#i got it at the liquor store and it was like $15 and then at walmart it was only $7 WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
emi1y · 2 years
Emily's "Use Up My Leftover Mixers" Cocktail:
3 oz of that weird gin that I'm trying to get rid of as fast as possible
2 ish oz of schweppes tonic water
Wanted to use more tonic water but that bottle ran out, so also used another 2 oz of fever tree tonic water
However much is left of that guava juice that i opened forever ago
Some orange juice leftover from when I was sick and I'm not going to drink it on its own but there's so much of it left still
At this point the glass is full, so drink some to make space in the glass for ice. When you taste it, realize there's something missing so just try throwing in whatever you've got lying around. My inspiration was "first things I saw on the top shelf of my fridge"
Like a little vermouth because i forgot what it tasted like so I took a sip and was like, yeah sure whatever
A few splashes of orange bitters because I'm so obsessed with it I've been adding it to every drink i make
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lilgarbitch · 18 days
Can you write something about reader Noah walking back to his place, maybe on the way home from picking up more alcohol for a party the guys are having and reader comes up next to him, loops her arm through his and asks him to act like he knows her. He agrees after he looks back and see a guy following her. She explains that he won't leave her alone and she has been walking in circles trying to get him to go away. Noah immediately agrees and ends up taking her back to his place. Can do with this what you please ❤️❤️
Highly appreciate the request, especially how much info you gave me❤️ It’s short and simple, mainly just working out what you said, but definitely a story I could build off of in the future!
A groan escapes my lips as I shove my phone back into my pocket. Ruffilo sent me a text telling me to pick up a specific mixer for a drink he wanted to see if he could make since I was running to the store. But I already asked them what they needed before I left, and I was already halfway back to the house.
I paused for a moment, internally debating if I wanted to be the nice friend and go back, or tell him to suck it. I mean, it was only a 15 minute walk between the liquor store and our house, so it wouldn’t be a bother, but a mixer? Nah, fuck it. He can try it another day.
I start back up on my stroll, just taking in the view of the night as I swung the bag in my hand. The lampposts lit the street perfectly, and it was just warm enough that I could talk out here without a jacket. But what was that noise? It was like..a bouncing? Some repetitive noise? I couldn’t even tell which direction it was coming from, but it was getting closer.
Then, it stopped and turned into heavy breathing and softer footsteps behind me. I glance back, wondering what kind of danger I got myself into, but I just see a girl. She kept checking her phone and looking behind her as she walked. After seeing something as she glanced behind her, she instantly turned towards me, like she was about to run again, but she stood there stunned once her eyes landed on me. Looking me up and down, she picked up her pace, closing the distance between us.
She locked her arm into mine and stared straight forward. I gave her an odd look, but she didn’t look up at me, even when speaking.
“Please pretend like you know me,” She spoke in a hushed voice, not wanting her words to echo off the buildings around us, “That guy has been following me for the past 20 minutes and I swear he picks up speed every time I do.”
I sneak a glance back, and see a large older man trudging his way down the street, looking like he was searching for something. My grasp on her arm instinctively tightens, feeling the malicious aura he gave off as he searched. For her.
“I got you. We’re almost at my place. You can come inside until he leaves.” I whisper out. She nods, still not looking at me, almost as if too much movement would trigger the man stalking us.
I finally see the house and pull her in front of me, wanting to shield her from him just in case. With my hands on her shoulders, I discreetly pointed towards the house, signaling how much further we had to go. She just responded with a nod as we both picked up our pace.
“HEY! YOU! GET OVER HERE!” The man shouts from behind us, causing us both to jump. I glance back and see him moving towards us much faster now, so I grab her arm and pull her faster towards the house.
I pull us past the house and into our backyard, since the back door was always unlocked if any of us wanted to smoke, and I couldn’t take the chances of the mere seconds it would take to pull out my keys and unlock the front door.
We finally reach the back door and I open it and push her inside, quickly following lead, before slamming the door behind me and locking it. I lean my back against the door, both to catch my breath and feeling like I was the only other barricade I could use in case he tried getting in.
Footsteps came tumbling towards us, before the three boys stop and look at us confused.
“I asked for mixer, not a girl,” Ruffilo mumbled out, before getting smacked by Jolly.
“What’s going on? Who’s this?” Jolly asked, stepping closer.
“Guy. Followed her. Had to get her somewhere safe,” I answered, pointing towards the door I was leaning against. My heart was still racing and my brain was scattered as I relived the last few minutes.
“Uh..I’m Y/N.. I’m sorry to intrude. Some freak was following me for the past 20 minutes and I had to ask him for help..” She answered, sounding a lot less freaked out than I was. The boys took a moment, looking between us and the door, terrified.
“Oh. Uh.. No, you’re not intruding. Come in. Stay as long as you need. Do you need us to call someone? 911?” Jolly rushed out once all the thoughts settled in his head.
“No, it’s okay. But if I could borrow a charger, that’d be nice,” She answered, holding up her dead phone. Nick took off into the house, searching for a charger for her.
“Um. I’m Joakim, but you can just call me Jolly, and that was Nick,” He pointed back to wherever Nick took off, “This is Nicholas, but you can call him Ruffilo so you don’t get confused.”
She nodded and gave a weary smile to them, before turning to me.
“Oh, fuck. I’m Noah. Sorry,” I scrambled out, making her laugh a little.
“Nice to meet you all, despite the circumstances.” Jolly gave her a smile.
“Come on. Let me get you a drink and get both of you, or mainly Noah, calmed down,” He said as he walked into the house. She followed, so I did as well.
Once we reached the living room, I set down the bag I had been carrying and fell onto the couch. I’ve never been so tense in my life. Nick came back, holding a charger and plugged it in, before holding his hand out for her phone. She handed it to him, so he plugged it in and set it down before joining us all.
It took her a minute to feel at ease, being surrounded by 4 unknown men, but eventually we all started getting a good conversation going. She soon got comfortable and it seemed like she completely forgot the events of the night as she joined in on our little ‘party’ (just us four guys drinking and being idiots). The night went on and it was almost as if she had been a part of the group the whole time.
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creative-heart · 6 months
"The one that got away" Enzo Vogrincic x fem! reader
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A/N: Hi! this is the first thing I’ve written in so long, so please be nice. If you have any constructive criticism it’s always welcomed, if it comes from love and respect. I really hope you like this, it’s inspired in kind of a mashup between “The one that got away” by Katy Perry and “Bride or groom” by India Parkman. it’s also written in a third person POV.
Warnings: Basically Angst, all angst, mild drinking. Whatever is in italics is thoughts.
Word Count: 1.6K
The one where reader never spoke up for her love towards Enzo
It had always been them two against the world, ever since kindergarten when Y/N being the bubbly extroverted redhead girl she had always been, all but adopted sweet shy Enzo, since day one they had been inseparable. Y/N's mom even started calling them June and Johny as they became teenagers, always up to some innocent mischief -from stealing the leftover vodka from the liquor cabinet to grabbing their parents car keys in the night to go take a drive around-. 
It had been so gradually that she had fallen for Enzo that Y/N couldn’t pin point the exact moment, maybe it was after the redhead called him crying at 2 in the morning because that douchebag boyfriend of hers broke it off at 15, or when he ran to the store for the first time to get her tampons cause she had ran out on a Sunday afternoon, and now, here they were. 
“Last day of summer” Y/N sighed looking off into the sunset, while she sat beside the raven haired guy on her parents house roof like they always did “who knew highschool would come and go so fast”.
“And you are abandoning me, breaking a 15 year old promise to never leave me alone…” Enzo retorted in an overly dramatic way just to make his best friend laugh,“I always knew you would leave though, that I would have to face this horrible world alone” and laugh she did while rolling her eyes nudging his side playfully.
“Not my fault you’re bound to be the next big screen hearthrob, and I need to go off to college, not all of us are made for stardom”, she absentmindedly passed the bottle to him before turning slightly to look at that beautiful face she had grown to love, Y/N bit the inside of her lip, once again arguing with herself trying to decide if she should tell him she loved him or not - come on Y/N don’t be such a fucking coward, he’s right here, tell him-, she opened her mouth and took a deep breath she was going to do it, she finally would, when his phone rang.
“Well, that’s me, my brother’s downstairs” he huffed standing up placing a kiss on the top of Y/Ns head “see you later fireball” he chuckled as he got off the roof carefully, the nickname he had given his friend when they were kids still made him laugh to this day, the girl hummed nodding and watched him leave.
Life got busy, and they saw eachother less and less with every passing year. Not that anything changed when they did get to hang out, some things never change -how handsome Enzo was, or how much Y/N loved him for example- their friendship was the exact same that it had always been. 
Y/N tapped her fingers anxiously on the table in the corner of the cafe where they had agreed to meet, five years had gone by and the freckled face woman still felt the same butterflies in her stomach when she was seeing him -he lived in Madrid fulltime now it made it easier for work and she was still back in Montevideo, she was working in a big time law firm, everyone knew she was gonna be a lawyer since forever, always had an argument for everything-. She looked at her phone again and sighed, he was already fifteen minutes late, he never was, she thought maybe this time, life had gotten too busy -he’s clearly not coming, don’t blame him though, he must be so busy- she thought to herself, as she was gathering her stuff to get up, she felt his hand on her shoulder and his usual kiss on the top of her head.
“Sorry fiery, I’m so late, parking in Madrid” he laughed- that oh so enchanting sound that always made her heart skip a beat-, as he sat down across from his lifelong friend. She smiled, everything was forgiven as soon as he looked at her with those dark eyes of his.
“Thought fame had finally gotten to you and you weren’t coming” she pouted while setting her phone back down, she looked at Enzo’s face, something was different, she could tell, something had been different for a bit now, and the change of scenery did nothing to apeace her mind. He rolled his eyes with a warm smile plastered on his face.
“I would never miss the chance to see my best friend are you crazy?” he smiled at the waiter as he brought over the coffee he had ordered on his way in. He took to stirring the sugar in it for way too long, trying to find the words of what he needed to tell Y/N, she looked at him, a tilt in her head, there was something wrong, she could tell, she knew him too well.
“spill it” she said keeping her eyes glued on him he chuckled “you know me to well Y/N/N” he looked up and smiled at her -here goes nothing- he thought.
“I’ve met someone… well…more than met, I have a girlfriend, her name is Marina” he smiled at the mention of her name, Y/N gulped, and forced a smile on her face- she was dying inside, but she would never let it show, not to him, not when he looked this happy. “We met a few months ago, through some mutual friends, she’s a doctor, you will love her. She loves cats and painting, just like you, I can’t wait for you to meet her” he kept rambling on about Marina, he couldn’t help himself, she was the best woman to ever walk this earth besides from Y/N, he KNEW they would get along well- he wanted them to at least, they’re both too important to him in one way or another.
Crap, you’re an idiot, you’re a fucking idiot she kept repeating to herself, Y/N felt her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach, each word her friend said taking it a bit lower, if she had only been braver on that roof when she had the chance- Smile Y/N- she reminded herself, her friend- that word stinging more than it had ever done now- was happy and that was the most important part…right? right.
And he had been right, Y/N eventually met Marina, and she was a sweetheart, and she loved Enzo, it showed, Y/N knew by the way the blonde looked at him that she loved him, because it was the same way she looked at him.
Y/N would be lying to herself if she said she never wished Enzo and Marina broke up, she never lost that hope, relationships not always worked out…hers didn’t at least. But they hadn’t, they seemed to be the perfect power couple, so when her Johny had told her they were getting married and  asked her to be his best woman, she couldn’t say no, she had to be honest, another five years had gone by and the sinking feeling in her gut had never left, it was there every time she saw a picture on his instagram of them two, it got worse every time one of her relationships failed, it just never left.
The twenty-eight year old, fearless woman, who no one wanted to come across in court, somehow felt small and fragile while she looked at herself in the mirror and took a deep breath forcing a smile on her face while finishing her make-up “okay, listen up you”- she gave her reflection a peptalk while she got ready- “you had your chance, you were too scared to take it, it was there and you let it slip away, you have no right to ruin his happiness you’re gonna stand there, you’re gonna be the friend Enzo needs, and you’re gonna tough it out”, the last part coming out shaky as she suppressed a sob, she downed the last of her wine glass and walked out.
She knocked on his door “En, you ready?” she said slightly opening it, just enough to see the most handsome man she had ever seen standing there fidgeting with his bowtie, she laughed and walked in “come’ere, let me help” she turned him around and fixed it for him “there, handsome as ever my dear Johny” she smiled softly looking at him. 
“I’m ready Junie” he smiled a warm, soft smile at her walking out and making their way to the gardens where the ceremony would take place.
As she walked down the aisle, Y/N couldn’t help but think what would have happened if she had been braver that hot day of summer ten years ago- if you had only said something, if you had spoken when you opened your mouth- she reprimanded herself as she walked and took her place beside the love of her life, not in the way she would have wanted, not in the way she still dreamt of every so often, but in the way she could.
When the music started and Marina made her way out, that’s when she finally understood, it didn’t matter what she felt, she could wonder all her life what would have happened if -she probably would if she was honest with herself for once- what would have happened if she’d only been braver, would she be the one walking down the aisle to meet the man she had loved for over ten years, the man she still loved to that day? that was something that she would never know, for now, she could only look at the Johny to her June, and fake the brightest smile as the love of her life, married the love of his.
A/N: aaarrghhh I’m so sorry about ending it on a down note, it just didn’t feel right to turn it all around, and it being inspired in those songs, wasn’t a happy ending, don’t hate me! please? 
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cookycherry · 2 years
Birthday Serenade: Song Mingi oneshot
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Pairing- Mingi x reader
Genre- smut,tipsy sex, fem!reader, established long term friendship, confession, friends to lovers, tension building, birthday sex, normal life AU
Warning-smut, tipsy sex, unprotected sex
Word count-2,619
Summary-You wanted to celebrate your birthday by having a karaoke night with friends except only one shows up and it’s who you least expect.
You tapped your foot anxiously as you waited in the karaoke room you rented. You look at your phone in your lap but it didn’t light up at all indicating any notification.
Earlier you got a barrage of, “Sorry girl.” And “Hang diff time got busy” messages. Disappointment.
You felt your stomach turn in knots. It was your birthday and you thought making an invite for a group karaoke evening would be enough to pull your friend group back together and out of their busy individual lives. Ever since everyone went their respective ways it was always missed texts and endless late responding to just one text from days prior.
You leaned back on the couch, the loud music and singing in other rooms making you focus on how dull your room was.
A knock on the door, probably the waitstaff, you were going to order the most alcohol you could to at least make this fun if it was just you.
You opened the door and looked up at who was on the other side. Mingi.
“Hey, they said the reservation was for this room.” His dark eyes scanned the empty room, “I guess I’m the first to show up.”
It had been months since you last saw your friend Mingi. Last you heard he was attending evening classes for some program at a university nearby, helping at a family members restaurant and working on some music producing with a friend he met.
You were surprised to even see him show up, usually he never came to events and honestly him never responding to a group text was normal. The fact he was here and was the only one here felt like you were special.
He rolled his shoulders and threw his coat on the couch, drenched in rain drops.
“I think I need a drink.” Mingi plopped himself down on the couch and looked up at you as he stretched his long legs.
Staring at him now you noticed how much effort he put into dressing for this outing. Usually when you saw him it was utility pants and a sweatshirt and some sneakers; tonight he was wearing a thick sweater, black denim and some boots you would’ve never imagined lived in his closet. He even styled his hair, he had managed to make his slightly grown mullet look like something an idol would flaunt.
He cleared his voice, “You order anything yet?”
You shook your head, a tinge of sadness hitting you.
You sat down next to Mingi and bit your lip as you both stared at the T.V screen flashing colors in waves.
“Y/N, anyone else say they were coming?” Mingi leaned forward and grabbed the tablet to scroll through the drink menu, you watched as he checked some.
“Our friends suck.” You muttered as you stared blankly at the wall.
He laughed through his nose, “Yeah, they do. It’s why I branched out.” Mingi turned to look at you and smiled a toothy grin. “I’ll treat tonight. Just got a fat check from the restaurant yesterday so I think it would go best to helping out someone on their birthday.”
“How many songs has that been?” You laughed as you caught yourself against the wall. Mingi laughed as he tripped and landed on the couch.
You both managed to make the coffee table in the karaoke room look like a liquor store. Your cheeks felt warm and between the dancing and singing your legs no longer felt like your own.
Mingi tapped the mic making sure it was still on and acted like he was a show announcer, “I think that would be 15 songs.” This wasn’t even funny but sent you both into a laughing frenzy.
“Water, I think we need water.” Mingi was messing with the tablet to request the waiter bring water to the room.
You were still swaying with no music playing. “I think we need to sing some more.”
Mingi nodded, his eyes taking you in. “Water first.”
You playfully puffed your cheek and then proceeded to plop yourself next to him on the couch. Suddenly feeling sentimental.
“Thank you for coming Mingi. I really appreciate it.”
You felt your throat getting scratchy.
He shook his head and smiled, the way he smiled made his eyes look like crescents and it made your chest tighten. “It’s really no problem. I wanted to catch up anyways.”
A knock at the door signaled water had made its way. You watched as Mingi went to get the order from the waitstaff. Your eyes analyzed and roamed over his body, you had never caught yourself looking at him this way. He was becoming a different Mingi than the one you followed to school as a kid. A pang of jealousy hit you. He probably was talking to someone now, especially now.
He gracefully sat your glass on the table in front of you, “Drink up.” You watched his throat bob as he gulped down the clear liquid. Mingi let out a refreshed sigh and sat back down next to you,seating himself in a way he draped his arm on the back of the seat and spread his legs. Careless comfort.
“So what’s new with you?” He raised a brow and smiled tight lipped.
You thought as you drank the water, the cool sensation easing your burning throat.
“Nothing really. Finishing up my last semester of Uni. Looking at jobs. Still haven’t found time to get laid and still have no real friends.” Your cheeks burned and your mouth fell open at the realization of what you said. “Oh my gosh, I didn’t mean to say that. Ugh I’m so sorry.” You contorted your face in embarrassment as you looked down at the ground.
You listened as Mingis’s deep laugh echoed the room, “Nah it’s honest. I respect it.”
You looked back up at him, he was watching you with playful eyes. His freckle on his cheek was still the same as you remembered.
You cleared your throat, “What about you?”
You waited as he ran a hand through his thick hair and appeared in deep thought. “Hmmm, I quit Uni. Wasn’t for me. I joined a dance group and some of the guys got me into helping them make music. And I’ve been helping at my Aunt's restaurant. Haven’t found time to get laid and I’m making time for real friends. Especially people who are important to me.”
So you counted as a friend, that was unexpected.
“Oh and no. I’m not seeing anyone right now.” Mingi grinned like the menace you knew.
You rolled your eyes, “I honestly am surprised.”
You grabbed the music selection tablet and picked the first song that came on, some slow lovers jam that you knew from middle school.
You shot up and focused on the screen, singing along to your heart's content.
Shit you forgot this was a duo ballad.
Mingi casually sang along while sprawled out on the couch watching you while he sang the male counterpart.
The way he looked at you, it was giving you an inkling of more than friends. You wanted to cross that threshold. Your curiosity and need knocking at your door. The way his dark eyes held your gaze made your cheeks and ears go hot.
You then belted out the powerful female verse feeling a wave of freedom crashing into you. Now the closing verse.
Suddenly, you felt a hand hold your lower back while you sang, hearing the words on the screen echo in harmony. You turn to face Mingi who was close behind you dueting the final verse, looking down at you passionately. Your body heated. His hand burned into where it was now on your hip. The song ended and you felt yourself raise on the tips of your toes to lightly press your lips on his. He didn’t pull back but instead pulled you in closer, dropping the mic on the floor as you dropped yours and ran your hands into his hair pulling him down to your level. His soft lips parted as his tongue playfully swiped against yours, deepening the kiss which earned him a soft moan that escaped your chest. His hands gripped your lower back pushing you more into his built frame. You carefully pressed your hips on his painfully hard erection as you continued to capture his swollen lips with yours.
“Gotta lock the door,” he half whined, music to your ears. He pulled away quickly as he went to switch the latch on the door, giving you both the privacy you needed. Feeling apart from him so sudden made your brain over work with thoughts of anxiety.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” You faced Mingi head on as he came back to you, his hands intertwined in your hair.
“Y/N, I think it goes without saying I’ve been into you. For a while.” His voice was deep and certain.
You had so many questions. Mingi cocked an eyebrow, but his face might as well have been carved out of stone. His voice was flat and hardly amused when he replied, “I’ve been into you for years.I just have been in my own head and couldn’t find the guts to tell you.”
A breathy laugh escaped your lips, you tried to play cool and retorted, “It helps you actually showed up for once.”
Mingi bristled. You knew poking at him was always sure-fire ways to get some very satisfying banter from his otherwise easy going and relaxed manner.
”And that’s on me,” Mingi said nonchalantly as the corner of his mouth raised playfully. “Maybe it’s time we finally resolved this between us.”
“Show me.” You murmured, sliding your fingers along his jawline.
Biting your lip you studied his face, his perfect face. “I think we have an hour left before they charge us more.” He spoke as one of his hands roamed further down pushing up your dress and pulling down your panties until they fell to your ankles, you eagerly stepped out of them, proceeding to slide off your shoes in the process.
“That’s more than enough time. I’m going to make you mine and you won’t be able to take a step for the rest of your life without thinking of me,” Mingi sensually threatened, visibly losing his patience.
He pulled you with him onto his lap as he sat down on the couch, you were straddling him pressing your thighs into him. His hands drifted past your hips and landed on your ass, pulling you closer to him. You moaned at the action, but pulled away softly. He chased your lips, making you laugh as his own landed on your neck.
“Wait, let me pull this off.” He immediately stopped, sitting back to look you in the eyes. You smirked as you grabbed at the end of your dress, pulling it up and over your body, throwing it somewhere in the room. He swallowed thickly, his eyes wide in surprise. You felt his hands tighten on you.
His eyes broke from yours, trailing your body and making you burn all over.
“Show me.” You whispered breathlessly. He sucked in a breath as his hands slid up your body, strong hands gripping at your chest softly. Closing your eyes, you relished in his firm touch, pushing yourself closer to him. “Please!” You almost whimpered. His lips were instantly pressing wet kisses to your jaw, your mouth letting a content sigh out into the open. Reaching down to his pants, you quickly began unzipping them and trying to push them down his thighs. Quietly, he took your hands away and pushed the pants down his legs and to the floor as you stood on your knees as you straddled him, eagerly he pulled his sweater over his head in one swift movement. Immediately without hesitation, your hands were grabbing at him, a hand rubbing him through his underwear. He let a moan out, head falling back onto the plush couch. Soon you were pulling his boxers down and revealing him to you. He barely opened his eyes at the action, another deep groan escaping him.
“Tell me what you want, birthday girl.” He spoke warmly into your ear. Smiling up at you.
“Song Mingi.” You murmured, grabbing at his face and pulling him to kiss into your mouth. You moaned at his touch, pushing yourself to your knees and lining yourself up with him. You pumped him a few more times, his tongue pushing into your mouth as you did. Closing your eyes you pushed down, allowing him to fill you up in all the best ways. A breathy moan left your mouth, Mingi pushing his hips up at the feeling. You grunted at that, eyes opening to see a satisfied grin plastered to his face. You ran your hands across his shoulders and down his chest, stopping at his lower stomach. His toned body tensed at your touch, his hands cupping your ass and pulling you up.
“I wanna ride you.” Amazed, he nodded, allowing his hands to slide up and rest at your lower back.
“Mingi!” You moaned out as you sunk back onto him. You watched as he watched you, his large hands warm on your back. His eyes drooped, watching you as you slowly picked up the pace. Slowly his hands reached up to pinch at your nipples, making you moan loudly.
“You like that?” You nodded as you pushed yourself down again, Mingi grunting at the pressure. Suddenly you were being held close to his chest as he flipped you onto your back. He held your left leg out, fingers gripping your thigh to keep your legs spread as his other hand pushed down on your stomach. You yelped at the new position and pressure as he hit that special spot beautifully. His lips leave a fiery trail across your chest, soft mewls pushing past your lips. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled his body closer to yours. His sweat slicked skin slid against your own, his chest pushing against yours as he pushed into you. Your toes curled and your eyes closed in pleasure.
“I’m so close!” You gasped out.
“Damn, me too!”
He desperately grabbed at your hips, pulling you into him faster and stronger with each thrust.
“Please, like that!” You whined.
“Yeah? You like me fucking you like this?” You couldn’t even respond to his question, the Mingi you knew rarely spoke like that. It sent you over, feeling your high build quickly. His fingers were quick to rub at your clit, your body jerking sensitively.
You moaned loudly. Your nails digging into his muscular back. He groaned at that, his hips stuttering as he fucked into you one last time. You smiled up at him as you felt his warmth seep into you. “You like it when I fill you up?” You nodded shyly, your cheeks tingling. “I love to see your beautiful face, hearing you moan all for me.” He said simply, his voice deep and ragged. Your flush face burned even deeper under his comment and stare. After a few minutes of relaxing, he began to pull out, causing you to whine in over sensitivity. “Happy Birthday.” He spoke weakly as he got up. He then smiled down at you fondly. You playfully rolled your eyes as he helped you onto your feet. Stepping in front of him, you smiled up at him and wrapped your arms around his neck. He gave you a perplexed look as you spoke, “Walk me home and keep me warm tonight? You know if you don’t have anywhere else you’d rather be.”
“I think I can manage that.” He smirked.
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emma-frxst · 11 months
The Implicit Demand for Proof (15. End)
Series masterlist
Pairing: Detective David Loki x reader
Summary: you, a forensic psychologist, get called in on a high priority child abduction case in Conyers, PA. What happens when you catch feelings for the mysterious detective Loki?
Warnings: spoilers for the movie, movie level violence, slight change of events, language.
Sad this series has come to an end but it’s about damn time lol! I enjoyed it and I hope y’all did too! It’s the end..But fret not dear friends!! If you love our fave detective and forensic psychologist!Reader, I’m going to be writing a continuation of this series! My new fic Choking on Circumstances will be out soon! Check my masterlist for more deets! (Saying deets like I’m in the mid 2000s) if you want more Loki content feel free to send me a request and check my masterlist!
Reblogs and comments help me the most! Let me know your thoughts, even if it’s only a keysmash. Let me know if you want or off the tag list. Thanks for reading, commenting, and supporting me!
Tags: loki only tags: @spideyrights @sataninsatin @go-commander-kim @severuined @romancries @eclecticfashionbookszipper @fagen @sizzlingcloudmentality @mottergirl99 @ @1ivinqdeadqir1main @new-romanticz1989 @kittycat-kisses @in2meijasworld 2@diegos-sad-chick @sharp-cheekbones-locked @ochoaslvr @captgrim @buck-this-nasty @shycollectionwolfstuff @in2meijasworld
(Also tagging some others just this once who’ve commented/ liked/ reblogged this series to let you know it’s complete for real this time! Let me know if you want to still be tagged for Loki stuff!)
After checking for Keller Dover everywhere- his house, the liquor stores, the church the family attended, and the creepy small town survival gear store- he was no where to be found. You even showed people his picture and asked if they’d seen him, but no luck.
Where in the hell else could he have been??
Poor Alex Jones..Can’t believe Keller would do that to him- Wait.
A sick feeling came over you, the kind of feeling you got when looking a murderer in the eyes, or when you get a confession in the interrogation room from someone you know is guilty. That feeling.
Maybe Dover was having a PTSD episode, a psychotic break, or worse, a murderous rampage- His missing daughter driving him to the brink of insanity. He always blamed Alex for the girl’s disappearance, but now that he was done with Alex, maybe he got it in his mind to go after Holly Jones next.
Now knowing what Keller was capable of, you jumped in the car and drive out to the Jones’ residence. You didn’t want Holly to end up like her son.
You called Loki, seeing if he would meet you at the Jones’s place. Better to have a partner in these types of situations.
It rang and rang until it went to voicemail.
He usually picked up on the first couple of rings.
That’s okay though. You’d just go by yourself, proceeding with extra caution.
You never thought more of Keller Dover than a concerned parent, in light of recent events, maybe Loki’s obsession with the man wasn’t completely unfounded.
As you headed to the Jones residence, that sick feeling only grew. Nagging at you from the inside.
You tired to call Loki again.
No answer.
Your next step was to call O’Malley, maybe he knew why Loki wasn’t answering.
“O’Malley.” He answered quickly.
“Have you heard from Loki recently?”
“I sent him to notify Holly Jones about Alex about, oh-“ he paused. “A little bit ago.”
Your stomach dropped, your mind automatically assumed the worst. Not that David couldn’t handle himself, but that you tended to worry.
“Why, is everything alright?” He asked,
“I can’t reach Loki, phones going to voicemail. I’ve been searching for Keller Dover, I thought Dover might’ve gone for Holly or something. I’m gonna go over there and check.”
“Let me know if I need to send a unit over.”
“Thanks captain.”
You decided to hightail it to the Jones’ residence. Safely of course, the unfamiliar Pennsylvania roads combined with the darkness and the sleet made driving difficult.
As you were driving, your mind was on Loki. Of course you were thinking about Anna, but in the back of your mind was the earlier unfinished conversation between you and Loki. All the ‘what if’ scenarios swirled around in your brain. What did he want to talk to you about? It was killing you. You thought there was a chance Loki liked you, but he was hard to read. At this point there’s no denying your crush on the man. You didn’t know how much longer you’d be in Conyers, maybe you should rack up the courage to make a move.
The tiniest bit of flashing blue light caught your attention from down the road.
The lights looked like they were heading towards you.
They were.
They were police lights.
But they weren’t big lights that sat on top like a squad car, no. They were the kind like on a detective’s car.
The car was going fast; recklessly so.
Erratic and urgent.
Before you could get a good look at it, the car zoomed past you, barely giving you time to think.
That wasn’t Loki’s car, was it?
The little bit of it you saw, it did look like it. The pitch black of the Pennsylvania back country made it particularly difficult to see.
You pulled out your phone to call him again.
When it went straight to voicemail, you knew you couldn’t ignore your gut feeling any longer.
Fuck it.
You whipped the car around to follow the other car. It was so far ahead you couldn’t catch up, the faint blue lights your only guide.
Your pulse pounded in your ears as you followed who you were now sure was Loki.
Where are you going in such a hurry, Loki? And why? Why won’t you call me back?
You went ahead and called O’Malley and had him send a unit out to the Jones’ residence. But that was really all you could do, besides hope and pray everything was alright.
Loki barged into the ER with a limp Anna Dover in his arms.
His desperate cries for help rang throughout the hospital, demanding the attention of the doctors and pulling the heartstrings of all who were near.
Once she was safely in the hands of the doctors and his adrenaline wore off, he felt white hot heat radiating from his head.
His was vision blurry from the blood in his eyes, or maybe it was from the pain.
The pain.
The fucking pain.
It was a burning, stinging pain that hit him like a ton of bricks.
There was a sharp ringing that invaded his eardrums and he suddenly felt lightheaded, but he needed to stay awake..he needed to move his car from the ER entrance and needed to tell the captain what happened and needed to make sure Anna was okay, and needed (y/n) to..(y/n).. (y/n).
The last thing he remembered was mumbling something to the nurse before his vision faded to black.
You shifted in your seat and the old chair creaked under your weight. The nurse had offered to bring in a extra bed for you, but you declined, not wanting to take away form someone who really needed it.
But your ass going numb convinced you that you should’ve at least asked for a better chair.
Loki had been moved out of the ER and into a room for observation.
He laid there all bandaged up, sleeping..well he was unconscious, but saying he was sleeping made you feel better.
Loki wasn’t one of those people who looked peaceful when he slept, his permanent scowl still ingrained on his face.
That beautiful, pouty scowl.
Staring at Loki, you felt a tinge of guilt in your bones. You should’ve figured out it was Holly Jones all along, maybe you could’ve been there with Loki and things would’ve turned out differently.
The forensics team was able to speculate what happened based on the crime scene and, upon further digging, found evidence of dozens of child abductions.
Loki could’ve died. If the bullet went just a few inches over, it would’ve been a whole different story.
You quickly shook the thought form your head, he was here and he was okay. Joy and Anna were alive. Although it was almost a happy ending, it definitely wasn’t the ending to this case you expected.
You pulled the car to a screeching halt outside the ER entrance, Loki’s car still sitting outside. Lights on and doors open.
Shit shit shit
You barged in the doors, making a beeline for the front desk, but the commotion of doctors working on a dark haired man caught your eye.
Your stomach dropped.
He wasn’t conscious.
There was so much blood all over his face.
You closed the distance between you and them in two seconds flat.
“Is he okay?! Whats going on?!” You pleaded with the doctor to let you know something.
“A gunshot wound to the head, just passed out on us.”
A gunshot wound. To the head.
“Is he going to be okay?!” You asked, panicked.
“It only grazed him. We will keep you updated. Now, Ma’am step back please, let us work.”
You stepped back from the medical staff surrounding the detective, giving them their space.
“Please be ok Loki, please” you whispered.
You felt like the air had been knocked out of you. He can’t die, not like this.
You stood there in a daze, watching the doctor and nurses buzz around Loki. You lifted a trembling hand to brush the hair from your face and noticed how clammy your hands were. Suddenly, you were aware of a tightness in your chest and tears pricking the corners of your eyes.
A panic attack.
You tried to force your feet to carry you outside, the cold air would be good to dissolve your panic, but they felt like they were glued to the floor.
When your patients were in crisis you reminded them to do things that were in their control.
Maybe you should take your own advice.
Forcing your brain back into work mode, You turned to go move the cars from the ER entrance and take care of things, but you stopped dead in your tracks noticing the little girl two beds down from Loki.
“Are you sure about the bed?” The nurse asked as she came in to check on the detective.
“Yeah I’m sure, thank you though.”
“If you change your mind let me know.”
“Thanks.” You replied, thankful for her kindness and her gentleness with David.
She’s nice.
“So how long have you all been together?” She asked, her innocent effort to make small talk turning awkward quickly.
“Oh we’re not…uh..” you stuttered, feeling your cheeks flush
“Oh I’m sorry, I just thought since he asked for you..that..well you know...” She said, giving you a small smile.
“He asked for me?”
“Yeah. Last thing he said before he passed out.”
You couldn’t help the grin that plastered itself onto your face and those pesky butterflies that formed in your gut.
2:14 AM.
David stirred from his slumber, a groan escaping his lips. He cracked an eye open, the harsh hospital lights making him cringe.
Hey! He was alive!
He still had ten working fingers and toes. Arms and legs still worked. He was alive and intact, thankful he was in one piece. It was a real miracle he avoided a car crash on the way here.
His fingers brushed over bandages on his injury. In the back of his mind, David knew he’d end up with a massive headache, but every beat of his heart sending pain to his wound was a little much for him. He looked around for the call nurse button. His heart skipped a beat when he looked to his left.
“(Y/n)” he whispered. There she was asleep in the hospital chair. That familiar fuzzy feeling flooded his chest at full force. What was she doing here? How did she know he was here?
He chuckled slightly at the sight of her. How she was able to sleep in such a cramped position, he didn’t know, and how she was able to look so adorable doing so was also a mystery.
(Y/n) was only a moment’s distraction before the throbbing pain returned to his head, he smashed the call nurse button, the commotion awaking (y/n).
Startled, she shot straight up out of the chair. In the few seconds it took her to recognize that it was indeed Loki who pushed the call button and not that he was dying or some other medical emergency, her eyes grew wide and her smile widened.
“You’re awake!” You exclaimed.
“(Y/n), it was Holly!” Loki said, trying to sit up, a groan escaping his lips as he did so. “Where’s Anna? Did she make it? You gotta get the CSU out to the Jones’ right now- she shot me-“
“Loki everything’s okay!” You assured him as you scurried to his bedside, gently grabbing his shoulders and making him lay back down.
Classic Loki, mind always on the case even when he’s laying in the hospital.
“Anna made it, she’s gonna recover. I already took care of everything.” You said, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“You did? How did you-“
“You need to rest.” You interrupted him, smoothing out his blanket, your fingers brushed his- only for a moment.
In that moment, your eyes locked and only then did David truly take a deep breath to calm down.
“How did you know?” He asked.
“I didn’t” you explained. “I was searching for Dover and was worried he’d gone to Holly to do what he did to Alex. I passed you on the way and followed your car back here. The scene has been processed and everything. We can get your statement in the morning, Loki.”
David breathed out a heavy sigh of relief
“Thanks, (l/n) You’re the best.”
“Thanks.” You said softly, unable to hide your blushing at Loki’s compliment.
“Just tell me what happened.”
Before the two of you could exchange any more words, the nurse came scurrying in to the room.
She upped his morphine dosage and cleaned his bandage, then made sure the two of you comfortable. Once again you praised the heavens for her kindness.
Once she left, David went into detail about what happened.
You listened intently, hanging on to his every word.
When he finished, you dropped the eye contact you and David were holding.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve figured out that it was Holly Jones sooner, maybe you wouldn’t gotten hurt and-“
“Hey-hey. it’s not your fault.” he said gently, reaching out to take your hand.
Maybe it was the morphine or the near death experience, but either way David was feeling bold.
Your heart could’ve stopped in that moment, was now a good time to confess your feelings? Should you?
You opted to offer him a small smile instead, you figured he’d been through enough tonight.
“I’m just glad you’re okay.” You told him.
David caressed the back of your knuckles with his thumb sending pleasant chills through you.
“Me too.” He replied.
“So do you need anything? Anything I can do?” You offered.
“I keep a emergency bag in my desk-“
“Got it!” You enthusiastically hopped up, ready to help in any way you could, but David didn’t let go of your hand.
“Wait! Don’t leave. Please.” You stopped in your tracks, glad he wanted you to stay.
“Let O’Malley bring my bag. Please stay.” David begged, those sad blue eyes got you, but he didn’t have to beg. You’d do anything he asked of you.
You sat back down on the edge of the bed.
“Thank you.” He said, his eyes growing heavy.
“Get some rest ok? I’ll be right here.” You said, smoothing his blanket out once again. When you got up to sit back in the chair, you could feel David’s eyes on you.
“What?” You inquired.
“Nothin’.” He murmured, only flashing you a small smile.
You flicked the overhead light off so you could both rest.
You’d definitely tell him how you felt in the morning.
David’s eyes lingered on (y/n) as she got up to turn off the light. He should’ve told her how he felt right then.
“What?” She questioned, catching him staring.
David hesitated.
Just tell her, David. Come on.
“Nothin’.” He responded with a tired voice and heavy eyes. He dropped the conversation, opting to let her rest. They’d been through enough tonight. They’d talk in the morning.
You made a trip to the cafeteria for breakfast while David showered and changed clothes.
“Hey, hey, look at you, all clean and such.” You praised Loki, coming into the room with coffee and bagels.
David chuckled at your remarks.
“Thanks. Hey, look at this-“
You sat on the bed next to David, leaning in to see the paper.
Barry Milland AKA Alex Jones reunited with family after 26 years
“Poor Barry.” You mumbled.
Lokis eyes stayed glued to the paper, but yours wandered up to his wound.
He looked a lot better this morning and was doing much better.
“It’s rude to stare you know.” Loki teased, cracking a sly smile.
“Yeah, well, you look like shit.” You teased back, a cheesy grin plastered itself across your face.
You tried to hold in your amusement as Loki gave you a funny look, but couldn’t help it as giggles escaped your lips.
Then, Loki started laughing too.
It was a good laugh. A real one.
After laughing too long at your own joke, you looked over at David, only to find him already looking at you.
Loki’s expression was soft, his usual scowl nowhere to be found.
“What?” You questioned.
Loki, seemingly mesmerized by you, was at a loss for words. His brain? Total mush.
You noticed his eyes moving between your eyes and lips, searching for a sign.
You leaned in, closing the gap between you and the detective- Loki’s sign that yes you wanted this. You wanted this since the moment you laid eyes on him. Finally.
Your lips connected oh so gently but in a way that sent sparks down your spine. The kiss was soft and-
“Detective Loki? Agent (l/n)?”
The two of you pulled apart quickly
There was Grace, Anna, Joy and Nancy all standing at the door.
Loki cleared his throat and you both tired to act like she didn’t interrupt.
“I hope we’re not intruding.”
Loki shook his head and mumbled “no” even though they obviously were. But you knew it’s be good for him to see the girls.
It particularly warmed your heart hearing her refer to Loki as a hero.
They continued talked for a minute, well, Grace Keller did, Loki was a man of few words. You had the thought to weigh in, but you couldn’t concentrate, those damn butterflies in your stomach were doing somersaults.
“Thank you two, for everything.”
Grace said and turned to leave, but stopped at the door, breaking down in tears. She tried convincing you and Loki Keller was a good man, but you and Loki exchanged knowing looks.
Not prepared to face the awkwardness of the situation, you couldn’t bring yourself to look at the detective after she left.
Lucky for you, Loki suddenly grabbed your chin, tilting your head towards him and his lips captured yours in a hungry and needy kiss.
A stark contrast to your kiss a minute prior, fire burned through your chest as your lips moved in sync with David’s.
Loki moved his hand to cup your cheek and you absolutely melted into his touch.
You broke apart from David, breathless and with a smile on your face.
“Sorry I didn’t do that sooner.” David said, his thumb stroking your cheekbone,
“Yeah me too.” You replied, still high from the bliss of your first kiss with the handsome detective.
“Look, (l/n), I uh-“
“Hey..Call me (f/n)” you interrupted, sad that David removed his hand from your cheek.
“Okay, (f/n),” he said. “I’m uh not too good with feelings and shit, but I uh, I really like you.”
“I like you too.” You gushed.
Davids eyes lit up, almost like a kid on Christmas.
“You do?” He questioned.
“Yes David, I do.” You gave him a reassuring smile. “And that kiss told me all I needed to know.”
David blushed.
David Loki blushing, you didn’t think such a thing could happen.
“Glad you enjoyed it.” He said, a smug smile replacing his blushing cheeks.
Your turn to blush.
“How do you uh, feel about long distance? I mean I’ve never done it before- but I’d be down to..you know.
“Me neither, but I think we make a pretty good team, so I think we can make it work.”
Yes!! He wanted to make this work. Now the butterflies in your belly weren’t just doing somersaults, it was more like the butterfly Olympics down there.
“Yeah?” He questioned, giddy like a child.
“Yeah.” You assured him, giving his arm a squeeze.
The day shift nurse came in to finally discharge David. She sent him home with a dozen care info papers and aftercare instructions, none of which David was likely to read or follow through with.
“Let’s get you home.” You said. “At least for a bit.” You knew Loki would not stop searching for Keller Dover. He was determined, you’d give him that. You also weren’t gonna let Loki drive home by himself after being shot in the head, even though he insisted he was fine.
“Yeah. Home.” He agreed.
David’s thoughts began to race while you began to gather your things.
Loki was hopeful, for the first time in a long time. He had a feeling that, eventually, home would be wherever (y/n) was.
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There was this one time when I was a kid that my family's cat got out of the house. I was getting the mail or something, the door closed slowly and he saw the opportunity and sprinted. As soon as he got out, mid sprint he just zeroed in on a bird about 15 meters away. He just transferred the escape inertia instantly into attack mode. He killed the bird with like two shakes of his head and ran back in the house with it.
Anyway, that's pretty much what I would do if I walked into a liquor store and saw a Daniel Ricciardo cardboard cutout. I would just steal it with military precision. With some kind of ancestral instinct. Mine.
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tailoredshirt · 11 months
Hi K! My nice ask week question(s) for you - I saw that you collect (and make!) perfume, that's so cool! What does making perfume involve? I'd never thought of it as a thing people could just do. Also, what are your favourite scents?
Rae, I'm so sorry I'm just now replying to this! And I'm sorry in general for how crap I've been at replying to messages for the last month.
So! About 15 years ago I got into BPAL (Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab) because @charmingpplincardigans mentioned them. They're an independent company that makes perfume oils inspired by books, comics, mythology, places, etc. Their perfume descriptions are really descriptive. Part of the book The Night Circus was inspired by BPAL. Anyway! They were kind of my gateway into enjoying perfume. I like indie and mainstream fragrance.
I am very much an amateur at making perfume! But I've learned over the years about perfume construction (top, heart, and base notes - it's why a lot of perfumes smell different from the moment you spray it until it dries down) and what different notes smell like. I'm not great at identifying notes the way some people are, but I've gotten okay at it. Anyway, I've made some of my own blends from essential oils, concretes/absolutes (different ways of extracting scent from a raw material), and perfume oils. Most of them are very basic, based on wanting a certain combination of notes that I can't seem to find, or wanting a single note of something to layer with another perfume. Sometimes I'll test a perfume that's too expensive or was limited edition, so I try to create something similar. Also, most modern designer perfumes are very sweet, including men's fragrance, because that's been the trend for the last couple of decades. (I'm also very interested in the history of perfume and cosmetics! I love niche historical topics.) I don't always want something sweet, so sometimes I make it myself! At first I only made perfumes in a carrier oil base, but then I found 190 proof vodka for super cheap at the liquor store, and now I use it as perfumer's alcohol!
And like I said, I usually make very simple blends! Or I play around with layering things.
(Disclaimer: I advise anyone who uses essential oils to be careful, especially if you have kids or pets. Some of them can be toxic or photosensitizing. For instance, I've seen some natural perfumes on Etsy that use citrus EOs, which are photosensitizing in the sun. And some oils are toxic and deadly to pets! So please be careful what you apply to your skin or diffuse near them, or if they like to lick your skin.)
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ayyponine · 2 months
sometimes u just realise there are things you are getting too old for  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
went to a free lil festival the other day w a colleague, her bf, his lil brother and one of his friends and. can i just say. i was like ten years older than everyone else there and by god did i feel it
the boys were playing football in the streets then climbed some random scaffolding and i was the only one going oooooo be careful now oh god do not fall off
on our way to the park the bf offered me a cigarette (very kind) by going "rookt u?" aka addressing me w the formal you i mean thats very polite and well mannered of him but also i never felt more old lady chaperoning in my life it almost knocked me back
once there the two younger boys snapped a pic of a woman in a mobility scooter and were sending it back n forth over social media and i was sooo fucking. floored to even be a witness to this i didnt even know how to react aside frm looking at them like >:/???????????
we had planned on going to a concert but they were only interested in the DJ after party thing which only lasted like. an hour. nvm the lineup of the prev 3 hrs they just wanted to go fr that tail end
once there barely 15 mins in me and the colleague were sent out again to go get booze. we went to the store and she didnt have enough on her card. i offered to pay w cash but she refused and instead got on the phone w her bf until he transsferred enough to get it. then i almost smuggled in our bottles of 1. booze and 2. soda but backpedaled when she mentioned getting caught could mean getting fined and i, an entire 30 yr old, didnt much care abt getting on my record a mention of smuggling alcohol into a park to give to idek how old the lil brother and his friend were their behaviour sure suggested they were under 18. like im not doing that.
to smuggle shit in easier my colleague dumped out some of the coke and most of the vodka to mix em up and only carry in one bottle and all i could think was omg... you just paid like 20 euros fr that liquor and now youre pouring it out in this planter and leaving the bottle w it what a shame what a waste you couldve at least offered me some before dunking it straight out damn
once we were back in and ready to hear the final like. again mb 15 minutes of this DJ act all i could do was stand tall and shield their drinking frm a big ole conspicuous cola bottle they were passing oaround from the eyes of any police possibly lurking. did i mention they also had a set of vapes youre not allowed to have in this country. with like lil lights on em
also the lil brother got bumped into by a woman in her mb late fifties who was like omggg sorryyyyyy so obv i turned around and talked to her fr a sec like its ok. are you ok and when she was like im finnneee just had a lil too much to drink (do you have friends here to look after you and make sure you get home safe) yea and its alright im bikinggg (that can be dangerous too pls be careful) okk (ok enjoy yr night)
anyway the evening was over after that and they walked back home and all i could think was well i loved spending some time w my colleague either way but also. i came down an hour early. she and i walked the dog before we went to the thing. could any of those guys not have idk. gone to buy booze beforehand if thats what they wanted. or better yet pregamed before we went on the five min walk to the event from their house. did they really HAVE to have alcohol in their hands during the ONE SINGLE HOUR they spent there. and why the hell were we the ones to go and get it for them christ
me just standing there the entire time thinking wow this is so camille when she goes to the party w amma and her friends and is a witness to all their high school drama. this is so cross hands prefight bathroom core when gary knows his friends are tired of him and hes trying to invite himself into this group of youngsters who ARE having a good time
like god bless them fr inviting me along. next time let me meet up w another 30 yr old so we can actually attend the music and enjoy the vibes damn i truly am too old for this. why did i low key wish i instead was w the friend group of 50+ers havin a drink too many and dancing and singing along to the act hello
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sinisterexaggerator · 11 months
I know the answers to like 99.9% of these.
But. Here we go! 👀 ⛔️
⛔️ "Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?"
Hmm, not exactly. I always have the intention of finishing something, even if it takes me a year or more.
Well, I guess there was this one for a young Trevor Philips and Michael De Santa in North Yankton for GTA V. Never got around to adding more to it, and probably never will:
“Jesus, T! Get us the fuck out of here!”
“I’m trying M, but if you’re not satisfied with my driving skills, why don’t you sit YOUR fat ass behind the wheel?”
“Why the hell did you have to kill that guy?! He’s probably got a wife and kids!”
“Hey! He triggered the alarm! That’s why we’re in this mess.”
“No, we’re in this mess because you’re TRIGGERhappy!”
“Nananana… That snitch got what he deserved!”
Flashing lights, red and blue, reflecting off the crisp, white snow; two robbers running from the cops. Always running, forever, until the end of time, or at least that’s how Michael Townley felt, locked in tight by his seatbelt, the getaway car little better than a piece of shit, found somewhere off the beaten path before the job. It was a small-time gig, just a liquor store, but plenty of people warmed themselves by getting drunk; the register loaded down with money while its patrons were loaded down with booze; a typical, cold winter’s night for the pair of two-bit crooks.
Michael turned around, his weapon drawn, a pair of police cruisers in hot pursuit. They were firing their own rounds, aiming for the tires, and Townley knew he had to do something soon or wind up behind bars. “Can’t this thing go any faster, T?!”
“You know what’s REALLY fast? Your God damn mouth. Quit flapping your lips and get those assholes off our tail!”
Michael took a shot simply to smash the rearview windshield, seeing the cruisers clear as day as they were gaining on them, M feeling that all too familiar rush of adrenaline permeate throughout his entire being; he would tell T that he hated it, but the rush he felt made him feel alive, something he rarely felt at all.
On a good day he was half a man, kept alive by petty theft and diner food, skirting from one town to the next, Trevor at his heels like an obedient, somewhat restless puppy that needed to be potty trained – M taking it upon himself to break him in. He was useful, beneficial, however unrestrained and somewhat uncontrollable; he had it in his mind it was an easy fix, but Trevor had other wild ideas.
Michael pulled the trigger, and one cop spun out in a flurry of ice and squealing rubber, the car being buried conveniently in a mountain of thick, white powder, but not cocaine; that would be saved for their celebration later if they made it out alive.
“Whooo! That’s my cowboy! That’s some rootin’ tootin’ damn good shootin’, Mikey!”
“I don’t ever want to hear those words come out of your mouth again.”
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
LOL, you know allllll about my WIPs. Probably before anyone else. I have too many to choose from, but I hope to do these three things first and foremost:
Chapter 15 of Stars Above. Bane is in the bacta tank, forced to endure flashbacks from his past in the form of nightmares, and Zulara is left alone with Todo until he wakes up, however long it takes. But will Cad be pleased to see her there? What will Kayson think about her disappearance over the next few days? What lie or cover story will Hondo make up, if any?
This Hondo x Reader fic, where the reader is a spoiled little rich girl who is the daughter of a weapon's manufacturer. Their fates are hilariously intertwined, and Hondo is going to wind up getting more than he bargained for when he had originally set out to simply steal a little something off her.
A Tech x Reader fic where the Marauder is left in Tech's care during a Separatist attack on the planet Bandomeer. He comes across the reader who is injured and trapped under some rubble. He must help you/her and then pilot you both to safety. An unexpected turn of events causes you and Tech to be stranded until he can repair the ship; you are at the mercy of nature and the elements over the course of the next few days, not to mention any droids who may find you, and the rest of Clone Force 99 is preoccupied and unable to help. Hurt/Comfort/Possible smut. >D
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otterwdc · 2 years
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Mr. Stephens, or JJ, lived a couple streets over from us when I was growing up. He was single; Dad (he’s actually my stepdad) said JJ divorced a long time ago and the two of them hung out a lot. They worked together at the plant and seemed to really get along, with lots of horseplay and dirty jokes and banter. He was around so much I even started calling him Uncle JJ.
By the time I got to be a high school senior, Mr. Stephens insisted I drop the “Uncle” and just call him JJ. I was glad to oblige, and the three of us – Dad, JJ, and me – started going to ball games and working around the yard and doing stuff together on weekends, calling ourselves the Three Suburban Musketeers. We had a lot of fun. I liked hanging out with them and didn’t much mind the fact that I didn’t have friends like them my own age at school.
When I turned 18, Dad and JJ made a big deal about my birthday and took me out for burgers at the local dive bar. Amidst all the good-natured ribbing about my being an adult now, they managed to share a couple of beers with me on the sly when Woody, the bartender, wasn’t looking and I got a good buzz on. On the way home, JJ insisted we stop at the liquor store and get some bourbon – “We gotta put some hair on your chest, boy!” – and I found myself wondering if it would work. Yep, I was pretty buzzed.
Mom was asleep in front of the TV when we got back to the house so we decided to hang out at JJ’s for a while. I went to take a quick piss while JJ and Dad chatted quietly in the kitchen. By the time I got back Dad had a look on his face that I hadn’t seen before and said that he had decided to stay put. “Go hang out with JJ,” Dad said. “He’s got my permission to introduce you to the wonders of bourbon now that you’re all grown up!” he added with a wink. There was an awkward hug at the door – something Dad didn’t do very often – and we took off.
It took several minutes to walk over to JJ’s, but as soon as we got there he opened the bourbon, put on some music, and we sat around the den in the basement getting trashed and shooting the shit. Since Dad wasn’t around, I thought it was cool that JJ knew it was OK to ask about more personal stuff, stuff that I never felt comfortable talking to Dad about. I did likewise with JJ. The beer and the bourbon had loosened both our tongues and our conversation covered a lot of ground – including chest hair, and my lack thereof!
After a while the talk tapered off and JJ said he needed to get ready for bed. I started to get up and head home, but he told me to sit tight instead. “You’re a little too drunk to walk home on your own,” he said, “and I’m too drunk to drive you over. Let me go take a quick shower and clear my head out a bit and then I’ll take you home.”
I had nodded off on the sofa when he came back down maybe 15 minutes later. He walked into the den wearing gym shorts and an untied plaid flannel bathrobe, and it occurred to my thoroughly buzzed brain that JJ was going to have to put something else on if he was going to drive me home. I also noticed JJ’s pretty substantial cock banging around – and JJ noticed me notice it. Busted. It was clear something other than driving me home was on JJ’s mind. My cock started getting stirred up and all at once it occurred to me what was going on. And what Dad’s weird hug had been about.
JJ sat down on the arm of the lounge chair right by the sofa and his clean but still musky smell filled the room. “Listen,” JJ said. “Your Dad and I have known each other a long time, we’re good buddies, and we talk a lot – and more and more about you these days. We noticed a while back that you didn’t seem much interested in dating, and that you were pretty much a loner. Am I right?”
My mouth went dry and cakey. All I could do was nod.
“Your Dad and I have a pretty special friendship. He knows I’m gay, and he wanted me to talk to you privately, just one-on-one, and see if you were holding anything back that you wanted to talk about.”
I started to object, but words wouldn’t come. It seemed all I could do was stare at his hairy chest and sputter, “But, but…”
JJ continued. “Look, when I was your age I was fucking girls and catting around all the time. But there came a point when I had to face the fact that it wasn’t working for me and that I wanted something different. Something my wife just couldn’t give me. You know what I’m talking about?”
I just nodded.
JJ slowly stood up, opened his robe a little further, hooked his fingers in the waistband of his gym shorts, pushed them down and stepped out of them. He stood there for a minute with just the robe on, with a very hard, very big cock front and center. He never took his eyes off me and didn’t move a muscle. He was giving me permission to stare at his cock and his body, so I took it. Then I looked up and met his gaze. And melted a little.
My own very hard cock tenting my chinos gave me away before I could say anything. JJ quietly sat next to me on the sofa, wrapped his arms around me, and told me everything was going to be OK. And that I was safe with him. As it turned out I couldn’t have dreamed of a better first time out.
JJ was gentle and affectionate at first, giving me a chance to lean into what was going to happen and take things at my own pace. After kissing for what seemed like forever – starting  softly but fairly quickly turning into something much more aggressive -- JJ had me stand in front of him while he slowly stripped me naked. He moaned a little when he saw my hard cock (“Damn, boy, you’ve been hiding this all this time?”) which he then proceeded to work over with his tongue and his goatee, deep throating me time and again until I spewed my first load with another man – and JJ swallowed it all. Watching this man nurse on my cock and balls was knee-buckling.
Over the next couple of hours JJ taught me how to suck a big cock like his and swallow come, and he introduced me to the pleasures of having my ass eaten and chowing down on his own fine furry hole. I had no idea the area between your balls and asshole had a name all its own, much less the toe-curling erotic energy it held.
Seems I was a natural at all of it. As the night wore on, JJ lavished attention on my chest (turns out he likes smooth men!) and I learned that there was a four-lane highway between my nipples and my cock. I didn’t think my cock could get any harder, but I soon learned that the harder he worked on my nips the harder my cock seemed to get.
I found that I liked fucking JJ as much as I liked getting fucked by him. Watching this big, butch hairy man ride my cock, begging for more of it and swearing like a sailor, blew my mind. When JJ folded me over the back of the sofa to eat and then ride my ass with that fat, long cock of his, I thought I was going to pass out from the pure joy and release. Once again he started off gently, but then I pleaded with him to fuck me as hard as he wanted. He didn’t disappoint.
We stopped a couple times to regroup and relax and catch our breaths and have another bourbon or two, but before long we'd be back at it again. It was all pretty overwhelming, but throughout JJ made sure that I felt OK and was into whatever we did. He also made sure that my first night as a gay man was a truly memorable hours-long sexual wallow. What a coach he was.
Over breakfast the next morning – after a wonderful half hour of 69ing in bed while the sun came up -- I felt sort of shy around him and a little sheepish about everything we had done. JJ reassured me that it was all good, and told me that I was welcome to come back anytime, or that I could decide it was a one-and-done learning experience and move on – no harm, no foul -- but that nothing would change with the Three Suburban Musketeers. I blushed when he said it was one of the greatest nights of sex he had ever had.
He also said it was my choice whether I told Dad or not, but he winked when he said that and grinned a little. It suddenly struck me that maybe Dad and JJ had been going at it all these years. I decided then and there I wanted to watch them do it. I knew they’d enjoy having me as an audience and I knew I’d enjoy seeing JJ and Dad going at each other. Seems the Three Suburban Musketeers had a whole lot of new things to do together!
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Vanilla Extract and Alcohol
With this site's current fascination with vanilla extract, I've noticed a few people saying that it's main component is alcohol. And this is true.
The main component is not wine. Not wine of any sort.
Simply put, wine isn't alcoholic enough. Neither is beer. They both also have strong flavors of their own (which I absolutely cannot stand, but that's a different ramble) that would result in fairly terrible extract which would ruin whatever cake, cookie, pie, etc. that you put that unholy mixture into.
For vanilla extract, you want liquor. You'll need liquor that is at least 70 - 80 proof, or around 35-40% alcohol by volume. For comparison, most wines and beers range from around 5-15% ABV. That's simply not gonna get it done.
You're gonna need one of these guys.
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When I made homemade extract, I used vodka and got pretty good results. Rum seems to be the most popular base, however. And I suspect gin would work pretty well, though I have not tried it nor heard a report from anyone who has.
Now you can follow a recipe for this (and these guys have both a recipe and sell supplies on their site), but truthfully, this process is fairly hard to screw up. Get a vanilla beans from however you like (you can easily order these on the internets, but some stores sell them also so check around for availability), and cut the bean open lengthwise to expose the middle bit. Don't scrape anything out, just make sure it's exposed. Get a glass jar and put the bean into the jar. You can cut the bean into smaller pieces so it fits. Fill the jar with the liquor you chose so that your vanilla bean is totally submerged. Put the vanilla-liquor jar into your pantry and walk away. For days. Seriously, go live your life in pure, blissful harmony. Whenever you're thinking of it, like if you're getting some chips or popcorn out of your pantry or whatever, give the jar a shake.
After 2 months, you have vanilla extract. After 3-5 months you have really good vanilla extract. When I made mine, it was in a jar like this.
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Some people get fancy and do apothecary style labels and stuff.
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You can make it however you like. It makes a good Christmas gift.
Anyway, ultimately, you can definitely get drunk off vanilla extract because it absolutely is just alcohol. But you absolutely should not use it in place of wine because it's way harder alcohol than wine could ever hope to be on its best day.
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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Because I am so tired. It was a very long day. But honestly I just feel really lucky that I get to be in a job where we got to do this fun and interesting thing.
I slept a lot better last night. And got to sleep in an extra hour. Which was really nice. James woke me up to say goodbye and let me know that the car was okay because I wasn't sure if I had parked on the correct side for street sweeping.
When I woke up for real I thought I heard someone walking in the living room and got real freaked out. But I must have just been hearing something outside because nobody was in here. I checked on my little baby mouse who was fluffy this morning which was encouraging. When I got home today they were crispy again. But they let me feed them and that was good. And then I got washed up and I got dressed. I didn't like my hair today. And it was very annoying because I didn't like it up or down. I was just a very unhappy with it and I don't know why. I would wash it when I got home and I'm hoping that helps. But I just try my best to be positive.
I left here right before 9:00 and I drove to the Towson sign place. I got confused in their parking lot because on the billboard signage it said it was right there but I couldn't find the sign on the actual building. Eventually I figured it out and they were very nice and gave me the signs and then I was off to the country club.
I was like 15 minutes earlier so I waited in the car for a few minutes and then sorted myself out once I had contacted Heather and she let me know I was in the right place. And she was a few minutes away.
 I went inside and found someone who could give me some instructions and went down to the pro shop and handed over the signs to them and they said they would get them set up and placed at different holes. But then they kept asking me questions and I'm like I don't know anything. Heather should be here soon and she will have hamsters. Thankfully once they brought me upstairs to where the party room was Heather was there. And she was able to give me some more instructions. And everything honestly was a lot of fun.
Sarah would come soon after Heather and Alexi was there as well. They would send me and Sarah to the liquor store right at 10:00 to get their order of 60 bottles and the auction donation. But when we got there the door was locked. So we were a little confused but they would pretty quickly come and let us in and I brought the car over to load everything inside and then we drove back. It was fun hanging out with Sarah. Her voice is still mostly gone and I kept wanting to whisper back at her when she was talking. But I had a lot of fun hanging out with her today and even if she couldn't talk a time she's very funny and very smart. I enjoy her company.
When we got back we got All the bottles in their boxes packed inside and then I parked my car and we went in and started laying out papers and making things nice for the silent auction and I was put in charge of taking pictures and videos for the day. So I would do a lot of that.
Then we were sent to the parking lot to try to help direct people inside. But there was already someone out there doing that and it turned out he was Lou's friend from childhood and he knew way better than us. Except he also thought that me and Sarah were high school students that were volunteering for the day. Which was hilarious to both of us. He was really nice guy though and so were all the other old guys that we talked to today.
It was not all old guys though. I was surprised that it was all men except for one woman. And it was a couple young guys but mostly it was older guys and they were all very nice to us.
But they were only slowly trickling in when registration opened at 10:30. And I was a little focused on the Inventable Kickstarter. They were having the VIP discount price from 11:00 to 1:00 and I still hadn't gotten confirmation from Alexi that we could get one. In the end I convinced her in that 45 minutes to buy two. And James bought one. So we're going to have access to three for camp and I'm really excited about it. And we got a really great price. I think that it's going to be a really amazing tool and I think that the kids are going to get a lot out of it in the long run. So it will be worth it. Like cost per use wise.
Once people started rolling in we had sandwiches and lemonade and iced tea and I made an Arnold Palmer and it was just a beautiful day and I was in a great mood. Once pretty much everyone ate around noon me and Sarah got sandwiches too and we ate and then we headed downstairs asked all the players were getting in their golf carts. They got instructions and then they were off.
I had been walking around with Sarah for the hour before then watching people warm up on the practice space that they had and took some videos and pictures there. I think they thought I was very silly because I was literally laying on the ground for some of them. And when the guy started driving in the golf carts I wanted to get some pictures of them and they were waving It was cute. I did fall on the hill and landed on my cup but somehow did not spill any of it I just crushed the top of the cup and was laughing because I keep falling down. Elizabeth said I need to stop doing that and I said that I am just very uncoordinated apparently. It wasn't always like this but I think my joints are getting worse and I'm losing control of them. Very silly.
Me and Sarah got to drive around on a golf cart for most of the day. Sarah really wanted to drive it and I didn't care so she got some introductions from a whole group of older guys who did not seem to have much faith in us. And it was not misplaced because we did not know what we were doing at first but she got it pretty quickly. She also couldn't drive in the heels that she was wearing so we both went barefoot. Her for functionality and me for solidarity. And when we would find someone to go take a picture of we would run around in the grass with no shoes on and it was just very silly and fun.
It was kind of hard to take pictures of people because they were moving too fast but also I didn't want to get anybody's way so I would only go from behind them and try to get shots of like the balls going and them lining up and stuff. But I still think I did a pretty good job in the end. I took lots of videos. I didn't get as many pictures because it was kind of hard to place them. I kept joking with Sarah that I was going to try to get the guys to hold hands and run into the field and take pictures of that but I chickened out. I never asked. I also chickened out asking if we could borrow a club so me and her could try hitting a ball but that's okay. Maybe next time.
We drove under the road at one point in the tunnel because the golf course takes place on two sides. Which we did not realize and was very exciting. We saw some deer and a groundhog. We saw the largest goldfish either of us have ever seen. And it was just a beautiful day. And we were having a lot of fun.
We drove around until both of us were like we're kind of tired. And so we went back up the very steep hill and parked with the other golf carts and found Elizabeth and Heather sitting on the porch drinking wine. And we joined them and it was beautiful out and it was just really nice to sit and talk. Alexi eventually would come back and we were all just chilling. And then Alexi had to leave for a bit so we were all just sitting there enjoying the sunshine and watching the world. I was struggling with my sunglasses today because most of the time it was too dark to wear them but it was still glary but then when I would have them on I couldn't see and it was very annoying. But I was still enjoying being outside.
Then alexie called Heather and asked if me and Sarah could go deliver a sandwich to her brother who was currently at the 16th hole. Sure we can do that. So I went and checked inside and the nice worker found us two sandwiches and me and Sarah would take those down and got in a golf cart and started looking for him.
Except we had no idea where any of the holes were and we were very confused. We literally drove the entire golf course looking for this man. We went to the other side we went up and around. We knew that they were in a five set. They were the only five set and so they were the only ones that had three golf carts. So we kind of see from a distance and we wouldn't have to go all the way over but we couldn't find them.
also did you know that people live at the country club and so we ended up in someone's driveway! It was not clearly marked! The nice drink cart girl told us how to get to the 17th hole and when we did that we saw in the distance that they were at the 18th hole. Which is literally next to the clubhouse. Where we had started. But he was pretty appreciative and we would laugh and follow them as they collected golf balls and eventually had to drive through and under a tree. Sarah drove us into a lot of nature today. I got hit with a bunch of grass and eventually it was drizzling for a few minutes but it was a lot of fun. I was having a great time.
Alexi would join us again once we got back up to the porch and we all just sat and talked told stories. But eventually we would start getting very bored and very tired. Me and Sarah probably could have left. But we were kind of committed at this point. We were both just watching stuff on our phones but eventually we were like we have to stop and we're going to fall asleep. Everyone had left us to go get everything set up inside but they didn't eat our help so I suggested we go for a walk down to the pro shop and look around.
And we did that. We chatted with some of the staff. We walked back outside. We walked around the bar. We found rocking chairs but I said that was dangerous because we would fall asleep. And so we just kept walking. We found the tennis courts and then we found a big pile of corn. Like on the stock corn. I pulled a few out and peeled them and decided to take them with me because I can use them for decoration at camp. And then as we were playing with the corn Sarah saw something move by the shed. And we looked over and there was a deer! I'm pretty sure he was there for the corn. So she started breaking some corn off the cob and making a pile of it on the ground. And then we threw some in the air to try to get it to come closer to us. But he never moved. It was still fun to see!
And I was just enjoying walking around and exploring and seeing all the interesting stuff. Eventually though we couldn't really go any farther so we went back to the clubhouse.
where they finally needed us for something because all the tables needed to be moved closer to where the podium was. So we help the staff move the stuff even though the staff kept saying that they could do it without us. But we were like please we were so bored. Please let us help you. And we got everything moved pretty well. So I think the director of the area like the manager was a little frustrated because some of the staff was dragging the tables and scratched the shit out of the floor. Then after she told them to stop dragging the tables they kept doing it. We did not move tables. We just moved chairs so it was not our fault.
Once everything was set up we found a seat and talked to some interesting people. The woman that helps with our maiden choice program. I did not know that she was Baltimore's teacher of the year last year. And we met Alexis stepsister. Who I did not know existed and turns out she was also a camper back in the day. And I talked to Lou and Lou's friends for a bit. Apparently they've known each other since they were 6 years old and the one used to beat Lou up all the time. It was a really nice night.
I bid on something in the silent auction. Mostly because Heather said we should put our names down so that it gets the auction going. Which is fair. But then I ended up winning it because nobody else been on it and I get to get my hair done. Heather says that they're just going to pay for it which is nice. 
But it seems like a pretty successful night even if it was a lot smaller than they were hoping. Food was at 5:30 and I really enjoyed the roles. I had a lot of fun talking to people. And then we had a presentation from the woman from maiden choice and I took videos and pictures and they also presented an award to the union members from the painters union. For helping us maintain the buildings. And that was really nice. It was really sweet.
And speaking of unions my dad let me know tonight that he got a letter in the mail that they are going to honor him for being in the Union for 45 years with a pen and I just think that's so nice. It's going to be on October 16th which was the day that we were planning on going up there to have lunch with them to celebrate me and James being married for a year so I'm not entirely sure what we're doing about that now but I'm so proud of him I love my dad so much.
After dinner and speeches and snoozing Heather said that there was really nothing else for us to do and once the auction was called they were going to clean up and leave and we could too. So I went and got a roll and said goodbye to everyone and then I would see them in the morning. And I came home.
It was a pretty easy drive. And I barely miss James by just a couple minutes but that's all right. I got back here and I cleaned my little mouse. Who was not thrilled that I was holding him. I'm so glad that he's getting to a point where he does not want me to hold him because that means he's growing and getting bigger and that's good but he also cannot be crusty so I washed him off through much protest. And fed him and then I went and took a bath. And I put some hair dye in my hair and that helped me feel a little better.
And I've just mostly been hanging out since then. I have a little bit of anxiety because if the Orioles win this game tonight they're going to be in the playoffs and that will make James so happy and there's only one inning left and so I'm a little stressed about that. I just want James to be happy and I hate caring about sports! I don't want to care about sports! But I do care about James. And I care about James's happiness. So I really hope that this game ends favorably.
Back to camp tomorrow and me and Sarah have lots to accomplish on our list. I am very much looking forward to it. I hope that it is a beautiful day and I hope that you guys all sleep very well tonight. Until next time everyone. Good night
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coricomile · 1 year
Tagged by @darkangel0410 . Thank you bb <3
what is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had? 
It changes a lot. I get excited when I get the first bit of an idea, especially when it leads me on a (totally for the writing, not at all for the procrastination, really) research spiral and I get to learn new things. The idea to write Sid with OCD tickled at a lot of parts of my brain and I'm still really proud of Leave the Lights On. 
what is your favorite part of being a writer? which parts could you take or leave? 
I like the final product part. I don't particularly like the actual writing. Sometimes the characters do their own thing and the words just spit out effortlessly as they do their own thing and I can get thousands of words done in a short period, but sometimes it's like dragging a moose out of the forest to make it stand on the road and flag down those bursts. My favorite part is the first edit of the "final" draft, where I can see how everything's come together and realize what I've written without noticing it while I was doing it. 
I could leave the constant nagging worry that I'm being too obvious. It's always such a boost when I get a comment saying the reader had no idea x was going to happen and got excited, because I always think I'm tacking up neon arrows pointing to where I'm headed. It's probably because I already know what's going to happen (...sometimes) and that, to me, it seems like the most obvious place in the world. 
what is your greatest motivation to write/create? 
Oh, for sure it's the validation. I love making things for people and my favorite times to write are for exchanges or gifts. I was devastated that I missed signups for Yuletide this year. I'll often have a flash of an idea and then go with it because I want to see it and, despite my desperate wish for someone else to have done it, it doesn't exist so I have to do it myself. But crafting something specific for someone's wants (that I also want once I've etched out the plan that I never would have come up with by myself) is my favorite thing to do, full stop. 
what is your favorite story you’ve written to completion?
The two I'm proudest of are Pull Hard and Make a Wish and I Wish to be a Cornerstone. Beyond them being the longest works I've written, it's interesting to see the parallels and the differences between when I wrote them. They have different strengths and weaknesses, but I tend to focus on one character and how another wrecking ball crashes into their life and makes them question everything. I also am really proud of the ensemble cast in both. They're obviously there to support the main plot, but when I get comments about how they feel like they're living their own complex lives outside of the scenes they're featured in, it makes me so excited. 
what is your favorite out-of-the-box quote? 
You're in a car with a beautiful boy, and he won't tell you that he loves you, but he loves you. And you feel like you've done something terrible, like robbed a liquor store, or swallowed pills, or shoveled yourself a grave in the dirt, and you're tired. You're in a car with a beautiful boy, and you're trying not to tell him that you love him, and you're trying to choke down the feeling, and you're trembling, but he reaches over and he touches you, like a prayer for which no words exist, and you feel your heart taking root in your body, like you've discovered something you don't even have a name for.
I don't care how much of a multifandom cliche it's become, but the first time I read You are Jeff by Richard Siken in 2005 when I was 15 and feeling all those confusing, big feelings for the first time- especially in a car, parked in the dark, with a boy I was falling in love with when we were both too embarrassed and proud and unsure and awkward and terrified to say real words in fear of rejection- it hit me like a guillotine. 
I've used it more than once for fic inspiration, like so many other people have. Especially for those first painful and scary loves, for those terrifying moments of crossing over from one place to another in a relationship. It's how I learned love, like it was almost written just for that first time for me. And it's different for every pairing, because everyone will react to that moment just a little differently. Cliches become cliches for a reason.
which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? why do you say so and how do you personally feel about their ideals? 
Definitely Pete from Pull Hard and Make a Wish. There's a comment on someone's bookmark that says "you'll hate Pete at first, or maybe the first 2/3rds" and yes. You should. He's selfish and misogynistic and Not a Good Person. And, years later, I'm not sure if the end of the story is happy or not, even though I'm the one the wrote it. I was in a Place while writing that felt very much early Pete and it helped me explore some relevant and irrelevant things, and he's the lead so you're supposed to want him to get a happy end, but I'm still not sure if he got it or deserved it. 
if you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think? 
Wow, she's sure got a lot of kinky thoughts. 
But probably excited to write so much better than the horrific baby's first fics that have, thankfully, been lost to Yahoo Group emails and the fics that, unfortunately, will live forever on FF.net because that email server no longer even exists, even if I remembered my password to take them down. 
I've been having a hard time writing lately and part of it is because it is hard to see how far I've progressed from where I started. A lot of times the actual writing is like pulling teeth with every word and getting lucky when some of the blood that spills out also has a sudden burst of inspiration. It does help, too, that some of the older stories I have on Ao3 still get loving comments praising the writing that I absolutely know could be better when I've read over it again. (I'm looking at you We are Nowhere and It's Now. Why are you the one people like most??) 
But I think little 10 year old me would be starry eyed over some of the things I've written. I should remember that. 
Tagging @compo67 @awabubbles @dyed-red @carolinecrane and anyone else that's excited about their own words.
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yautjalover · 2 years
Daffodil! 🌼
I am the eldest of five!
I’d say I’m a lot different from my four youngest siblings, a lot different.
• I had the best grades, but we won’t talk about my math ones. 🤫
• I bought and pay for my own car.
• I got my learner’s permit at 15.
• I was born with the brains, so my siblings aren’t always the brightest when it comes to decision making or with general knowledge. I was the nerd and still am.
• Unlike my youngest sister, I haven’t chased and tried to kill someone with an axe. (She’s…uhhh…yeah. 💀)
• My brother, not the youngest, is a stoner and almost owns a liquor store.
• I’m the only LGBT person out of my siblings.
I do realize I’ve made myself out as someone who sits on their high horse, but I don’t care. 😅 My life is in shambles, but compared to them, I have it more together and on a good track.
We’re all super competitive, so this shit talking is pretty normal when we talk with one another. 😂
There are very few similarities, to be honest. We did all inherit childish humor. Growing up we would watch America’s Funniest Home Videos, so think nutshots, dumb shenanigans and pranks on one another, people getting injured in the dumbest ways…shit like that.
Hope this was a good enough answer. 🤌🏻
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kittyweed666 · 1 hour
A review of the small saalt menstrual disc : by a trans guy
You may be asking, why are you doing this? Didn't you make a post before saying they sounded scary or like they would kind of suck? Why did you pick possibly the smallest possible menstrual disc on the market despite being a grown adult?
Well first and foremost I bought this thing with the intention of exclusively using it for period sex. My sex partner doesn't like period blood and we wanted to fuck, and I got my period the day before we were going to meet up. So you see my dilemma here.
My options were as follows: don't have sex, or try some form of menstrual disc. I went with the second option.
I went to a drug store and saw they had disposable discs. Cool! Not really what I was looking for though because it was like $15 for a pack of 12. That's 6 days worth if I got it perfectly correct the first try, or I guess 12 sexual experiences. Lame. So I went to a different store for a reusable disc. Then I got in the checkout line and looked at the box which said it held 70 fucking mL of blood to which I was like ok... I don't need it to do that. I'm a small person. I'm getting this so I can fuck easier. I want there to be space for a dick. So I put it back and went to a different store to try a 3rd time. That time they had 3 options and I stood there alone as a dude in the tampon aisle for 20 minutes looking up specs on these things on store wifi. Eventually I was like fuck it. I'm getting the small one, I don't care if that causes a problem later (bc apparently if it's too small it can pop out of place and leak or something?) I'm only using this for sex. So I bought it.
The review starts here.
It cost me $17 because I think the people at the store mislabeled it, massive win for me.
I put it in. I really wasn't sure if I was doing it right. It seemed like I couldn't get it far back enough and I was thinking, what if it's too big?? Too small?? Idk I've never done this shit before. Whatever.
It literally feels like nothing when it's in. Way less noticeable than anything else I've ever tried: pads, tampons, period underwear or cups. Totally discreet if you ask me. I felt like I was doing it wrong bc I couldn't feel it at all.
Trying to pee with it in was fine. A little bit of blood kind of got past the cup when I did that but, I looked it up and apparently that's not a bug, that's a feature. "Auto dumping" or something. People like it I guess. I would personally prefer that not to happen. I honestly can't understand why you would want that to happen. But it happens anyway regardless of if you want it to or not, so you better wipe really well because there's gonna be blood on that toilet paper or in your underwear. This is apparently true for all discs, not just the saalt disc.
I slept with it in, no issues there. Woke up. Tried to take it out to empty it. It definitely felt like it was behind my pubic bone that time but it was pretty easy to take out, physically speaking. It's just, with discs? They go WAYY back there. So you have to be comfortable putting a finger pretty deep in there. Fortunately I'm comfortable with that because, well, I bought this for sex. However!!!!
Holy shit, this thing is messy to remove. I got blood all over my hand, and a good amount on my bathroom floor. I assume if I'd been smart and done this over a toilet it wouldn't have gotten on the floor. But it definitely would have still gotten on my hands. I do not believe I could reliably change this thing in a public bathroom. In case you're interested, hydrogen peroxide gets blood out of bathroom tile grout.
With increased usage I did learn to remove it less messily but please understand that it is very easy to get blood fucking everywhere with this thing.
I sneezed a few times and nothing happened so it holds up against sneezing.
The second time I used it, idk if it overfilled or popped out of place or what but it dumped blood into my underwear while I was in a liquor store. That only ever happened once though and I have no idea why, it never happened again after that.
As for using this thing during PIV sex:
It works? You can have sex with no blood involved. My sex partner personally found it uncomfortable on their genitalia, but this is likely not a universal experience. It definitely takes up space in the vagina so if your partner has a penis that is bigger than like five inches you may not be able to achieve deep penetration. But for me it was honestly fine.
Overall, the pros of discs in general are as follows:
EXTREMELY comfortable. You can kind of feel a cup, you can't feel this thing at all.
More capacity for blood than a cup if you're a heavy bleeder. Apparently they go up to 70 mL.
Physically easier to insert than a cup.
No suction if that bothers you.
Messy as fuck to take out without a lot of practice.
Can more easily pop out of place and dump contents than a cup.
Harder to take out than a cup, and you have to put your finger all the way up there to do it.
Will dump contents when you pee/poop whether you like it or not and cleanup down there is required. This is also technically a pro if you for some reason want this to happen.
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prismatic-skies · 9 days
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September 17, 2024
This is the living room. Some fun things in this photo.
That Jesus painting is a velvet painting that I miraculously found in mint condition in the FB Marketplace about…hmmm…7 years ago? I don’t remember.
Typically, the conditions of this particular velvet Jesus painting are not always the best or if they’re in excellent condition, some people get insanely greedy and not understand how to price vintage pieces properly.
I know I paid under $100 for it and I’m pretty sure I got free shipping.
The fabric hanging over it was one of my grandmother’s MANY scarves that I got to keep after she passed away. I don’t wear decorative scarves but I still wanted it because it was my grandmother’s…she was my hero. So I wanted to put it to another use if I was going to keep it. I like it there.
The lamp is a peacock stained glass lamp.
The skull on a stand all the way to the left is a medical model piece from the 1960’s. Given to me by my biological father.
The spine piece next to it is a candle.
The hand next to the spine candle was a jewelry display piece from an old classic (OOB) department store from my home city (NY). This was from the 1950’s. Given to me by my biological father. (he knew I collected weird shit)
The naked woman statue next to the hand display is a statue by an artist I happy stumbled upon in a heavy Etsy rabbit hole.
The tiny white skull was a random Dollar Tree find that I bought two or three years ago.
The crystal skull (that my candle is blocking) has a moveable jaw and it’s fucking awesome. I got it as a gift from my sweet friend, Alice, who worked with me briefly at the biotech company I work for (we worked in the same department at one point 5+ years ago. She saw it at a vintage/antique store in New Hampshire, and said she had to buy it for me. I cried. I think it’s from the 1960’s.
The crucifixes on the wall are all vintage and at one point, were part of grave markers. Years range from 1940’s to 1950’s.
Green glass hand - I don’t remember what the original piece is from and what the intent was for, but it’s fucking cool and I wanted it. Vintage Etsy find. I believe it’s from the 1960’s. I’ll look into it more.
The red glass head next to it is a red skull. Vintage colored & recycled glass. It’s a macabre take on the vintage glass mannequin heads from the 1960’s/1970’s.
The glass next to the red glass skull is a liquor decanter. It’s the Skull Vidja from like 15 years ago.
The skull next to that piece is a candle I made in 2019. It fell so it’s insanely chipped, so I don’t light it, but I’m not throwing it out as it is one of my first candles that I’ve successfully made years ago.
The small white skull is a little planter. No clue where the fuck it came from…I just remember cleaning one day and was confused by it because I don’t remember buying it.
And all over that vintage table chest are mini glass poison bottles & crystals / precious stones spheres on stands.
And the vintage table chest piece I bought ten years ago at a local antique shop. It’s from the 1940’s. Has a bunch of nice shit in there and I don’t remember WTF I put in there.
And you can probably see that pile of blankets to the far right. I have maybe roughly 40 throw blankets. I like blankets. I like wrapping myself into a burrito. And…I have a tortilla blankie too.
I’ll take detailed photos of everything on this vintage table chest.
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