#i get why people are annoyed w so much fandom focus on ships ‘cause it super isn’t the point of succ lmao
Grateful for tumblr ✨ discourse ✨ in a way because I would have never even considered tomgreg as a ship or a particularly interesting dynamic without the obsessive analysis on here— I’m so enthralled by everything else that it never even crosses my mind (and didn’t seasons 1-3 when I watched it before I got into the fandom)
But now I’m horrifically obsessed with it and get drawn back in every time I open this gotdamn website like damn I was getting all invested in the meta political tech nightmare of it all but now I’m emotional because gay codependence!! aaaaa!!!!
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kairos-polaris · 5 months
For the alphabet fandom ask game -
G,U,N,P,O,W,D,E,R,,, T,I,M. you agree?
I love you, btw <3
Hi hi hi I love you
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
I can't remember my first one because bad memory but one of the oldest is definitely the Doctor and Rose Tyler. I just love them so much and I think about the Bad Wolf so often
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Jonathan Archivist Sims (the Magnus Archives) - my beloved asshole <3 He is so creature and I love his moral conflict. And while I think he should get worse and more evil, I love how clinging to his humanity is a central part of his story line
Itadori Yuuji (Jujutsu Kaisen) - he is my precious sunshine whom I love so so much. My boy deserves a happy life. I love how human he is, despite the hellish circumstances. The way he disregards his own life for the sake of others is just so tragic. I am very proud of him and his insane progresss
Jonny d'Ville (The Mechanisms) - bastard (affectionate). Everyone's favorite First Mate. I look at him like this 👁️👁️ while he commits acts of unspeakable violence, I take notes
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
I can't really think of anything? Maybe more queer platonic relationships and focus on friendships without calling them siblings or parent/child
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
TMA AU where Jon is kidnapped by Nikola and becomes the avatar of the Stranger (you already know this one but I couldn't really think of anything else)
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
The very first song I thought of was The Old Witch Sleep and The Good Man Grace and starting from 5:30 and to the end of the song it fits sukuita so perfectly
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
I generally don't hate tropes specifically and will read anything if well executed, but I do dislike "it was all a dream"
Also, I tend to avoid college/school/no powers au because they are pretty boring to me but I don't hate them
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Oh, there are so many. Stsg, jmart are the first ones that came to mind. They just don't have anything that makes me want to think about them :/
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
In TMA it's Jon and Sasha (they could have been best friends!!!) and also Jon and Daisy, especially post coffin. For jjk, it's probably Yuuji and Nobara, their friendship was incredibly precious to me and I need Nobara to be alive and well so bad
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Can't think of any right now, I don't think so
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Nope, I don't let social media influence my enjoyment of something. If I stop liking something, it's because I lost interest organically and not because people were annoying about it
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Yuuji!! He is a great friend and I am sure we would be besties :D I would say Jarachivist but we would argue about the stupidest thing 5 times a day because our autism would clash in the worst ways
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Ok so Camille’s an asshole on that we can all agree, but I’m really tired of people in the fandom acting like she’s just your typical annoying ex and she makes poor uwu Alec feel insecure cause fuck that. Camille was 100% abusive and manipulative but I also think she was sexually abusive too I mean seeing what she did to Simon and kissing Magnus without his consent even though he was clearly uncomfortable, consent doesn’t really seem to be an issue for her-
I feel like she definitely manipulated his fear of loneliness and not being good enough, to suit her needs. Like Magnus isn’t in the mood for sex or it’s especially triggering on a certain day, either way he’s not up for it but Camille makes him do it anyway. She threatens to leave or go find someone else who can fulfill her needs or take care of her when Magnus won’t, ‘I mean does he even love her when he won’t do this one simple thing for her?’ 
So he just lets her do what she wants, even if he’s having a full blown panic attack Camille doesn’t care or she’ll just leave insulting him saying she can’t deal with this right now and leaving Magnus with no idea when or if she’ll be back. So the next time she asks he hesitates less or initiates it more even when he’s not in the mood so she won’t leave and yeah I have a lot of emotions relating to this. and now I’m thinking about how it’ll affect his future relationships, not even talking about Alec but other people - I have this headcanon where when he got away from Camille and is healing, him ragnor and Catarina live together in ragnors cottage or somewhere away from people for awhile so Magnus can slowly heal and focus on himself and unlearn Camille’s abuse with the help of his family 
But despite what this fandom says Magnus has always been a helper and a selfless person to the point of self destruction. He’s unable to prioritise his own health and he wouldn’t be able to slow down and feel the full force of the abuse he experienced cause he feels like he’ll fall apart if he does and ‘no one wants a pathetic crybaby who breaks down when someone moves their hand too fast in his direction it wasn’t even that bad he’s just exaggerating like he always does this is why Camille doesn’t love him back’ (the ‘’ parts were meant to be strikethrough to signify Magnus’ inner thoughts but that doesn’t work on asks)
And he’s scared to get in another relationship cause he doesn’t think he’d be able to speak up for himself if they turned violent or controlling, he’s scared that if they did he’d just let them so he closes himself off from people puts these walls around him and a bright smile on his face that doesn’t let anyone think there’s anything wrong. And theres so much pain going on in the world ‘they have it much worse than him anyway’ and Magnus tries to help the best he can as he always does and he’s always there for people to lean on without any reciprocation and he’s so emotionally and physically tired and he’s not sure how much longer he can take it, almost considers going back to blackfairs bridge ‘really he’d be doing the world a favour’ but theres too many bad memories and he promised his family he would try so he holds on and then he finds Raphael and that obviously doesn’t fix everything but- I was going to continue this but it’s two am in my country and honesty it’s too long already😅 sorry for the rant it’s just a lot of emotions. Im so tired of the ‘Camille’s an annoying ex who keeps getting in the way of my favourite gay ship😠’ metas and needed to let out some feelings before I explode from my hate for Camille
UGH ANON HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE NOT ONLY A GENIUS BUT ALSO MY NEW BEST FRIEND, AN INTELLECTUAL, AND COMPLETELY RIGHT. YOU ARE SO CORRECT!!! idk if uve read my other post that i posted while i was waiting for you but we no longer have the same hat we are SHARING the hat!! i can't believe i got this ask right after i had just made that long ass rant and was in so much need to talk about this like ugh are you my guardian angel. i love you more than anyone else ive ever met
ok ok ok coherent thoughts ok i can do this. first of all THE SALT how does it feel to have vision and coherency. ppl writing camille as just an annoying ex or a bad ex or even as like "oh they both made mistakes and it ended up terrible" drives me UP THE WALL. camille was explicitly abusive, so much so that magnus CANONICALLY WAS UNABLE TO ALLOW PEOPLE TO GET CLOSE TO HIM FOR ALMOST A CENTURY. and she was shown to be abusive, both in the physical sense as you have reminded us so brilliantly and in the sense that her whole "choose me" speech? like she doesn't have to literally say the words "no one but me would ever love you" for that to be exactly what she's saying. she's obviously playing with his insecurities and putting him down while presenting her as his savior, it's CLASSIC ABUSE. she was written as such a perfect to-the-book abuser that it honestly shocks me like they did that really all they ticked all the boxes. the way she immediately launched to talk about alec's mortality too, the way she was obviously trying to make them fight and draw them apart - it wasn't a jealousy thing, it is just that she's abusive and she wants him isolated so she can toy with him and manipulate him 
EVEN SALTIER WHEN THEY MAKE IT ABOUT ALEC BEING INSECURE LIKE. especially because canonically he literally watched camille kiss magnus and didn't care, which was sexy of him because i was dreading some jealousy drama or something but instead he was just like. obviously she did it to hurt you. i only care in the sense that she's a fucking bitch. we stan! 
as for how she treated him! oof i think the same thing with the same words dioajdsaoij it always circled back to "why can't you do this for me?" in and outside of sex - i mentioned that in a conversation in the comments of my other post but i think that with camille the sexual abuse was really just an extension of the regular abuse, so they bleed together and are not really separable in that sense. at every turn, he had to prove his worth, and she used his fear of loneliness both in the sense that she amplified it and made it seem like the only way to not be lonely was to be with her, and that she gave him just enough for him not to feel desperately lonely so she could string him along. not to mention, they both always go back to how magnus supposedly "owes" her, and yes, it's because of the bridge, of course, but there's also that underlying tone of "because she put up with him and gave him affection when no one else would". even when what she did was nowhere close to real affection. so it's both the bridge and the after. she could have saved him and left, but she stayed. that's why he feels he owes her, and she will absolutely use it
AND UR SO RIGHT ABOUT MAGNUS BEING UNABLE TO PRIORITIZE HIS OWN HEALTH UGH UGH UGH UGH like he has no choice for a while because she left him fucking broken and seeing the way she treats him and the amount of shit he puts up with i can only imagine how far she had to go for him to reach a breaking point and leave her for real. but as soon as he could pretend to have himself together he just threw himself out there. and i believe that he felt guilty for having catarina and ragnor take care of him when he abandoned them because of camille - obviously that's not what happened, she manipulated him into staying away from them, made his life hell whenever he wanted to hang out with them until he no longer had the energy to put up a fight to keep in contact with the people he loves, but it's what he feels that happened, and most likely what camille herself eventually started to tell him happened once they had been pulled away enough. ("you're gonna leave me? and go back to who? your little friends who tried to pit you against me from day one? they're just gonna say 'i told you so', magnus. and why would they take you back when you left them before? when was the last time you even saw them? you chose this, you chose me, and now you're gonna come back to them and expect them to welcome you with open arms? you selfish little prick")
AND RAPHAEL!!! raphael was so important, honestly, we say that magnus didn't let anyone into his heart but obviously raphael was the exception and EXTREMELY important for his healing. it's a complicated relationship because he's sort of a father figure for rapha, and as such, he doesn't allow himself to be completely vulnerable around him, because that's not "his role". but! he was the first person whom magnus let in. and they obviously know each other deeply ("i hate to see you like this" even though magnus looked completely put together to the outside eye) and are plenty affectionate ("sweet boy", the hugs, the way rapha talked about magnus with so much love and awe in his eyes and voice) and trusting (the way raphael went to magnus' loft, not his own damn clan, when he was tortured...). i know this fandom likes to pretend that they pretend to hate each other but NO THEY DON'T they are openly caring and loving with each other fucking fight me on this
anyway, my point is that raphael was the first person he allowed himself to trust, and of course, part of that is simply because raphael was vulnerable and in need and like you said he can't just stay still when he sees someone struggling. but to care for raphael eventually had to mean to open up to him and when he welcomed raphael in, he gained a new member to his family. raphael is his kid. that's no small thing. their bond goes deep and it's extremely important because again, after camille magnus wouldn't allow people to get close to his heart, because he was scared of how they could use that against him. raphael was his first, and the only reason magnus was able to open himself up for romantic love again (which was an extra step, not because romantic love is more important or deeper, but because it's specifically the kind of love that camille used against him, and thus it makes him even more scared) was because he had already been relearning trust and platonic love with rapha
rapha did him good!!! there's a reason he calls him "sweet boy" okay. and rapha cares about him and he NOTICES WHEN HE'S IN A BAD SHAPE EVEN THROUGH ALL OF MAGNUS' WALLS and he specifically didn't want magnus involved with the camille drama even when it had obviously gotten out of hand because he wanted to keep him safe and away from her!!! i want to be shot in the face!!! they love each other so much! fuck!
and also that implies that raphael knows about camille which means he might be the first person who met magnus post-camille and heard the story, which means that he might be (and probably is) the first person who was never involved that magnus opened up about this to. if that ain't some powerful and important shit i don't know what is. because part of abuse is that you can't talk about it - there's this sense of shame and guilt both from staying and from not staying more, especially because magnus canonically still feels like he owes her... aaaaa
this answer is all over the place im sorry but my point is you are correct, camille is a textbook abuser not just a shitty ex, she fucked up his head and made him unable to open up for a long time, and the first person that helped him break those walls was raphael and they LOVE EACH OTHER VERY MUCH AND DEEPLY thank you for your attention
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mr-walkingrainbow · 3 years
same anon as the pet ask, I've tried my hand at writing down a Abimel fic, but struggle with feeling like I got a proper characterization for Abigael. Not making her a flirty cliche, any advice for that? On another note I was curious & looked up the amount of Melby fics vs the Abimel (other ships too). Melby w/ a total of 11 fics, Melda: 16, Melko: 30, Abimel: 63. (4 fics for KatrinaxMel) Thoughts on the numbers for each ship? Glad melko got the #s despite fans saying it's a boring ship.
HI AYE-NON!!! 👋👋👋I love seeing you in my inbox!!! The tumbleweeds and cobwebs like you too!
Ha HA! Something I’m actually experienced in!!!! You may not know it, but I wrote the very first Overwitch fic! And well, also came up with the ship name Overwitch. Yeah I’m Nadiahilkerfan on Ao3, so I’ve definitely contributed to the fandom.
Are you trying to figure out what to have Abby say? Or like. Are you struggling with Abby as an entire figure ?
Cause one thing helps with the other!
to understand Abigael Jameson-Caine, you gotta really take a look at every scene she’s been in. And you really really gotta focus on her past. Cause her past has shaped who she is dramatically. She constantly feels rejected, was definitely abused by her horrible mother, and her father literally sent assassins to kill her when she was 13, a beyond traumatizing experience, it’s surprising she’s even alive. Those shape her every decision. Every emotion.
She lives to be in control because all her life she couldn’t control anything. Not how her parents would react, or what she did herself.
she constantly fears rejection and abandonment, because no matter how much she tried, or how much she gave, her Mother was never satisfied. Francesca was horrible to Abby. Shoving witchcraft down her throat, constantly looking down at her, abusing her, literally stripping her of half her soul in attempts to make her how SHE wants her to be. Instead of just accepting this is who Abby is.
So this is all why Abby acts the way she does.
she’d rather make a snarky remark then show emotions, because showing emotions cause vulnerability. And vulnerability is how she gets hurt. It’s all she’s known her entire life.
She’d rather drink, and flirt, and make violent threats, because it adds to her rep of not caring, and it’s a shield for her. A barrier between other people and her inner feelings.
Mel on the other hand is something entirely different. She’s calm and sweet when Abby expects someone to lash out, and she understands Abby, practically more then anyone. And she can tell every emotion Abby is feeling just from her eyes. And Abby falls for her, hard.
So she loves being able to date Mel. But theirs still things she struggles with. That’s a thing about Abby, theirs always still trauma, theirs always still struggles backing up her actions.
Better to smirk then to smile.
Better to drink then to feel
Better to hurt then be hurt.
It effects her in every way. 
I can’t tell you how to write her, but if you really having some trouble feel free to message me in Tumblr!
You’d need to follow me first those cause of my settings.
I hoped this helped you out a bit 😅, even though I most definitely had some of my own Abimel headcanons thrown in their
now, onto to fanfics
I actually find it so annoying Melko had more fanfics then Melda, Melko wishes they had a drop go the insane Melda chemistry they had.
Also I totally think Kats under appreciated, she was my third favorite after Abigael and Jada!!!!
rubys cool too. I’m in love with the phrase dark and stormy now
but yeah that’s my thoughts basically!
much love! Hope you liked the rants!
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sevensoulmates · 4 years
Tired of people insinuating Ryan would be uncomfortable with having buddie canon or implying he's homophobic (this shit narrative was more so on Twitter) like he hasn't played a queer character before 🙄 he's also expressed positivity towards the ship, and I think the "brothers" comments are to help keep our expectations realistic. And like you said, the actors don't have that much power and I doubt Oliver or Ryan would accept their roles if they were uncomfortable w the possibility
As far as Oli is concerned it not just buddie he snapped at he also snapped at fans saying they didnt like the red episode because they felt like it minimized Buck relationships with Maddie/the 118 and at fans for asking for a buck begins episode because he felt all of season 1 was that.I think its just that he’s so passionate about Buck/the show that he hates to see fans not enjoying what is currently happening on it,people definitely shouldnt read into it as a sign he wont play Buck bi/buddie
I think both of them have expressed positivity towards the ship, but the more and more people badger them about it, the more frustrating it can get (even to other fans, like I truly cringe whenever anybody asks them about buddie on twitter/instagram lives or in interviews). And the truth of the matter is that they aren’t in charge of the show, and they don’t write it. They don’t make any of those decisions. And yet people act like they have any sort of power over it. That’s why Oliver had to step back and say hey I don’t want to talk about it anymore because then it gets peoples hopes up and I don’t want to be responsible if it doesn’t happen and people are mad at me because I gave them that false hope. Which is totally fair. Oliver is the most active member of the cast/crew on social media which immediately opens him up to way more targeted harassment. He likes interacting with fans when they’re respectful, he likes having conversations about the show when they’re open and civil. But when you have people coming at you very aggressively constantly and it’s about the same thing over and over (that he has no power to control) that can cause an immense amount of frustration and annoyance. And to be fair, a lot of this fandom is very hyper-focused on buddie, and that can be annoying when you want to talk about something that isn’t strictly related to that relationship. I don’t blame him at all. 
I think that The One That Got Away is a divisive episode because some people saw it as placing an importance on romantic love above family, and some people saw Buck talking to Maddie (as opposed to someone like Eddie) as putting Blood family above his found family relationships. Some people also saw it as the show saying that the 118 “doesn’t care” about Buck. I, personally, did not see it that way at all. I saw the episode as exploring Buck’s deep rooted abandonment issues, feeling like he has no one, even when the fact of the matter is that he actually has a quite a large family in the 118, Maddie, and Eddie/Chris. He just has a hard time recognizing that. I do think that the message of this episode was a little muddy compared to the other ones, but I never once saw it as them saying found family isn’t equally if not more important than blood family in some cases (and yes I do include Maddie as Buck’s CHOSEN family despite her being a blood relative). Even though our relationships to other people are how we as humans interact with the world, there’s also an inner aspect of who we are outside of our relationships with other people. And I think Oli wanted to focus on the disconnect that Buck feels about being abandoned and left behind by his family, not just 100% on Buck and Eddie romantically. Sometimes people take a lack of pointed buddie in any particular episode as a personal insult and that’s not the case. This is an ensemble show about more than just Buddie guys. Buck’s relationship with Eddie is an incredibly important one to Buck, no one is denying that, but that episode was more about the larger inner issues Buck has. And that’s NOT going to be solved just by having him get into a romantic relationship (ie. having buddie get together WILL NOT in and of itself solve Buck and Eddie’s respective abandonment and self-esteem issues). It’s going to take a lot of personal work. 
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court-of-pokemuses · 5 years
Every Eusine ship rated!
I’ve done this over on my main account @/pkmnsdarkqueen, and I think it’s kinda fun. It’s every ship on the muse from this page rated by my personal opinions. For this account I’ve been slowly working on it since January, and since this is a multimuse it took this long. I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Disclaimers directly below and the list under the cut!
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny, usually about ship names italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work * by name=I just think it’s a wildly random ship bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship
Took out category of Eusine and a protagonist/rival/or companion since they’re all children so it’s a hard no. A few other younger characters fit in the other categories though they’ve been judged no as well for the most part. Some shipped but ONLY in the context of the character being grown up.
Took out category of Eusine with pokemon because pokephelia. In multiship some of them have a pokemon and these have been dubbed as being one of the human’s part pokemon.
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. Before asked yes mun has other ships she likes that aren’t listed, but Im only focusing on those listed.
Eusine w/ a Villain
Top rated ships: Diamondstud, & Uxorious shipping. 
Bottom rated ships: Fanatic, Fixation &  Hoax shipping.
*DiamondstudShipping - Colress & Eusine 5/10 I mean they’re both fabulous dudes who are focused on finding legendaries so I’d give it a fair shot of happening. Then again would Colress be able to put up with Eusine? 
FanaticShipping - Eusine & Saturn 0/10 Hehehe, they’d kill each other. (Saturn would kill Eusine)
FixationShipping - Eusine & Giovanni 0/10 Giovanni would kill him let’s be honest. 
HoaxShipping - Archer & Eusine 1/10 I.........hm.........yeah don’t really see it too much either as a long term thing. Maybe a hook up?
*UnfortunateShipping - Butch & Eusine 4/10 I mean it’s interesting you got 2 folks who like to show others up, and are fancy bois. Could kinda work I suppose. 
UxoriousShipping - Eusine & Hunter J 6/10 And in this corner we have the wild ship that kinda makes sense just make Eusine more crazed. I mean they’re both obsessed with finding legendaries??? So just watch em run around trying to find certain stuff. Not much love there tho
*WorthyShipping - Cyrus & Eusine 4/10 I’m sorry but I do not see Eusine as hitting the ‘worthy’ level on that I mean he’s strictly emotion based tbh. This would be wild though to see. 
Eusine w/ a champion
Top rated ships: Regent shipping
Bottom rated ships: Gnomon shipping
AeonShipping - Eusine & Cynthia 0/10 Oh gosh no, how the f is that gonna work? Like bruh I don’t think she’d put up with him. 
GnomonShipping - Eusine & Steven Stone 4/10 Gnomo means gnome, so this ship is about gnomes???? Anyway moving on from that def another one night stand scenario.
MantleShipping - Eusine & Lance 4/10 Here we have another one night stand! Seriously just very few people can handle Eusine long term.
*RegentShipping - Alder & Eusine 7/10 Eh Alder did casually shoot his shot at Cynthia so if he did with Eusine def would of at least gone a round. Tho hm long term???? Maybe? I mean Alder has more patience???
SplashShipping - Eusine & Wallace 4/10 Both fabulous, but can they handle each other’s extraneous is the real question.
Eusine w/ an elite 
Top rated ships: Ouroboros, and Harker shipping
Bottom rated ships: DarkMagic, MythHunter, and Elitist shipping
DarkMagicShipping - Eusine & Karen -50/10 Hehehehe, no. Yeah no even if Morty wasn’t involved in why Eusine hates her they would soon find a reason to be at each other’s throats.
ElitistShipping - Eusine & Will 1/10 Will would be sick of him pretty soon, or Eusine would be sick of him. If they didn’t chat much before hand maybe 1 night.
HarkerShipping - Eusine & Marshal 7/10 Cuter than some others I will say and I mean Marshal does seem to have more patience than some, and maybe it’d work.
MinaShipping - Eusine & Grimsley 5/10 Oh grims baby boi shipped around. Yeah I could kinda see it running better than some but again 2 dramatic bois, we’ll see how long they can take each other. 
*MythHunterShipping - Drake (Orange) & Eusine 1/10 I just want to see em exploring the world trying to find crazy legends and such. 
OuroborosShipping - Eusine & Flint (elite) 9/10 Kinda want to see this happen. I just imagine it being the refined boyfriend and messy other boy friend who were originally roommates. 
PilgrimageShipping - Bruno & Eusine 3/10 Ye Bruno would have the patience of a saint to handle him but would it be a good relationship?
WellReadShipping - Eusine & Lucian 5/10 Hm, nerd meets fabulous extrovert. Kinda sorta maybe?
(Surprised to see everyone in the Johto league and no Koga)
Eusine w/ a gym leader
Top rated ships: Sacred, Maelstrom, and RagingInferno shipping
Bottom rated ships: Camilla, Sacrosanct, and Broxa shipping
BroxaShipping - Eusine & Winona 0/10 Winona would not put up with this man. 
CamillaShipping - Eusine & Sabrina -10/10 Sabrina WOULD NOT put up with this man.
CeladonShipping - Eusine & Erika 3/10 I kinda want to see this in that Eusine can usually get away with his slightly flirty shiz and expects Erika to fall, but she just outright does not and boom he’s like,”but....hm I am intrigued.”
CorruptShipping - Bugsy & Eusine 0/10 No way in heck would Boy Scout and Eusine get along
DropletShipping - Eusine & Misty 2/10 Huh it’d be interesting but also they’d probably just fight alot.
HereticShipping - Eusine & Falkner 6/10 I think the name is funny, and brings up some interesting possibilities in au, but as the same time I kinda see it in the main timeline and wanna see it. 
IntertidalZoneShipping - Eusine & Jasmine 0/10 Ye they might ship, but would it be a healthy relationship?
JustinShipping - Eusine & Elesa 0/10 Who is Justin. They would be fashionable together but trying to romance would not work.
MaelstromShipping - Eusine & Volkner 8/10 Ok maybe. Tbh Volkner and Morty have somewhat of the same vibe to me, but Volkener has a bit more sad energy. 
MinakaneShipping - Eusine & Whitney 0/10 This is the first time I feel like Eusine would be annoyed and only becasue she’s just a happy ball but like all the time.
*RagingInfernoShipping - Chili & Eusine 7/10 Ok but watch em both get mad and scream like and then like cuddle afterward and both apologize. 
RueShipping - Eusine & Candice 0/10 Eusine is bent on finding legendaries and Candice is all protect them. no.
SacredShipping - Eusine & Morty 1000/10 Top for the boi cause they just have alot of character moments, and also they have the same salty chemistry and I love it.
SacrosanctShipping - Eusine & Clair 0/10 Clair would hurt him first before any sparks flew. 
SiWongShipping - Byron & Eusine 4/10 Eusine is your dad now Roark. So anyway I think it’s kinda interesting I like the contrast they have with each other but Idk how it’d work together. 
TesseractShipping - Brock & Eusine 1/10 Please explain the name to me, are you telling me they’re Avengers now??? So anyway I kinda feel like this wouldn’t happen. Like I mean Brock is a kind soul, and Eusine is kind of a goblin. 
WTFEverShipping - Brawly & Eusine 3/10 The name says it all. They’d have a one night stand, Brawly would think it was more and scream that at Eusine who’s confused why he’s mad. 
Eusine w/ Professor or assistant to
CrossRegionShipping - Bill & Eusine 3/10 Bill I suppose could work but I feel like things would fall apart when Bill realizes ‘oh you don’t just like suicune in a research sense you’re a bit fanatic.”
***ForelockShipping - Eusine & Professor Sycamore 5/10 .....Ok but if Sycamore was evil maybe? Idk why specifically this, but for some reason I feel like that would vibe??? In general tho naw.
*InvestShipping - Eusine & Professor Rowan 4/10 Naw don’t see this long term but I see it going longer than most.
*LifelongDreamShipping - Eusine & Fennel 9/10 There aren’t too many heterosexual ships I see with Eusine but oddly enough I can see this one. Especially after Eusine lost suicune and they get to talk about what they want from life. 
Eusine w/ a minor GAME npc
Top rated ships: Bowtie, and Value shipping
Bottom rated ships: Chaser, and Jinx shipping 
*BowtieShipping - Eusine & Juggler Irwin 6/10 You know what ye, let em both be showy but one has the cool ability to juggle.
ChaserShipping - Eusine & Satsuki 2/10 Satsuki is a kimono girl about protecting the legendaries idk if she’d be down with his goal unless you just want to focus on them enjoying the journey of looking. 
HarangueShipping - Eusine & Thorton 5/10 I can’t tell if Thorton is a child so that’s weird but for this we’re gonna head cannon he’s an adult. I mean kinda cute I guess with crazy pants McGee energy that Eusine has and in control Thorton. SO eh.
*JinxShipping - Eusine & Palmer 2/10 But Palmer making a hologram suicune? Eh Might be cute, but it’d need more depth than my little cute joke. 
MysticPoisonShipping - Eusine & Lucy 3/10 Funny to imagine same energy as Erika, but long term I don’t see it. 
PokeWifeShipping - AZ (XY) & Eusine 4/10 Someone please explain, please. I mean it’s a no from me dog, but like maybe in an alternate timeline???
*ValueShipping - Eusine & Riley 6/10 They just wanna go find legendaries. They both have the slight cool vibe and I like it.
Eusine w/ a minor ANIME/MOVIE npc
Top rated ships: Harrow, Thunder, Jones, and LegendQuestShipping/PursueShipping/RavingShipping
Bottom rated ships: 20Questions, FollowMyLeader, and Legato shipping
*20QuestionsShipping - Eusine & Flint (Kanto) 0/10 Ya’ll this is Brock’s dad. Like wut??? Brock I am your dad now. I guess the fandom just sees Eusine with dads/dad bods. what 20 questions are they asking?
*AncientPossessionShipping - King of Pokelantis & Eusine 5/10 ..........yeah if anyone was gonna end up possessed it’d be Eusine. They both want to find a legendary pokemon, but Eusine still has their heart focused on wanting to help the pokemon. Although hm idk but what if the king corrupted Eusine??? 
FollowMyLeaderShipping - Eusine & Molly Hale 0/10 So this is the child from the movie and I get we see her all grown but still I don’t like this. 
ForeignShipping - Eusine & Harrison 3/10 This guy has a houndoom as his main and has a tie with ho-oh, I’m shocked the fandom didn’t slam him together with Karen. Anyways he doesn’t have too much depth in the way most anime NPCs do but like mayhaps
GoldbergShipping - Eusine & Noland 5/10 Another dad bod type. Anyway I see this one tho since the cold calculations of Noland may mix with Eusine’s craziness. 
*HarrowShipping - Eusine & Harley 10/10 Yes def on this one. Harley is kinda intense, Eusine is intense. I think this makes sense. 
JonesShipping - Eusine & Ian 8/10 There isn’t much on this guy except that he takes care of pokemon. But he has that dad bod which apparently is Eosin’s thing so sure. 
LegatoShipping - Butler & Eusine 0/10 So Butler has a girlfriend for one. I honestly feel like they have the same energy but Eusine is gay. 
LegendQuestShipping/PursueShipping/RavingShipping - Eusine & Lawrence III 8/10 Again this is just crazy Eusine with someone enabling him. 
*MadShipping - Eusine & Tyson (Johto) 6/10 The Tyson they’re talking about it she one that forced the evolution to happen. I mean I guess but also again this would be the crazy Eusine one. 
ThunderShipping - Eusine & Kudou 8/10 One gets Suicune, and one gets Raikou I mean he’s one of those anime characters that doesn’t get much character so let it happen.
WitnessShipping - Eusine & Ritchie 0/10 This guy is a rival to Ash so ya know it’s a kid, and I don’t see anything they’d connect on.
Eusine w/ Orre or Ranger npcs
SuicuneShipping - Eusine & Venus 8/10 So they’re both conceited, and focused on folks liking them? 
Eusine w/ manga characters
UnworthyShipping - Eusine & Walker Guess what folks, it’s another dad-o, specifically Falkner’s. 
Eusine and multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically because I don’t see Karen being poly, but I’ll give plot ideas)
Top rated ships: ImaginaryFriend, and Oos shipping
Bottom rated ships: MissSaigon, Erratic and CrystalIntegrity shipping 
4KingsShipping - Eusine, Falkner, Morty & Lyra 3/10 I’m kinda lost on the name here, and I could see them all hanging out I guess. Maybe a couples date thing, Eusine & Morty w/ Lyra and Falkner. Where do the kings come from tho?
BromanceShipping - Eusine, Flint (Elite), Morty & Volkner 7/10 Bromance where nothing is platonic and clearly 2 couples, or heck maybe it is, anyways I like it though! CapeShipping - Eusine & Jackson (Vincent) / Eusine, Jackson (Vincent) & Lance 9/10 Ok but cape awareness club though where they all sit down and make up good reasons to have a cape, and they make PR for it cause they’re tired of getting teased. It’s a funny idea. CrystalBellShipping - Eusine, Morty & Suicune 5/10 Ok this is just Eusine completing his goal in life and morty also being there. I mean I feel like Morty would be the 1 person to support him having the pokemon but I mean it’d eventually just be his fav pokemon on his team.
CrystalIntegrityShipping - Eusine, Paul, Kris & Suicune 1/10 This is just eusine hanging out with children and a legendary pokemon what are they supposed to do?
CrystaltrioShipping - Eusine, Morty & Kris 4/10 Just a gay couple handing out with this child who defeated them both in pokemon combat. Look she just thinks they’re cool ok?
DashingFanboyShipping - Baron Alberto, Eusine & Lawrence III 9/10 3 bad bois all out wanting to catch their pokemon favorite. Please don’t leave them along longer than 5 minutes because bad things can and will happen. 
EastWindShipping - Crystal, Eusine & Suicune 4/10 This is just Eusine being mad that she caught the pokemon. It makes sense tbh, but I think she’d get annoyed with him trying to convince the legendary to be his pokemon.  ErraticShipping - Eusine & Morty + Eugene (Eusine) & Kudo 2/10 Ok so this is just Eusine shipped with one guy and another Eusine shipped with Morty cause Eugene and Eusine are the same person. I am confusion and I feel like Kudo and Morty would be too. 
ImaginaryFriendShipping - Eusine, Lawrence III, Morty, Ho-Oh, Lugia & Suicune 10/10 .........This is just people giving them a hard time about pokemon they will never get/see isn’t it. Heh I feel like you could put more people in this thing, and I think there should just be that as a support group.  IntelligenceShipping - Eusine, Lucian & Will 5/10 Bruh Lucian would lose his mind trying to deal with these two, It’d be funny to watch but poor Lucian.  KarmaShipping - Eusine, Falkner, Morty & Will 5/10 What did Falkner do to deserve bad karma? And yes I say bad cause Will, Morty, and Eusine alone would cause some shiz. This is the above but with one more person and falconer stuck with it.  LovelyangstyfanserviceShipping - Eusine, Falkner, Lawrence III & Morty 5/10 Ah so these are the angsty bois huh? You’re missing a few folks.  Marina'sFondestDreamShipping - Eusine, Jackson (Vincent) & Lance 3/10 I think this is just a 4 way someone wants to happen. Eusine would have a good time talking to Vincent about Raikou cause it could help him find Suicune. Lance is wondering how he got wrapped up in this convo. 
MisledShipping - King of Pokelantis, Ash & Eusine 4/10 So Ash got possessed by the king and Eusine would def fall into the same boat if there. Yeah the king would have 2 minions basically. 
MissSaigonShipping - Brawly, Eusine & Morty 1/10 So many Eusine and Morty with another person. Hm I can’t think of much they’d have in common immediately...
MovingOnShipping - Eusine, Lawrence III & Professor Carolina 5/10 Professor Carolina helps 2 dorks get over the fact that they can’t have the legendary pokemon they want. MysticQuestShipping - Eusine, Jimmy (Kenta) & Marina (Johto) 4/10 This is just them all looking for suicune and only one gets it, spoiler it’s not Eusine
MysticShipping - Eusine, Morty & Will 6/10 Ah yes the clairvoyant, the psychic, and a fanboy. One of the most powerful forces to ever exist. Real talk though I feel like they’d just all cause trouble together. 
MystifyShipping - Eusine, Morty & Whitney 3/10 Is it just me or is anyone that ships with Morty and Eusine feels like a 3rd wheel? I feel like they’d have an ok time together but idk if it’d go long term. OnMyHonorShipping - Eusine, Falkner, Morty & Clair 6/10 Ok yeah they all definitely have that ‘honor’ vibe about them but I fell like their honor systems have various levels of skew to them. It’d be interesting to get them all in a room to talk about it though. 
OosShipping - Brawly, Eusine, Morty & Will 10/10 Please catch them all in some school au where they are the trouble makers of the school. Brawly is the wanna-be intimidating jock, Will is the class clown, Eusine is the dramatic theater kid, and Morty is the introvert they adopted.  SacredDevotionShipping - Eusine, Morty, Ho-Oh & Suicune 9/10 They finally got the pokemon they have fan boy crushes over. Cute but I feel like they’d not realize how much for it takes to care for a legendary. That and be bad at trying to defend them, interesting thing to explore.
SacredFireShipping - Eusine, Morty & Ho-Oh 5/10 Now morty got his pokemon he wants. Kinda cool, maybe it’d show Eusine what he looks lie to other people. 
SacredHonorShipping - Eusine, Falkner & Morty 3/10 Again falconer feels like the third wheel here, and idk what they’d do long term. 
SuitUpShipping - Butler, Darach, Eusine, Lance & Steven Stone 6/10 All the dudes in suits huh (and Lance)? I feel like some are missing. I can see them all going shopping some time though and getting wild new styles. 
TrimurtiShipping - Eusine, Giovanni & Lance 4/10 Huh....ok I mean I just see it as Lance reluctantly keeping Eusine safe from Giovanni cause Eusine would def do something to make him mad trying to act tougher than he is.
Eusine w/ Eusine
RagingEgomaniacShipping - Eusine & Eusine 10/10 He’d band himself in a heart beat, and they’d be wildly annoying to everyone else. 
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franeridart · 6 years
Oh man, I'm just imagining that there's so many close brushes with kiribaku almost realizing or almost being in positions to find out that the other is a vigilante-- an injury and no way to get into contact with Jack or Mina-- a rainstorm washing Kiri's dye away on the job. I think it'd be especially funny if he thought for a minute that Kiri was bleeding but then Kiri is like "UH GOTTA GO ITS NOT BLOOD" and he realizes it's red hair dye
Oh Kirishima sort of already suspects it’s Bakugou - more or less? He’s in the process of starting to suspect it, at least lol for being someone who really doesn’t want to be found out Bakugou’s more carefree in his disguise than Kirishima is (his hair is a pretty obvious giveaway, for example, thought Bakugou relies a lot on the ‘attacking and running’ strategy, so in his mind all he gotta do is just not be seen by anyone at all lol) compared to Kiri he gets bruised and beaten up way more too (Kiri’s hardening makes it easy for him to avoid that in general) - Kiri’s noticing Bakugou’s bruises and his vigilante friend’s bruises match up a whole damn lot, so he’s starting to figure that one out
Bakugou’s a dumbass tho (read: he doesn’t really look at people he isn’t particularly interested in) so for him it’s gonna take a while haha
Anon said: If in vigilantes au Bakugou and jirou are just friends why do they live together and hug like a couple?
They’re best friends, and sometimes when your best friend is going through a real rough heartbreak and he’s in literal tears over it, you might be nice enough to offer your back for him to hide his face in and let him pretend he isn’t currently breaking down on you. Sometimes, you like a person in a platonic way enough to emotionally support them as best as you can when they’re at their lowest. It. Sort of happens between best friends, now and again. You don’t really need to want in someone’s pants to care about them.
They live together cause they started working together as vigilantes when they were in high school, and once they moved up to college they found it a good idea to have someone back home who knew about what they were doing to treat eventual wounds, since they can’t go to the hospital! Also the rent is cheaper this way
Anon said:Can you draw more comics of childhood kiribaku? You’re art is sooo cute 💓
It’s something I’ve regularly kept on going back on for years by now, so sure, it’ll probably happen! And thank you!
Anon said:OH MY GOD. Please tell me you will make an official webcomic of your Vigilante AU. It’s so beautiful, cute and I definitely need more of this. It’s like a drug that I did not know I needed until I read your concept(????). BTW, your art is soooo pretty. Thank you so much for drawing KiriBaku ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ahhh I’m really happy to hear you like it! For personal reasons I’ve decided that making a cohesive, coherent succession of comics isn’t something I want to do, but I think I’ll draw more of that AU soon enough, snapshots and things like that! I hope that’s good enogh for you~
Anon said:May I request a pissed kiri??
Didn’t I draw that less than 10 posts ago
Anon said:Hey, I rlly admire you! I wish we were friends, you seem rlly nice!!
Thank you!!! The few close friends I have might tell you I’m actually not that great at the whole friends thing, but I appreciate the feeling a lot! :D
Anon said:Were Kirishima’s eyes red in the last panel of the last comic??
Yep :( he really does like Bakugou, after all
Anon said:I saw you answering the other anon and if I may ask, why posting the gem au was a big mistake? Were pol rude with you? If it’s so, I’m sorry abt it
Anon said:You said that posting your SU AU stuff was the biggest mistake you ever made… is it because of something that we, as viewers and worshippers of your KiriBaku (damn, I’ll never stop telling you it’s cute and adorable and it hurts but it’s also sweet), can help NOT doing? Or is there anything we can do?
It’s okay, it just got in the hands of people who don’t particularly like Bakugou, and these people started talking about the AU in less than nice terms, which was honestly pretty ridiculous and made me wonder how people can survive being alive on this earth when they consider Steven Universe sensitive material but either way it brought around in my activities a bunch of people I would have preferred not to interact with ever, and that sort of took the fun out of the AU? Now every time I think about drawing for it those people come back up in my head and I get annoyed all over again, it’s no fun
Anon said:are you still doing the fusion au? id love to see kaminari and shinsou
I’m not, sorry! Though someone did ask about baku and mineta and I’ve been thinking about drawing that horrible monster since then, and I’ve also been wanting to redesign the krbk fusion, so maybe I might get back to it ??? I’ll add shin*kami to the list haha
Anon said:I really like the relationship Jack and Bakugou have, and the angst is nice too! I really like the vigilatne AU! I hope we can see more of it, only if you feel like it of course!
Thank you so much ;;;
Anon said:Silly question. If Kirishima activated his quirk being in water. Would he float like wood, or he’d drown like a rock? >//w//
Oh, I’m pretty sure he’d go down since his quirk makes him into a rock haha
Anon said:I think this is around the eighth anonymous ask I send you, but being a porn-making Tumblr user, it’s better if I don’t go public. I just wanted to say, once again, that I love your KiriBaku, it makes me both ache and feel so warm and fuzzy inside; but right now, the focus is that Bakugou’s crying face against Jack’s back is just so good, expressive and painful. I often hate his guts, but yours I can never hate. And the sheer intensity of that expression, and the environment too… so many feels
Aw, thank you!!! I’m glad I can make you enjoy my fav character, anon :D !!
Anon said:I have a question about the vigilante AU. What’s the relationship between jirou and bakugou? Because they don’t look like just friends
Why don’t they look like just friends tho
Anon said:Hypothetically. How would Bakugou react (or what would he do) if Kirishima stopped showing interest in him?
Are we talking about a specific AU or is this meant for the canon universe? Well, either way I’d say he’d be pretty hurt, but it’s not like he can force Kirishima to like him can he. Ah, in the vigilantes AU he’d probably think it’s for the best even if he’d hurt a lot over it, but in canon and most other AUs I like to think he’d try to fix it somehow? Unless he has other reasons to not act on his feelings for Kirishima… gosh this is a vague question, there are so many possibilities really!
Anon said:🧡Hi Fran! I’m pretty sure you’re the one who introduced this concept to me so I wanted to say thanks! Touch starved Bakugou and super cuddly Bakugou are totally my fave, especially when you have him all curled up with Jirou! Having them be Mina and Kiri level besties makes so much sense and I love you for introducing that thought to me!!!🧡
I’m!!!!!!!!!!! so happy to hear that!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:in your vigilante au, Kiri has a scar, does Bakugo ever notice the scar?(curious if it reminds him of Red or nah, love yur art btw~~
When he’s not doing vigilantes work it’s actually hidden by the hair, so Bakugou never noticed! But if he were to notice he’d probably mark it down as a Kiri thing and leave it at that, as I said he’s not the most observant when he’s not particularly interested in someone so he hasn’t really registered it on Red’s face anyway haha
Anon said:I RLLY LOVE YOUR AU!! I haven’t found an AU in this fandom I’m rlly into but THIS IS SOCUTE??? will there be more?
Heck I sure hope so!! Thank you for liking it!!!
Anon said:hey for the anon you were looking for an outrageous ship to draw to test out their theory, try Tokoyami and Link (legend of Zelda link) cuz I just saw cosplayers of them hardcore dancing at dragoncon and I die every time I think about it. You can find a video of it on quirk-registration-office​  
…………………..I’m probably never gonna draw that ngl LMAO BUT this ask made me wanna draw Tokoyami as a Rito so I guess that’s ???? something that might happen instead heck that’s a good concept I should have thought about earlier
Anon said:I absolutely love your art its soon amazing and I really like the vigilantly au but take care of yourself okay
I dunno what I did to make you worry about me but thank you so much for it? I’ll try my best !!!! And thank you for liking my doodles too!!! ;^;
Anon said:Do you know about any fanfics based in your art?? (Idk if that’s grammatically correct sorry 😅)
Hmmmmmmmmmm there are a few but the only one that comes to mind right now is such a funny pair !!! boy ellen’s fics are always so damn amazing, I still can’t believe she wrote for me ;^;
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qqueenofhades · 6 years
Wondering if you've seen that FB post about Garcy&violence against women? What's your take on this? To me it's insane - I enjoy all kinds of weird shit in fiction, but don't wish it happened to me. I'm a bit concerned that our ship may never sail to the sunset 'cause of similar (exaggerated, in my opinion) voices. Aaaand... didn't I see the traces of psychological abuse in Lyatt/Wyjess?
Disclaimer: I hate talking about/thinking about/participating in any way in fandom drama, and my policy for as long as my blog has existed has been to ignore it. Some people have to be very informed on it and reacting to it all the time and etc, and whatever works for them, but I just can’t do it. Fandom is my happy bubble and I take active steps to cut out that sort of energy, because it will mess me up. It’s one of the reasons I’m not on twitter. I am a serious introvert and sensitive person and just don’t have the spoons to constantly manage it. So.
That said, you asked, and I do have some thoughts on this, so this will basically be the post I make about it, and then go back to my happily oblivious corner.
Timeless was a very chill fandom, shipping-wise, in s1, and it was small enough (and ships were not the main focus of the plot, even if potential existed) that we mostly or entirely avoided ship wars. However, in s2, we had a lot more shippy content, angst for a main ship, a returned dead wife, a love square, the development of an enemies-to-lovers ship, and some open-endedness about how they’re going to treat the main ship going forward, all of which leads to more friction and backbiting in fandom. This happens to most TV shows, unfortunately, and Timeless certainly isn’t as bad as other fandoms that I’ve seen, but it definitely is not the same atmosphere that it was. Which is disappointing, but again, not surprising. You have vocal fans of one thing on twitter, and then vocal fans of another, and no firm announcement of season 3, so… yeah. The natives become restless.
As for Garcy, I honestly remember the exact same thing happening with CS for years. There were many vocal antis who called the ship abusive, that it promoted violence against women, that Hook was horrible/a rapist, etc etc, that it made Emma “weak,” that it sent a bad message, so on and so forth, and they spent a lot of time bombarding the showrunners with their views. (The whole OUAT fandom turned pretty toxic and cliquish the more the show went on, unfortunately, and was one of the reasons in me leaving.) This didn’t make much difference to the ultimate writing of CS; they still ended up married/endgame with a baby. Anyway, the point is, fandom noise, even if there’s a lot of it, doesn’t usually massively or unduly influence the showrunners’ writing decisions. It’s a little different with Timeless, since they are still talking about what to do in s3, but all of that has pointed to more focus on Garcy, not less. In his TiffTalks interview recently, Shawn Ryan didn’t pull punches in talking about how badly Wyatt screwed up and raising the question of whether it was too late for him to make it up to Lucy, and repeating about 500 times about Flynn’s feelings for Lucy and that being an important part of the show (and hinting that he has a different opinion on L/W from the fandom).
As well, there has been a serious surge of interest for Garcy this season (look, they asked MATT LANTER in an interview about the tons of support for Flynn/Lucy online, which… dude, what do you want the poor guy to say? He’s not involved in that ship and plays a character that is the opposing number to it. But anyway). As I said in my last ask, they wrote a certain amount of L/W content, and then cut or changed it, and treated the Garcy content in a way to make it clear that they wanted to preserve the canon possibility of them as something more than friends/partners. So yes.
I think the fandom reaction to every enemies-to-lovers ship, especially in the case of Garcy when it appears to threaten an established/main ship, reflects the tumblr “social justice fandom purity” culture, where everything that a fandom doesn’t personally like gets put through the “this is why my opinion is Woke” gristmill. In other words, it’s not enough that they don’t like Garcy (which is fine for them, honestly, people can ship whatever they want); they have to prove that it is Bad and Unhealthy (while, as you point out, being blind to valid textual criticism to be made of their preferred ship/male lead). Flynn stans criticize him freely and refer to him as the Garbage Lord (especially in s1), but as I have noted before, Wyatt is often shielded from the consequences of his actions both in canon text and fandom discourse, and they find even more thinly justified ways to bash on Flynn/Garcy instead. That is tiring, and it unfortunately does impact on my views of both the character and the ship. It’s also why I have to stay away from too much of it. I WANT to keep liking Wyatt and rooting for him, but to have his canon actions ignored and excused and twisted around is a little (or a lot) eye-rolling. It’s okay. We all stan fuckup characters. It makes them more interesting. But that doesn’t mean they’re not fuckups.
Honestly, there were many, many other ways they could have written this Jessica arc (as well as Flynn’s interactions with Lucy), but they didn’t. As I also keep saying, this kind of drama eventually happens in all fandoms, and Timeless did not escape it. Hopefully it can be prevented from getting too out of hand. But yes, the movement overall has been (far far more than I EVER expected) toward Flynn/Lucy, and I don’t know what the writers will decide on for s3. It is, however, not going to be influenced just by some annoying fans on facebook.
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nealcassatiel · 7 years
My Cognitive Dissonance: The Two Fans Within Me
Sometimes I feel as though I’m two separate people who watch Supernatural. And these two separate people engage with the fandom differently, think of the show differently, and their perspective of the show differs. Of course, these two people interact and overlap, but they seem distinct from one another. I am usually aware of my own cognitive dissonances, which this is another example of. If you read this and feel differently/the same let me know! I’m interested in finding out how other people connect with this.
The first person I am as a Supernatural fan is the one who watched that first episode in January 2006. Supernatural has been a constant in this version of myself’s life for 13 years. Whilst I love the show to pieces, it’s the kind of very very long term relationship love where I don’t spend every week yearning for a new episode because I know it’s always been there. I don’t feel the dire need to engage with the fandom because I only started engaging with the fandom recently (in comparison to how long I’ve been watching the show). And my love for the show is just so constant that only when it’s super interesting do I need to scream to everyone about how amazing it is. Or more precisely, I’ve lived for so long with no irl friends watching SPN and not being in the fandom that I’m used to thinking over episodes alone, by myself, to myself. 
This version of me gets particularly excited at major episodes and season finales, and will feel some sense of waiting all week for the next episode to air, but it’s rarely this all-encompassing need for the next episode. Strangely, this side of me is kind of non-plussed about Destiel. Sure it’d make no narrative sense and would piss me off big time if it didn’t happen, but it wouldn't ruin the show for me and certainly isn’t the major reason I watch it every week. To this side of me, Destiel only became a big irreversible and obvious plot point in S12. Whilst there were hints of it before in the subtext, it was S12 that made it really obvious as a narrative plot point that shouldn't be shied away from. Before S12 I was of course aware of it, but I’ve always watched so many shows with canon LGBTQ characters that I’ve channeled all shipping love and love for representation into those, and never invested in non-canon m/m or w/w characters in case I get hurt. Also, for the first 11 years of my relationship with SPN, Destiel wasn’t a factor in my enjoyment of the show, so it’s still not and has never been the major reason I love and watch the show. Basically, this version of me is ALWAYS so fine with every episode. The ones that are a bit bad I’m fine with - there have always been OKish episodes per season. This version of me is fine with waiting each week - I know nothing else. This version of me seems to just have this calm acceptance of the show, it’s just this constant in my life which I love dearly and very calmly. I wouldn’t detest the show if Destiel doesn’t happen, I certainly don’t watch the show for ships, I don’t really ship characters together, more like see characters (Dean and Cas, Sam and Eileen) and think ‘it’d be cute if they got together.’ 
The second person I am as a Supernatural fan is the person who has really come to life after S12. This version is a massive Destiel shipper. Interestingly,  this version of me has been around long before S12 of Supernatural, it was just confined to other shows with canon couples. Take Torchwood or Shameless US  as examples of shows I used to be invested in with canon gay couples; I would wait with baited breath till the next episode to see what would progress with regards to the relationships. But of those shows would eventually piss me off, and their treatment of the gay couple would determine if I would continue watching the show for a while. Both of those shows messed with my faves and so I stopped watching them for literal years before I wanted to return to them. 
So this version of me who can’t wait to watch my fave w|w / m|m pairings each week seems to see those relationships as the fuel for my passionate love for the show, and also the reason why I might break ties with the show if those pairings don’t work out.  To be quite frank, this version of me can be quite tiring. I’m full of passion and love for a show and in love with their love and screaming with joy about my love of representation, but holy chuck does it wear me out each week waiting for the next episode and screaming over it each week. This version of me is also HIGHLY disappointed if the episode isn’t focusing enough on the couple. And so when S12 of SPN came along suddenly the more chilled, very accepting, and occasionally wildly impassioned long-time SPN fan was being thrust into the same mental space as sofa the Destiel loving exhaustingly passionate version of me. 
Unfortunately, there is no way that I can detach either of these versions from my singular mind. Fan A gets why Destiel-loving Fan B is so invested in that relationship and counts down the days until the next episode. Fan B doesn’t quite understand how Fan A is so chilled and not so invested. And so after a pretty OKish, non-destiel episode this is the conversation in my mind;
FAN A.: That was a good, entertaining episode. Classic mid-series - not great, but meh good enough. Gonna go away and think of the themes a bit. Cool. I’ll continue with my day and maybe come back to this at some point and look for things I might not have seen. But cool. Great.
FAN B.: What the fuck was that?! How the fuck are you so OK with that episode?????? This is absolute bullshit??? I wait all week for this???? BULLSHIT LET ME GO ONLINE AND EXPLAIN WHY.
FAN A.: Chill. It was entertaining. SPN can be like this, ya know.
FAN B.: But I’m disappointed!!!!! I can’t just chill cause you said?
End scene. And this is the conversation after say, the Tombstone episode;
FAN B.: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING! UNBELIEVABLE! That was awesome. I’m beyond elation right now!
FAN A.: You’re too much. I’m gonna go and take a step back.
FAN A.: Why? Destiel isn’t all SPN is?
FAN B.: Wtf, dude? But why can’t you be happy for my happiness? Perhaps a queer relationship on a long-running series is... important, perhaps??? YA KNOW? And sure, of course it isn’t ALL SPN is, but it’s evidently an important plot point which has been building for years! And you say that like somehow you’re above people who are invested in shows for shipping? Or like their discussion of a relationship somehow devalues all other reasons they love the show or invalidates their other opinions on why they love the show. Somehow they suddenly become this ‘fangirl’, whereas you apparently see yourself as ‘above’ this, or having a more broad perspective??? wtf dude. 
FAN A.: Good point. Apologies if it came across like that. I dunno how to explain it though... I just don’t care as much as you about Destiel, and sorry mate but you’re exhausting and you’re making me come over to the side where I’m waiting each week and getting invested in Destiel which has never been my relationship with the show. And because you are so much louder in our mind, and vocal, and focused on Destiel, sometimes that doesn’t give me the space to have this perspective on the episode as well. And also when an episode is just OK, instead of me just being happy with it and accepting it was fine yet entertaining (like I used to), suddenly you jump in with all your emotions and get upset by it not being good and not including Destiel or much Cas. Which I get... I just used to have this solid enjoyment of the show, and sure there were many times when I was super happy and super sad about the show, but you experience these heightened emotions EVERY BLOODY WEEK. It’s either GREAT or it’s NOT. Never like... OK? And I miss being able to watch the show and not feel super tied to this one perspective and reading/plot point?
I lied. I don’t have a conclusion. I don’t really know what I wanted to gain from this post... it sort of descended into me having this argument with myself (which has occurred many times in my brain after an episode airs or when my inner Fan B is annoying me by being unable to wait for the next episode).
It’s not like I (whoever the I is here) is on either side more. It’s not like a value Fan A’s point because they’ve been there since episode 1. It’s not like I devalue Fan B’s points because they focus on destiel. I literally love and misunderstand both these fans within me.
So thoughts? Anyone get confused/annoyed by their inner multiplicity? Or is this just me and now I sound weird...
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moonshroooms · 7 years
Random Fandom Questions Oh My
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Currently the other ships I like right now are Human Bill Cipher and Dipper (a big guilty pleasure). If there are any Billdip shippers reading this may I humbly recommend Defining Bill Cipher, cause it’s 100% fantastic with plot, characterization, and some uh, heated moments if ya get what I mean. 
I always enjoy Frisk x Sans from Undertale, though I’ve been lagging behind on fanfics. I also like Sans and Toriel (which honestly, I like Frisk and Sans better for fanfics, but I’d want Sans and Toriel to be canon), and Frisk and Asriel are super cute too.
I’ve started reading Owari no Seraph (like, I think I’m only like ch 5), and I already knew about Mika x Yuu long before I ever started reading so I’m absolutely shipping them right now A++
I also ship Gon and Killua from Hunter x Hunter, though I don’t read a lot of fanfics for them. I just kinda annoy my friend with it when we watch the show XD
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
You know, I actually don’t think I do
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Ciel and Sebastian from Black Butler. And it’s weird cause like, they are absolutely ripe for shipping and there are plenty of other ships in like, nearly the same position I like but just. He doesn’t love-love Ciel man. He don’t even friendship-love him. Sebastian wants to eat his soul like literally and that’s it he’s just food. For whatever reason I just can’t get into that pairing. Please just let Ciel be with Elizabeth she’s such a cutie and let them be happy forever on okay good okay
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Ichigo and Masaya from Tokyo Mew Mew. I am 100% a Kisshu x Ichigo shipper and I know Ichigo x Masaya is like, oddly, one of the healthiest relationships you could have in an anime and Masaya would be a boy I’d fall head-over-heels for myself if he was real like honestly everything about him is basically perfect but I just. He’s so boring. He’s a really boring character to watch. And he gets more interesting near the end of the show, but it was just kinda too little too late, yanno? If they’d put more hints at the darker side of his wonderful personality then I’d probably would have shipped them, but I saw Kishigo first and that’s who I glommed onto srry
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
 I don’t contribute anything to society let alone a fandom XD
  F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
 I mean, that’s under the idea I’m actually in a fandom? Do I have to do something to be in a fandom? Can I just enjoy content? Does that count? If it do then I’ve been in the Tokyo Mew Mew fandom for like, 10 years or more. It’s like 99% dead so it’s not like I’ve searched up anything recently, but believe me if it ever gets a good remake I will be there 100%
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
 My first OTP back before I ever knew what an OTP was was Kisshu and Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew. And that fandom is super dead and I’ll probably never read a new good fanfic ever again but I’ll probably never let them go. I still consider them my OTP, and I’ve never found anyone that tops it XD They’re also completely toxic but just. Ah. I love them so much I just want them in a cute relationship plz
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
 Ennething. I guess anime is the easiest one to find though. I think I like Western animation better than anime, if only for comedy that hits home a little bit more, since I grew up in that culture and whatnot
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
 Nah. I avoid the Discourse by never joining the conversation e v e r. And most of the time I don’t really follow fandom blogs specifically, just blogs that happen to post some fandom stuff, so I probably don’t see any sort of annoying people or awful environments or anything. I don’t understand how people can get so annoyed I feel like discourse is just so easy to avoid/ignore??? But maybe that’s just me
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
 Voltron. I didn’t even know it existed until some of the funny blogs I follow started posting stuff about it. I don’t even know what Voltron’s about, other than the name sounded really familiar, like it’s an old anime being remade or something.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
 Peridot from Steven Universe. No wait, Rinna from Forest Born. Forest Born is one of my favorite books (from the Books of Bayern series by Shannon Hale, I highly recommend them). When I was younger I related to Rinna a lot (and I’m like, nothing like her now but that’s beside the point), and I loved her development her slow development towards not hating herself so much. It’s wonderful and steady and feels real
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
 Jackie from Star vs. is a really nice girl A+ girlfriend material and if I didn’t ship Marco and Star she’d be next up for the Marco ship train. I absolutely don’t hate her and she’s a fun and nice character, but sorry you can’t be Marco’s girlfriend the bloodmoon and also me said so
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
 Isi from the Goose Girl. She already reminds me a lot of my friend, so maybe I’m a little biased, but she seems like an absolutely wonderful person to be friends with and I’d 100% love that. I’d also like Dasha from River Secrets and Enna from Enna Burning. Just. Any of the main girls from the Books of Bayern. I love them all
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
 Since I don’t have a main fandom, I’ll just choose one:
 From Steven Universe I want more funny comics, dumb memes, and Stevonnie anything. And that’s considering there’s already a shitton of all of that. There’s never enough
  O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
 He’s Hurting Me by Maria Mena. And Kisshu x Ichigo, mostly because I’ve seen an AMV with them and that song XD
  P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
 Active Fandom for Tokyo Mew Mew AU!
 Okay fine, that doesn’t count. But oh geez I can’t think of any good ideas though. I don’t know but anything but a coffee shop AU. Give me something with adventure man. Uhh *spins wheel* Siren AU with *rolls dice* Pokémon. Make it happen, people
  Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
 Eh, considering I’m never an active part of any fandom, I can’t say I’ve abandoned anything. I’ll even go back to really old fandoms and try to find something I haven’t read before
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
 Do Steven and Connie and Star and Marco count even though I ship them? Because I value their friendship just as much if not more than their shipping capabilities. If not then, Sailor Moon and the other sailor scouts from Sailor Moon (from the original anime). I just really like that they joke and roast and support each other. A lot of the episodes focus a lot on their random interactions and it’s a joy to watch.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
 I have none honestly XD I’m not usually a person that gets into headcanons much. I ship plenty of people that aren’t together but I wouldn’t really call them headcanons, I dunno. Gon and Killua end up married. There, there’s your headcanon.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
 Kisshu returns to Earth for Whatever reason (any reason that means more battles and adventures is good), Ichigo ends up falling in love with him, Pudding and Tart end up together, Lettuce and Pie are together, Masaya is just fine and not dead, and everyone’s happy the end
 That’s the best I got XD
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
 Kisshu from Tokyo Mew Mew: Other than the fact he’s from my long-standing OTP, he’s just really fun to watch. He’s probably the reason I have an immediate attachment to character that are slightly crazy and shit tons of dangerous. He’s cheeky and flirty and gawd I luv it A+
 Peridot and Lapis from Steven Universe. I couldn’t choose really. Peridot is such a trash gremlin and Lapis is amazing when it’s not complete angst she is just Ultimate Emo Child.
 Willis from Awful Hospital (I highly recommend this comic by the way. It’s weird and wonderful). So far he’s just the cutest little thing and I love watching him it’s great
  V - Which character do you relate to most?
 I used to relate to Rinna from Forest Born a whole bunch, especially when I was younger. Nowadays I relate much more to her older brother Razo from River Secrets. He’s self-concious, but always cracking jokes and always in the mood for eating. I think he’s hilarious and honestly I hope I can be as funny as him. He’s got a lot of talents he just never notices. I hope that gets to be me, too.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
 Characters with no personality. And I think this is mostly just in the otome and harem anime’s that this kind of thing is rampant, cause you gotta make a character that people can slip into but just. My god. I tried playing an otome once and I couldn’t even finish it it was so awful and infuriating. Watching Diabolik Lovers was so painful this girl just L E T everything happen she didn’t even try putting up a fight even when some dude GAVE HER A KNIFE TO STAB HER VAMPIRE WHATEVERS WITH. MY GOD. I hated everything I wanted to cry. And don’t even get me started on the manga Black Bird I hate it so much they just rinse repeat everything. ‘No love interest don’t do sexy things at me I don’t want it’ ‘I’m doing it as punishment for you doing/not doing Whatever’ ‘Noooo’ and then proceeds to just continue to love the assbag. Just stop oh my goooood
  X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
 Enemies to Lovers. Or enemies being in love in general. Or forbidden romances of any kind. Basically I want a shit ton of angst and a happy ending.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
 I know a little bit about Homestuck, which I tried to read once and got bored. I keep wanting to pick it back up but just… aaaah the beginning is so boring I can hardly tell what’s going on. And I hate the 1 panel thing. I’m sure it was good while it was being posted, but it just takes so long to load the next page. I need a multi-page version please.
 I also know a tad bit about Madoka Magic, which I’m not entirely sure how. I just kinda. Read stuff I came across, despite never being interested in the show myself.
  Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
 Dear god please let Star and Marco be together (they probably will).
 I want at the very least a cute cheek kiss from Steven and Connie, also, can Stevonnie fuse with other gems??? That’d be wild.
 Danny Phantom needed to be longer also he needed to be with Valerie I loved her why the flip flap did they give her such a crappy reason to not be with Danny AAAH
 I haven’t been able to watch the Legend of Korra because I tear up anytime I see something about the old gang being old or dead like legit if I ever see Aang being all dead and spiritual and shit I will cry
 The Amazing World of Gumball is hilarious and I want more people to watch it
 I tried watching Bob’s Burger’s for just like, a funny show without a plot and I got bored eventually. Thankfully Gumball saved the day
 I think Ni no Kuni is an adorable game and I love their little definitely-not-Pokémon monsters and I’ll probably rant about who’s on my team one day
  I ship Link and Midna 100% but like, only the TP incarnation of Link. Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild and Spirit Tracks Link can be with Zelda. Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass Link can be with Tetra (specifically Tetra).
does she get pale when she turns into Zelda? Like, bam you’re royalty also kiss your tan goodbye. Same thing happens to the mysterious old man when he becomes the king. Do bluebloods just not get tan or something like, the flip?
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