#i get angry and then i need like 20 minutes to calm down holy shit.....i am my fathers child or whatever
vadergf · 2 years
The droloisms have hands dude...
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oliversrarebooks · 4 months
no demyx demyx DEMYZ HE FUCKE DIT UP, OLIVER FUCKED IT UP WHAT THE HELL OMG NO HEX A GODDAMN FOOL OMG. IMMA IMMA FUCKIN, OMG, I NEED A MINITE OMG, MY FINGERS ARE MOSIT, A, H, MY PALMS ARE CURLED UP, I cab't i can't holy fuck, he-my heart beating so fast rn. i can't belive he did that. oh fucking shit dawg, imma cry on the spot not my little baby boi finally fucking up omg I-, fuck, shit omg, im-imma cussing and a fussing ny hands are doing the claw thing ahhhh, why can't he just shut the fuck uppppp, nooo, omgggg. I now have to burp, but I tell you, I gasped out loud so hard I woke my damn dog up. Oh goodness me, I'm, I'm unwell about him fucing up. I have teras in my eyes, fromt eh shock. Holy fucl I am enjoying this (great chapter so far, I am, very dramatically enjoying everything so far.) /pos (Not lighthearted, more like dramatic hearted, being lighthearted about literature especially vampire literature...Can't do it. I have to consume it to my very being/soul.)
It's been 20 minutes, and I am just now calmed down enough to take an actual breather to get re-emersed in the story. newkwekee Read more, here I come once again. omfg stop.
i am cotinuing
thi btch has plot armour out the gods ass]
i like it alot, actually feels like whats supposed to happen. not neccesarily oh, author likes character too much to hurt them in a meaningful way. if that makes sense...I am going through it rn, this chapter has me amped up. I love it.
WE HAVE BEEN fooked. Porr Oliver's back, and Alexander having to do it too is so crazy. Thats so fucking sad. Alexander getting punished fruther too is wild.
poor man, and alexander being so gentle still instead of angry and lashing out is so endearing.
i frogot about oliver's face in the midsts of my nail biting. omg
ahhhhh, imma cry he is going to look so terrible when he wakes up fr fr.
Lily mention <3
Excellent liveblogging! Thank you for the commentary!
Oliver has been trained to associate feedings with pleasure which is why he doesn't immediately realize that the feeding will be painful and distressing...
I try not to give Oliver too much plot armor considering it is a whump story and all...
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imthebadguyyy · 3 years
Hi. This is mine request
Y/n is a teammate of max verstappen, they are in a relationship, y/n crashes and max is worried about her, and he is gonna visit her in the hospital, and when she is released he takes care of her, with a lott of fluff thanks
You Scared Me To Death !
Pairing - Max Verstappen x Reader
Fandom - F1
Summary - When you get hurt, Max realizes just how much you mean to him.
Warnings - mentions of injury, fire, explosion, violence, angst, crash details.
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75 laps. That's all that you had to do. Drive for 75 laps. The Bahrain Grand Prix had always been one of your favourite races of the year, and you were so excited. But that excitement had soon ebbed away, after you had missed qualifying because your car wasn't ready for the quali session. The RedBull mechanics had apologised and you had brushed them off, buy you would be lying if you said you weren't angry. It hadn't helped when your teammate and boyfriend Max qualified P1, beating the Mercedes by mere tenths of a second. You had swallowed your hurt and congratulated Max, forcing yourself to feel happy for him.
All it had done was made you determined to win the race tomorrow, even if you had to fight 19 other drivers to do so. Starting P20 on the grid sucked big time, but as Martin Brundle said, "If anyone can fight back from the back of the grid to the podium places, its Y/N L/N" and you had done it before, at the German GP the previous year, fighting back from P19 to P3, winning Driver of The Day as well.
But this race was different. There was a building intensity in the air, you felt it in the air around you. You felt tense and nervous, and you were never nervous. It scared you, but you were going to be damned if you let it show on your face. In your drivers room, you paced back and forth, trying desperately to stop your hands from shaking. Was this what anxiety felt like? you wondered, shaking your head as your heart started hammering against your chest. Far to consumed in your own panicked thoughts, you didn't see your boyfriend walk up to your door, and open it to walk inside.
Max walked into your room, expecting to see you vibing to some R&B music, or something by Rihanna. But you weren't. You were pacing, your brow furrowed and he could see the irregular rise and fall of your chest. He walked up behind you silently, before wrapping his arms around your waist, like he normally did. What he wasn't expecting was your reaction. Usually, you would giggle and let your head fall onto his shoulder, and he would kiss your neck and you two would share a moment. But not this time. This time, you jumped, and nearly fell over onto your bed. "Woah schtaje ! It's just me' he said, eyes softening in concern. "I'm sorry I didn't see you and I shouldn't have jumped, I'm sorry I'm just so klutzy today and I'm also so nervous I-" your nervous rambling was cut off by a pair of warm lip pressing onto your own, as Max's hands cupped your face, instantly calming down your nerves.
You stayed like that for a moment, before pulling away softly, and letting him press his forehead down to yours, fingers gently tracing patterns on your hip. "Why are you nervous mijn geliefde ?" he asked, as he moved his lips to your neck, pressing little kisses along the sensitive skin. "I don't know" you confessed, tilting your head back to give him more access to the expanse of skin, while he stopped at a pulse point to suck at the soft skin, earning. soft moan from you. "Then stop stressing" he mumbled against your neck, word muffling against your skin. "I can't" you replied, struggling to keep the lump in your throat fro growing. "Well," Max said, biting down onto your neck and licking the spot to soothe it, 'Let me help you calm down"
20 seconds to lights out.
Your heart was thumping so hard against your chest. God, were your hands always so clammy? Was the car always so stuffy ? Was the space always so confined? Was your helmet always that tight?
Your thoughts were muddled. You knew your goal. It was simple. Get to the podium. Except, right now, that goal seemed somewhat impossible. Before you knew, the first red light was flashing, and then the second, and the third and the fourth and the fifth, and then it was 'lights out and away we go!' you sped off, immediately overtaking Magnussen in the car ahead of you. Then, you overtook one of the Williams, but you could feel your breath wavering, and your heart threatening just burst out of your chest. And before you knew it, you were overtaking Giovinazzi in his Alfa Romeo, and the sight of Grosjean's Haas came into view, "And it looks like L/N has already taken over 4 places, making her P16, and we are on lap 2 of 75! It looks like we're going to see her on the podium after, all, but all we can do is wait and see- and oh! that's a terrible, terrible crash!"
It happened so fast. One moment, you were going round the outside of the Haas, and the next the back of the Haas was hitting your front, sending you crashing into one of the barriers, your car spinning a full 360 in the process. The impact as you crashed into the barriers was so intense, you felt yourself blackout for a few seconds.
"That was a horrible crash, between, the RedBull of Y/N L/N and the Haas, I believe of Romain Grosjean. This race has been red flagged and -oh no!' The cry summed it up. Your car had just burst into flames.
In P1, Max was unaware of the chaos at the back, until he looked in his rear mirrors to see something enveloping into a ball of fire. "Holy shit, whose car is that?" he asked, watching as the flames grew higher. "Um.. Max, I need you to stay calm, but its Y/N" "Are you fucking serious?!" his angry voice burst through his race engineer's headphones, making him flinch. "Is she okay?! Tell me she's okay, damn it!' "Max, I need you to come into the pit lane. We have no information on her yet. Come into the pit lane"
As the 18 other cars came into the pitman, everyone knew better than to park in the way of an anxious Max Verstappen. He jumped out of the car, running to the garage upto Christian, who was watching the screen with his eyebrow furrowed. "Is she alright? Tell me she got out?! Did she get out?!" he was practically spitting the words out, and his engineer and his trainer had to physically restrain him from going to shake Christian. "She hasn't got out yet Max, but the fire Marshalls and the medical guys are there-" "What do you mean she hasn't got out? verdomme, blijf hier niet zitten! doe iets!!"
As his race engineer manoeuvred him to his chair, he yelled at whoever was around, eyes desperately searching to screen for some sign that you were still alive. Outside the RedBull garage, the other drivers were pooling around the garage for some sign that Y/N was okay. The panic had been evident in all their radios.
Charles - "Fuck, fuck, fuck, who was that? Y/N?! Tell me she's okay!"
Carlos - "Joder, ¿quién era ese?" I just saw the car go into flames, tell me they got out okay.
Lewis - oh shit, that was a big crash, fucking hell, is she okay?
Checo- oh no, that was a big one, I hope everyone is okay!
Back in the car, you felt dazed. Since when was the track this hot, and since when when was your car red ? Were you driving for Ferrari ? No, you drove for RedBull, alongside Max. Your boyfriend Max. Why wasn't he here?
And why did you feel like you were sitting in a sauna? As you begain to regain your consciousness, you felt a searing pain on your hands, and finally clearing the fogginess of your mind, you became fully aware of what was happening. This was your RedBull car. But it was on fire. Almost instantly, your body went into survival mode, ripping the half burnt straps holding your body down, and forcing your limbs to stand up. Looking down you could see your racing gloves glow before they seemed to disintegrate into black dust before your eyes, the flames licking your hands. A scream started in your chest, only to be jammed in your throat, as you opened your mouth to gasp. Big mistake.
The smoke filled your mouth and lungs, and you choked, clawing at your race suit, begging some higher power to help you. Finally, using some courage and adrenaline you didn't know you had, you pulled your body up, bare hands coming in contact with searing hot metal, as your eyes filled with tears of pain. As you jumped out of the car, you became vaguely aware of 3 or 4 people signaling and screaming at you. Too exhausted to even think, you used whatever remaining adrenaline you had to stumble to the barrier and collapse into the first pair of arms.
"Can you hear me? Are you okay? Can you tell me if you're hurt?" The questions were hurled at you from all directions, but you couldn't speak. The head marshall walked up, bracing your body, and checking for injuries. In a hurried voice he asked for the stretcher, but you shook your head. The exhaustion was setting in but you knew you had to let the others know you were okay. But he insisted, and you found yourself sitting on the stretcher instead of lying down, as a medic gently removed your helmet and peeled off the remaining burnt glove, and pressed some ice gently against your burn. Mustering up your remaining strength, you turned to one of the broadcasting cameras and flashed them a tight smile and a thumbs up.
"And as you can see, she has managed to get out of the wreckage, by God's miracle. Thank God she's walked away from that, but how, I cannot comprehend! She went barelling into the barrier and burst into flames and she walked out alive! And I can hear the cheers of the RedBull team, and I think her race engineer is in tears. I can't begin to imagine how Max Verstappen must be feeling"
Max Verstappen wasn't sure how he was feeling either. He had felt fear, anger, anxiety, more fear, devastation and dread in the longest 15 minutes of his life. But you were alive. And he felt like breaking down, but he had to be strong for you. He watched your tired form on the screen, feeling giddy with relief, and ignoring the others around him, he ran to the medical hospitality center. No one stopped him.
As the white building came into sight, he heaved a sigh of relief as Michael Masi appeared in front of the cameras to give the anxious fans an update. "Y/N is alright. She's currently in recovery, and I can inform you that she is okay. She has minor burns on her hands, and is exhausted, but she will be okay. 2 weeks healing time for the burns, and some proper rest should be fine for her. That's all I know, and I would ask the media, press, social media fans, and others to give her the time she needs to cope and recover. What she has been through is traumatizing and I hope you will respect her privacy at this time. Thank you"
Seeing his hesitation, the nurse turned to the driver, "It's okay. She's fine now. She's on some painkillers and I've cleaned her burns and dressed them. She will be fine, and you can hug her or whatever you want, she won't be hurt. I've kept some painkillers on the table, she should take some again in 2 hours or so" All Max could do was nod, suddenly feeling a lump grow in his throat. With a smile in your direction, the nurse walked out of the room, leaving you alone with Max.
Max turned to nod at the race director, before hurrying through the brown door that led to the medical room you were in. When he walked in, his entire body relaxed. You were alive and safe. Seeing you sitting up in bed, a bottle of water by your side as a nurse wrapped your burnt hand in a white bandage. Looking, your tired eyes met his blue ones, as a tired smile made his way to your face. "Y/N",he said breathily, "Thank God you're alive" he said, practically running over to you, but he stopped himself from hugging, unsure of if it would hurt you.
"Hey baby". All it took was two words for him to rush towards you, gently wrapping his arms around your form, burying his head in the crook of your neck, as a gasping sob left his mouth, and you could have sworn you felt your heart shatter. "I'm okay baby, I'm okay. I'm not going anywhere, and I'm okay" your mantra of "I'm okay" was soothing, as he sobbed into your shoulder. "I thought I'd lost you, you scared me to death!" "I know my love but I'm here and I'm okay" "I thought you were gone. When I saw the flames behind me I didn't even know it was you in the car. When they told me it was you I swear my fucking heart stopped, and all I could do was pray to whatever higher power exists to save you, because I'm nothing without you. If you hadn't made it, I wouldn't survive. You make me better, you help me love, and you let me heal. I love you, and I never, ever want to see you in a situation like that again"
"I love you too" you said, your eyes filling with tears as you listened to him speak. "I love you too" you repeated, gently lifting his chin so his eyes could meet yours, his tear stained cheeks and red eyes breaking your heart, as you tilted your lips to meet his. He returned the kiss with desperation, he needed even more proof that you were alive, and feeling your lips on his were a reminder that you were alive and weren't going anywhere. He kissed you with fervour, hands moving to your hair, one cupping your cheek as his thumb traced your cheekbone, your hands clutching his broad chest.
"Ouch" the soft cry made you two break apart, as you rubbed your stinging hands. "Did I hurt you?" He said, his eyes filling with worry. "No its just the burn. It'll be fine" you replied, shifting in your bed and patting the spot next to you. After a moments hesitation, he climbed in, raising the sterile white sheet and tucking the both of you in. You snuggled up to him, arms wrapping around him as you rested your head on his chest. He rested his chin on your head, one hand running through your hair, the other keeping you stable on his chest. Within seconds, you were asleep.
Looking down at your sleeping form, his eyes lingered on the white bandage covering your burn, his eyes filling again as it stood out against your skin. He hated it. It was a reminder that you had nearly died. He had nearly lost you. His train of thought was cut off by his phone ringing, his mum's caller ID flashing across the screen.
"Hi mum" "Is she okay?" His greeting was pushed aside, his mom far too concerned about Y/N. "Yes she's alright now. She's sleeping now, Yeah I'm with her now" "Y/N's mom is with me too, I'll let her know she's okay" "Thanks mum" "Don't forget to rest as well Max" his mum said, knowing full well that her son would forget about taking care of himself when it came to his love. "I will"
And he cut the line. He looked down at you one more time, pressing his lips to your forehead, and swearing to himself that he would protect you for all his life. He let his eyes close, the exhaustion finally getting to him, all his adrenaline and energy draining out his body, and finally content that you were going to be okay, he let his eyes close.
You were going to be okay.
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starglow-xx · 4 years
owning a bakery and being discovered by the ada and the port mafia (part 4)
platonic! mori ougai x f!reader
type of writing: head canons !!
this is part of my head canon series, flour & fluff !!
tag list is open !! go to this google form and fill it out to sign up!
series synopsis: owning a bakery at 20 is tough; even more so when you have to handle members of two opposing organizations! this is your journey to meeting those fools and creating an unlikely bond with each of them. but only at the cost of your peace and sanity.
fandom: bungou stray dogs
content: fluff & platonic stuff
previous: the doctor is in the house (quite literally)
author’s note: it’s port mafia time! ages are still one year younger than canon
also!! my 100 followers event still has 7 5 4 3  2  1 spot open for requests!! go check out this post for more info!! i’d like to get the whole prompt list done early so i have time to write them! (event is now closed as of feb. 10, 2021)
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another doctor? oh wait, another doctor and his daughter
as you expected, ranpo and fukuzawa have not let you go easy after what had happened a couple days prior (3 days ago to be exact)
one of them, or more often than not, the two of them would go visit the bakery at least twice a day
once in the morning right before opening, and the second time right before closing
if they could, they would visit around lunch time, but that was usually yosano
tbh you were thankful that yosano hasn’t been as overbearing as the other two but you knew she probably wanted to give you a break because holy shit are they extremely over protective
currently, it was the fourth day of being watched by the two eldest ada members, but there were no said ada members with you at the moment
and boy were you overjoyed
turns out, the ada has an important escort job for a government official or smth, and on top of that, fukuzawa has a bunch of meetings to attend
even ranpo has his hands full with a couple of difficult murder cases across the country
you’re lowkey, no highkey, worried bc you learned literally 3 days ago that ranpo doesn’t know how to ride the train 😀😀
you were worried abt them, there’s no question, but on the inside you were a bit relieved to which ranpo called you out on it immediately 
that led to the two of you going at each other’s throats for nearly half an hour
let’s just say fukuzawa scolded the two fo you for a while
going back to the present, it was around one pm and you had just finished sending a text message to both fukuzawa and ranpo (cause they insisted) when a little blonde girl with blue eyes wearing a red dress matching with a red bow in her hair and red shoes walked in
she immediately went to the glass case to look at the desserts displayed
as she looked around, you watched her at the corner of your eyes and a with a smile as you wiped down one of the tables
after wiping down the table, you quickly went to go wash your hands and you walked over and stood next to her
you bent slightly and smiled bigger as she stared at one of the treats in the glass
“is that the one you want?”
she nodded without looking away from the glass
you giggled before going to the back and placing the one she wanted on the plate and held it out to her
the blonde was honestly so confused bc one, no adult supervision, and two, there was no tell tale way to know that she had money
to you, she was an open book so when she looked at you, her face immediately read “but i have no money, or a parent...??”
you simply patted her head and pushed along to one of the nearby tables and pulled a chair for her
you did not regret anything when you saw the look on her face when you told her that it was on the house
“name’s elise!” “i’m (y/n)!”
you sat with her for a while continuing to give her sweets she reminded you of ranpo in all honestly and talking abt random things
she mostly complained abt a “rintarou” though
speaking of which, when a man in a doctor’s coat came through the door near screaming “elise-chan! elise-chan!” you figured that was probably the rintarou she was complaining abt
you smiled as you watched the two interact
“elise-chan why would just disappear like that?!”
“i wanted to see rintarou cry”
“so mean!”
...their behavior was questionable but endearing ig
“rintarou” suddenly turned to you, thanking you for “taking care of his daughter bc she’s always getting into trouble”
*cue angry noises and face from elise*
he introduced himself as a “local neighborhood doctor”
you smelled bullshit but didn’t say anything bc he has been kind to you so far
he asked you how he could repay you and you were thinking that you can actually win something bc you’re not refusing an ada member oh you poor oblivious child but you were appalled when elise answered for you
it went like this
“is there anything i can repay you with for taking care of my dear elise-chan? perhaps paying for all the sweets she has eaten?”
“oh no! don’t worry abt that, it’s nothing! it was a pleasure getting to know—”
“let’s buy out all of her food!”
h u h
you knew she enjoyed your pastries and stuff but like w h a t
you inwardly sigh in relief when the doctor agreed with you that “that’s a bit much elise-chan” and you were thanking every deity out there when suddenly
she threw a temper tantrum
you watched in confusion and slight horror at the 180 of the sweet little girl you were talking to like 10 minutes ago
her guardian panicked slightly and tried to get her to calm down but ahaha no that didn’t happen
“WAHH rintarou!! but i want it!! (y/n)’s food is the best i’ve ever had!!”
“b-but elise-chan, we can’t just buy—”
“i’ll wear all the dresses i’ve ever rejected and more if we buy it out right now and keep buying sweets here forever”
your eyes twitch at the “innocent” smiles the two gave you after their “talk”
fast forward literally 5 minutes and you’ve already flipped the close sign on your door with note (saying you’re sold out) and you’re all over the place running around behind the counter trying to fit everything into boxes as the two are sitting on a nearby table lightly chatting
about 20-25, nearly 30 minutes later you finishing packing everything in the glass case
it was a lot
we’re literally talking about tiered cakes and dozens of batches of cookies, cupcakes, literally everything and anything
when the two notice you’re done they get up meet you by the register
“a-ano, you really don’t have to buy all of this...the total is going to be quite large...”
“no worries!”
honestly at this point, you kind of missed the chaotic calls from ranpo that happened like every half hour
you thought you were done being surprised for the day but next thing you know men in suits come into Sakura’s and begin to load the boxes into a black car
dealing with the detectives was already starting to be a handful and now you have to deal whoever the hell these two people where
quite frankly, you were having trouble wrapping your head around all of this
who buys out a whole bakery?!
and who has the money to buy out a whole bakery?!
what kind of job could you possibly have?!
was this guy really just a doctor?!
right before the two leave you call out to them
“a-ah wait! i don’t think i ever caught your name!”
the two blink at you before eyeing each other
“mori ougai” 😄😄
you started smelling bad shits again 
it was a weird feeling
you felt something off but at the same time, you weren’t really afraid 
and with that the two left
you were already tired from this whole thing but you now get the rest of the day off
so i guess something worked out in your favor
until the next fricking day
again, ranpo and fukuzawa canceled out on you
you weren’t sure if you were relieved or not
and as soon as you thought you were going to have a normal business day, guess who walked through the doors
yeah that’s right
“the local neighborhood doctor” and his daughter
you froze before eyeing them with suspicion
if mori was amused, he didn’t show it, only giving you a smile
elise immediately left his side and practically leaped onto you making you cut yourself with the knife you were holding
well shit now you’re bleeding
it was only 7:15 in the morning; you had literally just opened
you were cursing every deity out there
you quickly grab a nearby and press it against your wound and scrambled around looking for the first aid kit you had nearby
“oh? (y/n)-kun are you bleeding?”
“(y/n) i’m sorry!”
“a-ah, no worries elise-chan”
you really need to stop spacing out bc next thing you know, the sign on your door is flipped to close again (along with the same note from yesterday explaining you’re sold out taped on the door) and you’re sitting at a table with elise in your lap and mori wrapping your hand in a bandage
“tsk tsk (y/n)-kun you need to be more careful...but it is elise-chan’s fault”
“die rintarou!”
“but no worries! it’s not that deep so you don’t need stitches”
“thank you, mori-san, but can i ask why you and elise-chan are here again? not that i mind...”
whether or not you were lying is up to you
“oh we’re here to buy out your stock again!”
“wait what-”
the fuck???
did they not just buy everything yesterday???
frozen, you stare at the man in front if you with said man giving you another “innocent” smile
this little shit
wait till you meet dazai
but i guess that’s why the sign on the door is flipped to close bc you don’t even remember flipping it yourself or taping the note from yesterday to the door
you spent the next half hour trying to convince the two over some tea (your signature one of course) that “no you don’t need to or should buy everything i have, you’re going to deprive the rest of my customers”
cough cough ranpo
like the day before, you were losing this argument
can you just never win?
as you were losing the argument (obviously) you realized that you don’t even know why they want to buy everything again
“mori-san, why do the two of you even want to buy everything in the first place?”
“ah it was elise-chan’s request of course! but i do admit, after trying some of your sweets myself, i grew quite attached! so did the rest of my subordinates after my precious elise-chan made them try it, not like they could refuse her or me; i am their boss after all (y/n)-kun.”
*cue confusion*
“subordinates? wait are those the guys from yesterday?? aren’t you a doctor...?”
“ah ex-doctor actually, i’m the leader of the port mafia”
“ah (y/n)-kun that’s quite the coughing fit you have going on, do you need water?”
if it wasn’t obvious, you choked on your tea and had quite the coughing fit; you were wheezing and everything making elise leave you lap and settling for dangling over mori’s shoulders
“...you’re kidding”
“im afraid im not”
this man confuses the hell out of you??
w h y would he just say that, to you of all people
but it explains the bad shits you were smelling/feeling yesterday
“are you afraid?”
“being completely honest with you, mori-san, not really”
“and why is that?”
you simply shrug not really knowing the answer
you aren’t lying, you just aren’t
maybe bc yesterday, he seemed more like a doting parent than the boss of the most criminal organization of yokohama
yes, you’ve heard the rumors, obviously, but just saying, if the port mafia wanted to hurt you, you’d probably be dead in a ditch by now
and they haven’t really been a bother to you, they were more like background characters in your life
until yesterday of course
mori simply raises an eyebrow and a smile seemingly okay with your very vague answer
“why did you tell me that mori-san?”
the man only smiles a bit wider at you and this time, you’re the one raising an eyebrow
“just a feeling” 
yeah you were starting to smell bad shits again
“and besides! elise-chan seems quite fond of you (y/n)-kun! i wasn’t planning on doing anything to you in the first place, but even if i wanted to, i don’t think i could! i wouldn’t want to upset my dearest cute elise-chan”
“die rintarou!”
“that’s mean elise-chan!”
your eyes began to twitch in slight annoyance
cause istg the duality of this man—
this strange strange man
oh dearest you haven’t even met dazai yet
after that has been said and done, somehow you found yourself in front of stores being dragged by elise
how did you end up there you ask? i don’t know either so there’s nothing we can do abt that
eventually, you found yourself holding a bunch of shopping bags full of dresses and clothes of the sort
some of it your size and the others elise’s
“yes (y/n)-kun?”
“why do i have bags of clothing that are fit for me rather than elise?”
“oh that’s because elise refused to go without you and if you didn’t get anything!”
that makes perfect sense, of course
you could see why elise kept on complaining abt this guy
the two of you actually bonded over making fun of him
you have n o fear
actually, maybe just a little
the three of you were out for basically the entire day and you were exhausted
cause holy shit there was a lot of money wasted, shopping bags obtained, and walking involved
it was around 5 pm when the three of you were making it back to Sakura’s
along the way you found yourself having a pleasant conversation with mori
even if he was a questionable person to be having a pleasant conversation with, you enjoyed it nonetheless
you hoped that it makes it harder to get rid of you if he ever changed his mind but we don’t talk abt that
when the three of you arrived, you immediately dumped all the bags you were holding and went straight to work packaging everything for “the local neighborhood doctor”
before they left, mori agreed to not buy out all of your stock except for some occasions but instead settled ordering massive batches of a little bit of everything every few days
how that’s not the same as buying everything you won’t ever know
you were standing outside Sakura’s watching the two get into the car that had arrived when suddenly, mori turned to you
“ah (y/n)-kun, i know that you wouldn’t tell anyone about this, it wouldn’t be like you to, but just a reminder, it would probably be in your best interest not to let anything slip to anyone okay? we wouldn’t want any enemies using you against the port mafia. so take care of yourself hm? see you next time”
and bippity boppity boo just like that, they were gone
how that man managed to get your personality down in just like 10 hours you don’t want to know
and that’s basically the story of how you started making more food/bake goods to sell
true to his word, every few days, or sometimes consecutive days, mori called you and made a large order
and i mean large
on those days, someone from the port mafia would pick it up and then you get paid
thankfully, by increasing the amount of food you made, you always had enough to put out on display and to sell even after the large order
before doing that, on those days you didn’t have a large stock, someone by the name of edogawa ranpo would weep at your feet
he will deny this; after all, great detectives don’t do weeping
or so he says
and speaking of the detective, you never did tell him what had transpired the two days he and fukuzawa were absent on checking on you
but tbh, i even think ranpo could’ve deduct this one
you didn’t tell him bc you were afraid, no of course not that’s ridiculous mori, in elise’s words, was a loser
you didn’t tell him bc you knew he and fukuzawa would flip the fuck out
and that would be a major inconvenience to you
you didn’t see the point in telling them anyway
so whatever, it’s like it’ll be important
and if ranpo and fukuzawa noticed the abundant of bags near the door leading up to the staircase when they visited you at the end of the day they didn’t say anything
of course one of them said smth
“ne (n/n)-chan since when did you like to buy a bunch of things; waste of money if you could just be using that money to make more food so you wouldn’t sell out right away and have food to feed me”
your eyes twitched
he could’ve worded that a little better but whatever
it is ranpo-san after all
“i just got carried away since i closed up early; you know it isn’t often i get to go shopping”
and if he smelled your bullshit he didn’t say anything
for real this time
that slightly concerns you ngl
let’s just say quite a few heads were turned when they saw their boss leading a bunch of lower level subordinates carrying many light pink boxes of different sizes to his office for the second time
oh and just another thing
*whispers* he was lying when elise made his other subordinates eat your food; they kept it all to themselves”
was that a ruse to help lead the revelation of his real occupation who knows
“(y/n)-kun is a very interesting person don’t you think so elise-chan?”
“quiet. i’m eating cake.”
“that’s so mean elise-chan!”
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maybebanks · 4 years
I Noticed You
jj maybank x kook! reader
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“Alright, Sarah. Bye now,” you groaned, stepping out past her white painted bedroom door.
“Noooo,” she whined, “don’t leave,”
“I gotta go.” You pouted, “my dad wants me home,”
“Fine. Be like that.” She waved you off.
“Your parents are way less strict then mine!” You argued.
“Uh huh,” Sarah responded sarcastically, “I’m gonna miss you, bitch,” she smiled.
“Okay...see ya,” you waved while walking through the door.
You continued down the hallway, it was a sort of narrow hallway, but you’ve been down it many times before.
“Hey Y/n,” you heard Rafe’s voice call for you, he was leaning casually against his door frame.
“Oh..hey,” you answer, stopping infront of him.
You had to look up to talk to him because he was taller than you.
“Can we talk for a minute?” Rafe asks. You had no idea why he would want to talk to you. I mean, he’s always been nice to you, but he was nearly 20. And you were barely 17.
You nodded, following his gesture for you to come into his room.
He closed the door after you. You just stood by the window. Raising your eyebrows at his suspicious actions.
You looked behind you and saw their backward looking fresh, a Pogue, you think his name is JJ but you didn’t know him well, mowing the lawn.
“I have to be quick. I promised to be home,” you mentioned.
Rafe smiled, not saying anything, just looking at you.
You fumbled with your crop top, “So..what’s this about?” You asked.
“You know how long I’ve been trying to get you alone. You and Sarah...it’s non stop,” he said.
“What?” You asked, very confused in general.
“You were at Toppers party right? Damn..when I saw you snort that coke I was like...this girl...she’s bad,” he chuckled.
“Oh...that was-that was a mistake. I don’t do drugs like that anymore,” you reassured, feeling regretful about that mistake.
He laughed, “don’t lie to yourself, baby. Just think of the fun we could have together,”
Is this some kind of flirting?
“Look...uh, I have to go. Talk later?” you opened the door a bit but Rafe slammed it shut.
“What the hell?” You asked angerly.
Rafe scoffed, “hanging out with Sarah makes you a real bitch,”
“Rafe...I have to go!” You raised your voice. This seemed to anger him. For next, he lunged towards you, trapping you against the wall.
“You think you can tell me what to fucking do?” He asked, his voice surprisingly calm.
When you saw his eyes, you could tell he was high.
“No, I’m-“ you began but stopped yourself when the door creaked open.
Wheezie’s brunette head peaked through the crack of the door.
When she saw both of you, her eyes turned confused.
Rafe moved off of you, “Wheezie, get out of here,” he ordered.
She didn’t argue like she usually would, she didn’t even exchange a glance at you. Just left the room, leaving the door a crack open.
“Shit,” you whispered involuntarily.
“Tell me, Y/n, what’s it gonna take?” he asked.
“Hi!” Wheezie shouted over the loud noise of the lawnmower. Waving her hand towards the boy out in the field.
JJ chuckled, he mowed the lawn for the Cameron’s once or twice a week. Wheezie was basically the only Cameron to talk to him, she would test out flirted to him, even though he was a pogue.
JJ turned the lawn mower off, walking over to Wheezie.
“What’s up?” JJ asked, honestly, he enjoyed a break from his work, and he would never get in trouble becuase Wheezie would defend him.
“So...uh...I don’t know for sure. But I think Rafe is gonna hurt her. And he’s kinda....you know, I mean he does drugs. I saw him this morning! Anyway, he’s in his room and I think-“
“Whoa! Slow down! Who’s gonna hurt who?” JJ asked, now concerned.
“Just put on a shirt and come with me!” She demanded, pulling him by his wrist towards the house.
“I don’t think your parents would be okay with me comin’ in,” JJ chuckled again.
“Just...okay...you know Y/n right? She’ll kill me if she knew I brough you into this becuase she hates attention or whatever but I’m worried, because you know...Rafe has a thing for her and I’m just worried he might try to kiss her and...” She trailed off, but JJ knew what she meant.
He frowned, “You sure I should go in there? What if she wants it. I mean, a lot of kook girls hook up with Rafe,”
“TMI!” Wheezie exclaimed, “anyway, Y/n isn’t one of those kook girls. She’s wayy too good for Rafe. Plus I think she’s into surfer boys,” Wheezie shrugs.
JJ sighs, “alright fine. But you owe me for this,” JJ began walking up the stairs, “what, you not comin’?”
“I am not about to get yelled at by Rafe. Plus I’ll cover the fort down here, so my parents don’t get involved.”
When he finally made it to the second floor, he heard your voice. You weren’t strangers, you’ve met once or twice, but JJ always thought you were way out of his league. And that was saying something.
“Rafe seriously. My dads gonna kill me!” You stated, pushing against Rafe’s rather buff chest.
“Who cares about your dad, Y/n. Just get on your knees,” he stated.
JJ felt disgusted. Even he knew that was no way to talk to a girl.
He stood outside the parted door.
“No, asshole,” you said bluntly, trying to get around him again.
He grabbed your wrist, harshly, pulling you back so you hit the wall. You moaned in pain when the doorknob from his closet door hit your back.
That’s when JJ interfered.
He pushed open the door to make his presence known.
You both looked up at him at the same time.
Rafe immediately stepped back from you, and you pushed the sleeve of your shoulder back to covering yourself.
“Everything alright in here?” JJ asked, studying the situation.
Rafe sniffled slightly nervously, he knew he probobly couldn’t take JJ in a fight due to all the drugs he’s on.
Rafe looked at you, to which you immediately understood, “uh...we are fine. Thanks JJ,” you answered, clearly nervous.
He was surprised, and unexpectedly flattered, when you addressed him by his name.
JJ thought fast, “there is a car here for Y/n,” JJ lied. But you believed it, and so did Rafe.
Rafe scratches the back of his neck, “Okay Y/n...have fun.” Rafe said as you stepped out of the room.
You wanted to flip him off, but JJ was right behind you.
When you got outside, JJ was about to tell you there was no car, but he couldn’t when you thre your arms around his torso, a hug, where you rested your head on his chest.
“Whoa,” he chuckled.
“Thank you, J, you have no idea...” you mumbled.
JJ slowly moved his arm to hug you back. But when his hand reached your mid back, you took a sharp intake of breath and pulled away.
“Sorry, for that. You really saved me back there,” you explained, looking up at him.
“It’s not problem. Oh and by the way, there’s no car here for you,” JJ mentioned.
“Oh...right. Shit I kinda need a ride. You looked around. Until your eyes landed on JJ again.
He studied you.
“What? Do I have something on my face?” You asked.
“No...” JJ shook his head, “this is the most you’ve ever talked to me,” he blurted. Kinda regretting not usuing his usual approach when talking to girls.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ignore you before. I just didn’t want to get you in trouble,” you explained, “but I have noticed you,”
Your phone dinged, and that’s when you remember to check the time, “shit,” you blurted.
“What’s wrong?”
“Just...my dads gonna kill me. I was suppose to be home like an hour ago,” you sigh, still nervous.
You noticed JJ tense, “I can give you a ride? The van is gonna smell like weed though,” he winked, gesturing for you to follow him.
You nodded, following him down the driveway to where his “busted” van was parked.
“I’m not usually this helpless, you know,” you blurted, wanting him to know you for the real you.
“Oh believe me, I know,” he chuckles, opening the van door for you.
He was surprised by himself, again. He’s never cared enough to open the door for anyone. But it was so simple you probobly wouldn’t notice.
You smiled, at him and hopped in. There were some all black aviators and a red SnapBack on the seat. Which you moved so you wouldn’t sit on them.
As JJ walked around the van, you couldn’t find anywhere to put them, with all the clutter around, so you just decided to wear the sunglasses and his hat.
When he opened the car his eyes widened in excitement, “looks good on you Y/n,” he said starting the van.
“Who the hells that? I’m JJ,” you joked. When you took a deep breath, you scrunched you’re nose at the stench.
“Whoo,” you sighed, “it’s strong in here. What’d you hotbox or something?” You continued with the JJ impression.
“How do you know me so well?” JJ laughed and grabbed the hat off your head and placed it backwards on his own.
“Just guessin’,” you shrugged, moving the sunglasses farther down your nose.
“Where’s your place?” JJ asked as he turned the wheel.
“Uh...” you trailed off when you noticed Rafe running out of the house, looking angry, waving at the van.
“Shit! JJ go!! Drive!” You commanded. Grabbing his hand and forcing it on the wheel.
You knew Rafe would judge you for spending time with a Pogue, and he would also be mad.
“Calm down, princess,” JJ responded, stepping on the gas.
You immediately retracted, “sorry.” You muttered.
He pulled out of the driveway quick and started heading down the wrong road.
“Where are you going?” You asked, slightly nervous now.
“Back to my place. Since you didn’t tell me where yours was,”
“Wait...uh it’s down that road. I’d really love to hang but I gotta be home,” you told him.
“Ya sure?” JJ said turning the wheel and heading down your street.
You nodded.
“No, I mean, kook princess, would be down to hang with a Pogue?” JJ asked.
You pointed to the pastel yellow mansion with terra-cotta roofing, “of course JJ, I think you’re dope,”
“Holy shitt,” JJ moaned when he saw your house, admiring its beauty and the boat you had parked in the front.
“Jesus, what id give to be a kook,” he mumbled.
“Trust me, it’s not as good as it-“
“Y/N!!!” Your father shouts, he must have seen you pull in.
“Fuck,” you muttered.
JJs heat started to race, that was so damn hot.
You pulled of the sunglasses and placed them on the dash.
“See ya later, and also, you can come over any time use any materials you like. My brother got a new surf board and then went off to college, it’s all yours if you want it,”
JJ smirked, perks of having a kook friend that lived with a family that bought status symbols with their money, “can I get your number?”
“Yeah, it’s-“
You both stopped at the banging on JJs window.
Your father, was urgently yelling, “Y/N get out here right now. Your late for training, god damn it,” it was muffled, but you both understood.
“Training?” JJ questioned.
“See you at the Cameron’s,” you winked, then hopped out of the car and joined your dad inside the kook mansion.
JJ contemplated a life with you, only for a moment, then pulled out of your, rather long, stone driveway.
happy friday !
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Sun and Fun (S2, E12)
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I can’t believe FOX has cancelled this absolute masterpiece of a show. I’m devastated. I’d like to think we’ll get picked up by another network for season 3 but I’m a pessimist and I don’t want to get my hopes up. I’ll be hanging around the fandom either way though. 
My time-stamped thoughts for this episode are below. As always I reference Malcolm’s mental health. A lot. So if that’s going to be a trigger for you, don’t keep reading.
0:20 - Malcolm losing it in Martin’s cell? *chef’s kiss*. 1) excellent performance by Tom. 2) This is the Malcolm mental health content I subscribed for. This is Malcolm feeling overwhelmed, helpless, worthless, and frustrated all at the same time. This. Is. Wonderful. And. Realistic. This is what overwhelming anxiety (especially if you have an anxiety disorder) can feel like. It builds and builds until all of a sudden you’re consumed with all this nervous energy and frustration and it all turns to rage in an instant. But you’re not angry at other people. You don’t want to hurt anyone. That rage is just self hatred because you hate that you feel this broken and your stupid brain won’t function normally. 
0:33 - annnnd then when the excess nervous energy is spent but that feeling of self-hatred, despair, and fear still remains - you’re physically exhausted and 7/10. times you cry. Again, crying because of how stupid you feel for your little rage outburst, for how stupid you feel for feeling this terrible all the time. Malcolm is depicting a severe anxiety episode perfectly (in my experience) and THIS is why FOX is moronic for cancelling the show. The gorgeous and accurate depictions of mental health in Prodigal Son is unprecedented, truthful, and heartbreaking. It’s like nothing else on television. 
0:50 - This kind of hurts. Look at how cautiously Dani enters the room. Almost as if Malcolm is a wild animal she doesn’t want to scare. It makes sense given the state of the room she just entered and how completely openly and uncharacteristically vulnerable Malcolm is. I will say this though, despite how cautious she is, it’s obvious that she cares about Malcolm more than whatever happened before she walked into the room.
 1:03 - “So all eyes are on his head case son right?” This line is a direct quote from Malcolm’s anxiety disorder and depression. This is how you feel about yourself when in the middle of an anxiety episode when you’re also depressed. BUT OUR GIRL DANI!!! <3 This girl looks confused and concerned to hear Malcolm diss himself like that. The fact that she tries to comfort him when he’s in this state, makes her an absolutely A++ friend. 
1:11 - “No one cares about that.” “I CARE. I can’t live like this.” This scene resonates with me so so so much. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been 100% aware of how irrational my anxieties are and simultaneously 100% unable to do a damn thing about it because I’m too scared of who I’d be without the fear. Because I’ve defined myself by my anxieties for so long that it’s become the only definable element of my personality visible to me. I’m getting that vibe from Malcolm. I’m sure that’s exactly how he’s feeling right now.
1:30 - “That’s not what scares you. What scares you is living the rest of your life without your father in it.” Dani knows and I felt personally called out. THIS EMOTIONAL WHUMP IS GIVING ME LIFE. <3
1:39 - Look at our floppy haired, devastated boy. :( <3 I’m genuinely shook that he didn’t have a full mental breakdown this episode (but it’s coming....it’s inevitable at this point :) ). ALSO the look of absolute love and concern Dani is shooting towards Malcolm? Absolutely perfect. <3
1:51 - I genuinely find it so interesting that Malcolm keeps referring to “The Surgeon” as “Martin”. If you read my thoughts on 2x11 you know I think it’s because Malcolm has separated ‘Martin Whitly’ into three separate people in his head. “The Surgeon” = the serial killer who traumatized him and ruined his childhood. “Dad/Father” = the man who loved and cared for baby!Malcolm. But “Martin” = unknown. Malcolm doesn’t know who Martin is yet and it scares him. 
1:58 - “For once in your life slow down and acknowledge what this is doing to you.” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this line. So. So. SO. MUCH. <3 <3 This is the kind of comfort Malcolm needs. SOMEONE needs to tell him that he’s breaking, it’s not his fault, and he doesn’t deserve to suffer for Martin.
2:07 - annnnnnd Malcolm has gone full crazy-person string murder board. He’s right but he’s still acting like a manic crazy person. Like, a real one. Not his usual manic behaviour. This is straight up - this boy needs medication, a nap, therapy, and a doctor. Now.
2:34 - Ugh. This whole cop/Vivian scene made my skin crawl. So gross. So creepy. I hate Capshaw. So much. This woman is manipulative, evil, and so so creepy. The cop was also gross. But I 100% thought she was going to kill the cop because this felt like an opening scene to Criminal Minds. 
4:38 - “THEY WERE HAVING SEX.” hhahahahahahaha holy shit. This is both hilarious and really upsetting (not just because Martin/Capshaw is NASTY). Malcolm is manically, yelling about his theories in a room full of people who love him. He sounds crazy. He’s acting crazy and Dani, JT, and Gil are just staring at him with a mixture of disbelief, concern, and sympathy. <3 It’s heartbreaking. Malcolm is an inch away from a mental breakdown. I’m here for it. 
4:49 - “TMI bro.” <3
 5:05 - Ugh. This breaks my heart. The team doesn’t think Malcolm is crazy. They just know he’s at the end of his rope. The looks they’re exchanging aren’t based in anger, contempt, or a lack of trust. They’re based in concern and I LOVE IT. 
5:21 - LOOK AT OUR BABY. He’s breaking. He’s so close. :( Look at how desperate he is to find Martin. 
5:35 - “That’s exactly what it means.” “Gil, please. You know how much I need this.” THIS HURTS. Gil isn’t angry here - he’s frustrated and scared for Malcolm. And Malcolm? This boy is toeing the line of a full breakdown in front of 3 of his favourite people - that’s out of character for him. Despite the shaking hand and general mania - Malcolm usually refrains from raising his voice in front of Dani and JT. He tries to stay calm-ish so he doesn’t get labelled as ‘violent’ like his serial killer father. 
 5:39 - “StOp. I am scared.” Dani knew exactly how to diffuse the situation. Malcolm can be manipulative and dysfunctional but he never wants to scare people (at least, not unless they’re suspects or obstructing justice). 
5:46 - “I’m not ordering you this time. I’m begging you.” Papa!Gil’s seen Malcolm like this before. SO WHY IS NO ONE HUGGING MALCOLM?!?! The boy is clearly coming apart at the seams. 
5:48 - Malcolm’s reaction to Gil sending him home is gorgeous. He looks sad, betrayed, and resigned. It’s as though he’s convinced himself that the team doesn’t trust him or care about him anymore. He doesn’t walk out angry. He walks out sad and determined. Head held high but eyes full of grief. 
5:54 - I’d give anything to have heard the conversation between Dani, JT, and Gil after Malcolm left the room. ANYTHING.
6:02 - “He thinks I’m a liability.” No. Not exactly. He thinks Malcolm is in the throws of a mental health crisis and that he shouldn’t be responsible for catching his serial killer father. Again. 
6:15 - “I support Gil’s decision. That does not mean I want your father dead.” #coparenting but also, true. I honestly don’t think Jessica wants Martin dead. I think she wants Ainsley and Malcolm to be happy and free from Martin but not dead. She knows that Malcolm might never recover from Martin’s death with all of his unanswered questions and suppressed childhood trauma. She also knows that Ainsley would always resent being prevented from bonding with her father. I think Jessica still loves Martin - well, the man she thought she married. Jessica doesn’t care for Martin Whitly. But she loves the man he pretended to be and even though she knows he wasn’t real - she doesn’t want him to die. I think she wants him to disappear (maybe get transferred to a prison in a different state?) but she doesn’t want him dead. That would make her no better than the serial killer (in Jessica’s mind anyways).
6:25 - “You have become consumed by this Malcolm.” Check out the side eyed look Ainsley gives Malcolm. She’s jealous. Her brother is on the verge of a mental breakdown but she’s jealous of the attention he’s getting from Jessica. I get it - Jessica hasn’t been the best mom to Ainsley. BUT GIRL, gain some perspective. Don’t you care about your brother?!?! That should trump the jealousy for a few minutes at least. 
 6:35 - “I love you.” <3 <3 <3 I’m going to cry. This might be my favourite Jessica+Malcolm moment to date. So precious. 
6:43 - THIS. “I love you. Both of you. More than I hate him.” This is why Jessica doesn’t want Martin dead.....but she also doesn’t care if he lives. I know that sounds like a contradiction but it’s a real thing and if you’ve never felt that way about someone - I pray you never have to. 
7:06 - “Then she’s a victim.” .....I disagree. Capshaw had a (weird and manipulative) consensual relationship with Martin. She has as much of an agenda as Martin (although, Jessica didn’t know that here). Capshaw isn’t a victim. She’s not being compliant with Martin as a form of self-preservation or fear. She’s doing it because she’s a manipulative crazy person who is in love with a convicted serial killer. 
7:45 - I’ve never felt this unsettled while watching Prodigal Son. Capshaw showing her true colours is so so so disturbing. This woman is insane (with all the stigma). The dress. The martini (Jessica’s favourite drink?). The fact that she dressed Martin up in a suit. The music. The weirdly elegant wheelchair. The lovey way she’s talking. It all makes my skin crawl. 
8:33 - OMG. What’s wrong with me? Why do I feel bad for Martin Whitly?!?!?! 
9:55 - JESSICA AND MALCOLM doing a rich person ambush tag-team IS AMAZING. <3 
9:57- How sad is this? 23 years and Jessica still can’t walk into a room without people whispering and judging her behind her back. :( This woman keeps her head held high - despite the pain she must be in - she’s a superhero. Change my mind. 
10:30 - "Malcolm Whitly? You're.." I have this headcanon that the general public assumes Malcolm is dead. He changed his last name and fell off the grid. People treat Jessica like a social pariah so she wouldn't be able to tell them otherwise. And sure, Ainsley referred to Malcolm in the present tense during her Surgeon interview but how many people actually watched it actually paid attention to that little tidbit after Martin went full blown psychopath on camera? Plus, no one really cares about the Surgeon's son enough to look him up 23 years later. At least, no one who matters.
11:25 - Like mother, like son. You can't change my mind. They have the same manipulation style. It's justice based and determined. Ainsley and Martin's style? Vindictive and self-serving. 
11:30 - Oh look. ANOTHER CONTINUITY ERROR. WHO PROOFREADS THESE SCRIPTS?!? I CAN’T KEEP OVERLOOKING THESE. For God’s sake. Send copies of the script to fans who sign NDAs or something. At least we know what happened in previous episodes. 
12:33 - "Gross." I'm with Ainsley on this one.
12:45 - "My assistant." "Long suffering". hahahha omg. I love this for two reasons: 1) it's hilarious 2) it's true. Malcolm literally disposed of a body for Ainsley. He's her assistant and he's suffered for it.
13:05 - Yo. This dude is whack. Like this is some serious Stockholm's syndrome going on here. Vivian is his hero?!? .........I can't.
13:55 - Why do the gifts Vivian sends Zeiger look like human bones? Damn this is twisted. This is like some sort of twisted serial killer pseudo-trophy situation?
14:52 - "I don't think Vivian is the victim here. I think our father is." Yikes. This is not going to help Malcolm's mental stability. At all. He's been trying to fully accept that his father is a serial killing monster who was literally never capable of loving him for the past 23 years. BUT NOW our boy has taken the role of 'good son' (prodigal son is you will) and has returned to his 10 year old mentality "I love dad. Dad loves me." and 'dad' is in trouble. Malcolm is trying to save his serial killer father and the emotional and mental hoops he's jumping through are terrifying, complex, and hauntingly realistic. <3 It's gorgeous.
15:04 - "I'm not used to this type of confinement." I love this line because of how deeply it rings true. Martin isn't used to confinement. Sure, he's been chained to a wall for 23 years but he's been relatively happy about it. He's been able to manipulate Malcolm and the other inmates. He's been given TV time, phone time, consultations, books, music, free food, and a massive private cell (seriously that cell is as big as the bachelor's suite I rent for $900 CAD a month). The man has been living a life of luxury (given his crimes). His only 'punishment'? He's stuck inside his cell and he's not allowed to kill anymore. THIS is Martin truly suffering. I kind of feel bad for him (which I never thought I'd say).
15:20 - Damn. Michael Sheen is incredible. He's genuinely making me feel concerned and scared for Martin.
15:32 - Something tells me a man hurt Capshaw in some way throughout her life. This has to be deeper than the whole "I didn't fit into the 'boys club' of surgery". Her issues with men are aggressive and alarming. This woman is nuts. This woman is why I hesitate to call myself a feminist (I generally think we should drop the titles of feminist/misogynist/racist/homophobe... and just treat people with respect. I think the titles and groups just further divide people.)
15:50 - "You're finally free." Yep. Capshaw is a nutcase. She actually believes that she's committed a perfect crime. 
16:09 - This place has virtually no furniture but I’m expected to believe someone is paying the phone bill?!?! Nah. 
17:08 - That. Smile. This woman is a devil. Like, I think I hate her as much as I hate Umbridge. But unlike Umbridge, Capshaw is downright terrifying. 
17:12 - Was anyone else kind of surprised that Martin called Jessica? I mean, I guess she was a safer choice than the cops but still...
17:20 - As creepy and this whole ‘Martin is a victim’ thing is - it’s kind of nice? Like - I just keep thinking “How does it feel Martin?!?! This is how you made your victims feel. Do you like it?” and then I realize I’m a terrible person. 
17:55 - Ainsley’s in on this. I swear, she’s somehow involved with either Capshaw or Martin. 
18:18 - Oh look. Martin is shackled to the bed. Just like Malcolm shackles himself to bed so he can sleep every night. .....I keep oscillating between being vindictive toward Martin and feeling bad for him. That’s what makes this show incredible. The ‘villain’ is human and 3 dimensional. 
18:44 - Oh God. The psychopath is jealous. This woman is UNSTABLE. How has no one locked her up yet?!?
19:43 - She’s crying. She’s actually crying. Even the rewatch of this scene is painful. I just feel so uncomfortable (which was probably the intent) and I hate both characters. They’re both actively trying to manipulate each other and it’s so creepy. Damn. 
20:15 - Holy. Shit. This woman is by far the scariest villain Prodigal Son has given us. 
21:17 - ..............I have nothing to say. My brain has short circuited. I can’t get past how horrifying this scene is. She’s a maniac.
21:57 - No one will make eye contact with Malcolm. :( They all think he’s losing it but they’re not scared of him. They’re scared for him. 
22:10 - “A trusted member of my team has a theory I run it down.” THANK YOU GIL. SUBTLY TELL MALCOLM THAT YOU TRUST HIM. That’s what he needed to hear. He was doubting that anyone cared. :( 
22:45 - “Do you HeAr yourself?!?” Ouch. Gil’s right - Malcolm sounds nuts. Unfortunately, Malcolm’s also right (more or less). Look at how sad Malcolm is - he honestly looks like he’s on the verge of a panic attack. :( Malcolm thinks Gil doesn’t trust him anymore. Malcolm thinks Gil thinks he’s crazy. It’s heartbreaking. SOMEONE HUG THIS LITTLE CINNAMON ROLL.
22:54 - JT, buddy. Not the time. You’re making this worse. :( Malcolm is two breaths away from crying. 
23:40 - “Dani, you up for this? Cause he sure isn’t.” Gil is losing it. Look at him. Gil is watching the boy he considers as his son unravel and Gil can’t do anything about it. 
23:45 - “Either way, he’s going there. I’ll keep an eye on him.” I love Dani for this. Brightwell or not - the fact that she’s willing to chase smoke in an attempt to keep Malcolm from having a full mental breakdown makes her a hero. 
23:48 - JT, hug Gil! He needs a hug! 
24:16 - Martin is screaming while shackled to a bed.....where have I seen this before? 
25:39 - “I did this for you because you needed it.”....”Dani, I respect you.” Excuse me while I go sob in the corner. Malcolm just uttered the words “I respect you.” and my heart exploded. 
26:11 - “You don’t care. None of you care if my father lives or dies.” No, Malcolm, you’re wrong. They care. They all care so so much. Not about the life of the Martin Whitly though. They care about how Martin Whitly will continue to torment you if he’s caught alive. They care about how badly you’ll grieve if he ends up dying. They care about how this will affect YOU. because they love you. 
26:22 - “You would be free.” SAY IT LOUDER DANI! He’d be in enormous pain for a while, but Malcolm would heal. 
26:56 - “Let him go, Malcolm.” <3 <3 Malcolm is listening to Dani. He’s opening up about his fears. This is good (for Malcolm’s mental health). I am happy. 
27:04 - WOW BABY! That kiss was......passionate? I mean, we all knew they were going to kiss (thanks previews) but I honestly didn’t expect a kiss this long or passionate? They’ve both been clearly denying their feelings for each other for a while though so I guess it makes sense?
27:20 - We all know Dani was going to talk about how they could make a relationship work for them and/or how she loves Malcolm but thinks he should focus on his mental health before they start dating. BUT MALCOLM? That boy thinks he just ruined his friendship with Dani and I’m heartbroken. Look at his sad little face. :( 
28:31 - sooooo when exactly did Malcolm’s phone call drop? I feel like Ainsley had more access to the conversation that just what she shares with Dani in a couple of minutes.
29:08 - Look at this sad, scared little boy. He genuinely thinks that saving Martin will earn Martin’s love. I’m heartbroken. 
29:22 - THIS. Malcolm is so desperate for Martin’s love that he essentially consented to being kidnapped, tortured, and potentially murdered. :( This is bad. 
30:06 - Malcolm took unknown drugs from a crazy person. UGH. The stress of loving this unstable man-child is going to kill me. I’m so worried for him. ALSO WHO THE HELL CHEWS PILLS?!?! That’s disgusting. 
30:24 - Dani thinks Malcolm is being a typical guy - terrified of relationships/talking about his feelings. She’s hurt. The Brightwell ship has encountered another storm. 
30:35 - Anyone else get major flashbacks to 1x11 when Gil shows up to the townhouse to tell Jessica that Malcolm’s been kidnapped? You know, when he walks past all the reporters?!
30:50 - Ugh. :( Poor Jessica. That call from Capshaw gave her quite the emotional dilemma. As she said earlier, she loves her children more than she hates Martin. Soooo does she tell someone about the call, save Martin, and let Martin continue to torment her children? Or does she let Capshaw kill Martin, compromise her morals, let her children grieve for a while - but ultimately heal? It’s an impossible choice. 
31:13 - “I know why you’re anxious Jess.” UGH. Get yourself a man you looks at you the way Gil look at Jessica. So much love. So much concern. If Gil wasn’t fictional and I wasn’t asexual (and 24) I would marry that man. 
31:23 - “He has become convinced that his father is a victim in all of this.” Gil is so upset. He’s angry - at Martin for having this much power over Malcolm so many years later. He’s angry that Malcolm is still suffering so much because of his father. He’s upset because Martin is still hurting the people Gil loves 23 years after he was initially arrested. 
31:33 - “There’s no good outcome here Jess.” Thank you. Gil is a man with awareness into Malcolm’s psyche. He knows this is going to hurt Malcolm no matter what happens. He’s scared and he’s bracing himself for impact. I love him. I want more people in the world who love people this deeply. 
31:50 - “It’s okay to hope for that you know.” THANK YOU GIL. THANK YOU. Someone needed to tell Jessica that she’s not a monster for wanting the reason her children continue to suffer to disappear (even if tha means he dies). It’s not a malicious, evil thought toward Martin. It’s a hope for her children’s wellbeing. 
32:04 - “And in my weaker moments, I want him dead too.” <3 I’m imagining Gil praying that Martin is killed by an inmate after he comforts a teenage Malcolm from a nightmare. I’m imagining Gil praying Riker’s finally kills Martin as he watched Malcolm spiral into Martin’s grasp again last year. I’m imagining Gil crying himself to sleep because he’s so damn tired of watching Jessica and Malcolm suffer because of Martin. I love him for it. <3
32:15 - “Maybe things could be different.” .....I’m sorry. Does this mean Gillica is off again?! The flirting and dancing from 2x9 meant nothing?!? It was a hoax?!? I’m furious. 
32:35 - “It’s the actions that matter.” Damn. Gil is too good for the nonsense that is the Whitly family. Doesn’t he know that life isn’t always that simple?
32:46 - Annnnnd now Jessica will convince herself that she’s a bad person because she didn’t tell anyone about Capshaw’s call. She will also convince herself that she’s not good enought for Gil. AND I will cry myself to sleep.
32:55 - That hug <3 Sooooo Gillica is still on? I’m hella confused. 
33:05 - There it is. Dani is still upset with Malcolm. The Brightwell ship is taking in water my dudes. 
33:52 - Wow. He looks pretty in that makeshift hospital bed. Sleeves rolled up. Shirt half unbuttoned. Glazed, disoriented look about him as he wakes from a drugged sleep. <3 I’m in heaven.
34:30 - This is why Malcolm can never let Martin go. There are moments when Martin absolutely convinces Malcolm that he loves him. 
34:50 - “Because he also happens to be my father.” THIS. IS. THE. MOST. REALISTIC. PORTRAYAL. OF. ABUSIVE. DADDY. ISSUES. Take from someone who lived through an abusive Dad. You hate him. You know he’s messed up. You don’t like or respect him. But a part of you will always love him. Even though you hate that part of yourself. 
35:12 - “I want all of you.” .....I’m terrified. This woman is crazy. Crazier than the Surgeon. Is that possible?
36:05 - “You want him to love you. But he can’t.” Have you said that to yourself Malcolm? You know that logically but you don’t feel that in your heart. ....and the writers don’t know that because we’ve seen that Martin loves Malcolm? Sort of? Unless the writers are playing some sort of weird long con on us. 
36:50 - This is whump content I signed up for. This crazy bitch just killed Malcolm. We saw the terror in his eyes. BUT HE LIVES. So. I’m. Here. For. It.
36:58 - Martin’s devotion to Malcolm is so so interesting to me. Martin is a psychopath - he’s not supposed to be capable of love. But he clearly loves Malcolm. How? Why? It makes no sense but I love it?
37:47 - Malcolm’s little wheeze when Vivian starts mitigating the embolism. <3 So cute. 
37:53 - “I can do without the mansplaining.” I’m getting PTSD. There are too many real women who are this crazy about feminism and mansplaining (this is coming from a woman). Martin isn’t trying to ‘mansplain’ he’s scared and he’s trying to save his son. That’s not mansplaining. He’s not explaining something because he thinks Vivian doesn’t know it. He’s explaining something in a desperate attempt to remind her of the severity of the situation. 
38:16 - HOW THE HELL did Ainsley and Dani know where Martin, Capshaw, and Malcolm were? Either 1) Ainsley is somehow working with Capshaw, or 2) they were able to trace Malcolm’s cell (assuming Capshaw didn’t trash it), or 3) Ainsley knew her mom was lying about that phone call and they had it traced?, or 4) this is a convenient plot thing.
38:34 - This bitch is devious and I hate her. 
39:30 - Martin Whitly is the hero of the episode. What alternate reality are we living in?
41:15 - Malcolm struggling for breath. <3 The whumpers are being FED.
41:17 - “Run.” This is 23 years of guilt for turning his own father into the police surfacing. 
41:31 - “Where’s my family?” I honestly don’t know how I feel about this line. It bothers me but I can’t figure out why.
41:43 - This ending sequence is a work of ART. Malcolm is in physical and emotional pain. Dani (without backup) trying to save Malcolm from Martin. The epic music. The shot of Dani seeing the blood-filled syringe next to the makeshift hospital bed+restraints. Martin Whitly. Driving. A. Boat. And. Laughing - completely elated - with Malcolm passed out (and looking adorable) in the aft seating. The fact that the ONLY house you can see on the shoreline is the house the just escaped from. 
THIS EPISODE WAS EXCITING, STRESSFUL, AND WONDERFUL. I’m excited for the SEASON finale and I pray we get a season 3 from a network other than FOX.
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scaredofchange · 4 years
Carpe Diem - Jinyoung x Reader
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Pairing: Park Jinyoung (GOT7) x Female!Reader                                            
Summary: Moving to Korea for a job is something, but meeting Park Jinyoung in a totally impossible/ridiculous way? Now we’re talking. Y/N is definitely in for a wild ride.
Warnings: being stuck in an elevator; acrophobia; mild panic attack; swearing; but also fluff and cuteness.
 Wordcount: 4.4k
 A/N: Just an idea at the top of my head like that; also, it’s a first-person perspective. I’m not that into using the second person (“you”). Hope you enjoy it!
           I was rushing from desk to desk; juggling between official documents and frivolous memos like my life was depending on it. Having recently joined the Human Resources department of the successful JYP entertainment corporation, I had nothing to lose and everything to prove to my superiors.
Granted, working for HR was not as glamorous as being one of the top hats, but it was gratifying enough for me to move my ass from North America to Korea in an instant. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t running from my old life, I was just trying to find my true vocation.
 HR was definitely not it, but dreams don’t come true without money.
Luckily enough, JYP had half the department working in English, which grandly facilitated my tasks: my Korean wasn’t... let’s say it wasn’t bad but neither was it good.
As I had barely bit down my sad homemade sandwich for lunch, I heard a loud screech coming from behind me. I was tempted to hide under my desk but decided against it.
 I turned around to face my evil boss: Ms. Lee.
Before I could even answer, she started babbling about, rummaging through the documents on the surface of my desk and destroying every ounce of my setup whatsoever.
“Can I help with something?” I muttered under my breath, half-wishing she wouldn’t have heard it.
“If you did your job correctly, you wouldn’t have to ask, would you now?” she snapped back like an angry Chihuahua.
I pressed my tongue against my front teeth, holding back any sorts of remarks that I might’ve wanted to yell at her. My new work friend, Mi-ja tried to cover her smile from across the desk facing me but miserably failed.
“Where are the charts from floor twenty?” my boss squeaked, her eyes shooting lasers at me.
“The what?”
She deeply sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose like it wasn’t only my second week in the business. With a voice trembling with anger, she gathered her thoughts.
“I need the GOT7 charts, you hear me? I asked hours ago for you to get them!”
My eyes widened: is that what she was shouting when I entered her office at 8 am with the wrong coffee? My boss kept shaking her head vehemently, deeply disappointed in me. I’d lie if I said it didn’t hurt a small bit, but I learned long ago not to bother with bullies like her.
“I’ll get them right away,” I stated calmly.
“You better!” she shouted again as she turned her back to me and paced down toward her office.
It was my turn to deeply inhale and exhale, letting the pressure of the last few minutes out.
“Ouch,” retorted Mi-ja with a pitiful expression.
I mumbled that word while beginning to make my way toward the elevator. With tensed shoulders, I pressed the 20th-floor button and let the doors close by themselves. It took a few stops to get there since my office was located on the 8th floor, but eventually, I stepped out in a luxurious lobby.
Windows were larger than on the HR floor; the light was plunging into the room, making it look much bigger than it actually was.
A cute secretary with platinum hair was sitting at the front desk; she offered me a sweet smile and greeted me in Korean.
“Hi,” I replied in English, “I’m here to get the documents for human resources,” I tried to explain clearly in case she wasn’t fluent.
She nodded at my word and smiled again. She turned around on her wheeling chair and grabbed a thick black folder.
“Here you go,” she let out in a tiny voice.
“Thank you!”
She bowed and I made my way back to the elevator; if only everyone in this building was as nice as her, life would be much easier.
A millisecond after the doors started closing; I heard a loud yelp from the reception hall. I rapidly placed my hand between the sensors, stopping the elevator in its motion. Unfortunately, while doing so, I struggled with the file which was securely locked in the crook on my elbow: a few sheets of paper fell on the floor, provoking a deep sigh from my throat.
I didn’t even look at the person entering the cabin as I crouched to pick up the fallen sheets.
“Mianhada,” apologized the man in Korean.
“It’s okay,” I retorted in English, my eyes focused on the task.
In a hurry, the man crouched down to help me. His hands went directly for the ground, but I had already recuperated my work. It’s at that moment that I crossed his gaze.
His brown irises shined with guilt and sorry, but that’s not what my thoughts were on about. To resume, my mind went like: holy fucking shit that is Park Jinyoung, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! What do I do? How do I look? Oh, he must think I’m an idiot! And so on and on like a twelve-year-old girl meeting her favourite idol.
By his facial expression: my jaw must’ve fallen on the floor. I couldn’t control it fast enough to look at least remotely professional. No, instead, I opted for the shocked face and widened eyes.
He offered me a polite smile, but something in his irises was off; like a glint of annoyance. Perhaps he was tired of being looked at this way.
Slowly, we both went back to standing awkwardly, my mouth shut and his arms crossed on his chest. He cleared his throat, hastily apologized again and pressed the first-floor button.
I analyzed his reflection on the metallic doors: he was wearing a dark long-sleeved shirt, some jeans, a pair of glasses and sneakers. In every way, shape, and form, did he look perfect.
But something was definitely wrong in the way he was holding himself. I shyly eyed him, hoping he wouldn’t notice. Although I had previously thought he was annoyed by my behaviour, perhaps something else was bothering him: he stared deadly into the void, his breathing low as his chest was heaving up and down.
I wanted to ask him if he was all right, but I held the thought in, knowing it wasn’t my place.
After picking up a person on the 18th floor and dropping them on the 16th, I wiggled, ill-a-ease, on my feet. I was ashamed of my initial reaction and somehow wanted to fix the image I had given.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to... insult you,” I let out quietly while fidgeting with the hem of my shirt.
Baffled, Jinyoung’s eyes widened and he looked at me, intrigued. He opened his mouth to reply, but before he could even make a sound, a loud thud was heard from the top of the elevator.
With a strident screech, the cabin came to a difficult stop, making the whole world shake around us. I squeaked as I grabbed one of the handles, fear clawing through my whole body.
Jinyoung also held on, but didn’t make a sound; the only thing apparent was the worry on his flawless face. He looked up, then at me, questions marks in his eyes.
“What’s going on?” I inquired even though I knew none of us could even begin to answer that question.
“I don’t know,” he responded with a thick Korean accent.
We waited a few seconds before we both straightened our backs. As I looked around, I pointed out the shining red button with a phone on it. Jinyoung nodded and went directly to press it.
I was trying to control my thoughts and heartbeat, but both of them were getting wild.
A man's voice made itself heard; Jinyoung explained the problem, in Korean, with worry plastered on his face. The man responded, but I couldn’t quite catch what he was saying; still, I took reassurance in Jinyoung’s facial reactions and slight nodding: concern seemed to be washing away from his irises.
When he turned back around to face me, I composed myself and tried to look remotely calm.
“What’s the verdict?” I inquired with an unwanted shaky voice.
“He said at least one hour,” the idol admitted while pointing one finger in the air, “they have to call... huh...” he struggled to find his word, “maintenance?” he finally let out, unsure.
I acquiesced with a nod, but those words did not reassure me; on the contrary, my heart went flying as if it was trying to burst out of my chest. Dizzy, I struggled to stay on my feet.
I remembered a few tricks my therapist had told me, back in my hometown: 1) take deep breaths, 2) ask yourself if it’s really the end of the world, 3) what do you do to relax? Try to do it in that situation.
So, I started breathing in and out, imagining a square filling up with air in front of me, holding my breath for four seconds, and releasing it as the square emptied itself. It was a helpful strategy, but my thoughts were still racing.
Jinyoung stared at me, confused by my sudden behaviour, but I ignored him.
I placed my back against the wall and let my body slide on the floor, my breathing still not regularizing itself. With trembling hands, I put my important folder on the ground and pulled my legs on my chest.
You’re not going to die. The elevator is not going to fall.
I kept repeating these two sentences in my head, over and over again. Perhaps that is why I didn’t notice when Jinyoung kneeled in front of me.
“Are you okay?” he inquired, worried.
I tilted my head to the side, and, without really wanting to, gave him the do-I-look-like-I’m-okay? eyes.
He realized his mistake and softly apologized in a murmur I had barely heard over the pounding in my ears. Jinyoung put his other leg on the ground and, suddenly, placed a hand over my knee; his warmth reaching all the way through my jeans.
My eyes darted toward him, but he didn’t budge. With a comforting half-smile, he locked gaze with me.
“You are gonna be okay,” he simply said, his fingers squeezing me lightly. “Help is on the way.”
I wondered how his English had improved in the last twenty seconds but pushed the strange thought away when he opened his mouth again.
“Repeat,” Jinyoung ordered.
I looked at him with puzzled eyes.
“Repeat,” he said again, determination in his irises.
I gulped; my throat dried from the panic.
“I-I...” I started with difficulty, “I’m gonna be okay... Help... Help is coming.”
Once again, a small simper appeared on his lips.
It was the only word he said before switching his position to sitting. Surprisingly, he didn’t move far away like I thought he would’ve; he stayed very close as if he was scared I would have started panicking if he’d move.
With a sigh, he let his head collide on the wall in a soft thud. Desperate, he ran a hand through his hair, making me wonder how I could even contain myself being this close to a man like him.
After a few minutes of total silence, he eyed me. I was fidgeting with my fingers, my head telling me not to move too quickly or the elevator might fall.
“What’s your name?” Jinyoung questioned out of nowhere.
I jerked my head up to meet his curious gaze.
“Y/N,” I responded in a whisper.
“You’re not from here?” he inquired again, his attention peaked.
He hummed in response as if he finally understood me.
“How long have you worked here?”
Now it was me who was intrigued: why the sudden interest? I stared at him and blinked a few times. When he finally noticed my glare, he returned it.
“Hum...” I let out, intimidated, “a few weeks.”
“You like it?”
“So far, so good”
He kept nodding his head like he was fascinated by the conversation.
“Why are you asking me that?” I finally gathered the courage to ask.
Jinyoung scoffed and lazily put one of his legs under him.
“Just curious,” he finally admitted, his hand reaching for his phone that had just started to ring.
He answered it, said a few words way too quickly and hung up like it was the worst exchange he had ever had.
“Tough day?” I jokingly told him.
“Yeah,” he sighed, letting me surprised that he even answered.
From what I remembered, Park Jinyoung was the kind of person who did not talk a lot; on the contrary, he seemed like a very silent type of guy.
“Me too,” I breathed out, lifting my hands in the air.
He chuckled at my reaction.
“So, what’s up?” I inquired bluntly, “I mean, what’s wrong?”
I blushed when his eyes locked with mine; a glint of disbelief in his brown irises. He slightly squinted his eyelids and looked at me like I was some kind of crazy woman. Although I was sure he was about to flip me off or something, Jinyoung simply sighed and shrugged his shoulders.
“Had an argument with one of the members,” he finally confessed, his expression switching from surprise to anger, but then to sadness.
“I’m sorry; I know it sucks to argue with family,” I offered a genuine reply, knowing that they’re not related, but might as well be.
“And what about you, what’s wrong?” he returned the question after cutely smiling at me.        
“My boss is a bitch,” I blurted out without hesitation.
He raised his eyebrows, surprised by my matter-of-fact response. I awkwardly laughed, realizing it might not have been the best thing to say to a man like Jinyoung. But, instead of looking at me weirdly, he just softly chuckled, his gaze bearing mine.
“Are you always like this?” he scoffed.
“Just when I’m stuck God knows how many feet in the air,” I replied sarcastically, pursing my lips together.
“I thought I was very unlucky today,” the idol stated, his voice deep, “but there are worst places to be right now.”
His eyes searched mine while my lips stretched delicately into a soft smile; had Jinyoung just kind of complimented me?
“You’re not wrong, there are definitely worst people to be stuck in an elevator with,” I added.
A warm and deep laugh emitted from his throat, provoking my smile to grow even more. For a moment, it felt like I wasn’t even battling against my fear of heights, and it released the tension in my shoulders. Looking at Jinyoung laugh had erased all panic from my brain and for the first time in a few minutes, I was able to breathe normally.
“You didn’t ask my name,” he eventually said.
I scoffed.
“It’s because I already know it, Park Jinyoung.”
“I see, you are IGOT7?”
I rolled my eyes at him; there was no way in hell I was about to let him know I used to be their biggest fan.
“I work here, stupid,” I jokingly let out.
He faked being offended and burst out laughing, his hand hiding his mouth.
“So, you don’t like us?”
“Did I say that?” I replied way too hastily.
With an arrogant smile, he tilted his head to the side and stared at me with sparkly eyes.
“What?” I asked.
He smiled to himself and slightly shook his head with a chuckle as if he had just thought about something funny, but the words that came out of his mouth were everything but.
“You’re just really beautiful,” he complimented me, causing my saliva to get stuck in my throat.
I coughed under the surprise and hid my face between my knees which were still glued to my chest. I heard Jinyoung make fun of me, and muffled my very own laugh on my legs. When I finally straightened my head, his eyes were still focused on me.
I profusely blushed before he decided to end my torture and looked away.
Strangely enough, the following moment wasn’t as awkward as I thought it would be; we just stayed there and stupidly smiled for minutes.
A few thoughts crossed my mind as I observed the man in front of me. I admired his dark hair dishevelled after what I assumed might’ve been a dance practice, his nose scrunching from time to time as he was reacting to his own thoughts, the way he kept peculiarly twisting his fingers, but most importantly, how only his presence was soothing me and alleviating my fears.
Out of the blue, I decided to change position. After all, we only have one life to live, don't we? So why spend it hesitating and not grasping the moment? Bluntly, I wiggled my body until I was sitting right next to Jinyoung. I tried to do it as slowly as possible so the cabin wouldn’t move and I supposed that that was the reason he chuckled at me.
He didn’t say a word after that, which I thought was a good sign. His body even loosened up when my arm brushed against his.
What the fuck are you doing, Y/N?
I forcefully pushed my reflections away and stopped moving; my heartbeat kicking up once again but for a very different reason.
Perhaps it was the lack of air in the cabin or the sudden heat washing over me, but my brain stopped working completely. Slowly but surely, I slid my head on Jinyoung’s shoulder. I half-expected him to jerk away or tell me to fuck off, but instead, he smirked. All I could see from where I was looking was his cheeks inflate from his smile.  
“You’re strange,” he murmured.
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” I muttered back with a chortle.
“It is a compliment.”
I slightly shook my head, still on his shoulder, and exhaled slowly.
We stayed like that for what felt like an hour; not talking, just enjoying each other’s silence. At one point, Jinyoung even placed his hand on mine like it was nothing. My mind was racing, but who was I to refuse to hold hands with Park Jinyoung?
Somehow, the day had started horribly and, when the elevator got stuck, I thought it was the worst time of my life, but with Jinyoung by my side it didn’t feel so bad anymore.
It’s a strange situation to bound over, but somehow, it was perfect.
I had no idea if he felt the same way, but to me, that moment would be worth cherishing for a long time.
We both got extremely startled when we heard a voice on the speaker. In a swift movement, and, not going to lie, some reluctance, we got on our feet and listened to the man’s speech. Jinyoung translated it to a few words: they’re here.
“Really?” I let out unimpressed as I rolled my eyes, “he literally spoke for five minutes and that’s your takeaway?”
With a defeated smile, Jinyoung shrugged his shoulders and, I swear to God, if I had had the time, I would’ve kissed him right there and then.
But it was barely a millisecond later that we heard a loud thud and the elevator moved. Instinctively, I grabbed Jinyoung’s arm and held it close to me. He slid a hand over mine and squeezed it lightly.
We both looked up, surprised when a large man appeared over us. He seemed to be a fireman. I guessed maintenance couldn’t quite fix the problem. He greeted us with a smile and Jinyoung replied in Korean. I laughed at our saviour’s apparently very casual and chill demeanour; he sure as hell knew how to relieve the tension out of a very stressful situation.
“The door is right over us,” explained Jinyoung, translating the fireman’s words to me, “he’s going to help up get there, lift us.”
My eyes widened.
“Don’t worry, I got you,” said the idol, his eyes trying to comfort me.
I nodded when the fireman held one of his hands down. I placed the important folder, the one thing that had started all of this, inside my shirt. Then, I grabbed the man’s hand with strength and pulled at the same time as him. Jinyoung came to my rescue a few seconds later, putting his hands under one of my feet and giving me a powerful trust.
In an instant, I was standing on the top of the elevator, about to throw up. Our saviour offered a hand to Jinyoung, but he refused it. Instead, he jumped and grabbed the edge of the small opening and pulled himself over to us.
I couldn’t help but admire him while he was doing so, hoping I wasn’t sporting a look of pure admiration and desire as I thought I was.
I couldn’t let go of Jinyoung’s arm even when we finally reached stable ground; unfortunately, I had to when a team of first aid workers rushed to him like he was about to die. I was pulled away from him rapidly.
It was a strange view, how they were all over him, checking his vitals and bringing him water. I, on the other hand, was left alone, next to the fireman who was also watching the scene, as speechless as I was. Idols are seen as gods, and, don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t one to think differently, but this just hit differently.
I waited a few minutes, thinking I might get some aid too, apart from our saviour who gently brought me a bottle of water, but the aid team was too focused on Jinyoung to even notice me. When my phone rang, I deeply sighed, noticing my boss’s name on the tiny screen.
I answered and, as expected, received a bunch of screams from the other side. I tried to explain the situation, but she wasn’t having it. Anger ran down my spine and, as if the last hour hadn’t happened, the shitty day came back with a fiery blast.
I exhaled and pinched the bridge of my nose, a strong headache hitting me. With one last look toward Jinyoung, who seemed to have been given oxygen to, I redirected myself to the stairs.
I thanked the fireman as well as I could and pushed the door. With trembling legs, I started climbing down, tears forming in my eyes without my consent.
I turned around after hearing someone shout after me. At first, I thought it might’ve been the first aid team, but was surprised by a concerned Jinyoung running down the stairs as fast as he could. He still had a ripped oxygen mask around his neck.
He tried to pull my arm to go back up, but I refused.
“I gotta go back to work,” I stated with a thick American accent.
“No, you have to get help,” he pushed.
“I’m fine,” I half-lied.
I mean, I was fine physically: the panic had passed, I wasn’t feeling as dizzy anymore, and my heartbeat was back to normal. Mentally, it was another thing, but that wasn’t important right now.
He gave me the don’t-lie-to-me look but I ignored it and shrugged my shoulders.
“Okay then,” he started, ready to compromise, “give me your number so I can check up on you later.”
“W-What?” I stuttered.
“You heard,” he frowned while getting his phone out of his pocket.
I raised an eyebrow at him and didn’t grab his device.
“Do it,” he ordered, getting impatient.
I rolled my eyes until they reached the back on my head and grasped the iPhone. I entered my digits lazily like I was getting scolded by my mom. With a smirk, he took his phone back and called me.
“Why are you calling me?” I replied, ignoring it with a swipe of the thumb.
“So you have my number too and you’ll answer when I call you and ask you on a date.”
I jerked my head up, my gaze crossing his, but I couldn’t bear it for long. His smile had widened and his irises were shining like never before. I anxiously bit my lower lip and shook my head, baffled by his flirting. Before I could even add anything, Jinyoung grabbed my chin and forced me to lock eyes with him.
“Y/N, meeting you was the best part of my day,” he started with a raspy voice, “and right now, all I can think about is spending more time with you.”
I had previously wondered if I had left as much of an impression on him as he had left on me, and I was more than happy to get a response to my inquiry.
My lips stretched into a soft smirk and I could feel the heat crawl up to my heart, clawing through my thick anti-feeling wall like never before. I chuckled when he offered me the cutest smile ever.
“I’d like that too,” I replied delicately, my hand reaching his which was still holding my chin.
He grinned and slightly shook his head.
“I’m glad we met,” Jinyoung added.
“Me too.”
With a simpering smile, he slowly pulled his hand away and bore my gaze. I couldn’t quite decipher the look in his irises, but something was telling me I’d have all the time in the world to size that man up.
“I’ll see you later then, Y/N,” he finally stated, my name rolling on his tongue, as he analyzed my face.
He leaned in and I anxiously stopped breathing. In a very soft manner, Jinyoung brushed his lips over my cheek and kissed it for much longer than necessary; it caused my legs to tremble under me as if I had just gotten out a crazy rollercoaster.
“Yes, you will,” I admitted, my voice playful as he leaned back, desire plastered over his face.
And with those words, he turned around and climbed back the stairs, leaving me completely baffled and shocked, but also filled with excitement and joy.
What a day, I thought to myself, and what a man.
I exhaled deeply, but this time, it felt amazing. I climbed down the stairs much more calmly than minutes before, my head stuck in the clouds and my stomach filled with butterflies.
I had to admit, if I ever had to get stuck in an elevator with someone again, I’d choose Park Jinyoung in a heartbeat.
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stevesnailbat · 4 years
fear of the (un)known | steve harrington
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chapter nine : nobody said it was easy
summary: Grace, or 007 as she had been called, finally escaped Hawkins Lab after seventeen long years. But, freedom is a lot harder than she thought it would be to maintain. 
warnings: Hop being his argumentative self, mentions of blood, angst, Grace uses her powers!
word count: 4.4K (got carried away with this one!! lots of actual dialogue from the show though)
read the rest HERE!
Grace knows she’s in for it when Hopper catches her nearly kissing Steve in front of the cabin. But at this point, she can’t be bothered to care. She was centimeters and milliseconds away from kissing Steve, and it consumes her mind and takes over any worry that might come from the bad situation she put herself into. Her fingers ache and her heart pounds, the feeling of Steve’s cheek against her fingertips still lingering as she sits on the couch. The thoughts of Steve are interrupted by Hop swinging the front door open, then slamming it shut behind him while glaring in her direction.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Hop seethes while stepping towards the couch. “You went to the mall? The goddamn mall? For what?”
“I—I don’t know, I’m tired of being stuck here! I need to get out, I can’t stay cooped up in this little cabin forever, neither can El.” she retorts, attempting to stay calm as the man in front of her grows more annoyed with her excuses.
“If you were here, you’d know that El actually got to get out of the house and is spending the night with Max right now. Because she was safe and didn’t do anything stupid.” he sighs in an exasperated tone, which almost makes Grace laugh at the irony—considering El was just at the same mall the day before.
“We’ve discussed this. You stay in this cabin and you stay safe, that’s what we want.”
“No, that’s what you want. I want to live, which I haven’t been able to do for eighteen years—“
“Oh, save me the sob story. You just want to go see Steve, don’t you?” he implores, Grace’s eyes widen at him blunt comment. “You’re risking your safety to pursuit this stupid crush—“
“That’s not true, I do not like him—“
“Oh, you don’t! That’s just hilarious, kid.” Hop says with an incredulous chuckle, shaking his head. “Then what were you about to do before I walked outside? Just pat his cheek and tell him he did a good job slinging his damn ice cream today? I don’t think so.”
She only sits on the couch, picking at her thumbs while staring at the ground as Hop’s gaze seems to bore holes into the side of her head. It’s a terrifying scene for her, she doesn’t want to be stupid, she knows she’s not entirely stupid. But in the moment, she halfway feels like an utter idiot for even thinking about going to the mall in the first place, and for even setting her sights on Steve. She doesn’t want to let Hop down, but it seems to be past that point now. 
Tears prick the corners of her eyes and anger begins to bubble in her chest as she lets his words mull over in her mind for a moment. He’s angry and now he can tell she is too, but doesn’t realize what the anger threatening to boil over could do. As much as she doesn’t want to let Hop down, she’s angry with him for the stupid lecture he was giving her, making her throw caution and care to the wind. 
“Will you even give me a chance to explain what we were doing?” she questions, but Hop scoffs at her words.
“No, because whatever it was, it wasn’t as important as staying safe, damnit!” Hop argues, his hand coming down on the back of the couch with a loud smack.
“I was trying to help—“
“I don't wanna hear it! I know the real reason you were there.” he says lowly, rolling his eyes at the thought. “You should stay away from him, you know.”
“What? No! I’m not gonna stay—“
“It’s dangerous. We can’t have you keeping up this destructive behavior and he seems to be apart of it!” he states in a harsh tone, the frown on Grace’s face setting in deeper. 
“You’re not even letting me explain myself at all, are you?” she states, standing up from the couch while giving him a challenging stare.
Grace could feel the anger building again, but it felt different now. It was stronger than just minutes before, like it was coming from another source, like she was beginning to lose control. She couldn’t let herself lose control again, it would be detrimental to have to start all over. She had done so well, but now using her powers was seeming to be a prominent thought plaguing her mind, which could only mean that as she was getting stronger, so were her powers. 
“No, I won’t. Because you’re not understanding what I’m trying to say. I’m trying to keep you safe and protected from the hell that you came from, understand?” Hop says harshly, giving her a sharp stare as she glares over at him.
“No, I don't really understand. But, I guess I probably never will.” Grace says, turning on her heels to walk towards her bedroom while trying to keep her cool. 
“Hey, we aren’t done with this conversation!” he calls out to her, she chuckles bitterly in return. 
“You might not be, but I sure as hell am.” she says harshly, reaching for the handle on the door to her bedroom. 
When the cool metal doesn’t hit her hand, she’s perplexed but not looking at the door in front of her, but at Hop instead. After giving him one last glare to end her argument, Grace notices the bedroom door now wide open, unlike before. She steps into the room and swings her hand backwards, slamming the door behind her without really realizing. When the door slams without her touching it, she finally looks up and her eyes go wide, feeling the power coursing through her veins and small droplet of blood coming from her nose.
“Holy shit.” she mumbles to herself while ignoring Hop’s yelling from the other side of the door, realization hitting her like a wave when she wipes the blood dribbling onto her lip with her hand. 
It didn’t feel right, that’s for damn sure. Heat radiated through her chest and it felt like she was on some kind of power trip, but it all felt wrong. It was her fault, she couldn’t blame anyone but herself—well, she could, but she couldn’t think of anyone else to blame. If she would’ve just casually used her powers every once in a while, she wouldn’t be in this situation. Tears were spilling down her cheeks and she barely even realized, so caught up in the moment that she couldn’t even catch herself. 
A small sob escapes her lips as she feels herself letting go, letting the power take over for a moment. She’s too curious and she knows it, but she has to know what she’s capable of. She’s sitting on her bed as she flicks her hand up, mind set on locking the bedroom door. The lock turns with a loud click and she’s halfway satisfied with what she’s developed, but knows that moving small things with her mind is minute in comparison to other things she hadn’t discovered.
Grace doesn’t even bother to change out of her clothes or get under the covers when she lies down, a feeling of exhaustion from using her powers once in the last few months taking over quickly. She knows the blood on her hand will stain the sheet, but her body won’t let her get up from the bed to even get a tissue, as sleep comes to her almost as soon as her tear-stained cheek hits the pillow. 
Sneaking out in the mid-afternoon is a lot easier than Grace expected, since she emerges from her room to find an empty house. She takes advantage of the loneliness and bolts back to her bedroom, changing her clothes quickly before heading out the front door of the cabin. She’s on her bike and on her way to the mall in minutes, the path between the cabin and Starcourt is traced into the back of her mind like she’s done it a million times now. 
Steve and Dustin are in the back room when she gets to Scoops, discussing possible ways to sneak into the base. 
“Where’s Robin?” she questions, ignoring the way Steve’s eyes light up when he notices her walk into the room.
“Not sure, she ran out with a bunch of our tip money and said she’d be back.” Steve says with a shrug. “Are we not fun enough for you?” 
“I think I like Robin better than both of you.” Grace teases, sitting down in one of the chairs as both of the boys furrow their brows. “She is pretty cool, you know.”
Before Steve can argue with her, Robin pushes through the door with a large scroll of paper in hand.
“It's fascinating what 20 bucks will get you at the County Recorder's Office.” Robin says, setting the paper down on the table to roll them out. "Starcourt Mall. The complete blueprints.”
Steve, Dustin and Grace look between each other in wonder, all moving to look at the paper sprawled across the table quickly.
“So, this is us, Scoops, and this is where we want to get." Robin says, finger sliding across the paper to point at the location of the loading dock.
"I mean, I don't really see a way in.” Steve says, furrowing his brows.
"There's not, if you're talking exclusively about doors.” Robin quips.
"Air ducts.” Dustin says matter-of-factly.
“Exactly. Turns out, this secret room needs air just like any old room. And these air ducts lead all the way…here.” Robin replies, tracing a path on the blueprints with a marker.
They all discuss getting into the vents for a moment, then decide Dustin would be their best bet on fitting through. Steve finds a screwdriver and a ladder then gets to work on opening the air duct in the corner of the break room. There’s an uneasy feeling in the pit of Grace’s stomach about the whole situation—like all of it has something to do with the lab—but she stays quiet for the time being. She can protect them if anything bad happens, she knows she can. 
"Flashlight. Thank you.” Steve says to Dustin, trading the grate and screwdriver in his hands for the flashlight to look into the air duct. "Yeah, I don't know, man. I don't know if you can fit in here. It's, like...super tight.”
"I'll fit. Trust me. No collar bones, remember?” Dustin responds, moving up the ladder as Steve steps down.
"Uh, excuse me?” Robin says, looking from a wide-eyed Grace over to a very casual Steve.
"Oh, he's, uh...Yeah, he's got some disease.” Steve starts, shrugging his shoulders. "Chry, uh... It's chrydo, um… Something. He's missing. Yeah, I dunno, bones and stuff. He can bend like Gumbo."
Grace giggles at his explanation, seeing the visible struggle on his face as he feels her eyes on him. 
"You mean Gumby.” Robin replies with raised eyebrows.
"I'm pretty sure it's Gumbo.” Steve says confidently, nodding quickly.
"Steve, just shut up and push me!” Dustin shouts, his voice muffled since his head and shoulders are pushed partially inside of the air duct.
"I’ll push ya.” Steve says, standing on the second step of the ladder to grab Dustin’s feet, giving them a light push.
"Okay. Not my feet, dumbass. Push my ass.” Dustin calls out.
“What?” Steve calls back, throwing the boy’s legs over his shoulder.
"Touch my butt! I don't care! Come on! Harder! Push harder!” Dustin shouts.
"I'm pushing!” Steve argues, pushing a little harder than before.
Grace turns her attention from the boys out for a moment and looks over to Robin, who has the same amused yet concerned look on her face. They both laugh together, Robin leaning against the table as she looks at Grace. 
“Are they always like this?” Robin asks, eyes flickering towards the two bickering in front of them. 
“Yeah, pretty much.” Grace laughs, shaking her head. 
Their conversation is interrupted by the sound of the bell by the register being rung over and over again. Grace doesn’t recognize the girl behind the counter, but can tell that she’s a regular at the shop by the way Robin reacts to it. Robin turns towards the noise and a curious look crosses her face, ignoring the words that the girl says. She looks to Grace once more, as if to tell her that she has a better idea for the vents. Before Grace can even ask, Robin is out the door and standing at the front counter, talking to the girl. 
Robin, Steve and Dustin introduce Grace to the girl, who she finds out is Erica Sinclair, Lucas’ little sister. Steve and Dustin are all for the plan to have Erica help get to the loading dock, since they have no other options available to them. Grace has her doubts about pushing Erica through the air ducts, but lets them explain their plan to the girl and keeps her doubts to herself once again. 
After much ice cream and convincing, Erica is also in on the plan. She negotiates free ice cream for life from the shop and Steve and Robin don’t have much of a choice but to agree. They wait until after the mall is closed to start the operation, handing Erica one of Dustin’s Walkie Talkies so they can communicate to her from the top of the mall.
"Erica, do you copy?” Robin calls through the Walkie as they watch the loading dock door.
"Mm-hmm. I copy. You nerds in position or what?” Erica responds. 
"Yeah, we're in position.” Robin says, eyes scanning the area one last time for signs of life. "It's all quiet here, so you've got the green light."
"Green light, roger that.” Erica says. "Commence Operation Child Endangerment."
"Can we maybe not call it that?” Robin pleads.
"See you on the other side. Nerds.” Erica replies, ignoring her request. 
The Walkie goes silent for a while, save Erica asking for directions every few minutes. It all goes smoothly and there’s no complications, which makes them all hopeful for a good outcome. 
"All right, nerds. I'm there.” Erica says after a long, heavy silence.
"Do you—Do you see anything?” Robin says, feeling relieved to hear that she’s made it.
"Yeah, I see those boring boxes you're so excited about.” Erica replies.
"Any guards?"
"Booby traps?"
"If I could see them, they'd be pretty shit traps, wouldn't they?” Erica quips.
"Thank you for that.” Robin sighs.
"I'm in.” Erica says eventually, after kicking in the air duct grate to get into the room.
"Oh, God.” Steve sighs, running his hands through his hair nervously. 
Grace squeezes his shoulder in a comforting way, giving him a sympathetic smile as if to assure him everything would be okay. Steve’s heart skips a beat at the smile she gives him, dropping a hand from his hair to squeeze her hand right back. Seconds later, the alarm for the loading dock sounds and the doors swing open, revealing an unharmed Erica on the other side.
"Free ice cream for life.” Erica states, stepping out of the room while pointing up at them on the roof. 
The four of them rush down through the mall and to the loading dock, quick to explore what’s inside the room and the boxes they were so interested in. Steve grabs one of the cardboard boxes labeled with the Imperial Panda logo and opens it quickly, all of them looming over it to notice the metal box within the cardboard. 
"That's definitely not Chinese food.” Steve states, grabbing the top of one of the four cylinders within the box. "Uh, maybe you guys should, you know, stand back."
“No.” Dustin says firmly.
“Just—Just step back, okay?” Steve demands, putting his hand against Dustin’s chest.
“No.” Dustin argues.
"Step back. Seriously.” Steve replies.
"No! No!” Dustin yells, standing his ground. "If you die, I die.”
“Okay.” Steve says after a long pause between the two of them.
He unlocks one of the four cylinders in the box, clicking it out of place to pull it up. Grace, Robin and Erica watch from afar as Steve pulls up a glass container of green liquid, that seems like it’s almost glowing within the container. Grace knows it’s most likely some kind of element used for weapons, but doesn’t have enough time to even think about what exactly someone would use it for. 
“What the hell?"
"What is that?”
The questioning is cut off by a loud bang under their feet, causing them all to move abruptly at the noise.
"Was that just me, or did the room move?” Dustin asks hesitantly, feeling the floor shifting beneath them.
"Booby traps.” Steve and Dustin whisper together.
"You know what?” Steve says, taking the cylinder from the box. "Let's just grab that and go."
"Which one do I press, Erica?” Dustin questions, pressing the open door button frantically.
"Just press the damn button, nerd.” Erica snaps.
"Which one? I'm pressing the button, okay?” Dustin asks again.
"Press open door.” she responds.
"I'm pressing open door.” he says.
"Just open the—Press the other button.” Steve interjects, reaching around Dustin to press the buttons.
"Out of the way so she can push the button—“ Robin calls to the boys. 
“Steve—“ Grace says, but her calls fall on deaf ears.
"Would you stop?” Dustin says to Steve. 
"I'm trying.” Steve says.
"Would you let me just do it? Would you stop?” Dustin argues, pushing Steve once more.
"Just open the door!”
The door to the dock seals shut with a loud bang and the room begins to move, slowly at first. Grace locks eyes with Steve from across the room and there’s panic written all over his face, she knows he’s thinking the same thing she is. The floor starts to move even faster, a horrible feeling rising in their stomach as they begin their free-fall.
"Oh, shit.” Steve mumbles.
The speed of the fall increases quickly, leaving them all bracing themselves against the walls and shelves of the room. Grace presses herself against one of the shelves, clutching onto the bars for dear life before Steve’s hand presses in front of her, pushing her back behind him to keep her secured. They’re all screaming now, unsure of what else to do in the situation.
"Shit! Shit!” Dustin screams as he rushes towards the buttons once more.
"We're going down! We're going down!” Steve yells, pressing himself against the wall as Grace’s hand wraps around his arm. 
"Yeah, no shit, Harrington!” Robin calls out, back pressed flush against some boxes.
"Why don't these buttons work?” Dustin says frantically, still pressing the buttons quickly.
"Press the button!” Erica demands, walking towards him.
“What do you think I'm doing?” Dustin snaps, still toying with the buttons.
"Come on, press something! Just press the button! Push it!” Steve cries out.
As Erica and Dustin continue to fight over the buttons, the elevator comes to a slamming halt at the bottom. All of them fall in different directions, Grace clings to the shelves to stay as upright as possible but Steve flies onto the ground beside her, 
"Oh! My groin. It fell on my groin.” Steve groans, trying to push one of the boxes off of himself, but to no avail. "Dustin! Get this off of me! I can't move."
"Is everyone okay?” Robin asks, standing up slowly as they watch Dustin pull the box from on top of Steve.
"Yeah, I'm great, now that I know that Russians can't design elevators!” Steve cries, pushing Dustin out of the way to press the buttons on the control panel once again.
"I think we've clearly established that those buttons don't work.” Robin sighs.
“Steve, c’mon, they don’t work.” Grace states, trying to reason with the frantic teen.
"They're buttons. They have to do something.” Steve exclaims, throwing his hands up as he speaks.
“Yeah, if we had a keycard.” Robin states. 
"A what?"
"It's an electronic lock. Same as the loading dock door.” Robin explains. "If we don't have a keycard, it won't operate, meaning—“
"We're stuck in here.” Dustin interjects.
"Just so you nerds are aware, I'm supposed to be spending the night at Tina’s, and Tina always covers for me.” Erica begins, pointing at the very exhausted Steve and Robin spitefully. "But if I'm not home for Uncle Jack's party tomorrow and my mom finds out you four are responsible, she's gonna hunt you down, one by one, and slit your throat."
“I don't care about Tina! Or Uncle Jack's party! Your mom's not gonna be able to find us if we're dead in a Russian elevator!” Steve yells, slamming his hands against the cardboard boxes in front of him desperately.
“Hey.” Dustin interrupts calmly, pointing to a door above them. "What if we climbed out?"
Dustin stand on top of one of the tables, unlocking the door to climb on top of the room. Steve follows behind him, letting out a sigh of defeat and disappointment as he stands next to the boy. They both look up, taking in the dramatic height they’d just fallen as the idea of climbing is thrown out the window.
"What were you saying about climbing?” Steve says, earning a slight glare in his direction from Dustin. 
Minutes feel like hours as they wait in the elevator, trying to think of anything that they can do to escape. Grace thinks of anything she could possibly do to help, but cuts any ideas off about using her powers before even voicing them. Erica and Robin don’t know about her powers, she can’t risk exposing herself just yet, only when the circumstances are right. Everyone is sitting on the floor, Erica and Dustin are trying to settle down for sleep and Robin is going through her own plan once more after going through it with Steve while she studies the cylinder of liquid they found earlier. 
Grace is sitting in the corner, trying not to panic too much about what could happen to all of them.
“Hey.” Steve says to her, pulling her from her deep thoughts as he slides down the wall to sit next to her. “How you holding up over here?”
“Fine.” she lies, shrugging her shoulders while leaning her head against the cold metal wall. 
“That’s a lie.” he chuckles sadly, looking over at her with a concerned look on his face. “I wish I could read your mind right now.”
“You probably wouldn’t want to.” she says, a bitter smile on her lips as she puts a finger against her temple. “There's a lot of chaos up here right now.”
Steve laughs with her for a moment, stopping after noting the sad look in her eyes. He can tell that she’s concerned for him, like she’s afraid he’s gonna put himself in harm’s way. His heart aches for her, knowing that she knows nothing other than protecting others, and that she’ll stop at nothing to make sure they’re all okay.
“We’re gonna be alright, you know that, right?” he assures her, putting his hand on top of hers on the floor. “We’ll make it out alive, I know we will.”
“I don’t want anything to happen to you, Steve. Or any of the rest of them, I want everyone to make it out safely, not just alive.” Grace says, eyes clouded with fear and doubt as she looks over to him.
“I know, Grace. And we will, we’ll all be safe and you’ll get to go back to Hop and El in the cabin. Maybe after this we can get things back to normal and make a compromise with Hop so you can get out of the house more, live like a normal eighteen year old.” he suggests, making her eyes light up, but only for a moment. 
Her thoughts wander to Hop and El for a moment, fear rushing through her at the thought of them being in the middle of all of this too. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes for a moment to calm herself down, but only thinks of her family. For a second, it’s like she’s with them both, but they’re all in different places. Grace can tell exactly where they are and—if she was able to leave the elevator—could get to them easily. 
It’s the same thing that had happened earlier in the week when she went to Starcourt for the first time, like she just had an innate sense of how to find Steve, and now El and Hop. It’s like something’s pulling her forward, the fear she’s feeling is motivating her to gain enough strength to fight against whatever is beneath the surface in the base so she can get to her family, and get Steve and the gang home safe. Although she can’t get to them, it’s comforting knowing that she can make sure they’re safe on the surface.
“I’m getting stronger.” she says softly after opening her eyes, a hint of fear laced in her words. “I—I can find people now, without even trying.”
“Did you just—“ Steve starts, but her nodding stops him from talking. 
“I just saw El and Hop. They’re safe, for now at least. They just popped up in my thoughts, just now.” she replies, rolling her head against the wall to gaze over at him while squeezing his hand. “If anything happens, I can find all of you. I’ll take care of us, okay?” 
“I don’t want you to overwork yourself, it’s been so long—“
“Steve.” Grace interjects, resting her free hand on his arm to grab his attention. “I’ll be fine, okay?” 
Steve doesn’t respond for a moment, lost in her eyes as they look at each other. Her eyes are pleading but inviting, she wants him to know that he’s safe with her. He wants to believe it—god, he wants to believe that everything will be alright. But it’s there in that elevator that he’s come full circle to realize that he’s not sure what he’d do if he lost her, he loves her too much already to lose her before he even has her. He can’t bare the thought of her not being there. 
“Yeah, okay. We’ll all be fine.” he says softly, never breaking eye contact as his heart aches for her. 
tags: @sourapplebaby @harringtown @nxncywheeler @charmed-asylum @heart-eye-harrington @daddystevee @a-magey @lemonypink @karasong​ @batbatsupermanme​ @used-avocado​ @igotmadskills​ @mikariell95​ @anerroroccurrrrred​ @blueberrylemontea-fanfic​ @ilovebucketbarnes​ @simplesammyx​ @willowrose99​ @charmedtenderness​
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the196thbattalion · 4 years
I just read your Police Station AU, (loved it) and thought perhaps Ahsoka is a young intern that becomes Anakin’s official assistant?
oh holy mother of yes anon! i almost forgot about this au, time to bring it back- if anyone wants the au, here is the original post
ahsoka is 19 going on 20 (woot woot!)
she got into an amazing college with her excellent problem solving skills
and she’s majoring in psychology/law
her uncle, plo koon, works at the police station
and ahsoka keeps in very good contact with plo
of course he ends up hearing about how lil ‘soka wants a super cool intern job
and he does that boomer text thing and is all
“say no more, fam.”
plo is a supportive uncle ok?
he wants her to get an intern job because it’s all she talks about now
but he’s also worried, because he knows the kind of dangers that the job entails
so he goes to yoda and asks for a cool but safe job for his niece
boom! the raddest intern has entered the chat
wolffe hears about ahsoka from plo, and goes to give her a warm welcome to make sure she isn’t nervous or anything
but ahsoka knows who he is because plo only talks about him 24/7
he introduces her to plo’s bros and they now have an unofficial little sister
they are freaking gossip hounds anon holy frick-
within a few hours, ahsoka knows everything about everybody
such as how mace windu really likes kittens and will c r y if he sees one
so flash forward to a couple weeks into her internship
and she’s already been tasked with sorting out anakin’s mess of files
wolffe kinda stands there for a minute and watches in a mixture of awe and horror as she gets more and more frustrated with the mess
after a while, ahsoka is absolutely done™
she turns to him so suddenly he flinches
and ahsoka is glaring
she  a n g e r s
in the scariest calm voice wolffe has ever heard, she goes “can one of you point me towards mister skywalker’s office?”
now, wolffe has hung around plo enough to know that he’s scary when angered
and he knows better not to fuck with that
so he points towards anakin’s office
the rest of the precinct watches as ahsoka goes marching into the top detective’s office, pile of papers in hand, and slams it down on his desk
and starts yelling at him for being so disorganized and messy
now, anakin was in the middle of a meeting with obi-wan
and kenobi just watches ahsoka chew anakin out with amazement
like “finally that bastard is getting what he deserves. do you know how many reports i had to remind him about? dO YOU KNOW HOW MANY-”
anakin is highkey terrified
so ahsoka finishes her rant and catches herself
she’s like “holy fucking shit i am so sorry”
but obi-wan is laughing
anakin looks...proud? what the hell
he gives her a high five (sort of - ahsoka is still all ?????)
and goes “i need someone who can get snippy like that; you wanna help fix this mess?”
and she’s still kinda angry with him but agrees because she doesn’t want to loose her internship this early on
a couple months go by
anakin’s reports are getting turned in on time
and they are neat??? no coffee stains???
every senior officer is grateful
poor kit had to go through all of anakin’s files before
and after ahsoka shows up he almost cries with joy
(he does cry with joy and mace gets it on tape)
tl;dr ahsoka is freaking amazing
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slashiest-slasher · 5 years
Could we get a part two for Polly Billy and brahams please
you made me write *checks watch* 3.6K holy shit (( ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ )) this is fine everything’s fine
readmore, for obvious reasons, warnings for getting nsfw between billy and s/o, and brahms and [REDACTED], and mildly dubious consent (brahms agrees after someone cops a feel, but isn’t comfortable with what happens after agreeing)
Brahms was very much, entirely, and completely not happy with the current situation occurring at Heelshire manor, his God damn home.
Before, it was just him and his lovely, handsome nanny who seldomly raised their voice at him, cuddled him whenever he wanted, made him his favorite foods for dinner when he was good, constantly babied him, and most importantly of all, loved him wholly and without restriction.
But if there was one thing Brahms loathed more than anything, it was sharing his things. And yes, you might hate it when he calls you one of his things, but it’s the truth, right?
Ever since you insisted on that Billy creep stays here in his fucking house, the amount of attention he was getting plummeted. And that smug Billy knew and relished in it.
He was always watching you, or demanding your attention, and curled up in your lap. That was Brahms’ place! That was supposed to be him laying his head in your lap and getting his hair soothed and played with. Brahms had to settle with sitting on the floor so you could rest a hand on his head and give his scalp scritches. Which wasn’t awful, but Billy was stealing all your attention away.
Billy’s actions bore a striking resemblance to his own, but at least he had the common decency to not make those unbearable noises! Billy was always snorting, giggling, or muttering to himself, and when he talked with you, his voice was rarely calm. Always shrill or ear piercing, saying such disgusting things to you. Always propositioning you and grabbing you in lewd ways that you shrugged off like it was nothing. It always made Brahms’ blood rush to his head.
He would punch Billy for it, but the last time he had attacked that scrawny freak and gave him a split lit, you withheld all affection for an entire month! No goodnight kisses, no hugs, no cuddling, no handling. Nothing! All the while, that Billy got everything!
Brahms could, of course, always kill Billy and tie you up to your bed, but his heart ached and his gut twisted whenever he did something that made you cry. And that would certainly make you hate him forever.
And then there was Billy’s insistence on teasing Brahms! He would say the same disgusting things to him that he would to you, and when he was especially spastic, would paw at Brahms’ chest and thighs when he tried to extend his cuddling and hugging to include him.
You would it endlessly entertaining of course, and that was the only reason he didn’t snap Billy’s neck. Yeah, Billy made his skin crawl, but you lit up whenever you saw them hugging. And maybe there was something about holding Billy, fragile, moments from fracturing Billy, in his arms that made his heart thump.
You called him and Billy “your boys” and that made Brahms’ heart thump a certain way he couldn’t explain.
But all of that, Brahms could deal with. What really got him going was whenever Billy starting switching between his voices and muttering about Agnes or a baby, or naughty Billy. It doesn’t matter what you were doing, you would always drop whatever you were doing to rush to his side.
The worst part was that Brahms couldn’t even be mad at you or Billy for that. He knew there was something serious messed up with Billy, something that happened to him, something you wanted to figure out. And it was in those fits when he was at his worst and you needed to hold him to stop the tears and the tantrums he would throw through them.
If it were any other scenario, Brahms would have found and odd kind of kinship with Billy. Bad parents, living in hidden parts of a house, clinging to anything that gave them a moment of happiness.
But Billy was stealing you away, and Brahms couldn’t let that happen.
So he tried everything he could think of. When you wouldn’t even look at him because you were so wrapped up in whatever Billy was doing, he broke vases and plates and potted plants. He stole your clothes, your /underwear/, he let his rats play in your bed. But all that got him was ban on goodnight kisses and an angry lecture that made the bad feeling in his stomach worse.
Then he tried being an extra good boy. He showered every night, did the dishes without you asking, made his bed (and even yours and Billy’s!), dusted, and surprised you in bed with breakfast. Which got him the sweetest and warmest hugs and kisses that made the lust he felt for you grow exponentially. There were some nights he could hardly control it, and would have to sneak away to take care of himself before you tucked him into bed, or certainly he would do something unsavory that would make you extremely angry.
So, while there was no downside to being an extra good boy, it didn’t take any of your attention away from Billy.
The final straw was when you were late to tucking him. Five minutes to be precise. You were never late, ever. Even with Billy moving in, you always came in at the same time every night to tuck him him, run your fingers through his hair, and give him a goodnight kiss. On his lips too, not his mask anymore!
Brahms gets up from where he was sitting on his bed, and pads down the hall to your room. There’s a chance you could’ve dozed off (and in that case he could tuck you in!), or, and Brahms shudders at the thought, you were talking with Billy again. That creep rarely slept, so at night he was entirely yours. The mere thought made his skin itch.
He could clearly hear the moment he stepped out of his bedroom what exactly was holding you up. He could hear the disgusting, wet noises Billy was making, and you desperately trying to muffle yourself, but still moaning his name. He knew what was happening, and it made the rage inside him rise, but he needed to know for certain.
The moment he peered into your room, he immediately jerked back and pressed himself to the wall, eye shut tightly. It does nothing to settle his heart, which feels like it’s about to burst out of his chest.
Billy didn’t have his shirt on, and in the lamplight each and every scar was visible. His head was between your thighs - your bare thighs - and Brahms couldn’t exactly see what he was doing, but whatever it was, it was making your back arch, legs tremble, and your face to be twisted in pleasure as you watched Billy intently.
You were absolutely gorgeous, warped in ecstacy and making some of the most beautiful noises Brahms had ever heard. If it weren’t for the cold dread settling in his stomach like a weight from Billy, the entire situation would have been a page out of one his wet dreams.
“Fuck!” you muffle the moan into the crook of your arm. “Oh Christ! Oh, Billy, Billy, Billy! Please!” you whine, thrusting towards his mouth. As you get louder, you clasp your hands over your mouth, letting your body rock against the erratic, but brutal, rhythm Billy set for you.
There’s a part of Brahms that wants to storm in there, throw Billy off, and have it be his name that you were moaning. Another part that wanted to throw a fit, and another that wanted to kill Billy where he stood. But he followed the impulsive tug in his chest to lead him back to his room, and start throwing clothes into a bag.
Fine, you wanted Billy instead? That’s what you were going to get. Who cares that this is his own fucking house, he’s going to leave, and you’re going to miss him and realize how bad you fucked up. How you should be showering Brahms with all this attention, instead of Billy.
How you should have just let him love you how he wanted, and if you had then Brahms would still be here.
He changes out of his pajamas into some, as you called them, “normal people clothes”: a t-shirt, jeans that were a bit to clingy than what Brahms was used to, a hoodie, and a sturdy pair of sneakers. You had wanted to go take him walking into town one day, once he was comfortable, but that was long out the window with Billy around.
He throws what he can think of into his bag; another change of normal people clothes, his normal lounging and sleeping clothes, multiple changes of underwear and socks, a tiny stuffed rabbit he absolutely could not live without, some polaroids you had taken of the two of you (he shoved those in bitterly), and a wallet with about £400 of various bills and change in it. That was what he needed to sustain himself, right?
As he starts crawling out of the window, backpack slung on his back, he decides to leave his mask on his bed, and scribble a note out on a piece of paper saying he was leaving and never, ever coming back.
Climbing down the walls of the house was pretty, and scaling the front gate wasn’t too difficult, but Brahms understood why exactly you insisted on a decent pair of sneakers. The nearest town was about a four hour walk. Which would have been fine if it hadn’t started downpouring 20 minutes after he left the manor.
The long, winding road that lead to the manor eventually connected up to a busier road after an hour after it started raining. He had seen it in some of the movies you had watched with Brahms - curled up around each other, petting his hair and feeding him popcorn - and stuck out his thumb and waited until a beat up car pulled up beside him.
“Where you need to go mate?” asked the man driving the car when he climbed in, eyeing him up.
“Nearest-” when his baby voice came out, Brahms cleared his throat. “Nearest bus stop, thanks.” He looks down at the water dripping off of him and onto the seat, and forming puddles on the floor. Being kind and polite will get you anything you need, says a distinctly you sounding voice in the back of his head. “I’m sorry- about the mess.”
The man driving the car shrugged, and kept his eyes on the road. “Not a problem. I would be out of my mind if I didn’t stop to help someone out in this storm.” Brahms eyed him up from his peripherals. He looked kindly and neat, like the kind of man that wouldn’t look out of place in the archives section of a library. His hair was tidy, and there were spectacles that he consistently kept pushing up.
The man is quiet for a long while before he pipes up. “So why exactly was a heart throb like you hitchhiking on a deserted road?”
Brahms bites the inside of his mouth when his heart skips a beat. In a poor attempt to be inconspicuous, Brahms runs his fingers along the heavy burn scars on the side of his face. “Issues at home, don’t really want to talk about it that much.”
The man nod, and smiles. “No problem, I understand.” He doesn’t say anything for a bit, before speaking up again. “You a fan of early literature?” he asks, only taking his eyes off the road for a moment to glance over at Brahms, who nods.
“Mother insisted on having me read classical.” Brahms settles into his seat, the high strung tension seemingly having melted. “Except Oedipus Rex, of course.”
The man chuckles, and pushes his glasses up again. “Oh it was the same with my teachers when we were younger. Something we should really be reading once we were older.
And it’s all something so comforting and alien to Brahms that he can’t ever really recall. Just a casual conversing with someone he barely knows and will likely never see again.
They continue chatting amicably for a a while before it teeters off into a comfortable silence.
"What about you, why are you out here in weather like this?” Brahms asks, the question having been rolling around in his head since the man had asked.
He thrums his fingers against the steering wheel. “Oh, out to clear my head. I’m sort of in the same boat as you, issues at home I need to escape.”
Brahms waits a few moments before retorting. “Bit of shit weather to be doing that, isn’t it?” It makes the man chuckle.
A few minutes later, there’s a hand on Brahm’s thigh, heavy and warm like being under the covers for too long. He jumps at the contact, but keeps his breathing under control.
“I think the company more than makes up for it.” His voice is low and deep. He glances over at Brahms, searching his eyes. “Just another lonely soul, adrift and looking for any port in the storm.” He only lets his hand drift up further and press firmly when Brahms gives him a nod.
Well, you wouldn’t give him this. You were seeking out other people to get off. Why couldn’t he?
When his hand creeps up his thigh, and massages his crotch, a similar, but colder, dream sinks in his stomach. The man continues to watch the road and smile as if nothing was amiss. The same tense, barely there trembling comes back.
He bites his bottom lip and lets his head fall back against the headrest when the man undoes his jeans and pulls his boxer just down enough to free his dick and stroke it. Brahms’ nerves rattle in a way that makes him nauseous. He couldn’t help but buck into the warm hand wrapped around him, and let out a deep whine at the friction.
This felt so, so much better than his own hand. He hadn’t even realized how sensitive he was until now. Short, panting breaths come from his mouth, and he moans for more, please, you-
It hit him like a punch to the chest that he didn’t even know this guys name. That he had only known him for less than an hour. Brahms hand snapped from his side and gripped his wrist tight enough to grind his bones.
“Actually, could you pull over. I’ll walk,” he tells him.
The man thankfully retracts his hand while Brahms fixes his boxers and jeans. “Sorry, I must’ve misread the situation. Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you the rest of the way? It’s a long walk.”
Brahms pulls his backpack into his lap, and nods, hugging it close. He’s not a fan of the biting cold and rain when he steps out of the warm, dry cab, but he couldn’t stay in there for another minute. The man gives him a curt nod before the door is shut and he’s driving away.
Brahms waits until the lights of the car are no longer visible before he sets off in the same direction.
By the time he makes it to the bus shelter, the sky is just only being lit up, and the rain is still coming down in sheets. He plops down on the swollen bench, and rests his head against the wall. All the muscles in his body ache, and he dozes off thinking he could be home right now, in bed, certainly angry, but he wouldn’t be shivering like a wet cat.
But if this teaches you a lesson that you need to appreciate him more, then so be it.
Brahms is awaken by the slam of a car door, and someone familiar yelling his name. The sun isn’t any higher in the sky, and it’s still coming down hard. But he sees you, desperately trying to shield yourself from the rain with a jacket.
“Brahms, what the hell!” you yell over the rain pattering against the bus shelter. You grip his upper arm tight enough to bruise when you sit down next to him.
He doesn’t even dignify looking you in the eyes.
You grab him by his face, and force him to look at him, shushing him and rubbing your thumbs across his cheekbones when he tries to jerk away. “Brahmsy, do you have any idea how worried you made me?” you ask gently, scooting closer to him. He tries to look anywhere but at your face. “You can’t run away like that, don’t you know how much it would hurt me?”
Billy crawls out of an open car window and sits at Brahms’ feet, resting a cheek against his knee. “Pretty Brahms, you sc-scared us,” he shift his voice slightly, slightly off but still close enough to his. “Where’s Brahmsy? Billy what did you do with Brahmsy?” He clutches Brahms’ calves tightly, digging his fingers into his wet jeans. “Brahms, where the hell are you! Brahmsy!” he yells.
When you go to run a hand though Billy’s hair to calm him down, Brahms intercepts it and laces your fingers. Always taking everything away from him.
Your eyes go wide when you put two and two together. “Is that what this is about?” you almost have the gall to giggle if Brahms hadn’t been looking down at Billy with such vehemence.
“But you let him do things to you,” Brahms grumbles, closing his eyes. “You won’t let me do those things. And he get all your good cuddles. And it always holding your hand.”
Your cheeks turn pink when he brings it up. “Well, I’ve known Billy for longer, since before I knew you.” You stumble across your words, trying to get them out. “But Brahms, you know I have two hands right? Both you and Billy can hold my hand.”
“But you’re mine!” Brahms whines, slipping into his childish voice. “I don’t want to share you!”
“I do,” says Billy quietly. He leers his gaze over to you. “Can we share pretty Brahmsy? Please? So sweet and I want him, we can both share.” He asks so sweetly that Brahms doesn’t know what to say.
You smile, and free your hand to lean down and grab Billy’s. You place it in Brahms’ palm, and Billy seems quite content. His hand is bony and only slightly warmer than Brahms’, who has been in the cold rain for the better part of the night. But it feels oddly right.
“It’s not sharing, it’s the three of us, together. Billy’s quite taken with you, and you know I adore you. Will you give it a chance? Letting both of us love you.”
Brahms can only nod as tears well in his eyes. He hides his face in your chest. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to scare you,” he cries into your shirt.
Both you and Billy wrap your arms around him, Billy seating himself in his lap. “C'mon Brahms, let’s get you home and get us into a nice bath, then we can all get some sleep.”
Brahms nods shyly, and lets himself be led by Billy into the back seat while you climb into the driver’s seat. Billy wastes no time getting Brahms out of his wet clothes. It was a struggle normally with you, but Billy’s odd noises, lewd comments, and groping certainly don’t help. Brahms puts up a fight at first, until Billy starts nuzzling each inch of exposed cold, damp skin.
His heart flutters a bit when Billy grabs a fluffy towel from the boot of the car and rubs Brahms’ hair wildly. Brahms, naturally, swats at him, wrangling the towel away to dry himself off, but Billy simply grabs another and contributes, and tries to shimmy Brahms’ wet jeans and boxers off.
“Hmmm, mmm, pretty Brahmsy, all mine, wrap my lips around you pretty pink coh- huh, hmmmm…” Billy devolves into more humming as he moves down to dry Brahms’ legs. He leaves the towel draped across his lap, letting Brahms finish drying himself off while he rummages around in the boot for something.
Through the rearview mirror, Brahms can see your squinty eyes, and though he can’t see your mouth, he knows you’re smiling. So he puts up with it when Billy drags out a heavy quilt and bundles Brahms up in it, and pulls him to lean against his chest.
Billy twitches entirely too much for it to be comfortable, but having a pair of arms wrapped around him is more than soothing. And the fingers that run through his tangled, damp hair are rough, but the massage to his scalp is worth it.
Something white is flashed in front of him, and Brahms can just make it out in the dim light.
“Pretty Brahmsy want it? I’ll give it to you if you fuuuh- kiss my m-mouth.” Billy doesn’t wait for an answer, and leans down for a quick, burning kiss, certain to press his tongue up against Brahms’ lips before pulling away and placing Brahms’ mask in its rightful place.
Billy’s maniacal laughter makes him grumble, but he simply fixes his mask, and nuzzles his head against Billy’s chest.
It may not be what Brahms wanted, but he supposes it fine enough. Better than being being alone.
You turn the radio on low to a classical station, looking back on them fondly, and Billy makes quiet shushing noises and pets Brahms’ hair when he grumbles too much at his fingers pulling against the tangles.
Yeah, way better than being alone.
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shoutosteakettle · 4 years
word count: 1587
key: ♢,☾
warnings: tw:cheating, excessive use of the word ‘fuck’
a/n: humph, i love you so much lois! like the amount of love that i have for you can’t be put in to words. thank you so fucking much for being the first person to reach out to me here on tumblr
a/n ii: my attempt at heartbreaking angst with my bby Shouto. i feel like loyalty would mean everything to shouto in a relationship. like, it doesn’t matter how much he loves you, you cheat on him and you’re done.
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for my 200 event @lungkot​ asked for 18 + 19 in angst, and broke my heart.
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It wasn’t the feeling of the warm sun on your face that stirred you from your sleep or the earth-shatteringly loud snoring in your ears. No, it was the warm weight of someone else in bed with you, something you hadn’t felt in weeks because your boyfriend’s hero job kept him from home most nights, but the large arm around your waist suggested something different. You laid in the bed, basking the bliss of the moment, enjoying the overwhelming smell of cinnamon and smoke.
“Goodmorning Princess,” the greeting drew you from your thoughts, the nickname was familiar, one of Shouto’s go to’s, but the voice...the voice was not one you heard every day. It took you a minute to recognize it, but when you did, you swore you felt your heart drop out of your ass. “Katsu?”
“Yeah,” Katsuki groaned, his voice husky with sleep. With that confirmation, you removed his arm from your body, then yourself from his bed, nothing but Katuski’s thin bedsheet you held shielding your naked physique from his prying eyes.
“What the hell, Katsu! What am I doing here?!”
“Oi, stop with all the fucking yelling, it’s too early in the morning for you to make my ears bleed,” he mocked.
“Why am I here, in your bed,” you hissed at the blonde, “and why am I naked?”
“Cut it with the fuckin’ innocent act. You’re the one who showed up at my doorstep last night, drunk off your ass and talking about how lonely you were,” with every word that left his mouth, the memories came pouring into your brain, playing back like a cheesy Netflix movie.
“Shit. How could you let this happen again, Katsu, you know I’m with Shouto,” you shouted, bending over to pick up your discarded clothing from his bedroom floor.
“Again with the fucking yelling, and I didn’t know that you were still with the icy-hot bastard,” his words were harsh, the emotion behind them was anything but. How could he do this, Katsuki Bakugou was many things, but cheater was not one of them, “Just put on your fucking clothes and leave,” he reached over on his side of the bed to grab the orange sweater left behind on the floor from the less than holy events of the previous night, throwing it at you ‘helping’ you in your hunt for your missing clothes.
“What the hell do you think I’m doing,” you spat, more than irritated with this whole situation you put yourself in. “Uhg, where are my underwear.”
“You don’t get to be fucking angry with me, this is your fault. And now you’ve dragged me into whatever drama you have going on with your boyfriend, the same one you told me you broke up with lat night,” you looked up from your search for your missing panties and into his vermillion gaze, how was this your fault?
“Well, I wasn’t the one who thought it was okay to take advantage of a drunk woman, so get off your fucking high horse. Where are my fucking underwear,” this was the last thing that you needed right now, you already felt like shit, there really was no need to rub it in your face.
“Fuck it,” you said, abandoning your search for the missing panties pulling your retrieved jeans over your bare legs, the feeling of the scratchy denim shaking any remaining bits of sleep from your system. “Don’t say anything about this to anyone.”
“Didn’t plan on it. Your keys are on the coffee table, don’t let the door hit you on the way out,” Katsuki called out, watching you pull your shirt over your head as you made your way out of his bedroom.
“Fucking shitty woman,” he grunted to himself, laying back down on his bed, fully intent on going to sleep. He laid his head down on the fluffy cotton, placing his hand on the other side of the pillow, feeling his fingertips brush against the soft fabric of your panties.
“Hey, Babe,” Shouto called out when he heard you open the door to your shared apartment. You took off your shoes and walked over to the living room to see him watching T.V., feet propped up on the coffee table, a bowl of popcorn occupying his lap.
“I know I’ve been a bit distant. Lately, work has really been kicking my ass - not to make excuses, because there shouldn’t be any, but I took a couple of vacation days and was hoping that I could start to make up for it,” he smiled, motioning toward the television which had your favorite movie on stand-by.
The guilt building in your stomach increased tenfold, spilling onto your tongue, and it tasted bitter. You sent Shouto a small smile before making your way to your bedroom, “Let me just hop in the shower real quick.”
“Where were you this morning,” his question had you stopping dead in your tracks and a cold sweat breaking out right above your spine.
“I spent the night at Momo’s,” you lied, “I was feeling a little lonely because you hadn’t come home yet, so I called her, and she said to come over.” 
“Okay then...well, um, hurry up in the shower, so the popcorn doesn’t get cold,” Shouto cheered, watching skeptically as your body relaxed at his less interrogative words.
“So Shouto, what’s for dinner tonight…” your voice trailed off when you saw what he was holding in his hand. 
“Hey Y/n,” Shouto began to read from the note in his hand not occupied by your missing panties, “I meant to send these to you last month, but you’re getting them now, deal with it - Katsuki Bakugou.”
Shouto looked up from the evidence in his hands, his glossy eyes meeting yours overflowing with what oy could only describe as true, genuine sadness, “I only asked once before because I trust you. But one last time, where you the night I came home late, and you weren’t here?”
His voice was calm - too calm, almost eerily so. This is how he was during arguments, he never got loud and angry - emotional yes, but never angry - on the outside at least.
“Look, Shouto. This isn’t what it looks like -”
“Don’t lie to me, because I already know what the answer is; my girlfriend is a cheater, you spent the night with him, right? Bakugou. 
God, I’ve been sleeping in the same bed as you, eating at the same table as you, fuck, having sex with you, I feel fucking disgusting,” he groaned and you watched as he physically shuddered, “I just want to know why did you do this and never mind the fact that you lied to me about it for a month. Was I not good enough for you, or are you just a that much of a whore?”
Loyalty meant everything to Shouto, and you knew that. You also knew there was no excuse for what you did to him and that he was right; it didn’t make this situation any easier. “I was lonely Shouto, all of this happened before you started trying to make an effort to start spending time with me again. Katsu was there for me when you weren’t,” Shouto visibly cringed at your use of a nickname for Bakugou.
“Is that why you did this - so you could get in a quick fuck because I was too busy protecting the people of Japan? Dammit Y/n. Everything was just starting to get better, and then you go and pull this shit. Fucking unbelievable.” he mumbled that last part to himself, bringing his sleeve up to wipe away the tear that had fallen during his rant, before getting up and walking over to the microwave in the kitchen. You heard him punch in some numbers on the keypad and then a low hum. He turned around and looked you in your eyes, his heavy with the feelings of being torn apart from the inside out.
“I put 20 minutes on the timer. That is how long you have to pack up your stuff and get out of my apartment. I am going to take a walk, and I do not want to see you when I get back,” with that Shouto turned on his heel and left the apartment, ignoring your yells of protest and your pleas, and the small voice inside of him shouting to give you a second chance.
“Fuck off, shithead!”
“You’re starting to sound more and more like me every day,” Katsuki claimed, keeping his eyes focused on the mail he was shuffling through, “When are you getting your own place anyway, it’s fucking annoying having to see your face every day.”
“I have a meeting with a realtor later today, so I’ll be getting out of your hair sooner than later, but thank you for letting me stay,” you said to Katsuki, who was ignoring you like usual.
“This is for you,” he said, leaning over from his seat on the sofa to hand you a large orange envelope.
“Who is it from,” you asked, no ever sent you mail, for the same reason no one ever called, your best and only friend had broken up with you.
“Icy-Hot” Katsuki replied.
“Oh.” You watched from the corner your eye as Katsuki watched you open the envelope. You reached inside to find a simple pair of black laced panties and a simple note that read ‘you forgot these’.
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hope you guys don’t hate me, if you do it’s completely understandable :(
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steen-to-live-life · 4 years
Sooo I just had my first ever legit panic attack about the situation below (clearly shows how upset I am). Holy shit I have a new appreciation for people that have panic attacks regularly.
It was awful, and scary and it wouldnt stop, I just kept struggling to breath. J was really worried, he asked if I needed an ambulance 😥. It took 20 minutes of J rubbing my back and my head, letting me hug so closely into his body, and of him trying to get me to copy his breaths before I calmed down enough to speak. I managed to say "shower" while trying to breath but he said no. I kept saying to myself "breath like you do with the kids at school". I hope I never have one again, especially not alone.
Poor flatmate finally got home today so I might have to explain to her what the argument was about (J and I never argue but it was me more being angry at the situation and yelling at him about it).
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Chapter 18 - Into The Flood Again
Seattle Washington, March 2 1990
(Andi is 20, Chris is 25)
ANDI: It was a grey Pacific North West afternoon, typical weather for Seattle and I had just finished my short little 4 hour shift at the local used record shop - Bluestreak Records - downtown. Instead of taking the bus back home, I decide to walk. Normally Chris will come and pick me up but he said he would be at Kim's rehearsing this afternoon so I just said that I would meet him there once I stop at home first to clean up a little. 
I wish I could just drive instead of having to catch a bus or a cab or have Chris drive me everywhere. Given my condition, it's definitely recommended that I don't. I wouldn't want to be behind the wheel and suddenly have an episode and end up causing an accident or killing someone.
As I walk out on to the sidewalk, slinging my bag over my shoulder, I take out my Walkman with my headphones and blast Metallica's Master Of Puppets album in my ears. Eventually I make it back home and climb the steps to the front door. Once I open the door, I step inside and take off my bag and my head phones, setting them down beside the door, then slip off my leather jacket and hang it up. The living room was dark as no one seemed to have opened the curtains at all since I left earlier this morning and I could hear the faint sound of Van Halen's first record playing from Andy and Xana's room. I walk over to the far window and open up the curtains to let some light in, though the gloominess of the day doesn't really help much. Then as I make my way down the hallway to get myself ready to take a shower, I see the bathroom door slightly open and a bare foot peaking out from the corner of the door.
"Xana?" I call out slightly panicked but trying to keep my cool. 
"Andy? Is that you in there?"
Still no answer.
I quickly move to the door and attempt to care fully open it but I couldn't as they were laying in front of the door.
"Andy!? Andy!!" I shout but no answer. After a few moments of me pushing on the door, I was able to slide myself through the crack and see that in fact it was Andy laying on the floor on his back, his blonde locks matted to his forehead, only in his blue plaid pajama pants and a syringe hanging out of his left forearm right in the crook of where his elbow bends.
"Holy shit, no... no, no, no, no," I keep repeating frantically as I maneuver myself in between him and the bathroom counter, and try my best to lift up his head, tapping his cheeks to get him to wake up. I lean over him and listen to see if I could hear him breathing and I could, but just barely. I take his right wrist and feel around for a pulse and then move my fingers up to his neck since I couldn't feel anything with his wrist. Eventually I do feel a pulse but it's so incredibly faint, it's almost hard to tell.
"Andy... can you hear me? Please, can you hear me?" I start to cry as I tap his cheek again. He still doesn't move but I hear a little groan emerge from his throat. I then carefully pull out the syringe from his arm and maneuver him into my lap, cradling his head as I attempt to get him to come back to me.
"g-g-g-gone" He groans out, barely able to form words as I hold him in my lap.
"What? Andy... no, no, no... stay with me," I cry and he tries to make out a few more words.
"l-l-l-love y-y-y-you," He mumbles as he tries to open his eyes.
"I'm gonna call an ambulance ok?" I say wiping away my tears.
"N-n-n-no," He mumbles again, and slowly starts to come around. He groans a few more times and begins to try to move. He throws his one arm around me and slowly begins to open his eyes to focus on me.
"I-I'm good... s'ok... I'm... ok," He slurs, still sounding so sleepy.
"I'm gonna call Chris and see if he can find Xana ok?" I say with tears still streaming down my cheeks.
"N-n-no... don't do that, j-just stay... stay here with me," He says closing his eyes again. I move my hand to his neck to check his pulse just to make sure and it's stronger than it was before but still slow.
"j-just stay here... with me... stay w-w-with me baby," He slurs and tries to laugh a little, though I definitely do not feel like laughing.
A couple of hours later, I was sitting in the living room sipping some tea, trying to distract myself by reading an article in a magazine about how the music scene in Seattle was starting a revolution. It mentioned Mudhoney, The Melvins  and Green River as pioneers of the whole Seattle sound and with a strong focus on Soundgarden leading the way for major record labels to want to pick up on the scene emerging. It also mentioned Mother Love Bone as the next big thing with the anticipation of the release of their debut album 'Apple' on Mercury/Stardog records.
Andy was eventually able to somewhat re-gain his composure and I helped him into his room for him to sleep of the remaining high he was still enduring. I was still supposed to go and meet Chris but I was afraid to leave Andy here alone in case something happened. Just as I was reading the last sentence of the article, the door opens and I see Chris coming through with his guitar case.
"Hey baby," I say sweetly, setting my cup down on the table in front of me.
"Hi... I uh... I thought you were going to meet me at Kim's?" He says as he sets his guitar case down and slips off his leather jacket.
"I know, I'm sorry... I uh should've called," I say as I flip closed the magazine, setting it beside me and rise from the couch. He hangs up his jacket, flipping those gorgeous dark curls out of his face and turns to see me. He takes me in his arms and places his lips on mine, in a long soulful kiss. He then breaks away from me and touches his forehead to mine.
"Everything alright?" He asks and I could feel my cheeks flush. I knew I had to tell him what happened, I just have to keep myself calm. But as soon as he asked that question, my brow began to furrow and my bottom lip began to quiver.
"Baby, what's wrong? Talk to me," He says attentively. I shake my head a little trying to rid the feeling but it was hard.
"Chris -I... I don't..." I start but I couldn't get the words out.
"Andi no baby, don't slip if you can help it... tell me, tell me what's wrong," He says sternly but not angry, more like frustrated at the fact that I might disappear before him.
"It's... it's Andy, I came home and I found him on the floor in the bathroom -"
"Was he using again?" He asks quickly and I nod.
"Where is he?"
"He's in his room..." I start to feel faint.
"No baby... stay with me... Andi! " He says and that's the last thing I hear before I find myself in the dark bathroom of Chris's basement.
CHRIS: "God damn It!"
I didn't mean to yell but fuck. Why did she have to slip right now? Of all fucking times, why right now? I'm not mad at her I'm just so... it's just frustrating.
I pick up her clothes from the floor and set them on the couch, then make my way down the hall to see exactly what was going on. As I walk into the bathroom, I don't see any sort of evidence that anything had taken place until I see the syringe with a few dirty cotton balls in the trash.
A wave of sadness and hurt washed over my entire body at the fact that she was the one to find him in the bathroom. I immediately make my way out of the bathroom and back down the hall to Andy and Xana's room knocking loudly on the door.
"Hey man, you in there?" I call but no answer. After a few minutes I just decide to head in myself. Normally I wouldn't be so determined but when it comes down to the fucking love of my life, the reason I breathe, finding him on the floor fucked up like that, it's a whole other ball game.
"Dude, you awake...? Andy...?" I ask my voice deep with assertiveness as I grab his ankle at the end of the bed and gently try to shake him awake. He lets out a grumble from the pillow but I couldn't make out just what he was saying.
"Andy wake up," I repeat.
"Whhaaa?" He groans as he rolls over and sees me standing beside his bed. He blinks his eyes a few times and sits up slowly, running his fingers through his hair, leaning his elbows on his knees.
"You alright man?" I ask. I figure I should start with that at least.
"Uh... yea, I think so," He says groggily with his eyes closed.
"What the fuck man? What the fuck are you doing?" I ask trying to not be angry because I know as well as anyone that never works.
"I don't know man," He says.
"Andrea found you, you know that? Just what the hell man?" I say as my anger recedes and I feel worry and hurt bubbling to the surface.
"I never meant for her to find me," He says quietly, his eyes still closed.
"Fuck, you're lucky she did. I mean... what if she never came home from work?  What if she just decided to head to Kim's to meet me without coming home first? What then?"
"Chris man, I'm sorry,"
I let out a sigh and flip my curls out of my eyes looking away for a moment while Andy looks up at me, looking like hell.
"I don't want you to be sorry... I just... I'm worried. We're all worried. We just want you to stop. You quit once before remember?"
"Yea," He says quietly.
"If you need help dude, I'm here. I'll always have your back man," I say and he gives me small smile and holds out his hand. I take it and give him a brotherly handshake patting him on his shoulder.
"Thanks," He says quietly and suddenly I hear a cry from the living room. We look at each other for a moment, then I quickly run out of his room and down the hall to the living room to see Andi sitting up on the couch, pulling down her Aerosmith T shirt and flipping her curls out from underneath.
"Babe?" I ask.
"Uh huh," She says calmly smirking as she reaches for jeans.
"What happened? When did you slip to?" I ask, a little concerned as to why she's so incredibly calm and seemingly much happier than before.
"Um, July '84," She says and pulls up her jeans, hopping into them as her curls bounce around her.
"July '84... oh... oohhhh," I say realizing with sudden lustfulness that seemed to come out of nowhere. She glances at me, sauntering over, biting her bottom lip as my memory of that night comes back to me. She lifts herself up and presses those soft plush lips to mine, lacing her fingers through my hair like she always does, which sends chills all over my entire body.
"You were amazing then, but you are incredible now," She whispers in my ear. She slowly pulls away from me and passes me to walk down the hall and as my eyes follow her, she looks back at me biting that bottom lip again and I couldn't help but practically chase her into the bedroom to relive that night over again.
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The protective steak
Pairings: platonic Seventeen/vernon, seventeen friendship, seventeen family/Vernon/Sofia
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, mild angst, AU
Warning: mild violence
Note: Seventeen is a mafia that does illegal things to help good people from bad people.
[Third person Pov]
It was a normal day. As normal as it could be for them being in the mafia. They had a normal mission of infiltrating a group of drug smugglers who were causing too much trouble on the streets of Seoul.
The plan was simple; Vernon, The8, Jun, Hoshi, Wonwoo and Scoups were to be the ones entering the premises in groups of three. Scoups, Jun and Hoshi had to mingle with the group of smugglers that wasn't that big in number, the smugglers had a meeting that Seventeen was aware of which is why they decided to act out the mission that day and time.
It wasnt difficult for three to blend in with their dirt covered face and filthy look that they seemed to pull of quite well. They just had to listen in on the meeting and figure out if there was particularly someone who brought their goods or if they did something else as well. The oy problem was that, they couldn't wear the stereo earbuds to communicate with other members but that was fine, it wasn't a big deal
While the other three had snuck off deeper into the area in search of the place where they stocked the drugs.
Quite simple if you ask them. They were also quite familiar with such simple missions. It wasnt anything special but just a normal job.
Woozi was guiding the members through their in ears while Jeonghan and Mingyu were waiting outside as their get away drivers.
"Wonwoo position?"
"We're outside the office which doesn't have that hard security."
"Yeah hyung is trying to muddle through it." Vernon supplied the answer which seemed to satisfy the rest of them.
"By the usual meeting time, you people have about 36 more minutes to get outside."
"That will be fine. Oh we're in." Wonwoo said in a deep voice that might not have any emotions in it but they could clearly hear the underlying victory in his tone.
The three walked in the office and slowly closed the door behind them.
It wasn't anything sophisticated rather consisted of a small table with 2 chairs on opposite sides facing each other. The room consisted of minimum furniture with a cabinet and a book shelf.
"Hopefully we will find the door behind the shelf." Hao said as the three pushed the shelf aside to locate a door.
"This feels very simple for a group doing a large damage." Vernon hummed and his reason seemed quite logical. It just felt like someone wasn't right but they didnt have time to dwell on their feelings as Wonwoo once again hacked through the password panel beside the door.
"Careful guys." Woozi warned in a small voice.
They just hummed in their ear piece to state their agreement.
"We're in." Hao stated in the matter of fact which was soon sounded by gasps from them.
"Guys?! What's wrong?" DK asked, his nervousness spilling in his voice
"Holy fucking shit hyung what in the world is this?!" A harsh whisper was sounded by Vernon. Their reactions only increased their curiosity.
"There aren't just drugs in here Woozi, there are people, there are dead people here." Wonwoo said which made the others a bit serious.
"Are we still supposed to plant the bombs here?" Hao asked, feeling complicated about the situation.
"They are dead anyways." Woozi spoke, the sound very cold but they knew better, they knew that the said person cared but he was cold in his decisions.
"But hyung.." Vernon whispered.
"Let's get on with it guys." Wonwoo stated in a sense of finality which made the two younger shut up and place the bombs around.
"20 minutes now."
They worked faster and set about 10 small bombs around the place and in the drug packets. That should do.
"GUYS?!" A frantic voice called out in a harsh whisper.
"The meeting is over, they are dispersing, you three need to get out of there." Scoups whisper shouted which raised panic among others.
"Yeah we are almost done." Wonwoo's calm voice traveled which did nothing to help their nerves whatsoever.
The three fastened themselves and were ready to leave through the door when someone held Vernon's hand. He was shocked at the contact and looked at the person whose hand it belonged to.
"Please." She whispered. She looked dead but wasn't, she was barely alive.
"Help" She whispered out with great difficulty.
Vernon was still. He didnt know what was happening. He was supposed to get out of there.
"Vernon what the hell are you doing, come fast!" A shout reached his ears which seemed to shake him out of his thoughts.
The other two looked back to notice the girl who held Vernon's hand. They were shocked to see someone alive.
Vernon turned around to face the girl completely, he knew he had to leave, the smugglers could come anytime soon but he was one of the good guys, he didnt leave people to die, he saved them.
Vernon bent down and took the girls hands in his own. She looked young, maybe a teenager at the most. She was seated on a wooden chair with her legs and hands tied to the arm rest, she had a loose scarf hanging around her neck which might have been used for covering her mouth.
"Are the others.." the incomplete question hung in the air but she understood, Are the others alive? He could check but there seed to be more than 10 people in there and they had no time.
"No no, only me.." She struggled to get the words out as tears flowed down her face.
Vernon knew that he had to get out, he swiftly cut the rope around her limbs with his dagger. He put one arm under her legs while the other supported her back.
" I'll get you dont worry." He whispered comforting words and started towards the door.
" We have to hurry up!" Wonwoo all but dragged Vernon out as Hao kept pushing him from back.
They heard noises in the corridor and quickly entered one of rooms to avoid any confrontation.
There were 15 minutes for the bomb to blow up.
"Where the hell are you people?!? You were supposed to be out by now!" He heard the angry voice of Jeonghan which voiced out his concern.
"We will be there hyung, we are fine, got held up but we are fine." Wonwoo stated calmly.
The voices seemed to decrease so they figured that people were away by now. They just had to reach another door which had an air vent which had a window through which they will leave.
"Let's go." Hao quickly ran to the door followed by the other two. The girl didnt weigh a lot which made it easier for Vernon to carry her.
The three entered the room and locked the door. They walked to the window which was considerably high.
"You go up first and then I'll pass her to you, and then you jump out, okay?" Wonwoo quickly explained while Vernon just nodded and passed the girl over to Wonwoo.
"Who is her?" Came a confused voice of Dino.
"What the fuck is taking you people so much time?!" Scoups sounded really angry.
"Are you three out?"
"Yeah we are in the car." Jun said to which the three relaxed a bit.
Vernon sat on the window ledge while Wonwoo passed to girl to him and he jumped down followed by the other two.
"10 minutes for blow up!" Woozi warned and they heard the complaints of many members for them to hurry up.
Just a short way and they will be in the car but then it happened.
The feeling of something came true when Vernon felt a gun pressed to the nape of his neck and were surrounded by 7 other men who held different sorts of weapons in their hands.
"Look who it is" He felt chills creep up as he slowly turned around to face a huge burly guy who held a sinister smile on his face. He looked hideous with his oily hair matted and his yellow teeth that gave an unpleasant look and he smelt worse then he looked.
"What is happening Wonwoo yah!?"
He heard many voices in his year but the one that stood out was a whimper of fear from the girl in his arms.
He bought her closer to him. He felt the need to protect her.
"What do you want?" Wonwoo questioned with a voice that gave chills and Vernon saw hesitancy in his eyes.
"Shouldn't I be asking you that." The sickly sweet smile was even more hideous.
They had to fight, they had less time before the building blew up, atleast the part where they stood coz the room was nearby.
"And you also took my little prisoner." He now brought the gun to girl and softly stroked her cheek with it. Vernon grew with rage.
He quickly ducked and swiftly tripped the guy with his foot and kicked the gun out of his hands. This seemed to start the fight as Wonwoo and Hao quickly got fighting with the others who ran to them. The guy got up and removed two knives as he came at him and then there was another guy who came at him from behind. It was hard to fight off two people while holding someone in his arms but he made sure to not get her more hurt. Soon a knife was thrown at him or rather at the girl but he caught the knife in his arms which cause a huge gash on his palm as he threw the knife down. It hurt. He struggled to keep his whispers in.
The burly guy knocked into him which mad him fall down and he placed the girl on the ground and got up. He has to end this fast. He quickly took out his dagger and aimed it at the other guy and it was a clean pierce right through his heart and dead. The other guy looked at him in fear while handol ran towards him but the shot echoed through the space which made Vernon halt slowly as he looked down at his abdomen while he slowly bought his plam up to press to the wound. This wont stop him.
He took a stick that was lying near him and in a blink of the eye the stick flew through the air and slammed onto the guy which knocked the gun of his hand.
Vernon picked the gun and aimed at the guy before him. He never shot anyone he wasn't asked to or if it wasn't self defense. This case involved neither but he hurt the girl in his arms. That protective steak in him rised for some reason. That steak grew at hearing the whimper sof the girl upon seeing the guy. And that alone was the reason why Vernon wanted to hurt him, he wanted to shoot him and carve out that face of his. He wanted to hit him continuously and badh his face on stone.
He settled for kicking the guy in the head and shooting at a place where he knew even if he survive would hurt him like hell.
He shot the guy on his right foot toes which erupted from him a scream so loud and next he shot him on the palm of his right hand then left then he aimed the gun at his knee cap and shot out. It was cold, too cold and mean of him. He never behaved this way which is why Wonwoo and Hao stood facing him with gaping mouths but they didnt comment on it thankfully.
He turned around to look at the girl sitting down who looked at him with wide eyes full of fear as tears flowed down her face. Oh shit.
Vernon slowly walked towards her so she doesn't get scared and bent down while his palm was pressed tightly on his wound. He looked at girl and answered sincerely,"I'm sorry but he wasn't a good guy, I promise we wont hurt you." At those words the tears seemed to slow down but small sobs still came from her.
Wonwoo came forward to carry the girl as he noticed that vernon has a wound. Wonwoo carried the girl while Hao supported Vernon and the hurriedly walked further for the next 5 minutes with greatvstruggke and they sneaked out of the premises through an abandoned door and walked out, no one suspected them since many people were seen carrying others. How many wer killed here? a question floated in their minds.
They rushed towards the car which was parked on the sidewalk a little further away to really concerned looking members and quickly climbed in the car. They noticed the girl in Wonwoo's arms but made no comment on it. They can talk about that later.
As soon as the car started moving the side of the building erupted in a huge bang as debris showered down but they were at a safe distance from the building. A few seconds later they heard another bang and then another.
It was over. They finished it. They were fine and on the way home. Vernon looked down at the girl lying on the seat with her head placed on his lap,who looked asleep but he knew she fainted and right now he didnt have any equipment or food or water to give. They have to wait till they get back home. And he felt energy draining him as blood loss continued but he didnt tell anyone. He was very tired to do anything and they didn't question him because they thought he was just tired.
So that is the end of chapter 1!
It ended on a good note and the next chapter will continue with this story and hopefully will also be the final chapter of this story.
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dead-inside-cx · 5 years
How ShinKami became canon
“You like Kaminari?” Izuku said looking at his friend. “Yeah it sounds weird but ever since we started to hang out, I kinda maybe sort of caught feelings?” Shinsou sounded so unsure of himself. Izuku smiled brightly. “We have to get you guys together!” Izuku was practically bouncing where he sat. “NO!” Izuku frowned. “Why not?” He asked. “He doesn’t feel the same way. I would rather avoid the heartbreak thank you very much.” Shinsou folded his arms. “Sooo if I were to find out if he liked you back...?” Shinsou was quiet for a few minutes. “...Fine.” He winced at the loud cheer. “BUT, you have to have it 100% confirmed.” “Deal! If it’s true then you have to let me help you get with Kaminari!” Shinsou nodded. “Deal.” The two shook hands. This would be interesting.
 “EH YOU LIKE THAT INSOMANIC!?” Katsuki wasn’t sure what he was expecting to hear, when the Pikachu had asked to talk to him privately. He saw how nervous he was, and Katsuki regretted his outburst seeing the light in the Pikachu’s eyes fade. “S-sorry! I shouldn’t have said anything...I’ll just go.” Kaminari was hurt by the outburst he thought it meant Katsuki didn’t agree with him liking another guy.
“Wait fuck! I’m sorry. I just wasn’t expecting that. I think it’s cool or whatever that you felt comfortable coming to me.” Katsuki knew how it felt coming out. Even if he hadn’t outwardly said he was gay. “Oh...” “Ill fucking help you or whatever.  Just don’t fucking call me in the middle of the night with your gay panic shit. I like my sleep. Do it in a closet alone like the rest of us.” A bad attempt at humour. “HOLY SHIT I KNEW IT! YOU’RE GAY! OMG KIRISHIMA OWES ME SOME MONEYYYYY!!!!” “DONT YOU FUCKING DARE TELL SHITTY HAIR PIKACHU, OR ELSE YOU WONT LIVE TO HAVE YOUR FIRST DATE!!!” Kaminari nodded. “Noted. So who do you gay panic for?” Kaminari was going to find out. “Piss off. Not happening.” He smirked as Kaminari pouted. “So what’s the game plan?” Kaminari had to admit he was shocked that the angry blonde was willing to be his wingman.
“Homework.” The small objection from the Pikachu made Katsuki glare, but it was also hilarious. “Then I’ll be nice to that shitty Deku and see if I can find out anything. We go from there alright?” Kaminari nodded. “Alright thank you Bakubro!” “Don’t fucking call me that Pikachu.” He glared at the boy. “Pika pika bitch.” Katsuki had to snort at that. “Is that your new slogan? If so it’s fucking genius! Guess you do have a brain after all!” “Thank you!” Kaminari knew Bakugo was being cruel with that comment. Well he hoped he wasn’t.
“Homework.” “Ugggggggghhhhhh.”
~Few hours later~
 “I have some intel!” Izuku said practically jumping his boyfriend. “What the fuck? Izuku calm down!” “But its importantttttttttt.” The boy pouted. “Yeah so are my bones! I’m not like you. I prefer to not have broken bones.” “Rude!” Katsuki raised an eyebrow.
“Right. What’s the intel?” “Shinsou likes Kaminari!” Katsuki looked at his boyfriend. “Huh, that was easier than I thought. Well then that’s good.” Izuku looked at him confused. “Pikachu likes him back.” “I KNEW IT! HAH NOW SHINSOU HAS TO LET ME HELP HIM SET HIM AND KAMINARI UP!!!” Katsuki just sighed. This was going to take some effort. “Well first off stop fucking screaming. We don’t know if the two want this out yet. Second off guess we’re fucking wingmen. So we have to work together in public.” He watched his boyfriends smile get wide. “That doesn’t mean we can make out everywhere. Are you fucking forgetting the whole Mic-sensei situation?” “Pfft it was fine.” Katsuki face palmed. “He can’t look either of us in the eye, and everytime Aizawa sees us he has to refrain from bursting into laughter! He congratulated us on managing to traumatize his husband!” “You have to admit it’s kinda funny. I mean we managed to traumatize a pro hero cause we made out.” Katsuki just groaned. He loved his boyfriend but sometimes he was an idiot.
“I am trying so hard to not smack you across the head right now. I love you but baby you are a fucking idiot.” “Awe Kaachan I love you to.” Was Izuku doing this to get a rile out of his boyfriend? Yes, yes he was. The screech from Katsuki was so worth it. “I’m killing you. That it.” Izuku screamed before running off.
 ~A day later~
 “I’m surprised you didn’t die.” Shinsou said looking at his friend. “I may or may not have bargained with him.” Izuku smiled innocently. The two had house arrest. Dadzawa just about murdered the two. “You also got house arrest. Aizawa was scary.” “Oh yeah its cause he went all Dadzawa on us.” Izuku shrugged. “Dadzawa?” “Yeah he’s the class dad. Also don’t act like you don’t call him that. I see how close you guys are!” Izuku smirked.
“Shut up...” Shinsou grumbled. Izuku just laughed. “In other news Kaachan is gonna be a wingman with me!” “Wait so that means...?” Izuku nodded excitedly. “Fine I guess you can go all wingman...Hold on you and blasty are going to work together?” Shinsou looked at his friend like he was crazy.
“Yup! Kaachan even suggested it.” “I get that you like him but are you sure this is a good idea? I mean you two don’t have the best relationship.” Izuku frowned. “I know...But this might help!” Izuku hated lying to his friend, especially since he knew he was the only other friend he had that supported him. “What’s the plan?” “Plan for what?” The two jumped seeing Aizawa standing behind them. “Aizawa-sensei! What are you doing here?” Izuku asked nervously. “WE have that meeting. Let’s go Midoriya. You can tell me your little plan on the way.” Izuku nodded. “I'll see you later Shinsou!” He left with Aizawa.
“Kaachan and I are gonna set up Kaminari and Shinsou!” “Another loud blonde? Really? What did I say about loud blondes?” Aizawa looked at his student. “Don’t fall for loud blondes.” Izuku grumbled. “And what did you two do?” “We fell for a loud blonde.” Izuku folded his arms pouting. “So what is your plan?” Aizawa said once the two got to his office. “Kaachan thinks we should lock them in a room together and make them confess.” “Of course he did, and what do you think?” Aizawa asked. “Training?” Aizawa just face palmed. “How did you and Bakugo get together?” “Kaachan randomly kissed me one day and we’ve been together ever since!” Aizawa was pretty sure that was a lie.
“Are you lying?” “Yeah...I don’t want to talk about it just yet. It’s not the greatest story ever.” Aizawa frowned but made a mental note about it. “How did you and Mic-sensei get together?” “I actually confessed to him our last year at UA. Told him I liked him, he felt the same way and now we are married about apparently have two more kids. Well if you exclude the rest of the class.” Izuku looked confused. “Mic thinks that I am dadzawa, and that I’ve practically adopted you and Shinsou. Since we have already managed to adopt Eri.” “I have a dad!? Omg Shinsou and I are brothers!” Izuku looked so excited and happy; Aizawa didn’t have the heart to tell him off. Plus he had to admit he was kinda glad to hear that. ‘Hah take that All Might. Izuku thinks I’m his dad!’ Aizawa felt smug right now and he was going to rub it into the retired heroes face later on.
 ~A couple weeks later~
“This isn’t fucking working. Every time we try something, one of the fucking extras manages to screw it up!” Katsuki was done with this shit. Being a wingman was hard work. Plus it didn’t help that his boyfriend was acting weird. Izuku just kissed his boyfriends head. “I think this plan will work for sure!” Izuku smiled happily. He had a plan.
Honestly he had to thank Aizawa for the help.  ‘Tell Shinsou to confess one day while they train or study together. Stop over thinking it.’ He had told Izuku. So he did.
Shinsou was nervous. What if Kaminari decided he didn’t feel the same anymore? Or what he just generally didn’t like him? And was only saying that he felt the same way? “Shinsou? Are you okay?” Kaminari looked at the boy concerned. Shinsou was pulled out of his thoughts.
“Huh? Oh yeah, I’m sorry Kaminari.” Shinsou smiled a little. “It’s fine! You just looked distracted. Can I help with anything?” It was now or never. “I need to tell you something.” Shinsou looked at him. Kaminari was now feeling nervous. “What is it?” “I like you. Like really like you.” Shinsou said.
It was silent for a few minutes. It felt like eternity for Shinsou. This was the part he gets rejected. “Oh thank fuck! I was worried you didn’t. Bakubro can only be so helpful.” Kaminari said smiling. “Wait what?” Now Shinsou was confused. Did this mean Izuku was right? “I like you as well!” “I owe Midoriya money. Fuck!” Was all Shinsou said.
The doubt had crept in fairly quickly when the plans hadn’t been working. So he and Midoriya made a bet. If Kaminari felt the same way he would owe Midoriya $20. If Midoriya was wrong, well Shinsou got $20. “What?” Now it was Kaminaris turn to be confused. “We made a bet, that you felt the same way. I owe him $20.” Shinsou grumbled. Kaminari laughed.
“That’s so adorable. A little weird. Hey can I kiss you?” Kaminari said. “I thought you would never ask.” The two leaned in before their lips met, in a sweet kiss, which quickly turned into a make out session before the boys broke away. “Whoa...” Shinsou said breathless. Kaminari was silent. Shinsou looked at his now boyfriend? “Kaminari?” He asked concerned now.
Kaminari looked at him. Shinsou had to laugh. “I guess you enjoyed it to?” He said realizing he must have short circuited without him realizing.
Shinsou decided now would be the perfect time to take his idiot boyfriend to go pay Midoriya. Plus he wanted to see his reaction to how he managed to make his boyfriend go stupid.
He knocked on Midoriyas door. “I’m coming In Midoriya!” he called out before entering the room. “HOLY FUCK!” Shinsou said his eyes wide. Izuku and Katsuki quickly broke away.
“Heeeey Shinsou.” Izuku said smiling nervously. “So this is why you two got along so well these past two weeks.” Shinsou smirked. “Heh yeah.” “Wanna tell me how long this has been on for?” If Shinsou was being honest he felt like an idiot for not realizing it sooner. “Second to last year of middle school, but please don’t tell anyone!” Izuku said. “Your secret is safe with me Midoriya. Same with Kaminari.” He dragged the boy inside. “Why is he stupid?” Bakugo asked. “We made out.” Was all Shinsou said while smirking. “Nice!” Bakugo said. “So that means...? You two are finally dating!!!!! My plan worked!!!! Dadzawa was right!” Izuku said excitedly.
“Wait Dadzawa is involved?” Bakugo said confused. “Yup! He gave me the advice to not over think the plan in getting them together.” “Wait he’s okay with this? He kept telling me not to go out with a loud blonde.” Shinsou was confused. “That’s dadzawa for you. His only rule is not to date/fall for loud blondes. We failed.” Izuku smiled innocently. Shinsou laughed a little, before paying Midoriya. “You two had a bet? That’s cheating!” Bakugo said glaring at his boyfriend. “Bet? Who’s betting? I want in?” Kaminari was back from idiot land. “You went stupid from a simple make out session? Get on our level Pikabitch.” Bakugo said smirking. Kaminari gasped.
“I might be confused but I am offended!” Kaminari said. “Wait...Omg you gay panic over Midobro!?” “Shut up Pikabitch!” Katsuki glared at the other blonde. “First off aww you gay panic over me? We really are perfect for each other, second off I didn’t cheat Kaachan also congrats you two! Kaminari you should run though. I’m pretty sure Dadzawa is gonna kill you when he finds out. Which will be any moment now!” Izuku said innocently. Kaminari didn’t even question the boy; instead he took off running “IM TO YOUNG AND PRETTY TO DIE!” The three left in the room just laughed. “I should go save my boyfriend. Thanks for your help!” “Don’t make out in empty hallways!” Bakugo warned him.
Shinsou was about to question it before deciding he didn’t want to know. “Double date this Friday?” Izuku offered. “Sure! See you then!” Shinsou said before running off to go save his boyfriend. “We did good.” Katsuki said once the two were alone. “We are the best wingmen ever. We should make our service.” Izuku said smiling. “If the hero duo thing fails then we will.” Katsuki just smiled. “Cuddles?” Izuku asked. “Sure.” He said and the two cuddled, while Shinsou and Kaminari ran away from the overprotective Dadzawa. Who was secretly happy for the two, but was also over protective over his kid. SHINKAMI IS CANON IN MY AU! I love Shinkami heh. Anyways hope you enjoyed this installement :3 Also Dadzawa is hella canon. Hes got three kids at this point.
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thestarkerisobvious · 5 years
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                                           Chapter 4: 
Studying Pays Off “You’re afraid to say the one thing that makes me leave and I can’t work up the gumption to ask you for anything, your eyes get angry and your nose does this little sniffle thing when you’re about to get really mad and suddenly I shut up for fear for getting kicked out the tower and never being asked back.  Do you realize in all this time we’ve never had an argument, ever?  We’ve never even had angrysex.  You’re right, this isn’t sustainable.  We need to make a decision. “
                   Chapter 6: Our Own 2-Man Superfriends Team
They lay panting together, Tony collapsed halfway on Peter’s body, his head laying, face down on the pillow.  Peter still had one hand holding onto the headboard in a deathgrip (oh dear, did he leave marks?  Again!?) and suddenly found himself, absurdly, unable to let go.
Then Tony was bringing their faces together and chuckling softly.
“Seriously, Pete.  Holy shit.”
Peter breathed.  Then he grinned.  Then he laughed a little as well.  He felt his whole body relax and, slowly, let his fingers relax too.  He pulled away enough to look into Tony’s face.  He felt stunned.
“So…was that…good?
“Good?  Goddamn, where did you learn to talk like that Kid?”
“A03,” Peter said without thinking, but panicked a little when Tony reacted.  (He had assumed Tony had no idea what A03 was.
“Wait…isn’t that the server where they are allowed to post raunchy stories about me??”
“Of course not,” Peter said with an exaggerated eyeroll (hoping to cover.)
“That’s where they post raunchy stories about Lord of the Rings.”
“Why would anyone want to…nevermind,” Tony shaking his head, and Peter tried to hide his look of relief.
“Look forget that part, so, that was good, right?” Peter asked, even as he noticed that Tony was still laying, unmoving, half on and half off his body.
“Well, you came pretty hard,” he said dismissively, the edges of his mouth beginning to lift into a smirk when Peter grabbed that face very suddenly with one hand.
“But did you like it?” he insisted.
Tony groaned and closed his eyes.  His face looked peaceful (and, to be honest, very very tired) but all he said was…
Peter winced and kissed him then, hoping to avoid whatever joke was now inevitable.  They kissed that way for some time.  In fact they kissed so long that Tony revived, pulled himself up onto his elbows and moved his body to cover Peter’s…then worked his hands under Peter’s shoulders and suddenly rolled them oven until Tony was on his back and Peter was on top, all without breaking the kiss.
“Oh god Peter…” he moaned again, in a voice that sounded so exhausted and broken that it made Peter startle and pull back.  Looking into Tony’s face he noticed dark circles under the man’s eyes.  Had they been there before?  Or was it just that the man looked so relaxed and unguarded in this moment?  In any case he only had a moment to wonder before he was pulled down into another kiss.
“Goddamn, Peter,” Tony whispered against his mouth.  “This is what I always wanted.”
“Wait…what?” Peter said, breaking the kiss.  He pulled up and looked into Tony’s face in confusion.  After a solid year of getting spectacularly fucked by Tony Stark surely the man hadn’t really spent the entire time wishing…
“Not that, stupid,” Tony said, reading his face.  He frowned.  Then he took Peter’s face in his hands and brought their foreheads together.  “You fucking me is just one more card in an entire deck.  I mean this, you taking over, you talking to me, you making demands.  That’s what I always wanted.
“God Kid, listening to you talk – I could listen to you talk to me that way all night.
“As long as you’re talking I know it’s ok.  I know I won’t say the wrong thing.”
“What!?” Tony said, looking into Peter’s confused face.  He didn’t sound irritated, he looked to calm to be irritated, but he did look exhausted, and Peter wondered how long it had been since the man had slept.  “Ever since you forbid me from talking I’ve been a good boy – I’ve kept my mouth shut.  And that’s quite a feat for me.
“But you Kid, you can talk to me all you want.”
He moved up for a kiss but Peter pulled away, eyes wide, the gears in his head turning.  “Tony I…I never told you not to talk to me during sex…I just asked you not to make jokes about it.”
“Baby, this is a joke,” Tony whispered gently.
“What…what?!” Peter sputtered as Tony pushed him off and then heaved himself off the bed.  He should have been angry, but Tony looked too serene right now, too serene and…relieved? Like a man who had just survived an exhausting journey and was trying to find the energy to make it to the shower before he collapsed.  He was, in fact, headed toward the shower, even as Peter tried to make sense of what he had just said.
“This…this is all…this is all a joke to you?”
“Peter, for godsakes, pay attention!” Tony said wearily.  He had made it as far as the door to the washroom and was now leaning his head against the doorframe.
“Everything we’ve ever done in this bed is a joke.  No matter how tender or intimate or precious it is to us, no matter how brave or precocious or shy you are, and no matter how well we’ve learned to read each other, no matter what we’ve confessed to wanting in this room someone is laughing about it.
“Right this minute, right this second,  there are people in bars all across America making jokes about how their rival sports team likes to do exactly what you did to me tonight, and everything I’ve ever done to you.  Yes, Peter.  It is a joke.
“That’s why I joke about it.”
“Why should I give a fuck what your fucked-up generation thinks…hey!”  Peter called out, following Tony left the room.
“You know I could describe everything that just happened and everything we just said to each other on tumblr. right now and I’d have 110 likes by tomorrow morning, minimum!!”
He stopped then.  They were standing in Tony’s ridiculously large bathroom, a room where the shower, bath and toilet each had their own little nook, a room with such unlikely furniture including a desk and a love seat.  He stopped because his voice was echoing off the walls.  He closed his mouth hard.  He had been shouting.
(And exaggerating.  On a weekday he’d be lucky if he got 50 likes, tops.)
Tony had been standing in front of the love seat and looking at it, baffled, as if he couldn’t remember how to walk around it (or why anyone needed this much furniture in their bathroom.)  But now he was looking at Peter angrily.
“Oh yeah?  Well I have no idea what that means.”  He walked around the love seat picked up a towel.  “But what I do know is that my Gen Z boyfriend just fucked my ass twice, excuse me, made love to my ass twice, so I’m taking a shower.
“Tell me how many likes that gets.”
Peter stood, gaping, as Tony entered the shower.  “Are you coming?” the tired man called from within.
Peter came.
Chapter Management
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Chapter 6
: Our Own 2-Man Superfriends TeamSummary:
"I Was Rejected By Tony Stark In An Elevator?
“Worst.  Villain.  Backstory.  Ever.”
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Inside the shower there was little talking.  Not that Tony was distant, he was just as affectionate in the shower as always.  Affectionate, and exhausted.  At one point he dropped the bar of soap and looked around for it, baffled, without actually looking down.
“Tony, when was the last time you slept?”
Giving up on the soap, Tony stood under the spray, looking up to think as he rinsed off.  “I was pushing 20 hours when I got on the plane.  I was working – I figured I’d sleep when I got home.  But then I got your note.”
“But that was last night…oh god….”
Peter picked up the soap and finished lathering up the man, then rinsed him off.   Then shampooed his hair and rinsed that off too.  Tony allowed it all with an amused but gentle look.  Finally Peter was satisfied and led him out of the shower to towel him off.  Tony smiled silently, appreciative.  Still, the silence worried Peter.  Now they talked during sex, and that was good.  But did that mean they wouldn’t talk after?
They dried off in the absurdly large bathroom, then Tony took Peter by the hand and led him back to the bed.  He gently pushed Peter to lay down on his with a solid hand in the center of his chest.  Then he laid beside him, hand still on his chest, and looked into his face.
“You scare the absolute shit out of me, Peter Parker,” he whispered.
“I…what?  What does that mean?”
“You wanted me to keep my mouth closed during sex – so I was safe then.  But then you wanted me to talk when I went down on you but mostly I couldn’t say more than yes or no because my mouth was full.  But now you want me to talk when my mouth isn’t full and that’s just dangerous.  Very very dangerous.”
“I don’t understand.  What…what are you going to say?  Where are you going?”
Tony was sitting up and looking very alarmed.
“Tony, what’s wrong?”
“Oh shit.  Oh god.”  His eyes were wide and he was looking around the room in horror.  “I messed up, I sat up to go drink.  You’re usually asleep by now.  Oh god this is it, is this it?  This is it, isn’t it?”
“This is…what?  Tony you’re not making any sense.”
“This is when I say the thing, and you leave.”
“The thing?  Tony…”
The man was sitting, completely naked, on the side of the bed, his feet on the floor, and his shoulders were beginning to rise and fall as his breath quickened.  Peter scooted up to him, slipping both legs and around him and wrapping an arm around the shaking man’s body, and combing fingers through his hair.
“Your sleep deprivation is disrupting the connection between your amygdala and your medial prefrontal cortex…I appreciate that it’s making you very open right now but you’re also talking crazy.  What “thing” are you going to say to me to make me leave?  I know all your secrets.
“I know your Secret Identity; the whole world knows.
“And I know you like guys.  And you like bottoming sometimes – so hot times for me.  What do you think…hey…”  But Tony was standing and walking, unsteadily out the door.
“You have got to stop saying cryptic things and leaving the room!”  Peter demanded as he followed him, again, into the bathroom.  There he found Tony sitting on the love seat, gripping the edge with his hands, eyes wide.
“For godssakes what is this terrible confession??  Are you seeing someone else?”
Tony looked up him suddenly, so disgusted that Peter immediately apologized.  He climbed into Tony’s lap, linked his hands around the back of his neck, and spoke gently.
“Ok…ok.  You… have a crazy wife hidden somewhere in the penthouse and that’s why we can’t get married…no?  Your crazy first wife IS dead, but your equally-crazy MAID wants me to believe she’s still alive and in the last act she’ll burn the house down.  Soylent Green is people?  Come on, throw me a bone…I’m out of movies here Tony.”
Tony opened his mouth, but nothing came out.
“Ok, ok, ok.”  Peter racked his brain, tried to think about what parts of Tony’s life he didn’t know about.  “Do you have an illegitimate son my age?” he ventured.
“Oh my god are you my father?  No, no, you’re right, that’s too Star Wars.  Ok, I’m out.  Please tell me what the thing is so we can just get some sleep.”
“How can you have dated me for a year and still not figure this out yet?” Tony shouted, or tried to shout.  His voice was breathless and broken.  “You want me to take off my armor and strip away the sarcasm and the humor and what’s left?  There’s nothing here but me.  And I’m not good enough for you!  You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I’m going to screw it up some day and say the one thing that makes you leave and there’s nothing I can do to stop that, and I’m an utter coward and I can’t live like this much longer Pete!”
He had Peter by the waist and had lifted him up, or tried to, and was now gesturing by shaking Peter’s body, weakly, back and forth.  Peter easily broke away from his grip and pulled him close, stroking his head.  (Tony struggled, but what was he going to do?  He was sitting naked in his bathroom with a lapful of the Strongest Avenger.)
“So…wait…the thing you’re afraid of saying is…”
“The last straw.  I won’t know what it is until I say it.  But I will say it, Pete, I’ll say it and you’ll walk out on me and that will be the end of me.”
“Oh god.  This is just…existential angst?  Oh Tony, everyone has that.  Well, I imagine yours is epic…you could never do anything halfway.”  He kissed Tony’s head before he let go.
“Ok, I get it,” he said as gently as possible, stroking the man’s hair away from his face.  “You’re a superhero with super-sized angst.  I’ll give you that.  But you’re not a coward.  No more than I am.  I’ve spent all night trying to work up the nerve to…actually I’ve been working up the nerve for months to tell you this…”
Peter let his hands drop to his thighs.  He leaned back (as far as he could, sitting on Tony’s lap) and took a deep breath.
“Tony, we’ve got to stop trying to read each other’s minds.  Because we both suck at it.  I mean we do it great on the training fields at the compound and, ok, we do it really well in the lab together but wow, when we try to do it in this relationship?  We suck.
“You’re afraid to say the one thing that makes me leave and I can’t work up the gumption to ask you for anything, your eyes get angry and your nose does this little sniffle thing when you’re about to get really mad and suddenly I shut up for fear for getting kicked out the tower and never being asked back.  Do you realize in all this time we’ve never had an argument, ever?  We’ve never even had angrysex.  You’re right, this isn’t sustainable.  We need to make a decision.
“I had a very elaborate plan to get into your pants and it worked.  But I had no plans after that.  I had no idea you’d invite me back, or keep inviting me.  But it’s been nearly a year, Tony.  I need to know.  Are we…a thing?  Are you my boyfriend —partner -- significant-hero – whatever?
“Because, if we are, Tony, then we can argue.  You can say ‘the thing’ that pisses me off and I’ll get mad and yell at you, and then I’ll come back.  Like a couple.  The way couples do.”
“But what if you don’t?  No, baby, no.  It’s too much to risk…”
“Excuse me?
“Anthony Stark, the very weekend I announced that I was 20 years old and Gay was the same weekend of the Capture the Flag game.  Do you remember?  You said my team won because I was pretending the flag was a giant dildo – in the shape of Fury’s penis.
“Do you really think you can say something that would piss me off more than that?!
“Tony, Nat told me that dating you would be hard work, and she was right.  It is hard work, but it is worth it.  But we need to be working on it together and we can’t do that if we don’t admit that it’s happening!  If we are together, if we are a couple, if we are our own 2-Man Superfriends team…then you can say ‘the thing’ and, yes, it might piss me off but I’ll still be back.
“No, I mean it, I’ll prove it,” he said in a gentler tone.  He took Tony’s face and leaned it back to look up into his.  “Open your mouth right now and say the most offensive thing you can think of, and I’ll prove to you it won’t make me leave.”
Tony blinked up into his face.  He looked stunned and helpless and fearful.  But all he said is “Your generation is too sensitive and you make it impossible to joke about anything.”
Peter’s lifted his eyes to the ceiling as he considered the statement.  Then he nodded.
“Ok.  Well,”
He patted Tony’s cheeks.  Then he squeezed his face a little between his hands as he said “And your generation was so homophobic you codified it so deeply into your language you don’t even realize when you’re being horrible, so I guess we’re even.
“Now that’s it – we’re official.  We are a couple, and we can officially get into fights now.
“Besides – that way we can have makeup sex.”
He kissed Tony firmly on the forehead and then sat back on Tony’s lap, smiling, proud of himself and what he had said out loud.
But his pride was somewhat dampened when he saw Tony’s pained face.   “I’m toasting self destruction but I have no scotch which is too bad because this is going to be legendary,” Tony whispered, and Peter’s shoulders sank.
“Oh god.  You’re so sleep deprived you’re incoherent.  Are you even going to remember this conversation in the morning?”
“I have no idea,” Tony said quietly, looking around the room as if he had never seen it before.  “Wait, c’mere.  I want to tell you something.”
Tony pushed himself free of Peter’s body and stood, taking him by the hand and leading him back to the bed.  This time he had Peter sit up in the bed with his back against the headboard.  Tony lay himself lengthwise alongside the headboard, his head in Peter’s lap.  Once he got comfortable he started to speak.
“A famous man once said, "We create our own demons.”  Do you know who said that?”
“No.  But let me get my phone and I’ll look it up.  Or you could just ask FRIDAY.”
“Nevermind.  I’m going to tell you a story.  It started in Burns Switzerland in 1999, Christ were you even born yet?  The good old days.   I never thought they'd come back to bite me.”
* * * * * * * * * * * *
He talked for two hours.  It would have been less but Peter asked many questions (but not as many as he wanted.  He put aside a dozen topics he was planning on googling later.)  He had heard many versions of the story, of how Dr. Killian had been the American behind the Mandarin attacks and the destruction of Tony’s house in Malibu, but he had never heard the story from Tony himself.
They changed positions many times, from the Psychiatrist-Couch position to spooning to sitting up on the bed to back to the Psychiatrist-Couch position (but reversed.)  Tony was just getting to the part where War Machine had saved the life of the President when Peter stood, brought him a pair of boxer shorts, donned a pair himself, took him by the hand and led him to the kitchen.
“It’s 5 in the morning,” he announced.  “Time for breakfast.  If I get some food into you maybe I can get you to sleep.  But not until you finish your story.  I’m still trying to figure out how dissing a nerd in an elevator at a New Years Eve party made YOU to blame when he refrigerated your personal assistant.”
“Well…she was my girlfriend at the time.”
“That makes it worse, not better, Tony.  We’re making omelets now.”
Tony obeyed.  “What does ‘refrigerate’ mean?” he asked, his head in the fridge.
“I’ll explain later.  I appreciate the connections you’re trying to make here, Tony, I do, but I don’t think this is as circular as you think it is.  Lots of rich people didn’t invest in AIM’s screwed-up think tank.  He didn’t torture all their girlfriends.”
“But it was…it is.  Circular.  I made the demons myself…”
“No, sorry, not buying it.  I Was Rejected By Tony Stark In An Elevator?
“Worst.  Villain.  Backstory.  Ever.”
“You know, I told this story, all of it, to Bruce,” Tony later admitted as they ate their omelets.  “He fell asleep early on.”
“Bruce?  The guy who had to be a hermit is as his main survival skill for, like, ages?  Bruce is a good man, but he’s not a good friend.  I just mean he has a lot of guilt and pain in his life.  Not much room to invest in someone else’s.”
They discussed Bruce and the other Avengers as they moved the dishes into the sink.  But before they headed back to bed Tony pulled Peter into his arms and held him close.
“You’re the only one on the planet, now, who knows this story,” he whispered.
“Well, yeah, that makes sense,” Peter said with a tired grin.
“I am your boyfriend.”
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