#i get to solve problems by turning into dinosaurs!!
confused-alpaca · 2 years
dinosaur games make autism brain go brrr
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benbamboozled · 2 years
I just…HOW can you say that someone is more cop THAN THE GUY WHO WAS LITERALLY IN-CANON an ACTUAL COP???
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yawnderu · 9 months
honestly i would die for bimbo!reader to have some sort of Legally Blonde level of intelligence but for the stupidest, most useless shit. no, she can't remember which knob turns on which burner for the stove, but she can tell you the effects of different chemical compounds found in all her favorite skincare products and now they react to an individuals derma-layer. simon once caught her watching a screensaver on TV for 30 min because she thought it was "a reeeeally slow nature documentary /:", but she's fluent in Korean because she got super into Korean make up brands from her favorite influencers and wanted to be able to read the product ingredients/reviews/tutorials, it just never gets brought up otherwise and when someone asks in disbelief she's all "what, like it's hard?"
and simon is just sooooo so so proud of his smart pretty girl. who cares that she thought soap's parents legally named him after a dishwashing product. can mactavish tell him how to tell dupes from authentic handbags based on the inner stitching that can only be done on machines specially made by Italian companies? no? then shut the fuck up. tell us more about glitter lipgloss, beautiful.
Absolutely!! She may be dim-witted when it comes to certain things, but she's not exactly dumb at all. This girl could recite the laws of astrophysics and solve complex mathematical problems while being piss drunk.
Simon is still amazed by how complex his sweet girl is— he knows she isn't stupid, yet it never fails to surprise him how you start speaking to MacTavish in fluent Scottish Gaelic, only offering the explanation that you learnt it because a character on your favorite movie spoke it once, looking at him like he grew a second head when he sheepishly told you most scottish people don't speak Gaelic anymore.
Sure, you may have thought movies were real and used to avoid watching them because you thought the actors were actually getting killed and you didn't want to support that, yet a window of your house is full of math equations that gave him a headache just by looking at them.
I'd say Simon sees bimbo!reader as a box full of surprises, telling him about something new every single time you have a conversation. How did you get into studying astrophysics? You got the highest score in the university admission exam and saw a poster that was shiny and had cute stars and a pretty nebula!! How could you resist when everything about it called for you?
Mhm, the smell of gunpowder and blood that sticks to him no matter what is such an odd perfume, yet it surely has an interesting molecular makeup! Of course it does, pretty girl.
They complement each other so well because Simon has the street smarts she's lacking, and she has the book smarts Simon doesn't. She can be extremely ditzy, but who cares when she can tell him exactly which inks are recommended for his skin and which chemicals can rough up his face? He had to buy a brand-new eye black stick simply because you could tell the materials used on it by applying it on your hand with a frown.
I'd like to imagine her as someone with lots of odd interests, knowledge and hyperfixations in the dumbest things besides the universe. He has to keep up with you buying materials for making bracelets and keeping a room full of dinosaur plushies.
Bimbo!Reader Masterlist
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
The Great Jungle Fence of ‘23
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A majority of you poll-voters expressed the opinion that my fence would stop Pampe for 4 to 7 days and I am very touched by this popular endorsement of my fence-building skills, because her first escape happened after roughly 4 hours.
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^ Pampe connoisseurs will know that her preferred way of defeating fences is by karate-chopping them with her neck, but I thought she could only do that if the fence was low enough for her to put some strength in the chop. The jungle fence was at least as tall as Pampe in the place where I found it all droopy-sad after she escaped, so I guess Pampe added a new jump-chop combo attack to her character sheet. I imagine it went something like this:
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That’s okay! All new information about Pampe is carefully filed and will contribute to the creation of the Ultimate Fence. I decided to simply make this portion of the fence unneckchoppable by braiding branches from nearby trees into the fence like they did in Indonesia with that living bridge made by knitting the roots of two banyan trees. I ended up using five or six branches so it’d be solid enough, but here’s a pic of the beginning of the process:
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The braided-branch part of the fence still stands undefeated, after 20 days. Pampe ate all the leaves but couldn’t get rid of the branches and had to concede this battleground.
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I then found her staring pensively (worryingly) at another potential weak point of the fence: the gate. I used a standard wood pallet at first, tied to trees, but it wasn’t very high. I couldn’t add another pallet on top of it because that would make it inoperable as a door, so I went to explore the barn, which like all barns is full of dusty treasures. What object do I own that’s like a pallet, but much taller?
A slatted bed base. Once tied to a tree it swings open easily, but it was an awful chore to carry it all the way across the pasture, I had to wait for a weekend when my mum was going to visit me. That conversation went like:
Me: Do you remember that old bed in the barn? Can you help me carry it (well part of it) across the pasture? Mum: Why on earth Me: Pampe. Fence. Mum: That’s a good reason
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I was very proud of my new, impassable gate, but Pampe was weirdly nowhere to be seen as I was setting it up. Usually she’s here carefully observing over my shoulder when I add a new element to a fence, so that was alarming.
In a flash of insight I realised I had been tricked; she’d never had any intention of jumping over the pallet gate. Too easy, too predictable. She’d only examined the gate to scare me into trying to solve this non-problem and force me to use my only trump card (I don’t have several old beds in the barn), and meanwhile she’d gone and jumped over a different pallet in a different part of the fence.
That other pallet had a sheep netting stretched above it, so that a) I thought it was unjump-able, b) Pampe thought it was a more amusing challenge. Poor Baby Poldine was a bit distraught; she clearly didn’t dare to jump to follow her mum but she didn’t want to be left behind once again, so she tried to slip through the net, but that didn’t work either.
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Poldine made a baa noise like a traumatised baby goat and Pampe grudgingly turned back to go bump noses with her through the fence, it was a cute mother-daughter moment.
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I added a new length of wire mesh (see pink arrow in the below pic) above the pallet to discourage further jumping, and my mum went “So you can remove the sheep netting and use it elsewhere” and I was like, what, no! Do you think they remove parts of the fence every time a Jurassic Park dinosaur escapes? That makes no sense. I’m only going to add more elements to this fence. Forever and ever or until it works.
Pirlouit, a law-abiding animal with very modest fence needs, was starting to look a bit overwhelmed.
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Also—for once, Pampe didn’t look annoyed about being escorted back where I wanted her to be, she was kind of bouncy and looked immensely entertained by all this.
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I’ll spare you the details but she escaped again, this time by lifting the bottom of the fence in a place where it was weighed down with a crossbar, which she broke in two with the power of her neck. That was easy to fix; instead of a wooden crossbar I weighed down the base of the fence with massive rocks. Go ahead and neck chop those, Pampe. But this time around it had taken me forever to find the spot where she escaped, so I decided to make things easier for myself in the future—I cordoned off the area just outside the fence with police tape between trees, along the whole length of it. This way I’ll see easily where she escaped—the tape is very flimsy and I crisscrossed it in places, so she shouldn’t be able to get past it without breaking it.
... So I suppose I’ll have to start the next post with “You’ll never guess what I caught Pampe doing last night” and a photo of her like
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Anyway, Pampe looked unamused this time.
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Well, that’s all. For now. Pampérigouste is back in the lawful enclosure with her family and we are waiting for her next move. Here’s a photo of her alone in the unallowed half of her pasture the other evening, contemplating her freedom
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batneko · 1 year
okay SO, childhood friends idea inspired by a suggestion from @hyperfixatingonbowuigisohard and the Yoshi's Island games. I still don't have a story exactly but I do have a lot of Thoughts.
Mario and Luigi are around three or four years old, old enough to talk but not to really articulate what's happening or how they're feeling. It's during a time when the parents think grandma is watching them and grandma thinks the parents decided to take them after all, and when they get home everything seems fine so the adults don't bother to compare notes. But we're getting ahead of ourselves.
Bowser is a couple years older, and small kids develop so fast that most wouldn't want to play with one much younger ("that's a baby!!!") but he's so desperate for a friend even close to his own age that he jumps at the change to spend time with this strange child that stumbled into his castle.
But... little Bowser has been so spoiled by Kamek and the other servants raising him that he has no idea how to play nicely. Luigi is terrified of him at first and starts bawling the moment Bowser "orders" him to play. For the first time in his short life, Bowser has a problem that can't be solved by yelling, crying, OR throwing things. He has to control his temper and learn to - what's it called again? - share.
Despite that the week that little Luigi spends with him is the happiest Bowser has ever been, and even that short amount of time has such an impact on his personality that he almost seems like a different person by the end. He accidentally bumps into Kamek and says "sorry" without being prompted and Kamek is so shocked he has to have a lie-down.
But at the end of that week, little Mario suddenly shows up with a pack of yoshis who seem to know where the boys belong, and Kamek knows it's not right to just keep a lost child. He also knows that there's no way Bowser is going to agree to let his first-ever friend go away and maybe never see him again, so Kamek smuggles Luigi out while Bowser is asleep and tells him his family came to get him. It's technically true.
Bowser is devastated. He screams, cries, throws things, and finally begs, but there's nothing anyone can do, Luigi is already gone. He's miserable for months, but eventually the sadness turns into anger. If his friend wanted to come back, why doesn't he?
Time passes. The memories fade. He's left with equal parts fascination by and resentment of humans, and the subconscious belief that if you give the people you love any chance to leave you, they will.
Meanwhile Mario and Luigi have gone home, and both of them are suddenly talking a lot about dinosaurs. That's not unusual, kids love dinosaurs, the parents figure they saw a cool book or movie with one of their cousins. But while Mario seems to think of dinosaurs as big animals that you run around with, Luigi keeps asking when he can go see "the dinosaur" again. He gets upset when his parents don't know what he means, but he keeps asking, again and again, for months. Every time they think he forgot he asks again, and no movie or museum visit or plush toy seems to be the answer.
He draws a lot of spiky green balls in this time. Eventually the parents decide that "the dinosaur" must be his imaginary friend and try to play along. It doesn't work, Luigi is still upset, but he's young and eventually he really does forget.
Years later family members will still sometimes bring up "Luigi's imaginary friend the dinosaur" as a cute anecdote. It's a little embarrassing, but he doesn't mind it too much.
And then it's twenty-plus years later and Mario and Luigi find themselves in a world that's full of adventure and magic and - yes - dinosaurs. There's a feeling of déjà vu but there are bigger things to worry about at the moment, and neither of them have any real reason to think they've been to this world before.
The first meeting doesn't go well. Bowser kidnaps Peach, the bros come to her rescue, and it ends in a big fight. Bowser does have a moment's pause when he first sees the bros, but Mario takes that opportunity to attack him and it's downhill from there.
There are several more clashes as time goes on. Sometimes it's just Mario, sometimes it's both of them, but after enough meetings people start to notice... Bowser controls his temper better around Luigi.
At first Mario thought it was just because Bowser hates him specifically, but no, other people have noticed it too. For some reason when Luigi is there Bowser is actually capable of showing restraint. Not even Peach brings that out of him. It's weird.
(Mario does wonder if Bowser kind of has a thing for his brother, but he can't bring himself to say it out loud.)
Luigi isn't scared of Bowser either, not the way he probably should be, given the whole giant monster/serial kidnapper thing. It's too awkward to ask Bowser why he's different around Luigi, but Mario asks Luigi why he's not afraid, and Luigi can't put his finger on it. He just Knows that Bowser is more bark than bite. He's not sure why.
So that's where things stand; Bowser and Luigi are both more comfortable with each other than anything about their personalities or situation seems to justify, and nobody knows why.
...Except Kamek who, as the only adult in the situation, figures out who the bros are almost immediately and promptly decides to Keep His Damn Mouth Shut. That reveal is not going to lead to good things for him.
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littleliterarylesbian · 6 months
Dear, James -4
| part 1 part 2 part 3
Harry has seen his Papa in many states before, whether he remembers them or not is different, but he knows he was there.
He has never seen Papa as angry as he is now, clutching at the front door, rage rolling off him in the form of magic, causing the ceramic key and trinket holder near the door to crack and the wood under his feet to splinter. He can see how Papa is clutching at the door so hard his fingers turn white as he peaks into the front hallway.
Papa told him to stay in the kitchen, to continue eating, but he didn't listen, shoveling in the last of his cereal so it didn't get soggy in the milk before he carefully walked to the front door. Harry can't see who's past the door, Papa has the door mostly closed and his body in the opening. He wants to know so badly, he itches for it, but Papa always said that curiosity isn't a good thing. But Papa is also very angry right now, and maybe Harry can get a kick in before he's sent to his room...
"I heard of what happened... Mr.Black" The voice of the stranger paused between the words oddly, and Harry watched as the wood on the door started to peel from where his Papa was gripping it.
"Sadly I still insist, you have the wrong house. Please get off my property." Harry can see how Papa's jaw clenches, and well, Papa is wrong, he is a Mr.Black, and he did also get fired from his job recently. It was upsetting, but as Papa said, they still had enough money so that Harry could have seven children and those seven could have seven children each and they'd still be comfortable for life and then some.
He doesn't want to have seven kids though, but that's not important.
"I don't believe I am ever wrong," The voice said, and Harry wrinkled his nose. Apparently Papa has the same reaction because when he opened his mouth to speak, the stranger spoke again.
Harry is glad they have magic, as the ceramic piece by the door finally shattered, keys and rings and one of his mini plastic dinosaur from several years ago that he keeps forgetting about scattering along the surface of the hall table.
"You're son is very like you, despite appearances." Shit. Caught. He tried to shuffle back to where he wouldn't be seen, but Papa turned his head too quickly, a glare being pinned on him, and Harry couldn't help to shuffle in place before rushing up to his parent's side, holding the back of Papa's shirt. He's been caught already, why not ride it out?
"Get off of my property." Harry nods enthusiastically, frowning at the old man in front of him because his Papa is right and the man needs to go.
Though the stanger's beard is very long, it's funny, the grey compared to the colorful... something or other that the man is wearing. He still isn't welcome hear though.
"I have a job opening for you, Mr.Black." The man says and Papa rolls his eyes, groaning, giving up all pretenses of pretending. Harry would have kept with it though, if he was Papa, just until the man gave up.
"Oh? What a coincidence. I just get fired from my job as an astronomy professor and suddenly you're here, telling me you can solve my problems." Harry has to fight down a smile at his Papa's tone. So sassy.
The stranger raises an eyebrow, and Harry can feel the anger flare again, so he tries his best, leaning against Papa and he thinks it works. He can't feel it much anymore, but Papa is still so angry.
"I wouldn't know what you are implying Mr. Black."
"Really." Papa doesn't ask a question, keeping his glare and, personally, is Harry was in the strangers position he would have already been sent up to his room.
"I believe it would be best to talk about inside however." The stranger smiles and Harry can't point it out, he's never been too good at that, but it doesn't feel like a nice smile. Harry doesn't know how that's possible.
"How about you go and suck the dick of the lover you left rotting in prison again." Harry should tell Papa to put a coin in the swear jar, but he holds it in. It can be excused just this once he thinks. Papa deserves a swear once in the while.
The stranger doesn't say anything, just staring and staring until finally Papa bites out a "Fine." and lets the man in.
Harry would have just shut the door on the man, but oh well.
The stranger walks in like he knows where to go already, and after a few seconds Harry is surprised that the man does, walking right past them and going to the sitting room. Papa sighs and turns to Harry.
"I thought I told you to stay in the kitchen."
Harry shrugs, "You were taking too long."
Papa sighs and rolls his eyes, but still kisses the top of Harry's head as he passes while Harry hangs back, looking at what Papa will have to fix later, because despite Harry having a wand already and knowing how to use it, Papa says it's just for emergencies, and a few peeled pieces of wood, a cracked photo frame, and a broken ceramic is probably not an emergency. He bites his lip, but still turns to follow the older two into the sitting room.
When he gets there, Papa is on one side while the stranger is on the other. There's almost like an invisible line across the room and Harry doesn't hesitate before standing next to Papa.
"Did you get the letters?"
"Harry isn't going to Hogwarts."
The man raises an eyebrow as Harry looks up to his parent with a puzzled expression. He knew he wasn't going to Hogwarts, that's not what he's confused about, he already has most of his stuff for Beauxbatons anyways. What he doesn't understand is why the man is bringing it up.
"We need an astronomy professor, and with your recent gap of employment, I thought we could come to a conclusion Mr.Black."
"I'm perfectly fine where I am."
It's silent for a second before the stranger sighs, shaking his head, "I heard that another Mr.Black and a certain Mr.Potter are quite distraught as of late."
Harry watches as Papa stands up straighter, and he can't help the uncomfortable bubbly feeling in his stomach because Papa clearly doesn't like this man, and suddenly he's bringing up people who Harry knows he's related too. They've always been sensitive subjects when it come to his parent.
He looks down and tugs an arm away from being crossed against his chest and holds that hand. He thinks some moral support could help, but Papa still crumbles the same, letting his other arm drop and pushing his shoulders back as he stares at the man.
"What about them?"
Harry knows that his papa still cares about his brother and his ex, but Harry doesn't. He's never even met them for Merlin's sake, they never even bothered to visit or see either of them despite how lonely Papa has been.
Yes, they still have Aunt Pandora and her wife Aunt Lily, along with their daughter who is Harry's best friend, but Harry knows that Papa still misses them, from how he gets caught staring at the letter writing supplies late at night, how even after all this time Papa will stare at a photo album that Harry once managed to sneak a peak into only to see the so called family that left the both of them to fend for themselves. And Aunt Pandora. She was also in the photobook.
The stranger purses his lips, and Harry squeezes on his Papa's hand. "It seems they recently got a letter that was quite disturbing. Left them both in shambles, my dear boy."
Papa wrinkles his nose, but apparently let's whatever comment he had saved up go.
"A letter from the name Regulus Black."
"That's not new." Papa sounds bored, but Harry can tell by the sudden slight squeeze on Harry's hand.
"Ah, my boy, but it is. See, apparently they miss you. I've seen them for years, and despite everything now is the time they seem quite torn up."
Papa lets out a breath of air and Harry watches as his free hand clenches. He's almost tempted to reach over and hold that one too, but then he wouldn't be able to frown at the stranger. Somethings are a higher priority then helping his papa. Like discomforting this random old guy. He doesn't seem to be fazed, but Harry swears it's working.
"If they regretted it, a letter would have sufficed instead of you coming here."
"They believe it's been too late for far too long. I thought I'd go out of my way."
"I'm still not taking your shitty job, I'm fine right here. I can find another if needed."
The stranger walks closer, "Can you truly, Mr.Black?" The way he says it means something that Harry either doesn't know or hasn't caught onto yet, but one look at his parent and it seems like he's the only one, face paler then normal, eyes slightly wide as he stares as the other man. A noise of confusion escapes him and Papa's head shoots down, looking at him for a second before turning back.
"I can, I know I can."
The stranger smiles a little, like something Papa said was funny, and now the weird feeling in Harry's gut traveled up to his chest. What does the man mean? Why is he hurting Papa in their own home? Sure it might not be physically, but that's not the only way someone can hurt. He knows that, so why doesn't the stranger? Is it because that is what he is? Nothing but a stranger?
Papa's jaw clenches and his eye twitches in a way Harry doesn't think he's seen before, "What did you do?" The stranger doesn't answer though, smiling the same weird smile as he has in the past before speaking himself, already moving out of the room.
"I'm sure you'll make the right choice my boy."
Papa is still standing there as the front door shuts and Harry finally asks the question that has been on his mind since he saw the man.
"Who was that?"
| part 1 part 2 part 3
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carionto · 10 months
So, dinosaurs are a bust, BUT we got the next best thing
Part 1 2 3 4 (and extra)
The "dinosaur" """science""" station around the planet Ramforinkus is facing an existential crisis:
The dinosaurs they engineer keep dying on the planet that likes to set itself on fire all the time. Go figure.
And they are trying. Everie Jackobson, Henrietta Kostoyeva, and Gieverne de la Roquohe (everything after Ro is silent, obviously) will never give up on their dreams of... I'm actually not sure what they're actually aiming for anymore. It's become almost like a fever, this urge, this need to have dinosaurs as seen in Jurassic Park on a planet that is absolutely hostile to pretty much all living things except the very peculiar ferns, moss, algae, and fungi that coexist in this strange symbiotic cycle of conflagration.
Their latest solution?
Yup. Robo-dinosaurs.
If the flesh can't survive, metal will. They still want biological things in there, or it won't be a "real dinosaur" whatever importance that has at this stage.
But there's no fauna on the planet for them to hunt and eat, and there's no point to making a Dinosaur Planet if you can't have a goddamn TYRANNOSAURUS REX running around eating people. I mean, other dinosaurs. Whatever.
The solution? Make them able to digest metal that the cybernetic herbivore dinosaurs will be made of. Can't be solving self-inflicted problems without creating boatloads of additional work that will result in other problems that themselves will need extensive and complicated solutions, which in turn will continue the cycle forever.
Why are they adding guns to the carnivorous dinosaurs now?
Well, the cybernetically enhanced herbivores are a lot faster and more durable than their pure organic counterparts, so O B V I O U S L Y you need to compensate and balance things out.
But oh no, the weapon discharges are catching the planet on fire more frequently and reducing the herbivore's food sources dramatically, who could have predicted this, I wonder.
Aaaaand now some of the herbivores are salvaging the ranged weapons off of the occasional dead carnivore and gearing themselves up, so now the raptors need better defensive capabilities and stealth tech to even get close to their prey.
Yeah, go for it, that certainly won't cause more problems. Do a mecha-dinosaur arms race, these three """"""scientists"""""" are really putting their brilliant minds to good use over here. Well done.
...and now the dinosaurs are putting their differences aside and planning a rebellion against the evil sky wizard tower.
And you know what the three stooges are thinking?
Wrong (unless you did guess this next part).
"I wonder how long until they develop their own space program and join us as a Galactic civilization? I can't wait! Dinosaurs in Space!!!"
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copperbezel · 15 hours
Nova Blaze, cyborg streamer
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I started this project intending it to be a quick test of a few techniques, and I didn't start thinking of it as a "character" until I was already printing test parts. I think Nova Blaze nonetheless managed to take on a unique identity by the end.
Sadly, she isn't a dinosaur, and she doesn't come with any transformations or widgets, but she's going to live on my monitor stand for a while nonetheless. 
There were really three technical goals for this project. First, I wanted to rely as little as possible on painted detail, using dye for the bulk of the figure's colors to greatly improve durability. Second, April convinced me to try ball and socket joints on a figure again, because their simplicity and compactness opens up a lot of options. Third, I wanted to to make a figure that was a bit sexy, with some reference to lines like Frame Arms Girl, Robot Neoanthropinae Polynian, and Busou Shinki.
So, first, those colors. The acrylic paints I used on Bit Cobalt and still use for detailing are prone to chipping and scratching. I want my figures to be durable enough to pose and play with, and dye is the natural solution.
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Outside of the beige "skin" parts, Nova is mostly made with white resin dyed into color, with the dye mixed into the liquid resin for the pink parts. The yellow parts were printed white and dyed in a diluted dye bath, and the black was painted on directly undiluted. Most of the photos in this post are of a second copy of the figure made for April, and there's very little paint on it, essentially just the lipstick, the gray sections on the torso, and the cyan streak in the hair.
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The second technical goal for this project was in the joints. Nova's joints include a few ball and socket joints with both sides printed in resin, which I was initially reluctant to try. I've seen very bad results from attempting ball and socket joints in "standard" resin, and the "ABS-like" resin I'm using doesn't solve all of the problems - the porous surfaces still bite and grind at first - but it made the difference between unworkable and workable results once I'd dialed in the socket geometry.
In the hips and ankles, I've used Kotobukiya Hexa Gear joints for the ball side of the pair, which seem to be working very smoothly. (April very sweetly surprised me with a small stash of the joints after handling an early form of the figure.) Nova's range of articulation is the most I've hoped to get out of a figure so far, and I'm very happy with some of the poses she can pull off, as is probably clear in the photos. 
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The third goal of the project, of making a figure that was a bit sexy, doesn't sound like a technical challenge, especially for a cartoon cyborg. But I've always really struggled to draw human characters that aren't uncanny and awkward, and up to now, the robot figures I've been modeling have largely been made up of chunky shapes that are very forgiving to my weak understanding of human anatomy. Nova was an opportunity to push and practice just a little in that area.
In turn, working with more organic shapes was a chance to practice a bit more with sculpting tools in Blender rather than leaning solely on the hard-surface modeling tools (constructing rather than sculpting) I'm more comfortable with.
I'm indebted to the time Workbenchmaniac has spent tutoring me in using Blender's sculpting tools, and specifically in sculpting faces. I made much more use of that tool set (and skill set) in this project than in any of my previous ones. I'm particularly happy with Nova's face sculpt, even if it took me three days to do what a real sculptor can do in thirty minutes.
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I had the figure mostly modeled, still thinking of it as mostly a technical exercise, when April suggested the cyan hair streak to complete the CMYK color scheme. Things snowballed from there, and a few realizations (like "laptop stickers") and a week of work later, Nova had developed into something a bit more like a character.
Nova's hair can be popped off to interchange her face plates using a pair of magnets. She has stands in varied heights for any of five emoji, meant to represent chat reactions to her stream, and some alternate hands.
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Since I've never done any animation or sculpted posed figurines, I still have a lot to learn about modeling humans and creatures for posing, so the hand poses are simplistic and don't bend quite right. That'll be something to improve on in a future project, although I'll have to get back to something a little more crunchily mechanical for a bit for my next figure.
As always, thanks to my partner April and my mentor in all things Blender or miniature Workbenchmaniac, without either of whom none of these projects would be here.
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Photo backdrops via Nendoroid More: Background Book 03.
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shewhotellsstories · 9 months
The adoption narrative in The Land Before Time is interesting. On the one hand, one of the consistent themes in the movies is that the kids reject the, "stick to your own kind," attitude some of the adults around them have. Additionally, the young ones' willingness to focus on solving a problem where their parents often get hung up on arguing and assigning blame is partly due to their not caring about how they're different.
All that being said, there's a lot of complexity in The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze. In the previous movies, there's not a lot of discussion about Spike's adoption. Ducky thought he was one of her mother's eggs and when it turned out he wasn't she kept loving him as her brother anyway. And because no other spiketails are around, Ducky's family takes him in. This movie was released in 2001 so it was likely written in the late 1990s when colorblindness was still all the rage.
There's so much to unpack. Yes, Ducky and Spike's mother did a good thing by giving an orphan a home since at the time was no one like him around to take care of him. At the same time, considering Spike has never had the opportunity to spend time with dinosaurs like him it's not wrong of him to want to spend time with other spiketails. Although, I do understand Ducky feeling hurt at the idea of him leaving with them.
Long story short, while I agree that, "the people who love you are your family regardless of blood" is a good message, after spending the better part of a year reading about how painful it can be for transracial adoptees to be cut off from their communities entirely upon being adopted I hope that throughout the serious Spike gets to continue spending time with other spiketails.
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taggedmemes · 1 year
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ OXVENTURE PRESENTS: DEADLANDS / ch9 always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
'you're pretty good at making problems go away.'
''the exhibit's come to life again?!'
'do you think anyone else is gonna notice?'
'remember what i said earlier about not following your heart? this is one of those times. squash those feelings, squash them right down.'
'i got lost looking for the bathroom.'
'it's exciting to not know about electricity.'
'have you ever manned a boat before?'
'i'm feeling a little tense and angry right now even thinking about it.'
'it's a long, boring story, and we have a long... huh.'
'we shouldn't stand here in the brightness.'
'i've made a business out of being the fastest into a place and the first out of it.'
'what kind of oar is this? it's not going to work! it's supposed to have a flat bit on the bottom!'
'it's just that he's thrown up a lot of candyfloss already today...'
'i'm not very, uh... diplomatic.'
'it's natures bathroom.'
'everything's fine!!!'
'and then you get there and BA BAM! you shoot her in the face!'
'tore thought my leg right from here to here.'
'you know what the worst part is? i had to pay for goddamn postage!'
'is there a chance that she might come back if we don't shoot her in the head?'
'must be powered by lightbulbs.'
'i'm not the stealthiest.'
'i don't fit through too many tight spaces.'
'fancy a ride on the merry-go-round of nutrition?'
'well yeah, you've gotta eat or you die!'
'there's probably something cool on the other side.'
'sorry, my mind is just full of ideas right now.'
'it kinda sounds like you're suggesting a little bit of a showdown.'
'vitamins? what words are they gonna make up next?'
'that's a carrot. i know what that one is. i dunno what that one is; it's a tree i think.'
'she lies quite a lot.'
'hide behind the carrot boy!'
'the apple's coming back for revenge!'
'and that's why fruit and vegetables are important to a balanced diet.'
'he shouldn't have shot his gun five times.'
'it's a weird bread chimera.'
'argh, my good collarbone!'
'turns out there's a lot more to this job than they said!'
'did you read the contract?'
'don't shoot him in the eye! don't shoot him in the eye! ough... i gotta be easy with my metaphors.'
'i told you. there's no greater villain in the west.'
'you come back to get your other leg wrecked, you p.o.s?'
'i have solved world hunger here!'
'yes, there are some issues! but it is a process of moving into the future, you dinosaur!'
'you wanna do this? you wanna go?!'
'we don't rely on such old fashioned notions as chandeliers!'
'i'll settle for shooting her in the face, as planned.'
'you shot her in the wrong face!'
'it's not actually venomous, is it?'
'don't encourage it! you're not in a position to encourage it!'
'probably a good idea to give in to this new hunger.'
'it's a real gore fireworks show.'
'i was ready to walk up and execute.'
'can't believe that worked, he just gave in so easy!'
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askthechronoverse · 3 months
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Last Chapter •||• Next Chapter
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When Bellamy returned to the others with Kit in tow, Charmy was attempting to eavesdrop on some beat cops who were talking about the robbery.
“Guys.” Charmy and Vito turned to look at Bellamy, who pointed at Kit.
“We have to help these people solve the mystery. The guy who stole Ken's roller skates doesn't have it. Once we return everything to its rightful owner, then we'll see if we can borrow it.” Kit frowned. “Hopefully.”
“All right. You said that you know somebody was looking into this?” Vito pulled his sister over. “We should find them. If we need to help solve this case, we should have all the clues that whoever has been researching this whole thing has gathered.” Almost as if summoned, Tim’s voice called to Kit.
“Hey! Are you going to introduce me to your friends?” He trotted over to them, his Pikachu nowhere in sight. He flashed Kit a sympathetic smile. Kit introduced him to her cousins and Bellamy. “What kind of Pokemon are you, Bellamy? It's not often you see a Pokemon who can talk, unless they're a psychic type.” 
“I'm not a Po-kay-mon. I am a few different kinds of things, but not that.” Bellamy flexed their wings. Charmy laughed from behind Bellamy, mouthing the pronunciation of the word Pokemon to remember it for later.
“You really are from a different world, huh?” Tim scratched his head. “Kit, the police haven't found anybody fitting the description of the guy you're looking for, but we do have a few leads about where the plates could be. We could team up. Swap notes. I have a feeling the five of us could solve this mystery.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Vito was the first and only of the group to speak up. “What do you have so far?”
“I think the actual heist was done by a Pokemon called kecleon. They are Normal types who have the ability to camouflage. It was hard to see in the camera footage, but I think that's where we should start.” He sighed. “The problem I'm having is there aren't many witnesses, and not many of them have or know a kecleon.”
“Who have you talked to so far?” Vito closed his eyes in concentration. It was clear from his stance that Vito was in his element.
“The museum curator, the owner of the items for the exhibit, and the janitor. As far as we know, the janitor was the last human to be at the exhibit before closing time.” Tim picked up Pikachu. The rabbit Pokemon made noises that sounded excited. Then again, Pikachu always seemed to sound excited to Kit.
“And you say there's no other witnesses? Just those three humans?” Tim shook his head. “Is there anything else we should know?”
“I can't get you into the crime scene. But I can get you into the museum. I've told the Chief Inspector you're my apprentices… And that Bellamy is a Pokemon from a far away region.” Bellamy looked taken aback. He rubbed his neck. “Let’s go. We have the museum all to ourselves right now.” The group headed for the front doors, Tim and Kit trailing behind the others. “How are you holding up?”
“I'm getting really worried about my dad. He… I'm afraid I'm not going to see him again for a very long time.” Kit’s voice shook a little. She was guarded, but the words of the stranger about her dad being afraid still rattled around in her head.
“I know how you feel. Part of the reason why I came to the city was to find my dad. Losing a parent in any way isn't easy.” Tim’s eyes lit up. “I'm going to go get something. I'll be right back.” The man rushed through a small doorway. While Tim was gone, Kit began to search around the dinosaur displays again. A piece of cloth in the claw of one of the centerpiece Pokemon skeletons, a jumping Archeops, caught her eye. The cloth was a ruby red and looked almost silken. As she took it out of the claw, Tim returned. His Pikachu was not with him. 
“Has anybody you've seen today had repairs to their clothes?” Kit handed Tim the ripped cloth. 
“I didn't, but I'll ask around. This might be a really good clue, Kit.” He put the cloth in his pocket.  “Did you find anything else?” Kit shook her head. Pikachu walked next to Tim with a to go cup of coffee.
“What is Pikachu to you? I know you said he's your partner, but how did you meet?” Kit started her search for more clues.
“He was originally my dad's partner. I'd say I took him in, but it feels more like he took me in sometimes.” He laughed as he helped with the search.
“So your dad is a detective, too?” 
“Yeah. He’s pretty famous. People would come from all over for his help.” Tim's voice sounded wistful. “I've been looking for him. I haven't had any luck finding him yet.” He picked something up off of the floor that Kit couldn't see and pocketed it.  “I sometimes feel like he's close, but I think that's just wishful thinking.”
“Is that why you're a detective? To find your dad?” He nodded. “I hope you find him.”
“Me too. It's been years, but I don't want to lose hope just yet.” He put something else in his pocket. “He can't have just disappeared.”
“I really hope you find him, Tim.” Kit said with a light smile. She pointed to a corridor. “Where does that hallway lead?”
Tim was glad for the distraction. “I'm pretty sure that the hallway leads to the curator's office. I know the police were told to not go in there because of some priceless artifacts, but that makes me wonder if the curator is hiding something.”
“Why don't we go in there then?”
“I have a way to search that room without people getting suspicious. I'll let you know what I find.” Tim gestured with his eyes to Pikachu, who ran off in the direction of the corridor when Kit’s back was turned.  “I think you were onto something with the cloth. I found a button and another piece of the same kind of cloth. If we find the piece of clothing it belongs to, we can find a new suspect.” 
“If you found a button, could it possibly be from a jacket? Maybe a sleeve?” Kit tilted her head. She watched Bellamy get thrown out of the room where the plates once resided. “Ami! Did you find anything?” 
“Yeah!” They rushed over to Kit. “The whole room reeked of something super sweet. Like honey mixed with milk.” Bellamy stretched their wings. 
“Milk and honey?” Tim thought for a moment. “That's strange. I'll have to ask the inspector to get a sample of whatever that smell is coming from to see what it really is.” He trotted over to the person he had spoken to before and began to talk to him.
“I hope we're not doin’ all this work just for the bad guy to swoop in and take it from us.” Bellamy folded their arms.
“I hope so, too.” Kit played with the horn on her head.
“Really interesting.” Tim came back to the two. “They already looked into that. It's just a mixture of milk and honey. I don't think anyone had any time to spill a snack and the police believe it has to do with the display. That still might be something important.” They were quickly joined by Vito and Charmy. 
“We found something.” Charmy grabbed Kit and dragged her over to a glass vase with a twisted neck just outside of the roped off exhibit. Inside the vase was a small creature that was sprite like in appearance. It was pink and wore a scarf. It looked up at the five with large eyes. 
“The poor little thing! It's trapped!” Kit put a finger on the glass, the humanoid insect putting a hand on the spot.
“That's a ribombee, a fairy Pokemon. I wonder what it’s doing here. They usually prefer being around flowers and meadows.” Tim stated as Kit began to work to get the creature out of the vase. She dug through her bag and pulled out a sweet smelling granola bar. She used this to help the tiny creature through the mazeline twists by waving it around the neck. Eventually, the insect was out and the little thing looked grateful for the save. Kit broke off a piece of the bar to share with the fairy. “I wonder if it saw anything. This vase isn't that far from the exhibit.” 
“It's a shame you can't ask.” Kit stated as she looked the winged creature over. It flew into the display room, flew around the now empty altar in confusion, and then returned to Kit.  
“Yeah. Pokemon don't really work that way.” Tim shifted awkwardly. “I'll take Ribombee for a moment. I can make sure it's OK.” The insect landed on his hand and he headed off to a quiet and darkened corner, Pikachu trailing after. 
“I don't like how this feels.” Vito stated. “Bellamy told me you saw that hood guy before. I can't help but wonder what the end game is.”
“We definitely need to talk about this, but later.” Charmy stated. “Right now, our focus should probably be on helping that weird guy who's currently talking to the bee thing solve the mystery so we can beat the bad guy at his own game.” Kit looked over to where Tim was and, sure enough, it did appear that he was trying to calm the ribombee down. She shrugged and continued to listen to the others.
“I guess you're right on that, big sis. I feel like we all need to sit down and figure out what we know so far. I think the police completely combed this place at this point.”
“You're right about that.” Tim finally approached them, Pikachu and Ribombee trailing behind. “Let's head back to the Hi-Hat. We can go over my notes and figure things out from there.” 
Before they left, Tim tapped Kit’s shoulder. “Ribombee seems to want to return the favor. I don't know how she can do that, but I've told her to stick around.” The bee Pokemon nestled into Kit’s messenger bag. The teenager nodded and the two humans headed to where the others were waiting.
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zippy-reacts · 1 month
Sonic the Comic Liveblog: Issue 94
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I really like this cover art! I can't put my finger on it, but there's a certain je ne sais quoi about this art that really identifies it as belonging to a British comic.
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Oh okay, cover art was by Elson, explains why I liked it then. Anyway, we see once again that the price of StC is being raised. I've said before I feel StC is expensive, especially in comparison to late 2000s era Beano, but I suppose when you compare it to something more comtemporary like IDW Sonic it's a good price? Then again, who knows how it stacks up when you account for inflation. Annnnnd final note about this image - I wonder if that sonic spinner toy works like a fidget spinner?
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It might be because this is a whole different planet from Mobius, but it feels really odd that we're seeing like… Disney-esque dog humans as secondary and background characters rather than more traditional anthromorphic animals.
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Anyway, professor dude turned into reverse colour scheme Hulk. They're not even hiding it, his name is literally Bulk.
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Ah yes, Sonic's "spin really really fast to solve any problem" tactic! Haven't seen that one in a good few issues.
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Lol that's some pretty good snark.
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Hey, that's pretty close to my main blog's URL!
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Hmm. Starting to get Totally Spies vibes.
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Nice monochrome colouring! And it's pretty interesting to see Vector characterised as being smart in this way, even if the explaination does sound like it fits right in with Classic era Doctor Who lmao
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A review of Fighting Vipers, and look, there's Honey! I bet this reviewer never would've guessed that character with later be connected to the Sonic series
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Ooooooh! Did not expect to be introduced to Ebony and Pyjamas today! I am quite aware these two are fan-favourites. Btw, I'm loving that outfit Ebony is wearing, never seen art of her wearing anything modern and casual like that before.
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Ok! I guess she can change her outfit instantly! But man, I can already see that people must've fallen in love with this character quickly, just this one panel is great show of personality.
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You have my heart, Ms Ebony <3
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I haven't really brought it up much, but for a good while by this point, StC has become more or less just a Sonic comic (jeez, who would imagine considering it's name). The only other Sega comics they do anymore is the occassional run of Decap Attack comics. I guess out of all of them this one must've been a favourite among readers.
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I about to make a joke sugguesting Johnny's drink is alcoholic, but I wonder how old he actually is? Legal drinking age is 18 so he could potentially be old enough? But even if he wasn't, the UK is not exactly know for having teenagers who always follow drinking laws.
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Gonna file this one under "sentences that sound a lot more racist if we weren't talking about animals"
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It's kinda funny that Knuckles just like… randomly has a pet dinosaur now. …oh my god this issue is from 1997 so means Underground (released 1999) wasn't the first one to give him a dinosaur for no reason.
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You know what mate? I'd be pissed off too.
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A third of the back page which is otherwise dedicated to reminding you when the next issue releases? oh god yeah, such a waste of space. Totally unbelivable. 🙄
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The word of a kid who probably also enjoys burning ants under a magnifying glass.
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uptoolateart · 9 months
Finding a Way - Chapter 9
Adrien kept his arm tight around Marinette as they walked down the road. Despite her reassurances, guilt pressed on his shoulders.
There were supposed to be people here. This was meant to be their way home. But every damned dinosaur-themed shop they passed was the same – locked – empty.
‘It was never up to you,’ she’d said. But she didn’t understand. This wasn’t just about her. This was about Paris. He did have a duty, and he was failing it.
In his head, he could still see Ladybug’s stern expression when she’d told him she was going away for a week – when she’d told him he was responsible for Paris. He could still hear her asking, ‘This isn’t going to turn into New York 2.0, is it?’
‘Of course not, M’lady! You can count on me – and so can Paris!’ It hadn’t been a lie. He really had believed he wasn’t going on the class trip abroad. Then his father had changed his mind, again.
Plagg had been as helpful and considerate as ever. ‘Just check for akuma alerts. If there’s a problem, fly back as Astro Cat. There – problem solved. Now, can I please get back to my cheese?’
Problem not solved, because that was exactly the plan in New York. When Ladybug had handed him that responsibility, it was like she’d known he would screw up. Like it was a – a test. Maybe she hadn’t gone away at all. Maybe she was still in Paris, standing by, waiting to see if he stepped up.
No. She wouldn’t do that….
Would she?
No, no.
But if she had….
He’d failed, worse than ever before. At least in New York, he’d been able to transform. But here…he had no idea where his kwami was. They’d lost their phones in the ocean. And despite all the fancy features of his solar-powered GPS watch, there was no internet signal. He knew the date, the time, the temperature, and even their triangulated position…but had no way to contact the outside world and let anyone know.
And he couldn’t receive akuma alerts.
Read at Ao3
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redtoondevils · 8 months
'The DCA is unhinged' My unpopular confession.
-Disclaimer to update: So much portrayal has been changed from the HW 2 game. Although, there are some changes for his personality. That I don't agree with: Erratic behavior, aggression, and the jump scare.
Especially the Jump scare. If that is effects of the virus or not. To me. That doesn't suit him. Instead, I am going to use what he was like in SB, and in Ruin. With a small theory around his behaviors from HW 2.
Just know this is all coming from my opinion, to which I believe something should be said about this. And using characters who are similar, but also say why I think this word shouldn't apply to with reasons with what I think.
Unless, if I think there are otherwise. But, this is more about of why I think it shouln't apply to, because of how they appear to be.
I am not a professional mental health person. Just giving out my thoughts. Sunny, as described to be an unhinged robot, that has intense emotions and anxiety.
However, he is very childish, and is still playful even though he came from the theatre. I believe he wasn't angry and first. He has problems.
But saying he's 'unhinged', that as in mentally, like that as he is described. I cannot. Eccentric, however. I think there are other causes. It's reason why I don't think that's the point about him being like this.
Another character who is similar of being emotionally unstable, but not violent is Dobby from Harry Potter.
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Dobby is a mischievous, yet friendly house elf and loyal companion for Harry Potter. Like Sun, who is friendly sometimes. But, otherwise, both are relatively harmless.
Dobby is also timid, and unstable with anxiety. That's because he was being treated really bad, and abused by Lucifer Malfoy. That doesn't make him unhinged.
But later on in the films, Dobby starts to get braver, and doesn't appear unstable as he used to be. And stands up for himself. When he finally used his magic to fight against his evil 'Master'. He even risked his life for Harry Potter to save him. Then he died tragically.
Then there another character I think has the more accurate terms of mentally 'Unhinged', by getting violent and mentally unstable. This character that has the more serios symptoms is John Doe. AKA The Joker from Batman, telltale series.
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I picked this one because he wasn't a villain, and someone who has mental instabilities more severe, and realistic. His symptoms are far worse that that for both Dobby, and Sun.
He becomes and ally for bat man, but would need to be kept an eye on, and would need to be reminded to watch his anger emotions before he get's out of hand.
His temperamental emotions can heighten whenever he get's stressed, and angry. He get's violent, and may decide to hurt the person/hurt himself when someone get's in his way.
That one scene in church, where he tries to talk to Bruce, sitting next to him in those seats telling him of his friends. He's been told over, and over to keep it down.
When someone shushed him, he felt very offended with that, and threatened them. Before Bruce had to interviene, and tell him to 'Calm down' an sit back down.
Before John doe get's more overwhelmed and does something destructive/or harmful to that person who shushed him. He even has mood swings very quickly, and chooses to get violent towards those who does not respect him, or to solve problems.
The last character, I would like to show, and say why I think he isn't exactly Çrazy. Is Zini from dinosaur:
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Zini, like Sun is eccentric, and is energetic. Both he, and Sun got this similar personality in them. Especially their sarcastic banter. I don't think that due to Zinni's energetic character means that he's unhinged of any sort. I typically think he's just a furball weirdo.
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When Gregory broke his rule, Sun didn't do either of these things to harm Gregory, and use violence out of order to kick him out of the daycare. Apart from banning him.
When he was about to turn standing ontop of the counter, he was showing expreme signs of distress, and paranoia. Though, he did not one step down, or go anywhere with what he's not told to do, and stayed put not to go near Gregory when he turned.
Sure, he was upset, but he didn't get into destruction or out of order attempts when he was feeling angry and kicked Gregory out. In fact, that's more rational choice that he made when he felt angry and overwhelmed.
That the best that he could do, is to get the kid away from him, till he cools off. We've only seen Sun only for a few minutes when this accused, there wasn't very much interaction with him, when he's playful and not angry.
If he is depicted as a neurodivergent character with ADHD, and is on the leading spectrum of autism, then please do not call him that.
If he's emotianally unstable, then that means he finds it hard to cope with his anxiety? I just looked it up, and it means that the person get's mood swings, and has the inability to regulate emotions. Although, he is not the only one.
Roxanne herself, does show that she has trouble managing her emotions. And has mood swings, and seems to be obsessive with her beauty. If you disturb her, then she will get aggressive.
It is related to anxiety, but it's associated with the severity of trauma, and neglectance. I think that isn't severe. It isn't good that he's been treated that way.
But, I mostly think that the company just push him aside, or hooks him up in place where he doesn't wander and keep him in close supervision.
He does get angry, but he actually does refrain himself from committing any physical harm, whenever he feels like that. I am not inclined to say that he's mentally unstable.
I think that to label him as unhinged, with way that he appeared, in the first game. Was unequal on him out of everyone else. To what is happening to Monty, Chica, and Vanessa. Because she changes as well.
-And some additional notes. I even asked a friend of mine from a few years ago, asking them the same thing. "Is Sun The daycare attendant Unhinged?'. That's when I was wondering about it. And thinking that maybe he is, though I wasn't so sure.
So, this was their response.
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Then, after reading that. That cleared things up about him. I think by a lot. It isn't everything. But it saves it.
Then, after some thinking. I thought, yeah. This person is right.
And I thank them for it. Now, update this comment was posted a year ago. So, I do have some things to say about this post. I am still on the same page of this.
Is the mentally 'R' worded word, should not apply onto this. For medical reasons.
I think they mean as more behaving like that. They pointed out the general behaviors Sun has. When they said that, his behaviors could be explained by the fact.
That he's extremely lacking in communication. I think in those terms are accurate to this.
The correlation of them being a theatre robot. (Although, they would have other origin stories, behind them.) And since have moved. They wouldn't be communicating very much.
Or very well. Because, of this, with their coding still present, and how they feel emotionally, and dramatically. Is causing them to behave like how they are meant to.
To now that's been changed, is being implemented to. When they try to emotionally interact with kids, they contribute into doing.
They can sometimes, get destructive. And not being able to concentrate. But, they are also emotionally Intelligent.
I think, that some of these issues regarding to Sun's behavior is coming from his system. Being coded into. Especially when he turns into Moon. The theory of the virus affecting him and Moon.
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The transformation in SB looked painful, than how he used to turn back in HW 2 so quickly. The transformation in SB looked painful, than how he used to turn back in HW 2 so quickly. I think, that some of these issues regarding to Sun's behavior is coming from his system.
The background of them is stated that they were theatre bot's moved into the Pizza Plex from the fair ground. However, I think they were pretty much okay, until after when they have re located at the daycare that something changed with in them. (Their personalities are separate.)
I think they started to feel different, when this started to happen. (The erratic anger, and the jump scare.) Their bitter perspective developed, but their system may have gotten affected. Just like how Chica is affected below too.
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As you can see, something clearly looks wrong with her. The evidence is found in one of the notes, about Chica's bakery that it said in the sentence that she has this chip placed into her that's messing up her programming, and she attacked employees, and S.T.A.F.F robots. She is looking rather unhinged in this shot. And she continued from there.
Each one of these issues has it's own affects to the animatronics, in one form to another. Even to Monty, how his programming has been tampered with, changed him into an alligator that has mental anger issues, and became super destructive.
-Taking my attention back to Sun. I do believe that despite having his dancing programming removed. He was given some had some qualifications, with the strapped-on bells, and for cleaning up to be added in. With playtime, and protection.
So he cannot be acting violent, or having degenerative behavior. While yes, he is intense with his programming. I do think that, he does try to keep it together, even though he does get impatient.
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Sun In Ruin shows up again, and is malfunctioning. This is at the part where he lost more control. However, and I do want to mention this. I feel like he isn't given much credit of not letting go of himself.
He still has enough humanity to speak to Cassie, and tell her what to do. Without harming her whatsoever. That is an incredible tolerance to have, for some who is unstable.
Or not really sane. Another time, when he saves her again, if Cassie walks back a little too early, he saves her again when he tells her "No! No no! It's not safe yet! Turn on the other generator!". It's something that the very few people, wouldn't be able to do. If they lost their humanity.
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With this Image, gives me one more theory. When they are mixed together with both Sun and Moon, their programming are working together as one. Which could mean, that they were never this intense in the first place. And that I think Moon was sane, is because when he had been rebooted, he calmed down and started to behave correctly, and is calm.
Even though, he is intense. But I think just like Chica, and Monty. Something like this would have to be messing him up, and his train of thought. He himself, is a little temperamental.
But he isn't ill minded. Moon may be interpreted with unstable mind sets, but it is different in forms with the mental illness. Personally, I don't think he is a psychopath. Ruthless, yes. But not heartless. And still has feelings. Almost sympathic. And seek comfort in toy's to calm himself down.
In conclusion, I'm against the idea of Sun being Unhinged because of his energy, and his shouting excitedly. Which being excited, usually means being boisterous. And because, I have these reasons.
And even for Eclipse as well. They are both combined together now, and they wouldn't have those symptoms anymore. Because they have been fixed.
Reblog if you support this. Hearting is optional. Ignore this post if you are not Interested. This is open for feedback, and share your thoughts.
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antvnger · 11 months
Blood Brothers AU - "I'm not touching you!"
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((LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL I love this so much. This is peak sibling behavior.
The short answer is it depends on the day, Anon. Depends on the day. Mostly Scott but it depends on the day. ⬇️))
As previously stated, most of the time that was Scott’s move to annoy Tony to no end.
Sometimes Tony would get into a funk and not want to be bothered or he’d get knee deep into some kind of project or fill-in-the-blank that he would ignore everything else for a while, and that certainly would not do at all for the younger Stark brother.
He had seen other kids in his class pull this kind of stunt before with surprising results.
And any interaction with Tony was better than nothing in this boy’s mind soooo…
Scott extends his pointer finger out to his big brother’s arm, leaving just less than an inch of wiggle room in between. And he waits.
It feels like he waits for a long time, when it’s only been a few minutes, but eventually Tony suddenly feels like something’s…not quite right.
He jerks his head to the side to see Scott not touching him. “What are you doing?”
Scott shrugs innocently. “Nothing.”
“Why are you touching me?”
“I’m not touching you.”
“Yes, you are.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are!”
“Nuh uh!”
“I can practically feel you touching me! It’s like you’ve got a force field or something, so yeah, you’re touching me!”
That was the wrong thing to say. Scott gasps. “A force field? Cool!” He slowly moves his finger closer to Tony’s arm, and he leans away from Scott’s touch. “I DO have a force field!”
“Which is why I’m saying you’re touching me, so quit it, Scottie.”
“Nuh uh!”
“Don’t make me call Mom!...or Jarvis!”
“But I’m not actually touching you, Tony!”
Tony growls and turns his head in the opposite direction and inhales deeply. “JAAAAAAAAAAAAARRVIS!!”
The younger boy pulls away like he'd been electrocuted, putting a safe, plausible-deniability distance between himself and his big brother. “I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!”
But there have been occurrences as they got older where Tony took a page out of his brother’s book to get some sibling attention.
After all, any interaction with his little brother was better than none at all.
Sometimes Scott would get in moods where his self esteem takes a blow and he’ll pull away from people, or his ADHD would throw him into such a disorganized, unfocused state of mind despite moving at all speeds that he can’t get anything accomplished.
And sometimes distracting him seemed to help the mental clutter.
It takes a while for Scott to notice the presence of Tony’s finger an inch from his ear, especially if his ADHD is not cooperating, but eventually Scott turns his head and finds Tony’s index finger right in his face. “What the–?! Tony! What are you doing?”
Tony smirks gently. “Uhh I believe the phrase is not touching you.”
He's rewarded with an incredulous stare. “Are you serious right now?”
“I’ve never been more serious today than I am right now.”
“Tony, quit touching me.”
“But I’m not touching you, Scottie.”
Scott growls and smacks Tony's hand away, only for Tony to return it like nothing happened. “See, you touched me. I have not touched you. There’s a difference.”
Scott smacks Tony’s hand away a few more times only to render the same result as the first time before he huffs in defeat. “Okay fine, what’s it going to take for you to not…not touch me? Not not touch me? Not…what’s it going to take for you to stop?”
“Have you taken your meds today?”
Scott checks the clock and sighs. “It’s too late in the day to take my meds.”
Tony suspected as much already which is why he has a contingency plan ready to offer. “Then let’s get you down to those batting cages you love so much. You can work off some energy, and I can run some data and some schematics on you having a better batting cage machine than those old dinosaurs you work with.”
“First of all, they’re calling pitching machines. Secondly, yes please.”
Problem solved for the time being.
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nnms-mlnel · 2 years
i guess my biggest takeaway from the last episode is that, sending the professor back in time and rounding up/murdering all the puppets didn’t fix the puppet problem for the genie. the professor is still making them, and even worse, he’s starting way way back in the dinosaur times, so he’s going to have all that history to turn things into puppets before the genie can get to him. Or something idk. But the puppet problem wasn’t solved.
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