#i got interupted by mystic messenger
im-a-lil-bitch-boi · 4 months
it modnight and im drawin some explicot art for my boyf while watchin my fav true crime yter(check her out her yt is BOZE vs. the WORLD shes rly funny but takes srs subjects srsly) and im at the uh. . . butt part. . . and my brain goes 'bootyhole' AND I WHISPER "bootyhole" PUT LPUD EKFHWBXJW IM SO GLAD MY LIL SIS AINT IN THE ROOM RN(not that id be drawin explicit art when shes around, i dont wanna accidentally truamatize her 💀) SHED BE MAKIN FUN OF ME FOR 'RANDOMLY' SAYIN BOOTYHOLE RHCBENXHAV
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feelsgood-anon · 7 years
Eros - Bar AU [Season 2] Chapter 6
[Season 1]
[Season 2] | Prologue | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5p1 | Ch. 5p2 | Ch. 6 | Ch.7
“Sugar, this is your sixth glass, are you sure you don't want to talk about things?” Zen asked, worry riddled across his expression. It wasn’t much the amount that the other man was drinking but the rate of consumption. It had scarce been an hour and Sugar was well into finishing an entire bottle of wine by himself.
Sugar waved his hand in dismissal, “There is nothing to talk about. Simply put, Clicks is once again covering for his sorry excuse for a girlfriend. Now if you will please pour me another drink we can continue on with the night.”
Zen sighed as he did what he was asked, begrudgingly handing his friend the wine. He knew better than to badger him but it pained him to see Sugar in such an agitated mood. He couldn’t blame the other for being in this state: the second day of being in the hospital, Clicks refused to speak of the incident as he told Jumin he would and shortly after was moved from the ICU which allowed Goldie to see him freely. Sugar got no answers from Clicks and let the woman dictate the incident all over again with little resistance.
“Is he at least doing better? I know he was in a lot of pain initially. Wasn’t he being sent home soon?” Zen dared to ask, hoping that talking about Click’s condition would be a better way to approach things.” Sugar sighed, a glossy haze in his eyes, “Mmm, yes. His pain is gone and he was discharged last night. I’m glad as he was getting very anxious being in the hospital for more than a week.” His gaze focused on the glass, running his fingers along the rim, “If he weren’t so damn stubborn, none of this would have happened.”
They both looked towards the door, Sugar frowning deeply, “Clicks, what the hell are you doing here? You should be at home resting.” Clicks smiled and said hello to those that greeted him, slowly making his way farther into the bar with his walking aid, “I wanted to speak with you, but you weren’t answering your phone. I figured you’d be down here.”
Zen made his way around the bartop to quickly make his way to Clicks’ side, “Hey! Welcome back! Let me help you to your seat.”
“Thank you, Zen. It may take some getting used to walking around here. At least I sit in the same spot every night, yes?” He chuckled as he allowed Zen to lead him, “But I’m sure I will have no trouble knowing the layout of this place. You’d think I could make it just fine, seeing as I’m here rather often.”
Sugar clenched his jaw when Clicks sat next to him, “It is far too early for you to be up and about, and you certainly shouldn’t be drinking. I am calling a driver immediately to-”
“Clicks!” Sunny cried out from behind them, running to give him a big hug, “I’m so glad you are okay! Everyone was so worried!”
He laughed softly, placing his arms on top of hers that had wrapped around him, “That’s very kind of you to have concerns for me, but rest easy knowing that I am doing much better. Everything should be normal in no time.”
“Except for the fact that you can’t see.” Sugar hissed, “I wouldn’t exactly call that normal.”
Clicks sighed as he hesitantly reached to put his hand on Sugar’s shoulder, “Please, let’s have a conversation. The pool tables look empty, come talk to me.”
Even though Sugar scoffed at the request, he stood up and grabbed Clicks’ arm to drag him to the back. Sunny frowned as they left, walking around the back of the bar top, “I’m glad he’s out of the hospital, but it’s still sad that all of that happened to him.” She wrapped her arms around her torso, “I’m still worried since Sugar has been acting the way he has.”
“Things are a bit on edge, aren’t they?” Zen said as he walked over to her, “I believe that Sugar will get things under control, he’s good for that at least.” He reached his hand over to rustle the top of her head, “Have some faith!”
Cannon had crept around them, standing very close to Sunny, “Yeah, you don’t have to worry about them. They are both being stupid right now so let them fight it out. If it’s not one thing, it’s the other.” He tried to put a hand on her arm in a form of comfort but she brushed him off, “They aren’t being stupid, it was an unfortunate event! Clicks could have ended up worse!” She stepped away from him to get closer to Zen, “That’s really insensitive of you to say, Cannon!” “He didn’t mean it like that, Sunny. It’s really nice that you are worried about them. I’m sure they appreciate you thinking about them.” Zen outstretched his arm to allow her to lean into him if she wished, “Clicks is strong and will get through this!”
Sunny sighed and put her arm around Zen’s waist to hug his now open side, “I know, thanks Zen. I just can’t help it, I want to help so badly!”
Cannon frowned as she took Zen’s comfort over his, “I’m so sorry that I don’t baby people. That’s your job. If they grew a pair, they wouldn’t be in this situation!” He snatched his ticket book from the counter, “I’ll let you two be sappy together, don’t let me get in the way!”
Before Zen could get on Cannon’s case, he was distracted by hearing the elevated volume of Sugar’s voice. He pulled away from Sunny and made his way towards the back quickly. Sugar had been leaned against a pool table, hands gripping tightly along the edge. “You’re really going to continue telling me the same story she tells? The only thing I want is the truth!” “It was an accident, what do you want me to say? I know you want to blame her so badly but It was my fault. I shouldn’t have-”
“You are not that careless!” Sugar interupted, slamming a hand on the felt of the table, “Why are you defending her? I’m tired of this, I really am. I’ve spent these years watching you get dragged down by her and I’ve let it happen because I respect you as a friend. But now? I won’t allow it anymore. I demand you tell me the truth and then I expect you to press charges!”
“Respect me?” Clicks hissed in an aggressive whisper, “The only things I ever heard from you were complaints and unsavory comments about my girlfriend. All I ever did was try to keep the peace but that wasn’t enough for you! It hurts, Sugar. I’ve never gotten support from you when it came to my relationship and I needed it!”
“You want me to support you in having a shitty girlfriend? Fine. I give you my blessing. I hope the many years of a miserable life treat you well. Consider this my farewell because I refuse to associate with someone who has no regard for their own safety.” Zen cleared his throat loudly and stood between them, “Okay, enough. Are you even listening to yourself right now, Sugar? You’re threatening to break off your friendship with him before you can really talk about things! The two of you need to just take a breath and talk things out in a calm manner.”
Clicks shook his head and turned to leave, “It’s alright. If this is how he really feels then I will go. I don’t need him, especially now. If you’ll excuse me, I’m heading home. There is nothing left to say.” As tough as he tried to sound, his voice had a slight waiver in it, “Could you help me to the door, Zen?”
“Wait Clicks, I didn’t mean it...” Sugar said, almost pleading.
“Save it, Sugar. I heard you loud and clear. Consider us completely done.” Clicks said softly, “Goodbye, old friend.”
Sugar staggered back until he collided with the wall, the palm of his left hand rubbed along the bottom half of his face. This wasn’t the first time that Clicks had angrily walked away from him, but this was different - it felt definite. The guilt crept through his body knowing that not only was Clicks going through great emotional turmoil but physical disabilities as well.
The minutes before Zen returned felt like hours as Sugar’s head was weighed with all of his ideas on how to fix everything. He had lost his composure, let his emotions drive him to say things he didn’t really mean. Who was he, Zen? The very thought made him scowl but the moment the bartender’s arm slammed him back into the wall, he was quickly knocked back into reality.
“There are a lot of things I just brush off about you, Sugar. You’re arrogant, bossy, and condescending...but this? I won’t just let it slide. What the hell were you thinking to say those things to Clicks? He has enough on his plate and you ripped into him pretty badly.” Zen growled as he had Sugar pinned, “He not only puts up with shit from Goldie, but from you as well.” “I know, I was wrong.” Sugar said flatly, staring past the other man, “I need to go home. I have to figure things out.” “Yeah, figure it out and fix it! He was almost in tears when I got him into the cab. I refuse to have my friends fighting like that, especially you two.” Zen let go of him, straightening out his shirt, “I don’t care if you own this place, I don’t want to see you in here right now.” He took a few deep breaths and exhaled slowly, “I know you are worried about him, but this wasn’t the way to handle things. If you need anything, you can give me a call.”
Sugar nodded slowly as he gathered himself, “I know I’m not in any position to ask for a favor, but please keep in touch with him until I can smooth things over. If he needs anything, help him. He most likely won’t reach out to me at this point.”
Zen shrugged, “That’s not even a favor for you to ask. I would have done it regardless. Go on now, get out of here.” They both walked out from the back and Sunny tried to stop Sugar to speak to him but he ignored her to head out the door. She frowned, turning to Zen, “Is everything okay?”
He sighed, “Not really, but I hope they will be. Damn, it’s things like this that make me want to have a drink.”
“Excuse me?!” She exclaimed as she stomped towards him, “I don’t think so, mister! I’m watching you like a hawk!”
“It was a joke, Sunny. Relax!” He laughed and put his arm around her shoulders, “I just hate seeing things like this unfold the way they did.”
She huffed as she put her arm around his waist, “Not a funny joke…” Looking towards the door, she frowned, “I hope things turn around too. It’s not the same when they aren’t in here enjoying themselves.”
From across the bartop, Cannon was fuming as he saw them being so friendly. He had no idea what they were talking about but the sight of them with their arms around each other irritated him greatly, “I’m going home. It’s slow, and you don’t need me.”
Zen’s head snapped to look at him, “What? You’re supposed to be here until closing time! Are you feeling sick?”
“Yeah, sick of seeing you two.” He grumbled as he removed his apron, “I should check on Red since he’s under the weather. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Before Zen could further lecture him, he walked out of the bar.
Sunny tilted her head, “What’s his deal?”
Zen let go of her and made his way towards the beer kegs to refill a few drinks, “If I knew, I would be able to control him a bit more.” After he distributed the glasses, he lifted himself up to sit on the counter, “Looks like it’s just you and me tonight, Sunny. Hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course I don’t mind! Don’t think I’m going to forget your little joke. I’m still keeping an eye on you!” She wagged a finger at him, but leaned forward onto the counter with him, “We’ll be fine, at least.”
taggerino: @zenscrotch @illneverrecover @suzunesays @serensama @kookiedoe @forever-ender
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xh0pee · 8 years
Munchkin War.
The day: January 5th, 2017. It was a normal day right? Nothing out of the ordinary? no…you’re forgetting that THE MUNCHKIN WAR HAPPENED. @mysticdaddies infamous war tore people apart LOL. but it was for the greater good. Below the cut is a short one shot feat the four people in the poll. It’s stupid and probably has typos but LOL I had to.
Word count: 939
Genre: Crack?
Also below this text here is what happened while everything happened. I wanted to share this experience before the actual story because IT WAS HILARIOUS LOL
I went shopping right? So I was voting while shopping, voting on the bus. Voting while walking back to my place. When i did get home — I went to go sit down; I WENT ON MY TABLET, MY IPAD, MY LAPTOP and MY PHONE and here I was sitting there with my jacket still on, voting away so I can get my votes in for my savior. My mom came into the living room and looked at me. 
“….Mel? What are you doing?” “….I’M IN A MIDDLE OF WAR MOM.  YOOSUNG AND ZEN NEED ME.” “…okay give me your tablet” SO THERE GOES MY MOTHER helping me vote for Yoosung and Zen for a good two minutes. I look at her with glee. My mom didn’t care I was some weird Mystic Messenger trash… she wanted to help…. “…dinner is almost ready.” “….Polls are almost close. I’ll keep that in mind~” “…Okay good luck.” Then she left. She walked away to finish making dinner. An obvious smile on her lips. I can only assume she was amused by my actions. Her 20+ year old daughter was in a fandom war and she found it amusing. 
“Why does Saeyoung get to be number one all the time? I’M BEYOND MORE HANDSOME THAN HIM” Zen huffed in anger as he watched the live results of the polls. He was in dead last. He thought people loved him. he thought his whole world shattered. Saeyoung sat in his chair, a smug look on his face. obviously enjoying what was happening. Zen’s head shot up as he pointed his index finger towards the ex-hacker. “YOU HACKED THIS DIDN’T YOU? YOU WANTED TO BE ON TOP.”  his voice loud and an obvious anger in his tone. “Hyung no, Saeyoung would never do that! He hasn’t touched his keyboard or his phone once since this poll became active…” Yoosung said as his hand went to rub the back of his own neck, obviously he was flustered over the events that unfolded in front of him.
Jaehee sat there in silence as she seen her numbers move her from second to third over and over again, She never assumed people would like this much. Why? She worked her ass off as Jumin’s assistant. Did they see the dedication in her? To put up with the consistent bull shit he laid on her? It paid off. “So this is what it’s like to feel loved by a bunch of people. It’s nice. Not as nice as the love honey budda chips and PHD pepper give me but…still nice” In his tone you can hear how smug Saeyoung was, he was loving the fact Zen wasn’t winning for once. “These munchkin’s know what’s up! I SHOULD GIVE THEM ALL HUGS.” This is where Saeyoung crossed Zen’s emotional line. The taller male let out a loud groan, arm’s flailed into the air as he felt udder defeat.
“Zen, no he did not. I’ve been sitting here this whole time. Actual people voted for him. People like him. I do not understand why though…” Jaehee affirmed the group as she kept her eyes peeled to the screen, the numbers were close, people had their hearts set on the two youngest of the RFA.
“HYUNG LOOK! You moved to third!” Yoosung sang in a happy tone. His index finger pointed to the screen.
“Why does that matter now though, I’m still far behind this bastard.” Zen’s voice still filled with anger but his expression softened. People were finally helping Zen.
“….I’M FIRST BITCHES LOOK SEE MY FANS LOVE ME” Zen practically shouted as he pointed to the computer screen in front of him, looking at seven, still no actual emotion on his face.
“You know they probably just feel bad for you? they just know how to make you happy!” seeing his name move back up to first he flashed him his smug smile. “See…it didn’t last long~” Saeyoung sang as Zen he charged at the red haired male. But was stopped by the young gamer. His arms practically wrapped around the actor. “HYUNG NO. VIOLENCE DOESN’T SOLVE ANYTHING!” a loud sigh escaped the white haired male, he unwrapped the petite arms that were on him seconds before and went back to his chair. He didn’t care this point. He was going to lose.
“5 more minutes until the polls close” Yoosung said as he switched from the polls to the owner of the polls tumblr page. “Have you read what some of the people have said to her? They were going on and on how they love you Zen. and you too Jaehee-noona.” turning his mobile phone to the others he used his finger to scroll down.
“and they are done. What are the results?” Jaehee said as she went to sit back into a relaxed position. “18,643 votes in total.” “…last place i respectfully have. ” Jaehee said with no actual care in her tone. “I have 2,440 votes” “Zen came in third with 4,629 votes.” “Yoosung came in second with 5,580 votes” “And Saeyoung came in first with 5,996 votes”
“i need a cigarette….” Zen said as he left the room first, anger in his voice as he slammed the door shut. Making Yoosung jump. Speaking of Yoosung here he was, flustered. His cheeks tinted a bright red. “…I beat Zen? D-Does that mean…I’m more hand–” he was rudely interupted mid-sentence “NO. No-one is as handsome as Zen. People were obviously blinded by it that they missed his button. ” Jaehee said as she got up next. “I need to stop him. Smoking is a bad habit. Then…good night you two.” Jaehee said before she walked away.
“What did we accomplish any ways, Hyung?” Yoosung still slightly confused as he gazed over to the other. “…Do you think we get a prize?! I want money for LOLOL!” he paused for a moment before pushing himself off the chair “OH SPEAKING OF LOLOL i need to go play! bye hyung!” Yoosung said waving back as he dashed out the door.
Moments of silence struck the now silent home of Saeyoung Choi. His figure leaned forward to the computer in front of him, no longer a hacker he didn’t hack into this poll right? He was as innocent as the next person…right? A sinister laugh escaped him as he pulled out his phone. The hacking software that helped him push his way to the top closed.
“….I’m a genius. No-one will never know what I did. ~ ” Seven sang as he twirled his chair around, but his mood dropped, his mouth dropped open, and his expression was like he seen a ghost.
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