#i genuinely don't know but i think it'd be incredibly fun to see that play out.
cowboyfromh3ll · 11 months
Hcs for the boys' toxic traits. Preferably arthur, javier, john, and charles, but other boys are welcome too! I'm curious to see what you'd say Dutch's toxic traist are, though they're pretty self explanatory 😭
I just love how you write sm sorreyyyy
Van Der Linde Gang's Toxic traits
(Arthur Morgan, Javier Escuella, John Marston, Charles Smith, Micah Bell, Dutch Van Der Linde, Sean Macguire, Kieran Duffy, Eagle Flies)
HAHAHA THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE. I tried not to sugarcoat anything.
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Arthur Morgan - He definitely has some trouble communicating. Not to say he never will communicate with you but it'll be long in between and after it's been plaguing him for a milenium. As we've seen, this man is capable of having deep, well thought out conversations. He'd also be pretty prideful to some degree. Mostly depends what point in time you start dating, later in game he'd be able to see past his pride. Also, I feel like if you were dating a major point of contention in your relationship would be questioning whether it's time to move on from this life.
Javier Escuella - WAY too jealous. I don't even mean it in a cute way but in a way that would genuinely cause several arguments between you two. "Why were you looking at him that way?" "That sounded like you were flirting with him" "Why do you spend so much time around the other guys?" Would also be around you 24/7. Someone would be incapable of having a conversation with you that doesn't include Javier. You two would also argue about Dutch's leadership skills.
John Marston - Oh my God this man is so indecisive. Doesn't know what he wants ever. In a modern setting you two would be sitting in the car, asking each other back and forth "what do you wanna eat?". And his commitment issues? Good lord. At some points in your relationship it'd probably feel like you guys aren't dating at all. You'd probably have to beg him to put some effort into the relationship to be honest.
Charles Smith - It's so hard to think of ANYTHING this man can do wrong but alas, I must. You probably wouldn't be his top priority at all times. Which isn't to say you should ALWAYS be at the top of his list, but sometimes it can result in your feelings being neglected over a situation that affects you. Only when the day reaches it's end will he consult you over something, which will have you feeling incredibly frustrated.
Micah Bell - This man is a walking red flag so let's not dance around his flaws. Incredibly prideful, will ignore your warnings over something just to get his way. Also probably lies to you A LOT. Can be way too rough with you in many aspects. Also this man embodies the word sleezy. Yuck.
Dutch Van Der Linde - Do I even need to say. So fucking stubborn. He also probably thinks he's intelectually superior to you. If you bring up a concern to him he'll probably use as many flowery and big words as possible to make himself appear smarter during the discussion than he actually is. And if you advise him to do anything he'll probably just ignore you, saying you don't know what you're talking about. All in all, thinks he's better than you. Also you're probably a trophy wife since Dutch views women as accessories to his success, if you can even call it success.
Sean Macguire - He doesn't take anything seriously. If you're trying to have a genuine discussion with him he'll play it down and make it seem less important or severe than it actually is. Don't even bother trying to emphasize how serious you are because he won't take that seriously either. It's only until he feels the consequences of his actions will he listen to you, which results in a frustrating cycle.
Kieran Duffy - Also very indecisive but in the way where he can't speak up for himself because he doesn't think it's important. Has such low self esteem, he also probably thinks his emotions are less important which results in a lot of miscommunication on his behalf. Sorta just let's you take the lead all the way, always let's you have your way, with no valuable input of his own. You have to shake his shoulders and beg for him to actually speak his mind.
Eagle Flies - He's probably so childish. Like, mommy issues CEO over here. Will probably seek for you to fulfill that role in his life. Has almost no control over his emotions and has trouble identifying them, and when he does indentify them, has absolutely no idea what to do with them in terms of expression. He will make various efforts to communicate with you but will struggle immensely. Being with him will probably be like teaching a man how to experience emotions in a healthy way. I could write an entire post dedicated to what I think his toxic traits are
More eagle flies ones
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lucdoodle · 1 month
1, 2, 4, 7, 12, 23 foe Adam!
1. Why do you like or dislike this character? Oh man! Where to begin!! I like his personality, design, concept, and the implications of what his story was/is off-screen and how it plays with the relationship he has with other characters that know him for a long time (read here: Lucifer, Lilith, Eve, Lute, Sera, and older angel in general.) As well as the implications of how his life in Heaven is like and how other angels sees him. All the implications who derives from the mere concept of his character are- !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a lot of fun to think about!!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? 1- His relationship with Lute! 2- How he's genuinely an asshole lol (im very much not in the "adam did nothing wrong" group.) This dude is an apathetic asshole and an incredibly interesting character!
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? Oh boi, a series of shorts like the "Helluva shorts", except that they'd be about Adam's life in Heaven pre-canon!
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like? Exploring the implications!!! Taking the crumbs of informations we know about him and making whole cakes with it!! Also im a big fan of any fanfics that explores (even if briefly!) the relationship between Adam and Sera (in a platonic way, i mean.) I particularly love both the interpretations of 1- Sera thinking about the lost potential, and how Adam evolved and changed, did he changed or was he always like that? Was it the apple and thus Lucifer's fault? Or was he always like that? Since we know Sera was in heaven before Adam died, do you think she's the one that taught him how to fly? Do you think she's the one that taught him how to live in Heaven? Do you think she's the one that was put in charge of taking care of the first human soul? And what does Sera means to Adam? (stuff like that!) And interpretation 2- Sera thinking smt like "Oh not this guy again..." as Adam kicks the doors opens with a loud "WASSUP BITCHES, Adam the man himself is here!! NOW we can start the meeting or whatever" like a "that one coworker you hate" relationship XD Both are good XD auihznkjiuhgernikjulko
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character? OHOHOH!!! Lemme pull out my list! * a comically long - seemingly endless scroll proceed to fall on the ground and gets all over the place * (Erm, but huh, more seriously i actually have a list of my headcanons for Adam so, uh, ANYWAY, here!) XD 1- his favorite food (that is not meat) is apple pie! (and he hates that it's apple pie of all things, so he doesn't eat it often at all) 2- he considers Lute "one of the boys" 3- Adam and Lute have movie nights 4- when he's in a really weird mood/feeling weird he eats apples 5- adam and lucifer were friends back in Eden 6- he's very unconfortable showing skin (which is why he wears a mask and clothes that don't show any skin) 7- his mask was originally a gift from Sera as she notived Adam didn't like being the only human in heaven in the early days where there was nothing else but angels up there 8- lucifer taught adam swear words, and told him to blame michael if Sera asked who taught him. Lucifer did it because he wanted to see the look on sera's face as he thought it'd be a funny prank 9- adam feels most comfortable sleeping on sand and dust and such since he was created from The Dust 10- emily genuinely thinks adam's mask is his face, this is a extremely popular misconception among angels 11- extremely few persons have seen adam without his mask 12- it took adam A LOT of time before he managed to eat another apple after what happened in Eden 13- he has an extremely good memory, but he only use it for things he likes or that involve him directly 14- he hates being alone 15- he adored being with and hanging out with Lucifer back in Eden, they were good friends and Lucifer taught Adam about a lot of things 16- lucifer taught adam what music was 17- adam is a very "monkey see monkey do" kind of person 18- when confused he makes a head tilt like animals do when they're confused, and he picked the way he hold his wings from watching birds 19- sera is the one that was put in charge of kicking adam and eve out of eden 20- sera will never forget the cries and begs from them and it still haunts her, meanwhile adam completely forgot that it was Sera that kicked him out of Eden
23. Favorite picture of this character? This one! simply because it shows how utterly TOL Adam is XD
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But also this whole bit! For a character so self-centred, it was so cool to see him taking a support role!
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beevean · 1 month
Me, an amateur writer with poor english grammar thinking of dialogue for fanfics: hmmm i need to make sure i catch their personalities and particular dynamic here, otherwise it'd seem too generic
Netflixvania, acclaimed show done by professional writers: sassy girlboss and dumb moron man! Sassy girlboss and dumb moron man! And for you hmmm. Oh i know! Sassy girlboss and dumb moron man!
the implication that NFCV would care about personalities
they couldn't even be consistent with their own OCs 💀
The thing is that sassy banter is not inherently a bad dynamic. It can be fun, and it can show natural chemistry. Even the games had something similar: Maria gently pokes fun at Alucard for the way he talks (as in, barely), and Julia gives Hector some attitude when she plays coy about her identity. Or, not quite the same still, but Jonathan and Charlotte have this Red Oni, Blue Oni dynamic where Charlotte really wants to be Jonathan's braincell. It can work, it's fine, sometimes friendship and love is joking around each other.
But NFCV fails because it's much more meanspirited about it. And there is an audience for this, of course: for example, look at all the people who are positive N!Trevor and N!Alucard had steamy hot gay hate sex because they see their dynamic as homoerotic, but for me, it doesn't feel earned because they have just met and N!Alucard plays jump rope with the line in a way N!Trevor never matches. N!Sypha calls N!Trevor a deformed pet bear in jest, again without him ever matching her (and I'm not mentioning when she got genuinely angry with him over nothing, like when he made a comment about beer being better than sex and she got so pissed she froze that beer - it's played for laughs but still, it's mean). Greta jokes that N!Alucard is lucky that she's there to run his life for him, when again they don't quite know each other that well and she met N!Alucard when he was a traumatized mess (a trauma she made a nonsensical joke about, although he found it funny so I guess that counted as a bonding moment). And I don't think I need to tell you that Lenore is more than mean to N!Hector - but I can point out how incredibly tasteless the very idea of her spouting dick jokes to pass the time is, to pretend they have sexual chemistry, when not even two months prior she sexually abused N!Hector in multiple ways and she forced that sexual tension onto him. Again, you could have written anything else, you could have had her ask him if he likes his new uniform or some shit, but somehow you managed to choose the worst possible option. peak
But also yes, the sameness just hurts everything. Hector/Julia and Alucard/Maria are conceptually a similar ship, mostly because they share similar narrative roles, but they don't talk the same, they don't interact the same, Alucard and Hector are different people and Maria and Julia are different people and it reflects in their dialogue. Maria is more jokey than Julia, because Alucard is more terse than Hector. Jonathan and Charlotte poke fun at each other from time to time, but the whole game is about their friendship, how they help each other and support each other. Jonathan is angry about his father's death and Charlotte emotionally supports him, Charlotte feels slighted when treated like a girl and Jonathan treats her like a peer, not like a genius like she wants to be seen lol but not like a little girl either. They have each other's backs in every way.
Like. You have to have some substance behind the banter. That is what I'm saying. Chemistry can be shown by jokes and all, but you also need to convince me these people like each other. When you scratch under the banter of the NFCV couples, there is either nothing behind it, or something really rotten.
(and, as I said multiple times, I actually would have liked if N!Hector and Lenore sassed each other to keep up the façade that they're happy with one another, but N!Hector is quietly seething and conflicted and Lenore regrets that their chemistry is built on deceit and imprisonment, and this is why she snaps when he briefly breaks it: out of guilt she can't cope with. That would be a great way to subvert the cliché and actually play with the tragic elements at hand that had the audience interested. But S4 is cowardly on a whole another level, so the dick jokes are just to laugh at and I'm really meant to believe their love is wholesome.)
I'll just leave this here to cap it all off:
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albonoooo · 8 months
got tagged by @wanderingblindly, thank you my beloved <3
what colour are your eyes?: a mixture of blue, green and grey that looks puddle-coloured most of the time.
tell me about your pets/your dream pet: after 15 wonderful years, our family dog paul (i named him that when i was five lol) unfortunately passed away in august 2023, i loved that dog more than most people. (there were some pictures of him here, but i got nervous that someone i know might see this so i removed them lmao). i'd love to get a dog or a cat at some point later in my life, but not now or any time soon.
share some interesting fact about yourself: i'm genuinely incredibly boring, so much so that i had to ask for help to find an answer here. the council decided on the fact that i know how to ride and own a motorcycle and am also a member in an mf in my hometown.
what was the first fandom you were a part of?: i guess the first time i was properly involved with fandom in any capacity was during my teen wolf days.
do you have any phobias?: i don't know if it's bad enough to be considered a phobia, but i'm terrified of heights. there have been several instances of me breaking down crying despite trying to keep it together while being in very high places (usually while having to climb dodgy stairs in very high buildings, among other things).
are you a picky eater? if so, what food can't you stand?: YES! and i hate it because it's so so limiting and annoying. i am incredibly sensitive regarding taste and texture and i have to physically force myself to hold back visceral reactions to foods i don't like. it'd probably be easier to list the foods i can eat tbh.
do you eat the burger and fries at the same time or one after another?: first some fries, then burger, fries, burger, fries, finish the burger, finish the fries. anything else is weird (what the fuck do you mean you eat them completely separately, liquid???)
winter or summer: winter all the way. i sweat easily, my body generally doesn't cope well with heat and i prefer bundling up and being a little cold over feeling too warm.
favourite fanfiction tropes: i LOVE a good au, any au really, but especially the cute ones. i'll read almost anything at least once and so there's just too many things i have read and enjoyed to list here. also, anything with an enemies to lovers situation. i am a sucker for that.
are you studying or working? what do you study/is your job?: both! i'm a full-time student (english major, history minor) and i am one of the student assistants in the english department's student office. i've also had other, less fun part-time jobs in the past.
what is the last country you visited: the netherlands and belgium during a day trip (by motorcycle) in june or july last year, i think.
what country would you want to move to after retiring?: i've haven't ever even considered living that long. i've always had a fascination with ireland and scotland, so based on looks and vibes alone i'd go there. or somewhere with solid winters, like a scandinavian country or finland.
who was your first crush?: hannes (played by nick romeo reimann) in the vorstadtkrokodile movies. i was ready for marriage, dreaming up a life together and everything. it also lasted until i was like 12 years old, so about six years in total. he really had me in a chokehold.
how did you get into f1 fandom?: after my interest was peaked by f1 edits that randomly popped up all over my social media one day (thank you algorithms), i did what i always do when something like that happens and opened tumblr to see what's up. and then i got stuck lol.
i have no clue who has or hasn't been tagged already, so feel free to ignore this!! @hrhgeorgerussell @bright-and-burning @borntogayz @lil-italian-disappointment @liamlawsonlesbian @piastrisms
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j2zara · 2 months
literally pilfer off of me as much as you want i literally almost included a clone in LSOP fic but decided that it'd be better for jace to be entirely isolated w/ no one who understands him. how are we putting j2 in luxury sex object prison. maybe he runs out of spell slots and porter just keeps him around. doesnt let him outside the house anymore since there cant be two jaces running around elmville. j2 gets to play housewife. he can still do research but porter doesnt care how productive he is, he just likes knowing that j2's around. j2 is sooooo happy with this deal in no small part because jace is livid about it. finally he gets a moment to gloat and be smug because he's useless and porter still likes him, can jaceprime say the same? would jaceprime be safe if he stopped having a purpose?
Oh no trust me LSOP fic is all the better for having Jace be all on his own i promise!!!! The clones are for fun and me time but like tbh i think you 100% made the right call the feeling of isolation is so perfect in capturing the vibe. And also referencing Annabel Lee???? ummmm ily maybe??
on the one hand i love a situation in which all the clones are in LSOP together bc i think its incredibly funny if jace creates the torment nexus and is like. Wow i didn't think i would be reaping what i sowed with the torment nexus!!! On the other hand i am like. Is there a unique Luxury Sex Object Prison of their choosing? Like. To be fair there is a part of Porter that does like Bluejay on his own terms, not just an extension of Jace and. I mean. A god can have anything he wants, right? Maybe he would want to keep J2 in LSOP
J2 genuinely does like feeling useful so like i could see him enjoying doing research for sure and. i do think more importantly i think he wants a sense of belonging so like ultimately if that place he belongs is in luxury sex object prison it's like ok! The whole like This is Dollhouse but Good Actually is so funny and honestly real b/c like i do think any marginal discomfort and dissatisfaction J2 would get out of this deal is wayyyy less in comparison to how any of the other jaces would feel he's easily the one that's like we got everything we wanted! out of this. He would be pretty content i think to be Porter's housewife. Like yes you get to come home to me at the end of the day and i'll always be dolled up for you and ready and give you a kiss and a martini and tell you how hard you work as the god of conquest! Do you like my dress? You were the one who got it for me! And he would be SO HAPPY for porter once he won like ough which is something that Jace i think frankly. had more conflicted feelings about. Literally J2 just wanted to be loved and he was willing to be the bad guy to get that.
I genuinely think the worst thing for him is porter being away for a long time. But it does feel kinda good to get something and even if he's lower in the hierarchy. He knows his place! He never was promised to be by porters side so he has no reason to resent anyone! That's jace's problem not his and besides what porter wants porter gets, don't you see this is what's best for you? Don't you see how much he treasures you? It is kinda good to feel like he has a place he belongs even if its lower in the pecking order, like he got his and Jace is seething. And like. Idk. Maybe its blasphemou to be a little smug about it. But he is.
I'm not saying its a GOOD ending but to be fair if j2 is still around and Jace is in luxury sex object prison, maybe porter doesn't have to keep fucking him as an extension of jace. Maybe j2 misses that. Maybe he misses trying to be the cunt porter married because like. He got to play at being the cunt that porter married!!!! maybe he misses when he was pursued with an attempt to recapture something transcendent and glorious and he got to get just a glimpse of that. but like. he's still the boytoy of a god. He doesn't even have to desperately fight for his survival anymore. As long as he gives porter everything he wants. But he's spent his entire LIFE giving porter everything he wants, how is this any different? He's no jace. He was made for this life. That's everything he could want right?
(n Jace is like. doesn't it piss you off that he sees you as a Plaything. And j2 is like. I mean i've always been a thing? I know it upsets you and i get that because you're special. You've always been special. And. I don't know if he loves me for me, but if i'm loved as an extension of himself how different is that from when i was loved as an extension of you? I loved being you so much, i wanted it more than anything, but i don't know. Maybe this, being beneath you but getting to be Bluejay, is something that spares me that heartache.)
(And like. Maybe he’s wrong about that. Maybe even now he’s still an extension of Jace)
This is honestly kinda interesting. Thinking about J2 in luxury sex object prison. Which to be fair is pretty derivative of just ruminating on Jace in Luxury sex object prison but. If i have the ok to pilfer i might return to this well. I miss J2porter.
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tonysaintborgi · 9 months
Real talk I've seen so many fascist and/or white supremacist dogwhistles in the last month alone that I'm genuinely concerned. Coming from so many different people as well
Anyways people reading this, please do your best to become media literate and learn about dogwhistles, whether they be racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic or antisemitic it is incredibly important you can recognize them abd shut them down
I'm agree with u. however, call me a pessimist, but i think it's probably less a "spread the word they're racist" and more a "get people to give a shit" thing. becuz there's no WAY people don't know wojacks is racist? they just think "oh well this is SO FUNNY! I can't not share it! and it's not like the meme itsef is racist!" (it is not funny, and it is racist, but still)
people LOOOOVE to pretend they always take the high road and do the right thing but if it actually inconveniences them they shy away. oh, like sure, they'll make a big to-do about how they ain't playing Hogwarts Racism Simulator but they weren't ever gonna anyway. you tell them to not watch Five Nights At Funding Republicans The Movie and they're like, "eh oh well! pobody's nerfect!!" because they actually did want to see it. push came to shove and they called uncle the very first moment it meant not getting everything they wanted.
it's why chick fil a exists. it's why weratedogs has been exposed as racist multiple times and people still be like THEY'RE GOOD DOGS BRONT LOL. it's why we've heard about how discord is awful all month but nobody will have a spine and switch to fuckin telegram. it's why twitter still exists, cuz if everybody left like they should it'd have been dead half a year ago. it's fun to say you have morals but the moment those morals ask much from you that you weren't already inclined to do, they buckle.
and so you can only imagine how easy it is to be like "well, I HAVE to share this wojack meme!" because when it comes to a battle between the morals they claim to have vs their need for instant gratification, the second one is winning. they're willing to spend money on horrible things - sharing a wojack is FREE! doesn't even require self reflection!
sorry for the incredibly pessimistic manifesto here LMFAO it's just been scratching me the wrong way forever how people don't never take a stand if it inconveniences them
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mdhwrites · 11 months
Five Nights at Freddy's Movie: The Core of a Masterpiece Trapped in an Awkward Shell
No Spoiler Version: I really liked the movie. It has an incredibly strong thematic core about being trapped by the past and how that can cloud and destroy your present and future despite it being subtler than usual about that. The main characters feel surprisingly grounded and it knows when to cut loose a bit with the atmosphere for the sake of its storytelling. It's actually an incredibly compelling family drama.
It is not a horror movie though except for its last MAYBE twenty percent. It's much more interested in moody introspection and exploring the main character than trying to scare the audience. If not for the finale, it'd arguably just be using horror elements to help hammer in home the toxic relationship with the past. But this is a Five Nights at Freddy's movie so it needs to be horror and most of the awkward elements of the movie are tied to having to either fit into that genre or to have to bend to franchise lore rather than allowing the conclusion that would be thematically satisfying.
It's done with enough with enough charisma to allow the awkward elements to roll off me for the most part and I still liked the ending even if it wasn't thematically strong. It's a very good and I think people are dismissing it as campy and the like just because it does have those awkward elements when the core story, and how it's told, are pretty serious minus one or two scenes. So yeah, check it out!
Spoilers after my page break.
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So let's start with the strongest element and the core of the movie: Mike's journey and arc in general is very compelling to me but there's not a lot to spoil besides the genuinely nice element that it's subtle. It takes a while to realize the theme they're going for with it and I didn't fully click on it until the thematic climax. When he realizes that by focusing on the past, he'll lose another sibling just like he did before.
But that's actually the ingenuity of his dreams. Because he has a sympathetic desire on the face of it, wanting to stop a person who kidnaps children and bring them to justice, he feels kind of justified at first. It's something you'd honestly like to see put right... But it's still revenge. It's still prioritizing the harm of the past instead of even trying to move on and focus on that which in the present you care about.
And thus the thematic finale of the movie is when Mike realizes that and rebels against the ghost children and they try to kill him. His escape is his victory and weirdly enough, it makes it so that following closer to the games... Would have been more satisfying. Mike burns down Freddy's at the end of the first game. Even Afton early on in the movie says the owner isn't willing to let it go so it technically holds a toxic grip on more than just Mike and he would have rid the world of an overall toxic blight from the past on the world and the children within who have decided that eternal play is worth any price. Not willing to let go of the fun they had here and so trying to recreate that memory until it all turns to smoke.
You did see I mentioned Afton though, right? Well, yeah, this is a FNAF movie and Afton is the mustache twirling hyper bad guy of the series, complete with slasher levels of strength and invulnerability while in the Springtrap suit (the movie implies he is still alive WEEKS after being impaled three times into his side). We get him extremely early on without his name as a career counselor that gets Mike the job and there's actually some good foreshadowing there of him knowing Mike and having kidnapped his brother which as far as I can tell, besides the fact that Freddy's doesn't burn, is probably the largest departure from the games but I don't know cause I haven't kept up since Sister Location and I never read any of the books. But then he's just gone for what at least feels like almost an hour.
And then they bring him back as the uber villian. The mastermind of it all. The only reason the children would hurt ANYONE which... is questionable with how the movie portrays them. But he can make them hurt anyone because of honeyed and a single picture on the wall that hides the truth! If it had been built up and this story was more about control and manipulation and the trauma we gain from those trying to wrangle us, it could have worked. His daughter is a main character in the movie and does talk about how how he raised her having left scars that we're supposed to cheer for her overcoming when she comes in the end... And mostly stalls for time because her contribution is minimal except to give Mike an arsenal to fight with AFTER the thematic climax happens.
That's right: Mike's arc ends and then we get a like five minute exposition dump on Afton while his sister is abducted by Golden Freddy so Afton can have another spirit child doing his bidding. It's actually done well enough to not be awful but it is a HARD slam on the breaks and because this whole movie has struggled as a horror movie, it's not finally getting the answer to beating the slasher villain or the monster, it's a weird pivot that the movie never really recovers from, even if when Afton shows up in the Springtrap suit, his movements and the framing are creepy as hell. Then he takes off the helmet and it's far less unfortunately as he becomes purely a dude in a mech suit.
He isn't the only problem element but the other one works better for the family focus of the movie. You can also see why it exists from a horror perspective because the problem with a FNAF movie conceptually is that the security guard is the main character and you can't just kill him. So little to no body count until the end. So how do you fix that?
With an evil aunt who wants Mike's sister just for that sweet sweet government money and the people she hires on the cheap to wreck Freddy's. It honestly feels like one of those 90s kids movie plots that people mock nowadays where the only motivation is greed and everyone is an idiot. Plus side, besides Max, the sequence is FUN. It's pure B horror, probably influenced by it allowing the movie to effectively do a bunch of the scares from the games because every kill on this group besides the last (which is... Bizarre in how it's done honestly and definitely meant to be comedic despite being properly built up horror) is done in a forward facing, first person jump scare. It's literally just like one of the games and as someone who was a fan I really liked that actually.
It also theoretically could have tied into other elements better. The aunt's custody case is built up as why Mike would stay for five nights. That he needs the job or he loses his sister. It is explicitly what forces him to take the job... but the conflict is he doesn't do nights because that's when he's doing his dream stuff and even at Freddy's he's slacking on the job for the sake of continuing his dream stuff because again: He's letting the present die to chase the past. Which works... But it doesn't feel like it pays off in any way either because of it. The aunt doesn't even get a jumpscare kill or anything like that to justify it as she's killed off screen by Golden Freddy, though at least we do get to see her legs to confirm she died.
And that's kind of overall my problem with the movie. The original story it's telling in the middle is actually pretty good and compelling and it has the proper build and payoff you want in a story. However, everything tied to serving the franchise or the horror elements, don't have that. They either get built up but then have no thematic conclusion or they don't have that build up and so their themes can't feel like they naturally fit into the story, even if there's an attempt.
It makes me wonder if there's a version of this, divorced from Freddy's, that could have been a masterpiece. Something horror fans genuinely keep with themselves than the novelty that I think most people are treating it. Then again, maybe I liked it for how much it's not a horror film because I'm not a horror fan for the most part.
But I DID like it and I think it's genuinely a really good movie, just don't expect it to be super campy like I had it built up as or very scary like one might expect from a horror movie. It only uses those elements as it has to and you can feel that, for better and for worse.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
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tomorrowonu · 1 year
Bias tag game!!
You're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10. Then answer the questions below! Try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
thank you Jo (@onlyoneofyouu) for the tag !!!! i'm going to tag these incredible people : @wnjunhui , @yongbonk , @blushgyu , and ofc @lovejoshua !! ofc if you don't feel like doing it, no pressure!! games like these are supposed to be fun, so don't force yourself<3 (but i'm excited to see your answers if i'm honest hejejzk)
As for my answers:
1. Mark (NCT)
2. Beomgyu (TXT)
3. Wonwoo (SEVENTEEN)
4. Seonghwa (ATEEZ)
5. Yunjin (LE SSERAFIM)
6. Jiung (P1HARMONY)
7. B.I / Kim Hanbin
8. Winter (AESPA)
9. Baekhyun (EXO)
10. Kevin (THE BOYZ)
1. Between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
Ohhh though one because there was never a point where I "decided" to bias Hanbin, but I've started to get interest in him after BTBT was released, so a year ago? As for Yunjin, it's only been 3 months but she's been such an inspiration that it feels like i've been admiring her for so much longer</3
2. Between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
Beomgyu is the epitome of comfort for me😭😭 when i feel down i listen to his covers, watch compilations of him, and he's just been a very big reassuring presence in my life if that makes sense!! as for jiung, i also hold him so dearly to my heart considering i've been listening to P1Harmony since their debut, and thinking about his growth as an artist just makes me kinda emotional lol but beomgyu's got such a big place inside my heart</3
3. If you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
dON'T DO THIS TO MEEEEEEE wonwoo and mark are both my boyfriends 🧍🏻
but for so many reasons (langage barrier and how much of an inspiration he's been for me for the past four years (oof)) I'm going to choose mark<3 he just seems SO chill, i hope we could watch anime (I'd make him watch jjk ofc), browse a bookstore and choose a book for the other person, have some conversations about the meaning of the world, write stories, make music, etc etc just spend a chill yet creative day with him i guess
4. What is your favorite physical feature about 9?
BAEKHYUN'S CHEEKS this man is so squishy !!!!!!!! his little round cheeks when he smiles please i'm devasted</3
5. What is your favorite part of 6's personality?
oh jiung my boy<3 i'll always remember the first p1harmony video I watched, where he helped Soul answering questions because he wasn't fluent in Korean</3 he seems like such a nice and genuine person who is always willing to help people around him, and i think his humour and his chill vibe can make anyone comfortable! he seems like a nice person and a good friend<3
6. If you were to tell 8 anything you wanted, what you would you tell them?
winter my incredible talented girl<3 I'd praise her insane vocals but also her ability to play the guitar like a GODDESS, telling her how underrated she is, that i hope she knows how talented she is, that she deserves the whole world and more!!! also winter solo when ?
7. Between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid?
technically mark is the exact same height as me so it'd be convenient but ... the way he dresses sometimes .......... yeah no i'll choose beomgyu lmao and i'll just have extra comfy and oversize clothes I guess!!! i'm a big fan of flannels as well so it's perfect
8. What is a style that you want to see 3 try?
maybe it's the mcr stan in me talking but .... wonwoo would sound so good in a punk/rock concept !!! he's got that deep raspy voice that would just sound SO GOOD with electric guitar, it would be incredible. i'd lose my mind
9. Between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
yunjin is 1m71 and i'm 1m73 !!! oh god i thought she was way smaller, this is making me rethink everything 🧍🏻
10. Between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
i LOVE the boyz so much and i think they're incredibly underrated considering what they're able to do in terms of vocals, rapping, performance, and on top of it all they're also super funny!!! but . (😭) i listen to baekhyun's music all the time and he's just one of these artists that never, ever, disappoint me with their new music!! and as a whole, exo are just SO INCREDIBLE they even wrote one of my favourite song ever made so... baekhyun gotta be the winner here!!
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If every main rider got swapped with someone else in their show, who do you think it'd be? (This is because my friend and I were discussing this about Gaim, but found the scenarios of Kouta swapping with Kaito and Micchy equally as enjoyable.)
This is such a fun question, and it's not dissimilar to conversations I've had with my husband, often along the lines of "who in this show is the actual main character." Pondering it, at least with modern Rider, here are some of my thoughts--ok, we will hit the Showa for one, because:
Stronger--Yuriko. Imagine a world where Yuriko was Kamen Rider Stronger (and thus got a proper full-face helmet and therefore a suit actor and could get through the whole show), and Shigeru was her himbo sidekick Tackle (which would be perfect for him as a name because he canonically played college football).
Anyway! On to the modern era. Please note that for the most part I'm not saying, "this character should be Kamen Rider [Whatever] instead," but, "what if the show was Kamen Rider [That Guy] instead of Kamen Rider [This Guy]."
Kuuga--I...genuinely I don't think any other character in that show could replace Godai. He holds a unique place even among modern Riders.
Agito--so Hikawa is already essentially the main character of the show. Honestly, though, I would love to see a version of Agito where Ryou is the lead. Shouichi is notable for being gentle and domestic and non-combative, whereas Ryou is very angry and conflicted and stressed out about what's happening to him. The day being saved by Kamen Rider Gills, Misfit Toy of the Seeds of Agito, would be a fascinating arc.
Ryuki--Ren thinks he's the main character anyway, we'll skip over him, what if the show was Kamen Rider Raia? And our lead was this pacifist with the fucking curse of Cassandra laid upon him, so instead of having no idea what's up he's the only guy who knows what's up? That would be so cool.
555--Takumi is a rare and unusual gift among Rider leads, and I'm not really eager to swap him out for another character, but a version of the story that puts Yuka front and center would kick ass.
Blade--obviously if our lead character isn't Kenzaki then this is a story about Hajime.
Hibiki--I...would love a version of Hibiki where Hibiki is actually the main character.
Kabuto--Kagami is the main character of Kabuto, but a version of the story that truly centers him would be fascinating--if the show was Kamen Rider Gatack and Tendou had to get his approval it'd be a wildly different ballpark.
Den-O--now see my problem with Den-O is that it keeps insisting that the show is Kamen Rider Den-O and not Kamen Rider Zeronos Featuring Den-O.
Kiva--Megumi, for what I think are probably obvious reasons. Let Megumi be Kamen Rider.
Decade--if Tsukasa isn't the lead, then I think this immediately makes the show Kamen Rider TheEnd (spelled like that instead of DiEnd), where you've got focus primarily on Daiki trying to shirk his responsibilities to save all worlds from the Destroyer because he loves him.
W--this one's cheating but I would super enjoy a version of W where Philip and his struggles to contextualize the world are the primary focus, with Shoutaro as his wacky sidekick, instead of the other way round.
OOO--a story that doesn't center Eiji is, I think, absolutely about Gotou trying as hard as he can to Do Things Right.
Fourze--there's potential here for a Kuuga-like story about Kengo slowly destroying himself trying to be a Rider, I think.
Wizard--fuck it, full role swap, Koyomi is Wizard now, confused eyebrows and all, and Haruto is her incredibly shy sidekick.
Gaim--you called out Kaito and Micchi, but I think I'd really enjoy a version of Gaim in which Takatora is the main character and gets to have a little more nuance than "noblesse oblige."
Drive--let Kiriko be Drive. Alternately, Chase should be the main character.
Ghost--Alain would make a wonderful alternate lead, although I think if the writers aren't careful then this ends up with an arc very similar to Takatora's.
Ex-Aid--there is a version of Ex-Aid that lives in my heart where the entire show is about Nico.
Build--I would potentially enjoy a version where Katsuragi doesn't get transformed into Sento and has to start the show knowing the terrible things he's done and trying to rectify them.
Zi-O--cut out the hereditary-royalty thing, but make Tsukuyomi the lead here, traveling through time trying to avert the rise of this terrible warlord who she is unfortunately finding that she likes.
Zero-One--make Yua the inheritor of Hiden, and move Aruto over to AIMS to be the unfortunately competent partner who's always tormenting Fuwa with his jokes. Yua and Izu hanging out would be potent stuff.
Saber--I think Mei should be a Rider. If you've got Yua as Zero-One, then that's a much more serious lead, and so then you can have this goofy woman as Saber and Touma as her sidekick/head cheerleader.
Revice--oh my god where do I even start. Make Hiromi the lead, I don't know. I love Revice but it's such a mess.
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somelazyassartist · 3 years
You know I wonder if they're gonna keep the "I'm not a piece of meat" scene in the Suffering Game GN. Cuz in the comics Taako just..... He just doesn't have the same depth as the original podcast character did. Not just with personality, though that's a MAJOR part of it, but with design too in my opinion. I really enjoyed his HTBG outfit, I thought it fit him pretty well, but then the rest of the graphic novels came out and he was always just.... I don't know how to describe it but it makes me sorta uncomfortable. Like, I myself am a gender non-conforming nb-guy that's attracted to men, but Taako just felt really, like, overly-sexualized and not just gnc, specifically compared to how the others dress. Like, even when it makes no sense for him to!! WHY DOES HIS CRYSTAL KINGDOM SPACESUIT HAVE FUCKING HIGH-HEELS. NOBODY, N O B O D Y ELSE HAS HIGH-HEELS BECAUSE THEY'RE FUCKING SPACESUITS AND IT'D BE SO INCREDIBLY IMPRACTICAL. IF NOTHING ELSE GIVE THEM ALL HEELS BECAUSE THEN YOU'RE NOT SINGLING OUT YOUR ONE GAY MAIN CHARACTER TO BE THE ONLY PERSON IN A SKINTIGHT HIGH-HEELED SPACESUIT AND YOU COULD RULE IT AS THE BOB GOING OVER-THE-TOP WITH AESTHETICS INSTEAD. Okay sorry I went on a tangent there but that spacesuit design really bothers me a lot when you compare it to everyone else's, y'know??
And don't get me wrong, Taako's canonically beautiful in the podcast too, and wears a skirt sometimes (once), but he always felt a lot more grounded to me, I guess I'd say. Like yeah he's a bit self-centered sometimes, but he's got so much more to him than that. He struggles with showing affection but that doesn't mean he's not trying, he makes fun of his family but they make fun of him right back, he's worried about not being good enough for anybody and that he's stuck where he is because if he leaves he'll have nothing and nobody again. And then the Graphic Novel doesn't really..... Do. Most of that. In my opinion. He's just sorta demoted to being the token Twink™ who's overly sassy and snobby and flirts with every man he sees just because he's gay hey remember that Taako's gay did you know we have a Gay Main Character just reminding you in case you forgot He's Gay. I dread to see how the GN presents the trans characters in the show.
I just. Like. In the podcast it really played into Taako's entire "fully realized creation" characterization, where he's more than what people think of him at first glance. Hell, it even leads into Imbalance where everyone knowing Taako and his story post-SaS burnt him out and he went into a mental health relapse because he felt his life didn't have any meaning afterwards so he decided to make his own meaning for life by becoming an adventurer again!!!! Like!!!! Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Graphic Novel version of him just doesn't feel like the same character to me, and I feel like if they do include the "I'm not a piece of meat" scene in Wonderland it's not gonna feel genuine because we have never seen any other side of Taako besides the snarky self-obsessed persona he puts on. I just feel like the Taako we see in the Graphic Novels wouldn't say that, because there's been no (or at least very very few) moments that actually give Taako the depth he claims he has in PTtM.
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
Holy crap. Look at Kate Herron's shirt. When the Loki director pops up on Zoom, she's donning the most glorious image anyone will see since we laid eyes on Alligator Loki: A Teletubby wearing the Loki horns. Are the Teletubbies Loki variants? Sure, why not!
"I got it on Instagram," Herron says. "There's an amazing comic book artist and he designed it. He made it into a T-shirt for me because I saw it and was like, 'That's incredible. Can I get it for the press junket?'"
Herron, no big deal, just pulled off an MCU miracle. Entering a mammoth franchise with, notably, some of Sex Education's best episodes under her belt, the director deftly brought a plot involving multiverses and Richard E. Grant in a cape and superhero mumbo-jumbo to brilliant, beautiful life. Following Loki's tear-jerking, mind-bending finale, the series has been dubbed by critics and fan's alike as one of Marvel's best efforts—which is no small feat. Of course, we needed to ask Herron how she stuck the landing. Following the most epic finale you, me, or any Teletubby can remember, Herron talked to Esquire about the Miss Minutes jump scare, filming the finale's introduction of He Who Remains, and why she won't return for Season Two of Loki.
ESQ: How are you doing?
KH: I'm good. I think I feel very relieved that I don't have to sit on the secret of He Who Remains anymore, It was a very big secret to hold, but for an important reason, right? Because it's such a good character to be launching. So yeah, I feel good.
ESQ: Loking back at your old interviews, you have such a good poker face when you're avoiding spoilers, but you're also incredible at giving aggregator crumbs.
KH: I play a lot of board games, so you need to be quite good at strategy and poker faces so people can't always read your hand. So I think weirdly board games have prepared me more for working with Marvel than anything else.
ESQ: I have to start with the Miss Minutes jump scare. What went into the decision to make her a memeable, creepy apparition in that moment?
KH: I love horror, and my executive, Kevin Wright, knew that. Me and him were talking about Episode Six and I remember that he was like, "Oh, maybe you could do something creepy of Miss Minutes." And I immediately was like, "We have to do a jump scare!" Because I haven't got to do a good jump scare in anything yet and I really wanted to, because a lot of my friends are horror directors. I was like, "I can't let them down." So I was really excited to have a shot at doing a jump scare. And Miss Minutes, it was really fun testing it because we'd kind of bring different people into the edit, me and Emma McCleave, the editor, and we'd just play it for them, watch them, and check that they were jumping when we cut it.
ESQ: One thing that I think is getting missed in all the craziness is that we see a peak moment of the love story between Loki and Sylvie. Where does the finale leave the companionship that they found in each other?
KH: When I started the show, that was always in the DNA of it—that Loki was going to meet a version of himself and they were going to fall in love. And that's honestly what drew me into the story, because I directed Sex Education. I love stories about self-love and finding your identity and your people. Loki is such a broken character when we join him, and seeing him go on this amazing journey with all this growth and finding the good points of himself in seeing her—I think that was very beautiful. It's also paying respect to the fact that Sylvie's in a very different place to him. She hasn't had the Mobius therapy session. She even says, in Episode Five, "I don't know how to do this. I don't have friends." You really feel for her because she has been on the run and her whole life has been this mission.
It's almost funny because these characters are thousands of years old, but it's almost teenage the way they both talk about their feelings for each other. I think everyone can relate to that, right? In any new relationship, there's always that kind of awkwardness and like, "Oh God, am I too keen? The important thing was the hope—like when Sylvie and him kiss, I think it is genuine and it is coming from a place of these feelings they have for each other. Obviously she does push them through that door, but for me it was a goodbye and it was with heart. But it's kind of a goodbye in the sense of like, I care about you, but I'm going to do my mission because that's where I'm at.
ESQ: I would pay for you to direct the Sex Education episode where Otis falls through a portal into the multiverse, into the main MCU.
KH: He really looks like a Loki as well, which is so funny. I always thought that. I was like Asa does look like a Loki. It didn't come to pass or anything, but it would be interesting to do a Sex Ed-Marvel crossover. I wonder who all the different characters would be within the MCU, but it would be quite funny.
ESQ: You're right, he could pull off a teenage Loki.
KH: Yeah, like a teen or a very young ’20s, maybe. But it was just funny because I was like, "Oh yeah, he looks a bit like Tom." I wonder how they could do it. I'm sure they'll find a way to do a crossover anyway.
ESQ: Can you just take me back to filming with Jonathan Majors? And you capturing him in such a compelling, quirky, scary way—I'm sure your direction was such a big part of that.
KH: I was just so excited because Jonathan is an actor that everyone was so excited about. He's like a chameleon in everything he does and he's so talented. I just feel as a director so lucky to have worked on this because I feel like I've got to work with some of the best actors out there. And when you're with Jonathan, you know you're in the presence of just someone really magnificent. For me as a director, it's giving him the space to play and feel safe. Because we filmed it all in a week, but it was a lot to film in a week. So I think it was really about creating a space where he could have fun and find this character because he's going to be playing him for a long time.
ESQ: What went into the decision to introduce us to the good guy first?
KH: I remember in the script, he comes up the elevator and it was so casual. I was like, "Oh man, that's so fun." And then Jonathan, when he plays it, he's relaxed. And I the thing he used to talk about a lot was that this is a character who's been on his own for a long time. Because at the beginning, we introduced him in a space in the universe that feels like this very busy, loud place, but actually, when we see the Citadel, he's surrounded by the Timeline and he's very isolated. Even in his costume with [designer] Christine Wada, for the idea of his outfit, he's a character who's existed for multiple millennia. So it's like, OK, let's pull from lots of different places so you can't necessarily pin down which time or which place he might be from. Also the fact that his clothes look comfy. They were like pajamas because he's living at home. He loved the idea of the office [being] the only finished part of the citadel and that the rest of the citadel was like this Sunset Boulevard kind of dusty, dilapidated space. And just again showed that he probably just keeps himself to his office. All those elements definitely fed into Jonathan's performance in terms of balancing the extrovert, but also the introvert of someone that would be living by themselves and only talking to a cartoon clock.
ESQ: It really is incredible how you pull a nail-biting finale with this battle of wits and dialogue.
KH: It was really exciting because I feel like Episode Five was a lot of fun because we got to play into all the joy of the different versions of Loki, but also just the fact that it was our big usual Marvel third act, right? Like it was where our big spectacle was as they were fighting this big monster. But I love that our finale bookends, right? We began with a conversation and we ended with one.
ESQ: I also loved that there was no end-credits scene—I think it makes the ending that much more impactful. Was there ever an end credit scene on the table, or any kind of a stinger?
KH: I think no, because weirdly, we never went after the kind of mid-credit sequences. I think we always just were thinking just of the story and where we knew we wanted it to end. For example, Episode Four, originally Loki was deleted and then we went straight to him waking up. And it was only in the edit I was like, “I think it'd be really cool actually. We should move that scene to mid-credits because then we'll really feel like Loki has died." Because if I watched that moment and then it went to the credits, I'd be like, "What?!" And then when we were talking about the best way to talk about Season Two, we were like, "Okay, well, let's do that like a little mid-credits at the end because that is exciting to confirm it in that way." I'd say we found both of those in the edit just because we wanted to kind of do it right and have a fun nod to something that Marvel does so well.
ESQ: Is there anything you can tell about the future of the story you've told here—or even where you personally would like to go with the studio or otherwise going forward?
KH: Yeah, so I'm just on for Season One. So I'm so proud of the story we told. I mean, it was amazing getting to set up the TVA and take Loki on this whole new journey. And I mean, I think we've left so much groundwork for his character, and as people see in the comics, there's so much more to be delved into. And I just am excited honestly to just see where all the characters go. Like, who is B-15? What did she see in those memories and where did Ravonna go and where is Loki? I think for me, we've set up these questions and I look forward to seeing them being answered as a fan in the next season.
ESQ: Absolutely. Well, can we please work on the Asa Butterfield Loki?
KH: I will call him and I'll be like, "You want to do some crazy Marvel crossover?"
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mimisempai · 3 years
Every time I look at you, I fall in love again
As he gazes at his sleeping lover, Loki remembers the moments where he fell in love with Mobius.OrFive times when Loki's heart pounded in a special way and once when it pounded in a familiar way.
Tumblr request : a 5+1 - it could be about moments in their relationship where Loki falls more in love w/ Mobius
2084 words - Rating G
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For once, Loki woke up this morning before Mobius.
Leaning on his hand, he took the opportunity to watch his beloved while he slept.
As he gazed at the sleeping features of his lover, he was once again taken aback by the strength of his feelings.
Loki had little or no experience with love, so he had nothing to compare to what he was experiencing with Mobius right now.
No one had made him feel the way the man made him feel.
It was as if Mobius had wrapped his roots around Loki's heart little by little but without imprisoning him.
Mobius' love had set him free.
In return, Loki's feelings had taken root in Mobius' constancy.
Sometimes Loki liked to think about how his feelings had developed, because it had all happened so quickly that he had never been able to enjoy those stolen first moments.
It would be hard for Loki to say exactly when he had begun to notice that his relationship with Mobius was different from any relationship he had had before, but what he was sure of was that no one had ever been able to see through him as quickly as Mobius.
"I don't like to talk."
"But you do like to lie, which you just did. Because we both know you love to talk. Talkie-talkie."
Honestly, at that moment, Loki thought fondly, if he hadn't been so angry at being found out, he would have laughed.
As a matter of fact, it had become a fond memory for them. Whenever Loki would go into one of his grandiloquent tirades, Mobius would simply make this little gesture with his hand and would mouth "Talkie Talkie"
" You don't know anything about me.
"Maybe I'd like to learn."
It was probably at that moment that Mobius had begun to touch something in Loki that no one had ever touched. The fact that anyone would even bother to genuinely learn about him was in itself new. Except for his mother and Thor, most people had always assumed the worst of him.
"Honestly, I'm actually a fan. Yeah. And I guess I'm wondering why does someone with so much range just wanna rule?
Mobius had been the first to make him question himself.
Of course, at the time, he was not at all receptive to what Mobius' words really meant.
It had taken him some time to admit the truth.
The moment he had admitted it, the naked truth, without any more artifice, he had been ready to receive the final blow, the ratification of his vileness, but no, nothing like that.
"Because it's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear."
"'A desperate play for control.' You do know yourself."
"A villain."
"That's not how I see it."
That's not how I see it.
At that moment, Loki's heart had pounded for the first time.
The man in front of him had seen all the lowliness that Loki was capable of and yet he did not see him as a villain.
From the first hours of their meeting, he had made it impossible for Loki not to love him and from then on, his feelings had grown exponentially.
As he walked down the path of his memories, Loki continued to gaze at Mobius as he slept. A small miracle in itself for Loki.
Knowing who Loki was, Mobius slept in his presence. The perfect image of absolute trust.
Loki sometimes still had trouble feeling worthy of such trust.
Seeing him sleeping like that, he thought of the day when he himself had first fallen asleep in this way with Mobius.
The day he fell a little more in love with Mobius.
It started with Mobius taking the blame for the failure of their first mission together, when it was all Loki's fault. They could have just pruned him, but no, Mobius had pleaded his case to Ravonna.
Then Loki had presented his theory to Mobius, admittedly with a rather shaky metaphor, even ruining one of his lover's favorite dishes.
"Well, here's a fun theory. You lure me out into the field, and then you stab me in the back. And that's a theory I don't wanna test."
"I'd never stab anyone in the back. That's such a boring form of betrayal."
"Loki, I've studied almost every moment of your entire life. You've literally stabbed people in the back, like, 50 times."
"Well, I'd never do it again, because it got old."
Mobius laughed and chose to follow Loki's theory, even though Loki had given him no reason to believe in him until now. Even though his theory was based on almost nothing, Mobius had chosen to believe Loki.
Then they returned from Pompeii and something happened that had never happened to Loki, he had fallen asleep. Loki, who was distrustful of everything and nothing, had simply fallen asleep in the presence of someone he hardly knew. As if his heart had understood before his mind that he had nothing to fear from Mobius.
When Mobius had woken him up, Loki's heart had pounded for the second time, and it wasn't fright that had caused it, but the realization that Loki was falling in love and falling deeply.
As he looked up from his contemplation of Mobius, Loki's gaze fell on the photo that lay on his nightstand. A memory of their first vacations, when Mobius had finally realized his dream. In the middle of the paradisiacal decor of an island in Midgard, Loki had taken this photo of Mobius piloting -at last- a jetski. So much joy on his face.
Another thing that made Loki fall in love a little more: the passion of his lover for some small insignificant things.
Josta, salad, jet-ski...
"You know, some things... Actually, most things in history are kinda dumb, and everything gets ruined eventually. But in the early 1990s, for a brief, shining moment, there was a beautiful union of form and function, which we call the jet ski, and a reasonable man cannot differ."
"You ever been on one?"
"No... No. I think a TVA agent showing up on a jet ski on the Sacred Timeline, that would create a branch for sure."
"Oh it'd be fun, though."
"Yeah, it'd be really fun."
"So, why read about them?"
"It just helps remind me of what we're fighting for."
The expression Mobius had had at that moment, when he had said something like that with such candor had made Loki fall even more.
And his heart had pounded for the third time.
While he had sensed that what would happen next would destroy what Mobius believed in, Loki had not been able to stop himself from wanting to protect him and his happiness, and to hope that one day he would be able to realize his dream.
With his eyes on the photo commemorating a very real memory, he felt a sense of satisfaction, because his lover had been able to realize this dream and Loki had been there to witness it.
"Loki... Don't go..."
Loki's eyes returned from the picture to his lover, whose features were now tense, probably from a nightmare.
"I'm here love, I'm not leaving. I'm staying with you."
Saying this, Loki gently strokes Mobius' cheek and his expression immediately relaxes. After a few seconds,he was sleeping peacefully again.
Loki didn't need to read Mobius' mind to know what he had dreamed.
He had known that he had taken a huge risk when he had decided to follow Sylvie and he had known that the reunion with Mobius would not be easy.
After all, he had betrayed him. But of all the acts of betrayal that Loki had been guilty of, this was the one that had cost him the most. Because of the feelings he was beginning to have for Mobius.
But what he hadn't imagined was that Mobius would almost turn into a jealous lover, even though at that point they didn't have that kind of relationship at all.
Loki had been incredibly surprised that it wasn't Loki's betrayal that had hurt Mobius the most, but the fact that he had made a connection with Sylvie.
"Come on. Look at your eyes. You like her."
"You like her. Does she like you?"
"Both of you were just swooning over each other."
"It's breaking my reality right now. What an incredible seismic narcissist. You fell for yourself."
"I'm supposed to believe your terrorist girlfriend"
"What, your female self that you have some demented crush on…"
Loki's heart had pounded for the fourth time when he realized what it could mean. He had fallen a little more at the thought of Mobius, at the thought that the man might be jealous, at the thought of what it might mean about Mobius' feelings for him.
Then there had been that moment of grace, the exact moment when Loki had known that he was definitely in love with Mobius.
For the first time, when everything was against him, someone had chosen to believe in him. That someone was Mobius.
Even though he was clearly angry with Loki, he still listened to him and chose to believe him.
Despite Loki's attempts at manipulation, betrayals, and mistakes, Mobius renewed his faith in him and spoke those words that were imprinted in Loki's head.
"You could be whoever, whatever you wanna be, even someone good. I mean, just in case anyone ever told you different."
Loki's throat tightened as he was overwhelmed by the emotion of the memory.
Mobius had no idea how many wounds he had healed in Loki at that moment.
After what Loki had done, where Odin and Thor had not forgiven him, not only had Mobius forgiven him but even more amazingly, he had shown that he believed that Loki was capable of being good, of doing good.
At that moment, Loki's heart did not pound once, but thousands of times, at full speed.  Because of the joy and love that filled it.
The sudden disappearance of Mobius just afterwards had been all the more cruel. Because at that moment, they didn't know about the Void and Loki had thought Mobius was lost forever. He had been devastated.
He couldn't help but touch Mobius' face, gently so as not to wake him, then he whispered softly, "You too Mobius, do not ever leave me."
They had found each other again.
When he first saw Mobius after he thought he had lost him, it only confirmed Loki's feelings for Mobius.
The way his heart had pounded at the sight of the one he loved was impossible to ignore.
So when they had to part once again, Loki had not been able to resist the pull of his heart, and instead of grabbing Mobius' hand, he had taken the man in his arms.
Loki had held Mobius in his arms many times since that moment, but he would never forget the feeling of that first hug. The feeling that the universe was in place. That he was where he belonged, that he was home.  He had expressed without words all that he felt and Mobius had answered him in the same way. They had to part again, but this time the bond between them was undeniable and unbreakable.
They had to go through a lot to finally enjoy their love, without the sword of Damocles, without the threat of the end of the world, or of a multiversal war over their heads, but they had made it. They were here now.
With each passing day, Loki fell a little more in love.
The Midgardian saying, I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow, had become his.
Because every time he looked at Mobius and realized the love they shared, he felt like it was stronger.
Mobius moved in his sleep, making the sheet slide off his shoulder.
Loki could not resist and leaned over to kiss the bare shoulder. Mobius woke up and turned to face Loki with a sleepy smile on his lips.
"Hey there handsome," Mobius whispered to Loki, gently kissing Loki's cheek. Loki's heart fluttered in a familiar way now, at such gentleness and at the adoration he read in his lover's eyes.
"Hey love," whispered Loki.
Mobius kissed him, his lips pressing lazily against Loki's. Loki smiled and kissed him back, happy.
Together they enjoyed the delights of a perfect, quiet morning.
All other one-shots of this series here : X
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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saberies-stuff · 3 years
Random Ramblings: Winn Schott
Alright, so I had every intention of doing Brainy's post today. Then I actually started typing, and it quickly became apparent that after 1500 words of Lena, I really needed to write about a character who DOESN'T make me irrationally salty. So I decided to switch gears to something fun and light-hearted and do Winn instead. And it turns out that I played myself, because this did not end up fun and light-hearted at all. But this series is meant to be whatever my brain comes up with, and I actually quite like where it ended up, so I'm just going to go with it.
The big issue with trying to analyze Winn's storyline is, well, he didn't actually have much of one. He got a couple random things here and there- the stuff with his dad, being a part of Team Guardian, his friendships with everyone else- and the rest of the time he was just there to crack jokes and invent stuff. They were good jokes, and it was cool stuff, but that does not a storyline make. So, after struggling for awhile trying to analyze something that wasn't really there to begin with, I decided the best thing to do was take all the little pieces of story that Winn got, and see if I could invent a thread to tie them all together into something resembling an arc.
In my opinion, there's a pretty obvious option that would have worked perfectly with Winn's character while still allowing him to be all the things the plot needed him to be. And it's probably the one storyline I wish the show would have tackled: an abusive relationship. I know, that's super heavy stuff for a guy who's mainly known for being the show's resident nerd, but I really do feel like it fits.
For one thing, we already know that Winn has a history of this kind of thing. The episode with his mom revealed how abusive his father was, and even if Winn didn't realize what was going on as a kid, it's pretty much impossible to believe it wouldn't have affected him in some way, even if it was just on a subconscious level. And from the few times he talks about growing up in various foster homes, it's pretty heavily implied that those situations likely weren't great. I don't find it a far stretch to say that he could very easily wind up in an abusive relationship simply because he genuinely has no idea what a good one is supposed to look like. Even if he did, he probably wouldn't feel he was worthy of it; we got that whole monologue with James in the Pestilence episode where Winn confessed to never feeling like he deserved anything. I don't think it'd be out of character for him to end up in a bad situation and stay there because he's convinced himself that that's as good as it gets for him.
There was already groundwork for this in the show, at least the way I see it; all we'd have to do is solve the Case of the Disappearing Girlfriends. This is probably one of the things that bugged me the most about Winn in the show. So many times it felt like the writers were right on the cusp of giving him some actual plot, and then it would all just fizzle out without going anywhere. Let me be clear, I hated both of the women Winn was involved with on the show- Siobhan was a piece of work even before she was a supervillain, and Lyra's aggression did not sit well with me at all- but it was incredibly weird to have both of them just drop off the face of the earth, so I would have liked to see one of them used to give Winn some sorely needed story.
As far as which one, for a storyline like this, I actually favor Siobhan over Lyra. Lyra had her issues, but she was never shown to have the same malice in her that Siobhan did. And Lyra was always more physical, what with the breaking glass and slamming things around, while Siobhan went for the more subtle, manipulative side of things. The vast majority of abuse I've seen depicted on-screen- which isn't done often enough, by the way- is physical, and not all abuse is like that. Mine wasn't, and yes, I've had a deranged fan of the Ship That Shall Not Be Named use that fact against me before, so there are clearly people out there who still believe that cliche. It's a very harmful cliche that needs to be solidly debunked, and I think showing a person like Siobhan as the aggressor in an abusive relationship could have been a great way to do that. (It also would have gotten rid of the idea that abuse is something only girls can experience, which is another very bad trope that I hate with a burning passion, so there's that). I also think it would have added some spice to things when it comes to Kara's human side. A lot of the drama of the show was connected to Supergirl, and Siobhan was pretty much the only time we actually got some conflict specifically focused on Kara Danvers, barring a few minor annoyances like Snapper Carr, so it would have added something for Siobhan to stick around as part of an ongoing plot.
What I love about this is the fact that we don't lose anything that makes Winn who he is. He can still have all the elements he had in the show, but there would be a lot more weight behind them. Suddenly his constant humor isn't just random comedy moments, because we know it's his way of hiding what's going on. Suddenly it makes sense why he's always busy inventing stuff or helping James on Team Guardian, because we know it's how he distracts himself from facing all the issues he's dealing with behind closed doors. Suddenly the episodes with his parents don't seem like out-of-place one-offs, because we'd see how deeply those issues affected him. He could still be the dorky little hobbit we all know and love, but he would have a lot more depth as a character. Part of what drew me to Supergirl in the first place is how each character meant something. Whether it was Kara as a female superhero and a refugee struggling to hang onto her culture while building a new life for herself, Alex's coming-out storyline, or Mon-El overcoming his past and becoming a hero in his own right, all of the characters, at least initially, felt super impactful and meaningful. Winn never really got any of that, so I think using him to explore something that so many people have faced in their own lives, and something that doesn't get talked about on TV very often, would have gone a long way.
When it comes to endings, I actually wouldn't change much about Winn's. I think the future and the Legion is a good place for him, and I loved seeing him happily married with a healthy, functional family at the end of things. If he'd been given a storyline like this, that ending would be all the sweeter, since we'd have been able to see what he went through to get to that point.
I always like to bring the focus back to Kara, since that's where it rightfully should be. A storyline like this would have added something for her too. A lot of her storyline was focused on inspiring people to be better. Pretty much every season finale featured an emotional speech to the citizens of National City, and as cheesy as it was, it was one of my favorite parts of the show. I would have loved it if we'd gotten a bit more of Kara inspiring her inner circle as well, and doing something like this with Winn would give her that chance. We'd be able to see her gradually encouraging him to, as he tells Nia, recognize his own worth, and eventually, when he comes back from the future with his happy ending in tow, we'd know he owed a lot of it to Kara. It would just be another way to illustrate who Kara really is, and how much she means to the people around her.
So yeah, as unhappy a plotline as this is, I do think it would have worked for the show. Winn didn't have much else going on, so something like this could have been added for him without feeling like "too much," and I'm pretty sure Jeremy Jordan would have been more than capable of handling it. My big wish for Winn would be for him to be more impactful of a character, and this is one way I think the writers could have made that happen. This post is probably going to be different from the others, since I was making up a potential storyline instead of analyzing an existing one, but hopefully you guys enjoyed! Thanks for reading, let me know your thoughts, and tell me who I should post about next!
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ladylynse · 5 years
DP/TAZ anon--I was thinking mostly Balance? Since Amnesty already kinda takes place in America so I don't think it'd be that hard to cross over. (It'd be kinda like crossing over SPN/DP actually? Sorta? but with more magic involved lol.) but yeah Balance! Where would you go with a Balance/DP crossover?
*grins* Amnesty is definitely easier to crossover; that’s more a matter of how you want to play it. It certainly could be like some SPN/DP crossovers! I’ll put my answer for Balance under the cut, since I ramble.
There are a few options with that to make the crossover work, in my opinion. Danny going through a portal/door in the Ghost Zone is an obvious one and gives the most freedom with where the crossover is being set within Balance—that is, whether or not Story and Song has happened yet. If you just want to infuse Danny into the story, that’s an easy way to do it. But I don’t typically write that sort of fic, so even if I did go that route for making the cross work, I wouldn’t do a retelling; I’d either neatly fold the crossover into something that could have happened that we didn’t hear about, go canon divergent, or set it after the fact. I like that sort of story better, so that’s what I write.
Different planes and dimensions exist in both universes, which is another vote in favour of the first option, and if I was only going to do a more tangential crossover, I’d play on that and just have Danny dealing with the threat of the Hunger devouring all of existence. If he doesn’t notice that something’s wrong right away—and he probably wouldn’t because he doesn’t have a lot of time to just sit around and notice the first small sign of something happening—he’d hear about it soon enough. If ghosts aren’t chasing him down in a panic, the connection between their worlds would probably falter, and he’d be enjoying a surprisingly ghost-free day and get home and hear his parents talking about the portal not working. If there’s enough genuine confusion there, he might go to Vlad and see if everything’s okay on his end, which it wouldn’t be. Because the Ghost Zone is full of the souls of the dead, and it’s likely not very different from the astral plane, assuming it’s not just a different part of the same thing.
But it might just be a different part of the same thing, which means Kravtiz is another connection. I poked a bit of fun at the idea of Danny meeting the Grim Reaper in Mirrored, and given Kravitz’s powers—and Barry’s and Lup’s if something’s set after the end—Danny might seem rather vexing, providing he seems sufficiently different when they first meet him that they don’t just assume he’s a lich (although if they saw him get his body back, they would immediately know he wasn’t, even if they didn’t immediately know what he was). I rather like the idea of square pegs not fitting in round holes, however similar, so I probably would start with that assumption being made (him being a lich when they see Phantom), even if something didn’t seem quite right on Barry and Lup’s end, because they’re new to the Grim Reaper thing, though not the lich thing, and they’re so familiar with each other that maybe they’ve just forgotten what it feels like to deal with differences between people. (I mean, aside from Wonderland, how many other liches have they run into?) Until Phantom becomes Fenton and he’s got a body and how did he do that, he’s not supposed to be able to do that, it takes months to regenerate a body. (Alternatively, if I mostly just wanted to bring Kravtiz to Danny’s world rather than drop him in the TAZ world, as a shorter crossover/one-shot, then guess which half ghosts have bounties on their heads.) If I wanted to go for a fandom favourite idea of Clockwork mentoring Danny by sending him on crazy assignments (“I need you to look into a time loop.”; “Something appears to be rewriting reality.”; “People are mucking about with things they don’t understand, and their actions are going to affect us if we can’t stop them first.”; etc.), that could play into this, too, but honestly I’m more likely to go the route of Danny getting hopelessly lost in the Ghost Zone and finding the thread that connects it to the astral plan in the TAZ universe or just going through a portal and coming out somewhere in the physical world. The added fear of Danny not necessarily being able to get back easily is probably cliché but it’s the reason I tend to use to force him to stick around somewhere and not just head back to his world/town before I have a chance to tell a story.
And if Danny does find himself in a strange new world and is trying to keep away from the crazy people with scythes who seem to think he’s some kind of rogue soul or something like that, then it’s perfectly reasonable that he’d try to hide out as a human and blend in until he can figure out what the heck is going on and how he can get home without those people finding him.
Except everyone’s favourite boy detective can tell when people are lying, especially people as bad at it as Danny, and he’d be rather curious why this kid—who’s making a terrible show of casually asking questions around Neverwinter—seems to know nothing and is being so secretive. And he’d ask questions, and Danny would put his foot in his mouth, and then Danny would look incredibly suspicious when it comes to being involved in whatever bad thing is happening in the TAZ universe (bonus points if it has to do with why Danny’s there/is a result of him being there/of him being what he is/something that otherwise solidifies the crossover). And I’d build a story from there.
There are always other possibilities, of course, and ones that would work quite well, so if you have ideas, I’d encourage you to run with them and see where they take you–even if you just jot down notes for yourself so you can write them out later if you don’t feel you have time now.
(related | prompt 1 | prompt 2 | prompt 3)
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taenamseok · 6 years
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Small droplets ping against the metal bucket that sits in the middle of my living room, slowly filling it up. The landlord refuses to fix the leak in my roof, saying it'd be too expensive. I don't mind it though. Some may think my apartment isn't the greatest. The lack of insulation making it slightly difficult in the winter, but I'm not bothered. I keep many thick blankets in my house, so when it gets cold, I get to bundle up in them to stay warm. I also have a large window in my kitchen that faces the street. This is where I sit, watching the rain pour down outside, splashing on the pavement. Few people pass by, their colorful umbrellas adding beauty to the dull grey surroundings. I think of the water, how far it must've travelled just to fall onto my street. The rivers and oceans it must've flown through, the wonders it could've touched.
Life is beautiful
I carry my mother's frail body from the couch to her bed, empty bottles clinking as my foot bumps them. I've been doing this since I was fifteen. My father was gone before I was born, and my mother hadn't taken it well, drowning in alcohol. I've never once seen her sober. Through my childhood, I didn't even see her that much. She worked so many jobs to keep us alive, she was rarely home. Whenever she was home, she yelled at me or hit me whenever she looked at me, saying I looked too much like my father. I always hid in the closet with a flashlight, reading books that I got from the school library. My love of literature has only grown since. As I lay her down, she groans, rolling over to face me. "Namjoon..." she whispers. "You're such a disappointment." Those are her last words before she slips into a deep slumber. I kiss her on the cheek before I leave, stepping into the warm sunshine. Being able to walk out of there, no longer trapped in her clutches is the best feeling. I am free, able to do whatever I want.
Life is beautiful.
As I sit here, surrounded by my sobbing family members, I stare at the closed casket containing my grandfather. They lower it down into the ground, and my grandmother screams, sobbing into my uncle's chest. I've kept it together for so long, not letting go of my emotions. Her wails cause a single tear to roll down my cheek, her heartbreak causing my own pain. My grandfather was a great man. Out of all my family members, he was the only one that actually seemed like he cared about me. He would give me old books, read me to sleep whenever I went to their house because my mother got into trouble, he even taught me English to broden my horizons, being able to read more wonderful books. As the funeral ends, I walk through the graveyard, thinking back on fond memories. As I walk, I spot a small sapling protruding from the ground. I kneel down to examine it, and I smile. One life is taken, one is started. This sapling will grow into a strong tree, and I will come visit it, as a memorial for my grandfather.
Life is beautiful.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Kim, I don't know how to say this." The doctor says, looking over his clipboard. I sit across from him, wondering what he's reading. "The tumor has grown to a size that would be impossible to operate on. I'm so sorry, you have maybe a year at most." He says. I let his words sink in. I thank him and shake his hand before exiting the hospital. I walk over the bridge with my hands in my pockets. A year at most. At twenty five, I'll be gone. It wasn't long, but it was good. I sit down on my favorite park bench, watching people pass by. I spot a young couple sat on a blanket, having a picnic together. They look so happy, laughing and smiling at each other. Love radiates off of them, and I smile, their happiness warming my heart. What a wonderful feeling that must be, being loved by someone, loving them.
Life is beautiful.
I sit in the small diner, chatter from it's regular occupants reverberating off the walls. I sip my coffee as the waitress cleans the bar around me. I've been coming here for years, the aesthetic relaxing me. As I look around, I see a new face. A young woman tucked into a corner booth, resting her head on her hand as she pokes at her food with a fork. She looks out the window, a small smile tugging at her lips as a dog on a leash passes by. She licks her chapped lips as she turns back to her food, yawning as she rubs her eyes.
She is beautiful.
I start to come to the diner more often, and she's there most of the time. Sometimes she eats, sometimes she just has a coffee and reads. It took three weeks to gather the courage to talk to her. I sit down at her booth, and her eyebrows raise. "Can I help you?" She asks. Today was a coffee and reading day, and I notice the title of her book. "Les Miserablés. That's a great read." I smile. "You've read it?" She asks, shifting in her seat. "I read it three times." I reply. "Isn't it amazing? The structure is phenomenal, and the description, the imagery, just, incredible." She rambles. She seems so happy. It's great to see a genuine smile on her typically somber face. We sit for hours talking about our favorite books. Her voice is so soft and sweet, I feel like I could listen to it every second of every day. Sooner than I expected, the waitress came to tell us it was closing time. We nod, standing up so she could clean the table. We stand outside, saying our goodbyes. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name." I say, not wanting her to leave. "It's Y/N." She smiles, tucking her hair behind her ear.
She is beautiful.
We start seeing each other more. Instead of just the diner, we see each other at our houses, go out together, we even had a picnic together. I've never been so happy in my life. She's told me her past, how her parents abused her and kicked her out of the house at only fifteen, how she had to drop out of school to work full time to support herself. Through all she hardships she's faced, she still came out strong with a positive outlook on life. Through the darkness, she always saw the light, and focused on that, no matter how dim it was. I admire her for that. She's like me. Even with all the negativity in the world, there is always something positive, and she understands that. She is brave and sweet and caring.
She is beautiful.
She loves me. It took a month, but I finally told her how I felt, and she feels the same way. "I love you, Kim Namjoon." She said that. I kissed her too. Her lips were so soft against mine, like a rose. I want to be with her forever. However, I don't have forever. I told her about my tumor. She cried, and I apologized for making her sad. I never want to see her sad. I held her in my arms as she cried into my chest. Seeing her so upset hurts, and I make her look at me as I wipe her tears. "Y/N, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I don't want to hurt you. I never wanted that. I couldn't help myself that day. I shouldn't have wrapped you into all of this but I did. I'm so sorry." I tell her, a tear streaming down my cheek. She reaches up, holding my hands and placing a small kiss on my palm. "Namjoon, I want to stay with you until it's time. I will be with you until the end. I love you and I will never leave you." She says. I hug her tightly, shaking slightly as I cry silently.
Her words are beautiful.
These past months have been the best of my life. Every time I see her my heart warms up, my smile never fades. Knowing she still loves me makes the last year of my life worth while. I've learned everything about her, and the more I learned, the deeper I fell in love. After a few months she wanted me to move in with her, so I did. being able to hold her in my arms every night is the best feeling. She's treated me amazing, and I've given her the same treatment. I want to prove to her as much as I can how much I care about her. I can tell that everything is taking a toll on her. Even though she is drained, she still shows that she loves me. I don't want to leave her.
She is beautiful.
She brought me to the hospital. My head hurts so bad, I collapsed yesterday. I have a feeling today is the day. It's too soon. There's still so I wanted to do with her. I wanted to marry her, have a family with her, grow old together. She holds my hand as I lay in the hospital bed. She hasn't left since she brought me here. "Y/N, you need to eat something. Please, go to the cafeteria and get something." I beg her. "No. I'm not leaving your side. I promised you, until the very end." She insists. I smile sadly at her, and rub her hand softly. This woman has given me the best year of my life. I'm so lucky. "Tell me something beautiful." I request. She thinks for a moment, smiling when she gets an idea. "Do you remember the day we met? How windy it was out? The trees looked so beautiful swaying in the breeze, the leaves drifting through the air." She describes. "That picnic we had next to your grandfather's tree. The lilies we left there for him. I'm sorry, I must be doing a terrible job at this." She sniffles. "No, you're doing an amazing job. Please, keep going." I asks. She nods, and thinks again. "That night we were in the park, and it started to rain, and instead of running like everyone else, we splashed in puddles, danced, and sat and watched the droplets fall. The sound was so calming, and sitting on that park bench, the water soaking through our clothes, I didn't want to be anywhere else. I don't think I'll ever be able to look at rain again without thinking of that day." She starts to tear up again. "Y/N, I want you to know how much you changed my life. Everything got so much better when I met you. Maybe in another life I can try to make it up to you. I'm so sorry." All of the good times we had were coming to an end. I'm so thankful she came into my life
She made my life beautiful.
A/N: We take so many small things for granted in our lives, not realizing that any day could be our last. Please, take this as a lesson of sorts, and enjoy the minor things in life. Watch a sunset, play in the rain, have fun. Do what makes you happy, and enjoy the time you have.
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