#i got curry rice
the-paisley · 7 months
Me and my sister found the best indian place while out this morning and i wish it wasnt closed on weekdays 😭
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akkivee · 5 months
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The Rosho Special☆ Cream of the Crop Curry: Hypmic Curry Drama Track TL
Sasara: Oh, you’ve really been cookin’!
Rei: That curry smell is really making me hungry!
Rosho: It’s a miracle I was able to even decipher what you meant in that text! Why am I the only one working on this??
Sasara: Don’t sweat the small stuff! Have you finished making our super interesting curry yet?
Rosho: I did my best to follow your recipe but…
Rei: Hm? You didn’t make a normal curry?
Sasara: Tut tut tut! You see, this curry was made with some special ingredients!
Rei: It looks brown like any other curry, so I can’t tell the difference.
Sasara: I’ll give you a hint! I was thinking of calling it, "This Curry's Got You Gigged!!" Setting off any bells??
Rei: You can’t be thing about… Actually, no, that hint was so stupid, I got nothing for you.
Sasara: Hey now!!
Rosho: I used flounder in the curry, but if you can’t tell that at a glance, that’s gotta mean your joke’s fallen flat, right?
Rei: The curry’s meant sell, so it should have a little more impact.
Sasara: I guess you’re right… It’s gotta be appealing televised too…
Rosho: Let’s take a moment to brainstorm.
Sasara: *pops a cold one open* Man, nothing’s coming to mind at all…!
Rei: The theme you had settled on was, “A Bizarre Brown Curry,” right?
Rosho: We shouldn’t even try to be teeming with themes! It’s all about the flavours!!
Sasara: “Okra-zy Curry” doesn’t sound too bad!
Rosho: Okra me a river!!
Rei: How about “Kelp!! Addicted to Seaweed Curry”?
Rosho: Oh, now you’re just sailing on his coattails!
Sasasa: “Ya Kraken Me Up Squid Curry”!!
Rosho: Quit it with the seafood puns!! Geez, you’re not even trying to solve the root of the problem.
Sasara: Nyahaha…! No, yeah, you’re right.
Rei: But curry’s just curry, isn’t it? How can you even get someone to give a laugh at it at just a glance?
Rosho: How many times do I gotta say, that’s why we’re sittin’ around thinkin’ about it!!
Sasara: I think the alcohol’s getting to us~ Let’s get some food down, so we can sober up.
Rei: I agree. I’d like one order of flounder curry with rice!
Rosho: You takin’ my home as an izakaya?? Serve your own curry!!
Sasara: Phew whee, Mista Rosho here sure is stingy!
Rei: Well, sounds like I got no other choice.
Rei: Hey, so this is getting annoying to handle, you mind if I use this whole pot?
Sasara: Rosho, whatcha want me to do with this bag?
Rosho: Shut up, the both of you!! For now, just bring everything to me.
Rei: And there. Rice is served~
Sasara: And here’s a bit of the curry to top it off!
Rosho: Oh yeah, we’re using this too!
Sasara: “A White Stew for Rice”? You brought out some boil in bag goods you had bagged up?
Rosho: A student of mine gave it to me as a souvenir from a Hokkaido trip. It apparently has some Hokkaido specialties in it.
Rei: Their milk is incredibly tasty. And so… *pours it in*
Rosho: Hey!!!! What the heck are you doing??
Rei: This is my specialty, “Stew On This Rice”!
Rosho: The bag wasn’t even boiled yet… I guess I’ll stick it in the microwave.
Sasara: Wait a sec!
Rosho: What are you making that serious face for?
Sasara: If it’s cream… How does “Cream Of The Crop Curry” sound??
Rei: Ohhh, we are aiming for something eye-catching but… Wait, actually, this might work.
Rosho: It’s more of a stew though…
Sasara: Let’s have a taste test first!
*microwave dings*
DH: *eats*
Sasara: Woah??? This creamy stew and rice pair together so well!!
Rei: And this white colour gives it quite the impact.
Sasara: This is it! This is the curry that’s going to carry Dotsuitare Hompo to victory!
Rosho: But this isn’t curry?? What do you mean we’re going to use a stew??
Rei: Why’re you fussing? All we have to do is say we made a white curry.
Rosho: Then how do you explain how we made it??
Rei: White curry does exist, you know. There are spices for it and everything. Curry connoisseurs would be familiar with it.
Sasara: Is that so?? Well, there you have it, Rosho! I’ll let you figure out what those spices are!
Rosho: No, you won’t!! Shouldn’t we all be trying to figure this out??
Rei: Ahaha! I believe you’ll figure it out somehow.
Sasara: Alright! “The Rosho Special☆ Cream of The Crop Curry” is definitely going to take us to the top!!
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thepixelelf · 6 months
Just ordered food incorrectly but that's my problem
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bunnyb34r · 21 days
You can get food from the balloons in new horizons?? Agsgsgshdhd in universe doordash I guess
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kaijudick · 7 months
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has this ever happened to you
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naptimed · 2 months
my favorite glass lunch container broke today and i almost cried
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swagging-back-to · 3 months
you can easily tell someone does not live with stomach issues when their go-to recommendation if you have no appetite/nausea is strongly flavored Japanese, Mexican, or indian food because it 'helps with digestion and is easy to get down!'
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sharkdays · 6 months
im trying really super hard to not feel bad about it but my break ends today (classes start tomorrow) and i haven’t really done much over iy. i told myself i was gonna do a lot of stuff, both stuff i wanted to do like drawing and art things and dance as well as stuff on my to-do list. and idk i just feel guilty about it
which i mean i know its not my fault because we keep having issues w the house that does prevent me from getting stuff done as well as interrupts my routine (which can mess me up) on top of the new meds causing me pain and fatigue ON TOP of my disability that makes iy hard for me to do things even if i want to even w treatment
and normally im really good at not feeling bad and just being like “i have more time, i can’t blame myself for how my brain and body works; its just how it is” and just being like hey at least i got time to rest a little!!
but i just. idk i feel bad about it this time. im sure itll go away as i get back to my normal schedule and shit gets fixed but man. wadda hell
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warmgrey · 9 months
having a bit of a cry bc my head hurts and i feel sick and i was super craving rice and curry. and i didnt get it
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jedi-bird · 10 months
Today we made several market runs for non essentials, mostly looking for specific snacks and non-perishables so we can avoid the Japanese markets we frequent as it gets closer to the new year. Luckily they had all the new years items out already, so we came home with way more than we intended. We bought something like 17 ceramic dragons and 6 tiny plastic dragons (a few for us, the rest for family members). But also, being me, I had to come home with more mugs.
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Four cat mugs, a tiny cat plate, and a bunny plate. I don't have room for more mugs, so this is the kick in the butt I need to thin out the old ones that are cracked or never get used for various reasons. That will have to be this week's goal if my hand heals up a bit more; today was the first day I could pick things up without dropping them but it's still swollen.
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drbtinglecannon · 11 months
Both people I live with have covid. I tested negative but the chances I'll scrap by not getting it from either of them is next to none especially since I share a room & bed with my partner so like.
First time getting covid here we go I guess
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kurthorton-moving · 1 year
went into my usual indian place and they recognized my order from uber eats
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rtlstuff · 2 years
What's the viscosity of soup?
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 months
Lads there has been an attempt on my life (by my own body)
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teaboot · 1 year
how could you like the colour yellow
see a therapist immediately
I actually used to hate it! Like, actually despise it! Yellow was too bright, too loud, discordant, unruly, and clashed with everything. Nothing like what I wanted in my life, nothing I wanted to be.
When I first moved away from home, everything I owned was black. Jet back. As black as I could get. Smooth, cool, sleek, discrete, calm, unassuming. Flexible, cohesive, agreeable black. Fashionable black.
I had a really, really bad time. Unrelated to the decor. It was my first year out of a toxic place I'd grown used to my whole life, my first year acknowledging a mental illness I'd believed to be normal, my first year fending for myself with very little money or sleep or companionship.
I'd grown up on instant white rice and unseasoned ground beef. One day I realized that everything I'd been raised on tasted like cardboard. While out on an assignment, I passed a tent with a woman selling spices, and bought myself some turmeric. I went home and tried making curry with it. It was so yellow.
Another time, my professor took us out to a modern art gallery. I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but when we got there, the whole building had been painted bright sunshine yellow.
The artist's theme was "happiness".
What it is. How we make it. How to share it.
All bright, lovely yellow.
The house I grew up in was beige. The walls were white. The appliances were post 9/11 stainless steel. My job was to be quiet, compliant, presentable and agreeable.
Black goes with everything. Black is neutral. Black is quiet, reserved, elegant and mysterious.
Yellow is warm. Yellow does what it wants. Yellow tastes sweet and spicy and hot and cool, like a summer breeze, like sunflower petals, powdery like dust on a long dirt road and soothing like well-worn linen.
I still like the look of black. I like the look of most colors. But I like the way that Yellow makes me feel.
Do you understand?
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sawruhh · 1 year
I only spent about $45 in groceries this week including meat, veggies, fruit, bread, pumpkin bread mix, one salty snack and one sweet. I’m so grateful that it’s affordable around here! I did go to Trader Joe’s as an outing with stef and then took haoran to Walmart which was a lot of fun :’)
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