#i gave up and got flash and found him dw....
ever since I stopped posting here i finished bw and bw2 completely (it was fuckin fantastic) but i had more plans.
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iluvfr3aks · 2 years
it's a public bathhouse, isn't it?
a fic in which you and michael kaiser share the same bathing space.
what might happen?
reader x michael kaiser bluelock ; sex, gender, alignment, and pronouns unspecified but they're in an open bath together ; reader has backstory with kaiser and doesn't like him (or at least thats what they believe) ; not as sensual as you might think ; dw bout it
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it was far into the evening as you stepped foot into the building. you'd heard there was an open bath nearby, and it had good reviews and ratings online, so you decided to check it out.
after paying the lady in the front a fee, she gave you your locker key, and you were directed to take a long walk down the hall to the locker room.
thankfully, it was quite a straightforward business, and these interactions took not much time. you didn't plan on spending much of the day here. not today at least.
as you made it to the lockers, you found your locker, and started to undress and place your things inside of it. sounds of water splashing around could be heard from the next door, that was probably where the baths were, and probably where another person already was.
there weren't many people you knew around here, so it was probably a random.
at least, that was what you assumed until you opened the door and recognized immediately the unusual hairstyle of the man, whose body was half submerged in the water.
"michael kaiser?" you called out in a surprise, and he turned to look at you with discerning eyes. you could never forget the man whom you once were so close to. if it were someone even like kaiser, you don't think anyone would forget them.
"who do we have here? name?" he spoke with a light tone, calling out your name casually, as if you were still good friends. as if, you sneered and didn't waste time just standing and gawking at him, turning to walk to the showering station.
"ignoring me? well, that's okay too!" kaiser laughed, fully turning around and resting his arms on the cold tiles he was in-front of. "how have you been? missed me any bit? i know i missed you."
you nearly couldn't control your temper when he spoke in such a tone, saying such sickly sweet words, it made your stomach twist, and not in a good way.
"stop talking to me like we're close." you managed to hold back every curse that might've slipped its way into your sentence, grabbing the shower head and pouring freezing cold water over yourself.
but, maybe it was for the better, as it clearly pulled your mind from hating on kaiser to the chilling water that suddenly ran down your body.
kaiser looked at your back and rested his chin on his hand, "are we not close? did you forget all about us in the short time we've been separated already?" he spoke with a hint of ridicule in his voice, clearly not taking it seriously. taking you seriously.
in the end, you thought it was better to just not respond to him, as you put the shower head back on it's stand. you stood up and walked to a part of the bath that was a good distance away from kaiser, dipping in.
the water burned a bit at first, your body's response to the sudden change in temperature, but soon, the feeling quelled and you got into the bath without a problem. it was nice to be in a hot bath once in a while.
well, this wouldn't be the nicest experience you could have in a hot bath though.
from the corner of your eye, you saw kaiser push himself out of the water and start walking your way. you closed your eyes and didn't even hope on the chance that he would simply pass by. you knew he was making his way over to you.
the sound of water rustling right beside you incited your cold reaction, "fuck off." and kaiser's ignorant bliss, "i know you missed me." you opened your eyes and turned your head, facing kaiser's own beautiful face.
"who are you again?" you played dumb and didn't exactly flash the nicest smile at him. "are we acting like this now? i see! my name is michael kaiser, and your-beautiful-self's name is?" kaiser extended an arm to you.
even if you didn't admit it openly, you couldn't deny his pure allure.
"name." you chose to ignore his hand, and turned your face away, closing your eyes again. kaiser frowned and hummed, "you're not gonna confess to me how much you missed me? i can't believe it!" he said without a hint of shame.
how could he say stuff like that without a second thought? you thought viciously, especially after what happened between you both, it was baffling.
"who would miss you?" you responded sourly, still not looking at him, or at anything in general.
"well, if you ask me! i do know my alexis would die of heartache if he was separated from me for even a day."
you open your eyes and fake a gag, spiting out a single word, "gross."
"to you. i find it quite endearing!" he chooses to ignore your action, still speaking like it was a laughing and giggling mood.
"you're sick." you almost want to go back to the lockers and go home, kaiser pauses in his retorts and thinks. quite unlike him, you notice the silence.
"i think i'm still sick for you, doll." he says while leaning a bit closer to you.
you scoot away from him, perhaps the bath was making your face a bit redder, you've been in here for a while now, "get out of here." or you just wouldn't admit that you were blushing at kaiser's behavior and words.
he laughs at your attempt to make distance, swimming over and wrapping his arm around you before asking.
"it's a public bathhouse, isn't it?"
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aezyrraeshh · 2 years
; wip day!
i was tagged by @arklay @nokstella @leviiackrman @nuclearstorms @florbelles and @unholymilf; thank you all so much! <3 tagging @aartyom @reaperkiller @indorilnerevarine @steelport @swordcoasts @girlbosselrond @honeysofte @devilbrakers @faarkas @shadowglens @calenhads @aelyosos @moiragf & whoever else wants to do this! surprisingly, i have two wips to share this week!
; vtm, sasha/candy, they are going through some shit, but dw they'll be fine. probably. 😶
Sasha hisses at the sharp pain once his back hits the cold wall. Harshly, brutally. The impact sends his head spinning, white flashes obscure his vision, again and again, making him even more disoriented. And for a moment there, it’s his sire standing on the other side of the room, and not his lover, but just a moment later a bitter thought sneaks itself into his mind– they are not your lover anymore. 
He’s coughing now, choking on his own blood, tasting metal on his tongue and smelling it in the air around him; images of his past cloud his mind, and he is panicked, terrified even, when a strong hand wraps itself around his neck, trapping him in place, but the sharpness and familiarity of the grip sobers him up, violently snapping him back to the present. His sire is long dead, and he knows exactly who is in front of him and why he is here. 
Despite his body screaming at him to allow himself at least a second to gather his footing, Sasha tries to lift his head and open his eyes only to feel the claws dig into his throat even harder, forcing him to shut his eyes again. The pressure on his neck is so strong that he can feel the waves of pain reaching all the way down to his weak legs. He’s trembling, aching, and not at all from fear. 
He should’ve planned this better, he should’ve known how they would react to his presence. Especially after what he’s done, but the guilt has been tearing Sasha from the inside for months now, getting worse and worse after each unanswered text, each declined call. He couldn’t take this madness anymore: the sting of heartbreak keeping him up day after day, the empty space in his bed that they used to share with him mocking him with their absence, their abandoned belongings in his closet, the memories of their eyes on him as they found out about his part in events that gave them nightmares every time they tried to get some rest, their shaking voice as they told him to stay away, the what ifs, the what ifs, the what ifs– 
What if he’d been honest? What if he wasn’t such a coward? What if he could have been enough?
Even if he meets the final death tonight, he needs to set things right. Just this once. 
Sasha finds the courage to look up at them again, and this time they don’t stop him, but he almost wishes they did. Candy’s eyes are wide and full of hatred, they glare at him like a predator eyeing a cornered deer. Their lips stretch into a scowl, displaying the sharpness of their teeth; he wants to grasp their shoulders and ease them with his touch like he’s done so many times before, but he doesn’t reach out to them. Not now, not when both of them wouldn’t be able to take it, even if he longs for any sort of connection with them– the feeling of their fingers, tearing the tender skin of his neck should be enough. He doesn’t dare to ask for more. 
“Shut the fuck up.” Their voice is hoarse, trembling with rage, it sounds almost broken, ruined. “You’ve got a lot of nerve showing yourself around me after what you did. I told you I would kill you if I see you again, I fucking told you.”
; pwotr, luna/daeran, prompt wip in which they are messing with each other.
Absorbed in thought, Luna doesn’t notice the presence of another, who’s watching her closely with barely hidden amusement. And when she does, finally, turn around she’s met with Daeran, sitting comfortably on a bunch of cushions with a wine glass in his elegant hands. The ties on his shirt are loosened and the curve of his lips is nothing short of inviting; it’s a familiar look on him, Luna’s seen it before, but she lets the moment linger nonetheless.
And he is all too happy to bask in her attention, judging by the way his eyes light up even more, yet when he speaks, it’s in that typical mocking tone of his, “Ah, my dearest Commander, you have finally decided to grace me with your presence. I’ve only been waiting for almost an hour now.”
Her reply comes in the form of a self-satisfied smirk along with words, laced in fake innocence. “Perhaps, I wanted to keep you in suspense a little, Count. Leave you helplessly guessing whether I shall show up or not.” 
Luna approaches him slowly, purposefully slowing down her steps, as she looks him up and down again– any hits of subtlety in her gaze are gone, and there’s a flash of sharp teeth in her growing smile. Once she notices Daeran’s eyes dart down to her lips, she instantly pretends to lose all interest in him, focusing instead on the bottle of wine which stands near him, but not without brushing her hand against his shoulder as she leans down to pick the beverage up.
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kyuus4ku · 3 years
so may I request a scenario with akutagawa and lingering kisses? where the reader & aku are just so close to sharing a kiss (like, noses touching close) but neither actually do (yet? 👀) bc they’re both afraid of different things (with aku maybe it’s bc he’s in pm + starting a relationship & with reader maybe it’s rejection? your choice rlly) I don’t mind whether they do kiss or not @ the end ^^
I just love how well you write descriptively & how u write emotions 😊 please please please feel free to change it up a lil if you feel the need to. I don’t mind if it’s not aku either, tho I’d prefer it to be a bsd man.
tell me if it doesn’t make sense (T-T )
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akutagawa ryunosuke
genre: scenario ; fluff
warnings: none
word count: 2.2K
a/n: MSJDSN dw sweetheart you explained it perfectly! i love this idea so so much. thank you for your kind words and for also giving me the privilege to write this 💫 praying i got your request right ahhh rlly hope you like this mei <3
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The cool evening was aging into an even colder night, contrasting with the way the steamy wisps of smoke drew themselves out in emanation from the cup of hot herbal tea set on the table before him. Ever since you were introduced into his life, he liked sitting in the dining room, but that was only because he was accompanied by you— your presence was always a blessing, and the absence of it was now a curse.
Well, temporary curse actually. He raised his gaze to the clock pinned on the wall ahead of him, eyes assuming a sparkle of what he recently found out to be anticipation— you should be walking through the door to greet him any minute now.
The weather outside was decent, diametrically contrasting the weather from just a few days ago. Typically, Akutagawa disliked reminiscence— it was just a gateway to hell; it just reminded him that not every moment he'd long to cling onto for the rest of his life could stay in his possession forever, even though moments as such were rare for a boy like him.
But since that day, he figured that if he had a good memory to recall, there'd be more where that came from. There had to be, right? It wasn't sheer hopefulness— he knew better than to depend on such a flimsy concept. However, staying connected to a source of hope seemed to be a little more promising than hoping on something his eyes couldn't quite visualise even with the sharpest of imaginations, something his fingertips couldn't quite grasp onto since blind optimism didn't really offer anything tactile.
He couldn't dismiss the satisfaction his torpefied soul reaped from your company any longer, especially ever since you had started making him feel things he never knew he was capable of feeling. Whether it was your presence which gave him a type of solace that got him through sleepless nights, or the beamy smile you flashed at him whenever you caught him staring at you absentmindedly, Akutagawa knew this was right where he wanted to be.
It took him one specific stranger he had bumped into at the local coffeeshop to realise that the part of him he kept most concealed was the part of him still alive.
So there he was, seated alone with his thoughts, finally allowing himself to reacquaint his mind with thoughts of the past— specifically, a few months ago. Thinking about that specific night constituted to the unfurling of colourful memories like paint-filled dynamite on the canvass of his mind. Nothing really magical per se— just... very, very unorthodox for someone who didn't know the difference between approval that was garnered from blood, sweat, and tears, and kindness that was entitled to every human being.
It was raining fiercely. Thunderous clouds exchanged streaks of light with each other to exhibit an overawing view altogether. His gaze was fixed on the angry sky, but his ears took in every word tumbling out of your lips like a golden waterfall.
That's how he interpreted it at least, and it was pretty uncharacteristic of the boy who expertly picked out at anyone's flaw to dampen their value to him. It was sort of a preparatory measure, so that he wouldn't be totally miffed when their flaws suddenly emerged in their raw, ugly forms only to disappoint him.
Not that he let a lot of people stick around long enough to show their true colours though. Even so, as much as he'd hate to admit it, you were an exception.
You sat next to him, wingback chairs providing very little alleviation to your stiffened muscles after a long day. As much as he appreciated the periods of quietude you shared, he liked listening to you. It wasn't one-sided either.
If you spoke about things he had an opinion about, he wouldn't hesitate to cut you off just to insert his views. You never got annoyed when he disagreed with you or started rambling to the brink of losing his point. You were more grateful for the fact that he was actually speaking to you, because for a reclusive person, he sure had a lot more to his personality that anyone would imagine.
"That's really not how it works," he proclaimed with confidence.
"Oh, so you're not supposed to be okay if someone cuts in line to get a cup of coffee? What am I supposed to do? Put up a fight?"
"You were there first."
"Okay, but what if they were in a hurry?" you asked, sipping on the glass of bourbon in your hands. You couldn't help but smile at how headstrong he was about such a simple thing.
"It's not your problem if they're irresponsibly tardy."
"Yeah, but a kind act goes a long way," you sneered.
He scoffed.
"You're just giving them an excuse to continue being the scatterbrained scum that they are," he reasoned, harsh words said in such a calm tone.
"Scatterbrained scum, huh?" you glanced at his direction, shaking your head with an amused grin on your face. "That's a... strong term."
"Am I wrong?" he asked, meeting your gaze with a shrewd expression, as if he had already won the 'debate.'
You laughed. He frowned.
"What's so funny?" he asked.
"Nothing," you grinned sweetly. "I was in the middle of telling you about this crazy thing that happened this morning but you seemed more concerned with the 'scatterbrained scum' that came in my way."
"Well, someone had to point it out."
You shut your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose, soft chortles escaping your lips with ease. His lips quirked into what would easily qualify as a smile— that is, if he tried hard enough.
"Nice sense of humour you've got there," you commented (sarcastically), eyes meeting his, which were already hung up on the features of your face— accentuated in divinity he hoped his presence would never ever demoralise. God, what made you so different? What made you so special? What did you have that he didn't?
"I wasn't joking," he replied flatly. You shook your head, rolling your eyes in dismissal.
"Alright, tough guy, let's switch topics before you plot a murder," you murmured with blithe. "I've got an interesting question for you actually."
"Go on." He wished he were better at reading signs, because he didn't know whether to expect the worst or the best out of your mouth.
"What are the likes of a person like me ending up next to a person like you?"
Hm. Unimaginable. He didn't know how he had gotten so lucky.
"I don't know," he shrugged. "Unlikely, I suppose. Why do you ask?"
You took a while to respond, tapping the tip of your index finger on the corner of the armrest. "Unlikely how?"
He shrugged, eyes shying away from your piercing gaze. "I'm probably the type of person people tell you to stay away from."
You giggled lightly, earning a careful glance from him. "I wouldn't even if they told me to."
His expression lit up. Odd to think that that was the kindest statement his marred ears had ever heard.
"What? Why do you look so surprised?" you prompted, placing your glass on the coffee table next to you so you could face him, arms crossed, resting themselves on the armrest separating the two of you.
"Never heard something like that before," he muttered under his breath, eyes fixated on the way his fingers were picking at each other mindlessly. Your hand travelled to touch his cheek, reluctantly, because you didn't want to scare him. It was kind of like when you lured that wounded kitten into your grasp to treat the wound on its tiny leg and feed it bits of your food— slowly, carefully, all to win its trust so that it could be taken care of.
His face retreated from your touch by half a centimetre, but every bone in his body told him to hold still.
"Do you trust me?" You could feel your guts twist in dread as you waited for an answer you weren't sure if you were ready to hear or not. This wasn't planned— getting so close to the unsmiling guy you almost spilled coffee on a few weeks ago. None of it was. None of it was meant to be planned anyway, because if it were, you wouldn't be next to him right now. Initiating all this was just a leap of faith every strand of logic integrated in your mind was protesting against. So many things could go wrong if you left your heart in the hands of the boy who didn't know what else to do with his own.
Guess you'd never know until you actually did something about these feelings— the blossoming wildflowers crawling their way around your heart like parasitic weeds.
His eyes met yours in a type of finality you were starstruck by, as if all his ambition had finally come into full view. "I trust you."
Inching in closer, you could feel his breath hitch upon feeling the tip of your nose brush against his. Before doing anything rash, an exasperated breath of amusement departed your lips as you tipped your forehead forward to rest on his.
"Doesn't really seem like you do," you smiled, pulling away slightly to softly nudge his chin upward, just so he could keep his eyes— the honest, vulnerable ones— in your sight. He could trust you. He really wanted to. But part of him didn't want to believe you; part of him knew that something would go wrong, that something would drive you away, that something would eventually betray the amount of promise you had gracing your tone.
Still, the other part of him, the part of him persuading his lips to meet yours this very instant, knew that there was a slim chance of maybe: maybe you wouldn't leave him, maybe you'd stick around despite his past, his mistakes, and his shortcomings.
He was willing, but honestly, were you?
"Ryuu?" you whispered inquisitively. "Do you trust me?"
The question was starting to get annoyingly repetitive— of course he did. What was stopping him? What kept him from taking the path he never knew was even traversable for a hardened mafioso like him? This was a mistake. How could someone like him even dare to stand next to the likes of you?
"I do," he nodded, a sheet of thoughtfulness glazing over his dark eyes. "But I wished we weren't so different."
"I'm not someone you deserve."
You tilted your head.
"How do you know what I deserve?" you asked timidly, not really expecting a clear-cut answer.
Having expected a different response altogether, his eyes widened slightly.
"The blood under our skins— it's the same colour, correct?"
He nodded.
"You and I— we're both human beings, nothing more, nothing less, yes?"
He nodded, rather cluelessly actually, even though he knew exactly where you were going with this; he knew why you were throwing figures of rhetoric right at his face during such a dire moment. He was iron-willed, but by now, he understood that you were, too.
He gulped down an argument of resistance. No— he wasn't going to skip this chance. Just once, just this one time, he wasn't going to deprive himself of something he inherently wanted.
Your thumb traced soft circles on the side of his neck; your eyes fluttered shut as you felt his lips barely touch yours. To pull back or to keep going; this wasn't supposed to be this confusing. Is this what you wanted? Is this what he wanted? God, if there was a switch to turn off all the perturbing thoughts streaming through your heads like relentless swarms of dust moths, the two of you would flick it down simultaneously.
Candy-flavoured electricity crackled at the feel of his quiet breath tickling your nose. Your half-lidded eyes sparkled; his heart skipped a beat, maybe two. That was enough to incite the pressing of your lips against his with delicate will and want, your fingers wrapping themselves around the back of his neck with gentle desperation and zest.
There wasn't anything left to be afraid of, so he leaned in to kiss you back, cold hands placing themselves upon both your cheeks in a featherlike manner, as if he were scared of hurting you. His heartbeats were louder than the dubious whispers of his common sense. He couldn't really think straight, and part of him didn't really want to either.
Lightning flashed throughout the room, framing this very moment, packing it into a sacred box the two of you ultimately tied in between your hearts.
And as months withered away, Akutagawa always thought about the divergent ways his life would've continued from that day if he hadn't kissed you back. Out of all possibilities, that kiss was one in a million. And out of all the people you picked to give that kiss to, you picked him.
He still couldn't figure out how he had gotten so lucky. He wondered if he ever would.
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taglist: @pompompurin1028 @hanazou @shamelesspastawobblerland @hanges-gf @whorefordazai @requiem626k @sonder-paradise @nullified-kiss @sebtomm
comment under here if you wanna be a part of my taglist!
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liminalwalks · 2 years
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                     INTRODUCING DEVAJ⸻
wait a minute, is devaj ali still in town? i thought i saw a flash of (stick and poke tattoos, never taking off the bracelet your younger sibling made you, unsent letters)! last i heard they were working as a $5 tattoo artist nearby. when it’s the (aries)’s birthday on 04/01 i forget that they’re secretive and celebrate that they’re imaginative. i hear heart of glass by blondie every time i think of them...   ( @liminalintro​ )
faceclaim.   riz ahmed
full name.   devaj ali
nicknames.  dev
age.   39 years old
gender, pronouns.   cis man, he/him
sexuality.   bisexual
relationship status.   single  (open to starting a relationship)
time in centralia.   22 years
more in depth,
triggers:  brief mentions of parental death
›   both parents died in a freak accident when devaj and his younger sister, dania, were very young and they were put into a foster home together
›   the adoption center wanted to separate them but 17 year old devaj was having none of it; he was afraid they would never see each other again so he packed up their things and went on the run. the duo hitchhiked as far as they could and eventually stumbled upon centralia
›   by the time they found centralia, they were incredibly tired and decided to stay put. he thought it was a good idea so with the little money he had left, devaj bought them a little mobile home and they settled in
›   he hadn’t listened to the warnings people gave him when they first arrived and over the years, he started to hate the town. but at least he and dania are together .. right?
›   hates living in centralia  💀  but he hasn’t been able to save up enough money to move out so he and his sister are pretty much stuck here
›   devaj adores his little sister to bits. no one in the world means more to him than her  -  he will not hesitate to fight some bitches if they cross her!!!!!!!!!
›   grumpy towards everyone but soft for the right person... you know the type
›   he’s a very talented artist!!! he knows how hard it is to get by so he decided to open up a $5 tattoo parlor where literally every tattoo he does is only $5!! he loves his work so much
connection ideas,
the first friend he made when he got into town
his roommate  (dw he moved out of the mobile home by now)
first lover!!!!!!!! first kiss!!!! person who took his virginity!!!
exes on good or bad terms
regular clients who visit his tattoo parlor
enemies, ex-friends because of a misunderstanding, frenemies
neighbours :D
blind date that ended well or ended horribly
one night stand  (perhaps they have a kid together? perhaps he doesn’t know? *eyes*)
friends with benefits / casual hookups with no strings attached
best friends<3
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sukunarii · 4 years
May I please offer an Omiki for the lyrics 'I hate everything about you. Why do I love you?' from the song I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace?
Feel free to ignore this if it does not spark any inspiration or if I'm offering incorrectly. Thank you. ❤️
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Pairing: Sukuna x Reader
Synopsis: Sometime before you died, you formed a binding vow with Sukuna causing you to become a curse. One thousand years later, you finally found him again. You wanted nothing more than for him to release the binding vow, however he refused.
A/N: Dw hon, you made the offering correctly, thank you for the request! Also, a bit of a longer fic today! With school starting it’s taking me longer to get through all the request 😣. Thank you all for being so patient!
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If there was any god, it seem that he has finally smiled upon you tonight. A malicious smile forming on your lips, you ran towards the pink hair boy that was standing alone in the streets.
"Excuse me lady—"
Before he could finish his sentence, with a single hand you grabbed his entire face and shoved him into the nearby wall, cracking the wall in the process. Dust flies in all direction and the boy falls down into a seating position, his eyelid slowly closing. You bent down, to look at him curiously.
"Finally found you," you say.
Suddenly, instead of the original brown eyes, two pairs of piercing red eyes opened and the boy taps you on your forehead.
Immediately, it seems that everything turned blurry for a moment until you fell into a puddle of blood. You recognized this place. It was Sukuna's innate domain.
You rubbed your head from the fall.
"Sukuna," you grunted, your voice dripping with hatred.
"Is that how you greet someone?", Sukuna calls out to you tauntingly.
You followed the source of the voice up and see him—Sukuna sitting on a throne of bull skulls looking down at you with amusement. Oh how much you have learned to hate that smirk.
You got up, slow and grimly, some of the blood dripping down your clothes. Sukuna didn't move as he watched you grab a buffalo skull from the pile and threw it at him. With a flick of Sukuna's finger, the buffalo skull easily dissolved into little pieces before it reached him.
"Adorable. Fiesty as always."
You grimaced, you were really hoping that it would hit him. Or even at least make him realize that you weren't playing around, but he stayed the same. He was just toying around with you.
"Sukuna don't give me this shit, you know why I'm here" you shouted at him.
He rolled his eyes, "Do you think I remember the concern of everyone that hates me?"
Those words hurts more than you would like to admit. Your entire life, you chased this fruitless dream that you could be Sukuna's 'someone'. But even after so long, he still viewed you as no different than 'everyone'.
"I became a curse because of you. We made a binding vow of some type so I didn't pass on like everyone else. I'm tired of existing. I want you to break this vow and release me," you explained.
You searched his face for any change of expression, hoping to find a hint of compassion. But you were foolish. Sukuna does not care about anyone else and you knew that more than anyone.
"I refuse."
Anger rised from your chest to your head. It was a simple request yet he turned you down so easily.
"What do you mean you refuse?," you shouted at him, "I didn't spend one thousand years looking for you just so you can refuse me. I said I don't want to be in this binding vow anymore so whether or not you like me, you better fucking release me."
Seeing you all worked up, Sukuna laughs again. You hated how he always treated you that way. He always seemed to be looking down on you when he reacts to you with a laugh like that.
"Why should I?", he said, then his voice deepened and he no longer looked amused, "A binding vow is a mutual agreement, you can't break a binding vow because you've lost interest."
"I've lost interest? What use do I have for you anyways?", you snapped back.
Sukuna seems to lean back, cocking his head higher but his eyes still locked on you, "Do you not remember the details of the binding vow?"
You didn't answer. It’s been one thousand years, the details have all became hazy.
Sukuna's laughter echoes through the vast chamber again, "So you really did forget?" Sukuna gets up from his seat and stands on the top of the buffalo skull pile.
"The biggest mistake a sorcerer can make is to make a wreckless binding vow. You can't blame anyone but yourself," he grins, "And this means that your life belongs to me."
You balled your hands into fists, "Then I'll just fucking kill you!", you shouted at him.
Moving at the fastest you can, you jumped to the top of the pile of skulls where Sukuna was standing but he easily dodged you. You tried to land a kick on him, but you missed. Every time you tried to punch him, he easily blocked your punches. He was still so much stronger than you.
He effortlessly overpowered you and knocked you to the bottom of the skull pile. You laid in the pond of blood, breath heavy from the fight. He followed you to the bottom too.
"If you want to kill me darling, you'll have to try harder."
You were trying your best to not cry....one thousand years later and you still couldn't beat him.
"I hate you," you finally said to Sukuna, defeated, "The way you always say I won't be as strong as you, the way you always laugh at me or flash me that annoying smirk, I hate how because of you I am still stuck here forever."
Sukuna crouches down beside you.
He was still above you but for once, he didn't seem like he was looking down on you.
"You don't hate me," he says matter-of-factly.
You pressed your lips into a fine line, and annoyed, you splashed some of the blood onto his face, "Says who?"
This was the first hit that landed on Sukuna today and you finally felt a little bit smug seeing him angrily wipe the blood off his face, annoyed with your antics. But he seemed to recall something and brushed it off.
"I want you to do something for me," Sukuna tells you, then he leans down to you and whispered something in your ears.
When he was done talking, you rolled your eyes, "Why should I help you?"
"You're the last piece of the puzzle, once I take over the body of the brat, the plan will be set in motion. We'll rule the era again."
There he was again. Toying around with your emotions and using you to help him fulfill his ambitions.
You laughed bitterly, "We? There was never a we. It's always just you. Me doing this, doing that for you."
Sukuna stands up, "Don't make me regret my offer," he warns you.
You brushed yourself off finally get up too, and gave him a shove, "Fine. I'll do whatever you want. Just promise me that you'll release me from this binding vow when I'm done."
A triumph smirk forms on Sukuna's face, "That's my (Name)."
Immediately, you spat back at him, "Don't say my name like that as if you love me. We both know you don't."
Sukuna didn't agree nor deny your statement. Instead, he chose his next words carefully.
"I know I need you."
And he tapped your shoulders, sending you out of his innate domain again. You woke up on the pavement. The encounter is still fresh on your mind.
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Inside Sukuna's innate domain, the King of Curses took a seat on his throne again.
His eyebrows knit together...did you really think that you became a curse because you made a binding vow with him?
"You're the one who cursed yourself," he says out loud.
Curses are spiritual beings manifested from strong negative emotions.
You can shout at him all you want about how much you hate everything about him, but the fact that you're still here is a testament that you still loved him. This is because you’ve spent your entire life chasing for Sukuna's love and died with regret of never hearing him say "I love you," in return. The only reason you were still here is because you still love him. Thus, you were still burdened by the negative emotions of unrequited love.
This is also why Sukuna could never show to you that he loves you in return. Because if he did, your one regret would be fulfilled and you would no longer bear any negative emotions.
(Name) would then pass away for real. And he can't bare at the thought of you leaving him. Ever.
It was a limbo of love and hate, and it seems that they've reached an impasse.
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shadyteacup · 3 years
Hi! Im the one req 7 for chuuya sorry i didint specified, i just realized it. Can i get angst prompt 7 for chuuya?
Hiya! This pained me to write, so I made it fluffy at the end... sorry if u were looking for pure angst! I can't go to sleep peacefully peacefully after writing angst, I need to clutch my soft toys and cry myself to sleep..
Warnings: Angst to fluff, maybe a swear word at the end.. dw, it's just "bish", but like the actual word.
Word count: 2006 😳yes, I got carried away
Nakahara Chuuya + “Please wake up”
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“Don’t move, Chu.”
You grumbled against his chest. It was yet another lazy morning for the two of you. Lazy mornings consisted of waking up late, cuddling on the bed till lunch time, getting dressed and having dinner at some exotic place, going for a long drive, then coming back home. It was a perfect day for a traditional lazy day, except for the fact it was a weekday.
Chuuya sighed. He had to get to work, and so did you. You both couldn’t afford to miss any workdays, considering that you both worked for the same organization, one that didn’t hesitate to punish for untimely work. Chuuya was an executive, and so were you. You both had multiple solo missions planned out for today and one mission wherein you both had to team up. It was going to be quite a busy day, and Chuuya wanted nothing more than to just get it all over with. He was looking forward to some lazy cuddles in the evening, after both of your jobs were done.
“We have to get dressed, dove.”
He tried reasoning with you. You were a workaholic, just like him. It surprised him to see this lazy side of you. But then again, you must be tired, he thought.
“I know. But let’s bunk today!”
You looked up at him with wide eyes, hoping to convince him.
Chuckling, he pet your head affectionately.
“The mafia isn’t some school that you could just bunk. Besides, don’t you love working?”
You frowned at that. You were feeling weird today. It’s like something was forewarning you. But about what?
“I just have a bad feeling about today. I don’t know why, but I feel like something bad is going to happen.”
He sighed. He was never one to believe I such things. That was why you weren’t telling him until now.
“We work in the mafia. How worse can it get?”
“I suppose you’re right.”
You smiled, getting up to get ready.
“The target is in the warehouse.”
Chuuya said to you. You both were currently seated in Chuuya’ s car, parked on a hill. Your stakeout point had a clear view of an abandoned warehouse. Apparently, it was the location where a rival gang was coordinating with some members of the mafia and stealing their goods. You both had already executed the moles and had sent in one of your trusted members as a pretend mole. He would send you both a signal when he felt that the security was the weakest at the entrance. You both would then attack. He was supposed to cause a commotion in there, resulting in majority of the guards to rush inside and leave the entrance wide open for you two. Your men had already sealed all exits to ensure no one got out. Now you were both waiting for the signal.
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.”
Chuuya pouted at your jab.
“I was just being thorough!”
“By stating the obvious?”
“You’re so mean.”
“Says the angry redhead.”
“What has my hair got to do with anything?!”
“Your hair has got to do with everything! I-”
A sharp sound was heard. Both you and Chuuya were blinded for a second as white filled your vision. You felt your torso pinch a little. It almost felt like someone was sticking a few needles into your tummy. You heard screams. They sounded frantic. A few moments later, your vision cleared, and you saw yourself floating in the air, a frantic Chuuya saying something to you. It all sounded mangled and mixed up. If you could have laughed at the moment, you would have laughed at how funny he sounded.
The screams had turned to cries, now. You were so confused. Who was crying? And why was Chuuya pressing down on your stomach?
Looking down, you saw the blood. There was blood everywhere. It had completely soaked your shirt. Chuuya was using his ability and his hands to keep it in. He seemed hurried. His eyes were watery, and streams of tears were flowing down his cheeks.
Finally understanding the situation, you realised that you were injured. Looking down at your torso, you saw the two bullet wounds. And now, you finally felt them. The pain was overwhelming. It rushed in like water at the breaking of a dam. It completely filled you up. You now realised that those cries of pain were actually your own. You wished to have never woken from your daze. You wanted to remain oblivious. You wanted the pain to go back to mere pinpricks. It was too much. Succumbing to the enormous pain, you let your eyes shut close. You realised that your body was going to sleep. Maybe for the last time.
Chuuya sat in a chair next to your sleeping form. You were lying unconscious on the clean white sheets of the hospital bed. Your entire torso was covered in bandages. You had taken two bullets, one in the side and one right next to your belly button. The doctors were able to save you in time, and it was a matter of time till you gained consciousness.
Chuuya held his face in his hands. The memories of just moments prior to visiting the hospital kept running through his head. He kept seeing flashes of your blood oozing out of your body. He kept remembering the way your eyes had glazed over while he tried to apply pressure on your wounds. There was so much blood. His mere two hands were proving to be inefficient. So, he had activated his ability to push the blood back in. He had no clue if that had helped. He remembered activating his ability the moment you had let out a blood curdling scream. He had levitated you both out of the car and high up in the night sky.
He should have listened to you. Your forewarnings were right. Something terrible had ended up happening. The mole he had sent inside was found murdered by the backup team, and the head of the organization had fled. His men had taken up sniping positions all across the hills. Two of them had shot you at once. He remembered going on a mad spree and pelting boulders at all the men in his sight using his ability right before he flew to the hospital with you in his arms.
“Has she gained consciousness?”, the doctor asked as she peeked in. Chuuya had asked all medical personnel to leave him alone with his sweetheart, a little too passionately, after they were done treating you, and hence the poor doctor was a tad bit scared to check up on your vitals.
Chuuya whipped his head up.
The doctor scrunched her brows in worry. Rushing in, she did some tests.
“I’m sorry, sir, but if the patient doesn’t wake up in another hour, we will have to declare a coma condition.”
The doctor jumped at his outburst, but answered him, nonetheless.
“The body is behaving as if it is already in coma. This can also be because it is repairing itself. It doesn’t necessarily have to be coma.”
She sighed.
“But, if the patient retains this state of unconsciousness, we will have to rule out a natural healing process. I suggest you try to communicate with the patient. Sit close, hold hands, maintain physical contact. Try speaking. That way, maybe the body will react to a familiar scent, touch or voice, and gain consciousness.”
Chuuya gulped, worried, and nodded.
“I understand.”
He shakily made his way to your face, observing your serene features. He hesitantly put your hair behind your ear, breathing unsteadily. He felt immense guilt and anger. He was guilty of not paying your uneasiness an ear, and he was angry because he couldn’t save you. If only he had been more vigilant, more aware of his surroundings, he would have been able to smell a rat.
“I’m so sorry. I should have listened to you. I should have been able to protect you.”
He gasped inaudibly, trying to keep his sobs in. He couldn’t stop the tears. They flowed freely down his cheeks, a symbol of his immense fear of losing you. He couldn’t bear the idea of loosing you. It might be selfish of him, but he wanted you to live, because God-forbid, if you didn’t, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself. He knew that if such a devastating situation ever occurred, he would lose all sanity and go mad. He would lose his mental balance and completely fall off the edge. He couldn’t bear to be separated from you for two days, forget the rest of his lifetime.
He caressed your cheek, smiling bitterly at your sleeping form. Nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck, he let himself truly cry. He let out all his emotions into your hair. He found comfort in your warmth. He has always felt the safest in your embrace. That’s where he could truly be himself.
He didn’t realise how long it had been when he began talking to you. Telling you how much he loved you and how he couldn’t live without you. He pondered on how he would take his life if you left him.
“I’d have to go to that stupid mackerel for guidance. But then again, he has been unsuccessful in killing himself for 22 years. He’s probably the worst suicidal guy out there.”
He was lying next to you now, cradling your frail form in his arms.
The doctor waltzed in, a serious and sorrowful expression straining her pretty features.
“Nakahara-san, I’m so sorry.”
Chuuya gritted his teeth, holding onto you tighter.
“No! There’s still a chance that-”
“Its hopeless. The patient has already been in this state for 16 hours.”
“16 hours?”
The doctor smiled sympathetically.
“I gave you a lot more time. I thought maybe the constant contact would help. But sadly, it’s out of our hands now.”
Chuuya sat up, holding your face in his large palms.
“Wake up! Wake up, damnit!”
He shook you gently, desperate to get any kind of reaction out of you.
“Nakahara-san! Please get away from the patient! You mustn’t cause any harm! Security?!”
The doctor rushed forward to pull Chuuya off of you, but he held onto you. He grabbed your arms, looping his own around them and pulling you towards him.
“Wake up!”
He rested his face on your chest, sobs escaping him.
“Please... please wake up...”
The doctor reached forward to clasp his shoulder, trying to pry him off of you.
A large gasp followed by couple of coughs were heard.
You took in a large breath, trying to swallow. Your throat was dry and scratchy.
Looking up, you saw Chuuya holding you in his arms, a relieved and surprised expression on his elegant features.
Your voice sounded raspy, but it was music to his ears.
He engulfed you in a hug, one that knocked the air out of your lungs.
“She’s still a patient!”
The doctor reprimanded as the security guards pulled Chuuya off of you.
You smiled at the tiny ginger.
“I’m alive, Chu. Stop being dramatic.”
Chuuya laughed at your carefree attitude. He didn’t resist the men as they pulled him out of the room. He was relieved to see you awake. He didn’t care about anything else. Just as he was about to leave, you spoke up.
“Call Gin and tell her that I’m not dead!”
“You don’t need to call me, idiot. I was waiting right outside.”
You smiled as she walked in, giving you a hug.
“Why does she get to go in but not me?!”
Chuuya whined.
“Hey Gin, guess what?”
Gin smiled at you, sitting at the edge of your bed at the nurses did their check-ups.
“I’m alive, bitch!”
Your snickers could be heard till the hallway, where the rest of your friends were seated. Shaking his head, Tachihara snickered.
“Good ol’ Y/N.”
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gojology · 4 years
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𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 |  omg this is my first request. ilysm anon, im now feelin super cool. also, i just realized i put recc (as in recommended) instead of requests. i’m super stupid LOL. anyways, im touch starved too dw bby, i’m servin u up a long one since i rlly like this request and after all u r my first! 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 | Gojo x Wife! Reader 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 | 2307 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 | None! 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 | Coming home from a long mission in America, precisely 1 year, you’re excited to catch up on Gojo’s students, Nanami, and just Gojo in general.   Leaning out of the car window, resting your arm against your purse, you sighed. A humid wind brushed against your skin, tickling you. It had been quite a while since you had been in Japan, spending almost a year on a huge mission in America. You had killed a battalion worthy amount of special grades.   You spent most of your time in America in mostly horribly rundown places, equally as infested with curses. Although you found yourself enjoying America’s natural beauty, further away from the city life that many of the Americans found themselves enjoying, you much preferred Japan. after all, it was your home, and where you met Gojo Satoru. It would be another day until you could return, and you had gone through hundreds of scenarios of finally being in his arms again, but nonetheless, you were ecstatic at the thought of your husband’s touch.   Your phone’s notification chimed loudly, you threw your phone onto the other seat, heart jumping up to a high rate. It was a recording of Satoru loudly yelling, “OPEN YOUR FUCKING PHONE!” with a flurry of giggles afterwards.    Ijichi jumped, turning left and right. Whispering under his breath, he let out an exasperated sigh, switching the music channel.    The recording was mostly because of the time you had to ghost him due to work. Gojo had snuck on and recorded it, doing some magical tech stuff and giving you the custom notification sound. You had kept it that way ever since, since secretly, you enjoyed that you were so badly wanted by Gojo, that, and you had no idea how to change it back.    But the custom notification was sweet as well.   You smiled to yourself every time you heard it, a familiar twinge of pain flashing inside of you whenever you realized you wouldn’t be able to see him for a while.   Well, today, and the days after that would be different. You’d be able to finally see Gojo again, and his new students that he always frantically texted you about. Nanami, an old friend of Gojo, and also an old friend of yours, would also be there to welcome you back, you found yourself reminiscing about them.   You had heard so much about them, one of the kids being Sukuna’s vessel, you wondered how Gojo could contain such a fear, being around the kid at all times, he always told you about how the kid was actually energetic and happy and an overall great kid, you had heard about Nanami, finally coming back into the jujutsu sorcerer field of work, even though you always found that he still had a thing for finances.   You shook your head, “Save that shit for later, (Y/N).” muttering to yourself, you didn’t want to think of anything but Gojo, after all, it had been one fucking year of being deprived of the man you loved most. You were practically starving for the guy, in more ways than one.   Ijichi gulped, facing towards you, one hand on his steering wheel, “Forgive me Mrs. Satoru, but um.. Forgive me if I misheard, but I think I heard your phones notification go off.. Due to the ah- incredibly loud profanity.”   Now just realizing that you had completely forgotten about the phone notification, you nodded your thanks to Ijichi, a warmth rushing to your cheeks before opening up your phone.    In the small, rounded box containing Gojo’s message, he wrote in all caps, “SUGAR, MY BELOVED, MY QUEEN, HOW CLOSE ARE YOU? I CAN’T FUCKING WAIT I’M LITERALLY BOUNCING UP AND DOWN IN OUR BED.”   Smiling to yourself, you furiously texted back, “Calm down honeybun, I’ll be there in like, 24 hours, I’m not even fucking close.”   You almost instantly got a DM back, making you jump a bit in your seat. Even with the 5 years of friendship, and the 3 years of relationship, and the 2 years of marriage, he still almost always texted you back as quickly as possible.   “God I can’t fucking wait for you to meet the kids! We’ll keep it a surprise, yeah? We have a bunch of treats, and we also got the kids to get some gifts for you! How thoughtful aren’t they? They’re MY offspring by the way, so like, you know, whenever you want a kid, it’s your call ;)”   You snorted to yourself, smiling. He genuinely seemed so excited, and it was all shining through even though it was from a screen.    “Maybe in a few years, I don’t even wanna imagine a little you.”   Despite the excited, bubbling feeling brewing bigger and bigger in your stomach, you figured it’d be best to sleep before the chaos. Happily sighing, you laid down, using your purse as a pillow, drifting into a blissful sleep.  ‧₊˚✩彡.   You awoke to a sudden halt, Looking around your surroundings, you figured you were home. Ijichi looked like he was damn near about to fall asleep on the steering wheel.   Well, maybe that’s what 24 hours of constant driving did to you. You fished around in your purse, silently cursing looking for a water bottle.   “Here, Ijichi, looks like you ran a marathon.” you grinned, handing the slightly crumped water bottle to him.   He beamed as if a guardian angel had descended down and gave him a trillion dollars.   “Mrs. Satoru! You really mean it? The ride was nothing, I was merely instructed to do so and I would’ve done it happily regardless.”   You waved your hand, as a dismissal of the conversation. “You overwork yourself Ijichi, go catch a break, on me. If Gojo tears you apart, tell him he won’t be getting any pussy from me for another year.”   Ichiji nodded vigorously, before dashing off, probably towards a massage center, God that guy needed it. ‧₊˚✩彡.    Gojo frantically hopped up and down, it had been a day, now he was just waiting for you to bust through the door in your wild hair, his legs sprawled onto the whole of a couch, he stared at the ceiling, a dopey smile spread across his face.     “Satoru. (Y/N) will not even want to be associated with you, looking at your current state.” he remarked, staring at the sorcerer with his strikingly dead eyes.     “Nanami, how the fuck am I supposed to act calm?! I’ve waited for this moment for ONE YEAR! Does my hair look normal?!”    “Your hair looks just like an albino porcupine, just as usual.” Flipping the page of his newspaper, he sighed, rubbing his temples. “I will never understand how someone like (Y/N) would be.. Interested in you, Satoru.”     Gojo paid no attention to the insult Nanami had so clearly made, his ears were perked up, eavesdropping on a distant conversation coming closer and closer.     “Gojo-Senpai was telling me about this movie while training my cursed energy! He basically spoiled the whole thing but he told me that the main character was super annoying but apparently she dies in the end in the most gruesome way possible! It’s worth the watch, your soul will feel cleansed as soon as you see her lifeless body!”     “Yuuji, you literally spoiled the whole thing to me just now.” Fushiguro calmly stated, looking bored out of his mind.     “Oh, oops.” Yuuji rubbed the back of his neck. He smiled coyly, tightly hugging his present.    “What’s with the decorations, Gojo-Sensei?” inquired Nobara, stroking her warm toned brown hair. She had figured it was something about the presents that Gojo had forced the trio to get, but he never told them who it was for.    The room had been decorated with various balloons and confetti, scattered about, on the table and the ground. A cake box wrapped with a gigantic bow limply guarded whoever was brave enough to get their hands on something that Gojo seemed to be protecting with his life.    A pink table cover with a crudely drawn Gojo and what would seem to be a girl, a heart in the middle of the pair. In a horrible font with an even awfuller text, the text on top and at the bottom of the drawing proudly stated:    “WELCOME BACK QT”    “-YOU’RE HUSBAND AND THE CREW”    Nobara stood in distaste, trying to disguise the face she made. The drawing, the misused you’re, and the overall poor design choice was enough to almost make her vomit.     Nobara, about to make her distasteful statements about the whole mess, was suddenly shut up as Gojo started hopping up and down, looking directly at his phone.   “SHE’S COMING! SHE’S COMING! EVERYONE IN YOUR PLACES!”    Now, seeing Gojo freak out wasn’t outside of the ordinary, but it was to see him freak out to this extent. He was hopping up and down, blabbering about a certain woman named (Y/N). Nobara was pretty sure that if a curse attacked right now, even a special grade comparable to the one with the uncomplete domain could completely crush Gojo, the guy seemed completely unaware of the example he was setting to the kids. Even Yuuji stood in disbelief, and he had seen multiple tantrums by Gojo.   Nanami, however, licked his finger and flipped the newspaper page. A face of boredom obviously displayed.     Nobara, preparing herself to chew Gojo out about how utterly stupid and embarrassing he made the whole class of jujutsu sorcerers look like, stopped wide eyed as she looked at the doors slide wide open. ‧₊˚✩彡.    You stood, shyly, looking at the ground. Gojo dove headfirst into your arms, laughing like a maniac and digging his face into your shoulder. You breathed in his scent, scanning the room.     Three teens, sat wide-eyed, backs straight as they looked at you with eyes you couldn’t quite read. All three of them held presents.     The one with eyelids underneath his eyes (which you assumed was Yuuji, the vessel of Sukuna) eyed you curiously, his eye twitched.     The other boy, one with wild black-blue hair, sat mouth agape, before closing it. He looked like he was about to say something, before stopping entirely and hugging his present closer to his chest.    The warm haired girl darted her eyes between you two, seemingly trying to put the puzzle together.     Nanami put the newspaper down, glancing over to you two.    “This is obviously Gojo-Senpai’s wife. He hasn’t seen her in many months, and as you can see, really really misses her.” he paused, a small smile spreading on his face, a rare sight.     “I don’t even know why myself, but what can you do with lovebirds?” he thought aloud, his attention now focused to the two of you furiously making out, hands in places Yuuji and the crew didn’t need to see.    “Satoru, (Y/N), leave the kissing for later. Don’t you see the kids?”     You detached yourself from his mouth, panting for breath. The air being exhaled out of his nose fanned over your face, you had just now realized the kids again.     “Satoru, lets sit down. I bet the kids are surprised. “ you motioned to the couch. Gojo whined.     “What? They’re not that dumb, they can tell you’re my wife or at least, you’re my girlfriend, just by the way we kiss right? Isn’t this telling enough?”     “You didn’t tell them about me, ever did you?”     He sighed in defeat, holding tightly onto your arm as you dragged him over and sat down on the comfortable couch, opposite of Yuuji and the crew. Nanami scooched over, before finally getting up to pull another chair from somewhere else. Grunting, he excused himself from the room.     “YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND, GOJO-SENPAI? AND DIDN’T TELL US?” Yuuji questioned, looking like he was about to faint.    Gojo laughed, snuggling deeper onto you, almost like a koala.     “She’s my wife, aren’t you, sugar? Did you even pay attention to anything Nanami said? He literally said she was my wife.”     Megumi made an obvious gagging sound, but even he didn’t seem as bored as he was usually. He actually looked intrigued.     “Why didn’t you tell us, Gojo-Senpai?” the girl nagged, slamming her fist down on the table.     Gojo smiled, “Uh, well, I wanted it to be a surprise when she came back.”     “Couldn’t you have told us that you had a wife or something?” Megumi butt in.    The door slid open, Nanami coming in with a wooden stool.     “Knowing Gojo-Senpai, that probably went over his head.” grunting as he placed the wooden stool down and sat, he opened his newspaper again.     “Where do you guys know eachother?”    “Was Gojo-Senpai handsome back in highschool too?”    “Do you know what lipgloss Gojo-Senpai wears?”    “Gojo-Senpai, how did you know you loved her?”     “Gojo-Senpai, can we eat now?”     “Do you know why Gojo has such a horrible sweet tooth?”      Before you could even respond, Nanami put his hand up.     “Now, now, lets let the happy couple settle down.” he cleard his throat, not even making eye contact with anyone but the newspaper.     An audible chorus of groans sounded, “What do you expect us to do? We literally just met her!” moaned Yuuji.    “Weren’t you the one that literally asked if we could eat yet?”    Yuuji immediately shut up afterwards.     “Yuuji, she just came back from a 1 day trip. She should be laying down comfortably with Gojo-Senpai and they should be catching up. You’ll have the opportunity to talk to her and learn about her later. Right now she needs space.”    “But-” Nobara whined, clasping her hands together.    Nanami turned to Fushiguro, but even he had his mind set. “I didn’t even begin to think that Gojo had a wife. I really want to know more about her, if you think about it, this is all Gojo-Sensei’s fault.”    Nanami rubbed his temples, staring at the two of you for backup, realizing that you two were making out again.    Nanami sighed, 10 years later and you two were still the same.    
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inlustrissss · 4 years
Last Time
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“The woman was scared to die all alone in a foreign country”
Edit: Thank you for 200 notes 😊😚
Levi x fem!Reader
TW! : slight angst but also mentioning of death, dw, got some nice and bittersweet moments as well
Summary: Levi and his fiancé are part of the survey corps and on a dangerous mission to stop Eren Jaeger in his plan with the rumble. On Marleyan ground, right before everything crumbles down, (Y/N) sees her life flash before her eyes
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As Falco had caught on to the Kirschtein man, Connie looked devastated, the scene before the strong soldiers of Paradis unfolding into a complete disaster as Armin was about to detonate the bomb right around where Erens nape connected to it's bone-ish body.
"We need to get out quick!! Armin's gonna blow those bones to pieces!"
Having held down on to Piecks cart Titan body, (Y/N) loosened her grapple-hook, the gravity pulling her towards the ground as the hook returned to it's place at the ODM-Gear. At the same time the black haired woman Pieck emerged out of the Titan form, letting herself fall and hugging the (H/C) haired woman tightly.
Facing the ground, Falcos wings caught the women: "The armored Titan should be able to withstand the colossus Titan explosion—", seeing Jeans concern of their fellow old comrade, she tried to ease his worries as she sweated, "And most of all: Reiner's prepared for all of the consequences. To let this opportunity get away would be to let that go to waste!"
As suddenly Falcos Titan body increased its speed and flew up higher into the sky, (Y/N)s reflexes kicked in, making her close her eyes in fear. She felt an arm hug her waist tightly. Caught off guard, her (E/C) orbs opened frantically and her head swinging into the direction of the arms owner: it was her fiancé, the very man who had asked for her to marry him right in the middle of the war. Gifting the strongest soldier of humanity a subtle smile as a thank you, and maybe even slight reassurance for herself, she seemed to melt at his touch, getting lost in the rare colour of his cool blue eyes. Sighing, his tense shoulders relaxed for a second: "You okay?" His deep voice almost hoarse as it came out as a whisper, "Don't do anything reckless, stupid." Nodding speechlessly the woman noticed the bright light from behind her-- the bomb had been detonated and a loud, ear piercing bang sounded throughout the trampled battlefield of Marley. 
Wide eyes glancing towards the direction of Eren whereabouts, hands covering ears, the ring on (Y/N)s finger sparkled whenever the warm rays of sunlight reached the beautiful material. 
Was the battle finally over?
There was no time to think of the answer to that question, there wasn’t even any time to think of the question in the first place. It was a bittersweet moment, when Falco finally landed on the ground in front of those Marleyans and Eldians who had survived the ramble up until now. Leaving his titan body Falcos eyes searched the crowd for his parents. The little yet brave girl Gabi doing the same, running up to her mother and aunt, hugging them tightly just as Pieck did with her parents. Carefully jumping off of the bird like titan body, (Y/N) and Connie took a hold of Levis weakened body, making sure he stood on his feet before Connie adjusting his arm and placed it around his neck. The engaged woman never leaving her financés side, she held him by his torso, looking at the children that had been with them for a long time throughout the war, finally reuniting with their parents. The sight of Gabi smiling made her forget all of her worries. With Levi close to herself, nothing could beat them now.
“It’s not like I don’t have any regrets but-”, Connie looking around, seeing all the crying faces, “we did the right thing, didn’t we?” “We stopped the rumbling..”
“Wait!”, Gabi suddenly called out, running towards the cliff, almost falling off of it if it weren’t for (Y/N)s reflexes to catch the impulsive girl, “Watch it Gabi!”, the woman said with concern lacing her sweet voice, “But Reiner is still fighting.. and Armin?!”, looking back to the battlefield, they saw Reiner on the ground with Armin walking over to the cliff where everyone had been.
“They’re okay.”, said Jean as he patted Gabis should, but something had caught their attention. 
It was the centipede- like looking creature, which had taken control over Eren when he had transformed into the founding titan: “Hey, look over there!!”, yelled Connie while pointing at the thing, “It survived the explosion?” “What the fuck is that thing..”, mumbled Levi with a disgusted look, “Who knows, love.”, said (Y/N), “But all I know is that we can’t let this thing survive.”, with a determined look she glanced to her comrades, tightening her grip on to Levi. A bright light emitted behind the colossal titan,  the place where Erens corpse had been. “I didn’t think it’d take that much to kill you..”, said Jean as he was looking towards the bright light, seeing a titan form in the distance.
Long brown hair dancing with the wind, it was Eren.
“We can’t let Eren get to that thing down there!”, yelled (Y/N). Right when she was about to turn towards Levi and possibly get him ready for another fight, she noticed him groaning and his head hanging low, “Levi? What’s wrong?!”, brows furrowing, she tried to take a hold of his eyes with hers. “Just a headache.”, he whispered.
 A headache- come to think of it, Mikasa had been having headaches throughout the fight with Eren too..
Noticing how Gabi had crouched down with the others, (Y/N) decided to let her finacés headache slide and see what was going on. “What is this smoke?”, asked Gabi, “Smoke?”, inspecting further, (Y/N) saw how the creature had deflated, leaving only smoke behind, which soon covered a large space and devoured almost all of the mountain where they had been seeking their cover. “Is that thing finally dying?”, Mikasa groaned as he raised his brow suspiciously at the thing. But Connie had another answer: “No, it doesn’t smell like a dead titan”, his hand covering mouth and nose at the smell. His heart dropping and hands growing colder with each second, he was under shock: “Isn’t it the same they did in...”, he swallowed, “..In Ragako?”
Only hearing the confused voices speaking in the background, it was completely silent among the group. No one dared to mutter another word, it had all come to an end.
She wanted to cry but she couldn’t, her heart stopped to fear it only started to clench in worry, “Levi you have to get out of here”
It only rung louder and stronger, it was like his head was killing him slowly, praising him with a painful dead, it was like his instinct was punishing him for his failure. No it can’t be instinct, he truly did love her, he was no servant. Yet his DNA was telling otherwise.
“No don’t do this to me-”, the Ackerman males murmurs were cut off by his beloved soon to be wife, “Pieck, Mikasa! Get on Falco and hurry!”
“Please oh god don’t do this to me-”
“Levi, it’s okay.”, softly touching his cheek, being careful not to hurt his injury under the dirty and sweat stained bandages, she held his paled face. This very face she saw all those years ago, when he was captured by commander Erwin with his fellow friends Isabel and Farlan, oh how she has missed them all.  Recalling their first interaction when Hanji ran off to greet them at their first expedition, praising them on their skill with the ODM gear.
She glanced at his eyes. Those eyes she first truly started to take in the night he was at his worst, crying under the moonlit night, cursing himself how he could’ve been stronger. Those seemingly cold eyes that would always watch over squadleader (L/N)s doings. Those very eyes that would always gaze at her with love and tender were struck with fear and disbelief now. She knew he was too weak, she was scared he wouldn’t be able to handle another death. 
Levis nose stung, his eyes burning, this is it, he was close to crying. But as he heard her sweet voice, it was as if there was no war raging, “It’s okay my love”, she said with an almost inaudible whisper, forcing herself to not break down and cry herself. “You need to get out of here Levi”, her voice calming his penetrating headache, “You need to survive” Foreheads pressed together, (Y/N) swiftly let go off of his face to look at her right hand, “Here quick, take the ring honey-”, sliding off the engagement ring, she took Levis weak hand and pressed the warm yellow gold into his palm, she smiled softly, not noticing a single tear slip, “I’ll see you again Levi”
Pressing her warm lips tightly against his cold ones, she took a hold of his shoulders and hugged him. 
He hesitated, needing to take in what just happened but hugged her back just as tight, patting down her messy hair, just like hed always do to keep his beloved tidy. As they slowly parted she whispered “You need to hurry.”
Their moment seemed as if took hours.
Seeing Falco take off with the one she devoted herself to, (Y/N) finally broke down. Her life flashing by her eyes and even all the talks she had with Levi about her future, she played it all out just how it could’ve been.
Remembering how he had asked her to be his wife in the middle of war, because he was scared he wouldn’t survive, thinking of all the reassurence they both gave themselves until now.  Dreaming of a future together, knowing it would stay one.
She cried.
Hot tears streaming down her flushed cheecks, she wasn’t even able to keep up with the flow of her tears anymore, (Y/N) just gave up on trying to dry them. The woman was scared to die all alone in a foreign country.
“So this is how it ends, huh?”, (Y/N) stopped.
It was Jean who was pulling her close towards himself, Connie on his other side, hugging the taller male as well. “Guess so..”, said Connie. Turning towards Jean with an indifferent expression he scoffed, “Remember the night of the entrance ceremony?”, Jean nodded, “This is your fault we’re here right now.”
At their bickering right before the end made, (Y/N) had to laugh, “Stop it you guys, now’s not the time” Connie groaned, “Come on, when’s ever the time..”, but Jean apologized, “I’m sorry Squadleader”
Growing only sadder at the title, (Y/N) sighed: “Drop the act Jean, we’re only human after all.”
“Right.. (Y/N)”
She wished she could look into Levis warm eyes again.
She longed to see, she would do everything,
just to see him one last time
 Closing her eyes, she let the sunrays hit her skin, making her look angelic with the golden glow. Will it hurt? Will it be quick? Her mind growing ever so slight when the worries ceased, she didn’t want those things to be the last thing, worry should not consume ones life.
So when the time finally came, she only thought of Levi Achermann, the man she had loved the most in her life.
Seeing his beautiful steel gray eyes in her mind set her at ease.  So she rememniced his lovely touch for one last time.
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oopsxcor · 3 years
What JJK 1st Years Would Do If They Walked In On You Crying:
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WC: 1,740
Pairing: Yuji Itadori/Megumi Fushiguro/Kugisaki Nobara x GN!Reader
Genre: Bittersweet, fluff
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Yuji Itadori :
He would most definitely knock on your dorm room door impatiently and swing open the door because he’d be excited to finally spend the night with you after his long mission.
His grin would be huge, and like the big dummy he is, not realizing you’re sitting there with tears rolling down your cheeks and snot running out of your nose. (gross, get a tissue tf).
“I got snacks and sweets for tonight!! Are you rea..dy…” (ah, finally.. he realized)
Like the cutie he is, he would drop EVERYTHING and rush towards you to quickly hold you in his arms as he would frantically search your face, caressing your cheek.
“Hey, heyyy…! What’s wrong? What happened? Who do I have to Black Flash??” because he has to sneak in that one lil joke in there to make him earn a smile from you.
You tried your best to explain what made you upset without balling again and sniffling every time you spoke. (We’ve all been there before dw).
Yuji hated seeing you upset. Most of the time he would think it was because of him, or if he did something wrong. He was scared of losing someone else again and the thought of it made his hold on you tighter, making you feel safe in his arms.
Once you got all your words out, he would wipe your tears and nose, giving you a reassuring smile that made the corners of his eyes crinkle.
He’d give you a big hug and hold your face again, giving you peppered kisses all over your face, but mainly over your sore, puffed eyes.
“It’s okay… I’m here now, I’ve got you. I’m sorry I didn't get here sooner, (name)... here, hold on!”
He brought the sack back over to you and emptied it, spilling everything he got on to the floor. But the thing he was mainly searching for was a DVD case.
“This! This is the movie you’re always geeking about, right? I saw it in the store and immediately thought of you so I got it! Let me go fix the popcorn mix and we’ll watch it right now- wait right there baby- stay there!” (mf I’ve been sitting here crying do you expect me to move?).
After he rushed off, you could feel a smile appear on your face.
It only took him about five minutes to come back with a giant bowl of popcorn with m&ms and other sweets mixed into it as he gave it to you so he could put your movie in.
Honestly you found it funny how determined he was to make you feel better when he didn't even know that him holding you made you feel better already but you kept quiet. You enjoyed the attention he was giving you.
He sat next to you, not even hesitating to get all cuddly with you and wrapping his arm around your waist. He felt like you deserved everything possible after what he saw coming into your dorm.
You turned your head to look up at him as you were about to thank him but he quickly shushed you with his finger right after you said his name.
“No, no. This whole night is all about you, you deserve it. Not even just tonight- this whole MONTH is about you!”
His face would brighten up and his heart would skip a beat when he finally saw/hear you break out a laugh. That really made him happy. He was doing something right for once he thought.
And by the end of the movie, you both would be fast asleep in each other's arms.
Megumi Fushiguro :
First of all, because he’s a respectful softy, he would quietly knock on your door then wait till you said he could come in. Normally, you’d invite him in while dancing and listening to your favorite playlists with a smile on your face. He already suspected something was off because of the sound of your voice.
He’d peer his head in first with his hand still on the door handle, seeing if you were okay.
When he saw you sitting on your bed with red cheeks and teary eyes, after you quickly tried to wipe it away, he stepped back out into the hallway and closed your door. You didn’t know whether to feel hurt or confused. (Both tbh).
He silently came back, closing the door behind him but this time he had a box of tissues in his hand. Somehow he knew you were nearly out.
He walked up to you and gave you the box as he sat on the end of your bed.
He wasn’t really good with this sort of thing but when it was with you, he felt like he had to do something otherwise he would never forgive himself if he didn't speak up. You had no idea how important you were to him. You were his.
He would exhale and turn himself to face you, looking like he was going to cry with you. He truly was worried about you.
“Do you… do you want to talk about it? You know you can talk to me, right..?”
He hesitated before finally wiping away a tear rolling down your cheek, then pushing a few strands of hair behind your ear.
He earned a weak chuckle from you. His face expression was truly hilarious at that moment but when you realized he wasn’t kidding, your smile faded.
You brushed it off saying it’s nothing to worry about but you already knew he wasn’t going to believe that.
Finally, you asked him if he could hold you for a while to help you calm down. Then you would vent/rant to him.
At first, he was surprised by what you said that he had to take a minute to gather himself. But he did as you asked. Anything to help comfort you was his top priority.
He shifted himself behind you, taking both of your legs over one of his, then holding you tightly with his hand resting on your shoulder and the other hugging your waist while he rested his head on the top of yours.
By the way you were sitting, you could hear his heartbeat, his breathing, the core of his voice when he spoke, everything. You found it treasurable and calming.
Megumi only spoke when you wanted him to. Sometimes he would start humming a song that the both of you loved, or start to slowly rock side to side.
When you asked him how he was so good at this, he let out a quiet chuckle.
“My sister used to do this for me all the time. Eventually when I stopped punching and kicking her to get off of me, I just accepted it. Turned out I really liked it when she would comfort me… speaking of, are you feeling better?”
He leaned back to examine your face, brushing away the strands that made it to your face again. He still had that worried look on his face when you looked back up at him.
You really didn't want this special moment to end so you asked him to stay like this just a little longer, and he did.
He was still curious as to what got you so upset but he respected your privacy and didn’t invade.
He knew you would tell him when the time was right. That's what you secretly loved about him.
Kugisaki Nobara :
She would definitely slam open the door with no hesitation, fueled by rage ready to rant to you because of Megumi, Yuji, and Gojo.
When she would realize that even you weren’t okay, it made her rage stronger. Not at you, but at the cause as to why you were crying.
She would stand in your doorway, stuck on to what to say because as she oh so much hates to admit it, she really does care about you. You’re probably the only one who she deeply cares for in the school, actually. Well, besides Maki.
She let out a huge sigh and crossed her arms, cheeks red.
“You wanna go shopping?”
At first you would sit there thinking about going, which made Kugisaki so impatient that she let out an “ArGhhHh!”
She would literally drag you out of bed, telling you to stop moping around, get up. And maybe a few insults here and there that were obviously not sincere.
But as she would drag you out of your bed, she’d stumble and trip over herself causing her to topple over you.
At first, both of you stared at each other in surprise then would burst out laughing at how stupid you both looked, but what you didnt know is that Kugisaki’s heart felt like it was gonna beat out of her chest at that moment.
She also wasn’t moving off of you.
Her cheeks would redden again and she would look at you with a sweet smile and before you knew it, she was resting on top of you, hugging you.
You would only see this side of Kugisaki rarely. It was only when you two were alone together when she would act like this. It didn't bother you though, you thought it was cute that she only showed this side of herself to you.
You knew that both of you were having a rough day, so you embraced her as well while also playing with her hair.
That moment would only last a few minutes, maybe five before she got up and brushed off her clothes, helping you up as well. Her smile was still visible.
“Come on… this month's check came in, let's go waste it all on clothes and cute shoes and show off how attractive we are to our bozo classmates. It’ll be fun~!!”
Her hands were still in yours as she was humming to herself and trying to rush out the door while you were still struggling to put your sneakers on. You found it adorable and funny how determined she was to spoil you. Trying to say no to her was as hard as saying no to a puppy, so you gave in and didn't bother with jokingly arguing with her.
The both of you went on a shopping date, though it was mainly Kugisaki buying clothes, you still enjoyed it. (:
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electricsockhead · 4 years
☽ Girls Night ☾
BAU + this picrew
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 ⋮ @psyxhic-angels @altsvu @ssa-sarahsunshine @thisdeathtollbringsnopeace @emilysblackturtleneck @vamppupp @moreidsdaughter
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Below the cut are some hcs/a little story of what happened on this specific girls night!
- Food
- Mentioned Fainting (dw no one actually faints, Spence is just really gay)
- Derek & Spencer (narrator acknowledges the gays tho)
- JJ & Penny (could be read as a ship or friendship, up to you!)
- Tara & Emily (could be read as a ship or friendship, also up to you!)
Spencer is insecure about wearing something they’re not used to so Penelope wears the same thing to match so they feel less insecure 🥺💓 (if this is in here like 500 times it’s because tumblr kept deleting it, and now I don’t know what it’s saving anymore 🙃)
Emily is back on her emo phase because she found a witch hat at the bottom of Penny’s closet so she went with an outfit to match it.
Penny gifts JJ with a sheer pink top eith white butterflies.
JJ tried not cry. She fails and ruins her make up.
Penelope has to re-do the bottom of the hearts and JJ keeps apologizing but Penelope just says it’s ok and kisses her cheek
Meanwhile Spencer and Emily are having a karaoke match trying to see who can sing the highest note (they’re both horrible at it but Spencer ends up winning)
Tara shows up a little late because she got stuck in traffic.
She automatically joins Spencer and Emily and ofc beats them.
Not only can she hit the highest note she can also hit the lowest note.
By the time they’ve tired out their voices, jj and Penelope are just looking at them from the bed trying to control their laughter the whole time.
Then Spencer, Emily and Tara make a bet to see who could reach the kitchen first.
Tara also wins because the other two can’t even run.
They use the gay as an excuse
Doesn’t work because Tara’s also gay
Upstairs, Penelope finds an old bin full of pride pins when she was looking for something else for jj.
She shows it to her, and (still closeted) JJ takes the lesbian one and pins it on her top pinning both fabrics together.
She looks away cuz she was scared to see Penelope’s reaction.
Penelope gives her the biggest hug and tells her she’s proud of her for trusting Penelope with this.
They go downstairs to find Spencer and Emily drinking water out of tupperwares.
Tara says it was their punishment for making her run while they just walked.
Penelope laughs and sets the bin on the kitchen counter and the three of them scramble through them finding their own pins.
They’re all out so it’s no surprise no one goes for the only “straight ally” pin
Then jj walks in kinda shy, and they notice the pin they all smile at her.
Tara gives her a hug and so does Emily. Spence just gives her an awkward thumbs up but she understands.
They eventually go out for dinner and they run into Derek.
He sees them all with their funky clothes and pride pins and feels automatically underdressed (not that he’d ever admit it out loud).
He notices that Spencer is a little shy but he showered them in compliments that he hopes helps make them feel less awkward but it only makes Spencer flustered and blush like crazy.
Then he notices JJs and pin flashes her the brightest smile and gives her a tight hug full of silent “I’m proud of you”s making her feel accepted 🥲.
Penelope tells him to join them for the rest of the night so they go back to her place again to get Derek ready.
While Penelope is trying to find cute tops she owns that would fit Derek, she instead finds a little box with head accessories.
She hands Spencer a little unicorn horn and they automatically put it on, giggling and taking a white and yellow flower crown and went to give it to Derek.
Penelope found a blue one for herself, and a pink one that is the exact color of JJ’s top so she sprints outside to give it to her and went back inside to keep looking for something for Derek.
Derek, in the meanwhile, had found the pride pin bin and was looking for his pride pins.
He was already out to the team but for some reason Spencer didn’t know so when they saw that Derek had separated the mlm one to the side and was still looking they nearly fainted.
Luckily, they didn’t, instead they managed to hand Derek the little crown as Derek removed the demiboy pin and shoved the bin a bit to the side.
Derek automatically put it on and gave them the goofiest smile saying “how do I look?!”
Spencer tried not to faint again, wanting to say “really fucking cute” but opting for “good” instead.
Penelope called Derek, and showed him the black flowery turtleneck she found and how “YOU HAVE TO WEAR IT, IT'LL LOOK SO CUTE!!!!”
He sighed and put it on but also puts his sweater back on and Garcia was kind of disappointed at first but the flowers were still visible so she was ok with it.
During all of this, Tara, Emily and JJ were outside on Pennys balcony.
Emily and JJ were playing with the little Nintendo switch that JJ brought (it was Henry’s and Michael’s) while Tara smoked and tried not to laugh whenever they’d start bickering.
Eventually they all went out to dinner, settling for pizza and made their way to the supermarket afterwards to buy snacks.
The snacks consisted of:
5 bags of popcorn (that they all knew would probably taste like plastic but they liked it anyway).
A couple packs of cookies -> Oreos, chips ahoy, even graham crackers.
Some chips -> layes for Derek and Spencer (they shared), Tostitos for Tara, Doritos for Emily, Cheese-itz for Penelope, and ofc, the Cheetos were for Jayje and and Jayje only!!
And a few drinks -> a 6 pac for Emily and Derek, lemonade for Spencer and JJ, Red Bull for Tara and one of those dunkin iced coffees for Penelope.
After they got their snacks, they headed out to an abandoned parking lot they went to occasionally that didn’t belong to anyone (and it was technically illegal for them to be there).
Penny had brought a projector and a couple blankets so they sat there and watched movies all night.
Emily and Tara kept throwing popcorn whenever something cheesy happened on screen (all gay ofc, Penelope isn’t putting on no h*t movie).
Meanwhile Derek and Spencer leaned against the hood of Penny's car, Derek had his arm around Spencer and Spencer had their hand on Dereks chest. (they occasionally glanced at each other because 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈).
JJ and Penelope were sitting next to Tara and Emily but they were actually enjoying the movie and going “aaaawwweeee 🥺🥺🥺” whenever something cute would happen
(as opposed to Tara and Emily who pretended to be throwing up going “EW LOOOOOVE!! CANT RELATE!!!”).
Eventually the sun started to rise again and JJ had fallen asleep with her head on Penelope’s lap, and Penny had fallen asleep with her head on Emily’s shoulder.
Emily was in the middle of “how Elsa was a total raging lesbian-” when her alarm went off.
Tara, who was listening like her life depended on it, automatically glared at the phone like it had just done the rudest thing.
Spencer was sitting on the hood of the car, and had fallen asleep leaning on Dereks shoulder.
Derek was standing in front of them and kept running his fingers through their pretty curls and placed soft kisses on their head.
Spencer woke up with Emily’s alarm and so did JJ and Penny.
They all decided it was time to home, so they went back to Penelope’s.
Her and JJ went right back to sleep, cuddling on Penny’s bed, while Spencer and Derek took the couch.
Emily and Tara kept up their conversation of lesbian characters until they got tired and eventually fell asleep in the middle of the floor.
They all woke up with headaches and back pain :)
The End
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quiverwingduck · 4 years
Gosalyn being sick is something Drake and Launchpad can handle. However, there are some aspects of parenthood they still struggle with... 
(Mallard-McQuack oriented fic, no trigger warnings, 1626 words. Click here for AO3 link and here for Twitter link.)
Drake Mallard was a good father. He was a great many things that Launchpad found himself enduring with a set jaw and an aching heart, but when it came to Gosalyn, Drake worked himself into knots trying to do the best that he could. Or trying to make up for his misgivings.
Through rain, sleet, and snow, whining and moaning all the while, Drake would drag Launchpad out on patrol every single night. Sometimes Drake would be so wounded from a previous fight that Launchpad would be taking him to work in a wheelchair, loopy on painkillers, and still, he would insist on going. But when Gosalyn came home from school with no voice and a cough that rattled deep in her chest, Launchpad was not surprised when Drake caught him by the arm and announced they were staying home.
“Sure thing, DW,” Launchpad answered dutifully. There was a crease of worry in Drake’s brow, a weariness in his eyes. Launchpad covered Drake’s hand with his own and squeezed. “You stay with her,” he added softly. “I’ll get some soup cooking.”
Gosalyn was a world-class faker, but never after school, and even she couldn’t have faked the way her whole body shook with every cough, the hollow, painful rasping that came out when she tried to speak. Drake held her in his lap, propped up against his chest to make her sit upright while he spooned a viscous red medicine into her mouth and let her chase it with as much of the soup as she could get down. Looking sick with worry himself when she winced against the burn of it.
Launchpad watched Drake touch the back of his hand to her forehead, and flash him a look. Like a dance, they both sprung into action, Drake rising from the couch and holding her up to him, Launchpad feeling her forehead as well and nodding gravely. Drake passed her into Launchpad’s arms in one fluid motion, Launchpad cradling her tiny body so effortlessly as he followed Drake into the kitchen, keeping her secure while Drake buzzed all around him. Thermometer under her tongue and a damp, cool wash cloth draped over her forehead. Gosalyn’s eyes sunk shut as they waited for the thermometer to beep, head resting heavily in the crook of Launchpad’s arm.
Launchpad watched his partner deflate reading the number, all the tension fueling the flurry of activity a moment ago escaping him. “It’s a little high,” Drake said gently. “But we don’t need to go back to the doctor. Yet.”
“We’ll check again in an hour,” Launchpad added absent-mindedly, more focused on watching Gosalyn dozing in his arms. They both knew the routine. Every step memorized.
Gosalyn’s eyes cracked open, gaze shifting lazily from Launchpad’s face to Drake’s. “Can I sleep in your guys’ room?” she asked, voice scratchy and dry.
Launchpad said nothing. He often didn’t know what to say in moments like these, and often he didn’t have to, because Drake couldn’t shut up if he tried. He watched Drake flush, turning almost as pale as poor Gosalyn.
“Who said we’re sleeping in the same room?” Drake asked, fighting a stammer and failing to keep his tone from shooting up an octave the way it always did when he lied.
Gosalyn smiled, ever the conniver, even now, unable to resist teeing Drake up so she could take a swing. “The guys who delivered that king size bed last month did,” she said, her taunt turning sour when she ran out of air and started coughing harshly against Launchpad’s sleeve.
If she hadn’t been so sick, this would’ve turned into an argument between them, Launchpad was sure. But Drake didn’t have it in him, even if Gosalyn was willing to fight him to the grave just to have the last laugh. Drake sighed, hand on her chest to feel how shallow she was breathing, and looked up at Launchpad in a silent plea.
“Sure thing, DW,” Launchpad answered dutifully.
Upstairs, Drake grabbed the blanket from Gosalyn’s room and tossed it over their own bed, Launchpad plopping Gosalyn’s shivering form down on it so that Drake could swaddle her up nice and snug. Launchpad took the scarf from around his own neck and wrapped it around hers. Gosalyn tucked her beak into the fabric of the scarf and breathed in.
“Smells like the garage,” she whispered, eyes closed. Launchpad was standing frozen at the side of the bed, same spot he’s slept in for the last four weeks, suddenly unsure if he was still welcome, unsure if he should intrude on this family moment.
“Heh, yeah, sorry kiddo,” Launchpad stammered.
“Reminds me of you.”
Drake grumbled, pulling the bundle that was his daughter against him as he shuffled under the covers. “What she means is you always smell like dirt and oil,” he snipped.
“Yeah,” she agreed. “It’s nice.”
Drake rolled his eyes, but also extended his arm, beckoning Launchpad to lay down. So he did.
They laid on their sides, facing one another, with Gosalyn pressed between them. Drake reached his arm over her and set his hand on Launchpad’s side, and Launchpad followed suit, able to wrap his arm around the both of them with no trouble. Gosalyn’s shivering began to ebb, surrounded by the warmth of her father and... her Launchpad.
Drake pressed a kiss to her cheek, and then she turned her head, gazing expectantly at Launchpad. When he didn’t act, her glare sharpened. “Ahem,” she rasped, her voice so small and so weak and yet still so ferocious. “Well?”
Behind her, Drake was staring at him as well, an unreadable expression. It filled Launchpad with anxiety. Still, he gave Gosalyn’s cheek the meekest little kiss he could muster, and finally she smiled at him, settling between them.
“Goodnight,” she mumbled, eyes closing. And still, Drake stared at him, unmoving, indiscernible. Drake’s emotions were always so obvious. He didn’t know how to conceal them, he shouted them with fervor as they came and went. It was what made living with him so easy. But not now. Now, he was silent.
Launchpad’s skin began to prickle on the back of his neck, feathers standing up. He smiled disarmingly, to no avail. Drake blinked at him slowly, expression unchanging, cogs turning behind his eyes.
The moment came to a shattering end with a high, pitchy whine as Gosalyn began to squirm, testing her range of motion in the tight bundle Drake had secured her in. “I can’t sleep,” she griped, and Launchpad was grateful to her for tearing Drake’s attention away. “Tell me a story.”
“Like what, sweetie?” Drake sighed. “Another werewolf blood fest, I assume?”
“What did your parents used to do when you were sick?”
The question cracked through the room like a bolt of electricity. It would have been a mercy if it were an open question, but her gaze was fixed on Drake. Finally there was some readability in him, Launchpad watching Drake’s eyes widen and flick away, watching his chest heave with a deep inhale as he subdued the impulse to flee the room.
“Did you sleep in their room like this?” Gosalyn pressed, blissfully unaware of the blaring red signals that were so apparent to Launchpad.
Drake swallowed hard. “Oh, sure,” he said with a smile, tone shooting up an octave or two. “They would sit up with me all night, and they always read Chickadee and the Chocolate Factory to me whenever I got sick, because it was my favorite.”
Gosalyn’s expression glazed over, peaceful as she pictured the scene, but Drake’s was tight, smiling through clenched teeth.
“What else?” Gosalyn pressed. Launchpad racked his brain, but couldn’t fathom a way to ask her to stop.
“Well... they would always hold me just like this,” Drake said. His hand fell away from Launchpad’s side to stroke Gosalyn’s hair. “And when I got better, we’d go picnic in the park and sit in the warm sun, and I’d get a new comic book on the way home for being so brave.”
Gosalyn yawned, mumbling against Launchpad’s scarf as she settled in to sleep once more. Just like that, as if Drake had her under a spell. “I wish I could’ve met them,” she said.
“Me too, baby.”
“Can we visit their graves?”
Drake let go of her hair, fingers curling inward, squeezing so tightly into a fist that his arm shook.
“Maybe when you’re better, honey,” he said weakly.
“Maybe we could picnic there...”
Drake stopped breathing, looking to Launchpad, desperate for a way to back out of this hole he had flung himself into. There was no routine for this. No dance. Launchpad couldn’t help him this time, and he felt his rib cage shattering as he watched his partner drown.
Neither of them spoke again until Gosalyn’s snoring kicked up.
Launchpad swallowed, mouth dry. “Have you ever even read Chickadee and the Chocolate Factory?”
“I’ve seen the movie,” Drake snapped back at him, predictably on the defense now.
“We’ll think of something to tell her,” Launchpad answered reassuringly, watching Drake deflate, sinking deep into his pillow.
“I messed up, LP.”
Launchpad took Drake’s hand in his, uncurling the fingers so he could stroke the palm with his own thumb, jolting awake a million nerve endings to keep Drake grounded. “Why couldn’t you just tell her the truth?”
That indiscernible stare returned, but a little softer around the edges now as Drake gazed at him. “The truth... isn’t worth telling,” Drake said slowly, testing how each word passed over his tongue and bracing for the next. “I have all the family I need.”
Launchpad slipped his arm back around Drake’s shoulders, pulling him as close as he could without jostling their sleeping daughter.
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
🍭 13 Days of Halloween: Day 10
Request: The Reader and 12 go trick or treating, and 12 slips an anonymous love note into the readers candy hoping they wont know it’s from him. (re-worded slightly from original request)
Requested by: @polliwogboi​
Pairing: Twelfth Doctor x Reader
Gender: Neutral       Triggers: None       
Words: 2,307      Genre: A little Humor and some Fluff
Requested Tag: @fictionalhoomanofnowhere​​
Notes: This is my first time writing for 12 so I hope I wrote him correctly; I wish I could watch DW but I don’t have an HBO subscription :( I’m also unsure of how I feel about this, but I hope you like it lol. 
If you’d like to check out 2019 and 2018′s 13 Days of Halloween, as well as my 2017 general Halloween/Fall stuff here are the links: x2017x, x2018x & x2019x
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Walking down the steps of the most recent house you stopped at, you turned back to the Doctor with a smile “I still cannot get over the fact that this planet celebrates Halloween, AND that they give out candy to adults” 
“Yes, well, you’re welcome.”
You looked at the doctor with a quizzical stare “What do you mean ‘you’re welcome’?”
He leaned a little closer, small smirk present on his lips “Who do you think introduced the holiday in the first place huh?” 
You considered his comment for a moment, the initial surprise faded quickly “That actually makes a lot of sense.” 
He winked before you continued down the road, your bags of candy swaying in your hands “I’m pretty sure someone gave me an entire tomato” you commented, peaking into your bag.
The Doctor snickered “Must be the same lady who gave me a cucumber”
You had both dressed in a classic Earth Victorian-styled outfit paired with a masquerade-style masks. As you passed the line of houses, you looked back momentarily, smiling at the array of lights and decorations lining the streets and houses. It did really remind you of Earth, though, instead of pumpkins, the people on this planet carved faces into the trees lining the roads, giving an all year ‘round Tim Burton’s Halloween Town feeling. 
“That was fun” you commented, turning back and continuing towards the Tardis.
“Well it’s not over yet” the Doctor said with a small smirk. 
“What do you mean? We went to all the houses.”
“Yes, but, we still have one more stop” he stopped in his tracks, you stopping along with him.
Stretching out is arm, he motioned towards the Blue Police Box. Looking between him and the Tardis you smiled “No”
“Yes” he motioned his arms in a shooing gesture as you turned and approached the Tardis. The Doctor watched you with a smile on your face, his hand reaching into his pocket gripping around a small piece of paper.
Stopping at the Tardis door, the Doctor moved to stand next to you, lifting your hands at the same time, you repeated the action you had been doing all night. Knocking three times and yelling “Trick or Treat!” you were startled when the Tardis door flung open.
Looking down, you see two large candy bars lying in the Tardis entry way, you smiled, letting out a chuckle “You’ve got to be kidding” you said in disbelief.
Leaning down, both you and the Doctor grabbed the candy, the Doctors gaze fell to your opened candy bag. Considering for a moment whether he should toss the note in or not, he decided not to as you began to rise. Entering into the Tardis, you looked up “Thank you!” you yelled out, knowing the Tardis could somehow hear and understand you.
You turned back to the Doctor with a smile as you set your bag of candy down “I’m going to go change and then we can go through our spoils okay?”
He nodded with a smile as you turned and quickly went to your room. The Doctor eyed your bag before leaving the room to change. 
By the time he came back, you still had not returned. His eyes fell to the open bag again as he wracked his mind for a decision. ‘Just do it, just put it in the bag’ ‘No, it’s stupid, it makes no sense’ “Ugh” he sighed out loud as he fought with his own mind. 
He leaned against the Tardis control panel as his mind flashed back to a conversation you had months prior as you sat in a park and watched a boy pass a young girl a love note, you assumed it said ‘Will you be my girlfriend, Yes or No?”. The Doctor made fun the action, but you insisted that confessions via note were cute, and could often be romantic and poetic. 
Not that long after than, The Doctor found himself writing a small note to you, his confession in tact, romantic and poetic as you had commented. But he quickly ripped it up. Only to re-write it multiple times. The most recent note, the one currently in the grip of his palm was simple, purposefully vague as to possibly go anonymous in your mind.
‘You’re presence is a gift and I wish to never part with it, I wish to never part with your smile nor your kind heart, or your kind eyes. I would ask you to stay with me forever if I could’ he spoke the words in his mind, was it too much, or too vague? The first note he wrote was longer, full of more detail, but he did want to be vague, but maybe he shouldn’t? Grimacing at his own sappy thoughts, he looked back over at your bag as he thought of how much he had been debating telling you of his feelings. 
With the note, he could possibly play it off, someone else put it in your bag. Specifically the young man you had met a few days previous in the town. He was quite smitten with you. The Doctor rolled his eyes at the thought, a sense of jealousy passing through him. 
Suddenly the Tardis made a noise, it’s lights flickering. The Doctor looked up “Oh be quiet! It’s not your decision to make!” 
He sighed as the Tardis blinked again. Turning, he tossed the note into your bag ‘There, I did it. And now I can’t turn back. If y/n believes it from the young man, I can learn how they feel about them, and possibly me in the process’ he thought to himself as he turned away “There, happy?” he spoke out loud.
“Who are you talking to?” you asked as you entered the room again.
The Doctor turned quickly, slightly startled by your entry “Tardis” he said, motioning his hands around.
“Ah” you said with a smile as you looked around as well. Approaching your bag, The Doctors hearts beat rapidly as he realized what he had done, and that he couldn’t turn back. ‘Just play it off, wait it out’ he thought.
Grabbing your bag you suddenly moved to sit on the floor “Alright, let’s see what we got huh?” you asked, looking up at the Doctor, who repeated your action “This reminds me of my childhood” you commented, nostalgia running through you as you smiled widely.
The Doctor smiled fondly at you as you dumped out the content of your bag. His eyes raked over the pile of candy, looking for the note, but seeing it had been buried. Maybe you’d miss it? Think it was a loose candy wrapper and throw it away?
The Doctor, having dumped out his candy as well was distracted when he saw a certain candy in his pile. Hearing him make a sound of disgust you see him pick up a particular candy - which of course you didn’t recognize - he pinched it between his fingers as if it was a dirty napkin he didn’t want to touch. 
You chuckled, reaching out and snatching it from his hand, looking at it you couldn't make out what it was, giving him a quizzical look he motioned his head towards it “Try it”
“With how you reacted to it, I don’t know if I want to” staring at him for a moment and seeing him give nothing away you shrugged “Fine” unwrapping the candy it appeared to be a sort of toffee.
Tossing it into your mouth, the Doctor watched closely, waiting. You sucked on the candy for a second, the almost caramel like taste lasting for only a second before it switched to a sour, almost rancid taste. Grimacing you quickly spit it back into it’s wrapper with a ‘bleh’ sound before shaking your face “Ah, no, ew, what even is that?” 
The Doctor laughed at your reaction as you tossed the candy into the trash, disgust still on your face “Give me something better” you said motioned towards the candy. The Doctor, still amused, reached over, picking up the previously mentioned tomato and handing it to you. 
You looked at him with disdain as he chuckled. Instead you reached out, grabbing a random mysterious candy, opening it and shoving it into your mouth. The Doctor waiting for your reaction, smiled when you sighed in relief “Tastes sort of like apple”
Continuing looking through the candy, the Doctor explained the ones he knew, as you traded some and tried some. The Doctor remained distracted as he waited for you to find the note. His hearts seemed to stop when he saw you see the paper and grab it. He watched for a moment before asking “What’s that?”
You glanced at him, shrugging your shoulders “A note?”
Opening it you read the words, your heart skipping a beat as you did. For a moment, you thought you recognized the handwriting, but it did also appear different. Looking over at the Doctor he rose his brow “So? What is it? Trick or Treat?” he joked with a smile, trying to play off his nervousness. 
Hesitating for a moment, you read it out loud. The Doctor seemed to be as confused as you were as he suddenly rose from his seat on the ground “Perhaps it was from that one man, Tom? Randy? you know the one that clearly fancies you, maybe he slipped it in when we stopped at their house earlier” he stretched his body as he spoke, seemingly uncaring of the confession you received. 
Trying to ignore the pang of disappointment you felt you looked back at the note “You mean Adric?” you asked somewhat amused at his clear forgetfulness of his name, looking back at the note you read it again “Perhaps you are right, he did seem...interested” and he did flirt a lot with you when you and the Doctor had stopped at his house earlier. 
The Doctor looked back at you, seeing you re-reading the note again and again, clearing his throat “Do you, uh, like him, as well then?” 
You glanced at the Doctor, thinking you saw, trepidation? nervousness? “Uh, no, not really. Besides, even if I did, I couldn’t stay could I?” thinking for a moment, you rose from the ground “I think I will take it back to him tomorrow, and tell him how I feel”
"No!” the Doctor suddenly said, making you look at him surprise “Uh, I mean, no, we don’t have time, we must leave tomorrow, times to be, places to save you know.” 
You stared at him for a moment, suspicion rising “I can’t just disappear can I? That’s quite rude.”
“Well it’s like you said, you can’t just stay, so what’s the point? Besides he’s quite pompous, a little childish, not right for you, he’ll surely get over it quickly” he suggested before turning and walking down one of the halls. 
You couldn’t help the suspicion and hope growing in your mind, looking at the handwriting again, you noted that it really did look familiar, like The Doctors, and it was written as though it was purposefully disguised. Looking back up, now at the empty hallway. You moved to follow the Doctor. 
“It would only take a moment you know!” you called out, not knowing exactly where he was “I could just, take the note to him, say I’m sorry I don’t feel the same, and now I have to leave!”
“No point!” you heard the Doctors voice from a nearby room.
Entering, you see him looking through a pile of random objects and books “Why don’t you want me to Doctor?” you asked, your voice not quite accusatory, but genuinely curious.
The Doctor hesitated for a moment before turning to face you “Just don’t see the point is all” moving, he walked past you.
“You’re not a very good liar sometimes you know” you commented, making him stop in the doorway. 
“Why would I be lying?” he asked softly. 
You took a step closer to him “You’re also not as good at disguising your handwriting as you think” The Doctor stayed motionless, still facing away from you “You wrote the note didn’t you?” 
There was a moment of silence before he spoke “And what if I did?” the question was soft, quiet. 
You smiled to yourself as you looked back at the note in your hand “If you did” you looked up, staring at the back of his head “Then I would thank you. And I would tell you, that I...wish to never leave your side either. And that if you did ask. I would stay forever.” 
The Doctor had a swell of emotion as you spoke, your voice soft and sincere. Turning slowly, he met your eyes, seeing that you were nervous, as you fiddled with the note in your hands. 
Moving towards you now, the Doctor stopped in front of you, close enough to feel his breath on your skin “You would stay?”
You met his eyes, seeing them full of hope, you nodded lightly, your voice coming out just above a whisper “Forever- ” you paused “if you wanted”
“I do” he replied quickly, his own voice quiet. Reaching out, he took your hand in his “It is all I want, it has been all I wanted since...” 
“Since when?” 
He smiled lightly, bringing his other hand up, he gently touched the side of your face with his fingers “Since the day I asked you to be my companion”
A small smile grew on your face as he spoke, knowing that on the same day, you wished you could stay with him forever as well. You stared into each other’s eyes as you both realized you had been harboring the same feelings, and same wish. To be together, forever, or for as long as time would allow.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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mxbottleflip · 4 years
The Boyz - Son Eric [Smut] :^)
sorry i'm too uncreative for captions
heya ! after procrastinating for the last few hours i'm finally able to post my very first smut, yay ! enjoy, my loves ♡
pairing: {brattamer/dom!eric (tbz) x fem!brat!reader}
summary: {eric is busy studying and you think of a way to get his attention-turning into smut obv.}
word count: {~1,3-1,4k}
warnings: {none really, issa smut lol}
requested: {yes, by anon ! dw i gotchu :D}
~tysm for the request !~
(also eric is still going to school in this au sksks felt like giving him homework to focus on fit pretty nice)
the way eric licked his lips while working on his homework got you weak in the knees. he looked so incredibly hot whenever he was concentrating on something, you could watch him for years. "y/n could you please stop staring at me like that ? it kinda makes me nervous..", eric finally spoke up and turned around in his seat to look at you. you were sitting right next to him and probably haven't looked away a single time since he started studying.
your eyes were scanning his face, all of his features.. his damn good looking face almost made you angry. "what the fuck are you so handsome for ??", you yelled and let out a fake cry. eric just laughed at it and turned back to the bunch of papers infront of him: "yeah i mean if i had nothing good about me, i wouldn't have such a gorgeous girlfriend like you eh ?"
his words also put a smile on your face, but honestly you weren't in the mood for sweet talk right now. you've been extremely horny since you guys woke up in the morning and eric rather gave all his attention to his stupid homework than to his "gorgeous girlfriend".
"how long will that stuff take ? i've been waiting for hours and i need you right nowww", you whine. "mhm patience my girl, rushing me wont help you", he responds.
a sigh left your mouth and you let your hand fall on his thigh, resting it there for some time. he obviously didn't mind, so you started carressing it, giving it some squeezes in between. "y/n please, if the fact that you are staring at me all the time didn't make me nervous enough, this is, for sure.. i'll be finished very soon and will be all yours then, alright ?", he scratched his head and gently pushed your hand away from his thigh. flashing him the biggest smile and nodding at the same time, you stood up and walked over to his closet. you'd be getting what you wanted, one way or another.
you opened erics closet, looking for one of his shirts to throw on. after you found what you were looking for, you unclasped your bra and pulled your shirt over your head. tossing them both on the floor, you turned around to see if eric was looking - no chance. you groaned, took off your pants and threw them onto your other clothes. while quickly slipping his shirt over, you still kept an eye on him. honestly how could anyone look THAT hot while studying ??
you were now left with only his big ass tshirt and your panties on, making your way back to him. instead of sitting back onto your own seat, you let yourself down on erics lap. he let out a sigh once again: "you comfortable now, ma'am ?" you hummed in response and started to move around a little, trying to get even more 'comfortable'.
"if you insist on sitting in my lap, could you at least stay still ? listen, you're not the only person in this household who'd prefer to do something else right now, but i really have to get this done and having you move around on my dick is not helpi- is that my shirt you're wearing ??"
this time you didn't respond in any way, you just kept moving around and squeezing his thighs. eric tried to push you off of his lap, but you stayed stubborn: "is there a problem with it ? also,, your little friend's telling me you love having me in your lap.."
"no, there's not but.. please get up, i can't work like that ! and never call my dick 'little friend' again !", he complained. after he tried to push you away multiple times, you actually got up and were now standing next to him, looking like you don't belong anywhere.
"you know i'd love to spend my time with you right now, but i really have to focus on studying at the moment.. also, why the hell are you not wearing pants anymore ??", he groaned after seeing your bare legs poke out below his shirt, ".. you're really something else, you know that, right ? just let me finish my work now." you had to hold back a laugh at how annoyed he seemed, but compared to you, eric didn't think there was anything to laugh about. he rolled his eyes, concentrating on his studies again.
at this point you were becoming a little frustrated too, not understanding how he could still resist you and STILL prefer working on school rather than working on you (ehehe). all of the sudden an idea came to your mind, that one has to work for sure !you grabbed the pen he was currently writing with and threw it on the floor;
"oh noo, seems like you dropped something.. let me help you !"
you bend down in front of him, revealing half your ass and picking up the pen, when you're being pulled back onto his lap again. "enough of that, stop playing around already. you just wont let me study, will you ? fucking brat, you think you can keep acting up like that all day and expect me to stay calm ?"
out of shock you dropped the pen you just picked up again and immediatly felt your heat throbbing at his reaction.
did that really just work ??
now he was the one to squeeze your thighs, but he didn't go easy on you. he grabbed a handful of your flesh and roughly kneaded it until you felt a burning pain spreading in that area, the pain causing you to moan. "bet you just wanted me to snap at some point, right ? test how far you could push me until i go crazy ?" you hummed, slightly embarrassed at the fact, that seeing your boyfriend being annoyed of you turned you on that much.
after you admitted to that, his hands were quick to find their way to your core, rubbing your clothed clit. you let your head fall back onto his chest, "knew it.. ", he whispered. eric also murmured something else you didn't quiet understand, but you were just trying to enjoy the moment really. "all that teasing just for the tiniest bit of pleasure..", he then added, ".. you couldn't even be patient about it.. unbelievable."
after a good minute of him straight up teasing you, you started whining. "please, s-stop teasing me..", you stuttered.
"huh, what did you say ? weren't you the one to start all the teasing ?", he cheekily asked, and you just groaned in response. "come on, speak up baby, tell me what you want." "please.. just touch me eric god damn, i've been waiting for this the entire day, i really need you, please.."
that earned you a little chuckle from eric: "hmm i don't think you derseve to be touched at all, thinking of the way you acted up all day..", regardless of what he just said, he got rid of your panties and started properly rubbing your clit. his free hand went up to your throat, giving it a good squeeze, "you've been such a brat, not listening to me and teasing me all day.. shouldn't i be punishing you rather than pleasuring you now ?"
you shook your head 'no': "you just looked so good concentrating on your stuff and all and- oh fuck..", you were interrupted by him letting a finger sink into you, curling it upwards and squeezing your throat tighter. finally getting what you wanted just felt way too good..
"god, feels like you're soaking and i haven't even started yet..", eric panted and started moving his finger inside of you, soon adding another one. "feels.. so nice.. please keep going.." your breathing became even heavier as the hand that was resting around your throat now went down to your boobs, teasing your nipples and twisting them gently. by that time you could feel an obvious bulge poking at your butt, so you tried lifting your hips a bit and returning the favor. "don't even think about that, you're not getting to touch me", eric demands, increasing the speed of his fingers pumping in and out of you, "drop your attitude first."
"i-i don't know what you mean..", you panted and closed your eyes, to solely focus on his actions. "oh, so now you don't know what i'm talking about anymore ?", he mocked and pumped his fingers as far into you as he could, earning a surprised moan from you, ".. you don't remember dropping that pen on purpose just to show your fucking ass off to me ? was that someone else then ?" him bringing that up made you clench around his fingers and you couldn't hold back any of your moans anymore. you automatically pressed your butt against his bulge, hoping to get any kind of response to that.
even though he managed to hold back how horny he actually was pretty well, you could clearly hear him cursing under his breath now. "and also.. shit.. what are you gonna do about it, huh ? about me disrespecting you and.. n-not listeni-.." eric shoved his free fingers into your mouth, stopping you from talking. "shut your mouth already, am i not doing enough for you yet? needy little brat, once i've made you cum i'll throw you on the bed and fuck some sense into you, but you'd probably even like that, wouldn't you ?"
if you read until here,, wow, tysm ! i hope you somewhat enjoyed it lol
i'm actually thinking about writing a part 2, if anyone would even be interested in that.. anywaysss
feel free to request whatever you like !
feedback is always welcome ~
stay healthy & stan the boyz ♡
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honestly what a visual god wow
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sparklingpax · 4 years
What It Costs
Love is sweet, love is loyalty, love is unwavering, love is....sacrifice. Sometimes, one does not remember the last part until it is simply....too late. 
-Angst. This is angst. If some of y’all don’t like that stuff and/or are bothered by it, click off or scroll by, please. Thanks. 
-Hhhhh speaking of that, I’ll have you know I’m terrible at this kind of writing. I gave it my all, however. I hope I did passably, at least...^^’’
-Um......I am very sorry if I made any errors, be it a typo or misinformation about something/someone, etc. I wrote a lot of this very late at night or at ungodly hours of the morning.....so that might explain a little of it ^~^’’ I’ll read through it as many times as possible after posting so I can catch and fix as many of those mistakes as possible....
-I’ll make this quick; sorry again to anyone who saw this the first time ^^’’ But this time, I’ve posted it intentionally so I hope you enjoy!! :’D 
-This is only one, long part so dw about cliffhangers or waiting 10 centuries a long time for me to finish it :3 
-Set in the TFP universe! And obviously, my attempt at some official OptiRatch content! :)
The sky was a dull, bleak grey.
Icy rain pelted the earth, pouring from the stormy skies with a vengeance as harsh winds tossed them around with an ominous whistling.
Yet the real storm had materialized inside the rocks—in the simple silo base where the Autobots resided.
               Today, the children had not been able to come to the base.
             Miko was in detention, Jack was busy working overtime at his job, and Raf was studying for a exam.
             It was just one of those days.
             “Thank Primus for peace and quiet!” Ratchet would have remarked as he usually did on days such as this.
             However, things were all but calm—even as a prickly silence filled the air.
             “I…I cannot let you do that…” Optimus stammered at last. He bowed his head and shifted his gaze to the left, clearly uncomfortable. “It is only a mere relic, not worth the life—”
             A fist pounded the wall, leaving a blackened scuff mark in the metal.
             “DON’T YOU CARE?!” Ratchet practically screamed. Optimus’s eyes rounded with guilt as he turned his gaze back to the medic sharply.
             “Of course I—”
             “Then GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD, OPTIMUS—” he hit the wall next to him once again, with more force. “It’s not about you!!!”
             He spat those words so coldly, so jarringly sharp, Optimus felt his spark twist.
             Old friend…I do not think you understand my intent at all…please be patient with me…
             The Prime opened his mouth to speak, but Ratchet flashed him an even harsher glare, silencing any further words. Optimus again cast his eyes momentarily to the floor.
             Pushing past his leader, Ratchet raised his fist, not turning to face Optimus, and flipped up his middle finger.
             Optimus would have given an amused laugh.
             ‘Did one of the children teach you that custom?’ he wanted to ask jokingly, teasingly.
             Agent Fowler had done it enough times for Optimus to understand what it meant.
             But all he could do was stare after his medic as the older mech stalked over to the groundbridge controls. All kinds of alarms were going off in Optimus’s head, and yet all he could do was…watch.
             Perhaps he could take no more of Ratchet’s harsh attitude—the anger that emanated off his old friend.
             Perhaps he really wasn’t making the right decision, but Ratchet was.
             Or perhaps…
             You’re a coward, Optimus. A big, strong, coward.
             “I’ll find the relic myself,” Ratchet announced to the other bots. Up until then, they had, unmoving and tense, watched the argument which had preceded all this.
             Don’t go, my Starlight…or at least…let me go with you…But the Prime stood immobile, watching the old bot speak.
             “I’ll find it myself and win us the war,” he repeated, still trembling with rage from minutes before. He turned that sharply angered expression—now laced with disdain—at the Autobot leader. “And I don’t need any backup.”
             A swirling portal of green, white, and purple roared to life when the medic shoved the lever downwards, his expression only grim now. Without saying anymore, he then turned and transformed. An ambulance raced through the portal and disappeared seconds later.
             While the Prime lingered absentmindedly near the bridge, eyes focusing on no one thing as he stared around, deep in thought, Bumblebee carefully padded over and pulled the lever up. The swishing, humming noise quickly faded as the groundbridge portal did, and silence rested over them once again.  
             Except that silence was still not peaceful.
             Optimus soon found himself speaking, not really thinking as he did.
             “Woah—you sure, Optimus?” Bulkhead asked, eyes widened a bit nervously. “I mean, no offense but…Ratchet might rip you to shreds…”
             ‘He looked pretty mad,’ Bumblebee agreed quietly.
             “If something were to happen to him, it would be my fault,” Optimus found himself saying. “For that reason, please reopen the groundbridge.”
             You scared of the blame, Optimus?
             You don’t want to be incriminated?
             Are you making this about you?
             Do you really care?
             Optimus didn’t want to shake those questions away just yet. He was unsure of their answers. The Prime wished his mind was where his body was, yet as he transformed and drove through the bridge, his thoughts continued to wander.
             They taunted him, echoing his medic’s scornful words.
             Why don’t you go after the relic, the one thing that could save us? Who cares if Megatron is there with all his troops? What makes that different from any other of your confrontation with him?
             A heavy feeling sat in the bottom of his stomach—a foreboding sense.
             Often—they say—if your loved one is in danger, you can feel it.
             Optimus pushed harder on the gas, thinking only of what was going to take place if he did not reach his friend quickly enough.
             The day was dark, cold, and rainy.
             Ratchet pressed his back against the side of a tall rock, not daring to peer again at the action taking place in the center of the clearing. He heard the footsteps of some vehicons heading his way. They drew their guns as they got closer.
             Above him, the dead-looking gray skies has stilled, leaving the air feeling taut—like it was holding its breath and ready snap any second.  
             The storm from Jasper must be close by, considering I bridge to—
             Ratchet gritted his teeth and snapped himself back to focusing on the current situation.
             The medic felt his spark racing. His arms began to tremor uncontrollably as he drew them upwards to get into a fighting stance.
             They saw you. They saw you and it hasn’t been more than 8 minutes you’ve been here. What a successful mission. It’s just you against Megatron and hundreds of vehicons. And—
             He glanced down at his leg a little worriedly.
             He’d jumped into action a week before and received a blow to the leg he was still healing from. At this very moment, in fact, he felt a faint aching start up again in his knee.
             Ratchet let his head fall against the rock, eyes squeezed shut, swallowing hard and drawing out his own blades.
             You idiot.
             He counted the seconds before attack.
             Optimus was right.
             “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! BRING HIM TO ME NOW!!” Megatron’s furiously growled order broke the tense silence.
             Instantly the slow footsteps became sets of scrambling feet, quickly heading for the rock. A second later, Ratchet watched (and heard) a shot of crimson red blaster fire whiz past his helm. Instinctively, he let out a cry of shock and stumbled to the side—right out from behind the rock.
             Before he could regain his footing to even turn around, the silence exploded into the deafening sound of hundreds of shots aimed for him. The medic turned and faced it, wincing and sucking in a sharp breath as one or two grazed his plating.
             He charged, strangely feeling almost a little….detached from his own body. Like he was on autopilot.
             “For Cybertron!!!” He heard a voice shout.
             What….am I doing here?
             “FOR VICTORY!!!”
             Oh…it was his voice. Right.
             The orange-white-plated mech swerved past the blaster fire, swinging his arms—now blades—back, forth, up, down….
             Optimus, forgive me. I was a fool. I was a prideful fool.
             He ducked a shot and kicked out, catching the vehicon by surprise and knocking him off his feet. Almost one motion, the old bot maintained his momentum and swung his blades at an oncoming opponent.
             The con dodged smoothly. He raised his gun and fired.
             Just as Ratchet thought to spring in the other direction, his knee gave out beneath him. Ratchet tripped over himself, grabbing his knee.
             Right in the path of the vehicon’s shot.  
             A shot ripped through his shoulder, followed by another closer to his neck, tearing from the medic such an ugly, guttural cry that even the vehicon flinched. The medic crumpled to the floor in a writhing heap of short, agonized exclamations.
             Meanwhile, the vehicon’s gun wavered a bit, drawing back a second. Ratchet’s pained noises faded from the air of the clearing, replaced only by the sound of his tremoring breath. Clearly struggling, the medic reached over and clasped his shoulder so hard his digits shook. A small flow of energon began to leak through, soiling his servos and the dirt surrounding his figure. Turning his face to the con, he let his eyes show off his anger.
             In a smaller, quavering voice, he managed to say, “C-coward…hold y-your…w-w-weapon….straight why don’t you—” He spat out, wheezing a bit, then falling limp into the ground. Not unconscious, but simply out of strength.
             Or…will to live.
             The Vehicon shook its head and held the gun firmly upwards again. The weapon was trained directly on Ratchet’s helm.
             Just at that moment, the skies snapped.
             A bellowing rumble of thunder sounded, the clouds suddenly looking bigger, darker, greyer….
             It’s pointless…we’ll just lose, won’t we? Like we always do. Megatron will have his way today, and he’ll have his way until he kills all of us and ends this fragging war….
             Ratchet looked up, hearing a low, gravelly cackle.
             Speak of the devil and he doth appear—is that not the phrase?
             The medic let out a little moan, rolling over onto his side, still clasping a hand to his bleeding wound. His gaze, sharp with pain and yet dull with exhaustion, stared ahead to see the vehicon back away twitchily.
             Megatron’s footsteps shook the ground a little as he stalked in Ratchet’s direction. The huge figure of the ex-gladiator soon towered over Ratchet. He smirked a little, slowly folding his hands behind his back and tilting his head.
             “Ratchet….” he paused to chuckle. “Tell me, what ever did you think you were going to accomplish?”
             “T….the relic—” he hissed tightly, breaking off abruptly to suppress a noise of pain as his shoulder burned with pain under his grip. His optics, trained on Megatron’s sneering face, spoke more than a thousand words of hate and fire.
             Megatron laughed out loud.
             “Oh, you must mean—” he turned and make a rough motion at the vehicons behind him. The one holding the escape pod immediately scurried across the clearing to them. “This trinket?” He asked, grabbing the object from his  soldier.
             The pod hadn’t been opened yet.
             The pod hasn’t been opened yet. The weapon is still inside.
             Ratchet let his mind fixate on that one thought.
             There is time still….if I can just…..
             Megatron started one of his small monologues, something Ratchet wasn’t listening to. He switched on his comm link as discreetly as he could. Pride was not of importance now, Ratchet told himself.
             Optimus had been right, and he knew it. It would be entirely foolish not to try to—
             Megatron instantly stopped dead in his tracks. His head whipped around as he processed the voice. His eyes darkened when he registered.  
             “I see.” Was all he growled in a chillingly quiet voice.
             “Ratchet, what is going—”
             The medic fumbled to switch it off again, internally kicking himself for so stupid a plan. Of course his idiot sparkmate would call out to him the instant his switched on his comm lines again!
             He meant well, Ratchet. He loves you. He cares about you. Keep that in mind.
             Ratchet let out a grunt of both pain and frustration.
             Optimus, hurry! There isn’t anymore time!
             Ratchet watched as Megatron dropped to his level and grabbed his chin. Mustering all his confidence, the medic stared with an unwavering gaze right back.
             “You’re a fool, Autobot. Much more foolish than I remember you being,” he snarled.
             Ratchet narrowed his eyes and fired back, “Not as much of a fool as you—and unlike you, I’m not a pile of—”  
             Megatron’s roared command silenced the medic instantly. Ratchet was not afraid, just startled.  Around him, all the vehicons nearby had flinched and taken steps back—even though they were as far away as they were. The Decepticon leader gave another growl, indignant and angered at his prisoner’s insolence.
             He released Ratchet, cursing under his breath.
             Now the Prime is coming. I can’t just leave.
             The huge figure of Megatron paced around, his grey metal looking oddly shinier in the greyish lighting the skies were providing. He was formulating a course of action.
             A plan.
             His eyes lit up and he straightened again, looking once more as if he was in control.
             Just at that moment, a terrible rumble that Ratchet felt all through his body sounded in the air.
             The storm had arrived, and the great roll of thunder was its announcer.
             Megatron looked around casually, then back at Ratchet. There was a dry amusement dancing in his optics.
             “Today shall be the day another one of you dies,” he spoke with a terrifying finality.
             The medic’s spark skipped a beat. He felt a cold fear run through his veins, and sit at the bottom of his stomach—like  a rock. Yet it was not fear for his own life.
             “How can you be so certain?” Ratchet fought to keep his tone level—steady.
             Blinding white flashed through the air, accompanied by a tearing, cracking sound that rang in everyone’s audio receptors. However Megatron stood, and had not flinched. His eyes held a dangerous light of unbending desire.
             “One of you will die by my hand,” Megatron repeated himself, turning away. “For it is as I will.”
              Then, the ex-gladiator stalked back across the clearing. Vehicons immediately scurried to form a circle around Ratchet, two of them coming even closer to guard him, guns drawn and ready to fire.
             Softly, gently, unrelentingly, drops of moisture began to fall from the sky.
             Ratchet closed his eyes, letting himself focus on the odd sensation of those thousands of drops of liquid created when they repeatedly hit his plating.
             With a heavy, exhausted sigh, Ratchet let his head fall into his hands.
             Optimus….my sweetspark…..forgive me…
             He jolted as a vehicon reached over and slapped his helm harshly.
             “Up.” He snapped, holding up stasis cuffs.
             Ratchet sincerely hoped, with all his spark, that he would be the one.
             “Ratchet? Please respond, Ratchet.” Optimus repeated himself once again, speeding down the empty road in alt-mode. He finally rolled to a halt, transforming and taking a look around.
             Dark clouds poured rain, the rising winds causing the little droplets to mercilessly pelt his plating from all sides.
             “Old Friend,” he tried his comm for what felt like the hundredth time. “Sweetspark, respond.”
             Urgency laced his tone, concern burning clearly in his gaze.
             Please, my love. Something happened, I am sure of it. But….what?
             Static sounded in his audio receptors until, with a sigh, the Autobot leader switched his link off again.
             I must find him on my own, then—
             He perked up suddenly, hearing a faint noise of….blaster fire?
             A cold, sick feeling twisted in his stomach. Dread weighed heavily on his chest.  
             Hang on, my Starlight….!  
             Without a second to spare, driving as if a fire chased his tailpipes, Optimus pushed his engines to the max. He sped closer, feeling that dread and despair sink further into him as he could more clearly make out the sounds of a fight.
              All he wanted was for Ratchet to be okay.
             All he wanted was for Ratchet to come home.
             Maybe he was selfish for not wanting to attempt to steal that relic, but Optimus knew that he couldn’t go on if anything happened to his teammates over some weapon. The war was not worth anyone’s life.
             If he could save yet just one more, he’d take that option first.
             You will come home alive. No matter the cost. I will not fail you, old friend.
             He pushed the brakes and skidded to a halt, catching sight of the commotion. There was a space between two towering canyons below his road. In that rocky clearing, Optimus saw an orange-white-plated mech darting from left to right, fending off as many of the oncoming vehicons as he could. Sure enough, Megatron was also there. At present, he simply stood by, watching.
             Enough was enough. Ratchet needed help.
             Optimus transformed and gripped the side of the mountain he’d been driving up, vaulting off the top and landing with a huge ‘THUMP!!’ on the road below.
             He cared not for the huge crater that now lay in the road.
             Optimus ran as fast as he could, drawing out both his guns and firing as soon as he was in range of the fight.
             “STEP AWAY FROM RATCHET!!!” Optimus commanded, nailing two vehicon soldiers with two shots as he continued to cross the distance of the clearing. Some of them scrambled back, many others turned their fire on the Prime, charging at him with a strange confidence.
             Optimus felt his blood boiling. The rain seemed to intensify as another bolt of lightning ripped through the sky with great ferocity. Almost like it had hit Optimus himself, he put away his guns and drew his swords, feeling electrified—powerful.
             I am not afraid of you, Megatron. Nor of your legions of breakable troops which you care nothing for.
             He saw the warlord, standing far across the clearing, arms folded.
             “FACE ME, MEGATRON!!!!”
             And with a powerful war cry, Optimus bolted forward, swords drawn. Vehicons poured in from all sides, shooting at him and trying to throw themselves in the Prime’s way.
             He didn’t notice pain from shots that ripped through his armor, the blows that landed on his chest—before he grabbed his attackers and dismantled them one by one.
             The Prime had but one target.
             Optimus wanted Megatron, and he wanted the end of this selfish, futile war.
             Megatron inspected the pod, wondering if he should open it now or wait until—
             “Step away from Ratchet!!!” He heard the enraged command from across the clearing. Before his eyes met the scene, Megatron already knew who it was. He grinned, baring his teeth with excitement.
             Ah, yes, Optimus. That’s right. Come closer. Let me finish you once and for all…
             With an unchecked level of anger, he yelled for Megatron to face him, tossing away the corpse of yet another dead vehicon as he spoke. The Decepticon warlord stood, unmoving, gazing with a taunting amusement in his eyes as he watched Optimus fight his way through the vehicons, tearing them apart as they would approach him.
             At last, no one dared to approach the Prime. The rest of the vehicons there had either fled or threw themselves behind rocks to hide. Optimus stood for a second, panting, energon spattered all over his body and swords. He looked around to find Ratchet passed out in a heap, far to Megatron’s right. No vehicons stood guard.
             Of course, with Megatron there, guards were not a necessity.
             You’re a fool, too, Optimus. You all are.
             Thunder rumbled, louder than before.
             “So, you’ve come to rescue your lapdog, have you?” Megatron asked, sneering through every word he said. Optimus seemed to vibrate with anger. He didn’t respond, eyes a sparking electric blue behind his battlemask.
             “You can take him, Optimus,” as the Prime twitched to move, Megatron held up his arm—the one with the fusion canon—and added, “For a price.”
             Optimus looked ready to rip his head off.
             He had clearly seen Ratchet’s wounds, and the new ones from a….punishment. Minutes after the medic had tried to escape, Optimus had arrived.
             It was almost like they were going to succeed!
             However, the large grey-purple mech had also made absolutely sure Ratchet would not escape, no matter what.
             Megatron thought he’d feed his ‘old friend’s’ anger.
             Or perhaps…his guilt.
             “While you were busy tearing vehicons to shreds, Ratchet was able to be successfully contained. We had to rough him up a little, as a result of his foolish actions…..but he’ll live…for now.”
             He gave a little chuckle as Optimus made a quiet exclamation.
             “You might have succeeded had you kept yourself focused on getting your friend out of here, Optimus!”
             “You will let him go.” He growled, taking a fighting stance.
             “Make me.”
             “Very well then,” The Prime drew his sword and started towards Megatron. “I shall.”
             Megatron dropped his canon. “Or…listen to my offer.”
             Optimus stopped, dropping his arms a bit.
             “Speak.” He let his gaze burn with a terrifying electricity. “Quickly.”
             Megatron was of course, not even slightly fazed. “My terms are simple,” he paused to make a gesture to the clearing in which they stood. “Fight me now, unarmed. If you win, I’ll let you and the medic here return to your base. No one will harm you as you leave.”
             It was a simple proposition.
             It was a simple goal.
             Ratchet would be safe.
             You could fail…Optimus, you could fail and get Ratchet killed…
             The rain poured from the skies ever harder, a storm unrelenting and harsh.
             Megatron took a few steps until he stood right in front of Optimus.
             The third stroke of lightning lit up the skies, flashing in the reflection of Optimus’s blue optics. Megatron grinned, tilting his head. He reached out his hand.
             Without a single hesitation, Optimus took it.
A cold, familiar ache in his shoulder.
Burning sensations of pain from fresh cuts and dents in his body.
Merciless rain battering his plating.
Ominous, loud whistles of wind sounding in his audio receptors.
             Ratchet’s optics snapped open when he heard the resounding clang of metal on metal.
             “IT IS FUTILE, PRIME—GIVE IT UP!!!”
             There was another sound of impact, punctuated with a short cry of pain. The voice was Optimus’s.
             The medic sat up, looking around briefly to see that any remaining vehicons who hadn’t yet traveled back to the warship—hovering a short distance away—were cramming themselves behind rocks, flattening themselves to a corner. Others were presently trying to escape the scene.              
             Clearly, they wanted no part in any of this dispute.
             But I do.
             Ratchet hoisted himself up despite the way his wounds stung.
             I must.
             He watched Optimus and Megatron for a few moments. Neither one seemed to be using their weapons—it was simple combat.
             Except there was energon splattered around the grounds where they fought.
             Who said swords and guns were the only things that could kill?
             “Well, then,” Megatron laughed a chilling, malicious laugh. “Do you surrender yet, Optimus?” He bent down and thrust his face into Optimus’s, while the Prime struggled to get up. Optimus retracted his battlemask, gritting his teeth with anger and in an attempt to stifle pained grunts of effort.
             Energon stained the side of his face, dripping steadily from his mouth. He flinched back from the warlord and pushed himself to his feet, taking a fighting stance again.
             Ratchet stood, mesmerized.
             The sight that lay before him was nearly poetic, in a strange way.
             Not the “good” kind of strange.
             Rain poured from the heavens, the air was cold, and the winds raced noisily about. Smokey breath billowed from Optimus’s mouth as he panted, looking ragged and angry. His gaze fixated on Megatron.
             “This ends today, you lunatic—” he forced out, gripping one of his newer wounds gently. “Even…even if it kills me….”
             Megatron grinned. “Oh, it will,” he said slowly, deviously, not moving an inch as Optimus began to circle him. They eyed one another, anticipation hanging in the air as one silently dared the other to make the first move.
             I will be the victor today, Optimus, and then I shall win this war!
             Time seemed to slow, and suddenly Optimus couldn’t move—yet nothing held his limbs in place.
             Instead, his eyes were trained on Megatron as the warlord had suddenly turned.
             He chuckled lightly and aimed his fusion canon at Ratchet, who was standing frozen, watching them.
             The medic seemed to snap out of his trance and flinched, taking a step back defensively. Optimus felt a new rage form in him. Something unseen tore another war cry from the Prime and he charged at an almost desperate-looking pace.
             “LEAVE HIM ALONE!!”
             He threw himself at Megatron, knocking the huge mech to the ground. Megatron gave a short cry of surprise, then immediately locked his jaw, biting down on his tongue. Optimus’s eyes burned with such a ferocity that the ex-gladiator had not seen—not for a long time.
             Not since he last fought a wild beast in the arena of Kaon.
             Never from the soft eyes of Optimus.
             “YOU….KILLED THEM,” Optimus snarled, pinning Megatron to the dirt. Rain pelted down, bouncing limply off Optimus’s frame. He glowered over Megatron, seething at him. “YOU DID ALL THIS, YOU MONSTER!!!”
             Megatron looked surprised only for a moment, then narrowed his eyes belligerently.
             He could only grin. A sick, twisted grin that said, ‘I don’t care.’
             Limbs burning with exhaustion, Optimus began to pummel Megatron. He swung side to side, pounding his opponent with all he had. Wordless cries of anger poured from him as he punched…harder, harder….
               His servos began to tear and feel numb. Streaks of faded blue and purple stained his plating.  
               Distantly, a voice registered in his ears. What was it trying to say?
               “OPTIMUS, WAIT!!”
               All the Prime could see was a blaring, bright red. Steady clanging of metal on metal against the static rain sounded loudly in his optics.
               “ORION, PLEASE!!! LISTEN TO ME—”
                           Optimus felt as if an electric shock had been passed through him. Hearing his name, he froze, panting, trembling, blood roaring in his head. Beneath him, he could feel Megatron tremoring. Yet the silver-purple mech still bore that scrap-eating grin.
             He knew something.
             Something he won’t tell me, the Autobot leader thought, feeling some of his frustration return. He glanced up again at Ratchet, who was still backing away. The air around them began to vibrate, waves of hot air joining with and drowning out the blustering, icy, rainy wind.
             Something was definitely wrong.
             Optimus narrowed his optics and raised a readied fist above Megatron’s face.
              “What are you not telling me, Megatron?” Optimus gripped his rival by the neck. Nothing but a feeble-sounding laugh met his words. The red optics staring back at him squinted with fatigue and fell shut.
             Optimus knew Megatron was still awake.
             “I’m more than finished with all your little mind games, this war, your treacheries,” he spat. “What else are you trying to take from us all now?!” His voice rose with every word as Optimus began to work himself up again. Centuries of anger and sadness began to pile on his spark.
             Waves of warm, stifling air drew closer. A reverberating hum sounded in Optimus’ skull. Something like….a ship.
             All the same, sound faded out around him as he zeroed in on Megatron.
             Finally, he was at his fingertips—his mercy. Finally, Optimus thought, he could bring a final peace to—
             “You lose,” Megatron sneered, a new fire lighting his optics. Beneath him, the Decepticon leader tensed and felt as if he was about to make a move. Optimus gritted his teeth and held steady, tightening his grip on Megatron’s throat.
             Ratchet sounded on the verge of tears, practically shrieking at his partner.
             He realized in an instant what exactly Megatron had meant before.
             Every wound made itself known, throbbing with pain. Megatron could barely move.
             Yet victory buzzed through every cell in his body, giving him just enough strength to carry out the last step to complete his grand plan to end it all.
             Farewell, Orion. Ironic that it was your uncontrolled emotions that led to your downfall.
             Optimus, fist raised, opened his mouth to ask again. Megatron suddenly let loose a surge of strength, pushing up and thrusting his legs under his opponent’s torso and kicking outwards. Optimus’s blue optics widened with shock and he uttered a short cry as he was thrown a few feet across the clearing.
             He landed and instantly got to his feet again, activating his battlemask.
             The Prime stared for a moment at the odd scene before him.
             Megatron stood—albeit shakily—and began to back away, pulling Ratchet with him. No vehicon stragglers were in sight, and even more odd…the rain had begun to let up just a little.
             Soft rays of sunlight began to show through the clouds. His mind drifting, Optimus turned slowly to gaze up at the clouds. He was met with the huge mass of metal and a blast of air and sound.
             It was the Nemesis. A huge canon under the ship readjusted itself with an audible whirring noise.  
             “NOW, SOUNDWAVE!!”
             “OPTIMUS, RUN!!!!!!”
               Ratchet….I’m sorry I failed you….
             In the time of a split second, the world around Optimus lit up in a brilliant, blaring flash, and a deafening explosion filled the air.
             Never before had murder seemed so ethereal.
             No response.
             “RATCHET!!” Miko tried, her loud voice jolting the medic out of whatever trance he’d been in moments before. He turned slowly from staring at his screen, a dead-looking gaze meeting the children’s.
             “Do you…need something, Miko? Rafael?”
             “Oh—well, it’s uhm….it’s nothing….I’ll let you get back to work…” Raf mumbled, suddenly sounding nervous as he fumbled to hide the object he’d been holding. Miko rolled her eyes.              
             “After all the work I did to get his attention!” She followed her friend back to the lounge area. Ratchet watched them, not really processing what they were doing. He then turned back to his task.
             What was I doing again?
             “Hey, Ratchet,” Bulkhead greeted, coming from the hallway. “How’s your, uh…data surfing going?”
             “Very well. I am nearly finished with three of the four sectors I was to organize today,” Ratchet heard his voice respond.
             He looked up to see Bulkhead staring at him, eyes rounded with concern and worry. However the moment he raised his head to see him, he switched his expression to a normal, casual one.
             It was fine if he did that, Ratchet thought to himself. Everyone had been doing it for the last two months now, anyway.
             “Well…that sounds good! A-anyway, I’m gonna…go for a drive…” he responded, sounding awkward. Ratchet nodded an acknowledgement and turned back around. Feeling guilty, Bulkhead looked as if he wanted to say more.
             But he knew better than to bring up what it was they were both still thinking about.
             He turned and transformed, then left. Meanwhile, Ratchet tapped at the screen, barely thinking about what he was actually doing.
             Some small part of him wished for a warm touch on his shoulder as he was finishing up.
             A warm, baritone voice to calmly whisper, “Good work today, my love. Come, rest with me in my quarters.”
             It’s not your fault…it’s not your fault….there was nothing you could do!
             His mind repeated what the others had gently murmured over and over on that day and every day after.
             But it was…
             He heard the small voice protest. He clenched his fist and locked his jaw.
               It’s not your fault, Ratchet. You didn’t kill him!
                           The medic felt a lump in his throat. With all his might, he swallowed it, controlling himself.
             But I did…I killed him.
             Jack. It was Jack’s voice.
             Ratchet felt his arm quivering, his gaze and body frozen in one place, as if someone had hit the pause button on him.
             “Yes?” Everything felt distant now. He felt his arm drop and his head turn to stare at the small human teenager.
             “So…how’s it going?”
             “Oh…well, it’s raining cats and dogs out there!” He joked, pointing at his shirt. “I got a little of it..”
             “You did?”
             “Yep. Might wanna tell Bulkhead to be careful on the roads, right?”
             “Right…so, I guess I’ll leave you alone, then…” Jack backed away, saying something to Miko and Raf as he neared the couch and TV. 
             All of a sudden, Ratchet was aware of how cold his shoulder felt.
HNNNN THIS PIECE OF GARBAGE O///O’’ THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING AT AA >///< Sorry, I know I’m not good at angst. But I wanted to write this anyway.....
If you like, listening to this for the last 2-3 parts of the story might....set the mood  better..? Idk. For me, I heard that recording and instantly felt my heart twist. And had this idea. So.....^^’’ (yes, I know about this piece btw I just like the slowed version because,,,aesthetic,,,,jsjdsjsd) 
Thanks for reading and I hope you have a lovely eveing/day/whatever time it is where you are!! <3 
Feedback, likes, reblogs, and all that stuff is always welcome!! ^///^ 
// Kuni out :’3 //
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hyperpsychomaniac · 4 years
The Other Side of Me - Chapter 2
Darkwing Duck Fanfiction (90s Series)
The Negaverse Launchpad arrives in Saint Canard and announces his intention to take down Darkwing Duck in preparation for Negaduck’s arrival. Darkwing refuses to take the threat seriously, so Launchpad decides to take on his stronger, crazier, and downright dangerous counterpart himself.
Read Chapter 1 first. 
“LP! How many times… open the garage door before you try and park inside.” Drake stood at their front door, hands on his hips.
Launchpad tumbled out of the car. He’d barely tapped the garage, so he ignored the comment. “We’ve got a problem. A DW problem.”
Drake’s scowl deepened as his gaze shifted from the car and onto Launchpad. “What happened to you?”
“Like I said, DW problem.”
“You went to get groceries. What did you get mugged? I should hope Darkwing’s sidekick could deal with that.”
“I did. Well, sort of.”
Drake’s gaze softened. “LP…”
Launchpad grabbed Drake by the shirt sleeve and dragged him into the house. “Will you just listen to me? I got jumped in the car. By myself.”
“You were alone. But I’m guessing that bruise meant you dealt with it?”
“No, not by myself. I mean I got mugged by myself.”
“We’ve been over this.”
“By Launchpad from the Negaverse!”
Drake steered Launchpad into the dining room and made him sit down before he’d let him explain further. “So, Negaduck is still stuck in his dimension,” Launchpad finished. “But, er, Launchpad said he was coming after you, DW.”
“Well, I don’t like him already!” Gosalyn stood up on her chair and waved an arm at Launchpad. “He hit Launchpad in the face. I’ve got a good mind to give him what for.”
Launchpad smiled faintly. “Thanks for the backup, kiddo. But you should probably stay away from him.”
Gosalyn pounded a fist on the table. “I can take him! I mean, come on, Launchpad, he’s you.”
“No, I just mean, I practically beat you at arm wrestling I know it takes a little to wear you out, but…”
Launchpad winced. “Yeah, about that.”
“Wait, have you been letting me win? Dad!”
Drake rubbed at his forehead. “Gos, he’s five times your size. You ‘win’ because he thinks you’re adorable. Somehow, I’m guessing this other Launchpad won’t.”
Gosalyn plonked herself back in her chair and folded her arms. “This is confusing. We should at least agree to call him jerkface Launchpad, because that’s what he is.”
“Works for me,” said Launchpad, “But we’ve got to do something. He’s been out there for hours now. Who knows what he’s been up to?”
“Probably crashed at least two different vehicles.”
Launchpad frowned. He could take the crash jokes. But Drake was far too calm. “This is serious!”
Drake held up his hands “Look, I know. And I get he probably freaked you out. But, you know, maybe Gos is right?”
“We’re going with jerkface?”
“No! I mean the threat you’re worried about, being, well, Launchpad. No offense buddy, but if you up and decided you wanted to take me out tomorrow, I wouldn’t be overly concerned. Unless we were flying somewhere.”
Launchpad huffed. “Well, he seemed pretty serious to me. And I seem to remember you saying he just about killed you within three minutes of you landing in the Negaverse.”
“Did he bring his rocket launcher with him?”
“What? I don’t think so.”
Drake shrugged. “There you go. He’s nothing to worry about.”
“What’s wrong with a rocket launcher?” Gosalyn asked.
“He used it in the house!”
Launchpad scowled. “I just want to make sure my best friend is safe. Launchpad was pretty clear; he said he’d put you at the bottom of the bay.”
“I’m sorry. I know it’s not nothing. But it’s not like he’s Negaduck. Look, if he said he was going to find me and take me down, let’s go out on patrol tonight and see if he makes a move. Besides, Gos is right about something else, he is a jerkface. Pick on my sidekick, will he? Darkwing Duck will happily send him back where he came from!”
Launchpad felt some of his apprehension lift. Sometimes, he still couldn’t believe Darkwing Dark had not only taken him on as his sidekick but had been such a good friend to him. It was good to know he had his back. “Thanks, DW. And don’t worry, I won’t let you out of my sight.”
In this Saint Canard, Launchpad’s old hanger still stood. Not his, Launchpad had to remind himself as he swallowed the stubborn lump in his throat. That idiot McQuack’s. Still, the place was almost as dilapidated as his had been. Launchpad pushed open one of the big double doors. It creaked, and dust fell from the ceiling. Dusty grey tarpaulins were spread over the aeroplanes stashed inside.
One of the shapes caught his eye. Launchpad stepped over and, grasping the corner of tarp draped over a wing, tugged it quickly aside. He drew in a quick breath and squeezed his eyes shut tight. “Steady, Launchpad. You’re getting distracted.”
He was not here because of nostalgia. He would only use the air going beasts hidden beneath those tarps if it fell in with the plan that clumsily built in his head. But it was hard, far harder than he was happy with, for him to walk away. The lure of his first love was strong.
The flames licking and crackling and tearing into the timber rose unbidden in his mind. Metal and canvas skins peeled away from the steel and timber frames. Tortured metal screamed and rivets popped, like his aeroplanes had been crying out to him. And Launchpad had just stood there, with an empty petrol can clamped in a hand which had taken every ounce of his willpower to stop from shaking. Meanwhile, Negaduck had stood beside him, laughing as the flames rose ever higher.
Launchpad ran a hand over the wing again. He turned away with a snort. His inspection of the hanger turned up a woefully inadequate stash of weapons. Besides some heavy tools, all he found was a rusty handgun which looked like it hadn’t been fired, far less cared for, in years. “How am I supposed to pull this off without a good rocket launcher?”
He gave up on the hanger proper and climbed the ladder into the loft. It looked like Launchpad had slept and ate up here. But the stripped bed, and the desk parked in one corner, was covered in dust. Launchpad’s lip curled up in a snarl. Darkwing had not made his sidekick destroy this place. But McQuack had quite obviously not returned in a very long time.
He checked under the mattress. He found a large wrench, but still no decent weapons.  He moved over to the desk and yanked at a drawer. The old wood stuck with a squeak, and Launchpad gave it another sharp tug. The drawer’s contents spilled across the floor.
Still no weapons. But a flash of colour caught his eyes. Launchpad knelt and picked up the photograph. His mother, father, and sister grinned back at him. They looked happy. Alongside the other Launchpad.
Launchpad couldn’t remember seeing his family, in print or otherwise, for a very, very long time. But this wasn’t his family. And it had been so carelessly discarded in this drawer. Just like the hanger.
Launchpad tore the photograph to shreds.
 “Threading the Thunderquack treacherously through towers, Darkwing Duck searches for the dubious doppelganger, the derelict delinquent determined to do in our do-gooder hero.” Darkwing swished his cape about the cockpit, and then leapt back into the passenger seat and glared sidelong at Launchpad. “What he doesn’t understand is why someone insisted we take the Thunderquack in the first place.”
“We’ll cover more ground this way.”
“Oh yeah? Well Darkwing Duck strongly suspects his sneaky sidekick simply wanted to drive.”
Launchpad made a show of looking out his side of the cockpit at the streets below, though he was only trying to hide the faint flush he felt come to his beak. Busted. It was easier being the one at the controls of their transport of choice. If he got an idea as to where jerkface Launchpad was hiding out, he could just fly them straight there without having to ask for Darkwing’s permission. Apologising after the fact was far easier.
Darkwing slumped back in his seat with a huff. “Well, at least this gets us out of the house. Gosalyn’s cartoons were starting to get on my nerves. I swear, she turns up the volume on that television every time I leave the room.”
“I think I’d rather be making soup.”
“I’ll survive without your soup, LP. In fact, I think avoiding it might actually increase my chances.”
Launchpad swung the Thunderquack around another building, rocking the plane so they could keep an eye on the streets below. Darkwing gripped his seat a little tighter.
“It’s not about the soup. Launchpad said he was coming after you. I’d rather not have to worry about that.”
“What are you now, my mother? Look, I appreciate it, really. But you don’t have to stress out about this. He’s been here less than a day. You think he’s going to, I don’t know, find a plane that can keep up with the Thunderquack in that time and run us out of the sky?”
“Um, DW?”
“Yeah, what… Launchpad!”
Launchpad lifted a wing and the roaring shape tore past just beneath them.
Darkwing leapt onto his seat and searched the sky. “What was that?!”
“Hard to say pelting past at 100 miles an hour but looked like a P51 Mustang.”
“Please tell me that does not come with a rocket launcher.”
Launchpad looped the Thunderquack back around. The plane that had nearly knocked them out of the sky hadn’t been running any lights. He couldn’t see where their assailant had gone.
“Where is he?” said Darkwing. “Great. I’m up here with two of you.”
“We don’t know it’s Launchpad yet.”
“Who else flies like that?! Seriously, why did you have to insist on taking the Thunderquack?”
Launchpad huffed. Here was the downside of being the one in control of where they were going. He had to put up with Darkwing’s backseat driving. “Fine. I’ll take us lower.” He dropped the Thunderquack, hard. The wheels hit the pavement and they bounced.
“If you’re going to fly like this then we may as well have taken the Ratcatcher.”
The Mustang dropped in at 5 o’clock. It followed behind them, just clear of the pavement, and slowly gained. Launchpad looked back over his shoulder. “Where did he get a Mustang?”
“Launchpad, concentrate on you’re flying, driving, whatever you’re doing!”
A car horn blared. Launchpad swerved clear of the oncoming headlights. “Okay, okay, so jerkface is a pilot too?” His eyes narrowed.
“What’s that look? Oh, wonderful…”
Launchpad spotted a parked flatbed truck, its tray tipped up so it practically formed a ramp. He accelerated. They hit the makeshift ramp and rocketed back into the air. He looped up and around a building and then levelled out just clear of Saint Canard’s skyscrapers. The Mustang was still on his right, but now it’s wing was level with, and nearly touched the Thunderquack’s. The single pilot dogfighter was not in good condition. The propeller spluttered. The canopy had been ripped clean off. And the Negaverse Launchpad was crammed into that tiny cockpit, a maniac grin on his face.
Launchpad frowned. “Hey, wait! That looks just like the one I had in my hanger…”
His double swung in and rammed the Thunderquack. The wings collided and grated, and the Mustang’s gave in. Metal peeled off and wrapped itself around the Thunderquack’s wing. Launchpad grappled with the steering as the drag picked up.
“Oh man…”
“Fly the plane, LP!”
“I’m flying two planes here. We need to lose the drag.”
The Negaverse Launchpad vacated the Mustang’s cockpit. His hair whipped about his face as he climbed onto the buckled wing. He steadily gained ground as he pulled himself arm over arm along the entangled metal.
“I told you he was crazy.” Darkwing pulled his gas gun from his jacket.
“What are you going to do with that?”
“I thought you said we needed to lose the drag?”
“The other plane. You’ll kill him if you hit him with that this high.”
“Darn it, you’re right. Well, you’d better do something quick.”
Launchpad dipped them lower, back down between the buildings. And realised his mistake. The Thunderquack could easily weave its way between Saint Canard’s skyscrapers, despite Launchpad’s somewhat inattentive flying style. The Thunderquack with an extra six tonnes of metal and one crazed duck hanging from her wing was going to have a bit more trouble.
Launchpad wrested them hard left as a building loomed. It swung away from them. Slowly. Far too slowly. The Thunderquack cleared. Glass windows exploded. The Mustang was torn to shreds on impact. They swung out hard as the drag lifted, and it was all Launchpad could do to yank her back in before they slammed into the building opposite.
“DW! Where’s Launchpad?” He’d wanted to stop his counterpart hurting Darkwing Duck. Not kill him.
“Hang on, hang on… there he is, LP.” Darkwing pointed to the plummeting body.
The dread lifted. Launchpad chased his double towards the ground. “I’ve got this…” He popped the canopy, then looped them underneath the other Launchpad.
He was dead on target. Launchpad slammed into the open cockpit. Right on top of Darkwing. Both men tumbled into the back of the Thunderquack. The whole plane bounced and rocked, and Launchpad was thrown from his seat. The next few seconds were a blur of spinning buildings, asphalt, and blinking controls.
“Bloody hell. And people say I’m crazy.” The Negaverse Launchpad pulled himself into the pilot’s seat. He levelled the Thunderquack and pulled them up to a height where they were not getting honked at by passing motorists.
“DW?” Launchpad shook Darkwing by the shoulder.
“No mommy, five more minutes.” Out cold. But Darkwing Duck could take a fair whack. Launchpad propped him up in the rear seat as comfortably as he could manage.
“This handles really well. Heh. Better than that bucket of bolts. I’m not even sure how I got it off the ground on the first place. But this…” His double had a grin plastered to his face. His focus was out the windshield, on the buildings he was even now swooping in and around. Not that there was much reason to swing the plane about so much.
Except that Launchpad knew from experience, thought pointless, it was pretty fun. He moved cautiously to the front of the cockpit and slipped into the passenger seat. “Ah, yeah. I put her together myself. Just gave the steering a tune up, actually.”
The other Launchpad glanced across at him warily.
Launchpad put his hands in his lap, where his doppelganger could see them, and waited. The other man did not seem an immediate threat. He was no longer focused on Darkwing Duck, but instead on flying the Thunderquack. Which was not exactly ideal, and Launchpad was glad DW was unconscious, of he’d have a fit. But maybe they wouldn’t have to fight this guy.
The other Launchpad’s shoulders relaxed. “I’m a little disappointed actually,” he said as he steered them out to the clear air over the bay.
“In the Thunderquack? What’s wrong with her?”
“No. In you. I threw you down a challenge, man. And what do you do? Go straight crying to Darkwing Duck.”
“That wasn’t a challenge. You threatened him.”
“Same difference. Where’s your loyalty? You going to let some guy say stuff about your boss like that?”
Launchpad bristled. “Loyalty? That’s why I told DW, he’s my friend, and I’d do anything for him.”
“More like just cry to him so he’ll solve all your problems. You’re all talk… woah hang on…” Launchpad took them in low, right under the Audubon Bay bridge. That grin crawled back onto this face, and he laughed. “Oh yeah, baby.”
Launchpad could understand the thrill of flying. But this Launchpad was excited as a school kid. And flying his plane. It was all he could do to fight off the urge to make a snatch for the controls. Whatever the heck was actually happening here, he didn’t want to push it.
His double finished his swoop under the bridge cleanly. Almost too cleanly. Launchpad scowled. “Just don’t go and crash it now, alright?”
“Hey! I don’t crash.”
“What, never?”
“Never. Not that I’ve had the chance for a while.”
Launchpad swallowed. Great. This guy was a better pilot than him too. “You don’t have to do this, you know.”
Launchpad eyed him sidelong, then laughed. It sounded far crueller than the one from moments ago. “You are not serious.”
“Look, you’re me, sort of. I get it. You’re loyal to Negaduck. He’s your buddy, just like me and DW. He asked you to come over here and help him. But Negaduck’s not a nice guy. He’s already got a whole world to himself. What does he need this one for? You can’t destroy a place just to please him, and I won’t let you hurt DW to do it.”
His double lunged for him. Launchpad put up his fists. But the other Launchpad didn’t hit him. He yanked his arm back with Launchpad’s aviator’s cap clenched tightly in his fist. “I cannot take you seriously in this stupid thing!” He tossed it up into the corner of the console.
Then he blew out a deep breath. “Alright, Launchpad. Let me set you straight. Negaduck is my boss. Not my buddy. I don’t go crying to him for every little thing. I deal with shit myself. Even if, even if I don’t always do the best job. So, let me tell you about loyalty. I joined Negaduck. And I gave up everything. My hanger, flying my aeroplanes…”
“You… what?”
“I burnt it all to the ground!”
Launchpad felt his stomach knot up. He had destroyed a great deal of aeroplanes over the course of his career. But never on purpose.
“Yeah, that’s right. You know. We are the same, sort of. You know what that meant. I don’t make cute little speeches about how me and Negaduck are buddies. I’m a man of action. Being loyal to Negaduck means I’m done with all of that. I let it all go for him.” His hands gripped the control yoke, white knuckled, and his chest heaved. “And I… I haven’t looked back since.”
The Thunderquack droned through the sky, now circling high above Saint Canard. Launchpad did not normally fly her this high. They were usually working, darting amongst the buildings below in search of some criminal. “Really?” he finally said, fixing his gaze on the other Launchpad until he had no choice but to meet his gaze. “Because it doesn’t look like you’re done with being a pilot to me.”
“Hold your breath, LP!” Darkwing leapt up on the back of the pilot’s seat and fired a gas canister straight down into the Negaverse Launchpad’s lap.
Onto Chapter 3
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