall.
You squeezed his shoulder before getting up. “Talk to him. Please.”
You had your hand on the doorknob before Hangman spoke up again.
“Thanks.” You turned around, looking to him for clarification. “For coming. Even if it was just to yell at me.” A hint of a smile.
You smiled back. “Anytime. You know I’m here for you, even when you are being a giant ass.”
You ducked out of the way, laughing, as a pillow was tossed at your head and scurried out the door. “Talk to him!” You called over your shoulder before shutting the door.
You headed back to your own room, ready to take a nap after the exhausting morning. Stripping out of your flightsuit quickly, you threw on some comfortable clothes and burrowed yourself into bed. As you drifted off, you couldn’t help but wonder if Maverick had a plan for the rest of the week after the recent blow up. He wanted you to fight as a team, but it seemed harder now more than ever. You could only hope he continued to be the leader he had proved himself to be and figure out a way to fix this.
Dogfight football.
It seems the best way Maverick could think of to ease the tension between the team was a day on the beach. Things were still tense between Hangman and Rooster, though when were they not. But you knew they still hadn’t talked about what happened earlier that week. When you addressed each of them separately, they claimed they “didn’t need to” and that it would “work itself out.”
Gathered in a huddle on the beach, you all stood before Maverick in your swimwear as he explained the rules. Dogfight football is just like regular football, except you’re playing offense and defense at the same time.
“Seems simple enough.” You muttered under your breath and you heard a light chuckle from your left side.
Hangman leaned forward a bit, softly nudging your body with his. You turned your head to look at him and though you couldn’t see his eyes behind his sunglasses you knew they were shining bright as he held in his laughter.
You were only wearing a sports bra and a pair of athletic shorts, so you could feel his skin press against yours as he nudged you one more time before returning his attention to Maverick. You spotted a smirk on his face as he looked forward, clearly proud of himself.
“Two teams, let’s go!” Maverick yelled and Hondo blew his whistle.
You needed to get far away from Hangman before seeing him like this altered your brain chemistry forever. Making a beeline for Phoenix, you grabbed her arm as a team started to form around you. You took a glance over your shoulder and saw that Hangman was watching you, lips pressed together with a curious look on his face. It occurred to you that he had probably seen you run away from him and was looking to for an explanation why. You quickly looked away.
It wasn’t that you had never seen him shirtless before. It was the fact that it was mainly in moments of high intensity, usually in the gym where everyone is focused on what they’re doing. There was no time to stop and stare.
Hangman on the beach, however, is a completely different beast. He’s relaxed and upbeat, not to mention you find his competitiveness disgustingly attractive. The way he immediately huddled up with his teammates, his body poised, face fierce—you were ashamed to say that did it for you.
Lucky for you, you were just as competitive and found it easy to get your head into the game as your own team gathered for a huddle. Rolling your shoulders back, you focused on what Rooster was saying as he laid out a strategy for the team.
When you broke, you felt eyes on you and turned to see Hangman a few feet away as he watched as you took your starting position. It wasn’t until Yale shook his shoulders that he turned away from you and you hid a smile. It inflated your ego a bit to know you weren’t the only one distracted.
And now, it was game time.
The whistle blew and you took off down the beach. The guys may have been bigger, but you were faster and proved it as you weaved between them before catching the ball Coyote threw your way. You made your way to the makeshift endzone as your teammates cheered you on. Throwing the ball down, you high-fived Fanboy and Rooster as you made your way back to your starting positions.
This time you were directly opposite Hangman and he grinned as you got in position.
“You got lucky that time.” He called out, walking backwards in preparation.
“Sorry, I can’t hear you over that ego of yours.” You retorted, mirroring his grin.
He just laughed and shook his head at you and you fought the urge to let your eyes drift down to his naked chest. Ultimately, you failed but you couldn’t say you minded that much. His golden skin shone under the beating sun and you could see the beads of sweat that decorated his skin. Hangman worked for his physique and watching him now, you could see why he was so proud of it. Hell, if your abs glowed like that under the sun maybe you'd be just as cocky as he is.
His bicep flexed and you finally returned your eyes to his, a smug smile on his face. You only smiled back at him to show he hadn’t rattled you. You had hoped since you were wearing sunglasses it would disguise what you were doing, but Hangman always knew when someone’s eyes were on him.
The whistle blew again and Rooster snapped the ball back to Coyote as you took off running in the opposite direction. You watched as the ball sailed in the air from Coyote’s throw and caught it. Running as fast as you could, you saw Hangman closing in on you from the front. To your left was Fanboy, so you slowed down and quickly tossed it to get rid of the ball before Hangman caught you.
Right as the ball left your fingers, Hangman wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you off the ground, throwing you over his shoulder. You just laughed as you heard the rest of your team yelling, assuming that Fanboy made it to the endzone.
“Too late, Assman.” You slapped his ass, which was now at eye level with you.
He had a firm grip on your upper thigh, holding you close to him and he squeezed the flesh there at your comment. You sucked in a breath, hoping he didn’t notice, but the light chuckle that escaped his mouth told you he did.
“You gonna let me down now?” You asked as he started walking with you still over his shoulder.
“I don’t know, you gonna keep calling me names?” He continued walking.
“What the hell are you two doing?” You heard Phoenix’s voice in front of you and lifted your head.
You propped your hands up on Hangman’s lower back to look at the woman who was following behind. You smiled sheepishly, squinting against the sun.
“Tell him to put me down, please.”
She gave you a knowing look but turned her attention to the body holding yours, nonetheless. “Hangman, you heard the lady.”
He stopped walking and set you down, your body flush against his when your feet finally touched the sand. His head tilted down to look at you and worked as a blockade against the sun, though that wasn’t what you were focused on. Gone was the cocky grin that usually adorned his face and in its place a look of pure desire.
His eyes flitted down to your lips and a corner of his own quirked up.
“Don’t get any ideas, Assman. We’ve got a game to finish!” You said as you walked away from him.
“Can’t lie, the new name kind of suits me!” He called after you.
“You know, this thing between the two of you used to freak me out.” Phoenix started, falling into step beside you.
You laughed. “And now?”
“Well it still freaks me out a little.” She bumped your shoulder with hers. “But I have to admit, Hangman’s a little bit more bearable when you’re around. So, thanks.”
“Good to know I’m helping you stay sane.” You wrapped an arm around her neck as she shrieked. “Now, let’s play some ball!”
You played into the evening, eventually losing track of the score as the sun went down. People were tapping out gradually until it was just five of you left, you and Phoenix on one team and Rooster, Payback, and Hangman on the other.
“Looks like those two made up.” Phoenix nodded to where the three men were huddled up, Rooster nodding along to what Hangman was saying.
“Those guys will put anything aside for a football.” You said, then lifted your head to address them. “You guys wanna keep talking or play some football?”
“Alright, alright, we’re comin’!” Payback called back.
You played a few more games before Rooster went up to get a drink, Hangman following him up the beach about a minute later. You watched as they both stood by the cooler before returning your attention to the game. You had a feeling they wouldn’t be back for a bit.
After a while longer of Payback complaining about the 2-on-1 game, your group finally dispersed. Hangman and Rooster had never returned from their talk, but you saw Hangman sitting on the beach a few yards down. While Phoenix and Payback headed back to the base, you made your way over to him.
You dropped down next to Hangman in the sand and he wordlessly passed you a water bottle.
“So, you were right.”
“Ah, the three words every woman loves to hear.” You took a drink. “What was I right about this time?” You knew, you just wanted to hear him say it.
He had taken off his sunglasses earlier and you now had a perfect view of his side profile. He squinted into the sun and you smiled to yourself, recognizing it as one of his avoidance tactics. He hated being wrong, and you knew he wouldn’t look at you until the moment passed. You didn’t call him out on it though, just let him take his time.
“Rooster.” He paused. “It didn’t matter what I thought. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Hm.” You kept looking at him. “Did you tell him that?”
“Yeah. He was cool about it, guess we both had time to cool down a bit.”
You leaned your head on his shoulder and he immediately relaxed into you, placing his own head over yours. Your breathing evened out, matching each other beat for beat as you looked out on the ocean.
“Good.” You said quietly. “I’m glad.”
“No, ‘I told you so?’”
“No.” You said, simply. “You knew what you had to do and you did it. And now I’m glad you and Rooster won’t be at each other’s throats again. At least, for the next week or so.”
You felt his chest rumble beside yours as he chuckled. “How do you always know the right thing to say?”
“It’s a gift.”
You felt his shoulder nudge your head and you lifted it to see him already looking down at you, eyes bright and soft at the same time. The setting sun created a perfect halo around his already golden hair and you reached up to brush it to the side. The wind had picked up as the day went on, causing his hair to fall out of the perfect style it usually adorns. You preferred this messy style.
You took a mental screenshot of this moment and smiled. This was you and Jake at your core. Two people who just wanted to enjoy each other’s presence no matter what it looked like.
“Come on.” You stood up, reaching out your hand to him as he watched. “Let’s head back.”
taglist: @americaarse @insideafictionaluniverse @emotionalbruv @levylovegood @letusbewildflowers @roses-and-grasses @words-4u @maggieromanov @jenosdominion @ollyoxenfrees @rule107 @callalily2000 @atrxidxs @thatchickwiththecamera @dempy @doctor-warthrop @herladyshipxx @nessamc @cowboybarbie @hockeyboysarehot @kokomaesadie @mysticaldonkey
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angelamajiki · 3 years
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PARINGS: Pro Hero! Dabi x Sister! Reader
TW: yandere, incest, no con, voyeurism, choking, burning, unprotected/no prep sex, breeding/creampies, snowballing, public sex, degradation, lots of dirty talk
AN: WHEEWW my first fic in a while, so excited for my first join intro collab!! thank you to the lovely jo for writing it <33 enjoy
A BNHarem Server Collab! Check out the other works here.
Breaking news: We have yet another report to add to the slew of attacks this month, this comes just days after we broadcast rumours of villains running rampant over the city. This spate of attacks has put the entire metropolitan area at a standstill, road closures and damaged property making it difficult for commuters to get to work in the morning. Road maintenance endeavour to do its best to keep the city running, but it seems futile when these attacks continue to increase. The entire city was brought to a standstill by the mysterious villain who has still not been named, but reports show they are nothing like we have ever experienced before.
Where are the heroes now? Who will save us from the terror overwhelming our city?
Every day the crime toll continues to rise and we have no one here to protect us. The Hero Public Safety Commission assured us earlier in the week that the crime rate would go down, that the top Heroes are out there protecting our city, but if so, where are they? Is it really safe to go out anymore, who can we trust? Would you put your life in the hands of a Hero today? When they have proved our streets are no longer safe. We still have no information on what is going on, or who is involved but we must remain observant. We will continue to report the latest news as we receive it, but for now, we must implore you to heed the warnings of the city-wide curfew that is soon to be implemented. If anyone has any information on these occurrences in the city please send them to us or contact the police, you can remain anonymous. The safety of our citizens is what is most important, stay vigilant and don’t go out unless it is absolutely necessary.
Christ, what a load of bullshit the news was nowadays. Constantly whining and squealing about what heroes did and didn’t do, promoting fear-mongering like it was the hottest trend. Between your father and two older brothers dedicating their life to the cause of justice, the world always felt just a little safer to you, the naive little thing that you were. And tonight was no exception.
Despite the rapidly increasing crime rates, your judgment to grab a couple of drinks in the city with your friends was hardly swayed. The stress of it all was getting to you and you’d love nothing more to drink your heart out at one of the few spots still left open. It was a sleazy place, but it was fun. If anything, you found a bar in the area where your eldest brother was currently stationed patrolling.
Touya had always been protective of you ever since the two of you were children, and he carried that same possessiveness well into your adulthood. Always chasing off any potential suitors, keeping you out of trouble, and generally being a menace to anyone who thought they were good enough to be around his favorite little sister.
By the end of the night, stumbling around drunkenly was the only thing keeping you upright as you made your way out of the club and onto the street, looking for a taxi to get you home. Sirens wailed faintly in the distance, a mess of blue and red lighting up the darkened streets.
“Hey sweetheart. Need a hand?”
Grubby hands met your arms the same time the cool air of the night did, tugging and pulling at you to come closer, wherever that may be. Jaunts and laughter echoed off the buildings, only adding to the haziness the alcohol induced. “What’s a pretty little thing like yourself doing out here all on your lonesome?”
Weak attempts to push the group of assaulters off you were in vain as they groped and squeezed your body at their pleasure. “Come on, we’re just trying to keep ya company. Right, boys?”
Your whine came across much more pathetic than you could have ever hoped, only earning more chuckles from the men. “Just relax, sweetheart. We’ll take good care of you.”
Blue flames danced around the group of you, closing the lot of you against the building wall in a small circle of fire.
“Will you now? Last I checked, I'm the only man suited for that.” Touya was less than amused to have found out from Fuyumi that you traveled into the city given its state, even more so when he saw how drunk and disorderly you were being.
The men untangled themselves from you with ease, tossing you into the arms of your expectant brother, who was more than glad to pull you into a tight embrace. “Shit! It's the number three, Heatstroke!”
The comforting warmth of his body and scent of his cologne settled your frantic nerves, tucking yourself closer into his arms. “Honestly, it’s like you're asking for it at this point.”
Your heart sank low in your chest, but you couldn't find the strength to move away from him as he scowled down at you.
“Look at what you're wearing, you little tease. Bet you would have loved to have them violate you, huh slut?”
Never has Touya been so venomous with you before; it made your heart hurt, even more, to see your beloved nii-san be so cruel.
“Don’t you worry, that’s why your big brother is here to show you who you really belong to.”
Shoved against the wall, he pinned your trembling form with his right knee in between your legs and his hands wandering over your skimpy dress.
“You boys can stick around to watch; let a real man show you how it's done.”
Flames singed at your dress, burning it to ashes to expose you in the cool wind of the night. Hot fingers pressed into your skin, littering marks in their wake before they wrapped around your throat. “You were just begging for nii-san to come to save your slutty ass, huh, princess? I know you checked my patrol schedule before ending up at this dive.”
His hand tightened around your neck, his lips at your ear. “Wanted nii-san to come put you in your place, yeah? After fuckin’ teasing me all these years, you finally cracked me. Are you proud of yourself, little girl?”
A whine slipped from your constricted throat, your smaller hand gripping at the large one squeezing you with everything it had. “And now you've got an audience to witness my ownership over you. You're mine, little girl.”
Finally releasing your throat, his hands traveled down to your chest and groped at your roughly, pinching and pulling at your soft, sensitive nipples. Bile was rising in your throat as you drowned in your own fear, feeling him drag you into the depths of depravity.
“What’s the matter, imouto? I thought you said I was your favorite. You're hurting my feelings, y’know.”
“Touya, please-”
A scoff slapped you hard in the face as his knee jerked up against your cunt. “Don’t start with me. I know who you really are and what you really want, even better than yourself.”
His words stabbed at your heart, and his wandering hands only seemed to pour salt over the wounds. “You’re nothing more than my whore, little sister.”
Hips ground against your backside in a slow, teasing manner, groans pushing past his lips as he did so. “You have no one to blame but yourself.”
His erection was pressed flush against you, straining in his pants before he unzipped himself. At this point, you were more than sobered up running on fear and adrenaline alone. Your panties were ripped clean off with his free hand while the other stroked his hardening cock. “Look at me.”
The tip was aligned with your hole, rubbing slightly to gather the minimal wetness between your lips. “I said look at me.”
Teary eyes peaked up at him through wet lashes, silently pleading with a man who was not known for mercy.
“Good fuckin’ girl, so obedient for your big brother.”
With one snap of his hips, Touya fully sheathed himself inside of your tight cunt, groaning at the way you squealed for him. “Aw, you like that, huh, princess. Feeling good?”
A warbled moan was the only response you could give him as he slowly began to pull out. The alcohol had you buzzing enough to block out the pain of the stretch, and damn did you feel filled to the brim.
“Can’t wait to breed this greedy little cunt of yours.”
His pace was slow, agonizingly so. Touya couldn't help but savor every second of the first time having been inside you, especially after dreaming about it for so long. God, if it didn't turn him on to have an audience, knowing that these men knew he was fucking his sister.
What would the media think? God, the news cycle would be ripped to shreds tomorrow over this breaking story. But hey, no PR is bad PR.
The thought of finally having staked his claim in you almost had him coming prematurely, but he had to hold out for your very first time together, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.
Heh, your crying face was so cute. Those tears weren't shy by any means and neither were your sobs. It's alright, you’ll learn to love being Touya’s cocksleeve.
“Say you love me.”
An impossible request when you're being violated by the person you held dearest to your heart.
His pace had picked up brutally, slamming into you without care for his flames spreading wildly nor the group of assaulters who seemed to vanish once they had the opening to.
“I-I love you, nii-san! I love you!”
Your cries were shrill and whiny, echoing into the chaotic night. The grip on your hips was heating up, so much so that his handprints were burned into your love handles.
“Good girl, good little slut.”
His breathing was erratic, hot against your neck as he growled and grunted into your ear. “Gonna let nii-san breed this pretty little pussy? Yes, you are. I know you are because you're fuckin’ mine, bitch.”
Moaning out your name, Touya came deep inside your womb, thick ropes of his cum painting your insides. You were soon to follow thanks to his thumb against your clit, causing you to writhe and whine in his arms.
Utterly spent, you rested against the brick wall you were pinned to, feeling the cum drip out of your still filled hole.
“Let’s get you home and into my bed, princess. I gotta go have a chat with Dad and Shouto, let ‘em know you’re fully off limits now.”
— tagging: @libiraki @bonesoftheimpala @tomurasprincess @sightoru
940 notes · View notes
melianlmao · 3 years
Prolonged Eye Contact
A/n: Jeez this story is grimy, I was in no way prepared for this and the format all the way to the introduction of this is junk. I might revamp this whole thing honestly. Anyways enjoy
Warnings: Cursing, Police, nothing else I don't think
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The police station is cold as fuck.
You cross your arms in hope to trap some of your body heat and huddle closer into yourself as you wait for the band to come get you.
The police officer is talking to Cindy in the other room and you could hear her ugly crying and high pitched voice claiming you were a danger to society and she did nothing wrong.
You rolled your eyes as the noise of the door swinging open and familiar voices broke through the station.
"Y/n!" Akaashi called pushing past Suna to run up to you and look you over for injuries.
"Ever the mom friend I see." You chuckle as he deems you injured and aggressively ruffles your hair. The rest of the band had caught up now and the silent question hung in the air.
Suna had given them a summary of what has happened on the way but he was also still in a state of shock, so what motivated you to spit back at the bitch.
It's dearest KenKen who asks and you quirk a brow at his interlaced fingers with Kuroo and he just shakes his head prodding you to answer the question
"Was I supposed to just sit there?" You mumble crossing your arms.
"Maybe you wouldn't be sitting at the police station if you did." Kuroo mused with a smirk.
You rolled your ey s and went to say something but before you could the door beside you swung open and our came an ugly crying Bitch face and a black haired tall handsome police officer.
His tag read Daichi Sawamura and he seemed to recognize Kuroo.
"Long time no see Captain." Kuroo whistled.
The cop just smiled good naturedly and turned to you.
"From what I hear you could go away for a long time but I have a feeling that things were exaggerated. if you will, so I'm gonna need a statement." He said beckoning you to the room Cindy just came from.
You grimaced and followed him in with a small wave to the band.
As soon as the door swing shut they turned to Cindy like a pack of hungry wolves.
She had hurt one of their own and that wasn't gonna fly now was it?
"Long time no see." She smiled the fake teary eyes and sniffles long thrown to the side.
"What the hell is your problem?" Atsumu growled at her, taking step forward only to be tugged back by his twin.
"I will not be replaced! Especially not by some random trash that got in by sleeping with my Rinnie." She scoffed and Osamus grip on his brother tightened as he contemplated lunging at her himself.
Surprising everyone is was Kenma who stepped up.
"Oh shut the hell up Cindy Lou Who looking ass." He said plainly, like he was already exhausted with her.
"Wha-" she stared but Kenma stopped her, he went done.
"Your playing sucks ass, your attitude is ten times worse nodody liked you except Sunarin and you fucking cheated on him!" He went off throwing his hands up in exasperation.
"Not even to mention Y/n could easily beat your ass,has ten times the personality you have and isn't like you, They actually fucking care about Sunarin and doesn't just want him for the fucking fame." He finished turning on his heel to lean back on Kuroo, exhausted from his rant.
Cindy stood gaping like a fish and it finally hit her as she look at the group of boys bristling before her.
Their sharp gazes fixated on her, brows furrowed, and teeth clenched.
She had no place here.
She clenched her fists to her sides and scoffed.
"Whatever, they're going to jail anyways." She tutted, turning to waltz out the door with what little dignity she had left after Kenma's verbal beat down.
They watched her go with narrow eyes and only turned away from the door when you emerged from the room with Daichi.
"Fortunately, What Your friend here says matches with the report from the security so they're clear to go." He sighed clearly exhausted from having to deal with such a situation.
You nodded to him and followed the band out to the van. You sat on the passenger side while Suna drove.
He hadn't said a word to you this whole ordeal and you can't help but worry that maybe something changed his mind.
You aren't making any assumptions because miscommunication got you here in the first place so instead you elect to talk to him about it later in the confines of his room.
He reaches over the middle console and takes your hand in his smoothing his thumb over the back of your hand and some of the doubt melts away.
Everything will be alright.
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a-dorin · 4 years
pairing: college au! maul x female!reader
word count: 2.411k
warnings: smutttttt, teasing, cursing, mentions of death threats, endless teasing, some filthy talk, nsfw, pet names
a/n: hi so this is my first time writing over 1k in months. please be gentle with me, as i'm really proud of this & i can never get enough of college aus. feedback is very much appreciated. request was anon, but i hope you enjoy <3
prompt: "Hi yes if this managed to make it in time for request, can I please request a Maul x Fem reader smut,,, like anything I’m a desperate hoe ahdhdbsbsbzb"
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“so,” there’s the crisp crinkle of a page turning, “why’d you choose university of coruscant?”
“the atmosphere.”
“come on,” he scoffs, “are you a tour guide now? what major are you anyways? isn’t it something really nerdy? something along the lines of biochemistry? a minor in genetics or some bullshit like that?”
“i think you’re thinking of some other girl you’ve fucked because that is nowhere along the lines of what i’m studying. you weren’t even in the right college. some partner you are.”
sitting right across from you, was the star recruit of the university of coruscant. a lacrosse player who transferred from mustafar central. he was the reason why the team was expected to qualify for nationals. why they were supposed to even make it to the championship.
over the summer, it was almost as if the entire campus was buzzing about it. after all, it wasn’t often that the university was able to snag such good athletes. well, it was a division one school so of course it was a given that everyone was pretty good in their respective sport.
however, the zabrak sitting right across from you was utterly exceptional.
in almost every way.
all everyone raved about was his looks. which, you had to admit, the zabrak was gorgeous. with rich crimson skin, complemented by inky tattoos, sharp cheekbones, a dashing smile, and eyes that were pools of pure honey, it was difficult to deny the fact that he was attractive.
however, it was not hard to accept the other truth, either. he was quite acquainted with a majority of the women on campus, matching with almost every single one on tinder. that was if you were a part of a sorority or part of a sports team, of course.
what made matters worse was his intelligence. so, when you were paired with him for a project in your astronomy class, you learned fairly quickly that the zabrak was quite the smartass. and not a nice one, either. he seemed to enjoy harassing and berating you with his jokes and punchlines during every encounter.
he was everything you despised in a man. cocky, stubborn, and careless.
so why were you so attracted to him? you had absolutely no idea.
there’s a beat of silence, and the only noise the zabrak emits is a quiet exhale. the sound of his breath as it whistled through his teeth. yet, it’s followed by a quiet huff.
“you wish you could fuck me. you’ve mentioned it before, to that nautolan friend of yours, hmm? kit, right? he’s on the lacrosse team. your name may have come up a few times.”
heat flourishes through your cheeks as you glance upwards, any last remnants of focus completely crumbling away. your breath hitches in your throat at the smug smirk plastered on his lips, incisors poking against his lower lip.
golden eyes scour you, almost analyzing the sheer and utter shock plaguing your features. satisfaction glints within the depths, and you blink, scrambling to formulate some sort of response.
leaning forward, the zabrak tilts his head, so close that the tip of his nose grazed yours. this time, the words are a low rumble, harsh and gravelly.
almost like a growl.
“you told your little friend kit that you wished that i would just take you right here, in the library, and fuck you senseless. i find that interesting though, because you’ve been feeding me this little premonition that you absolutely loathe every aspect of my existence. now, do you actually want that little wish of yours to come true, or are you going to keep putting up the act and we act like this never happened?”
shrinking in your seat, you could almost feel the eyes searing into the both of you. there’s arched brows and low murmurs, a few giggles ringing through the space. swallowing thickly, you pull the collar of your hoodie over the lower half of your face, in a vain attempt to conceal your obvious embarrassment.
of course your fellow peers were staring. in the corner of your eye, you witness a group of girls roll their eyes. from the decals on their laptops, along with the other memorabilia, you pick out they’re chi omega girls, a popular sorority on campus.
you squeeze your eyes shut as you hear them whispering amongst each other. there’s a few points, and you were dead sure the dusty rose twi’lek in the black nike hoodie wanted to end your life right there.
maker, were you so flustered.
and he had you right where he wanted you.
“m-maul,” you stutter, fidgeting in your seat, “pe-people are s-staring.”
“do i look like i give a fuck?”
“i’m pretty sure the chi omega girls over there are going to send me death threats once they find my instagram,” you grumble, burying your head in your hands, “it’s your fault they’re all looking, you know.”
“hey!” the taunting tone in his voice sent your eyes wide open, strands of curses flowing from your tongue as he called over to the group, “i know we may have matched on tinder, but i’m not yours. i’m not territory to lay a claim on. i’m my own zabrak, you know. i can talk to other girls.”
letting out an exasperated sigh, you bury your head into your arms, laying your head on the table.
getting any work done with him was a lost cause.
“you okay? you gonna make it?”
for a moment, you melt under the tenderness in his tone, the way the words just sounded so gentle. he lays a hand on your shoulder, and you look up, the heat in your cheeks lingering as your eyes lock with his.
“we could get out of here, you know,” maul murmurs, “i live in an apartment with a few other guys on the lacrosse team. they’re all out, though. we could get some peace and quiet. and i could get you away from those chi clowns. i think they already found your twitter. i don’t like the way they’re looking at you either.”
i don’t like the way they’re looking at you either.
“um, sure. i don’t have anything else tonight. at least, i don’t think. i cleared my schedule so we could get this project done.”
“don’t worry about packing up your stuff. act like you’re on the phone or something and i’ll grab your things. i made this mess so i’ll clean it up,” it takes a moment to register the suggestion, but you knew it wasn’t a suggestion.
he wasn’t going to budge.
clearing your throat, you press your phone to your ear, “hello? oh hey! no, you didn’t catch me at a bad time. i just need to leave the room really quick.”
carefully, you weave your way through the maze of chairs and tables, pushing open the door. moments later, you’re outside, inhaling the brisk january air, grateful for the coolness as it seeps into your skin.
“you okay?”
you nod, probably a little too quickly, “yes.”
maul’s brow furrows, yet he doesn’t press any further, adjusting your book bag, “don’t worry about carrying this. i got it. i feel bad.”
“don’t feel bad i mean, you were just teasing--”
“i do,” he cuts in, “i feel bad because i know how you much you dislike unwanted attention. you always get so flustered when the professor calls on you with no warning. you either stutter just a little bit or you pull the sleeves of your hoodie over your hands. i was a little bit of an asshole back there, and i apologize for that. i took care of everything with those chi omega girls too.”
in the darkness, you nearly trip over the sidewalk, “you.. you notice that?”
“i sit right by you and have been for the past two weeks,” he snorts, “i pick up on a thing or two. take a left here.”
all around you, the lights of campus glow softly, illuminating the surroundings with a warm golden glow. the night sky is clear, a few stars glittering over the light pollution of the city. you follow the zabrak, unsure of what to say.
“were.. were you serious about what you said earlier? did kit really say something?”
your knees buckle at the sound of his laughter. how it was so sweet and melodic as it rang out into the night.
“he did say something,” the zabrak raises a hand, pointing to a complex just a few hundred feet ahead of you, “i’m right here. you still up for the offer? i mean, we still have a week and a half but i don’t want to waste your time. you have a lot going on with your classes already. how’s chemistry going?”
“how do you know about chemistry?” you arch a brow, a shudder coursing through you as the breeze rolls through the campus.
“you bitch about it all the time on your instagram story?” the zabrak holds his id next to the door, pulling it open, “regardless of what you may think, i do pay attention to you sweetheart.”
“and what’s that supposed to mean?” your tone shifts, “i’m not sure what you’re referring to, maul.”
“well,” a hand finds its way to the small of your back, just above the curve of your ass, pushing you gently. realizing that you have to go up the stairs, you begin to trudge upwards, his hand still lingering.
“you have this belief that you’re unattractive because you don’t possess conventional beauty set by the standards of social media and society. i know this because you’ve talked about it on your twitter and your instagram. also, your comment about ‘some other girl i fucked’ really took me aback because i don’t just sleep with anyone. you know that, right? i have standards. and i have goals too, outside from ‘how many bodies i have.’ you also said that to kit, which made me upset. is that what you really think of me?”
in that instant, it was almost as if your heart dropped. you stop at the top of the flight, the clammy sensation coating your hands only growing. wiping your hands on your leggings, you dodge his gaze, clamping your mouth shut.
gods, were you in deep shit now.
fingers grasp your chin, forcing your head to the right. maul takes a step forward, pushing your back against the wall. the concrete sends goosebumps lining your arms, hairs standing on end.
“i asked you a question,” your heart thuds as he leans forward, “is that what you really think of me sweetheart?”
“i-i--” you stammer, heat flourishing to your neck, “t-that’s not i think of you. i was just frustrated because i didn’t know how to process the feelings i had and i’m sorry.”
“feelings?” maul’s lips were practically brushing against yours. and gods, were they so tantalizingly soft, “what kind of feelings?”
“i may have a crush on you.”
“a crush? what is this, fifth grade?” the tease was edged with somewhat you couldn’t quite place your finger on. what was it? lust? want? hunger?
“a crush,” you affirm, “i have a crush on you, maul.”
“you wanna know what i told those chi omega girls?” he inquires, one hand on the wall, the other reaching for your face, cupping your cheek.
“what did you tell those girls?” fuck. were you in deeper shit now.
“i told them we were talking. that you were my girl,” your lashes flutter at his touch, “and you know wanna know what else i told them?”
“what else did you say?” puckering you lips, you take his thumb into your mouth, sucking lightly.
the sound that you hear is nothing like you’ve encountered before.
“i-i,” you feel your lips curve into a smirk as he grits his teeth, “i told them that i was going to fuck you after this. that i was going to completely destroy you.”
“you didn’t---”
his mouth connects with yours for an open-mouthed kiss. it’s electrifying yet blissful, something that would sweep you off your feet yet keep you grounded, keeping you wanting more and more. gods, was it such a craving. to stay in this stairwell, to cherish this moment.
it’s gratifying, enough to make you light-headed with giddiness.
it’s everything you’ve ever wanted and more.
yet, he pulls away, panting ever so slightly.
his jaw clenches, “you have no fucking idea how much i’ve been wanting to do that. ever since i met you. fuck, i need more. i need more of you. ‘taste so good.”
“we could always--”
“finish this in my apartment? yeah, i want to. but i don’t want to force anything on you and i don’t want to make you uncomfortable. i’ve just -- i’ve just been having dreams about you.”
“dreams?” you watch as the zabrak’s eyes squeeze shut, his body shifting away from yours. he’s heading towards the door now, nearly throwing it open.
“dreams about being inside of you. fuck. i need to know how you feel. if you’re as tight as i imagined. and fuck, i need to feel how wet you are too. how wet you get for me. have you ever tasted yourself before?”
you shake your head, “i haven’t.”
maul practically stalks down the hallway, finding his door. sliding the key into the lock, he steps inside, placing your bags on the floor, “would you rather study or would you rather let me express how i feel?”
thumbs loop through the pocket of your hoodie, pulling you close to him. fuck, you could feel him against your body. the stiffness of his cock underneath his sweats. how hot and bothered he was for you, practically aching for some sort of release.
“what do you mean ‘express how you feel’?” carefully, you dip a hand into the waistband, hand wrapping around the outline, squeezing gently.
“oh fuck,” maul throws his head back, moaning ever so slightly, “i-i may have a crush on you too. and i wanted to express how i felt. i-i’m not good with words.”
“why don’t you show me then?” your clit throbs as you feel along his shaft, fingers grazing over the ridges, thumb pressing against his tip.
“bend over the fucking counter then and i’ll fucking show you then, princess. you better not utter a single fucking word about this fucking project because it’s my turn to study you.”
taggin' some maul moots: @maulieber @maulfrk @hounding-around @maximumninjavoid @xcertaindarkthingsx @zabrak-show @anakinswhore @arsonistvoyager @bonesaldente @catsnkooks@darthmaulslut
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frostfireft · 3 years
Can we have more Bickslow headcannons? And maybe Evergreen, Freed, and Lexus too?
Fuck yeah you can! I’m gonna start with a lot of angst and then move into their dynamics as a team. (this got REALLY long but I’m not sorry)
-I gave you all my HC for Freed’s backstory in my last post and mentioned that Freed is the reason that Bickslow and Evergreen joined the guild, so have both their backstories too! 
-Bickslow grew up in a travelling circus with several other child performers. It wasn’t exactly a nice environment. There were lots of issues and safety hazards and abuse going on behind the scenes, but they were forced to keep smiling and performing through it all. 
-Bickslow was especially targeted by the ringmaster because of his magic allowing him to look into people’s souls. The ringmaster is the one who forced him to wear a helmet when he wasn’t using his ability on the crowd for money. 
-Because of that, he only had five friends back then, all children younger than he was, who looked up to him both for his tricks and the fact that no matter how upset he was, he had a smile for them.
-one day the tent caught fire during a practice. Bickslow was the only one to make it out alive. 
-but considering all the traumatic events they went through, most of the children kept there weren’t able to move on, and their spirits lingered in the area... Except for the five kids who were most fond of Bickslow. They stayed near him and talked to him all the time, especially once they realized he could see them. You still have a soul as a spirit after all. 
-the town he was in began to think he was crazy because he was “talking to the air” all the time, and they would continuously call child services to try and take him to an orphanage. The five spirits however, would warn him before they could, and Bickslow used his years of acrobatics skills to stay away from anyone who tried to move him away from where the circus burned down. It may have been a place of trauma, but there were good memories too, and it’s all he had. 
-So the town tried one last gamble. Who better to adopt a child with mysterious magic that Fairy Tail? 
-And Makarov, in an attempt to get Laxus to be more social, decided to send him and Freed. 
-It went about as well as you’d expect. Laxus tried to fight him while Freed did research on the area and what happened to him. 
-Laxus didn’t have as much control over his magic as he thought he did at that age, and Bickslow was kicking his ass before Freed showed up and trapped him so they could talk.
-Freed shared his story with him and offered the same thing Laxus once offered him: a home. 
-Bickslow cracked soon after that, and told them everything after Freed started asking questions about the town thinking he’s crazy while they were on the train back to magnolia. 
-While many members of Fairy Tail were unnerved by him, those around their age did their best to make him feel at home. Natsu listened to all his stories about the circus and about the five ghosts who followed him, and Bickslow listened to his stories about the dragons. 
-Freed used this time to research Seith magic extensively, and he eventually came across the idea of putting the souls into objects. He and Bickslow worked for weeks to figure out how to do it, and the five spirits became his five main “dolls.” 
-He of course, asked them if they were okay with being alongside him before putting them inside the tiki dolls, and if he cried when they said there was nowhere else they’d rather be? Well Freed and Laxus weren’t going to tell anyone about it. 
-Evergreen was both harder and easier to get back to Fairy Tail. 
-Like Freed, She was once a part of the noble class, but under a name she never wants to use again. 
-When she gained her eye magic, she accidentally turned her mother to stone, and it was all downhill from there. Her father tried to keep her locked in a room, and it worked for a long time. 
-Eventually though, she had decided she’d had enough, and snuck out and ran as far away as she could. She kept a ribbon tied around her eyes any time she had to go into town, and learned how to walk while completely blind. This did some damage to her eyesight after several years of doing it. 
-it felt like it was too good to be true. She was free and she did odd little jobs in a town far from her original home to earn money for food. it was all she needed..... Until a child tore the ribbon from her face. 
-the second she made eye contact, the little boy turned to stone. There was nothing she could do about it except cover her face up again and run. 
-her father, however, had notified several guilds about her disappearance and claimed she was dangerous if left alone, so when stories spread about a homeless child turning a boy to stone, it became their first lead in months. 
-there was a lull in fighting missions at the time, and something about her magic intrigued Freed. It was an eye magic like his and Bickslow’s first magics, and they aren’t exactly common. Freed, Laxus, and Bickslow took it upon themselves to take the mission to bring her home.
-She very quickly figured out how to hide herself in the woods and away from people. Freed had to trap the entire area and make it so that eye magics don’t work within his barriers before they could even get close to her. It took almost a month. 
-And much to their surprise, she was nothing like what they were expecting. After all, they were supposed to be hunting down a nobleman’s son, not a daughter.
-Bickslow almost immediately asks her about why she ran away, and Ever looks up at him- then panics as she slams her eyes shut- but he doesn’t turn to stone because of Freed’s runes, and he explains as such. 
-They have a long conversation about why she ran away, and she tells them everything her father did to her, from being locked in her room to being terrified to tell him she’s his daughter and not his son because of his anger issues.
-They realize then and there they can’t give her back to him, and Freed comes up with the plan to tell him that they didn’t find his son, but rather a random girl with a similar magic, and she can join Fairy Tail instead of staying on the run. 
-The only reason she doesn’t agree immediatly is because of her eye magic. She couldn’t control it, and the idea of turning someone to stone again scared her.
-Freed sent Laxus to buy a pair of glasses without a prescription and a nice dress for her to wear, and he etches runes into the glasses to block her eye magic when they’re on.
-She’s sold from that moment on, and the raijinshuu’s friendship is sealed with that secret. 
-Laxus helps her chose her name before they get onto the train, and they solidify the story before then too  
-Makarov Accepts the story without question, even though they have a sneaking suspicion he knows. 
-They become a tight knit group in no time. 
-Then they learn about Ivan and all he did to Laxus, and they start to jokingly refer to themselves as the Laxus protection squad. It’s a lot less of a joke when Ivan’s actually around though, and the guild definitely notices. Makarov even starts to officially call them that in some reports. 
-No one remembers who suggested the name “raijinshuu,” but they all privately agree it’s dumb. Especially since  it insinuates that Laxus is the team leader. Freed’s the captain of their team for a reason.
-Dispite the fact that Bickslow is the tallest of them, both Laxus and Freed are both physically stronger than him. That’s not to say he isn’t strong, but Laxus can carry freakish amounts of weight due to his slayer biology, and Freed does the same due to his demon biology. 
-Freed can carry all of them at once. No one knows how. 
-Freed puts new runes on Ever’s glasses every time she gets new frames or a new prescription. He knows she doesn’t need it anymore, but she’s always grateful for the option. 
-if they share a bed, Freed and Ever cannot sleep next to each other. Their hair tangles together and they’ve only had to make that mistake once. 
-Ever and Bickslow are not under any circumstances allowed to cook, Freed can make fancy meals, and Laxus makes homemade stuff that would make your mouth water. He also stress bakes in secret at four am. 
-That’s how they always know he’s stressed when he doesn’t tell them. It’s kind of hard to miss 6 batches of cookies that spontaneously appeared overnight
-Freed has an unsharpened rapier that feels like getting hit with a slap bracelet at full speed. Naturally, this is the sword he chases Bickslow with when he pisses him off. 
-Laxus likes to pretend he’s one of the smartest members of the guild, but the raijinshuu knows he’s actually kind of a himbo. 
-Bickslow is really close friends with Loke, and when he noticed the man was dying slowly, the others comforted him despite not knowing what was going on.
-Bickslow often helps ghosts pass on from the mortal plane. 
-Evergreen keeps up with all the latest fashion, but she still considers Freed to be more fashionable. Because of this she always double checks her outfits with him. 
-Evergreen’s always the first to sass someone when they’re being rude to her team. It’s earned her her reputation as a “bitch” but she’s far too proud of it to be offended.
-One Laxus was open about his dragon slayer magic, they pushed him to talk to the other slayers to learn about himself and his magic. Freed and Bickslow pushed the hardest though, since they’re friends with Natsu and knew that he would be all too willing to drag Laxus into his little family of dragon slayers.
-Laxus was much happier oncce he accepted that he was more dragon that human anyways, and the more he learned, the happier he was. 
-In case it wasn’t clear: mtf Trans!Ever (she/her exclusively), he/they Freed, and  wtf is gender, is it a food?” Laxus and Bickslow (any pronouns). 
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theysayitscrazy · 3 years
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Doctor’s Orders || Chapter Ten
In the three weeks since Clay had been home, his gunshot wounds had healed smoothly, and he’d started physical therapy twice a week at a place down the street from the house. When he wasn’t doing that, Kara had him doing stretches and exercises around the house to help loosen any stiffness he might have gained from the strenuous physical therapy.
Clay didn’t even mind the extra work she had him putting in. He was simply happy to be spending so much time with her. He had another week before she cleared him for duty officially, so they were taking advantage of all the time they could get. Their friends and family had scaled back their visits to give them sometimes to themselves after they had disappeared one to many times while visitors were over.
Especially after the incident when Jason and Metal walked in on them out on the pool deck. Kara had been naked and riding him in a lounge chair. Her glorious breasts bouncing and on view for all to see. They hadn’t known it at the time though. They’d both been too wrapped up in each other, but when Metal refused to meet Kara’s eyes that evening and Jason was walking with a slight limp from a sprained ankle, the whole sordid story came out.
Apparently, they had tripped over each other as they scrambled away from the scene. Metal claimed his eyes were scarred for life and Jason mentioned emotional and physical trauma. Kara had laughed her ass off and pressed a kiss to Clay’s cheek, not embarrassed in the slightest.
When Sonny had bitched and moaned about Goldilocks disappearing upstairs with the green-eyed demon one too many times, Clay had kindly told his friend, “I will fuck my wife whenever I damned well, please, and you can stay and listen, or you can go home.”
Kara had snapped at him for being a dick, but had also added with a smirk, “I don’t mind if you boys listen as my sexy man fucks me good.”
It had earned her a roomful of groans, but Clay could see the level of respect go up in Sonny’s eyes. Clay felt good knowing his wife felt comfortable joking around with his team. Especially since she was already so close with two other SEAL teams, he wanted her to mesh well with his own unit.
It had been a hard first six months on Bravo without her knowing them. Things hadn’t started off the best with Jason’s grudge against his father, but they’d quickly gotten over that. When he told Jason he was married already, he’d been a little confused. Him and the rest of the team saw him as a kid still. Twenty-seven and still wet behind the ears. It didn’t matter that he’d led his own missions on Team 3, or that he already filled in as 2B9 on Bravo in his first six months.
They only saw what they wanted to see.
So, he only showed him pieces of his life. They didn’t ask too many questions, and he didn’t over share. It was hard to open up to a group of guys already set in their ways and had been a team for years before he joined up. Their rookie, they called him. He often rolled his eyes at them. If they’d only known half the shit, he’d already done in his twenty-seven years.
Kara was of the opinion that it did matter. “If they want to see a twenty-seven-year-old kid that’s wet behind the ears, that’s on them, baby. It’s their loss. You have so much going for you; you don’t need their approval.” She had seen the look on his face, so she continued. “All you can do is prove it. Yes, I don’t think you should have to prove shit to anyone, but you are the new guy. They don’t trust you yet either. It’ll take time. So just do your job and use that sexy as hell brain of yours to wow them to bits, like you do me.”
Clay had to smile at the memory. The conversation had led to them in bed, as most conversations did when she got passionate about something. It was one of the first things he loved most about her. Her passion. She was a strong and intelligent woman with a passion to take on the world, and an attitude to not give a fuck when people didn’t like her. She had her haters for it, but she never once let anyone stand in her way for something she cared about.
He found himself staring at her from across the room. She was wearing a red tank top that hugged her curves and really brought out the colors of the hibiscus and lilies tattooed on her arms. The reds and pinks standing out against the black ink. The black skirt she wore was another gauzy thing that hugged her waist and flowed around her like water. She had a leather braided headband situated on her head with handpicked flowers from the yard braided into the leather band. She was barefoot and smiling as she joked with Trish in the kitchen.
She looked like a bohemian goddess as the sun lit up her face. Absolutely fucking beautiful.
He was sitting in the living room area of their large great room, hanging with Bravo and Alpha. It was their official housewarming party. Everyone they knew, and their families were everywhere throughout the large house and backyard. SEAL teams, hospital staff and Bravo support staff were scattered about the large home.
“Yo lover boy, you zone out over there?” Sonny drawled from across the living room.
Clay looked away from staring at Kara bustling around in the kitchen and rolled his eyes at his buddy. “You need something?” he asked.
Sonny chuckled and shook his head as Jameelah ran by.
“Nah brother, just making sure you weren’t daydreaming’ about sneakin off with the green-eyed demon,” Sonny grinned.
Clay laughed, “Well, I was,” he grinned.
“Aren’t you supposed to recovering from gunshot wounds?” Hawk laughed.
Clay grinned at his brother, “What can I say? I’m only doing what the doctor ordered.”
Kara walked over then as Trish headed outside with Jameelah following. “And what did the doctor order?” Kara asked with a coy smile on her lips.
Clay pulled her down into his lap with a grin. “Nothing but rest and relaxation,” he answered.
She grinned and pressed a kiss to his lips, “I’d say I’ve been taking pretty good care of you lately,” she smirked and glanced at the group as they all broke out into loud groans.
Her and Clay started cracking up.
“I can’t wait till you two go back to normal,” Metal groaned and rolled his eyes.
Kara grinned brightly at him. “Bullshit. You’ve been bitching about my hours for months. And I quote, ‘you’re crabby, you need to get laid.’”
Metal smirked and shrugged. “Well can it be done now? Like fucking shit, walking in on it is getting old,” he grumbled.
Kara barked out a laugh. “I mean, you could call first.”
“Why would I do that?” Metal asked, looking confused.
Jason laughed at Metal’s confusion. “I mean, we could. We probably should,” he amended with a shrug.
Kara rolled her eyes at him, and Jason only grinned at her. In the last three weeks since they’ve gotten to know Kara, she’d quickly grown relaxed around him and Bravo. Whatever hesitation she first had with him was long gone. He still hadn’t had a chance to talk to her about it, and he wanted to, but it had never been the right time.
They were all laughing and joking around in the living, just Bravo and Alpha team together. Their wives and families and Kara’s hospital friends were outside. Whiskey team had been spun up the day before and weren’t back yet.
Jason was thoroughly enjoying himself when there was a knock at the door. While everyone went on laughing and ignoring it, Jason wondered who it could be. Everyone was that was coming seemed have been there for hours already, and everyone had walked in without knocking.
Derrick was closest to the door. He stood up and answered it. When he froze slightly, Jason got curious. Derrick quickly moved out of the way. Lieutenant Commander Blackburn entered first, in full camo uniform. Behind him was Lieutenant Commander Rockwell, CO of Alpha Team was also in full uniform. They stepped inside and gave a glance to the men in the room as two others entered the house.
Admiral Pike, a decorated five-star Admiral and currently the most ranking officer within Navy, entered in a crisp white uniform. Tall and broad shouldered, the man had salt and pepper hair and steely gray eyes. In his sixties, he was still hard muscles and thin built. He was still an intimidating and imposing man with a reputation of being a hard ass.
All the men in the room immediately sprang to their feet and stood at salute. “At ease gentleman,” Admiral Pike nodded briskly.
Jason glanced at Kara to see her on her feet. She had to get up to let Clay rise and salute the Admiral, but even though she was no longer in the Navy, she had still shown respect and saluted the man. She didn’t look all that pleased though.
“You know,” she drawled, causing several eyes in the room to spring her way. “When I invited you to my housewarming party, I was expecting John and Linda, not Admiral Pike and Deputy Director Higgins,” she took raised an eyebrow at the men as she took a sip of her whiskey neat.
Eyebrows around the room raised at Kara’s bold statement.
“Apologies Lieutenant, I’m afraid this isn’t a social call.” Admiral Pike shifted on his feet under her penetrating gaze. “And it’s Director now,” Pike nodded at the tall dark hair man standing next to him. While tall and dark haired, he was otherwise unremarkable. No distinguishing features, maybe slightly handsome, but not quite. Dark eyes, average face. He was an average looking man.
“Oh, my apologies, Director,” she put emphasis on the title, “And congratulations,” she raised her glass to him.
Jason narrowed his eyes on her. It was almost like she was mocking the guy. And who exactly was he? Director for what department or organization?
The Director gave a bit of a smirk, “Kara,” he greeted.
“Karl,” Kara responded, an odd look in her eye.
That’s when it clicked for Jason. Karl Higgins. Director of the C.I.A. Jason’s eyes shot across the room to Ray. He had already put two and two together and was watching Kara with narrowed eyes.
“Perhaps we could speak in private?” Admiral Pike suggested.
“My office is just through there,” she nodded at door just to right of the stairs to the second floor.
Admiral Pike led the way, and Director Higgins followed. Kara squeezed Clay’s hand before she let go, squared her shoulders, and followed the men into her office.
Clay followed her, but stopped in front of Blackburn, just outside the office door as it closed behind Kara. He watched the door close before he turned to his CO. “Eric, what’s going on?” Clay demanded.
Blackburn held up a hand and motioned for everyone to stay calm. “We can’t go into too much detail right now, but there’s a mission coming down the pipeline. Bravo and Alpha are going to deploy together, but it’s still a couple a week’s away.”
“And my wife?” Clay demanded, speaking to Blackburn in a way that Jason had never heard from the Petty Officer before.
“Is in negotiations with both an Admiral and the Director of C.I.A,” Blackburn answered, his voice even and calm, even though Clay wasn’t. “What does that tell you?”
Jason shifted on his feet. He didn’t like this one bit. Clay’s shoulders were tense. “She left the Navy,” Clay argued.
The office door opened, and Director Higgins glanced out. “Spenser,” he motioned to him.
Clay didn’t have to be asked twice, he immediately walked into the office and closed the door behind him.
Jason immediately walked over to Blackburn, “Eric, come on. You can’t give us anything more?”
Eric sighed and said, “If Kara agrees, she’ll be reinstated in the Navy and will deploy with Bravo and Alpha.” He glanced around the room as he said it.
Jason glanced at Metal to see him close his eyes and tilt his head back in silent disbelief. He clearly knew how badly this was going to wreck her.
“I’m sorry I can’t tell you more, until we know more, and you’re officially read in,” Blackburn sighed.
Clay walked into the office and quickly closed the door behind him. He found Kara leaning against her desk in the back of the room, facing the Admiral and Director, who sat in armchairs in the center of the large room.
Their office had been set up for business purposes. They entertained clients here for their Cyber Security firm. There were bookcases lining two walls and both Kara and he had their own desks. They were side by side, but apart and facing the door that led out into the Great Room.
He wanted to go straight to Kara and ignore the Admiral and Director completely. But he was an enlisted Petty Officer, and he couldn’t do that. So, he stood at attention at the door, his arms stiff at his sides and he stared ahead. He chose Kara as his focus point.
He could read her like and open book. Her stiff posture, the stone-cold mask over her face. She was scared and pissed off.
“At ease, Clay,” Admiral Pike greeted informally.
Clay immediately walked across the room and went to Kara. He stopped before her, and she looked up at him. She shook her head slightly, indicating it wasn’t the time, so he took up residence beside her. He propped a hip up on her desk and faced the two men that had the nerve to bring business to Family Time.
“Clay,” Admiral Pike greeted informally.
“What’s all this about, Sir?” Clay asked, a little annoyed at this point.
“We’re here to ask Kara to rejoin the Navy,” Pike started.
Clay’s eyes shot to Kara. She gave him a look that meant they’d talk about it later.
“It would be temporary. She’d be re-enlisted with her same rank, plus with the added hours of her fellowship, she’d be promoted and commissioned as Captain, an O6 officer. You’d keep the title and benefits afterwards, of course,” Pike explained, glancing at Kara. “And the Navy will match your fellowship hours for the duration of the deployment. You’d be done with your Fellowship afterwards.”
“What’s the mission?” Clay asked, ignoring her potential promotion and all their hopes and dreams handed to them on a silver platter. If the Navy was bending over backwards for her, it had to be for a reason.
“Africa,” Kara said evenly, she didn’t meet his eyes as she pushed off the desk and walked over to sideboard under a window that faced the backyard. She set her glass down and poured herself another three fingers of her favorite single malt.
Clay watched her for a moment, knowing damn well how badly this was breaking her. She stared out the window, glass in hand and lost in her own thoughts. Clay turned back to the two men that had come into his home and turned his life upside down.
“Why?” he asked, trying to wrap his head around it. For as smart as he was, he was failing in the moment. Failing his wife.
“Because you and Kara have firsthand knowledge of the enemy. You’ve faced him before,” Director Higgins stated.
Clay tensed. “Shien Abubakar,” he stated. His eyes darted back to his wife. She was tense, knuckles white on her glass of single malt.
“Why now?” Clay asked. “We went after him before, we never got him.”
“He surfaced again, and with some new evidence we can narrow in on him,” Higgins explained.
Clay narrowed his eyes, “What new evidence?”
Higgins blanched; he wasn’t expecting to have to explain this, then. Clay shot his gaze to Admiral Pike, but Pike’s eyes were on Kara. Clay turned to Kara and waited. “The ballistics report came back from the bullets I dug out of your body. Captain Linstrott was kind enough to send me a copy of the report,” she explained and turned to face him. “I had a hunch, so I forwarded the report to Karl,” she nodded at Higgins. “Turns out, I was right,” her voice cracked, and tears lined her eyes.
Clay heard all he needed to. “It was a hit,” he concluded.
Kara nodded and blinked away the unshed tears. “The restaurant, the hospital. It was a coordinated hit to take us both out at the same time.” Her voice was steady as she met his gaze.
His jaw popped as he ground molars. His knuckles cracked when he clenched his fists. He went to her and pulled her into his arms. He needed to hold her. She wrapped an arm around him with the hand not holding her glass and rested her forehead against his chest. He cradled her head against him with one hand and wrapped the other around her waist. “Clay,” she barely breathed a whisper of his name, against his chest, so only he could hear, as her fingers clenched the back of shirt. Her fingernails dug into his skin, and he knew then, just how absolutely wrecked she was.
His heart broke for her. For him. For them and all their plans for their lives.
He had to make this right.
“What’s the plan?” he asked. He geared himself up and snapped himself out of the shock he was feeling. Kara needed him on his game. He could do this. They’ve done it before.
Kara pulled away and looked up at him. He glanced down at her and nodded. She needed him strong, he’d give her that. She nodded back and squared her shoulders. She’d be strong too. They could do this.
“The plan is,” Admiral Pike started. “Bravo and Alpha with deploy together for a joint operation. Bravo will take point, and Alpha will provide back up. Kara will deploy with Bravo, and act in the same capacity as team doctor, as she did while assigned to Alpha Team. Deployment is two months, could go longer.”
Kara pulled away from Clay and set down her whiskey glass. She went back to the front of her desk and leaned back against it and crossed her arms. “I’m not staying on a ship,” she stated firmly.
Admiral Pike actually chuckled. “I wouldn’t expect you to.”
“I’ll have concessions,” Kara stated.
“I’d expect nothing less from you,” Pike grinned. “Let’s hear them.”
“I pick my team. No one is on my team without my say so,” she stated evenly.
Clay fought back a smirk. Here was his girl. His fierce and fiery wife. Arms crossed and making demands to an Admiral.
“I figured as much,” Pike nodded. “Hawkins?”
Kara nodded. “Yeah, and few others.”
Pike nodded.
“I’ll want top of line equipment. MRI, CT, XRAY.”
Admiral Pike nodded, “You name it, you have it. I will spare no expense to this excursion,” he told her.
Clay paused. He knew just how damned expensive that equipment was.
“There’s a Marine base in Accra, Ghana,” Pike explained. “You’ll be stationed there. It’s on the coast, a Navy War ship will be stationed in the bay. The ship is currently in Norfolk and will depart in 1 week. Get me a list and I’ll make sure whatever, and I mean whatever you want is on that ship.” He leveled her with a serious look.
She nodded once. “I won’t sleep in the barracks,” she added with a small smirk. “I’m a married woman, and a Captain at that. I will share quarters with my husband on base.”
Admiral Pike laughed and nodded. “I already assumed that’d be the case. You will have Captain’s quarters for you and your husband.”
Clay had to smile at that. He otherwise kept quiet though. He let Kara run her own show. She had a way with people.
“And I’ll want dedicated choppers for MEDEVAC and CASEVAC. I won’t be stuck shitty like before. I want dedicated QRF standing by at all times, dedicated to our team and our teams only.”
Admiral Pike nodded. “Get with Jag tomorrow and write up everything you want. And I’ll sign off on it. And Kara,” he paused, looking at her intently. “And I mean everything.”
Kara locked eyes with him in a meaningful gaze for a moment before she nodded at him. Then she set her sights on Karl Higgins. “And what does the CIA want from me?” Kara looked expectantly at Higgins.
The Director shifted slightly in his seat. “The CIA would ask that you’d use your language skills and analytical skills while in the region to assist in the capture of any other HVT’s while over there,” Higgins said smoothly.
Kara narrowed her eyes on him. “Don’t bullshit me,” she demanded. “Exactly what do you want?”
Higgins shifted and got to his feet. “Ten years ago, the two of you managed to put such a significant dent into the Boko Haram network, that they’ve been a nonissue for the last decade. Together, your skills for detecting patterns and tracking people are unparalleled. We’d like you to continue doing what you did back then.”
“I won’t kill anyone,” Kara contested.
“You won’t have to,” Higgins shot back. “You would have two SEAL teams under your command to do that for you.”
Kara let out a hiss and glared at the Director. “That’s what this is about,” she growled. “You finally getting your way after all these years,” she accused the man. “Me leading a team.”
Higgins shifted, “You were one our best,” he stated plainly. “It was only natural progression had you stayed in the agency.”
Clay could see the fire smoldering in Kara’s green eyes.
“Had I stayed in the agency, I would have been Director by now,” she growled.
Clay smirked and had to nod in agreement. She had a point. Her tenacity, drive and sheer will power alone would have had her reaching for that top spot had she stayed.
“And I have no doubt about that,” Higgins agreed. “Look Kara, I’m sorry it had to be this way. I know in the end you never wanted this life. I respected that. I still do. This is just one of those things that came up, and as it’s personal, I thought you’d want to be at the reigns,” he conceded.
She nodded once. “I’m only in, until we bag Abubakar.”
“Understood,” Higgins nodded.
“And Ellis?” Kara asked.
“You’ll be her supervisor. You’ll be the ranking field agent, but Mandy Ellis will assist you in every way possible. She’s been read in and knows the history here. She’s ready to help,” Higgins hesitated nodded.
Kara paused, as if once again realizing the history she had in Africa. Clay shuffled over to her and slid his hand into hers. She squeezed it and looked up at Higgins. “I’ll have a laundry list for you too, tomorrow,” she grinned wickedly at the Director.
Higgins finally grinned broadly and nodded at her. “I’d expect nothing else. As always you will have the full support of the agency. Whatever you need, you can have. Just name it.”
“Oh, you know I will,” she smirked at him.
“So, you’ve agreed?” Admiral Pike asked.
“Yes, Sir,” Kara nodded in affirmative.
Jason was pacing the length of the Great Room. Derrick and Ray had told Trish and Naima to keep everyone outside, so it was only Bravo and Alpha Teams in the house. Jason paced by his men without a care for what they thought. They were all stressed out. Kara had become family to them in the last three weeks. She’d made it very clear that her and Clay had plans for their future and their family, that did not include her re-enlisting in the Navy.
When the office door opened, Jason stopped pacing and turned to see Clay walk out with Admiral Pike, Director Higgins, and Kara following behind. Neither Spenser made eye contact with the men in the room. Clay opened the front door and turned back toward the Admiral and Director.
Admiral Pike paused and turned back to Kara. “Kara,” he paused, feeling the eyes of the room on him. “I appreciate this. I know what kind of sacrifice you’re making to do this. I owe you one, you and Clay both,” Admiral Pike look at Clay too as he spoke the words.
Clay’s jaw clenched. Jason could see the vein popping as he ground his molars.
“Yeah, you do,” Kara shot out, her eyes hard as she stared up at the Admiral, her hand out.
Admiral Pike nodded and grinned ruefully down at her.
When he finally shook her hand, Kara said, “And John,” the look she leveled at Admiral Pike had chills running down Jason’s spine, her hand was still holding the Admiral’s. “You know I always collect my debts.”
The room went deadly still and silent as the threat lingered in the air.
Admiral Pike cracked a grin and laughed. “Still as ruthless as the day I met you,” he nodded at her.
She grinned wickedly back. “And don’t forget it.”
Admiral Pike dropped her hand and stood up straight and squared his shoulders. He looked her right in the eyes. “You have my word,” he declared, in front of a room full of Navy SEALS.
Admiral Pike turned to Clay and held out his hand. “That’s a hell of a woman you got there, Petty Officer.”
Clay nodded once at the man and shook his hand. “Don’t I know it, Sir,” Clay answered.
“If you need anything, you know my number,” Admiral Pike added and dropped his hand from Clay’s.
Clay nodded once and Admiral Pike walked out the front door.
Director Higgins walked toward the door. “Kara,” he stopped and paused in the doorway. “You won’t regret this,” he said to her.
Kara’s green eyes were hard as she stared down the Director. “Get the fuck out outta my house, Karl,” she shot at him, a glint in her eye.
The Director laughed and nodded once, then walked out the front door. Lt. Commander’s Rockwell and Blackburn nodded to the men, before they both followed out the door.
Once the door was closed, Kara’s shoulders slumped, and she let out a shaky breath. Clay pulled her into his arms immediately. No one said a word as the two embraced. Both looked absolutely wrecked after the meeting.
Kara pulled away abruptly and headed back into the office, slamming the door behind her.
Clay sighed and stared at the door before he ran his hand over his ballcap covered hair. He rubbed at the black hat and sighed before he walked over the kitchen and pulled out a glass and poured himself a glass of bourbon. Jason had seen him drinking beer all afternoon, so the change to whiskey was a telling sign. Jason walked over to the kitchen area and took a seat at the breakfast bar before Clay. “What can you tell us?”
Clay took a pull from his glass and shrugged a shoulder. “Not much. Not yet,” he shook his head. “We roll out in a couple weeks with Alpha,” he glanced at Derrick. “Bravo will take point with Alpha providing back up. Kara rolls with Bravo,” Clay shared a glance with Metal.
Jason kept his internal groan to himself. He hated straps. Now to have a team members wife strapped to their team? It was too messy. Too many things could go wrong. “And the location?” Jason asked.
“Can’t say yet. Pike said there should be a briefing Monday at base, to bring everyone up to speed,” Clay sighed and met Jason’s eyes.
Jason could see the pain in those baby blues. It was like a stab in the gut to see his rookie hurting so badly.
The office door swung open, and Kara stormed out, eyes red and hair in disarray. She carried a whiskey sniffer that was full. There was well over three fingers of whiskey in that glass. She glanced around the room and her gaze settled on Metal.
“Well, if it isn’t the green-eyed demon doc,” Sonny broke the silence of the Great Room. Kara shot her gaze to him, and he watched her warily. When Kara didn’t say anything, Sonny continued. “I’ve said it before, but you’re scary as hell Doc Spense,” he smirked.
“And why’s that?” Kara asked, her voice low.
“You threatened a five-star Admiral and lived to tell about it,” Sonny nodded at her.
Kara’s green eyes darkened as a rage settled over her face. “That wasn’t a threat,” she told Sonny with a nod. “That was a gods damned promise.”
Kara eyes were hard, and Jason could see her white knuckles gripping the glass in her hand.
Sonny swallowed and almost looked nervous.
Jason couldn’t blame him. There was something dead in Kara’s eyes. That spark that was usually there. The Kara-ness. It was gone. Every muscle in her being seemed different somehow. And the way Clay watched her. That’s what did it for Jason.
Clay’s eyes tracked Kara the moment the office door had opened, and his eyes hadn’t left her. While the concern was evident, there was something else there, a preternatural awareness that she was a hair-trigger away from doing something. But what?
“Kara,” Metal’s voice was hard.
Jason glanced at the man and saw Alpha One sitting there. The Master Chief, not Full Metal, the friend. Kara’s eyes were dead as she met his gaze. She lifted her glass to her lips and took several long pulls from the glass. When she lowered the glass from her lips, it was more than half gone.
Metal was clenching his jaw and staring at her with unrestrained anger.
The sliding glass door opened off the dining room, and Naima walked in holding Jameelah’s hand. “Sorry to interrupt,” Naima glanced around the room, measuring the tension in the room as she glanced around. “Bathroom break.”
Kara’s eyes snapped to hers and something seemed to snap into place.
Naima and Jameelah walked through the tense space and beelined for the stairs, choosing to use the bathroom upstairs over the powder room tucked around the wall behind the kitchen.
Kara set the glass of liquor down on the counter in front of her. Her hands were shaking. She let out a shaky breath and turned to Clay. From where Jason sat, he could see the tears welling in her eyes. Clay didn’t move though; he did not go to her. He still watched her, still with that preternatural stillness. “I can’t do this,” Kara’s voice was breathy and soft. A whispered plea, in a room full of harden warriors, a desperate call for help.
Metal cursed.
Jason sat up straight and glanced around the room. Derrick, Franklin and the other guys on Alpha looked absolutely gutted by her plea, but not one of them said anything. Not one of them went to her. They all looked to Clay.
Jason looked to Bravo, who all looked back at him desperately, except Trent, who had known Kara from before. Trent too, watched Clay.
When Ray went to say something, Clay spoke up. “You don’t have to. You didn’t sign any paperwork. You can turn it down,” Clay’s voice deep and calm, but still, he did not go to her.
Jason eyed him in confusion. They stood some ten feet apart, but it felt like there was an ocean between them.
Kara let out shaky laugh that had Jason turning to look at her. “And you gonna tell an Admiral, no?” she asked Clay.
He pulled his phone out of a pocket on his blue jeans. “I’ll call him right now and tell him no,” he nodded at her and held up his phone. His voice was smooth as steal, but still, he did not go to her.
Kara leaned forward and rested her elbows on the counter of the island and ran her fingers through her hair. She pulled on the locks before she let them go and let out another watery laugh and straighten up. “Why Africa?” she breathed.
Jason couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was a hair-trigger away from breaking, on the precipice of falling over, he could feel it with every fiber of his being.
Clay didn’t answer. He just stared at her with that preternatural awareness and waited. His eyes were hard. His face was an unreadable stone mask. And still, he didn’t not go to her.
“I would gladly go anywhere else in the world,” she breathed. “I would gladly dig ditches in the Korengal Valley before I went back to Africa.”
A hiss went around the room. The Valley was probably the most dangerous place in Afghanistan. To prefer that to Africa? What the fuck had happened in Africa that was so bad, that Kara didn’t want to go back, Jason thought.
Tears flowed freely down Kara’s beautiful face. Pain etched lines around her blazing emerald eyes.
“I know,” Clay nodded. His voice was soft as he rested his hands on the counter of the island and leaned forward and braced himself. There was a shift in him. That preternatural stare hardened, like he was bracing for impact. And still, he did not go to her.
Kara tossed back the rest of her whiskey. “I told you when we were eighteen,” she growled, her eyes dead again. Her voice was gravel. “I would never set foot on that god forsaken continent, if it was the last thing, I ever fucking did.”
The vein in Clay’s jaw popped as he worked his molars. Tears welled in his eyes as he watched her. But still, he did not go to her.
Kara closed her eyes; her breathing ragged. Then her eyes snapped opened, she let out a heart wrenching scream and hurled the whiskey glass into the farmhouse sink behind Clay. Glass shattered and erupted in an ethereal spray of crystal and liquid. There was heart piercing pain in those beautiful green eyes that would haunt Jason for the rest of his days, as would that scream of pain, and terror.
And then Kara was gone. Out of the kitchen, up the stairs and gone. She passed Naima and Jameelah on the stairs. Naima looked utterly terrified as she walked into the kitchen. Ray went to her immediately.
Clay let his head fall into his hands, and let out a ragged breath, the tension leaving his shoulders and body in such a force, he almost collapsed against the island.
“Okay, what the fuck was that?” Jason asked and stood up. He walked around the island toward Clay and caught the expression on all the men’s faces in the room. Alpha looked utterly wrecked. Trent too. They knew some detail that Bravo didn’t. They had some back story that the rest of them didn’t know. Jason hated that feeling more than anything else in the world.
Jason rested a hand on Clay’s shoulder and squeezed it, letting him know he had his back in a silent gesture.
Metal got to his feet.
Clay stood up straight. He lifted his head, wiped the tears from his eyes.
Metal headed moved toward the staircase.
“Do. Not.” Clay’s voice was hard as nails. He glared daggers at Metal.
Metal stopped at the base of the stairs and stared Clay down.
Jason had only seen Metal look at the enemy like that. But Clay… Jason had never seen Clay look so fucking deadly before. Not even in full gear, on the battlefield. Clay would throw down against Metal if he took one step up that staircase.
Metal sneered at Clay, then abruptly turned and stormed out of the house and slammed the front door behind him.
TAGLIST: @rebelwrites @heathermann200 @bravo-four-seal-team
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